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із дисципліни «Практичний курс англійської мови»
(за темами: «While there’s life there’s hope», «Travel Broadens the Mind», «Early to
за освітньо-кваліфікаційним рівнем «бакалавр»
спеціальність 014.02 Середня освіта
(мова і література (англійська))

для студентів ІІ курсу

рівень знань B2

Кривий Ріг–2021
УДК 811.111(076)
Л 43

Лексичний практикум: навчальна дисципліна «Практичний курс англійської

мови» за освітньо-кваліфікаційним рівнем «бакалавр» спеціальність 014.02
Середня освіта (мова і література (англійська)) для студентів ІІ курсу рівень
знань B2 / уклад. В. В. Ревенко. Кривий Ріг : Криворізький державний
педагогічний університет, 2021. – 119с.

Рецензенти – Карпюк В.А., Пальчикова О.О., Салащенко А.М.

Лексичний практикум – це допоміжний навчально-методичний та

контрольно-оцінювальний комплекс. Використовується викладачем задля
організації самостійної роботи та контролю засвоєння знань за кожним
модулем програми студентами, що вивчають англійську мову як основну
спеціальність за освітньо-кваліфікаційним рівнем «бакалавр», а саме
спеціальності 014.02 Середня освіта (мова і література (англійська)) другого
року навчання з рівнем знань B2.

На засіданні кафедри англійської філології Криворізького державного
педагогічного університету
Протокол №  6 від 17 лютого 2021 року

На Вченій раді університету Криворізького державного педагогічного

Протокол №  10 від 15.04.2021

© Ревенко В.В., 2021

ІНДИВІДУАЛЬНОГО ВИКОНАННЯ..…..……………………………………….11
ТЕМА 1. 1. My Home is my Castle......……………………………………………..11
ТЕМА 1.2. Family relations …..…………….……………………….......................24
ТЕМА 2.1. Travelling. .....………………………………………………………….39
ТЕМА 2.2. Earth is Dearer than Gold. .....………………………………………….53
ТЕМА 3. Health problems and daily routines. .....…………………………………65
ДОВІДНИК (REFERENCE PART)…………………………………………..…….78
КЛЮЧІ ДО ЗАВДАНЬ (KEYS) …………………………………………..……...114
ВИКОРИСТАНІ ДЖЕРЕЛА…………………………………………………….. 119


Лексичний практикум із дисципліни «Практичний курс англійської

мови» створено як допоміжний навчально-методичний та контрольно-
оцінювальний комплекс, що використовується викладачем задля організації
самостійної роботи та контролю засвоєння знань за кожним модулем програми
студентами, що вивчають англійську мову як основну спеціальність за
освітньо-кваліфікаційним рівнем «бакалавр», а саме спеціальності
014.02 Середня освіта (мова і література (англійська)) другого року навчання з
рівнем знань B2.
Основним методичним матеріалом, за яким навчаються студенти, є
Upstream Level B2 (авт. Evans V., Dooley J.) британського видавництва Express
Publishing. За робочою програмою навчальної дисципліни, що затверджена
Вченою радою університету від «12» лютого 2016 р., протокол № 7, протягом
двох семестрів студенти вивчають 6 модулів, з яких 1, 2, 5,6 модулі
складаються з двох юнітів, 3 та 4 – з одного.
Лексичний практикум спрямований на активне засвоєння лексичного
матеріалу та уміщує завдання для самостійної роботи студентів за трьома
темами, що охоплюють 5 юнітів перших трьох модулів І семестру («While
There’s Life There’s Hope», «Travel Broadens the Mind», «Early to Bed...»). Для
кожної теми запропоновано тестові завдання для самостійного опрацювання та
індивідуального виконання для вдосконалення лексичних навичок (секція
«ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY PRACTICE»), а саме навичок використання
тематичної лексики з теми, що вивчається, ідіоматичних виразів (секція
«IDIOMS IN USE»), фразових дієслів (секція «PHRASAL VERBS IN USE»).
Вивчення кожної теми завершується контролем засвоєних знань (PROGRESS
TEST). У практикум включено довідник (REFERENCE PART), ключі до
завдань (KEYS), перелік використаних джерел та Інтернет-ресурсів.
Зокрема, лексичний практикум спрямований на формування
соціокультурної компетентності як невід’ємної складової змісту навчання
іноземної мови, розкриття потенціалу англійської мови як можливості
розширення власних мовних, мовленнєвих, лінгвосоціокультурних
компетентностей та соціальних навичок. Практикум укладено англійською
мовою, що відповідає діючим вимогам до навчального курсу, та спрямований
на професійну підготовку фахівців у галузі філології відповідно до вітчизняних
та європейських стандартів. Навчальне видання буде корисним для
використання під час проведення занять зі студентами у дистанційному

Структура навчальної дисципліни
3 семестр
Назви тем Кількість годин
денна форма навчання
Усьог у тому числі
л п лаб інд с.р.
1 23 4 5 6 7
Блок 1
Змістовий блок 1. While there’s life there’s hope
Тема 1.1. My home is my 46 22 24
Тема 1.2. Family relations 44 20 24
Разом 90 42 48
Змістовий блок 2. Travel Broadens the Mind
Тема 2.1. Travelling. 46 22 24
Тема 2.2. Earth is Dearer than 44 20 24
Разом 90 42 48
Змістовий блок 3. Early to bed…
Тема 3. Health Problems and 90 42 48
Daily Routine.

Разом 90 42 48
Разом за 1 семестр 270 126 144

4 семестр
Блок 2
Змістовий блок 4. Better Safe than Sorry
Тема 4. Technology. Crime 68 36 32

Разом 68 36 32
Змістовий блок 5. An offer
Тема 5.1. Penny Wise, Pound 34 18 16
Тема 5.2. You Are What you 36 20 16
Разом 70 38 32
Змістовий блок 6. Every Man to his Taste
Тема 6.1. Sports and 38 20 18
Тема 6.2. Spread the News 34 18 16
Разом 72 38 34
Разом за 2 семестр 210 112 98
Разом за рік 480 238 242

Навчально-тематичний план самостійної та індивідуальної роботи
3 семестр
Блок 1
Змістовий блок 1. While there’s life there’s hope
Питання, що виносяться на самостійне опрацювання Кіл.
студентами годин
Making a presentation “My house is my Castle”/ A profile of a famous 4 год.
Individual Reading “The Painted Veil” by W.S.Maugham 10 год.
Idioms in Use. House and Home Idioms. Family relationship idioms. 4 год.
Phrasal verbs in Use: BREAK, BRING, CARRY, COME 4 год.
Additional vocabulary practice: dwellings & appliances; household 6 год.
chores; colours & rooms; home safety; facial features; feelings; stages in
life; family relationships; work
Additional grammar practice. Present tenses; state verbs; past tenses; 6 год.
used to/would
Upstream Intermediate Workbook. Units 1-2 14 год.
Разом 48 год.

Змістовий блок 2. Travel Broadens the Mind

Питання, що виносяться на самостійне опрацювання Кіл.
студентами годин
Making a presentation “Extraordinary ways of spending holidays”/ A 4 год.
set of rules on how to save on non-renewable resourses
Individual Reading “The Painted Veil” by W.S.Maugham 10 год.
Idioms in Use. Travel Idioms.Nature Idioms. 4 год.
Phrasal verbs in Use: CUT, DO, FALL, GET 4 год.
Additional vocabulary practice: weather; types of holidays & holiday 4 год.
equipment; holiday resorts; holiday troubles; traveller's tips; festivals;
planet Earth; environmental problems; conservation; energy crisis;
preservation of animals & plants
Additional grammar practice. Future tenses; conditionals; comparisons; 8 год.
too/enough;the definite article; Infinitive; Gerund
Upstream Intermediate Workbook. Units 3-4 14 год.
Разом 48 год.
Змістовий блок 3. Early to Bed…
Питання, що виносяться на самостійне опрацювання Кіл.
студентами годин
Making a presentation “Different Phobias” 4 год.
Individual Reading “The Painted Veil” by W.S.Maugham 10 год.
Idioms in Use. Nature Idioms 4 год.
Phrasal verbs in Use: GIVE, GO 6 год.
Additional vocabulary practice: health problems; daily routines; stress & 8 год.
relaxation; describing feelings; character adjectives
Additional grammar practice. –ing/-ed participles. Modal verbs. 8 год.
Question tags
Upstream Intermediate Workbook. Unit 5 8 год.
Разом 48 год.

4 семестр
Блок 2
Змістовий блок 4. Better Safe than Sorry

Питання, що виносяться на самостійне опрацювання Кіл.

студентами годин
Making a presentation: My favourite app to use 4 год.
Individual Reading 6 год.
Idioms in Use. Idioms from the world of technology and machines. 2 год.
Phrasal verbs in Use: HOLD, KEEP 4 год.
Additional vocabulary practice: technology at home; electrical 4 год.
appliances; types of offence; descriptions of objects
Additional grammar practice. Order of adjectives. The passive. Relatives 6 год.
Upstream Intermediate Workbook. Unit 6 6 год.
Разом 32год.

Змістовий блок 5. An offer

Питання, що виносяться на самостійне опрацювання Кіл.

студентами годин
Individual Reading. 6 год.

Making a presentation “My Favourite Recipe”/ My own fashion section 2 год.

in a women’s magazine
Idioms in Use. Food Idioms. Clothing idioms. 2 год.
Phrasal verbs in Use: LET, LOOK, MAKE, PUT 4 год.
Additional vocabulary practice: shops & department stores; clothes; 4 год.
products; credit cards; shopping complaints; online shopping types of
food; recipes; kitchen utensils; ways of cooking; places to eat; diners'
Additional grammar practice. Causative form. Reported speech 4 год.
Upstream Intermediate Workbook. Units 7-8 10 год.
Разом 32 год.

Змістовий блок 6. Every Man to his Taste

Питання, що виносяться на самостійне опрацювання Кіл.
студентами годин
Individual Reading 4 год.
Making a presentation “Unusual kinds of sport”/ “Famous sportsmen” 2 год.
Idioms in Use. Sports Idioms. 2 год.
Phrasal Verbs in Use: RUN, SEE, SET. 4 год.
Additional vocabulary practice: types of sports; qualities; places & 4 год.
equipment; free-time activities; types of entertainment; the Paralympics;
the news; natural/man-made disasters; newspapers; TV Guide; cinema;
types of films
Additional grammar practice. Conditionals. Wishes. Future perfect 6 год.
Upstream Intermediate Workbook. Units 9-10 12 год.
Разом 34 год.


Змістовий блок 1. While there’s life there’s hope

Тема 1.1. My Home is my Castle.
TASK 1. Check out the house and home idioms in the REFERENCE PART and
match the beginning of each idiom with its ending:
1.sitting on the a) home
2.getting your foot in the b) handle
3.getting out of bed on the wrong c) fence
4.flying off the d) the roof
5.putting someone in the e) picture
6.feeling at f) the key
7.burning the candle at both g) ends
8. hitting h) fire
9.holding i) door
10. getting on like a house on j) side
TASK 2. Check out the 20 house and home idioms  in the REFERENCE PART and
fill in the sentences below with the correct house/home idiom.
1. We don’t have time to ____, just tell me straight what’s happened.
2. Jack and Harry don’t stop talking for a second when they get together! They have
so much in common. They ____.
3. I had to actually wave my hand in Pete’s face to make him pay attention to the
meeting this week. Honestly, ____ with him.
4. We’re ____ with that new security system. No one will ever break in!
5. I think Tim got the job because he’s such a straight-talking character. If there are
____ that need saying, he’ll say them!
6. Her comments about his management style really ____.
7. We have got to stop adopting dogs now. Any more and they will ____ us ____.
8. Come in! Take your coat off and ____. Have you already eaten, or can I get you
9. We just need to secure a few more clients and then we’ll be ____.
10. Our meal took a long time to arrive so they gave us some wine ____ to apologise.
11. The teacher's comment ____ and the student vowed to work harder.
12. Either you support me or you don’t. You can’t ____ all your life.
13. My parents are going to ____ if they find out we had a party here!
14. I want to be ____ when the jewels are sold. Don't cut me out of the profit!
15. When I finally managed to speak to him, he ____ and shouted down the phone.
16. A solution finally ____ to me as I was falling asleep last night.
17. Try not to exhaust yourself by ____.
18. His words ____ brought home to me the full horror of what had happened.
19. Sorry I was so grumpy when I arrived this morning. I must have ____got out of
bed the wrong side.
20. An internship might not sound very interesting to you, but it's a great way to____
get your foot in the door at this company.

TASK 3. Choose the right answer:
1. «on the fence»
a) the backyard
b) not sure, can't make a choice
c) a firm decision
d) a dog fence
2. «on the house»
a) free, no charge
b) expensive
c) credit card
d) paint the house
3. «to hit home»
a) to be confused
b) to understand, realize a problem
c) to misunderstand
4. «to hit the ceiling»
a) the roof
b) ceiling fan
c) to get very angry, mad
5. My neighbour and I get on like a____ because we both love to talk about
gardening and sport.
a) big head
b )chalk and cheese
c) house on fire
6. «home truth»
a) an uncomfortable fact
b) when you miss your home
c) the things that make you feel comfortable
7. «safe as houses»
a) very safe
b) have somewhere to live
c) get on very well with someone
8. «eat out of house and home»
a) to carry out the tasks necessary for running a household (cooking, cleaning
b) eat everything in somebody’s house
c) to pretend to be a family (usually said of children playing)
9. «come home to someone»
a) to be understood or realized by someone
b) to arrive home and find someone or something there
c) to affect one on a personal or intimate level.
10. «home and dry»
a) to feel very comfortable in a particular group, setting, or place
b) to have successfully completed something, as a project or activity
c) to return to one's home from another place or event.


dwellings & appliances; household chores; colours & rooms; home safety

TASK 4. HOUSES. Choose the right answer:

1. Greg is in the garden, chopping ____ for the fireplace.
a) forests b) trunks e) twigs d) wood
2. It was very____in the cottage with the comfortable armchairs by the fire.
a) easy b) gratifying c) refreshing d) snug
3.  In spite of the thunderstorm, the children slept ____ all night.
a) noisily b) roundly c) resonantly d) soundly
4. Do open the window; this room seems very ____.
a) breathless b) mouldy c) rancid d) stuffy
5. Believing herself alone in the house she was ____ when she heard someone
moving about in the hall.
a) amazed b) annoyed c) incredulous d) startled
6. He took out a big ____ of keys, and opened the door.
a) branch b) bunch c) group d) packet
7. The children ____ round the fire to keep warm.
a) cloistered b) grouped c) huddled d) tucked
8. The ____ of the family home following the divorce was a great shock to the
a) break-down b) break-in c) break-out d) break-up
9. The house looked ____ in the failing evening light.
a) austere b) lucky c) severe d) strict
10. I have lived near the railway for so long now that I’ve grow ____ to the noise of
the trains.
a) accustomed b) aware c) familiar d) unconscious

TASK 5. FURNITURE AND FITTINGS. Choose the right answer:

1. Some rooms don’t have curtains at the windows, they have ____.
a) blinds b) carpets c) gates d) stores
2. When Madeleine lost her front-door____, she went straight to the police-station.
a) bolt b) fastener c) key d) lock
3. I was so tired last night that I fell asleep the moment my head touched the____.
a) bed b) blanket c) cushion d) pillow
4. It was on the top shelf, out of____.
a) achievement b) attempt c) reach d) touch
5. It was very dark in the cellar so he____a match.
a) rubbed b) scraped c) scratched d) struck
6. What a beautiful.____ ! It’s a pity we don’t have any flowers to put in it.
a) crystal b) cup c) glass d) vase
7. The house is quiet because the carpets are so____.
a) fat b) heavy c) smooth d) thick
8. It was difficult to see anything because the lights were so ____.
a) dim b) dull c) faded d) weak
9. The table was a curious ____as both the top and the legs were curved.
a) form b) model c) pattern d) shape
10. Have you got a ____ in your bag? It’s so dark here that 1 can’t even see the path.
a) bulb b) candle c) lantern d) torch
11. She closed the windows and drew the ____before switching on the light.
a) coverings b) curtains c) masks d) shades
12. One end of his single room was used as a kitchen but this was hidden behind a
a) blind b) screen c) shield d) veil
13. When she cleaned the high windows, she always stood on a three-legged____.
a) bench b) chest c) ladder d) stool
14. They____ us how to work the machine.
a) begged b) demonstrated c) explained d) showed
15. Please wipe your feet on the door-____before you come in.
a) blanket b) mat c) rug d) tile

