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1. Soalan adalah panjang dan menceritakan tentang kisah

permasalahan seseorang dan orang itu meminta nasihat
perundangan daripada kita.
2. Biasa nya dalam soalan tu ada menyebut nama orang.

Contoh soalan;

shopping in an antique shop.
She was then attracted to a vase
at the price of RM150. She
wished to buy the vase and
brought it to the cashier for
payment. Unfortunately, by the
time she was about to pay, she
found out that her wallet was
not in her handbeg. Mastura
tried to cancel her purchase but
the cashier alleged that Mastura
was already bound to the

contract with them and was

therefore liable to pay for it.
Advise Mastura.
(100 marks)

Cara jawab soalan

1. Untuk menjawab problematic question ni, dia ada format dia
yang tersendiri, yang mana mesti dimulakan dengan issue,
law, application dan conclusion.
2. Setiap satu point ini mesti ditulis bahagian2 nya dan di buat

Sampel jawapan



Issue ni ialah isu/apa permasalahan yg timbul dalam

soalan tu. Atau jugak isu apa yg kita nak tau daripada
permasalahan Mastura tu.
Dalam issue ni, kita dibenarkan buat dalam bentuk
point. Yang lain2 tu (law/application/conclusion) buat
dalam esei. Minimum issue adalah 3. Tapi biasa nya mesti
dapat isu yang lebih daripada tu.
Setiap issue mesti dimulakan dengan perkataan
Kalo dah blur sangat, tak tau nak keluarkan point apa,
boleh tengok sample issue saya yang no 3,4 dan 5. Tapi
priority mestilah diberikan pada tajuk apa permasalahan

tu. Dan tajuk yang menjadi priority tu mesti lah diletakkan

menjadi issue no 1.
Issue takkan boleh bercampur. Kalau issue pasal tajuk
offer, tulis tajuk offer aje, jangan campur adukkan dengan
tajuk consideration atau free consent atau tajuk lain.
Petua kalau nak tau issue ni, biasa nya akan ada hint
daripada soalan. Contohnya;




perkataan advertisement tajuk ITT

kalau dia kata if u say nothing, I shall presume that
u are agree to buy my pen tajuk condition of
acceptance (communication).


Petua lain, mungkin jugak kita tengok permasalahan dia,

ceritanya/faktanya adalah sama macam fakta dalam kes
yg kita belajar. Jadiknya, issue yang mesti dikeluarkan
mestilah sama dengan tajuk kes tu. Contohnya soalan
pasal combi yang membaca suratkhabar menyatakan
sesiapa yang ada beli ubat jenama KUDISTA daripada
Syarikat Kudistariwati Sdn Bhd, dan dah apply ubat tu
mengikut sukatan yang ditetapkan, tapi masih berkudis,
dia boleh dapat reward RM 1 juta.
Soalan ni sama dengan fakta kes Carlill vs Carbolic
Smoke Ball Company, jadi isu nya mesti lah sama
dengan topic perbincangan yang melibatkan kes ni, iaitu
tentang general offer.
viii- Markah untuk issue ini ialah 5 markah.

Contoh issue dalam kes Mastura

1. Whether display of goods in self service shop
considered as ITT or offer?
2. Whether there is an offer in this case?
3. Wether Mastura is liable to pay the price of the goods?


4. Wether the cashier can sue Mastura?

5. Wether there is a contract between Mastura and the
issue no 1 & 2 adalah issue yang priority kerana fakta
kes Mastura menceritakan situasi tentang display of
goods in self service shop dan ianya di bawah tajuk ITT
dan ITT di bawah tajuk offer.
Issue no 3, 4 & 5 ialah issue general yang boleh
Issue ni kalau lagi banyak lagi bagus. At least kalau
satu tak kena, ada lagi issue yang extra.



