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Sean Mathieu E.

Labadan January 12, 2023

Grade 8 Darwin Entrepreneurship


"Indulge in Sweet Bliss: Unwrap the Delight of our Irresistible Choco and Double Choco Cookies!"

Clear Articulation of Your Product’s Function:

Our chocolate and double chocolate cookies offer a delicious and enjoyable treat for customers. They are
crafted using ingredients available in the grocery store, ensuring accessibility, while still providing a
delightful taste experience.

Define Who Your Product is For:

Our chocolate and double chocolate cookies are perfect for students, teachers, and staff who love sweet
snacks during breaks. We're focusing on students who want quick, affordable treats. Our goal is to be the
favorite snack choice at school by providing yummy, convenient options that fit busy schedules and tight

Why your product is Unique:

Our product stands out by providing a quick and delightful treat, combining fine affordability with
exceptional service that intrigues customers. Our commitment to swift and affordable indulgence sets us
apart, ensuring satisfaction with every delicious bite.

Conciseness and Specificity:

Satisfy your sweet cravings with our Choco and Double Choco cookies, made distinctively with quality
ingredients. Affordable, delightful, quick, and crafted for a unique snacking experience.


Our product will benefit you in terms of availability, affordability, accessibility and versatility snacking
experience. Designed with your time and budget in mind, our Choco and Double Choco focus on
delivering a small, affordable dessert that fits seamlessly into your fast-paced lifestyle. Experience the joy
of a delectable chocolate treat without sacrificing time or breaking the bank – a customer-centric
approach for those who appreciate both convenience and quality.

What’s in It For Me?

"Discover the distinct advantages for you our product offers affordability, quick service, and delightful
flavors. Enjoy a cost-effective, swift, and satisfying treat, ensuring a rewarding experience tailored just for
you during your breaks.

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