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Name: ______________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

Subject: English 10 Teacher: ___________________________________________

Lesson : Quarter 2 Week 1 LAS 2
Activity Title : Language of Advocacy
Learning Target(s) : Formulates an advocacy on social issue presented
Reference : SLM English 10 Module 1
LAS Writer : Joharto K. Utto
Literal language means exactly what it says. It does not use figures of speech.
Figurative language is a language that is indirect, connotative or goes beyond its literal meaning.
What is an Advocacy?

• Advocacy is an active promotion of a cause or principle which involves actions that lead to a
selected goal. It is also one of many possible strategies, or ways to approach a problem that
does not necessarily involve confrontation or conflict.

• Advocacy is a text form that uses different text types such as persuasive, informative,

Text Forms Language Example

Pass the message to kick out corona virus.

either literal (Figurative - It means to get rid.)

or figurative Educate the community to prevent the spread of corona virus.
descriptive, narrative, and argumentative.

The statements below speak about an environmental issue which has become a perennial
problem in the country.

Advocacy #1 Let’s Educate everyone to practice Proper Waste Management

Advocacy #2 Proper Waste Management is best done with multitude hands and minds.

This time, you will make your own advocacy highlighting your understanding of the issue on
“Malnutrition”. Be guided by the following questions as your clues in crafting your advocacy: Write
your answer on your answer sheet.

What is the issue all about?

What is your goal? Who is your target?

What do you want to convey?

Literal Figurative

Use literal in box 1 and figurative in box 2.

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