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[REVIEW] – International Trade Law Thái Hà Phương 205161236


I - Basis of International Trade Law
• Purposes
- [Economic] Giải quyết mối quan hệ tương ứng: giải quyết nền kinh tế của thế giới, hạn chế lại các hàng rào
thương mại tối thiểu để bảo vệ cho quốc gia của mình (reduce trade barriers)
- [Ethical] - non-discrimmination: các quy định buộc các quốc gia đối xử công bằng với nhau trong thương mại
quốc tế (dù giàu hay nghèo đều được đối xử công bằng như nhau)
• Sources
- Agreements (treaties related to trade): Bilateral 2, plurilateral (nhiều bên, không vượt qua đa phương)/regional,
multilateral 165 - WTO → LTMQT, khi có tranh chấp ưu tiên song phương (Khu vực là nhiều bên nhưng nhiều
bên chưa chắc là khu vực)
• Environments
- Autarky (tự cung tự cấp, Triều Tiên, Cuba, Bhutan): xét về khía cạnh TMQT → không cống hiến cho quốc tế
+ Bhutan không muốn tham gia vào TG vì hạnh phúc của người dân, những thứ công nghệ (điện thoại,
Internet,..) không đem lại hạnh phúc cho người dân của họ
- Free Trade Area (FTA) (lý tưởng nhất) → reduce trade barriers (các quốc gia trở thành 1 thực thể): tuy nhiên
không tồn tại trong đa phương (bản chất con người tham lam ích kỷ, vì xảy ra tình trạng mất cân bằng). AFTA,
- Custom Union (liên minh hải quan/thuế quan): có qua có lại, vì lợi ích và tuỳ theo nhu cầu. CAN, MECOSUR,
- Common Market (thị trường chung): giao thương tự do bên trong như 1 thị trường. EEA, EFTA
- Economic Union (thị trường gồm các quốc gia hợp nhất): single currency, central bank, single policies → EU
phát triển nhất trên TG về kinh tế. EU, Arab,…
• Scope of Regulation
- Trade of goods/material trading
- Trade of services (Non-material)
- Trade of IPs (Intellectual properties) (Non-material)
WTO: Tổ chức thương mại đa phương gồm 164 thành viên (UN: 193/205 thành viên)
40 thành viên còn lại (không cảm thấy lợi ích từ việc tham gia WTO; chưa đủ điều kiện gia nhập)
- Multilateral Commerce
+ Is a multilateral trading system with a common convention; Scope is narrower than “global”; Not
synonymous with “regional” agreements such as EU, ASIAN, NAFTA,…
+ Forum for exchanging information and dialogues between economies; Forum for exchanging and
promoting trade commitments and market access; Rules establishment in international trade.
→ Establish standardized rules of behavior; Foundation for international treaties.
I - History - GATT Agreement (goods)
- Tiền đề của WTO
- GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Hiệp định về thương mại hàng hoá - luật thương mại quốc tế
IMF: Phân bổ ngân sách (từ nước giàu sang nước nghèo)
WB: Nước giàu gửi tiền để dự trữ và cho vay // nước nghèo vay
- Khuyết điểm của GATT 1947: (khuyết điểm → phong cách viết)
+ không có tư cách chủ thể (ko có toà)
+ Thiếu 2 mảng còn lại (service and AI)

[REVIEW] – International Trade Law Thái Hà Phương 205161236

+ nhiều nguyên tắc mơ hồ và thiếu tiêu chuẩn - still vague rules and lack of clear standard
Bản án hình sự cơ bản gồm: nhân chứng, bằng chứng, VKS
Hành vi phạm tội < đối tượng (nạn nhân)
Quy tắc đồng thuận - consensus
II - WTO III - Member (member, non-member, observer)
- Established 1/1/1995 - currently 164 members (after Iran took part in 2022)
- Geneva, Thuỵ Sỹ + founding members (thành viên sáng lập) (Art
- Chức năng 11.1 WTO) 1st 76 nations
- giảm hàng rào thương mại + accession members (Art 12 WTO) 77th
- tạo nên sự ko phân biệt đối xử giữa các quốc gia → equivalent rights and obligations

- Quy trình trở thành thành viên

Apply → WTO → working party (nhóm công tác: gồm các nhân viên làm việc cho một tổ chức) → nation
Application Process: WTO establishes Working Parties to review the application for accession, in a 4–step
- Stage 1: Presenting trade policies – reviewing national economic and trade policies;
- Stage 2: Market opening negotiations – including multilateral and bilateral negotiations;
- Stage 3: Draft accession profiles – Including the Accession Report, Protocol and List of Commitments;
- Stage 4: Decision making – by Ministerial Conference or General Council (approved by 2/3 of the present
The level of commitments is tighter as the later accession.
Singleundertaking (quyền và nghĩa vụ song song với nhau): một khi tham gia vào thì phải tôn trọng các điều
ước quốc tế → các cam kết với quốc tế là tuyệt đối - commitments are absolute
- Waiver and exceptions: miễn trừ và ngoại lệ (health human/animal) (resources) (security) (nghèo)
(irresistable trường hợp bất khả kháng). Case study - Huawei: US (Trump) reject Huawei cuz Huawei is
considered a tool for China to steal US’s military secrets → national security
IV - Structure
- All members can participate in the Council, the Commission of the WTO except the specific Commitees.
+ Dispute Settlement (cơ quan giải quyết tranh chấp) - Body: tuỳ tình huống lựa chọn trọng tài khác nhau, vd
dispute between A and B → members of A/B cannot take part in
+ Regional committees
Ministerial Conference Hội đồng quản trị/cổ đông
General Council * Ban GĐ (daily, meeting,..)

Council (3 hội đồng liên quan đến

hàng hoá: goods, services, AI) Phòng ban

Committees (các uỷ ban thương mại)

phòng ban nhỏ hơn
16 goods, 6 services, 4 AI
secretariate nhân viên
General Council (1 cơ quan 3 vai trò) - màu nhiệm (mặc nhiên/mặc định về chức danh của nó). Be assembled to
perform 3 different functions (Aricle IV:2)
- General Council: Tổ chức: trung bình 9 lần/ năm. - Permanent bodies, executive offices of the WTO
- Đi giải quyết tranh chấp → Dispute Settlement Body DSB: Tổ chức: trung bình 2 lần/ tháng. Chức năng: xem
xét và phê chuẩn các phán quyết về giải quyết tranh chấp do Ban Hội thẩm hoặc Cơ quan Phúc thẩm đệ trình
- Chức năng rà soát chính sách thương mại → Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM): Tổ chức: Thành viên
có tiềm lực kinh tế lớn; khoảng cách đến ba năm một lần; Thành viên khác: cách quãng hơn

[REVIEW] – International Trade Law Thái Hà Phương 205161236

Các hội đồng thương mại:

V - Decision Making
- Conventional → Consensus: every single member → approving an issue → approved
- Special *
+ Reverse - consensus (đồng thuận ngược): only used in dispute settlement
WTO → DSB (WTO tồn tại được nhờ cơ chế này)
→ Special Procedure:
- Reverse - consensus: Implementing the Report of the Dispute Settlement Body, the decision to establish a
- Interpret the agreements under its authority: 3/4
- Accession acceptance: 2/3
- Waiver permission: 3/4
- Amendments to Agreement provisions: 2/3
Approval of financial and budgetary regulations: 2/3
+ Every single member → not approving (phủ quyết) an issue → not approved → auto approved
Dispute - Case study:
US vs VN: issue
sai → thiệt hại
→ để giải quyết cần consensus (but US is not willing to settle the dispute/address its fault)
→ gap of consensus → khuyết điểm của GATT tồn tại 50 năm (xử lý dc 27 vụ)
→ Conventional Procedure: Decision making on consensus mechanisim; When a decision is not reached on a
consensus basis, a majority vote is cast; Specialized agencies have different rules on the proportion of votes
(special procedures).
VI - Agreement System
WTO Agreement (Marrakesh): including
article…regulated hành vi phía dưới phụ lục
→ phạm vi điều chỉnh của các điều khoản
là phụ lục). Under Article II and XVI:3
Marrakesh Agreement establishing the
WTO has a direct relationship with the
• Appendixes (phụ lục rời: Annexes,
Article) → everything in
International trade (gom tất cả mọi
hiệp định đã ký kết về thương mại
thành phụ lục của WTO)
• Footnotes (các điều khoản có dấu *)

