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Nama : Muhammad Alfan Ali Fauz

Nim : 10221042

Tugas Pekan 11 : Elektronika-1

Atom Semikonduktor

1. Berapa elektron valensi yang mempunyai sebuah atom silikon :

a. 0 b. 1
c. 2 d. 4
2. Nukleus dari atom tembaga terdiri dari berapa buah proton :
a. 1 b. 4
c. 18 d. 29
3. Penggabungan sebuah elektron bebas dan sebuah lubang atau hole dinamakan :
a. Covalent Bond b. Lifetime
c. Penggabungan kembali d. Energi panas
4. Hole atau lubang berperilaku seperti:
a. Atom-atom b. Kristal
c. Muatan negatif d. Muatan positif
5. Apa yang menyebabkan lapisan deplesi :
a. Doping b. Penggabungan kembali
c. Hambatan potensial d. Ion-ion

6. The net charge of a neutral copper atom is

a. -1 b. +1
c. +4 d. 0
7. At room temperature an intrinsic silicon crystal acts approximately like
a. a battery b. An insulator
c. a conductor d. a copper wire
8. At room temperature an intrinsic semiconductor has
a. Little free electrons and holes b. Many holes
c. Many free electrons d. Nobody hole
9. Suppose an intrinsic semiconductor has 1 billion free electrons at room temperature.
If the temperature changes to 75'C, how many holes are there?
a. More than 1 billion b. To difficult for said
c. 1 billion d. More little than 1 billion
10. Assume the valence electron is removed from a copper atom. The net charge of the atom becomes
a. + 4 b. +1
c. - 1 d. 0
11. The amount of time between the creation of a hole and its disappearance is called
a. Doping b. valensi
c. Recombination d. Lifetime
12. The number of free electrons and holes in an intrinsic semiconductor increases when the
a. the same b. Decrease
c. Nobody right d. Increase
13. An external voltage source is applied to a p-type semiconductor. If the left end of the crystal is
positive, which way do the majority carriers flow?
a. Right b. Not for all
c. To difficult to say d. Left
14. What is the barrier potential of a silicon diode at room temperature?
a. 1 V b. 2 mV per celsius step
c. 0,7 V d. 0,3 V

15. The valence electron of a copper atom experiences what kind of attraction toward the nucleus?
a. Weak b. Difficult to say
c. Not for all d. Hard
16. The valence electron of a conductor is also called a
a. Proton b. Nucleous
c. Free electron d. Bound electron
17. The flow of valence electrons to the left means that holes are flowing to the
a.not for all b.Right
c.One way d.Left
18. Which of the following doesn't fit in the group?
a.Crystal structure b.Conductor
c.Four valence electrons d.Semi-Conductor
19. To produce a large forward current in a silicon diode, the applied voltage must be greater than
a. 1 V b. 0,3 V
c. 0 V d. 0,7 V

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