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Student 1


B – Marketing Direcor
C – Finance Manager

D – Human Resources Manager

A: Okey, let’s begin. Firstly, I’d like to welcome you all.
B: Yes
A: As you remember, the company has witnessed high level of stress among staff, leading to poor
performance. I see people coming to the office with sleepy and tired faces. This reduces the quality of work
and many projects are not completed on time.
So, I’m very upset. How do you feel about that ??
B: In my option, The reason for this situation is because the number of employees is small, the company
expands too quickly. So too many tasks.
C: Exactly !!
D: I agree with you.
A: Marketing Diretor, can we get your solution ?
B: I suggest we should hire more staff, especially salesmen and customer service officers.
C: That’s exactly the way I feel
D: I have to agree with Marketing Director, If the CEO approves, I think we should do it as soon as possible.
A: Yes
D: I think we should increase the salary of the employees, that motivates them to work.
C: I’m afraid, I can’t agree. Instead of giving them a raise, why don't we fire the employees who don't work
B: I get your point !
A: OK, So our solution would be to hire new employees and fire those who don't work hard. Has anyone
else got anything to contribute?
B: No
A: I think we can close the meeting now.
Student 2
A Marketing Director

B Salesman
C - Accountant

D – Vice- Director

Student 2
A: Hello everyone. Thank you for coming today. If we are all here, let’s start the meeting.
B: What’s on your mind ?
A: Yes, Recently, our company's finances are getting very poor. We are very worried about this problem. We need
your help, what is your ideal ?
B: I think that employees work very hard, but because of the Covid-19, customers cut down on their spending, so we
hard to find customers.
D: I can’t help thinking the same, the staff are all very tired from working overtime and staying up late, they look very
tired because they can't find customers.
C: Exactly, according to the financial report, profits is decreasing by 3%, the company's spending on corporate
entertainment is too much and not effective.
A: It's unsettling, isn't it? Salesman, can we get your input?
B: If you ask me, I tend to think that we should more advertising on social networking sites like Facebook to attract
C: I’m not so sure about that. Our budget is not good, if we increase advertising it will cost more.
D: I also think our promotions are doing very well, no need to increase.
C: Seaking for myself, why can we cut down the budget for corporate entertainment to reduce financial stress?
D: That’s just what I was thinking.
A: What’ your solution, Vice-director ?
D: In my option, we need hire more staff, change the entertainment activities, we will choose activities that cost less.
B: That’s right.
A: So in conclusion, we we will hire some more staff, with leisure activities we will cut costs and choose more cost-
effective activities. Has anyone else got anything to contribute?
C: T thought it was okay.
A: I think we’ve covered everything. Thank you all for meeting. The meeting is over.

Student 5

C - sales Excu
D – Financial

CEO: Hello everyone, welcome to the meeting. Today we're going to talk about the issue that last month, your
company launched a new product, but the sales haven't been good. Customers complain about it a lot. So we need
to discuss and come up with a solution to this problem. Financial Director, can you state the sales report?

Financial Director:

Production cost: $13/ 1 pair of shoes

Selling prices: $20 prices/ 1 pair of shoes

Expect: 1 month with about 5000 orders

Reality: 1 month with about 2100 orders, 52 products returned for low quality and number of customers is going

CEO: What a sad thing. Do you have a solution?

Financial Director: In my opinion, we should cut down the price or give some discount to attract more buyers. How
do you see this idea?

Marketing director: I don't agree with the discount. In my opinion, the company should increase production costs.
The profitability for a product will decrease but people will also prefer it. Many consumers complain about quality,
so we need to change, upgrade the quality of products more. In addition, more advertising is needed on social
networks so that people know more about the product..

Excutive Sale: Yes, the product discount opinion is quite interesting because our customer target is young people.
And it's essential that we increase advertising on social networking sites to attract customers. In addition, in my
opinion, we should produce more neon colors, because it is the hot trend color of young people.

Marketing director: I agree. But in my opinion, we should not lower the price of products anymore because our
production costs are already quite high. Instead, we'll invest that cost in changing product quality, producing more
colors, increasing promotion, and maybe even promoting to better buyers. Otherwise our profits will be extremely
low and even lose money.

CEO: Yes. I think the marketing director makes sense. Does anyone have any more suggestions?

Financial Director, Sale Excutive: NO

CEO: OK, so we're going to decide to solve this problem as follows:

First, we will keep the price of the product the same.

Second, we need to change, improve the quality of products. At the same time, it will increase advertising on social
networking sites more to attract customers.

Finally, We will produce more color for the product is neon color.

