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College Of Engineering

Chemical Engineering Department

Production of bioethanol from sweet potatoes

A Project Submitted To The College Of Engineering Al-

Qadissiya University In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirement
For The Degree Of Bachelor of Science In Chemical

Prepared by Supervisor name

Saja Raed Dr. Salih A. Rushdi
Zahraa Abass
Year ( 2021 – 2022 )

‫الر ِح ِيم‬
‫الر ْح َم ِن ه‬ ‫ِب ْس ِم ه ِ‬
‫َّللا ه‬

‫) ِإنها فَت َ ْحنَا لَ َك فَتْ ًحا ُم ِبينًا)‬

‫صدق هللا العلً العظٌم‬

‫اآلٌة(‪)1‬سورة الفتح‬

‫اإلهداء *‬

‫إلى رسولنا الكرٌم وعترته الطاهرة‬

‫إلى من ساندنً فً كل خطوة من خطوات دراستً بل فً كل حٌاتً إلى من علمنً وحبب إلً‬
‫اإلمام المهدي صاحب الزمان (أبً) (عجل هللا تعالى فرجه الشرٌف)‬
‫إلى من كانوا شمعة تنٌر دربً‬
‫أبً الغالً أمً الحنونة‬
‫إلى من ساندنً طوال حٌاتً‬
‫أخً و أخواتً‬
‫إلى من علمنً حب المران الكرٌم وبذر بداخلً ومضة األمل‬
‫إلى كل من ولف بجانبً أثناء هذه الرحلة من زمٌالتً و زمالئً‬
‫والى كل األساتذة الكرام لكل من بذل جهد فً إٌصال العلم والمعرفة لنا‬

‫الشكر هلل تعالى على عونه وتوفٌمه‬
‫الشكر لصاحب زماننا ومهدٌنا على مساندته لنا‬
‫فً ختام جهدنا هذا ال ٌسعنا أال أن نعبر‬
‫بخالص امتناننا وجزٌل شكرنا الموصول‬
‫لصاحب الخلك والفضل المشرف على البحث‬
‫الدكتور صالح عبد الجبار لكل معلومة ومساعدة‬
‫وجهدا بذله من اجل إنجاح العمل ومرافمته لنا‬
‫فً كافة مراحل البحث ‪.‬‬
‫والى أساتذتنا الكرام الشكر لكم وفائك االحترام‬
‫لكل ما بذلتموه ألجلنا وان كان الشكر ال ٌجزي‬
‫والى كل من ساهم ولو بجزء بسٌط فً انجاز‬
‫هذا العمل‪.‬‬

1. Chapter One INTRODUCTION ...………...…………….…… (8)

1.1 Introduction………………………………….…….…..…………..(9)

1.2 Structure and chemical formula of ethanol………… (14)

1.3 use bioethanol ………………………………………………….(15)

2. Chapter Two Bioethanol Production Methods ..…… (18)

2.1Raw Materials and Their Pretreatment for Bioethanol


1.1-Raw materials that contain sugar…………………..(18)

1.2-Raw materials that contain starch…………………..(20)

2.1-Production bioethanol from corn…………………….(21)

2.2-Production bioethanol from date palm…………… (21)

2.3- Bioethanol Production from Raw Materials That Contain


2.4- Bioethanol Production from Raw Materials that Contain


2.5- Bioethanol Production from Raw Materials that Contain


3. Chapter Three Material Balance& ENERGY BALANCE …...(27)

3.1 Process description ………..………….……….….……………. ( 28)

3.2 Material balance for Reactor(101)…………………………. (30)

3.3 Material balance of Filter………………………………………. (31)

3.4 Material balance of Reactor(102)………………………….. (32)

3.5 Material balance of Distillation………………………………. (33)

3.1 Energy balance of Reactor(101)……………………………...(34)

3.2 Energy balance of heat exchange ………….………………..(35)

3.3 Energy balance for Reactor(102) ………………..….........(36)

3.4 Energy balance for Distillation Colum ………………..…..(38)

4. Chapter Four EQUIPMENT DESIGN………………………………...(41)

4.1 Design Of Distillation Colum ………………..…….……………..(42)

4.2 Design of Reactor (101) …………………..…..……..……………(45)

5. Chapter Five COST ESTIMATION………………………………….(47)

4.1 cost of Reactor(101) ……….………………………………………(48)

4.2 cost of filter……………………………………………………………… (49)

4.3 cost of Reactor(102)………………………………………………….(50)

4.4 cost of Distillation …………………………………………………….(51)

4.5 cost of heat exchange ……………………………………………….(53)

4.6 cost of tank ……………………………………………………………….(55)

Table 1.1 Bioethanol yield from algae…………….…………….(10)

Table 1.2 property bioethanol………………………………….….(12)

Table 1.3 physical properties of bioethanol………………….(13)

Table 1.4 global production of bioethanol………………..….(15)

Figure 1.1 Bioethanol market segmentation analysis….(11)

Figure 1.2 World Production of Biofuels……………………..(12)

Figure 1.3 The chemical structure of the bioethanol


Figure 1.4 The enzyme……………………………………………….(16)

Figure 1.5 corn……………………………………………………………(21)

Figure 1.6 The scheme of bioethanol production from lignocellulose containing

raw materials. 1=milling, 2=pretreatment, 3=saccharification, 4=heat exchanger,
5=propagator, 6=bioreactor, 7=stripping column, 8=rectifying column,
9=molecular sieves……………………………………………………..(26)




