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See Further. Reach Higher. Shine Brighter

CS1: 145 Nam Đồng
CS2: 72 Thụy Khuê SĐT: 0246.6568.527 / 086.2265.086
CS3: 30 ngõ 203 Kim Ngưu SĐT: 0246.6568.526 / 086.8393.086


Present participle Perfect participle

(Phân từ hiện tại) (Phân từ hoàn thành)
- Nếu 2 hành động ở 2 mệnh đề xảy ra - Nếu một hành động của mệnh đề này hoàn thành
Đồng thời , hoặc kế tiếp gần trước hành động ở mệnh đề kia, ta lược bỏ chủ ngữ
như đồng thời của mệnh đề hoàn thành trước và chia động từ ở dạng
ta lược bỏ chủ từ ở một mệnh đề rồi sau đó “ Having PII ”.
chia động từ trong mệnh đề đó ở dạng Ex:
“ V-ing ”. When I had finished my homework, I
Ex: went swimming.
When I saw the thief, I ran away.  Having finished my homework, I
 Seeing the thief, I ran away. (cùng là went swimming.
thì quá khứ)
- Dùng trong các thì tiếp diễn diễn tả hành - Dùng để nhấn mạnh hành động xảy ra trong quá
động tại 1 thời điểm nhất định : thì khứ, xảy ra trước hành động trong quá khứ được
hiện tại tiếp diễn, quá khứ tiếp diễn, tương lai biểu thị cho động từ chính.
tiếp diễn, hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn, quá Ex: He had collected all necessary information. He
khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn và tương lai hoàn started writing his report.
thành tiếp diễn.  Having collected all necessary information, he
Ex: started writing his report.
When he was cooking dinner, he sang happily.
 Cooking dinner, he sang happily.
- Dùng để nói về lí do cho hành động ở - Dùng để nói về lí do cho hành động ở mệnh đề
mệnh đề chính. chính trong quá khứ.
Ex: Because she was tired, she went to bed Ex: Because we have treated the environment
early. irresponsibly, we now have to suffer the effects of
 Being tired, she went to bed early. climate change
 Having treated the environment irresponsibly,
we now have to suffer the effects of climate change.

*In-class practice
Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning
1. When I was walking along the street, I found this pen.
=> Walking along the street, I found this pen .
2. He opened the drawer and took out the key.
=> opening the drawer, he took out the key .
3. Because she was sick, she didn’t go to school.
=> being sick, she didn’t go to school .
4. When I had cleaned the house, I went shopping.
=> having cleaned the house, I went shopping .
Everyday quote for my beloved students:
“The only time you should ever look back is to see how far
you've come.” – BTS
See Further. Reach Higher. Shine Brighter
CS1: 145 Nam Đồng
CS2: 72 Thụy Khuê SĐT: 0246.6568.527 / 086.2265.086
CS3: 30 ngõ 203 Kim Ngưu SĐT: 0246.6568.526 / 086.8393.086
5. Because he had lost the key of his house, he had to stay out last night.
=> having lost the key of his house, he had to stay out last night .


Danh động từ hoàn thành được sử dụng trong một số cấu trúc:

Verb + (object) + preposition + perfect gerund

Cấu trúc Nghĩa Ví dụ

apologize (to sb) for + having Xin lũi
Jenny apologized for having broken the vase.
Buộc tội The police accused the man of having sold
accuse sb of + having PII
illegal drugs.
Ngưỡng mộ I admired John for having won so many
admire sb for + having PII
Đổ tội They blamed the driver for having caused the
blame sb for + having PII
congratulate sb on + having Chúc mừng My boss congratulated me on having done an
PII excellent job.
Chỉ trích People criticized the government for having
criticize sb for + having PII
released a dangerous criminal.
Trừng phạt The teacher punished Lucy for having been
punish sb for + having PII
absent from class the previous week.
Khen ngợi The manager praised me for having made
praise sb for + having PII
Cảm ơn Mary thanked me for having sent her flowers
thank sb for + having PII
the day before.
Nghi ngờ My neighbor suspected me of having stolen
suspect sb of + having PII
her bike.

