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Universidad de Manila
CM Palma Street corner Arroceros, Manila

Area: Human Behavior & Crisis Management

Content: human behavior , Criminal psychology , Crisis Management

I. Understanding Human Behavior

A. Definitions

Human Behavior – is the voluntary or involuntary attitude of a person adopts in order to

fit the society’s idea of right or wrong.

B. Two Basic Types of Human Behavior

1. Inherited or Innate Behavior – refers to any behavioral response or reflex exhibited

by people dye to their genetic endowment or the process of natural selector.
2. Learned or Operant Behavior – it involves the cognitive adaptation that enhances
the human being’s ability to cope with changes in the environment and to manipulate
the environment in ways, which improve the chances for survival.

C. Characteristics of Human Behavior

1. Primarily native or primarily learned

2. Evoked by external stimuli or internal need
3. Automatic, voluntarily, conscious, or motor or intentional

D. Attributes of Human Behavior

1. Duration – how long , in terms of function of time. Meaning the the length of time
something continues or exists.
2. Extensity – Size , distance, location.
3. Intensity – Magnitude , mild, strong, disintegrative.
4. Quantity – normal, abnormal, misleading, unacceptability.

E. Cause of Human Behavior

1. Sensation – feeling or impression of stimulus.

a. Visual – sense of sight.
b. Olfactory – sense of smell
c. Cutaneous - sense of touch
d. Auditory – Sense of hearing
e. Gustatory – sense of taste
2. Perception – Knowledge of stimulus
3. Awareness – psychological activity, it is in accordance with the interpretation and
experience of object of stimulus.

F. Viewpoints in the Study of Human Behavior

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There are several viewpoints in the study of Human behavior

1. Neurological – it emphasizes human actions in relation to events taking place inside
the body, especially the brains and the nervous system.
2. Behavioral – it focuses on the external activities of an organism that can be observed
or measured.
3. Cognitive – it is concerned with the way on how the brain processes and transforms
information in various ways.
4. Psychoanalysis – it emphasizes unconscious motives stemming from represses sexual
and aggressive impulses in childhood. According to the phychoanalitical theory by
Sigmund Freud, Freud believed that people could be cured by making conscious
their unconscious thoughts and motivations, thus gaining “insight”.
5. Humanistic – it focuses on the subject’s experience, freedom of choice and
motivation toward self-actualization.

G. Factors that Affect Human Behavior

1. Heredity – it is determined through genes. Genes are the segments of cell structures
called chromosomes by which parents pass on traits to their offspring; genes are
composed of chemical substances that give the offspring a tendency toward certain
physical and behavioral qualities.
2. Environment – consists of the condition and factors that surround and influence an
3. Learning – this is the process by which behavior chances because of experience or

H. Causes and conflicts in human behavior

1. Physical Causes – it refers to the natural causes or natural disasters like typhoon,
earthquake and storms.
2. Social conflicts – restrictions or rules in the home, school and in the community.
3. Economic Conflicts – results from the inability to acquire material things because of
poverty , or other financial obligations.

I. Personality dimension that Affects Human Behavior.

1. Extraversion – a person who frequently seek stimulation, excitement and thrills that
can get them in trouble and greatest role in crime and delinquency.
2. Neurotism - the principal factor in anti-social behavior. People who intensely react to
stress, people who are generally moody, touchy, very sensitive and anxious.
3. Psychoticism – generally people who are a sociopath, meaning people who are cruel,
socially insensitive, dislike of others, attraction towards the unusual resulting to an
impulsive aggressive individual without conscience or concern for others.

II. Theories of Human Behavior

A. Humanistic Theory (the needs theory of human motivation)

Abraham H. Maslow, who is considered the father of humanistic psychology, has had a
significant impact on the development of learning theory. This theory states that throughout life ,
desires and wishes, collectively called needs, motivate all. Maslow wanted to understand what
motivates people. He believed that people possess a set of motivation systems unrelated
to rewards or unconscious desires. Maslow stated that people are motivated to achieve certain
needs. When one need is fulfilled a person seeks to fullfil the next one, and so on.The earliest

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and most widespread version of Maslow's hierarchy of needs includes five motivational needs,
often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid.

