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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Prepared by: Mrs. Maricris L. Llano
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
A. explain the rules of Subject – Verb Agreement;
B. construct their own sentences using correct Subject – Verb Agreement, and
C. participate in the class discussion actively


Topic: English Grammar -Subject Verb Agreement
References: Books/Instructional Materials:
1. Grammar Made Easy by Nerissa Mendoza
2. Morenberg, Max (2016). Doing Grammar (Third ed.). Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-
3. Gideon Goldenberg, "On Verbal Structure and the Hebrew Verb", in: idem, Studies in Semitic
Linguistics, Jerusalem: Magnes Press 2014, pp. 148–196 [English translation; originally published
in Hebrew in 2013.
4. Klaiman, M. H., Grammatical Voice (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics), Cambridge Univ. Press,
Materials: Chalk /white board, projector book, pictures and papers, visual aids, slate and stylus,
braille, computer and speakers
Values Integration: Attentiveness




1. Drill
(The teacher will start the class with a prayer,
greetings, checking of attendance, and asking the
students about how they are this morning/day)

Good morning, class! I would like to ask everyone

to please stand up so we could pray.

Can someone lead the prayer? Student: Classmates, are you ready to pray?

All: Yes, we are ready to pray.


Again, a pleasant morning to each one of you. All: Good morning, ma’am.

Please arrange your chairs and pick up pieces of (students will check for trash under their chairs,
paper or other garbage under your chairs. Please pick them up, and put it in the trash bin)
assist your classmates.

Now you may take your seats. All: Thank you, ma’am.

Let us check your attendance. Class monitor, can Class monitor: No one is absent ma’am.
you tell me who the absentees are today.

Very good. Is everyone feeling good today? If you (students show thumbs up/thumbs down)
are feeling good, show us a thumbs up and if you
are not feeling okay, show us a thumbs down. So
how are you today? Let me see those hands.
That is great! I am glad that most of you are
feeling great today. Did you have your breakfast? All: Yes, ma’am.

That is wonderful! I guess everyone is now ready

to participate in the class discussion. Are you ready
to learn something new today? All: Ready!

2. Review
Before we start our lesson for today, can anyone Vianca: Our previous lesson was all about the
tell me what the previous lesson was about? Let reading. Reading is a receptive process—through
me ask our Vianca and Shane (Visually Impaired it we receive information. It also the process of
students). looking at a series of written symbols and getting
meaning from them.

That is correct! It simply means that reading is the

way on how we understands and interpret text or
symbols on printed materials such as books,
periodicals, articles and so on.

Shane: Reading is also a complex process because

Good. What else? it requires the skill of speaking where we able to
pronounce the written symbols.

Good job, Vianca and Shane! Did you try to read Yes, ma’am!
using your Braille? (Visually Impaired students)

That’s great!
Very good! Reading is a way of receiving
information and transmitting or interpreting it by

Why reading is important? Theresa: Reading is very important because it

helps us grow— mentally and emotionally. It helps
us to learn new thing and explore new ideas that
opens up new dimensions of thoughts.

Impressive! Reading helps us broaden our

dimensions like our like and dislike. It also imparts Yes, ma’am!
new valuable lessons that will inspire and will
please you. Reading is very fun! Isn’t it?

2. Motivation

Would you like to play a game? All: Yes, ma’am!

I love your energy. I hope that you can apply some All: Yes, ma’am.
of those energy on our game. Our game is called
“4 pics 1 word.” Are you familiar with this game?

This game is very exciting! Now, I would divide you All: Okay, ma’am.
into two groups. Please count off from one to
two. Each group will have Bianca and Shane.
Please have them play the game by assisting them (students count off)
thru identifying them the pictures, okay?

Group 1, please stand and stay on the left side of

the room. Group 2, you will occupy the right side. (students proceed to their groups)

Now that you are with your group, I will discuss to

you the mechanics of the game. Please make sure All: Yes, ma’am.
that you are listening because I would not repeat
the instructions.

Are you ready class? All: Yes, we are ready!

(The teacher flashes large photos on the board.

Each group will guess the picture and whose
group will guess first will be the winner.)
What’s the word: Group 2: Subject!

Correct the four pictures represents subject! 1

point for group 2!

Group 1: Verb!

Correct group 1! The pictures represent verbs! 1

point for group 1!

What’s the word: Group 2: Agreement! Were the winner!

Excellent group 2! You guess the picture correctly! (Students will clap their hands.)
The pictures represent agreement.

(The teacher will announce the winner.)