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- International Law > Domestic Law
- Domestic Law (Vietnam Law) is completed/improved by International Law
VII - Basic Principle of The WTO
- Non - discrimination - Create an environment of equal competition
• Most Favored Nation (MFN); • Limiting protection measures (competition,
• National Treatment (NT). subsidies);
- Increasing trade freedom • Trade Safeguard Regulations (Safeguard).
• Negotiation; - Incentives for developing countries
• Tariffs reduction; • Flexibility and certain incentives;
• Eliminate non – tariff barriers. • Technical assistance.
- Calculating predictability through commitment and - Harmonization with national laws
transparency • SPS Agreement;
• Tariffs reduction; • TBT Agreement
• Eliminate non – tariff barriers.


- Legal Basis:
+ GATT 1947/1994: Article XXII and XXIII GATT
+ WTO: Firstly governed by the Agreement on Rules and Procedures for Dispute Settlement (DSU) Hiệp định
giải quyết tranh chấp trên thương trường quốc tế. DSB (toà) >< DSU (luật)
I - GATT 1994 ~ GATT 1947
Trình bày cơ chế giải quyết tranh chấp của GATT?
Step 1: Consultation (tham vấn) → mandatory (tính bắt
buộc): ngồi lại với nhau thương lượng dựa trên tinh thần
hoà giải, khi không thể hoà giải thì tiến đến bước 2
Step 2: Litigation (sự tranh tụng) → working party →
• 1995 → panel
• ad-hoc mechanism
• Report (chỉ có chức năng truyền tải thông tin → tính
pháp lý không cao): nhưng bản chất của nó là một bản án
o interpret the law (giải thích luật)
o recommendations (khuyến nghị → phán quyết)
ý chí trên thế giới là hoà giải, thay vì trừng phạt
Step 3: Conclusion → implementation (thực thi khuyến
nghị) → retaliation
Overall, consensus is used → not obligation
(Article XXII and XXIII)
• Protecting legitimate rights and interests of contracting parties;
• ‘Clarify’ WTO rules.
• Operation on a consensus basis;
• There is no consistency yet;
• No specialized agencies/bodies → Not concerned and trusted.
II - WTO: DSU (toà thương mại quốc tế)
1. Aims

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- Security (Art III.2 DSU) The dispute settlement system of the WTO is a central element in providing
security and predictability to the multilateral trading system …”
- Balance (Art III.3 DSU) “… is essential to the effective functioning of the WTO and the maintenance of
a proper balance between the rights and obligations of Members.”
- all disputes → DSB (Ar 23.1 DSU) (unity tính thống nhất) “1.When Members seek the redress of a
violation … they shall have recourse to, and abide by, the rules and procedures of this Understanding.
- … obtain DSB authorization … before suspending concessions or other obligations under the covered
agreements …”
- Clarify (giải thích thêm) WTO Law Interpret and Clarify the WTO Law.

- Affirming the provisions of the WTO Law;

- Security and predictability to the multilateral trading system;
- Maintenance of a proper balance between the rights and obligations of Members;
- All disputes must be brought before the Dispute Settlement Body.

Article III.2 DSU

“… and to clarify the existing provisions of those agreements …”

Article XIX.2 DSU

“… in their findings and recommendations, the panel and Appellate Body cannot add to or diminish the
rights and obligations provided in the covered agreements.”

Article XVII.6 DSU

“… and legal interpretations developed by the panel.”

- Interpret and Clarify the WTO Law

→ Panel/Appellate Body Reports “case law” are important sources of law interpretation.
2. Objective
• Priority for the solutions agreed by the parties (Article III.7 DSU):
v Priority is settled by “non - litigation”;
v Consultation is required (Article VI.2 DSU).
• Quickly settlement:
v Consecutive settlement (Article IV.3, VI.1 DSU);
v Specify the time limit for settlement (Article XX, IV.9, XII.8 DSU);
v The “reverse – consensus” mechanism plays its optimal role.
• Multilateralism (Article XXIII DSU):
v All disputes are subject to the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of WTO.
• exclusive
o only for its members (mang tính tương đối)
Nếu A và B là thành viên của WTO → DSB mặc nhiên giải quyết tranh chấp Nếu 1 trong
2 hoặc cả 2 ko phải thành viên, nhưng muốn DSB giải quyết tranh chấp → yêu cầu thì toà
sẽ xử lý → THOẢ THUẬN SAU
o 3rd Party: nếu có quan hệ lợi ích với vụ án đó thì được tham gia
o amicus curie
• Exclusive for WTO Members (Article I.1 DSU):
o Only representatives of Members have the right to participate;
o Third parties have particular rights (Article X DSU);
o Other regulations (status of amicus curiae).

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3. Jurisdiction
DSB (toà)
• Appendix 1 aka covered agreements“The rules and procedures of this Understanding shall apply to
disputes brought pursuant to the consultation and dispute settlement provisions of the agreements listed
in Appendix 1 to this Understanding (referred to in this Understanding as the “covered agreements”)…”
• Judge: quyền phán members and Covered agreement (Hiệp định có liên quan - evering disputes in Inter)
o Scope of Regulations
Disputes arise:
- “between the Members”;
- From “covered agreements”: The Agreements listed in Annex 1:
v Agreement on establishment of the WTO;
v GATT 1994 and all multilateral agreements on Trade in Goods;
v DSU.
In case there is a difference between the rules and procedures of this Understanding and the special or
additional rules and procedures, the special or additional rules and procedures shall prevail (Article I.2
Parties (các bên tham gia “bên nguyên” & “bên bị”)
• Complain (quyền khiếu kiện): members and Covered agreement (trading)
o Right to complain
v Article XXIII.1 DSU
v “When Members seek the redress of a violation of obligations or other nullification or
impairment of benefits under the covered agreements or an impediment to the attainment
of any objective of the covered agreements …”
→ Must be Members; Measures must be on the basis of Article XXIII.1.
The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism is “mandatory”, the complained member has no choice but to
Complaints classification Article XXIII.1 GATT
If any contracting party should consider that any benefit accruing to it directly or indirectly under this Agreement
is being nullified or impaired or that the attainment of any objective of the Agreement is being impeded as the
result of :
a) the failure of another contracting party to carry out its obligations under this Agreement, or
b) the application by another contracting party of any measure, whether or not it conflicts with the provisions of
this Agreement, or
c) the existence of any other situation.
• Violation (khi có vi phạm hoàn toàn) (Article III.8 DSU): complaints arise when there is an infringement
of the obligations assumed under a covered agreement.
Appellate Body Report, India – Quantitative Restrictions
• Non-violation complaint (Article XXVI.1 DSU) (vi phạm không hoàn toàn/một phần) - lách luật:
complaints arise when a party to the dispute considers that any benefit accruing to it directly or indirectly
under the relevant covered agreement is being nullified or impaired or the attainment of any objective of
that Agreement is being impeded as a result of the application by a Member of any measure, whether or
not it conflicts with the provisions of that Agreement.
EC-Asbestos, EEC-Oilseeds
- Complaint under “the existence of any other situation”: the complaint must also demonstrate the
damage suffered or the impediment caused to attaining an objective of the Agreement. Report adopted by
“consensus” mechanism (Article XXVI.2 DSU).
4. Process

