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1 In troduction

~- , : :..: 2n report consists of the details of material specifications, construction 'methodology, details of lo_ads
: : - ; : :::·; d over the structure, description of an1:1lysis model and design basis assumptions .along with detail:d
: = ~- ==·lcul ations for Simply supported steel composite superstructure of ROB sp~n at Bndge no. 122 Cat m
:._; - :.:-27.
: S:: lient Features and General Arrangement of Superstructure
121915 1UTM. [EX IIJTH

J' /I

,:iu - - TOP LVL:
lt_ Of BRG. ft OF BRG. It_ OF BRG. It_ OF BRG. It_ OF BRG. . It_ OF BRG.

• • I

' C
{7~ £CJ' (r:s) t ft (GI) ' t CJ" (GJ) t OF {Cl) . t er ccn)
f :l' r-.. 11.CJ"BRG. lDF~ tCJ"BRG. {OFR t IIF!lllG.

-,_ =.:-=--:- -: :.ure is in skew of 16 degree and curve radius of 32.634m with six no. of girders. The concrete deck
,, : :: -. i-'.aving a 2-lane carriageway of-7.Sm at pier RP1 and of 9.0rn at pier CP1 perpendicularly with 0.Sm
==5- :::-.-ier on·both sides and 0.2m railing and 1.Sm footpath on one side.-The c/c spaci~g between the
t-==~~ -~·,1arying i.e. 2.0m a,t pier RP1 and ,3.45m at CP1. Connection betwee~ the mai11 longitudinal girders and
=-~ : ·: ;Jnragm is made as shear resisting connection. The superstructure is supported on .Spherical bearings . .
--=: , 2 - 2.' J depth of plate girder is 1.626m. Mininiurp thickne!s of deck slab and haunch is considered as 0.25m
~- : :: 1- repeetively. The thickn.ess increases gradually in transitiq_n and curve po~ion to compensate the 5%_

. '
- -:: =-=:" cgms are of "I" type cross section.

3 Properties
;..,: Steel and Conaete
-"1 r.ce :.t -:~- ·~-ete to be used for RCC deck slab is considered as M4S. Depending upon the stresses that
.;;.-2:siP...zr. .- ::-- ~ i:-_~.; c.ure the grade of concrete is provided accordingly.

- --; .=-c-:-:.:: ~-: reduce the structural depth of steel girder, high strength structural steel Is used In the
- --!, ·:. 1wing grades of structural steet have been used for the various cpmponents.

=:,.. : ~!e C·kders/ Diaphragm. E3SO (Fe 490) as per IS: 2062:2011.
: ~ "-;-5 / 9radng f250 (Fe 410W) as per IS:2062:2011
~ .; i.~-: Bolts High Strength Friction Grip Botts of Grade 10.9
">·~ - r:_:.5 Yield strength=385 MPa, Min. Elonption=18%
- -~ --X--• :-.-~ g--a :e of concrete have been proposed for the various components

w-.:c..;a- "'i~1 constdered for composite section properties are 1S and 7.S for permanent and transient loads
..'!--., u ptr IRC: 22. Structural steel having a modulus of elasticity of 2.11 x 105 MPa and coefficient of
:: e .& '!!II ~ •J:on of 0.000012/oC /unit length is considered In the design.

i..:. ~ ~ttmtnt
- :-e ~::: ··!':-,forcement steel (HYSD) considered In the design ls Fe 500 D conformtn1 to IS: 1786,

:., ~ r t lon Methodology

:_-i-s::--,.c. :~ o: superstructure ls carried out In two stages.
~: F1brlc1tlon yard)
: re,- 2:e the plate girders in pieces in shop.
--,; : ~ces of the girders (As per detalled drawing) shall be fabricated and trial assembled at shop before
: : . ~-: - i : o sIte.
~ ,1 ).!site)
':>::.: f rtiers are assembled at the site and erected over the piers using cranes.
:.- =~ :,e girders are placed in position, the concrete deck is cast at site In one stage.
: !le.sign Parameters
:,;-a meters that would be applicable for the design of structural members are as follows.

i..: Ced Loads (DL)

--=.::,::,.,.ins unit weights are considered (as per IRC: 6-2014):
Unit Weight
:..:-.=:·::: Concrete (Green concrete) 26kN/m
=-,2 .=: ·:.:-: Concrete (hardened) 25 kN/m
78.S kN/m

;.2 :qpaimposed Dead Loads (SIOL)
== c 111s ins Coat
-.e ...s:-'. r..g ,:;)at over the superstructure is considered as "Bituminous Concrete" of 75 mm thick. A load of=
::...: •:"'- :-1 G :onsidered in the analysis and design.
:.2.1 C---di Barrier
· · · · hb · d s·1gned as per Table 3 of IRC: 6 -
::--:o· ::c:-'-:-s as per details in IRC: 5 are provided. These eras arners are e . h f
~:,.! -=-::,:-:-·'High Cont~inment Category). Unit weight of 1.35 KN/mis considered as the self weig t

i.3 L~ Loads (LL) . .

