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Lecture Title: Thermal Deformations and Stresses University Of Technology

Lecture Notes on Strength of Materials (2017-2018) Mechanical Engineering Department


It is well known that changes in temperature cause dimensional changes in a
body: An increase in temperature results in expansion, whereas a temperature
decrease produces contraction. This deformation is isotropic (the same in every
direction) and proportional to the temperature change. The strain caused by
temperature change (°C) is denoted by 𝛼 and is called the coefficient of thermal
expansion. Thermal strain caused by a uniform increase in temperature ΔT is

𝜀𝑡ℎ = 𝛼∆𝑇
𝛿𝑡ℎ = 𝛼(∆𝑇)𝐿
where 𝛼 is the coefficient of thermal expansion.

Example 1:
A steel rod of length L and uniform cross sectional area A is secured between
two walls, as shown in the figure. Use L=1.5m, E=200 GPa, 𝛼=
11.7 × 10−6 /°C and ∆𝑇 = 80 °C. Calculate the stress for a temperature
increase of ΔT for:
a) The walls are fixed.
b) The walls move apart a distance 0.5mm.

Page 1 of 8 Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohsin Noori Hamzah

Lecture Title: Thermal Deformations and Stresses University Of Technology
Lecture Notes on Strength of Materials (2017-2018) Mechanical Engineering Department


a) 𝛿𝑡ℎ − 𝛿𝑅 = 0
𝛼(∆𝑇)𝐿 − =0
 R=A E α (ΔT)
𝜎= = 𝐸𝛼(∆𝑇)

= 200 × 109 × 11.7 × 10−6 × 80 = 187.2 MPa (Answer)

b) 𝛿𝑡ℎ − 𝛿𝑅 = 𝛿𝑤
𝛼(∆𝑇)𝐿 − = 𝛿𝑤
R=AE (α ΔT - 𝑤)
The compressive stress is then,
𝑅 𝛿𝑤
𝜎= = 𝐸 (𝛼∆𝑇 − )
= 200 × 109 (11.7 × 10−6 × 80 − ) = 120.52 MPa (Answer)

Example 2:
A rigid block having a mass 5 Mg is supported by three rods symmetrically
placed, as shown in the figure. Determine the stress in each rod after a
temperature rise of 40 °C. Use Es=200 GPa, s=11.7 m/m°C, As=500 mm2,
Eb=83 GPa, b=18. 9 m/m°C, and Ab=900 mm2.

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Lecture Title: Thermal Deformations and Stresses University Of Technology
Lecture Notes on Strength of Materials (2017-2018) Mechanical Engineering Department

L=0.5 m L=0.5 m
L=1 m

W= 50009.81



𝛿𝑡ℎ𝑠 + 𝛿𝑃𝑠 = 𝛿𝑡ℎ𝑏 + 𝛿𝑃𝑏

𝑃𝑠𝑡 𝐿𝑠 𝑃𝑏𝑟 𝐿𝑏
𝛼𝑠 (∆𝑇)𝐿𝑠 + = 𝛼𝑏 (∆𝑇)𝐿𝑏 +
𝐴𝑠 𝐸𝑠 𝐴𝑏 𝐸𝑏

𝑃 ×0.5 𝑃 ×1
11.7 × 10−6 × 40 × 0.5 + 500×10−6
= 18.9 × 10−6 × 40 × 1 + 900×10−6
×200×109 ×83×109

Simplifying the above equation,

𝑃𝑠𝑡 − 2.6𝑃𝑏𝑟 = 104 × 103 N (1)

Statics (Free Body Diagram, F.B.D)

2𝑃𝑠𝑡 + 𝑃𝑏𝑟 = 5000 × 9.81 = 49.05 × 103 N (2)

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Lecture Title: Thermal Deformations and Stresses University Of Technology
Lecture Notes on Strength of Materials (2017-2018) Mechanical Engineering Department

Solving equation (1) and (2),

𝑃𝑠𝑡 = 37.0 kN and 𝑃𝑏𝑟 = −25 kN (compression)

𝐹 𝑃𝑠𝑡 37×103
𝜎 = , hence 𝜎𝑠 = = = 74 MPa (Answer)
𝐴 𝐴𝑠 500×10−6

𝑃𝑠𝑡 25∗103
𝜎𝑏 = = = 27.8 MPa (Answer)
𝐴𝑏 900∗10−6

Example 3:
For assembly shown in the figure. Determine the stress in each of the two vertical
rods if the temperature rises 40 °C after the load P=50 kN is applied. Neglect the
deformation and mass of the horizontal bar AB. Use Ea=70 GPa, a=23.0
m/m°C, Aa=900 mm2, Es=200 GPa, s=11.7 m/m°C and As=600 mm2.

Aluminum Steel
3m 4m
3m 3m 3m
50 kN


∑ 𝑀𝐴 = 0: 50 × 103 × 9 − 𝐹𝑠 × 6 − 𝐹𝑎 × 3 = 0

2𝐹𝑠 + 𝐹𝑎 = 150 × 103 (1)

A Fa Fs
a B
50 kN
𝛿𝑠 𝛿𝑎
= → 𝛿𝑠 = 2𝛿𝑎
6 3

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Lecture Title: Thermal Deformations and Stresses University Of Technology
Lecture Notes on Strength of Materials (2017-2018) Mechanical Engineering Department

𝐹𝑠 𝐿𝑠 𝐹𝑎 𝐿𝑎
𝛼𝑠 (∆𝑇)𝐿𝑠 + = 2 (𝛼𝑎 (∆𝑇)𝐿𝑎 + )
𝐴𝑠 𝐸𝑠 𝐴𝑎 𝐸𝑎
𝐹𝑠 ×4
11.7 × 10−6 × 40 × 4 + =
600×10 ×200×109