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Trình bày cơ chế giải quyết tranh chấp trong tổ chức WTO/trong thương mại quốc tế?
Step 1: Consultation: (tham vấn)(Article II.1) →
mandatory ✩
Step 2: Litigation → Panel (hội thẩm) (ad-hoc
mechanism) → Reports (interpret the law - giải thích
luật and recommendations - khuyến nghị → phán
quyết) → DSB (review) → Appellate Body* (AB) →
AB reports (Final)(interpret the law and
Appeal Court (toà phúc thẩm)
*Trách nhiệm của Appellate Body:
• review Panel reports
• uphold (giữ nguyên), amend (sửa đổi), cancel
(huỷ bỏ)
✩ Mediation: hoà giải, được sử dụng trong suốt quá
trình tranh chấp
✩ Arbitration Courts: một bước trong giải quyết
tranh chấp (Article XXIII.1), A và B tranh chấp cùng
ký với nhau agreements, chọn C để giải quyết → C
là arbitration (slides)

Step 3: Conclusion
• Implementation: khuyến nghị
• Compensation (Article XXII): đền bù
• Retaliation (Article XXII.3): trả đũa (DSB approved)
o WTO được đưa ra phán quyết CÙNG TRỪNG PHẠT (Các quốc gia đang cùng trừng phạt Nga
bằng việc ko mua dầu)
- Is an ad hoc dispute settlement body at first instance;
- Consist of from 3 - 5 expert members who are not members related to the dispute;
- Have the duty to investigate a particular matter in dispute on the basis of WTO rules raised by the
complained Member (Article XI DSU);
- Given a report to be submitted to the DSB for approval, proposes recommendations toward the dispute
- New institution in the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism;
- Allow to review the Report of the Panel;
- Consist of 7 members appointed by DSB for 4 – years period (can be re – elected once) selected among
prestigious and professional people;
- The appellate trial in each case shall be conducted by 3 members independently;
- Review only the legal and regulatory interpretations in the Panel Report;
- Given a Report that may uphold, amend or reverse the Panel’s conclusion;
- The Report bears a final decision, not either be protested or complained.
Consultation: (Article IV)
- Mandatory procedures conducted between the parties to seek a common voice;
- “Each Member undertakes to accord sympathetic consideration to and afford adequate opportunity for
Good Offices, Conciliation and Mediation: (Article V DSU)

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- Request of the parties, conduct on a voluntary basis, at any time within dispute settlement period;
- Time, money saving, preserve the relationship of the parties related to the dispute;
Panel Establishment: (Article XX DSU)
- If the Consultation is not successful, a written Panel is established (Article VI DSU);
- Operate according to regulations. (Điều 12 DSU)
Adopt of the Panel Report (Panel Procedures):
- The Panel Report is constraint only when approved by DSB;
- The dispute shall be reviewed at the AB in case the Report is appealed or disagreed by a party.
Appellate Review: (Article XVII DSU)
- The parties may appeal a legal issues on the Report of the Panel;
- Only review legal issues and issues stated in the notice of appellate;
- May uphold, amend or reverse the Panel decisions.
Arbitration: (Article XXIII.1)
- Applied in following conditions:
v Determine the time limit for implementing recommendations;
v Determine the level of retaliation.
- Is Panel's members or be appointed;
- Solely consider the performance level.
A recommended measure:
- Immediately amend or abolish (Article XIX.1 and III.7 DSU);
- In case of not immediately, it must be within a reasonable period of time:
v DSB decisions;
v Agreed in 45 days;
v The Arbitrator decides within 90 days.
Compensation and Retaliation:
- Are temporary measures;
Non – implementation after “reasonable period of time”:
- Compensation (Article XXII):
v Conduct on the principle of voluntary and appropriately;
v Implementation of concessions or market access commitments of the losing Party;
v Based on future predictable damages related to the dispute.
- Retaliation (Article XXII.3):
v Failure to agree on the compensation level after 20 days upon expiry of a reasonable period of
v Request for approval from DSB (DSB prohibits unilateral retaliation);
v Pending the implementation of tariff concessions and other obligations, other agreements;
v Cross – retaliation: “same sector” and “other sectors”.
- Proceed more cautiously through 2 steps (Panel and Appellate Body);
- Strictly on the deadlines;
- Automatic approval mechanism (reverse - consensus)
- Provides a final solution to maintain the rights of the affected Parties;
- Priority is given to developing countries.
Trình bày điểm giống/khác nhau giữa GATT vs WTO?
- Khác (WTO) - Giống
+ Có thêm bước phúc thẩm + Đều có 3 bước
+ Có thêm các bước đặc biệt

[REVIEW] – International Trade Law Thái Hà Phương 205161236

Trình bày cơ sở pháp lý? (Điền các Article)

Câu nhận định luôn có 4 ý
• True or false • legal basis (cơ sở pháp lý)
• Explain: Giải thích ngắn • Dòng nào trong cơ sở pháp lý “…”
GATT and Multilateral Agreements:
GATT 1947/1994:
- GATT 1994 is GATT 1947 amended and supplemented;
- With GATT 1994 affirmed its position in the WTO agreements;
- Is the fundamental foundation of trade in goods agreements.
Basic principles:
- Restrict trade barriers (Artile II, XI, XXVIII and XVIII bis of GATT)
- Eliminating discrimination (Article I and III of GATT)
- “Exemptions” still exist
Multilateral Agreements:
Appendix 1A Marrakesh Agreement including the following groups:
- Specific Trade in Goods Agreements;
- Agreements on regulating non – tariff barriers (SBS, TBT);
- Agreements on regulating Trade Remedies (ADA, SG, SCM)
Border measures:
Barriers: hàng rào thương mại nhằm hạn chế việc lưu thông hàng hoá
• Tariff → the only → finance
• Non-tariff: phi thuế quan → unlimited - Quantitative restrictions
I - Tarrif: thuế quan
• Tariffs (export – import duties) is the financial obligation levied on import – export goods. là thuế ở hải
quan - border duties
• Used as instruments of protectionism: bảo hộ nội địa (công cụ để bảo vệ cho hàng hoá nội địa)
• Regulating economic development policies
• Source of income for states (mainly developing countries): income (special-only developing countries);
nước giàu - WTO luôn muốn hàng hoá về 0% (thuế về 0% - ko phải đóng thuế → bán được nhiều hàng)
• Ad valorem (According to value): Tax rate calculated on the value (%) of goods; thuế đánh trên giá trị
hàng hoá → Vietnam calls it VAT
Exp: What is the 30% tariffs on 1000$ laptop goods?
• Non-ad valorem
o Specific tariff: Exp: $100 tariff for each imported laptop, 50$ tariff for 1 ton of rice,…
o Combined tariff: Exp: a ton of imported steel valued 1000$ has a tax of 15% ad valorem and
20$/ton. How’s tariff on 5 tons?
o Mixed tariff: Exp: Tariff on mobile phones is 10 % ad valorem or 25$ per item (depend on which
one is higher)
• Objectives:
o Reduction (Article XVIII.1 bis GATT 1994)
- “ … customs duties often constitute serious obstacles to trade; thus negotiations on a reciprocal and
mutually advantageous basis, directed to the substantial reduction of the general level of tariffs … , in

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particular to the reduction of such high tariffs as discourage the importation even of minimum quantities,
and conducted with due regard to the objectives of this Agreement and the varying needs of individual
contracting parties, … . The CONTRACTING PARTIES may therefore sponsor such negotiations from
time to time.”
- substantial reduction of the general level of tariffs;
- conducted with due regard to the objectives of WTO and the varying needs of individual contracting
→ Significant practical success so far through the Tariff Concession Schedules.