TASK 6. FURNITURE AND FITTINGS. Choose the right answer:

1. Be careful going up the stairs, Ma. Hold on to the____.
a) banister b) edge c) railing d) side
2.If you have a new key cut, it must be an exact ____ of the existing one.
a) counterfeit b) copy c) imitation d) model
3. The kitchen of the holiday cottage looked ____ rather than beautiful.
a) mundane b) practicable c) utilitarian d) workable
4. They had four children so the new washing-machine was a great____.
a) advantage b) aid c) benefit d) boon
5. Mrs Elegant has had the couch in her sitting-room ____in red velvet.
a) clothed b) enriched c) sewn d) re-upholstered
6.The room was so ____ with furniture that is was impossible to move.
a) assembled b) burdened c) cluttered d) overrun
7. Switch on the lamp, it casts a nice warm on ____ on the polished furniture.
a) beam b) glow c) sheen d) shine
8. The wind blew so hard and so strongly that the windows ____ in their frames.
a) flapped b) rattled c) shocked d) slapped
9. Do you know that Mrs Impudent has bought curtain material exactly the same as
ours. She’s a dreadful____.
a) ape b) copy-cat c) mocking bird d) parrot
10.You’d better pack those glasses extremely carefully if you want them to arrive
a) complete b) entire c) intact d) whole

TASK 7. FURNITURE AND FITTINGS. Choose the best answer:

1. All the rooms have ____carpets, which are included in the price of the house.
a) adapted b) equipped c) fitted d) suited
2. She read him a good-night story, ____ him up and then kissed him and turned the
light off.
a) fixed b) folded c) packed d) tucked
3. The Palace offered a variety of ____riches: Persian rugs, marble tables, etc.
a) affluent b) opulent c) unsaleable d) wealthy
4. Put the vase on the ____ over the fireplace.
a) ledge b) mantelpiece c) sill d) step
5. The children were ____ sleeping in bed.
a) easily b) homely c) snugly d) softly
6. Don’t leave your coat on the chair, hang it on the ____ behind the door.
a) bracket b) hook c) lump d) rod
7. In the old days, curtains were hung over doors to keep out____.
a) breezes b) currents c) draughtsd) gales
8. The drawer is.____; I shall have to try and open it with a knife.
a) bolted b) dislocated c) screwed d) stuck
9. With its expensive furniture and carefully-chosen colour scheme the room
a) convenient b) homely c) luxuriant d) luxurious
10. The room was____of furniture.
a) absent b) devoid c) scanty d) scarce

TASK 8. HOUSEHOLD CHORES. Choose the correct answer.

1. Her mother had asked her to do several ____ before she went out.
a) jobs b) labours c) studies d) works
2. We had ____ on the attic last weekend, and cleared out fifteen years’ accumulation
of odds and ends.
a) an attack b) a blitz c) an invasion d) a raid
3. There was a ____of rubbish in the corner of the bedroom.
a) dump b) mass c) pile d) stack
4. Mike picked up a ____ and went out to clear the snow away from the front of the
a) fork b) jack c) rake d) shovel
5. Do straighten that picture over the fireplace, it looks ____ from here.
a) bent b) crooked c) inclinedd) uneven
6. It was cold enough for a fire so Mr Obedient went off to ____ some wood.
a) chip b) chop c) crumbled) splinter
7. The drunken couple did nothing to keep the flat clean and tidy and lived in
the utmost____.
a) contamination b) decay c) pollution d) squalor
8. I just have a few household ____ to cope with and then I’ll be able to rest.
a) assignments b) charges c) chores d) works
9. There must be something I can do to ____ breaking your favourite tea-pot.
a) face up to b) go in for c) make up for d) put up with
10. He has a(n)____ habit of emptying ashtrays out of his window on to our doorstep.
a) disgusting b) offending c) uncultivated d) uneducated


Check out the meaning of phrasal verbs related to BREAK, BRING in the
REFERENCE PART and do the following tasks:
TASK 9 . Choose the correct variant:
1. After years of working for a shoddy employer I was finally able to ____ from that
company and set up my own business.
a) break off b) break away c) break out d) break up
2. Nasa is currently in the process of trying to work out how to avoid any more of its
spaceships from ____ on reentry to Earth.
a) breaking off b) breaking away c) breaking out d) breaking up
3. Residents living in the immediate vicinity of the prison were told to be on the
lookout for a group of criminalswho recently ____ of gaol.
a) broke off b) broke away c) broke out d) broke up
4. It can be very difficult for young couples to ____ a marriage when there are young
children involved.
a) break off b) break away c) break out d) break up
5. I decided to ____ my realtionship with my girlfriend when I found out that she
was seeing someone else.
a) break off b) break away c) break out d) break open
6. «Be careful not to spill the yolk when you ____ the egg».
a) break out b) break off c) break open d) break down
7. A burglar ____my house when I was away on vacation and stole some of my
electronic goods.
a) broke into b) broke off c) broke open d) broke up
8. Teachers in Sydney have decided to call a snap strike next week after negotiations
with the State Government over a ten per cent pay increase ____ early this
a) broke into b) broke down c) broke open d) broke up

9. A rebel Labour Party MP recently decided to ____ from his party and become an
independent member for his electorate.
a) break off b) break away c) break out d) break up
10. I am always very worried that my car will ____ because it is already twenty years
a) break off b) break away c) break out d) break down

TASK 10 . Choose the correct variant:

1. When I heard she had died, I broke ____.
a) down b) away c) off d) up
2. He keeps breaking ___ when other people are talking.
a) in b) away c) off d) up
3. Thieves broke ___ and stole all the money.
a) in b) away c) off d) up
4. She broke ____ her engagement.
a) out b) away c) off d) in
5. Their marriage broke ____ last year.
a) up b) off c) out d) out of
6. Several criminal broke ____ the prison last night.
a) out b) up c) out of d) in
7. School breaks ____ for the Easter holidays next week.
a) off b) up c) out d) in
8. Talks between the union and management broke ____ .
a) down b) away c) off d) in
9. My microwave has broken ____- I'll have to get it fixed.
a) down b) away c) off d) in
10. A few members broke ____ and started their own club.
a) up b) away c) out d) in

TASK 11 . Choose the correct variant:

1. She didn't manage to bring the subject ____ at the meeting because there wasn't
enough time.
a) down b) up c) on d) off
2. The scandal brought the government ____.
a) out b) off c) down d) round
3. The computer has brought ____ more changes in my life than any other invention
a) about b) up c) down d) off
4. The band are bringing ____ a new album in the new year
a) out b) up c) down d) off
5. I was brought ____ in the North
a)off b) up c) down d) in
6. She brought ____ the deal even though nobody thought she was capable of doing it
a) out b) in c) off d) about
7.She brought her children ____ on her own after the divorce
a) in b) up c) out d) about
8. Someone who is always unhappy might bring you ____.
a) down b) up c) in d) about
9. If you're coming tonight, could you bring ____some CDs.
a) in b) up c) over d) about
10. The weather brought my cold ____.
a) on b) off c) down d) in

TASK 12 . Choose the correct variant:

1. Englishmen can't always quite ____ wearing shorts.
a) bring off b) bring on c) bring up d) bring over
2. There are some «natural» methods that you can try to ____ labour if you and your
baby are in good health.
a) bring to b) bring on c) bring out d) bring over
3. I want to ____ the dinner tonight so that you don't have to worry about feeding
your kids.
a) bring to b) bring on c) bring out d) bring over
4. The Central Coast of New South Wales has been described as a great place to
a) bring out b) bring off c) bring to d) bring up
5. Custom frames can help to improve the look of your artwork and thus ____ the
a) bring out b) bring over c) bring to d) bring up
6. U2 will not ____ the online release of the band's new album, following news that it
has leaked onto the Internet.
a) bring out b) bring forward c) bring back d) bring up
7. The Super Bowl champion Steelers have decided to ____ fullback Verron Haynes
for at least another two seasons.
a) bring out b) bring forward c) bring up d) bring back
8. The slips fieldsman moved quickly to his left and then flung himself further left-
wards to ____ a spectacular catch.
a) bring forward b) bring off c) bring back d) bring up
9. How much money do I need to ____ to your house for the poker game tonight?
a) bring out b) bring over c) bring to d) bring up
10. If natural disasters have anything good about them, it may be the compassion they
____ in people.
a) bring out b) bring forward c) bring up d) bring back

Part I. Fill in the correct particle:
1. War broke ____ sudedenly in the country.
2. My flat was broken ____ while I was away.
3. If you press the wrong buttons, the machine will break ____.
4. The robbers used iron bars to break ____ the bank.
5 Sheila broke ____ her engagement last week.
6.Mark brought ____ his dismissal from work by stealing the computer.
7. This music brings ____ happy memories.
8. We managed to bring him____ by splashing his face with water.
9. She was eventually brought ____ to my point of view.
10. Some excellent ideas were brought ____ at the annual meeting.

Part II. Paraphrase using the appropriate house and home idiom in the correct
1. Doctor, please stop ____ ( explaining in a very complicated way) and just tell
me – how serious are Johnny's injuries?
2. I was worried about my university friends meeting my new girlfriend, but
everyone____ (got on really well).
3. When we’ve won four out of six games, we’ll know that we’re ____ (past the
difficult part of the task).
4. I locked your jewelry in a drawer, so it's____ (extremely safe).
5. After growing tired of Paul's constant complaining, Jana decided to tell him a
few____ (uncomfortable facts that need to be told) about his bad attitude.
6. When I finally managed to speak to him, he ____ (reacted in a very angry way)
and shouted down the phone.
7. Visiting that hospital for the mentally ill really ____ (made me understand)
how sad some people’s lives are.
8. No one knows which of the candidates Joan will vote for. She ____ (is
delaying making a decision).
9. Why is Pete so irritable this morning? Did he ____( get up in a bad mood)?
10.Before you start work, let me ____ (explain the situation to you) about the way
the office is run.

Part III. Choose the appropriate variant:

1. Do open the window; this room seems very____.
a) breathless b) mouldy c ) rancid d) stuffy

2. I have lived near the railway for so long now that I’ve grow ____ to the noise of
the trains.
a) accustomed b) aware c) familiar d) unconscious
3. It was difficult to see anything because the lights were so ____.
a) dim b) dull c) faded d) weak
4. The table was a curious ____as both the top and the legs were curved.
a) form b) model c) pattern d) shape
5. They had four children so the new washing-machine was a great____.
a) advantage b) aid c) benefit d) boon
6. The room was so ____ with furniture that is was impossible to move.
a) assembled b) burdened c) cluttered d) overrun
7. With its expensive furniture and carefully-chosen colour scheme the room
a) convenient b) homely c) luxuriant d) luxurious
8. The room was____of furniture.
a) absent b) devoid c) scanty d) scarce
9. Do straighten that picture over the fireplace, it looks ____ from here.
a) bent b) crooked c) inclined d) uneven
10. It was cold enough for a fire so Mr Obedient went off to ____ some wood.
a) chip b) chop c) crumble d) splinter

Тема 1.2. Family relations.


TASK 1. Check out the relationship idioms in the REFERENCE PART, read the
letter and match the idioms from it with the items from the table:

a a change of one’s feelings for sth/sb f to cause sb great unhappiness

b to allow one’s feelings to be too g to make sb fall in love with one
obvious h to be the best there is
c very much in love with sb i to agree (about matters)
d sb one was once in love with j all actions are justified when there are
e the ideal man feelings of love/rivalry

Dear Mum,
Just a quick note to ask you for a bit of advice. I’m quite worried about Sharon and
l just don't know what to do.
She came round a few weeks ago to tell me that she’d been on a date with Paul
Regan, 1) an old flame of hers from university. Now, l don’t know if you remember
him, but Ido - he 2) stole her heart at the beginning of her first year and she was
convinced that she’d met 3) the man of her dreams. For a while it seemed that he
was 4) head over heels in love with her too, but then, all of a sudden, at the end of
her second year, he told her he never wanted to see her again and 5) broke her heart.
Anyway, it seems that he’s had 6) a change of heart, but ljust don’t trust him. She
says she's not interested in him, but quite obviously she is. She can’t hide the way she
feels - you know how she 7) wears her heart on her sleeve. I know Sharon and l
haven’t always 8) seen eye to eye on a lot of matters, but she is my sister and l do
care about her. What worries me is that the same thing might happen again.
I know 9) all’s fair in love and war, but as I said, I don’t want to watch her go
through it all over again. Could you talk to her, please?
P.S. Mum, careful what you tell her because right- now, she thinks Paul 10) is the
bee's knees.

TASK 2. Read the dialogue and match the idioms from it with the items from the
a to pretend one is not interested in sb g a long time

b to annoy sb a lot h sb one is most fond of
c easily controlled or manipulated i a person strongly disapproved of by mem-
d in comfort/wealth bers of his/her family
e to get married j blood ties or family relationships are the
f to forget old quarrels strongest

Gladys: Morning Mabel. You’ll never guess who I got a letter from today!
Mabel: Go on, who?
Gladys: Edith Barclay, you know, she used to live at number 6.
Mabel: Edith Barclay! Ooh, I haven’t heard from her for 1) donkey’s years! Have
she and her son 2) buried the hatchet yet?
Gladys: Well, that's what she wrote to tell me! Oh, do you remember when Samuel
was little? He was 3) the apple of his mother’s eye ... and then they fell out when he
started seeing that girl... What was her name?
Mabel: Ooh, Sheila Briggs. Her parents were lovely folk, but she was 4) the black
sheep of the family.
Gladys: I can’t see what he saw in her. I remember he chased after her for ages – she
really 5) played hard to get!
Mabel: Yes. And then when they finally started seeing each other he was 6) like
putty in her hands - he even stopped talking to his mother because that girl told him
Gladys: Terrible. Anyway, back to the letter... the Briggs girl must’ve finally 7)
driven him round the bend – because he broke up with her.
Mabel: Oh good!
Gladys: Yes, and guess what? Edith introduced him to a young lady - Edith said she’s
a lovely girl. Anyway, apparently they 8) tied the knot last month and now, what
with Sam's good job and all, they’re living 9) in clover!
Mabel: Oh, how lovely. Mind you, I always thought they'd sort it out in the end -
after all, 10) blood is thicker than water.
Gladys: Quite right!

TASK 3. Check out the 20 relationship idioms in the REFERENCE PART and fill
in the sentences below with the correct idiom.
1. 1. John is ____ in our family. He almost ended up in jail a few times when we
were younger.
2. While my grandmother loved all of us very much, my younger brother was
3. Sally____  when she refused to marry him.
4. I had quite a shock last night. I ran into ____ of mine.
5. I have a ____ as a result I have postponed the departure dates of my holiday
6. We used to be____ , but now we just annoy each other most of the time.
7. If you ____, you will be very vulnerable and people are going to take
advantage of you.
8. Bob's wife is ____. She never thinks for herself.
9. They have been dating each other for quite some time now and are planning
____ a few months from now.
10.When I first met him, I knew he would ____ away. And he did.
11.He kept asking her out although she had said no several times – ____.
12.I haven't been here ____ . I can't believe how much the town has changed.
13.By the fear of Police the gang of college requested ____ to the guy who was
beaten so badly just for not obeying gang’s order.
14.Have you ever tried the pistachio gelato at this place? It's absolutely ____.
15.His mother and I don't____ about his decision to drop out of college.
16.I never expected to get married again, but meeting ___ completely changed my
17.I know he has no appointments tomorrow; he's just ____ to get.
18.My friends invited me to go camping on Saturday, but I have to go to my
cousin's wedding instead. ____, after all.
19.A week on vacation with my relatives is enough ____.
20.If I get this contract, I'll be ____ for the rest of my life.