𝐹𝑎 ×3
2 (23 × 10−6 × 40 × 3 + )
900×10−6 ×70×109

𝐹𝑠 − 2.857𝐹𝑎 = 109.44 kN (2)

Solve (1) and (2) for 𝐹𝑠 and 𝐹𝑎 ,

𝐹𝑠 = 80.4 kN and 𝐹𝑎 = −10.17 kN

𝐹𝑠 80.4×103
𝜎𝑠 = = = 11.3 𝑀𝑃𝑎 (Answer)
𝐴𝑠 600×10−6

𝐹𝑎 10.17×103
𝜎𝑎 = = = 134 MPa (Answer)
𝐴𝑎 900×10−6

Example 4:

A rod is composed of three segments, as shown in the figure. Compute the stress
induced in each material by a temperature drop 30 °C if (a) the walls are rigid and
(b) the walls spring together by 0.3mm. Assume Ea=70 GPa, a=23.0 m/m°C,
Aa=1200 mm2, Eb=83 GPa, b=18.9m/m°C, Ab=2400 mm2, Es=200 GPa,
s=11.7 m/m°C and As=600 mm2.

800 mm 500 mm 400 mm

Bronze Aluminum Steel

A=2400 mm2 A=1200 mm2 A=600 mm2
E=83 GPa E=70 GPa E=200 GPa


a) ∑(𝛿𝑡ℎ + 𝛿𝐹 ) = 0

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Lecture Title: Thermal Deformations and Stresses University Of Technology
Lecture Notes on Strength of Materials (2017-2018) Mechanical Engineering Department

𝐹 ∗ 0.8
18.9 × 10−6 × 30 × 0.8 − + 23 × 10−6 × 30 × 0.5
2400 × 10−6 × 83 × 109
𝐹 × 0.5
− + 11.7 × 10−6 × 30 × 0.4
1200 × 10−6 × 70 × 109
𝐹 × 0.4
− =0
600 × 10−6 × 200 × 109

F=70.592 kN

𝐹𝑠 70.592×103
𝜎𝑠 = = = 117.65 MPa (Answer)
𝐴𝑠 600×10−6
𝐹𝑎 70.592×103
𝜎𝑎 = = = 58.82 MPa (Answer)
𝐴𝑎 1200×10−6
𝐹𝑏 70.592×103
𝜎𝑏 = = = 29.41 MPa (Answer)
𝐴𝑏 2400×10−6
b) ∑(𝛿𝑡ℎ + 𝛿𝐹 ) = 0.3 × 10−3
𝐹 ∗ 0.8
18.9 × 10−6 × 30 × 0.8 − + 23 × 10−6 × 30 × 0.5
2400 × 10−6 × 83 × 109
𝐹 × 0.5
− −6 9
+ 11.7 × 10−6 × 30 × 0.4
1200 × 10 × 70 × 10
𝐹 × 0.4 −3
− −6 9
= 0.3 ∗ 10
600 × 10 × 200 × 10


𝐹𝑠 49.15×103
𝜎𝑠 = = = 81.91 MPa (Answer)
𝐴𝑠 600×10−6
𝐹𝑎 49.15×103
𝜎𝑎 = = = 40.95 MPa (Answer)
𝐴𝑎 1200×10−6
𝐹𝑏 49.15×103
𝜎𝑏 = = = 20.47 MPa (Answer)
𝐴𝑏 2400×10−6

Example 5:
A rigid horizontal bar of negligible mass is connected to two rods as shown in the
figure. If the system is initially stress-free; determine the temperature change that
will cause a tensile stress of 60 MPa in the steel rod. Assume Es=200 GPa,
s=11.7 m/m°C and As=900 mm2, Eb=83 GPa, b=18.9m/m°C, Ab=1200 mm2.

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Lecture Title: Thermal Deformations and Stresses University Of Technology
Lecture Notes on Strength of Materials (2017-2018) Mechanical Engineering Department

2m 3m

𝜎𝑠 = → 𝐹𝑠 = 𝐴𝑠 𝜎𝑠


∑ 𝑀𝐴 = 0: 𝐹𝑠 ∗ 5 = 𝐹𝑏 ∗ 2
∴ 𝐹𝑏 = 𝐹𝑠 (1)

Since 𝜎𝑠 = 60 MPa, then 𝐹𝑠 = 𝐴𝑠 𝜎𝑠 = 900 × 10−6 × 60 × 106 = 54 kN,

Use equation (1), 𝐹𝑏 = 135 kN

𝛿𝑠 𝛿𝑏 5
= → 𝛿𝑏 = 𝛿𝑠
5 2 2

𝐹𝑏 𝐿𝑏 5 𝐹𝑠 𝐿𝑠
𝛼𝑏 (∆𝑇)𝐿𝑏 + = (𝛼𝑠 (∆𝑇)𝐿𝑠 + )
𝐴𝑏 𝐸𝑏 2 𝐴𝑠 𝐸𝑠
135×103 ×2
18.9× 10−6 × ∆𝑇 × 2 + =
1200×10−6 ×83×109
5 54×103 ×3
(11.7 × 10−6 × ∆𝑇 × 3 + 900×10−6 ×200×109 )

∆𝑇 =?

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Lecture Title: Thermal Deformations and Stresses University Of Technology
Lecture Notes on Strength of Materials (2017-2018) Mechanical Engineering Department

The following example from:

▪ Beer F.P., Johnston E.R., Mechanics of Materials, McGraw-Hill, New York,

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