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\ 273
Nnturo of Rnrlintlon m1rl Mnlfrt

K111,1'( c-. In, - ff'n N11111lwr or pholonr, cmilktl f'l"r •,t'f oml of
fn·qu\:111 y 11 lio11111 lamp of pr,w,·1 I',,
Por \I> \lo
or d~, ~.:. /,u - cf'o == /,,, I' /'A
/1\1 ,,,
Jl' Hro~lic wnvcH (Motter wave'-) :
or rV0 = ""'" 111-( - ~ ).
11 u,,dlation ht1:-. dual nuturc:, W,lVl' ;md p;ir11d~,
"'hl'f't' 0 11 ::: 1hrcsh11ld frc:qm.:nq• 'I lw 1mlltn· nf 1.:xpcr111wnl tl«·tl·1·m111c·, wlic-thcr
Ao ::-·tbrc:slwhl W,l\'l'knglh u wnvc or n parlid«· d,::,cripti,,11 1·, he~I ,111tcd
'),. ::: indtknl wavl'll'ngt h for umlt·n,1 a11di llJ~ l he•- l')(JH' ri mc:nl al r«·,uh.
Eins1l'in's phntcwkclric t·quatinn is in llta:,oninv, lhal nuliati,m ;uuJ 111;11lt·r \hould
acc~rdancc: with the law ,l( conscrvnlinn of lw synu11I·I l'i< .11 Jn nhl II n:, 1.oui•, \/itt,,r de
Broglit itll rihu1ctl. a wa'lt lik<· d1;
lo matter (mnl<!rial _parlidt·,). '111<' wa·,c"i
0 oual nature of radi.\lion : \Van~ t henry a:-ism:i.111:d wilh IIH! 11v,vi11g lllHlerial p;lrtide:,
of clcctronrngnclic radialion expl.,ins lhc
;ire known 111: ll)alli:r WilVC 1, or de Bro~~i•~ wave~.
phenomenon or inlcrlerc1\(C, diffrnclion i.\l)d
de Broglie wavelength : ·rhc de Hroglie
polnrisation. On lhr other hand, pholodccl ric wc1vclcngth as~;odatcd with,. moving particle
effect is supported 'by part iclc nature or lighl. is related to ils momentum ar,
Hence, we assume dual nature of light.
de Broglie wavelength, ).., = = _1!._
TI1c photons: ~[11csc arc l he packets of energy p mv
(or energy particles) \.Vhich are emitted by a where m is the mass or the particle, "is the
source of radiation. The photons emitted velocil)' or the particle, p is the momcnlum
from a source, travel through space with the of Lhc particle.
same speed c (equal to the speed of light). de Broglie wavelength is independent
he of the charge and nature of the material
Energyof a p11oton E= hu=- particle.
' A, ln terms of kinetic energy K,. de Broglie
where, u = frequency, .A = wavelength
,· 1 1.-! • • ,..c,,-·"i - h
J,• = P.JillJbk'~_co1~c10-.t~ spez·i ("t· --;);:- ·, · .!'• 1-s-grven iJy /\,-= - - ~ .

Momentum of photon is &K

E /ru - lf a particle of charge q is accelerated
p=-=- through a potential, difference V, its
c C

The rest mass of photon is zero. de Broglie wavelength is given by

. E hu h
'Ihe moving mass m of photon 1s m = - 2 = -2. A= ~~c1V
• C c
All photons of 'light of a particular ( 150 )lil
·1 ) J ti For an electron, A= - V
frequency v or wavcicngt 1 1. 1ave 1c same .

energy E (= htJ.-: !!f,.-):

and_,· ~momentum - Por. a gas molecule of mass m ,n
lempcrnlurc T kelvin, ils de Broglie