TASK 4. Choose the word which best completes each sentence:

1. Anne always does whatever Frank tells her to do. She's like ____in his hands.
a) glue b)putty c)butter d)clay
2. Fred was in ____ after he won the lottery.
a) clover b)grass c)wheat d)barley
3. Perhaps because he was so different, he became
the black____of the family.
a) cow b) cat c) sheep d)donkey
4. Laura thinks her son can do no wrong - he’s the
apple of her____.
a) eye b)ear c)heart d)mind
5. Why not ask your family for a loan - after all, blood is____than water.
a) denser b)heavier c) thinner d)thicker
6. After dating for three years, the couple finally decided to (get married).
a) tie the knot
b) be good together
c) kiss and make up
d) get back together
7. The young man was a nice person and he was able to (make the young woman fall
in love with him).
a) become hung up on the young woman
b) dump the young woman
c) find Mr. Right for the young woman
d) steal the young woman's heart
8.The woman was (very much in love with) the accountant in her office.
a) interested in
b)double dating
c) head over heels in love with
d) walking out on
9. After seven years of dating, the couple decided to (get married and establish a
regular routine).
a) settle down and marry
b) go steady
c) give each other a second chance
d) fall for each other
10. The couple had many problems so they decided to (end their relationship).
a) set a date
b) break up
c) get hitched
d) make up


facial features; feelings; stages in life; family relationships

TASK 5. Choose the appropriate variant:

Ann was a very __1__ girl who often dreamed of love and marriage. She was
especially __2__ to a young man called Michael, who worked in the same office as
she did, and he was very __3__ on her too. They became friendly and one day
Michael asked her to go out with him. Their first __4__ was a visit to the cinema, and
they both enjoyed the evening so much that they decided to __5__ together regularly.
Michael was a bit untidy and rather young, and Ann’s parents didn’t __6__ of him at
first, but Ann was a sensible, __7__ girl and they had confidence in her. For a year or
so everything went well, but then somehow they slowly began to __8__, until finally
they decided to __9__ their __10__.
1. a) realistic b) romantic c) mature d) immature
2. 2. a) approved b) interested c) attracted d) involved
3. a) keen b) interested c) attracted d) involved
4. a) engagement b) dating c) relationship d) date
5. a) go in b) go out c) go off d) go up
6. a) approve b) interest c) attract d) involve
7. a) immature b) romantic c) mature d) crazy
8. a) settle down b) drift apart c) break in d) drift up
9. a) break down b) drift apart c) break in d) break off
10.a) relationship b) date c) marriage d) divorce

TASK 6. Choose the appropriate variant:

One evening, although he was nervous, Joe decided to __1__ to his girlfriend, Linda.
She accepted his proposal, they became __2__ and he gave her a ring. After a year
they had saved enough money to get married (they were both over 18 so they did not
need their parents’ __3__). Some people have a religious ceremony with a priest, but
Joe and Linda decided on a __4__ ceremony in a registry office. On the day of the
__5__ Linda, the __6__, was very calm, but Joe, the __7__, was nervous. Afterwards,
at the __8__, speeches were madeand the guests drank a __9__ to the happy couple,
who finally left for a __10__ in Spain.
1. a) offer b) engage c) divorce d) propose
2. a) married b) engaged c) divorced d) parted
3. a) answer b) reception c) welcome d) consent
4. a) civil b) reception c) honeymoon d) religious
5. a) engagement b) reception c) wedding d) propose
6. a) bride b) bridesmaid c) bridegroom d) wife
7. a) bride b) bridesmaid c) bridegroom d) husband
8. a) civil consent b) reception c) honeymoon d) engagement
9. a) juice b) toast c) water d) lemonade
10.a) wedding b) reception c) honeymoon d) engagement

TASK 7. Choose the appropriate variant:

When a woman is __1__ a baby, we say that she is __2__ Babies are __3__ either at
home or in the maternity __4__ of a hospital. It is the job of a doctor or a __5__ to
__6__ new babies. The proud __7__ must soon decide what to __8__ the child. For
the first six months of their lives most babies are taken out in __9__ and sleep in
__10__. At eight months or so they learn to crawl along the floor, and they can
usually walk soon after their first birthday.

1. a) delivering b) calling c) expecting d) parenting

2. a) pregnant b) midwife c) maternity d) crawling
3. a) expected b) born c) called d) crawled
4. a) ward b) center c) point d) institution
5. a) surgeon b) parent c) midwife d) nurse
6. a) deliver b) expect c) bear d) bring
7. a) pregnants b) surgeons c) midwife d) parents
8. a) deliver b) call c) tell d) say
9. a) cars b) prams c) trolleys d) streetcars
10.a) beds B) prams c) cots d) wards

TASK 8. Choose the appropriate variant:

When children are two or three years old, they sometimes go to a __1__ school,
where they learn simple games and songs. Their first real school is called a __2__
school. In Britain children start this school at the age of five. The __3__ year in
Britain begins in September and is divided into three __4__ Schools __5__ for the
summer holiday in July. __6__education begins at the age of about eleven, and most
schools at this level are __7__ which means boys and girls study together in the same
classes. In Britain education is __8__ from five to 16 years of age, but many children
choose to remain at school for another two or three years after 16 to take higher
exams. Most children go to __9__ schools, which are maintained by the government
or local education authorities, but some children go to __10__ schools, which can be
very expensive. University courses normally last three years and then students
__11__, which means they receive their __12__. At university, teaching is by __13__
(an individual lesson between a teacher and one or two students), __14__ (a class of
students discussing a subject with a teacher), __15__ (when a teacher gives a
prepared talk to a number of students) and of course private study. Most people who
receive a university place are given a __16__ by the government to help pay their
__17__ and living expenses.
1. a) primary b) nursery c) boarding d) co-educational
2. a) primary b) graduate c) compulsory d) secondary
3. a) academic b) nursery school c) graduate d) co-educational
4. a) fees b) forms c) degrees d) terms
5. a) finish b) break up c) over d) run
6. a) good b) private c) secondary d) higher
7. a) academic b) nursery school c) graduate d) co-educational
8. a) voluntary b) forbidden c) compulsory d) free
9. a) boarding b) private c) state d) secondary
10.a) primary b) private c) state d)boarding
11. a) break up b) practice c) graduate d) lecture
12. a) fees b) tutorial c) degree d) certificate
13. a) discussion B) tutorial c) lesson d) lecture
14. a) lecture b) meeting c) discussion d) seminar
15.a) lecture b) meeting c) discussion d) seminar
16.a) award b) grant c) certificate d) present
17.a) fees b) expenditures c) degree d) total

TASK 9. Choose the appropriate variant:

1. I used to be so ____, but now I worry about everything.
a) carefree b) nervous c) sleepy
2. I am so ____about starting university this year! I can't wait!
a) depressed b) enthusiastic с) smart
3. I've been pretty ____ with my job, so I'm looking for a new one.
a) unhappy b) satisfied с) happy
4. I was ____ with the architecture in Tokyo. It was amazing.
a) content b) excited с) impressed
5. Katie is very ____ for all the help you have given her.
a) unhappy b) great с) grateful
6. After we saw that horror movie, I felt ____ all night.
a) frightened b) sympathetic с) convinced
7. Hey, stop yelling! Why are you so ____?
a) convinced b) upset с) flattered
8. I was so ____ watching that movie that I fell asleep twice.
a) excited b) bored с) impressed
9. When John saw his ex-girlfriend talking to another boy, he became very ____.
a) afraid b) exhausted с) jealous
10. I got drunk and made a fool of myself at the party. Now I feel ____.
a) surprised b) embarrassed с) insulted
11. When I saw this movie, I was ____ because I thought it would be much better.
a) disappointed b) nervous c) grateful
12. My wife and I are very ____ that you could come.
a) ashamed b) pleased c) unhappy
13. Linda became ____ to her new classmate David, a very handsome young man.
a) attracted b) happy c) shocked
14. They were ____ when they heard that noone was hurt in the accident.
a) lonely b) ashamed c) relieved
15. Victoria has no friends in this city. She feels very ____.
a) surprised b) great c) lonely
16. Where were you? I was ____ that something bad happened.
a) worried b) pleased c) furious
17. When my brother found out that they treated his girlfriend so badly, he was ____.
a) convinced b) furious c) merry
18. They were both very sad, so they had a ____ goodbye at the airport.
a) bored b) tearful c) amazed
19. I was very ____ with my test results.
a) jealous b) sympathetic c) disappointed
20. I am 100% ____ that he will find another job.
a) enthusiastic b) convinced c) surprised


Check out the meaning of phrasal verbs related to COME, CARRY in the
REFERENCE PART and do the following tasks:

TASK 10. Choose the correct variant:

1. A few friends came ____ last night, which was a pleasant surprise.
a) in b) round с) into d) off
2. Although I shampooed the carpet, the wine stain just wouldn't come ____.
a) off b) out c) over d) through
3. She came ____ a lot of money when her aunt died.
a) in b) up with c) into d) through
4. Come ____ – hurry up! You should have finished ages ago!
a) in b) on c) into d) through
5. She wasn't given enough anaesthetic and came ____ during the operation, which
was very frightening.
a) to b) in c) on d) off
6. Come ____ it; that's not true.
a) to b) off ) on d) through
7. Some friends came ____ last night, which was nice.
a) in b) over c) into d) across
8. I came ____ some old photos when I was tidying my bedroom.
a) across b) into c) for d) through
9. It didn't come ____ at the meeting; nobody talked about it.
a) off b) up c) into d) across
10. The police came ____ the criminal while he was in bed.
a) for b) up c) in d) through

TASK 11. Choose the correct variant:

1. First impressions are important because how you ____ initially can be as important
as what you say.
a) come by b) come back c) come out d) come across
2. I just can't seem to be able to find a good personal assistant as they are so hard to
a) come by b) come back c) come out d) come across
3. When disaster strikes, will your insurer ____ for you?
a) come out b) come over c) come through d) come to
4.If you have eaten a banana in the last 2-3 days and ____ a fever followed by a skin
infection, you should seek urgent medical attention!
a) come across b) come up with c) come down with d) come out with
5. In terms of personality she's certainly ____ well since she changed her attitude.
a) come along b) come back c) come over d) come out
6. Menopause symptoms may ____ after stopping menopausal hormone therapy.
a) come by b) come back c) come out d) come across
7.Making the decision to ____ about your sexual preferences can sometimes be scary
and stressful.
a) come along b) come back c) come out d) come over
8.I was just wondering how astronomers ____ their facts when you realise just how
far away the stars are.
a) come out with b) come up with c) come along d) come out
9.It was reported that the Government is expected to ____ stringent norms to prevent
«predatory takeovers» of Indian private banks.
a) come along b) come up with c) come across d) come out
10. My boyfriend wants to ____ when nobody is at home, and I'm scared it might
well lead to something else!
a) come along b) come back c) come out d) come over

TASK 12. Choose the correct variant:

1. They were tired but decided to carry ____ until they'd finished.
a) away b) off c) on d) over
2. If you carry something out, you complete it.
a) true b) false
3. They want a new manager to carry the project ____ as it's been making very slow
progress recently.
a) away b) forward c) over d) on
4. A heart attack carried him ____.
a)forward b) off c) out d) on
5. She didn't look as if she was going to manage but she carried it ____ in the end.
a) away b) off c) over d) on
6. I can't be bothered to cook- let's get a carry-____.
a) off b)over c)out d) on
7. If someone gets carried away, they are very emotional about something.
a) true b)false
8. The company want to carry the loss ____ to next year's accounts.
a)away b)off c)forward d) on
9. She's going to divorce him because he's been carrying ____ with a friend of theirs.
a)away b)off c)on d)over
10. The meeting carried ____ into the afternoon.
a)away b)off c)over d) forward

TASK 13. Choose the correct variant:

1. You will need a truck to ____ all these books.
a) carry off b) carry on c) carry over
2. She ____her role really well.
a) carried on b)carried off c)carried out
3. Every year epidemics ____ thousands of people.
a)carry away b)carry over c)carry off
4. She moved to the city to ____ her work.
a)carry over b)carry out c)carry on
5. You cannot ____ spending money like that if you do not want to end up in debt.
a)carry off b)carry through c)carry on
6. It is difficult to ____ a conversation if you do not know the language.
a)carry out b)carry with c)carry on
7. As my subordinate, your duty is to ____ my instructions.
a)carry with b)carry through c)carry out
8. They ____ several experiments to prove their theory.
a)carried on b)carried out c)carried over
9. His problems in his personal life, ____ to his work.
a)carried out b)carried over c)carried through
10. Though she was extremely tired, she ____ to the finish.
a)carried out b)carried over c)carried through

Part I. Fill in the correct particle:
1. 1.I didn't mean to buy so much food but I got carried ____.
2. The police are carrying ____ an investigation into the cause of Andrew's
3. I came____ my old photo album while tidying up.
4. I feel terrible! I must be coming ____ the flu.
5. When Sally's uncle died, she came ____ a small fortune.

6. Though the entire cast was made up of amateurs, they were able to carry
______ the play like pros.
7. Since the meeting did not cover all the planned topics, it was decided that it
should be carried _____ to the following week.
8. After weeks of hard work, Jeff was able to carry the project _____ to the
pleasure of the client.
9. After rejecting many of his staff's proposals for the campaign, the manager
finally came _____ his own ideas.
10.Although the Internet did not come _____ common usage quickly, its spread
over the last twenty years has been extraordinary.
Part II. Paraphrase using the appropriate relationship idioms idiom in the
correct form:
1. How am I supposed to forget about my _____ ( the person I loved) if I keep
seeing her around town?
2. John always _____(displays his emotions openly) so that everyone knows how
he feels.
3. She was going to take that job offer in California, but after thinking about how
much she would miss her friends and family in Delaware, she _____ (changed
her opinion).
4. They are _____ (very much in love) in love with each other.
5. Her grandson is _____ (the person of whom she is extremely fond).
6. Can you please_____ (make peace) and make up with your sister already? I
can't take the constant fighting.
7. I haven't been here _____ (for a long time) – I can't believe how much the
town has changed.
8. John and Mary are _____ (getting married) this summer in France.
9. Oh, come on, Julia is _____ (easily influenced) – we can definitely get her to
help us with this prank.
10.A week on vacation with my relatives is enough to _____ (annoy me to the
point of exasperation).
Part III. Choose the correct options to complete the text.
It was Christmas day again and my two sons were 1 _____ at the prospect of
unwrapping all the 2 _____ boxes that lay around the Christmas tree. I was 3 _____
about giving them their presents, but also a bit 4 _____ because I didn’t want to
disappoint them again. There’s nothing more 5 _____ than a child with a 6 _____
present in their hands. That’s what had happened the year before. When my elder son
opened his present I was 7 _____ to see how 8 _____ he was with his new toy. It
was devastating. But now it would be different, because I knew exactly what they
really wanted. I had swallowed my pride and called my ex-wife to ask about what our
children really wanted. When they were unwrapping the presents, I was concentrating
on their expressions, and it was so gratifying to see the joy in their eyes! They were
totally 9 _____ to see they were the new owners of an X-box with countless games. It
was a moving scene. And I was so 10 _____ to see that this year I hadn’t failed them
that I forgot about how much the idea of video games disgusted me.
1. a) thrilling b) thrill c) thrilled
2. a) tempting b) tempt c) tempted
3. a) excited b) excite c) exciting
4. a) concerned b) concerning c) concern
5. a) depressing b) depressed c) depress
6. a) disappointed b) disappointing c) disappoint
7. a) dismay b) dismayed c) dismaying
8. a) displease b) displeasing c)displeased
9. a) amaze b) amazing c) amazed
10. a) relieving b) relieve c) relieved

Змістовий блок 2. Travel Broadens the Mind

Тема 2.1. Travelling
TASK 1. Check out the 20 travel idioms in the REFERENCE PART and fill in the
sentences below with the correct idiom in the correct form.
1. Every so often, Claire ____ and sets off for a foreign destination.
2. You're eating your dessert first! You've ____.
3. My sister failed her driver's test, and I'll ____ if I don't practice parallel
4. I wasn't nervous until the morning of my wedding, but everyone assured me
that I ____.
5. If you don't call the recruiter back right away, you're going ____.
6. I tried to tell my daughter to wait a bit but she ____ and got married after
knowing her husband for just two months.
7. His mother didn't want him dating anyone from ____.
8. I need to be heading home soon, but let's____.
9. She regarded him more as  ____ than a partner to her.
10.Make sure to get good grades now, so that you ____ when it comes time to
choose a college.
11. We’d better ____ before traffic gets even worse.
12.A: «Have you heard this band's latest album?" B: "I didn't even know it was
out, it must ____».
13.We haven't been able to do anything new until more funding comes in, so the
project ____ just____for the moment.
14.I wish I could tell my boss to stop ____. I don't need to hear his comments
every ten minutes!
15.There will always be people ready____and start classes in whatever is
fashionable, with little or no training.
16.Tom really ____ by telling Mary the truth about Jane.
17. You can't just ____, Jenna – please give your future some serious thought.
18.Johnson was supposed to make sure the paperwork went through before the
deadline, but it looks like he ____.
19.I chose that island as a vacation spot because I knew it was ____ and would
give me some much-needed solitude.
20.That was the hardest year of my life, but in the end I was able to____ with the
support of my family.

