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raín waterf

Sepasate coleckton -fot

to cotrolwates
We have ATER ACT, 1944
twiing ausanentso Arnon
poUlution in Tidia,
peoßle,toteplu't ant
Taeatment of waste coater ull
(Sewne Taatmiehf. flont). Seage
STP saage treatmert
houseeoqe coill 'Be treafed in
o irto watesbodies
lart . Then, His dischasqed like i
dijerent puposes.
it is used o stearn,qresaton of eleckstct,
Paoducinggasden,"lauong, pasks o
Natexing agicaltual activitieA.
ETP EyluertTseatment plot)i prii.
hdushial 'eluents /waste nten is treted
tadadrent jlant: t is otoided by lasge
Egluent TAeatment plat):A
Smalll scale indestaies
cue to pinancial Aeasorns/ lack o pace. ;
their eyluerts in CETP.
is teated in 7oun diyesent
’Sewage in sTp
Paimany Iphysialteatndg,Tullo
Srcöndy iologial,
.3bi f'advanced treatment
Thene axe 22 sleps, involwed in pae- teatment.They

1) Sorcening
i) Git teatment.

Sovering :- In Hhis proces, sauage is paascd ints

lange metal SAeerd containing small hr opcninqo.
The large loating paxtides like aluminium card
clastic covers, clothes ete se wropped and semo
edThese hemoved substoncas, con pe
be Aecycled.
f these substances ae not acmoved Rom
senge, they oill be clogging -the pipes Hence,
seseening s the impoitant pse- taentment uhich
9ait tretment n
Aeseeeningthe, yege
i8 then pased into git chambe~[a laage ec
-ulas tank) whexe gait (paatides o mud, Sand,
bxável , bxoken glass picces, ash) is made,to settle
ot the bottom ioiat chamber
)Paimanyl physieal
om"ait chambeo,
git chambe, seuage is paased into paimony
cla§njes | psimasy sedimentaton tankl paimasy stliy
tork (tuhich con be seckangulaa ohcalaa in shape)
hee Suspended 3olids ae made to setle at-he
bottom o the tonk due to ghouty.
hese seHkd particles
ase colletely knoun as
held fot 2hs in paimay
Sewage is
tseatment/ biolbgical -tcatment:.
i) Secondony
Ata the jomatin df paimany Sludge, thc Acmai.

(to hichytant rd
added to the ariaton tarnk (tohichcanbe
r -ulas 'tsculo th shape) with thê supplyio,
in the jom oj a The bactesia decampo_e
daani matts pesant in senoge, in paeane
b Secondosy clasijie &The encess let ovea
Bactexia b' be seltd. ot the botom o stcomday
a|l iecondassudqéis second

Aecycled | ac ised by tending t db¡ck

to akatij tank
fo decompesition f otganic uwaster Hence, Second
pr i-aytseatnent is adso caled a'actiated slude
Ethetmert & &eco aeration tank, is Called as
3 8eee-
activated sludge tonk,
iv) Texitian advanced teatrment
In teritiass taeatment, nuthients like Nitotes,
Phosphates (which ca
Cause eutaophicotion ohen dischos
into voatea bodies) , colous, in seLoage, pesticide,
iu, heavy metal, diseose causirg dgonúms
tuill be 2emoved 1t
is n expendive method o
the paoceas o deutxoying disease
Disin gction is chioine (chioination),
cauzing dqanisms by usng
(Ozonaton) and U ltratior.
- The total (ro0 %) paimany sludqe pnd
qrd Aomainúng
dludgease sent into 's
into sludge
60 secondany sludge ts deeonposcd in
e o toank"
digestion anid that
in the to selease ok
the absence o ox49gr ond used yoi the
methane qas which wil be
generaton og eledaicity is then dhied in
solid sludge
’ The let-over semi aed as'
(oimed sldge- cake is
Sun and the nutient-ach Else, the sudge can be
bohich is
disposcd propesy teatment helps in educing
This psoces o seuagewtee bodies as the dise
the B00, COD vof the
-Jqed wate iss pollutant -pee.
Lnyout/ Desijn of stp
Phe- taeaent |imoay Tsitiey/ advanced
|kconday(o) Biological stage Btage
LGit chansbePimay Acivated sludSecorndasy JDisintectanicn 4
Ban scaCens
clanife ge aeration claiie utierts hernoval
Reiycle |3econday
Thegated el secéage
for dischange.
q2borcq Psinany shdog

wwaste sludqe
wate d sude
for dísposal.
Secondansl kiological benthnentslod hls9
) Taickling jitteas:nloco hetas 99