P(== he"= h }wha~ev~r be· ·;he intensity of wavchmglh is given by A.=-,/,. \

t, • whcr<.' k i_s the Boltzrnann cons~ . rnl.
ra diation. 1 f. .t f ._ D
>h • • · dependent o intcnsi YO •
I ot01tenergy 1s 111 • . .
w avisson and Germer ,
Davisson _nnd Gc.n1,cr pt•i·t'orml~d nn
radiation. • . d •b , clcclric and experiment to sl udy lh~ \\\\\;(, • n:\l \ll\' of
Photons are not defleclc } elect r~lns ,,s st~ggt:sll't\ by lk Hroglh•.
. (such as
magnetic fields.
. r le co.11.1s1on •
AccoJcling· tins ~XPl'rim1..•nl llw 1.l•·-1'\r•,vl·t~·
'" ,o ,
In. a photon-par . _rtl1c to'tal energy. ."', wave lcn,,1h 1 - l.227
JC_ .
photon-electron colhsion), d ________e:,_ I\, .nm
, re conserve • . - __..___
and total 1nomentum a

OiiAl Narure of Rndln11on tma MArtor
// '
-(3m 6rks)
(Jl 1>ri,w thl, ~r.aph fur thrc,· dill,,, 11 1 ',du,~
14. In 1hr ~h,,~· of n photoclt•ll' h di. •11 lltlrn._11,c·,

uf lndllcnl ,.,ii, "'" 11 I I
g1'llph hl'l\\'\~t•n lhl' i-.loppin>t pnl,·n1i,,~\~ th ,· null l,U, > / 1 > t,)hi1vlogs, 1111 1 1,, 'l' • 11 ' •
frc,1m·1h )' "ot tlw "" lih·n1 , , 1 t. • •\ltd (11/ ,l///11
, l 1,1
chlfrr~nt llH'\n Is ,, 1\ntl C) I• ·I\OWII 1111\ Ill\ I\y11 Jff, Slw1r1_1 the gr.iphs showing v.1r1.,111111 .,f
. ,1 ., 1Iii
,lnpp,11" pnhmli.11 with frc,1ue1Ky of 111( ,d,·111
t 4
r•11 h,it111"' lor two photo~t•11Mt1vr 11 1•11 ( 1 ,.d•,
A111111Hl111vl11g threshold fr~qu,•n(l~II \i,.a • 11 11
I' 2
(Vl (I) 111 which ca~ j._ the stopping
(I more nnd why?
\1()( 10"1111
pi) I>uc11 lhl· slope or the graph lkpcnd ()11
(i) Which one of the two mctal!i JH,s higher thC' nal11rc of tl11: rnalenal u:,cd ; Expl;11 n
threshold frequency? (Al 20/111
(ii) Determine the work function of the J9, Plot a graph r.howing the variation of
metal which has greater value. pholoclcctric rnrrcnl with inlcn'lily of light
(iii) Find the maximum kinetic energy of 1~c work function for the following rm:tah I'>
electron emitted by light of frcque given.
8 x l O Hz for this metal. (Deli1;
ncy Na: 2.75 eVand Mo: 4.175 cV.
Which of these will not give photoelcctron
15. Using photon picture of light, show how emission from a radiation of wavelength
Einstein's photoelectric equation can be 3300 A. from a laser beam? What happens if
established.v\Tritetwofeaturesofphotoelectric t~e source of laser beam is brought closer?
effect which cannot be explained by wave (Foreign 2016)
theory. (AI 2017) '20: Define the term "cut off frequency in
Eplain giving reasons for the following: photoelectric emissi_on. The thr~shold
/a) Photoelectric current in a ph t frequency of a metal 1s f When the light of
.mcreases WI"th the • 0 11
. oche frequency
• t s·ty of th '"' •d t a· t· m t e h . 2f is incident on the metal plate.
- - m en r e 1uc1 en ra ta--1011.
(b) The stopping potential (V0) varies linearly
1 ·t e maximum
veloqty of photo-ele
ctron is Y1•
n· 11tn t he frequency of•the .mc1.dent rad'1atio
••• "' 1 Hn..
is increased to SJ, the maximum velocity. f
• t
with the frequency (\J) of the incident photoelectrons is v2. Find the ratio v1 : v2.
radiation for a given photosensitive (Foreign 2016)
surface with the slope remaining the 2i. Describe briefly three experimentally
same for different surfaces.(2/3, Al 2017) observed features in the phenomenon of
17. The following graph shows the variation of photoelectric effect. (2/3; Al 2015)
photocurrenl for a photosensitive metal: i2. A beam of monochromatic radiation is
+ incident on a photosensitive surface. Answer
Photocurrent the following questions giving reasons.
(a) Do the emitted photoelectrons have the
same kinetic energy?
(b) Docs the kinetic energy of the emitted
electrons depend on the intensity of
A O X incident radiation?
(a) Identify the variable X on the horizontal (c) On what factors docs the number or
axis. • emitted photoelectrons depend?
(b) What does the point A on the horizontal (Foreign 2015)
axis represent? ;23. Define the terms (i) 'cut-off voltage and (ii) _
(c) Draw this graph for three different values threshold f~·equency1 in relation to the
of frequencies of incident radia~ion u!,U2 phenomenon of photoelecfric effect.
and u3 (Ui > u2 > u3) for same intensity•. (213, Al 2012)