The depletion of the fossil fuel and global warming caused by the emission of
greenhouse gases from the combustion of fossil is currently driving researchers in
the direction of finding alternative and environmentally friendly fuel. Biofuels are
one of the numerous options being considered. Bioethanol is considered as the
most promising biofuel to replace gasoline, especially due to its properties. This
biofuel is a liquid oxygenated fuel containing 35% oxygen produced from the
microbial fermentation of monomeric sugar obtained from carbohydrate sources
such as corn, soybeans and sugar cane. The bioethanol produced globally in 2018
was 110 billion liters and is expected to increase to 140 billion liters in 2022 with
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.6% due to anticipated economic
feasibility of the process .The US, Brazil, European Union, China and Canada
respectively are the global powerhouses in bioethanol production. The US uses
corn as the feedstock to produce bioethanol and obtained a production capacity of
~57.7 billion liters while Brazil produces bioethanol from sugar cane and had a
total production capacity of ~27.6 billion liters in 2016 respectively. Bioethanol is
considered a potential substitute for the conventional gasoline and can be used
directly in vehicles or blended with the gasoline, thereby reducing greenhouse gas
emissions and consumption of gasoline .For direct application (E100), the timing
(and electronic control system if in use) of the gasoline engine is adjusted, and
larger gasoline tank is used. However, the use of bioethanol (E100) is usually
characterized with difficulty in starting the engine at a low temperature or during
the cold weather due to higher heat of vaporization. Required. The blending of
bioethanol with gasoline might not require modifying the engine, rather it will help
to enhance ignition or engine performance. The most commonly used blends are
E85 and E10. Advantages of bioethanol include high-octane rating resulting to
increased engine efficiency and performance, low boiling point, broad
flammability, higher compression ratio and heat of vaporization, comparable
energy content, reduced burning time and lean burn engine .The disadvantages
include high production cost resulting from high cost of feedstock, enzymes,
detoxification and ethanol recovery, respectively. Bioethanol possesses a low
volumetric energy density, meaning that more volume of bioethanol/km (up 50%)
will be consume compared to the conventional gasoline .The use of bioethanol in
engines might require frequent replacing the engine parts as the bioethanol has the
capacity to degrade some elastomers and cause corrosion of metals .However, in
attempt to reduce the cost of production, lignocellulosic biomass is being
considered as feedstocks because of availability and low cost of acquisition.

Unfortunately, the processing cost is still high, thereby, making the process
unattractive economically .When bioethanol is produced from edible feedstocks
such as corn and sugar cane, it is called first generation (1G) bioethanol and 2G
second-generation (2G) bioethanol if the feedstock is a lignocellulose. Examples of
these lignocellulose biomass is switch grass, cornstalks, wood, herbaceous crops,
waste paper and paper products, agricultural and forestry residues, pulp and paper
mill waste, municipal solid waste and food industry waste. Lignocellulosic
biomass is made up of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, protein, ash, and minor
extractives . Lignocellulosic biomass is being considered as feedstocks for
bioethanol production due to relatively low cost of acquisition, availability and
sustainability of supply. This biomass has the capacity to increase the current
production rate of bioethanol and is being speculated to produce approximately
442 billion liters per year of bioethanol globally. The 2G-bioethanol has a greater
potential to reduce the greenhouse gases emission compared to 1G -bioethanol.
The third generation (3G) bioethanol is obtained when algae are used as the
feedstock. Algae bioethanol is gaining traction possibly due to high carbohydrate
content and absence of lignin in most available algae. With this kind of feedstock,
the cost of pretreatment is expected to reduce as the complex lignin removal
process is eliminated . Numerous researchers have investigated the use of algae as
feedstock for bioethanol production. Based on the results obtained, the species of
algae with high productivity are presented in Table 1.

Algae Bioethanol yield (%) Ref.

Nannochloropsis 3.68 [9 ]
Tetraselmis suecica 7.26 [9 ]
Scenedesmus 49.7 [10]
Porphyridium 65.4 [11]
cruemtum (seawater)
Porphyridium 70.3 [12]
cruemtum (fresh
Padina Tetrastromatica 16.1 [12]

Table 1.1Bioethanol yield from algae

The fourth-generation (4G) bioethanol is obtained from the modification of E. coli

gene altercations through the application of metabolic engineering or systems
biology strategies
Figure 1.1 Bioethanol market segmentation analysis

Biogenic ethanol or bio-ethanol, is a type of ethanol extracted from natural or

biological sources, and is used as an energy source, especially as a fuel for cars. At
the present time, it is considered one of the most important recent discoveries in
the field of alternative energies, aimed at reducing the quantities of toxic gases
rising from motor boats, and harmful to the ozone layer and our planet in general.
Plants in general, include in their chemical composition two types of sugars, starch
and sucrose, which are converted to ethanol, and we obtain it through the process
of fermenting sugar extracted from sugar plants, or through the process of
hydrolysis of starch found in grains. And therefore we see, that the basis of the
process as a whole, is the sugar that is inside the plants. This ethanol that we are
talking about, is nothing but a type of alcohol, found in alcoholic drinks (or
intoxicating drinks), and it can be mixed with vehicle fuel, but in different
proportions between 5 and 85%, depending on the type of fuel used in each
country.But in general, the minimum amount of ethanol that must be used or mixed
with the fuel, should be more than 20%. (That is, in every liter of fuel we put 200
milliliters of ethanol).And here we begin to see the importance of the extracted
ethanol, since we reduce the amount of fuel used, and thus reduce even a little the
amount of toxic gases emitted.

