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TPM Orientation Training

TPM‫آموزشگ رایشهای‬
Topics covered today:
 1. Brief Information on NPO/RRAA )NPO/RRAA( ‫اطالعات مختصر در مورد‬ .1

ICA ‫شرکت بیمه افغانستان‬ .2

 2. Insurance Corporate Afghanistan (ICA)
‫اصول و سیاست های بشر دوستانه‬ .3
 3. Humanitarian Principles and Policies
‫معلومات در مورد پروژه‬ .4
 4. Project Information TPM ‫چک لست روزانه فیلد مانیتور‬ .5
 5. A TPM Field Monitors Daily Checklist WFP ‫فوکل پاینت یا هماهنگ کننده‬ .6

 6. WFP Focal Points ‫منابع و کانال های اطالعاتی‬ .7

‫یافته ها‬ .8
 7. Information Channels
‫مسایل و یا چالش ها‬ .9
 8. Findings
‫اصول ثبت معلومات‬ .10
 9. Issues
‫گرفتن عکس از فعالیت ها‬ .11
 10. Storage Principles ‫برنامه کوبو‬ .12

 11. Taking Field Photo

 12. KoBo Toolbox
1. Brief Information on NPO/RRAA
‫اطالعاتمختصر در مورد انپ یاو‬
 Currently the head office of Norwegian Project Office Rural Rehabilitation Association for
Afghanistan (NPO/RRAA) is in Kabul of Afghanistan and delivers humanitarian and development
services through its four regional offices in the North, Central, East and West in the sectors of
livelihood, WASH and Good Governance. The average annual budget of NPO/RRAA during last 5
years was around 5-6 million USD per year, contributed by the government of Afghanistan,
international donors and communities we work with.
‫در حال حاضر دفتر مرکزی ان گی او در کابل مرکز افغانستان است و کمک های بشر دوستانه و خدمات توسعه ای خویش را از طریق‬ 
‫ بودجه‬.‫ شرق و غرب موقعیت دارد در بخش های امرار معیشت؛ واش و حکومتداری خوب اراِیه میکند‬، ‫ مرکز‬،‫چهار دفتر که در شمال‬
‫ کمک کننده های بین‬،‫ ملیون دالر در سال بوده است که توسط دولت افغانستان‬6 ‫ الی‬5 ‫متوسط ساالنه ان پی او در پنج سال اخیر در حدود‬
‫ تمویل میشود‬،‫المللی و جامعه ای که ما با آنها کار میکنیم‬
 Our mission at NPO/RRAA is to have a strong focus on community development with the
principles of encouraging participation and feeling of ownership by community members,
supporting sustainable and long term project development, using supported and integrated
methods and ensuring commitment to develop community capacity while our areas of activities
are rural livelihood, local governance, wash and emergency.
 ‫ حمایت از توسه‬، ‫ماموریت ما در ان پی او تمرکز قوی بر توسعه جامعه با اصول تشویق مشارکت و احساس مالکیت توسط اعضای جامعه‬
‫ حوزه های‬.‫ استفاده از روش های پشتبانی شده و یک پارجه و اطمینان از تعهد به توسعه ظرفیت جامعه است‬،‫پایدار و بلند مدت پروژه‬
‫ واش و حاالت اضطراری است‬، ‫ حکومت داری محلی‬،‫فعالیت ما در بخش های امرار معیشت در روستا ها‬.
2. Insurance Corporate of Afghanistan (ICA)
) ‫ش رک تب یمه افغ انستان(آیس ی‬
 All TPM project staffs have ICA coverage and a brief description of the
scale of benefits are below:
1. Death (Accidental death only). (100% coverage)
2. Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of both eyes. (100% coverage)
3. Total and irrecoverable loss of sight on one eye. (50% coverage)
4. Loss of two limbs. (100% coverage)
5. Loss of one limb. (50% coverage)
6. Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of one eye and loss of one limb.
(100% coverage)
 ‫تمام کارمندان پروژه تی پی ام تحت پوشش بیمه افغانستان استند که در ذیل بعضی مزایا آن توضیح میگردد‬.
‫ فیصد‬100 ‫ بیمه مرگ در تصادم‬.1 