These needs are arranged according to its hierarchy.

1. Physiological Needs – it is the basic life need , hunger , thirst . The need for air, clothes etc
2. Safety Needs – the need for freedom from threat or danger.
3. The sense of Belonging and Love Needs – the need for affiliation, belonging, and
4. Esteem Needs – the need for achievement, strength, competence, reputation, status or
5. Self Actualization – the need for self fulfillment to realize potentials, to become what one is
capable of becoming.

B. The Psychodynamics of Human Motivation

Psychodynamics, which literally means motivation to action, define human behavior in terms
of the inner personality of the inner self. The concept of subjective life and the inner forces
within, called “mental personality”. Sigmund Freud specialized in treating neurotic disorders,
like hysterical blindness or paralysis, for which there was no physical cause. His work led him
to believe in psychic determinism--the idea that personality and behavior are determined more
by psychological factors than by biological conditions or current life events. He also believed
that behavior is partly controlled by the unconscious part of personality. Freud’s
psychodynamic approach holds that the interplay of unconscious psychological processes
determines thought, feelings, and behavior. He developed several methods for exploring the
unconscious, including free association and analysis of dreams. Freud assumed that people are
born with basic instincts or needs including sex and aggression. Personality, according to Freud,
develops out of each person's struggle to meet his or his needs in a world that often frustrates
these efforts.
This theory viewed that what person do and how they act are reflections of the operations of
their inner personality. This inner personality of the inner self is a sustem of forces or network
energy, called psychic forces and makes on act and feel in certain ways by its interplay.
The mind has three levels on which the symbols of these psychic forces operate:
1. Id - This structure is a reservoir of unconscious energy, sometimes called psychic energy
or libido that includes that basic instincts, desires, and impulses with which all people are
born. The id seeks immediate satisfaction and operates on the pleasure principle which
means that it wants what it wants when it wants it
2. Ego – The ego operates according to the reality principle, making compromises between
the unreasoning demands of the id and the practical constraints of the real world.
3. Superego – This is our conscience. The superego contains all the "shoulds" and "should
nots" that we are taught growing up and operates on the morality principle. This means
that only the things that are right are allowed and violating the rules results in guilt.

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These three structures are in constant conflict--the id making demands, the superego denying
the id satisfaction, and the ego trying to work out how to satisfy the id and the superego.

III. Human Development

A. Definition
Human Development –

B. Goal of Developmental Change

C. Stages of Life Span

IV. People Interaction and Transaction

A. Social Psychology – it is the scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. Baron, Byrne &
Suls define social psychology as “the scientific field that seeks to understand the nature and
causes of individual behavior in social situations”. 

B. Theories of Social Behavior

C. People’s Interaction

D. Transaction Analysis

E. Types of Attitude

F. Formation of Attitude

G. Major Influences on Attitude Formation

H. Interpersonal Attraction

1. Loving

2. Components of Love

I. Stress, Coping and Vulnerability

1. Conflict: Types of Conflict

2. Frustration: Manifestations; Reasons for Failure to Achieve Goals
3. Coping Mechanism
4. Frustration Tolerance
5. Classification of Frustration Reaction
6. Types of Reactions to Frustration

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7. Defense Mechanism: Common Defense Mechanism

V. Abnormal Behavior

A. Definition of Abnormal Behavior

Abnormal Behavior – a behavior that fails to meet the characteristics of a normal person
such as:
1. Free expression of personality
2. Adequate security feeling
3. Efficient contact with reality
4. Adaptability to group norms
5. Emotional maturity
6. Adequate self-knowledge
7. Integrated and consistent personality

B. Guidelines for Judging Abnormal Behavior

C. Factors Affecting Abnormal Behavior

D. Types of Abnormal Behavior

1. Personality Disorder

Personality Disorder originates during early development process leading

to maladaptive behavior.