--= : i:-::- ~-:iageway width is 7.Sm at pier RPl and of 9.0m at pier CPl perpendicularly .Hence it has been
::.,. 2-lane carriageway. Following live load combinations are expected _on the structure.
~-·=- .:r :-:: ~o FP
:c~:z - -:::~ ~cc to FP
:-: .: -: r - ·: gir~er
-.-_,::. : -~ .,....,eel on girder
5 . ... :,:::.-; :Enot applicable in this

:..-.E:,•.::.: ::; , possible load combinations performed and the governing forces are considered in the

~- .: 2-: : 7:c:or and .congestion .factor Is considered for the longitudinal design of superstructure
::s :-:-· .: . 208 of IRC: 6.

:~ Temperature (T) • .
::'=' -=·=-,t of thermal expansion for reinforced concrete is taken as 11.19 x 10-6 / OC. The temperature effect
: : ;:-:£ : a-:d fail takes place over a season and hence the long-term value of Modulus c:,f Elasticity is considered in
:--: a-; a~·s1s.
..!.i ~-=~cjent of thermal expansion is same for steel ~nd concrete and the structure is free to translate in

:-:=·.1.:cin2l direction, uniform temperature rise/ fall will not develop any additional stresses in the st~ucture.
,_ -_-.::~temperature variation is considered in calculating the thermal movements of structure at support

h (m) T1 (0 c)'
.............................................. ,..:::_.----1 0.2 18
0.3 20.5
h1= 0.6h h (m) ·r2 (0 c)
h2= 0.4m . 0.2 4.4
0.3 6,.8
Fig 3: Temperature difference across Steel composite section
:'":f~~emial temperature through the depth of the cross section causes uneven strain in cross section resulting .
·-; : ~perature stresses. These stresses are considered in·the design according to the provisions of Cl.215.3 of
IE?.C: 5-2014. Temperature gradient considered for the cross.section is as shown. · · · ·
The E ~ultant stresses have been added to the stresses resulting from DL, SIDL and LL.

6 Sectional geometry
S:: me section is co~sidered for outer girder and Inner girder for economising the usage of materials. Keeping in
·::ew th e limitations of transporting, Splices are provided in such a way that the maximum girder segment
:e1~ h is 12.3m. ·· ·
.',':cth s of top flanges considered for plate girders are 700mm with thicknesses of 40~m. For bottom flanges
th is is 925mm with thicknesses of 56mm. Web plates of 18mm are used with a depth of 1530mm.

~erm anent cross frames are used in the structure .. Splices are proposed at the same location in all the girders.

7 . Grillage model used for Analysis

,::ui alyses for different load combinations are conducted U!iing software pack.age Staad. Pro. Separate analyses
a;-e performed for different loads as sectfon properties changes for tyP,e of loading (green concrete, permanent,
: ransien~). Following analyses at different stages of construction are performed ·

.L Self weight analysis

2. Green concrete for full span with steel only properties throughout . .
3. SIDL analysis with composite perman·ent properties
.. LL with composite shqrt term propertie~. using a creep factor of 0.5. Temperature analysis for
different ial temperature gradient
_,_ Differential Shrinkage with composite long term properties.
6. Temperature analysis with ~omposite short term properties.

s "iodelled as a plane grillage with members In two orthogonal directions. Nodes are placed at the
: - ..:,:!
~--, :' ·:•·•st where forces/ moments need to be eX!racted. Sectional properties/stiffness Is assigned to
- !-~~ :_:;s.ed on the corresponding as~umed sections. Supports are modelled as spherical bearings. Mater/al
='-:-=--:·s a:-.;.s 'J med for dl'f ferent components are assigned to those corresponding members.

_ :-:-: c;)plied as a series of point loads with position Increments In longltud/nal direction. Positions of the
:~..::s :-. ~ :he carriageway are fixed by following t he provisions of IRC 6:2014.

s D:si,gn of superstructure
_;- : ~~ : : :-:i eth od as per IRC 24:2010 is followed for the design.
:i • ?;:i- missible Stresses
8.1.2 Concrete: (As per IRC 112: 2011)
Grade of concrete = M45
Compressive strength = 0.48*40 = 19.2 MPa.
Tensile strength = 3.0 MPa.
8.1.3 Structural steel (As per IRC 24: 2010)
· Grade of steel = E350
Tensile stress= 0.87 * 350 = 304.5 MPa. . . .
Compressive. st ress --As per IRC 24·. 2001 (Table·8.2) based on slenderness rat io
Maximum allowable compressive stress= 0.87 * 350 = 304.5 MPa
8.1.4 Reinforcing steel (As per IRC 112: 2011)
Grade of steel used = Fe 500
Permissible Flexural stress= 0.8*500=400 MPa.
8.1.5 Welds
Shear stress in weld = 130 MPa.
8.1.6 HSFG bolts
Grade of bolts used = 10.9.
Slip factor assumed = 0.35
Number of interlaces =2 . . •
Permissible stresses are modified according t o IRC 6: 2014 based on the load combinat ions.
S.2 Section design

