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E n g l ish V erbal
S ynonyms

A Dictionary of Semantic Distances

over 5,500 entries

Lviv University Press

Lviv - 1999

С и н о н ім ік а

Словник семантичних відстаней

понад 5 500 словникових статей

Л ь в ів сь к и й д е р ж а в н и й ун івер си тет ім ені Ів а н а Ф р а н к а

Л ь в ів — 1999
С инонім іка
Словник семантичних відстаней

E nglish V erbal Synonyms

A Dictionary of Semantic Distances

ББК Ш 143.21-321
Б 61
УДК 802.0-024:801.25

Білинський М. Е.
Синоніміка англійського дієслова: Словник семантичних відстаней.— Львів:
ЛДУ ім. Івана Ф ранка, 1999.— XXXVI+382 с.
С л овн и к с ем ан ти ч н о ї б л и зьк ості д ієсл івн и х си н он ім ів, п об у д о в ан и й за до п о м о го ю
комп’ютерної лексикометрії, подає інформацію про різноманітні аспекти синоніміки, яка
недоступна користувачам традиційних словників. Окрім кількісних показників синонімічної
подібності, словник містить пояснення семантики дієслів, що враховують неочевидність їх
окремих смислів і співвіднесень, полісемію та омонімію.
Для ш ирокого кола читачів, які вивчають чи послуговуються англійською мовою.

Bilynsky М.
English Verbal Synonyms: A Dictionary of Semantic Distances.— Lviv: Lviv
University Press, 1999.— XXXVI+382 p.
The current dictionary of semantic proximity of verbal synonyms construed by means of computer-
aided lexicometrics is informative on different aspects of synonymy which are not accessible to the
users of traditional dictionaries. Alongside of the numerical indices of synonymic similarity the
dictionary contains explanations of verbal meanings which take into account the ambiguity of specific
senses of verbs and their correlation, as well as their polysemy and homonymy.
The dictionary is designed for the wide readership studying or m aking use of English.

Рекомендовано до друку Вченою Радою

Львівського держ авного університету імені Івана Франка

Науковий редактор д-р філол. наук, професор Р. П. Зорівчак

(Львівський державний університет імені Івана Франка)

Рецензенти: д-р філол. наук, професор Е. Ф. Скороходько

(Київський національний університет
імені Тараса Ш евченка),
д-р філол. наук, професор В. І. Перебийніс
(Київський лінгвістичний університет),
професор К. Д ж . Кей (Історичний тезаурус
англійської мови, університет м. Глазго, Велика Британія)

ISBN 966-613-019-Х © Білинський М. Е., 1999


У вивченні англійської мови, а також у послуговуванні нею нерідко виникає

потреба знати міру змістової співвіднесеності слів:
• котре з двох слів є ближчим синонімом до третього слова;
• чи можливо знайти рівновіддалені пари синонімів;
• у яких випадках семантичний зв’язок між словами настільки послаблений,
що хтозна чи можна вважати їх синонімами;
• чи відрізняю ться слова за ступенем подібності до своїх синонімів та їх
• які слова позбавлені близьких синонімів?
Р озв’язати ці та інші практичні питання було б значно легше, якби ми знали
семантичні відстані між потрібними словами. Проте існуючі словники не дають
нам уявлення про кількісний аспект змістової подібності лексики.

Основна мета цього словника— унаочнити ступінь змістової подібності дієслова

до його синонімів. Це завдання здійснено через лексиком етричне обернення
(реверсію) прямого тезауруса Webster's New World Thesaurus (Prentice Hall Press,
1985). Вперш е у л ек си к ограф іч н ій п рак ти ц і о три м ан о словник дієслівних
синонімічних рядів нерівномірної щільності для всієї лексико-семантичної системи
англійської мови.

С л о в н и к о в а с т а т т я . Словник описує синоніміку понад 5.500 однолексемних

(нефразових) дієслів. Синонімами дієслова у словнику семантичних наближень
(зворотному тезаурусі) є домінанти синонімічних рядів прямого тезауруса, у складі
яких це дієслово трапляється як член ряду. Н априклад, дієслово abridge у Webster's
New World Thesaurus виступає у складі синонімічних рядів дієслів abbreviate, brief,
compile, compress, contract, decrease та shorten, які й утворюють шкалу синонімічної
подібності цього дієслова у словнику семантичних наближень: contract (to cause
to diminish, 0.78); compile (0.64); decrease (to make less, 0.60); shorten (0.50); brief (to
summarize, 0.25); compress (0.25); abbreviate (0.20). У процедурі обернення ми брали
до уваги безпосередні синоніми у межах словникових статей і не враховували
вторинних посилань всередині них на інші статті.

К о е ф і ц і є н т с и н о н і м і ч н о ї п о д і б н о с т і . Семантична наближеність дієслова, що є
назвою словникової статті, до його синоніма визначається числовим коефіцієнтом,
величина якого розташ ована у діапазоні від нуля до одиниці, не досягаючи цих
крайніх точок. Цей показник становить вагу синоніма у семантиці домінанти
прямого тезауруса. Він враховує порядковий номер синоніма г та довжину ряду п
і визначається за формулою: w = (п+1 - r) : п (Левицкий В.В., Стернин И.А.
Экспериментальные методы в семасиологии. Воронеж, 1989. С. 40).
Ш к а л а с и н о н і м і ч н о ї п о д і б н о с т і . Дієслову, яке є домінантою ряду синонімів у
Webster's New World Thesaurus, у результаті обернення словника приписується
величина коефіцієнта синонімічної подібності, що дорівню є 1,00. Це дієслово
розташовується на початку зворотного синонімічного ряду. Воно повторює назву
статті словника семантичних наближень і входить у число, подане після неї в
дужках, яке позначає кількість членів зворотного синонімічного ряду. Величини
коефіцієнта синонімічної подібності відкладаю ться на шкалі за послідовним
зменшенням, а якщо є однакові величини, то відповідні синоніми наводяться в
алфавітному порядку: A B H O R (7) abhor (1.00); hate (to detest, 0.95); abominate
(0.75); detest (0.75); loathe (0.75); dislike (0.71); execrate (to detest, 0.50): D E B A SE
(20) debase (1.00); disgrace (0.96); humiliate (0.96); bastardize (0.80); depress (to bring
to a lower state, 0.78); alloy (to devaluate, 0.75); debauch (0.75); defile (to corrupt,
0.75); cheapen (0.73); flatten (to make flat, 0.56); demoralize (to corrupt, 0.50); deprave
(0.50); soil (to disgrace 0.50); sully (to defame, 0.50); taint (to corrupt, 0.50); vitiate (to
violate, 0.50); adulterate (0.46); bow (to bend, 0.46); dirty (0.18); abuse (to treat badly,
0.12); E M E R G E (8) emerge (1.00); appear (to become visible, 0.91); loom (to appear
large or imposing, 0.89); result (0.83); flow (to issue forth, 0.78); materialize (to develop,
0.50); escape ( 0.31); evolve (0.25).

В и я в л е н н я л а т е н т н и х с и н о н і м і в . Списки дієслів, що трапляю ться у лівій та

правій частинах словникових статей Webster's New World Thesaurus, неоднакові.
Кількість дієслів, які є синонімами, перевищує кількість домінант синонімічних
рядів. Це означає, що частина дієслів не розпочинає синонімічного ряду в прямому
тезаурусі. Таке обмеження не зводиться до звичайної неповноти лексикографічних
праць. Очевидно укладачі прямих тезаурусів чомусь не асоціюють такі слова з
лівою частиною синонімічної пари. Словник семантичних наближень дає змогу
експлікувати синонімічний потенціал цієї непомітної, недостатньо знаної частини
лексикону, яка охоплює понад 1 800 дієслів. У зворотних синонімічних рядах цих
дієслів заго л о в н е дієсл ово не п о вто р ю ється. П ерш е зн ачен ня коеф іцієнта
синонімічної подібності не виражає тотожності заголовній лексемі, і тому його
величина менша від 1,00: O P IN E (5) guess (to attem pt an answer on inadequate
evidence, 0.47); say (0.35), assume (to take for granted, 0.26); comment (to make a
remark, 0.11); advise (to give counsel, 0.03); W AG ER (6) bet (0.93); gamble (to play
for money, 0.75); guarantee (to give security, 0.71); chance (to take a chance, 0.64); lay
(to bet, 0.33); venture (0.07); A D D U C E (4) mention (0.75); reason (to seek a reasonable
explanation, 0.42); refer (to m ention, 0.33); propose (to make a suggestion, 0.24);
N E S T L E (3) caress (0.53); huddle (0.36); hug (0.28); S K IR T (3) join (to adjoin,0.33);
line (to be in a line, 0.30); circuit (0.17); S L A C K (2) idle (0.67); loaf (to do nothing

useful, 0.29). Кількість зворотних синонімів до дієслів, які не семантизовані у
прямому тезаурусі, здебільшого незначна. Лише 104 таких ряди налічують понад
шість членів: VEIL (8) hide (to conceal, 0 . 9 3 ) . . S E N S E (9) feel (to experience, 0.91)...;
A L L U R E (12) seduce (0.90)...; A M E L IO R A T E (14) im prove (to become better,
0.94).. D E V IS E (23) invent (to create or discover, 0.89).. ..Частину дієслів, які беруть
участь у латентній синонімізації, наведено з короткими поясненнями: HULK ta
loom bulkily (1) loom (to appear large or imposing, 0.50); SC O N C E to inflict fines at
the University (1) fine (0.08); SW IG to drink (3) drink (to consume alcoholic liquor,
0.50); swallow (0.27); guzzle (0.25).

Уявні з в о р о т н і с и н о н і м і ч н і р я д и . П онад 200 дієслів зареєстровано у лівій частині

прямого тезауруса, проте вони ніколи не трапляються у функції пояснюючих слів
у синонімічних рядах його правої частини. У таких випадках виділення дієслова
як заголовного у словнику семантичних наближень умовне: C R O SS-E X A M IN E
(1) cross-examine (1.00); JU G G LE (2) juggle (to keep in the air by tossing, 1.00);
juggle (to alter, usually to deceive, 1.00); M A T T E R (2) m atter (to be of importance,
1.00); m atter (to form or discharge pus, 1.00). Дієслова, які не виступають у правій
частині прямого тезауруса, ніколи не відкривають більше, ніж два синонімічні
ряди у його лівій частині.

М н о ж и н н а с п і в в і д н е с е н і с т ь . Одне і те ж дієслово, актуалізую чи свої різні

значення, може розпочинати декілька синонімічних рядів у прямому тезаурусі. їх
кількість відображено у статті словника семантичних наближень повтором цього
дієслова з величиною коефіцієнта синонімічної подібності 1,00. Ця кількість є
складовою частиною числа загальної довжини зворотного синонімічного ряду:
M U T IL A T E (11) mutilate (to maim, 1.00); mutilate (to damage, 1.00)...; A BID E (19)
abide (to lodge, 1.00) ; abide (to reside, 1.00) ; abide (to remain, 1.00); abide (to wait
for, 1.00); abide (to submit to, 1.00)...; D ISC H A R G E (53) discharge (to unload, 1.00);
discharge (to remove, 1.00); discharge (to emit, 1.00); discharge (to cause to fire, 1.00);
discharge (to dismiss, 1.00); discharge (to release, 1.00); discharge (to perform, 1.00);
discharge (to pay a debt, 1.00); discharge (to annul, 1.00)... . Зворотний синонімічний
ряд таких дієслів мав би бути пучком зумовлених полісемією домінанти си­
нонімічних ліній. П роте у словнику W ebster’s New World Thesaurus значення полі­
семанта, який виступає у позиції члена синонімічного ряду, не вказане. Тому,
укладаючи цей словник, ми не могли експлікувати співвіднесеність конституентів
синонімічного пучка зі значеннями заголовного дієслова, оскільки заголовне
дієслово у зворотному тезаурусі є членом синонімічного ряду прямого тезауруса.
К оеф іцієнт подібності у пучку синонімів — інструм ент вериф ікації сили їх
семантичного зв’язку з домінантою, однак розпізнавання значень останньої у по­
парних синонімічних кореляціях здійснює сам користувач. М ож лива також
співвіднесенність усього лексемного складу зворотного синонімічного ряду тільки
з одним словозначенням домінанти: S T E A M (14) steam (to cook, 1.00); steam (to
speed, 1.00); distil, 0.75); boil (to continue at a boiling point, 0.50); lay (to smooth out,
0.50); stew (to boil, 0.50); cook (0.49); evaporate (to vaporize. Q.43); parboil (0.33); block
(to shape by blocking, 0.25); heat (to make hot, 0.25); smoulder (0.25); moisten (0Л9).

У протилежній ситуації полісемія властива не заголовному дієслову зворотного
синонім ічного ряду, а його членам . Д ієслово, яке є заголовн и м у словнику
семантичних наближень, відкриває лише один синонімічний ряд у Webster’s New
World Thesaurus. П роте в правій частині його словникових статей це дієслово
виступає синонімом до різних значень відповідної домінанти, яка започатковує
більше, ніж один прямий синонімічний ряд. Коли така дом інанта стає членом
зво р о тн ого синонім ічного ряду, вон а виявляє змінну величину коефіцієнта
синонімічної подібності до заголовного дієслова. Зняття полісемічності досягається
експлікацією сл овозначен ь кон сти туен та зв о р о т н о го ряду, які виступаю ть
окремими синонімами: A ID (21) aid (1.00); com fort (to m ake easy physically, 0.70);
com fort (to console. 0.28); P R O T E S T (10) protest (1.00); oppose (to fight, 0.78); oppose
(to hold a contrary opinion. 0.74); A C C O M P L IS H (23) accomplish (1.00); achieve (to
finish an undertaking, 0.30); achieve (to reach a goal, 0.25). У прямому тезаурусі
мож лива також співвіднесеність дієслова з різними значеннями полісемічної
домінанти без започаткування власного синонімічного ряду. Синонімічний ряд
тако го дієсл ова у зворотном у тезаурусі не має сам о то то ж н о го коефіцієнта
синонімічної подібності зі значенням 1.00: VOID (10) unload (0.89); empty (to cause
to become em pty. 0.71); empty (to become empty, 0.47).

П олісем ічна співвіднесеність може торкати ся як дом ін ан ти , так і членів

зворотного синонімічного ряду: A P P R A IS E (10) appraise (to set a price on, 1.00);
appraise (to estimate, 1.00); value (to set a price upon, 0.79); estimate (to calculate,
0.77); value (to estimate, 0.25); estimate (to m ake a rough guess, 0.15); B LA C K E N
(10) blacken (to make black, 1.00); blacken (to smirch, 1.00); blacken (to become black,
1.00); shade (to m ake darker, 0.83); shade (to become darker, 0.67). Двостороння
полісемічна співвіднесеність здебільшого властива потужним пучкам зворотної
синонімічності: KEEP (31) keep (to hold, 1.00); keep (to m aintain, 1.00); keep (to
continue, 1.00); keep (to operate, 1.00); keep (to tend, 1.00); keep (to remain, 1.00);
keep (to store, 1.00); keep (to prevent, used with from, 1.00); m aintain (to keep ready
for use, 0.89); hold (to have in one’s possession, 0.75); m aintain (to support, 0.50);
m aintain (to uphold, 0.33); hold (to have in one’s grasp, 0.31); P R E S E N T (33) present
(to display, 1.00); present (to suggest, 1.00); present (to submit, 1.00); present (to give,
1.00); present (to give a play, 1.00); give (to transfer, 0.81); give (to give a play, 0.67);
produce (to present a perform ance, 0.67); produce (to bear, 0.55); give (to give a speech,
0.50); produce (to show, 0.50); A D V A N C E (59) advance (to move forward physically,
1.00); advance ( to cause to move forward, 1.00); advance (to propose, 1.00); advance
(to prom ote, 1.00); advance (to prom ote in a rank or statio n , 1.00); advance (to
accelerate, 1.00); advance (to raise, 1.00); advance ( to lend, 1.00); advance (to pay,
1.00); advance (to improve, 1.00); develop (to improve, 0.77); grow (to become larger,
0.63); grow (to change slowly, 0.50); make (to move, 0.50); rise (to improve one’s station,
0.29); develop (to grow, 0.25); m ake (to offer, 0.25); rise (to increase, 0.15).

Квант ифікація синонімічної подібності м іж словами моделює скупченість

синонімів у ряді, показує змінність кроку віддаленості синонімів від заголовного
дієслова, ступінь наближ еності до нього першого та останнього синонімів, випадки

абсолютної та відносної рівновіддаленості синонімів, випадки різної віддаленості
синонімів, у тому числі зумовлені їхньою полісемією. Така інформація важлива у
вивченні англійської мови як іноземної, у психолінгвальній верифікації ступеня
синонімічност і слів тими, хт о вж е володіє мовою, а т акож для з ’я сування
різноманітних питань у галузі когнітивної лексикології.

М о д е л і о м о н ім іч н о с т і. С л о в н и к с е м а н т и ч н и х н а б л и ж е н ь в и б у д о в у є о к р е м і р я д и
з в о р о т н и х с и н о н ім ів д л я о м о н і м іч н и х д іє с л ів , п р и ч о м у о м о н і м у ф у н к ц ії з а г о л о в н о ї
DEFER to put off:
л ек сем и с л о в н и к о в о ї ст а тт і о т р и м у є п о я сн ен н я с в о г о зн ач ен н я :
to delay; to set aside (13) defer (to postpone, 1.00); delay (to cause a delay, 0.95);
neglect (to fail to attend to responsibilities, 0.92); suspend (to cease temporarily, 0.90);
procrastinate (0.67); hesitate (0.55); hinder (0.55); m aintain (to keep ready for use,
0.53); postpone (0.50); protract (0.50); shelve (to postpone, 0.50); table (0.33); waive
(0.31); D EFER to bring away: to offer (3) defer (to yield, 1.00); yield (to grant, 0.10);
accom modate (to render a service, 0.09); FILE to arrange in consecutive order (12) file
(to arrange in order, 1.00); record (to write down, 0.76); group (0.75); sort (0.75); order
(to put in order, 0.71); list (to enter in a list, 0.63); register (to record, 0.33); suspend (to
cease temporarily, 0.30); distribute (to classify, 0.25); march (0.20); enroll (to prepare a
roll, 0.11); store (0.09); FILE to rub: to smooth or wear away with a file (4) file (to use
an abrasive, 1.00); sharpen (to make keen, 0.67); grind (to pulverize 0.43); rub (to subject
to friction, 0.14).
Лексикометричне обернення Webster's New World Thesaurus дає змогу виявити
синоніміку дієслівного омоніма, який не поданий у його лівій частині і не відкриває
у ній відповідного ряду синонімів: R E JO IN to answer a p la in tiffs application (5)
answer (to reply, 0.70); reply (0.50), respond (0.50), retort (0.33), answer (to move in
response, 0.24); R E JO IN to come together (3) rejoin (1.00), join (to enter the company
of, 0.60), reunite (0.29). W EAR o f a ship, to come round(1) tack (to steer an oblique
course, 0.40). W EAR to carry on one's body; to damage; to use (8) wear (to use as
clothing or personal ornament, 1.00); wear (to consume by wearing, 1.00); wear (to be
consumed by wearing, 1.00); dress (to put on clothes, 0.80); wash (to erode, 0.60);
endure (to continue, 0.39); model (to dem onstrate, 0.33); w aste (to be consumed
gradually, 0.09). Оскільки деякі омоніми можуть відкривати більше ніж один
синонімічний ряд у прямому тезаурусі, їх пояснення у зворотному тезаурусі не є,
як із певними моносем ічними дієсловам и, дублікатам и семантичного опису
домінанти єдиного прямого синонімічного ряду: BO UND to recoil (12) bound (to
move in leaps, 1.00); bound (to rebound, 1.00); run (to go swiftly by physical effort,
0.86) ... ; BOUND to set bounds to; to limit; to confine (9) bound (to set limits, 1.00);
define (to set limits, 0.97) . . . .
Латентний синонімічний потенціал може торкатися кожного зі слів, між якими
існують омонімічні відношення: P LU M P to fall; to drop; to sink (2) drop (to cause
or to permit to fall, 0.53); drop (to fall in drops, 0.08); PLU M P to make plump (2)
fatten (to make fat, 0.57); swell (0,14); B O L T to make fa st with a bolt (5) stabilize (to
fix, 0.75); lock (0,67); close (to shut, 0.60); fasten (to make something secure, 0.46); bar
(to raise a physical obstruction, 0.45); B O L T to sift; to pass through a sieve (5) sift (to
put through a sieve, 0.90); swallow (0.36); gulp (0.25); glut (to eat to satiety, 0.14); eat

(to take as a food, 0.09); B O L T to spring back; to recoil (5) stampede (0.75); bounce
(to move suddenly, 0.43); hasten (to make haste, 0.43); run (to go swiftly by physical
effort, 0.24); race (to move at great speed, 0.13). Такі омонімічні дієслова відсутні у
лівій частині прямого тезауруса.
П ара дієслівних омонімів може траплятися у позиції домінант синонімічних
рядів за W ebster’s New World Thesaurus, проте лише один омонім має здатність
ви ступ ати членом си нонім ічни х рядів у й ого п равій части н і. Цей ом онім
започатковує відповідний синонімічний ряд у зворотному тезаурусі: S L IN G to throw
stones (3) sling (to throw, 1.00); throw (to hurl, 0.70); fling (0.60). Другий омонім
залиш ається лише у лівій частині W ebster’s New World Thesaurus. Тому він не може
утворити власного зворотного синонімічного ряду: S L IN G to secure with a sling (1)
sling (to suspend, 1.00).
Деякі заголовні дієслова подано з короткою дефініцією, проте цей словник
не подає їх омоніма навіть серед домінант умовних зворотних синонімічних рядів:
A N G L E to use an angle; to fish with a hook and hail (2) hook (to curve in the shape of
a hook, 0.75); fish (0.11). Така семантизація заголовного дієслова у зворотному
тезаурусі вказує на його омонімічність у лексиконі загалом, хоч сам омонім не
виявляє синонімічних зв’язків до інших дієслів: angle v.t. to run into a corner.
Відношення омонімічності існують і між певними конституентами сино­
німічного ряду та компонентами метамови опису синонімів: ТАU N T (12)... ridicule
(0.91); ... mock (to ridicule, 0.25); D E C ID E (9) ... choose (to select, 0.97); select (0.75);
B O L S T E R (12) ... advocate (to promote, 0.80); ...promote (to further, 0.45);... cultivate
(to encourage, 0.25); encourage (to give support, 0.24).

Р е ф л е к с и в н і с т ь т а с и м е т р и ч н і с т ь с и н о н і м і в . П рям и й тезаурус дає нам

інф орм ацію про те, які синоніми має слово, що стоїть на початку ряду. Зі
зворотного словника дієслівних синонімів можна дізнатися, до яких дієслів прямого
тезауруса і якою мірою дієслово, котре стоїть на початку ряду, є синонімом. На
інтуїтивному рівні лексична компетенція у сфері синонімічності здається повністю
рефлексивною — два слова, які вважають синонімами, є синонімічними в обох
напрямах. Проте спостереження за семантизацією синонімів у прямих тезаурусах
засвідчує, що це питання набагато складніше. Д ва синонімічні слова можуть не
тільки виявляти розбіжності щодо складу своїх синонімів, а й показувати сино­
німічність між собою лише у ряді синонімів одного з них. Асиметрія синонімічності
— невід’ємна риса асоціативного лексикону людини.
Для прикладу, згідно з Webster’s New World Thesaurus, дієслово shun наводиться
серед безпосередніх синонімів до дієслова avoid, однак дієслова avoid не знаходимо
серед синонім ів до д ієсл о ва shun. Т ак и й в а р іан т синон ім ічн и х віднош ень
вважатимемо нерефлексивним. Обидва дієслова мають у складі своїх синонімів
дієслово evade, проте стосовно дієслова avoid воно перебуває на другій позиції
семичленного ряду, а стосовно дієслова shun — на третій позиції чотиричленного
ряду. Отже, синонімічність цих дієслів рефлексивна, але асиметрична. Синонімом
до дієслова avoid є також і дієслово eschew (А пресян Ю. Д. А нгло-русский
синонимический словарь. М., 1979), яке, однак, за W ebster’s New World Thesaurus
відсутнє у синонімічному ряді дієслова avoid та не містить дієслова avoid у своєму

ряді. Зв’язок між цими двома дієсловами здійснюється тому, що у синонімічному
ряді кож ного з них є інше дієслово — shun. Т езаурус Роже, який моделює
синонімічні поля слів, до синонімів дієслова avoid теж зараховує дієслово eschew,
проте не виділяє для останнього окремого місця серед заголовних слів (Roget’s
T h e sa u ru s o f E ng lish W ords a n d P h ra ses. H arlo w , 1982). За сл о вн и ко м
Ю. Д. Апресяна, дієслова shun і eschew — синоніми. Однак у тезаурусі Роже вони
не співвідносні між собою у межах словникових статей. У словнику Webster's New
World Thesaurus до дієслова shun не зараховується як синонім дієслово eschew,
можливо, у зв’язку з формальним характером уживання останнього (див. Collins
CO BUILD English Language Dictionary. London, 1990). Проте дієслово shun є серед
си н о н ім ів д іє с л о в а eschew . С и н о н ім іч н а сп ів в ід н ес ен іс ть слів іноді має
парадоксальний характер. Очевидно, вона пов’язана з нашим сприйняттям родо­
видових відношень у лексиці.
М іж лексемні віднош ення, зм одельован і у цьому словнику семантичних
наближень, відображ аю ть суттєві ознаки синонімії слів — асиметричність та
нерефлексивність. Коефіцієнти синонімічної подібності дієслів repeal, revoke,
exterminate та extirpate до дієслова abolish становлять, відповідно 0,50, 0,44, 0,25
та 0,25 однобальної шкали. У протилежному ж напрямі величина синонімічної
подібності дієслова abolish до дієслів repeal і revoke становить 0,60 та 0,81, а до
дієслів exterminate і extirpate — відповідно 0,90 та 0,71. Отже, наше сприйняття
ступеня синонімічності двох слів змінне і залежить від того, яке з них виступає у
функції пояснюваного слова. Змістова співвіднесеність двох дієслів у “Словнику
семантичних відстаней” може залишатися однонапрямленою. У цьому випадку
відповідні синоніми є нерефлексивними. Н априклад, дієслова eliminate, destroy,
dismiss, reform і withdraw не мають у складі зворотних рядів своєї синоніміки
дієслова abolish. У прямому тезаурусі ці дієслова відсутні серед синонімів дієслова
abolish, хоча дієслово abolish є серед синонімів кожного з них, що й відображено
у його зворотному синонімічному ряді: A B O L IS H (10) abolish (1.00), withdraw (to
remove fro m use or circulation, 0.85), reform (to correct evils, 0.82), eliminate (to remove,
0.58), dismiss (to send away, 0.56), repeal (0.50), destroy (to bring to nothing, 0.45),
revoke (0.44), exterm inate (0.25), extirpate (0.25). Односторонність синоніміки у
тезаурусі — чинник неповторності ономасіологічного рисунка його рядів.
Питання про рефлексивність синоніміки у словнику семантичних наближень
можна розв’язувати компромісно. У зворотних синонімічних рядах дієслів destroy
та eliminate лексема abolish не зазначена, хоч її подано у поясненнях до інших
синонімів — liquidate (to abolish, 0.25) та term inate (to abolish, 0,75).
К іл ь к і с н і з с у в и у с п р и й н я т т і р е ф л е к с и в н и х с и н о н і м і в . Розкид різниці коефіцієнтів
синонімічної подібності між двома дієсловами при їх рефлексивності у складі
синонімічних рядів значний і може сягати величини одного з коефіцієнтів або ж
майже повного діапазону шкали синонімічної щільності: C O M M A N D require (0.50)
:: R E Q U IR E com mand (0.18); C O N V E Y conduct (0.67) :: C O N D U C T convey (0.33);
A B A N D O N discard (0.71) :: D IS C A R D abandon (0.16); H A L T suspend (0.96) ::
SU SP E N D halt (0.15); N O T IF Y declare (0.08) :: D E C L A R E notify (0.97). Проте у
кожному третьому випадку семантична наближеність двох дієслів є симетричною
або ж близькою до симетричної, коли різниця величин коефіцієнта синонімічної

по дібн о сті не перевищ ує 10% ш кали (рис.1): IM P E R IL je o p ard ize (0.75) ::
JE O P A R D IZ E imperil (0.75); T R E S P A S S infringe (0.25):: IN F R IN G E trespass (0.25);
T R E S P A S S invade (0.50) :: IN V A D E trespass (0.50); C U D D LE smuggle (0.67) ::
SM U G G LE cuddle (0.67); IN FER gather (0.75) :: G A TH E R infer (0.78); R E P LA C E
reinstate (0.30) :: R E IN S T A T E replace (0.33); W AR fight (0.92) :: F IG H T war (0.91);
B U R D E N hinder (0.89) :: H IN D E R burden (0.85). Ц ікаво, що високий ступінь
симетричності коефіцієнтів синонімічної подібності у парах синонімів зовсім не
характерний для флангів семантичної шкали зворотного синонімічного ряду. Лише
кожний десятий випадок повної або майже повної симетричності семантичного
зв’язку розташ ований у діапазонах ш кали 0,80 < w < 1,00 та 0,00 < w < 0,20 (рис.2).
Це означає, що дуже сильна та надто послаблена синонімічна співвіднесеність
між словами сприймається такою лише в одному напрямі. При зміні протичлена,
щ одо якого оцінюється ступінь синонімічної подібності, остання стає суттєво

Рис. 1. Величина різниці коефіцієнтів синонімічної подібності Aw у парах

рефлексивних дієслівних синонімів N.

Рис.2. Локалізація симетричних та близьких до симетричних пар коефіцієнтів

синонімічної подібності N на шкалі зворотної щільності w.
Множинна співвіднесеність синоніма із заголовним дієсловом зворотного ряду
здебільшого змінює величину різниці між відповідними коефіцієнтами синонімічної
подібності: B E A T batter (to strike, 0.75) :: B A T T E R beat (to strike repeatedly, 0.75),
beat (to thrash, 0.11); A B E T encourage (to give support, 0.45) :: EN C O U RAG E abet
(to excite, 0.50), abet (to help, 0.25); C R A S H smash (0.40) :: S M A S H crash (to fall
with a crash, 0.64), crash (to make a crashing sound, 0.25); A B A N D O N discard (0.16)
:: D ISC A R D abandon (to relinquish, 0.78), abandon (to leave in trouble , 0.71); G ET
acquire (to receive, 0.75), acquire (to obtain, 0.60) :: A C Q U IR E get (to learn, 0.75), get
(to obtain, 0.25). Значення паралельних коефіцієнтів синонімічної подібності при
подвійній співвіднесеності рідко залишаються однаковими: R A T T L E clack (to make
a rattling noise, 0.50), clack (to talk heedlessly, 0.50):: C LACK rattle (to make a rattling
sound, 0.50).

В и м ога р еф л ек си вн о сті с и н о н ім іч н о го з в ’язку ви д іл яє певну части н у

зворотного синонімічного ряду, яка існує у двобічній синонімічній інтерпретації.
Така інтерпретація скорочує загальну довжину ряду, водночас уможливлюючи
взаємодію зворотних синонімічних рядів: C A JO LE (7) cajole (1.00); coax (0.50)
[COAX cajole (0.50)]; praise (to commend, 0.43); wheedle (0.25) [W HEEDLE cajole
(0.75)]; persuade (to influence, 0.22); influence (0.17); com pliment (to flatter, 0.16);
T R A M M E L (5) trammel (1.00); muzzle (to silence,0.73) [M U ZZLE trammel (0.29)];
bar (to raise a physical obstruction, 0.65); hinder (0,42) [ H IN D E R trammel (0.94)];
bind (to constrain with bonds, 0.03) [BIND trammel, 0.14)]. У значній частині рядів
словника семантичних наближень названа взаємодія взагалі не відбувається,
оскільки жоден з членів зворотного синонімічного ряду не виявляє рефлексивності
до за г о л о в н о г о д ієс л о в а . С и н о н ім іч н і р яд и , які п о зб ав л е н і п о д іб н о го
м іжлексемного з в ’язку, вваж атим ем о реф еренційними островам и тезауруса:
B EFU D D LE (4) befuddle (1.00); confuse (0.86); intoxicate (to make drunk, 0.67); beat
(to perplex, 0.25).

З в о р о т н и й т е з а у р у с та п о л і с е м і я д і є с л і в . Прямий тезаурус не завжди подає

окремий ряд синонімів до кожного значення полісеманта, проте останнє можливе
як синонім у складі інш ого ряду. Ця особливість зум овлю є дещ о повніш е
відображ ення значень певних дієслів у складі зворотних синонімічних рядів
порівняно з синонімічними рядами прямого тезауруса.
World Book Encyclopedia Webster s Словник семантичних
Dictionary. New World відстаней:
forage v.i. 1. to hunt or search fo r FORAGE- FO RAG E (5)
food. 2. to search about; hunt; search, forage (1.00);
rummage. 3. to make a raid. v.t. pilfer, ransack (to loot, 0.67);
1. to supply with food; feed. 2. to plunder. raid (0.48);
get by h u n tin g or search in g graze (to pasture, 0.44);
about; root out. 3. to get or take ravage (0.22).
food from . 4. to plunder; ravage.

scorch v.t. 1. to burn slightly, SCO RCH - SCORCH to heat; to dry up (11)
burn on the outside of. 2. to dry roast, scorch (1.00); char (0.75); sear (to
up; whither; 3. to criticize with parch, cook by searing, 0.75); cook (0.66);
burning words; v.i. 1. to be or shrivel. brown (0.50); burn (to subject to
become scorch. 2. Inform al to fire, 0.45); race (to move at great
drive or ride very fast. speed, 0.45 )\ inflame (to burn,
0.33); dry (to cause to become dry,
0.25); singe (0.25); heat (to make
hot, 0.15).

Д еякі значення лексеми не зазнаю ть синонімізації, наприклад, прямий та

зворотний синонімічні ряди дієслова scorch не мають жодного синоніма до його
значення to criticize with burning words.
З в ’язок величини коефіцієнта синонімічної подібності з епідигматичною
структурою дієслова-дом інанти відносний. Н ай ближ чи й до дом інанти член
синонімічного ряду не обов’язково корелює з її первинним значенням: H E A R (6)
hear (to perceive by ear, 1.00); hear (to receive inform ation orally, 1.00); try (to conduct
a trial, 0.83); listen (to endeavour to hear, 0.29); learn (to acquire mentally, 0.13);
discover (to find, 0.06) // hear v.t. 1. to receive by the ear. 2. to listen to; give ear to;
hearken to. 3.a. to give a chance to be heard; give a form al hearing to. b. to attend and
listen to; be am ong the audience at. 4. to find out by hearing; be told; be informed of.
5. to listen to with favour; accede to; grant; v.i. 1. to be able to perceive by the ear. 2. to
be told; perceive news or inform ation. 3. to listen; give ear; hearken (W. В. E. Die.);
W ITH H O LD (16) withhold (1.00); maintain (to keep ready fo r use, 0.74) ; hide (to
conceal, 0.67); delay (to cause a delay 0.61); discourage (to restrain, 0.58); dock (to
diminish, 0.50); refuse (0,42); deny (0.39); forbid (0.39); harbour (to keep hidden, 0.33);
subtract (0.33); check (to slacken the pace 0.30); hinder (0.27); estrange (to withdraw
0.25); famish (to kill 0.25); omit (to fail to include, 0.08) // withhold v.t.l. to refrain
from giving or granting. 2. to hold back, keep back\ v.i. to refrain from (W. В. H. Die.).

К і л ь к і с н и й і р е ф е р е н ц і й н и й а с п е к т и п р я м о ї та з в о р о т н о ї с и н о н і м і з а ц і ї . Для
незначної частини тезауруса (до 8% заголовних дієслів) міжлексемні зв’язки, які
випливають з того, що дієслово може бути пояснене іншими дієсловами (прямий
синонімічний ряд чи декілька таких рядів при полісемії лексеми у Webster's New
W orld Thesaurus), за кількістю співвіднош ень збігаю ться з його потенціалом
пояснювати інші дієслова (зворотний синонімічний ряд у словнику семантичних
наближень): GA UGE check, weigh, calibrate, calculate // (4 :: 4) 11 GA UGE (5) gauge
(1.00); measure (to apply a standard of measurem ent, 0.83); forecast (to predict, 0.11);
calculate (to reckon, 0.68); sound (to measure, 0.25); B E A M l.[To emit] transm it,
broadcast; 2. [To shine] radiate, glitter, glare; 3. [To smile] grin, laugh, smirk // (8 :: 8)1
/ B E A M (11) beam (to emit, 1.00); beam (to shine, 1.00); beam (to smile, 1.00); radiate
(to shed light or beam, 0.96); shine (to give forth light, 0.90); smile (0,83); glare (to
shine fiercely, 0.75); flash (to give forth a light by flash, 0.68); aim (to p oint a weapon,
0.56); laugh (0.35); grin (0.25). П роте для більшості дієслів кількість синонімів, що
пояснюють дієслово, не збігається з кількістю синонімів, які можна пояснити цим

дієсл о вом . Р озб іж н ість п отуж н ості п р ям о го та зв о р о т н о го синонім ічних
потенціалів дієслівної лексеми може бути значною: D E F E A T (98 ::9); H IN D ER
(100:: 21); D E C R E A SE (82 :: 11); H U S H (6 :: 4); KID (З :: 1); R E D U C E (8:: 54);
S E T T L E (23 :: 60); S E C U R E (8 :: 49); D E P R IV E (4 :: 7); W O R R Y (12 :: 20).
Кількість синонімічних рядів, започаткованих дієсловом у прямому тезаурусі, не
співвідносна з кількістю синонімічних рядів, у яких воно виступає синонімом:
B L IN K (3 :: 4)\ B E N D (3 :: 23)\ C O N TR O L (3 :: 32).
Д ієслова, що виявляю ть потужніший синонімічний потенціал у прямому
тезаурусі, чисельно майже не поступаються дієсловам, зворотний синонімічний
потенціал яких сильніший від прямого (рис.З). У наведеному графіку заголовне
дієслово зараховане до довжини прямої синонімічності. Коли кількість синонімів
до дієслова за W ebster’s New World Thesaurus більша від числа його зворотних
синонімів за “Словником семантичних відстаней”, різниця потенціалів прямої та
зворотної синонімічності від’ємна, якщо ж число зворотних синонімів більше —
вона додатня. П роте кожний другий випадок асиметрії потенціалів прямої та
зворотної синонімічності залишається в межах 3-4 лексем. Значна розбіжність
кількості прямих та зворотних синонімів (понад 20 лексем) властива лише 269

Рис. 3. Різниця у кількості конституентів Ап однодісслівних синонімічних рядів N

за “Словником семантичних відстаней”
та Webster’s New World Thesaurus.

Лексемний склад синонімічних рядів дієслова у прямому та зворотному

тезаурусі виявляє розбіжності. За нерефлексивності синонімічних відношень між
усіма дієсловами-членами ряду та його домінантою у Webster’s New World Thesaurus
ці розбіжності є абсолютними. Суть цього ефекту — в невідповідності сигні-
фікативного потенціалу слів у лівій та правій частинах тезауруса, у нереверсивності
в ньому функцій пояснюваного та пояснюючого слів: Q UAKE tremble, shrink, cower
// Q U AKE (9) quake (1.00); shake (to vibrate 0.82); jerk (to undergo a spasm, 0.63);
totter (to be near falling,0.62); beat (to pulsate, 0.61); shudder (0.50); fear (to anticipate
personal danger 0.40); rock (0.38); wobble (0.27); A C C E D E consent, comply, acquiesce

// A C C E D E (11) accede (1.00); yield (to grant, 0.90); consider (to take into account,
0.78); consent (0.75); underw rite (to approve, 0.67); defer (to yield, 0.57); admit (to
acknowledge, 0.55); accord (to grant, 0.50); grant (to accept as true, 0.50); obey (to act
in accordance with orders, 0.33); succumb (to yield, 0.25). S T R A D D L E bestride, ride,
m ount, b estraddle// S T R A D D L E (2) straddle (1.00); hesitate (0.71); S U R V IV E l.[To
live on] outlive, outlast, outwear, persist, persevere, last, remain; 2. [To endure] withstand,
sustain // S U R V IV E (7) survive (to live on, 1.00); survive (to endure, 1.00); manage (to
get along, 0.50); live (to persist in hum an memory, 0.40); be (to have being, 0.30); endure
(to continue, 0.28); exist (to have being, 0.25).

П риродною співвіднесеністю синонімічних рядів дієслова у прямому та

зворотному тезаурусах є обмежене суміщення їх лексемного складу: SO A R tower,
sail, rise // SO A R (9) soar (1.00); fly (to pass through the air, 0.85); skim (to pass
lightly and swiftly, 0.80); rise (to move upward, 0.63); sail (to fly , 0.60); ascend (to rise,
0.33); climb (to ascend, 0.33); rocket (0.14); glide (to move gently, 0.08); L O O M 1. [To
appear] rise; 2. [To appear large or imposing] menace, emerge, overshadow, shadow,
bulk, figure, show, tower, hulk, issue, em anate, top, overtop, impress, hover, approach,
impend // L O O M to move up and down (5) loom (to appear, 1.00); loom (to appear
large or imposing, 1.00); approach (to come near in time, 0.75); appear (to become
visible, 0.45); menace (0.25). C O N S U L T deliberate, confer, parley, confabulate,
commune, treat, negotiate, debate, argue // C O N SU L T (4) consult (1.00); negotiate
(to m ake arrangements for, 0.76), canvass (to pass rapidly in review, 0.75); think (to
examine with the mind, 0.17); Q U E N C H 1. [To satisfy] slake, slut, gorge; 2. [To smother]
stifle, dam pen, douse // Q U EN C H (4) quench (to satisfy, 1.00); quench (to smother,
1.00); douse (to p u t out, 0.67) ; extinguish (to put out, 0.57). Контактна ланка між
прямою синонімікою дієслова та його зворотним синонімічним рядом засвідчує
референційну зв’язність лексеми при її переході між функціональними площинами
пояснюючого та пояснюваного слів.

Л а к у н и та щ і л ь н іс т ь в о ц і н ю в а н н і с и н о н і м і ч н и х н а б л и ж е н ь . Лише у незначній
частині зворотних синонімічних рядів розподіл величини коефіцієнта семантичної
подібності рівномірний або близький до рівномірного: A L A R M (6) startle (0.75);
disturb (to upset mental calm, 0.74); discourage (to warn, 0.50); petrify (to frighten,
0.50); forewarn (0.25); scare (0.25); B E N E F IT (9) benefit (1.00); profit (to derive gain,
0.89); profit (to be of benefit, 0.75); accom m odate (to render a service, 0.56); succed (to
attain success, 0.52); help (to aid, 0.46); operate (to produce an effect, 0.33); prom ote
(to further, 0.24); prosper (0.23); G A SH (6) cut (to cut into, 0.95); wound (to hurt the
body, 0.75); chip (0.60); slash (0.50); break (to start a rupture, 0.26); divide (to separate
by parting, 0.12). Здебільшого рівномірність заповнення ділянок ономасіологічного
простору порушується скупченням синонімів у частині шкали. При умовному
поділі ономасіологічного простору на три рівновеликі зони ця тенденція може
означати відсутність синонімів на флангах шкали і/або у її центрі.
Лакунарність лівого флангу або лівого флангу і центру шкали синонімічної
подібності характерна для дієслів латентної синонімізації, котрі позбавлені функції
синонімічної домінанти у прямому тезаурусі: ! . ( - + +) FO U N D ER (4 ) trip (to

stumble, 0.55); wreck (to shipwreck, 0.40); fail (to be unsuccessful, 0.25); disappoint
(0.22); G L IM P SE (4) peep (to look cautiously, 0.50); discover (to find, 0.48); glance
(to look, 0.25); peek (0.25); CEDE (4) grant (to permit, 0.50); yield (to surrender,
0.46); ab an d o n (to relinquish, 0.26); give (to transfer, 0.22); R E F A S H IO N (6)
reconstruct (0.50); remodel (0.47); repeat (to do again, 0.44); revolutionize (0.25); reform
(to change into a new form, 0.19); improve (to make better, 0.15); 2. (- + -) B E SM IR C H
(3) defame (0.50); slander (0.37); disgrace (0.35);E F F E C TU A TE (3) produce (to create
by mental effort, 0.50); complete (to make entire, 0.47); achieve (to finish an undertaking,
0.46); L O P E (3) run (to go swiftly by physical effort, 0.52); canter (0.50); gallop (0.40);
M O O R (3) anchor (to drop an anchor, 0.67); bind (to constrain with bounds, 0.45);
hitch (to harness, 0.38); 3. (----- ь) B R A K E to apply a brake to a wheel (3) pedal (0.25),
slow (to ca u se to becom e slow er, 0.25); check (to sla ck e n th e p ace, 0.15);
D ISC O U N T E N A N C E (4) halt (to cause to cease, 0.31); bar (to obstruct by refusal,
0.25); embarrass (to upset mentally, 0.18); censure (0.03); C O S S E T (4) caress (0.26);
baby (0.25); cherish (to hold dear, 0.25); pam per (0.09); O PPU G N (2) upbraid (0.24);
confute (0.10). Заповненість лише другої половини шкали синонімічної подібності
може все ж торкатися деяких дієслів, що розпочинають синонімічний ряд у прямому
тезаурусі: VO UCH (6) vouch(l.OO); declare (to speak formally and emphatically, (0.34);
plead (to discuss in court, 0.33); pledge (to promise, 0.25); swear (to take an oath,
0.18); testify (to bear witness, 0.11 );/7 (2) pi (1.00); nuddle (to confuse, 0.18); B LE N C H
(4) blench (1.00); shrink (0.50); flinch (0.33); wince (0.30). H U G (7) hug (1.00); love
(to express love by caresses, 0.50); hold (to have in one’s grasp, 0.45); pet (to make
love, 0.33); huddle (0.18); stick (to remain fastened, 0.18); cherish (to hold dear, 0.04).
Зосередж еність у ряді тільки високих або високих та середніх значень
коефіцієнта синонімічної подібності обмежує його розмивання віддаленими від
домінанти синонімами: 1. (+ — ) H O P E (2) hope (1.00); wish (to express a desire,
0.92); A P O L O G IZ E (3) apologize (1.00); justify (to give reasons for, 0.83); excuse
(0.75); B L E A C H (5) bleach (1.00); damage (to impair the value of, 0.95); fade (to lose
colour or light, 0.92); weather (to expose to the weather, 0.85); whiten (to make white,
0.80); C H E W (4) chew (1.00); eat (to take as a food, 0.87); mash (0.71); bite (to seize or
sever with teeth, 0.67); 2. (+ + - ) C A U T IO N (7) caution (1.00); remind (to call the
attention of another, 0.86); threaten (to warn of punishm ent, 0.79); deter (0.75); exhort
(0.75); notify (to warn, 0.75); advise (to give counsel, 0.34); G A M B L E (6) gamble (to
play for money, 1.00); gamble (to take chances, 1.00); bet (0.86); risk (0.75); chance (to
take a chance, 0.45); venture (0.36); H E A L (6) heal (to cure, 1.00); heal (to recover,
1.00); knit (to grow together, 0.75); mend (to repair, 0.75); recover (to regain health,
0.60); recuperate (0.50).
Л а к у н а р н іс т ь ц е н т р а л ь н о ї ч а ст и н и ш кал и си н о н ім іч н о ї п о дібн о сті
(+ - + ) роби ть чіткіш им п ротиставлен ня близьких та віддалених синонімів
віртуальним складом ряду: A D JO U R N (6) adjourn (1.00); halt (to cause to cease,
0.88); suspend (to cease temporarily, 0.80); dissolve (to dismiss, 0.75); achieve (to finish
an undertaking, 0.27); delay (to cause a delay, 0.27); B R ID L E (6) bridle (1.00); check
(to bring under control, 0.93); restrain (0.85); harness (0.75); trammel (0.31); bristle (to
show sudden anger, 0.25); E A V E S D R O P (3) eavesdrop (1.00); hear (to receive
information orally, 0.82); hear (to perceive by ear, 0.33).

Нерівномірне насичення синонімічного ряду може відбуватися при лексемному
представленні всіх ділянок шкали: S P R IN K L E to scatter in drops; to disperse; to
distribute (15) sprinkle (1.00); moisten (Q.96); water (Q.92); spatter (0.77); dampen (to
wet, 0.75); dust (0.75); intersperse (0.75); wet (0.75); mizzle (0.63); rain (0.45); baptize
(to cleanse sacramentally, 0.43); drizzle (0.25); spray (0.25); radiate (to send forth from
a centre, 0.14); shed (0.09); Q U A SH (12) quash (to crush, 1.00); quash (to revoke,
1.00); destroy (to bring to nothing, 0.78); abolish (0.48); revoke (0.48); suppress (0.36);
nullify (0.25); refute (0.15); confute (0.14); answer (to move in response (0.12); halt (to
cause to cease (0.12); withdraw (to remove from use or circulation, 0.10).
Зворотні синонімічні ряди, он ом асіологіч н ий п ростір яких вирізняється
л а к у н а р н іс т ю с у т тєв о ї ч а ст и н и ш к а л и с е м а н т и ч н о ї щ іл ьн о сті (3 0-60% ),
характеризуються незначною довжиною і можуть бути просто парами синонімів.
Для таких випадків питома вага величини коефіцієнта синонімічної подібності у
діапазоні 0 < w < 0,5 значно вища (46,9%) порівняно з насиченістю цієї частини
ряду для зворотного тезауруса загалом (36,9%). Збільшення кількості членів ряду,
очевидно, співвідносне з насиченістю п ерш ої части н и ш кали синонім ічної
щільності. П роте у довших рядах загалом існує більша ймовірність для кожної
зони ономасіологічного простору отримати власне лексемне подання. Від довжини
зворотного синонімічного ряду залежить і величина кроку віддаленості синонімів
від до м ін ан ти . У довш их рядах вон а загал о м м енш а, ніж у коротш их, що
узгодж ується з закон ом М енцерата про обернену залеж ність між кількістю
конституентів мовної одиниці та їх довжиною.

Оцінка коефіцієнтів семантичної подібності між дієсловами з боку користувача,

очевидно, залежить від довжини ряду. Якщ о ряд вписується у параметри, задані
відомою гіпотезою глибини Інгве і не виходить за межі 7±2 лексем, то користувач
оцінює шкалу коефіцієнтів двояко — не лише парами “домінанта-синонім” , а й
вибудовуванням у мовній свідомості ономасіологічного рисунка шкали загалом.
Під час збільшення довжини ряду ймовірність другої з названих стратегій його
психолінгвального сприйняття зменшується.

За значенням коефіцієнтів синонімічної подібності ономасіологічна шкала

нерівномірної щільності ряду в зворотному тезаурусі є послідовною (значення
коефіцієнтів у ряді не повторюються) або послідовно-паралельною (деякі значення
у ряді повторю ю ться). П роте вагом а і сама величина різниці між значеннями
коефіцієнтів синонімічної подібності, поріг суттєвості якої, очевидно, коригується
певним діапазоном психолінгвальної апроксимації. Тому реальна для мовної
свідомості користувача кількість синонімів, паралельних стосовно семантичного
наближення до домінанти, виявляє тенденцію до зростання.

Х оч рекордний за довжиною зворотний синонімічний ряд налічує 60 дієслів,

тільки 40% рядів має більше, ніж шість синонімів. М ежі оном асіологічного
простору зворотного синонімічного ряду задаю ться значеннями коефіцієнтів
семантичної подібності до домінанти перш ого та останнього синонімів. Якщо
кількість синонімів у ряді перевищує шість дієслів, то дві третини синонімічних

рядів закінчують свій ономасіологічний простір у діапазоні 0 < w < 0,2 і лише
4,6% синонімічних рядів розпочи наю ться дієсловом , яке не є дом інантою у
W ebster’s New World Thesaurus (рис.4). П ри довжині ряду до шести синонімів
вклю чно ч астка рядів з м інім альною величиною коеф іцієнта синонімічної
подібності в діапазоні 0 < w < 0,2 становить заледве 30%, а домінанти понад 50%
рядів не розпочинають синонімічних рядів у прямому тезаурусі (рис.5).

Розподіл коефіцієнта синонімічної подібності у словнику загалом нерівно­

мірний (рис. 6). Більше скупчення лексем є у зоні середньої синонімічності з
діапазоном 0,5 < w < 0,8 та у зоні відносно віддалених синонімів (0,2 < w < 0,3).

31,77 OWrrin
"" 0 0 0,092,28 1,370,18 3,29 0
ч------ Ч--------------1-------- ■-----І-— -------Н
(0 .00 ; (0 .20 ; (0 .40 ; (0 .60 ; (0 .80 ; ( 1.00 ;
0 .20 ) 0 .40 ) 0 .60 ) 0 .80 ) 1.00 ) 1.00 )

Рис. 4. Максимальне та мінімальне значення коефіцієнта синонімічної

подібності у рядах довжиною понад шість лексем.

100 j
80 -
□ Wrrin

(0 .00 ; (0 .20 ; (0 .40 ; (0 .60 ; (0 .80 ; (1.00 ;

0 .20 ) 0 .40 ) 0 .60 ) 0 . 80 ) 1.00 ) 1.00 )

Рис. 5. Максимальне та мінімальне значення коефіцієнта синонімічної

подібності у коротких рядах.

Значно нижча скупченість синонімів спостерігається не лише на флангах шкали,
а й майже у її центрі (0,4 < w <0,5). М ожливо, це означає, що лексична система не
виявляє великої потреби у дуже близьких і надто віддалених синонімах. Загальною
нормою є синонімізація у достатньо широкому середньому діапазоні з тенденцією
до ономасіологічної розрідженості в його центрі, що становить основу формування
т и п о в о го п р и в а ти в н о -гр а д у а л ь н о го п р о ти став л ен н я ближ чих та дальш и х

і і [0.00; 0.10)
Ш [0.10; 0.20)
■ [0.20; 0.30)
□ [0.30; 0.40)
Н [0.40; 0.50)
15,49 □ [0.50; 0.60)
Н [0.60; 0.70)
Ш[0.70; 0.80)
■ [0.80; 0.90)
Ш[0.90; 1.00)
■ [ 1 . 00 ; 1 . 00 ]

Рис. 6. Розподіл значень коефіцієнта синонімічної подібності у зворотному

тезаурусі дієслів.

Нерівномірні семантичні відстані у зворотному синонімічному ряді дієслова

посилюють індивідуальний характер його позначувальних можливостей.

Словник семантичних наближень англійських дієслів виносить на суд читачів

лінгвістичний об ’єкт, сутність та параметри якого грунтуються на універсальній
характеристиці лексичної системи — асиметричному дуалізмі площин змісту та
вираження. У вмінні співвіднести ці дві площини — гнучкість і багатство словника

C o m m o n q u e r ie s . A need for the awareness of lexical proximity when studying or

making use of the language is only too apparent :
• which of the two words is a closer synonym to the third one;
• is it possible to single out two words located at the same distance from their
• what are the cases in which the meaningful relatedness of two words is so loose
that they can hardly be referred to as synonyms;
• do the words differ in terms of the sheer number of synonyms and their proximity;
• are there any words which are devoid of close synonyms?
The solution to these as well as other practical problems will be a lot easier should
we know the semantic distances between the words in question. However, the existing
thesauri leave us with no numerical model of the sense similarity of words.

The prime aim o f this dictionary lies in visualising the extent o f semantic resemblance
o f the verb to its synonyms. The said task has been accomplished through the lexicometric
reversal of Webster's New World Thesaurus (Prentice H all Press, 1985). The obtained
product is the first in its kind dictionary of the unevenly tight synonymic scales of
verbs for the entire lexical-semantic system of English.

E n t r i e s . The dictionary presents the synonymy of over 5,500 monolexemic (non-

phrasal) verbs. The right-hand side constituents of the synonymic series of the verb in
the dictionary of semantic proximity (the reverse thesaurus) are the headwords of the
synonymic strings of the direct thesaurus within which the verb in question can be
found as a series member. For example, the verb abridge in Webster's New World
Thesaurus is a constituent of the synonymic strings initiated by the verbs abbreviate,
brief compile, compress, contract, decrease and shorten. These make up the synonymic
affinity scale of the verb abridge in the dictionary of semantic proximity: contract (to
cause to diminish, 0.78); compile (0.64); decrease (to make less, 0.60); shorten (0.50);
brief (to summarize, 0.25); compress (0.25); abbreviate (0.20). The reversal procedure
was confined to the immediate synonyms of the verb within the thesaurus entry and
did not take into account the references within the latter towards other entries.
P r e s e n t i n g t h e s y n o n y m i c a f f i n it y f a c t o r . The semantic proximity of the headverb
o f the dictionary entry to its synonym is determined by the numerical factor w the
value o f which lies within the range of 0.00 < w < 1.00. This factor am ounts to the
weight o f the synonym in the semantics of the series dom inant by the direct thesaurus.
It takes into account the ordinal num ber of the synonym within the series r as well as
the series length n and is determined by the formula: w = (n + l-r) : n (V. V.Levitsky,
I.A .S tern in E ksperim entalnye m etody v sem asiologii [E xp erim en ta l M ethods in
Semasiology]. Voronezh, 1989, p. 40).
T h e s t a n d a r d p r o x i m i t y s c a l e . In the wake of reversing Webster's New World
Thesaurus the verb which happens to be the series dom inant in the latter is ascribed the
value of the synonymic affinity factor equalling 1.00. This verb is placed at the head of
the reverse synonymic string. It duplicates the name of the entry in the present dictionary
o f semantic proximity and is included into the overall num ber of the reverse synonymic
string constituents given in brackets. The values of the synonymic affinity factor are
scaled in the gradually descending order, in the event of equal values the respective
synonyms being adduced alphabetically: A B H O R (7) abhor (1.00); hate (to detest,
0.95); abom inate (0.75); detest (0.75); loathe (0.75); execrate (to detest, 0.50): D E B A SE
(20) debase (1.00); disgrace (0.96); humiliate (0.96); bastardize (0.80); depress (to bring
to a lower state, 0.78); alloy (to devaluate, 0.75); debauch (0.75); defile (corrupt, 0.75);
cheapen (0.73); flatten (to make flat, 0.56); demoralize (to corrupt, 0.50); deprave (0.50);
soil (to disgrace 0.50); sully (to defame, 0.50); taint (to corrupt, 0.50); vitiate (to violate,
0.50); adulterate (0.46); bow (to bend, 0.46); dirty (0.18); abuse (to treat badly, 0.12);
E M E R G E (8) emerge (1.00); appear (to become visible, 0.91); loom (to appear large
and imposing, 0.89); result (0.83); flow (to issue forth, 0.78); materialize (to develop,
0.50); escape ( 0.31); evolve (0.25).

R e d i s c o v e r i n g l a t e n t s y n o n y m s . W ithin Webster's New World Thesaurus the verbs

occurring in the right-hand part of the entries exceed the list of the left-hand side series
dominants. This means that a part of the verbs from the English lexicon at large fail to
initiate a synonymic string in the direct thesaurus. The reason for this discrepancy
probably surpasses the simple fact that no lexicographic work is complete, but rather
testifies to the inaptitude on the p art of thesaurus compilers towards placing some
verbs in the left-hand position within the synonymic pair. The current dictionary of
semantic proximity makes it possible to bring into light the synonymic potential of this
lesser known part of the lexicon numbering over 1,800 verbs. In the reverse synonymic
series o f these verbs the name of the d i c t i o n a r y entry does not get duplicated and the
first value of the synonymic similarity factor is lower than 1.00: O PIN E (5) guess (to
attem pt an answer on inadequate evidence, 0.47); say (0.35), assume (to take for granted,
0.26); com ment (to m ake a remark, 0.11); advise (to give counsel, 0.03); W AG ER (6)
bet (0.93); gamble (to play for money, 0.75); guarantee (to give security, 0.71); chance
(to take a chance, 0.64); lay (to bet, 0.33); venture (0.07); A D D U C E (4) mention (0.75);
reason (to seek a reasonable explanation, 0.42); refer (to mention, 0.33); propose (to
make a suggestion, 0.24); N E S T L E (3) caress (0.53); huddle (0.36); hug (0.28); S K IR T
(3) join (to adjoin,0.33); line (to be in a line, 0.30); circuit (0.17); S L A C K (2) idle

(0.67); loaf (to do nothing useful, 0.29). The number of reverse synonyms to the verbs
which are not among the series dominants in Webster's New World Thesaurus is generally
small. A mere 104 of such strings number more than six constituents: VEIL (8) hide
(to conceal, 0.93) ... ; S E N S E (9) feel (to experience, 0.91) ...; A L L U R E (12) seduce
(0.90) ...; A M E L IO R A T E (14) improve (to become better, 0.94) ...; D E V ISE (23)
invent (to create or discover, 0.89).... A proportion of verbs involved in latent synonymic
catenation are adduced with their explanatory glosses: H U L K to loom bulkily (1) loom
(to appear large or imposing, 0.50); SC O N C E to inflict fines at the University (1) to
fine (0.08); S W IG to drink (3) drink (to consume alcoholic liquor, 0.50); swallow (0.27);
guzzle (0.25).

O s t e n s i b l e r e v e r s e s y n o n y m i c s t r i n g s . Over 200 verbs are registered as synonymic

series dominants in the left-hand side of Webster's New World Thesaurus yet they are
never found in its right-hand side. The listing of such verbs among the headverbs in the
dictionary of semantic proximity is conditional: C R O SS-E X A M IN E (1) cross-examine
(1.00); JUGGLE (2) juggle (to keep in the air by tossing, 1.00); juggle (to alter, usually
to deceive, 1.00); M A T T E R (2) m atter (to be of importance, 1.00); matter (to form or
discharge pus, 1.00). The verbs which do not occur in the right-hand side position of
the direct thesaurus fail to initiate more than two synonymic strings in its left-hand side.
Double referencing. The meanings of the individual verb may be responsible for
several synonymic strings in the direct thesaurus. To reflect this in the current dictionary
of semantic proximity the verb is repeated in its varying meanings at the head of the
reverse synonymic series followed by the values of the synonymic affinity factor equalling
1.00. The number of the latter is included into the overall length of the reverse synonymic
string:M U T IL A T E (11) mutilate (to maim, 1.00); mutilate (to damage, 1.00). . ., ABID E
(19) abide (to lodge, 1.00); abide (to reside, 1.00); abide (to remain, 1.00); abide (to
wait for, 1.00); abide (to submit to, 1.00)...; D ISC H A R G E (53) discharge (to unload,
1.00); discharge (to remove, 1.00); discharge (to emit, 1.00); discharge (to cause to fire,
1.00); discharge (to dismiss, 1.00); discharge (to release, 1.00); discharge (to perform,
1.00); discharge (to pay a debt, 1.00); discharge (to annul, 1.00).... The reverse synonymic
string of such verbs should in fact be represented in the form of a cluster of synonymic
lines determined by the polysemantic scope of the dominant. However, Webster's New
World Thesaurus does not specify the meanings of the synonymic series constituent.
T hat is why the current dictionary cannot expound the correlation between the
synonymic cluster constituents and the respective meanings of the reverse series
dominant as the latter happens to be the series constituent in the direct thesaurus. The
values of the similarity factor within the synonymic cluster are demonstrative of its
constituents semantic relatedness to the dom inant yet the process of recognizing the
latter’s meanings within the two-member synonymic correlation rests with the dictionary
user. Eventually it may am ount to the situation when all the constituents of the cluster
are synonymous with just one meaning of the d o m in a n t: S T E A M (14) steam (to cook,
LQQ); steam (to speed, 1.00); d istil 13J5 ); boil (to continue at a boiling point, Q.5Q); lay
(iQ smooth out, 0.50); stew (to boil, 0.50); cook_(Q^49); evaporate (to vaporize, 0.43);
parboil (0.33); block (to shape by blocking, 0.25); heat (to make hot, 0.25); smoulder
(Q.25); moisten (Q. 19).

Conversely, the constituents of some reverse synonymic series are also prone to
thesaurus polysemy. In this case the respective reverse series dom inant initiates just
one string in Webster's New World Thesaurus. However, elsewhere in the latter it is
synonymous with a polysemantic dom inant initiating m ore than one direct synonymic
series. When such a dom inant becomes a constituent of the reverse synonymic string it
reveals varying values of the synonymic affinity factor to the respective headverb.The
polysemy is resolved by the adduced meanings of the reverse series constituent which
are taken for separate synonyms: A ID (21) aid (1.00); com fort (to make easy physically,
0.70); com fort (to console. 0.28); P R O T E S T (10) protest (1.00); oppose (to fight, 0.78);
oppose (to hold a contrary opinion, 0.74); A C C O M P L IS H (23) accomplish (1.00);
achieve (to finish an undertaking, 0.30); achieve (to reach a goal, 0.25). Within Webster's
New World Thesaurus a verb may also correlate with the meanings of the polysemantic
dom inant w ithout initiating a synonymic series of its own. Its respective string in the
reverse thesaurus will not include the value of the Synonymic similarity factor equalling
1.00: VOID (10) unload (0.89); empty (to cause to become em pty, 0.71); empty (m
become empty, 0.47).
Polysemantic referencing may affect both sides of the reverse synonymic string:
A P P R A IS E (10) appraise (to set a price on, 1.00); appraise (to estimate, 1.00); value
(to set a price upon, 0.79); estimate (to calculate, 0.77); value (to estimate, 0.25); estimate
(to make a rough guess, 0.15); B L A C K E N (10) blacken (to make black, 1.00); blacken
(to smirch, 1.00); blacken (to become black, 1.00); shade (to make darker, 0.83); shade
(to become darker, 0.67). Bilateral polysemantic referencing is generally peculiar to
large synonymic clusters: K EEP (31) keep (to hold, 1.00); keep (to.m aintain, 1.00);
keep (to continue, 1.00); keep (to operate, 1.00); keep (to tend, 1.00); keep (to remain,
1.00); keep (to store, 1.00); keep (to prevent, used with from , 1.00); maintain (to keep
ready for use, 0.89); hold (to have in one’s possession, 0.75); m aintain (to support,
0.50); m aintain (to uphold, 0.33); hold (to have in one’s grasp, 0.31); P R E S E N T (33)
present (to display, 1.00); present (to suggest, 1.00); present (to submit, 1.00); present
(to give, 1.00); present (to give a play, 1.00); give (to transfer, 0.81); give (to give a play,
0.67); produce (to present a perform ance, 0.67); produce (to bear, 0.55); give (to give a
speech, 0.50); produce (to show, 0.50); A D V A N C E (59) advance (to move forward
physically, 1.00); advance (to cause to move forward, 1.00); advance (to propose, 1.00);
advance (to prom ote, 1.00); advance (to prom ote in a rank or station, 1.00); advance
(to accelerate, 1.00); advance (to raise, 1.00); advance ( to lend, 1.00); advance (to pay,
1.00); advance (to improve, 1.00); develop (to improve, 0.77); grow (to become larger,
0.63); grow (to change slowly, 0.50); make (to move, 0.50); rise (to improve one’s station,
0.29); develop (to grow, 0.25); make (to offer, 0 .25); rise (to increase, 0.15).

Quantitative scaling o f synonymic affinity between words models the compactness o f

synonyms within the series showing the changeability o f the step distancing each subsequent
synonym fro m the headverb. It also points out the proxim ity o f the headverb to its closest
as well as most distant synonym. Cases o f absolute and relative equalness in synonymic
proxim ity as well as cases o f varying proxim ity including those brought about by polysemy
are revealed too. This kind o f information is relevant fo r English language teaching as
well as fo r the psycholinguistic verification o f the proxim ity grading o f synonymous verbs

on the part o f those who already have a command o f the language and also fo r solving
miscellaneous problems o f cognitive lexicology.

P a t t e r n s o f h o m o n y m y . In the present dictionary of semantic proximity separate

strings of reverse synonyms to homonymous verbs are catenated. Homonyms in the
function of the headverb are followed by the glosses to their meanings: DEFER to put
off: to delay: to set aside (13) defer (to postpone, 1.00); delay (to cause a delay, 0.95);
neglect (to fail to attend to responsibilities, 0.92); suspend (to cease temporarily, 0.90);
procrastinate (0.67); hesitate (0.55); hinder (0.55); m aintain (to keep ready for use,
0.53); postpone (0.50); protract (0.50); shelve (to postpone, 0.50); table (0.33); waive
(0.31); DEFER to bring away: to offer (3) defer (to yield, 1.00); yield (to grant, 0.20);
accommodate (to render a service, 0.09); F ILE to arrange in consecutive order (12) file
(to arrange in order, 1.00); record (to write down, 0.76); group (0.75); sort (0.75); order
(to put in order, 0.71); list (to enter in a list, 0.63); register (to record, 0.33); suspend (to
cease temporarily, 0.30); distribute (to classify, 0.25); march (0.20); enroll (to prepare a
roll, 0.21); store (0.09); F ILE to rub: to smooth or wear away with a file (4) file (to use
an abrasive, 1.00); sharpen (to make keen, 0.67); grind (to pulverize 0.43); rub (to subject
to friction, 0.14).
The lexicometric reversal of Webster's New World Thesaurus makes it possible to
reveal the synonyms to the verbal homonym which is missing from its left-hand side
thus opening up no synonymic series of its own there: R E JO IN to answer a plaintiff .v
application (5) answer (to reply, 0.70); reply (0.50); respond (0.50); retort (0.33); answer
(to move in response, 0.24); R E JO IN to come together (3) rejoin (1.00); join (to enter
the company of, 0.60); reunite (0.29); W EA R o f a ship, to come round (1) tack (to steer
an oblique course, 0.40). W EAR to carry on one's body; to damage; to use (8) wear (to
use as clothing or personal ornament, 1.00); wear (to consume by wearing, 1.00); wear (to
be consumed by wearing, 1.00); dress (to put on clothes, 0.80); wash (to erode, 0.60);
endure (to continue, 0.39); model (to demonstrate, 0.33); waste (to be consumed gradually,
0.09). As some homonyms can open up several synonymic strings in the direct thesaurus
their glosses in the reverse thesaurus are not, as in the case of certain monosemic verbs,
mere duplicates of the semantic description of the only direct synonymic series headverb:
BOUND to recoil (12) bound (to move in leaps, 1.00); bound (to rebound, 1.00); run (to
go swiftly by physical effort, 0.86) ... ; BOUND to set bounds to; to limit; to confine (9)
bound (to set limits, 1.00); define (to set limits, 0.97) . .. .
The raising of the latent synonymic potential may pertain to all the represented
one word homonymous headverbs: P L U M P to fall; to drop; to sink (2) drop (to cause
or to permit to fall, 0.53); drop (to fall in drops, 0.08); P LU M P to make plump (2)
fatten (to make fat, 0.57); swell (0,14); B O L T to make fa st with a bolt (5) stabilize (to
fix, 0.75); lock (0,67); close (to shut, 0.60); fasten (to make something secure, 0.46); bar
(to raise a physical obstruction, 0.45); B O L T to sift; to pass through a sieve (5) sift (to
put through a sieve, 0.90); swallow (0.36); gulp (0.25); glut (to eat to satiety, 0.14); eat
(to take as a food, 0.09); B O L T to spring back; to recoil (5) stampede (0.75); bounce
(to move suddenly, 0.43); hasten(to make haste, 0.43); run (to go swiftly by physical
effort, 0.24); race (to move at great speed, 0.13). These would be missing from the left-
hand side of the direct thesaurus.

A pair of homonymous verbs may be given in the left-hand side of Webster's New
World Thesaurus yet just one of them figures in its right-hand side among the synonyms
explaining other verbs. This homonym finds its way into the reverse thesaurus: SL IN G
to throw stones (3) sling (to throw, 1.00); throw (to hurl, 0.70); fling (0.60); The other
homonym remains solely in the left-hand side of Webster's New World Thesaurus. Hence
it fails to catenate a reverse synonymic string: SL IN G to secure with a sling (1) sling (to
suspend, 1.00).
Some of the headverbs are followed by a gloss w ithout the juxtaposition of their
homonyms in the present dictionary: A N G L E to use an angle; to fish with a hook and
hail (2) hook (to curve in the shape of a hook, 0.75); fish (0.11). This is observed to
signal the homonymy of such verbs in the lexicon at large even though the respective
homonym is imputed no synonymic relationships in the existing thesauri altogether:
angle v.t. to run into a corner.
The relationships of homonymy are also apparent between the reverse synonymic
series constituents and the metalinguistic com ponents of synonyms description: TA U N T
(1 2 )... ridicule (0.91); ... mock (to ridicule, 0.25); D E C ID E (9) ... choose (to select,
0.97); select (0.75); B O L ST E R (12) ... advocate (to prom ote, 0.80); ... promote (to
further, 0.45); ... cultivate (to encourage, 0.25); encourage (to give support, 0.24).
A r e w o r d s e q u a l l y s y n o n y m o u s b o t h w a y s ? The direct thesaurus provides us with
the list of synonyms linked to each series dom inant. The present reverse dictionary of
verbal synonyms enables one to find out with which verbs o f the direct thesaurus and to
what extent the headverb of its series is synonymous. Intuitively, lexical competence in
the realm of synonymic relations seems fully reflexive: the two verbs believed to be
synonymous are so both ways. Nonetheless a simple experiment with the direct thesaurus
testifies to the fact that this is a much more complex m atter. The two synonymous
verbs may differ not just by the lexemic constituents of their respective synonymic
series but also by the fact of their synonymity being evincible in the string of just one of
them. Asymmetry of synonymic relations is to be regarded as an intrinsic feature of the
m an’s associative lexicon.
By way of adducing an example from Webster's New World Thesaurus, the verb
shun is found am ong the direct synonyms to the verb avoid. Nevertheless, the verb
avoid is missing from the string of synonyms initiated by the verb shun. The said type of
synonymic relatedness is non-reflexive. Both the verbs have another synonym evade in
their respective strings which occurs in the second position of the seven-member series
of the verb avoid and in the third position of the four-member series of the verb shun,
the synonym ity o f the two verbs being reflexive bu t asym m etric. A ccording to
Yu. A presyan’s English-Russian Dictionary o f Synonym s (Moscow, 1979) the verb eschew
is listed as yet another synonym to the verb avoid. However, by Webster's New World
Thesaurus these two are mutually excluded from the respective synonymic strings of
each other. Nonetheless they have the verb shun as their common synonym. The verb
eschew is also recorded as synonymous with the verb avoid in Roget's Thesaurus o f English
Words cuid Phrases (Harlow, 1982) which is concerned with modelling wider synonymic
spaces of words rather than strings of immediate synonyms. Presumably for this reason it
allots no place among its headverbs to the verb eschew. According to Yu. Apresian’s
dictionary the verbs shun and eschew are synonymous. Yet in Roget's Thesaurus they

do not prove to be cross-referred within the respective entries. In Webster's New World
Thesaurus the verb eschew happens to be missing from the synonymic series of the verb
shun possibly due to its formal style markedness (cf. Collins COBUILD English Language
Dictionary. London, 1990). The reverse part of this cross-reference nevertheless appears
to be valid. The synonymic correlation of verbs at times evinced in a most paradoxical
fashion in the traditional thesauri seems to be dependent upon the way their compilers
see kind-gender relationships and explanatory-explainable functions of words.
The interlexem ic relationships presented in the given dictionary of semantic
proximity are characterized by the said inherent features of verbal synonymy. Many of
these are asymmetric and nonreflexive. Let us illustrate this assumption by the values
of the synonymic similarity factor of the verbs repeal, revoke, exterminate and extirpate
to the verb abolish as equalling 0.50, 0.44, 0.25 and 0.25 respectively. In the opposite
direction the values of the synonymic similarity coefficient of the verb abolish to the
verbs repeal and revoke am ount to 0.60 and 0.81 and to the verbs exterminate and
extirpate they equal 0.90 and 0.71. Otherwise stated, our perception of the two words
being to a given extent synonymous depends on which of them is taken for the starting
point of the relationship. The sense similarity vector may just go one way without
returning from the verb believed to be a synonym in which case the thesaurus fails to
confirm the intuitive relatedness of words. For instance, the verbs eliminate, destroy,
dismiss, reform and withdraw alike do not contain the verb abolish within their reverse
synonymic strings. In Webster's New World Thesaurus these verbs are not lined up
among the synonyms to the verb abolish even though the verb abolish is listed as a
synonym to each of them which is revealed in its reverse synonymic string: A B O L ISH
(10) abolish (1.00); withdraw ( to remove from use or circulation, 0.85): reform ( to correct
evils, 0.82); eliminate (to remove, 0.58); dismiss (to send away, 0,56)\ repeal (0.50);
destroy (to bring to nothing, 0.45); revoke (0.44); exterminate (0.25); extirpate (0.25).
U nilateral synonym ic interpretation in a thesaurus stands out as a m ajor factor
contributing to the onomasiological pattern of its strings.
The reflexivity of synonyms in the Dictionary o f Semantic Distances may be indirect.
For instance, the reverse synonymic strings opened up by the verbs destroy and eliminate
fail to list the verb abolish even though the latter figures within the explanatory glosses
to other reverse synonyms — liquidate (to abolish, 0.25) and terminate ( to abolish,

S h if t s i n t h e n u m e r i c p e r c e p t i o n o f r e f l e x i v e s y n o n y m s . The distribution of the

difference in synonymic affinity factor values at the reflexivity of each two verbs within
the synonymic series is quite considerable. It may be tantam ount to the value of just
one of the coefficients or even nearing that of the entire synonymic compactness scale:
C O M M AN D require (0.50) :: R E Q U IR E command (0.18); C O N V E Y conduct (0.67)::
CONDUCT convey (0.33); A B A N D O N discard (0.71) :: D ISC A R D abandon (0.16);
H A L T suspend (0.96) :: SU SP E N D halt (0.15); N O T IF Y declare (0.08) :: D E C LAR E
notify (0.97). Yet in each third case the sem antic proxim ity o f the two verbs is
symmetrical or nearly so at the residual of the synonymic affinity factor values not
exceeding ten per cent of the entire scale (figure 1): IM P E R IL jeopardize (0.75) ::
JE O P A R D IZ E imperil (0.75); T R E S P A S S infringe (0.25):: INFRIN G E trespass (0.25);

T R E S P A S S invade (0.50) :: IN V A D E trespass (0.50); C U D D LE smuggle (0.67) ::
SM U G G LE cuddle (0.67); IN FE R gather (0.75) :: G A TH E R infer (0.78); R E P LA C E
reinstate (0.30) :: R E IN S T A T E replace (0.33); W AR fight (0.92) :: F IG H T war (0.91);
B U R D E N hinder (0.89) :: H IN D E R burden (0.85). It may be interesting to observe
th at a high degree of symmetry o f the synonymic affinity factor values is not at all
peculiar to the flanks of the semantic scale of the reverse synonymic series. Just one in
ten cases of complete or almost complete symmetry of synonymic resemblance proves
to be located in the 0.00 < w < 0.20 and 0.80 < w < \ .00 areas of the compactness scale
(figure 2). This leads to suggest th at quite strong as well as too weak a semantic
connection between two words is deemed as such just in one direction. At the change
of the counterpart in reference to which the extent of semantic affinity is being evaluated
the perception of the said affinity through synonymous means becomes considerably

Figure 1. The difference in values o f the synonymic affinity coefficients Aw

in pairs o f reflexive verbal synonyms N.

M ultiple referencing of a synonym to the headverb of the reverse string tends to

alter the difference in the values of the respective synonymic affinity coefficients: B E A T
batter (to strike, 0.75) :: B A T T E R beat (to strike repeatedly, 0.75), beat (to thrash,
0.11); A B E T encourage (0.45) :: E N C O U R A G E abet (to excite, 0.50), abet (to help,
0.25); C R A S H smash (0.40):: S M A S H crash (to fall with a crash, 0.64), crash (to make
a crashing sound, 0.25); A B A N D O N discard (0.16):: D ISC A R D abandon (to relinquish,
0.78), abandon (to leave in trouble, 071); G E T acquire (to receive, 0.75), acquire (to
obtain, 0.60) :: A C Q U IR E get (to learn, 0.75), get (to obtain, 0.25). The difference in
the values of parallel sem antic distance coefficients at m ultiple referencing seldom
remains intact: R A T T L E clack (to make a rattling noise, 0.50), clack (to talk heedlessly,
0.50) :: C L A C K rattle (to make a rattling sound, 0.50).

A requirem ent on reflexivity of synonymic relationship sets aside a certain part of

th e reverse synonym ic strin g w hose m ode o f existence is b ila te ra l synonym ic
interpretation even though for the m ost part varying in terms of the values of semantic
distance coefficients. It shrinks the overall length of the series but at the same time
facilitates the interaction of reverse synonymic strings: C A JO L E (7) coax (0.50) [COAX


Figure 2. The position o f symmetrical and nearly symmetrical pairs

o f synonymic affinity coefficients N on the reverse compactness scale w.

cajole (0.50)]; praise (to commend, 0.43); wheedle (0.25) [W HEEDLE cajole (0.75)]
persuade (to influence, 0.17); complement (to flatter, 0.16); T R A M M E L (5) trammel
(1.00); muzzle (to silence, 0.73) [M U ZZLE trammel (0.29)]; bar (to raise a physical
obstruction, 0.65); hinder (0,42) [H IN D ER trammel (0.94)]; bind (to constrain with
bonds, 0.03) [BIND trammel (0.14)]. A considerable share of the synonymic series in
the given dictionary of semantic distances is deprived of this kind of cross-referencing.
Each single constituent of such a synonymic series reveals no reflexivity to the respective
headverb. The strings characterized by a total lack of the said interlexemic cohesion
may be viewed as referential islands in the thesaurus: BEFU D D LE (4) befuddle (1.00);
confuse (0.86) [C O N F U S E befuddle (0.00)]; in to x icate (to m ake d ru n k , 0,67)
[INTOXICATE befuddle (0.00)]; beat (to perplex, 0.25) [BEAT befuddle (0.00)].

C a n w e l e a r n m o r e a b o u t the p o l y s e m y of verbs fr o m the R everse T h e sa u r u s?

Webster's New World Thesaurus does not tend to single out a separate synonymic
string for each single meaning of a polysemantic word although the latter can figure as
a constituent within another synonymic series. This peculiarity accounts for a somewhat
more comprehensive reflection of the individual meanings of certain verbs within the
reverse synonym ic strings as com pared with the synonym ic strings of the direct

World Book Encyclopedia Webster's This Dictionary:

Dictionary'. New World
forage v.i. hunt or search fo r FORAGE- FO RAG E (5)
food. 2. to search about; hunt; search, forage (1.00);
rummage. 3. to make a raid. v.t. pilfer, ransack (to loot, 0.67);
1. to supply with food; feed. 2. to plunder. raid (0.48);
get by h u n tin g or search in g graze (to pasture, 0.44);
about; root out. 3. to get or take ravage (0.22).
food from . 4. to plunder; ravage.

scorch v.t. 1. to burn slightly, SCO RCH - SCORCH to heat; to dry up (11)
burn on the outside of. 2. to dry roast, scorch (1.00); char (0.75); sear (to
up; whither; 3. to criticize with parch, cook by searing, 0.75); cook (0.66);
burning words; v.i. 1. to be or shrivel, brown (0.50); burn (to subject to
become scorch. 2. Inform al to fire, 0.45); race (to move at great
drive or ride very fast. speed, 0.45)\ inflam e (to burn,
0.33); dry (to cause to become dry,
0.25); singe (0.25); heat (to make
hot, 0.15).

Individual meanings of a lexeme riiay not get linked to synonyms altogether. For
instance, neither the direct nor the reverse synonymic string of the verb scorch contain
a single verb synonymous with its meaning to criticize with burning words.
The relatedness of the synonymic affinity coefficient values to the epidigmatic
structure of the headverb is not absolute. The reverse string constituent which is the
closest to the series headverb is not necessarily synonymous with its primary meaning:
H E A R (6) hear (to perceive by ear, 1.00); hear (to receive inform ation orally, 1.00); try
(to conduct a trial\ ( M l) ; listen (to endeavour to hear, 0.29); learn (to acquire mentally,
0.13); discover (to find, 0.06) // hear v.t. 1. to perceive by the ear. 2. to listen to; give ear
to; hearken to. 3.a. to give a chance to be heard; give a form al hearing to. b. to attend
and listen to; be am ong the audience at. find out by hearing; be told; be informed
of. 5. to listen to with favour; accede to; grant; v.i. 1. to be able to perceive by the ear.
2. to be told; perceive news or inform ation. 3. to listen; give ear; hearken (W. B. E. Die.);
W IT H H O L D (16) withhold (1.00); maintain (to keep ready fo r use, 0.74) ; hide (to
conceal, 0.67); delay (to cause a delay 0.61); discourage (to restrain, 0.58); dock (to
diminish, 0.50); refuse (0,42); deny (0.39); forbid (0.39); harbour (to keep hidden, 0.33);
subtract (0.33); check (to slacken the pace 0.30); hinder (0.27); estrange (to withdraw
0.25); famish (to kill 0.25); omit (to fail to include, 0.08) // withhold v.t.l. to refrain
from giving or granting. 2. to hold back, keep back; v.i. to refrain from (W. B. E. Die.).

Q u a n t i t a t i v e g r a d i n g a n d o v e r l a p s i n d i r e c t a n d r e v e r s e s y n o n y m i c c a t e n a t io n ,
A proportion of the thesaurus (up to eight per cent of the headverbs) reveals an equal
number of interlexemic relations originating from the verb’s being explained on the
p art o f other verbs (one or more direct synonymic series by Webster's New World
Thesaurus) and those stemming in the verb’s potential to explain other verbs (the reverse
synonymic string in the dictionary of sem antic proximity): GAUGE check, weigh,
calibrate, calculate // (4 :: 4) H G AUGE (5) gauge (1.00); measure (to apply a standard
of measurement, 0.83); forecast (to predict, 0.77); calculate (to reckon, 0.68); sound (to
measure, 0.25); B E A M l.[ To emit] transm it, broadcast; 2. [To shine] radiate, glitter,
glare; 3. [To smile] grin, laugh, smirk // (8 :: 8)// B E A M (11) beam (to emit, 1.00);
beam (to shine, 1.00); beam (to smile, 1.00); radiate (to shed light or beam, 0.96); shine
(to give forth lig h t-0,90); smile (0r83): glare (to shine fiercely, 0.75); flash to give forth
a light by flash, Q.68); aim (to point a weapon, CL5&); laugh (Q.35); grin (Q.25). Yet the
number of synonyms explaining the verb typically does not coincide with the number of
verbs that could be explained by the synonym in question: D E F E A T (98 ::9); HINDER

(100:: 21); D E C R E A SE (82 :: 11); H U S H (6:: 4); KID (3 :: 1); RE D U C E (8:: 54);
S E T T L E (23 :: 60); SE C U R E (8 :: 49); D E P R IV E (4 :: 7); W O R R Y (12 :: 20). The
number of synonymic strings initiated by a polysemantic verb in the direct thesaurus is
not related to the number of synonymic series in which it figures as a string constituent:
B L IN K (3 :: 4)\ BEN D (3 :: 23); C O N TR O L (3 :: 32).
The verbs taking up a greater number of synonyms in the direct thesaurus are
almost as numerous as those whose reverse synonymic potential is stronger than the
direct one (figure 3) where the headverb is included into the length of direct synonymic
catenation. When the number of synonyms to a verb by Webster's New World Thesaurus
exceeds that of its reverse synonyms by the Dictionary o f Semantic Distances An attains
negative values whereas when the reverse synonyms to a verb outnum ber its direct
synonyms the An values are positive. However, each second case of the asymmetry of
the direct and reverse synonymic catenation remains within the confines of 3-4 verbs.
A considerable discrepancy as to the number of direct and reverse synonyms (over 20
lexemes) is peculiar to a mere 269 verbs.

Figure 3. The difference in the number o f constituents An o f one verb synonymic

strings N by the Dictionary o f Semantic Distances
and Webster's New World Thesaurus.

The constituents of the direct and reverse synonymic strings of the verb may not
be identical. A t the nonreflexivity of synonym ic relations between all the series
constituents and its dominant by Webster's New World Thesaurus the discrepancies in
question can be absolute. The said effect lies in the inconsistency of the significatory
potentials of the word in the left- and right-hand parts of the thesaurus, in the lack of
reversal mechanism in respect to the functions of the explainable and the explanatory
for one and the same word in the thesaurus: Q U AK E tremble, shrink, cower // QUAKE
(9) quake (1.00); shake (to vibrate 0.82); jerk (to undergo a spasm, 0.63); totter (to be
near falling,0.62); beat (to pulsate, 0.61); shudder (0.50); fear (to anticipate personal
danger 0.40); rock (0.38); w obble (0.27); A C C E D E consent, comply, acquiesce //
ACCEDE (11) accede (1.00); yield (to grant, 0.90); consider (to take into account,

0.78); consent (0.75); underwrite (to approve , 0.67); defer (to yield, 0.57); admit (to
acknowledge, 0.55); accord (to grant, 0.50); grant (to accept as true, 0.50); obey (to act
in accordance with orders, 0.33); succumb (to yield, 0.25). ST R A D D L E bestride, ride,
m ount, bestraddle // S T R A D D L E (2) straddle (1.00); hesitate (0.71); S U R V IV E l.[To
live on] outlive, outlast, outwear, persist, persevere, last, remain; 2. [To endure] withstand,
sustain // S U R V IVE (7) survive (to live on, 1.00); survive (to endure, 1.00); manage (to
get along, 0.50); live (to persist in hum an memory, 0.40); be (to have being, 0.30); endure
(to continue, 0.28); exist (to have being, 0.25).
A natural pattern of correlation between one verb direct and reverse synonymic
strings lies in a limited overlapping of their constituents: S O A R tower, sail, rise 11SO A R
(9) soar (1.00); fly (to pass through the air, 0.85); skim (to pass lightly and swiftly,
0.80); rise (to move upward, 0.63); sail (to fly , 0.60); ascend (to rise, 0.33); climb (to
ascend, 0.33); rocket (0.14); glide (to move gently, 0.08); L O O M 1. [To appear] rise;
2. [To appear large or imposing] menace, emerge, overshadow, shadow, bulk, figure,
show, tower, hulk, issue, emanate, top, overtop, impress, hover, approach, impend //
L O O M move up and down (5) loom (to appear, 1.00); loom (to appear large or imposing,
1.00); approach (to come near in time, 0.75); appear (to become visible, 0.45); menace
(0.25). C O N SU L T deliberate, confer, parley, confabulate, commune, treat, negotiate,
debate, argue // C O N SU L T (4) consult (1.00); negotiate (to make arrangements fo r,
0.76), canvass (to pass rapidly in review, 0.75); think (to examine with the mind, 0.17);
Q U EN CH 1. [To satisfy] slake, slut, gorge; 2. [To smother] stifle, dampen, douse II
Q U E N C H (4) quench (to satisfy, 1.00); quench (to smother, 1.00); douse (to put out,
0.67); extinguish (to put out, 0.57). The extent of overlapping of direct and reverse
synonyms of the lexeme testifies to its referential coherence at the transition between
the denotative and denotated functional planes.

G a p s a n d c o m p a c t n e s s i n a s s e s s i n g s y n o n y m i c d i s t a n c i n g . The values of the

synonymic affinity factor prove to be evenly or almost evenly distributed throughout
the semantic scale for a small proportion of reverse synonymic strings only: A L A R M
(6) startle (0.75); disturb (to upset mental calm, 0.74); discourage (to warn, 0.50); petrify
(to frighten, 0.50); forewarn (0.25); scare (0.25); B E N E F IT (9) benefit (1.00); profit (to
derive gain, 0.89); profit (to be of benefit, 0.75); accom m odate (to render a service,
0.56); succeed (to attain success, 0.52); help (to aid, 0.46); operate (to produce an effect,
0.33); prom ote (to further, 0.24); prosper (0.23); G A SH (6) cut (to cut into, 0.95);
wound (to hurt the body, 0.75); chip (0.60); slash (0.50); break (to start a rupture,
0.26); divide (to separate by parting, 0.12). This balance is generally upset by the
prevalence of synonyms in the position of one of the scale areas. At the onomasiological
space being conditionally split into three equal parts this trend may am ount to no
synonymic catenation in the scale’s flanks and/or its centre.
The gapping of the left-hand flank or that of the left-hand flank together with the
centre of the synonymic affinity scale is characteristic of the verbs of latent synonymic
catenation which do not perform the function of the series dominant in the direct thesaurus:
1. (- + +) FO UND ER (4) trip (to stumble, 0.55); wreck (to shipwreck, 0.40); fail (to be
unsuccessful, 0.25); disappoint (0.22); G L IM P S E (4) peep (to look cautiously, 0.50);
discover (to find, 0.48); glance (to look, 0.25); peek (0.25); CEDE (4) grant (to permit,

0.50); yield (to surrender, 0.46); abandon (to relinquish, 0.26); give (to transfer, 0.22);
R E F A S H IO N (6) reconstruct (0.50); rem odel (0.47); repeat (to do again, 0.44);
revolutionize (0.25); reform (to change into a new form, 0.19); improve (to make better,
0.15); 2. ( - H— ) B E S M IR C H (3) defame (0.50); slander (0.37); disgrace (0.35);
EFFECTUA TE (3) produce (to create by mental effort, 0.50); complete (to make entire,
0.47); achieve (to finish an undertaking, 0.46); L O P E (3) run (to go swiftly by physical
effort, 0.52); canter (0.50); gallop (0.40); M O O R (3) anchor (to drop an anchor, 0.67);
bind (to constrain with bounds, 0.45); hitch (to harness, 0.38); 3. (— +) BRAKE to
apply a brake to a wheel (3) pedal (0.25), slow (to cause to become slower, 0.25); check
(to slacken the pace, 0.15); D ISC O U N T E N A N C E (4) halt (to cause to cease, 0.31);
bar (to obstruct by refusal, 0.25); embarrass (to upset mentally, 0.18); censure (0.03);
C O SSE T (4) caress (0.26); baby (0.25); cherish (to hold dear, 0.25); pamper (0.09);
OPPUGN (2) upbraid (0.24); confute (0.10). Synonymic catenation in the second half
of the scale only may still affect some verbs initiating their synonymic strings in the
direct thesaurus: VO UCH (6) vouch(l.OO); declare (to speak formally and emphatically,
(0.34); plead (to discuss in court, 0.33); pledge (to promise, 0.25); swear (to take an
oath, 0.18); testify (to bear witness, 0.11); P I (2) pi (1.00); middle (to confuse, 0.18);
BLEN C H (4) blench (1.00); shrink (0.50); flinch (0.33); wince (0.30). HUG (7) hug
(1.00); love (to express love by caresses, 0.50); hold (to have in one’s grasp, 0.45); pet
(to make love, 0.33); huddle (0.18); stick (to remain fastened, 0.18); cherish (to hold
dear, 0.04).
High as well as medium and high values of the synonymic affinity coefficient solely
diminish the fuzziness of the reverse synonymic string caused by more distant synonyms:
1. (+ — ) H O PE (2) hope (1.00); wish (to express a desire, 0.92); A P O L O G IZ E (3)
apologize (1.00); justify (to give reasons for, 0.83); excuse (0.75); B L E A C H (5) bleach
(1.00); damage (to impair the value of, 0.95); fade (to lose colour or light, 0.92); weather
(to expose to the weather, 0.85); whiten (to make white, 0.80); C H E W (4) chew (1.00);
eat (to take as a food, 0.87); mash (0.71); bite (to seize or sever with teeth, 0.67); 2. (+
+ - ) C A U T IO N (7) caution (1.00); remind (to call the attention of another, 0.86);
threaten (to warn of punishm ent, 0.79); deter (0.75); exhort (0.75); notify (to warn,
0.75); advise (to give counsel, 0.34); G A M B L E (6) gamble (to play for money, 1.00);
gamble (to take chances, 1.00); bet (0.86); risk (0.75); chance (to take a chance, 0.45);
venture (0.36)\H E A L (6) heal (to cure, 1.00); heal (to recover, 1.00); knit (to grow together,
0.75); mend (to repair, 0.75); recover (to regain health, 0.60); recuperate (0.50).
The gapping of the central part of the synonymic affinity scale (+ - +) contributes
to the opposition of close and distant synonyms: A D JO U R N (6) adjourn (1.00); halt
(to cause to cease, 0.88); suspend (to cease tem porarily, 0.80); dissolve (to dismiss,
0.75); achieve (to finish an undertaking, 0.27); delay (to cause a delay, 0.27); B R ID LE
(6) bridle (1.00); check (to bring under control, 0.93); restrain (0.85); harness (0.75);
trammel (0.31); bristle (to show sudden anger, 0.25); E A V E SD R O P (3) eavesdrop
(1.00); hear (to receive inform ation orally, 0.82); hear (to perceive by ear, 0.33).
The reverse synonymic string constituents may be represented in each of the
similarity areas, yet the distribution of the synonymic affinity values throughout the
scale is uneven: SP R IN K L E to scatter in drops; to disperse; to distribute (15) sprinkle
(1.00); moisten (0.96); water (0.92); spatter (0.77); dampen (to wet, 0.75); dust (0.75);

intersperse (0.75^; wet (0.75); mizzle (0.63); rain (0.45); baptize (to cleanse sacramentally,
0.43); drizzle (0.25); spray (0.25); radiate (to send forth from a centre, 0.14); shed (0.09);
Q U A SH (12) quash (to crush, 1.00); quash (to revoke, 1.00); destroy (to bring to
nothing, 0.78); abolish (0.48); revoke (0.48); suppress (0.36); nullify (Q.25); refute (Q.15);
confute (0.14); answer (to move in response (0.12); halt (to cause to cease (0.12); withdraw
(to remove from use or circulation, 0.10).
The reverse synonymic strings whose onomasiological space is characterized by
considerable gapping (30-60% of the entire compactness scale) are typically short. Not
infrequently these strings are just pairs of synonyms. F or such cases the quota of
synonymic affinity factor values in the range of 0 < w < 0.5 is considerably higher
(46.9%) in com parison with the saturation of this part of the compactness scale by the
series constituents at large (36.9%). An increase in the num ber of string constituents
seems to correlate with the density of the first half of the synonymic compactness scale.
However, longer strings are more likely to possess synonymic means in all the parts of
the onomasiological space. The length of the synonymic string correlates with the step
gauge that is distancing the series constituents from their headverb. This gauge is
generally sm aller in longer series as com pared with the sh o rter ones which is in
compliance with M enzerath’s law of the reverse correlation of the number of language
unit constituents and their respective lengths.
The evaluation of the synonymic affinity factor values on the part of the dictionary’s
user is probably dependent on the series length. Should the latter be in compliance
with Ingwe’s psycholinguistic depth hypothesis and not exceed 7±2 constituents, the
user is likely to resort to double evaluation by singling out the headverb - its synonym
pairs as well as by construing the entire compactness scale of the series in the individual
linguistic consciousness. The longer the reverse synonymic series the lesser the likelihood
of it being perceived by this dictionary’s user as a whole.
Concerning the values of the semantic distance coefficient the uneven compactness
scales o f the reverse synonymic strings fall under sequential (the coefficient values
within the series being all individual) and sequential-parallel (some values of the
coefficient getting repeated for the respective constituents of the series). The scope of
difference in the coefficient values is also significant, its relevance threshold being
averaged within a certain range of psycholinguistic approxim ation. Thus the number;
of parallel semantic distance coefficient values as regards their tentative perception by
the user tends to increase.
Though the longest reverse synonymic string in the present dictionary numbers
sixty constituents a mere forty per cent of the strings exceed the length threshold of six
verbs. The onomasiological space of the reverse synonymic string is framed by the
synonymic affinity factor values revealing the distance of the first and last synonyms
to the headverb flanking the entire similarity scale. At the series length exceeding six
verbs two thirds of the synonymic strings end up their onomasiological space within
the range of 0 < w < 0.2 and a mere 4.6 per cent are initiated by the verb which is not'
listed among the series dom inants in Webster's New World Thesaurus (figure 4). At the
series length of up to six constituents inclusive the quota of strings with the minimum
synonymic affinity factor value within the range of 0 < w < 0.2 is short of thirty per
cent but the affinity scale of every second verb reveals no w = 1.00 value, the headverbs!

of these reverse strings failing to initiate synonymic series of their own in the direct
thesaurus (figure 5).


-- 65,77
31,77 □ Wmin
0 0 0,092,28 1,370,18 3,29 0
H------ H--------------1-------- ■-----H— -------H
(0 .00 ; (0 .20 ; (0 .40 ; (0 .60 ; (0 .80 ; (1.00 ;
0 .20 ) 0 .40 ) 0 .60 ) 0 .80 ) 1.00 ) 1.00 )

F igure 4. The m a x im u m a n d m in im u m values o f the sy n o n ym ic a ffin ity

coefficient w ithin the series o f m ore than six constituents.

49,27 max
□ Wmin

(0 .00 ; (0 .20 ; (0 .40 ; (0 .60 ; (0 .80 ; (1.00 ;

0 .20 ) 0 .40 ) 0 .60 ) 0 .80 ) 1.00 ) 1.00 )
Figure 5. The m a x im u m a n d m in im u m values o f the sy n o n ym ic a ffin ity
co efficient within short sy n o n ym ic series.

The distribution of the synonymic affinity factor values in the dictionary of semantic
distances at large is uneven (figure 6). A tighter compactness of lexemic presentation is
observable in the area of medium synonymic similarity in the range of 0.5 < w < 0.8 as
well as in that of relatively distant synonyms (0.2 < w < 0.3). A much looser compactness
of synonyms is attested both on the flanks of the affinity scale and almost in its centre
(0.4 < w < 0.5). This possibly leads to suggest that the lexical system is not in great need
of very close and too distant synonyms. Synonymic catenation within a fairly wide
medium range of semantic affinity tending to get thinner in its central part appears to
be more common. It serves as a foundation for forming a typical privative-gradual
opposition of close and more distant synonyms.

§3 [ 0 .0 0 ; 0 .1 0 )
□ [ 0 . 10 ; 0 .20 )
% H [0.20; 0.30)
□ [0.30; 0.40)
H [0.40; 0.50)
□ [0.50; 0.60)
M [0.60; 0.70)
H [0.70; 0.80)
■ [0.80; 0.90)
M [0.90; 1.00)
H [1.00; 1.00]

Figure 6. The distribution o f the synonymic affinity factor values

in the reverse thesaurus o f verbs.

Uneven sense distancing within the synonymic series of the verb strengthens the
individual nature of its significatory possibilities.

C o n c l u s i o n . The dictionary of semantic distances of English verbs introduces a

