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воо <
2 Look and write the missing letters. Подивись і напиши пропущені літери.

Б □
b oard ookcase hair upboard oor

all [] loor lock indow

3 Make up sentences and say. Склади речення і скажи.

from Ukraine
4 / a pupil
I am
/ — N
' a girl/a boy

Повторення. Повертаємося до школи З

1 Write the letters in ABC order. Напиши л1тери в алфавитному порядку.
/--------------- -
c b f^ bcf j g I у u m ->
і $ c -> Z V X n lp ->
m h d -> u t w ^ о e a ->
2 Match, ask and answer. Поєднай, запитай і дай відповідь.

pen b ok ler

Review. Back to School .
i>І 1

Lesson З
1 Match and say. Поєднай і привітай друзів.
Hello! I'm Mary.
Good morning! Yes, I have.
What's your name? Morning.
How are you? Hi!
Have you got a notebook? I'm fine. Thanks.

2 Write the words in ABC order. Напиши слова в алфавитному порядку.

wall, chair, bookcase -> bookcase,____________________________________
door, cupboard, board - > ____________________________________________
window, clock, floor - > ___________________________ . _____________

3 Make up sentences, match and say. Склади речення, поєднай і скажи.

I've got = I have got |

three pens. ten pencils. one bag.

two brushes. four books. five notebooks.

Повторення. Повертаємося до школи

Read and colour. Прочитай і розмалюй.
The door is white. The floor is green.
The clock is red. The bookcase is orange.
The board is brown. The cupboard is yellow.
The walls are blue.

I haven't = I have not

Read and match. Прочитай і поєднай.
isn't = is not

6 Review. Back to School


Lesson 5
1 Write English letters. Випиши тільки ті літери, які є в англійській абетці.

(§)Б(§)Г С Д D Е F Ж G Н З IJ Л К L МП N О Р
А В ______________________________ ____________________________________


2 Make up sentences, match and say. Склади речення, поєднай і скажи.

run. climb. jump. swim. skip. sing. draw.

Повторення. Повертаємося до школи 7

□ S a il [Ш
Lesson 6
1 Find the numbers and write. Знайди числа 1—10, обведи. Випиши числа
і отримане слово.
>v^ t a n / n e
Оґ Є/7
Ve0s i x \ s e ^ e
1) one , 4) , 7) , 9)
2) 5) , 8) ______ , 10)
3) , 6)
и/ _________ /
_________________ /

2 Write gr/dr, read and match. Допиши gr/dr, прочитай і поєднай.

g г andma andpa um □ ess

□□ een □□ agon □□

Review, Back to School


1 Write the first letter. Write numbers 11—20. Впиши першу літеру
й запиши номери 11—20 по порядку.

e leven wenty welve c hirteen C ixteen

□ ifteen ineteen ( eventeen I ighteen ( ourteen

2 Draw, match and say. Домалюй, поєднай і скажи англійською, що це.

brush desk computer notebook It's = It is

What's = What is j
pencil pencil case

— W hafs number 7?
— I f s a desk.

Розділ 1. Шкільний портфель 9

Lesson 2
1 Read and write a, an or some. Прочитай і напиши а, an або some.
і --------- ---------
There's = There is

There's _a_ book.

There's_______ apple.
There a re _______ notebooks.
There's_______ pencil case.
There a re _______ pens.
There's_______ lunchbox.
There a re _______ pencils.

2 Count and say.

Порахуй і скажи.

clocks — There's one clock.

walls — There are four walls.
doors — There's
windows are — There are
How many
boards there? —

bookcases —

cupboards —

chairs —

Unit 1. The School Bag

-JJ,U Л Л З И]
Lesson з
1 Match and say. Поєднай і скажи. Where's = Where is
They're = They are
— Where's the ball?
The ball is in the box.

The ball is on the box.

The ball is under the box.

— Where are the books?

They're on the bookcase.

They're under the bookcase.

t »

They're in the bookcase. І

2 Write the correct word and match. Впиши правильне слово й поєднай.
r —

The b ear______on the chair. The spiders under the desk.

The fox under the box. The frogs in the cupboard.

Розділ 1 Шкільний портфель 11


Lesson 4
1 Read and circle the odd word. Write. Прочитай та обведи зайве слово.
what, how,<£herg) where — there_____________
is, on, in, under — ___________________________
seven, eleven, one, some — ___________________
pen, ruler, cupboard, pencil — _________________
2 Read and circle is/are; in/on/under. Write. Прочитай і обведи is або are;
in, on або under. Напиши речення.
The boxes are
in under the chair.
on the chair.
si (jjndefr
The boxes

on the notebook.
The rubber

on the bookcase.
The notebooks

on the wall,
The clock

12 Unit 1 The School Bag

il J 0
Lesson 5
1 Find six words and say. Знайди та обведи шість слів і скажи.
e tsch ° ° / р
u l e r d e f p e „ c// ft
c ^s<
^ f e b o o k s " 4'

2 Write

urry up!

Скільки? Зал

Розділ Шкільний портфель 13

_______________ JU d
Lesson 6
1 Read and circle the right word. Прочитай слова в стовпчиках і обведи
слово, яке відповідає малюнку.

bad wall back cheek

<@ ) well black chess
dad where chick chair
flag white clock bench
sad window sock lunch

2 Write the words in the correct order. Напиши слова в правильному

порядку і прочитай речення.

my + This + is + classroom. = This is my classroom.

is + classroom + My + big. = __
are + desks. + fifteen + There =
a + There + computer. + is =
The + is + green. + board = _

14 Unit 1 The School Bag

1 Write numbers 13—19. Допиши числівники 13—19.

13 0ИШ0
14 □□□□
15 □□□
16 □□□ teen
17 □□□□□
18 □□□□
19 □□□□
2 Write the correct word. Впиши правильне слово.

on in under

1) My computer is on the table.

2) My notebooks a re ____________ the bookcase.
3) My pen i s ______________ the pencil case
4) My books are the desk.
5) The clock is _ the wall.
6) There are two windows the classroom,
7) There are some pencils the schoolbag.
8) There is a to y ________ my bag.
9) The chair i s __________ the clock,
10) My schoolbag is the desk.