Figure. 1.2 – World Production of Biofuels

Table 1.2 - property bioethanol

Property name Description of the property or

Molecular formula C2H5-OH

Heat capacity 112.4J/K

Density 0.789 g/cm^3

PKa 16.00

Boiling point 78.4 C

Solubility in water Fully miscible

Fusion point -114.3 C

PH Pure ethanol would have a PH

reading about 7.9

Molecular weight 46.07 g/mol

Table 1.3 physical properties of bioethanol.

Structure and chemical formula of ethanol
1-Chemical formula:
is C2H6O . This can also be written as CH3CH2OH or C2H5OH it is made of nine
atoms that include two carbon (c) atoms , six hydrogen(h)atoms, and one oxygen
(O) atoms.

Chemical structure:
There are methyl group (which is the CH3) and ethylene group (which is the CH2)
in the chemical structure

Figure 1.3 The chemical structure of the bioethanol atom

1- Used as a solvent in the manufacture of varnish and perfume coating.

2- preservative material for vital samples.

3- Used as fuel for cars.

4- Used in personal care products such as mouthwash and barber creams.

5- Enter into the pharmaceutical industry as a basic drug holder found in medicine.

6- is used as a solvent for the manufacture of antibiotics and medicine pills.

7- Used in cleaning products.

8- is used as raw material in the production of vinegar and yeast.

9- Used in food products such as flavorings, extracts, polishing and coating.

10- Source of energy in some animal feed products dedicated to animals.

Global production of bioethanol:

Countries amount of bio-ethanol produced
billion gallons / year
United States of America 4.8
Brazil 4.4
China 1.0
India 0.5
France 0.25

Table 1.4 - global production of bioethanol

Amylase enzyme:

is an enzyme that is secreted in humans and in other living organisms such as

plants ,

Figure 1.4The enzyme

Types of Amylase Enzyme: The enzyme is divided into several types :

Alpha amylase: is the main enzyme for digestion starch and carbohydrates in
animals and humans, and this enzyme works on any part of carbohydrates or
starch, so this enzyme is relatively fast, and product when the breakdown of
complex carbohydrates Glucose and dextrin and maltose, which are simple sugars

Beta amylase: This enzyme is found in plants, bacteria and fungi. This type is
associated with only a certain portion of starches, so it is considered slow
compared to other species. Its main function is the conversion of carbohydrates
from maltose .sugar, which gives the sweet taste when the fruit is leveled here are

uses of the enzyme amylase:

1- is secreted when you eat starches in the mouth of the salivary glands and
pancreas and issued to the small intestine is destroyed and digested into simple
molecules .

2- used in the manufacture of bread: so that the use of fungi to digest

carbohydrates complex to produce materials help in the maturity of the dough,
which is used in the manufacture of chemical compounds used in washing and
cleaning materials to remove the outstanding fats and dirt.

3- purposes of medical examinations

Chapter Two

Bioethanol Production Methods

Raw Materials and Their Pretreatment for Bioethanol Production
Different types of biomass have a potential as raw materials for bioethanol
production. Because of their chemical composition, i.e. carbohydrate sources, they
mostly form three groups: (i) sugar-containing raw materials: sugar beet,
sugarcane, molasses, whey, sweet sorghum, (ii) starch-containing feedstocks:
grains such as corn, wheat, root crops such as cassava, and (iii) lignocellulosic
biomass: straw, agricultural waste, crop and wood residues. However, these sugar-
and starch-containing feedstocks (first generation) compete with their use as food
or feed, thus influencing their supply. Therefore, lignocellulosic biomass (second
generation) represents an alternative feedstock for bioethanol production due to its
low cost, availability, wide distribution and it is not competitive with food and feed

1-Raw materials that contain sugar

Sugar cane and beet are the most important sugar-producing plants in the world.
Two-thirds of the world sugar production are from sugar cane and one-third is
from sugar beet . They can be easily hydrolysed by the enzyme invertase, which is
synthesed by most Saccharomyces species. Therefore, the pretreatment is not
required for bioethanol production from the feedstocks containing sugar (sucrose),
which makes this bioprocess more feasible than from feedstocks containing starch .
Sugar crops need only a milling process for the extraction of sugars to fermentation
medium, and here ethanol can be produced directly from juice or molasses.Sugar
cane as a raw material for bioethanol production provides certain advantages, since
it is a semi-perennial crop that does not require many agricultural operations that
are usually needed for raw crop processing, and its biomass is used for heat and
electricity. Sugar cane is less expensive than other raw materials used for
bioethanol production due to easier processing and higher productivity. However,
many efforts still aim at the improvement of bioethanol production from
sugarcane. This includes development of new sugar cane varieties with higher
sugar contents and resistance to diseases, larger yield per hectare and greater

