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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
San Roque, Gapan City


Teaching Date March 10, 2021 Grade Level 9-Bonifacio
Period 9:20-10:20 WEDNESDAY
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of parallelograms and
A. Content Standards
triangle similarity.
The learner is able to investigate, analyze, and solve problems involving
B. Performance Standards parallelograms and triangle similarity through appropriate and accurate
Learning Competency: Proves theorems on the different kinds of parallelogram
(rectangle, rhombus, square). (M9GE-IIIc-1)
Learning Objectives:
C. Learning Competencies/
At the end of the lesson the learners will be able to
Objectives. Write the LC
1. Choose the right statements and reasons to complete the 2-column proof to
code for each
prove theorems on rectangle;
2. Apply the theorem on rectangle to solve an unknown quantity; and
3. Apply knowledge on theorem of rectangle in real life.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Mathematics 9 Teaching Guide, 213-214
2. Learner’s Material pages Mathematics 9 Learner’s Module 320-321
Dilao, Soledad J, (2002). Geometry (New Trends in Math Series), pp. 140 – 143
3. Textbook pages
Excel in Math and Beyond 9, pages 264
4. Additional Materials from
Math Time pp 12 – 15
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources LCD Television, laptop, activity sheets, PowerPoint, smiley card
POUR is a parallelogram. Find the missing angles. Justify your answer.

1. If ∠𝑂=1100 , what is the measure of ∠𝑈?

A. ELICIT - Reviewing
Reason: _____________________________________.
previous lesson
2. If ∠𝑃 = 880, what is the measure of ∠𝑅?
Reason: _____________________________________.
3. If ∠𝑅 = 650, what is the measure of ∠𝑂?
Reason: _____________________________________.
4. If ∠𝑈 = 1280, what is the measure of ∠𝑃?
Reason: _____________________________________.

What’s Wrong with the Parallelogram?
Establishing a
Raise a happy face if the statement is correct. If not, raise an angry face .
purpose for the
1. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral.
2. All parallelograms have four congruent sides.
Address: Josonville Subdivision, San Roque, Gapan City
Telephone No.: (044) 486-6457
3. Two opposite angles of a parallelogram are supplementary.
4. A rectangle is a parallelogram with four congruent sides.
5. A parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides.
6. A diagonal bisects a parallelogram into two congruent triangles.
7. Adjacent angles of a parallelogram are supplementary.
8. The diagonal forms two congruent triangles in any parallelogram.
9. A rhomboid has four right angles.
10. Adjacent sides of a parallelogram are congruent.
Objective Presentation
Activity 1: I Wanna Know!
Do the procedures below and answer the questions that follow.
Materials Needed: bond paper, protractor, ruler, pencil, and compass
1. Mark two points O and P that are 10 cm apart.
2. Draw parallel segments from O and P which are 6 cm each, on the same side
C. EXPLORE - Presenting of OP and are perpendicular to OP.
Example through 3. Name the endpoints from O and P as H and E, respectively, and draw HE.
activity 4. Draw the diagonals of the figure formed
Guide Questions:
1. Measure OHE, PEH, HOP, and OPE. What did you find?
2. What can you say about the four angles in the figure?
3. Measure the diagonals. What did you find?
4. Does quadrilateral HOPE appear to be parallelogram? Why?

Each group will be assigned to complete the
proof of theorem 1 and theorem 2 found in the
Activity 1.
Theorem 1. If a parallelogram has a right angle,
then it has four right angles and the parallelogram
is a rectangle.

Group 1. Show Me!

Given:  WINS is a parallelogram with ∠W is a right angle.

Prove: ∠I, ∠N, and ∠S are right angles.


Statements Reasons
D. EXPLAIN - Discussing 1. WINS is a parallelogram with which ∠ W
1. Given
new concepts and is a right angle.
practicing new skills 2. ∠ W = 900 2. Definition of right angle
3. In a parallelogram, opposite
3.  W  N &  I   S
angles are congruent.
4. m ∠W = m∠N
4. Definition of congruent angles
m∠I = m ∠S
5. m ∠N = 90 5. Substitution (SN 2 & 4)
6. Consecutive angles are
6. m ∠W + m ∠I = 180
7. 900 + m ∠I = 180 7. Substitution (SN 2 & 6)
8. 90 = 90 8. Reflexive Property
9. m ∠I = 90 9. Subtraction Property (SN 7 & 8)
10. m  S = 90 10. Substitution (SN 4 and 9)
11. If the measure of an angle is 90,
11. ∠I, ∠N, and ∠S are right angles.
then it is a right angle.
12. WINS is a rectangle 12. Definition of rectangle.

