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bé giao th«ng vËn t¶i céng hoµ x· héi chñ nghÜa viÖt nam

§éc lËp - Tù do - H¹nh phóc

Sè : 30/2006/Q§-BGTVT Hµ Néi, ngµy 10 th¸ng 8 n¨m 2006

quyÕt ®Þnh
Quy ®Þnh vÒ viÖc ¸p dông vËt liÖu míi, c«ng nghÖ míi
trong x©y dùng c«ng tr×nh giao th«ng ë ViÖt Nam

bé trëng Bé giao th«ng vËn t¶i

C¨n cø LuËt X©y dùng sè 16/2003/QH11 ngµy 26 th¸ng 11 n¨m 2003 cña
Quèc héi kho¸ XI, kú häp thø 4;
C¨n cø NghÞ ®Þnh sè 34/2003/N§-CP ngµy 04 th¸ng 4 n¨m 2003 cña
ChÝnh phñ quy ®Þnh chøc n¨ng, nhiÖm vô, quyÒn h¹n vµ c¬ cÊu tæ chøc cña
Bé Giao th«ng vËn t¶i;
C¨n cø NghÞ ®Þnh sè 179/2004/N§-CP ngµy 21 th¸ng 10 n¨m 2004 cña
ChÝnh phñ quy ®Þnh qu¶n lý nhµ níc vÒ chÊt lîng s¶n phÈm, hµng hãa ;
C¨n cø NghÞ ®Þnh sè 11/2005/N§-CP ngµy 02 th¸ng 02 n¨m 2005 cña
ChÝnh phñ quy ®Þnh chi tiÕt vÒ chuyÓn giao c«ng nghÖ (söa ®æi);
Theo ®Ò nghÞ cña Vô trëng Vô Khoa häc c«ng nghÖ,

quyÕt ®Þnh :

Ch¬ng I
Quy ®Þnh chung

§iÒu 1. Ph¹m vi ®iÒu chØnh vµ ®èi tîng ¸p dông

1. V¨n b¶n nµy quy ®Þnh vÒ ®iÒu kiÖn, nguyªn t¾c, thñ tôc vµ thÈm
quyÒn chÊp thuËn ¸p dông vËt liÖu míi, c«ng nghÖ míi trong x©y dùng c«ng
tr×nh giao th«ng trªn l·nh thæ ViÖt Nam b»ng bÊt kú nguån vèn nµo.
2. V¨n b¶n nµy ¸p dông ®èi víi tæ chøc, c¸ nh©n trong níc, níc ngoµi liªn
quan ®Õn viÖc ¸p dông vËt liÖu míi, c«ng nghÖ míi trong x©y dùng c«ng
tr×nh giao th«ng trªn l·nh thæ ViÖt Nam.

§iÒu 2. Gi¶i thÝch tõ ng÷ :

1. VËt liÖu míi lµ c¸c lo¹i nguyªn vËt liÖu, chÊt phô gia, c¸c hãa chÊt,
cÊu kiÖn thµnh phÈm... lÇn ®Çu tiªn ¸p dông trong x©y dùng c«ng tr×nh giao
th«ng ë ViÖt Nam mµ cha ®îc ®Ò cËp ®Õn trong tiªu chuÈn, quy tr×nh kü
thuËt hiÖn hµnh cña ViÖt Nam hoÆc kh¸c víi yªu cÇu kü thuËt quy ®Þnh
trong c¸c tiªu chuÈn cña ViÖt Nam hoÆc cha ®îc ®Ò cËp trong c¸c tiªu chuÈn,
quy tr×nh kü thuËt cña c¸c quèc gia hoÆc c¸c tæ chøc tiªu chuÈn quèc tÕ theo
quy ®Þnh cña Quy chÕ ¸p dông tiªu chuÈn x©y dùng níc ngoµi trong ho¹t ®éng
x©y dùng ë ViÖt Nam ban hµnh kÌm theo QuyÕt ®Þnh sè 09/2005/Q§-BXD
ngµy 7 ngµy th¸ng 4 n¨m 2005 cña Bé X©y Dùng.