'5)cam Sca~er
\ "!'

l1 . Draw a R CBSE Champion Physi t .,

. . grap h between the frequency · -~
l~c,dent radiation (u) and of tsei~ , '~ §
the max\mum 30, vVhy photodcclric effccl connut he cit t "-
kmetic energy of the electron 011 lh<' hasis of wuvc nnturc of I '
s cmitkd from liglit. Pa\ ~~
'the surface of a photosen
sill\'~ materiol. (2/J, nru,, 2o
State dearly how this graph
determine 0) Planck's cons\nn\
Gm h~ used lo
ilnd (ii) work
f t ll
(S marks)

funcHon of the material. 31. Wrilc three uhservcJ

features o~ pholqcltctlic
(F,>n:ig11 2012)
25. Draw " graph !\how effect which cn11 not be cxp
ing the varh\tion of la11wd hy wave?
stopping potcnlia\ wi\h freque . l1l•
tI1cory o(' Ig (2/5, Ill 2fJl5<·
ncy of i·ncldenl ,)
radiation for two photosens 32. Explain bridly Ihe reason
itive materi als s ~hy wave: thc ,,ry
having work function$ \\1 and . . 11 , . ll(>I ·iblc to expla,n
o( 11g

1 \\'2(W 1 >W2), l IS. • . lhe obsc:rvcd
Write two important conclu features ltt pholoclcclnc cffecl
sions thal can be . , .
drawn from the study of
these plots. (2/5, 1'orerg11 20 IO)-·
11 .6 Einstein's
) (Al 2012C
26. Draw a plot sho Photoelectric
wing the variation of
photoele ctric current with collec Equation • Energy Quan
potential for two differ tor plate tum
ent frequencies,
u 1 > u 2, of incident radiati
on having the same
of Radiation
intensity. In which case
potential be higher? Justify
will the stopping 1 4 H (1 mark)
you"r answer.
· 33. Name the phenomeno
(AI 2011) n which shows the
quantum nature of electroma
gne_tic radiation.
I J a (5 marks~--- - - - - - (A I 2017)
2i. Figure shows a plo
t of stopping potential marks) __ __ _ .. __ __ __ _
0 ) with frequency (u) of incident
for two photosensitive ma radiation 34. !flight of waveleng
terial M1 and M • th 412.5 nm is incident on
Explain. 2 each of the metals given in
table, which ones
• (i) why the slope of bot will show photoelectric em
h !he li,nes is_ same? ission and why?
(ij) for which materi
al emitted electrons Metal/ ...WorlcFunctio
have greater kinetic ene n.(eV)
rgy for the same Na /
frequency of incident radiati 1.92
on? ,
K I 2.15
Ca 3.20
l'o Mo 4.17
'------''-- 35. Using the graph shown
in the figure for
(3/5, Al 20/SC) stopping potential 11s the
incident frequency
28. Define the terms of photon s, calculate Planck's consta
'threshold frequency' nt.
and 'stopping potential
' in the study of
photoelectric emission.
(2/5, F~reign 2010)
11.5 Photoelectric Effect and 1.4
Wave Theory of Light
> 0.8 :
(3 marks) 5 x 10·1 1lz :
OA '
29. Discuss briefly how '
wave theory of light
cannot explain photoelectr 2 '1 6 8 10
ic effect. U( 10'1Hz)
(2/3, Al 2015)
(Ddhi 20/SC)