Thickting -ftlHes ane cinaulas in shapeCovehed
of, stones, pebbles ot
of a bed hushed laswae.
uoims and insect
bacteia, alqae, unqi, the bed containing
is sprayed /tickled on
Sewage the oganic matte pres
bacteria which decomposes the om
coill be Supplied in
-ent in seoage. iainlets.
q theated aeuoage oil be collected at the
’The +flte:
bottom o the tricklin in the remoual of
Hence, trickling filte help
matter "prsent in seage.
ARotatin biolbgical contactor (R8c)
R8C consists ot cinculos Aetating plastic die
which e onqed On a
aotating'shaft Cie
-los discs hove michooiganis ms gouing on them.
he disC& are kept in Sage. bout 40% area of
the discs is submeged in the sewage. The.
disc Aotates in and out of coates, a
as the RSC sotates. he micodiqaniams present
on the disc decormpose. the ciganic mattea psesent

otonssi, oirotod

Layout/desion ot ETP
Equalisation Neutalisationedimentation FlaatatBon} chemica treatnen

tke diyerent aepsl stages in ETP

Fhysical teatnent
Chemical teotrnent
Biological tectrertbt
iqualisation cortinuotis
tank,;thue uill be
In equalisation Sedimiéntátion (te,
stiing, o effluents o avoid
in ebucnt
Thus, unitotnity -of effluerts will be main
Grenesal y, eyuent is held inthis tank
- tained.
bloi24 h r t bocuobo ban bavolo)
tank, effluent 'is., ser
gert into
Fom equalkt ation dilution tank oheve pH o
neutsalisotion tank /
efftuentswill be mogde to reutha
wll & a base is added to neutalie
is acidio,
effuent is basie, on,pcid is Qdded

Phyaicat trcoadment:
DSedimentation: From néchaliation tonk, eyuends
Sert into -the sedimentaton tank whee
paticles present in effuent, are allowe tp set
at the bottom of sedimentoion, tank
) flotation : Irto -the:otation tank,Oa s
in the form of ais bubbles. The wnseted
-les, attack on these ajs bubbles. Thus, the
n pasticles
bibbles gontaining. pasticles become denis
float on the:suyace of -Plotation
those ain bubbles'ae skimmed off.io2

Colouied nd odoued
boriot -
aubstorices wit be
pernoved by sending yuernts thiough chaxcod
(0) activated cabon.nnt voiho::oyps ot
i) Chernica! coagulotion:
unsettleobl paaticles oi
psesent in the eyluerts, coaguloske alu
feous sulphate fexic sulphatéyahe oall be
'addedant iied ioith the ebuetsvthess
coaqulonts tom psecipitats uith the, ioputo
a0d setfle at the bottom.
Most'y N }P crpounds tan be aemoved y
chemical coagulation.
v) ii)
to to osm0sís.
ACmoved Revewse
1 bottom. oilltltoutene
e Fyctive Chemicals
contains ricnoi bio
Biologial Bioloq By Dissolved
ItI 3emove Chemical
micobialthe degadable ical bevolalile
into Thesebtown e thsough osmOsis
-the N&P anilikesms treatment oxidaion
eyluerty niaobíal the
treatrent chemitals presetoiganicsubstances satts
micaobíal oi qanie (o) s -
compounds Uaea pot ogentsemi-pemeable or
atmophere. :
can solution" is - compoumds
O2 in unwanted
be ond
deompositon. orll the ike like
population. mattea done combine
chasqed supa Os,
Can ae to be
Huents; ammonia
which ike cls iond
alao phosphate
added emove supplid
with membxane
benzurne ktn D4 wil
o be sequi r es ais ,éa9 uyanide
to the be
seused added
incre tuhich &on air ond Hy0, in
Envivonmental Tmpact Assessent (ETA):
It is a Study Iprocess /psoccduve though' ohich
eivivonmental iopacts vesulting fhom developrnenta
activities (o1) developmenta! projects are identiied ond
asscsed easly in the poject-planning phase.
’ EIA ísis done to identty the likels impacts ot
he deavctop menta! activities on the
provide mitiqation measWre (miligation :contvol).
Benefits of EIA :
’ Psotection of Envivonmnent
Optimum utilizaton of
Saves oveall Hime cost'of the projéet:
Fromotes community patitipation (public heaning
’Irforms decision makexs.
-for envionmentally sound ppjects
Proceas of EIA :
EIA Process, include olouing stepsi ,
L40 Scoping
Simpoct thalyis
Iropact mitigaion.
>Deision making
> tonitoling
’ Bacening-Aiis the paocess tused to determine
shethen "thea proposed devclopmenkal activity 0 a

poject xequives EIA shdy oY not.