Group 2 was very fast in guessing the objects that I

mentioned. They got 7 points while group 1 only
got 3 points. So our winner for this game is the
group 2. Let us all clap our hands for group 2.

I would also like to congratulate everyone for a job

well done and for being a good sport. I know that (Students will clap their hands again.)
you did your best. Everyone clap your hands.


1. Presentation of the Lesson

On the activity that we had earlier, you located
different objects on the picture. Our lesson today
will be related to our game.

Our lesson is all about subject-verb agreement.

What is subject-verb agreement? Now let us listen Students listen to the recorded voice:
to the recorder for the definition.

Now, can your read the definition on the board? Subject-verb agreement is a grammatical rule,
which states that the subject and the verb must
agree in a sentence. The subject normally refers to
the noun or pronoun that tells us whom or what
the sentence is about.

Very good class. In addition, Subject-verb

agreement is a verb normally has a singular and
plural form in the present tense. The third person
singular of the verb usually ends in „s‟. Some
auxiliary verbs also have singular and plural forms
in the present tense. „Be‟ has singular and plural
forms in the past tense as well as the present
tense. Other verbs that also change their forms in
both the singular and plural.

All: None ma’am.

Any questions?

(Students read and familiarize the examples)

Please read the table showing some examples:
For Shane and Bianca, please use your Braille and VERB
read the examples aloud. Be(present) is are
Be(past) was were
Do does do
Have has have
The verbs „be‟, „do‟ and „have‟ can also be used
as main verbs as in the following.


I am happy. I am going to town.
I have a new pair of I did try my best.

“Do you understand class? All: Yes ma’am.

2. Discussion/ Analysis

Now Class, the subject must agree in number.

Now, let us all focus on the flashed Presentation
on the board, while Bianca and Shane listens and
read through their Braille.

Anyone of you here knows at least 15 SVA rules?” All: Yes, ma’am.

Very good.

Class in order to choose the correct verb form; you

must first locate the subject. All you have to do is
to find the subject of the verb, work out its
pronoun substitute, and then apply the present
tense verb rule. In some sentences, a phrase
comes between the subject and the verb. In
others it comes after the verb.

Now let’s talk about these things:

1. Phrase between the subject and verb
2. Subject after the verb,
3. Compound subjects
4. Collective nouns as subject
5. Special noun
6. Nouns of amount
Student: A prepositional phrase that modifies a
What is phrase between the subject and verb? subject usually comes between the subject and

Very good!

Examples are:
1. The list of candidates is posted on the notice
2. The morale of the workers is high.
In these examples , the verb agrees with the
subject of the sentence, not with the object of the
preposition in the above sentences

Another example from the class? Student: Acres of farm land were destroyed by the

Do you understand class? All: Yes ma’am.

Now let’s talk about subjects after the verb. Student: In questions and in sentences that begin
What is subject after the verb? with „here‟ or „there‟, a subject comes after the

Very good!

Examples are: 1. Where is my pen? 2. Have you

seen them?
Student: There are three letters in your box.
Another examples from the class please. Student: Here are your bags.

Very good class.

Student: These refer to two or more subjects
Next is, compound subject. Does anyone of you connected by a coordinating conjunction.
here know compound subjects?

Very nice idea! In addition, in most cases, both

subjects have the same verb. Use plural verbs with
most compound subjects connected by „and‟. Use
a singular verb with a compound subject that
refers to one person or thing or to something that
is general considered a unit. Example: My mother
and my aunt prefer Filipino dishes.

Who can give me another example of compound Student: The teacher and Jenny were busy
subject? yesterday.

Any questions class? All: None ma’am.

Next will be collective nouns as subject. Student: A collective noun names a group of
What are Collective nouns as subject? people or objects; for example team, class,
congregation, audience, band, club, etc.

Very good! If a collective noun refers to a group as

a single unit, use a singular verb. If on the other
hand a collective noun refers to individual
members of a group use a plural verb. Examples:
The team plays well.

Who can give me another example of collective Student: The family loves to travel.
nouns as subject?

Next will be special nouns.
What are special nouns? Student: Most nouns that end in „s‟ are plural.
However there are some nouns that end in „s‟ that
plural in form but singular in meaning because they
refer to a single thing.
Very good! Example:
1. Measles is now an epidemic in our area.
2. Mathematics is the study of figures.

In addition, certain other nouns that ends in „s‟

such as scissors, pants, binoculars, and eye glasses
take plural verbs. Example: 1. These binoculars are
new. 2. The scissors were made in the Philippines.