,' s,_ =-=-:::;, -. · ...:..e member

- - - _.,; - -
_:.,:~ ,.., um 5 permissible str
s are calculated b
, ased on the behaviour of m
.:2= ·,: r: =: a:-ea is consider d ~sses. Gross area is considered in I Ie~berthese are compared with
=-:r ::-:= r-: - a~ d d I e with tension members ca cu atmg the compressive stresses and net
-'= • ea oad and re . . . . .
;:-:-~~ ::. :y-i on h g en concrete stage Steel . I .
-.:a-~ ... _-__ u ce t e deck hardens, composite r , . on y section properties are used to calculate the
=- --·
- ,
! or Trar;isient}. In case of SIDL
i:-:: - · - , ,
p opert1es are used based on the·nature of loads (i.e.
permanent propert·
- - - - - LOc:a -:- SIDL+ live load b . d' ,es are used to compute the stresses.
- - -- - en mg moments st
- - '= ,·, : nng surface is included a d
2 · '. resses are computed using the gross steel section. The
,---" - --·-·
:::...- ,c.·-'· -h .
I e hve load acts thn acts,. along with the corripoSI·te dea d Ioa d, on the Permanent composite
, , n e Transient-composite slab section.
LI P-re-camb~
=-: ~-~er is provided for DL and SIDL I d- . . .
- -~..,. ,., __ ._h . oa s. Camber rs calculated based on the assumption of tolerance of
-- ·• .., .. : 1~ er side.

8~4 Connections
~.4.2 Bolted Connections
a..!.2.1 Splices
~-: ::..: ,•1,ith HSFG bolts are designed according to the provisions of IRC 24:2010. Slip factor of 0.35 is assumed
-: ~-::-;g the bolt value with 0.7 times the proof load. Flange splices are designed to transfer the maximum of

::._ 2..:0 'times the computed force in the flange at that point
:•-B :imes the maximum safe force in the weaker flange considering basic allowable stress
,,, :-J £_:JIices ar_e ~esigned for the combination of forces of
__ 1 .iertical shear
:t . 1,\om ent resisted by web

:. .',fom ent due·to eccentricity created by vertical shear

;;•:.:::ded high strength bolts (10.9 Grade) conforming to IS 3757 with controlled tightening in conformity with
:5 ~ 00 shall be used for construction.
~--. -: s: : rvice level design shear force should not exceed the design slip resistance, obtained from clause 5.4:2 of
:s ~-:JO and slip factor of 0.35. The slip factor of 0.35 is based on treatment of contact surfaces
: r o ~scing with shot or grit, with-any loose rust removed, no pitting. Gusse~ plate connections . .

3:d ngs and cross frames are connected to the gusset plates using HSFG bolts (Grade 10.9) as per IS 1363.

S.4.3 Welding .
;- ·-:1 •,•,•elds are proposed at the intersection of flanges & w~b, web & stiffeners in all the girders.
?.,::t welds are designed for longitudinal shear per unit length calculated from the service loads. Basic
J:'"m issible stress in fillet weld is considered as per IRC 24 for HT plates.
. ,.s ·shear Studs . .
sHear studs are designed for ultimate lo d b . .
a s Ymultiply' th ·
. 1RC 6:2014. Longitudinal shear per unit h. mg e s~rvice loads with factors given in
·where, . . . . engt is calculated by following formula VL= VAcY/1

. VL is longitudinal shear per unit length .

Vis vertical shear due to corresponding loads
Ac is the transformed c·ompressive are f .
Vis the C.G distance of tr f . . . a o .concrete above the neutral axis of the composite section
. . . ; ans armed concrete area from neutral axis .
I rs the M.I of the whole compos·t . .
1 e section using corresponding modular ratio.
.' .
Spacing of shear studs is the least determined from the· f II .
. . . . o owing.cases
a. Ultimate hm1t state (strength criteria)
b. Full shear connection
c. Serviceability limit state (Limit state of fatigue)
m long flexible shear studs with yield strength of 385 MPa and elongation of 18 % are used in the
25 dia 200m_
design. Spacing between shear studs at any particular section is varied according to the requirement at that

8.6 Cross girder . .

Cross Girders are provided to give lateral torsional restraints to the girders at supports and for jacking for
replacement of bearings at the support locations. Cross girders are connected to the longitudin_al girders by
shear connections .

. 8. 7 Bearings, .
· The superstructure is resting on spherical bearings. The bearings are designed as per IRC 83 (part IV) for vertical
loads due to DL & SIDL&-LL and horizontal loads due to Temperature & Seismic force. /

9 Codes and Standards

The following c~des are referenced throughout the design:
Table 10-1: Cocles and Standards
IRC: 5- 2000 . General .Features of Design
IRC: 6-2014 Loads and Stresses .
IRC:22-2015 Composite construction
IRC:24-2010 Steel road bridges

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