linguistic object whose very essence and param eters rest on the fundamental feature of
the lexical system — the asymmetric dualism of the plane of content and the plane of
expression. The ability to correlate these two planes testifies to a subtle and versatile
language competence.
A B A N D O N (9) abandon (to relinquish, le s s e n p re s s u re or te n sio n , 0 .3 9 );
1.00); abandon (to leave in trouble, decrease (to m ake less, 0.35); discount
1.00); retreat (to execute a forced re­ (to deduct, 0.31); w eaken (to becom e
tirem ent in battle, 0.87); w aive (0.85); weaker, 0.27); com fort (to m ake easy
fail (to be unsuccessful, 0.81); drop (to physically, 0.19); fall (to pass quickly
cause or to perm it to fall, 0.73); scuttle downward, 0.11).
(to destroy, 0.50); disappear (0.32); A BB REV IA TE (8) abbreviate (1.00); con­
discard (0.16). tract (to cause to dim inish, 0.89); con­
ABASE (7) corrupt (to debase, 0.85); dis­ dense (to ab rid g e, 0.75); com press
grace (0.85); b etray (to seduce and (0.58); decrease (to m ake less, 0.58);
abandon, 0.75); depress (to bring to a digest (to summarize, 0.25); diminish (to
lower state, 0.70); debase (0.25); reduce m ake less, 0.25); shorten (0.25).
(to humble, 0.25); hum ble (0.20). A B D IC A T E (3) abdicate (1.00); yield (to
ABASH (6) confuse (0.96); frighten (to surrender, 0.69); abandon (to relin ­
alarm, 0.68); hum ble (0.68); hum iliate quish, 0.33).
(0.58); shock (to disturb o n e’s sense A B D U C T (7) abduct (1.00); kidnap (0.91);
of propriety, 0.46); em barrass (to upset seduce (0.76); carry (to capture, 0.75);
mentally, 0.09). steal (0.56); ravish (to rape, 0.50); seize
ABATE to put down; to put an end to; (to take by force, 0.03).
to do aw ay w ith (18) abate (to m ake A B E T (6) abet (to help, 1.00); abet (to
less, 1.00); abate (to grow less, 1.00); excite, 1.00); help (to aid, 0.92); sup­
decrease (to grow less, 0.88); contract port (to uphold, 0.91); encourage (to
(to d im in ish , 0 .7 7 ); m o d e ra te (to give support, 0.45); incite (0.11).
become less, 0.75); abolish (0.64); halt A B H O R (7) abhor (1.00); hate (to detest,
(to cause to cease, 0.61); recede (to 0.95); abom inate (0.75); detest (0.75);
sink, 0.57); allay (to lessen, 0.50); cool loathe (0.75); dislike (0.71); execrate (to
(to c a u se to b e c o m e c o o l, 0 .5 0 ); detest, 0.50).
diminish (to grow less, 0.50); tem per A B ID E (19) abide (to lodge, 1.00);abide
(to soften or qualify, 0.50); ease (to (to reside, 1.00); abide (to remain, 1.00);
ab id e (to w ait for, 1.00); abide (to A B R A D E (8) file (to use an abrasive,
subm it to, 1.00); rem ain (to stay, 0.92); 0.88); rub (to subject to friction, 0.86);
dwell (0.64); endure (to continue, 0.61); chafe (to rub, 0.75); excoriate (to re­
lodge (to becom e fixed, 0.50); w ait (to m ove strips o f skin, bark, 0.75); scrape
a w a it, 0 .5 0 ); e n d u r e (to s u s ta in (0.75); grind (to pulverize, 0.39); grate
adversity, 0.48); be (to have being, (0.25); flatten (to make flat, 0.19).
0.35); live (to dw ell, 0.33); keep (to A B R ID G E (8) abridge (1.00); contract (to
rem ain, 0.25); resist (to w ith stan d , cause to diminish, 0.78); compile (0.64);
0.25); stand (to endure, 0.25); tolerate decrease (to m ake less, 0.60); shorten
(to endure, 0.25); settle (to establish (0.50); brief (to summarize, 0.25); com­
residence, 0.20); face (to confront con­ press (0.25); abbreviate (0.20).
flict or trouble, 0.08). A B R O G A T E (9) abrogate (1.00); abolish
A B JU R E (7) recant (0.91); revoke (0.78); (0.79); w ithdraw (to rem ove from use
forsw ear (0.75); discard (0.40); beg (to or circulation, 0.70); revoke (0.67); elimi­
ask earnestly or im portunately, 0.16); nate (to rem ove, 0.53); recant (0.52);
abstain (0.06); deny (0.04). rescind (0.50); cancel (to annul, 0.29);
A BN EG ATE (3) deny (0.46); recant (0.35); repeal (0.25).
refute (0.04). A B SC IN D (1) divide (to separate by pall­
A B O L IS H (10) abolish (1.00); w ithdraw ing, 0.22).
(to rem ove from use or circulation, A B S C O N D (6) abscond (1.00); elope
0.85); reform (to correct evils, 0.82); (0.75); defect (0.67); desert (to leave
elim inate (to rem ove, 0.58); dismiss (to arm y w ithout perm ission, 0.50); disap­
send away, 0.56); repeal (0.50); destroy pear (0.44); leave (to go away, 0.42).
(to b rin g to n o th in g , 0.45); rev o k e A B S O L V E (14) absolve (1.00); cleanse
(0.44); exterm inate (0.25); extirpate (to free from sin or its effects, 0.75);
(0.25). e x c u lp a te (0 .7 5 ); ex o n erate (0.75);
A B O M IN A T E (6) abominate (1.00); hate expiate (0.75); ju stify (to vindicate,
(to detest, 0.85); dislike (0.57); abhor 0.75); rem it (to pardon, 0.75); pardon
(0.50); execrate (to detest, 0.25); loathe (to reduce punishm ent, 0.67); bless (to
(0.25). dedicate to God, 0.63); free (to liberate,
A B O R T (8) abort (to fail, 1.00); abort (to 0 .5 5 ); a c q u it (to ex o n e ra te , 0.50);
cancel, 1.00); destroy (to bring to n oth­ reprieve (to pardon, 0.50); vindicate (to
ing, 0.74); miscarry (0.67); end (to bring clear, 0.25); excuse (0.21).
to a halt, 0.41); disappoint (0.37); cancel A B S O R B (13) absorb (to take in by
(to annul, 0.21); fail (to be unsuccess­ absorption, 1.00); absorb (to occupy
ful, 0.19). com pletely, 1.00);absorb (to take in
A BO U N D (6) abound (1.00); teem (0.86); m entally, 1.00); consum e (to eat oi
luxuriate (to flourish, 0.75); bristle (to drink, 0.75); engage (to engross, 0.75);
display in abundance, 0.50); infest (to engross (to occupy o n e ’s tim e, 0.75):
sw arm , 0.44); grow (to becom e larger, m onopolize (0.73); suck (0.67); merg(
0 .22). (0.56); occupy (to absorb attention
0.29); digest (to transform food, 0.25); em phasize (0.60); accentuate (0.50).
fascin ate (0.25); spend (to expend, A C C EN T U A TE (5) accentuate (1.00); ac­
0.09). cent (0.75); emphasize (0.65); modulate
A BSTAIN (3) abstain (1.00); diet (0.33); (0.50); stress (0.33).
eschew (0.33). A C C E P T (20) accept (to receive, 1.00);
A B ST ER G E (1) clean (0.83). accep t (to assen t, 1.00); accept (to
A B S T R A C T (5) abstract (to take away, believe, 1.00); receive (to take into
1.00); abstract (to prepare an abstract, o n e ’s charge, 0.96); believe (to accept
1.00);digest (to summarize, 0.75); com ­ as true, 0.92); obey (to act in accord­
press (0.17); decrease (to m ake less, ance with a recognized principle, 0.91);
0 . 12). adm it (to acknow ledge, 0.83); choose
A BU SE (16) abuse (to treat badly, 1.00); (to select, 0.83); listen (to receive ad­
abuse (to hurt w ith w ords, 1.00); hurt vice cordially, 0.67); take (to collect,
(to cause pain, 0.84); torm ent (torment, 0.67); obey (to act in accordance with
0.80); dam age (to im pair the value of, orders, 0.57); serve (to obey, 0.50);
0.71); insult (0.70); curse (to sw ear at, su b scrib e (to obey, 0.50); yield (to
0.69); darn (to dam n (variant), 0.67); grant, 0.50); get (to receive, 0.33); re­
waste (to squander, 0.65); scold (0.26); ceive (to m ake w elcom e, 0.33); use (to
damn (to sw ear at, 0.25); m isappropri­ m ake use of, 0.27); honour (to recog­
ate (0.25); corrupt (to debase, 0.24); nize as valid, 0.25); feel (to experience,
threaten (to warn o f punishm ent, 0.21); 0.09); accom m odate (to render a serv­
snarl (0.07); rape (0.05). ice, 0.03).
ABUT (4) abut (1.00); adjoin (to be close A C C L A IM (12) acclaim (1.00); praise (to
to, 0.50); jo in (to adjoin, 0.50); border com m end, 0.81); aggrandize (to exalt,
(0.33). 0.75); com pliment (to flatter, 0.74); rec­
A C C E D E (11) accede (1.00); yield (to om m end (to lend support or approval,
grant, 0.90); consider (to take into ac­ 0.68); approve (to favour, 0.50); clap
count, 0.78); consent (0.75); underwrite (to applaud, 0.50); signalize (0.50); extol
(to approve, 0.67); defer (to yield, 0.57); (0.40); com mend (to praise, 0.25); glory
admit (to acknow ledge, 0.55); accord (to praise, 0.25); hail (to praise, 0.25).
(to grant, 0.50); grant (to accept as true, A C C LIM A T E (3) acclimate (1.00); harden
0.50); obey (to act in accordance w ith (to toughen, 0.96); conform (0.56).
orders, 0.33); succum b (to yield, 0.25). A C C L IM A T IZ E (4) harden (to toughen,
A C C E L E R A T E (10) accelerate (1.00); 0.92); assim ilate (to adjust, 0.50); con­
hasten (to expedite, 0.92); push (to form (0.38); adapt (to adapt oneself,
m ove by pushing, 0.78); precipitate 0.33).
(0.75); pedal (0.50); send (to dispatch, A C C O M M O D A T E (16) accom m odate
0.42); rise (to increase, 0.25); antedate (to ren d er a service, 1.00); acco m ­
(0.17); excite (to activate, 0.09); slide m o d ate (to p ro v id e lodging, 1.00);
(to cause to slide, 0.08). re c e iv e (to m ak e w elc o m e , 0.92);
A C C E N T (4) accent (1.00); stress (0.67); provide (to supply, 0.81); suit (to adapt,
0.75); conform (0.69); help (to aid, 0.63); obey (to act in accordance w ith orders,
acclim ate (0.50); fashion (to adapt, 0.52); concur (0.50); go (to fit or suit,
0.50); help (to serve at table, 0.50); in­ 0.50); reconcile (to bring into harmony,
clude (to contain, 0.36); negotiate (to 0.31); share (to give, 0.25); stylize
m ake arrangem ents for, 0.24); change (0 .25); co n d escen d (0.21); give (to
(to m ake different, 0.23); reconcile (to transfer, 0.15); offer (to present, 0.08);
bring into harm ony, 0.23); board (to follow (to regulate o n e’s action, 0.07);
take care of, 0.17); lend (to m ake a loan, balance (to place in balance, 0.06).
0.17). A C C O S T (8) accost (to greet, 1.00);
A C C O M P A N Y (5) accom pany (to go accost (to solicit, 1.00); greet (0.88);
with, 1.00); accom pany (to supplement, solicit (to tem pt for sexual purposes,
1.00);accom pany (to occur with, 1.00); 0.67); proposition (0.50); approach (to
lead (to conduct, 0.41); w alk (to cause approach personally, 0.43); salute (to
to m ove on foot, 0.14). address, 0.33); w aylay (0.33).
A C C O M P L IS H (23) accom plish (1.00); A C C O U C H E (1) deliver (to bring to birth,
succeed (to attain success, 0.95); act 0.50).
(to perform an action, 0.86); com plete A C C O U N T (7) account (1.00); balance
(to m ake entire, 0.79); obtain (to gain (to dem onstrate balance, 0.82); esteem
possession, 0.76); effect (to achieve, (to consider, 0.75); calculate (to reckon,
0 .7 5 ); f u lf ill ( 0 .7 5 ); p e r f o r m (to 0.47); estim ate (to calculate probable
accom plish an action, 0.72); m anage (to costs, 0.46); value (to set a price upon,
contrive, 0.67); transact (0.67); satisfy 0.26); offset (0.06).
(to fulfill, 0.65); tend (to w atch over, A C C O U T R E (4) arm (to equip with wea­
0.57); operate (to produce an effect, pon s, 0.67 ); clo th e (0 .4 3 ); harness
0.56); climax (to bring to a climax, 0.50); (0.42); upholster (0.23).
execute (to bring to fruition, 0.50); w in A C C R E D IT (8) com m end (to recom ­
(to re a c h , 0 .5 0 ); w o rk (to h a n d le m end, 0.75); delegate (to give author­
successfully, 0.50); achieve (to finish ity to another, 0.75); charge (to enter a
an undertaking, 0.30); m anufacture (to charge account, 0.63); allow (to permit
make a product, 0.27); achieve (to reach an action, 0.52); com m ission (0.47);
a goal, 0.25); attain (0.25); discharge a p p ro v e (to g iv e a p p ro v a l, 0.39);
(to perform , 0.25); do (to discharge attribute (0.29); assign (to delegate to
o n e ’s responsibilities, 0.25). a specific purpose, 0.26).
A C C O R D (21) accord (to grant, 1.00); A C C R U E (4) accrue (1.00); accumulate
accord (to be in agreement, 1.00); admit (to amass, 0.46); produce (to bear, 0.45);
(to acknowledge, 0.90); conform (0.88); yield (to produce, 0.33).
fit (to be suitable in character, 0.84); A C C U L T U R A T E (2) hum anize (0.75);
adjust (to bring to an agreem ent, 0.75); civilize (0.74).
c o in c id e (to c o r r e s p o n d , 0 .7 5 ); A C C U M U L A T E (7) ac cu m u late (to1
contribute (to give, 0.61); allow (to am ass, 1.00); accum ulate (to increase,^
perm it an action, 0.59); agree (0.54); 1.00); form (to take form, 0.93); harvest':
(0.86); save (to hoard, 0.43); assem ble take into account, 0.56); answ er (to
(to bring together, 0.40); stack (0.25). reply, 0.50); declare (to speak formally
A C C U R S E (2) dam n (to consign to hell, a n d e m p h a tic a lly , 0 .2 9 ); fee l (to
0.86); execrate (to curse, 0.50). experience, 0.27); appreciate (to be
A C C U SE (5) accuse (1.00); com plain (to grateful, 0.25); concede (0.25); know (to
express an objection, 0.92); m align recognize, 0.25); respond (0.25); sign
(0.75); fault (to censure, 0.25); sue (0.07). (to authorize, 0.25); greet (0.24); cash
A C C U S T O M (7) inure (0.75); harden (to ( 0 .1 7 ) ; n o d (to m a k e a n o d d in g
toughen, 0.69); adapt (to adapt one­ m ovement, 0.14).
self, 0.67); fam iliarize (0.60); conform A C Q U A I N T (8 ) a c q u a in t (1 .0 0 );
(0.44); assimilate (to adjust, 0.25); teach com m unicate (to im part inform ation,
(to drill, 0.12). 0.92); familiarize (0.80); notify (to pro­
A C E R B A T E (2) anger (to arouse som e­ vide with information, 0.79); hint (0.73);
one to anger, 0.79); sour (0.27). tell (to inform , 0.38); enlighten (to
A C E T IFY (1) sour (0.45). provide inform ation or understanding,
A C H E (6) ache (1.00); hurt (to give a feel­ 0.25); advertise (to m ake public, 0.05).
ing o f pain, 0.80); suffer (to feel pain, A C Q U IE S C E (16) acquiesce (1.00);
0.73); bleed (to suffer, 0.67); yearn suffer (to permit, 0.85); conform (0.81);
(0.58); m ourn (to lament, 0.41). y ie ld (to g r a n t, 0 .7 0 ); a d m it (to
A C H IE V E (11) achieve (to finish an un­ acknowledge, 0.52); condescend (0.50);
dertaking, 1.00); achieve (to reach a defer (to yield, 0.43); nod (to m ake a
goal, 1.00); succeed (to attain success, n o d d in g m o v em en t, 0.43); bow (to
0.98); act (to perform an action, 0.83); subm it, 0.40); accede (0.25); accept (to
perform (to accomplish an action, 0.83); assent, 0.25); accord (to grant, 0.25);
secure (to obtain, 0.75); com plete (to consent (0.25); grant (to accept as true,
m ake entire, 0.63); obtain (to gain 0.25); subscribe (to obey, 0.25); obey
p o s s e s s io n , 0 .5 3 ); a tta in ( 0 .5 0 ) ; (to act in accordance with orders, 0.19).
conquer (to win, 0.50); capture (to win, A C Q U IR E (23) acquire (to obtain, 1.00);
0.25). acquire (to receive, 1.00); learn (to ac­
A C H R O M A T IZ E (2) bleach (0.17); fade quire mentally, 0.94); reap (to gain, 0.88);
(to lose colour or light, 0.17). m onopolize (0.87); derive (to receive
A C ID IF Y (2) sour (0.55); turn (to sour, paym ent, 0.75); get (to learn, 0.75);
0.33). preem pt (0.75); sicken (to contract a
A CID ULA TE (2) embitter (to sour, 0.67); d is e a s e , 0 .7 5 ); o b ta in (to g a in
sour (0.64). possession, 0.74); receive (to take into
A C K N O W L E D G E (19) acknowledge (to o n e’s charge, 0.74); earn (to receive in
admit, 1.00);acknowledge(to recognize paym ent, 0.70); hoard (0.67); inherit
the authority of, 1.00);acknow ledge (to (0 .6 7 ); su c ce ed (to attain su ccess,
answer, 1.00); adm it (to confess, 0.95); 0.64); secure (to obtain, 0.50); win (to
thank (0.80); confess (to adm it, 0.75); obtain, 0.50); incur (0.33); purchase
reveal (to divulge, 0.64); consider (to (0.33); borrow (to receive temporarily,
0.29); accum ulate (to am ass, 0.27); A D A P T .(24) adapt (to alter or adjust,
accept (to receive, 0.25); get (to obtain, 1.00);adapt (to adapt oneself, 1.00);
0.25). prepare (to m ake oneself ready, 0.83);
A C Q U IT (10) acquit (to exonerate, 1.00); use (to m ake a practice o f (in past),
acquit (to behave, 1.00); forgive (to 0.78); acclim ate (0.75); assim ilate (to
absolve, 0.75); vindicate (to clear, 0.75); adjust, 0.75); reconcile (to adjust, 0.75);
clear (to free from guilt, 0.67); release edit (to prepare for publication, 0.68);
(0.67); free (to liberate, 0.53); justify (to condition (0.67); harm onize (to render
vindicate, 0.50); excuse (0.42); pardon harm onic, 0.63); regulate (to adjust,
(to reduce punishm ent, 0.42). 0.58); differentiate (to change, 0.50);
A C T (14) act (to perform an action, 1.00); dispose (0.50); turn (to m ake use of,
act (to conduct oneself, 1.00); act (to 0.50); organize (to put in order, 0.35);
take part in a play, 1.00); obey (to act in orient (to adjust, 0.33); order (to put in
accordance w ith orders, 0.81); operate order, 0.32); arrange (to make arrange­
(to be in operation, 0.79); com m it (to ments, 0.30); conform (0.25); fit (to make
perpetrate, 0.75); execute (to carry out suitable, 0.25); score (to com pose a
instructions, 0.75); perpetrate (0.50); m u s ic a l a c c o m p a n im e n t, 0 .2 5 );
render (to perform , especially a service, tra n sm u te (0 .2 5 ); ch an g e (to m ake
0.50); overact (0.25); acquit (to behave, d ifferent, 0.24); change (to becom e
0.20); oppose (to fight, 0.20); be (to different, 0.13).
h av e b ein g , 0 .1 5 ); re a c t (to act in A D D (15) add (to bring together, usually
response, 0.14). by m athem atics, 1.00); add (to m ake a
ACTIVATE (8) activate (1.00); animate (to further rem ark, 1.00); contribute (to
give life to, 0.89); impel (to press, 0.50); give, 0.96); strengthen (0.96); heap (to
begin (to initiate, 0.44); quicken (to p lace in a heap, 0.92); m ultiply (to
come or bring to life, 0.43); incite (0.36); increase, 0.75); thicken (to make thicker,
co m m an d eer (to force into m ilitary 0 .7 5 ); in tro d u c e (to in se rt, 0.67);
service, 0.25); predispose (to stimulate, accom pany (to occur with, 0.60); hinge
0.25). (0.50); attach (to jo in , 0.25); calculate
A C T U A L IZ E (8) actualize (1.00); create (to reckon, 0.16); score (to compute the
(to make, 0.92); m aterialize (to becom e score, 0.13); inject (to include, 0.09);
m atter, 0.83); objectify (0.67); a 9hieve program (to w ork out a sequence to be
(to f in is h an u n d e r ta k in g , 0 .4 3 ); performed, 0.06).
com plete (to m ake entire, 0.37); realize A D D L E to confuse brain (1) confuse
(to bring to fulfillment, 0.33); begin (to (0.36).
initiate, 0.32). A D D R E S S (12) ad d ress (to provide;
A CTU A TE (7) impel (to press, 0.79); move directions for delivery, 1.00);address;
(to set in m otion, 0.50); push (to m ove (to s p e a k to an assem b ly , 1.00);:
by pushing, 0.44); drive (to urge on, address (to com m unicate in a formaH
0.39); incite (0.39); m otivate (0.12); way, 1.00); approach (to approach!''
influence (0.03). p erso n a lly , 0 .8 6 ); rec ite (to repeat?
formally, 0.80); greet (0.76); accost (to 0.75); gear (to regulate, 0.75); smarten
greet, 0.75); woo (to make love to, 0.63); (to beautify, 0.75); prepare (to make
write (to set down in writing, 0.56); hail o neself ready, 0.74); contract (to enter
(to call to, 0.33); send (to dispatch, into an agreement, 0.67); lend (to adapt
0.26); preach (0.10). oneself, 0.67); balance (to dem onstrate
A D D U CE (4) m ention (0.75); reason (to balance, 0.65); organize (to put in order,
seek a reasonable explanation , 0.42); 0.65); obey (to act in accordance with
refer (to m ention, 0.33); propose (to a recognized principle, 0.64); balance
make a suggestion, 0.24). (to place in balance, 0.52); focus (to
A D H E R E (10) adhere (to serve, 1.00); m ake an im age clear, 0.50); refund (to
adhere (to conform to, 1.00); adhere return, 0.50); secure (to fasten, 0.50);
(to stick to, 1.00); stick (to rem ain fas­ equalize (0.44); neg o tiate (to m ake
tened, 0.91); fasten (to m ake som ething arrangem ents for, 0.41); achieve (to
secure, 0.85); cling (0.67); cleave (to finish an undertaking, 0.38); arrange (to
stick, 0.50); cohere (to stick together, m ake arrangements, 0.35); order (to put
0.50); bind (to hold together or in place, in order, 0.35); m ake (to prepare, 0.33);
0.25); m eet (to touch, 0.25). acclim ate (0.25); change (to m ake dif­
A D JO IN (5) adjoin (to be close to, 1.00); ferent, 0.25); fix (to put in order, 0.25);
adjoin (to jo in , 1.00); butt (to abut, pay (to give paym ent, 0.13); change (to
0.75); border (0.67); abut (0.50). becom e different, 0.06).
A D JO U R N (6) adjourn (1.00); halt (to A D M I N I S T E R (21) a d m in is te r (to
cause to cease, 0.88); suspend (to cease m anage, 1.00); adm inister (to minister,
temporarily, 0.80); dissolve (to dismiss, 1.0 0 );a d m in is te r (to in flic t, 1.00);
0.75); achieve (to finish an undertak­ adm inister (to tender, 1.00); govern
ing, 0.27); delay (to cause a delay, 0.27). (0.82); offer (to present, 0.77); command
A D JU D G E (5) sentence (0.89); judge (to (to have control, 0.75); keep (to operate,
pass judgem ent, 0.80); decide (0.76); 0.75); treat (to assist tow ard a cure,
co n d em n (to sen d to p u n ish m e n t, 0 .7 5 ); c o n d u c t (to m an ag e, 0 .67);
0.56); convict (0.50). p ro v id e (to supply, 0.46); tend (to
A D JUD ICA TE (5) denounce (0.78); sen­ w atch over, 0.43); distribute (to allot,
tence (0.78); decide (0.71); ju d g e (to 0.42); m anage (to direct, 0.41); apply
pass judgem ent, 0.60); try (to conduct (to place upon, 0.40); doctor (0.33);
atrial, 0.33). m ete (0.33); perform (to accomplish an
A D JU R E (3) urge (to induce, 0.88); con­ action, 0.33); operate (to keep in op­
jure (to appeal to, 0.25); com m and (to eration, 0.25); reign (0.25); share (to
issue an order, 0.07). divide, 0.10).
A D JU S T (30) ad ju st (to b rin g to an A D M IR E (9)adm ire (to have regard for,
agreement, 1.00); adjust (to place or 1.00); adm ire (to be fond of, 1.00); l
regulate parts, 1.00); repair (0.93); arbi­ (to be fond of, 0.80); cherish (to hold
trate (0.92); right (to repair an injustice, dear, 0.79); w onder (to marvel, 0.75);
0.88); com b (0.79); fashion (to adapt, praise (to com m end, 0.67); p u ff (to
flatter, 0.50); appreciate (to recognize A D O R E (11) adore (to w orship, 1.00);
w orth, 0.14); love (to be passionately adore (to love, 1.00); love (to be pas­
devoted, 0.07). sionately devoted, 0.93); deify (0.75);
A D M IT (17) adm it (to grant entrance, dote (0.67); idolize (0.50); praise (to
1.00); adm it (to confess, 1.00); adm it speak or sing in worship, 0.50); worship
(to acknow ledge, 1.00); adm it (to per­ (to perform acts o f worship, 0.47); ven­
m it, 1.00); receive (to take into o n e ’s erate (0.25); cherish (to hold dear, 0.17);
charge, 0.91); include (to contain, 0.86); adm ire (to have regard for, 0.08).
su ffe r (to p erm it, 0.77); ac ce p t (to A D O R N (13) adorn (1.00); decorate
assent, 0.75); reveal (to divulge, 0.68); (0.98); becom e (to be suitable, 0.81);
o p e n (to m o v e a s id e a p r e p a r e d bedeck (0.75); em bellish (0.75); enrich
obstruction, 0.62); receive (to m ake (0.75); equip (to array, 0.75); beautify
welcome, 0.58); avow (0.50); confide (to (to make beautiful, 0.50); deck (to deco­
reveal in trust, 0.50); produce (to bear, rate, 0.50); illustrate (to adorn with
0.39); listen (to receive advice cordially, illustrations, 0.50); varnish (0.18); col­
0.33); enlist (to enroll others, 0.18); yield our (to im part colour to, 0.16); flatter
(to produce, 0.11). (to be becom ing to a wearer, 0.13).
A D M IX (2) alloy (to devaluate, 0.25); min­ A D U L A TE (3) praise (to commend, 0.57);
gle (0.25). flatter (to praise unduly, 0.50); com pli­
A D M O N I S H (1 9 ) a d m o n is h (to m ent (to flatter, 0.05).
reprim and, 1.00); adm onish (to exhort, A D U L T E R A T E (8) adulterate (1.00); cor­
1.00); scold (0.96); upbraid (0.80); rupt (to debase, 0.83); falsify (0.75); mix
advise (to give counsel, 0.79); correct (to blend, 0.41); alloy (to m ix metals,
(to a d m in is te r c o r r e c tio n , 0 .7 5 ); 0.25); defile (to corrupt, 0.25); corrupt
counsel (0.75); threaten (to w arn o f (to render innacurate, 0.23); bastardize
punishm ent, 0.71); warn (0.63); censure (0 .20).
(0.61); exhort (0.50); forew arn (0.50); A D U M B R A T E (4) hide (to conceal, 0.76);'
m o ralize (0.50); chasten (to punish, shade (to make darker, 0.42); hint (0.14);
0.38); inveigh (0.25); lecture (to rebuke, foretell (0.13).
0.25); rebuke (0.25); snub (to rebuke, A D V A N C E (5 9 ) a d v a n c e (to move
0.25); m anage (to direct, 0.16). forw ard physically, 1.00); advance (to
A D O P T (10) adopt (to take as a son or cause to m ove forw ard, 1.00);advance^
daughter, 1.00); adopt (to take as o n e’s (to p r o p o s e , 1 .0 0 ); a d v a n c e (to
ow n, 1.00); adopt (to vote acceptance, prom ote, 1.00);advance (to prom ote iir
1.00); obey (to act in accordance w ith rank or station, 1.00); advance (to ac­
a recognized principle, 0.55); espouse celerate, 1.00); advance (to raise, 1.00);!
(to support, 0.50); use (to m ake use of, advance (to lend, 1.00); advance (to
0.36); observe (to abide by, 0.33); ad­ pay, 1.00); advance (to improve, 1.00);
mit (to acknow ledge, 0.31); choose (to m arch (0.90); trust (to give credit to,;
select, 0.23); listen (to receive advice 0.89); p rom o te (to advance in rank,
cordially, 0.17). 0.87); lick (to play over; said o f flames,:
0.85); lend (to m ake a loan, 0.83); im ­ promote, 0.25).
prove (to becom e better, 0.82); step A D V IS E (21) advise (to give counsel,
(0.80); send (to dispatch, 0.79); attack 1.00); advise (to give information, 1.00);
(to fight offensively (a rm y ), 0.77); de­ com m unicate (to im part inform ation,
velop (to im prove, 0.77); cultivate (to 0.93); w arn (0.89); help (to aid, 0.83);
encourage, 0.75); elevate (to prom ote, subm it (to suggest, 0.75); notify (to
0.75); push (to prom ote, 0.75); propose provide with inform ation, 0.70); report
(to m ake a suggestion, 0.71); urge (to (to deliver inform ation, 0.69); acquaint
present favourably, 0.71); hasten (to (0.50); adm onish (to exhort, 0.50); brief
expedite, 0.69); lobby (0.69); drive (to (to inform , 0.50); suggest (to m ake a
m anage a propelled vehicle, 0.67); in­ suggestion, 0.50); propose (to m ake a
vest (0.67); m aintain (to uphold, 0.67); suggestion, 0.38); befriend (0.33); tell
progress (to improve, 0.67); declare (to (to inform, 0.33); urge (to induce, 0.28);
speak formally and emphatically, 0.63); caution (0.25); offer (to propose, 0.25);
grow (to becom e larger, 0.63); offer (to prom pt (to help, 0.25); subscribe (to
present, 0.62); appeal (to carry a case suggest, 0.25); hint (0.18).
to a h igher court, 0.50); assault (to A D V O C A T E (19) advocate (to defend,
attack, 0.50); com e (to m ove tow ard, 1.00); ad vo cate (to prom ote, 1.00);
0.50); contribute (to aid, 0.50); grow (to plead (to discuss in court, 0.83); es­
change slowly, 0.50); loan (0.50); m ake pouse (to support, 0.75); subscribe (to
(to m ove, 0 .5 0 ); m e lio ra te (0 .5 0 ); give personal support, 0.75); advise (to
support (to uphold, 0.47); operate (to give counsel, 0.66); defend (to support
be in operation, 0.34); get (to com e, an accused person, 0.56); justify (to
0.33); introduce (to present, 0.33); rise give reasons for, 0.56); encourage (to
(to im prove o n e’s station, 0.29); assert give support, 0.55); promote (to further,
(to maintain, 0.25); boost (to raise, 0.25); 0 .5 5 ); s u p p o r t (to u p h o ld , 0 .4 1 );
develop (to grow, 0.25); m ake (to offer, reco m m en d (to lend support or ap­
0.25); ripen (to grow, 0.25); thrive (to proval, 0.40); declare (to speak formally
prosper, 0.25); advertise (to solicit busi­ and em p h atically , 0.39); p raise (to
ness, 0.21); a d v o c ate (to p ro m o te , com m end, 0.33); com m end (to recom ­
0.20); th re a te n (to im p e n d , 0 .2 0 ); m end, 0.25); m anage (to direct, 0.24);
prosper (0.15); rise (to increase, 0.15); help (to aid, 0.17); approve (to give
civilize (0.09). approval, 0.10); warn (0.04).
A D V E N T U R E (2) dare (to be coura­ A E R A T E (3) air (to introduce air, 0.67);
geous, 0.78); travel (to journey, 0.36). deodorize (0.25); knead (0.22).
ADVERT (1) refer (to mention, 0.93). A E R IF Y (2) liberate (to free from chemi­
A D V E R T IS E (6) advertise (to m ake cal or physical restraint, 0.60); air (to
public, 1.00); advertise (to solicit busi­ introduce air, 0.58).
ness, 1.00); com m unicate (to im part A F F E C T to aim ; to love; to pretend (3)
inform ation, 0.69); p roclaim (0.67); affect (to pretend, 1.00); pretend (to
prom ote (to further, 0.58); boost (to feign, 0.94); assum e (to pretend, 0.33).
A F F E C T to attack; to touch; to attribute upon, 0.80); jo in (to unite, 0.78); ap­
(10) affect (to have an effect upon, pend (to add, 0.75); paste (0.50); rivet
1.00); affect (to move emotionally, 1.00); (0.50); enroll (to prepare a roll, 0.39);
influence (0.94); m ove (to arouse the add (to m ake a further rem ark, 0.29);
em otions of, 0.85); lead (to influence, annex (0.25).
0.67); apply (to be relevant, 0.50); sw ay A F F L IC T (7) afflict (1.00); persecute (to
(to in flu en ce, 0.50); lo b b y (0.31); o p p r e s s , e s p e c ia lly fo r re lig io u s
leaven (to influence, 0.25); touch (to reaso n s, 0.96); hurt (to cause pain,
relate to, 0.25). 0.89); chasten (to punish, 0.75); bur­
A F F IA N C E (2) prom ise (to give o n e ’s den (0.46); disturb (to upset mental
w ord, 0.35); betroth (0.11). calm , 0.30); bother (to give trouble,
A F F IL IA T E (5) associate (to form an or­ 0 .20).
ganization, 0.71); unite (to com e to ­ A F F O R D (8) afford (to produce, 1.00);
gether, 0.69); knit (to com bine or jo in afford (to be in a position to buy, 1.00);
closely, 0.25); adopt (to take as o n e ’s produce (to bear, 0.71); contrive (to
ow n, 0.15); jo in (to enter the com pany succeed w ith difficulty, 0.62); provide
of, 0.10). (to yield, 0.50); contribute (to give,;
A F F IR M (32) affirm (1.00); approve (to 0.43); provide (to supply, 0.35); bring:
give approval, 0.94); testify (to bare (to be w orth in sale, 0.25).
w itness, 0.89); sw ear (to take an oath, A F F R A N C H IS E (1) free (to liberate,;
0.82); declare (to speak form ally and 0.39). j
emphatically, 0.80); vouch (0.77); adopt A F F R IG H T (2) frighten (to alarm, 0.90);!
(to vote acceptance, 0.75); curse (to disturb (to upset m ental calm, 0.67). \
sw ear, 0.71); prom ise (to give o n e ’s A F F R O N T (8) affront (1.00); anger (toS
word, 0.62); comment (to make a remark, arouse som eone to anger, 0.73); dis-j
0.53); assure (to promise, 0.50); confirm oblige (to insult, 0.50); offend (0.50);r
(to ratify, 0.50); m aintain (to assert, neglect (to treat with indifference, 0.44)|
0.50); swear (to declare, 0.50); authorize flout (0.25); outrage (0.25); sneer (0.21)1
(to approve, 0.40); prove (0.38); utter A F F Y (l) betroth (0.67). f
(0.29); accept (to believe, 0.25); accord A G E (4) age (to grow old, 1.00); age (tot
(to be in agreement, 0.25); allege (0.25); m ature, 1.00); disguise (0.23); grow (to|
assert (to say positively, 0.25); believe change slowly, 0.23). §
(to accept as true, 0.25); enunciate (to A G G L O M E R A T E (2) accum ulate (tof
state form ally, 0.25); find (to reach a am ass, 0.50); concentrate (to bring oil
legal decision, 0.25); repute (0.25); state com e together, 0.49). |
(0.25); admit (to acknowledge, 0.21); em­ A G G L U T IN A T E (1) join (to unite, 0.58)|
phasize (0.20); propose (to m ake a sug­ A G G R A N D IZ E (6) aggrandize (to exal|
gestion, 0.19); read (to contain w hen 1.00); aggrandize (to increase, 1.00)|
read, 0.14); guarantee (to certify, 0.11); prom ote (to advance in rank, 0.60)|
reveal (to divulge, 0.09). praise (to com m end, 0.48); inflate (t|
A F F IX (9) affix (1.00); apply (to place distend, 0.38); increase (to add to, 0.06)|
AGGRAVATE (11) aggravate (to irritate, 0.23); haunt (to prey upon, 0.06).
1.00); aggravate (to m ake worse, 1.00); A G R E E (10) agree (1.00); fit (to be suit­
infuriate (0.75); bother (to give trouble, able in character, 0.95); promise (to give
0.60); em bitter (to anger, 0.50); inflame o n e ’s w ord , 0 .8 5 ); obey (to act in
(to arouse em otions, 0.50); roil (0.50); accordance w ith a recognized princi­
insult (0.35); provoke (to vex, 0.33); ple, 0.82); admit (to acknowledge, 0.79);
intensify (0.25); increase (to add to, cond escen d (0.79); com prom ise (to
0.14). m ake concession, 0.67); serve (to obey,
A G G R E G A T E (5) m ultiply (to em ploy 0.25); equal (0.23); close (to com e
m u ltip lic a tio n as an a r ith m e tic a l together, 0.10).
process, 0.67); accum ulate (to am ass, A ID (21) aid (1.00); accom m odate (to
0.65); gather (to bring together, 0.50); ren d er a serv ice, 0.94); support (to
concentrate (to bring or com e together, uphold, 0.88); nurse (0.82); encourage
0.44); constitute (to m ake up, 0.25). (to give support, 0.79); prom ote (to
A G GRESS (1) attack (to fight offensively further, 0.79); rem edy (0.78); mend (to
(army), 0.39). im prove, 0.75); prom pt (to help, 0.75);
A G G R IE V E (1) abuse (to treat badly, succour (0.75); com fort (to m ake easy
0 .86). physically, 0.70); urge (to present fa­
AGITATE (26) agitate (1.00); disturb (to vourably, 0.59); assist (to assist, 0.50);
upset m ental calm , 0.93); shake (to defend (to support an accused person,
cause to vibrate, 0.93); ja r (to cause to 0 .5 0 ); fa c ilita te (0 .5 0 ); o b lig e (to
trem ble, 0.88); em barrass (to upset accommodate, 0.50); participate (to take
mentally, 0.79); anger (to arouse som e­ part in, 0.50); subserve (0.50); comfort
one to anger, 0.76); canvass (to seek (to console, 0.28); relieve (to lessen;
votes, 0.75); convulse (0.75); upset (to said especially o f pain, 0.12); trust (to
disturb, 0.75); pan (to obtain gold, give credit to, 0.11).
0.67); rock (0.67); cam paign (to solicit A IL (1) disturb (to upset mental calm,
votes, 0.60); m ix (to blend, 0.56); con­ 0.37).
fuse (0.54); fret (to cause annoyance, A IM (10) aim (to direct one’s effort, 1.00);
0.50); shock (to disturb o n e’s se lf con­ aim (to point a w eapon, 1.00); purpose
trol, 0.50); shock (to jar, 0.50); bestir (0.75); intend (to propose, 0.57); en­
(0.33); bother (to be disturbing, 0.29); deavour (0.50); point (to face, 0.50);
chum (0.25); disrupt (to confuse, 0.25); prem editate (0.50); strive (0.50); direct
stir (to mix by stirring, 0.25); haunt (to (to direct o n e ’s effort, 0.25); propose
prey upon, 0.21); beat (to pulsate, 0.18); (to mean, 0.25).
disorganize (0.12); hasten (to expedite, A IR (9) air (to expose to the air, 1.00); air
0.08). (to introduce air, 1.00); air (to speak
A G O N IZ E (7) agonize (1.00); suffer (to publicly, 1.00); expose (to uncover,
feel pain, 0.55); hurt (to cause pain, 0.71); utter (0.61); display (to present
0.41); worry (to indulge in worry, 0.40); for effect, 0.36); notify (to provide with
bleed (to suffer, 0.33); mourn (to lament, in f o r m a tio n , 0 .3 0 );b r o a d c a s t (to
transm it electronically, 0.08); advertise 0.30); illustrate (to m ake clear by illus­
(to m ake public, 0.08). tration, 0.22).
A L A R M (6) startle (0.75); disturb (to A L L E V IA T E (11) alleviate (1.00); com ­
upset mental calm, 0.74); discourage (to fort (to make easy physically, 0.97); ease
w arn, 0.50); petrify (to frighten, 0.50); (to relieve o f pain, 0.94); relieve (to
forewarn (0.25); scare (0.25). lessen; said especially o f pain, 0.88);
A L E R T (3) alert (1.00); warn (0.81); cau­ m itigate (0.75); lighten (to make lighter,
tion (0.50). 0 .5 9 ); so o th e (0 .5 3 ); co m m u te (to
A L IE N A TE (2) alienate (1.00); fine (0.15). exchange for som ething less severe,
A L IG H T (6) dism ount (0.67); light (to 0.50); mince (to minimize, 0.50); mollify
com e to rest from flight or travel, 0.64); (to lessen, 0.50); palliate (0.05).
arrive (to com e to a place, 0.55); de­ A L L O C A T E (16) assign (to delegate to
scend (to m ove lower, 0.48); land (to a specific purpose, 0.81); allot (to as­
bring an airplane to earth, 0.40); land sign, 0.80); place (to put in a place,
(to go ashore, 0.17). 0.78); prorate (0.75); raise (to collect or
A L IG N (9) align (to adjust, 1.00); align m ake available, 0.60); classify (0.58);
(to join, 1.00); line (to arrange in a line, com m it (to entrust, 0.55); adjust (to
0.92); space (to group, 0.75); jo in (to bring to an agreem ent, 0.50); allot (to
enter the com pany of, 0.40); m easure distribute, 0.50); negotiate (to transfer,
(to apply a standard o f m easurem ent, 0.50); spend (to expend, 0.45); regulate
0.34); adjust (to place or regulate parts, (to ad ju st, 0 .4 2 ); ap p o rtio n (0.33);
0.15); order (to pu t in order, 0.15); d istrib u te (to allot, 0.32); detail (to
straighten (0.07). a s s ig n to a s p e c if ic d u ty , 0 .2 5 );
A LLA Y to lay aside; to dim inish; to tem ­ dispense (to distribute, 0.25).
per (8) allay (to lessen, 1.00); allay (to A L L O T (19) allot (to distribute, 1.00);
soothe, LOO); com fort (to m ake easy allot (to assign, 1.00); share (to divide,
physically, 0.89); ease (to relieve o f 0.90); place (to put in a place, 0.83);
pain, 0.89); decrease (to m ake less, issue (to distribute, 0.75); assign (to
0.74); relieve (to lessen; said especially delegate to a specific purpose, 0.70);
o f pain, 0.71); cool (to cause to becom e com m it (to entrust, 0.68); apportion
cool, 0.42); quiet (to m ake calm, 0.32). (0.67); deliver (to distribute, 0.67); mete
A L L E G A T E (2) declare (to speak formally ( 0 .6 7 ); d e a l (to d is trib u te , 0 .5 0 );
and emphatically, 0.46); quarrel (0.14). dedicate (to set apart for special use,
A L L E G E togive testim ony (6) allege 0.50); ration (0.50); assign (to distrib­
(1.00); p lead (to discuss in court, 0.75); ute, 0.33); classify (0.31); prorate (0.25);
declare (to speak formally and em phati­ station (0.25); reapportion (0.14); ap­
cally, 0.61); assert (to m aintain, 0.50); propriate (to provide money, 0.10).
p le a d (to e n te r a p le a , 0 .5 0 ); A L L O W (20) allow (to perm it an action,
com m unicate (to im part inform ation, 1 .0 0 );a llo w (to g ran t a re q u e st or
0.03). assertion, 1.00); allow (to include in an
A L L E G O R IZ E (2) com pare (to liken, estimate, 1.00); admit (to acknowledge,
0.93); suffer (to permit, 0.92); afford (to tam per (0.75); correct (to make needed
be in a position to buy, 0.86); endure corrections, 0.68); m odify (to change,
(to sustain adversity, 0.86); accord (to 0.67); disg u ise (0.50); fit (to m ake
grant, 0.75); yield (to grant, 0.60); admit suitable, 0.50); restore (to rebuild in a
(to perm it, 0.50); lend (to m ake a loan, form supposed to be original, 0.50);
0.50); discount (to deduct, 0.46); enable translate (to transform , 0.50); turn (to
(0.45); assign (to delegate to a specific reverse, 0.50); knead (0.44); differ (to
puipose, 0.44); produce (to bear, 0.42); be unlike, 0.30); convert (to alter the
appropriate (to provide money, 0.40); form or use, 0.25); differentiate (to
o ffe r (to p re s e n t, 0 .3 1 ); y ie ld (to change, 0.25); diversify (0.25); remake
p ro d u c e , 0 .2 2 ); fa c e (to c o n fro n t (0.25).
conflict or trouble, 0.20); approve (to A L T E R C A T E (3) quarrel (0.64); contest
give approval, 0.19). (to fight, 0.60); discuss (0.09).
A L LO Y (5) alloy (to m ix m etals, 1.00); A L T E R N A T E (10) alternate (to take or
alloy (to devaluate, 1.00); adulterate do by turns, 1.00); alternate (to fluctu­
(0.89); m ix (to blend, 0.65); corrupt (to ate, 1.00); change (to m ake different,
debase, 0.52). 0.80); reciprocate (to exchange, 0.75);
A LLUDE (2) apply (to be relevant, 0.83); hesitate (0.74); exchange (to give and
mean (to have as m eaning, 0.39). receiv e reciprocally, 0.57); beat (to
A L L U R E (12) seduce (0.90); court (to pulsate, 0.53); roll (to m ove by rotation,
woo, 0.76); draw (to lure, 0.75); fasci­ or in rotating num bers, 0,43); vary (to
nate (0.67); tem pt (0.64); enrapture show changes, 0.25); turn (to reverse,
(0.50); entice (0.50); ravish (to charm , 0.06).
0.50); urge (to induce, 0.47); appeal (to A M A L G A M A T E (8) adulterate (0.86); al­
a ttra c t, 0 .3 8 ); e n c h a n t (to a ttr a c t loy (to m ix metals, 0.75); merge (0.75);
strongly, 0.25); lure (to entice, 0.25). harden (to m ake less pervious, 0.71);
ALLY (3) unite (to com e together, 0.92); u n ite (to c o m e to g e th e r , 0 .3 9 );
associate (to form an org an izatio n , s y n th e s iz e (0 .2 5 ); a c c u m u la te (to
0.57); unify (0.50). am ass, 0.15); associate (to form an or­
A LPH A BETIZE (4) index (0.75); classify ganization, 0.14).
(0.67); tabulate (0.67); order (to put in A M A SS (12) am ass (1.00); concentrate
order, 0.62). (to bring or com e together, 0.98); com ­
A L T E R (25) a lte r (to c h a n g e fo r a pile (0.86); consolidate (to cause to
p u rp o se , 1 .0 0 ); a lte r (to b e c o m e unite, 0.86); deposit (to present m oney
d iffe re n t, 1.00); c h a n g e (to m a k e for safekeeping, 0.85); collect (to bring
different, 0.97); change (to becom e into one place, 0.75); save (to hoard,
different, 0.94); edit (to prepare for 0.57); assem b le (to brin g together,
publication, 0.93); grow (to change 0.33); cull (to gather, 0.33); gather (to
slowly, 0.86); influence (0.77); cut (to bring together, 0.25); harvest (0.21);
castrate, 0.75); invert (to change, 0.75); store (0.18).
lobby (0.75); m etam orphose (0.75); A M A Z E (10) amaze (1.00); disturb (to up­
set m ental calm, 0.83); appal (0.75); as­ publication, 0.46); increase (to add to,
tound (0.75); dum bfound (0.75); aston­ 0.46); grow (to becom e larger, 0.37);
ish (0.50); confuse (0.50); excite (to stir d r a m a tiz e (to e x a g g e r a te , 0 .3 3 );
one mentally, 0.38); daze (0.25); hit (to le n g th e n (to m a k e lo n g e r, 0 .2 9 );
astound, 0.25). enhance (0.25); stretch (to cause to
A M B L E (6) am ble (1.00); w alk (to m ove stretch, 0.21); ram ble (to speak or write
on foot, 0.78); trot (0.71); run (to go aimlessly, 0.12).
swiftly by physical effort, 0.45); gallop A M PU T A T E (5) amputate (1.00); operate
(0.33); loiter (0.28). (to carry on a surgical procedure, 0.57);
A M B U L A T E (1) w alk (to m ove on foot, to p (to re m o v e th e to p , 0 .5 0 );
0.57). dism em ber (0.25); cut (to sever, 0.03).
A M B U SC A D E (1) ambush (0.67). A M U S E (12) am use (1.00); entertain (to
A M B U S H (7) am bush (1.00); intercept keep others am used, 0.97); suit (to
(0.75); snipe (0.75); seize (to take by please, 0.75); tickle (to excite mentally,
force, 0.69); attack (to fight offensively 0.75); satisfy (to m ake content, 0.72);
(arm y), 0.45); defeat (to w orst in war, delight (to give pleasure, 0.50); inter­
0.36); wait (to await, 0.10). est (0.50); regale (to feast, 0.50); glad­
A M E L IO R A T E (14) improve (to become den (0.45); treat (to pay for an o th er’s
better, 0.94); correct (to m ake needed entertainm ent, 0.43); distract (to divert
corrections, 0.86); better (0.75); mollify so m e o n e’s attention from, 0.40); be­
(to lessen, 0.75); reform (to change into guile (to charm, 0.25).
a new form , 0.75); im prove (to m ake A N A C H R O N IZ E (1) antedate (0.67). ;
better, 0.55); reform (to correct evils, A N A L O G IZ E (1) collate (to compare,
0.55); quiet (to m ake calm , 0.36); ease 0.25).
(to lessen pressure or tension, 0.33); A N A L Y Z E (17) analyze (to subject to
ease (to relieve o f pain, 0.28); com fort analysis, 1.00); analyze (to study care­
(to m ake easy physically, 0.27); enrich fully, 1.00); experim ent (to investigate
(0.25); repaii' (0.22); heal (to cure, 0.04). scientifically, 0.94); examine (to inspect
A M E N D (11) am end (1.00); im prove (to w ith care, 0.91); consider (to regard^
m ake better, 0.94); reform (to correct 0.80); review (to inspect, 0.67); inquire
evils, 0.91); m eliorate (0.75); retouch (to s e e k in to , 0 .5 0 ); d ig e s t (to
(0.75); reconsider (0.53); correct (to u n d e rsta n d by d e lib e ra tio n , 0.33)j
m ake needed corrections, 0.41); revise study (to en d eav o u r to understands
(0.40); reform (to change into a new 0.33); edit (to prepare for publication,
form, 0.38); rectify (0.25); remedy (0.17). 0.32); classify (0.29); identify (0.25);-
A M E R C E (1) fine (0.69). peruse (to inspect, 0.25); simplify (0.20);
A M P L IF Y (15) amplify (1.00); overdo (to r e a s o n (to se e k a reaso n ab ly
do too m uch, 0.87); exaggerate (0.71); explanation ,0.17); liberate (to free froii
m agnify (to enlarge, 0.67); overstate chem ical or physical restraint, 0.101-
(0.67); pad (to increase, 0.56); develop detail (to m ake clear in detail, 0.08). [
(to w ork out, 0.50); edit (to prepare for A N A T H E M A T IZ E (3) hate (to detest
0.65); dam n (to consign to hell, 0.57); awaken (to excite, 0.25); impel (to urge,
curse (to pronounce a religious curse, 0.25); inspirit (0.25); kindle (to excite,
0.33). 0.25); smarten (to stimulate, 0.25); goad
A N A T O M IZ E (2) an ato m ize (1.00); (0.22); m anage (to direct, 0.05).
analyze (to subject to analysis, 0.36). A N N E A L (5) anneal (1.00); harden (to
A N C H O R (6) anchor (to drop an anchor, m ake less pervious, 0.93); tem per (to
1.00); anchor (to m ake fast, 1.00); set toughen or harden, 0.89); stiffen (to
(to establish, 0.75); fasten (to m ake cause to becom e stiff, 0.82); bake (to
som ething secure, 0.74); disem bark harden, 0.50).
(0.25); check (to slacken the pace, 0.05). A N N E X (6) annex (1.00); jo in (to unite,
A N E S T H E T IZ E (5) drug (0.88); deaden 0.61); add (to m ake a further remark,
(to reduce life or its evidence, 0.61); 0.57); increase (to add to, 0.37); adjoin
ease (to relieve o f pain, 0.61); entrance (to join, 0.25); append (to add, 0.25).
(to put into a trance, 0.25); hypnotize A N N IH IL A T E (17) annihilate (1.00); ex­
(to put in a trance, 0.11). term inate (0.75); ravage (0.71); abolish
A N G E R (6) anger (to arouse som eone to (0.67); defeat (to w orst in war, 0.67);
anger, 1.00); excite (to stir one mentally, destroy (to bring to nothing, 0.67); ex­
0.88); bait (to torm ent, 0.75); shock (to tinguish (to destroy, 0.67); raze (0.57);
disturb o n e’s sense o f propriety, 0.31); break (to bring to ruin or to an end ,
envenom (to alienate, 0.25); p eeve 0.50); extirpate (0.50); obliterate (to
(0.25). destroy, 0.50); elim inate (to remove,
A N G L E to use an angle; to fish w ith a 0.48); blast (to ruin, 0.40); crush (to
hook and hail (2) hook (to curve in the defeat utterly, 0.33); m assacre (0.33);
shape o f a hook, 0.75); fish (0.11). eradicate (0.25); kill (to deprive o f
A N G U ISH (3) fret (to suffer annoyance, existence, 0.25).
0.75); m ourn (to lament, 0.32); hurt (to A N N O TA TE (3) annotate (1.00); interline
cause pain, 0.08). (to w rite b etw e en the lines, 0.25);
ANHYDRATE (1) dessicate (to preserve, explain (0.15).
0.50). A N N O U N C E (25) an n o u n ce (1.00);
A N IM A D V E R T (2) rem onstrate (0.67); declare (to speak formally and emphati­
censure (0.55). cally, 0.95); notify (to provide w ith
A N IM A TE (22) anim ate (to give life to, in fo rm a tio n , 0 .9 4 ); b ro a d c a s t (to
1.00); animate (to incite, 1.00); encour­ transm it electronically, 0.92); advertise
age (to raise the spirits, 0.84); drive (to (to make public, 0.89); communicate (to
urge on, 0.78); thrill (to excite, 0.75); im part inform ation, 0.78); confess (to
excite (to activate, 0.68); revive (to give p ro fe ss, 0 .7 5 ); en u n c ia te (to state
new life, 0.63); strengthen (0.57); begin formally, 0.75); find (to reach a legal de­
(to initiate, 0.50); em bolden (0.50); c is io n , 0 .7 5 ); p ass (to p ro n o u n c e
refresh (to renew, 0.50); fascinate (0.39); formally, 0.75); posit (to state, 0.75);
incite (0.32); satisfy (to m ake content, p u b lic iz e (0 .7 5 ); p u b lish (to m ake
0.31); light (to provide light, 0.29); know n, 0.75); say (0.71); bill (to adver­
tise, 0.67); report (to m ake a sum m ary A N O IN T (8) pom ade (0.67); bless (to
statem ent, 0.56); decree (0.50); im part dedicate to God, 0.58); lubricate (0.50);
(to inform , 0.50); reveal (to divulge, em balm (0.43); consecrate (to dedicate
0.50); issue (to release, 0.33); unfold to God, 0.25); dedicate (to consecrate,
(to reveal, 0.27); herald (0.25); placard 0.25); grease (0.18); rub (to apply by
(0.25); premise (to introduce, 0.25); utter rubbing, 0.08).
(0.04). A N S W E R (18) answ er (to be sufficient,
A N N O Y (37) annoy (to m olest, 1.00); 1.00); answ er (to m ove in response,
annoy (to be disturbing, 1.00); w eary 1.00); answ er (to provide a solution,
(to m ake weary, 0.96); em barrass (to 1.00); answ er (to reply, 1.00); obey (to
upset m entally, 0.94); bother (to give act in accordance w ith orders, 0.90);
trouble, 0.93); rankle (0.93); m olest (to refer (to concern, 0.78); m eet (to fulfill,
disturb people, 0.88); anger (to arouse 0.75); suffice (0.75); crack (to solve,
som eone to anger, 0.85); disoblige (to 0.67); recite (to report on a lesson, 0.67);
inconvenience, 0.75); gall (0.75); harry solve (0.59); satisfy (to fulfill, 0.35);
(to harass, 0.75); irk (0.75); nettle (0.75); debate (0.33); say (0.29); last (to be
offend (0.75); persecute (to torm ent sufficient, 0.25); quiet (to m ake silent,
persistently, 0.75); pester (0.75); tire (to 0.15); act (to perform an action, 0.14);
bore, 0.75); torture (to torm ent, 0.75); com m unicate (to be in communication,
w orry (to cause worry, 0.75); oppress 0.07).
(0.65); aggravate (to irritate, 0.50); A N T A G O N I Z E (4) c o m b a t (0.67);
b a d g e r (0.50); d isco m m o d e (0 .50); disaffect (0.50); hinder (0.40); oppose
exacerbate (to irritate, 0.50); inflame (to (to fight, 0.10).
irritate, 0.50); nag (0.50); peeve (0.50); A N T E (1) bet (0.07).
trouble (to disturb, 0.50); insult (0.40); A N T E C E D E (2) rank (to possess relative j
h aunt (to prey upon, 0.33); excite (to evaluation, 0.57); precede (0.50). !
stir one mentally, 0.31); em bitter (to A N T E D A T E (2) antedate (1.00); precede!
anger, 0.25); grind (to oppress, 0.25); (0.10). j
hound (0.25); incom m ode (0.25); rile A N T H O L O G IZ E (1) compile (0.45). j
(0.25); roil (0.25). A N T IC IP A T E (10) anticipate (to foresee]
A N N U L (18) annul (1.00); abolish (0.86); 1.00); anticipate (to forestall, 1.00); pre-[
invalidate (0.75); kill (to cancel, 0.75); vent (0.88); w ait (to await, 0.80); meant
liq u id a te (to ab o lish , 0.7 5 ); re p e a l (to have in mind, 0.75); await (0.50); will|
(0.75); vitiate (to cancel, 0.75); withdraw (an indication o f futurity, 0.43); abidef
(to rem ove from use or circulation, (to w ait for, 0.33); hope (0.19); discounlf
0.75); d estroy (to bring to n othing, (to deduct, 0.15). j
0.63); revoke (0.52); abort (to cancel, A N T IPA T H IZ E (1) dislike (0.67). |
0.50); div o rce (0.50); te rm in ate (to A N T IQ U E (1) disguise (0.18). f
abolish, 0.50); override (to thwart, 0.33); A N T IS E P T IC IZ E (1) sterilize (0.63). f
recant (0.30); abrogate (0.25); rescind A PE (3) ape (1.00); imitate (to mimic, 0.64)1
(0.25); hinder (0.12). copy (to imitate, 0.33). f
A P O L O G IZ E (3) apologize (1.00); ju s­ (to .m ollify, 0.50); propitiate (0.50);
tify (to give reasons for, 0.83); excuse excuse (0.33); placate (0.25); quiet (to
(0.75). m ak e calm , 0 .2 1 ); h u m o u r (0.20);
A PO STA TIZE (2) backslide (0.50); aban­ reconcile (to bring into harmony, 0.15).
don (to relinquish, 0.37). A P P E N D to belong; to pertain (11) ap­
A P O S T R O P H IZ E (2) soliloquize (0.50); pend (to add, 1.00); append (to attach,
beg (to ask earnestly or im portunately, 1.00);add (to m ake a further remark,
0. 11). 0.86); include (to place into or among,
A PO T H E O S IZ E (1) canonize (0.42). 0.83); annex (0.75); subjoin (0.75); join
APPAL (6) appal (1.00); discourage (to (to unite, 0.67); adjoin (to join, 0.50);
dishearten, 0.88); frighten (to alarm, attach (to join, 0.50); accom pany (to
0.87); shock (to disturb o n e’s sense o f occur with, 0.40); affix (0.25).
propriety, 0.54); horrify (0.50); haunt (to A P P E R C E IV E (1) hear (to receive infor­
prey upon, 0.24). m ation orally, 0.18).
A PPA REL (1) clothe (0.83). A P P E R T A IN (2) belong (to be properly
A PPE A L (10) appeal (to ask another se­ placed, 0.79); refer (to concern, 0.33).
riously, 1.00); appeal (to ca n y a case to A PP L A U D (15) applaud (1.00); praise (to
a higher court, 1.00); appeal (to attract, commend, 0.90); admire (to have regard
1.00); argue (to endeavour to convince, for, 0.88); recom m end (to lend support
0.88); address (to com m unicate in a or approval, 0.80); cheer (to support
formal way, 0.60); bring (to initiate a with cheers, 0.75); hail (to praise, 0.75);
legal action, 0.55); supplicate (0.50); aggrandize (to exalt, 0.50); encourage
petition (0.33); apply (to m ake a re­ (to raise the spirits, 0.48); com plim ent
quest, 0.25); sue (0.13). (to flatter, 0.42); revive (to hearten,
A PPEA R (16) appear (to becom e visible, 0.35); appreciate (to recognize worth,
1.00); appear (to seem, 1.00); appear (to 0.29); com p lim en t (to congratulate,
present oneself publicly, 1.00); feel (to 0 .2 9 ); a p p ro v e (to fa v o u r, 0 .2 5 );
give an im p re ssio n th ro u g h to u ch , eulogize (0.25); signalize (0.25).
0.75); seem (0.75); come (to be available, A P P L Y (21) apply (to m ake a request,
0.50); form (to take form, 0.50); sound 1.00);apply (to make use of, 1.00); apply
(to seem, 0.50); daw n (0.33); do (to (to p lace upon, 1.00); apply (to be
conduct oneself, 0.33); result (0.28); act relevant, 1.00); dedicate (to set apart
(to conduct oneself, 0.25); ensue (0.25); for special use, 0.83); refer (to concern,
meet (to go to a place o f meeting, 0.14); 0.83); devote (0.75); turn (to m ake use
happen (to occur, 0.13); arrive (to com e of, 0.75); fit (to be suitable in character,
to a place, 0.09). 0.74); paint (to protect or decorate by
APPEASE (14) appease (to satisfy, 1.00); painting, 0.70); adm inister (to minister,
appease (to calm , 1.00); assuage (to 0.69); inflict (to im pose, 0.67); belong
satisfy, 0.75); soften (to make soft, 0.59); (to be properly placed, 0.64); exercise
conciliate (0.50); expiate (0.50); mollify (to use, 0.64); use (to m ake use of,
(to quiet one who is angry, 0.50); pacify 0.55); canvass (to seek votes, 0.50);
force (to use force, 0.31); consecrate evaluate (0.75); price (0.75); calculate
(to set apart, 0.25); consum e (to use, (to estim ate, 0.50); think (to exam ine
0.25); em ploy (to m ake use of, 0.25); with the mind, 0.38); value (to estimate,
sm ear (to spread, 0.25). 0.25); estim ate (to m ake a rough guess,
A P P O IN T (28) appoint (1.00); com m is­ 0.15).
sion (0.90); cast (to select actors for a A P P R E C IA T E (14) appreciate (to be
play, 0.86); date (to indicate historical grateful, 1.00); appreciate (to recognize
tim e, 0.86); delegate (to give authority w o rth , 1.00); resp ect (to treat with
to another, 0.85); attach (to assign, consideration, 0.90); know (to possess
0.75); consign (to put in the charge of, inform ation, 0.88); understand (to com­
0.75); furnish (to equip w ith furniture, prehend, 0.76); recognize (to acknow l­
0.75); preordain (0.75); assign (to del­ edge, 0.50); treasure (0.40); adm ire (to
eg ate to a sp e cific p u rp o se , 0 .74); have regard for, 0.38); esteem (to attach
choose (to select, 0.70); hire (to em ­ a high value to, 0.25); savour (0.25); i
ploy, 0.67); allot (to assign, 0.60); pre­ value (to believe to be valuable, 0.25); \
pare (to m ake oneself ready, 0.52); ap­ praise (to com m end, 0.24); revive (to;
p ro p ria te (to pro v id e m oney, 0.50); hearten, 0.24); feel (to experience, 0.18). I
designate (to specify, 0.50); detail (to A P P R E H E N D (1 6 ) a p p r e h e n d (to;
assign to a specific duty, 0.50); elevate understand, 1.00); apprehend (to arrest j
(to promote, 0.50); organize (to form an 1.00); u nd erstan d (to com prehend,j
organization, 0.38); intend (to destine 0.97); arrest (to seize legally, 0.92); fear[
for, 0.33); com m and (to issue an order, (to be appreh en siv e, 0.75); take (toi
0 .2 7 ); e n a c t (to le g is la te , 0 .2 6 ); com prehend, 0.75); seize (to take by;
constitute (to em pow er, 0.25); enjoin fo rc e , 0 .5 3 ); c a tc h (to b rin g into;
(0.25); fill (to supply w ith an occupant, captivity, 0.50); grasp (to comprehend,;
0.25); ordain (to establish, 0.25); pre­ 0.50); realize (to understand, 0.50); ac4
scribe (to give directions, 0.25); enlist cuse (0.38); an ticip ate (to forestall,;
(to request assistance, 0.18). 0.38); extradite (to deliver by extradn
A P P O R T IO N (12) apportion (1.00); allot tion, 0.33); know (to understand, 0.33);
(to distribute, 0.75); deal (to distribute, ca p tu re (to take into legal custody,!
0.75); dispense (to distribute, 0.75); 0.25); read (to understand by reading,'
appropriate (to provide money, 0.70); 0.25). f
sh are (to divide, 0.70); co m m it (to A P P R IS E to inform ; to acquaint (6) hinl:
entrust, 0.50); dedicate (to set apart for (0.91); notify (to provide with informa­
special use, 0.25); divide (to distribute, tion, 0.76); notify (to warn, 0.50); com-;
0.25); ration (0.25); space (to group, m unicate (to impart information, 0.32);r
0.25); distribute (to allot, 0.21). instruct (to inform , 0.25); advertise (td
A P P R A IS E (10) appraise (to set a price m ake public, 0.03). j
on, 1.00); appraise (to estim ate, 1.00); A P P R IZ E to estim ate the worth (1) rate
value (to set a price upon, 0.79); esti­ (to rank, 0.14). \
m ate (to calculate probable costs, 0.77); A P P R O A C H (14) ap p ro a ch (to ap-j
proach personally, 1.00); approach (to recognize the authority of, 0.20); like
come near in space, 1.00); approach (to (to be fond of, 0.20); urge (to present
come near in tim e, 1.00); accost (to favourably, 0.18); adm it (to acknow l­
solicit, 0.67); reach (to extend to, 0.53); edge, 0.17).
impend (to threaten, 0.50); solicit (to A P P R O X IM A T E (2) rival (0.56); resem­
tempt for sexual purposes, 0.50); equal ble (0.22).
(0.46); threaten (to impend, 0.40); rival A R B IT R A T E (4) arbitrate (1.00); strike
(0.33); proposition (0.25); greet (0.18); (to refuse to work, 0.86); decide (0.53);
loom (to appear large or imposing, 0.11); intercede (0.50).
treat (to deal w ith a subject, 0.10). A R C H (4) arch (1.00); bend (to force out
A P P R O P R IA T E (27) appropriate (to o f a straight line, 0.85); round (to make
seize, 1.00);appropriate (to pro v id e round, 0.71); roll (to m ake into a roll,
money, 1.00); adopt (to take as o n e ’s 0.44).
own, 0.85); com m andeer (to seize for A R G U E (18) argue (to endeavour to
public use, 0.75); confiscate (0.75); co n v in ce, 1.00); argue (to discuss,
im pound (to seize, 0.75); steal (0.72); 1.00); argue (to quarrel, 1.00); discuss
absorb (to take in by absorption, 0.71); (0.95); reason (to discuss persuasively,
attach (to seize, 0.67); borrow (to adopt, 0 .9 1 ); o p p o se (to h o ld a co n tra ry
0.67); dedicate (to set apart for special opinion, 0.79); controvert (to argue
use, 0.67); take (to seize, 0.67); ransack about, 0.75); squabble (0.75); declare
(to loot, 0.54); receive (to take into (to speak form ally and emphatically,
one’s charge, 0.52); assum e (to take, 0.59); plead (to discuss in court, 0.58);
0.50); misappropriate (0.50); plagiarize answ er (to m ove in response, 0.47);
(0.33); usurp (0.33); utilize (0.33); seize involve (0.33); talk (to converse, 0.30);
(0.30); seize (to take by force, 0.28); diverge (to disagree, 0.25); haggle (to
intercept (0.25); pilfer (0.25); preem pt bargain, 0.25); quarrel (0.23); bicker
(0.25); sequester (to take over, 0.25); (0.20); consult (0.10).
take (to adopt, 0.25); distribute (to allot, A R IS E (12) arise (to get up, 1.00); arise
0.05). (to ascend, 1.00); arise (to result, 1.00);
A P P R O V E (1 6 ) a p p r o v e (to g iv e begin (to com e into being or start func­
approval, 1.00); approve (to favour, tioning, 0.86); emanate (to begin, 0.75);
1.00); endorse (to indicate o n e’s active a p p e a r (to b e c o m e v isib le , 0 .7 3 );
support, 0.92); favour (to have a p ref­ happen (to occur, 0.60); m ount (to rise,
erence, 0.77); adm ire (to have regard 0.50); w ake (to becom e awake, 0.40);
for, 0.73); encourage (to give support, aw ake (to arouse from sleep, 0.33);
0.66); allow (to perm it an action, 0.56); grow (to begin, 0.25); surge (to rise,
support (to uphold, 0.34); recognize (to 0.25).
acknow ledge the legality o f a govern­ A R M to furnish w ith arms (6) arm (to
ment, 0.33); acquiesce (0.25); allow (to equip, 1.00); arm (to equip with w eap­
grant a request or assertion, 0.25); clap ons, 1.00); strengthen (0.78); crown (to
(to applaud, 0.25); acknow ledge (to em pow er with a crown, 0.58); intrench
(to prepare for attack, 0.50); prepare (to (to render harm onic, 0.75); lay (to put
make oneself ready, 0.17). in order, 0.75); accom modate (to render
A R O U S E (29) arouse (1.00); anger (to a service, 0.69); bargain (to negotiate,
arouse som eone to anger, 0.97); incite 0.67); m ake (to prepare, 0.67); heap (to
(0.96); excite (to stir one mentally, 0.91); place in a heap, 0.62); line (to arrange
inspirit (0.75); kindle (to excite, 0.75); in a line, 0.58); com b (0.57); edit (to
pique (to excite, 0.75); prom pt (to insti­ prepare for publication, 0.57); w ait (to
gate, 0.75); rouse (to w aken, 0.75); dis­ attend at table, 0.56); pack (to stow
turb (to upset mental calm, 0.70); w ake com pactly, 0.54); assort (0.50); get (to
(to w aken another, 0.63); anim ate (to prepare, 0.50); index (0.50); place (to
incite, 0.50); aw aken (to excite, 0.50); put in order, 0.50); reconcile (to adjust,
fillip (to stimulate, 0.50); motivate (0.41); 0.50); score (to com pose a m usical ac­
a w a k e n (to a ro u se a n o th e r, 0 .4 0 ); com panim ent, 0.50); paragraph (0.33);
fascinate (0.37); anim ate (to give life range (to place in order, 0.33); contrive
to, 0.33); quicken (to com e or bring to (to su c c e e d w ith d ifficu lty , 0.31);
life, 0.29); revive (to take on new life, codify (0.25); file (to arrange in order,
0.27); g o ad (0.26); ac tiv a te (0.25); 0.25); group (0.25); orchestrate (0.25);;
agitate (0.25); enkindle (to stim ulate, set (to place, 0.25); stipulate (0.25);
0.25); evoke (to arouse, 0.25); galva­ display (to present for effect, 0.16);
nize (to anim ate, 0.25); provoke (to straig h ten (0.14); choose (to select,:
incite, 0.25); drive (to urge on, 0.22); 0.13).
overestim ate (0.13). A R R A Y (7) clothe (0.78); arm (to equip
A R R A IG N (9) arraign (1.00); accuse with weapons, 0.50); festoon (0.50); line
(0.88); denounce (0.81); impeach (0.80); (to arrange in a line, 0.42); w ear (to use
cite (to su m m o n , 0 .5 0 ); su b p o e n a as clothing or personal ornament, 0.40);;
(0.50); indict (0.33); bring (to initiate a e m b a ttle (0 .2 5 ); d re ss (to p u t on
legal action, 0.27); upbraid (0.27). clothes, 0.20).
A R R A N G E (47) arrange (to put in order, A R R E S T (13) arrest (to seize legally,'
1.00); arrange (to m ake arrangem ents, 1.00); arrest (to stop, 1.00); prevent
1.00); classify (0.98); list (to enter in a (0.81); hinder (0.80); halt (to cause to:
list, 0.97); order (to put in order, 0.97); cease, 0.75); stop (to cause to cease,;
organize (to put in order, 0.95); regulate 0.75); delay (to cause a delay, 0.59);:
(to adjust, 0.95); negotiate (to m ake s e i/e (to take by force, 0.47); accuse;
arrangem ents for, 0.94); form (to give (0.41); occupy (to absorb attention,'
shape to a thing, 0.92); prepare (to m ake 0.36); stop (to prevent, 0.25); whistle;
o n eself ready, 0.91); adjust (to bring to (to call w ith a w histle, 0.14); suspend!
an agreem ent, 0.90); treat (to deal w ith (to cease temporarily, 0.05). |
a subject, 0.90); load (to place a load, A R R IV E (10) arrive (to com e to a place,!
0.89); compile (0.82); systematize (0.82); 1.00); happen (to occur, 0.87); disem-[
tabulate (0.80); align (to adjust, 0.75); bark (0.75); report (to present o n eself
fit (to m ake suitable, 0.75); harm onize 0.75); appear (to present oneself pub-j
licly, 0.67); fall (to occur, 0.67); land (to A S E P T IC IZ E (1) sterilize (0.88).
bring an airplane to earth, 0.60); appear A SE P T IF Y (1) sterilize (0.75).
(to become visible, 0.36); emerge (0.33); A SE X U A L IZ E (1) castrate (0.77).
land (to go ashore, 0.33). A S K (13) ask (to inquire, 1.00); ask (to
A R R O G A T E (3) seize (to take by force, solicit,, 1.00); ask (to expect, 1.00); ask
0.50); assum e (to take, 0.25); receive (to invite, 1.00); im p o rtu n e (0.75);
(to take into o n e ’s charge, 0.13). p ro p o sitio n (0.75); urge (to induce,
A R T IC U L A T E (10) articulate (to speak 0.75); sum m on (to call, 0.72); bid (to
clearly, 1.00); articulate (to join, 1.00); invite, 0.50); crave (to beg, 0.50); inter­
utter (0.86); enunciate (to pronounce rogate (0.50); invite (to ask guests,
distinctly, 0.75); intone (0.75); sound 0.50); call (to invite, 0.25).
(to pronounce, 0.75); em phasize (0.70); A SP E R S E (7) slander (0.87); scold (0.81);
sp e a k (to c o m m u n ic a te , 0 .5 0 ); scandalize (0.54); depreciate (to lower
com m unicate (to im part inform ation, in reputation, 0.47); upbraid (0.42);
0.25); form (to give shape to a thing, ce n su re (0 .2 1 ); b ap tize (to cleanse
0 .02). sacramentally, 0.14).
A S C E N D (1 4 ) a s c e n d (to r is e , A SP H A L T (1) pave (0.67).
1.00);ascend (to clim b, 1.00); rise (to A S P H Y X IA T E (4) choke (to deprive o f
move upw ard, 0.94); clam ber (0.75); air, 0.92); strangle (to smother, 0.75);
m ount (to clim b, 0.75); m ount (to rise, kill (to deprive o f life, 0.48); drown (to
0.75); scale (to climb, 0.75); clim b (to kill or to die by drowning, 0.33).
mount, 0.71); step (0.67); rocket (0.29); A S P IR E (4) aspire (1.00); w ant (to de­
prom ote (to advance in rank, 0.27); sire, 0.67); try (to endeavour, 0.33);
pitch (to slope abruptly, 0.25); shin hope (0.13).
(0.25); strengthen (0.07). A SSA IL (14) assail (1.00); raid (0.96); at­
A SC ERTA IN (13) ascertain (1.00); dis­ tack (to assault (of an individual), 0.93);
cover (to find, 0.94); define (to provide o p p o se (to fig h t, 0.83); assau lt (to
a nam e or description ,0 .8 9 ); find (to attack, 0.75); charge (to attack, 0.75);
discover, 0.75); trace (to discover by attack (to fig h t o ffen siv ely (arm y),
investigation, 0.75); assume (to take for 0.68); w aylay (0.67); attempt (to attack,
granted, 0.68); determ ine (to find out 0.50);.thrust (to attack, 0.33); infest (to
the facts, 0.67); establish (to determine, sw arm , 0.31); beset (0.25); upbraid
0.67); tell (to deduce, 0.56); hear (to (0.22); impugn (0.17).
receive inform ation orally, 0.55); learn A S S A S S IN A T E (5) assassinate (1.00);
(to find out, 0.50); learn (to acquire kill (to deprive o f life, 0.91); remove (to
mentally, 0.31); value (to set a price kill, 0.75); m urder (to kill unlawfully,
upon, 0.11). 0.50); slay (0.20).
ASCRIBE (5) refer (to mention, 0.87); at­ A SS A U L T (16) assault (to attack, 1.00);
tribute (0.86); impute (to attribute, 0.75); assault (to rape, 1.00); attack (to fight
attach (to attribute, 0.25); com plain (to offensively (arm y), 0.97); oppose (to
express an objection, 0.11). fight, 0.88); attem pt (to attack, 0.75);
assail (0.67); engage (to attack, 0.67); 0.98); vouch (0.95); affirm (0.75); predi­
thrust (to attack, 0.67); rape (0.60); raid cate (0.75); sw ear (to declare, 0.75);
(0.52); bom bard (0.50); charge (to at­ testify (to declare, 0.75); voice (0.75);
tack, 0.50); b esieg e (0.33); com bat com m ent (to m ake a rem ark, 0.58);
(0.33); force (to rape, 0.25); force (to ex claim (0.57); p ropose (to m ake a
break open, 0.20). suggestion, 0.52); posit (to state, 0.50);
A SSAY (9) assay (1.00); value (to set a state (0.50); say (0.47); com m unicate
price upon, 0.74); try (to test, 0.67); (to im part information, 0.34); challenge
venture (0.64); examine (to inspect with (to claim , 0.33); utter (0.32); read (to
care, 0.30); appraise (to set a price on, contain w hen read, 0.29); avow (0.25);
0.25); calculate (to estim ate, 0.25); rate pronounce (to speak formally, 0.25);
(to rank, 0.07); estim ate (to m ake a notify (to provide w ith inform ation,
rough guess, 0.05). 0.24); tell (to inform , 0.10); sw ear (to
A S S E M B L E (20) assem ble (to com e to­ take an oath, 0.09).
gether, 1.00); assem ble (to bring to ­ A SSE SS (12) assess (to tax, 1.00); assess
gether, 1.00); assem ble (to put together, (to estim ate, 1.00); value (to set a price
1.00); gather (to com e together, 0.95); upon, 0.84); appraise (to set a price on,
concentrate (to bring or com e together, 0.75); tax (to cause to pay a tax, 0.67);
0.93); accum ulate (to am ass, 0.81); estim ate (to calculate probable costs,
mobilize (0.75); produce (to make, 0.75); 0.54); gage (0.50); price (0.50); value
rejoin (0.75); join (to unite, 0.72); build (to estim ate, 0.50); rate (to rank, 0.43);
(to co n stru c t, 0.64); c lu ste r (0 .50); evaluate (0.25); estim ate (to m ake a
collect (to com e together, 0.50); form rough guess, 0.10).
(to give shape to a thing, 0.47); collect A SSE V E R A T E (4) promise (to give one’s
(to obtain specim ens, 0.33); collate (to w ord, 0.65); vouch (0.59); utter (0.25);
check, 0.25); forgather (0.25); com pile declare (to speak formally and emphati­
( 0 .2 3 ) ; o r g a n iz e (to fo rm an cally, 0.20).
o rg an izatio n , 0.19); u n ite (to com e A S S IG N (28) assign (to delegate to a
together, 0.19). sp e c ific p u rp o se, 1.00); assig n (to
A S S E N T (9) nod (to m ake a nodding distribute, 1.00);assign (to designate,
m o v em en t, 0.93); ac co rd (to be in 1.00); appropriate (to provide money,
ag reem ent, 0.75); rec o g n ize (to ac­ 0.90); restrict (to hold w ithin limits,
know ledge, 0.75); adopt (to vote ac­ 0.82); give (to allot, 0.75); separate (to
ceptance, 0.50); consent (0.50); yield classify, 0.75); place (to put in a place,
(to grant, 0.30); obey (to act in accord­ 0.67); rank (to evaluate, 0.67); edit (to
ance w ith orders, 0.29); adm it (to ac­ prepare for publication, 0.64); delegate
knowledge, 0.28); contract (to enter into (to give authority to another, 0.55);
an agreement, 0.07). com m ission (0.50); dispense (to distrib­
A S S E R T (24) assert (to say positively, ute, 0.50); im pute (to attribute, 0.50);
1.00);assert (to maintain, 1.00); declare attribute (0.43); designate (to specify,
(to speak form ally and em phatically, 0.40); refer (to direct, 0.40); distribute
(to allot, 0.37); contribute (to give, 0.36); A S S O R T (5) assort (1.00); group (0.50);
let (to a w a rd ; s a id e s p e c ia lly o f sort (0.50); grade (0.33); classify (0.13).
contracts, 0.33); order (to put in order, A S S U A G E (13) assuage (to alleviate,
0.29); send (to deliver, 0.27); issue (to 1.00); assuage (to calm, 1.00); assuage
distribute, 0.25); trust (to place in the (to satisfy, 1.00); comfort (to make easy
protection o f another, 0.25); share (to physically, 0.95); relieve (to lessen; said
divide, 0.20); dedicate (to set apart for especially o f pain, 0.94); reconcile (to
special use, 0.17); define (to provide a bring into harmony, 0.85); satisfy (to
name or description , 0.14); enlist (to fulfill, 0.82); soften (to make soft, 0.82);
request assistance, 0.09). lighten (to ease, 0.75); quiet (to make
A SSIM IL A T E (5) assim ilate (to absorb, calm , 0.64 ); p alliate (0.60); soothe
1.00); assim ilate (to adjust, 1.00); as­ (0 .6 0 ); ease (to lessen p ressu re or
sim ilate (to understand, 1.00); absorb tension, 0.56).
(to take in by absorption, 0.50); m erge A S S U M E (1 9 ) a ssu m e (to ta k e fo r
(0.19). g ran te d , 1 .0 0 );a ssu m e (to p reten d ,
A SSIST (19) assist (to assist, 1.00); help 1.00); assum e (to take, 1.00); deduce
(to aid, 0.96); support (to uphold, 0.84); (0.75); overact (0.75); affect (to pretend,
promote (to further, 0.76); abet (to help, 0.67); postdate (to anticipate, 0.67);
0.75); contribute (to aid, 0.75); oblige usurp (0.67); adopt (to take as o n e’s
(to accom m odate, 0.75); squire (0.75); own, 0.62); anticipate (to foresee, 0.50);
remedy (0.72); com fort (to m ake easy d eem (0.50 ); take (to adopt, 0.50);
physically, 0.68); aid (0.50); expedite simulate (0.48); imitate (to mimic, 0.36);
(0.50); profit (to be o f benefit, 0.50); borrow (to adopt, 0.33); receive (to take
prompt (to help, 0.50); serve (to help, into o n e’s charge, 0.22); adm it (to ac­
0.50); succour (0.50); encourage (to k now led g e, 0.07); hope (0.06); say
give support, 0.48); accom m odate (to (0.06).
render a se rv ic e, 0.44); re lie v e (to A SSU R E (16) assure (to guarantee, 1.00);
lessen; said especially o f pain, 0.06). assure (to convince, 1.00); assure (to
A SSOCIATE (18) associate (to combine, prom ise, 1.00); assure (to encourage,
1.00); associate (to form an organiza­ 1.00); certify (to give assurance, 0.75);
tion, 1.00); associate (to relate, 1.00); guarantee (to certify, 0.72); w arrant (to
attach (to attribute, 0.75); com pare (to guarantee, 0.67); convince (0.50); en­
liken, 0.70); relate (to connect, 0.67); sure (0.50); g u aran tee (to prom ise,
im plicate (to involve, 0.60); involve 0.50); indem nify (to answer for, 0.50);
(0.53); yoke (0.53); equate (to compare, vouch (0.36); persuade (to influence,
0.50); fraternize (0.50); link (0.50); refer 0.33); prom ise (to give o n e ’s word,
(to m ention, 0.40); gather (to com e 0.27); prom ise (to appear prom ising,
together, 0.37); consort (to join, 0.25); 0.25); declare (to speak form ally and
correlate (to relate, 0.25); unite (to come emphatically, 0.07).
together, 0.22); belong (to be properly A S T O N IS H (12) astonish (1.00); surprise
placed, 0.07). (to am aze, 0.95); hit (to astound, 0.75);
confuse (0.71); am aze (0.60); dazzle (to rape, 0.75); accuse (0.69); fight (to
(0.50); dum bfound (0.50); stupefy (to engage in an encounter, 0.68); impugn
amaze, 0.50); galvanize (to startle, 0.25); (0.67); rape (0.65); censure (0.63); war
petrify (to frighten, 0.25); startle (0.25); (0.55); dam n (to disapprove strongly, j
disturb (to upset m ental calm , 0.07). 0.50); encounter (to m eet in conflict,!
A ST O U N D (10) astound (1.00); suiprise 0.50); force (to rape, 0.50); slander j
(to am aze, 0.89); disturb (to upset m en­ (0.47); depreciate (to low er in reputa -1
tal calm, 0.78); stupefy (to amaze, 0.75); tion, 0.43); blacken (to sm irch, 0.25); I
excite (to stir one mentally, 0.41); shock contest (to fight, 0.20); com plain (to j
(to disturb o n e ’s sense o f propriety, express an objection, 0.08). \
0.38); frighten (to alarm, 0.29); astonish A T T A IN (13) attain (1.00); earn (to re-1
(0 .2 5 ); shock (to d istu rb o n e ’s s e lf ceive in paym ent, 0.90); succeed (to[
control, 0.25); am aze (0.20). attain success, 0.88); find (to achieve, |
A STRON A V IG A TE (1) leave (to go away, 0.75); gain (to achieve, 0.75); win (tof
0.04). reach, 0.75); reach (to extend to, 0.67); [
A T O M IZ E (2) disintegrate (to break up, obtain (to gain possession, 0.65); take!
0.85); grind (to pulverize, 0.09). (to acquire, 0.50); come (to arrive, 0.33); j
A T O N E (3) apologize (0.86); shrive (to stand (to be o f a certain height, 0.33); i
confess, 0.50); propitiate (0.25). touch (to com e into a contact with,;
A T R O P H Y (1) decay (0.35). 0.33); average (to do on an average,!
A T TA C H (23) attach (to join, 1.00);attach 0.21).
(to seize, 1.00); attach (to attribute, A T T E M P T (11) attem pt (to try, 1.00);:
1.00); attach (to assign, 1.00); fasten attem pt (to attack, 1.00); try (to en­
(to m ak e so m e th in g se c u re , 0 .78); deavour, 0.94); venture (0.93); endeav­
adhere (to stick to, 0.67); hang (to sus­ our (0.75); offer (to try, 0.75); pursue;
pend, 0.67); hold (to adhere, 0.67); jo in (to seek, 0.50); dare (to be courageous,!
(to unite, 0.64); stick (to rem ain fas­ 0.44); seek (to try, 0.33); chance (to take;
ten ed , 0.64); fascin ate (0.55); affix a chance, 0.27); strive (0.25).
(0.50); annex (0.50); b ind (to hold to­ A T T E N D (35) attend (to go w ith, 1.00);
gether or in place, 0.50); chain (to fas­ attend (to go to, 1.00); nurse (0.94);!
ten, 0.50); thread (to connect, 0.50); dress (to give medical treatment, 0.89);:
yoke (0.42); assign (to delegate to a treat (to assist tow ard a cure, 0.88);
specific purpose, 0.33); tie (to fasten, heal (to cure, 0.86); listen (to endeavour;
0.33); anchor (to make fast, 0.25); cleave to hear, 0.86); accom pany (to go with,;
(to stick, 0.25); connect (to jo in , 0.25); 0.85); aw ait (0.75); court (to seek fa-!
accum ulate (to am ass, 0.19). vour, 0.75); lead (to conduct, 0.71);[
A T TA C K (20) attack (to fight offensively occupy (to absorb attention, 0.71); carej
(arm y), 1.00);attack (to assault (o f an (to be concerned, 0.67); doctor (0.67);!
individual), 1.00);attack (to assail with, help (to assist in recovery, 0.67); watch}
1.00); attack (to proceed vigorously, (to be attentive, 0.64); convoy (0.50)|
1.00); oppose (to fight, 0.85); assault escort (0.50); hearken (0.50); keep (to;
tend, 0.50); serve (to serve at table, especially a m an, 0.33); entice (0.25);
0.50); regard (to look at, 0.43); guard intrigue (0.25); magnetize (0.25); excite
(to w atch over, 0.40); date (to court or (to activate, 0.23); centre (0.06).
be courted, 0.33); heel (0.33); m ind (to A T T R IB U T E (2) attribute (1.00); refer (to
give o n e ’s attention, 0.33); rem edy mention, 0.80).
(0.33); take (to escort, 0.33); concen­ A T TU N E (5) attune (to adjust, 1.00); tune
trate (to e m p lo y all o n e ’s m e n ta l (0.50); agree (0.46); balance (to place
powers, 0.25); conduct (to guide, 0.25); in balance, 0.18); use (to make a practice
tend (to w atch over, 0.21); look (to en­ o f (in past), 0.11).
deavour to see, 0.20); respect (to treat A U C T IO N (2) sell (to convey for a con­
with consideration, 0.20); follow (to sideration, 0.75); vend (0.25).
reg u late o n e ’s ac tio n , 0 .1 3 ); g ree t A U D IT (5) audit (1.00); exam ine (to in­
(0.06). spect w ith care, 0.52); balance (to dem ­
A TTEN U A TE (3) grind (to pulverize, onstrate balance, 0.47); contemplate (to
0.78); decrease (to make less, 0.46); thin look at, 0.24); inventory (0.09).
(0 . 11). A U G M E N T (21) augm ent (to increase,
ATTEST (12) guarantee (to certify, 0.94); 1.00); augm ent (to grow, 1.00); gain (to
vouch (0.86); prove (0.76); show (to in crease, 0 .7 5 ); su p p lem en t (0.69);
dem onstrate, 0.75); testify (to bare grow (to becom e larger, 0.67); pad (to
witness, 0.67); certify (to state formally, increase, 0.67); develop (to improve,
0.50); testify (to declare, 0.50); sw ear 0.64); increase (to add to, 0.63); amplify
(to take an oath , 0 .3 6 ); assu re (to (0.60); inflate (to distend, 0.56); rise (to
g u a ra n te e , 0 .3 3 ); c e rtify (to g iv e increase, 0.55); im prove (to becom e
assurance, 0.25); m aintain (to assert, better, 0.53); aggravate (to make worse,
0.25); substantiate (to prove, 0.25). 0.50); enlarge (to cause to increase,
ATTIRE (3) clothe (0.96); w ear (to use as 0.5 0 ); ex p a n d (0 .5 0 ); m u ltip ly (to
clothing or personal ornam ent, 0.50); increase, 0.50); feed (0.48); lengthen
dress (to put on clothes, 0.40). (to m ake longer, 0.21); intensify (0.19);
A T T IT U D IN IZ E (2) pose (to assum e a strengthen (0.17); fatten (to m ake fat,
pose for a picture, 0.50); posture (0.25). 0.14).
A TTR A CT (21) attract (to draw, 1.00); A U G U R (4) augur (LOO); presage (0.75);
attract (to allure, LOO); draw (to m ove forecast (to foresee, 0.50); foretell (0.38).
an object, 0.86); court (to w oo, 0.82); A U SC U L T A T E (1) hear (to perceive by
enlist (to request assistance, 0.82); en­ ear, 0.67).
gross (to occupy o n e ’s m ind, 0.75); A U SPIC A TE (1) foretell (0.56).
focus (to draw tow ard a centre, 0.75); A U TH E N TIC A T E (4) prove (0.90); verify
lure (to draw, 0.75); fascinate (0.73); (0 .7 3 ); c o n firm (to p ro v e , 0 .5 0 );
seduce (0.71); ravish (to charm , 0.57); establish (to prove, 0.50).
bait (to lure, 0.50); capture (to seize A U T H O R (3) p ro d u ce (to create by
figuratively, 0.50); ingratiate (0.50); urge m ental effort, 0.83); invent (to create or
(to induce, 0.41); vam p (to seduce, discover, 0.28); create (to make, 0.08).
A U T H O R IZ E (30) authorize (to allow, 0.67); m easure (to apply a standard of
1.00); authorize (to approve, 1.00); del­ m easurem ent, 0.26).
eg ate (to give au th o rity to another, A V E R T (9) avert (to turn away, 1.00);
0.95); crown (to em power with a crown, avert (to prevent, 1.00); vouch (0.91);
0.92); command (to issue an order, 0.91); defend (to keep off an enemy, often fig.,
a s s ig n (to d e le g a te to a s p e c if ic 0.65); prevent (0.53); divert (to deflect,
p u rp o se, 0.89); co m m issio n (0.87); 0.33); turn (to divert, 0.27); keep (to
charter (to license, 0.75); entitle (to prevent, used w ith from, 0.25); veer
perm it, 0.75); legalize (0.75); delegate (0.15).
(to give duties to another, 0.67); enable A V IA TE (1) fly (to m anage a plane in the
(0.64); administer (to minister, 0.63); hire air, 0.67).
(to e m p lo y , 0 .5 8 ); c o n s titu te (to A V OID (13) avoid (1.00); fear (to antici­
em power, 0.50); designate (to appoint, pate personal danger, 0.87); evade (to
0.50); em pow er (0.50); enfranchise (to use trick ery to avoid a sharp issue,
empower, 0.50); license (0.50); sanction 0.77); abstain (0.72); miss (to fail to use,
(0.50); w ill (to exert o n e ’s w ill, 0.50); 0.67); escape (0.63); refrain (0.50); turn
organize (to form an organization, 0.46); (to divert, 0.47); avert (to prevent, 0.33);
suffer (to permit, 0.46); tolerate (to allow, quibble (0.33); scorn (to refuse as a
0.33); approve (to give approval, 0.32); m atter o f principle, 0.33); retreat (to
enact (to legislate, 0.32); com m it (to en­ execute a forced retirem ent in battle,
tru st, 0.27); co n sig n (to p u t in the 0.20); dislike (0.14).
charge of, 0.25); establish (to set up in A V O U C H (1) plead (to discuss in court,
a formal manner, 0.25); allow (to perm it 0.25).
an action, 0.15). A V O W to put one to a vow or oath; to
A U T O G R A P H (1) write (to set dow n in devote; to consecrate; to dedicate (10);
writing, 0.22). avow (1.00); sw ear (to take an oath,j
A U TO M A T E (1) mechanize (0.17). 0.91); profess (0.75); declare (to speak
AVAIL (7) suffice (0.50); accom m odate formally and emphatically, 0.73); reveal
(to re n d e r a se rv ic e, 0.31); b e n e fit (to divulge, 0.73); adm it (to acknowl­
(0.25); profit (to be o f benefit, 0.25); edge, 0.62); curse (to sw ear, 0.57);
su c c e e d (to a tta in su c c e s s , 0 .1 4 ); confess (to profess, 0.25); adm it (to
satisfy (to fulfill, 0.12); prom ote (to confess, 0.19); vouch (0.09).
further, 0.08). A V O W to ow n or acknow ledge (a per­
AV EN G E (1) avenge (1.00). son) as o n e ’s own (1) declare (to admit
A V ER (4) guarantee (to certify, 0.83); de­ to o n e ’s possessions, 0.69).
clare (to speak form ally and em phati­ A W A IT (6) aw ait (1.00); approach (to
cally, 0.76); assure (to guarantee, 0.67); com e near in time, 0.63); ask (to expect,
hold (to believe, 0.50). 0 .5 0 ); ex p e ct (to an ticip ate , 0.50);
A V E R A G E (4) average (to com pute an forestall (to anticipate, 0.50); anticipate
average, 1.00); average (to do on an (to foresee, 0.17).
av erage, 1.00); equate (to equalize, A W A K E (6) awake (to arouse from sleep,
LOO); aw ake (to awaken another, 1.00); strengthen (0.20); guarantee (to give
awaken (to arouse another, 0.80); w ake security, 0.14); gam ble (to play for
(to becom e awake, 0.80); revive (to take money, 0.13).
on new life, 0.55); rouse (to w aken, B A C K B IT E (3) scandalize (0.82); censure
0.25). (0.66); slander (0.17).
AWAKEN (5) awaken (to arouse another, B A C K F IR E (4) backfire (to explode,
1.00); aw aken (to excite, 1.00); call (to 1.00); backfire (to go awry, 1.00); ex­
arouse, 0.50); w ake (to w aken another, plode (to burst, 0.69); change (to be­
0.50); stir (to excite, 0.25). com e different, 0.31).
AWARD (6) aw ard (1.00); give (to trans­ B A C K L A S H (1) bounce (to rebound,
fer, 0.70); confer (to grant as a gift, 0.50); 0.13).
grant (to bestow, 0.50); decide (0.41); B A C K SL ID E (5) backslide (1.00); regress
offer (to present, 0.23). (0.75); relapse (0.64); decline (to de­
AWE (3) im press (to com m and respect, crease, 0.25); fail (to be unsuccessful,
0.75); intim idate (0.50); frighten (to 0.06).
alarm, 0.26). B A C K T R A C K (1) retreat (to retire, 0.10).
B A D G E R (7) badger (1.00); hound (0.75);
B disturb (to upset m ental calm, 0.65);
BABBLE (6) babble (1.00); ram ble (to m olest (to disturb people, 0.60); bother
speak or w rite aimlessly, 0.59); jab b er (to give trouble, 0.58); frighten (to
(to m ake a chattering sound, 0.50); alarm, 0.52); bluster (0.12).
m urm ur (to m ake a low continuous B A F F L E (13) baffle (to confuse, 1.00);
sound, 0.50); sound (to m ake a noise, baffle (to hinder, 1.00); defeat (to get
0.36); gossip (0.33). the better o f another, 0.95); bedevil
BABY (5) baby (1.00); hum our (0.80); (0.75); hinder (0.75); nonplus (0.75);
pamper (0.73); coddle (to pamper, 0.25); outw it (0.75); evade (to use trickery to
mollycoddle (0.25). avoid a sharp issue, 0.65); beat (to
BABYSIT (1) guard (to watch over, 0.27). perplex, 0.50); halt (to cause to cease,
BA CK (19) back (to push backw ard, 0.33); disappoint (0.26); bam boozle (to
1.00);back (to further, 1.00); back (to perplex, 0.25); confuse (0.21).
equip w ith a back, 1.00); support (to B A G (4) bag (1.00); steal (0.92); sack
provide for, 0.89); retreat (to retire, (0.75); ransack (to loot, 0.17).
0.86); wad (0.75); interline (to put in an B A IL to lade or throw water out of a boat
interlining, 0.73); prom ote (to further, (5) bail (to dip, 1.00); bail (to empty,
0.68); defend (to support an accused 1.00); lade (to dip, 0.50); em pty (to
person, 0.67); face (to put facing on cause to becom e empty, 0.33); scoop
goods, 0.60); prove (0.48); recom m end (0.25).
(to lend support or approval, 0.44); B A IS E R (l) kiss (0.25).
frame (to enclose in a frame, 0.29); en­ B A IT (10) bait (to provide with a lure,
courage (to give support, 0.28); subsi­ 1.00); bait (to torm ent, 1.00); bait (to
dize ( 0 .2 5 ); h e lp (to a id , 0 .2 1 ); lure, 1.00); persecute (to oppress, es­
pecially for religious reasons, 0.83); BA N (11) ban (1.00); bar (to obstruct by
an g er (to arouse so m eone to anger, refusal, 0.93); disallow (0.75); damn (to
0.70); seduce (0.62); m olest (to disturb consign to hell, 0.71); curse (to pro­
p e o p le , 0.5 6 ); d eco y (0 .5 0 ); tem p t nounce a religious curse, 0.67); com ­
(0.41); mislead (0.14). m and (to issue an order, 0.55); with­
B A K E (7) bake (to cook, 1.00); bake (to draw (to rem ove from use or circula­
harden, 1.00); tem per (to toughen or tion, 0.45); exclude (to bar, 0.33); out­
harden, 0.79); overheat (0.67); broil law (0.33); taboo (0.20); forbid (0.11).
(0.50); harden (to m ake less pervious, B A N D to furnish w ith a band; to bind; to
0.50); cook (0.41). co m e to g e th e r (1) u n ite (to come
B A L A N C E (16) balance (to offset, 1.00); together, 0.33).
b alan ce (to place in balance, 1.00); B A N D A G E (6) bandage (1.00); dress (to
balance (to dem onstrate balance, 1.00); give m edical treatm ent, 0.67); swathe
offset (0.94); equalize (0.89); adjust (to (0.50); bind (to dress, 0.25); wrap (to
place or regulate parts, 0.85); com pare tw ine or w ind, 0.11); w ind (to wrap
(to exam ine on a com parative basis, about, 0.10).
0.79); scale (to m easure, 0.75); refund B A N D Y (1) exchange (to replace one
(to return, 0.63); contrast (to indicate a thing w ith another, 0.10).
contrast, 0.50); right (to m ake upright, B A N G (13) bang (to beat, 1.00); bang (to
0.50); equate (to equalize, 0.33); m atch make a noise, 1.00); clap (to strike, 0.75);i
(to find or m ake equals, 0.33); pair slam (to shut with a slam, 0.75); ring (toj
(0 .2 5 ); w e ig h (to c o n s id e r, 0 .2 5 ); cause to sound, 0.73); hit (to strike,!
hesitate (0.06). 0.65); sound (to m ake a noise, 0.54);i
B A L E to throw or scoop o ff w ater (1) crash (to m ake a crashing sound, 0.50);j
dip (to transfer by m eans o f a vessel, ja r (to cause to tremble, 0.41); bump (to!
0.67). m ake a bum ping sound, 0.36); click (to!
B A L K to m iss; to refuse; to avoid (11) m ake a clicking sound, 0.25); hammerj
balk (to refuse, 1.00); balk (to frustrate, (0.25); ja r (to create discordant sounds, i
1.00); disobey (0.96); halt (to cause to 0.25).
cease, 0.85); defeat (to get the better o f B A N IS H (13) banish (to condem n to;
another, 0.76); hinder (0.73); hesitate e x ile , 1 .0 0 ); b a n is h (to rem ove,
(0.61); prevent (0.47); frustrate (0.25); com pletely, 1.00); pro scrib e (0.75);
tem porize (0.25); disappoint (0.15). re le g a te (to rem o v e, 0.75); discard
B A L L A S T (2) trim (to prepare for sail­ (0.60); eject (to rem o v e physically,!
ing, 0.75); load (to place a load, 0.16). 0.58); exclude (to expel, 0.50); repudiate j
B A L L O T to vote by depositing sm all (to disow n, 0.50); dam n (to consign to:
balls into an urn or box (1) vote (0.88). hell, 0.43); eliminate (to remove, 0.18); |
B A L O O N (3) baloon (1.00); inflate (to dism iss (to send away, 0.13); persecute E
distend, 0.69); swell (0.43). (to oppress, especially for religious!
B A M B O O Z L E (2) bam boozle (to cheat, reasons, 0.13); oust (0.07).
1.00); bam boozle (to perplex, 1.00). B A N K (8) bank (to deposit money, 1.00);!
bank (to operate a bank, 1.00);bank (to B A R G A IN (1 0 ) b a rg a in (to tra d e ,
heap earth or similar material, 1.00);bank 1.00);bargain (to negotiate, 1.00); ne­
(to cover a fire for the night, 1.00); g o tia te (to m ake arran g em en ts for,
bank (to tilt a curve, 1.00); heap (to 0.88); u nderb id (0.75); contract (to
place in a heap, 0.65); d ep o sit (to enter into an agreem ent, 0.53); deal (to
present m oney for safekeeping, 0.62); do business with, 0.50); stipulate (0.50);
store (0.55); yaw (0.25). sell (to con v ey for a consideration,
BA N K RU PT (2) ruin (to cause to become 0.42); p rom ise (to give o n e ’s w ord,
bankrupt, 0.80); impoverish (0.67). 0.38); barter (0.33).
BANQUET (2) feed (0.61); eat (to take as B A R K to em it a d o g ’s ch aracteristic
food, 0.26). sound (6) bark (to emit a do g ’s charac­
BANTER (3) banter (1.00); ridicule (0.87); teristic sound, 1.00); bark (to speak as
joke (0.77). though barking, 1.00); cry (to call (not
B A P T IZ E (6) b a p tiz e (to c le a n s e o f hum an creatures), 0.95); sound (to
sacramentally, 1.00); baptize (to give a m ake a noise, 0.77); grumble (to growl,
name, 1.00); bless (to dedicate to God, 0.64); snarl (0.53).
0.95); nam e (to give a name, 0.81); con­ B A R K to form a bark (1) skin (0.13).
vert (to alter convictions, 0.33); dip (to B A R N S T O R M (1) electioneer (0.33).
put into a liquid, 0.05). B A R R A G E (1) strafe (0.25).
BA R (1 7 ) b a r (to r a is e a p h y s ic a l B A R R IC A D E (6) barricade (1.00); bar (to
raise a p h y sical o b stru ctio n , 0.95);
obstruction, 1.00); bar (to obstruct by
fortify (to strengthen against attack,
refusal, 1.00); bar (to close, 1.00); bar
0.75); heap (to place in a heap, 0.50);
(to hinder, 1.00); hinder (0.92); black­
halt (to cause to cease, 0.49); obstruct
list (0.75); dam (0.73); forbid (0.57);
(to place an obstruction, 0.25).
command (to issue an order, 0.52); close
B A R R O W (1) heap (to place in a heap,
(to shut, 0.40); w ithdraw (to rem ove
from use or circulation, 0.40); close (to
B A R T E R (9) barter (1.00); negotiate (to
put a stopper into, 0.38); lock (0.33);
transfer, 0.75); exchange (to give and
check (to bring under control, 0.29); receive reciprocally, 0.71); bargain (to
delay (to cause a delay, 0.23); fasten trade, 0.67); sell (to convey for a con­
(to m ake so m e th in g se cu re, 0 .04); sideration, 0.67); trade (to give one
prevent (0.03). thing for another, 0.67); deal (to do
BARB (1) point (to sharpen, 0.25). business w ith, 0.25); m arket (0.25);
BARBECUE (4) barbecue (1.00); grill (to swap (0.25).
broil, 0.25); roast (0.25); cook (0.22). B A S E to lower; to cast down (1) hum ili­
BARBER (1) shave (to remove hair, 0.75). ate (0.13).
BARE (6) bare (1.00); adm it (to confess, B A SK (1) bask (1.00).
0.76); expose (to uncover, 0.41); expose B A ST A R D IZ E (1) bastardize (1.00).
(to en d e a v o u r to a ttra c t a tte n tio n , B A ST E to stitch through (3) baste (to
0.33); disarm (to deprive o f w eapons, sew tem porarily, 1.00); stitch (0.33);
0.13); skin (0.06). sew (0.10).
B A S T E to beat (1) hurt (to cause pain, (0.75); roar (0.59); ciy (to call (not of
0.19). hum an creatures), 0.58); lam ent (to
B A S T E to m oisture (1) baste (to dress weep, 0.50); caterwaul (0.25).
m eat with fat, 1.00). BAY to bark; to utter (4) bay (1.00); bark
B A S T IN A D O (2) beat (to thrash, 0.18); (to em it a d o g ’s characteristic sound,
hurt (to cause pain, 0.15). 0.73); roar (0.65); cry (to call (not of
BA T to strike with (2) bat (1.00); beat (to hum an creatures), 0.50).
thrash, 0.16). B A Y O N E T (4) b ay o n e t (1 .0 0 ); stab
B A TH E (7) bathe (to cleanse oneself with (0 .2 0 ); attac k (to fig h t offensively
liquid, 1.00); bathe (to sink, 1.00); swim (arm y ), 0.10); p en etrate (to pierce,
(0.75); im m erse (to put under water, 0.04).
0.43); clean (0.28); m oisten (0.23); dip B E (9) be (to have being, 1.00); be (to
(to put into a liquid, 0.15). happen, 1.00); be (to equal, 1.00); be
B A T T E N to grow better (4) graze (to pas­ (to m ean, 1.00); endure (to continue,
ture, 0.81); prosper (0.62); thrive (to 0.67); stand (to be o f a certain height,
grow vigorously, 0.36); eat (to take as 0.67); lie (to be situated, 0.60); subsist
food, 0.22). (0.50); intervene (to happen, 0.33).
B A T T E N to furnish or strengthen w ith BEA D (2) decorate (0.44); drop (to fall in
b atten s (3) batten (1.00); fasten (to drops, 0.29).
m ake som ething secure, 0.83); tether B E A M (11) beam (to emit, 1.00); beam (to
(0.25). shine, 1.00); beam (to sm ile, 1.00);
B A T T E R to strike w ith repeated blow s radiate (to shed light or heat, 0.96);
(11) batter (to strike, 1.00);batter (to shine (to give forth light, 0.90); smile
dam age, 1.00); dam age (to im pair the (0.83); glare (to shine fiercely, 0.75);
value of, 0.82); butt (to strike w ith the flash (to give forth a light by flash,
head, 0.79); beat (to strike repeatedly, 0.68); aim (to point a w eapon, 0.56);
0.75); club (0.75); m utilate (to m aim , laugh (0.35); grin (0.25).
0.50); sm ash (0.45); w reck (to bring to B E A R (34) bear (to carry, 1.00); bear (to
ruin, 0.27); beat (to thrash, 0.11); drive support w eight, 1.00); bear (to suffer,
(to force with blow s, 0.07). 1.00); w ear (to use as clo th in g or
B A T T L E to fight; to engage in w ar (10) p e rso n a l o rn am e n t, 0 .9 0 ); ease (to
oppose (to fight, 0.95); contest (to fight, lessen pressure or tension, 0.89); blow
0 .8 7 ); w ar (0 .8 2 ); c o m b a t (0 .7 5 ); (to carry on the w ind, 0.75); carry (to ■
encounter (to m eet in conflict, 0.75); su p p o rt w eig h t, 0.75); convey (to
m eet (to encounter, 0.71); cam paign (to transport, 0.75); receive (to support,
fight, 0.67); com pete (0.58); contend 0.75); resist (to w ithstand, 0.75); sus­
(0.50); argue (to endeavour to convince, tain (to carry, 0.75); tolerate (to endure,
0.18). 0.75); belong (to be properly placed,
BA W L (10) baw l (to m ake a bellow ing 0.71); allow (to permit an action, 0.70);
sound, 1.00); bawl (to cry, 1.00); whoop abide (to subm it to, 0.67); indulge (to
(0.80); bray (0.75); how l (0.75); yell tolerate, 0.67); suffer (to endure, 0.67);
afford (to be in a position to buy, 0.57); dedicate to God, 0.37).
carry (to transm it, 0.56); yield (to pro­ B E A U T IF Y (13) beautify (to make beau­
duce, 0.56); ca n y (to transport, 0.52); tiful, 1.00); beautify (to im prove the
hatch (to bring forth, 0.50); truss (to grounds, LOO); decorate (0.95); adorn
support, 0.50); produce (to bear, 0.47); (0.75); m anicure (0.71); trim (to adorn,
undergo (0.45); acq u it (to beh av e, 0.70); canonize (0.67); flatter (to be
0.40); bring (to transport, 0.33); under­ becom ing to a wearer, 0.63); embroider
lie (0.33); face (to confront conflict or (to add adornment, 0.50); garnish (0.50);
trouble, 0.28); take (to transport, 0.25); develop (to improve, 0.45); emblazon (to
take (to undergo, 0.25); invent (to cre­ decorate, 0.25); hallow (0.25).
ate or discover, 0.17); include (to con­ B E C A L M (2) becalm (1.00); quiet (to make
tain, 0.07); support (to hold up from calm, 0.29).
beneath, 0.07). B E C K O N (5) beckon (LOO); summon (to
BEARD (1) face (to confront conflict or call, 0.89); w ave (to give an alternating
trouble, 0.64). m ovem ent, 0.71); signal (0.30); com ­
BEAT (38) beat (to strike repeatedly, m and (to issue an order, 0.23).
1.00); beat (to thrash, 1.00);beat (to B E C L O U D (2) becloud (LOO); confuse
pulsate, 1.00);beat (to worst, 1.00);beat (0.57).
(to win, 1.00); beat (to mix, 1.00); beat B E C O M E (5) becom e (to come to be,
(to perplex, 1.00); defeat (to w orst in 1.00);becom e (to be suitable, 1.00);
sport or in personal com bat, 0.97); hit grow (to change slowly, 0.95); shape
(to strike, 0.94); batter (to strike, 0.75); (to ta k e sh a p e, 0 .6 7 ); h av e (to be
bruise (0.75); dam age (to cause pain, obliged; used w ith infinitive, 0.25).
0.75); outperform (0.75); sw at (0.75); BED (4) bed (1.00); copulate (0.45); board
throb (0 .7 5 ); m e a su re (to ap p ly a (to take care of, 0.33); fasten (to make
standard o f m easurem ent, 0.74); rout som ething secure, 0.13).
(0.71); outrun (0.67); top (to exceed, B E D A U B (3) bedaub (1.00); rub (to ap­
0.67); ring (to cause to sound, 0.64); ply by rubbing, 0.77); dirty (0.42).
trounce (to defeat, 0 .60); bu ry (to B E D A Z ZL E (2) flash (to give forth a light
defeat, 0.50); churn (0.50); outfight by flash, 0.14); shine (to give forth light,
(0.50); pat (to strike lightly, 0.50); smite 0.14).
(0.50); stir (to mix by stirring, 0.50); B E D E C K (4) bedeck (1.00); decorate
attack (to assault (o f an individual), (0.88); elaborate (0.50); em broider (to
0.47); exceed (0.42); p e rse cu te (to add adornm ent, 0.25).
oppress, especially for religious rea­ B E D E V IL (6) bedevil (LOO); haunt (to
sons, 0.35); tw itch (to jerk, 0.33); cu ff prey upon, 0.70); confuse (0.52); cru­
(0.25); o u td ista n c e (0.25); ou tp lay cify (to torm ent, 0.50); bother (to give
(0.25); take (to win, 0.25); thrash (to free trouble, 0.10); complicate (0.10).
grain or seed from hulls, 0.22); drive B E D E W (5) bedew (LOO); springle (0.50);
(to cause to move, 0.20); scar (0.15). sprinkle (0.50); spatter (0.42); moisten
BEATIFY (2) beatify (1.00); bless (to (0.15).
BEDI7F.N________________ - 3 2 - ______________________ BELABOUR;
B E D IZ E N (1) decorate (0.93). (to impregnate, 0.11).
B E E T L E to lift up b e e tle b ro w s; to B E G G A R (1) ruin (to cause to become^
sc o w l; to p ro je c t; to o v e rh a n g ; to bankrupt, 0.70). j
h an g th re a te n in g ly (fig .) (2) o v e r­ B E G IN (4) begin (to initiate, 1.00); begin?
han g (to hang over, 0.67); p ro jec t (to (to co m e into b ein g or sta rt func­
th ru st out, 0.17). tioning, 1.00); undertake (0.69); act (tor
B E F A L L (9) befall (1.00); happen (to oc­ perform an action, 0.53). f
cur, 0.73); chance (to happen, 0.67); B E G R IM E (1) begrime (1.00). f
eventuate (to occur, 0.50); coincide (to B E G R U D G E (3) begrudge (1.00); grudge*
h appen, 0.33); fall (to occur, 0.33); (0.67); envy (0.60). j
happen (to be by chance, 0.33); occur B E G U IL E (16) beguile (to deceive, 1.00); [
(0.33); transpire (0.25). b eg u ile (to charm , 1.00); fascinate!.
B E F IT (3) suit (to be in accord with, 0.50); (0.84); infatuate (0.75); entertain (tot
becom e (to be suitable, 0.44); fit (to be keep others am used, 0.74); vam p (to|
suitable in character, 0.21). seduce, especially a man, 0.67); bewitch;
B E F O G (3) befog (1.00); confuse (0.09); (to fascinate, 0.50); pretend (to feign,I
shade (to m ake darker, 0.08). 0.50); deceive (0.48); m islead (0.36);j!
B E F O U L (3) profane (0.78); desecrate charm (to entertain, 0.25); cheat (0.25); j
(0.33); dirty (0.26). divert (to amuse, 0.25); distract (to divert j
B E F R IE N D (10) befriend (1.00); satisfy som eone’s attention from, 0.20); appeal!
(to m ake content, 0.88); sustain (to (to attract, 0.08); lie (to utter an untruth,!
defend, 0.80); help (to aid, 0.67); abet 0.04). I
(to help, 0.50); consort (to jo in , 0.50); B E H A V E (5) behave (to act, 1.00); oper*|
defend (to support an accused person, ate (to be in operation, 0.76); act (top
0 .4 4 ); en c o u ra g e (to g iv e su p p o rt, conduct o n e s e lf 0.75); m end (to re*|
0.38); prom ote (to further, 0.26); suc­ form , 0.33); react (to act in response,!
cour (0.25). 0.29). j
B E F U D D L E (4) befuddle (1.00); confuse B E H E A D (6) behead (1.00); decapitate
(0.86); intoxicate (to make drunk, 0.67); (0.75); punish (0.51); kill (to deprive of;
beat (to perplex, 0.25). life, 0.43); execute (to put to death, 0.25);;
B E G (1 0 ) b e g (to a s k e a r n e s tly or cut (to sever, 0.24).
im portunately, 1.00); beg (to ask alms, B E H O L D (7) behold (1.00); see (to per- j
1.00); urge (to induce, 0.94); invite (to ceive w ith the eye, 0.91); look (to en­
ask politely, 0.84); grovel (0.83); entreat deavour to see, 0.70); discern (to de­
(0.80); postulate (to im plore, 0.75); sue scry, 0.67); spy (to see, 0.50); witness
(0.60); w oo (to court,fig., 0.57); w ish (0.50); contem plate (to look at, 0.47). ;
(to express a desire, 0.17). B E H O V E (2) behove (to becom e, 1.00);
B E G E T (7) beget (1.00); breed (to pro­ becom e (to be suitable, 0.19).
create, 0.50); have (to bear, 0.50); cre­ B E JE W E L (1) decorate (0.22).
ate (to m ake, 0.42); generate (0.40); B E L A B O U R (3) sm ite (0.25); hurt (to
reproduce (to m ultiply, 0.40); fertilize cause pain, 0.14); beat (to thrash, 0.05).
B E L C H (1) emit (to discharge, 0.56). m ove the body, 0.88); bow (to submit,
B E L E A G U E R (2) attack (to fight offen­ 0.80); w rench (0.80); sway (to fluctuate,
sively (arm y), 0.81); surround (to take 0.75); operate (to produce an effect,
a position on all sides, 0.22). 0.72); train (to direct growth, 0.71); turn
B E L IE (4) belie (to m islead, 1.00); belie (to change direction, 0.67); round (to
(to contradict, 1.00); negate (to contra­ make round, 0.64); kneel (0.60); nod (to
d ic t, 0 .7 5 ); c o r r u p t (to r e n d e r m ake a nodding m ovem ent, 0.57); roll
innacurate, 0.69). (to m ake into a roll, 0.56); arch (0.54);
B E L IE V E (4) believe (to accept as true, veer (0.54); fall (to be overthrown, 0.44);
1.00); believe (to assume, 1.00); dream w ave (to m ove back and forth, 0.43);
(to conceive m entally; usually used in bank (to tilt a curve, 0.40); dip (to fall,
the negative, 0.75); hope (0.44). 0.39); soften (to becom e soft, 0.38);
B E L IT T L E (8) belittle (1.00); depreciate sw erve (0.33); give (to yield under
(to low er in reputation, 0.97); revile pressure, 0.29); crouch (to stoop, 0.25);
(0.75); sneer (0.59); m ortify (0.25); form (to give shape to a thing, 0.14);
scandalize (0.25); d w arf (to cause to lean (to incline, 0.09).
appear small, 0.20); slander (0.20). B E N E F IT (9) benefit (1.00); profit (to de­
B E L L O W (8) bellow (1.00); yell (0.96); rive gain, 0.89); profit (to be o f benefit,
roar (0.94); bay (0.75); w hoop (0.40); 0 .7 5 ); a c c o m m o d a te (to re n d e r a
cry (to call (not o f hum an creatures), service, 0.56); succeed (to attain suc­
0.26); cry (to raise the voice, 0.25); honk cess, 0.52); help (to aid, 0.46); operate
(0.14). (to produce an effect, 0.33); prom ote
BELLY (2) belly (1.00); fill (to occupy (to further, 0.24); prosper (0.23).
avaliable space, 0.22). B E N U M B (9) benum b (to stupefy, 1.00);
B E L O N G (4) belong (to be p roperly benum b (to deaden, 1.00); stiffen (to
placed, 1.00); fit (to be suitable in char­ cause to becom e stiff, 0.88); freeze (to
acter, 0.68); refer (to concern, 0.50); rank m ake cold, 0.63); deaden (to reduce life
(to possess relative evaluation, 0.14). or its evidence, 0.54); drug (0.25); mute
BELT (4) circle (0.67); scar (0.62); ring (0.25); stupefy (to stun, 0.25); harden
(to encircle, 0.17); define (to set limits, (to toughen, 0.15).
0. 10). B E Q U E A T H (8) bequeath (1.00); leave
BEM OAN (7) bem oan (1.00); sorrow (to allow to fall to another, 0.83); be­
(0.75); m ourn (to lament, 0.68); cry (to stow (0.75); give (to transfer, 0.74);
weep, 0.65); complain (to express grief, endow (to provide support for all times,
0.50); regret (to be sorry for, 0.20); weep 0.67); pay (to give paym ent, 0.38);
(0.20). donate (0.25); contribute (to give, 0.11).
BEMUSE (1) bemuse (1.00). B E Q U E S T (2) contribute (to give, 0.68);
BEND (27) bend (to force out o f a straight leave (to allow to fall to another, 0.33).
line, 1.00); bend (to be forced out o f a B E R A T E (5) berate (1.00); scold (0.89);
straight line, 1.00); bend (to influence, abuse (to treat badly, 0.76); chasten (to
1.00); curl (to twist, 0.88); exercise (to punish, 0.58); censure (0.34).
BEREA V E (1) deprive (0.60). inform ation, 0.85); contribute (to give,
B E R IB B O N (2) trim (to adorn, 0.40); 0.79); confer (to grant as a gift, 0.75);
decorate (0.12). im part (to give, 0.75); distribute (to
B E R T H to m ove or place (a ship) in a allot, 0.74); send (to deliver, 0.64); bless
suitable position (2) anchor (to drop (to give, 0.60); donate (0.50); present
an anchor, 0.33); land (to come into port, (to give, 0.50); share (to give, 0.50);
0.33). show (to grant, 0.50); aw ard (0.33);
B E S A IN T (1) canonize (0.83). p ro v id e (to supply, 0.27); spend (to
B E S E E C H (11) beseech (1.00); beg (to expend, 0.23); apply (to place upon,
ask earnestly or im portunately, 0.84); 0 .20).
urge (to induce, 0.81); request (to so­ B E S T R A D D L E (1) straddle (0.20).
licit, 0.75); court (to woo, 0.65); implore B E S T R E W (1) spatter (0.08).
(0.50); plead (to beg, 0.50); solicit (to B E S T R ID E (2) bestride (1.00); straddle
beg, 0.50); grovel (0.33); supplicate (0.80).
(0.25); invite (to ask politely, 0.20). B E T (3) bet (1.00); gam ble (to play for
B E S E T (5) beset (1.00); attack (to fight money, 0.63); venture (0.14).
o ffensively (army), 0.94); haunt (to B E T IN S E L (1) trim (to adorn, 0.60).
prey upon, 0.91); infest (to swarm, 0.69); B E T O K E N (4) m ean (to have as mean­
suiTOund (to take a position on all sides, ing, 0.72); indicate (to signify, 0.50);
0.44). foretell (0.31); prove (0.17).
B E S IE G E (7) besiege (1.00); attack (to B E T R A Y (8) betray (to deliver into the
fight offensively (army), 0.90); bombard hands o f an enemy, 1.00); betray (to
(0.75); surround (to take a position on reveal, 1.00); betray (to seduce and
all sides, 0.56); haunt (to prey upon, ab an d o n , 1.00); reveal (to divulge,
0.52); beset (0.50); raid (0.17). 0.77); jilt (0.75); deceive (0.52); delude
B E S M E A R (2) ta c k (to dirty with tracks, (0.50); accuse (0.22).
0.38); dirty (0.29). B E T R O T H (3) betroth (1.00); promise (to
B E S M IR C H (3) defam e (0.50); slander give o n e ’s w ord, 0.31); espouse (to
(0.37); disgrace (0.35). m any, 0.25).
B E S P A T T E R (2) spatter (0.65); splash B E T T E R (18) better (1.00); correct (to
(0.57). m ake needed corrections, 0.95); top (to
B E S P E A K (2) commission (0.20); hire (to exceed, 0.83); help (to im prove, 0.75);
employ, 0.17). recover (to im prove o n e’s condition,
B E S P E C K L E (1) spatter (0.31). 0.73); refine (to improve, 0.67); reform
B E S T (3) best (1.00); defeat (to w orst in (to change into a new form , 0.66); en­
war, 0.75); worst (0.33). rich (0.50); outdistance (0.50); outper- j
B E ST E A D to help (1) promote (to further, form (0.50); im prove (to m ake better, \
0.03). 0.42); em end (to correct, 0.33); civilize j
B E S T IR (1) bestir (1.00). ( 0 .3 0 ) ; r e c r u it (to g a th e r needed j
B E S T O W (17) bestow (1.00); give (to resources, 0.29); prom ote (to advance f
transfer, 0.93); com m unicate (to im part in rank, 0.20); suipass (0.20); grow (to \
change slowly, 0.18); prom ote (to fur­ (to order, 0.25).
ther, 0.13). B ID E (1) endure (to continue, 0.56).
BEW AIL (6) regret (to be sorry for, 0.80); B IL K (1) mislead (0.77).
cry (to w eep, 0 .70); g riev e (0.60); B I L L (5) b ill (to req u e st p ay m en t,
sorrow (0.50); com plain (to express 1.00);bill (to advertise, 1.00); list (to
grief, 0.25); mourn (to lament, 0.09). e n te r in a list, 0 .9 4 ); p ro g ram (to
B EW ILD ER (17) bewilder (1.00); surprise schedule, 0.70); enroll (to prepare a roll,
(to amaze, 0.84); amaze (0.80); confuse 0.28).
(0.77); em barrass (to upset mentally, B IL L E T (1) encamp (0.75).
0.76); d is tra c t (to c o n fu se , 0 .7 5 ); B IL L O W (6) surge (to swell, 0.75); un­
bedevil (0.50); bem use (0.50); hit (to dulate (to surge, 0.75); w ave (to undu­
a s to u n d , 0 .5 0 ); n o n p lu s ( 0 .5 0 ) ; late, 0.54); rise (to swell; said usually
overw helm (to astonish, 0.50); puzzle o f dough or batter, 0.50); heave (to raise
(to perplex, 0.50); baffle (to confuse, and fall, 0.38); roll (to flow, 0.14).
0.25); confound (to confuse, 0.25); B IN D (40) bind (to constrain with bonds,
outwit (0.25); perplex (0.25); perturb (to 1.00); bind (to hold together or in place,
confuse, 0.25). 1.00); bind (to obligate, 1.00); bind (to
B E W IT C H (11) bew itch (to fascinate, d re ss, 1.00); b in d (to jo in , 1.00);
1.00); bew itch (to chann, 1.00); fasci­ enslave (0.97); face (to put facing on
nate (0.90); ravish (to charm , 0.71); goods, 0.90); fasten (to m ake som e­
enchant (to put under a spell, 0.50); thing secure, 0,87); pack (to stow com ­
enthrall (to charm , 0.50); lure (to en­ pactly, 0.77); ja m (to com press, 0.75);
tice, 0.50); transfix (to fascinate, 0.50); knot (0.75); lash (to tie up, 0.75); obli­
charm (to bew itch, 0.25); engage (to gate (0.75); trip (to cause to stum ble,
engross, 0.25); engross (to occupy 0.70); tie (to fasten, 0.67); tighten (to
one’s mind, 0.25). m ake tight, 0.67); wrap (to twine or
BIAS (3) bias (1.00); influence (0.46); face w ind, 0.67); tape (to fasten, 0.60); lace
(to put facing on goods, 0.10). (0.50); plaster (0.50); yoke (0.47); re­
BICKER (4) bicker (1.00); wrangle (0.75); strain (to hold in check, 0.42); betroth
quarrel (0.55); fight (to engage in an (0.33); close (to com e together, 0.30);
encounter, 0.16). p ack (to prep are for transportation,
BID (13) bid (to pro p o se a price for 0.30); sew (0.30); wind (to wrap about,
p u rc h a s e , 1 .0 0 ); b id (to o f fe r a 0.30); edge (to trim, 0.25); enchain (to
com m itm ent at cards, 1.00); bid (to confine, 0.25); gird (to encircle, 0.25);
order, 1.00); bid (to invite, 1.00);invite nail (to fasten w ith nails, 0.25); oblige
(to ask politely, 0.96); com m and (to (to require, 0.25); pin (0.25); restrict (to
issue an order, 0.95); court (to woo, restrain, 0.25); secure (to fasten, 0.25);
0.88); sum m on (to call, 0.78); invite (to sw athe (0.25); dress (to give medical
ask guests, 0.75); direct (to com m and, treatm ent, 0.22); force (to use force,
0.50); invoke (to summon, 0.50); ask (to 0.16); consolidate (to cause to unite,
inquire, 0.36); com pete (0.32); instruct 0.14); trammel (0.14).
B IR C H (3) beat (to thrash, 0.59); hurt (to dispraise (0.75); fault (to censure, 0.75);
cause pain, 0.13); punish (0.09). reflect (to discredit, 0.75); incrim inate
B IS E C T (4) bisect (1.00); divide (to sepa­ (0.50); reproach (0.50); reprove (0.50);
rate by parting, 0.59); halve (0.33); cut dam (to dam n (variant), 0.33); upbraid
(to sever, 0.05). (0 .3 1 ); im p each (0.27); im p u te (to
B IT E (13) bite (to seize or sever w ith c h a r g e , 0 .2 5 ); a ttr ib u te (0 .1 4 );
teeth, 1.00); bite (to be given to biting, rem onstrate (0.13).
1.00); bite (to cut or corrode, 1.00); bite B L A N C H to m ake white; to w hiten; to
(to take bait, 1.00); chew (0.93); eat (to bleach (10) blanch (1.00); bleach (0.83);
take as food, 0.91); engrave (to prepare fade (to lose colour or light, 0.75);
aplate for printing, 0.88); m unch (0.83); w hiten (to becom e white, 0.75); cook
hurt (to cause pain, 0.61); graze (to (0 .7 3 ); w e a th e r (to e x p o se to the
p astu re , 0.56); ta ste (to ex p e rien c e w eather, 0.69); w hiten (to m ake white,
flavour, 0.50); freeze (to m ake cold, 0.60); pale (0.50); scald (0.50); fear (to
0.38); cut (to sever, 0.11). anticipate personal danger, 0.27).
B IV O U A C (2) camp (0.91); stop (to halt, B L A N D IS H (1) grovel (0.25).
0 .20). B L A N K (1) defeat (to w orst in sport or
B L A B to utter w ith open m outh (3) blab in personal com bat, 0.41).
(to reveal, 1.00); blab (to chatter, 1.00); B L A N K E T (2) b lan k et (1.00); snow
gossip (0.42). (0.67).
B L A B B E R (1) blabber (1.00). B L A R E (5) blare (1.00); honk (0.86);
B L A C K (1) black (1.00). sound (to m ake a noise, 0.79); blow (to
B L A C K B A L L (4) blackball (1.00); black sound w hen blow n, 0.25); w histle (to
list (0.25); scandalize (0.21); elim inate produce a shrill blast, 0.23).
(to remove, 0.08). B L A S P H E M E (6) blaspheme (1.00); slan­
B L A C K E N (10) blacken (to m ake black, der (0.53); sw ear (to curse, 0.50); curse
1.00); blacken (to smirch, 1.00); blacken (to sw ear, 0.43); profane (0.33); curse
(to becom e black, 1.00); shade (to make (to sw ear at, 0.19).
darker, 0.83); shade (to becom e darker, B L A S T (1 2 ) b la s t (to s h a tte r by
0.67); black (0.33); darken (to m ake explosion, 1.00); blast (to ruin, 1.00);
darker, 0.25); tarnish (to disgrace, 0.25); blow (to send forth air rapidly, 0.83);
scandalize (0.18); slander (0.10). discharge (to cause to fire, 0.67); curse
B L A C K G U A R D (1) scandalize (0.14). (to sw ear at, 0.44); shoot (to discharge,
B L A C K -L IS T (2) black-list (1.00); de­ 0.40); detonate (0.33); bom b (0.29);
nounce (0.09). blare (0.25); bombard (0.25); destroy (to
B L A C K M A IL (3) blackmail (1.00); force bring to nothing, 0.16); explode (to
(to use force, 0.19); steal (0.15). burst, 0.08).
B L A M E (18) blam e (to censure, 1.00); B L A Z E to bum w ith a bright fervent
blam e (to hold responsible for, 1.00); flam e (9) blaze (1.00); flare (to flash,
accuse (0.97); censure (0.92); denounce 0.75); heat (to becom e hot, 0.75); flame
(0.88); disapprove (to condem n, 0.75); (0.67); flash (to give forth a light by
flash, 0.59); bum (to oxidize, 0.50); shine ap p ly a sta n d a rd o f m e asu rem en t,
(to give forth light, 0.48); radiate (to 0.43); alloy (to mix metals, 0.38); com ­
shed light or heat, 0.33); lick (to play bine (to becom e one, 0.25); confound
over; said o f flam es, 0.08). (to m ix, 0.25); gear (to regulate, 0.25);
BLAZE to m ark trees in w hite by slip­ pool (0.25); unite (to bring together,
ping o ff a piece o f bark (2) m ark (to 0.25); cross (to mix breeds, 0.13); knead
make a mark, 0.82); brand (0.75). (0.11).
BLA ZO N (4) advertise (to m ake public, B L E S S (4) bless (to give, 1.00); bless (to
0.87); notify (to provide w ith inform a­ call the blessing o f G od upon, 1.00);
tion, 0.55); broadcast (to announce, bless (to dedicate to God, 1.00); thank
0.50); proclaim (0.33). (0.60).
B LEA C H (5) bleach (1.00); dam age (to B L IG H T (7) blight (1.00); decay (0.94);
impair the value of, 0.95); fade (to lose blast (to ruin, 0.80); slum p (to decline,
colour or light, 0.92); w eather (to ex­ 0.75); dam age (to im pair the value of,
pose to the w eather, 0.85); w hiten (to 0.52); corrupt (to debase, 0.50); curse
make white, 0.80). (to sw ear at, 0.06).
BLEAR (2) blear (1.00); blur (to dim, 0.33). B L IN D (3) blind (to obscure, 1.00); blind
BLEAT (1) whinny (0.29). (to deceive, 1.00); hoodw ink (0.75).
BLEED (8) bleed (to issue as blood, 1.00); B L IN K (7) blink (to w ink rapidly, 1.00);
bleed (to let blood, 1 .00);bleed (to blink (to squint, 1.00); blink (to twinkle,
suffer, 1.00); bleed (to drain, 1.00); 1.00); w ink (to close one eye, 0.67);
drain (to withdraw fluid, 0.75); drop (to recoil (0.64); shine (to give forth light,
fall in drops, 0.33); drain (to w ithdraw 0.29); w ink (to twinkle, 0.25).
strength, 0.29); decrease (to m ake less, B L IS T E R (4) blister (1.00); overheat
0.18). (0.33); rake (to sw eep w ith gunfire,
B LEM ISH (5) blur (to stain, 0.75); spot 0.33); swell (0.21).
(to stain, 0.75); corrupt (to debase, B L IZ Z A R D (1) snow (0.56).
0.48); touch (to tinge, 0.44); maim (0.23). B L O A T (2) inflate (to distend, 0.88);
BLENCH (4) blench (1.00); shrink (0.50); baloon (0.67).
flinch (0.33); w ince (0.30). B L O C K (2 4 ) b lo c k (to im p e d e ,
BLEND (27) blend (1.00); join (to unite, 1 .0 0 );b lo ck (to sh ap e by blo ck in g ,
0.97); harm onize (to render harm onic, 1.00);block (in sports, to impede a play,
0.88); co a le sc e (0 .7 5 ); co m m in g le 1.00); hinder (0.94); halt (to cause to
(0.75); com m ix (0.75); interlace (to cease, 0.90); trip (to cause to stum ble,
mingle, 0.75); meld (0.75); merge (0.69); 0.90); form (to give shape to a thing,
confuse (0.64); unite (to come together, 0 .8 8 ); d e fe a t (to g et th e b e tte r o f
0.64); melt (to liquefy, 0.55); adulterate another, 0.85); prevent (0.84); baffle (to
(0.54); consolidate (to cause to unite, hinder, 0.75); o b stru ct (to place an
0.52); associate (to com bine, 0.50); obstruction, 0.75); occlude (0.75); in­
integrate (to unify, 0.50); mingle (0.50); tercept (0.63); barricade (0.50); impede
scramble (to m ix, 0.50); m easure (to (0.50); keep (to prevent, used with from,
0.50); close (to put a stopper into, 0.46); spew (0.25); snort (0.20); boast (to brag,
check (to slacken the pace, 0.35); forbid 0 . 10).
(0.29); anticipate (to forestall, 0.25); B L O W to burst into flower; to blossom,
delay (to cause a delay, 0.25); obviate to bloom (3) blossom (0.33); flower
(0.25); scotch (0.25); dam (0.20). (0.25); bloom (0.06).
B L O C K A D E (7) bar (to raise a physical B L U B B E R (1) snivel (to ciy, 0.75).
o b stru c tio n , 0.7 0 ); b e s ie g e (0 .6 7 ); B L U D G E O N (2) dash (to strike violently,
picket (to strike, 0.67); halt (to cause to 0.50); kill (to deprive o f life, 0.02).
cease, 0.57); enclose (to shut up or shut B L U E (1) slur (to pronounce indistinctly,
in, 0.36); surround (to take a position 0.80).
on all sides, 0.11); raid (0.04). B L U E P R IN T (1) specify (0.14).
B L O O D Y (1) redden (to grow red, 0.29). B L U F F (4) b lu ff (1.00); boast (to brag,
B L O O M to bear flow ers; to com e into 0.45); pretend (to feign, 0.13); mislead
full beauty (4) bloom (1.00); blossom (0.05).
(0.67); prosper (0.46); colour (to take B L U N D E R (14) mistake (0.92); stumble
on colour, 0.40). (to m ove in a stum bling m anner, 0.80);
B L O S S O M (11) blossom (1.00); produce bungle (0.75); miscalculate (0.75); mis­
(to b e a r, 0 .9 2 ); th r iv e (to g ro w m anage (0.71); botch (0.63); misbehave
vigorously, 0.91); flow er (0.50); yield ( 0 .6 0 ) ; m is a p p r e h e n d (0.50);
(to produce, 0.44); prosper (0.38); e f ­ overcom pensate (0.50); err (0.33); fail
floresce (0.25); vegetate (to germ inate, (to be unsuccessful, 0.31); fault (to fail,
0.25); bloom (0.13); grow (to change 0.25); flounder (0.25); m uff (0.25).
slow ly, 0.09); begin (to com e into be­ B L U N T (4) deaden (to reduce life or its
ing or start functioning, 0.07). evidence, 0.96); decrease (to m ake less,
B L O T (10) blot (to stain, 1.00); blot (to 0.72); harden (to toughen, 0.35); drug
disgrace, 1.00);sully (to soil, 0.75); dirty (0.13).
(0.68); diy (to cause to becom e dry, B L U R (5) blur (to dim, 1.00); blur (to stain,
0.67); absorb (to take in by absorption, 1.00); dirty (0.66); befog (0.50); blear
0.36); disgrace (0.31); slander (0.27); (0.50).
blur (to stain, 0.25); clean (0.04). B L U R T (3) exclaim (0.71); babble (0.14);
B L O T C H (3) blot (to stain, 0.50); spot utter (0.07).
(to stain, 0.50); dirty (0.34). B L U S H (2) blush (1.00); redden (to grow
B L O W to send a current o f air (13) blow red, 0.86).
(to send forth air rapidly, 1.00); blow B L U S T E R (6) bluster (1.00); fulminate (to
(to m ove rapidly (said o f air), 1.00); intim idate, 0.50); boast (to brag, 0.35);
blow (to c a n y on the w ind, 1.00); blow snarl (0.20); rage (to give vent to anger,
(to play a w ind instrum ent, 1.00); blow 0.18); threaten (to warn o f punishment,
(to sound w hen blow n, 1.00); blow (to 0.14).
give form by inflation, 1.00); em it (to B O A R D (7) board (to cover, 1.00); board
d isch arge, 0.94); sound (to m ake a (to go aboard, 1.00); board (to take care
noise, 0.80); clean (0.48); gasp (0.38); of, 1.00); entrain (0.67); attack (to fighl
offensively (arm y), 0.58); cover (to B O L T to sift; to pass through a sieve (5)
place as a covering, 0.43); lodge (to sift (to put through a sieve, 0.90); swal­
become fixed, 0.17). low (0.36); gulp (0.25); glut (to eat to
BOAST (3) boast (to brag, 1.00); boast satiety, 0.14); eat (to take as food, 0.09).
(to have to o n e ’s credit, 1.00); ow n (to B O L T to spring back, to recoil (5) stam ­
possess, 0.36). pede (0.75); bounce (to move suddenly,
BOAT (1) paddle (to propel by paddling, 0.43); hasten (to make haste, 0.43); run
0.67). (to go sw iftly by physical effort, 0.24);
BOB to m ake a fool of; to deceive; to race (to m ove at great speed, 0.13).
chat (1) bow (to bend, 0.38). B O M B (5) bom b (1.00); raid (0.87); at­
BOB to fish (for eels) (1) fish (0.56). tack (to fight offensively (army), 0.52);
BOB to m ove up and down (4) toss (to destroy (to bring to nothing, 0.33); raze
move up and down, 0.93); heave (to (0.17).
raise and fall, 0.90); dance (to m ove in B O M B A R D (7) bom bard (1.00); oppose
a gay manner, 0.75); reel (0.40). (to fight, 0.90); raid (0.78); strafe (0.75);
BOB to strike w ith a fist (2) bounce (to bomb (0.71); attack (to fight offensively
rebound, 0.44); beat (to pulsate, 0.11). (army), 0.55); war (0.45).
BO BBLE (1) dance (to m ove in a gay B O M B IL A T E (1) hum (0.13).
manner, 0.70). B O M B IN A TE (1) hum (0.47).
BO IL (10) boil (to subject to boiling, B O N D (1) tape (to fasten, 0.80).
1.00); boil (to continue at a boiling B O O (3) hiss (to condem n, 0.67); hoot
point, 1.00); boil (to seethe, 1.00);boil (0.50); whoop (0.20).
(to be angry, 1.00); spum e (0.75); bub­ B O O K (8) b o o k (1.00); pro g ram (to
ble (0.60); w ash (to launder, 0.60); heat sc h ed u le, 0 .8 0 ); charge (to entQr a
(to m ake hot, 0.58); rage (to give vent charge account, 0.38); hire (to employ,
to anger, 0.55); cook (0.32). 0.38); bill (to advertise, 0.33); record (to
B O L S T E R (12) bolster (1.00); support w rite down, 0.28); list (to enter in a list,
(to hold up from beneath, 0.86); advo­ 0.25); enroll (to prepare a roll, 0.22).
cate (to prom ote, 0.80); support (to B O O M to burst into sudden activity (3)
uphold, 0.78); upholster (0.62); buttress boom (to increase rapidly, 1.00); impel
(0.50); prom ote (to further, 0.45); help (to press, 0.07); prom ote (to further,
(to aid, 0.42); brace (to give support, 0.05).
0.33); cultivate (to encourage, 0.25); B O O M to hum; to buzz (5) boom (to make
encourage (to g ive su p p o rt, 0 .24); a loud noise, 1.00); roar (0.82); thunder
defend (to provide general protection, (0.82); blare (0.75); sound (to m ake a
0.21). noise, 0.49).
BOLT to m ake fast with a bolt (5) stabi­ B O O M E R A N G (2) backfire (to go awry,
lize (to fix, 0.75); lock (0.67); close (to 0.83); bounce (to rebound, 0.19).
shut, 0.60); fasten (to m ake som ething B O O S T (8) boost (to raise, 1.00); boost
secure, 0.46); bar (to raise a physical (to prom ote, 1.00); boost (to increase,
obstruction, 0.45). 1.00); adm ire (to have regard for, 0.50);
raise (to lift, 0.50); up (0.33); heave (to bounce (to m ove suddenly, 1.00); jar
raise laboriously, 0.25); impel (to press, (to cause to trem ble, 0.76); bound (to
0.14). re b o u n d , 0 .7 5 ); sh ak e (to cau se to
B O O T to put boots on (1) kick (to give a vibrate, 0.43); dance (to m ove in a gay
blow w ith the foot, 0.80). m anner, 0.40); je rk (to m ove an object
B O R D E R (8) border (1.00); line (to be in w ith a quick tug, 0.31); beat (to pulsate,
a line, 0.90); join (to adjoin, 0.83); edge 0.26); backfire (to go awry, 0.17); glance
(to trim , 0.75); fram e (to enclose in a (to ricochet, 0.08).
frame, 0.71); front (0.50); define (to set B O U N D to set bounds to; to lim it; to
limits, 0.34); face (to look out on, 0.33). confine (9) bound (to set lim its, 1.00);
B O R E to pierce, to perforate (6) bore (to define (to set limits, 0.97); limit (0.75);
pierce by rotary m otion, 1.00); p en ­ term inate (to limit, 0.75); join (to adjoin,
etrate (to pierce, 0.96); tap (to p u n c­ 0 .58); co n fin e (to set lim its, 0.50);
tu re in o rd er to draw liquid, 0.73); contract (to enter into an agreement,
punch (to perforate, 0.25); bother (to 0.40); line (to be in a line, 0.40); butt (to
give trouble, 0.23); m achine (0.17). abut, 0.25).
B O R E to w eary by tedious conversation B O U N D to recoil (12) bound (to move in
(2) bore (to w eary, 1.00); w eary (to leaps, 1.00); bound (to rebound, 1.00);
m ake weary, 0.52). run (to go sw iftly by physical effort,
B O R R O W to give security for; to take 0.86); pounce (0.75); gallop (0.67); vault
o n p le d g e (6) b o rro w (to re c e iv e (0.50); jum p (to leap across or up, 0.46);
tem porarily, 1.00); borrow (to adopt, bounce (to rebound, 0.25); leap (0.25);
1 .0 0 ); r e f u n d (to p u t f in a n c ia l lunge (0.25); hasten (to m ake haste,
o b lig a tio n s on a new basis, 0.92); 0.23); bounce (to move suddenly, 0.14).
adopt (to take as o n e’s own, 0.31); raise B O W to a s su m e a b e n t or crooked
(to collect or m ake available, 0.20); rent shape; to bend (14) bow (to bend, 1.00);
(to obtain use by paym ent, 0.17). bow (to subm it, 1.00); round (to make
B O T C H (5) botch (1.00); dirty (0.45); round, 0.79); curve (to bend, 0.75); in­
m u d d le (to confuse; said o f affairs, cline (to lean, 0.75); lean (to incline,
0.41); tinker (0.33); mistake (0.21). 0.65); faw n (0.55); greet (0.47); salute
B O T H E R (8) bother (to take trouble, (to recognize w ith respect, 0.40); yield
1.00); bother (to give trouble, 1.00); (to surrender, 0.38); bend (to force out
bo th er (to be disturbing, 1.00); rankle o f a straight line, 0.35); roll (to make
(0.86); faze (0.75); em barrass (to upset into a roll, 0.33); suffer (to permit, 0.15);
mentally, 0.61); w orry (to cause worry, accom modate (to render a service, 0.13).
0.25); excite (to stir one mentally, 0.03). B O W to play w ith the use o f a bow (1)
B O T T L E (2) preserve (to keep, 0.69); can play (to produce m usic, 0.70).
(to preserve, 0.67). B O W D L E R IZ E (1) expurgate (0.25).
B O T T L E N E C K (2) hinder (0.46); check B O W L to play at bow ls (3) bow l (in
(to slacken the pace, 0.45). cricket, to pitch, 1.00); bow l (to play at
B O U N C E (10) bounce (to rebound, 1.00); bow ls, 1.00); throw (to hurl, 0.13).
BOX to beat; to thrash (4) box (to fight pedal (0.25); slow (to cause to becom e
for sport, 1.00); strike (to hit, 0.75); beat slow er, 0.25); check (to slacken the
(to thrash, 0.66); fight (to engage in an pace, 0.15).
encounter, 0.36). B R A K E to crush (1) b um (to subject to
BOX to put in a box (2) box (to enclose fire, 0.05).
in a box, 1.00); crate (0.75). B R A N C H (1) divide (to separate by part­
B O Y C O T T (7) boycott (1.00); rebel (to ing, 0.02).
endeavour to overthrow a government, BR A N D (12) brand (1.00); mark (to make
0.67); bar (to obstruct by refusal, 0.61); a m ark, 0.95); check (to mark, 0.75);
strike (to refuse to w ork, 0.57); de­ im pute (to charge, 0.75); stigm atize
nounce (0.34); picket (to strike, 0.33); (0.75); accuse (0.66); b um (to subject
dismiss (to send away, 0.22). to fire, 0.41); denounce (0.38); classify
BRACE to m ake stronger (11) brace (to (0.36); stam p (0.25); upbraid (0.09);
give support, 1.00); brace (to encour­ disgrace (0.08).
age, 1.00); hold (to support; often used B R A N D ISH (6) brandish (1.00); flourish
with up, 0.82); gird (to support, 0.75); (to w ave trium phantly, 0.88); w ield
uphold (to hold up, 0.75); support (to (0.71); sw ing (to cause to swing, 0.57);
hold up from beneath, 0.71); strengthen shake (to cause to vibrate, 0.36); flaunt
(0.67); stiffen (to cause to becom e stiff, (0.25).
0 .59); re n e w (to r e f r e s h , 0 .3 2 ); BRAVE (6) brave (LOO); face (to confront
encourage (to give support, 0.21); pack co n flict or tro u b le , 0.76); confront
(to prepare for transportation, 0.20). (0.75); m ock (to dare, 0.75); dare (to
BR A CK ET (4) jo in (to unite, 0.56); un­ defy, 0.53); endure (to sustain adver­
derline (to make a line under, 0.33); yoke sity, 0.10).
(0.21); aim (to point a w eapon, 0.11). B R A W L (2) contest (to fight, 0.40); blus­
BRAG (6) brag (1.00); bluster (0.82); ter (0.24).
boast (to brag, 0.55); vaunt (0.50); BRA Y to cry out; to utter a loud harsh
sw agger (to b o ast, 0.33); crow (to cry (2) bray (1.00); whinny (0.43).
boast, 0.25). BRA Y to beat sm all; to crash (1) grind
BRAID to m ove or change suddenly; to (to pulverize, 0.26).
draw; to intertwine (8) braid (1.00); em ­ B R A Z E to expose to the action o f fire
broider (to add adornment, 0.75); inter­ (1) tem per (to toughen or harden, 0.84).
lace (to weave, 0.50); intertwine (0.50); B R A ZE N (1) bluster (0.29).
mat (0.50); interweave (0.25); weave (to B R E A C H (1) open (to make an opening,
c o n stru c t b y in te r la c in g , 0 .1 3 ); 0.92).
enwreathe (0.08). B R E A K (20) break (to start a rupture,
BRAINWASH (4) brainw ash (1.00); in­ 1.00);break (to shatter, 1.00);break (to
fluence (0.69); teach (to act as a teacher, fall apart, 1.00);break (to bring to ruin
0.30); instill (0.27). or to an end , 1.00); break (to happen,
BRAISE to cook (1) cook (0.80). 1.00); break (to blow up, 1.00); plough
BRAKE to apply a brake to a w heel (3) (to use a plough, 0.89); smash (0.60);
undo (0.58); grub (to clear land, 0.50); (0.31); bristle (to show sudden anger,
part (to put apart, 0.50); w reck (to bring 0.25).
to ruin, 0.47); abandon (to relinquish, B R IE F (3) brief (to inform, 1.00); brief (to
0.44); dam age (to im pair the value of, s u m m a riz e , 1.00); ju s tify (to give
0.35); violate (to transgress, 0.33); ripple reasons for, 0.50).
(0.25); chip (0.23); hum iliate (0.21); B R IG H T E N (11) brighten (to become
paragraph (0.17); change (to m ake dif­ b rig h te r, 1.00); b rig h te n (to make
ferent, 0.04). b rig h te r, 1.00); rev iv e (to hearten,
B R E A K F A S T (1) eat (to take as food, 0.82); decorate (0.73); radiate (to shed
0.57). light or heat, 0.70); intensify (0.56);
B R E A T H E (8) breathe (to draw breath, encourage (to raise the spirits, 0.52);
1.00); breathe (to live, 1.00); breathe (to illum ine (to light up, 0.33); cheer (to
blow gently, 1.00); breathe (to pause, h ea rten , 0.25); fu rb ish (to burnish,
1.00); exist (to have being, 0.75); be (to 0.25); irradiate (0.25).
have being, 0.50); live (to have life, B R IM to fill to the brim (1) flow (to issue
0.33); blow (to send forth air rapidly, forth, 0.41).
0.17). B R IN E (1) souse (to preserve, 0.25).
B R E E C H (1) clothe (0.74). B R IN G (9) bring (to transport, 1.00);bring
B R E E D (15) breed (to produce, 1.00); (to be w orth in sale, 1.00); bring (to
b r e e d (to c a u se , 1 .0 0 ); b re e d (to initiate a legal action, 1.00); bring (to
procreate, 1.00); propagate (to beget, cause, 1.00); draw (to m ove an object,
0.93); fertilize (to im pregnate, 0.89); 0.77); cany (to transport, 0.44); attract (to
reproduce (to multiply, 0.80); produce draw, 0.25); haul (0.25); transport (0.25). j
(to bear, 0.79); domesticate (0.50); raise B R IS T L E to be, becom e or stand stiff|
(to n urtu re, 0.40); p o llin a te (0.33); and bristly (1) bristle (to display in
copulate (0.27); form (to give character abundance, 1.00).
to a person, 0.25); incubate (0.25); grow B R IS T L E to scorch (1) bristle (to show
(to cultivate, 0.20); begin (to initiate, sudden anger, 1.00).
0.09). B R O A C H (4) broach (to mention, 1.00);
B R E W (7) brew (1.00); m ix (to blend, b ro ac h (to p en etrate, 1.00); tap (to
0.85); coddle (to cook gently, 0.50); puncture in order to draw liquid, 0.55);
cook (0.34); steam (to cook, 0.33); mash hint (0.32).
(0.29); p rep are (to cook and serve, B R O A D C A S T (18) broadcast (to dis­
0.25). p erse, 1.00); b ro ad cast (to transmit
B R IB E (3) bribe (1.00); influence (0.83); electronically, 1.00);broadcast (to an­
seduce (0.57). nounce, 1.00); com m unicate (to impart
B R ID G E to m ake a bridge (1) bridge inform ation, 0.81); publicize (0.50);
(1.00). send (to broadcast, usually electroni­
B R ID L E (6) bridle (1.00); check (to bring cally, 0.50); spread (to m ake known,
u nder control, 0.93); restrain (to hold 0.50); advertise (to m ake public, 0.45);
in check, 0.85); harness (0.75); tram mel radiate (to send forth from a centre,
0.36); beam (to emit, 0.33); circulate (to (to re m o v e th e to p ; esp ec ially , to
send about, 0.25); dissem inate (0.25); rem ove cream, 0.80); shine (to cause to
report (to deliver inform ation, 0.25); shin e, u su a lly by p o lish in g , 0.78);
seed (0.25); sow (0.25); reveal (to touch (to tinge, 0.78); graze (to touch
divulge, 0.23); scatter (to w aste, 0.22); or to score lightly, 0.75); groom (0.63);
notify (to provide w ith inform ation, paint (to protect or decorate by paint­
0.06). ing, 0.60); lick (to pass the tongue over,
BROADEN (4) broaden (1.00); increase 0.59); clean (0.57); glance (to ricochet,
(to add to, 0.86); w iden (to m ake wider, 0.50); touch (to be in contact, 0.45);
0.86); dilate (0.25). caress (0.37); b u ff (0.25); curry (to
BRO IL to bum or char with fire (5) broil groom , 0.25); hasten (to m ake haste,
(1.00); cook (0.71); roast (0.50); barbe­ 0.14).
cue (0.25); sizzle (0.25). B R U T A L IZ E (1) harden (to toughen,
BRONZE (1) plate (0.40). 0.38).
BROOD (4) brood (to hatch, 1.00); brood B U B B L E (4) bubble (1.00); boil (to con­
(to nurse o n e ’s troubles, 1.00); m ope tinue at a boiling point, 0.83); perco­
(0.63); incubate (0.50). late (0.20); flow (to issue forth, 0.03).
B R O O K (3) endure (to sustain adver­ B U C K to break ore very small (1) butt
sity, 0.67); resist (to w ithstand, 0.35); (to strike w ith the head, 0.21).
face (to confront conflict or trouble, B U C K to leap like a deer (1) face (to
0.24). confront conflict or trouble, 0.48).
B R O W B E A T (6) b ro w b e a t (1 .0 0 ); B U C K L E (9) bend (to be forced out o f a
threaten (to warn o f punishm ent, 0.50); straight line, 0.79); curve (to be bent,
crucify (to torm ent, 0.25); terrorize 0.75); distort (to change shape, 0.57);
(0.25); frighten (to drive off, because fall (to pass quickly dow nw ard, 0.43);
of alarm, 0.14); bother (to give trouble, bend (to force out o f a straight line,
0.08). 0.42); curl (to twist, 0.27); yoke (0.26);
BROWN (6) brow n (1.00); sizzle (0.75); clasp (0.25); fasten (to m ake something
fry (0.56); sear (to cook by searing, secure, 0.07).
0.50); parch (0.25); cook (0.15). BU D to put forth buds; to sprout (4)
BROW SE (3) brow se (1.00); graze (to bloom (0.75); vegetate (to germ inate,
pasture, 0.94); scan (to glance at, 0.67). 0.50); sprout (0.40); begin (to come into
BRUISE (8) bruise (1.00); hurt (to cause being or start functioning, 0.21).
pain, 0.95); m ash (0.82); m ar (to dam ­ BU D G E (3) m ove (to be in motion, 0.75);
age slightly, 0.50); turn (to sprain, 0.50); shift (to change position, 0.71); push
trample (0.33); m angle (to m utilate, (to m ove by pushing, 0.22).
0.14); dam age (to im pair the value of, B U D G E T (5) budget (to estimate expen­
0.11). ditures and incom e, 1.00); budget (to
BRUSH (17) brush (to cleanse by brush­ estimate time or rations or distance, etc.,
ing, 1.00); brush (to touch lightly, 1.00); 1.00); p rog ram (to schedule, 0.60);
rub (to apply by rubbing, 0.92); skim appropriate (to provide money, 0.20);
estim ate (to calculate probable costs, ' out (12) bum p (to collide with, 1.00);
0.15). butt (to strike with the head, 0.86); ram
B U F F to polish (2) b u ff (1.00); shine (to (to strike head-on, 0.75); hit (to strike
cause to shine, usually by polishing, 0.71); crash (to have a collision, 0.55);
0.11). ja r (to cause to trem ble, 0.53); hurtle
B U F F E T (8) buffet (1.00); toss (to m ove (0 .5 0 ); n u d g e (0 .5 0 ); hit (to bump
up and down, 0.86); butt (to strike w ith against, 0.43); beat (to thrash, 0.39);
the head, 0.57); beat (to thrash, 0.50); jounce (0.25); plop (0.25).
hurt (to cause pain, 0.28); blow (to cany B U M P to cry (about the bittern) (1) bump
on the w ind, 0.17); hit (to strike, 0.10); (to m ake a bum ping sound, 1.00).
beat (to pulsate, 0.03). B U N C H to bulge; to protrude (4) huddle
B U G (2) bug (to annoy, 1.00); bug (to (0.73); concentrate (to bring or come
install hidden m icrophones, 1.00). together, 0.34); hunch (0.33); pile (to
B U IL D (11) build (to construct, 1.00); place one upon another, 0.25).
b u ild (to in c re ase , 1.00); b u ild (to B U N D L E (2) dismiss (to send away, 0.34);
found, 1.00); establish (to w ork or set­ truss (to bind, 0.25).
tle in a perm anent place, 0.87); increase B U N G L E (8) bungle (1.00); botch (0.96);
(to add to, 0.71); form (to give shape to m ism anage (0.86); fault (to fail, 0.75);
a thing, 0.61); create (to m ake, 0.54); m u d d le (to confuse; said o f affairs,
organize (to form an organization, 0.54); 0.59); fum ble (0.50); m istake (0.17);
include (to place into or am ong, 0.50); disappoint (0.04).
p ro d u c e (to m ak e, 0.5 0 ); grow (to B U N T to strike; to knock (3) bunt (to
becom e larger, 0.48). butt, 1.00); throw (to hurl, 0.80); throw
B U L G E (5) bulge (1.00); swell (0.50); ju t (to send forth, 0.42).
(0.33); project (to thrust out, 0.33); rise B U O Y (2) buoy (1.00); support (to up­
(to sw ell; said u su a lly o f dough or hold, 0.53).
batter, 0.25). B U R B L E (3) m u n n u r (to m ake a low
B U L K (1) loom (to appear large or im ­ continuous sound, 0.58); plash (0.50);
posing, 0.72). boil (to seethe, 0.14).
B U L L D O Z E (2) level (to straighten, 0.50); B U R D E N (9) burden (1.00); hinder (0.89);
bluster (0.06). encum ber (0.75); load (to place a load,
B U L L Y (9) boast (to brag, 0.80); b row ­ 0.68); force (to use force, 0.41); glut (to
beat (0.75); henpeck (0.75); threaten (to ov ersu p p ly , 0 .41); ch arg e (to load,
w arn o f p u n ish m en t, 0.36); b lu ster 0.25); w eigh (to have w eight, 0.13);
(0.35); dare (to defy, 0.27); snarl (0.27); w eary (to m ake weary, 0.12).
discourage (to dishearten, 0.18); goad B U R G E O N (4) thrive (to grow vigor­
(0.15). ously, 0.82); bloom (0.63); grow (to
B U L W A R K (1) in tre n ch (to p rep a re becom e larger, 0.41); sprout (0.20).
trenches, 0.67). B U R G L A R IZ E (2) rob (0.85); steal (0.18).
B U M to hum loudly (1) hum (0.33). B U R K E (1) suppress (0.55).
B U M P to rise in protuberance; to bulge B U R LE SQ U E (7) parody (0.81); mimic (to
mock, 0.67); act (to take part in a play, 0.33); blanket (0.25).
0.50); m ock (to m im ic, 0.50); ridicule B U S H (2) interline (to put in an interlin­
(0.35); sneer (0.34); model (to imitate a ing, 0.36); line (to provide a lining, 0.27).
model, 0.08). B U S T L E (6) bustle (1.00); hasten (to
BURN (14) bum (to oxidize, 1.00); bum m ake haste, 0.80); race (to move at great
(to subject to fire, 1.00); bite (to cut or speed, 0.77); hurry (to act hastily, 0.71);
corrode, 0.94); dam age (to im pair the hurry (to m ove rapidly, 0.33); m ove (to
value of, 0.91); sm oke (to give o ff be in motion, 0.18).
smoke, 0.88); singe (0.75); p lunder BU SY (2) engross (to occupy on e’s time,
(0.67); engrave (to prepare a plate for 0.50); occu p y (to absorb attention,
printing, 0.63); hurt (to cause pain, 0.07).
0.53); operate (to be in operation, 0.45); B U T C H E R (9) butcher (to slaughter for
w eather (to expose to the w eather, consum ption, 1.00); butcher (to kill in­
0.38); fire (to set on fire, 0.33); sm art humanly, 1.00); kill (to deprive o f life,
(0.33); flare (to flash, 0.25). 0.86); d estro y (to bring to nothing,
B U R N ISH (9) burnish (1.00); p olish 0.85); destroy (to kill, 0.50); defeat (to
(0.75); decorate (0.68); brighten (to w orst in war, 0.42); slay (0.40); mangle
make brighter, 0.50); buff(0.50); smooth (to m u tilate, 0.32); m u rd er (to kill
(to rem ove unevenness, 0.46); shine unlawfully, 0.25).
(to c a u s e to s h in e , u s u a lly b y B U T T to strike; to thrust; to shove (8)
polishing, 0.44); rub (to subject to fric­ butt (to strike w ith the head, 1.00);
tion, 0.36); glaze (0.18). throw (to hurl, 0.87); push (to press
BURROW (4) m ine (to dig for m inerals, against, 0.79); hit (to bum p against,
0.75); hide (to keep oneself concealed, 0.71); throw (to send forth, 0.50); drive
0.56); grab (0.50); dig (to stir the earth, (to force w ith blow s, 0.47); crash (to
0.24). have a collision, 0.45); slide (to cause
BURST (16) burst (to explode, 1.00); burst to slide, 0.33).
(to break, 1.00); burst (to puncture, B U T T to fix the limits o f (2) butt (to abut,
1.00); break (to start a rupture, 0.95); 1.00); join (to adjoin, 0.67).
force (to break open, 0.80); sm ash B U T T O N (2) button (1.00); close (to put
(0.80); backfire (to explode, 0.75); split a stopper into, 0.08).
(0.75); break (to fall apart, 0.63); sound B U T T O N H O L E (1) approach (to ap­
(to make a noise, 0.51); break (to blow proach personally, 0.29).
up, 0.50); crack (to becom e cracked, B U T T R E S S (9) buttress (1.00); support
0.50); flare (to erupt, 0.50); rupture (to hold up from beneath, 0.79); hold
(0.25); shatter (0.25); spurt (0.25). (to support; often used w ith up, 0.73);
BURY (9) bury (to inter, 1.00);bury (to rein fo rce (0.67); stren g th en (0.65);
cover, 1.00); bury (to defeat, 1.00); bury uphold (to hold up, 0.50); thicken (to
(to occupy, 1.00);bury (to embed, 1.00); m ake thicker, 0.38); supplement (0.31);
hide (to conceal, 0.71); im m erse (to put fortify (to strengthen against attack,
under water, 0.64); em bed (to put in, 0.25).
BU Y (3) buy (to acquire by purchase, less penetrable, 0.41); stiff (to grow
1.00); buy (to bribe, 1.00); bribe (0.17). stiff, 0.25).
B U Z Z (6) buzz (1.00); hum (0.93); sing C A L C IM IN E (I) w hitew ash (to cover
(to p ro d u c e a so u n d su g g e stiv e o f with a lim e-wash, 0.40).
singing, 0.75); sound (to m ake a noise, C A L C IN E (1) heat (to make hot, 0.83).
0.69); drone (to m ake a continuous C A L C U L A T E (17) calculate (to reckon,
sound, 0.33); ring (to cause to sound, 1.00); calcu late (to estim ate, 1.00);
0.18). estim ate (to calculate probable costs,
BYPASS (1) outflank (0.75). 0.85); ap p ra ise (to estim ate, 0.75);
program (to w ork out a sequence to be
C perform ed, 0.75); score (to compute the
C A B L E (7) send (to broadcast, usually score, 0.75); forecast (to predict, 0.69);
electronically, 0.60); com m unicate (to num ber (0.67); reckon (0.63); rate (to
impart information, 0.47); broadcast (to rank, 0.50); add (to bring together,
transm it electronically, 0.46); report (to usually by m athem atics, 0.44); balance
deliver information, 0.44); knit (to form (to dem onstrate balance, 0.41); total (to
by knitting, 0.29); com m unicate (to be add, 0.33); budget (to estim ate time or
in com m unication, 0.21); notify (to rations or distance, etc., 0.25); gauge
provide with inform ation, 0.12). ( 0 .2 0 ) ; m u ltip ly (to em ploy
C A C H E (8) cache (1.00); accum ulate (to m u ltip lic a tio n as an arith m etica l
amass, 0.77); entomb (to conceal, 0.75); process, 0.11); guess (to attem pt an
store (0.73); m aintain (to keep ready for answ er on inadequate evidence, 0.06).
use, 0.63); keep (to store, 0.50); hide C A L E F Y (1) heat (to make hot, 0.80).
(to conceal, 0.45); save (to hoard, 0.14). C A L E N D A R (1) list (to enter in a list,
C A C H IN N A T E (1) laugh (0.41). 0.31).
C A C K L E (7) cackle (1.00); squawk (0.75); C A L IB R A T E (5) gauge (0.40); gage
sound (to m ake a noise, 0.26); chortle (0.25); scale (to m easure, 0.25); meas­
(0.25); crow (to make a crow ing sound, ure (to apply a standard o f measure­
0.25); gobble (to m ake a sound like a m ent, 0.14); adjust (to place or regulate
turkey, 0.25); cry (to call (not o f hum an parts, 0.12).
creatures), 0.08). C A L K to provide a shoe w ith a calk (2)
C A G E (5) muzzle (to fasten a muzzle upon, close (to put a stopper into, 0.62); re­
0 .8 8 ); co n fin e (to im p riso n , 0.67); pair (0.19).
encage (0.67); im prison (0.15); hinder C A L L (27) call (to raise the voice, 1.00);
(0.06). c a ll (to b rin g a b o d y o f people
C A J O L E (7) cajole (1.00); coax (0.50); together, 1.00);call (to address, 1.00);
praise (to com m end, 0.43); w heedle call (to invite, 1.00);call (to demand,
(0.25); persuade (to influence, 0.22); 1.00);call (to estim ate, 1.00); call (to
influence (0.17); com plim ent (to flatter, in v o k e , 1 .0 0 ); c a ll (to arouse,
0.16). 1.00);name (to give a name, 0.94); wake
C A K E (3) cake (1.00); harden (to become (to w aken another, 0.88); assem ble (to
bring together, 0.87); telephone (0.80); m ay (to grant perm ission, 0.50).
cite (to summon, 0.75); cluck (0.75); en­ CA N to preserve (4) can (to preserve,
title (to nam e, 0.75); nom inate (0.67); 1.00); preserve (to keep, 0.96); com
awaken (to arouse another, 0.60); w ave (0.75); pickle (0.25).
(to give an alte rn a tin g m o v e m en t, C A N C E L (14) cancel (to mark out, 1.00);
0.57); bellow (0.50); dial (to telephone, cancel (to annul, 1.00); eliminate (to re­
0.50); command (to issue an order, 0.45); move, 0.83); recant (0.78); kill (to veto,
dub (to entitle, 0.25); ejaculate (0.25); 0.75); forbid (0.68); discharge (to annul,
neigh (0.25); subp o en a (0.25); yell 0.67); dispel (to drive off, 0.67); refute
(0.13); describe (0.11). (0.59); liquidate (to abolish, 0.50); abol­
C A L L IG R A P H (1) print (to sim ulate ish (0.43); balance (to place in balance,
printing, 0.33). 0.39); omit (to fail to include, 0.25); dis­
CALLOUS (2) coarsen (0.50); harden (to card (0.20).
make less pervious, 0.26). C A N D Y (2) harden (to m ake less pervi­
CALM (14) calm (1.00); quiet (to m ake ous, 0.17); stiff (to grow stiff, 0.13).
calm, 0.96); com fort (to m ake easy C A N E to beat w ith a cane (4) lash (to
physically, 0.78); settle (to quiet, 0.75); whip, 0.75); beat (to thrash, 0.57); back
tranquilize (0.75); soothe (0.73); becalm (to equip w ith a back, 0.50); hurt (to
(0.50); ease (to comfort, 0.50); lull (0.50); cause pain, 0.11).
quell (to allay, 0.50); cool (to becom e CA N N O N A D E (1) roll (to produce a rela­
cool, 0.29); mollify (to quiet one who is tively deep, continuous sound, 0.50).
angry, 0.25); ease (to lessen pressure C A N O N IZ E (6) canonize (1.00); bless (to
or tension, 0.17); lick (to p ass the dedicate to G od, 0.89); im m ortalize
tongue over, 0.12). (0.50); love (to be passionately de­
CA LO RIFY (1) heat (to m ake hot, 0.75). voted, 0.33); idolize (0.25); worship (to
CALUMNIATE (5) scandalize (0.96); slan­ perform acts o f worship, 0.06).
der (0.90); depreciate (to lower in repu­ C A N T to give a slant edge (1) lean (to
tation, 0.63); dam age (to slander, 0.50); incline, 0.13).
upbraid (0.07). C A N T E R (5) canter (1.00); trot (0.57); run
CALVE (1) produce (to bear, 0.24). (to go sw iftly by physical effort, 0.55);
CAM BER (2) arch (0.69); bend (to force pace (to stride, 0.50); gallop (0.27).
out o f a straight line, 0.62). CA N V ASS (8) canvass (to seek votes,
C A M O U FLA G E (5) camouflage (1.00); 1.00);canvass (to sell from door to door,
hide (to conceal, 0.90); disguise (0.82); 1.00); ca n v a ss (to p ass ra p id ly in
cover (to hide, 0.50); dissem ble (to dis­ review, 1.00); electioneer (0.67); discuss
guise, 0.25). (0.55); exam ine (to inspect with care,
CAMP to live or rem ain in a cam p (1) 0.43); cam paign (to solicit votes, 0.30);
camp (1.00). beg (to ask earnestly or importunately,
CAM PAIGN (2) cam paign (to solicit 0.05).
votes, 1.00); cam paign (to fight, 1.00). C A P (1) achieve (to finish an undertak­
CAN to be able (2) can (to be able, 1.00); ing, 0.68).
CA PA C ITA TE (1) enable (0.09). satisfy (to m ake content, 0.41); bewitcl:
C A P A R IS O N (1) clothe (0.57). (to fascinate, 0.25); catch (to bring intc
C A P E R (7) caper (1.00); frolic (0.75); skip captivity, 0.25); hijack (0.25); fascinate
(0.75); cavort (0.50); gam bol (0.50); (0.06); ravage (0.06).
dance (to m ove in a gay m anner, 0.45); C A R B O N IZ E (1) heat (to make hot, 0.65),
play (to gam bol, 0.09). C A R D to prepare wool for spinning (1)
C A P IT U L A T E (7) capitulate (1.00); yield comb (0.07).
(to s u r r e n d e r , 0 .9 2 ); s u b m it (to C A R E (2) care (to be careful, 1.00); care
surre$der, 0.75); surrender (to accept (to be concerned, 1.00).
defeat, 0.67); resign (to relinquish, 0.33); C A R E E N (8) careen (1.00); totter (to be
b o w (to su b m it, 0 .2 0 ); fa ll (to be near falling, 0.77); glance (to ricochet,
overthrown, 0.11). 0 .5 8 ); b en d (to be fo rced out of a
C A P O N IZ E (1) castrate (0.23). straight line, 0.57); lean (to incline, 0.43);
C A P S IZ E (8) capsize (1.00); w reck (to hasten (to m ake haste, 0.37); dance (to
shipw reck, 0.80); unbalance (to upset, m ove in a gay manner, 0.10); reel (0.10),
0.75); turn (to reverse, 0.63); raze (0.52); C A R E S S (11) caress (1.00); lick (to pass
overbalance (to upset, 0.50); upset (to the tongue over, 0.82); feel (to examine
turn over, 0.23); subvert (0.14). by touch, 0.78); coddle (to pamper,
C A PT IV A T E (19) captivate (1.00); fasci­ 0.75); nuzzle (0.75); tickle (to stimulate
nate (0.94); charm (to bew itch, 0.83); by a light touch, 0.67); baby (0.63);
capture (to seize figuratively, 0.75); m assage (0.50); cherish (to hold dear,
enchain (to attract, 0.75); enthrall (to 0.42); touch (to be in contact, 0.27);
charm, 0.75); ingratiate (0.75); transfix w oo (to m ake love to, 0.13).
(to fascinate, 0.75); ravish (to charm , C A R IC A T U R E (9) caricature (1.00); lam­
0.64); entertain (to keep others amused, poon (0.50); parody (0.50); m im ic (to
0.61); tem pt (0.55); engage (to engross, mock, 0.33); sneer (0.31); draw (to make
0.50); engross (to occupy o n e’s m ind, a likeness by draw ing, 0.30); ridicule
0 .5 0 ); h y p n o tiz e (to ch a rm , 0 .5 0 ); (0.30); m ock (to mimic, 0.25); model (to
infatuate (0.50); seduce (0.43); appeal imitate a model, 0.25).
(to attract, 0.31); sa tisfy (to m ak e C A R O L (4) sing (to produce vocal mu­
content, 0.28); entrance (to enchant, sic, 0.82); w histle (to produce a tune
0.25). by w histling, 0.29); chant (0.25); yodel
C A P T U R E (18) capture (to take into legal (0.25).
custody, 1.00); capture (to seize w ith C A R O M (2) bounce (to rebound, 0.81);
arm ed force, 1.00); capture (to seize glance (to ricochet, 0.75).
figuratively, 1.00); capture (to win, 1.00); C A R O U S E (4) carouse (1.00); celebrate
seize (to take by force, 0.97); obtain (to (to indulge in celebration, 0.67); play
gain possession, 0.88); arrest (to seize (to am use oneself, 0.50); revel (to play,
legally, 0.83); get (to catch, 0.75); kidnap 0.50).
(0.73); take (to catch, 0.67); succeed (to C A R P (3) carp ( 1 .0 0 );c o m p la in (to
attain success, 0.60); enslave (0.45); express an objection, 0.21); bother (to
be disturbing, 0.18). C A SE to enclose in a case (1) crate (0.25).
C A R P E N T E R (1) build (to construct, C A S H to give or obtain cash (1) cash
0 .68). (1.00).
CA RPET (3) carpet (1.00); cover (to place C A S H IE R (1) cashier (1.00).
as a covering, 0.86); redecorate (0.06). C A S T (25) cast (to throw, 1.00);cast (to
C A R R Y (2 1 ) c a rry (to tr a n s p o r t, fo rm in a m o u ld , 1 .0 0 ); c a st (to
1.00);carry (to transm it, 1.00);carry (to com pute, 1.00); cast (to select actors
support w eight, 1.00);carry (to give for a play, 1.00); shed (0.82); hurl (0.75);
support, 1.00);carry (to capture, 1.00); spread (to distribute, 0.75); choose (to
cany (to win, 1.00); com m unicate (to select, 0.67); calculate (to reckon, 0.63);
impart information, 0.97); hold (to have form (to give shape to a thing, 0.59);
in o ne’s grasp, 0.86); w ear (to use as m anufacture (to m ake a product, 0.59);
clothing or personal ornam ent, 0.80); cut (to shape, 0.50); delegate (to give
lug (0.75); support (to uphold, 0.69); authority to another, 0.50); shape (to
underlie (0.67); seize (to take by force, give shape, 0.50); skin (0.50); m int (to
0.56); capture (to win, 0.50); draw (to print or press m oney, 0.44); unload
move an object, 0.50); hold (to contain, (0.42); assign (to delegate to a specific
0.50); pass (to becom e enacted, 0.50); purpose, 0.41); dart (to m ove in the
truck (to send by truck, 0.25); include m anner o f a dart, 0.41); build (to con­
(to contain, 0.14); support (to hold up struct, 0.39); com pose (to prepare for
from beneath, 0.14); charge (to enter a printing, 0.33); dash (to throw, 0.25);
charge account, 0.13). heave (to throw, 0.25); toss (to throw
CART (3) carry (to transport, 0.80); truck easily, 0.25); throw (to hurl, 0.07).
(to send by truck, 0.38); deliver (to C A S T IG A T E (10) castigate (1.00); beat
carry, 0.20). (to thrash, 0.91); punish (0.89); chas­
CARTEL (1) monopolize (0.20). ten (to punish, 0.79); upbraid (0.71);
CARTELIZE (1) monopolize (0.33). flay (to criticize, 0.50); scourge (to
C A R T O O N (2) copy (to rep ro d u ce , punish, 0.50); denounce (0.41); penal­
0.72); ridicule (0.09). ize (0.25); censure (0.08).
CARVE (11) carve (to form by cutting, C A S T L E (1) exchange (to replace one
1.00); carve (to cut, 1.00); chisel (to thing w ith another, 0.25).
work with a chisel, 0.75); whittle (to cut, C A S T R A T E (3) castrate (1.00); weaken
0.71); divide (to separate by parting, (to make weaker, 0.55); maim (0.36).
0.69); m anufacture (to m ake a product, C A T A L O G U E (11) catalogue (1.00); list
0.68); form (to give shape to a thing, (to en ter in a list, 0.91); enroll (to
0.55); disjoint (0.33); contour (0.25); prepare a roll, 0.78); detail (to make clear
mangle (to m utilate, 0.18); build (to in detail, 0.62); record (to w rite down,
construct, 0.07). 0.60); file (to arrange in order, 0.58);
CASCADE (2) overflow (to flow over the identify (0.50); classify (0.42); tabulate
top, or out at a vent, 0.75); flow (to issue (0.27); schedule (0.25); inventory (0.18).
forth, 0.38). C A T C H (30) catch (to seize hold of,
1.00);catch (to brin g into captivity, fluid, 0.13).
1.00); catch (to com e to from behind,C A U L K (1) bar (to raise a physical ob­
1.00); catch (to co n tra ct a disease, struction, 0.20).
1.00); catch (to trick, 1.00); catch (to C A U S E (9) cause (to bring about, 1.00);
reach in tim e to board, 1.00); seize (to cause (to be the cause, 1.00); begin (to
grasp, 0.90); hit (to fire in tim e; said o f initiate, 0.94); create (to m ake, 0.65);
an internal com bustion m otor, 0.88); effect (to bring about, 0.50); leaven (to
lodge (to becom e fixed, 0.83); entrap influence, 0.50); make (to create, 0.50);
(0.75); pass (to m ove past, 0.75); snap engender (0.25); m otivate (0.06).
(0.75); hear (to receive inform ation C A U T E R IZ E (6) cauterize (1.00); clean
orally, 0.73); tackle (0.70); hear (to (0.63); dress (to give medical treatment,
perceive by ear, 0.56); baste (to sew 0.33); heat (to m ake hot, 0.33); bum (to
te m p o r a r ily , 0 .5 0 ); f o llo w (to subject to fire, 0.32); sear (to dry by
understand, 0.50); grapple (to fasten, searing, 0.25). j
0.50); hook (to catch on a hook, 0.50); C A U T IO N (7) caution (1.00); remind (to
intercept (0.50); overhear (0.50); under­ call th e attention o f another, 0.86);
stand (to com prehend, 0.41); entangle threaten (to warn o f punishm ent, 0.79);
(0.38); discover (to find, 0.35); detect deter (0.75); exhort (0.75); notify (to
(to identify a crim inal, 0.25); arrest (to w arn, 0.75); advise (to give counsel,
seize legally, 0.17); reflect (to throw 0.34).
back , 0.11); hold (to h av e in o n e ’s C A V IL (7) cavil (1.00); com plain (to ex­
grasp, 0.10); fasten (to m ake som ething press an objection, 0.74); scold (0.56);
secure, 0.09); describe (0.04). evade (to use trickery to avoid a sharp
C A T E C H IZ E (11) catechize (to instruct issue, 0.50); reproach (0.25); subtilize
sy stem atically , 1.00); ca te ch iz e (to (0.25); censure (0.18).
question, 1.00); im pregnate (to infuse, C A V O RT (5) cavort (1.00); prance (0.75);
0.75); exam ine (to test, 0.73); ask (to play (to gam bol, 0.73); dance (to move
inquire, 0.64); question (to ask, 0.36); in a gay manner, 0.35); caper (0.25).
grill (to question closely, 0.33); instill CAW (4) croak (to give a hoarse call, 0.75);
(0.31); brainw ash (0.25); enlighten (to crow (to m ake a crow ing sound, 0.50);
bring supposed spiritual truth, 0.14); cry (to call (not o f hum an creatures),
hunt (to try to find, 0.06). 0.29); sound (to m ake a noise, 0.05).
C A T E G O R IZ E (5) classify (0.84); distrib C E A SE (18) cease (1.00); disappear (0.88);
ute (to classify, 0.75); type (to classify, abandon (to relinquish, 0.85); conclude
0.75); file (to arrange in order, 0.67); (to com e to an end, 0.75); decease
tabulate (0.07). (0.75); desist (0.75); finish (to come to
C A T E R (2) cater (1.00); provide (to sup­ an end, 0.75); forbear (0.75); refrain
ply, 0.19). (0.75); pause (0.60); end (to com e to an
C A T E R W A U L (2) caterw aul (1.00); cry end, 0.50); interm it (0.50); lapse (to
(to weep, 0.05). becom e void, 0.50); term inate (to come
C A T H E T E R IZ E (1) drain (to w ithdraw to an e n d , 0 .5 0 ); a b s ta in (0.28);
discontinue (0.25); succum b (to die, gether, 0.12).
0.25); rest (to be still, 0.17). C E R E M O N IA L IZ E (1) celebrate (to rec­
CEDE (4) grant (to permit, 0.50); yield (to ognize an occasion, 0.06).
surrender, 0.46); abandon (to re lin ­ C E R T IF Y (8) certify (to give assurance,
quish, 0.26); give (to transfer, 0.22). 1.00); certify (to state formally, 1.00);
C E L E B R A T E (14) celebrate (to recog­ acknow ledge (to recognize the author­
nize an occasion, 1.00); celebrate (to ity of, 0.80); prove (0.52); graduate (to
honour, 1.00); celebrate (to indulge in give a degree, 0.50); allow (to permit an
celebration, 1.00); toast (to honour by action, 0.44); testify (to bare witness,
drinking liquor, 0.83); recom m end (to 0.44); declare (to speak form ally and
lend support or approval, 0.76); w or­ emphatically, 0.05).
ship (to perform acts o f worship, 0.53); C H A F E (20) chafe (to rub, 1.00); chafe
lionize (0.50); rom p (0.50); distinguish (to annoy, 1.00); w orry (to indulge in
(to bestow honour upon, 0.33); acclaim worry, 0.80); fret (to rub painfully, 0.75);
(0.25); rollick (0.25); praise (to com ­ irritate (to inflam e, 0.71); chap (0.67);
mend, 0.19); advertise (to m ake public, yearn (0.67); hurt (to cause pain, 0.62);
0.18); com plim ent (to congratulate, inflam e (to cause physical soreness,
0.07). 0.57); cook (0.56); excoriate (to remove
CEM EN T (10) cem ent (1.00); fasten (to strips o f skin, bark, 0.50); fret (to suffer
join two or m ore things, 0.75); tem per annoyance, 0.50); heat (to m ake hot,
(to toughen or harden, 0.53); stiffen (to 0.48); rankle (0.43); anger (to arouse
cause to becom e stiff, 0.47); harden (to som eone to anger, 0.42); mope (0.25);
make less pervious, 0.43); fasten (to fidget (0.18); excite (to stir one mentally,
make som ething secure, 0.33); jo in (to 0.09); rub (to subject to friction, 0.09);
unite, 0.31); glue (0.25); plaster (0.25); rage (to give vent to anger, 0.05).
solder (0.25). C H A F F to banter; to rail (1) ridicule (0.61).
CEN SO R (3) edit (to prepare for publi­ C H A G R IN (5) embarrass (to upset m en­
cation, 0.50); forbid (0.46); disallow tally, 0.70); bother (to give trouble,
(0.25). 0.68); disappoint (0.59); displease (to
CEN SURE (7) censure (1.00); accuse leave a person dissatisfied, 0.25); hu­
(0.94); tax (to accuse, 0.80); scold (0.74); miliate (0.25).
remonstrate (0.60); charge (to accuse, C H A IN (9) chain (to bind, 1.00); chain
0.50); upbraid (0.38). (to fasten, 1.00); bind (to constrain with
CENSUS (1) list (to enter in a list, 0.19). bonds, 0.79); close (to com e together,
CENTRALIZE (5) centralize (1.00); centre 0.60); enslave (0.35); fetter (to bind,
(0.88); concentrate (to bring or com e 0.33); restrict (to hold w ithin limits,
together, 0.68); consolidate (to cause 0.32); hitch (to harness, 0.25); shackle
to unite, 0.48); m erge (0.31). (0.25).
CEN TRE (3) centre (1.00); concentrate C H A L K (2) colour (to im part colour to,
(to em ploy all o n e ’s m ental pow ers, 0.91); m ark (to make a mark, 0.68).
0.13); concentrate (to bring or com e to­ C H A L L E N G E (16) challenge (to invite
to a c o n te s t, 1.0 0 ); c h a lle n g e (to C H A N N E L (3) channel (1.00); dig (to stir
question, 1.00); challenge (to claim , the earth, 0.59); influence (0.34).
1.00); dare (to defy, 0.93); accuse C H A N T (5) chant (1.00); sing (to pro­
(0.84); fight (to engage in an encounter, duce vocal m usic, 0.91); recite (to re­
0.80); emulate (0.75); interpellate (0.75); late in d etail, 0 .73); in to n e (0.25);
face (to confront conflict or trouble, w orship (to perform acts o f worship,
0 .7 2 ); im p u g n (0 .5 0 ); re q u ire (to 0.18).
dem and, 0.30); question (to ask, 0.29); C H A P (1) chap (1.00).
dem ur (0.25); m ock (to dare, 0.25); ask C H A P E R O N (6) lead (to conduct, 0.47);
(to inquire, 0.14); doubt (to entertain attend (to go w ith, 0.25); support (to
doubt, 0.07). provide for, 0.22); guard (to watch over,
C H A M P (4) chew (0.87); gnaw (0.50); 0 .2 0 ); e n te rta in (to act as h o st or
graze (to pasture, 0.31); bite (to seize hostess, 0.12); accom pany (to go with,
or sever w ith teeth, 0.28). 0.08).
C H A M P IO N (3) d efen d (to p ro v id e C H A R to reduce by burning (4) char
general protection, 0.63); prom ote (to (1.00); scald (0.75); heat (to m ake hot,
further, 0.63); support (to uphold, 0.44). 0.55); burn (to subject to fire, 0.36).
C H A N C E (6) chance (to happen, 1.00); C H A R A C T E R IZ E (11) characterize (to
chance (to take a chance, 1.00); guess describe, 1.00); characterize (to distin­
(to m ake a choice, alm ost at hazard, guish, 1.00); describe (0.93); m ark (to
0.83); play (to gam ble, 0.75); happen distinguish, 0.75); define (to provide a
(to be by chance, 0.67); bet (0.14). nam e or description , 0.71); designate
C H A N G E (24) change (to m ake different, (to specify, 0.70); narrate (0.60); distin­
1.00);change (to put in place o f an­ g u ish (to m ak e d istin ctio n s, 0.56);
other, 1.00);change (to change cloth­ portray (to represent, 0.50); accompany
ing, 1.00); change (to becom e differ­ (to occur w ith, 0.20); nam e (to give a
ent, 1.00); lobby (0.81); turn (to re­ name, 0.13).
verse, 0.81); invert (to reverse, 0.75); C H A R A D E (1) pantomime (0.40).
leav en (to influence, 0.75); red ress C H A R G E (46) charge (to ask a price,
(0.75); influence (0.74); cash (0.67); 1.00);charge (to enter a charge account,
sh u ffle (to m ix cards, 0.67); rev ise 1.00); charge (to attack, 1.00);charge (to
(0.60); com m ute (to exchange recipro­ accuse, 1.00); charge (to load, 1.00);
cally for som ething else, 0.50); m ean­ charge (to com m and, 1.00); charge (to
der (to turn, 0.50); rehabilitate (0.50); take charge of, 1.00); urge (to induce,
substitute (to exchange, 0.50); convince 0.97); com mand (to issue an order, 0.93);
(0.36); exchange (to replace one thing accuse (0.91); denounce (0.91); excite
w ith another, 0.35); rem ed y (0.28); (to activate, 0.91); im peach (0.87);
liquidate (to change into m oney, 0.25); electrify (to provide electricity, 0.85);
differ (to be unlike, 0.20); carry (to co m m issio n (0.83); b lam e (to hold
transport, 0.16); lighten (to make lighter, responsible for, 0.75); call (to demand,
0.06). 0.75); dem and (to ask, 0.75); tilt (to
encounter, 0.75); com plain (to express organize, 0.50); hire (to let, 0.33); lease
an objection, 0.71); indict (0.67); commit (0.33); take (to rent, 0.25).
(to entrust, 0.64); raid (0.61); tax (to C H A S E to pursue for catching (9) chase
accuse, 0.60); arraign (0.50); assess (to (1.00); redeem (to recover through a
tax, 0.50); block (in sports, to im pede a payment, 0.94); drive (to cause to move,
play, 0.50); book (0.50); confide (to 0.93); race (to m ove at great speed,
commit to the charge, 0.50); fault (to 0.84); follow (to hunt, 0.75); hunt (to
censure, 0.50); im plicate (to involve, p u rsu e w ith in ten t to kill, 0.52);
0.50); ask (to inquire, 0.32); advise (to dism iss (to send away, 0.38); stalk
give counsel, 0.31); assign (to delegate (0.33); act (to perform an action, 0.06).
to a specific purpose, 0.30); com m and C H A S E to engrave (2) engrave (to pre­
(to have control, 0.26); designate (to pare a plate for printing, 0.50); decorate
appoint, 0.25); direct (to com m and, (0.37).
0.25); incriminate (0.25); value (to set a C H A S T E N (9) chasten (to punish, 1.00);
price upon, 0.21); bait (to provide with chasten (to purify, 1.00); hum iliate
a lure, 0.20); rally (to return to the attack, (0.92); punish (0.91); hum ble (0.88);
0.20); a tta c k (to fig h t o ffe n siv e ly purify (0.88); scold (0.85); penalize
(army), 0.19); quarrel (0.18); fill (to pour (0.50); thrash (0.25).
to the capacity o f the container, 0.15); C H A S T IS E (12) chastise (1.00); punish
summon (to call, 0.11); force (to use (0.86); chasten (to punish, 0.83); casti­
force, 0.09). gate (0.75); criticize (to m ake adverse
CH A RM (17) charm (to bew itch, 1.00); com m ents, 0.75); discipline (to punish,
charm (to entertain, 1.00); fascinate 0.75); scourge (to punish, 0.75); up­
(0.98); enchant (to put under a spell, braid (0.69); disapprove (to condemn,
0.75); entrance (to enchant, 0.75); take 0.50); spank (0.50); hurt (to cause pain,
(to captivate, 0.75); entertain (to keep 0.33); censure (0.29).
others am used, 0.65); entertain (to act C H A T (7) chat (1.00); talk (to converse,
as host or hostess, 0.59); tem pt (0.59); 0.85); gossip (0.75); babble (0-.57); chat­
captivate (0.50); m agnetize (0.50); woo ter (0.50); com m unicate (to be in com ­
(to make love to, 0.50); com plim ent (to munication, 0.50); speak (to com m uni­
flatter, 0.47); attract (to allure, 0.25); cate, 0.25).
capture (to seize figuratively, 0.25); C H A T T E R (15) chatter (1.00); blabber
infatuate (0.25); ingratiate (0.25). (0.75); gossip (0.67); ram ble (to speak
CHART (5) chart (1.00); plan (to arrange or w rite aimlessly, 0.65); talk (to con­
in a prelim inary way, 0.69); sketch (to verse, 0.60); cry (to call (not o f human
plan, 0.50); map (0.25); draw (to make a creatures), 0.53); babble (0.52); patter
likeness by draw ing, 0.13). (0.50); sound (to m ake a noise, 0.43);
C H A R TER (8) charter (to license, 1.00); tattle (0.33); chat (0.25); gab (0.25);
charter (to hire, 1.00); rent (to obtain gabble (0.25); prattle (0.25); yap (0.25).
use by paym ent, 0.67); approve (to give C H E A P E N (5) cheapen (1.00); popular­
a p p ro v a l, 0 .5 2 ); in c o r p o r a te (to ize (0.60); dam age (to im pair the value
of, 0.54); adulterate (0.34); buy (to im pede a play, 0.25); canvass (to pass
acquire by purchase, 0.25). rapidly in review, 0.25); forbid (0.25);
C H E A T (19) cheat (1.00); mislead (0.91); quell (to allay, 0.25); repress (0.25);
victim ize (0.83); sim ulate (0.81); con exam ine (to test, 0.18); slow (to cause
( 0 .7 5 ) ; g y p ( 0 .7 5 ) ; ro b ( 0 .6 5 ) ; to becom e slower, 0.15); suspend (to
o v e rc h a rg e (0 .6 0 ); c o u n te rfe it (to cease temporarily, 0.10).
p retend, 0.50); ensnare (to deceive, C H E C K M A T E (4) checkm ate (1.00);
0.50); hoodw ink (0.50); overreach (to hinder (0.68); check (to bring under
outwit, 0.50); shirk (0.50); steal (0.44); control, 0.64); defeat (to get the better
p re te n d (to feig n , 0.3 8 ); m a n eu v e r o f another, 0.34).
(0.29); sneak (0.27); defraud (0.25); rook C H E E P (4) cheep (1.00); peep (to make a
(0.25). peeping sound, 0.75); tw itter (0.29);
C H E C K to strike; to fine; to control (50) chirp (0.27).
check (to slacken the pace, 1.00);check C H E E R (27) cheer (to hearten, 1.00); cheer
(to bring under control, 1.00); check (to (to support with cheers, 1.00); entertain
determ ine accuracy, 1.00); check (to (to keep others am used, 0.94); revive
halt, 1.00); check (to m ark, 1.00); halt (to h ea rten , 0.94); satisfy (to make
(to cause to cease, 0.99); hinder (0.97); content, 0.94); praise (to commend,
decrease (to m ake less, 0.96); restrain 0.86); encourage (to raise the spirits,
(to hold in check, 0.96); dam (0.87); 0.80); clap (to applaud, 0.75); enliven
reb u ff (to reject, 0.86); gauge (0.80); (0.75); hail (to salute, 0.75); solace
bridle (0.75); discourage (to restrain, (0 .7 5 ); co m fo rt (to co n so le, 0.72);
0.75); gage (0.75); m oderate (to m ake applaud (0.67); console (0.67); fortify
less, 0.75); stultify (to prevent, 0.75); (to strengthen physically or emotion­
tag (to fit w ith a tag, 0.75); inventory ally, 0.67); support (to uphold, 0.59);
(0.73); m ark (to m ake a m ark, 0.73); co m p lim en t (to congratulate, 0.57);
tram m el (0.69); com m and (to issue an am u se (0.5 0 ); elate (0.50); hearten
order, 0.64); hold (to have in o n e ’s (0.50); placate (0.50); help (to aid, 0.38);
grasp, 0.62); page (to m ark the pages, ch erish (to ten d solicitously, 0.25);
0.60); quiet (to m ake silent, 0.60); delay g la d d en (0 .1 8 ); yell (0 .1 7 ); soothe
(to cause a delay, 0.57); com m and (to (0.07); ease (to relieve o f pain, 0.06).
have control, 0.56); p rev en t (0.56); C H E R IS H (10) cherish (to hold dear,
v erify (0.55); enslav e (0 .52); audit 1.00); cherish (to tend solicitously,
(0.50); cross-exam ine (0.50); fetter (to 1.00); love (to express love by caresses,
confine, 0.50); handle (to touch, 0.50); 0.90); adore (to love, 0.75); foster (to
restrict (to restrain, 0.50); stop (to cause support, 0.75); adm ire (to be fond of,
to cease, 0.50); m uzzle (to silence, 0.50); harbour (to consider, 0.50); nurse
0.36); repel (to throw back, 0.33); stop (0.47); baby (0.44); defend (to provide
(to halt, 0.30); exam ine (to inspect with general protection, 0.05).
care, 0.26); arrest (to stop, 0.25); balk C H E W (4) chew (1.00); eat (to take as
(to frustrate, 0.25); block (in sports, to food, 0.87); m ash (0.71); bite (to seize
or sever w ith teeth, 0.67). C H O IR (1) sing (to produce vocal m u­
CHIDE (9) chide (1.00); scold (0.93); up­ sic, 0.36).
braid (0.84); berate (0.75); admonish (to C H O K E (11) choke (to deprive o f air,
reprimand, 0.50); chasten (to punish, 1.00); choke (to be deprived o f air,
0.50); correct (to adm inister correction, 1.00); gag (to stop the mouth, 0.90);
0.50); reb u ff (to reject, 0.33); censure delay (to cause a delay, 0.84); extin­
(0.13). guish (to put out, 0.71); kill (to deprive
CH ILL (10) chill (to reduce temperature, o f life, 0.55); check (to slacken the pace,
1.00); chill (to check, 1.00); freeze (to 0.50); hinder (0.49); gag (to retch, 0.33);
make cold, 0.88); cool (to cause to dam (0.27); glut (to oversupply, 0.18).
become cool, 0.75); temper (to toughen C H O O S E (15) choose (to select, 1.00);
or harden, 0.74); refrigerate (0.67); choose (to like, 1.00); love (to be
depress (to bring to a lower state, 0.22); passionately devoted, 0.87); like (to be
excite (to stir one m entally, 0.22); stiff inclined, 0.83); adopt (to take as a son
(to grow stiff, 0.19); cool (to becom e or daughter, 0.82); elect (0.75); opt
cool, 0.14). (0.75); adopt (to take as o n e’s own,
C H IM E to resound w hen struck; to ring 0.69); delegate (to give authority to
out (7) chim e (1.00); peal (0.67); ring another, 0.60); favour (to have a pref­
(to give forth sound by ringing, 0.64); erence, 0.46); edit (to prepare for publi­
tinkle (0.29); clank (0.25); knell (0.25); cation, 0.36); decide (0.35); resolve
fit (to be suitable in character, 0.05). (0.30); draft (to select for military serv­
C H IN K to em it a short ringing sound (1) ice, 0.25); pick (to gather, 0.25).
tinkle (0.57). C H O P to cut with a blow (9) chop (1.00);
CHIP to pare bread by cutting aw ay the hack (0.75); cut (to sever, 0.65); incise
crust (3) chip (1.00); flake (0.50); cut (to cut, 0.50); chip (0.40); cut (to hit
(to sever, 0.38). sharply, 0.25); haggle (to mangle, 0.25);
C H IR P (6) chirp (1.00); tw itter (0.71); lop (to cut o ff; sa id es p e c ia lly o f
cheep (0.50); peep (to m ake a peeping b ra n c h e s, 0.25); divide (to separate by
sound, 0.50); trill (0.30); sing (to pro­ parting, 0.20).
duce vocal music, 0.18). C H O R E (1) work (to labour, 0.27).
CHIRRUP (1) chirp (0.91). C H O R T L E (3) chortle (1.00); laugh
C H ISE L to cut; to grave; to pare; to (0.88); cackle (0.70).
shape (9) chisel (to w ork w ith a chisel, C H O R U S (1) chant (0.50).
1.00); carve (to form by cutting, 0.89); C H R IS T E N (3) nam e (to give a name,
incise (to engrave, 0.75); form (to give 0.88); baptize (to give a nam e, 0.50);
shape to a thing, 0.53); cut (to sever, dub (to entitle, 0.50).
0 .4 9 ); b u ild (to c o n s tru c t, 0 .3 2 ); C H R O M A T O G R A PH (1) measure (to ap­
engrave (to prepare a plate for printing, ply a standard o f m easurem ent, 0.06).
0.31); chip (0.30); notch (0.25). C H R O M E (2) plate (0.33); colour (to im­
C H L O R O F O R M (1) deaden (to reduce part colour to, 0.25).
life or its evidence, 0.71). C H R O N IC L E (6) list (to enter in a list,
0.75); m ark (to note carefully, 0.67); de­ advertise (to m ake public, 0.39); circle
scribe (0.48); record (to w rite dow n, (0.26); radiate (to send forth from a
0.48); date (to indicate historical tim e, centre, 0.07).
0.29); narrate (0.15). C IR C U M A M B U L A T E (1) circle (0.04).
C H U C K to give a gentle blow (2) chuck C IR C U M C IS E (1) divide (to separate by
(to caress, 1.00); throw (to hurl, 0.20). parting, 0.08).
C H U C K L E (6) chuckle (1.00); laugh CIRCU M NA V IGA TE (2) circle (0.74); fly
(0.94); chortle (0.75); cackle (0.60); (to pass over by flying, 0.50).
giggle (0.50); titter (0.25). C IR C U M S C R IB E (15) circumscribe (to
C H U R N (2) churn (1.00); flop (to m ove limit, 1.00); circumscribe (to trace a line
w ith little control, 0.26). around, 1.00); restrict (to hold within
C H Y M IF Y (1) digest (to transform food, limits, 0.86); define (to set limits, 0.72);
0.75). enslave (0.55); circle (0.52); determine
C IC A T R IZ E (1) heal (to cure, 0.54). (to define, 0.50); enclose (to encircle,
C IN C H (5) bind (to constrain with bonds, 0.50); restrain (to restrict, 0.50); hinder
0.86); harness (0.58); pack (to prepare (0 .3 6 ); c o n tra c t (to e n te r in to an
for transportation, 0.50); latch (0.33); agreem ent, 0.33); taboo (0.33); bound
fasten (to make something secure, 0.15). (to set limits, 0.25); confine (to restrict,
C IN C T U R E (1) circle (0.37). 0.25); imprison (0.23).
C IP H E R (4) cipher (1.00); decipher (0.27); C IR C U M V E N T (8) circumvent (to avoid,
count (0.13); calculate (to reckon, 0.11). 1.00); circum vent (to gain an advantage
C IR C L E (10) circle (1.00); ring (to encir­ over, 1.00); circum vent (to go around,
cle, 0.92); surround (to be on all sides, 1.00); d e fe a t (to g et th e b e tte r of
0.71); roll (to m ove by rotation, or in another, 0.39); tram m el (0.37); bar (to
rotating num bers, 0.57); flow (to keep o b stru c t b y refu sal, 0 .1 1 ); prevent
up a circular m otion, 0.56); encircle (0.06); deceive (0.05).
(0 .3 3 ); ben d (to be fo rced out o f a C IT E (13) cite (to refer to as authority,
straight line, 0.29); enclose (to encircle, 1.00); cite (to sum m on, 1.00); mention
0.25); infold (0.25); fly (to pass through (0.81); implicate (to involve, 0.80); assert
the air, 0.08). (to m aintain, 0.75); subpoena (0.75);
C IR C U IT (2) circuit (1.00); circle (0.48). refer (to m ention, 0.73); declare (to
C IR C U L A R IZ E (2) advertise (to solicit speak form ally and emphatically, 0.44);
business, 0.29); notify (to provide w ith com m and (to issue an order, 0.39); bring
information, 0.03). (to initiate a legal action, 0.36); plead
C IR C U L A T E (11) circulate (to go about, (to enter a plea, 0.25); accuse (0.13);
1.00); circulate (to send about, 1.00); nam e (to indicate by nam e, 0.08).
radiate (to shed light or heat, 0.81); C IV IL IZ E (2) civilize (1.00); improve (to
issu e (to rele ase , 0 .67); sp rea d (to make better, 0.61).
extend, 0.67); notify (to provide w ith C L A C K (7) clack (to m ake a rattling
information, 0.52); turn (to pivot, 0.50); noise, 1.00); clack (to talk heedlessly,
flow (to keep up a circular motion, 0.44); 1.00); rattle (to m ake a rattling sound,
0.50); cluck (0.25); sound (to m ake a (to b rin g to an a g re e m e n t, 0 .6 5 );
noise, 0.25); cry (to call (not o f hum an disabuse (0.50); disadvantage (0.50);
creatures), 0.21); babble (0.05). expound (to interpret, 0.50); illumine (to
CLAIM (10) claim (to assert a claim to, explain, 0.50); petrify (to harden, 0.50);
1.00); claim (to assert, 1.00); declare purify (0.41); clean (0.39); argue (to
(to speak form ally and em phatically, d isc u ss, 0 .3 3 ); c lea r (to free from
0.90); sue (0.87); ask (to expect, 0.75); uncertainty, 0.33); refine (to improve,
pass (to pron o u n ce form ally, 0.50); 0.33); filter (to clean by filtering, 0.30);
boast (to have to o n e ’s credit, 0.33); answ er (to provide a solution, 0.25);
purport (0.25); testify (to declare, 0.25); chasten (to purify, 0.25); com m ent (to
answer (to m ove in response, 0.18). a n n o ta te , 0 .2 5 ); e lu c id a te (0 .2 5 );
CLAM BER (4) clamber (1.00); scramble illum inate (to explain, 0.25); purge (to
(to climb hastily, 0.75); mount (to climb, cleanse, 0.25); sharpen (to m ake more
0 .2 5 ); ra m b le (to go in v a r io u s exact, 0.25).
directions, 0.15). C L A S H (8) collide (to come into conflict,
CLAMOUR (2) roar (0.47); thunder (0.18). 0.75); conflict (0.75); ja r (to create dis­
CLAM P to m ake fast w ith a clam p (6) c o rd a n t so u n d s, 0 .7 5 ); o p p o se (to
bind (to constrain w ith bonds, 0.83); fight, 0.75); quarrel (0.68); clatter (0.50);
clasp (0.75); clinch (to attach, 0.75); com pete (0.21); thunder (0.09).
fasten (to m ak e so m e th in g se cu re, C L A S P (23) clasp (1.00); hug (0.83);
0.57); bite (to seize or sever w ith teeth, p re ss (to em b ra ce , 0 .7 5 ); sq u e ez e
0.33); join (to unite, 0.14). (0.75); seize (to grasp, 0.70); love (to
CLANG (6) ring (to cause to sound, express love by caresses, 0.60); fasten
0.82); chim e (0.50); ja r (to create dis­ (to m ake som ething secure, 0.59); pin
cordant sounds, 0.50); sound (to m ake (0.50); snap (0.50); button (0.33); cling
anoise, 0.39); clink (0.25); ring (to give (0.33); cherish (to hold dear, 0.29); hold
forth sound by ringing, 0.18). (to have in o n e’s grasp, 0.28); catch (to
CLANK (2) clank (1.00); sound (to m ake seize hold of, 0.27); girdle (0.25); grasp
anoise, 0.84). (to clutch, 0.25); grip (0.25); join (to
CLAP (11) clap (to applaud, 1.00); clap unite, 0.25); fram e (to act as a frame,
(to strike, 1.00); rin g (to cau se to 0.21); tw itch (to pluck, 0.18); feel (to
sound, 0.91); hit (to strike, 0.52); paw exam ine by touch, 0.17); stick (to re­
(to handle clumsily, 0.38); praise (to m ain fastened, 0.09); caress (0.05).
com m end, 0.38); sound (to m ake a CLA SS (5) class (1.00); estimate (to make
noise, 0.34); applaud (0.33); clack (to a rough guess, 0.50); classify (0.49);
make a rattling noise, 0.25); bum p (to rate (to rank, 0.29); sort (0.25).
make a bum ping sound, 0.23); close (to C L A S S IF Y (13) classify (1.00); file (to
shut, 0.20). arrange in order, 0.92); distinguish (to
CLA RIFY (24) clarify (to purify, 1.00); m ake distinctions, 0.81); regulate (to
clarify (to explain, 1.00); explain (0.85); adjust, 0.79); catalogue (0.75); identify
simplify (0.80); explicate (0.75); adjust (0.75); order (to put in order, 0.68); range
(to place in order, 0.67); list (to enter in 0.75); bail (to empty, 0.75); honour (to
a list, 0.66); codify (0.50): nam e (to give recognize as valid, 0.75); pardon (to
a name, 0.50); estimate (to make a rough reduce punishm ent, 0.75); purge (to
guess, 0.45); tabulate (0.40). cleanse, 0.75); rid (0.75); open (to move
C L A T T E R (9) clatter (1.00); sound (to aside a prepared obstruction, 0.69);
m ake a noise, 0.85); clack (to m ake a profit (to derive gain, 0.67); vault (0.63);
rattling noise, 0.75); clack (to talk heed­ defray (0.50); satisfy (to pay, 0.50);
lessly, 0.75); crash (to m ake a crashing sw eep (0.50); unbind (to forgive, 0.50);
sound, 0.75); bang (to m ake a noise, free (to liberate, 0.45); earn (to receive
0.50); clum p (0.50); bum p (to m ake a in paym ent, 0.40); w ipe (0.40); absolve
bum ping sound, 0.27); jangle (0.25). (0.33); net (0.33); release (0.33); rake (to
CLA U D ICATE (1) limp (0.46). use a rake, 0.30); ju stify (to vindicate,
C L A W (3) claw (1.00); paw (to scrape 0.25); pay (to give paym ent, 0.17);
w ith the front foot, 0.50); catch (to seize em p ty (to cau se to b eco m e empty,
hold of, 0.40). 0.10); excuse (0.08).
C L E A N (12) clean (1.00); w ash (to bathe, C L E A V E to divide (14) cleave (to split,
0.94); w ash (to launder, 0.90); w ipe 1.00); cut (to sever, 0.92); crack (to
(0.80); clear (to free from contents, 0.75); becom e cracked, 0.75); crack (to cause
rinse (0.75); butcher (to slaughter for to crack, 0.75); divide (to separate by
consum ption, 0.56); furbish (to bu r­ parting, 0.67); quarter (to divide into
nish, 0.50); dig (to stir the earth, 0.35); quarters, 0.67); open (to make an open­
filte r (to clea n by filte rin g , 0 .2 0 ); ing, 0.58); rip (0.57); carve (to cut, 0.50);
redecorate (0.12); rub (to subject to shear (0.50); break (to start a rupture,
friction, 0.05). 0.47); gape (to split, 0.25); split (0.25);
C L E A N S E (16) cleanse (to rem ove dirt sever (0.17).
from the surface, 1.00); cleanse (to re­ C LEA V E to stick fast; to adhere (3) cleave
m ove im purities from w ithin, 1.00); (to stick, 1.00); cohere (to stick together,
cleanse (to free from sin or its effects, 0.75); stick (to rem ain fastened, 0.55).
1.00); clean (0.98); purify (0.94); w ash C L E N C H (6) clench (1.00); hold (to have
(to bathe, 0.88); sublim ate (to purify, in o n e ’s grasp, 0.79); seize (to grasp,
0.75); comb (0.71); dress (to give m edi­ 0.75); close (to shut, 0.50); catch (to
cal treatm ent, 0.56); expurgate (0.50); seize hold of, 0.33); tighten (to make
fresh en (to sw eeten, 0.50); l a u n d e r tight, 0.08).
(0.50); scour (to cleanse, 0.50); scrub C L IC K to m ake a thin hard sound (1)
(0.50); sw eeten (to m ake fresh, 0.44); click (to m ake a clicking sound, 1.00).
clarify (to purify, 0.25). C L IM A X (2) climax (to come to a climax,
C L E A R (3 0 ) clear (to free from obstacles, 1.00); climax (to bring to a climax, 1.00);
1.00);clear (to free from uncertainty, 1.00); C L IM B (8) climb (to ascend, 1.00); climb
clear (to free from contents, 1.00); clear (to mount, 1.00); rise (to m ove upward,
(to free from guilt, 1.00); clear (to profit, 0.81); rocket (0.71); ram ble (to go in
1.00); purify (0.82); acquit (to exonerate, v a rio u s d ire c tio n s, 0.69); arise (to
ascend, 0.33); fly (to m anage a plane in C L O S E (20) close (to put a stop to,
the air, 0.33); m ove (to be in m otion, 1.00); clo se (to put a sto p p er into,
0.14). 1.00);close (to com e together, 1.00);
CLINCH (5) clinch (to attach, 1.00); clinch close (to shut, 1.00); fasten (to make
(to lay hold of, 1.00); seize (to grasp, som ething secure, 0.89); end (to bring
0.80); peg (0.75); hold (to have in one’s to a halt, 0.76); pin (0.75); button (0.67);
grasp, 0.07). achieve (to finish an undertaking, 0.59);
CLING (8) cling (1.00); stick (to rem ain hinder (0.52); discontinue (0.50); finish
fastened, 0.82); cleave (to stick, 0.75); (to com e to an end, 0.50); grapple (to
hug (0.72); hang (to depend, 0.50); fight hand to hand, 0.50); dam (0.40);
adhere (to stick to, 0.33); hold (to ad­ culm inate (0.33); stop (to cease, 0.27);
here, 0.33); cohere (to stick together, com plete (to bring to an end, 0.25);
0.25). grapple (to fasten, 0.25); lace (0.25);
CLIN K to m ake a sharp m etallic sound harden (to become less penetrable, 0.12).
(6) clink (1.00); clank (0.75); tinkle C L O S E T (1) hide (to conceal, 0.21).
(0.71); jangle (0.50); jingle (0.50); sound C L O T (7) clot (1.00); stiff (to grow stiff,
(to make a noise, 0.30). 0.81); harden (to m ake less pervious,
CLIP to cut w ith scissors (9) clip (1.00); 0.67); coagulate (0.50); harden (to be­
snip (0.75); pare (to trim, 0.67); trim (to com e less penetrable, 0.47); thicken (to
cut o ff excess, 0.55); prune (0.50); cut becom e thicker, 0.36); curdle (0.25).
(to sever, 0.30); chip (0.27); hasten (to C L O T H E (5) clothe (1.00); don (0.67);
make haste, 0.26); decrease (to m ake dress (to put on clothes, 0.60); top (to
less, 0.14). apply topping, 0.17); wrap (to conceal
CLIP to em brace (1) join (to unite, 0.03). in a wrapper, 0.10).
C L IT T E R (1) sound (to m ake a noise, C LO U D (9) darken (to make darker, 0.75);
0.46). outshine (to obscure, 0.75); shade (to
CLOAK (7) hide (to conceal, 0.83); mask m ake darker, 0.67); confuse (0.59);
(0.75); palliate (0.70); disguise (0.68); c h a n g e (to m ak e d iffe re n t, 0 .5 4 );
clothe (0.65); top (to apply topping, obscure (to dim, 0.50); becloud (0.40);
0.50); evade (to use trickery to avoid a befog (0.25); overshadow (to shade,
sharp issue, 0.38). 0.25).
CLOCK (2) clock (1.00); time (0.50). C L O U T (2) hit (to strike, 0.16); beat (to
CLOG (12) clog (1.00); hinder (0.91); thrash, 0.02).
trammel (0.89); delay (to cause a delay, C L O Y (5) cloy (1.00); glut (to eat to
0.86); hobble (to restrict, 0.75); close satiety, 0.43); w eary (to m ake weary,
(to put a stopper into, 0.69); halt (to 0.28); glut (to oversupply, 0.12); sat­
cause to cease, 0.63); bar (to raise a isfy (to m ake content, 0.06).
physical obstruction, 0.60); obstruct (to C LU B (5) club (1.00); lay (to knock down,
place an obstruction, 0.50); dam (0.33); 0.25); beat (to thrash, 0.23); attack (to
glut (to oversupply, 0.24); foul (to assault (o f an individual), 0.13); hit (to
become dirty, 0.14). strike, 0.13).
C L U C K (3) cluck (1.00); cackle (0.90); C O A R S E N (2) coarsen (1.00); harden (to
cry (to call (not o f hum an creatures), toughen, 0.62).
0.47). C O A S T (6) coast (1.00); slither (0.50);
C L U M P (2) clump (1.00); bum p (to make slide (to m ove w ith a sliding motion,
a b u m p in g sound, 0.41). 0.38); glide (to m ove gently, 0.31);
C L U S T E R (4) cluster (1.00); h uddle cruise (0.25); drive (to m anage a pro­
(0.55); sw arm (0.50); concentrate (to pelled vehicle, 0.13).
bring or com e together, 0.07). C O A T (18) coat (1.00); paint (to protect
C L U T C H bend or crook as a jo in t (13) or decorate by painting, 0.90); spread
clutch (1.00); hold (to have in o n e ’s (to apply over a surface, 0.90); dirty
grasp, 0.90); grab (0.75); grip (0.75); (0.82); incrust (0.75); plaster (0.75);
paw (to strike, 0.75); tw itch (to pluck, glaze (0.73); insulate (0.63); w ash (to
0.55); fasten (to m ake som ething se­ brush w ith a liquid, 0.58); ice (to be­
cure, 0.54); seize (to grasp, 0.50); pedal com e covered w ith ice, 0.50); ice (to
(0.38); retain (to hold, 0.33); squeeze cover with icing, 0.50); smear (to spread,
(0.25); feel (to exam ine by touch, 0.22); 0.50); veneer (0.50); varnish (0.41);
catch (to seize hold of, 0.13). o versp read (0.25); rub (to apply by
C L U T C H to hatch chickens (1) hug rubbing, 0.23); top (to apply topping,
(0.67). 0.08); clothe (0.04).
C L U T T E R (4) disorganize (0.85); disor­ C O A X (11) coax (1.00); inveigle (0.75);
der (0.50); confuse (0.39); m uddle (to w heedle (0.75); bribe (0.58); cajole
confuse; said o f affairs, 0.29). (0.50); persuade (to urge, 0.50); disarm
C O A C E R V A T E (1) heap (to place in a (to persuade, 0.33); incite (0.25); urge
heap, 0.19). (to induce, 0.13); tempt (0.09); fascinate
C O A C H (3) coach (1.00); teach (to act (0.04).
as a teacher, 0.90); com m and (to have C O B B L E to m end roughly (1) repair
control, 0.65). (0.15).
C O A G U L A T E (9) co a g u la te (1 .0 0 ); C O C K to put arms in readiness (4) train
thicken (to becom e thicker, 0.91); clot (to aim, 0.67); lean (to incline, 0.52);aim
(0.75); curdle (0.75); stiff (to grow stiff, (to point a w eapon, 0.33)incline (to
0.75); harden (to m ake less pervious, lean, 0.25).
0.69); congeal (to clot, 0.25); com press C O C K L E (1) w rinkle (to form into wrin­
(0.21); harden (to becom e less penetra­ kles, 0.50).
ble, 0.18). C O D D L E (9) coddle (to cook gently,
C O A L E S C E (8) coalesce (1.00); m ix (to 1.00); coddle (to pam per, 1.00); baby
blend, 0.91); concentrate (to bring or (0.88); hum our (0.53); pam per (0.36);
com e together, 0.76); close (to com e ch e rish (to h o ld dear, 0.33); caress