2. C«ng nghÖ míi lµ c¸c bÝ quyÕt vÒ c«ng nghÖ, kiÕn thøc díi d¹ng ph-
¬ng ¸n c«ng nghÖ, c¸c gi¶i ph¸p kü thuËt, quy tr×nh c«ng nghÖ, tµi liÖu thiÕt
kÕ s¬ bé vµ thiÕt kÕ kü thuËt, phÇn mÒm m¸y tÝnh cã kÌm hoÆc kh«ng kÌm
theo m¸y mãc, thiÕt bÞ mµ néi dung hµm chøa c¸c yÕu tè míi so víi c«ng nghÖ
®ang ¸p dông hoÆc cha tõng ®îc ¸p dông ë ViÖt Nam, cã kh¶ n¨ng mang l¹i
hiÖu qu¶ vÒ kü thuËt, chÊt lîng, tiÕn ®é, gi¸ thµnh trong x©y dùng c«ng tr×nh
giao th«ng ë ViÖt Nam.
3. C«ng tr×nh giao th«ng gåm c«ng tr×nh ®êng bé; c«ng tr×nh ®êng
s¾t; c«ng tr×nh ®êng thuû; cÇu; hÇm; s©n bay.

§iÒu 3. Nguyªn t¾c ¸p dông

VËt liÖu míi, c«ng nghÖ míi chØ ®îc ¸p dông vµo c«ng tr×nh giao th«ng
khi cã quyÕt ®Þnh cho phÐp cña Bé trëng Bé Giao th«ng vËn t¶i.

§iÒu 4. §iÒu kiÖn ®Ó ®îc ¸p dông

Tæ chøc, c¸ nh©n cã quyÒn ¸p dông vËt liÖu míi, c«ng nghÖ míi khi cã
®ñ c¸c ®iÒu kiÖn sau ®©y :
1. Tæ chøc, c¸ nh©n lµ chñ së h÷u hîp ph¸p cña vËt liÖu míi, c«ng nghÖ
míi hoÆc ®îc chñ së h÷u hîp ph¸p chuyÓn giao quyÒn sö dông vËt liÖu míi,
c«ng nghÖ míi.
2. VËt liÖu míi, c«ng nghÖ míi kh«ng vi ph¹m quy ®Þnh t¹i §iÒu 5 cña
QuyÕt ®Þnh nµy.

§iÒu 5. Nh÷ng vËt liÖu míi, c«ng nghÖ míi kh«ng ®îc ¸p dông
1. VËt liÖu, c«ng nghÖ kh«ng ®¸p øng c¸c yªu cÇu trong c¸c quy ®Þnh
cña ph¸p luËt ViÖt Nam vÒ an toµn lao ®éng, vÖ sinh lao ®éng, søc kháe con
ngêi, b¶o vÖ m«i trêng
2. VËt liÖu, c«ng nghÖ tr¸i víi c¸c quy ®Þnh cña Quy chuÈn x©y dùng
ViÖt Nam hoÆc kh«ng tho¶ m·n c¸c yªu cÇu cña c¸c tiªu chuÈn ®· ®îc Bé Giao
th«ng vËn t¶i hoÆc c¸c bé ngµnh liªn quan c«ng bè b¾t buéc ¸p dông.
3. VËt liÖu, c«ng nghÖ cã t¸c ®éng vµ g©y hËu qu¶ xÊu ®Õn v¨n hãa,
quèc phßng, an ninh quèc gia, trËt tù vµ an toµn x· héi cña ViÖt Nam.
4. VËt liÖu, c«ng nghÖ kh«ng ®em l¹i hiÖu qu¶ kü thuËt, kinh tÕ hoÆc
x· héi.
5. VËt liÖu, c«ng nghÖ phôc vô lÜnh vùc an ninh, quèc phßng khi cha ®-
îc c¬ quan nhµ níc cã thÈm quyÒn cho phÐp.

