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Major Development Program: Storm Surge modeling, training, and study visits to National Oceanic

and Atmospheric Administrations (NOAA) scientific centers.

My Personal Reflection:

The Storm Surge program is really

important. It gives communities tools to

know and deal with bad weather impacts. In

the picture, scientists are working together at

NOAA centers, showing how much they care

about learning more. For me, this program is

like taking action early to handle problems

caused by climate change. It's cool to see experts working together, reminding us how working together

globally is key to facing big challenges. This program matters because it helps communities get ready for

bad weather. It's all about figuring out how storms will affect us and finding ways to lessen the impact.

Looking closely at storm surges helps us understand how severe weather works, which is super

important for making plans to keep people safe.

The picture of scientists working together is a powerful image. It tells us that people from different

places and backgrounds are teaming up to understand weather patterns better. This teamwork is crucial

because it helps us see the big picture and deal with climate change effects everywhere. Seeing experts

collaborate is not just cool but also a reminder that solving tough problems needs everyone's skills. The

Storm Surge program, by bringing together smart people from different parts of the world, is like a bright

spot showing how we can face the challenges of climate change together. It gives hope and shows that

when people work together, we can find solutions to big issues.

Major Development Program: Registered 1.3 million fisherfolk to give them access to Government of
the Philippines (GPH) basic services and help in fisheries conservation.

My Personal Reflection:

Registering 1.3 million fishermen is good because it includes and empowers them. The picture

shows different people getting important services, which is a big step for fairness. I really like this

program because it makes me feel like we're all taking care of each other and the environment. It's nice

to see a big effort to keep fisheries safe and help the people who depend on them. When 1.3 million

fishermen sign up, it means they are being included and given power. In the picture, we see many

different people getting important things they need. This is a big step toward treating everyone fairly. I

like this program because it makes me feel like we are all helping each other and taking care of the

environment. It's great to see a big effort to keep fisheries safe and make life better for the people who

depend on them.
Major Development Program: Use of renewable energy and environment-friendly alternative energy
to realize the guiding vision, "Energy Access for More."

My Personal Reflection:

Choosing renewable energy is a big step for a better future. The picture shows new and clean

ways to make energy, like using the sun and wind. For me, this program means we're moving ahead and

doing the right thing. Seeing progress in cleaner energy makes me hopeful for a cleaner world. It makes

me think about how much energy I use and how we all need to take care of the environment. Choosing

solar and wind power over things like coal is important because it helps stop bad things going into the

air. The image is like proof that these cleaner ways of making energy are actually happening. Personally,

this program is like a sign of moving forward. It's about each of us doing our part to help the

environment. When we see good things happening in cleaner energy, it makes us feel like things are

getting better.

This whole thing also makes me think about the energy I use in my daily life. It's like a reminder

that we all play a role in taking care of the Earth. Small things, like turning off lights when we don't need

them, add up to a bigger positive impact. In short, going for renewable energy is like saying yes to a

better future. The picture shows us cool ways to make energy without hurting the Earth. It makes me

feel like we're making progress, and it's a reminder for all of us to be mindful of how we use energy.

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