o Consideration for developing-countries (Article XVIII.3 bis GATT 1994)

“Negotiations shall be conducted on a basis which affords adequate opportunity to take into account:

b) the needs of less-developed countries for a more flexible use of tariff protection to assist their economic
development and the special needs of these countries to maintain tariffs for revenue purposes;”
Developing countries are most concessional tariffs (Vietnam 60%, Zimbabwe 9%, Cameroon 0,1%)
→ Commitments have very different constraints
• Principles
- Principle of negotiation and mutual concessions (Article XVIII bis GATT 1994):
o reciprocal and mutually advantageous;
o Relevant Exemptions existed for Developing countries (Article XXXVI.8 GATT 1994, Enabling
o Non-discrimmination (Article I.1 GATT 1994) (….immediately and unconditionally…,….no less
favourable than…)
Ko muốn các quốc gia khác hưởng lợi, giải pháp là ký kết hiệp định nhiều bên hoặc song phương (ASIA
+ Aus)
- CONCESSION (sự nhận nhượng) tariff → reduce → negotiation
• Schedule of Concession (biểu nhân nhượng thuế quan) are an integral part of GATT 1994 (Article II.7
• Quốc gia nào cũng có 1 Schedule of Concession, khác nhau và cố định ở mỗi quốc gia → 164 quốc gia:
164 Schedule of Concession. Each Members has its own Schedule of Tariff Concessions
• Rules of applications: nguyên tắc áp dụng (Article II.1 GATT 994)
Article II.1 (a) and II.1 (b) first sentence of GATT 1994:
“(a) Each contracting party shall accord to the commerce of the other contracting parties treatment no less
favourable than that provided for in the appropriate Part of the appropriate Schedule annexed to this
(b) The products described in Part I of the Schedule relating to any contracting party, which are the products
of territories of other contracting parties, shall, on their importation into the territory to which the Schedule
relates … be exempt from ordinary customs duties in excess of those set forth and provided therein…”
o Non-discrimmination: Article II.1 (a) ….no less favourable than….. Accord to the commerce of
the other contracting party treatment no less favourable than the commitments in the Schedule of
Tariff Concessions (Article II.1 a)
o Exempt from excess tariff: Article II.1 (b) miễn trừ mọi khoản thuế quan vượt mức trong biểu.
Imported products shall be exempt from ordinary customs duties in excess of those set forth and
provided in the Schedules (Article II.1 b).
Trường hợp thấp hơn: đóng đúng
A Member’s Schedule of Tariff Concession has 4 parts:
- Part 1: MFN Rates;
v Section 1A: Agricultural Products – Duties;

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v Section 1B: Agricultural Products – Tariff-Rate Quotas;

v Section 2: Other Products (Non - Agricultural).
- Part II: Preferential Rates;
- Part III: Non – Tariff Concessions;
- Part IV: Agricultural Subsidies – Restrict subsidy commitments.
In spite of no general format is required, most of the information of the Schedule listed in Section 2 Part 1:
Ø Tariff classification code;
Ø Product description;
Ø Tariff - rate (base rate and binding rate);
Ø Execution time;
Ø Initial Negotiating rights;
Ø Other duties and expenses;
Ø Distinct conditions.
Exemptions of Tariff Concession
Article XXVIII.1 GATT 1994:
“… a contracting party …, by negotiation and agreement… modify or withdraw a concession* included in the
appropriate schedule annexed to this Agreement.”
GATT specifies in the following cases:
- Renegotiate:
v Periodic renegotiation (Article XXVIII.1, II, III, V GATT);
v Special negotiation (Article XXVIII.4 GATT);
v Re – negotiation by the developed - countries (Article XVIII.7 GATT);
v Withdraw or waiver of obligations (Article XXV GATT, Article IX of WTO Agreement);
v New round of trade negotiations (Article XXVIII bis GATT).
- Amendment:
v Withdrawal of concessions (Article XXVII GATT);
v Establishment of an economic union (Article XXIV.6 GATT);
v Terms of deliverance (Article XIX GATT);
v Payment difficulties (Article XII GATT);
v Sanction implementation (Article XXIII GATT).
The rules of guiding for tariff imposing
- Determination of tariff classification of imported goods;
- Determination of custom valuation of imported goods;
- Determination of the origin of imported goods.
1. Tariff classification
- Ensure implementation of concessions;
- There are no specific regulations or tariff classification system
- WCO → Nearly 200 user members including WTO Members.
- HS Code: Harmonized System. Rules presented in the International Convention on Harmonized Commodity
Description and Coding System – referred to as “Harmonized System” (HS Code)
+ HS Code- HS System is an international standardized system of description and code;
+ Classify more than 98% of goods traded worldwide by the World Customs Organization – WCO;
+ General agreement on good descriptions (name, properties, characteristics, effects, …);
+ Basic for the government agencies to issue import and export permits;

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+ Updated every 6 years.

Rules for tariff classification

General rules for the interpretation of the
Harmonization System – GRI of the HS:
- Rule 2 GRI:
- Rule 3 GRI: goods are, prima facie,
classifiable under two or more headings

2. Custom valuation
- Legal basis
+ Article VII GATT 1994
+ The Note Ad Article VII
+ Custom Valuation agreement (Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of GATT) - Hiệp định thực
thi điều 7/Hiệp định định giá hải quan
→ Determining tariffs with the value of goods; The provisions are well - specified.
- Article I.1 Custom Valuation Agreement
“The primary basis for customs valuation under the Agreement is “transaction value” as defined in Article 1.
Article 1 defines transaction value as “the price actually paid or payable for the goods when sold for export to
the country of importation,…Article 1 must be read together with Article 8 …”
→ “transaction value” defined as “the price actually paid or payable for the goods”, usually expressed in
invoices, contracts or orders.
- Article VII.2 (a) GATT 1994
“The value for customs purposes of imported merchandise should be based on the actual value of the imported
merchandise on which duty is assessed, or of like merchandise, and should not be based on the value of
merchandise of national origin or on arbitrary or fictitious values.”
→ The transaction value of imported goods is the basic for custom valuation.
In case can not determine the transaction value, the following methods shall be codified in the hierarchy (Circular
39/2015/TT- BTC)
- Transaction Value of Identical Merchandise (Article II);
- Transaction Value of Similar Merchandise (Article III);
- Deductive Value (Article V);
- Computed Value (Article VI);
- Derivative Method (Article VII).

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3. Rules of origins
- WTO → ROOs Agreement
+ preferential: các quốc gia có cùng ký kết (từ quốc gia bạn bè): is a part of free trade or a preferential
trade agreement including a concession of tariffs;
+ non-preferential (người dưng): Non-preferential origin: a determination of the country of origin for the
above purposes.
- Common methods of origin determination:
• wholly obtained (Article XXVI ROOs) (xuất xứ thuần tuý: một mình mình làm ra từ khâu sản xuất đến
khâu bán ra, trừ khi có thoả thuận khác)
• non wholly obtained: từ khâu sản xuất đến khâu bán ra trải qua nhiều quốc gia
- 3 methods (xác định xuất xứ)
• change of tariff classification (heading): 4 số khác nhau → sản phẩm mới. The resulting product has
undergone manufacturing or processing enough to classify it in a separate group.
• Specific manufacturing or processing operations: quốc gia nào làm ra quy trình tạo nên đặc tính cuối
cùng của sản phẩm thì quốc gia đó là xuất xứ của hàng hoá đó . số 3. based on specific production processes
or manufacturing operations that may confer originating status to the goods.
• The 'value added' rule: làm cho sản phẩm tăng lên 1 ngưỡng (threshold) giá trị nhất định thì quốc gia đó
là xuất xứ của hàng hoá đó. Ngưỡng này ≥ 35%. the product value added by a certain percentage (meets
a certain threshold)