‫ فیصد‬100 .‫ از دست دادن بینایی دایمی و غیر قابل اعالج هر دو چشم‬.2 

.‫ فیصد‬50 ‫ از دست دادن بینایی کامل یک چشم‬.3 

)‫ فیصد‬100( ‫ از دست دادن دو دست و پا‬.4 

‫ فیصد‬50 ‫ از دست دادن یک اندام (دست یا پاه ) پوشش بیمه‬.5 

.‫ فیصد بیمه‬100 ‫ از دست دادن بینایی یک چشم و اندام ؛ پوشش‬.6 

Humanitarian Principles and Policies of NPO/RRAA and WFP .3
‫ اصول و سیاست های بشر دوستانه ان پی او و دبلیو اف پی‬.3
Humanitarian Principles ‫اصولب شر دوستانه‬
 Humanity > preventing and alleviating human suffering; protecting and respecting the life; health and dignity of each
individual ‫ س المتیو حفظ ک رامتهر ف رد‬،‫ حافظتو احترام ب ه زندگ ی‬،‫جلو گ یریو ک اهشرنج هایانشانها‬.
 Neutrality > not taking sides in a conflict; providing aid solely to non-combatants
.‫ ارایه کمک به غیر جنگجویان‬.‫بی طرفی> عدم جانبداری در یک در گیری‬ 

 Impartiality > Not discriminating on the basis of ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political opinions, race or religion;
relief is guided solely on needs.
.‫ کمک تنها بر اساس نیاز ها توزیع میگردد‬،‫ نزاد یا مذهب‬،‫ ملیت‬،‫ جنسیت‬،‫ عدم تبعیض بر اساس قومیت‬:‫بی طرفی‬ 

 Operational Independence > providing assistance in a manner that is operationally independent of any political,
economic or military objective.
‫ اقتصادی و نظامی باشد‬،‫ ارایه کمک به روش که از نظر عملیاتی مستقل از هر هدف سیاسی‬:‫استقالل در کارها و عملیات‬ 

Food Security
 Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and
nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. The four pillars of
food security are availability, access, utilization and stability.
‫ اجتماعی اقتصادی دسترسی داشته باشندکه نیاز‬،‫ ایمن و مغذی بطور فیزیکی‬،‫ امنیت غذایی زمان وجود دارد که همه مردم در هر زمان به مواد غذایی کافی‬:‫امنیت غذایی‬ 
‫استفاذه و‬، ‫ دسترسی داشتن‬،‫ در دسترس بودن‬: ‫ چهار اصل امنیت غذایی عبارت اند از‬.‫های غذایی و خواسته های غذایی آنها برای یک زندگی سالم و فعال برآورده کند‬
‫ثبات یا پایداری‬
4.1 Programme Name and Coverage Area
‫ن ام پ روگرام و س احاتت حتپ وشش‬
Project Name: Programme Implementation (needs assessment, monitoring and reporting) of the
United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) operations in Afghanistan (WFP/AFG/RFP/020/086)
‫ نظارت و راپور دهی) فعالیت های برنامه جهانی غذا سازمان ملل متحد (دبلیو اف‬،‫ ارزیابی‬،‫ تطبیق یا پیاده سازی برنامه (نیاز سنجی‬:‫نام پروژه‬
‫( پی) در افغانستان‬WFP/AFG/RFP/020/086)

Background on TPM experience: Our organization has been handling the TPM operations for WFP in
cluster 2 for the past 6 years (since 2015)
‫ در کلستر دو مدیریت‬WFP ‫) تا اکنون فعالیت های تی پی ام را برای‬2015 ‫ سازمان ماه در شش سال گذشته (از سال‬:‫تجرجه کاری تی پی ام‬

Coverage Area:
Cluster 2 Provinces‫والیات‬
‫ساحات تحت پوشش‬
‫ک لستر دوم‬

Herat‫هرات‬ Badghis ‫ف راه‬
Ghor ‫غور‬
‫ب ادغیس‬
?What is TPM teams role 4.2
‫نقش تیم های تی پی ام چیست؟‬
We are the Donor’s Third Party Monitors (TPM) responsible for monitoring, evaluating and reporting any and all
findings for every step of the projects being implemented in cluster.
‫ارزیابی و گزارزش دهی تمام پروزه های در حال اجرا در کلستر هستیم‬،‫) مسئول نظارت‬TPM( ‫ماه ناظران طرف یا گروه سوم تمویل کننده‬
We are in charge of: ‫ما مسئولهستم ک ه‬
1. Monitoring the CPs implementation of Donors project 1. )‫ن ظارتب ر ت طبیقپ روژه ت مویلک ننده در (س یپ یاس‬
2. Evaluating and collecting data on eligibility, quality of work, issues, selection process and many more
aspects of the projects being implemented.
‫ روند انتخاب و بسیاری از مسایل های دیگر پروژه های در‬،‫ چالش ها‬،‫ کیفیت کار‬،‫ ارزیابی و جمع آوری معلومات خام ( داده ها) در مورد واجد شرایط بودن‬. 2
.‫حال اجرا‬
3. Reporting important findings to Office and WFP.
WFP ‫ گزارش دادن یافته های مهم به دفتر و‬.3
Important: No Stepping in Policy. ‫ ب ه س یاستدستن زنید‬: ‫ن کته مهم‬