Law kena ditulis dalam bentuk esei dan ianya mestilah

Law ni ialah penerangan topik yang timbul dari issue tadi.
Pendek kata, apa yang ada dalam buku tentang issue
tadi, kita kena cerita semua, termasuk semua kes dan
semua seksyen. Ingat, tentang topic yang menjadi issue
sahaja, jangan meleweh2..nanti tak cukup masa.
Contohnya, kes Mastura ni tentang display of goods in self
service shop ITT. Jadi, segala kes dan seksyen tentang
display of goods kena cerita. tapi tetap ada intro dia, tak
nak lah terus cerita tentang display of goods, kita kena
mula daripada definition of offer (sebab ITT ni bawah tajuk
offer), lepas tu cerita tentang ITT dan penekanan tentang
tajuk display of goods. Lihat contoh Law dalam kes
Dalam law ni, jangan masukkan nama Mastura dan jangan
sesekali memberi komen tentang Mastura.


Dalam Law ni, kita kena cerita semua topic, kes dan
seksyen yang relevan dengan topik.
vi- Untuk Seksyen, takde masalah, tulis semua, seksyen
berapa dan daripada akta mana.
vii- Untuk kes pulak, kita kena tulis semua perkara tentang
kes tu iaitu nama kes, fakta kes dan keputusan hakim
dalam kes tu. Kalau dalam topik tu ada 3 kes, tulis
kesemua kes2 tersebut. Contohnya, dalam kes Mastura,
ianya menceritakan tentang topic display of goods, kita
hanya perlu cerita kedua2 kes daripada tajuk display of
goods. Kes daripada tajuk advertisement, quotation,
auction dan yang lain2 tu, tak relevan dan tak payah
viii- Jadi secara ringkasnya, law ni ialah semua yang ada
dalam buku yang relevan dengan tajuk tu kena cerita,
termasuk kes dan seksyen.
ix- Markah untuk LAW ialah 80 markah.

contoh Law dalam kes Mastura

Offer is one of the elements of contract. Offer generally
means an agreement made by offeror to the offeree with
intention to create a legal relation. Sect 2(a) of Contract Act 1950
(CA 1950) define offer as ..
Intro - definition of offer in general and under CA 1950

Invitation to treat (ITT) is

preliminary communication that
before the offer take place. ITT
invitation to make an offer. It

differ with offer. ITT means

may lead to an offer. It is made
is not an offer and it is just an
such of an attraction to induce

public to make an offer and thus enter a contract with him and by
then legal relationship will exist.
Intro definition of ITT

ITT is not an offer. The differ is at the situation when the actual
offer take place. In actual offer, the offer is take place when
someone communicate his willingness to do something or to
perform something with the intention that the offeree will accept
his offer. The offer will happen once the offeree has knowledge
that the offeror is making the offer. In ITT, the offer take place as
to respond the ITT. It commence when the advertiser make an
invitation to public by inviting public to make an offer to him.
Once public see the advertisement, he may make an offer and
here the offer happen. The advertiser then may respond the offer
by making an acceptance.
Differences between ITT and offer concept of ITT

There 5 examples of ITT namely advertisement, display of

goods in self service shop, quotation, tender and auction.
Advertisement means invitation to attract peoples interest to
make an offer. Advertisement can be made either in radio,
newspaper, television, internet and so forth. ITT is happen when
the advertiser make an advertisement in the newspaper. Anyone
who reads, saw and notice the advertisement may make an offer
and the advertiser may respond by making an acceptance of that
Example of ITT advertisement (definition & concept of ITT)

Second example of ITT is quotation. Quotation means early

information which gives opportunity to the buyer to choose the
best price according to the list. ITT is happen when the seller
create the list of prices. Anyone who reads, saw and notice the list
has opportunity to select the most suitable price. By selecting the
suitable list, he is said to make an offer. The seller then may
respond the customer by making an acceptance of that offer.
Example of ITT quotation (definition & concept of ITT)

Tender is also a kind of ITT. The situation of ITT is happen when

the government advertises the tender. If the contractors respond
the notice, he is said to make an offer. The government is said to
make an acceptance by choosing the best contractor.
Example of ITT tender (definition & concept of ITT)

The other example of ITT is auction. The situation of ITT is

happen when the auctioneer requests bids and inviting the
assembly of bidders to make an offer. The bidders who bid the
price is considered as making an offer and the auctioneer is said
to make an acceptance by choosing the best bidder and knock
down hammer as a sign of acceptance.
Example of ITT auction (definition & concept of ITT)

The last example of ITT is display of goods in self service shop.

