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2010 / 11 / 29-28 ‫ جامعة واسط للفرتة‬/ ‫ كلية العلوم‬/ ‫مقبول للنشر يف املؤمتر التخصصي األول للبيئة‬

Monitoring of Water Pollution in Diyala River using High

Resolution Satellite Image

S. M. Ali, A. S. Mahdi, & A. H. Kadhim

College of Science / Baghdad University, 2010

The Remotely digital image has a wide range of applications; it is used in weather
forecasting, biology, medicine and astronomy, to name only a few disciplines. Its
application was greatly developed after the launch of the first Landsat satellite in 1972 (at
that time called Earth Resources Technology Satellite – ERTS). Since then, the number
of digital image sources has increased and the capabilities of computers have grown
while the costs of computer time have decreased. More and more efficient and
sophisticated algorithms had been developed and digital image processing continues to
expand rapidly.
In this paper, the pollution in the Southern part of the Diyala River had been
detected using the high-resolution panchromatic satellite image. The available data was
Quick-Bird high resolution, (0.6) meter Geo-corrected UTM image, covers an area of 0.8
KM2, Zone 38 North. The region of interest was the Southern East of Baghdad City. Two
digital techniques have been used in order to detect the polluted area in the River. The
methods are image classification (Minimum distance-Supervised and K-Mean
Unsupervised), and thresholding methods. The main pollution factor was the sewerage
water pumped by the sewerage and water treatment station. The results were obtained
using the ENVI Version 3.2 (Environmental Visualizing Image), the best remote sensing
application and digital image processing tolls. Also, the Visual Basic 6.0 Facility had
been used to evaluate the results by written a special subroutine.

‫مراقبة التلوث في نهر ديالى باستخدام صور فضائية عالية التحليل‬

‫ وأماني حسن كاظم‬،‫ عالء سعود مهدي‬،‫صالح مهدي علي‬
2010 ،‫ كلية العلوم‬/ ‫جامعة بغداد‬
،‫أصبح استخدام صور االستشعار عن بعد يدخل في تطبيقات متعددة ابتداء من التطبيقات البايولوجية‬
‫ بدأت التطبيقات باالنتشار الواسع بعد اإلطالق األول الناجح لسلسلة أقمار الندسات‬.‫ وصوال للتطبيقات الفلكية‬،‫الطبية‬
‫ لقد بدأت أعداد الصور الرقمية بالتزايد وتطورت‬.‫ والتي سميت حيتها سواتل مراقبة الموارد األرضية‬، 1972 ‫عام‬
‫ باإلضافة إلى ذلك تطورت الطرق الرياضية واإلحصائية الخاصة بتحليل‬.‫الحاسبات الحديثة مقابل نقصان كلفتها‬
.‫وتحسين وتفسير الصور الفضائية مما أدى إلى ثورة علمية بهذا المجال‬
‫ تم مراقبة وكشف التلوث في الجزء الجنوبي لنهر ديالى باستخدام صورة قضائية عالية‬،‫في هذا البحث‬
UTM ‫ سنتمتر مصححة طبقا للمسقط‬60 ‫ بدقة تمييز بحدود‬Quick-Bird ‫ والتي هي صورة المتحسس‬.‫التحليل‬
‫ منطقة الرستمية والتي تمثل التقاء نهر‬،‫ إن منطقة الدراسة تقع في جنوب بغداد‬.‫ كيلومتر‬0‫ز‬8 ‫وتمثل مساحة مقدارها‬
‫ سبب التلوث الرئيسي‬.‫ والثانية طريقة العتبة‬،‫ األولى التصنيف المرشد‬،‫ استخدمت تقنتين للكشف‬.‫ديالى بنهر دجلة‬
2010 / 11 / 29-28 ‫ جامعة واسط للفرتة‬/ ‫ كلية العلوم‬/ ‫مقبول للنشر يف املؤمتر التخصصي األول للبيئة‬
‫ تم تحليل النتائج باستخدام برامج‬.‫ناتج من محطة مجري الرستمية من خالل طرح المياه العادمة بشكل مباشر للنهر‬
.‫ ومكتوبة بلغة فيجوال بيسك‬ENVI ‫صورية جاهزة مثل‬