Розділ 1. Шкільний портфель 15

2 Read and match. Прочитай і поєднай.

The flag
Lesson 1
1 Find eight words. Write in ABC order. Знайди вісім слів. Випиши
в алфавитному порядку.
— What animals are there at the Zoo?
^ ' . g e r s n a kep 3rrot|nonke .pp0Cf q СО ^ ^ ® Ь G Э f

1) 4) 7)
2) 5) 8)
3) 6)

1 Тгягр and w rite answ ers. Поостеж і напиши відповідь.

— Do you like tigers, Mary? — Do you like bears, Dan?

— Yes, I do. — -----------------i--------------------
— Do you like monkeys, Max? — Do you like parrots, Kate?

— Do you like crocodiles, Nick?

Розділ 2. Зоопарк
Lesson 2
1 Write the letters and read. Допиши літери і прочитай.
з а в и в □ □ □ □ □

□□B E D □□□□□
□□B E D E □ □ □ □
2 Look and write. Розглянь таблицю й напиши.
(^ ) It likes... It doesn't = It does not
(x) It doesn't like... -----------— -------------—___ .

f l g ^ m

' Kesha X у

Paddy X V S


1 § ) Lulu
— Kesha likes bananas and apples. I t doesn't like fish.
Lesson З
1 Match and say. Поєднай і скажи.

Can you see a hippo in the zoo? -----— No, I don't.

Is there a crocodile in the zoo? ------- Yes, I can.
Do you like snakes? Yes, there is.
Does your granny like zebras? No, it isn't.
Have you got a parrot? Yes, I have.
Is it a bear in the tree? No, she doesn't.

2 Write the correct word. Впиши правильне слово.

Розділ 2 , Зоопарк 19
Lesson 4
1 Read and circle the odd word. Write. Прочитай та обведи зайве слово. Напиши.
hippo, crocodile, monkey spider
Snake, like, tiger, zebra
Apple, carrot, parrot, fish
Peas, sausages, cheese, bear ^
Zoo, school, book, home

2 Look and write. Розглянь таблицю й напиши відповідь.

Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn't.

# Ç

MAX © ^ /* »N
\ yt• •^

— Does Max like snakes? — Does Max like bears?
— Yes, he does.________________ — __________________
— Does Kate like snakes? — Does Kate like bears?

— Does Max like hippos? — Does Max like parrots?

— Does Kate like hippos? — Does Kate like parrots?

20 Unit 2. The Zoo

и ч fc ?
1 Find animals and write. Знайди тварин і випиши.

А с С Е В 3>
М R н 1 Р Р 0
0 0 р Т N 1 м
N С А 1 S А L
К 0 R G Р S S
Е D R Е 1 N В
Y 1 0 R D А Е
1 L Т N Е К А
Z Е 0 0 R Е R


2 Match and read. Guess the animal. З'єднай частини речень і прочитай.
Угадай, про яку тварину йдеться.

This is — —ч. is not big.

It ^ ------ my favourite animal.
It is brown.
It likes a long tail.
It can apples and bananas.
It has got run, jump and climb trees.

What is it?

Розділ 2 Зоопарк 21
Lesson б
1 Write Th, read and match. Допиши Th, прочитай і поєднай. | Q

T h ree ank you! irteen

ey ere

2 Colour and write. Розфарбуй і напиши.

It is a grey hippo. It is a snake.


The tiger i s ________ and The parrot is
a n d ____

22 Unit 2. The Zoo

Lesson 7
1 Read and circle the right word. Прочитай слова в стовпчиках і обведи
слово, що відповідає малюнку.

2 Match and say. Поєднай і скажи.

Розділ 2. Зоопарк 23
Lesson 8
1 Draw and say. Colour and write. З'єднай букви за абеткою і здогадайся,
яку тварину зображено. Розфарбуй і дай відповіді на запитання.

Is this a pet? — ____ Can it climb trees? — _

Is it big? — ________ What animal is this? —
What colour is it? — _ Do you like it? — ____
Does it like apples? —

2 Write the words in the correct order and read. Напиши слова
в правильному порядку і прочитай речення.
Му + anim al + is + favourite + a tiger. = My favourite animal is a tiger.
Let’s + the zoo. + go + to = ______________________________________
are + tigers. + There + four = ____________________________________
tiger + meat. + The + likes = _____________________________________
It + grass. + like + doesn’t = _____________________________________
red + are + Tigers + black. + and = _______________________________
climb. + and * can + run + Tigers = ______________________________
ся, 1 Find 8 words. Write in ABC order. Знайди 8 слів. Випиши в алфавитному
— What is there in your room?

2 Count and write. Порахуй, скільки меблів у кімнаті. Напиши.

— How many beds are there?

(bed -> There are two beds. (bookcase) ->
___ (chair) -> (clock) ->
(m at) (lam p) ->
(table) -> (m irror) ->

» Розділ 3 Моя спальня 25

Е П щ Зш ХиЗ
W esso n 2

1 Write Th and read. Допиши Th і прочитай.

(Г) That ball 2 This ball Those boxes

( 4 ) These balls 5 Those balls 6 This box

Lesson З
1 Match and write. Поєднай і напиши.

W hafs t h a t ? ) ______________ '^ W h a f s th is ]* )__________

< ^ W h a t are those?) \ What are these?^)

2 Look and write this, these; that, those. Розглянь і напиши this, these,
that, those.

I like this bag. I like _________board. I like__________ clock.

Розділ 3. Моя спальня 27

Lesson 4
1 Look and match. З'єднай малюнок із займенником.
— Whose hat is this?
— It's its hat.

. 2 Read and write. Прочитай і напиши.

This is me. This is (мій) my table.
This table is (мій) . It is not (твій)
Is this (твоє) armchair?
Is this armchair (твоє) ? — No, it is not (моє)

Unit 3. My Bedroom
Lesson 5
1 Read, match and write. Прочитай, поєднай і напиши.

Who -------- ^ a mess!

What ------ is that boy?
Whose an idea!
I've got go to the park.
Let's clothes are they?

Who is that boy?