CamScanner 1r

•r---··-·AJIEl &:rs' CB:SE B:oa,.rd,Q,uestio,ns t

I b id i:ese Champ1o

l .. . ·-- ~, ..- -- ·= -- --
-- --" "·' ".

11.4 Experimental Study of u,, u1 n1ul 11, rt~Jlt'cllvcly
Photoc\cctric Effect phoh,,rn~lUvt r.
li'iiil ll mMk) l'nlnl 11111 lht lwo l'llrVts
In< hlrnl r;ull.111011!1 hJvt s,un, Wh\ h
\. \)r;\W gr.,pl" '"'" 'in ~. \',\fl,,ll
iu, c:
nn or dll(rrcnt lnlrn"lllrs.
photndrl."trk nH tl'II I with llCJ
•'\'\'lil'll ,·oll.,gt for 1111111wk,1,11 cuu,111
two ilh·_idrnl r,Hli.\\itrn, of
l',\\le\\ frc,\\ltl\CY
:md d11krl'nt inll·m1li1:~. ~li
nk \he gr.,ph for
the r;i\li,,1ion of hi~hcr intr
n!li\y. (201ft)
2. ln photod_rdric .e~
tet, why shouM lbt
rhotodCTtnc current mcrca
sc as the lntcnslly rollntnr r'•'' J'flltnh<II
of mcmochromatlc: ndlatinn ([Jtlhl-'Uln..
rhotosensitiw surfaet ls lne incident on a
ttascd? Explain. & ff ll (2 marks)
(f-ortig n 2014) JO. (i) Monodmunal _t
J. The givffl graph ic light of
t frc,1ut •
shows the variation of 6.0 x 10'" llz is pro<lu,~d
by a la~r. 1hr
photoelectric current (I) I power emiucd is 2.0 x IO ' W.
number of photons emitted per imate lht
\la'SUS applied voltag
e second °"ii
(V) average by the source.
photofor two differcnt
sensitive materials ;
and for two different (ii) Draw a plot showing
the variation •• ii
inttnsitics of the _ photoelectric current versus
• "d t di t·
___ .._ __ incident radiation on a given intensity«
ma en ra a 10ns. v- 'photosensi~
Identify the pairs of curves (Delhi 201n
that correspon~ 11. Two
~a at mateoalspiirsa
iacidairadiation.? irie jptensity of --- ~. freg
· (Delhi
~o noc hro ma tic
uel!9~t.'UJ ~a!l<!__Ui~ ~l2 Y2 ~
radiations .
~d ha,,ng,
4. rt ___ .,_ a
~ t th 2013 ) the same intensity are m tuJ
,iJ1JVW' vu y.&v e
tu • f . . f pho 'n, mc1dent ~t :
photoelectric current withre O vanation O tosensitiv
the. intensity of Issi Exe1sur face to du 1 se photoe\ •
·a, · · 'd · h
radr ,on mc1 ent on ap otosen . . · em ?n. p,a