Who can give me another example? Student: The news was interesting.

Good job class! Lastly, will be nouns of amount. Student: When a noun refers to an amount that is
Any idea about nouns of amount class? considered one unit, it is singular. When it refers to
a number of individual units, it is plural
Singular: Five Thousand Leones is the cost. (one
Plural: Seven Thousand Pesos are in her pocket.
(Individual Peso bills)

Please take note class; Whenever you want to

construct a grammatical sentence in English, you
first of all have to identify the subject and see
whether it agrees with the verb. This is because in
every grammatical sentence, the subject must
agree with its verb.

Do you understand class? All: Yes, ma’am.

Any questions? All: None ma’am.

Now, let’s go beyond the rules of subject-verb

agreement. Class, don’t you know that there are
certain rules in subject-verb agreement which is
very necessary in English grammar that you need
to know and familiarize with in order for us to
identify the correctness of our grammar.

(Teacher flash the rules of subject-verb agreement

on the board… students will read the rules on the

These are the important rules that you should

know about subject-verb agreement.

I will read the 1st rule for you class.

First rule will be, Subjects and verbs must agree in
 Singular subject = singular verb
 Plural subject = plural verb

 Cow= singular, eats= singular
 Ducks= plural, quack= plural

Understand class? All: Yes ma’am.

What is the 2nd rule class? Student: Don’t get confused by the words that
come between the subject and verb.
Example: The detective who was called to the case
is usually very good.

Understand class? All: Yes ma’am.

What is the 3rd rule class? Cite an example. Student: Prepositional phrases between the
subject and verb usually do not affect the
agreement. Example: The bikers in this race are
very competitive.
Very good class! Another example: The biker in
this race is very competitive.

What about the 4th rule? Cite an example. Student: If a sentence starts with “there” or
“here”, the subject will always be placed after the
verb. Example: Here are the results from this past
Very good! Another example: There is a meeting month.

Please read the 5th rule class and cite example. Student: Subjects can come after the verb in
Example: How are the ice cream sticks today?

Very good! Another example: Does Sophie always

play with dolls?
What is the 6th rule? Cite an example. Student: If two subjects are joined by “and”, they
typically require a plural verb. Example: Marga and
Stun are my favorite playmates.

Very good! Another example: The puppy and the

lady are friends.

Now, let’s proceed to the 7th rule. Who can read Student: If two subjects are separated by “and”
and cite example? refer to the same thing, the verb is singular.
Example: Spaghetti and meatballs is my favorite
pasta dish.
Excellent class! Another example: Dolls and bears
is my collection.

What about the 8th rule? Please cite an example. Student: If both subjects are singular and
connected by or, nor, neither/nor, either/or and
not only/but also, the verb is singular. Example:
Not only was the guitar player but also the
drummer soaked with sweat.
Very good! Another example: Either me or you will
join the cultural contest.

Understand class? Student: Yes ma’am.

Who can read the 9th rule? Please cite an example? Student: If both subjects are plural and connected
by the words or, nor, neither/nor, either/or, and
not only/but also, the verb is plural. Example:
Cookies or brownies are nice treats for your
Very good class! Another example: not done by
you or me.

What is the 10th rule and cite an example? Student: If one subject is singular and one plural
and are connected by the words or, nor,
neither/nor, either/or, and not only/but also, use
the subject that is nearest the verb.
Example: Not only Bob but also the Smiths want
some hamburgers for supper.
Very good! Another example: Either my sisters or
my mom has sent me a flower.

Any questions class? All: None ma’am.

What is the 11thrule and cite an example? Student: Units of measurement usually use a
singular verb. Example: Six gallons of paint was
used on the house.
Very good! Another example: Five dollars is too
much for a cup of coffee.

Understand class? Student: Yes, ma’am.

What about the 12th rule and cite example. Student: Collective nouns usually take a singular
verb. Example: The person is hurrying.

Very good! Another example: The class was ready

for the test.

Next will be the 13th rule. Please tell me about it. Student: Two infinitives separated by and take a
plural verb. Example: To run and to read are my
two favorite “Free-time” activities.

Very good! Another example: To eat and to sleep

is my favorite hobbies.

What is the 14th rule? Cite example. Student: If the words each, every, or no come
before the subject, the verb is singular Example:
Each boy and girl has to take the test. .

Very good! Another example: To run and to read

are my two favorite “Free-time” activities.

Any question class? All: None, ma’am.