2 Read and write. Прочитай і впиши правильне слово.

What How Who Where Whose

\_________________________________________________________________ _____________ __________ ^

Who is this? — This is A lice .

is this? — This is a

clock is this? — It's mine,

old are you? — I am

are your clothes? — They are in the

Розділ 3 Моя спальня 29

Lesson б
1 Read and circle the right word. Прочитай слова в стовпчиках і обведи і
слово, що відповідає малюнку.

car skirt
room dark third
school tall farm thirteen
zoo wall park T-shirt

2 Look and write.

Розглянь і напиши.
— Where are the monkeys?
----------------------------------------------------- -
in on under
V.______________________________________ /

0 )
'Ч i F
(П Ї 1

A (ta b le ) -> There is a monkey under the table.

B (com puter) - > _______________________________
C (sofa) - > ____________________________________
D (m a t) - > _____________________________________
F (w ardrobe) _______________________________

30 Unit 3. My Bedroom
Lesson 7
1 Find and circle the words. Знайди та обведи слова.

recycling bottles cans Earth environment

fruit glass metal paper rubbish tins

E C Y C L I N 3 ) a U

E G L A S S F R U і T


T В 0 T T L E S I 0 N

c A N S p A P E R w E

T I N S R U В В I s H

E N V I R 0 N M E N T

2 Write the words in the correct order. Напиши слова в правильному

порядку і прочитай речення.

my + This + is + bedroom. = This is my bedroom.__________

room + My + is + tidy. = ___________________________

like + my + I + arm chair. = _________________________
There + a dock + a mirror + is + and + on the wall. =

Розділ 3. Моя спальня 31

1 Put the words into the correct box. Впиши слова у відповідний стовпчик.
armchair bear board mirror notebook
V pencil case snake sofa tiger V



2 Look and write. Розглянь і напиши.

(This/That) This bag is (This/That)______________ is

(my/mine) mine . (my/mine)________________
granny's house.

(This/These)______________ (That/Those)__ is not

chair is very big. It is not (your/yours)___ picture.
(my/mine)____________ chair. It's (my/mine)

Unit 3. My Bedroom
Lesson 1
Read and write. Прочитай і впиши правильне слово.
r \
her his its mine ^гґіу your yours _ v

I have got a bedroom. It's my bedroom. This bedroom is

You have got a room. It's __________ room. That room is _
This is a parrot.__________ name is Paul.
That is a g irl.__________ name is Lola.
That is a boy. _ _ _ _ _ _ name is Peter.

2 Match and say. Поєднай і скажи.

colour? — It's seven.

number? — It's a kitten.
What's your favourite animal? — It's a plane.
food? — It's green.
toy? — It's a cake.

3 Read and write. Прочитай і заповни таблицю.

Crocodiles are green and ugly. The crocodile has got sharp teeth. Hippos
are dangerous. They are grey. The hippo has got a big mouth. Monkeys are
brown. They are funny. They have got long tails. Snakes are long, they are
black. They have got small heads.

crocodile ug!y green sharp teeth


Повторення 1 33
л ІЛ / ІА ',/

Lesson 2
Read and match. Прочитай і поєднай.
How are you? Yes, it is.
How old are you? It is from Africa.
Is that your favourite animal? I'm eight.
Where is it from? I'm fine, thanks.
What colour is it? You're welcome.
Does it like meat? Yes, it can.
Can it fly? No, it doesn't.
Thank you. It is red and blue.

2 Look and write. What is different? Розглянь і напиши. Чим відрізняються


In Picture A there is one bear

In Picture B there are
In Picture A there are
In Picture B there is
In Picture A the in the tree.
In Picture B the under the
In Picture A the the grass.
In Picture B the the water.

34 Review 1
Lesson 1
Write the words. Напиши слова.
arm ear eye |ate finger foot hair hand
V head knee leg mouth nose toe

1) f @ [ ç ] 0

2) h Q D D

3) h Q D Q
4) a

S J.h Q Q Q

6 )fD D D D D
s im Q O O O

1°) < = □ □

12) к П О О

13) Q U I D
14) t

Розділ 4. Приходьте на мою вечірку 35

14_____ ' J V & Х і * -j C ü s s S

Lesson 2
He's got = He has got
1 Match and write. Поєднай і напиши. She's got = She has got

I have got got short hair,

My friend has has got grey hair,
My cousins long hair,
My grandpa have got red hair.

J have got long hair.

2 Write the words and colour. Впиши слова й розфарбуй.

с are got has her is

My sister has got a doll. Her My brother's ________ a mon­

nam e______ Moana. She has______ ster. It h a s __________ red hair.
long black hair. Her eyes ________ I t __________ got black glasses.
black, too. S h e ________ got a white His monster __________ very
skirt and a blue T-shirt. __________ funny.
shoes are blue.

36 Unit 4. Come to My Party

Lesson З
1 Match and write. Поєднай і напиши.
funny -----ч eyes funny face
big \ head
long face
red nose
blue legs
one toes
ten hair

2 Draw and write about your family. Намалюй і напиши про свою сім'ю.

This is my mother. This is my

She has g o t_____ eyes. has got

Розділ 4 Приходьте на мою вечірку 37

Н М І ЇЇЗ G Q и&і&гУ
Lesson 4
1 Read and circle the odd word. Write. Прочитай та обведи зайве слово.
<glasse§) hands, arms, legs glasses

yellow, green, long, black

eyes, toes, ears, has
grey, nose, mouth, face
mother, brother, friend, father
hair, snake, parrot, bear
eight, number, three, twelve

2 Read and match. Прочитай і поєднай.

Have you got glasses? No, he hasn't.

What colour is your hair? It is brown.

What colour are your eyes? No, it isn't.

Is his face red? Yes, they are.

Are her eyes blue? They are green.

Has Max got grey hair? No, I haven't.

Have your friends got long legs? Yes, she has.

Has Lily got long hair? Yes, they have.

38 Unit 4. Come to My Party


Lesson 5
1 Find six words and write the letters. Знайди шість слів і випиши зайві
— What have you got?
— I've got a nose._______________________________________________

a ,r /e arsyeyeS

2 Colour and write the missing letters. Розфарбуй і напиши пропущені

Hi! I'm Micky the Monkey.