The Reporting Chain for TPM Project is ‫س لسله مراتبی ا زنجیره ی گ زارشدهیدر ت یپ یام‬

Field Monitor > Team Leader > Cluster Coordinator > WFP
4.3 Why WFP relies on TPM service providers?
The prevailing unpredictable security situation in Afghanistan limits and to
some extent completely prevents WFP Programme Staff, including Field Monitors,
from field visits to assess food needs or monitor food assistance programs (Food
and/or Cash-based Transfer Modalities) in many locations. This has necessitated
WFP Afghanistan to outsource companies, who can undertake on behalf of WFP
activities such as: needs assessment, activity/progress monitoring, food
distribution monitoring, post distribution monitoring, beneficiaries’ verification
and reporting to ensure that the assistance reaches the intended beneficiaries
 and assessment activities in areas accessible to WFP staff.
‫ کارمندان و ناظران برنامه جهای غذا را از بازدید ساحات برای‬،‫وضعیت امنیتی غیر قابل پیش بینی در افغانستان‬
‫ارزیابی نیاز های غذایی و یا نظارت از برنامه های کمک غذایی در بسیاری از مکان ها محدود و یا کامالً مانع شده‬
WFP ‫ در افغانستان به شرکت های بیرونی نیاز پیدا کند که آنها بتوانند به نمایندگی از‬WFP ‫ این امر باعث شده‬.‫است‬
‫ نظارت پس‬،‫ نظارت بر توزیع مواد غذایی‬،‫ نظارت بر فعالیت یا پیشرفت‬،‫ ارزیابی نیاز ها‬: ‫بعضی فعالیت ها ماننده‬
‫ شناسای مستفید شوندگان و گزارش دهی برای اطمینان از اینکه کمک ها به مستحقین مورد نظر در‬،‫از توزیع‬
.‫ در جاهای که قابل دسترس استند‬WFP ‫ و ارزیابی فعالیت های کارمندان‬،‫سراسر کشور میرسد‬
Third Party Monitoring (TPM) is a crucial part of WFP’s operations in
Afghanistan. WFP relies on TPM Service Providers to conduct some of its
functions given the current UN security restrictions, which in many cases changes
rapidly. Without the outsourced TPM, it would be challenging to reach many of
Afghanistan’s most vulnerable, deserving and food insecure individuals and
communities. TPM configurations and activities, therefore, should be ordered
around food-insecure areas which WFP and/or the UN has outlined as difficult-to-
access, or simply ‘no go’ area for UN staff. In other words, TPM activities will
primarily focus on areas which are not accessible to WFP field staff but, if
required, may also be tasked to carry out monitoring and assessment activities in
areas accessible to WFP staff.
‫ برای انجام بعضی از وظایف خود با توجه به‬WFP .‫ در افغانستان است‬WFP ‫) بخش مهمی از عملیات‬TPM(
‫ متکی‬TPM ‫محدودیت های امنیتی سازمان ملل که در بسیار از موارد به سرعت تغییر میکند به کارمندان خدماتی‬
4.4 TPM service provider responsibilities
NPO/RRAA as the TPM service provider is expected to perform the following
core activities:
 Conduct gender responsive assessments
 Conduct activity / progress monitoring with timely and quality monitoring
 Conduct beneficiaries’ verification for all the different programme activities.
 Conduct data collection for programme support liaising with local authorities
and communities on behalf of WFP on matters pertaining to WFP food
assistance programs and represent WFP in all provincial meetings which WFP
staff cannot attend.
 As and when required, in conflict areas, under the guidance of WFP, negotiate
with parties to the conflict on accessing affected populations, securing safe
passage for WFP commodities and protection of food assistance beneficiaries.
 Conduct verification of compliance cases such as: food/cash diversions, misuse
of WFP resources etc. and follow up of hotline cases and come up with timely
and realistic reports.
 Undertake any other activities related to WFP food assistance interventions as
and when required.
Field Monitor Responsibilities 4.5
‫مسئولیت های ناظرین ساحوی‬