case (1) more number of r~
• •
g1v mg •
on , m .
s1t1ve sunace. em1'tt d d (") electrons will
(Delhi 2013C) e a? 11 maxim • ki •
5. Why is photoelectric em · um
of the emitted photoelectrons• n~ttc ene
ission not possible at will be
aJJ frequencies? (Dellai 201
(Al 2012C)
6. Define the term 'stopp 12. Plot a graph showing the variati
ing on
relation to photoelectric effect potentiar in potential with the frequency ofsto •
. (AI 201 l) of indd
7. Define the term 'thresh radiation for two different_
old frequency' in photosens\t.
relation to photoelectric effect materials having work functio
. W2(Wr> W2). On what fact~~ \\'l
(Foreign 2011) do1.'S the
slllpe and (ii) intercept of the
8. For a given photosensiti
ve mater line~ dtpc
a source of constant freque ial and with (lltll1i 20I
ncy of incident 13. Tuo monochromatic mJ
radiation, how does the ph falions,
with the intensity of incident
otocurrent vary violet, of the same lntenslty, blue
light? on n photoscnsltl,ic surfa« .lnd
• (Al 201 JC) and
9. The figure shows a photoclcctrlc emission. \\'maid
plot of three curves a, (I) 1he ri
b c showing the variation of ofelectrons tmltteJ per srcond
.a~d (~
v~ collector plate potential for photocurrent maximum klnctlc' energy of
tl\e el~•11•
three different e,1ual ln the two cases? Justify
intensities JJ• 12 and 1 hav
3 ing frequencies your
--- ----
I <J y:
. 111,e of Radiation and Matter
3/ fJS
6· \\ ly thl' thr
•, I
eer salient fo·l lur( •s
alio S
,,ife E1nstcms p lolod~ctric l'l)U 11 • • hllc
n 1lscrvctl In
• (I) Wh:11 will Ii('
2. (./ 1_ ,,v 217
7. (-; J_J
·• 11 ~' 1
,h--tt, •• t'lln v,y ,,r
J c1c:ir . .
c,. ,1 . the l'IUillc.•,I dl' l l I""' • I ( I II(' 1 •

ctn c d1e ct, wh ich ran hl' ""' '' Y .. 1 ltv,hi

• owele I l "1 a111
c•d wll JI s,,111(• wavd,<11/,1, 1I "dr111l"'ill·d ,
11 ,·
. r tltC b,ts1s o l 1c a >ovr
• equal Ion • (/ \ 1·"" (}) 1) If I
(1 I It' Mlf fl(' 11,,1, ,1 I., II , "" :111111)1cr "'rf. 1c.. ('
of Work f lie- th('
, llftC lion r, ', c·V, wl1.11 will
~( Jm ar ks ) Ir" ''''·
t_hc.• crn~ssion of energy of l'ntitlc.'J l'lt·l (I,, ,, 11,,1 20 I I)
(i) 1-{ow does on r explain. wllh
J7• kctrons from il pho1osens111v
c.• surf ace
hdp of Einstdn's photodcclric equ
ation? IJlll (smarks)
.11 ,on
the following 43. fl,cplain how EinRlcin'~ plr olo dcc r ric. cq,1
(ii) 1lte ,~ork function of lcctric cff~ct
metals is given : Na = 2.75 eV,
K = 2.J cV, is llsl'd lo describe p/i,,roc
cV. Which of {J/S, 111201 S(,J
Mo== 4.17 eV and Ni = 5.15 so;'sfacrorily.
these metals will not cause
th 3300 A e
emission for radiation of waveleng
111 away from
11.~Partic/e Nature of Li gh t: Th
from a laser source placed I ., Photon
pens if the Jaser
these metals? What hap
pla ced SO cm
source is bro ugh t nearer and
(Delhi 2017) U,ft (lmark)

stein's on on the basi~ of

two im por tan t features of Ein 44. Define intensity of radiati
3s. (i) State s.r. uni t.
photoelectric equ atio n. ppoton picture of light. Wr ite its
,., .
Hz is incident (Al 201 4)
(ii)Radiation of fre que ncy 10
es p and Q. .
on two photosensitive surfac iati on in pho ton