I've got a big h ead and short air.
My ace is round.
My yes are big and brown.
My ars are small.
My outh is big.
I've got a big black ose and lasses.

Розділ 4. Приходьте на мою вечірку

В З Ш Е д Ш і 0333"
Lesson б
1 Read and circle the right word. Прочитай слова в стовпчиках і обведи
слово, що відповідає малюнку.

cloud clear
house dear
mouse ears
mouth fear
out near

2 Write the words. Випиши слова в однині та множині.

r N

head arm ears eyes face feet fingers

foot hands legs mouth nose toes knee J

One Many

5 Write the words in the correct order. Напиши слова в правильному

порядку і прочитай речення.
brown + Snakes + are + and + black. = Snakes are brouun and black.
have + long + Foxes + tails. + got = __________________________________
eyes + Her + green. + are = ________________________________________

40 Unit 4. Come to My Party

Lesson 7
1 Read and find the picture. Прочитай і познач (S ) фотокартку людини,
про яку йдеться.
This is a man. He has got small eyes and small ears. His nose is big.
He has got long hair. His hair is black. He has not got a hat. He has not
got glasses.

2 Read and circle the correct word. Write. Прочитай і обведи правильне
слово. Напиши речення.
Му granny (hove got/f ia T g ^ glasses. -> /У\у granny has got glasses.
My sister (is/has) got green eyes. - > ________________________________
My brother's (has/got) long hair. - > _________________________________
The boy (hoven't/hosn't) got glasses. - > _______________
(Has she/She has) got grey hair? - > _________________________________
His nose (is/are) small. - > ________________________________ ________
The girls (have/has) got big eyes. - > ________________________________

Розділ 4. Приходьте на мою вечірку 41

4 _____
Lesson 8
1 Match and write. Поєднай і напиши.
This ^ — me.
I \ am / not big.
My face round.
My eyes is — 7 green.
My nose small.
My hair are blonde.
My ears little.

This is me.

2 Draw your friend. Write the words from the box and say. Намалюй портрет
друга або подруги. Впиши слова з рамки й розкажи про нього/неї.
r Л

big small long short black blonde

brown red grey blue green

This is my friend. His/Her name is

He/She i s ________ years old.
His/Her hair i s ________ a n d ____
His/Her eyes a re ________ and _
He/She has got a ________ nose.

42 Unit 4. Come to My Party

_ Find eight words, write the letters. Знайди вісім слів, випиши зайві
літери та склади слово.

skateboard T d t 0 A ~ î) R A B U S scooter

H E L 1 c 0 P T E R
bus taxi
s N S C 0 0 T E R P

motorbike 0 M 0 T 0 B 1 K E R helicopter
s K A T E B 0 A R D
T A X 1 T L 0 R R Y lorry

What's your favourite | ]f ]?

Розділ 5. Поїхали! 43
Ü J J / 7J 4 u i
Lesson 2
1 Draw and say. Домалюй і скажи, що це.

,, N\' ' СС-
✓ і/і//./'Л'іі
х\ 11

5) 6 ) _________ ____ 7) 8)

— U/hafs number 1? _ j f s a bus. 7

Match and write. Поєднай і напиши.

sail a boat
a ship
a taxi

44 1 Unit 5. Off We Go!

Lesson З
1 Write. Напиши.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- - >
am is are

I am______________ I t _________________ Yo u_______________

H e ________________ W e _______________ Th ey______________
S h e _______________

2 Solve the crossword. Впиши слова в кросворд.

1) I'm not driving a bus__________________ .
2) I'm riding a ___________________________.
3) He is driving a ________________________ .
4) She is flying a ________________________ .
5) He is sailing a ________________________ .
6) What's your favourite_________________ ?

Розділ 5. Поїхали! 45
g j V J J V/J Щ
»son 4
1 Write the answers. Напиши відповіді.
———— '
Yes, I am. No, I'm not.

Are you riding a skateboard? (*0 -> Yes. I am._____________________

Are you flying a plane? (*0 - > _____________________________________
Are you driving a lorry? (*) - > _______ ______________________________
Are you riding a scooter? (S ) - > ___________________________________
Are you sailing a ship? (*) - > ______________________________________
Are you riding a horse? (*) - > _____________________________________

2 Guess and write. Здогадайся й напиши.

— What are the people in the pictures doing now?

itax tabo

Peter is flying a helicopter. Sandra_____

Jim Jane and Dan

46 Unit 5. Off We Go!

Lesson. 5
1 Write am, is, are. Впиши am, is, are.
What are you doing? — I ______ driving a train.
W hat_______she doing? — S h e _______flying a plane.
W hat______ he doing? — H e ______ sailing a ship.
W hat______ you doing? — We _ _ _ _ _ making a trip.

2 Look and write sentences. Розглянь таблицю і склади речення.

ride a bike sail a boat drive a car
a helicopter
Lucy X X X

Helen X X S X

Max X X X V
Tom and Peter S X X X

— What are they doing now?

Lu cy is riding a bike now.

Розділ 5. Поїхали! 47
SJ Ü J J У/J ykJi
Lesson 6
1 Read and circle the right word. Прочитай слова в стовпчиках і обведи
слово, що відповідає малюнку.

sharp blue beach new

she pupil jeans few
<^B> Sue please drew
shoe use sea chew
short you team chewing gum
2 Write questions and answer. Напиши запитання й відповіді.

Is he swimming? — No, he isn 4.

He’s sailing a boat._______
З Н Ї Ї 1 333
Lesson 7
1 Write the words and read. Напиши слова і прочитай.
--------------------- \
_____________ s

иCDGOOD n[ t ->
he Q Q Q t r D D D t
iQQQt ь г П П О ->

2 Read and write answers. Прочитай і напиши відповіді.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —

I Не She They fly drive ride sail

What is the pilot doing?

— He is flying a helicopter .

What is the sailor doing?

— ______________ a

What is the driver doing?

— a

What are the pilots doing?

— a

What are you doing?

Розділ 5. Поїхали!
V J J v/J V zjI
Lesson 8
1 Measure and write. Зміряй і напиши.