together, 0.70); com pound (to blend, (0.32); cook (0.27); indulge (to humour,
0.50); m aterialize (to becom e m atter, 0.25).
0.50); m erge (0.44); unite (to com e C O D IF Y (3) codify (1.00); classify (0.73);
together, 0.14). tabulate (0.53).
COERCE (15) coerce (to force, 1.00); co­ 1.00); coincide (to happen, 1.00); agree
erce (to hold back, 1.00); force (to use (0.85); m esh (0.67); resem ble (0.56);
force, 0.94); terrorize (0.75); drive (to m eet (to touch, 0.50); consort (to be in
urge on, 0.65); urge (to drive, 0.60); agreem ent, 0.25); adm it (to acknow l­
enslave (0.58); enforce (to require com ­ edge, 0.10).
pliance, 0.50); oblige (to require, 0.50); C O L A N D E R (1) sift (to put through a
blackmail (0.25); compel (0.25); make (to sieve, 0.40).
force, 0.25); com m and (to have control, C O L L A P S E (13) collapse (1.00); give (to
0.19); goad (0.11); delay (to cause a yield under pressure, 0.86); drop (to
delay, 0.02). tum ble, 0.50); slump (to fall, 0.50); fall
COEXIST (2) coexist (1.00); accompany (to pass q u ick ly d o w n w ard , 0.46);
(to occur with, 0.80). decay (0.41); faint (0.33); break (to fall
COG to furnish (a w heel) with cogs (1) apart, 0.25); explode (to burst, 0.23); tire
check (to slacken the pace, 0.10). (to becom e exhausted, 0.09); overdo (to
COGITATE (4) think (to examine with the overtax oneself physically, 0.08); crash
mind, 0.96); ruminate (to ponder, 0.25); (to fall w ith a crash, 0.07); distort (to
meditate (to m use, 0.18); speculate (to change shape, 0.07).
think, 0.10). C O L L A R (1) harness (0.29).
CO G N IZE (1) understand (to com pre­ C O L L A T E (6) collate (to compare, 1.00);
hend, 0.53). collate (to check, 1.00); com pare (to
COHABIT (1) copulate (0.18). exam ine on a com parative basis, 0.93);
CO H ERE (3) cohere (to stick together, com pile (0.73); distinguish (to make
1.0 0 );cohere (to be lo g ic a lly c o n ­ distinctions, 0.38); adjust (to place or
nected, 1.00); stick (to remain fastened, regulate parts, 0.19).
0.36). C O L L E C T (34) collect (to bring into one
COIL (13) coil (1.00); curl (to twist, 0.92); place, 1.00); collect (to com e together,
wind (to w rap about, 0.90); crinkle 1.00); collect (to obtain funds, 1.00);
(0.75); sw irl (to tw ist, 0.75); bend (to collect (to arrange settlem ent o f a debt,
force out o f a straight line, 0.58); loop 1.00); collect (to obtain specim ens,
(to be in the form o f a loop, 0.50); wrap 1.00); com pile (0.95); accum ulate (to
(to twine or w ind, 0.44); circle (0.30); am ass, 0.92); rake (to use a rake, 0.90);
crimp (to fold, 0.25); wave (to undulate, save (to hoard, 0.86); harvest (0.79);
0.23); roll (to m ake into a roll, 0.22); park (0.78); assume (to take for granted,
round (to m ake round, 0.21). 0.76); call (to bring a body o f people
COIN (7) coin (to mint money, 1.00); coin together, 0.75); cluster (0.75); gather (to
(to invent a w ord, etc., 1.00); forge bring together, 0.75); reap (to gain,
(0.78); mint (to invent a word, etc., 0.75); 0.75); pack (to prepare for transporta­
improvise (0.67); invent (to create or tion, 0.70); receive (to take into o n e’s
discover, 0.56); m int (to print or press charge, 0.70); cull (to gather, 0.67);
money, 0.56). gather (to com e together, 0.53); accrue
COINCIDE (8) coincide (to correspond, (0.50); deposit (to present m oney for
sa fe k ee p in g , 0.46); o b ta in (to gain e n c o u n te r, 0 .2 5 ); a tta c k (to fight
possession, 0.41); recover (to im prove o f fe n s iv e ly (a rm y ), 0 .2 3 ); act (to
o n e ’s condition, 0.36); store (0.27); perform an action, 0.19).
acquire (to receive, 0.25); collocate C O M B IN E (29) com bine (to bring to­
(0.25); convene (0.25); garner (0.25); gether, 1.00);com bine (to becom e one,
choose (to select, 0.17); assem ble (to 1.00); com plicate (0.97); consolidate
brin g together, 0.13); centre (0.12); (to cause to unite, 0.95); jo in (to unite,
concentrate (to bring or com e together, 0.94); concentrate (to bring or come
0.10); earn (to receive in payment, 0.10). together, 0.90); unite (to com e together,
C O L L ID E (9) collide (to com e into vio­ 0.89); organize (to put in order, 0.85);
lent contact, 1.00); collide (to com e into m ix (to blend, 0.79); blend (0.75); com­
c o n f lic t, 1.00); c ra s h (to h a v e a p o u n d (to blend, 0.75); connect (to
collision, 0.91); hurtle (0.75); bum p (to jo in , 0.75); co n so lid ate (to become
collide with, 0.67); ram (to strike head- united, 0.75); federate (0.75); mingle
on, 0.50); com pete (0.42); hit (to bum p (0.75); pair (0.75); pool (0.75); scramble
against, 0.14); butt (to strike w ith the (to m ix, 0.75); incorporate (to include,
head, 0.07). 0.67); alloy (to mix metals, 0.63); articu­
C O L L IG A T E (1) compile (0.09). late (to join, 0.60); centre (0.59); fasten
C O L L O C A T E (4) collocate (1.00); accu­ (to jo in tw o or m o re things, 0.50);
m ulate (to amass, 0.73); classify (0.71); interlace (to mingle, 0.50); weld (0.50);
compile (0.18). co alesce (0.25); in teg rate (to unify,
C O L L U D E (1) collude (1.00). 0.25); link (0.25); include (to place into
C O L O N IZ E (3) colonize (1.00); immigrate or am ong, 0.08).
(0.50); plant (0.33). C O M E (6) com e (to m ove toward, 1.00);
C O L O U R (11) colour (to im part colour com e (to arrive, 1.00); com e (to be
to, 1.00); colour (to take on colour, 1.00); available, 1.00); come (to become, 1.00);
colour (to m isrepresent, 1.00); redden com e (to ex ten d , 1.00); report (to
(to m ake red, 0.91); decorate (0.80); present oneself, 0.50).
redden (to grow red, 0.71); w ash (to C O M F O R T (14) com fort (to console,
brush w ith a liquid, 0.67); corrupt (to 1 .0 0 ); c o m fo r t (to m a k e easy
re n d e r in n a cu rate , 0.4 6 ); m a n icu re p h y sic ally , 1.00); sa tisfy (to make
(0.29); touch (to tinge, 0.22); exaggerate content, 0.97); accom m odate (to render
(0.14). a service, 0.91); revive (to hearten, 0.88);
C O M B (4) com b (1.00); groom (0.75); encourage (to give support, 0.76); re­
clean (0.54); search (0.43). lieve (to lessen; said especially o f pain,
C O M B A T (10) com bat (1.00); attack (to 0.76); reprieve (to alleviate, 0.75); sup­
assault (o f an individual), 0.87); fight port (to uphold, 0.72); ease (to relieve
(to en g a g e in an en c o u n te r, 0.4 4 ); o f pain, 0.56); lighten (to ease, 0.50);
o p p o se (to fig h t, 0 .4 3 ); re b e l (to sym pathize (0.43); sustain (to defend,
endeavour to overthrow a governm ent, 0.20); entertain (to keep others amused,
0.33); attem pt (to attack, 0.25); tilt (to 0.16).
COM M AND (21) com m and (to issue an countenance (0.50); glory (to praise,
order, 1.00); com m and (to have control, 0.50); adm ire (to have regard for, 0.31);
1.00); bring (to be w orth in sale, 0.92); aggrandize (to exalt, 0.25); laud (0.25);
govern (0.91); enjoy (to have the use endorse (to indicate o n e’s active sup­
of, 0.75); urge (to induce, 0.72); will (to port, 0.23); urge (to present favourably,
exert o n e’s will, 0.70); ask (to inquire, 0.12); bless (to dedicate to God, 0.11).
0.55); demand (to require, 0.50); overtop C O M M E N T (5) com m ent (to make a
(0.50); require (to dem and, 0.50); force rem ark, 1.00); com m ent (to annotate,
(to use force, 0.47); occupy (to fill 1.00); annotate (0.75); treat (to deal with
space, 0.43); w histle (to call w ith a a subject, 0.70); communicate (to impart
whistle, 0.43); wish (to express a desire, information, 0.46).
0.42); overhang (to hang over, 0.33); C O M M E R C IA L IZ E (2) commercialize (to
summon (to call, 0.33); overlook (to adapt to business, 1.00); com m ercial­
occupy a com m anding height, 0.29); ize (to cheapen, 1.00).
call (to demand, 0.25); please (to desire, C O M M IN G L E (4) com m ingle (1.00);
0.25); commission (0.10). adulterate (0.57); mix (to blend, 0.53);
C O M M A N D E E R (4) com m andeer (to confound (to mix, 0.50).
force into m ilitary service, 1.00); com ­ C O M M IN U T E (2) pulverize (0.75); grind
mandeer (to seize for public use, 1.00); (to pulverize, 0.65).
enforce (to require com pliance, 0.67); C O M M ISER A TE (4) commiserate (1.00);
seize (to take by force, 0.42). com fort (to console, 0.83); sympathize
COMMEASURE (1) commeasure (1.00). (0.71); pity (to feel pity for, 0.67).
C O M M E M O R A T E (5) com m em orate C O M M IS S IO N (11) commission (1.00);
(1.00); com plim ent (to congratulate, crown (to em power with a crown, 0.96);
0.79); m em orize (0.67); celebrate (to a s s ig n (to d e le g a te to a s p e c ific
recognize an occasion, 0.50); rem em ­ p u rp o s e , 0 .9 3 ); d e le g a te (to g iv e
ber (to recall, 0.38). authority to another, 0.90); constitute
COMMENCE (9) commence (1.00); begin (to em pow er, 0.75); hire (to employ,
(to come into being or start function­ 0.50); station (0.50); allow (to permit an
ing, 0.93); prem ise (to introduce, 0.75); action, 0.41); trust (to p lace in the
start (to begin, 0.75); set (to start, 0.67); protection o f another, 0.38); send (to
undertake (0.63); preface (0.50); lead (to dispatch, 0.16); com m it (to entrust,
play a first card, 0.33); develop (to 0.14).
begin, 0.25). C O M M IT (13) com m it (to perpetrate,
COM M END (16) com m end (to praise, 1.00); com m it (to entrust, 1.00); assign
1.00); com mend (to recommend, 1.00); (to delegate to a specific puipose, 0.96);
commend (to present w ith confidence, perpetrate (0.75); relegate (to assign,
1.00);compliment (to flatter, 0.95); rec­ 0.75); commission (0.67); contribute (to
ommend (to lend support or approval, g iv e , 0 .6 4 ); tru st (to p la c e in the
0.92); exalt (to praise, 0.75); p u ff (to protection o f another, 0.63); refer (to
flatter, 0 .7 5 ); a c c la im ( 0 .5 0 ) ; direct, 0.60); refund (to put financial
obligations on a new basis, 0.46); act be alike, 0.67); study (to endeavour to
(to perform an action, 0.25); deposit (to understand, 0.67); check (to determine
present m oney for safekeeping, 0.15); accuracy, 0.50); equal (0.31); revise
involve (0.07). (0.27).
C O M M IX (1) commix (1.00). C O M P A S S (9) circle (0.89); contrive (to
C O M M U N E (2) consult (0.50); com m u­ succeed w ith difficulty, 0.77); seize (to
nicate (to be in com m unication, 0.43). grasp, 0.60); define (to set limits, 0.55);
C O M M U N IC A T E (18) communicate (to circuit (0.50); encom pass (to surround,
impart information, 1.00); communicate 0.50); com prise (0.21); obtain (to gain
(to be in com m unication, 1.00);tell (to possession, 0.12); fram e (to act as a
inform , 0.95); relay (0.80); carry (to frame, 0.07).
transm it, 0.78); give (to pass on, 0.75); C O M P A SS IO N A T E (1) comfort (to con­
talk (to converse, 0.70); convey (to sole, 0.78).
tra n s m it, 0 .6 7 ); re p o rt (to d e liv e r C O M P E L (20) com pel (1.00); force (to
inform ation, 0.63); recite (to relate in use force, 0.97); enforce (to require
detail, 0.59); reveal (to divulge, 0.55); com pliance, 0.93); urge (to drive, 0.93);
advertise (to m ake public, 0.50); trans­ c o m m a n d (to h av e c o n tro l, 0.79);
m it (to carry, 0.33); w rite (to com pose necessitate (0.75); oblige (to require,
in w ords, 0.33); adm it (to confess, 0.75); fascinate (0.71); drive (to urge
0.14); m ention (0.13); detail (to m ake on, 0.70); im pose (0.67); influence
clear in detail, 0.12); send (to broad­ (0.54); coerce (to force, 0.50); constrain
cast, usually electronically, 0.10). (0.50); m ake (to force, 0.50); pressure
C O M M U N IZ E (1) equalize (0.33). (0.50); enslave (0.39); get (to induce,
C O M M U T E (5) com m ute (to exchange 0.33); operate (to produce an effect,
r e c ip r o c a l ly fo r s o m e th in g e ls e , 0.28); bind (to obligate, 0.25); command
1 .0 0 );c o m m u te (to e x c h a n g e fo r (to issue an order, 0.09).
something less severe, 1.00); com m ute C O M P E N S A T E (16) compensate (to pay,
(to travel, 1.00); exchange (to replace 1.00); com pensate (to offset, 1.00); pay
one thing w ith another, 0.75); change (to give paym ent, 0.96); offset (0.81);
(to m ake different, 0.62). rem unerate (0.75); rew ard (0.75); settle
C O M P A C T (5 ) c o m p re s s ( 0 .9 2 ) ; (to satisfy a claim, 0.67); requite (0.60);
concentrate (to bring or com e together, b alan c e (to p lace in balance, 0.58);
0.8 5);consolidate (to cause to unite, replace (to supply an equivalent, 0.36);
0.76); harden (to m ake less pervious, r e im b u rs e (0 .3 3 ); e x p ia te (0.25);
0.40);cram (to stuff, 0.25). neutralize (0.25); refund (to return, 0.25);
C O M P A R E (10) co m p are (to lik en , repay (to pay back, 0.13); refund (to
1 .0 0 ) ;c o m p a r e (to e x a m in e on a p u t fin a n c ia l o b lig a tio n s on a new
com parative basis, 1.00); com pare (to basis, 0.08).
stand in relationship to another, 1.00); C O M P E T E (2) com pete (1.00); rival
balance (to dem onstrate balance, 0.88); (0 .11).
scale (to m easure, 0.88); correspond (to C O M P IL E (7) com pile (1.00); collocate
(0.75); edit (to prepare for publication, commend, 0.29).
0.75); program (to w ork out a sequence C O M P L Y (12) conform (0.94); observe
to be perform ed, 0.56); accum ulate (to (to abide by, 0.67); condescend (0.64);
amass, 0.54); summarize (0.50); build (to accede (0.50); acquiesce (0.50); relent
construct, 0.43). (0.50); yield (to grant, 0.40); adhere (to
C O M PLAIN (7) complain (to express an conform to, 0.33); lend (to adapt one­
objection, 1.00); com plain (to express self, 0.33); follow (to regulate o n e’s
grief, 1.00); m ind (to object to, 0.67); action, 0.27); defer (to yield, 0.14); obey
cry (to w eep, 0.35); quarrel (0.32); (to act in accordance with orders, 0.10).
mourn (to lament, 0.27); w hine (0.08). C O M P O R T (1) acquit (to behave, 0.80).
C O M PLETE (21) complete (to make en­ C O M P O S E (23) com pose (to be the
tire, 1.00);com plete (to bring to an end, parts or the ingredients, 1.00);compose
1.00); achieve (to finish an undertak­ (to give form, 1.00); compose (to create,
ing, 0.97); supplem ent (0.85); adjust (to 1.00); com pose (to prepare for print­
b rin g to an a g r e e m e n t, 0 .8 0 ); ing, 1.00); organize (to put in order,
consummate (0.75); finish (to bring to 0.90); w eave (to contrive, 0.88); quiet
an end, 0.75); terminate (to finish, 0.75); (to m ake calm, 0.86); straighten (0.86);
do (to execute com m ands or instruc­ decrease (to m ake less, 0.84); edit (to
tions , 0.67); satisfy (to fulfill, 0.59); prepare for publication, 0.79); etch (to
accompany (to supplem ent, 0.50); av­ use etching as an artistic medium, 0.67);
erage (to do on an av erag e, 0.43); fabricate (to assem ble, 0.67); pen (to
operate (to produce an effect, 0.39); write, 0.67); form (to give shape to a
conclude (to finish, 0.33); perform (to thing, 0.65); dictate (to speak for record,
complete an action, 0.33); settle (to 0.60); com fort (to make easy physically,
finish, 0.33); form (to give shape to a 0.59); build (to construct, 0.50); compile
thing, 0.31); perform (to accom plish an (0.50); construct (to erect mentally,
action, 0.28); com m it (to perpetrate, 0.50); settle (to quiet, 0.50); sing (to
0.25); fulfill (0.25); m anufacture (to w rite poetry, 0.33); paint (to represent
make a product, 0.23). by painting, 0.20); print (to reproduce
COMPLICATE (9) complicate (1.00); tan­ by printing, 0.17).
gle (0.87); entangle (0.69); confuse C O M P O U N D (10) com pound (to blend,
(0.29); disorganize (0.27); aggravate (to 1.00); com pound (to complicate, 1.00);
make worse, 0.25); puzzle (to perplex, m ultiply (to em ploy m ultiplication as
0.25); disturb (to upset m ental calm , an arithm etical process, 0.78); concoct
0.13); m u d d le (to con fu se; said o f (to m ake by com bining ingredients,
affairs, 0.12). 0.75); mix (to blend, 0.59); alloy (to mix
CO M PLIM EN T (5) compliment (to con­ m etals, 0.50); constitute (to m ake up,
gratulate, 1.00); com plim ent (to flatter, 0.50); blend (0.25); commix (0.25); con­
1.00); recom m end (to lend support or solidate (to cause to unite, 0.24).
approval, 0.84); toast (to honour by C O M P R E H E N D (14) comprehend (to in­
drinking liq u o r, 0 .5 0 ); p r a is e (to clude, 1.00); com prehend (to under­
stand, 1.00); com prise (0.95); read (to prediction, 0.47); calculate (to reckon,
understand by reading, 0.92); figure (to 0.42); estim ate (to calculate probable
figure out, 0.75); follow (to understand, costs, 0.38).
0.75); perceive (to understand, 0.75); C O M P U T E R IZ E (1) mechanize (0.67).
contain (to include, 0.67); know (to C O N to know (2) con (1.00); learn (to
understand, 0.67); apprehend (to un­ acquire mentally, 0.50).
derstand, 0.50); conceive (to u n d er­ C O N C A T E N A T E (2) program (to work
stand, 0.50); fathom (0.50); see (to out a sequence to be perform ed, 0.25);
understand, 0.50); m aster (to becom e consolidate (to cause to unite, 0.10).
proficient, 0.33). C O N C E A L (21) conceal (1.00); disguise
C O M P R E S S (10) c o m p re ss (1 .0 0 ); (0.91); palliate (0.85); shelter (0.78);
tig h ten (to m ake tight, 0.92); w ring blind (to deceive, 0.75); pocket (0.75);
(0.71); pack (to stow com pactly, 0.69); secrete (to hide, 0.75); bury (to cover,
abridge (0.50); ease (to lessen pressure 0.67); cache (0.67); seclude (to hide,
or tension, 0.44); pinch (to squeeze, 0.67); blanket (0.50); camouflage (0.50);
0.38); decrease (to m ake less, 0.23); em b o w el (to bury, 0.50); enshroud
w rinkle (to form into w rinkles, 0.20); (0.50); m ask (0.50); screen (to hide,
concentrate (to bring or com e together, 0 .5 0 ); sh ie ld (0 .5 0 ); su b lim ate (to
0.17). repress, 0.50); complicate (0.37); evade
C O M P R IS E (9) comprise (1.00); refer (to (to use trickery to avoid a sharp issue,
concern, 0.61); be (to equal, 0.50); com ­ 0.31); hide (to conceal, 0.17).
prehend (to include, 0.50); cover (to in­ C O N C E D E (15) concede (1.00); admit (to
clude, 0.50); encom pass (to include, acknow ledge, 0.97); acknow ledge (to
0.50); equal (0.38); com pose (to be the adm it, 0.75); allow (to include in an es­
parts or the ingredients, 0.33); involve tim ate, 0.75); grant (to accept as true,
(0.13). 0.75); consider (to take into account,
C O M P R O M IS E (7) compromise (to make 0.67); descend (to condescend, 0.67);
concession, 1.00); com prom ise (to dam ­ suffer (to perm it, 0.62); abandon (to
age one’s honour, 1.00); involve (0.93); r e lin q u is h , 0 .5 6 ); u n d e rs ta n d (to
rape (0.80); rea d ju st (0.50); decide accept, 0.50); condescend (0.36); defer
(0.47); implicate (to involve, 0.10). (to yield, 0.29); confess (to admit, 0.25);
C O M P U T E (13) compute (LOO); program yield (to grant, 0.20); reveal (to divulge,
(to w o rk o u t a s e q u e n c e to b e 0.18).
perform ed, 0.94); count (0.88); reckon C O N C E IV E (18) conceive (to form a con­
(0.88); balance (to dem onstrate bal­ cept or im age of, 1.00); conceive (to
ance, 0.76); budget (to estim ate tim e or understand, 1.00); im agine (to visual­
rations or distance, etc., 0.75); cipher ize mentally, 0.94); think (to form in the
(0.75); scale (to m easure, 0.63); value m ind, 0.75); understand (to compre­
(to set a price upon, 0.58); add (to bring hend, 0.68); dream (to entertain oneself
together, usually by mathem atics, 0.56); w ith im agined things, 0.67); produce
e s tim a te (to m a k e a c o n s id e r e d (to create by m ental effort, 0.67); think
(to ex a m in e w ith the m in d , 0.5 4 ); (to m ake concession, 0.33); disarm (to
im pregnate (to beget, 0.50); visualize deprive o f w eapons, 0.27).
(0.50); form (to give shape to a thing, C O N C L U D E (32) conclude (to finish,
0.45); invent (to create or discover, 0.33); 1.00);conclu d e (to com e to an end,
compose (to create, 0.27); create (to 1 .0 0 ); c o n c lu d e (to d e te rm in e ,
conceive in the m ind, 0.25); envisage 1.0 0 );c o n c lu d e (to d e d u c e, 1.00);
(to im agine, 0.25); m ake (to create, achieve (to finish an undertaking, 0.89);
0.25); picture (to imagine, 0.25); believe adjust (to bring to an agreement, 0.85);
(to accept as true, 0.08). decide (0.82); stop (to cease, 0.80);
C O N CEN TRA LIZE (1) centre (0.24). close (to put a stop to, 0.75); judge (to
C O N C E N T R A T E (17) concentrate (to form an opinion, 0.75); resolve (0.70);
bring or com e together, 1.00); concen­ believe (to accept as true, 0.67); reason
trate (to em p lo y all o n e ’s m e n ta l (to seek a reaso n ab le explanation ,
powers, 1.00); centre (0.94); dry (to 0.58); com plete (to bring to an end,
cause to becom e dry, 0.83); centralize 0.50); deduce (0.50); dispatch (to make
(0.75); evaporate (to dehydrate, 0.75); an end, 0.50); effect (to achieve, 0.50);
consolidate (to cause to unite, 0.62); end (to bring to a conclusion, 0.50);
compile (0.59); accum ulate (to am ass, g e n e r a liz e (to m a k e g e n e r a lly
0.58); unite (to c6me together, 0.56); re­ applicable, 0.40); derive (to draw a
flect (to contem plate, 0.50); intensify c o n c lu s io n , 0 .3 3 ); d e te rm in e (to
(0.38); harden (to m ake less pervious, resolve, 0.33); perorate (to summarize,
0.36); heap (to place in a heap, 0.27); 0.33); transact (0.33); do (to bring to a
converge (0.20); watch (to be attentive, close, 0.25); fix (to decide, 0.25); go (to
0.07); gather (to com e together, 0.05). end, 0.25); end (to bring to a halt, 0.24);
CONCENTRE (1) centre (0.53). clim ax (to com e to a clim ax, 0.17);
C O N CEPTU A LIZE (1) imagine (to visu­ d estroy (to b rin g to nothing, 0.07);
alize mentally, 0.50). resu lt (0.06 ); co m m en t (to m ake a
CO N CER N (4) concern (to have refer­ rem ark , 0.0 5 ); assum e (to take for
ence to, 1.00); apply (to be relevant, granted, 0.03).
0.75); operate (to produce an effect, C O N C O C T (11) concoct (to m ake by
0.17); belong (to be properly placed, com bining ingredients, 1.00); concoct
0.14). (to m ake up, 1.00); brew (0.75); prepare
CONCERT (2) arrange (to make arrange­ (to cook and serve, 0.75); adulterate
ments, 0.55); negotiate (to m ake ar­ (0.69); lie (to utter an untruth, 0.54); lay
rangements for, 0.29). (to w ork out, 0.50); process (0.33);
CONCILIATE (10) conciliate (1.00); rec­ sim ulate (0.29); invent (to fabricate,
oncile (to bring into harm ony, 0.92); 0.11); plan (to plot an action in advance,
pacify (to mollify, 0.75); propitiate (0.75); 0.06).
decide (0.59); satisfy (to m ake content, C O N C R E T E (1) harden (to make less per­
0.47); negotiate (to m ake arrangem ents vious, 0.10).
for, 0.35); arbitrate (0.33); com prom ise C O N C U R (10) concur (1.00); yield (to
grant, 0.80); agree (0.77); adm it (to ac­ (to console, 0.94); sym pathize (0.86);
k n ow ledge, 0.66); consort (to be in com miserate (0.67); pity (to feel pity for,
agreem ent, 0.50); covenant (0.50); fit 0.33).
(to be suitable in character, 0.42); obey C O N D O N E (5) condone (1.00); pardon
(to act in accordance w ith orders, 0.38); (to forgive, 0.75); forgive (to cease to
nod (to m ake a nodding m ovem ent, resent, 0.60); excuse (0.38); justify (to
0.21); participate (to take part in, 0.17). give reasons for, 0.22).
C O N D E M N (17)condem n (to send to C O N D U C E (1) tend (to have a tendency
punishm ent, 1.00); condem n (to blam e, (toward), 0.86).
1.00);denounce (0.97); upbraid (0.91); C O N D U C T (23) conduct (to guide, 1.00);
dislike (0.90); depreciate (to low er in conduct (to m anage, 1.00); conduct (to
reputation, 0.77); blam e (to censure, transm it, 1.00); w age (0.80); command
0.75); excoriate (to denounce, 0.75); (to have control, 0.77); adm inister (to
reproach (0.75); censure (0.68); m islike m anage, 0.75); direct (to show the way,
(0.67); fulm inate (to denounce, 0.50); 0.75); rule (to govern, 0.75); c a n y (to
b a r (to o b stru c t by re fu sa l, 0 .3 2 ); transm it, 0.67); guide (to lead, 0.67);
despise (0.25); reprove (0.25); scandal­ take (to escort, 0.67); acquit (to behave,
ize (0.07); sneer (0.03). 0.60); m anage (to direct, 0.57); carry (to
C O N D E N S E (2 4 ) c o n d e n s e (to transport, 0.56); m ake (to w age, 0.50);
com press, 1.00); condense (to abridge, operate (to keep in operation, 0.50);
1.00); com press (0.96); dry (to cause
pilot (0.50); squire (0.50); supervise
to becom e dry, 0.92); eat (to reduce (0.50); convey (to transm it, 0.33); ac­
gradually, 0.92); foim (to take form, 0.86); c o m p a n y (to go w ith , 0.31);
concentrate (to bring or com e together, superintend (0.25); send (to broadcast,
0.83); tighten (to m ake tight, 0.83); usually electronically, 0.20).
consolidate (to cause to unite, 0.81); CO N FA B U LA TE (2) consult (0.60); com­
unite (to com e together, 0.78); pucker m u n ic ate (to be in com m unication,
(0.75); pack (to stow com pactly, 0.62); 0.57).
stiff (to grow stiff, 0.56); decrease (to C O N F E D E R A T E (2) unite (to com e to­
m ake less, 0.54); curdle (0.50); liquefy gether, 0.75); federate (0.25).
(0.50); abbreviate (0.40); abstract (to C O N F E R (22) confer (to grant as a gift,
prepare an abstract, 0.25); consolidate 1.00); confer (to hold a conference,
(to becom e united, 0.25); edit (to p re­ 1.00); talk (to converse, 0.90); give (to
pare for publication, 0.25); epitom ize transfer, 0.89); negotiate (to m ake ar­
(0.25); jell (0.25); contract (to cause to rangem ents for, 0.82); consult (0.80);
dim inish, 0.22); contract (to dim inish, com m unicate (to be in communication,
0.18). 0.79); grant (to bestow, 0.75); lend (to
C O N D E S C E N D (1) condescend (1.00). im part, 0.75); show (to grant, 0.75);
C O N D IT IO N (3) condition (1.00); stipu­ d isc u ss (0 .7 3 ); co n trib u te (to give,
late (0.75); dispose (0.25). 0.71); send (to deliver, 0.45); trust (to
C O N D O L E (5) condole (1.00); com fort g iv e c re d it to, 0 .4 4 ); pay (to give
paym ent, 0.42); bargain (to negotiate, dorse (to indicate o n e’s active support,
0.33); com m end (to present with confi­ 0.85); com pliment (to flatter, 0.79); cor­
dence, 0.25); parley (0.25); present (to roborate (0.75); countenance (0.75);
give, 0.25); think (to exam ine w ith the m anifest (to evidence, 0.75); sanction
mind, 0.21); spend (to expend, 0.18); (0.75); substantiate (to prove, 0.75);
vote (0.13). v a lid a te (0 .7 5 ); a c k n o w le d g e (to
CONFESS (12) confess (to admit, 1.00); recognize the authority of, 0.70); ap­
confess (to recount o n e’s evil actions, prove (to give approval, 0.68); vouch
1.00); confess (to profess, 1.00); de­ (0.68); uphold (to m aintain, 0.67); rec­
clare (to adm it to o n e’s possessions, om m end (to lend support or approval,
0.92); reveal (to divulge, 0.91); adm it 0.60); conclude (to determ ine, 0.50);
(to acknow ledge, 0.76); disclose (to sig n (to au th o riz e , 0 .5 0 ); u rg e (to
divulge, 0.67); acknow ledge (to admit, present favourably, 0.35); prove (0.34);
0.50); profess (0.50); apologize (0.43); carry (to give support, 0.33); dem on­
divulge (0.33); tell (to inform, 0.29). strate (to prove, 0.33); establish (to
CO N FID E (4) confide (to com m it to the prove, 0.25); show (to dem onstrate,
charge, 1.00); confide (to reveal in trust, 0.25); support (to uphold, 0.25); adm it
1.00); commit (to entrust, 0.95); relegate (to acknow ledge, 0.24); com fort (to
(to assign, 0.25). console, 0.22); justify (to give reasons
CONFINE (30) confine (to restrain, 1.00); for, 0.11); verify (0.09); guarantee (to
confine (to imprison, 1.00); confine (to certify, 0.06); bless (to dedicate to God,
restrict, 1.00); confine (to set lim its, 0.05).
1.00); d efin e (to set lim its, 0.9 3 ); C O N F IS C A T E (8) confiscate (1.00); dis­
imprison (0.85); enslave (0.84); ja il p o sse ss (to tak e aw ay from , 0.75);
(0.83); box (to enclose in a box, 0.75); sequester (to take over, 0.75); expro­
isolate (0.75); sentence (0.67); hold (to priate (0.67); fine (0.54); attach (to seize,
have in o n e’s grasp, 0.66); fram e (to 0.33); com m andeer (to seize for public
act as a frame, 0.57); bound (to set lim ­ use, 0.25); seize (to take by force, 0.25).
its, 0.50); entom b (to im prison, 0.50); C O N F L A G R A T E (1) bum (to subject to
limit (0.50); localize (0.50); pen (to fire, 0.82).
enclose, 0.50); stint (0.50); straiten (to C O N F L IC T (5) conflict (1.00); contest
limit, 0.50); enclose (to shut up or shut (to fight, 0.53); collide (to com e into
in, 0.43); delay (to cause a delay, 0.36); conflict, 0.50); contrast (to provide a
encage (0.33); circum scribe (to limit, contrast, 0.50); interfere (to prevent,
0.25); im pound (to im prison, 0.25); 0.25).
incarcerate (0.25); term inate (to lim it, C O N F O R M (8) conform (1.00); follow (to
0.25); contract (to cause to dim inish, regulate o n e ’s action, 0.93); go (to fit
0.11); ring (to encircle, 0.08); dam (0.07). or suit, 0.75); use (to m ake a practice o f
C O N FIRM (32) confirm (to strengthen, (in past), 0.67); fit (to be suitable in
1.00); confirm (to ratify, 1.00);confirm character, 0.63); adjust (to bring to an
(toprove, 1.00); strengthen (0.87); en­ agreement, 0.60); agree (0.31); obey (to
act in accordance w ith orders, 0.24). (to m ake silent, 0.40); explode (to dis­
C O N F O U N D (27) confound (to m ix, credit, 0.25); oppose (to hold a con­
1 .0 0 );c o n fo u n d (to co n fu se , 1.00); trary opinion, 0.06).
confuse (0.95); confute (0.90); b ew il­ C O N G E A L (12) congeal (to solidify as
der (0.80); dam n (to consign to hell, by freezing or curdling, 1.00);congeal
0.79); surprise (to amaze, 0.79); em bar­ (to clot, 1.00); harden (to becom e less
rass (to upset m entally, 0.67); com pli­ penetrable, 0.88); freeze (to change to
cate (0.60); bamboozle (to peiplex, 0.50); a solid state, 0.83); ossify (0.67); stiff
p erp lex (0.50); perturb (to confuse, (to grow stiff, 0.63); harden (to make
0.50); m ism anage (0.43); h u m iliate less pervious, 0.62); tighten (to become
(0.42); m istake (0.38); com pound (to tig h t, 0.50 ); tem p er (to toughen or
co m p licate, 0.33); halt (to cause to harden, 0.37); coagulate (0.25); set (to
cease, 0.30); m isunderstand (0.27); be­ becom e firm, 0.25); thicken (to become
num b (to stupefy, 0.25); disprove (0.25); thicker, 0.18).
n o n p lu s (0 .2 5 ) ; o v e r w h e lm (to C O N G E S T (3) inflam e (to cause physi­
asto n ish , 0.25); d iso rg an ize (0.24); cal soreness, 0.86); glut (to oversup­
quiet (to m ake silent, 0.20); hum ble ply, 0.65); concentrate (to bring or come
(0.16); fuddle (0.14); oppose (to hold a together, 0.24).
contrary opinion, 0.09). C O N G L O M E R A T E (2) m erge (0.38);
C O N F R O N T (11) confront (1.00); face concentrate (to bring or com e together,
(to confront conflict or trouble, 0.96); 0.27).
d are (to defy, 0 .8 0 ); b ra v e (0 .7 5 ); C O N G R A T U L A T E (5) congratulate
outface (0.75); oppose (to hold a con­ (1.00); felicitate (0.75); p u ff (to flatter,
trary opinion, 0.53); contradict (to op­ 0.25); salute (to recognize with respect,
pose, 0.33); encounter (to m eet unex­ 0.20); praise (to com mend, 0.10).
pectedly, 0.33); stand (to oppose, 0.33); C O N G R E G A T E (11) congregate (1.00);
envisage (to confront, 0.25); com pare gather (to com e together, 0.79); collect
(to exam ine on a com parative basis, (to com e to g eth er, 0.75); forgather
0.14). (0.75); convene (0.50); flock (0.50);
C O N F U S E (15) confuse (1.00); tangle rejoin (0.50); m eet (to go to a place of
(0.80); em barrass (to upset m entally, meeting, 0.43); compile (0.32); assemble
0.73); hide (to conceal, 0.55); hum iliate (to com e together, 0.25); concentrate
(0 .5 0 ); litter (0.50); d isc o u ra g e (to (to bring or com e together, 0.05).
dishearten, 0.47); misplace (0.38); hum ­ C O N JE C T U R E (10) conjecture (1.00);
ble (0.36); m isunderstand (0.33); molest guess (to attem pt an answ er on inad­
(to disturb people, 0.28); m isapprehend equate evidence, 0.94); suppose (0.75);
(0.25); mistake (0.25); obfuscate (0.25); surmise (0.75); infer (to conclude, 0.56);
evade (to use trickery to avoid a sharp sp e c u la te (to th ink, 0.50); theorize
issue, 0.08). (0.50); understand (to suppose, 0.50);
C O N F U T E (7) confute (1.00); debate assu m e (to tak e for g ran ted , 0.38);
(0.93); refute (0.93); rebut (0.67); quiet anticipate (to foresee, 0.25).
C O N JO IN (6) join (to unite, 0.81); yoke a victory, 0.67); rout (0.59); capture (to
(0.74); consolidate (to cause to unite, seize w ith arm ed force, 0.50); down
0.33); append (to attach, 0.25); unify (0.50); beat (to worst, 0.25); bury (to
(0.25); unite (to com e together, 0.17). defeat, 0.25); overw helm (to defeat,
C O N JU R E (4) conjure (to appeal to, 0.25); succeed (to attain success, 0.24);
1.00); conjure (to practice magic, 1.00); humiliate (0.08).
beg (to ask earnestly or im portunately, C O N S C R IB E (1) enlist (to enroll others,
0.21); urge (to induce, 0.16). 0.09).
C O N N E C T (30) connect (to join, 1.00); C O N S C R IP T (4) conscript (1.00); induct
connect (to associate, 1.00); adjust (to (0 .7 5 ); co m m a n d e e r (to force into
place or regulate parts, 0.92); implicate m ilitary service, 0.50); draft (to select
(to involve, 0.90); join (to unite, 0.86); for military service, 0.50).
yoke (0.84); com pare (to liken, 0.80); C O N SE C R A T E (13) consecrate (to dedi­
attach (to join, 0.75); bridge (0.75); cate to G od, 1.00); consecrate (to set
chain (to fasten, 0.75); com bine (to apart, 1.00); sacrifice (to offer to a deity,
bring to g eth er, 0.75); co rre la te (to 0 .8 6 ); c e le b ra te (to re c o g n iz e an
relate, 0.75); hinge (0.75); link (0.75); occasion, 0.81); enshrine (0.75); hallow
involve (0.67); refer (to concern, 0.67); (0.75); solem nize (0.75); ordain (to
attribute (0.57); close (to com e to ­ invest w ith priestly functions, 0.67);
gether, 0.50); knit (to com bine or jo in devote (0.50); bless (to dedicate to God,
closely, 0.50); consolidate (to cause to 0 .42); b ea tify (0 .2 5 ); d eify (0.25);
unite, 0.43); articulate (to join, 0.40); as­ canonize (0.17).
sociate (to relate, 0.40); apply (to be C O N S E N T (12) consent (1.00); accede
relevant, 0.33); bind (to join, 0.33); loop (0.75); acquiesce (0.75); subscribe (to
(to form a loop, 0.33); associate (to obey, 0.75); p ro m ise (to give o n e’s
combine, 0.25); cem ent (0.25); fasten w ord, 0.69); adm it (to acknow ledge,
(to join tw o or m ore things, 0.25); hit 0.59); accept (to assent, 0.50); sub­
(to fire in tim e; said o f an internal scribe (to give personal support, 0.50);
com bustion m otor, 0.25); interlace (to obey (to act in accordance with orders,
mingle, 0.25). 0.48); nod (to m ake a nodding m ove­
C O N N O TE (3) connote (1.00); nam e (to m ent, 0.36); underw rite (to approve,
indicate by nam e, 0.50); m ean (to have 0.33); contract (to enter into an agree­
as meaning, 0.33). ment, 0.13).
C O N Q U E R (20) conquer (to win, 1.00); C O N S E R V E (7) preserve (to keep, 0.92);
conquer (to defeat, 1.00); defeat (to m aintain (to keep ready for use, 0.84);
worst in war, 0.92); com m and (to have save (to preserve, 0.67); econom ize
control, 0.84); seize (to take by force, (0.56); preserve (to m aintain, 0.50);
0.83); trounce (to defeat, 0.80); reduce retrench (0.50); keep (to maintain, 0.33).
(to defeat, 0.75); surmount (0.75); upset C O N S ID E R (23) consider (to take into
(to beat, 0.75); vanquish (0.75); occupy acco u n t, 1 .0 0 );co n sid er (to regard,
(to take possession, 0.67); w in (to gain 1.00); estim ate (to m ake a considered
prediction, 0.93); feel (to believe, 0.80); develop as a defensible position, 1.00);
think (to exam ine w ith the m ind, 0.79); com press (0.88); concentrate (to bring
conceive (to form a concept or im age or com e together, 0.88); unify (0.75);
of, 0.75); reckon (0.75); discuss (0.68); com pile (0.55); collect (to bring into one
digest (to understand by deliberation, place, 0.50); merge (0.50); unite (to come
0.67); presum e (0.67); respect (to treat together, 0.50); harden (to m ake less
w ith consideration, 0.60); assum e (to p e r v io u s , 0 .3 8 ); c o n d e n s e (to
take for granted, 0.53); meditate (to think com press, 0.33); centre (0.18).
over, 0,50); exam ine (to inspect w ith C O N S O R T (5) consort (to join, 1.00);
c a re, 0 .4 8 ); b ro o d (to n u rse o n e ’s consort (to be in agreement, 1.00); frat­
troubles, 0.44); plot (to determ ine a ernize (0.75); conspire (to act together,
course, 0.40); value (to set a price upon, 0.50); jo in (to enter the com pany of,
0.37); believe (to accept as true, 0.33); 0.30).
scan (to glance at, 0.33); deem (0.25); C O N S P I R E (5 ) c o n s p ire (to p lan
p o n d e r (0 .2 5 ); p re s u p p o s e (0 .2 5 ); secretly, 1.00); co n sp ire (to act to­
speculate (to think, 0.20). gether, 1.00); collude (0.75); maneuver
C O N S IG N (15) consign (to give over or (0 .2 4 ); p la n (to p lo t an a c tio n in
deliver, 1.00); consign (to put in the advance, 0.17).
charge of, 1.00); com m it (to entrust, C O N S T IT U T E (15) constitute (to found,
0.77); confide (to com m it to the charge, 1.00);constitute (to em pow er, 1.00);
0.75); ship (0.71); assign (to distribute, constitute (to enact, 1.00); constitute
0.67); com m ission (0.57); com m end (to (to m ake up, 1.00); organize (to form an
present w ith confidence, 0.50); trust (to organization, 0.92); create (to make,
place in the protection o f another, 0.50); 0.81); com m ission (0.73); com pose (to
dedicate (to set apart for special use, be the parts or the ingredients, 0.67);
0.42); export (0.33); give (to transfer, form (to com prise, 0.50); delegate (to
0.33); intrust (0.33); distribute (to allot, give authority to another, 0.45); include
0.16); send (to dispatch, 0.11). (to contain , 0.43); com prise (0.42);
C O N S IS T (1) fit (to be suitable in char­ legislate (0.33); build (to found, 0.25);
acter, 0.58). m ake (to appoint, 0.25).
C O N S O L E (11) console (1.00); encour­ C O N S T R A IN (19) constrain (1.00); force
age (to give support, 0.93); cheer (to (to use force, 0.78); control (to hold in
hearten, 0.75); quiet (to m ake calm , check, 0.75); m ake (to force, 0.75); en­
0.61); revive (to hearten, 0.59); condole force (to req u ire com pliance, 0.57);
(0.50); com m iserate (0.33); reassure urge (to drive, 0.53); compel (0.50); gag
(0.33); solace (0.25); relieve (to lessen; (to f o rb id e x p r e s s io n to , 0 .5 0 );
said especially o f pain, 0.24); soothe n ec essita te (0.50); halt (to cause to
(0.13). cease, 0.45); drive (to urge on, 0.30);
C O N SO L ID A T E (13) consolidate (to be­ com m and (to have control, 0.28); re­
com e united, 1.00); co n so lid ate (to strain (to hold in check, 0.27); coerce
cause to unite, 1.00); consolidate (to (to force, 0.25); obligate (0.25); pressure
(0.25); straiten (to limit, 0.25); subject sm oulder (0.50); ravage (0.37); contract
(0.12); harness (0.04). (to diminish, 0.36); corrode (to destroy,
C O N S T R IC T (9) constrict (1.00); bind 0 .25); erod e (0 .2 5 ); b ite (to cut or
(to constrain w ith bonds, 0.72); con­ corrode, 0.18); absorb (to take in by
dense (to com press, 0.67); com press absorption, 0.14); deaden (to reduce
(0.63); concentrate (to bring or com e life or its evidence, 0.07).
together, 0.56); truss (to bind, 0.50); C O N SU M M A T E (8) consummate (1.00);
tighten (to m ake tight, 0.42); contract com plete (to m ake entire, 0.89); act (to
(to diminish, 0.14); hinder (0.07). perform an action, 0.81); achieve (to fin­
C O N ST R U C T (13) construct (to build a ish an u n d erta k in g , 0.73); earn (to
physical structure, 1.00); construct (to receive in paym ent, 0.65); crow n (to
erect m entally, 1.00); m anufacture (to m ake com plete or perfect, 0.33); form
make a product, 0.91); form (to give (to give shape to a thing, 0.27); perform
shape to a thing, 0.84); assem ble (to (to accom plish an action, 0.22).
put together, 0.80); erect (to build, 0.75); C O N T A C T (3) contact (1.00); compress
fram e (to m a k e , 0 .7 5 ); m a k e (to (0.71); operate (to be in operation, 0.24).
m anufacture, 0.75); raise (to erect, C O N T A IN (11) contain (to include, 1.00);
0.67); create (to m ake, 0.35); produce contain (to restrict, 1.00); com prise
(to m ake, 0.25); w eave (to contrive, (0.89); com prehend (to include, 0.75);
0.13); organize (to form an organization, suppress (0.64); hold (to have in o n e’s
0.08). grasp, 0.59); envelop (0.50); personify
CO N ST R U E (6) construe (1.00); define (to embody, 0.50); m easure (to contain
(to p ro v id e a nam e or d escrip tio n , by m easurem ent, 0.25); operate (to be
0.39); explain (0.39); read (to interpret, in operation, 0.07); restrain (to hold in
0.36); infer (to conclude, 0.33); decipher check, 0.04).
(0.20 ). C O N T A IN E R IZ E (1) load (to place a
CONSULT (4) consult (1.00); negotiate load, 0.58).
(to make arrangem ents for, 0.76); can­ CO N T A M IN A T E (6) contaminate (1.00);
vass (to pass rapidly in review, 0.75); corrupt (to debase, 0.65); dam age (to
think (to exam ine with the mind, 0.17). im pair the value of, 0.58); envenom (to
CO N SU M E (22) consum e (to destroy, poison, 0.50); adulterate (0.40); dirty
1.00); consum e (to use, 1.00); consum e (0.11).
(to eat or drink, 1.00); eat (to take as C O N T E M N (5) depreciate (to low er in
food, 0.96); spend (to expend, 0.95); reputation, 0.73); neglect (to treat with
swallow (0.91); burn (to oxidize, 0.88); in d ifferen c e, 0.69); hate (to detest,
destroy (to bring to nothing, 0.82); 0.55); censure (0.26); dislike (0.05).
drain (to withdraw strength, 0.82); wear C O N T E M P L A T E (15) contem plate (to
(to c o n s u m e by w e a rin g , 0 .7 5 ); look at, 1.00); contemplate (to consider,
dissipate (to squander, 0.67); m onopo­ 1.00); speculate (to think, 0.90); hope
lize (0.67); waste (to use w ithout result, (0.75); think (to examine with the mind,
0.63); digest (to transform food, 0.50); 0.75); m editate (to muse, 0.73); look (to
endeavour to see, 0.65); concentrate (to rem ain, 0.67); extend (to occupy
(to em ploy all o n e ’s m ental pow ers, space to a given point, 0.67); prolong
0.50); ruminate (to ponder, 0.50); weigh (0.67); hold (to be valid, 0.60); fight (to
(to consider, 0.50); intend (to propose, struggle for an end, 0.58); keep (to re­
0.29); w atch (to be attentive, 0.29); m ain, 0.50); live (to gain subsistence,
reason (to think logically, 0.25); regard 0.33); reside (0.30); proceed (0.25);
(to look at, 0.07); see (to perceive w ith dw ell (0.21); flow (to m ove in one
the eye, 0.05). d irectio n , 0.14); lengthen (to m ake
C O N T E N D (20) contend (1.00); contest longer, 0.07).
(to fight, 0.93); quarrel (0.86); vie (0.75); C O N T O R T (7) contort (LOO); distort (to
reason (to discuss persuasively, 0.73); change shape, 0.93); writhe (0.83); curl
w ar (0 .7 3 ); fig h t (to e n g a g e in an (to tw ist, 0.42); screw (0.25); bend (to
encounter, 0.72); try (to endeavour, force out o f a straight line, 0.23); wring
0.72); declare (to speak form ally and (0.14).
em p hatically, 0.66); d iscuss (0.64); C O N T O U R (1) contour (LOO).
debate (0.60); propose (to m ake a sug­ C O N T R A C T (24) contract (to diminish,
gestion, 0.57); argue (to quarrel, 0.50); 1.00); contract (to cause to diminish,
em ulate (0.50); race (to com pete, 0.50); LOO); c o n tr a c t (to e n te r in to an
argue (to endeavour to convince, 0.35); agreement, LOO); contract (to catch, said
refute (0.30); conflict (0.25); vouch o f d ise a se s, 1.00); b e tro th (0.89);
(0.18); push (to press against, 0.07). tighten (to becom e tight, 0.83); restrict
C O N T E N T (1) satisfy (to m ake content, (to hold w ithin limits, 0.77); straiten (to
0.59). lim it, 0 .7 5 ); g iv e (to y ie ld u n d er
C O N T E S T (18) c o n te st (to o p p o se , pressure, 0.71); constrict (0.67); tighten
1.00); contest (to fight, 1.00); discuss (to make tight, 0.58); negotiate (to make
(0.77); contend (0.75); appeal (to carry arrangements for, 0.53); charter (to hire,
a case to a higher court, 0.67); go (to 0.50); em ploy (to obtain services for
appeal, 0.67); prosecute (to involve in pay, 0.50); engage (to hire, 0.50); rent
a legal action, 0.67); oppose (to fight, (to obtain use by paym ent, 0.50); sign
0.65); w ar (0.64); try (to endeavour, (to hire, 0.50); prom ise (to give o n e’s
0.56); debate (0.53); litigate (0.50); sue w ord, 0.42); concentrate (to bring or
(0.47); quarrel (0.41); cam paign (to com e together, 0.39); syncopate (0.25);
solicit votes, 0.40); run (to com pete, force (to use fo rce, 0 .13); hire (to
0.33); answ er (to m ove in response, employ, 0.13); pack (to stow compactly,
0.29); controvert (to argue about, 0.25). 0 .0 8 ); h a r d e n (to b e c o m e less
C O N T IN U E (19) continue (to persist, penetrable, 0.06).
1.00); c o n tin u e (to re su m e , LOO); C O N T R A D I C T (14) c o n tra d ic t (to
continue (to rem ain, 1.00); endure (to o p p o se , 1.00); co n tra d ict (to deny,
co n tin u e, 0.78); be (to hav e bein g , 1.00); deny (0.96); contrast (to provide
0.75); add (to m ake a further rem ark, a contrast, 0.83); oppose (to hold a
0.71); resist (to w ithstand, 0.70); abide co n trary opinion, 0.82); contravene
(0.75); refute (0.52); controvert (to ar­ C O N T R O L (35) control (to hold in
gue against, 0.50); dispute (0.50); re­ check, 1.00); control (to direct, 1.00);
cant (0.43); impugn (0.33); disclaim (to control (to verify, 1.00); subject (0.94);
deny, 0.25); dissent (0.25); confute re s tra in (to h av e in ch e ck , 0 .9 2 );
(0.05). com m and (to have control, 0.88); fly
C O N T R A S T (6) contrast (to provide a (to m anage a plane in the air, 0.75);
contrast, 1.00); contrast (to indicate a repress (0.75); run (to cause to func­
contrast, 1.00); compare (to examine on tion, 0.75); w ork (to handle success­
a com parative basis, 0.86); differenti­ fully, 0.7 5 ); check (to bring under
ate (to d istin g u ish , 0.6 7 ); c o n flic t control, 0.71); harness (0.71); dominate
(0.50); liken (0.33). (0.67); m esmerize (0.67); patent (0.67);
C O N T R A V E N E (7) contravene (1.00); pedal (0.63); ow n (to possess, 0.55);
hinder (0.79); deny (0.64); com plain (to discipline (to regulate, 0.50); handle (to
express an objection, 0.63); defeat (to
direct, 0.50); overrule (to rule, 0.50);
get the better o f another, 0.41); refute
police (0.50); regim ent (0.50); rule (to
(0.37); halt (to cause to cease, 0.27).
govern, 0.50); hinder (0.39); m aintain
C O N T R IB U T E (10) contribute (to give,
(to keep ready for use, 0.37); occupy
1.00); contribute (to aid, 1.00); provide
(to fill space, 0.29); ad m in ister (to
(to supply, 0.77); spend (to expend,
m anage, 0.25); bridle (0.25); guide (to
0.77); produce (to bear, 0.76); give (to
direct, 0.25); m onitor (0.25); possess
transfer, 0 .59); ren d e r (to p ro v id e,
(0.25); preside (0.25); prevail (0.25);
0 .5 0 ); d is b u rs e (0 .2 5 ); o b lig e (to
supervise (0.25); discourage (to re­
accommodate, 0.25); administer (to min­
strain, 0.17).
ister, 0.13).
C O N T R O V E R T (9) controvert (to argue
C O N T R IV E (19) contrive (to invent,
against, 1.00); co n tro v ert (to argue
1.00); contrive (to succeed w ith diffi­
about, 1.00); disprove (0.88); debate
culty, 1.00); arrange (to m ake arrange­
ments, 0.80); form (to give shape to a (0.80); oppose (to hold a contrary opin­
thing, 0.76); build (to construct, 0.71); ion, 0.62); deny (0.61); confute (0.52);
discover (to find, 0.68); fabricate (to gainsay (to contradict, 0.25); upbraid
m isrepresent, 0.67); operate (to p ro ­ (0 .20).
duce an effect, 0.67); systematize (0.64); C O N T U S E (1) crush (to bruise severely,
plan (to plo t an action in advance, 0.25).
0.61); m aneuver (0.53); plot (to devise C O N V A L E S C E (1) recover (to regain
an intrigue, 0.50); scheme (0.50); invent health, 0.70).
(to create or discover, 0.44); m anu­ C O N V E N E (11) convene (1.00); congre­
facture (to devise from alm ost nothing, gate (0.75); convoke (0.67); assemble
0.33); conspire (to plan secretly, 0.25); (to bring together, 0.60); gather (to
achieve (to finish an undertaking, 0.14); com e together, 0.58); m eet (to go to a
prepare (to m ake oneself ready, 0.13); place o f m eeting, 0.57); assem ble (to
create (to make, 0.04). com e together, 0.50); call (to bring a
body o f people together, 0.50); fo r­ tion, 0.86); send (to dispatch, 0.84);
gather (0.50); sit (to hold an assem ­ consign (to give over or deliver, 0.75);
blage, 0.50); focus (to draw tow ard a transport (0.75); w aft (0.75); draw (to
centre, 0.25). m ove an object, 0.73); recite (to relate
C O N V E N IE N C E (1) accom m odate (to in detail, 0.68); bring (to transport,
render a service, 0.59). 0.67); conduct (to transm it, 0.67); no­
C O N V E N T IO N A L IZ E (2) stylize (0.75); tify (to provide with information, 0.61);
conform (0.50). bear (to cany, 0.50); transfer (to carry,
C O N V E R G E (9) converge (LOO); get (to 0.50); give (to transfer, 0.48); deliver (to
com e, 0.67); em pty (to becom e em pty, carry, 0.40); carry (to transm it, 0.33);
0.53); focus (to draw tow ard a centre, declare (to adm it to o n e’s possessions,
0.50); intersect (to com e together, 0.50); 0.31); recount (0.25); transm it (to send,
m e e t (to c o m e to g e th e r , 0 .5 0 ); 0.25); lead (to conduct, 0.18); operate
congregate (0.25); concentrate (to bring (to be in operation, 0.10); com m it (to
or come together, 0.15); gather (to come entrust, 0.05).
together, 0.11). C O N V IC T (3) convict (LOO); refute
C O N V E R S E (6) chat (0.75); confer (to (0.19); dam n (to consign to hell, 0.14).
hold a conference, 0.75); speak (to com ­ C O N V IN C E (7) convince (LOO); per­
m unicate, 0.75); com m unicate (to be in suade (to in flu en ce, 0.89); reassure
communication, 0.64); discourse (0.50); (0.67); induce (to prevail on, 0.50);
discuss (0.23). prove (0.31); indispose (to discourage,
C O N V E R T (18) convert (to alter the form 0.25); influence (0.14).
or use, 1.00); convert (to alter convic­ C O N V O K E (4) convoke (LOO); assem ­
tions, 1.00); alter (to becom e different, ble (to bring together, 0.80); summon
0.75); transfigure (to transform , 0.75); (to convene, 0.67); collect (to bring into
tr a n s f o r m ( 0 .7 5 ) ; v a ry (to m a k e one place, 0.25).
changes, 0.75); win (to convince, 0.57); C O N V O L U T E (4) round (to make round,
becom e (to com e to be, 0.50); liquidate 0.86); com plicate (0.70); wind (to twist,
(to change into money, 0.50); reclaim 0.67); coil (0.47).
(to bring into usable condition, 0.50); C O N V O Y (7) convoy (LOO); lead (to con­
transm ute (0.50); reform (to change into duct, 0.65); attend (to go with, 0.50);
a new form , 0.47); change (to m ake conduct (to guide, 0.50); accom pany
different, 0.44); turn (to reverse, 0.38); (to go with, 0.15); ca n y (to transport,
re v e rse (to alter, 0.3 3); ev a n g e liz e 0.12); defend (to keep o ff an enemy,
( 0 .2 5 ) ; in v e r t (to c h a n g e , 0 .2 5 ); often fig. ,0.12).
enlighten (to bring supposed spiritual C O N V U L S E (9) convulse (LOO); hurt (to
truth, 0.07). cause pain, 0.66); excite (to stir one
C O N V E Y (25) convey (to tran sp o rt, mentally, 0.59); wriggle (0.50); excite (to
1.00); convey (to transm it, 1.00); c a n y ac tiv a te , 0 .4 1 ); co u g h (0.33); rock
(to transport, 0.96); send (to deliver, (0.33); explode (to burst, 0.31); shake
0.91); com m unicate (to impart infonna- (to cause to vibrate, 0.07).
coo -77- CORRELATE
CO O (2) cry (to call (not o f hum an crea­ C O R D to furnish with a cord (2) heap (to
tures), 0.34); twitter (0.14). place in a heap, 0.69); knot (0.25).
C O O K (2) cook (1.00); toast (to brow n C O R K (3) insulate (0.75); bar (to raise a
bread, 0.50). physical obstruction, 0.40); close (to
C O O L (6) cool (to becom e cool, 1.00); put a stopper into, 0.23),
cool (to cause to becom e cool, 1.00); C O R N (2) corn (1.00); preserve (to keep,
quiet (to m ake calm, 0.93); renew (to 0.38).
refresh, 0.34); air (to introduce air, 0.33); C O R N E R (5) com er (1.00); entangle
freeze (to make cold, 0.25). (0.50); straiten (to distress, 0.50); m o­
C O O PE R A T E (3) help (to aid, 0.75); par­ nopolize (0.40); approach (to approach
ticipate (to take part in, 0.33); prom ote personally, 0.14).
(to further, 0.11). C O R N IF Y (1) harden (to m ake less per­
C O -O P T (1) choose (to select, 0.60). vious, 0.79).
C O O R D IN A T E (9) coordinate (1.00); CO R O N A T E (1) crown (to empower with
classify (0.80); organize (to put in or­ a crown, 0.46).
der, 0.70); match (to find or make equals, C O R R A L to form into a corral; shut up
0.58); equal (0.54); regulate (to adjust, (4) enclose (to shut up or shut in, 0.57);
0.47); prefabricate (0.40); balance (to stable (0.33); tend (to watch over, 0.29);
place in balance, 0.36); adjust (to bring picket (to enclose, 0.25).
to an agreem ent, 0.15). C O R R E C T (19) correct (to make needed
C O PE to contend (2) oppose (to hold a c o r r e c tio n s , 1 .0 0 ); c o r r e c t (to
contrary opinion, 0.59); struggle (0.25). adm inister correction, 1.00); punish
C O PU LA TE (3) copulate (1.00); join (to (0.97); repair (0.81); right (to repair an
unite, 0.33); unite (to com e together, injustice, 0.75); amend (0.75); fix (to put
0.25). in order, 0.75); revise (0.73); rem edy
CO PY (18) copy (to imitate, 1.00); copy (0.67); check (to determ ine accuracy,
(to reproduce, 1.00); represent (to serve 0.63); upbraid (0.62); reconsider (0.60);
as an equivalent, 0.91); parody (0.88); reform (to change into a new form, 0.56);
imitate (to mimic, 0.79); ape (0.75); mimic adjust (to place or regulate parts, 0.54);
(to im ita te , 0 .7 5 ); p e r s o n if y (to chasten (to purify, 0.50); discipline (to
represent, 0.75); portray (to im itate, punish, 0.50); help (to improve, 0.50);
0.75); follow (to regulate o n e ’s action, m eliorate (0.25); regulate (to adjust,
0.73); photograph (0.63); type (to use 0.21).
a typewriter, 0.60); reflect (to throw C O R R E L A T E (10) correlate (to relate,
back, 0.56); transcribe (0.50); forge 1 .0 0 );c o rre la te (to in te ract, 1.00);
(0.28); trace (to draw, 0.25); record (to a sso cia te (to relate, 0.80); classify
write down, 0.16); reconstruct (0.11). (0.78); com pare (to exam ine on a com ­
C O PY R IG H T (2) monopolize (0.13); pat­ parative basis, 0.64); relate (to connect,
ent (0.11). 0.33); connect (to associate, 0.25); par­
C O Q U E T (3) coquet (1.00); philander allel (0.25); com pare (to liken, 0.20);
(0.67); court (to woo, 0.12). organize (to put in order, 0.10).
C O R R E S P O N D (15) correspond (to be (0.91); dress (to provide w ith clothes,
alike, 1.00); correspond (to com m uni­ 0.67).
cate, usually by letter, 1.00); com m uni­ C O U C H (3) rest (to take one’s rest, 0.47);
cate (to be in com m unication, 0.93); lie (to assu m e a p ro strate position,
correlate (to interact, 0.67); accord (to 0.40); hide (to conceal, 0.31).
be in agreem ent, 0.50); harm onize (to C O U G H (1) cough (1.00).
accord with one another, 0.50); parallel C O U N S E L (7) counsel (1.00); advise (to
(0.50); exchange (to give and receive give counsel, 0.69); w arn (0.59); pro­
reciprocally, 0.29); fit (to be suitable in pose (to m ake a suggestion, 0.33); ad­
character, 0.26); cohere (to be logically monish (to exhort, 0.25); recommend (to
connected, 0.25); com m easure (0.25); m ak e a su g g e stio n or p rescrip tio n ,
write (to com pose in words, 0.17); agree 0.25); m anage (to direct, 0.22).
(0.15); equal (0.15); balance (to place C O U N T (11) count (1.00); inventory
in balance, 0.03). (0.91); consider (to regard, 0.90); influ­
C O R R O B O R A T E (6) corroborate (1.00); ence (0.89); estim ate (to m ake a rough
prove (0.86); carry (to give support, guess, 0.80); w eigh (to have weight,
0 .6 7 ); v o u ch (0 .4 5 ); v erify (0 .1 8 ); 0.75); prize (0.50); reckon (0.38); check
approve (to give approval, 0.13). (to determ ine accuracy, 0.25); figure (to
C O R R O D E (7) couode (to destroy, 1.00); com pute, 0.25); score (to com pute the
corrode (to deteriorate, 1.00); decay score, 0.25).
(0.56); erode (0.50); dam age (to im pair C O U N T E N A N C E (8) co u n ten a n ce
the value of, 0.37); fret (to rub painfully, (1.00); approve (to give approval, 0.84);
0.25); rust (0.17). en d u re (to su stain adversity, 0.43);
C O R R U G A T E (1) fold (to place together support (to uphold, 0.38); ju stify (to
or lay infolds, 0.44). give reasons for, 0.28); sanction (0.25);
C O R R U P T (12) corrupt (to debase, 1.00); urge (to present favourably, 0.06); face
corrupt (to render innacurate, 1.00); (to confront conflict or trouble, 0.04).
bribe (0.92); decay (0.59); poison (0.50); C O U N T E R (4) co n tro v e rt (to argue
adulterate (0.43); subvert (0.38); rape against, 0.75); react (to act in response,
(0.20); dirty (0.16); abuse (to treat badly, 0.57); prevent (0.34); checkmate (0.25).
0.10); exaggerate (0.04); dam age (to C O U N T E R A C T (11) counteract (1.00);
im pair the value of, 0.03). hinder (0.63); balance (to place in bal­
C O R U S C A T E (2) flash (to give forth a ance, 0.61); check (to bring under con­
light by flash, 0.64); radiate (to shed trol, 0.57); cancel (to annul, 0.42); off­
light or heat, 0.07). set (0.38); prevent (0.28); kill (to can­
C O S S E T (4) caress (0.26); baby (0.25); cel, 0.25); halt (to cause to cease, 0.22);
cherish (to hold dear, 0.25); pam per destro y (to brin g to nothing, 0.19);
(0.09). disobey (0.04).
C O S T (2) cost (to require in money, 1.00); C O U N T E R A T T A C K (1) drive (to carry
cost (to require in sacrifice, 1.00). on offensive m ovem ent, 0.33).
C O S T U M E (3) costum e (1.00); clothe C O U N T E R B A L A N C E (5) offset (0.88);
com pensate (to offset, 0.75); neutralize bring together, 0.50); team (0.50); unite
(0.75); balance (to offset, 0.25); w eigh (to bring together, 0.50); hinge (0.25).
(to take the w eight of, 0.25). C O U R S E (2) flow (to m ove in one direc­
CO U N TER CH A RG E (1) complain (to ex­ tion, 0.90); hunt (to pursue with intent
press an objection, 0.03). to kill, 0.04).
C O U N T E R C H E C K (1) prevent (0.31). C O U R T (7) court (to seek favour, 1.00);
C O U N T E R C L A IM (1) answer (to move court (to woo, 1.00); woo (to make love
in response, 0.06). to, 0.88); fawn (0.82); face (to confront
C O U N T E R F E IT (13) counterfeit (to pre­ conflict or trouble, 0.60); brave (0.25);
tend, 1.00); forge (0.89); copy (to re­ invite (to ask politely, 0.24).
produce, 0.83); coin (to m int money, C O V E N A N T (3) covenant (1.00); con­
0.75); pretend (to feign, 0.75); falsify tract (to enter into an agreement, 0.93);
(0.50); imitate (to copy, 0.50); duplicate prom ise (to give o n e’s word, 0.46).
(to copy, 0.33); m odel (to im itate a C O V E R to place over (49) cover (to place
model, 0.33); disguise (0.32); corrupt as a covering, 1.00);cover (to wrap,
(to render innacurate, 0.31); steal (0.31); 1.00); cover (to protect, 1.00); cover (to
simulate (0.19). hide, 1.00);cover (to copulate, said o f
C O U N T E R M A N D (4) retract (to disa­ animals, 1.00); spread (to apply over a
vow, 0.67); cancel (to annul, 0.63); re­ surface, 0.95); top (to apply topping,
cant (0.22); revoke (0.07). 0.92); shelter (0.89); hide (to conceal,
C O U N T E R M IN E (1) defeat (to w orst in 0.88); jum p (to pass over, 0.86); range
war, 0.08). (to traverse w ide areas, 0.81); palliate
C O U N T ER O R D E R (1) revoke (0.04). (0.80); cam ouflage (0.75); enshroud
C O U N T E R P L O T (1) defeat (to get the (0.75); obscure (to conceal, 0.75); smear
better o f another, 0.10). (to spread, 0.75); veneer (0.75); copu­
C O U N T E R PO ISE (5) balance (to offset, late (0.73); m uzzle (to fasten a m uzzle
0.50); neutralize (0.50); offset (0.50); upon, 0.63 ); d isg u ise (0.59); glaze
com pensate (to offset, 0.25); cancel (to (0.55); upholster (0.54); defend (to keep
annul, 0.13). o f f an e n e m y , o fte n fig . , 0 .5 3 );
C O U N TER PO SE (1) offset (0.19). dissem ble (to disguise, 0.50); go (to
C O U N TER SIG N (2) approve (to give ap­ extend, 0.50); m easure (to contain by
proval, 0.74); endorse (to inscribe one’s m easurem ent, 0.50); run (to extend,
name, 0.71). 0.50); secrete (to hide, 0.50); com prise
COUNTERVAIL (3) offset (0.31); hinder (0.47); snow (0.44); w ind (to wrap
(0.14); balance (to place in balance, about, 0.40); refer (to concern, 0.39);
0.09). evade (to use trickery to avoid a sharp
CO U PLE (11) couple (1.00); yoke (0.95); issue, 0.35); seclude (to hide, 0.33); face
join (to unite, 0.83); copulate (0.82); (to put a face on a building, 0.31); rub
cover (to copulate, said o f anim als, (to apply by rubbing, 0.31); wear (to
0.75); unite (to com e together, 0.72); use as clothing or personal ornament,
hitch (to harness, 0.63); com bine (to 0.30); w rap (to conceal in a wrapper,
0 .3 0 ); c o n c e a l (0 .2 5 ); e n to m b (to C R A M (13) cram (to stuff, 1.00); cram (to
conceal, 0.25); o verlay (to overlap, stu d y h u rrie d ly , 1.00); in fla te (to
0.25); p atch (0.25); sh eath e (0.25); distend, 0.81); glut (to eat to satiety,
strew (0.25); arch (0.23); fertilize (to 0.79); overfill (0.75); ram (to pack forci­
enrich land, 0.22); bank (to cover a fire bly, 0.75); feed (0.68); study (to endeav­
for the night, 0.17); travel (to journey, our to learn, 0.60); overlay (to burden,
0.14); dress (to put on clothes, 0.10). 0.50); overstock (0.50); fatten (to make
C O V E R to obtain; to recover (9) cover fat, 0.43); p ack (to stow com pactly,
(to include, 1.00); cover (to suffice, 0.38); load (to place a load, 0.26).
1.00); cover (to travel, 1.00); cover (to C R A M P (11) cramp (to restrain, 1.00); hurt
send dow n in plenty, 1.00); include (to cause pain, 0.99); scar (0.92); hinder
(to contain, 0.79); b rood (to hatch, (0 .8 6 ); c o m p re ss (0 .7 5 ); p in ch (to
0.67); field (0.67); redeem (to recover s q u e e z e , 0 .6 3 ); tra m m e l (0 .6 3 );
th ro u g h a p ay m en t, 0 .50); b ait (to concentrate (to bring or come together,
provide w ith a lure, 0.40). 0.51); curtail (0.50); constrict (0.33);
C O V E T (7) covet (1.00); w ish (to desire, tighten (to m ake tight, 0.25).
0.75); envy (0.40); desire (to w ish for, C R A S H (14) crash (to fall w ith a crash,
0.33); grudge (0.33); w ant (to desire, 1.00); crash (to break into pieces, 1.00);
0.33); crave (to long for, 0.25). crash (to m ake a crashing sound, 1.00);
C O W (2) frighten (to alarm , 0.77); de­ crash (to have a collision, 1.00); bang
press (to bring to a low er state, 0.26). (to m ake a noise, 0.75); sound (to make
C O W E R (11) cower (1.00); w ince (0.90); a noise, 0.56); break (to shatter, 0.50);
fear (to an ticip ate p ersonal danger, slam (to shut with a slam, 0.50); destroy
0.73); hunch (0.67); quail (0.50); slink (to b rin g to n o th in g , 0 .4 4 ); sm ash
(0.50); grovel (0.42); quake (0.25); squat (0.40); thunder (0.27); clatter (0.25);
(0.25); truckle (0.25); bow (to bend, bum p (to make a bumping sound, 0.18);
0.23). raze (0.04).
C O Z E N (4) m islead (0.82); steal (0.41); C R A T E (2) crate (1.00); box (to enclose
pretend (to feign, 0.31); deceive (0.24). in a box, 0.25).
C R A C K (14) crack (to becom e cracked, C R A V E (12) crave (to long for, 1.00);
1.00); crack (to cause to crack, 1.00); crave (to beg, 1.00); yearn (0.83); beg
crack (to damage, 1.00); crack (to solve, (to ask ea rn estly or im portunately,
1.00); sm ash (0.95); break (to start a 0.74); desire (to wish for, 0.67); miss (to
rupture, 0.84); burst (to break, 0.75); feel a w ant, 0.50); starve (to become
rupture (0.75); dam age (to im pair the weaker, die from hunger, 0.50); wish (to
value of, 0.74); gape (to split, 0.50): desire, 0.50); itch (to have a strong
unseal (0.25); chip (0.20); open (to make desire, 0.33); envy (0.20); w ant (to
an opening, 0.08); hit (to strike, 0.06). desire, 0.17); invite (to ask politely,
C R A C K L E (1) rustle (0.69). 0 . 12).
C R A D L E (2) nurse (0.12); hold (to have C R A W L (7) crawl (to m ove like an in­
in o n e’s grasp, 0.03). sect, 1.00); crawl (to move slowly, 1.00);
CRAYON -81- C R m azE
grovel (0.96); enter (to enter physically, adm ire (to have regard for, 0.35); im ­
0.46); itch (to have a tingling sensation, pute (to attribute, 0.25); adm it (to ac­
0.33); linger (to go reluctantly, 0.21); knowledge, 0.03).
move (to be in m otion, 0.11). C R E E P (8) creep (1.00); crawl (to move
CR A Y O N (2) draw (to m ake a likeness like an insect, 0.83); itch (to have a tin­
by draw ing, 0.74); colour (to im part gling sensation, 0.83); sneak (0.73);
colour to, 0.28). enter (to enter physically, 0.54); inch
C R A Z E (5) haunt (to prey upon, 0.82); (0.50); fawn (0.27); tingle (0.17).
m adden (0.75); unbalance (to derange, C R E M A T E (2) bum (to subject to fire,
0.50); derange (to upset, 0.29); anger 0.91); incinerate (0.67).
(to arouse som eone to anger, 0.24). C R E PIT A T E (1) rustle (0.38).
C R E A K (3) creak (1.00); squeak (0.88); C R E S T (1) peak (0.33).
sound (to m ake an o ise, 0.41). C R IM P to becom e com pressed; to w rin­
CREAM (2) grease (0.55); lubricate (0.25). kle (6) crim p (to fold, 1.00);crimp (to
C R E A S E to fold; to w rinkle (7) crease curl, 1.00); b end (to force out o f a
(1.00); fold (to place together or lay in straight line, 0.77); pinch (to squeeze,
folds, 0.81); w rin k le (to form into 0.75); fold (to place together or lay in
w rinkles, 0.80); crim p (to fold, 0.50); folds, 0.69); curl (to twist, 0.65).
pleat (0.50); crinkle (0.25); crum ple (to C R IM S O N (1) redden (to grow red, 0.43).
wrinkle, 0.25). C R IN G E (9) cringe (1.00); grovel (0.92);
C R E A T E (20) create (to conceive in the fawn (0.91); wince (0.80); cower (0.75);
m ind, 1.00); create (to m ake, 1.00); crouch (to cower, 0.75); truckle (0.75);
propagate (to beget, 0.80); construct fear (to an ticip ate personal danger,
(to erect m entally, 0.75); organize (to 0.33); recoil (0.21).
form an organization, 0.73); design (to C R IN K L E (4) crinkle (1.00); curl (to twist,
conceive, 0.67); begin (to initiate, 0.62); 0.81); bend (to force out o f a straight
dream (to entertain or delude oneself lin e , 0 .5 4 ); w rin k le (to fo rm into
with im agined things, 0.56); picture (to wrinkles, 0.10).
imagine, 0.50); spearhead (0.50); act (to C R IP P L E (12) cripple (1.00); hinder
perform an action, 0.44); form (to give (0.88); m aim (0.86); mangle (to mutilate,
shape to a thing, 0.43); concoct (to 0.77); enfeeble (0.75); hamstring (0.75);
make up, 0.40); w eave (to contrive, incapacitate (0.75); w eaken (to make
0 .3 8 ); d is c o v e r (to fin d , 0 .2 9 ); weaker, 0.70); disable (0.67); damage (to
constitute (to found, 0.25); m int (to im pair the value of, 0.26); em asculate
invent a word, etc., 0.25); think (to form (to weaken, 0.25); harm (0.25).
in the m ind, 0.25); g enerate (0.20); C R IS P (3) frizzle (0.50); toast (to brown
imagine (to visualize mentally, 0.06). bread, 0.33); curl (to twist, 0.04).
C R E D IT (6) credit (to believe, 1.00); C R IS S C R O S S (1) w eave (to construct
charge (to en ter a ch a rg e acco u n t, by interlacing, 0.70).
0.75); dream (to conceive m entally; C R IT IC IZ E (23) criticize (to make a con­
usually used in the negative, 0.50); sidered criticism, 1.00); criticize (to make
a d v e rse c o m m e n ts, 1.00); c e n su re 0.67); divide (to separate by parting,
(0.97); im peach (0.93); com plain (to 0.61); m ove (to be in motion, 0.61);
express an objection, 0.87); exam ine (to bother (to give trouble, 0.55); defeat
inspect w ith care, 0.87); com m ent (to (to get the b etter o f another, 0.37);
m ake a rem ark, 0.84); decry (0.75); hinder (0.34); cover (to travel, 0.33);
reprove (0.75); review (to correct, 0.75); pass (to m ove past, 0.25); reb u ff (to
rem onstrate (0.73); carp (0.67); scold reject, 0.24).
(0.52); dispraise (0.50); excoriate (to C R O S S B R E E D (1) cross (to mix breeds,
denounce, 0.50); treat (to deal w ith a 0.38).
subject, 0.40); cavil (0.33); blam e (to C R O S S E X A M IN E (1) crossexam ine
censure, 0.25); chide (0.25); descant ( 1.00).
( 0 .2 5 ) ; d is tin g u is h (to m ake C R O S S H A T C H (1) engrave (to prepare
d istin ctions, 0.25); rebel (to object, a plate for printing, 0.19).
0.25); reprimand (0.25). C R O S S P O L L IN A T E (1) cross (to mix
C R O A K (5) croak (to give a hoarse call, breeds, 0.63).
1.00); honk (0.57); grum ble (to grow l, C R O U C H (7) crouch (to stoop, 1.00);
0.36); cry (to call (not o f hum an crea­ crouch (to cower, 1.00); huddle (0.91);
tures), 0.11); sound (to m ake a noise, grovel (0.67); fawn (0.64); stoop (to bow
0.07). or bend, 0.50); lurk (0.33).
C R O C H E T (1) knit (to form by knitting, C R O W (7) crow (to boast, 1.00); crow
0.71). (to m ake a crow ing sound, 1.00); blus­
C R O O K (4) curve (to bend, 0.50); hook ter (0.76); boast (to brag, 0.70); squawk
(to curve in the shape o f a hook, 0.50); (0.50); cry (to call (not o f hum an crea­
bend (to force out o f a straight line, tures), 0.45); laugh (0.06).
0.38); inflect (0.25). C R O W D to press; to drive; to hasten on
C R O O N (3) croon (1.00); hum (0.73); sing (9) crowd (1.00); infest (to swarm, 0.88);
(to produce vocal m usic, 0.45). h u d d le (0.82); p ress (to subject to
C R O P (9) graze (to pasture, 0.75); lop pressure, 0.78); overcrow d (0.75); pack
(to cut off; said especially o f branches (to fill by entering, 0.75); swarm (0.75);
, 0.75); harvest (0.64); trim (to cut o ff push (to press against, 0.71); gather
excess, 0.64); dock (to clip, 0.50); farm (to co m e to g eth er, 0 .6 8 );co m p ress
(to do farm w ork, 0.44); reap (to har­ (0.67); ja m (to force o n e’s way, 0.67);
vest, 0.40); clip (0.33); pare (to trim , prod (0.50); mob (0.50); flock (0.25);
0.33). rejoin (0.25); poke (0.25).
C R O S S (16) cross (to pass over, 1.00); C R O W N (2) crown (to make complete or
cross (to lie across, 1.00); cross (to m ix perfect, 1.00); crown (to em power with
breeds, 1.00); m ix (to blend, 0.76); fly a crown, 1.00).
(to pass over by flying, 0.75); oppose C R U C IF Y (5) crucify (to kill by crucifix­
(to hold a contrary opinion, 0.68); anger ion, 1.00); crucify (to torm ent, 1.00);
(to arouse som eone to anger, 0.67); hurt (to cause pain, 0.46); kill (to de­
bless (to call the blessing o f G od upon, prive o f life, 0.36); persecute (to op­
press, especially for religious reasons, the better o f another, 0.59); crumple (to
0 .22). w rinkle, 0.50); distort (to change by
C R U IS E (6) cruise (1.00); travel (to jo u r­ pressure, 0.50); m unch (0.50); pound
ney, 0.93); sail (to travel by sailing, (0.50); rum ple (0.50); destroy (to bring
0.80); range (to traverse w ide areas, to nothing, 0.48); press (to subject to
0.69); paddle (to propel by paddling, pressure, 0.44); break (to shatter, 0.33);
0.50); drift (0.43). subjugate (to conquer, 0.33); tighten
C R U M B L E (12) crum ble (1.00); chip (to make tight, 0.33); conquer (to defeat,
(0.87); decay (0.79); disintegrate (to de­ 0.25); sliver (0.25); burden (0.19); refute
cay, 0.75); w ear (to be consum ed by (0.11); halt (to cause to cease, 0.03).
w earing, 0.70); w eaken (to becom e C R U S T (1) cake (0.75).
weaker, 0.55); disintegrate (to break up, C R Y (10) ciy (to weep, 1.00); cry (to raise
0.46); die (to decline as though death the voice, 1.00); cry (to call (not o f
w ere in evitable , 0.39); decom pose human creatures), 1.00); crow (to boast,
(0.33); decrease (to grow less, 0.18); 0.75); bark (to emit a dog’s characteris­
give (to yield under pressure, 0.14); tic sound, 0.55); w hine (0.54); cluck
grind (to pulverize, 0.04). (0.50); voice (0.50); bay (0.25); whinny
C R U M PLE (10) crumple (to become wrin­ (0.14).
kled, 1.00); crum ple (to w rinkle, 1.00); C R Y ST A L L IZ E (4) harden (to make less
rum ple (0.75); dam age (to im pair the pervious, 0.76); jell (0.50); solidify (to
value of, 0.57); m uss (0.44); bend (to harden, 0.25); stiff (to grow stiff, 0.06).
be forced out o f a straight line, 0.43); C U B to bring forth cubs (1) produce (to
w rinkle (to form into w rinkles, 0.30); bear, 0.16).
curve (to be bent, 0.25); totter (to be C U B E (1 ) m u ltip ly (to e m p lo y
near falling, 0.23); grind (to pulverize, m u ltip lic a tio n as an a rith m e tic a l
0.17). process, 0.22).
CRUNCH (7) crunch (1.00); munch (0.92); C U D D L E (9) cuddle (to nestle, 1.00);
gnaw (0.75); chew (0.73); grind (to pul­ cuddle (to em brace, 1.00); snuggle
verize, 0.22); graze (to pasture, 0.19); (0.67); nuzzle (0.50); pet (to caress,
bite (to seize or sever w ith teeth, 0.17). 0.50); baby (0.31); huddle (0.27); caress
CRUSADE (1) campaign (to solicit votes, (0.21); hug (0.17).
0.90). C U D G E L (7) cudgel (1.00); beat (to
C R U SH (31) crush (to break into sm all thrash, 0.86); drub (0.75); curry (to beat,
pieces, 1.00); crush (to bruise severely, 0.25); dash (to strike violently, 0.25);
1.00); crush (to defeat utterly, 1.00); hit (to strike, 0.19); hurt (to cause pain,
grind (to pulverize, 0.96); m ash (0.94); 0.16).
suppress (0.91); ravage (0.90); defeat C U E (1) hint (0.55).
(to w orst in war, 0.89); sm ash (0.85); C U F F to strike with a fist; to beat (5) cuff
tram ple (0.83); cram (to stuff, 0.75); (1.00); beat (to thrash, 0.68); hit (to
squelch (0.75); hum ble (0.72); hum ili­ strike, 0.29); smack (to hit smartly, 0.25);
ate (0.71); oppress (0.70); defeat (to get punish (0.03).
C U L L to select; to pick (7) cull (to choose, (to control a beast o f burden by riding,
1.00); cull (to gather, 1.00); choose (to 0.38); discourage (to restrain, 0.33); limit
select, 0.90); gather (to choose, 0.50); (0.25); modify (to moderate, 0.25); tem­
com pile (0.41); harvest (0.36); reap (to per (to soften or qualify, 0.25); slow (to
harvest, 0.10). cause to becom e slower, 0.10); harness
CU LM IN A TE (3) culminate (1.00); climax (0.08); trammel (0.03).
(to com e to a clim ax, 0.83); m ature (to C U R D L E (8) curdle (1.00); thicken (to be­
com e to maturity, 0.33). come thicker, 0.82); coagulate (0.75); de­
C U L T IV A T E (19) cultivate (to educate, cay (0.74); turn (to sour, 0.67); stiff (to
1.00); cultivate (to encourage, 1.00); grow stiff, 0.44); harden (to becom e
cultivate (to plant, 1.00); farm (to do less penetrable, 0.24); sour (0.18).
farm work, 0.94); civilize (0.91); improve C U R E to cover; to conceal (3) cure (to
(to m a k e b e tte r , 0 .9 1 ); w o o (to harden, 1.00); reform (to change into a
court,fig., 0.86); list (to cultivate w ith a new form, 0.53); harden (to m ake less
lister, 0.75); plough (to use a plough, pervious, 0.52).
0.67); predispose (to prepare, 0.67); till C U R E to prepare for keeping (4) cure (to
(0.67); prom ote (to further, 0.53); de­ p re se rv e , 1.00); p rese rv e (to keep,
velop (to im prove, 0.50); force (to en­ 0 .7 3 ); p ic k le ( 0 .5 0 ); b u tc h e r (to
courage growth, 0.50); humanize (0.50); slaughter for consum ption, 0.44).
form (to give shape to a thing, 0.35); C U R E to take care o f (7); cure (to heal,
ra ise (to n u rtu re , 0 .3 0 ); fo ste r (to 1.00); remedy (0.94); resuscitate (0.67);
harbour, 0.25); harrow (to use a harrow ease (to relieve o f pain, 0.50); restore
on land, 0.25). (to bring back to health, 0.33); mend
C U L T U R E (1) fo rc e (to e n c o u ra g e (to im prove, 0.25); relieve (to lessen;
growth, 0.25). said especially o f pain, 0.18).
C U M B E R (2) burden (0.92); tram m el C U R L (8) curl (to tw ist, 1.00); w ave (to
(0.54). set hair, 0.83); fold (to place together
C U M U L A T E (1) accum ulate (to am ass, or lay in folds, 0.75); furl (0.67); ripple
0.62). (0.50); bend (to force out o f a straight
C U P (1) bleed (to let blood, 0.75). line, 0.46); w ave (to undulate, 0.46);
C U R B to put a curb (on a horse), to re­ round (to m ake round, 0.14).
strain or control w ith a curb (22) curb C U R R Y to rub dow n or dress a horse
(1.00); check (to slacken the pace, 0.95); w i t h a comb; to flatter (4) curry (to beat,
decrease (to m ake less, 0.95); restrain 1.00); curry (to groom , 1.00); rub (to
(to h old in check, 0.88); halt (to cause subject to friction, 0.32); groom (0.13).
to cease, 0.79); hinder (0.78); restrict C U R R Y to flavour with curry powder (1)
(to restrain, 0.75); com m and (to have cook (0.46).
control, 0.53); bridle (0.50); delay (to C U R S E (8) curse (to swear, 1.00); curse
cause a delay, 0.50); m oderate (to m ake (to sw ear at, 1.00); curse (to pronounce
less, 0.50); occlu d e (0 .50); rep ress a relig io u s curse, 1.00); dam n (to
(0.50); define (to set lim its, 0.41); ride consign to hell, 0.93); hate (to detest,
0.60); excom m unicate (0.50); slander shape to a thing, 0.57); harvest (0.57);
(0.50); profane (0.11). m anicure (0.57); m angle (to mutilate,
C U R T A IL (7) cu rtail (1.00); cut (to 0.55); etch (to rem ove metal with acid,
shorten, 0.75); elide (to delete, 0.75); 0.50); shave (to rem ove hair, 0.50);
shorten (0.75); decrease (to m ake less, carve (to form by cutting, 0.47); chip
0.67); save (to avoid, 0.50); slow (to (0.43); undersell (0.33); rewrite (0.17);
cause to becom e slower, 0.20). butcher (to slaughter for consum ption,
CU RTA IN (1) hide (to conceal, 0.95). 0.11); edit (to prepare for publication,
C U R T S Y (4) bow (to bend, 0.92); nod 0.11); discard (0.04).
(to m ake a nodding m ovem ent, 0.50);
greet (0.41); kneel (0.20). D
CU R V E (16) curve (to bend, 1.00); curve DAB to strike; to peck; to stick (4) dab
(to be bent, 1.00); curl (to twist, 0.96); (1.00); mop (0.56); hit (to strike, 0.45);
round (to m ake round, 0.93); bend (to stipple (0.25).
force out o f a straight line, 0.88); turn DAB to be wet and dabbled (1) daub (0.25).
(to bend, 0.75); warp (0.75); yaw (0.75); D A B B L E (4) dabble (1.00); dirty (0.47);
loop (to form a loop, 0.67); roll (to make loiter (0.45); splash (0.43).
into a roll, 0.67); arch (0.62); inflect D A LLY (8) dally (to flirt, 1.00); dally (to
(0.50); deflect (0.25); hook (to curve in trifle, 1.00); loiter (0.83); lo af (to do
the shape o f a hook, 0.25); turn (to nothing useful, 0.71); dabble (0.50);
change direction, 0.08); veer (0.08). w ait (to await, 0.40); hesitate (0.35);
C U R V E T (1) dance (to m ove in a gay tarry (0.25).
manner, 0.05). D A M to stop up; to block; to obstruct (5)
C U S H IO N (3) u pholster (0.77); w ad dam (1.00); bar (to raise a physical ob­
(0.67); interline (to put in an interlin­ struction, 0.90); hinder (0.53); halt (to
ing, 0.09). cause to cease, 0.36); close (to put a
CU T (35) cut (to sever, 1.00);cut (to cut stopper into, 0.31).
into, 1.00); cut (to penetrate, 1.00);cut D A M A G E (12) dam age (to im pair the
(to cross, 1.00);cut (to shorten, 1.00); value of, 1 .00);dam age (to debase,
cut (to hit sharply, 1.00);cut (to divide, 1.00); damage (to slander, 1.00);damage
1.00); cut (to castrate, 1.00); cut (to (to cause pain, 1.00); abuse (to treat
record electronically, 1.00); cut (to badly, 0.90); blight (0.75); m anhandle
weaken, 1.00); cut (to shape, 1.00); hurt (0.75); destroy (to bring to nothing,
(to cause pain, 0.96); reap (to harvest, 0.60); injure (0.50); maim (0.45); corrupt
0.90); scar (0.85); m utilate (to m aim , (to debase, 0.33); maltreat (0.33).
0.75); operate (to carry on a surgical D A M N (7) damn (to consign to hell, 1.00);
procedure, 0.71); engrave (to prepare a dam n (to sw ear at, 1.00); dam n (to
plate for printing, 0.69); record (to disapprove strongly, 1.00); condemn
record electronically, 0.67); sacrifice (to (to send to punishm ent, 0.67); upbraid
sell at a loss, 0.67); stab (0.67); castrate (0.51); denounce (0.28); curse (to swear,
(0.62); abbreviate (0.60); form (to give 0.14).
D A M P (1) depress (to bring to a low er D A R T (14) dart (to m ove in the m anner
state, 0.09). o f a dart, 1.00); dart (to m ove quickly,
D A M P E N (15) dam pen (to w et, 1.00); 1.00); w hizz (0.78); pop (0.75); scoot
dam pen (to discourage, 1.00); m oisten (0.75); shoot (to m ove rapidly, 0.75);
(0.92); depress (to bring to a low er run (to go sw iftly by p h y sical effort,
state, 0.87); decrease (to m ake less, 0.62); fly (to p ass th ro u g h the air,
0 .8 6 ); d ash (to d is c o u ra g e , 0 .7 5 ); 0.3 8 ); h a ste n (to m ake haste, 0.34);
springle (0.75); sprinkle (0.75); dis­ fly (to m o v e sw iftly, 0.33); race (to
h earten (0.67); w et (0.50); discourage m ove at g reat speed, 0.26); p ounce
(to d is h e a r te n , 0 .4 1 ); q u e n c h (to (0 .2 5 ); sk im (to p a ss lig h tly and
sm other, 0.33); bedew (0.25); chill (to sw iftly , 0 .2 0 ); g la n ce (to rico ch et,
check, 0.25); freeze (to discourage, 0.17).
0.25). D A S H to strik e (16) dash (to strik e
D A N C E (6) dance (to m ove rhythmically, violently, 1.00); dash (to discourage,
1.00); dance (to m ove in a gay m anner, 1.00); dash (to sprint, 1.00); dash (to
1.00); play (to gam bol, 0.55)w ave (to throw, 1.00); dash (to break against,
flutter, 0.50); jum p (to vibrate, 0.40); jerk 1.00); hasten (to m ake haste, 0.86);
(to undergo a spasm , 0.13). splash (0.86); spatter (0.62); zip (0.50);
D A N D LE (4) dandle (1.00); caress (0.84); drive (to m anage a propelled vehicle,
baby (0.56); fondle (0.33). 0.42); race (to m ove at great speed,
D A N G L E (6) hang (to suspend, 0.83); 0.42); dart (to m ove in the m anner o f a
suspend (to hang, 0.75); teeter (0.45); dart, 0.35); sprint (0.33); throw (to hurl,
hang (to be suspended, 0.36); w ave (to 0.33); slop (0.22); draw (to make a like­
m ove back and forth, 0.33); flop (to be ness by draw ing, 0.04).
limp, 0.25). D A TE (3) date (to indicate historical time,
D A P P L E (2) stipple (0.75); spatter (0.15). 1.00); date (to court or be courted, 1.00);
D A R E (4) dare (to be courageous, 1.00); w oo (to m ake love to, 0.75).
dare (to defy, 1.00); face (to confront D A U B (8) daub (1.00); colour (to impart
conflict or trouble, 0.80); envisage (to c o lo u r to, 0 .8 8 ); rub (to ap p ly by
confront, 0.75). rubbing, 0.85); spread (to apply over a
D A R K E N (12) darken (to grow darker, su rfa ce , 0 .8 0 ); dirty (0.71); grease
1.00); darken (to m ake darker, 1.00); (0.45); paint (to protect or decorate by
shade (to m ake darker, 0.92); becloud painting, 0.10); w ash (to brush with a
(0.80); blind (to obscure, 0.75); black liquid, 0.08).
(0.67); blacken (to m ake black, 0.67); D A U N T (3) frighten (to alarm, 0.94); dis­
intensify (0.44); depress (to bring to a courage (to dishearten, 0.29); depress
low er state, 0.43); confuse (0.38); hide (to bring to a low er state, 0.13).
(to conceal, 0.12); com plicate (0.03). D A W D L E (10) daw dle (1.00); lag (to
D A RN (4) dam (to dam n (variant), 1.00); m ove slowly, 0.90); loiter (0.90); dally
dam (to repair, 1.00); patch (0.75); re­ (to trifle, 0.75); putter (0.75); linger (to
pair (0.41). go reluctantly, 0.54); tarry (0.50); vacil­
late (to hesitate, 0.50); drag (to go disembark (0.50).
slowly, 0.25); trail (to lag behind, 0.20). D E B A S E (20) debase (1.00); disgrace
DAW N (3) daw n (1.00); begin (to com e (0.96); hu m iliate (0.96); bastard ize
into being or start functioning, 0.64); (0.80); depress (to bring to a low er
originate (to have a beginning, 0.25). state, 0.78); alloy (to devaluate, 0.75);
D A Y D R E A M (2) brood (to nurse o n e ’s debauch (0.75); defile (to corrupt, 0.75);
troubles, 0.19); dream (to entertain or cheapen (0.73); flatten (to m ake flat,
delude o neself w ith im agined things, 0.56); dem oralize (to corrupt, 0.50);
0. 11). deprave (0.50); soil (to disgrace, 0.50);
D A Z E (5) daze (1.00); benum b (to stu­ sully (to defam e, 0.50); taint (to cor­
pefy, 0.75); confuse (0.73); bem use rupt, 0.50); vitiate (to violate, 0.50);
(0.25); surprise (to amaze, 0.11). adulterate (0.46); bow (to bend, 0.46);
D A Z Z L E (5) dazzle (1.00); im press (to dirty (0.18); abuse (to treat badly, 0.12).
com m and respect, 0.50); flash (to give D E B A T E to fight; to contend; to quarrel;
forth a light by flash, 0.45); shine (to to discuss (11) debate (1.00); discuss
give forth light, 0.19); surprise (to amaze, (0 .9 1 ); op p o se (to hold a co n trary
0.16). opinion, 0.88); dispute (0.75); contest
D EA D EN (7) deaden (to reduce life or its (to oppose, 0.67); reason (to discuss
ev id ence, 1.00); deaden (to soften, persuasively, 0.55); plead (to discuss
1.00); quiet (to m ake silent, 0.90); in court, 0.50); refute (0.26); hesitate
m uffle (0.75); disarm (to deprive o f (0.23); consult (0.20); talk (to converse,
w eapons, 0.40); m uzzle (to fasten a 0.05).
m uzzle upon, 0.13); gag (to stop the D E B A U C H (5) debauch (1.00); corrupt
mouth, 0.10). (to debase, 0.76); betray (to seduce
D E A D L O C K (2) check (to slacken the and abandon, 0.50); rape (0.30); seduce
pace, 0.40); hinder (0.38). (0.14).
D EAFEN (1) thunder (0.36). D EBILITA TE (7) debilitate (1.00); weaken
D E A L (7) deal (to distribute, 1.00); deal (to make weaker, 0.80); enervate (0.75);
(to do business with, 1.00); distribute disarm (to deprive o f w eapons, 0.67);
(to allot, 0.79); divide (to distribute, exhaust (to consum e strength, 0.67);
0.75); haggle (to bargain, 0.75); share u n a rm (0 .6 7 ); d ra in (to w ith d raw
(to divide, 0.40); give (to allot, 0.25). strength, 0.24).
DEBAR (11) debar (to exlude, 1.00); debar D E B IT (1) charge (to enter a charge ac­
(to prevent, 1.00); forbid (0.93); hinder count, 0.88).
(0.83); bar (to obstruct by refusal, 0.75); D E B R IE F (1) debrief (1.00).
prevent (0.72); taboo (0.53); bar (to D E B U S (1) light (to com e to rest from
raise a p h y sic al o b stru ctio n , 0.50); flight or travel, 0.36).
com m and (to issue an order, 0.48); D E C A M P (6) decamp (1.00); leave (to go
punish (0.40); halt (to cause to cease, away, 0.46); retreat (to execute a forced
0.28). retirem ent in battle, 0.40); desert (to
D E B A R K (2) land (to go ashore, 0.67); leave arm y w ithout perm ission, 0.25);
disappear (0.20); escape (0.13). rate (0.85); land (to bring a boat to shore,
D E C A N T (3) decant (1.00); em pty (to 0.75); equip (to array, 0.50); trim (to
cause to becom e empty, 0.81); dip (to a d o r n , 0 .5 0 ); u p h o ls te r ( 0 .3 8 );
transfer by m eans o f a vessel, 0.53). em broider (to add adornm ent, 0.31);
D E C A P IT A T E (4) decapitate (1.00); be­ clothe (0.26); elaborate (0.25); em bel­
head (0.75); top (to rem ove the top, lish (0.25); garnish (0.25).
0.63); kill (to deprive o f life, 0.32). D E C L A IM (6) declaim (1.00); recite (to
D E C A Y (10) decay (1.00); w aste (to be repeat formally, 0.90); speak (to deliver
consum ed gradually, 0.91); w ear (to be a speech, 0.50); utter (0.50); address
c o n s u m e d b y w e a rin g , 0 .8 0 ); ru st (to speak to an assembly, 0.45); fulm i­
(0.50); w ither (0.44); alter (to becom e nate (to denounce, 0.25).
different, 0.25); bite (to cut or corrode, D E C L A R E (23) declare (to speak for­
0.24); decrease (to grow less, 0.09); ebb m ally and em phatically, 1.00); declare
(0.09); dirty (0.05). (to adm it to o n e ’s possessions, 1.00);
D E C E A S E (1) decease (1.00). notify (to provide w ith inform ation,
D E C E IV E (8) deceive (1.00); disappoint 0.97); prom ise (to give o n e ’s word,
(0.89); lie (to utter an untruth, 0.89); 0.88); advertise (to m ake public, 0.84);
simulate (0.76); misstate (0.75); belie (to bring (to initiate a legal action, 0.82);
m islead, 0.33); evade (to use trickery guarantee (to certify, 0.78); bid (to offer
to avoid a sharp issue, 0.27); sneak a com m itm ent at cards, 0.75); express
(0.09). (to g iv e u tte ra n c e , 0 .7 5 ); m e n tio n
D E C E L E R A T E (1) slow (to cause to be­ (0.56); vouch (0.55); say (0.53); admit
com e slower, 0.85). (to confess, 0.52); m anifest (to evi­
D E C E N T R A L IZ E (1) analyze (to subject dence, 0.50); placard (0.50); predicate
to analysis, 0.50). (0.50); prom ulgate (0.50); reveal (to di­
D E C ID E (10) decide (1.00); choose (to vulge, 0.45); tell (to inform, 0.43); utter
select, 0.97); select (0.75); define (to (0.39); admit (to acknowledge, 0.38); ac­
provide a nam e or description , 0.57); k n o w le d g e (to ad m it, 0.25); prove
destine (to predestine, 0.50); opt (0.50); (0.21).
predeterm ine (0.17); try (to conduct a D E C L A S S IF Y (1) debrief (0.25).
tr ia l, 0 .1 7 ); a r r a n g e (to m a k e D E C L IN E (39) decline (to refuse, 1.00);
arrangem ents, 0.10); estim ate (to m ake decline (to decrease, 1.00); decline (to
a considered prediction, 0.07). sink slowly, 1.00); decline (to becom e
D E C IM A T E (2) kill (to deprive o f life, w eaker, 1.00); decrease (to grow less,
0.14); defeat (to w orst in war, 0.06). 0.91); dism iss (to send away, 0.91);
D E C IP H E R (8) decipher (1.00); solve disobey (0.91); dip (to fall, 0.89); die
(0.94); read (to interpret, 0.71); do (to (to d e c lin e as th o u g h d e a th w ere
solve, 0.67); translate (to change into inevitable, 0.83); contract (to diminish,
another language, 0.60); explain (0.42); 0.82); sink (to go downward, 0.82); age
construe (0.25); transcribe (0.25). (to grow old, 0.80); lean (to incline,
D E C K (11) deck (to decorate, 1.00); deco­ 0.78); descend (to descend figuratively,
0.75); go (to fail, 0.75); pass (to refuse D E C O Y (4) decoy (1.00); seduce (0.95);
to act, 0.75); sink (to w eaken, 0.75); am bush (0.56); entrap (0.25).
w ane (0.67); glide (to m ove dow nw ard D E C R E A S E (13) decrease (to grow less,
gradually, 0.57); ebb (0.55); fall (to pass 1.00); decrease (to m ake less, 1.00); de­
quickly downward, 0.54); abate (to grow te c t (0.89); weaken (to become weaker,
less, 0.50); abstain (0.50); reject (to 0.86); w ash (to erode, 0.80); restrict (to
refuse, 0.50); repudiate (to refuse, 0.50); hold within limits, 0.64); shingle (0.50);
sag (to lose vigour, 0.50); settle (to sink, ebb (0.45); slow (to cause to becom e
0.50); recede (to sink, 0.43); w ear (to be slower, 0.45); w aste (to be consum ed
consum ed by w earing, 0.40); w eaken gradually, 0.45); w h ittle (to reduce
(to becom e w eaker, 0.32); distort (to slowly, 0.33); w ear (to be consumed by
change shape, 0.29); decay (0.26); di­ wearing, 0.20); approach (to come near
m inish (to grow less, 0.25); lapse (to in time, 0.13).
fail slowly, 0.25); lessen (to grow less, D E C R E E (10) decree (1.00); enact (to leg­
0.25); m oderate (to becom e less, 0.25); islate, 0.95); will (to exert o n e’s will,
veto (0.25); drain (to seep away, 0.20); 0.90); com mand (to issue an order, 0.84);
rebuff (to reject, 0.14). m ake (to enact, 0.75); force (to use
D E C O C T (2) cook (0.78); mash (0.18). force, 0.50); rule (to regulate, 0.50);
D E C O D E (5) translate (to change into constitute (to enact, 0.25); order (to
another language, 0.90); solve (0.53); give a com m and, 0.25); resolve (0.20).
crack (to solve, 0.33); do (to solve, D E C R Y (9) decry (1.00); depreciate (to
0.33); decipher (0.07). lo w er in re p u ta tio n , 0.90); slan d er
D E C O L O R IZ E (1) fade (to lose colour (0.83); sneer (0.62); scandalize (0.36);
or light, 0.83). rem onstrate (0.27); belittle (0.25); cen­
D E C O M P O S E (7) decom pose (1.00); sure (0.05); upbraid (0.02).
analyze (to subject to analysis, 0.64); D E D IC A T E (9) dedicate (to consecrate,
decay (0.47); spoil (to decay, 0.33); 1.00); dedicate (to set apart for special
putrefy (0.25); rot (0.25); bite (to cut or use, 1.00); observe (to com m em orate,
corrode, 0.12). 0.75); bless (to dedicate to God, 0.74);
D E C O M PO U N D (1) analyze (to subject celebrate (to recognize an occasion,
to analysis, 0.14). 0.63); sacrifice (to offer to a deity, 0.57);
D E C O N TA M IN A T E (3) decontaminate destine (to intend, 0.25); sanctify (0.25);
(1.00); free (to disburden, 0.91); steri- canonize (0.08).
lize (0.38). D E D U C E (6) deduce (1.00); infer (to con­
D ECO RA TE (5) decorate (1.00); paint (to clude, 0.89); reason (to seek a reason­
protect or decorate by painting, 0.80); able explan atio n , 0.75); gather (to
face (to put a face on a building, 0.77); conclude, 0.50); understand (to com ­
furnish (to equip w ith furniture, 0.50); prehend, 0.15); assum e (to take for
em broider (to add adornm ent, 0.19). granted, 0.09).
D E C O R T IC A T E (2) skin (0.88); peel D E D U C T (4) deduct (1.00); subtract
(0.17). (0.67); allow (to include in an estimate,
0.25); dock (to diminish, 0.25). D E F E A T H E R (1) pick (to deprive, espe­
D E E D (1) give (to transfer, 0.44). cially by pecking or plucking, 0.40).
D E E M (8) deem (1.00); think (to believe, D E F E C A T E (3) defecate (1.00); excrete
0.67); believe (to accept as true, 0.58); (0.73); clean (0.06).
consider (to regard, 0.40); rate (to rank, D E F E C T (5) defect (1.00); desert (to leave
0.36); assume (to take for granted, 0.35); arm y w ithout perm ission, 0.75); leave
esteem (to consider, 0.25); suppose (to go away, 0.69); abandon (to leave
(0.25). in trouble, 0.64); stop (to cease, 0.13).
D E E P E N (7) deepen (to grow deeper, D E F E N D (11) defend (to keep off an en­
1.00); deepen (to cause to grow deeper, emy, often fig. , 1.00); defend (to pro­
1.00); increase (to add to, 0.77); dig (to vide general protection, 1.00); defend
stir the earth, 0.53); darken (to grow (to support an accused person, 1.00);
darker, 0.50); blacken (to becom e black, plead (to discuss in court, 0.92); con­
0.33); develop (to im prove, 0.23). test (to fight, 0.80); shelter (0.56); op­
D E -E SC A L A T E (2) lower (0.60); disarm pose (to fight, 0.55); answ er (to move
(to reduce national arm am ents, 0.50). in response, 0.35); acknow ledge (to
D E F A C E (11) deface (1.00); disfigure recognize the authority of, 0.10); save
(0.75); score (to dam age, 0.75); cancel (to rem ove from danger, 0.09); endorse
(to m ark out, 0.67); dam age (to im pair (to indicate o n e’s active support, 0.08).
the value of, 0.66); destroy (to bring to D E F E R to put off; to delay; to set aside
nothing, 0.58); deform (0.50); m ar (to (13) defer (to postpone, 1.00); delay
impair, 0.50); mutilate (to damage, 0.50); (to cause a delay, 0.95); neglect (to fail
corrupt (to debase, 0.30); m aim (0.18). to attend to resp o n sib ilities , 0.92);
D E F A L C A T E (2) fail (to becom e insol­ suspend (to cease tem porarily, 0.90);
vent, 0.67); rob (0.30). procrastinate (0.67); hesitate (0.55);
D E F A M E (11) defam e (1.00); slander hinder (0.55); m aintain (to keep ready
(0.93); scandalize (0.89); smear (to slan­ for use, 0.53); postpone (0.50); protract
der, 0.75); traduce (0.75); vilify (0.75); (0.50); shelve (to postpone, 0.50); ta­
stigm atize (0.50); tarnish (to disgrace, ble (0.33); w aive (0.31).
0.50); depreciate (to lower in reputation, D E F E R to bring aw ay; to offer (3) defer
0.37); disparage (0.25); w rong (0.25). (to yield, 1.00); yield (to grant, 0.10);
D E FA U L T (1) fail (to becom e insolvent, ac co m m o d ate (to ren d er a service,
0.83). 0.09).
D E F E A T (12) defeat (to get the better o f D E F IL E to m ake foul (20) defile (to cor­
another, 1.00);defeat (to w orst in war, rupt, 1.00); defile (to rape, 1.00); dirty
1.00); defeat (to w orst in sport or in (0.92); foul (to make dirty, 0.75); infect
personal com bat, 1.00); elim inate (to (0.75); corrupt (to debase, 0.74); slander
rem ove, 0.93); confute (0.81); frustrate (0.73); rape (0.55); spoil (to ruin, 0.50);
(0.75); halt (to cause to cease, 0.70); rout violate (to rape, 0.40); seduce (0.33);
(0.65); lay (to knock down, 0.50); subject p o iso n (0 .2 9 ); co n tam in ate (0.25);
(0.47); hinder (0.44); undo (0.08). debauch (0.25); infest (to contaminate,
0.25); taint (to corrupt, 0.25); adulterate solid to a liquid state, 0.27).
(0.20); disgrace (0.19); abuse (to treat D E F Y to renounce faith; to declare war
badly, 0.18); damage (to impair the value (13) defy (1.00); face (to confront con­
of, 0.08). flict or trouble, 0.88); rebel (to endeav­
D E F IN E (7) define (to set lim its, 1.00); our to overthrow a governm ent, 0.78);
construe (0.75); define (to provide a scorn (to refuse as a m atter o f princi­
nam e or description , 1.00); specify ple, 0.78); oppose (to hold a contrary
(0.57); clarify (to explain, 0.50); restrict opinion, 0.71); challenge (to invite to a
(to hold w ithin lim its, 0.50); explain contest, 0.67); confront (0.50); contra­
(0.36). vene (0 .5 0 ); m o ck (to dare, 0.50);
D E F L A T E (7) deflate (1.00); em pty (to disobey (0.48); oppose (to fight, 0.40);
cause to becom e empty, 0.52); collapse co m p lain (to express an o bjection,
(0.33); humble (0.28); decrease (to make 0.29); outface (0.25).
less, 0.25); contract (to diminish, 0.09); D E G E N E R A T E (11) degenerate (1.00);
flatten (to m ake flat, 0.06). decrease (to grow less, 0.76); decline
D E F L E C T (7) deflect (1.00); turn (to di­ (to decrease, 0.75); rust (0.67); corrode
vert, 0.93); deviate (0.90); veer (0.31); (to deteriorate, 0.50); degrade (to cor­
shine (to reflect light, 0.29); bend (to rupt, 0.50); sink (to deteriorate, 0.50);
fo rce out o f a stra ig h t line, 0 .19); decay (0.44); relapse (0.27); descend
change (to m ake different, 0.06). (to descend figuratively, 0.25); deterio­
D E F L O W E R (5) deflow er (1.00); rape rate (0.25).
(0.50); have (to have sexual intercourse D E G R A D E (16) degrade (to hum ble,
w ith , 0.33); ravish (to rape, 0.25); se­ 1.00); degrade (to corrupt, 1.00); cor­
duce (0.05). rupt (to debase, 0.93); disgrace (0.88);
D E FO LIA TE (1) denude (0.25). hum iliate (0.79); reduce (to humble,
D E F O R M (6) deform (1.00); contort 0.75); depress (to bring to a lower state,
(0.75); m ar (to impair, 0.75); corrupt (to 0.74); cheapen (0.55); hum ble (0.52);
debase, 0.26); bend (to force out o f a bastardize (0.40); com m ercialize (to
straight line, 0.15); distort (to change cheapen, 0.33); dam age (to debase,
shape, 0.14). 0.25); deprave (0.25); dethrone (0.25);
D E FR A U D (10) defraud (1.00); m islead soil (to disgrace, 0.25); adulterate (0.14).
(0.86); steal (0.77); cheat (0.75); m ulct D E H Y D R A T E (6) deh y d rate (1.00);
(to cheat someone, 0.75); rob (0.70); de­ dessicate (to preserve, 0.75); dry (to
ceive (0.67); do (to cheat, 0.50); gyp cau se to b eco m e dry, 0.75); parch
(0.50); swindle (0.25). (0.50); com press (0.46); preserve (to
DEFRAY (4) defray (1.00); redeem (to re­ keep, 0.27).
cover through a paym ent, 0.44); pay D E IF Y (6) deify (LOO); sanctify (0.75);
(to give paym ent, 0.33); spend (to ex­ canonize (0.50); love (to be passion­
pend, 0.27). ately devoted, 0.40); enthrone (0.25);
D E F R O C K (1) punish (0.34). immortalize (0.25).
D E F R O S T (1) dissolve (to pass from a D E IG N (3) deign (1.00); stoop (to conde­
scend, 0.67); condescend (0.14). 0.18); hesitate (0.13).
D E J E C T (4) discourage (to dishearten, D E L IG H T (20) delight (to give pleasure,
0.71); sadden (0.33); depress (to bring 1.00); ravish (to charm , 0.93); gladden
to a low er state, 0.30); tire (to m ake a (0.91); excite (to stir one mentally, 0.84);
person exhausted, 0.20). fa sc in a te (0 .8 2 ); en tertain (to keep
D E L A Y to put o ff to a later tim e; to others am used, 0.81); satisfy (to make
postpone (15) delay (to cause a delay, content, 0.78); beguile (to charm, 0.75);
1.00); delay (to make a delay, 1.00); slow captivate (0.75); charm (to entertain,
(to cause to b eco m e slow er, 0.95); 0.75); intrigue (0.75); regale (to satisfy,
pause (0.90); anticipate (to forestall, 0.75); com fort (to make easy physically,
0.88); linger (to go reluctantly, 0.79); 0.54); divert (to am use, 0.50); revel (to
loiter (0.79); tarry (0.75); suspend (to indulge oneself, 0.50); take (to capti­
cease te m p o rarily , 0 .7 0 ); d e fe r (to vate, 0.50); tickle (to excite mentally,
postpone, 0.67); hinder (0.56); hesitate 0.50); enrapture (0.25); gratify (0.25);
(0.52); piddle (0.50); retard (to hinder, revive (to hearten, 0.12).
0.50); end (to bring to a halt, 0.29). D E L IM IT (4) restrict (to hold within lim­
D E L E (1) cancel (to m ark out, 0.50). its, 0.95); define (to set limits, 0.76); de­
D E L E G A T E (7) delegate (to give author­ term ine (to define, 0.25); restrain (to
ity to another, 1.00); delegate (to give restrict, 0.25).
duties to another, 1.00); com m ission D E L IN E A T E (17) delineate (1.00); de­
(0.93); com m it (to entrust, 0.91); hire scribe (0.96); characterize (to describe,
(to em ploy, 0.63); send (to dispatch, 0.75); expound (to set forth in detail,
0.58); ordain (to invest w ith priestly 0.75); copy (to reproduce, 0.67); repre­
functions, 0.33). sent (to present as a true interpreta­
D E L E T E (10) delete (1.00); cancel (to tion , 0.64); paint (to represent by paint­
m ark out, 0.58); cut (to shorten, 0.50); ing, 0.60); illustrate (to m ake clear by
expunge (0.50); obliterate (to erase, illustration, 0.56); narrate (0.55); detail
0.50); thin (0.44); omit (to fail to include, (to m ake clear in detail, 0.50); draft (to
0.42); edit (to prepare for publication, m ake a rough plan, 0.50); interpret (to
0.29); vitiate (to cancel, 0.25); program convey the m eaning o f (art). 0.50); line
(to w ork out a sequence to be perform ­ (to p ro v id e lines, 0.50); p ictu re (to
ed, 0.13). depict, 0.50); define (to set limits, 0.48);
D E LIB E R A T E (14) deliberate (1.00); con­ plan (to arrange in a prelim inary way,
sult (0.90); think (to exam ine w ith the 0.25); recite (to relate in detail, 0.09).
m ind, 0.71); w aver (0.55); confer (to D E L IQ U E S C E (3) melt (to liquefy, 0.82);
hold a conference, 0.50); entertain (to liquefy (0.75); thaw (to melt, 0.38).
consider, 0.50); ponder (0.50); rational­ D E L IV E R (36) deliver (to free, 1.00);
ize (to reason, 0.50); reason (to think deliver (to transfer, 1.00); deliver (to
logically, 0.50); pause (0.40); brood (to speak formally, 1.00); deliver (to bring
n u rse o n e ’s trou b les, 0.31); p h ilo s­ to birth, 1.00); deliver (to surrender,
ophize (0.25); soften (to m ake soft, 1 .0 0 );d e liv e r (to d istrib u te , 1.00);
deliver (to throw, 1.00);deliver (to carry, o n e ’s will, 0.60); force (to use force,
1.00); free (to liberate, 0.92); save (to 0.56); apply (to m ake a request, 0.50);
rem ove from danger, 0.91); rescue (to claim (to assert a claim to, 0.50); please
free, 0.90); produce (to bear, 0.87); inflict (to desire, 0.50); quote (to state a price,
(to deal, 0.83); release (0.83); abandon 0.33); take (to require, 0.33); tax (to
(to relinquish, 0.81); dictate (to speak cause to pay a tax, 0.33); postulate (to
for record, 0.80); ransom (0.79); wait (to implore, 0.25).
attend at table, 0.78); direct (to address, D E M A R C A T E (3) demarcate (1.00); de­
0.75); give (to give a speech, 0.75); fine (to set lim its, 0.45); divide (to
return (to speak formally, 0.75); hand separate by parting, 0.39).
(0.67); give (to transfer, 0.56); breed (to D E M A R K to dem arcate; to set limits (1)
produce, 0.50); extricate (0.50); com m u­ restrict (to hold within limits, 0.55).
nicate (to im part inform ation, 0.42); D E M E A N to low er in condition (4) cor­
adm inister (to inflict, 0.33); give (to in­ rupt (to debase, 0.91); hum ble (0.84);
flict, 0.33); redeem (to save, 0.33); recruit hum iliate (0.17); cheapen (0.09).
(to raise tro o p s, 0.29); em an c ip ate D E M E N T (2) unbalance (to derange,
(0.25); enunciate (to pronounce dis­ 0.75); derange (to upset, 0.57).
tinctly, 0.25); render (to state formally, D E M IL IT A R IZ E (2) disarm (to reduce na­
0.25); speak (to deliver a speech, 0.25); tional arm am ents, 0.88); international­
relay (0 .2 0 ); ac h ie v e (to fin ish an ize (0.33).
undertaking, 0.03). D E M IS E (1) contribute (to give, 0.21).
D E L U D E (12) delude (1.00); m islead D E M IT to let go; to dismiss (1) abandon
(0.95); disappoint (0.93); deceive (0.76); (to relinquish, 0.19).
betray (to deliver into the hands o f an D E M O B IL IZ E (5) demobilize (1.00); dis­
enemy, 0.67); blind (to deceive, 0.50); arm (to deprive o f weapons, 0.93); dis­
pretend (to feign, 0.44); beguile (to organize (0.64); disband (0.57); free (to
deceive, 0.25); counterfeit (to pretend, liberate, 0.13).
0.25); juggle (to alter, usually to deceive, D E M O C R A T IZ E (1) equalize (0.22).
0.25); lie (to utter an untruth, 0.18); D E M O L IS H (14) dem olish (1.00); de­
sneak (0.18). stroy (to bring to nothing, 0.97); raze
D E L U G E (4) cover (to send dow n in (0.91); annihilate (0.75); break (to bring
plenty, 0.92); flood (0.43); glut (to over­ to ruin or to an end, 0.75); ravage (0.73);
supply, 0.35); surge (to swell, 0.25). refute (0.70); dism antle (0.67); smash
DELVE (4) delve (1.00); dig (to stir the (0.55); confute (0.33); abolish (0.31);
earth, 0.94); grab (0.75); shovel (0.17). subvert (0.29); defeat (to w orst in war,
DEMAND (17) demand (to ask, 1.00); de­ 0.28); ruin (to destroy, 0.25).
mand (to require, 1.00); enforce (to re­ D E M O N S T R A T E (13) dem onstrate (to
quire com pliance, 0.80); sue (0.80); ask prove, 1.00); dem onstrate (to explain,
(to inquire, 0.73); com m and (to issue 1.00); d e m o n stra te (to p rese n t for
an order, 0.68); expect (to require, 0.67); effect, 1.00); parade (to participate in a
request (to ask, 0.67); w ill (to exert parade, 0.75); explain (0.64); declare (to
speak fom ially and emphatically, 0.56); tion, 0.32); intend (to mean, 0.25); point
reason (to discuss persuasively, 0.45); (to indicate, 0.25); m ark (to designate,
convince (0.43); m anifest (to evidence, 0.14).
0.25); com municate (to impart inform a­ D E N O U N C E (17) denounce (1.00); up­
tion, 0.19); forecast (to predict, 0.15); braid (0.89); com plain (to express an
argue (to endeavour to convince, 0.12); objection, 0.84); accuse (0.81); censure
prove (0.10). (0.71); depreciate (to low er in reputa­
D E M O R A L IZ E (5) demoralize (to corrupt, tion, 0.70); im peach (0.67); rebel (to
1.00); demoralize (to unnerve, 1.00); cor­ object, 0.50); reprim and (0.50); scold
ru p t (to d ebase, 0.72); frig h ten (to (0.48); challenge (to invite to a contest,
alarm, 0.42); discourage (to dishearten, 0.33); dare (to defy, 0.33); hate (to
0 . 12). detest, 0.30); execrate (to curse, 0.25);
D E M O T E (6) dem ote (1.00); hum ble sully (to defam e, 0.25); vilify (0.25);
(0.80); low er (0.80); degrade (to hu m ­ curse (to sw ear at, 0.13).
ble, 0.75); reduce (to hum ble, 0.50); D E N T (2) dent (1.00); pick (to use a
depose (0.25). pointed instrum ent, 0.75).
D E M U R (11) dem ur (1.00); rem onstrate D ENU D E (2) denude (1.00); unwrap (0.05).
(0.80); p ro test (0.75); rep u d iate (to D EN Y (12) deny (1.00); recant (0.87); bar
refuse, 0.75); recoil (0.71); balk (to (to obstruct by refusal, 0.82); oppose
refuse, 0.67); refuse (0.58); hesitate (to h o ld a co n tra ry o p in io n , 0.76);
(0.39); com plain (to express an objec­ answ er (to m ove in response, 0.71);
tion, 0,32); oppose (to hold a contrary revoke (0.56); humiliate (0.54); disown
opinion, 0.29); doubt (to raise a ques­ (0.50); forbid (0.32); debar (to prevent,
tion, 0.25). 0.25); forsw ear (0.25); humble (0.08).
D E N A T U R E (2) change (to m ake differ­ D E O D O R IZ E (3) deodorize (1.00); clean
ent, 0.76); adulterate (0.17). (0.89); purify (0.53).
D E N A Z IF Y (1) reform (to correct evils, D E P A R T (18) depart (to go away, 1.00);
0.09). depart (to die, 1.00);leave (to go away,
D E N IG R A T E (4) humiliate (0.75); depre­ 0.92); die (to cease living, 0.78); veer
ciate (to low er in reputation, 0.60); cen­ (0.77); escape (0.75); retreat (to retire,
sure (0.58); slander (0.33). 0.71); expire (to die, 0.67); go (to die,
D ENO M IN ATE (5) denominate (1.00); call 0.67); quit (to leave, 0.67); perish (0.50);
(to address, 0.75); dub (to entitle, 0.75); se p a ra te (to p a rt co m p an y , 0.50);
nam e (to give a nam e, 0.44); define (to withdraw (to retire, 0.50); vary (to show
provide a nam e or description ,0.36). changes, 0.42); disappear (0.40); end
D E N O T E (11) denote (1.00); m ean (to (to die, 0.33); entrain (0.33); vacate (to
have as m eaning, 0.83); nam e (to indi­ leave a residence, 0.33).
cate by nam e, 0.75); im port (to signify, D E P IC T (14) depict (1.00); represent (to
0.67); be (to mean, 0.50); involve (0.40); present as a true interpretation , 0.86);
m atter (to be o f im p ortance, 0.33); describe (0.85); portray (to represent,
define (to provide a nam e or descrip­ 0.75); paint (to represent by painting,
0.67); narrate (0.65); copy (to repro­ 1.00); deposit (to present money for
duce, 0.61); interpret (to convey the safekeeping, 1.00); store (0.82); file (to
meaning o f (art), 0.60); draw (to m ake a arrange in order, 0.75); keep (to store,
likeness by draw ing, 0.52); detail (to 0.75); dum p (0.73); paw n (0.67); place
make clear in detail, 0.42); illustrate (to (to put in a place, 0.61); lay (to bring
m ake clear by illustration, 0.33); plan forth, 0.50); lay (to place, 0.50); set (to
(to arrange in a prelim inary way, 0.31); place, 0.50); em bed (to put in, 0.47);
render (to interpret, said especially o f harden (to m ake less pervious, 0.19);
music, 0.25); sketch (to draw, 0.25). heap (to place in a heap, 0.15); park
D E P L A N E (2) descend (to m ove lower, (0 .11).
0.32); unload (0.11). D E P R A V E (11) deprave (1.00); corrupt
D E P L E T E (9) deplete (1.00); spend (to (to debase, 0.78); degrade (to corrupt,
expend, 0.91); em pty (to cause to be­ 0.75); dem oralize (to corrupt, 0.75);
com e em pty, 0.62); exhaust (to use pollute (0.75); taint (to corrupt, 0.75);
entirely, 0.50); w aste (to squander, debase (0.50); debauch (0.50); seduce
0.47); drain (to w ith draw strength, (0.29); vitiate (to violate, 0.25); abuse
0.35); outw ear (to exhaust, 0.33); bail (to treat badly, 0.16).
(to empty, 0.25); evacuate (to empty, D E P R E C A T E (13) deprecate (1.00); dis­
0.25). p a ra g e (0 .7 5 ); d o w n g ra d e (0 .5 0 );
D E PL O R E (11) deplore (1.00); mourn (to upbraid (0.47); censure (0.45); rem on­
lament, 0.95); com plain (to express an strate (0.40); com plain (to express an
objection, 0.89); dislike (0.86); depre­ objection, 0.37); regret (to disapprove
cate (0.75); lam ent (to regret, 0.75); of, 0.33); oppose (to hold a contrary
regret (to d isapprove of, 0.67); rue opinion, 0.26); warn (0.26); discourage
(0.67); mind (to object to, 0.33); cry (to (to w arn, 0.25); underestim ate (0.08);
weep, 0.30); ruin (to cause to becom e scandalize (0.04).
bankrupt, 0.10). D E PR EC IA T E (19) depreciate (to become
D E PL O Y (2) deploy (1.00); dispel (to le ss in v a lu e o r q u a n tity , 1.00);
scatter, 0.50). depreciate (to lower in reputation, 1.00);
D EPO PU LA TE (1) depopulate (1.00). corrupt (to debase, 0.80); deteriorate
D E P O R T (6) deport (1.00); banish (to (0.75); sla n d er (0.67); discount (to
condem n to exile, 0.63); expatriate deduct, 0.62); underestim ate (0.58);
(0.25); ostracize (0.25); elim inate (to decry (0.50); devalue (0.50); minimize
remove, 0.15); dism iss (to send away, (0.50); slump (to decline, 0.50); decrease
0.06). (to grow less, 0.41); censure (0.39);
D E PO SE (9) depose (1.00); dethrone adulterate (0.37); neglect (to treat with
(0.75); sw ear (to take an oath, 0.73); indifference, 0.25); undervalue (0.25);
unmake (0.50); unseat (to oust, 0.50); decay (0.24); detract (0.22); scandalize
oust (0.36); testify (to bare w itness, (0.11).
0.22); w itness (0.17); vouch (0.14). D E P R E S S (19) depress (to bring to a
D E P O S IT (15) deposit (to lay dow n, low er level, 1.00); depress (to bring to
a lower state, 1.00); flatten (to make flat, receive (to take into one’s charge, 0.57);
0.94); dent (0.88); sink (to cause to sink, extract (to elicit, 0.50); reap (to gain,
0.70); subvert (0.52); disgrace (0.50); 0.50); elicit (0.25); earn (to receive in
freeze (to discourage, 0.50); tire (to paym ent, 0.15).
make a person exhausted, 0.50); deaden D E R O G A T E (5) derogate (1.00); detract
(to reduce life or its evidence, 0.46); (0.33); depreciate (to low er in reputa­
disturb (to upset m ental calm , 0.46); tion, 0.13); slander (0.13); denounce
w eary (to m ake weary, 0.32); hum iliate (0.03).
(0.29); vex (to trouble, 0.25); low er D E S A L IN A T E (1) freshen (to sweeten,
(0.20); dig (to stir the earth, 0.18); 0.75).
sadden (0.17); burden (0.15); oppress D E S C A N T (2) descant (1.00); ramble (to
(0.13). speak or w rite aimlessly, 0.24).
D E P R IV E (8) deprive (1.00); oust (0.50); D E S C E N D (12) descend (to move lower,
starve (to cause to starve, 0.40); deaden 1.00); descend (to descend figuratively,
(to reduce life or its evidence, 0.36); 1.00); descend (to condescend, 1.00);
fo reclo se (to exclude, 0.33); forbid sink (to go dow nw ard, 0.91); glide (to
(0.18); enslave (0.16); hinder (0.04). m ove dow nw ard gradually, 0.86); drop
D EPU RA TE (2) purify (0.47); clean (0.07). (to fall in drops, 0.79); settle (to sink,
D E P U T E (3) commission (0.80); delegate 0 .75); su b m e rg e (to go dow nw ard,
(to give authority to another, 0.25); 0.75); condescend (0.71); fall (to pass
com m it (to entrust, 0.09). quickly dow nw ard, 0.64); step (0.60);
D E P U T IZ E (4) commission (0.53); assign tumble (0.25).
(to d eleg ate to a specific p urpose, D E S C R IB E (14) describe (1.00); report
0.37); delegate (to give authority to (to deliver inform ation, 0.94); draw (to
another, 0.30); commit (to entrust, 0.23). m ake a likeness by draw ing, 0.91);
D E R A N G E (10) derange (to disarrange, advertise (to solicit business, 0.86);
1.00); derange (to upset, 1.00); scatter explain (0.79); narrate (0.75); rehearse
(to cause to separate, 0.88); disorgan­ (to tell, 0.75); tell (to narrate, 0.67);
ize (0.70); hinder (0.60); tangle (0.60); represent (to present as a true inter­
m u d d le (to confuse; said o f affairs, p retation , 0.57); recite (to relate in
0.53); em broil (0.50); unhinge (to u p ­ detail, 0.50); sketch (to draw, 0.50); com­
set, 0.25); confuse (0.23). m unicate (to impart information, 0.29);
D E R ID E (13) deride (1.00); fleer (0.75); delineate (0.25); outline (to draw, 0.25).
m ock (to ridicule, 0.75); ridicule (0.74); D E S C R Y to catch sight of; to be able to
disgrace (0.69); stultify (to ridicule, see; to m ake out (7) find (to happen
0.67); parody (0.63); scoff (0.50); sneer upon, 0.92); see (to perceive with the
(0.45); insult (0.25); satirize (0.25); eye, 0.86); discover (to find, 0.84); hear
d ep reciate (to low er in rep u tatio n , (to receive inform ation orally, 0.45);
0.20); hate (to detest, 0.15). hear (to perceive by ear, 0.44); recognize
D E R IV E (7) derive (to draw a conclusion, (to know again, 0.43); spy (to see, 0.25).
1.00); derive (to receive payment, 1.00); D E S E C R A T E (2) desecrate (1.00); abuse
(to treat badly, 0.38). m anage (to direct, 0.89); define (to
D E S E G R E G A T E (1) integrate (to abol­ provide a nam e or description , 0.82);
ish racial segregation, 0.50). denom inate (0.75); cast (to select ac­
D E SE N SIT IZ E (1) drug (0.63). tors for a play, 0.71); specify (0.71);
D E S E R T (14) desert (to abandon in time prescribe (to give m edical direction,
o f trouble, 1.00); desert (to leave army 0.67); detail (to m ake clear in detail,
w ithout perm ission, 1.00); abandon (to 0.65); appoint (0.50); call (to address,
leave in trouble, 0.93); disobey (0.83); 0.50); characterize (to describe, 0.50);
decam p (0.75); fail (to be unsuccess­ entitle (to nam e, 0.50); nam e (to give a
ful, 0.75); flee (0.75); forsake (to aban­ nam e, 0.38); direct (to w rite directions
don, 0.75); m aroon (0.75); evacuate (to on a letter or package, 0.25); im print
abandon, 0.50); leave (to abandon, (0.25); allot (to assign, 0.20); mean (to
0.33); escape (0.25); jilt (0.25); discard have as m eaning, 0.17).
(0.08). D E S IR E (12) desire (to w ish for, 1.00);
D ESER V E (1) deserve (1.00). desire (to request, 1.00); desire (to want
D E SIC C A T E (6) desiccate (to dry, 1.00); sexually, 1.00); hope (0.88); miss (to
desiccate (to preserve, 1.00); dehydrate feel a w ant, 0.75); covet (0.67); long
(0.75); parch (0.75); dry (to cause to (0.67); urge (to induce, 0.66); crave (to
b ec o m e dry, 0 .5 0 ); e v a p o ra te (to long for, 0.50); like (to be inclined, 0.50);
dehydrate, 0.50). lust (0.33); languish (to want, 0.25).
D E S IG N (2 2 ) d e s ig n (to p la n in a D E S IS T (15) desist (1.00); refuse (0.89);
p relim in ary w ay, 1.00); d esig n (to abstain (0.78); cease (0.75); end (to
co n ceive, 1.00); d esig n (to intend, com e to an end, 0.75); stop (to cease,
1.00); intend (to destine for, 0.83); form 0.60); abandon (to relinquish, 0.59);
(to give shape to a thing, 0.78); destine decline (to refuse, 0.50); balk (to refuse,
(to intend, 0.75); invent (to create or 0.33); avoid (0.25); conclude (to come
d isc o v er, 0 .6 7 ); a rra n g e (to m ak e to an end, 0.25); quit (to cease, 0.25);
arrangements, 0.65); organize (to form term inate (to com e to an end, 0.25);
an organization, 0.58); depict (0.50); suspend (to cease temporarily, 0.20);
emboss (0.50); plan (to plot an action abandon (to relinquish, 0.04).
in advance, 0.50); m aneuver (0.47); D E SO L A T E (3) ravage (0.88); destroy (to
forge (0.44); plan (to arrange in a pre­ b ring to nothing, 0.41); depress (to
liminary way, 0.44); paint (to represent bring to a low er state, 0.39).
by painting, 0.40); com pose (to create, D E S P A IR (2) worry (to indulge in worry,
0.36); system atize (0.36); produce (to 0.60); mope (0.38).
create by mental effort, 0.33); represent D E S P IS E (10) despise (1.00); hate (to de­
(to present as a true interpretation , test, 0.70); sneer (0.69); scorn (to treat
0.29); lay (to w ork out, 0.25); create (to w ith s c o rn , 0 .6 7 ); s p u rn (0 .6 7 );
make, 0.19). abominate (0.50); dislike (0.38); neglect
D ESIG NA TE (18) designate (to specify, (to tre a t w ith in d iffe re n c e , 0 .3 8 );
1.00); desig n ate (to appoint, 1.00); disregard (0.33); detest (0.25).
D E S P O IL (16) despoil (1.00); profane 1.00); narrate (0.85); assign (to delegate
(0.89); ravage (0.86); harass (to m ake to a specific purpose, 0.78); develop
sm all,persistent attacks, 0.75); ransack (to reveal slowly, 0.40); describe (0.37);
(to loot, 0.75); desecrate (0.67); ruin (to cast (to select actors for a play, 0.29);
destroy chastity, 0.50); deprive (0.40); attach (to assign, 0.25).
rape (0.40); destroy (to bring to nothing, D E T A IN (9) detain (1.00); hold (to have
0.32); raid (0.26); deflow er (0.25); rob in o n e ’s grasp, 0.76); delay (to cause a
(0.20); dam age (to im pair the value of, delay, 0.68); slow (to cause to become
0.15); corrupt (to debase, 0.09); steal slower, 0.60); imprison (0.54); arrest (to
(0.05). seize legally, 0.50); incarcerate (0.50);
D E S P O N D to becom e dejected or de­ jail (0.17); hinder (0.05).
pressed (1) m ope (0.81). D E T E C T (9) detect (to find out, 1.00);
D E S P O T IZ E (1) tyrannize (0.75). detect (to identify a crim inal, 1.00);
D ESQ U AM ATE (1) flake (0.08). discover (to find, 0.90); distinguish (to
D E S T E R IL IZ E (1) free (to disburden, discern, 0.75); find (to happen upon,
0.82). 0.69); spot (to point out, 0.50); see (to
D E S T IN E (4) destine (to predestine, perceive w ith the eye, 0.36); hear (to
1.00); destine (to intend, 1.00); prede­ perceive by ear, 0.22); smell (to use the
term ine (0.83); foreordain (0.25). sense o f smell, 0.14).
D E S T R O Y (19) destroy (to bring to D E T E R to discourage or turn aside (11)
nothing, 1.00); destroy (to kill, 1.00); deter (1.00); delay (to cause a delay,
disorganize (0.94); ravage (0.92); undo 0.91); halt (to cause to cease, 0.84);
(0.83); w reck (to bring to ruin, 0.80); hinder (0.72); dissuade (0.67); frighten
dispatch (to kill deliberately, 0.75); open (to alarm , 0.58); restrain (to hold in
(to m ake an opening, 0.75); spoil (to check, 0.35); frighten (to drive off, be­
ru in , 0.7 5 ); su b v e rt (0 .6 7 ); p o iso n cause o f alarm , 0.29); discourage (to
(0.64); prostrate (to overthrow , 0.50); restrain, 0.25); im pede (0.25); prevent
smash (0.50); cancel (to m ark out, 0.42); (0.16).
delete (0.33); curse (to sw ear at, 0.25); D E T E R G E (1) purify (0.35).
kill (to deprive o f life, 0.25); liquidate D E T E R IO R A T E (18) deteriorate (1.00);
(to abolish, 0.25); deaden (to reduce decrease (to grow less, 0.79); depreciate
life or its evidence, 0.04). (to becom e less in value or quantity ,
D E T A C H (11) detach (1.00); divide (to 0 .7 5 ); sta g n a te (0 .7 5 ); d e c lin e (to
separate by parting, 0.90); detail (to decrease, 0.50); descend (to descend
assign to a specific duty, 0.75); dism iss figuratively, 0.50); lapse (to fail slowly,
(to send away, 0.75); unhitch (0.69); 0 .5 0 ); re la p s e (0 .3 6 ); w ea r (to be
w ean (0.67); disconnect (0.50); disjoin consum ed by w earing, 0.30); bite (to
(0.50); isolate (0.50); dem arcate (0.33); cut or corrode, 0.29); die (to decline as
disintegrate (to break up, 0.23). though death w ere inevitable , 0.28);
D E TA IL (8) detail (to make clear in detail, corrode (to deteriorate, 0.25); degrade
1.00); detail (to assign to a specific duty, (to corrupt, 0.25); distort (to change
shape, 0.21); age (to grow old, 0.20); governm ent, 0.11).
wash (to erode, 0.20); adulterate (0.11); D E TO N A T E (7) detonate (1.00); explode
wither (0.11). (to burst, 0.85); sound (to m ake a noise,
D E T E R M IN E (39) determine (to define, 0.74); blast (to shatter by explosion,
1.00);determ ine (to find out the facts, 0.33); fulminate (to explode, 0.33); roar
1.00); determ ine (to decide the course
(0.29); backfire (to explode, 0.25).
o f affairs, 1.00); determine (to resolve, D E T O U R (4) circuit (0.83); bend (to force
1.00); define (to provide a nam e or out o f a straight line, 0.50); turn (to
description , 0.96); arrange (to m ake change direction, 0.25); circle (0.22).
arrangements, 0.95); com mand (to have D E T R A C T (6) detract (1.00); scandalize
control, 0.91); resolve (0.90); calculate (0.93); distract (to divert som eone’s at­
(to reckon, 0.89); influence (0.86); tention from, 0.80); slander (0.70); sneer
operate (to produce an effect, 0.83); fix ( 0 .5 5 ) ; d e p r e c ia te (to lo w e r in
(to decide, 0.75); ordain (to destine, reputation, 0.07).
0.75); orient (to direct, 0.75); discover D E T R A IN (2) descend (to m ove lower,
(to find, 0.74); date (to indicate histori­ 0.36); light (to com e to rest from flight
cal tim e, 0.71); derive (to draw a con­ or travel, 0.27).
clusion, 0.67); discern (to detect, 0.67); D E V A L U A T E (3) devalue (0.25); de­
forecast (to predict, 0.62); prove (0.62); crease (to m ake less, 0.16); decrease
m ean (to have as m eaning, 0.61); cast (to grow less, 0.06).
(to se le c t ac to rs for a play, 0.5 7 ); DEVALUE (4) devalue (1.00); alloy (to de­
adm inister (to m inister, 0.56); find (to valuate, 0.50); cheapen (0.45); adulter­
reach a legal decision, 0.50); pace (to ate (0.31).
m easure by pacing, 0.50); show (to DEVASTATE (5) devastate (1.00); ravage
dem onstrate, 0.50); trace (to discover (0.94); destroy (to bring to nothing,
by investigation, 0.50); vote (0.50); 0.86); dem olish (0.50); consum e (to
locate (to determ ine a location, 0.44); destroy, 0.25).
enact (to legislate, 0.42); ascertain D E V E L O P (34) develop (to improve,
(0.33); choose (to select, 0.33); learn 1.00); d ev e lo p (to im prove, 1.00);
(to acquire mentally, 0.25); rate (to rank, develop (to grow, 1.00); develop (to
0.21); crown (to empower with a crown, reveal slowly, 1.00); develop (to work
0.13); estim ate (to m ake a considered out, 1.00); develop (to begin, 1.00);grow
prediction, 0.13); solve (0.12); tell (to (to change slowly, 0.91); ripen (to grow,
deduce, 0.11); form (to give shape to a 0.75); promote (to further, 0.74); stretch
thing, 0.06). (to cause to stretch, 0.57); advance (to
D E T E S T (5) detest (1.00); dislike (0.95); im prove, 0.50); age (to mature, 0.50);
abhor (0.75); neglect (to treat w ith in­ alter (to becom e different, 0.50); come
difference, 0.56); loathe (0.50). (to becom e, 0.50); constitute (to found,
D E T H R O N E (4) dethrone (1.00); oust 0.50); im prove (to m ake better, 0.48);
(0.29); dism iss (to send away, 0.25); im p ro v e (to b ec o m e b etter, 0 .47);
rebel (to endeav o u r to overthrow a harden (to toughen, 0.46); form (to give
DEVIATE -1 0 0 - DIE
shape to a thing, 0.37); act (to perform (to m ake w eaker, 0.50); deaden (to
an action, 0.36); form (to take form, 0.36); reduce life or its evidence, 0.25); drain
prepare (to m ake o n eself ready, 0.35); (to w ithdraw strength, 0.18).
break (to happen, 0.33); revise (0.33); D E V O T E (7) devote (1.00); dedicate (to
shape (to take shape, 0.33); teach (to set apart for special use, 0.92); appro­
act as a teacher, 0.27); grow (to becom e priate (to provide money, 0.60); conse­
larger, 0.26); augm ent (to grow, 0.25); crate (to set apart, 0.50); sacrifice (to
germ inate (0.25); increase (to grow, offer to a deity, 0.43); contribute (to
0.25); p erfec t (0.25); p ro p ag a te (to give, 0.25); exercise (to use, 0.09).
spread, 0.25); spread (to extend^ 0.17); D E V O U R (4) devour (1.00); eat (to take
com plete (to m ake entire, 0.16); reclaim as food, 0.83); consum e (to eat or
(to bring into usable condition, 0.10). drink, 0.25); glut (to eat to satiety, 0.07).
D E V IA T E (8) deviate (1.00); veer (0.85); D IA G N O S E (2) recognize (to know again,
tack (to steer an oblique course, 0.80); 0.64); experim ent (to investigate scien­
turn (to divert, 0.67); vary (to show tifically, 0.59).
changes, 0.67); turn (to change direc­ D IA L (3) dial (to turn, 1.00); dial (to
tio n , 0 .3 3 ); stra y (0 .2 0 ); w in d (to telephone, 1.00); telephone (0.20).
meander, 0.09). D IA L O G U E (1) talk (to converse, 0.65).
D E V IL (1) cook (0.44). D IA P E R (1) engrave (to prepare a plate
D E V m G IN A T E (1) rape (0.35). for printing, 0.06).
D E V IS E (23) invent (to create or discover, D IC E (3) m ince (to chop, 0.75); cut (to
0.89); arrange (to m ake arrangem ents, sever, 0.68); bet (0.36).
0.85); plan (to plot an action in advance, D IC K E R (1) contract (to enter into an
0.83); form (to give shape to a thing, agreement, 0.60).
0 .8 2 ); co n c o ct (to m ak e up, 0 .80); D IC T A T E (13) d ictate (to speak for
d eterm in e (to decid e th e co u rse o f record, 1.00); dictate (to give perem p­
affairs, 0.75); lay (to w ork out, 0.75); tory orders, 1.00); com m and (to issue
m ould (to determ ine a course o f action, an order, 0.86); enact (to legislate, 0.74);
0.75); im agine (to visualize m entally, enforce (to require com pliance, 0.73);
0.56); create (to conceive in the m ind, edit (to supervise publication, 0.64);
0.50); leave (to allow to fall to another, com m and (to have control, 0.61); domi­
0.50); mint (to invent a word, etc., 0.50); nate (0.56); order (to give a com mand,
system atize (0.45); discover (to find, 0.50); com municate (to impart informa­
0.42); m aneuver (0.41); extem porize tion, 0.3 7 ); ru le (to go v ern , 0.25);
(0 .3 3 ); fram e (to p rep a re a w ritte n tyrannize (0.25); govern (0.18).
sta te m en t, 0.33); im p ro v ise (0 .33); D IE to cease to live (6) die (to cease living,
co n triv e (to in v e n t, 0 .2 5 ); sc h em e 1.00); die (to cease existing, 1.00); die
(0.25); build (to construct, 0.11); p re­ (to decline as though death w ere in­
pare (to m ake oneself ready, 0.09); pro­ evitable , 1.00); disappear (0.80); wither
duce (to create by m ental effort, 0.08). (0.33); end (to com e to an end, 0.25).
D E V IT A LIZE (4) enervate (0.50); weaken D IE to furnish with a die (1) machine (0.42).
D IE T (1) diet (1.00). prom ote (to advance in rank, 0.07).
D IF F E R (8) differ (to be unlike, 1.00); dif­ D IG R E S S (7) digress (1.00); deviate
fer (to oppose, 1.00); com plain (to (0.80); differ (to be unlike, 0.70); veer
express an objection, 0.82); vary (to (0.69); vary (to show changes, 0.58);
show changes, 0.75); contradict (to ram ble (to speak or w rite aimlessly,
oppose, 0.67); range (to vary, 0.67); 0.53); w ander (to speak or think inco­
disobey (0.65); debate (0.13). herently, 0.25).
D IFFER EN TIA TE (5) differentiate (to dis­ D IK E (4) bar (to raise a physical obstruc­
tinguish, 1.00); differentiate (to change, tion, 0.85); bank (to heap earth or sim i­
1.00); distinguish (to make distinctions, lar m aterial, 0.75); heap (to place in a
0.88); dem arcate (0.67); tell (to deduce, heap, 0.58); furrow (0.50).
0.33). D IL A P ID A T E (3) destroy (to bring to
D IFFU SE (12) diffuse (1.00); evaporate nothing, 0.55); break (to fall apart, 0.13);
(to v ap o riz e, 0.86); rad ia te (to send die (to decline as though death were
forth from a centre, 0.86); circ u late inevitable, 0.11).
(to se n d a b o u t, 0 .7 5 ); s c a tte r (to D IL A T E to m ake larger (8) dilate (1.00);
cause to separate, 0.75); d issipate (to sw ell (0.93); increase (to add to, 0.89);
d ispel, 0.50); p ro p ag a te (to spread, excite (to activate, 0.73); grow (to be­
0.50); spray (0.50); spread (to distrib­ com e larger, 0.59); heave (to raise and
ute, 0.50); instill (0.42); d isso lv e (to fall, 0.48); lengthen (to m ake longer,
pass from a so lid to a liq u id state, 0.36); expand (0.25).
0.18); spread (to apply over a surface, DILLY-DALLY (4) dilly-dally (1.00); loiter
0.15). (0.31); linger (to go reluctantly, 0.29);
DIG (4) dig (to rem ove by digging, 1.00); lo af (to do nothing useful, 0.12).
dig (to stir the earth, 1.00); dent (0.65); D IL U T E (6) dilute (1.00); adulterate (0.83);
harrow (to use a harrow on land, 0.50). cut (to w eaken, 0.75); thin (0.67); de­
D IG E S T (12) digest (to transform food, crease (to m ake less, 0.44); w eaken (to
1.00);digest (to understand by delibera­ make weaker, 0.05).
tion, 1.00); digest (to summ arize, 1.00); D IM (8) blear (0.75); shadow (to shade,
absorb (to take in by absorption, 0.93); 0.75); deaden (to soften, 0.67); fade (to
abridge (0.75); abstract (to prepare an lose colour or light, 0.58); outshine (to
abstract, 0.75); eat (to take as food, obscure, 0.50); overshadow (to shade,
0.70); assim ilate (to absorb, 0.67); 0.50); shade (to m ake darker, 0.50);
tabulate (0.47); classify (0.33); decrease blind (to obscure, 0.25).
(to m ake less, 0.30); c o n d e n se (to D IM IN IS H (30) dim inish (to grow less,
abridge, 0.25). 1.00); dim inish (to m ake less, 1.00);
DIGNIFY (8) dignify (1.00); lionize (0.75); change (to m ake different, 0.94); de­
sign (to consecrate, 0.75); crow n (to crease (to grow less, 0.94); soften (to
em power w ith a crown, 0.50); raise (to becom e soft, 0.77); lessen (to grow less,
advance in rank, 0.50); transfigure (to 0.75); discount (to deduct, 0.69); de­
exalt, 0.50); elevate (to exalt, 0.25); duct (0.67); detract (0.67); im pair (to
weaken, 0.67); whittle (to reduce slowly, direct (to w rite directions on a letter or
0 .6 7 ); e x te n u a te ( 0 .5 7 ) ; s in k (to pack ag e, 1.00); drive (to m anage a
decrease, 0.50); w ear (to consum e by propelled vehicle, 0.96); com m and (to
w earing, 0.50); decrease (to m ake less, have control, 0.93); edit (to supervise
0.49); slow (to cause to becom e slower, publication, 0.91); tend (to watch over,
0.40); relieve (to lessen; said especially 0.86); advise (to give counsel, 0.83);
o f pain, 0.35); die (to decline as though tell (to inform, 0.81); command (to issue
death w ere in ev itab le, 0.33); lessen (to an order, 0.77); bend (to influence,
m ake less, 0.33); reduce (to m ake less, 0.75); engineer (0.75); head (0.75); lead
0.33); restrict (to hold w ithin lim its, (to exercise leadership, 0.75); m aster­
0.27); abate (to grow less, 0.25); ap­ m ind (0.75); order (to give a command,
proach (to com e near in tim e, 0.25); 0.75); overrule (to rule, 0.75); preside
curtail (0.25); degrade (to humble, 0.25); (0.75); turn (to point, 0.75); teach (to
dwindle (0.25); mollify (to lessen, 0.25); act as a teacher, 0.70); restrain (to hold
cheapen (0.18); drain (to seep away, in check, 0.69); farm (to m anage farm
0.10); fall (to pass quickly dow nw ard, property, 0.67); influence (0.66); ship
0.04). (0.57); ride (to control a beast o f burden
D IM P L E (1) dent (0.47). by rid in g , 0.50); sy n d icate (0.50);
D IN E (6) dine (1.00); feed (0.58); eat (to adm inister (to manage, 0.50); charge (to
ta k e as fo o d , 0 .5 2 ); lu n c h (0 .5 0 ); c o m m a n d , 0 .5 0 ); c o u n s e l (0 .5 0 );
en tertain (to act as host or hostess, dem and (to ask, 0.50); dictate (to give
0.29); sup (0.25). perem ptory orders, 0.50); instruct (to
D IP (18) dip (to fall, 1.00); dip (to put order, 0.50); ask (to inquire, 0.45); aim
into a liquid, 1.00); dip (to transfer by (to point a w eapon, 0.44); tend (to have
m eans o f a vessel, 1.00); em pty (to a tendency (tow ard), 0.43); prescribe
cause to becom e empty, 0.90); im m erse (to give m edical direction, 0.33); steer
(to p ut under w ater, 0.86); bow (to (0.33); sum m on (to call, 0.28); govern
b en d , 0.7 7 ); b ath e (to sin k , 0 .7 5 ); (0.27); m aintain (to keep ready for use,
crouch (to stoop, 0.75); drown (to lower 0.26); m arshal (0.25); officiate (0.25);
into a liquid, 0.75); soak (to drench, regulate (to control, 0.25); rule (to regu­
0.64); moisten (0.62); descend (to move late, 0.25); sw ay (to influence, 0.25);
lower, 0.60); dive (0.43); baptize (to channel (0.25); dispense (to adm inis­
clea n se sacram e n ta lly , 0 .29); rin se ter, 0.25); keep (to operate, 0.25); ar­
(0.25); lean (to incline, 0.22); tilt (to range (to m ake arrangements, 0.20); will
incline, 0.18); w ash (to bathe, 0.06). (to exeit o n e ’s will, 0.20); organize (to
D IR E C T (56) direct (to show the way, form an organization, 0.12).
1.00);direct (to decide the course o f D IR T Y (2) dirty (1.00); damage (to impair
affairs, 1.00); direct (to teach, 1.00); the value of, 0.86).
direct (to address, 1.00); direct (to aim D IS A B L E (7) disable (1.00); disarm (to
a w eapon, 1.00); direct (to com m and, deprive o f weapons, 0.87); maim (0.77);
1.00); direct (to direct one’s effort, 1.00); e n fe e b le (0 .5 0 ); h a m strin g (0.50);
indispose (to disqualify, 0.50); unarm (0.52); d iv erg e (to d isagree, 0.50);
(0.33). scow l (0.50); hiss (to condem n, 0.33);
D IS A B U SE (2) disabuse (1.00); disillu­ upbraid (0.29); shrug (0.25); rem on­
sion (0.40). strate (0.07); refuse (0.05).
D IS A D V A N T A G E (1) d isa d v a n ta g e D IS A R M (4) disarm (to deprive o f weap­
( 1.00 ). ons, 1.00); disarm (to reduce national
DIS A F F E C T (2) disaffect (1.00); alienate arm am ents, 1.00); disarm (to persuade,
(0.71). 1.00); disband (0.43).
D ISA FFIL IA TE (1) disinherit (0.33). D IS A R R A N G E (10) muddle (to confuse;
D ISA G R E E (16) disagree (to differ, 1.00); said o f affairs, 0.88); disorganize (0.82);
disagree (to have uncom fortable effect, d is o r d e r (0 .7 5 ); m is p la c e (0 .7 5 );
1.00); deny (0.93); complain (to express confuse (0.70); pi (0.50); displace (to
an objection, 0.79); belie (to contradict, put in the w rong place, 0.25); mislay
0.75); dem ur (0.75); differ (to oppose, (0.25); unsettle (0.25); muss (0.22).
0.75); dissent (0.75); gainsay (to con­ D ISA RRA Y (1) disorganize (0.09).
tradict, 0.75); disobey (0.70); contrast D IS A SS E M B L E (1) dismantle (0.92).
(to provide a contrast, 0.67); protest D IS A V O W (4) disavow (1.00); deny
(0.50); squabble (0.50); oppose (to hold (0.79); recant (0.70); renounce (to re­
a contrary opinion, 0.41); quarrel (0.27); pudiate, 0.33).
collide (to com e into conflict, 0.25). D ISBA N D (7) disband (1.00); dismiss (to
D IS A L L O W (11) disallow (1.00); bar (to send away, 0.78); disorganize (0.61);
obstruct by refusal, 0.86); deny (0.86); scatter (to cause to separate, 0.56);
indispose (to disqualify, 0.75); refuse scatter (to becom e separated, 0.40);
(0.63); taboo (0.47); disapprove (to d is in te g r a te (to b re a k up, 0 .3 8 );
reject, 0.33); forbid (0.21); hinder (0.20); disperse (0.33).
rebuff (to reject, 0.05); halt (to cause to D IS B A R to exclude (2) unseat (to oust,
cease, 0.01). 0.75); disqualify (to debar, 0.25).
D ISA NN U L (1) abolish (0.38). D IS B E L IE V E (6) doubt (to entertain
D IS A PP E A R (6) disappear (1.00); eat (to doubt, 0.67); discount (to disregard,
reduce gradually, 0.67); die (to cease 0.50); discredit (to doubt, 0.50); sus­
existing, 0.60); escape (0.44); waste (to pect (to doubt som eone, 0.50); deny
be consum ed gradually, 0.36); dive (0.25); distrust (0.25).
(0.14). D IS B E N C H (1) punish (0.37).
D IS A P P O IN T (3) disap p o in t (1.00); D IS B U R D E N (4) unload (0.95); lighten
defeat (to get the better o f another, (to m ake lighter, 0.88); ease (to lessen
0.44); hinder (0.17). pressure or tension, 0.78); com fort (to
D IS A P P R O V E (13) disapprove (to con­ make easy physically, 0.35).
dem n, 1.00); disap p ro v e (to reject, D IS B U R S E (7) disburse (1.00); manage
1.00); com plain (to express an objec­ (to direct. 0.76); spend (to expend,
tion, 0.95); oppose (to hold a contrary 0.50); appropriate (to provide money,
opinion, 0.91); censure (0.53); dislike 0.30); satisfy (to pay, 0.25); pay (to give
paym ent, 0.21); adm inister (to minister, defecate (0.67); detonate (0.67); elim i­
0.06). nate (to rem ove waste matter, 0.67); fire
D IS C A R D (11) discard (1.00); dismiss (to (to shoot, 0.67); fulm inate (to explode,
sen d aw ay, 0.97); eject (to rem o v e 0.67); discard (0.64); excrete (0.60);
physically, 0.89); abandon (to relin ­ throw (to send forth, 0.58); redeem (to
quish, 0.78); abandon (to leave in trou­ recover through a payment, 0.56); dump
ble, 0.71); neglect (to fail to attend to (0.55); free (to disburden, 0.55); remove
resp o nsibilities , 0.62); shed (0.45); (to m ove physically, 0.55); cash (0.50);
eliminate (to remove, 0.33); deny (0.29); expel (to dism iss, 0.50); exude (0.50);
rem o v e (to d ism iss, 0 .25); ed it (to perform (to accomplish an action, 0.50);
prepare for publication, 0.21). relieve (to replace, 0.50); spout (0.50);
D IS C E R N (13) discern (to descry, 1.00); vent (0.50); achieve (to finish an un­
discern (to detect, 1.00); discover (to d ertak in g , 0.41); spend (to expend,
find, 0.87); penetrate (to understand, 0.36); clear (to free from guilt, 0.33);
0 .7 5 ); co m p re h e n d (to u n d e rsta n d , banish (to rem ove com pletely, 0.25);
0.50); know (to recognize, 0.50); find can cel (to an n u l, 0.25); p ard o n (to
(to happen upon, 0.38); look (to en­ red u c e p u n ish m en t, 0.25); unchain
deavour to see, 0.35); see (to perceive (0.25); vomit (0.17).
with the eye, 0.27); understand (to com ­ D IS C IP L IN E (14) discipline (to regulate,
prehend, 0.26); learn (to find out, 0.25); 1.00); discipline (to punish, 1.00); pun­
realize (to understand, 0.25); see (to ish (0.94); teach (to drill, 0.82); train (to
understand, 0.25). direct grow th, 0.82); harden (to tough­
D IS C H A R G E (53) discharge (to unload, en, 0.73); chasten (to punish, 0.71);
1.00); d isch arg e (to rem o v e, 1.00); chastise (0.50); mortify (0.50); exercise
discharge (to em it, 1.00);discharge (to (to train, 0.33); censure (0.32); exercise
c a u s e to fire , 1.0 0 );d is c h a rg e (to (to m ove the body, 0.31); drill (to train,
dism iss, 1.00); discharge (to release, 0.25); train (to drill, 0.25).
1.00); discharge (to perform , 1.00); D IS C L A IM (11) disclaim (to deny, 1.00);
discharge (to pay a debt, 1.00); d is­ d isc la im (to d iso w n , 1.00); revoke
charge (to annul, 1.00); free (to liber­ (0.81); deny (0.75); disavow (0.75);
ate, 0.95); em pty (to becom e em pty, gainsay (to deny, 0.75); contradict (to
0.93); dism iss (to rem ove an em ployee, deny, 0.67); recant (0.65); abandon (to
0.92); oust (0.86); excuse (0.83); pay (to relinquish, 0.52); forsake (to relinquish,
give paym ent, 0.79); explode (to burst, 0.50); refute (0.22).
0.77); refund (to put financial obliga­ D IS C L O S E (31) disclose (to divulge,
tions on a new basis, 0.77); cashier 1.00); disclose (to expose, 1.00); reveal
(0.75); parole (0.75); pour (to flow, 0.75); (to divulge, 0.95); expose (to uncover,
recall (to rem ove from office, 0.75); 0.94); unfold (to reveal, 0.91); develop
release (0.75); remove (to dismiss, 0.75); (to rev e al slo w ly , 0.90); ad m it (to
se c re te (to p e rsp ire , 0 .7 5 ); u n lo a d confess, 0.81); air (to speak publicly,
(0.74); elim inate (to rem ove, 0.73); 0.75); blab (to reveal, 0.75); confide (to
reveal in trust, 0.75); detect (to identify ple, 0.68); tangle (0.53); bother (to give
a crim inal, 0.75); discover (to m ake trouble, 0.50); tram m el (0.46); em bar­
known, 0.75); exhume (0.75); unburden rass (to upset mentally, 0.21); hurt (to
(to re v e a l, 0 .7 5 ); u n w ra p (0 .7 4 ); cause pain, 0.03).
com m unicate (to im part inform ation, D IS C O N C E R T (11) disconcert (1.00);
0.66); advertise (to m ake public, 0.61); c o n fu se (0 .9 8 ); d era n g e (to u pset,
declare (to adm it to o n e’s possessions, 0.86); em barrass (to upset mentally,
0.54); betray (to reveal, 0.50); instruct 0.82); defeat (to get the better o f an­
(to inform , 0.50); register (to show, other, 0.80); d isco m fit (to confuse,
0.50); uncloak (to expose, 0.50); unravel 0.75); trouble (to disturb, 0.75); disap­
(to solve, 0.50); enlighten (to bring point (0.63); bother (to be disturbing,
supposed spiritual truth, 0.43); utter 0.41); bew ilder (0.40); halt (to cause to
( 0 .4 3 ); n o tif y (to p r o v id e w ith cease, 0.39).
inform ation, 0.36); display (to present D IS C O N N E C T (4) disconnect (1.00); di­
for effect, 0.28); bare (0.25); m anifest vide (to sep arate by parting, 0.94);
(to display, 0.25); narrate (0.25); com ­ dissociate (to separate, 0.50); disinte­
ment (to make a remark, 0.16). grate (to break up, 0.08).
D IS C O L O U R (8) discolour (1.00); dam ­ D IS C O N T IN U E (15) discontinue (1.00);
age (to im p air the v alu e of, 0.80); abandon (to relinquish, 0.89); suspend
w eath er (to ex pose to the w eather, (to cease tem porarily, 0.85); quit (to
0.77); decay (0.71); foul (to becom e cease, 0.75); end (to bring to a halt,
dirty, 0.57); fade (to lose colour or light, 0.47); stop (to cease, 0.40); stop (to halt,
0.50); sm irch (to soil, 0.50); stain (to 0.40); outgrow (0.33); adjourn (0.25);
soil, 0.50). cease (0.25); desist (0.25); dissolve (to
D IS C O M F IT (9) discomfit (to defeat the dism iss, 0.25); interm it (0.25); pause
plans of, 1.00); discom fit (to confuse, (0.20); die (to cease existing, 0.10).
1.00); defeat (to worst in war, 0.69); hu­ D IS C O U N T (4) discount (to deduct,
miliate (0.63); rout (0.53); embarrass (to 1.00); discount (to disregard, 1.00);
upset m entally, 0.36); confuse (0.34); underrate (0.50); eliminate (to remove,
halt (to cause to cease, 0.09); hum ble 0.23).
(0.04). D IS C O U N T E N A N C E (4) halt (to cause
D IS C O M F O R T (2) em barrass (to upset to cease, 0.31); bar (to obstruct by re­
mentally, 0.42); frighten (to alarm, 0.10). fusal, 0.25); em barrass (to upset m en­
D ISC O M M O D E (8) discommode (1.00); tally, 0.18); censure (0.03).
unload (0.79); incommode (0.75); molest D IS C O U R A G E (9) discourage (to dis­
(to disturb people, 0.72); bother (to give hearten, 1.00); discourage (to warn,
trouble, 0.53); disoblige (to inconven­ 1.00); discourage (to restrain, 1.00);
ience, 0.50); tram m el (0.49); hurt (to frighten (to drive off, because o f alann,
cause pain, 0.04). 0.71); delay (to cause a delay, 0.70);
D IS C O M P O S E (8) discom pose (1.00); check (to bring under control, 0.50);
confuse (0.91); m olest (to disturb peo­ sadden (0.50); bar (to obstruct by re­
fusal, 0.29); unnerve (0.25). ence, 0.63); despise (0.50); m islike
D IS C O U R S E (7) discourse (1.00); ad­ (0.33); overlook (to ignore deliberately,
dress (to speak to an assem bly, 0.82); 0.33); scorn (to treat with scorn, 0.33);
preach (0.80); descant (0.50); recite (to spurn (0.33); snub (to slight, 0.25);
repeat formally, 0.50); reason (to dis­ sneer (0.17).
cuss persuasively, 0.18); discuss (0.14). D IS E M B A R K (4) disembark (1.00); land
D IS C O V E R (11) discover (to find, 1.00); (to go ashore, 0.83); arrive (to com e to
discover (to m ake known, 1.00); dig (to a place, 0.64); descend (to m ove lower,
rem ove by digging, 0.90); locate (to de­ 0.40).
te rm in e a lo c a tio n , 0 .8 9 ); fin d (to D IS E M B A R R A SS (1) free (to disburden,
happen upon, 0.77); pio n eer (0.75); 0.09).
unfold (to reveal, 0.73); spy (to act as a D IS E M B O W E L (4) disembowel (1.00);
spy, 0.50); com pose (to create, 0.45); eviscerate (0.75); kill (to deprive o f life,
h ear (to receive in fo rm atio n orally, 0.30); embowel (to kill, 0.25).
0.36); create (to make, 0.31). D IS E M P L O Y (1) dism iss (to remove an
D IS C R E D IT (17) discredit (to bring into em ployee, 0.46).
disrepute, 1.00); discredit (to doubt, D IS E N C H A N T (4) disenchant (1.00); dis­
1.00); depreciate (to low er in reputa­ illu s io n (0 .8 0 ); d is a p p o in t (0 .1 9 );
tion, 0.83); disgrace (0.73); doubt (to disgust (0.07).
entertain doubt, 0.73); im peach (0.53); D IS E N C U M B E R (2) free (to disburden,
degrade (to hum ble, 0.50); disparage 0.73); lighten (to make lighter, 0.53).
(0.50); smirch (to degrade, 0.50); refute D IS E N G A G E (14) disengage (1.00); lib­
(0.41); derogate (0.33); hum ble (0.32); erate (to free from chemical or physical
decry (0.25); stigm atize (0.25); deny restraint, 0.90); divide (to separate by
(0 .1 1 ); d etra ct (0 .1 1 ); d isc o u n t (to p a r tin g , 0 .8 8 ); u n h itc h (0 .7 7 );
deduct, 0.08). d isentangle (0.75); free (to liberate,
D IS C R IM IN A T E (8) discrim inate (to 0 .6 8 ); re tre a t (to ex e cu te a forced
differentiate, 1.00); discrim inate (to be retirem ent in battle, 0.53); unbind (to
(racially) prejudiced, 1.00); distinguish untie, 0.50); unravel (to untangle, 0.50);
(to m a k e d is t in c t io n s , 0 .9 4 ); free (to disburden, 0.36); open (to move
characterize (to distinguish, 0.75); dis­ aside a prepared obstruction, 0.31);
tinguish (to discern, 0.50); discern (to d e ta c h (0 .2 5 ); d is c o n n e c t (0 .2 5 );
detect, 0.33); choose (to select, 0.27); dislocate (to disconnect, 0.25).
tell (to deduce, 0.22). D IS E N T A N G L E (13) disentangle (1.00);
D ISC U SS (7) discuss (1.00); talk (to con­ co m b (0 .8 6 ); c le a r (to fre e from
verse, 0.95); address (to speak to an obstacles, 0.75); develop (to reveal
assembly, 0.73); rehash (0.67); m ention slowly, 0.75); extricate (0.75); ease (to
(0.44); treat (to deal w ith a subject, m ove carefully, 0.69); ravel (0.67);
0.30); eat (to take as food, 0.17). untangle (0.50); decipher (0.47); explain
D IS D A IN (10) disd ain (1.00); slig h t (0.33); d isen g ag e (0.25); divide (to
(0.75); neglect (to treat w ith indiffer­ se p arate by p artin g , 0.24); free (to
liberate, 0.21). alarm , 0.71); sadden (0.67); chill (to
D IS E N T H R A L L (3) disenchant (0.75); check, 0.50); indispose (to discourage,
disillusion (0.60); free (to liberate, 0.18). 0.50); unnerve (0.50); w eary (to make
D IS E N T IT L E (2) elim inate (to rem ove, weary, 0.44); disturb (to upset mental
0.65); disqualify (to debar, 0.50). calm , 0.41); tire (to m ake a person
D ISE N TO M B (2) exhume (0.38); disinter exhausted, 0.15); oppress (0.04).
(0.33). D IS H E V E L (5) m uss (0.67); m isplace
D IS E N TR A N C E (1) disenchant (0.25). (0.44); entangle (0.19); mat (0.10); dis­
D ISE ST A B L ISH (1) abolish (0.33). organize (0.06).
D IS E S T E E M (4) discredit (to bring into D IS H O N O U R (8) disgrace (0.81); violate
disrepute, 0.67); underestim ate (0.67); (to rape, 0.80); slander (0.57); fail (to
reflect (to discredit, 0.25); dislike (0.10). bec o m e in so lv en t, 0.50); hum iliate
D ISFAVOUR (1) hate (to detest, 0.10). (0.33); scandalize (0.32); shame (0.25);
D IS F IG U R E (8) disfigure (1.00); deface corrupt (to debase, 0.13).
(0.75); deform (0.75); maim (0.73); wreck D IS IL L U S IO N (3) disillusion (1.00); dis­
(to bring to ruin, 0.73); dam age (to appoint (0.78); undeceive (0.67).
im pair the value of, 0.65); m angle (to D IS IM PR IS O N (1) free (to liberate, 0.16).
m u tilate, 0.59); corrupt (to debase, D IS IN F E C T (9) disinfect (1.00); clean
0.28). (0.91); decontam inate (0.75); deodor­
D IS G O R G E (4) disgorge (1.00); eject (to ize (0.75); purify (0.65); sw eeten (to
remove physically, 0.74); unload (0.21); m ake fresh, 0.56); cleanse (to remove
em pty (to cause to b ecom e em pty, im purities from within, 0.50); sterilize
0.14). (0.50); fumigate (0.33).
D ISG R A C E (3) disgrace (1.00); scandal­ D IS IN H E R IT (3) disinherit (1.00); repu­
ize (0.39); corrupt (to debase, 0.11). diate (to disow n, 0.75); oust (0.14).
D ISG R U N TL E (1) disappoint (0.81). D ISIN H U M E (1) exhume (0.50).
D ISG UISE (7) disguise (1.00); change (to D IS IN T E G R A T E (11) disintegrate (to
make different, 0.70); corrupt (to render break up, 1.00); disintegrate (to decay,
in n a cu rate , 0 .54); sim u la te (0 .3 3 ); 1.00); break (to fall apart, 0.88); erode
colour (to m isrepresent, 0.25); fake (0.75); grind (to pulverize, 0.70); soften
(0.25); clothe (0.09). (to b ecom e soft, 0.69); analyze (to
D ISG U ST (6) disgust (1.00); bother (to subject to analysis, 0.57); dam age (to
be disturbing, 0.71); scandalize (0.57); im pair the value of, 0.51); crum ble
tire (to bore, 0.50); w eary (to m ake (0.50); rot (0.50); melt (to liquefy, 0.09).
weary, 0.48); incense (0.33). D IS IN T E R (4) disinter (1.00); unearth (to
DISH to put food into a dish; to defeat excavate, 0.50); discover (to find, 0.39);
(2) dip (to tra n sfe r by m ean s o f a exhume (0.25).
vessel, 0.13); disappoint (0.07). D IS JO IN (5) disjoin (1.00); divide (to
D ISH EARTEN (12) dishearten (1.00); de­ separate by parting, 0.92); disunite (to
press (to bring to a low er state, 0.83); disconnect, 0.50); dissociate (to sepa­
freeze (to discourage, 0.75); frighten (to rate, 0.25); break (to start a rupture, 0.11).
D IS J O IN T (4) disjoint (1.00); dislocate 1.00); reb u ff (to reject, 0.76); fail (to
(to disconnect, 0.75); dism em ber (0.50); dismiss for failure, 0.75); neglect (to fail
unhinge (to detach, 0.50). to attend to resp o n sib ilities , 0.69);
D IS L IK E (3) dislike (1.00); m ind (to be revoke (0.59); free (to liberate, 0.50);
careful, 0.40); oppose (to hold a con­ punish (0.43); repel (to reject, 0.33);
trary opinion, 0.32). elim inate (to rem ove, 0.30); disband
D IS L O C A T E (6) dislocate (to displace, (0.29); scrab (to discard, 0.25); banish
1.00); dislocate (to disconnect, 1.00); ' (to condem n to exile, 0.06).
d isorganize (0.67); divide (to separate D IS M O U N T (5) dism ount (1.00); de­
by parting, 0.43); turn (to sprain, 0.25); scend (to m ove lower, 0.76); dismantle
w rench (0.13). (0.75); unseat (to unsaddle, 0.67); arrive
D IS L O D G E (10) dislodge (1.00); eject (to (to com e to a place, 0.45).
rem ove physically, 0.95); rem ove (to
D IS O B E Y (3) disobey (1.00); transgress
m ove physically, 0.80); unhinge (to
(0.29); rebel (to endeavour to overthrow
detach, 0.75); elim inate (to rem ove,
a governm ent, 0.06).
0.70); dispossess (to evict, 0.67); oust
D IS O B L IG E (2) disoblige (to insult,
(0.64); expel (to eject, 0.50); w rench
1.0 0 );d is o b lig e (to in c o n v en ie n ce ,
(0.27); displace (to rem ove, 0.25).
D IS M A N T L E (10) dismantle (1.00); raze
D IS O R D E R (11) disorder (1.00); disor­
(0.87); disintegrate (to break up, 0.69);
ganize (0.79); derange (to disarrange,
discard (0.68); dam age (to im pair the
0.75); dislocate (to displace, 0.75); dis­
value of, 0.55); ravage (0.51); unw rap
turb (to upset physical relationship,
(0.47); destroy (to bring to nothing,
0.75); em broil (0.75); m islay (0.75);
0 .3 7 ); u n d re s s (0 .3 3 ); s c u ttle (to
destroy, 0.25). confuse (0.68); misplace (0.56); unhinge
D ISM A Y (10) confute (0.86); frighten (to (to upset, 0.50); m uddle (to confuse;
alarm, 0.84); depress (to bring to a lower said o f affairs, 0.06).
state, 0.65); dash (to discourage, 0.50); D IS O R G A N IZ E (7) disorganize (1.00);
discourage (to dishearten, 0.35); dis­ ravage (0.76); tangle (0.47); disinte­
hearten (0.33); appal (0.25); dam pen (to grate (to break up, 0.31); m olest (to
d is c o u ra g e , 0 .2 5 ); c o n fu se (0 .1 6 ); disturb objects, 0.25); disband (0.14);
s h o c k (to d is tu rb o n e ’s s e n s e o f misplace (0.06).
propriety, 0.08). D IS O W N (7) disown (1.00); renounce (to
D IS M E M B E R (8) dism em ber (1.00); di­ repudiate, 0.67); repel (to reject, 0.67);
v id e (to sep arate by p arting, 0.78); revoke (0.63); abandon (to leave in
dissect (to anatom ize, 0.75); disjoint trouble, 0.50); disavow (0.50); recant
(0.67); kill (to deprive o f life, 0.34); (0.17).
quarter (to divide into quarters, 0.33); D IS P A R A G E (20) disparage (1.00); de­
amputate (0.29); maim (0.09). preciate (to low er in reputation, 0.87);
D IS M IS S (13) dism iss (to send away, sn e er (0 .79 ); abuse (to treat badly,
1.00); dism iss (to rem ove an em ployee, 0.78); disgrace (0.77); derogate (0.67);
slur (to discredit, 0.67); slander (0.63); scatter, 0.75); disband (0.71); radiate (to
ridicule (0.57); belittle (0.50); censure send forth from a centre, 0.71); dismiss
(0.47); scandalize (0.46); hate (to de­ (to send away, 0.69); scatter (to become
test, 0.45); scold (0.44); upbraid (0.44); separated, 0.60); disintegrate (to break
underestim ate (0.42); dam age (to slan­ up, 0.54); distribute (to allot, 0.53);
der, 0.25); underrate (0.25); remonstrate d e m o b iliz e ( 0 .5 0 ); fa d e (to lo se
(0.20); parody (0.06). character, 0.25); spread (to separate,
D ISPA T C H (20) dispatch (to send som e­ 0.25); disappear (0.04).
thing on its way, 1.00); dispatch (to kill D IS P IR IT (9) depress (to bring to a lower
deliberately, 1.00); dispatch (to m ake state, 0.91); discourage (to dishearten,
an end, 1.00); hasten (to expedite, 0.82); chill (to check, 0.75); frighten (to
0.85); dism iss (to send away, 0.81); alarm , 0.65); dam pen (to discourage,
express (to send by rapid conveyor, 0.50); tire (to m ake a person exhausted,
0.75); kill (to deprive of life, 0.75); shoot 0.45); weary (to make weary, 0.36); dash
(to kill by shooting, 0.75); transm it (to (to discourage, 0.25); oppress (0.09).
send, 0.75); advance (to accelerate, D IS P L A C E (21) displace (to remove,
0.67); com m ission (0.60); consign (to 1.00); displace (to put in the wrong
give over or deliver, 0.50); convey (to place, 1.00); misplace (0.88); dismiss (to
transport, 0.50); ship (0.43); chew (0.40); rem ove an em ployee, 0.85); change (to
com m it (to entrust, 0.36); eat (to take put in place o f another, 0.75); m olest
as food, 0.35); rem it (to send, 0.33); (to disturb objects, 0.75); shift (to cause
discard (0.24); achieve (to finish an un­ to shift, 0.75); supplant (0.75); strip (to
dertaking, 0.22). re m o v e , 0 .6 7 ); re m o v e (to m o v e
D ISPE L (5) dispel (to scatter, 1.00); dispel physically, 0.65); cashier (0.50); disturb
(to drive off, 1.00); scatter (to cause to (to upset physical relationship, 0.50);
separate, 0.94); radiate (to send forth get (to rem ove, 0.50); m islay (0.50);
from a centre, 0.29); destroy (to bring rem o v e (to dism iss, 0.50); unsettle
to nothing, 0.01). (0.50); substitute (to take place of, 0.40);
D IS P E N S E (15) dispense (to distribute, carry (to transport, 0.36); replace (to
1.00); dispense (to adm inister, 1.00); take the place of, 0.33); vary (to m ake
distribute (to allot, 0.95); spend (to changes, 0.25); succeed (to follow in
expend, 0.82); adm inister (to minister, time, 0.22).
0.81); give (to transfer, 0.67); contrib­ D IS P L A Y (13) display (to present for
ute (to give, 0.57); give (to allot, 0.50); effect, 1.00); display (to advertise, 1.00);
inflict (to deal, 0.50); issue (to distrib­ becom e (to be suitable, 0.88); unfold
ute, 0.50); deliver (to distribute, 0.33); (to unfurl, 0.77); unroll (0.75); advertise
give (to administer, 0.33); retail (0.33); (to m ake public, 0.74); advertise (to
share (to divide, 0.30); show (to grant, solicit business, 0.71); deploy (0.57);
0.25). flaunt (0.50); parade (to participate in a
D IS P E R S E (14) disperse (1.00); disor­ parade, 0.50); posture (0.50); drape
ganize (0.97); thin (0.78); dispel (to ( 0 .3 3 ) ; p e r f o rm (to p r e s e n t a
performance, 0.31). 0.50); refute (0.44); argue (to endeav­
D IS P L E A S E (10) displease (to leave a our to convince, 0.41); bicker (0.40);
person dissatisfied, 1.00); displease (to doubt (to raise a question, 0.38); ob­
anger, 1.00); disgust (0.71); fail (to je ct (0.33); contend (0.25); question (to
prove unsatisfactory, 0.50); bother (to doubt, 0.25); w rangle (0.25); fight (to
be disturbing, 0.47); disoblige (to in­ engage in an encounter, 0.12); debate
sult, 0.25); tire (to bore, 0.25); trespass (0.07).
(to transgress, 0.25); disturb (to upset D IS Q U A L IF Y (7) disqualify (to disable,
mental calm, 0.15); hurt (to cause pain, 1.00); disqualify (to debar, 1.00); elimi­
0.05). n ate (to rem o v e, 0 .9 0 ); d isarm (to
D IS P O R T (1) entertain (to keep others deprive o f weapons, 0.60); maim (0.50);
am used, 0.58). recall (to rem ove from office, 0.50);
D IS P O S E (11) dispose (1.00); place (to dism iss (to rem ove an em ployee, 0.08).
put in a place, 0.89); order (to put in D IS Q U IE T (5) m olest (to disturb people,
order, 0.85); regulate (to adjust, 0.84); 0.80); bother (to give trouble, 0.43);
p ack (to prep are for tran sp o rtatio n , haunt (to prey upon, 0.39); shock (to
0.60); distribute (to allot, 0.58); organ­ disturb o n e ’s sense o f propriety, 0.15);
ize (to put in order, 0.55); marshal (0.50); frighten (to alarm, 0.13).
classify (0.47); deploy (0.29); get (to D IS R E G A R D (10) disregard (1.00); ne­
adjust, 0.25). glect (to treat w ith indifference, 0.75);
D IS P O S S E S S (7) dispossess (to take ignore (0.67); disgrace (0.65); dare (to
aw ay from , 1.00); dispossess (to evict, defy, 0.60); disobey (0.57); reb u ff (to
1.00); oust (0.79); divest (to deprive, reject, 0.52); snub (to slight, 0.50); for­
0.67); discard (0.48); expropriate (0.33); get (to n e g le c t ac cid en tally , 0.25);
dism iss (to send away, 0.28). misprize (0.25).
D IS P R A IS E (3) dispraise (1.00); depre­ D IS R E S P E C T (1) disgrace (0.62).
ciate (to low er in repu tatio n , 0.67); D IS R O B E (7) disrobe (1.00); unclothe
upbraid (0.40). (0.75); undress (0.67); divest (to un­
D IS P R O V E (6) disprove (1.00); refute dress, 0.50); change (to change cloth­
(0.96); confute (0.95); deny (0.89); ex­ ing, 0.33); strip (to u n d ress, 0.33);
plode (to discredit, 0.75); defeat (to get uncloak (to undress, 0.25).
the better o f another, 0.07). D IS R U P T (9) disrupt (to break, 1.00); dis­
D IS P U T E (23) dispute (1.00); quarrel rupt (to confuse, 1.00); ravage (0.78);
(0.91); discuss (0.86); oppose (to hold unsettle (0.75); disorganize (0.73); dis­
a contrary opinion, 0.85); argue (to sociate (to disperse, 0.67); violate (to
quarrel, 0.75); litigate (0.75); argue (to transgress, 0.67); frighten (to alarm,
discuss, 0.67); challenge (to question, 0.39); sm ash (0.30).
0.67); answ er (to m ove in response, D IS S A T IS F Y (2) dissatisfy (1.00); dis­
0.65); reason (to discuss persuasively, appoint (0.85).
0.64); controvert (to argue about, 0.50); D IS S E C T (11) dissect (to anatom ize,
dem ur (0.50); gainsay (to contradict, 1.00); d isse c t (to ex am in e, 1.00);
analyze (to subject to analysis, 0.93); ca u se to sep arate , 0.81); ev an esce
dism em ber (0.75); incise (to cut, 0.75); (0.75); evaporate (to vaporize, 0.71);
anatom ize (0.67); cut (to sever, 0.32); scatter (to w aste, 0.67); drain (to w ith­
discover (to find, 0.26); carve (to cut, draw strength, 0.53); dispel (to scatter,
0.25); break (to start a rupture, 0.21); 0.25); eat (to reduce gradually, 0.25);
experiment (to investigate scientifically, lose (to suffer financially, 0.25); drink
0.06). (to consume alcoholic liquor, 0.17); dis­
D IS S E M B L E to be unlike (2) dissemble appear (0.16); abuse (to treat badly,
(to disguise, 1.00); disguise (0.86). 0.04); destroy (to bring to nothing,
D ISSEM B LE to neglect; to ignore (5) dis­ 0.03).
sem ble (to pretend, 1.00); sim ulate D IS S O C IA T E (5) dissociate (to separate,
(0.90); hide (to conceal, 0.50); evade 1.00); dissociate (to disperse, 1.00);
(to use trickery to avoid a sharp issue , disunite (to disconnect, 0.75); sever
0.42); lie (to utter an untruth, 0.21). (0.50); divide (to separate by parting,
D ISSE M IN A TE (15) disseminate (1.00); 0.35).
propagate (to spread, 0.75); scatter (to D IS SO L V E (20) dissolve (to pass from a
seed, 0.75); sow (0.75); instill (0.50); solid to a liquid state, 1.00); dissolve
notify (to provide w ith inform ation, (to d isin teg rate, 1.00); dissolve (to
0.48); radiate (to send forth from a destroy, 1 .0 0 );d isso lv e (to dism iss,
centre, 0.43); print (to reproduce by 1 .0 0 ); d is s o lv e (to a n n u l, 1 .0 0 );
p rin ting, 0.33); scatter (to cause to dissolve (to fade away, 1.00); soften
separate, 0.31); broadcast (to disperse, (to becom e soft, 0.92); thaw (to melt,
0.25); deal (to distribute, 0.25); dissi­ 0.88); divide (to separate by parting,
pate (to dispel, 0.25); spread (to dis­ 0.86); destroy (to bring to nothing,
tribute, 0.25); advertise (to make public, 0.79); disappear (0.72); die (to cease
0.24); edit (to supervise publication, existing, 0.70); dism iss (to send away,
0.09). 0.66); fade (to lose character, 0.50); bite
DISSEN T (7) dissent (1.00); refuse (0.95); (to cut or corrode, 0.35); vanish (0.33);
vary (to show changes, 0.92); com plain evaporate (to disappear, 0.25); analyze
(to express an objection, 0.76); disagree (to subject to analysis, 0.21); adulter­
(to differ, 0.75); diverge (to disagree, ate (0.09); w ithdraw (to rem ove from
0.75); quarrel (0.59). use or circulation, 0.05).
D IS S E V E R (1) divide (to separate by D ISSU A D E (8) dissuade (1.00); discour­
parting, 0.80). age (to warn, 0.75); indispose (to dis­
D IS S IM U L A T E (3) pretend (to feign, courage, 0.75); warn (0.48); discourage
0.63); disguise (0.36); lie (to utter an (to restrain, 0.42); expostulate (0.33);
untruth, 0.25). deter (0.25); advise (to give counsel,
D IS SIP A T E (16) dissipate (to dispel, 0 .21 ).
1.00); dissipate (to squander, 1.00); D ISTA N C E (2) exceed (0.74); succeed (to
dissipate (to vanish, 1.00); w aste (to attain success, 0.19).
use w ithout result, 0.88); scatter (to D IS T E M P E R to dilute; to soak; to allay
(1) colour (to im part colour to, 0.56). (to upset m entally, 0.45); entertain (to
D IS T E N D (11) d isten d (1.00); sw ell keep others am used, 0.32); confuse
(0.79); p u ff (to inflate, 0.75); bulge (0.14).
(0.67); fill (to occupy avaliable space, D IS T R A IN (1) oust (0.21).
0.56); stretch (to cause to stretch, 0.50); D IS T R E S S (10) distress (1.00); bother
lengthen (to m ake longer, 0.43); rise (to (to be disturbing, 0.88); weary (to make
increase, 0.40); increase (to add to, weary, 0.88); em barrass (to upset men­
0.34); protrude (0.14); w iden (to m ake tally, 0.85); annoy (to be disturbing,
wider, 0.14). 0.75); pain (0.75); vex (to trouble, 0.75);
P I S T I L (6) distil (1.00); filter (to soak disturb (to upset mental calm, 0.43); tire
slowly, 0.62); drop (to fall in drops, (to m ake a person exhausted, 0.25); hurt
0.58); evaporate (to vaporize, 0.14); flow (to cause pain, 0.06).
(to issue forth, 0.14); im prove (to m ake D IS T R IB U T E (21) distribute (to allot,
better, 0.03). 1.00); d istrib u te (to scatter, 1.00);
D IS T IN G U IS H (11) distinguish (to m ake distribute (to classify, 1.00); classify
distinctions, 1.00); distinguish (to dis­ (0.87); share (to divide, 0.80); manage
cern, 1.00); distinguish (to provide an (to direct, 0.73); retail (0.67); order (to
identification, 1.00); distinguish (to be­ put in order, 0.65); place (to put in a
stow honour upon, 1.00); recognize place, 0.56); b roadcast (to disperse,
(to know again, 0.93); discover (to find, 0.50); intersperse (0.50); m erchandise
0.77); detect (to find out, 0.75); define (0.50); separate (to cause to part, 0.50);
(to set limits, 0.62); classify (0.38); taste separate (to classify, 0.50); scatter (to
(to r e c o g n iz e by f la v o u r , 0 .2 5 ); cause to separate, 0.44); reapportion
understand (to com prehend, 0.21). (0.43); publish (to print and distribute,
D IS T O R T (22) distort (to change by 0.33); render (to give, 0.33); administer
p ressu re, 1.00); distort (to alter the (to m inister, 0.25); diffuse (0.25); edit
m e an in g , 1.00); d isto rt (to ch a n g e (to supervise publication, 0.18).
shape, 1.00); caricature (0.75); colour D IS T R U S T (7) distrust (1.00); doubt (to
(to misrepresent, 0.75); misquote (0.75); e n te rta in d o u b t, 0 .8 0 ); m isb eliev e
m isreport (0.75); m isrepresent (0.75); (0.75); question (to doubt, 0.75); sus­
w rench (0.73); botch (0.67); lie (to utter pect (to doubt someone, 0.75); mistrust
an untruth, 0.64); exaggerate (0.61); (0.50); discredit (to doubt, 0.25).
misconstrue (0.50); m isinterpret (0.50); D IS T U R B (23) disturb (to upset physical
m istranslate (0.50); prevaricate (0.50); relationship, 1.00); disturb (to upset
w rithe (0.50); parody (0.38); disturb (to m ental calm , 1.00); bother (to be dis­
u p se t p h y sic a l re la tio n sh ip , 0 .2 5 ); turbing, 0.94); convulse (0.88); dissat­
garble (0.25); misapply (0.25); strain (to isfy (0.75); exasperate (0.75); fret (to
wrench, 0.25). cause annoyance, 0.75); m uddle (to
D I S T R A C T (5) d is tr a c t (to d iv e rt confuse; said usually o f people, 0.75);
s o m e o n e ’s a tte n tio n fro m , 1 .0 0 ); plague (0.75); m isplace (0.63); disrupt
distract (to confuse, 1.00); em barrass (to confuse, 0.50); distress (0.50); di­
vert (to distract, 0.50); heckle (0.50); dis­ others am used, 0.77); am use (0.75);
organize (0.39); em barrass (to upset estrange (to alienate, 0.75); steal (0.67);
mentally, 0.39); dislocate (to displace, relieve (to lessen; said especially o f
0.25); eat (to bother, 0.25); inflam e (to pain, 0.65); com fort (to m ake easy
arouse em otio n s, 0.25); irk (0.25); physically, 0.51); beguile (to charm,
torture (to torm ent, 0.25); frighten (to 0.50); revive (to hearten, 0.47); veer
alarm, 0.19); muss (0.11). (0 .3 8 ); tre a t (to p ay fo r a n o th e r’s
D IS U N IT E (11) disunite (to disconnect, entertainm ent, 0.29); pervert (0.25);
1.00); disunite (to alienate, 1.00); divide w aste (to squander, 0.06).
(to s e p a r a te b y p a r tin g , 0 .9 6 ); D IV E S T (12) divest (to undress, 1.00);
dissociate (to separate, 0.75); disinte­ divest (to deprive, 1.00); uncloak (to
grate (to break up, 0.62); alienate (0.57); undress, 0.75); strip (to undress, 0.67);
dislocate (to disconnect, 0.50); disjoin unwrap (0.53); denude (0.50); disinherit
(0.25); estrange (to alienate, 0.25); (0.50); dispossess (to take away from,
unhinge (to detach, 0.25); scatter (to 0.50); disrobe (0.50); unclothe (0.25);
cause to separate, 0.19). deprive (0.20); undress (0.17).
D ITCPI to construct a ditch (2) ditch (to D IV ID E (15) d iv id e (to sep arate by
make a ditch, 1.00); furrow (0.75). parting, 1.00); divide (to distribute,
DIVAGATE (1) deviate (0.20). 1.00); d is trib u te (to allo t, 0 .8 9 );
DIVE (3) dive (1.00); crash (to fall with a disintegrate (to break up, 0.77); scatter
crash, 0.57); fly (to m anage a plane in (to cause to separate, 0.63); classify
the ail', 0.25). (0.62); paragraph (0.50); partake (0.50);
D IV E R G E (12) diverge (to m ove in prorate (0.50); distinguish (to make dis­
d ifferen t d irec tio n s from the sam e tinctions, 0.44); com pare (to exam ine
source, 1.00); diverge (to disagree, on a com parative basis, 0.43); calculate
1.00); vary (to show changes, 0.83); (to reckon, 0.32); alienate (0.29); reap­
ram ble (to speak or w rite aim lessly, portion (0.29); m ince (to chop, 0.25).
0.82); scatter (to becom e separated, D IV IN E (9) divine (1.00); forecast (to fore­
0.80); change (to m ake different, 0.63); see, 0.75); foretell (0.69); assum e (to
veer (0.62); deflect (0.50); digress (0.50); take for granted, 0.65); anticipate (to
m e tam o rp h o se (0 .5 0 ); b en d (to be foresee, 0.33); predict (0.25); prophesy
forced out of a straight line, 0.14); spread (0.25); guess (to attem pt an answ er on
(to extend, 0.06). in a d e q u a te e v id e n c e , 0 .1 8 ); so lv e
D IV E R SIFY (5) diversify (1.00); change (0.06).
(to m ake different, 0.89); v ariegate D IV O R C E (4) divorce (1.00); discard
(0.75); tamper (0.50); differ (to be unlike, (0.52); divide (to separate by parting,
0 . 10). 0.37); uncouple (0.25).
D IV E R T (17) divert (to deflect, 1.00); D IV U L G E (14) divulge (1.00); betray (to
divert (to am use, 1.00); divert (to dis­ reveal, 0.75); tell (to inform, 0.71); com­
tract, 1.00); drain (to w ithdraw fluid, m unicate (to impart information, 0.68);
0.88); detract (0.78); entertain (to keep advertise (to m ake public, 0.55); bare
DO -114- DON
(0 .5 0 ) ; e n lig h te n (to p r o v id e relieve o f pain, 0.44).
inform ation or understanding, 0.50); D O C U M E N T (2) record (to write down,
notify (to provide w ith inform ation, 0.12); prove (0.07).
0.39); adm it (to confess, 0.29); blab (to D O D D E R (6) d o d d er (1.00); w obble
reveal, 0.25); confide (to reveal in trust, (0 .5 3 ); h o b b le (to m ove as though
0.25); impart (to inform, 0.25); unburden hobbled, 0.50); sham ble (0.50); limp
(to reveal, 0.25); declare (to speak for­ (0.31); totter (to be near falling, 0.31).
m ally and emphatically, 0.12). D O D G E (14) dodge (1.00); evade (to use
D O (33) do (to act, 1.00); do (to execute trickery to avoid a sharp issue, 0.88);
com m ands or instructions , 1.00); do shun (0.80); circumvent (to avoid, 0.75);
(to bring to a close, 1.00); do (to cause, duck (to avoid, 0.75); elude (0.75); quib­
1.00); do (to suffice, 1.00); do (to solve, ble (0.67); turn (to divert, 0.60); equivo­
1 .00);do (to tra n sla te , 1.00);do (to cate (0.50); recoil (0.43); avoid (0.38);
p r e s e n t a p la y , e tc ., 1 .0 0 );d o (to trim (to refuse to take a stand, 0.33);
discharge o n e’s responsibilities, 1.00); refuse (0.26); parry (to avoid, 0.25).
do (to travel, 1.00); do (to cheat, 1.00); D O F F (1) rem ove (to m ove physically,
do (to conduct oneself, 1.00); act (to 0.50).
perform an action, 0.97); perform (to D O G (4) hunt (to pursue w ith intent to
accom plish an action, 0.94); satisfy (to kill, 0.78); pursue (to chase, 0.43); drive
fulfill, 0.94); average (to do on an aver­ (to cau se to m ove, 0.40); track (to
age, 0.86); achieve (to finish an under­ follow by evidence, 0.14).
ta k in g , 0 .8 4 ); re n d e r (to p e rfo rm , D O G M A T IZ E (1) misjudge (to make an
esp ecially a service, 0.75); tend (to inaccurate estimate, 0.11).
w atch over, 0.71); appease (to satisfy, D O L E to give as a dole (3) divide (to
0.67); m ake (to perform , 0.67); present distribute, 0.50); distribute (to allot,
(to give a play, 0.67); begin (to initiate, 0.47); allot (to distribute, 0.25).
0.65); obey (to act in accordance w ith D O M E S T IC A T E (2) domesticate (LOO);
orders, 0.62); com m it (to perpetrate, harness (0.46).
0 .5 0 ); enact (to ac co m p lish , 0.50); D O M IC IL IA T E (1) establish (to work or
ex ecu te (to carry out in stru c tio n s, settle in a perm anent place, 0.33).
0 .5 0 ); last (to be su ffic ie n t, 0 .50); D O M IN A T E (9) dom inate (1.00); com­
occasion (0.33); solve (0.29); bring (to m and (to have control, 0.96); obsess
cause, 0.25); perpetrate (0.25); be (to (0.75); overtop (0.75); predom inate
have being, 0.10). (0.75); reign (0.75); own (to possess,
D O C K (4) dock (to clip, 1.00); dock (to 0.45); d w arf (to cause to appear small,
diminish, 1.00); land (to come into port, 0.40); subject (0.29).
0.67); prune (0.25). D O M IN E E R (3) tyrannize (0.50); com­
D O C K E T (3) classify (0.60); file (to ar­ m and (to have control, 0.32); dominate
range in order, 0.08); list (to enter in a (0 .11).
list, 0.03). D O N to put on; to dress (5) don (1.00);
D O C T O R (2) doctor (1.00); ease (to dress (to put on clothes, 0.90); clothe
(0.70); w ear (to use as clothing or per­ D O W N to bring; to put; to throw ; to
sonal ornam ent, 0.60); drape (0.11). knock dow n (2) dow n (1.00); tackle
D O NA TE (6) donate (1.00); spend (to ex­ (0.50).
pend, 0.73); offer (to present, 0.69); D O W N G R A D E (2) dow ngrade (1.00);
present (to submit, 0.67); contribute (to demote (0.67).
give, 0.39); dedicate (to set apart for D O W N S H IF T (1) shift (to put in gear,
special use, 0.08). 0.50).
D O O D L E (1) scrawl (0.25). D O W N S IZ E (1) decrease (to m ake less,
D O O M to ju d g e (10) condem n (to send 0.56).
to punishm ent, 0.89); foredoom (0.75); D O Z E (4) doze (1.00); sleep (0.87); rest
damn (to consign to hell, 0.64); preor­ (to take o n e ’s rest, 0.84); w eary (to
dain (0.50); judge (to pass judgem ent, becom e weary, 0.22).
0.40); curse (to sw ear at, 0.38); prede­ D R A B B L E (1) duty (0.53).
term ine (0.33); convict (0.25); destine D R A F T (27) draft (to make a rough plan,
(to predestine, 0.25); sentence (0.11). 1.00); draft (to select for m ilitary serv­
D O SE (1) treat (to assist tow ard a cure, ice, 1.00); hire (to employ, 0.92); plan
0.50). (to arrange in a prelim inary way, 0.88);
D O T (3) spatter (0.58); stipple (0.50); draw (to m ake a likeness by drawing,
mark (to make a mark, 0.32). 0.87); recruit (to raise troops, 0.86);
D O T E to be silly (1) dote (1.00). arrange (to m ake arrangem ents, 0.75);
D O UBLE (10) double (to make or become co m m an d eer (to force into m ilitary
double, 1.00); fold (to place together service, 0.75); w rite (to com pose in
or lay in folds, 0.94); crease (0.75); words, 0.75); conscript (0.67); frame (to
reduplicate (0.67); increase (to add to, p re p a re a w ritten statem en t, 0.67);
0.31); m ultiply (to increase, 0.25); bend outline (to plan, 0.67); summon (to call,
(to force out o f a straight line, 0.12); 0.67); paint (to represent by painting,
line (to provide a lining, 0.07); escape 0.53); constitute (to enact, 0.50); map
(0.06); rise (to increase, 0.05). (0.50); decant (0.33); chart (0.25); in­
D O U B T (4) doubt (to raise a question, duct (0.25); plot (to plan, 0.25); sketch
1.00); doubt (to entertain doubt, 1.00); (to plan, 0.25); force (to use force, 0.22);
oppose (to hold a contrary opinion, program (to schedule, 0.20); list (to
0.38); deny (0.18). enter in a list, 0.16); enlist (to enroll
D O USE to plunge vigorously in w ater others, 0.14); assign (to delegate to a
(7) douse (to im m erse in water, 1.00); specific purpose, 0.04); edit (to prepare
douse (to put out, 1.00); im m erse (to for publication, 0.04).
put under water, 0.79); w ash (to bathe, D R A G (14) drag (to go slowly, 1.00); drag
0.63); dip (to put into a liquid, 0.55); (to p u ll an o b je ct, 1.00); d rag (to
w ater (0.50); extinguish (to put out, pulverize, 1.00); drag (to smoke, 1.00);
0.43). draw (to m ove an object, 0.91); hunt
DOVETAIL (1) dovetail (1.00). (to try to find, 0.76); dredge (0.75); har­
D O W E R (1) contribute (to give, 0.14). row (to use a harrow on land, 0.75);
tow (0.63); yank (0.56); attract (to draw, (to arrange in a prelim inary way, 0.56);
0.50); haul (0.50); loiter (0.17); hunt (to reap (to g ain , 0 .5 6 ); re p re se n t (to
pursue w ith intent to kill, 0.09). present as a true interpretation , 0.50);
D R A G G L E (2) dirty (0.50); ta c k (to dirty copy (to reproduce, 0.39); cash (0.33);
w ith tracks, 0.13). earn (to receive in paym ent, 0.30); rav­
D R A IN (20) drain (to w ithdraw fluid, ish (to charm , 0.29); dip (to transfer by
1.00); drain (to w ith d raw stren g th , m eans o f a vessel, 0.27); bait (to lure,
1.00); drain (to seep away, 1.00); drain 0.25); strain (to stretch, 0.25); bring (to
(to empty, 1.00); deplete (0.67); over­ be w orth in sale, 0.17); receive (to take
flow (to flow over the top, or out at a into o n e ’s charge, 0.17); urge (to in­
vent, 0.58); w aste (to squander, 0.53); duce, 0.03).
bail (to empty, 0.50); dessicate (to dry, D R A W L (2) drawl (1.00); lisp (0.17).
0.50); tap (to obtain by m eans o f tap­ D R E A D (1) fear (to be apprehensive,
ping, 0.50); em pty (to cause to becom e 0.50).
empty, 0.48); drop (to fall in drops, D R E A M (10) dream (to have visions,
0.46); dum p (0.36); filter (to soak usually during sleep or fever, 1.00);
slowly, 0.31); ruin (to cause to becom e dream (to entertain or delude oneself
b a n k r u p t, 0 .3 0 ); w a s te (to be w ith im agined things, 1.00); dream (to
consum ed gradually, 0.27); dehydrate conceive m entally; usually used in the
(0.25); ditch (to m ake a ditch, 0.25); n egative, 1.00); hope (0.69); sleep
em pty (to becom e empty, 0.13); eat (to (0.47); im agine (to visualize mentally,
reduce gradually, 0.08). 0.44); rest (to take o n e’s rest, 0.21);
D R A M A T IZ E (7) dramatize (to present a m ed itate (to m use, 0.09); brood (to
perform ance, 1.00); dramatize (to exag­ nurse o n e ’s troubles, 0.06); lo af (to do
gerate, 1.00); em phasize (0.85); recite nothing useful, 0.06).
(to repeat formally, 0.30); perform (to D R E D G E to collect and bring up (oys­
present a perform ance, 0.23); act (to ters) by m eans o f a dredge (6) dredge
take part in a play, 0.22); im agine (to (1.00); clean (0.52); dip (to transfer by
visualize mentally, 0.17). m eans o f a vessel, 0.40); bail (to dip,
D R A P E to m ake into cloth (6) drape 0.33); heap (to place in a heap, 0.12);
( 1 .0 0 ) ; s w a th e ( 0 .7 5 ) ; h a n g (to dig (to stir the earth, 0.06).
suspend, 0.50); upholster (0.46); fit (to D R E N C H (10) drench (1.00); damage (to
be suitable in size and shape, 0.33); im p air the value of, 0.88); m oisten
dress (to put on clothes, 0.30); clothe (0.85); dip (to put into a liquid, 0.60);
(0.22). saturate (0.50); cover (to send down in
D R A W (20) draw (to m ove an object, plenty, 0.42); douse (to im m erse in
1.00); draw (to m ake a likeness by water, 0.25); pour (to rain heavily, 0.25);
draw ing, 1.00); draw (to lure, 1.00); im m erse (to put under water, 0.21);
stretch (to cause to stretch, 0.79); tap w ash (to launder, 0.10).
(to obtain by m eans o f tapping, 0.75); D R E S S (19) dress (to put on clothes,
fascinate (0.57); describe (0.56); plan 1.00); dress (to provide w ith clothes,
1.00); dress (to m ake ready for show or (to p ie rc e , 0 .4 8 ); m in e (to dig for
use, 1.00); dress (to give m edical treat­ m inerals, 0.38); discipline (to regulate,
ment, 1.00); fertilize (to enrich land, 0.25); exercise (to move the body, 0.25).
0.78); face (to put a face on a building, D R INK (4) drink (to swallow liquid, 1.00);
0.69); butcher (to slaughter for con­ drink (to consum e alcoholic liquor,
sumption, 0.67); costum e (0.67); drape 1.00); sw ill (0.33); em pty (to cause to
(0.67); line (to arrange in a line, 0.67); becom e empty, 0.05).
clean (0.56); curry (to groom , 0.50); D R IP (11) drip (1.00); drop (to fall in
prepare (to cook and serve, 0.50); heal drops, 0.96); trickle (0.89); drool (to
(to cure, 0.39); com b (0.29); equip (to slobber, 0.80); leak (to escape by leak­
array, 0.25); get (to prepare, 0.25); treat ing, 0.75); slobber (0.75); flow (to issue
(to assist tow ard a cure, 0.13); uphol­ forth, 0.68); drivel (to drool, 0.50); slop
ster (0.08). (0.44); baste (to dress m eat with fat,
DRIBBLE (9) dribble (1.00); drop (to fall 0.33); m urm ur (to m ake a low continu­
in drops, 0.88); trickle (0.78); drip (0.75); ous sound, 0.17).
drool (to slobber, 0.40); slobber (0.25); DR IVE (34) drive (to urge on, 1.00);drive
spatter (0.23); m izzle (0.13); flow (to is­ (to ca u se to m o v e, 1 .0 0 );d riv e (to
sue forth, 0.11). m anage a propelled vehicle, 1.00);drive
DRIFT (15) drift (1.00); ramble (to speak (to force w ith blow s, 1.00); drive (to
or write aimlessly, 0.94); m ove (to be in carry on offensive m ovem ent, 1.00);
motion, 0.79); glide (to m ove gently, force (to use force, 0.88); urge (to drive,
0.77); m aunder (to digress, 0.75); ride 0.87); roll (to cause to roll, 0.86); enforce
(to allow oneself to be dom inated by (to require com pliance, 0.83); goad
circum stances, 0.67); gravitate (0.50); (0.78); nail (to hammer, 0.75); w alk (to
drive (to m anage a propelled vehicle, cause to m ove on foot, 0.71); launch
0.46); loaf (to do nothing useful, 0.41); (to send off, 0.67); truck (to send by
meander (to w ander, 0.33); paddle (to truck, 0.63); blow (to carry on the wind,
propel by p addling, 0.33); lean (to 0.58); com m ute (to travel, 0.50); motor
incline, 0.26); nod (to becom e sleepy (0.50); run (to cause to function, 0.50);
or in a tte n tiv e , 0 .2 5 ); fly (to p ass take (to transport, 0.50); impel (to press,
through the air, 0.23); spend (to pass 0.43); slide (to cause to slide, 0.42); dig
time, 0.22). (to stir the earth, 0.41); stab (0.40);
DRILL to pierce; to bore; to train (14) b e g in (to in itia te , 0 .3 5 ); p ress (to
drill (to bore, 1.00); drill (to train, 1.00); subject to pressure, 0.33); ride (to be
practice (to seek im provem ent through transported, 0.33); roll (to travel, 0.33);
repetition, 0.90); bore (to pierce by m ove (to be in m otion, 0.32); hunt (to
rotary m otion, 0.75); perforate (0.75); pursue with intent to kill, 0.30); advance
rehearse (to practice a perform ance, (to cause to m ove forward, 0.25); throw
0.75); exercise (to train, 0.67); tap (to (to send forth, 0.17); lead (to conduct,
puncture in order to draw liquid, 0.64); 0.12); travel (to journey, 0.11); command
machine (0.58); coach (0.50); penetrate (to have control, 0.05).
D R IV E L (7) drivel (to drool, 1.00); drivel fo rth , 0 .7 0 ); b o w (to b en d , 0.69);
(to ramble, 1.00); drool (to slobber, 0.90); collapse (0.67); run (to m ove, usually
babble (0.86); spit (0.43); m aunder (to rapidly, 0.64); flake (0.58); sink (to go
mumble, 0.25); ramble (to speak or write dow nw ard, 0.55); exfoliate (0.50); faint
aimlessly, 0.06). (0.50); miss (to fail to catch, 0.50); suc­
D R IZ Z L E (5) drizzle (1.00); rain (0.82); cum b (to die, 0.50); light (to com e to
mizzle (0.75); storm (0.55); mist (0.50). rest from flight or travel, 0.45); storm
D R O N E to give a continuous m onoto­ (0.45); tire (to become exhausted, 0.45);
nous sound (5) drone (to m ake a con­ fall (to die in battle, 0.33); om it (to fail
tinuous sound, 1.00); hum (0.87); buzz to include, 0.33); recede (to sink, 0.29);
(0.75); purr (0.67); whine (0.62). p r o d u c e (to b ear, 0 .2 6 ); d u ck (to
D R O N E to spend tim e indolently (1) im m erse quickly, 0.25); flop (to fall
drone (to loaf, 1.00). w ithout restraint, 0.25); spill (0.25);
D R O O L (3) drool (to slobber, 1.00); leak crash (to fall with a crash, 0.21); dismiss
(to escape by leaking, 0.25); spit (0.14). (to re m o v e an e m p lo y e e , 0 .1 5 );
D R O O P (24) droop (1.00); tire (to b e­ abandon (to leave in trouble, 0.07); end
com e exhausted, 0.91); w ilt (0.88); fall (to bring to a halt, 0.06); send (to dis­
(to p ass q u ic k ly d o w n w ard , 0 .82); patch, 0.05).
m ope (0.75); sag (to lose vigour, 0.75); D R O P -K IC K (1) kick (to give a blow with
slo u c h (0 .7 5 ); w ea k en (to b ec o m e the foot, 0.20).
w eaker, 0.68); w ither (0.67); hang (to D R O W N (11) drow n (to cover w ith liq­
be suspended, 0.64); die (to decline as uid, 1.00); drown (to lower into a liquid,
though death w ere inevitable , 0.61); 1.00);drow n (to kill or to die by drown­
w eary (to becom e weary, 0.56); m ourn in g , 1.00); so u se (to so ak , 0.75);
(to lam ent, 0.55); w aste (to be con­ im m erse (to put under water, 0.50);
sum ed gradually, 0.55); decline (to sink choke (to deprive o f air, 0.46); kill (to
slowly, 0.50); flop (to be limp, 0.50); sink deprive o f life, 0.45); choke (to be de­
(to go dow nw ard, 0.45); yearn (0.33); prived o f air, 0.38); die (to cease living,
lean (to incline, 0.30); decrease (to grow 0.33); soak (to drench, 0.21); defeat (to
less, 0.29); suffer (to feel pain, 0.27); w orst in war, 0.14).
lan g u ish (to w eaken, 0.25); lop (to D R O W S E (5) sleep (0.80); nod (to be­
hang, 0.25); bend (to be forced out o f a com e sleepy or inattentive, 0.75); doze
straight line, 0.07). (0.50); w eary (to becom e weary, 0.33);
D R O P (3 6 ) d ro p (to fa ll in d ro p s, rest (to take o n e ’s rest, 0.16).
1.00);drop (to cause or to pennit to fall, D R U B (5) drub (1.00); beat (to thrash,
1.00); drop (to tum ble, 1.00); drop (to 0.89); curry (to beat, 0.50); defeat (to
discontinue, 1.00); shed (0.91); fall (to w orst in spoil or in personal combat,
pass quickly dow nw ard, 0.89); deposit 0.34); hurt (to cause pain, 0.27).
(to lay down, 0.75); jum p (to leap down, D R U G (3) drug (1.00); ease (to relieve of
0.75); leave (to allow to rem ain, 0.75); pain, 0.78); h y p n o tize (to put in a
tumble (0.75); rain (0.73); flow (to issue trance, 0.56).
D RU M (3) rattle (to make a rattling sound, D U N K (3) bathe (to sink, 0.25); souse (to
0.75); roll (to produce a relatively deep, soak, 0.25); immerse (to put under water,
continuous sound, 0.75); roar (0.35). 0.14).
DRY (11) dry (to becom e dry, 1.00); dry D U P E (13) dupe (1.00); sw indle (0.75);
(to cause to becom e dry, 1.00); w eather trick (0.75); con (0.50); defraud (0.50);
(to expose to the weather, 0.92); soak (to fool (0.50); victimize (0.50); lie (to utter
absorb, 0.75); wipe (0.70); toast (to brown an untruth, 0.43); bam boozle (to cheat,
bread, 0.67); cook (0.59); harden (to make 0.25); circumvent (to gain an advantage
less pervious, 0.48); preserve (to keep, over, 0.25); pretend (to feign, 0.25);
0.46); ail* (to expose to the air, 0.40); tem­ mislead (0.23); deceive (0.19).
per (to toughen or harden, 0.05). D U P L IC A T E (10) duplicate (to copy,
DUB to em it a beating sound (1) dub (to 1.00); duplicate (to double, 1.00); du­
hit, 1.00). plicate (to repeat, 1.00); reproduce (to
DUB to invest w ith a dignity o f title (2) m ake a second time, 0.88); model (to
dub (to entitle, 1.00); define (to pro­ imitate a model, 0.83); imitate (to copy,
vide a nam e or d escrip tio n , 0.04). 0.75); double (to m ake or becom e dou­
D U C K (10) duck (to im m erse quickly, ble, 0.67); im itate (to m im ic, 0.43);
1.00); duck (to avoid, 1.00); dodge reduplicate (0.33); forge (0.17).
(0.75); im m erse (to put under water, D U ST (4) dust (1.00); clean (0.67); wipe
0.57); crouch (to stoop, 0.50); bounce (0.60); mop (0.11).
(to rebound, 0.38); dive (0.36); bow (to D W A R F (2) d w arf (to cause to appear
bend, 0.31); dip (to put into a liquid, small, 1.00); dw arf (to keep small, 1.00).
0.20); recoil (0.14). D W E L L (4) dwell (1.00); reside (0.90); re­
D U F F E R (1) worry (to indulge in worry, main (to stay, 0.83); camp (0.73).
0 .20). D W IN D L E (7) dwindle (1.00); decrease
D U LL (5) deaden (to reduce life or its (to grow less, 0.74); w aste (to be con­
evidence, 0.89); stupefy (to stun, 0.75); sum ed gradually, 0.73); w ear (to be
harden (to toughen, 0.31); numb (0.25); consum ed by wearing, 0.60); lessen (to
depress (to bring to a low er state, 0.17). grow less, 0.50); contract (to diminish,
D U M B FO U N D (4) dum bfound (1.00); 0.41); subside (0.25).
surprise (to am aze, 0.63); disappoint D Y E (8) dye (1.00); top (to apply top­
(0.56); em barrass (to upset m entally, ping, 0.83); stain (to colour, 0.75); red­
0.12). den (to m ake red, 0.64); wash (to brush
DUMP to fall with sudden force; to plunge with a liquid, 0.50); model (to imitate a
(8) dum p (1.00); em pty (to cause to m odel, 0.42); colour (to im part colour
becom e empty, 0.95); unload (0.68); to, 0.34); mix (to blend, 0.06).
unburden (to unload, 0.67); drain (to D Y N A M IT E (4) dynamite (1.00); blast (to
empty, 0.33); heap (to place in a heap, shatter by explosion, 0.67); destroy (to
0.31); fling (0.25); eject (to rem ove bring to nothing, 0.40); raze (0.22).
physically, 0.21). D Y N A M IZ E (1) electrify (to provide elec­
DUN (1) bill (to request paym ent, 0.67). tricity, 0.08).
0.94); return (to reflect, 0.75); vibrate
E (to sound, 0.75); repeat (to say again,
E A R M A R K (5) earm ark (1.00); m ark (to 0.50); reverberate (0.50); answ er (to
designate, 0.86); assign (to delegate to reply, 0.30); roll (to produce a relatively
a sp e cific p u rp o se , 0.8 5 ); allo t (to deep, continuous sound, 0.25); imitate
assign, 0.40); tag (to fit with a tag, 0.25). (to m im ic, 0.21); reproduce (to make a
E A R N to get m oney by w orking (11) second time, 0.18); resem ble (0.11).
earn (to deserve as rew ard, 1.00); earn E C L IP S E (4) hide (to conceal, 0.57); out­
(to receive in p a y m en t, 1.00); average shine (to obscure, 0.25); shade (to in­
(to do on an average, 0.93); succeed tercept direct rays, 0.17); exceed (0.05).
(to attain success, 0.81); deserve (0.50); E C O N O M IZ E (1) economize (1.00).
gross (0.50); bring (to be w orth in sale, E D D Y (4) flow (to keep up a circular mo­
0.42); acquire (to obtain, 0.40); obtain tion, 0.78); swirl (to roll or wave, 0.75);