Under the direct supervision of the Team Leader and the general guidance of the Cluster Coordinator,
field monitor has the following duties and responsibilities:
:‫ناظرین ساحوی تحت نظارت مستقیم تیم لیدر و راهنمای کلی هماهنگ کالستر وظایف و مسوولیت های زیر را بر عهده دارد‬
 Conduct gender responsive assessments including pre-project assessments and emergency needs
assessment of populations affected by natural disasters or conflict (internally displaced populations)
and engage communities including women.
‫ارزیابی ها واکنش های رفتاری جنسیتی از جمله ارزیابی قبل از پروژه و ارزیابی ها نیازهای حالت اضطراری افرادیکه در اثر حوادث طبعی و یا‬ 
.‫جنگ بیجا شده اند را انجام دهید و جوامع از جمله زنان را دخیل بسازید‬
 Conduct beneficiary verifications of different programme activities i.e. emergency response, seasonal
support, vocational skills training etc.
. ‫ آموزش مهارت های حرفه ای و غیر‬،‫ حمایت های فصلی‬، ‫شناسای مستحقین در فعالیت های مختلف پروگرام مانند حاالت اضطرار‬ 
Field Monitor Responsibilities 4.5
‫مسئولیت های ناظرین ساحوی‬
 Conduct and coordinate activity / progress monitoring, distribution monitoring as well as post distribution
monitoring for both food and cash-based transfers of all WFP project activities, in close collaboration with the
WFP Field Office and stakeholders i.e. CPs, FSPs, government authorities, communities, etc. and come up with
timely and quality monitoring checklists submitted in KOBO.
‫ با‬WFP ‫ نظارت بر توزیع و همچنین نظارت پس از توزیع غذا و پول نقد در تمام فعالیت های پروژه‬، ‫ نظارت بر پیشرفت کار‬/ ‫هدایت و هماهنگ نمودن فعالیت‬ 
‫و غیره را بصورت دقیق و به موقع به اساس چک لیست های انظارتی‬،‫ جوامع‬،‫ مقامات دولتی‬، FSPs, CPs ‫همکاری دفتر ساحوی بخش مربوطه و ذینفعان از جمله‬
.‫ تحیه و ارائیه نماید‬KOBO ‫رائیه شده در‬
 Collect data for programme support including but not limited to food security assessments, market food prices,
gender, protection and Accountability to Affected Population (AAP), nutrition surveys etc.
‫ بررسی های‬،‫حفاظت و رسیدگی به افراد اسیب دیده‬،‫ جنسیت یا جندر‬،‫ قیمت های غذا در بازار‬،‫جمع آوری داده ها برای حمایت پروگرام شام ارزیابی های امنیت غذایی‬
.‫غذایی و غیره میباشد که تنها به موارد فوق محدود نمیشود‬
4.5 Field Monitor Responsibilities (Cont)
 Follow up the issues identified during the previous monitoring or site visit(s) that required follow up and
further actions and make sure that they are taken up with the relevant stakeholder i.e. CP, FSP, etc. and
make sure that they are settled and resolved before becoming a bottleneck to the project.
‫ پیگیری کنید و مطمعین شوید که با‬،‫چالش های شناسایی شده در جریان نظارت قبلی و یا بازدید های سایت را که نیاز به پیگیری و اقدامات بعدی داشت‬ 
.‫ قبل از این که پروژه به تنگنا قرار گیرد‬.‫ و غیره مطرح شده است و اطمینان حاصل کنید که آنها حل و فصل شده اند‬CP ‫ و‬, FSP ‫ذینفعان مربوطه مانند‬
 Oversee and monitor WFP programme activities in the provinces of respective WFP Field Office in
accordance with WFP and United Nations policies and procedures and before going to field for conducting
any type of activity whether it is monitoring, assessment, verification or any other purpose, field
monitors should ensure to take the brief from the relevant SO manager or VAME focal point, take all
relevant information and ensure that he/she is fully aware about the activity being monitored/visited.
Moreover, he/she should be fully aware of his/her role and should not take others’ responsibilities i.e.
CP, FSP, etc. and should only focus on his/her own task and assigned duties.
‫ و سازمان ملل متحد قبل از رفتن‬WFP ‫ مطابق با سیاست ها و اصول های‬WFP ‫ و دفترهای ساحوی در والیات مربوط به‬WFP ‫ناظرین بر فعالیت های‬ 
‫تصدیق یا هر هدف دیگری باید اطمینان حاصل کند که تمام اطالعات مربوطه را گرفته و‬، ‫ ارزیابی‬،‫به ساحه برای انجام هر نوع فعالیت اعم از نظارت‬
‫از فعالیت تحت نظارت آگاهی و اطالعات کامل دارد و همچنین از نقش خود کامالً آگاه باشد و نباید مسئولیت دیگران را بر عهده بگیرد و فقط بر روی‬
.‫وظیفه خود و وظایف محوله تمرکز کند‬
4.5 Field Monitor Responsibilities (Cont)
 Under the general guidance of the Head of the Field Office and VAME focal
point at the Field Office, liaise with local authorities and communities on
behalf of WFP on matters pertaining to WFP food assistance programs and
represent WFP in all provincial meetings which WFP staff cannot attend.
)VAME ‫ ارزیابی و تجزیه تحلیل اسیب پذیری یا‬، ‫نظر به هدایت کلی رئیس دفتر ساحوی و فوکل پاینت (نظارت‬ 
‫ در مورد مسایل مربوط به برنامه های کمک‬WFP ‫ با مقامات محلی و جوامع به نمایندگی از‬، ‫در دفتر ساحوی‬
‫ نمیتوانند در آنها شرکت کنند به نماینده‬WFP ‫ در ارتباط باشید و در تمام جلسات والیتی که کار کنان‬WFP ‫غذایی‬
.‫ اشتراک کنید‬WFP ‫گی از‬

