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Lesson Plan for Grade 8 English

I- Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Identify the cause and effect in a statement.
b. Match the correct pair of cause and effect.
c. Express ideas showing cause and effect based on the pictures.
d. Construct sentences showing cause and effect relationship.
II- Subject Matter
Topic: Cause and Effect
Instructional Materials: Power Point, pictures, paper strips
Reference/s: Journey to English Secondary Level 8 page 326-329
Author: Angelo Clemen

III- Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
-Checking of Attendance
-Monitoring of Assignment/s

B. Review
Let us have a short review about our
lesson yesterday.
What did we discuss yesterday? Yesterday we discussed the tenses of
Very good! What are the tenses of
verb? We have three tenses of verb. These are
simple past tense, simple present tense
and simple future tense.
Great! Can someone recall what
simple past tense is? Simple past tense indicates an action
that was started and ended in the past.
Exactly! How about simple present
tense? Simple present tense indicates an
action that is still happening.
Excellent! And for future tense? Simple future tense indicates an action
that is about to happen in the future.
Do you have any questions regarding
tenses of verb? None, Ma’am.
I am glad to hear that you still
remember our previous topic.
Now, we move on to our new lesson.

C. Motivation

I want you to look closer to the

pictures that I am going to flash on
the screen. Share your observations
about the pictures.

First picture

Possible answers:
Student 1- There are two pictures
showing different events.
Student 2- The first picture shows men
who cut trees while on the second
picture shows a landslide.
Student 3- The first picture shows men
using chainsaw to cut trees while the
second picture shows a man facing
where the landslide happen.

Possible answers:
Second picture Student 1- The first picture shows a girl
holding an umbrella under the rain
while the second picture shows houses
that are flooded.
Student 2- The first picture shows that
there is heavy rain. On the other side,
the houses are flooded due to incessant

(The class will do the good job clap)

Very good class, give yourselves a
good job clap.

D. Presentation of the Lesson

Today, we will discuss the cause and
But first let us define what cause and
effect mean.

E. Discussion
(PowerPoint presentation containing
the cause and effect meaning and
examples) (The students will read the definition)

What is a cause? The cause is what makes something

else happen.

When you are reading, you can ask

yourself, what happened first? Or why
did the event happen? (the student will read the definition)
An effect is what happens because of
What is an effect? something else.

To determine the effect, you can ask .

yourself, what happened second? Or
what was the result?

Let us practice!

Example :
The boy was grounded because he
cheated on the test.

To determine the cause you can ask

yourself what happened first. The cause is he cheated on the test.
What do you think is the cause in this

Very good!
It is your turn to answer.

Identify the cause on each sentence.

1. It got dark because the sun went The sun went down.
What is the cause in this sentence?

2. My sister was scared of the My sister was scared of the mouse

mouse, so she yelled for help.
What do you think happens first?

3. The dog dug a whole because he

wants to bury his bone. He wants to bury his bone.
Think about what happen first.
What do you think is the cause?

4. Sarah was tired, so she fell asleep

in class. Sarah was tired was the cause.
What happen first? Did she fell
asleep first? Or he got tired first?

5. If you study hard, you will pass

the test. You study hard was the cause.
What is the cause in this

Where going to switch things off.

Now we will identify the effect on
each sentence.

When the light said “walk”, the
man crossed the street.

To determine the effect, ask

yourself what happen second? Or .
what was the result of something

The effect on this sentence is that

the man crossed the street.

It is your turn to answer.

1. The boy was surprise when the

rocker began to move.
Look for the effect; it is the thing that
happens second. Was the boy
surprised first, and that made the The boy was surprise.
rocker to move? Or did the rocker
move and that surprise the boy?


2. My mom was hot, so she turned on She turned on the fan.

the fan.
What is the effect on this sentence?

3. The player is angry, so he jumped on He jumped on the referee.

the referee.
What do you think happens second?

4. When the wolf left, the pig popped his

head out of the can. The pig popped his head out of the can.
What do you think is the effect in this

Very good class

(The class will be divided into four
F. Application groups)
Now, I want the class to be divided
into three groups

Each group will receive a picture of

either a cause or an effect. If you
receive a picture showing a cause you
need to list down all the possible
effects of it, in vice versa if your group Yes, Ma’am.
receives a picture showing an effect
you need to list down all the possible
causes. Is that clear?

For Example:

(The student’s will do the group


J. (Student’s answers may vary)

Group 1
Cause: Earthquake

(Student’s answers may vary)

Group 2
Effect: He got drunk.
(Student’s answers may vary)

The cause is something that makes

something else happen.
Group 3
Effect: Flood To determine the cause, ask the
question what Happens first or why the
event happened.

The effect is the result of the cause.

To determine the effect, ask the

question what happens second or what
was the result.

G. Generalization

What is a cause?

How do we determine the cause?

What is effect?

How do we determine the effect?

IV- Evaluation
Match column A (CAUSE) with the correct answer on column B (EFFECT), write only the
letter of answer on the blank provided.

_____1. Maricris drinks milk a. he has many
everyday friends in and out
_____2. Marilyn always reads in of the school.
the dark b. she got strong
_____3. Jonas is a kind and bones
gentle person c. she develops poor
_____4. Arlene is always absent eyesight
in her class d. he is prone from
_____5. Ken smokes every day. respiratory
e. she got low grades.

I- Write five sentences showing cause and effect situations.

V- Assignment (5 mins.)

I- Direction: Write a positive and a negative effect for each statement.

1. I am wearing brown slip-ons.

Positive: _____________________________________________________________

Negative: ____________________________________________________________

2. He has a brand new pair of pants.

Positive: _____________________________________________________________

Negative: ____________________________________________________________

3. Roel is good in Social Studies

Positive: _____________________________________________________________

Negative: ____________________________________________________________

4. Rusty is the only boy in the family.

Positive: _____________________________________________________________

Negative: ____________________________________________________________

5. Sheena will graduate this coming March.

Positive: _____________________________________________________________

Negative: ____________________________________________________________

II- Define conjunction and give examples.

Reference: Journey to English Secondary Level 8 page 329-331

By: Angelo Clemen

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