- Most favored nation (MFN): hàng nhập khẩu vs hàng nhập khẩu (hàng nhập của quốc gia này và quốc gia khác),
dù nước giàu hay nước nghèo thì đối xử như nhau. Is the nations’ most preferential treatment with its trading
partners; Trade preferences are equivalent to those of a third country enjoyed under reciprocal or unconditional
+ Reason?
Prohibiting/eliminating discrimination in trade – preferences are equivalent treatments between countries;
Small nations get the same advantages as strong nations giving to each other.
Reduce trade diversification, promote trade liberalization;
Simplify international rules and promote tariff transparency.
- Nation Treatment (NT): hàng nội địa và hàng nhập khẩu
Legal basis: Most Favored Nation Treatment Article I GATT 1994; Article II GATS; Article IV TRIPS
Nation/Measure (quốc gia/hành vi) whether or not followed MFN (I.1 GATT 1994) ?
A measure that is a MFN violation needs to identify 4 factors:
• Scope of regulation (goods, services, IPs): any measures affecting directly or indirectly to import and
• liked products (likeness: tính tương tự trong thương mại quốc tế)
o DSB will (DSB quy định)
o Basic factors
§ physical/chemical characteristics
§ Functional likeness: end/final use: mục đích sử dụng cuối cùng
§ customer habits
§ HS Code
• Advantage of the measure (một lợi thế được tạo ra bởi hành vi đó): find a true advantage
• immediately and unconditionally: whether or not apply (chỉ cần chứng minh toàn bộ quốc gia đều được
→ chứng minh 1 quốc gia có công bằng trong sản phẩm của họ hay không

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dejure (…) and de-facto (in the fact of the event)

- Theo lý thuyết và theo thực tế
- Vi phạm hoàn toàn và vi phạm không hoàn toàn
- Không có ai đi vi phạm dejure, mà thường vi phạm/kiện defacto (mọi tranh chấp ở dạng defacto)
- Both dejure and defacto are under regulation of the Article I.1 GATT 1994
MFN exemptions
Legal basis: Article XXIV GATT 1994; understanding on the interpretation of article XXIV of GATT 1994;
Article V GATS; enabling clause
- Enableing clause (điều khoản khả thể): khả thể là được quyền sử dụng, là điều khoản cho phép các quốc gia
nghèo được quyền làm gì với thương mại
- RTAs (regional trade agreements): khi có kết kết riêng
Implementing conditions
- Regulation:
Ø Notify and report on the establishment and operation of the Agreements;
Ø To be reviewed and monitored by the competent authority of the WTO.
Ø Content: satisfaction of two conditions
Ø Internal condition: regulating trade relations between the members of the union with each other;
Ø External condition: regulating trade relations between union members and third parties.
Custom Union/ Common Market
- Internal condition (Article XXIV.8 (a)):
Ø Members must substantially eliminate tariffs and other trade restrictions;
Ø Members must essentially apply the same tariffs and trade restrictions to third
- External condition (Article XXIV.5 (a)): tariffs or other trade restrictions of members after the establishment of
the union are not applied to a higher or more restrictive level than the time before the establishment.
(Turkey – Textiles and Clothing Products, Argentina – Footwear, US – Carbon Pipe)
Free Trade Areas
- Internal condition (Article XXIV.8 (b)): Members must substantially eliminate tariffs and other trade
- External condition (Article XXIV.5 (b)): A member’s tariffs or trade restrictions after the establishment of the
agreement are not applied higher or more restrictive level than the time before the establishment.
(Turkey – Textiles and Clothing Products, Argentina – Footwear, US – Carbon Pipe)
Preference treatment for developing countries (Enabling Clause)
According to Enabling Clause:
- Allow developed countries to give preferential treatment to products of developing countries under the
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP);
- To be treated differently and favorably with provisions on non – tariff measures;
- Preferential agreements on eliminating tariffs and non – tariffs among under-developing countries for each
other’s goods;
- The most special and preferential treatments for under-developing countries of any preferential measures.
- Promoting regional trade connections between countries with similar geographical conditions;
- Encourage nations to participate in international trade.
- Unreliable internal and external regulations lead to overlap of PTAs;
- Occurrence of “trade escalation” and “trade transition”.
- Some issues that can not be solved bilaterally or regionally (non – tariff barriers).

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- Concept:
Ø A “cornerstone” of non-discrimination principles together with MFN;
Ø A principle to eliminate trade discrimination between domestic and foreign (imported) enterprises.
- Objectives:
Ø Market opening, trade liberalization;
Ø Obligations of equal treatment between domestic and imported goods, services, IP protection;
Ø Ensuring the commitments of concession, market opening of nation members of WTO.
Legal Basis:
- Article III GATT 1994; Article XVII GATS; Article III TRIPS.
- III.1
• internal taxes and changes III.2
• internal laws and regulations III.4
• internal quantitative regulations III.5 (mỗi quốc gia phải làm
Scope of Regulation:
- Most domestic measures in the field of goods, services and IP;
- Both de jure and de facto measures.

Article III.2 first sentence:

“The products of the territory of any contracting party imported into the territory of any other contracting party
shall not be subject, directly or indirectly, to internal taxes or other internal charges of any kind in excess of those
applied, directly or indirectly, to like domestic products.”
→ Measure is internal taxes or other internal charges; Imported products and domestic products are like
products; Imported products are taxed in excess of those applied.

Article III.2 second sentence:

“Moreover, no contracting party shall otherwise apply internal taxes or other internal charges to imported or
domestic products in a manner contrary to the principles set forth in paragraph 1.*”
“A tax conforming to the requirements of the first sentence of paragraph 2 would be considered to be inconsistent
with the provisions of the second sentence only in cases where competition was involved between, on the one
hand, the taxed product and, on the other hand, a directly competitive or substitutable product which was not
similarly taxed.”
→ Measure is internal taxes or other internal charges; There is competition between taxed product and a
directly competitive or substitutable product; Subject to a not similarly tax; Taxes to afford protection to
domestic production.

AB Report in case Indo – Autos:

“… In our view, such an origin-based distinction in respect of internal taxes suffices in itself to violate Article
III:2, without the need to demonstrate the existence of actually traded like products. This is directly in accord
with the broad purposes of Article III:2,…”
→ Questioning measure
- Ensure there is no discrimination in both de jure and de facto;
- Applied directly or indirectly (applied on or linked to products);
(Indo – Autos, Mexico – Taxes on Soft Drinks)

Like Products:
- Same with “likeness” mentioned in MFN;

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- Analyze and determine case by case;

(Japan – Alcoholic Beverages, Philippines – Distilled Spirits)
- Criteria:
Ø Physical characteristic, product qualities;
Ø End – use purposes;
Ø Habits and tastes of customers;
Ø Tariff classification.
Note: The criteria may be narrowed or expanded, added or removed depending on the case
(EC – Abestos)
- Analyze and determine case by case;
- Often explained in a broader meaning than the “like product” in the first sentence (Article III.4);
- There are 3 factors needed to be determined to identify the product in second sentence:
Ø There is a competition between imported and domestic products that are “directly competitive or
Ø Taxation is not similar;
Ø Taxes to afford protection.
(Korea – Alcoholic Beverages, Phil – Distilled Spirits)
→ Not the same as like product in the first sentence; Substitutable (high similarity but not yet identical); Based
on competitive, market factors.(EC – Asbestos)
- Same as MFN principle, prohibits discrimination in both written and reality ;
- If the discrimination is the effect of impose measures that are detrimental to imported products.
(US – Tax Treatment)
- Determine potential and actual effects:
AB Report in case Korea – Alcoholic Beverages:
“Korea also seems to be insisting that a finding that a measure affords protection must be supported by proof
that the tax difference has some identifiable trade effect. But, as we have said above, Article III is not concerned
with trade volumes. It is, therefore, not incumbent on a complaining party to prove that tax measures are capable
of producing any particular trade effect.”
→ Article III secures fair competition between imported and domestic products, without proving the trade effect
of the measure.

