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Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 4

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Recognize the meaning of G Clef/ Treble Clef
b. Appreciate the importance of every symbol
c. Draw the symbol of G Clef
II. Subject Matter
Topic: The G Clef
References: Musika at Sining p.45-48
Subject Integration: ART
Values: Cooperation
Materials: Chart, audio clip
III. Procedure

Teacher's Activity Pupil's Activity

1. Preliminaries
a. Greetings
Good morning class Good morning ma'am, good morning classmates.
b. Prayer Our Father...
Let us all stand for our prayer
c. Checking of attendance None ma'am.
Do we have absent today?
Ok! Good to hear that.

2. Motivation
How's your day class? Sad ma'am.
Ok! Because your sad, do you want to Yes ma'am.
Are you familiar to the song "Bandang
Musika"? Pupil's sing the song Bandang Musika
Let us sing the song "Bandang Musika".
Very good! I hear a good voice.

3. Presentation
Now I have a picture to show you.
(The teacher will show the picture)
Do you know what it is? Yes ma'am, it's a clef.
Very good!
After you've identify the pictures who can
give me an idea what was our topic all
about ? Jessica: Ma'am I think our topic for today is all
Yes, Jessica? about the G clef.

4. Discussion
5. Generalization

IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment

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