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1. Vocabulary

- Abduction – abductor – to abduct – kidnapping (bắt cóc)

- Arson – arsonist – set fire to – đốt cháy nhà ai đó

- Assault – assailant – assult – to attack someone – tấn công ai đó

- Assisting sucide – accomplice to suicide – to assist suicide – help someone kill themselves (giúp ai đó tự

- Bank robbery – bank robber – to rob a bank (cướp nhà băng)

- Bigamy – bigamist – to commit bigany – married to 2 people

- Blackmail – blackmailer – to blackmail – threatening to do something unless a condition is met (đe dọa
để lấy tiền)

- Bribery – someone who brite – bribe – give someone money to do something for you (cho ai đó tiền để
ng` đó làm việc cho mình)

- Burglary – burglar – burgle – ăn trộm đồ trong nhà

- Drug dealing – drug dealer – to deal drug – buôn ma túy

- Drunk driving – drunk driver – to drink and drive – uống rượu khi lái xe

- extortion- extortioner- extort(from somebody) : tống tiền

- Fraud – fraudster – to defraud/ commit fraud – lying people to get money (lừa ai để lấy tiền)

- Hijacking – hijacker – to hijack – taking a vehicle by force (chặn xe cộ đê cướp)

- housebreaking- housebreaker- housebreak : ăn trộm ban ngày

- Manslaughter – killer- to kill – kill a person without planning it (giết ai đó mà ko có kế hoạch, cái này có
thể là do bất chợt đang cãi nhau chyện gì đó mà ko kìm chế nổi thế là giết nhau)

- Mugging – mugger – to mug – trấn lột

- Murder – murderer – to murder – giết người (cái này là có kế hoạch à nha)

- Rape – rapist – to rape - cưỡng hiếp

- Shoplifting – shoplifter – to shoplift - chôm chỉa đồ ở cửa hàng

- Smuggling – smuggler – to smuggle – buôn lậu

- Speeding – speeder – to speed - phóng nhanh qúa tốc độ

- Stalking – stalker – to stalk - đi lén theo ai đó để theo dõi

- Treason – traitor- to commit treason – phản bội

- vandalism- vandal- vandalise : phá hoại tài sản công cộng

- jail /dʒeɪl/ - phòng giam

- detective /dɪˈtek.tɪv/ - thám tử

- suspect /səˈspekt/ - nghi phạm

- handcuffs /ˈhænd.kʌfs/ - còng tay

- badge /bædʒ/ - phù hiệu, quân hàm

- police officer - /pəˈliːs ˈɒf.ɪ.səʳ/ - cảnh sát

- gun /gʌn/ - khẩu súng

- holster /ˈhəʊl.stəʳ/ - bao súng ngắn

- nightstick /ˈnaɪt.stɪk/ - gậy tuần đêm

- judge /dʒʌdʒ/ - thẩm phán

- robes /rəʊbs/ - áo choàng (của luật sư)

- gavel /ˈgæv.əl/ - cái búa

- witness /ˈwɪt.nəs/ - người làm chứng

- court reporter /kɔːt rɪpɔrtər / - thư kí tòa án

- transcript /ˈtræn.skrɪpt/ - bản ghi lại

- bench /bentʃ/ - ghế quan tòa

- prosecuting attorney /ˈprɒs.ɪ.kjuːtɪŋ əˈtɜː.ni/ - ủy viên công tố

- witness stand /ˈwɪt.nəs stænd/ - bục nhân chứng

- court officer /kɔːt ˈɒf.ɪ.səʳ/ - nhân viên tòa án

- jury box /ˈdʒʊə.ri bɒks/ - chỗ ngồi của ban bồi thẩm

- jury /ˈdʒʊə.ri/ - ban bồi thẩm

- defense attorney /dɪˈfents əˈtɜː.ni/ - luật sư bào chữa

- defendant /dɪˈfen.dənt/ - bị cáo

2. Phrasal verb chủ đề crime

Slip up: mắc lỗi sai

E.g I’ve just realized I have slipped up.