(to gain possession, 0.35); gain (to win, bubble (0.30); roll (to revolve, 0.14).
0.33); receive (to take into o ne’s charge, E D G E to give an edge (5) edge (to trim,
0.30). 1.00); line (to be in a line, 0.80); verge
E A S E (9) ease (to relieve o f pain, 1.00); (0.50); defeat (to w orst in sport or in
ease (to m ove carefully, 1.00); ease (to personal com bat, 0.48); define (to set
com fort, LOO); ease (to lessen pressure limits, 0.38).
or tension, LOO); encourage (to give E D IF Y (3) edify (1.00); teach (to act as a
support, 0.90); relieve (to lessen; said teacher, 0.67); civilize (0.57).
e sp e c ia lly o f p ain , 0.5 3 ); allay (to E D IT (9) edit (to p rep a re fo r p u b lic a ­
soothe, 0.25); alleviate (0.25); help (to tio n , 1.00); ed it (to su p e rv ise p u b li­
improve, 0.25). cation, 1.00); com pile (0.77); improve
E A T (4) eat (to take as food, 1.00);eat (to (to m ake b etter, 0 .70); co n tra ct (to
bother, 1.00); eat (to reduce gradually, cau se to dim in ish , 0.56); thin (0.56);
1.00); graze (to pasture, 0.38). rew rite (0.50); p ro g ram (to w ork out
E A V E S D R O P (3) eavesdrop (LOO); hear a se q u en c e to be p erfo rm ed , 0.44);
(to receive inform ation orally, 0.82); c o rrect (to m ake n eed ed corrections,
hear (to perceive by ear, 0.33). 0.09).
E B B (9) ebb (1.00); recede (to sink, 0.86); E D U C A T E (8) educate (LOO); teach (to
contract (to dim inish, 0.68); die (to de­ act as a teacher, 0.87); sm arten (to
cline as though death w ere inevitable , stimulate, 0.75); instinct (to teach, 0.67);
0.67); em pty (to becom e em pty, 0.67); catechize (to instruct system atically,
decrease (to grow less, 0.59); disappear 0.25); edify (0.25); ground (to instruct
(0.08); fall (to pass quickly dow nw ard, in essentials, 0.25); civilize (0.13).
0.07); flow (to m ove in one direction, E D U C E (1) educe (1.00).
0.05). E D U L C O R A T E (2) purify (0.18); clean
E B B U L A T E (1) seethe (0.25). (0.13).
E C H O (12) echo (1.00); sound (to m ake E F F A C E (6) efface ( LOO); cancel (to mark
a noise, 0.97); reflect (to throw back, out, 0.75); destroy (to bring to nothing,
0.52); erase (to obliterate, 0.50); w reck spit (0.57); discard (0.56); erupt (0.50);
(to bring to ruin, 0.33); expunge (0.25). jettison (0.50); retch (0.33); dump (0.27);
E FF E C T (27) effect (to bring about, 1.00); squirt (0.25); empty (to cause to become
effect (to achieve, 1.00); create (to empty, 0.24); launch (to send off, 0.17).
make, 0.88); begin (to initiate, 0.76); E L A B O R A T E (10) elaborate (1.00); de­
breed (to cause, 0.75); do (to discharge velop (to w ork out, 0.67); decorate
one’s responsibilities, 0.75); w ear (to (0.51); com p licate (0.50); expatiate
use as clothing or personal ornam ent, (0.50); prepare (to m ake oneself ready,
0.70); produce (to cause, 0.67); achieve 0.43); develop (to improve, 0.41); exag­
(to finish an undertaking, 0.62); result gerate (0.29); com plete (to make entire,
(0.61); earn (to receive in paym ent, 0.21); amplify (0.20).
0.60); bring (to cause, 0.50); cause (to E L A P S E (1) elapse (1.00).
bring about, 0.50); fulfill (0.50); induce E L A T E (5) elate (1.00); satisfy (to make
(to cause, 0.50); m ake (to cause, 0.50); content, 0.91); encourage (to raise the
perform (to accomplish an action, 0.44); spirits, 0.88); gladden (0.55); entertain
vote (0.38); do (to cause, 0.33); manage (to keep others am used, 0.10).
(to co n triv e, 0.33); obtain (to gain E L B O W (3) jostle (0.50); push (to press
possession, 0.26); execute (to can y out against, 0.36); jam (to force o n e’s way,
instructions, 0.25); fight (to struggle for 0.33).
an end, 0.25); w in (to reach, 0.25); E L E C T (10) elect (1.00); fill (to supply
convince (0.21); contrive (to succeed w ith an occupant, 0.75); nam e (to ap­
with difficulty, 0.15); complete (to make point, 0.75); cull (to choose, 0.33);
entire, 0.05). appoint (0.25); select (0.25); assign (to
E FF E C T U A TE (3) produce (to create by delegate to a specific purpose, 0.19);
mental effort, 0.50); com plete (to make delegate (to give authority to another,
entire, 0.47); achieve (to finish an un­ 0.10); resolve (0.10); commission (0.07).
dertaking, 0.46). E L E C T IO N E E R (2) electioneer (1.00);
E FFE M IN IZ E (1) castrate (0.15). cam paign (to solicit votes, 0.80).
E FF E R V E SC E (3) effervesce (1.00); boil E L E C T R IF Y (3) electrify (to provide elec­
(to seethe, 0.86); bubble (0.65). tricity, 1.00); electrify (to affect deeply,
E F F L O R E S C E (2) effloresce (1.00); 1.00); surprise (to amaze, 0.47).
bloom (0.88). E L E C T R IZ E (1) electrify (to provide elec­
E FFU SE (1) drain (to seep away, 0.40). tricity, 0.46).
EJA CU LA TE (3) ejaculate (1.00); exclaim E L E C T R O C U T E (4) electrocute (1.00);
(0.86); utter (0.21). kill (to deprive o f life, 0.77); execute (to
E JE C T (18) eject (to rem ove physically, put to death, 0.75); punish (0.46).
1.00); eject (to rem ove from a social or E L E C T R O L Y Z E (1) analyze (to subject
economic p o sitio n , 1.00); em it (to dis­ to analysis, 0.29).
charge, 0.97); elim inate (to rem ove, E L E C T R O P L A T E (2) galvanize (to coat,
0.95); oust (0.93); vom it (0.83); excrete 0.25); gild (to give the appearance o f
(0.80); dislodge (0.75); disgorge (0.67); gold, 0.17).
E L E C T R O T Y P E (1) reproduce (to make com m ent (to annotate, 0.50); exemplify
an exact copy, 0.25). (0.50); illum inate (to explain, 0.50);
E L E V A T E (18) elevate (to lift bodily, enlighten (to bring supposed spiritual
1.00); elevate (to promote, 1.00); elevate truth, 0.36); clarify (to explain, 0.25);
(to exalt, 1.00); im prove (to m ake bet­ expound (to inteipret, 0.25); illumine (to
ter, 0.82); prom ote (to advance in rank, explain, 0.25); translate (to interpret,
0.80); enthrone (0.75); raise (to lift, 0.25).
0.75); pum p (0.67); up (0.67); dig (to E L U D E (10) elude (1.00); shirk (0.75);
stir the earth, 0.65); praise (to commend, evade (to use trickery to avoid a sharp
0.52); dignify (0.50); heighten (to raise, issue, 0.73); escape (0.69); avoid (0.63);
0.50); lift (0.50); rear (0.33); advance (to circ u m v en t (to avoid, 0.50); dodge
promote in rank or station, 0.25); civilize (0.50); parry (to avoid, 0.50); duck (to
(0.17); pry (to m ove with a lever, 0.08). avoid, 0.25); retreat (to execute a forced
E L IC IT (6) elicit (1.00); evoke (to arouse, retirem ent in battle, 0.07).
0.75); discover (to find, 0.58); educe E L U T R IA T E (1) clean (0.37).
(0.50); fetch (to draw forth, 0.50); excite E M A N A T E (11) emanate (to emit, 1.00);
(to activate, 0.36). em anate (to begin, 1.00); result (0.67);
E L ID E (3) elide (to delete, 1.00); elide (to drop (to fall in drops, 0.63); flow (to
suppress, 1.00); elim inate (to rem ove, issue forth, 0.62); arise (to result, 0.60);
0.28). rise (to begin, 0.50); sm ell (to give off
E L IM IN A T E (12) elim inate (to rem ove, odour, 0.43); loom (to appear large or
1.00); elim inate (to rem ove w aste m at­ im posing, 0.39); begin (to com e into
ter, 1.00); excrete (0.87); concentrate (to being or start functioning, 0.36); emit
bring or com e together, 0.78); depose (to discharge, 0.06).
(0.75); term inate (to abolish, 0.75); EM A N CIPA TE (9) emancipate (1.00); free
am putate (0.71); relegate (to rem ove, (to lib e ra te , 0 .8 7 ); en fra n c h ise (to
0.50); screen (to choose, 0.50); quiet liberate, 0.75); discharge (to release,
(to m a k e sile n t, 0 .3 5 ); d e p o p u la te 0.67); ransom (0.57); m anum it (0.50);
(0.10); kill (to deprive o f life, 0.09). rescue (to free, 0.50); save (to remove
E L O N G A T E (3) elongate (1.00); lengthen from danger, 0.36); release (0.08).
(to m ake longer, 0.71); stretch (to cause E M A S C U L A T E (5) emasculate (to steri­
to stretch, 0.71). lize, 1.00); emasculate (to weaken, 1.00);
E L O P E (3) elope (1.00); leave (to go away, c a s tr a te (0 .9 2 ); w e a k e n (to m ake
0.62); escape (0.19). weaker, 0.60); cut (to castrate, 0.25).
ELU C ID A TE (18) elucidate (1.00); explain E M B A L M (3) embalm (1.00); mummify
( 0 .9 1 ) ; s o lv e ( 0 .8 2 ) ; a r g u e (to (0.67); preserve (to keep, 0.12).
endeavour to convince, 0.71); define E M B A R G O (2) forbid (0.89); disallow
(to p rovide a nam e or descrip tio n , (0.50).
0.68); describe (0.67); unfold (to reveal, E M B A R K (2) board (to go aboard, 0.67);
0.64); sim plify (0.60); decipher (0.53); leave (to go away, 0.23).
answ er (to provide a solution, 0.50); E M B A R R A SS (11) embarrass (to hinder,
1.00); em barrass (to upset m entally, (to take in by absorption, 0.57); unite
1.0 0 );c o n fu s e (0 .7 5 ); ta rn is h (to (to com e together, 0.31); include (to
disgrace, 0.75); bother (to be disturb­ contain, 0.29); exemplify (0.25); typify
ing, 0.65); hinder (0.57); discom fit (to (0.25); classify (0.16).
confuse, 0.50); complicate (0.47); scan­ E M B O L D E N (2) em bolden (1.00); en­
dalize (0.29); ham per (0.25); tangle courage (to raise the spirits, 0.92).
(0 .20). E M B O S O M (1) hug (0.33).
E M B A T T L E to prepare for battle; to E M B O S S to carve in relief (5) emboss
fortify (1) embattle (1.00). (1.00); enchase (0.75); impress (to make
EM BED (6) embed (to put in, 1.00); embed an im p re ssio n , 0.50); in lay (0.50);
(to fix, 1.00); bed (0.75); em bow el (to decorate (0.17).
bury, 0.75); put (to dep o sit, 0.33); E M B O W E L (3) embowel (to bury, 1.00);
fasten (to make something secure, 0.11). em bow el (to kill, 1.00); disembowel
E M B E L L IS H (14) embellish (1.00); trim (0.25).
(to ad o rn , 0.8 0 ); e la b o ra te (0 .7 5 ); E M B R A C E (22) embrace (to clasp, 1.00);
em blazon (to decorate, 0.75); garnish em brace (to adopt, 1.00); caress (0.95);
(0.75); illustrate (to adorn with illustra­ hug (0.94); adopt (to take as one’s own,
tions, 0.75); d ecorate (0.61); adorn 0.92); com prise (0.84); hold (to have in
(0.50); em broider (to add adornm ent, o n e’s grasp, 0.83); cover (to include,
0.44); flatter (to be b ec o m in g to a 0.75); encom pass (to include, 0.75);
wearer, 0.38); beautify (to make beauti­ include (to contain, 0.71); love (to
ful, 0.25); colour (to im part colour to, express love by caresses, 0.70); pet (to
0.19); exaggerate (0.18); becom e (to be make love, 0.67); welcome (0.67); seize
suitable, 0.06). (to grasp, 0.65); choose (to select, 0.63);
E M B E Z Z L E (4) em bezzle (1.00); steal circle (0.63); greet (0.59); obey (to act
(0.79); pilfer (0.50); rob (0.35). in a c c o r d a n c e w ith a r e c o g n iz e d
E M B IT T E R (8) em bitter (to sour, 1.00); principle, 0.36); contain (to include,
em bitter (to anger, 1.00); envenom (to 0.33); unite (to com e together, 0.28);
alienate, 0.75); disappoint (0.67); dis­ com prehend (to include, 0.25); cherish
enchant (0.50); harden (to toughen, (to hold dear, 0.21).
0.50); anger (to arouse som eone to E M B R O ID E R (7) em broider (to add
anger, 0.27); disillusion (0.20). adornm ent, 1.00); sew (0.40); dam (to
E M B L A Z O N (5) em blazon (to decorate, repair, 0.25); m agnify (to exaggerate,
1.00); em blazon (to proclaim , 1.00); 0.25); exaggerate (0.21); decorate (0.15);
decorate (0.54); trim (to adorn, 0.20); trim (to adom , 0.10).
colour (to im part colour to, 0.09). E M B R O IL (8) em broil (1.00); quarrel
EM B O D Y (12) em body (to actualize, (0.73); com plicate (0.67); disunite (to
1.00); em body (to organize, 1.00); mix alienate, 0.50); disorganize (0.45); dis­
(to blend, 0.88); enlist (to enroll others, turb (to upset m ental calm, 0.11); en­
0.73); com prise (0.63); concentrate (to tangle (0.06); confuse (0.02).
bring or com e together, 0.63); absorb E M B U S (1) board (to go aboard, 0.50).
E M E N D (7) em end (to edit, 1.00); emend engage (to occupy, 0.67); spend (to
(to correct, 1.00); repair (0.89); correct pass time, 0.67); utilize (0.67); apply (to
(to m ake needed corrections, 0.82); m ake use of, 0.60); consum e (to use,
im prove (to m ake better, 0.64); reform 0.50); ply (to use, 0.50); com m it (to
(to change into a new form , 0.41); entrust, 0.41); com m ission (0.40); ex­
reconsider (0.33). p end (to use, 0.33); exploit (0.33); en­
E M E R G E (8) em erge (1.00); appear (to list (to enroll others, 0.27); absorb (to
becom e visible, 0.91); loom (to appear occupy com pletely, 0.25); enroll (to
large or im posing, 0.89); result (0.83); obtain for service, 0.25); sign (to hire,
flow (to issue forth, 0.78); m aterialize 0.25); treat (to deal w ith a person or
(to d e v e lo p , 0 .5 0 ); e sc a p e (0 .3 1 ); thing, 0.17).
evolve (0.25). E M P O W E R (1 2 ) e m p o w e r (1 .0 0 );
E M IG R A T E (7) emigrate (1.00); migrate strengthen (0.80); com m ission (0.77);
(0.50); transm igrate (0.50); abandon (to w arrant (to authorize, 0.75); approve (to
relinquish, 0.41); transplant (0.30); im ­ give approval, 0.55); enable (0.55);
m igrate (0.25); leave (to go away, 0.08). assign (to delegate to a specific pur­
E M IT (12) emit (to discharge, 1.00); emit pose, 0.52); entitle (to perm it, 0.50);
(to express, 1.00); eject (to rem ove com m it (to entrust, 0.45); hire (to em­
physically, 0.79); radiate (to send forth ploy, 0.42); delegate (to give authority
from a centre, 0.57); pour (to flow, 0.50); to another, 0.35); allow (to perm it an
ex claim (0.43); send (to b ro ad cast, action, 0.04).
u s u a lly e le c tr o n ic a lly , 0 .4 0 ); E M P T Y (11) em pty (to becom e empty,
com m unicate (to im part inform ation, 1.00); em p ty (to cau se to becom e
0.39); shed (0.27); erupt (0.25); secrete empty, 1.00); dum p (0.91); drain (to
(to perspire, 0.25); dictate (to speak for w ithdraw strength, 0.88); dig (to re­
record, 0.10). m o v e by d ig g in g , 0 .7 0 ); w aste (to
E M P A N E L (1) program (to schedule, squander, 0.59); excavate (0.33); free
0.10). (to disburden, 0.27); tap (to obtain by
E M P H A S IZ E (8) emphasize (1.00); inten­ m eans o f tapping, 0.25); w aste (to be
sify (0.63); iterate (0.50); enforce (to re­ c o n su m ed g radually, 0.18); unload
q u ire co m p lia n c e , 0 .4 0 ); o v e rsta te (0.16).
(0.33); rem ind (to call the attention o f E M U L A T E (5) emulate (1.00); rival (0.78);
another, 0.29); heighten (to increase, imitate (to follow the example of, 0.50);
0.25); explain (0.06). follow (to regulate o n e’s action, 0.40);
E M P L A N E (1) leave (to go away, 0.19). reflect (to throw back, 0.28).
E M P L O Y (22) em ploy (to m ake use of, E N A B L E (3) enable (1.00); crown (to em­
1.00); em ploy (to obtain services for pow er with a crown, 0.75); commission
pay, 1.00); exercise (to use, 0.91); use (0.17).
(to m ake use of, 0.91); occupy (to ab­ E N A C T (12) enact (to legislate, 1.00);
sorb attention, 0.86); engage (to hire, enact (to accom plish, 1.00); enact (to
0.75); retain (to reserve services, 0.75); act, 1.00); represent (to present as a
true interpretation , 0.79); perform (to (0.93); fram e (to act as a frame, 0.93);
present a performance, 0.77); dramatize en w rea th e (0.92); orbit (to revolve
(to present a perform ance, 0.75); vote around another body, 0.80); surround
(0.75); act (to take part in a play, 0.72); (to take a position on all sides, 0.78);
interpret (to convey the m eaning o f circum scribe (to trace a line around,
(art), 0.40); recite (to repeat formally, 0.75); circum vent (to go around, 0.75);
0.40); command (to issue an order, 0.20); encom pass (to surround, 0.75); girdle
achieve (to finish an undertaking, 0.19). (0.75); circuit (0.67); inclose (0.67);
ENAM EL (9) enamel (1.00); colour (to im­ attack (to fight o ffen siv ely (arm y),
part colour to, 0.75); varnish (0.59); 0.65); com prise (0.58); wrap (to twine
spread (to apply over a surface, 0.55); or wind, 0.56); press (to embrace, 0.50);
incrust (0.50); decorate (0.46); glaze defeat (to w orst in war, 0.47); restrict
(0.45); coat (0.25); plate (0.20). (to hold w ithin lim its, 0.45); define (to
EN A M O U R (1) enamour (1.00). set lim its, 0.24); m easure (to apply a
EN C A G E (2) encage (1.00); impound (to standard o f m easurem ent, 0.20).
imprison, 0.75). E N C L O S E (23) enclose (to shut up or
ENCAM P (2) encamp (1.00); camp (0.82). shut in, 1.00); enclose (to encircle, 1.00);
E N C A R M IN E (1) redden (to m ake red, drape (0.89); enslave (0.87); hold (to
0.18). have in o n e’s grasp, 0.72); com prise
ENCARN A D IN E (1) redden (to make red, (0.68); fram e (to enclose in a frame,
0.09). 0.57); crate (0.50); girdle (0.50); grasp
EN CA SE (4) wrap (to conceal in a w rap­ (to clutch, 0.50); ring (to encircle, 0.50);
per, 0.60); enfold (0.50); fram e (to en­ circle (0.44); fram e (to act as a frame,
close in a frame, 0.43); cover (to wrap, 0.43); w rap (to tw ine or wind, 0.33);
0.25). define (to set limits, 0.31); surround (to
ENCH A IN (5) enchain (to confine, 1.00); be on all sides, 0.29); em bed (to put in,
enchain (to attract, 1.00); bind (to con­ 0.27); enfo ld (0.25); pocket (0.25);
strain with bonds, 0.66); trammel (0.34); shelter (0.17); seize (to grasp, 0.15);
harness (0.21). farm (to do farm work, 0.13); imprison
E N C H A N T (11) enchant (to put under a (0.08).
spell, 1.00); enchant (to attract strongly, E N C O M P A S S (20) e n c o m p a s s (to
1.00); ch a rm (to b e w itc h , 0 .9 2 ); su rro u n d , 1.00); en co m p ass (to in ­
fascinate (0.92); ravish (to charm, 0.79); clude, 1.00); range (to traverse w ide
co n ju re (to p ra c tic e m a g ic, 0 .7 5 ); a re a s , 0 .9 4 ); s u rro u n d (to ta k e a
enrapture (0.75); lure (to entice, 0.75); position on all sides, 0.89); reach (to
bew itch (to charm , 0.67); enthrall (to extend to, 0.80); enclose (to encircle,
charm, 0.25); appeal (to attract, 0.15). 0.75); envelop (0.75); infold (0.75); run
E N C H A SE to set as a jew el (3) enchase (to extend, 0.75); encircle (0.67); ring
(1.00); emboss (0.25); engrave (to carve (to encircle, 0.67); orbit (to revolve
upon, 0.25). aro u n d an o th e r body, 0.60); circle
E N C IR C L E (20) encircle (1.00); circle ( 0 .5 6 ) ; a c h ie v e (to f in is h an
undertaking, 0.54); com prise (0.53); E N C U M B E R (14) encumber (1.00); bur­
define (to set limits, 0.52); circumscribe den (0 .9 6 ); h in d e r (0 .9 0 ); load (to
(to trace a line around, 0.50); circum ­ overload, 0.67); tax (to burden, 0.67);
vent (to go around, 0.50); circuit (0.33); trammel (0.66); charge (to enter a charge
refer (to concern, 0.17). account, 0.50); delay (to cause a delay,
E N C O U N T E R (10) encounter (to m eet 0.39); overload (0.33); oppress (0.30);
unexpectedly, 1.00); encounter (to meet overlay (to burden, 0.25); com plicate
in conflict, 1.00); oppose (to fight, (0.17); m eddle (to interfere in others’
0.93); touch (to com e into a contact affairs, 0.12); confuse (0.11).
w ith, 0.67); fight (to engage in an en­ E N D (21) end (to bring to a halt, 1.00);
counter, 0.60); face (to confront con­ end (to bring to a conclusion, 1.00);
flict or trouble, 0.56); find (to happen end (to com e to an end, 1.00); end (to
upon, 0.31); undergo (0.27); endure (to die, 1.00); achieve (to finish an under­
sustain adversity, 0.19); com pete (0.16). taking, 0.95); abolish (0.76); lapse (to
E N C O U R A G E (23) encourage (to give becom e void, 0.75); verge (0.75); settle
support, 1.00); encourage (to raise the (to finish, 0.67); hinder (0.51); climax
spirits, 1.00); prom ote (to further, 0.92); (to com e to a clim ax, 0.50); conclude
a p p ro v e (to g iv e a p p ro v a l, 0 .9 0 ); (to com e to an end, 0.50); eventuate
strengthen (0.89); com fort (to m ake (to close, 0.50); finish (to bring to an
easy physically, 0.81); help (to aid, e n d , 0 .5 0 ); q u it (to c e a s e , 0.50);
0.79); invite (to ask politely, 0.76); re­ te rm in ate (to finish, 0.50); stop (to
vive (to hearten, 0.76); boost (to pro ­ cease, 0.33); reach (to extend to, 0.27);
mote, 0.75); foster (to harbour, 0.75); finish (to com e to an end, 0.25); result
befriend (0.67); gladden (0.64); abet (to (0.22); destroy (to bring to nothing,
excite, 0.50); advance (to p rom ote, 0.21).
0.50); train (to direct grow th, 0.47); E N D A N G E R (3) e n d a n g e r (1 .0 0 );
b a c k (to fu rth e r, 0 .3 3 ); fo rtify (to threaten (to im pend, 0.80); overhang
strengthen physically or em otionally, (to threaten, 0.67).
0.33); advise (to give counsel, 0.28); E N D E A R (1) endear (1.00).
abet (to help, 0.25); goad (0.19); sup­ ENDEAV O U R (10) endeavour (1.00); un­
port (to uphold, 0.19); feed (0.16). dertak e (0.94); aim (to direct o n e’s
E N C R O A C H (7) encroach (1.00); en­ effort, 0.75); attempt (to try, 0.75); strive
trench (to trespass, 0.75); im pinge (to (0.75); seek (to try, 0.67); direct (to
infringe upon, 0.75); trespass (to in­ direct o n e ’s effort, 0.50); offer (to try,
trude, 0.75); overreach (to spread over, 0.50); strain (to exert, 0.50); dare (to be
0.50); overstep (0.50); m eddle (to inter­ courageous, 0.33).
fere in others’ affairs, 0.41). E N D O R S E (16) end o rse (to inscribe
E N C R U S T (5) line (to provide a lining, o n e ’s nam e, 1.00); endorse (to indicate
0.87); dirty (0.84); decorate (0.20); plate o n e ’s active support, 1.00); acknowl­
(0.13); harden (to m ake less pervious, edge (to recognize the authority of,
0.05). 0.90); com plim ent (to flatter, 0.89);
approve (to give approval, 0.81); praise E N F E T T E R (1) bind (to constrain with
(to com mend, 0.76); sign (to authorize, bonds, 0.62).
0.75); guarantee (to certify, 0.56); allow E N FIL A D E (1) attack (to fight offensively
(to perm it an action, 0.48); urge (to (army), 0.13).
present favourably, 0.47); defend (to E N F L A M E (1) heat (to make hot, 0.93).
support an accused person, 0.33); help E N F O L D (7) enfold (1.00); embrace (to
(to aid, 0.29); countenance (0.25); au­ clasp, 0.75); cuddle (to embrace, 0.50);
thorize (to approve, 0.20); advertise (to infold (0.50); hug (0.39); press (to em ­
solicit business, 0.07); recom m end (to brace, 0.25); seize (to grasp, 0.20).
lend support or approval, 0.04). E N F O R C E (8) enforce (to add strength,
E N D O W (10) endow (to give to, 1.00); 1.00); enforce (to require com pliance,
endow (to provide support for all times, 1.00); compel (0.75); force (to use force,
1.00); contribute (to give, 0.89); bless 0.59); act (to perform an action, 0.50);
(to give, 0.80); crown (to em power with dispense (to administer, 0.50); perform
a crown, 0.79); give (to transfer, 0.78); (to accom plish an action, 0.39); operate
enable (0.73); distribute (to allot, 0.63); (to produce an effect, 0.11).
found (0.33); underw rite (to support E N F R A N C H IS E (3) enfranchise (to lib­
financially, 0.30). erate, 1.00); enfranchise (to empower,
EN DU RE (11) endure (to continue, 1.00); 1.00); free (to liberate, 0.42).
endure (to sustain adversity, 1.00); E N G A G E (33) engage (to hire, LOO);
resist (to w ithstand, 0.80); be (to have engage (to engross, 1.00); engage (to
being, 0.65); exist (to cany on life, 0.50); occupy, 1.00);engage (to attack, 1.00);
face (to confront conflict or trouble, engage (to enm esh, especially gears,
0.40); hold (to be valid, 0.40); undergo 1.00); hire (to employ, 0.96); enlist (to
(0.36); fight (to struggle for an end, enroll others, 0.95); occupy (to absorb
0 .3 3 ); w e a th e r (to p a s s th r o u g h attention, 0.93); prom ise (to give one’s
adversity successfully, 0.33); lie (to be w ord, 0.92); undertake (0.88); meet (to
situated, 0.20). encounter, 0.86); appeal (to attract, 0.85);
E N E R G IZ E (8) energize (1.00); excite (to absorb (to occupy com pletely, 0.75);
ac tiv a te , 0 .8 6 ); stre n g th e n (0 .7 6 ); em ploy (to obtain services for pay,
vitalize (0.50); revive (to give new life, 0.75); grapple (to fight hand to hand,
0.26); quicken (to increase, 0.25); elec­ 0.75); sign (to hire, 0.75); oppose (to
trify (to provide electricity, 0.15); ani­ fight, 0.68); bury (to occupy, 0.60); fas­
mate (to give life to, 0.11). cinate (0.51); im m erse (to engross,
ENERVATE (4) enervate (1.00); weaken 0.50); play (to engage in sport, 0.50);
(to make weaker, 0.85); debilitate (0.75); com m ission (0.43); enlist (to request
em asculate (to weaken, 0.50). a s s is ta n c e , 0 .3 6 ); a tta c k (to fig h t
E N FE E B L E (5) enfeeble (LOO); weaken offensively (army), 0.35); rent (to obtain
(to make weaker, 0.30); soften (to make use by paym ent, 0.33); contract (to
soft, 0.29); dem oralize (to unnerve, enter into an agreem ent, 0.27); partici­
0.25); enervate (0.25). pate (to engage in a contest, 0.25);
retain (to reserve services, 0.25); be­ in c re a se (to add to, 0.49); rise (to
troth (0.22); choose (to select, 0.20); increase, 0.45); reclaim (to bring into
com m it (to entrust, 0.18); let (to award; usable condition, 0.30); supplem ent
said especially o f contracts, 0.17); op­ (0.15); overdo (to do too much, 0.13).
erate (to be in operation, 0.17). E N H E A R T E N (1) comfort (to make easy
E N G E N D E R (6) engender (1.00); propa­ physically, 0.46).
gate (to beget, 0.87); rep ro d u ce (to E N JO IN (9) enjoin (1.00); com m and (to
multiply, 0.87); produce (to bear, 0.82); issue an order, 0.89); w arn (0.52); for­
proliferate (0.75); produce (to create by bid (0.50); advise (to give counsel,
mental effort, 0.58). 0.45); ask (to inquire, 0.41); demand (to
E N G IN E E R (5) engineer (1.00); manage ask, 0.25); sum m on (to call, 0.22); will
(to direct, 0.81); contrive (to succeed (to exert on e’s will, 0.10).
w ith difficulty, 0.54); plan (to plot an E N JO Y (11) enjoy (to take pleasure in,
action in advance, 0.28); m asterm ind 1.00); enjoy (to have the use of, 1.00);
(0.25). savour (0.75); own (to possess, 0.73);
E N G R A F T (1) graft (to jo in for growth, love (to possess a deep and abiding
0.80). interest, 0.67); relish (0.67); appreciate
E N G R A V E (8) engrave (to carve upon, (to be grateful, 0.50); rejoice (0.50);
1.00); engrave (to prepare a plate for bask (0.40); revel (to indulge oneself,
printing, 1.00); carve (to form by cut­ 0.25); taste (to experience flavour, 0.25).
ting, 0.84); enchase (0.50); inscribe E N K IN D L E (8) enkindle (to ignite, 1.00);
(0.50); draw (to m ake a likeness by enkindle (to stim ulate, 1.00); burn (to
draw ing, 0.35); copy (to reproduce, subject to fire, 0.95); revive (to give new
0.11); bite (to cut or corrode, 0.06). life, 0.89); heat (to m ake hot, 0.85); fire
E N G R O S S (9) engross (to occupy o n e’s (to set on fire, 0.78); ignite (0.67); anger
tim e, 1.00); engross (to occupy o n e ’s (to arouse som eone to anger, 0.03).
m ind, 1.00); m onopolize (0.93); bury E N L A R G E (27) enlarge (to increase,
(to occupy, 0.80); occupy (to absorb 1 .00 );en larg e (to cause to increase,
attention, 0.79); entertain (to keep oth­ 1.00); develop (to im prove, 0.95); in­
ers am used, 0.71); enroll (to prepare a crease (to add to, 0.94); recite (to relate
roll, 0.67); absorb (to occupy co m ­ in detail, 0.86); aggrandize (to increase,
pletely, 0.50); com prise (0.11). 0.75); au g m en t (to in crease, 0.75);
E N G U L F (7) engulf (1.00); swallow (0.82); distend (0.75); rise (to increase, 0.75);
subm erge (to cause to sink, 0.50); sink grow (to becom e larger, 0.70); improve
(to cause to sink, 0.40); cover (to send (to m ake better, 0.67); sw ell (0.64);
dow n in plenty, 0.33); inundate (0.33); ex ag g erate (0.57); ex tend (to make
suck (0.33). larger, 0.50); inflate (to distend, 0.50);
E N H A N C E (10) enhance (1.00); becom e p u ff (to inflate, 0.50); thicken (to make
(to be suitable, 0.94); flatter (to be thicker, 0.50); advance (to raise, 0.33);
becom ing to a wearer, 0.88); decorate ram ble (to speak or w rite aimlessly,
(0.66); improve (to becom e better, 0.59); 0.29); w iden (to m ake wider, 0.29);
sp read (to extend, 0.28); ex p a tia te nate (0.86); charm (to bew itch, 0.58);
(0.25); gain (to increase, 0.25); overdo entrance (to enchant, 0.50).
(to do too m uch, 0.20); em ph asize E N R IC H (10) enrich (1.00); civilize (0.87);
(0 .1 5 ); stre n g th e n (0 .1 5 ); p ad (to d eco rate (0.76); endow (to give to,
increase, 0.11). 0.75); improve (to become better, 0.65);
E N L IG H T E N (8) enlighten (to provide becom e (to be suitable, 0.63); develop
inform ation or understanding, 1.00); (to im prove, 0.55); contribute (to give,
enlighten (to bring supposed spiritual 0.54); flatter (to be b eco m in g to a
truth, 1.00); civilize (0.96); notify (to wearer, 0.25); supplement (0.08).
provide w ith inform ation, 0.88); com ­ E N R O B E (1) don (0.33).
municate (to impart information, 0.63); E N R O L L (12) enroll (to obtain for serv­
teach (to act as a teacher, 0.63); train ice, 1.00); enroll (to prepare a roll, 1.00);
(to educate, 0.25); familiarize (0.20). enroll (to register oneself, 1.00); join
EN LIST (8) enlist (to enroll others, 1.00); (to enter the com pany of, 0.80); enter
enlist (to req u est assistan ce, 1.00); (to jo in , 0 .6 7 ); m a tric u la te (0.67);
enlist (to enroll oneself, 1.00); hire (to register (to record, 0.67); list (to enter
em ploy, 0.79); align (to jo in , 0.67); in a list, 0.59); record (to w rite down,
v o lu n te e r (to o ffe r o n e ’s se rv ic e s, 0.36); co nscrip t (0.33); poll (0.25);
0.67); enroll (to prepare a roll, 0.33); assign (to delegate to a specific pur­
enroll (to register oneself, 0.33). pose, 0.11).
EN LIV EN (11) enliven (1.00); revive (to E N S C O N C E (2) hide (to conceal, 0.81);
give new life, 0.95); entertain (to keep establish (to w ork or settle in a perm a­
others am used, 0.84); exhilarate (0.75); nent place, 0.07).
encourage (to raise the spirits, 0.64); E N S E P U L C H E R (1) bury (to inter, 0.33).
fire (to animate, 0.50); satisfy (to m ake E N S H R IN E (6) enshrine (1.00); cherish
content, 0.34); strengthen (0.26); amuse (to hold dear, 0.54); bury (to inter, 0.50);
(0.25); perk (to cheer or refresh, 0.25); fram e (to act as a frame, 0.50); bless (to
colour (to im part colour to, 0.22). dedicate to God, 0.26); memorize (0.17).
E N M E SH (3) enm esh (1.00); m islead E N S H R O U D (2) enshroud (1.00); cover
(0.55); entangle (0.44). (to wrap, 0.50).
EN N O B LE (5) ennoble (1.00); immortal­ E N SL A V E (5) enslave (1.00); fascinate
ize (0.75); crow n (to em pow er w ith a (0.76); subject (0.59); enthrall (to over­
crown, 0.21); prom ote (to advance in com e, 0.50); su b ju g ate (to subdue,
rank, 0.13); civilize (0.04). 0.50).
ENPLA N E (1) board (to go aboard, 0.17). E N SN A R E (9) ensnare (to capture, 1.00);
EN QU IRE (1) enquire (1.00). ensnare (to deceive, 1.00); entangle
E N R A G E (5) enrage (1.00); infuriate (0.94); am b u sh (0.78); trap (0.75);
(0.50); anger (to arouse som eone to m islead (0.64); fascinate (0.59); entrap
anger, 0.45); displease (to anger, 0.25); (0.50); deceive (0.38).
madden (0.25). E N SP H E R E (1) circle (0.41).
EN RA PTU RE (4) enrapture (1.00); fasci­ E N S U E (9) ensue (1.00); succeed (to
follow in tim e, 0.89); happen (to occur, satisfy'(to m ake content, 0.69); cherish
0.80); supervene (0.75); transpire (0.75); (to hold dear, 0.63); listen (to receive
result (0.72); follow (to be later in time, advice cordially, 0.50); accom m odate
0 .6 7 ); p o std a te (to su c ce ed , 0.5 0 ); (to provide lodging, 0.38); receive (to
follow (to result, 0.33). make welcome, 0.25).
E N S U R E (3) ensure (1.00); prom ise (to E N T H R A L L (13) enthrall (to overcome,
ap p ear prom ising, 0.75); secure (to 1.00); enthrall (to charm, 1.00); bewitch
protect, 0.33). (to fascinate, 0.75); entertain (to keep
E N T A IL to im pose; to require; to lim it others am used, 0.68); enslave (0.65);
the inheritance o f property (3) entail charm (to bew itch, 0.50); ravish (to
(1.00); include (to contain, 0.57); require charm , 0.43); satisfy (to m ake content,
(to dem and, 0.10). 0.38); subject (0.35); captivate (0.25);
E N T A N G L E (11) entangle (1.00); m ud­ enam our (0.25); enchant (to put under
dle (to confuse; said o f affairs, 0.82); a spell, 0.25); fascinate (0.10).
involve (0.80); hinder (0.65); m islead E N T H R O N E (2) enthrone (1.00); crown
(0 .5 0 ); d isu n ite (to alien a te , 0.25); (to em pow er with a crown, 0.42).
em broil (0.25); interlace (to w eave, E N T IC E (16) entice (1.00); seduce (0.81);
0.25); fasten (to m ake som ething se­ attract (to allure, 0.75); bait (to lure,
cure, 0.20); mat (0.20); confuse (0.13). 0.75); invite (to ask politely, 0.72);
E N T E R (19) enter (to enter physically, fascinate (0.63); court (to woo, 0.59);
1.00); enter (to enter upon, 1.00); enter en a m o u r (0.50); ench an t (to attract
(to jo in, 1.00); include (to place into or strongly, 0.50); inveigle (0.50); appeal
among, 0.92); arrive (to com e to a place, (to attract, 0.46); tem pt (0.45); bribe
0.91); penetrate (to pierce, 0.87); list (to (0.42); accost (to solicit, 0.33); solicit
enter in a list, 0.84); insert (to introduce, (to tem pt for sexual purposes, 0.33);
0.75); penetrate (to perm eate, 0.75); draw (to lure, 0.25).
b e g in (to com e into b e in g or sta rt E N T IT L E (5) entitle (to nam e, 1.00);
fu n ctio n in g , 0.71); en list (to enroll entitle (to perm it, 1.00); define (to pro­
o n e s e lf, 0 .6 7 ); e n ro ll (to r e g is te r vide a nam e or description , 0.93); des­
oneself, 0.67); note (to record, 0.67); ignate (to specify, 0.60); nam e (to give
program (to w ork out a sequence to be a name, 0.25).
perform ed, 0.63); enroll (to prepare a E N T O M B (6) entom b (to bury the dead,
roll, 0.61); reach (to arrive, 0.50); record i .00); entomb (to conceal, 1.00); entomb
(to w rite dow n, 0.40); introduce (to (to imprison, 1.00); bury (to inter, 0.67);
insert, 0.33); m atriculate (0.33). inter (0.50); hide (to conceal, 0.36).
E N T E R T A IN (11) entertain (to keep oth­ E N T R A IN (3) entrain (1.00); send (to dis­
ers am used, 1.00); entertain (to act as patch, 0.37); leave (to go away, 0.12).
ho st or hostess, 1.00); entertain (to E N T R A IN to put into rail with train (1)
consider, 1.00); treat (to pay for anoth­ board (to go aboard, 0.33).
e r ’s entertainm ent, 0.86); harbour (to E N T R A N C E (8) entrance (to enchant,
consider, 0.75); regale (to feast, 0.75); 1.00); entrance (to put into a trance,
1.00); fascinate (0.96); hypnotize (to put keeping, 0.23).
in a trance, 0.78); enchant (to attract E N T W IN E (9) entw ine (1.00); wind (to
strongly, 0.75); charm (to bew itch, wrap about, 0.80); enwreathe (0.75); in­
0.33); conjure (to practice magic, 0.25); terw eave (0.75); mat (0.60); coil (0.53);
hypnotize (to charm, 0.25). unite (to com e together, 0.47); curl (to
E N T R A P (9) entrap (1.00); entangle twist, 0.19); join (to unite, 0.08).
(0.88); defeat (to w orst in war, 0.83); E N U M ER A TE (21) enumerate (1.00); cal­
en snare (to capture, 0.75); enm esh culate (to reckon, 0.95); recite (to relate
(0.50); hinder (0.45); am bush (0.44); in detail, 0.91); tabulate (0.87); narrate
d ec eiv e (0 .4 3 ); c irc u m v e n t (to go (0.80); cite (to refer to as authority,
around, 0.25). 0.75); cou n t (0.63); item ize (0.50);
EN TREAT (19) entreat (1.00); beg (to ask particularize (0.50); reckon (0.50); list
ea rn e stly or im p o rtu n a te ly , 0 .9 5 ); (to en ter in a list, 0.41); sco re (to
conjure (to appeal to, 0.75); crave (to com pute the score, 0.38); balance (to
beg, 0.75); solicit (to beg, 0.75); w ish dem onstrate balance, 0.35); detail (to
(to express a desire, 0.75); urge (to in­ m ake clear in detail, 0.35); adm it (to
duce, 0.69); invite (to ask politely, 0.64); confess, 0.33); number (0.33); value (to
court (to woo, 0.53); ask (to solicit, set a price upon, 0.32); numerate (0.25);
0.50); call (to invoke, 0.50); request (to add (to b rin g to g eth er, u su a lly by
solicit, 0.50); invoke (to call upon, 0.33); m a th e m a tic s , 0 .2 2 ); e s tim a te (to
pray (to call upon God, 0.33); sue (0.33); calculate probable costs, 0.08); record
woo (to court,fig., 0.29); abet (to excite, (to w rite down, 0.04).
0.25); beseech (0.25); implore (0.25). E N U N C IA T E (10) enunciate (to state for­
E N T R E N C H (5) entrench (to surround, mally, 1.00); enunciate (to pronounce
1.00); entrench (to trespass, 1.00); es­ distinctly, 1.00); articulate (to speak
tablish (to w ork or settle in a perm a­ c le a rly , 0 .7 5 ); e m p h a s iz e (0 .7 5 );
nent place, 0.73); fortify (to strengthen pronounce (to articulate, 0.75); utter
against attack, 0.50); defend (to keep (0.64); sou n d (to pronounce, 0.50);
off an enemy, often f ig ., 0.29). report (to m ake a sum m ary statement,
E N T R U S T (13) delegate (to give duties 0.44); com municate (to impart informa­
to another, 0.83); com m end (to present tion, 0.41); declare (to speak form ally
with confidence, 0.75); trust (to place and emphatically, 0.17).
in the p ro tectio n o f another, 0.75); E N V E L O P (11) envelop (1.00); wrap (to
intrust (0.67); com m ission (0.63); con­ conceal in a wrapper, 0.90); frame (to
sign (to put in the charge of, 0.50); rel­ act as a frame, 0.79); blanket (0.75);
egate (to assign, 0.50); assign (to del­ overspread (0.75); sheathe (0.75); fold
egate to a specific purpose, 0.48); send (to enclose, 0.67); hug (0.56); muzzle
(to deliver, 0.36); lend (to m ake a loan, (to fasten a m uzzle upon, 0.25); define
0.33); charge (to com m and, 0.25); con­ (to set lim its, 0.21); hide (to conceal,
fide (to com m it to the charge, 0.25); 0 .02).
deposit (to present m oney for safe­ E N V E L O P E (3) cover (to wrap, 0.75); en­
fold (0.75); surround (to be on all sides, 0 .50); co n n e ct (to asso ciate, 0.50);
0.14). correlate (to relate, 0.50); balance (to
E N V E N O M (5) envenom (to poison, p lace in balance, 0.30); balance (to
1.00); envenom (to alienate, 1.00); sour dem onstrate balance, 0.29); measure (to
(0.36); harden (to toughen, 0.27); poi­ apply a standard o f measurement, 0.23).
son (0.07). E Q U IL IB R A T E (1) balance (to place in
E N V IR O N (1) surround (to be on all balance, 0.70).
sides, 0.57). E Q U IP (14) equip (to supply, 1.00); equip
E N V IS A G E (4) envisage (to confront, (to array, 1.00); provide (to supply,
1.00); en v isag e (to im ag in e, 1.00); 0.92); harness (0.83); mechanize (0.83);
im agine (to visualize mentally, 0.83); furnish (to supply necessities, 0.67);
dream (to have visions, usually during o u tfit (0 .6 7 ); ele c trify (to p ro v id e
sleep or fever, 0.20). electricity, 0.54); ply (to supply, 0.50);
E N V IS IO N (3) imagine (to visualize men­ com plete (to m ake entire, 0.42); prepare
tally, 0.78); visualize (0.67); construct (to m ake other persons or things ready,
(to erect mentally, 0.25). 0.33); train (to toughen oneself, 0.33);
E N V Y (3) envy (1.00); covet (0.33); wish satisfy (to fulfill, 0.24); clothe (0.17).
(to desire, 0.25). E Q U IP O IS E (2) balance (to offset, 0.75);
E N W R A P (2) wrap (to conceal in a w rap­ offset (0.56).
per, 0.80); swaddle (0.50). E Q U IV O C A T E (6) equivocate (1.00);
E N W R E A T H E (1) en wreathe (1.00). sim ulate (0.62); lie (to utter an untruth,
E P IS T O L IZ E (1) correspond (to com m u­ 0.50); trim (to refuse to take a stand,
nicate, usually by letter, 0.67). 0.50); invent (to fabricate, 0.44); hesi­
E P IT O M IZ E (7) epitomize (1.00); brief (to tate (0.03).
sum m arize, 0.75); contract (to cause to E R A D IC A T E (15) eradicate (1.00); abol­
diminish, 0.67); perorate (to summarize, ish (0.95); destroy (to bring to noth­
0.67); d escribe (0.63); decrease (to ing, 0.89); cancel (to m ark out, 0.83);
m ake less, 0.09); com press (0.08). elim in ate (to rem ove, 0.80); uproot
E Q U A L (7) equal (1.00); rival (0.89); (0.80); overthrow (to abolish, 0.75);
m atch (to m eet in contest, 0.67); reach dissolve (to destroy, 0.50); exterminate
(to extend to, 0.60); make (to total, 0.50); (0.50); excise (0.33); break (to bring to
offset (0.25); agree (0.23). ruin or to an end , 0.25); erase (to
E Q U A L IZ E (6) equalize (1.00); match (to obliterate, 0.25); extract (to remove,
find or m ake equals, 0.92); equal (0.85); 0.25); lighten (to m ake lighter, 0.18);
b alan ce (to place in balance, 0.76); eject (to rem ove physically, 0.11).
offset (0.75); level (to straighten, 0.25). E R A S E (12) erase (to obliterate, 1.00);
E Q U A T E (12) equate (to equalize, 1.00); cancel (to m ark out, 0.92); eliminate (to
equate (to com pare, 1.00); equalize rem ove, 0.78); expunge (0.75); delete
(0.78); m atch (to find or m ake equals, (0.67); abolish (0.40); efface (0.33);
0.75); equal (0.62); average (to com pute revoke (0.33); elide (to delete, 0.25);
an average, 0.50); com pare (to liken, clean (0.19); rub (to subject to friction,
0.18); destroy (to bring to nothing, appear (0.28); elude (0.25); em pty (to
0.12). becom e empty, 0.07).
E R E C T (16) erect (to build, 1.00); erect E S C H E W to avoid; to shun; to abstain
(to assemble, 1.00); erect (to raise, 1.00); (3) eschew (1.00); abstain (0.61); dis­
erect (to estab lish , 1.00); b u ild (to like (0.33).
co n stru c t, 0.9 6 ); a sse m b le (to put E S C O R T (13) escort (1.00); accom pany
together, 0.90); establish (to w ork or (to go with, 0.92); attend (to go with,
settle in a perm anent place, 0.80); exalt 0.75); conduct (to guide, 0.75); convoy
(to elevate, 0.75); fabricate (to con­ (0.75); date (to court or be courted,
struct, 0.75); form (to give shape to a 0.67); usher (0.67); lead (to conduct,
thing, 0.63); create (to m ake, 0.58); 0.53); guide (to lead, 0.33); w alk (to
construct (to build a physical structure, cause to m ove on foot, 0.29); squire
0.50); fram e (to make, 0.50); m anufac­ (0.25); treat (to pay for another’s enter­
ture (to m ake a product, 0.41); crow n tainm ent, 0.14); defend (to keep o ff an
(to em pow er with a crown, 0.25); or­ enemy, often f ig ., 0.06).
ganize (to form an organization, 0.23). E S P O U S E (9) espouse (to marry, 1.00);
E R O D E (4) erode (1.00); corrode (to de­ espouse (to support, 1.00); prom ise (to
stroy, 0.75); etch (to rem ove metal with give o n e ’s w ord, 0.73); defend (to pro­
acid, 0.75); bite (to cut or corrode, 0.41). vide general protection, 0.68); embrace
E RR (12) err (1.00); m istake (0.96); m is­ (to ad o p t, 0 .6 7 ); m arry (to tak e a
understand (0.93); sin (0.88); m isappre­ spouse, 0.50); w ed (0.50); adopt (to
hend (0.75); misconduct (to m isbehave take as o n e ’s own, 0.23); choose (to
oneself, 0.67); fault (to fail, 0.50); select, 0.03).
m iscount (0.50); trespass (to tra n s­ E S P Y (2) find (to happen upon, 0.85);
gress, 0.50); botch (0.46); m iscalculate recognize (to know again, 0.50).
(0.25); misbehave (0.20). ESSAY (3) try (to endeavour, 0.89); ven­
E R U C T (l) erupt (0.75). ture (0.86); endeavour (0.25).
E R U P T (10) erupt (1.00); explode (to E S T A B L IS H (40) establish (to set up in
burst, 0.92); break (to blow up, 0.75); a form al m anner, 1.00);establish (to
emit (to discharge, 0.75); burst (to ex­ w ork or settle in a perm anent place,
plode, 0.67); rage (to be out o f control, 1.00); establish (to determ ine, LOO);
0.57); b a c k fire (to ex p lo d e, 0 .50); establish (to prove, 1.00); establish (to
inflam e (to cause physical soreness, m ake secure, 1.00); organize (to form
0.43); irritate (to inflame, 0.43); bubble an organization, 0.96); verify (0.91); in­
(0.20). stall (0.88); order (to put in order, 0.88);
ESCA LA TE (4) escalate (1.00); intensify constitute (to found, 0.75); control (to
(0.81); increase (to add to, 0.60); climb verify, 0.75); convince (0.71); found
(to m ount, 0.29). (0.67); settle (to prove, 0.67); vote
ESCAPE (7) escape (1.00); duck (to avoid, (0.63); define (to set limits, 0.59); enact
0.50); flee (0.50); retreat (to execute a (to legislate, 0.58); locate (to determine
forced retirem ent in battle, 0.47); dis­ a location, 0.56); support (to uphold,
0.56); rank (to evaluate, 0.53); institute pher (0.25); assume (to take for granted,
(to o rg a n iz e , 0 .5 0 ); ra tify (0 .5 0 ); 0.21).
strengthen (0.41); pass (to enact, 0.33); E S T R A N G E (6) estrange (to alienate,
q u arte r (to p ro v id e living quarters, 1.00); estrange (to w ithdraw , 1.00);
0.33); raise (to erect, 0.33); situate alienate (0.86); disaffect (0.75); disunite
(0.33); reason (to discuss persuasively, (to a lie n a te , 0 .7 5 ); e n v e n o m (to
0.27); corroborate (0.25); em body (to alienate, 0.50).
organize, 0.25); m ake (to enact, 0.25); E T C H (7) etch (to remove metal with acid,
form (to give shape to a thing, 0.20); 1.00); etch (to use etching as an artistic
begin (to initiate, 0.18); system atize m edium , 1.00); engrave (to prepare a
(0.18); crown (to em power with a crown, plate for printing, 0.94); carve (to form
0.17); plant (0.17); arrange (to m ake by cu ttin g , 0.79); draw (to m ake a
arrangem ents, 0.15); approve (to give likeness by draw ing, 0.78); bite (to cut
approval, 0.06); argue (to endeavour or corrode, 0.71); incise (to engrave,
to convince, 0.06); prove (0.03). 0.50).
E S T E E M (16) esteem (to attach a high E T H E R IF Y (1) liberate (to free from
value to, 1.00); esteem (to consider, chem ical or physical restraint, 0.50).
1.00); adm ire (to have regard for, 0.96); E T H E R IZ E (1) deaden (to reduce life or
cherish (to hold dear, 0.88); appreciate its evidence, 0.75).
(to re c o g n iz e w o rth , 0 .8 6 ); re p u te E T H IC IZ E (1) civilize (0.35).
(0.75); value (to believe to be valuable, E T IO L A T E (3) blanch (0.33); bleach
0.75); worship (to adore, 0.75); honour (0.33); fade (to lose colour or light,
(to recognize w orth, 0.67); regard (to 0.08).
hold in esteem , 0.50); trust (to believe E U L O G IZ E (8) eulogize (1.00); laud
in, 0.50); like (to be fond of, 0.40); prize (0.75); recom m end (to lend support or
(0.25); recom m end (to lend support or approval, 0.64); adm ire (to have regard
ap p ro v a l, 0 .24); fav o u r (to h av e a for, 0.62); praise (to com m end, 0.62);
preference, 0.15); love (to be passion­ compliment (to flatter, 0.32); extol (0.20);
ately devoted, 0.13). favour (to have a preference, 0.08).
E S T IM A T E (13) estim ate (to m ake a E U N U C H IZ E (1) castrate (0.08).
rough guess, 1.00); estim ate (to m ake E V A C U A T E (11) evacuate (to empty,
a considered prediction, 1.00); estimate 1.00); evacuate (to abandon, 1.00); re­
(to ca lcu late p ro b ab le costs, 1.00); treat (to execute a forced retirem ent in
v a lu e (to set a p ric e u p o n , 0 .9 5 ); battle, 0.93); abandon (to relinquish,
balance (to dem onstrate balance, 0.94); 0.70); dum p (0.45); excrete (0.40); re­
rate (to rank, 0.86); program (to w ork m ove (to m ove physically, 0.40); emit
out a sequence to be perform ed, 0.69); (to discharge, 0.34); em pty (to cause
think (to exam ine w ith the mind, 0.46); to becom e empty, 0.29); eject (to re­
rank (to evaluate, 0.40); scale (to m eas­ m ove physically, 0.26); decam p (0.25).
ure, 0.38); set (to value, 0.33); distin­ E V A D E (12) evade (to use trickery to
guish (to m ake distinctions, 0.31); ci­ avoid a sharp issue, 1.00); evade (to
avoid a m eeting, 1.00); avoid (0.88); E V IC T (10) evict (1.00); eliminate (to re­
disobey (0.61); shun (0.60); escape m ove, 0.85); oust (0.71); debar (to
(0.56); abstain (0.33); refuse (0.32); exlude, 0.67); disinherit (0.67); eject (to
dodge (0.25); loaf (to do nothing useful, rem ove physically, 0.63); banish (to
0.18); re tre a t (to e x e cu te a fo rced rem ove com pletely, 0.50); depopulate
retirement in battle, 0.13); circle (0.07). (0.50); dislodge (0.50); seclude (to iso­
EVALUATE (9) evaluate (1.00); estimate late, 0.25).
(to make a rough guess, 0.85); rate (to E V ID E N C E (5) guarantee (to certify,
rank, 0.79); value (to estim ate, 0.75); 0.61); expose (to betray, 0.50); display
estimate (to calculate probable costs, (to p re se n t fo r effect, 0.40); prove
0.69); value (to set a price upon, 0.53); (0.28); cite (to refer to as authority,
appraise (to estim ate, 0.50); think (to 0.06).
examine w ith the m ind, 0.42); reckon E V IN C E (3) evince (1.00); guarantee (to
(0.25). certify, 0.67); display (to present for ef­
EVANESCE (4) evanesce (1.00); dissipate fect, 0.32).
(to vanish, 0.50); die (to cease existing, E V IS C E R A T E (3) eviscerate (1.00); dis­
0.30); disappear (0.24). embowel (0.75); embowel (to kill, 0.50).
EVANGELIZE (1) evangelize (1.00). E V O K E (6) evoke (to call forth, 1.00);
E V A P O R A T E (1 3 ) e v a p o r a te (to evoke (to arouse, 1.00); educe (0.75);
vaporize, 1.00); evaporate (to dehy­ extract (to elicit, 0.75); enkindle (to
drate, 1.00); evaporate (to disappear, stimulate, 0.50); entail (0.25).
1.00); fade (to lose character, 0.75); E V O L V E (11) evolve (1.00); change (to
stiffen (to cause to becom e stiff, 0.29); m ake different, 0.79); grow (to change
dessicate (to preserve, 0.25); drain (to slowly, 0.73); change (to becom e dif­
withdraw fluid, 0.25); evanesce (0.25); ferent, 0.69); develop (to grow, 0.50);
die (to cease existing, 0.20); boil (to ripen (to grow, 0.50); build (to con­
continue at a boiling point, 0.17); pre­ struct, 0.46); develop (to w ork out,
serve (to keep, 0.15); contract (to di­ 0.33); m aterialize (to develop, 0.25);
minish, 0.05); decrease (to grow less, m ature (to grow, 0.25); discover (to
0.03). find, 0.23).
EVEN (5) sm ooth (to rem ove uneven­ E X A C E R B A T E (4) exacerbate (to irritate,
ness, 0.92); balance (to place in bal­ 1.00); exacerbate (to aggravate, 1.00);
ance, 0.67); flatten (to m ake flat, 0.63); bother (to give trouble, 0.63); anger (to
m easure (to apply a standard o f m eas­ arouse som eone to anger, 0.55).
urement, 0.54); m atch (to find or m ake E X A C T (12) fine (0.77); enforce (to re­
equals, 0.42). quire com pliance, 0.70); challenge (to
E V E N T U A T E (6) eventuate (to close, claim , 0.67); seize (to take by force,
1.00); eventuate (to occur, 1.00); coin­ 0.61); com m and (to have control, 0.60);
cide (to h appen, 0.67); h ap p e n (to blackm ail (0.50); require (to demand,
occur, 0.67); begin (to initiate, 0.29); 0.40); expect (to require, 0.33); inflict
form (to take form, 0.07). (to im pose, 0.33); sip (0.33); command
(to issue an order, 0.30); force (to use gravate (to irritate, 0.75); exacerbate (to
force, 0.25). irritate, 0.75); irritate (to bother, 0.50);
E X A G G ERA TE (10) exaggerate (1.00); in­ an g er (to arouse som eone to anger,
flate (to distend, 0.94); m isconstrue 0.30); bother (to give trouble, 0.25);
(0.75); prevaricate (0.75); parody (0.69); disturb (to upset mental calm, 0.22).
lie (to utter an untruth, 0.68); overdo EXCAVATE (8) excavate (1.00); mine (to
(to do too m uch, 0.40); exceed (0.37); dig for m inerals, 0.88); dig (to stir the
sim ulate (0.24); increase (to add to, earth, 0.76); rem ove (to m ove physi­
0.17). cally, 0.70); h o llo w (0.67); dig (to
EX A L T (19) exalt (to elevate, 1.00); exalt rem ove by digging, 0.30); grab (0.25);
(to praise, 1.00); dignify (0.75); glorify uproot (0.20).
(to w orship, 0.75); raise (to advance in E X C E E D (3) exceed (1.00); outdistance
rank, 0.75); bless (to dedicate to God, (0.75); outperform (0.25).
0.68); prom ote (to advance in rank, E X C E L (16) excel (1.00); exceed (0.95);
0.6 7 ); w o rsh ip (to p erfo rm acts o f surpass (0.80); outfight (0.75); outreach
w orship, 0.65); extol (0.60); love (to be (0.75); outw eigh (to exceed in impor­
p a s s io n a t e ly d e v o te d , 0 .6 0 ); ta n c e , 0 .7 5 ); p re p o n d e ra te (0.75);
com plim ent (to flatter, 0.58); ennoble outrank (0.67); outsell (0.67); pass (to
(0.50); enthrone (0.50); crow n (to em ­ exceed, 0.67); outclass (0.50); top (to
p ow er w ith a crow n, 0.38); inflate (to e x c e e d , 0 .5 0 ); tr a n s c e n d (0 .3 3 );
distend, 0.31); raise (to lift, 0.31); rec­ o u tm a n e u v e r (0 .2 5 ); o u ts h in e (to
om m end (to lend support or approval, outdo, 0.25); outstrip (0.25).
0.28); w orship (to adore, 0.25); overdo E X C E P T (3) except (1.00); omit (to fail to
(to do too m uch, 0.07). in c lu d e , 0 .9 2 ); bar (to o b stru ct by
E X A M IN E (20) examine (to inspect with refusal, 0.04).
care, 1.00); exam ine (to test, 1.00); E X C E R P T (6) exceipt (1.00); extract (to
analyze (to subject to analysis, 0.86); cite, 0.75); choose (to select, 0.50);
see (to perceive w ith the eye, 0.82); ask quote (to repeat verbatim , 0.50); cite
(to inquire, 0.77); audit (0.75); search (to refer to as authority, 0.31); refer (to
(0.71); spy (to act as a spy, 0.71); think m ention, 0.13).
(to exam ine with the mind, 0.50); try (to E X C H A N G E (5) exchange (to replace one
conduct a trial, 0.50); inventory (0.45); thing w ith another, 1.00); exchange (to
an ato m ize (0.33); handle (to touch, give and receive reciprocally, 1.00); sell
0 .2 5 ); o b s e rv e (to w a tc h , 0 .2 5 ); (to convey for a consideration, 0.58);
experiment (to investigate scientifically, m arket (0.50); alternate (to take or do
0.24); hunt (to try to find, 0.24); esti­ by turns, 0.40).
m ate (to calculate probable costs, 0.23); E X C IS E to cut out (4) excise (1.00); edit
plead (to discuss in court, 0.17); look (to prepare for publication, 0.89); oper­
(to endeavour to see, 0.15); reason (to ate (to carry on a surgical procedure,
seek a reasonable ex p la n a tio n , 0.08). 0.86); am putate (0.43).
E X A S PE R A T E (7) exasperate (1.00); ag­ E X C IT E (10) excite (to stir one mentally,
1.00); excite (to activate, 1.00); galvanize accused person, 0.22); palliate (0.20);
(to animate, 0.75); incite (0.75); disturb ex c u se (0.1 3 ); fo rg iv e (to cease to
(to upset m ental calm, 0.72); fascinate resent, 0.10).
(0.49); goad (0.41); anger (to arouse EX C U SE (4) excuse (1.00); justify (to give
som eone to anger, 0.36); m ove (to reasons for, 0.72); forgive (to cease to
arouse the em otions of, 0.31); anim ate resent, 0.70); condone (0.50).
(to incite, 0.25). E X E C R A T E (6) execrate (to curse, 1.00);
EX CLA IM (3) exclaim (1.00); utter (0.68); ex e c ra te (to d etest, 1.00); hate (to
call (to raise the voice, 0.33). detest, 0.90); curse (to sw ear at, 0.88);
EX CLU DE (16) exclude (to bar, 1.00); ex­ dislike (0.48); upbraid (0.16).
clude (to expel, 1.00); elim inate (to re­ E X E C U T E (32) execute (to carry out
move, 0.98); monopolize (0.80); except instructions, 1.00); execute (to bring to
(0.67); foreclose (to exclude, 0.67); bar fruition, 1.00); execute (to put to death,
(to raise a physical obstruction, 0.55); 1.00); com plete (to m ake entire, 0.95);
black- list (0.50); omit (to fail to include, act (to perform an action, 0.94); play
0.50); rem ove (to elim in ate, 0.50); (to produce m usic, 0.91); achieve (to
su sp e n d (to d e b a r, 0 .5 0 ); b a r (to finish an undertaking, 0.78); crucify (to
obstruct by refusal, 0.46); taboo (0.40); kill by cru cifix io n , 0.75); enact (to
hinder (0.33); paten t (0.22); forbid accomplish, 0.75); kill (to deprive o f life,
(0.14). 0.73); m anage (to direct, 0.70); hang (to
EX COM M UNICATE (5) excommunicate kill by hanging, 0.67); perform (to ac­
(1.00); banish (to condem n to exile, complish an action, 0.61); punish (0.57);
0.75); dam n (to consign to hell, 0.36); enforce (to require com pliance, 0.53);
eject (to rem o v e fro m a so c ia l or behead (0.50); discharge (to perform ,
econom ic position , 0.25); dism iss (to 0 .5 0 ); do (to d is c h a r g e o n e ’s
send away, 0.03). re s p o n s ib ilitie s , 0 .5 0 ); e le c tro c u te
E X C O R IA T E (6) excoriate (to rem ove (0.50); pro secu te (to p ursue, 0.50);
strips o f skin, bark, 1.00); excoriate (to exercise (to use, 0.45); invent (to create
denounce, 1.00); skin (0.94); upbraid or discover, 0.39); etch (to use etching
(0.60); dam n (to consign to hell, 0.29); as an artistic m edium , 0.33); make (to
flay (to rem ove sk in ,b ark ,h id e,etc ., perform , 0.33); manufacture (to make a
0.25). product, 0.32); decapitate (0.25); drama­
EX CRETE (4) excrete (1.00); emit (to dis­ tize (to present a perform ance, 0.25);
charge, 0.50); urinate (0.33); eject (to render (to perform, especially a service,
remove physically, 0.32). 0.25); shoot (to kill by shooting, 0.25);
E X C R U C IA T E (1) hurt (to cause pain, contrive (to succeed w ith difficulty,
0.54). 0.23); exercise (to move the body, 0.19);
EXCULPATE (8) exculpate (1.00); pardon p erfo rm (to p resen t a perform ance,
(to reduce punishm ent, 0.83); justify (to 0.15).
give reaso n s for, 0.39); p ard o n (to E X E M P L IF Y (9) exemplify (1.00); illus­
forgive, 0.25); defend (to support an trate (to make clear by illustration, 0.78);
typify (0.75); instance (0.67); represent weary, 0.68); bleed (to drain, 0.67);
(to serve as an equivalent, 0.55); refer expend (to use, 0.67); spend (to expend,
(to m e n tio n , 0 .2 7 ); p e r s o n if y (to 0 .5 9 ); em p ty (to cau se to becom e
represent, 0.25); define (to provide a empty, 0.57); evacuate (to empty, 0.50);
nam e or description, 0.21); cite (to refer m isspend (0.50); sap (0.50); w ear (to
to as authority, 0.13). consum e by w earing, 0.38); deplete
E X E M P T (3) exempt (1.00); excuse (0.54); (0.33); im poverish (0.33); overwork
release (0.50). (0.33); em pty (to becom e empty, 0.27);
E X E R C IS E (14) exercise (to m ove the enfeeble (0.25); overdo (to overtax one­
body, 1.00); exercise (to use, 1.00); se lf physically, 0.25); overexert (0.25);
exercise (to train, 1.00); teach (to drill, ruin (to cause to b ecom e bankrupt,
0.94); use (to m ake use of, 0.82); w ield 0.20); deaden (to reduce life or its evi­
(0.79); practice (to seek im provem ent dence, 0.18); w aste (to squander, 0.18);
through repetition, 0.70); ply (to prac­ dry (to cause to becom e dry, 0.17);
tice, 0.67); w alk (to cause to m ove on scatter (to w aste, 0.11); abuse (to treat
foot, 0.57); exert (0.50); train (to drill, badly, 0.02).
0.50); choose (to select, 0.37); take (to E X H E R E D A T E (1) disinherit (0.83).
apply, 0.33); obey (to act in accordance E X H IB IT (17) exhibit (1.00); display (to
w ith a recognized principle, 0.09). present for effect, 0.92); detail (to make
E X E R T (10) exert (1.00); enforce (to re­ clear in detail, 0.88); develop (to reveal
quire compliance, 0.87); try (to endeav­ slow ly, 0.85); dem onstrate (to present
our, 0.78); exercise (to use, 0.73); use for effect, 0.75); present (to display,
(to m ake use of, 0.73); take (to apply, 0.75); produce (to show, 0.75); show
0.67); exercise (to move the body, 0.38); (to display, 0.75); advertise (to make
sw eat (to w ork hard, 0.25); push (to p u b lic , 0 .7 1 ); p a ra d e (to m ak e an
press against, 0.14); operate (to be in ostentatious show, 0.67); expose (to
operation, 0.03). uncover, 0.65); advertise (to solicit
E X FO L IA T E (3) exfoliate (1.00); scale (to b u s in e s s , 0 .6 4 ); fe e l (to g iv e an
peel, 0.67); shell (0.40). im p r e s s io n th ro u g h to u c h , 0.50);
E X H A L E (7) puff (to blow, 0.75); vapor­ m anifest (to display, 0.50); reveal (to
ize (0.75); smell (to give off odour, 0.57); expose, 0.50); perform (to present a
blow (to send forth air rapidly, 0.33); p e r f o r m a n c e , 0 .3 8 ); p a r a d e (to
breathe (to blow gently, 0.25); em anate participate in a parade, 0.25).
(to emit, 0.25); emit (to discharge, 0.13). E X H IL A R A T E (12) exhilarate (1.00); sat­
E X H A U S T (30) exhaust (to consum e isfy (to m ake content, 0.75); inebriate
strength, 1.00); exhaust (to use entirely, (0.67); intoxicate (to excite, 0.67); en­
1.00); drain (to w ith d raw stren g th , courage (to raise the spirits, 0.60); renew
0.94); consum e (to destroy, 0.75); de­ (to refresh, 0.55); rejuvenate (0.50);
flate (0.75); overtax (0.75); tire (to make en tertain (to act as host or hostess,
a person exhausted, 0.75); w eaken (to 0.41); regenerate (0.33); revive (to give
m ake w eaker, 0.75); w eary (to m ake new life, 0 .3 2 ); in v ig o ra te (0.25);
refresh (to renew, 0.25). longer, 0.75); deploy (0.71); inflate (to
E X H O R T (7) exhort (1.00); preach (0.90); fill with air or gas, 0.67); yawn (to open
advise (to give counsel, 0.86); persuade w ide, 0.67); rise (to increase, 0.65);
(to urge, 0.75); incite (0.61); w arn thicken (to m ake thicker, 0.63); aug­
(0.56); urge (to induce, 0.31). m ent (to increase, 0.50); broaden (0.50);
E X H U M E (3) exhume (1.00); unearth (to com e (to extend, 0.50); deepen (to grow
excavate, 0.75); dig (to rem ove by dig- deeper, 0.50); diffuse (0.50); diversify
ging, 0.60). (0.50); gain (to increase, 0.50); spread
EX ILE (12) exile (1.00); expatiate (0.75); (to extend, 0.50); heave (to raise and
ostracize (0.75); deport (0.67); punish fall, 0.43); accum ulate (to increase,
(0.54); bar (to obstruct by refusal, 0.43); 0.33); baloon (0.33); boom (to increase
depopulate (0.30); banish (to condem n rapidly, 0.33); m agnify (to enlarge,
to exile, 0.25); proscribe (0.25); eliminate 0.33); boost (to increase, 0.25); enlarge
(to rem ove, 0.20); dism iss (to send (to cause to increase, 0.25); lengthen
away, 0.19); persecute (to oppress, es­ (to grow longer, 0.25); prom ote (to
pecially for religious reasons, 0.04). further, 0.18).
EXIST (7) exist (to have being, 1.00); exist EXPATIATE (4) expatiate (1.00); recite (to
(to carry on life, 1.00); be (to have relate in detail, 0.95); develop (to work
being, 0.85); hold (to be valid, 0.80); out, 0.83); address (to speak to an as­
endure (to continue, 0.72); live (to have sembly, 0.18).
life, 0.67); breathe (to live, 0.33). EXPATRIATE (5) expatriate (1.00); banish
EX IT (1) disappear (0.56). (to condem n to exile, 0.94); eject (to
E X O N E R A T E (7) ex o n e rate (1.00); rem o v e from a so cial or econom ic
pardon (to reduce punishm ent, 0.92); p o sitio n , 0.75); dism iss (to send away,
defend (to support an accused person, 0.16); eliminate (to remove, 0.13).
0.72); exculpate (0.50); remit (to pardon, E X P E C T (12) expect (to anticipate, 1.00);
0.50); forgive (to cease to resent, 0.20); expect (to require, 1.00); anticipate (to
excuse (0.17). foresee, 0.92); w ait (to await, 0.90);
E X O R C IS E (1) con ju re (to p ractice enforce (to require com pliance, 0.77);
magic, 0.50). cost (to require in sacrifice, 0.75); abide
EXPAND (39) expand (1.00); grow (to be­ (to w ait for, 0.67); estim ate (to make a
come larger, 0.93); lengthen (to m ake considered prediction, 0.40); intend (to
longer, 0.93); develop (to im prove, propose, 0.43); aw ait (0.25); mean (to
0.91); increase (to add to, 0.91); thin have in mind, 0.25); require (to demand,
(0.89); display (to present for effect, 0 .20).
0.88); swell (0.86); am plify (0.80); pad E X P E C T O R A T E (4) expectorate (1.00);
(to increase, 0.78); radiate (to shed light spit (0.86); eject (to remove physically,
or heat, 0.78); enlarge (to increase, 0.42); emit (to discharge, 0.25).
0.75); exaggerate (0.75); fatten (to grow E X P E D IT E (6) expedite (1.00); quicken
fat, 0.75); inflate (to distend, 0.75); (to cause to hasten, 0.75); send (to dis­
liberalize (0.75); stretch (to becom e patch, 0.53); push (to prom ote, 0.50);
accelerate (0.25); ease (to m ove care­ 0.67); depart (to die, 0.33); decease
fully, 0.08). (0.25).
E X P E L (25) expel (to eject, 1.00); expel E X P L A IN (17) explain (1.00); tell (to in­
(to dism iss, 1.00); discard (0.92); shoot form, 0.90); argue (to endeavour to con­
(to discharge, 0.80); banish (to rem ove vince, 0.82); discuss (0.82); teach (to
completely, 0.75); eliminate (to remove, act as a teacher, 0.80); prove (0.79);
0.75); excom m unicate (0.75); extrude tra n sla te (to in terp ret, 0.75); solve
(0.67); emit (to discharge, 0.66); punish (0.71); record (to indicate, 0.67); de­
(0.60); dism iss (to send away, 0.59); velop (to reveal slowly, 0.65); under­
evict (0.50); ostracize (0.50); reject (to stand (to com prehend, 0.59); unfold (to
discard, 0.50); oust (0.43); deport (0.33); reveal, 0.55); read (to interpret, 0.50);
dispossess (to evict, 0.33); unseat (to treat (to deal w ith a subject, 0.50); re­
unsaddle, 0.33); excrete (0.27); relegate cite (to report on a lesson, 0.33); reveal
(to rem ove, 0.25); em pty (to cause to (to divulge, 0.14); decipher (0.13).
becom e empty, 0.19); disgrace (0.15); E X P L IC A T E (8) explicate (1.00); explain
ban ish (to condem n to exile, 0.13); (0.94); expound (to interpret, 0.75); de­
dum p (0.09); p ersecute (to oppress, velop (to reveal slowly, 0.50); translate
especially for religious reasons, 0.09). (to interpret, 0.50); show (to explain,
EX PEN D (8) expend (to use, 1.00); expend 0.25); develop (to w ork out, 0.17);
(to sp end, 1.00); sc a tte r (to w aste, unfold (to reveal, 0.09).
0.78); disburse (0.75); drain (to w ith­ E X P L O D E (10) explode (to burst, 1.00);
draw strength, 0.65); emit (to discharge, e x p lo d e (to d iscred it, 1.00); refute
0.63); consum e (to destroy, 0.50); lose (0.85); sound (to m ake a noise, 0.72);
(to suffer financially, 0.50). dynam ite (0.67); shoot (to discharge,
E X P E R IE N C E (8) experience (1.00); suf­ 0.60); hit (to fire in tim e; said o f an
fer (to feel pain, 0.82); undergo (0.73); in te rn a l co m b u stio n m o to r), 0.50);
receive (to endure, 0.50); live (to enjoy operate (to be in operation, 0.48); rage
life, 0.40); share (to partake, 0.33); (to be out o f control, 0.43); roar (0.24).
en d u re (to su stain adversity, 0.29); E X P L O IT (4) exploit (1.00); develop (to
understand (to com prehend, 0.09). im prove, 0.73); apply (to m ake use of,
E X P E R IM E N T (6) experiment (to inves­ 0.20); hire (to employ, 0.04).
tigate scientifically, 1.00); experim ent E X P L O R E (15) explore (1.00); feel (to ex­
(to put on trial, 1.00); venture (0.79), am ine by touch, 0.91); search (0.86);
examine (to test, 0.36); control (to verify, ransack (to search thoroughly, 0.85);
0 .2 5 ); r e h e a r s e (to p r a c tic e a travel (to journey, 0.82); discover (to
performance, 0.25). find, 0.65); experim ent (to investigate
E X P IA T E (2) expiate (1.00); ram ble (to scientifically, 0.65); examine (to inspect
speak or write aimlessly, 0.41). w ith care, 0.61); do (to travel, 0.50);
E X P IR E (7) expire (to end, 1.00); expire pioneer (0.50); plum b (0.50); range (to
(to die, 1.00); die (to cease living, 0.89); trav e rse w ide areas, 0.44); hike (to
succum b (to die, 0.75); end (to die, tram p, 0.33); seek (to look for, 0.33);
operate (to carry on a surgical proce­ w hen read, 0.43); dispatch (to send
dure, 0.14). s o m e th in g on its w ay, 0 .3 3 );
E X PO R T (2) export (1.00); ship (0.14). com m unicate (to im part inform ation,
EX PO SE (22) expose (to uncover, 1.00); 0.27); denote (0.25); expound (to set
expose (to endeavour to attract atten­ forth in detail, 0.25); speak (to utter,
tion, 1.00); expose (to open to danger, 0.25); sym bolize (0.25); talk (to utter,
1.00); expose (to betray, 1.00); oppose 0.25); describe (0.22); m atter (to be o f
(to hold a contrary opinion, 0.94); refute im portance, 0.22); m ean (to have as
(0.81); air (to expose to the air, 0.80); m e an in g , 0 .22); en u n ciate (to p ro ­
advertise (to make public, 0.63); adm it nounce distinctly, 0.13).
(to co n fe ss, 0 .62); c o n fu te (0 .6 2 ); E X P R O B R A T E (1) chasten (to punish,
detect (to identify a crim inal, 0.50); 0 .21 ).
discover (to make known, 0.50); imperil E X P R O P R IA T E (2) expropriate (1.00);
(0.50); jeop ard ize (0.50); unfold (to seize (to take by force, 0.06).
reveal, 0.36); w eather (to expose to the E X P U N G E (6) expunge (1.00); erase (to
weather, 0.23); ridicule (0.22); defeat (to obliterate, 0.75); destroy (to bring to
get the better o f another, 0.20); unwrap nothing, 0.53); revoke (0.30); clean
(0.16); disprove (0.13); find (to happen (0.26); cancel (to mark out, 0.25).
upon, 0.08); denounce (0.06). EX PU R G A T E (2) expurgate (1.00); clean
EX PO ST U L A TE (5) expostulate (1.00); (0.87).
rem onstrate (0.87); deprecate (0.25); E X S IC C A T E (2) dessicate (to dry, 0.75);
com plain (to express an objectio n , dry (to cause to becom e dry, 0.42).
0.24); upbraid (0.18). E X T A S IZ E (1) entertain (to keep others
E X PO U N D (9) expound (to interpret, am used, 0.13).
1.00); expound (to set forth in detail, E X T E M P O R IZ E (1) extemporize (1.00).
1.00); teach (to act as a teacher, 0.77); E X T E N D (27) extend (to m ake larger,
explain (0.76); annotate (0.50); read (to 1.00); extend (to occupy space to a
interpret, 0.43); decipher (0.40); define given point, 1.00); increase (to add to,
(to provide a nam e or d escription , 0.97); arch (0.92); develop (to improve,
0.29); lecture (to give a speech, 0.25). 0 .8 6 ); lie (to b e s itu a te d , 0 .8 0 );
EX PR ESS (25) express (to give utter­ supplem ent (0.77); adm inister (to ten­
ance, 1.00); express (to send by rapid der, 0.75); enlarge (to cause to increase,
conveyor, 1.00); utter (0.89); draw (to 0.75); expand (0.75); overlay (to over­
m ake a likeness by draw ing, 0.83); lap, 0.75); ju t (0.67); project (to thrust
notify (to provide w ith inform ation, out, 0.67); stretch (to cause to stretch,
0.82); register (to show, 0.75); sign (to 0.64); rise (to increase, 0.60); widen (to
indicate, 0.75); send (to dispatch, 0.74); m ake wider, 0.57); offer (to present,
hasten (to m ake haste, 0.69); com m ent 0.54); strain (to stretch, 0.50); occupy
(to make a rem ark, 0.68); dem onstrate (to fill space, 0.36); drawl (0.33); ramble
(to explain, 0.67); read (to interpret, (to go in v ario u s d irections, 0.31);
0.57); formulate (0.50); read (to contain aggrandize (to increase, 0.25); deepen
(to grow deeper, 0.25); elongate (0.25); E X T R A C T (23) extract (to remove, 1.00);
program (to w ork out a sequence to be extract (to elicit, 1.00); extract (to cite,
p e r f o rm e d , 0 .1 9 ); d e p lo y ( 0 .1 4 ); 1.00);wring (0.86); liberate (to free from
strengthen (0.13). chem ical or physical restraint, 0.80);
EX TE N U A TE (2) extenuate (1.00); gloze elicit (0.75); extort (0.75); excise (0.67);
(0.50). w ren ch (0.67); u p root (0.60); distil
E X T E R M IN ATE (17) exterminate (1.00); (0.50); sm elt (0.50); unscrew (0.50);
d estro y (to bring to nothing, 0.96); w innow (0.50); choose (to select, 0.47);
abolish (0.90); extirpate (0.75); kill (to abstract (to take away, 0.25); educe
deprive o f existence, 0.75); m assacre (0.25); excerpt (0.25); quote (to repeat
(0.67); ravage (0.59); annihilate (0.50); verb atim , 0.25); cite (to refer to as
elim inate (to rem ove, 0.50); eradicate authority, 0 .19); draw (to m ove an
(0.50); overthrow (to abolish, 0.50); raze object, 0.09); refer (to m ention, 0.07);
(0.43); extinguish (to destroy, 0.33); rem ove (to m ove physically, 0.05).
p u rg e (to elim inate, 0.33); unm ake E X T R A D IT E (2) extradite (to deliver by
(0.25); kill (to deprive o f life, 0.20); eject extradition, 1.00); banish (to condemn
(to rem ove physically, 0.05). to exile, 0.44).
E X T IN G U IS H (9) extinguish (to put out, E X T R IC A T E (8) extricate (1.00); free (to
1.00); extinguish (to destroy, 1.00); die liberate, 0.82); save (to rem ove from
(to cease existing, 0.80); subvert (0.62); danger, 0.82); ease (to m ove carefully,
halt (to cause to cease, 0.58); ravage 0.77); loosen (to m ake loose, 0.75);
(0.57); abolish (0.45); destroy (to bring re s c u e (to fre e , 0 .7 0 ); e x tra c t (to
to nothing, 0.42); stifle (0.25). remove, 0.50); ransom (0.29).
E X T IR P A T E (4) extirpate (1.00); destroy E X T R U D E (3) extrude (1.00); protrude
(to bring to nothing, 0.84); eradicate (0.29); em it (to discharge, 0.09).
(0.75); abolish (0.71). E X U B E R A T E (1) bristle (to display in
E X T O L (11) extol (1.00); recom m end (to abundance, 0.25).
lend support or approval, 0.88); adm ire EX U D A T E (1) flow (to issue forth, 0.24).
(to have regard for, 0.81); appreciate E X U D E (15) exude (1.00); drain (to seep
(to recognize worth, 0.57); deify (0.50); away, 0.90); emanate (to emit, 0.75); dis­
elevate (to exalt, 0.50); em blazon (to charge (to em it, 0.50); issue (to emit,
p ro c la im , 0 .5 0 ); e u lo g iz e (0 .5 0 ); 0.50); ooze (0.50); pass (to emit, 0.50);
celebrate (to recognize an occasion, perspire (0.50); filter (to soak slowly,
0.3 1 ); w o rsh ip (to p erfo rm acts o f 0.46); shed (0.36); excrete (0.20); emit
w orship, 0.29); com plim ent (to con­ (to discharge, 0.19); dump (0.18); sweat
gratulate, 0.14). (to perspire, 0.14); flow (to issue forth,
E X T O R T (7) extort (1.00); blackm ail 0.05).
(0.75); extract (to rem ove, 0.75); force E X U L T (5) boast (to brag, 0.75); rejoice
(to break open, 0.60); elicit (0.50); fine (0.75); brag (0.50); crow (to boast,
(0.23); enforce (to require com pliance, 0.50); gloat (0.25).
0.17). E X U V IA T E (2) shed (0.64); skin (0.38).
-143- FALL
EYE (1) see (to perceive w ith the eye, (to be consum ed by w earing, 0.90);
0.59). disappear (0.84); languish (to weaken,
0.75); bleach (0.67); vanish (0.67);
F evaporate (to disappear, 0.50); glimmer
F A B R IC A T E (2 1 ) f a b r ic a te (to (0.50); w eaken (to becom e weaker,
c o n s tru c t, 1.0 0 ) ;f a b r ic a te (to 0.36); dissolve (to fade away, 0.33);
m is re p re s e n t, 1.00); fa b ric a te (to decline (to becom e weaker, 0.25); sink
assemble, 1.00); m anufacture (to m ake (to w eaken, 0.25); w hiten (to become
a product, 0.86); forge (0.83); com pose w hite, 0.25); w ilt (0.25); decrease (to
(to create, 0.82); prefabricate (0.80); grow less, 0.24); w ither (0.22).
build (to construct, 0.75); w eave (to FA IL (14) fail (to be unsuccessful, 1.00);
contrive, 0.75); im agine (to visualize fail (to prove unsatisfactory, 1.00); fail
mentally, 0.67); m anufacture (to devise (to grow less, 1.00); fail (to becom e
from almost nothing, 0.67); prepare (to insolvent, 1.00); fail (to dism iss for
make oneself ready, 0.57); m ake (to f a ilu re , 1 .0 0 ); d is a p p o in t (0 .9 6 );
m anufacture, 0.50); sim ulate (0.38); m isbehave (0.80); decline (to becom e
construct (to build a physical structure, weaker, 0.75); sell (to betray, 0.67);
0.25); erect (to build, 0.25); feign (0.25); w eak en (to b eco m e w eaker, 0.64);
produce (to create by m ental effort, languish (to w eaken, 0.50); sink (to
0.25); corrupt (to render innacurate, weaken, 0.50); sag (to lose vigour, 0.25);
0.15); create (to make, 0.12); exaggerate decay (0.09).
(0.07). F A IN T (4) faint (1.00); tire (to becom e
FACE (9) face (to confront conflict or exhausted, 0.55); wilt (0.13); weaken (to
trouble, 1.00); face (to put a face on a becom e weaker, 0.09).
building, 1.00); face (to put facing on F A K E (2) fake (1.00); invent (to fabri­
goods, 1.00); face (to look out on, 1.00); cate, 0.67).
oppose (to fight, 0.63); veneer (0.38); F A L L (22) fall (to pass quickly dow n­
wad (0.33); com pete (0.26); endure (to w ard, i 00); fall (to be overthrow n,
sustain adversity, 0.05). 1.00); fall (to die in battle, 1.00); fall (to
FACET (1) cut (to sever, 0.16). occur, 1.00); overflow (to flow over the
FACILITATE (3) facilitate (1.00); ease (to top, or out at a vent, 0.96); drop (to fall
move carefully, 0.38); lighten (to m ake in drops, 0.92); run (to move, usually
lighter, 0.29). rapidly, 0.91); give (to yield under
FA C T O R (1) represent (to act as a del­ pressure, 0.79); parachute (0.75); re­
egate, 0.50). lapse (0.73); sink (to go downward,
FADE (21) fade (to lose colour or light, 0.73); faint (0.67); plunge (0.67); rain
1.00); fade (to diminish in sound, 1.00); (0.64); lose (to fail to win, 0.50); pitch
fade (to lose character, 1.00); dam age (to slo p e abruptly, 0.50); plum m et
(to im pair the value of, 0.94); die (to (0.50); trip (to stum ble, 0.45); happen
d e c lin e as th o u g h d e a th w e re (to occur, 0.27); settle (to sink, 0.25);
inevitable , 0.94); decay (0.91); w ear sin (0.25); die (to cease living, 0.11).
F A L S IF Y (17) falsify (1.00); lie (to utter 0.25); im agine (to visualize mentally,
an untruth, 0.96); forge (0.94); corrupt 0.22); like (to be inclined, 0.17); assume
(to render innacurate, 0.92); exagger­ (to take for granted, 0.15).
ate (0.82); m isinterpret (0.75); garble FA N T A SIZ E (1) hallucinate (0.67).
(0.50); m isreport (0.50); m isrepresent F A R A D IZ E (1) electrify (to provide elec­
(0 .5 0 ); in v e n t (to fa b ric a te , 0 .3 3 ); tricity, 0.23).
perjure (0.33); im itate (to copy, 0.25); F A R E to go; to travel; to prosper (2) fare
m istranslate (0.25); prevaricate (0.25); (1.00); eat (to take as food, 0.13).
p re te n d (to feign, 0.06); ad u lterate F A R M (2) farm (to do farm work, 1.00);
(0.03); slander (0.03). farm (to m anage farm property, 1.00).
F A L T E R (20) falter (1.00); hesitate F A R R O W (1) produce (to bear, 0.08).
(0.97); w ave (to m ove back and forth, F A S C IN A T E (5) fascinate (1.00); tempt
0.95); stammer (0.89); lisp (0.83); totter (0.91); appeal (to attract, 0.77); delight
(to stagger, 0.83); fear (to anticipate (to give pleasure, 0.75); satisfy (to make
personal danger, 0.80); m ispronounce content, 0.25).
(0.67); retard (to daw dle, 0.67); linger F A S H IO N (16) fashion (to mould, 1.00);
(to go reluctantly, 0.64); d illy-dally fashion (to adapt, 1.00); form (to give
(0.50); recoil (0.50); stutter (0.50); fail shape to a thing, 0.86); invent (to cre­
(to b e u n su c c e ssfu l, 0 .4 4 ); lag (to ate or discover, 0.83); cut (to shape,
m ove w ithout spirit, 0.42); fluctuate (to 0.75); m anufacture (to m ake a product,
hesitate, 0.25); sputter (0.25); vacillate 0.73); organize (to form an organization,
(to hesitate, 0.25); stum ble (to m ove in 0.65); carve (to form by cutting, 0.58);
a stum bling manner, 0.20); limp (0.08). build (to construct, 0.54); create (to
F A M IL IA R IZ E (4) fam iliarize (1.00); make, 0.50); forge (0.50); whittle (to cut,
p o p u larize (0.80); o rient (to adjust, 0.43); com pose (to give form, 0.33);
0.67); use (to m ake a practice o f (in m ould (to give physical shape to, 0.33);
past), 0.22). m odel (to form , 0.25); shape (to give
F A M IS H (2) famish (to kill, 1.00); starve shape, 0.25).
(to becom e weaker, die from hunger, FAST to abstain from food (2) fast (1.00);
0.75). abstain (0.22).
FA N (3) blow (to send forth air rapidly, F A S T E N (10) fasten (to m ake something
0.67); air (to introduce air, 0.50); breathe secure, 1.00); fasten (to jo in two or
(to blow gently, 0.50). m ore things, 1.00); affix (0.75); append
FAN CY (13) dream (to entertain or delude (to a tta c h , 0 .7 5 ); stic k (to remain
o n eself w ith im agined things, 0.89); fastened, 0.73); close (to shut, 0.70);
love (to be passionately devoted, 0.80); sew (0.70); join (to unite, 0.69); lash (to
dream (to have visions, usually during tie up, 0.5 0 ); p ac k (to p rep a re for
sleep or fever, 0.60); choose (to select, transportation, 0.10).
0.53); prefer (0.50); w ant (to desire, FA T E (2) destine (to predestine, 0.75);
0.50); cherish (to hold dear, 0.46); relish predeterm ine (0.50).
(0.33); visualize (0.33); like (to enjoy, F A T H E R (5) beget (0.75); propagate (to
beget, 0.67); adopt (to take as a son or grovel (0.88).
daughter, 0.55); reproduce (to m ulti­ FAW N to bring forth young (1) produce
ply, 0.47); nurse (0.24). (to bear, 0.21).
FATH O M (5) fathom (1.00); understand FA ZE (1) faze (1.00).
(to com prehend, 0.94); plum b (0.75); F E A R (2) fear (to anticipate personal dan­
solve (0.47); exam ine (to inspect w ith ger, 1.00); fear (to be apprehensive,
care, 0.22). 1.00 ).
FA TIG U E (7) tire (to m ake a person ex­ F E A S T (6) feed (0.97); celebrate (to in­
hausted, 0.80); overexert (0.75); bore dulge in celebration, 0.83); fete (0.75);
(to weary, 0.67); weary (to make weary, dine (0.50); glut (to eat to satiety, 0.36);
0.64); waste (to squander, 0.41); overdo eat (to take as food, 0.30).
(to overtax o neself physically, 0.33); FEC U N D A TE (4) fertilize (to impregnate,
wear (to consum e by w earing, 0.25). 0.78); reproduce (to multiply, 0.60);
FATTEN (4) fatten (to grow fat, 1.00); fat­ fructify (0.50); propagate (to beget,
ten (to m ake fat, 1.00); prosper (0.69); 0.07).
feed (0.45). F E D E R A T E (2) federate (1.00); associate
FAULT (5) fault (to fail, 1.00); fault (to (to form an organization, 0.29).
censure, 1.00); shift (to change posi­ F E E D (11) feed (1.00); graze (to pasture,
tion, 0.57); depreciate (to lower in repu­ 0.88); fatten (to m ake fat, 0.86); nourish
tation, 0.27); fail (to be unsuccessful, (0.75); sup (0.75); consum e (to eat or
0.13). drink, 0.50); fuel (0.50); program (to
FAVOUR (20) favour (to have a prefer­ w ork out a sequence to be perform ed,
ence, 1.00); fa v o u r (to tre a t w ith 0 .50); eat (to take as food, 0.39);
favoritism, 1.00); urge (to present fa­ entertain (to act as host or hostess,
vourably, 0.94); allow (to perm it an 0.35); nurse (0.06).
action, 0.81); accom m odate (to render F E E L (10) feel (to examine by touch, 1.00);
a service, 0.72); approve (to give ap­ feel (to ex p e rien c e, 1.00); feel (to
proval, 0.61); sustain (to defend, 0.60); believe, 1.00); feel (to give an impres­
coddle (to pam per, 0.50); recom m end sion throug h touch, 1.00); taste (to
(to lend support or approval, 0.48); experience, 0.75); undergo (0.64); ven­
condescend (0.43); choose (to select, ture (0.50); endure (to sustain adver­
0.40); patronize (to assum e a conde­ sity, 0.33); experience (0.33); discover
scending attitude, 0.40); prom ote (to (to find, 0.16).
advance in rank, 0.40); consider (to F E IG N (11) feign (1.00); dissemble (to pre­
take into account, 0.33); justify (to give tend, 0.75); fake (0.75); assume (to pre­
reasons for, 0.33); turn (to incline, 0.33); tend, 0.67); forge (0.61); simulate (0.57);
tend (to have a ten d en cy (tow ard), invent (to fabricate, 0.56); disguise
0.29); p ro m o te (to fu rth e r, 0 .2 1 ); (0.41); act (to take part in a play, 0.39);
designate (to specify, 0.20); encourage a ffe c t (to p re te n d , 0 .3 3 ); p o se (to
(to give support, 0.10). pretend, 0.33).
FAWN to act slavishly (2) faw n (1.00); F EL IC IT A T E (3) felicitate (1.00); compli­
FELL - 146- FILE
m ent (to congratulate, 0.93); congratu­ F E U D (2) contest (to fight, 0.27); quarrel
late (0.67). (0.09).
F E L L (10) fell (1.00); cut (to sever, 0.89); F ID D L E (1) play (to produce music, 0.39).
dow n (0.86); chop (0.67); raze (0.61); F ID G E T (2) fidget (1.00); squinn (0.25).
flatten (to m ake flat, 0.44); destroy (to F IE L D (1) field (1.00).
bring to nothing, 0.36); hew (0.25); drop F IF E (1) whistle (to produce a shrill blast,
(to cause or to perm it to fall, 0.20); 0.92).
.dismantle (0.08). F IG H T (8) fight (to struggle for an end,
F E L T (1) mat (0.70). 1.00); fight (to engage in an encounter,
F E N C E (5) bar (to raise a physical ob­ 1.00); w ar (0.91); quarrel (0.82); argue
struction, 0.80); entrench (to surround, (to quarrel, 0.25); differ (to oppose,
0.50); picket (to enclose, 0.50); compete 0.25); squabble (0.25); act (to perform
(0.47); simulate (0.43). an action, 0.22).
F E N D (2) fend (1.00); shield (0.25). F IG U R E (19) figure (to com pute, 1.00);
F E R M E N T (4) sour (0.82); brew (0.50); figure (to estimate, 1.00); figure (to fig­
spum e (0.50); bubble (0.25). ure out, 1.00); program (to w ork out a
F E R R E T (2) ferret (1.00); hunt (to pur­ sequence to be perform ed, 0.81); cal­
sue with intent to kill, 0.13). c u late (to estim a te p ro b ab le costs,
F E R R Y (2) tow ( 0.50); c a n y (to trans­ 0.75); add (to bring together, usually
port, 0.20). by m athem atics, 0.67); loom (to appear
F E R T IL IZ E (3) fertilize (to enrich land, large or im posing, 0.67); total (to add,
1.00); fertilize (to im pregnate, 1.00); 0.67); value (to set a price upon, 0.63);
propagate (to beget, 0.53). estim ate (to calculate, 0.62); estimate
F E S T E R (4) fester (1.00); supp u rate (to m ake a rough guess, 0.55); calculate
(0.75); matter (to form or discharge pus, (to reckon, 0.53); cipher (0.50); compute
0.33); bubble (0.05). (0.50); appraise (to estimate, 0.25); cast
FESTIV A L (1) fete (0,50). (to com pute, 0.25); count (0.25); guess
F E S T O O N (4) festoon (1.00); enwreathe (to attem pt an answ er on inadequate
(0.67); decorate (0.63); bedeck (0.50). evidence, 0.24); build (to construct, 0.18).
F E T C H (3) fetch (to draw forth, 1.00); F IL C H (5) steal (0.95); poach (to steal,
bring (to be w orth in sale, 0.83); pro­ 0.75); rob (0.45); take (to steal, 0.25);
duce (to bear, 0.58). thieve (0.25).
F E T E (2) fete (1.00); celebrate (to hon­ F IL E to arrange in consecutive order (12)
our, 0.67). file (to arrange in order, 1.00); record
F E T T E R (11) fetter (to bind, 1.00); fetter (to write down, 0.76); group (0.75); sort
(to co n fin e , 1.00); h a rn e ss (0 .9 6 ); (0.75); order (to put in order, 0.71); list
hinder (0.95); bind (to constrain with (to enter in a list, 0.63); register (to
bonds, 0.93); tram m el (0.80); hogtie r e c o r d , 0 .3 3 ); s u s p e n d (to cease
(0.67); hobble (to restrict, 0.50); shackle temporarily, 0.30); distribute (to classify,
(0.50); chain (to bind, 0.33); enslave 0.25); m arch (0.20); enroll (to prepare a
• (0.32). roll, 0.11); store (0.09).
F IL E to rub; to smooth or wear away with F IN A N C E (4) finance (1.00); underwrite
a file (4) file (to use an abrasive, 1.00); (to support financially, 0.90); support
sharpen (to m ake keen, 0.67); grind (to (to provide for, 0.56); subsidize (0.50).
pulverize, 0.43); rub (to subject to fric­ F IN D (11) find (to happen upon, 1.00);
tion, 0.14). find (to achieve, 1.00); find (to discover,
F IL IB U S T E R (2) hinder (0.29); delay (to 1.00); find (to reach a legal decision,
cause a delay, 0.20). 1.00); assume (to take for granted, 0.79);
F IL L (26) fill (to pour to the capacity o f locate (to determ ine a location, 0.78);
the container, 1.00); fill (to occupy spot (to point out, 0.75); invent (to
avaliable space, 1.00); fill (to supply create or discover, 0.61); unearth (to
w ith an occupant, 1.00); satisfy (to disclose, 0.50); react (to feel in re­
fulfill, 0.88); interline (to put in an inter­ sponse, 0.33); g ath er (to conclude,
lining, 0.82); glut (to oversupply, 0.76); 0.25).
answ er (to be sufficient, 0.75); feed
F IN E to cause to pay a fine (3) fine (1.00);
(0.74); plug (0.67); stand (to be situ­
punish (0.69); mulct (to punish, 0.50).
ated, 0.67); occupy (to absorb atten­
FIN E S S E (1) maneuver (0.65).
tion, 0.57); spend (to pass tim e, 0.56);
F IN G E R (6) finger (to feel, 1.00); feel (to
assuage (to satisfy, 0.50); glut (to eat
e x a m in e by to u ch , 0 .9 6 ); play (to
to satiety, 0.50); pass (to spend tim e,
produce music, 0.78); handle (to touch,
0.50); satiate (0.50); suit (to please,
0.75); touch (to be in contact, 0.64);
0.50); line (to provide a lining, 0.40);
exam ine (to inspect with care, 0.09).
load (to place a load, 0.32); fatten (to
F IN IS H (41) finish (to bring to an end,
m ake fat, 0.29); engross (to occupy
1.00); finish (to develop a surface, 1.00);
o n e ’s tim e, 0.25); infest (to sw arm ,
finish (to com e to an end, 1.00); var­
0.25); o v erc ro w d (0 .2 5 ); p erm e ate
nish (0.94); end (to bring to a halt,
(0.25); satisfy (to m ake content, 0.22);
preserve (to keep, 0.04). 0.88); stop (to cease, 0.87); achieve (to
F IL L IP (3) fillip (to rap sharply, 1.00); finish an undertaking, 0.86); climax (to
fillip (to stim ulate, 1.00); hasten (to bring to a climax, 0.75); com plete (to
expedite, 0.77). b rin g to an end, 0.75); discontinue
FIL M (4) film (1.00); photograph (0.88); (0.75); dispatch (to make an end, 0.75);
cut (to record electronically, 0.67); execute (to bring to fruition, 0.75); plane
record (to record electronically, 0.17). (0.75); press (to sm ooth, usually by
FIL T E R (7) filter (to soak slowly, 1.00); heat and pressure, 0.75); term inate (to
filter (to clean by filtering, 1.00); clarify com e to an end, 0.75); abolish (0.74);
(to purify, 0.75); drain (to seep away, culm inate (0.67); perform (to complete
0.70); drop (to fall in drops, 0.42); refine an action, 0.67); shine (to cause to
(to purify, 0.25); purify (0.06). shine, usually by polishing, 0.56); close
FILTH (1) track (to dirty with tracks, 0.63). (to put a stop to, 0.50); do (to bring to
FILTRATE (1) filter (to clean by filtering, a close, 0.50); expire (to end, 0.50); go
0.40). (to end, 0.50); graduate (to receive a
FINK -148- 11X
degree, 0.50); operate (to produce an 0.80); qualify (to fulfill requirem ents,
effect, 0.44); edit (to prepare for publi­ 0.75); adjust (to place or regulate parts,
cation, 0.39); file (to use an abrasive, 0.73); provide (to supply, 0.62); meet
0.38); iron (0.33); develop (to improve, (to fu lfill, 0.50); teach (to act as a
0.32); decorate (0.29); form (to give teacher, 0.47); becom e (to be suitable,
shape to a thing, 0.29); accom plish 0.25); fashion (to adapt, 0.25); furnish
(0.25); consum m ate (0.25); dispatch (to (to equip w ith furniture, 0.25); organ­
kill deliberately, 0.25); polish (0.25); ize (to put in order, 0.25); apply (to be
whet (0.25); result (0.17); veneer (0.13); relevant, 0.17).
perform (to accomplish an action, 0.11); F IX (53) fix (to make finn, 1.00);fix (to pre­
halt (to cause to cease, 0.07); destroy pare a m eal, 1.00); fix (to put in order,
(to bring to nothing, 0.05). 1.00); fix (to prearrange, 1.00); fix (to
F IN K (1) abandon (to leave in trouble, decide, 1.00); fix (to harden, 1.00);
0 .21). adjust (to place or regulate parts, 0.96);
F IR E (22) fire (to set on fire, 1.00);fire (to faste n (to m ak e so m e th in g secure,
shoot, 1.00); fire (to dism iss, 1.00); fire 0.96); repair (0.96); cook (0.95); define
(to anim ate, 1.00); heat (to m ake hot, (to set limits, 0.83); heal (to cure, 0.79);
0 .9 5 ); sh o o t (to d is c h a rg e , 0 .9 0 ); hard e n (to b eco m e less penetrable,
dismiss (to rem ove an em ployee, 0.77); 0.76); establish (to m ake secure, 0.75);
enkindle (to ignite, 0.75); inspire (to place (to put in order, 0.75); vamp (to
stim ulate to creative activity, 0.75); repair, 0.75); regulate (to adjust, 0.68);
orbit (to put into orbit, 0.67); throw (to paste (0.67); prepare (to m ake oneself
hurl, 0.67); excite (to stir one mentally, ready, 0.65); rate (to rank, 0.64); crown
0.63); cure (to harden, 0.50); discharge (to em pow er w ith a crow n, 0.63); rank
(to cause to fire, 0.33); start (to cause (to ev a lu a te, 0.60); reso lv e (0.60);
to ignite, 0.33); fascinate (0.31); harden prove (0.55); concentrate (to bring or
(to m ake less pervious, 0.31); bum (to com e together, 0.54); em bed (to put in,
subject to fire, 0.27); bake (to harden, 0.53); append (to attach, 0.50); bed
0 .2 5 ); m o tiv a te (0 .2 4 ); e x c ite (to (0.50); ingrain (0.50); overhaul (0.50);
activate, 0.18); elim inate (to rem ove, posit (to place, 0.50); set (to establish,
0.03). 0.50); solidify (to harden, 0.50); order
F IR M (1) harden (to becom e less pen ­ (to put in order, 0.44); stiffen (to cause
etrable, 0.29). to becom e stiff, 0.41); yoke (0.37);
F IS H to catch fish (3) fish (1.00); hunt correct (to m ake needed corrections,
(to pursue w ith intent to kill, 0.43); 0.36); organize (to form an organization,
dredge (0.25). 0.35); force (to use force, 0.34); impose
F IT (16) fit (to be suitable in character, (0.33); set (to fasten, 0.33); confine (to
1.00); fit (to be suitable in size and set lim its, 0.25); line (to arrange in a
shape, 1.00); fit (to make suitable, 1.00); line, 0.25); m end (to repair, 0.25); put
fit (to equip, 1.00); prepare (to m ake (to establish, 0.25); rivet (0.25); form
oneself ready, 0.87); articulate (to join, (to give shape to a thing, 0.24); bind
(to constrain w ith bonds, 0.21); glare erupt, 1.00); radiate (to shed light or
(to stare fiercely, 0.20); hang (to sus­ heat, 0.37); rage (to be out o f control,
pend, 0.17); enact (to legislate, 0.16); 0.29); bum (to oxidize, 0.13).
harden (to m ake less pervious, 0.12); F L A S H to m ove (o f liquid or fire) (9)
improve (to make better, 0.06). flash (to give forth a light by flash,
F IZ Z (2) effervesce (0.75); hiss (to m ake 1.00); flash (to m ove w ith a speed o f a
a hissing sound, 0.50). flash, 1.00); shine (to give forth light,
FLA G to hang down; to flap (8) limp (0.85); 0.52); flap (0.50); flit (0.50); blaze (0.33);
tire (to becom e exhausted, 0.82); weary reflect (to throw back an image, 0.33);
(to becom e weary, 0.78); w ilt (0.50); burn (to oxidize, 0.25); radiate (to shed
suffer (to feel pain, 0.18); w eaken (to light or heat, 0.22).
becom e w eaker, 0.14); sleep (0.13); FL A T T E N (9) flatten (to grow flat, 1.00);
loiter (0.10). flatten (to m ake flat, 1.00); smooth (to
F L A G to place a flag; to inform by flag rem ove unevenness, 0.77); spread (to
signals (3) flag (1.00); signal (0.90); becom e spread, 0.60); roll (to smooth
whistle (to call with a w histle, 0.29). with a roller, 0.57); deflate (0.50); harden
FLA G to pave with stones (1) pave (0.83). (to m ake less p erv io u s, 0.45); raze
FLA G E LLA T E (3) flagellate (1.00); beat (0.30); unfold (to unfurl, 0.23).
(to thrash, 0.55); hurt (to cause pain, F L A T T E R (11) flatter (to praise unduly,
0 .22). 1.00); fla tte r (to be b eco m in g to a
F L A IL (5) thrash (to free grain or seed wearer, 1.00); satisfy (to m ake content,
from hulls, 0.78); hurt (to cause pain, 0.66); court (to seek favour, 0.50); laud
0.59); hit (to strike, 0.35); buffet (0.25); (0.50); w heedle (0.50); entertain (to
beat (to thrash, 0.14). keep others amused, 0.26); cajole (0.25);
FL A K E (5) flake (1.00); plate (0.67); grovel (0.21); becom e (to be suitable,
stratify (0.50); scale (to peel, 0.33); chip 0.13); praise (to com mend, 0.05).
(0.17). F L A U N T (5) flaunt (1.00); flourish (to
FL A M E (7) flam e (1.00); rage (to give w ave trium phantly, 0.50); display (to
vent to anger, 0.73); heat (to becom e present for effect, 0.44); boast (to brag,
hot, 0.69); blaze (0.67); flash (to give 0.40); parade (to m ake an ostentatious
forth a light by flash, 0.55); light (to show, 0.33).
become ignited, 0.50); bum (to oxidize, FLA V O U R (1) flavour (1.00).
0.38). FLAY (10) flay (to remove skin,bark, hide,
FLA N K (1) define (to set limits, 0.07). etc., 1.00); flay (to criticize, 1.00); skin
FLAP (9) flap (1.00); flop (to be limp, 0.75); (0.69); upbraid (0.58); peel (0.50); man­
flutter (0.75); hang (to be suspended, gle (to mutilate, 0.45); excoriate (to de­
0.73); w ave (to flutter, 0.42); shake (to nounce, 0.25); excoriate (to rem ove
vibrate, 0.41); flop (to m ove w ith little strips o f skin, bark, 0.25); pare (to peel,
control, 0.35); beat (to pulsate, 0.34); 0.25); unwrap (0.21).
blow (to carry on the wind, 0.33). F L E E (8) flee (1.00); escape (0.94); has­
FLA RE (5) flare (to flash, 1.00); flare (to ten (to m ake haste, 0.66); abscond
(0.50); leave (to go away, 0.38); run (to quick tug, 0.46); yank (0.33).
go sw iftly by physical effort, 0.38); F L IR T (3) flirt (to coquet, 1.00); philan­
retreat (to execute a forced retirem ent der (0.33); wink (to close one eye, 0.17).
in battle, 0.27); elope (0.25). F L IT (5) flit (1.00); whisk (0.75); flash (to
F L E E C E (3) ruin (to cause to becom e m ove w ith a speed o f a flash, 0.50);
bankrupt, 0.40); deceive (0.14); steal leave (to go away, 0.35); glide (to move
(0.13). gently, 0.23).
F L E E R (3) fleer (1.00); ridicule (0.43); F L IT C H to cut into flitches (1) cut (to
sneer (0.14). sever, 0.14).
F L E X (2) bend (to force out o f a straight F L O A T (13) float (1.00); glide (to move
line, 0.73); give (to yield under p res­ gently, 0.92); drift (0.86); sail (to fly,
sure, 0.21). 0.80); fly (to pass through the air, 0.77);
F L IC K to strike (1) je rk (to m ove an ob­ hover (0.75); swim (0.63); skim (to pass
ject w ith a quick tug, 0.08). lightly and sw iftly, 0.60); drive (to
F L IC K E R (11) flicker (to shine, 1.00); m anage a propelled vehicle, 0.54); flow
flicker (to quiver, 1.00); blink (to w ink (to m ove in one direction, 0.52); haunt
rapidly, 0.50); tw inkle (0.50); beat (to (to frequent as a spirit, 0.50); coast
pulsate, 0.47); fade (to lose colour or (0.33); ride (to allow o n e s e lf to be
light, 0.33); radiate (to shed light or dom inated by circum stances, 0.33).
heat, 0.30); glisten (0.25); play (to dis­ F L O C K to gather (individuals) together
play light, erratic m ovem ent, 0.25); (2) flock (1.00); collect (to com e to­
flash (to give forth a light by flash, gether, 0.25).
0.05); shine (to give forth light, 0.05). F L O C K to stuff with flocks (1) infest (to
F L IN C H (9) flinch (1.00); recoil (0.79); swarm, 0.06).
cringe (0.75); w ince (0.70); blen ch F L O G (11) flog (1.00); beat (to thrash,
(0.67); fear (to anticipate personal dan­ 0 .9 3 ); h u rt (to c a u se p a in , 0.82);
ger, 0.60); cow er (0.50); crouch (to scourge (to w hip, 0.75); trounce (to
cower, 0.50); shrink (0.25). beat, 0.75); defeat (to w orst in sport or
F L IN G (17) fling (1.00); throw (to hurl, in personal com bat, 0.66); flagellate
0.93); flounce (0.75); dart (to m ove in (0.50); persecute (to oppress, especially
the m anner o f a dart, 0.59); blow (to for religious reasons, 0.43); damage (to
carry on the wind, 0.50); cast (to throw, cause pain, 0.25); drub (0.25); punish
0.50); dash (to throw, 0.50); heave (to (0 . 11).
throw, 0.50); hurl (0.50); pitch (to throw, F L O O D (10) flood (1.00); glut (to over­
0.50); send (to project, 0.50); slam (to supply, 0.94); flow (to issu e forth,
throw w ith a slam, 0.50); toss (to throw 0.92); gush (to em it copiously, 0.67);
easily, 0.50); bow l (in cricket,to pitch, pour (to rain heavily, 0.50); w ash (to
0.25); deliver (to throw, 0.25); je rk (to border upon, 0.33); drench (0.25); water
m ove an object with a tug, 0.23); down (0.25); infest (to swarm, 0.19); soak (to
(0.07). drench, 0.07).
F L IP (2) je rk (to m ove an object w ith a F L O O R (6) defeat (to w orst in sport or
in personal com bat, 0.76); ground (to (to flutter, 0.75); em pty (to becom e
bring to the ground, 0.67); drop (to empty, 0.73); thaw (to melt, 0.63); grow
cause or to perm it to fall, 0.47); flatten (to change slowly, 0.59); m ove (to be
(to m ake flat, 0.38); shock (to disturb in m otion, 0.50); spread (to becom e
o n e’s sense o f propriety, 0.23); pave spread, 0.40); m elt (to liquefy, 0.27);
(0.17). crimp (to curl, 0.25); stream (0.25).
FLO P (7) flop (to move with little control, F L O W E R (7) flower (1.00); bloom (0.94);
1.00); flop (to fall w ithout restraint, produce (to bear, 0.89); effloresce (0.75);
1.00); flop (to be limp, 1.00); hang (to grow (to change slowly, 0.68); prosper
be suspended, 0.55); lop (to hang, 0.50); (0.31); begin (to come into being or start
pitch (to fall forw ard, 0.50); je rk (to functioning, 0.14).
move an object with a quick tug, 0.38). F L U C T U A T E (15) fluctuate (to oscillate,
FLO U N C E to curl; to friz; to trim (1) wig­ 1.00); flu ctu ate (to h esitate, 1.00);
gle (0.13). w aver (0.91); hesitate (0.90); change (to
F L O U N C E to go w ith agitating m otion make different, 0.86); lick (to play over;
(2) flounce (1.00); flop (to m ove w ith said o f flam es, 0.77); w ave (to move
little control, 0.57). b ac k and forth, 0.76); v acillate (to
FLO U N D ER (10) flounder (1.00); flop (to hesitate, 0.75); vibrate (to quiver, 0.75);
m ove with little control, 0.83); w obble sh a k e (to v ib ra te , 0 .5 3 ); b ea t (to
(0.80); hesitate (0.77); slop (0.67); stum­ pulsate, 0.50); sw ing (to describe an
ble (to m ove in a stum bling m anner, arc, 0.45); falter (0.33); range (to vary,
0.60); botch (0.50); w allow (0.50); fail 0.33); vary (to show changes, 0.33).
(to be u n su ccessfu l, 0.38); toss (to F L U ID IF Y (1) dissolve (to pass from a
m ove up and down, 0.36). solid to a liquid state, 0.36).
F L O U R IS H (14) flo u rish (to w av e F L U R R Y (2) confuse (0.89); em barrass
tr iu m p h a n tly , 1 .0 0 ); f lo u r is h (to (to upset mentally, 0.30).
prosper, 1.00); prosper (0.85); rise (to F L U S H to m ake flush or level (7) blush
im prove on e’s station, 0.71); sw ing (to (0.80); colour (to take on colour, 0.80);
cause to swing, 0.71); revive (to take heat (to m ake hot, 0.68); heat (to be­
on new life, 0.64); th riv e (to grow com e hot, 0.63); redden (to grow red,
vigorously, 0.64); succeed (to attain 0.57); redden (to m ake red, 0.27); clean
success, 0.62); thrive (to prosper, 0.50); (0.09).
bloom (0.25); boast (to brag, 0.15); F L U S H to m ove suddenly (especially of
grow (to become larger, 0.15); shake (to liquid) (1) rinse (0.50).
cause to vibrate, 0.14); w ield (0.07). F L U S T E R (6) confuse (0.93); upset (to
FLO U T (5) flout (1.00); ridicule (0.52); up­ disturb, 0.50); excite (to stir one m en­
braid (0.49); sneer (0.38); gibe (0.25). tally, 0.34); straiten (to distress, 0.25);
F L O W (1 3 ) flo w (to m o v e in o n e em barrass (to upset mentally, 0.24);
direction, 1.00); flow (to issue forth, disturb (to upset mental calm, 0.04).
1.00); flow (to keep up a circular motion, F L U T E (1) w histle (to produce a shrill
1.00); w ave (to undulate, 0.77); w ave blast, 0.77).
F L U T T E R (15) flutter (LOO); beat (to pul­ m ystify; to perplex (2) confuse (0.55);
sate, 0.84); blow (to c a n y on the wind, mist (0.25).
0.83); flap (0.75); flicker (to quiver, 0.75); F O IL to prevent from carrying out (7)
flit (0.75); thrill (to become excited, 0.70); halt (to cause to cease, 0.72); hinder
lick (to play over; said o f flam es, 0.69); (0 .6 6 ); d e fe a t (to g et the b e tte r of
hover (0.50); vibrate (to quiver, 0.50); another, 0.51); frustrate (0.50); prevent
w hisk (0.50); shake (to vibrate, 0.35); (0.44); disappoint (0.30); discom fit (to
flu ctu ate (to o scillate, 0 .25); te ete r defeat the plans of, 0.25).
(0.18); fly (to pass through the air, 0.15). F O L D to lay in folds (13) fold (to place
F L U X (2) liquefy (0.25); dissolve (to pass together or lay in folds, 1.00); com pli­
from a solid to a liquid state, 0.09). cate (0.93); roll (to make into aroll, 0.78);
FLY (20) fly (to pass through the air, 1.00); loop (to be in the form o f a loop, 0.75);
fly (to m ove swiftly, 1.00); fly (to flee cu rl (to tw ist, 0 .5 4 ); cru m p le (to
from danger, 1.00); fly (to m anage a b ec o m e w rin k led , 0.50); ja ck k n ife
plane in the air, 1.00); fly (to pass over (0.50); w in d (to w rap about, 0.50);
by flying, 1.00); escape (0.88); rocket w eav e (to co n stru ct by interlacing,
(0.86); hasten (to m ake haste, 0.77); 0.39); span (0.33); rum ple (0.25); turn
hurry (to m ove rapidly, 0.67); je t (to (to bend, 0.25); face (to put facing on
travel by je t airplane, 0.67); race (to goods, 0.20).
m ove at great speed, 0.58); w ave (to F O L D to shut up in a fold (sheep) (1)
flutter, 0.58); elope (0.50); pass (to fold (to enclose, 1.00).
elapse, 0.50); glide (to m ove gently, F O L IA T E (1) page (to m ark the pages,
0.38); retreat (to execute a forced re­ 0 .20).
tirem ent in battle, 0.33); leave (to go F O L L O W (30) follow (to be later in time,
away, 0.27); m ove (to be in m otion, 1.00); follow (to regulate o n e’s action,
0.25); travel (to journey, 0.07); dart (to 1.00); follow (to be a follower, 1.00);
m ove in the m anner o f a dart, 0.06). follow (to hunt, 1.00); follow (to ob­
F O A L (1) produce (to bear, 0.32). serve, 1.00); follow (to understand,
F O A M (5) bubble (0.90); rage (to give 1.00); follow (to result, 1.00); hunt (to
vent to anger, 0.82); lather (0.75); effer­ pursue w ith intent to kill, 0.96); resem­
vesce (0.50); spum e (0.25). ble (0.89); serve (to obey, 0.75); under­
F O C A L IZ E (3) converge (0.40); centre stand (to com prehend, 0.74); w atch (to
(0.35); concentrate (to bring or com e h e attentive, 0.71); jo in (to enter the
together, 0.22). com pany of, 0.70); accom pany (to go
F O C U S (6) focus (to draw tow ard a cen­ with, 0.69); adhere (to serve, 0.67); heel
tre, 1.00); focus (to make an image clear, (0.67); result (0.44); track (to follow by
1.00); centre (0.82); sharpen (to m ake evidence, 0.43); court (to woo, 0.35);
m ore exact, 0.75); adjust (to place or align (to join , 0.33); happen (to occur,
regulate parts, 0.65); concentrate (to 0.33); pan (to sw ing; said o f a camera,
bring or com e together, 0.46). 0 .3 3 ); p r a c tic e (to e m p lo y o n e ’s
F O G to envelope w ith or as w ith fog; to professional skill, 0.33); reproduce (to
make a second time, 0.29); roll (to move goad (0.56); com m and (to have control,
by rotation, or in rotating num bers, 0.47); seize (to take by force, 0.39);
0.29); grasp (to com prehend, 0.25); extort (0.25); fight (to struggle for an
postdate (to succeed, 0.25); reflect (to e n d , 0 .1 7 ); e n f o r c e (to re q u ir e
throw back, 0.17); line (to be in a line, compliance, 0.13); incite (0.07).
0.10); spy (to act as a spy, 0.07). F O R D (1) cross (to pass over, 0.50).
FO M EN T (2) excite (to activate, 0.27); in­ F O R E A R M (1) warn (0.70).
cite (0.04). F O R E B O D E (2) forebode (1.00); foretell
FON D LE (13) fondle (1.00); paw (to han­ (0.44).
dle clum sily, 0.88); love (to express F O R E C A S T (8) forecast (to foresee,
love by caresses, 0.80); caress (0.79); 1.00); forecast (to predict, 1.00); antici­
dandle (0.75); pet (to caress, 0.75); baby pate (to foresee, 0.83); calculate (to
(0.69); feel (to examine by touch, 0.57); reckon, 0.79); portend (0.75); augur
hold (to have in o n e’s grasp, 0.38); lick (0.50); budget (to estimate expenditures
(to pass the tongue over, 0.29); cuddle and income, 0.50); presage (0.50).
(to em brace, 0.25); touch (to be in F O R E C L O S E (2) foreclose (to exclude,
contact, 0.23); cherish (to hold dear, 1.00); foreclose (to hinder, 1.00).
0.08). F O R E D O O M (1) foredoom (1.00).
F O O L (12) fool (1.00); deceive (0.81); F O R E G O (1) forego (1.00).
bluff (0.75); dupe (0.75); catch (to trick, F O R E JU D G E (1) prejudge (0.50).
0 .6 7 ); d e lu d e (0 .2 5 ); k id ( 0 .2 5 ); F O R E K N O W (1) foretell (0.50).
overreach (to outwit, 0.25); trap (0.25); F O R E O R D A IN (3) foreordain (1.00); or­
trick (0.25); victimize (0.17); joke (0.08). dain (to destine, 0.50); foredoom (0.25).
F O R A G E (5) forage (1.00); ransack (to F O R E R U N (2) rank (to possess relative
loot, 0.67); raid (0.48); graze (to pas­ evaluation, 0.71); precede (0.60).
ture, 0.44); ravage (0.22). F O R E S E E (5) prepare (to make oneself
FORAY (1) ravage (0.2.0). ready, 0.96); foretell (0.63); hope (0.56);
F O R B E A R (4) forbear (1.00); abstain will (an indication o f futurity, 0.29); ask
(0.89); spare (0.67); refrain (0.25). (to expect, 0.25).
FORBID (7) forbid (1.00); bar (to obstruct F O R E S H A D O W (4) foreshadow (1.00);
by refusal, 0.89); com m and (to issue foreordain (0.50); hint (0.23); foretell
an order, 0.70); taboo (0.67); w arn (0.19).
(0.37); hinder (0.22); halt (to cause to F O R E S H O W (1) foretell (0.81).
cease, 0.06). F O R E S T A L L (5) forestall (to anticipate,
F O R C E (1 6 ) fo rc e (to u se f o rc e , 1.00); forestall (to hinder, 1.00); prevent
1.00);force (to break open, 1.00); force (0.91); obviate (0.50); hinder (0.26).
(to rape, 1.00); force (to encourage F O R E T E L L (1) foretell (1.00).
grow th, 1.00); force (to capture by F O R E W A R N (6) forewarn (1.00); warn
assault, 1.00); throw (to send forth, (0.96); caution (0.75); forebode (0.75);
0.75); urge (to drive, 0.67); penetrate threaten (to warn o f punishment, 0.43);
(to pierce, 0.65); drive (to urge on, 0.57); advise (to give counsel, 0.10).
F O R F E IT (3) forfeit (1.00); sacrifice (to w eave (to contrive, 0.63); arch (0.46);
give up as a m eans to an end, 0.89); draw (to m ake a likeness by drawing,
eliminate (to remove, 0.63). 0.43); round (to make round, 0.36); plan
F O R F E N D (1) forfend (1.00). (to plot an action in advance, 0.33);
F O R G A T H E R (4) forgather (1.00); gather influence (0.29); erect (to establish,
(to com e together, 0.89); m eet (to go to 0.25); fabricate (to construct, 0.25);
a place o f m eeting, 0.71); concentrate fashion (to m old, 0.25); teach (to act as
(to bring or com e together, 0.29). a teacher, 0.23).
F O R G E (9) forge (1.00); copy (to repro­ F O R M A L IZ E (3) define (to provide a
duce, 0.78); com pose (to create, 0.55); nam e or description , 0.75); order (to
em bezzle (0.50); m anufacture (to m ake put in order, 0.50); stylize (0.50).
a product, 0.50); m int (to print or press F O R M U L A T E (13) form ulate (1.00);
money, 0.33); create (to m ake, 0.23); tabulate (0.93); write (to com pose in
build (to construct, 0.14); invent (to w ords, 0.83); organize (to form an or­
create or discover, 0.11). ganization, 0.81); build (to found, 0.75);
F O R G E T (7) forget (to lose memory, 1.00); create (to conceive in the m ind, 0.75);
forget (to neglect accidentally, 1.00); edit (to supervise publication, 0.73);
forget (to forget oneself, 1.00); shrug im agine (to visualize mentally, 0.61);
(0.75); forgive (to cease to resent, 0.40); conceive (to form a concept or image
lose (to bring about a loss, 0.33); leave of, 0.50); dictate (to speak for record,
(to allow to remain, 0.25). 0.50); legalize (0.50); concoct (to make
F O R G IV E (7) forgive (to cease to resent, by com bining ingredients, 0.25); enact
1.00); forgive (to absolve, 1.00); excuse (to legislate, 0.05).
(0.92); melt (to relent, 0.50); spare (0.33); F O R N IC A T E (1) copulate (0.09).
exculpate (0.25); reprieve (to pardon, F O R S A K E (11) forsake (to relinquish,
0.25). 1.00); fo rsa k e (to ab a n d o n , 1.00);
F O R G O (4) waive (0.92); sacrifice (to give abandon (to leave in trouble, 0.86);
up as a m eans to an end, 0.78); yield desert (to abandon in tim e o f trouble,
(to surrender, 0.15); abandon (to relin­ 0.75); leave (to abandon, 0.67); jilt
quish, 0.11). (0.50); renounce (to abandon, 0.50);
F O R K (3) dig (to stir the earth, 0.71); ram ­ scrab (to discard, 0.50); defect (0.33);
ble (to go in various directions, 0.54); m aroon (0.25); discard (0.12).
divide (to separate by parting, 0.04). F O R S W E A R (5) forswear (1.00); revoke
F O R M (19) form (to give shape to a (0.96); recant (0.48); lie (to utter an un­
thing, 1.00);form (to give character to a truth, 0.46); abandon (to relinquish,
person, LOO); form (to com prise, 1.00); 0.07).
form (to take form , 1.00); g enerate F O R T IF Y (16) fortify (to strengthen
(0.80); invent (to create or discover, a g a in s t a tta c k , 1 .0 0 ); f o r tif y (to
0 .7 8 ); c r e a te (to m a k e , 0 .7 7 ); strengthen physically or em otionally,
m anufacture (to m ake a product, 0.77); 1.00); strengthen (0.91); energize (0.75);
organize (to form an organization, 0.77); entrench (to surround, 0.75); garrison
(0.75); encourage (to give support, beginning, 0.25); pioneer (0.25); begin
0.59); co n so lid ate (to develop as a (to initiate, 0.21).
defensible position, 0.50); enforce (to F O U N D E R (4) trip (to stum ble, 0.55);
add strength, 0.50); forfend (0.50); gird w reck (to shipw reck, 0.40); fail (to be
(to support, 0.50); supplem ent (0.46); unsuccessful, 0.25); disappoint (0.22).
confirm (to strengthen, 0.33); barricade F R A C T U R E (5) disrupt (to break, 0.75);
(0.25); man (0.25); encourage (to raise sm ash (0.70); break (to start a rupture,
the spirits, 0.08). 0.58); explode (to burst, 0.46); burst (to
FORW ARD (6) promote (to further, 0.97); break, 0.25).
send (to dispatch, 0.89); rem it (to send, F R A G M E N T (1) chip (0.80).
0 .6 7 ); e x p re s s (to s e n d b y r a p id F R A M E (12) frame (to make, 1.00); frame
conveyor, 0.50); tran sm it (to send, (to prepare a w ritten statem ent, 1.00);
0 .50); en c o u rag e (to g iv e su p p o rt, fram e (to enclose in a frame, 1.00);
0.14). fram e (to act as a frame, 1.00); build
F O S S IL IZ E (3) harden (to becom e less (to construct, 0.93); constitute (to make
penetrable, 0.53); ossify (0.33); harden up, 0.75); plot (to devise an intrigue,
(to m ake less pervious, 0.29). 0.75); form (to give shape to a thing,
F O S T E R (14) foster (to harbour, 1.00); 0.71); forge (0.67); m anufacture (to
foster (to support, 1.00); encourage (to m ake a product, 0.55); system atize
give support, 0.72); support (to uphold, (0.27); plan (to plot an action in ad­
0.63); grow (to cultivate, 0.50); stim u­ vance, 0.11).
late (0.50); civilize (0.43); prom ote (to F R A T E R N IZ E (5) fraternize (1.00); con­
further, 0.39); baby (0.38); nurse (0.35); sort (to join, 0.75); hobnob (0.50); mix
feed (0.19); defend (to provide general (to associate, 0.50); jo in (to enter the
protection, 0.11); raise (to nurture, 0.10); com pany of, 0.20).
adopt (to take as a son or daughter, F R A Y to rub; to ravel out; to clash; to
0.09). com e into collision (1) fray (1.00).
F O U L to be or becom e foul (4) foul (to F R E E (16) free (to liberate, 1.00); free (to
make dirty, 1.00); foul (to becom e dirty, disburden, 1.00); open (to m ake avail­
1.00); dirty (0.87); m uddle (to confuse; able, 0.75); unseal (0.75); unwrap (0.68);
said o f affairs, 0.76). excuse (0.67); exem pt (0.67); save (to
FO U N D to build a firm ground (7) found rem ove from danger, 0.64); relieve (to
(1.00); erect (to establish, 0.75); insti­ lessen; said especially o f pain, 0.59);
tute (to organize, 0.75); establish (to vindicate (to clear, 0.50); open (to move
set up in a formal manner, 0.50); intro­ aside a prepared obstruction, 0.46);
duce (to institute, 0.50); organize (to ventilate (0.40); lighten (to ease, 0.25);
form an organization, 0.50); endow (to unzip (0.25); com fort (to m ake easy
provide support for all tim es, 0.33). physically, 0.08); unhitch (0.08).
FO U N D to set out; to start; to hasten; to F R E E Z E (13) freeze (to change to a solid
depart; to travel; to journey (4) colo­ state, 1.00); freeze (to make cold, 1.00);
nize (0.78); originate (to bring about a freeze (to discourage, 1.00); harden (to
F L U T T E R (15) flutter (1.00); beat (to pul­ m ystify; to perplex (2) confuse (0.55);
sate, 0.84); blow (to c a n y on the wind, mist (0.25).
0.83); flap (0.75); flicker (to quiver, 0.75); F O IL to prevent from carrying out (7)
flit (0.75); thrill (to become excited, 0.70); halt (to cause to cease, 0.72); hinder
lick (to play over; said o f flam es, 0.69); (0 .6 6 ); d efe at (to g et the b e tte r of
h over (0.50); vibrate (to quiver, 0.50); another, 0.51); frustrate (0.50); prevent
w hisk (0.50); shake (to vibrate, 0.35); (0.44); disappoint (0.30); discom fit (to
flu ctu ate (to o scillate, 0 .25); te ete r defeat the plans of, 0.25).
(0.18); fly (to pass through the air, 0.15). F O L D to lay in folds (13) fold (to place
F L U X (2) liquefy (0.25); dissolve (to pass together or lay in folds, 1.00); com pli­
from a solid to a liquid state, 0.09). cate (0.93); roll (to make into a roll, 0.78);
FLY (20) fly (to pass through the air, 1.00); loop (to be in the fo n n o f a loop, 0.75);
fly (to m ove swiftly, 1.00); fly (to flee cu rl (to tw ist, 0 .5 4 ); cru m p le (to
from danger, 1.00); fly (to m anage a b ec o m e w rin k le d , 0.50); ja ck k n ife
plane in the air, 1.00); fly (to pass over (0.50); w in d (to w rap about, 0.50);
by flying, 1.00); escape (0.88); rocket w eave (to co n stru c t by interlacing,
(0.86); hasten (to m ake haste, 0.77); 0.39); span (0.33); rum ple (0.25); turn
hurry (to m ove rapidly, 0.67); je t (to (to bend, 0.25); face (to put facing on
travel by je t airplane, 0.67); race (to goods, 0.20).
m ove at great speed, 0.58); w ave (to F O L D to shut up in a fold (sheep) (1)
flutter, 0.58); elope (0.50); pass (to fold (to enclose, 1.00).
elapse, 0.50); glide (to m ove gently, F O L IA T E (1) page (to m ark the pages,
0.38); retreat (to execute a forced re­ 0 .20).
tirem ent in battle, 0.33); leave (to go F O L L O W (30) follow (to be later in time,
away, 0.27); m ove (to be in m otion, 1.00); follow (to regulate o n e’s action,
0.25); travel (to journey, 0.07); dart (to 1.00); follow (to be a follower, 1.00);
m ove in the m anner o f a dart, 0.06). follow (to hunt, 1.00); follow (to ob­
F O A L (1) produce (to bear, 0.32). serve, 1.00); follow (to understand,
F O A M (5) bubble (0.90); rage (to give 1.00); follow (to result, 1.00); hunt (to
vent to anger, 0.82); lather (0.75); effer­ pursue w ith intent to kill, 0.96); resem­
vesce (0.50); spum e (0.25). ble (0.89); serve (to obey, 0.75); under­
F O C A L IZ E (3) converge (0.40); centre stand (to com prehend, 0.74); w atch (to
(0.35); concentrate (to bring or com e b e attentive, 0.71); jo in (to enter the
together, 0.22). com pany of, 0.70); accom pany (to go
F O C U S (6) focus (to draw tow ard a cen­ with, 0.69); adhere (to serve, 0.67); heel
tre, 1.00); focus (to make an image clear, (0.67); result (0.44); track (to follow by
1.00); centre (0.82); sharpen (to m ake evidence, 0.43); court (to woo, 0.35);
m ore exact, 0.75); adjust (to place or align (to jo in , 0.33); happen (to occur,
regulate parts, 0.65); concentrate (to 0.33); pan (to sw ing; said o f a camera,
bring or com e together, 0.46). 0 .3 3 ); p r a c tic e (to e m p lo y o n e ’s
F O G to envelope w ith or as w ith fog; to professional skill, 0.33); reproduce (to
make a second time, 0.29); roll (to move goad (0.56); com mand (to have control,
by rotation, or in rotating num bers, 0.47); seize (to take by force, 0.39);
0.29); grasp (to com prehend, 0.25); extort (0.25); fight (to struggle for an
postdate (to succeed, 0.25); reflect (to e n d , 0 .1 7 ); e n f o r c e (to re q u ir e
throw back, 0.17); line (to be in a line, com pliance, 0.13); incite (0.07).
0.10); spy (to act as a spy, 0.07). F O R D (1) cross (to pass over, 0.50).
F O M EN T (2) excite (to activate, 0.27); in­ F O R E A R M (1) warn (0.70).
cite (0.04). F O R E B O D E (2) forebode (1.00); foretell
FON D LE (13) fondle (1.00); paw (to han­ (0.44).
dle clum sily, 0.88); love (to express F O R E C A S T (8) forecast (to foresee,
love by caresses, 0.80); caress (0.79); 1.00); forecast (to predict, 1.00); antici­
dandle (0.75); pet (to caress, 0.75); baby pate (to foresee, 0.83); calculate (to
(0.69); feel (to examine by touch, 0.57); reckon, 0.79); portend (0.75); augur
hold (to have in o n e’s grasp, 0.38); lick (0.50); budget (to estimate expenditures
(to pass the tongue over, 0.29); cuddle and income, 0.50); presage (0.50).
(to em brace, 0.25); touch (to be in F O R E C L O S E (2) foreclose (to exclude,
contact, 0.23); cherish (to hold dear, 1.00); foreclose (to hinder, 1.00).
0.08). F O R E D O O M (1) foredoom (1.00).
F O O L (12) fool (1.00); deceive (0.81); F O R E G O (1) forego (1.00).
bluff (0.75); dupe (0.75); catch (to trick, F O R E JU D G E (1) prejudge (0.50).
0 .6 7 ); d e lu d e (0 .2 5 ); k id ( 0 .2 5 ); F O R E K N O W (1) foretell (0.50).
overreach (to outwit, 0.25); trap (0.25); F O R E O R D A IN (3) foreordain (1.00); or­
trick (0.25); victimize (0.17); joke (0.08). dain (to destine, 0.50); foredoom (0.25).
F O R A G E (5) forage (1.00); ransack (to F O R E R U N (2) rank (to possess relative
loot, 0.67); raid (0.48); graze (to p as­ evaluation, 0.71); precede (0.60).
ture, 0.44); ravage (0.22). F O R E S E E (5) prepare (to make oneself
FORAY (1) ravage (0.2.0). ready, 0.96); foretell (0.63); hope (0.56);
F O R B E A R (4) forbear (1.00); abstain will (an indication o f futurity, 0.29); ask
(0.89); spare (0.67); refrain (0.25). (to expect, 0.25).
FORBID (7) forbid (1.00); bar (to obstruct F O R E S H A D O W (4) foreshadow (1.00);
by refusal, 0.89); com m and (to issue foreordain (0.50); hint (0.23); foretell
an order, 0.70); taboo (0.67); w arn (0.19).
(0.37); hinder (0.22); halt (to cause to F O R E S H O W (1) foretell (0.81).
cease, 0.06). F O R E S T A L L (5) forestall (to anticipate,
F O R C E (1 6 ) fo rc e (to u se f o rc e , 1.00); forestall (to hinder, 1.00); prevent
1.00);force (to break open, 1.00); force (0.91); obviate (0.50); hinder (0.26).
(to rape, 1.00); force (to encourage F O R E T E L L (1) foretell (1.00).
grow th, 1.00); force (to capture by F O R E W A R N (6) forewarn (1.00); warn
assault, 1.00); throw (to send forth, (0.96); caution (0.75); forebode (0.75);
0.75); urge (to drive, 0.67); penetrate threaten (to warn o f punishment, 0.43);
(to pierce, 0.65); drive (to urge on, 0.57); advise (to give counsel, 0.10).
m ake less pervious, 0.74); deaden (to bubble (0.10).
reduce life or its evidence, 0.64); cool F R IC A S S E E (2) cook (0.54); fry (0.33).
(to becom e cool, 0.57); em balm (0.57); F R IG H T E N (6) frighten (to alarm, 1.00);
thicken (to becom e thicker, 0.45); stiff frighten (to drive off, because o f alarm,
(to grow stiff, 0.38); preserve (to keep, 1.00); haunt (to prey upon, 0.36); drive
0 .3 5 ); b e n u m b (to d e a d e n , 0 .3 3 ); (to urge on, 0.35); brow beat (0.25);
refrig erate (0.33); cool (to cause to m olest (to disturb people, 0.20).
becom e cool, 0.08). F R IL L (1) decorate (0.27).
F R E IG H T (5) pack (to transport by us­ F R IN G E (4) frame (to act as a frame, 0.86);
ing pack anim als, 0.75); introduce (to jo in (to adjoin, 0.75); edge (to trim,
bring in, 0.67); carry (to transport, 0.64); 0.50); line (to be in a line, 0.20).
load (to place a load, 0.53); truck (to F R IS K (5) frisk (1.00); play (to gambol,
send by truck, 0.13). 0.91); prance (0.50); cavort (0.25); frolic
F R E Q U E N T (1) attend (to go to, 0.80). (0.25).
F R E S C O (2) colour (to im part colour to, F R IT T E R (1) putter (0.50).
0.81); paint (to represent by painting, F R IZ Z L E to fry; to toast (3) frizzle (1.00);
0.13). fry (0.22); heat (to make hot, 0.03).
F R E S H E N (8) freshen (to sweeten, 1.00); F R O C K (1) ordain (to invest with priestly
freshen (to activate, 1.00); revive (to functions, 0.50).
take on new life, 0.91); ventilate (0.80); F R O L IC (9) frolic (1.00); caper (0.75);
sw eeten (to m ake fresh, 0.78); air (to gam bol (0.75); revel (to play, 0.75);
introduce air, 0.75); invigorate (0.50); jo k e (0.46); play (to gam bol, 0.36);
renew (to refresh, 0.29). m asquerade (0.25); romp (0.25); trip (to
F R E T to rub; to chafe; to conflict (20) step lightly, 0.25).
fret (to cause annoyance, 1.00); fret (to F R O N T (4) front (1.00); face (to put a
suffer annoyance, 1.00); fret (to rub face on a building, 0.85); dare (to defy,
painfully, 1.00); m ope (0.94); worry (to 0.73); face (to look out on, 0.67).
indulge in worry, 0.90); m ourn (to la­ F R O S T (4) ice (to becom e covered with
m en t, 0.86); b ro o d (to n u rse o n e ’s ice, 0.75); ice (to cover with icing, 0.75);
troubles, 0.75); yearn (0.75); bother (to chill (to reduce temperature, 0.67); cool
take trouble, 0.67); anger (to arouse (to cause to becom e cool, 0.17).
som eone to anger, 0.61); rub (to sub­ F R O T H (2) bubble (0.95); effervesce
je c t to friction, 0.55); com plain (to (0.25).
express an objection, 0.50); pique (to F R O W N (3) frown (1.00); m iff (to frown,
anger, 0.50); ruffle (to anger, 0.50); sim­ 0.50); sulk (0.50).
m er (to be angry, 0.50); hurt (to cause F R U C T IF Y (3) fructify (1.00); produce (to
pain, 0.47); rankle (0.36); fear (to be bear, 0.61); bloom (0.19).
apprehensive, 0.25);cry (to weep, 0.15); F R U IT (1) result (0.50).
rage (to give vent to anger, 0.09). F R U S T R A T E (15) frustrate (1.00); defeat
F R E T to exercise a slow destructive ac­ (to get the b etter o f another, 0.78);
tion (3) ripple (0.75); fidget (0.27); counteract (0.75); hinder (0.70); halt (to
cause to cease, 0.66); disappoint (0.52); 0.91); smoke (to give off smoke, 0.75);;
discom fit (to defeat the plans of, 0.50); smoulder (0.75); boil (to be angry, 0.67);
prevent (0.50); tram m el (0.40); inhibit rant (0.50); evap o rate (to vaporize,
(0.33); deaden (to reduce life or its 0.29); sim m er (to be angry, 0.25).
evidence, 0.29); tantalize (0.25); thwart F U M IG A T E (5) fumigate (1.00); sweeten
(0.25); confuse (0.20); bar (to obstruct (to make fresh, 0.67); purify (0.59); deo­
by refusal, 0.14). dorize (0.50); disinfect (0.33).
FRY (3) fry (1.00); frizzle (0.25); heat (to F U N C T IO N (5) function (1.00); operate
make hot, 0.05). (to be in operation, 0.97); practice (to
FUD D LE (2) fuddle (1.00); confuse (0.32). em ploy o n e’s professional skill, 0.67);
FU EL (1) fuel (1.00). act (to perform an action, 0.61); hit (to
F U L F IL L (20) fulfill (1.00); succeed (to f ire in tim e ; s a id o f an in te rn a l
attain success, 0.83); achieve (to fin­ com bustion motor), 0.13).
ish an undertaking, 0.76); accom plish FU N D (2) finance (0.50); underw rite (to
(0.75); discharge (to perform , 0.75); do support financially, 0.20).
(to bring to a close, 0,75); perfect (0.75); F U N K to kick (1) fail (to be unsuccess­
operate (to be in operation, 0.72); crown ful, 0.69).
(to m ake com plete or perfect, 0.67); F U R B IS H (4) furbish (to restore, 1.00);
perform (to accomplish an action, 0.67); furbish (to burnish, 1.00); polish (0.50);
complete (to make entire, 0.58); operate decorate (0.49).
(to produce an effect, 0.50); supply F U R L (1) furl (1.00).
(0.50); do (to execute com m ands or F U R N IS H (31) furnish (to supply neces­
instructions, 0.33); im plem ent (0.33); sities, 1.00); furnish (to equip with fur­
answ er (to be sufficient, 0.25); clim ax niture, 1.00); provide (to supply, 0.96);
(to bring to a clim ax, 0.25); effect (to order (to put in order, 0.94); administer
achieve, 0.25); execute (to bring to frui­ (to m inister, 0.88); contribute (to give,
tion, 0.25); obey (to act in accordance 0.82); yield (to produce, 0.78); equip
with orders, 0.05). (to supply, 0.75); give (to provide,
FU L G U R A TE (1) radiate (to shed light or 0.75); purvey (0.75); render (to provide,
heat, 0.11). 0.75); supply (0.75); produce (to bear,
FU L M IN A T E (7) fulminate (to explode, 0.68); lend (to m ake a loan, 0.67); fill
1.00); fulm inate (to intim idate, 1.00); (to p o u r to th e c a p a c ity o f th e
fulm inate (to denounce, 1.00); rage (to container, 0.62); bait (to provide with
give vent to anger, 0.41); snarl (0.33); a lure, 0.60); afford (to produce, 0.50);
curse (to sw ear at, 0.31); threaten (to fit (to equip, 0.50); give (to produce,
warn o f punishm ent, 0.07). 0.50); prepare (to m ake o neself ready,
FU M B L E (7) fumble (1.00); botch (0.71); 0 .4 8 ); a c c o m m o d a te (to re n d e r a
grope (0.67); bungle (0.50); m uff (0.50); service, 0.47); satisfy (to fulfill, 0.47);
feel (to exam ine by touch, 0.43); m is­ advance (to lend, 0.33); shine (to cause
manage (0.14). to sh in e , u su a lly by p o lish , 0.33);
F U M E (7) rage (to give vent to anger, com plete (to m ake entire, 0.32); feed
(0.29); arm (to equip, 0.25); cater (0.25); rave (to babble, 0.67); sound (to make
harness (0.25); ply (to supply, 0.25); a noise, 0.67); babble (0.33); drivel (to
stock (0.25). ram ble, 0.33); blabber (0.25); splutter
F U R R O W (7) furrow (1.00); plough (to (to stam m er, 0.25); cry (to call (not of
use a plough, 0.78); ditch (to m ake a hum an creatures), 0.18).
ditch, 0.75); wrinkle (to form into w rin­ G A D to w ander (2) gad (1.00); gallivant
kles, 0.70); rake (to use a rake, 0.50); (0.50).
cut (to cut into, 0.42); dent (0.06). G A G to keep from speaking; to suffocate
F U R T H E R (12) urge (to present favour­ (9) gag (to forbid expression to, 1.00);
ably, 0.88); advance (to prom ote, 0.75); gag (to retch, 1.00); gag (to stop the
fight (to struggle for an end, 0.67); fa­ mouth, 1.00); m uzzle (to silence, 0.91);
vour (to treat w ith favoritism , 0.60); choke (to be deprived o f air, 0.75); hush
increase (to add to, 0.57); lobby (0.56); (0.43); tram m el (0.26); restrain (to hold
cultivate (to encourage, 0.50); advocate in check, 0.15); hinder (0.13).
(to prom ote, 0.40); elevate (to prom ote, G A G E (1) gage (1.00).
0 .2 5 ); s u p p o rt (to u p h o ld , 0 .2 2 ); G A G G L E (1) gobble (to m ake a sound
encourage (to give support, 0.17); help like a turkey, 0.75).
(to aid, 0.04). G A IN to obtain; to secure (27) gain (to
F U S E (16) m ix (to blend, 0.97); m erge increase, 1.00); gain (to advance, 1.00);
(0.94); com bine (to becom e one, 0.75); gain (to w in, 1.00); gain (to achieve,
unite (to bring together, 0.75); w eld 1.00); recover (to improve on e’s condi­
(0.75); m elt (to liquefy, 0.64); consoli­ tion, 0.91); receive (to take into o n e’s
date (to cause to unite, 0.57); coalesce charge, 0.83); capture (to win, 0.75); get
(0.50); incorporate (to include, 0.33); (to obtain, 0.75); m ake (to acquire,
interm ingle (0.33); join (to unite, 0.22); 0.75); grow (to becom e larger, 0.74);
excite (to activate, 0.14); alloy (to m ix obtain (to gain possession, 0.62); profit
m etals, 0.13); heat (to m ake hot, 0.13); (to derive gain, 0.56); acquire (to re­
thaw (to m elt, 0.13); unite (to com e ceive, 0.50); buy (to acquire by pur­
together, 0.11). chase, 0.50); get (to learn, 0.50); suc­
F U S IL L A D E (1) attack (to fight offen­ ceed (to attain success, 0.45); learn (to
sively (army), 0.16). acquire m entally, 0.38); seize (to take
FUSS (7) fuss (1.00); joggle (0.75); whim ­ by force, 0.36); take (to purchase, 0.33);
p er (0.75); disturb (to upset m ental earn (to d eserv e as rew ard , 0.25);
calm , 0.61); com plain (to express an procure (0.25); win (to obtain, 0.25);
objection, 0.45); bother (to take tro u ­ accum ulate (to amass, 0.23); recruit (to
ble, 0.33); grumble (to com plain, 0.25). gather needed resources, 0.21); recover
(to regain health, 0.20); reap (to gain,
G 0.13); prosper (0.08).
G A B to chatter; to prate (2) gab (1.00); G A IN SA Y (7) gainsay (to deny, 1.00);
blab (to chatter, 0.25). g ainsay (to contradict, 1.00); deny
G A B B L E (9) gabble (1.00); cackle (0.80); (0.82); oppose (to hold a contrary opin­
ion, 0.56); com plain (to express an nounce indistinctly, 0.60).
objection, 0.26); belie (to contradict, G A RD EN (3) farm (to do farm work, 0.81);
0.25); refute (0.07). cultivate (to plant, 0.50); beautify (to
G A L L to m ake sore by chafing or rub­ im prove the grounds, 0.25).
bing (6) gall (1.00); fret (to rub pain­ G A R G L E (1) gargle (1.00).
fully, 0.50); anger (to arouse som eone G A R L A N D (1) enwreathe (0.83).
to anger, 0.48); hurt (to cause pain, G A R N E R (9) gam er (1.00); concentrate
0.35); rankle (0.21); disturb (to upset (to bring or com e together, 0.71); har­
mental calm, 0.17). vest (0.71); gather (to harvest, 0.67);
G A LL IV A N T (3) gallivant (1.00); stroll glean (0.67); deposit (to present money
(0.25); roam (to wander, 0.06). for safekeeping, 0.38); com pile (0.27);
G A LL O P (5) gallop (1.00); tramp (to tread am ass (0.25); thrash (to free grain or
heavily, 0.70); run (to go sw iftly by seed from hulls, 0.11).
physical effort, 0.59); pace (to stride, G A R N IS H (5) garnish (1.00); become (to
0.25); hasten (to m ake haste, 0.03). be suitable, 0.56); em broider (to add
G A LV A N IZE (4) galvanize (to animate, adornment, 0.38); decorate (0.32); deck
1.00); galvanize (to coat, 1.00); galva­ (to decorate, 0.25).
nize (to startle, 1.00); electrify (to pro­ G A R R IS O N (3) garrison (1.00); man
vide electricity, 0.31). (0.75); defend (to keep off an enemy,
G A M B L E (6) gamble (to play for money, often fig. ,0.18).
1.00); gam ble (to take chances, 1.00); G A R R O T E (4) garrote (1.00); kill (to de­
bet (0.86); risk (0.75); chance (to take a prive o f life, 0.84); choke (to deprive o f
chance, 0.45); venture (0.36). air, 0.54); gag (to stop the mouth, 0.30).
G A M BO L (6) gambol (1.00); romp (0.75); G A S (1) deaden (to reduce life or its evi­
caper (0.50); frolic (0.50); skip (0.50); dence, 0.68).
prance (0.25). G A SC O N A D E (1) boast (to brag, 0.20).
G A M E (3) gam ble (to play for money, G A S H (6) cut (to cut into, 0.95); wound
0.88); lay (to bet, 0.67); bet (0.21). (to hurt the body, 0.75); chip (0.60);
GAP (1) yaw n (to open wide, 0.33). slash (0.50); break (to start a rupture,
G A PE (9) gape (to stare, 1.00); gape (to 0.26); divide (to separate by parting,
split, 1.00); yaw n (to open wide, 0.83); 0 . 12).
ogle.(0.50); w onder (to m arvel, 0.50); G A SIFY (4) evaporate (to vaporize, 0.57);
yawn (to give evidence o f drow siness, heat (to becom e hot, 0.31); liberate (to
0.50); gaze (0.25); pry (to endeavour to free from chemical or physical restraint,
discover, 0.20); look (to endeavour to 0.30); heat (to m ake hot, 0.08).
see, 0.05). G A S P (4) gasp (1.00); inhale (0.75);
GARB (2) dress (to put on clothes, 0.70); breathe (to draw breath, 0.70); choke
clothe (0.30). (to be deprived o f air, 0.63).
G A R B L E (4) garble (1.00); ja m (to ob­ G A T H E R (36) gather (to com e together,
scure by jam m ing, 0.67); corrupt (to 1.00);gather (to bring together, 1.00);
render innacurate, 0.62); slur (to pro­ gather (to conclude, 1.00); gather (to
harvest, 1.00); gather (to choose, 1.00); castrate (0.46).
harvest (0.93); com pile (0.91); assum e G E L L (2) congeal (to clot, 0.50); thicken
(to take for granted, 0.82); pack (to (to becom e thicker, 0.09).
prepare for transportation, 0.80); raise G E N E R A L IZ E (3) generalize (to make
(to collect or make available, 0.80); infer generally applicable, 1.00); generalize
(to conclude, 0.78); am ass (0.75); rake (to speak in general term s, 1.00); rea­
(to use a rake, 0.70); heap (to am ass, son (to seek a reasonable explanation ,
0.67); read (to understand by reading, 0.50).
0.67); reason (to seek a rea so n ab le G E N E R A T E (15) generate (1.00); produce
explanation , 0.67); reap (to harvest, (to bear, 0.84); germ inate (0.75); lay (to
0.60); collocate (0.50); suppurate (0.50); bring forth, 0.75); m ultiply (to bring
obtain (to gain possession, 0.38); heap fo rth y o u n g , 0 .7 5 ); r e p ro d u c e (to
(to place in a heap, 0.35); glean (0.33); m ultiply, 0.73); spaw n (0.67); yield (to
sum m on (to convene, 0.33); fold (to produce, 0.67); cause (to be the cause,
place together or lay in folds, 0.31); 0.63); get (to beget, 0.50); begin (to
centre (0.29); save (to hoard, 0.29); hear initiate, 0.38); create (to m ake, 0.38);
(to receive inform ation orally, 0.27); propagate (to beget, 0.33); beget (0.25);
accrue (0.25); believe (to assume, 0.25); proliferate (0.25).
conclude (to deduce, 0.25); earn (to G E N T R 1FY (1) renew (to refresh, 0.84).
receive in paym ent, 0.25); m obilize G E N U F L E C T (1) kneel (0.80).
(0.25); pile (to amass, 0.25); pleat (0.25); G E R M IN A T E (6) genninate (1.00); sprout
p u ll (to m o v e b y p u llin g , 0 .2 5 ); (0.80); fertilize (to im pregnate, 0.67);
assem ble (to bring together, 0.20). take (to grow, 0.50); grow (to becom e
G A U G E (5) gauge (1.00); measure (to ap­ larger, 0.33); bloom (0.31).
ply a standard o f m easurem ent, 0.83); G E S T IC U L A T E (1) gesticulate (1.00).
forecast (to predict, 0.77); calculate (to G E S T U R E (4) gesture (1.00); signal
reckon, 0.68); sound (to m easure, 0.25). (0.70); brandish (0.50); flourish (to wave
G A U N T L E T (1) shoot (to discharge, triumphantly, 0.38).
0.10). G E T (40) get (to obtain, 1.00); get (to
G A W K (2) gaw k (1.00); stare (0.33). receive, 1.00); get (to becom e, 1.00);
G A Z E (11) gaze (1.00); look (to endeav­ get (to induce, 1.00); get (to catch,
our to see, 0.90); glare (to stare fiercely, 1.00);get (to learn, 1.00); get (to pre­
0.80); ogle (0.75); peer (0.75); see (to pare, 1.00); get (to adjust, 1.00); get (to
p e rc e iv e w ith the eye, 0.6 8 ); stare beget, 1.00); get (to contract, said of
(0.67); gape (to stare, 0.50); pry (to bodily disorders, 1.00); get (to remove,
endeavour to discover, 0.40); regard 1.00); get (to come, 1.00); reap (to gain,
(to look at, 0.36); gaw k (0.25). 0.94); succeed (to attain success, 0.93);
G E A R (3) gear (to regulate, 1.00); gear receive (to take into on e’s charge, 0.87);
(to prepare, 1.00); harness (0.33). earn (to receive in payment, 0.85); catch
G E L D to castrate (3) em asculate (to steri­ (to contract a disease, 0.80); accept (to
lize, 0 .7 5 ); cut (to c a stra te , 0 .5 0 ); receive, 0.75); acquire (to receive, 0.75);
buy (to acquire by purchase, 0.75); be on all sides, 0.86); circle (0.85); gird
le a rn (to a c q u ire m e n ta lly , 0 .7 5 ); (to encircle, 0.75); ring (to encircle,
procure (0.75); w in (to obtain, 0.75); 0.58); circu m scrib e (to trace a line
o b ta in (to g ain p o ss e s s io n , 0 .6 8 ); around, 0.25); define (to set limits, 0.17);
collect (to obtain specim ens, 0.67); fram e (to act as a frame, 0.14).
contract (to catch, said o f diseases, G IV E (30) give (to transfer, 1.00); give
0.67); gain (to win, 0.67); incur (0.67); (to provide, 1.00); give (to produce,
acquire (to obtain, 0.60); m ake (to ac­ LOO); give (to yield under pressure,
quire, 0.50); take (to contract; said o f a 1.00); give (to allot, 1.00); give (to in­
disease, 0.50); enlist (to request assist­ flict, 1.00); give (to pass on, 1.00); give
ance, 0.45); grow (to change slowly, (to give a speech, 1.00); give (to give a
0.45); remember (to bear in mind, 0.43); play, 1.00); give (to adm inister, 1.00);
solve (0.41); catch (to com e to from adm inister (to minister, 0.94); perform
behind, 0.33); arrest (to seize legally, (to present a perform ance, 0.92); dedi­
0.25); bag (0.25); com e (to becom e, cate (to set apart for special use, 0.75);
0.25); find (to achieve, 0.25). produce (to bear, 0.74); provide (to
G H E T T O IZ E (1) dam age (to im pair the supply, 0.73); send (to deliver, 0.73);
value of, 0.49). spend (to expend, 0.68); do (to present
G IB B E R (1) jabber (to m ake a chattering a play, etc., 0.67); subscribe (to give
sound, 0.75). financial support, 0.50); yaw n (to open
G IB BET (1) choke (to deprive o f air, 0.23). wide, 0.50); pay (to give payment, 0.46);
G IB E (2) gibe (1.00); sneer (0.86). inflict (to deal, 0.33); m arry (to join in
G IG G L E (7) giggle (1.00); chuckle (0.75); w edlock, 0.33); soften (to becom e soft,
simper (0.75); snicker (0.75); titter (0.75); 0 .31); ad m in ister (to tender, 0.25);
laugh (0.59); cackle (0.20). deliver (to speak formally, 0.25); devote
G ILD to cover w ith a layer o f gold (also (0.25); provide (to yield, 0.25); tender
fig.) (7) gild (to give the appearance o f (0.25); carry (to transmit, 0.11).
gold, 1.00); gild (to adorn, 1.00); colour G L A C IA T E (1) freeze (to change to a
(to im part colour to, 0.84); decorate solid state, 0.17).
(0.71); plate (0.53); spread (to apply G L A D D E N (10) gladden (LOO); comfort
over a surface, 0.25); em broider (to add (to m ake easy physically, 0.84); comfort
adornment, 0.06). (to console, 0.67); satisfy (to m ake
G IR D to surround; to encircle; to pre­ content, 0.63); revive (to hearten, 0.41);
pare for action (8) gird (to encircle, hum our (0.40); console (0.33); fascinate
1.00); gird (to support, 1.00); circle (0.18); encourage (to raise the spirits,
(0.59); surround (to be on all sides, 0.12); entertain (to keep others amused,
0.43); arm (to equip w ith w eapons, 0.06).
0.33); encom pass (to surround, 0.25); G L A N C E (8) glance (to look, 1.00); glance
ring (to encircle, 0.25); define (to set (to ricochet, LOO); look (to endeavour
limits, 0.14). to see, 0.85); bounce (to rebound, 0.75);
G IR D L E (8) girdle (1.00); surround (to peek (0.75); lick (to pass the tongue
over, 0.53); touch (to be in contact, G L IM P S E (4) peep (to look cautiously,
0.36); peep (to look cautiously, 0.25). 0.50); discover (to find, 0.48); glance
G L A R E (9) glare (to shine fiercely, 1.00); (to look, 0.25); peek (0.25).
glare (to stare fiercely, 1.00); glitter G L IS T E N (6) glisten (1.00); shine (to re­
(0.75); glower (0.75); shine (to give forth flect light, 0.86); flash (to give forth a
light, 0.62); flash (to give forth a light light by flash, 0.82); shim m er (0.75);
by flash, 0.50); radiate (to shed light or radiate (to shed light or heat, 0.56);
heat, 0.48); frown (0.44); beam (to shine, sparkle (0.50).
0.25). G L IT T E R (8) glitter (1.00); flash (to give
G L A S S (1) glaze (0.91). forth a light by flash, 0.86); shine (to
G L A Z E (6) glaze (1.00); enam el (0.67); give forth light, 0.81); sparkle (0.75);
‘colour (to im part colour to, 0.53); coat radiate (to shed light or heat, 0.59);
(0.50); sm ooth (to rem ove unevenness, beam (to shine, 0.50); blink (to twinkle,
0.31); varnish (0.06). 0.40); flicker (to shine, 0.25).
G L E A M (9) gleam (1.00); glimmer (0.75); G L O A T (5) gloat (1.00); boast (to brag,
gloss (0.75); glow (0.75); flash (to give 0.95); bluster (0.71); sw agger (to boast,
forth a light by flash, 0.73); shine (to 0.67); brag (0.25).
reflect light, 0.71); w ink (to tw inkle, G L O O M to look sullen or displeased; to
0.50); radiate (to shed light or heat, frow n; to scowl; to low er (2) brood (to
0.44); shimmer (0.25). n u rse o n e ’s tro u b le s, 0 .9 4 ); frown
G L E A N (8) glean (1.00); reap (to harvest, (0 .11).
0.70); reap (to gain, 0.69); obtain (to G L O R IF Y (21) glorify (to worship, 1.00);
gain possession, 0.50); com pile (0.36); b le s s (to d e d ic a te to G o d , 0.84);
harvest (0.29); salvage (0.13); choose w orship (to perform acts o f worship,
(to select, 0.07). 0.76); beatify (0.75); elevate (to exalt,
G L ID E (15) glide (to m ove dow nw ard 0.75); idolize (0.75); praise (to speak or
gradually, 1.00); glide (to m ove gently, sing in w orship, 0.75); transfigure (to
1.00); slide (to m ove w ith a sliding exalt, 0.75); love (to be passionately
m otion, 0.88); m ove (to be in m otion, devoted, 0.67); canonize (0.58); exalt (to
0.86); flow (to m ove in one direction, praise, 0.50); idealize (0.50); sanctify
0.76); slip (0.75); skate (0.71); fly (to (0.50); admire (to have regard for, 0.46);
pass through the air, 0.69); coast (0.67); r e c o m m e n d (to le n d s u p p o r t or
skid (0.50); sw im (0.50); fly (to m anage approval, 0.32); com plim ent (to flatter,
a plane in the air, 0.42); slither (0.25); 0.26); adore (to worship, 0.25); embla­
roll (to flow, 0.29); sail (to fly, 0.20). zon (to proclaim, 0.25); ennoble (0.25);
G L IM M E R (7) glim m er (1.00); flash (to flatter (to praise unduly, 0.25); toast (to
give forth a light by flash, 0.95); blink honour by drinking liquor, 0.17).
(to tw inkle, 0.80); shine (to give forth G L O R Y (1) glory (to praise, 1.00).
light, 0.67); gleam (0.50); scintillate G L O S S to put a gloss upon (6) gloss
(0.50); radiate (to shed light or heat, (1.00); colour (to impart colour to, 0.97);
0.41). spread (to apply over a surface, 0.60);
enam el (0.50); varnish (0.24); sm ooth pain, 0.77); graze (to pasture, 0.69);
(to rem ove unevenness, 0.15). m asticate (0.67); chew (0.53); corrode
G L O S S to com m ent upon a w ord (1) (to destroy, 0.50); crunch (0.50); nibble
translate (to change into another lan­ (0.50); dam age (to im pair the value of,
guage, 0.10). 0.38).
G L O W to be h e a te d to a p o in t o f G O (27) go (to depart, 1.00); go (to
incandescense; to emit bright light and proceed, 1.00); go (to function, 1.00);
heat w ithout flam e; to shine; to be hot go (to fit or suit, 1.00); go (to extend,
(13) glow (1.00); heat (to becom e hot, 1.00); go (to belo n g , 1.00); go (to
0.94); shine (to give forth light, 0.57); elapse, 1.00); go (to fail, 1.00); go (to
shine (to reflect light, 0.57); radiate (to continue, 1.00); go (to appeal, 1.00);
shed light or heat, 0.52); flare (to flash, go (to die, 1.00); go (to end, 1.00); go
0.50); glare (to shine fiercely, 0.50); (to endure, 1.00); leave (to go away,
shim m er (0.50); thrill (to becom e ex­ 0.96); m ove (to be in motion, 0.96);
c ite d , 0 .5 0 ); b rig h te n (to b e c o m e retreat (to retire, 0.76); depart (to go
brighter, 0.40); flash (to give forth a away, 0.75); w ork (to function, 0.75);
light by flash, 0.32); blush (0.20); col­ disappear (0.68); hit (to fire in time; said
our (to take on colour, 0.20). o f an internal combustion motor), 0.63);
G L O W E R (5) glower (1.00); scowl (0.75); get (to become, 0.33); melt (to decrease,
glare (to stare fiercely, 0.70); sulk (0.33); 0.33); roll (to function, 0.33); travel (to
frown (0.22). m ove at a regular pace, 0.33); operate
G L O Z E (2) gloze (1.00); palliate (0.25). (to be in operation, 0.28); m ake (to
G L U E (4) glue (1.00); paste (0.83); fasten move, 0.25); run (to function, 0.25).
(to m ake som ething secure, 0.30); as­ G O A D (13) goad (1.00); anger (to arouse
sem ble (to put together, 0.20). som eone to anger, 0.88); spur (0.75);
G LU T to feed to repletion; to gratify (fig.) drive (to cause to move, 0.73); m oti­
(8) glut (to oversupply, 1.00); glut (to vate (0.65); incite (0.64); excite (to stir
eat to sa tie ty , 1 .0 0 );g o rg e (0 .6 7 ); one m entally, 0.56); bother (to give
ov ersell (0.67); q uench (to satisfy, trouble, 0.45); encourage (to raise the
0.50); pall (0.25); weary (to make weary, spirits, 0.36); fillip (to stimulate, 0.25);
0.24); satisfy (to m ake content, 0.09). hasten (to expedite, 0.23); urge (to
G N AR (4) snarl (0.80); grumble (to growl, drive, 0.20); enforce (to require compli­
0.79); g row l (to m ake a low, deep ance, 0.10).
sound, 0.50); bark (to em it a d o g ’s G O B B E T (1) chip (0.70).
characteristic sound, 0.27). G O B B L E to m ake a sound, about turkey
G N A R L (4) snarl (0.87); grum ble (to (1) gobble (to m ake a sound like a
growl, 0.86); growl (to make a low, deep turkey, 1.00).
sound, 0.25); bark (to em it a d o g ’s G O G G L E to roll the eyes about; to turn
characteristic sound, 0.18). eyes (2) gape (to stare, 0.75); glare (to
GNAW (10) gnaw (1.00); bite (to seize or stare fiercely, 0.40).
sever w ith teeth, 0.89); hurt (to cause G O R E to pierce or stab deeply with a
sh a rp w e a p o n (4) p u s h (to p re s s brin g to an agreem ent, 0.45); class
against, 0.64); bunt (to butt, 0.50); butt (0.25); rake (to use a rake, 0.20); classify
(to strike w ith the head, 0.36); penetrate (0.07); change (to make different, 0.01).
(to pierce, 0.26). G R A D U A T E (7) grad u ate (to give a
G O R G E (11) gorge (1.00); eat (to take as degree, 1.00); graduate (to receive a
food, 0.74); glut (to eat to satiety, 0.71); d eg ree, 1.00); m easu re (to apply a
feed (0.65); im bibe (to drink, 0.50); de­ standard o f m easurem ent, 0.86); pro­
vour (0.25); overeat (0.25); quench (to m ote (to advance in rank, 0.73); ad­
satisfy, 0.25); surfeit (0.25); satisfy (to vance (to prom ote in rank or station,
m a k e c o n te n t, 0 .1 3 ); g lu t (to 0.50); scale (to m easure, 0.13); change
oversupply, 0.06). (to m ake different, 0.03).
G O S S IP (7) gossip (1.00); chatter (0.75); G R A F T to insert as a graft into another
gab (0.75); ram ble (to speak or w rite tree (3) graft (to jo in for growth, 1.00);
aimlessly, 0.71); babble (0.67); talk (to splice (0.50); transplant (0.50). .
converse, 0.55); gabble (0.50). G R A N T (27) grant (to permit, 1.00); grant
G O U G E (4) dent (0.76); undercut (to ex­ (to ac ce p t as tru e, 1.00); g ran t (to
cavate, 0.25); cut (to cut into, 0.16); dig bestow , 1.00); give (to transfer, 0.96);
(to stir the earth, 0.12). allow (to perm it an action, 0.89); con­
G O V E R N (6) govern (1.00); officiate sider (to take into account, 0.89); pro­
(0.75); harness (0.63); restrain (to hold vide (to supply, 0.88); adm it (to ac­
in check, 0.54); direct (to decide the know ledge, 0.86); donate (0.75); em­
course o f affairs, 0.50); run (to cause pow er (0.75); present (to give, 0.75);
to function, 0.25). aw ard (0.67); ow n (to acknow ledge,
G O W N (1) clothe (0.61). 0.67); trust (to give credit to, 0.56); send
G R A B (11) grab (1.00); je rk (to m ove an (to d eliver, 0.55); b eq u eath (0.50);
object w ith a quick tug, 0.85); obtain concede (0.50); im part (to give, 0.50);
(to g a in p o s s e s s io n , 0 .7 9 ); c lu tc h lend (to im part, 0.50); let (to award;
(0.75); catch (to seize hold of, 0.73); nab sa id e sp e c ia lly o f co n tracts, 0.50);
(to seize, 0.67); tackle (0.60); seize (to co n trib u te (to give, 0.46); o ffer (to
grasp, 0.55); twitch (to pluck, 0.36); take p re se n t, 0 .3 8 ); c o n d e sc e n d (0.29);
(to catch, 0.33); kidnap (0.27). admit (to permit, 0.25); vote (0.25); bless
G R A C E (3) become (to be suitable, 0.50); (to give, 0.20); com m and (to issue an
flatter (to be becom ing to a w earer, order, 0.16).
0.50); decorate (0.34). G R A N U L A T E (3) granulate (1.00); grind
G R A D A T E (1) measure (to apply a stand­ (to pulverize, 0.74); harden (to make
ard o f m easurem ent, 0.49). less pervious, 0.64).
G R A D E (11) grade (1.00); measure (to ap­ G R A P P L E (13) grapple (to fasten, 1.00);
ply a standard o f m easurem ent, 0.89); grapple (to fight hand to hand, 1.00);
rate (to rank, 0.71); sm ooth (to rem ove tackle (0.90); w restle (0.67); fasten (to
unevenness, 0.69); sift (to put through m ake som ething secure, 0.63); struggle
a sieve, 0.60); tabulate (0.60); adjust (to (0.50); fight (to engage in an encounter,
0.48); seize (to grasp, 0.45); unite (to am used, 0.42); allow (to perm it an ac­
com e together, 0.42); feel (to exam ine tion, 0.33); regale (to feast, 0.25); sati­
by touch, 0.30); titillate (0.25); join (to ate (0.25); suit (to please, 0.25); feed
unite, 0.17); com pete (0.05). (0.06).
G R A SP (31) grasp (to clutch, 1.00); grasp G R A V E to dig; to engrave; to portray (2)
(to com prehend, 1.00); hold (to have in engrave (to prepare a plate for print­
o n e’s grasp, 0.97); understand (to com ­ ing, 0.38); carve (to form by cutting,
p re h e n d , 0.9 1 ); ab so rb (to ta k e in 0 .21 ).
mentally, 0.75); assim ilate (to under­ G R A V EL (1) pave (0.50).
stand, 0.75); com prehend (to under­ GRAVITATE (4) gravitate (1.00); descend
stand, 0.75); conceive (to understand, (to m ove lower, 0.84); drift (0.29); fall
0.75); retain (to hold, 0.67); clutch (0.50); (to pass quickly dow nw ard, 0.29).
grab (0.50); grip (0.50); paw (to strike, G R A Z E to rub or touch lightly (8) graze
0 .5 0 ); s n a tc h ( 0 .5 0 ) ; ta k e (to (to touch or to score lightly, 1.00);
com prehend, 0.50); hug (0.44); feel (to touch (to be in contact, 0.91); rub (to
examine by touch, 0.35); clench (0.33); subject to friction, 0.68); lick (to pass
snuggle (0.33); apprehend (to under­ the tongue over, 0.65); caress (0.63);
stand, 0.25); keep (to hold, 0.25); p en­ shave (to rem o v e a shaving, 0.60);
etrate (to understand, 0.25); perceive brush (to touch lightly, 0.25); glance
(to understand, 0.25); secure (to ob­ (to ricochet, 0.25).
ta in , 0 .2 5 ); w a k e (to b e g in to G R A Z E to feed on growing grass (3)
com prehend, 0.25); catch (to seize hold graze (to pasture, 1.00); farm (to do farm
of, 0.20); read (to understand by read­ work, 0.38); feed (0.10).
ing, 0.17); pinch (to squeeze, 0.13); reach G R E A S E (2) grease (1.00); baste (to dress
(to extend a part o f the body to , 0.13); m eat w ith fat, 0.50).
twitch (to pluck, 0.09); fasten (to m ake G R E E T to approach; to come up (7) greet
som ething secure, 0.02). (1.00); com plim ent (to congratulate,
G R A T E to scrape; to file; to abrade; to 0 .7 1 ); n o d (to m a k e a n o d d in g
excoriate (9) grate (1.00); grind (to m ovem ent, 0.71); smack (to kiss, 0.67);
pulverize, 0.83); rub (to subject to fric­ s m ile ( 0 .3 3 ) ; w a v e (to g iv e an
tion, 0.77); granulate (0.75); rasp (0.75); alternating movement, 0.29); salute (to
hurt (to cause pain, 0.58); chafe (to rub, address, 0.17).
0.50); creak (0.50); paw (to scrape with G R ID D L E to cook on a griddle (1) cook
the front foot, 0.13). (0.37).
G R A T IF Y (1 4 ) g r a tif y ( 1 .0 0 ) ; G R IE V E (17) grieve (1.00); mourn (to la­
acco m m o d ate (to ren d e r a serv ice, m ent, 0.91); m ope (0.88); brood (to
0.78); hum our (0.73); please (to give nurse o n e ’s troubles, 0.81); worry (to
pleasure, 0.67); entertain (to act as host indulge in worry, 0.70); bother (to be
or hostess, 0.65); satisfy (to m ake con­ disturbing, 0.53); lam ent (to express
tent, 0.56); quiet (to m ake calm, 0.50); sorrow, 0.50); pain (0.50); regret (to be
pam per (0.45); entertain (to keep others sorry for, 0.50); yearn (0.50); disturb (to
upset m ental calm, 0.48); suffer (to feel G R O A N (5) groan (LOO); m oan (0.75);
pain, 0.45); com plain (to express an sigh (0.50); m utter (to com plain, 0.25);
o b je ctio n , 0.34); annoy (to be d is­ cry (to w eep, 0.10).
turbing, 0.25); bem oan (0.25); fret (to G R O O M (2) groom (1.00); dress (to make
suffer annoyance, 0.25); ciy (to w eep, ready for show or use, 0.67).
0 .20). G R O P E (3) grope (LOO); venture (0.57);
G R IL L to broil (5) grill (to broil, 1.00); feel (to exam ine by touch, 0.39).
barbecue (0.75); sizzle (0.50); fry (0.44); G R O S S (2) gross (1.00); bring (to be
cook (0.20). w orth in sale, 0.50).
G R IL L to provoke; to annoy; to irritate G R O U N D (10) ground (to bring to the
(I) grill (to question closely, 1.00). ground, LOO); ground (to instruct in
G R IM A C E (3) frown (0.78); wince (0.40); essen tials, LOO); land (to bring an
scowl (0.25). airplane to earth, 0.80); teach (to drill,
G R IN to sm ile (5) grin (1.00); beam (to 0.71); fell (0.50); drop (to cause or to
smile, 0.75); simper (0.50); laugh (0.29); permit to fall, 0.40); lower (0.40); flatten
smile (0.17). (to m ake flat, 0.31); establish (to work
G R IN D to reduce to sm all particles by or settle in a perm anent place, 0.13);
crushing betw een tw o hard surfaces turn (to pivot, 0.13).
( I I ) grind (to pulverize, 1.00); grind G R O U P (14) group (LOO); paragraph
(to sharpen, 1.00); grind (to oppress, (0.83); assem b le (to bring together,
LOO); sharpen (to m ake keen, 0.83); 0.67); collate (to check, 0.50); distrib­
m unch (0.75); rub (to subject to fric­ ute (to classify, 0.50); line (to arrange
tion, 0.73); hurt (to cause pain, 0.52); in a line, 0.33); assort (0.25); cluster
g rate (0.50); chew (0.33); m a ch in e (0.25); place (to put in order, 0.25);
(0.33); file (to use an abrasive, 0.13). sep arate (to classify, 0.25); classify
G R IN D to set; to go down (3) strop (0.50); (0.22); gather (to com e together, 0.16);
adjust (to place or regulate parts, 0.35); heap (to place in a heap, 0.08); order
roll (to sm ooth w ith a roller, 0.14). (to put in order, 0.03).
G R IP to grasp or seize firm ly w ith the G R O U S E (1) hunt (to pursue with intent
hand; to catch; to close tightly (13) to kill, 0.17).
grip (1.00); hold (to have in one’s grasp, G R O V E L (3) grovel (1.00); wallow (0.83);
0.93); seize (to grasp, 0.85); grasp (to fawn (0.73).
clutch, 0.75); fasten (to m ake som e G R O W (21) grow (to becom e larger,
thing secure, 0.70); clench (0.67); keep 1.00); grow (to change slowly, 1.00);
(to hold, 0.50); tw itch (to pluck, 0.45); grow (to cultivate, 1.00); grow (to begin,
feel (to exam ine by touch, 0.26); clinch LOO); rise (to increase, 0.95); stretch
(to attach, 0.25); clutch (0.25); em brace (to becom e longer, 0.88); quicken (to
(to clasp, 0.25); catch (to seize hold of, in c re a se , 0 .7 5 ); w id en (to becom e
0.07). wider, 0.75); quicken (to com e or bring
G R IP E to grip (1) hurt (to cause pain, to life, 0.71); get (to becom e, 0.67);
0.42). change (to becom e different, 0.63);
swell (0.57); bloom (0.50); recover (to tend (to w atch over, 0.50); support (to
improve one’s condition, 0.45); form (to provide for, 0.33); lead (to conduct,
take form, 0.43); im prove (to becom e 0.29); garrison (0.25); oppose (to fight,
better, 0.41); p rogress (to im prove, 0.25); treasure (0.20).
0.33); liberalize (0.25); ram ble (to go in G U E S S (15) guess (to attem pt an answer
various directions, 0.23); rise (to m ove on inadequate evidence, 1.00); guess
upward, 0.19); strengthen (0.02). (to m ake a choice, alm ost at hazard,
G R O W L (8) growl (to m ake a low, deep 1.00); guess (to choose rightly on little
sound, 1.00); snarl (0.93); m utter (to or no evidence, 1.00); prize (0.75);
make a low, m um bling sound, 0.50); understand (to suppose, 0.75); estimate
rum ble (0.50); bark (to em it a d o g ’s (to m ake a rough guess, 0.65); believe
characteristic sound, 0.45); bark (to (to assum e, 0.50); call (to estim ate,
speak as though barking, 0.25); m ur­ 0.50); figure (to estimate, 0.50); surmise
mur (to mutter, 0.25); cry (to call (not o f (0.50); think (to suppose, 0.50); assume
human creatures), 0.13). (to take for granted, 0.41); assess (to
G RUB (1) grub (to clear land, 1.00). estim ate, 0.25); hazard (0.25); forecast
(to predict, 0.08).
G R U D G E (3) grudge (1.00); envy (0.80);
GUFFAW (1) laugh (0.82).
begrudge (0.67).
G U ID E (18) guide (to direct, 1.00); guide
G R U M B L E (10) grum ble (to com plain,
(to lead, 1.00); lead (to conduct, 0.94);
1.00); grum ble (to growl, 1.00); grum ­
advise (to give counsel, 0.90); command
ble (to m utter, 1.00); m utter (to com ­
(to have control, 0.82); pilot (0.75); point
plain, 0.75); snarl (0.73); com plain (to
(to direct, 0.75); prescribe (to give di­
express an objection, 0.61); m utter (to
rections, 0.75); ride (to control a beast
speak as if to oneself, 0.50); m um ble
o f burden by riding , 0.75); take (to
(0.40); mope (0.31); whine (0.23).
lead, 0.75); restrain (to hold in check,
G RU N T (5) grunt (1.00); snort (0.80); cry 0.73); m anage (to direct, 0.62); teach
(to call (not o f hum an creatures), 0.76); (to act as a teacher, 0.60); train (to di­
m utter (to speak as if to oneself, 0.67); rect grow th, 0.59); accom pany (to go
grumble (to growl, 0.57). w ith, 0.54); instruct (to teach, 0.33);
G U A R A N T E E (8) guarantee (to certify, control (to direct, 0.25); direct (to show
1.00); guarantee (to give security, 1.00); the way, 0.25).
guarantee (to prom ise, 1.00); vouch G U IL L O T IN E (3) decapitate (0.50); kill
(0.64); endorse (to indicate o ne’s active (to deprive o f life, 0.39); behead (0.25).
support, 0.62); underw rite (to support G U IS E (1) clothe (0.13).
financially, 0.50); defend (to support an G U L L to dupe; to cheat (2) deceive (0.29);
accused person, 0.39); prom ise (to give mislead (0.18).
o ne’s w ord, 0.23). G U L P (9) gulp (1.00); drink (to swallow
G U A R D (12) guard (to protect, 1.00); liquid, 0.88); gasp (0.88); devour (0.75);
guard (to w atch over, 1.00); shelter quaff (0.75); swallow (0.73); swill (0.67);
(0.72); secure (to protect, 0.67); accom ­ bite (to seize or sever with teeth, 0.56);
pany (to go w ith, 0.62); protect (0.50); chew (0.47).
G U M to treat with gum (1) glue (0.50). haggle (to m angle, 1.00).
G U R G L E (6) gurgle (1.00); bubble (0.85); H A IL to fall as hail in a show er (1) drop
boil (to seethe, 0.71); gobble (to m ake (to fall in drops, 0.04).
a sound like a turkey, 0.50); m urm ur (to H A IL to salute; to greet (8) hail (to salute,
m ake a low continuous sound, 0.33); 1.00); hail (to call to, 1.00); hail (to
flow (to issue forth, 0.32). praise, 1.00); greet (0.71); salute (to
G U S H (10) gush (to spout, 1.00); gush address,0.50); com plim ent (to congrat­
(to em it copiously, 1.00); em it (to ulate, 0.43); w ave (to give an alternat­
discharge, 0.88); flow (to issue forth, ing m ovem ent, 0.14); adm ire (to have
0.81); bubble (0.80); b abble (0.76); regard for, 0.04).
prattle (0.75); stream (0.75); bleed (to H A L L O O (1) yell (0.67).
issue as blood, 0.67); overflow (to flow H A L L O W to m ake holy; to sanctify; to
over the top, or out at a vent, 0.38). purify (8) hallow (1.00); celebrate (to
G U T (6) em bow el (to kill, 0.75); disem ­ recognize an occasion, 0.75); conse­
bow el (0.50); eviscerate (0.50); ransack crate (to dedicate to God, 0.75); dedi­
(to loot, 0.42); d estroy (to b rin g to cate (to co n secrate, 0.50); enshrine
nothing, 0.14); ravage (0.04). (0.50); sign (to consecrate, 0.50); bless
G U T T E R (1) furrow (0.25). (to dedicate to God, 0.47); sacrifice (to
G U Z Z L E (5) guzzle (1.00); drink (to con­ offer to a deity, 0.29).
sum e alcoholic liquor, 0.33); drink (to H A L L U C IN A T E (2) hallucinate (1.00);
sw allow liquid, 0.25); im bibe (to drink, dream (to have visions, usually during
0.25); quaff (0.25). sleep or fever, 0.80).
G Y P (1) gyp (1.00). H A L T to lame (3) limp (0.92); weaken (to
G Y R A T E (3) gyrate (1.00); w hirl (0.70); becom e weaker, 0.50); hobble (to move
turn (to pivot, 0.19). as though hobbled, 0.25).
G Y R E (3) turn (to pivot, 0.56); roll (to H A L T to stop tem porarily (13) halt (to
revolve, 0.50); whirl (0.20). cease, 1.00); halt (to cause to cease,
1.00); pause (0.80); checkm ate (0.75);
H end (to bring to a halt, 0.71); rest (to be
H A B IT U A T E (7) harden (to toughen, still, 0.67); prevent (0.63); defeat (to
0.85); use (to m akea practice o f (in w orst in war, 0.56); loiter (0.55); desist
past), 0.56); haunt (to frequent p ersist­ (0.50); arrive (to com e to a place, 0.36);
ently, 0.50); inure (0.50); patronize (to suspend (to cease tem porarily, 0.15);
trade with, 0.50); familiarize (0.40); teach stammer (0.11).
(to drill, 0.06). H A L V E (3) halve (1.00); divide (to sepa­
H A C K (6) hack (1.00); chip (0.90); cough rate by parting, 0.47); bisect (0.33).
(0.67); m aim (0.64); haggle (to mangle, H A M M E R (4) ham m er (1.00); drive (to
0.50); kill (to deprive o f life, 0.41). force w ith blow s, 0.73); hit (to strike,
H A C K L E to cut roughly; to m angle (3) 0.68); beat (to strike repeatedly, 0.25).
chip (0.57); clean (0.22); com b (0.21). H A M P E R (15) ham per (1.00); delay (to
H A G G L E (2) haggle (to bargain, 1.00); cause a delay, 0.89); trammel (0.86); bur­
den (0 .8 1 ); fetter (to co n fin e, 0.75); by hanging , 1.00);hang (to depend,
hinder (0.71); halt (to cause to cease, 1.00); kill (to deprive o f life, 0.82);
0.67); tangle (0.67); encum ber (0.50); drape (0.78); lynch (0.75); fit (to be
stall (to delay, 0.50); opp ress (0.39); suitable in size and shape, 0.67); paper
bind (to co n strain w ith b onds, 0.38); (0.67); crucify (to kill by crucifixion,
em b arrass (to hinder, 0.33); restra in 0.50); execute (to put to death, 0.50);
(to h o ld in check, 0.31); co m p lic ate punish (0.49); festoon (0.25); die (to
(0 .20 ). cease living, 0.22).
H A M ST R IN G (5) hamstring (1.00); man­ H A P P E N (5) happen (to be by chance,
gle (to mutilate, 0.64); damage (to impair 1.00); happen (to occur, 1.00); follow
the value of, 0.46); hinder (0.30); m aim (to result, 0.67); offer (to occur, 0.50);
(0.05). result (0.39).
HAND (1) hand (1.00). H A R A N G U E (3) address (to speak to an
H A N D C U F F (3) enchain (to confine, assembly, 0.36); preach (0.30); declaim
0.50); bind (to constrain w ith bonds, (0.25).
0.41); trammel (0.06). H A R A S S (17) harass (to annoy an indi­
H A N D IC A P (4) hinder (0.87); burden vidual, 1.00); harass (to m ake small,
(0 .6 9 ); o p p ress (0 .4 8 ); c o m p lic a te persistent attacks, 1.00); persecute (to
(0.07). oppress, especially for religious rea­
H A N D L E (25) handle (to deal in, 1.00); sons, 0.91); tire (to m ake a person
h an d le (to touch, 1.00); h an d le (to exhausted, 0.85); oppress (0.78); badger
direct, 1.00); handle (to do w hatever is (0.75); infest (to sw arm , 0.75); bother
necessary, 1.00); wield (0.93); drive (to (to g iv e tro u b le , 0 .7 0 ); d isa p p o in t
manage a propelled vehicle, 0.88); field (0.70); haunt (to prey upon, 0.61); weary
(0.83); restrain (to hold in check, 0.81); (to m ake weary, 0.56); grind (to op­
finger (to feel, 0.75); m anipulate (0.75); press, 0.50); irk (0.50); pester (0.50);
paw (to handle clumsily, 0.75); feel (to abuse (to treat badly, 0.34); chafe (to
exam ine by touch, 0.74); caress (0.68); annoy, 0.25); disturb (to upset mental
m anage (to direct, 0.68); pay (to give calm, 0.24).
payment, 0.50); treat (to deal with a per­ H A R B O U R (9) harbour (to protect, 1.00);
son or thing, 0.50); use (to behave to­ harbour (to consider, 1.00); harbour (to
ward, 0.50); dip (to transfer by m eans keep h idden , 1.00); shelter (0.61);
o f a vessel, 0.47); hold (to have in on e’s cherish (to hold dear, 0.58); board (to
grasp, 0.41); collect (to arrange settle­ take care of, 0.50); cherish (to tend
ment o f a debt, 0.40); conduct (to m an­ solicitously, 0.50); hide (to conceal,
age, 0.33); truck (to traffic in, 0.33); 0.43); im agine (to visualize mentally,
exercise (to use, 0.27); ease (to m ove 0.33).
carefully, 0.15); ride (to control a beast H A R D E N (12) harden (to make less per­
o f burden by riding ,0.13). vious, 1.00); harden (to becom e less
H A NG (14) hang (to suspend, 1.00); hang penetrable, 1.00); harden (to toughen,
(to be suspended, 1.00); hang (to kill 1.00); stiffen (to cause to becom e stiff,
0.94); unite (to com e together, 0.83); pain, 0.67); haunt (to prey upon, 0.27).
form (to take form , 0.79); strengthen H A R R Y (5) harry (to raid, 1.00); harry
(0.74); freeze (to change to a solid state, (to harass, 1.00); harass (to m ake small,
0.67); tighten (to becom e tight, 0.67); persistent attacks, 0.50); ravage (0.33);
tem per (to toughen or harden, 0.58); bother (to give trouble, 0.30).
sear (to dry by searing, 0.50); w eather H A R V E S T (2) harvest (1.00); profit (to
(to expose to the w eather, 0.15). derive gain, 0.11).
H A R K (3) hark (1.00); hear (to perceive H A S H (3) m ash (0.88); m ince (to chop,
by ear, 0.7-8); listen (to endeavour to 0.50); m angle (to mutilate, 0.36).
hear, 0.43). H A S T E (2) scamper (0.25); race (to move
H A R M (10) harm (1.00); abuse (to treat at great speed, 0.19).
badly, 0.92); injure (0.75); m ar (to dam ­ H A S T E N (11) hasten (to m ake haste,
age slightly, 0.75); m istreat (0.75); hurt 1.00); hasten (to expedite, 1.00); hurry
(to cause pain, 0.72); lacerate (to injure, (to act hastily, 0.86); dart (to move
0.50); m ishandle (0.50); corrupt (to quickly, 0.75); scam per (0.75); drive (to
debase, 0.37); poison (0.21). urge on, 0.74); bustle (0.67); rush (0.67);
H A R M O N IZ E (17) harmonize (to render run (to go sw iftly by physical effort,
harm onic, 1.00); harm onize (to accord 0.66); race (to m ove at great speed,
w ith one another, 1.00); agree (0.92); 0.65); send (to dispatch, 0.47).
fit (to be suitable in character, 0.79); H A T C H to bring forth young birds (6)
co n so rt (to be in agreem en t, 0.75); hatch (to bring forth, 1.00); hatch (to
coordinate (0.75); orchestrate (0.75); plan, 1.00); incubate (0.75); reproduce
m atch (to be alike, 0.67); attune (to (to multiply, 0.53); set (to brood, 0.50);
adjust, 0.50); cohere (to be logically produce (to bear, 0.11).
connected, 0.50); coincide (to corre­ H A T C H to cut; to engrave or draw a
spond, 0.50); organize (to put in order, series o f lines (1) engrave (to prepare
0.45); reconcile (to bring into harmony, a plate for printing, 0.13).
0.38); conform (0.31); go (to fit or suit, H A T C H E L to dress w ith h atchel; to
0.25); follow (to regulate o n e’s action, hackle (2) clean (0.30); comb (0.14).
0.20); b alance (to place in balance, H A T E (2) hate (to detest, 1.00); dislike
0.15). (0.62).
H A R N E S S (5) h a rn e ss (1 .0 0 ); y o k e H A U L (10) haul (1.00); tow (0.88); yank
(0.68); restrain (to hold in check, 0.62); (0.78); drag (to pull an object, 0.75);
gear (to prepare, 0.50); w ear (to use as truck (to send by truck, 0.75); tug
clothing or personal ornam ent, 0.10). (0.50); lure (to draw, 0.25); team (0.25);
H A R R O W to break up (4) harrow (to carry (to tran sp o rt, 0.24); draw (to
use a harrow on land, 1.00); plough (to m ove an object, 0.14).
use a plough, 0.56); drag (to pulverize, H A U N T (4 ) h a u n t (to f re q u e n t
0.50); frighten (to alarm, 0.06). persistently, 1.00); haunt (to frequent
H A R R O W to harry; to rob; to spoil (3) as a spirit, 1.00); haunt (to prey upon,
harrow (to torment, 1.00); hurt (to cause 1.00); attend (to go to, 0.20).
HAVE (9) have (to be in possession of, encourage, 0.33); assure (to encourage,
1.00); have (to bear, 1.00); have (to be 0.25); encourage (to raise the spirits,
obliged; used w ith infinitive, 1.00); 0.24); support (to uphold, 0.16).
have (to have sexual intercourse with, H E A T (9) heat (to m ake hot, 1.00); heat
1.00); own (to possess, 0.82); m onopo­ (to becom e hot, 1.00); radiate (to shed
lize (0.53); must (0.25); reserve (to retain, light or heat, 0.89); toast (to brown
0.25); m aintain (to keep ready for use, b rea d , 0 .8 3 ); ele c trify (to p ro v id e
0 .21 ). electricity, 0.69); steam (to cook, 0.67);
HAW K (2) peddle (0.75); hunt (to pur­ warm (0.50); fix (to prepare a meal, 0.33);
sue w ith intent to kill, 0.26). bum (to subject to fire, 0.09).
H A ZA R D (12) hazard (1.00); gam ble (to H E A V E (14) heave (to raise laboriously,
take chances, 0.75); chance (to take a 1.00); heave (to raise and fall, 1.00);
chance, 0.73); bet (0.64); com prom ise heave (to throw, 1.00); raise (to lift,
(to dam age o n e’s honour, 0.50); risk 0.63); beat (to pulsate, 0.55); dart (to
(0.50); speculate (to gam ble in busi­ m ove in the m anner o f a dart, 0.53);
ness, 0.50); undertake (0.31); im peril elevate (to lift bodily, 0.50); lob (0.50);
(0.25); play (to gam ble, 0.25); venture project (to throw, 0.50); surge (to swell,
(0.21); dare (to be courageous, 0.11). 0.50); toss (to m ove up and dow n,
HEAD (3) head (1.00); command (to have 0.50); throw (to hurl, 0.47); pry (to
control, 0.63); precede (0.40). m ove with a lever, 0.31); hurl (0.25).
H E A L (6) heal (to cure, 1.00); heal (to H E C K L E (3) heckle (1.00); bother (to give
recover, 1.00); knit (to grow together, trouble, 0.65); upbraid (0.56).
0.75); mend (to repair, 0.75); recover (to H E C T O R to bully; to tease; to torm ent
regain health, 0.60); recuperate (0.50). (2) persecute (to oppress, especially
H EAP (5) heap (to place in a heap, 1.00); for religious reasons, 0.87); bluster
heap (to am ass, 1.00); accum ulate (to (0.18).
amass, 0.88); charge (to load, 0.50); H E D G E (5) trim (to refuse to take a stand,
load (to place a load, 0.37). 0.83); equiv o cate (0.75); tem porize
H EA R (6) hear (to perceive by ear, 1.00); (0.75); defend (to keep o ff an enemy,
hear (to receive inform ation orally, often f ig ., 0.35); hinder (0.25).
1.00); try (to conduct a trial, 0.83); lis­ H E E D (11) heed (1.00); respect (to treat
ten (to endeavour to hear, 0.29); learn w ith consideration, 0.80); entertain (to
(to acquire mentally, 0.13); discover (to consider, 0.75); follow (to observe,
find, 0.06). 0.67); m ind (to give o n e’s attention,
H E A R K E N (4) hearken (1.00); hear (to 0.67); regard (to look at, 0.57); care (to
perceive by ear, 0.89); listen (to endeav­ be careful, 0.50); m ind (to obey, 0.50);
our to hear, 0.57); hark (0.50). note (to notice, 0.50); see (to perceive
H E A R T E N (9) hearten (1.00); fortify (to w ith the eye, 0.45); see (to witness,
strengthen physically or em otionally, 0 .20).
0.83); gladden (0.73); com fort (to con­ H E E L to m ove to heel; to furnish with a
sole, 0.50); strengthen (0.43); brace (to heel (2) heel (1.00); hunt (to pursue
w ith intent to kill, 0.61). w aver (0.73); doubt (to entertain doubt,
H E E L to lay on her side, said o f a ship (1) 0.60); stam m er (0.56); delay (to make a
lean (to incline, 0.04). delay, 0.50); retard (to daw dle, 0.33);
H E IG H T E N (13) h eighten (to increase, totter (to stagger, 0.08).
1.00); heighten (to raise, 1.00); becom e H E W (10) hew (1.00); carve (to form by
(to be suitable, 0.75); enhance (0.75); cutting, 0.95); chip (0.93); cut (to sever,
intensify (0.75); increase (to add to, 0.86); chisel (to work with a chisel, 0.50);
0.74); exaggerate (0.68); escalate (0.67); cleave (to split, 0.50); cut (to hit sharply,
boost (to increase, 0.50); exacerbate 0.50); build (to construct, 0.29); prepare
(to aggravate, 0.50); rise (to increase, (to make oneself ready, 0.26); divide (to
0.50); crown (to empower with a crown, separate by parting, 0.18).
0.29); develop (to im prove, 0.14). H IB E R N A T E (4) hibernate (1.00); veg­
H E L P (15) help (to aid, 1.00); help (to etate (to stagnate, 0.75); sleep (0.53);
assist in recovery, 1.00); help (to serve hide (to keep o n eself concealed, 0.33).
at table, 1.00); help (to im prove, 1.00); H ID E to put or keep out o f sight (11) hide
a c co m m o d ate (to ren d e r a se rv ic e, (to conceal, 1.00); hide (to keep oneself
0 .9 7 ); c o r r e c t (to m a k e n e e d e d concealed, 1.00); palliate (0.90); shelter
corrections, 0.91); encourage (to give (0.83); sub lim ate (to repress, 0.75);
support, 0.83); rem edy (0.83); prom ote sneak (0.55); fly (to flee from danger,
(to further, 0.82); support (to uphold, 0.50); pock et (0.50); retreat (to retire,
0.81); underw rite (to support fin an ­ 0.38); envelop (0.25); evade (to use
cially, 0.80); soothe (0.47); com fort (to trickery to avoid a sharp issue, 0.15).
console, 0.33); serve (to serve at table, H IE (2) race (to m ove at great speed,
0.25); w ait (to attend at table, 0.22). 0.52); hasten (to m ake haste, 0.49).
H E M to edge or border (a garm ent); to H IG H JA C K (1) hijack (0.75).
decorate w ith a b order (2) face (to put H IG H L IG H T (1) emphasize (0.90).
facing on goods, 0.70); jo in (to adjoin, H IJ A C K (1) hijack (1.00).
0.08). H IK E (9) hike (to tramp, 1.00); tramp (to
H E M IS E C T (1) bisect (0.67). w ander afoot, 0.80); trek (0.75); wander
H E N P E C K (1) henpeck (1.00). (to stroll, 0.75); w alk (to m ove on foot,
H E R A L D (7) herald (1.00); advertise (to 0.70); exercise (to move the body, 0.69);
m ake public, 0.92); em blazon (to pro ­ plod (0.50); prom enade (0.50); peram ­
claim , 0.75); precede (0.70); notify (to bulate (to ramble, 0.25).
provide w ith inform ation, 0.58); p o r­ H IL L to heap (2) heap (to place in a heap,
tend (0.25); greet (0.12). 0.54); bank (to heap earth or similar ma­
H E R D to go in a herd (1) drive (to cause terial, 0.25).
to move, 0.87). H IN D E R (22) hinder (1.00); tram mel
H E R M IT IZ E (1) hide (to keep o n eself (0.94); check (to slacken the pace, 0.90);
concealed, 0.67). burden (0.85); trip (to cause to stumble,
H E S IT A T E (9) hesitate (1.00); linger (to 0.80); interdict (0.75); stop (to prevent,
go reluctantly, 0.82); dilly-dally (0.75); 0 .7 5 ); fo rb id (0 .6 4 ); a n tic ip a te (to
forestall, 0.63); oppress (0.57); halt (to bind (to constrain w ith bonds, 0.31);
cause to cease, 0.51); balk (to frustrate, consolidate (to cause to unite, 0.19);
0.50); incapacitate (0.50); m olest (to yoke (0.16); limp (0.15).
disturb people, 0.48); bother (to give H IT C H H IK E (1) hostel (0.50).
trouble, 0.38); slow (to cause to become H O A R D (9) hoard (1.00); accumulate (to
slower, 0.35); taboo (0.27); com m and amass, 0.96); pile (to amass, 0.75); con­
(to have control, 0.25); d w arf (to keep centrate (to bring or com e together,
sm all, 0.25); stall (to delay, 0.25); 0.73); deposit (to present m oney for
com plicate (0.23); m eddle (to interfere safekeeping, 0.54); am ass (0.50); hide
in others’ affairs, 0.18). (to conceal, 0.29); harvest (0.14); ob­
H IN G E (1) hinge (1.00). tain (to gain possession, 0.03).
H IN T (3) hint (1.00); w arn (0.67); com ­ H O A X (4) defraud (0.75); deceive (0.57);
municate (to impart information, 0.20). catch (to trick, 0.33); mislead (0.27).
H IR E (9) hire (to employ, 1.00); hire (to H O B B L E (13) hobble (to restrict, 1.00);
let, 1.00); enlist (to enroll others, 0.91); hobble (to m ove as though hobbled,
rent (to obtain use by paym ent, 0.83); 1.00); hitch (to m ove with a jerk, 0.75);
let (to rent, 0.50); take (to rent, 0.50); shackle (0.75); shamble (0.75); trammel
borrow (to receive tem porarily, 0.43); (0.74); lag (to move without spirit, 0.25);
com m ission (0.23); assign (to delegate enslave (0.23); limp (0.23); com plicate
to a specific purpose, 0.22). (0.13); hinder (0.08); bind (to constrain
HISS (7) hiss (to m ake a hissing sound, w ith b o n d s , 0 .0 7 ); lin g e r (to go
1.00); hiss (to condem n, 1.00); w histle reluctantly, 0.04).
(to produce a shrill blast, 0.62); upbraid H O B N O B (1) hobnob (1.00).
(0.53); splutter (to spit, 0.25); w hizz H O G (1) glut (to eat to satiety, 0.57).
(0 .2 2 ); cry (to call (not o f hu m an H O G T IE (1) hogtie (1.00).
creatures), 0.16). H O IS T (7) elevate (to lift bodily, 0.75);
H IT (17) hit (to astound, 1.00); hit (to lift (0.75); sling (to suspend, 0.75); raise
bump against, 1.00); hit (to fire in time; (to lift, 0.69); boost (to raise, 0.50);
said o f an internal com bustion m otor), heave (to raise laboriously, 0.50); pry
1.00); hit (to strike, 1.00); collide (to (to m ove w ith a lever, 0.38).
come into violent contact, 0.75); dash H O L D (55) hold (to have in o n e’s grasp,
(to strike violently, 0.75); peck (0.50); 1.00); hold (to have in o n e’s posses­
scourge (to whip, 0.50); stun (to render sion, 1.00); hold (to remain firm, 1.00);
unconscious, 0.50); attack (to assault hold (to adhere, 1.00); hold (to be valid,
(of an individual), 0.40); beat (to thrash, 1.00); hold (to believe, 1.00); hold (to
0.34); stab (0.27); thrash (to chastise, contain, 1.00); hold (to support; often
0.25); operate (to be in operation, 0.21); u s e d w ith u p , 1 .0 0 ); r e s is t (to
box (to fight for sport, 0.20); w ash (to withstand, 0.95); dam (0.93); include (to
border upon, 0.17); thum p (0.11). contain, 0.93); own (to possess, 0.91);
H IT C H (7) hitch (to harness, 1.00); hitch believe (to accept as true, 0.83); delay
(to move with a jerk, 1.00); fidget (0.36); (to cause a delay, 0.77); accept (to be­
lieve, 0.75); detain (0.75); m easure (to spect, 1.00); honour (to recognize as
c o n ta in b y m e a s u r e m e n t, 0 .7 5 ); valid, 1.00); honour (to recognize worth,
possess (0.75); shelve (to postpone, 1.00); adm ire (to have regard for, 0.92);
0.75); truss (to support, 0.75); halt (to cherish (to hold dear, 0.83); bless (to
cause to cease, 0.73); occupy (to fill dedicate to God, 0.79); ennoble (0.75);
space, 0.71); read (to contain w hen s ig n a liz e ( 0 .7 5 ) ; a p p r e c ia te (to
read, 0.71); consider (to regard, 0.70); recognize worth, 0.71); com plim ent (to
check (to halt, 0.67); contain (to restrict, c o n g ra tu la te , 0 .6 4 ); co m m em o rate
0.67); support (to uphold, 0.66); fasten (0.50); glorify (to w orship, 0.50); wor­
(to m ake som ething secure, 0.61); feel ship (to adore, 0.50); celebrate (to rec­
(to believe, 0.60); enjoy (to have the ognize an occasion, 0.44); favour (to
use of, 0.50); nail (to fasten w ith nails, have a preference, 0.38); hail (to salute,
0.50); stand (to endure, 0.50); tag (to fit 0.25); lionize (0.25); raise (to advance
w ith a tag, 0.50); com m and (to have in rank, 0.25); solem nize (0.25); praise
co n tro l, 0 .4 9 ); m o n o p o liz e (0 .4 7 ); (to com m end, 0.14).
restrain (to hold in check, 0.46); defend H O O D (1) top (to apply topping, 0.58).
(to keep off an enemy, often f ig ., 0.41); H O O D W IN K (4) hoodw ink (1.00); de­
love (to express love by caresses, 0.40); ceive (0.33); mystify (0.25); pretend (to
imprison (0.38); ravish (to charm, 0.36); feign, 0.19).
receive (to take into one’s charge, 0.35); H O O K (11) hook (to curve in the shape
field (0.33); have (to be in possession o f a hook, 1.00); hook (to catch on a
of, 0.33); prolong (0.33); rest (to be still, hook, 1.00); grapple (to fasten, 0.75);
0.33); stand (to be situated, 0.33); take je rk (to m ove an object w ith a quick
(to consider, 0.33); think (to believe, tug, 0.54); catch (to seize hold of, 0.47);
0.33); enslave (0.29); stick (to rem ain butt (to strike with the head, 0.43); hang
fastened, 0.27); hope (0.25); refer (to (to suspend, 0.33); ram (to strike head-
concern, 0.22); comprise (0.16); stop (to on, 0.25); draw (to m ove an object,
halt, 0.10); be (to have being, 0.05). 0.23); hitch (to harness, 0.13); arch
H O LID A Y (2) summ er (0.33); fete (0.25). (0.08).
H O L L O W (4) hollow (1.00); dent (0.94); H O O T (4) hoot (1.00); cry (to call (not of
deepen (to cause to grow deeper, 0.50); hum an creatures), 0.92); yelp (0.25); yell
undercut (to excavate, 0.50). (0 .21 ).
H O M E ST E A D (1) farm (to do farm work, H O P to spring (9) hop (1.00); dance (to
0.31). m ove in a gay manner, 0.95); bounce
H O M O L O G A T E (1) approve (to give ap­ (to m o v e suddenly, 0.71); jitterb u g
proval, 0.26). (0.67); bounce (to rebound, 0.56); jump
H O N E to sharpen on a hone (4) hone (to leap across or up, 0.38); hitch (to
(1.00); w het (0.75); sharpen (to m ake m ove w ith a jerk, 0.25); tram p (to tread
keen, 0.50); strop (0.25). heavily, 0.10); step (0.07).
H O N K (1) honk (1.00). H O P E (2) hope (1.00); wish (to express a
H O N O U R (20) honour (to treat w ith re­ desire, 0.92).
H O R N (2) butt (to strike w ith the head, b ark (to em it a d o g ’s characteristic
0.29); bunt (to butt, 0.25). sound, 0.64); cry (to weep, 0.55); yell
H O R N IF Y (1) harden (to m ake less per­ (0.54); baw l (to m ake a bello w in g
vious, 0.81). sound, 0.50); bay (0.50); w histle (to
H O R R IF Y (5) horrify (1.00); shock (to produce a shrill blast, 0.31).
disturb o n e ’s sense o f propriety, 0.77); H U D D L E (4) huddle (1.00); cuddle (to
appal (0.50); terrify (0.50); frighten (to nestle, 0.33); gather (to com e together,
alarm, 0.32). 0.21); concentrate (to bring or come
H O R S E W H IP (1) beat (to thrash, 0.52). together, 0.02).
H O SP IT A L IZ E (1) quarantine (0.60). H U G (8) hug (1.00); love (to express love
H O S T to receiv e as a guest (3) host by caresses, 0.50); hold (to have in
(1.00); entertain (to act as host or host­ o n e’s grasp, 0.45); pet (to m ake love,
ess, 0.18); receive (to m ake w elcom e, 0.33); w elcom e (0.33); huddle (0.18);
0.17). stick (to rem ain fastened, 0.18); cherish
H O S T E L (2) hostel (1.00); lodge (to b e­ (to hold dear, 0.04).
come fixed, 0.33). H U L K to loom bulkily (1) loom (to ap­
H O U N D (8) hound (1.00); hunt (to pur­ pear large or imposing, 0.50).
sue w ith intent to kill, 0.87); haunt (to H U L L (1) hull (1.00).
prey upon, 0.76); pursue (to chase, H U M to sound (8) hum (1.00); w hine
0.71); drive (to cause to m ove, 0.47); (0.85); purr (0.83); drone (to m ake a
' obsess (0.25); spy (to act as a spy, c o n tin u o u s sound, 0.67); sound (to
0.21); oppress (0.17). m ake a noise, 0.64); buzz (0.50); zoom
H O U S E to receive or put into a house; (0.17); whizz (0.11).
enter a house; to protect w ith a roof H U M A N IZ E (2) humanize (1.00); civilize
(5) accom m odate (to provide lodging, (0.61).
0 .8 8 ); d e fe n d (to p ro v id e g e n e ra l H U M B L E (6) hum ble (1.00); chasten (to
p rotection, 0.37); cover (to protect, punish, 0.96); humiliate (0.83); dampen
0 .2 5 ); q u a r te r (to p r o v id e liv in g (to discourage, 0.75); disgrace (0.54);
quarters, 0.17); shelter (0.11). m aster (to conquer, 0.25).
H O U S E B R E A K (2) dom esticate (0.25); H U M B U G (1) deceive (0.10).
steal (0.21). H U M ID IFY (1) moisten (0.46).
H O V E R (8) hover (1.00); hesitate (0.68); H U M IL IA T E (5) humiliate (1.00); chas­
fly (to pass through the air, 0.62); ten (to punish, 0.92); sham e (0.75);
loiter (0.38); impend (to threaten, 0.25); insult (0.65); humble (0.56).
set (to brood, 0.25); loom (to appear H U M O U R (9) hum our (1.00); pam per
large or im posing, 0.17); hang (to be (0.55); gratify (0.50); satisfy (to make
suspended, 0.09). content, 0.50); allow (to perm it an ac­
H O W L (14) howl (1.00); cry (to call (not tion, 0.37); entertain (to keep others
o f h u m an cre atu res), 0.97); storm amused, 0.35); accommodate (to render
(0.91); w hoop (0.90); bellow (0.75); a service, 0.22); baby (0.19); grovel
ejaculate (0.75); yelp (0.75); roar (0.71); (0.17).
H U M P (1) arch (0.15). have uncom fortable effect, 0.50); maim
H U N C H (4) hunch (1.00); bow (to bend, (0.41); corrupt (to debase, 0.35); rankle
0.62); squat (0.50); arch (0.31). (0.29); impair (to damage, 0.25); pommel
H U N G E R (1) languish (to want, 0.75). (0.25).
H U N T (8) hunt (to pursue w ith intent to H U R T L E (7) hurtle (1.00); dart (to move
kill, 1.00); hunt (to try to find, 1.00); in the m anner o f a dart, 0.65); whizz
track (to follow by evidence, 0.86); (0.56); crash (to fall with a crash, 0.50);
rout (0.76); spy (to act as a spy, 0.43); parachute (0.25); jerk (to m ove an ob­
explore (0.40); drive (to cause to move, je c t w ith a quick tug, 0.15); jum p (to
0.33); act (to perform an action, 0.03). vibrate, 0.07).
H U R D L E (4) hurdle (1.00); vault (0.75); H U SB A N D (4) econom ize (0.89); main­
gallop (0.60); jum p (to leap across or tain (to keep ready for use, 0.42); retain
up, 0.15). (to keep, 0.33); farm (to do farm work,
H U R L (13) hurl (1.00); emit (to discharge, 0.25).
0.91); bow l (in cricket, to pitch, 0.75); H U S H to silence; to quiet (5) hush (1.00);
dash (to throw, 0.75); heave (to throw, decrease (to m ake less, 0.82); fade (to
0.75); pitch (to throw, 0.75); sling (to dim inish in sound, 0.75); m uzzle (to
throw, 0.75); toss (to throw easily, 0.75); silence, 0.18); hide (to conceal, 0.14).
deliver (to throw, 0.50); fire (to shoot, H U S K to rem ove the husk o f corn (4)
0.33); cast (to throw, 0.25); send (to hull (0.75); unw rap (0.32); skin (0.25);
project, 0.25); slam (to throw w ith a shell (0.20).
slam, 0.25). H U S T L E (7) hustle (to hurry, 1.00); mob
H U R R Y (17) hurry (to act hastily, 1.00); (0.75); race (to m ove at great speed,
hurry (to m ove rapidly, 1.00); hurry (to 0.55); drive (to cause to m ove, 0.53);
urge others, 1.00); race (to m ove at great hasten (to m ake haste, 0.46); bustle
speed, 0.94); run (to go sw iftly by (0.33); solicit (to tem pt for sexual pur­
physical effort, 0.93); expedite (0.75); poses, 0.17).
hasten (to m ake haste, 0.74); hasten (to H Y B R ID IZ E (2) mix (to blend, 0.74); cross
expedite, 0.46); w hizz (0.44); drive (to (to mix breeds, 0.50).
u rg e on, 0.43); q u ick en (to hasten, H Y D R O L IZ E (1) analyze (to subject to
0.33); dash (to sprint, 0.25); precipitate analysis, 0.43).
(0.25); steam (to speed, 0.25); m ove (to H Y P E R B O L IZ E (2) exaggerate (0.36);
be in m otion, 0.21); step (0.20); trot overdo (to do too m uch, 0.33).
(0.14). H Y P N O T IZ E (6) hypnotize (to put in a
H U R T (17) hurt (to cause pain, 1.00); hurt trance, 1.00); hypnotize (to charm, 1.00);
(to harm , 1.00); hurt (to distress, 1.00); entrance (to put into a trance, 0.75);
hurt (to give a feeling o f pain, 1.00); enchain (to attract, 0.50); transfix (to
abuse (to treat badly, 0.94); bother (to fascinate, 0.25); ravish (to charm, 0.07).
be disturbing, 0.76); ply (to beat, 0.75); H Y P O T H E S IZ E (6) postulate (to theo­
w rong (0.75); stab (0.60); scar (0.54); rize, 0.75); generalize (to m ake gener­
crack (to dam age, 0.50); disagree (to ally applicable, 0.60); assum e (to take
for granted, 0.44); guess (to attem pt an disobey (0.78); cancel (to annul, 0.75);
answer on inadequate evidence, 0.41); forget (to neglect accidentally, 0.75);
sp ecu late (to think, 0.30); th e o rize om it (to neglect, 0.75); snub (to slight,
(0.25). 0.75); disregard (0.67); rebuff (to reject,
0.62); elide (to suppress, 0.50); pass (to
I refuse to act, 0.50); shrug (0.50); shun
ICE (3) ice (to becom e covered with ice, (0.40); n eg lect (to fail to attend to
1.00); ice (to cover w ith icing, 1.00); responsibilities, 0.38); neglect (to treat
freeze (to change to a solid state, 0.33). with indifference, 0.31); disdain (0.25);
ID E A L IZ E (4) idealize (1.00); dream (to refuse (0.21).
e n te r ta in or d e lu d e o n e s e lf w ith IL L U M E (2) light (to provide light, 0.57);
im agined things, 0.33); civilize (0.22); illuminate (to make lighter, 0.25).
decorate (0.05). IL L U M IN A T E (13) illuminate (to deco­
ID EA TE (1) think (to exam ine w ith the rate, 1.00); illuminate (to explain, 1.00);
mind, 0.92). illu m in a te (to m ak e lighter, 1.00);
ID E N T IF Y (11) identify (1.00); class enlighten (to bring supposed spiritual
(0.75); distinguish (to m ake distinc­ truth, 0.86); light (to provide light, 0.86);
tions, 0.69); distinguish (to provide an explain (0.82); describe (0.78); irradiate
identification, 0.67); nam e (to give a (0.75); radiate (to shed light or heat,
name, 0.56); mark (to make a mark, 0.50); 0.67); decorate (0.59); shine (to give
discover (to find, 0.45); characterize (to forth light, 0.33); illustrate (to adorn
distinguish, 0.25); detect (to find out, w ith illu stratio n s, 0.25); co lour (to
0.25); enum erate (0.25); label (0.25). im part colour to, 0.06).
ID EN TU RE (1) enslave (0.61). IL L U M IN E (6) illumine (to explain, 1.00);
ID LE (11) idle (1.00); loaf (to do nothing illum ine (to light up, 1.00); enlighten
useful, 0.94); spend (to pass time, 0.89); (to b rin g su p p o se d sp iritu a l truth,
lounge (0.67); dally (to trifle, 0.50); daw­ 0.93); radiate (to shed light or heat,
dle (0.50); drone (to loaf, 0.33); linger 0.93); light (to provide light, 0.71); shine
(to go reluctantly, 0.25); piddle (0.25); (to give forth light, 0.38).
wait (to await, 0.20); loiter (0.03). IL L U S T R A T E (15) illustrate (to adorn
ID O L A T R IZE (1) canonize (0.25). w ith illustrations, 1.00); illustrate (to
ID O L IZ E (5) idolize (1.00); love (to be make clear by illustration, 1.00); explain
passionately devoted, 0.53); canonize (0.88); com m ent (to annotate, 0.75);
(0.33); cherish (to hold dear, 0.13); display (to advertise, 0.75); exem plify
admire (to have regard for, 0.12). (0.75); illum inate (to decorate, 0.75);
IG N IT E (5) ignite (1.00); fire (to set on define (to provide a name or description