from surface P. 45.;~efine 'int ens ity' of rad

There is no pho toe mis sio n _nkture of light.
(De lhi 201 2)
surface Q but
Photoemission occ urs fro m
kinetic energy.
photoelectrons have zero (2_f!1~r~s)_____ _ ___ _
find the value
Explain these observations and of pho ton s wh ich
of work function for surface Q.
(Delhi 201 7) 46 .ri te thre e bas ic pro per ties
in's -ph oro dec tric
_m ki11etic energy ,,.-)re. used. to obtarrr: ~in$1e
39. Give_ reason for maximy to dr.iw a plor
of the photoelectron s is ind epe nde nt of the iequation. Use this ~u ati on
~f maximum kinetic ~nergy of
intensity -of incident rad iati on.
(1/3, AI of inc id~ nt
emitted versus the frequenc}'
{A I 20 /-IC )
40. Write three characteristic features in radiation.
effect which can not be
explained on the basis of wave
theory of light, m1IiJ (3marks)
g Einstein's t, inte nsi ty of ligh1
47. In the wave pic lure of ligh
but can be exp lain ed onl y usjn
(Delhi 2016) of the .unplitud1.'
equation. is ddc rm inc d by the squ are
toelectric equation o(t hc wnvc. Wh at dct erm
in(' S the intc nsi t, in
41. Write Einstein's " pho
orta nt features in (213, ,\I _,,j /())
and me ntio n wh ich imp till' pho ton pictun.' of light?
lained with the
photoelectric effect can be exp ortm1t pro pt'r tit·s ol
48. (a) Write the imp
help of this equ atio n. nblish Eill stc1 11\
energy of the photons which arc usc:-d to ('St
The ma xim um kin etic plw loc lrct rk t•quation.
d when the
pho toe lec tron s gets dou ble n tht rtH h'l' f'l ( I f
wavelength of ligh t inc ide nt on the surfoct' (h) Usl ' this equation lo c.·xpl,,i
to A. Der ive the exp ressions '(j) threshold frcqut.•ncr
nnd (ii) ~1111lpin}~
cha nge s fro m /\.1 2 .
and wor k (Al _•01..:;1
gth )i.
for the thre sho ld wav elen 201 5) potential.
th . (De lhi
fun ctio n for e met al surf ace of ph()ton pkl lm: nf
0 A foJis on .1 metal
49~ Wrill' th,· basic fr·,tturl'S
42. Light of 1aveJkcngth 200 wh kh Hinstl'in'.s
O wor . fun ctio n 4.2 cV. Wh al is the
dL·ctromai;nclk md iati on t)t\
sur fac e t'll
fostt'st elec tron s pho lod ect rk ~qu atio n is has
kin etic ef:nergy 1(•n eV) of?the (!/3 , Dd hi .lO I 3)
em itte d rom t le surface