TASK 2. Choose the word which best completes each sentence:

1. Rory vowed not to ____ again, so he wasted no time in applying for the job.
a) be in the same boat b) miss the boat
2. To avoid tourist traps, I recommend trying some restaurants that are ____, away
from the city's main attractions.
a) on the other side of the tracks b) off the beaten track
3. Upon hearing all about her friends' travel adventures, Liz realized she was starting
to____ .
a) get itchy feet b) get cold feet
4. I know we agreed not to accept help from the competition, but we're floundering;
we need to ____ if we want the company to survive.
a) ride out the storm b) take any port in a storm
5. «If we want to avoid border crossing jams, it'll soon be time to____ », said
a) hit the road b) take one for the road
6. «No, take the highway, Jake, and stay out of the passing lane. It's not a race!»
exclaimed Jake's mother, who just can't resist the urge to____ .
a) be a backseat driver b) be in the driver's seat
7. Following the product's record first-quarter sales, even initially sceptical investors
decided to  ____and invest.
a) jump in with both feet b) jump on the bandwagon
8. Why bother looking for a real estate agent before you've saved enough for the
down payment? That's like ____!
a) putting the cart before the horse b) upsetting the apple cart

9. Pedram thought it was time for a new approach because clearly the team had
been ____ if it had not made any progress since the day before.
a) asleep at the wheel b) spinning its wheels
10. When the tour guide did not show up, a local in the tour group stepped up and
gave such an entertaining, informative tour that no one knew she was____ .
a) flying by the seat of her pants b) flying under the radar


weather; types of holidays & holiday equipment; holiday resorts; holiday
troubles; traveller's tips

TASK 3. Choose the appropriate variant:

1. For general advice about travel, go to a travel ____.
a) center b) agent c) place d) manager
2. One day I would like to do the ____ by train and ship across Russia to Japan.
a) trip b) voyage c) journey d) cruise
3. We’re going on a ____ of Europe, visiting 11 countries in five weeks.
a) holiday b) tour c) voyage d) flight
4. We went on a three-week ____ round the Mediterranean. The ship called at
Venice, Athens, Istanbul and Alexandria.
a) trip b) holiday c) flight d) cruise
5. He once went by ship to Australia. The____took 4 weeks.
a) travel b) tour c) voyage d) flight
6. I’m going on a business____to Paris next weekend.
a) trip b) travel c) journey d) cruise
7. Air France ____ 507 from Paris to New York will be taking off in ten minutes.
a) cruise b) tour c) voyage d) flight
8. The ____ from Heathrow Airport to the centre of London takes about 45 minutes
by underground.

a) flight b) trip c) journey d) cruise
9. On our first day in New York we went on a three-hour ____of the city by bus,
which showed us the main sights.
a) cruise b) tour c) voyage d) flight
10. During our stay in Paris we went on a day ____ to Disneyland.
a) trip b) travel c) journey d) cruise

TASK 4. Choose the appropriate variant:

When you travel by air you have to get to the airport early in order to __1__
about an hour before your flight. If you have a lot of luggage, you can put it in a
__2__ and push it to the __3__ where someone will __4__ your ticket and weigh
your luggage. If you have __5__, it can be expensive. Your heavy luggage is put on a
__6__ and carried away. A light bag is classed as __7__ and you can take it with you
on to the plane. A(an) __8__ looks at your passport and a(an) __9__ checks your
hand luggage before you go into the __10__ to wait till your flight is called. If you
want to, you can buy some cheap __11__ goods here. Then you see on the __12__ or
you hear a(an) __13__ that you must __14__ your plane. You go through the __15__,
then there is sometimes a __16__ before you actually enter the plane.
When all the __17__ are __18__, and when the captain and his crew are ready
in the cockpit, the plane begins to __19__ to the end of the __20__. Finally,
permission is received from the control tower and the plane moves faster and faster in
order to __21__.
1. a) check b) check in b) board d) security check
2. a) on board b) immigration officer c) trolley d) runway
3. a) check-in desk b) check in c) check d) security check
4. a) check in b) check c) pass d) depart
5. a) security guard b) hand luggage c) departure lounge d) excess baggage
6. a) conveyor belt b) take off c) security check d) board
7. a) excess baggage b) hand luggage c) runway d) departure lounge
8. a) security guard b) passenger c) security check d) immigration officer
9. a) security guard b) passenger c) security check d) immigration officer
10.a) departure gate b) departures board c) departure lounge d) board
11. a) announcement b) security guard c) duty free d) runway
12.a) departure gate b) departures board c) departure lounge d) board
13.а) announcement b) security guard c) duty free d) runway
14.a) depart b) guard c) lounge d) board
15.a) departure gate b) departures board c) departure lounge d) board
16. a) security guard b) luggage c) security check d) immigration officer
17.a) security guard b) passengers c) security check d) immigration officer
18. a) on board b) on trolley c) on lounge d) on runway
19. a) trolley b) taxi c) run d) take on
20.a) trolley b) taxi c) runway d) board
21. a) conveyor belt b) take off c) security check d) board

TASK 5. Choose the correct answer:

1. «Do you row? » «I used to, but I haven’t used a pair of____ for years».
a) oars b) paddles c) poles d) rows
2. The sea was so____that some of the passengers in the pleasure boat felt seasick.
a) breezy b) choppy c) runny d) wavy
3. They moored the boat to a tree____and left it by the river bank.
a) branch b) log c) pole d) stump
4. They loaded the____for the voyage onto the ship.
a) food b) meals c) portions d) rations
5. The ship ran____ on the beach near the harbour.
a) aback b) adrift c) afloat d) aground
6. That boat has an____ motor at the back.
a) outboard b) outgoing c) outside d) outward
7. At first sight the island seemed to be bare and____ of any kind of vegetation.
a) absent b) devoid c) minus d) vacant
8. The captain realised that unless immediate action was taken to discipline the crew,
there could be a____on the ship.
a) mutiny b) rebellion c) riot d) strike
9. The cargo in the hold of the ship____many times in the storm.
a) changed b) floated c) shifted d) switched
10. The sea is too far out; we can’t swim till the____comes in.
a) current b) stream c) tide d) water
11. A lot of driftwood was washed up on to the____.
a) coast b) coastline c) seaside d) shore
12. The sea was so rough that the little boat____.
a) bent b) capsized c) inverted d) reversed
13. When we go fishing we always take a lot of worms for____.
a) attraction b) bait c) food d) trap
14. Swimming is dangerous here because of the strong____across the bay.
a) current b) jet c) motion d) pressure
15. The boat____ just out to sea.
a) drifted b) slid c) strayed d) wandered
16. After the storm the ____of a small ship was thrown up on the shore.
a) breakage b) ruin c) wastage d) wreckage
17. The ship was not allowed to unload its____.
a) burden b) cargo c) freight d) load
18. When the ship docked at Hamburg, they found a____in the hold.
a) gate-crasher b) interloper c) stowaway d) trespasser
19. She was very enthusiastic about sailing around the world and now was just ____
to go.
a) bounding b) leaping c) jumping d) roaring
20. I____with the captain to abandon the ship before it was too late,
a) appealed b) begged c) claimed d) pleaded
21. Due to the bad weather conditions, the lifeboat crew were asked to____in case
of emergency.
a) stand away b) stand by c) stand in d) stand up
22. He had a____escape when his boat was capsized by a sudden gust of wind.
a) close b) narrow c) near d) sudden
23. The waves gently____against the shore.
a) bit b) chewed c) lapped d) licked
24.We managed to grab a piece of wood that was floating nearby and we hung on
a) dear b) gentle c) kind d) precious
25.The air-sea search operation is continuing, although hopes of finding survivors
a) dimming b) dissolving c) fading d) reducing
TASK 6: Choose the correct answer:
1. After you buy an airplane ticket, you must ____once you arrive at the airport in
order to confirm the flight andget a seat on the aircraft.
a) check over b) check in c) check out d) check off
2. Sue is stressed out lately. I think she needs to ____ for a while. I suggested a cruise
in the Bahamas.
a) get away b) go off c) get in d) get over
3. Sally is wondering what time her husband's plane ____ The plane was delayed in
Colorado due to a blizzard.
a) gets up b) gets in c) get away d) get on
4. Ellie had to ____ in order to make the green light. She's usually a pretty good
a) speed up b) speed in c) speed on d) sped up
5. Randy was very nervous during his first flight lesson. Afterwards, he told me the
best part was, at the beginning, during ____.
a) take over b) take in c) take out d) take off
6. The stranded crew ____ for the long journey at 5 am. They needed as much natural
light as they could get.
a) set off b) set by c) set in d) set over
7. On their way to the city, the newlyweds thought they would ____ an old hangout
for a quick drink because it was on the way.
a) stop on b) stop out c) stop by d) stop down
8. Helen went to Italy this spring. Before she was scheduled to leave the country, she
decided to ____ in Tuscany for a while.
a) stop off b) stop over c) stop down d) stop on
9. We drove to Canada this past summer. We had to ____ four times on the way. We
got pretty good gas mileage.
a) fill out b) ran out c) fill up d) fill in
10. Adriana has to ____ because her flight is leaving in ten minutes.
a) fill up b) run up c) run out d) hurry up
TASK 7. Airport and flight travel expressions. Choose the correct answer:
1. Check-in counters are open two hours before the scheduled flight ____ time.
a) going b) arrival c) departure d) transit
2.It is the passenger's responsibility to ensure their ____ is valid for entry and they
have fulfilled all immigration requirements in the country of destination.
a) endorsement b) passport c) document d) papers
3. Passengers are required to produce appropriate ____ at the check-in counter.
a) passport b) visa c) ticket d) identification
4. Passengers are advised to be at the ____ gate at least thirty minutes before the
scheduled departure time of their flight.
a) boarding b) ticket c) departure d) arrival
5. If you fail to check in on time or fail to board the aircraft by the time the aircraft
departs, the fare you paid will not be ____ to you for any reason whatsoever.
a) returned b) remunerated c) refunded d) rewarded
6.Children below age 12 will not be accepted for ____ unless they are accompanied
by a person of at least 18 years of age.
a) journey b) voyage c) carriage d) trip
7.Passengers are strongly ____ not to check in valuable and fragile items as baggage.
a) advised b) informed c) told d) reminded
8.Passengers are required to retrieve their ____ as soon as it is available for collection
at their place of destination.
a) ticket b) baggage c) boarding pass d) passport
9. It is the passenger's responsibility to ____ all outgoing flights at least 72 hours
prior to departure.
a) rebook b) reorder c) reserve d) reconfirm
10. Passengers must ____ at the airport sufficiently in advance of the scheduled
flight departure time to permit completion of government formalities and check-in
a) depart b) transit c) arrive d) transfer


Check out the meaning of phrasal verbs related to CUT, DO in the
REFERENCE PART and do the following tasks:

TASK 8. Choose the correct answer:

1. My phone was cut ____ last week because I forgot to pay the bill.
a) up b) off c)back
2. The engine cut ____ and wouldn't start again.
a)back b)off c)out
3. She cut ____ smoking from twenty cigarettes a day to ten
a) down b)up c)across
4. The tree was blocking light from the living room so I cut it ____.
a)in b)back c)up
5. The Government has cut ____ a lot of its spending plans.
a) back b)up c)into
6. My wife always cuts the crossword ____ the newspaper so that it doesn't get
thrown away before she's finished.
a) out of b)up c)in on
7.  If the deal's successful should we cut him ____ it and give him a share?
a) down from b)into c)in on
8. His hand was cut ____ in the accident.
a) off b) out c)from
9. Those kids are making too much noise; could you tell them to cut it ____.
a) up b)out c)in
10. Do you think you are really cut ____ a job that involves such responsibility. I
think you're too gentle for it.
a) out for b) out from c)down on
11. Her doctor told her to cut all animal fat ____ her diet completely.
a) out of b)up c)back

TASK 9. Choose the correct answer:

1. As people get older, doctors often advise them to cut ____ on salt, red meat, and
other foods that affect their blood pressure.
a) across b) down c)up d) out
2. With fewer and fewer students applying each year, the university has no choice but
to cut ____ its investments in new classrooms and hiring of new teachers.
a) back on b)out of c) up d) across
3. Timmy's mother still cuts his food ____ for him, so he hasn't learned how to use a
knife yet.
a) off b)through c) down d) up
4. The sharp reductions in the school's budget will unfortunately cut ____ all
departments, including education, arts, sports, and tech.
a) in b)out c) across d) off
5. In the middle of his conversation, Jim's phone cut ____ and we couldn't hear him
a) on b)off c) down d) back
6. People get angry when they stand in a long line and someone tries to cut ____ front
of them.
a) in b)out c) up d) down
7. The teacher was angry with the students' behaviour and finally yelled at them to
cut it ____.
a) through b)off c) out d) back
8. The senator tried to use the televised debate as a way to cut the arrogant president
____ to size.
a) up b)down c) in d) into
9. We cut ____ the woods and got home in less than an hour.
a) in b) across c) through
10. Many governments nowadays are allowing farmers to cut ____ forests to make
room for the cattle to graze. (to graze = to eat)
a) back b)off c) down d) through
TASK 10. Choose the correct answer:
1. I'm so thirsty; I could really do ____ a cup of tea.
a)in b)with c)over
2. You must do ____ your seatbelt; it's the law.
a)in b)with c)up
3. If you don't do your shoes ____, you'll probably fall over.
a)up b)in c)down
4. That's got nothing to do ____ me; it's absolutely none of my business.
a)for b)in c)with
5. The house was in bad condition and they had to do it ____ before they could live
a)up b)in c) with
6. He did them ____ of a lot of money with his lies.
a)out b)up c)with
7. The accident did____him; he never recovered.
a)up b)with c)for
8. He did a lot of harm ____ the cause.
a)to b)in c)up
9. Do ____ others what you would have them do to you.
a)to b)in c) up
10. They buy old cars do them ____ and sell them for a profit.
a)in b)down c)up

Part I. Fill in the correct particle:
1. If you don't pay your water bill, your water supply will be cut ____.
2. You must cut ____ the amount of sugar you consume.
3. The village was cut ____ for days because of the snow.
4. The Prime Minister decided to cut ____ government spending.
5. Most countries have done ____ the death penalty.
6. I'm really thirsty. I could do ____ with a drink.
7. I’m sorry to cut ____ the conversation, but I’d like to ask a question.
8. I don’t think Alison is cut ____ to be a nurse. She faints atb the sight of blood.
9. Until you can afford to buy a car, you’ll have to do ____ this one.
10.Don’t forget to do ____ your shoe laces or you’ll trip over them.

Part II. Paraphrase using the appropriate travel idiom in the correct form:
1. Jean____ (lost an opportunity by not acting fast enough) on that club
2. Every so often, Claire ____ (has a strong urge to travel) and sets off for a
foreign destination.
3. Leaving Ireland wasn't easy and I ____ (felt nervous to follow through with
plans that are usually significant) about it a couple of times.
4. Well, we’d better ____ (begin a journey), we’ve a long way to go.
5. I know you're nervous about starting school, but you just need to____ (start
enthusiastically) and do your best!
6. Don’t plan the menu before deciding how many people to invite – it’s like
____ (doing things in the wrong order).

7. We haven't been able to do anything new until more funding comes in, so the
project is just ____ (is unable to move forward in spite of trying) for the
8. When he went to work there he had been unemployed for a year. It was a case
of ____ (a solution that would not be taken under normal circumstances).
9. I chose that island as a vacation spot because I knew it was ____ (off the main
route, in less frequent area) and would give me some much-needed solitude.
10.Tom: I'm broke. Can you lend me twenty dollars? Bill: Sorry. I'm____ (in the
same unfortunate circumstances).