§iÒu 6. ThÈm quyÒn chÊp thuËn ¸p dông

Vô Khoa häc c«ng nghÖ chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm thÈm ®Þnh hå s¬ ®Ò nghÞ
¸p dông vËt liÖu míi, c«ng nghÖ míi, tæ chøc xem xÐt, ®¸nh gi¸ hiÖu qu¶ cña
vËt liÖu míi, c«ng nghÖ míi vµ tham mu tr×nh Bé trëng Bé Giao th«ng vËn t¶i
quyÕt ®Þnh cho phÐp triÓn khai ¸p dông thÝ ®iÓm vµ ¸p dông réng r·i khi
tho¶ m·n c¸c yªu cÇu nªu ë ®iÒu 4 vµ ®iÒu 5.

Ch¬ng II
C¸c quy ®Þnh liªn quan ®Õn ¸p dông vËt liÖu míi
§iÒu 7. Ph©n lo¹i vËt liÖu míi :
1. VËt liÖu míi lµ th¬ng phÈm nhng cha hoµn chØnh, lµ vËt liÖu cha ®-
îc ghi trong tiªu chuÈn, quy tr×nh x©y dùng giao th«ng cña níc xuÊt xø nhng ®·
cã c¸c chØ tiªu kü thuËt cña vËt liÖu míi mµ níc xuÊt xø cña vËt liÖu míi ®·
cho phÐp sö dông nh mét th¬ng phÈm.
2. VËt liÖu míi ®ang ë giai ®o¹n thö nghiÖm.

§iÒu 8. Hå s¬ ®Ò nghÞ ®îc ¸p dông vËt liÖu míi

Tæ chøc, c¸ nh©n cã vËt liÖu míi nÕu muèn ¸p dông vµo trong x©y dùng
c«ng tr×nh giao th«ng cÇn lËp hå s¬ vµ göi vÒ Bé Giao th«ng vËn t¶i (qua Vô
Khoa häc c«ng nghÖ) bao gåm c¸c v¨n b¶n, chøng chØ sau:
1. §¬n ®Ò nghÞ ®¨ng ký ¸p dông vËt liÖu míi.
2. V¨n b¶n x¸c ®Þnh lµ chñ së h÷u hîp ph¸p cña vËt liÖu míi hoÆc cã
quyÒn chuyÓn giao quyÒn sö dông vËt liÖu míi.
3. Chøng chØ chÊt lîng s¶n phÈm vµ v¨n b¶n cho phÐp sö dông trong
c«ng tr×nh giao th«ng cña c¬ quan qu¶n lý cã thÈm quyÒn cña níc cã s¶n phÈm
vËt liÖu míi.
4. Tiªu chuÈn, yªu cÇu kü thuËt, c«ng nghÖ thi c«ng vµ nghiÖm thu .
5. Chøng chØ ®¸nh gi¸ vÒ t¸c ®éng ®Õn m«i trêng cña vËt liÖu míi do
c¬ quan cã thÈm quyÒn cÊp.

