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Vocab Assignment Part 1:

Word and Book title, page Student-friendly

number on which definitions (use a
part of speech Dictionary and Thesaurus
word appears,
and then think about how
sentence in which to reword the definition in
word appears language primary students
would better understand)

Book Title: More

M&M’s Math
1. Remainder 1. “If you have a 1. Something that is
– adjective remainder, you’re not left over
quite done.” (p. 16)

2. Glance –
verb 2. To look at quickly
2. “Take a quick
glance at the total
amount.” (p. 2)

3. Grand – 3. Large and

adjective impressive

3. “The sum will be

grand.” (p.10)
4. ceased – verb 4. To stop or bring
something to an
4. “Examine the
candies when your
work has been
ceased.” (p. 7)
Vocab Assignment part 2:

Instructional Session 1:
Word and Book title, page Student-friendly
number on which definitions (use a
part of speech Dictionary and Thesaurus
word appears,
and then think about how
sentence in which to reword the definition in
word appears language primary students
would better understand)

Book Title: More

M&M’s Math
1. Remainder 1. If you have a 1. Something that is
– adjective remainder, you’re not left over
quite done. (p. 16)

2. Glance –
verb 2. To look at quickly
2. Take a quick
glance at the total
amount. (p. 2)

3. Grand – 3. Large and

adjective impressive

3. The sum will be

grand. (p.10)
4. Ceased – 4. To stop or bring
verb something to an end.

4. Examine the
candies when your
work has been
ceased. (p. 7)

Instructional Session 2:

Activity 1: Draw It
- Materials needed: laminated empty box worksheets for each student, dry
erase markers, erasers, and timer.
For this activity, students will be given a laminated page that has four empty
boxes on it. The students will be given four vocabulary words from the teacher,
and they will have eight minutes to draw a picture to represent the meaning for
each word.

Activity 2: Vocab Wheel
- Materials needed: pre-cut wheels, crayons/markers for students to
The vocabulary wheel consists of a piece of paper that is shaped like a wheel
(circle). Around the perimeter of the circle, there will be sections (enough for the
amount of vocab words being discussed at particular time) labeled by numbers.
Where there is a number, that area will lift up as a “flap”. On the outside of the
flap, the student will be responsible for writing the vocabulary word. Underneath
the flap (where they lift it up) students will be responsible for describing the
meaning of the word. Students will then be prompted to color the wheel however
they wish, being encouraged to draw pictures or add notes to help them better
understand the meaning of each word.

Instructional Session 3:

Engaging way to review words: Find Your Match

Materials needed: sticky notes, writing utensils

“Find Your Match”. I would divide students up into groups and assign them each a
vocabulary word. Then, I would give them 4 sticky notes. Students will write the
word, definition, synonym, or antonym. After, I would give each student another
sticky note to stick to themselves somewhere that is visible. Students will walk
around the room and try to find their “vocabulary group” (matching word,
definition, synonym and antonym)

Activity 1: Multiple Meaning Ice Cream Vocab

Materials needed: pre-made and cut ice cream cones, cut out scoops, crayons,

Students will be given a cone, and a variety of “scoops”. They may color them
however they wish to represent different flavors. Each student will have a word
on the “cone” and will try to come up with one other or even multiple meanings
of the word if there are multiple. Each student will write the definition explained
in class on their first scoop, and then may add the others on top. They will use as
many scoops as they need to showcase each meaning they have for their word.
When the ice cream cone is finished, it should have at least two scoops on it. One
being the definition that was given in class, and then at least one other definition
that they came up with.

Activity 2: Word Collector

Materials needed: word collector worksheet, crayons, markers

“Word Collector”- Each student will be given a worksheet labeled “Word

Collector” At the top center of the page will be a vocabulary word. The students
will then be directed to define the word, draw and color a coordinating picture
and write one synonym in the corresponding boxes.

**Speed round

Instructional Session 4:

Engaging way to review words:

Materials needed: none 😊

I would have the students play vocabulary charades. Each pair of students will be
assigned a different vocabulary word and will be given five minutes to discuss
with their group to come up with a “skit” to represent their word. Everything
MUST be acted out and NO talking is aloud! Once the students are done acting
out their skit, they will choose one classmate to guess what word they were
acting out, and the classmate must also explain what the word means. (You could
also make this a game with a point system for more fun and with more time).

Activity 1: Toss and Answer

Materials needed: cupcake tin, cupcake wrappers, ball, cut out vocabulary word

There will be a cupcake tin with vocabulary word cards in each, and students will
be directed to come up one by one and toss the ball into one of the holes.
Whichever hole (word) it lands on, they will be asked to define the word and
produce a sentence that it would be found in. Students may keep their cards once
they complete the task. Repeat until every student has gone and correctly
completed the task.

Activity 2: Vocab Bingo

Materials needed: bingo board, list of vocabulary words, bingo chips

Students will be given a bingo board and will write down the vocabulary words
that they have been learning on the squares. The teacher will read out the
definition, and the student will cover whichever word matches the definition with
their bingo chips. Once the students board shows bingo, the teacher will come to
check. The student must have all the correct answers but must also explain the
meaning of each word when they show the teacher that they have gotten bingo.

Recap of the words and their meaning in an engaging way: Bean Bag Story Toss

Materials needed: bean bag, carpet for students to sit on

I will start by giving the class a story starter...” I opened my desk drawer and
couldn’t believe what I spotted inside!”. I will then toss the beanbag to a student
who will have to use one of our vocabulary words to come up with a sentence
that goes along with mine to make a “story”. The students will continue to pass
the beanbag until everybody has made a sentence and when all the words have
been used. If there are more students than words, students may reuse words of
previous students but in a different sentence. **NOTE: students are not
permitted to reuse words until they have all been used at least once**

Day 5: Assessment and Key


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