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Midterm Reviewer – GED 106 over their business cards with two

hands and with great care, they get

 Consultative – seeking for advice
insulted when the person receiving just
 Goal of intelligibility - One of the extremes of
put it away with haste.
World Englishes states that users of a regional
3. Blinking rapidly while another person is
variety should ideally still be readily understood
talking is normal for most people,
by users of English everywhere else in the world
especially during tense situations. For
to fully participate in the use of English as an
Taiwanese, this is considered impolite
international language.
 Organization – creating an outline before writing
 Classifications of new media:
an essay
1. Online newspaper
 Creole – Gullah and the Patwa
2. Social Media
 In creating multimodal text, these must all be
3. Computer Games
considered: purpose, audience, context
 Poorly written communication – typographical
 Computer mediated communication is
considered as dialogical because it carries
 Failure to listen – scrolling through Facebook
expectation of continuous exchange
while there is an on-going meeting
 Intimate - an inside joke between two high
 Steps in Communication Planning
school friends or sweet nothings whispered to
1. Research and analyze current situation.
your special someone.
2. Establish goals and objectives (short and
 Multimodality - a fairly new concept in the
long term).
general academic setting, but can be a very
3. Identify the target audience (what they
powerful tool in light of digital and multicultural
know, what influences them,
communication impediments, etc.).
 Indigenized variety – Singaporean English
4. Conceptualize on key messages.
 Clarity- to the message and why it has to be sent
5. Strategize on communication styles and
 Language varieties - It is also called “lects”,
these refer to the different variants of a
6. Evaluate and anticipate.
language that can be sufficiently delimited from
 Competitors of Facebook – Friendster, Hi5,
one another in terms of social, historical, or
geo-spatial factors.
 Examples of semiotic resources:
 Language in the new media can also be called
1. Language
2. Gestures
1. Electronic discourse
3. images
2. Keyboard-to-screen communication
 Context should be considered in creating a
3. netspeak
multimodal text in order for the message to be
 Systematic – Low expressiveness + low
clearly delivered through various semiotic
resources, and to determine how the text will
 To address authority or hierarchy issues within a
be read by different people having different
team, managers should promote harmonious
cultural backgrounds.
relations among team members
 Live- “Ang Huling El Bimbo: The Musical”
 Focus or listening problems - team members are
 Communication styles acc. to Dr. Eileen Russo:
distracted by their own thoughts, short
1. Direct
attention spans, or environmental barriers
2. Spirited
 Some team members are losing trust in each
3. Systematic
other, cooperation among team members is
4. Considerate
lacking, and there are instances of disapproval
 Past experience - professor ignored his inputs
or disrespect from colleagues or immediate
during their last session, that’s why he doesn’t
superiors. - Provide regular feedback and
provide inputs in class anymore
coaching to team members
 Examples of cultural insensitivity:
 good oral communication skill is important in
1. Showing the sole of a shoe means
the workplace because it is primarily valued for
nothing to observers in most Western
closing business agreements
and Asian countries. In Muslim cultures.
 Continuous evolution and response to user
However, the gesture is perceived as
needs - significant factor contributing to the
success and survival of social media platforms
2. The Japanese view the business card as
 Diversity in communication skills is critical for
an extension of their body, while
navigating both social interactions and
Americans view it simply as a business
professional endeavors – summarizes the
formality. Hence, when Japanese hand
importance of diversity in communication
 delivers a presentation using simple language  If there is an intent to conceal the truth, or bring
and visual aids to ensure her audience grasps damage to any organization, group or individual
the main points – this best exemplifies clarity in person, communication is considered unethical.
communication  Casual language registers are conversational
 adjusting his speaking pace and tone when and appropriate when speaking or writing to a
presenting to different departments within his friend or to someone you know quite well.
company - this best demonstrates the concept  Code switching is using English and another
of flexibility in communication language in the same content.
 When communication genuine, open,  The purpose, audience and context must be
cooperative and sensitive to one’s cultural and considered in creating multimodal text.
social beliefs and practices, it is said to be  The purpose of communication planning is to
ethical inform, persuade and precent misundertanding.
 Factors which are considered as potential  Language in the new media is sometime called
communication barrier in audience analysis keyboard-to-screen communication.
1. Physical noise  Group membership or group affiliation or
2. Cultural differences exclusive grouping of team members can
3. Varying levels of expectations and sometimes create segregation.
 Audience analysis helps in tailoring the message
for the intended recipients – this best describes Goodluck FUTURE MANAGERS &

the importance of audience analysis in effective
 Leigh Branham’s suggestions to solve the issue
about Reasons Employees Leave
1. Improving coaching
2. Providing feedback
3. Setting up mentoring programs
 to avoid gender bias in a workplace, managers
should ensure that the issue on gender choice is
set aside in tackling issues
 Interpersonal - a person has several group chats
and engages simultaneously
 responsible use of social media primarily
focuses on positive impact and ethical behavior
 A text or an output is considered as multimodal
when it uses two or more communication
modes to make meaning
 Examples of multimodal text
1. Film
2. Video games
3. poster
 Formal - language register used in research
paper and government document , writing a
letter of resignation to your supervisor
 Examples of Regional Dialect
1. Cebuano
2. Ilocano
3. Waray
 Conyo language – English and Filipino language
are being mixed in a statement
 Multiculturalists - those who are respectful of
people with different cultures
 Empathy - speaker is sensitive to the needs and
interests of the receiver
 Cultural differences – common barrier to
effective communication
 Digital technology has erased territorial
boundaries among countries and among people
with varying cultures.

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