fire, 0.67); bum (to subject to fire, 0.64); , 0.61); elucidate (0.50); explicate (0.50);
shoot (to d ischarge, 0.50); heat (to describe (0.41); photograph (0.38); plan
becom e hot, 0.44). (to arrange in a prelim inary way, 0.38);
IG N O R E (17) ignore (1.00); scorn (to dem onstrate (to explain, 0.33); teach (to
refuse as a m atter o f principle, 0.89); act as a teacher, 0.10).
IM A G IN E (14) imagine (to visualize men­ • illustration, 0.11).
tally, 1.00); visualize (0.83); dream (to IM M E R G E (2) soak (to drench, 0.79);
e n te r ta in o r d e lu d e o n e s e lf w ith merge (0.13).
im agined things, 0.78); doubt (to raise IM M E R S E (11) im m erse (to put under
a q u estion, 0.75); play (to pretend, water, 1.00); immerse (to engross, 1.00);
0.75); think (to suppose, 0.75); guess baptize (to cleanse sacramentally, 0.86);
(to attem pt an answ er on inadequate soak (to drench, 0.86); w ash (to bathe,
, evidence, 0.65); think (to exam ine with 0.69); sink (to cause to sink, 0.50);
the mind, 0.58); feign (0.50); assume (to su b m e rg e (to go d o w n w ard , 0.50);
take for granted, 0.32); trust (to hope, occupy (to absorb attention, 0.43); sink
0.25); com pose (to create, 0.18); guess (to go downw ard, 0.18); wallow (0.17);
(to m ake a choice, alm ost at hazard, flood (0.14).
0.17); p roduce (to create by m ental IM M IG R A T E (4) immigrate (1.00); emi­
effort, 0.17). grate (0.50); colonize (0.33); migrate
IM B E D (2) em bed (to put in, 0.93); insert (0.25).
(to put in, 0.67). IM M O L A T E (2) sacrifice (to offer to a
IM B IB E (8) imbibe (to absorb, 1.00); im ­ deity, 0.71); kill (to deprive of life, 0.68).
bibe (to drink, 1.00); learn (to acquire IM M O R T A L IZ E (1) immortalize (1.00).
mentally, 0.81); carouse (0.67); engulf IM M U N IZ E (3) inoculate (0.75); vaccinate
(0.67); absorb (to take in by absorption, (0.75); nurse (0.65).
0.29); drink (to sw allow liquid, 0.13); IM M U R E (4) enslave (0.81); imprison
swallow (0.09). (0.69); punish (0.63); entom b (to im­
IM B R U E (1) soak (to drench, 0.50). prison, 0.25).
IM B U E (12) imbue (1.00); enclose (to shut IM P A C T (1) em bed (to put in, 0.07).
up or shut in, 0.86); instill (0.81); ingrain IM PA IR (16) impair (to damage, 1.00); im­
(0.75); soak (to rem ain in liquid, 0.71); p a ir (to w eak en , 1.00); d ead en (to
indoctrinate (0.50); transfuse (0.50); in­ reduce life or its evidence, 0.93); abuse
je c t (to include, 0.45); train (to direct (to treat badly, 0.88); underm ine (to
growth, 0.35); colour (to im part colour enfeeble, 0.75); destroy (to bring to
to, 0.13); cook (0.10); teach (to act as a nothing, 0.62); m aim (0.55); cut (to
teacher, 0.07). weaken, 0.50); corrupt (to debase, 0.43);
IM IT A T E (13) im itate (to follow the ravage (0.41); weaken (to make weaker,
example of, 1.00); imitate (to mimic, 1.00); 0.40); disable (0.33); crack (to damage,
im itate (to copy, 1.00); im itate (to 0 .2 5 ); a d u lte ra te (0 .2 3 ); w ea r (to
r e s e m b le , 1 .0 0 ); s im u la te (0 .8 6 ); consum e by w earing, 0.13); w reck (to
represent (to serve as an equivalent, bring to ruin, 0.13).
0.82); pretend (to feign, 0.81); follow IM P A L E (3) impale (1.00); stick (to pen­
(to regulate o n e ’s action, 0.80); forge etrate w ith a point, 0.50); penetrate (to
(0.39); adopt (to take as o n e ’s own, pierce, 0.35).
0.38); em ulate (0.25); reflect (to throw IM P A N E L to em panel (1) list (to enter in
back, 0.22); illustrate (to m ake clear by a list, 0.09).
IM PART (14) impart (to give, 1.00); impart require com pliance, 0.30); em bolden
(to inform , 1.00); co m m u n icate (to (0.25); spur (0.25); throw (to send forth,
im part inform ation, 0.98); reveal (to 0.08); com m and (to have control, 0.07);
divulge, 0.86); give (to transfer, 0.85); excite (to activate, 0.05).
recite (to relate in detail, 0.77); divulge IM P E N D (6) im pend (to threaten, 1.00);
(0.67); hint (0.64); instill (0.54); declare im pend (to project, 1.00); overhang (to
(to adm it to o n e’s possessions, 0.46); hang over, 0.50); approach (to come near
grant (to perm it, 0.25); tell (to inform , in tim e, 0.38); hang (to be suspended,
0.24); send (to deliver, 0.18); display 0 .1 8 ); lo o m (to a p p e a r la rg e or
(to present for effect, 0.08). imposing, 0.06).
IM P E A C H (6) im peach (1.00); depose IM PE N E T R A T E (1) instill (0.08).
(0.50); dismiss (to remove an employee, IM P E R IL (6) imperil (1.00); jeopardize
0.31); denounce (0.25); upbraid (0.13); (0.75); endanger (0.67); threaten (to im­
accuse (0.03). pend, 0.60); expose (to open to danger,
IM PED E (27) impede (1.00); hinder (0.99); 0.50); com prom ise (to dam age on e’s
tram m el (0.97); check (to slacken the honour, 0.25).
pace, 0.85); discourage (to restrain, IM PER SO N A T E (12) impersonate (1.00);
0 .8 3 ); fo re c lo s e (to h in d e r, 0 .7 5 ); imitate (to mimic, 0.93); act (to take part
ham per (0.75); delay (to cause a delay, in a play, 0.89); mime (0.75); play (to act
0 .7 3 ); in te rru p t (to h in d e r, 0 .6 7 ); in a play, 0.75); perform (to present a
prevent (0.59); curb (0.50); prohibit (to perform ance, 0.54); enact (to act, 0.33);
hinder, 0.50); thw art (0.50); halt (to present (to give a play, 0.33); ape (0.25);
cause to cease, 0.48); bother (to give echo (0.25); mimic (to imitate, 0.25); rep­
trouble, 0.35); bar (to hinder, 0.33); resent (to serve as an equivalent, 0.18).
com plicate (0.33); slow (to cause to be­ IM P IN G E (3) impinge (to infringe upon,
com e slower, 0.30); baffle (to hinder, 1.00); im pinge (to hit, 1.00); crash (to
0.25); occlude (0.25); preclude (0.25); have a collision, 0.64).
retard (to hinder, 0.25); m eddle (to IM P L A N T (16) implant (1.00); embed (to
interfere in oth ers’ affairs, 0.24); dam put in, 0.67); train (to direct growth,
(0.13); burden (0.12); bar (to raise a 0.65); instill (0.58); inject (to include,
physical obstruction, 0.10); oppose (to 0.55); em bed (to fix, 0.50); fix (to make
fight, 0.05). firm , 0.50); inculcate (0.50); bury (to
IM P E L (20) impel (to urge, 1.00); impel embed, 0.33); bed (0.25); impregnate (to
(to press, 1.00); drive (to urge on, 0.96); infuse, 0.25); indoctrinate (0.25); infuse
m otivate (0.94); incite (0.89); push (to (0.25); enclose (to shut up or shut in,
m ove by p u sh in g , 0.89); b eg in (to 0.14); interject (0.07); teach (to act as a
initiate, 0.82); force (to use force, 0.81); teacher, 0.03).
coerce (to force, 0.75); m ove (to set in IM P L E M E N T (4) implement (1.00); equip
motion, 0.75); urge (to drive, 0.73); slide (to supply, 0.25); fit (to equip, 0.25);
(to cause to slide, 0.67); goad (0.59); provide (to supply, 0.04).
roll (to cause to roll, 0.57); enforce (to IM PL IC A T E (9) implicate (to imply, 1.00);
im plicate (to involve, 1.00); involve (0 .6 2 ); se n te n c e (0 .5 6 ); confiscate
(0.87); incrim inate (0.75); denounce (0.50); enclose (to shut up or shut in,
(0.72); entangle (0.63); accuse (0.44); 0.50); jail (0.33); park (0.22); seize (to
com plicate (0.43); include (to contain, take by force, 0.17); restrain (to hold in
0.21). check, 0.08).
IM P L O R E (11) implore (1.00); beg (to ask IM P O V E R IS H (4) impoverish (1.00); ruin
earnestly or im portunately, 0.89); urge (to cause to becom e bankrupt, 0.90);
(to induce, 0.78); beseech (0.75); plead w aste (to squander, 0.29); w eaken (to
(to beg, 0.75); pray (to call upon God, make weaker, 0.15).
0.67); entreat (0.60); grovel (0.54); IM P R E C A T E (2) curse (to swear at, 0.81);
conjure (to appeal to, 0.50); im portune dam n (to sw ear at, 0.50).
(0.25); invite (to ask politely, 0.08). IM P R E G N A T E (10) im pregnate (to
IM P L Y (19) im ply (to indicate, 1.00); infuse, 1.00); im pregnate (to permeate,
imply (to mean, 1.00); imply (to assume, 1.00); impregnate (to beget, 1.00); breed
1.00);hint (0.82); connote (0.75); denote (to pro create, 0.75); fructify (0.75);
(0.75); foreshadow (0.75); insinuate (to inject (to include, 0.64); instill (0.62);
m ake an indirect hint, 0.75); present (to reproduce (to multiply, 0.33); merge
suggest, 0.75); signify (0.75); suggest (0.25); propagate (to beget, 0.13).
(to bring to mind, 0.75); intimate (0.50); IM P R E S S to apply with pressure (5) im­
m ean (to have as m eaning, 0.50); pur­ press (to m ake an im pression, 1.00);
port (0.50); assum e (to take for granted, print (to m ake an im pression, 0.75);
0.47); matter (to be o f importance, 0.44); stam p (0.75); m ark (to m ake a mark,
im port (to signify, 0.33); prom pt (to 0.55); inscribe (0.25).
suggest, 0.33); be (to m ean, 0.25). IM P R E S S to take or seize authority (.10)
IM P O R T (8) im port (to bring in, 1.00); im press (to com m and respect, 1.00);
import (to signify, 1.00); imply (to mean, influence (0.91); affect (to have an ef­
0.75); carry (to transport, 0.72); m ean fect upon, 0.75); dazzle (0.75); steal
(to have as m eaning, 0.67); m atter (to (0.59); instill (0:38); em phasize (0.25);
be o f im portance, 0.56); signify (0.50); inculcate (0.25); loom (to appear large
interject (0.21). or imposing, 0.22); kidnap (0.09).
IM P O R T U N E (6) importune (1.00); pray IM P R IN T (7) imprint (1.00); mark (to make
(to ask or beg, 0.75); beseech (0.50); a mark, 0.86); dent (0.59); print (to make
beg (to ask earnestly or im portunately, an im pressio n , 0.50); stam p (0.50);
0.47); court (to w oo, 0.47); invite (to b ran d (0 .2 5 ); im p ress (to m ake an
ask politely, 0.16). impression, 0.25).
IM P O S E (5) im pose (1.00); force (to use IM P R IS O N (6) imprison (1.00); enslave
force, 0.38); com m and (to issue an or­ (0.94); arrest (to seize legally, 0.75);
der, 0.32); administer (to minister, 0.19); picket (to enclose, 0.75); persecute (to
challenge (to claim, 0.17). oppress, especially for religious rea­
IM P O U N D (10) im pound (to im prison, sons, 0.61); enclose (to shut up or shut
1.00); impound (to seize, 1.00); imprison in, 0.29).
IM PR O V E (21) improve (to make better, m aim (0.82); disqualify (to disable,
1.00); improve (to becom e better, 1.00); 0.75); disarm (to deprive o f weapons,
repair (0.85); revive (to take on new life, 0.53); deaden (to reduce life or its
0.82); recover (to regain health, 0.80); e v id e n c e , 0 .5 0 ); d e b ilita te (0 .2 5 );
correct (to m ake needed corrections, indispose (to disqualify, 0.25); sterilize
0.77); em end (to edit, 0.75); proofread (0.25); w eaken (to make weaker, 0.20);
(0.75); brighten (to becom e brighter, dam age (to im pair the value of, 0.14).
0.60); reform (to change into a new form, IN C A R C E R A T E (10) incarcerate (1.00);
0.59); edify (0.50); furbish (to restore, enslave (0.90); imprison (0.77); entomb
0.50); prom ote (to further, 0.50); revise (to im prison, 0.75); jail (0.67); punish
(0.47); adjust (to place or regulate parts, (0.66); arrest (to seize legally, 0.58);
0.42); rem odel (0.41); recruit (to gather im pound (to im prison, 0.50); sentence
n ee d ed re so u rc e s, 0 .3 6 ); grow (to (0.44); confine (to imprison, 0.33).
change slowly, 0.32); cultivate (to edu­ IN C A R N A T E (1) substantiate (to actu­
cate, 0.25); reclaim (to reform , 0.25); alize, 0.25).
regulate (to adjust, 0.16). IN C E N S E to kindle; to set on fire (4)
IM PR O V ISE (5) improvise (1.00); extem­ incense (1.00); enrage (0.75); inflame
porize (0.67); contrive (to invent, 0.50); (to arouse em otions, 0.75); anger (to
invent (to create or discover, 0.50); whis­ arouse som eone to anger, 0.64).
tle (to produce a tune by w histling, IN C H (3) inch (1.00); worm (0.67); lag (to
0.14). m ove slowly, 0.30).
IM PU G N (6) im pugn (1.00); im peach IN C IN E R A T E (4) incinerate (1.00); bum
(0.73); denounce (0.63); censure (0.50); (to su b je c t to fire, 0 .7 7 ); b urn (to
d o u b t (to e n te r ta in d o u b t, 0 .4 0 ); oxidize, 0.75); heat (to make hot, 0.23).
upbraid (0.33). IN C IS E (9) incise (to cut, 1.00); incise (to
IM P U T E (9) im pute (to attribute, 1.00); engrave, 1.00); cut (to cut into, 0.89);
impute (to charge, 1.00); attribute (0.71); chip (0.77); carve (to form by cutting,
im plicate (to involve, 0.70); accuse 0.68); engrave (to prepare a plate for
(0.63); attach (to attribute, 0.50); blam e printing, 0.44); chisel (to w ork with a
(to hold responsible for, 0.25); charge chisel, 0.25); enchase (0.25); divide (to
(to accuse, 0.25); com plain (to express separate by parting, 0.16).
an objection, 0.18). IN C IT E (13) incite (1.00); enforce (to re­
IN A U G URA TE (9) inaugurate (1.00); be­ quire com pliance, 0.90); drive (to urge
gin (to initiate, 0.91); crown (to empower on, 0.83); m otivate (0.82); encourage
w ith a crow n, 0.67); start (to cause to (to raise the spirits, 0.76); enkindle (to
start, 0.67); open (to b eg in , 0.50); stim ulate, 0.75); tem pt (0.73); urge (to
commission (0.37); initiate (0.25); install induce, 0.53); engender (0.50); start (to
(0.25); introduce (to begin, 0.25). arouse, 0.50); influence (0.49); excite (to
IN C A N D E S C E (1) heat (to becom e hot, stir one mentally, 0.44); stimulate (0.25).
0.81). IN C L IN E (13) incline (to cause to lean or
INCAPACITATE (10) incapacitate (1.00); bend, 1.00); incline (to lean, 1.00); incline
(to tend toward, 1.00); dip (to fall, 0.83); •recover (to im prove o n e ’s condition,
stoop (to bow or bend, 0.75); bow (to 0 .82); accru e (0.75); sw ell (0.71);
bend, 0.54); tip (0.50); turn (to change c h a n g e (to m ak e d iffe re n t, 0.58);
direction, 0.42); slant (0.33); bend (to p ro sp er (0.54); flourish (to prosper,
force out o f a straight line, 0.27); list 0.50); lengthen (to grow longer, 0.50);
(to lean, 0.25); tend (to have a tendency liberalize (0.50); luxuriate (to flourish,
(tow ard), 0.14); persuade (to influence, 0.50); w iden (to m ake wider, 0.43);
0.11). stretch (to becom e longer, 0.38); sup­
IN C L O S E (4) inclose (1.00); restrict (to plement (0.38); widen (to become wider,
hold w ithin limits, 0.59); ring (to encir­ 0.38); p rom o te (to advance in rank,
cle, 0.42); close (to come together, 0.20). 0.33); thrive (to grow vigorously, 0.27);
IN C L U D E (5) include (to contain, 1.00); broaden (0.25); exacerbate (to aggra­
include (to place into or am ong, 1.00); vate, 0.25); fatten (to grow fat, 0.25);
comprise (0.79); refer (to concern, 0.56); spread (to extend, 0.22); im prove (to
rank (to evaluate, 0.20). becom e better, 0.18).
IN C O M M O D E (3) incom m ode (1.00); IN C R IM IN A T E (6) incriminate (1.00); ac­
tram m el (0.51); hurt (to cause pain, cuse (0.72); denounce (0.69); involve
0.01). (0.60); censure (0.24); impeach (0.20).
IN C O N V E N IE N C E (3) discom m ode IN C R U S T (3) incrust (1.00); glaze (0.82);
(0.75); incom m ode (0.50); bother (to be line (to provide a lining, 0.60).
disturbing, 0.12). IN C U B A T E (3) incubate (1.00); set (to
IN C O R P O R A T E (19) incoiporate (to in­ brood, 0.75); brood (to hatch, 0.50).
clude, 1.00); incoiporate (to organize, IN C U L C A T E (6) inculcate (1.00); indoc­
1.00); associate (to form an organiza­ trin a te (0 .7 5 ); en lig h te n (to bring
tion, 0.86); enlist (to enroll others, 0.77); supposed spiritual truth, 0.64); imbue
classify (0.76); em body (to organize, (0.50); teach (to act as a teacher, 0.37);
0.75); m ix (to blend, 0.68); include (to instill (0.19).
place into or among, 0.67); seize (to take IN C U L PA T E (1) accuse (0.53).
b y fo rc e , 0 .6 4 ); c e n tra liz e (0 .5 0 ); IN C U R (4) incur (1.00); catch (to con­
include (to contain, 0.50); synthesize tract a disease, 0.60); sicken (to con­
(0.50); com prise (0.37); consolidate (to tra c t a d ise a se , 0 .5 0 ); co n tra ct (to
cause to unite, 0.29); cover (to include, catch, said o f diseases, 0.33).
0.25); encom pass (to include, 0.25); IN D E B T (1) accom m odate (to render a
refer (to concern, 0.11); accum ulate (to service, 0.28).
am ass, 0.08); absorb (to take in by ab­ IN D E M N IF Y (4) indem nify (to repay,
sorption, 0.07). 1.00); indem nify (to answ er for, 1.00);
IN C R A S S A T E (1) harden (to m ake less refund (to return, 0.69); repay (to pay
pervious, 0.24). back, 0.38).
IN C R E A S E (24) increase (to add to, IN D E N T to inlay; to sever (10) indent
1.00); increase (to grow, 1.00); grow (to (1.00); dent (0.82); impress (to make an
becom e larger, 0.96); strengthen (0.85); im pression, 0.75); nick (0.75); notch
(0.75); cut (to cut into, 0.63); pick (to IN D IV ID U A L IZ E (3) define (to provide
use a pointed instrum ent, 0.50); curl a nam e or description, 0.79); distin­
(to tw ist, 0.46); hollow (0.33).print (to g u ish (to m ak e d istin ctio n s, 0.63);
make an impression, 0.25). designate (to specify, 0.10).
INDEX (9) index (1.00); file (to arrange in IN D IV ID U A T E (1) define (to provide a
order, 0.83); tabulate (0.73); order (to nam e or descrip tio n , 0.50).
put in order, 0.38); list (to enter in a list, IN D O C T R IN A T E (10) in d o c trin ate
0 .3 4 ); c a ta lo g u e (0 .2 5 ); n am e (to (1.00); brainw ash (0.75); enlighten (to
indicate by name, 0.25); classify (0.09); bring supposed spiritual truth, 0.57);
enroll (to prepare a roll, 0.06). ground (to instruct in essentials, 0.50);
INDICATE (26) indicate (to signify, 1.00); im pregnate (to infuse, 0.50); propa­
indicate (to designate, 1.00); m ean (to gandize (0.50); predispose (to prepare,
have as m eaning, 0.94); m anage (to 0.33); teach (to act as a teacher, 0.33);
direct, 0.92); designate (to specify, 0.90); civilize (0.26); imbue (0.25).
adm it (to confess, 0.86); intend (to IN D O R S E (2) indorse (1.00); endorse (to
mean, 0.75); purport (0.75); m ark (to
inscribe o n e’s name, 0.57).
designate, 0.71); adm it (to acknow l­
IN D U C E (28) induce (to prevail on, 1.00);
edge, 0.69); prom pt (to suggest, 0.67);
induce (to cause, 1.00); ease (to m ove
testify (to dem onstrate, 0.67); read (to
carefully, 0.92); invite (to ask politely,
co n tain w hen read, 0.57); refer (to
0.88); tempt (0.82); convince (0.79); en­
mention, 0.53); im ply (to m ean, 0.50);
gender (0.75); impel (to urge, 0.75);
jo t (0.50); hint (0.41); assign (to desig­
b e g in (to in itia te , 0 .6 8 ); in fe r (to
nate, 0.33); cite (to refer to as author­
conclude, 0.67); persuade (to influ­
ity, 0.25); connote (0.25); infer (to im ­
ence, 0.67); satisfy (to convince, 0.67);
ply, 0.25); prefigure (0.25); underline (to
enlist (to request assistance, 0.64); drive
em phasize, 0.25); declare (to adm it to
(to urge on, 0.61); excite (to activate,
o n e’s possessions, 0.23); em phasize
0.55); m otivate (0.53); draw (to lure,
(0.10); signal (0.10).
0.50); incite (0.50); lobby (0.50); seduce
IN D IC T to charge w ith an offence (12)
(0.48); affect (to have an effect upon,
indict (1.00); denounce (0.84); accuse
(0.78); charge (to accuse, 0.75); sue 0 .2 5 ); a s su re (to c o n v in c e , 0 .2 5 );
(0.73); im peach (0.60); blam e (to hold instigate (0.25); spearhead (0.25); move
responsible for, 0.50); pen (to w rite, (to aro u se the em o tio n s of, 0.23);
0.33); prosecute (to involve in a legal generalize (to m ake generally applica­
action, 0.33); arraign (0.25); com plain ble, 0.20); influence (0.20); understand
(to express an objection, 0.16); bring (to com prehend, 0.12).
(to initiate a legal action, 0.09). IN D U C T (6) induct (1.00); install (0.75);
IN D IS P O S E (2) indispose (to disqualify, receive (to m ake welcome, 0.75); enlist
1.00); indispose (to discourage, 1.00);. (to enroll others, 0.59); enclose (to shut
IN D IT E (1) w rite (to com pose in w ords, up or shut in, 0.21); recruit (to raise
0.50). troops, 0.14).
IN D U L G E (16) indulge (to humour, 1.00); IN F E S T to attack; to annoy; to assail (3)
indulge (to tolerate, 1.00); indulge (to infest (to contam inate, 1.00); infest (to
tak e p art in, 1.00); h u m o u r (0.93); sw arm , 1.00); h au n t (to prey upon,
pam per (0.82); gratify (0.75); revel (to 0.58).
indulge oneself, 0.75); treat (to pay for IN F IL T R A T E (11) infiltrate (1.00); adul­
an o th er’s entertainm ent, 0.71); w aste terate (0.80); attack (to fight offensively
(to s q u a n d e r, 0 .7 1 ); p a tro n iz e (to (arm y), 0.74); instill (0.73); interject
a s su m e a c o n d e s c e n d in g a ttitu d e , (0.50); penetrate (to perm eate, 0.50);
0.60); suffer (to perm it, 0.54); satisfy soak (to drench, 0.43); insinuate (to
(to m ake content, 0.53); entertain (to force a w ay into, 0.40); m ix (to blend,
keep o th e r s am u sed , 0 .2 9 ); 0.38); enter (to enter physically, 0.15);
ac co m m o d ate (to ren d e r a se rv ic e, filter (to soak slowly, 0.15).
0.25); allow (to perm it an action, 0.22); IN F L A M E (14) inflame (to irritate, 1.00);
baby (0.13). in flam e (to arouse em otions, 1.00);
IND U RA TE (3) harden (to toughen, 0.88); inflam e (to cause physical soreness,
tem per (to toughen or harden, 0.32); 1.00); inflame (to bum, 1.00); excite (to
h arden (to m ake less pervious, 0.21). stir one m entally, 0.94); heat (to make
IN D U ST R IA L IZ E (1) mechanize (0.50). hot, 0.90); light (to cause to ignite, 0.75);
IN E B R IA T E (3) inebriate (1.00); befud­ fire (to set on fire, 0.56); enkindle (to
dle (0.67); fuddle (0.43). ignite, 0.50); stir (to excite, 0.50); strike
INFATUATE (1) infatuate (1.00). (to light, 0.50); fire (to anim ate, 0.25);
IN F E C T (10) infect (1.00); poison (0.93); anger (to arouse som eone to anger,
adulterate (0.77); envenom (to poison, 0.12); rankle (0.07).
0.75); corrupt (to debase, 0.63); con­ IN F L A T E (11) inflate (to fill w ith air or
tam inate (0.50); infest (to contam inate, gas, 1.00); inflate (to distend, 1.00); rise
0.50); taint (to pollute, 0.50); inflame (to (to sw ell; said u su ally o f dough or
cause physical soreness, 0.29); dam age batter, 0.75); blow (to give form by
(to im pair the value of, 0.02). inflation, 0.67); pad (to increase, 0.44);
IN F E R (17) infer (to conclude, 1.00); infer stretch (to cause to stretch, 0.43); rise
(to assume, 1.00); infer (to imply, 1.00); (to increase, 0.35); swell (0.29); distend
reason (to seek a reasonable explana­ (0.25); fill (to pour to the capacity of
tion ,0.83); guess (to attem pt an answ er the container, 0.08); stiffen (to cause
on in ad eq u ate evidence, 0.82); hint io becom e stiff, 0.06).
(0.77); gather (to conclude, 0.75); imply IN F L E C T (3) inflect (1.00); m odulate
(to assu m e, 0 .75); co n stru e (0.50); (0.75); change (to make different, 0.73).
ju d g e (to fo rm an o p in io n , 0 .5 0 ); IN F L IC T (5) inflict (to deal, 1.00); inflict
present (to suggest, 0.50); suggest (to (to impose, 1.00); visit (to afflict, 0.50);
bring to mind, 0.50); forecast (to predict, force (to use force, 0.44); com m and (to
0.31); m ention (0.31); intim ate (0.25); issue an order, 0.11).
u n d e rsta n d (to co m p re h en d , 0 .18); IN F L U E N C E (12) influence (1.00); move
assum e (to take for granted, 0.06). (to aro u se th e em o tio n s of, 0.92);
operate (to produce an effect, 0.89); (0.50); madden (0.50).
urge (to induce, 0.84); bias (0.75); in­ IN F U S E (14) infuse (1.00); instill (0.96);
cite (0.54); com m and (to have control, colour (to im part colour to, 0.94); in­
0.44); bribe (0.25); direct (to decide the sinuate (to force a way into, 0.80); adul­
course o f affairs, 0.25); point (to direct, terate (0.66); train (to direct growth,
0.25); win (to convince, 0.14); fascinate 0.41); distil (0.38); interject (0.36); soak
(0.08). (to rem ain in liquid, 0.29); transfuse
INFOLD to envelope; to enclose (2) com­ (0.25); m ash (0.24); inject (to include,
plicate (0.90); com prise (0.32). 0.18); m ix (to blend, 0.15); enclose (to
IN FO L D to shut up in a fold (1) infold shut up or shut in, 0.07).
( 1.00). IN G E S T (2) absorb (to take in by absorp­
INFORM (23) inform (1.00); communicate tion, 0.86); imbibe (to drink, 0.75).
(to impart inform ation, 0.95); notify (to IN G R A IN (2) ingrain (1.00); interject
provide w ith inform ation, 0.91); hint (0.71).
(0 .8 6 ); w arn (0 .7 8 ); e n lig h te n (to IN G R A TIA TE (2) ingratiate (1.00); insinu­
provide inform ation or understanding, ate (to force a way into, 0.60).
0.75); report (to deliver inform ation, IN G U R G IT A T E (2) absorb (to take in by
0.75); alert (0.67); anim ate (to give life absorption, 0.64); swallow (0.18).
to, 0.67); direct (to teach, 0.67); advise IN H A B IT (7) inhabit (1.00); dwell (0.86);
(to give counsel, 0.41); declare (to live (to dwell, 0.67); rem ain (to stay,
speak formally and emphatically, 0.41); 0.67); abide (to reside, 0.50); locate (to
reveal (to divulge, 0.41); advise (to give take up resid en ce, 0.50); h aunt (to
information, 0.33); undeceive (0.33); ac­ frequent as a spirit, 0.25).
quaint (0.25); counsel (0.25); disabuse IN H A L E (6) inhale (1.00); breathe (to
(0.25); disadvantage (0.25); advertise draw breath, 0.80); w h iff (0.75); smell
(to m ake public, 0.21); preach (0.20); (to use the sense o f smell, 0.57); smoke
teach (to act as a teacher, 0.17); talk (to (to use smoke, especially from tobacco,
converse, 0.15). 0.33); sniff (0.25).
IN F R IG ID A T E (1) cool (to cause to be­ IN H E R E (1) b elo n g (to be p roperly
come cool, 0.25). placed, 0.50).
IN F R IN G E (10) infringe (1.00); encroach IN H E R IT (4) inherit (1.00); receive (to
(0.75); entrench (to trespass, 0.50); vio­ take into o n e’s charge, 0.78); obtain (to
late (to transgress, 0.50); m eddle (to gain possession, 0.21); recover (to im ­
in te rfe re in o th e r s ’ a ffa irs, 0 .4 7 ); prove o n e ’s condition, 0.18).
oppose (to fight, 0.35); interrupt (to IN H IB IT (14) inhibit (1.00); taboo (0.93);
b reak in on, 0.33); diso b ey (0.26); hinder (0.84); check (to bring under
trespass (to intrude, 0.25); transgress control, 0.79); forbid (0.79); command
(0.14). (to issue an order, 0.57); halt (to cause
IN FU RIA TE (5) infuriate (1.00); anger (to to cease, 0.52); discourage (to restrain,
arouse som eone to anger, 0.94); excite 0.50); restrain (to hold in check, 0.50);
(to stir one m entally, 0.72); enrage delay (to cause a delay, 0.45); detain
(0 .2 5 ); p rev e n t (0 .25); p ro h ib it (to instill (0.65); nurse (0.59).
hinder, 0.25); abolish (0.14). IN Q U IR E (17) inquire (to ask about,
IN H U M E (3) bury (to inter, 0.83); entomb 1.00); inquire (to seek into, 1.00); ques­
(to bury the dead, 0.25); inter (0.25). tion (to ask, 0.93); enquire (0.75); ask
I N IT IA L (2) engrave (to carve upon, (to inquire, 0.68); test (0.67); catechize
0.50); underw rite (to subscribe, 0.50). (to question, 0.50); reconnoitre (0.50);
IN IT IA T E (13) initiate (1.00); receive (to seek (to find out, 0.50); hunt (to try to
make welcome, 0.83); institute (to begin, find, 0.41); ch a llen g e (to question,
0.75); activate (0.50); inaugurate (0.50); 0.33); request (to ask, 0.33); scour (to
induct (0.50); undertake (0.44); begin search, 0.33); solicit (to ask, 0.25); study
(to initiate, 0.41); enlist (to enroll others, (to endeavour to learn, 0.20); pry (to
0.36); set (to start, 0.33); make (to cause, endeavour to discover, 0.07); meddle
0.25); open (to begin, 0.25); teach (to (to interfere in o th ers’ affairs, 0.06).
act as a teacher, 0.20). IN S C R IB E (10) inscribe (1.00); write (to
I N J E C T (10) inject (to vaccinate, 1.00); set dow n in w riting, 0.89); address (to
inject (to include, LOO); instill (0.77); provide directions for delivery, 0.80);
in te rp o late (0.75); tran sfu se (0.75); direct (to w rite directions on a letter or
include (to place into or am ong, 0.42); package, 0.75); record (to w rite down,
insert (to introduce, 0.25); interpose (to 0.68); enroll (to prepare a roll, 0.50); list
insert, 0.25); insinuate (to force a w ay (to en ter in a list, 0.50); rep o rt (to
into, 0.20); vaccinate (0.13). record, 0.50); enlist (to enroll others,
IN JU R E (28) injure (1.00); abuse (to treat 0.32); m ark (to make a mark, 0.09).
badly, 0.96); poison (0.86); m angle (to IN S C U L P (1) carve (to form by cutting,
mutilate, 0.82); crack (to damage, 0.75); 0.53).
harm (0.75); mutilate (to damage, 0.75); IN S E M IN A T E (3) propagate (to beget,
ruin (to destroy, 0.75); hurt (to cause 0.47); fertilize (to impregnate, 0.44); in­
pain, 0.71); maim (0.68); maltreat (0.67); still (0.04).
tram ple (0.67); bruise (0.50); debilitate IN S E R T (19) insert (to put in, LOO);
(0.50); hurt (to harm , 0.50); im pair (to insert (to introduce, 1.00); enclose (to
dam age, 0.50); m istreat (0.50); undo shut up or shut in, 0.93); inject (to
(0.42); corrupt (to debase, 0.39); batter include, 0.91); em bed (to put in, 0.87);
(to damage, 0.25); cripple (0.25); deform p en etrate (to pierce, 0.83); interject
(0.25); disagree (to have uncom fortable (0.79); set (to place, 0.75); list (to enter
effect, 0.25); ham string (0.25); w ound in a list, 0.69); im plant (0.67); put (to
(to hurt the body, 0.25); deaden (to deposit, 0.67); ease (to m ove carefully,
reduce life or its evidence, 0.21); scar 0.54); interpolate (0.50); interpose (to
(0.08); w reck (to bring to ruin, 0.07). insert, 0.50); pack (to stow compactly,
IN L A Y (3) inlay (LOO); insulate (0.50); 0.23); include (to place into or among,
em bed (to put in, 0.20). 0.17); instill (0.12); enter (to enter physi­
IN O C U L A T E (5) inoculate (1.00); vacci­ cally, 0.08); record (to write down, 0.08).
nate (0.88); inject (to vaccinate, 0.67); IN S IN U A T E (10) insinuate (to m ake an
indirect hint, 1.00); insinuate (to force (to raise the spirits, 0.96); em bolden
a way into, 1.00); infer (to imply, 0.75); (0.75); fire (to animate, 0.75); inspire (to
im plicate (to imply, 0.67); hint (0.45); encourage, 0.75); revive (to hearten,
doubt (to entertain doubt, 0.33); enter 0.71); cheer (to hearten, 0.50); enlighten
(to enter physically, 0.23); instill (0.15); (to b rin g su p p o se d sp iritu a l tru th ,
interject (0.14); communicate (to impart 0.50); rally (to urge others to rally, 0.50);
information, 0.12). entertain (to keep others amused, 0.48);
INSIST (8) claim (to assert, 0.75); declare com fort (to m ake easy physically, 0.38);
(to speak form ally and em phatically, goad (0.30); incite (0.29); hearten (0.25);
0.68); invite (to ask politely, 0.44); move (to arouse the em otions of, 0.08);
enforce (to require com pliance, 0.43); com fort (to console, 0.06).
em phasize (0.35); w ill (to exert o n e’s IN SPISSA TE (3) stiff (to grow stiff, 0.31);
will, 0.30); force (to use force, 0.28); harden (to m ake less pervious, 0.07);
affirm (0.25). cook (0.05).
IN SPE C T (20) inspect (1.00); examine (to IN S T A L L to instate in an office, rank,
in s p e c t w ith c a re , 0 .9 6 ); se e (to etc. w ith the custom ary cerem ony (8)
perceive w ith the eye, 0.77); contem ­ install (1.00); establish (to w ork or set­
plate (to look at, 0.76); reconnoitre tle in a perm anent place, 0.93); crown
(0.75); overlook (to occupy a co m ­ (to em pow er w ith a crown, 0.83); or­
m anding height, 0.57); nose (0.50); dain (to invest w ith priestly functions,
observe (to w atch, 0.50); peer (0.50); 0.83); ordain (to establish, 0.75); put
look (to endeavour to see, 0.40); inven­ (to establish, 0.75); receive (to m ake
tory (0.36); overfly (0.33); audit (0.25); welcome, 0.67); embed (to put in, 0.60).
dissect (to examine, 0.25); patrol (0.25); IN S T A N C E (4) instance (1.00); cite (to
sam ple (0.25); survey (to exam ine or refer to as authority, 0.63); m ention
summarize, 0.25); view (0.25); travel (to (0.38); refer (to mention, 0.20).
journey, 0.21); m anage (to direct, 0.08). IN STA TE (1) organize (to form an organi­
IN S P IR E (18) inspire (to encourage, zation, 0.27).
1.00); inspire (to stim ulate to creative IN S T IG A T E (11) instigate (1.00); drive
activity, 1.00); abet (to excite, 0.75); (to urge on, 0.87); incite (0.82); m ove
anim ate (to incite, 0.75); elate (0.75); (to arouse the em otions of, 0.69); en­
infuse (0.75); encourage (to raise the courage (to raise the spirits, 0.68); im ­
spirits, 0.56); entertain (to keep others pel (to urge, 0.50); excite (to activate,
am used, 0.52); assure (to encourage, 0.45); urge (to induce, 0.34); goad
0.50); kindle (to excite, 0.50); predispose (0.33); motivate (0.29); tempt (0.18).
(to stim ulate, 0.50); thrill (to excite, IN S T IL L (9) instill (1.00); inculcate (0.75);
0.50); instill (0.46); exhilarate (0.25); propagandize (0.75); brainwash (0.50);
prom pt (to instigate, 0.25); urge (to com m unicate (to impart information,
induce, 0.22); incite (0.14); drive (to 0.44); teach (to act as a teacher, 0.40);
urge on, 0.13). inject (to include, 0.36); ingrain (0.25);
IN S P IR IT (16) inspirit (1.00); encourage mix (to blend, 0.24).
IN S T IT U T E (12) institute (to organize, IN S U R E (8) insure (1.00); defend (to pro­
1.00); institute (to begin, 1.00); bring vide general protection, 0.58); promise
(to in itia te a le g a l a c tio n , 0 .9 1 ); (to appear prom ising, 0.50); guarantee
establish (to set up in a form al m anner, (to certify, 0.39); warrant (to guarantee,
0.75); begin (to initiate, 0.59); build (to 0.33); guaran tee (to prom ise, 0.25);
found, 0.50); erect (to establish, 0.50); indemnify (to answer for, 0.25); promise
ordain (to establish, 0.50); standardize (to give o n e ’s word, 0.15).
(0.50); enact (to legislate, 0.21); sys­ IN T A G L IO (1) engrave (to prepare a plate
tem atize (0.09); organize (to form an for printing, 0.56).
organization, 0.04). IN T E G R A T E (4) integrate (to unify, 1.00);
IN ST IT U T IO N A L IZ E (1) institutionalize integrate (to abolish racial segregation,
( 1.00). 1.00); synthesize (0.75); em body (to
IN S T R U C T (25) instruct (to teach, 1.00); organize, 0.50).
in stru ct (to order, 1 .00);instruct (to IN T E L L E C T U A L IZ E (1) rationalize (to
inform, 1.00); teach (to act as a teacher, reason, 0.25).
0.97); m anage (to direct, 0.86); tell (to IN T E N D (5) intend (to propose, 1.00);
inform, 0.86); catechize (to instruct sys­ intend (to destine for, 1.00); intend (to
tematically, 0.75); charge (to com mand, m ean, 1.00); propose (to m ean, 0.50);
0.75); command (to issue an order, 0.75); ordain (to destine, 0.25).
dictate (to give p ere m p to ry orders, I N T E N S I F Y (1 8 ) in te n s ify (1 .0 0 );
0 .7 5 ); e d ify (0 .7 5 ); fo rm (to g iv e strengthen (0.98); concentrate (to em­
character to a person, 0.75); inform ploy all one’s mental powers, 0.88); rise
(0.75); train (to educate, 0.75); advise (to increase, 0.85); excite (to activate,
(to give counsel, 0.72); control (to di­ 0.77); centre (0.76); deepen (to grow
rect, 0.50); educate (0.50); evangelize deeper, 0.75); com pound (to com pli­
(0.50); wish (to bid, 0.50); civilize (0.39); cate, 0.67); exaggerate (0.64); change
direct (to teach, 0.33); b rief (to inform , (to m ake different, 0.56); aggrandize (to
0 .2 5 ); co a ch (0 .2 5 ); p ro p a g a n d iz e increase, 0.50); m agnify (to exaggerate,
( 0 .2 5 ) ; c o m m u n ic a te (to im p a r t 0.50); shaipen (to m ake m ore exact,
information, 0.08). 0.50); concentrate (to bring or come
INSTRU M EN TALIZE (1) influence (0.23). together, 0.41); escalate (0.33); accent
IN S U L A T E (5) insulate (1.00); separate (0 .2 5 ); in c re a se (to ad d to, 0.20);
(to keep apart, 0.71); divide (to sepa­ develop (to im prove, 0.05).
rate by parting, 0.33); interline (to put IN T E R (3) inter (1.00); entom b (to bury
in an interlining, 0.27); quiet (to m ake the dead, 0.50); hide (to conceal, 0.19).
silent, 0.05). IN T E R A C T (1) exchange (to give and re­
IN S U L T (7) insult (1.00); abuse (to treat ceive reciprocally, 0.43).
badly, 0.98); shock (to disturb o n e ’s IN T E R B R E E D (2) cross (to mix breeds,
sense o f propriety, 0.92); bother (to give 0.75); mix (to blend, 0.71).
trouble, 0.73); defy (0.67); curse (to IN T E R C E D E (5) intercede (1.00); inter­
sw ear at, 0.56); sneer (0.24). vene (to settle, 0.67); reconcile (to bring
into harm ony, 0.46); arbitrate (0.42); mix, 0,25).
mediate (0.25). IN T E R JE C T (6) inteiject (1.00); inject (to
IN T E R C E P T (7) intercept (1.00); absorb include, 0.82); instill (0.69); thrust (to
(to take in by absorption, 0.79); halt (to jab, 0.50); com m ent (to m ake a remark,
cause to cease, 0.60); anticipate (to 0.42); include (to place into or among,
forestall, 0.50); hinder (0.48); seize (to 0.33).
take by force, 0.14); prevent (0.13). IN T E R L A C E (6) interlace (to weave,
IN T E R C H A N G E (7) com m ute (to ex­ 1.00); interlace (to mingle, 1.00); weave
change reciprocally for som ething else, (to co n stru c t by in terlacin g , 0.87);
0.75); substitute (to exchange, 0.75); enw reathe (0.50); engage (to enmesh,
swap (0.75); transpose (0.75); exchange especially gears, 0.25); jo in (to unite,
(to rep lace one thing w ith another, 0. 11).
0.30); reciprocate (to vacillate, 0.25); IN T E R L A R D (1) intersperse (0.25).
alternate (to take or do by turns, 0.20). IN T E R L IN E to insert inner lining (3) in­
IN T E R C R O S S (2) intersect (to divide, terline (to put in an interlining, 1.00);
0.50); cross (to mix breeds, 0.25). line (to provide a lining, 0.93); wad
IN T E R D IC T (8) interdict (1.00); bar (to (0.50).
obstruct by refusal, 0.96); taboo (0.87); IN T E R L IN E to insert words between the
forbid (0.82); veto (0.75); prohibit (to lines (1) interline (to write between the
forbid, 0.67); com m and (to issue an lines, 1.00).
order, 0.59); quarantine (0.40). IN T E R L IN E A T E (1) underline (to make a
IN T E R E S T (9) interest (1.00); appeal (to line under, 0.50).
attract, 0.92); enlist (to request assist­ IN T E R L IN K (1) w eave (to construct by
ance, 0.91); entertain (to keep others interlacing, 0.65).
am used, 0.87); im m erse (to engross, IN T E R L O C K (2) engage (to enmesh, es­
0.75); occupy (to absorb attention, pecially gears, 0.75); dovetail (0.33).
0.50); bury (to occupy, 0.40); engage IN T E R L O P E (3) m eddle (to interfere in
(to occupy, 0.33); fascinate (0.12). o th e rs ’ affairs, 0 .7 1 ); in te rfe re (to
IN T E R F E R E (10) interfere (to m eddle, meddle, 0.25); intercept (0.13).
1.00); interfere (to prevent, 1.00); m ed­ IN T E R M E D D L E (1) meddle (to interfere
dle (to interfere in others’ affairs, 0.82); in others’ affairs, 0.94).
arbitrate (0.75); intrude (0.75); interrupt IN T E R M IN G L E (3) intermingle (1.00);
(to break in on, 0.50); m ediate (0.50); knit (to com bine or jo in closely, 0.75);
o b s tr u c t (to im p e d e w ith an mix (to blend, 0.50).
obstruction, 0.50); act (to perform an IN T E R M IT to leave off; to give over; to
action, 0.33); interpose (to break into, discontinue; to suspend (3) interm it
0.25). (1.00); halt (to cause to cease, 0.93);
IN T E R F O L D (1) w eave (to construct by delay (to cause a delay, 0.18).
interlacing, 0.35). IN T E R M IX (3) adulterate (0.91); instill
IN T E R F U SE (3) complicate (0.83); unite (0.85); join (to unite, 0.50).
(to com e together, 0.53); scram ble (to IN T E R N (2) enclose (to shut up or shut
in, 0.79); imprison (0.31). (to question closely, 0.67); investigate
IN T E R N A T IO N A L IZ E (2) international­ (0.67); exam ine (to test, 0.64); debrief
ize (1.00); disarm (to reduce national (0.50); interpellate (0.50); interview
armaments, 0.13). (0.50); inquire (to ask about, 0.33);
IN T E R P E L L A T E (1) interpellate (1.00). crossexam ine (0.25); hunt (to try to
IN T E R P E N E T R A T E (1) unite (to come find, 0.18).
together, 0.58). IN T E R R U P T (11) interrupt (to hinder,
IN T E R P O L A T E (6) interpolate (1.00); in­ 1.00); interrupt (to break in on, 1.00);
terline (to write between the lines, 0.75); m olest (to disturb people, 0.96); halt
interject (0.64); insert (to introduce, (to cause to cease, 0.94); hinder (0.81);
0.50); inject (to include, 0.27); include suspend (to cease tem porarily, 0.75);
(to place into or am ong, 0.25). prevent (0.66); intrude (0.50); preclude
IN T E R P O S E (13) interpose (to break (0.50); end (to bring to a halt, 0.12);
into, 1.00); interpose (to insert, 1.00); pause (0.10).
m eddle (to interfere in o th e rs’ affairs, IN T E R S C R IB E (1) interline (to write be­
0.88); interject (0.86); intervene (to tw een the lines, 0.50).
m eddle, 0.67); interfere (to m eddle, IN T E R S E C T (5) intersect (to divide,
0.50); hinder (0.43); intercept (0.38); act 1.00); intersect (to come together, 1.00);
(to perform an action, 0.31); com m ent cut (to cross, 0.67); divide (to separate
(to m ake a rem ark, 0.26); contravene by parting, 0.63); cross (to lie across,
(0.25); intrude (0.25); arbitrate (0.17). 0.50).
IN T E R P R E T (20) interpret (to convey IN T E R S P E R S E (3) intersperse (1.00); in­
the m eaning o f (art), 1.00); interpret (to terject (0.43); scatter (to cause to sepa­
explain, 1.00); explain (0.97); decipher rate, 0.38).
(0.93); solve (0.76); clarify (to explain, IN T E R T W IN E (6) intertwine (1.00); in­
0.75); elucidate (0.75); fathom (0.75); il­ terlace (to weave, 0.75); weave (to con­
luminate (to explain, 0.75); illumine (to struct by interlacing, 0.74); coil (0.60);
explain, 0.75); translate (to change into unite (to com e together, 0.44); mix (to
another language, 0.70); define (to pro­ blend, 0.35). .
vide a nam e or d escrip tio n , 0.64); treat IN TERV A L (1) space (to interspace, 0.50).
(to d e a l w ith a s u b je c t, 0 .6 0 ); IN T E R V E N E (10) intervene (to settle,
u n d ersta n d (to co m p re h en d , 0 .56); 1.00); in te rv en e (to h ap p en , 1.00);
te a c h (to act as a te a c h e r, 0 .4 3 ); intervene (to m eddle, 1.00); intercede
sim plify (0.40); annotate (0.25); expli­ (0.75); interfere (to meddle, 0.75); inter­
cate (0.25); recite (to repeat form ally, rupt (to break in on, 0.67); m eddle (to
0.20); represent (to present as a true in te rfe re in o th e r s ’ a ffa irs, 0.65);
in teip retatio n , 0.07). arbitrate (0.50); inteipose (to break into,
IN T E R R E L A T E (1) complicate (0.53). 0.50); separate (to keep apart, 0.14).
IN T E R R O G A T E (13) interrogate (1.00); IN T E R V IE W (3) interview (1.00); talk (to
question (to ask, 0.86); ask (to inquire, converse, 0.80); dictate (to speak for
0.82); catechize (to question, 0.75); grill record, 0.70).
INTERVOLVE (1) coil (0.40). (0.69); ad v an ce (to pro p o se, 0.67);
IN T E R W E A V E (3) interw eave (1.00); occasion (0.67); propose (to m ake a
enwreathe (0.58); mix (to blend, 0.44). suggestion, 0.62); im port (to bring in,
INTIMATE (9) intimate (1.00); hint (0.95); 0.50); infuse (0.50); m ove (to propose
imply (to indicate, 0.67); rem ind (to an action formally, 0.50); originate (to
bring into the mem ory, 0.50); indicate bring about a beginning, 0.50); install
(to sig n ify , 0.2 5 ); m e n tio n (0 .2 5 ); (0.38); broach (to mention, 0.33); begin
present (to suggest, 0.25); suggest (to (to initiate, 0.26); interpolate (0.25); set
bring to m ind, 0.25); m ean (to have as (to establish, 0.25); instill (0.23); refer
meaning, 0.11). (to d irec t, 0 .2 0 ); rec eiv e (to m ake
IN T IM ID A T E (10) intim idate (1.00); welcome, 0.08).
threaten (to warn o f punishm ent, 0.93); IN T R U D E (11) intrude (1.00); molest (to
frighten (to drive off, because o f alarm, d istu rb p eo p le, 0.92); in terru p t (to
0.86); discourage (to dishearten, 0.76); break in on, 0.83); enter (to enter physi­
menace (0.75); frighten (to alarm, 0.61); cally, 0.77); interpose (to break into,
brow beat (0.50); faze (0.50); terrorize 0.75); disrupt (to break, 0.50); impinge
(0.50); henpeck (0.25). (to infringe upon, 0.50); m eddle (to
IN T O N E (3) intone (1.00); chant (0.75); interfere in others’ affairs, 0.35); inter­
en u n ciate (to p ro n o u n ce distinctly, vene (to m eddle, 0.33); pierce (0.33);
0.50). act (to perform an action, 0.28).
IN T O X IC A T E (4) intoxicate (to m ake IN T R U S T (3) intrust (1.00); com m it (to
drunk, 1.00); intoxicate (to excite, 1.00); entrust, 0.73); invest (0.50).
fuddle (0.57); fascinate (0.35). IN U N C T (l) grease (0.36).
IN T R E N C H (2) intrench (to prepare for IN U N D A T E (11) inundate (1.00); flood
attack , 1.00); in tre n c h (to p re p a re (0.86); overflow (to flow out upon,
trenches, 1.00). 0.75); cover (to send dow n in plenty,
IN T R IG U E (8) intrigue (1.00); tem pt 0.67); surround (to take a position on
(0.77); m aneuver (0.76); interest (0.75); all sides, 0.67); glut (to oversupply,
scheme (0.75); collude (0.50); appeal (to 0.59); drown (to cover with liquid, 0.50);
attract, 0.23); plan (to plot an action in overw helm (to drown, 0.50); engulf
advance, 0.22). (0.33); irrigate (0.33); water (0.17).
IN T R O D U C E (29) introduce (to bring in, IN U R E to bring to use (3) inure (1.00);
1 .0 0 ); in tr o d u c e (to p r e s e n t, harden (to toughen, 0.81); train (to
1 .0 0 );in tro d u ce (to m ak e stran g e rs toughen oneself, 0.67).
acquainted, 1.00); introduce (to insti­ IN U R N (1) entom b (to bury the dead,
tute, 1.00); introduce (to insert, 1.00); 0.75).
introduce (to begin, 1.00); interject INVADE (17) invade (to enter with armed
(0 .9 3 ); p re c e d e (0 .8 0 ); in a u g u ra te force, 1.00); invade (to encroach upon,
(0.75); include (to place into or among, 1.00); enter (to enter physically, 0.92);
0.75); inteipose (to insert, 0.75); preface obtain (to gain possession, 0.91); attack
(0.75); inject (to include, 0.73); mention (to fight o ffen siv ely (arm y), 0.87);
beset (0.75); land (to go ashore, 0.50); ize (0.75); list (to enter in a list, 0.44).
overrun (to defeat, 0.50); overrun (to IN V E R T (10) invert (to upset, 1.00);
infest, 0.50); trespass (to intrude, 0.50); in v e rt (to rev erse, 1.00); invert (to
cam paign (to fight, 0.33); occupy (to change, 1.00); exchange (to replace
ta k e p o s s e s s io n , 0 .3 3 ); c h a rg e (to one thing w ith another, 0.80); subvert
attack, 0.25); encroach (0.25); entrench (0.57); capsize (0.33); reverse (to turn,
(to trespass, 0.25); im pinge (to infringe 0.33); upset (to turn over, 0.31); turn
upon, 0.25); raid (0.22). (to reverse, 0.25); change (to make dif­
INVALIDATE (20) invalidate (1.00); annul ferent, 0.18).
(0.75); cancel (to annul, 0.71); overrule IN V E S T (14) invest (1.00); deposit (to
(to nullify, 0.67); disprove (0.63); refute present m oney for safekeeping, 0.92);
(0.63); eliminate (to remove, 0.60); dis­ crown (to em power with a crown, 0.88);
qualify (to disable, 0.50); nullify (0.50); create (to m ake, 0.85); enable (0.82);
reverse (to annul, 0.50); disarm (to de­ com m it (to entrust, 0.59); install (0.50);
prive o f w eapons, 0.47); discharge (to c lo th e (0 .3 5 ); c o m m issio n (0.33);
annul, 0.33); dissolve (to annul, 0.33); surround (to take a position on all sides,
rebut (0.33); abolish (0.29); confute 0.33); grant (to bestow, 0.25); ordain
(0.29); counteract (0.25); w ithdraw (to (to invest with priestly functions, 0.17);
rem ove from use or circulation, 0.15); delegate (to give authority to another,
hinder (0.10); defeat (to get the better 0.15); give (to transfer, 0.11).
o f another, 0.05). IN V E S T IG A T E (23) investigate (1.00);
IN V E IG H (1) inveigh (1.00). hunt (to try to find, 0.94); experiment
IN V E IG L E (9) inveigle (1.00); seduce (to in v e stig a te scien tifically , 0.88);
(0.86); urge (to induce, 0.56); persuade analyze (to subject to analysis, 0.79);
(to influence, 0.44); satisfy (to co n ­ exam ine (to inspect w ith care, 0.78);
vince, 0.33); mislead (0.32); coax (0.25); crossexam ine (0.75); delve (0.75); in­
influence (0.09); tem pt (0.05). quire (to seek into, 0.75); sift (to evalu­
IN V E N T (12) invent (to create or dis­ ate, 0.75); probe (0.67); scan (to analyze,
cover, 1.00); invent (to fabricate, 1.00); 0.67); seek (to look for, 0.67); inventory
discover (to find, 0.97); plan (to plot an (0 .6 4 ); e x p lo re (0 .6 0 ); d iss e c t (to
action in advance, 0.78); form (to give examine, 0.50); check (to determine ac­
shape to a thing, 0.73); forge (0.72); curacy, 0.38); try (to test, 0.33); inspect
im agine (to visualize mentally, 0.72); ( 0 .2 5 ) ; tr a c e (to d is c o v e r by
d eterm in e (to d ecid e the co u rse o f investigation, 0.25); dig (to rem ove by
affairs, 0.50); think (to form in the mind, d ig g in g , 0 .2 0 ); ra n sa c k (to search
0.50); lie (to utter an untruth, 0.11); thoroughly, 0.15); question (to ask,
sim u late (0 .1 0 ); co rru p t (to ren d e r 0.07); ask (to inquire, 0.05).
innacurate, 0.08). IN V IG O R A T E (14) invigorate (1.00);
IN V E N T O R IZ E (1) enroll (to prepare a strengthen (0.93); freshen (to activate,
roll, 0.94). 0.75); perk (to cheer or refresh, 0.75);
IN V E N T O R Y (3) inventory (1.00); item­ refresh (to renew, 0.75); confirm (to
strengthen, 0.67); renew (to refresh, a pow der roller, 0.33).
0.58); energize (0.50); inspire (to en­ IR R A D IA T E (8) irradiate (1.00); nurse
courage, 0.50); reanim ate (0.50); com ­ (0.71); illumine (to light up, 0.67); radi­
fort (to m ake easy physically, 0.43); ate (to send forth from a centre, 0.64);
revive (to give new life, 0.21); stiffen radiate (to shed light or heat, 0.63); il­
(to cause to becom e stiff, 0.18); fortify lum inate (to m ake lighter, 0.50); shine
(to strengthen physically or em otion­ (to give forth light, 0.24); light (to pro­
ally, 0.17). vide light, 0.14).
IN V IT E (7) invite (to ask guests, 1.00); IR R IG A T E (3) irrigate (1.00); water (0.75);
invite (to ask politely, 1.00); court (to dip (to put into a liquid, 0.70).
woo, 0.94); entertain (to act as host or IR R IT A T E (33) irritate (to bother, 1.00);
hostess, 0.88); appeal (to attract, 0.54); irritate (to inflame, 1.00); excite (to acti­
fascinate (0.53); ask (to inquire, 0.23). vate, 0.95); b other (to give trouble,
IN V O C A T E (1) pray (to call upon God, 0.83); ang er (to arouse som eone to
0.17). anger, 0.82); m olest (to disturb people,
IN V O IC E (1) list (to enter in a list, 0.22). 0.76); bug (to annoy, 0.75); chafe (to
IN V O K E (6) invoke (to call upon, 1.00); annoy, 0.75); distress (0.75); em bitter
invoke (to sum m on, 1.00); w orship (to (to anger, 0.75); peeve (0.75); pique (to
perform acts of worship, 0.88); summon anger, 0.75); rile (0.75); roil (0.75); ruffle
(to call, 0.83); evoke (to call forth, 0.50); (to anger, 0.75); incense (0.67); provoke
wish (to express a desire, 0.50). (to vex, 0.67); annoy (to molest, 0.50);
IN V O LV E (18) involve (1.00); tangle blister (0.50); rasp (0.50); torture (to
(0.93); entangle (0.75); touch (to relate torment, 0.50); insult (0.45); disturb (to
to, 0.75); com prise (0.74); com plicate u pset m en tal calm , 0.28); convulse
(0.73); refer (to concern, 0.72); include (0.25); gall (0.25); harass (to annoy an
(to contain, 0.64); apply (to be relevant, individual, 0.25); nettle (0.25); perturb
0.58); accuse (0.56); m ean (to have as (to annoy, 0.25); trouble (to disturb,
meaning, 0.44); fold (to enclose, 0.33); 0.25); vex (to annoy, 0.25); torm ent
confuse (0.27); im m erse (to engross, (to rm en t, 0 .20); ex cite (to stir one
0.25); occupy (to absorb atten tio n , mentally, 0.16); rankle (0.14).
0.14); occupy (to fill space, 0.14); matter IR R U P T (1) overflow (to flow over the
(to be o f im portance, 0.11); disturb (to top, or out at a vent, 0.21).
upset mental calm, 0.09). IS O L A T E (9) isolate (1.00); separate (to
IR K (9) irk (1.00); weary (to make weary, keep apart, 0.86); quarantine (0.80); seg­
0.84); bother (to give trouble, 0.80); dis­ regate (0.67); maroon (0.50); banish (to
gust (0.50); gall (0.50); m o lest (to condem n to exile, 0.31); divide (to
disturb people, 0.40); disturb (to upset sep arate by p arting, 0.31); date (to
m en tal calm , 0 .39); p la g u e (0.25); indicate historical tim e, 0.14); insulate
em barrass (to upset mentally, 0.15). (0.13).
IRO N (3) iron (1.00); smooth (to rem ove ISS U E (25) issue (to emerge, 1.00); issue
unevenness, 0.54); mangle (to iron with (to be a result of, 1.00); issue (to re­
lease, 1.00); issue (to distribute, 1.00); JA C K E T (1) clothe (0.48).
issue (to emit, 1.00); result (0.94); print JA C K K N IF E (l)jackknife (1.00).
(to r e p r o d u c e b y p r in tin g , 0 .8 3 ); JA D E (2) tire (to becom e exhausted,
distribute (to allot, 0.68); publish (to 0.73); w eary (to m ake weary, 0.20).
print and distribute, 0.67); appear (to J A IL (7) jail (1.00); im prison (0.92); in­
b eco m e visible, 0.55); leave (to go carcerate (0.75); enclose (to shut up or
away, 0.50); supervene (0.50); adver­ shut in, 0.71); arrest (to seize legally,
tise (to m ake public, 0.47); em it (to 0.67); sentence (0.33); enslave (0.26).
discharge, 0.47); loom (to appear large JA M to press; to squeeze (10) jam (to
or im posing, 0.44); happen (to occur, com press, 1.00); jam (to force one’s
0.40); spaw n (0.33); tric k le (0.33); way, 1.00); jam (to obscure by jamming,
overflow (to flow over the top, or out 1.00); infest (to sw arm , 0.63); cram (to
at a vent, 0.29); edit (to supervise p u b ­ stuff, 0.50); crow d (0.50); ram (to pack
lication, 0.27); pour (to flow, 0.25); rise forcibly, 0.50); pack (to stow compactly,
(to begin, 0.25); arise (to result, 0.20); 0 .3 1 ); fa ste n (to m a k e so m e th in g
bubble (0.15); m int (to print or press secure, 0.26); bar (to raise a physical
money, 0.11). obstruction, 0.25).
IT A L IC IZ E (4) italicize (1.00); underscore JA N G L E (4) jangle (1.00); sound (to make
(0.25); underline (to m ake a line under, a noise, 0.61); discuss (0.50); ring (to
0.17); emphasize (0.05). give forth sound by ringing, 0.36).
IT C H (3) itch (to have a tingling sensa­ JA P A N (3) colour (to im part colour to,
tion, 1.00); itch (to have a strong desire, 0.78); varnish (0.53); enamel (0.33).
1.00); tingle (0.33). J A R (6) ja r (to cause to tremble, 1.00); jar
IT E M IZ E (4) itemize (1.00); detail (to make (to create d isco rd an t sounds, 1.00);
clear in detail, 0.96); particularize (0.75); sound (to m ake a noise, 0.59); shake
report (to m ake a sum m ary statem ent, (to cause to vibrate, 0.29); excite (to
0.11). stir one m entally, 0.28); crash (to have
IT E R A T E (2) iterate (1.00); practice (to a collision, 0.18).
seek im provem ent through repetition, JA U N T (2) travel (to journey, 0.46); jour­
0.20). ney (0.33).
JA W to seize or devour with the jaw s (1)
J ja b b e r (to talk as though jabbering,
JA B (3) penetrate (to pierce, 0.78); poke 0.25).
(0.75); hit (to strike, 0.55). J E E R (9) jeer (1.00); sneer (0.90); ridicule
JA B B E R (10) ja b b er (to m ake a chatter­ (0 .7 8 ); tau n t (0 .7 5 ); d erid e (0.50);
ing sound, 1.00); ja b b e r (to talk as w hoop (0.30); p aro d y (0.25); scoff
though jabbering, 1.00); gabble (0.75); (0.25); insult (0.10).
yap (0.75); sound (to m ake a noise, J E L L (3) je ll (1.00); harden (to become
0.62); blab (to chatter, 0.50); gab (0.50); less penetrable, 0.82); set (to become
prattle (0.50); rave (to babble, 0.33); firm, 0.75).
babble (0.24). JE L L Y (1) stiff (to grow stiff, 0.94).
JE O PA R D IZ E (5) jeopardize (1.00); com­ JIL T (1) jilt (1.00).
promise (to damage one’s honour, 0.75); JIN G L E (5) jingle (1.00); tinkle (0.86); jan­
imperil (0.75); endanger (0.33); chance gle (0.75); clink (0.50); ring (to give forth
(to take a chance, 0.18). sound by ringing, 0.45).
JE R K to strike with a w hip; to lash; to J I T T E R (1) flop (to m ove with little con­
sw itch (12) je rk (to undergo a spasm , trol, 0.09).
1.00); jerk (to m ove an object w ith a JIT T E R B U G (1) jitterbug (1.00).
quick tug, 1.00); jounce (0.75); snatch JO C K E Y (1) jockey (1.00).
(0.75); flounce (0.50); draw (to m ove J O G (5) jo g (1.00); trot (0.86); canter
an object, 0.45); jum p (to vibrate, 0.33); (0.75); exercise (to m ove the body,
w rench (0.33); tw eak (0.25); ja r (to 0.63); impel (to press, 0.36).
cause to tremble, 0.24); beat (to pulsate, J O G G L E (3) jo g g le (1.00); shake (to
0.16); flop (to m ove with little control, cause to vibrate, 0.64); fidget (0.45).
0.04). J O IN to put together (17) jo in (to unite,
JE S T (3) joke (0.92); banter (0.50); parody 1.00); jo in (to enter the com pany of,
(0.44). 1.00); jo in (to adjoin, 1.00); unite (to
JE T to encroach on or upon (1) overflow com e together, 0.97); m erge (0.88);
(to flow over the top, or out at a vent, yoke (0.79); conspire (to act together,
0.67). 0.75); assem ble (to put together, 0.70);
JE T to encroach; to em it (2) flow (to is­ stitch (0.67); erect (to assemble, 0.50);
sue forth, 0.89); emit (to discharge, 0.03). register (to enlist or enroll, 0.50); cen­
JE T to strut; to sw agger (2) je t (to gush tre (0.47); ease (to m ove carefully,
out in a stream , 1.00); spurt (0.50). 0.46); reunite (0.43); fabricate (to as­
JE T to travel by je t airplane (3) je t (to semble, 0.33); associate (to relate, 0.20);
travel by je t airplane, 1.00); travel (to reach (to extend to, 0.13).
journey, 0.79); fly (to m anage a plane JO IN to im pose (a penance or a task)
in the air, 0.58). upon a person (1) come (to extend, 0.75).
JE T T IS O N (4) jettison (1.00); lighten (to JO K E (2) jo k e (1.00); play (to gambol,
make lighter, 0.41); discard (0.36); aban­ 0.64).
don (to leave in trouble, 0.29). JO L T (7) ja r (to cause to trem ble, 0.82);
JIB E (1) tack (to steer an oblique course, kick (to give a blow with the foot, 0.60);
0.70). shake (to cause to vibrate, 0.57); rock
JIG (1) dance (to m ove rhythm ically, (0.48); excite (to stir one mentally, 0.25);
0.62). shock (to jar, 0.25); crash (to have a
JIG G E R (1) dance (to move in a gay man­ collision, 0.09).
ner, 0.50). J O S T L E (8) jo stle (1.00); jam (to force
JIG G L E (8) jiggle (1.00); jum p (to vibrate, o n e ’s way, 0.89); hit (to bum p against,
0.93); ja r (to cause to trem ble, 0.65); 0.86); crash (to have a collision, 0.73);
dance (to m ove in a gay m anner, 0.55); shove (0.67); push (to press against,
fidget (0.55); yank (0.44); rock (0.43); 0.50); m eet (to encounter, 0.43); shoul­
joggle (0.25). der (0.33).
JOT -196- KEEP
JO T (1) jo t (1.00). (0.75); m ix (to confuse, 0.67); confuse
JO U N C E (6) jou n ce (1.00); ju m p (to vi­ (0.66); m ud d le (to confuse; said of
brate, 0.80); ja r (to cause to trem ble, affairs, 0.65); disorganize (0.58); muss
0.71); shake (to cause to vibrate, 0.50); (0.33); litter (0.25).
beat (to pulsate, 0.08); bounce (to re­ JU M P (14) ju m p (to leap across or up,
bound, 0.06). 1.00); ju m p (to leap down, 1.00); jump
JO U R N A L IZ E (1) record (to write down, (to pass over, 1.00); jum p (to vibrate,
0.20). 1.00); dance (to m ove in a gay manner,
JO U R N E Y (8) jo u rn ey (1.00); do (to 0.85); dive (0.79); bound (to move in
travel, 0.75); ride (to be transported, leaps, 0.75); gallop (0.73); ja r (to cause
0.67); roll (to travel, 0.67); march (0.60); to trem ble, 0.59); bounce (to rebound,
p a c k (to tr a n s p o r t by u s in g p a c k 0.31); play (to gam bol, 0.27); vault
animals, 0.50); take (to travel, 0.50); trek (0.25); hasten (to m ake haste, 0.09);
(0.25). m ove (to be in motion, 0.07).
J O U S T (2) com pete (0.63); fight (to JU N K E T (1) travel (to journey, 0.39).
engage in an encounter, 0.08). JU S T IF Y (14) justify (to vindicate, 1.00);
JU B IL A T E (1) celebrate (to indulge in ju s tify (to g iv e rea so n s for, 1.00);
celebration, 0.17). ju stify (to prove by the event, 1.00);
JU D G E (24) ju d g e (to pass judgem ent, prove (0.97); defend (to support an
1.00); judge (to form an opinion, 1.00); accused person, 0.89); excuse (0.88);
cen su re (0.95); rate (to rank, 0.93); argue (to endeavour to convince, 0.76);
decide (0.88); choose (to select, 0.77); m erit (0.33); explain (0.30); exonerate
assess (to estim ate, 0.75); condem n (to (0.25); palliate (0.10); reason (to discuss
blam e, 0.75); deem (0.75); rank (to persuasively, 0.09); pardon (to reduce
evaluate, 0.73); try (to conduct a trial, punishm ent, 0.08); recom m end (to lend
0.67); estim ate (to m ake a rough guess, support or approval, 0.08).
0.60); exam ine (to test, 0.55); account JU T (4) jut (1.00); overhang (to hang over,
(0.50); deliberate (0.50); esteem (to 0.83); project (to thrust out, 0.50); hang
consider, 0.50); evaluate (0.50); value (to be suspended, 0.27).
(to set a price upon, 0.47); consider (to JU X T A P O S E (2) jo in (to unite, 0.92);
reg a rd , 0 .30); e stim a te (to m a k e a com pare (to exam ine on a comparative
considered prediction, 0.27); hold (to basis, 0.07).
b eliev e, 0.25); assu m e (to take for
granted, 0.24); sentence (0.22); reckon K
(0.13). K E E L H A U L (1) punish (0.26).
J U D G M E N T (1) condem n (to send to K E E N (2) ciy (to weep, 0.50); groan (0.25).
punishm ent, 0.11). K E E P (33) keep (to hold, 1.00); keep (to
JU G G L E (2) juggle (to keep in the air by m a in ta in , 1.00); keep (to continue,
tossing, 1.00); ju g g le (to alter, usually 1.00); keep (to operate, 1.00); keep (to
to deceive, 1.00). tend, 1.00); keep (to remain, 1.00); keep
JU M B L E (8) confound (to mix, 0.75); pi (to store, 1.00); keep (to prevent, used
KEN -197- KNTT
with from, 1.00); keep (to retain, LOO); (0.27); persecute (to oppress, especially
celebrate (to recognize an occasion, for religious reasons, 0.26); strangle (to
0.94); m aintain (to keep ready for use, sm other, 0 .2 5 ); starv e (to cause to
0.89); delay (to cause a delay, 0.80); starve, 0.20).
cure (to preserve, 0.75); hold (to have K IN D L E to bring forth; to give birth to
in one’s possession, 0.75); pickle (0.75); young (1) cause (to be the cause, 0.25).
reserve (to retain, 0.75); steal (0.74); K IN D L E to set fire; to ignite (13) kindle
d e p o s it (to p r e s e n t m o n e y fo r (to start a fire, 1.00); kindle (to excite,
sa fe k ee p in g , 0 .69); o ccu p y (to fill 1.00); fire (to set on fire, 0.89); heat (to
space, 0.57); detain (0.50); m aintain (to m ake hot, 0.88); strike (to light, 0.75);
support, 0.50); im prison (0.46); rescue inflam e (to bum , 0.67); bum (to subject
(to save, 0.42); can (to preserve, 0.33); to fire, 0.59); heat (to become hot, 0.50);
hoard (0.33); maintain (to uphold, 0.33); e x cite (to activ ate, 0.32); fascinate
save (to p re se rv e , 0.3 3 ); w ith h o ld (0.27); enkindle (to ignite, 0.25); light
(0.33); defend (to provide general pro­ (to cause to ignite, 0.25); brighten (to
tection, 0.32); hold (to have in o n e’s becom e brighter, 0.20).
grasp, 0.31); observe (to commemorate, K IP P E R (2) kipper (1.00); preserve (to
0.25); choose (to select, 0.10); ow n (to keep, 0.23).
possess, 0.09). K IS S (5) kiss (1.00); cuddle (to embrace,
KEN to know ; to bestow (2) know (to 0.75); touch (to be in contact, 0.41); pet
possess inform ation, 0.63); understand (to caress, 0.25); thank (0.20).
(to com prehend, 0.47). K IT T E N (1) produce (to bear, 0.13).
K IC K (8) kick (to give a blow w ith the K N E A D (6) knead (1.00); rub (to subject
foot, 1.00); hurt (to cause pain, 0.87); to friction, 0.59); mix (to blend, 0.32);
twitch (to jerk, 0.67); attack (to assault beat (to mix, 0.25); form (to give shape
(of an individual), 0.60); dam age (to to a thing, 0.10); soften (to m ake soft,
cause pain, 0.50); trip (to cause to 0.06).
stumble, 0.30); drive (to cause to move, K N E E L (3) kneel (1.00); grovel (0.71);
0.27); hit (to strike, 0.26). fawn (0.36).
KID to humbug; to deceive (2) kid (1.00); K N E L L (1) knell (1.00).
banter (0.25). K N IF E (5) knife (to stab, 1.00); knife (to
K ID N A P (3) kidnap (1.00); steal (0.51); injure in an underhanded way, 1.00);
attack (to assault (o f an individual), kill (to deprive o f life, 0.70); penetrate
0.27). (to pierce, 0.09); stab (0.07).
K IL L (14) kill (to deprive of life, 1.00);kill K N IT (10) knit (to form by knitting, 1.00);
(to deprive o f existence, 1.00);kill (to knit (to com bine or jo in closely, 1.00);
cancel, 1.00); kill (to turn off, 1.00); kill knit (to grow together, 1.00); weave (to
(to v eto, 1.00); d e p o p u la te (0.90); c o n s tr u c t b y in te r la c in g , 0 .9 6 );
poison (0.79); hunt (to pursue w ith em broider (to add adornm ent, 0.88);
intent to kill, 0.74); eliminate (to remove, splice (0.75); heal (to recover, 0.67);
0.45); spend (to pass tim e, 0.33); w ar contract (to dim inish, 0.55); dam (to
repair, 0.50); m end (to get well, 0.33). for, 0.67); exercise (to m ove the body,
K N O C K (14) knock (1.00); hit (to strike, 0.50); slog (0.50); toil (0.50); try (to
0.97); drive (to force with blows, 0.87); endeavour, 0.44); overplay (0.33); strain
thum p (0.78); rap (to tap sharply, 0.75); (to exert, 0.25).
butt (to strike with the head, 0.71); sw at L A C E (5) lace (1.00); fasten (to make
(0.50); crash (to have a collision, 0.36); som ething secure, 0.91); bind (to con­
punch (to hit, 0.33); beat (to thrash, strain with bonds, 0.59); entwine (0.50);
0.32); bump (to m ake a bum ping sound, hurt (to cause pain, 0.29).
0.32); drop (to cause or to perm it to L A C E R A T E (9) lacerate (to tear, 1.00);
fall, 0.27); pelt (0.25); rattle (to m ake a lacerate (to injure, 1.00); m angle (to
rattling sound, 0.25). m utilate, 0.91); bite (to seize or sever
K N O T (4) knot (1.00); distort (to change w ith teeth, 0.78); hurt (to cause pain,
shape, 0.64); tie (to tie a knot in, 0.50); 0.68); torture (to injure, 0.50); tear (0.25);
w eav e (to co n stru c t by interlacin g , dam age (to im pair the value of, 0.20);
0.48). cut (to cut into, 0.05).
K N O W (13) know (to possess inform a­ L A C K (2) lack (1.00); need (0.75).
tion, 1.00); know (to understand, 1.00); L A C Q U E R (4) enam el (0.83); varnish
know (to recognize, 1.00); tell (to (0.76); colour (to impart colour to, 0.72);
deduce, 0.89); understand (to com pre­ stain (to colour, 0.25).
hend, 0.82); copulate (0.55); undergo L A D E (8) lade (to fill, 1.00); lade (to dip,
(0.55); read (to understand by reading, 1.00); fill (to pour to the capacity of
0.50); feel (to experience, 0.36); seize the container, 0.77); charge (to load,
(to com prehend, 0.25); taste (to experi­ 0.75); dip (to transfer by m eans o f a
ence, 0.25); endure (to sustain adver­ vessel, 0.73); burden (0.62); em pty (to
sity, 0.24); feel (to believe, 0.20). cause to becom e empty, 0.43); load (to
K O W T O W (2) grovel (0.58); bow (to place a load, 0.11).
bend, 0.15). L A D L E (4) em pty (to cause to become
empty, 0.86); dip (to transfer by means
L o f a vessel, 0.80); scoop (0.75); skim
L A B E L (11) label (1.00); define (to pro­ (to re m o v e th e to p ; es p e c ia lly , to
vide a nam e or d escrip tio n , 0.86); clas­ rem ove cream, 0.40).
sify (0.69); mark (to m ake a mark, 0.64); L A G to fall behind; to rem ain in the rear
nam e (to give a nam e, 0.63); address (7) lag (to m ove slowly, 1.00); lag (to
(to p ro v id e d irec tio n s for delivery, m ove without spirit, 1.00); linger (to go
0.60); direct (to w rite directions on a reluctantly, 0.89); loiter (0.76); drag (to
letter or package, 0.50); m ark (to put go slow ly, 0 .7 5 ); slow (to becom e
p rice s upon, 0.5 0 ); d istin g u ish (to slower, 0.71); limp (0.62).
provide an identification, 0.33); entitle L A M B (1) produce (to bear, 0.29).
(to nam e, 0.25); describe (0.19). L A M B A S T E (3) lambaste (1.00); beat (to
L A B O U R (9) labour (1.00); act (to per­ thrash, 0.30); hurt (to cause pain, 0.20).
form an action, 0.69); serve (to w ork L A M E N T (15) lament (to express sorrow,
1.00); lament (to weep, 1.00); lament (to stop (to cease, 0.20); sin (0.13); m isbe­
regret, 1.00); grieve (0.80); bem oan have (0.10).
(0.75); complain (to express grief, 0.75); L A R D (1) baste (to dress m eat with fat,
cry (to weep, 0.75); regret (to be sorry 0.83).
for, 0.70); sob (0.67); w eep (0.40); rue L A S H to fasten with cord (4) lash (to tie
(0.33); how l (0.25); sigh (0.25); w ail up, 1.00); hitch (to harness, 0.50); hurt
(0.25); mope (0.19). (to cause pain, 0.18); bind (to constrain
LA M IN A TE (4) lam inate (1.00); plate w ith bonds, 0.10).
(0.93); stratify (0.75); fold (to place to­ L A S H to m ove sw iftly and suddenly (2)
gether or lay in folds, 0.56). lash (to w hip, 1.00); beat (to thrash,
L A M PO O N (4) lam poon (1.00); sneer 0.73).
(0.52); scandalize (0.43); parody (0.19). L A ST to follow; to suffice; to stretch (10)
LA N C E (3) launch (to send off, 0.50); la st (to e n d u re , 1.00); la st (to be
knife (to stab, 0.33); tap (to puncture in sufficient, 1.00); endure (to continue,
order to draw liquid, 0.09). 0.83); stand (to endure, 0.75); run (to
LAND (6) land (to bring a boat to shore, continue, 0.67); be (to have being,
1.00); land (to com e into port, 1.00); 0.45); outlive (0.33); survive (to live on,
land (to go ashore, 1.00); land (to bring 0.25); live (to persist in human memory,
an airplane to earth, 1.00); arrive (to 0.20); resist (to w ithstand, 0.10).
come to a place, 0.82); perch (0.33). L A T C H to fasten w ith a latch (1) latch
L A N D S C A PE (2) beautify (to im prove ( 1.00).
the grounds, 0.75); im prove (to m ake LA TH E (1) machine (0.08).
better, 0.52). L A T H E R (2) lather (1.00); perspire (0.25).
L A N G U IS H (11) languish (to w eaken, L A U D (11) laud (1.00); extol (0.80); ac­
1.00); languish (to want, 1.00); m ourn claim (0.75); commend (to praise, 0.75);
(to lament, 0.50); swoon (0.50); weaken eulogize (0.75); glory (to praise, 0.75);
(to become weaker, 0.41); suffer (to feel r e c o m m e n d (to le n d s u p p o rt or
p a in , 0 .3 6 ); sic k e n (to c o n tra c t a approval, 0.56); admire (to have regard
disease, 0.25); vegetate (to stagnate, for, 0.54); w orship (to perform acts o f
0.25); sleep (0.20); ebb (0.18); yearn w orship, 0.35); exalt (to praise, 0.25);
(0.17). com plim ent (to flatter, 0.11).
LA P to coil; to foil; to wrap (3) curl (to L A U G H (3) laugh (1.00); joke (0.69); beam
twist, 0.58); coil (0.27); fold (to place (to smile, 0.50).
together or lay in folds, 0.19). L A U N C H (13) launch (to initiate, 1.00);
L A P ID IF Y (1) harden (to m ake less per­ launch (to send off, 1.00); dart (to move
vious, 0.02). in the m anner o f a dart, 0.76); advance
L A P S E (9) lapse (to fail slowly, 1.00); (to cause to m ove forward, 0.75); intro­
lapse (to becom e void, 1.00); relapse d u ce (to in stitu te , 0.75); b egin (to
(0.91); mistake (0.83); die (to decline as initiate, 0.74); push (to m ove by push­
though death w ere inevitable , 0.56); ing, 0.67); throw (to send forth, 0.33);
fall (to pass quickly dow nw ard, 0.36); throw (to hurl, 0.27); institute (to or­
ganize, 0.25); lob (0.25); slide (to cause (0.67); trickle (0.67); overflow (to flow
to slide, 0.25); undertake (0.06). over the top, or out at a vent, 0.54);
L A U N D E R (3) launder (1.00); cleanse (to flow (to issue forth, 0.27); ooze (0.25);
rem ove dirt from the surface, 0.75); em pty (to becom e empty, 0.20).
clean (0.72). L E A N (8) lean (to incline, 1.00); bend (to
LA V E to w ash; to bathe (4) w ash (to be forced out o f a straight line, 0.86);
bathe, 0.81); w ash (to bo rd er upon, bank (to tilt a curve, 0.80); careen (0.75);
0.67); dip (to put into a liquid, 0.35); tilt (to incline, 0.64); rest (to take one’s
clean (0.31). rest, 0.58); loll (0.50); recline (0.50).
L A V IS H (4) lavish (1.00); w aste (to L E A P (16) leap(l.OO); vault(0.88);jum p
squander, 0.94); scatter (to waste, 0.44); (to leap across or up, 0.85); dance (to
m isspend (0.25). m ove in a gay m anner, 0.80); gallop
LAY (9) lay (to knock down, 1.00); lay (to (0.80); dive (0.64); bounce (to rebound,
place, 1.00); lay (to put in order, 1.00); 0.63); bounce (to m ove suddenly, 0.57);
lay (to bring forth, 1.00); lay (to bet, run (to move, usually rapidly, 0.55); lick
1.00); lay (to sm ooth out, 1.00); lay (to (to play over; said o f flames, 0.54); hop
w ork out, 1.00); com plain (to express (0.50); pop (0.50); hasten (to make
an objection, 0.13); place (to put in a haste, 0.29); frisk (0.25); skip (0.25);
place, 0.06). m ove (to be in motion, 0.04).
L A Y E R (2) plate (0.80); laminate (0.25). L E A R N (11) learn (to acquire mentally,
L A Z E (4) lo a f (to do nothing useful, 1.00); learn (to find out, 1.00); remem­
0.65); lie (to be prostrate, 0.25); spend ber (to bear in m ind, 0.71); ascertain
(to pass tim e, 0.11); bask (0.10). (0.67); h ear (to receiv e inform ation
L E A C H to water; to w et (2) leach (1.00); orally, 0.64); absorb (to take in men­
clean (0.02). tally, 0.50); assim ilate (to understand,
L E A D (16) lead (to conduct, 1.00); lead 0.5 0 ); u n d e rsta n d (to co m prehend,
(to exercise leadership, 1.00); lead (to 0.50); determ ine (to find out the facts,
extend, 1.00); lead (to influence, 1.00); 0.33); establish (to determ ine, 0.33);
lead (to play a first card, 1.00); m anage read (to understand by reading, 0.08).
(to direct, 0.97); train (to direct growth, L E A S E to glean; to gather; to collect (9)
0.88); w alk (to cause to m ove on foot, lease (1.00); rent (to sell the use o f prop­
0.86); com m and (to have control, 0.81); erty, 0.80); charter (to hire, 0.75); let (to
co n tro l (to d irect, 0 .7 5 ); in flu e n c e rent, 0.75); take (to rent, 0.75); hire (to
(0 .7 1 ); te n d (to h a v e a te n d e n c y let, 0.67); farm (to do farm work, 0.63);
(toward), 0.71); preside (0.50); reach (to sublet (0.25); give (to transfer, 0.19).
extend to, 0.47); accom pany (to go with, L E A S H (2) bind (to constrain with bonds,
0.38); precede (0.30). 0.76); jo in (to unite, 0.44).
L E A G U E (2) unite (to com e together, L EA V E to go away; to quit (22) leave (to
0.36); fraternize (0.25). go aw ay, 1.00); leave (to abandon,
L E A K (8) leak (to escape by leaking, 1.00); leave (to allow to rem ain, 1.00);
1.00); drop (to fall in drops, 0.75); seep leave (to allow to fall to another, 1.00);
LEAVEN -20 1 - LET
abandon (to relinquish, 0.96); em pty (to L E N G T H E N (9) lengthen (to grow
become empty, 0.87); escape (0.81); longer, 1.00); lengthen (to make longer,
retreat (to execute a forced retirem ent 1.00); pad (to increase, 0.89); extend (to
in battle, 0.80); allow (to perm it an m ake larger, 0.75); increase (to add to,
action, 0.67); fail (to be unsuccessful, 0.69); draw l (0.67); spread (to extend,
0.63); d isa p p e a r (0 .5 2 ); d e se rt (to 0.61); stretch (to cause to stretch, 0.36);
abandon in tim e o f tro u b le , 0 .50); develop (to improve, 0.18).
forsake (to ab andon, 0 .5 0 );q u it (to L E S S E N (38) lessen (to grow less, 1.00);
resign, 0.50); sail (to embark, 0.50); park lessen (to m ake less, 1.00); decrease
(0.44); drop (to disco n tin u e, 0.33); (to grow less, 0.97); weaken (to become
evacuate (to abandon, 0.25); let (to w eaker, 0.95); soften (to becom e soft,
perm it, 0.25); resign (to leave o n e ’s 0.85); w hittle (to reduce slowly, 0.83);
em ploym ent, 0.25); secede (0.25); re­ lighten (to make lighter, 0.82); abate (to
treat (to retire, 0.05). grow less, 0.75); dim inish (to make
LEAVEN (2) leaven (to ferm ent, 1.00); less, 0.75); dock (to dim inish, 0.75);
leaven (to influence, 1.00). fail (to grow less, 0.75); minimize (0.75);
L E C T U R E (13) lecture (to give a speech, sin k (to d ecrease, 0.75); ad u lterate
1.00); lecture (to rebuke, 1.00); address (0.74); cool (to becom e cool, 0.71);
(to speak to an assembly, 0.91); upbraid extenuate (0.71); com m ercialize (to
(0.87); speak (to deliver a speech, 0.75); cheapen, 0.67); reduce (to m ake less,
punish (0.74); teach (to act as a teacher, 0.67); decrease (to make less, 0.65); cool
0.73); direct (to address, 0.50); perorate (to cause to becom e cool, 0.58); detract
(to h aran g u e, 0.50); p reach (0.50); (0.56); contract (to dim inish, 0.50);
censure (0.37); discourse (0.25); scold depreciate (to becom e less in value or
(0.04). qu an tity , 0.50); d eterio rate (0.50);
L E E C H to apply leeches to m edicine (1) dwindle (0.50); mitigate (0.50); reprieve
bleed (to let blood, 0.50). (to alleviate, 0.50); taper (0.50); assuage
LEG A L IZ E (3) legalize (1.00); approve (to (to alleviate, 0.33); degenerate (0.33);
give approval, 0.45); validate (0.25). im p a ir (to w e a k e n , 0 .3 3 ); cu t (to
L EG ISLA TE (6) legislate (1.00); enact (to shorten, 0.25); mince (to minimize, 0.25);
legislate, 0.68); pass (to enact, 0.67); save (to avoid, 0.25); understate (0.25);
govern (0.64); m ake (to enact, 0.50); ch e ck (to sla ck e n the p ace, 0.20);
regulate (to control, 0.50). recede (to sink, 0.14); decay (0.12).
LE N D to grant a tem porary possesion of L E T to allow to do som ething; to allow
a thing (6) lend (to m ake a loan, 1.00); to happen (11) let (to perm it, 1.00);let
lend (to impart, 1.00); trust (to place in (to aw ard; said especially o f contracts,
the protection o f another, 0.88); trust 1.00); let (to rent, 1.00); adm it (to
(to give credit to, 0.78); rent (to sell the perm it, 0.75); suffer (to permit, 0.69);
use o f property, 0.60); invest (0.17). lease (0.67); rent (to sell the use o f
LEND to arrive; to come (1) lend (to adapt property, 0.40); cause (to be the cause,
oneself, 1.00). 0.38); enable (0.36); trust (to give credit
LETTER -2 0 2 - UFT
to, 0.33); permit (0,25). save (to rem ove from danger, 0.55);
L E T T E R (2) print (to sim ulate printing, e m a n c ip a te (0 .5 0 ); d is c h a r g e (to
0.67); w rite (to set dow n in w riting, release, 0.33); exempt (0.33); pardon (to
0.33). red u ce pu n ish m en t, 0.33); extricate
L E V E L (24) level (to straighten, 1.00); (0.25); parole (0.25); unbind (to forgive,
level (to dem olish, 1.00); sm ooth (to 0.25); ransom (0.14).
rem ove unevenness, 0.85); balance (to L IC E N S E (10) license (1.00); patent
place in balance, 0.79); destroy (to bring (0.89); enfranchise (to empower, 0.75);
to nothing, 0.75); roll (to sm ooth w ith a approve (to give approval, 0.65); del­
roller, 0.71); flatten (to m ake flat, 0.69); egate (to g ive au th o rity to another,
aim (to point a w eapon, 0.67); flatten 0.40); suffer (to perm it, 0.38); warrant
(to grow flat, 0.67); dism antle (0.58); (to authorize, 0.25); enable (0.18); com­
equalize (0.56); face (to put a face on a m issio n (0.13); allow (to perm it an
building, 0.54); m easure (to apply a action, 0.11).
standard o f m easurem ent, 0.51); m atch L IC K (5) lick (to pass the tongue over,
(to find or m ake equals, 0.50); raze 1.00); lick (to play over; said o f flames,
(0.39); train (to aim, 0.33); decrease (to 1.00); touch (to be in contact, 0.55);
make less, 0.26); direct (to aim a weapon, taste (to taste by the tongue, 0.29); de­
0 .2 5 ); d ra g (to p u lv e r iz e , 0 .2 5 ); feat (to w orst in sport or in personal
o b lite ra te (to destro y , 0.2 5 ); p la n e combat, 0.28).
(0.25); straighten (0.21); rake (to use a L IE to rest prone (6) lie (to assume a
rake, 0.10); subvert (0.05). p ro stra te p o sitio n , 1.00); lie (to be
L E V E R (1) raise (to lift, 0.38). prostrate, 1.00); lie (to be situated, 1.00);
L E V IG A T E (2) grind (to pulverize, 0.48); spread (to becom e spread, 0.80); rest
pulverize (0.25). (to take o n e ’s rest, 0.74); repose (to
L E V IT A T E (2) lighten (to m ake lighter, recline, 0.50).
0.65); rise (to m ove upw ard, 0.44). L IE to tell lies (4) lie (to utter an untruth,
L E V Y (3) fine (0.46); enlist (to enroll oth­ 1.00); evade (to use trickery to avoid a
ers, 0.45); value (to set a price upon, sharp issue, 0.96); exaggerate (0.11);
0.16). sim ulate (0.05).
L IB E L (7) insult (0.85); slander (0.77); L IF T (16) lift (1.00); ease (to lessen pres­
abuse (to hurt w ith w ords, 0.50); scan­ sure or tension, 0.94); pry (to move
dalize (0.50); traduce (0.50); accuse with a lever, 0.85); heave (to raise labo­
(0.25); sm ear (to slander, 0.25). riously, 0.75); rear (0.67); steal (0.64);
L IB E R A L IZ E (1) liberalize (1.00). operate (to be in operation, 0.55); climb
L IB E R A T E (17) liberate (to free from (to m ount, 0.43); rob (0.40); dip (to
bondage, 1.00); liberate (to free from transfer by m eans o f a vessel, 0.33);
chem ical or physical restraint, 1.00); ransack (to loot, 0.33); rise (to move
release (0.92); rescue (to free, 0.80); upw ard, 0.31); heighten (to raise, 0.25);
m anum it (0.75); unchain (0.75); deliver lug (0.25); rem ove (to m ove physically,
(to free, 0.67); redeem (to save, 0.67); 0.25); im prove (to m ake better, 0.24).
L IG H T to set fire; to becom e bright; to within limits, 0.91); define (to set limits,
shine (10) light (to provide light, 1.00); 0.90); confine (to restrict, 0.75); confine
light (to cause to ignite, 1.00); light (to (to set lim its, 0.75); d eterm in e (to
becom e ignited, 1.00); start (to cause define, 0.75); restrain (to restrict, 0.75);
to ignite, 0.67); electrify (to provide scrim p (0.75); harness (0.67); frame (to
electricity, 0.62); kindle (to start a fire, act as a fram e, 0.64); patent (0.56);
0.50); fire (to set on fire, 0.44); ignite overspecialize (0.50); contract (to enter
(0.33); start (to arouse, 0.25); burn (to into an agreement, 0.47); hinder (0.32);
subject to fire, 0.23). decrease (to make less, 0.28); discipline
L IG H T to lighten; to descend (1) light (to punish, 0.25); localize (0.25); stint
(to com e to rest from flight or travel, (0.25); prevent (0.19); restrain (to hold
1.00); descend (to m ove lower, 0.44); in check, 0.12); com m and (to have
dismount (0.33). control, 0.11); delay (to cause a delay,
L IG H TEN to make less heavy (12) lighten 0.09); force (to use force, 0.03).
(to m ake lighter, 1.00); lighten (to ease, L IM N (3) draw (to m ake a likeness by
1.00); alleviate (0.75); decrease (to grow draw ing, 0.57); paint (to represent by
less, 0.65); un lo ad (0.53); ease (to painting, 0.47); copy (to reproduce,
le ssen p re s s u re or te n sio n , 0 .5 0 ); 0.44).
relieve (to lessen; said especially o f L IM P to walk lamely; to halt (3) limp (1.00);
pain, 0.47); soothe (0.33); abate (to w eaken (to becom e weaker, 0.45); lag
make less, 0.25); leaven (to ferm ent, (to m ove w ithout spirit, 0.17).
0.25); comfort (to make easy physically, L IN E to tie w ith a line; string or cord (5)
0.24); decrease (to m ake less, 0.04). line (to provide lines, 1.00); line (to be
L IG H T E N to shed light upon (6) brighten in a line, 1.00); line (to arrange in a line,
(to become brighter, 0.80); illuminate (to 1.00); m easure (to apply a standard o f
make lighter, 0.75); intensify (0.50); ir­ m easurem ent, 0.37); install (0.13).
radiate (0.50); light (to provide light, L IN E to apply a second layer; to cover
0.43); brighten (to make brighter, 0.25). on the inside (3) line (to provide a lin­
L IK E to be fond o f (5) like (to enjoy, ing, 1.00); back (to equip w ith a back,
1.00); like (to be fond of, 1.00); like (to 0.25); drape (0.22).
be inclined, 1.00); favour (to have a L IN G E R (11) linger (to go reluctantly,
preference, 0.85); cherish (to hold dear, 1.00); linger (to go slowly, 1.00); loiter
0.50). (0.86); lag (to m ove slow ly, 0.80);
L IK E N (3) liken (1.00); match (to find or continue (to remain, 0.50); stay (0.50);
make equals, 0.83); equate (to compare, trail (to lag behind, 0.40); pass (to
0.75). elap se, 0.25); en d u re (to continue,
L ILT (2) chirp (0.82); sing (to produce 0.11); hesitate (0.10); rem ain (to stay,
vocal music, 0.09). 0.08).
L IM E to impregnate (1) fertilize (to enrich L IN K to couple or jo in w ith (12) link
land, 0.56). (1.00); yoke (0.89); involve (0.73);
L IM IT (23) lim it (1.00); restrict (to hold dovetail (0.67); associate (to relate,
0.60); com pare (to liken, 0.60); join (to L IS T E N (4) listen (to endeavour to hear,
unite, 0.47); couple (0.33); implicate (to 1.00); listen (to receive advice cordially,
involve, 0.30); bridge (0.25); com bine 1.00); w atch (to be attentive, 0.43);
(to bring together, 0.25); articulate (to eavesdrop (0.25).
join, 0.20). L IT E R A L IZ E (1) define (to provide a
L IO N IZ E (2) lionize (1.00); celebrate (to nam e or description , 0.43).
honour, 0.33). L IT H O G R A P H (2) engrave (to prepare
L IQ U A T E (1) thaw (to melt, 0.25). a plate for printing, 0.75); draw (to make
L IQ U E F Y (6) liquefy (1.00); dissolve (to a likeness by draw ing, 0.26).
pass from a solid to a liquid state, L IT IG A T E (3) litigate (1.00); sue (0.53);
0.91); eat (to reduce gradually, 0.83); accuse (0.50).
thaw (to m elt, 0.75); heat (to becom e L IT T E R (2) litter (1.00); disorganize
hot, 0.38); heat (to m ake hot, 0.10). (0.88).
L IQ U E S C E (1) dissolve (to pass from a L IV E (11) live (to have life, 1.00);live (to
solid to a liquid state, 0.45). enjoy life, 1.00); live (to dwell, 1.00);
L IQ U ID A T E (12) liquidate (to pay, 1.00); live (to gain subsistence, 1.00); live
liquidate (to change into money, 1.00); (to persist in hum an memory, 1.00); be
liquidate (to abolish, 1.00); destroy (to have being, 0.95); dwell (0.93); exist
(to bring to nothing, 0.81); discharge (to have being, 0.50); germ inate (0.50);
(to pay a debt, 0.75); obliterate (to de­ remain (to stay, 0.42); establish (to work
stroy, 0.75); purge (to elim inate, 0.67); or settle in a perm anent place, 0.20).
spend (to expend, 0.64); pay (to give L IX IV IA T E (1) clean (0.78).
paym ent, 0.54); abandon (to leave in L O A D (7) load (to place a load, 1.00);
trouble, 0.43); remove (to kill, 0.25); kill load (to o v erlo a d , 1.00); load (to
(to deprive o f life, 0.11). charge; said esp ecially o f firearm s,
L IS P (1) lisp (1.00). 1.00); arm (to equip with weapons,
L IS T to register (12) list (to enter in a 0 .8 3 ); b u r d e n ( 0 .7 3 ) ; g lu t (to
list, 1.00); record (to w rite down, 0.84); oversupply, 0.71); corrupt (to debase,
enum erate (0.75); inscribe (0.75); enlist 0.57).
(to enroll others, 0.50); file (to arrange L O A F to spend tim e idly (5) lo af (to do
in order, 0.33); program (to schedule, nothing useful, 1.00); lo af (to travel at
0.30); inventory (0.27); jo t (0.25); report an easy pace, LOO); daw dle (0.75);
(to m ake a sum m ary statem ent, 0.22); piddle (0.75); repose (to rest, 0.50).
nam e (to indicate by nam e, 0.17); rank L O A N (4) loan (1.00); advance (to lend,
(to evaluate, 0.13). 0.67); trust (to give credit to, 0.67);
L IS T o f a ship: to careen (3) list (to lean, invest (0.33).
1.00); lean (to incline, 0.74); sink (to in­ L O A T H E (7) loathe (1.00); hate (to de­
cline, 0.25). test, 0.80); execrate (to detest, 0.75);
L IS T to put a border; to lim it (2) list (to detest (0.50); dislike (0.43); abhor (0.25);
cultivate w ith a lister, 1.00); plough (to abom inate (0.25).
use a plough, 0.22). L O B (2) lob (1.00); throw (to hurl, 0.40).
LOBBY (2) lobby (1.00); cam paign (to 0.75); appear (to seem , 0.67); seem
solicit votes, 0.10). (0.50); strike (to seem, 0.50).
L O C A L IZ E (2) localize (1.00); concen­ L O O M to m ove up and down (5) loom
trate (to bring or com e together, 0.61). (to appear, 1.00); loom (to appear large
LO CA TE (12) locate (to determ ine a lo­ or im posing, 1.00); approach (to come
cation, 1.00); locate (to take up resi­ near in tim e, 0.75); appear (to becom e
dence, 1.00); place (to put in a place, visible, 0.45); menace (0.25).
0.94); settle (to establish residence, L O O P to form a loop (12) loop (to form
0.80); colonize (0.67); situate (0.67); a loop, 1.00); loop (to be in the form o f
camp (0.55); deposit (to lay down, 0.50); a loop, 1.00); circle (0.81); coil (0.80);
order (to put in order, 0.41); position curl (to twist, 0.69); round (to make
(0.33); orient (to direct, 0.25); plant (0.08). round, 0.57); w ind (to meander, 0.55);
L O C K (12) lock (1.00); fasten (to m ake rin g (to en c ircle , 0.33); w eave (to
som ething secure, 0.98); latch (0.67); construct by interlacing, 0.22); turn (to
set (to fasten, 0.67); shut (0.67); hold change direction, 0.17); bend (to force
(to support; often used w ith up, 0.55); out o f a straight line, 0.08); turn (to
close (to put a stopper into, 0.54); bar pivot, 0.06).
(to close, 0.50); snap (0.25); jo in (to L O O S E (6) free (to liberate, 0.79); disen­
unite, 0.19); hug (0.11); close (to shut, gage (0.75); liberate (to free from bond­
0.10). age, 0.67); release (0.58); unwind (to
LODGE (10) lodge (to become fixed, 1.00); undo, 0.50); d ivide (to separate by
board (to take care of, 0.83); quarter (to parting, 0.29).
provide living quarters, 0.83); dw ell L O O S E N (13) loosen (to m ake loose,
(0.71); reside (0.60); settle (to establish 1.00); loosen (to becom e loose, 1.00);
residence, 0.60); place (to put in a place, thrash (to free grain or seed from hulls,
0.39); cam p (0.27); accom m odate (to 0.89); thaw (to unbend, 0.80); free (to
provide lodging, 0.25); shelter (0.06). liberate, 0.76); slacken (0.75); drop (to
L O G (1) record (to write down, 0.64). cause or to perm it to fall, 0.67); unhitch
L O IT E R (6) loiter (1.00); trail (to lag be­ (0.54); untie (0.40); open (to move aside
hind, 0.80); loaf (to travel at an easy a prepared obstruction, 0.38); unfurl
pace, 0.75); lag (to m ove slowly, 0.70); (0.25); release (0.17); unfold (to unfurl,
slow (to becom e slower, 0.57); continue 0.15).
(to remain, 0.25). L O O T (7) loot (LOO); steal (0.87); thieve
L O L L (7) loll (1.00); bask (0.90); repose (0.75); raid (0.57); pillage (0.50); rob
(to rest, 0.75); lo a f (to do nothing use­ (0.05); ravage (0.02).
ful, 0.59); lie (to be prostrate, 0.50); loiter L O P to cut o ff tw igs (4) lop (to cut off;
(0.48); linger (to go reluctantly, 0.18). said esp ec ially o f b ran ch es, 1.00);
L O N G to yearn (3) long (1.00); lust (0.67); prune (0.75); truncate (0.75); trim (to
desire (to w ant sexually, 0.50). cut o ff excess, 0.73).
L O O K (6) look (to appear, 1.00); look (to L O P to hang loosely (1) lop (to hang,
endeavour to see, 1.00); point (to face, LOO).
L O P E (3) run (to go sw iftly by physical (0.82); oil (0.67).
effort, 0.52); canter (0.50); gallop (0.40). L U G (3) lug (1.00); draw (to move an ob­
L O R D (1) com m and (to have control, ject, 0.59); tow (0.38).
0.30). L U L L to sing lullaby (3) lull (1.00); pacify
L O S E to perish (11) lose (to bring about (to quiet, 0.25); quiet (to make calm,
a loss, 1.00); lose (to incur loss, 1.00); 0.25).
lose (to fail to w in, 1.00); lose (to suf­ L U M B E R to encum ber (1) load (to place
fer financially, 1.00); w eaken (to b e­ a load, 0.74).
come weaker, 0.91); spill (0.75); displace L U M B E R to m ove in a clum sy or blun­
(to put in the w rong place, 0.50); m olt dering m anner (1) linger (to go reluc­
(0.50); w aste (to use w ithout result, tantly, 0.50).
0.50); co n tra ct (to d im in ish , 0.45); L U M IN E S C E (1) shine (to give forth
miscarry (0.33). light, 0.10).
L O U N G E (12) lounge (1.00); lo af (to do L U M P to m ass; to pile up (2) heap (to
nothing useful, 0.82); bask (0.80); loll place in ah eap , 0.85); clot (0.25).
(0.75); rest (to take o n e ’s rest, 0.68);
L U N C H (3) lunch (1.00); dine (0.75); eat
d rone (to loaf, 0.67); lag (to m ove
(to take as food, 0.43).
w ithout spirit, 0.58); daw dle (0.25);
L U N G E to deliver a straight forward blow
recline (0.25); repose (to rest, 0.25);
(2) lunge (1.00); reach (to extend a part
slouch (0.25); sprawl (0.25).
o f the body to, 0.88).
L O V E (6) love (to be passionately de­
L U N G E to put (a horse) through his
voted, 1.00); love (to express love by
paces by the use o f the lunge; to make
ca resse s, 1.00); love (to p o sse ss a
a horse go round the lunge (1) jump
deep and abiding interest, 1.00); hug
(to leap across or up, 0.54).
(0.78); live (to enjoy life, 0.20); sym ­
L U R C H to remain in or about a place fur­
pathize (0.14).
L O W E R (21) lower (1.00); depreciate (to tively or secretly, especially with evil
low er in reputation, 0.93); dip (to put design (3) lurch (1.00); trip (to stum ­
into a liquid, 0.90); corrupt (to debase, ble, 0.73); lunge (0.50).
0.89); hum ble (0.76); belittle (0.75); L U R C H o f a ship: to make a lurch to lean
recede (to sink, 0.71); frow n (0.67); suddenly over on one side; move sud­
decrease (to m ake less, 0.63); fall (to denly and unsteadily (6) heave (to raise
pass quickly dow nw ard, 0.61); drop (to and fall, 0.81); totter (to be near falling,
cause or to permit to fall, 0.60); decrease 0.69); jum p (to leap across or up, 0.62);
(to g row le ss, 0 .5 6 ); d is c o u n t (to w ave (to m ove back and forth, 0.48);
deduct, 0.54); abate (to make less, 0.50); c ra sh (to fall w ith a crash , 0.43);
glare (to stare fiercely, 0.50); soften (to stum ble (to m ove in a stum bling man­
m ake soft, 0.41); hum iliate (0.38); de­ ner, 0.40).
m ote (0.33); dow ngrade (0.25); sulk L U R E (13) lure (to draw, 1.00); lure (to
(0.17); sink (to cause to sink, 0.10). entice, 1.00); tempt (0.95); decoy (0.75);
L U B R IC A T E (3) lubricate (1.00); grease entice (0.75); magnetize (0.75); fascinate
(0.69); seduce (0.52); attract (to allure, 0.67); overrate (0.67); increase (to add
0.50); bribe (0.50); mislead (0.41); invite to, 0.66); prom ote (to advance in rank,
(to ask politely, 0.28); trepan (0.25). 0 .5 3 ); e n h a n c e (0 .5 0 ); in fla te (to
L U R K (7) lurk (1.00); prowl (0.50); sneak distend, 0.44); am plify (0.40); recom ­
(0 .3 6 ); sku lk (0.25); slink (0.25); m end (to lend support or approval,
am bush (0.22); hide (to keep oneself 0.36); stretch (to cause to stretch, 0.29);
concealed, 0.11). augm ent (to increase, 0.25); exalt (to
LU ST (1) lust (1.00). elevate, 0.25); redouble (0.25); worship
L U S T R E to throw light upon; to render (to perform acts o f worship, 0.24); com­
attractive (1) varnish (0.35). pliment (to flatter, 0.21); intensify (0.06).
L U X U R IA T E (4) luxuriate (to indulge, M A IL to send by post (2) mail (1.00); send
1.00); luxuriate (to flourish, 1.00); bask (to dispatch, 0.63).
(0.60); grow (to becom e larger, 0.11). M A IM (6) maim (1.00); mangle (to muti­
LY NCH (3) lynch (1.00); kill (to deprive late, 0.73); scar (0.46); destroy (to bring
o f life, 0.80); hang (to kill by hanging, to nothing, 0.25); lacerate (to injure,
0.33). 0.25); dam age (to im pair the value of,
0 .22).
M M A IN STA Y (1) support (to hold up from
M A C A D A M IZ E (2) smooth (to rem ove beneath, 0.43).
unevenness, 0.62); pave (0.33). M A IN T A IN (28) m aintain (to uphold,
M A CER A TE (2) mash (0.59); soak (to re­ 1 .0 0 ); m a in ta in (to a s s e rt, 1.00);
main in liquid, 0.57). m aintain (to keep ready for use, 1.00);
M A CH IN A TE (1) maneuver (0.82). m aintain (to continue, 1.00); maintain
M A C H IN E (2) machine (1.00); manufac­ (to support, 1.00); support (to uphold,
ture (to m ake a product, 0.14). 0.97); resist (to withstand, 0.85); defend
M A D D E N (7) m adden (1.00); anger (to (to provide general protection, 0.84);
arouse som eone to anger, 0.91); haunt d e c la re (to s p e a k fo rm a lly an d
(to prey upon, 0.79); excite (to stir one em phatically, 0.78); continue (to per­
m entally, 0.69); deran g e (to upset, sist, 0.75); fight (to struggle for an end,
0.43); enrage (0.25); inflame (to irritate, 0.75); service (0.75); stabilize (to sup­
0.25). port, 0.75); sustain (to nourish, 0.75);
M A G N E T IZ E (5) magnetize (1.00); hyp­ go (to continue, 0.67); justify (to give
notize (to charm , 0.75); electrify (to reasons for, 0.61); help (to aid, 0.58);
provide electricity ,,0.38); ravish (to feed (0.52); retain (to reserve services,
charm, 0.14); draw (to m ove an object, 0.50); support (to continue, 0.50); say
0.05). (0.41); em phasize (0.30); sw ear (to
M A G N IF Y (21) m agnify (to enlarge, declare, 0.25); vouch (0.23); occupy (to
1.00); m agnify (to exaggerate, 1.00); fill space, 0.21); defend (to support an
overdo (to do too m uch, 0.93); exag­ accused person, 0.17); approve (to give
gerate (0.79); overvalue (0.75); develop approval, 0.16); m anage (to direct,
(to im prove, 0.68); advance (to raise, 0.14).
M A K E (46) make (to m anufacture, 1.00); M A L IN G E R (3) loaf (to do nothing use­
m ake (to total, 1.00); m ake (to create, ful, 0.53); avoid (0.50); shirk (0.25).
1.00); m ake (to acquire, 1.00); m ake (to M A L T R E A T (11) maltreat (1.00); hurt (to
force, 1.00); make (to reach, 1.00); make harm, 0.75); abuse (to treat badly, 0.74);
(to cause, 1.00); make (to appoint, 1.00); dam age (to im pair the value of, 0.69);
m ake (to offer, 1.00); m ake (to w age, m isuse (0.67); oppress (0.61); corrupt
1.00); m ake (to enact, 1.00); m ake (to (to debase, 0.22); p ersecu te (to op­
prepare, 1.00); m ake (to perform , 1.00); press, especially for religious reasons,
m ake (to move, 1.00); m anufacture (to 0.17); rape (0.10); beat (to thrash, 0.07);
m ake a product, 0.95); form (to give m olest (to disturb people, 0.04).
shape to a thing, 0.90); perform (to M A M B O (1) dance (to m ove rhythm i­
accom plish an action, 0.89); begin (to cally, 0.46).
initiate, 0.88); force (to use force, 0.84); M A N (2) m an (1.00); prepare (to make
let (to aw ard; said especially o f con­ oneself ready, 0.22).
tracts, 0.83); build (t© construct, 0.82);
M A N A C L E (2) bind (to constrain with
construct (to build a physical structure,
bonds, 0.69); trammel (0.20).
0.75); contrive (to invent, 0.75); get (to
M A N A G E (27) m anage (to direct, 1.00);
prepare, 0.75); catch (to reach in tim e
m anage (to contrive, 1.00); m anage (to
to board, 0.67); com pose (to give form,
get along, 1.00); tend (to w atch over,
0.67); m ould (to give physical shape
0.93); contrive (to succeed w ith diffi­
to, 0.67); net (0.67); provoke (to cause,
culty, 0.92); drive (to m anage a pro­
0.67); average (to do on an average,
pelled vehicle, 0.92); ride (to control a
0.64); generate (0.60); w age (0.60);
beast o f burden by riding , 0.88); order
forge (0.56); fabricate (to construct,
(to put in order, 0.82); dom inate (0.78);
0.50); w eave (to contrive, 0.50); urge
e c o n o m iz e (0 .7 8 ); o v ersh a d o w (to
(to drive, 0.33); enfo rce (to require
com pliance, 0.27); com plete (to m ake dom inate, 0.67); treat (to deal with a
entire, 0.26); cause (to bring about, person or thing, 0.67); collect (to ar­
0.25); clear (to profit, 0.25); cut (to range settlem ent o f a debt, 0.60); mo­
shape, 0.25); effect (to bring about, nopolize (0.60); maneuver (0.59); com­
0.25); induce (to cause, 0.25); drive (to m and (to have control, 0.54); lead (to
urge on, 0.17); organize (to form an exercise leadership, 0.50); afford (to be
organization, 0.15); invent (to create or in a position to buy, 0.43); jockey (0.33);
discover, 0.06). m aintain (to keep ready for use, 0.32);
M A L E D IC T (1) curse (to swear at, 0.50). arrange (to m ake arrangem ents, 0.25);
M A L IG N (10) malign (1.00); abuse (to hurt can (to be able, 0.25); handle (to direct,
w ith words, 0.75); dam age (to slander, 0.25); overru le (to rule, 0.25); pilot
0.75); scandalize (0.71); revile (0.50); de­ (0.25); w ork (to handle successfully,
preciate (to lower in reputation, 0.33); de­ 0.25); achieve (to finish an undertak­
fame (0.25); smirch (to degrade, 0.25); lie ing, 0.16).
(to utter an untruth, 0.14); slander (0.07). M A N D U C A TE (1) chew (0.20).
M A N EU V ER (8) maneuver (1.00); jockey touch, 0.70); em ploy (to m ake use of,
(0.67); act (to perform an action, 0.47); 0.50); contrive (to succeed with diffi­
ease (to m ove carefully, 0.23); contrive culty, 0.46); m anage (to direct, 0.38);
(to succeed with difficulty, 0.08); fly (to finger (to feel, 0.25); fly (to m anage a
manage a plane in the air, 0.08); exercise plane in the air, 0.17).
(to m ove the body, 0.06); urge (to M A N T L E (2) clothe (0.52); blush (0.40).
induce, 0.06). M A N U F A C T U R E (4) m anufacture (to
M A N G L E to hack; to cut; to spoil by m ake a product, 1.00); m anufacture (to
gross blundering (9) m angle (to m uti­ devise fro m alm ost no th in g , 1.00);
late, 1.00); maim (0.91); wreck (to bring build (to construct, 0.79); w eave (to
to ruin, 0.67); dam age (to im pair the contrive, 0.25).
value of, 0.63); cripple (0.50); truncate M A N U M IT (5) m anum it (1.00); ransom
(0.50); hack (0.25); kill (to deprive o f (0.50); free (to liberate, 0.26); enfran­
life, 0.16); bite (to seize or sever w ith chise (to liberate, 0.25); rescue (to free,
teeth, 0.06). 0.10).
M A N G L E to press sm ooth w ith a m an­ M A N U R E (1) fertilize (to enrich land,
gle (3) m angle (to iron w ith a pow der 0.89).
roller, 1.00); iron (0.67); p ress (to M A P (6) map (1.00); chart (0.75); plan (to
sm ooth, usually by heat and pressure, arrange in a preliminary way, 0.63); plan
0.50). (to plot an action in advance, 0.44);
M A N H A N D L E (2) m anhandle (1.00); draw (to m ake a likeness by drawing,
abuse (to treat badly, 0.32). 0.09); m easure (to apply a standard o f
M A N ICURE (1) manicure (1.00). measurem ent, 0.03).
M A N IF E S T (14) m anifest (to display, M A R (13) mar (to dam age slightly, 1.00);
1.00); m anifest (to evidence, 1.00); m ar (to impair, 1.00); undo (0.92); botch
evince (0.75); explain (0.70); display (to (0.88); dam age (to im pair the value of,
present for effect, 0.64); declare (to 0.68); cheapen (0.64); abuse (to treat
adm it to o n e’s possessions, 0.62); list badly, 0.56); disfigure (0.50); score (to
(to enter in a list, 0.53); dem onstrate dam ag e, 0.50); co rru p t (to debase,
(to present for effect, 0.50); show (to 0.41); maim (0.27); cut (to cut into, 0.26);
display, 0.50); exhibit (0.25); expose (to destroy (to bring to nothing, 0.23).
betray, 0.25); present (to display, 0.25); M A R A U D (6) maraud (1.00); ransack (to
register (to show, 0.25); prove (0.14). loot, 0.63); destroy (to bring to noth­
M A N IF O L D (1) m ultiply (to em ploy ing, 0.56); raid (0.39); ravage (0.29);
m u ltip lic a tio n as an a r ith m e tic a l despoil (0.25).
process, 0.56). M A R C H to go (7) march (1.00); tramp (to
M A N IPU L A T E (11) m anipulate (1.00); tread heavily, 0.90); w alk (to m ove on
w ield (0.86); treat (to deal w ith a sub­ foot, 0.87); move (to be in motion, 0.46);
ject, 0.80); handle (to do w hatever is step (0.33); stride (0.33); flow (to move
necessary, 0.75); operate (to keep in in one direction, 0.19).
operation, 0.75); feel (to exam ine by M A R IN A T E (3) souse (to preserve, 0.50);
kipper (0.33); preserve (to keep, 0.19). M A R T Y R (1) hurt (to cause pain, 0.57).
M A R K (27) m ark (to m ake a mark, 1.00); M A R T Y R IZ E (1) hurt (to cause pain,
m ark (to designate, 1.00); m ark (to 0.44).
distinguish, 1.00); m ark (to note care­ M A R V E L (2) marvel (1.00); puzzle (to
fully, 1.00); m ark (to put prices upon, wonder, 0.50).
1.00); m easure (to apply a standard o f M A S H to beat into soft mass (5) mash
m easurem ent, 0.91); regard (to look at, (1.00); poach (to blend, 0.75); crush (to
0.79); u n derscore (0.75); record (to bruise severely, 0.50); m unch (0.42);
w rite down, 0.72); define (to set limits, soften (to m ake soft, 0.12).
0.69); nam e (to indicate by name, 0.67); M A S K to cover face with a mask (6) mask
notice (to observe, 0.67); underline (to (1.00); disguise (0.95); hide (to conceal,
m ake a line under, 0.67); w atch (to be 0.86); masquerade (0.75); cover (to hide,
attentive, 0.57); see (to perceive w ith 0.25); screen (to hide, 0.25).
the eye, 0.55); cut (to cut into, 0.53); M A SQ U E R A D E (1) masquerade (1.00).
dent (0.53); characterize (to distinguish, M A SS to form or gather into mass; to
0.50); label (0.50); sound (to m easure, collect; to arrange (6) concentrate (to
0.50); underline (to em phasize, 0.50); bring or com e together, 0.95); consoli­
enroll (to prepare a roll, 0.44); date (to date (to cause to unite, 0.90); park (0.89);
indicate historical tim e, 0.43); address huddle (0.64); heap (to place in a heap,
(to p ro v id e d irec tio n s for delivery, 0.46); load (to place a load, 0.21).
0.40); blister (0.25); score (to dam age, M A S S A C R E (5) massacre (1.00); kill (to
0.25); look (to endeavour to see, 0.10). deprive o f life, 0.89); depopulate (0.80);
M A R K E T (6) market (1.00); sell (to con­ b u tc h e r (to k ill in h u m a n ly , 0.25);
vey for a consideration, 0.92); m erchan­ slaughter (0.25).
dise (0.75); com m ercialize (to adapt to M A S S A G E (4) m assage (1.00); rub (to
bu sin ess, 0.50); h andle (to deal in, subject to friction, 0.50); caress (0.42);
0.33); grow (to cultivate, 0.10). touch (to be in contact, 0.14).
M A R O O N (3) m aroon (1.00); abandon M A S T E R (15) master (to conquer, 1.00);
(to leave in trouble, 0.36); elim inate (to m aster (to becom e proficient, 1.00);
remove, 0.10). defeat (to get the b etter o f another,
M A R R Y (8) marry (to take a spouse, 1.00); 0.98); com m and (to have control, 0.86);
m a rry (to jo in in w e d lo c k , 1.00); s u b je c t ( 0 .8 2 ) ; u n d e r s ta n d (to
espouse (to marry, 0.75); m erge (0.63); com prehend, 0.71); learn (to acquire
settle (to take up sedentary life, 0.50); m entally, 0.63); rem em ber (to bear in
jo in (to unite, 0.39); m atch (to find or m ind, 0.57); control (to hold in check,
m ake equals, 0.17); unite (to com e to ­ 0.50); figure (to figure out, 0.50); over­
gether, 0.06). p o w e r ( 0 .5 0 ); s u c c e e d (to attain
M A R S H A L (5) m arshal (1.00); em battle success, 0.40); enthrall (to overcome,
(0.75); line (to arrange in a line, 0.75); 0.25); overcom e (0.25); subjugate (to
m uster (0.67); order (to put in order, subdue, 0.25).
0.09). M A S T E R M IN D (3) m asterm ind (1.00);
manage (to direct, 0.84); engineer (0.25). (to write down, 0.52); pass (to complete
M A STH EA D (1) punish (0.29). a course successf., 0.50).
M A ST IC A TE (9) masticate (1.00); chew M A T T E R (2) matter (to be of importance,
(0.67); m unch (0.67); eat (to take as 1.00); m atter (to form or discharge pus,
food, 0.65); m ash (0.65); bite (to seize 1.00 ).
or sever with teeth, 0.39); crunch (0.25); M A T U R E (10) mature (to come to matu­
gnaw (0.25); graze (to pasture, 0.13). rity, 1.00); mature (to grow, 1.00); come
MAT to cover w ith m ats (2) m at (1.00); (to becom e, 0.75); develop (to grow,
frame (to enclose in a frame, 0.14). 0.75); change (to becom e different,
M A TCH to pair; to assort; to regard (25) 0.44); becom e (to com e to be, 0.25);
m atch (to find or m ake equals, 1.00); form (to take form , 0.21); grow (to
match (to be alike, 1.00); match (to meet b e c o m e larger, 0 .1 9 ); im p ro v e (to
in contest, 1.00); equal (0.92); reflect becom e better, 0.06); grow (to change
(to throw back, 0.78); com m easure slowly, 0.05).
(0.75); com pare (to stand in relation­ M A U L (7) maul (1.00); hurt (to cause pain,
ship to another, 0.75); parallel (0.75); 0.73); drive (to force with blows, 0.53);
agree (0.69); becom e (to be suitable, m a nhandle (0.50); b atter (to strike,
0.69); equalize (0.67); follow (to regu­ 0.25); paw (to handle clumsily, 0.13);
late one’s action, 0.67); resemble (0.67); beat (to thrash, 0.09).
rival (0.67); m eet (to encounter, 0.57); M A U N D E R to grum ble, to m utter; to
collate (to com pare, 0.50); gear (to m ove or act in a dream y m anner (6)
regulate, 0.50); pair (0.50); com pare (to m aunder (to digress, 1.00); maunder (to
lik en , 0 .4 0 ); fit (to be su ita b le in mumble, 1.00); babble (0.71); ramble (to
character, 0.37); correspond (to be alike, speak or write aimlessly, 0.47); digress
0.33); coincide (to correspond, 0.25); (0.25); mumble (0.20).
balance (to place in balance, 0.24); M A X IM IZ E (1) inflate (to distend, 0.19).
revenge (0.22); classify (0.04). MAY (3) may (to grant permission, 1.00);
M A TE to equal; to rival (5) copulate m ay (to concede possibility, 1.00); can
(0.36); cover (to copulate, said o f ani­ (to be able, 0.50).
mals, 0.25); m arry (to take a spouse, M E A N to purpose; to design (4) mean
0.25); m atch (to find or m ake equals, (to have as m eaning, 1.00); mean (to
0.25); yoke (0.05). have in m ind, 1.00); intend (to destine
M A T E R IA L IZ E (7) m aterialize (to be­ for, 0.67); design (to intend, 0.50).
com e matter, 1.00); m aterialize (to de­ M E A N D E R (11) meander (to turn, 1.00);
velop, 1.00); em body (to actualize, m eander (to wander, 1.00); ram ble (to
0.25); p ersonify (to em body, 0.25); sp e a k or w rite a im le s sly , 0 .7 6 );
appear (to becom e visible, 0.18); form g allivant (0.75); cruise (0.50); rove
(to take form, 0.14); haunt (to frequent (0.50); roam (to wander, 0.44); bend (to
as a spirit, 0.13). be forced out o f a straight line, 0.36);
M A T R IC U L A TE (4) matriculate (1.00); curl (to twist, 0.35); w alk (to move on
enroll (to prepare a roll, 0.72); record foot, 0.13); m urm ur (to m ake a low
continuous sound, 0.08). (to en g a g e in an en co u n ter, 0.76);
M E A S U R E (11) m easure (to apply a assem b le (to com e together, 0.75);
standard o f m easurem ent, 1.00); m eas­ d e fra y (0 .7 5 ); in te r s e c t (to com e
ure (to contain by m easurem ent, 1.00); together, 0.75); oppose (to fight, 0.73);
estim ate (to calculate probable costs, encounter (to m eet unexpectedly, 0.67);
0.92); w eigh (to take the w eight of, c o n g r e g a te ( 0 .5 0 ) ; e n v is a g e (to
0.75); date (to indicate historical tim e, confront, 0.50); centre (0.41); cover (to
0.57); average (to do on an average, suffice, 0.33); m atch (to m eet in con­
0.50); numerate (0.50); examine (to test, test, 0.33); pay (to give paym ent, 0.29);
0.45); com pare (to exam ine on a com ­ satisfy (to fulfill, 0.18); fit (to be suit­
p a ra tiv e basis, 0.36); assay (0 .33); able in character, 0.11); equal (0.08).
com pute (0.25). M E L D to speak or show forth (1) meld
M E C H A N IZ E (1) mechanize (1.00). ( 1.00).
M E D D L E (3) m eddle (to interfere in oth­ M E L IO R A T E (4) meliorate (1.00); heal (to
e rs’ affairs, 1.00); m eddle (to handle cure, 0.64); im prove (to m ake better,
o th ers’ things, 1.00); m olest (to disturb 0 .5 8 ); ea se (to le sse n p re ssu re or
objects, 0.50). tension, 0.06).
M E D IA T E (6) m ediate (1.00); decide M E L L O W (7) soften (to make soft, 0.88);
(0.65); negotiate (to make arrangements change (to becom e different, 0.50); ma­
for, 0 .59); re c o n c ile (to b rin g into ture (to grow, 0.50); smooth (to mollify,
harm ony, 0.54); intervene (to settle, 0.50); grow (to change slowly, 0.27);
0.33); arbitrate (0.25). age (to m a tu re, 0.25); im p ro v e (to
M E D IC A TE (2) nurse (0.76); heal (to cure, becom e better, 0.12).
0.46). M E L T to becom e liquefied by heat (10)
M E D IT A T E (8) meditate (to muse, 1.00); m elt (to liquefy, 1.00); m elt (to relent,
meditate (to think over, 1.00); speculate 1.00); melt (to decrease, 1.00); dissolve
(to think, 0.80); ponder (0.75); m ull (to pass from a solid to a liquid state,
(0.50); m use (0.50); intercede (0.25); 0.82); eat (to reduce gradually, 0.75);
think (to exam ine with the m ind, 0.13). soften (to becom e soft, 0.54); distort
M E E K E N (1) humble (0.12). (to change shape, 0.43); ebb (0.36); heat
M E E T (29) meet (to come together, 1.00); (to m ake hot, 0.35); smelt (0.25).
m eet (to go to a place o f meeting, 1.00); M E M O R IA L IZ E (4) celebrate (to recog­
m eet (to touch, 1.00);m eet (to fulfill, nize an occasion, 0.56); memorize (0.50);
1.00); m eet (to encounter, 1.00); unite com m em orate (0.25); rem em ber (to
(to com e together, 0.94); close (to come recall, 0.25).
together, 0.90); dare (to defy, 0.87); M E M O R IZ E (4) memorize (1.00); remem­
reunite (0.86); face (to confront conflict ber (to bear in m ind, 0.86); teach (to
o r tro u b le , 0 .8 4 ); g a th e r (to com e drill, 0.18); learn (to acquire mentally,
together, 0.84); touch (to com e into a 0.06).
contact w ith, 0.83); crash (to have a M E N A C E (7) menace (1.00); loom (to ap­
collision, 0.82); converge (0.80); fight pear large or im posing, 0.94); threaten
(to w a rn o f p u n is h m e n t, 0 .8 6 ); (0.50); melt (to liquefy, 0.45); syndicate
fulminate (to intimidate, 0.75); im pend (0.25).
(to th r e a te n , 0 .7 5 ); o v e rh a n g (to M E R IT (3) m erit (1.00); deserve (0.75);
threaten, 0.33); glare (to stare fiercely, earn (to deserve as rew ard, 0.50).
0.30). M E S H (6) m esh (1.00); w eave (to con­
M END (21) m end (to repair, 1.00); m end struct by interlacing, 0.57); engage (to
(to im prove, 1.00); m end (to reform , enm esh, especially gears, 0.50); go (to
1.00); mend (to get well, 1.00); improve belong, 0.50); braid (0.25); splice (0.25).
(to m ake better, 0.97); darn (to repair, M E S M E R IZ E (6) mesmerize (1.00); hyp­
0.75); solder (0.75); reform (to change notize (to put in a trance, 0.89); entrance
o n e ’s conduct for the better, 0.60); (to put into a trance, 0.50); enchain (to
amend (0.50); fix (to put in order, 0.50); attract, 0.25); ravish (to charm, 0.21);
knit (to grow together, 0.50); patch charm (to bewitch, 0.08).
(0.50); reclaim (to reform , 0.50); vam p M E S S (1) m uddle (to confuse; said o f
(to repair, 0.50); adjust (to place or affairs, 0.47).
regulate parts, 0.46); correct (to m ake M E T A M O R P H O S E (4) metamorphose
needed corrections, 0.45); reform (to (1.00); change (to becom e different,
change into a new form, 0.44); repair 0.75); m aterialize (to becom e matter,
(0.44); recover (to regain health, 0.40); 0.33); change (to m ake different, 0.10).
heal (to recover, 0.33); rep la ce (to M E T A S T A S IZ E (2) m ove (to be in
supply an equivalent, 0.27). m otion, 0.54); filter (to soak slowly,
M EN D IC A TE (1) beg (to ask alms, 0.75). 0.23).
M E N T IO N (12) m ention (1.00); cite (to M E T E to ascertain dim ension or quan­
refer to as authority, 0.88); notify (to tity (2) mete (1.00); measure (to apply a
provide with inform ation, 0.73); notice standard o f m easurem ent, 0.66).
(to publish a notice, 0.67); enum erate M E T H O D IZ E (6) regulate (to adjust,
(0.50); remark (0.50); comment (to make 0.89); organize (to put in order, 0.75);
a remark, 0.47); recite (to relate in detail, order (to put in order, 0.74); adjust (to
0.32); detail (to m ake clear in detail, bring to an agreem ent, 0.25); readjust
0.31); observe (to com m ent, 0.25); (0.25); tabulate (0.13).
com m unicate (to im part inform ation, M E W L (1) whine (0.46).
0.10); tell (to inform, 0.05). M E Z Z O T IN T (1) engrave (to prepare a
M E O W (1) cry (to call (not o f human crea­ plate for printing, 0.25).
tures), 0.68). M IC R O F IL M (1) photograph (0.25).
M ER C H A N D ISE (3) merchandise (1.00); M ICR O W A V E (1) cook (0.02).
bargain (to trade, 0.33); sell (to convey M IC T U R A T E (1) urinate (0.67).
for a consideration, 0.17). M IF F (2) m iff (to annoy, 1.00); m iff (to
M E R G E (9) merge (1.00); mix (to blend, frown, 1.00).
0.94); soak (to drench, 0.71); unite (to M IG R A T E (9) m igrate (1.00); emigrate
com e together, 0.67); com bine (to be­ (0.75); im m igrate (0.75); transm igrate
com e one, 0.50); m eld (0.50); pool (0.75); travel (to journey, 0.64); trek
(0.50); colonize (0.44); leave (to go obtain gold, 0.33); defend (to keep off
away, 0.31); scatter (to becom e sepa­ an enemy, often f ig ., 0.24).
rated, 0.20). M IN E R A L IZ E (2) harden (to m ake less
M IL D E W (4) mildew (1.00); decay (0.65); p erv io u s, 0 .88); p etrify (to harden,
m ould (to decay through the action o f 0.75).
m ould, 0.50); dam age (to im pair the M IN G L E (10) mingle (1.00); cross (to mix
value of, 0.28). breeds, 0.88); intermingle (0.67); mix (to
M IL K (1) drain (to withdraw fluid, 0.63). blend, 0.62); confuse (0.61); adulterate
M IL L to thicken clothe by fulling (2) grind (0.60); blend (0.50); poach (to blend,
(to pulverize, 0.87); m anufacture (to 0.50); com mingle (0.25); unite (to come
m ake a product, 0.09). together, 0.03).
M IM E (6) m im e (1.00); m ock (to mimic, M IN IM IZ E (8) minimize (1.00); weaken (to
0.75); im itate (to m im ic, 0.71); parody m ake weaker, 0.90); dw arf (to cause to
(0.56); im personate (0.40); pantom im e appear small, 0.80); dow ngrade (0.75);
(0 .20). d e c r e a s e (to m a k e le s s , 0 .5 1 );
M IM E O G R A P H (1) reproduce (to make understate (0.50); undervalue (0.50);
an exact copy, 0.63). underestim ate (0.17).
M IM IC (17) mimic (to imitate, 1.00); mimic M IN IS T E R (7) m inister (1.00); nurse
(to mock, 1.00); parody (0.94); ridicule (0.88); give (to adm inister, 0.67); pro­
(0.83); im personate (0.80); pretend (to vide (to supply, 0.50); visit (to call upon
make believe, 0.80); satirize (0.75); copy the sick, 0.50); m anage (to direct, 0.46);
(to im itate, 0.67); act (to take part in a render (to provide, 0.25).
play, 0.56); ape (0.50); echo (0.50); mime M IN T to coin (3) m int (to print or press
(0.50); follow (to regulate o n e’s action, money, 1.00); m int (to invent a word,
0.47); caricature (0.25); p o rtray (to etc., 1.00); coin (to invent a w ord, etc.,
im itate, 0.25); interpret (to convey the 0.50).
m eaning o f (art), 0.10); adopt (to take M IR R O R (8) imitate (to mimic, 0.86); re­
as o n e’s own, 0.08). flect (to throw back an image, 0.83); fol­
M IM IC R Y (1) pantomime (0.60). low (to regulate o n e’s action, 0.60); re­
M IN C E (3) m ince (to chop, 1.00); m ince sem ble (0.33); return (to reflect, 0.25);
(to minimize, 1.00); step (0.13). rep ro d u ce (to m ake a second tim e,
M IN D (10) mind (to be careful, 1.00); mind 0.24); represent (to present as a true
(to give o n e’s attention, 1.00); m ind (to interpretation , 0.21); shine (to reflect
obey, 1.00); m ind (to object to, 1.00); light, 0.14).
m ind (to rem em ber, 1.00); regard (to M IS A P P L Y (5) misapply (1.00); miscon­
look at, 0.50); see (to perceive with the duct (to m ism anage, 0.75); m isunder­
eye, 0.41); dislike (0.24); w atch (to be stand (0.47); botch (0.42); waste (to use
a tte n tiv e , 0 .2 1 ); o b e y (to a c t in w ithout result, 0.25).
accordance w ith orders, 0.14). M IS A P P R E H E N D (4) m isapprehend
M IN E (4) mine (to dig for minerals, 1.00); (1.00); m istake (0.50); m isunderstand
dig (to stir the earth, 0.82); pan (to (0.20); misjudge (to make a wrong judg­
ment, usually o f a person, 0.17). M ISD EN O M IN A TE (1) misname (0.30).
M IS A P P R O P R IA T E (3) misappropriate M I S D I R E C T (3) m is d ire c t (1 .0 0 );
(1.00); take (to steal, 0.75); steal (0.23). m isapply (0.75); m isconduct (to m is­
M ISA R R A N G E (1) m uddle (to confuse; manage, 0.25).
said o f affairs, 0.94). M IS D O (1) misbehave (0.30).
M ISB E H A V E (3) m isbehave (1.00); sin M IS D O U B T (1) d oubt (to en tertain
(0.38); disobey (0.13). doubt, 0.27).
M ISBELIEV E (2) misbelieve (1.00); doubt M IS E M P L O Y (4) m isem ploy (1.00);
(to entertain doubt, 0.13). abuse (to treat badly, 0.80); m ishandle
M ISCALCULATE (8) miscalculate (1.00); (0.25); w aste (to use w ithout result,
underestimate (0.92); misjudge (to make 0.13).
an inaccurate estimate, 0.78); misunder­ M IS E S T IM A T E (2) m iscount (0.75);
stand (0.60); m isprize (0.50); botch botch (0.08).
(0.25); m iscount (0.25); m isinterpret M IS F IR E (1) misfire (1.00).
(0.25). M IS G IV E (1) doubt (to entertain doubt,
M IS C A L L (3) m iscall (1.00); m isnam e 0 .20).
(0.80); misterm(0.50). M IS G U ID E (1) lie (to utter an untruth,
M IS C A R R Y (6) m iscarry (1.00); fail (to 0.82).
be unsuccessful, 0.94); underestim ate M ISH A N D L E (6) mishandle (1.00); fum­
(0.83); m uff (0.75); abort (to fail, 0.67); ble (0.75); botch (0.58); misconduct (to
disappoint (0.41). mismanage, 0.50); abuse (to treat badly,
M IS C O M P R E H E N D (1) misunderstand 0.46); bungle (0.25).
(0.73). M ISID E N T IFY (1) misname (0.40).
M ISC O M PU T E (1) botch (0.13). M IS IN F O R M (4) misinform (1.00); con­
M IS C O N C E IV E (3) m isu n d e rsta n d fuse (0.82); lie (to utter an untruth,
(0.87); misjudge (to make an inaccurate 0.71); misdirect (0.50).
estimate, 0.67); mistake (0.46). M IS IN S T R U C T (1) lie (to utter an un­
M IS C O N D U C T (3) m isconduct (to m is­ truth, 0.79).
behave oneself, 1.00); m isconduct (to M IS IN T E R P R E T (5) misinterpret (1.00);
mismanage, 1.00); mismanage (0.29). m isu n d e rsta n d (0 .8 0 ); m istran slate
M IS C O N JE C T U R E (1) botch (0.33). (0.75); distort (to alter the meaning,
M ISC O N S T R U E (7) misconstrue (1.00); 0.50); mistake (0.33).
m is ju d g e (to m a k e an in a c c u ra te M IS JU D G E (7) m isjudge (to make a
estim ate, 0.44); m isunderstand (0.40); w rong judgm ent, usually o f a person,
m istake (0.29); distort (to alter the 1.00); m isjudge (to make an inaccurate
m eaning, 0.25); botch (0.21); m isnam e estim ate, 1.00); err (0.67); m isunder­
(0 . 10). stand (0.67); m istak e (0.54); botch
M ISC O U N T (2) miscount (1.00); miscal­ (0.38); exaggerate (0.32).
culate (0.50). M IS L A B E L (2) misterm (0.75); misname
M ISD A TE (2) m isdate (1.00); antedate (0.50).
(0.50). MISLAY (5) mislay (1.00); misplace (0.94);
displace (to put in the w rong place, 0.29); falsify (0.25); m isquote (0.25);
0.75); lose (to bring about a loss, 0.67); mislead (0.09).
disorganize (0.52). M IS S to fail; to pass by; to overlook (16)
M IS L E A D (15) m islead (1.00); deceive m iss (to feel a want, 1.00); miss (to fail
(0.95); lie (to utter an untruth, 0.86); con­ to catch, 1.00); miss (to fail to hit, 1.00);
fuse (0.84); beguile (to deceive, 0.75); m iss (to fail to use, 1.00); m isjudge (to
ensnare (to deceive, 0.75); m isinform m ake an inaccurate estimate, 0.89); fail
(0.67); pretend (to feign, 0.56); b lu ff (to be u n su ccessfu l, 0.88); m istake
(0.50); subtilize (0.50); blind (to deceive, (0.79); overlook (to fail to see, 0.67);
0.25); con (0.25); fool (0.25); disappoint m ourn (to lament, 0.59); neglect (to fail
(0.11); trip (to cause to stum ble, 0.10). to atten d to resp o n sib ilities , 0.54);
M IS L IK E (2) m islike (1.00); hate (to de­ m isfire (0.50); abort (to fail, 0.33); lose
test, 0.05). (to incur loss, 0.33); lose (to fail to win,
M IS M A N A G E (3) m ism anage (1.00); 0.25); need (0.25); overleap (to omit,
botch (0.29); fum ble (0.25). 0.25).
M IS M A T C H (1) contrast (to provide a M IS S H A P E (1) contort (0.50).
contrast, 0.33). M IS S P E A K (2) lie (to utter an untruth,
M IS N A M E (2) m isnam e (1.00); m iscall 0.57); m ispronounce (0.33).
(0.25). M IS S P E N D (3) m isspend (1.00); waste
M IS P L A C E (2) misplace (1.00); disorgan­ (to squander, 0.24); spend (to expend,
ize (0.48). 0.14).
M IS P R IZ E (2) m isprize (1.00); underes­ M IS S T A T E (5) m isstate (1.00); corrupt
timate (0.33). (to render innacurate, 0.77); lie (to ut­
M IS P R O N O U N C E (3) m ispronounce ter an untruth, 0.61); m isinform (0.33);
(1.00); lisp (0.67); slur (to pronounce invent (to fabricate, 0.22).
indistinctly, 0.20). M IS S T Y L E (1) misname (0.20).
M IS Q U O T E (5) m isquote (1.00); garble M IS T to be m isty; to cover w ith mist (5)
(0.75); exaggerate (0.43); m isreport mist (1.00); mizzle (0.88); rain (0.36); ice
(0.25); misstate (0.25). (to becom e covered w ith ice, 0.25);
M IS R E C K O N (2) m isunderstand (0.53); m oisten (0.08).
botch (0.17). M IST A K E (1) mistake (1.00).
M IS R E M E M B E R (1) forget (to lose M IS T E A C H (1) lie (to utter an untruth,
memory, 0.50). 0.75).
M IS R E P O R T (2) misreport (1.00); exag­ M IS T E R M (3) m isterm (1.00); miscall
gerate (0.39). (0.75); misname (0.60).
M IS R E P R E S E N T (12) m isre p re sen t M IS T H IN K (1) misjudge (to make an in­
(1.00); invent (to fabricate, 0.89); exag­ accurate estim ate, 0.56).
g e r a te ( 0 .8 6 ); c o r r u p t (to r e n d e r M IS T IT L E (3) m isnam e (0.70); miscall
innacurate, 0.85); sim ulate (0.71); belie (0.50); misterm (0.25).
(to m is le a d , 0 .6 7 ); m a lig n (0 .5 0 ); M IST R A N SL A T E (1) mistranslate (1.00).
m isstate (0.50); lie (to utter an untruth, M IS T R E A T (8) mistreat (1.00); mishan-
die (0.75); abuse (to treat badly, 0.72); consolidate (to cause to unite, 0.38);
torment (torm ent, 0.60); m isuse (0.33); misplace (0.31); pi (0.25); mistake (0.04).
m anhandle (0.25); m isem ploy (0.25); M IZ Z L E to rain in fine drops (3) mizzle
corrupt (to debase, 0.17). (1.00); rain (0.27); storm (0.27).
M IST R U ST (6) mistrust (1.00); doubt (to M O A N (14) m oan (1.00); groan (0.75);
entertain doubt, 0.87); distrust (0.75); m u rm ur (to m ake a low continuous
d is c o u n t (to d is r e g a r d , 0 .2 5 ); sound, 0.75); sough (0.75); wail (0.75);
m isbelieve (0.25); suspect (to doubt cry (to w eep, 0.60); w eep (0.60); hum
someone, 0.25). (0.53); m utter (to complain, 0.50); com­
M ISU N D ER STA N D (2) m isunderstand plain (to express an objection, 0.42);
(1.00); mistake (0.42). w hine (0.38); m ourn (to cry, 0.25);
M ISUSE (9) misuse (1.00); abuse (to treat sound (to m ake a noise, 0.13); regret
badly, 0.82); spend (to pass time, 0.78); (to be sorry for, 0.10).
misemploy (0.75); overuse (0.50); waste M O B to attack in a mob or disorderly
(to use w ithout result, 0.38); dissipate crowd (3) mob (1.00); lynch (0.50); pack
(to squander, 0.33); corrupt (to debase, (to fill by entering, 0.25).
0.15); m olest (to disturb people, 0.08). M O B IL IZ E (4) mobilize (1.00); enlist (to
M IT IG A T E (21) m itigate (1.00); tem per enroll others, 0.64); embattle (0.50); as­
(to soften or qualify, 0.88); com fort (to sem ble (to bring together, 0.47).
make easy physically, 0.86); cool (to M O C K (20) mock (to ridicule, 1.00); mock
cause to becom e cool, 0.83); ease (to (to m im ic, 1.00); m ock (to dare, 1.00);
re lie v e o f p a in , 0 .8 3 ); m in c e (to sneer (0.97); ridicule (0.96); flout (0.75);
m inim ize, 0.75); m odify (to m oderate, s c o ff (0.75); insult (0.60); disgrace
0.75); lighten (to m ake lighter, 0.71); (0.58); excite (to stir one mentally, 0.50);
assuage (to alleviate, 0.67); palliate fleer (0.50); satirize (0.50); taunt (0.50);
(0.65); reconcile (to bring into harmony, depress (to bring to a low er state, 0.48);
0.62); alleviate (0.50); excuse (0.50); profane (0.44); je e r (0.33); stultify (to
vaccinate (0.38); decrease (to m ake less, ridicule, 0.33); parody (0.31); deride
0.33); ex ten u ate (0.29); reliev e (to (0.25); dare (to defy, 0.20).
lessen; said especially o f pain, 0.29); M O D E L (12) m odel (to form, 1.00);
com m ute (to exchange for som ething model (to imitate a model, 1.00); model
less severe, 0.25); sm ooth (to m ollify, (to serve as a m odel, 1.00); m odel (to
0.25); soothe (0.20); rem edy (0.06). dem onstrate, 1.00); form (to give shape
M IX (17) mix (to blend, 1.00); m ix (to to a thing, 0.94); fashion (to mould,
confuse, 1.00); mix (to associate, 1.00); 0.75); build (to construct, 0.61); draw
adulterate (0.94); alloy (to m ix m etals, (to m ake a likeness by draw ing, 0.48);
0.88); knead (0.78); dilute (0.75); inte­ drape (0.44); carve (to form by cutting,
grate (to unify, 0.75); jo in (to unite, 0.37); w hittle (to cut, 0.14); assemble
0.75); m uddle (to confuse; said o f af­ (to put together, 0.10).
fairs, 0.71); confuse (0.63); convulse M O D E R A T E (17) m oderate (to become
(0.63); unite (to com e together, 0.61); less, 1.00); m oderate (to m ake less,
1.00); cool (to become cool, 0.86); check 0.45); w ater (0.33).
(to slacken the pace, 0.80); slow (to M O IS T U R IZ E (1) moisten (0.81).
cause to becom e slower, 0.80); cool (to M O L E S T (13) molest (to disturb objects,
cause to becom e cool, 0.67); tem per (to 1.00); m olest (to disturb people, 1.00);
soften or qualify, 0.63); decrease (to b o th e r (to give tro u b le, 0.85); rape
grow less, 0.53); soften (to becom e soft, (0 .7 5 ); m e d d le (to h a n d le o th e rs ’
0.46); quiet (to make calm, 0.43); palliate things, 0.71); abuse (to treat badly, 0.66);
(0.30); change (to make different, 0.28); attack (to assault (o f an individual),
allay (to lessen, 0.25); m itigate (0.25); 0.53); deflow er (0.50); disturb (to upset
change (to becom e different, 0.19); mental calm, 0.50); assail (0.33); haunt
negotiate (to m ake arrangem ents for, (to prey upon, 0.30); defile (to rape,
0.18); restrict (to hold w ithin lim its, 0.25); discom m ode (0.25).
0.18). M O L L IF Y (10) mollify (to quiet one who
M O D E R N IZ E (7) modernize (1.00); over­ is angry, 1.00); mollify (to lessen, 1.00);
haul (0.75); update (0.67); change (to soften (to m ake soft, 0.94); decrease
m ake different, 0.31); reconstruct (0.22); (to make less, 0.88); soothe (0.87); allay
renew (to refresh, 0.13); rem odel (0.12). (to soothe, 0.75); quiet (to m ake calm,
M O D IF Y (22) m odify (to alter, 1.00); 0.68); tem per (to soften or qualify, 0.38);
m odify (to change, 1.00); m odify (to a s s u a g e (to ca lm , 0 .2 5 ); th aw (to
m o d erate, 1.00); decrease (to grow unbend, 0.20).
less, 0.85); change (to becom e differ­ M O LL Y C O D D L E (2) mollycoddle (1.00);
ent, 0.81); differ (to be unlike, 0.80); baby (0.06).
adapt (to alter or adjust, 0.75); differ­ M O L T (2) m olt (1.00); shed (0.73).
entiate (to change, 0.75); soften (to M O N IT O R (3) m onitor (1.00); check (to
m ake soft, 0.71); reverse (to alter, 0.67); determ ine accuracy, 0.75); listen (to en­
in flu en ce (0.63); in vert (to change, deavour to hear, 0.14).
0.50); m oderate (to becom e less, 0.50); M O N K E Y (1) monkey (1.00).
retouch (0.50); vary (to m ake changes, M O N O L O G IZ E (1) soliloquize (0.75).
0.50); change (to m ake different, 0.49); M O N O P O L IZ E (3) m onopolize (1.00);
condition (0.33); decrease (to m ake less, occupy (to absorb attention, 0.64); pat­
0 .3 2 ); lobby (0.25); tra n sfig u re (to ent (0.44).
transform , 0.25); discount (to deduct, M O O (1) cry (to call (not o f hum an crea­
0.23); restrict (to hold w ithin lim its, tures), 0.61).
0.14). M O O R (3) anchor (to drop an anchor,
M O D U LA T E (3) modulate (1.00); change 0.67); bind (to constrain w ith bonds,
(to m ake different, 0.87); enunciate (to 0.45); hitch (to harness, 0.38).
pronounce distinctly, 0.63). M O P to rub; to wipe (4) mop (1.00); clean
M O D U L E (1) travel (to journey, 0.68). (0.65); w ipe (0.50); soak (to absorb,
M O IS T E N (5) m oisten (1.00); soften (to 0.25).
m ake soft, 0.76); baste (to dress m eat M O P E (2) m ope (1.00); brood (to nurse
w ith fat, 0.67); dip (to put into a liquid, o n e ’s troubles, 0.63).
M O R A L IZ E (2) m oralize (1.00); preach (0.50); teach (to drill, 0.47); assemble
(0.70). (to put together, 0.40); work (to fashion,
M O R TA R (1) Qement (0.75). 0.33); influence (0.31); bend (to influ­
M O R T G A G E (1) guarantee (to give se­ ence, 0.25); build (to construct, 0.25);
curity, 0.43). incise (to engrave, 0.25); m anipulate
M O R T IF Y (9) m ortify (1.00); hum ble (0 .2 5 ); co p y (to rep ro d u ce , 0.17);
(0.92); hum iliate (0.88); depress (to tem per (to toughen or harden, 0.16);
bring to a low er state, 0.61); rankle round (to m ake round, 0.07).
(0.50); sham e (0.50); bother (to give M O U L D to allow to becom e mouldy (4)
trouble, 0.48); mum m ify (0.33); em bar­ m ould (to decay through the action o f
rass (to upset mentally, 0.27). m ould, 1.00); m ildew (0.75); decay
M O R T IS E to fasten or jo in securely (1) (0.68); dirty (0.03).
fasten (to make something secure, 0.24). M O U L D E R (3) decay (0.82); mould (to
M O T H E R to be the mother (2) adopt (to decay through the action o f mould,
take as a son or daughter, 0.45); nurse 0.75); die (to decline as though death
(0.29). were inev itab le, 0.22).
M O T IO N (6) w ave (to give an alternat­ M O U N D (1) heap (to place in a heap,
ing m ovem ent, 0.86); gesture (0.80); 0.23).
signal (0.60); beckon (0.50); gesticulate M O U N T (21) mount (to rise, 1.00); mount
(0.50); summ on (to call, 0.50). (to climb, 1.00); rise (to move upward,
M OTIVATE (6) motivate (1.00); begin (to 0.88); fram e (to enclose in a frame,
initiate, 0.47); tem pt (0.27); inspire (to 0.86); board (to go aboard, 0.83); rise
stim ulate to creative activity, 0.25); (to increase, 0.80); build (to increase,
incite (0.21); influence (0.06). 0.75); surge (to rise, 0.75); begin (to
M O T O R (3) m otor (1.00); travel (to jour­ initiate, 0.71); arise (to ascend, 0.67);
ney, 0.54); ride (to be transported, 0.50). ascend (to climb, 0.67); grow (to become
M O T O R IZ E (1) mechanize (0.33). larger, 0.52); bestride (0.50); clam ber
M O T T L E (2) variegate (0.25); spatter (0.50); tower (0.50); straddle (0.40); tack
(0 .12). (to fasten lightly, 0.38); scale (to climb,
M O U L D to mix; to knead; to blend (24) 0.25); raise (to lift, 0.19); vault (0.13);
mould (to give physical shape to, 1.00); strengthen (0.11).
m ould (to determ ine a course o f ac­ M O U R N (5) m ourn (to lament, 1.00);
tion, 1.00); form (to give shape to a m ourn (to cry, 1.00); regret (to be sorry
thing, 0.98); m int (to print or press for, 0.90); deplore (0.50); yearn (0.42).
money, 0.78); train (to direct growth, M O U T H (5) babble (0.81); bite (to seize
0.76); shape (to give shape, 0.75); spin or sever w ith teeth, 0.61); m aunder (to
(to m ake by spinning, 0.75); organize mumble, 0.50); play (to produce music,
(to form an organization, 0.69); m anu­ 0.48); blow (to play a wind instrument,
facture (to make a product, 0.64); carve 0.25).
(to form by cutting, 0.63); contour M O V E (48) move (to be in motion, 1.00);
(0.50); model (to form, 0.50); transform m ove (to set in motion, 1.00); move (to
M U R D E R (13) murder (to kill unlawfully, (1.00); quiet (to make silent, 0.70); muffle
1.00); kill (to deprive o f life, 0.93); slay (0.50).
(0.80); destroy (to kill, 0.75); poison M U T IL A T E (11) mutilate (to maim, 1.00);
(0.71); dispatch (to kill deliberately, mutilate (to damage, 1.00); maim (0.95);
0.50); rem ove (to kill, 0.50); shoot (to dam age (to im pair the value of, 0.78);
kill by shooting, 0.50); slaughter (0.50); botch (0.75); castrate (0.69); destroy (to
elim in ate (to rem o v e, 0.43); lynch bring to nothing, 0.29); deface (0.25);
(0.25); snipe (0.25); war (0.09). disfigure (0.25); emasculate (to sterilize,
M U R M U R (13) m urm ur (to m ake a low 0.25); m angle (to mutilate, 0.05).
continuous sound, 1.00); m urm ur (to M U T IN Y (3) revolt (to rebel, 0.67); rebel
mutter, 1.00); sound (to m ake a noise, (to e n d e a v o u r to o v e rth ro w a
0.87); m utter (to speak as if to oneself, governm ent, 0.56); oppose (to fight,
0.83); hum (0.80); grum ble (to mutter, 0.45).
0.75); babble (0.62); groan (0.50); gur­ M U T T E R to make a low mumbling sound
gle (0.50); whine (0.31); mumble (0.30); (11) m utter (to m ake a low, m um bling
w hisper (0.25); rustle (0.08). sound, 1.00); m utter (to speak as if to
MUSE (6) muse (1.00); think (to examine oneself, 1.00); m utter (to com plain,
with the mind, 0.88); speculate (to think, 1.00); m um ble (0.90); m aunder (to
0.70); m editate (to m use, 0.55); brood mumble, 0.75); utter (0.75); snarl (0.67);
(to n u rs e o n e ’s tr o u b le s , 0 .3 8 ); grumble (to growl, 0.50); whisper (0.50);
contem plate (to consider, 0.33). ja b b e r (to m ake a chattering sound,
M U S H R O O M to elevate (1) thrive (to 0.25); purr (0.17).
grow vigorously, 0.55). . M U Z Z L E (8) muzzle (to fasten a muzzle
MUSS to make untidy; to smear; to mess upon, 1.00); m uzzle (to silence, 1.00);
(3) m uss (1.00); derange (to disarrange, gag (to stop the m outh, 0.80); hinder
0.50); misplace (0.13). (0.74); restrain (to hold in check, 0.58);
MUST (1) must (1.00). bind (to constrain w ith bonds, 0.34);
M UST to grow m ouldy (2) decay (0.62); disarm (to deprive o f w eapons, 0.33);
mildew (0.25). trammel (0.29).
M U ST E R to show ; to collect; to enlist M Y S T IF Y to make uncertain or confused
(10) m uster (1.00); assem ble (to bring (3) mystify (1.00); evade (to use trickery
together, 0.73); accum ulate (to am ass, to avoid a sharp issue, 0.46); confuse
0.69); recruit (to raise troops, 0.43); (0.04).
concentrate (to bring or com e together,
0.37); convoke (0.33); m eet (to go to a N
place o f m eeting, 0.29); call (to bring a N A B to catch; to take into custody (1)
body o f people together, 0.25); com ­ nab (to seize, 1.00).
pile (0.05); enlist (to enroll others, 0.05). N A G (10) nag (1.00); yam m er (0.75);
MUTATE (2) change (to m ake different, abuse (to treat badly, 0.64); com plain
0.92); vary (to show changes, 0.08). (to express an objection, 0.53); bait (to
M U TE to deaden the sound o f (3) m ute to rm en t, 0.50); rem o n strate (0.47);
arouse the em otions of, 1.00); m ove M U D D Y (1) track (to dirty w ith tracks,
(to propose an action form ally, 1.00); 0 .88).
m arch (0.95); im pel (to press, 0.93); M U F F to make a muddle o f (1) m uff (1.00).
carry (to transport, 0.92); propose (to M U F F L E (8) muffle (1.00); quiet (to make
m ake a suggestion, 0.86); leave (to go silent, 0.80); w rap (to tw ine or wind,
away, 0.85); draw (to m ove an object, 0.78); gag (to stop the m outh, 0.70);
0.82); excite (to stir one mentally, 0.81); hush (0.57); m uzzle (to fasten a muzzle
persuade (to influence, 0.78); arouse upon, 0.38); deaden (to soften, 0.33);
(0.75); m igrate (0.75); proceed (0.75); disguise (0.05).
run (to function, 0.75); stir (to m ix by M U L C H (1) fertilize (to enrich land, 0.33).
stirring, 0.75); take (to transport, 0.75); M U L C T (3) m ulct (to cheat someone,
flow (to m ove in one direction, 0.71); 1.00); mulct (to punish, 1.00); fine (0.85).
m aneuver (0.71); rock (0.71); breathe M U L L to dull; to stupefy (1) mull (1.00).
(to live, 0.67); shovel (0.67); sw erve M U L L to m ake (w ine, etc.) into a hot
(0.67); excite (to activate, 0.64); reach drink (4) cook (0.93); heat (to make hot,
(to extend a part o f the body to, 0.63); 0.60); sw eeten (to m ake sw eet, 0.33);
m otivate (0.59); pry (to m ove w ith a brew (0.25).
lever, 0.54); agitate (0.50); decam p M U L T IG R A P H (1) reproduce (to make
(0.50); drag (to pull an object, 0.50); an exact copy, 0.56).
propel (0.50); transport (0.50); urge (to M U L T IP L Y (13) m ultiply (to increase,
induce, 0.50); shift (to change position, 1.00); m ultiply (to bring forth young,
0.43); operate (to be in operation, 0.41); 1.00); m u ltip ly (to em p lo y m u lti­
advise (to give counsel, 0.38); sw im plication as an arithm etical process,
(0.38); tempt (0.32); step (0.27); convey 1.00); com plicate (0.87); strengthen
(to transport, 0.25); skid (0.25); slip (0.83); d u p lic ate (to d ouble, 0.50);
(0.25); transm igrate (0.25); shake (to double (to m ake or becom e double,
cause to vibrate, 0.21); be (to have 0.33); grow (to become larger, 0.30); rise
b e in g , 0 .2 0 ); u n d e r ta k e ( 0 .1 9 ) ; (to increase, 0.30); calculate (to reckon,
com m and (to have control, 0.04). 0.26); increase (to add to, 0.23); widen
M O W to cut down (grass) (5) mow (1.00); (to becom e wider, 0.13); reproduce (to
cut (to sever, 0.84); reap (to harvest, multiply, 0.07).
0.80); trim (to cut o ff excess, 0.36); M U M B L E (4) mumble (1.00); murmur (to
harvest (0.07). mutter, 0.75); grumble (to mutter, 0.50);
M U D D L E (12) m uddle (to confuse; said slur (to pronounce indistinctly, 0.40).
o f affairs, 1.00); m uddle (to confuse; M U M M IF Y (4) mummify (1.00); bury (to
said usually o f people, 1.00); fuddle inter, 0.17); em balm (0.14); preserve (to
(0.86); bemuse (0.75); complicate (0.57); keep, 0.08).
d is o r g a n iz e (0 .5 5 ); b o tc h (0 .5 4 ); M U N C H (7) munch (1.00); chew (0.80);
o b f u s c a te (0 .5 0 ); c o n fu s e (0 .4 1 ); crunch (0.75); sup (0.50); graze (to pas­
b efuddle (0.33); intoxicate (to m ake ture, 0.25); nip (0.25); bite (to seize or
drunk, 0.33); adulterate (0.26). sever w ith teeth, 0.22).
arrangem ents for, 1.00); negotiate (to N IB B L E (7) nibble (1.00); nip (0.75); bite
transfer, 1.00); treat (to deal with a per­ (to seize or sever with teeth, 0.72); graze
son or thing, 0.83); contrive (to suc­ (to pasture, 0.63); chew (0.60); bite (to
ceed with difficulty, 0.69); parley (0.50); take bait, 0.33); masticate (0.33).
underbid (0.50); consult (0.30); give (to N IC K (6) nick (1.00); cut (to cut into, 0.68);
transfer, 0.30); achieve (to finish an notch (0.50); dent (0.24); mark (to make
undertaking, 0.11); arbitrate (0.08). a mark, 0.23); chip (0.13).
N E IG H (3) neigh (1.00); w hinny (0.86); N IC K E L (1) plate (0.47).
bray (0.25). N IC K E R (3) neigh (0.75); whinny (0.71);
N E IG H B O U R (1) join (to adjoin, 0.92). cry (to call (not o f hum an creatures),
N ERV E (1) strengthen (0.59). 0.63).
N E R V E R A C K (1) harrow (to torm ent, N IC K N A M E (4) misname (0.90); denomi­
0.25). nate (0.25); name (to give a name, 0.19);
N EST (1) camp (0.64). define (to provide a nam e or descrip­
N E ST L E (3) caress (0.53); huddle (0.36); tion, 0.07).
hug (0.28). N IC T A T E (1) w ink (to close one eye,
N ET to cover w ith a net (4) fish (0.67); 0.50).
w eave (to co n stru c t by interlacing, N IC T IT A T E (1) w ink (to close one eye,
0.52); dredge (0.50); knit (to form by 0.33).
knitting, 0.14). N IG R IF Y (3) blacken (to become black,
N E T to gain as a net sum ; to am ount (5) 0.67); blacken (to m ake black, 0.33);
net (1.00); bring (to be w orth in sale, shade (to m ake darker, 0.33).
0.67); clear (to profit, 0.50); earn (to N IP (8) nip (1.00); pinch (to squeeze,
receive in paym ent, 0.45); average (to 0.88); bite (to seize or sever with teeth,
do on an average, 0.07). 0.83); peck (0.83); nibble (0.75); freeze
N E T T L E (6) nettle (1.00); rankle (0.57); (to m ake cold, 0.50); hurt (to cause pain,
anger (to arouse som eone to anger, 0.48); snip (0.25).
0.39); pique (to anger, 0.25); ruffle (to N IT E (1) understand (to com prehend,
anger, 0.25); haunt (to prey upon, 0.09). 0.38).
N EU TR A LIZE (14) neutralize (1.00); bal­ N O B B L E (1) w ave (to m ove back and
ance (to place in balance, 0.85); cancel forth, 0.24).
(to annul, 0.79); defeat (to get the better N O D (8) nod (to m ake a nodding m ove­
of another, 0.68); hinder (0.61); compen­ m ent, 1.00); nod (to becom e sleepy or
sate (to offset, 0.50); counteract (0.50); inattentive, 1.00); lean (to incline, 0.61);
oppose (to hold a contrary opinion, greet (0.53); incline (to lean, 0.50);
0.47); offset (0.44); check (to bring signal (0.40); sleep (0.33); rest (to take
under control, 0.36); disarm (to reduce o n e ’s rest, 0.05).
national armaments, 0.25); fade (to lose N O M IN A TE (5) nominate (1.00); delegate
colour or light, 0.25); negate (to nullify, (to give authority to another, 0.70);
0.25); destroy (to bring to nothing, assign (to delegate to a specific pur­
0.15). pose, 0.63); nam e (to appoint, 0.50);
b o th er (to give trouble, 0.33); carp N A T U R A L IZ E (2) change (to make
(0.33); needle (0.13); scold (0.07). different, 0.21); adopt (to take as a son
N A IL (6) nail (to ham m er, 1.00); nail (to or daughter, 0.18).
fasten w ith nails, 1.00); rivet (0.75); N A U SEA TE (8) nauseate (1.00); disagree
spike (0.67); fasten (to m ake som ething (to have uncom fortable effect, 0.75);
secure, 0.50); tack (to fasten lightly, repel (to cause aversion, 0.75); disgust
0.50). (0.64); sicken (to offend, 0.50); hate (to
N A M E (18) nam e (to give a nam e, 1.00); detest, 0.35); revolt (to repel, 0.25);
nam e (to indicate by nam e, 1.00); nam e w eary (to m ake weary, 0.04).
(to a p p o in t, 1.00); sp e c ify (0 .8 6 ); N A V IG A T E (4) navigate (1.00); fly (to
delegate (to give authority to another, m anage a plane in the air, 0.83); sail (to
0.80); designate (to specify, 0.80); make trav el by sa ilin g , 0.40); pad d le (to
(to appoint, 0.75); assign (to delegate propel by paddling, 0.17).
to a specific purpose, 0.59); attach (to
N E A R (3) approach (to com e near in
assign, 0.50); elect (0.50); fill (to supply
space, 0.75); approach (to com e near
w ith an o c c u p a n t, 0 .5 0 ); p o in t (to
in time, 0.50); rival (0.44).
indicate, 0.50); adopt (to take as a son
N EA TEN (1) clean (0.17).
or daughter, 0.36); toast (to honour by
N E C E S S IT A T E (11) necessitate (1.00);
d rin k in g liquor, 0.33); co m m issio n
require (to dem and, 0.80); constrain
(0.30); classify (0.24); describe (0.15);
(0.75); take (to require, 0.67); force (to
cast (to select actors for a play, 0.14).
use force, 0.66); bind (to obligate, 0.50);
N A P to sleep lightly (4) doze (0.75); sleep
cost (to require in sacrifice, 0.50); entail
(0.67); nod (to becom e sleepy or inat­
(0.50); enforce (to require compliance,
tentive, 0.50); rest (to take o n e’s rest,
0.37); dem and (to require, 0.25); begin
0. 11).
N A PA LM (1) bomb (0.43). (to initiate, 0.03).
N A R C O T IZ E (2) drug (0.50); hypnotize N E E D (2) need (1.00); wish (to express a
(to put in a trance, 0.44). desire, 0.08).
N A R R A T E (8) narrate (1.00); report (to N E E D L E (2) needle (1.00); goad (0.37).
deliver inform ation, 0.81); detail (to N E G A T E (7) negate (to nullify, 1.00);
m ake clear in detail, 0.73); describe n e g a te (to co n tra d ict, 1.00); deny
(0.52); admit (to confess, 0.38); confess (0.71); disclaim (to deny, 0.50); refute
(to recount o n e’s evil actions, 0.33); (0.48); confute (0.43); offset (0.13).
recite (to relate in detail, 0.27); com ­ N E G L E C T (8) n eg lect (to treat with
m unicate (to impart inform ation, 0.24). indifference, 1.00); neglect (to fail to
N A R R O W (6) taper (0.75); restrict (to a tte n d to r e s p o n s ib ilitie s , 1.00);
hold w ithin lim its, 0.68); contract (to disobey (0.87); w aive (0.69); fail (to be
cause to dim inish, 0.33); decrease (to unsuccessful, 0.56); forget (to neglect
grow less, 0.32); com press (0.29); con­ accidentally, 0.50); overlook (to fail to
centrate (to bring or com e together, see, 0.33); shun (0.20).
0.20). N E G O T IA T E (10) negotiate (to make
commission (0.27). know again, 0.07).
N O N P L U S (4) nonplus (1.00); confuse N O T IF Y (9) notify (to provide with in­
(0.30); surprise (to amaze, 0.21); defeat formation, 1.00); notify (to warn, 1.00);
(to get the better o f another, 0.12). advertise (to m ake public, 0.82); reveal
N O O S E (1) choke (to deprive o f air, 0.31). (to divulge, 0.36); notice (to publish a
N O R M A L IZ E (3) order (to put in order, notice, 0.33); m ention (0.19); report (to
0.56); type (to classify, 0.50); standard­ deliver inform ation, 0.19); tell (to in­
ize (0.25). form , 0.19); declare (to adm it to one’s
N O S E (3) nose (1.00); m eddle (to handle possessions, 0.08).
o th ers’ things, 0.14); pry (to endeav­ N O U R IS H (11) n o u rish (1.00); feed
our to discover, 0.13). (0.90); nurture (0.67); comfort (to make
N O SE D IV E (1) plummet (0.25). easy physically, 0.65); raise (to nurture,
N O T A R IZ E (2) notarize (1.00); endorse 0 .6 0 ); in d u lg e (to h u m o u r, 0.50);
(to inscribe o n e’s nam e, 0.14). pro m o te (to further, 0.37); help (to
N O T C H (5) notch (1.00); cut (to cut into, assist in recovery, 0.33); fo ster (to
0.74); chip (0.50); nick (0.50); dent (0.35). support, 0.25); suckle (0.25); defend (to
N O T E to observe; to write; to m ark care­ provide general protection, 0.16).
fully; to perceive (13) note (to notice, N U D G E (4) nudge (1.00); jo stle (0.75);
1.00); note (to record, 1.00); list (to enter touch (to be in contact, 0.73); wake (to
in a list, 0.81); record (to w rite dow n, w aken another, 0.13).
0.80); observe (to com ment, 0.75); take N U L L IF Y (19) nullify (1.00); cancel (to
(to record, 0.67); perceive (to see, 0.50); annul, 0.83); abort (to cancel, 0.75);
respect (to treat w ith consideration, quash (to revoke, 0.75); reverse (to
0.50); show (to indicate, 0.50); nam e (to annul, 0.75); defeat (to get the better of
indicate by nam e, 0.42); com m ent (to another, 0.71); abolish (0.69); hinder
make a remark, 0.32); regard (to look at, (0.69); elide (to delete, 0.50); kill (to
0.29); rem ind (to call the attention o f cancel, 0.50); balance (to place in bal­
another, 0.14). ance, 0.45); w ithdraw (to rem ove from
N O T IC E (18) notice (to observe, 1.00); use or circulation, 0.35); revoke (0.26);
notice (to publish a notice, 1.00); m en­ invalidate (0.25); destroy (to bring to
tion (0.94); regard (to look at, 0.86); see nothing, 0.18); divorce (0.17); jum p (to
(to witness, 0.80); com m ent (to m ake a pass over, 0.14); recant (0.09); deny
remark, 0.79); hearken (0.75); w ake (to (0.07).
b e g in to c o m p re h e n d , 0 .7 5 ); N U M B (5) num b (1.00); deaden (to re­
contem plate (to look at, 0.71); respect duce life or its evidence, 0.57); stupefy
(to treat with consideration, 0.70); find (to stun, 0.50); drug (0.38); harden (to
(to happen upon, 0.62); refer (to m en­ toughen, 0.23).
tion, 0.60); heed (0.50); see (to perceive N U M B E R (12) num ber (1.00); page (to
w ith the eye, 0.32); d istin g u ish (to m ark the pages, 0.80); cast (to com ­
discern, 0.25); perceive (to see, 0.25); pute, 0.75); estim ate (to m ake a rough
talk (to converse, 0.20); recognize (to guess, 0.75); num erate (0.75); calculate
(to reckon, 0.58); cite (to refer to as (to restrain, 0.75); disobey (0.52); dep­
authority, 0.56); classify (0.56); count recate (0.50); differ (to oppose, 0.50);
(0.50); figure (to compute, 0.50); itemize disagree (to differ, 0.50); com plain (to
(0.25); adm it (to confess, 0.05). express an objection, 0.39); quarrel
NUMERATE (1) numerate (1.00). (0.36); fuss (0.25); protest (0.25); whim­
NURSE (13) nurse (1.00); raise (to nur­ per (0.25); m ind (to be careful, 0.20).
ture, 0.80); suckle (0.75); grow (to cul­ O B JE C T IF Y (1) objectify (1.00).
tivate, 0.60); feed (0.55); baby (0.50); O B JU R G A T E (3) curse (to sw ear at,
foster (to support, 0.50); ease (to re­ 0.94); scold (0.22); chasten (to punish,
lieve o f pain, 0.39); sustain (to nour­ 0.17).
ish, 0.25); treat (to assist tow ard a cure, O B LIG A TE (5) obligate (1.00); require (to
0.25); train (to direct grow th, 0.18); demand, 0.70); force (to use force, 0.69);
support (to provide for, 0.11); tend (to b u rd e n (0 .6 5 ); co st (to re q u ire in
watch over, 0.07). sacrifice, 0.25).
N U RTU RE (14) nurture (1.00); grow (to O B L IG E (18) oblige (to accom m odate,
cultivate, 0.80); cherish (to tend solici­ 1.00); oblige (to require, 1.00); require
tously, 0.75); cultivate (to educate, (to dem and, 0.90); accom m odate (to
0.75); foster (to harbour, 0.50); suckle render a service, 0.88); favour (to treat
(0.50); sustain (to nourish, 0.50); nurse with favoritism, 0.80); bind (to obligate,
(0.41); im agine (to visualize mentally, 0.75); dem and (to require, 0.75); force
0.39); prom ote (to further, 0.34); feed (to use force, 0.75); condescend (0.57);
(0.26); regale (to satisfy, 0.25); train (to enforce (to require com pliance, 0.47);
direct growth, 0.24); teach (to act as a appear (to p resen t o n eself publicly,
teacher, 0.13). 0.33); indulge (to tolerate, 0.33); enlist
N U Z Z L E to b rin g n ose to w ard s the (to request assistance, 0.27); hum our
ground; to push nose into som ething (0.27); urge (to drive, 0.27); necessitate
(3) nuzzle (1.00); caress (0.74); dandle (0.25); allow (to permit an action, 0.19);
(0.25). com m and (to have control, 0.16).
O B L IT E R A T E (12) obliterate (to destroy,
O 1.00); obliterate (to erase, 1.00); abolish
O BEY (7) obey (to act in accordance (0.88); efface (0.67); destroy (to bring
w ith orders, 1.00); obey (to act in to nothing, 0.47); annihilate (0.25); de­
a c c o r d a n c e w ith a r e c o g n iz e d m olish (0.25); elim inate (to rem ove,
principle, 1.00); defer (to yield, 0.71); 0.25); cancel (to mark out, 0.17); revoke
prostrate (to subm it, 0.67); fall (to be (0.15); w ipe (0.10); defeat (to worst in
overthrow n, 0.33); follow (to regulate war, 0.03).
one’s action, 0.33); conform (0.06). O B S C U R E (14) obscure (to dim, 1.00);
O BFU SCA TE (2) obfuscate (1.00); con­ o b sc u re (to co n ceal, 1.00); befog
fuse (0.05). (0.75); obfu scate (0.75); puzzle (to
O B JE C T (13) object (1.00); oppose (to perplex, 0.75); shade (to m ake darker,
hold a contrary opinion, 0.97); cram p 0.75); blur (to dim, 0.67); com plicate
(0.63); becloud (0.60); disguise (0.45); (to hinder, 0.50); plug (0.50); stop (to
b le ar (0.25); su b lim ate (to rep ress, prevent, 0.50); delay (to cause a delay,
0.25); hide (to conceal, 0.10); confuse 0.48); prevent (0.38); clog (0.33); inter­
(0.07). ru p t (to hin d er, 0.33); p ro h ib it (to
O B S E R V E (31) observe (to notice, 1.00); forbid, 0.33); m eddle (to interfere in
observe (to w atch, 1.00); observe (to others’ affairs, 0.29); cramp (to restrain,
c o m m e n t, 1 .0 0 ); o b s e rv e (to 0.25); disrupt (to break, 0.25); encumber
commemorate, 1.00); observe (to abide (0.25).
by, 1.00); com m ent (to m ake a rem ark, O B TA IN (16) obtain (to gain possession,
0.95); see (to perceive w ith the eye, 1.00); earn (to receive in payment, 0.95);
0.95); regard (to look at, 0.93); w atch hire (to em ploy, 0.88); succeed (to
(to be attentive, 0.93); celebrate (to a tta in su c ce ss, 0 .7 4 ); ex tra d ite (to
recognize an occasion, 0.88); follow (to deliver by extradition, 0.67); purchase
regulate o n e ’s action, 0.87); guard (to (0.67); resist (to w ithstand, 0.60); en­
w atch over, 0.87); spy (to act as a spy, lis t (to re q u e s t a s s is ta n c e , 0 .5 5 );
0.86); satisfy (to fulfill, 0.76); perceive achieve (to reach a goal, 0.50); derive
(to see, 0.75); view (0.75); discover (to (to receive paym ent, 0.50); enroll (to
find, 0.71); adhere (to conform to, 0.67); obtain for service, 0.50); realize (to re­
behold (0.67); w itness (0.67); feel (to ceive, 0.50); be (to have being, 0.25);
experience, 0.64); see (to witness, 0.60); reap (to gain, 0.19); borrow (to receive
find (to happen upon, 0.54); m onitor tem porarily, 0.14); pan (to obtain gold,
(0 .5 0 ); ta k e (to e x p e rie n c e , 0.3 3 ); 0.11).
contem plate (to look at, 0.29); hearken O B T R U D E (3) meddle (to interfere in oth­
(0.25); look (to endeavour to see, 0.25); ers ’ affairs, 0.76); protrude (0.57); in­
rem ark (0.25); talk (to converse, 0.25); terrupt (to break in on, 0.17).
com m unicate (to im part inform ation, O B V IA T E '(3 ) obviate (1.00); prevent
0.05). (0.94); hinder (0.58).
O B SE SS (3) obsess (1.00); haunt (to prey O C C A S IO N (7) occasion (1.00); begin
upon, 0.97); unbalance (to derange, (to initiate, 0.85); entail (0.75); create
0.25). (to m ake, 0.73); breed (to cause, 0.50);
O B S T R U C T (28) obstruct (to im pede cause (to be the cause, 0.50); produce
w ith an obstruction, 1.00); obstruct (to (to cause, 0.33).
p la ce an o b stru ctio n , 1.00); h in d e r O C C L U D E (2) occlude (1.00); close (to
(0.98); discourage (to restrain, 0.92); put a stopper into, 0.85).
tram m el (0.91); dam (0.80); barricade O C C U P Y (1 8 ) o c c u p y (to take
(0.75); check (to slacken the pace, 0.75); p o sse ssio n , 1.00); o ccu p y (to fill
prohibit (to hinder, 0.75); tangle (0.73); space, 1.00); occupy (to absorb atten­
b ar (to hinder, 0.67); em barrass (to tion, 1.00); obtain (to gain possession,
hinder, 0.67); forbid (0.61); gag (to stop 0.97); seize (to take by force, 0.92);
the mouth, 0.60); halt (to cause to cease, reside (0.80); capture (to seize with
0.55); baffle (to hinder, 0.50); foreclose arm ed force, 0.75); hire (to employ,
0.75); inhabit (0.67); ow n (to possess, O FF IC IA T E (4) officiate (1.00); act (to per­
0 .6 4 ); d isa rm (to re d u c e n a tio n a l form an action, 0.64); manage (to direct,
arm am ents, 0.63); distract (to divert 0.54); com m and (to have control, 0.09).
s o m e o n e ’s a tte n tio n fro m , 0 .6 0 ); O F F L O A D (1) unload (0.84).
en tertain (to act as host or hostess, O F F S E T (3) offset (1.00); hinder (0.62);
0.53); possess (0.50); ca n y (to capture, cancel (to annul, 0.17).
0.25); get (to catch, 0.25); overrun (to O G L E (2) ogle (1.00); gawk (0.50).
defeat, 0.25); field (0.17). O IL (4) oil (1.00); grease (0.91); lubricate
O C C U R (12) occur (1.00); break (to hap­ (0.75); pom ade (0.33).
pen, 0.67); intervene (to happen, 0.67); OM-IT (10) omit (to fail to include, 1.00);
r e s is t (to w ith sta n d , 0 .5 5 ); be (to om it (to neglect, 1.00); elide (to sup­
h ap p en, 0.50); befall (0.50); ensue press, 0.75); m istake (0.71); forget (to
(0.50); transpire (0.50); chance (to hap­ neglect accidentally, 0.63); leave (to
pen, 0.33); result (0.33); begin (to come allow to rem ain, 0.50); contract (to
into being or start functioning, 0.29); cause to diminish, 0.44); pass (to refuse
supervene (0.25). to act, 0.25); suspend (to debar, 0.25);
O F F E N D (18) offend (1.00); abuse (to cancel (to m ark out, 0.08).
treat badly, 0.84); insult (0.80); disgust O O Z E to pass through the pores (11)
(0.79); disoblige (to insult, 0.75); out­ ooze (1.00); drop (to fall in drops, 0.71);
rage (0.75); sin (0.75); trespass (to trans­ drain (to seep away, 0.60); leak (to
g r e s s , 0 .7 5 ); tr a n s g r e s s (0 .7 1 ) ; escape by leaking, 0.50); filter (to soak
scan d alize (0.64); shock (to disturb slowly, 0.38); mizzle (0.25); murmur (to
o n e’s sense o f propriety, 0.62); m isbe­ m ake a low continuous sound, 0.25);
have (0.50); nauseate (0.50); repel (to em it (to discharge, 0.22); flow (to issue
cause aversion, 0.50); revolt (to repel, forth, 0.22); trickle (0.22); drool (to
0.50); m iff (to annoy, 0.25); anger (to slobber, 0.20).
arouse som eone to anger, 0.15); excite O P E N (26) open (to begin, 1.00); open
(to stir one mentally, 0.13). (to m ove aside a prepared obstruction,
O F F E R (15) offer (to present, 1.00); offer 1.00); open (to make an opening, 1.00);
(to propose, 1.00); offer (to try, 1.00); open (to m ake available, 1.00); open (to
offer (to occur, 1.00); propose (to make expose to fuller view, 1.00); spread (to
a suggestion, 0.90); bid (to propose a extend, 0.94); deploy (0.86); air (to
price for purchase, 0.80); perform (to in tro d u c e air, 0 .8 3 ); b lo o m (0.81);
p r e s e n t a p e r f o r m a n c e , 0 .6 2 ); display (to present for effect, 0.80);
u n d ertake (0.56); pro d u ce (to bear, flower (0.75); initiate (0.75); unsheathe
0.53); adm inister (to m inister, 0.38); (0.75); uncork (0.67); widen (to become
volunteer (to m ake a proposal, 0.33); wider, 0.63); begin (to initiate, 0.53);
besto w (0 .25); su b m it (to su g g est, expose (to uncover, 0.53); bid (to offer
0.25); bless (to dedicate to God, 0.21); a com m itm ent at cards, 0.50); effloresce
dip (to transfer by m eans o f a vessel, (0.50); give (to yield under pressure,
0.07). 0 .5 0 ); in tro d u c e (to b eg in , 0 .5 0 );
unbutton (0.50); enter (to enter upon, disagree (to differ, 0.25); argue (to en­
0.33); unfold (to unfurl, 0.31); institute deavour to convince, 0.24); halt (to
(to begin, 0.25); stretch (to becom e cause to cease, 0.04).
longer, 0.13). O P P R E S S (11) oppress (1.00); sadden
O P E R A T E (18) operate (to keep in op­ (0.83); enslave (0.71); overload (0.67);
eration, 1.00);operate (to be in opera­ persecute (to oppress, especially for
tio n , 1.00); op erate (to p ro d u c e an religious reasons, 0.65); abuse (to treat
effect, 1.00); operate (to carry on a sur­ badly, 0.60); squelch (0.50); w rong
gical procedure, 1.00); act (to perform (0.50); com mand (to have control, 0.40);
an action, 0.92); play (to produce music, burden (0.04); depress (to bring to a
0.87); em ploy (to m ake use of, 0.75); low er state, 0.04).
pedal (0.75); farm (to do farm w ork, O P P U G N (2) upbraid (0.24); confute
0.69); exercise (to use, 0.55); fly (to ( 0 . 10).
m anage a plane in the air, 0.50); handle O P T (1) opt (LOO).
(to do w hatever is necessary, 0.50); O R A T E (2) address (to speak to an as­
treat (to assist tow ard a cure, 0.38); sem bly, 0.64); dictate (to speak for
dissect (to anatom ize, 0.25); navigate record, 0.20).
(0.25); w ield (0.21); hold (to be valid, O R B IT (3) o rb it (to rev o lv e around
0.20); perform (to accomplish an action, another body, 1.00); orbit (to put into
0.17). orbit, 1.00); travel (to journey, 0.71).
O P IN E (5) guess (to attem pt an answ er O R C H E S T R A T E (4) orchestrate (1.00);
on in a d eq u a te evid en ce, 0.47); say score (to com pose a m usical accom pa­
(0.35); assum e (to take for granted, niment, 0.75); compose (to create, 0.64);
0.26); comment (to make a remark, 0.11); harm onize (to render harmonic, 0.38).
advise (to give counsel, 0.03). O R D A IN (12) ordain (to establish, 1.00);
O P P O S E (25) oppose (to hold a contrary ordain (to destine, 1.00); ordain (to
opinion, 1.00); oppose (to fight, 1.00); invest w ith priestly functions, 1.00);
balance (to place in balance, 0.94); face enact (to legislate, 0.84); consecrate (to
(to confront conflict or trouble, 0.92); set apart, 0.75); com m ission (0.70);
com pete (0.79); hinder (0.76); refute bless (to dedicate to God, 0.53); enjoin
(0.74); debate (0.73); forbid (0.71); dare (0 .5 0 ); sig n (to c o n se c ra te , 0.25);
(to defy, 0.67); run (to com pete, 0.67); delegate (to give authority to another,
co m p lain (to exp ress an o b je ctio n , 0.20); command (to issue an order, 0.18);
0.66); tram m el (0.57); fight (to engage a s s ig n (to d e le g a te to a sp e c ific
in an encounter, 0.56); com bat (0.50); purpose, 0.15).
com pare (to exam ine on a com parative O R D E R (31) order (to give a command,
basis, 0.50); interfere (to prevent, 0.50); LOO); order (to authorize a purchase,
n egate (to contradict, 0.50); outface 1.00); order (to put in order, LOO);
(0.50); repel (to throw back, 0.50); com m and (to issue an order, 0.98); clas­
rebuff (to reject, 0.38); rebel (to endeav­ sify (0.96); straighten (0.93); will (to
our to overthrow a governm ent, 0.28); exert one’s will, 0.80); enact (to legislate,
0.79); tell (to inform, 0.76); arrange (to (to cause to start, 0.33); em anate (to
put in order, 0.75); constitute (to enact, begin, 0.25); inaugurate (0.25); begin
0.75); direct (to command, 0.75); enjoin (to initiate, 0.24).
(0.75); get (to adjust, 0.75); m arshal O R N A M E N T (13) decorate (0.90); trim
(0.75); regiment (0.75); rule (to regulate, (to adorn, 0.90); beautify (to make beau­
0.75); wish (to bid, 0.75); heap (to place tiful, 0.75); deck (to decorate, 0.75);
in aheap, 0.73); systematize (0.73); park em broider (to add adornm ent, 0.56);
(0.67); requisition (0.67); ask (to inquire, embellish (0.50); emblazon (to decorate,
0.59); force (to use force, 0.53); call (to 0.50); illum inate (to decorate, 0.50);
d em an d , 0 .5 0 ); p re sc rib e (to g iv e becom e (to be suitable, 0.38); dress (to
directions, 0.50); summon (to call, 0.39); make ready for show or use, 0.33); paint
buy (to acquire by purchase, 0.38); (to protect or d ecorate by painting,
w ish (to express a desire, 0.33); train 0.30); adorn (0.25); bedeck (0.25).
(to d ire c t g ro w th , 0 .2 9 ); c ite (to O S C IL L A T E (10) oscillate (to swing,
summon, 0.25). 1.00); o scillate (to fluctuate, 1.00);
O RD IN A TE (1) command (to issue an or­ w ave (to m ove back and forth, 0.86);
der, 0.41). alternate (to fluctuate, 0.73); sway (to
O R G A N IZ E (9) organize (to put in order, fluctu ate, 0.50); und u late (to sway,
1.00); organize (to form an organization, 0.50); beat (to pulsate, 0.45); hesitate
1.00); classify (0.89); gear (to prepare, (0.32); rock (0.19); sw ing (to describe
0.75); plan (to arrange in a prelim inary an arc, 0.18).
way, 0.75); lay (to put in order, 0.50); O SC U L A T E (1) kiss (0.50).
arrange (to m ake arrangem ents, 0.40); O S M O S E (4) filter (to soak slowly, 0.85);
adjust (to bring to an agreem ent, 0.30); absorb (to take in by absorption, 0.43);
coordinate (0.25). assim ilate (to absorb, 0.33); drain (to
O R IE N T (2) orient (to adjust, 1.00); orient seep away, 0.30).
(to direct, 1.00). O SSIFY (5) ossify (1.00); stiffen (to cause
O R IG IN A T E (21) originate (to have a to b ec o m e stiff, 0.65); th ick en (to
beginning, 1.00); originate (to bring becom e thicker, 0.64); harden (to make
about a beginning, 1.00); invent (to less pervious, 0.60); harden (to become
create or discover, 0.94); produce (to less penetrable, 0.59).
create by m ental effort, 0.92); cause (to O S T R A C IZ E (15) o strac iz e (1.00);
be the cause, 0.88); grow (to begin, banish (to condem n to exile, 0.88);
0.75); make (to create, 0.75); spearhead abandon (to leave in trouble, 0.79);
(0 .7 5 ); p ro p a g a te (to b eg e t, 0.7 3 ); blackball (0.67); exile (0.67); bar (to ob­
launch (to initiate, 0.67); develop (to struct by refusal, 0.57); boycott (0.50);
begin, 0.50); begin (to com e into being eje c t (to rem o v e from a so cial or
or start functioning, 0.50); create (to econom ic position , 0.50); expatriate
make, 0.46); arise (to result, 0.40); com ­ (0 .5 0 ); s e c lu d e (to iso la te , 0 .50);
m ence (0.33); design (to conceive, d e n o u n c e (0 .4 7 ); d ism iss (to send
0.33); issue (to be a result of, 0.33); start away, 0.31); depopulate (0.20); censure
(0.11); eliminate (to remove, 0.05). O U T G U E S S (3) outguess (1.00); out­
O U G H T (2) m ust (0.75); have (to be sm art (0.67); outthink (0.67).
obliged; used w ith infinitive, 0.50). O U T H IT (1) defeat (to w orst in sport or
O U S T (9) oust (1.00); elim inate (to re­ in personal com bat, 0.62).
m ove, 0.88); eject (to rem ove p h y si­ O U T J U M P (1) defeat (to w orst in sport
cally, 0.68); dethrone (0.50); depopu­ or in personal com bat, 0.55).
late (0.40); evict (0.25); excommunicate O U T L A S T (6) outlast (1.00); survive (to
(0.25); expel (to dismiss, 0.25); disinherit live on, 0.75); outlive (0.67); outw ear
(0.17). (to survive, 0.33); rem ain (to be left,
O U T (1) flow (to issue forth, 0.73). 0.33); endure (to continue, 0.22).
O U T A R G U E (1) defeat (to get the better O U T L A W (8) outlaw (1.00); ban (0.67);
o f another, 0.32). banish (to condem n to exile, 0.50);
O U T B ID (1) underbid (0.25). proscribe (0.50); forbid (0.43); bar (to
O U TB RA V E (1) dare (to defy, 0.07). obstruct by refusal, 0.36); exile (0.33);
O U T B R A Z E N (1) dare (to defy, 0.13). dism iss (to send away, 0.09).
O U T C L A S S (1) outclass (1.00). O U T L IN E (24) outline (to draw, 1.00);
O U T D IS T A N C E (4) outdistance (1.00); outline (to plan, 1.00); plan (to arrange
exceed (0.68); outfly (0.50); succeed (to in a prelim inary way, 0.94); define (to
attain success, 0.17). set lim its, 0.86); paint (to represent by
O U TD O (9) exceed (0.89); outclass (0.75); painting, 0.80); draft (to m ake a rough
su ip ass (0.60); o u tm aneuver (0.50); plan, 0.75); epitomize (0.75); map (0.75);
outstrip (0.50); preponderate (0.50); sketch (to plan, 0.75); plan (to plot an
o u tsm a rt (0 .3 3 ); d efe at (to get the action in advance, 0.72); fram e (to act
better o f another, 0.27); halt (to cause as a fram e, 0.71); line (to be in a line,
to cease, 0.13). 0.70); design (to plan in a prelim inary
O U T FA C E (1) outface (1.00). way, 0.67); draw (to m ake a likeness by
O U T F IG H T (1) outfight (1.00). draw ing, 0.65); plot (to determ ine a
O U T F IT (12) outfit (1.00); harness (0.79); course, 0.60); chart (0.50); circumscribe
fit (to equip, 0.75); prepare (to m ake (to limit, 0.50); plot (to plan, 0.50); trace
other persons or things ready, 0.67); (to draw, 0.50); represent (to present
provide (to supply, 0.65); arm (to equip, as a true interp retatio n , 0.43); form (to
0.50); equip (to supply, 0.50); costum e give shape to a thing, 0.41); describe
(0.33); dress (to provide w ith clothes, (0.26); estimate (to m ake a rough guess,
0.33); supply (0.25); trim (to prepare for 0.25); line (to provide lines, 0.25).
sa ilin g , 0 .2 5 ); arm (to eq u ip w ith O U T L IV E (5) outlive (1.00); survive (to
weapons, 0.17). live on, 0.88); outlast (0.75); remain (to
O U T F L A N K (3) outflank (1.00); defeat be left, 0.67); endure (to continue, 0.06).
(to worst in war, 0.50); oppose (to fight, O U T M A N E U V E R (6) o utm aneuver
0.13). (1.00); defeat (to w orst in war, 0.39);
O U TFLY (1) outfly (1.00). outguess (0.33); rout (0.29); outflank
O U T G R O W (1) outgrow (1.00). (0.25); succeed (to attain success, 0.02).
O U T M O D E (1) supersede (0.67). O U T W E A R (4) outw ear (to survive,
O U TPA CE (1) exceed (0.47). 1.00); outw ear (to exhaust, 1.00); sur­
O U T P E R F O R M (1) outperform (1.00). vive (to live on, 0.63); outlast (0.50).
O U T P L A N (1) outthink (0.33). O U T W E IG H (2) outweigh (to exceed in
O U T PL A Y (3) outplay (1.00); defeat (to importance, 1.00); outweigh (to exceed
w orst in sport or in personal com bat, in weigh, 1.00).
0.90); upset (to beat, 0.50). O U T W IT (11) outw it (1.00); deceive
O U T R A G E to go to excess (12) outrage (0.86); circum vent (to gain an advan­
(1.00); rape (0.85); shock (to disturb tage over, 0.75); outm aneuver (0.75);
o n e ’s sense o f propriety, 0.85); violate mislead (0.68); hinder (0.67); trick (0.50);
(to transgress, 0.83); insult (0.75); per­ defeat (to get the better o f another,
secute (to oppress, especially for reli­ 0.49); hoodw ink (0.25); halt (to cause
gious reasons, 0.70); disturb (to upset to cease, 0 .1 8 ); su c ce ed (to attain
mental calm, 0.52); flout (0.50); hurt (to success, 0.05).
distress, 0.50); abuse (to treat badly, O V E R (1) win (to convince, 0.86).
0.48); offend (0.25); corrupt (to debase, O V E R A C T (3) overact (1.00); overreach
0 .20). (to exceed, 0.75); overshoot (0.25).
O U T R A N K (2) outrank (1.00); rank (to O V ER A W E (4) silence (0.75); impress (to
possess relative evaluation, 0.29). com m and respect, 0.25); intim idate
O U T R E A C H e x c e e d ,s u r p a s s (2) (0.25); discourage (to dishearten, 0.24).
outreach (1.00); overreach (to exceed, O V ER B A L A N C E (4) overbalance (to ex­
0.50). ceed, 1.00); o v erb alan ce (to upset,
O U T R U N (4) outrun (1.00); defeat (to 1.00); outw eigh (to exceed in weigh,
w orst in sport or in personal com bat, 0.67); upset (to turn over, 0.38).
0.59); exceed (0.53); outw eigh (to ex­ O V E R B E A R (1) command (to have con­
ceed in importance, 0.25). trol, 0.67).
O U T S E L L (1) outsell (1.00). O V E R B R IM (1) overflow (to flow over
O U T S H IN E (2) outshine (to obscure, the top, or out at a vent, 0.04).
1.00); outshine (to outdo, 1.00). O V E R B U R D E N (3) tire (to make a per­
O U T S L IC K (1) defeat (to w orst in sport so n e x h a u ste d , 0 .5 5 ); o v e rc h a rg e
or in personal com bat, 0.14). (0.40); abuse (to treat badly, 0.22).
O U T S M A R T (2) outsm art (1.00); over­ O V E R C A S T (1) becloud (0.20).
reach (to outwit, 0.75). O V E R C H A R G E (2) overcharge (1.00);
O UTSPAN (1) camp (0.18). burden (0.27).
OUTSTAY (1) outstay (1.00). O V E R C L O U D (1) shade (to becom e
O U T S T R IP (2) outstrip (1.00); exceed darker, 0.33).
(0.16). O V E R C O L O U R (1) exaggerate (0.46).
O U T T H IN K (1) outthink (1.00). O V E R C O M E (31) overcom e (1.00);
O U TV IE (1) exceed (0.11). defeat (to worst in war, 0.97); rout (0.94);
O U T V O T E (1) outvote (1.00). beat (to w orst, 0.75); bury' (to defeat,
O U TW A IT (1) outstay (0.50). 0.75); outplay (0.75); overthrow (to
defeat, 0.75); overw helm (to defeat, O V E R E S T IM A T E (9) o v erestim ate
0.75); suppress (0.73); confute (0.71); (1.00); exaggerate (0.96); overdo (to do
subjugate (to conquer, 0.67); w eather too m uch, 0.80); m istake (0.63); over­
(to p ass th ro u g h ad v ersity su c c e ss­ value (0.50); m isjudge (to m ake an
fully, 0.67); w o rst (0.67); carry (to in a ccu rate estim ate, 0.33); overrate
ca p tu re , 0.5 0 ); c o n q u e r (to d efe at, (0.33); inflate (to distend, 0.13); m isun­
0.50); recover (to regain health, 0.50); derstand (0.13).
re d u c e (to d efe at, 0.5 0 ); su rm o u n t O V E R E X C E E D (1) overpay (0.29).
(0.50); vanquish (0.50); w in (to gain a O V E R E X C IT E (1) overestimate (0.50).
victory, 0.50); humble (0.48); best (0.33); O V E R E X E R T (2) overexert (1.00); work
succeed (to attain success, 0.33); w in (to labour, 0.64).
(to co n v in ce, 0.29); co v er (to send O V E R E X PA N D (1) overexpand (1.00).
dow n in plenty, 0.25); force (to capture O V E R E X T E N D (1) overexpand (0.33).
by assault, 0.25); hurdle (0.20); trounce O V E R F E E D (1) overfeed (1.00).
(to defeat, 0.20); seize (to take by force, O V E R F IL L (4) overfill (1.00); overfeed
(0.75); overstock (0.75); saturate (0.75).
0.19); convince (0.14); revive (to take
O V E R F L O W (11) overflow (to flow over
on new life, 0.09).
the top, or out at a vent, 1.00); overflow
O V E R C O M P E N S A T E (2) overcompen­
(to flow out upon, 1.00); fill (to occupy
sate (1.00); overpay (0.86).
avaliable space, 0.78); rage (to be out
O V E R C R O W D (1) overcrowd (1.00).
o f control, 0.71); teem (0.71); abound
O V E R D A T E (2) antedate (0.33); postdate
(0.67); flood (0.57); flow (to issue forth,
(to anticipate, 0.33).
0.57); im pregnate (to perm eate, 0.33);
O V E R D E V E L O P (1) overexpand (0.67).
d row n (to co v er w ith liquid, 0.25);
O V E R D O (10) overdo (to do too m uch,
cover (to send dow n in plenty, 0.17).
1.00); overdo (to overtax oneself physi­
O V E R FL Y (1) overfly (1.00).
cally, 1.00); exceed (0.84); overplay
O V E R H A N G (4) overhang (to hang over,
(0.67); overw ork (0.67); exaggerate 1.00); o verh an g (to threaten, 1.00);
(0.50); luxuriate (to indulge, 0.50); hang (to be suspended, 0.91); impend
overact (0.50); overshoot (0.50); over­ (to project, 0.67).
reach (to exceed, 0.25). O V E R H A U L (8) overhaul (1.00); ransack
O V ER D R A W (3) exaggerate (0.93); lie (to (to search thoroughly, 0.69); catch (to
utter an untruth, 0.32); fail (to becom e com e to from behind, 0.67); overtake
insolvent, 0.17). (0.50); renew (to refresh, 0.42); adjust
O V E R D R IV E (2) overdo (to overtax one­ (to p la c e or re g u la te p a rts, 0 .3 8 );
se lf physically, 0.58); abuse (to treat reconstruct (0.33); revise (0.07).
badly, 0.24). O V E R H E A R (6) overhear (1.00); hear (to
O V E R E A T (2) overeat (1.00); glut (to eat receive information orally, 0.91); eaves­
to satiety, 0.64). drop (0.75); listen (to endeavour to
O V E R E M P H A S IZ E (3) overem phasize hear, 0 .7 1 ); bu g (to in stall h id d en
(1.00); overstress (0.50); ov erv alu e m icrophones, 0.33); hear (to perceive
(0.25). by ear, 0.11).
O V E R H E A T (1) overheat (1.00). 0.33); ignore (0.33); condone (0.25);
O V E R IM B U R S E (1) oveipay (0.57). om it (to neglect, 0.25); slight (0.25).
O V E R IN D U L G E (3) overeat (0.75); sur­ O V E R M A S T E R (1) rout (0.41).
feit (0.50); pam per (0.27). O V E R M A T C H (2) rout (0.35); defeat (to
O V E R L A B O U R (1) overdo (to overtax get the better o f another, 0.15).
oneself physically, 0.92). O V ER PA SS (1) cross (to pass over, 0.33).
O V E R L A D E (1) overdo (to ov ertax O V ER PA Y (1) overpay (1.00).
oneself physically, 0.67). O V E R PL A Y (2) overplay (1.00); overdo
O V E R L A P (2) overreach (to spread over, (to do too m uch, 0.53).
0.25); fold (to place together or lay in O V E R P O W E R (12) overpow er (1.00);
folds, 0.13). defeat (to w orst in sport or in personal
O VERLAY (17) overlay (to burden, 1.00); com bat, 0.93); suppress (0.82); fasci­
overlay (to overlap, 1.00); veneer (0.88); nate (0.80); seize (to take by force, 0.72);
overreach (to spread over, 0.75); spread d efeat (to get the better o f another,
(to apply over a surface, 0.75); cover 0.61); rout (0.47); choke (to deprive o f
(to place as a covering, 0.71); glaze air, 0.38); dow n (0.29); overthrow (to
(0.64); plate (0.60); gild (to adorn, 0.50); defeat, 0.25); upset (to beat, 0.25);
gild (to give the appearance o f gold, oppose (to fight, 0.03).
0.50); laminate (0.50); hide (to conceal, O V E R P R A IS E (1) flatter (to praise un­
0.40); line (to provide a lining, 0.33); duly, 0.75).
face (to put facing on goods, 0.30); O V E R P R IC E (1) overestimate (0.75).
burden (0.23); upholster (0.15); fold (to O V E R P R O M O T E (1) oversell (0.33).
place together or lay in folds, 0.06). O V E R R A T E (3) overrate (1.00); overes­
O V E R L E A P (2) overleap (to jum p over, tim ate (0.63); overdo (to do too much,
1.00); overleap (to omit, 1.00). 0.47).
O V E R L O A D (10) overload (1.00); over­ O V E R R E A C H (7) overreach (to exceed,
do (to overtax oneself physically, 0.75); 1.00); overreach (to outwit, 1.00); over­
overlay (to burden, 0.75); overw eigh reach (to spread over, 1.00); overshoot
(0 .6 7 ); g lu t (to o v ersu p p ly , 0 .5 3 ); (0.75); mislead (0.73); overdo (to do too
overfill (0.50); oppress (0.43); tax (to much, 0.73); hinder (0.47).
burden, 0.33); overstock (0.25); burden O V ER R E C O M PE N SE (1) oveipay (0.71).
(0.08). O V E R R E D U C E (1) oversimplify (0.67).
O V E R L O O K (15) overlook (to occupy O V E R R ID E (7) override (to thwart, 1.00);
a com m anding height, 1.00); overlook co m m an d (to h av e co n tro l, 0 .89);
(to ignore deliberately, 1.00); overlook hum ble (0.44); halt (to cause to cease,
(to fail to see, 1.00); forget (to neglect 0.37); overrule (to nullify, 0.33); pre­
accidentally, 0.88); neglect (to treat with vent (0.09); bar (to obstruct by refusal,
in d ifferen ce, 0.81); m istake (0.75); 0.07).
e x c u se (0 .6 3 ); m ism a n a g e (0 .5 7 ); O V E R R U L E (3) overrule (to nullify, 1.00);
overleap (to om it, 0.50); pardon (to overrule (to rule, 1.00); com m and (to
forgive, 0.50); guard (to w atch over, have control, 0.95).
O V E R R U N (9) overrun (to defeat, 1.00); O V E R S T O C K (2) overstock (1.00); glut
overrun (to infest, 1.00); ravage (0.96); (to oversupply, 0.82).
infest (to swarm, 0.94); defeat (to w orst O V E R S T R A IN (4) tire (to make a person
in war, 0.78); seize (to take by force, exhausted, 0.60); work (to labour, 0.45);
0.75); overthrow (to defeat, 0.50); top overdo (to overtax o n eself physically,
(to exceed, 0.17); haunt (to prey upon, 0.42); abuse (to treat badly, 0.30).
0.15). O V E R S T R E S S (1) overstress (1.00).
O V E R S E E (9) oversee (1.00); m anage (to O V E R S T U F F (1) weary (to make weary,
direct, 0.95); supervise (0.75); govern 0.16).
(0.55); guide (to direct, 0.50); head O V E R T A K E (4) overtake (1.00); catch (to
(0.50); su p e rin ten d (0.50); tend (to com e to from behind, 0.83); gain (to ad­
watch over, 0.36); guard (to watch over, vance, 0.33); reach (to extend to, 0.20).
0.07). O V E R T A S K (1) burden (0.50).
O V E R S E L L (1) oversell (1.00). O V E R T A X (5) overtax (1.00); tire (to
O V E R S E T (1) upset (to turn over, 0.54). m ake a person exhausted, 0.90); over­
O V E R S E T T L E (1) overpay (0.14). charge (0.80); exceed (0.79); abuse (to
O V E R S H A D O W (6) overshadow (to treat badly, 0.26).
d o m in a te , 1 .0 0 ); o v e rs h a d o w (to O V E R T H R O W (23) o v e rth ro w (to
shade, 1.00); loom (to appear large or defeat, 1.00); overthrow (to abolish,
im posing, 0.83); d w a rf (to cause to 1.00); subvert (0.90); destroy (to bring
appear sm all, 0.60); shade (to intercept to nothing, 0.88); rout (0.88); refute
d ire c t ray s, 0.3 3 ); sh a d e (to m a k e (0.78); raze (0.74); ravage (0.69); repulse
darker, 0.25). (to throw back, 0.67); overw helm (to
O V E R S H O O T (2) overshoot (1.00); miss defeat, 0.50); ruin (to destroy, 0.50); trip
(to fail to hit, 0.67). (to c a u se to stu m b le, 0 .5 0 ); down
O V E R SIM P L IF Y (I) oversimplify (1.00). (0.43); halt (to cause to cease, 0.42);
O V E R S P E C IA L IZ E (1) overspecialize disprove (0.38); undo (0.33); overturn
( 1.00). (0 .2 5 ); ab o lish (0 .2 4 ); d iso rg an ize
O V E R S P R E A D (6) overspread (1.00); (0.21); sm ash (0.20); rebel (to endeav­
ravage (0.84); spread (to apply over a our to overthrow a governm ent, 0.17);
surface, 0.70); fill (to occupy avaliable upset (to turn over, 0.08); cancel (to
space, 0.44); upholster (0.31); cover (to annul, 0.04).
send dow n in plenty, 0.08). O V E R T IR E (1) overdo (to overtax one­
O V E R ST A T E (6) overstate (1.00); exag­ self physically, 0.17).
gerate (0.89); m agnify (to exaggerate, O V E R T O P (4) overtop (1.00); loom (to
0.75); dram atize (to exaggerate, 0.67); appear large or im posing, 0.28); over­
m isq u o te (0.50); overdo (to do too hang (to hang over, 0.17); overflow (to
much, 0.27). flow over the top, or out at a vent,
O V ER STA Y (1) overstay (1.00). 0.08).
O V E R S T E P (3) overstep (1.00); exceed O V E R T U R N (18) overturn (1.00); sub­
(0.58); transgress (0.57). vert (0.95); crash (to fall with a crash,
0.93); upset (to turn over, 0.92); cap­ O W N (7) own (to possess, 1.00); own
size (0.67); invert (to upset, 0.67); de­ (to acknow ledge, 1.00); admit (to con­
stroy (to bring to nothing, 0.64); rebel fess, 0.90); confess (to admit, 0.50);
(to endeavour to overthrow a govern­ occupy (to fill space, 0.50); obey (to
ment, 0.61); unbalance (to upset, 0.50); act in accordance w ith a recognized
raze (0.35); abolish (0.26); halt (to cause principle, 0.45); maintain (to keep ready
to cease, 0.25); overbalance (to upset, for use, 0.16).
0.25); sm ash (0.25); confute (0.24); O X ID A T E (1) heat (to make hot, 0.43).
defeat (to get the better o f another, O X ID IZ E (4) rust (0.83); bite (to cut or
0.24); disorganize (0.18); down (0.14). corrode, 0.47); heat (to make hot, 0.38);
O V E R U SE (1) overuse (1.00). flame (0.33).
OVERVALUE (3) overvalue (1.00); over­ O X Y G E N A T E (2) ventilate (0.20); air (to
estim a te (0 .88); o v erd o (to do too introduce air, 0.17).
much, 0.60).
O V E R W E IG H (2) overweigh (1.00); out­ P
w eigh (to exceed in weigh, 0.33). P A C E (9) pace (to stride, 1.00); pace (to
O V E R W H E L M (25) overw helm (to m easure by pacing, 1.00); step (0.93);
defeat, 1.00); overw helm (to drown, w alk (to m ove on foot, 0.91); hasten
1.00); overw helm (to astonish, 1.00); (to m ake haste, 0.51); run (to go swiftly
b u rd en (0.88); glut (to oversupply, by physical effort, 0.41); canter (0.25);
0.88); seize (to take by force, 0.78); prom enade (0.25); gallop (0.13).
confute (0.76); overcom e (0.75); over­ P A C IF Y (18) pacify (to mollify, 1.00);
pow er (0.75); overrun (to defeat, 0.75); pacify (to quiet, 1.00); reconcile (to
surprise (to am aze, 0.68); crush (to bring into harmony, 0.77); assuage (to
defeat utterly, 0.67); ravage (0.67); de­ calm , 0.75); decrease (to m ake less,
feat (to w orst in war, 0.64); outvote 0.75); placate (0.75); tem per (to soften
(0.50); throw (to force to the ground, or qualify, 0.75); quiet (to m ake calm,
0 .5 0 ); fa sc in a te (0 .4 3 ); in fest (to 0.71); allay (to soothe, 0.50); tranquilize
sw arm , 0.38); attack (to assault (o f an (0.50); soothe (0.40); disarm (to reduce
individual), 0.33); w in (to gain a vic­ n atio n al arm am en ts, 0.38); becalm
tory, 0.33); sink (to cause to sink, 0.30); (0.25); calm (0.25); conciliate (0.25);
capture (to seize w ith arm ed force, ease (to com fort, 0.25); settle (to quiet,
0.25); overrun (to infest, 0.25); take (to 0 .2 5 ); ease (to le ssen p re ssu re or
captivate, 0.25); tram ple (0.17). tension, 0.11).
O V E R W O R K (6) o v erw o rk (1 .0 0 ); P A C K to package (12) pack (to prepare
overdo (to overtax oneself physically, for transportation, 1.00); pack (to stow
0.83); weary (to make weary, 0.72); tire compactly, 1.00); pack (to fill by enter­
(to m ake a person exhausted, 0.70); ing, 1.00); pack (to transport by using
w ork (to labour, 0.55); abuse (to treat pack anim als, 1.00); fill (to pour to the
badly, 0.28). capacity o f the container, 0.92); inter­
O V ER Y IEL D (1) oveipay (0.43). line (to put in an interlining, 0.91);
butcher (to slaughter for consum ption, describe (0.44); narrate (0.30); copy (to
0.78); infest (to swarm, 0.56); com press reproduce, 0.28); enamel (0.17).
(0.42); cake (0.25); lade (to fill, 0.25); P A IR to m ake a pair (2) pair (1.00); match
ja m (to force o n e’s way, 0.11). (to find or m ake equals, 0.67).
P A C K A G E (2) box (to enclose in a box, PA LA V ER (1) babble (0.19).
0.50); sack (0.50). PA L E to dim; to grow pale (3) pale (1.00);
P A C T (1) contract (to enter into an agree­ w hiten (to becom e w hite, 0.50); fade
ment, 0.87). (to lose colour or light, 0.42).
PAD to stuff; to fill out; to furnish (8) P A L L to becom e dim ; to becom e taste­
pad (to thicken, 1.00); pad (to increase, less (3) pall (1.00); tire (to becom e
1.00); upholster (0.92); w ad (0.83); exhausted, 0.64); disgust (0.14).
interline (to put in an interlining, 0.55); PA L L IA T E (10) palliate (1.00); forgive (to
line (to provide a lining, 0.53); stu ff cease to resen t, 0.80); decrease (to
(0.50); rewrite (0.33). m ake less, 0.79); ju stify (to give rea­
P A D D L E to w alk in m ud (5) paddle (to sons for, 0.78); sm ooth (to mollify,
propel by paddling, 1.00); paddle (to 0.75); soften (to m ake soft, 0.65); ex­
beat, usually rather lightly, 1.00); wade tenuate (0.43); ease (to relieve o f pain,
(0.50); punish (0.17); sw im (0.13). 0.22); quiet (to m ake calm, 0.14); rem ­
P A G E to put num bers upon pages (1) edy (0.11).
page (to m ark the pages, 1.00). P A L M (2) feel (to exam ine by touch,
P A G IN A T E (1) page (to m ark the pages, 0.83); hold (to have in o n e ’s grasp,
0.40). 0.17).
PAIN (13) pain (1.00); hurt (to cause pain, PA LPA TE (1) titillate (0.50).
0.92); w eary (to becom e w eary, 0.89); PA L P IT A T E (12) palpitate (1.00); oscil­
rankle (0.71); ache (0.67); bother (to be late (to sw ing, 0.75); beat (to pulsate,
disturbing, 0.59); hurt (to give a feeling 0.74); shake (to vibrate, 0.65); heave
o f pain, 0.40); tire (to m ake a person (to raise and fall, 0.52); tw itch (to jerk,
exhausted, 0.40); irritate (to inflam e, 0.44); thrill (to becom e excited, 0.30);
0.29); disturb (to upset m ental calm, sw ing (to describe an arc, 0.27); pant
0.26); visit (to afflict, 0.25); w ound (to (0.25); throb (0.25); lick (to play over;
hurt the feelings, 0.25); tw itch (to jerk, said o f flam es, 0.15); w ave (to move
0.11). back and forth, 0.05).
P A IN T (15) paint (to represent by p aint­ P A L T E R (1) lie (to utter an untruth, 0.07).
ing, 1.00); paint (to protect or decorate P A M P E R (6) pam per (1.00); baby (0.94);
by p ain tin g , 1.00); v arn ish (0.88); h u m o u r (0.87); m o llycoddle (0.75);
decorate (0.83); w ash (to brush w ith a ac co m m o d ate (to ren d e r a service,
liquid, 0.83); w hitew ash (to cover w ith 0.19); grovel (0.13).
a lim e w ash, 0.80); redecorate (0.76); PAN to w ash gold in a pan (3) pan (to
sketch (to draw, 0.75); m b (to apply by obtain gold, 1.00); pan (to swing; said
rubbing, 0.54); outline (to draw, 0.50); o f a camera, 1.00); mine (to dig for min­
spread (to apply over a surface, 0.50); erals, 0.63).
P A N E G Y R IZ E (2) adm ire (to have re­ interpret, 0.21).
gard for, 0.58); com plim ent (to con­ P A R B O IL (4) parboil (1.00); boil (to con­
gratulate, 0.21). tinue at a boiling point, 0.33); cook
PANEL (1) line (to provide a lining, 0.67). (0.29); scald (0.25).
PANIC (3) scare (0.75); frighten (to alarm, P A R C H (10) parch (1.00); cook (0.68);
0.45); stampede (0.25). shrivel (0.67); dehydrate (0.50); scorch
PANT (8) pant (1.00); blow (to send forth (0.50); dry (to cause to becom e dry,
air rapidly, 0.75); gasp (0.75); breathe 0.33); incinerate (0.33); dessicate (to
(to draw breath, 0.60); thrill (to becom e dry, 0.25); evaporate (to dehydrate,
excited, 0.60); heave (to raise and fall, 0.25); toast (to brow n bread, 0.17).
0.57); puff (to blow, 0.50); wheeze (0.33). P A R D O N (1 2 ) p a rd o n (to re d u c e
PA N TO M IM E (3) pantomime (1.00); ges­ punishm ent, 1.00); pardon (to forgive,
ticulate (0.75); gesture (0.40). 1.00);excuse (0.96); forgive (to cease
PA PE R (2) paper (1.00); board (to cover, to re se n t, 0 .9 0 ); c o n d o n e (0 .7 5 );
0.25). absolve (0.67); forgive (to absolve,
PA R A C H U TE (1) parachute (1.00). 0.50); parole (0.50); pity (to be merciful
PA R A D E (6) parade (to participate in a to, 0.50); free (to liberate, 0.47); shrive
parade, 1.00); parade (to m ake an os­ (to ab so lv e, 0 .25); ju s tify (to give
te n tatio u s show , 1.00); d isp lay (to reasons for, 0.17).
present for effect, 0.68); advertise (to P A R E (10) pare (to peel, 1.00); pare (to
m ake public, 0.34); dem onstrate (to trim , 1.00); w hittle (to cut, 0.86); peel
present for effect, 0.25); march (0.25). (0.83); skin (0.75); unm ask (0.75); de­
PA R A G R A PH (1) paragraph (1.00). crease (to make less, 0.39); flake (0.25);
P A R A L L E L (10) parallel (1.00); resem ­ shave (to rem ove a shaving, 0.20);
ble (0.78); com pare (to exam ine on a w hittle (to reduce slowly, 0.17).
com parative basis, 0.71); liken (0.67); P A R E N T H E SIZ E (1) inteiject (0.57).
fit (to be suitable in character, 0.53); PA R K (1) park (1.00).
com m easure (0.50); balance (to place P A R L E Y to speak; to talk; to converse
in balance, 0.42); im itate (to resem ble, (6) parley (1.00); negotiate (to make ar­
0.33); join (to adjoin, 0.25); compare (to rangem ents for, 0.71); consult (0.70);
liken, 0.10). talk (to converse, 0.40); confer (to hold
PARALYZE (5) deaden (to reduce life or a conference, 0.25); discuss (0.18).
its e v id e n c e , 0 .7 9 ); n u m b (0 .7 5 ); P A R L E Y horse racing term (1) arbitrate
benum b (to deaden, 0.67); disqualify (0.67).
(to disable, 0.25); harden (to toughen, P A R O D Y (5) parody (1.00); act (to take
0.08). part in a play, 0.44); lam poon (0.25);
PA R A P H R A SE (7) copy (to reproduce, m odel (to im itate a m odel, 0.17); ridi­
0.89); plagiarize (0.67); interpret (to ex­ cule (0.13).
plain, 0.50); render (to translate, 0.50); P A R O L E (1) parole (1.00).
tra n s la te (to c h a n g e in to a n o th e r P A R Q U E T (1) inlay (0.25).