Not al the developmertal projects equoc,EXA
>Beoping :- Scoping is,a vey key stagç of the exA
process in uhich. thos impacks ohich miaht hove
siqntficart effect on the environnerd, to be addse
-Ssed in the EIA, ae determined.
By scveering and scoping , unnecessay time-delay
and wastage of vesousc -can be avoi o the
developmertal activíties Can be avoided.
Scoping is uscd to identiy the key issues of
condesn, at an,say stage in, the planring, pRcas
-ofthe developmental activitie.
Soping is done to
a) Tdertity Concesns and issued for onsidesation in
an EIA:

B) Tropacts to be tonsideed' at digesert Bevela

Detemine the asseSmerts methods to e used.
) Sawe time money
Tnad Analysis
This includs "inpact identiication, and PAedictior
Cubed duo to the developmental activities on the
Impact Mtigation This slep paovides mitligntton
measUes to AeduCe and avoid the advese envitonm-
-ental impacts otdevelopnentnl activities.
mig mitigation ís also called as EMP
(Envivonment Managmert Plan).
»Repotting The (indirgs of the EIA' study ase
EIA 3epoxt (oy)
Aoeuwn trted in a aepot calledias
(EnvhDnmerdal Trnpact &tatement) which uill
ETS makinq.
qovcnment o decision
be sent to the
Revies of ELA - Tt examines the adequacy and
EIA 2eport and provides
xevieuo egectiveness o -the-fot deciston making.
fhe inyomotion neceas ay
Aevieued apten seceiving the suggcstis
ETA Xepot is
in the publie heaning meeting decides whethe
Decision Moking :- Decison making needs
the project is to be approved, Aejectel
s Monitoxing- Monitoving is done ahen poject is of
eommissioned Tt n enshes that the impacts
the projects donot exceed the limits and abo
sues he implemetation o the mitiac

mesAes in -the mannes descibed in the' ETA

EIAPo ceas Flou charti01l a a

cso Arokct proposalur loto.

onlSceening. onoriv1)


bivos 1npact deijicgtion.

and prediction

Review k Public involvemert

Decision making) priainot - pris ohirnoM

and aesubit/and montlorting
Tnpatt Analysis -
Base line data
Base line data teils the,exisling envivonmental
status ot the project Oheo,
The tem base line' e;e to the collection of bac
-konound infotmation on each and 'every envisonm
ental component ofthe pgject area..
Taking paojcct as' certse;th su9unding iokm
line data needsto
asta- caled buye zone, base
be collected.
Base line data is of to typesyprimary data
) secondary data
finory dota- tis the dota eolletd by direc
-tly visiting the pject sea.
ngrìvro Z1; jcld suNey, keld sompling , irtesvieas
plsvandconsuttations ustth the publéc.,.
oHheSeconday data - 4 is the data collected .by -the
on the'timesale basis.
oanA Storedi1
En:-oMeteotolog ical Depontment posess the data on
Aainçall, toropetuse and cwind.
Aqaicultuve Depantment paovides data on
iasigation and cropping patens"
> Census Dtpatment. þaovidas data. on human
»Aater boahd provides inyamation
and ghounduoates,.
dota on hists.
provides data
Archeology depadmendt povides
-ical e. cultur heitaae
Sope of base line data
s To asseks the envinDnincnto poametes in the
pAopased PAoject anea.
sTo identify the envionmertal impacts.
> To prepoxe EMP (Enwivonment Monagement pl
poi Acduongnegatire inpats ond onhaning
Positive impacBs.
Tö monito the enviionmental conditions a 4.
developrmental ocivity
Envitonmental Impacs ir
t Envisonmental impacts ae he
in the changes cased u
deelop ennionmental componerts caused
LhYotnental octiviies.
impact is a change inran envor
T which
° esults
m adeveloe

he chage iBerce
is the dieserce bctwcen the
-endal parametes with the praject compased to
that without the project
Tyges envitonmerdnl
Beneficial ond Advef or

> Disect and îndiverngs

Short term and Long tem
Reversible and Irxeveasible.
bivorg r
Beneticial impacts
Devclopmental pojects incoease the qualty dfof irte
better employrnent oppovtunitic, betes
oastuctusc -facilities-cte ohich leads to -the ccono
-mic developmert

Adverseirapacts -
Derelopmertal aciities cause many neqative impact:
Kke deyieatation, wte pollution, ai 'polluaton, die
-lacernent of peope
Evesy developriendal activityhas bensicio- positive
ngatire impackshih
tuhich need -to be asessed.