Introduction Effective analysis of remote sensing

Perhaps one of the most measurements can be made when used
advantageous uses of remote sensing for with other ancillary data or information
water pollution control is in its [1].
application as a surveillance tool to The Study Area and Available Data
detect and identify potential sources of The study area shown was the
pollution [3]. That is, to provide the Southern East of Baghdad City near to
environmental monitoring with the Diyala Bridge (not appear in the
information on the proximity of image). The area is called Sabaa Nissan
hazardous materials to waterways as district. The Geographic coordinate of
well as on the integrity of structures the region are; (upper left point,
designed to contain those materials. Longitude 44º 31′ 50.95″, Latitude 33º
Improved environmental conditions 16′ 1.66″. The down right point,
eventually lead to an improved quality of Longitude 44º 32′ 24.33″, Latitude 33º
life for the local and neighboring 16′ 1.66″), Zone. 38 North according to
population (s). The intention of the Datum WG84. A pent of Al
environmental regulation and monitoring Rustamiya wastewater treatment plant
is to provide sustainable economic appears in the figure disposing the
development along with the protection of wastewater untreated to Diyala River
natural resources, which very often caning heavy pollution load to the River
includes the basic requirements of and consequently the death of the River
human life (i.e., food, shelter, and down stream.
clothing). Diyala River remains up to now
The synoptic view provided by beyond the zone of intensive urban
remote sensing gives an environmental development. Its mouth at the Tigris
scientist very different data from what River lies at the southern outskirts of
can be obtained from surface data Baghdad and its lower course formed the
collection and sampling, [11]. what may boundary of the planned development of
not be achieved in absolute accuracy, is the town. The areas lying on both sides
more than made up for by the spatial and of the River are, in general, used by
temporal nature of the data. Monitoring agriculture. Some smaller areas are
large areas, on a frequent basis, can only covered by palm groves.
be achieved economically through An intensive development of
remote sensing. Remote sensing is agriculture in the catchment area of the
limited to measurements of surface- Diyala River results in unacceptable
water area, turbidity, suspended decrease of water flows of the River in
sediment, chlorophyll, cutrophication the Baghdad area during dry months.
and temperatures. However, these They occur in spite of construction of
characteristics of water bodies can be tow large storage reservoirs in the upper
used as indicators of water supply and course of the River, and it can not be
more specific pollution problem. It accepted because of high concentration
should be re-emphasized that remote of pollution particularly downstream of
sensing is seldom the only approach. the sewage treatment plant located on
2010 / 11 / 29-28 ‫ جامعة واسط للفرتة‬/ ‫ كلية العلوم‬/ ‫مقبول للنشر يف املؤمتر التخصصي األول للبيئة‬
the Right Bank of the Diyala River. tone (black) which located downstream
Also the salinity of this River constitutes the above plant. This indicates the
a serious problem. It is caused by the capability of using remote sensing
discharge into the Diyala River of drain techniques for classifying and
waters from a number of irrigation monitoring River water in a simple way.
systems of agriculture areas. It can be The available data was a high-
observed that there are two types of resolution panchromatic image with
water in Diyala River. First type with the spatial resolution 0.6-meter. The image
light tone (white) and extended upstream size was 1400 column x 1600 line
of AL-Rustumiya west water treatment covered a ground area of 0.8 KM2.
plant, while the second type with a dark Figure (1) represented the image.
2010 / 11 / 29-28 ‫ جامعة واسط للفرتة‬/ ‫ كلية العلوم‬/ ‫مقبول للنشر يف املؤمتر التخصصي األول للبيئة‬
Figure (1), The Study Area, High Resolution Image in the Southern East of
Properties of Environmental Remote available in digital form; (5) data
Sensing Data acquisition devices do not interface with
The information obtained using the process being observed; (6)
remote sensing techniques is usually information may be obtained from
represented as an image, either in the remote areas of the earth where
form of a photograph (analog) or otherwise no measurements would be
digitally displayed on the monitor of an taken; and (7) after installation of remote
image-processing system, [2]. A visual sensing network, data can be obtained
image is a representation, using tones of quite cheaply, [5].
gray or colors, of the objects present in
the observed scene. These tones permit Classification Comparison
the distinction of different objects based An image is different from a map
on their brightness differences and in one fundamental respect. Maps
apparent texture. generally represent one surface category
Digital images in remote sensing by a specific color or symbol, while
are generally made from a collection of remotely sensed images represent any
picture elements, which are normally image region with a range of digital
referred to as pixels, [6]. This is like numbers. Images, in contrast, provide a
considering a photograph as a large continuous record of land cover in
number of successive lines where each region, where map may represent it as
line contains a large number of square blank area. However, land features are
pixels. A number representing the often complex, with several cover types
average intensity of the scene within the contributing to the observer signature.
square is stored. Thus the image is a vast Classification is therefore used to
matrix of numbers. These images are smooth-out small, insignificant
very often held on computer storage variations, and simplifies an image into a
media, and the simplest way to store the thematic map of land cover, [8]. Image
data is to write all the numbers analysis and automatic recognition of
corresponding to one line of the image image’s patterns by computer may
on to the tape as a ‘block’ followed by a greatly depend on the results obtained by
space and another line block, this implementing certain classification
process is repeated until the last line in method [Cracknell A. P. and Hayes,
the image. A digital image can therefore 1988 and James W. Quinn, 2001]. The
be read into a computer, line by line. classification process, however, depends
Besides being viewed on image display on the spectral characteristics of image
system attached to the computer, [4]. objects and features presented in various
The advantages of remote sensing bands of remotely sensed images.
are. (1) area measurements instead of
point measurements; (2) all information
In the literature, image
is collected and stored at one place; (3)
classification methods as categories into
rather high resolution in space and/or
two types; i.e. “Supervised and
time is achieved; (4) data becomes
Unsupervised”. Supervised classification
2010 / 11 / 29-28 ‫ جامعة واسط للفرتة‬/ ‫ كلية العلوم‬/ ‫مقبول للنشر يف املؤمتر التخصصي األول للبيئة‬
involves a considerable amount of input the extent of the similarity between a
from the analyst and knowledge of the pixel and a class. In fact, different
types of surface that found in the study classifiers may assign the same unknown
area. On the contrary, the unsupervised pixel to a different class. The following
classification method groups image represent the most common used
points (i.e. pixels) into clusters based on classifiers, usually used to differentiate