language, 0.50); explain (0.48); read (to PA R R Y (7) parry (to avoid, 1.00); parry
(to w ard off, 1.00); fend (0.75); answ er contrive (to succeed w ith difficulty,
(to m ove in response, 0.53); confute 0.85); grow (to change slowly, 0.77);
(0.48); refute (0.33); defeat (to w orst in render (to state formally, 0.75); cross
war, 0.25). (to pass over, 0.67); deliver (to transfer,
PA RSE (2) examine (to inspect with care, 0.67); legislate (0.67); m ove (to be in
0.17); analyze (to subject to analysis, m otion, 0.64); enact (to legislate, 0.63);
0.07). exceed (0.63); flow (to m ove in one
P A R T (15) part (to put apart, 1.00); part direction, 0.57); step (0.53); honour (to
(to depart, 1.00); divide (to separate recognize as valid, 0.50); return (to
by parting, 0.98); sever (0.83); gape (to speak formally, 0.50); shovel (0.50); de­
split, 0.75); spread (to separate, 0.75); clare (to speak form ally and em phat­
subdivide (0.75); leave (to go away, ically , 0 .3 7 ); cut (to c ro ss, 0.33);
0.73); retire (to draw away, 0.67); share defecate (0.33); elim inate (to remove
(to divide, 0.60); estrange (to withdraw, w aste m atter, 0.33); excrete (0.33);
overleap (to jum p over, 0.33); allow (to
0.50); sunder (0.50); separate (to cause
permit an action, 0.26); flit (0.25); qualify
to part, 0.25); yawn (to open wide, 0.17);
(to fulfill requirem ents, 0.25); approve
alienate (0.14).
(to give approval, 0.03).
PA R T A K E (3) partake (1.00); participate
P A S T E (3) paste (1.00); glue (0.75); tack
(to take part in, 0.67); touch (to be in
(to fasten lightly, 0.75).
contact, 0.05).
P A S T E U R IZ E (1) sterilize (0.13).
P A R T IC IP A T E (6) participate (to take
PA STU R E (2) feed (0.13); farm (to do farm
part in, 1.00); participate (to engage in
work, 0.06).
a contest, 1.00); compete (0.84); partake
PAT (13) pat (to strike lightly, 1.00); pat
(0.75); play (to engage in sport, 0.75);
(to strike lightly and affectionately,
share (to partake, 0.67).
1.00); touch (to be in contact, 0.82);
PA R TIC U LA RIZE (5) particularize (1.00); chuck (to caress, 0.75); tap (to strike
detail (to make clear in detail, 0.92); de­ lightly, 0.75); paw (to handle clumsily,
scribe (0.74); specify (0.29); unfold (to 0.50); slap (0.50); mop (0.44); beat (to
reveal, 0.18). thrash, 0.36); dab (0.25); fillip (to rap
P A R T IT IO N (2) share (to divide, 0.50); sharply, 0.25); form (to give shape to a
subdivide (0.25). thing, 0.16); caress (0.11).
PASS (37) pass (to m ove past, 1.00);pass P A T C H (8) patch (1.00); repair (0.70);
(to elapse, 1.00); pass (to com plete a m end (to repair, 0.50); rebuild (to re­
co u rse successfully, 1.00); pass (to pair, 0.50); solder (0.50); vam p (to re­
hand to others, 1.00); pass (to enact, pair, 0.25); replace (to supply an equiva­
1.00); pass (to becom e enacted, 1.00); lent, 0.18); paste (0.17).
pass (to refuse to act, 1.00); pass (to P A T E N T (2) patent (1.00); m onopolize
exceed, 1.00); pass (to spend tim e, (0.07).
1.00); pass (to p ro n o u n ce form ally, PA T E R (1) sound (to m ake a noise, 0.33).
1.00); pass (to proceed, 1.00); pass (to P A T IN A TE (1) w eather (to expose to the
emit, 1.00); happen (to occur, 0.93); weather, 0.31).
P A T R O L (7) patrol (1.00); w atch (to 0.83); underw rite (to support finan­
guard, 0.75); guard (to w atch over, cially, 0.70); expend (to spend, 0.50);
0.73); m arch (0.45); peram bulate (to spend (to expend, 0.41).
inspect, 0.25); police (0.25); w alk (to P E A C H (1) enlighten (to bring supposed
m ove on foot, 0.04). spiritual truth, 0.29).
PA T R O N IZ E (8) patronize (to trade with, P E A K (1) peak (1.00).
1.00); patronize (to assum e a conde­ P E A L to sound forth, to resound (4) peal
scending attitude, 1.00); prom ote (to (1.00); thunder (0.91); knell (0.75); ring
further, 0.84); trade (to do business, (to give forth sound by ringing, 0.73).
0.75); help (to aid, 0.71); defend (to P E C K (2) peck (1.00); dab (0.50).
provide general protection, 0.53); stoop P E C U L A T E (2) steal (0.33); rob (0.25).
(to condescend, 0.33); trust (to give P E D A L (2) pedal (1.00); play (to produce
credit to, 0.22). music, 0.74).
P A T T E R (5) patter (1.00); rustle (0.54);
P E D D L E (5) peddle (1.00); truck (to traf­
babble (0.10); rain (0.09); storm (0.09).
fic in, 0.67); canvass (to sell from door
PA T T E R N (4) form (to give shape to a
to door, 0.50); vend (0.50); sell (to
thing, 0.96); em broider (to add adorn­
convey for a consideration, 0.33).
ment, 0.63); order (to put in order, 0.53);
P E E K (5) peek (1.00); peep (to look cau­
carve (to form by cutting, 0.11).
tiously, 0.75); blink (to squint, 0.67);
PA U PE R IZ E (1) ruin (to cause to become
squint (0.67); pry (to endeavour to dis­
bankrupt, 0.50).
cover, 0.53).
PAU SE (12) pause (1.00); stop (to halt,
P E E L (7) peel (1.00); flake (0.83); skin
0.90); hesitate (0.84); rest (to be still,
(0.81); flay (to rem ove skin, bark, hide,
0.83); halt (to cease, 0.67); w ait (to
etc., 0.75); unw rap (0.37); exfoliate
aw ait, 0.60); stam m er (0.44); loiter
(0.25); hull (0.25).
(0.34); p rocrastinate (0.33); forbear
(0.25); rem ain (to stay, 0.25); w aver P E E P to look through (6) peep (to look
(0.18). cautiously, 1.00); pry (to endeavour to
PAVE (2) pave (1.00); spread (to apply discover, 0.67); glance (to look, 0.50);
over a surface, 0.20). peek (0.50); blink (to squint, 0.33);
PAW (5) paw (to handle clumsily, 1.00); squint (0.33).
paw (to scrape w ith the front foot, P E E P to utter (4) peep (to make a peeping
1.00); paw (to strike, 1.00); touch (to be sound, 1.00); cheep (0.75); squeak
in contact, 0.59); feel (to exam ine by (0.50); twitter (0.43).
touch, 0.48). P E E R to look narrowly; to search (6) peer
PAWN (3) paw n (1.00); pledge (to give (1.00); pry (to endeavour to discover,
security, 0.50); guarantee (to give se­ 0.60); contem plate (to look at, 0.59);
curity, 0.29). ransack (to search thoroughly, 0.46);
PAY (7) pay (to give paym ent, 1.00); pay spy (to act as a spy, 0.36); gape (to
(to produce a profit, 1.00); pay (to re­ stare, 0.25).
taliate, 1.00); settle (to satisfy a claim , P E E V E (1) peeve (1.00).
P E G (1) peg (1.00). understand, 0.75); seize (to com pre­
P E JO R A T E (1) decay (0.32). hend, 0.75); observe (to notice, 0.67);
P E L T (3) pelt (1.00); hit (to strike, 0.39); tell (to deduce, 0.67); discover (to find,
snow (0.33). 0.52); penetrate (to understand, 0.50);
P E N to fasten; to m ake fast (2) pen (to see (to perceive w ith the eye, 0.50);
enclose, 1.00); stable (0.67). taste (to exp erien ce, 0.50); find (to
P E N to w rite dow n with a pen (2) pen (to happen upon, 0.46); discern (to descry,
write, 1.00); write (to compose in words, 0.33); read (to understand by reading,
0.58). 0.33); read (to interpret, 0.29); smell (to
P E N A L IZ E (6) penalize (1.00); fine (0.92); use the sense o f sm ell, 0.29); imagine
m ulct (to punish, 0.75); punish (0.71); (to v is u a liz e m e n ta lly , 0 .2 8 );
scourge (to punish, 0.25); chasten (to com prehend (to understand, 0.25); con­
punish, 0.08). ceive (to understand, 0.25); note (to
P E N C IL (1) draw (to m ake a likeness by notice, 0.25); take (to com prehend,
drawing, 0.70). 0.25); recognize (to know again, 0.14).
P E N E T R A T E (14) penetrate (to pierce, P E R C H to alight or rest as a bird (3) perch
1.00); penetrate (to perm eate, 1.00); (1.00); light (to come to rest from flight
penetrate (to understand, 1.00); enter or travel, 0.91); sit (to assum e a sitting
(to enter physically, 0.85); filter (to soak posture, 0.33).
s lo w ly , 0 .7 7 ); o p e n (to m a k e an P E R C O L A T E (11) percolate (1.00); drop
opening, 0.67); invade (to enter w ith (to fall in drops, 0.67); boil (to seethe,
arm ed force, 0.50); percolate (0.40); 0.57); bub b le (0.55); filter (to soak
probe (0.33); fathom (0.25); infiltrate slowly, 0.54); cook (0.51); drain (to seep
(0.25); contem plate (to look at, 0.12); away, 0.50); soak (to drench, 0.36); flow
descend (to m ove lower, 0.08); under­ (to keep up a circular motion, 0.33);
stand (to com prehend, 0.06). leach (0.25); flow (to issue forth, 0.08).
P E N S IO N (1) dism iss (to rem ove an em ­ P E R E G R IN A T E (2) peregrinate (1.00);
ployee, 0.62). roam (to wander, 0.19).
P E O P L E (1) colonize (0.56). P E R F E C T (12) perfect (1.00); complete
P E P P E R (2) salt (to scatter thickly, 0.75); (to m ake entire, 0.84); achieve (to fin­
flavour (0.40). ish an undertaking, 0.70); realize (to
PEPSIN A TE (1) leaven (to ferment, 0.50). bring to fulfillment, 0.67); consummate
P E R A M B U L A T E (3) peram bulate (to (0.50); prepare (to m ake oneself ready,
ram ble, 1.00); peram bulate (to inspect, 0.39); actu alize (0.33); develop (to
1.00); w alk (to m ove on foot, 0.17). im prove, 0.27); finish (to bring to an
P E R C E IV E (26) perceive (to see, 1.00); end, 0.25); form (to give shape to a
perceive (to understand, 1.00); feel (to thing, 0.25); term inate (to finish, 0.25);
experience, 0.82); understand (to com ­ decorate (0.07).
prehend, 0.79); apprehend (to under­ P E R F O R A T E (8) perforate (1.00); pen­
stand, 0.75); grasp (to com prehend, etrate (to pierce, 0.91); tap (to punc­
0.75); know (to recognize, 0.75); see (to ture in order to draw liquid, 0.91); cut
(to penetrate, 0.50); puncture (0.50); space, 0.11); occupy (to fill space,
bore (to pierce by rotary motion, 0.25); 0.07).
burst (to puncture, 0.25); dent (0.18). P E R M IT (10) permit (1.00); allow (to per­
P E R F O R M (25) perform (to accomplish m it an action, 0.96); endure (to sustain
an action, 1.00); perform (to present a adversity, 0.81); authorize (to allow,
perform ance, 1.00); perform (to com ­ 0.75); license (0.75); tolerate (to allow,
plete an action, 1.00); play (to produce 0.67); receive (to make welcome, 0.50);
music, 0.96); act (to take part in a play, enable (0.27); charter (to license, 0.25);
0.94); achieve (to finish an undertaking, empower (0.25).
0.81); average (to do on an average, P E R O R A T E (2) perorate (to harangue,
0.79); behave (to act, 0.75); function 1.00); perorate (to summarize, 1.00).
(0.75); satisfy (to fulfill, 0.71); interpret P E R P E T R A T E (2) perpetrate (1.00); act
(to convey the m eaning o f (art), 0.70); (to perform an action, 0.78).
create (to m ake, 0.69); com plete (to P E R P E T U A T E (1) perpetuate (1.00).
make entire, 0.68); do (to act, 0.67); obey P E R P L E X (20) perplex (1.00); embarrass
(to act in accordance with orders, 0.67); (to upset m entally, 0.97); disturb (to
tend (to watch over, 0.64); prefabricate upset m ental calm, 0.91); bother (to
(0.60); earn (to receive in paym ent, give troub le, 0.90); confuse (0.79);
0.55); accom plish (0.50); render (to baffle (to confuse, 0.75); daze (0.75);
in terp ret, said esp ecially o f m usic, m ystify (0.75); perturb (to confuse,
0.50); display (to present for effect, 0.75); straiten (to distress, 0.75); de­
0.48); dispatch (to m ake an end, 0.25); range (to upset, 0.71); confound (to
enact (to accom plish , 0.25); go (to confuse, 0.50); displease (to leave a
function, 0.25); slog (0.25). person dissatisfied, 0.50); amaze (0.40);
P E R F U M E (1) sm ell (to give o ff odour, com plicate (0.30); discom fit (to con­
0 .86). fuse, 0.25); disconcert (0.25); distract
P E R IS H (7) perish (1.00); depart (to die, (to c o n fu s e , 0 .2 5 ); ta n g le (0 .1 3 );
0.67); die (to cease living, 0.67); decease surprise (to amaze, 0.05).
(0.50); disappear (0.36); expire (to die, P E R S E C U T E (4) persecute (to oppress,
0.33); starve (to becom e weaker, die especially for religious reasons, 1.00);
from hunger, 0.25). p e rse c u te (to to rm e n t p ersisten tly ,
P E R JU R E (1) perjure (1.00). 1.00); grind (to oppress, 0.75); abuse
P E R K (2) perk (to be refreshed, 1.00); (to treat badly, 0.68).
perk (to cheer or refresh, 1.00). P E R S E V E R E (13) persevere (1.00); fight
PER M A N E N T (1) wave (to set hair, 0.50). (to struggle for an end, 0.92); continue
P E R M E A T E (10) permeate (1.00); haunt (to persist, 0.88); act (to perform an
(to frequent as a spirit, 0.88); infiltrate action, 0.75); persist (0.75); go (to
(0.75); filter (to soak slow ly, 0.69); endure, 0.67); p u rsu e (to continue,
percolate (0.60); belong (to be properly 0.67); m ain tain (to continue, 0.50);
placed, 0.36); pervade (0.33); soak (to survive (to live on, 0.38); abide (to re­
drench, 0.29); fill (to occupy avaliable main, 0.33); hold (to remain firm, 0.33);
ru n (to c o n tin u e , 0 .3 3 ); r e s is t (to set mentally, 0.33); dissatisfy (0.25);
w ithstand, 0.15). upset (to disturb, 0.25); m olest (to dis­
P E R S IS T (10) persist (1.00); endure (to turb people, 0.24); frighten (to alarm,
continue, 0.94); fight (to struggle for 0.23); confuse (0.18); bother (to be
an end, 0.83); persevere (0.75); act (to disturbing, 0.06).
perform an action, 0.72); resist (to w ith­ P E R U S E (5) peruse (to inspect, 1.00); pe­
stand, 0.65); survive (to live on, 0.50); ruse (to read, 1.00); read (to understand
go (to continue, 0.33); go (to endure, by reading, 0.83); brow se (0.60); learn
0.33); last (to endure, 0.33). (to acquire mentally, 0.56).
P E R S O N A T E (2) act (to take part in a P ER V A D E (8) pervade (1.00); fill (to oc­
play, 0.83); imitate (to mimic, 0.50). cupy avaliable space, 0.89); percolate
P E R S O N IF Y (6) personify (to imperson­ (0.80); haunt (to frequent as a spirit,
ate, 1.00); personify (to embody, 1.00); 0.75); perm eate (0.75); im pregnate (to
personify (to represent, 1.00); enact (to perm eate, 0.67); occupy (to fill space,
act, 0.67); embody (to actualize, 0.50); rep­ 0.64); infiltrate (0.50).
resent (to serve as an equivalent, 0.09). P E R V E R T (19) pervert (1.00); corrupt (to
P E R S P IR E (6) perspire (1.00); sw eat (to d ebase, 0.98); w rench (0.87); bribe
p ersp ire, 0.86); em it (to disch arg e, (0.83); dam age (to debase, 0.75); de­
0.44); swelter (0.25); excrete (0.13); heat base (0.75); deprave (0.75); distort (to
(to becom e hot, 0.13). alter the m eaning, 0.75); bend (to force
P E R S U A D E (17) persuade (to influence, out o f a straight line, 0.69); bastardize
1.00); persuade (to urge, 1.00); con­ (0.60); colour (to m isrepresent, 0.50);
vince (0.86); enlighten (to bring sup­ abuse (to treat badly, 0.44); poison
posed spiritual truth, 0.79); coax (0.75); (0.43); lie (to utter an untruth, 0.36);
induce (to prevail on, 0.75); sw ay (to subvert (0.33); dem oralize (to corrupt,
influence, 0.75); win (to convince, 0.71); 0.25); m isconstrue (0.25); warp (0.25);
get (to induce, 0.67); incite (0.57); as­ dam age (to im pair the value of, 0.12).
sure (to convince, 0.50); bend (to in­ P E S T E R (15) pester (1.00); bother (to
fluence, 0.50); invite (to ask politely, give trouble, 0.88); rankle (0.79); annoy
0.48); show (to convince, 0.33); invei­ (to m olest, 0.75); perturb (to annoy,
gle (0.25); advise (to give counsel, 0 .7 5 ); h au n t (to p rey upon, 0.55);
0.14); influence (0.11). m olest (to disturb people, 0.52); harry
PER T A IN (3) apply (to be relevant, 0.92); (to harass, 0.50); m iff (to annoy, 0.50);
belong (to be properly placed, 0.86); nettle (0.50); badger (0.25); bug (to
refer (to concern, 0.44). annoy, 0.25); heckle (0.25); irritate (to
P E R T U R B (14) perturb (to annoy, 1.00); bother, 0.25); nag (0.25).
perturb (to confuse, 1.00); discom pose P E S T L E (1) grind (to pulverize, 0.30).
(0.75); disconcert (0.75); disturb (to P E T (13) pet (to caress, 1.00); pet (to
upset m ental calm , 0.59); m uddle (to m ake love, 1.00); caress (0.89); baby
confuse; said usually o f people, 0.50); (0.81); touch (to be in contact, 0.77);
disorganize (0.36); em barrass (to u p ­ fondle (0.67); pam per (0.64); humour
(0.60); dandle (0.50); pat (to strike lightly P H O T O G R A P H (3) photograph (1.00);
and affectionately , 0.50); cherish (to rep ro d u ce (to m ake an exact copy,
hold dear, 0.38); dote (0.33); love (to 0.94); record (to record electronically,
express love by caresses, 0.30). 0.50).
P E T IT IO N (13) petition (1.00); address P H O T O S T A T (1) reproduce (to make an
(to com municate in a formal way, 0.80); exact copy, 0.88).
apply (to m ake a request, 0.75); suppli­ P H Y S IC (1) heal (to cure, 0.07).
cate (0.75); sum m on (to call, 0.61); P I (2) pi (1.00); m uddle (to confuse; said
invite (to ask politely, 0.52); pray (to o f affairs, 0.18).
ask or beg, 0.50); pray (to call upon P IC K to fix; to stick; to pitch; to hurl; to
God, 0.50); question (to ask, 0.50); beg throw (1) peck (0.67).
(to ask ea rn estly or im p o rtu n ately , P IC K to pierce; to cleanse; to choose
0.42); ask (to inquire, 0.27); appeal (to (21) pick (to choose, 1.00); pick (to
ask another seriously, 0.25); sue (0.20). gather, 1.00); pick (to deprive, espe­
P E T R IF Y (11) petrify (to harden, 1.00); cially by pecking or plucking, 1.00);
petrify (to frighten, 1.00); thicken (to pick (to use a pointed instrument, 1.00);
becom e thicker, 0.73); stiffen (to cause adopt (to take as a son or daughter,
to b e c o m e stiff, 0 .7 1 ); h a rd e n (to 0.91); gather (to choose, 0.75); pull (to
becom e less penetrable, 0.65); harden m ove by pulling, 0.75); catch (to seize
(to m ake less pervious, 0.57); frighten hold of, 0.67); guess (to choose rightly
(to alarm, 0.48); surprise (to amaze, 0.42); on little or no evidence, 0.67); favour
horrify (0.25); tem per (to toughen or (to have a p referen ce, 0.54); clean
harden, 0.21); weather (to expose to the (0.50); select (0.50); cast (to select
weather, 0.08). actors for a play, 0.43); harvest (0.43);
P E T T IF O G (1) evade (to use trickery to obtain (to gain possession, 0.32); reap
avoid a sharp issue, 0.04). (to harv est, 0.30); hire (to em ploy,
P H IL A N D E R (3) philander (1.00); flirt (to 0.25); opt (0.25); strum (0.25); decide
coquet, 0.67); court (to woo, 0.18). (0.06); earn (to receive in paym ent,
P H IL O S O P H IZ E (2) philosophize (1.00); 0.05).
generalize (to speak in general term s, P IC K E T (7) picket (to strike, 1.00); picket
0.17). (to enclose, 1.00); strike (to refuse to
P H L E B O T O M IZ E (1) bleed (to let blood, w ork, 0.71); guard (to watch over,
0.25). 0.67); enclose (to shut up or shut in,
P H O N A T E (2) pronounce (to articulate, 0.64); tether (0.50); w atch (to guard,
0.50); utter (0.46). 0.50).
P H O N E (3) telephone (0.60); com m uni­ P IC K L E to put in or fill with pickle (6)
cate (to im part inform ation, 0.54); dial pickle (1.00); souse (to preserve, 0.75);
(to telephone, 0.25). kipper (0.67); preserve (to keep, 0.58);
P H O S P H O R E S C E (1) flash (to give forth com (0.25); cure (to preserve, 0.25).
alig h t by flash, 0.23). P IC T O R IA L IZ E (1) imagine (to visual­
P H O T O G R A M (1) photograph (0.13). ize mentally, 0.11).
P IC T U R E (14) picture (to depict, 1.00); burden (0.31).
picture (to im agine, 1.00); illustrate (to P IL F E R (6) pilfer (1.00); rob (0.55); forage
m ake clear by illustration, 0.89); im ag­ (0.50); poach (to steal, 0.50); embezzle
ine (to visualize m entally, 0.89); de­ (0.25); ransack (to loot, 0.21).
scribe (0.81); delineate (0.75); depict P IL L A G E (11) pillage (1.00); ravage
(0.75); paint (to represent by painting, (0.98); ransack (to loot, 0.96); destroy
0.73); com municate (to impart inform a­ (to bring to nothing, 0.90); harry (to
tion, 0.58); copy (to reproduce, 0.50); raid, 0.67); despoil (0.50); devastate
narrate (0.45); dream (to entertain or (0.25); m araud (0.25); rob (0.15); raid
delude o n eself w ith im agined things, (0.09); steal (0.08).
0.44); recite (to relate in detail, 0.14); P IL L A R (1) reinforce (0.33).
represent (to present as a true inter­ P IL L O W (2) upholster (0.69); rest (to
p re ta tio n , 0.14). take o n e’s rest, 0.42).
P ID D L E (1) piddle (1.00). P IL O T (7) pilot (1.00); fly (to m anage a
P IE C E (1) sew (0.20). plane in the air, 0.92); lead (to conduct,
P IE R C E (22) pierce (1.00); glare (to stare 0.76); navigate (0.75); m anage (to di­
fiercely, 0.90); stab (0.87); tap (to punc­ rect, 0.51); land (to bring a boat to shore,
ture in order to draw liquid, 0.82); burst 0.50); take (to lead, 0.25).
(to puncture, 0.75); cut (to penetrate, P IN (8) pin (1.00); tack (to fasten lightly,
0.75); drill (to bore, 0.75); hurt (to cause 0.88); hook (to catch on a hook, 0.75);
pain, 0.75); p rick (0.75); pu n ch (to bind (to constrain w ith bonds, 0.55);
perforate, 0.75); thrust (to jab , 0.58); faste n (to m ak e so m e th in g secure,
b roach (to penetrate, 0.50); open (to 0.52); clasp (0.50); spike (0.33); wave
m ake an opening, 0.50); transfix (to (to set hair, 0.33).
im pale, 0.50); scar (0.38); dam age (to P IN C H (9) pinch (to squeeze, 1.00); scar
impair the value of, 0.29); impale (0.25); (0.77); scrim p (0.50); squeeze (0.50);
puncture (0.25); stick (to penetrate with hurt (to cause pain, 0.37); tighten (to
a point, 0.25); em bed (to put in, 0.13); m ake tight, 0.17); feel (to exam ine by
freeze (to make cold, 0.13); contemplate touch, 0.13); economize (0.11); seize (to
(to look at, 0.06). grasp, 0.10).
P IG E O N H O L E (3) classify (0.93); sus­ P IN E (4) m ope (0.56); languish (to want,
p end (to cease tem porarily, 0.55); file 0.50); m ourn (to lam ent, 0.36); yearn
(to arrange in order, 0.17). (0.25).
P IG M E N T (1) colour (to im part colour P IN F E A T H E R (1) pick (to deprive, espe­
to, 0.59). cially by pecking or plucking, 0.20).
P IL E to heap (8) pile (to am ass, 1.00); P IN I O N (4) b in d (to co n stra in w ith
p ile (to place one upon another, 1.00); bonds, 0.90); enchain (to confine, 0.75);
heap (to place in a heap, 0.96); bank (to tram mel (0.23); hinder (0.21).
heap earth or sim ilar m aterial, 0.50); P IO N E E R (2) pioneer (1.00); colonize
stack (0.50); load (to place a load, (0.11).
0.42); accum ulate (to am ass, 0.38); P IP E to draw through pipes (1) face (to
put facing on goods, 0.50). (0.75); arbitrate (0.58); pacify (to mollify,
P IP E to play on a pipe; to w histle (6) 0.25); hum our (0.13).
whistle (to produce a shrill blast, 0.85); P L A C E (14) place (to put in a place, 1.00);
blow (to play a wind instrument, 0.75); place (to put in order, 1.00); load (to
play (to produce m usic, 0.57); cry (to place a load, 0.95); rank (to evaluate,
call (not o f hum an creatures), 0.39); 0.93); list (to enter in a list, 0.78); sta­
chirp (0.18); squeak (0.13). tion (0.75); install (0.63); recognize (to
P IQ U E to prick the feelings (6) pique (to know again, 0.57); lean (to incline,
anger, 1.00); pique (to excite, 1.00); dis­ 0.48); establish (to w ork or settle in a
gust (0.43); fascinate (0.24); disturb (to perm anent place, 0.47); order (to put in
upset m ental calm , 0.20); anger (to order, 0.26); enlist (to enroll others,
arouse som eone to anger, 0.09). 0.23); locate (to determ ine a location,
P IR A T E (2) raid (0.43); ravage (0.12). 0.22); line (to arrange in a line, 0.17).
P IR O U E T T E (2) dance (to m ove rhyth­ P L A C E R (1) pan (to obtain gold, 0.44).
mically, 0.31); roll (to revolve, 0.07). P L A G IA R IZ E (2) plagiarize (1.00); steal
P IT (1) dent (0.41). (0.26).
P IT C H to fix; to adorn; to throw (20) P LA G U E (9) plague (1.00); bother (to give
pitch (to throw, 1.00); pitch (to fall trouble, 0.98); oppress (0.91); haunt (to
forward, 1.00); pitch (to slope abruptly, prey upon, 0.67); molest (to disturb peo­
1.00); heave (to raise and fall, 0.86); ple, 0.64); disturb (to upset m ental
m easure (to apply a standard o f m eas­ c a lm , 0 .6 3 ); e m b a rra s s (to u p se t
urem ent, 0.77); cast (to throw, 0.75); m entally, 0.58); bug (to annoy, 0.50);
deliver (to throw, 0.75); list (to lean, vex (to annoy, 0.50).
0.75); project (to throw, 0.75); stum ble P L A IT (6) m at (0.90); fold (to place to­
(to trip, 0.75); throw (to hurl, 0.73); gether or lay in folds, 0.88); braid (0.50);
crash (to fall w ith a crash, 0.71); toss crease (0.25); enw reathe (0.17); weave
(to m ove up and dow n, 0.64); bank (to (to construct by interlacing, 0.09).
tilt a curve, 0.60); descend (to m ove P L A N (16) plan (to plot an action in ad­
lower, 0.56); dart (to m ove in the m an­ vance, 1.00); plan (to arrange in a pre­
ner o f a dart, 0.47); trip (to stum ble, lim inary way, 1.00); plan (to have in
0.36); beat (to pulsate, 0.32); fall (to mind, 1.00); systematize (0.91); arrange
pass quickly dow nw ard, 0.32); lean (to (to m ake arrangem ents, 0.90); intend
incline, 0.17). (to propose, 0.86); form (to give shape
P IT Y (3) pity (to feel pity for, 1.00); pity to a thing, 0.80); concoct (to m ake up,
(to be m erciful to, 1.00); sym pathize 0.60); purpose (0.50); estimate (to make
(0.57). a ro u g h g u ess, 0 .3 5 ); estim ate (to
P IV O T (3) pivot (1.00); roll (to revolve, calculate probable costs, 0.31); intro­
0.86); sw ing (to describe an arc, 0.82). duce (to in stitu te, 0.25); invent (to
P L A C A R D (2) placard (1.00); advertise c re a te or d isc o v er, 0 .2 2 ); p lo t (to
(to m ake public, 0.37). determ ine a course, 0.20); create (to
P L A C A T E (5) placate (1.00); conciliate make, 0.15); order (to put in order, 0.06).
P L A N E (4) plane (1.00); m achine (0.75); step lightly, 0.50); bet (0.43); produce
form (to give shape to a thing, 0.51); (to present a perform ance, 0.33); dally
trim (to cut o ff excess, 0.18). (to flirt, 0.25); pretend (to make believe,
P L A N K (1) board (to cover, 0.75). 0.20); com pete (0.11); sound (to make
PL A N T (11) plant (1.00); colonize (0.89); a noise, 0.11); ring (to cause to sound,
em bed (to fix, 0.75); fix (to m ake firm, 0.09).
0.75); em bed (to put in, 0.73); erect (to PLA Y A CT (1) simulate (0.14).
raise, 0.67); establish (to w ork or settle P L A Y O U T (1) end (to bring to a halt,
in a perm anent place, 0.60); beautify 0.18).
(to im prove the grounds, 0.50); place P L E A D (17) plead (to beg, 1.00); plead
(to put in a place, 0.44); sow (0.38); (to enter a plea, 1.00); plead (to discuss
grow (to cultivate, 0.30). in court, 1.00); argue (to endeavour to
P L A S H to splash (3) plash (1.00); splash convince, 0.94); defend (to support an
(0.29); drop (to fall in drops, 0.13). accused person, 0.94); justify (to give
P L A S T E R (9) p laster (1.00); cem ent reaso n s for, 0.94); urge (to induce,
(0.50); daub (0.50); redecorate (0.35); 0 .9 1 ); b e g (to a sk e a r n e s tly or
paper (0.33); spread (to apply over a importunately, 0.58); importune (0.50);
surface, 0.30); face (to put a face on a answ er (to m ove in response, 0.41);
building, 0.15); rub (to apply by rub­ discuss (0.27); sue (0.27); crave (to
bing, 0.15); dress (to give medical treat­ beg, 0.25); pray (to ask or beg, 0.25);
ment, 0.11). court (to w oo, 0.24); address (to com ­
P LA TE (6) plate (1.00); galvanize (to coat, m unicate in a formal way, 0.20); en­
0.75); gild (to give the appearance o f treat (0.20).
gold, 0.67); spread (to apply over a P L E A S E (20) please (to give pleasure,
surface, 0.65); veneer (0.63); incrust 1.00); please (to desire, 1.00); enter­
(0.25). tain (to keep others am used, 0.90); rav­
P L A T IN IZ E (1) plate (0.07). ish (to charm , 0.86); satisfy (to make
PLA Y (24) play (to am use oneself, 1.00); c o n te n t, 0 .8 4 ); g la d d e n (0 .8 2 );
play (to gambol, 1.00); play (to produce ac co m m o d ate (to ren d er a service,
m usic, 1.00); play (to display light, 0.75); enam our (0.75); fascinate (0.75);
erratic m ovem ent, 1.00); play (to act in quiet (to m ake calm, 0.75); compliment
a play, 1.00); play (to engage in sport, (to flatter, 0.68); hum our (0.67); charm
1.00); play (to pretend, 1.00); play (to (to entertain, 0.50); intrigue (0.50); re­
gam ble, 1.00); interpret (to convey the gale (to satisfy, 0.50); court (to seek
m eaning o f (art), 0.80); participate (to favour, 0.25); delight (to give pleasure,
engage in a contest, 0.75); render (to 0.25); interest (0.25); pam per (0.18);
in terp ret, said e sp ec ially o f m usic, revive (to hearten, 0.18).
0.75); lick (to pass the tongue over, P L E A T (2) pleat (-1.00); crim p (to fold,
0.71); perform (to present a perform ­ 0.75).
ance, 0.69); joke (0.62); field (0.50); gam­ P L E D G E (12) pledge (to give security,
ble (to play for money, 0.50); trip (to 1.00); pledge (to prom ise, 1.00); guar­
antee (to give security, 0.86); contract chute (0.50); swoop (0.50); fly (to pass
(to enter into an agreem ent, 0.80); b e­ through the air, 0.31).
troth (0.78); assure (to prom ise, 0.75); P L U M P to fall; to drop; to sink (2) drop
borrow (to receive tem porarily, 0.71); (to cause or to permit to fall, 0.53); drop
toast (to honour by drinking liquor, (to fall in drops, 0.08).
0.67); prom ise (to give o n e ’s w ord, P L U M P to make plump (2) fatten (to make
0.50); pawn (0.33); covenant (0.25); hire fat, 0.57); swell (0.14).
(to employ, 0.21). P L U N D E R to rob (14) plunder (1.00); de­
P L IG H T (1) promise (to give one’s word, stroy (to bring to nothing, 0.93); ran­
0.96). sack (to loot, 0.92); despoil (0.75); loot
P L O D (5) plod (1.00); lag (to m ove with­ (0.75); m araud (0.75); m isappropriate
out spirit, 0.92); linger (to go reluc­ (0.75); pillage (0.75); rob (0.75); ravage
tantly, 0.75); trudge (0.75); crawl (to (0.45); forage (0.25); spoil (to ruin, 0.25);
m ove slowly, 0.50). raid (0.13); steal (0.10).
P L O P (3) plop (1.00); bum p (to m ake a P L U N G E (22) plunge (1.00); dip (to put
bum ping sound, 0.55); drip (0.25). into a liquid, 0.95); dive (0.93); hasten
P L O T (12) plot (to devise an intrigue, (to m ake haste, 0.83); dart (to m ove in
1.00); plo t (to plan, 1.00); p lo t (to the m anner o f a dart, 0.82); crash (to
determ ine a course, 1.00); m aneuver fall with a crash, 0.79); duck (to immerse
(0.94); conspire (to plan secretly, 0.75); quickly, 0.75); pitch (to fall forward,
form (to give shape to a thing, 0.67); 0.75); plum m et (0.75); fall (to pass
m ould (to determ ine a course o f action, quickly dow nw ard, 0.71); imm erse (to
0.50); plan (to plot an action in advance, put under w ater, 0.71); descend (to
0.39); collude (0.25); determ ine (to move lower, 0.68); drown (to lower into
decide the course o f affairs, 0.25); hatch a liquid, 0.50); tumble (0.50); dip (to fall,
(to plan, 0.25); prem editate (0.25). 0.44); gam ble (to play for money, 0.38);
PLO U G H (1) plough (to use a plough, 1.00). topple (topple, 0.33); trip (to stumble,
P L U C K (8) pick (to deprive, especially 0.27); dash (to break against, 0.25); jump
by pecking or plucking, 0.80); pick (to (to leap dow n, 0.25); settle (to cause to
gather, 0.75); jerk (to m ove an object sink, 0.25); swoop (0.25).
w ith a quick tug, 0.69); catch (to seize P L U N K (2) play (to produce music, 0.65);
hold of, 0.53); harvest (0.50); strum bump (to make a bumping sound, 0.50).
(0.50); seize (to grasp, 0.35); reap (to PLY to apply; to use; to w ork bustly at
harvest, 0.20). (6) ply (to use, 1.00); ply (to practice,
PLU G (3) plug (1.00); bar (to raise a physi­ 1.00); ply (to supply, 1.00); ply (to
cal obstruction, 0.35); plod (0.25). beat, 1.00); knead (0.67); wield (0.29).
PLU M B (3) plumb (1.00); measure (to ap­ PLY to bend; to bow (2) invite (to ask
ply a standard o f m easurem ent, 0.63); politely, 0.36); weave (to construct by
dive (0.29). interlacing, 0.30).
P L U M M E T (6) plum m et (1.00); dive P O A C H to push or stir anything; to steal
(0.57); jum p (to leap down, 0.50); para­ (5) poach (to steal, 1.00); poach (to
blend, 1.00); ransack (to loot, 0.46); b u ild in g , 0 .6 2 ); rub (to su b je ct to
steal (0.36); hunt (to pursue w ith in­ fric tio n , 0.45); ed it (to p rep are for
tent to kill, 0.22). pub licatio n , 0.43); m anicure (0.43);
P O A C H to boil an egg (2) cook (0.63); d ecorate (0.41); sm ooth (to rem ove
coddle (to cook gently, 0.25). un ev e n n ess, 0.38); d evelop (to im ­
P O C K E T (5) pocket (1.00); receive (to prove, 0.36); mop (0.33); varnish (0.29);
take into o n e’s charge, 0.39); take (to glaze (0.27); gloss (0.25); sm arten (to
seize, 0.33); sack (0.25); obtain (to gain beau tify , 0 .2 5 ); ad ju st (to p lace or
possession, 0.15). regulate parts, 0.23).
P O E T IZ E (2) poetize (1.00); com pose (to P O L K A (1) dance (to move rhythmically,
create, 0.09). 0.23).
P O IN T to agree; to fix; to determ ine in P O L L (5) poll (1.00); enroll (to prepare a
tim e or space (8) point (to indicate, roll, 0.56); program (to schedule, 0.50);
1.00); point (to direct, 1.00); point (to
decide (0.18); list (to enter in a list,
face, 1.00); intensify (0.88); steer (0.67);
ten d (to have a te n d en cy (to w ard ),
P O L L A R D (1) top (to rem ove the top,
0.57); refer (to concern, 0.28); show (to
indicate, 0.25).
P O L L E N (1) pollinate (0.67).
P O IN T to prick w ith som ething sharp;
P O L L IN A T E (3) pollinate (1.00); fertilize
to m ake sharp (4) point (to sharpen,
(to im pregnate, 0.56); fructify (0.25).
1.00); hone (0.75); protrude (0.71); m ark
P O L L U T E (11) pollute (1.00); dirty (0.89);
(to m ake a mark, 0.27).
contam inate (0.75); infest (to contam i­
P O IS E (2) balance (to place in balance,
nate, 0.75); corrupt (to debase, 0.70);
0.97); juggle (to keep in the air by toss­
defile (to corrupt, 0.50); foul (to make
ing, 0.33).
dirty, 0.50); adulterate (0.49); dam age
P O IS O N (2) poison (1.00); kill (to deprive
o f life, 0.57). (to im pair the value of, 0.48); abuse (to
P O K E (7) poke (1.00); thrust (to jab, 0.92); treat badly, 0.36); envenom (to poison,
nudge (0.75); dub (to hit, 0.50); putter 0.25).
(0.25); im pel (to press, 0.21); feel (to P O M A D E (2) pom ade (1.00); grease
exam ine by touch, 0.09). (0.27).
P O L IC E (3) police (1.00); guard (to watch P O M M E L (6) pommel (1.00); defeat (to
over, 0.60); watch (to guard, 0.25). w orst in sport or in personal combat,
P O L IS H (24) polish (1.00); clean (0.81); 0.72); cudgel (0.50); trounce (to beat,
improve (to m ake better, 0.79); brighten 0.50); beat (to thrash, 0.48); hurt (to
(to m ake brighter, 0.75); b u ff (0.75); fin­ cause pain, 0.30).
ish (to develop a surface, 0.75); furbish P O N D E R (16) ponder (1.00); meditate (to
(to burnish, 0.75); w ax (to apply w ax, m use, 0.91); think (to exam ine with the
0.75); civilize (0.70); burnish (0.67); m ind, 0.83); concentrate (to em ploy all
shine (to cause to shine, usually by o n e ’s m ental pow ers, 0.75); deliberate
polish, 0.67); face (to put a face on a (0.75); muse (0.75); philosophize (0.75);
rum inate (to ponder, 0.75); w eigh (to the m eaning o f (art), 0.30); characterize
c o n s id e r , 0 .7 5 ); c o n te m p la te (to (to describe, 0.25); depict (0.25); picture
consider, 0.67); hesitate (0.58); brood (to depict, 0.25); recite (to relate in
(to nurse o n e’s troubles, 0.50); doubt detail, 0.05).
(to raise a q u estio n , 0.50); toy (to P O S E to lay dow n; to put forth (2) pose
consider, 0.50); debate (0.27); m ull (to assum e a pose for a picture, 1.00);
(0.25). pose (to pretend, 1.00).
P O N T IF IC A T E (2) address (to speak to P O S IT (3) posit (to place, 1.00); posit (to
an assembly, 0.55); moralize (0.25). state, 1.00); assume (to take for granted,
P O O L (1) pool (1.00). 0.91).
P O P to strike; to rap; to knock (1) pop P O S IT IO N (2) position (1.00); locate (to
( 1.00). determ ine a location, 0.67).
P O P U L A R IZ E (2) popularize (1.00); de­ P O S S E S S (10) possess (1.00); haunt (to
fine (to provide a nam e or description , prey upon, 0.88); boast (to have to
0.46). o n e ’s credit, 0.67); charm (to bewitch,
P O P U L A T E to people; to inhabit (2) 0.67); have (to be in possession of,
reside (0.50); m ultiply (to bring forth 0.67); obsess (0.50); reserve (to retain,
young, 0.25). 0.50); succeed (to attain success, 0.36);
P O R T A G E (1) carry (to transport, 0.28). ho ld (to h av e in o n e ’s p o sse ssio n ,
P O R T E N D to foreshadow; to foretell (5) 0.25); u n d ersta n d (to co m p reh en d ,
portend (1.00); forebode (0.50); m en­ 0.03).
ace (0.50); forecast (to predict, 0.38); P O S T to fasten a notice; to send (7) race
foretell (0.25). (to m ove at great speed, 0.71); ride (to
P O R T IO N (2) m easure (to apply a stand­ control a beast o f burden by riding ,
ard o f m easurem ent, 0.29); w ait (to 0.63); hasten (to make haste, 0.57); mail
attend at table, 0.11). ( 0 .5 0 ) ;s e n d (to d is p a tc h , 0 .3 2 );
P O R T R A Y (23) portray (to represent, advertise (to m ake public, 0.29); record
1.00); portray (to im itate, 1.00); paint (to w rite down, 0.24).
(to r e p r e s e n t by p a in tin g , 0 .9 3 ); P O S T to place; to station (2) list (to en­
describe (0.89); picture (to im agine, ter in a list, 0.72); disgrace (0.04).
0.75); im personate (0.60); copy (to re­ P O S T D A T E (5) postdate (to anticipate,
produce, 0.56); delineate (0.50); narrate 1.00); postdate (to succeed, 1.00); fol­
(0.50); recount (0.50); illustrate (to make low (to be later in time, 0.33); misdate
clear by illustration, 0.44); pretend (to (0.33); succeed (to follow in time, 0.33).
m ake believe, 0.40); draw (to m ake a P O S T F IX (1) subjoin (0.50).
likeness by draw ing, 0.39); detail (to P O S T P O N E (15) postpone (1.00); delay
m ake clear in detail, 0.38); reproduce (to cause a delay, 0.98); suspend (to
(to m ake an exact copy, 0.38); repre­ cease temporarily, 0.95); slow (to cause
sent (to present as a true interpretation, to become slower, 0.90); protract (0.75);
0.36); act (to take part in a play, 0.33); reprieve (to pardon, 0.75); retard (to
do (to act, 0.33); interpret (to convey hinder, 0.75); stall (to delay, 0.75); table
(0.67); hinder (0.54); w aive (0.54); fun (to m ove, usually rapidly, 0.82);
adjourn (0.50); dissolve (to dism iss, em pty (to becom e empty, 0.80); gulp
0.50); end (to bring to a halt, 0.35); (0.75); gush (to spout, 0.75); drain (to
n e g le c t (to f a il to a tte n d to empty, 0.67); em pty (to cause to be­
resp o nsibilities, 0.08). com e empty, 0.67); storm (0.64); swal­
P O S T U L A T E (6) postulate (to theorize, low (0.55); teem (0.43); spout (0.25).
1.00); postulate (to im plore, 1.00); as­ P O U T (2) sulk (0.67); frown (0.56).
sum e (to take for granted, 0.59); gener­ P O W D E R to m ix; to season (4) grind (to
alize (to speak in general term s, 0.33); pulverize, 0.91); crush (to break into
prem ise (to assum e, 0.25); believe (to s m a ll p ie c e s , 0 .2 5 ); d u s t (0 .2 5 );
accept as true, 0.17). granulate (0.25).
P O S T U R E (2) posture (1.00); pose (to P O W E R (1) electrify (to provide electric­
assum e a pose for a picture, 0.25). ity, 0.77).
P O T to dig pits (1) plant (0.75). P R A C T I C E (1 4 ) p ra c tic e (to seek
P O T to put up and preserve (1) preserve im provem ent through repetition, 1.00);
(to keep, 0.54). practice (to em ploy o n e’s professional
P O T T E R (5) loiter (0.69); tinker (0.67); skill, 1.00); use (to m ake a practice of
lo a f (to do nothing useful, 0.47); m u d ­ (in past), 0.89); exercise (to use, 0.82);
dle (to confuse; said o f affairs, 0.35); drill (to train, 0.75); train (to drill, 0.75);
linger (to go reluctantly, 0.32). use (to m ak e use of, 0.45); act (to
P O U L T IC E (1) ease (to relieve o f pain, perform an action, 0.42); teach (to drill,
0.11). 0.41); apply (to m ake use of, 0.40);
P O U N C E to m ove forw ard suddenly (2) adhere (to serve, 0.33); establish (to
pounce (1.00); seize (to take by force, w ork or settle in a perm anent place,
0 .86). 0.27); obey (to act in accordance with
P O U N D to break dow n; to crush (15) a recognized principle, 0.27); exercise
pound (1.00); beat (to pulsate, 0.97); (to m ove the body, 0.13).
thump (0.89); bum p (to make a bumping P R A IS E (11) praise (to com mend, 1.00);
sound, 0.86); m aul (0.75); defeat (to praise (to speak or sing in worship,
w orst in sport or in personal com bat, 1.00); adm ire (to have regard for, 0.85);
0.69); tramp (to tread heavily, 0.60); nail recom m en d (to lend support or ap­
(to hammer, 0.50); pommel (0.50); mash proval, 0.72); w orship (to perform acts
(0.47); grind (to pulverize, 0.35); beai o f w orship, 0.71); favour (to have a
(to thrash, 0.25); club (0.25); play (to preference, 0.62); felicitate (0.50); ap­
produce m usic, 0.13); drive (to m anage preciate (to recognize w orth, 0.43);
a propelled vehicle, 0.04). encourage (to raise the spirits, 0.40);
P O U R (16) pour (to flow, 1.00); pour (to thank (0.40); endorse (to indicate one’s
allow to flow, 1.00); pour (to rain heav­ active support, 0.15).
ily, 1.00); rain (0.91); overflow (to flow P R A N C E (3) prance (1.00); cavort (0.75);
over the top, or out at a vent, 0.88); sw agger (to strut, 0.25).
cover (to send dow n in plenty, 0.83); P R A T E (5) drivel (to ram ble, 0.67); jab ­
ber (to talk as though jabbering, 0.50); (to take for granted, 0.85); guess (to
babble (0.43); clack (to talk heedlessly, a tte m p t an a n s w e r on in a d e q u a te
0.25); gossip (0.17). evidence, 0.35); vouch (0.32).
P R A T T L E (9) p rattle (1.00); gossip P R E D IC T (12) predict (1.00); foretell
(0.83); blab (to chatter, 0.75); tattle (0.94); aug u r (0.75); divine (0.75);
(0.67); blabber (0.50); chat (0.50); bab­ prophesy (0.75); estim ate (to make a
ble (0.48); sound (to m ake a noise, considered prediction, 0.73); outguess
0.31); chatter (0.25). (0.67); anticipate (to foresee, 0.58);
PRAY (7) pray (to ask or beg, 1.00); pray budget (to estim ate tim e or rations or
(to call upon God, 1.00); hope (0.81); distance, etc., 0.50); portend (0.50);
invite (to ask politely, 0.60); sue (0.40); w arn (0.33); presage (0.25).
shrive (to confess, 0.25); ravage (0.24). P R E D IS P O S E (2) predispose (to prepare,
P R E A C H (2) preach (1.00); advise (to 1.00); predispose (to stimulate, 1.00).
give counsel, 0.24). P R E D O M IN A T E (5) predominate (1.00);
P R E A SS E M B L E (1) prefabricate (0.20). p r e v a il ( 0 .7 5 ); o u tr e a c h (0 .5 0 );
P R E C E D E (5) precede (1.00); lead (to com m and (to have control, 0.42); pre­
conduct, 0.88); rank (to possess rela­ ponderate (0.25).
tive evaluation, 0.43); preface (0.25); P R E E M P T (1) preempt (1.00).
anticipate (to forestall, 0.13). P R E E N to trim feathers; to smooth (1)
P R E C IP IT A T E (6) precipitate (1.00); preen (1.00).
harden (to m ake less pervious, 0.83); PR E FA B R IC A TE (1) prefabricate (1.00).
distil (0.63); drop (to fall in drops, 0.54); P R E F A C E (2) preface (1.00); precede
excite (to activate, 0.50); stiffen (to (0.90).
cause to becom e stiff, 0.35). P R E F E R (15) prefer (1.00); favour (to
PR E C L U D E (13) preclude (1.00); prevent have a preference, 0.92); choose (to
(0.97); hinder (0.85); anticipate (to fore­ select, 0.87); bring (to initiate a legal
stall, 0.75); disqualify (to debar, 0.75); action, 0.73); turn (to incline, 0.67); wish
forbid (0.75); obviate (0.75); om it (to (to express a desire, 0.67); incline (to
fail to include, 0.75); bar (to obstruct tend toward, 0.50); promote (to advance
by refusal, 0.50); quiet (to m ake silent, in rank, 0.47); choose (to like, 0.33); like
0.45); halt (to cause to cease, 0.43); (to be inclined, 0.33); take (to choose,
foreclose (to hinder, 0.25); forestall (to 0.33); will (to wish, 0.33); designate (to
hinder, 0.25). specify, 0.30); dignify (0.25); love (to
P R E C O N T R A C T (1) betroth (0.44). be passionately devoted, 0.20).
P R E D A T E (2) antedate (0.83); m isdate P R E F IG U R E (1) prefigure (1.00).
(0.67). P R E JU D G E (2) prejudge (1.00); misjudge
P R E D E S T IN E (3) foreordain (0.75); pre­ (to m ake a w rong judgm ent, usually of
determine (0.67); foredoom (0.50). a person, 0.67).
P R E D E T E R M IN E (2) p red eterm in e P R E J U D IC E (2) bias (0.50); influence
(1.00); forecast (to predict, 0.54). (0.43).
PR E D IC A TE (4) predicate (1.00); assume PR E M E D IT A T E (1) premeditate (1.00).
P R E M IS E (3) p rem ise (to introduce, 0.45); restrain (to hold in check, 0.38);
1 .0 0 ); p re m is e (to a s su m e , 1.00); com m and (to have control, 0.33); warn
assum e (to take for granted, 0.12). (0.22); define (to provide a nam e or
P R E M O N IS H (1) forewarn (0.75). d escrip tio n , 0.11),
P R E O R D A IN (1) preordain (1.00). P R E S E N T (34) present (to display, 1.00);
P R E P A R E (20) prepare (to make oneself present (to suggest, 1.00); present (to
ready, 1.00); prepare (to m ake other subm it, 1.00); present (to give, 1.00);
persons or things ready, 1.00); prepare present (to give a play, 1.00); expose
(to cook and serve, 1.00); cook (0.98); (to uncover, 0.88); perform (to present
p la n (to plo t an actio n in advance, a perform ance, 0.85); give (to transfer,
0.94); pack (to prepare for transporta­ 0.81); contribute (to give, 0.75); deliver
tio n , 0 .9 0 ); o rg a n iz e (to fo rm an (to speak formally, 0.75); plead (to enter
organization, 0.88); w arn (0.85); train a plea, 0.75); give (to give a play, 0.67);
(to toughen oneself, 0.83); hatch (to p ro d u ce (to p resen t a perform ance,
plan, 0.75); fix (to prepare a meal, 0.67); 0.67); render (to give, 0.67); argue (to
teach (to drill, 0.65); concoct (to m ake endeavour to convince, 0.65); display
b y c o m b in in g in g r e d ie n ts , 0 .5 0 ); (to present for effect, 0.56); produce
mobilize (0.50); open (to make available, (to bear, 0.55); bestow (0.50); exhibit
0.50); teach (to act as a teacher, 0.50); (0.50); expound (to set forth in detail,
arrange (to m ake arrangem ents, 0.45); 0.50); give (to give a speech, 0.50);
fertilize (to enrich land, 0.44); list (to in tr o d u c e (to m a k e s tra n g e rs ac ­
cultivate w ith a lister, 0.25); advise (to quainted, 0.50); play (to act in a play,
give counsel, 0.07). 0.50); produce (to show, 0.50); tender
PR E PA Y (2) advance (to pay, 0.50); pay (0 .5 0 ); d isc u ss (0 .4 5 ); p ro v id e (to
(to give paym ent, 0.25). supply, 0.31); confer (to grant as a gift,
P R E P O N D E R A T E to w eigh m ore (2) 0.25); lend (to impart, 0.25); impart (to
preponderate (1.00); prevail (0.50). give, 0.25); open (to m ake available,
P R E P R IN T (1) plan (to arrange in a pre ­ 0.25); show (to display, 0.25); submit
liminary way, 0.06). (to offer, 0.25); unroll (0.25).
P R E S A G E (4) p re sa g e (1 .0 0 ); fo re ­ P R E S E R V E (16) preserv e (to guard,
shadow (0.50); forecast (to predict, 1.00); preserve (to m aintain, 1.00);
0.46); foretell (0.06). preserve (to keep, 1.00); m aintain (to
P R E S C R IB E (12) prescribe (to give di­ keep ready for use, 0.95); rescue (to
rections, 1.00); prescribe (to give m edi­ save, 0.92); em balm (0.86); defend (to
cal direction, 1.00); advise (to give provide general protection, 0.74); keep
counsel, 0.93); com m and (to issue an (to m aintain, 0.67); retain (to keep,
order, 0.80); recom m end (to m ake a 0.67); perpetuate (0.50); record (to write
suggestion or prescription, 0.75); as­ dow n, 0.44); sh elter (0.33); protect
sign (to delegate to a specific purpose, (0.25); se rv ic e (0.25); stab ilize (to
0.67); treat (to assist tow ard a cure, su p p o rt, 0.25); su p p o rt (to uphold,
0.63); edit (to supervise publication, 0.06).
P R E S ID E (3) preside (1.00); act (to p er­ P R E S U P P O S E (7) presuppose (1.00);
form an action, 0.58); m anage (to di­ prejudge (0.75); prem ise (to assume,
rect, 0.32). 0.75); assume (to take for granted, 0.71);
PR E SS to exert pressure (31) press (to im ply (to assum e, 0.50); m isjudge (to
subject to pressure, 1.00); press (to m ake a w rong judgm ent, usually o f a
smooth, usually by heat and pressure, person, 0.33); infer (to assume, 0.25).
1.00); press (to em brace, 1.00); force P R E T E N D (11) pretend (to feign, 1.00);
(to use force, 0.91); roll (to smooth with pretend (to m ake believe, 1.00); sim u­
a roller, 0.86); iron (0.83); infest (to late (0.95); disguise (0.77); act (to take
sw arm , 0 .8 1 ); b lo c k (to sh a p e by part in a play, 0.61); kid (0.50); claim (to
b lo c k in g , 0 .7 5 ); c ru s h (to b ru is e assert, 0.25); m im e (0.25); profess
severely, 0.75); pressure (0.75); hasten (0.25); evade (to use trickery to avoid
(to m ake haste, 0.71); goad (0.67); feel a sharp issue, 0.12); im itate (to mimic,
(to exam ine by touch, 0.65); urge (to 0.07).
induce, 0.59); drive (to urge on, 0.52); PR E V A IL (14) prevail (1.00); win (to gain
hold (to have in o n e’s grasp, 0.52); hug a victory, 0.83); live (to persist in human
(0.50); precipitate (0.50); urge (to drive, memory, 0.80); take (to win, 0.75); carry
0.47); jam (to force o n e’s way, 0.44); (to win, 0.67); predominate (0.50); reign
lobby (0.44); invite (to ask politely, (0.50); rem ain (to endure, 0.50); endure
0.40); w eigh (to have w eight, 0.38); (to continue, 0.44); be (to have being,
e n f o r c e (to r e q u ir e c o m p lia n c e , 0.40); lie (to be situated, 0.40); command
0 .3 3 );b e g (to a s k e a r n e s tly or (to have control, 0.35); succeed (to
importunately, 0.32); m assage (0.25); attain success, 0.26); conquer (to win,
pinch (to squeeze, 0.25); hasten (to 0.25).
expedite, 0.15); pack (to stow com ­ PREV A R IC A TE (7) prevaricate (1.00); lie
pactly, 0.15); distil (0.13); propose (to (to utter an untruth, 0.93); evade (to
make a suggestion, 0.10); munch (0.08). use trickery to avoid a sharp issue,
P R E S S U R E (2) pressure (1.00); lobby 0.92); perjure (0.67); sim ulate (0.67);
(0.38). fa b r ic a te (to m is re p re s e n t, 0 .3 3 );
PR E SU M E (14) presum e (1.00); assume equivocate (0.25).
(to take for granted, 0.94); guess (to P R E V E N T (10) prevent (1.00); preclude
attem pt an answ er on inadequate evi­ (0.75); vaccinate (0.63); taboo (0.60);
dence, 0.88); misjudge (to make a wrong delay (to cause a delay, 0.55); bar (to
judgm ent, usually o f a person, 0.83); obstruct by refusal, 0.54); forbid (0.54);
conclude (to deduce, 0.75); presuppose block (to im pede, 0.50); forestall (to
(0.75); suspect (to suppose, 0.75); trust hinder, 0.50); ban (0.33).
(to hope, 0.75); hope (0.63); infer (to P R IC E (3) price (1.00); appraise (to set a
assume, 0.50); guess (to make a choice, price on, 0.50); value (to set a price
alm o st at h az ard , 0 .33); im p ly (to upon, 0.05).
assume, 0.25); prejudge (0.25); think (to P R IC K (15) prick (1.00); goad (0.89);
suppose, 0.25). puncture (0.75); stick (to penetrate with
a point, 0.75); sting (0.75); hurt (to •preference, 0.23); recom m end (to lend
cause pain, 0.65); burst (to puncture, support or approval, 0.16); adm ire (to
0.50); itch (to have a tingling sensa­ have regard for, 0.15); raise (to lift, 0.06).
tion, 0.50); spur (0.50); stab (0.47); incite P R O B A T E (1) fail (to dismiss for failure,
(0.46); open (to make an opening, 0.33); 0.25).
in o c u la te ( 0 .2 5 ) ; s c r a tc h ( 0 .2 5 ) ; P R O B E (14) probe (1.00); experiment (to
penetrate (to pierce, 0.17). investigate scientifically, 0.82); analyze
P R IC K L E (4) prickle (1.00); itch (to have (to study carefully, 0.75); hunt (to try
a tingling sensation, 0.67); tingle (0.67); to find, 0.71); exam ine (to inspect with
sting (0.50). care, 0.70); inquire (to ask about, 0.67);
P R IM E to com e at shorter intervals (1) criticize (to make a considered criticism,
brief (to inform, 0.75). 0.50); inspect (0.50); delve (0.25); sift
P R IM E to fill; to charge; to load (3) pre­ (to evaluate, 0.25); ransack (to search
pare (to m ake oneself ready, 0.70); load thoroughly, 0.23); contem plate (to look
(to charge; said especially o f firearm s, at, 0.18); oppose (to hold a contrary
0.67); teach (to drill, 0.35). opinion, 0.15); question (to ask, 0.14).
P R IM P (1) preen (0.25). P R O C E E D (14) proceed (1.00); march
P R IN T (11) print (to make an impression, (0.85); arise (to result, 0.80); m ake (to
1.00); print (to reproduce by printing, m ove, 0.75); issue (to em erge, 0.50);
1.00); print (to sim ulate printing, 1.00); progress (to m ove forw ard, 0.50); hap­
m ark (to m ake a m ark, 0.77); im print pen (to occur, 0.47); m ove (to be in
(0.75); communicate (to impart informa­ m otion, 0.39); advance (to m ove for­
tion, 0.73); reproduce (to m ake an exact w ard physically, 0.33); pursue (to con­
copy, 0.69); m odel (to im itate a m odel, tinue, 0.33); operate (to be in opera­
0.50); m anufacture (to m ake a product, tio n , 0 .3 1 ); go (to p ro ce ed , 0.25);
0.45); w rite (to set dow n in w riting, le n g th e n (to m a k e lo n g e r, 0 .1 4 );
0.44); advertise (to m ake public, 0.42). m aneuver (0.06).
P R IO R IT IZ E (1) program (to work out a P R O C E S S to m arch in procession (1)
sequence to be perform ed, 0.31). enjoy (to have the use of, 0.25).
PRIV A TEER (1) hijack (0.50). P R O C E S S to treat by a specific proce­
P R IV IL E G E (2) allow (to permit an action, dure (4) process (1.00); preserve (to
0.63); license (0.25). keep, 0.88); em balm (0.71); program (to
P R IZ E (15) prize (1.00); treasure (0.80); w ork out a sequence to be perform ed,
cherish (to hold dear, 0.75); endear 0.38).
(0.75); esteem (to attach a high value P R O C L A IM (22) proclaim (1.00); adver­
to, 0.75); know (to possess information, tise (to m ake public, 0.95); announce
0.75); pry (to m ove w ith a lever, 0.62); (0.75); declaim (0.75); decree (0.75);
like (to be fond of, 0.60); value (to h era ld (0.75); p ro n o u n ce (to speak
believe to be valuable, 0.50); love (to fo rm a lly , 0 .7 5 ); rep o rt (to m ake a
be passionately devoted, 0.47); adore sum m ary statem ent, 0.67); notify (to
(to love, 0 .2 5 ); fa v o u r (to h av e a provide w ith inform ation, 0.64); admit
(to confess, 0.57); enunciate (to state tion o f another, 0.57); w ake (to waken
formally, 0.50); enact (to legislate, 0.47); another, 0.38); urge (to drive, 0.13).
narrate (0.40); celebrate (to recognize P R O D IG A L IZ E (1) spend (to expend,
an occasion, 0.38); declare (to speak 0.05).
fo rm a lly and em p h a tic a lly , 0 .3 2 ); P R O D U C E (39) produce (to bear, 1.00);
b r o a d c a s t (to a n n o u n c e , 0 .2 5 ); produce (to create by m ental effort,
com m and (to issue an order, 0.25); 1 .0 0 ); p r o d u c e (to c a u se , 1 .0 0 );
prom ulgate (0.25); publish (to m ake produce (to show, 1.00); produce (to
know n, 0.25); spread (to m ake know n, make, 1.00); produce (to present a per­
0.25); communicate (to impart inform a­ formance, 1.00); create (to make, 0.96);
tion, 0.14); utter (0.14). m anufacture (to m ake a product, 0.82);
P R O C R A S T IN A T E (9) procrastinate begin (to initiate, 0.79); bring (to be
(1.00); neglect (to fail to attend to re­ w orth in sale, 0.75); bring (to cause,
sponsibilities , 0.85); loiter (0.66); sus­ 0.75); cause (to bring about, 0.75);
pend (to cease tem porarily, 0.65); lin­ effect (to bring about, 0.75); form (to
ger (to go reluctantly, 0.46); delay (to give shape to a thing, 0.75); get (to
cause a delay, 0.30); protract (0.25); beget, 0.75); induce (to cause, 0.75);
slow (to becom e slower, 0.14); lag (to lengthen (to grow longer, 0.75); do (to
move slowly, 0.10). cause, 0.67); result (0.56); achieve (to
PR O C R E A T E (6) reproduce (to multiply, finish an undertaking, 0.51); dramatize
0.93); im pregnate (to beget, 0.75); pro­ (to p re s e n t a p e rfo rm a n c e , 0 .5 0 );
duce (to create by m ental effort, 0.75); m ultiply (to bring forth young, 0.50);
proliferate (0.50); get (to beget, 0.25); reap (to harvest, 0.50); spin (to make
fertilize (to impregnate, 0.22). by spinning, 0.50); develop (to reveal
P R O C U R E (18) procure (1.00); lobby s lo w ly , 0 .4 5 ); d ig (to re m o v e by
(0.94); reap (to gain, 0.81); earn (to re­ digging, 0.40); grow (to cultivate, 0.40);
ceive in paym ent, 0.80); cater (0.75); do (to present a play, etc., 0.33); forge
enlist (to request assistance, 0.73); ob­ (0 .33); give (to give a play, 0.33);
tain (to gain possession, 0.71); take (to provoke (to cause, 0.33); propagate (to
purchase, 0.67); buy (to acquire by beget, 0.27); recover (to improve one’s
purchase, 0.63); receive (to take into condition, 0.27); breed (to cause, 0.25);
o n e ’s charge, 0.61); get (to obtain, m ake (to m anufacture, 0.25); build (to
0.50); raise (to collect or m ake avail­ construct, 0.21); farm (to do farm work,
able, 0.40); provide (to supply, 0.38); 0.19); perform (to present a perform ­
accum ulate (to am ass, 0.31); derive (to ance, 0.08); detail (to m ake clear in
receiv e paym ent, 0.25); em ploy (to detail, 0.04).
obtain services for pay, 0.25); acquire P R O F A N E (4) profane (1.00); violate (to
(to obtain, 0.20); hire (to employ, 0.08). rape, 0.60); abuse (to treat badly, 0.42);
P R O D (7) prod (1.00); goad (0.96); drive curse (to swear, 0.29).
(to cause to m ove, 0.80); im pel (to P R O F E S S (8) profess (1.00); teach (to
press, 0.71); rem ind (to call the atten­ act as a teacher, 0.83); avow (0.75); pose
(to pretend, 0.67); p rom ise (to give 0.55); approach (to com e near in space,
o n e’s w ord, 0.58); adm it (to acknow l­ 0.50); augm ent (to grow, 0.50); go (to
edge, 0.34); vouch (0.27); declare (to proceed, 0.50); increase (to grow, 0.50);
speak formally and emphatically, 0.15). pass (to proceed, 0.50); proceed (0.50);
P R O F F E R (12) offer (to present, 0.92); m ove (to be in m otion, 0.43); continue
propose (to m ake a suggestion, 0.76); (to p ersist, 0.38); o p erate (to be in
m ake (to offer, 0.75); tender (0.75); operation, 0.38); rise (to im prove one’s
provide (to supply, 0.69); adm inister (to station, 0.14); m arch (0.05).
tender, 0.50); contribute (to give, 0.50); P R O H IB IT (13) prohibit (to forbid, 1.00);
give (to provide, 0.50); subm it (to offer, prohibit (to hinder, 1.00); forbid (0.96);
0 .5 0 ); b id (to p ro p o se a p ric e fo r taboo (0.80); com m and (to issue an
p u rch ase, 0.40); p resen t (to subm it, order, 0.61); om it (to fail to include,
0.33); adm inister (to minister, 0.31). 0.58); abolish (0.50); debar (to prevent,
P R O F IL E (1) draw (to m ake a likeness 0.50); interdict (0.50); kill (to veto, 0.50);
by drawing, 0.22). veto (0.50); hinder (0.28); halt (to cause
P R O F IT (10) profit (to be o f benefit, to cease, 0.16).
1.00); profit (to derive gain, 1.00); pro­ P R O J E C T (11) project (to thrust out,
m ote (to further, 0.87); succeed (to at­ 1.00); project (to throw, 1.00); invent
tain success, 0.69); benefit (0.50); earn (to create or discover, 0.72); plan (to
(to r e c e iv e in p a y m e n t, 0 .5 0 ); plot an action in advance, 0.67); throw
acco m m o d ate (to re n d e r a serv ice, (to send forth, 0.67); organize (to form
0.34); improve (to becom e better, 0.29); an organization, 0.62); arrange (to make
reap (to gain, 0.25); accum ulate (to arrangements, 0.60); systematize (0.55);
amass, 0.04). protrude (0.43); extrude (0.33); orbit (to
P R O G E N E R A T E (1) reproduce (to m ul­ put into orbit, 0.33).
tiply, 0.27). P R O L IF E R A T E (2) proliferate (1.00); pro­
P R O G N O S T IC A T E (7) forecast (to pre­ duce (to bear, 0.37).
dict, 0.92); foretell (0.75); anticipate (to P R O L O N G (7) prolong (1.00); elongate
foresee, 0.67); predict (0.50); prophesy (0.75); lengthen (to m ake longer, 0.50);
(0.50); augur (0.25); divine (0.25). delay (to cause a delay, 0.41); extend
P R O G R A M (2) program (to schedule, (to m ake larger, 0.25); shelve (to post­
1.00); program (to w ork out a sequence pone, 0.25); increase (to add to, 0.09).
to be perform ed, 1.00). P R O L O N G A T E (1) lengthen (to make
P R O G R E S S (20) p ro g ress (to m ove longer, 0.57).
forw ard, 1.00); progress (to im prove, P R O M E N A D E (4) prom enade (1.00);
1.00); improve (to becom e better, 0.76); ram ble (to saunter, 0.50); walk (to move
advance (to m ove forw ard physically, on foot, 0.48); march (0.30).
0.67); flow (to m ove in one direction, P R O M IS E (8) prom ise (to give one’s
0.67); gain (to advance, 0.67); m ake (to w ord, 1.00); prom ise (to appear prom ­
reach, 0.67); travel (to m ove at a regular ising, 1.00); com m it (to entrust, 0.82);
pace, 0.67); grow (to change slowly, undertake (0.81); covenant (0.75); be­
troth (0.56); hire (to em ploy, 0.46); 0.63); say (0.59); articulate (to speak
subscribe (to give financial support, clearly, 0.50); claim (to assert, 0.50); emit
0.25). (to express, 0.50); speak (to utter, 0.50);
P R O M O T E (18) prom ote (to further, decree (0.25); posit (to state, 0.25);
1.00); prom ote (to advance in rank, c o n d e m n (to se n d to p u n ish m e n t,
1.00); develop (to im prove, 0.82); ad­ 0 .2 2 ); c o m m u n ic a te (to im p a rt
vertise (to solicit business, 0.79); fa­ information, 0.02).
cilitate (0.75); continue (to p ersist, P R O O F (1) proofread (0.25).
0.50); display (to advertise, 0.50); exalt P R O O F R E A D (2) proofread (1.00); edit
(to elevate, 0.50); support (to uphold, (to prepare for publication, 0.14).
0.50); favour (to treat w ith favoritism , P R O P (9) support (to hold up from be­
0.40); help (to aid, 0.33); im prove (to neath, 0.93); b olster (0.75); buttress
m ake better, 0.33); urge (to present (0.75); brace (to give support, 0.67);
fav o u rab ly , 0.29); ex p e d ite (0.25); hold (to support; often used with up,
m erchandise (0.25); quicken (to cause 0.64); stiffen (to cause to becom e stiff,
to hasten, 0.25); operate (to produce 0.53); help (to aid, 0.50); receive (to
an effect, 0.22); lobby (0.19). support, 0.25); uphold (to hold up,
P R O M P T (14) prom pt (to instigate, 0.25).
1.00); prompt (to suggest, 1.00); prompt P R O P A G A N D IZ E (4) p ro p ag an d ize
(to help, 1.00); goad (0.85); instigate (1.00); prom ote (to further, 0.61); instill
(0.75); rem ind (to call the attention o f (0.35); advertise (to make public, 0.16).
another, 0.71); advise (to give counsel, P R O P A G A T E (9) propagate (to beget,
0.55); hint (0.50); m otivate (0.47); urge 1.00); propagate (to spread, 1.00); pro­
(to induce, 0.38); persuade (to urge, duce (to bear, 0.95); rep ro d u ce (to
0.25); incite (0.18); w arn (0.11); drive multiply, 0.67); sow (0.63); disseminate
(to urge on, 0.09). (0.50); graft (to jo in for growth, 0.40);
P R O M U L G A T E (9) prom ulgate (1.00); fertilize (to impregnate, 0.33); advertise
com m unicate (to im part inform ation, (to m ake public, 0.26).
0.83); advertise (to m ake public, 0.79); P R O P E L (14) propel (1.00); throw (to
declare (to speak formally and em phati­ send forth, 0.92); drive (to urge on, 0.91);
cally, 0.51); publish (to m ake know n, launch (to send off, 0.83); urge (to
0 .5 0 ); re p o rt (to m ak e a su m m ary drive, 0.80); m otivate (0.76); send (to
statement, 0.33); publicize (0.25); notify project, 0.75); im pel (to press, 0.57);
(to provide w ith inform ation, 0.21); advance (to cause to m ove forward,
display (to present for effect, 0.04). 0.50); slide (to cause to slide, 0.50); roll
P R O N O U N C E (17) pronounce (to speak (to cause to roll, 0.43); m ove (to set in
formally, LOO); pronounce (to articu­ m otion, 0.25); project (to throw, 0.25);
late, 1.00); utter (0.96); declare (to speak goad (0.07).
fo rm a lly and e m p h a tic a lly , 0 .9 3 ); P R O P H E S Y (9) prophesy (1.00); foretell
em phasize (0.80); state (0.75); talk (to (0.88); forecast (to predict, 0.85); an­
utter, 0.75); comment (to make a remark, ticipate (to foresee, 0.75); predict (0.75);
e s tim a te (to m a k e a c o n s id e r e d P R O S E (1) ramble (to speak or write aim­
p r e d ic tio n , 0 .6 0 ); d iv in e ( 0 .5 0 ) ; lessly, 0.18).
forebode (0.25); forecast (to foresee, P R O S E C U T E (9) prosecute (to pursue,
0.25). 1.00); prosecute (to involve in a legal
P R O P IT IA T E (4) propitiate (1.00); m edi­ action, 1.00); sue (0.93); plead (to dis­
ate (0.75); reconcile (to bring into har­ cuss in court, 0.67); denounce (0.56);
mony, 0.69); satisfy (to m ake content, w age (0.40); act (to perform an action,
0.44). 0.39); accuse (0.31); litigate (0.25).
P R O P O R T IO N (1) ration (0.75). P R O S E L Y T IZ E (2) evangelize (0.75);
P R O P O S E (19) propose (to m ake a sug­ convert (to alter convictions, 0.17).
gestion, 1.00); propose (to m ean, 1.00); P R O S P E R (7) prosper (1.00); succeed
plot (to determ ine a course, 0.80); urge (to attain success, 0.90); rise (to im­
(to present favourably, 0.76); ask (to prove o n e ’s station, 0.86); boom (to
invite, 0.75); plan (to have in m ind, increase rapidly, 0.67); fare (0.67); bloom
0.75); prem editate (0.75); approach (to (0.56); profit (to derive gain, 0.22).
approach personally, 0.71); m ean (to P R O S T IT U T E (3) abuse (to treat badly,
have in m ind, 0.50); subscribe (to sug­ 0.40); betray (to seduce and abandon,
gest, 0.50); resolve (0.40); invite (to ask 0.25); seduce (0.19).
politely, 0.32); try (to endeavour, 0.28); P R O S T R A T E (8) prostrate (to submit,
aim (to d ire c t o n e ’s effo rt, 0 .2 5 ); 1.00); prostrate (to overthrow, 1.00);
purpose (0.25); woo (to m ake love to, discourage (to dishearten, 0.65); ravage
0.25); w ill (an indication o f futurity, (0.55); flatten (to make flat, 0.50); ground
0.14); court (to woo, 0.06); m anage (to (to bring to the ground, 0.33); grovel
direct, 0.03). (0.08); tire (to make a person exhausted,
P R O P O S IT IO N (2) proposition (1.00); 0.05),
solicit (to tem pt for sexual puiposes, PR O T E C T < 18) protect (1.00); defend (to
0.83). keep o ff an enemy, often fig. , 0.94);
P R O P O U N D (2) propose (to m ake a sug- insulate (0.88); forfend (0.75); preserve
g e s tio n , 0 .6 7 ); d e c la re (to s p e a k (to guard, 0.75); shield (0.75); wrap (to
formally and emphatically, 0.54). conceal in a wrapper, 0.70); galvanize
P R O R A T E (2) prorate (1.00); distribute (to coat, 0.50); garrison (0.50); man
(to allot, 0.11). (0.50); shelter (0.50); lead (to conduct,
P R O R O G U E (4) adjourn (0.75); suspend 0.35); hide (to conceal, 0.33); top (to
(to cease tem porarily, 0.60); delay (to ap p ly to p p in g , 0 .3 3 ); en tre n ch (to
cause a delay, 0.32); w aive (0.08). surround, 0.25); insure (0.25); rescue
P R O S C R IB E (7) proscribe (1.00); com ­ (to save, 0.25); vaccinate (0.25).
m and (to issue an order, 0.82); taboo P R O T E S T (10) protest (1.00); rem on­
(0.73); banish (to condem n to exile, strate (0.93); discard (0.84); oppose (to
0.69); dam n (to consign to hell, 0.50); fight, 0.78); oppose (to hold a contrary
c o n d e m n (to se n d to p u n is h m e n t, opinion, 0.74); object (0.67); refuse
0.44); forbid (0.04). (0.53); grum ble (to com plain, 0.50);
co m p lain (to express an objectio n , 0.50); rile (0.50); goad (0.48); excite (to
0.47); vouch (0.41). stir one mentally, 0.47); fascinate (0.41);
P R O T R A C T (6) protract (1.00); delay (to disturb (to upset mental calm, 0.33);
cause a delay, 0.75); lengthen (to m ake insult (0.30); drive (to urge on, 0.26);
longer, 0.64); ram ble (to speak or w rite aggravate (to irritate, 0.25); exacerbate
aimlessly, 0.35); suspend (to cease tem ­ (to irritate, 0.25); exasperate (0.25);
porarily, 0.35); increase (to add to, 0.11). infuriate (0.25); overestim ate (0.25);
P R O T R U D E (5) protrude (1.00); project pester (0.25); rouse (to stimulate, 0.25);
(to th ru st out, 0.83); b u lg e (0 .33); anger (to arouse som eone to anger,
im pend (to project, 0.33); pop (0.25). 0.21); motivate (0.18).
P R O V E (12) prove (1.00); convince P R O W L (7) prow l (1.00); hide (to keep
(0.93); expose (to uncover, 0.82); as­ o n eself concealed, 0.78); skulk (0.75);
sure (to convince, 0.75); balance (to slink (0.75); sneak (0.45); march (0.40);
dem onstrate balance, 0.71); vindicate roam (to wander, 0.38).
(to justify, 0.67); verify (0.64); experi­ P R U N E to cut or lop branches (9) prune
ment (to investigate scientifically, 0.53); (1.00); trim (to cut off excess, 0.91); top
reason (to discuss persuasively, 0.36); (to rem ove the top, 0.88); cut (to sever,
fare (0.33); guarantee (to certify, 0.28); 0.81); dock (to clip, 0.75); lop (to cut
involve (0.20). off; said especially o f b ran c h es, 0.50);
P R O V ID E (13) provide (to supply, 1.00); decrease (to m ake less, 0.37); truncate
provide (to yield, 1.00); afford (to p ro­ (0.25); train (to direct growth, 0.12).
duce, 0.75); accom m odate (to render a PRY (10) pry (to move with a lever, 1.00);
service, 0.63); satisfy (to fulfill, 0.53); piy (to endeavour to discover, 1.00);
arrange (to m ake arrangem ents, 0.50); m eddle (to interfere in others’ affairs,
endow (to give to, 0.50); produce (to 0.59); m eddle (to handle others’ things,
bear, 0.50); accumulate (to amass, 0.42); 0.57); contem plate (to look at, 0.53);
feed (0.42); bless (to give, 0.40); nurture m onkey (0.50); ransack (to search thor­
(0.33); prepare (to m ake oneself ready, oughly, 0.38); spy (to act as a spy,
0.04). 0.29); nose (0.25); raise (to lift, 0.13).
P R O V IS IO N (3) feed (0.39); replenish P S Y C H O L O G IZ E (1) hypnotize (to put
(0.25); provide (to supply, 0.12). in a trance, 0.22).
P R O V O K E (33) provoke (to vex, 1.00); P U B L IC IZ E (8) publicize (1.00); adver­
provoke (to incite, 1.00); provoke (to tise (to m ake public, 0.97); broadcast
cause, 1.00); incite (0.79); bother (to (to announce, 0.75); placard (0.75);
give trouble, 0.78); cause (to be the com m unicate (to im part information,
cause, 0.75); irritate (to bother, 0.75); 0.71); herald (0.50); advertise (to so­
m iff (to annoy, 0.75); prod (0.75); stir licit business, 0.36); display (to adver­
(to excite, 0.75); vex (to annoy, 0.75); tise, 0.25).
tem pt (0.68); affront (0.50); displease P U B L IS H (13) p ublish (to print and
(to anger, 0.50); evoke (to arouse, 0.50); d istrib u te , 1.00); p u b lish (to m ake
ho u n d (0.50); p ro m p t (to instigate, know n, 1.00); notify (to provide with
inform ation, 0.85); edit (to supervise P U L V E R IZ E (8) pulverize (1.00); weather
publication, 0.82); reveal (to divulge, (to expose to the w eather, 0.54); crush
0 .8 2 ); re p o rt (to m ak e a su m m ary (to b rea k into sm all p ieces, 0.50);
s ta te m e n t, 0 .7 8 ); b a r e ( 0 .7 5 ) ; granulate (0.50); roll (to smooth with a
com m unicate (to im part inform ation, roller, 0.29); pound (0.25); defeat (to
0.75); prom ulgate (0.75); spread (to w orst in sport or in personal combat,
m ake know n, 0.75); announce (0.50); 0.10); mash (0.06).
unfold (to reveal, 0.45); disclose (to P U M P (3) pum p (1.00); operate (to be in
divulge, 0.33). o p e ra tio n , 0 .5 9 ); p la y (to pro d u ce
P U C K E R (3) pucker (1.00); w rinkle (to music, 0.43).
form into w rinkles, 0.60); fold (to place P U N to m ake puns (1) jo k e (0.31).
together or lay in folds, 0.38). P U N C H (19) punch (to hit, 1.00); punch
P U F F (15) p uff (to flatter, 1.00); p u ff (to (to perforate, 1.00); hit (to strike, 0.84);
inflate, 1.00); p u ff (to blow, 1.00); blow drive (to force w ith blow s, 0.80); spat
(to send forth air rapidly, 0.92); breathe (0.75); attack (to assault (o f an indi­
(to blow gently, 0.75); sm oke (to use vidual), 0.67); m int (to print or press
sm oke, especially from tobacco, 0.67); money, 0.67); bum p (to m ake a bum p­
w heeze (0.67); gasp (0.63); drag (to ing sound, 0.64); penetrate (to pierce,
smoke, 0.50); snort (0.40); swell (0.36); 0.61); box (to fight for sport, 0.60); cuff
tire (to becom e exhausted, 0.36); vaunt (0.50); poke (0.50); strike (to hit, 0.50);
(0.25); heave (to raise and fall, 0.14); hurt (to cause pain, 0.38); crash (to have
boast (to brag, 0.05). a collision , 0.27); ring (to cause to
P U K E (1) puke (1.00). sound, 0.27); pat (to strike lightly, 0.25);
P U L L (18) pull (to exert force, 1.00); pull beat (to thrash, 0.20); thrust (to jab,
(to m ove by pulling, 1.00); pull (to 0.17).
incline, 1.00); draw (to m ove an object, P U N C T U A T E (2) halt (to cause to cease,
0.95); tw itch (to pluck, 0.91); yank 0.91); emphasize (0.50).
(0.89); exercise (to m ove the body, P U N C T U R E (11) puncture (1.00); hurt (to
0.81); attract (to draw, 0.75); haul (0.75); cause pain, 0.86); penetrate (to pierce,
team (0.75); tow (0.75); tug (0.75); pry 0.57); prick (0.50); punch (to perforate,
(to m ove w ith a lever, 0.69); lure (to 0.50); break (to start a rupture, 0.42);
draw , 0.50); p ick (to gather, 0.50); stab (0.33); broach (to penetrate, 0.25);
w rench (0.47); ring (to cause to sound. cut (to penetrate, 0.25); drill (to bore,
0.36); w eigh (to have weight, 0.25). 0.25); open (to m ake an opening, 0.17).
P U L L U L A T E (1) grow (to become larger, P U N IS H (7) punish (1.00); beat (to thrash,
0.81). 0.98); hit (to strike, 0.81); lam baste
PU L SA T E (4) pulsate (1.00); undulate (to (0.75); batter (to strike, 0.50); pay (to
sway, 0.75); w ave (to m ove back and retaliate, 0.50); hurt (to cause pain, 0.32).
forth, 0.71); throb (0.50). P U N T to kick (the ball) (1) kick (to give a
P U L S E (3) w ave (to flutter, 0.83); palpi­ blow w ith the foot, 0.40).
tate (0.75); beat (to pulsate, 0.42). P U R C H A S E (5) purchase (1.00); buy (to
acquire by purchase, 0.88); obtain (to P U R R (4) purr (1.00); croon (0.33); sing
gain possession, 0.29); trade (to do (to p ro d u ce a so u n d su g g e stiv e o f
business, 0.25); recover (to im prove singing, 0.25); hum (0.07).
o n e’s condition, 0.09). P U R S E (1) pucker (0.25).
P U R G E (13) purge (to cleanse, 1.00); P U R S U E (13) pursue (to chase, 1.00);
purge (to eliminate, 1.00); clean (0.96); p u rsu e (to seek , 1.00); p u rsu e (to
excuse (0.58); apologize (0.57); emit (to continue, 1.00); race (to m ove at great
discharge, 0.53); cleanse (to free from speed, 0.87); track (to follow by evi­
sin or its effects, 0.50); leach (0.50); dence, 0.71); w oo (to court,fig., 0.71);
shrive (to absolve, 0.50); em pty (to persist (0.50); court (to woo, 0.41);
b e c o m e em pty, 0 .4 0 ); c le a n s e (to bother (to give trouble, 0.40); ply (to
rem ove im purities from w ithin, 0.25); practice, 0.33); persevere (0.25); wage
heal (to cure, 0.21); purify (0.12). (0.20); act (to perform an action, 0.08).
P U R IF Y (16) purify (1.00); clean (0.94); P U R V E Y (2) purvey (1.00); provide (to
sw eeten (to m ake fresh, 0.89); filter (to supply, 0.23).
clean by filtering, 0.80); expurgate P U S H (24) push (to press against, 1.00);
(0.75); im prove (to m ake better, 0.73); push (to m ove by pushing, 1.00); push
baptize (to cleanse sacramentally, 0.71); (to prom ote, 1.00); pry (to m ove with a
disinfect (0.67); heal (to cure, 0.57); lever, 0.92); impel (to press, 0.86); thrust
d e c o n ta m in a te ( 0 .5 0 ) ; p u rg e (to (to jab, 0.83); roll (to cause to roll, 0.71);
cleanse, 0.50); strain (to filter, 0.50); h u rry (to u rg e o th e rs, 0 .67); goad
liberate (to free from chemical or physi­ (0.63); advocate (to prom ote, 0.60);
cal restraint, 0.40); air (to introduce air, s c ra m b le (to clim b h astily , 0 .50);
0.25); distil (0.25); freshen (to sweeten, prom ote (to further, 0.47); trip (to cause
0.25). to stum ble, 0.40); urge (to drive, 0.40);
P U R L to em broider (1) knit (to form by hasten (to expedite, 0.38); hustle (to
knitting, 0.57). hurry, 0.33); m eet (to encounter, 0.29);
P U R L to whirl (5) murmur (to make a low attack (to fig h t o ffen siv ely (arm y),
continuous sound, 0.92); chirp (0.73); 0.26); dub (to hit, 0.25); hurtle (0.25);
rustle (0.62); gurgle (0.25);drop (to fall ja m (to com press, 0.25); slam (to shut
in drops, 0.17). with a slam, 0.25); com m and (to have
PU R L O IN (5) steal (0.82); rob (0.50); take c o n tro l, 0 .2 1 ); re m o v e (to m o v e
(to steal, 0.50); seize (to take by force, physically, 0.20).
0.08); ransack (to loot, 0.04). P U T to place (12) put (to place, 1.00);
P U R P O R T (4) purport (1.00); insinuate put (to establish, 1.00); put (to deposit,
(to m ake an indirect hint, 0.25); signify 1.00); store (0.91); rank (to evaluate,
(0.25); mean (to have as meaning, 0.06). 0.87); lay (to place, 0.75); position
P U R P O S E (6) purpose (1.00); propose (0.67); place (to put in a place, 0.50);
(to m ean, 0.75); intend (to propose, raise (to ask, 0.33); deposit (to lay
0.71); resolve (0.50); plan (to have in down, 0.25); keep (to store, 0.25); read
mind, 0.25); intend (to destine for, 0.17). (to interpret, 0.07).
P U T R E F Y (5) putrefy (1.00); decay 0.40); rock (0.38); wobble (0.27).
(0.53); fester (0.50); stagnate (0.25); Q U A L IF Y (14) qualify (to limit, 1.00);
suppurate (0.25). qualify (to fulfill requirem ents, 1.00);
P U T R E S C E (2) decay (0.50); putrefy prepare (to m ake o n eself ready, 0.78);
(0.50). decrease (to m ake less, 0.70); teach (to
P U T T E R to potter (4) putter (1.00); dab­ drill, 0.53); slow (to cause to becom e
ble (0.25); dally (to trifle, 0.25); linger slow er, 0.50); soften (to m ake soft,
(to go reluctantly, 0.07). 0.47); satisfy (to fulfill, 0.41); differ (to
P U Z Z L E (16) puzzle (to perplex, 1.00); be unlike, 0.40); entitle (to permit, 0.25);
puzzle (to wonder, 1.00); em barrass (to m ark (to distinguish, 0.25); train (to
upset m entally, 0.91); confuse (0.80); to u g h e n o n e s e lf, 0 .1 7 ); e x te n u a te
bam boozle (to perplex, 0.75); beat (to (0.14); restrict (to hold w ithin limits,
peiplex, 0.75); confound (to confuse, 0.05).
0.75); overw helm (to astonish, 0.75); Q U A R A N T IN E (2) quarantine (1.00); se­
peiplex (0.75); fuddle (0.71); baffle (to clude (to isolate, 0.75).
confuse, 0.50); daze (0.50); distract (to Q U A R R E L (5) quarrel (1.00); contest (to
confuse, 0.50); defeat (to get the better fight, 0.47); dispute (0.25); fight (to en­
o f another, 0.46); dum bfound (0.25); gage in an encounter, 0.20); snarl (0.13).
bewilder (0.20). Q U A R R Y to extract from a quarry (1)
m ine (to dig for minerals, 0.13).
Q U A C K to utter d u ck ’s characteristic
Q U A R T E R (11) quarter (to divide into
quarters, 1.00); quarter (to provide liv­
sound (5) honk (0.71); croak (to give a ing quarters, 1.00); accom m odate (to
hoarse call, 0.50); cackle (0.30); cry (to p ro v id e lo d g in g , 0 .7 5 ); d issect (to
call (not o f hum an creatures), 0.24); anatomize, 0.50); encamp (0.50); put (to
sound (to m ake a noise, 0.03). establish, 0.50); divide (to separate by
Q U A D R I L L E (1) d a n c e (to m o v e parting, 0.45); cam p (0.36); cut (to
rhythmically, 0.08). sever, 0.35); place (to put in a place,
Q U A F F (3) q u aff (1.00); drink (to sw al­ 0.33); kill (to deprive o f life, 0.27).
low liquid, 0.63); guzzle (0.50). Q U A S H (12) quash (to crush, 1.00); quash
Q U A IL to fail; to faint; to give w ay (9) (to revoke, 1.00); destroy (to bring to
quail (1.00); w ince (0.60); retreat (to nothing, 0.78); abolish (0.48); revoke
retire, 0.57); cringe (0.50); fear (to (0.48); suppress (0.36); nullify (0.25);
a n tic ip a te p erso n a l dan g er, 0.47); refute (0.15); confute (0.14); answer (to
blench (0.33); cow er (0.25); crouch (to m ove in response, 0.12); halt (to cause
cower, 0.25); recoil (0.07). to cease, 0.12); w ithdraw (to remove
Q U A K E (9) quake (1.00); shake (to vi­ from use or circulation, 0.10).
brate, 0.82); je rk (to undergo a spasm , Q U A V E R (12) quaver (1.00); trill (0.90);
0.63); totter (to be near falling, 0.62); w obble (0.87); fear (to anticipate per­
beat (to pulsate, 0.61); shudder (0.50); sonal danger, 0.67); chiip (0.64); whis­
fear (to an ticip ate p erso n al danger, tle (to produce a tune by whistling,
0.43); beat (to pulsate, 0.37); dodder quicken (to increase, 1.00); quicken (to
(0.25); w arble (0.25); w ave (to m ove com e or bring to life, 1.00); accelerate
back and forth, 0.14); rock (0.10); sound (0.75); force (to encourage growth,
(to m ake a noise, 0.10). 0.75); hasten (to expedite, 0.62); inspire
Q U E L L (10) quell (to allay, 1.00); quell (to stim ulate to creative activity, 0.50);
(to subdue, 1.00); decrease (to m ake m ove (to arouse the emotions of, 0.38);
less, 0.91); destroy (to bring to noth­ o v e r e s tim a te (0 .3 8 ); a d v a n c e (to
ing, 0.77); defeat (to get the better o f accelerate, 0.33); enliven (0.25); animate
another, 0.66); silence (0.50); tranquilize (to give life to, 0.22).
(0.25); halt (to cause to cease, 0.19); Q U IE T (10) quiet (to m ake calm, 1.00);
suppress (0.18); quiet (to m ake silent, quiet (to m ake silent, 1.00); soothe
0 . 10). (0.93); discourage (to restrain, 0.67);
Q U E N C H (4) quench (to satisfy, 1.00); appease (to calm, 0.50); fade (to dimin­
quench (to smother, 1.00); douse (to ish in sound, 0.50); slow (to become
put out, 0.67); extinguish (to put out, slower, 0.43); decrease (to grow less,
0.57). 0.35); ease (to lessen pressure or ten­
Q U E R Y (8) ask (to inquire, 0.91); exam ­ sion, 0.22); lick (to pass the tongue over,
ine (to test, 0.82); question (to ask, 0.06).
0.79); seek (to find out, 0.75); doubt (to Q U IL T to pad; to lie; to cover with mate
raise a question, 0.63); solicit (to ask, (4) embroider (to add adornment, 0.81);
0 .5 0 ); w o n d er (to q u estio n , 0 .50); line (to provide a lining, 0.47); interline
enquire (0.25). (to put in an interlining, 0.45); wad (0.25).
Q U E S T (2) question (to ask, 0.71); travel Q U IP (1) joke (0.85).
(to journey, 0.32). Q U IT (23) quit (to abandon, 1.00); quit
Q U E S T IO N (18) question (to ask, 1.00); (to cease, 1.00); quit (to leave, 1.00);
question (to doubt, 1.00); exam ine (to quit (to resign, 1.00); end (to bring to a
test, 0.91); ask (to inquire, 0.86); im ­ halt, 0.82); leave (to go away, 0.77);
pugn (0.83); discount (to disregard, forego (0.75); resign (to leave on e’s
0.75); discredit (to doubt, 0.75); poll em ploym ent, 0.75); drop (to discon­
(0.75); debate (0.67); quiz (0.67); en­ tinue, 0.67); go (to depart, 0.67); relin­
quire (0.50); needle (0.38); contest (to quish (0.67); vacate (to abandon, 0.67);
oppose, 0.33); test (0.33); oppose (to yield (to surrender, 0.54); depart (to go
hold a contrary opinion, 0.18); hunt (to away, 0.50); dissociate (to disperse,
try to find, 0.12); plead (to discuss in 0.33); surrender (to accept defeat, 0.33);
court, 0.08); impeach (0.07). strike (to refuse to work, 0.29); desert
Q U EU E (1) line (to arrange in a line, 0.83). (to abandon in tim e o f trouble, 0.25);
Q U IB B L E (4) quibble (1.00); subtilize em igrate (0.25); expire (to end, 0.25);
(0.75); cavil (0.67); evade (to use trick­ forsake (to abandon, 0.25); renounce
ery to avoid a sharp issue, 0.62). (to abandon, 0.25); requite (0.10).
Q U IC K E N (13) quicken (to hasten, 1.00); Q U IT C L A IM (1) abandon (to relinquish,
q u ick en (to cause to hasten, 1.00); 0.15).
Q U IV E R to shake; to trem ble (18) quiver heat, 1.00); shine (to give forth light,
(1.00); shake (to vibrate, 0.88); thrill (to 0.95); beam (to shine, 0.75); diverge (to
becom e excited, 0.80); shudder (0.75); m ove in different directions from the
trem ble (0.75); beat (to pulsate, 0.68); sam e source, 0.75); em anate (to emit,
ju m p (to vibrate, 0.60); w obble (0.60); 0.50); glare (to shine fiercely, 0.25);
jerk (to undergo a spasm, 0.50); pulsate glow (0.25); thrive (to grow vigorously,
(0 .5 0 ); rage (to g ive v en t to anger, 0.18); spread (to extend, 0.11); flash (to
0.45); flop (to m ove w ith little control, give forth a light by flash, 0.09).
0.39); shiver (0.33); lick (to play over; R A D IO (3) broadcast (to transm it elec­
said o f flam es, 0.31); te ete r (0.27); tronically, 0.54); com m unicate (to im ­
q uaver (0.25); rock (0.14); w ave (to part inform ation, 0.49); report (to de­
m ove back and forth, 0.10). liver inform ation, 0.31).
Q U IZ to question; to interrogate (5) quiz R A D IO G R A P H (1) broadcast (to trans­
(1.00); debrief (0.75); needle (0.63); cat­ m it electronically, 0.69).
echize (to question, 0.25); question (to R A F T (1) drive (to m anage a propelled
ask, 0.21). vehicle, 0.50).
Q U IZ to m ake fun o f (1) ridicule (0.65). R A G E (3) rage (to give vent to anger,
Q U O T E (8) quote (to repeat verbatim , 1.00); rage (to be out o f control, 1.00);
1.00); quote (to state a price, 1.00); cite bum (to oxidize, 0.63).
(to refer to as authority, 0.94); excerpt R A ID (5) raid (1.00); attack (to fight of­
(0.75); refer (to m ention, 0.67); recite fensively (army), 0.71); harass (to make
(to relate in detail, 0.64); extract (to cite, sm all, persistent attacks, 0.25); bomb
0.50); m ention (0.50). (0.14); ravage (0.14).
R A IL to utter abusive language (3) scold
(0.30); rant (0.25); rave (to rage, 0.25).
R R A IN (3) rain (1.00); cover (to send down
R A C E to run a race; to com pete (7) race in plenty, 0.75); storm (0.36).
(to m ove at great speed, 1.00); race (to R A IS E to set upright; to get up (32) raise
com pete, 1.00); dash (to sprint, 0.75); (to lift, 1.00); raise (to nurture, 1.00);
scurry (0.75); w hizz (0.67); run (to go raise (to collect or make available, 1.00);
sw iftly by physical effort, 0.21); skate raise (to erect, 1.00); raise (to ask, 1.00);
(0.14). r a is e (to a d v a n c e in ra n k , 1.00);
R A C K to affect w ith pain (3) strain (to intensify (0.94); prom ote (to advance
stretch, 0.75); hurt (to cause pain, 0.51); in rank, 0.93); grow (to cultivate, 0.90);
p ersecute (to oppress, especially for b u ild (to co n stru c t, 0.89); ease (to
religious reasons, 0.48). lessen pressure or tension, 0.83); pry
R A C K to move with the gait called a rack (to m ove w ith a lever, 0.77); advance
(3) trot (0.43); haunt (to prey upon, (to prom ote in rank or station, 0.75);
0.18); gallop (0.07). b o o s t (to in c re a se , 0 .7 5 ); em b o ss
RA D IA TE (11) radiate (to send forth from (0.75); leaven (to ferment, 0.75); increase
a centre, 1.00); radiate (to shed light or (to add to, 0.51); collect (to obtain
funds, 0.50); erect (to build, 0.50); (to com e to from behind, 0.17); plug
redouble (0.50); rouse (to waken, 0.50); (0.17).
sling (to suspend, 0.50); rem ove (to R A M B L E (15) ram ble (to go in various
m ove physically, 0.45); m ultiply (to directions, 1.00); ram ble (to saunter,
em ploy m ultiplication as an arithm eti­ 1.00); ram ble (to speak or w rite aim ­
cal process, 0.44); organize (to form an lessly, 1.00); roam (to wander, 0.94); gad
organization, 0.42); crown (to em power (0.75); straggle (0.75); stroll (0.75); walk
w ith a crow n, 0.33); adopt (to take as a (to m ove on foot, 0.52); peregrinate
son or daughter, 0.27); im prove (to (0.50); range (to traverse w ide areas,
make better, 0.27); frame (to make, 0.25); 0.50); saunter (0.50); w ander (to stroll,
in flate (to distend, 0.25); begin (to 0.50); tram p (to w ander afoot, 0.40);
initiate, 0.12); rise (to increase, 0.10). w ind (to meander, 0.27); loiter (0.07).
R A K E to scrape aw ay; to cover (7) rake R A M P A G E (1) rage (to give vent to
(to use a rake, 1.00); rake (to sw eep anger, 0.23).
w ith gunfire, 1.00); paw (to scrape R A N C H to conduct a ranch (1) farm (to
with the front foot, 0.75); tilt (to incline, do farm work, 0.50).
0.45); cut (to cut into, 0.37); clean (0.33); R A N G E to place in a row; to arrange (14)
upbraid (0.04). range (to vary, 1.00); range (to traverse
R A K E to m ove with speed (2) raid (0.74); w ide areas, 1.00); range (to place in
shoot (to discharge, 0.20). order, 1.00); roam (to wander, 0.88);
R A L L Y to reassem ble; to becom e better classify (0.64); indent (0.50); line (to
(10) rally (to return to the attack, 1.00); arrange in a line, 0.50); space (to group,
rally (to urge others to rally, 1.00); rally 0.50); stretch (to occupy space, 0.50);
(to regain strength, 1.00); assem ble (to organize (to put in order, 0.40); shelve
bring together, 0.93); recover (to regain (to arrange, 0.33); order (to put in order,
health, 0.90); gather (to com e together, 0.18); vary (to show changes, 0.17);
0.74); improve (to becom e better, 0.35); march (0.15).
strengthen (0.30); encourage (to raise R A N K to arrange; to divide; to place (11)
th e s p ir its , 0 .2 8 ); b a la n c e (to ra n k (to e v a lu a te , 1.00); ran k (to
dem onstrate balance, 0.18). p o sse ss relativ e ev alu atio n , 1.00);
R A LLY to treat with ridicule (2) ridicule heap (to place in a heap, 0.77); pile (to
(0.39); sneer (0.10). place one upon another, 0.75); line (to
R A M (13) ram (to strike head-on, 1.00); be in a line, 0.60); m easure (to apply a
ram (to pack forcibly, 1.00); butt (to standard o f m easurem ent, 0.57); class
strike w ith the head, 0.93); slide (to (0.50); classify (0.44); regim ent (0.25);
cause to slide, 0.75); stuff (0.75); drive estimate (to m ake a rough guess, 0.20);
(to force w ith blow s, 0.67); push (to line (to arrange in a line, 0.08).
press against, 0.57); pack (to stow com ­ R A N K L E (4) rankle (1.00); fester (0.75);
pactly, 0.46); fill (to pour to the capac­ anger (to arouse som eone to anger,
ity o f the container, 0.31); beat (to 0.58); die (to decline as though death
thrash, 0.27); thrust (to jab, 0.25); catch were inevitab le, 0.17).
R A N S A C K (10) ra n s a c k (to se a rc h ' rank, 1.00); estim ate (to m ake a rough
thoroughly, 1.00); ran sa ck (to loot, guess, 0.95); calculate (to reckon, 0.84);
1.00); destroy (to bring to nothing, value (to set a price upon, 0.68); grade
0.92); pry (to endeavour to discover, (0.67); set (to value, 0.67); classify
0.80); hunt (to try to find, 0.59); examine (0.53); rank (to evaluate, 0.07).
(to inspect w ith care, 0.39); ravage R A T E to scold; to elide (1) scold (0.37).
(0.31); raid (0.30); search (0.29); steal R A T IFY (9) ratify (1.00); approve (to give
(0.03). approval, 0.97); endorse (to indicate
R A N S O M (4) ransom (1.00); rescue (to o n e ’s active support, 0.69); authorize
free, 0.40); free (to liberate, 0.37); save (to approve, 0.60); enact (to legislate,
(to rem ove from danger, 0.27). 0.53); substantiate (to prove, 0.50); urge
R A N T (8) rant (1.00); babble (0.95); rage (to p r e s e n t f a v o u r a b ly , 0 .4 1 );
(to give vent to anger, 0.95); bluster a c k n o w le d g e (to r e c o g n iz e th e
(0.94); expatiate (0.75); yap (0.50); authority of, 0.30); adopt (to vote ac­
address (to speak to an assembly, 0.27); ceptance, 0.25).
act (to take part in a play, 0.06). R A T IO C IN A T E (1) discuss (0.05).
R A P to strike; to punish (10) rap (to tap R A T IO N (3) ration (1.00); distribute (to
sharply, 1.00); bum p (to m ake a bum p­ allot, 0.26); provide (to supply, 0.08).
ing sound, 0.73); thum p (0.67); knock R A T IO N A L IZ E (7) rationalize (to reason,
(0.50); beat (to thrash, 0.43); paddle (to 1.00); rationalize (to justify, 1.00); urge
beat, usually rather lightly, 0.25); tap (to present favourably, 0.65); excuse
(to strike lightly, 0.25); hit (to strike, (0.46); justify (to give reasons for, 0.44);
0.23); peck (0.17); drive (to cause to reason (to seek a reasonable explana­
move, 0.13). tio n , 0.33 ); d efen d (to su p p o rt an
R A P E to rape; to tran sp o rt (10) rape accused person, 0.06).
(1.00); seize (to take by force, 0.94); R A T T L E (15) rattle (to m ake a rattling
ransack (to loot, 0.83); ruin (to destroy sound, 1.00); disturb (to upset mental
chastity, 0.75); attack (to assault (o f calm , 0.89); sound (to m ake a noise,
an individual), 0.73); abduct (0.67); kid­ 0.82); clatter (0.75); ja b b er (to talk as
nap (0.55); maraud (0.50); ravage (0.18); th o u g h ja b b e rin g , 0 .7 5 ); ju m p (to
seduce (0.10). vibrate, 0.67); clack (to m ake a rattling
R A R E F Y (3) refine (to purify, 0.75); thin noise, 0.50); clack (to talk heedlessly,
(0.33); purify (0.29). 0.50); drive (to m anage a propelled
R A S P to rub as if w ith a rasp (11) rasp vehicle, 0.29); bang (to m ake a noise,
(1.00); file (to use an abrasive, 0.75); 0.25); confuse (0.25); jin g le (0.25);
grate (0.75); rub (to subject to friction, patter (0.25); bump (to make a bumping
0.64); grind (to pulverize, 0.57); hurt (to sound, 0.14); ja r (to cause to tremble,
cause pain, 0.56); com b (0.50); creak 0.12).
(0.25); paw (to scrape w ith the front RA V A G E (8) ravage (1.00); devastate
foot, 0.25); scrape (0.25); clean (0.20). (0.75); overrun (to infest, 0.75); dam­
RA T E to divide; to calculate (8) rate (to age (to im pair the value of, 0.62); muti­
late (to dam age, 0.25); ransack (to loot, arrive (to com e to a place, 0.27); fly (to
0 .2 5 ); ab o lish (0 .0 7 ); c o rru p t (to pass over by flying, 0.25); gain (to
debase, 0.02). achieve, 0.25); report (to present one­
RAVE to be m ad (6) rave (to rage, 1.00); self, 0.25).
rave (to babble, 1.00); babble (0.90); REACQUBRE (3) recover (to obtain again,
b luster (0.88); rage (to give vent to 0.40); recapture (0.25); regain (0.25).
anger, 0.86); rant (0.75). R E A C T (5) react (to act in response, 1.00);
RAVEL to becom e confiised (2) ravel react (to feel in response, 1.00); operate
(1.00); entangle (0.25). (to produce an effect, 0.94); answer (to
RAVEN (1) glut (to eat to satiety, 0.29). m ove in response, 0.76); return (to put
RA V ISH (12) ravish (to charm , 1.00); or send som ething back, 0.33).
ravish (to rape, 1.00); fascinate (0.88); R EA CTIV A TE (1) strengthen (0.72).
ransack (to loot, 0.88); kidnap (0.82); R E A D (15) re a d (to u n d e rsta n d by
defile (to rape, 0.75); deflow er (0.75); reading, 1.00); read (to interpret, 1.00);
rape (0.70); destroy (to bring to noth­ read (to co n tain w hen read, 1.00);
ing, 0.59); assault (to rape, 0.25); ruin decipher (0.87); study (to endeavour
(to destroy chastity, 0.25); violate (to to learn, 0.80); cram (to study hurriedly,
rape, 0.20). 0.75); recite (to repeat formally, 0.70);
R A Z E (9) raze (1.00); destroy (to bring to learn (to acquire mentally, 0.69); explain
nothing, 0.95); flatten (to m ake flat, (0.55); deliver (to speak formally, 0.50);
0.75); w reck (to bring to ruin, 0.53); ta lk (to co n v erse, 0.35); d irect (to
ravage (0.49); dynamite (0.33); disman­ address, 0.25); give (to give a speech,
tle (0.17); sm ash (0.15); abolish (0.05). 0 .25); u n d ersta n d (to com prehend,
R E A C H to extend (25) reach (to extend 0.24); interpret (to convey the meaning
to, 1.00); reach (to extend a part o f the o f (art), 0.20).
body to, 1.00); reach (to arrive, 1.00); R E AD A P T (2) remodel (0.65); transplant
reach (to give an object to another, (0.20).
1.00); obtain (to gain possession, 0.94); R E A D JU S T (9) readjust (1.00); remodel
range (to traverse w ide areas, 0.88); (0.76); adjust (to place or regulate parts,
com m unicate (to be in com munication, 0.62); re-educate (0.50); regulate (to ad­
0.86); succeed (to attain success, 0.86); just, 0.37); balance (to place in balance,
lengthen (to m ake longer, 0.79); m eet 0.33); adapt (to alter or adjust, 0.25);
(to touch, 0.75); spread (to extend, suit (to adapt, 0.25); change (to make
0.72); com e (to arrive, 0.67); cover (to different, 0.15).
suffice, 0.67); recover (to improve one’s R E A D O R N (1) redecorate (0.24).
condition, 0.55); catch (to come to from REA D Y (4) groom (0.50); load (to charge;
behind, 0.50); contact (0.50); pass (to said especially o f firearms, 0.33); wait
m ove past, 0.50); touch (to com e into a (to atten d at tab le, 0.33); gear (to
contact w ith, 0.50); w ash (to border prepare, 0.25).
upon, 0.50); m ake (to reach, 0.33); R E A F F IR M (1) declare (to speak formally
average (to do on an average, 0.29); and emphatically, 0.27).
R E A L I Z E (26) re a liz e (to b rin g to R E A P P O R T IO N (1) reapportion (1.00).
fulfillment, 1.00); realize (to understand, R E A R (10) rear (1.00); train (to direct
1.00); realize (to receive, 1.00); cash grow th, 0.94); raise (to nurture, 0.90);
(0.83); profit (to derive gain, 0.78); build (to construct, 0.86); teach (to drill,
achieve (to reach a goal, 0.75); clear (to 0.76); create (to make, 0.62); teach (to
p r o f it, 0 .7 5 ); e a rn (to r e c e iv e in act as a teacher, 0.53); form (to give
p ay m en t, 0.75); co m plete (to m ake character to a person, 0.50); raise (to
entire, 0.74); adm it (to acknow ledge, lift, 0.25); rise (to m ove upward, 0.13).
0.72); represent (to present as a true R E A R R A N G E (11) rearrange (1.00); re­
in terp retation, 0.71); a c tu a liz e (0.67); consider (0.87); reform (to change into
im plem ent (0.67); succeed (to attain a n e w form, 0.81); rem odel (0.59); edit
success, 0.67); rec o v er (to im prove (to prepare for publication, 0.54); invert
o n e ’s condition, 0.64); reap (to gain, (to reverse, 0.50); reverse (to exchange,
0.63); envisage (to imagine, 0.50); gain 0.50); redecorate (0.41); exchange (to
(to achieve, 0.50); perfect (0.50); sub­ replace one thing w ith another, 0.40);
stantiate (to actualize, 0.50); achieve (to shuffle (to m ix cards, 0.33); sw itch
finish an undertaking, 0.49); u nder­ (0.25).
stand (to com prehend, 0.29); follow (to R E A S O N (11) reason (to think logically,
understand, 0.25); recognize (to ac­ 1.00); reaso n (to seek a reasonable
know ledge, 0.25); obtain (to gain p os­ explanation , 1.00); reason (to discuss
session, 0.09); perform (to accom plish persuasively, 1.00); estim ate (to make
an action, 0.06). a considered prediction, 0.53); con­
R E A M to enlarge; to w iden (2) bore (to c lu d e (to d ed u c e, 0 .5 0 ); arg u e (to
pierce by rotary m otion, 0.50); p en­ endeavour to convince, 0.47); debate
etrate (to pierce, 0.43). (0.47); infer (to conclude, 0.44); deduce
REA N IM A T E (7) reanimate (1.00); revive (0.25); fig u re (to figure out, 0.25);
(to give new life, 0.58); comfort (to make forecast (to predict, 0.23).
e a sy p h y sic a lly , 0 .5 7 ); stre n g th e n R E A S S E M B L E (3) rally (to return to the
(0.54); vitalize (0.25); heal (to cure, attack, 0.80); reunite (0.71); recall (to
0.18); rec ru it (to g ath er n ee d ed re ­ sum m on again, 0.33).
sources, 0.07). R E A S S E R T (1) declare (to speak formally
R E A P (10) reap (to harvest, 1.00); reap and emphatically, 0.24).
(to gain, 1.00); cut (to sever, 0.78); re­ R E A S SU M E (1) resume (0.86).
ceive (to take into o n e ’s charge, 0.65); R E A S S U R E (8) reassure (1.00); assure
succeed (to attain success, 0.55); gar­ (to encourag e, 0.75); encourage (to
ner (0.50); obtain (to gain possession, give support, 0.52); certify (to give
0.47); gather (to harvest, 0.33); m ow assurance, 0.50); comfort (to make easy
(0.33); take (to collect, 0.33). physically, 0.32); declare (to speak
R E A P P E A R (4) return (to go back, 0.92); fo rm a lly and e m p h a tic a lly , 0.22);
reenter (0.67); recur (0.33); repeat (to guarantee (to certify, 0.22); comfort (to
happen again, 0.33). console, 0.17).
R E A W A K E (1) revive (to take on new sponse, 0.59); confute (0.57); deny
life, 0.45). (0.50); defeat (to get the better o f an­
REAW AKEN (2) renew (to refresh, 0.95); other, 0.22); justify (to give reasons for,
rep ro d u ce (to m ake a second tim e, 0.06).
0.53). R E C A L L (15) recall (to call in mind, 1.00);
R E B A T E to bring back; to subtract; to recall (to remove from office, 1.00); recall
reduce (1) discount (to deduct, 0.38). (to sum m on again, 1.00); revoke (0.89);
R E B E L (4) rebel (to endeavour to over­ retain (to rem em ber, 0.75); rem inisce
throw a governm ent, 1.00); rebel (to (0.67); hint (0.59); recollect (0.50); think
object, 1.00); oppose (to fight, 0.53); (to rem em ber, 0.50); cancel (to annul,
transgress (0.43). 0.38); dismiss (to remove an employee,
R E B O U N D (8) rebound (1.00); glance (to 0.38); recognize (to know again, 0.36);
ricochet, 0.67); backfire (to go awry, mind (to remember, 0.33); retrace (0.33);
0.50); jum p (to vibrate, 0.47); ricochet sum m on (to call, 0.06).
(0.33); return (to go back, 0.32); reecho R E C A N T to w ithdraw (5) recant (1.00);
(0.25); reflect (to throw back, 0.06). cancel (to annul, 0.96); revoke (0.93);
R E B U F F (9) rebuff (to reject, 1.00); cen­ deny (0.54); vitiate (to cancel, 0.50).
sure (0.84); repel (to throw back, 0.83); R E C A P IT U L A T E (9) recapitulate (1.00);
refuse (0.79); neglect (to treat w ith in­ com pile (0.68); b rief (to summ arize,
difference, 0.50); deny (0.43); parry (to 0.50); rehearse (to repeat, 0.50); resume
w ard off, 0.33); check (to bring under (0.29); continue (to resume, 0.25); detail
control, 0.14); act (to perform an ac­ (to make clear in detail, 0.15); repeat (to
tion, 0.11). say again, 0.08); decrease (to make less,
R E B U IL D (10) rebuild (to repair, 1.00); 0.07).
rebuild (to restore, 1.00); reconstruct R E C A P T U R E (6) recapture (1.00); regain
(0.94); renew (to refresh, 0.76); reorgan­ (0.75); rescue (to save, 0.67); recover
ize (0.75); restore (to rebuild in a form (to obtain again, 0.53); seize (to take
supposed to be original, 0.75); heal (to by force, 0.31); redeem (to recover
cure, 0.36); reform (to change into a new through a paym ent, 0.25).
form, 0.31); remodel (0.24); repair (0.04). R E C A S T (5) rewrite (0.83); revolutionize
R E B U K E (15) rebuke (1.00); censure (0 .7 5 ); re p e a t (to do ag ain , 0.38);
(0.82); scold (0.78); chide (0.75); parry change (to m ake different, 0.35); re­
(to w ard off, 0.67); upbraid (0.67); model (0.29).
blam e (to censure, 0.50); condem n (to R E C E D E (12) recede (to go backward,
blam e, 0.50); reb u ff (to reject, 0.43); 1.00); recede (to sink, 1.00); retreat (to
chasten (to punish, 0.33); denounce retire, 0.95); ebb (0.91); dip (to fall, 0.78);
(0.31); adm onish (to reprim and, 0.25); subside (0.75); step (0.73); give (to yield
berate (0.25); castigate (0.25); flay (to under pressure, 0.57); retire (to draw
criticize, 0.25). away, 0.56); die (to cease existing,
R E B U T (8) rebut (1.00); refute (0.89); dis­ 0.50); contract (to diminish, 0.32); fall
prove (0.75); answ er (to m ove in re­ (to pass quickly downward, 0.18).
R E C E IV E (21) receive (to take into one’s repetition, 0.30); perorate (to harangue,
charge, 1.00); receive (to endure, 1.00); 0.25); com m unicate (to im part infor­
receive (to support, 1.00); receive (to m ation, 0.15); utter (0.11); adm it (to
m ake welcom e, 1.00); entertain (to act confess, 0.10).
as h o st or h o ste ss, 0.94); learn (to R E C K O N (16) reckon (1.00); value (to
acquire mentally, 0.88); feel (to expe­ set a price upon, 0.89); program (to
rience, 0.73); host (0.67); salute (to w ork out a sequence to be perform ed,
recognize w ith respect, 0.60); accom ­ 0.88); estim ate (to m ake a considered
modate (to provide lodging, 0.50); admit prediction, 0.87); compute (0.75); count
(to grant entrance, 0.50); succeed (to (0 .7 5 ); fig u re (to co m p u te, 0 .7 5 );
attain success, 0.43); average (to do estim ate (to m ake a rough guess, 0.70);
on an average, 0.36); greet (0.35); in­ score (to com pute the score, 0.63);
herit (0.33); usher (0.33); get (to learn, assess (to estim a te, 0.50); cast (to
0.25); obtain (to gain possession, 0.24); com pute, 0.50); account (0.25); guess
catch (to contract a disease, 0.20); col­ (to attem pt an answ er on inadequate
lect (to arrange settlem ent o f a debt, evidence, 0.12); add (to bring together,
0.20); reap (to gain, 0.06). usually by m athem atics, 0.11); infer (to
R E C E S S to reced e; to w ith d raw (1) conclude, 0.11); balance (to dem on­
achieve (to finish an undertaking, 0.24). strate balance, 0.06).
R E C H A R G E (1) recharge (1.00). R E C L A IM (10) reclaim (to bring into us­
R E C H E C K (1) reconsider (0.80). able condition, 1.00); reclaim (to reform,
R E C H E W (1) rum inate (to regurgitate, 1.00); redeem (to recover through a pay­
0.75). m ent, 0.88); challenge (to claim, 0.83);
R E C IP R O C A T E (9) reciprocate (to ex­ civilize (0.83); recover (to obtain again,
change, 1.00); reciprocate (to vacillate, 0.67); save (to assure an afterlife, 0.67);
1.00); exchange (to give and receive re­ correct (to m ake needed corrections,
ciprocally, 0.86); react (to act in re­ 0.50); retrieve (0.33); reform (to change
sponse, 0.86); repeat (to do again, 0.69); into a new form, 0.28).
repay (to retaliate, 0.50); correlate (to R E C L A S S IF Y (1) reinstate (0.50).
interact, 0.33); adm it (to acknow ledge, R E C L IN E (6) recline (1.00); lie (to assume
0.14); revenge (0.11). a prostrate position, 0.80); rest (to take
R E C IT E (16) recite (to repeat formally, o n e’s rest, 0.53); relax (0.50); unwind
1.00); recite (to report on a lesson, 1.00); (to relax, 0.50); loll (0.25).
recite (to relate in detail, 1.00); narrate R E C O D IF Y (1) renew (to refresh, 0.39).
(0.95); quote (to repeat verbatim, 0.75); R E C O G N IZ E (25) recognize (to know
detail (to m ake clear in detail, 0.58); again, 1.00); recognize (to acknow l­
relate (to tell, 0.50); tell (to inform, 0.48); edge, 1.00); recognize (to acknowledge
cite (to refer to as authority, 0.44); repeat the legality o f a governm ent, 1.00);
(to say again, 0.42); discuss (0.36); discover (to find, 0.81); allow (to grant
practice (to seek im provem ent through a request or assertion, 0.75); realize (to
understand, 0.75); rem em ber (to recall, pose (to m ake a suggestion, 0.43); ap­
0.75); salute (to address, 0.67); greet prove (to give approval, 0.35); endorse
(0.65); u nderstand (to com prehend, (to indicate o n e’s active support, 0.31);
0.62); detect (to find out, 0.50); hail (to m anage (to direct, 0.30); suggest (to
p r a is e , 0 .5 0 ); k n o w (to p o s s e s s m ake a suggestion, 0.25); warn (0.15);
inform ation, 0.50); consider (to take defend (to support an accused person,
into account, 0.44); tell (to deduce, 0.11); support (to uphold, 0.03).
0.44); approve (to give approval, 0.42); R E C O M P E N S E (10) pay (to give pay­
a d m it (to a c k n o w le d g e , 0 .4 1 ); ment, 0.92); com pensate (to pay, 0.75);
acknow ledge (to recognize the author­ repay (to pay back, 0.75); requite (0.70);
ity of, 0.40); respect (to treat w ith con­ offset (0.63); rem unerate (0.50); return
sideration, 0.40); observe (to notice, (to repay, 0.50); return (to put or send
0.33); ow n (to acknow ledge, 0.33); som ething back, 0.25); right (to repair
entertain (to consider, 0.25); retain (to an injustice, 0.25); refund (to return,
rem em ber, 0.25); spot (to point out, 0.19).
0 .2 5 ); n o d (to m a k e a n o d d in g R E C O N C E IV E (1) renew (to refresh,
movement, 0.07). 0.47).
R E C O IL to cause to retreat; to retire (10) R E C O N C IL E (11) reconcile (to adjust,
recoil (1.00); bounce (to rebound, 0.88); 1.00); reconcile (to bring into harmony,
turn (to reverse, 0.88); meander (to turn, 1.00); arbitrate (0.83); readjust (0.75);
0.75); backfire (to go awry, 0.67); retreat obey (to act in accordance with a rec­
(to retire, 0.67); hesitate (0.42); bound o gnized prin cip le, 0.73); adjust (to
(to rebound, 0.25); cringe (0.25); return bring to an agreem ent, 0.70); quiet (to
(to go back, 0.20). m ake calm , 0.54); settle (to satisfy a
R E C O L L E C T to bring back to one’s mind claim, 0.50); rationalize (to justify, 0.33);
(8) recollect (1.00); rem em ber (to recall, reg u la te (to adjust, 0.32); conform
0.88); recognize (to know again, 0.79); (0.19).
think (to remember, 0.75); m ind (to re­ R E C O N D IT IO N (8) reconstruct (0.78);
member, 0.67); recall (to call to m ind, redecorate (0.65); reclaim (to bring into
0 .6 7 ); re ta in (to rem e m b er, 0 .5 0 ); usable condition, 0.60); revive (to give
reminisce (0.33). n ew life , 0 .4 7 ); c h a n g e (to m ake
R E C O M M E N C E (3) resume (0.71); con­ different, 0.45); renew (to refresh, 0.45);
tinue (to resume, 0.50); renew (to repeat, transplant (0.40); revamp (0.25).
0.25). R E C O N N O IT R E (4) reconnoitre (1.00);
R E C O M M E N D to advise (14) recom ­ pry (to endeavour to discover, 0.73);
m end (to lend support or approval, exam ine (to inspect w ith care, 0.57);
1.00); recom m end (to m ake a sugges­ range (to traverse w ide areas, 0.25).
tion or prescription, 1.00); advise (to R E C O N S ID E R (3) reconsider (1.00); re­
give counsel, 0.97); praise (to com ­ vise (0.93); return (to go back, 0.76).
mend, 0.95); approve (to favour, 0.75); R E C O N S T IT U T E (4) replace (to supply
urge (to present favourably, 0.53); pro­ an equivalent, 0.82); renew (to refresh,
0.74); reconstruct (0.72); reform (to 0.50); redeem (to recover through a
change into a new form , 0.06). paym ent, 0.13).
R E C O N S T R U C T (10) reconstruct (1.00); R E C O V E R (19) recover (to obtain again,
reform (to change into a new form , 1 .0 0 ); re c o v e r (to im p ro v e o n e ’s
0.84); rem odel (0.71); rearrange (0.57); condition, 1.00); recover (to regain
build (to construct, 0.36); change (to health, 1.00); obtain (to gain posses­
m ake different, 0.30); alter (to change sion, 0.85); rescue (to save, 0.83); sal­
for a purpose, 0.25); transform (0.25); vage (0.75); revive (to take on new life,
repeat (to do again, 0.19); correct (to 0.73); ransom (0.71); mend (to get well,
m ake needed corrections, 0.18). 0.67); recru it (to g ath er needed re­
R E C O N V E N E (2) recall (to sum m on sources, 0.57); succeed (to attain suc­
again, 0.67); reunite (0.57). cess, 0.50); strengthen (0.46); profit (to
R E C O N V E R T (1) change (to m ake dif­ derive gain, 0.44); return (to go back,
ferent, 0.42). 0.40); reap (to gain, 0.38); find (to dis­
R E C O O K (1) reheat (0.50). cover, 0.25); restore (to recreate, 0.25);
find (to happen upon, 0.15); renew (to
R E C O R D (13) record (to w rite dow n,
refresh, 0.08).
1.00); record (to indicate, 1.00); record
R E C R E A T E to create anew (3) reproduce
(to record electronically, 1.00); w rite
(to m ake a second tim e, 0.82); regen­
(to com pose in words, 0.92); m em orize
erate (0.67); renew (to refresh, 0.24).
(0.83); schedule (0.75); film (0.67);
R E C R E A T E to refresh; to give consola­
catalogue (0.50); file (to arrange in order,
tion (1) en tertain (to act as host or
0.50); register (to indicate, 0.50); enlist
hostess, 0.71);
(to enroll others, 0.41); list (to enter in
R E C R IM IN A T E (4) upbraid (0.78); ac­
a list, 0.38); dictate (to speak for record,
cuse (0.47); scold (0.41); remonstrate
R E C O U N T to relate; to narrate (11) re­
R E C R U IT (4) recruit (to raise troops,
count (1.00); report (to deliver infor­
1.00); recru it (to g ath er needed re­
m ation, 0.88); relate (to tell, 0.75); sources, 1.00); enroll (to obtain for
narrate (0.70); cite (to refer to as au­ service, 0.75); enlist (to enroll others,
thority, 0.50); rehearse (to tell, 0.50); tell 0.68).
(to n arrate , 0.3 3 ); d escrib e (0 .3 0 ); R E C T IF Y (13) rectify (1.00); straighten
develop (to reveal slowly, 0.25); reciic (0.79); reform (to change into a new
(to relate in detail, 0.23); detail (to m ake form , 0.69); em end (to correct, 0.67);
clear in detail, 0.19). correct (to m ake needed corrections,
R E C O U N T to count again (1) reproduce 0.64); adjust (to place or regulate parts,
(to m ake a second tim e, 0.76). 0.58); remedy (0.50); reform (to correct
R E C O U P (6) recoup (1.00); pay (to give evils, 0.45); repair (0.30); regulate (to
p ay m en t, 0.75); re c o v e r (to o b tain adjust, 0.26); redress (0.25); improve (to
again, 0.60); refund (to return, 0.56); m ake better, 0.21); settle (to satisfy a
recru it (to gather need ed resources, claim, 0.17).
R E C U P E R A T E (7) recuperate (1.00); re­ R E D IR E C T (2) divert (to deflect, 0.67);
c ru it (to g a th e r n e e d e d re so u rc e s, turn (to divert, 0.07).
0.64); rest (to take o n e ’s rest, 0.63); R E D IS C O V E R (1) recover (to obtain
b reathe (to pause, 0.50); perk (to be again, 0.27).
r e f re s h e d , 0 .3 3 ); ra lly (to re g a in R E D IS T R IB U T E (1) reapportion (0.86).
stren g th , 0 .33); re c o v e r (to re g a in R E D IS T R IC T (1) reapportion (0.71).
health, 0.10). R E D IV ID E (1) subdivide (0.50).
R E C U R (6) recur (1.00); return (to go R E D O (7) redo (1.00); repeat (to do again,
back, 0.96); repeat (to do again, 0.81); 0.94); duplicate (to repeat, 0.75); renew
repeat (to happen again, 0.67); happen (to refresh, 0.63); reproduce (to make a
(to occur, 0.53); appear (to becom e second tim e, 0.59); disguise (0.14);
visible, 0.27). change (to m ake different, 0.11).
RECURV E (1) round (to make round, 0.29). R E D O U B L E to double again (4) redou­
R E C Y C L E (1) recycle (1.00).
ble (1.00); heighten (to increase, 0.50);
R E D A C T (1) em end (to edit, 0.50).
intensify (0.31); increase (to add to,
R E D D E N (7) redden (to grow red, 1.00);
redden (to m ake red, 1.00); irritate (to
R E D O U B L E to double; to resound (1)
inflame, 0.86); inflame (to cause physi­
rally (to return to the attack, 0.40).
cal soreness, 0.71); blush (0.60); col­
R E D R A F T (1) revise (0.80).
our (to take on colour, 0.60); glow (0.50).
R E D R E S S to raise again; to restore; to
R E D D L E (1) redden (to make red, 0.45).
re-establish (5) redress (1.00); rectify
R E D E C O R A T E (4) redecorate (1.00); re­
(0.75); correct (to make needed correc­
m odel (0.53); face (to put a face on a
tio n s, 0 .55 ); rep la ce (to su p p ly an
building, 0.46); decorate (0.10).
equivalent, 0.45); refund (to return,
R E D E E M (1 7 ) re d e e m (to re c o v e r
through a paym ent, 1.00); redeem (to
save, 1.00); recover (to obtain again, R E D U C E (57) reduce (to make less, 1.00);
0.93); refund (to put financial obliga­ reduce (to defeat, 1.00); reduce (to
tions on a new basis, 0.85); discount hum ble, 1.00); decrease (to m ake less,
(to deduct, 0.77); rescue (to save, 0.75); 0.98); depress (to bring to a lower state,
shrive (to absolve, 0.75); reform (to 0.96); w eaken (to m ake weaker, 0.95);
change into a new form, 0.72); reclaim discount (to deduct, 0.92); corrupt (to
(to bring into usable condition, 0.70); debase, 0.87); extenuate (0.86); con­
receive (to take into one’s charge, 0.43); centrate (to bring or com e together,
free (to liberate, 0.34); refund (to return, 0.80); abate (to m ake less, 0.75); allay
0.31); salvage (0.25); save (to rem ove (to lessen, 0.75); commute (to exchange
from danger, 0.18); buy (to acquire by fo r so m e th in g less se v ere, 0.75);
purchase, 0.13); reinstate (0.10); re­ qualify (to limit, 0.75); quell (to allay,
place (to supply an equivalent, 0.09). 0.75); slow (to cause to become slower,
R ED ESIG N (2) redo (0.75); renew (to re­ 0.75); adulterate (0.71); subject (0.71);
fresh, 0.16). check (to slacken the pace, 0.70); elimi­
nate (to rem ove, 0.68); diet (0.67); • totter (to stagger, 0.50); retreat (to retire,
lessen (to m ake less, 0.67); m odel (to 0.48); shake (to vibrate, 0.47); w aver
imitate a model, 0.67); undersell (0.67); (0.45); teeter (0.36); wave (to move back
change (to m ake different, 0.66); raze a n d fo rth , 0 .1 9 ); d a n c e (to m o v e
(0.65); hum ble (0.60); ruin (to cause to rhythm ically, 0.15); beat (to pulsate,
b eco m e b an k ru p t, 0.60); defeat (to 0.05).
w orst in war, 0.53); com press (0.50); R E -E L E C T (1) reinstate (0.80).
dilute (0.50); dim inish (to m ake less, R E -E M E R G E (1) reenter (0.33).
0.50); mute (0.50); slenderize (0.50); train R E -E N A C T (2) reproduce (to make a sec­
(to toughen oneself, 0.50); disgrace ond tim e, 0.65); rehearse (to repeat,
(0.46); cool (to becom e cool, 0.43); 0.25).
m ash (0.41); lighten (to m ake lighter, R E E N T E R (3) reenter (1.00); return (to
0.35); bleed (to drain, 0.33); sacrifice go back, 0.72); enter (to enter physi­
(to sell at a loss, 0.33); cheapen (0.27); cally, 0.69).
etch (to rem ove m etal w ith acid, 0.25); R E -E R E C T (2) restore (to reinstate, 0.33);
minimize (0.25); moderate (to make less, repeat (to do again, 0.13).
0 .2 5 ); m u n c h (0 .2 5 ); p ric e (0 .2 5 ); R E -E S T A B L IS H (8) re-establish (1.00);
slacken (0.25); taper (0.25); halt (to replace (to supply an equivalent, 0.91);
cause to cease, 0.24); restrict (to hold renew (to refresh, 0.89); restore (to
within limits, 0.23); thin (0.22); drain (to recreate, 0.75); reconstruct (0.61); re­
w ithdraw strength, 0.12); succeed (to turn (to put or send som ething back,
attain success, 0.12); chip (0.07); cook 0.50); reopen (0.33); rehabilitate (0.25).
(0.07); m anufacture (to make a product, RE-EVA LU A TE (1) reconsider (0.93).
0.05). R E -E X A M IN E (6) re-examine (1.00); re­
R E D U PLIC A TE (3) reduplicate (1.00); re­ turn (to go back, 0.68); reconsider (0.67);
peat (to do again, 0.31); copy (to re­ revise (0.67); reread (0.50); review (to
produce, 0.06). inspect, 0.33).
R E E C H O (5) reecho (1.00); reflect (to R E F A S H IO N (6) reconstruct (0.50); re­
throw back, 0.89); repeat (to say again, model (0.47); repeat (to do again, 0.44);
0.33); reproduce (to m ake a second revolutionize (0.25); reform (to change
time, 0.12); roar (0.06). into anew form, 0.19); improve (to make
R E E D IT (1) review (to correct, 0.25). better, 0.15).
R E -ED U C A TE (1) re-educate (1.00). R E F E R (5) refer (to concern, 1.00); refer
R E E F to reduce an extent o f a sail (1) (to mention, 1.00); refer (to direct, 1.00);
slow (to cause to becom e slower, 0.05). apply (to be relevant, 0.25); belong (to
R E E K (2) smoke (to give off smoke, 0.50); be properly placed, 0.21).
heat (to becom e hot, 0.06). R E F E R E E (1) negotiate (to make arrange­
R E E L to w hirl round or about (13) reel ments for, 0.06).
(1.00); rock (0.86); heave (to raise and R E F IN E (21) refine (to purify, 1.00); refine
fall, 0.71); roll (to revolve, 0.57); bend (to improve, 1.00); groom (0.88); civi­
(to be forced out o f a straight line, 0.50); lize (0.78); improve (to make better, 0.76);
purify (0.76); chasten (to purify, 0.75); (to do again, 0.50); change (to make
cleanse (to rem ove im purities from different, 0.38); change (to becom e
w ithin, 0.75); sm elt (0.75); strain (to different, 0.25).
filter, 0.75); develop (to improve, 0.59); R E FR A IN (5) refrain (1.00); abstain (0.94);
explain (0.58); clarify (to purify, 0.50); stop (to cease, 0.53); forbear (0.50); miss
cultivate (to educate, 0.50); filter (to (to fail to use, 0.33).
clean by filtering, 0.50); sensitize R E F R E S H (16) refresh (to renew, 1.00);
(0.50); sublimate (to purify, 0.50); better refresh (to revive, 1.00); redecorate
(0.25); hum anize (0.25); clean (0.11); (0.88); revive (to give new life, 0.84);
com plete (to m ake entire, 0.11). encourage (to raise the spirits, 0.72);
R E F IN IS H (3) face (to put a face on a restore (to bring back to health, 0.67);
building, 0.92); renew (to refresh, 0.68); repair (0.52); replenish (0.50); strength­
varnish (0.12). en (0.48); air (to introduce air, 0.42);
R E F IR E (1) relight (0.33).
comfort (to make easy physically, 0.41);
R E F L E C T (24) reflect (to throw back,
u p d ate (0.33); fresh en (to activate,
1.00); reflect (to throw back an im age,
0.25); groom (0.25); rejuvenate (0.25);
1.00); reflect (to contem plate, 1.00);
com fort (to console, 0.11).
reflect (to discredit, 1.00); mull (0.75);
R E F R IG E R A T E (6) refrigerate (1.00);
re a s o n (to th in k lo g ic a lly , 0 .7 5 );
freeze (to m ake cold, 0.75); congeal (to
rebound (0.75); ricochet (0.67); think
solidify as by freezing or curdling,
(to examine with the mind, 0.63); specu­
0.50); chill (to reduce tem perature,
late (to think, 0.60); follow (to regulate
0.33); cool (to cause to becom e cool,
o n e ’s action, 0.53); sound (to m ake a
0.33); preserve (to keep, 0.31).
noise, 0.52); consider (to regard, 0.50);
R E F U N D (8) refund (to return, 1.00);
pause (0.50); m editate (to m use, 0.36);
refund (to put financial obligations on
rep ro d u ce (to m ake a second tim e,
a new basis, 1.00); replace (to supply
0.35); m use (0.25); reverberate (0.25);
comment (to make a remark, 0.21); flash an equivalent, 0.73); pay (to give pay­
(to give forth a light by flash, 0.18); m ent, 0.71); repay (to pay b ack , 0.63);
visualize (0.17); imitate (to mimic, 0.14); return (to repay, 0.25); return (to put or
brood (to nurse o n e ’s troubles, 0.13); send something back, 0.17); underwrite
radiate (to shed light or heat, 0.04). (to support financially, 0.10).
R E F O R M to become better (7) reform (to R E F U R B ISH (8) refurbish (1.00); redeco­
correct evils, 1.00); reform (to change rate (0.94); rem odel (0.82); furbish (to
o n e ’s conduct for the better, 1.00); restore, 0.75); renew (to refresh, 0.66);
repair (0.74); rectify (0.50); reclaim (to repair (0.63); rebuild (to restore, 0.50);
b rin g into u sab le co n d itio n , 0.40); modernize (0.33).
correct (to m ake needed corrections, R E F U R N IS H (2) remodel (0.88); redeco­
0.32); improve (to make better, 0.30). rate (0.29).
R E F O R M to form again (4) reform (to R E FU SE (7) refuse (1.00); rebuff (to reject,
change into a new form , 1.00); repeat 0.95); bar (to obstruct by refusal, 0.79);
disobey (0.74); abstain (0.56); dissent observe, 0.33); harbour (to consider,
(0.50); kill (to veto, 0.25). 0.25); consider (to take into account,
R E F U T E (15) refute (1.00); answ er (to 0.11).
m ove in response, 0.88); debate (0.87); R E G E N E R A T E (17) regenerate (1.00); re­
convince (0.64); cancel (to annul, 0.58); new (to refresh, 0.92); im prove (to be­
attack (to assail with, 0.50); explode (to come better, 0.88); reclaim (to bring into
discredit, 0.50); gainsay (to deny, 0.50); usab le co n d itio n , 0.80); change (to
in v alid ate (0.50); defeat (to get the make different, 0.72); heal (to cure, 0.71);
better o f another, 0.29); controvert (to convert (to alter convictions, 0.67);
argue against, 0.25); negate (to contra­ m end (to refo rm , 0.67); m o d ern ize
dict, 0.25); quiet (to m ake silent, 0.25); (0.67); baptize (to cleanse sacram en­
co m p lain (to ex press an o b je ctio n , tally, 0.57); reform (to change o n e’ s
0 .0 5 ); o p p o se (to h o ld a c o n tra ry conduct for the better, 0.40); reform (to
opinion, 0.03). correct evils, 0.36); save (to assure an
R E G A IN (10) regain (1.00); recapture afterlife, 0.33); reorganize (0.25); reform
(0.75); redeem (to recover through a (to chan g e into a new form , 0.22);
paym ent, 0.75); retrieve (0.67); ransom im prove (to m ake better, 0.12); revive
(0.64); salvage (0.63); recoup (0.50); (to give new life, 0.11).
return (to go back, 0.36); recover (to R E G IM E N T (4) regiment (1.00); classify
obtain again, 0.33); recruit (to gather (0 .27); d ic tate (to give p erem p to ry
n eeded resources, 0.14). orders, 0.25); order (to put in order, 0.24).
R E G A L E (4) regale (to satisfy, 1.00); R E G IS T E R (22) register (to record, 1.00);
regale (to feast, 1.00); feed (0.94); en­ register (to indicate, 1.00); register (to
tertain (to act as host or hostess, 0.76). show, 1.00); register (to enlist or enroll,
R E G A R D (25) regard (to look at, 1.00); 1.00); record (to write down, 0.96); enroll
regard (to have an attitude, 1.00); regard (to prepare a roll, 0.83); indem nify (to
(to hold in esteem , 1.00); contem plate answ er for, 0.75); insure (0.75); show
(to look at, 0.94); refer (to concern, (to indicate, 0.75); list (to enter in a list,
0.94); rank (to evaluate, 0.80); hold (to 0.56); enlist (to enroll others, 0.55); join
believe, 0.75); respect (to esteem, 0.67); (to enter the com pany of, 0.50); poll
take (to consider, 0.67); assum e (to take (0.50); schedule (0.50); tally (to record,
for granted, 0.56); concern (to have 0.50); tape (to record, 0.50); w eigh (to
reference to, 0.50); repute (0.50); revere have w eight, 0.50); file (to arrange in
(0.50); touch (to relate to, 0.50); w atch order, 0.42); p ro g ram (to schedule,
(to be attentive, 0.50); look (to endeav­ 0.40); m ark (to note carefully, 0.33);
our to see, 0.45); belong (to be properly tabulate (0.33); take (to record, 0.33).
placed, 0.43); apply (to be relevant, R E G R E S S (6) regress (1.00); relapse
0.42); believe (to accept as true, 0.42); (0.45); fall (to pass quickly downward,
see (to w itn e ss, 0.4 0 ); care (to be 0.39); sink (to go dow nw ard, 0.36);
concerned, 0.33); estim ate (to m ake a retire (to draw away, 0.33); retreat (to
considered prediction, 0.33); follow (to retire, 0.33).
R E G R E T (10) regret (to be sorry for, 1.00); R E H E A R S E (13) rehearse (to tell, 1.00);
regret (to disapprove of, 1.00); dislike rehearse (to repeat, 1.00); rehearse (to
(0.81); lament (to express sorrow, 0.75); practice a perform ance, 1.00); narrate
m o u rn (to lam ent, 0.73); apologize (0 .9 0 ); p e rfo rm (to acco m p lish an
(0.71); grieve (0.40); sorrow (0.25); action, 0.7 8 ); drill (to train, 0.50);
m ope (0.13); refuse (0.11). experim ent (to put on trial, 0.50); prac­
R E G U L A R IZ E (1) order (to put in order, tice (to seek im provem ent through rep­
0.59). etition, 0.50); cite (to refer to as au­
R E G U L A T E (24) regulate (to adjust, thority, 0.38); teach (to drill, 0.29); act
1.00); regulate (to control, 1.00); order (to take part in a play, 0.28); repeat (to
(to put in order, 0.91); adjust (to place say again, 0.25); talk (to converse,
or regulate parts, 0.81); restrain (to hold 0.10).
in check, 0.77); adm inister (to minister, R E H E A T (2) reheat (1.00); heat (to make
0.75); direct (to decide the course o f hot, 0.28).
affairs, 0.75); standardize (0.75); syn­ R E H IR E (1) reinstate (0.20).
dicate (0.75); slow (to cause to becom e R E IF Y (2) su b stan tiate (to actualize,
slower, 0.70); influence (0.60); arrange 0.75); m aterialize (to becom e matter,
(to put in order, 0.50); coordinate (0.50); 0.67).
organize (to put in order, 0.50); use (to R E IG N (3) reign (1.00); govern (0.73);
m ake a practice o f (in past), 0.44); com m and (to have control, 0.68).
manage (to direct, 0.43); edit (to supervise REBLLUMINE (1) relight (0.67).
publication, 0.36); adjust (to bring to an R E IM B U R SE (8) reimburse (1.00); refund
agreement, 0.35); bank (to cover a fire (to return, 0.94); repay (to pay back,
for the night, 0.33); measure (to apply a 0.88); return (to repay, 0.75); replace (to
standard o f measurement, 0.31); align (to supply an equivalent, 0.64); indemnify
adjust, 0.25); reconcile (to adjust, 0.25); (to repay, 0.25); liquidate (to pay, 0.25);
form (to give shape to a thing, 0.22); pay (to give paym ent, 0.04).
com m and (to have control, 0.02). R E IM P R E S S (1) reproduce (to make an
R E G U R G IT A T E (3) vomit (0.33); rum i­ exact copy, 0.13).
nate (to regurgitate, 0.25); flow (to issue R E I N F O R C E (11) rein fo rce (1.00);
forth, 0.19). thicken (to m ake thicker, 0.88); enforce
R E H A B IL IT A T E (9) rehabilitate (1.00); (to add strength, 0.75); redouble (0.75);
renew (to refresh, 0.87); reform (to supplem ent (0.62); w ad (0.58); bolster
change into a new form , 0.63); re ­ (0.50); increase (to add to, 0.43); en­
establish (0.50); renovate (0.33); heal courage (to give support, 0.31); top (to
(to cure, 0.29); re-educate (0.25); re­ apply topping, 0.25); intensify (0.13).
store (to rebuild in a form supposed to R E IN Q U IR E (1) reconsider (0.73).
be original, 0.25); im prove (to m ake R E IN S P E C T (2) retrace (0.67); return (to
better, 0.18). go back, 0.64).
R E H A SH (2) rehash (1.00); repeat (to do R E IN S T A L L (2) reinstate (0.90); restore
again, 0.75). (to reinstate, 0.67).
R E IN S T A T E (4) reinstate (1.00); return revive (to hearten, 0.06).
(to put or send som ething back, 0.42); R E J O I N to com e to g eth er (3) rejoin
replace (to put back in the sam e place, (1.00); jo in (to enter the com pany of,
0.33); redeem (to recover through a 0.60); reunite (0.29).
paym ent, 0.31). R E J O IN to answ er a p lain tiff’s applica­
R E IN S T R U C T (1) re-educate (0.75). tion (5) answ er (to reply, 0.70); reply
R E IN T E G R A T E (2) m aterialize (to be­ (0.50); respond (0.50); retort (0.33);
com e m atter, 0.17); renew (to refresh, answ er (to m ove in response, 0.24).
0.03). R E JU V E N A T E (7) rejuvenate (1.00); re­
R E IN V E S T (1) reinstate (0.60). vamp (0.75); repair (0.67); heal (to cure,
R E IN V IG O R A T E (3) renew (to refresh, 0.50); revive (to give new life, 0.42);
0.82); rejuvenate (0.75); heal (to cure, strengthen (0.35); renew (to refresh,
0.43). 0. 11).
R E IS S U E (3) repeat (to say again, 0.75); R E K IN D L E (2) burn (to subject to fire,
print (to reproduce by printing, 0.67); 0.73); fire (to set on fire, 0.22).
publish (to print and distribute, 0.50). R E L A P S E (4) relapse (1.00); weaken (to
R E IT E R A T E (7) reiterate (1.00); repeat (to becom e w eaker, 0.82); regress (0.50);
say again, 0.92); reecho (0.50); renew fall (to pass quickly dow nw ard, 0.14).
(to repeat, 0.50); em phasize (0.45); re­ R E L A T E (25) relate (to tell, 1.00); relate
capitulate (0.33); rehash (0.33). (to connect, 1.00); com pare (to liken,
R E J E C T (22) reject (to refuse, 1.00); 0.90); refer (to concern, 0.89); say
reject (to discard, 1.00); discard (0.96); (0.82); detail (to m ake clear in detail,
dism iss (to send away, 0.94); eject (to 0.77); cohere (to be logically connected,
rem ove physically, 0.84); om it (to fail 0 .7 5 ); c o lla te (to co m p a re , 0 .7 5 );
to in c lu d e , 0 .8 3 ); d is d a in (0 .7 5 ); connect (to associate, 0.75); confess
overleap (to omit, 0.75); scrab (to dis­ (to recount o n e’s evil actions, 0.67);
card, 0.75); suspend (to debar, 0.75); belong (to be properly placed, 0.57);
refuse (0.68); exclude (to bar, 0.67); inform (0.50); fit (to be suitable in
w aive (0.62); abandon (to leave in trou­ character, 0.47); involve (0.47); recite
ble, 0.57); scorn (to refuse as a m atter (to relate in detail, 0.45); resemble (0.44);
o f principle, 0.44); bar (to obstruct by a d m it (to co n fe ss, 0 .4 3 ); d escrib e
refusal, 0.39); deny (0.36); oppose (to (0 .3 3 ); eq u a te (to co m p are, 0.25);
h old a contrary opinion, 0.35); except rehearse (to tell, 0.25); im plicate (to
(0.33); disclaim (to disown, 0.25); hate involve, 0.20); com m unicate (to impart
(to detest, 0.20); rebuff (to reject, 0.19). inform ation, 0.17); report (to deliver
R E J O I C E (9) rejoice (1.00); satisfy (to inform ation, 0.13); use (to make use of,
m ake content, 0.81); gloat (0.75); en­ 0.09); narrate (0.05).
tertain (to keep others am used, 0.55); R E L A X (20) relax (1.00); quiet (to make
celebrate (to indulge in celebration, calm , 0.89); divert (to am use, 0.75);
0.50); play (to am use oneself, 0.25); w eaken (to becom e weaker, 0.73); bask
revel (to play, 0.25); fascinate (0.16); (0.70); loosen (to becom e loose, 0.67);
soothe (0.67); spraw l (0.50); unbend lent (1.00); thaw (to unbend, 0.60);
(0.50); give (to yield under pressure, forgive (to cease to resent, 0.30); yield
0.43); thaw (to unbend, 0.40); rest (to (to surrender, 0.23); soften (to becom e
take o n e ’s rest, 0.37); lo af (to do noth­ soft, 0.08).
ing useful, 0.35); slow (to b ecom e R E L IE V E (14) relieve (to replace, 1.00);
slower, 0.29); ease (to lessen pressure relieve (to lessen; said especially o f
or tension, 0.28); relent (0.25); unclench pain, 1.00); encourage (to give support,
(0 .2 5 ) ; e n te r ta in (to k e e p o th e rs 0.86); clear (to free from uncertainty,
am used, 0.19); soften (to becom e soft, 0.67); free (to disburden, 0.64); free (to
0.15); sleep (0.07). liberate, 0.63); rem em ber (to recall,
R E L A Y to let go (5) relay (1.00); broad­ 0.63); alternate (to take or do by turns,
cast (to transm it electronically, 0.85); 0.60); revive (to hearten, 0.53); rid (0.50);
send (to broadcast, usually electroni­ rem edy (0.44); discharge (to dismiss,
cally, 0.80); carry (to transm it, 0.22); 0.33); ease (to relieve o f pain, 0.33);
carry (to transport, 0.04). unload (0.26).
R E L E A S E (23) release (1.00); free (to lib­ R E L IG H T (3) relight (1.00); bum (to sub­
erate, 0.97); drop (to cause or to perm it je ct to fire, 0.86); fire (to set on fire,
to fall, 0.93); ransom (0.93); unfold (to 0.11).
unfurl, 0.85); emancipate (0.75); unbind R E L IN Q U ISH (25) relinquish (LOO); drop
(to forgive, 0.75); excuse (0.71); ease (to cause or to perm it to fall, 0.80);
(to lessen pressure or tension, 0.67); refund (to return, 0.75); renounce (to
rescue (to free, 0.60); enfranchise (to abandon, 0.75); dismiss (to send away,
liberate, 0.50); loosen (to m ake loose, 0.72); abdicate (0.67); outgrow (0.67);
0.50); unclench (0.50); save (to remove reach (to give an object to another,
fro m d an g e r, 0 .4 5 ); d is c h a rg e (to 0.67); sacrifice (to give up as a means
unload, 0.33); empty (to becom e empty, to an end, 0.67); stop (to cease, 0.67);
0.33); liberate (to free from bondage, vacate (to leave a residence, 0.67);
0.33); unhitch (0.31); allow (to perm it yield (to surrender, 0.62); end (to bring
an action, 0.30); forgive (to absolve, to a halt, 0.53); forego (0.50); eliminate
0.25); manumit (0.25); remit (to pardon, (to rem ove, 0.38); w aive (0.38); forfeit
0.25); comfort (to make easy physically, (0.33); pass (to hand to others, 0.33);
0.14). re tire (to c e ase ac tiv e life, 0.33);
R E L E G A T E (9) relegate (to assign, 1.00); unburden (to unload, 0.33); discard
relegate (to rem ove, 1.00); com m it (to (0.32); give (to transfer, 0.26); quit (to
entrust, 0.86); refer (to direct, 0.80); abandon, 0.25); subm it (to surrender,
dism iss (to send away, 0.53); elim inate 0.25); retreat (to retire, 0.24).
(to rem ove, 0.35); delegate (to give R E L IS H (9) relish (1.00); live (to enjoy
du ties to another, 0.33); b anish (to life, 0.80); like (to enjoy, 0.75); taste (to
co n d em n to exile, 0.19); assign (to experience flavour, 0.75); enjoy (to take
delegate to a specific purpose, 0.07). pleasure in, 0.50); savour (0.50); take
R E L E N T to soften; to relinquish (5) re­ (to enjoy, 0.50); love (to possess a deep
and abiding interest, 0.33); bask (0.30). form (to change into a new form, 0.50);
R E L IV E (1) reproduce (to m ake a sec­ reform (to correct evils, 0.27); com fort
ond time, 0.47). (to m ake easy physically, 0.16).
R E L O C A T E (1) carry (to transport, 0.08). R E M E M B E R (4) rem em ber (to recall,
R E M A IN (19) rem ain (to stay, 1.00); re­ 1.00); rem em ber (to bear in mind, 1.00);
m ain (to endure, 1.00); rem ain (to be com plim ent (to congratulate, 0.86); rec­
left, 1.00);occupy (to fill space, 0.93); ognize (to know again, 0.29).
resist (to w ithstand, 0.90); endure (to R E M IN D (4) rem ind (to bring into the
co n tin u e, 0.89); be (to h av e being, m em ory, 1.00); rem ind (to call the at­
0.80); last (to endure, 0.67); live (to gain tention o f another, 1.00); w arn (0.74);
subsistence, 0.67); sit (to lie, 0.67); live hint (0.68).
(to persist in hum an m em ory, 0.60); R E M IN IS C E (3) reminisce (1.00); think
linger (to go slowly, 0.50); persevere (to rem em ber, 0.25); rem em ber (to re­
(0.50); reside (0.40); wait (to await, 0.30); call, 0.13).
dwell (0.29); outlast (0.25); continue (to R E M IT (9) remit (to send, 1.00); remit (to
persist, 0.13); survive (to live on, 0.13). pardon, 1.00); refund (to return, 0.88);
R E M A K E (10) rem ake (1.00); repeat (to pardon (to reduce punishm ent, 0.58);
do again, 0.88); renew (to refresh, 0.71); give (to transfer, 0.52); forgive (to cease
renovate (0.67); duplicate (to repeat, to resent, 0.50); indem nify (to repay,
0.50); turn (to transform , 0.50); change 0.50); deliver (to transfer, 0.33); excuse
(to m ake different, 0.46); reproduce (to (0.25).
m ake a second tim e, 0.41); reconstruct R E M O D E L (12) remodel (1.00); reform
(0.06); reform (to change into a new (to change into a new form, 0.94); re­
form, 0.03). construct (0.89); alter (to change for a
R E M A N (1) strengthen (0.50). purpose, 0.75); redecorate (0.59); revo­
R E M A N D (1) delay (to cause a delay, lu tio n iz e (0 .5 0 ); c h a n g e (to m ake
0.34). different, 0.41); face (to put a face on a
R E M A R K (13) rem ark (1.00); com m ent building, 0.38); correct (to m ake needed
(to make a remark, 0.89); descant (0.75); corrections, 0.27); modify (to alter, 0.25);
note (to notice, 0.75); acknow ledge (to renew (to refresh, 0.21); reclaim (to
answer, 0.67); say (0.65); observe (to bring into usable condition, 0.20).
comment, 0.50); talk (to converse, 0.45); R E M O N S T R A T E (6) remonstrate (1.00);
nam e (to indicate by name, 0.33); notice co m p lain (to ex p ress an o b jection,
(to observe, 0.33); m ark (to designate, 0.97); rebel (to object, 0.75); expostu­
0 .2 9 ); c o m m u n ic a te (to im p a r t late (0.67); w arn (0.30); censure (0.16).
inform ation, 0.22); answ er (to reply, R E M O U L D (1) change (to m ake differ­
0 . 10). ent, 0.32).
R E M A R R Y (1) reunite (0.14). R E M O V E (3 4 ) r e m o v e (to m o v e
R E M E D Y (7) rem edy (1.00); correct (to physically, 1.00); rem ove (to eliminate,
m ake needed corrections, 0.73); heal (to 1.00); rem ove (to kill, 1.00); remove (to
cure, 0.68); mend (to improve, 0.50); re­ dism iss, 1.00); excrete (0.93); discount
(to d e d u c t, 0 .8 5 ); e a se (to m o v e unravel (to solve, 0.75); melt (to liquefy,
carefully, 0.85); abolish (0.83); w aive 0.73); return (to put or send som ething
(0.77); rescind (0.75); evict (0.75); leach back, 0.67); produce (to bear, 0.63);
(0.75); exchange (to replace one thing recite (to repeat formally, 0.60); explain
with another, 0.70); m isplace (0.69); (0 .4 5 ); p ro v id e (to su p p ly , 0 .4 2 );
dism iss (to send aw ay, 0.63); steal tr a n s la te (to c h a n g e in to a n o th e r
(0.62); retreat (to execute a forced re­ language, 0.40); decipher (0.33); inter­
tirem en t in battle, 0.60); tran sp lan t pret (to explain, 0.25).
(0.60); carry (to transport, 0.60); oust RENEGOTIATE (1) refund (to put finan­
(0.57); shift (to cause to shift, 0.50); cial obligations on a new basis, 0.23).
unseal (0.50); cancel (to annul, 0.50); R EN EW (19) renew (to refresh, 1.00); re­
lighten (to m ake lighter, 0.47); uproot new (to repeat, 1.00); renew (to replace,
(0.40); w ash (to erode, 0.40); drain (to 1.00); heal (to cure, 0.93); redecorate
w ithdraw fluid, 0.38); revoke (0.37); (0.82); revive (to give new life, 0.79);
jum p (to pass over, 0.29); cashier (0.25); continue (to resume, 0.75); improve (to
kidnap (0.18); am putate (0.14); kill (to becom e better, 0.71); maintain (to keep
deprive o f life, 0.07); drain (to withdraw ready for use, 0.68); rally (to return to
strength, 0.06). the attack, 0.60); rem edy (0.56); repair
REMUNERATE (6) remunerate (1.00); re­ (0.48); return (to go back, 0.48); resume
quite (0.90); pay (to give paym ent, (0.43); overhaul (0.25); repeat (to do
0.83); compensate (to pay, 0.50); reward again, 0.25); sw eeten (to m ake fresh,
(0.25); refund (to return, 0.06). 0 .2 2 ); r e f u n d (to p u t fin a n c ia l
REND (11) rend (1.00); rip (0.86); break obligations on a new basis, 0.15); re­
(to start a rupture, 0.79); tear (0.75); form (to change into a new form, 0.13).
m angle (to m utilate, 0.68); divide (to R EN O U N C E (17) renounce (to abandon,
separate by parting, 0.57); pull (to move 1.00); renounce (to repudiate, 1.00); ab­
by pulling, 0.50); split (0.50); sever stain (0.83); discard (0.76); forsake (to
(0.33); dam age (to im pair the value of, relinquish, 0.75); recant (0.74); revoke
0.31); chew (0.27). ( 0 .7 4 ) ; f o rs w e a r (0 .5 0 ); q u it (to
R EN D ER (22) render (to give, 1.00); abandon, 0.50); abandon (to relinquish,
render (to perform , especially a serv­ 0.48); sacrifice (to give up as a means
ice, 1.00); render (to interpret, said to an end, 0.44); rebel (to endeavour to
especially o f m usic, 1.00); render (to overthrow a governm ent, 0.39); vacate
provide, 1.00); render (to state formally, (to abandon, 0.33); deny (0.32); reject
1.00); re n d e r (to tra n s la te , 1.00); (to refuse, 0.25); repudiate (to disown,
represent (to present as a true inter­ 0.25); scorn (to refuse as a m atter o f
pretation , 0.93); interpret (to convey principle, 0.11).
the m eaning o f (art), 0.90); read (to in­ RENOVATE (15) renovate (1.00); remodel
terpret, 0.86); declare (to speak formally (0.94); heal (to cure, 0.82); decorate
and em phatically, 0.83); do (to trans­ (0.78); refu rb ish (0.67); redecorate
late, 0.75); provide (to yield, 0.75); (0.53); alter (to change for a purpose,
RENT -2 8 2 - REPEL
0.50); reorganize (0.50); change (to return, 0.81); requite (0.80); pay (to
make different, 0.37); reconstruct (0.28); retaliate, 0.75); satisfy (to pay, 0.75);
adjust (to place or regulate parts, 0.27); reim burse (0.67); pay (to give payment,
furbish (to restore, 0.25); reform (to 0.58); revenge (0.56); replace (to sup­
change into a new form , 0.16); repair ply an equivalent, 0.55); liquidate (to
(0.11); renew (to refresh, 0.05). pay, 0.50); reward (0.50); retaliate (0.25);
R E N T to pay rent; to provide revenue; return (to put or send som ething back,
to hire out (5) rent (to obtain use by 0.08).
paym ent, 1.00); rent (to sell the use o f R E P E A L (19) repeal (1.00); withdraw (to
property, 1.00); accom m odate (to pro­ rem ove from use or circulation, 0.80);
vide lodging, 0.63); borrow (to receive negate (to nullify, 0.75); nullify (0.75);
temporarily, 0.57); dwell (0.14). reform (to correct evils, 0.73); dissolve
R E O B T A IN (1) recapture (0.50). (to annul, 0.67); abolish (0.60); eliminate
R E O C C U P Y (1) resume (0.57). (to rem ove, 0.55); ab ro g ate (0.50);
R E O C C U R (2) return (to go back, 0.88); annul (0.50); quash (to revoke, 0.50);
repeat (to happen again, 0.83). repudiate (to disavow, 0.50); cancel (to
R E O P E N (4) reopen (1.00); open (to move annul, 0.46); discard (0.28); retire (to
aside a prepared obstruction, 0.54); ap­ rem ove, 0.25); reverse (to annul, 0.25);
peal (to carry a case to a higher court, rev o k e (0.1 9 ); d estro y (to b rin g to
0.33); go (to appeal, 0.33). nothing, 0.10); recant (0.04).
R E O R G A N IZ E (7) reorganize (1.00); re­ R E P E A T (20) repeat (to do again, 1.00);
form (to change into a new form, 0.97); repeat (to happen again, 1.00); repeat
change (to make different, 0.61); recon­ (to say again, 1.00); reproduce (to make
struct (0.44); im prove (to m ake better, a se c o n d tim e, 0 .9 4 ); m u ltip ly (to
0.36); organize (to put in order, 0.15); em ploy m ultiplication as an arithmeti­
correct (to m ake needed corrections, cal process, 0.89); return (to go back,
0.14). 0.84); reflect (to throw back, 0.83); cite
R E O R IE N T (1) transplant (0.80). (to refer to as authority, 0.81); echo
R E P A IN T (1) remodel (0.06). (0.75); declare (to speak form ally and
R E P A IR to set in order; to restore; to em phatically, 0.71); renew (to refresh,
cure (11) repair (1.00); reform (to change 0.61); affirm (0.50); resist (to withstand,
into anew form, 0.88); maintain (to keep 0.50); em phasize (0.40); practice (to
ready for use, 0.79); heal (to cure, 0.75); seek im provem ent through repetition,
m odify (to alter, 0.75); adjust (to place 0.40); im itate (to m im ic, 0.29); gossip
of regulate parts, 0.69); right (to repair (0.25); teach (to drill, 0.24); happen (to
an injustice, 0.63); recruit (to gather occur, 0.20); narrate (0.10).
needed resources, 0.43); paste (0.33); R E P E L (19) repel (to throw back, 1.00);
knit (to grow together, 0.25); rem odel repel (to cause aversion, 1.00); repel
(0.18). (to reject, 1.00); disgust (0.93); rebuff
REPA Y (14) repay (to pay back, 1.00); (to reject, 0.90); dism iss (to send away,
repay (to retaliate, 1.00); refund (to 0.88); refuse (0.84); sicken (to offend,
0.75); back (to push backw ard, 0.67); for the night, 0.50); revam p (0.50);
frighten (to drive off, because o f alarm, renew (to refresh, 0.37).
0.57); fend (0.50); repulse (to rebuff, R E P L E V I N (2) red eem (to reco v er
0.50); hinder (0.35); dispel (to drive off, through a paym ent, 0.19); recover (to
0.33); defeat (to w orst in war, 0.31); obtain again, 0.13).
oppose (to fight, 0.28); confront (0.25); R E P L E V Y (2) redeem (to recover through
disaffect (0.25); resist (to w ithstand, a paym ent, 0.63); recover (to obtain
0.05). again, 0.07).
R E P E N T (2) shrive (to confess, 0.75); re­ R E P L Y (11) reply (1.00); answ er (to re­
gret (to be sorry for, 0.40). ply, 0.90); respond (0.75); return (to
R E P E R C U S S (3) reflect (to throw back, answer, 0.75); retort (0.67); react (to act
0.33); rebound (0.25); return (to go in response, 0.43); reflect (to throw
back, 0.24). back, 0.39); correspond (to com m uni­
R E P H R A SE (1) explain (0.18). cate, usually by letter, 0.33); say (0.18);
R E P IN E (5) brood (to nurse o n e’s trou­ add (to m ake a further rem ark, 0.14);
bles, 0.88); m ope (0.44); regret (to be com m unicate (to be in communication,
sorry for, 0.30); lament (to regret, 0.25); 0.14).
mourn (to lament, 0.18). R E P O P U L A T E (1) reproduce (to multi­
R E P L A C E (18) replace (to supply an ply, 0.13).
equivalent, 1.00); replace (to take the R E P O R T (16) report (to deliver informa­
place of, 1.00); replace (to put back in tion, 1.00); report (to m ake a summary
the sam e place, 1.00); change (to m ake statem en t, 1.00); rep o rt (to present
different, 0.93); exchange (to replace oneself, 1.00); report (to record, 1.00);
one thing with another, 0.85); return (to recite (to relate in detail, 0.82); detail
put or send som ething back, 0.83); (to m ake clear in detail, 0.81); arrive (to
su b stitu te (to tak e p la c e of, 0.80); com e to a place, 0.73); advise (to give
renew (to refresh, 0.79); displace (to inform ation, 0.67); edit (to prepare for
rem ove, 0.75); postdate (to succeed, publication, 0.61); describe (0.59); tell
0.75); rearrange (0.71); discharge (to (to inform , 0.52); circulate (to send
dism iss, 0.67); restore (to give back, about, 0.50); gossip (0.50); notify (to
0.50); succeed (to follow in time, 0.44); provide with information, 0.45); record
rec o n stru ct (0.39); rein state (0.30); (to w rite down, 0.32); reveal (to di­
substitute (to exchange, 0.25); unseat vulge, 0.05).
(to oust, 0.25). R E P O S E to rest o neself (6) repose (to
R E PL A N (1) reconsider (0.20). recline, 1.00); repose (to rest, 1.00); rest
R E PL E N ISH (10) replenish (1.00); recruit (to take o n e ’s rest, 0.79); relax (0.75);
(to gather needed resources, 0.86); pro­ lie (to assum e a p ro strate position,
vide (to supply, 0.85); lade (to fill, 0.75); 0.60); lounge (0.33).
ply (to supply, 0.75); stock (0.75); fill R E P O S S E S S (2) rec o v er (to obtain
(to p o u r to th e c a p a c ity o f th e again, 0.47); redeem (to recover through
container, 0.69); bank (to cover a fire a paym ent, 0.06).
R E P R E H E N D (5) upbraid (0.82); impeach e r a te , 0 .6 1 ); p a r d o n (to re d u c e
(0 .4 7 ); ce n su re (0 .4 2 ); c h a ste n (to punishm ent, 0.50); excuse (0.29); pity
punish, 0.42); denounce (0.16). (to be merciful to, 0.25); ransom (0.21).
R E P R E S E N T (17) represent (to act as a R E P R IM A N D (15) reprimand (1.00); cen­
delegate, 1.00); represent (to present sure (0.87); snub (to rebuke, 0.75); up­
as a true interpretation , 1.00); repre­ braid (0.73); scold (0.63); berate (0.50);
sent (to serve as an equivalent, 1.00); castigate (0.50); chide (0.50); lecture (to
copy (to reproduce, 0.94); act (to take rebuke, 0.50); rebuke (0.50); impeach
part in a play, 0.78); illustrate (to m ake (0.40); chasten (to punish, 0.29); correct
clear by illustration, 0.67); pretend (to (to administer correction, 0.25); criticize
m ake believe, 0.60); model (to imitate a (to m ake adverse com m ents, 0.25);
model, 0.58); define (to provide a nam e denounce (0.19).
or description, 0.54); display (to present R E P R IN T (5) reprint (1.00); publish (to
for effect, 0.52); personify (to im per­ print and distribute, 0.83); transcribe
sonate, 0.50); declare (to adm it to o n e’s (0.75); print (to reproduce by printing,
possessions, 0.38); play (to act in a play, 0.50); rep ro d u ce (to m ake an exact
0.25); im personate (0.20); plan (to ar­ copy, 0.44).
range in a prelim inary way, 0.19); tell R E P R O A C H (15) reproach (1.00); up­
(to inform , 0.14); reproduce (to m ake a braid (0.98); censure (0.79); reprimand
second time, 0.06). (0.75); com plain (to express an objec­
R E P R E S S (24) repress (1.00); discour­ tion, 0.68); abuse (to treat badly, 0.50);
age (to dishearten, 0.94); check (to inveigh (0.50); reflect (to discredit,
bring under control, 0.86); deaden (to 0.50); snub (to rebuke, 0.50); chasten
reduce life or its evidence, 0.86); p re­ (to punish, 0.46); denounce (0.44); dis­
vent (0.69); inhibit (0.67); restrain (to credit (to bring into disrepute, 0.33);
hold in check, 0.65); hinder (0.59); m uz­ revile (0.25); tax (to accuse, 0.20); ac­
zle (to silence, 0.55); w ith d raw (to cuse (0.06).
rem ove from use or circulation, 0.55); R E P R O B A T E (4) upbraid (0.36); con­
halt (to cause to cease, 0.54); delay (to dem n (to send to punishm ent, 0.33);
cause a delay, 0.52); coerce (to hold im peach (0.33); scold (0.15).
back, 0.50); confine (to restrain, 0.50); R E P R O D U C E (18) reproduce (to make
com m and (to have control, 0.37); quiet an exact copy, 1.00); reproduce (to make
(to m ake silent, 0.30); suppress (0.27); a second tim e, 1.00); reproduce (to
control (to hold in check, 0.25); fetter m ultiply, 1.00); represent (to serve as
(to c o n fin e , 0 .2 5 ); g ag (to fo rb id an equivalent, 0.73); duplicate (to copy,
expression to, 0.25); quash (to crush, 0.67); reconstruct (0.67); photograph
0 .2 5 ); stran g le (to su p p ress, 0.25); (0.50); reflect (to throw back an image,
stultify (to prevent, 0.25); discourage 0.50); xerox (0.50); reflect (to throw
(to restrain, 0.08). back, 0.44); produce (to bear, 0.34);
R E P R IE V E (7) reprieve (to pardon, 1.00); reprint (0.33); im pregnate (to beget,
reprieve (to alleviate, 1.00); free (to lib­ 0.2 5 ); p o rtra y (to rep rese n t, 0.25);
propagate (to beget, 0.20); revive (to 0.43); hinder (0.37); back (to push back­
give new life, 0.16); forge (0.11); w rite w ard, 0.33); reb u ff (to reject, 0.29);
(to set dow n in writing, 0.11). nauseate (0.25); rout (0.18); repel (to
R E P R O V E (20) reprove (1.00); censure throw back, 0.17).
(0.89); punish (0.77); upbraid (0.76); ad­ R E P U T E (3) repute (1.00); value (to set a
m onish (to reprim and, 0.75); flay (to price upon , 0.42); ad m ire (to have
criticize, 0.75); rebuke (0.75); scold regard for, 0.27).
(0.70); chasten (to punish, 0.63); criti­ R E Q U E S T (24) request (to ask, 1.00); re­
cize (to make adverse com ments, 0.50); quest (to solicit, 1.00); ask (to inquire,
reb u ff (to reject, 0.48); warn (0.44); tax 0.95); sum m on (to call, 0.94); invite (to
(to accuse, 0.40); attack (to assail with, ask politely, 0.92); wish (to express a
0 .2 5 ); c o n d e m n (to b la m e , 0 .2 5 ); desire, 0.83); ask (to solicit, 0.75); bid
d is a p p r o v e (to c o n d e m n , 0 .2 5 ); (to invite, 0.75); solicit (to ask, 0.75);
dispraise (0.25); mulct (to punish, 0.25); invoke (to call upon, 0.67); petition
denounce (0.13); accuse (0.09). (0.67); quote (to state a price, 0.67); urge
R E P U B L IS H (2) repeat (to say again, (to in d u c e , 0 .6 3 ); a p p r o a c h (to
0.67); reprint (0.67). approach personally, 0.57); appeal (to
R E P U D IA T E (26) repudiate (to disown, ask another seriously, 0.50); call (to
1.00); rep u d ia te (to refu se, 1.00); invite, 0.50); postulate (to implore, 0.50);
repudiate (to disavow, 1.00); cancel (to w ill (to exert o n e’s will, 0.40); beg (to
annul, 0.88); discard (0.88); dism iss (to ask earnestly or im portunately, 0.37);
send away, 0.84); disclaim (to deny, requisition (0.33); invite (to ask guests,
0.75); disow n (0.75); reject (to refuse, 0.25); order (to authorize a purchase,
0.75); bar (to obstruct by refusal, 0.71); 0.25); m anage (to direct, 0.19); lobby
reb u ff (to reject, 0.71); revoke (0.70); (0.13).
deny (0.68); om it (to fail to include, R E Q U IR E (13) require (to need, 1.00);
0.67); refute (0.56); scorn (to refuse as require (to dem and, 1.00); w ant (to
a m atter o f principle, 0.56); belie (to desire, 0.83); crave (to long for, 0.75);
contradict, 0.50); recant (0.39); black­ cost (to require in money, 0.67); enforce
ball (0.33); contradict (to deny, 0.33); (to require com pliance, 0.63); force (to
fail (to becom e insolvent, 0.33); w ith­ use force, 0.63); charge (to ask a price,
draw (to rem ove from use or circula­ 0.50); need (0.50); w ant (to lack, 0.50);
tion, 0.30); disavow (0.25); gainsay (to com m and (to issue an order, 0.34); lack
deny, 0.25); oppose (to hold a contrary (0.33); com mand (to have control, 0.18).
opinion, 0.24); abolish (0.10). R E Q U IS IT IO N (4) requisition (1.00); re­
R E P U G N (1) oppose (to hold a contrary quire (to demand, 0.60); ask (to inquire,
opinion, 0.21). 0.50); beg (to ask earnestly or importu­
R E P U L S E (11) repulse (to throw back, nately, 0.26).
1.00); repulse (to rebuff, 1.00); defeat R E Q U IT E (9) requite (1.00); retaliate
(to w orst in war, 0.58); turn (to repel, (0.75); offset (0.69); pay (to give pay­
0.50); check (to bring under control, m ent, 0.67); revenge (0.67); avenge
(0.33); com pensate (to pay, 0.25); pay ing, 0.50); remodel (0.35); repair (0.07).
(to retaliate, 0.25); repay (to pay back, R E S ID E (5) reside (1.00); belong (to be
0.25). properly placed, 0.93); occupy (to fill
R E R E A D (1) reread (1.00). space, 0.79); remain (to stay, 0.75); settle
R E SC IN D (7) rescind (1.00); withdraw (to (to establish residence, 0.40).
rem ove from use or circulation, 0.90); R E S IG N (9) resign (to leave o n e’s em­
recant (0.57); cancel (to annul, 0.54); ploym ent, 1.00); resign (to relinquish,
abolish (0.52); retire (to rem ove, 0.50); 1.00); yield (to surrender, 0.77); retire
revoke (0.41). (to cease active life, 0.67); deliver (to
R E S C U E (10) rescue (to save, 1.00); surrender, 0.50); subm it (to surrender,
rescue (to free, 1.00); reclaim (to bring 0.50); surrender (to relinquish posses­
into usable condition, 0.90); ransom sion, 0.50); retreat (to retire, 0.29); fall
(0.86); free (to liberate, 0.84); recover (to be overthrow n, 0.22).
(to obtain again, 0.73); save (to rem ove R E S IS T (17) resist (to w ithstand, 1.00);
from danger, 0.73); salvage (0.50); re­ oppose (to fight, 0.98); rebel (to endeav­
lease (0.42); pardon (to reduce punish­ our to overthrow a governm ent, 0.89);
ment, 0.17). fight (to engage in an encounter, 0.84);
R E S E A R C H (1) experim ent (to investi­ hinder (0.77); defend (to keep o ff an
gate scientifically, 0.47). enemy, often fig ., 0.71); hold (to remain
R E S E A T (1) return (to put or send som e­ firm, 0.67); repel (to throw back, 0.67);
thing back, 0.58). disobey (0.43); defy (0.33); repulse (to
R E S E C T IO N (1) reapportion (0.57). throw back, 0.33); revolt (to rebel, 0.33);
R E S E M B L E (5) resemble (1.00); look (to com bat (0.25); fend (0.25); strike (to
appear, 0.50); appear (to seem , 0.33); refuse to w ork, 0.14); oppose (to hold
seem (0.25); rival (0.22). a contrary opinion, 0.12); reb u ff (to
R E S E N T (3) dislike (0.76); begrudge reject, 0.10).
(0.33); hate (to detest, 0.25). R E S O L V E (12) resolve (1.00); reform (to
R E S E R V E (12) reserve (to retain, 1.00); change o n e ’s conduct for the better,
enlist (to enroll others, 0.82); appropri­ 0.80); conclude (to determ ine, 0.75);
ate (to provide money, 0.80); hide (to reclaim (to reform , 0.75); solve (0.65);
conceal, 0.74); withhold (0.67); maintain achieve (to finish an undertaking, 0.35);
(to keep ready for use, 0.58); destine settle (to satisfy a claim , 0.33); think
(to intend, 0.50); earm ark (0.50); intend (to e x a m in e w ith th e m in d , 0.33);
(to d e s tin e fo r, 0 .5 0 ); o r d e r (to choose (to select, 0.30); unravel (to
au th o rize a p u rch a se, 0 .50); w aiv e solve, 0.25); explain (0.12); arrange (to
(0.46); ow n (to possess, 0.27). m ake arrangements, 0.05).
R E S E T to replace (3) transplant (0.90); R E S O N A T E (1) reflect (to throw back,
rearrange (0.86); exchange (to replace 0.67).
one thing w ith another, 0.05). R E S O R T (2) m eet (to go to a place of
R E S E T T L E (1) depopulate (0.60). m eeting, 0.86); g ath er (to com e to­
R E S H A P E (3) block (to shape by block­ gether, 0.32).
R E S O U N D (12) resound (1.00); sound R E S T A R T (1) recycle (0.50).
(to m ake a noise, 0.95); ring (to give R E S T A T E to state over again (6) repeat
forth sound by ringing, 0.91); reverber­ (to say again, 0.83); reiterate (0.75); re­
ate (0.75); rumble (0.75); thunder (0.64); capitulate (0.67); explain (0.21); read (to
reflect (to throw back, 0.50); sing (to interpret, 0.14); decrease (to m ake less,
p r o d u c e a s o u n d s u g g e s tiv e o f 0.05).
singing, 0.50); vibrate (to sound, 0.50); R E S T IT U T E (1) return (to put or send
roll (to produce a relatively deep, con­ som ething back, 0.75).
tinuous sound, 0.38); peal (0.33); roar R E S T O R E (32) restore (to give back,
(0 . 12). 1.00); restore (to recreate, 1.00); restore
R E S P E C T (6) respect (to esteem, 1.00); (to rebuild in a form supposed to be
respect (to treat w ith consideration, original, 1.00); restore (to reinstate,
1.00); admire (to have regard for, 0.77); 1.00); restore (to bring back to health,
regard (to hold in esteem, 0.75); esteem 1.00); heal (to cure, 0.96); recruit (to
(to attach a high value to, 0.50); revere gather needed resources, 0.93); return
(0.25). (to put or send som ething back, 0.92);
R E S P IR E (1) breathe (to draw breath, reanim ate (0.75); rehabilitate (0.75);
0.90). redecorate (0.71); replace (to put back
R E SPO N D (13) respond (1.00); obey (to in the sam e place, 0.67); free (to liber­
act in accordance w ith orders, 0.86); ate, 0.58); reconstruct (0.56); renew (to
answ er (to reply, 0.80); hit (to fire in refresh, 0.53); strengthen (0.52); cure
time; said o f an internal com bustion (to heal, 0.50); recharge (0.50); right (to
motor, 0.75); react (to act in response, rep a ir an in ju stice, 0.50); rein state
0.71); feel (to experience, 0.55); return (0.40); redeem (to recover through a
(to answer, 0.50); plead (to discuss in payment, 0.38); refund (to return, 0.38);
court, 0.42); nod (to m ake a nodding salvage (0.38); reform (to change into
m o v e m e n t, 0 .2 9 ); b id (to o ffe r a a new form , 0.34); refresh (to revive,
com m itm ent at cards, 0.25); say (0.24); 0.33); re fu rb ish (0.33); resu sc ita te
act (to perform an action, 0.17); fit (to (0.33); cleanse (to free from sin or its
be suitable in character, 0.16). effects, 0.25); b alan ce (to p lace in
R E ST to repose (6) rest (to take o n e ’s balance, 0.21); encourage (to raise the
rest, 1.00); light (to com e to rest from spirits, 0.20); com fort (to make, easy
flight or travel, 0.73); sleep (0.73); be physically, 0.11); revive (to give new
(to have being, 0.70); retire (to go to life, 0.05).
bed, 0.50); sit (to lie, 0.33). R E S T R A IN (27) restrain (to hold in
RE ST to stop; to check; to arrest (5) rest check, 1.00); restrain (to restrict, 1.00);
(to be still, 1.00); pause (0.70); stop (to decrease (to m ake less, 0.93); forbid
halt, 0.50); halt (to cease, 0.33); rem ain (0.86); m uzzle (to silence, 0.82); arrest
(to stay, 0.17). (to stop, 0.75); stint (0.75); enslave
R E ST A M P (1) reproduce (to m ake an (0.74); tram m el (0.71); hold (to have in
exact copy, 0.06). o n e’s grasp, 0.69); chasten (to punish,
0.67); command (to issue an order, 0.66); R E S U R R E C T (1) revive (to give new life,
oppose (to fight, 0.60); com m and (to 0.37).
have control, 0.58); check (to slacken R E SU SC IT A T E (6) resuscitate (1.00); re­
the pace, 0.55); quiet (to m ake silent, fresh (to revive, 0.67); revive (to give
0 .5 5 ); m o d ify (to m o d e ra te, 0.50); new life, 0.53); renew (to refresh, 0.50);
qualify (to limit, 0.50); bind (to constrain reanim ate (0.25); heal (to cure, 0.14).
w ith bonds, 0.48); ride (to control a R E T A IL (4) retail (1.00); handle (to deal
b e a st o f b u rd e n by rid in g , 0 .2 5 ); in, 0.67); report (to deliver information,
suspend (to cease tem porarily, 0.25); 0.56); sell (to convey for a considera­
b a r (to o b stru c t by re fu sa l, 0 .2 1 ); tion, 0.25).
quarantine (0.20); quiet (to m ake calm, R E T A IN (16) retain (to hold, 1.00); retain
0.18); tem per (to soften or qualify, 0.13); (to k e e p , 1.00); reta in (to reserv e
subject (0.06); delay (to cause a delay, services, 1.00); retain (to rem em ber
0.05). 1.00); enlist (to enroll others, 0.86); keep
R E S T R I C T (23) restrict (to restrain, (to hold, 0.75); hire (to employ, 0.54);
1.00); restrict (to hold w ithin lim its, h o ld (to h av e in o n e ’s p o ssessio n ,
1.00); halt (to cause to cease, 0.76); 0.50); rescue (to save, 0.50); defend (to
bound (to set limits, 0.75); circum scribe keep o ff an enemy, often fig. , 0.47);
(to lim it, 0.75); coerce (to hold back, resist (to withstand, 0.40); hold (to have
0.75); debar (to prevent, 0.75); enslave in o n e ’s grasp, 0.34); m em orize (0.33);
(0.68); m uzzle (to silence, 0.64); dam remember (to bear in mind, 0.29); engage
(0.53); bind (to constrain w ith bonds, (to hire, 0.25); own (to possess, 0.18).
0.52); arrest (to stop, 0.50); cram p (to R E T A K E (1) seize (to take by force, 0.58).
restrain, 0.50); obligate (0.50); delay (to R E T A L IA T E (7) retaliate (1.00); revenge
cau se a delay, 0.43); fo rb id (0.36); (0.89); answ er (to m ove in response,
dedicate (to set apart for special use, 0.82); avenge (0.67); reciprocate (to
0.33); oversim plify (0.33); restrain (to exchange, 0.50); requite (0.30); oppose
h old in check, 0.23); prevent (0.22); (to fight, 0.08).
tram m el (0.17); taboo (0.13); force (to R E T A R D (13) retard (to daw dle, 1.00);
use force, 0.06). retard (to hinder, 1.00); hinder (0.96);
R E S T Y L E (1) change (to make different, delay (to cause a delay, 0.93); curb
0.69). (0.75); slow (to cause to becom e slower,
R E S U B S C R IB E (1) refund (to put finan­ 0.65); dam (0.60); trammel (0.60); dwarf
cial obligations on a new basis, 0.54). (to keep sm all, 0.50); slacken (0.50);
R E S U L T (5) result (1.00); ensue (0.75); p re v e n t (0 .4 1 ); su sp e n d (to cease
e v e n tu a te (to c lo se , 0 .7 5 ); e v o lv e tem porarily, 0.40); deaden (to reduce
(0 .7 5 ); su c ce ed (to fo llo w in tim e, life or its evidence, 0.11).
0. 11). R E T C H to hawk; to phlegm; to vomit (3)
R E S U M E (4) resume (1.00); renew (to re­ retch (1.00); vom it (0.67); puke (0.50).
peat, 0.75); renew (to replace, 0.75); re­ R E T E L L (5) rehearse (to repeat, 0.75);
cover (to obtain again, 0.20). reiterate (0.50); relate (to tell, 0.25);
recite (to relate in detail, 0.18); repeat retirem ent in battle, 1.00); retreat (to re­
(to say again, 0.17). tire, 1.00); give (to yield underpressure,
R E T H IN K (1) redo (0.50). 0.93); disappear (0.92); fly (to flee from
R E T IC U L A T E (1) weave (to construct by danger, 0.75); retire (to draw away,
interlacing, 0.26). 0.44); return (to go back, 0.04).
R E T IR E (14) 1.00); retire (to draw away, R E T R E N C H to protect by; to furnish
retire (to go to bed, 1.00); retire (to with (1) retrench (1.00).
cease active life, 1.00); retire (to remove, R E T R E N C H to cut short (2) decrease (to
1.00); dem obilize (0.75); ebb (0.73); m ake less, 0.42); economize (0.33).
retreat (to execute a forced retirem ent R E T R IE V E (9) retrieve (1.00); salvage
in battle, 0.67); disappear (0.64); leave (0.88); redeem (to recover through a
(to go away, 0.58); evade (to avoid a p ay m en t, 0 .8 1 ); rec o v er (to o btain
m eeting, 0.50); resign (to leave o n e’s again, 0.80); regain (0.50); succeed (to
e m p lo y m e n t, 0 .5 0 ); w ith d ra w (to attain success, 0.48); obtain (to gain
rem ove from use or circulation, 0.50); possession, 0.44); reap (to gain, 0.31);
lie (to assum e a p ro strate p osition, rescue (to save, 0.17).
0.20); return (to go back, 0.08). R E T R O C E D E to go back; to retire (1)
R E T O R T to m ake return o f (5) retort retreat (to retire, 0.19).
(1.00); reply (0.75); answ er (to reply, R E T R O G R A D E (2) retreat (to retire,
0.60); revenge (0.33); return (to answer, 0.90); die (to decline as though death
0.25). w ere inev itab le, 0.50).
R E T O U C H (4) retouch (1.00); touch (to R E T R O G R E S S (1) relapse (0.82).
tinge, 0.67); correct (to m ake needed R E T R O V E R T (1) relapse (0.18).
corrections, 0.59); w ash (to brush w ith R E T R Y (1) appeal (to carry a case to a
a liquid, 0.17). higher court, 0.83).
R E T R A C E to trace back (4) retrace R E T U R N (28) return (to go back, 1.00);
(1.00); turn (to reverse, 0.69); recon­ return (to put or send som ething back,
sider (0.40); return (to go back, 0.16). 1.00); return (to answer, 1.00); return
R E T R A C T to w ithdraw ; to revoke (13) (to rep a y , 1 .00); re tu rn (to sp eak
retract (to draw in, 1.00); retract (to fo rm a lly , 1.00); re tu rn (to reflec t,
disavow, 1.00); recant (0.96); revoke 1.00);answ er (to m ove in response,
(0.85); retreat (to retire, 0.81); repudi­ 0 .9 4 ); y ie ld (to p r o d u c e , 0 .8 9 );
ate (to disavow, 0.75); disclaim (to dis­ indem nify (to repay, 0.75); reflect (to
own, 0.50); negate (to nullify, 0.50); throw back, 0.72); reinstate (0.70); recur
secede (0.50); cancel (to annul, 0.33); (0.67); produce (to bear, 0.66); repeat
apologize (0.29); disow n (0.25); w ith­ (to do again, 0.63); bring (to be worth
draw (to rem ove from use or circula­ in sale, 0.58); pay (to produce a profit,
tion, 0.20). 0 .5 0 ); re p a y (to pay back, 0.50);
R E T R E A D (2) repair (0.59); im prove (to retaliate (0.50); revenge (0.44); hand
m ake better, 0.09). (0.33); give (to produce, 0.25); recipro­
R E T R E A T (7) retreat (to execute a forced cate (to exchange, 0.25); reply (0.25);
answer (to reply, 0.20); reflect (to throw indulge in celebration, 0.33); rejoice
back an image, 0.17); repeat (to happen (0.25).
again, 0.17); resum e (0.14); turn (to re­ R E V E N G E (2) revenge (1.00); requite
verse, 0.13). (0 .20).
R E U N IT E (4) reunite (1.00); gather (to R E V E R B E R A T E (12) reverberate (1.00);
come together, 0.42); assemble (to bring sound (to m ake a noise, 0.93); ring (to
together, 0.27); reconcile (to bring into give forth sound by ringing, 0.82);
harmony, 0.08). reecho (0.75); roll (to produce a rela­
R E U T T E R (1) repeat (to say again, 0.58). tively deep, continuous sound, 0.63);
REV A LU E (1) devalue (0.75). reflect (to throw back, 0.61); thunder
R EV A M P (11) revamp (1.00); reconstruct (0.55); boom (to m ake a loud noise,
(0.83); better (0.50); redecorate (0.47); 0.50); return (to go back, 0.28); resound
im prove (to m ake better, 0.45); change (0.25); vibrate (to sound, 0.25); roar (0.18).
(to m ake different, 0.34); repair (0.33); R E V E R E (6) revere (1.00); venerate (0.75);
redo (0.25); renew (to refresh, 0.18); cherish (to hold dear, 0.71); adm ire (to
rearrange (0.14); transplant (0.10). have regard for, 0.69); adore (to wor­
ship, 0.50); worship (to perform acts of
R E V E A L (24) reveal (to expose, 1.00);
w orship, 0.41).
reveal (to divulge, 1.00); declare (to
R E V E R E N C E (5) w orship (to perform
adm it to o n e’s possessions, 0.85); ex­
acts o f w orship, 0.59); venerate (0.50);
pose (to uncover, 0.76); instruct (to
adm ire (to have regard for, 0.42); praise
inform , 0.75); show (to explain, 0.75);
(to speak or sing in w orship, 0.25);
unearth (to disclose, 0.75); enlighten
grovel (0.04).
(to b rin g su p p o se d sp iritu a l tru th ,
R E V E R S E (17) reverse (to turn, 1.00);
0.71); decipher (0.67); explain (0.67); tell
reverse (to alter, 1.00); reverse (to
(to inform , 0.67); advertise (to m ake
annul, 1.00); rev erse (to exchange,
public, 0.66); com m unicate (to im part
1.00); overturn (0.75); override (to
in fo rm atio n , 0.64); ex hum e (0.63);
thw art, 0.67); exchange (to replace one
evince (0.50); unm ask (0.50); notify (to
thing w ith another, 0.65); upset (to turn
provide w ith inform ation, 0.42); un­ over, 0.62); abolish (0.55); differ (to be
cover (0.38); unsheathe (0.25); adm it unlike, 0.50); revert (0.50); transpose
(to confess, 0.24); detail (to m ake clear (0.50); oppose (to hold a contrary opin­
in detail, 0.23); narrate (0.20); display ion, 0.44); retreat (to retire, 0.43); with­
(to present for effect, 0.12); declare (to draw (to rem ove from use or circula­
speak formally and emphatically, 0.10). tion, 0.25); change (to m ake different,
R E V E L (12) revel (to play, 1.00); revel 0.17); subvert (0.10).
(to in d u lg e oneself, 1.00); p la y (to R E V E R T (5) revert (1.00); return (to go
am use oneself, 0.75); bask (0.50); gloat back, 0.80); relap se (0.55); regress
(0.50); indulge (to take part in, 0.50); (0.25); repeat (to do again, 0.06).
m asquerade (0.50); rollick (0.50); joke R E V IE W (15) review (to correct, 1.00);
(0.38); carouse (0.33); celebrate (to review (to inspect, 1.00); check (to de­
term ine accuracy, 0.88); sum m arize refresh, 0.97); com fort (to m ake easy
(0.75); inventory (0.55); canvass (to p hysically, 0.76); recru it (to gather
pass rapidly in review, 0.50); re-exam - needed resources, 0.71); reproduce
ine (0.50); discuss (0.41); exam ine (to (to m ake a second time, 0.71); perk (to
inspect w ith care, 0.35); investigate be refreshed, 0.67); reopen (0.67); repair
(0.33); cram (to study hurriedly, 0.25); (0.56); rem em ber (to recall, 0.50); re­
correct (to m ake needed corrections, store (to recreate, 0.50); return (to go
0.23); treat (to deal with a subject, 0.20); back, 0.44); recall (to call to mind, 0.33);
appeal (to carry a case to a higher court, sw eeten (to m ake fresh, 0.33); heal (to
0.17); reconsider (0.13). cure, 0.32); recover (to regain health,
R E V IL E (15) revile (1.00); insult (0.95); 0.30); stiffen (to cause to becom e stiff,
attack (to assail w ith, 0.75); dam n (to 0 . 12).
sw ear at, 0.75); execrate (to curse, R E V IV IF Y (6) revive (to give new life,
0.75); scandalize (0.75); profane (0.67); 0.68); animate (to give life to, 0.44); heal
upbraid (0.64); curse (to swear at, 0.63); (to cure, 0.25); air (to introduce air,
slander (0.60); denounce (0.53); vilify 0.08); encourage (to raise the spirits,
(0.50); blasphem e (0.33); scold (0.33); 0.04); com fort (to m ake easy physi­
depreciate (to lower in reputation, 0.23). cally, 0.03).
R E V IS E (17) revise (1.00); edit (to pre­ R E V O K E (12) revoke (1.00); withdraw (to
pare for publication, 0.96); reform (to rem ove from use or circulation, 0.95);
change into anew form, 0.91); improve recant (0.83); abolish (0.81); abrogate
(to m ake better, 0.88); adapt (to alter or (0.75); disclaim (to disown, 0.75); retire
adjust, 0.50); redress (0.50); rem ake (to rem ove, 0.75); deny (0.57); annul
(0.50); review (to correct, 0.50); suit (to (0.25); quash (to revoke, 0.25); repudi­
adapt, 0.50); reco n sid er (0.47); ex ­ ate (to disavow, 0.25); cancel (to annul,
change (to replace one thing w ith an­ 0.08).
other, 0.45); am end (0.25); em end (to R EV O LT (11) revolt (to rebel, 1.00); revolt
edit, 0.25); reto u c h (0.25); rem edy (to repel, 1.00); disgust (0.86); rebel (to
(0.22); change (to make different, 0.14); endeavour to overthrow a government,
correct (to m ake needed corrections, 0.83); shock (to disturb o n e’s sense o f
0.05). propriety, 0.69); oppose (to fight, 0.50);
R E V IS IT (4) revisit (1.00); attend (to go riot (0.50); disobey (0.39); turn (to
to, 0.40); visit (to live w ith for a short nauseate, 0.33); repel (to cause aver­
time, 0.33); return (to go back, 0.12). sion, 0.25); sicken (to offend, 0.25).
R E V IT A L IZ E (3) encourage (to raise the R E V O L U T IO N IZ E (3) revolutionize
spirits, 0.16); quicken (to com e or bring (1.00); change (to make different, 0.68);
to life, 0.14); com fort (to m ake easy reform (to change into a new form, 0.25).
physically, 0.05). R E V O L V E (13) revolve (1.00); turn (to
R E V IV E (18) revive (to give new life, pivot, 0.94); operate (to be in opera­
1.00); revive (to take on new life, 1.00); tion, 0.83); spin (to whirl, 0.75); trundle
revive (to hearten, 1.00); renew (to (0.75); sw ing (to describe an arc, 0.55);
retu rn (to go back, 0.52); repeat (to 1.00); bestnde (0.75); drift (0.71); strad­
happen again, 0.50); m editate (to m use, dle (0.60); hunt (to pursue w ith intent
0.45); whirl (0.30); gyrate (0.25); rotate to kill, 0.35); m ove (to be in motion,
(0.25); orbit (to revolve around another 0.29); trot (0.29); motor (0.25).
body, 0.20). R ID G E (2) dent (0.12); plough (to use a
R E W A R D (7) rew ard (1.00); pay (to give plough, 0.11).
paym ent, 0.88); bribe (0.75); requite R ID IC U L E (5) ridicule (1.00); depreciate
( 0 .5 0 ) ; r e f u n d (to r e tu r n , 0 .4 4 ); (to low er in reputation, 0.80); m isprize
rem unerate (0.25); right (to repair an (0.75); sneer (0.48); insult (0.15).
injustice, 0.13). R IF L E to plunder (4) ransack (to loot,
R E W A R M (1) reheat (0.75). 0.71); steal (0.49); loot (0.25); ruffle (to
R E W A R N (1) reiterate (0.25). disarrange, 0.25).
R E W E IG H (1) reconsider (0.07). R IG to make ready (2) trim (to prepare for
R E W O R K (7) repeat (to do again, 0.56); sailing, 0.50); provide (to supply, 0.15).
revise (0.53); rearrange (0.29); recon­ R IG H T (5) right (to make upright, 1.00);
sider (0.27); duplicate (to repeat, 0.25); right (to repair an injustice, 1.00); ease
reconstruct (0.17); reform (to change (to m ove carefully, 0.62); remedy (0.61);
into a new form, 0.09). repair (0.26).
R E W R IT E (4) rewrite (1.00); revise (0.87); R IL E (3) rile (1.00); rankle (0.64); anger
edit (to prepare for publication, 0.86); (to arouse som eone to anger, 0.06).
w rite (to com pose in w ords, 0.25). R IM to furnish with a rim border (4) ring
R H A P S O D IZ E (1) idealize (0.25). (to encircle, 0.83); line (to be in a line,
R H Y M E (1) m easure (to apply a stand­ 0.50); define (to set limits, 0.28); join
ard o f m easurem ent, 0.40). (to adjoin, 0.17).
R IB B O N (1) swath (0.25). R IN G to give out a sound (8) ring (to call
R I C K to stack; to form (hay) into a rick by rin g in g , 1.00); ring (to cause to
(1) stack (0.75). sound, 1.00); ring (to give forth sound
R IC O C H E T (7) ricochet (1.00); bounce by ringing, 1.00); dial (to telephone,
(to rebound, 0.94); bound (to rebound, 0.75); sound (to m ake a noise, 0.75);
0.50); rebound (0.50); backfire (to go tinkle (0.43); telephone (0.40); summon
awry, 0.33); impinge (to hit, 0.33); jum p (to call, 0.17).
(to vibrate, 0.20). R IN G to m ake a circle (4) ring (to encir­
R ID (3) rid (1.00); clear (to free from ob­ cle, 1.00); circle (0.70); orbit (to revolve
stacles, 0.50); dism iss (to send away, around another body, 0.40); loop (to
0.44). be in the form o f a loop, 0.25).
R ID D L E to sift (1) tap (to puncture in R IN SE (7) rinse (1.00); clean (0.61); mois­
order to draw liquid, 0.27). ten (0.58); gargle (0.50); dam pen (to
R ID E (10) ride (to allow o n eself to be w et, 0.25); w ash (to bathe, 0.25); dip
d om inated by circum stances, 1.00); (to put into a liquid, 0.10).
ride (to be transported, 1.00); ride (to R IO T (2) riot (1.00); rebel (to endeavour
control a beast o f burden by riding, to overthrow a governm ent, 0.50).
R IP to cut; to pull; to tear anything from (to grow vigorously, 0.45); soar (0.25);
something else (4) rip (1.00); rend (0.75); stren g th en (0.09); grow (to becom e
cut (to sever, 0.51); lacerate (to tear, larger, 0.07).
0.50). R IS K (9) risk (1.00); speculate (to gam ­
R IP E N (7) ripen (to grow, 1.00); age (to ble in business, 0.75); try (to endeav­
m ature, 0.75); m ature (to grow, 0.75); our, 0.61); chance (to take a chance,
m ature (to com e to m aturity, 0.67); 0.55); face (to confront conflict or trou­
change (to become different, 0.56); work ble, 0.52); brave (0.50); play (to gam ­
(to ferm ent, 0.33); grow (to change ble, 0.50); bet (0.29); gam ble (to take
slowly, 0.14). chances, 0.25).
R IP P L E to form small waves; to form rip­ R IT U A L IZ E (1) celebrate (to recognize
ples (8) beat (to pulsate, 0.87); m urm ur an occasion, 0.13).
(to make a low continuous sound, 0.83); RIV A L (6) rival (1.00); equal (0.77); out­
gurgle (0.75); flow (to keep up a circular rank (0.33); com pare (to stand in rela­
m otion, 0.67); flutter (0.50); curl (to tionship to another, 0.25); play (to en­
tw ist, 0.31); undulate (to surge, 0.25); gage in sport, 0.25); vie (0.25).
w ave (to undulate, 0.15). R IV E to tear or pull (5) sliver (0.75); break
R IP P L E to scratch; to break up slightly (to start a rupture, 0.74); cut (to sever,
(3) ripple (1.00); rustle (0.46); lick (to 0.57); rip (0.43); splinter (0.25).
pass the tongue over, 0.35). R IV E T (3) rivet (1.00); fasten (to make
R IS E (30) rise (to m ove upw ard, 1.00); som ething secure, 0.43); bury (to oc­
rise (to get out o f bed, 1.00); rise (to cupy, 0.20).
increase, 1.00); rise (to begin, 1.00); rise R O A D B L O C K (1) bar (to raise a physi­
(to improve one’s station, 1.00); rise (to cal obstruction, 0.05).
stand, 1.00); rise (to swell; said usually R O A M (9) roam (to wander, 1.00); travel
o f d o ugh or batter, 1.00); rebel (to (to journey , 0.86); ram ble (to go in
endeavour to overthrow a government, various directions, 0.77); saunter (0.75);
0.94); appear (to becom e visible, 0.82); m eander (to wander, 0.67); stray (0.60);
b eg in (to com e into b e in g or sta rt walk (to m ove on foot, 0.26); ramble (to
functioning, 0.79); result (0.78); pros­ saunter, 0.25); range (to traverse wide
per (0.77); augm ent (to grow, 0.75); areas, 0.13).
increase (to grow, 0.75); pitch (to slope R O A R (12) roar (1.00); storm (0.82); bawl
abruptly, 0.75); arise (to get up, 0.67); (to m ake a bellow ing sound, 0.75);
em erge (0.67); haunt (to frequent as a boom (to m ake a loud noise, 0.75); cry
spirit, 0.63); w ake (to becom e aw ake, (to call (not o f hum an creatures), 0.74);
0.60); clim b (to m ount, 0.57); form (to yell (0.71); rage (to give vent to anger,
take form , 0.57); quicken (to com e or 0.59); shout (0.50); laugh (0.47); sound
bring to life, 0.57); loom (to appear, (to m ake a noise, 0.38); grumble (to
0.50); originate (to have a beginning, growl, 0.29); rage (to be out o f control,
0.50); stand (to be in a upright posi­ 0.14).
tion, 0.50); start (to begin, 0.50); thrive R O A S T (9) roast (1.00); bake (to cook,
0.75); grill (to broil, 0.75); scorch (0.75); p ressu re, 0.25); drive (to m anage a
heat (to m ake hot, 0.50); broil (0.25); propelled vehicle, 0.21); w ave (to set
b u m (to subject to fire, 0.18); cook hail*, 0.17); circle (0.15); chirp (0.09).
(0.17); parody (0.13). R O L L IC K (1) rollick (1.00).
R O B (8) rob (1.00); steal (0.85); pilfer R O M A N C E (1) exaggerate (0.25).
(0.75); deceive (0.71); thieve (0.50); R O M A N T IC IZ E (1) idealize (0.75).
pillage (0.25); ravage (0.16); ransack (to R O M P (4) romp (1.00); frisk (0.75); play
loot, 0.13). (to gam bol, 0.45); gambol (0.25).
R O B E (2) clothe (0.87); dress (to put on R O O F (1) top (to apply topping, 0.75).
clothes, 0.50). R O O K to cheat (1) rook (1.00).
R O C K to m ove gently (7) rock (1.00); R O O M to install; to accom m odate (2)
heave (to raise and fall, 0.95); shake (to board (to take care of, 0.67); abide (to
cause to vibrate, 0.86); totter (to be near lodge, 0.50).
falling, 0.85); totter (to stagger, 0.42); R O O S T (2) light (to com e to rest from
ja r (to cause to trem ble, 0.29); toss (to flight or travel, 0.82); perch (0.67).
m ove up and dow n, 0.29). R O O T to take root; to have basis (4)
R O C K E T (3) rocket (1.00); travel (to jour­ em bed (to put in, 0.80); establish (to
ney, 0.75); rise (to m ove upw ard, 0.50). w ork or settle in a perm anent place,
R O IL to stir; to disorder; to irritate (1) 0.53); im plant (0.33); insert (to put in,
roil (1.00). 0.33).
R O IS T E R (1) bluster (0.41). R O P E to tie; to bind; to fasten with a
R O L L to revolve; to turn over (32) roll rope (1) tape (to fasten, 0.40).
(to m ove by rotation, or in rotating R O T (16) rot (1.00); decay (0.88); dam ­
num bers, 1.00); roll (to cause to roll, age (to im pair the value of, 0.85); cor­
1.00); roll (to revolve, 1.00);roll (to make ro d e (to d eterio rate , 0.75); putrefy
into a roll, 1.00);roll (to sm ooth w ith a (0.75); d eco m p o se (0.67); spoil (to
roller, 1.00); roll (to flow, 1.00); roll (to decay, 0.67); bite (to cut or corrode,
produce a relatively deep, continuous 0.59); disintegrate (to decay, 0.50); stag­
sound, 1.00); roll (to travel, 1.00); roll nate (0.50); die (to decline as though
(to function, 1.00);reel (0.90); w ave (to death were inevitable, 0.44); rust (0.33);
undulate, 0.85); turn (to pivot, 0.81); fester (0.25); sink (to deteriorate, 0.25);
heave (to raise and fall, 0.76); operate taint (to pollute, 0.25); dirty (0.08).
(to be in operation, 0.66); rock (0.62); R O T A T E (13) rotate (1.00); whirl (0.90);
m ove (to be in m otion, 0.57); toss (to turn (to pivot, 0.88); roll (to m ove by
m ove up and dow n, 0.57); bow l (to rotation, or in rotating num bers, 0.86);
play at bowls, 0.50); curl (to twist, 0.50); dial (to turn, 0.75); sw ing (to describe
iron (0.50); trill (0.50); thunder (0.45); an arc, 0.73); return (to go back, 0.56);
beat (to pulsate, 0.39); lean (to incline, gyrate (0.50); revolve (0.50); trundle
0.39); furl (0.33); totter (to stagger, 0.33); (0.50); twirl (0.50); pivot (0.25); spin (to
flow (to m ove in one direction, 0.29); whirl, 0.25).
press (to sm ooth, usually by heat and R O U G E (2) redden (to m ake red, 0.82);
colour (to impart colour to, 0.03). a row el (1) goad (0.74).
R O U G H to shape rough (1) prepare (to RU B (13) rub (to subject to friction, 1.00);
m ake oneself ready, 0.30). rub (to apply by rubbing, 1.00); wipe
R O U G H -C A S T (1) cast (to form in a (0.90); touch (to be in contact, 0.86);
mould, 0.50). tickle (to stim ulate by a light touch,
R O U G H E N (3) coarsen (0.75); harden (to 0.83); scrub (0.75); mop (0.67); paw (to
toughen, 0.58); chap (0.33). scrape w ith the front foot, 0.63); caress
RO U N D to make round; to turn (6) round (0.47); grind (to sharpen, 0.33); graze
(to m ake round, 1.00); round (to turn, (to touch or to score lightly, 0.25); pat
1.00); circle (0.96); arch (0.85); bend (to (to strike lightly and affectionately ,
force out o f a straight line, 0.81); turn 0.25); scour (to cleanse, 0.25).
(to pivot, 0.38). R U B R IC A T E (1) redden (to make red,
R O U S E to raise; to aw aken (18) rouse 0.36).
(to w aken, 1.00); rouse (to stim ulate, R U C K to squat; to crouch; to cow er (1)
1.00); incite (0.93); hearten (0.75); start heap (to place in a heap, 0.38).
(to arouse, 0.75); w ake (to w aken an­ R U C K L E to m ake a rattling sound (1)
other, 0.75); bestir (0.67); aw ake (to sound (to m ake a noise, 0.44).
aw aken another, 0.50); freshen (to acti­ R U D D L E (1) redden (to make red, 0.55).
vate, 0.50); pique (to excite, 0.50); RU E (4) rue (1.00); mourn (to lament, 0.77);
provoke (to incite, 0.50); entertain (to regret (to be sorry for, 0.60); lament (to
act as host or hostess, 0.47); revive (to regret, 0.50).
take on new life, 0.36); thrill (to excite, R U F F L E to contend or struggle with (5)
0.25); tem pt (0.23); aw aken (to arouse ruffle (to anger, 1.00); bristle (to show
another, 0.20); m ove (to arouse the sudden anger, 0.75); anger (to arouse
em otions of, 0.15); drive (to urge on, som eone to anger, 0.33); m uddle (to
0.04). confuse; said usually o f people, 0.25);
R O U T to put (an army) to rout; to com ­ disturb (to upset mental calm, 0.02).
pel to flee in disorder (4) rout (1.00); R U F F L E to disturb the sm ooth surface;
defeat (to w orst in war, 0.86); dism iss to roughen (6) ruffle (to disarrange,
(to send away, 0.41); halt (to cause to 1.00); roll (to produce a relatively deep,
cease, 0.15). continuous sound, 0.88); pleat (0.75);
R O U T E (1) channel (0.75). muss (0.56); fold (to place together or
R O V E to shoot; to w ander; to guess (8) lay in folds, 0.50); discom pose (0.25).
rove (1.00); stray (0.80); roam (to w an­ R U IN (23) ruin (to destroy, 1.00); ruin (to
der, 0.75); peregrinate (0.25); prow l cause to becom e bankrupt, 1.00); ruin
(0.25); travel (to journey, 0.25); walk (to (to destroy chastity, 1.00); destroy (to
m ove on foot, 0.22); range (to traverse bring to nothing, 0.99); dam age (to
w ide areas, 0.06). im pair the value of, 0.98); cheapen
R O W to m ake wool into roves (1) swath (0.91); w reck (to bring to ruin, 0.87);
(0.50). botch (0.83 ); raze (0.83); level (to
R O W E L to use spur rowels; to prick with dem olish, 0.75); pervert (0.75); undo
(0.75); unm ake (0.75); subvert (0.71); 0.75); crease (0.50); crumple (to become
abuse (to treat badly, 0.58); kill (to wrinkled, 0.25).
deprive o f existence, 0.50); underm ine R U N (37) run (to m ove, usually rapidly,
(to enfeeble, 0.50); ravage (0.47); dis­ 1.00); run (to go sw iftly by physical
m antle (0.42); blight (0.25); prostrate (to effort, 1.00); run (to function, 1.00); run
overthrow, 0.25); rape (0.25); w aste (to (to cause to function, 1.00); run (to
squander, 0.12). extend, 1.00); run (to continue, 1.00);
R U L E (13) rule (to govern, 1.00); rule (to run (to com pete, 1.00); gallop (0.93);
regulate, 1.00); com m and (to have con­ overflow (to flow over the top, or out
trol, 0.98); m easure (to apply a stand­ at a vent, 0.92); race (to m ove at great
ard o f m easurem ent, 0.97); dom inate speed, 0.90); m ove (to be in motion,
(0 .8 9 ); re g u la te (to co n tro l, 0 .7 5 ); 0.89); operate (to be in operation, 0.86);
so u n d (to m easure, 0.75); influence drive (to m anage a propelled vehicle,
(0.57); com m and (to issue an order, 0.83); zip (0.75); roll (to flow, 0.71);
0.50); m aster (to conquer, 0.50); sub­ cam paign (to solicit votes, 0.70); com ­
je c t (0.41); overshadow (to dom inate, m and (to have control, 0.70); flow (to
0.33); predom inate (0.25). m ove in one direction, 0.62); em pty (to
becom e empty, 0.60); farm (to do farm
R U M B L E (10) rumble (1.00); muss (0.89);
w ork, 0.56); dissolve (to pass from a
m utter (to m ake a low, m um bling sound,
solid to a liquid state, 0.55); retreat (to
0.75); thunder (0.73); sound (to m ake a
retire, 0.52); flow (to issue forth, 0.51);
noise, 0.66); mum ble (0.50); m urm ur (to
function (0.50); go (to function, 0.50);
m utter, 0.50); resound (0.50); grum ble
keep (to operate, 0.50); stream (0.50); thaw
(to growl, 0.43); roar (0.41).
(to melt, 0.50); w ork (to function, 0.50);
R U M IN A T E (12) ruminate (to regurgitate,
hunt (to pursue with intent to kill, 0.39);
1.00); rum inate (to ponder, 1.00); m edi­
hit (to fire in time; said o f an internal
tate (to muse, 0.64); eat (to take as food,
combustion motor, 0.38); behave (to act,
0.61); m unch (0.58); brood (to nurse
0.25); canvass (to seek votes, 0.25); flee
o n e ’s tro u b les, 0.56); v o m it (0.50);
(0.25); melt (to liquefy, 0.18); trickle (0.11);
concentrate (to em ploy all o n e’s m ental
drool (to slobber, 0.10).
pow ers, 0.38); think (to exam ine w ith
R U P T U R E (4) rupture (1.00); divide (to
the m ind, 0.29); bite (to seize or sever separate by parting, 0.82); explode (to
w ith teeth, 0.11); chew (0.07); graze (to burst, 0.54); burst (to explode, 0.33).
pasture, 0.06). R U S H to drive back or down; to force
R U M M A G E (3) rummage (1.00); ransack out o f place by violent impact (23) rush
(to search thoroughly, 0.92); search (1.00); hasten (to make haste, 0.97); run
(0.57). (to go sw iftly by physical effort, 0.97);
R U M O U R (1) gossip (0.58). flow (to issue forth, 0.84); blow (to move
R U M P L E (6) rum ple (1.00); w rinkle (to rapidly (said o f air), 0.75); steam (to
form into w rinkles, 0.90); crum ple (to speed, 0.75); fly (to move swiftly, 0.67);
w rinkle, 0.75); ruffle (to disarrange, hustle (to hurry, 0.67); sprint (0.67);
z o o m (0 .6 7 ); d riv e (to m a n a g e a contribute (to give, 0.04).
propelled vehicle, 0.63); hurry (to act SA D D E N (2) sadden (1.00); depress (to
hastily, 0.57); stampede (0.50); flow (to bring to a low er state, 0.57).
m ove in one direction, 0.43); race (to SA D D LE (3) harness (0.92); load (to over­
m ove at great speed, 0.39); p lunge load, 0.33); oppress (0.26).
(0.33); dart (to m ove quickly, 0.25); S A F E G U A R D (8) defend (to provide
overflow (to flow over the top, or out general protection, 0.95); charge (to
at a vent, 0.25); scoot (0.25); scurry take charge of, 0.50); patent (0.33);
(0.25); shoot (to m ove rapidly, 0.25); rescue (to save, 0.33); shelter (0.28);
zip (0.25); send (to dispatch, 0.21). guard (to protect, 0.25); lead (to con­
R U S T said o f m etals: to undergo oxida­ duct, 0.24); oppose (to fight, 0.23).
tion (7) rust (1.00); bite (to cut or cor­ S A G (6) sag (to sink, 1.00); sag (to lose
rode, 0.53); discolour (0.50); eat (to vigour, 1.00); lean (to incline, 0.87);
reduce gradually, 0.42); dam age (to distort (to change shape, 0.86); decline
im pair the value of, 0.25); m ould (to (to sink slowly, 0.75); give (to yield
decay through the action o f m ould, under pressure, 0.36).
0.25); redden (to grow red, 0.14). S A IL to travel on w ater (9) sail (to em ­
R U S T IC A T E (3) banish (to condem n to bark, 1.00); sail (to travel by sailing,
ex ile, 0 .81); hide (to keep o n e s e lf 1.00); sail (to fly, 1.00); drift (0.57); fly
concealed, 0.22); retire (to draw away, (to pass through the air, 0.54); steam
0. 11). (to speed, 0.50); skim (to pass lightly
R U S T L E (2) rustle (1.00); ransack (to and swiftly, 0.40); travel (to journey,
loot, 0.38). 0.18); ride (to be transported, 0.17).