Article III.4 GATT 1994:

“The products of the territory of any contracting party imported into the territory of any other contracting party
shall be accorded treatment no less favourable than that accorded to like products of national origin in respect
of all laws, regulations and requirements affecting their internal sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation,
distribution or use.…”
→ Measure is laws, regulations and requirements affecting sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation,
distribution or use; Imported and domestic products are like product; Domestic product under less favourable


In excess tax:
- Any item deemed “excess”; Not similarly tax:
- Don’t have to prove trade effects. - Very small excess (de minimis);
(Japan – Alcoholic Beverages, Agentina – Textiles)
- In order to protect the domestic industry.
(Japan – Alcoholic Beverages II)

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- Analyze and determine in each measure;

- Based on structure, content, form of application, actual implementation, … of the questioning measure.
Article III.4 GATT 1994:
“The products of the territory of any contracting party imported into the territory of any other contracting party
shall be accorded treatment no less favourable than that accorded to like products of national origin in respect
of all laws, regulations and requirements affecting their internal sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation,
distribution or use.…”
→ Measure is laws, regulations and requirements affecting sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation,
distribution or use; Imported and domestic products are like product; Domestic product under less favourable
- Is all “laws, regulations and requirements affecting sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation,
distribution or use”;
- The “affecting” is understanding more broadly, even in case the measure is not intended to regulate the
activities in Article III.4.
Ø A tax stamp on imported cigarettes;
Ø The regulation requires the disposal of 10 used tires before importing 1 new tire;
Ø Regulations related to VAT for distributors of imported cigarettes;
Ø The regulation that all foreign journals can only distributed by a specific channel;
Ø Prohibits the sale of products made from seal skins.
(US – FSC)

Like Product
- Determination according to specific case;
- Basically determining the nature and extent of the competing relationship between products;
AB Report in case EC – Asbestos:
"In view of [the] different language [of Articles III:2 and III:4] … we do conclude that the product scope of
Article III:4, although broader than the first sentence of Article III:2, is certainly not broader than the combined
product scope of the two sentences of Article III:2 of the GATT 1994.”
- Understand broader than “like product” in Article III.2 first sentence but not excess of Article III.2 second
No Less Favourable
- The measures adjust the competition conditions causing damage to imported products in the relevant market:
• Additional administrative obligations (Thailand – Cigarettes (Philipines), Canada – Wheat
Exports and Grain Imports);
• Treatment to single product in the product group;
• Balance less favourable treatment (US – Section 337);
- A different treatment is not necessarily a violation of Article III.4 (Korea – Various Measures on Beef);
- Determination based on actual and potential effects (Thailand – Cigarettes (Philipines))

Article VI GATS:
"In the sectors inscribed in its Schedule, and subject to any conditions and qualifications set out therein, each
Member shall accord to services and service suppliers of any other Member, in respect of all measures affecting
the supply of services, treatment no less favourable than that it accords to its own like services and service
→ Applied to sectors where the Member has committed, within the limits and conditions stated in the
commitment; Each Member has a distinctive commitment specifying the limits and scope of application.

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Article III.1 TRIPS:

" Each Member shall accord to the nationals of other Members treatment no less favourable than that it accords
to its own nationals with regard to the protection of intellectual property. …"
→ In sector of “protection” of IP; What is protection?

GATT 1994
- Exemptions equivalent to MFN;
- Feature Exemptions:
Ø Government procurement (Article III.8.a GATT 1994);
Ø Subsidies for domestic manufacturers (Article III.8.b GATT 1994);
Ø Exemptions related to screenings (Article III.10 GATT 1994).
- Feature exemptions:
Ø Secures the performance of service tax obligations to other Members (Article XIV.d
Ø Government procurement (Article XIII GATS).
- Based on treaties before the Agreement establishment: Paris Convention, Berne Convention, Rome
Convention, …

Legal basis
• Article XX GATT 1994: Điều khoản cho phép các quốc gia dừng cam kết khi vi phạm trong các trường
hợp. → bảo vệ các giá trị tốt đẹp nhất của con người → cho quốc gia (kiểm soát lại những sự gian dối
trong giao thương)
• Gồm 11 trường hợp không cần tuân thủ/cam kết
• Điều XX trở thành nguồn cơn của mọi tranh chấp
• Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement (TBT Agreement);
• Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement).
I - Theory
1. Scope of regulations
• Các khoản từ a) → j) in Art XX GATT
1. Structure
• Part 1: The Chapeau (The Preamble)
• Part 2: a) → j) (sub-paragraphs)
• Part 3* Two Tiers Test
o Tier 1: measures thuộc a) → j)
1 biện pháp mà thuộc phạm vi điều chỉnh
a) necessary to protect public morals
o Tier 1: - PVĐC: bảo vệ đạo đức cộng đồng: phong sát (TQ) - cần thiết
o Tier 2: Measures thuộc The Chapeau
• Spirit of the sub-paras
o necessary: in paragraphs a,b,d
o essential: // j
o relating to: c,e,g
o for the protection of: f
o in pursuance of: h
o involving: i

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II - Practice
Measure/Nation (biện pháp) whether or not conform Art XX b) GATT
• protect human/animal/plant (tier 1)
• necessary (tier 1)
• Measure thuộc The Chapeau (tier 2)
1. Protect human/animal/plant health → actual protecting (not in de-jure)
2. “necessary”:
• objective
• trade restrictiveness
• comparison (mục tiêu > hiệu quả → tính cần thiết cấu thành)
-”level of protection”
→ bảo vệ con người + hành vi phải phù hợp
Measure/Nation (biện pháp) whether or not conform Art XX g) GATT?


Legal basis
• Article VI GATT 1994
• Anti-dumping Agreement (ADA)
I - Theory
• Sản phẩm xuất khẩu của nước xuất khẩu được bán với giá thấp hơn sản phẩm nội địa tương tự của nó cho
nước nhập khẩu - normal - export>0 → hiện tượng bán phá giá. Dumping is the act of an exporting country
selling exported product with lower price compared with liked domestic product of this exporting country
to an importing country.
• Is the basic concept of international trade;

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• A measure to lower the export price of products in order to compete with other products on the market for
the purposes: Defeat the competitors; Dominate the markets; Attracting foreign currencies;
• Quốc gia thiệt hại tức là quốc gia nhập khẩu được toàn quyền xử lý (DSB)
• Quốc gia thiệt hại được quyền viết ra luật nội địa về bán phá giá và dùng nó để điều tra (dumping
Scope of Regulation
Article VI GATT 1994:
“1. … dumping… is to be condemned if it causes or threatens material injury to an established industry in the
territory of a contracting party or materially retards the establishment of a domestic industry …
2. In order to offset or prevent dumping, a contracting party may levy on any dumped product an anti-dumping
duty … in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1.*”
Article I ADA:
“An anti-dumping measure shall be applied only under the circumstances provided for in Article VI
of GATT 1994 and pursuant to investigations initiated(1) and conducted in accordance with the provisions of this
Agreement …”
- WTO does not prohibit acts of dumping; however
- Regulating cases and Anti-dumping measures of Members:
• Issuing in accordance with the provisions (Article VI.2 GATT 1994);
• Applicable to specific cases (Article I ADA).
II - Investigation Procedures
(làm sao để điều tra hành vi bán phá giá)
• Nhân danh điều III.5 ADA, được quyền complaint khi cảm thấy có 1 thiệt hại xảy ra (de facto). Member
is allowed to adopt Anti-dumping measures when “injury” occur under Article VI GATT and the ADA.
• “Right to sue” Điều V.4 là điều kiện nộp đơn // Điều V.6
Điều V.4
o Cần: tổng nhà sản xuất → tổng sản lượng sản phẩm tương tự (1000 tấn)
o nhà sản xuất quan tâm → sản lượng quan tâm (800 tấn)
o Số nhà sản xuất làm ra 50% của 800 tấn → 400 tấn
o Đủ: Nhà sản xuất đồng ý phải làm được 25% tổng sản lượng ≥ 250 tấn
50% sản lượng quan tâm → cần
25% tổng sản lượng → đủ
→ đủ 2 điều kiện → thụ lý
Right to sue: Investigate when a lawsuit is filed by:
- Representatives of the domestic industry produce like products;
- Domestic industries produce like products;
- Competent authorities.
Conditions need to determine (Determination of Dumping)