The meeting ends here. Bye

Financial Director, Sale Excutive, Marketing director: BYE

Student 3
A - Director


Customer service Director: Hello, welcome to today's meeting. Next month, your company is going to welcome a
group of businessmen from a Japanese company. They come to Vietnam to discuss a contract. So, in today's
meeting, we're going to discuss choosing a suitable entertainment vanue. Do you have any suggestions, Customer
Service Officers 1?

Customer Service Officers 1: In my opinion, we should choose Silverland Sakyo hotel and spa in district 1.

Customer Service Officers 2: Is the Japanese-themeds hotel?

Customer Service Officers 1: Yes.

Customer Service Officers 3: What good-points does that hotel have?

Customer Service Officers 1: There's sauna and massage service- which is what Japanese people like. Moreover,
Silverland Sakyo hotel is near the company and the airport, near centers such as shopping malls, theaters, bars ...
This is pretty convenient. But the price here is quite high, however this price is worthy of their location and service

Customer Service Officers 2: I don't think that's a good idea. Because the Japanese-themeds hotel with the Japanese
is too boring. I think they will be interested and want to explore the culture and traditions of Vietnam.

Customer service Director: Quite interesting, do you suggest any entertainment vanue?

Customer Service Officers 2: I recommend Bamboo hotel in Hoian. This is historic city-a good place to explore
VietNam. Japanese buildings-conection to the businessmen. The food is rich and can travel to Da Nang easily. More
importantly, the price is quite reasonable. However, this place is quite far from Ho Chi Minh City.

Customer Service Officers 1: I don't agree with your vanue entertainment because it's so far away, we're going to
take quite a bit of time to move and cost.

Customer Service Director: Customer Service Officers 3, what about you?

Customer Service Officers 3: I agree with you, however I find that the idea of Bamboo Hotel is not feasible because
it's too conservative. Intercontinental Phu Quoc Long beach resort is a better idea than Bamboo Hotel. It has a
beautiful beach, there is a casino-mordern entertainment activity and amazing food with cheap price. It will be closer
than hoi an, but the price here will be quite high.

Customer Service Officers 2: Although entertainment vanue I propose further with other entertainment vanue.
However, with today's conditions we can travel by plane. This will not take too much travel time and the cost of
traveling does not cost too much because many airlines are offering incentive programs. Moreover, the cost of
services there is also quite cheap so we do not need to worry too much.

Customer service director: I find this idea quite reasonable. Choosing Vietnamese-themeds will be more interesting
than Japanese-themeds hotels. More than that, I see. Intercontinental Phu Quoc Long beach resort will be suitable
when they come to Vietnam for resort or tourism purposes. But next month, they come to Vietnam to discuss to
attract, so introducing and helping them experience, helping them to better understand the people, culture and
cuisine of Vietnam is the right thing to do.

Customer Service Officers 2: Yes, that will help the image of people, culture of Vietnam will spread to the people of
your country and the world.

Customer Service Officers 1,3. I agree.

Customer service Director:OK. So, through the meeting we decided to choose Bamboo hotel in Hoi An as
entertainment vanue. Customer Service Officers 2, you help me contact us to book flights and hotel services at hoi
security when we arrive.

Customer Service Officers 2: yes.

Customer service director: oke, So the meeting ends here. Bye

Customer Service Officers 1,2,3: Bye.

Student 4
A - Director
B- 1


Student 4

A: Good morning everyone, how are you?

B,C,D: I’m ok, thanks

A: As previously announced, the company will soon have a group of businessmen from Scottish come to discuss the
contract, so for the discussion to go smoothly, I would like to choose a suitable location. I'm holding this meeting
today to get everyone's opinion on the place you've come up with. Please give your opinion one by one.

B: I took the time to do quite a bit of research on this place. I found the JW Marriott Hanoi hotel.

A: Please be more specific. I don't know about that hotel yet.

B: Okay, this is really good value for money. It is a 5-star hotel with many great facilities for your entertainment such
as massages, restaurants serving the best food,... And above all, this place is quite close to the airport and right in
the center. city, very easy to navigate and quick to shop or go sightseeing. Although the price is a bit high, I think for
a 5-star hotel with such good and convenient service, it is worth it.

A: What do you think about this place?

D: I don't agree with Customer Service Officer 1 at all, I think Hanoi is too boring, every meeting is in Hanoi, I think
we should change to another place for something new. Not only that, the JW Marriott is too expensive compared to
the company's budget.

A: How about Customer Service Officer 2, what do you think about this place?

C: I agree with Customer Service Officer 3, it's quite expensive given the cost of the company. Try listening to me
instead. In the middle of the hot summer, why don't we choose the "Sunshine" hotel in Da Lat, contrary to the
blazing sun in Hanoi, Da Lat has quite nice weather - comfortable for people from Europe. There is also a golf course
suitable for leisure businessmen and can be discussed after signing the contract for the most comfortable
atmosphere. Above all, the price is reasonable, not too expensive and suitable for the company's expenses.
A: Seems like a good fit. What about Customer Service Officer 3?