Height Length
How tall are you? How long is your ruler?
— I am centimetres tall. — centimetres long.
How tall is your friend? How long is your desk?
— centimetres tall. — centimetres long.
How high is your house? How long is your classroom?
— metres high. — metres long.

2 Write the words in the correct order. Напиши слова в правильному

порядку і прочитай речення.
you + What + doing? + are = What are you doing?______________
you + a boat? + Are + sailing = _______________________________
I + going + to + am + the beach. = ____________________________
motorbibe. + not + I’m + a + riding = _________________________
not + We + are + flying + a plane. = __________________________
They + driving + a train. + are = ______________________________
driving + Is + he + a lorry? = _________________________________

Match and trace. Знайди відповідники і поєднай.

motorbike skateboard helicopter

50 Unit 5. Off We Go!

Lesson 1
1 Write and match. Напиши й поєднай.

2 Solve the crossword. Впиши слова в кросворд.

Розділ б Спортивний клуб 51

^ і

Lesson 2
1 Write the words and read. Напиши слова і прочитай.

...... -'n8
*0 0 0 ^ . - s in g . _____ d r iv 0 0 0 ^ _

d o 0 0 O " » ___ _____ r id Q 0 0 - > _

g ° 0 0 O - > ___ _____ ru n n Q 0 0 -> _

Play0 0 0 -> _ swimm

* □ □ □ - > ____ _____ b o r0 0 0 -» _

sai|0 0 0 ^ _ _____ writ ^ _

2 Look and write. Розглянь і напиши.

great fun difficult boring — What do they say?

Lucy: Riding a skatebard is
0 fun!_______________________
Tim: Playing______________

Tim Sondra:

Sandra Max:

% 0

52 Unit 6. Sports Club

Lesson З
1 Find and write rhyming words. Підбери слова, що римуються, й запиши їх.

ball bike club fun game great join play

COIN — join LIKE — _

DAY - _____ RUB - _
DOLL - ____ SAME -
2 Match and write. Поєднай і напиши.

Rita Dan
Alex: Pm playing tennis.
D a n :___________________
R ita :___________________

Розділ б. Спортивний клуб

Lesson 4 ——-— ^
1 Solve the puzzle and write. Розв'яжи головоломку й напиши.
— What do the children like doing on Sunday?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
• •
a b c d e f 9 h 1 1 b 1 m

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
n 0 P q Г 5 t U V W X У Z

I like 19, 9, 14, 7, 9, 14, 7.

singing____________ like playing 6, 15,
15, 20, 2, 1, 12, 12

like 19, 23, 9, I like playing 2, 1, 4,

13, 13, 9, 14, 7.
13, 9, 14, 20, 15, 14.

Tim Lucy
Julie: 1 like singing. Jim:
Tim: Lucy:

2 Choose and write. Вибери правильне слово й напиши..

I like reading books. j^^ d Jn g /singing/swimming)
I like ______________ in the sea. (drawing/swimming/cooking)
I like______________ pictures. (drawing/reading/singing)
I don't like______________ food, (reoding/ploying/cooking)
I don't like ______________ songs, (speaking/singing/swimming)
I like ______________ English. (speaking/singing/playing)
I like ______________ sports games, (flying/playing/drawing)

54 7 Unit 6. Sports Club

Lesson 5
1 Read and circle the odd word. Write. Прочитай та обведи зайве слово.
Випиши його.
Playing: hockey, tennis,<gyinmmin£) volleyball swimming
Flying: kite, plane, helicopter, skateboard
Riding: train, bike, scooter, motorbike

26 Sport: tennis, singing, table tennis, baseball

2 Guess, say and write. Здогадайся, розкажи й напиши.
— What do the children in the pictures like doing?

ті Peter

lalbsabe -> baseball

lalbbetsab ->
tooflabl ->
netsin ->
cbohey ____

yylolelabl ->

Max likes playing baseball.

Розділ 6 Спортивний клуб 55

Lesson 6
1 Read and circle the right word. Прочитай слова в стовпчиках і обведи
слово, що відповідає малюнку.

goal go for run

goat no door fun
(боаї) note floor bus
soap hole shorts duck
road hippo sports club

2 Write the answers. Напиши відповіді.

Yes, 1 do. No, 1 don't. Yes, 1 am. No, 1 am not.
bike books elephant football kite reading J

Do you like flying a kite ? (S ) — Yes, J do.

Are you playing _? ( X ) -

Do you like riding an _? ( X) -

Are you riding a .? (* )

Are you now? (Y ) —

Do you like reading ? K) -

Unit 6. Sports Club

Lesson 7
веди 1 Look and write. Розглянь і напиши.
— What sports do you like doing?

(7 ~



Dan: I like swimming and hockey, but I don't like baseball or badminton.
Max: _______________________________________________________________


1 Read and write the words from the box. Прочитай і впиши слова з рамки.

are am don't 1 like play playing too you

Dan: Hello, Julie!

Julie: Hi, Dan! How are vou?
Dan: 1 fine. And ? What you doing?
Julie: ____________ am doing my English exercises.
Dan: Let's____________ table tennis. Do you like ___________table tennis?
Julie: No, I ____________ . But I ____________ basketball.
Dan: Oh, m e ,____________ .

Розділ 6 Спортивний клуб 57

н ь м а
____________ и Н Ш З

Lesson 8
1 Read and match. Прочитай і поєднай.
Can you drive a car? I like volleyball.

What's your favourite sport? No, I can't. It's difficult.

Is playing baseball fun? No, it isn't. It's boring!

Is playing table tennis difficult? I like playing music.

What do you like doing? Me too.

I like playing basketball. No, it isn't difficult.

2 Write the words in the correct order. Напиши слова в правильному

порядку і прочитай речення.
my + Basketball + is + sport + favourite + . =
Basketball is my favourite sport.________________________________
like + basketball + I + playing + . =

great + is + basketball + Playing + . =

hockey + don’t + I + like + playing + . =

hockey + Playing + is + easy + not + . =

is + Swimming + boring + . =

58 Unit 6. Sports Club

Lesson 1
1 Read and write the words from the box. Прочитай і доповни речення
словами з рамки.

got has /і is likes playing she swimming

This is my friend. Her name's Alice.