VAME = Vulnerability Analysis Monitoring and Evaluation

‫ارزیابی و تجزیه و تجلیل آسیب پذیری‬،‫نظارت‬ 
4.5 Field Monitor Responsibilities (Cont)
 As requested by WFP and under the guidance of the Head of the Field Office, VAME focal
point and Compliance team, conduct verification of compliance cases such as: food/cash
diversions, misuse of WFP resources, etc. and follow up of Hotline cases and come up with
timely and realistic reports.
‫ و با راهنمایی ریس دفتر ساحوی و فوکل پاینت و تیم مشترک از تخلفات در مواد غذایی و پول نقد و یا سوء‬WFP ‫طبق درخواست‬ 
.‫ را پیگیری کنید و به موقع و واقع بینانه گزارش دهید‬WFP ‫استفاده از منابع‬
 Visit Cooperating Partners’ storage facilities and distribution points (hospitals, schools, etc.)
and inspect these sites according to WFP’s food management standard. Technical advice on
warehousing and food management should be provided to the stakeholders to build their
capacity on proper food management.
‫ و غیر ) بازدید کنید و این سابت ها را مطابق با‬،‫ مکاتب‬،‫از گدام های ذخیره سازی و جاهای توزیع شرکای همکار (شفاخانه ها‬ 
‫ توصیه های مسلکی در مورد گدام داری و مدیریت مواد غذایی باید به آن ها‬،‫ بررسی و مقایسه کنید‬WFP ‫استاندارد های مدریت غذا‬
.‫ارائیه شود تا ظرفیت های خود را در مدیریت صحیح مواد غذایی ایجاد کنند‬
 Assist the WFP field offices and cooperating partners in encouraging women’s access to
economic skills development and sensitizing public opinion on gender issues and gender
focused activities.
 Identify relevant issues in the field and report them to his/her direct supervisor(s), VAME
focal point and relevant SO mangers at the field office.
 Oversee the process of SCOPE registrations and transfer management and support CPs when
4.6 Types of Strategic Outcomes for WFP

 S01: Vulnerable people in Afghanistan are able to meet their food and
nutrition needs during and immediately after emergencies.
 S02: Vulnerable people in Afghanistan are increasingly able to meet their food
and nutrition needs on their own.
 S03: Vulnerable people at each stage of the life cycle in target areas have
improved nutrition.
 S04: People throughout the country have a wide range of fortified, nutritious
food products available to them at affordable prices
4.7 Types of WFP Funded Projects
 S01
- Conflict Affected Population Internally Displaced People (CAP-IDP)
- Natural Disaster Affected Population (NDP)
- Seasonal Support Unconditional Programme (SSUP)
- Asset Creation & Livelihood (ACL)
- Undocumented Returnees (URet)
 S02
- Asset Creation & Livelihood (ACL)
- Vocational Skill Training (VST)
 S03
- Targeted Supplementary Feeding Programme (TSFP)
- Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme (BSFP)
 S04:
- Purchase for Progress (P4P)
4.8a WFP Eligibility Criteria Community Level