D: Not very suitable, I see Scots people who don't like the cool air at all, they tend to like the sun more, as evidenced
by the fact that they usually like to sunbathe in the summer, so yes Maybe my opinion is more appropriate.

A: Okay, let's make a suggestion.

D: With such a preference for sunshine, you can go to the "Long Beach" hotel in Da Nang. With its location near the
beach, the seafood here is surprisingly delicious and fresh. Not only that, it's closer to Hanoi than Da Lat, so you can
go to the airport faster, there are also lively bars in the morning. The night is quite captivating. And the most
important thing here is that the prices are extremely reasonable.

B: It sounds like 2 ideas Customer Service Officer 2 and Customer Service Officer 3 are reasonable but think about it,
the location 2 you chose is quite far and inconvenient, every time you have to go to another city, it will cost a lot of
money, not only that , those places are not near the airport, it takes time to travel from there to the hotel.

A: I quite agree with Customer Service Officer 1, if possible, the location should not be too far from the airport
because most people come here by air. I don't want them to have problems with the distance from the airport to the
hotel, so being close to the airport is probably a big plus.

C: I think it's also important to have comfortable facilities so that clients can enjoy themselves as well as participate
in working sessions. Because they have free time that weekend.

A: Yes, I don't want them to be disappointed and complain that they don't have time to buy gifts for friends and
family. So based on what has been discussed, I think Customer Service Officer 1's proposal is the best, in terms of
funding, I think it is worthy of the service they offer.

C: Yes, after analysis I also see fit. I agree

D: Me too, that's a good idea.

A: Then let's decide, JW Marriott hotel will be the chosen venue in this meeting. Thank you for your input. I wish you
a good day.

B, C, D: Thank you.

Student 6

Công ty của bạn là một công ty chu kỳ nổi tiếng tại Việt Nam.
Công ty của bạn bán ba mô hình xe đạp: xe đạp đường bộ, xe
đạp du lịch và xe đạp leo núi. Để trở thành một công ty toàn
cầu, công ty của bạn dự định xây dựng một nhà máy ở một
quận nước ngoài. Nhà máy sẽ havnt khoảng 2000 công nhân
và một số thành phần chu kỳ sẽ được nhập khẩu. Wotkers sẽ
được tuyển dụng tại địa phương và họ sẽ được đào tạo nếu
cần thiết. Eompany của bạn đang xem xét giữa các quận A.B
và C và GIÁM ĐỐC ĐIỀU HÀNH đã triệu tập một cuộc họp để
thảo luận về điều này, Bạn là GIÁM ĐỐC ĐIỀU HÀNH.

Nhiệm vụ của bạn:

• Nêu rõ cuộc họp mục tiêu và các mục trong agenda.

- Đảm bảo quan điểm của mọi người được lắng nghe và thảo
luận, đảm bảo các quyết định rõ ràng được đưa ra và chấp
Tóm tắt những gì đã được thảo luận. Kết thúc cuộc họp.

B – Marketing director

Công ty của bạn là một công ty chu kỳ nổi tiếng ở Việt Nam,
Công ty của bạn bán ba mẫu xe đạp: xe đạp cóc, xe đạp du lịch
và In Oldcr để trở thành một công ty toàn cầu, công ty của bạn
dự định xây dựng một factoty ở nước ngoài Nhà máy sẽ havc
khoảng 2000 công nhân và một số thành phần chu kỳ sẽ được
nhập khẩu. Công nhân sẽ được đào tạo tại địa phương và họ sẽ
được đào tạo nếu cần thiết. Công ty của bạn đang xem xét giữa
các quận A, B và C và GIÁM ĐỐC ĐIỀU HÀNH đã triệu tập một
cuộc họp để thảo luận về điều này. Bạn là Giám đốc Tiếp thị Ý
kiến của bạn:

I. Chọn quốc gia A.

Lý do:

• Cảnh quan hỗn hợp (phù hợp để bán các sản phẩm),

• HAI phương tiện hiện đại và một số sân bay quốc tế được
quản lý tốt.

• Thuế đối với lợi nhuận hàng năm và linh kiện nhập khẩu thấp.

2. Không chọn quốc gia B.

Lý do: • Không có cảnh quan núi non (điều này không tốt cho việc bán xe đạp leo núi).

• Tình hình chính trị của nó hiện đang không ổn định,

3. Đừng chọn quốc gia C.