2-Raw materials that contain starch
Grain crops (e.g. corn, barley, wheat or grain sorghum) and root/tubular crops
(e.g. cassava, potato, sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, cactus or arrowroot)
contain large quantities of starch . Isolated native starch from different sources can
be used for further conversion into bio-based products and/or the bioethanol
production. The residue from starch isolation contains proteins and fibre, which
has a great potential for application in food and feed production . The biggest corn
starch production is in the USA and it represents more than 80% of the worldwide
market . In the USA, corn is a source of over 95% of bioethanol production and the
rest is produced from barley, wheat, whey and beverage residues . The grain
sorghum cultivating regions in the USA show an increasing interest in bioethanol
production from this crop. Furthermore, the economic viability of bioethanol
production from cassava in Thailand was also under investigation . Cassava tubers
contain nearly 80% by mass starch and below 1.5% by mass proteins. Pretreatment
of cassava tubers for bioethanol production includes following operations:
cleaning, peeling, chipping and drying. After that, the dried cassava chips are used
for bioethanol production .Starch is a mixture of linear (amylose) and branched
(amylopectin) polyglucans. The crucial enzyme for starch hydrolysis is α-amylase,
active on α-1,4, but not on α-1,6 linkages in amylopectin . For bioethanol
production from starch-containing feedstocks, it is necessary to perform the starch
hydrolysis (mostly by α-amylase and glucoamylase) into glucose syrup, which can
be converted into ethanol by yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This step is an
additional cost compared to the bioethanol production from sugar-containing
feedstocks . Bacterium Bacillus licheniformis and genetically modified strains of
bacterium Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis produce α-amylase, while
moulds Aspergillus niger and Rhizopus sp. produce glucoamylases.Under
anaerobic conditions, yeast S. cerevisiae metabolizes glucose into ethanol. The
maximum conversion efficiency of glucose into ethanol is 51% by mass. However,
the yeast also uses glucose for cell growth and synthesis of other metabolic
products, thus reducing the maximum conversion efficiency. In practice, 40 to 48%
by mass of glucose is actually converted into ethanol .
In comparison to ethanol production from sugar-containing raw materials, ethanol
obtained from starch improves enzyme application and yeast strains with high
ethanol tolerance.

1-Production bioethanol from corn
bioethanol production from sweet sorghum potential. Sweet sorghum is
a crop with wider adaptation and grows rapidly and results in higher
production of biomass as well. It has a four-month crop cycle which
results in two crops per year as compared to only one in case of sugar
cane. Sweet sorghum as an alternative energy source is a high biomass
and sugar-yielding crop because it has a unique characteristic of high
carbon assimilation and has a special ability to accumulate high levels of

Figure 1.5 corn

2-Production bioethanol from date palm

Iraq is a famous agriculture country in the crop of date palm, because
there are so many types and shapes of this fruit, with a production
capacity approach's 400,000 tons in 2010 [16]. Each piece of a date palm
(Zahde) characterizes of a length which is more than its width and has a
Thin waxy cover coated the inner core, which is the valuable raw
material, and has a single centered solid kernel. The weight of each
piece is ranged between 5-15 gm with average weight of 7.9 gm and specific
density of 1.08. The monosucrose content varies between 54-57
percent and disucrose is about 9.6 percent and the solid seed kernel
weight percent is about 10 percent. The chemical composition of date
palm is the monosucrose that comprises 70% of its weight. The
monosucrose content is a mixture with 55% of glucose and 45%
fructose. Other components are proteins, amino acids, pectin, starch,
cellulose, tannin, fats, mineral salts and water. Date palm are fruit crop
mature in summer and grows independently results in higher production
of biomass as well. It has a year crop cycle and the total cultivated area
of palm in Iraq are about 111989 hectares where each hectare usually
contents 224-368 palm trees that’s make Iraq the best harvest
country in the production of date palm crop in the world.

3-Bioethanol Production from Raw Materials That Contain Sugar
The most employed microorganism for bioethanol production from sugar-
containing feedstocks is Saccharomyces cerevisiae due to its capacity to degrade
sucrose into hexoses (glucose and fructose). The cells of S. cerevisiae require small
amounts of oxygen for fatty acid and sterol synthesis during bioethanol production,
so aeration is an important bioprocess parameter . S. cerevisiae does not tolerate
higher sugar and salt concentrations in the medium or higher temperatures. Cane
molasses media have the highest osmolarity as a consequence of medium sugar
and salt concentrations, which negatively affects ethanol synthesis. Numerous
studies have searched for S. cerevisiae strains with higher salt and temperature
Yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is also used in bioethanol production since it
tolerates high osmotic pressures (high salt concentrations) and high solid content .
In bioethanol production the possibility of using other microorganisms such
as Zymomonas mobilis, Klebsiella oxytoca, Escherichia coli, Thermoanaerobacter
ethanolicus, Pichia stipitis, Candida shehatae, Mucor indicus, etc. was also
investigated . However, adequate alternative to S. cerevisiae still has not been
The Melle-Boinot process is the typical process for bioethanol production in batch
fermentation . It consists in broth preparation (pH adjustment, 14–22% by mass)
and sterilization followed by yeast fermentation. Fermented broth goes through the
centrifugal separation, whereas the liquid part of the broth moves on to ethanol
separation stage (usually distillation) and the yeast is recycled for the next
fermentation in order to achieve higher cell concentrations.
Fed-batch process requires low initial substrate concentrations and yeast cells are
separated from the broth which is then distilled. After bioreactor and broth
preparation processes, separated yeast cells are usually used for a new fed-batch
process of bioethanol production. This approach is the most common industrial
technology in Brazil for bioethanol production because it can achieve the highest
bioprocess volumetric productivity . In this bioprocess operational mode, the
optimization of feeding process plays a critical role for increasing ethanol yield
and productivity.
In the repeated (or multiple) batch fermentation, the use of flocculating yeast strain
plays the key role . After initial batch process is finished, the yeast cells settle
down (flocculate) on the bottom of the bioreactor and the clarified broth is
removed. Subsequently, an equal amount of fresh broth is added to the bioreactor
for the next batch, resulting in high cell concentrations and reduced ethanol
inhibition. These batches can be repeated until the activity and viability of yeast
cells is lost (due to the accumulation of yeast inhibitory compounds in broth) and
consequently fresh inoculum has to be prepared for system reinoculation.