She ________ 9. A lic e ________ got red
hair and green eyes. Alice________ sports.
Her favourite sport ________ tennis.
She likes ____ table tennis, too.
But ____ is not playing tennis now.
She is

2 Draw your friend. Say and write. Намалюй портрет свого друга або
подруги. Розкажи й напиши про нього/неї за зразком.
This is my friend. Her/His nam e's___________ .
________ has g o t__________________________
favourite sport
likes ___ too.
But is not
is now.

5 Mark and say what you have got. Познач і скажи що в тебе є.
х rubber toy hat
pencil lorry black hair
doll blue eyes photo

I have got a rubber

Повторення 2 59
Lesson 2 _—
1 Mark with [S ) three things you like, and with (*) three things you don't
like. Say and write. Познач (v') три речі, які тобі подобаються, і (*) три
речі, які не подобаються. Скажи й напиши.
reading skipping riding a horse
□ music eating pizza 0 swimming
singing wearing jeans playing football

I like swimming. I don't like

2 Look and write. What is different? Розглянь і напиши. Чим відрізняються


In Picture A two boys are playing basketball.

In Picture В _______

60 Review 2
Id \rjjj ЖШШЗШЗЗ
1 Find six words. Say and write. Знайди шість слів. Скажи й напиши.
— What animals are there on the farm?

zebrafnickerocat — chicken

elephantcowlion —

tigergoatparrot —


crocodilem ouse —

f spiderrabbitfrog

snakesheepgoose —

2 Write the words. Напиши слова.

------ ---------------------------------------------
ear eye hair head leg mouth nose *tail v

1) »0ИШ 5)nDDD
2) h Q D D 6) e Q Q
3) e O Q 7 ) 0 0
4) < " □ □ □ □ 8 ) h 0 0 0

Розділ 7. У сільській місцевості 61

V -L j -j -j j j Н ш З З І^ И Ш з
Lesson 2
1 Write the words. Випиши слова в однині та множині.
r Л
child children man men person people
woman women sheep mouse mice

One child Many children

one person — one sportsman —

four people_____ three two

2 Read and write the correct word. Прочитай і впиши правильне слово.
The children are at school, (is/arg))
Where are th e ______________ ? (child/children)
There are te n ______________ in the room. (person/people)
Those______________ are under the floor, (mouse/mice)
Dan has got a w hite______________ . (mouse/mice)
I can see a ______________ in the park, (woman/women)
Six wom en______________ playing volleyball. (is/are)
The m an______________ swimming. (is/are)

Unit 7. In the Countryside

Lesson .3
Read and solve the crossword. Прочитай, відгадай загадки і впиши
слова в кросворд.
1) This bird can fly and swim. duck
2) It's very small. It's yellow. It's a hen's baby.

3) It is not big. It likes grass. It gives milk.

4) It's a big farm animal. People ride on it.
5) It's a farm animal. It has got long hair.

6) It has got long ears. It can run very fast.

7) It's a big farm animal. It has got a long tail. It gives milk.

8) It's very small. It's grey. It has got a long tail and sharp teeth.

Po: 7. У сільській місцевості 63

Lesson 4
1 Write the words in the correct boxes. Впиши слова у відповідні стовпчики.

bear chicken cow crocodile duck goat

goose hen hippo horse monkey parrot J



2 Read, choose and write. Прочитай, вибери правильні слова. Напиши

отримані речення.

How many tails have two A cow has got A rabbit has got (two/
mice got? — They've got (one/two/four) legs. three/five) ears.
(one/fwo/three) tails.
They’ve got two tails.

Two sheep have got Four horses have got Three chickens have got
(two/four/eight) eyes. (two/four/six) tails. (two/four/six) legs.

64 Uni 7. In the Countryside

JU ' j j j j d s J K j s T J 1^ j ' J l y J

-— - Lesson 5
1 Write long forms. Напиши повну форму слів.
I'm lost. -> I am lost.
We're lost. -> W e ______ _ lost.
He's happy. -> He _ happy,
I've got an idea. -> an idea.
He's got long hair. -> H e __ _ long hair.
Where's the farm? -> Where ____ the farm?
I don't know. -> I ____ know.

2 Look, count and say. Розглянь, порахуй і скажи.

— How many animals are there? — Are there any parrots?

There are two c o tv s . — No, there aren't.
— Are there any rabbits?
Th ere____________ § □ □ □ □ • .
Th ere____________ ' □ □ □ □ □ D — Are there any bears?
Th ere____________ s C I D t I D — Is there a horse?
Th ere____________ c h Q Q Q Q Q Q .
There____________ " [ H O D
Th ere____________ h

Розділ 7. У сільській місцевості 65

rN rNr
U -j-JJJ ± J l
Lesson б
1 Read and circle the right word. Прочитай слова в стовпчиках і обведи
слово, що відповідає малюнку.

lazy school chickens cats

dTzarcj) seven cows ducks
zebra sister dogs elephants
zero skate frogs goats
zoo snake legs rabbits

2 Draw and say. Colour and write. З'єднай

букви за абеткою і здогадайся,
яку тварину зображено. Розфарбуй і дай відповідь на запитання.

Is this a farm animal? — Yes. it is. I. •f

Is it big? —
What colour is it? —
Does it like meat? — i -
Does it like grass? — 1•і »c

Can it swim? —

Can it run fast? —


Has it got a long tail? — *0 / -Ч *2

Has it got long ears? — P*
What animal is this? —
\W Y•
<?* X
Do you like it? —
s* t* U

66 Unit 7. In the Countryside

1 Read and circle the odd word. Write. Прочитай та обведи зайве слово.
four,(skin) two, one skin
hair, fish, birds, reptiles
parrots, ducks, chickens, scales
sheep, goats, feathers, horses

2 Find the animals and write the words in the correct boxes. Знайди тварин
і випиши у відповідні клітки.



D A fG \ 0 M N H A H
С R 0 C 0 D I L E
S R A 0 U U C I E
N 0 W S C K Z P
E M E I E I 0 D H

Розділ 7. У сільській місцевості 67

Lesson 8
1 Guess and draw the animal. Угадай і намалюй тварину.