§iÒu 9. Tr×nh tù, thñ tôc ¸p dông vËt liÖu míi

TiÕn hµnh thö nghiÖm ®Ó ®¸nh gi¸ hiÖu qu¶ cña vËt liÖu míi ë trong
phßng thÝ nghiÖm vµ ngoµi hiÖn trêng. ViÖc tiÕn hµnh thö nghiÖm thùc
hiÖn theo c¸c bíc nh sau :
1. Vô Khoa häc c«ng nghÖ lµ c¬ quan tham mu cña Bé trong qu¸ tr×nh
xem xÐt, ®¸nh gi¸ hiÖu qu¶ cña viÖc ¸p dông vËt liÖu míi, tuyÓn chän vµ giao
nhiÖm vô cho ®¬n vÞ cã chøc n¨ng vÒ thö nghiÖm, phèi hîp víi tæ chøc, c¸
nh©n cã vËt liÖu míi tiÕn hµnh x©y dùng §Ò c¬ng thö nghiÖm trong phßng
vµ ngoµi hiÖn trêng. ChØ thö nghiÖm ngoµi hiÖn trêng khi thÝ nghiÖm trong
phßng thÝ nghiÖm ®¹t kÕt qu¶ theo quy ®Þnh.
2. Trªn c¬ së b¸o c¸o cña ®¬n vÞ thÝ nghiÖm ë trong phßng vµ ngoµi
hiÖn trêng vµ kÕt qu¶ ®¸nh gi¸ cña Héi ®ång Khoa häc c«ng nghÖ cÊp Bé (do
Bé Giao th«ng vËn t¶i quyÕt ®Þnh thµnh lËp), Vô Khoa häc c«ng nghÖ tham
mu tr×nh Bé Giao th«ng vËn t¶i quyÕt ®Þnh chÝnh thøc vÒ viÖc ¸p dông vËt
liÖu míi.
3. Chi phÝ ®Ó tiÕn hµnh c¸c thñ tôc ®¸nh gi¸ do tæ chøc, c¸ nh©n cã
vËt liÖu míi chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm. Trêng hîp ®¬n vÞ, tæ chøc tiÕp nhËn vËt
liÖu míi chÞu mét phÇn hoÆc toµn bé chi phÝ th× ph¶i ®îc cÊp cã thÈm
quyÒn chÊp thuËn (trõ c¸c tæ chøc, c¸ nh©n kh«ng sö dông nguån ng©n s¸ch
nhµ níc).

Ch¬ng III
C¸c quy ®Þnh liªn quan ®Õn ¸p dông c«ng nghÖ míi

§iÒu 10. Hå s¬ ®Ò nghÞ ®îc ¸p dông c«ng nghÖ míi

Tæ chøc, c¸ nh©n cã c«ng nghÖ míi nÕu muèn ¸p dông vµo trong x©y
dùng c«ng tr×nh giao th«ng cÇn lËp hå s¬ göi vÒ Bé Giao th«ng vËn t¶i (qua
Vô Khoa häc c«ng nghÖ) bao gåm c¸c v¨n b¶n, chøng chØ sau:
1. §¬n ®Ò nghÞ ®¨ng ký ¸p dông c«ng nghÖ míi
2. V¨n b¶n tháa thuËn (hoÆc hîp ®ång ký kÕt) gi÷a bªn chuyÓn giao vµ
bªn nhËn.
3. B¶n tãm t¾t vÒ néi dung c«ng nghÖ míi ®îc chuyÓn giao.
4. C¸c v¨n b¶n x¸c nhËn :
- T c¸ch ph¸p lý cña c¸c bªn tham gia
- T c¸ch ph¸p lý cña ngêi ®¹i diÖn cña c¸c bªn tham gia
- V¨n b¶n b¶o hé quyÒn së h÷u c«ng nghiÖp t¹i ViÖt Nam hoÆc c¸c v¨n
b»ng b¶o hé do c¸c tæ chøc cã thÈm quyÒn cÊp;

