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Week 26 of Monday's meeting.

Date: 27.06.2023

Elvira feedback on OT plan was that the plan was good in this beginning and she feels that it
possible to have OT classified in one day. She found that some colleagues in the team have
difficult to classify all types of overtime and I asked her to make note of all difficult found to
share with us on next salary process so we can improve and take less time.
We are 95% done on salary process. Its on revision and corrections steps now. Our forecast is
to have sent the map to the management until 29/06/2023 at mid-day.

- Twaira must submit documents for Paulo’s badge issuing.
- With Stelio ready to get in to mozal plant HR department have to put in action the
Vacation plan. Twaira has to convince Fenias to go on vacation on July and have to
follow up with Jose Chambule on when he is going on vacation.
- Follow up on Ozias and Reinaldo medical certification with Mr David and/or Fakir.
- Follow up with Mr David on Celso approval to substitute Vusi.
- Work with Joinho and Pedro on hydraulic junior to work with Jannaro. Report to be
sent until Friday (30/06/2023).
- Twaira and Jolinho to work on Celcilia problem at mozal and Tatiana absence and
salary payment.
- Twaira has to follow up with Mr David on renewal of Anastacia and Sheila Badges.
- Twaira to Plan induction and medical for Theo.

For this week Pedro has follow ups to do with:
- Celma, from WFP. No answer on last week follows up. He will keep looking for
answers and recruitment request.
- With Mr David regarding the project managers that we still have open. (To know if
we already have good candidates to send to the client).
- Perdo do send a report about the meeting that they had last week with Manhica's
research center.
- He has an idea of doing a B.D. with Kennymare and he's going to call Benjamim
during the week.
- Pedro to send a report of internal regulation revision of last week.
- Pedro will follow up with the Compania de cena’s client.
During the meeting, all matters related to HR and salaries were duly presented to Jolinho as
he has just joined the team after two weeks of vacation.

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