Verb + perfect gerund

Cấu trúc Nghĩa Ví dụ

Phủ nhận
deny + having PII Jack denied having broken the vase.
admit + having PII Thừa nhận/ She admitted having failed the exam
thu nhận(trường, bệnh viện)
Quên Tom forgot having seen me in the park
forget + having PII
the other day.
Đề cập = bring up He didn’t mention having quit his job to
mention + having PII
his parents.
Gợi lại, nhớ lại I didn’t recalled having sent the letter
recall + having PII
over a month ago.

Everyday quote for my beloved students:
“The only time you should ever look back is to see how far
you've come.” – BTS
See Further. Reach Higher. Shine Brighter
CS1: 145 Nam Đồng
CS2: 72 Thụy Khuê SĐT: 0246.6568.527 / 086.2265.086
CS3: 30 ngõ 203 Kim Ngưu SĐT: 0246.6568.526 / 086.8393.086
Hối hận Sam regretted having dropped out of
regret + having PII
school when he was 14.

*Lưu ý: Các cấu trúc trên cũng có thể sử dụng với Ving, tuy nhiên dùng “having PII” sẽ nhấn mạnh
vào việc hành động đã xảy ra và hoàn thành trước một thời điểm trong quá khứ.

Rewrite the sentences using Present Participle or Perfect Participle.
1. As the students left the classroom, they began talking loudly.
=> leaving the classroom, they began talking loudly .
2. He fired the gun and had his eyes blindfolded.
=> having his eyes blindfolded, he fired the gun .
3. The basketball is dribbled and served to other students.
=> being dribbled, the basketball is served to other students .
4. When we travelled to Thailand for our holiday, we saw a whole new world of cuisine.
=> travelling to Thailand for our holiday, we saw a whole new world of cuisine .
5. After he had taken the wrong turn, he ended up in a dangerous neighborhood.
=> having taken the wrong turn, he ended up in a dangerous neighborhood .
6. We hadn’t switched off the light before we went to bed.
=> not having switched off the light, we went to bed .
7. Maria had been given an assignment before she went back to work.
=> having been given an assignment, she went back to work .
8. He had finished ten pages of the report and continued to write the eleventh one.
=> having finished ten pages of the report, he continued to write the eleventh one .
9. We left the party too early, so we couldn’t see the fireworks.
=> leaving the party too early, we couldn’t see the fireworks .
10. She was rather annoyed because she had been interrupted several times.
=> having been interrupted several times, she was rather annoyed .

Choose A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each question:

11. the news, my sister wanted to cry.
A. Heard B. Was hearing C. Hear D. Hearing
12. from so much trouble in life, she becomes more and more mature than before.
A. Suffering B. Was suffered C. Has suffered D. Suffered
13. She opened the window and saw him right away.
A. Opening the window, she saw him right away.
B. Opened the window, she saw him right away.
C. Having opened the window, she saw him right away.
D. Being opened the window, she saw him right away.
14. Because she was the youngest child, Natasha was her father’s favorite.
A. Be the youngest child, Natasha was her father’s favorite.
B. Was the youngest child, Natasha was her father’s favorite.
C. Being the youngest child, Natasha was her father’s favorite.