 Women or child HoH without adult male

 HHs with dependency ratio of 9 or more
 HHs with no adult male of working age or adult working women.
 Person with disability, chronic illness or elder as HoH
 HH with poor asset holdings
 HHs residing with or hosting other HH.
 HHs living in emergency or makeshift shelter
 HH relying only on borrowing, begging or zakat
 HH relying on casual labour by one member
 Households without any source of livelihood or income generating activities
 HHs with one or more members having disability or chronic illness, excluding HoH
 HH referred by protection agencies
4.8b WFP Eligibility Criteria Border Level

 Women or child HoH without adult male

 HHs with dependency ratio of 9 or more
 Person with disability or elder as HoH
 HH with poor asset holdings
 HH referred by protection agencies
5. What is a field monitor responsible for on a
daily basis?

 We have gone through the TOR for field monitor, project types, project activities. Let us now
go through how the daily routine of a field monitor looks like.
 A field monitor should practice B.U.D.A on daily basis. Depending on the project type,
location and targeted beneficiaries there are a total of 4 task types that need to be followed
on daily basis:
1. Tasks that need to be done before moving to assignment location.
2. Tasks that need to done upon arrival to assignment location.
3. Tasks that need to be done during the a implementation of activities by CP.
4. Tasks that need to be done after the completion of the project activities.
5.1 Daily Routine for Beneficiary Selection
 Before
- Internal Coordination with Office.
- External Coordination with CP.
 Upon Arriving
- Updating Office your exact arrival to activity location.
 During
- Making sure any important issue or findings made are shared with Office right away.
- Checking Availability of beneficiary list.
- Joining CP staffs for the verification process and make sure that verification is based on WFP criterias.
- Ensuring that CP staffs are mobilizing correct project information (Donor, CP, commodities and country its from)
- Collecting information for KoBo form.
- Taking good quality photos that express the condition of the project beneficiaries.
- Making sure there are no outside interference on beneficiary selection such as recommendations from IEA, CP or TPM
- Expressing the importance of WFP visibility at scope registration center to CP supervisor if not visible (Only for
registration process in city).
 After
- Uploading KoBo Form.
- Updating Office the total beneficiaries visited as well as any other additional information.
- Selecting a few good quality photos and forwarding them to Office.
- If task is outside of city, informing office and WFP radio room your arrival to city.
5.2 Daily Routine for Joint Assessment

