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Port-a-Meal is an on the go meal box designed to
cater to busy individuals who value nutritious food
that can be taken anywhere and everywhere.
It consists of a paper box packaging with 4
nutritional snacks in the appropriate quantities.
Process of Creation

Firstly, we make the snacks using simple nutritious

recipes. After the cooking process is done, we will
package the snacks individually in plastic wrappers.
Once the individual packaging is over, the contents
of the box will be put into a paper box with the logo
of Port-a-Meal on it.
Time to Manpower
produce required

The snacks are easy to make and It can be made by one person but
would not take more than 1-2 ideally 2-3 people. Delegation of
hours to produce 10 boxes with tasks such as cooking, packaging
packaging etc can be done
Online Offline

The product can be advertised Flyers, posters and pamphlets can

online using social media, emails be used for advertising the
etc. It caters to the younger product. However we would prefer
generations hence online online promotional methods.
advertising will be more effective.
Cost price Selling price

The product should cost us around We plan to sell the product for
250-300 to make including around 350-400 to ensure a good
packaging profit margin as well as a
competitive price

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