Everyday quote for my beloved students:
“The only time you should ever look back is to see how far
you've come.” – BTS
See Further. Reach Higher. Shine Brighter
CS1: 145 Nam Đồng
CS2: 72 Thụy Khuê SĐT: 0246.6568.527 / 086.2265.086
CS3: 30 ngõ 203 Kim Ngưu SĐT: 0246.6568.526 / 086.8393.086
D. Having been the youngest child, Natasha was her father’s favorite.
15. While the director was guiding us through the museum, he gave us a special explanation.
A. Guiding us through the museum, a special explanation was given by the director.
B. Guided us through the museum, the director gave us a special explanation.
C. A special explanation was given to us while guiding us through the museum.
D. Guiding us through the museum, the director gave us a special explanation.
16. one liter of water, she really needed to go to the toilet.
A. Drinking B. Having drank C. Having drunk D. Drink
17. Billy blamed Lupi the classroom pencil’s sharpener.
A. on breaking B. for broke C. having broken D. for having broken
18. He was punished by the teacher. He refused to answer her questions.
A. He was punished by the teacher of having refused to answer her questions.
B. He was punished by having refused to answer her questions.
C. He was punished by the teacher for having refused to answer her questions.
D. He was punished by the teacher by having refused to answer her questions.
19. He finally admitted into the house.
A. to have broken B. having broken C. break D. to having broken
20. She having grown up in a strict family twenty years later.
A. mentioned B. criticized C. suspected D. congratulated

Complete the sentences with Present Participle or Perfect Participle
1. Having photocopied (photocopy) all the papers, Sally put them back in the file.
2. Having written (write) the test for 3 hours, we were quite exhausted.
3. Having parked (park) the car about a kilometre from the stadium, I walked the rest of the way.
4. Having lived (live) in Oxford for two years, she spoke English like a native speaker.
5. Absorbing (absorb) carbon dioxide, trees give off oxygen at the same time.
6. Having been fertilized (fertilize) fully, the plants were green and tall.
7. Sleeping (sleep) deeply, my father snored.
8. Taking (take) the umbrella with him, he went out in the storm.
9. Dancing (dance) to the music, the singer raised her amazing voice.
10. Having been interrupted (interrupt) by strangers, the homeless man ran away from his shelter.

Rewrite the sentences with the Present Participle or Perfect Participle

11. He whistled an unknown song when he rode a bike.
=> riding a bike, he whistled an unknown song .
12. Our shoes were taken off, we creeped cautiously along the road.
=> having taken off our shoes, we creeped cautiously along the road .
13. The girl was lying in bed. She was thinking of her childhood.
=> lying in bed, the girl was thinking of her childhood .
14. He held the rope with one hand and stretched out the other to the boy in the water.
=> holding the rope with one hand, he stretched out the other to the boy in the water .
15. Mary left school early because she felt sick.
=> feeling sick, Mary left school early .

Everyday quote for my beloved students:
“The only time you should ever look back is to see how far
you've come.” – BTS
See Further. Reach Higher. Shine Brighter
CS1: 145 Nam Đồng
CS2: 72 Thụy Khuê SĐT: 0246.6568.527 / 086.2265.086
CS3: 30 ngõ 203 Kim Ngưu SĐT: 0246.6568.526 / 086.8393.086

Choose A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each question

16. In the past, a lot of countries denied to global warming.
A. having contributed B. contributed C. contribute D. of having contributed
17. Some scientists are accused the effects of climate change.
A. of not report B. of not having reported
C. not reporting D. not report
18. They were having acted irresponsibly towards the environment.
A. rejected B. counted on C. criticized for D. depended on/upon
19. The factory was fined a huge amount of rubbish into the river.
A. in having dumped B. for having dumped
C. about having dumped D. of having dumped
20. about the relationship between climate change and the spread of infectious diseases,
everyone should get vaccinated.
A. Having warned B. Warning C. Be warned D. Having been warned
21. Mary said: “I regretted him earlier in my life”.
A. to meet B. not having met C. not having meet D. at meeting
22. some documents about Green Earth, Ha decided to join the organisation.
A. Having been read B. Having read
C. Reading D. After Ha has read
23. People admired Tony the kids from the fire.
A. to rescue B. having rescued
C. for having rescued D. for rescued
24. Amy regretted good enough for her previous final exam.
A. not having prepared B. not to have prepared
C. preparing D. having preparing
25. The police accused him fire to the building but he denied in the area on the
_ night of the fire.
A. setting/being B. for having setting/having been
C. to set/to be D. of having set/having been
26. George mentioned in an accident as a child, but he never told us the details.
A. having injured B. having been injured
C. to have injured D. to have been injured
27. on the topic of the presentation, he started finding relevant information for it.
A. Having deciding B. Deciding
C. Having been decided D. Having decided
28. The president of the company officially apologized to the local residents having dumped a
large amount of raw sewage in the area.
A. about B. with C. at D. for
29. We all admire him having changed both this attitude and behaviours towards the
environmental issues.
A. about B. for C. with D. at
30. We congratulated him having invented an energy-saving device.
A. for B. at C. about D. on