S A B E R (3) cut (to sever, 0.22); stab
S A IL to dance; to issue forth (2) soar
(0.50); run (to move, usually rapidly,
(0 .1 3 ); attack (to fig h t o ffe n siv e ly S A IN T (1) canonize (0.92).
(army), 0.06). S A L A A M (2) nod (to m ake a nodding
SA B O T A G E (2) sabotage (1.00); destroy m ovem ent, 0.64); bow (to bend, 0.08).
(to bring to nothing, 0.11). S A L IV A T E (2) drool (to slobber, 0.60);
S A C K to plunder (7) devastate (0.50); slobber (0.50).
steal (0.46); ravage (0.39); raid (0.35); SA L L Y to set out boldly (2) hurry (to act
harry (to raid, 0.33); tackle (0.30); rob hastily, 0.29); leave (to go away, 0.15).
(0.10). SA LT (7) salt (to flavour with salt, 1.00);
S A C K to put into a sack (1) sack (1.00). salt (to scatter thickly, 1.00); preserve
S A C R IF IC E (8) sacrifice (to offer to a (to keep, 0.62); flavour (0.60); com
deity, 1.00); sacrifice (to give up as a (0.50); cure (to preserve, 0.50); butcher
m eans to an end, 1.00); sacrifice (to (to slaughter for consum ption, 0.22).
sell at a loss, 1.00); forfeit (0.67); kill S A L U T E (8) salute (to address, 1.00); sa­
(to deprive o f life, 0.66); undercharge lute (to recognize with respect, 1.00);
(0.50); bless (to dedicate to God, 0.16); greet (0.82); kiss (0.75); compliment (to
congratulate, 0.50); accost (to greet, 0 .5 0 ); s u f f e r (to p e r m it, 0 .3 1 );
0.25); cheer (to support w ith cheers, enfranchise (to em power, 0.25); help
0.25); felicitate (0.25). (to aid, 0.25); legalize (0.25); urge (to
SALVAGE (4) salvage (1.00); recover (to present favourably, 0.24); enforce (to
obtain again, 0.87); rescue (to save, require com pliance, 0.23).
0.58); obtain (to gain possession, 0.18). SA N D (1) sm ooth (to rem ove uneven­
SA L V E to anoint (a w ound) (2) com fort ness, 0.08).
(to m ake easy physically, 0.49); heal (to SA N D B A G (1) hurt (to cause pain, 0.09).
cure, 0.11). SA P to rem ove sap from w ood (4) sap
SA M B A (1) dance (to move rhythmically, (1.00); drain (to w ithdraw strength,
0.54). 0,59); dam age (to im pair the value of,
S A M P L E (4) sample (1.00); taste (to taste 0.45); w eaken (to make weaker, 0.35).
by the tongue, 0.43); experim ent (to put SA T E (2) fill (to pour to the capacity of
on trial, 0.25); exam ine (to inspect w ith the container, 0.38); satisfy (to make
care, 0.04). content, 0.19).
S A N C T IF Y (12) sanctify (1.00); worship S A T IA T E (6) satiate (1.00); cloy (0.75);
(to p erfo rm acts o f w orship, 0.94); pall (0.75); surfeit (0.75); overfeed (0.50);
canonize (0.75); dedicate (to conse­ satisfy (to m ake content, 0.03).
crate, 0.75); celebrate (to recognize an S A T IR IZ E (5) satirize (1.00); lampoon
occasion, 0.69); beatify (0.50); conse­ (0.75); caricature (0.50); ridicule (0.17);
crate (to dedicate to God, 0.50); hallow sneer (0.07).
(0.50); honour (to treat w ith respect, S A T IS F Y (17) satisfy (to m ake content,
0 .5 0 ); so le m n iz e (0 .5 0 ); b le ss (to 1.00); satisfy (to pay, 1.00); satisfy (to
dedicate to God, 0.32); enshrine (0.25). fulfill, 1.00); satisfy (to convince, 1.00);
S A N C T IO N (27) sanction (1.00); recom ­ quiet (to m ake calm, 0.79); feed (0.77);
m en d (to lend supp o rt or approval, com plim ent (to flatter, 0.63); convince
0.96); allow (to perm it an action, 0.93); (0 .5 7 ); tre a t (to p ay fo r a n o th e r ’s
enable (0.91); enact (to legislate, 0.89); e n te rta in m e n t, 0 .5 7 ); p e rsu a d e (to
com plim ent (to flatter, 0.84); authorize influence, 0.56); answ er (to be suffi­
(to approve, 0.80); endorse (to indicate cient, 0.50); fill (to pour to the capacity
on e’s active support, 0.77); confirm (to o f the container, 0.46); requite (0.40);
ratify, 0.75); perm it (0.75); ratify (0.75); entertain (to keep others amused, 0.39);
crown (to em power with a crown, 0.71); p lease (to give pleasure, 0.33); dis­
praise (to com m end, 0.71); encourage charge (to pay a debt, 0.25); pay (to
(to give support, 0.69); favour (to have give paym ent, 0.08).
a p re fe re n c e , 0 .6 9 ); re c o g n iz e (to S A T U R A T E (7) saturate (1.00); moisten
a c k n o w le d g e th e le g a lity o f a (0.88); drench (0.50); perm eate (0.50);
governm ent, 0.67); approve (to give glut (to oversupply, 0.29); soak (to
approval, 0.58); charter (to license, drench, 0.14); mix (to blend, 0.12).
0.50); com m end (to recom m end, 0.50); S A U N T E R (12) saunter (1.00); linger (to
validate (0.50); w arrant (to authorize, go reluctantly, 0.93); amble (0.75); wend
(0.67); w alk (to m ove on foot, 0.65); S C A L E to rem ove the scales (5) scale
m arch (0.50); stroll (0.50); sw agger (to (to peel, 1.00); flake (0.92); exfoliate
strut, 0.50); lag (to m ove slowly, 0.40); (0.75); plate (0.73); stratify (0.25).
lo af (to travel at an easy pace, 0.25); S C A L E to w eigh (3) scale (to measure,
roam (to w ander, 0.25); w ander (to 1.00); m easure (to apply a standard of
stroll, 0.25). m easurem ent, 0.60); weigh (to take the
SAU TE (4) fry (0.89); grill (to broil, 0.50); w eight of, 0.50).
cook (0.39); brown (0.25). S C A L L O P (1) curl (to twist, 0.62).
S A U T E R (l) loiter (0.97). S C A L P to cut o ff the scalp; to peel (3)
SAVE (15) save (to rem ove from danger, pare (to peel, 0.75); skin (0.63); flay (to
1.00); save (to assure an afterlife, 1.00); rem ove skin, bark, hide, etc., 0.50).
save (to hoard, 1.00); save (to pre­ S C A M P E R (6) scamper (1.00); dance (to
serve, 1.00); save (to avoid, 1.00); free m ove in a gay manner, 0.65); hasten (to
(to liberate, 0.89); preserve (to keep, m ake haste, 0.54); scurry (0.50); race
0.85); retrench (0.75); convert (to alter (to m ove at great speed, 0.23); run (to
go sw iftly by physical effort, 0.07).
convictions, 0.50); m aintain (to keep
SC A N (17) scan (to analyze, 1.00); scan
ready for use, 0.47); deliver (to free,
(to glance at, 1.00); contemplate (to look
0.33); preserve (to guard, 0.25); enlight­
at, 0.82); look (to endeavour to see,
en (to bring supposed spiritual truth,
0.80); read (to understand by reading,
0.21); ransom (0.07); obtain (to gain
0.75); exam ine (to inspect with care,
possession, 0.06).
0.74); peruse (to read, 0.67); peram bu­
SAV O U R (4) savour (1.00); live (to en­
late (to inspect, 0.50); proofread (0.50);
joy life, 0.60); like (to enjoy, 0.50); taste
skim (to read swiftly, 0.50); survey (to
(to recognize by flavour, 0.50).
exam ine or sum m arize, 0.50); browse
SAW (1) play (to produce m usic, 0.26). (0.40); ransack (to search thoroughly,
SAY (7) say (1.00); assert (to say posi­ 0.31); analyze (to study carefully, 0.25);
tively, 0.50); pronounce (to speak for­ think (to exam ine with the mind, 0.25);
mally, 0.50); answ er (to reply, 0.40); revise (0.20); see (to perceive with the
com m ent (to m ake a rem ark, 0.37); eye, 0.18).
com m unicate (to im part inform ation, S C A N D A L IZ E to make a public scandal
0.36); utter (0.36). (4) scandalize (1.00); disgust (0.36);
SCAB (1) flake (0.42). malign (0.25); slander (0.23).
S C A L D (5) scald (1.00); cook (0.76); S C A R ( l) scar (1.00).
blister (0.75); heat (to m ake hot, 0.70); S C A R E (7) scare (1.00); frighten (to
clean (0.69). alarm, 0.97); intimidate (0.75); threaten
S C A L E to ascend; to clim b (9) scale (to (to w arn o f punishm ent, 0.64); dis­
climb, 1.00); climb (to mount, 0.86); hur­ courage (to dishearten, 0.53); bother
dle (0.80); rise (to m ove upward, 0.75); (to give trouble, 0.28); molest (to dis­
climb (to ascend, 0.67); mount (to climb, turb people, 0.12).
0.50); shin (0.50); ascend (to clim b, S C A R IF Y (2) scratch (0.50); cut (to cut
0.33); clamber (0.25). into, 0.11).
SC A T H E (1) dam age (to impair the value S C O F F to m ock (5) sco ff (1.00); sneer
of, 0.60). (0.93); gibe (0.75); je e r (0.67); fleer
S C A T T E R (21) scatter (to becom e sepa­ (0.25).
rated, 1.00); scatter (to cause to sepa­ S C O L D (11) scold (1.00); upbraid (0.96);
rate, 1.00); scatter (to seed, 1.00); scat­ chastise (0.75); inveigh (0.75); lecture
ter (to w aste, 1.00); disorganize (0.91); (to re b u k e , 0 .7 5 ); p en a liz e (0.75);
w aste (to squander, 0 .8 8 ); d isb a n d censure (0.74); remonstrate (0.53); rage
(0.86); rout (0.82); raze (0.78); litter (to give vent to anger, 0.27); denounce
(0.75); seed (0.75); spray (0.75); w in­ (0.22); chasten (to punish, 0.04).
now (0.75); spatter (0.73); defeat (to S C O N C E to inflict fines at the U niver­
w orst in war, 0.61); ravage (0.61); sow sity (1) fine (0.08).
(0.50); spill (0.50); diso rd er (0.25); S C O O P (5) scoop (1.00); dip (to transfer
m isplace (0.25); shed (0.18). by m eans o f a vessel, 0.93); lade (to
S C E N T (5) sm ell (to use the sense o f
dip, 0.75); bail (to dip, 0.67); skim (to
sm ell, 0.86); sm ell (to give o ff odour,
rem ove the top; especially, to remove
0.71); sniff (0.50); w hiff (0.25); breathe
cream, 0.60).
(to draw breath, 0.20).
S C O O T (3) sco o t (1 .0 0 ); run (to go
S C E P T IC IZ E (1) doubt (to raise a ques­
sw iftly by physical effort, 0.72); hurry
tion, 0.13).
(to act hastily, 0.43).
S C H E D U L E (3) schedule (1.00); enroll (to
S C O R C H to heat; to dry up (11) scorch
prepare a roll, 0.89); list (to enter in a
(1.00); char (0.75); sear (to cook by sear­
list, 0.88).
ing, 0.75); cook (0.66); brow n (0.50);
S C H E M E (12) scheme (1.00); plan (to plot
bum (to subject to fire, 0.45); race (to
an action in advance, 0.89); m aneuver
m ove at great speed, 0.45); inflam e (to
(0.88); organize (to form an organiza­
bum , 0.33); dry (to cause to become
tion, 0.85); arrange (to m ake arrange­
dry, 0.25); singe (0.25); heat (to make
m ents, 0.70); form (to give shape to a
thing, 0.69); conspire (to plan secretly, hot, 0.15).
0.50); hatch (to plan, 0.50); estim ate (to S C O R C H to slash w ith a knife (1) dam­
m ake a rough guess, 0.30); m ould (to age (to im pair the value of, 0.89).
determine a course o f action, 0.25); plot S C O R E (12) score (to compute the score,
(to devise an intrigue, 0.25); concoct 1.00); score (to damage, 1.00); score (to
(to m ake up, 0.20). com pose a m usical accom panim ent,
S C H O O L to educate at school (1) teach 1 .0 0 ); c o m p o s e (to c re a te , 0.91);
(to drill, 0.59). s u c c e e d (to a tta in su c c e ss, 0.76);
SCIN T IL LA T E (5) scintillate (1.00); shine poetize (0.75); cut (to cut into, 0.58);
(to give forth light, 0.86); flash (to give orchestrate (0.50); earn (to receive in
forth a light by flash, 0.77); shine (to p a y m e n t, 0 .3 5 ); ch a rg e (to enter a
reflect light, 0.43); radiate (to shed light charge account, 0.25); average (to do
or heat, 0.19). on an average, 0.14); m ark (to make a
S C IS S O R (1) cut (to sever, 0.19). mark, 0.14).
SCORN -3 0 1 - SC R E E C H
S C O R N (14) scorn (to treat with scorn, S C R A B B L E (1) scribble (0.25).
1.00); scorn (to refuse as a m atter o f S C R A M B L E (8) scramble (to mix, 1.00);
principle, 1.00); neglect (to treat w ith scram ble (to clim b hastily, 1.00); run
indifference, 0.88); deride (0.75); de­ (to go sw iftly by physical effort, 0.76);
spise (0.75); hate (to detest, 0.75); refuse shin (0.75); scuttle (to hurry, 0.50); jam
(0.74); sneer (0.72); profane (0.56); (to obscure by jam m ing, 0.33); race (to
disdain (0.50); m ock (to ridicule, 0.50); m ove at great speed, 0.10); disorganize
ridicule (0.48); depress (to bring to a (0.03).
lower state, 0.35); dislike (0.19). S C R A P to fight; to box; to scrim m age
S C O T C H to block or wedge a wheel, etc. (1) spar (0.67).
(1) scotch (1.00). S C R A P E (15) scrape (1.00); rub (to sub­
S C O T C H to m ake an incision (1) cut (to je c t to friction, 0.95); clean (0.76);
cut into, 0.21). scratch (0.75); comb (0.64); file (to use
S C O U R to cleanse or polish (9) scour an abrasive, 0.63); rake (to use a rake,
(to cleanse, 1.00); shine (to cause to 0.60); hit (to bum p against, 0.57); grind
shine, usually by polishing, 0.89); rub (to pulverize, 0.52); graze (to touch or
(to subject to friction, 0.82); clean (0.74); to score lightly, 0.50); w ound (to hurt
bathe (to cleanse oneself w ith liquid, the body, 0.50); chafe (to rub, 0.25);
0.50); scrape (0.50); w ash (to launder, play (to produce music, 0.22); carve (to
0.40); w ash (to bathe, 0.38); scrub form by cutting, 0.16); trim (to cut off
(0.25). excess, 0.09).
S C O U R to m ove about hastily (5) scour S C R A T C H (15) scratch (1.00); paw (to
(to search, 1.00); ransack (to search scrape w ith the front foot, 0.88); rake
thoroughly, 0.77); range (to traverse (to use a rake, 0.80); dam age (to impair
w ide areas, 0.38); hunt (to try to find, the value of, 0.77); engrave (to carve
0.29); roam (to wander, 0.13). upon, 0.75); deface (0.50); scrawl (0.50);
S C O U R to divulge; to disclose (1) ask scribble (0.50); cut (to cut into, 0.47);
(to inquire, 0.09). claw (0.33); dent (0.29); mar (to damage
S C O U R G E (8) scourge (to whip, 1.00); slightly, 0.25); mutilate (to maim, 0.25);
scourge (to punish, 1.00); beat (to rasp (0.25); strike (to light, 0.25).
thrash, 0.77); lash (to whip, 0.50); per­ S C R A W L to w rite or draw in an untidy
secute (to oppress, especially for reli­ m an n er (3) scraw l (1.00); scribble
gious reasons, 0.30); w hip (0.25); hurt (0.75); w rite (to set dow n in writing,
(to cause pain, 0.23); chasten (to pun­ 0.67).
ish, 0.13). S C R E A M (10) scream (1.00); yell (0.92);
S C O U T to play the spy; to skulk (2) spy cry (to call (not o f hum an creatures),
(to act as a spy, 0.93); precede (0.20). 0.89); screech (0.75); rage (to give vent
S C O W L (6) scow l (1.00); frow n (0.89); to anger, 0.64); whoop (0.60); caterwaul
sulk (0.83); m iff (to frown, 0.75); glare (0.50); cry (to raise the voice, 0.50);
(to stare fiercely, 0.60); glow er (0.50). shout (0.25); squeak (0.25).
SCRA B (1) scrab (to discard, 1.00). S C R E E C H (10) screech (1.00); cry (to call
(n o t o f h u m a n c r e a tu r e s ) , 0 .8 7 ); am ine (to inspect w ith care, 0.83);
caterw aul (0.75); shout (0.75); squeak w atch (to be attentive, 0.79); dissect
(0.75); shriek (0.67); scream (0.50); yell (to exam ine, 0.75); inspect (0.75); ob­
(0.50); yelp (0.50); squeal (0.25). serve (to w atch, 0.75); spy (to act as a
S C R E E N (19) screen (to hide, 1.00); spy, 0.64); concentrate (to em ploy all
screen (to choose, 1.00); palliate (0.95); one’s mental powers, 0.63); look (to en­
shelter (0.94); shade (to intercept di­ d e a v o u r to see, 0 .5 0 ); p e ru s e (to
rect rays, 0.83); sift (to put through a inspect, 0.50); sift (to evaluate, 0.50);
sieve, 0.80); hide (to conceal, 0.79); contem plate (to look at, 0.41); criticize
defend (to keep o ff an enemy, often (to m ake a considered criticism , 0.25);
fig. , 0.76); conceal (0.75); cover (to peer (0.25); see (to perceive with the
hide, 0.75); disguise (0.73); cover (to eye, 0.23); experim ent (to investigate
p ro tec t, 0.50); entom b (to con ceal, scientifically, 0.18); search (0.14); revise
0.50); top (to apply topping, 0.42); ob­ (0.13); ransack (to search thoroughly,
scure (to dim, 0.25); shadow (to shade, 0.08).
0.25); strain (to filter, 0.25); evade (to S C U D to run or m ove briskly (3) race (to
use trickery to avoid a sharp issue, m ove at great speed, 0.48); dart (to
0.23); shade (to m ake darker, 0.17). m ove in the m anner o f a dart, 0.18); run
S C R E W (3) screw (1.00); fasten (to make (to m ove, usually rapidly, 0.18).
som ething secure, 0.41); w ind (to twist, S C U F F (1) shuffle (to m ove with a shuf­
0.33). fling gait, 0.33).
S C R IB B L E to w rite hastily or carelessly S C U F F L E to struggle confusedly (2)
(4) scribble (1.00); jo t (0.75); scraw l contest (to fight, 0.33); w restle (0.33).
(0.75); w rite (to com pose in w ords, S C U F F L E to scarify the surface (of land)
0.08). w ith a thrust hoe (1) shuffle (to move
S C R IM P (3) scrim p (1.00); econom ize w ith a shuffling gait, 0.67).
(0.44); retrench (0.25). S C U L L (1) paddle (to propel by paddling,
S C R IT C H (1) squeak (0.63). 0.83).
S C R O L L (1) coil (0.93). S C U L P T U R E (5) carve (to form by cut­
S C R U B to clean by rubbing (10) scrub ting, 0.74); work (to fashion, 0.67); build
(1.00); scour (to cleanse, 0.75); w ash (to construct, 0.57); copy (to repro­
(to launder, 0.70); lather (0.50); clean duce, 0.22); form (to give shape to a
(0.44); w ash (to bathe, 0.31); rub (to thing, 0.18).
su b ject to frictio n , 0.27); b ath e (to S C U R R Y (4) scurry (1.00); hasten (to
cle a n se o n e s e lf w ith liq u id , 0 .25); m ake haste, 0.89); run (to go swiftly by
cleanse (to rem ove dirt from the sur­ physical effort, 0.83); scuttle (to hurry,
face, 0.25); swab (0.25). 0.75).
S C R U N C H (1) chew (0.13). S C U T T L E to cut a hole in the vessel (4)
S C R U P L E (3) hesitate (0.65); doubt (to scuttle (to destroy, 1.00); sink (to cause
entertain doubt, 0.53); m istrust (0.25). to sink, 0.80); destroy (to bring to noth­
S C R U T IN IZ E (19) scrutinize (1.00); ex­ ing, 0.70); wreck (to shipwreck, 0.20).
S C U T T L E to run with quick hurried steps with fat, 0.17); mix (to blend, 0.03).
(4) scuttle (to hurry, 1.00); hasten (to S EA T (1) put (to place, 0.50).
make haste, 0.40); race (to m ove at great S E C E D E (5) secede (1.00); oppose (to
speed, 0.29); run (to go sw iftly by fight, 0.48); rebel (to endeavour to
physical effort, 0.03). overthrow a governm ent, 0.44); aban­
S C Y T H E (2) cut (to sever, 0.76); m ow don (to relinquish, 0.30); retire (to draw
(0.67). away, 0.22).
S E A L to m ark by a seal; to place a seal S E C L U D E (6) seclude (to isolate, 1.00);
upon a docum ent (10) close (to shut, seclude (to hide, 1.00); separate (to keep
0.80); approve (to give approval, 0.71); apart, 0.43); isolate (0.25); secrete (to
clog (0.67); shut (0.33); bar (to raise a hide, 0.25); hide (to conceal, 0.24).
p h y sical obstruction, 0.30); bar (to S E C O N D to support; to assist (11) de­
close, 0.25); underw rite (to subscribe, fend (to support an accused person,
0.25); close (to put a stopper into, 0.15); 0.78); vindicate (to defend, 0.67); rec­
achieve (to finish an undertaking, 0.05); om m end (to lend support or approval,
mark (to make a mark, 0.05). 0.52); support (to defend, 0.50); ap­
SEA M to sew (1) sew (0.80). prove (to give approval, 0.29); promote
SEA R (13) sear (to cook by searing, 1.00); (to further, 0.29); defend (to provide
sear (to dry by searing, 1.00); cook general protection, 0.26); subscribe (to
(0.83); fry (0.78); broil (0.75); cauterize give personal support, 0.25); support
(0.67); bite (to cut or corrode, 0.65); (to uphold, 0.09); help (to aid, 0.08);
b um (to subject to fire, 0.55); harden encourage (to give support, 0.03).
(to toughen, 0.54); barbecue (0.50); S E C R E T E to keep secret (5) secrete (to
char (0.50); singe (0.50); heat (to m ake hide, 1.00); hide (to conceal, 0.52);
hot, 0.20). conceal (0.50); bury (to cover, 0.33);
S E A R C E (1) sift (to put through a sieve, em bow el (to bury, 0.25).
0 .20). S E C R E T E to produce by m eans o f se­
S E A R C H (15) search (1.00); pry (to en­ cretion (6) secrete (to perspire, 1.00);
d eav o ur to discover, 0.93); explore em it (to discharge, 0.84); exude (0.75);
(0.80); experim ent (to investigate sci­ p ersp ire (0.75); sw eat (to perspire,
entifically, 0.76); forage (0.75); nose 0.71); excrete (0.53).
(0.75); question (to ask, 0.57); spy (to S E C T IO N (2) paragraph (0.67); divide (to
act as a spy, 0.57); delve (0.50); rum ­ separate by parting, 0.65).
m age (0.50); paw (to scrape w ith the S E C U R E (52) secure (to fasten, 1.00); se­
front foot, 0.38); hunt (to try to find, cure (to obtain, 1.00); secure (to pro­
0.35); ferret (0.33); range (to traverse tect, 1.00); defend (to provide general
w ide areas, 0.31); plumb (0.25). protection, 0.89); hire (to employ, 0.83);
SEA SO N (7) flavour (0.80); harden (to s u c c e e d (to a tta in su c c e ss, 0.79);
toughen, 0.77); preserve (to keep, 0.65); patent (0.78); fasten (to make som e­
keep (to retain, 0.50); salt (to flavour thing secure, 0.76); appropriate (to
w ith salt, 0.50); baste (to dress m eat seize, 0.75); bind (to hold together or
in place, 0.75); ensure (0.75); guard (to (to b e g in to c o m p re h e n d , 0 .5 0 );
protect, 0.75); nail (to fasten w ith nails, understand (to com prehend, 0.44); rec­
0.75); order (to authorize a purchase, ognize (to know again, 0.21); regard (to
0.75); tether (0.75); batten (0.67); ob­ look at, 0.21); distinguish (to m ake
tain (to gain possession, 0.56); anchor distinctions, 0.13).
(to m ake fast, 0.50); clinch (to attach, S E E D (7) seed (1.00); sow (0.88); list (to
0.50); establish (to m ake secure, 0.50); cultivate with a lister, 0.50); plant (0.50);
gird (to encircle, 0.50); guarantee (to spatter (0.27); cultivate (to plant, 0.25);
certify, 0.50); procure (0.50); stabilize distribute (to scatter, 0.25).
(to fix, 0.50); hold (to have in o n e’s S E E K (14) seek (to look for, 1.00); seek
grasp, 0.48); reap (to gain, 0.44); seize (to try, 1.00); seek (to find out, 1.00);
(to take by force, 0.44); arrest (to seize jo in (to enter the com pany of, 0.90);
legally, 0.42); shelter (0.39); harbour (to pry (to endeavour to discover, 0.87);
protect, 0.33); plug (0.33); organize (to pursue (to chase, 0.86); desire (to re­
form an organization, 0.31); bind (to quest, 0.67); ferret (0.67); scour (to
constrain w ith bonds, 0.28); chain (to search, 0.67); question (to ask, 0.64);
fasten, 0.25); collect (to obtain funds, follow (to hunt, 0.50); chase (0.25); try
0.25); em bed (to fix, 0.25); extract (to (to endeavour, 0.22); explore (0.20).
elicit, 0.25); fix (to m ake firm , 0.25); S E E M to be suitable; to have semblance
forfend (0.25); hook (to catch on a hook, (1) seem (1.00).
0.25); make (to acquire, 0.25); peg (0.25); S E E M to reconcile; to ratify (2) do (to
posit (to place, 0.25); take (to acquire, conduct oneself, 0.67); act (to conduct
0.25); pan (to obtain gold, 0.22); earn oneself, 0.50).
(to receive in paym ent, 0.20); harness S E E P (7) seep (1.00); filter (to soak slowly,
(0.13); prom ise (to give o n e ’s w ord, 0.92); ooze (0.75); trickle (0.56); drop
0 .1 2 ); yo k e (0.11); en slav e (0.06); (to fall in drops, 0.50); bubble (0.40);
m aintain (to keep ready for use, 0.05); penetrate (to perm eate, 0.25).
receive (to take into o n e’s charge, 0.04). SEE SA W (6) teeter (0.91); shuttle (0.67);
SED A TE (1) ease (to relieve o f pain, 0.67). w aver (0.64); alternate (to fluctuate,
SED U C E (10) seduce (1.00); tempt (0.86); 0.55); totter (to be near falling, 0.46);
attack (to assault (o f an individual), w ave (to m ove back and forth, 0.29).
0.80); influence (0.80); ravish (to rape, S E E T H E (11) seethe (1.00); sim m er (to
0.75); disarm (to persuade, 0.67); have be angry, 0.75); sim m er (to boil, 0.75);
(to have sexual intercourse w ith ,0.67); heat (to becom e hot, 0.56); boil (to
fascinate (0.65); trap (0.50); rape (0.15). subject to boiling, 0.50); heat (to make
S E E (13) see (to perceive w ith the eye, hot, 0.45); rage (to give vent to anger,
1.00); see (to understand, 1.00); see (to 0.36); hiss (to m ake a hissing sound,
w itness, 1.00); w atch (to be attentive, 0.25); m iff (to frown, 0.25); stew (to boil,
0.86); w itness (0.83); glance (to look, 0.25); cook (0.24).
0.75); read (to understand by reading, S E G M E N T (1) divide (to separate by
0.58); seize (to comprehend, 0.50); wake parting, 0.53).
S EG R EG A T E (8) segregate (1.00); bar (to decide (0.12); com mission (0.03).
obstruct by refusal, 0.64); discrim inate S E L L (5) sell (to convey for a considera­
(to be (ra cia lly ) p re ju d ic e d , 0.50); tion, 1.00); sell (to betray, 1.00); liqui­
classify (0.40); sequester (to set apart, date (to ch an g e into m oney, 0.75);
0.33); separate (to keep apart, 0.29); transfer (to assign, 0.50); give (to trans­
com pare (to exam ine on a com parative fer, 0.41).
basis, 0.21); divide (to separate by part­ S E M A P H O R E (1) signal (0.50).
ing, 0.06). SEN D (11) send (to dispatch, 1.00);send
SEIN E (1) fish (0.78). (to deliver, 1.00); send (to project, 1.00);
S E IZ E (23) seize (to grasp, 1.00); seize send (to broadcast, usually electroni­
(to take by force, 1.00); seize (to com ­ cally, 1.00); com m ission (0.97); ship
prehend, 1.00); rape (0.90); understand (0.86); drive (to m anage a propelled
(to com prehend, 0.88); tackle (0.80); vehicle, 0.79); channel (0.50); discharge
adopt (to take as o n e ’s ow n, 0.77); (to remove, 0.50); sling (to throw, 0.50);
assum e (to take, 0.75); capture (to take com m it (to entrust, 0.32).
into legal custody, 0.75); hug (0.61); SEN SE (9) feel (to experience, 0.91); taste
ransack (to loot, 0.58); dow n (0.57); (to recognize by flavour, 0.75); take (to
apprehend (to arrest, 0.50); bag (0.50); experience, 0.67); understand (to com­
preem pt (0.50); sequester (to take over, preh en d , 0.65); p erceiv e (to under­
0.50); receive (to take into one’s charge, stand, 0.50); feel (to believe, 0.40);
0.48); abduct (0.33); arrest (to seize le­ ab so rb (to tak e in m entally, 0.25);
gally, 0.33); fine (0.31); twitch (to pluck, a s s im ila te (to u n d e rs ta n d , 0 .2 5 );
0.27); reach (to extend a part o f the discover (to find, 0.19).
body to, 0.25); ravage (0.10). S E N S IT IZ E (1) sensitize (1.00).
S E L E C T (24) select (1.00); appoint (0.75); S E N T E N C E (7) sentence (1.00); punish
designate (to appoint, 0.75); draft (to (0.83); condem n (to send to punish­
select for military service, 0.75); screen ment, 0.78); convict (0.75); jail (0.50);
(to choose, 0.75); adopt (to take as a dam n (to consign to hell, 0.21); judge
son or daughter, 0.73); edit (to prepare (to pass judgem ent, 0.20).
for publication, 0.71); recruit (to raise SEPA RA TE (42) separate (to cause to part,
troops, 0.71); cull (to choose, 0.67); 1.00); separate (to keep apart, 1.00); sepa­
pick (to choose, 0.67); take (to choose, rate (to part company, 1.00); separate (to
0.67); delegate (to give authority to classify, 1.00); cut (to sever, 0.97); disin­
another, 0.65); assign (to delegate to a tegrate (to break up, 0.92); retire (to draw
specific purpose, 0.56); excerpt (0.50); away, 0.89); divorce (0.83); contrast (to
m ak e (to ap p o in t, 0.50); guess (to indicate a contrast, 0.75); detach (0.75);
choose rightly on little or no evidence, disconnect (0.75); disjoin (0.75); estrange
0.33); hire (to employ, 0.29); elect (0.25); (to withdraw, 0.75); part (to put apart,
extract (to cite, 0.25); gather (to choose, 0.75); sunder (0.75); unwind (to undo,
0.25); nam e (to appoint, 0.25); distin­ 0.75); analyze (to subject to analysis,
gu ish (to m ake d istin ctio n s, 0.19); 0.71); liberate (to free from chemical or
p h y s ic a l r e s tra in t, 0 .7 0 ); d is p e rs e (0.64); act ( to perform an action, 0.56);
(0.67); sequester (to set apart, 0.67); do (to suffice, 0.50); purvey (0.50);
am putate (0.57); pan (to obtain gold, bring (to initiate a legal action, 0.45);
0.56); thrash (to free grain or seed from obey (to act in accordance with orders,
hulls, 0.56); ab stract (to take aw ay, 0.43); appease (to satisfy, 0.33); enlist
0.50); dissolve (to disintegrate, 0.50); (to enroll oneself, 0.33); satisfy (to
distinguish (to m ake distinctions, 0.50); fulfill, 0.29); aid (0.25); assist (to assist,
diverge (to m ove in different directions 0.25); suffice (0.25); work (to function,
from the sam e source, 0.50); alienate 0.25); obey (to act in accordance with
(0.43); choose (to select, 0.43); insulate a recognized principle, 0.18); tend (to
(0.38); d ifferen tiate (to distin g u ish , watch over, 0.14); feed (0.03).
0.33); discrim inate (to differentiate, S E R V IC E (3) service (1.00); fuel (0.25);
0.33); pick (to choose, 0.33); compare (to adjust (to place or regulate parts, 0.04).
exam ine on a com parative basis, 0.29); S E T (44) set (to place, 1.00); set (to
cut (to divide, 0.25); disunite (to discon­ establish, 1.00); set (to becom e firm,
nect, 0.25); scatter (to cause to separate, 1.00); set (to value, 1.00); set (to fasten,
0.25); skim (to remove the top; especially, 1.00); set (to start, 1.00); set (to brood,
to remove cream, 0.20); filter (to clean by 1.00); b ro o d (to hatch, 0.83); plant
filtering, 0.10); rem ove (to m ove physi­ (0.83); balance (to place in balance,
cally, 0.10); m angle (to mutilate, 0.09); 0.82); bait (to provide with a lure, 0.80);
break (to start a rupture, 0.05). congeal (to solidify as by freezing or
S E Q U E S T E R (6) sequester (to set apart, curdling, 0.75); crimp (to curl, 0.75); jell
1.00); sequester (to take over, 1.00); (0.75); posit (to place, 0.75); put (to
sequester (to seclude, 1.00); separate place, 0.75); solidify (to harden, 0.75);
(to keep apart, 0.57); com m andeer (to form (to take form, 0.71); com pose (to
seize for public use, 0.50); banish (to prepare for printing, 0.67); establish (to
condem n to exile, 0.38). w ork or settle in a perm anent place,
SEQ U E ST R A T E (1) fine (0.38). 0.67); w ave (to set hair, 0.67); define
S E R M O N IZ E (2) moralize (0.75); address (to set limits, 0.66); heal (to cure, 0.61);
(to speak to an assem bly, 0.09). adjust (to place or regulate parts, 0.50);
S E R V E (28) serve (to fulfill an obliga­ clot (0.50); fix (to harden, 0.50); harmo­
tion, 1.00); serve (to w ork for, 1.00); nize (to render harm onic, 0.50); scatter
serve (to help, 1.00); serve (to serve at (to seed, 0.50); stiff (to grow stiff, 0.50);
tab le, 1.00); se rv e (to obey, 1.00); turn (to point, 0.50); w ait (to attend at
operate (to be in operation, 0.90); w ait table, 0.44); fasten (to make something
(to attend at table, 0.89); accom m odate secure, 0.37); com m and (to issue an
(to ren d e r a se rv ic e, 0.81); b en e fit order, 0.36); harden (to becom e less
(0.75); last (to be sufficient, 0.75); rep­ penetrable, 0.35); operate (to carry on
resent (to act as a delegate, 0.75); fol­ a surgical procedure, 0.29); thicken (to
low (to be a follow er, 0.67); copulate becom e thicker, 0.27); hone (0.25); lay
(to place, 0.25); preordain (0.25); place low er level, 0.33); spend (to expend,
(to put in a place, 0.17); enact (to legis­ 0.32); organize (to put in order, 0.30);
la te, 0 .1 1 ); te m p e r (to to u g h e n or verify (0.27); rest (to take o n e’s rest,
harden, 0.11); form (to give shape to a 0.26); abide (to reside, 0.25); conclude
thing, 0.08); regulate (to adjust, 0.05). (to determ ine, 0.25); confirm (to ratify,
S E T T L E (67) settle (to prove, 1.00);settle 0.25); decline (to sink slowly, 0.25);
(to f in is h , 1 .0 0 ) ;s e ttle (to sin k , defray (0.25); encam p (0.25); plant
1.00);settle (to cause to sink, 1.00); (0.25); put (to place, 0.25); land (to bring
settle (to quiet, 1.00); settle (to establish an airplane to earth, 0.20); spread (to
residence, 1.00); settle (to take up sed­ becom e spread, 0.20); dip (to fall, 0.17);
entary life, 1.00); settle (to satisfy a cover (to place as a covering, 0.14);
claim , 1 .0 0 );a d ju st (to b rin g to an conform (0.13); light (to com e to rest
agreement, 0.95); decide (0.94); descend from flight or travel, 0.09); sink (to go
(to m ove low er, 0.92); fall (to pass dow nw ard, 0.09); crow n (to em power
quickly downward, 0.86); collect (to ar­ with a crown, 0.04); form (to give shape
ran g e se ttle m e n t o f a deb t, 0 .8 0 ); to a thing, 0.04); give (to transfer, 0.04).
resolve (0.80); define (to set limits, S E V E R (16) sever (1.00); amputate (0.86);
0.79); repair (0.78); dispose (0.75); end divide (to separate by parting, 0.84);
(to bring to a conclusion, 0.75); liqui­ cleave (to split, 0.75); shear (0.75);
date (to pay, 0.75); secure (to fasten, u n c o u p le (0 .7 5 ); b rea k (to start a
0.75); place (to put in a place, 0.72); rupture, 0.63); cut (to divide, 0.50); rend
h ard en (to b ecom e less p en etrab le, (0 .5 0 ); sp re a d (to se p arate , 0.50);
0.71); redeem (to recover through a segregate (0.33); crack (to cause to
paym ent, 0.69); decrease (to grow less, crack, 0.25); part (to put apart, 0.25);
0 .68); determ ine (to resolve, 0.67); slash (0.25); disintegrate (to break up,
droop (0.67); accom m odate (to render 0.15); scatter (to cause to separate,
a service, 0.66); achieve (to finish an 0.06).
undertaking, 0.65); form (to take form, S E W to fasten; to attach; to jo in (4) sew
0.64); pay (to give payment, 0.63); regu­ (1.00); w eave (to construct by interlac­
late (to adjust, 0.63); prepare (to m ake ing, 0.91); repair (0.37); tack (to fasten
o n e s e lf re a d y , 0 .6 1 ); b a la n c e (to lightly, 0.25).
d em o nstrate balance, 0.59); end (to S H A C K L E to p u t a sh a ck le on (9)
bring to a halt, 0.59); prove (0.59); dis­ shackle (1.00); bind (to constrain with
charge (to pay a debt, 0.50); fix (to bonds, 0.97); tram m el (0.83); hinder
decide, 0.50); quarter (to provide liv­ (0.82); chain (to bind, 0.67); fetter (to
ing quarters, 0.50); negotiate (to m ake bind, 0.67); hogtie (0.33); hobble (to
arrangem ents for, 0.47); order (to put restrict, 0.25); enslave (0.03).
in order, 0.47); rank (to evaluate, 0.47); S H A D E (9) shade (to intercept direct
stop (to cease, 0.47); dw ell (0.43); es­ rays, 1.00); shade (to make darker, 1.00);
tablish (to w ork or settle in a perm a­ shade (to become darker, 1.00); hide (to
nent place, 0.40); depress (to bring to a c o n c e a l, 0 .6 0 ); c h a n g e (to m ak e
different, 0.55); m easure (to apply a disgrace (0.92); m ortify (0.75); soil (to
standard o f m easurem ent, 0.46); defeat disgrace, 0.75); sully (to defame, 0.75);
(to w o rs t in s p o rt o r in p e r s o n a l hum iliate (0.67); em barrass (to upset
com bat, 0.45); colour (to im part colour mentally, 0.06).
to, 0.38); paint (to represent by pain t­ S H A M P O O (1) clean (0.15).
ing, 0.33). SH A N G H A I (2) steal (0.54); kidnap (0.36).
S H A D O W (12) shadow (to shade, 1.00); S H A P E (23) shape (to give shape, 1.00);
shadow (to follow secretly, 1.00); loom shape (to take shape, 1.00); machine
(to appear large or im posing, 0.78); (0.83); cast (to form in a m ould, 0.75);
obscure (to dim, 0.75); overshadow (to contour (0.75); m odel (to form, 0.75);
shade, 0.75); shade (to m ake darker, chip (0.73); whittle (to cut, 0.57); knead
0.58); hunt (to pursue w ith intent to (0 .5 6 ); p la n (to p lo t an a c tio n in
kill, 0.57); blind (to obscure, 0.50); advance, 0.56); train (to direct growth,
darken (to m ake darker, 0.50); shade (to 0.53); change (to make different, 0.52);
intercept direct rays, 0.50); hide (to fashion (to m ould, 0.50); m anipulate
conceal, 0.38); pursue (to chase, 0.29). (0.50); round (to m ake round, 0.43);
S H A K E (24) shake (to vibrate, 1.00); carve (to form by cutting, 0.42); arch
shake (to cause to vibrate, 1.00); ja r (0.38); m anufacture (to make a product,
(to cause to trem ble, 0.94); w obble 0.36); create (to make, 0.27); influence
(0.93); totter (to be near falling, 0.92); (0.26); spin (to make by spinning, 0.25);
disturb (to upset mental calm, 0.85); wag m anicure (0.14); plan (to arrange in a
(0.83); pan (to obtain gold, 0.78); bran­ prelim inary way, 0.13).
dish (0.75); jiggle (0.75); shock (to jar, S H A R E to apportion as share (7) share
0.75); wave (to flutter, 0.67); wield (0.64); (to divide, 1.00); share (to partake, 1.00);
beat (to pulsate, 0.63); flourish (to w ave share (to give, 1.00); contribute (to
trium phantly, 0.63); trill (0.60); rock give, 0.93); distribute (to allot, 0.84);
(0.57); jum p (to vibrate, 0.53); perk (to participate (to take part in, 0.83); recip­
cheer or refresh, 0.50); rage (to give rocate (to vacillate, 0.75).
vent to anger, 0.50); flop (to m ove w ith S H A R P E N (10) sharpen (to m ake keen,
little control, 0.48); call (to arouse, 0.25); 1.00); sharpen (to m ake m ore exact,
w ake (to w aken another, 0.25); w iggle 1.00); heighten (to increase, 0.75); in­
(0.25). tensify (0.69); increase (to add to, 0.54);
S H A L L (2) will (an indication o f futurity, exercise (to use, 0.36); adjust (to place
0.86); m ay (to concede possibility, 0.50). or reg u la te p arts, 0.31); strengthen
SH A M (4) pretend (to feign, 0.69); sim u­ (0.28); file (to use an abrasive, 0.25);
late (0.52); dissemble (to pretend, 0.50); sensitize (0.25).
m aneuver (0.12). S H A R P S H O O T (1) shoot (to discharge,
S H A M B L E to go w ith an aw kw ard gait 0.30).
(3) sham ble (1.00); loiter (0.59); lag (to S H A T T E R (12) shatter (1.00); smash
m ove w ithout spirit, 0.08). (0.90); open (to m ake an opening, 0.83);
SH A M E (8) shame (1.00); hum ble (0.96); crash (to b re a k into p ie ce s, 0.75);
ravage (0.63); explode (to burst, 0.62); intercept direct rays, 0.67); wrap (to
b last (to ruin, 0.60); destroy (to bring conceal in a wrapper, 0.20); hide (to
to nothing, 0.51); break (to fall apart, conceal, 0.05).
0.50); dash (to break against, 0.50); S H E L V E to p o stp o n e ; to d efeat (4)
splinter (0.50); break (to blow up, 0.25). shelve (to postpone, 1.00); suspend (to
SHA V E (9) shave (to rem ove a shaving, cease temporarily, 0.50); defer (to post­
1.00); shave (to rem ove hair, 1.00); trim pone, 0.33); w aive (0.23).
(to cut o ff excess, 0.82); w hittle (to S H E L V E to slope gradually (1) shelve
reduce slowly, 0.50); decrease (to m ake (to arrange, 1.00).
less, 0.40); whittle (to cut, 0.29); shear S H E P H E R D (3) com mand (to have con­
(0.25); undergo (0.18); cut (to sever, 0.08). trol, 0.14); guard (to watch over, 0.13);
S H E A R (7) shear (1.00); shave (to remove lead (to conduct, 0.06).
a shaving, 0.80); shingle (0.75); cut (to S H IE L D (9) shield (1.00); defend (to keep
sever, 0.70); trim (to cut o ff excess, off an enemy, often f i g ., 0.88); cover
0.45); top (to rem ove the top, 0.13); (to protect, 0.75); protect (0.75); hide
chip (0.03). (to conceal, 0.62); guard (to protect,
SH E A T H E (7) sheathe (1.00); muzzle (to 0.50); preserve (to guard, 0.50); shelter
fasten a muzzle upon, 0.75); overspread (0.44); oppose (to fight, 0.18).
(0.50); w rap (to conceal in a w rapper, S H IF T (30) shift (to change position,
0.50); swaddle (0.25); line (to provide a 1.00); shift (to cause to shift, 1.00); shift
lining, 0.20); w ad (0.17). (to put in gear, 1.00); becom e (to come
S H E D to set apart (11) shed (1.00); radi­ to be, 0.75); m ove (to be in motion,
ate (to send forth from a centre, 0.93); 0.68); reverse (to turn, 0.67); grow (to
drop (to cause or to perm it to fall, 0.87); change slow ly, 0.64); evade (to use
em it (to discharge, 0.69); flake (0.67); trickery to avoid a sharp issue, 0.58);
scatter (to cause to separate, 0.50); turn (to reverse, 0.56); change (to make
dism iss (to send away, 0.47); discard different, 0.51); exchange (to replace
(0.44); skin (0.44); em pty (to cause to one thing w ith another, 0.50); slip
becom e empty, 0.38); rid (0.25). (0.50); switch (0.50); w ander (to speak
S H E D to ro o f over (1) overflow (to flow - or think incoherently, 0.50); rearrange
over the top, or out at a vent, 0.79). (0.43); carry (to transport, 0.40); turn
S H E E R to turn aside (2) tack (to steer an (to divert, 0.40); contrive (to succeed
oblique course, 0.50); veer (0.23). w ith difficulty, 0.38); alternate (to fluc­
S H E L L (5) shell (1.00); bomb (0.86); raid tuate, 0.36); rem ove (to m ove physi­
(0 .8 3 ); attack (to fig h t o ffe n siv e ly cally, 0.35); push (to m ove by pushing,
(army), 0.61); war (0.36). 0.33); shovel (0.33); tack (to steer an
S H E L L A C (1) varnish (0.82). oblique course, 0.30); tilt (to incline,
S H E L T E R (7) shelter (1.00); defend (to 0.27); reverse (to exchange, 0.25); tip
keep o ff an enemy, often fig. , 0.82); (0.25); transfer (to carry, 0.25); hesitate
harbour (to protect, 0.67); quarter (to (0.19); m aneuver (0.18); lighten (to
provide living quarters, 0.67); shade (to m ake lighter, 0.12).
S H IM M E R (11) shim m er (1.00); gleam break (to shatter, 0.67); crash (to break
(0.75); twinkle (0.75); glisten (0.50); glit­ into pieces, 0.50); grind (to pulverize,
ter (0.50); gloss (0.50); shine (to give 0.13); chip (0.10).
forth light, 0.43); flash (to give forth a S H O C K to collide; to clash together (13)
light by flash, 0.41); glimmer (0.25); blink shock (to disturb o n e ’s se lf control,
(to tw inkle, 0.20); radiate (to shed light 1.00); shock (to disturb o n e’s sense o f
or heat, 0.15). propriety, 1.00); shock (to jar, 1.00);
S H IM M Y (3) wiggle (0.38); waggle (0.33); asto n ish (0 .7 5 ); elec trify (to affect
wag (0.17). deeply, 0.75); terrify (0.75); frighten (to
S H IN (1) shin (1.00). alarm, 0.74); surprise (to amaze, 0.74);
S H IN E (8) shine (to give forth light, scandalize (0.61); astound (0.50); gal­
1.00); shine (to reflect light, 1.00); shine vanize (to startle, 0.50); startle (0.50);
(to cause to shine, usually by polish­ disgust (0.29).
ing, 1.00); w ash (to bathe, 0.75); reflect
S H O C K to arrange (sheaves) in a shock
(to throw back an im age, 0.67); rub (to
. (1) heap (to place in a heap, 0.04).
subject to friction, 0.41); flash (to give
S H O O T (20) shoot (to discharge, 1.00);
forth a light by flash, 0.36); thrive (to
shoot (to m ove rapidly, 1.00); shoot (to
grow vigorously, 0.09).
kill by shooting, 1.00); dart (to m ove in
S H IN G L E to cover ro o f (1) face (to put a
the m anner o f a dart, 0.94); lick (to play
face on a building, 0.23).
over; said o f flam es, 0.92); em it (to
S H IN G L E to subject to pressure (1) shin­
discharge, 0.78); hunt (to pursue with
gle (1.00).
intent to kill, 0.70); kill (to deprive o f
S H IP (4) ship (1.00); truck (to send by
truck, 0.88); send (to dispatch, 0.68); life, 0.64); sprout (0.60); inoculate (0.50);
express (to send by rapid conveyor, snipe (0.50); drive (to force with blows,
0.25). 0.33); drop (to cause or to perm it to
S H IP W R E C K (1) defeat (to worst in war, fall, 0.33); inject (to vaccinate, 0.33);
0.17). overflow (to flow over the top, or out
S H IR K (5) shirk (1.00); recoil (0.57); idle at a vent, 0.33); flash (to m ove with a
(0.33); loaf (to do nothing useful, 0.24); speed o f a flash, 0.25); sling (to throw,
disobey (0.17). 0.25); w ar (0.18); run (to go sw iftly by
S H IV E R to trem ble (11) shiver (1.00); physical effort, 0.17); race (to m ove at
twitch (to jerk, 0.89); tingle (0.83); shake great speed, 0.03).
(to vibrate, 0.76); beat (to pulsate, 0.66); S H O P (1) trade (to do business, 0.50).
trem ble (0.50); tw inge (0.50); je rk (to S H O R E to prop; to support with a prop
undergo a spasm , 0.38); quiver (0.25); (1) support (to hold up from beneath,
shudder (0.25); thrill (to become excited, 0.57).
0.10). S H O R T E N (12) shorten (1.00); abbrevi­
S H IV E R to break or split into small frag­ ate (0.80); curtail (0.75); syncopate
ments (8) break (to fall apart, 0.75); shat­ (0.75); restrict (to hold w ithin limits,
ter (0.75); sm ash (0.75); splinter (0.75); 0.73); decrease (to m ake less, 0.53);
confine (to restrict, 0.50); com press indicate, 1.00); display (to present for
(0.38); hinder (0.31); abridge (0.25); effect, 0.96); detail (to m ake clear in
dock (to clip, 0.25); summ arize (0.25). detail, 0.85); m anage (to direct, 0.78);
S H O U L D (4) have (to be obliged; used exhibit (0.75); expose (to betray, 0.75);
with infinitive, 0.75); will (an indication m anifest (to display, 0.75); point (to
o f futurity, 0.57); m ust (0.50); m ay (to indicate, 0.75); reveal (to expose, 0.75);
concede possibility, 0.25). prove (0.72); advertise (to make public,
S H O U L D E R (9) shoulder (1.00); push (to 0.68); dem onstrate (to prove, 0.67); ex­
press against, 0.43); hold (to support; pose (to endeavour to attract attention,
o ften used w ith up, 0.36); b ear (to 0.67); m odel (to dem onstrate, 0.67);
support w eight, 0.33); shove (0.33); w eigh (to have weight, 0.63); loom (to
carry (to support w eight, 0.25); jostle appear large or im posing, 0.61); argue
(0.25); support (to hold up from be­ (to e n d e a v o u r to co n v in ce , 0.59);
neath, 0.21); undertake (0.13). advertise (to solicit business, 0.57);
S H O U T (17) shout (1.00); sound (to make teach (to act as a teacher, 0.57); advise
a noise, 0.92); roar (0.88); yell (0.88); (to give counsel, 0.52); direct (to show
cry (to raise the voice, 0.75); squeal the way, 0.50); indicate (to designate,
(0.75); utter (0.71); call (to raise the 0.50); present (to display, 0.50); perform
voice, 0.67); cheer (to support w ith (to p re s e n t a p e rfo rm a n c e , 0 .4 6 );
cheers, 0.50); screech (0.50); w hoop instance (0.33); record (to indicate,
(0.50); rage (to give vent to anger, 0.33); testify (to dem onstrate, 0.33);
0.32); exclaim (0.29); baw l (to m ake a e v in c e (0 .2 5 ); ap p e a r (to b eco m e
bellow ing sound, 0.25); bellow (0.25); visible, 0.09).
laugh (0.12); com m unicate (to im part S H O W E R (11) bedew (0.75); mist (0.75);
information, 0.07). rain (0.55); cover (to send dow n in
S H O V E (13) shove (1.00); slide (to cause plenty, 0.50); drizzle (0.50); mizzle (0.50);
to slide, 0.92); push (to press against, wash (to bathe, 0.50); overflow (to flow
0.86); boost (to raise, 0.75); thrust (to over the top, or out at a vent, 0.42);
jab, 0.75); shoulder (0.67); raise (to lift, spatter (0.38); m oisten (0.35); snow
0.56); rock (0.52); impel (to press, 0.29); (0 .22).
prod (0.25); trip (to cause to stum ble, S H R E D (3) shred (1.00); fray (0.67); rip
0.20); m eet (to encounter, 0.14); drive (0.14).
(to cause to move, 0.07). S H R IE K (9) shriek (1.00); scream (0.75);
S H O V E L to take up and rem ove w ith a cry (to call (not o f hum an creatures),
shovel (4) shovel (1.00); dip (to trans­ 0.71); w hoop (0.70); laugh (0.53); yell
fer by m eans o f a vessel, 0.87); exca­ (0.46); whistle (to produce a shrill blast,
vate (0.67); scoop (0.50). 0.38); screech (0.25); sound (to make a
S H O W (34) show (to display, 1.00); show noise, 0.15).
(to e x p la in , 1 .0 0 ); sh o w (to S H R IL L (2) sound (to make a noise, 0.48);
dem onstrate, 1.00); show (to convince, yell (0.42).
1.00); show (to grant, 1.00); show (to S H R IM P (1) fish (0.44).
S H R IN K (16) shrink (LOO); contract (to S H U N (14) shun (LOO); fear (to antici­
dim inish, 0.86); recoil (0.86); w ither pate person al danger, 0.93); evade (to
(0.78); quail (0.75); recede (to go back­ use tric k ery to avoid a sharp issue,
w ard, 0.67); give (to yield under p res­ 0.85); avoid (0.75); parry (to avoid,
sure, 0.64); retreat (to retire, 0.62); fear 0.75); eschew (0.67); elude (0.50); es­
(to anticipate personal danger, 0.53); cape (0.50); hate (to detest, 0.40); ab­
quake (0.50); w ear (to be consum ed by stain (0.39); refuse (0.37); dislike (0.29);
w earing, 0.50); w ince (0.50); decrease circum vent (to avoid, 0.25); scorn (to
(to grow less, 0.47); com press (0.33); refuse as a m atter o f principle, 0.22).
shrivel (0.33); hesitate (0.16). S H U N T (4) avert (to turn away, 0.33); del­
S H R IV E (3) shrive (to absolve, 1.00); egate (to give duties to another, 0.17);
shrive (to confess, 1.00); excuse (0.04). turn (to divert, 0.13); tack (to steer an
S H R IV E L (9) shrivel (1.00); contract (to oblique course, 0.10).
dim inish, 0.95); w ither (0.89); crum ple
S H U T (4) shut (1.00); close (to put a stop­
(to becom e w rinkled, 0.75); com press
per into, 0.92); bar (to close, 0.75); end
(0.54); decrease (to grow less, 0.44);
(to bring to a halt, 0.65).
decay (0.38); w ilt (0.38); scorch (0.25).
S H U T T E R (2) fasten (to make something
S H R O U D to clothe (5) hide (to conceal,
secure, 0.65); close (to shut, 0.30).
0.98); dissemble (to disguise, 0.75); dis­
S H U T T L E (1) shuttle (LOO).
guise (0.64); wind (to wrap about, 0.60);
S H Y to take a sudden fright or aversion
w rap (to conceal in a w rapper, 0.40).
(3) deviate (0.60); w ince (0.20); fear (to
S H R U G (2) shrug (1.00); jerk (to undergo
anticipate personal danger, 0.07).
a spasm , 0.88).
S IB IL A T E (1) hiss (to m ake a hissing
S H U C K to rem ove shuck from com (4)
sound, 0.75).
shell (0.60); hull (0.50); unw rap (0.26);
S IC (1) incite (0.68).
skin (0.19).
S H U D D E R (4) shudder (1.00); twitch (to S IC K E N (11) sicken (to contract a dis­
je rk , 0.78); shake (to vibrate, 0.71); ease, LOO); sicken (to offend, 1.00);
quiver (0.50). nauseate (0.75); revolt (to repel, 0.75);
S H U F F L E (15) shuffle (to m ove w ith a gag (to retch, 0.67); turn (to nauseate,
shuffling gait, 1.00); shuffle (to mix cards, 0.67); disgust (0.57); w eary (to become
1.00); evade (to use trickery to avoid a weary, 0.11); suffer (to feel pain, 0.09);
sharp issue, 0.81); m isplace (0.81); limp w eary (to m ake weary, 0.08); decay
(0.77); juggle (to alter, usually to deceive, (0.06).
0.75); loiter (0.72); exchange (to replace S IC K L E (1) cut (to sever, 0.73).
one thing with another, 0.55); lag (to S ID E T R A C K (2) turn (to divert, 0.80);
move without spirit, 0.50); flop (to m ove avert (to turn away, 0.67).
with little control, 0.43); linger (to go re­ S ID L E to saunter (2) sidle (LOO); worm
luctantly, 0.39); d iso rg an ize (0.33); (0.33).
shamble (0.25); w obble (0.13); alternate S IE V E (2) filter (to clean by filtering, 0.60);
(to fluctuate, 0.09). w innow (0.25).
SIFT (10) sift (to evaluate, 1.00); sift (to alert (0.33); gesticulate (0.25); sign (to
put through a sieve, 1.00); hunt (to try indicate, 0.25).
to find, 0.88); filter (to clean by filter­ S IG N A L IZ E (7) signalize (1.00); distin­
ing, 0.70); examine (to inspect with care, guish (to bestow honour upon, 0.67);
0.65); dust (0.50); thrash (to free grain m ark (to designate, 0.57); m ark (to dis­
or seed from hulls, 0.33); screen (to tinguish, 0.50); transfigure (to exalt,
c h o o se , 0 .2 5 ); dig (to re m o v e by 0.25); gesture (0.20 ); celebrate (to rec­
digging, 0.10); distinguish (to m ake ognize an occasion, 0.19).
distinctions, 0.06). S IG N IF Y (15) signify (1.00); name (to in­
S IG H (6) sigh (1.00); m ourn (to lam ent, dicate by nam e, 0.83); m ean (to have
0.64); purr (0.50); sough (0.50); breathe as m eaning, 0.78); be (to m ean, 0.75);
(to draw breath, 0.30); rustle (0.15). m atter (to be o f im portance, 0.67); de­
S IG H T (4) direct (to aim a weapon, 0.75); note (0.50); intend (to m ean, 0.50);
recognize (to know again, 0.71); aim (to prefigure (0.50); sign (to indicate, 0.50);
point a weapon, 0.22); discover (to find, sym bolize (0.50); m ark (to designate,
0.13). 0.43); represent (to serve as an equiv­
SIG N to m ark; to put a seal; to fix (20) alent, 0.36); hint (0.27); express (to give
sign (to authorize, 1.00); sign (to indi­ utterance, 0.25); imply (to mean, 0.25).
cate, 1.00); sign (to consecrate, 1.00); S IL E N C E (12) silence (1.00); hush (0.86);
sign (to hire, 1.00); endorse (to inscribe quiet (to m ake silent, 0.85); gag (to
on e’s nam e, 0.86); nod (to m ake a nod­ forbid expression to, 0.75); mute (0.75);
d ing m o v em en t, 0.86); p a n to m im e confute (0.67); humble (0.64); pacify (to
(0.80); w rite (to set dow n in w riting, quiet, 0.50); quell (to subdue, 0.33);
0.78); approve (to give approval, 0.77); throttle (0.25); defeat (to get the better
in d o rse (0.75); u n d erw rite (to su b ­ o f another, 0.17); hinder (0.11).
scribe, 0.75); let (to aw ard; said espe­ S IL H O U E T T E (1) draw (to make a like­
cially o f contacts, 0.67); mark (to make ness by draw ing, 0.17).
a m ark, 0.59); check (to m ark, 0.50); S IL V E R (2) whiten (to make white, 0.40);
notarize (0.50); sum m on (to call, 0.44); plate (0.27).
bless (to call the blessing o f G od upon, S IM M E R (10) sim m er (to boil, 1.00);
0.33); volunteer (to offer o n e ’s serv­ sim m er (to be angry, 1.00); cook (0.85);
ices, 0.33); beckon (0.25); achieve (to coddle (to cook gently, 0.75); seethe
finish an undertaking, 0.08). (0.75); stew (to boil, 0.75); boil (to
S IG N A L (14) signal (1.00); warn (0.93); continue at a boiling point, 0.67); parboil
w histle (to call w ith a w histle, 0.86); (0.67); swelter (0.50); bubble (0.45).
nod (to m ake a nodding m ovem ent, S IM P E R to sm ile; to smirk; to whimper
0.79); beckon (0.75); flag (0.67); hail (to (3) sim per (1.00); grin (0.50); smile
call to, 0.67); gesture (0.60); sum m on (0.50).
(to call, 0.56); honk (0.43); w ave (to S IM P L IF Y (3) simplify (1.00); facilitate
give an alternating m ovem ent, 0.43); (0.25); adulterate (0.06).
SIM U L A TE (13) simulate (1.00); pretend becom e exhausted, 0.27); fade (to di­
(to feign, 0.88); invent (to fabricate, m inish in sound, 0.25); fail (to grow
0.78); counterfeit (to pretend, 0.75); less, 0.25); slum p (to decline, 0.25);
feign (0.75); act (to take part in a play, defeat (to w orst in war, 0.19); decay
0.67); imitate (to resemble, 0.67); imitate (0.18).
(to m im ic, 0.57); fake (0.50); m im ic (to SIN U A TE (1) coil (0.33).
imitate, 0.50); portray (to imitate, 0.50); S IP (4) sip (1.00); taste (to taste by the
dissem ble (to pretend, 0.25); disguise tongue, 0.86); drink (to sw allow liquid,
(0.09). 0.50); touch (to be in contact, 0.09).
S IM U L C A S T (1) broadcast (to transm it S IP H O N (1) draw (to m ove an object,
electronically, 0.15). 0.18).
SIN (3) sin (1.00); misbehave (0.90); trans­ S IR E (4) propagate (to beget, 0.60); be­
gress (0.86). get (0.50); breed (to procreate, 0.25);
S IN G to produce vocal m usic (9) sing reproduce (to multiply, 0.20).
(to produce vocal m usic, 1.00); sing (to S IT (8) sit (to assum e a sitting posture,
produce a sound suggestive o f sing­ 1.00); sit (to lie, 1.00); sit (to hold an
ing, 1.00); sing (to w rite poetry, 1.00); assem blage, 1.00); pose (to assum e a
w hine (0.92); sound (to m ake a noise, pose for a picture, 0.75); posture (0.75);
0.90); twitter (0.86); poetize (0.50); purr m o d el (to serv e as a m odel, 0.50);
(0.33); w orship (to p erfo rm acts o f bestride (0.25); brood (to hatch, 0.17).
worship, 0.12). S IT U A T E (2) situate (1.00); place (to put
S IN G E (6) singe (1.00); fry (0.67); bum in a place, 0.11).
(to subject to fire, 0.50); cauterize (0.33); S IZ E to regulate; to control; to state the
char (0.25); heat (to m ake hot, 0.18). size (2) scale (to m easure, 0.50); clas­
S IN K (32) sink (to go dow nw ard, 1.00); sify (0.02).
sink (to cause to sink, 1.00); sink (to S IZ E to cover; to sm ear; to prepare; to
incline, 1.00); sink (to w eaken, 1.00); treat (2) varn ish (0.65); sift (to put
sin k (to d eterio rate, 1.00); sink (to through a sieve, 0.30).
decrease, 1.00); fall (to pass quickly S IZ Z L E (4) sizzle (1.00); frizzle (0.75);
downward, 0.96); lean (to incline, 0.83); w ash (to launder, 0.20); fry (0.11).
die (to decline as though death w ere S K A T E (2) skate (1.00); slide (to move
inevitable , 0.72); decrease (to grow w ith a sliding m otion, 0.75).
less, 0.71); dent (0.71); m ope (0.69): S K E T C H (14) sketch (to draw, 1.00);
bury (to embed, 0.67); weary (to becom e sketch (to plan, 1.00); draw (to m ake a
weary, 0.67); descend (to m ove lower, likeness by draw ing, 0.96); paint (to
0 .64); ebb (0.64); disap p ear (0.60); represent by painting, 0.87); plan (to
w reck (to shipw reck, 0.60); decline (to arrange in a prelim inary way, 0.81);
become weaker, 0.50); dip (to fall, 0.50); m odel (to im itate a m odel, 0.75); out­
dive (0.50); drill (to bore, 0.50); subside line (to draw, 0.75); picture (to depict,
(0.50); em bed (to put in, 0.40); drop (to 0.75); plot (to plan, 0.75); trace (to draw,
fall in drops, 0.38); droop (0.33); tire (to 0.75); copy (to reproduce, 0.33); design
(to plan in a prelim inary way, 0.33); be in a line, 0.30); circuit (0.17).
outline (to plan, 0.33); draft (to m ake a S K IT T E R to hurry about (2) run (to go
rough plan, 0.25). sw iftly by physical effort, 0.79); dance
SK ID to run or go quickly (3) skid (1.00); (to m ove in a gay manner, 0.60).
skate (0.29); slide (to m ove w ith a S K IV E to split or cut into slices (1) cut
sliding motion, 0.25). (to sever, 0.43).
S K IM (16) skim (to pass lightly and S K U L K (4) skulk (LOO); sneak (0.91); hide
swiftly, 1.00); skim (to rem ove the top; (to k eep o n e s e lf co n c ea le d , 0.44);
especially, to remove cream, 1.00); skim am bush (0.33).
(to read swiftly, 1.00); remove (to move S K Y R O C K E T (1) rocket (0.43).
physically, 0.90); browse (0.80); race (to S L A C K (2) idle (0.67); loaf (to do noth­
m ove at great speed, 0.68); slide (to ing useful, 0.29).
m ove with a sliding motion, 0.63); glide S L A C K E N (9) slacken (1.00); slow (to
(to m ove gently, 0.62); skate (0.57); becom e slower, 0.86); delay (to cause a
g lan ce (to rico ch et, 0.42); read (to delay, 0.82); check (to slacken the pace,
understand by reading, 0.42); sail (to 0.65); decrease (to grow less, 0.62);
fly, 0.40); shave (to rem ove a shaving, loosen (to becom e loose, 0.33); loiter
0.40); peruse (to read, 0.33); hasten (to (0.24); lag (to move slowly, 0.20); quiet
m ake haste, 0.17); dart (to m ove in the (to make calm, 0.07).
m anner o f a dart, 0.12). S L A K E to appease (1) quench (to sat­
S K IM P (3) scrim p (0.25); econom ize isfy, 0.75).
(0.22); neglect (to fail to attend to re­ SLA M (8) slam (to shut with a slam, 1.00);
sponsibilities , 0.15). slam (to throw with a slam, 1.00); close
S K IN (2) skin (1.00); defeat (to w orst in (to shut, 0.90); bum p (to m ake a bump­
sport or in personal com bat, 0.38). ing sound, 0.59); bang (to beat, 0.50);
S K IP to spring; to leap (16) skip (1.00); clap (to strike, 0.25); sound (to make a
glance (to ricochet, 0.92); dance (to noise, 0.21); ja r (to cause to tremble,
m ove in a gay manner, 0.90); trip (to 0.18).
step lightly, 0.75); hasten (to m ake S L A N D E R (6) slander (LOO); affront
haste, 0.63); jum p (to pass over, 0.57); (0.75); scandalize (0.68); slur (to dis­
glide (to m ove gently, 0.54); bounce (to credit, 0.33); depreciate (to lower in
rebound, 0.50); frisk (0.50); neglect (to reputation, 0.30); accuse (0.28).
fail to attend to responsibilities , 0.46); S L A N T (10) slant (1.00); lean (to incline,
jitterbug (0.33); jum p (to leap across or 0.91); tilt (to incline, 0.91); repose (to
up, 0.31); jum p (to vibrate, 0.27); elide recline, 0.75); sink (to incline, 0.75); tip
(to suppress, 0.25); play (to gam bol, (0.75); list (to lean, 0.50); incline (to
0.18); forget (to neglect accidentally, cause to lean or bend, 0.25); stoop (to
0.13). bow or bend, 0.25); dip (to fall, 0.22).
S K IR M IS H (2) oppose (to fight, 0.70); S L A P to sm ack; to hit (14) slap (LOO);
fight (to engage in an encounter, 0.28). hit (to strike, 0.87); hurt (to cause pain,
S K IR T (3) jo in (to adjoin, 0.33); line (to 0.85); buffet (0.75); cuff (0.75); smack
(to hit smartly, 0.75); beat (to thrash, 0.23); break (to start a rupture, 0.16).
0.70); bum p (to m ake a bum ping sound, S L ID E (14) slide (to m ove with a sliding
0.68); clap (to strike, 0.50); fillip (to rap m otion, 1.00); slide (to cause to slide,
sharply, 0.50); thum p (0.44); paw (to 1.00); descend (to m ove lower, 0.96);
handle clumsily, 0.25); spat (0.25); sw at flow (to m ove in one direction, 0.86);
(0.25). skate (0.86); glide (to m ove gently,
S L A S H (12) slash (1.00); chip (0.97); cut 0.85); glance (to ricochet, 0.83); swoop
(to cu t in to , 0 .8 4 ); b ite (to cu t or ( 0 .7 5 ) ; tr ip (to s tu m b le , 0 .6 4 );
corrode, 0.82); lacerate (to tear, 0.75); syncopate (0.50); glide (to m ove down­
scar (0.69); hew (0.50); undersell (0.50); w ard gradually, 0.43); ease (to move
decrease (to m ake less, 0.47); break (to carefully, 0.31); drive (to m anage a pro­
s ta rt a ru p tu re , 0 .3 2 ); m a n g le (to pelled vehicle, 0.17); dip (to fall, 0.06).
m utilate, 0.27); divide (to separate by S L IG H T (9) slight (1.00); neglect (to treat
parting, 0.14). w ith indifference, 0.94); sneer (0.76);
S L A T E to p la n th a t so m e th in g w ill overlook (to ignore deliberately, 0.67);
happen (3) program (to schedule, 0.90); rebuff (to reject, 0.57); omit (to neglect,
enroll (to prepare a roll, 0.17); list (to 0.50); forget (to neglect accidentally,
enter in a list, 0.06). 0.38); underestim ate (0.25); depreciate
S L A U G H T E R (8) slaughter (1.00); kill (to (to low er in reputation, 0.10).
deprive o f life, 0.95); butcher (to kill in­ S L IN G to secure with a sling (1) sling (to
humanly, 0.75); depopulate (0.70); slay suspend, 1.00).
(0.60); defeat (to w orst in war, 0.44); S L IN G to th ro w stones (3) sling (to
assassinate (0.33); destroy (to kill, 0.25). throw, 1.00); throw (to hurl, 0.60); fling
SLAVE (4) w ork (to labour, 0.82); grease (0.50).
(0.64); sw eat (to w ork hard, 0.50); toil S L IN K (5) slink (1.00); sneak (0.82); prowl
(0.25). (0.75); slither (0.75); skulk (0.50).
S L A V E R (2) drool (to slobber, 0.70); S L IP to escape; to pass easily; to fall; to
drivel (to drool, 0.25). fail (17) slip (1.00); mistake (0.88); swim
SLA Y (7) slay (1.00); kill (to deprive o f (0.88); shift (to change position, 0.86);
life, 0.98); m urder (to kill unlaw fully, trip (to stumble, 0.82); flow (to move in
0 .7 5 ); sla u g h te r (0.75); a ssassin ate one direction, 0.81); descend (to move
(0.67); butcher (to kill inhumanly, 0.50); lower, 0.80); lapse (to fail slowly, 0.75);
m angle (to m utilate, 0.50). skid (0.75); glide (to m ove downward
S L E E P (3) sleep (1.00); rest (to take one’s gradually, 0.71); dip (to fall, 0.61); fail
rest, 0.95); snore (0.25). (to be unsuccessful, 0.50); slide (to
S L E E T (1) snow (0.11). m ove with a sliding motion, 0.50); skate
S L E N D E R IZ E (1) slenderize (1.00). (0.43); enter (to enter physically, 0.38);
S L IC E to cut into slices (9) cut (to sever, fall (to pass quickly dow nw ard, 0.21);
0.95); cut (to cut into, 0.79); carve (to crash (to fall w ith a crash, 0.14).
cut, 0.75); slit (0.50); snip (0.50); chip S L IT (8) slit (1.00); hew (0.75); slash
(0.33); flake (0.33); mangle (to mutilate, (0.75); cut (to sever, 0.62); perforate
(0.50); m angle (to mutilate, 0.41); nick S L U M P to sink into a bog; to fall (10)
(0.25); open (to make an opening, 0.25). slum p (to decline, 1.00); slum p (to fall,
S L IT H E R (4) slither (1.00); creep (0.67); 1.00); lop (to hang, 0.75); distort (to
crawl (to move like an insect, 0.33); jum p ch ange shape, 0.71); fall (to die in
(to vibrate, 0.13). battle, 0.67); flop (to fall w ithout re­
S L IV E R (4) sliver (1.00); flake (0.75); chip straint, 0.50); sink (to go downw ard,
(0.47); cut (to sever, 0.41). 0.27); descend (to m ove lower, 0.24);
S L O B B E R (4) slobber (1.00); drivel (to decay (0.15); dip (to fall, 0.11).
drool, 0.75); expectorate (0.67); spit S L U R to slip off; to cheat; to cozen (3)
(0.29). slur (to discredit, 1.00); neglect (to fail
S L O G (1) slog (1.00). to atten d to resp o n sib ilities, 0.23);
S L O P to spill or splash (liquid); dash or d e p re c ia te (to lo w er in rep u tatio n ,
lay on carelessly (3) slop (1.00); dip (to 0.03).
put into a liquid, 0.30); em it (to dis­ S L U R to sm ear (2) slur (to pronounce
charge, 0.16). indistinctly, 1.00); accuse (0.16).
S L O P E (7) lean (to incline, 0.96); dip (to S M A C K to open the lips; to kiss; to strike
fall, 0.94); pull (to incline, 0.67); tilt (to (5) sm ack (to hit smartly, 1.00); smack
incline, 0.55); descend (to m ove lower, (to k iss , 1 .0 0 ); b u m p (to m ak e a
0.52); fall (to pass quickly dow nw ard, bum ping sound, 0.82); butt (to strike
0.25); bank (to tilt a curve, 0.20). with the head, 0.64); hit (to strike, 0.42).
S L O S H to s p la s h a b o u t; to m o v e S M A R T (4) sm art (1.00); bite (to cut or
aimlessly (4) slop (0.89); dip (to put into corrode, 0.76); suffer (to feel pain, 0.64);
a liquid, 0.80); flow (to keep up a circular twinge (0.25).
m otion, 0.11); heave (to raise and fall, S M A R T E N (2) sm arten (to beautify,
0 . 10). 1.00); sm arten (to stimulate, 1.00).
S L O U C H (5) slouch (1.00); sprawl (0.75); S M A S H to kick (18) smash (1.00); break
lag (to move without spirit, 0.67); linger (to shatter, 0.83); damage (to impair the
(to go reluctantly, 0.43); tilt (to incline, value of, 0.83); flatten (to m ake flat,
0.36). 0.81); crush (to break into small pieces,
S L O U G H (5) discard (0.80); unlo ad 0.75); defeat (to worst in war, 0.72); rav­
(0.63); skin (0.56); shed (0.55); loiter age (0.65); crash (to fall w ith a crash,
(0.14). 0.64); w reck (to bring to ruin, 0.60);
SL O W (5) slow (to become slower, 1.00); m ash (0.53); batter (to dam age, 0.50);
slow (to cause to becom e slower, 1.00); open (to make an opening, 0.42); munch
deaden (to reduce life or its evidence, (0.33); destroy (to bring to nothing,
0.82); dam (0.67); delay (to cause a 0.27); collide (to com e into violent
delay, 0.11). contact, 0.25); crash (to make a crashing
S L U G to strike (1) box (to fight for sport, sound, 0.25); sound (to m ake a noise,
0.40). 0.20); raze (0.09).
S L U M B E R (3) sleep (0.93); rest (to take S M E A R (14) sm ear (to spread, 1.00);
o n e’s rest, 0.89); doze (0.25). smear (to slander, 1.00); smear (to dirty,
1.00); spread (to apply over a surface, calm, 0.39); comb (0.36); flatten (to grow
0.85); bedaub (0.75); daub (0.75); dirty flat, 0.33); flatten (to m ake flat, 0.25);
(0.74); grease (0.73); rub (to apply by touch (to be in contact, 0.18); iron
rubbing, 0.46); oil (0.33); smirch (to soil, (0.17); decrease (to grow less, 0.15).
0.25); tarnish (to stain, 0.25); w ax (to S M O T H E R (12) sm other (1.00); extin­
apply w ax, 0.25); defeat (to w orst in guish (to put out, 0.86); quiet (to m ake
sport or in personal com bat, 0.03). silent, 0.75); stifle (0.75); kill (to deprive
S M E L L (4) smell (to give off odour, 1.00); o f life, 0.52); suffocate (0.50); deaden
sm ell (to use the sense o f sm ell, 1.00); (to reduce life or its evidence, 0.39);
inhale (0.50); discover (to find, 0.10). sm oke (to give o ff smoke, 0.38); choke
S M E L T (2) sm elt (1.00); heat (to m ake (to be deprived o f air, 0.25); oppress
hot, 0.73). (0.22); hinder (0.19); choke (to deprive
S M IL E (3) sm ile (1.00); chuckle (0.50); o f air, 0.15).
laugh (0.24). S M O U L D E R (2) smoulder (1.00); smoke
S M IR C H (4) smirch (to soil, 1.00); smirch (to give o ff sm oke, 0.25).
(to degrade, 1.00); blot (to disgrace, S M U D G E to soil; to stain; to blacken; to
0.50); slander (0.30). m ake a m ess (7) blot (to stain, 0.75);
S M IR K to smile; to simper (4) grin (0.75); dam age (to im pair the value of, 0.75);
smile (0.67); beam (to smile, 0.25); laugh sm irch (to soil, 0.75); dirty (0.63); blur
(0.18). (to stain, 0.50); tarnish (to stain, 0.50);
S M IT C H (l) dirty (0.58). sm oke (to give o ff smoke, 0.13).
S M IT E (7) sm ite (1.00); beat (to thrash, S M U G G L E to convey goods clandes­
0.82); hit (to strike, 0.77); drive (to force tinely into or out o f a country (2) hide
w ith blow s, 0.40); hurt (to cause pain, (to co n ceal, 0.48); p o ach (to steal,
0.25); paw (to strike, 0.25); p unish 0.25).
(0.23). S M U G G L E to cuddle; to fondle; to ca­
S M O K E (5) sm oke (to give o ff sm oke, ress (1) caress (0.58).
1.00); sm oke (to use sm oke,especially S M U T C H (1) dirty (0.61).
fro m to b a c c o , 1.00); d irty (0 .5 5 ); S N A C K (1) nibble (0.25).
preserve (to keep, 0.42); butcher (to S N A G to be caught, pierced or damaged
slaughter for consum ption, 0.33). (3) catch (to seize hold of, 0.80); jerk
S M O U L D E R (1) smoulder (1.00). (to m ove an object w ith a quick tug,
S M O O C H (1) sm ack (to kiss, 0.33). 0.62); seize (to grasp, 0.40).
S M O O T H (1 7 ) sm o o th (to re m o v e S N A K E (2) w ind (to m eander, 0.73);
unevenness, 1.00); sm ooth (to mollify, w eave (to m ove in and out, 0.67).
1.00); rub (to subject to friction, 0.91); SN A P (10) snap (1.00); bite (to seize or
curry (to groom , 0.75); m angle (to iron sever w ith teeth, 0.94); bark (to speak
w ith a pow der roller, 0.67); brush (to as though barking, 0.75); grum ble (to
touch lightly, 0.50); file (to use an abra­ growl, 0.71); bite (to be given to biting,
sive, 0.50); hone (0.50); plane (0.50); 0.50); click (to m ake a clicking sound,
w ax (to apply wax, 0.50); quiet (to m ake 0.50); nip (0.50); snarl (0.40); break (to
start a rupture, 0.37); eat (to take as S N IP (5) snip (1.00); chip (0.83); clip
food, 0.04). (0.67); cut (to sever, 0.46); trim (to cut
S N A P S H O T (1) photograph (0.75). off excess, 0.27).
SN A R E (4) catch (to seize hold of, 0.60); S N IP E (1) snipe (1.00).
hunt (to pursue with intent to kill, 0.48); S N IV E L (6) snivel (to cry, 1.00); snivel
enm esh (0.25); ensnare (to capture, (to complain, 1.00); cry (to weep, 0.85);
0.25). grovel (0.38); sob (0.33); whine (0.15).
S N A R L to catch; to entangle (6) com pli­ S N O O K E R (1) defeat (to w orst in sport
cate (0.77); entangle (0.56); confuse or in personal com bat, 0.17).
(0.45); mat (0.30); m uddle (to confuse; S N O O P (3) m eddle (to interfere in oth­
said o f affairs, 0.24); m istake (0.08). ers’ affairs, 0.53); pry (to endeavour to
SN A R L o f dogs: to growl (7) snarl (1.00); disco v er, 0.47); m ed d le (to handle
grumble (to growl, 0.93); growl (to make oth ers’ things, 0.29).
a low, deep sound, 0.75); cry (to call S N O O Z E (1) sleep (0.60).
(not o f hum an creatures), 0.55); bark S N O R E (3) snore (1.00); snort (0.60);
(to speak as though barking, 0.50); bark sleep (0.40).
(to em it a d o g ’s characteristic sound, S N O R T (7) snort (1.00); grunt (0.75);
0.36); m utter (to make a low, mumbling snore (0.75); chortle (0.50); breathe (to
sound, 0.25). draw breath, 0.40); sound (to make a
SNA TCH (7) snatch (1.00); catch (to seize noise, 0.16); gasp (0.13).
hold of, 0.93); je rk (to m ove an object S N O W (2) snow (1.00); drop (to fall in
with a quick tug, 0.92); twitch (to pluck, drops, 0.21).
0.73); seize (to take by force, 0.67); SN U B (10) snub (to slight, 1.00); snub
clinch (to lay hold of, 0.50); seize (to (to rebuke, 1.00); rebuff (to reject, 0.81);
grasp, 0.25). slight (0.50); hum iliate (0.46); humble
S N E A K (4) sneak (1.00); hide (to keep (0.40); oppose (to fight, 0.38); repulse
oneself concealed, 0.89); grovel (0.79); (to rebuff, 0.25); patronize (to assume
enter (to enter physically, 0.31). a condescending attitude, 0.20); check
S N E E R (2) sneer (1.00); gibe (0.50). (to bring under control, 0.07).
S N IC K (1) chip (0.53). S N U FF to inhale (2) sniff (0.75); smell (to
S N IC K E R (6) snicker (1.00); laugh (0.76); use the sense o f smell, 0.43).
titter (0.50); cackle (0.40); giggle (0.25); S N U F F L E (1) grumble (to growl, 0.14).
simper (0.25). S N U G G L E (5) snuggle (1.00); cuddle (to
S N IF F (5) sn iff (1.00); sm ell (to use the nestle, 0.67); n uzzle (0.25); huddle
sense o f sm ell, 0.71); w h iff (0.50); in­ (0.09); hug (0.06).
hale (0.25); breathe (to draw breath, S O A K (8) soak (to absorb, 1.00); soak
0 . 10). (to drench, 1.00); soak (to rem ain in
S N IF F L E (2) snivel (to cry, 0.50); gasp liquid, 1.00); clean (0.93); water (0.67);
(0.25). wash (to bathe, 0.56); wash (to launder,
SN IG G E R (4) laugh (0.71); chuckle (0.25); 0.30); im m erse (to put under water,
snicker (0.25); cackle (0.10). 0.29).
S O A P (5) bathe (to cleanse o n eself w ith S O JO U R N (6) visit (to live w ith for a
liquid, 0.75); w ash (to launder, 0.50); short time, 0.67); remain (to stay, 0.58);
w ash (to bathe, 0.44); lather (0.25); dwell (0.57); abide (to lodge, 0.25); stay
clean (0.24). (0.25); reside (0.10).
S O A R (9) soar (1.00); fly (to pass through S O L A C E (5) solace (1.00); encourage (to
the air, 0.85); skim (to pass lightly and g iv e s u p p o r t, 0 .9 7 ); c o m fo rt (to
swiftly, 0.80); rise (to m ove upw ard, console, 0.89); revive (to hearten, 0.65);
0.63); sail (to fly, 0.60); ascend (to rise, entertain (to keep others amused, 0.23).
0.33); clim b (to ascend, 0.33); rocket S O L D E R (3) solder (1.00); assemble (to
(0.14); glide (to m ove gently, 0.08). put together, 0.50); fasten (to make
S O B to catch a breath (5) sob (1.00); cry som ething secure, 0.39).
(to weep, 0.95); lam ent (to weep, 0.75); S O L E M N IZ E (4) solemnize (1.00); com­
m ourn (to cry, 0.75); bawl (to cry, 0.33). m e m o rate (0.75); observe (to com ­
S O B E R (2) decrease (to m ake less, 0.77); memorate, 0.50); celebrate (to recognize
quiet (to make calm, 0.11). an occasion, 0.25).
S O C IA L IZ E (1) equalize (0.11). S O L IC IT (19) solicit (to ask, 1.00); so­
S O C K (2) hit (to strike, 0.90); bat (0.25). licit (to beg, 1.00); solicit (to tem pt for
S O F T E N (17) soften (to becom e soft, sexual purposes, 1.00); collect (to ob­
1.00); so ften (to m ak e so ft, 1.00); tain funds, 0.75); court (to woo, 0.71);
w ea k en (to b ec o m e w eaker, 0.77); beg (to ask earnestly or importunately,
em asculate (to w eaken, 0.75); relent 0.68); invite (to ask politely, 0.68); sue
(0.75); dissolve (to pass from a solid to (0.67); lobby (0.63); question (to ask,
a liquid state, 0.64); ease (to lessen 0.43); w oo (to court,fig., 0.43); bill (to
p ressure or tension, 0.61); quiet (to request paym ent, 0.33); desire (to re­
m ake calm , 0.46); soak (to rem ain in quest, 0.33); bid (to invite, 0.25); plead
liquid, 0.43); relieve (to lessen; said es­ (to beg, 0.25); seek (to find out, 0.25);
pecially o f pain, 0.41); palliate (0.40); urge (to induce, 0.25); w ish (to express
decrease (to grow less, 0.38); m elt (to a desire, 0.25); cam paign (to solicit
liquefy, 0.36); appease (to calm , 0.25); votes, 0.20).
comfort (to make easy physically, 0.22); S O L ID IF Y (16) solidify (to harden, 1.00);
munch (0.17); hum our (0.07). h ard e n (to b eco m e less penetrable,
S O G (1) m oisten (0.69). 0.94); harden (to m ake less pervious,
S O IL to pollute; to m ake dirty (11) soil 0.90); unite (to com e together, 0.86);
(to dirty, 1.00); soil (to disgrace, 1.00); congeal (to clot, 0.75); fix (to harden,
dirty (0.97); foul (to become dirty, 0.86); 0.75); consolidate (to cause to unite,
b egrim e (0.75); sm ear (to dirty, 0.75); 0.71); stiff (to grow stiff, 0.69); thicken
tarnish (to stain, 0.75); pollute (0.50); (to becom e thicker, 0.55); cake (0.50);
tra c k (to d irty w ith tra c k s, 0.5 0 ); consolidate (to becom e united, 0.50);
bedaub (0.25); blot (to stain, 0.25). freeze (to change to a solid state, 0.50);
S O IL to supply w ith fertilizer (1) spatter set (to becom e firm, 0.50); tem per (to
(0.85). toughen or harden, 0.42); congeal (to
so lid ify as by freezing or curdling, (to m easure, 1.00); measure (to apply a
0.25); petrify (to harden, 0.25). standard o f m easurem ent, 0.80); ran­
S O L IL O Q U IZ E (2) soliloquize (1.00); re­ sack (to search thoroughly, 0.62).
cite (to repeat formally, 0.10). S O U R (3) sour (1.00); w ork (to ferment,
SO LV E (5) solve (1.00); rem edy (0.89); 0.67); em bitter (to sour, 0.33).
answ er (to provide a solution, 0.75); S O U S E to pickle meat, etc. (6) souse (to
achieve (to finish an undertaking, 0.32); preserve, 1.00); souse (to soak, 1.00);
explain (0.03). preserve (to keep, 0.81); dip (to put
S O O T (1) foul (to becom e dirty, 0.29). in to a liq u id , 0 .5 0 ); w a te r (0 .5 8 );
S O O T H E (19) soothe (1.00); com fort (to im m erse (to put under water, 0.07).
m ake easy physically, 0.92); relieve (to S O W to plant seeds (5) sow (1.00); plant
lessen; said especially o f pain, 0.82); (0.92); disseminate (0.75); distribute (to
appease (to calm, 0.75); becalm (0.75); scatter, 0.50); scatter (to waste, 0.33).
ease (to comfort, 0.75); mollify (to quiet SPA C E (5) space (to group, 1.00); space
one who is angry, 0.75); pacify (to quiet, (to intersp ace, 1.00); m arch (0.80);
0.75); compliment (to flatter, 0.53); calm order (to put in order, 0.76); shelve (to
(0.50); solace (0.50); hypnotize (to put arrange, 0.67).
in a trance, 0.33); revive (to hearten, SPA D E (1) dig (to stir the earth, 0.88).
0 .2 9 ); co n d o le (0 .25); re p rie v e (to SPA N to grasp; to seize; to m easure (6)
alleviate, 0.25); lick (to pass the tongue span (1.00); reach (to extend to, 0.87);
over, 0.24); love (to express love by ca­ bridge (0.50); lead (to extend, 0.33);
resses, 0.20); ease (to relieve o f pain, com prise (0.26); cross (to pass over,
0.17); quiet (to m ake calm, 0.04). 0.17).
S O P (2) m oisten (0.65); soak (to absorb, SPAN to harness or yoke (oxen), (1) join
0.50). (to unite, 0.53).
S O R R O W (5) s o i t o w (1.00); m ourn (to SPA N C EL (1) trammel (0.77).
lam ent, 0.82); cry (to w eep, 0.25); la­ S P A N G L E (3) decorate (0.56); spatter
m ent (to express sorrow, 0.25); grieve (0.35); trim (to adorn, 0.30).
(0 .20). S P A N K to slap; to sm ack (8) spank
S O R T (6) so rt (1.00); asso rt (0 .75); (1.00); beat (to thrash, 0.80); paddle (to
choose (to select, 0.73); adjust (to bring beat, usually rather lightly, 0.75); smack
to an agreem ent, 0.55); sift (to put (to hit smartly, 0.50); hurt (to cause
through a sieve, 0.50); classify (0.11). pain, 0.34); chastise (0.25); slap (0.25);
S O U G H to m ake a rushing sound (2) punish (0.20).
sough (1.00); rustle (0.23). S PA R to dart; to strike rapidly (4) spar
SOUND to emit sound (6) sound (to make (1.00); box (to fight for sport, 0.80);
a noise, 1.00); sound (to pronounce, com pete (0.53); fight (to engage in an
1.00); sound (to seem, 1.00); return (to encounter, 0.32).
reflect, 0.50); play (to produce m usic, S PA R E (7) spare (1.00); pity (to be m er­
0.35); voice (0.25). ciful to, 0.75); save (to avoid, 0.75);
SOUND to penetrate; to pierce (3) sound abstain (0.44); sacrifice (to give up as a
means to an end, 0.33); respect (to treat S P E C IA L IZ E (2) specialize (to study in­
w ith consideration, 0.30); favour (to tensively, 1.00); detail (to m ake clear in
treat with favoritism, 0.20). detail, 0.46).
S P A R K to em it spark; to com e forth (2) S P E C IF Y (11) specify (1.00); nam e (to
operate (to be in operation, 0.52); light indicate by name, 0.92); mention (0.88);
(to cause to ignite, 0.50). distinguish (to make distinctions, 0.75);
S P A R K L E to issue in sparkles (12) spar­ label (0.75); describe (0.70); assign (to
kle (1.00); flash (to give forth a light by d e s ig n a te , 0 .6 7 ); d is c rim in a te (to
flash, 0.91); shine (to give forth light, differentiate, 0.67); nom inate (0.33);
0.76); flicker (to shine, 0.75); glisten particularize (0.25); define (to provide
(0.75); w ink (to twinkle, 0.75); blink (to a nam e or d escrip tio n , 0.18).
tw inkle, 0.60); radiate (to shed light or S P E C K (1) spatter (0.54).
heat, 0.26); gleam (0.25); glitter (0.25); S P E C K L E (1) spatter (0.50).
scintillate (0.25); twinkle (0.25). S P E C U L A T E (21) speculate (to think,
SPA T to dispute; to start up sharply or 1.00); speculate (to gam ble in business,
actively (1) spat (1.00). 1.00); reflect (to contem plate, 0.75);
S P A T T E R (9) spatter (1.00); begrim e theorize (0.75); guess (to attem pt an
(0.50); variegate (0.50); spread (to ap­ answ er on inadequate evidence, 0.71);
ply over a surface, 0.45); dirty (0.32); ban k (to o p erate a bank, 0.50); bet
spot (to stain, 0.25); track (to dirty with (0.50); conjecture (0.50); generalize (to
tracks, 0.25); slop (0.11); w ater (0.08). speak in general term s, 0.50); venture
SPAW N (2) spaw n (1.00); produce (to (0 .4 3 ); e x p e rim e n t (to in v e stig a te
bear, 0.03). scientifically, 0.35); brood (to nurse
SPAY (1) castrate (0.54). o n e’s troubles, 0.25); conceive (to form
S P E A K (18) speak (to utter, 1.00); speak a concept or im age of, 0.25); gamble
(to c o m m u n ic a te , 1.00); sp e ak (to (to play for money, 0.25); m editate (to
deliver a speech, 1.00); dictate (to speak think over, 0.25); postulate (to theorize,
for record, 0.90); say (0.88); salute (to 0 .2 5 ); su sp e c t (to su p p o se , 0.25);
address, 0.83); parley (0.75); perorate assu m e (to take for g ranted, 0.18);
(to harangue, 0.75); rem ark (0.75); talk chance (to take a chance, 0.09); think
(to converse, 0.75); tell (to inform, 0.57); (to exam ine with the mind, 0.08); try (to
utter (0.57); declaim (0.50); lecture (to endeavour, 0.06).
give a speech, 0.50); talk (to lecture, S P E E D (16) race (to move at great speed,
0.50); air (to speak publicly, 0.25); emit 0.97); w hizz (0.89); dart (to move in the
(to express, 0.25); soliloquize (0.25). m anner o f a dart, 0.88); zoom (0.83);
S P E A R to pierce w ith a spear (5) im pale flash (to m ove w ith a speed o f a flash,
(0 .7 5 ); tra n s fix (to im p a le , 0 .7 5 ); 0.75); quicken (to hasten, 0.67); dart (to
bayonet (0.50); penetrate (to pierce, m ove quickly, 0.50); dash (to sprint,
0.39); tap (to puncture in order to draw 0.50); scam p er (0.50); scoot (0.50);
liquid, 0.36). prom ote (to further, 0.42); run (to go
S PE A R H E A D (1) spearhead (1.00). sw iftly by physical effort, 0.34); rush
(0.33); drive (to m anage a propelled round (to turn, 0.25); trundle (0.25); flop
vehicle, 0.25); w hisk (0.25); hurry (to (to m ove w ith little control, 0.13).
act hastily, 0.14). S P IR A L (7) curl (to twist, 0.85); bend (to
S P E E K (1) dirty (0.37). force out o f a straight line, 0.65); roll
S P E L L to fascinate (2) bewitch (to charm, (to revolve, 0.64); dip (to fall, 0.56);
0.33); cause (to be the cause, 0.13). circle (0.33); glide (to move downward
S P E L L to read letter by letter (2) m ean gradually, 0.14); roll (to m ake into a
(to have as m eaning, 0.89); decipher roll, 0.11).
(0.80). S P IR E to curl; to twist (1) coil (0.13).
S PE N D to pay out or aw ay (8) spend (to S PIR IT U A L IZ E (1) civilize (0.65).
expend, 1.00); spend (to pass tim e, S P IT to put on a spit; to pierce (1) knife
1.00); scatter (to w aste, 0.89); invest (to stab, 0.67).
(0.83); w aste (to squander, 0.76); waste S P IT to sputter; to eject saliva (7) spit
(to use w ithout result, 0.75); outw ear (1.00); drool (to slobber, 0.50); spew
(to exhaust, 0.67); squander (0.50). (0.50); squirt (0.50); emit (to discharge,
S P E R M A T IZ E (1) propagate (to beget, 0.28); rain (0.18); storm (0.18).
0.40). S P IT E (1) bother (to give trouble, 0.75).
S P E W (9) spew (1.00); splutter (to spit, S P L A S H to bespatter wet or soil (14)
0.75); retch (0.67); rum inate (to regur­ splash (1.00); spatter (0.96); dash (to
gitate, 0.50); flow (to issue forth, 0.46); break against, 0.75); slop (0.56); douse
disgorge (0.33); expectorate (0.33); emit (to im m erse in water, 0.50); advertise
(to discharge, 0.31); gush (to spout, (to solicit business, 0.43); dip (to put
0.25). into a liquid, 0.40); douse (to put out,
S P IC E (1) flavour (0.20). 0.33); pour (to allow to flow, 0.33);
S P IK E (4) spike (1.00); impale (0.50); nail m oisten (0.31); drop (to fall in drops,
(to ham m er, 0.25); tap (to puncture in 0.25); w et (0.25); dirty (0.24); flow (to
order to draw liquid, 0.18). issue forth, 0.16).
S P IL L (7) spill (1.00); pour (to allow to S P L A T T E R (3) splash (0.71); moisten
flow, 0.67); flow (to issue forth, 0.54); (0.27); plash (0.25).
raze (0.48); w aste (to squander, 0.35); S P L IC E (5) splice (1.00); yoke (0.63); in­
eat (to reduce gradually, 0.33); slop terject (0.29); graft (to jo in for growth,
(0.33). 0 .2 0 ); w e a v e (to c o n s tru c t by
S P IN (16) spin (to m ake by spinning, interlacing, 0.17).
1.00); spin (to whirl, 1.00); knit (to form S P L IN T E R (8) splinter (1.00); smash
by knitting, 0.86); w eave (to construct (0.65); chip (0.63); sliver (0.50); break
by interlacing, 0.83); whirl (0.80); drive (to fall apart, 0.38); crash (to break into
(to m anage a propelled vehicle, 0.75); pieces, 0.25); break (to shatter, 0.17);
gyrate (0.75); revolve (0.75); turn (to divide (to separate by parting, 0.10).
pivot, 0.75); twirl (0.75); roll (to revolve, S P L IT (22) split (1.00); break (to start a
0.71); operate (to be in operation, 0.62); rupture, 0.89); cut (to divide, 0.75);
run (to m ove, usually rapidly, 0.45); divide (to separate by parting, 0.73);
rip (0.71); halve (0.67); sever (0.67); cut S P O O N to lift or transfer by means o f a
(to sever, 0.59); burst (to break, 0.50); spoon (2) dip (to transfer by m eans o f
crack (to cause to crack, 0.50); shatter a vessel, 0.60); lade (to dip, 0.25).
(0.50); tear (0.50); destroy (to bring to S P O O N to m ove rapidly (1) woo (to make
nothing, 0.49); w reck (to bring to ruin, love to, 0.38).
0.40); explode (to burst, 0.38); chip S P O O R (1) hunt (to try to find, 0.47).
(0.37); dam age (to im pair the value of, S P O R T (3) play (to gambol, 0.82); rollick
0.34); cleave (to split, 0.25); crack (to (0.75); joke (0.54).
becom e cracked, 0.25); incise (to cut, S P O T (10) spot (to stain, 1.00); spot (to
0.25); slit (0.25); sunder (0.25). point out, 1.00); spatter (0.92); dirty
S P L U R G E (1) w aste (to squander, 0.82). (0.76); stain (to soil, 0.75); foul (to
S P L U T T E R (6) splutter (to spit, 1.00); becom e dirty, 0.71); sm ear (to dirty,
splutter (to stammer, 1.00); rage (to give 0.50); touch (to tinge, 0.33); discover
vent to anger, 0.77); spit (0.71); rave (to find, 0.32); sully (to soil, 0.25).
(to rage, 0.50); grumble (to growl, 0.21). S P O U T (9) spout (1.00); flow (to issue
S P O IL (30) spoil (to decay, 1.00); spoil forth, 0.86); je t (to gush out in a stream,
(to ruin, 1.00); decay (0.97); w reck (to 0.75); spurt (0.75); overflow (to flow
b rin g to ru in , 0 .9 3 ); b o tc h (0 .9 2 ); over the top, or out at a vent, 0.71);
p am per (0.91); cheapen (0.82); baby eject (to rem ove physically, 0.53); drib­
(0.75); im pair (to dam age, 0.75); rot ble (0.50); play (to display light, erratic
(0.75); sink (to deteriorate, 0.75); taint m ovem ent, 0.50); act (to take part in a
(to pollute, 0.75); vitiate (to violate, play, 0.11).
0 .7 5 ); d e fe a t (to g et th e b e tte r o f S P R A IN (2) w rench (0.60); strain (to
another, 0.73); sour (0.73); corrupt (to w rench, 0.50).
debase, 0.59); abuse (to treat badly, S P R A W L (5) spraw l (1.00); lie (to be
0.54); blight (0.50); mildew (0.50); m ol­ prostrate, 0.75); recline (0.75); crash (to
lycoddle (0.50); ransack (to loot, 0.50); fall with a crash, 0.36); trip (to stumble,
dirty (0.39); ravage (0.35); h u m o u r 0.18).
(0.33); m aim (0.32); hurt (to harm, 0.25); SPR A Y to diffuse in m inute drops (10)
infect (0.25); soil (to dirty, 0.25); hinder spray (1.00); water (0.83); drizzle (0.75);
(0.16); dam age (to im pair the value of, splutter (to spit, 0.50); overflow (to flow
0.09). over the top, or out at a vent, 0.46);
S P O L IA T E (2) destroy (to bring to noth­ spread (to apply over a surface, 0.40);
ing, 0.66); ravage (0.08). springle (0.25); sprinkle (0.25); spatter
S P O N G E (6) sponge (to clean, 1.00); (0.19); moisten (0.12).
clean (0.59); dry (to cause to becom e S PR E A D (34) spread (to distribute, 1.00);
dry, 0.58); grovel (0.46); w ash (to bathe, spread (to becom e spread, 1.00); spread
0.13); moisten (0.04). (to extend, 1.00); spread (to apply over
S P O N S O R (2) support (to provide for, a surface, 1.00); spread (to separate,
0.78); advertise (to solicit business, 1.00); spread (to m ake know n, 1.00);
0.14). radiate (to send forth from a centre,
0.79); broadcast (to disperse, 0.75); perse; to distribute (15) sprinkle (1.00);
diffuse (0.75); dissipate (to dispel, 0.75); m oisten (0.96); w ater (0.92); spatter
distribute (to scatter, 0.75); spew (0.75); (0.77); dam pen (to w et, 0.75); dust
strew (0.75); display (to present for (0.75); intersperse (0.75); wet (0.75);
effect, 0.72); rise (to increase, 0.70); m izzle (0.63); rain (0.45); baptize (to
fertilize (to enrich land, 0.67); stretch cleanse sacram entally, 0.43); drizzle
(to becom e longer, 0.63); ram ble (to go (0.25); spray (0.25); radiate (to send
in various directions, 0.62); detail (to forth from a centre, 0.14); shed (0.09).
m ake clear in detail, 0.54); advertise (to S P R IN T (4) sprint (1.00); hasten (to make
so lic it b u sin e ss, 0 .50); e n larg e (to haste, 0.94); race (to m ove at great
increase, 0.50); grow (to becom e larger, speed, 0.35); scuttle (to hurry, 0.25).
0.44); roll (to smooth with a roller, 0.43); S P R O U T to grow ; to issue; to proceed
popularize (0.40); rub (to apply by rub­ as a sprout (4) sprout (1.00); vegetate
bing, 0.38); extend (to occupy space to (to germinate, 0.75); bloom (0.69); grow
a given point, 0.33); pad (to increase, (to becom e larger, 0.04).
0.33); com e (to extend, 0.25); go (to S P R O U T to send forth in a sprout or
extend, 0.25); run (to extend, 0.25); salt gush (3) ascend (to rise, 0.67); begin
(to scatter thickly, 0.25); air (to expose (to com e into being or start function­
to the air, 0.20); advertise (to m ake ing, 0.57); rise (to move upward, 0.25).
public, 0.13); gossip (0.08). S P R U C E to m ake oneself tidy and clean
S P R IN G to change position by sound (1) preen (0.75).
m ovem ent (13) run (to go sw iftly by S P U M E (2) spume (1.00); bubble (0.50).
p hysical effort, 0.90); result (0.89); S P U R to ride quickly (12) spur (1.00);
gallop (0.87); bounce (to m ove sud­ goad (0.81); fillip (to stim ulate, 0.75);
denly, 0.86); dive (0.86); jum p (to leap incite (0.71); m otivate (0.71); drive (to
across or up, 0.77); leap (0.75); bounce cause to m ove, 0.60); hurry (to urge
(to rebound, 0.69); issue (to be a result others, 0.33); lead (to influence, 0.33);
of, 0.67); overleap (to jum p over, 0.67); encourage (to raise the spirits, 0.32);
bound (to m ove in leaps, 0.50); em a­ in sp ire (to en co u rag e, 0.25); prick
nate (to begin, 0.50); vault (0.38). (0.25); urge (to drive, 0.07).
S P R IN G to allow (tim ber or ground) to S P U R to publish banns o f m arriage (1)
send up shoots from the stools o f felled enforce (to require com pliance, 0.03).
trees; to give spring or elasticity (6) S PU R N to spur; to urge; to incite (12)
quicken (to com e or bring to life, 0.86); spurn (1.00); repulse (to rebuff, 0.75);
rise (to begin, 0.75); begin (to com e disapprove (to reject, 0.67); rebuff (to
into being or start functioning, 0.43); reject, 0.67); scorn (to refuse as a matter
dart (to m ove in the m anner o f a dart, ofprinciple, 0.67); hate (to detest, 0.50);
0.29); start (to begin, 0.25); hasten (to dare (to defy, 0.40); repudiate (to refuse,
m ake haste, 0.11). 0.25); deny (0.21); neglect (to treat with
S P R IN G L E (1) springle (1.00). indifference, 0.19); depreciate (to lower
S P R IN K L E to scatter in drops; to dis­ in reputation, 0.17); refuse (0.16).
S P U R T to sp ro u t; to shoot (9) spurt cess, 0.33); balance (to dem onstrate
(1 .0 0 ); flow (to issu e fo rth , 0.97); balance, 0.24); m easure (to apply a
h asten (to m ake haste, 0.91); race (to standard o f m easurem ent, 0.17).
m ove at great speed, 0.74); overflow S Q U A S H to squeeze (5) flatten (to make
(to flow over the top, or out at a vent, flat, 0.88); mash (0.76); quash (to crush,
0.63); je t (to gush out in a stream, 0.50); 0.75); depress (to bring to a lower level,
shoot (to m ove rapidly, 0.50); run (to go 0.67); trample (0.50).
swiftly by physical effort, 0.31); dart (to SQ U A T (2) squat (1.00); sit (to assume a
m ove in the m anner o f a dart, 0.24). sitting posture, 0.67).
S P U R T to spirt; to sputter (3) em it (to S Q U A W K (7) squawk (1.00); ciy (to call
discharge, 0.81); squirt (0.75); bleed (to (not o f hum an creatures), 0.84); crow
issue as blood, 0.33). (to m ake a crow ing sound, 0.75); grunt
S P U T T E R (7) sputter (1.00); lisp (0.50); (0.50); shriek (0.33); croak (to give a
flow (to issue forth, 0.49); boil (to be hoarse call, 0.25); sound (to make a
angry, 0.33); m utter (to speak as if to noise, 0.02).
oneself, 0.33); stutter (0.25); stam m er S Q U E A K (5) squeak (1.00); cry (to call
(0.22). (not o f hum an creatures), 0.82); creak
S PY (8) spy (to act as a spy, 1.00); spy (0.75); grunt (0.25); peep (to make a
(to see, 1.00); bug (to install hidden peeping sound, 0.25).
microphones, 0.67); ransack (to search S Q U E A L (4) squeal (1.00); squeak (0.38);
thoroughly, 0.54); pry (to endeavour yell (0.38); scream (0.25).
to discover, 0.33); look (to endeavour S Q U E E Z E (18) squeeze (1.00); hurt (to
to see, 0.30); see (to perceive w ith the cause pain, 0.97); hug (0.89); pack (to
eye, 0.14); discover (to find, 0.03). stow compactly, 0.85); compress (0.83);
S Q U A B B L E (4) squabble (1.00); quarrel ja m (to force o n e’s way, 0.78); tighten
(0.77); bicker (0.60); wrangle (0.50). (to m ake tight, 0.75); press (to subject
S Q U A IL (1) hit (to strike, 0.03). to pressure, 0.67); feel (to exam ine by
S Q U A L L to scream (4) squall (1.00); ciy touch, 0.61); hold (to have in one’s
(to weep, 0.80); storm (0.73); yell (0.33). grasp, 0.55); em brace (to clasp, 0.50);
SQ U A N D E R (9) squander (1.00); lose (to ja m (to com press, 0.50); pucker (0.50);
su ffe r fin an c ially , 0 .7 5 ); m issp e n d tw eak (0.50); m ash (0.35); chuck (to
(0.75); scatter (to w aste, 0.56); spend caress, 0.25); crow d (0.25); seize (to
(to expend, 0.55); lavish (0.50); spend grasp, 0.05).
(to p ass tim e, 0.44); eat (to red u ce S Q U E L C H (5) squelch (1.00); destroy (to
gradually, 0.17); abuse (to treat badly, bring to nothing, 0.71); refute (0.67);
0.08). check (to bring under control, 0.21);
S Q U A R E (5) adjust (to place or regulate abolish (0.02).
p a rts, 0 .8 8 ); b a la n c e (to p la c e in S Q U IN T (2) squint (1.00); wink (to close
balance, 0.48); m ultiply (to em ploy one eye, 0.83).
m ultiplication as an arithm etical pro­ S Q U IR E (3) squire (1.00); lead (to con­
duct, 0.59); accom pany (to go w ith, (to stagnate, 0.50).
0.23). STA IN (19) stain (to soil, 1.00); stain (to
SQ U IR M (6) squirm (1.00); wriggle (0.75); colour, 1.00); discolour (0.75); soil (to
flop (to m ove w ith little control, 0.74); dirty, 0.75); track (to dirty with tracks,
writhe (0.67); crawl (to move like an in­ 0.75); corrupt (to debase, 0.61); bedaub
sect, 0.50); w iggle (0.50). (0.50); sully (to soil, 0.50); colour (to
S Q U IR T (8) squirt (1.00); flow (to issue im part colour to, 0.44); dam age (to
forth, 0.95); spout (0.75); em it (to dis­ im pair the value of, 0.43); foul (to
charge, 0.72); overflow (to flow over become dirty, 0.43); disgrace (0.38); dye
the top, or out at a vent, 0.50); m oisten (0.33); w ash (to brush with a liquid,
(0.38); dribble (0.25); jet (to gush out in 0.33); begrime (0.25); finish (to develop
a stream, 0.25). a surface, 0.25); pollute (0.25); dirty
STAB (14) stab (1.00); hurt (to cause (0.21); touch (to tinge, 0.11).
pain, 0.76); bayonet (0.75); penetrate S T A K E to w ager; to hazard (7) chance
(to pierce, 0.70); pierce (0.67); thrust (to take a chance, 0.82); bet (0.79);
(to jab, 0.67); tap (to puncture in order hazard (0.75); guarantee (to give secu­
to draw liquid, 0.45); damage (to impair rity, 0.57); dare (to be courageous, 0.56);
the value of, 0.32); scar (0.31); lacerate venture (0.29); undertake (0.25).
(to tear, 0.25); perforate (0.25); kill (to STA K E to m ark with stakes (1) define (to
deprive o f life, 0.18); attack (to assault set limits, 0.03).
(o f an individual), 0.07); attack (to fight STA LEM A TE (1) hinder (0.03).
offensively (army), 0.03). STA LK to walk softly (3) stalk (1.00); hunt
STA B ILIZE (5) stabilize (to fix, 1.00); sta­ (to pursue w ith intent to kill, 0.91);
bilize (to support, 1.00); balance (to toddle (toddle, 0.50).
place in balance, 0.88); establish (to S T A L L to get rid by evasive tactics (3)
m ake secure, 0.25); crown (to em power stall (to delay, 1.00); tem porize (0.50);
w ith a crown, 0.08). delay (to cause a delay, 0.07).
STA B LE to make stable (1) stable (1.00). S T A L L to place; to fix; to appoint (2)
STA C K (4) stack (1.00); heap (to place in halt (to cause to cease, 0.81); hinder
a heap, 0.81); pile (to place one upon (0.23).
another, 0.50); load (to place a load, S T A M M E R (1) stammer (1.00).
0.05). STA M P (10) stamp (1.00); mark (to make
S T A G G E R (12) stagger (1.00); flop (to a m ark, 0.91); tram p (to tread heavily,
m ove w ith little control, 0.87); lurch 0.80); stride (0.67); apply (to place
(0.75); reel (0.60); linger (to go reluc­ upon, 0.60); brand (0.50); imprint (0.50);
tantly, 0.57); limp (0.54); lag (to m ove check (to m ark, 0.25); coin (to mint
w ithout spirit, 0.33); surprise (to amaze, money, 0.25); m int (to print or press
0.26); vacillate (to totter, 0.25); w obble money, 0.22).
(0.20); shake (to vibrate, 0.12); w aver STA M PED E (3) stampede (1.00); frighten
(0.09). (to drive off, because o f alarm, 0.43);
STA G N ATE (2) stagnate (1.00); vegetate disorganize (0.15).
STA N C H (1) hinder (0.18). 0.75); com m ence (0.67); dawn (0.67);
STA N D (13) stand (to be in a upright enter (to enter upon, 0.67); flinch (0.67);
position, 1.00); stand (to endure, 1.00); lead (to play a first card, 0.67); plant
stand (to be o f a certain height, 1.00); (0.67); im pel (to press, 0.64); excite (to
stand (to be situated, 1.00); stand (to a c tiv a te , 0 .5 9 ); p u sh (to m o v e by
oppose, 1.00); rank (to possess rela­ pushing, 0.56); grow (to begin, 0.50);
tive evaluation, 0.86); stop (to halt, initiate (0.50); institute (to begin, 0.50);
0.70); be (to have being, 0.60); endure prem ise (to introduce, 0.50); drive (to
(to sustain adversity, 0.52); reach (to m a n ag e a p ro p e lle d v eh icle, 0.38);
extend to, 0.40); arise (to get up, 0.33); launch (to initiate, 0.33); throw (to send
face (to confront conflict or trouble, forth, 0.25); fear (to anticipate personal
0.16); afford (to be in a position to buy, danger, 0.20); slide (to cause to slide,
0.14). 0.17); w ince (0.10).
S T A N D A R D IZ E (8) standardize (1.00); S T A R T L E (9) startle (1.00); disturb (to
regulate (to adjust, 0.53); institutional­ upset m ental calm , 0.87); petrify (to
ize (0.50); type (to classify, 0.25); reform frighten, 0.75); shock (to disturb on e’s
(to correct evils, 0.18); order (to p ut in s e lf control, 0.75); surprise (to take
order, 0.12); ad ju st (to b rin g to an unaw are, 0.50); surprise (to am aze,
agreem ent, 0.05); organize (to put in 0.37); astound (0.25); stupefy (to amaze,
order, 0.05). 0.25); frighten (to alarm, 0.16).
STA R (2) act (to take part in a play, 0.17); S T A R V E (7) starve (to becom e weaker,
spatter (0.04). die from hunger, 1.00); starve (to cause
S T A R C H (4) w ash (to launder, 0.80); to starve, 1.00); fam ish (to kill, 0.75);
stiffen (to cause to becom e stiff, 0.76); fast (0.50); beg (to ask alm s, 0.25);
harden (to m ake less pervious, 0.55); abstain (0.17); kill (to deprive o f life,
tem per (to toughen or harden, 0.26). 0.05).
STA RE (10) stare (1.00); gawk (0.75); gaze STA T E (26) state (1.00); read (to contain
(0.75); look (to endeavour to see, 0.75); w hen read, 0.86); declare (to speak for­
see (to perceive with the eye, 0.64); m ar­ m ally and em phatically, 0.85); feed
vel (0.50); pry (to endeavour to dis­ (0.81); propose (to m ake a suggestion,
cover, 0.27); ogle (0.25); scrutinize 0.81); com m unicate (to impart informa­
(0.25); w onder (to marvel, 0.25). tion, 0.76); say (0.76); allege (0.75);
S T A R T (31) start (to begin, 1.00); start assert (to say positively, 0.75); m ain­
(to c a u se to sta rt, 1.0 0 ); s ta rt (to tain (to assert, 0.75); recount (0.75);
arouse, 1.00); start (to cause to ignite, com m ent (to m ake a rem ark, 0.74);
1.00); begin (to initiate, 0.97); leave (to notify (to provide w ith inform ation,
go away, 0.81); develop (to begin, 0.75); 0.67); m ention (0.63); sw ear (to take an
introduce (to begin, 0.75); m ake (to oath, 0.55); confess (to profess, 0.50);
cause, 0.75); open (to begin, 0.75); render (to state formally, 0.50); recite
originate (to bring about a beginning, (to relate in detail, 0.41); develop (to
0.75); originate (to have a beginning, reveal slowly, 0.30); announce (0.25);
certify (to state formally, 0.25); pass (to S T E A M R O L L (1) defeat (to w orst in
pronounce formally, 0.25); predicate sport or in personal com bat, 0.07).
(0.25); return (to speak formally, 0.25); S T E E L (5) harden (to m ake less pervi­
declare (to adm it to o n e’s possessions, ous, 0 .9 8 ); te m p e r (to to u g h e n or
0.15); report (to deliver inform ation, harden, 0.95); strengthen (0.70); cure
0.06). (to harden, 0.25); harden (to toughen,
STA TION (4) station (1.00); park (0.56); 0.04).
locate (to determ ine a location, 0.33); S T E E P to undergo soaking (8) soak (to
camp (0.09). rem ain in liquid, 0.86); boil (to subject
STAY to support; to sustain (15) stay to boiling, 0.75); moisten (0.73); dip (to
(1.00); be (to have being, 0.90); dwell put into a liquid, 0.65); imm erse (to put
(0.79); abide (to lodge, 0.75); continue under water, 0.36); saturate (0.25); cook
(to remain, 0.75); keep (to remain, 0.75); (0.12); mash (0.12).
support (to uphold, 0.75); endure (to
S T E E R (9) steer (1.00); lead (to conduct,
continue, 0.50); revisit (0.50); support
0.82); aim (to point a w eapon, 0.78);
(to hold up from beneath, 0.50); hold
navigate (0.50); point (to direct, 0.50);
(to support; often used w ith up, 0.45);
take (to lead, 0.50); m anage (to direct,
re sist (to w ith sta n d , 0 .45); in h a b it
0.49); castrate (0.31); land (to bring a
(0.33); reside (0.20); restrain (to hold in
boat to shore, 0.25).
check, 0.19).
S T E M to stop; to delay (2) halt (to cause
STAY to cease m oving (6) halt (to cause
to cease, 0.87); hinder (0.24).
to cease, 0.82); stop (to halt, 0.80);
S T E N C H (1) smell (to give o ff odour,
overstay (0.67); delay (to cause a de­
lay, 0.66); check (to slacken the pace,
S T E P (6) step (1.00); w alk (to move on
0.60); hinder (0.50).
foot, 0.96); dance (to m ove rhythm i­
STEA D Y (2) balance (to place in balance,
0.91); stabilize (to fix, 0.25). cally, 0.85); march (0.75); trudge (0.50);
S T E A L to take secretly (7) steal (1.00); tread (0.33).
kidnap (0.64); sneak (0.64); plunder S T E R E O T Y P E (1) reproduce (to make an
(0.33); dispossess (to take aw ay from, exact copy, 0.19).
0.25); snatch (0.25); seize (to take by S T E R IL IZ E (5) sterilize (1.00); castrate
force, 0.11). (0.85); clean (0.80); dress (to give medi­
S T E A L F IL C H (1) ransack (to loot, 0.08). cal treatm en t, 0,44); decontam inate
ST E A M (13) steam (to cook, 1.00); steam (0.25).
(to speed, 1.00); distil (0.75); boil (to S T E W (6) stew (to boil, 1.00); cook (0.88);
continue at a boiling point, 0.50); lay seethe (0.50); simmer (to boil, 0.50); boil
(to sm ooth out, 0.50); stew (to boil, (to subject to boiling, 0.25); worry (to
0.50); cook (0.49); evaporate (to vapor­ indulge in worry, 0.10).
ize, 0.43); parboil (0.33); block (to shape S T E W A R D (1) represent (to act as a del­
by blocking, 0.25); heat (to m ake hot, egate, 0.25).
0.25); sm oulder (0.25); m oisten (0.19). S T IC K to pierce; to rem ain fixed (10)
STIFF -330- s t ir