Continuous bioethanol production systems usually consist of a cascade of
continuous bioreactors in which ethanol inhibition is reduced . This hypothesis is
based on the fact that ethanol synthesized in the first bioreactor is easily
transported to the next bioreactors and consequently ethanol inhibition is
diminished. Another possibility to enhance bioprocess productivity is the
continuous ethanol removal from broth during the bioprocess by using vacuum or
membrane systems, but this increases capital costs . In continuous systems of
bioethanol production increasing air supply can improve yeast cell viability, yield
and concentration. Comparison between continuous and batch bioprocesses for
bioethanol production shows following advantages of continuous bioprocesess:
reduced costs of bioreactor constructions, lower plant maintenance and operation
costs, better bioprocess control and higher productivities .
Most of bioethanol production plants in Brazil are still employing the fed-batch
operational mode because of its practical advantages on industrial scale . However,
30% of industrial facilities for bioethanol production in Brazil are using continuous
bioprocess systems due to their advantages related to the higher yeast cell
concentrations. Immobilization, recovery and recycling of yeast cells, or control of
yeast growth can increase the yeast cell density .
The concentration of immobilized cells in continuous bioprocesses for bioethanol
production is relatively high, and at higher dilution rates bioprocess can be easily
controlled, which consequently results in higher bioprocess productivities
.Immobilization methods can be divided into following groups: (i) reversible (or
irreversible) attachment to solid surfaces, (ii) entrapment in porous matrices
(e.g. gelatine, agar, calcium alginate, κ-carrageenan, chitosan and polyacrylamide),
(iii) mechanical separation behind a barrier (e.g. microporous membrane filters or
microcapsules), and (iv) self-aggregation of the cells by flocculation .
Yeast cell immobilization by surface adsorption is often more efficient than
entrapment or mechanical separation methods. Studies of yeast cell immobilization
by the surface adsorption have shown that yeast cell growth is not significantly
affected, although some yeast cells can be washed out of the system . The self-
flocculating yeast cells showed similar bioethanol production efficiency as
observed by the yeast cells immobilized on supporting materials. Furthermore, the
supporting material is not used and consequently the bioprocess is simpler and
economically competitive compared to the yeast cell immobilized on the
supporting materials. The yeast flocs can be washed out from the bioreactor under
controlled conditions in order to maintain the yeast concentration inside the
bioreactor at constant level. Sedimentation or centrifugation can be used for yeast
recovery after wash-out from bioreactor . The use of centrifugation requires higher
capital investment and energy consumption costs. However, separated yeast cells
can recirculate and be used in further bioethanol production cycle, and
consequently bioethanol production costs are reduced.

Following bioreactor configurations were developed for the bioethanol production
with self-flocculating yeast strains: air-lift bioreactors, single- or two-stage packed
column bioreactors, column bioreactors coupled with or without settlers, a
CO2 suspended bed fermentor with baffle plates inside and separation tanks outside
or only with a separation tank for CO2 separation and recycling to suspend the
yeast flocs .
In the last decades, very high gravity (VHG) bioethanol production technology has
become attractive due to the considerable energy savings . The VHG technology
needs relatively high substrate (270 g/L of dissolved solids or more) and final
bioethanol concentration (15% by volume or more) in the broth. Increase of
bioethanol broth concentration results in significant reduction of energy
consumption for distillation and the amount of waste stillage. Therefore, this
production technology is promising for industrial bioethanol production.
4-Bioethanol Production from Raw Materials that Contain Starch
There are two major processes for bioethanol production from corn starch: dry-
grind (67%) and wet mill process (33%), both using yeasts (Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, Saccharomyces pastorianus, Schizosaccaharomyces
pombe and Kluyveromyces sp.) that are capable of metabolizing starch
hydrolysates. Dry milling is often used for bioethanol production in the USA due
to its lower capital and operating costs . In this process, the whole corn is milled
(hammer or roller mill) and mixed with water to obtain a mash. The mash is
cooked in a jet cooker at 80–90 °C for 15–20 min. During jet cooking α-amylase
(relatively small amounts) is added in order to support liquefaction. Additional α-
amylase is added during secondary liquefaction, which occurs for 90 min at 95 °C.
After that, the mash is cooled to 60 °C and mixed with the glucoamylase to
hydrolyse the starch into sugars which can be further metabolized to ethanol by
yeast. Saccharification and fermentation often occur simultaneously (simultaneous
saccharification and fermentation, SSF), thus reducing the enzyme levels and yeast
cell inhibition by ethanol or substrates to minimum. The bioprocess usually takes
place at pH=4.8–5.0 and 30 °C for 48 h . The fermented broth is then distilled to
produce a 95% by volume ethanol. Dehydration of the 95% by volume ethanol
requires molecular sieves in order to obtain 99.5% by volume ethanol.
Centrifugation of fermentation residues (whole stillage) yields wet cake, which has
to be dried to obtain distiller’s dried grains (DDG). Thin stillage is the liquid
portion from centrifugation that has to be evaporated to obtain syrup. The syrup is
then blended with DDG to form distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS). The
residual part of the thin stillage is often recycled as process water .
A few modifications of dry-grind process have been introduced in order to recover
corn germ or both germ and fibre before fermentation . Wet milling process
produces various value-added co-products (e.g. fibre, germ, starch and gluten)

before fermentation, which makes this process more economically feasible and
energy efficient .
Wet milling process needs clean, steeped and degermed corn in order to obtain the
germ for corn oil extraction. After that, corn is defibrated to obtain fibers, and
gluten and starch are also separated. The following steps in the bioethanol
production are the same as in dry-grind process: saccharification, fermentation,
distillation and ethanol dehydration . Ethanol yield per kg of corn in the dry-grind
process is 0.3235 and in the wet mill process 0.2919 .
Among SSF and SHF (separated hydrolysis and fermentation) processes that are
usually used for bioethanol production from starch-containing raw materials, the
technology that incorporates the yeast propagation (from active dry yeasts) in the
bioreactor during initial saccharification is also applied for bioethanol production.
This technology is called simultaneous saccharification, yeast propagation and
fermentation (SSYPF; 103).