Classifications of Personality Disorder

 Passive – Aggressive – occurs due to overindulgence.

 Hysterical Personality Disorder – people who are easily excitable
emotional instability, dramatically attention getting, immature, with
tendency to sexualize contacts with opposite sex.
 Compulsive Personality Disorder – those who have excessive concern for
conformity, rigid, maybe intelligent but trait of character explains his
 Paranoid Personality Disorder – people who are hypersensitive,
unwarranted suspicion, jealousy, envy, and feelings of excessive

2. Neuroses

Neuroses or psychoneuroses are behavioral disorder brought about by

emotional tension resulting from anxiety, frustrations, conflicts, repression, or
insecurity. The person who develops a neurosis breaks down under the pressure of
outer and inner stresses and displays a host of distress symptoms, although not
serious enough to require institutionalization.

Person suffering neuroses compromise with reality by developing

imaginary ailments, phobias, obsessions, compulsions, anxiety or depression.

Behavioral Characteristics of Neurotic reactions

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1. Presence of Anxiety
2. Inability to function at capacity level
3. Rigid or repetitive behavior
4. Egocentricity
5. Hypersensitivity
6. Immaturity
7. Somatic Complaints
8. Unhappiness
9. A great deal of unconsciously motivated behavior

Factors to be Considered in Understanding the Causes of Neuroses

1. Predisposing or Constitutional Factors

2. Childhood Development Patterns
3. The Immediate Life Situation
4. The Cultural Factors

Classification of Neuroses According to the Most Striking Symptoms

1. Anxiety Reactions

These are principally manifested in diffused and consciously experienced

feelings of anxiety and apprehension for which there seems to be no specific
basis in reality. The condition may be chronic and continuous, where the
person is always tense and worried, easily upset, and preoccupied with future
calamities. Repeated unsatisfactory life situations, conditions that arouse fears
of the breakdown of defensive processes, may constitute the precipitation
cause of the anxiety. The reaction is built on a lifetime pattern of insecurity
and immaturity.

Types of Anxiety Reactions

1.1 Neurasthenia – a psychoneurotic condition involving chronic fatigability,

chronic irritability, and inability to concentrate. It is marked by a wide
variety of vague aches and pains. The reaction ranges from a mild and
transient form of chronic somatic complaints, restlessness and a loss of
interest in the surrounding or life situation to severe symptoms that
disables the person. Along with headaches, backaches, dizzy spells,
bilious attacks, and indigestion, the person habitually complaints of being
tired and lacking energy.

1.2 Hypochondriasis – A preoccupation with the bodily processes, and

complaints of specific and non specific aches and pains. Complains are
out of proportion to the actual condition of the person, with suffering
being greatly exaggerated. For example, a head ache is attributed to a
brain tumor and eruptions of the skin is attributed to some icurable

By this preoccupation with physical symptoms, the individual is

securing sympathy and attention, as well as gaining a sense of security.
Isolated and immature self-centered personalities are especially prone to
develop hypochondriacal reactions. These are commonly suffered by a

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person whose parents are overprotective and showed much concern about
their child’s health.

2. Hysteria

Hysteria is a disorder in which the individual manifests, without

identifiable physical pathology, one or more symptoms usually due to organic
disease. These symptoms insulated the individual form real life stresses.
Disabilities developed include paralysis of the limbs, intense aches and pains,
deafness, blindness, loss of voice, continuous vomiting, and head or hand
tremors. The hysteric may develop an anesthesia, where he or she becomes
insensitive to pain and cannot feel a needle or a burn. He or she fits for
seizures, or faint at the least provocations.

Forms of Hysteria

2.1 Amnesia – a diso

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