§iÒu 11. Tr×nh tù, thñ tôc ¸p dông c«ng nghÖ míi
1.Vô Khoa häc c«ng nghÖ chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm thÈm ®Þnh v¨n b¶n tháa
thuËn (hoÆc hîp ®ång ký kÕt) gi÷a bªn chuyÓn giao vµ bªn nhËn; néi dung
c«ng nghÖ míi ®îc chuyÓn giao. Trong qu¸ tr×nh xem xÐt cã thÓ trng cÇu ý
kiÕn c¸c tæ chøc ®¸nh gi¸, gi¸m ®Þnh, c¬ quan chuyªn m«n, c¸c chuyªn gia
thuéc c¸c lÜnh vùc chuyªn m«n liªn quan hoÆc ý kiÕn cña Héi ®ång Khoa häc
c«ng nghÖ cÊp Bé (do Bé Giao th«ng vËn t¶i quyÕt ®Þnh thµnh lËp).
2. C¸c tæ chøc ®¸nh gi¸, gi¸m ®Þnh, c¸c c¬ quan ®îc lÊy ý kiÕn cã tr¸ch
nhiÖm gãp ý trung thùc, kh¸ch quan vµ b¶o ®¶m bÝ mËt c¸c th«ng tin cã liªn
3. Trêng hîp cÇn thiÕt cã thÓ tiÕn hµnh thö nghiÖm c«ng nghÖ míi
trong phßng thÝ nghiÖm vµ ë ngoµi hiÖn trêng. ViÖc thö nghiÖm ph¶i tu©n
thñ ®Ò c¬ng thö nghiÖm ®îc cÊp cã thÈm quyÒn phª duyÖt.
4. Trªn c¬ së c¸c ý kiÕn cña c¸c c¬ quan, ®¬n vÞ cã liªn quan , kÕt qña
thö nghiÖm trong phßng thÝ nghiÖm vµ ngoµi hiÖn trêng, Vô Khoa häc c«ng
nghÖ dù th¶o v¨n b¶n tr×nh Bé trëng ký quyÕt ®Þnh cho phÐp ¸p dông thÝ
®iÓm c«ng nghÖ míi trong x©y dùng c«ng tr×nh giao th«ng. Khi cã ®ñ c¸c
®iÒu kiÖn cÇn thiÕt cã thÓ cho phÐp tiÕn hµnh x©y dùng thµnh tiªu chuÈn
ngµnh ®Ó phæ biÕn c«ng nghÖ nµy.
5. Chi phÝ ®Ó tiÕn hµnh c¸c thñ tôc ®¸nh gi¸ do ®¬n vÞ , c¸ nh©n cã
c«ng nghÖ míi chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm. Trêng hîp ®¬n vÞ, tæ chøc tiÕp nhËn c«ng
nghÖ míi chÞu mét phÇn hoÆc toµn bé chi phÝ th× ph¶i ®îc cÊp cã thÈm
quyÒn chÊp thuËn ( trõ c¸c ®¬n vÞ, tæ chøc kh«ng sö dông nguån ng©n s¸ch
Nhµ níc ).

Ch¬ng IV
§iÒu kho¶n thi hµnh

§iÒu 12. Xö lý vi ph¹m
ViÖc xö lý vi ph¹m trong lÜnh vùc chuyÓn giao, ¸p dông vËt liÖu míi,
c«ng nghÖ míi ®îc thùc hiÖn theo quy ®Þnh t¹i ch¬ng VIII Xö ph¹t vi ph¹m
ph¸p luËt vÒ chÊt lîng s¶n phÈm, hµng ho¸ cña NghÞ ®Þnh sè 179/2004/N§-
CP ngµy 21 th¸ng 10 n¨m 2004 cña ChÝnh phñ quy ®Þnh qu¶n lý nhµ níc vÒ
chÊt lîng s¶n phÈm, hµng hãa vµ c¸c quy ®Þnh hiÖn hµnh kh¸c cã liªn quan cña
ph¸p luËt ViÖt Nam.
§iÒu 13. HiÖu lùc thi hµnh
1. QuyÕt ®Þnh nµy cã hiÖu lùc thi hµnh sau 15 ngµy, kÓ tõ ngµy ®¨ng
c«ng b¸o. C¸c quy ®Þnh cã liªn quan tríc ®©y tr¸i víi QuyÕt ®Þnh nµy ®Òu bÞ
b·i bá.
2. Ch¸nh v¨n phßng, Vô trëng Vô Khoa häc c«ng nghÖ, ViÖn trëng ViÖn
Khoa häc vµ c«ng nghÖ giao th«ng vËn t¶i, Côc trëng c¸c Côc thuéc Bé, Tæng
Gi¸m ®èc c¸c Ban Qu¶n lý dù ¸n thuéc Bé, Gi¸m ®èc Së GTVT ( GTCC); Tæng
gi¸m ®èc, gi¸m ®èc c¸c C«ng ty thuéc Bé vµ Thñ trëng c¸c c¬ quan, tæ chøc, c¸
nh©n cã liªn quan chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm thi hµnh quyÕt ®Þnh nµy.