What about the 15th rule? Cite example. Student: When the subject is all, any, more, most,
none, or some, this is the only time you must look
at the object of the prepositional phrase to
determine whether it is singular or plural. Example:
All of the chickens have laid eggs.
Excellent! Another example: Some of the milk has

Remember class, only the subject affects the verb.

Therefore in general: If the subject is singular, the
verb should be singular

Now, Did you understand the basic of Subject Verb All: Yes ma’am.

That’s all about subject-verb agreement.

Now, with the same group we formed earlier, Okay, ma’am!
please create sentences using the 15 rules of
subject-verb agreement. I will give you 10 minutes
to do this.

Student: Today we had tackled all about subject-
I guess everyone is now ready for our mini quiz. verb agreement.
However, before we do that, can someone tell the
class about what we learned today?
Student: Subject-verb agreement means that, the
Yes, we learned about subject-verb agreement. subject and the verb must agree in numbers.
What the subject-verb agreement.

Very good! Subject-verb agreement simply means

that both need to be singular or both need to be
Student 1:
Now, I need three people to give at least 3 rules in  Subjects and verbs must agree in number.
subject-verb agreement.  Don’t get confused by the words that
come between the subject and verb.
 Prepositional phrases between the subject
and verb usually do not affect the
Student 2:
 If a sentence starts with “there” or “here”,
the subject will always be placed after the
 If two subjects are separated by “and”
refer to the same thing, the verb is
 If two subjects are joined by “and”, they
typically require a plural verb.
Student 3:
 Collective nouns usually take a singular.
 Titles of books, movies, novels, etc. are
treated as singular.
 Two infinitives separated by and take a
plural verb.

Student: The rules of subject-verb agreement are

Excellent! Why are those rules important? very important because it able us to know the
correct presentation or order of sentences that
can make our writings or speaking more accurate.

Very good. Why do we need to appreciate and Student: We need to appreciate and value the
value the subject-verb agreement? Can you also subject-verb agreement because it makes us
apply the importance of it in your daily life? knowledgeable about certain area of expertise. It
can create also a good and effective
Yes, that is a great answer.

Awesome! I think that you are now super ready for

the mini quiz.

I. Answer in Ten Minutes

A. Write the subject and the correct form of

the verb in the following sentences.

Teacher flashes the presentation on a big

screen and will be first read aloud by the
regular students and give chance for the
hearing impaired students to do the
activity. They will also be provided with
braille for totally blind and slate and stylus
for partially blind) (Students output/activity)

1. He (listen, listens) to the still air. 1. He listens to the still air.

2. Clouds (float, floats) lazily in the sky. 2. Clouds float lazily in the sky.
3. One bird (begin, begins) to sing a song. 3. One bird begins to sing a song.
4. It (inspire, inspires) other birds to sing. 4. It inspires other birds to sing.
5. The flock (continue, continues) to sing. 5. The flock continues to sing.
6. Both (notice, notices) Paz’s arrival. 6. Both notices Paz’s arrival.
7. The distant mountains (appear, appears) blue. 7. The distant mountains appear blue.
8. There (is, are) a few clouds hanging overhead. 8. There are a few clouds hanging overhead.
9. Paz (wants, want) to talk with Frost. 9. Paz wants to talk with Frost.
10. There (is, are) the sound of water running. 10. There is the sound of water running.

B. Give at least 5 verbs and use it in a sentence

using the Subject-Verb Agreement Rules.

(Teacher flashes the presentation on a big screen

and will be read aloud by the regular students and
give chance for the hearing impaired students to
1. 1. Does Paz enjoy the sound of the water?
2. 2. Here is Frost’s cabin at the top of the hill.
3. 3. Does Frost’s cabin seem remote?
4. 4. Where are the wooly dog and his master?
5. 5. Both the work of young poets and the work of
philosophers interest him.

(When the students are done, the teacher will ask

them to exchange papers and proceed to


Correct the mistakes in the following sentences in

relation to subject-verb agreement.

The teacher will have the regular students copy

the assignment on their notebooks while hearing
impaired students will be provided with braille.
They can also ask their parents for participation on
this task.

1. Our teacher comes and teach every day.

2. They was in class when I called.
3. Their father are a doctor.
4. Neither the student, nor the teacher are ready.
5. Chicken and chips are a common dish in Ghana.
6. The jury was not able to agree.
7. The team wears their kit. All: None ma’am.
8. Many a cook and waiter work very late.
9. My shoes is under the table.
10. Only not only the students, but also the
teacher were late. Good bye and thank you ma’am!

Any questions?

If that so, please all stand and let’s pray.

That’s all for today and see you again next

meeting. Good bye class?

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