Lý do:

• Thuế đối với lợi nhuận và thuế đối với com nents nhập khẩu
là quá cao

C- Human
.Công ty của bạn là một công ty chu kỳ nổi tiếng tại Việt Nam.
Công ty của bạn bán ba mô hình xe đạp: bieyeles đường,
bieyeles touring và xe đạp leo núi. Để trở thành một công ty
toàn cầu, công ty của bạn dự định xây dựng một nhà máy ở
nước ngoài, Nhà máy sẽ có khoảng 2000 công nhân và một số
thành phần eyele sẽ được nhập khẩu. Wotkers sẽ được tuyển
dụng tại địa phương và họ sẽ được đào tạo nếu cần thiết, Công
ty của bạn đang xem xét trong số các Eountty A, B và C và CEO
đã gọi một mccting để thảo luận về điều này Bạn là người quản
lý nhân sự Ý kiến của bạn:
1. Chọn quốc gia B.
Lý do:
• Tốc độ tăng trưởng là nhanh nhất (8,9% năm ngoái).
• Nhiều công nhân lành nghề,
• Mức lương thấp.
2. Không chọn quốc gia A.
Lý do:
• Rất nhiều giấy tờ cho doanh nghiệp mới.
3. Không chọn quốc gia C.
Lý do:
• Không có nhiều công nhân lành nghề.
• Mức lương đang tăng nhanh.

D - Finance

Student 6
A: Good afternoon and welcome everyone. If we’re all here, let’s get started. Our company's products are favored by
domestic customers. So the company plans to expand to foreign markets, aiming to become a global company.
B: Global company ??
A: Yes, Our factory will have about 2000 workers, the machine parts will be imported. Staff will be recruited locally.
The problem is that I am looking at three countries A, B and C. This meeting is held so that we can agree on which
country to choose. What course of action do you recommend ?
B: In my opinion, we should choose country A, because it has a mixed landscape, suitable for sales of all products.
And two modern seaports and several well-managed international airports.
C: Unfortunately, I see it differently. We will need a lot of paperwork if we want to open a new business there.
B: However, the annual tax on components and imports there is quite low.
D: I have to agree with Human Resources Manager. Country A has a low growth rate and a high unemployment rate.
Why don’t you choose country C, because the government will contribute 30% towards the cost of the company and it
has low rates for handling cargos.
B: I don’t think so, country C is the opposite of A, the tax on imported components is quite high.
C: That’s right. Moreover, there are not many skilled workers and wage rates are rising fast.
D: If we do business in country C, the tax will be exempt for the first 3 years.
A: Human Resources Manager, what are your thoughts on all of this ??
C: It seem to me that country B is the best choose. Country B has the fastest growth, with an index of 8.9% last year,
which is important for a new business.
B: Up to a point, I agree with you, but it has no mountain landscape, and its political situation is currently unstable.
D: I agree with you. No plan for investment from the government. The transportation network here needs
improvement. It’s really hard
C: I see what you mean. So, wages there are low, and we will hire many skilled workers if doing business in country
A: It seems that every country has its own problems. The marketing director chooses country A, Human Resources
Manager chooses country B and the Finance Manager chooses country C.
However, after the discussion, I think country B is still the most reasonable choice.
Are there any more comments?
D: No
A: Okey, I think we can close the meeting now.
Student 7

B- Marketing
C – Finance

D – Human
Student 7:
A: Good afternoon and welcome everyone. If we’re all here, let’s get started. Currently, our company is planning to
expand the store to other cities besides Hanoi.
B: That sounds interesting
A: Yes, Our factory will have about 1000 workers and some parts will be shipped from Hanoi. Workers will be locally
recruited and trained. I am considering between 3 cities, A, B and C. So I would like to consult you. Marketing
Director, can we get your point ?
B: In my opinion, we should choose city A. It has a good rail and road network and low wage rates.
C: Unfortunately, I see it differently. This city is too far from Hanoi and will lead to increased delivery costs.
D: That’s right. moreover we can spend a lot of money to train workers.
B: I think it doesn't cost much. Although training is required, the number of workers is very large
A: Finance Manager, how do you feel about that ?
C: It seem to me that city B is the best choose. it also has good railway and road network like city A. Moreover we
will get support to open factory from the competent authority. There is no need to worry about workers, because there
are many skilled workers there.
D: I’m afraid, I can’t agree. Wages for workers in city B are rising, and the city has strict laws on pollution.
B: I have to agree with Human Resources Manager. We will need a lot of paperwork if we want to open a new store
D: Why don't we choose C city, I find it very good. The wages for workers there are low, and delivery costs are also
C: However, the transport network is very poor
B: I can’t help thinking the same.
D: City C has a plan to improve the transportation system in the future. So, I don't think it has much impact on our
A: okay. To summarize, Marketing Director choose city A, the Finance Manager choose city B and the Human
Resource Manager choose city C. It seems that every city has its own problems.
However, after the discussion, I think city C is still the most reasonable choice. Are there any more comments?
C: No
A: Okey, I think we can close the meeting now. Thank you all for meeting

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