5-Bioethanol Production from Raw Materials that Contain

There has been enormous research in the biorefining area to convert lignocellulosic
raw materials into fermentable sugars. Despite huge interest and adequate progress
in the lignocellulosic bioethanol research and development, many challenges still
need to be solved.

The most often used steps in the bioethanol production from lignocellulose-
containing raw materials are: (i) pretreatment of cellulose and hemicellulose to
become more accessible in the subsequent steps, (ii) acid or enzymatic hydrolysis
of polysaccharides into simple sugars, (iii) microbial fermentation of the simple
sugars (hexoses and pentoses) to ethanol, and (iv) separation and concentration of

Figure 1.6 The scheme of bioethanol production from lignocellulose containing
raw materials. 1=milling, 2=pretreatment, 3=saccharification, 4=heat exchanger,
5=propagator, 6=bioreactor, 7=stripping column, 8=rectifying column,
9=molecular sieves. Food Techrology & Biotechnölogy review ISSN 1330-9862
doi: 10.17113/ftb. July-September 2018 | Vol. 56 No.

Production of the bioethanol from sweet potatoes

This method was adopted because the raw materials are available, cheap and
harmless to the environment, and the production method is very easy


Material Balance

Figure PFD of production bioethanol from sweet potato

Material Balance

Yield =100000

Conversion = 95%

Day: 300 day

Holiday: 60 day

The fermentation was take (3 day/ batch)


The equation is dependent

Table2.1 (Molecular formula & weight for compound)


𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑠e = 1833.06

Mole of gloucouse = ⁄

Mole of (𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛) =

Feed =

Total amount of cellulose = 1736.64 – 1649.16

= 87.48 kg

Amount of H2O = 10.18 * 18

= 183.24kg

Component In put Mass(kg) Out Put Mass (kg)

C6H10O5 1736.64 87.48
H2O 183.24 ________
α − 𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑠 3.3 3.3
C6H12O6 _______ 1833.06
Total 1923.21 1923.21
Table2:2 (Material balance for Reactor-101)


Amount of 𝑔𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑠 = 1796.4kg/h


W = 0.02 F

F = 1796.4 + 0.02 F

F = 1833.06 kg 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓

W = 0.02 * 1833.06

= 36.66 kg

Component In put mass(kg) Out put mass (kg)

C6H12O6 1833.06 1796.4
Solid waste ________ 36.66
Total 1833.06 1833.06

Table 2.3 (Material balance for Filter -101)


Mole of ethanol = 𝑚𝑜𝑙

𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑓 2 = 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑡𝑕𝑎𝑛𝑜 = 18.97 kmol

𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑓 6 12 6 (𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡) = 𝑚𝑜𝑙

= 𝑔

Feed = 𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑔

𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎 = 1796.4 – 1707.3

= 89.1 kg

Component In put mass(kg) Out put mass (kg)

C6H12O6 1796.4 89.1
Ethanol ________ 872.5
CO2 ________ 834.68
Yeast 3.3 3.3
Total 1799.6 1799.6

Table2:4 (Material balance for reactor-102)



F = 1000 + 250

F= 1250 kg

Ethanol in D = 1000 * 0.86 = 860 kg

Ethanol in W = 250 * 0.05 = 12.5 kg

Water in D = 1000 * 0.14 = 140 kg

Water in W = 250 * 0.95 = 237.5 kg

F = D (Eth) + W (Eth) = 860 + 12.5 = 872.5 kg

F = D( H2O) + W( H2O) = 140 + 237.5 = 377.5 kg

Component In put mass (kg) Output mass(kg)

Ethanol 872.5 860 12.5
H2O 377.5 140 237.5
Total 1250 1250

Table2:5 (Material balance for Distillation)

The general energy balance equation is

∆𝐾𝐸 + ∆𝑃𝐸 + ∆ = 𝑄 − 𝑊

In this project we don't have velocity or height or movement parts, so:

∆𝐾𝐸 = ∆𝑃𝐸 = 𝑊 = 0

So that the general equation will be


∆ = 2− 1

∆ 𝑚 ∫ 𝑐𝑝 (𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛) ∆

Q = 𝑚 ×Cp (𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛) × (T – Tref)

Table3:1 (properties of compounds)

Reactor (101)

T(𝐾) = 25 + 273 = 298𝐾

T(𝐾) = 30 + 273 = 303𝐾


∆ = 𝑚 𝑐𝑝 ∆

∆ 1 = 𝑚 𝑐𝑝 ( – 𝑟𝑒𝑓)

=1736.64*1300*(298 – 298)

∆H1 = 0

∆ ( )

∆H2 = 0

∆ ( )

∆H3 = 11130.74 KJ

𝑄 = ∆ 𝑜𝑢𝑡 − ∆ 𝑖𝑛 = ∆ 3 − (∆ 1 + ∆ 2)

=( 11130.74 – (0 +0)) = 11130.74 KJ

∆ 𝑟𝑒𝑐 = ∆ 𝑓°(𝑝) − ∆ 𝑓°(𝑟)

