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1 Rajah 10 adalah simbol-simbol kimia yang mewakili unsur Natrium, karbon dan oksigen.

0 Diagram 10 are chemistry symbols of sodium, carbon and oxygen.

(a) Apakah maksud bagi:

What is means of
(i) Ikatan ion
Ionic bond
(ii) Ikatan kovalen
Covalent bond
(b) Terangkan pembentukan ikatan yang terbentuk di antara
Explain the formation of bond between of
(i) Unsur Natrium dan unsur oksigen
Element Sodium and element oxygen
(ii) Unsur Carbon dan unsur oksigen
Element carbon and element oxygen
(c) Bandingkan takat lebur Natrium oksida dengan metilbenzena.
Compare the melting point of sodium oxide and methylbenzene

Skema jawapan

No Penerangan Markah
1 (a) (i) bond that formed from transferring electron from metal to 1
nonmetal element

(a)(ii) bond that formed from sharing of electron between nonmetal 1

element and nonmetal element

(b) (i) Element Na and O 1

Electron arrangement of atom element sodium is 2.8.1 and
electron arrangement of atom element oxygen is 2.6
Sodium atom donate 1 electron to achieve octet electron
Oxygen atom receives 2 electrons to achieve octet electron
Na+ ion formed and O2- ion formed
Two Na atom donates to one oxygen atom 1
Na2O ionic compound formed 1

(b)(ii) Element C and O

Electron arrangement of atom carbon is 2.4 1

Electron arrangement of atom Oxygen is 2.8 1

Carbon Atom contribute by sharing 4 electron to achieve octet 1

electron arrangement

Oxygen atom contribute by sharing 2 electrons to achieve octet 1

electron arrangement

One carbon atom share 1 pair electron with 2 oxygen atom 1

CO2, covalent compound formed 1

(c) Na2O ionic compound CO2, covalent compound 1

High melting pont Low melting point

There are strong electrostatic There are weak van deer

forces of attraction between Waals forces of attraction
ions between the molecules

More heat energy is used to Less heat energy is used to

overcome these forces overcome these forces

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