Part III. Choose the correct answer:

1. The ____ from Heathrow Airport to the centre of London takes about 45 minutes
by underground.
a) flight b) trip c) journey d) cruise
2. We’re going on a ____ of Europe, visiting 11 countries in five weeks.
a) holiday b) tour c) voyage d) flight
3. Swimming is dangerous here because of the strong____across the bay.
a) current b) jet c) motion d) pressure
4. Due to the bad weather conditions, the lifeboat crew were asked to____in case of
a) stand away b) stand by c) stand in d) stand up
5. Sue is stressed out lately. I think she needs to ____ for a while. I suggested a cruise
in the Bahamas.
a) get away b) go off c) get in d) get over
6. On their way to the city, the newlyweds thought they would ____ an old hangout
for a quick drink because it was on the way.
a) stop on b) stop out c) stop by d) stop down
7. Passengers are required to produce appropriate ____ at the check-in counter.
a) passport b) visa c) ticket d) identification

8.Passengers are required to retrieve their ____ as soon as it is available for
collection at their place of destination.
a) ticket b) baggage c) boarding pass d) passport
9. It is the passenger's responsibility to ensure their ____ is valid for entry and they
have fulfilled all immigration requirements in the country of destination.
a) endorsement b) passport c) document d) papers
10. Please fasten your _______ while the captain prepares for take-off.
a) runway b)steward c) seatbelts d)luggage

Тема 2.2. Earth is Dearer than Gold.


TASK 1. Check out the 20 nature idioms in the REFERENCE PART and fill in the
sentences below with the correct idiom in the correct form:
1. I used to ____ beneath my feet, and I missed out on a lot of opportunities.
2. He had warned about the economic collapse but at that time his pleas were like
a ____.
3. I might have got a better offer if I had waited for some more time, but I
decided to take the one I had. After all, ____.
4. The political party is ____ after it was discovered that their candidate had lied
in the report.
5. Her students proved to be ____ for her when she was trying to cope up with the
grief of losing her dog.
6. His kids probably don’t know that ____ seeing how much he pampers them
with expensive toys and gifts.

7. When I asked George whether he knew who had taken the files from my desk,
he started____ and refused to give me a direct answer.
8. It looked like the negotiations might break down at any stage, but everything
____in the end.
9. The information presented in this textbook is so disorganized that I can't
10.Most members of the class were ____ when the teacher tried to explain the
difficult theory.
11.The young woman ____ her boyfriend ____when she promised to marry him.
12.How could I ever have trusted that____?
13.She pretends that____, but I’ve heard that she’s heavily in debt.
14.They think she's too glamorous and won't want to speak to them but actually
she's very friendly and very____.
15.Kevin didn’t want to be part of the protest, but all his friends wanted to stand
for something, so he chose to____.
16.I'm glad Tony started repaying the money he borrowed from me, but the five
dollars he gave me yesterday is just ____ compared to what he still owes.
17.I really think you ____ over this. It's just a tiny scratch on the car!
18.As far as I'm concerned, the victim's husband is ____ of suspicion until we
interrogate him.
19.I often think that ____ but then start counting my own blessings immediately.
20.I used to be a real ____ when I was in high school. It wasn't until I got to
college that I finally started having a bit more confidence and began enjoying
myself at parties.

TASK 2. Popular Garden Idioms. Choose the correct answer:

1. Never let the ____ grow under your feet.
a) weeds b) grass c) flowers d) bulbs
2. The grass is always ____ on the other side.
a) blacker b) further c) greener d) longer
3. Everything is coming up ____.
a) roses b) daisies c) tulips d) lilies
4. Poor Mary was a bit of a ____ at the dance.
a) cornflower b) cauliflower c) wallflower d) wildflower
5. He led her up the garden ____.
a) path b) lane c) street d) road
6. Everything in the ____ is lovely.
a) roses b) flowers c) grass d) garden
7. Money doesn't grow on ____.
a) plants b) bulbs c) trees d) bushes
8. A bird in the hands is worth ____ in the bush.
a) four b) three c) two d) one
9. Come to the point and stop beating about the ____.
a) tree b) flower c) hedge d) bush
10. Don't trust him, he's a bit of a snake in the ____.
a) grass b) flowers c) plants d) weeds

TASK 3. Choose the right answer:

1. a drop in the ocean. If something is described as being a drop in the ocean, it is
a) a small part of what's needed
b) a huge part of what's needed
c) all that's needed
2. a ray of sunshine. The kids in the hospital had a ray of sunshine in their lives when
a) some famous footballers visited them
b) they were taken to sit outside in the sun
c) the nurses checked their blood pressure
3. a voice (crying) in the wilderness.Ken says he feels like a voice crying in the
wilderness because
a) he likes the sounds of wild animals
b) he hurt his leg while hiking in the forest
c) nobody seems to support his opinions
4. in deep water. I heard that John's in deep water and
a) he might go to jail
b) he might buy a new boat
c) he might be getting married
5. at sea | all at sea.Grant felt all at sea because
a) he was sick of his job
b) he was enjoying sailing
c) it was his first day at university
6. beat around the bush | beat about the bush.It's hard not to beat around the bush
when you have to
a) put out a bushfire
b) give someone some good news
c) tell someone some bad news
7. under a cloud. If someone is under a cloud, they might
a) take an umbrella in case it rains
b) try to prove they're innocent
c) stop and wait until it passes
8. can't see the wood for the trees.The safety officer can't see the wood for the trees
a) she's too focused on safety issues
b) she thinks all the trees look the same
c) she doesn't know which way to look
9. down to earth.Which person would most people expect to be the most down to
a) a poet
b) an artist
c) a farmer
10. go with the flow. I'm trying to go with the flow more and
a) float down the river
b) be more relaxed about things
c) control every aspect of my life


planet Earth; environmental problems; conservation; energy crisis; preservation
of animals & plants

TASK 4. Choose the right answer:

1. Many factories ____ harmful pollutants into the atmosphere.
a)minimize b)donate c)emit
2. You can ____ plastic bags again and again until they get holes in them.
a) reuse b)resume c)reduce
3. Americans ____ many products that are sold with excess packaging.
a) consume b)protect c)pollute
4. Burning fossil fuels can cause ____ to fall from the clouds.
a)smog b)carbon footprints c)acid rain
5. You can ____ organic household waste by having a compost bin in the garden.
a) protect b)recycle c)fertilize
6. Instead of throwing away old clothes, ____ them to organizations that help poor
a)consume b)donate c)emit
7. The company is ____ an ancient forest in order to sell the wood.
a) clear-cutting b) reducing c) recycling
8. Which is an example of climate change?
a) reforestation b)global warming c)air pollution
9. Environmentalists understand the importance of ____ forests and wetlands.
a) minimizing b)banning c)preserving
10. We will ____ if the government supports fossil fuel companies instead of tackling
global warming.
a) prevent b)protest c)protect
11. Energy-efficient vehicles and appliances use
a)no energy b) more energy c)ess energy
12. Regulations only stop factories from ____ the environment if they're enforced.
a)protecting b)consuming c)polluting
13. We should ____ pollutants that seriously damage our health or the environment.
a)emit b) use up c)ban
14. Which can cause serious health or environmental problems?
a) hazardous waste b)domestic waste c)recycled waste
15. If you're working for a reforestation project you're probably ____ trees.
a)planting b)clearcutting c)poisoning
16. The protection and preservation of natural resources and the environment is called
a) contamination b)conservation c)protectionism
17. To stop global warming we have to use ____ energy like solar and wind.
a)self-sufficient b)fossil fuel c) renewable
18. Gases that stop heat from escaping into space are called ____ gases.
a) green b)greenhouse c)zero-emission
19. The place in which a plant, animal, bird or fish normally lives is its____.
a) habitat b)food chain c)eco-community
20. We're going to live in an environmentally-friendly____.
a)ecosystem b) ecovillage c)habitat

TASK 5. Choose the right answer:

1. Soil, minerals, air, water, and coal are all examples of____.
a) fossil fuels b) conservation c) natural resources
2. Oil, natural gas, and coal are called ____ resources because they are not easy to
a) fossil fuel b) conservation c) non-renewable
3. Resources that can be replaced or restored:
a) non-renewable b) natural resources c) renewable
4. What is the difference between a biodegradable and nondegradable substance?
a) biodegradable breaks down in the environment
b) biodegradable substances can be eaten
c) nondegradable breaks down in the environment
5. A renewable resource is____.
a) a resource which is replaced naturally and can be used again
b) a resource that cannot be readily replaced by natural means fast enough to catch
up to it's usage
c) a new resource to the earth.
6. According to the United Nations, the main cause of climate change / global
warming is the result of:
a) water pollution b) factory and car emissions c) sewage
7. Examples of fossil fuels are:
a) uranium and carbonised dinosaur remains
b) renewable fuels
c) coal, oil and natural gas
8. To reduce pollution from cars, the Australian government has legislated that all
new cars must use:
a) unleaded petrol b) diesel fuel c) leaded petrol
9. Substances that are easily broken down into harmless substances by decomposers
are termed:
a) environmentally unfriendly
b) biodegradable
c) non-biodegradable
10. Renewable energy alternatives are those that:
a) are abundant or can be regrown in a short time period
b) are environmentally friendly such as coal
c) never cause pollution nor environmental damage at all


Check out the meaning of phrasal verbs related to FALL, GET in the
REFERENCE PART and do the following tasks:

TASK 6.Choose the right answer:

1. I fell ____ with my work because I was ill for a few days and couldn't do anything.
a) in b)behind c)over
2. His hair's falling ____ and he's worried about going bald.
a) off b)through c)out
3. My holiday fell ____ when the travel agent went bankrupt, so I'll be staying at
home this year.
a) down b)out c)through
4. Nobody else would tell her the news so it fell ____ me to do it.
a) down b)to c)onto
5. If everything goes wrong, you can always fall ____ your family for support.
a)into b)out with c)back on
6. They met on holiday, fell ____ each other and were married within a month.
a)into b)from c)for
7. The film is so funny I can guarantee you'll fall ____ laughing the whole way
a) on b)about c)in
8. They fell ____ after he was rude to her.
a)in b)off c)out
9. I completely believed her; I fell ____ her lies.
a)for b)down c)to
10. The handle broke and fell ____.
a)in b)off c)for

TASK 7. Choose the right answer:

1.David Beckham's ____ Sir Alex Ferguson originated from his decision to stay at
home and tend his ailing son rather than attend training on that particular Friday.
a) fall-through b) fall behind in c) fallback on d) fallout with
2. Don't always ____ creating another database or a workaround program because
there may actually be a better business solution for the problem.
a) fall through b) fall behind in c) fall back on d) fall out with
3. Frequent binge drinkers are eight times more likely than non-binge drinkers to
miss a class, ____ schoolwork, get hurt or injured, and damage property.
a) fall behind b) fall behind in c) fall back on d) fall off
4.Student mentors catch children before they ____ cracks.
a) fall through b) fall behind c) fall back on d) fall out with
5.The northeastern state of Assam could ____ the Indian map soon.
a) fall behind b) fall behind in c) fall back on (d) fall off
6.A Brussels based think tank reported that Europe is ____ Asia in terms of education
and skills.
a) falling behind b) falling behind in c) falling back on d) falling off
7.She had no family support system to ____ and she couldn't afford daycare.
a) fall behind b) fall behind in c) fall back on d) fall off
8. A recent survey showed that one in three house hunters have had a property
purchase ____.
a) fall through b) fall behind c) fall back on d) fall out with
9.Some married couples ____ each other over differences of opinion on how things
could or should be done.
a) fall through b) fall behind in c) fall back on d) fall out with
10. Deciduous trees send messages to leaves telling them when to ____.
a) fall through b) fall behind c) fall back on d) fall off

TASK 8. Choose the right answer:

1. After the small talk was over, it was time for the two heads of state to ____
discussions concerning bilateral relations between the two countries.
a) get through with b) get by with c) get down to d) get around

2. My accountant advised me that one of the best ways to ____ paying taxes in my
own country was to set up an offshore bank account.
a) get away with b) get by with c) get down to d) get around
3. The high school teacher was so strict that he would not let his students ____ any of
the stunts that they tried to pull with their previous teacher.
a) get away with b) get by with c) get down to d) get around
4. Train passengers wishing to go to the football match were advised to ____ the train
at the next stop.
a) get on with b) get off c) get in d) get on
5. By the time I ____ you, you will be sorry that you ever stepped foot on the face of
this earth.
a) get through with b) get by with c) get down to d) get around
6. The referee instructed both captains to stop their complaining and ____ the rugby
a) get by with b) get on with c) get through with d) get by with
7. The days when Americans can ____ in the world on English only will soon be
a) get in b) get off c) get by d) get on
8. Please mind your step when you ____ the train.
a) get on with b) get by with c) get by d) get on
9. I knew that I had to ____ early the next morning so I set my alarm for 4.30 a.m.
a) get on b) get off c) get up d) get out
10. Employees at the reinsurance company were finding it very difficult to ____ with
their new manager.
a) get along b) get away c) get through d) get out

TASK 9. Choose the right answer:

1. The manager failed to get his ideas ____ to the employees.
a) across b) down c) in
2. I don’t think they can easily get ____ from prison.
a) away b) into c) down
3. She is very well-paid, so she can get ____ without any help from him.
a) about b) over c) by
4. Ok. It’s time to get ____ to business.
a) in b) down c) away
5. I hope you don’t get ____ trouble again.
a) into b) on c) in
6. The teacher was lucky to get the truth ____ of him.
a) up b) out c) away
7. Stop getting ____ my nerves!
a) on b) at c) down
8. I doubt she’ll ever get ____ her trauma.
a) out b) over c) in
9. I can’t get ____ all this work. I need some help.
а) about b) away c) through
10. What time do you usually get ____?
a) on b) up c) about

Part I. Fill in the correct particle:
1. I'm afraid you've fallen ____ with your schoolwork.
2. When John lost all his money, he fell ____ on his father for support.
3. It's nice to see her getting____with her colleagues.
4. Despite months of preparation, their plans fell ____ at the last minute.
5. Lots of people fell ____ the conman’s tricks before he was caught by the
6. You really must get ____ work. The exams start next week!
7. I earn enough money to get ____, but I haven’t managed to save much lately.
8. The teacher tried to get____ the main ideas of the theory to her class without
confusing them.
9. We have to get ____ early to get to London on time.
10.They fell ____ after he was rude to her.

Part II. Paraphrase using the appropriate nature idiom in the correct form:
1. Would you please stop ____ (wasting time)? Are you leaving the company or
2. I think I'm ____ (be in serious trouble) with this course – I don't know how
I'll be able to catch up with all the work!
3. Someone stole some money at work, and now everyone is ____ (suspected) of
4. I used to ____ (be inactive) beneath my feet, and I missed out on a lot of
5. How could I ever have trusted that ____ (treacherous person)?
6. I can’t give you any more pocket money, Alice. ____ (You should be careful
about how much you spend), you know.
7. I used to be a real ____ (shy person) when I was in high school. It wasn't until I
got to college that I finally started having a bit more confidence and began
enjoying myself at parties.
8. We always do things your way – can’t you just ____ (do what other people are
doing) for once?
9. I tried to do well in this class, but I've been ____ (confused) since we started.
10.My best friend was a real ____ (someone that makes others feel happy) when I
was recovering from surgery.

Part III. Choose the correct answer:

1. 1.You can ____ plastic bags again and again until they get holes in them.
a) reuse b)resume c)reduce
2.You can ____ organic household waste by having a compost bin in the garden.
a) protect b)recycle c)fertilize
3. The company is ____ an ancient forest in order to sell the wood.
a)clear-cutting b) reducing c) recycling
4.We will ____ if the government supports fossil fuel companies instead of tackling
global warming.
a) prevent b)protest c)protect
5. We should ____ pollutants that seriously damage our health or the environment.
a)emit b) use up c)ban
6.If you're working for a reforestation project you're probably ____ trees.
a)planting b)clearcutting c)poisoning
7.Gases that stop heat from escaping into space are called ____ gases.
a) green b)greenhouse c)zero-emission
8. Oil, natural gas, and coal are called ____ resources because they are not easy to
a) fossil fuel b) conservation c) non-renewable
9. Examples of fossil fuels are:
a) uranium and carbonised dinosaur remains
b) renewable fuels
c) coal, oil and natural gas
10. To reduce pollution from cars, the Australian government has legislated that all
new cars must use:
a) unleaded petrol b) diesel fuel c) leaded petrol

Змістовий блок 3. Early to Bed...

