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A Detailed Lesson Plan

Mathematics 3
(Place Value and Value of Numbers)

I. Objectives
1. Determine place value of numbers
2. Discuss the giving of importance to one’s position or status.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs
Materials: Pictures, Graphic Organizers, Powerpoint
Presentation, Worksheets
Values: Performing Responsibility in the Family

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activities
A. Preliminary Activities
1) Prayer

2) Checking of Attendance

3) Greetings

Good morning children!

B. Developmental Activities
1. Review
Children, do you still remember our
lesson yesterday? What was it? Skip Counting

Can you do skip counting by 5? 5, 10, 15, 20 25……

Very good. How about by 7? 7, 14, 21, 28, 35…….

2. Motivation
I have a puzzle to make you solve.
Whoever answers first will have a price. Here
it is:

A jar is full of coins. The value of the

coins is in four digits.
The ones digit is the highest even
number. The tens digit is three less than the
ones digit. The hundreds digit is two greater
than the tens digits. The thousands digit is
one greater than the ones digit. What number
is it? 9,758

Very good. That is the correct answer.

You were able to identify the numbers
described because you gave

3. Presentation

Now notice the table below:

Ten Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones

2 7
4 2 7
6 4 2 7
9 6 4 2 7

The value of a digit pends on its

position in a number. For instance, in the 5-
digit number 96, 427, 9 is ten thousands, 6 is
thousands. 4 is hundreds, 2 is tens and 7 is
In it, the ten thousands place value
has a value of 90, 000, the thousands pace
value has a value of 6, 000, the hundreds
with 400 and so on…
And so in the number 5, 389, which is
tens? 80
What is its value? 5
Which is thousands? 5, 000
What is it value?
Ten Thousands
In the number 76, 345, what is the
place value of 7? 70, 000
What is its value? Hundreds
How about 3? 300
What is its value? Tens
How about 4 40
What is its value?

4. Application

Very good. Now, using the table,

write the correct number in the appropriate
box of the number sentence below?
TTh Th H T O
5 3 2
1. Five Hundred Thirty Two
6 4 2 8
2. Six Thousand Four Hundred
Twenty Eight

TTh Th H T O
4 2 9
3. Four Thousand Two Hundred 8
Ninety One 1 1 9 1
4. Eleven Thousand Nine Hundred 7 8 8
Eighteen 0
5. Seven Hundred Eighty Eight 1 8 1 0
6. Eighteen Thousand One Hundred 3 0 8 2 1
7. Thirty Thousand Eight Hundred 5
Twenty One 2 1
8. Two Hundred Fifteen 1 2 4 4 4
9. Three Thousand Twenty Five
10. Twelve Thousand Four Hundred
Forty Four
C. Generalization
Place value is the value of each digit
Now, have you fully understand the in a number.
lesson? Who can tell me what is place value?

By its position in the number.

How do you identify the place value
of a digit?

Very Good!

*Value Integration No, because in God’s eyes, we are

Is position in life important to identify equal
how we treat people?

Very well said, children! We should

not base the respect we could give to the
people around us. We should respect each
other everytime.

IV. Evaluation

Read the numbers and ten write down the place value and value of each
underlined digit.

Place Value Value

1. 45321
2. 8964
3. 13174
4. 5647
5. 87454
6. 767
7. 963
8. 97543
9. 3456
10. 456

IV. Assignment

Answer Activity A Page 5 on your textbook.


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