Address: Josonville Subdivision, San Roque, Gapan City

Telephone No.: (044) 486-6457
Theorem 2. The diagonals of a rectangle are
Group 2. Show Me!
Given: WINS is a rectangle with diagonals
̅̅̅̅̅ and 𝑆𝐼
𝑊𝑁 ̅.
Prove: 𝑊𝑁 ≅ 𝑆𝐼
̅̅̅̅̅ ̅ S N
Statements Reasons
1. WINS is a rectangle with diagonals
1. Given
𝑾𝑵 and 𝑺𝑰
̅̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅
2. Opposite sides of a
2. 𝑾𝑺
̅̅̅̅̅ ≅ 𝑰𝑵
parallelogram are congruent
3.  WSN and  INS are right angles. 3. Theorem 1
4.  WSN≅  INS 4. All right angles are congruent.
5. 𝑺𝑵
̅̅̅̅ ≅ 𝑵𝑺
̅̅̅̅ 5. Reflexive Property
6. ΔWSN  ΔINS 6. SAS Congruence Postulate
7. ̅̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅

The diagonals of a rectangle ABCD meet at ‘O’. If ∠BOC = 44 0 , find ∠OAD.

Solution :
∠ BOC + ∠BOA = 1800 [ Linear pair angles are supplementary]
440 + ∠ BOA = 1800
∠BOA = 1800 – 440
∠ BOA = 1360
E. EXPLAIN - Discussing
As diagonals of a rectangle are equal and bisect each other.
new concepts and
practicing new skills So, OA = OB
#2 ∠1 = ∠2
∠1 + ∠2 + ∠BOA = 1800
2(∠1)+ 1360 = 1800
2(∠1) = 1800 -1360
2(∠1) = 440
∴ ∠1 = 22 0
As ∠A = 90 0
∠A = ∠1 + ∠3
900 = 220 + ∠3
So, ∠3 = 900 – 220
∠3 = 680
So, ∠OAD = 68 0

Given Rectangle MATH with diagonals MT and AH intersecting at J.

1. If MT= 5 cm, find AH.

F. EXERCISES - 2. If MJ= 8 in, how long is AH?
Developing mastery/ 3. If MT= 13 cm, find JH.
Leads to Formative 4. If MT= 3x-11, and AH=x+7, find the value of x
Assessment that will make MATH a rectangle.

If AH= 12 in and JM= 12 in. Is MATH a rectangle? Why or why not?

G. EXPLORE - Finding A carpenter’s square can be used to test that an angle is a right angle. How
practical could the contractor use a carpenter’s square to check that the frame is a
applications of rectangle?
concepts and skills in
Address: Josonville Subdivision, San Roque, Gapan City
Telephone No.: (044) 486-6457
daily living

Both pairs of opp. sides of WXYZ are congruent, so WXYZ is a parallelogram. The
contractor can use the carpenter’s square to see if one angle of WXYZ is a right
angle. If one angle is a right , then by property: If one angle of a parallelogram
is a right angle, then the parallelogram is a rectangle, the frame is a rectangle.
Complete the following statement. (Metacognition for Knowledge)
I know that I know something about _____.
First, ___________________________________.
In addition, _____________________________.
Finally, _________________________________.
Now, you know something that I know about____________________________________.
Theorem 1 : Each of the four angles of a rectangle is a right angle.

Given : A rectangle ABCD, such that ∠A = 90 0

Prove that : ∠A = ∠B = ∠C = ∠D = 90 0

Statements Reasons
1) ABCD is a rectangle. 1) Given
2)∴ ABCD is a
2) Every rectangle is a Parallelogram.
3) AD || BC 3) By Properties of parallelogram.

I. EVALUATE - 4) Interior angles on the same side of transversal

4) ∠A + ∠B = 1800
Evaluating learning are supplementary.
5) 900 + ∠B = 1800 5) ∠A = 900 (Given)
6) ∠B = 900 6) By subtraction property.
7) ∠D= 900 and ∠C= 900 7) By properties of parallelogram.

Theorem 2 : The diagonals of a rectangle are of equal length.

Given : A rectangle ABCD with AC and BD are its diagonals.