 Before
- Internal Coordination with Office.
- External Coordination with joint assessment lead (Every province has their own lead).
 Upon Arriving
- Updating Office your exact arrival to activity location.
 During
- Making sure any important issue or findings made are shared with Office right away.
- Jointly verifying IDPs and ensuring verification is based on WFP criterias.
- Taking good quality photos that express the condition of the IDPs assessed and their situation.
- Making sure there are no outside interference on beneficiary selection such as recommendations from IEA, NGOs or TPM
 After
- Uploading KoBo Form.
- Updating Office the total IDPs assessed and how many were selected for the day.
- Selecting a few good quality photos and forwarding them to Office.
- If task is outside of city, informing office and WFP radio room your arrival back to city.
5.3 Daily Routine for Activity Monitoring
 Before
- Internal Coordination with Office.
- External Coordination with CP.
 Upon Arriving
- Updating Office your exact arrival to activity location.
 During
- Making sure any important issue or findings made are shared with Office right away.
- Checking attendance of daily wage labors.
- Ensuring all project beneficiaries match the daily wage labor criteria (No Machinery being
used, appropriate age, punctual, jobless, not village elder, etc.).
- Making sure beneficiaries have awareness on project information (responsibilities, criteria,
donor, country support is from)
- Checking Bill of quantity(BQ).
- Tracking the work quality asset through weekly narrative report(Inclusive of photos that
show progress).
- Collecting information for KoBo form.
- Taking good quality photos of beneficiary work, effort and progress.
 After
- Uploading KoBo forms.
- Selecting a few good photos and sending to Office.
- Sharing a weekly narrative report of findings on process.
5.4 Daily Routine for Food Distribution
 Before
- Internal Coordination with Office.
- External Coordination with CP.
 Upon Arriving
- Informing office your exact arrival to the Food Distribution Point (FDP).
- Checking the food waybill ensuring that food is stocked properly
- Checking the food condition
- Checking CP Scoping Tools (Fingerprint scanner, card scanner and laptop)
- Checking the visibility of WFP at FDP.
 During
- Making sure any important issue or findings made are shared with Office right away.
- Informing office when the first beneficiary receives their food package.
- Making sure project beneficiaries have the correct information on project (Food rations, donor, country)
- Checking the distribution process inside and outside of FDP.
- Taking good quality photos of distribution process and beneficiaries.
- Collecting information for KoBo form.
- Requesting for pin codes from WFP for beneficiaries that are facing authentication issues.
 After
- Cross checking the total beneficiaries data of CP and scope system and sharing with office the findings.
- Uploading KoBo form.
- Sharing a few good photos with office
- Sharing your arrival back to city if assignment was outside of city.
5.5 Daily Routine for Cash Distribution
 Before
- Internal Coordination with Office.
- External Coordination with CP.
 Upon Arriving
- Informing office your exact arrival to the Cash Distribution Point (CDP).
- Checking the food waybill ensuring that food is stoked properly
- Checking the food condition
- Checking CP Scoping Tools (Fingerprint scanner, card scanner and laptop)
- Checking the visibility of WFP at CDP.
 During
- Making sure any important issue or findings made are shared with Office right away.
- Informing office when the first beneficiary receives their cash.
- Making sure beneficiaries have the correct information on project (total cash, donor, country)
- Checking the distribution process inside and outside of CDP.
- Taking good quality photos of distribution process and beneficiaries.
- Collecting information for KoBo form.
- Requesting for pin codes from WFP for beneficiaries that are facing authentication issues.
 After
- Cross checking the total beneficiaries data of CP, FSP and scope system and sharing with office the findings.
- Uploading KoBo form.
- Sharing a few good photos with office.
- Sharing your arrival back to city if assignment was outside of city.
5.6 Daily Routine for Post Distribution Monitoring
 Before
- Internal Coordination with Office.
- External Coordination with CP(Get beneficiary list for PDM).
 Upon Arriving
- Inform Office that you have started your PDM at which location.
 During
- Make sure the beneficiary met match the information in the beneficiary list.
- Collecting information for KoBo form.
- Depending on assignment, conduct random PDM interview or full PDM interview of the
designated list of beneficiary.
 After
- Upload KoBo forms.
- Update Office on your daily progress.
6. WFP Focal Points
 Head of HRT Sub-Office (HSO)
Dr. Qadir Assemy
 M&E Department Head
Mr. Fardin Fazli
Ms. Fatimah Alizada
 Strategic Outcome 1 (SO1)
Mr. Gullam Rabbani
Dr. Fariba Zaheer
Mr. Karim Turkman
 Strategic Outcome 2 (SO2)
Mr. Hassamudin Wasim
 Strategic Outcome 3 (SO3)
Mr. Basir Ahmad Amini
Ms. Shila Fushanji
 Strategic Outcome 4 (S04)
Dr. Basir Ahmad Amini
 Security
Mr. Idris Salehi
7. Information Channel
What do you share with office.
- Movement, start of activities, condition of activities, progress of activities, pictures, Kobo
Report, Finding.
What do you share with WFP Focal Points
- Any and all information requested by WFP is required to be shared to them.
- Field Monitor staff can only contact Focal Points to get approval on certain decision making if
given the clear light from Office.

What do you share with WFP Head

- Any and all information requested by WFP is required to be shared to them professionally.

What do you share with teammates

- All information can be shared with one another.

What do you share with CPs

- Nothing.

What do you share with beneficiaries

- Eligibility criteria and project information.
8. Types of findings and what to do with each

Urgent Findings
 We have zero tolerance towards fraud, misuse and corruption. So any case that fall under
this category by any party should be forwarded or shared with line manager as soon as
possible with proof so that it can be forwarded to relevant SO manager.
 Any scenario, finding, issue that is critical or goes against the policy of WFP should be also
urgently shared.