Everyday quote for my beloved students:
“The only time you should ever look back is to see how far
you've come.” – BTS
See Further. Reach Higher. Shine Brighter
CS1: 145 Nam Đồng
CS2: 72 Thụy Khuê SĐT: 0246.6568.527 / 086.2265.086
CS3: 30 ngõ 203 Kim Ngưu SĐT: 0246.6568.526 / 086.8393.086
31. The city mayor praised all voluntary students having cleaned the playgrounds for the children.
A. for B. because of C. at D. due to
32. The local residents suspected the authorities having kept the pollution level secret from the
local people.
A. about B. on C. of D. for
33. She was praised donated a lot of money to the wildlife protection organization.
A. for having C. to have
C. because of having D. due to having
34. The local authorities were blamed ignored the pollution issues in the area.
A. about having B. on having C. for having D. before having
35. The company forgot promised to cut down on the carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.
A. to have B. have C. having D. had
36. He thanked us having contributed to cleaning the surrounding environment.
A. on B. to C. with D. for
37. He regretted not registered for military service last spring.
A. have B. having C. having had D. having done
38. Thank you for having the information about global warming.
A. shared B. sharing C. share D. shares
39. These students were rewarded actively taken part in voluntary activities.
A. with B. before C. on having D. for having
40. for only three hours, I can hardly focus on my work.
A. Having slept B. was slept C. slept D. sleeping
41. this movie last week, I still wanted to see it again.
A. Having seen B. had seen C. was seen D. seeing
42. As his boss caught him speaking privately in the meeting, he was fired.
A. Being caught speaking privately in the meeting, he was fired.
B. Catching speaking privately in the meeting, he was fired.
C. Being caught speaking privately in the meeting, so he was fired
D. Speaking privately in the meeting, he was fired.
43. Are you sure you told me? I don’t recall about it.
A. having told B. having been told
C. to have told D. to have been told
44. awaken by thunder, the baby cried.
A. To be B. Have been C. Being D. To have been being
45. his father, he wants to become a doctor like him.
A. To admiring B. Admiring C. Admire D. Having admired
46. As I don’t have a credit card, I find it difficult to book an airline ticket over the phone.
A. Don’t have a credit card
B. Not having had a credit card
C. Had had a credit card
D. Not having a credit card
47. Mr. Lee was upset by the truth.
A. not having been told B. us not to tell him
C. he hadn’t been told D. being not told

Everyday quote for my beloved students:
“The only time you should ever look back is to see how far
you've come.” – BTS
See Further. Reach Higher. Shine Brighter
CS1: 145 Nam Đồng
CS2: 72 Thụy Khuê SĐT: 0246.6568.527 / 086.2265.086
CS3: 30 ngõ 203 Kim Ngưu SĐT: 0246.6568.526 / 086.8393.086
48. at the clock impatiently, Mary said she couldn’t wait anymore.
A. Look B. Looking C. Having looked D. To looking
49. water shortage in the past, we are all very economic on using water.
A. Suffering B. Having suffered C. Being suffered D. Having been suffered
50. The man jumped out of the boat. He was bitten by a shark.
A. Bitten by a shark, the man jumping out of the boat.
B. Jumping out of the boat, the man was bitten by a shark.
C. After bitten, the shark jumping out of the boat.
D. After jumping out of a boat, the shark bit the man

Everyday quote for my beloved students:
“The only time you should ever look back is to see how far
you've come.” – BTS

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