Prove that : AC = BD

Statements Reasons
1) ABCD is a rectangle. 1) Given

Address: Josonville Subdivision, San Roque, Gapan City

Telephone No.: (044) 486-6457
2) Property of rectangle (opposite sides are
2) AD = BC
3) AB = BA 3) Reflexive (common side)
4) ∠A = ∠B 4) Each right angle. (property of rectangle)
5) Δ DAB ≅ Δ CBA 5) SAS Postulate
6) AC = BD 6) CPCTC
RAFT Model
For remediation or enrichment, let the students do the following activities.
A. From the table below, choose a ROLE you want to assume. From the role’s
point of view, write to your AUDIENCE in a specified FORMAT about a certain
J. EXTEND - Additional
application or Diagonal Rectangle Campaign Speech Importance of
remediation Diagonals
Rectangle Parallelograms Letter What makes me
First Diagonal Second Love letter Explain relationship
___Lesson carried. Move on to the next objective.
V. REMARKS ___Lesson not carried due to _________________________
___Students did not find difficulties in answering their lesson.
___ Students found difficulties in answering their lesson.
___ Students did not enjoy the lesson because of ack of knowledge, skills and
interest about the lesson.
VI. REFLECTION ___ Students were interested on the lesson, despite of some difficulties encountered
in answering the questions asked by the teacher.
___ Students mastered the lesson despite of limited resources used by the teacher.
___Majority of the students finished their work on time.
___Some students did not finish their work on time due to unnecessary behavior.
No. of learners who earned
____ leaners who earned 80% above
80% of the evaluation
No. of learners who require
additional activities for
____ learners who require additional activities for remediation
remediation who scored
below 80%
Did the remedial lesson work?
_____ Yes _____ No
No. of learners who have
_____ learners who have caught up with the lesson
caught up with the lesson.
No. of learners who continue
_____ learners who continue to require remediation
to require remediation
Strategies used that work well:
___Tactile, concrete experiences in math
___Tiered Instruction
___Model-lead-test strategy instruction (MLT)
___Graphic organizers
Other Techniques and Strategies used:
Which of my teaching
___ Repetition ___Math Games
strategies worked well? Why
___Manipulative Tools ___Pair Work
did these works?
___ Explicit Teaching ___ Group collaboration
___ Carousel ___ Diads
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method
___ Complete Ims
___ Availability of Materials
___ Students’ eagerness to learn.

Address: Josonville Subdivision, San Roque, Gapan City

Telephone No.: (044) 486-6457
___ Group member’s collaboration/cooperation in doing their tasks.
___ Audio Visual Presentation of the lesson

___ Bullying among students

What difficulties did I ___ Students’ behavior/attitude
encounter which my ___ Colorful IMs
principal or supervisor can ___ Unavailable Technology Equipment (AVR/LCD)
help me solve? ___ Science/ Computer/Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical works
Planned Innovations:
___Contextualized/Localized and Indigenized IM’s
What innovation or localized
___ Localized Videos
materials did I use/ discover
___ Making big books from views of the locality.
which I wish to share with
___ Recycling of plastics to be used as Instructional Materials.
other teachers
___ local poetical composition Strategies used that work well.
___ Group collaboration


Master Teacher II
Observed By:

Head Teacher III-Math

Observer 1

Observer 2

Address: Josonville Subdivision, San Roque, Gapan City

Telephone No.: (044) 486-6457
I Wanna Know!
Do the procedures below and answer the questions that follow.
Materials Needed: bond paper, protractor, ruler, pencil, and compass
1. Mark two points O and P that are 10 cm apart.
2. Draw parallel segments from O and P which are 6 cm each, on the same side of OP
and are perpendicular to OP.
3. Name the endpoints from O and P as H and E, respectively, and draw HE.
4. Draw the diagonals of the figure formed

Guide Questions:
1. Measure OHE, PEH, HOP, and OPE. What did you find?
2. What can you say about the four angles in the figure?
3. Measure the diagonals. What did you find?
4. Does quadrilateral HOPE appear to be parallelogram? Why?

Address: Josonville Subdivision, San Roque, Gapan City

Telephone No.: (044) 486-6457

Direction: Choose the appropriate statements and reasons inside the answer box to complete the two column proof.

Theorem 1 : Each of the four angles of a rectangle is a right angle.

Given : A rectangle ABCD, such that ∠A = 90 0
Prove that : ∠A = ∠B = ∠C = ∠D = 90 0

Statements Reasons
1) ABCD is a rectangle. 1
By Properties of parallelogram.
2) 2) Every rectangle is a Parallelogram.
3) AD || BC 3)

4) Interior angles on the same side of By subtraction property.

transversal are supplementary.
∠A + ∠B = 1800
5) 90 + ∠B = 180 5) ∠A = 90 (Given)
∴ ABCD is a Parallelogram.
6) ∠B = 900 6)
∠A = 90 (Given)
7) ∠D= 90 and ∠C= 90 7)

Theorem 2 : The diagonals of a rectangle are of equal length.

Given : A rectangle ABCD with AC and BD are its diagonals.
Prove that : AC = BD

Statements Reasons
1) 1)

2) AD = BC 2)

3) AB = AB 3

4) ∠A = ∠B 4) Each right angle. (property of rectangle)

5) Δ DAB ≅ Δ CBA 5)
6) AC = BD 6

Property of rectangle (opposite sides are equal).
SAS Postulate
Reflexive (common side)
ABCD is a rectangle.

Address: Josonville Subdivision, San Roque, Gapan City

Telephone No.: (044) 486-6457
Address: Josonville Subdivision, San Roque, Gapan City
Telephone No.: (044) 486-6457

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