stick (to rem ain fastened, LOO); stick 0.82); activate (0.75); awaken (to excite,
(to p e n e tra te w ith a p o in t, 1 .0 0 ); 0.75); invigorate (0.75); massage (0.75);
butcher (to slaughter for consum ption, ro u se (to stim ulate, 0.75); sensitize
0.89); stab (0.73); lodge (to becom e (0.75); stren g th en (0.63); m ove (to
fixed, 0.67); penetrate (to pierce, 0.52); arouse the em otions of, 0.62); hasten
thrust (to jab , 0.42); bayonet (0.25); (to e x p e d ite , 0 .5 4 ); g o a d (0 .5 2 );
transfix (to im pale, 0.25); fasten (to accelerate (0.50); ex h ilarate (0.50);
m ake som ething secure, 0.17). galvanize (to anim ate, 0.50); inspirit
S T IF F (1) stiff (to grow stiff, 1.00). (0.50); instigate (0.50); drive (to urge
S T IF F E N (5) stiffen (to cause to becom e on, 0.48); en tertain (to keep others
stiff, 1.00); back (to equip w ith a back, am used, 0.45); fascinate (0.45); seduce
0.75); tem per (to toughen or harden, (0.38); tem pt (0.36); inebriate (0.33); in­
0.68); strengthen (0.33); tighten (to toxicate (to excite, 0.33); renew (to re­
becom e tight, 0.33). fresh, 0.26); arouse (0.25); elate (0.25);
S T IF L E to suffocate (13) stifle (LOO); energize (0.25); pique (to excite, 0.25);
sm other (0.75); suffocate (0.75); choke tickle (to excite mentally, 0.25); urge (to
(to deprive o f air, 0.69); quench (to induce, 0.19); help (to aid, 0.13).
sm other, 0.67); kill (to deprive o f life, S T IN G to pierce (10) sting (LOO); bite
0.59); gag (to stop the m outh, 0.50); (to cut or corrode, 0.88); prickle (0.67);
strangle (to suppress, 0.50); throttle sm art (0.67); hurt (to cause pain, 0.63);
(0.50); deaden (to reduce life or its tingle (0.50); penetrate (to pierce, 0.22);
evidence, 0.32); extinguish (to put out, hurt (to give a feeling o f pain, 0.20);
0.29); muffle (0.25); hush (0.14). irritate (to inflame, 0.14); haunt (to prey
S T IF L E to affect (a horse, a dog, etc.) upon, 0.12).
w ith stifle or dislocate o f the stifle- S T IN K (1) smell (to give o ff odour, 0.29).
bone(4) cripple (0.75); hide (to conceal, S T IN T (3) stint (1.00); economize (0.67);
0.64); constrain (0.25); suppress (0.09). famish (to kill, 0.50).
S T IG M A T IZ E (7) stigm atize (1.00); ac­ S T IP P L E (6) stipple (LOO); engrave (to
cuse (0.59); denounce (0.50); impute (to prepare a plate for printing, 0.81); col­
charge, 0.50); im plicate (to involve, our (to im part colour to, 0.66); spatter
0.40); disgrace (0.12); upbraid (0.11). (0.46); paint (to protect or decorate by
S T IL L to quiet; to soothe (5) quiet (to painting, 0.40); carve (to form by cut­
make silent, 0.95); hush (0.71); assuage ting, 0.26).
(to calm, 0.50); silence (0.25); m uzzle S T IP U L A T E (3) stipulate (LOO); specify
(to silence, 0.09). (0.43); contract (to enter into an agree­
S T IL L to tickle dow n; to m elt; to fall in ment, 0.20).
minute drops (1) decrease (to m ake less, S T IR (23) stir (to excite, 1.00); stir (to mix
0.81). by stirring, 1.00); rustle (0.92); fidget
STIM U LA TE (35) stimulate (LOO); excite (0.91); toss (to m ove up and down,
(to stir one m entally, 0.97); m otivate 0.79); m ove (to arouse the emotions of,
(0.88); incite (0.86); excite (to activate, 0.77); agitate (0.75); beat (to mix, 0.75);
call (to arouse, 0.75); churn (0.75); isting, 0.90); intercept (0.88); plug (0.83);
provoke (to incite, 0.75); m ove (to be hesitate (0.81); halt (to cause to cease,
in motion, 0.71); awake (to arouse from 0.78); prevent (0.78); stam m er (0.78);
sleep, 0.67); excite (to stir one mentally, e x p ire (to end, 0.75); in terfere (to
0.66); affect (to move emotionally, 0.50); prevent, 0.75); keep (to prevent, used
a ro u s e ( 0 .5 0 ) ; c o n v u ls e ( 0 .5 0 ) ; w ith from, 0.75); obstruct (to impede
fascinate (0.29); m ix (to blend, 0.29); with an obstruction, 0.75); thwart (0.75);
poach (to blend, 0.25); w ake (to b e­ abstain (0.67); outlaw (0.67); quell (to
come awake, 0.20); shift (to change po- subdue, 0.67); quiet (to m ake silent,
s itio n , 0 .1 4 ); p u s h (to m o v e b y 0.65); delay (to cause a delay, 0.64);
pushing, 0.11). h in d er (0.64); achieve (to finish an
S T IT C H (5) stitch (1.00); em broider (to undertaking, 0.57); light (to come to rest
add adornment, 0.94); sew (0.90); baste from flight or travel, 0.55); com m and
(to sew tem porarily, 0.75); tack (to (to have control, 0.51); deter (0.50);
fasten lightly, 0.13). dw ell (0.50); kill (to turn off, 0.50);
S T O C K (6) stock (1.00); store (0.64); pro­ rem ain (to stay, 0.50); rest (to be still,
vide (to supply, 0.58); plant (0.42); fur­ 0.50); scotch (0.50); stultify (to prevent,
nish (to supply necessities, 0.33); feed 0.50); dam (0.47); strike (to refuse to
(0.32). w ork, 0.43); contain (to restrict, 0.33);
S T O C K P IL E (2) store (0.36); accumulate o v ersta y (0 .3 3 ); g reet (0.29); hush
(to amass, 0.35). (0.29); m uzzle (to silence, 0.27); abort
S T O K E (2) fuel (0.75); bank (to cover a (to ca n ce l, 0 .2 5 ); in te rd ic t (0.25);
fire for the night, 0.67). term inate (to abolish, 0.25); bar (to
STO M P (1) tramp (to tread heavily, 0.50). obstruct by refusal, 0.18); bar (to raise
S T O N E (2) w het (0.50); attack (to fight a physical obstruction, 0.15); tackle
offensively (army), 0.29). (0.10); destroy (to bring to nothing,
S T O O P (16) stoop (to bow or bend, 1.00); 0.04).
stoop (to condescend, 1.00); bend (to S T O R E (16) store (1.00); accumulate (to
be forced out o f a straight line, 0.93); amass, 0.85); load (to place a load, 0.79);
d e s c e n d (to m o v e lo w e r, 0 .8 8 ); deposit (to present m oney for safe­
condescend (0.86); bow (to bend, 0.85); keeping, 0.77); preserve (to keep, 0.77);
patronize (to assum e a condescending garner (0.75); save (to hoard, 0.71);
attitude, 0.80); grovel (0.75); squat concentrate (to bring or come together,
(0.75); curve (to be bent, 0.50); sag (to 0.66); provide (to supply, 0.54); mine
sink, 0.50); slouch (0.50); fawn (0.45); (to dig for m inerals, 0.50); pile (to
kneel (0.40); deign (0.33); descend (to am ass, 0.50); cache (0.33); heap (to
condescend, 0.33). am ass, 0.33); park (0.33); place (to put
S T O P (47) stop (to halt, 1.00); stop (to in a place, 0.28); hide (to conceal, 0.26).
cease, 1.00); stop (to prevent, 1.00); S T O R M (9) storm (1.00); raid (0.91);
stop (to cause to cease, 1.00); end (to snow (0.89); rage (to be out o f control,
bring to a halt, 0.94); die (to cease ex­ 0 .8 6 ); a tta c k (to fig h t o ffen siv ely
(arm y), 0.84); oppose (to fight, 0.80); fer by m eans o f a vessel, 0.20); over­
rave (to rage, 0.75); strafe (0.50); rage charge (0.20).
(to give vent to anger, 0.14). S T R A IT E N (2) straiten (to distress, 1.00);
S T O W to place (2) load (to place a load, straiten (to limit, 1.00).
0.84); place (to put in a place, 0.22). S T R A N G L E (9) strangle (to smother,
S T R A D D L E (2) straddle (1.00); hesitate 1.00); stran g le (to su p p ress, 1.00);
(0.71). choke (to be deprived o f air, 0.88);
S T R A F E (4) strafe (1.00); rake (to sweep choke (to deprive o f air, 0.85); throttle
w ith gunfire, 0.67); raid (0.65); attack (0.75); kill (to deprive o f life, 0.61);
(to fight offensively (arm y), 0.48). garrote (0.50); tighten (to m ake tight,
S T R A G G L E to go up and dow n dis- 0.50); suffocate (0.25).
persedly (5) straggle (1.00); drag (to S T R A N G U L A T E (1) choke (to deprive
go slowly, 0.50); lag (to m ove slowly, o f air, 0.77).
0.50); roam (to w ander, 0.50); ram ble S T R A P to furnish w ith a strap (8) hitch
(to go in various directions, 0.46). (to harness, 0.75); lace (0.75); strop
(0.75); beat (to thrash, 0.61); harness
S T R A IG H T E N (8) straighten (1.00); un­
(0.50); yoke (0.32); lash (to whip, 0.25);
fold (to unfurl, 0.92); align (to adjust,
bind (to constrain with bonds, 0.17).
0.50); get (to adjust, 0.50); com b (0.43);
STR A TIFY (3) stratify (1.00); plate (0.87);
organize (to put in order, 0.20); flatten
laminate (0.75).
(to m ake flat, 0.13); adjust (to bring to
STR A Y to w ander free o f control (12)
an agreem ent, 0.10).
stray (1.00); ram ble (to speak or write
S T R A IN to bind; to press; to stretch (19)
aim lessly, 0.88); digress (0.75); range
strain (to exert, 1.00); strain (to wrench,
(to traverse w ide areas, 0.75); wander
1.00); strain (to stretch, 1.00); strain (to
(to speak or think incoherently, 0.75);
filter, 1.00); filter (to clean by filtering,
roam (to wander, 0.56); m aunder (to
0.90); stretch (to cause to stretch, 0.86);
digress, 0.50); straggle (0.50); ramble
w eary (to m ake weary, 0.76); reach (to
(to go in various directions, 0.38); de­
extend a part o f the body to, 0.75);
viate (0.30); gad (0.25); gallivant (0.25).
turn (to sprain, 0.75); spatter (0.69); tire S T R E A K to m ark with lines (1) mark (to
(to m ake a person exhausted, 0.65); make a mark, 0.36).
w re n ch (0 .5 3 ); o v erd o (to o v e rta x S T R E A K to move veiy fast (1) zoom (0.50).
o n e s e lf physically, 0.50); o v erex ert S T R E A M (8) stream (1.00); flow (to move
(0.50); refine (to purify, 0.50); exercise in one direction, 0.95); w ave (to flutter,
(to m ove the body, 0.44); w ring (0.29); 0.92); pour (to rain heavily, 0.75); trickle
push (to press against, 0.21); sift (to (0.44); flow (to issue forth, 0.43); glide
put through a sieve, 0.10). (to m ove dow nw ard gradually, 0.29);
S T R A IN to distrain; to seize goods (7) blow (to move rapidly (said o f air), 0.25).
burden (0.77); enforce (to require com ­ S T R E N G T H E N (18) strengthen (1.00);
pliance, 0.60); overtax (0.50); oppress unite (to com e together, 0.81); recruit
(0.35); overw eigh (0.33); dip (to trans­ (to gather needed resources, 0.79); vi­
talize (0.75); fasten (to m ake something S T R IK E (49) strike (to find, LOO); strike
secure, 0.72); concentrate (to bring or (to hit, 1.00); strike (to light, 1.00); strike
co m e to g e th e r , 0 .5 9 ); c ro w n (to (to refuse to work, 1.00); strike (to seem,
em pow er w ith a crow n, 0.54); supple­ 1.00); drive (to force with blows, 0.93);
ment (0.54); corroborate (0.50); quicken beat (to pulsate, 0.92); mint (to print or
(to increase, 0.50); harden (to toughen, p ress m oney, 0.89); bang (to beat,
0.42); accentuate (0.25); gird (to sup­ 0.75); bat (0.75); cudgel (0.75); cut (to
port, 0.25); truss (to support, 0.25); hit sharply, 0.75); dub (to hit, 0.75); flog
stiffen (to cause to becom e stiff, 0.24); (0.75); ham m er (0.75); pom m el (0.75);
revive (to take on new life, 0.18); sup­ pound (0.75); slap (0.75); smite (0.75);
port (to uphold, 0.13); encourage (to rebel (to en d eav o u r to overthrow a
give support, 0.07). g o v e rn m e n t, 0 .7 2 ); a d m in iste r (to
S T R E S S (11) stress (1.00); accentuate inflict, 0.67); bite (to take bait, 0.67);
(0.75); underline (to em phasize, 0.75); give (to inflict, 0.67); im pinge (to hit,
italicize (0.67); emphasize (0.55); accent 0.67); inflict (to deal, 0.67); punch (to
(0.50); overem phasize (0.50); under­ hit, 0.67); buffet (0.50); butt (to strike
score (0.50); declare (to speak formally w ith the head, 0.50); coin (to m int
and emphatically, 0.49); rem ind (to call m oney, 0.50); collide (to com e into
the attention o f another, 0.43); enforce v io le n t c o n ta c t, 0 .5 0 ); rap (to tap
(to require com pliance, 0.07). sharply, 0.50); w hip (0.50); ring (to
S T R E T C H (18) stre tc h (to b ec o m e cause to sound, 0.45); beat (to thrash,
lo n g er, 1.00); stre tc h (to c a u se to 0.41); persecute (to oppress, especially
stretch, 1.00); stretch (to occupy space, for religious reasons, 0.39); reach (to
1.00); exercise (to move the body, 0.94); extend a part o f the body to, 0.38);
lengthen (to m ake longer, 0.86); arch disobey (0.35); bum p (to collide with,
(0.77); dilate (0.75); go (to extend, 0.75); 0.33); engage (to attack, 0.33); thump
reach (to extend to, 0.73); w iden (to (0.33); play (to produce music, 0.30);
m ak e w ider, 0 .71); fill (to o cc u p y assault (to attack, 0.25); electrify (to
available space, 0.67); overdo (to do affect deeply, 0.25); pick (to use a
too m uch, 0.67); grow (to beco m e pointed instrum ent, 0.25); ply (to beat,
larger, 0.56); exaggerate (0.54); elongate 0.25); wallop (0.25); attack (to assault
(0.50); w iden (to becom e wider, 0.50); (o f an individual), 0.20); contest (to
in c re ase (to add to, 0.26); p ad (to fight, 0.13); quarrel (0.05).
increase, 0.22). S T R IN G (1) th re a d (to p ass th read
S T R E W (7) strew (1.00); scatter (to cause through a needle, 0.33).
to se p a ra te , 0 .6 9 ); sa lt (to sc a tte r S T R IP to unclothe (23) strip (to remove,
thickly, 0.50); seed (0.50); scatter (to 1.00); strip (to undress, 1.00); undress
seed, 0.25); radiate (to send forth from (0.83); deprive (0.80); rob (0.80); shell
a centre, 0.21); sow (0.13). (0.80); ransack (to loot, 0.79); denude
S T R ID E (3) stride (LOO); step (0.87); gal­ (0.75); disrobe (0.75); divest (to un­
lop (0.47). dress, 0.75); sw ath (0.75); peel (0.67);
pick (to deprive, especially by pecking 0.50); peram bulate (to ram ble, 0.50);
orplucking, 0.60); unw rap (0.58); pare w end (0.33).
(to peel, 0.50); ravage (0.43); steal S T R O P to sharpen or sm ooth the edge
(0.38); divest (to deprive, 0.33); shred (2) strop (1.00); sharpen (to make keen,
(0.33); skin (0.31); shave (to remove hair, 0.17).
0.25); decrease (to m ake less, 0.21); S T R U G G L E (13) struggle (1.00); com ­
disarm (to deprive o f w eapons, 0.07). pete (0.89); fight (to engage in an en­
S T R IV E (18) strive (1.00); fight (to en­ counter, 0.88); flounder (0.75); contest
gage in an encounter, 0.96); com pete (to fight, 0.73); agonize (0.50); aspire
(0.95); aspire (0.75); direct (to direct (0.50); quarrel (0.50); push (to press
one’s effort, 0.75); strain (to exert, 0.75); against, 0.29); encounter (to meet in
struggle (0.75); try (to endeavour, 0.67); conflict, 0.25); scramble (to climb hast­
aim (to direct one’s effort, 0.50); attempt ily, 0.25); w ork (to labour, 0.18); oppose
(to try, 0.50); participate (to engage in (to fight, 0.15).
a contest, 0.50); vie (0.50); quarrel (0.45); S T R U M (1) strum (1.00).
labour (0.33); oppose (to fight, 0.33); S T R U T (4) strut (1.00); boast (to brag,
offer (to try, 0.25); persist (0.25); w ork 0.50); bluster (0.47); march (0.10).
(to labour, 0.09). STU D Y (15) study (to endeavour to learn,
S T R O K E to rub; to caress; to irritate (10) 1 .0 0 ); s tu d y (to e n d e a v o u r to
touch (to be in contact, 0.95); lick (to understand, 1.00); m editate (to muse,
pass the tongue over, 0.94); feel (to 0.82); criticize (to m ake a considered
examine by touch, 0.87); brush (to touch criticism, 0.75); perambulate (to inspect,
lightly, 0.75); pat (to strike lightly and 0.75); peruse (to inspect, 0.75); survey
affectionately , 0.75); paw (to handle (to exam ine or sum m arize, 0.75); think
c lu m sily , 0 .6 3 ); ru b (to a p p ly by (to ex a m in e w ith the m in d , 0.67);
rubbing, 0.62); tickle (to stim ulate by a practice (to seek im provem ent through
light touch, 0.50); caress (0.16); love repetition, 0.60); scrutinize (0.50); leam
(to express love by caresses, 0.10). (to acquire m entally, 0.44); scan (to
S T R O K E to m ark w ith streaks; to cross a n a ly z e , 0 .3 3 ); e x p e r im e n t (to
out (2) m easure (to apply a standard o f investigate scientifically, 0.29); inquire
m easurem ent, 0.71); m ark (to m ake a (to seek into, 0.25); reason (to seek a
mark, 0.41). reasonable ex p lan atio n , 0.25).
S T R O K E to go quickly; to travel (1) swim S T U F F (20) stu ff (1.00); pack (to stow
(0.25). com pactly, 0.92); w ad (0.92); glut (to
S T R O L L (13) stroll (1.00); loiter (0.93); eat to satiety, 0.86); fill (to pour to the
roam (to w ander, 0.81); p rom enade capacity o f the container, 0.85); uphol­
(0.75); ram ble (to saunter, 0.75); w alk ster (0.85); line (to provide a lining,
(to m ove on foot, 0 .74); ran g e (to 0.80); close (to put a stopper into, 0.77);
traverse w ide areas, 0.63); tram p (to crow d (0.75); fatten (to make fat, 0.71);
wander afoot, 0.60); march (0.55); amble feed (0.71 ); in te rlin e (to p u t in an
(0.50); lo af (to travel at an easy pace, interlining, 0.64); load (to place a load,
0.63); lade (to fill, 0.50); overcrow d defeat, 0.75); m aster (to conquer, 0.75);
(0.50); overeat (0.50); pad (to thicken, strangle (to suppress, 0.75); defeat (to
0.50); overfeed (0.25); overfill (0.25); get the better o f another, 0.63); quiet
ram (to pack forcibly, 0.25). (to m ake calm, 0.57); overcome (0.50);
STU L T IFY (2) stultify (to prevent, 1.00); quash (to crush, 0.50); enslave (0.48);
stultify (to ridicule, 1.00). suppress (0.45); palliate (0.35); curb
S T U M B L E (11) stum ble (to m ove in a ( 0 .2 5 ) ; r e d u c e (to d e f e a t, 0 .2 5 );
stum bling manner, 1.00); stum ble (to su rm o u n t (0.25); van q u ish (0.25);
trip, 1.00); totter (to stagger, 0.92); fall co m m an d (to h ave co ntrol, 0.23);
(to pass q u ic k ly d o w n w ard , 0.79); disarm (to deprive o f w eapons, 0.20);
sputter (0.75); stutter (0.75); flop (to halt (to cause to cease, 0.10); rout (0.06).
m ove with little control, 0.70); stammer S U B JE C T (2) subject (1.00); dominate
(0.67); splutter (to stam m er, 0.50); de­ (0.44).
scend (to m ove low er, 0.16); botch S U B JO IN (2) subjoin (1.00); join (to
(0.04). unite, 0.06).
STU N (8) stun (to render unconscious, S U B JU G A T E (11) subjugate (to conquer,
1.00); galvanize (to startle, 0.75); sur­ 1.00); subjugate (to subdue, 1.00); en­
prise (to am aze, 0.53); benum b (to stu­ slave (0.77); disarm (to reduce national
pefy, 0.50); electrify (to affect deeply, armaments, 0.75); enthrall (to overcome,
0.50); numb (0.50); harden (to toughen, 0.75); subject (0.65); defeat (to get the
0.12); em barrass (to upset m entally, better o f another, 0.56); defeat (to worst
0.03). in w ar, 0 .3 3 ); d o m in a te (0 .3 3 );
STU N T (1) dw arf (to keep small, 0.75). overpow er (0.25); rout (0.12).
S T U P E F Y (10) stupefy (to stun, 1.00); S U B L EA SE (1) sublet (0.75).
stupefy (to am aze, 1.00); drug (0.75); S U B L E T (3) sublet (1.00); let (to rent,
hypnotize (to put in a trance, 0.67); 0.25); rent (to sell the use o f property,
deaden (to reduce life or its evidence, 0 .20).
0.43); m esm erize (0.33); surprise (to S U B L IM A T E (6) sublim ate (to purify,
amaze, 0.32); fuddle (0.29); dazzle (0.25); 1.00); sublim ate (to repress, 1.00); va­
harden (to toughen, 0.19). porize (0.50); purify (0.24); dream (to
S T U T T E R (6) stutter (1.00); hesitate e n te r ta in o r d e lu d e o n e s e lf w ith
(0.94); splutter (to stammer, 0.75); sput­ im agined things, 0.22); liberate (to free
ter (0.50); lisp (0.33); stammer (0.33). from chem ical or physical restraint,
S T Y L E (2) nam e (to give a nam e, 0.75); 0.20).
edit (to supervise publication, 0.55). S U B M E R G E (18) submerge (to cause to
S T Y L IZ E (1) stylize (1.00). sink, 1.00); submerge (to go downward,
SU B D IV ID E (1) subdivide (1.00). 1.00); im m erse (to put under water,
SU B D U E (24) chasten (to punish, 0.88); 0.93); sink (to cause to sink, 0.90); dip
defeat (to w orst in war, 0.81); seize (to (to put into a liquid, 0.75); douse (to
take by force, 0.81); down (0.79); fasci­ imm erse in water, 0.75); overwhelm (to
nate (0.78); subject (0.76); conquer (to drown, 0.75); scuttle (to destroy, 0.75);
settle (to cause to sink, 0.75); inundate fulfill an obligation, 0.50); promote (to
(0.67); cover (to send dow n in plenty, further, 0.16).
0.58); bathe (to sink, 0.50); duck (to S U B SID E (9) subside (1.00); ebb (0.82);
im m erse quickly, 0.50); flood (0.29); contract (to dim inish, 0.73); sink (to go
drown (to lower into a liquid, 0.25); dive dow nw ard, 0.64); decrease (to grow
(0.21); descend (to m ove lower, 0.12); less, 0.50); fall (to pass quickly down­
merge (0.06). w ard, 0.50); w ane (0.33); submerge (to
S U B M E R S E (3) subm erge (to cause to go dow nw ard, 0.25); die (to decline as
sink, 0.75); sink (to cause to sink, 0.60); though death w ere inevitable , 0.06).
settle (to cause to sink, 0.50). S U B SID IZ E (7) subsidize (1.00); give (to
S U B M IT (21) subm it (to offer, 1.00); transfer, 0.63); support (to provide for,
subm it (to surrender, 1.00); subm it (to 0.44); underw rite (to support finan­
suggest, 1.00); obey (to act in accord­ cially, 0.40); prom ote (to further, 0.32);
ance w ith orders, 0.95); fall (to be over­ supplem ent (0.23); contribute (to give,
throw n, 0.89); defer (to yield, 0.86); 0.07).
conform (0.75); subscribe (to suggest, S U B S IS T (2) subsist (1.00); be (to have
0.75); succum b (to yield, 0.75); suggest being, 0.55).
(to m ake a suggestion, 0.75); introduce S U B S T A N T IA T E (10) substantiate (to
(to present, 0.67); offer (to propose, prove, LOO); substantiate (to actualize,
0.50); truckle (0.50); offer (to present, 1.00); prove (0.93); verify (0.82); em­
0.46); capitulate (0.33); yield (to sur­ body (to actualize, 0.75); personify (to
ren d e r, 0 .3 1 ); p ro p o se (to m a k e a embody, 0.75); objectify (0.33); support
suggestion, 0.29); m ove (to propose an (to u p h o ld , 0 .3 1 ); r a tif y (0 .2 5 );
action formally, 0.25); face (to confront strengthen (0.24).
conflict or trouble, 0.12); suffer (to S U B S T IT U T E (9) su b stitu te (to ex­
perm it, 0.08); accom m odate (to render change, 1.00); substitute (to take place
a service, 0.06). of, 1.00); ex ch an g e (to replace one
SU B O R D IN A TE (1) subject (0.24). thing w ith another, 0.95); alternate (to
S U B O R N (2) buy (to bribe, 0.50); bribe take or do by turns, 0.80); change (to
(0.08). m ake different, 0.65); m istake (0.58);
S U B P O E N A (2) subpoena (1.00); com ­ represent (to serve as an equivalent,
m and (to issue an order, 0.05). 0.27); renew (to replace, 0.25); shift (to
S U B S C R IB E (8) subscribe (to give p er­ cause to shift, 0.25).
sonal support, 1.00); subscribe (to give S U B S U M E (2) include (to place into or
financial support, 1.00); subscribe (to am ong, 0.58); com prise (0.05).
su g g est, 1.00); su b sc rib e (to obey, S U B T IL IZ E (2) subtilize (LOO); evade (to
1.00); enter (to join, 0.33); contribute use trickery to avoid a sharp issue,
(to give, 0.32); endorse (to inscribe 0.54).
o n e’s nam e, 0.29); prom ise (to give S U B T R A C T (5) subtract (LOO); decrease
o n e’s word, 0.04). (to m ake less, 0.61); allow (to include
SU B SERV E (3) subserve (1.00); serve (to in an estim ate, 0.50); deduct (0.33);
calculate (to reckon, 0.21). or trouble, 0.32); resist (to withstand,
SU B V E R T (11) subvert (1.00); upset (to 0.30); authorize (to allow, 0.25); receive
turn over, 0.77); overbalance (to upset, (to endure, 0.25); m ourn (to lament,
0.75); sabotage (0.75); abolish (0.57); 0.05).
u n d o (0 .5 0 ); d e s tro y (to b rin g to S U F F IC E (4) suffice (1.00); cloy (0.25);
nothing, 0.30); dism antle (0.25); sap m eet (to fulfill, 0.25); satisfy (to fulfill,
(0.25); turn (to reverse, 0.19); raze (0.13). 0.06).
S U C C E E D (8) succeed (to attain suc­ S U F F IX (1) subjoin (0.25).
cess, 1.00); succeed (to follow in tim e, S U F F O C A T E (12) su ffo cate (1.00);
1.00); thrive (to prosper, 0.75); rise (to sw elter (0.75); drow n (to kill or to die
im prove o n e’s station, 0.43); carry (to by drow ning, 0.67); choke (to be de­
win, 0.33); supersede (0.33); roll (to prived o f air, 0.50); kill (to deprive o f
m o v e by r o ta tio n , or in r o ta tin g life, 0.50); sm other (0.50); stifle (0.50);
num bers, 0.14); operate (to produce an strangle (to smother, 0.50); die (to cease
effect, 0.06). living, 0.44); garrote (0.25); extinguish
S U C C O U R (4) succour (1.00); prom ote (to put out, 0.14); choke (to deprive o f
(to further, 0.89); com fort (to console, air, 0.08).
0 .5 6 ); e n c o u rag e (to giv e su p p o rt, SU FFU SE (4) instill (0.92); colour (to im­
0.41). part colour to, 0.69); pervade (0.67); mix
SU C C U M B (8) succumb (to yield, 1.00); (to blend, 0.26).
succum b (to die, 1.00); yield (to sur­ S U G A R (1) sw eeten (to m ake sweet,
render, 0.85); lose (to fail to win, 0.75); 0.67).
die (to cease living, 0.56); fall (to be S U G G E S T (32) suggest (to make a sug­
overthrown, 0.56); go (to die, 0.33); faint gestion, 1.00); suggest (to bring to
(0.17). m ind, 1.00); propose (to m ake a sug­
S U C K (4) suck (1.00); imbibe (to absorb, gestion, 0.95); invite (to ask politely,
0.50); drink (to sw allow liquid, 0.38); 0.80); intimate (0.75); move (to propose
taste (to taste by the tongue, 0.14). an action form ally, 0.75); offer (to
S U C K L E (3) suckle (1.00); raise (to nur­ propose, 0.75); broach (to mention,
ture, 0.70); nurse (0.18). 0.67); raise (to ask, 0.67); volunteer (to
SUE (5) sue (1.00); beg (to ask earnestly m ake a proposal, 0.67); advise (to give
or importunately, 0.53); accuse (0.34); counsel, 0.62); nam e (to indicate by
request (to solicit, 0.25); invite (to ask nam e, 0.58); ask (to invite, 0.50); con­
politely, 0.04). note (0.50); infer (to imply, 0.50); insinu­
S U F F E R (14) suffer (to feel pain, 1.00); ate (to m ake an indirect hint, 0.50);
su ffer (to endure, 1.00); suffer (to recom m end (to m ake a suggestion or
perm it, 1.00); endure (to sustain adver­ prescription, 0.50); submit (to suggest,
sity, 0.95); let (to perm it, 0.75); allow 0.50); refer (to mention, 0.47); advance
(to perm it an action, 0.74); lose (to in­ (to propose, 0.33); implicate (to imply,
cur loss, 0.67); take (to undergo, 0.50); 0.33); im ply (to indicate, 0.33); guess
writhe (0.33); face (to confront conflict (to attem pt an answ er on inadequate
evidence, 0.29); m ean (to have as m ean­ S U M M O N (12) sum m on (to call, 1.00);
ing, 0.28); involve (0.27); m anage (to sum m on (to convene, 1.00); accuse
direct, 0.27); feel (to give an im pres­ (0.75); arraign (0.75); call (to invite,
sion through touch, 0.25); foreshadow 0.75); w histle (to call w ith a whistle,
(0.25); notify (to warn, 0.25); hint (0.09); 0.71); assem b le (to b rin g together,
w arn (0.07); m ention (0.06). 0.53); ring (to call by ringing, 0.50);
S U IT (15) suit (to be in accord w ith, com m and (to issue an order, 0.43);
1.00); suit (to please, 1.00); suit (to m uster (0.33); interpellate (0.25); bring
ad a p t, 1.00); fit (to be su ita b le in (to initiate a legal action, 0.18).
c h a racter, 0.8 9 ); a c c o m m o d a te (to SU N (3) air (to expose to the air, 0.60);
render a service, 0.84); flatter (to be harden (to m ake less pervious, 0.33);
becom ing to a w earer, 0.75); conform heat (to m ake hot, 0.30).
(0 .6 3 ); b e h o v e (to b ec o m e , 0 .5 0 ); S U N D E R (9) sunder (1.00); divide (to
qualify (to fulfill requirem ents, 0.50); separate by parting, 0.76); break (to
agree (0.38); m atch (to be alike, 0.33); start a rupture, 0.68); cut (to sever,
m esh (0.33); use (to m ake a practice o f 0.54); estrange (to alienate, 0.50); un­
(in past), 0.33); becom e (to be suitable, co u p le (0.5 0 ); d iv o rce (0.33); rend
0.31); apply (to be relevant, 0.08). (0.25); scatter (to cause to separate,
S U L K to keep alo o f from others (5) sulk 0.13).
(1.00); brood (to nurse o n e ’s troubles, S U P to eat o n e’s supper (3) sup (1.00);
0.69); frown (0.33); glower (0.25); mope eat (to take as food, 0.48); dine (0.25).
(0.06). SU PER A B O U N D (1) teem (0.14).
SULLY (11) sully (to soil, 1.00); sully (to S U P E R A N N U A T E (1) endure (to con­
defame, 1.00); dirty (0.95); blacken (to tinue, 0.17).
sm irch, 0.75); blot (to disgrace, 0.75); S U P E R C H A R G E (1) burden (0.54).
sm irch (to degrade, 0.75); soil (to dirty, S U PE R H E A T (1) heat (to make hot, 0.53).
0.50); slander (0.43); disgrace (0.27); S U P E R IM P O S E (4) top (to apply top­
foul (to make dirty, 0.25); smear (to dirty, ping, 0.67); carpet (0.50); overlay (to
0.25). overlap, 0.50}; cover (to place as a
S U M (4) add (to bring together, usually covering, 0.29).
by m athem atics, 0.78); tally (to count, S U P E R IN T E N D (9) superintend (LOO);
0.67); count (0.38); calculate (to reckon, guard (to w atch over, 0.80); tend (to
0.37). w atch over, 0.79); com m and (to have
S U M M A R IZ E (7) summ arize (1.00); re­ control, 0.72); oversee (0.67); engineer
port (to m ake a sum m ary statem ent, (0.50); govern (0.36); manage (to direct,
0.89); abstract (to prepare an abstract, 0.35); farm (to m anage farm property,
0.50); co n d en se (to ab rid g e, 0.50); 0.33).
e p ito m ize (0.50); co m p re ss (0 .1 3 ); S U P E R S C R IB E (1) address (to provide
decrease (to m ake less, 0.11). directions for delivery, 0.20).
S U M M E R to reside over summer (1) sum­ S U P E R S E D E (8) supersede (LOO); sub­
m er (1.00). vert (0.76); discard (0.72); succeed (to
follow in tim e, 0.56); dism iss (to send S U P P O R T (37) support (to hold up from
away, 0.50); supplant (0.25); substitute ben eath , 1.00); support (to uphold,
(to take place of, 0.20); abolish (0.19). 1 .0 0 ); s u p p o rt (to d e fe n d , 1.00);
S U P E R V E N E (3) supervene (1.00); suc­ support (to continue, 1.00); support
ceed (to follow in tim e, 0.78); happen (to provide for, 1.00); justify (to give
(to occur, 0.07). reasons for, 0.89); approve (to give ap­
S U P E R V IS E (12) supervise (1.00); guide p ro v al, 0.87); feed (0.84); undergo
(to direct, 0.75); handle (to direct, 0.75); (0.82); urge (to present favourably,
superintend (0.75); com m and (to have 0.82); end u re (to sustain adversity,
control, 0.74); m anage (to direct, 0.59); 0.76); aid (0.75); assist (to assist, 0.75);
guard (to watch over, 0.53); m astermind stim ulate (0.75); subscribe (to give fi­
(0.50); govern (0.45); oversee (0.33); nancial support, 0.75); subsidize (0.75);
head (0.25); lead (to exercise leadership, balance (to place in balance, 0.73);
0.25). prom ote (to further, 0.71); comfort (to
S U P P L A N T (8) supplant (1.00); subvert make easy physically, 0.62); underwrite
(0.81); replace (to take the place of, (to support financially, 0.60); argue (to
0.67); succeed (to follow in time, 0.67); endeavour to convince, 0.53); acknowl­
abolish (0.62); substitute (to take place edge (to recognize the authority of,
of, 0.60); change (to put in place o f 0.50); allow (to g ran t a request or
another, 0.50); renew (to replace, 0.50). assertion, 0.50); bear (to suffer, 0.50);
S U P P L E M E N T (5) supplem ent (1.00); boost (to prom ote, 0.50); commend (to
complete (to make entire, 0.53); append praise, 0.50); fight (to struggle for an
(to add, 0.50); add (to m ake a further end, 0.50); indorse (0.50); endorse (to
remark, 0.43); increase (to add to, 0.40). indicate o n e ’s active support, 0.46);
S U P PL IC A T E (9) supplicate (1.00); pray acco m m o d ate (to ren d e r a service,
(to call upon God, 0.83); beg (to ask 0.41); sustain (to defend, 0.40); comfort
e a rn e stly or im p o rtu n a te ly , 0 .7 9 ); (to co n so le, 0.39); follow (to be a
im plore (0.75); invite (to ask politely, follow er, 0.33); vindicate (to defend,
0.56); entreat (0.40); court (to w oo, 0.33); afford (to be in a position to buy,
0.29); ask (to solicit, 0.25); solicit (to 0.29); enforce (to add strength, 0.25);
beg, 0.25). guarantee (to certify, 0.17).
SU PPL Y (17) supply (1.00); supplem ent S U P P O S E (20) suppose (1.00); assume
(0.92); feed (0.87); contribute (to give, (to take for granted, 0.97); reason (to
0.86); arm (to equip, 0.75); replenish seek a reasonable explanation , 0.92);
(0.75); recruit (to raise troops, 0.57); fill believe (to assum e, 0.75); conjecture
(to pour to the capacity o f the container, (0.75); infer (to assume, 0.75); estimate
0.54); accommodate (to render a service, (to m ake a considered prediction, 0.67);
0.50); administer (to minister, 0.50); cater consider (to regard, 0.60); guess (to
(0.50); nourish (0.50); stock (0.50); outfit m ake a choice, almost at hazard, 0.50);
(0.33); endow (to give to, 0.25); give (to hope (0.50); misjudge (to make a wrong
provide, 0.25); purvey (0.25). judgm ent, usually o f a person, 0.50);
play (to pretend, 0.50); postulate (to Upward, 0.38); flow (to m ove in one
theorize, 0.50); prem ise (to assum e, direction, 0.33); gush (to emit copiously,
0.50); presuppose (0.50); anticipate (to 0.33); flow (to issue forth, 0.30); swirl
foresee, 0.42); presum e (0.33); judge (to (to roll or wave, 0.25); overflow (to flow
form an opinion, 0.25); surm ise (0.25); over the top, or out at a vent, 0.13).
say (0.12). S U R M IS E (12) surmise (1.00); regard (to
S U P P R E S S (19) suppress (1.00); abol­ h a v e an a ttitu d e , 0 .6 7 ); g u ess (to
ish (0 .9 8 ); o p p ress (0 .8 7 ); su b v e rt attem pt an answ er on inadequate evi­
(0.86); su bjugate (to subdue, 0.75); dence, 0.59); suppose (0.50); suspect
destroy (to bring to nothing, 0.73); hide (to suppose, 0.50); doubt (to entertain
(to conceal, 0.69); cancel (to annul, doubt, 0.47); hope (0.31); assum e (to
0.67); harbour (to keep hidden, 0.67); take for granted, 0.29); conjecture (0.25);
halt (to cause to cease, 0.64); w ithdraw understand (to suppose, 0.25); estimate
(to rem ove from use or circulation, (to m ake a considered prediction, 0.20);
0.60); henpeck (0.50); quiet (to m ake anticipate (to foresee, 0.08).
silent, 0.50); m uzzle (to silence, 0.45); S U R M O U N T (9) surmount (1.00); defeat
enslave (0.42); coerce (to hold back, (to get the better o f another, 0.93); rise
0.25); sm other (0.25); subject (0.18); (to m ove upward, 0.69); scale (to climb,
succeed (to attain success, 0.10). 0.50); hurdle (0.40); succeed (to attain
S U P PU R A T E (3) suppurate (1.00); m at­ success, 0.29); exceed (0.21); climb (to
ter (to form or discharge pus, 0.67); m ount, 0.14); overlook (to occupy a
decay (0.29). com m anding height, 0.14).
S U R C H A R G E (2) glut (to oversupply, SU R PA S S (14) surpass (1.00); outstrip
0.47); inflate (to distend, 0.06). (0.75); excel (0.67); overbalance (to ex­
S U R F A C E (6) co at (0.75); level (to ce ed , 0 .6 7 ); b ea t (to w o rst, 0.50);
straighten, 0.75); appear (to becom e o u tp la y (0 .5 0 ); o u tsh in e (to outdo,
visible, 0.64); cover (to place as a cov­ 0.50); outw eigh (to exceed in im por­
ering, 0.57); varn ish (0.47); v en eer tance, 0.50); outsell (0.33); top (to ex­
(0.25). ceed, 0.33); exceed (0.32); outclass
S U R F E IT (8) surfeit (1.00); glut (to eat to (0.25); outreach (0.25); overtop (0.25).
satiety, 0.93); satiate (0.75); cloy (0.50); S U R P R IS E (2) suiprise (to amaze, 1.00);
pall (0.50); gorge (0.33); assuage (to sat­ surprise (to take unaw are, 1.00).
isfy, 0.25); satisfy (to m ake content, S U R R E N D E R (16) surrender (to accept
0.16). defeat, 1.00); surrender (to relinquish
S U R G E (15) surge (to rise, 1.00); surge possession, 1.00); obey (to act in ac­
(to sw ell, 1.00); w ave (to undulate, cordance w ith orders, 0.76); quit (to
0.92); lunge (0.75); jum p (to leap across abandon, 0.75); abandon (to relinquish,
or up, 0.69); rally (to regain strength, 0.67); capitulate (0.67); fall (to be over­
0.67); pounce (0.50); boil (to seethe, throw n, 0.67); resign (to relinquish,
0.43); roll (to flow, 0.42); rise (to m ove 0.67); bow (to subm it, 0.60); dedicate
(to set apart for special use, 0.58); suc­ S U S P E N D (1 7 ) su sp e n d (to debar,
cumb (to yield, 0.50); prostrate (to sub­ 1.00);suspend (to cease temporarily,
mit, 0.33); relinquish (0.33); forsake (to 1.00); suspend (to hang, 1.00); suspend
relinquish, 0.25); sacrifice (to give up (to cause to hang, 1.00); halt (to cause
as a m eans to an end, 0.22); stop (to to cease, 0.96); neglect (to fail to at­
cease, 0.07). tend to responsibilities, 0.77); expel (to
S U R R O U N D (11) surround (to be on all dism iss, 0.75); interm it (0.75); bar (to
sides, 1.00); surround (to take a posi­ obstruct by refusal, 0.68); dism iss (to
tion on all sides, 1.00); localize (0.75); rem ove an em ployee, 0.54); fail (to
ring (to encircle, 0.75); outflank (0.50); dism iss for failure, 0.50); debar (to
sheathe (0.50); restrict (to hold w ithin exlude, 0.33); pause (0.30); recall (to re­
lim its, 0.41); inclose (0.33); approach m ove from office, 0.25); stop (to cause
(to com e near in space, 0.25); shelter to cease, 0.25); delay (to cause a delay,
(0.22); am bush (0.11). 0.16); hinder (0.01).
S U R V E Y (13) survey (to look upon, S U S P IR E (1) sigh (0.75).
1.00); survey (to examine or summarize, SU ST A IN (38) sustain (to carry, 1.00);
1.00); o v erlo o k (to occu p y a co m ­
sustain (to nourish, 1.00); sustain (to
m anding height, 0.71); overfly (0.67);
defend, 1.00); su p p o rt (to uphold,
lo o k (to e n d e a v o u r to se e, 0 .5 5 );
0.94); hold (to support; often used with
analyze (to study carefully, 0.50); digest
up, 0.91); undergo (0.91); com fort (to
(to sum m arize, 0.50); view (0.50);
m ake easy physically, 0.73); afford (to
contem plate (to look at, 0.35); recon­
be in a position to buy, 0.71); bear (to
noitre (0.25); browse (0.20); measure (to
support weight, 0.67); buoy (0.67); jus­
ap p ly a sta n d a rd o f m e a su re m e n t,
tify (to give reasons for, 0.67); outwear
0.11); see (to perceive w ith the eye,
(to survive, 0.67); support (to hold up
from beneath, 0.64); continue (to per­
S U R V IV E (7) survive (to live on, 1.00);
sist, 0.63); encourage (to give support,
survive (to endure, 1.00); m anage (to
0.62); strengthen (0.61); help (to aid,
get along, 0.50); live (to persist in h u ­
m an memory, 0.40); be (to have being, 0.54); carry (to support weight, 0.50);
0.30); endure (to continue, 0.28); exist fo rtify (to stren g th en p h y sically or
(to have being, 0.25). em otionally, 0.50); keep (to continue,
S U S P E C T (11) suspect (to doubt som e­ 0.50); receive (to support, 0.50); serv­
one, 1.00); suspect (to suppose, 1.00); ice (0.50); prove (0.45); com fort (to
d o u b t (to e n te r ta in d o u b t, 0 .9 3 ); console, 0.44); defend (to provide gen­
estim ate (to m ake a considered predic­ eral protection, 0.42); accommodate (to
tion, 0.80); guess (to attem pt an answer render a service, 0.38); endure (to sus­
on inadequate evidence, 0.76); mistrust tain adversity, 0.38); face (to confront
(0.75); assum e (to take for granted, conflict or trouble, 0.36); endure (to
0.62); distrust (0.50); misbelieve (0.50); c o n tin u e , 0 .3 3 ); su ffe r (to endure,
question (to doubt, 0.50); hope (0.38). 0.33); survive (to endure, 0.33); uphold
(to m aintain, 0.33); bolster (0.25); but­ (0.97); rock (0.95); sw ing (to describe
tress (0.25); nourish (0.25); approve (to an arc, 0.91); lobby (0.88); shake (to
give approval, 0.23); feed (0.23); m ain­ cause to vibrate, 0.79); sw agger (to
tain (to keep ready for use, 0.11). strut, 0.75); w addle (0.75); reel (0.70);
SW A B (8) sw ab (1.00); w ash (to brush heave (to raise and fall, 0.67); waggle
w ith a liquid, 0.92); m op (0.89); clean (0.67); teeter (0.64); wave (to move back
(0.85); rub (to subject to friction, 0.23); and forth, 0.52); affect (to have an
paint (to protect or decorate by paint­ e ffe c t u p o n , 0 .5 0 ); c a reen (0 .5 0 );
ing, 0.20); w ipe (0.20); grease (0.09). v ac illate (to totter, 0.50); m ove (to
SW A D D L E (2) sw addle (1.00); w rap (to arouse the em otions of, 0.46); encour­
tw ine or wind, 0.22). age (to raise the spirits, 0.44); toss (to
S W A G G E R (8) sw agger (to strut, 1.00); m ove up and dow n, 0.43); win (to con­
sw ag ger (to boast, 1,00); boast (to vince, 0.43); wag (0.33); dance (to move
brag, 0.85); brag (0.75); vaunt (0.75); in a gay manner, 0.30); convince (0.29);
bluster (0.65); strut (0.50); sw ay (to alternate (to fluctuate, 0.27); affect (to
fluctuate, 0.25). m ove em otionally, 0.25); bias (0.25);
S W A L L O W (5) sw allow (1.00); eat (to lurch (0.25); oscillate (to swing, 0.25);
take as food, 0.78); devour (0.50); quaff totter (to be near falling, 0.15); beat (to
(0.50); absorb (to take in by absorp­ pulsate, 0.13); tilt (to incline, 0.09).
tion, 0.21). S W E A R (15) swear (to curse, 1.00); swear
SW A M P (5) drow n (to cover w ith liquid, (to tak e an o ath, 1.00); sw ear (to
0.75); flood (0.71); subm erge (to cause declare, 1.00); testify (to bare witness,
to sink, 0.25); sink (to cause to sink, 0.78); declare (to adm it to o n e’s pos­
0.20); defeat (to w orst in war, 0.11). sessions, 0.77); prom ise (to give on e’s
SW A P (2) swap (1.00); trade (to give one w ord, 0.77); certify (to state formally,
thing for another, 0.33). 0.75); fulm inate (to denounce, 0.75);
SW A R M to gather, o f bees (6) sw arm guarantee (to promise, 0.75); pledge (to
(1.00); bristle (to display in abundance, prom ise, 0.75); blasphem e (0.67); as­
0.75); concentrate (to bring or com e sure (to prom ise, 0.25); profane (0.22);
together, 0.32); teem (0.29); gather (to vouch (0.05); declare (to speak formally
com e together, 0.26); mob (0.25). and emphatically, 0.02).
SW A SH (3) spatter (0.81); gargle (0.75); S W E A T (6) sw eat (to perspire, 1.00);
boast (to brag, 0.30). sw eat (to w ork hard, 1.00); toil (toil,
SW AT to hit (2) sw at (1.00); pelt (0.75). 0.75); w ork (to labour, 0.73); exude
SW ATH (1) sw ath (1.00). (0.25); excrete (0.07).
SW A T H E (5) sw athe (1.00); w rap (to S W E E P (12) sw eep (1.00); brush (to
tw ine or w ind, 0.89); sw addle (0.75); cleanse by b ru sh in g , 0.75); pan (to
bandage (0.50); tape (to bandage, 0.50). swing; said o f a camera, 0.67); flow (to
SWAY (32) sw ay (to fluctuate, 1.00); issue forth, 0.65); swab (0.50); flow (to
sw ay (to influence, 1.00); influence m ove in one direction, 0.48); lick (to
p ass the to n g u e over, 0 .47); clea n source, 0.25); bend (to be forced out
(0.43); touch (to be in contact, 0.32); o f a stra ig h t line, 0 .2 1 ); w ind (to
dance (to m ove in a gay m anner, 0.20); meander, 0.18).
blow (to carry on the wind, 0.08); reach S W IG to drink (3) drink (to consume al­
(to extend to, 0.07). coholic liquor, 0.50); swallow (0.27);
S W E E T E N (2) sw eeten (to m ake fresh, guzzle (0.25).
1.00); sw eeten (to m ake sweet, 1.00). S W IL L (5) sw ill (1.00); guzzle (0.75);
S W E L L (30) sw ell (1.00); rise (to in­ drink (to consum e alcoholic liquor,
crease, 0.90); grow (to becom e larger, 0.67); gulp (0.50); swallow (0.45).
0.89); heap (to place in a heap, 0.88); S W IM (2) swim (1.00); float (0.33).
p ro tru d e (0.86); accu m u late (to in ­ S W IN D L E (11) sw indle (1.00); deceive
crease, 0.67); belly (0.67); heave (to (0.90); bam boozle (to cheat, 0.75); do
raise and fall, 0.62); w ave (to undulate, (to cheat, 0.75); victim ize (0.67); rob
0.62); boast (to brag, 0.60); bluster (0.60); cheat (0.50); rook (0.50); steal
(0.59); irritate (to inflam e, 0.57); teem (0 .28); gyp (0.25); m ulct (to cheat
(0.57); bristle (to show sudden anger,
someone, 0.25).
0.50); fatten (to grow fat, 0.50); w ax (to
S W IN G (19) sw ing (to describe an arc,
increase, 0.50); flow (to issue forth,
1.00); sw ing (to cause to swing, 1.00);
0.35); abound (0.33); blow (to give form
beat (to pulsate, 0.76); rock (0.76); turn
by in fla tio n , 0.33); fill (to o ccu p y
(to change direction, 0.75); shake (to
avaliable space, 0.33); inflate (to fill
cause to vibrate, 0.71); gallop (0.53);
with air or gas, 0.33); build (to increase,
reciprocate (to vacillate, 0.50); suspend
0.25); enlarge (to increase, 0.25); p u ff
(to cause to hang, 0.50); suspend (to
(to inflate, 0.25); stretch (to becom e
hang, 0.50); w ag (0.50); wield (0.50);
longer, 0.25); w iden (to becom e wider,
hang (to be suspended, 0.45); wave (to
0.25); fill (to pour to the capacity o f
m ove back and forth, 0.38); flap (0.25);
the container, 0.23); inflam e (to cause
u n d u la te (to sw ay, 0.25); w ave (to
physical soreness, 0.14); thicken (to
flutter, 0.25); dance (to m ove in a gay
m ake thicker, 0.13); flow (to m ove in
manner, 0.15); flourish (to wave trium­
one direction, 0.10).
S W E L T E R (4) sw elter (1.00); secrete (to phantly, 0.13).
p ersp ire , 0.50); sw eat (to persp ire, S W IN G L E to sw ing about; to hang (1)
0.43); heat (to becom e hot, 0.19). toss (to m ove up and down, 0.07).
S W E R V E (15) sw erve (1.00); turn (to S W IR L (9) swirl (to roll or wave, 1.00);
change direction, 0.92); veer (0.92); swirl (to twist, 1.00); flow (to keep up a
change (to m ake different, 0.83); de­ circular m otion, 0.89); turn (to change
flect (0.75); turn (to divert, 0.73); devi­ direction, 0.83); whirl (0.50); heave (to
ate (0.70); vary (to show changes, raise and fall, 0.33); w ave (to undulate,
0.50); yaw (0.50); stray (0.40); recoil 0.31); roll (to revolve, 0.29); dance (to
(0.36); hesitate (0.29); diverge (to move m ove in a gay manner, 0.25).
in different directions from the sam e S W IS H (4) sw ish (1.00); rustle (0.77);
w hirr (0.50); w ave (to flutter, 0.33).
S W IT C H (8) sw itch (1 .00); b ea t (to T
thrash, 0.75); w ithdraw (to rem ove, T A B L E (3) table (1.00); w aive (0.15);
0.50); turn (to divert, 0.33); rem ove (to delay (to cause a delay, 0.14).
m ove physically, 0.30); tack (to steer T A B O O (3) taboo (1.00); forbid (0.07);
an oblique course, 0.20); hurt (to cause hinder (0.02).
pain, 0.10); punish (0.06). T A B U L A T E (6) tabulate (1.00); classify
S W IV E L (3) pivot (0.50); turn (to pivot, (0.91); inventory (0.82); record (to write
0.44); roll (to revolve, 0.21). down, 0.56); list (to enter in a list, 0.28);
S W O O N (2) sw oon (1.00); faint (0.83). index (0.25).
S W O O P (6) sw oop (1.00); dip (to fall, T A C K (8) tack (to fasten lightly, 1.00);
0.67); fly (to pass through the air, 0.46); tack (to steer an oblique course, 1.00);
race (to m ove at great speed, 0.32); run turn (to reverse, 0.94); sew (0.50); turn
(to go sw iftly by physical effort, 0.28); (to change direction, 0.50); fasten (to
descend (to m ove lower, 0.04). m ake som ething secure, 0.48); baste (to
S Y M B O L IZ E (7) symbolize (1.00); indi­ sew temporarily, 0.25); change (to make
cate (to signify, 0.75); prefigure (0.75); different, 0.07).
represent (to serve as an equivalent, T A C K L E (7) tackle (1.00); block (in
0.64); m ean (to have as meaning, 0.56); sports, to im pede a play, 0.75); down
personify (to represent, 0.50); typify (0.71); trip (to cause to stum ble, 0.60);
(0.50). attack (to proceed vigorously, 0.50);
S Y M P A T H IZ E (2) sym pathize (1.00); harness (0.38); try (to endeavour, 0.17).
condole (0.75). T A G (4) tag (to fit w ith a tag, 1.00); rate
S Y M P H O N IZ E (1) harmonize (to render (to rank, 0.57); m ark (to put prices
harmonic, 0.25). upon, 0.25); classify (0.20).
S Y N C H R O N IZ E (2) coexist (0.50); agree T A IL O R (2) sew (0.60); change (to make
(0.08). different, 0.39).
SY N C O PA TE (1) syncopate (1.00). T A IN T (12) taint (to pollute, 1.00); taint
S Y N D IC A T E (2) syndicate (1.00); m o­ (to corrupt, 1.00); corrupt (to debase,
nopolize (0.27). 0.67); touch (to tinge, 0.56); adulterate
S Y N T H E S IZ E (3) sy n thesize (1.00); (0.51); infect (0.50); stain (to soil, 0.25);
m erge (0.81); organize (to put in order, disgrace (0.23); dam age (to im pair the
0.60). value of, 0.17); abuse (to treat badly,
S Y N T H E T IZ E (1) mix (to blend, 0.18). 0.14); poison (0.14); dirty (0.13).
S Y ST E M A T IZ E (10) systematize (1.00); T A K E (65) take (to seize, 1.00); take (to
c lassify (0.82); o rg an iz e (to p u t in collect, 1.00); take (to catch, 1.00); take
order, 0.80); order (to put in order, 0.79); (to ch oose, 1.00); take (to acquire,
codify (0.75); regulate (to adjust, 0.74); 1.00); take (to require, 1.00); take (to
arrange (to put in order, 0.25); lay (to purchase, 1.00); take (to contract; said
p ut in order, 0.25); adjust (to bring to o f a disease, 1.00); take (to record, 1.00);
an agreem ent, 0.20); tabulate (0.20). take (to transport, 1.00); take (to capti­
TALK -345- TAP
vate, 1.00); take (to win, 1.00); take (to (0.93); lecture (to give a speech, 0.75);
rent, 1.00); take (to steal, 1.00); take (to com m unicate (to be in communication,
undergo, 1.00); take (to consider, 1.00); 0.71); preach (0.40).
take (to com prehend, 1.00); take (to TA LLY (9) tally (to record, 1.00); tally (to
lead, 1.00); take (to escort, 1.00); take count, 1.00); agree (0.62); score (to
(to adm it, 1.00); take (to enjoy, 1.00); com pute the score, 0.50); list (to enter
take (to adopt, 1.00); take (to apply, in a list, 0.47); adjust (to bring to an
1.00); take (to travel, 1.00);take (to agreement, 0.40); add (to bring together,
experience, 1.00); take (to grow, 1.00); usually by m athem atics, 0.33); fit (to
steal (0.97); seize (to grasp, 0.95); be suitable in character, 0.32); calculate
choose (to select, 0.93); rob (0.90); (to reckon, 0.05).
catch (to seize hold of, 0.87); under­ T A M E to bring animals under control (5)
stand (to com prehend, 0.85); obtain (to decrease (to m ake less, 0.89); subject
gain possession, 0.82); acquire (to ob­ (0.88); d o m esticate (0.75); harness
tain, 0.80); drink (to sw allow liquid, (0.54); civilize (0.48).
0.75); force (to cap tu re by assault, T A M P E R (3) tam per (1.00); m eddle (to
0.75); average (to do on an average, handle others’ things, 0.86); violate (to
0.71); jum p (to pass over, 0.71); get (to transgress, 0.17).
receive, 0.67); react (to feel in response, TA N (2) sear (to dry by searing, 0.75);
0.67); bring (to initiate a legal action, w eather (to expose to the weather,
0 .6 4 ); sw a llo w (0 .6 4 ); en d u re (to 0.46).
su stain adversity, 0.62); accept (to T A N G L E to involve in affairs (7) tangle
receive, 0.50); capture (to take into le­ (1.00); complicate (0.40); mat (0.40); mix
gal custody, 0.50); get (to catch, 0.50); (to confuse, 0.33); entangle (0.31); in­
impound (to seize, 0.50); trust (to hope, tertwine (0.25); mistake (0.13).
0.50); cariy (to transport, 0.48); catch T A N G O (1) dance (to move rhythmically,
(to contract a disease, 0.40); catch (to 0.38).
reach in tim e to board, 0.33); cost (to T A N T A L IZ E (8) tantalize (1.00); disap­
require in money, 0.33); film (0.33); nab point (0.74); appeal (to attract, 0.62);
(to seize, 0.33); seize (to take by force, tease (0.50); tem pt (0.50); taunt (0.25);
0.33); receive (to take into one’s charge, fascinate (0.22); bother (to give trou­
0.26); appropriate (to seize, 0.25); grab ble, 0.03).
(0.25); partake (0.25); jum p (to leap T A P to furnish cask with a tap (7) tap (to
across or up, 0.23); defeat (to w orst in puncture in order to draw liquid, 1.00);
sport or in personal com bat, 0.21); tap (to obtain by m eans o f tapping,
consider (to regard, 0.20); hold (to have 1.00); em p ty (to cau se to becom e
in o n e ’s grasp, 0.14); arrest (to seize em pty, 0.76); bro ach (to penetrate,
legally, 0.08); bring (to be worth in sale, 0.75); decant (0.67); drain (to withdraw
0.08). fluid, 0.50); uncover (0.25).
T A L K (7) talk (to converse, 1.00); talk (to T A P to knock (13) tap (to strike lightly,
lecture, 1.00); talk (to utter, 1.00); utter 1.00); dab (0.75); fillip (to rap sharply,
0.75); knock (0.75); pat (to strike lightly, sneer (0.83); tease (0.75); oppose (to
0.75); patter (0.75); chuck (to caress, hold a contrary opinion, 0.65); scold
0.50); hit (to strike, 0.48); b ea t (to (0.59); excite (to stir one mentally, 0.53);
thrash, 0.45); peck (0.33); pum p (0.33); incite (0.43); affront (0.25); m ock (to
rustle (0.31); nudge (0.25). ridicule, 0.25); insult (0.20); bother (to
T A PE (7) tape (to fasten, 1.00); tape (to give trouble, 0.18).
record, 1.00);tape (to bandage, 1.00); T A U T E N (1) stretch (to cause to stretch,
record (to record electronically, 0.83); 0.07).
cut (to record electronically, 0.33); gag TA X (11) tax (to cause to pay a tax, 1.00);
(to stop the m outh, 0.20); w ind (to tax (to accuse, 1.00); tax (to burden,
w rap about, 0.20). 1.00); tire (to make a person exhausted,
T A P E R (2) ta p e r (1 .0 0 ); p o in t (to 0.95); w eary (to make weary, 0.80); fine
sharpen, 0.75). (0.62); burden (0.58); drain (to withdraw
T A R N IS H (10) tarnish (to stain, 1.00); strength, 0.41); estim ate (to m ake a
tarnish (to disgrace, 1.00); dam age (to ro u g h gu ess, 0 .4 0 ); refu n d (to put
im pair the value of, 0.92); dirty (0.79); financial obligations on a new basis,
fade (to lose co lo u r or light, 0.67); 0.31); accuse (0.19).
b lack en (to sm irch, 0.50); disg race T E A C H (9) teach (to act as a teacher,
(0.42); slander (0.40); blot (to disgrace, 1.00); teach (to drill, 1.00); explain
0.25); discolour (0.25). (0.73); show (to convince, 0.67); preach
T A RRY (10) tarry (1.00); linger (to go re­ (0.60); cram (to study hurriedly, 0.50);
luctantly, 0.96); stay (0.75); w ait (to notify (to provide w ith inform ation,
await, 0.70); lag (to m ove slowly, 0.60); 0.33); inform (0.25); advise (to give
stop (to halt, 0.60); trail (to lag behind, counsel, 0.17).
0.60); loiter (0.52); dwell (0.36); remain T E A M (1) team (1.00).
(to stay, 0.33). T E A R (15) tear (1.00); m angle (to muti­
T A R T A R IZ E to convert into a tartar (1) late, 0.95); hurt (to cause pain, 0.94);
sour (0.09). race (to m ove at great speed, 0.81); slit
T A SK (1) com m and (to issue an order, (0.75); claw (0.67); shred (0.67); hasten
0.14). (to m a k e h a s te , 0 .6 0 ); d iv id e (to
T A ST E (8) taste (to experience flavour, separate by parting, 0.55); break (to
1.00); taste (to taste by the tongue, start a rupture, 0.53); rupture (0.50);
1.00); taste (to recognize by flavour, dam age (to im pair the value of, 0.42);
1.00); taste (to experience, 1.00);sample strip (to rem ove, 0.33); rip (0.29); run
(0.75); sip (0.67); touch (to be in con­ (to go sw iftly by physical effort, 0.14).
tact, 0.50); bite (to seize or sever w ith T E A S E to provoke; to tear; to disturb
teeth, 0.44). (19) tease (1.00); excite (to stir one
T A T T E R to make ragged (1) fray (0.33). mentally, 0.78); banter (0.75); harass (to
T A T T L E (3) tattle (1.00); gossip (0.92); annoy an individual, 0.75); kid (0.75);
babble (0.29). ta n ta l iz e ( 0 .7 5 ) ; c o q u e t (0 .6 7 );
TA UN T (12) taunt (1.00); ridicule (0.91); em barrass (to upset mentally, 0.55);
dally (to flirt, 0.50); insult (0.50); haunt cast, usually electronically, 0.30).
(to prey upon, 0.45); disappoint (0.44); T E L L (28) tell (to inform , 1.00); tell (to
goad (0.44); m olest (to disturb people, narrate, 1.00); tell (to deduce, 1.00); say
0.44); flirt (to coquet, 0.33); bait (to (0.94); declare (to speak form ally and
torm ent, 0.25); persecute (to torm ent em phatically, 0.88); w eigh (to have
persistently, 0.25); bother (to give trou­ weight, 0.88); acquaint (0.75); impart (to
ble, 0.05); fascinate (0.02). inform , 0.75); instruct (to order, 0.75);
T E E M to have in g reat n um bers; to unclo ak (to expose, 0.75); w hisper
p ro d u ce (2) teem (1.00); in fest (to (0.75); com m and (to issue an order,
swarm, 0.50). 0.73); cite (to refer to as authority, 0.69);
T E E T E R (7) teeter (1.00); flop (to m ove detail (to m ake clear in detail, 0.69);
w ith little control, 0.91); lim p (0.69); unbosom (0.67); explain (0.61); utter
w obble (0.47); alternate (to fluctuate, ( 0 .5 4 ) ; b a la n c e (to d e m o n s tra te
0.45); totter (to be near falling, 0.38); balance, 0.53); air (to speak publicly,
waver (0.36). 0.50); blab (to reveal, 0.50); express (to
T E E T O T A L (1) abstain (0.11). give utterance, 0.50); show (to explain,
T E L E C A S T (2) com m unicate (to impart 0.50); adm it (to confess, 0.48); advise
inform ation, 0.80); broadcast (to trans­ (to give counsel, 0.48); recite (to relate
m it electronically, 0.23). in detail, 0 .36); dev elo p (to reveal
T E L E G R A P H (3) telegraph (1.00); broad­ slowly, 0.35); wish (to bid, 0.25); check
cast (to transm it electronically, 0.62); (to determ ine accuracy, 0.13).
com m unicate (to im part inform ation, T E M P E R (15) te m p er (to soften or
0.53). qualify, 1.00); tem per (to toughen or
T E L E M E T R E (1) m easure (to apply a harden, 1.00); harden (to m ake less
standard o f m easurem ent, 0.09). pervious, 0.95); cool (to cause to be­
T E L E P H O N E (6) telephone (1.00); broad­ come cool, 0.92); bake (to harden, 0.75);
cast (to transm it electronically, 0.77); cure (to harden, 0.75); slow (to cause
com m unicate (to im part inform ation, to become slower, 0.55); soften (to make
0.56); report (to deliver inform ation, soft, 0.53); strengthen (0.37); anneal
0 .3 8 ); c o m m u n ic a te (to be in (0.33); change (to make different, 0.27);
com m unication, 0.36); notify (to pro­ qualify (to lim it, 0.25); regulate (to
vide with information, 0.18). adjust, 0.11); restrict (to hold within lim­
T E L E P H O T O G R A P H (1) communicate its, 0.09); adjust (to place or regulate
(to impart information, 0.59). parts, 0.08).
T E L E S C O P E (1) fold (to place together T E M P O R IZ E (2) temporize (1.00); trim (to
or lay in folds, 0.25). refuse to take a stand, 0.67).
T E L E T Y P E (1) type (to use a typewriter, T E M P T (7) tem pt (1.00); appeal (to at­
0 .20). tract, 0.69); seduce (0.67); fascinate
T E L E V ISE (3) communicate (to impart in­ (0.61); urge (to induce, 0.44); bribe
form ation, 0.51); broadcast (to trans­ (0.33); anger (to arouse som eone to
mit electronically, 0.31); send (to broad­ anger, 0.18).
T E N A N T (4) occupy (to fill space, 0.86); 0.25); lapse (to becom e void, 0.25);
abide (to reside, 0.75); reside (0.70); obstruct (to im pede with an obstruc­
dwell (0.07). tion, 0.25); overthrow (to abolish, 0.25);
T E N D to direct o n e’s course (6) tend (to r e s u lt (0 .1 1 ); d e stro y (to b rin g to
have a tendency (tow ard), 1.00); grow nothing, 0.08).
(to change slowly, 0.82); accom pany T E R R IF Y (6) terrify (1.00); frighten (to
(to go with, 0.77); pull (to incline, 0.33); alarm , 0.81); horrify (0.75); haunt (to
point (to face, 0.25); drift (0.14). prey upon, 0.73); scare (0.50); molest
T E N D to give attention (6) tend (to watch (to disturb people, 0.16).
over, 1.00); m ind (to be careful, 0.80); T E R R O R IZ E (5) terrorize (1.00); haunt
grow (to cultivate, 0.70); w ait (to attend (to prey upon, 0.42); frighten (to alarm,
at table, 0.67); m inister (0.50); guard (to 0.35); threaten (to warn o f punishment,
watch over, 0.47). 0.29); terrify (0.25).
T E N D E R to present for acceptance (9) T E S T to su b ject g o ld to refining; to
tender (1.00); offer (to present, 0.85); su b je c t to any te st (8) test (1.00);
submit (to offer, 0.75); accom modate (to experim ent (to put on trial, 0.75); assay
render a service, 0.53); m ake (to offer, (0.67); control (to verify, 0.50); rehearse
0.50); propose (to m ake a suggestion, (to p ra c tic e a p e rfo rm a n c e , 0.50);
0.48); adm inister (to m inister, 0.44); sample (0.50); verify (0.45); quiz (0.33).
contribute (to give, 0.29); bid (to pro­ T E S T IF Y (9) testify (to dem onstrate,
pose a price for purchase, 0.20). 1.00); testify (to bare w itness, 1.00);
T E N D E R IZ E (1) soften (to m ake soft, testify (to declare, 1.00); guarantee (to
0.35). certify, 0.89); prove (0.83); sw ear (to
T E N T to live in a tent (1) camp (0.45). take an oath, 0.64); allege (0.50); vouch
T E P E F Y (1) heat (to make hot, 0.78). (0.50); witness (0.33).
T E R G IV E R S A T E (1) hesitate (0.26). T E T H E R (6) tether (1.00); term inate (to
T E R M (3) nam e (to give a nam e, 0.69); limit, 0.50); restrict (to hold within lim­
call (to address, 0.25); describe (0.07). its, 0.36); bind (to constrain with bonds,
T E R M IN A T E (24) term inate (to abolish, 0.14); trammel (0.11); enslave (0.10).
1.00); term inate (to finish, 1.00); term i­ T H A N K (2) thank (1.00); acknow ledge
nate (to limit, 1.00); term inate (to com e (to answer, 0.33).
to an end, 1.00); halt (to cause to cease, T H A W (7) thaw (to m elt, 1.00); thaw (to
0.97); abolish (0.93); stop (to cease, unbend, 1.00); m elt (to liquefy, 0.91);
0.93); achieve (to finish an undertak­ dissolve (to pass from a solid to a liquid
ing, 0.92); go (to end, 0.75); dism iss (to state, 0.73); heat (to m ake hot, 0.63);
rem ove an em ployee, 0.69); conclude soften (to becom e soft, 0.62); heat (to
(to finish, 0.67); cease (0.50); hinder becom e hot, 0.25).
(0.50); check (to halt, 0.33); reach (to T H E O R IZ E (6) theorize (1.00); general­
extend to, 0.33); decide (0.29); close (to ize (to make generally applicable, 0.80);
put a stop to, 0.25); end (to bring to a assum e (to take for granted, 0.74); gen­
conclusion, 0.25); eventuate (to close, eralize (to speak in general terms, 0.67);
g u e s s (to a tte m p t an a n s w e r on connect, 1.00); m achine (0.25).
inadequate evidence, 0.53); speculate T H R E A T E N (9) threaten (to w arn o f
(to think, 0.40). punishm ent, 1.00); threaten (to impend,
T H IC K E N (6) thicken (to become thicker, 1.00); denounce (0.94); approach (to
1.00); thicken (to m ake thicker, 1.00); com e near in tim e, 0.88); snarl (0.60);
stiff (to grow stiff, 0.88); increase (to frighten (to alarm , 0.55); dare (to defy,
add to, 0.80); consolidate (to cause to 0.47); w arn (0.41); underm ine (to en­
unite, 0.67); fix (to harden, 0.25). feeble, 0.25).
T H IE V E (6) thieve (1.00); rob (0.95); steal T H R IL L (5) thrill (to excite, 1.00); thrill
(0.90); embezzle (0.75); loot (0.50); ran­ (to becom e excited, 1.00); beat (to
sack (to loot, 0.29). pulsate, 0.58); fascinate (0.33); shake
T H IN (4) thin (1.00); dilute (0.25); de­ (to vibrate, 0.24).
crease (to m ake less, 0.19); w eaken (to T H R IV E (10) thrive (to grow vigorously,
make weaker, 0.10). 1.00); thrive (to prosper, 1.00); prosper
T H IN K (11) think (to exam ine w ith the (0.92); grow (to becom e larger, 0.78);
m ind, 1.00); think (to believe, 1.00); flourish (to prosper, 0.75); succeed (to
think (to suppose, 1.00); think (to form attain success, 0.71); rise (to improve
in the mind, 1.00); think (to remember, one’s station, 0.57); bloom (0.38); profit
1.00); believe (to accept as true, 0.75); (to derive gain, 0.33); luxuriate (to
rationalize (to reason, 0.75); plan (to flourish, 0.25).
have in m ind, 0.50); study (to endeav­ T H R O B (8) throb (1.00); beat (to pulsate,
our to learn, 0.40); play (to pretend, 0.89); pulsate (0.75); hurt (to give a feel­
0.25); intend (to propose, 0.14). ing o f pain, 0.60); palpitate (0.50); pant
T H IR D (1) divide (to separate by p art­ (0.50); ache (0.33); heave (to raise and
ing, 0.41). fall, 0.29).
T H R A S H (2) thrash (to chastise, 1.00); T H R O N G (8) flock (0.75); gather (to
thrash (to free grain or seed from hulls, come together, 0.63); jam (to force one’s
1.00). w ay , 0 .5 6 ); p r e s s (to s u b je c t to
T H R A S H (5) thrash (1.00); curry (to beat, p r e s s u r e , 0 .5 6 ); p a c k (to fill by
0.75); whip (0.75); thwack (0.67); defeat entering, 0.50); huddle (0.45); swarm
(to w o rs t in s p o rt o r in p e rs o n a l (0.25); infest (to swarm, 0.13).
combat, 0.52). T H R O T T L E (6) throttle (1.00); garrote
T H R A S H (1) lambaste (0.50). (0.75); choke (to deprive o f air, 0.62);
T H R A S H (11) drub (0.50); flog (0.50); gag (to stop the mouth, 0.40); hinder
paddle (to beat, usually rather lightly, (0.15); choke (to be deprived o f air,
0.50); wallop (0.50); hurt (to cause pain, 0.13).
0.39); hit (to strike, 0.32); cudgel (0.25); T H R O W to send through the air with
flagellate (0.25); scourge (to whip, 0.25); force (12) throw (to hurl, 1.00); throw
spank (0.25); trounce (to beat, 0.25). (to se n d fo rth , 1 .0 0 ); th ro w (to
T H R E A D (3) thread (to pass thread connect or disconnect, 1.00); throw
th ro u g h a n eedle, 1.00); th read (to (to force to the ground, 1.00); down
THRUM -350- HE
(0.93); shovel (0.83); defeat (to w orst m ake a bum ping sound, 0.77); hit (to
in sport or in personal com bat, 0.79); strike, 0.58); drive (to force with blows,
bow l (in cricket, to pitch, 0.50); tackle 0.27).
(0.40); drive (to force with blows, 0.20); T H W A R T (18) thw art (1.00); hinder
splash (0.14); produce (to bear, 0.05). (0.93); defeat (to get the better o f an­
T H R U M to play on a stringed instrum ent other, 0.83); balk (to frustrate, 0.75);
(1) hum (0.40). discom fit (to defeat the plans of, 0.75);
T H R U S T (14) thrust (to jab, 1.00); thrust forestall (to hinder, 0.75); impede (0.75);
(to attack, 1.00); push (to press against, prevent (0.75); scotch (0.75); halt (to
0.93); press (to subject to pressure, cause to cease, 0.69); avert (to prevent,
0.89); slide (to cause to slide, 0.83); 0.67); checkm ate (0.50); ham per (0.50);
throw (to send forth, 0.83); penetrate oppose (to hold a contrary opinion,
(to pierce, 0.74); dart (to m ove in the 0.50); trammel (0.43); disappoint (0.33);
m anner o f a dart, 0.71); drive (to carry dissuade (0.33); squelch (0.25).
on offensive m ovem ent, 0.67); stab T IC K to touch or tap lightly ; to mark (1)
(0.53); tilt (to encounter, 0.50); launch click (to m ake a clicking sound, 0.75).
(to send off, 0.33); ja m (to force o n e ’s T IC K E T (3) m ark (to put prices upon,
way, 0.22); goad (0.04). 0.75); classify (0.51); nam e (to give a
T H U D (3) bum p (to m ake a bum ping name, 0.06).
sound, 0.95); plop (0.50); sound (to T IC K L E (9) tickle (to stimulate by a light
m ake anoise, 0.23). touch, 1.00); tickle (to excite mentally,
T H U M B (1) touch (to be in contact, 0.68). 1.00); indulge (to humour, 0.75); titillate
T H U M P (17) thum p (1.00); beat (to p ul­ (0.75); feel (to examine by touch, 0.52);
sate, 0.95); clum p (0.75); plop (0.75); hum our (0.47); itch (to have a tingling
slam (to throw w ith a slam , 0.75); w al­ s e n sa tio n , 0 .1 7 ); p la y (to p ro d u ce
lop (0.75); hit (to strike, 0.74); spat m usic, 0.04); entertain (to keep others
(0.50); ja r (to cause to trem ble, 0.47); am used, 0.03).
bum p (to make a bum ping sound, 0.45); T ID Y (2) sm arten (to beautify, 0.50);
thw ack (0.33); hit (to bum p against, groom (0.38).
0.29); knock (0.25); strike (to hit, 0.25); T IE (17) tie (to fasten, 1.00); tie (to tie a
sound (to m ake a noise, 0.18); drive (to knot in, 1.00); fasten (to m ake som e­
force with blows, 0.13); play (to produce thing secure, 0.93); anchor (to make
music, 0.09). fast, 0.75); bandage (0.75); tape (to
T H U N D E R (8) thunder (1.00); roar (0.76); bandage, 0.75); truss (to bind, 0.75);
sound (to m ake a noise, 0.70); boom tack (to fasten lightly, 0.63); balance
(to m ake a loud noise, 0.25); rum ble (to place in balance, 0.55); knot (0.50);
(0.25); explode (to burst, 0.15); roll (to close (to com e together, 0.40); pack (to
produce a relatively deep, continuous prepare for transportation, 0.40); bat­
sound, 0.13); bum p (to make a bum ping ten (0.33); hold (to have in o n e’s grasp,
sound, 0.09). 0.24); harness (0.17); enslave (0.13);
T H W A C K (4) thw ack (1.00); bum p (to trammel (0.09).
T IG H T E N (7) tighten (to make tight, 1.00); the appearance o f gold, 0.33).
tighten (to becom e tight, 1.00); stretch T IN T (8) touch (to tinge, 0.89); redden
(to cause to stretch, 0.93); fasten (to (to make red, 0.73); dye (0.67); paint (to
m a k e s o m e th in g s e c u r e , 0 .8 0 ); protect or decorate by painting, 0.50);
com press (0.79); adjust (to place or stain (to colour, 0.50); colour (to impart
regulate parts, 0.77); peg (0.50). colour to, 0.47); w ash (to brush with a
T IL E (2) board (to cover, 0.50); decorate liquid, 0.42); p aint (to represent by
(0.24). painting, 0.27).
T IL L to cultivate soil (5) till (1.00); farm TINTTNNABULATE (2) tinkle (0.14); ring
(to do farm w ork, 0.88); cultivate (to (to give forth sound by ringing, 0.09).
plant, 0.75); dig (to stir the earth, 0.47); T IP to give; to let one have (1) bribe
plough (to use a plough, 0.33). (0.67).
T IL T to cause to fall; to m ove downwards T IP to overthrow (4) tip (1.00); tilt (to
(15) tilt (to in clin e, 1.00); tilt (to incline, 0.82); lean (to incline, 0.70);
encounter, 1.00); incline (to cause to invert (to upset, 0.33).
lean or bend, 0.75); dip (to fall, 0.72); T IP P L E to sell drinks (1) drink (to con­
sink (to incline, 0.50); stum ble (to trip, sum e alcoholic liquor, 0.83).
0.50); pry (to m ove w ith a lever, 0.46); T IR E to fail; to cease; to becom e weak
com pete (0.37); sidle (0.33); careen (10) tire (to becom e exhausted, 1.00);
(0.25); elevate (to lift bodily, 0.25); tire (to m ake a person exhausted, 1.00);
repose (to recline, 0.25); upset (to turn tire (to bore, 1.00); drain (to withdraw
over, 0.15); contest (to fight, 0.07); fight strength, 0.71); w eary (to make weary,
(to engage in an encounter, 0.04). 0.60); w eary (to becom e weary, 0.44);
T IM E (3) time (1.00); m easure (to apply a disturb (to upset mental calm, 0.35); bore
standard o f m easurem ent, 0.69); clock (to weary, 0.33); exhaust (to consume
(0.50). strength, 0.33); deaden (to reduce life
T IN (1) preserve (to keep, 0.50). or its evidence, 0.14).
T IN C T U R E (1) mix (to blend, 0.09). T IT IL L A T E (6) titillate (1.00); fascinate
T IN G E (2) colour (to im part colour to, (0.47); coquet (0.33); gladden (0.27);
0.50); w ash (to brush w ith a liquid, thrill (to becom e excited, 0.20); tickle
0.25). (to stim ulate by a light touch, 0.17).
T IN G L E (4) tingle (1.00); thrill (to become T IT L E (2) denom inate (0.50); name (to
excited, 0.90); prickle (0.33); sting (0.25). give a nam e, 0.31).
T IN K E R (1) tinker (1.00). T IT T E R to laugh in a suppressive way
T IN K L E (8) tinkle (1.00); chim e (0.75); (5) titter (1.00); giggle (0.75); laugh
clink (0.75); jingle (0.75); play (to pro­ (0.65); cackle (0.50); snicker (0.50).
duce m usic, 0.61); ring (to give forth T O A D Y (2 ) fa w n (0 .1 8 ); w o o (to
sound by ringing, 0.55); clank (0.50); court,fig., 0.14).
m urm ur (to m ake a low continuous T O A S T to bum (8) toast (to brown bread,
sound, 0.42). 1.00); brow n (0.75); roast (0.75); cook
T IN S E L to make glittering (1) gild (to give (0.61); bake (to cook, 0.50); heat (to
m ak e hot, 0 .4 0 ); se a r (to c o o k by ■ m ake a noise, 0.28); whistle (to produce
searing, 0.25); b u m (to subject to fire, a shrill blast, 0.15).
0.14). T O O T L E (2) w histle (to produce a tune
T O A S T to nam e (3) toast (to honour by by whistling, 0.71); whistle (to produce
drinking liquor, 1.00); com plim ent (to a shrill blast, 0.08).
congratulate, 0.36); congratulate (0.33). T O P to put a top on (5) top (to apply
T O B O G G A N (1) slide (to m ove w ith a topping, 1.00); top (to exceed, 1.00);
sliding m otion, 0.13). overlook (to occupy a com m anding
TO DA Y (1) grovel (0.50). height, 0.86); peak (0.67); loom (to
T O D D L E (2) toddle (1.00); lag (to m ove appear large or im posing, 0.33).
w ithout spirit, 0.75). T O P to deprive o f the top (1) top (to re­
T O IL to w ork hard (6) toil (1.00); w ork m ove the top, 1.00)
(to labour, 0.91); slog (0.75); sw eat (to T O P to clim ax (2) clim ax (to com e to a
w ork hard, 0.75); labour (0.67); serve clim ax, 0.33); ju m p (to leap across or
up, 0.08).
(to w ork for, 0.33).
T O P P L E (10) topple (topple, 1.00); fall
T O L E R A T E (12) tolerate (to allow, 1.00);
(to pass quickly dow nw ard, 0.93); de­
tolerate (to endure, 1.00); endure (to
scend (to m ove lower, 0.72); upset (to
sustain adversity, 0.90); allow (to perm it
turn over, 0.46); raze (0.26); stumble (to
an action, 0.85); bear (to suffer, 0.75);
trip, 0.25); subvert (0.19); smash (0.10J;
take (to undergo, 0.75); authorize (to
trip (to stum ble, 0.09); drop (to cause
allow, 0.50); let (to permit, 0.50); perm it
or to perm it to fall, 0.07).
(0.50); adm it (to acknow ledge, 0.45);
T O R C H to furnish or light with a torch
face (to confront conflict or trouble,
(1) b um (to subject to fire, 0.68).
0.44); resist (to w ithstand, 0.20).
T O R M E N T (15) torment (1.00); haunt (to
T O L L to cause a bell to sound (3) ring
prey upon, 0.94); hurt (to cause pain,
(to cause to sound, 0.55); knell (0.50); 0.91); harrow (to torment, 0.75); heckle
chime (0.25). (0.75); persecute (to oppress, especially
T O M B (1) inter (0.75). for religious reasons, 0.57); threaten (to
T O N E (1) colour (to im part colour to, warn o f punishment, 0.57); afflict (0.50);
0.41). tantalize (0.50); disappoint (0.48); con­
T O N G U E (1) lick (to pass the tongue vulse (0.38); harry (to harass, 0.25);
over, 0.41). tease (0.25); bother (to give trouble,
T O N G U E L A S H (1) chasten (to punish. 0.15); dam n (to consign to hell, 0.07).
0.25). T O R P E D O (7) dam age (to im pair the
T O O L (5) m achine (0.92); inlay (0.75); value of, 0.72); raid (0.70); shoot (to
carve (to form by cutting, 0.32); m anu­ discharge, 0.70); bomb (0.57); attack (to
facture (to m ake a product, 0.18); fight offensively (arm y), 0.32); defeat
decorate (0.02). (to w orst in war, 0.22); w reck (to bring
T O O T to sound or blow a horn (4) play to ruin, 0.20).
(to produce m usic, 0.52); blow (to play T O R R E F Y (1) dry (to cause to become
a w ind instrum ent, 0.50); sound (to dry, 0.08).
T O R T U R E (9) torture (to torment, 1.00); b order upon, 0.83); affect (to m ove
torture (to injure, 1.00); hurt (to cause emotionally, 0.75); equal (0.69); rub (to
pain, 0.78); crucify (to torm ent, 0.75); apply by rubbing, 0.69); apply (to be
persecute (to oppress, especially for relevant, 0.67); taste (to taste by the
religious reasons, 0.52); torm ent (tor­ tongue, 0.57); move (to arouse the emo­
ment, 0.40); crucify (to kill by crucifix­ tions of, 0.54); b utt (to abut, 0.50);
ion, 0.25); bother (to give trouble, 0.13); finger (to feel, 0.50); reach (to extend a
convulse (0.13). part o f the body to, 0.50); tap (to strike
T O SS (16) toss (to throw easily, 1.00); lightly, 0.50); jo in (to adjoin, 0.42);
toss (to m ove up and down, 1.00); bunt glance (to ricochet, 0.33); grope (0.33);
(to butt, 0.75); fling (0.75); lob (0.75); belong (to be properly placed, 0.29);
fidget (0.73); juggle (to keep in the air intersect (to come together, 0.25); verge
by tossing, 0.67); throw (to hurl, 0.53); (0.25); refer (to concern, 0.06).
flop (to m ove w ith little control, 0.52); T O U G H E N (6) anneal (0.67); strengthen
strew (0.50); w allow (0.33); disorgan­ (0.39); coarsen (0.25); inure (0.25);
ize (0.30); flounce (0.25); pitch (to throw, tighten (to becom e tight, 0.17); harden
0.25); beat (to pulsate, 0.24); butt (to (to m ake less pervious, 0.14).
strike w ith the head, 0.14). T O U R (13) tour (1.00); travel (to jo u r­
T O T A L (5) total (to add, 1.00); add (to ney, 0.96); rid e (to be transported,
bring together, usually by m athem at­ 0.83); circle (0.78); m otor (0.75); take
ics, 0.89); score (to com pute the score, (to travel, 0.75); hike (to tramp, 0.67);
0.88); tally (to count, 0.33); balance (to jo u rn ey (0.67); cam paign (to solicit
dem onstrate balance, 0.12). votes, 0.50); visit (to stop for business
T O T T E R (18) totter (to be near falling, or pleasure, 0.50); w alk (to move on
1.00); totter (to stagger, 1.00); teeter foot, 0.30); do (to travel, 0.25); tramp
(0.82); rock (0.81); hobble (to m ove as (to w ander afoot, 0.20).
though hobbled, 0.75); stagger (0.75); T O U S L E (2) muss (0.78); ruffle (to disar­
flop (to m ove w ith little control, 0.61); range, 0.50).
linger (to go reluctantly, 0.61); fall (to T O W (3) tow (tow, 1.00); draw (to move
pass quickly dow nw ard, 0.57); dodder an object, 0.55); tug (0.25).
(0.50); wobble (0.40); limp (0.38); shake T O W E R (6) tow er (1.00); soar (0.75);
(to vibrate, 0.29); w aver (0.27); w addle climax (to come to a climax, 0.67); loom
(0.25); weaken (to become weaker, 0.23); (to appear large or imposing, 0.56); rise
reel (0.20); alternate (to fluctuate, 0.18). (to m ove upw ard, 0.56); surge (to rise,
T O U C H (25) touch (to be in contact, 0.50).
1.00); touch (to com e into a contact T O Y (2) toy (to consider, 1.00); dally (to
w ith, 1.00); touch (to relate to, 1.00); flirt, 0.75).
touch (to tinge, 1.00); reach (to extend T R A C E (13) trace (to discover by inves­
to, 0.93); jo in (to unite, 0.89); lick (to tigation, 1.00); trace (to draw, 1.00);
pass the tongue over, 0.88); w ash (to m odel (to imitate a model, 0.92); reason
(to discuss persuasively, 0.82); line (to 1.00); train (to aim, 1.00); aim (to point
provide lines, 0.75); draw (to m ake a a w eapon, 0.89); teach (to drill, 0.88);
likeness by draw ing, 0.61); hunt (to try practice (to seek im provem ent through
to find, 0.53); plan (to arrange in a repetition, 0.80); punish (0.80); coach
preliminary way, 0.50); m ark (to make a (0.75); discipline (to regulate, 0.75);
m ark, 0.45); form (to give shape to a ground (to instruct in essentials, 0.75);
thing, 0.39); trail (to follow, 0.33); track harden (to toughen, 0.65); catechize (to
(to follow by evidence, 0.29); forge instruct systematically, 0.50); direct (to
(0.06). aim a w eapon, 0.50); specialize (to
T R A C K to follow; to pursue; to trace (8) study intensively, 0.50); walk (to cause
track (to follow by evidence, 1.00); to m ove on foot, 0.43); influence (0.37);
track (to dirty w ith tracks, 1.00); stalk educate (0.25); turn (to point, 0.25);
(0.67); trail (to follow, 0.67); hunt (to raise (to nurture, 0.20); com m and (to
pursue w ith intent to kill, 0.65); pursue have control, 0.12).
(to chase, 0.57); chase (0.50); follow (to T R A IP S E (3) linger (to go reluctantly,
hunt, 0.25). 0.68); loiter (0.62); w alk (to m ove on
T R A D E (10) trade (to do business, 1.00); foot, 0.09).
trade (to give one thing for another, T R A M M E L (5) trammel (1.00); muzzle (to
1.00); deal (to do business w ith, 0.75); silence, 0.73); bar (to raise a physical
v en d (0 .7 5 ); b a rte r (0 .6 7 ); sell (to obstruction, 0.65); hinder (0.42); bind
convey for a consideration, 0.50); swap (to constrain w ith bonds, 0.03).
( 0 .5 0 ) ; c o m m u te (to e x c h a n g e T R A M P (7) tramp (to tread heavily, 1.00);
reciprocally for som ething else, 0.25); tram p (to w ander afoot, 1.00); march
peddle (0.25); exchange (to give and (0.65); w alk (to m ove on foot, 0.39);
receive reciprocally, 0.14). roam (to w ander, 0.31); clum p (0.25);
T R A D U C E (5) traduce (1.00); scandalize bum p (to make a bum ping sound, 0.05).
(0.86); slander (0.80); defame (0.75); de­ T R A M P L E (6) tram ple (1.00); oppress
preciate (to low er in reputation, 0.50). (0.83); ravage (0.53); tram p (to tread
T R A IL (13) trail (to follow, 1.00); trail (to heavily, 0.30); d estro y (to bring to
lag behind, 1.00); linger (to go reluc­ nothing, 0.26); maul (0.25).
tantly, 0.86); hunt (to pursue with intent T R A N Q U IL IZ E (7) tranquilize (1.00);
to kill, 0.83); chase (0.75); shadow (to q u iet (to m ake calm , 0.82); soothe
follow secretly, 0.67); hunt (to try to (0.80); calm (0.75); ease (to relieve of
find, 0.65); draw (to m ove an object, pain, 0.72); d ecrease (to m ake less,
0.64); track (to follow by evidence, 0.68); lick (to pass the tongue over,
0.57); loiter (0.21); pursue (to chase, 0.18).
0.14); spy (to act as a spy, 0.14); ram ble T R A N S A C T (6) transact (1.00); act (to
(to go in various directions, 0.08). perform an action, 0.89); negotiate (to
T R A IN (22) train (to drill, 1.00); train (to m ake arrangem ents for, 0.65); perform
e d u c a te , 1 .0 0 ); tr a in (to to u g h e n (to accom plish an action, 0.56); enact
oneself, 1.00); train (to direct grow th, (to legislate, 0.37); exchange (to replace
one thing w ith another, 0.20). T R A N S F O R M (11) transform (1.00); re­
T R A N SC E N D (7) transcend (1.00); out­ form (to change into a new form, 0.78);
shine (to outdo, 0.75); surpass (0.40); r e m a k e (0 .7 5 ); tra n sm u te (0 .7 5 );
excel (0.33); overbalance (to exceed, transcend (0.67); convert (to alter the
0.33); pass (to exceed, 0.33); exceed form or use, 0.50); modify (to alter, 0.50);
(0.26). change (to make different, 0.48); change
T R A N S C R IB E (8) transcribe (1.00); (to becom e different, 0.38); turn (to
record (to w rite dow n, 0.88); w rite (to reverse, 0.31); metam orphose (0.25).
com pose in w ords, 0.67); type (to use T R A N SF U SE (4) transfuse (1.00); instill
a typew riter, 0.40); note (to record, (0.88); adulterate (0.63); mix (to blend,
0.33); typew rite (0.33); reproduce (to 0.21).
make an exact copy, 0.31); forge (0.22). T R A N S G R E S S (6) transgress (1.00); in­
T R A N S F E R (25) transfer (to carry, 1.00); fringe (0.75); forget (to forget oneself,
transfer (to assign, 1.00); rem ove (to 0.67); sin (0.50); misconduct (to misbe­
m ove physically, 0.95); com m unicate have oneself, 0.33); disobey (0.22).
(to impart information, 0.90); exchange T R A N S L A T E (8) translate (to change
(to replace one thing w ith another, into another language, 1.00); translate
0.90); cany (to transmit, 0.89); carry (to (to interpret, 1.00); translate (to trans­
transport, 0.84); send (to deliver, 0.82); form , 1.00); read (to interpret, 0.79);
pass (to hand to others, 0.67); transm it change (to m ake different, 0.77); inter­
(to carry, 0.67); adopt (to take as a son pret (to explain, 0.75); explain (0.52);
or d a u g h te r, 0 .6 4 ); re fu n d (to p u t d e f in e (to p r o v id e a nam e or
financial obligations on a new basis, description, 0.25).
0.62); deliver (to carry, 0.60); relay T R A N S L IT E R A T E (3) translate (to
(0 .6 0 ); d e le g a te (to giv e d u tie s to change into another language, 0.80);
another, 0.50); supplant (0.50); conduct render (to translate, 0.75); do (to trans­
(to transm it, 0.33); reach (to give an late, 0.25).
object to another, 0.33); bear (to carry, T R A N S M IG R A T E (1) transm igrate
0.25); consign (to give over or deliver, (1.00).
0.25); give (to pass on, 0.25); sustain T R A N S M IT (18) transmit (to send, 1.00);
(to carry, 0.25); transpose (0.25); trust tran sm it (to carry, 1.00); send (to
(to place in the protection o f another, dispatch, 0.95); send (to broadcast,
0.13); deposit (to present m oney for usually electronically, 0.90); refund (to
safekeeping, 0.08). put financial obligations on a new ba­
T R A N S F IG U R E (3) tra n sfig u re (to sis, 0.69); carry (to transport, 0.68);
transform , 1.00); transfigure (to exalt, beam (to emit, 0.67); dispatch (to send
1.00); change (to make different, 0.13). som ething on its way, 0.67); communi­
T R A N S F IX (5) transfix (to fascinate, cate (to im part inform ation, 0.61); give
1.00); transfix (to impale, 1.00); stab (to pass on, 0.50); radiate (to send forth
(0.93); thrust (to jab, 0.33); penetrate from a centre, 0.50); relay (0.40); broad­
(to pierce, 0.13). cast (to transm it electronically, 0.38);
ship (0.29); negotiate (to transfer, 0.25); 0.25); change (to m ake different, 0.20).
waft (0.25); leave (to allow to fall to an­ T R A N S S H A P E (1) change (to make dif­
other, 0.17); give (to transfer, 0.07). ferent, 0.90).
T R A N S M O G R IF Y (1) change (to make T R A N S S H IP (1) export (0.67).
different, 0.08). TR A N SSU B STA N T IA T E (1) change (to
T R A N S M U T E (6) tran sm u te (1.00); make different, 0.75).
change (to m ake different, 0.85); trans­ T R A N SU D E (1) sweat (to perspire, 0.57).
late (to transform , 0.75); turn (to trans­ T R A P to entrap; to catch (11) trap (1.00);
form, 0.75); transfigure (to transform , entangle (0.81); bag (0.75); catch (to
0.50); exchange (to replace one thing b rin g into cap tiv ity , 0.75); enm esh
with another, 0.15). (0.75); corner (0.67); ensnare (to cap­
T R A N S P IR E (5) transpire (1.00); pass (to ture, 0.50); trepan (0.50); hinder (0.41);
elapse, 0.75); occur (0.67); elapse (0.50); decoy (0.25); tangle (0.07).
go (to elapse, 0.50). TRAVAIL (1) fight (to struggle for an end,
T R A N S P L A N T (5) transplant (1.00); 0.08).
carry (to transport, 0.88); plant (0.58); T R A V E L (7) travel (to journey, 1.00);
operate (to carry on a surgical pro ce­ travel (to m ove at a regular pace, 1.00);
dure, 0.43); colonize (0.22). m ove (to be in m otion, 0.82); go (to
T R A N S P O R T (17) transport (1.00); re­ proceed, 0.75); run (to go swiftly by
m ove (to m ove physically, 0.85); de­ physical effort, 0.69); je t (to travel by
liver (to carry, 0.80); bear (to carry, je t airplane, 0.33); sail (to travel by
0.75); transfer (to carry, 0.75); drive (to sailing, 0.20).
m an age a p ro p e lle d veh icle, 0.58); T R A V E R SE (9) cross (to pass over, 0.83);
ban ish (to condem n to exile, 0.56); cover (to travel, 0.67); lead (to extend,
sustain (to carry, 0.50); truck (to send 0.67); span (0.67); roam (to wander,
by truck, 0.50); w aft (0.50); c a n y (to 0.63); jum p (to pass over, 0.43); move
tran sm it, 0.44); charm (to bew itch, (to be in m o tio n , 0 .3 6 ); ran g e (to
0.42); g ladden (0.36); in troduce (to traverse w ide areas, 0.19); travel (to
bring in, 0.33); drag (to pull an object, journey, 0.04).
0.25); fascinate (0.20); operate (to be in T R A V E S T Y (3) paro d y (0.75); sneer
operation, 0.14). (0.28); ridicule (0.04).
T R A N S P O S E (13) transpose (1.00); re­ T R A W L (2) draw (to m ove an object,
verse (to exchange, 0.75); transplant 0.32); fish (0.22).
(0.70); exchange (to replace one thing T R E A D (8) tread (1.00); w alk (to move
with another, 0.60); displace (to remove, on foot, 0.83); m arch (0.70); dance (to
0.50); do (to translate, 0.50); translate move rhythmically, 0.69); thrash (to free
(to c h a n g e in to a n o th e r la n g u a g e , grain or seed from hulls, 0.67); step
0 .3 0 ); ch a n g e (to p u t in p la c e o f (0.40); tram p (to tread heavily, 0.40);
another, 0.25); invert (to reverse, 0.25); trudge (0.25).
render (to translate, 0.25); translate (to T R E A D L E (1) pedal (0.88).
transform , 0.25); turn (to transform , T R E A S U R E (8) treasure (1.00); cherish
(to hold dear, 0.96); adore (to love, 0.50); forget (to forget oneself, 0.33); infringe
e n d e a r (0 .5 0 ); d e p o s it (to p re s e n t (0.25); overstep (0.25).
m oney for safekeeping, 0.31); love (to T R IC K (23) trick (1.00); delude (0.75);
be passionately devoted, 0.27); adm ire fool (0.75); rook (0.75); trepan (0.75);
(to have regard for, 0.19); rem em ber evade (to use trickery to avoid a sharp
(to bear in mind, 0.14). issue, 0.69); mislead (0.59); bamboozle
T R E A T (18) treat (to deal w ith a person (to cheat, 0.50); beguile (to deceive,
or thing, 1.00); treat (to deal w ith a 0.50); circumvent (to gain an advantage
subject, 1.00); treat (to assist tow ard a over, 0.50); dupe (0.50); knife (to injure
cure, 1.00); treat (to pay for an o th er’s in an underhanded way, 0.50); mulct
en tertain m en t, 1.00); heal (to cure, (to ch e at so m e o n e, 0.50); m y stify
0 .8 9 ); e n te rta in (to act as h o st or (0.50); outwit (0.50); m aneuver (0.35);
hostess, 0.82); dress (to give m edical betray (to deliver into the hands o f an
treatm ent, 0.78); bind (to dress, 0.75); enemy, 0.33); co m er (0.33); victimize
discourse (0.75); fumigate (0.67); proc­ (0.33); b lu ff (0.25); do (to cheat, 0.25);
ess (0.67); vulcanize (0.67); vaccinate ensnare (to deceive, 0.25); joke (0.15).
(0.50); consult (0.40); rem edy (0.39); T R IC K L E (13) trickle (1.00); drop (to fall
host (0.33); insulate (0.25); fertilize (to in drops, 0.83); drain (to seep away,
enrich land, 0.11). 0.80); dribble (0.75); plash (0.75); bub­
T R E K (5) trek (1.00); travel (to journey, ble (0.70); m urm ur (to m ake a low con­
0.61); w alk (to m ove on foot, 0.35); tinuous sound, 0.67); flow (to issue
p a c k (to tr a n s p o r t by u sin g p a c k forth, 0.59); drip (0.50); mizzle (0.38);
animals, 0.25); take (to travel, 0.25). seep (0.33); drool (to slobber, 0.30); filter
T R E M B L E (14) tremble (1.00); shake (to (to soak slowly, 0.08).
vibrate, 0.94); dodder (0.75); quake T R IF L E (4) lo a f (to do nothing useful,
(0.75); quaver (0.75); beat (to pulsate, 0.88); dabble (0.75); linger (to go reluc­
0.71); w obble (0.67); totter (to be near tantly, 0.36); neglect (to fail to attend
falling, 0.54); rock (0.29); quail (0.25); to respo n sib ilities, 0.31).
lick (to play over; said o f flames, 0.23); T R IG G E R (1) begin (to initiate, 0.15).
weaken (to become weaker, 0.18); wave T R IL L to sing w ith vibrating effect (8)
(to flutter, 0.17); fear (to anticipate trill (1.00); w arble (0.75); yodel (0.75);
personal danger, 0.13). whistle (to produce a shrill blast, 0.69);
T R E N C H (2) ditch (to make a ditch, 0.50); w histle (to produce a tune by whistling,
intrench (to prepare trenches, 0.33). 0.57); chirp (0.55); sing (to produce
T R E P A N to catch in a trap (1) trepan vocal m usic, 0.55); cry (to call (not o f
( 1.00). hum an creatures), 0.37).
T R E S P A S S (10) trespass (to intrude, T R IL L to cause to rotate (1) gargle (0.25).
1.00); trespass (to transgress, 1.00); sin T R IM (23) trim (to cut o ff excess, 1.00);
(0.63); encroach (0.50); invade (to en­ trim (to adorn, 1.00); trim (to refuse to
croach upon, 0.50); m eddle (to handle take a stand, 1.00); trim (to prepare for
others’ things, 0.43); m isbehave (0.40); sailing, 1.00); manicure (0.86); bank (to
cover a fire for the night, 0.83); face (to hurt the feelings, 0.75); m ind (to be
put facing on goods, 0.80); festoon careful, 0.60); disconcert (0.50); plague
(0.75); top (to rem ove the top, 0.75); (0.50); w orry (to cause worry, 0.50);
beat (to thrash, 0.64); ju g g le (to alter, em barrass (to upset m entally, 0.48);
usually to deceive, 0.50); preen (0.50); c o n f u s e ( 0 .4 6 ) ; b o th e r (to be
hesitate (0.45); defeat (to w orst in sport disturbing, 0.35); burden (0.35); molest
or in personal com bat, 0.31); balance (to disturb people, 0.32); afflict (0.25);
(to place in balance, 0.27); ice (to cover a n n o y (to m o le s t, 0 .2 5 ); h u rt (to
w ith icing, 0.25); illum inate (to deco­ d istress, 0.25); overtax (0.25); pain
rate, 0.25); shingle (0.25); order (to put (0.25).
in order, 0.21); flake (0.17); edit (to pre­ T R O U N C E (9) trounce (to beat, 1.00);
pare for publication, 0.07); carve (to trounce (to defeat, 1.00); defeat (to
form by cutting, 0.05); decrease (to w orst in sport or in personal combat,
make less, 0.02). 0.86); beat (to thrash, 0.84); lay (to
T R IP (14) trip (to cause to stumble, 1.00); knock down, 0.75); thrash (0.75); thrash
trip (to step lightly, 1.00); trip (to (to chastise, 0.75); hurt (to cause pain,
stum ble, 1.00); dance (to m ove rhyth­ 0.24); punish (0.14).
m ically, 0.77); fall (to pass quickly T R O W (1) know (to possess inform a­
dow nw ard, 0.75); to tter (to stagger, tion, 0.13).
0.75); m isbehave (0.70); dow n (0.64); T R U C K to exchange; to barter (1) truck
race (to m ove at great speed, 0.61); (to traffic in, 1.00).
glide (to m ove gently, 0.46); hasten (to T R U C K to put on or into truck (2) truck
m ake haste, 0.31); travel (to journey, (to send by truck, 1.00); can y (to trans­
0.29); descend (to m ove lower, 0.20); port, 0.76).
tram p (to tread heavily, 0.20). T R U C K L E (3) truckle (1.00); grovel
T R IP L E (1) increase (to add to, 0.29). (0.63); fawn (0.09).
TR IT U R A TE (2) grind (to pulverize, 0.61); T R U D G E (5) trudge (1.00); lag (to move
pulverize (0.50). w ithout spirit, 0.83); plod (0.75); linger
T R IU M P H (6) boast (to brag, 0.90); con­ (to go reluctantly, 0.71); w alk (to move
quer (to win, 0.75); beat (to win, 0.50); on foot, 0.43).
take (to win, 0.50); succeed (to attain T R U M P E T (4) blow (to sound when
success, 0.38); win (to gain a victory, 0.17). blown, 0.75); blare (0.50); honk (0.29);
T R O L L (1) fish (0.89). sound (to m ake a noise, 0.08).
T R O T (6) trot (1.00); pace (to stride, 0.75); T R U N C A T E (4) truncate (1.00); maim
jo g (0.50); run (to go swiftly by physical (0.59); cut (to sever, 0.27); top (to re­
effort, 0.48); gallop (0.20); hasten (to m ove the top, 0.25).
m ake haste, 0.06). T R U N D L E (2) trundle (1.00); roll (to
T R O U B L E (20) trouble (to disturb, 1.00); cause to roll, 0.14).
disturb (to upset m ental calm , 0.98); T R U S S (5) truss (to support, 1.00); truss
oppress (0.96); haunt (to prey upon, (to bind, 1.00); bandage (0.25); lash (to
0.85); visit (to afflict, 0.75); w ound (to tie up, 0.25); tape (to bandage, 0.25).
T R U S T (7) trust (to believe in, 1.00); trust TU NN EL (1) undermine (to excavate, 0.50).
(to hope, 1.00); trust (to give credit to, T U R N (39) turn (to pivot, 1.00); turn (to
1.00); trust (to place in the protection reverse, 1.00); turn (to divert, 1.00);
o f another, 1.00); bet (0.57); accept (to turn (to sour, 1.00); turn (to incline,
believe, 0.50); credit (to believe, 0.50). 1.00); turn (to change direction, 1.00);
T R Y (15) try (to endeavour, 1.00); try (to turn (to sprain, 1.00); turn (to nauseate,
test, 1.00); try (to conduct a trial, 1.00); 1.00); turn (to bend, 1.00); turn (to trans­
hurt (to cause pain, 0.90); afflict (0.75); form, 1.00); turn (to make use of, 1.00);
undertake (0.75); taste (to taste by the turn (to point, 1.00); turn (to repel, 1.00);
tongue, 0.71); venture (0.71); harrow change (to make different, 0.96); roll (to
(to torment, 0.50); hazard (0.50); burden revolve, 0.93); sour (0.91); convert (to
(0.38); chance (to take a chance, 0.36); alter convictions, 0.83); operate (to
dare (to be courageous, 0.22); im peach produce an effect, 0.78); decay (0.76);
(0.13); exam ine (to test, 0.09). convert (to alter the form or use, 0.75);
T U C K to cover snugly; to gather up in inflect (0.75); tilt (to incline, 0.73);
folds (1) (1) face (to put facing on operate (to be in operation, 0.69); m a­
goods, 0.40). chine (0.67); swing (to describe an arc,
0.64); differ (to be unlike, 0.60); return
T U G (10) tug (1.00); tw itch (to pluck,
(to go back, 0.60); orient (to direct,
0.82); exercise (to move the body, 0.75);
0.50); veer (0.46); w ind (to meander,
draw (to m ove an object, 0.68); yank
0.45); plough (to use a plough, 0.44);
(0.67); lug (0.50); pull (to exert force,
wring (0.43); influence (0.40); grow (to
0.50); w rench (0.40); w ork (to labour,
change slowly, 0.36); drive (to manage
0.36); tow (0.13).
a pro p elled vehicle, 0.33); shift (to
T U M B L E (17) tumble (1.00); trip (to stum­
change position, 0.29); translate (to
ble, 0.91); flop (to fall w ithout restraint,
change into another language, 0.20);
0.75); run (to m ove, usually rapidly,
whirl (0.10); convince (0.07).
0.73); toss (to m ove up and dow n,
T U R N A B O U T (1) switch (0.75).
0.71); raze (0.70); fall (to pass quickly T U S S L E (2) compete (0.68); fight (to en­
downward, 0.68); topple (topple, 0.67); gage in an encounter, 0.52).
flop (to m ove w ith little control, 0.65); T U T O R (5) teach (to act as a teacher,
m isplace (0.50); boil (to seethe, 0.29); 0.93); educate (0.75); imbue (0.75);
cra sh (to fall w ith a cra sh , 0 .2 9 ); sm arten (to stim ulate, 0.50); train (to
descend (to m ove low er, 0.28); un­ educate, 0.50).
balance (to upset, 0.25); flow (to m ove T W A D D LE (1) babble (0.38).
in one direction, 0.24); subvert (0.24); TW A N G (1) play (to produce music, 0.17).
smash (0.05). T W E A K (4) tweak (1.00); strum (0.75);
TU M E FY (1) swell (0.07). pinch (to squeeze, 0.50); hurt (to cause
T U N E (3) tune (1.00); harm onize (to pain, 0.43).
ren d er harm onic, 0.13); balance (to T W E E T (2) cheep (0.25); cry (to call (not
place in balance, 0.12). o f hum an creatures), 0.03).
T W ID D L E (1) feel (to examine by touch, contort (0.25); curve (to bend, 0.25);
0.04). distort (to change by pressure, 0.25);
T W IL L (1) w eave (to construct by inter­ entw ine (0.25); tw irl (0.25); fasten (to
lacing, 0.43). m ake som ething secure, 0.22); writhe
T W IN E (12) m at (0.80); w eave (to con­ (0.17); form (to give shape to a thing,
struct by interlacing, 0.78); braid (0.75); 0.12); w ave (to undulate, 0.08); weave
entw ine (0.75); screw (0.75); curl (to (to construct by interlacing, 0.04).
tw ist, 0.73); coil (0 .67); en w rea th e T W IT (3) ridicule (0.70); sneer (0.41); joke
(0.42); tw ist (0.40); w ind (to m eander, (0.23).
0.36); m eander (to turn, 0.25); bend (to T W IT C H (8) tw itch (to pluck, 1.00);
force out o f a straight line, 0.04). twitch (to jerk, 1.00); fidget (0.82); tweak
T W IN G E to oppress; to afflict (2) tw inge (0.75); tw inge (0.75); jiggle (0.50); beat
(1.00); twitch (to jerk, 0.22). (to pulsate, 0.29); yank (0.11).
T W IN K L E (6) tw inkle (1.00); scintillate T W IT T E R (5) twitter (1.00); chiip (0.45);
(0.75); shine (to give forth light, 0.71); sing (to produce vocal music, 0.27); trill
flicker (to shine, 0.50); flash (to give (0.20); cry (to call (not o f hum an crea­
forth a light by flash, 0.27); sparkle tures), 0.05).
(0.25). T Y P E (5) type (to use a typewriter, 1.00);
T W IR L (13) twirl (1.00); flourish (to wave type (to classify, 1.00); typewrite (0.67);
triu m p h an tly , 0 .75); spin (to w hirl, re p ro d u c e (to m ake an exact copy,
0.50); w hirl (0.40); w ave (to undulate, 0.50); classify (0.18).
0.38); roll (to revolve, 0.36); roll (to T Y P E W R IT E (3) typewrite (1.00); type
cause to roll, 0.29); sw ing (to cause to (to use a typew riter, 0.80); w rite (to
sw ing, 0.29); revolve (0.25); turn (to com pose in words, 0.42).
pivot, 0.25); coil (0.20); twist (0.20); curl T Y P IF Y (3) typify (1.00); symbolize (0.75);
(to twist, 0.08). represent (to serve as an equivalent,
T W IS T (35) tw ist (1.00); bend (to force 0.45).
out o f a straight line, 0.96); w rench T Y R A N N IZ E (5) tyrannize (1.00); perse­
(0.93); ram ble (to go in various direc­ cute (to oppress, especially for religious
tions, 0.92); roll (to m ake into a roll, re a so n s, 0 .7 4 ); co m m an d (to have
0.89); com plicate (0.80); d istort (to control, 0.39); dom inate (0.22); govern
change shape, 0.79); intertw ine (0.75); (0.09).
rotate (0.75); strain (to w rench, 0.75);
coil (0.73); wind (to meander, 0.64); lean U
(to incline, 0.57); w ring (0.57); turn (to U LU LA TE (1) yell (0.29).
divert, 0.53); dial (to turn, 0.50); incline U M P IR E (2) officiate (0.50); negotiate (to
(to c a u s e to le a n o r b e n d , 0 .5 0 ); m ake arrangem ents for, 0.12).
interw eave (0.50); squirm (0.50); turn U N A C C U ST O M (1) wean (0.33).
(to bend, 0.50); warp (0.50); w rinkle (to U N A R M (2) unarm (1.00); disarm (to de­
form into w rinkles, 0.40); enw reathe prive o f w eapons, 0.80).
(0.33); knead (0.33); turn (to pivot, 0.31); U N B A L A N C E (5) unbalance (to upset,
1.00); unbalance (to derange, 1.00); p a re d o b s tru c tio n , 0 .7 7 ); u n co v e r
unhinge (to upset, 0.75); tangle (0.33); (0.13).
derange (to upset, 0.14). U N C L O T H E (4) unclothe (1.00); undress
U N B A R (4) unbar (1.00); open (to m ove (0.50); disrobe (0.25); unwrap (0.11).
aside a prepared obstruction, 0.92); un­ U N C O IL (3) straighten (0.50); spread (to
lock (0.67); free (to liberate, 0.03). extend, 0.33); develop (to reveal slowly,
U N B E N D (6) unbend (1.00); straighten 0.10).
(0.57); unfold (to unfurl, 0.38); rest (to U N C O R K (2) uncork (1.00); uncover
take o n e’s rest, 0.32); relax (0.25); con­ (0.75).
descend (0.07). U N C O U P L E (2) uncouple (1.00); unhitch
U N B IN D (5) unbind (to untie, 1.00); (0.15).
unbind (to forgive, 1.00); free (to liber­ U N C O V E R (25) uncover (1.00); display
ate, 0.71); unchain (0.50); divide (to (to present for effect, 0.84); unfold (to
separate by parting, 0.49). reveal, 0.82); dig (to remove by digging,
U N B O L T (1) open (to m ove aside a pre­ 0.80); learn (to find out, 0.75); develop
pared obstruction, 0.08). (to re v e a l slow ly, 0 .70); adm it (to
U N B O S O M (3) unbosom (1.00); unbur­ confess, 0.67); disclose (to expose,
den (to reveal, 0.50); reveal (to divulge, 0.67); unw rap (0.63); discover (to find,
0.27). 0.61); advertise (to m ake public, 0.53);
U N BRA ID (1) ravel (0.44). s trik e (to fin d , 0 .5 0 ); u n clo ak (to
U N B U C K LE (2) unbuckle (1.00); unhitch undress, 0.50); unclothe (0.50); unroll
(0.46). (0.50); unsheathe (0.50); peel (0.33); de­
U N BU ILD (1) dismantle (0.50). tail (to m ake clear in detail, 0.27); betray
U N B U R D E N (7) unburden (to unload, (to reveal, 0.25); divest (to undress,
1.00); u n b u rd e n (to re v e a l, 1.00); 0.25); open (to expose to fuller view,
lighten (to m ake lighter, 0.94); ease (to 0.25); uncloak (to expose, 0.25); unearth
le sse n p re s s u re o r te n s io n , 0 .7 2 ); (to disclose, 0.25); unm ask (0.25); find
soothe (0.27); free (to disburden, 0.18); (to happen upon, 0.23).
unload (0.05). U N C R A TE (1) unpack (0.50).
U N BU RY (2) unearth (to excavate, 0.25); U N C R E A S E (1) unfold (to unfurl, 0.08).
exhume (0.13). U N C U R L (2) unfold (to unfurl, 0.62);
U N B U T TO N (1) unbutton (1.00). straighten (0.36).
U N C A SE (1) unwrap (0.42). U N D E C E IV E (3) undeceive (1.00); disa­
U N C H A IN (5) unchain (1.00); ransom buse (0.75); disadvantage (0.75).
(0.43); divide (to separate by parting, U N D ER B ID (1) underbid (1.00).
0.27); unbind (to untie, 0.25); free (to U N D E R C H A R G E (3) undercharge (1.00);
liberate, 0.24). undercut (to undersell, 0.50); undersell
U N C L E N C H (1) unclench (1.00). (0.17).
U N C L O A K (2) uncloak (to expose, 1.00); U N D E R C U T (3) undercut (to excavate,
uncloak (to undress, 1.00). 1.00); undercut (to undersell, 1.00); un­
U N C L O SE (2) open (to m ove aside a pre­ dersell (0.83).
U N D E R E S T IM A T E (6) underestim ate value (0.75); sneer (0.66); depreciate (to
(1.00); m istake (0.67); m isjudge (to low er in reputation, 0.53); underesti­
m ake an inaccurate estim ate, 0.22); mate (0.50).
neglect (to treat w ith indifference, 0.13); U N D E R S C O R E (3) underscore (1.00);
m isunderstand (0.07); insult (0.05). em phasize (0.95); underline (to make a
U N D E R F E E D (1) starve (to cause to line under, 0.83).
starve, 0.80). U N D E R S E L L (1) undersell (1.00).
U N D E R G IR D (1) support (to hold up U N D E R S H O O T (1) m iss (to fail to hit,
from beneath, 0.29). 0.33).
U N D E R G O (7) undergo (1.00); suffer (to U N D E R S T A N D (11) u n d erstan d (to
feel pain, 0.91); receive (to endure, 0.75); co m p re h en d , 1.00); u n d ersta n d (to
endure (to sustain adversity, 0.71); ex­ suppose, 1.00); understand (to accept,
p erience (0.67); tolerate (to endure, 1.00); assume (to take for granted, 0.88);
0.50); bear (to suffer, 0.25).
tell (to deduce, 0.78); master (to become
U N D E R L E T (1) sublet (0.50).
proficient, 0.67); believe (to accept as
U N D E R L IE (1) underlie (1.00).
true, 0.50); sympathize (0.29); dream (to
U N D E R L IN E to mark (words, etc.) with a
conceive m entally; usually used in the
line (4) underline (to em phasize, 1.00);
n eg a tiv e , 0.25); in fer (to conclude,
underline (to m ake a line under, 1.00);
0.2 2 ); h ea r (to receiv e in fo rm atio n
italicize (0.33); m ark (to m ake a m ark,
orally, 0.09).
U N D ER STA TE (2) understate (1.00); mis­
U N D E R L IN E to furnish w ith an u nder­
represent (0.25).
lining (1) w ad (0.42).
U N D ER TA K E (8) undertake (1.00); try (to
U N D E R M IN E (14) undermine (to enfee­
ble, 1.00); undermine (to excavate, 1.00); endeavour, 0.83); dispense (to adm in­
sap (0.75); undercut (to excavate, 0.75); ister, 0.75); contract (to enter into an
corrupt (to debase, 0.46); halt (to cause agreem ent, 0.73); dare (to be coura­
to c e a s e , 0 .4 6 ); w e a k e n (to m a k e geous, 0.67); begin (to initiate, 0.56);
w eaker, 0.45); subvert (0.43); dam age p ro m ise (to give o n e ’s w ord, 0.54);
(to im pair the value of, 0.40); poison refund (to put financial obligations on
(0.36); dig (to stir the earth, 0.29); cut a n e w basis, 0.38).
(to w eaken, 0.25); incapacitate (0.25); U N D E R V A L U E (7) undervalue (1.00);
sabotage (0.25). underestim ate (0.75); underrate (0.75);
U N D E R N O U R IS H (1) starve (to cause understate (0.75); depreciate (to lower
to starve, 0.60). in reputation, 0.57); cheapen (0.36);
U N D E R PIN (2) support (to hold up from neglect (to treat with indifference, 0.06).
beneath, 0.36); hold (to support; often U N D E R W R IT E to write below something
used w ith up, 0.27). (8) u n d erw rite (to subscribe, 1.00);
U N D E R P R O P (1) hold (to suppo rt; of­ underw rite (to approve, 1.00); under­
ten used w ith up, 0.09). w rite (to su p p o rt financially, 1.00);
UNDERRATE (5) underrate (1.00); under­ support (to provide for, 0.67); endorse
(to indicate o n e’s active support, 0.54); U N FE T T E R (2) ransom (0.36); free (to lib­
endorse (to inscribe o n e’s nam e, 0.43); erate, 0.32).
indorse (0.25); prom ise (to give o n e ’s U N FIX (2) free (to liberate, 0.74); loosen
word, 0.08). (to m ake loose, 0.25).
U N D O (18) undo (1.00); unw rap (0.89); U N F O L D to open or unw rap folds (20)
d efeat (to get the better o f another, u n fo ld (to unfurl, 1.00); unfold (to
0.88); dism antle (0.83); separate (to reveal, 1.00); develop (to reveal slowly,
cause to part, 0.75); unbutton (0.75); 0.95); w iden (to becom e wider, 0.88);
destroy (to bring to nothing, 0.68); free spread (to extend, 0.78); display (to
(to liberate, 0.66); divide (to separate present for effect, 0.76); materialize (to
by parting, 0.51); disengage (0.50); develop, 0.75); decipher (0.60); reveal
unbuckle (0.50); unzip (0.50); force (to (to divulge, 0.59); evolve (0.50); open
break open, 0.40); cancel (to m ark out, (to expose to fuller view, 0.50); stretch
0.33); unravel (to untangle, 0.25); un­ (to becom e longer, 0.50); deploy (0.43);
w ind (to undo, 0.25); abolish (0.21); narrate (0.35); belly (0.33); form (to take
open (to m ove aside a prepared ob­ form , 0.29); straighten (0.29); produce
struction, 0.15). (to show, 0.25); explain (0.24); expose
U N D R ESS (2) undress (1.00); change (to (to uncover, 0.18).
change clothing, 0.67). U N FU R L (3) unfurl (1.00); spread (to ex­
U N D U L A T E (10) undulate (to surge, tend, 0.89); develop (to reveal slowly,
1.00); undulate (to sway, 1.00); roll (to 0 .20).
flow , 0 .8 6 );b e a t (to p u lsa te , 0.82); U N H A N D (1) free (to liberate, 0.05).
fluctuate (to oscillate, 0.75); crim p (to U N H A R N E SS (1) unhitch (0.23).
curl, 0.50); rock (0.24); heave (to raise U N H IN G E (3) unhinge (to detach, 1.00);
and fall, 0.19); toss (to m ove up and unhinge (to upset, 1.00); tangle (0.27).
down, 0.14); curl (to twist, 0.12). U N H IT C H (2) unhitch (1.00); unscrew
U N E A R T H (11) unearth (to disclose, (0.33).
1.00); unearth (to excavate, 1.00); ex­ U N H O O K (2) unhitch (0.92); throw (to
hum e (0.88); disinter (0.67); discover connect or disconnect, 0.33).
(to find, 0.55); dig (to rem ove by dig­ U N H O R S E (1) light (to come to rest from
ging, 0.50); find (to discover, 0.50); flight or travel, 0.18).
expose (to uncover, 0.47); discover (to U N IFY (5) unify (1.00); centre (0.71); fed­
m ake know n, 0.25); learn (to acquire erate (0.50); centralize (0.25); consoli­
m entally, 0.19); locate (to determ ine a date (to cause to unite, 0.05).
location, 0.11). U N ITE (32) unite (to come together, 1.00);
UNFA STEN (10) unfasten (1.00); unhitch u n ite (to b r in g to g e th e r, 1.00);
(0.85); unbind (to untie, 0.75); unbuckle copulate (0.91); mix (to blend, 0.82);
(0.75); unzip (0.75); unscrew (0.67); un­ close (to com e together, 0.80); adjoin
lock (0.33); unbutton (0.25); open (to (to jo in , 0.75); associate (to combine,
m ove aside a p rep ared obstruction, 0.75); convene (0.75); bind (to join,
0.23); untie (0.20). 0.67); couple (0.67); marry (to join in
wedlock, 0.67); centre (0.65); assemble 0.50); w eary (to m ake weary, 0.40);
(to put together, 0.60); converge (0.60); castrate (0.38); tire (to m ake a person
graft (to jo in for grow th, 0.60); yoke exhausted, 0.10); discourage (to dis­
(0.58); commingle (0.50); commix (0.50); hearten, 0.06); frighten (to alarm, 0.03);
c o n n e c t (to jo in , 0 .5 0 ); c o v e r (to haunt (to prey upon, 0.03).
copulate, said o f anim als, 0.50); gather U N M A R R Y (1) divorce (0.67).
(to co m e to g e th er, 0 .4 7 ); stic k (to U N M A S K (4) unm ask (1.00); display (to
rem ain fastened, 0.45); associate (to present for effect, 0.60); expose (to un­
form an organization, 0.43); com pound cover, 0.59); ridicule (0.26).
(to b le n d , 0 .2 5 ); c o n s p ire (to ac t U N M A S T (1) advertise (to m ake public,
together, 0.25); meld (0.25); weld (0.25); 0.58).
hold (to have in o n e ’s grasp, 0.21); U N N E R V E (4) unnerve (1.00); disturb (to
com pile (0.14); accum ulate (to am ass, upset mental calm, 0.76); discourage (to
0.12); m atch (to find or m ake equals, d ishearten, 0.59); w eaken (to m ake
0.08); assem ble (to b ring together, weaker, 0.25).
0.07). U N P A C K (6) unpack (1.00); unw rap
U N IV E R S A L IZ E (2) internationalize (0.84); disch arg e (to unload, 0.67);
(0.67); popularize (0.20). dump (0.64); unload (0.37); clear (to free
U N K N O T (1) untie (0.60). from contents, 0.25).
U N L A C E (1) untie (0.80). U N R A V E L (11) unravel (to solve, 1.00);
U N LA D E (2) unpack (0.75); unload (0.47). unravel (to untangle, 1.00); solve (0.88);
U N L E A S H (1) rescue (to free, 0.20). d e v e lo p (to re v e a l slo w ly , 0 .8 0 );
U N LO A D (6) unload (1.00); dump (0.82); decipher (0.73); divide (to separate by
remove (to move physically, 0.60); clear parting, 0.71); read (to interpret, 0.64);
(to free from contents, 0.50); free (to unw ind (to uncoil, 0.50); straighten
disburden, 0.45); drop (to cause or to (0.43); explain (0.27); ravel (0.11).
permit to fall, 0.13). U N R IG (1) dismantle (0.33).
U N L O C K (7) unlock (1.00); open (to U N R O L L (8) unroll (1.00); spread (to ex­
m ove aside a p rep a re d o bstruction, tend, 0.83); unw rap (0.79); open (to ex­
0.85); unclench (0.75); unbar (0.50); pose to fuller view, 0.75); unfurl (0.75);
unfasten (0.25); solve (0.18); free (to develop (to reveal slowly, 0.55); unfold
liberate, 0.08). (to unfurl, 0.46); expose (to uncover,
U N L O O S E (5) unhitch (0.62); rescue (to 0.24).
free, 0.30); clear (to free from obstacles, UNSAY (1) recant (0.13).
0.25); unbuckle (0.25); eject (to rem ove U N SC R A M B L E (1) explain (0.09).
physically, 0.16). U N S C R E W (2) unscrew (1.00); uncover
U N M A K E (1) unmake (1.00). (0.63).
U N M A N (11) disturb (to upset m ental U N S E A L (4) u n seal (1.00); u n co v er
calm, 0.80); unnerve (0.75); w eaken (to (0.88); uncork (0.33); expose (to un­
m ake w eaker, 0.65); dem oralize (to cover, 0.29).
unnerve, 0.50); em asculate (to sterilize, U N SE A T (3) unseat (to unsaddle, 1.00);
u n se at (to ou st, 1.00); d ism iss (to U N W IN D to w ind off; to m ove back (8)
rem ove an em ployee, 0.23). u n w in d (to undo, 1.00);unw ind (to
U N S E T T L E (8) unsettle (LOO); surprise uncoil, 1.00); unw ind (to relax, LOO);
(to am aze, 0.58); confuse (0.43); disor­ unravel (to untangle, 0.75); unfold (to
ganize (0.42); derange (to disarrange, unfurl, 0.69); develop (to reveal slowly,
0.25); undo (0.25); m isplace (0.19); 0.60); unfurl (0.50); spread (to extend,
entangle (0.13). 0.39).
U N SH A C K L E (1) free (to liberate, 0.29). U N W R A P (4) unw rap (LOO); unfold (to
U N SH EA TH E (2) unsheathe (1.00); draw unfurl, 0.54); unpack (0.25); expose (to
(to m ove an object, 0.27). uncover, 0.12).
U N SH IP (1) unload (0.58). U N Z IP (1) unzip (1.00).
U N SN A P (1) unfasten (0.75). U P (1 ) up (1.00).
U N S N A R L (2) straighten (0.64); ravel U P B R A ID (6) upbraid (LOO); censure
(0.56). (0.76); scold (0.67); denounce (0.66);
U N S T O P P E R (2) unscrew (0.83); un­ chasten (to punish, 0.54); fulminate (to
cover (0.50). intimidate, 0.25).
U N ST R A P (1) unhitch (0.38). U PC A S T (1) raise (to lift, 0.44).
U N S W IT C H (1) throw (to connect or dis­ U PD A T E (2) update (LOO); improve (to
connect, 0.67). m ake better, 0.85).
U N T A N G L E (5) untangle (LOO); com b U PE N D (1) upset (to turn over, 0.69).
(0.93); ravel (0.78); disentangle (0.50); UPHEAVE (2) raise (to lift, 0.81); lift (0.25).
solve (0.24). U P H O L D (26) uphold (to hold up, 1.00);
U N T IE (6) untie (LOO); unw rap (0.95); uphold (to maintain, 1.00); help (to aid,
unfasten (0.50); release (0.25); free (to 0.88); defend (to support an accused
lib erate, 0.11); expose (to uncover, person, 0.83); defend (to provide gen­
0.06). eral protection, 0.79); back (to further,
U N T W IN E (3) ravel (0.33); unw ind (to 0.67); brace (to encourage, 0.67); pro­
uncoil, 0.25); develop (to reveal slowly, m ote (to further, 0.66); prove (0.66);
0.05). com fort (to console, 0.61); acknowl­
U N T W IS T (7) ravel (0.89); unw ind (to edge (to recognize the authority of,
uncoil, 0.75); straighten (0.71); spread 0.60); oppose (to fight, 0.58); stabilize
(to extend, 0.44); disentangle (0.25); (to support, 0.50); fight (to struggle for
u n screw (0.17); d evelop (to reveal an end, 0.42); endorse (to indicate one’s
slowly, 0.15). active support, 0.38); encourage (to
U N V E IL (6) admit (to confess, 0.71); ex­ g iv e su p p o rt, 0 .3 4 ); ad v o c a te (to
pose (to uncover, 0.35); disclose (to defend, 0.33); buoy (0.33); continue (to
expose, 0.33); reveal (to expose, 0.25); persist, 0.25); contribute (to aid, 0.25);
display (to present for effect, 0.20); espouse (to support, 0.25); sublimate
advertise (to m ake public, 0.11). (to purify, 0.25); strengthen (0.22); hold
UNW EAVE (1) ravel (0.22). (to support; often used with up, 0.18);
U N W E IG H T (1) unload (0.32). re c o m m e n d (to le n d s u p p o rt or
approval, 0.12); respect (to treat w ith 0.22); disgust (0.21); down (0.21); tackle
consideration, 0.10). (0.20); confute (0.19); undo (0.17).
U P H O L S T E R (3) upholster (1.00); inter­ U P S H O O T (1) rocket (0.57).
line (to put in an interlining, 0.18); w ad U P T U R N (2) upset (to turn over, 0.85);
(0.08). overturn (0.50).
U P L IF T (7) raise (to lift, 0.94); lighten (to U R G E (26) urge (to present favourably,
m ake lighter, 0.76); heighten (to raise, 1.00); urge (to induce, 1.00); urge (to
0.75); reform (to correct evils, 0.64); civi­ d r iv e , 1 .0 0 ); e n f o r c e (to r e q u ire
lize (0.52); pry (to m ove w ith a lever, com pliance, 0.97); prom ote (to further,
0.23); reform (to change o n e’s conduct 0.95); goad (0.93); admonish (to exhort,
for the better, 0.20). 0.75); appeal (to ask another seriously,
U P R A D E (1) im prove (to m ake better, 0.75); predispose (to stim ulate, 0.75);
0.39). force (to use force, 0.72); beg (to ask
U P R A IS E (4) raise (to lift, 0.88); erect (to e a rn e s tly o r im p o rtu n a te ly , 0 .6 3 );
raise, 0.33); lighten (to m ake lighter, advise (to give counsel, 0.59); slide (to
0.24); pry (to m ove w ith a lever, 0.15). cause to slide, 0.58); influence (0.51);
U P R IS E (3) rise (to stand, 0.50); m ount q u ic k en (to cau se to h asten , 0.50);
(to rise, 0.25); rise (to m ove upw ard, rouse (to stim ulate, 0.50); hasten (to
0.06). expedite, 0.31); advance (to prom ote,
U P R O O T (5) uproot (1.00); rem ove (to 0.25); ask (to invite, 0.25); push (to
m ove physically, 0.75); graze (to p as­ prom ote, 0,25); w arn (0.19); ask (to
ture, 0.50); abolish (0.36); dislodge inquire, 0.18); m anage (to direct, 0.11);
(0.25). press (to su b ject to p ressu re, 0.11);
U P S E T (31) upset (to turn over, 1.00); lo b b y (0 .0 6 ); p ro p o se (to m a k e a
upset (to disturb, 1.00); upset (to beat, suggestion, 0.05).
1.00); confuse (0.88); crash (to fall with U R IN A T E to discharge urine (3) urinate
a crash, 0.86); bother (to be disturbing, (1.00); excrete (0.67); eject (to remove
0.82); disorganize (0.76); disrupt (to physically, 0.37).
confuse, 0.75); turn (to reverse, 0.75); U SE (11) use (to behave tow ard, 1.00);
em barrass (to upset m entally, 0.64); use (to m ake a practice o f (in past),
bewilder (0.60); disturb (to upset mental 1.00); use (to m ake use of, 1.00); wear
calm , 0.54); annoy (to be disturbing, (to consum e by wearing, 0.88); borrow
0.50); discom pose (0.50); dislocate (to (to receive tem porarily, 0.86); hire (to
d is p la c e , 0 .5 0 ); d is s a tis fy (0 .5 0 ); em ploy, 0.71); adopt (to take as o n e’s
exasperate (0.50); w ound (to hurt the own, 0.54); disburse (0.50); treat (to deal
feelings, 0.50); subvert (0.48); tangle w ith a person or thing, 0.33); charter
(0.40); destroy (to bring to nothing, (to hire, 0.25); wield (0.14).
0.34); halt (to cause to cease, 0.34); U S H E R (2) usher (1.00); accom pany (to
d iso b lig e (to in c o n v en ie n ce , 0.25); go with, 0.46).
distress (0.25); hum ble (0.24); rebel (to U S U R P (5) usurp (1.00); appropriate (to
endeavour to overthrow a governm ent, seize, 0.50); confiscate (0.25); impound
u t ilize -367- VAPOUR
(to seize, 0.25); seize (to take by force, VACUUM (1) clean (0.70).
0.22). V A LID A TE (5) validate (1.00); approve
U T IL IZ E (13) utilize (1.00); apply (to make (to give approval, 0.48); prove (0.41);
use of, 0.80); consum e (to use, 0.75); verify (0.36); confirm (to prove, 0.25).
ply (to use, 0.75); take (to adopt, 0.75); VALUATE (1) rank (to evaluate, 0.27).
exploit (0.67); use (to m ake use of, V A LU E (17) value (to believe to be valu­
0.64); adopt (to take as one’s own, 0.46); able, 1.00); value (to set a price upon,
wield (0.43); hire (to employ, 0.33); turn 1.00); value (to estimate, 1.00); cherish
(to m ake use of, 0.25); occupy (to (to hold dear, 0.92); estimate (to make a
absorb attention, 0.21); exercise (to use, rough guess, 0.90); m atter (to be of
0.18). im p o rta n ce , 0 .89); ac co u n t (0.75);
U T T E R (9) utter (1.00); curse (to swear, treasure (0.60); honour (to recognize
0,86); m um ble (0.80); tell (to inform , w orth, 0.33); rank (to evaluate, 0.33);
0.62); recite (to relate in detail, 0.55); respect (to esteem , 0.33); favour (to
intone (0.50); reveal (to divulge, 0.32); have a preference, 0.31); endear (0.25);
com m unicate (to im part inform ation, regard (to hold in esteem, 0.25); admire
0.31); send (to deliver, 0.09). (to have regard for, 0.23); consider (to
take into account, 0.22); recommend (to
V lend support or approval, 0.20).
VACATE (10) vacate (to abandon, 1.00); V A M P to attract a man (2) vamp (to se­
vacate (to leave a residence, 1.00); can­ duce, especially a man, 1.00); charm (to
cel (to annul, 0.92); evacuate (to aban­ bewitch, 0.17).
don, 0.75); abandon (to relin q u ish , V A M P to provide w ith a new vamp (1)
0.74); leave (to go away, 0.54); disap­ vam p (to repair, 1.00).
p ear (0.48); quit (to leave, 0.33); abol­ V A N ISH (11) vanish (1.00); disappear
ish (0.12); revoke (0.11). (0.96); evaporate (to disappear, 0.75);
V ACATION (4) summ er (0.67); travel (to dissolve (to fade away, 0.67); melt (to
journey, 0.57); winter (0.50); tour (0.33). decrease, 0.67); leave (to go away,
V A CCIN A TE (2) vaccinate (1.00); nurse 0.65); eat (to reduce gradually, 0.58);
(0.53). evanesce (0.50); die (to cease existing,
V A C IL L A T E (15) vacillate (to totter, 0.40); escape (0.38); dive (0.07).
1.00); vacillate (to hesitate, 1.00); hesi­ V A N Q U ISH (10) vanquish (1.00); defeat
tate (0.87); alternate (to fluctuate, 0.82); (to w orst in war, 0.94); defeat (to get
w aver (0.82); w ave (to m ove back and the b etter o f another, 0.54); subject
forth, 0.81); fluctuate (to hesitate, 0.75); (0.53); halt (to cause to cease, 0.40);
w o b b le ( 0 .7 3 ); c h a n g e (to m a k e confute (0.38); down (0.36); rout (0.24);
different, 0.59); lick (to play over; said su c c e e d (to a tta in su c c e ss, 0.21);
o f flam es, 0.38); oscillate (to fluctuate, humiliate (0.04).
0.33); shuttle (0.33); stagger (0.25); trim V A PO R IZE (2) vaporize (1.00); smoke (to
(to refuse to take a stand, 0.17); linger give o ff smoke, 0.63).
(to go reluctantly, 0.14). V A P O U R (3) g eneralize (to speak in
general term s, 0.83); bluster (0.53); V E IL (9) hide (to conceal, 0.93); palliate
boast (to brag, 0.25). (0.75); screen (to hide, 0.75); disguise
V A RIEG A TE (2) variegate (1.00); colour (0 .5 5 ); o b sc u re (to co n ceal, 0.50);
(to im part colour to, 0.63). shadow (to shade, 0.50); cam ouflage
V A R N IS H (8) varnish (1.00); gild (to (0 .2 5 ); m ask (0 .2 5 ); ev ad e (to use
adorn, 0.75); palliate (0.55); decorate trickery to avoid a shaip issue, 0.19).
(0.39); corrupt (to render innacurate, V E L L IC A T E (1) tickle (to stimulate by a
0.38); disguise (0.27); sm ooth (to re­ light touch, 0.33).
m ove unevenness, 0.23); spread (to V E N D (4) vend (1.00); sell (to convey for
apply over a surface, 0.05). a consideration, 0.83); m arket (0.75);
V A RY (12) vary (to show ch an g es, peddle (0.50).
1.00);vary (to m ake changes, 1.00); V E N E E R (4) veneer (1.00); palliate (0.50);
c h a n g e (to m a k e d iffe re n t, 0 .9 9 ); spread (to apply over a surface, 0.35);
alternate (to fluctuate, 0.91); differ (to face (to put a face on a building, 0.08).
be unlike, 0.90); change (to becom e V E N E R A T E (8) venerate (1.00); worship
different, 0.88); diversify (0.75); deviate (to p erfo rm acts o f w o rsh ip , 0.82);
(0.50); turn (to reverse, 0.44); m odify adore (to w orship, 0.75); revere (0.75);
(to c h a n g e , 0 .3 3 ); ta m p e r (0 .2 5 ); love (to be passionately devoted, 0.73);
contrast (to provide a contrast, 0.17). adm ire (to have regard for, 0.65); glo­
V A STE (1) corrupt (to debase, 0.04). rify (to w orship, 0.25); honour (to treat
VAULT to m ount by leaping (8) vault w ith respect, 0.25).
(1.00); jum p (to leap across or up, 0.92); V E N T (1) ventilate (0.60).
dive (0.71); hurdle (0.60); leap (0.50); V E N T to dispose o f by sale (3) vent
b o u n c e (to m o v e su d d e n ly , 0 .2 9 ); (1.00); advertise (to m ake public, 0.32);
bound (to m ove in leaps, 0.25); pitch notify (to provide w ith inform ation,
(to fall forward, 0.25). 0.27).
VAUNT (4) vaunt (1.00); advertise (to so­ V E N T to provide a liquor w ith an outlet
licit business, 0.93); flaunt (0.75); boast (1) em it (to discharge, 0.38).
(to brag, 0.65). V E N T to unbosom (1) unbosom (0.33).
V E E R to be changeable (6) veer (1.00); V E N T IL A T E (4) ventilate (1.00); air (to
turn (to divert, 0.87); slant (0.67); turn in tro d u ce air, 0.92); discuss (0.32);
(to change direction, 0.58); lean (to sw eeten (to m ake fresh, 0.11).
incline, 0.35); deviate (0.10). V E N T U R E (14) venture (1.00); chance
V E E R to let out by releasing (2) sidle (to take a chance, 0.91); dare (to be
(0.67); dip (to fall, 0.28). courageous, 0.89); bet (0.71); experi­
V E G E T A T E (4) vegetate (to germ inate, ment (to investigate scientifically, 0.71);
1.00); vegetate (to stagnate, 1.00); loaf guess (to m ake a choice, alm ost at
(to do nothing useful, 0.76); hibernate hazard, 0.67); bid (to propose a price
(0.33). for purchase, 0.60); gam ble (to take
V EH ICU LA TE (1) drive (to manage a pro­ chances, 0.50); undertake (0.38); at­
pelled vehicle, 0.08). tem pt (to try, 0.25); jeo p ard ize (0.25);
risk (0.25); speculate (to gam ble in V IB R A T E (25) vibrate (to quiver, 1.00);
b u sin e ss, 0.25); try (to endeav o u r, vibrate (to sound, 1.00); sound (to make
0. 11). a noise, 0.98); rock (0.90); beat (to
V E R B A L IZ E (3) dictate (to speak for pulsate, 0.79); quiver (0.75); resound
rec o rd , 0 .4 0 ); a rtic u la te (to sp e ak (0.75); shiver (0.67); w ave (to move
clearly, 0.25); sound (to pronounce, back and forth, 0.67); lick (to play over;
0.25). said o f flam es, 0.62); blow (to sound
V E R G E to descend tow ard the horizon; w h e n b lo w n , 0 .5 0 ); f lu c tu a te (to
to diverge or deflect (1) dip (to fall, oscillate, 0.50); jounce (0.50); oscillate
0.33). (to swing, 0.50); quaver (0.50); thrill (to
V E R G E to edge (1) verge (1.00). becom e excited, 0.40); ring (to give
V E R IF Y (10) verify (1.00); recognize (to forth sound by ringing, 0.27); flicker
know again, 0.86); collate (to check, (to quiver, 0.25); m odulate (0.25); pal­
0.75); confirm (to prove, 0.75); estab­ pitate (0.25); pulsate (0.25); tremble
lish (to prove, 0.75); vouch (0.73); ex­ (0.25); w hirr (0.25); hum (0.20); swing
perim ent (to investigate scientifically, (to describe an arc, 0.09).
0.41); justify (to prove by the event, V IC T IM IZ E (10) victimize (1.00); perse­
0.33); settle (to prove, 0.33); support cute (to oppress, especially for religious
(to uphold, 0.28). reasons, 0.78); abuse (to treat badly,
V E R S IF Y (2) sing (to write poetry, 0.67); 0.62); deceive (0.62); swindle (0.50);
poetize (0.25). m islead (0.45); lie (to utter an untruth,
V E S T (1) clothe (0.39). 0.39); dupe (0.25); kill (to deprive of life,
V E T O (4) veto (1.00); w ithdraw (to re­ 0 .2 3 ); d e fe a t (to g et th e b etter o f
m ove from use or circulation, 0.65); another, 0.02).
deny (0.14); taboo (0.07). V IC T U A L (1) feed (0.35).
V E X (22) vex (to trouble, 1.00); vex (to V ID E O T A P E (1) record (to record elec­
annoy, 1.00); bother (to give trouble, tronically, 0.33).
0.95); w eary (to m ake weary, 0.92); V IE (2) vie (1.00); com pare (to stand in
em barrass (to upset m entally, 0.88); relationship to another, 0.50).
displease (to anger, 0.75); inflam e (to V IE W (15) view (1.00); look (to endeav­
irritate, 0.75); nag (0.75); haunt (to prey our to see, 0.95); read (to interpret,
upon, 0.64); disturb (to upset m ental 0.93); contem plate (to look at, 0.88);
calm , 0.57); insult (0.55); anger (to scrutinize (0.75); spy (to see, 0.75); see
arouse som eone to anger, 0.52); op­ (to perceive w ith the eye, 0.73); regard
press (0.52); chafe (to annoy, 0.50); eat (to look at, 0.71); survey (to look upon,
(to bother, 0.50); harass (to annoy an 0.50); overlook (to occupy a command­
individual, 0.50); burden (0.42); m olest ing height, 0.43); behold (0.33); regard
(to disturb people, 0.36); tire (to make a (to have an attitude, 0.33); meditate (to
person exhausted, 0.35); com plicate m use, 0.27); w atch (to be attentive,
(0.27); fret (to cause annoyance, 0.25); 0.14); consider (to regard, 0.10).
excite (to stir one mentally, 0.06). V IL IF Y (10) vilify (1.00); slander (0.97);
in s u lt ( 0 .9 0 ) ; s c a n d a liz e ( 0 .7 9 ) ; (to debase, 0.50); pervert (0.50); adul­
d enounce (0.59); sm ear (to slander, terate (0.29); destroy (to bring to noth­
0.50); depreciate (to low er in reputa­ ing, 0.22); abolish (0.17); hinder (0.09);
tion, 0.40); abuse (to hurt w ith w ords, dam age (to im pair the value of, 0.05).
0.25); traduce (0.25); scold (0.11). V IT R IF Y (2) harden (to make less pervi­
V IN D IC A T E (13) vindicate (to clear, ous, 0.86); glaze (0.09).
1.00); vindicate (to defend, 1.00); vin­ V IT U P E R A T E (4) upbraid (0.93); curse
dicate (to justify, 1.00); excuse (0.79); (to sw ear at, 0.75); denounce (0.75);
revenge (0.78); advocate (to defend, scold (0.19).
0.67); rationalize (to justify, 0.67); de­ V IV IF Y (3) revive (to give new life, 0.74);
fend (to support an accused person, anim ate (to give life to, 0.56); enliven
0.61); challenge (to claim, 0.50); exon­ (0.50).
erate (0.50); right (to repair an injus­ V O C A L IZ E (5) speak (to utter, 0.75); sing
tice, 0.38); acquit (to exonerate, 0.25); (to p r o d u c e v o c a l m u s ic , 0 .6 4 );
palliate (0.15). e n u n c ia te (to p ro n o u n ce distinctly,
V IO L A T E (13) violate (to transgress, 0.38); pronounce (to articulate, 0.25);
1.00); violate (to rape, 1.00); rape (0.95); utter (0.18).
force (to rape, 0.75); overstep (0.75); V O C IF E R A T E (3) yell (0.63); ejaculate
assault (to rape, 0.50); defile (to rape, (0.50); exclaim (0.14).
0.50); infringe (0.50); sell (to betray, V O IC E (4) voice (1.00); enunciate (to pro­
0.33); disobey (0.30); seduce (0.24); nounce distinctly, 0.88); utter (0.82);
abuse (to treat badly, 0.20); corrupt (to em it (to express, 0.75).
debase, 0.07). V O ID (10) unload (0.89); evacuate (to
V IS C E R A T E (1) eviscerate (0.25). empty, 0.75); em pty (to cause to be­
V IS IT (8) visit (to call upon the sick, 1.00); com e empty, 0.71); em pty (to becom e
visit (to live with for a short tim e, 1.00); empty, 0.47); excrete (0.47); em it (to
visit (to afflict, 1.00); visit (to stop for discharge, 0.41); recant (0.26); deflate
business or pleasure, 1.00); attend (to (0.25); revoke (0.22); om it (to fail to
go to, 0.60); travel (to journey, 0.50); include, 0.17).
arrive (to com e to a place, 0.18); touch V O L A T IZ E (2) distil (0.88); vaporize
(to com e into a contact w ith, 0.17). (0.25).
V IS U A L IZ E (5) visualize (1.00); envis­ V O L U N T E E R (5) volunteer (to m ake a
age (to im agine, 0.75); dream (to have p ro p o sal, 1.00); v o lu n teer (to offer
visions, usually during sleep or fever, o n e’s services, 1.00); undertake (0.50);
0.40); hallucinate (0.33); display (to offer (to present, 0.15); propose (to
present for effect, 0.24). m ake a suggestion, 0.14).
V IT A L IZ E (2) vitalize (1.00); animate (to V O M IT (3) vom it (1.00); em it (to dis­
give life to, 0.78). charge, 0.59); eject (to rem ove physi­
V IT IA T E (11) vitiate (to cancel, 1.00); vi­ cally, 0.47).
tia te (to v io la te , 1.00); c o rru p t (to V O O D O O (1) charm (to bewitch, 0.75).
debase, 0.96); poison (0.57); dam age V O T E (2) vote (1.00); decide (0.24).
V O U C H (6) vouch (1.00); declare (to W A G G L E (7) w aggle (1.00); w iggle
speak formally and emphatically, 0.34); (0.75); w ag (0.67); w ave (to move back
plead (to discuss in court, 0.33); pledge and forth, 0.57); hitch (to m ove with a
(to prom ise, 0.25); sw ear (to take an jerk, 0.50); w obble (0.07); shake (to
oath, 0.18); testify (to bare witness, 0.11). vibrate, 0.06).
V O U C H S A F E (2) condescend (0.93); W A IL (8) wail (1.00); cry (to weep, 0.90);
deign (0.67). w eep (0.80); howl (0.50); moan (0.50);
V O W to prom ise solem nly (3) prom ise m ourn (to cry, 0.50); lam ent (to weep,
(to give o n e ’s w ord, 0.81); pledge (to 0.25); sough (0.25).
prom ise, 0.50); sw ear (to take an oath, W A IN S C O T (1) line (to provide a lining,
0.45). 0.13).
V O Y A G E (4) travel (to journey, 0.89); W A IT (8) w ait (to await, 1.00); wait (to
cruise (0.75); tour (0.67); sail (to travel attend at table, 1.00); serve (to serve
by sailing, 0.60). at table, 0.75); lurk (0.67); hesitate
V U L C A N IZ E (2) vulcanize (1.00); tem ­
(0 .4 8 ); lo ite r (0 .4 1 ); w atch (to be
p er (to toughen or harden, 0.47).
attentive, 0.36); linger (to go reluctantly,
V U L G A R IZ E (1) abuse (to treat badly,
W A IV E to relinquish (7) waive (1.00); sus­
pend (to cease temporarily, 0.45); elimi­
W nate (to rem ove, 0.40); forego (0.25);
WAD to form into a w ad; to lay up in
abandon (to relinquish, 0.22); sacrifice
bundles (3) w ad (1.00); line (to provide
(to give up as a m eans to an end, 0.11);
a lining, 0.73); stuff (0.25).
yield (to surrender, 0.08).
W A D D LE (2) waddle (1.00); toddle (tod­
W A K E (4) wake (to waken another, 1.00);
dle, 0.75).
w ake (to become awake, 1.00); wake (to
W A D E (1) wade (1.00).
begin to com prehend, 1.00); rise (to
W A F T to convoy (3) w aft (1.00); carry
get out o f bed, 0.50).
(to transport, 0.32); heave (to raise and
W A L K to j oum ey or move about on foot
fall, 0.24).
W A F T to w ave as a signal (4) blow (to (10) w alk (to m ove on foot, 1.00); walk
carry on the wind, 0.92); glide (to m ove (to cause to m ove on foot, 1.00); move
gently, 0.69); float (0.67); blow (to send (to be in motion, 0.93); rove (0.75); roam
forth air rapidly, 0.25). (to wander, 0.69); tread (0.67); patrol
W A G (3) wag (1.00); w iggle (0.88); w ave (0.50); step (0.47); haunt (to frequent
(to m ove back and forth, 0.62). as a spirit, 0.38); march (0.35).
W A G E (1) wage (1.00). W A L L to furnish w ith a wall (1) bar (to
W A G E R (6) bet (0.93); gam ble (to play raise a physical obstruction, 0.75).
for money, 0.75); guarantee (to give W A L L O P (4) wallop (1.00); thump (0.56);
se c u rity , 0 .7 1 ); c h a n c e (to ta k e a defeat (to w orst in sport or in personal
chance, 0.64); lay (to bet, 0.33); ven­ com bat, 0.24); thrust (to jab, 0.08).
ture (0.07). W A L L O W to roll about; to flounder (4)
w allow (1.00); slop (0.78); flounder W A R M (12) w arm (1.00); heat (to make
(0.50); bask (0.20). hot, 0.98); cook (0.90); heat (to become
W A L L PA PE R (1) redecorate (0.18). hot, 0.88); radiate (to shed light or heat,
W A LTZ (3) w altz (1.00); dance (to m ove 0.85); brood (to hatch, 0.33); com fort
rhythm ically, 0.92); play (to display (to m ake easy physically, 0.30); bake
light, erratic movem ent, 0.75). (to cook, 0.25); reheat (0.25); sim m er
W A M B L E (1) flop (to m ove w ith little (to b o il, 0 .2 5 ); e x c ite (to stir one
control, 0.17). mentally, 0.19); gladden (0.09).
W A N D E R (16) w ander (to stroll, 1.00); W A R N (7) w arn (1.00); advertise (to
w ander (to speak or think incoherently, m ake p ublic, 0.76); advise (to give
1 .0 0 ); r a m b le (to g o in v a r io u s counsel, 0.76); w histle (to call with a
directions, 0.85); peram bulate (to ram ­ w histle, 0.57); brandish (0.25); exhort
ble, 0.75); peregrinate (0.75); w alk (to (0.25); signal (0.20).
m ove on foot, 0.61); range (to traverse W A R P (8) warp (1.00); bend (to force out
w ide areas, 0.56); circulate (to go about, o f a straight line, 0.92); change (to make
0.50); gad (0.50); travel (to journey, different, 0.82); distort (to change by
0.43); deviate (0.40); am ble (0.25); p re ssu re , 0 .7 5 ); d isto rt (to ch an g e
m aunder (to digress, 0.25); rove (0.25); shape, 0.36); m ar (to im pair, 0.25);
saunter (0.25); straggle (0.25). dam age (to im pair the value of, 0.23);
W A N E (11) w ane (1.00); decrease (to maim (0.14).
grow less, 0.82); die (to d ecline as W A R R A N T (18) w arrant (to guarantee,
though death w ere inevitable , 0.78); 1.00); w arran t (to auth o rize, 1.00);
dim inish (to grow less, 0.75); dw indle vouch (0.82); prove (0.69); ju stify (to
(0.75); contract (to dim inish, 0.64); age prove by the event, 0.67); m erit (0.67);
(to grow old, 0.60); w eaken (to becom e insure (0.50); guarantee (to certify, 0.44);
w eaker, 0.59); ebb (0.27); sink (to de­ testify (to bare witness, 0.33); vindicate
crease, 0.25); disappear (0.12). (to justify, 0.33); defend (to support an
W A N T (8) w ant (to desire, 1.00); w ant accused person, 0.28); sw ear (to take
(to lack, 1.00); yearn (0.92); lack (0.67); an oath, 0.27); deserve (0.25); ensure
w ill (to w ish, 0.67); w ish (to express a (0.25); prom ise (to give o n e ’s word,
desire, 0.58); beg (to ask alm s, 0.50); 0.19); allow (to perm it an action, 0.07);
require (to need, 0.50). delegate (to give authority to another,
W A R (2) w ar (1.00); fight (to engage in 0.05); com mand (to issue an order, 0.02).
an encounter, 0.92). W A S H (19) w ash (to bathe, 1.00); wash
W A R B L E to sing (7) w arb le (1.00); (to launder, 1.00); w ash (to brush with
w histle (to produce a tune by whistling, a liquid, 1.00); w ash (to erode, 1.00);
0.86); trill (0.80); sing (to produce vo­ w ash (to border upon, 1.00); pan (to
cal m usic, 0.73); croon (0.67); yodel obtain gold, 0.89); gild (to give the
(0.50); chirp (0.36). appearance o f gold, 0.83); lick (to pass
W ARD to rule; to guard (1) shelter (0.67). the tongue over, 0.76); sw ab (0.75);
W A R EH O U SE (1) store (0.45). purify (0.71); moisten (0.54); cleanse (to
rem ove dirt from the surface, 0.50); 1.00); w ave (to m ove back and forth,
colour (to im part colour to, 0.31); w ipe 1.00); w ave (to set hair, 1.00); wave (to
(0.30); sponge (to clean, 0.25); mop u n d u la te , 1 .0 0 ); h an g (to be su s­
(0.22); w hitewash (to cover with a lime pended, 0.82); signal (0.80); trill (0.70);
w ash, 0.20); p ain t (to rep rese n t by roll (to flow, 0.57); wield (0.57); undulate
painting, 0.07); heave (to raise and fall, (to surge, 0.50); flag (0.33); blow (to
0.05). carry on the w ind, 0.25); flourish (to
W A STE (17) waste (to use w ithout result, w ave trium phantly, 0.25); suspend (to
1.00); w aste (to squander, 1.00); w aste hang, 0.25); overflow (to flow over the
(to be c o n su m e d g rad u a lly , 1.00); top, or out at a vent, 0.17); swing (to
spend (to expend, 0.86); overflow (to cause to sw ing, 0.14).
flow over the top, or out at a vent, 0.83); W AVER (21) waver (1.00); wave (to move
ravage (0.80); w ear (to consum e by back and forth, 0.90); vacillate (to totter,
wearing, 0.63); eat (to reduce gradually, 0.75); ju m p (to vibrate, 0.73); bend (to
0 .5 0 ); le v e l (to d e m o lis h , 0 .5 0 ); be forced out o f a straight line, 0.71);
m isap ply (0.50); m isem ploy (0.50); falter (0.67); oscillate (to fluctuate,
drain (to w ithdraw strength, 0.47); de­ 0.67); altern ate (to fluctuate, 0.64);
crease (to grow less, 0.26); overw helm shake (to vibrate, 0.59); teeter (0.55);
(to drown, 0.25); contract (to diminish, flicker (to quiver, 0.50); fluctuate (to
0 .2 3 ); w e a r (to b e c o n s u m e d by hesitate, 0.50); stagger (0.50); lick (to
w earing, 0.10); abuse (to treat badly, play over; said o f flam es, 0.46); swing
0.06). (to describe an arc, 0.36); wobble (0.33);
W A TCH (14) watch (to be attentive, 1.00); reel (0.30); dilly-dally (0.25); hover
w atch (to guard, 1.00); guard (to w atch (0.25); vibrate (to quiver, 0.25); totter
over, 0.93); spy (to act as a spy, 0.79); (to stagger, 0.17).
m onitor (0.75); patrol (0.75); police W A X to cover with wax (6) wax (to apply
(0.75); m anage (to direct, 0.65); regard wax, 1.00); varnish (0.71); finish (to de­
(to look at, 0.64); look (to endeavour to velop a surface, 0.50); burnish (0.33);
see, 0.60); gaze (0.50); d efe n d (to shine (to cause to shine, usually by
p ro v id e g e n e ra l p ro te c tio n , 0 .4 7 ); polishing, 0.22); spread (to apply over
sh a d o w (to fo llo w secretly , 0 .33); a surface, 0.10).
convoy (0.25). W A X to grow (9) w ax (to increase, 1.00);
W A T E R (7) w ater (1.00); irrigate (0.67); grow (to becom e larger, 0.85); thrive (to
soak (to drench, 0.57); dam pen (to wet, g ro w v ig o ro u sly , 0 .7 3 ); b u ild (to
0.50); overflow (to flow out upon, 0.50); increase, 0.50); bloom (0.44); grow (to
m oisten (0.42); dip (to put into a liquid, change slowly, 0.41); flourish (to pros­
0.25). per, 0.25); rise (to in crease, 0.20);
W A T E R L O G (2) moisten (0.77); soak (to strengthen (0.04).
remain in liquid, 0.14). W A Y LA Y (4) w aylay (1.00); am bush
W AVE (17) w ave (to flutter, 1.00); w ave (0.89); kidnap (0.45); attack (to fight
(to g iv e an a lte rn a tin g m o v e m en t, offensively (army), 0.42).
W E A K E N (14) w e a k en (to b e c o m e W E B (1) knit (to form by knitting, 0.43).
weaker, 1.00); weaken (to m ake weaker, W E D (5) w ed (1.00); m arry (to take a
1.00); adulterate (0.97); contract (to sp o u se , 0 .7 5 ); esp o u se (to m arry,
diminish, 0.91); demoralize (to unnerve, 0.50); jo in (to unite, 0.36); unite (to
0.75); disarm (to deprive o f w eapons, com e together, 0.08).
0.73); wilt (0.63); disprove (0.50); go (to W E D G E to tighten; to fasten (2) fasten
fail, 0.50); check (to slacken the pace, (to m ake something secure, 0.28); com ­
0 .2 5 ); so ften (to m ak e so ft, 0.2 4 ); press (0.04).
decrease (to grow less, 0.21); relapse W E E D (2) rake (to use a rake, 0.40); train
(0.09); decay (0.03). (to direct growth, 0.06).
W E A N (2) w ean (1.00); raise (to nurture, W E E N (3) assum e (to take for granted,
0.50). 0.50); understand (to comprehend, 0.32);
W E A R to carry on o n e’s body; to dam ­ know (to possess information, 0.25).
age; to use (8) w ear (to use as clothing W E E P (7) weep (1.00); bawl (to cry, 0.67);
or personal ornam ent, 1.00); w ear (to
bem oan (0.50); wail (0.50); w him per
consum e by w earing, 1.00); w ear (to
(0.50); snivel (to cry, 0.25); m ourn (to
be consum ed by w earing, 1.00); dress
lament, 0.14).
(to p u t on clo th es, 0.80); w ash (to
W E IG H (19) w eigh (to take the w eight
erode, 0.60); endure (to continue, 0.39);
of, 1.00); w eigh (to have weight, 1.00);
m odel (to dem onstrate, 0.33); w aste (to
w eigh (to consider, 1.00); m easure (to
be consum ed gradually, 0.09).
a p p ly a sta n d a rd o f m e asu rem en t,
W E A R o f a ship: to com e round (1) tack
0.94); choose (to select, 0.80); m atter
(to steer an oblique course, 0.40).
(to be o f im portance, 0.78); m editate
W E A R Y (4) weary (to make weary, 1.00);
w eary (to becom e weary, 1.00); drain (to th in k over, 0.75); calc u late (to
(to w ithdraw strength, 0.76); depress reckon, 0.74); balance (to place in bal­
(to bring to a low er state, 0.52). ance, 0.64); gauge (0.60); com pare (to
W E A T H E R (3) w eather (to expose to exam ine on a com parative basis, 0.57);
the w eather, 1.00); w eather (to pass p hilosophize (0.50); exam ine (to test,
through adversity successfully, 1.00); 0.27); contrast (to indicate a contrast,
endure (to sustain adversity, 0.14). 0.25); deliberate (0.25); reflect (to con­
W E A V E to m an u factu re m aterial (4) tem plate, 0.25); debate (0.20); experi­
w eav e (to co n stru ct by in terlacin g , m e n t (to in v e stig a te sc ien tifica lly ,
1.00); weave (to contrive, 1.00); em broi­ 0.12); think (to examine with the mind,
der (to add adornm ent, 0.69); build (to 0.04).
construct, 0.04). W E IG H T (4) corrupt (to debase, 0.54);
W E A V E to m ove repeatedly from side to load (to place a load, 0.47); sling (to
side; to m ake a signal (7) w eave (to su spend, 0.25); press (to su b ject to
m ove in and out, 1.00); w ind (to m ean­ pressure, 0.22).
der, 0.82); totter (to stagger, 0.67); lurch W E L C O M E (14) w elcom e (1.00); greet
(0.50); reel (0.50); m ix (to blend, 0.47); (0.94); listen (to receive advice cordial­
teeter (0.09). ly, 0.83); salute (to recognize with re­
WELD -375- WfflP
spect, 0.80); appreciate (to be grateful, on, 0.25); tempt (0.14); urge (to induce,
0.75); accost (to greet, 0.50); hail (to 0.09).
salute, 0.50); take (to admit, 0.50); feel W H E E L (8) drive (to manage a propelled
(to experience, 0.45); receive (to m ake v e h ic le , 0 .7 1 ); ro ll (to m ove by
w elcom e, 0.42); em brace (to adopt, rotation, or in rotating num bers, 0.71);
0.33); hug (0.22); accom m odate (to turn (to pivot, 0.69); whirl (0.60); rotate
provide lodging, 0.13); entertain (to act (0.50); round (to turn, 0.50); dial (to turn,
as host or hostess, 0.06). 0.25); circle (0.11).
W E L D (6) w eld (1.00); m achine (0.50); W H E E Z E (7) wheeze (1.00); pant (0.75);
faste n (to m ake so m e th in g secu re, sw ish (0.75); breathe (to draw breath,
0.35); vulcanize (0.33); assemble (to put 0.50); gasp (0.50); snore (0.50); whistle
together, 0.30); jo in (to unite, 0.28). (to produce a shrill blast, 0.46).
W E L L to boil; to thicken; to curdle (3) W H E L P (1) produce (to bear, 0.18).
flow (to issue forth, 0.76); bubble W H E T (5) whet (1.00); grind (to sharpen,
(0.75); gush (to spout, 0.50). 0.67); point (to sharpen, 0.50); motivate
W E L S H (1) abandon (to leave in trou­ (0.35); sharpen (to make keen, 0.33).
ble, 0.14). W H IC K E R (1) whinny (0.57).
W E L T E R (1) wallow (0.67). W H IF F to blow w ith a w hiff or slight
W E N D (1) wend (1.00). blast (3) w h iff (1.00); blow (to send
W E T (11) w et (1.00); soak (to drench, forth air rapidly, 0.58); puff (to blow,
0.93); spatter (0.88); dip (to put into a 0.25).
liquid, 0.85); drench (0.75); bedew W H IM P E R (9) w him per (1.00); whine
(0.50); m oisten (0.50); souse (to soak, (0.69); mumble (0.60); complain (to ex­
0.50); sponge (to clean, 0.50); w ater press an objection, 0.55); fuss (0.50);
(0.42); overflow (to flow out upon, 0.25). cry (to weep, 0.45); snivel (to complain,
W E T C A S T (1) cast (to form in a m ould, 0.33); squall (0.25); yam mer (0.25).
0.25). W H IN E (14) w hine (1.00); fuss (0.75);
W H A C K (14) bump (to m ake a bumping grum ble (to com plain, 0.75); mumble
sound, 0.91); hurt (to cause pain, 0.80); (0.70); snivel (to complain, 0.67); com­
haggle (to m angle, 0.75); hit (to strike, plain (to express an objection, 0.58);
0.61); drive (to force with blows, 0.60); sound (to m ake a noise, 0.57); squall
bat (0.50); beat (to strike repeatedly, (0.50); yam m er (0.50); cry (to call (not
0.50); club (0.50); hack (0.50); ham m er o f h um an creatu res), 0.42); cry (to
(0.50); chop (0.33); bang (to beat, 0.25); w eep, 0.40); grumble (to mutter, 0.25);
rap (to tap sharply, 0.25); thum p (0.22). m oan (0.25); grumble (to growl, 0.07).
W H A L E to engage in w hale-fishing (1) W H IN N Y (4) whinny (1.00); cry (to call
fish (0.33). (not o f hum an creatures), 0.66); bray
W H A M (1) pelt (0.50). (0.50); neigh (0.50).
W H E E D L E (6) w heedle (1.00); cajole W H IP (17) w hip (1.00); beat (to thrash,
(0.75); grovel (0.29); induce (to prevail 0.95); hurt (to cause pain, 0.81); flagel­
late (0.75); spank (0.75); goad (0.70); W H IT E N (7) w hiten (to becom e white,
beat (to mix, 0.50); m aul (0.50); ply (to 1.00); w hiten (to m ake w hite, 1.00);
beat, 0.50); thrash (0.50); thrash (to snow (0.78); blanch (0.67); weather (to
ch astise, 0.50); p u n ish (0.31); flog expose to the weather, 0.62); w hite­
(0.25); lam baste (0.25); outfight (0.25); w ash (to cover with a lime wash, 0.60);
torture (to injure, 0.25); scar (0.23). bleach (0.50).
W H IR L (16) whirl (1.00); reel (0.80); pivot W H IT E W A S H (5) w hitew ash (to cover
(0.75); round (to turn, 0.75); turn (to w ith a lim e wash, 1.00); w ash (to brush
pivot, 0.63); blow (to m ove rapidly (said w ith a liquid, 0.75); palliate (0.45); gild
o f air), 0.50); swirl (to roll or wave, 0.50); (to adorn, 0.25); whiten (to m ake white,
sw irl (to tw ist, 0.50); w altz (0.50); roll 0 .20).
(to revolve, 0.43); sw ing (to cause to W H IT T L E to cut the slices from the
swing, 0.43); blow (to carry on the wind, surface (4) w hittle (to cut, 1.00); w hit­
0.42); flow (to m ove in one direction, tle (to reduce slowly, 1.00); chip (0.67);
0.38); run (to m ove, usually rapidly, form (to give shape to a thing, 0.49).
0.36); flow (to keep up a circular motion, W H IZ Z (6) w hizz (1.00); w hirr (0.75);
0.22); w ave (to flutter, 0.08). w histle (to produce a shrill blast, 0.54);
W H IR R (4) whirr (1.00); whizz (0.33); hum sw ish (0.50); run (to m ove, usually rap­
(0.27); buzz (0.25). idly, 0.27); race (to move at great speed,
W H IS K (9) w hisk (1.00); je rk (to m ove 0.16).
an object w ith a quick tug, 0.77); blow W H O L E S A L E (1) sell (to convey for a
(to carry on the w ind, 0.67); blow (to consideration, 0.08).
send forth air rapidly, 0.50); brush (to W H O O P (2) whoop (1.00); yell (0.58).
cleanse by brushing, 0.50); clean (0.46); W H O R L (2) round (to make round, 0.50);
flop (to m ove w ith little control, 0.30); swirl (to twist, 0.25).
run (to go sw iftly by physical effort, W ID E N (13) widen (to make wider, 1.00);
0.10); race (to m ove at great speed, widen (to becom e wider, 1.00); increase
0.06). (to add to, 0.83); broaden (0.75); radiate
W H IS P E R (10) whisper (1.00); sound (to (to shed light or heat, 0.74); inflate (to
m ake ano ise, 0.89); rustle (0.85); utter distend, 0.63); spread (to extend, 0.56);
(0.79); hum (0.67); blow (to send forth dilate (0.50); distend (0.50); thicken (to
air rapidly, 0.42); sw ish (0.25); m utter make thicker, 0.25); improve (to become
(to speak as if to oneself, 0.17); m um ble b e tte r, 0 .2 4 ); stre tc h (to c a u se to
(0.10); hint (0.05). stretch, 0.14); develop (to im prove,
W H IS T L E (8) whistle (to produce a shrill 0.09).
blast, 1.00); whistle (to call w ith a w his­ W IE L D (4) w ield (1.00); swing (to cause
tle, 1.00); w histle (to produce a tune to sw ing, 0.86); com m and (to have
by whistling, 1.00); w hine (0.77); twitter control, 0.46); ply (to use, 0.25).
(0.57); trill (0.40); cry (to call (not o f W IG G L E (10) wiggle (1.00); fidget (0.64);
hum an creatures), 0.32); blow (to send jo g g le (0.50); w addle (0.50); ja r (to
forth air rapidly, 0.08). cause to trem ble, 0.35); flutter (0.25);
je rk (to undergo a spasm , 0.25); jig g le W IN G (2) fly (to pass through the air,
(0.25); wriggle (0.25); flop (to move with 0.92); glide (to m ove gently, 0.15).
little control, 0.22). W IN K (3) w ink (to close one eye, 1.00);
W IL L (8) w ill (an indication o f futurity, w ink (to twinkle, 1.00); hint (0.36).
1.00); will (to exert one’s will, 1.00); will W IN N O W (6) w innow (1.00); hunt (to
(to w ish , 1.00); m a y (to c o n c e d e try to find, 0.82); sift (to put through a
possibility, 0.75); leave (to allow to fall sieve, 0.70); thrash (to free grain or
to another, 0.67); choose (to select, seed from hulls, 0.44); clean (0.35);
0.57); give (to transfer, 0.37); contribute exam ine (to inspect with care, 0.13).
(to give, 0.18). W IN T E R (2) w inter (1.00); hibernate
W IL T (6) w ilt (1.00); w aste (to be con­ (0.67).
sum ed gradually, 0.64); w ither (0.56); W IP E (6) wipe (1.00); mop (0.78); sponge
dry (to becom e dry, 0.50); sw eat (to (to clean, 0.75); clean (0.41); brush (to
persp ire, 0.29); w eaken (to becom e cleanse by brushing, 0.25); wash (to
weaker, 0.05). bathe, 0.19).
W IN to w ork; to be victorious (17) w in W IR E (8) electrify (to provide electricity,
(to gain a victory, 1.00); w in (to obtain, 0.92); send (to broadcast, usually elec­
1.00); w in (to reach, 1.00); w in (to tronically, 0.70); thread (to pass thread
convince, 1.00); seize (to take by force, th ro u g h a n eed le, 0.67); report (to
0.89); defeat (to w orst in sport or in deliver inform ation, 0.50); telegraph
personal com bat, 0.83); attain (0.75); ( 0 .5 0 ) ; c o m m u n ic a te (to b e in
earn (to deserve as rew ard, 0.75); take com m unication, 0.29); tape (to fasten,
(to acquire, 0.75); obtain (td gain p o s­ 0.20); notify (to provide w ith inform a­
session, 0.59); find (to achieve, 0.50); tion, 0.09).
fo rce (to capture by assault, 0.50); W IR E T A P (1) eavesdrop (0.50).
trounce (to defeat, 0.40); outrun (0.33); W IS H (9) wish (to desire, 1.00); wish (to
s u c c e e d (to a tta in su c c e ss, 0 .3 1 ); express a desire, 1.00); w ish (to bid,
fascinate (0.14); receive (to take into 1.00); hope (0.94); please (to desire,
o n e’s charge, 0.09). 0.75); choose (to like, 0.67); like (to be
W IN C E (4) wince (1.00); agonize (0.75); inclined, 0.67); long (0.33); yearn (0.08).
worry (to indulge in worry, 0.50); recoil W IT H D R A W (33) w ithdraw (to retire,
(0.29). 1.00); w ithdraw (to remove from use or
W IN D to move rapidly (11) wind (to wrap circulation, 1.00); withdraw (to remove,
about, 1.00); w ind (to twist, 1.00); wind 1.00); abandon (to relinquish, 0.93);
(to m eander, 1.00); coil (0.87); roll (to recoil (0.93); leave (to go away, 0.88);
revolve, 0.79); curl (to twist, 0.77); wave retire (to draw away, 0.78); disappear
(to undulate, 0.69); crinkle (0.50); screw (0.76); abstract (to take away, 0.75);
(0.50); bend (to force out o f a straight secede (0.75); shrink (0.75); retreat (to
line, 0.31); circle (0.19). execute a forced retirem ent in battle,
W IN E (1) entertain (to act as host or host­ 0.73); stop (to cease, 0.73); steal (0.69);
ess, 0.24). recant (0.61); detach (0.50); part (to
depart, 0.50); retract (to draw in, 0.50); plate (to look at, 0.65); testify (to bare
se q u ester (to seclude, 0.50); refu se w itness, 0.56); guarantee (to certify,
(0.47); detract (0.44); abdicate (0.33); 0.33); prove (0.24); regard (to look at,
go (to depart, 0.33); re c e d e (to go 0.14).
backw ard, 0.33); retract (to disavow , W O B B L E (11) w obble (1.00); flop (to
0.33); dem obilize (0.25); depart (to go m ove w ith little control, 0.96); jum p (to
away, 0.25); fly (to flee from danger, v ib rate, 0.87); teeter (0.73); toddle
0.25); rem ove (to m ove physically, (toddle, 0.25); totter (to stagger, 0.25);
0.15); apologize (0.14); retreat (to retire, toss (to m o v e up and dow n, 0.21);
0.14); avoid (0.13); rescue (to save, shake (to vibrate, 0.18); totter (to be
0.08). near falling, 0.08); ja r (to cause to trem ­
W IT H E R to dry; to decay (8) w ither ble, 0.06); rock (0.05).
(1.00); die (to decline as though death W O L F (1) glut (to eat to satiety, 0.21).
w ere inevitable , 0.89); decay (0.85); W O N D E R (3) w onder (to marvel, 1.00);
waste (to be consum ed gradually, 0.82); w onder (to question, 1.00); doubt (to
w ilt (0.75); contract (to diminish, 0.27); raise a question, 0.88).
d isintegrate (to decay, 0.25); decrease W O O (2) w oo (to court,fig., 1.00); woo
(to grow less, 0.12). (to m ake love to, 1.00).
W IT H E R to be hostile; to fight; to strug­ W O O D S H E D (1) practice (to seek im ­
gle (1) glare (to stare fiercely, 0.10). provem ent through repetition, 0.10).
W IT H H O L D (16) withhold (1.00); m ain­ W O R K (32) w ork (to labour, 1.00);work
tain (to keep ready for use, 0.74); hide (to fashion, 1.00); w ork (to function,
(to conceal, 0.67); delay (to cause a 1.00); w ork (to handle successfully,
delay, 0.61); discourage (to restrain, 1.00); w ork (to ferment, 1.00); operate
0.58); dock (to dim inish, 0.50); refuse (to be in operation, 0.93); knead (0.89);
(0.42); deny (0.39); forbid (0.39); har­ play (to produce m usic, 0.83); drag (to
bour (to keep hidden, 0.33); subtract pulverize, 0.75); farm (to do farm work,
(0.33); check (to slacken the pace, 0.30); 0.75); go (to function, 0.75); act (to
hinder (0.27); estrange (to w ithdraw , p e rfo rm an a c tio n , 0 .6 7 ); ro ll (to
0.25); famish (to kill, 0.25); omit (to fail function, 0.67); operate (to produce an
to include, 0.08). effect, 0.6 1 ); av erag e (to do on an
W IT H S T A N D (10) face (to confront average, 0.57); exercise (to m ove the
co n flict or trouble, 0.68); stan d (to body, 0 .56 ); tw itch (to je rk , 0.56);
oppose, 0.67); survive (to endure, 0.67); behave (to act, 0.50); run (to function,
fight (to engage in an encounter, 0.64); 0.50); try (to endeavour, 0.39); w ield
defend (to keep off an enemy, often fig. (0.36); bubble (0.35); solve (0.35); form
, 0.59); endure (to sustain adversity, (to give shape to a thing, 0.33); till
0.57); abide (to submit to, 0.33); oppose (0.33); function (0.25); handle (to do
(to fight, 0.30); disobey (0.09); undergo w hatever is necessary, 0.25); m ine (to
(0.09). dig for minerals, 0.25); use (to make use
W IT N E S S (6) w itness (1.00); contem ­ of, 0.18); embroider (to add adornment,
0.13); pedal (0.13); begin (to initiate, W O U N D (12) w ound (to hurt the body,
0.06). 1.00); w ou n d (to hurt the feelings,
W O R M (1) w o rn (1.00). 1.00); m angle (to m utilate, 0.86); stab
W O R R Y (22) w orry (to cause worry, (0.80); lacerate (to injure, 0.75); torture
1.00); worry (to indulge in worry, 1.00); (to injure, 0.75); hurt (to cause pain,
disturb (to upset m ental calm , 0.96); 0.70); cut (to cut into, 0.32); penetrate
m o le s t (to d is tu rb p e o p le , 0 .8 4 ); (to pierce, 0.30); bruise (0.25); injure
displease (to leave a person dissatis­ (0.25); dam age (to im pair the value of,
fied, 0.75); eat (to bother, 0.75); excite 0.18).
(to stir one m entally, 0.75); hurt (to W R A N G L E (10) wrangle (1.00); quarrel
distress, 0.75); oppress (0.74); drive (to (0.95); bicker (0.80); contest (to fight,
cause to m ove, 0.67); em barrass (to 0 .6 7 ); d is c u s s (0 .5 9 ); h a g g le (to
upset m entally, 0.52); bite (to seize or bargain, 0.50); try (to endeavour, 0.50);
sever w ith teeth, 0.50); persecute (to debate (0.40); argue (to endeavour to
torm ent persistently, 0.50); perturb (to convince, 0.29); fight (to engage in an
annoy, 0.50); vex (to trouble, 0.50); encounter, 0.24).
confuse (0.48); haunt (to prey upon, W R A P (12) wrap (to twine or wind, 1.00);
0.48); tire (to m ake a person exhausted, w rap (to conceal in a wrapper, 1.00);
0.30); bedevil (0.25); faze (0.25); bother twist (0.60); drape (0.56); bind (to dress,
(to be disturbing, 0.24); fidget (0.09). 0.50); m uzzle (to fasten a muzzle upon,
W O R S E N (7) aggravate (to m ake worse, 0.50); em balm (0.29); frame (to act as a
0.75); exacerbate (to aggravate, 0.75); fram e, 0.29); enshroud (0.25); obscure
degenerate (0.67); fail (to grow less, (to con ceal, 0.25); w ear (to use as
0.50); depreciate (to becom e less in clothing or personal ornam ent, 0.20);
value or quantity , 0.25); go (to fail, hide (to conceal, 0.07).
0.25); decay (0.21). W R E A T H E (6) w ind (to w rap about,
W O R S H IP (6) w orship (to adore, 1.00); 0.70); w eave (to construct by interlac­
w orship (to perform acts o f w orship, ing, 0.61); curl (to twist, 0.38); frame (to
1.00); honour (to treat w ith respect, act as a frame, 0.36); enwreathe (0.25);
0.75); cherish (to hold dear, 0.67); com ­ coil (0.07).
plim ent (to flatter, 0.37); sacrifice (to W R E C K (17) w reck (to bring to ruin,
offer to a deity, 0.14). 1.00); w re ck (to sh ip w reck , 1.00);
W O R S T (5) w orst (1.00); defeat (to get dam age (to im pair the value of, 0.97);
the better o f another, 0.90); best (0.67); raze (0.96); ravage (0.82); botch (0.79);
halt (to cause to cease, 0.21); succeed b a tte r (to dam age, 0.75); dem olish
(to attain success, 0.07). (0.75); prostrate (to overthrow, 0.75);
W O T (2) know (to possess inform ation, undo (0.67); harm (0.50); sabotage
0 .3 8 ); u n d ersta n d (to co m p reh en d , (0.50); destroy (to bring to nothing,
0.35). 0.38); smash (0.35); level (to demolish,
W O U L D (1) w ill (an in d ic a tio n o f 0.25); blast (to ruin, 0.20); inflict (to
futurity, 0.71). deal, 0.17).
W R E N C H (4) wrench (1.00); extort (0.50); W R IT H E R (1) creep (0.33).
draw (to m ove an object, 0.41); yank W R O N G (6) wrong (1.00); abuse (to treat
(0.22). badly, 0.70); outrage (0.50); rape (0.45);
W R E S T (4) succeed (to attain success, m istreat (0.25); dam age (to im pair the
0.57); ravage (0.27); enforce (to require value of, 0.06).
com pliance, 0.20); w rench (0.20).
W R E S T L E (5) w restle (1.00); com pete X
(0.74); fight (to engage in an encoun­ X E R O G R A P H (1) reproduce (to make an
ter, 0.40); spar (0.33); grapple (to fight exact copy, 0.81).
h and to hand, 0.25). X E R O X (2) xerox (1.00); reproduce (to
W R IG G L E (7) w riggle (1.00); flop (to m ake an exact copy, 0.75).
m ove w ith little control, 0.78); je rk (to
undergo a spasm , 0.75); squirm (0.75); Y
craw l (to m ove like an insect, 0.67); Y A M M E R (3) yam m er (1.00); talk (to
w iggle (0.63); enter (to enter physically, converse, 0.50); yell (0.25).
0.62). Y A N K (5) yank (1.00); tw itch (to pluck,
W R IN G (3) wring (1.00); twist (0.80); hurt 0.64); draw (to m ove an object, 0.36);
(to cause pain, 0.49). tow (0.25); w rench (0.07).
W R IN K L E (5) wrinkle (to form into wrin­ YA P (4) yap (1.00); bark (to em it a d o g ’s
kles, 1.00); fold (to place together or characteristic sound, 0.82); yell (0.79);
lay in folds, 0.63); contract (to dim in squaw k (0.25).
ish, 0.59); age (to grow old, 0.40); curl YAW to deviate from a course (2) yaw
(to twist, 0.15). (1.00); tack (to steer an oblique course,
W R IT E (11) w rite (to com pose in w ords, 0.60).
1.00); w rite (to set dow n in w riting, YAW N (4) yaw n (to give evidence o f
1.00); record (to write down, 0.92); com ­ drow siness, 1.00); yaw n (to open wide,
m unicate (to impart inform ation, 0.88); 1.00); sleep (0.27); tire (to becom e
compose (to create, 0.73); rewrite (0.67); exhausted, 0.18).
p ro d u ce (to create by m ental effort, YAWP (1) yell (0.04).
0.42); address (to com m unicate in a Y E A R N to desire earnestly (4) yearn
form al way, 0.40); edit (to prepare for (1.00); itch (to have a strong desire,
publication, 0.18); publish (to print and 0.67); aspire (0.25); miss (to feel a want,
distribute, 0.17); notify (to provide with 0.25).
information, 0.15) Y E A R N to coagulate; to curdle (2) mope
W R IT H E to twist; to coil (5) writhe (1.00); (0.50); m ourn (to lament, 0.45).
distort (to change shape, 0.50); w orry Y E L L (6) yell (1.00); squall (0.75); rage
(to indulge in worry, 0.30); agonize Y E L P (5) yelp (1.00); bark (to emit a dog’s
(0.25); craw l (to m ove like an insect, characteristic sound, 0.91); yell (0.83); cry
0.17). (to call (not of human creatures), 0.79); snarl
W R IT H E to sprout; to flourish (1) beat (0.47).(to give vent to anger, 0.68); roar (0.53);
(to pulsate, 0.21). squeal (0.50); whoop (0.10).
Y IE L D (21) yield (to grant, LOO); yield Y O D E L (3) yodel (1.00); w arble (0.50);
(to produce, 1.00); yield (to surrender, trill (0.10).
1.00); produce (to bear, 0.97); allow (to Y O K E (6) yoke (LOO); harness (0.88);
p erm it an action, 0.78); fall (to be hitch (to harness, 0.88); jo in (to unite,
overthrown, 0.78); concede (0.75); give 0.42); bind (to constrain with bonds,
(to produce, 0.75); grant (to perm it, 0.24); enslave (0.19)
0.75); share (to give, 0.75); obey (to act
in a c c o rd a n c e w ith o rd e rs, 0 .7 1 );
abandon (to relinquish, 0.63); sacrifice Z
(to give up as a m eans to a end, 0.56); Z IG Z A G (7) wind (to meander, 0.91); tack
adm it (to acknow ledge, 0.48); bring (to (to steer an oblique course, 0.90); bend
be w orth in sale, 0.33); afford (to pro­ (to be forced out o f a straight line, 0.64);
duce, 0.25); lay (to bring forth, 0.25); totter (to stagger, 0.58); weave (to move
soften (to becom e soft, 0.23); suffer (to in and out, 0.33); curl (to twist, 0.23);
perm it, 0.23); accom m odate (to render turn (to divert, 0.20).
a service, 0.16); give (to yield under Z IP (3) zip (LOO); fasten (to make some­
pressure, 0.07). thing secure, 0.67); zoom (0.33).
Y IP (2) bark (to emit a d og’s characteris­ Z O O M (3) zoom (1.00); hum (0.60); hasten
tic sound, 0.09); yell (0.08). (to m ake haste, 0.20).
Наукове видання

Михайло Емільович

Синоніміка англійського дієслова:

словник семантичних відстаней

Mykhaylo B ILYN SK Y

English Verbal Synonyms:

A Dictionary of Semantic Distances

Редактор Мирослава Прихода

Програмне забезпечення Андрія Переймибіди

hetS К ом п’ютерна верстка Андрія Ровенчака

Друкарня видавництва Отців Василіян “М ісіонер”

м. Ж овква Львівської області, вул. Василіянська, 8

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