— I've got four legs. I've got soft — I've got four legs. I've got green
hair. I can run and I can jump. skin and a long tail. I can run
I can climb a tree. I like mice. fast. I like insects.
I don't like to swim. I'm a I_____ .
I'm a c at

— I've got two legs. I've got brown — I have no legs. I have no hair.
feathers. I can walk, fly, swim I've got scales. I can swim. I live
and dive. I like fish. in water.
I'm a I'm a

2 Make and write a riddle for your friend. Склади й напиши загадку для
свого друга або своєї подруги.
Who am І? ___________________________________________________

68 Unit 7 In the Countryside

Lesson 1
1 Guess the words and write. Угадай слова й напиши.

buy (shicp) ^ chips ride a roller (tercoas)

drink (denamole) ^ throw а (labl)
eat a (gubrer) in a (ezpir) ->

Гч2 Match, say and write. Поєднай, скажи й напиши.

Number 1. I like ch ip s^ jy umber 2. I don't like kites.

— I like ____
a n d _____
— I don't like

Розділ 8 Парк розваг

Ш ш
Lesson 2

1 Read and write the words in the correct boxes. Прочитай і випиши слова
у відповідні стовпчики.
hot dog ball bike cheeseburger hopscotch
pizza pony roller coaster table tennis
v ____ /
What can you do
hot dog in an amusement

2 Write. Напиши.
r A
1 like I'd like ■J

I like swimming. to eat fish and chips.

I'd like to swim in the sea. to buy some lemonade.
to drink some juice. winning prizes.
drinking milk. to ride a roller coaster.
eating fish and chips.

5 Match and trace. Знайди відповідники і поєднай.

prize roller coaster kite

Unit 8. Amusement Park

Lesson З

юва 1 Circle the words and write them in ABC order. Обведи слова й випиши
їх в алфавітному порядку.

2 Look, read and write the names. Подивись, прочитай і напиши імена.

ide. Many

Julia is winning a prize.

Max and Nick are riding a roller coaster. Nick is eating ice cream. Dan is
buying lemonade. Tim is drinking cola.

Розділ 8. Парк розваг 71

щ зэ
Lesson 4
1 Choose the correct word and answer. Вибери правильне слово й дай

you throw the ball?

Does you like riding a roller coaster?

How many prizes have you got?

How are you buying?

2 Read and circle the odd word. Write. Прочитай та обведи зайве слово.

pizza, burger,(fjorse) sandwich horse

roller coaster, notebook, ruler, schoolbag
chips, burger, prize, apple
what, win, where, who
buy, sing, eat, cola
can, what, how, where
ride, pony, win, play

72 Unit 8. Amusement Park

Lesson 5
1 Match the opposites. Поєднай слова з протилежним значенням.

2 Circle and write. Обведи слова й напиши речення.

What can we do?_________
lhavegotanidea. - > ____________________________________
W hatdoyoulibedoing? ^ _______________________________
lliberidinghorses. - > ____________________________________
I’dlibetobuysom egoodapples. ________________________
Theyarenoteatingicecream . - > __________________________
W elibeplayingtabletennis. - > ___________________________
3 Mark and say what we can do in an amusement park. Познач і скажи,
що можна робити в парку розваг.
•S eat pizza □ win a prize draw a picture
sleep do homework make a sandcastle
drink cola take photos climb trees

Розд 8 Парк розваг 73

Lesson б
1 Read and circle the right word. Прочитай слова в стовпчиках і обведи
слово, що відповідає малюнку.


2 Write questions and answer. Напиши запитання до малюнків і відповіді.

I s he riding a merry-go-round? — No,

he isn’t. He’s riding a roller coaster.





74 Unit 8. Amusement Park

т ш Ш ІІ [HID

Lesson 7

1 Write Wh and match. Write the words in the sentences. Допиши Wh

і поєднай. Впиши ці слова в речення. ( і
I'd like = I would like

® B at O O ere O O ite
I'd like to ride a __________________ horse.
__________________ can we do? — We can ride a roller coaster.
__________________ are the children? — They are in an amusement park.
I'd like to buy a __________ _ T-shirt.
______________ are they doing? They are drinking juice.

2 Write the words in the correct order. Напиши слова в правильному

порядку і прочитай речення.
a fair + There’s + the + in + park. = There's a fair in the park.
are + There + of children. + lots = ___________________________
can + a prize. + They + win = ______________________________
The children + buy + chips + can + lemonade. + and = __________

Î Mark, write and say. Познач, напиши та скажи.

Yes, I do.

No, I don't.

Do you like riding a horse? Yes, I do.

Do you like eating ice cream? ________
Do you like riding a roller coaster? ____

Розділ 8. Парк розваг 75

— —

Lesson 8
1 Read, choose and write. Прочитай, вибери правильні слова й напиши.
I like fairs. (jjkey'd like)
I'd like to the amusement park, (to go/going)
I like to the park with my friends, (go/going)
We can a bike or a scooter. (ride/to ride)
We like horses, too. (riding/ride)
We are burgers and chips, (eat/eating)
I'd like some lemonade now. (drinking/to drink)
I like lemonade and juice, (drinking/drink)

2 Draw and write. Намалюй продукти та напої, які тобі подобається їсти
та пити під час прогулянки в парку розваг і які не подобається.

like eating. like drinking.

I don't like eating- I don't like drinking...

76 Unit 8 Amusement Park

Lesson 1
1 Find the words in the wordsearch puzzle and write them. Знайди слова
в таблиці, напиши їх. Випиши зайві літери. Яке слово склалося?

ґь\ f і s h m u s і c
Є і c e c r e a m s
a u P h 0 t 0 m m e
c r P і c t u r e !

s h e 1 1 s s e a
s a n d c a s t 1 e


2 Write the words from Task 1. Впиши відповідні слова з першого завдання.
catch a fish make a ___
eat a n _____ paint a ____
listen t o ____ swim in the
look for a take a

Розділ 9. На пляжіі 77
У 33 -j j j j j_ u ± u
Lesson 2
1 Write the letter and match. Впиши літеру й поєднай.