Тема 3. Health problems and daily routines.

TASK 1. Check out the 20 body idioms in the REFERENCE PART and fill in the
sentences below with the correct idiom in the correct form:
1. Tell me about your first day at the new job – I'm ____ !
2. Suddenly I had ____ and couldn’t sing a note.
3. Jason sent Phillip a fax before Monday's show, with the greeting: « ____ and
enjoy yourself».
4. He ____ while the rest of us are trying to figure out how to fix this!
5. You're my own ____ – how could you spill my secrets to the tabloids?
6. Mary broke a dining-room window and had to ____ when her father got home.
7. College tuition costs ____ nowadays.
8. If you're looking for a snack, go talk to Jenny – she has a real ____, so she
probably keeps candy bars in her desk.
9. He's one of the wealthiest men in our ____.
10.Come on, Jim, this is a party! ____ and go a little wild!
11.I can't watch those sappy movies because I just ____ every time.
12.Thanks for listening to me complain about my boss. I just needed to ____.
13.You need to____ the soup so that it doesn't bubble over.
14.I hope that someone will ____with these bags – there's no way I'll make it to
the fifth floor on my own!
15.It just ____ to think of the amount of food that gets wasted around here.
16.We used to be ____, but now we just annoy each other most of the time.
17.Come on, the project was not a total failure –____!
18.I’m not allowed to tell you about the party as ____.
19.Don't believe him. He ____.
20.I'm afraid that if I tell my parents what I've done, they will ____.

TASK 2. Choose the right answer:

1. It was such a sad movie that I ____.
a)cried my heart out b) got cold feet c)was in over my head
2. He's got long hair because the hairdresser costs ____.
a)an old hand b) an arm and a leg c) a head start
3. I'm sure someone will find your kitten, so____.
a)see eye to eye b) stick your neck out c)keep your chin up

4. get it off your chest.Alex had been worrying about it, and he needed to get it off his
chest so he went to____.
a) work out at the gym b) talk to his priest c) see a skin doctor
5. I'm just ____ your leg. I didn't really dye my hair blue.
a) shaking b) breaking c)pulling
6. I like to drink wine and ____ on Saturday nights.
a) make my blood boil b) go head over heels c)let my hair down
7. Let's get together in my ____ of the woods for once.
a)neck b) hand c)foot
8. We're going away for the week. Can you keep ____ on our house?
a)an eye b) a hair c)a foot
9. It makes my ____ when people try to cheat.
a)teeth ache b) head start c)blood boil
10. wash your hands of something. Many sponsors washed their hands of the sport of
cycling because____.
a) they cut their advertising budgets
b) of drug use among the cyclists
c) cycling was becoming more popular


health problems; daily routines; stress & relaxation; describing feelings;
character adjectives

TASK 3. Choose the right answer:

When I go to the doctor, I tell the __1__ my name and take a seat in the __2__
room. My doctor is very busy so I have to make a(an) __3__ before I go to see him.
He asks me what’s wrong with me, I tell him the __4__ of my illness, for example
high temperature, difficulty in breathing, or pains, and then he will usually __5__ me.
He’ll listen to my heart with his __6__, he’ll hold my wrist to feel my __7__, he’ll
take my __8__ with his __9__. The problem is usually something simple and he
might give me a __10__ for some medicine, which I take to the __11__. Of course, if
I needed more serious __12__, I’d have to go to hospital. There I’d be put in a bed in
a(an) __13__ with 10 or 20 other people. If there were something seriously wrong
with me, I might need a(an) __14__.
1. a)receptionist b) chemist c) ward d) appointment
2. a)operation b) ward c) waiting d) examine
3. a)agreement b) attempt c) speech d) appointment
4. a)treatments b) pulse c) symptoms d) prescription
5. a)operate b) bill c) treat d) examine
6. a)periscope b) pulse c) symptom d) stethoscope
7. a)skin b) pulse c) symptoms d) blood
8. a)pulse b) temperature c) blood d) heart
9. a)meter b) barometer c) thermometer d) kilometer
10. a)prescription b) bill c) receipt d) medicine
11. a)receptionist b) chemist c) biologist d) therapist
12. a)treatment b) threat c) symptom d) stethoscope
13. a)operation room b) ward c) waiting room d) dormitory
14. a)operation b) receipt c) prescription d) examining

TASK 4. Choose the correct answer:

1.The doctor asked me to____to the waist.
a) bare b) strip c) take off d) undress
2.The nurse put a ____ round Peter’s bleeding knee.
a) bandage b) belt c) ribbon d) scarf
3.He had injured his arm badly and had to keep it in a ____ for several weeks.
a) cradle b) litter c) sling d) stretcher
4.When he finally____, he couldn’t remember what had happened.
a) came round b) held back c) stood back d) wore off
5.The doctor told her that her temperature was ____.
a) current b) familiar c) habitual d) normal
6.He is ____ dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.
a) bearing b) carrying c) fitting d) wearing
7.The ambulance men took the injured climber down the mountain on____.
a) a bedstead b) a cot c) a couch d) a stretcher
8.Although the patient’s condition is serious, she seems to be out of____.
a) control b) danger c) order d) place
9.If he loses consciousness, give him a sip of brandy to bring him ____.
a) back b) over c) round d) up
10.With every ____ he took, he got more and more tired.
a) foot b) march c) step d) walk
11.My sister works in a home for the deaf and ____.
a) dumb b) mute c) speechless d) voiceless
12.Make sure you ____ your food properly before you swallow it.
a) bite b) chew c) crunch d) eat
13.The fact is, doctor, I just cannot ____ this dreadful cough.
a) get down to b) get out of c) get rid of d) get round to
14.The doctor took his temperature and felt his ____.
a) blood b) muscle c) pulse d) vein
15.While he was in hospital, his wound was ____twice a day.
a) changed b) cured c) dressed d) healed
16.After a quick ____ at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance.
a) gaze b) glance c) glimpse d) stare
17.Apply direct ____ on the wound to stop severe bleeding.
a) compression b) contraction c) pressure d) restriction
18.The man who was taken to hospital had been ____ for three hours.
a) indifferent b) insensitive c) unconscious d) unfeeling
19.The injured man was taken to hospital on ____.
a) an ambulance b) a bed c) a sling d) a stretcher
20.After any hard or prolonged exercise it is advisable to check your ____.
a) brain waves b) eyesight c) mental balance d) pulse rate

TASK 5. The following problems and pieces of advice have got all mixed up. Can
you match them correctly?
1. I keep getting headaches. a) Good, you needn’t come back for a
2. I can’t get into my clothes. month.
3. I can’t sleep at night. b) You really must stop smoking.
4. My eyes are often sore and I c) Perhaps you should have an eye test.
sneeze a lot d) You ought to do more exercise – it ’s
5. I’m going to Nepal on business. very relaxing.
6. I’ve got a bad stomach. e) You’ll have to have a few injections.
7. I feel much better now, doctor. f) You shouldn’t eat so much fried food.
8. I’ve got a terrible cough. g) You really must lose some weight.
h) You should have some allergy tests.

TASK 6. Choose the correct answer:

1.The patient ____ to listen to his doctor’s advice.
a) hindered b) lacked c) refused d) resigned
2.There is a ____for blankets and medicines in the disaster area.
a) dearth b) lack c) need d) shortage
3.The doctor gave him a ____ examination.
a) conscientious b) methodical c) precise d) thorough
4.At midday the doctor went on his ____, visiting sick patients.
a) circles b) rounds c) routes d) ways
5.When my brother was in hospital, he was ____ by a well-known surgeon.
a) carried on b) operated on c) passed on d) worked on
6.He was worried about his health, but his doctor put his mind at____.
a) comfort b) leisure c) rest d) sleep
7.At the casualty department my sister had her injury____.

a) cured b) healed c) operated d) treated
8.There was ____ in the doctor’s tone, as he spoke of his patient’s recovery.
a) afraid b) anxiety c) fear d) uncertainty
9.Everyone hoped that he would ____ after the operation.
a) get well b) pull on c) pull out d) pull over
10.Euthanasia, or ____ killing, is a common subject for debate these days.
a) helpful b) kind c) mercy d) sympathetic

TASK 7. Choose the correct answer:

1. Which word is closest in meaning to «polite»?
a)charming b) sincere c) courteous
2. Which word is closest in meaning to «hard-working»?
a)pro-active b) resourceful c)diligent
3. Which word is closest in meaning to «funny»?
a)humorous b)convivial c) plucky
4. Which word is closest in meaning to «sociable»?
a)amusing b)gregarious c) diplomatic
5. If you consider the needs or feelings of others, you're a _______ person.
a) reserved b)considerate c) faithful
6. If you have a relaxed attitude and don't worry too much, you're _______ .
a)easygoing b)versatile c)patient
7. If you express strong feelings or beliefs about something, you're _______ about it.
a)passionate b)romantic c)compassionate
8. If you often feel sympathy for people or animals that are suffering, you're a
_______ person.
a) passionate b)romantic c)compassionate
9. Which word is closest in meaning to «sensible»?
a)sensitive b)rational c)reliable
10. If you don't depend on other people or need much support, you're an _______
a)adventurous b)energetic c) independent
11. Which word is closest in meaning to «impolite»?
a) vulgar b)nasty c) rude
12. Which word is closest in meaning to «thoughtless»?
a) inconsiderate b) indecisive c) stupid
13. Which word is closest in meaning to «stubborn»?
a) obstinate b)weak-willed c) aggressive
14. Which word is closest in meaning to «bossy»?
a) grumpy b) domineering c)unkind
15. If you don't care about the needs or feelings of others, you're a _______ person.
a)greedy b) self-indulgent c)selfish
16. If someone isn't brave enough to face danger or take a risk, they're _______ .
a)cowardly b)nervous c)touchy
17. If you're speaking down to someone because you think you're smarter or better
than they are, you're being _______ .
a)overcritical b)patronizing c)boastful
18. People who won't listen to new ideas or alternative viewpoints are said to be
_______ .
a) big-headed b)narrow-minded c)self-centred
19. Which word is closest in meaning to «dishonest»?
a) cunning b)unreliable c)untrustworthy
20. If your main goal in life is to make money and collect possessions, you're a
_______ person.
a) materialistic b)possessive c)compulsive


Check out the meaning of phrasal verbs related to GIVE, GO in the
REFERENCE PART and do the following tasks:

TASK 8. Choose the correct answer:

1. American viewers will no longer be able to watch their favorite Hollywoood
movies as the government has decided that all American cable channels will ____ the
air at the end of this month.
a) go off b) go out c) go on d) go over
2. Would you rather ____ for a picnic or a meal at a restaurant?
a) go off b) go out c) go on d) go over
3. The mayor has allowed vendors to ____ to their old place after many of them
complained of lesser income following the implementation of the night market last
a) go back b) go out c) go on d) go off
4. Rosie overslept because her alarm clock didn't ____this morning.
a) go off b) go over c) go on d) go back
5. The families of the seven astronauts lost aboard the space shuttle Columbia told
NASA last Monday that space exploration must ____.
a)go out b) go over c) go off d) go on
6. Indonesia's fuel subsidies could ____ 100 trillion Rupiah ($9.6 billion) due to high
prices and fuel scarcity in parts of the world's fourth most populous country, its
president said on Tuesday.
a)go on b) go over c) go out d) go off
7. Two out of every five companies struck by disaster ____ of business.
a) go back b) go over c) go out d) go off
8. ____ the railroad tracks, and at the traffic light, go straight. The library is the first
building on the left.
a) go back b) go over c) go out d) go off
9. A chiropractor who claims he can treat anyone by ____ in time to when an injury
occurred has attracted the attention of State regulators.
a)going out b) going off c) going back d) going over
10. Earlier this morning the wind was blowing at about 25 mph and the temperature
was -5F. It was way too cold to ____ jogging.
a) go back b) go over c) go out d) go off
TASK 9. Choose the correct answer:
1. Allowing people to smoke in her house goes ____ her principles
a)in b) against c) with
2. I know I promised, but I really can't go ____ with it
a)through b) under c) off
3. You go ____ and I'll follow later
a)with b) to c) ahead
4. She went ____ with flu last week
a)up b) through c) down
5. She's brought a couple of friends with her; do you think there's enough food to go
a)to b) for c) round
6. It's getting late; I think we should go ____ home now
a)back b) with c) to
7. I was really surprised when my dog attacked the postman; he really went ____him.
a)to b) for c) with
8. She went ____ her notes before the exam to try to learn every last detail
a)round b) over c) into
9. The price of petrol went ____ by five pence, which made motorists very angry.
a)down b) up c) through
10. I feel so guilty because he spoke about killing himself, but I never thought that he
would go ____ with it.
a)down b) into c) through
11. She went ____ politics as soon as she had completed her degree
a)with b) round c) into
12. A bomb went ____ in the town centre last night
a)on b) off c) to
13. She's been going ____ with her boyfriend since they were at university
a)out b) off c) on
14. Do brown shoes go ____ a light-grey suit?
a)in b) for c) with
15. The price of petrol went ____ last week when the Government reduced the price
a)in b) to c) down

TASK 10. Choose the correct answer:

1. The little boy was forced to give ____ to his brother’s wishes.
a)in b) for c) down
2. I give ____. This problem is too difficult to solve.
a)down b) away c) up
3. He gave ____ all his fortune to charities.
a) down b) away c) up
4. Don’t forget to give my books ____. I need to study for my exams.
a)out b) back c) up
5. After a week camping, all our food supplies gave ____.
a) down b) out c) in
6. Remember to give all your papers ____ by Monday morning so that I can grade
a)in b) up c) out
7. This must be a special type of writing paper, for it gives ____ a very pleasant
a)on b) off c) up
8. His time after school was given ____ to sports.
a)in b) over c) down
9. Friday nights are given ____ to having a drink; I always go.
a)in b) for c) over
10. He went ____ his parents' hopes and became a missionary.
a)against b) in c) to

TASK 11. Choose the correct answer:
1. She gave ____ smoking when her doctor told her that she would fall ill if she didn't
a)in b) up c) on
2. The robber went to the police station and gave himself ____.
a)in b) out c) off
3. He gave his homework ____ to the teacher on the very last day.
a)up b) off c) in
4. The teacher gave the homework ____ to the students after she'd corrected it.
a)back b) in c) off
5. The car gives ____ too much smoke, so the police told him not to drive it anymore.
a)in b) up c) off
6. She felt it was irresponsible to accept the present so she gave it ____.
a)back b) off c) into
7. The worst job I ever had was giving ____ leaflets to passengers in the tube.
a)into b) up c) out
8. He pretended that he was not frightened, but his staring eyes gave the truth ____.
a)away b) off c)out
9. The date of the election will be given ____ on the news tonight.
a)in b) out c) up
10. The doctors thought that he was going to die. They had given him ____ for dead.
a)up b) off c) in

Part I. Fill in the correct particle:
1. 1.Her secret was given ____ by her friend by mistake.
2. He has tried to give ____ smoking twice.
3. When milk turns sour, it gives ____ a horrible smell.
4. Before going to bed, we watched the fire slowly go ____.
5. He has gone____ some difficult periods this year.
6. My alarm went ____ at 6 o’clock this morning.
7. The teacher gave ____ the exam papers after everyone had sat down.
8. The thieves gave themselves____ and were taken to prison.
9. Is there enough coffee to go ____ or shall I make some more?
10.Pam isn’t in today. She’s gone ____ the flu.
Part II. Paraphrase using the appropriate body idiom in the correct form:
1. Tell me who else was invited? I'm ____ ( eager to hear what one is ready to
2. After failing a math test, Tom had to go home and ____ (stand up to unpleasant
3. Despite all the difficulty, he____ (tried to be cheerful).
4. Come on, Jim, this is a party! ____ (relax, have fun) and go a little wild!
5. She's our ____ (family member), so let's all try to get along with her while
she's in town.
6. She walks around all day with ____ (unaware and unrealistic about
something). She must be in love.
7. Poor Jane really ____ (cried very hard) during the funeral service.
8. Quit____ (teasing, joking with me), I know there isn't a Hollywood director
calling me right now.
9. That car was a real headache. I ____ (stopped dealing with it) long ago.
10.The fact that he embezzled money from the company for years just ____
(makes me very angry).
Part III. Choose the correct answer:
1.They are prepared to accept new and different ideas.
a) assertive b)consciencious c) open-minded
2.She is the kind of person who other people often find different or unusual
a)assertive b)eccentric c)vain
3.He is emotionally in control, not moody
a) easy-going b) reserved c)well-balanced
4. This person never changes his opinion even if he is clearly wrong
a)assertive b)stubborn c)vain
5.He expresses his opinions or ideas with confidence
a) consciencious b)loyal c)assertive
6.He isn’t very sure about himself
a)insecure b)immature c)insincere
7. He is good at supporting his friends
a)loyal b)possessive c)wise
8. He thinks he is better than other people
a)arrogant b) consciencious c)self-confident
9. He tends to act without thinking
a)impulsive b)insecure c)insincere
10. She is not very good at showing her feelings or expressing her opinions
a)insecure b) reserved c)ironic