N¬i nhËn : Bé trëng

- Nh ®iÒu 13;
- C¸c Thø trëng;
- Côc KiÓm tra v¨n b¶n ( Bé T Ph¸p);
- C«ng b¸o;
- Lu VT , KHCN(3b);

Hå NghÜa Dòng


TRANSPORTATION Independence - Freedom - Happiness
AND ----------
No: 30/2006/QD-BGTVT Hanoi, August 10, 2006

Pursuant to Construction Law No. 16/2003/QH11 of November 26, 2003, of the
XIth National Assembly, the 4th session,
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 34/2003/ND-CP of April 4, 2003,
defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the
Ministry of Transport;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 179/2004/ND-CP of October 21,
2004, providing for the state management of product and goods quality;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 11/2005/ND-CP of February 2, 2005,
stipulating in detail technology transfer (amended);
At the proposal of the director of the Science and Technology Department,
Chapter I
Article 1.- Scope of regulation and subjects of application
1. This document provides for conditions, principles, procedures and
competence to approve the application of new materials and new technologies in
the construction of traffic works in the Vietnamese territory with capital of all
2. This document applies to domestic and foreign organizations and individuals
engaged in the application of new materials and new technologies in the
construction of traffic works in the Vietnamese territory.
Article 2.- Interpretation of terms
1. New materials means assorted raw materials, additives, chemicals, finished
structures, etc., which are applied for the first time in the construction of traffic
works in Vietnam but have not yet been mentioned in current Vietnamese
technical standards or regulations, differ from technical requirements specified
in Vietnamese standards, or have not yet been mentioned in technical standards
or specifications of foreign countries or international standard organizations as
provided for by the Regulation on the application of foreign construction
standards in construction activities in Vietnam, issued together with the
Construction Ministrys Decision No. 09/2005/QD-BXD of April 7, 2005.
2. New technologies means technological know-how and knowledge in the
forms of technological plan, technical solution, technological process, pre-
design document and technical design, and computer software with or without
accompanying machines and equipment, which contain new elements as
compared with technologies currently applied or have not yet been applied in
Vietnam and are capable of bringing about technical, quality, tempo and cost
efficiency in the construction of traffic works in Vietnam.
3. Traffic works means road works, railway works, waterway works, bridges,
tunnels and airports.

Article 3.- Principles for application
The application of new materials and new technologies to traffic works shall be
subject to prior permission of the Minister of Transport.
Article 4.- Conditions for application
Organizations and individuals may apply new materials and/or new technologies
when fully meeting the following conditions:
1. Organizations and individuals are lawful owners of new materials and/or new
technologies or are licensed to use new materials and/or new technologies by
their lawful owners.
2. New materials and new technologies do not violate the provisions of Article 5
of this Decision.
Article 5.- New materials and new technologies banned from application
1. Materials and technologies failing to meet the requirements prescribed by
Vietnamese laws on labor safety, labor hygiene, human health and
environmental protection.
2. Materials and technologies violating Vietnamese construction regulations or
failing to satisfy standards publicized by the Ministry of Transport or concerned
ministries and branches for compulsory application.
3. Materials and technologies adversely affecting and causing bad consequences
to culture, defense, national security, social order and safety of Vietnam.
4. Materials and technologies failing to bring about technical, economic or
social benefits.
5. Materials and technologies in service of security and defense the application
of which has not yet been permitted by competent state agencies.
Article 6.- Competence to approve the application
The Science and Technology Department shall be in charge of evaluating
dossiers of registration for application of new materials and/or new
technologies, consider and assess the effectiveness of new materials and/or new
technologies and propose the Minister of Transport to permit the pilot and
extensive application of those which meet the conditions specified in Article 4
and Article 5.
Chapter II
Article 7.- Classification of new materials
1. New materials which are unfinished commercial products or materials not yet
stated in the traffic work construction standards or regulations of countries of
origin but satisfying technical criteria of new materials and allowed by such
countries for use as commercial products.