© © ©
I'm not ure. Sorry, I don't ant to. Good deal

2 Write and say what you think about it. Впиши відповідні слова і скажи,
що ти думаєш про це.

Let's listen to music. *, * ; — Good idea!

Let's in the sea.

© -

Let's a fish. )

Let's a picture,

a photo,

shells, • 9

ice cream.

a sandcastle. —

78 Unit 9. At the Beach

Lesson З
1 Read and choose the correct word. Write. Прочитай і вибери правильне
слово. Напиши.
таке:cgandcastjg} sandals, trainers, boots sandcastle
eat: pictures, photos, ice cream, shells
listen to: sea, music, beach, fish - >
catch: sun, water, fish, sandcastle
take: sea, beach, music, photos

2 Look and correct the sentences. Розглянь малюнки й виправ речення.

Jane is listening Lucy is eating Mary and Dan are

to music. ice cream. catching fish.
No, she isn't. She
is dancing.__________

Bob and Dave are Max is painting

making a sandcastle. a picture.

Розділ 9 На пляжі 79
g j Q j -jjj j Щ Щ
Wesson 4 ___-
1 Write the words and solve the crossword. Напиши слова й впиши їх
в кросворд.
1 1) цікавий — interesting
2) улюблений — _______
n 2f
3) брудний — _________
t 3d
4) поганий — _________
5) приємний — _______


r n бо 6) старий — __________
7b e 8f U 7) великий — _________
s d d
8) кумедний — ________
9) потворний — _______
g t e

і У
n e У

2 Match and write. Поєднай і напиши.

n ice b ea u tifu l in terestin g new old u g ly

n ic e m u s ic ,

Unit 9. At the Beach

Л ґ ■j JJJ Ji-V liJ W
.___ Lesson 5
1 Write and or but. Впиши слова замість малюнків. Встав and або but.

music ball beach ice cream picture

The J p m usic is loud but I like it.


I like it.

I like it.

is nice I like it.

is warm I like it.

2 Write the missing words. Впиши пропущені слова.

jrfn difficult easy idea Let's top walking

I'd like to run . It's fun. I can't race. It's ______

A race is a goo d_________ But I can walk. It's ___________________
__________ go to the top together. I like __________ .
We can't get to th e __________ of the hill.

Розділ 9 На пляжі 81
Л ґ -.т ій

Lesson б
1 Write ea/ee, read and match. Допиши ea/ee, прочитай і поєднай.

2 Write the words in the correct order and read. Напиши слова
в правильному порядку і прочитай речення.
to go + I’d + to + like + the beach. = I'd like to go to the beach._____
make + sandcastle. + a + Let’s = ____________________________________
sea + The + beautiful. + is = ________________________________________
і + want + don’t + fish. + to catch = _________________________________

5 Match and trace. Знайди відповідники і поєднай.

shells sandcastle beach

82 Unit 9 At the Beach


Lesson 7
1 Match the questions with the answers. Поєднай запитання з відповідями.
How old are you? She's nine.
How old is Mary? I'm eight.
Have you got a boat? Yes, I do.
Can you race? Yes, I have.
Do you like the beach? Yes, I can.
How many shells are there? It's spring in Ukraine.
Where is Ukraine? It's in Europe.
What season is it now? There are ten shells.

>ва 1 Match and write. Поєднай і напиши.

— What are you doing?




Linda Dan
Alex: (paint) -> I am painting a picture.
Linda: (eat) - > _________________________
Dan: (take) - > ________________________
Rita: (look for) - > _____________________

Розділ 9 На пляжі 83
Lesson 8
Solve the crossword. Впиши слова в кросворд.

1) зима
2) літо
3) пора року
4) осінь
5) весна

2 Read, match, say and write. Add your own ideas. Прочитай, поєднай,
скажи й напиши. Додай власні речення.

play snowballs and make a snowman

go to the beach and swim in the sea

wear coats and boots

wear jackets and rubber boots

spring we plant flowers.

84 Unit 9 At the Beach

Lesson 8

P03A1J1 9. Ha ruiJUKi 85
In Picture A two dogs are swimming in the sea.
In Picture B tu>o dolphins are swimming in the sea.

86 Review 3
Lesson 2

1 Read and choose the correct word. Прочитай і вибери правильне слово.
Mice are bad (bed/fjacfo but ike them.
There's a bed (^e^/bad) in my room.
There a re ____________ (for/four) seasons.
Sandals a re ____________ (for/four) summer.
Let's listen____________ (two/to/too) music.
I've g o t____________ (two/to/too) friends.
My friends like sports,____________ (two/to/too).
Look!____________ (It's/lts) a parrot.
____________ (It's/lts) feathers are red, green and blue.
I ca n ____________ (see/sea) two boats in th e _____________ (see/sea).

2 Write the first letters and make a word. Запиши перші літери слів
і склади відповідь на запитання.

W hafs the weather like today?

3 Divide the words and write the sentence. Розділи слова й напиши

Повторення З
Back to School (Revision)...............................................................................3

Unit 1. The School Bag.................................................................................. 9

Unit 2. The Zo o ............................................................................................ 17
Unit 3. My Bedroom.................................................................................... 25
Review 1 ......................................................................................................... 33

Unit 4. Come to My Party.......................................................................... 35

Unit 5. Off We G o !...................................................................................... 43
Unit 6. Sports C lu b ...................................................................................... 51
Review 2 ......................................................................................................... 59

Unit 7. In the Countryside.......................................................................... 61

Unit 8. Amusement P a rk............................................................................ 69
Unit 9. At the Beach.................................................................................... 77
Review 3 ......................................................................................................... 86


Навчальне видання

2 клас
Робочий зошит
(до підручника Г. Пухти, Ґ. Ґернґроса, П. Льюіс-Джонса)

Підписано до друку 09.08.2019. Формат 84x108/16. Папір офсетний.

Гарнітура Калібрі. Друк офсетний. Ум. друк. арк. 9,24.

ТОВ «Український центр підготовки абітурієнтів». Свідоцтво ДК № 4412 від 19.09.2012.

08322, Київська обл., Бориспільський р-н, сел. Проліски, вул. Промислова, будинок 1


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