Diseot impacts:- , irteraction oy the

Dinect impacts occus by the diect
wth an environmertal compornent
immediately seen (i, they occUs immedi
These aue
Öiplacanent o people, deiestaton.
the envionment ae not a diect
Andiect impacts on immédiateluy
panject"these are not seen
Acult the aets asger aueas.
but occus in the qutue and
Floods, ath quakesjacid'hain'
Short tmpacks -

"These, ase thehé impacts

impacts which ocús toi shotter
dubaton miosty dubing conastrucion pesibd
-.. Du polluction, nolse pollicton.
tesmimpacts:- hese ae-he pemancnt
impacts which ae sRen longea
Acid nain, global unbming, disposal &

Revexsibie inmpcts:"
Some of he iripacts caused by the develapra
shot ten tooul be
Aevesed by conthof measuEs
Eyi Alintea pollution can be contoled
Eglunt Ttotment Plont (ETÉ).
Sbil eosion Caused by degoesttiön (onbe
y platation.
Ievessible ipocts :
ohich cont be
impacts ane the Iong -tem inpdck.
Eat Loss of endongeaed or
Species dueto
Loss ok destructo.%
valuoable mineAa! resoACes:
Evionmental Monagement Plon EM¾) o)
EMP includes !
Migis Miiqotion meaunes to
inopocks. minimize acvesG
Measses to enhance
»Tdentißed isks and uncestoin1ties.
onnental Iegislations
Envionmental egis lalions atandands
& utich
>Resouaces ond tunds.
EMP.prÙvides the detailed plan to aeduce aid avoid
Hhe advense impacts caused by the developmentol
activities on the envixonment.
Envisonmertol Impact statement (ETS)
The. jindings of the EIA study c hepotpd inin a

document called as EIS lhis FIS includes.:

3Descaiption of -the paoject site
) Impact caused by the paoject.
ond ii) thei EMP (envivonwnent Management Plar
of IS-) Daayt EIS 4 ) Fnal EIS.
Daat ETS T It is a document paepascd by

o conaultancy which, indudes

ophe EIA agency
des cxip tion , nvi vornmental impaets he
projeet EI^" will
inipact mitiggtionThe drat
oiPAbjet and
e ciacuated -tothe project-acted people, publi,
sivate and localbagehcies to, sevies.
b) Final ETS :-- TH is the dnt EIS iodiied tohi
(oioukncludes the discasion o paoblems bnd objec
-ons Aaiscd by projct-aygcted people. feople
aue not invited to comment on (inal ETS gthis
ELS wil be sent to gova.nrnert kot decision mok
EIA methodolbqies EIA methods apes of ETA
» Aa hoc method.
>Check List method These are the
types oy EIA
s Netwok method.)
>Ad-hoc method :
In Ad hoc method, expets hom ETA tea
assemble to conduct ETA: the conclusions o eape
-tó ue
we based! on -thei noisledqe, expesience f.
NA thaininq.his is a simple method based on
Subjective em enviomitital inpacts on brood ape
Fcs?is meiled is 'sedircohen there, is time
cDnstaaint, aick o ingönoior and dus to
1 incial easonths is hot the' secommendedmetho
as it is Connpletely baed on n.capet's opinjon
Check-List method i-s it for a da
etfectotveve DJTST| LTRIR
& Ais 1

- Wate revo

Bpulat X
Check list means, listing of potetial ,onuito nntental
inpacts çaustd by the developmental paojects.This
method is., used to aseas the natuse of impacts
ie advee, bencicial, shot tom, Jong tebm, nD
eect, aNeAJible imeNesi ble etc-. Tn check list,
componerts ae taken on a one side e
on the'
the natune impacts caused by, the poject
other side.
lhen a pioject. activty is espected to cau a

inthe envinonmental component; the, notuse

impact i noted. by- placing a C0sS mauk (x) oi
check mak at the intesection o the row and
column, o the, check list: Finals, check noks can
be counted and appopiiote concsions ae made bs
the ETA team.
DMatix method :
frojet 'Aetivities.
M Pre |ConstructionOperation Total
I - phaae fmipact




PopulaBion +10
Mataimethol as designed by Leopld.
Iy matrix,project acttvites 'oe listet
hoizontally' & enwinonmertal e domporeits Veke.
y aa paaject 'activity dcts an envik
diogonaf 8 slash (/) s
-ntal, componcnt; a
placed at, the intesection 'o the project acti
and the enviaonmert componcnt. Above the diab
tmagnitudesevexty ^ the impact is Jia
ving a scoe o I-io: Below the diagorat',
impotancfestenaiór "o thé impact is inditate!
by jfving.
cct'selatiouhip betücen the paeetat
vties and the 'enniaonmnental eoimporeiti caàn

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