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Marketing Plan

Port-a-Meal is an on-the-go meal box designed to cater to busy individuals who

value nutritious food that can be taken anywhere and everywhere.
It consists of a paper box packaging with 4 nutritional snacks in the appropriate
The box has been created to meet the high standards of nutritional, organic
meals. Made from locally sourced ingredients, Port-a-Meal has been intricately
designed to provide a filling meal in compact packaging.
It is set to be sold at around 350₹. Port-a-Meal is an affordable and high-
quality choice for your on-the-go meals.
We plan to sell locally as that will allow us to keep the prices low as well
provide more variety of food as it will be consumed in a shorter period of time.
For marketing, we plan to advertise Port-a-Meal using pamphlets and digital
ads. As our target audience are people between the ages of 15-30, these
methods will be more effective. The pamphlets can be given in local
neighbourhoods and the online posters can be circulated via social media etc.
We plan to make a variety of posters and pamphlets which appeal to a younger
audience. Attracting customers using vibrant colours and eye-catching pictures
is our priority when it comes to marketing.

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