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Arranged by :
Name : Kholidatul Muna
Class : XII
Skill Competency : Automation and Office
Governance Three


Jl. Rajawali No. 11 Tempelan Blora Postal Code 58211  (0296) 531303
Faximile :(0296) 531303 Electronic mail : website :

YEAR 2023

A. Background

Generally, this activity is carried out for educational institutions that have
a focus on education with practice. Therefore, there are certainly specific reasons
for carrying out practical work activities. That before vocational high school
students graduate and work according to the vocation they are studying, they must
first know what the real working atmosphere is like in the world of work and the
benefits of actual field work practice.

That is the reason why practical field work must be carried out by all
vocational school students. There is a lot of work experience that practical work
participants can get when they do an internship so that they at least have an idea
of how they will work later.

The benefits of participating in this partical activity for students are as

follows :

1) Train and hone the skills students receive while studying at school

2) Learning event to increase knowledge, skills and ideas about the world
of business and professional industry

3) Introduce students to the real world of work, so that they can be better
prepared and adapt quickly when they start working later.

B. The Problem

Problem experienced when carrying out field work practices :

1) Being in a relatively new environment makes the practitioner

unfamiliar with the surrounding conditions, such as regulations or
activities that must be carried out during field workpractice activities.

2) Demand for high levels of accuracy when entering incoming or

outging letters into their respective agenda books so that there are no
errors in filing or other work matters.

3) Lack of provision of facilities(office stationery) which results in

delays in work that must be completed.
C. The Purpuse

The objectives of field work practice are :

1) Look for work experience in the business or industrial world.
2) In order to increase cooperation when entering the community in the
business world.
3) Produce vocational high school students who have the knowledge and
abilities needed in multimedia.
4) Students can practice and compare the theory obtained at school with
practicing it in the usiness world.


A. Definition

Work practice activities are one type of vocational high school educational
curriculum that supports student teaching and learning activities supported
through work activities in a streamlined manner in the world of work to realize
work skills as a requirement for working professionally.

Professional skills can only be mastered through direct work in

professional fields in the world of work. For this reason, vocational high school
students who have reached a certain level are required to directly participate in
actual work activities.

Field work practice is one of the intracurricular activities carried out by

vocational high school students, including work experience and other assignments
based on their respective skills. According to the vocational high school graduates
are expected to be students who are ready to use in society.

B. Place Time

The time for implementing street vendors has been determined by the
school for the automation and office management skills program for 2022/2023 to
be implemented from February 2023 to 29 April 2023 and for 2023/2024 to be
implemented from 24 July to 13 October 2023. Place of practical field work in the
office Dinas Perindustrian dan Tenaga Kerja Blora Regency, Jl. GOR 1 No. 1
Blora, Blora District, Blora Regency, Jawa Tengah 58219.

C. Job Description

1) Schedule incoming letters :

a. Receive incoming mail.
b. Schedule a letter.
c. Distribution of letters.
d. Storage/archiving of letters.
2) Schedule outgoing letters
a. Letters that have been typed, initialed, with the serial number
and date of outgoing letter requested.
b. After the letter is scheduled, it is stamped.
c. The letter is folded and placed in a letter envelod that has been.
stamped and affixed with the address and letter number.
d. The letter is sent to the intended address.
3) Communicate via telephone
a. Pick up the phone with your left hand.
b. Receive telephone calls in a polite manner.
c. Ask for name, address, purpose and purpose of the call.
d. Immediately call an employee if the caller wants to speak with
the employee.
e. Convey the caller’s message well and clearly if the desired
person is not there.
f. Put down the receiver after the caller has turned off the phone.
4) Receive guests
Receive guests who come from other agencies and residents of the
blora district area who have interests in Dinas Perindustrian dan Tenaga
Kerja Blora employees. Field work practice students greeted them well
and politely and asked who they wanted to meet, then field work
practice students told the employee in question.


A. Conclution

Conclusion after carrying out practical field work activities in Dinas

Perindustrian dan Tenaga Kerja Blora Regency.

We draw several concludiond that :

1) After carrying out industrial work practices or what is usually called

field work practices we finally know the truth about the result
obtained from school, as well as gaining knowledge about theories,
practices and materials or objects that have never been studied at

2) Apart from that, we can also find out how the agency’s work
experience is. This makes us more mature and more respectful of our
parents’ hard work.

3) Can understand non-academic and non-technical concepts in the

world of work, such as maintaining relationshipbetween superiors and
subordinates, maintaining relationship and so on.

Learning in the world of work is a strategy that provides opportunities for

students to experience the learning process trough working directly on real
work. With field work practice, we can experience how to carry out direct
practice in a world of work environment guided by industry , and we can even
measure the extent of our mastery of the knowledge we learned during

B. Suggestion

1. For School

a) Direction and guidance in debriefing activities is clearer but not

long winded, so it is easy for students to understand.
b) Controlling coordination between school supervisors and agency
supervisors must be given more attention, so that it does not cause
difficulties for students in making reports.

2. For Company Field Work Turning

a) It would be better to rearrange the work space in the public

relations department to make it more spacious and comfortable,
and add several cupboards to store archives or report documents
that have been signed by the head of the communications and
informatics service.

b) Expand the work space further so that working staff are not
crowded in the room and can work more comfortably.

c) Adding tools for documents, such as increasing the number of

scissors, stamp tanks and ink with the aim of making it easier and
faster to make clippings.

d) Increase public trust in the form of information services.

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