Conditions need to investigate

Determination of Dumping
Article II.1 ADA:
“… a product is to be considered as being dumped, i.e. introduced into the commerce of another country at less
than its normal value, if the export price of the product exported from one country to another is less than the
comparable price, in the ordinary course of trade, for the like product when destined for consumption in the
exporting country.”
→ Whether consumption products and export products are like product; Sold less than its normal value; The
comparable price in the ordinary course of trade.

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Determination of Dumping
Like product
Article II.6 ADA:
“… “like product” (“produit similaire”) shall be interpreted to mean a product which is identical, i.e. alike in
all respects to the product under consideration, or in the absence of such a product, another product which,
although not alike in all respects, has characteristics closely resembling those of the product under
According to Panel in case EC – Fasteners (China):
““The mere fact that a dumping determination is ultimately made with respect to "a product" says nothing about
the scope of that product. There is certainly nothing in the text of Article 2.1 that can be understood to require
any consideration of 'likeness' in the scope of the exported product investigated…””
Determination of Dumping
Like product
“The Panel concluded that “while Article 2.1 establishes that a dumping determination is to be made for a single
'product under consideration', there is no guidance for determining the parameters of that product, and certainly
no requirement of internal homogeneity of that product, in that Article.””
According to BISD (Basic instruments and selected documents), 18th Supp, Page 101 – 102, 1972:
“like products are determined on the basic of a particular case, may be based on the final use of the product in a
certain market; based on habits and tastes of consumers – it varies from country to country; structural
characteristics, nature and quality of the product.”

[REVIEW] – International Trade Law Thái Hà Phương 205161236

Quy trình điều tra chi tiết:

[REVIEW] – International Trade Law Thái Hà Phương 205161236

3 bước: dumping (điều tra bán phá giá) →

injury (điều tra thiệt hại) → casual

Biên độ phá giá (margin dumping) phải

lớn hơn 2 thì mới điều tra tiếp → điều
kiện dừng điều tra thứ 1

Hay giá trị bán phá giá không đáng kể (is

not significant)

[REVIEW] – International Trade Law Thái Hà Phương 205161236

[REVIEW] – International Trade Law Thái Hà Phương 205161236

[REVIEW] – International Trade Law Thái Hà Phương 205161236

Question 1. True or False. Explain and state the legal basis. (under 80 words)
1. Only the multilateral international treaties related to trade and commerce, also known as multilateral
agreements, are the basic source of International Trade
→ False. Trade agreements consituted basic source of international trade not only include multilateral
international treaties but also plurilateral ones. According to Article III.1 WTO, “the WTO shall facilitate the
implementation, administration and operation and further objectives of the Multilateral Trade Agreement...also
provide...Plurilateral Trade Agreements”.
2. The General Council is the second powerful body in charge of daily regular issues and is also the dispute
settlement body of the World Trade Organization.
→ True. Because this is the special mechanism of WTO which is considered the dispute settlement body as well
as the trade policy review mechanism. According to Article IV.2,3,4 WTO, “....”
3. The reverse consensus mechanism brings absolute advantages in resolving disputes in international
trade. Therefore it is used to completely replace the consensus mechanism in the dispute resolution process.
→ False. The reverse consensus mechanism is not used to completely replace the consensus mechanism in the
dispute resolution process but supplements as well as additional to the dispute settlement mechanism of WTO.
(Article II.4 DSU “Where the rules and procedures of this Understanding provide for the DSB to make a decision,
it shall do so by consensus”) (Article XVI.4 DSU “ If a party has notified its decision to appeal, the report by the
panel shall not be considered for adoption by the DSB until after completion of the appeal.)
(A. 6.1, 16.4, 17.14 and 22.6)
4. Both Panel and Appellate Bodies are the official bodies established for dispute settlement with the
establishment procedure by ad-hoc mechanism
→ False. Only Panel is established by ad-hoc mechanism while AB is the fixed body which is regulated by WTO.
According to Article 17.2 DSU, “The DSU shall...four-year term”, Article 20 DSU “there is no permanent panel
at the WTO”.
5. Developed countries are the ones that have the most contributions to the WTO, therefore they have the
better privileges in the Organization.
→ False. The WTO operates on the basic principles including non-discrimination among its members (các quy
định buộc các quốc gia đối xử công bằng với nhau trong thương mại quốc tế (dù giàu hay nghèo đều được đối xử
công bằng như nhau). The rights and obligations of members in the WTO are determined by the international
trade associations to which they have signed, not by the extent of their contributions to the organization. Article
I.1 GATT, “..”
6. WTO's Dispute Settlement Mechanism has its entire authorization to handle all the disputes between
members of the organization despite their decision
→ True. Since each member country has already achieved agreement in DSU in which they allow the WTO's
Dispute Settlement Mechanism to address their disputes. Legal basis: Article XXII and XXIII.1 DSP “when
members seek the redress…
7. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a global trading system used for every Country in the world.
→ False. The WTO is only used for WTO’s members, not every country in the world. According to Article X
WTO 1994, “Any Member of the WTO...Ministerial Conference”.
8. WTO Agreement was inherited from GATT, so its scope of regulation only revolves in trade of goods.
→ False. Since also revolves in trade of Services and IPs. Article II.1 WTO or Annex 1 of WTO, “The WTO
shall provide...Agreement”.