Ca mS can ner 1
I 276

50. Wrlle Elnsldn'!I phn1t,drctrk rtjttrtllon

• cuse c11nmp1on Phy~,()J (,1414 ,2

911, W,11r· 1h1 rxpre"lo11 r,,, the <lr

1 Hu,,J1,

point out "")' 1wn drnrm 1t•rl~ t II' propo r11,,, . w11vrlrn1tll111\J(H litlrd "'''''II,
hr,rwrl p,>rffde
hnvtu~ d1nrw· ',{ owl mnr. \ ·,,,; wl,rn It 1,
of photons on whkh thi~ c,11111t Ion I~
bn1c d.
11,, f'l1•1111r,I hy 11 pnlrnllnl V.
(/ti lfJJJJ
BrkrJy cxplnln rhc rhrcl' ,,h~l'fVC'd '""''" '''~
1''1 1111110 "· 1'9, A pm11111 (·l,·ll,,,n have rjamr J,Jncti(
11111I ,,,,
which cnn he cxplnlncd hr thl,i 1rr de Hrrw)J4
(Al 201.1) t'lll'IMY· Whl, l1 ,uw l111'1 grr11
w11vdc111(1h 1111d why? (Al 2012)
51. Stntc three importnnt propcrt "'~ or
photon~ d,
<,O. Show m1 n groph the vnrh,llrm of the
•hkh drscrlhc the pnrtldc picture of Hrnl(llt• wnvdcn81l1 O~) a11&r,cialcd with an
(lkllti 20/J(.') ing
;;ectromngnctic radi'1tlon. dc•c:lrun, wllh lhc fit111nre rool of accelerat
52 _ Write Eins
teins pho1odcctrk C(fllnllo11.
polr111lnl ( V). (I/J, l'orrlxn 2012)
Mention the undcrl) lng proper! ics

61. Show grnphlcnlly, the vurialJon o(

tht tk.
photons on the basis of which this equal Inn Broglie wnvclcn81li (M wlth the pote ntia l(~
obtained. \.\'rite two impo rlnnt obse rvations
through which (111 clcclron is acce lerated fr<Jm
ofphotoelectric effect wllich con be explaine rest. (/Je/hi 20JJ)
(Al 201 JC)
by Einstein's equation. roglit
tion. State 62. Write the relationship o( de-H
53. \'vrite Einstein's photoelectric equa with a cle of
wavelength A associated parti
clearly how this equation is obta ined
photon picture ofelectromagnetic radiation.
Write the three salient features observed
using the

expl aine
mass m in terms of its

63. A partic~e. is moving three

kine tic ener
(De/J,/ 201 JC)
times as fast
gy E.
photoelectric effect which can as an electron. The ratio of the de Brog
(Del hi 2012 )
using this equation. wavelength of the _particle to that of the
rved in
54. Write two characteristic features obse electron is 1.813 x 10-". Cakulate the partic
h supp ort the phot on (AI 201 JC)
photoelectric effec·t whic mass and identify the particle.
picture ofelectromagnetic radiation .
(2/3, Foreign 2012) l-'1411 (2 marks) 4
55. 'Write Einsteins photoelectric equa
tion, lerated !
64. An a-particle and a proton are acce
giving the points of the photon~
pjtµre ntial difference. Find
through the same -pote
gnet ic radiation on· wh ir, this de Broglie wav elen gths : \
of electroma the ratio of their
equation is based. •State three ol:>served •• (Delhi 2017) \
features of photoelectric effect which can
be de
The wavelength '),. of a photon and the
explained by Einsteins equation. (AI 2012G) Broglie wavelength of an electron hav~ the 1
2271 A is
56. (a) Ultraviolet light of wavelength same value. Show that energy of a photon
a (2A mc/h)times the kinetic energy of elect
from a 100 W mercury source is incid on
photocell made of molybdenum metal. If the where m; ·c and h have their usual meaning.
(Foreign 2016) j
stopping potenti~l is 1.3 V, estimate the work :sam~,
function of the metal. 66. A proton and an a-particle have the
de Broglie waveJehgth. Dete rmin e the ratio of,
(b) How would the photocell respond to high
intensity (10 W/rri2) red light of wavelength
5 (i) their accelerating potentials ~l

(ii) their speeds,. (Delhi ~0151

6328 Aproduced by a He- Ne Jaser?
(Delhi 201 lC) 67. A proton and a· deuteron are accelerat
ing pote_ntial.'
through the same accelerat . '
11.8 Wave Nature of Matter Which one of the 1wo has
(a) greater value of de-Broglie wavelength
R H (1mark) associated with it, and
of de .
57. Draw a plot showing the variation (b) less momentum?
" ~;
Broglie wavelength of electron as a function Give reasons ·to justify your answer.
(Delhi 2015C) (Delhi 2014)
ofits K.E. .}

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