Тема 1. 1. My Home is my Castle.
on the house free in a restaurant, bar Sorry about the delay with your
or café food. The dessert is on the
home and dry to be past the difficult We’re home and dry now we’ve
part of a task or process got that second investor on
make oneself at feel comfortable to relax Come on in! It’s great to see
home in their house. you! Make yourself at
home! Would you like a cup of
eat (someone) If someone is eating All three of Julie’s kids are back

out of house and large amounts of the from University for the
home food you have in your summer. They’re eating her out
house (is often used of house and home!
jokingly to describe
growing children or
hit home/ hit realise something on a Mary's criticism of my clothes
close to home deep level; to be hit home, so I changed.
affected by something
emotionally in a deep or
personal way
go around the to do something in a Bob has some really good ideas
houses complicated or long- but he goes around the houses
winded fashion far too much when trying to
explain them.”
get on like a get on really well and I was really worried about
house on fire enjoy each other’s introducing my boyfriend to my
company family, but they’re getting on
like a house on fire!
home truth a difficult or Mia is failing almost every
uncomfortable fact that subject at school this term. We
needs to be told need to sit down with her and tell
her some home truths.
safe as houses extremely safe Simon was really stressed about
the investment, but I told him not
to worry. It’s safe as houses!
the lights are on a humorous expression Don’t expect Chris to answer,
but no one’s that can be used to look at him! The lights are on
home describe someone who but no one’s home.
is physically there but
daydreaming and/or
to bring home to to make somebody Her news reports have really
somebody understand, usually brought home to me the horrors
something unpleasant of war
to come home to to be understood fully The implications of what she had
smb said didn’t come home to me
until some days later.
to get one’s foot to start working at a low They don’t pay me very well for
in the door level in an organisation the work I do there at the
because smb wants to moment, but at least I’ve got my
get a better job in the foot in the door.
same organisation later
hold the key to provide the explanation Female voters hold the key to
smth for something you could the party’s success in the
not previously election.
to fly off the to react in a very angry Her father flew off the handle
handle way (informal) when she said she wasn’t going
to return to university
sit on the fence delay making a decision You can't sit on the fence any
or fail to choose longer – you need to choose
between two who of these two we need to fire.
hit the react angrily Alf hit the ceiling/roof this
ceiling/roof morning for no reason at all.
get out of bed on get up in a bad mood I thought he’d just got out of
the wrong side and stay in a bad mood bed on the wrong side
all day
burning the staying up late and His girlfriend explained that he’d
candle at both getting up early been burning the candle at
ends both ends because of his exams.
put smb in the explain the situation to I’m glad she put me in the
picture smb picture because now I can
understand why he reacted so

Тема 1.2. Family relations



an old flame a person that you loved or In Toronto, I met an old
had flame.
a sexual relationship with in
the past
steal one’s heart to capture someone's Miranda is very attractive
affections; to cause and can easily steal a
someone to fall in love with man's heart.
the the ideal person or thing I can't turn down his offer
man/woman/thing that one has been hoping or – it's the man of my
of (one's) dreams longing for. When dreams!
discussing a person, it refers
to an ideal romantic partner.
head over heels in very much in love with John is head over heels in
love someone. love with Mary. They are
head over heels in love
with each other.
break (one's) heart to cause one to feel great I know Adam broke your
sadness. This phrase is heart, but there are lots of
often said about the end of a guys out there who would
romantic relationship. treat you well.
to have a change of change one’s opinion or the I know that I said I would
heart way one feels about go to the concert with you
something but I have had a change of
wears her heart on display your emotions It was evident that he was
her sleeve openly in love with her. He wore
his heart on his
sleeve and you could see
how he felt about her.
see eye to eye to agree (with someone); to I'm not going to argue the
share the same position or point with you, Alex. We
opinion (as someone else). just don't see eye to eye.
all’s fair in love in situations of love and war When Ray realised that his
and war you do not have to obey best friend and he were
rules of reasonable attracted to the same girl,
behaviour. he made every effort to put
him down in front of her.
All’s fair in love and
to be the bee's to be exceptionally great, I'm so crazy about the girl
knees. excellent, or high-quality. I've started seeing. I think
she's the bee's knees, and
I don't care who knows it!
donkey's years a long time I've known him for
donkey's years.
bury the hatchet make peace; end a quarrel, Tom and I buried the
settle one’s differences to hatchet and we are good
become friends again. friends now.
apple of one’s eye the person of whom one is She has three children, but
extremely fond, favorite, her youngest son is the
loving . apple of her eye.
the black sheep a disgrace I have always been the
the least reputable member black sheep of my family.

of a group Everyone else has
responsible jobs while I
have chosen to be an artist.
play hard to get pretend not to be interested Nicole is very popular,
in someone who wants to perhaps because she plays
start a romantic relationship hard to get.
with them, as a way of
making themselves more
attractive and interesting to
that person.
putty in (one's) easily influenced by Jane is putty in her
hands someone else mother's hands.
tie the knot to get married He tied the knot with his
long time girlfriend in a
quiet ceremony in his
private farmhouse in his
ancestral village.
in clover living without financial If only I could win the
stress. lottery, then I would be in
in a very good situation, clover, instead of working
especially financially three jobs to pay my bills.
blood is thicker family is more important Can't you give your sister
than water than anything else. a job at your company?
Blood is thicker than
drive (one) to annoy or frustrate one to That loud beeping noise is
(a)round the bend the point of exasperation. driving me round the

Змістовий блок 2. Travel Broadens the Mind

Тема 2.1. Travelling


to miss the boat  to lose out on an If you don't buy now, you may
opportunity by not acting find that you've missed the
fast enough boat
 to be in the same to be in the same Joe said that he hated his job,
boat  unfortunate circumstances to which Bill retorted that they
as others were all in the same boat.
to be off the is to be off the usual, The farmhouse we stayed in
beaten track  main routes in more was completely off the beaten
remote, less frequented track.
to be on the other is to be in an Her wealthy parents were
side of the tracks  economically different upset when she became
part of a city or town engaged to a boy from
the other (or the wrong) side
of the tracks.
to get itchy feet  to develop a strong urge “I like my job but lately I’ve
to travel got itchy feet. Maybe it’s time
to try something new.”
to get cold feet  is to suddenly become too He got cold feet when heard
nervous to follow through the news of his transfer to
with plans that are usually remote area of the country
significant which is hundreds of miles
from his home town.
to take any port in to take any solution to a I don't really like Meg, but I
a storm  difficult situation, often had to ask her for help because
one that would not be she was the only one still in
taken under normal the office last night when my
circumstances computer crashed. Any port

in a storm, I guess.
to ride out the to manage to avoid harm That was the hardest year of
storm  or damage during a my life, but in the end I was
difficult period able to ride out the storm
with the support of my family.
to hit the road  to leave They hit the road early in the
morning and reached Chicago
before dusk.
to take one for the to have a final drink, The man had evidently one
road  usually alcoholic, before for the road and a few drinks
leaving before that because he looked
to be a back-seat to be a passenger in a John quickly became annoyed
driver  vehicle (not necessarily in at Mary's tendency to become
the back seat) who gives a backseat driver whenever
the driver unsolicited he drove her somewhere, so he
driving advice, just began to let her drive.
instructions or criticism
to be in the to be in control or in Jim was in the driver's seat
driver's seat  charge concerning his family's plans
for their holiday.
to jump on the to follow a trend or Everybody jumped on the
bandwagon  become involved in an bandwagon to try and stop
activity once it has smoking in the workplace.
become successful or
to jump in with to become involved with I know you're nervous about
both feet  something quickly, often starting school, but you just
without thinking it need to jump in with both
through feet and do your best!
to put the cart to do things in the wrong I think you are putting the
before the horse  order cart before the horse by

leaving your permanent job
before getting new one.
to upset the apple to spoil something Try not to upset the
cart  applecart as we have spent a
lot of time working on this
to spin one’s to be unable to move I'm just spinning my wheels
wheels  forward in spite of trying in this job.
to be asleep at the to fail to pay attention to I was asleep at the wheel and
wheel  some duty or forgot to renew my insurance.
to fly by the seat to improvise a course of I hate to fly by the seat of my
of one’s pants  action by relying on your pants when there is nobody to
judgment, initiative and help me in my job.
perceptions as events
to fly under the to do something without Every year, the government
radar  being noticed or detected promises to do something
about the homelessness
problem, but it seems to fly
under the radar again.

Тема 2.2. Earth is Dearer than Gold.



be in deep water to be in serious trouble The government is in
deep water because of its
plans for tax increases.
beat around the to treat a topic, without Stop beating around the
bush mentioning its main points, bush and tell me what the

often intentionally, because the problem is!
the topic is difficult or
come up roses to result in success or an It looked like the
exceptionally good negotiations might break
outcome, especially in the down at any stage, but
face of doubts or everything came up roses
difficulties. in the end.
down-to-earth unpretentious and sensible. I was surprised that she was
so sweet and down-to-
earth, given her
considerable wealth.
drop in the bucket something so strong that it His contribution was just a
doesn't count or doesn't drop in the bucket
have any importance or compared to the rest of the
significance. team.
everything in the everything is going well. I doubt that everything in
garden is lovely Often used in the negative. the garden is lovely for
Primarily heard in UK. them – I think their
happiness is just an act.
tempest in a it refers to a small event The whole fight between
teapot that has been exaggerated the two companies is just a
out of proportion. tempest in a teapot
money doesn't money should not be I can't believe you would
grow on trees wasted because it is not spend your entire allowance
something that can be on a silly video game.
replenished whenever one Money doesn't grow on
wants. trees, you know!
a voice (crying) in to say something that is not I feel like a voice crying in
the wilderness popular the wilderness when I am
to express an idea that is not trying to talk to my parents
accepted by others to move to the city with me.
snake in the grass one who feigns friendship Daria's best friend stole
with the intent to deceive. money from her bank
account? What a snake in
the grass.
under a cloud to be suspected of After the murder of the kid,
something all the relatives were under
a cloud of suspicion.
a bird in the what you already have is You may not like your job,
hands is worth more valuable than the but don’t quit merely on the
two in the bush prospect to have something hope of finding a better one.
greater A bird in the hand is
worth two in the bush.
let the grass grow to be inactive; to do nothing Don't let the grass grow
or stand still. Often used in beneath your feet, kid. Get
the negative as an to work!
the grass is always a different situation always Bob always thinks the
greener on the seems better than one's own grass is greener elsewhere,
other side which accounts for his
constant job changes. 
wallflower a shy person, especially a Sooner or later someone
girl or a woman, who is would take pity on
frightened to involve herself the poor wallflower
in social activities and does and ask her to dance
not attract much interest or
lead sb up the to deceive someone It seems as if we've
garden path been led up
the garden path about
the position of our hotel -
it's miles from the beach!
ray of sunshine someone or something that We love looking after our

makes others feel happy grandchild. He's a ray of
and positive, often during a sunshine!
difficult time
at sea confused I'm completely at
sea with the
new computer system.
can't see the wood cannot see, understand, or The way he's obsessing
for the trees focus on a situation in its over one doorknob when
entirety due to being we're renovating the entire
preoccupied with minor house makes me think that
details he can't see the wood for
the trees.
go with the flow to do what other people are I try not to plan too much
doing or to agree with other when I take a vacation to a
people because it is the new place. I like to just go
easiest thing to do with the flow when I get

Змістовий блок 3. Early to Bed...

Тема 3. Health problems and daily routines.


all ears fully listening Give me a minute to finish my work
and then I'll be all ears to hear about
your project.
break a leg good luck Today's the big game, eh? Break a
cold feet nervous just before a My sister didn't get cold feet until
big event she put her wedding gown on.
cost an arm and be very expensive These cakes are delicious, but they

a leg cost an arm and a leg.
cry your heart cry very hard I cried my heart out when my best
out friend moved away.
face the music meet, stand up to I stayed out all night. When I
unpleasant eventually got home I had to face
consequences, for the music from my wife.
example criticism or
flesh and blood relative I have to hire Mia. She's my own
flesh and blood.
get something tell someone your Tell me what's worrying you. Get it
off one's chest problems off your chest.
give a hand, help (someone) do I can give you a hand when you
lend a hand something move if you like.
have one's head be unaware or Amy has her head in the clouds if
in the clouds unrealistic about she thinks she's going to pass her
something exams without studying.
head over heels deeply in love My brother is head over heels for
his new girlfriend.
keep an eye on take care of, watch in I'll keep an eye on the dinner while
order to protect you're on the phone.
keep one's chin try to be cheerful Keep your chin up. I'm sure you'll
up make some friends soon.
let one's hair relax, have fun Go to the cottage and let your hair
down down this weekend.
(one’s) lips are promise to keep a Don't worry, I won't tell your mother
sealed secret how much you spent. My lips are
makes one’s makes someone very It makes my blood boil when
blood boil angry people don't tie up their dogs.
neck of the nearby location or I heard that they might be opening a
woods region post office in our neck of the woods
sweet tooth a love of sugar or I need three spoonfuls of sugar in my

sweet things tea. I have a sweet tooth.
pull one's leg joke or tease someone I was just pulling your leg. I'm not
really a police officer.
wash one's stop dealing with an I washed my hands of Tom. I
hands of issue or problem; wanted no more to do with him.
something, distance oneself from
someone someone or something.


Phrasal verbs with BREAK


break away leave an organisation, usually The SDP BROKE AWAY
to form a new one from the Labour Party.
break down end negotiations The talks between
unsuccessfully management and the unions
break down start crying He BROKE DOWN in tears
break down stop working My car's BROKEN DOWN,
so I came by taxi.
break for to go or run towards a place, She had to hold him back as
especially when you are trying he tried to BREAK FOR the
to escape door
break remove a barrier or obstacle He had to BREAK DOWN
their opposition to his ideas
break in go into a building to steal The burglars BROKE IN and
something stole the TV and video.
break in interrupt something I'm sorry to BREAK IN on

your conversation, but there's
a problem
break in train a horse to be ridden It took ages to BREAK the
horse IN.
break in carefully use new products I must watch my speed until I
(AmE) until they are fully functional. BREAK IN my new Volvo.
break into start doing something He BROKE INTO a run when
he saw the police.
break into be accepted into a profession She's trying to BREAK INTO
or field acting.
break into start to spend funds, usually I had to BREAK INTO my
out of necessity savings to pay off the bills
break off break a piece from something She BROKE OFF a square of
chocolate and gave it to her
break off end a relationship She BROKE OFF their
engagement when she found
out that he'd been unfaithful.
break out start (war, conflict) They're worried that war will
break out in sweat heavily, develop skin The measles caused me to
sores or irritation. BREAK OUT IN a rash
break out of escape Three dangerous Category A
prisoners BROKE OUT OF
Wandsworth Prison last night
break pass a barrier or obstacle The crowd BROKE
through THROUGH the police barriers
and attacked the hunters.
break up break into many pieces The plate BROKE UP when
he dropped it on the floor.
break up (int) Close an educational Schools BREAK UP at the
institution for the holidays end of June for the summer
break up finish a relationship  They had been going out for a

couple of years before they
break up become inaudible over the You're BREAKING UP; I'll
telephone because of call you back in a minute and
interference see if we get a better

Phrasal verbs with BRING


bring about make something happen The changes to the law were
government because so many
people were ignoring the old
bring along bring someone or something You can BRING your friends
to certain place ALONG if you like.
bring along help someone improve Her coach has BROUGHT her
ALONG a lot in the last six
bring around persuade or convince It took me ages to BRING him
someone AROUND to my point of
bring around bring something with you He BROUGHT some books
when you visit AROUND when he came last
bring around get someone talking about He didn't want to discuss the
something details, but I managed to
BRING him AROUND and he
told me everything.
bring back 1) cause someone to Visiting my old school
remember; 2) return BROUGHT BACK memories
of when I was a pupil there.
He took the calculator home
yesterday and hasn't
bring down 1) make a government fall; The vote of no-confidence
2) make something cheaper BROUGHT the government
DOWN. The improvements in
technology have BROUGHT
the prices of computers
DOWN considerably in recent
bring forth produce something, make it The prosecution BROUGHT
known or visible FORTH a lot of evidence
against him.
bring forth produce She BROUGHT FORTH a
surprising result.
bring forth make something happen The report has BROUGHT
FORTH a lot of criticism of
the policy
bring forth remove something from She BROUGHT FORTH the
where it is kept or hidden diary and showed it to us.
bring forward make something happen The meeting has been
earlier than originally BROUGHT FORWARD to
planned this Friday instead of next
week because some people
couldn't make it then.
bring in (int) earn The job BRINGS IN two
thousand dollars a month.
bring off succeed with something No one thought she'd manage
difficult to do it, but she BROUGHT it
OFF in the end.
bring on cause something to happen Getting wet in the rain
or speed up the process yesterday BROUGHT ON my
bring out 1) release or publish; 2) elicit The band are BRINGING
a response OUT a new CD in the autumn.
Suzie BRINGS OUT the best
in him.
bring round make someone wake up from The doctors BROUGHT him
unconsciousness or an ROUND a few hours after the
anaesthetic operation.
bring up 1) mention; 2) raise a child; They didn't BRING the
3) be officially charged with subject UP at the meeting. My
a crime parents BROUGHT me UP
strictly. He was BROUGHT
UP on the charge of murder.