upon the distribution of the gray tones between image regions.
within the image, [8]. Minimum-Distance-Mean
Classifier. It is the most common and
simplest classification method,
The supervised methods are more
sometimes referred as nearest neighbor
preferable for classifying remotely
classifier. The minimum distance
sensed images, [7]. Initially the operator
classification uses the mean vectors of
projects the image to be classified onto
each ROI and calculates the Euclidean
the display monitor and outlines sample
distance from each unknown pixel to the
of training areas for each surface class,
mean vector for each class. All pixels are
usually referred as “Region Of Interest
classified to the closest ROI class unless
(ROI)”. These “ROI” are, then, used to
the user specifies standard deviation or
provide the classification program with
distance thresholds, in which case some
typical examples of each kind of land-
pixels may be unclassified if they do not
cover to be used in the classification. In
meet the selected criteria, [6, &7].
fact, the computer program generates
Parallelepiped (or box) Classifier.
statistical parameters from these “ROI”
Parallelepiped or the box classifier uses
and compares the digital numbers of
a simple decision rule to classify multi-
every pixels within the image with these
spectral data. The decision boundaries
statistical parameters. If the distribution
form an n-dimensional parallelepiped in
values of image points, surrounded
the image data space. The dimensions of
certain pixel, fall within a predefined
the parallelepiped are defined based
ROI, the pixel is assumed to belong to
upon a standard deviation threshold from
the same surface class. In fact, selecting
the mean of each selected class. This
the interest regions is not, always, an
algorithm is sensitive to category
easy task, it may require to perform field
variance and the range of values in each
surveys, or utilizing available aerial
category of the training set. This range
photographs and existed maps, [10].
may be defined by the highest and
However, in many cases, it may be
lowest digital number values in each
impossible to select homogeneous site,
band, and appear as rectangular area in a
as an example, a common problem in
two-channel scatter diagram. Unknown
sparse vegetation that complicates
pixels are classified according to the
attempts to map both vegetation and soil.
category range in which its lies.
To overcome this problem, threshold
Otherwise, the class of this pixel is
value can be suggested to differentiate
assigned as “unknown” if it lies outside
between overlapped classes.
all range, [6, & 7].
Gaussian Maximum Likelihood
Classification Algorithms Classifier. Maximum likelihood
There are a number of statistical classifier assumes that the statistics for
algorithms that can be used to measure each class in each band are normally
2010 / 11 / 29-28 ‫ جامعة واسط للفرتة‬/ ‫ كلية العلوم‬/ ‫مقبول للنشر يف املؤمتر التخصصي األول للبيئة‬
distributed and calculates the probability may be unclassified if they do not meet
that a given pixel belongs to a specific the selected criteria. This process
class. Unless a probability threshold is continues until the number of pixels in
selected, all pixels are classified. Each each class changes by less than the
pixel is assigned to the class that has the selected pixel change threshold or the
highest probability (i.e., the “maximum maximum number of iterations is
likelihood”). For technical details, see, reached. For the details see [Tou, and
[9]. In fact, the maximum likelihood Gonzalez, 1974].
classifier quantitatively evaluates both
the variance and covariance of the
category when classifying an unknown Pollution Detection and Results
pixel. However, under the assumption of Analysis
normal distribution of the category All naturally occurring water
training data, the distribution of a contains some impurities. Water is
category response pattern can be considered polluted when the present of
completely described by the mean vector impurities is sufficient to limit its use for
and the covariance matrix. Given these a given domestic point sources is highly
parameters, the statistical probability of localized such as wastewater out falls.
a given pixel value being a member of a In figure (1) the whole area affected by
particular land cover category can be an out fall can be monitored in a matter
computed, and the probability density of minutes. Al_Rustamiya power plant
function for each category can be and its out fall into Diyala river can be
created. The probability density observed using the photograph of study
functions are used to classify an area, also the dispersion of wastewater
unidentified pixel by computing the into Diyala river can be detected, which
probability of the pixel value belonging can be recognized by light tones (white)
to each category. The pixel would be comparing with the Diyala river tones.
assigned to the most likely category The classification results are
(highest probability). Or “unknown” if shown in figures (3, 4, and 5). In
the probability values are all below a supervised classification, figure (3), the
threshold set by the analyst, [7]. computer was able to separate 7 class,
the boundaries of wastewater can be
K-Mean Classifier. Also called observed recognized easily from clear
Isodata unsupervised classification, water (i.e. two water pollution densities
which calculates class means evenly can be detected in using this method) .
distributed in the data space and then The supervised classification was
iteratively clusters the remaining pixels based upon 7 selected classes in region
using minimum distance techniques. of interest definition, see figure (2). The
Each iteration recalculates means and statistical parameters of supervised
reclassifies pixels with respect to the method s given in table (1). On the other
new means. Iterative class splitting, hand, the unsupervised classification
merging, and deleting are done based on figure (4, & 5) was unable to give the
input threshold parameters. All pixels best result for discrimination process.
are classified to the nearest class unless a Another technique was applied
standard deviation or distance threshold using binary thresholding values (black
is specified, in which case some pixels and white) so the clear river water
2010 / 11 / 29-28 ‫ جامعة واسط للفرتة‬/ ‫ كلية العلوم‬/ ‫مقبول للنشر يف املؤمتر التخصصي األول للبيئة‬
appear in dark tones (black), while the (supervised and unsupervised) by
polluted area appear in light tones discriminating several spectrally
(intermediate gray signature). This different classes of water using the
indicates the capability of remote selected images in this study.
sensing technique for water monitoring, 3. Computer-aided remote sensing
see figure (6). analysis method has several
advantages over traditional methods
for the analysis of phenomena
Conclusions occurring on the ground: it can
1. Water pollution detection using analyze by frequently and widely
aerial and satellite images whether observing the situation on the
that pollution is caused by ground, it can quickly use the newly
wastewater treatment plant disposal sensed data, the processing is high
or industrial pollution, this is to speed and it is relatively inexpensive.
increase the capability and to detect Therefore, remote-sensing analysis is
and monitor effectively and increasingly applied to investigations
quantitatively the quality of water of global resources, to estimations of
resources. land use, and for monitoring of
2. Classify the selected water bodies environmental quality such as water
using digital image processing pollution.
2010 / 11 / 29-28 ‫ جامعة واسط للفرتة‬/ ‫ كلية العلوم‬/ ‫مقبول للنشر يف املؤمتر التخصصي األول للبيئة‬