• Go straight: tuân thủ luật

E.g After being rehabilitated, he now chooses to go straight.

• Break into: đột nhập vào

E.g Yesterday, a stranger broke into my house.

• Break out: thoái khỏi nơi nào đó

E.g Numerous prisoners are recorded breaking out of jail last night.

• Walk off with something: đánh cắp thứ gì

E.g She went to the shop and walked off with a new shirt.

• Lean on: đe doạ

E.g The robber leaned on us to steal our phone.

• Take in: lừa gạt

E.g I was taken in by someone I’ve met on Facebook.

• Let off (with something): thả, phóng thích

E.g Since he is under 17, she was let off with a suspended sentence.

1.1 What do you think the most common crime in your country is?

From my point of view, pickpocketing is the most typical ill of society. This is because law enforcers find
it hard to identify potential suspects until they literally take action. But when it actually happens, it seems
too late. I can’t remember how many times I witnessed people become victims of such illegal behaviors.
Not only losing personal items, people sometimes are dragged on the street, leaving them with injuries.

• Pickpocketing: nạn móc túi

• ill of society: tệ nạn xã hội

• law enforcers: cảnh sát, người thi hành luật

• potential suspects: nghi phạm tiềm năng

• victims: nạn nhân

• personal items: vật dụng cá nhân

1.2 Should police in your country be stricter or less strict?

I have to say Vietnamese people are doing a good job, so I mean it’s not about them being too stiff or not
stiff enough. We are all humans, so I believe in some circumstances, police officers may handle these at a
personal level, and I’m totally fine with it. However, I believe that the legal system should introduce
sterner punishments since people seem to be indifferent to the law. In short, the problem is about the
regulation, not about the police.

• Stiff: nghiêm khắc

• at a personal level: ở mức độ cá nhân

• legal system: hệ thống pháp luật

• sterner punishments: hình phạt nghiêm khắc hơn

• indifferent: thờ ơ

1.3 Is your country a safe country?

Obviously yes. Vietnam has a legislative body and citizens are protected under a clear and transparent
legal system. I feel lucky as I was born in a country where there is no terror. Unlike other Western
countries where residents are allowed to bear arms, Vietnamese inhabitants are prohibited to do so.
Therefore, I find it safer to stay here. Besides, law enforcers are assigned to be present on the street to
ensure the safety of traffic participants, which is very nice.

• transparent: minh bạch

• terror: khủng bố

• bear arms: mang vũ khí

• prohibited: bị cấm
• ensure the safety: đảm bảo an toàn

1.4 Have you ever seen a crime?

Yes, I have. One time I saw a young man trying to steal a handbag from a woman who was riding on her
motorbike. It was very fast, then people around didn’t know how to react to the situation. She fell to the
road and was dragged for almost 10 meters. She actually didn’t lose her bag but her body was full of
bruises and scratches. Her head literally hit the road, but thanks to the helmet, she didn’t have any severe

• dragged: bị kéo

• bruises and scratches: vết bầm và trầy xước

• helmet: mũ bảo hiểm

• severe injuries: thương tích nghiêm trọng

1.5 Do you think criminals can change?

Absolutely yes. When a person commits a crime, it doesn’t mean they will certainly recommit. There are
many people who are able to turn their lives around after being reformed. I believe no one was born to
be a criminal. Their background, living conditions, and environment are factors having profound
influences on their behaviors. If an ex-convict is supported, they totally have a chance to become a
beneficial member of society.

• committed to crime: phạm tội

• recommit: tái phạm

• turn their lives around: thay đổi cuộc sống của mình

• profound influences: ảnh hưởng sâu sắc

• ex-convict: người từng phạm tội

1.6 Is shoplifting common in your country?

Yes, it is. Since the emergence of social media, there are numerous times when shop owners use social
platforms to warn people about shoplifting. Such owners are very upset as they keep losing items for no
reason. However, after checking the security cameras in the shop, they realized that someone pretended
to be a real customer and then put a few items in their jackets and walked away without paying anything.

