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Nile Higher Institute for Engineering and Technology Civil Engineering Department

Report Rubrics
Student Name/ID:Eslam Ehab Ebrahim -160063 Course Title:Foundation Engineering 1

Level of Achievement
Criteria Score
Excellent Good Adequate Marginal Unacceptable
Sequence of information
Information is presented in a Information is presented in Sequence of information
exists with quite less
logical, interesting way, somewhat logical manner. is difficult to follow. No
Organization / continuity and in less
which is easy to follow. Results and conclusions logical manner or
Structure logical manner. Unsatisfactory 10/12
Results and conclusions are are stated and reflected continuity.
[Weight 20%] Results and conclusions
stated and reflect complete acceptable knowledge of Results and conclusions
are stated but reflect little
knowledge of the topic. the topic. are not stated.
knowledge of the topic.
Research & Gather Collected a great deal of Collected some basic Collected very little Did not collect any
Information [Weight information--all relates to the information--most relates information--some relates information that relates to 10/12
information provided
20%] topic. to the topic. to the topic. the topic.
Solution procedure and
Clear definition of solution,
methods are not always Outlines a general
Procedure procedure and methods. No procedure, tries things Procedure is not
clearly defined. Few procedure but does not 10/12
[Weight 20 %] Different alternatives are out unsystematically. acceptable
alternatives’ designs are clearly identify methods.
considered and evaluated.
Presents data in
Presents data very clearly Data presentation is not Presents data in very
appropriate manner
using appropriate that clear. obscure manner.
Data Representation graphs/waveforms. Present data is
graphics/waveforms. Graph/waveforms, figure Graph/waveforms, figure 7.5/9
[Weight 15%] Figure captions and units unacceptable
Figure captions and units are captions and units are not captions and unit are not
are included most of the
always included. always included. included.
Clearly discusses what
Generally, clear discussion Limited discussion of Reader can gain very little
results mean and what
Results and of results and conclusions, results and conclusions. information about why the
conclusions may be drawn Results and discussion
Discussion but may miss some points. Little or no reference to project was done and what 12.5/15
from them. Cites published are unacceptable
[Weight 25%] Some use or references published standards or the results may mean. No
standards or other related
and published standards. other report. reference to other studies.
Total 50/60

Course Coordinator: Assis.Prof/ Reda Youssri Alla

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