2. New materials which are at the stage of experimentation.
Article 8.- Dossiers of registration for application of new materials
Organizations and individuals that possess new materials, if wishing to apply
such materials to the construction of traffic works, shall make and send to the
Ministry of Transport (via the Science and Technology Department) dossiers
each consisting the following documents and certificates:
1. The written registration for the application of new materials.
2. Documents certifying lawful owners of new materials or the right to transfer
the rights to use new materials.
3. Product quality certificates and permits for use in traffic works, issued by
competent management agencies of countries of origin.
4. Technical standards and requirements, construction technologies and pre-
acceptance test results.
5. Certificates of assessment of new materials' environmental impacts, granted
by competent agencies.
Article 9.- Order and procedures for the application of new materials
To assess benefits of new materials, laboratory and field tests shall be conducted
according to the following steps:
1. The Science and Technology Department shall act as an advisory board for
the Ministry in the process of considering and assessing the benefits brought
about by the application of new materials, select and assign tasks to testing
units, and coordinate with organizations and individuals having new materials in
preparing plans on laboratory and field tests. Field tests shall be conducted only
when the results of laboratory tests satisfy set requirements.
2. On the basis of reports of units conducting laboratory and field tests and the
evaluation result of the ministerial-level scientific and technological council (set
up by decision of the Ministry of Transport), the Science and Technology
Department shall propose the Ministry of Transport to make official decisions
on the application of new materials.
3. Expenses for carrying out evaluation procedures shall be paid by
organizations or individuals having new materials. Where units or organizations
receiving new materials bear some or all of these expenses, approval of
competent agencies is required (except for organizations and individuals not
funded with the state budget).
Chapter III
Article 10.- Dossiers of registration for the application of new technologies

Organizations and individuals having new technologies, if wishing to apply
them to the construction of traffic works shall make and send to the Ministry of
Transport (via the Science and Technology Department) dossiers each
consisting the following documents and certificates:
1. The written registration for application of new technologies
2. The written agreement (or contract) between the transferor and the transferee.
3. The written summary of the contents of new technologies to be transferred.
4. Documents certifying:
- The legal capacity of involved parties
- The legal capacity of representatives of involved parties
- The titles on protection of industrial property rights in Vietnam or the
protection titles granted by competent organizations.
Article 11.- Order and procedures for the application of new technologies
1. The Science and Technology Department shall have to evaluate written
agreements or (contracts) between transferors and transferees and contents of
new technologies to be transferred. In the course of consideration, it may consult
appraisal and expertise organizations, professional agencies and specialists in
the relevant professional domains or the ministerial-level scientific and
technological council (set up by decisions of the Ministry of Transport).
2. The consulted assessment and expertise organizations and agencies shall have
to give honest and impartial opinions and keep secret relevant information.
3. In case of necessity, new technologies may be experimented in the laboratory
or field. Experiments shall comply with experimentation plans approved by
competent agencies.
4. On the basis of opinions of concerned agencies and units and the results of
laboratory and field tests, the Science and Technology Department shall draft
and submit to the Minister of Transport a decision permitting the trial
application of new technologies to the construction of traffic works. When all
necessary conditions are met, branch standards on such new technologies may
be developed for extensive application.
5. Expenses for carrying out assessment procedures shall be paid by units and
individuals having new technologies. Where units and organizations receiving
new technologies bear some or all of these expenses, approval of competent
state agencies is required (except for units and organizations not funded with the
state budget).
Chapter IV
Article 12.- Handling of violations

The handling of violations in the domain of transfer and application of new
materials and new technologies shall comply with the provisions of Chapter
VIII ' Handling of violations of legal provisions on goods and product quality '
of the Government's Decree No. 179/2004/ND-CP of October 21, 2004, on state
management of goods and product quality, and current relevant provisions of
Vietnam laws.
Article 13.- Implementation effect
1. This Decision shall take effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."
All previous stipulations contrary to this Decision are hereby annulled.
2. The directors of the Office, the Science and Technology Department, the
Transport Science and Technology Department, and departments of the
Ministry, general directors of project management units under the Ministry,
directors of provincial/municipal Transport Services (or Transport and Public
Works Services); general directors and directors of companies under the
Ministry, heads of concerned agencies, and organizations and individuals shall
have to implement this Decision.


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