• social media: mạng xã hội

• shoplifting: trộm trong cửa hàng

• security cameras: camera an ninh

• pretended: giả vờ

1.7 What kind of people shoplift and what kinds of things do they steal?
I’m not in favor of the idea that there are certain types of people who will do such things. Perhaps people
may have a prejudice that poor people are the ones who are in need of money, so they might steal. But I
don’t buy that idea at all. It’s primarily about education. Rich people could also be shoplifters if they are
not well-educated enough to prevent themselves from being greedy.

• prejudice: định kiến

• in need of money: cần tiền

• well-educated: được giáo dục tốt

• greedy: tham lam

1.8 Does your country have a big organized crime group like the mafia?

No, I don’t think so. Vietnam has a strong sense of law enforcement. As a result, no organizations or
groups of people can legally operate against the Constitution. Even though social problems are
unavoidable in every country, the government won’t let any professional gangster organizations take
control over a certain region. Therefore, in Vietnam, mafia and terror are only seen in movies.

• strong sense of law enforcement: ý thức thực thi pháp luật mạnh mẽ

• Constitution: hiến pháp

• professional gangster organizations: tổ chức xã hội đen chuyên nghiệp

• take control: kiểm soát

1.9 What is the best way for police to keep neighborhoods safe?

Well, one of the most optimal ways to ensure the safety of a neighborhood is the presence of law
enforcers. If there are patrols at certain times during the day, I’m sure lawbreakers are less likely to be
involved in crime. Most crimes happen in deserted areas where there is no supervision from the police
officer. That’s why I believe allotting fixed figures of authority can keep neighborhoods safe.

• optimal: tối ưu

• presence: sự hiện diện

• lawbreakers: người phạm luật

• deserted areas: khu vực hoang vắng

• supervision: sự giám sát

• allotting: phân bổ

• figures of authority: người có thẩm quyền

1.10 Can you tell if a kid will grow up to be a criminal?

No, it is absurd to say if a kid will become an offender or not. Although it is true that people from criminal
families tend to commit crimes in their later life, there are many people from wealthy families who
eventually turn out to be criminals. It’s undeniable that the environment plays a crucial role in forming a
person’s personality. However, education would be the key that shapes people’s mind and determine
who they are

• absurd: ngớ ngẩn

• offender: người phạm luật

• wealthy families: gia đình giàu có

• shapes people’s mind: định hình tâm trí

• determine: xác định

1.11 Do you think that video games encourage young people to commit crimes?

Yes, I do think so. Since nowadays video games tend to contain violent and sexual content. Being exposed
to such images on a regular basis may form a violent tendency in young people, leading to committing
acts of crime. However, we cannot blame everything on this form of entertainment. Education and
attention from parents are the main keys to raising a well-behaved person.

• violent and sexual content: nội dung bạo lực và gợi dục

• Being exposed to: tiếp xúc với

• violent tendency: khuynh hướng bạo lực

• committing acts of crime: phạm tội

• blame: đổ lỗi

• well-behaved: hành xử đàng hoàng

1.12 What do you think makes people commit acts of violent crime?

Well, there are a variety of incentives. One could be that people are in shortage of money. As a result,
they may steal something for people to meet their basic needs in life. Another reason is the infinite greed
of some people. They are too lazy to work but want to live a luxurious and glamorous lifestyle, which
leads to them involving in illegal acts. Last but not least, there are cases where people have a personal
hatred for each other. Therefore, serious crime may result from such revenge and retaliation.

• incentives: động cơ

• in shortage of money: thiếu tiền

• meet their basic needs: đáp ứng nhu cầu cơ bản

• infinite greed: lòng tham vô hạn

• luxurious and glamorous lifestyle: lối sống xa hoa và sang trọng

• illegal acts: hành động bất hợp pháp

• personal hatred: thù hận cá nhân

• revenge and retaliation: báo thù và trả đũa

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