[REVIEW] – International Trade Law Thái Hà Phương 205161236

9. International Trade Agreements are used as the source of International Trade Law which is signed by
the participated Members.
→ True. Including Bilateral, Plurilateral and Multilateral, WTO agreements signed by members serve as the legal
group rules for international trade. Article III.1 WTO Agreement 1994 mentioned “...”
10. All disputes in international trade between the Members shall be settled by decided Arbitration of the
two parties.
→ False. Every disputes between members must be obtained by DSB. Article XXIII.1 DSU. “When Members
seek the redress…” “… obtain DSB authorization … before suspending concessions or other obligations under
the covered agreements …”
11. The rule of reciprocity in Tariff Negotiations allows the negotiating State to enjoy exclusive privileges
after the negotiation process.
→ False. The WTO operates on the basic principles including non-discrimination among its members (các quy
định buộc các quốc gia đối xử công bằng với nhau trong thương mại quốc tế, dù giàu hay nghèo đều được đối xử
công bằng như nhau). Article MFN (I.1GATT) “every…immediately and unconditionally”
12. Likeness is considered the most important factor in determining a discriminatory measure; however,
decision shall be left to the discretion of the Dispute Settlement Body.
→ True. Because likeness helps identify goods and services for the application of accorded treatment regimes.
The identification is complicated, thus WTO analysis through practical disputes and depending on the
interpretation of the DSB/ Case law. Legal basis: Reports of Japan-taxes on Alcoholic, EC - Asbestos.
(Nếu ko có từ consider thì câu này sai vì trong MFN còn có Scope, Likeness, Advantage, Immediately)
13. Every Non-Discrimination Principles reviews are required to apply to liked products.
→ False. Because the non-discrimination principle also applies to two substitute products, not only liked products.
According to the second sentence of Article III.2 of GATT 1994, “...competition was involved between, on the
one hand, the taxed product and, on the other hand, a directly competitive or substitutable product which was not
similarly taxed”.
14. The Most Favoured Nation and National Treatment (MFN and NT) Principles are paramount in the
WTO which Members are required to comply with without exception.
→ False. There are some MFN exemptions that are allowed in Article XXIV GATT 1994, Understanding on the
Interpretation of Article XXIV of GATT 1994, Article V GATS, Enabling Clause about Regional Trade
Institutions (RTAs) and Preference treatment for developing countries (Enabling Clause). In National Treatment,
also found in all the three main WTO agreements (Article 3 of GATT, Article 17 of GATS and Article 3 of
TRIPS): “Each Member shall accord to the nationals of other Members treatment no less favourable ...subject to
the exceptions already provided in, respectively, the Paris Convention (1967), the Berne Convention (1971), the
Rome Convention or the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits...”

[REVIEW] – International Trade Law Thái Hà Phương 205161236

Question 2
A is a country which is the world's leading car manufacturing industry. In recent years, national automobile manufacturers from A have
continuously increased exports toward Country B with modern, eye-catching and affordable models, so it has won the majority of
attention from customers within B. The domestic automobile manufacturing industry of B feel insecure with the increasing presence of
A, causing the downfall in the market share of the automotive industry of country B. Especially, some small manufacturers had to close.
In country B, there are 5 large manufacturers with a total output of 68% of the domestic automobile industry, and they begin to take
specific actions for the behaviour of country A, typically asking the Government Executive measures to restrict imports, including anti
- dumping measures with the main following information:
- Manufacturers (B) have requested a complete investigation to their competent Authority, however, Vinfet - 1 of 5 largest
manufacturers, is also a large enterprise, has a joint venture with a manufacturer from A, called for a disagreement on the investigation
(Vinfet accounts for 15% of total output);
- Domestic manufacturers argue that the price of cars in the National Market B is much lower than the production cost, namely
for gasoline vehicles and then preliminary investigation by the Authority of Country B is as follows:
• Average domestic car production within Country A cost $ 20,000 per single product, while selling over B for $

Answer the question:

1. What is the definition of dumping?
Dumping is the act of an exporting country selling exported product with lower price compared with liked domestic product
of this exporting country to an importing country.
2. In your opinion, does B's competent Authority accept the request?
B's competent Authority accepts or not the request depending on the eligibility of application. According to Art. V. 4 of ADA
about conditions to submit, including:
- The application has been made by or on behalf of the domestic industry supported by those domestic producers whose
collective output constitutes more than 50% of the total productions of B's domestic producers who support or oppose
the application. In the case, there are 5 large manufacturers with a total output of 68% of the B's domestic automobile
industry that begin to take specific actions for behaviour of country A. Therefore, total productions of B's domestic
producers are 68%, higher than 50%.
→ The necessary condition to submit the request is eligible.
- Domestic producers expressly supporting the application account for not less than 25 per cent of total production of
the like product produced by the domestic industry. In the case, although 5 large manufacturers with a total output of
68% of the B's domestic automobile industry care about the application, Vinfet has a disagreement on the investigation
with A and this company has 15% of total output. Therefore, the supporting domestic producers account for 53% of
domestic automobile industry, higher than 25% total production of like products.
→ The sufficient condition to submit the request is eligible.
→ The application satisfied all conditions and B's competent Authority shall accept the request to investigate.
3. Analysis whether there is an establishment of Dumping activity or not?
According to Art. II. 1 of ADA about determine of Dumping that:
- Whether consumption products and export products are like product. Like product is determined based on Art. II. 6 “a product
which is identical alike in all respects to the product under consideration”, in this case, the product under consideration is
automobile manufacturers, between exported automobile manufacturers from A and B' domestic automobile manufacturers.
+ (4 factors)

[REVIEW] – International Trade Law Thái Hà Phương 205161236

- Sold less than its normal value: In the case, normal value of A’s domestic car production is 20.000 USD, which is like product
(demonstrated above) with ordinary course of trade and has won the majority of attention from customers within B (According
to Art.II.1 about normal value). However, A sell over B for 18.000 USD → The price that Sold to B is less than 2000 USD the
normal value of A’s domestic.
- The comparable price in the ordinary course of trade:
Normal value - export price: 20.000 - 18.000 = 2.000 > 0 → Dumping Phenomenon
→ Margin dumping:
(Normal value - export price)/ Export price = (20.000 USD - 18.000 USD)/ 18.000 USD = 0,1% < 2%
→ Dumping value is not significant → A just sell cheaper than normal value, not dumping activity.

Question 2. Exercise

A and B are Members of WTO (World Trade Organization). On October 15, 2020, B requested “consultations”
with A on the regulation issued by A two months ago that call “Health Protection Charges” which insisted of
imposing two types of fees upon imported goods.

a) Imported products containing substances that, when used, will cause harm to the health of people shall be
charged a fee of 2% of the value of such imported goods;

b) Charge for any of the agricultural products with a fee of 1.00$ to 3.00$ per kilogram depends on which

Answer the following questions (with legal basis)

1. Which provision of WTO’s Agreements allows A to enforce the above policy? Briefly explain with legal basis.

The provision of WTO’s Agreements about general exceptions to technical and sanitary barriers allows A to
enforce the above policy. According to Article XX. b) GATT 1994 about preventing the adoption or
enforcement by any contracting party of measures that are necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or

Tier 1:

About protecting human, animal, or plant life or health, because B’s product containing substances that cause
harm when using → A forces the regulation “Health Protection Charges” to prevent health of people and
agriculture, it’s comfortable Article XX. b) GATT 1994.

About necessary, A wants to protects A’s people → A enacted restriction to B's products. Because A believe
that A's people's health is necessary, need protected from trade restriction → Necessary.

Tier 2:

This measure is suitable because there are no alternative measures, no discrimination with other countries (no
arbitrary, unjustifiable, disguised restriction) → The way that A enacted this policy is not discrimination. The
measure is conform Art. XX b) GATT 1994

[REVIEW] – International Trade Law Thái Hà Phương 205161236

→ A is allowed to enforce the above policy.

2. Is A’s policy fully compliant with other WTO regulations? Explain with legal basis.

TH1: MFN - NT → A's policy compliant with Most Favoured Nation Treatment in WTO regulation (MFN) but
not in Nation Treatment (NT).

• - Charges: According to Article I.1 GATT 1994 about any advantage, favour, privilege or immunity
granted by any contracting party to any product originating in or destined for any other country:
• - “Likeness”: this shall be applied for the first one is “Imported products which contain harm
substances to people health when using”. It is the same agriculture product that people use in daily, take
or eat and digest then cause harm for their health. The second one is “any of the agricultural products”,
which mean the same imported product used in farm, any commodity or product derived from livestock
shall be applied the same fee from 1$ to 3$.
• - Advantages, A's policy doesn’t limit to any measure, any partners or other country among WTO’s

- Accorded immediately and unconditionally, this applied to all WTO members. → The A's policy fully
compliant with MFN in WTO regulation.
National Treatment
-Charge: According to Article III.2.GATT

About the “likeness”,product / imported

3$ → not allowed
TH2: the exemption in agriculture agreement
TH3: complainant with Article II.b) GATT 1994, about the tax


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