Figure (2), The Selected Classes of ROI

Figure (3), The Supervised Classification Result

‫مقبول للنشر يف املؤمتر التخصصي األول للبيئة ‪ /‬كلية العلوم ‪ /‬جامعة واسط للفرتة ‪2010 / 11 / 29-28‬‬

‫‪Figure (4), 7-Class Unsupervised Classification‬‬

‫مقبول للنشر يف املؤمتر التخصصي األول للبيئة ‪ /‬كلية العلوم ‪ /‬جامعة واسط للفرتة ‪2010 / 11 / 29-28‬‬

‫‪Figure (5), 9-Class Unsupervised Classification‬‬

2010 / 11 / 29-28 ‫ جامعة واسط للفرتة‬/ ‫ كلية العلوم‬/ ‫مقبول للنشر يف املؤمتر التخصصي األول للبيئة‬
Figure (6), Threshold Value Pollution Detection

Table (1) The Supervised Selected Classes Statistical Values

Band Min Max Mean Std. div. Class Description

1 130 214 179.253923 13.138319 Road, red 701points

1 2 8 4.472329 1.731178 Clear water, blue 777points

1 19 52 37.624567 6.428500 Urban and construction, Yellow 6645

1 6 196 68.093103 30.547423 Vegetation, Sea Green [580 points]

1 85 177 141.829825 11.702162 Soil, Sienna,1710 points

1 172 255 254.540752 5.378374 Material of pollution, Cyan, 638points

1 19 52 37.62 6.48 Polluted Water, Green, 5194 points

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