Solvable findings
 Improper behavior with beneficiaries by CP.
 No special lines for elders, disabled and pregnant women.
 No visibility of WFP.
 No facility.
9. Type of Issues
 Cash
 Food
 Crowd
 Security
 Cooperating Partner (CP)
 Financial Service Provider (FSP)
 Beneficiary
 Field Monitor
9.1 Cash Issues

 Incorrect amount of cash received

 Old Money provided by FSP
 Tribe/Community elder request a percentage of cash received.
9.2 Food Issues

 Tribe/Community elders request for payment in order to list beneficiaries in assistance list.
 Selling of food commodities by project beneficiaries
 Incorrect rations being provided by CP
 Tribe/Community elders requesting for a percentage of food rations
9.3 Crowd Issues

 Overcrowding at distribution and registration centers.

 No special line for elders, pregnant women and disabled beneficiaries.
 Irrelevant people who are not involved crowding the area.
 Angry/Problematic Beneficiaries
9.4 Security Issues

 Robbers attacking FSP while they’re transporting money to Cash Distribution Centers.
 Any security threat such as bombing or shooting happening nearby operation points
9.5 Cooperating Partner (CP) Issues

 Lack of facility for beneficiaries

 CP selecting illegible people not matching the WFP criteria's for project
 CP lacking coordination and communication
 CP hiring inexperienced staffs that are not suitable for project
 There being no visibility of WFP at operation sites
 Starting distribution without TPM presence at Food/Cash distribution points
9.6 Financial Service Provider (FSP) Issues

 Distributing old money

 Not coming on time
 Not bringing correct amount of money
 Not taking fingerprint of beneficiary during cash distribution
9.7 Beneficiary Issues

 Holding multiple cards

 Incorrect Information on project
 Beneficiary not having awareness on project information
9.8 Field Monitor Issues

 Traveling back to city from assignment outside the city with no coordination with office and
WFP radio room.
 Taking picture without AOG approval (at assignments outside the city).
 Damaging or wasting office resources.
 Missing deadline of reports.
 Taking low quality photos.
 Not filling up KoBo form properly.
 Bad Behavior with CP, beneficiaries and or office.
 Not standing/sitting at correct position during distribution or easily distracted and leaving
 Sharing unnecessary information with Donor (WFP)
10. Storage Principles for commodities
 The stock should be kept in a safe room with a lock to avoid loss/theft.
 The stock should be kept in a dry place not under the sunshine, rainfall or exposed to too
much wind, rats, mice or birds.
 There should be enough ventilation to keep the food stocks undamaged. The food stacks
should have distance from the walls that a storekeeper can control the backside of stacks.
 The food stocks should not be kept in one place along the other non-food items particularly
detergents, lubricants or other chemicals to avoid any contamination.
 The stock should ideally be stored on pallets to avoid any damage or loss of stocks due to
 If birds can enter the warehouse, the food stacks must be covered with something to avoid
contamination by bird shits.
 Stock card or logbook must be available to record the in/out of food commodities at the
warehouse by the storekeeper.
 Food commodities need to be stacked separately. For example, oil, wheat flour and pulses
should be stored in three separate stacks for proper storage, handling and recording.
11. Taking Good Quality Photos on field
 • WFP banner including WFP logo should be visible and clear.
 • The distribution sites should not seem to be very crowded.
 • The queues of people gathered for assistance should be well disciplined.
 • The photos describe the process of assistance distribution very well.
 • The food commodities/ration or cash, which WFP provides should be visible.
 • The TPM monitors monitoring or during the verification process the CP staff should be
recognized whether by their uniform or ID card etc.
 • If possible, the photo clicked describes a story.
12. KoBo ToolBox

 KoBo Toolbox is a tool used for data collection that’s very suitable for context of Afghanistan
 WFP creates the forms for each type of activity which will later be evaluated by team
leader/cluster coordinator before being sent to WFP. On daily basis there are 3 types of KoBo
data collection:
1. Assessment: 1 KoBo form for all the beneficiaries assessed.
2. Distribution: 1 KoBo form minimum 5 and maximum 15 beneficiaries.
3. PDM: 1 KoBo form for each beneficiary. So if there are 30 beneficiaries interviewed, there
should be 30 pdm KoBo forms filled up.


User name: saleh_shafiq

Password: 362760
Samim samim : 0729278334
Farhad Barakzai : 0795965496
Matin Azimi: 0796171161
Mohammad musa farooqi:
Saleh mohammad shafiq:

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