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Variant 2
1. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1) Her absence had been a relief. Out of sight was out of mind. Її відсутність стала
полегшенням. Зникла з очей зійшла і з думки.
2) The apple of discord had, indeed, been dropt into the house of Millbornes. Яблуко
розбрату справді було вкинуто в будинок Мілборнів.
3) The boy is very dear and the apple of her eye. Хлопчик - це найдорожче, що в неї є.
4) You’ve landed yourself in a helpless mess. And I wash my hands of you. Ви потрапили в
безнадійну халепу. Я умиваю руки.
5) “Poor lamb, he must be as poor as a church mouse”. Бідне ягнятко, видно бідний, як
церковна миша”.

2. Suggest Ukrainian equivalents for the idiomatic expressions below.

- the last of the Mohicans - останній з Могікан
- to put all one’s eggs in one basket - не клади всі яйця в один кошик
- to put the cat among the pigeons - пустити цапа (козла) в капусту
- skeleton in the cupboard - мати скелети в шафі
- to let the cat out of the bag - випустити кота з мішка;
- to carry coals to Newcastle - возити дрова до лісу
- to build a castle in the air - літати у хмарах
- to sail under false colours - видавати себе за когось
- to shine like a new pin - сяяти, як нова копійка
- another pair of shoes - зовсім інша справа
- more power to your elbow - ні пуху, ні пера
- what’s Hecuba to me - ми в камінь головою, ми каміння в голову

3. Translate the following proverbs.

1) Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. У чужому оці порошинку бачить,
а в своєму пенька не помічає ( люди, які мають недоліки, не повинні критикувати інших
людей за такі самі недоліки)
2) Don’t judge a tree by its bark. - Не судіти про дерево за корою.
3) Don’t have to many irons in the fire. - Не треба багато прасок у вогні
4) You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs - неможливо досягти чогось
важливого без поганих наслідків.
5) You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours - ти допомагаєш мені, я - тобі

4. Substitute phraseological units incorporating the names of colours for the italicised words.
1) You can never believe what he says, he will swear black is white if it suits his purpose
2) The news was a great shock to me. It came quite out of the blue.
3) I’m feeling blue today
4) You can talk till one is blue in the face
you are tired of it but I shan’t believe you.
5) A thing like that happens once in a blue moon.

5. Match the phraseological units with their synonyms.

1) nobody home - out of sight, out of mind;
2) absence makes the heart grow fonder - a bee in one’s bonnet;
3) if at first you don’t succeed, try,try,try again - Rome was not built in a day;
4) you can’t have you cake and eat it - you can’t run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.
5) if a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well - never do things by halves;
6) first come, first served - the early bird catches the worm
7) fine feathers make fine birds - clothes do not make the man;

6. Match the phraseological units with their explanations.

1) to twist someone round one’s finger- to get smb. to do what one wants him to do
2) to have a finger in the pie - to have a thorough knowledge of or familiarity with a subject or
a skill
3) one’s fingers are all thumbs - one is clumsy or unskilled
4) to have something at one’s finger-tips - to hope that the best thing will happen
5) to keep one’s fingers crossed - to be concerned with the matter

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