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Nama : Elsha Ananda Putri

Kelas : 12 AKL 1

Absen : 13


A. Introduction

1. Background

Field Work Practice (PKL) is a program that aims to train vocational school students
to apply what they have learned at school and apply it to the industrial world.
Therefore, PKL activities can be a benchmark for assessing the extent to which
vocational school students understand and practice school material.

The implementation of PKL is also a means to introduce vocational students to the

world of industry, so that they are better prepared to compete after graduating. So,
with the implementation of PKL, vocational school students will have the provisions
to face the world of work and at the same time have the competence to compete.

PKL for vocational school students is very important because apart from what has
been mentioned above, PKL activities can also provide insight and knowledge.
Therefore, with this activity, it is hoped that vocational school students can make the
most of it to get to know the industrial world better.

On the other hand, PKL can help vocational school students to improve the quality of
skills they have acquired at school. That way, when they enter the industrial world,
vocational school students will no longer be surprised and will be better prepared to
compete in a healthy manner.

2. The Problem in Internship

1. What are the obstacles experienced by street vendors at the Blora Employment
BPJS office?
2. Do PKL activities at BPJS Employment Blora have an effect on improving the skills
of field work practice participants?
3. What skills did participants gain after practical field work at the BPJS employment
office in Blora?

3. The Purpose of Internship

Internship has several objectives :

a. Understand the real world of work situation.
b. Apply scientific knowledge related to the industrial field where practical work is
carried out.
c. Complementing the knowledge gained at school through application in the world
of work
B. Content

1. Definition, Place and Time of Internship

Definition, Place, and time

Field Work Practice (PKL) is a form of organizing education and training activities by
working directly, systematically and directedly with competent supervision.

I did practical field work for sixth months in two places. In the first three month I did
my practical field work at PPSDM Migas Cepu in the membership services section
from 1st of February to 30th of April 2023, and for the seccond three month I did my
practical field work at BPJS Employment Blora in the Archive from 24th of July to
13th of October 2023

2. Job Description

During my practical field work at PPSDM Migas Cepu I was given the following tasks:

a. Provide information services to participants who will take the exam

b. Data entry from one of the employees

During my practical field work at the BPJS Employment Blora I was given the
following tasks :

a. Input construction service data

b. Sort BPJS Employment cards
c. BPU and PU data entry
d. In the Archive section
C. Closing

1. Conclusion of practical field work

After completing the PKL implementation, I felt that there were many benefits
obtained from this activity. Especially in terms of experience, knowledge, and others
to prepare yourself to face the world of work. Insights and skills increase and are
better honed.
This direct practice helps me to measure and understand how far my abilities are.
This makes me more prepared and not hesitate to enter the world of work

2. Suggestion

The following are some suggestion that i will convey :

A. Suggestion for school

For schools, it is hoped that the next PKL activity can be carried out
optimally by providing provisions for students who will take part in PKL
activities in the form of teaching basic materials about industry. The goal
is that students do not feel confused.

B. Suggestion for Company

It is hoped that BPJS Employment Blora employees can provide relevant
tasks that can improve the skills of PKL participants in facing the world of

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