Phrasal verbs with COME


come about (int) happen, occur The meeting CAME ABOUT
because both sides were sick
of fighting.
come across find by accident  I CAME ACROSS my old
school reports when I was
clearing out my desk.
come along (int) accompany May I COME ALONG on
your trip tomorrow?
come along (int) move faster or keep up COME ALONG, we’ll never
get there if you don’t keep up

with us.

come apart (int) break into pieces It CAME APART when I tried
to lift it off the floor and I had
to glue it back together.
come around recover consciousness It took several hours after the
operation before he CAME
come before appear in court charged He CAME BEFORE the court
with a crime or offence on charges of speeding.
come by acquire How did you COME BY that
come down with fall ill She CAME DOWN WITH a
come forth (int) appear The draft proposal CAME
FORTH in April.
come into be important or relevant Money doesn't COME INTO
it; I simply will not do it under
any circumstances.
come into inherit She CAME INTO a lot of
money when her grandmother
come into use start being used The computerised system
CAME INTO USE at the end
of last year.
come off when something breaks off I picked it up and the handle
CAME OFF in my hand.
come off be successful I was surprised when the plan
CAME OFF so easily.
come out a secret is revealed The details of the scandal
CAME OUT in the press and
she had to resign.
come out be published or otherwise The band's new CD is
available to the public COMING OUT in September.
come out disappear when washed The red wine I spilt just will
not COME OUT of the carpet
no matter what I try to clean it
come out when the sun appears It started cloudy, but then the
sun CAME OUT and we all
went to the park.
come out in have a rash or similar skin She CAME OUT IN a nasty
problem rash after touching the
poisonous plant by mistake.
come out of recover consciousness After three years, he CAME
OUT OF the coma.
come out with make something available They have just COME OUT
WITH a new version.
come out with say something publicly and She CAME OUT WITH the
unexpectedly answer when everyone was
expecting it to remain
come round become conscious, wake up She CAME ROUND and
from anaesthetic learned that the operation had
been a complete success
come through communicate an emotion The anger she felt COMES
come to become conscious, wake up She CAME TO an hour after
from anaesthetic the operation.
come to result in The two men started arguing
but they soon CAME TO
blows and started fighting in
come up appear I'll be late home tonight
because something's COME
UP at work has to be ready for
tomorrow morning.
come up against encounter problems or They CAME UP AGAINST a
difficulties lot of opposition to their plans
for an out-of-town
supermarket development.
come up with think of a solution, excuse, Nobody could COME UP
etc. WITH a satisfactory
explanation for the accident.
come upon find by chance I CAME UPON the book in a
little second-hand bookshop in

Phrasal verbs with CARRY


carry forward include a figure in a later They CARRIED FORWARD
calculation their losses to the next
financial year.
carry forward make something progress They hope the new
management will be able to
CARRY the project
carry off win, succeed She CARRIED OFF the first
prize in the competition.
carry off die of a disease Cancer CARRIED him OFF a
couple of years ago.
carry on continue CARRY ON quietly with your
work until the substitute
teacher arrives.
carry on behave badly The children annoyed me by
CARRYING ON all morning.
carry on with have an affair He's been CARRYING ON
WITH someone at work for
carry out perform a task The government is
growing genetically modified
carry out food bought from a I'm too tired to cook- let's get
restaurant to take away a CARRY-OUT.
carry over continue past a certain point The meeting CARRIED
OVER into the afternoon
because there was so much to
talk about.
carry through complete successfully They CARRIED the reforms
THROUGH despite the

Phrasal verbs with CUT


cut across go across a place rather than It'll be quicker if we CUT
around it to make the journey ACROSS the park.
cut across affect, involve people of The issue CUTS ACROSS
different groups, classes, etc social backgrounds as it
affects us all equally.
cut back reduce The firm CUT BACK
production because sales were
cut back remove branches from a plant We CUT the tree BACK every
or tree to encourage future winter.
cut back on reduce expenditure The government has decided
to CUT BACK ON spending
on the armed forces.
cut down consume less I'm trying to CUT DOWN the
amount of coffee I drink
during the day
cut down shoot A lot of soldiers were CUT
DOWN by enemy fire as they
stormed the airport.
cut down reduce a vertical thing to The logger CUT the tree
ground level by cutting DOWN.
cut down cut something from a high After Christmas he didn't
position carefully detach all the
decorations, he just CUT them
all DOWN.
cut down on reduce Doctors advised her to CUT
DOWN ON the amount of
saturated fats in her diet.
cut in start functioning The fans CUT IN when the
engine starts getting too hot.
cut in drive in front of another A car CUT IN and nearly
vehicle without warning caused an accident.
cut in interrupt We were having a
conversation when he came up
and CUT IN.
cut in include someone in a deal that We had to CUT the police IN
makes money on the deal to avoid trouble.
cut in mix fat and flour until the CUT the butter IN with the
combine flour.
cut it out stop your unfair or Will you two idiots CUT IT
unreasonable behaviour OUT and keep quiet.
cut off disconnect The telephone's been CUT
OFF because we didn't pay the
cut off isolate or make inaccessible Example: The heavy snow has
blocked many roads and CUT
OFF a number of villages.
cut out exclude I'm CUTTING OUT salt from
my diet.
cut out for/ to be suited for (a profession) I'm not CUT OUT FOR an
be office job.
cut out cut a picture or similar from a I CUT some pictures OUT to
magazine, etc use as visual aids.
cut out leave quickly We’d better CUT OUT, the
security men are on the way.
cut through deal quickly with a complex She CUT THROUGH the
issue that is causing trouble bureaucracy that was holding
us up and got the deal done.
cut through go through a place instead of We CUT THROUGH the park
going around it even though it was closed.
cut up cut into smaller pieces After cutting the tree down,
the logger CUT it UP into
cut up drive into a neighbouring lane, I was just driving onto the
directly in front of another motorway slip-road, when a
vehicle red Mini CUT me UP and I
had to brake suddenly to avoid
an accident.
cut up upset Her reaction really CUT me
cut up have a lot of small injuries I CUT my hand UP when I
broke the glass.

Phrasal verbs with DO


do away with abolish, get rid of The United Kingdom DID
AWAY WITH the death
penalty in 1965.
do in kill After he reported the gang, he
feared they would DO him IN.
do in exhaust, tire Climbing that hill really DID
them IN
do out of cheat somebody out of They lied on the reference and
something that is rightfully DID me OUT OF any chance
theirs of getting the job.
do over do something again from the OK, we'll DO it OVER, but
beginning, especially because try to sing the right words this
you did it badly the first time time.
do up close or fasten clothes, etc. You must DO UP your safety
belt in the back of cars and
taxis now.
do up repair and renovate It took them six months to DO
UP the house before they
could actually move in.
do with wish for or ask for (usually I could DO WITH a cold beer
after can or could) about now.
do without manage without something There's no sugar, so you'll
have to DO WITHOUT.

Phrasal verbs with FALL


fall about laugh a lot We FELL ABOUT when we
heard what she'd done.
fall apart break into pieces The box FELL APART when
I picked it up.
fall back retreat The army FELL BACK after
losing the battle.
fall back on be able to use in an emergency It was good to have some
money in the bank to FALL
BACK ON when I lost my
fall behind make less progress I was ill for a week and FELL
BEHIND with my work.
fall down fall on the ground I slipped on the ice and FELL
fall down have a weak point The argument FALLS DOWN
when you look at how much
it'll cost.
fall for be attracted to somebody, fall He FELL FOR her the
in love moment their eyes met.
fall for believe a lie or a piece of He FELL FOR my story and
deception allowed me yet another
extension for the submission
of my thesis.
fall in collapse The ceiling FELL IN hurting a
lot of people.
fall into start doing something I just FELL INTO my job
unplanned when an opportunity came up.
fall off decrease The membership FELL OFF
dramatically when the
chairperson resigned.
fall out argue and be on bad terms They FELL OUT over the
with someone decision and hardly speak to
each other any more.
fall out lose hair He's started getting worried
about baldness because his
hair is FALLING OUT rather
fall over fall on the ground I slipped on the ice and FELL
fall through be unsuccessful The plans FELL THROUGH
when planning permission was
fall under become controlled At first he was independent,
but then he FELL UNDER
their influence.

Phrasal verbs with GET


get something communicate, make I tried to GET MY POINT
across/ over understandable ACROSS/OVER to the
judge but she wouldn't
get along/on like each other I was surprised how well
my new girlfriend and my
sister GOT ALONG/ON.
get around have mobility My grandfather can GET
AROUND fine in his new
get away go on a vacation We worked so hard this
year that we had to GET
AWAY for a week.
get away with do without being noticed or Jason always GETS AWAY
something punished WITH cheating in his maths
get back return We GOT BACK from our
vacation last week.
get by to manage to live or do a How does she get by on
particular thing using the money, such a small salary?
knowledge, equipment, etc. that
you have
get something receive something you had Liz finally got her Science
back before notes back from my room-
get back at retaliate, take revenge My sister GOT BACK AT
somebody me for stealing her shoes.
She stole my favourite hat.
get back into become interested in something I finally GOT BACK INTO
something again my novel and finished it.
get on step onto a vehicle We're going to freeze out
something here if you don't let us GET
ON the bus.
get over recover from an illness, loss, I just GOT OVER the flu
something difficulty and now my sister has it.
get over overcome a problem The company will have to
something close if it can't GET OVER
the new regulations.
get round to finally find time to do (AmE: get I don't know when I am
something around to something) going TO GET ROUND
TO writing the thank you
get  together meet (usually for social reasons) Let's GET TOGETHER for
a BBQ this weekend.
get up get out of bed I GOT UP early today to
study for my exam.
get up stand You should GET UP and
give the elderly man your
Phrasal verbs with GO


go after follow somebody My brother tried to GO
somebody AFTER the thief in his car.
go after try to achieve something I WENT AFTER my dream
something and now I am a published
go against compete, oppose We are GOING AGAINST
somebody the best soccer team in the
city tonight.
go ahead start, proceed Please GO AHEAD and eat
before the food gets cold.
go back return to a place I have to GO BACK home
and get my lunch.
go down with fall ill She WENT DOWN WITH
a virus.
go off explode (bomb), start ringing The fire alarm WENT OFF
(alarm) because someone was
smoking in the toilets.
go off go bad The milk WENT OFF
because I forgot to put it in
the fridge.
go off leave a place Please don't GO OFF until
we have sorted this out.
go off stop working The lights GO OFF
(electric/electronic equipment) automatically when the
office is empty.
go out 1) leave home to go on a We're GOING OUT for
social event; 2) stop burning, dinner tonight.
to be extinguished
go out with date Jesse has been GOING
somebody OUT WITH Luke since
they met last winter.
go over review Please GO OVER your
something answers before you submit
your test.
go over visit somebody nearby I haven't seen Tina for a
long time. I think I'll GO
OVER for an hour or two.
go round be or have enough of There aren't enough jobs to
something GO ROUND for the
numbers of people
graduating nowadays.
go through experience You wouldn't believe what I
was ill!
go without suffer lack or deprivation When I was young, WE
something WENT WITHOUT winter

Phrasal verbs with GIVE


give away tell a secret, often She didn't GIVE anything
unintentionally AWAY about the party so it
came as a complete surprise
to me.
give away distribute something for free In this issue of the
magazine, they are giving
away a free DVD.
give away betray, report to authorities The gang GAVE him
AWAY to the police.
give back return something you've I GAVE the money BACK
borrowed that she'd lent to me.
give in stop doing something because I couldn't finish the
it's too hard or requires too crossword puzzle and had
much energy to GIVE IN and look at the
give in submit homework, etc. The projects have to be
GIVEN IN three weeks
before we break up for the
end of term.
give in surrender, accept defeat They GAVE IN when the
police surrounded the
give in to agree to something you don't The government says it will
like not GIVE IN TO terrorists.
give in to allow a feeling or desire to Eventually, I GAVE IN TO
control you my anger and screamed at
give it to criticise harshly or punish They really GAVE IT TO
someone for something me for forgetting to turn up.
give off emit pollution or something The police stopped the van
else unpleasant because it was GIVING
OFF a lot of black smoke.
give off behave in a way that makes She GIVES OFF an air of
people think of you in a nobility.
certain way
give out distribute Somebody was GIVING
leaflets OUT in front of the
underground station.
give out stop working, through age or I'd been having trouble with
overuse my laptop and it finally
GAVE OUT at the weekend
give out have no more of a supply The water GAVE OUT
after a week in the desert.
give out make public They GAVE the names of
the winners OUT last night.
give out emit The factory GIVES OUT a
lot of fumes.
give out make a sound or noise She GAVE OUT a moan.
give over entrust, pass on responsibility We've GIVEN the premises
OVER to the new company.
give over stop an activity The police told the rioters to
give over to dedicate, devote He GAVE himself OVER
TO finding his son.
give over to transfer responsibility After her death, they GAVE
control of the estate OVER
TO her niece.
give up stop doing something that has I GAVE UP taking sugar in
been a habit tea and coffee to lose
give up surrender, stop trying I can't think of the answer; I
give up sacrifice or dedicate time, etc, I GAVE UP all my free
to something time to the project.
give up allow someone to sit in your I GAVE UP my seat to a
chair, take your place, etc pregnant woman.
give up on stop feeling hope I have GIVEN UP ON
them; they never do what
they promise.
give way stop to allow vehicles to pass You must GIVE WAY at
this junction.
give way to yield, surrender, retreat Don't GIVE WAY TO your
worst fears about this.
give way to allow a vehicle to pass in front You must GIVE WAY TO
oncoming traffic.
give way to surrender to strong emotions He GAVE WAY TO his
anger and started screaming
at them.
give yourself up surrender to the police or The gang GAVE
authorities THEMSELVES UP last
give yourself up dedicate time, energy, etc, to He GAVE himself UP TO
to something his job.


1. Evans V. Round up 5. Pearson Education limited, 2003. 209 p.

2. Evans V. Round up 6. Pearson Education limited, 2003. 209 p.
3. Evans V., Dooley J. Grammarway 4. Express Publishing, 2011. 78 p.
4. Mariusz M. Tests in English. Thematic vocabulary. Cena, 1997. 351 p.
5. McCarthy M., O'Dell F. English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced. Cambridge :
Cambridge University Press, 2009. 270 p.
6. Milton J., Blake B., Evans V. A Good Turn of Phrase. Phrasal Verbs and
prepositional Phrases. Newbury : Express Publishing, 1998. 47 p.
7. Milton J., Blake B., Evans V. A Good Turn of Phrase. Idioms. Newbury :
Express Publishing, 1998. 52 p.
8. 397 English Grammar Tests. Developed by No date, 819 p.




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