= 1* (-1271) – [ 1*(-963) + 1*(-285.8)] = -22.2 KJ/Kg

Q = 11130.74 – 22.2 = 11108.54 KJ

Heat exchanger

the 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 ( 6 12 6) = 1833.06 𝑔

T( ) = 30 + 273 = 303

T( ) = 50 + 273 = 323

∆ 𝑖𝑛 = 11130.74 J

∆ 𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝑚 𝑐𝑝∆T

( )

= 55653.73 KJ


𝑄 = ∆ 𝑜𝑢𝑡 − ∆ 𝑖𝑛 = 55653.73 – 11130.74

Q = 44522.99 J

Reactor (102)

T( ) = 323

T( ) = 343

∆ 1 = 44522.99 𝐽

∆ 2 = 𝑚 𝑐𝑝 ∆ = 872.5× 2.44 × (343 – 298)

∆ 2 = 95800.5 J

∆ 3 = 𝑚 𝑐𝑝 ∆ = 834.68 × 0.82 × (343 – 298)

∆ 3 = 30799.69 KJ

∆ = 3+ 1 = (30799.69+95800.5) – 44522.99

∆ = 82077.2 J

∆ 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐 ∆ 𝑓°(𝑝) ∆ 𝑓°(𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐)

∆ 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐 = 2 × 𝑓°( 2 5 ) + 2 × 𝑓°( ) × 𝑓°(C6H12O6)

𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐 = [( × ) ( × )–( × 271)]

∆ 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐 70 KJ

𝑄 = ∆ + ∆ 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐 = 82077.2 − 70

𝑄 =82007.2 kJ

∆ 𝑎𝑡 120 𝑐° = 2706 kJ

∆ 𝑎𝑡 105𝑐° = 2683.4 J

𝑄=𝑚 ∆

82007.2 = ( )

𝑚 = 3628.64 kg (steam required for fermentation)


T( ) = 70 + 273 = 343

T( ) = 80 + 273 = 353

∆ H(𝐹) = 95800.5 𝐽

∆ (𝐷) = 𝑚 𝑐𝑝 ∆

𝑝 = × 𝑝 + × 𝑝

= 0.86 × 2.44 + 0.14 × 4.18

= 2.68

∆ 𝐷 = 872.5 × 2.68 × ( ) = 12860.5 kj

∆ 𝑊 = 𝑚 𝑐𝑝 ∆T

𝑝 = × 𝑝 + × 𝑝

= 0.05× 2.44 + 0.95 × 4.18 = 4.09

∆ 𝑊 = 377.5 × 4.14 × (303 – 298)

∆ 𝑊 = 84918.62 J

𝑕𝑒𝑎𝑡 = 𝑊 – 𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙e𝑟

𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑟 = 𝑚 𝑐𝑝 ∆

= 12.5 × ×( )

𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙𝑒r = 305 kj

𝑕𝑒𝑎𝑡 = 84918.62 − 305

𝑕𝑒𝑎𝑡 = 84613.62 j

= -33111 kj

𝑸 ∆𝑯𝒊n 𝑸 ∆𝑯𝒐𝒖t
95800.5 128606.5
84613.62 84918.62
________ -33111
Total = 180414.12 180414.12

Table3.2 Energy balance

Design of the distillation equipment using the Aspen Hysys program

Reactor design using the Aspen Plus program

Cost of R-101
From table (7.2)

a = 61500 ; b = 32500 ; n = 0.8

CE index in 2010 is 532.9

CE index in 2022 is 776.9

The amount of C6H10O5 is 1736.64 Kg

The density of C6H10O5 is 1.5 g/cm^3

= 1500 kg/m^3

V = 1736.64/1500 = 1.158 m^3

Ce = a + b(s)^n

= 61500 + 32500 (1.158)^0.8

= 98046.87 $ in 2010

Cost in 2022 = cost in 2010 *

= 98046.87 *

= 142939.79 $

Cost of filter
From table (7.2)

a = 128000 ; b = 89000 ; n = 0.5

CE index in 2010 is 532.9

CE index in 2022 is 776.9

The amount of C6H12O6 is 1833.06 Kg

The density of C6H12O6 is 1. 54g/cm^3

= 1540 kg/m^3
V = 1833.06/1540 = 1.19 m^3

𝑒 𝑎 𝑏 (𝑠)

= 128000 + 89000 (1.19)^0.5

= 225087.54 $ in 2010

Cost in 2022 = cost in 2010 *

= 225087.54 *

= 328148.04 $

Cost of R-102
From table (7.2)

a = 61500 ; b = 32500 ; n = 0.8

CE index in 2010 is 532.9

CE index in 2022 is 776.9

The amount of C6H12O6 is 1796.4 Kg

The density of C6H12O6 is 1.5 g/cm^3

= 1500 kg/m^3

V = 1736.64/1500 = 1.158 m^3

𝑒 𝑎 𝑏 (𝑠)

= 61500 + 32500 (1.158)^0.8

= 98046.87 $ in 2010

Cost in 2022 = cost in 2010 *

= 98046.87 *

= 142939.79 $

Cost of distillation
Density of water = 1000 kg/m^3

Density of ethanol = 789 kg/m^3

Mass of water = 377.5 kg

Mass of ethanol = 872.5 kg

V (water) = 377.5/1000 = 0.3775 m^3

V (ethanol) = 872.5/789 = 1.105 m^3

Total volume = 0.3775 + 1.105 = 1.483 m^3

Packing :

From table (7.2)

a = 0 ; b = 5500 ; n = 1

CE index in 2010 is 532.9

CE index in 2022 is 776.9

𝑒 𝑎 𝑏 (𝑠)

= 0 + 5500 (1.483)^1

= 8156.5 $ in 2010

Cost in 2022 = cost in 2010 *

= 8156.5 *

= 11891.13 $

Pressure vessel , vertical

From table (7.2)

a = 11600 ; b = 34 ; n = 0.85

let operating pressure = 10 bar

diameter = 1 m

length = 15 m

design pressure = (10 – 1) * 1.1 = 9.9 10 bar

1bar = 10^5 Pa

10 bar = 10*10^5 n/m^2

From table (14.2)

E = 15 * 10^3 psi = 103.36 *10^6 n/m^2


= 0.0048 m = 4.8 mm

Shell mass = π * D * L * t * 𝜌

= 3.14 * 15 * 4.8 * 8000 = 1808640 kg

𝑒 𝑎 𝑏 (𝑠)

= 11600 + 34 (1808640)^0.85

= 7094779.19 $ in 2010

Cost in 2022 = cost in 2010 *

= 7094779.19 *

= 10343280.08 $

Sieve tray = 30 trays

From table (7.2)

a = 130 ; b = 440 ; n = 1.8

CE index in 2010 is 532.9

CE index in 2022 is 776.9

𝑒 𝑎 𝑏 (𝑠)

= 330 + 440 (3)^1.8

= 99265.8 $ in 2010

Cost in 2022 = cost in 2010 *

= 99265.8 *

= 144716.83 $

Total cost of distillation = 144716.83 + 10343280.08 +

11891.13 = 10499888.04 $

Cost of heat exchanger
U-tube shell and tube

From table (7.2)

a = 28000 ; b = 54 ; n = 1.2

CE index in 2010 is 532.9

CE index in 2022 is 776.9

Q = U * A * ∆T

From table (19.1)

U = 500 w/m^2 *℃

( )

= 4.45 m^2

𝑒 𝑎 𝑏 (𝑠)

= 28000+ 54 (4.45)^1.2

= 28323.9 $ in 2010

Cost in 2022 = cost in 2010 *

= 28323.9 *

= 41292.62 $

Cost of tank
Mass = 1796.4 kg ; density = 1560 kg/m^3

Volume = 1796.4/1560 = 1.15 m^3

L/D = 3 ; L = 3D

D = r/2 ; L = 1.5 r

Volume = π * r^2 *L

1.15 = 3.14 * r^2 * 1.5r

r = 0.625 m

L = 0.937 m

Area = 2 * π * r * L

= 2 * 3.14 * 0.625 * 0.937

= 3.67 m^2

a = 113000 ; b = 3250 ; n = 0.65

𝑒 𝑎 𝑏 (𝑠)

= 113000+ 3250 (3.67)^0.65

= 120566.87 $ in 2010

Cost in 2022 = cost in 2010 *

= 120566.87 *

= 175771.06 $

Estimate of total investment cost
a – purchase equipment cost = 11330979 $

b – installation cost

= 0.4 * 11330979 = 4532391 $

c – piping instillation cost

= 0.45 * 11330979 = 5098940 $

d – electric instillation cost

= 0.25 * 11330979 = 2832744 $

e – building process

= 0.4 * 11330979 = 4532391 $

f – service facilities

= 0.65 * 11330979 = 7365136 $

g – land

= 0.12 * 11330979 = 1359717 $

Cost of direct cost = 37052302 $

Indirect cost
a – engineering and supervision (18% of D.C)

= 0.18 * 37052302 = 6669414 $

b – construction expenses

= 0.01 * 37052302 = 370526 $

C – construction fee

= 0.05 * 37052302 = 1852615 $

d – contingency

= 0.18 * 37052302 = 6669414 $

Cost of indirect cost = 15561970 $

Fixed capital investment = D.C. + I.N.D.

= 37052302 + 15561970

= 52614272 $

Total product cost
a – fixed charge

= 0.1 * 52614272 = 5261427 $

b – local taxes

= 0.03 * 52614272 = 1578428 $

c – insurance

= 0.007 * 52614272 = 368299 $

d – rent

= 0.1 * 52614272 = 5261427 $

Total fixed charge = 5261427 + 1578428 + 368299

= 10716995 $

Total fixed charge = 0.2 * total product cost

Total product cost = 10716995/0.2 = 53584975 $

Direct product
a – row material

= 0.4 * 53584975 = 21433990 $

b – operating labor

= 0.15 * 53584975 = 80377746 $

c – utilities

= 0.15 * 53584975 = 80377746 $

d – maintenance

= 0.07 * F.C.I = 0.07 * 52614272 = 3682999 $

General expenses

a – administration cost

= 0.5 * utilities = 0.5 * 8037746 = 4018873 $

b – distribution and selling price

= 0.25 * 53584975 = 13396243 $

c – research and development

= 0.03 * 53584975 = 1607549 $

Total general expenses = 19022665 $

Manufacturing cost = product cost + fixed charge

= 53584975 + 10716995

= 64301970 $

Total product cost = 64301970 + 19022665

= 73324635$

Gross earning and rate of return

Total income = product day rate * days of year * price

= 1000 * 24 * 300 * 3 * 5

= 108000000 $

Gross profit = 108000000 – 53584975 = 54415025

Tax = 0.25 * 54415025 = 13603756 $

Net profit = 54415025 – 13603756 = 40811269 $

Rate of retune = 40811269 / 53584975

= 0.76

This method is considered one of the best methods and its cost is low. We
recommend this method to investors because ethanol fuel saves us from fossil
fuels (petroleum) because it is environmentally friendly and can be used
easily. There are other ways to produce bioethanol as explained above

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