The goods must have the price tags. The act of seller by putting
the goods in self service shop is considered as ITT. When the
customer picks up the goods and brings the goods to the counter
and makes payment, he is said to make an offer. Once the

cashier/seller accepts the payment, the acceptance is considered

happen. There are 2 authorities from case telling about this
principle. The first case is Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
vs Boots Cash Chemist Ltd. In this case, the court held that
display of goods was only an ITT. An offer is made when the
customer placed the articles into the basket and bring them to
the counter for payment. Acceptance would only be made by the
customer. So long as the cashier did not accept the payment,
there is no contract yet.
The second case was decided in the case of Fisher vs Bell. In
this case, the court held that display of several kinds of flick
knives in a glass shop window is not an offer but only an invitation
to the customers to make an offer to buy. Whether the offer is to
be accepted or not, it depends on the discretion of the shop
Example of ITT display of goods in self service shop.
Saya prefer nak tulis pasal display of goods ni ditulis last2
sebab nak citer banyak dan detail.
Topic ni kita kena cerita detail sebab soalan Mastura di
bawah tajuk ni. Apa2 je point dalam tajuk ni kena citer
Kes pun kena tulis semua.kalau ada 3kes, tulis tiga2 dan tulis
semua nama kes, fakta dan keputusan hakim.tapi tajuk ni,
dalam buku takde fakta dia, jadi nya tulis aje lah nama kes
dan keputusan hakim.
Kalau ada seksyen pun, kena tulis juga, seksyen berapa dan
akta apa.
Jangan lupa highlight kes dan seksyen



Application ni ialah cadangan kita untuk settlekan

masalah si Mastura. Jadiknya, application ni adalah
solution. Kita kena bagitau mastura apa yang dia kena
Secara tak langsung, ianya menjawab ISSUE yang kita dah
tanya kat atas tadi. Contohnya, dalam kes Mastura ni, kita
akan bagitau Mastura sama ada dah ada kontrak ke belum
dalam kes dia ni, dah ada offer tak, ke cuma baru ada ITT
je, mestikah Mastura bayar harga barang tu, boleh ke
Mastura saman kedai tu. Kita akan beritahu jawapannya,
dengan merujuk kepada penghujahan dalam LAW yang
kita dah tulis kat atas tadi.
iii. Dalam pada kita memberi solution kepada Mastura, kita
tak boleh lah bagitau gitu je. Kita kan belajar law (kena
act macam loyar sikit..). Kita kena support jawapan kita
tadi dengan authority, iaitu ada kes dan seksyen yang
support statement kita tadi.
iv. Kes dan seksyen yang dirujuk, mesti lah yang kita dah
cerita detail kat LAW tadi. Contohnya kes Mastura ni pasal
display of goods, jadiknya, kita kenalah tulis kes atau
seksyen yang berkenaan dengan tajuk display yang kita
dah cerita panjang lebar dalam LAW tadi.
Untuk seksyen, takde masalah, tulis macam biasa,
seksyen berapa dan akta apa.
vi. Untuk kes, kita hanya dihendaki tulis nama kes dan
penghakiman (court held) dia sahaja. Faktanya tak
payah tulis sebab, fakta nya kita dah cerita panjang lebar
dalam LAW tadi.
vii. Lepas kita tulis seksyen dan kes, kita apply lah kisah si
Mastura tadi dalam penghakiman kes tadi. Lihat contoh
application dalam kes Mastura.
viii. Dalam erti kata lain, kita kena sama kan apa yang hakim
cakap dalam kes yang kita tulis dalam LAW tu dengan
peristiwa si Mastura ni. Kita bagitau Mastura apa nak buat
dengan merujuk kepada kes dan seksyen dalam LAW tadi.


Jangan lupa highlight kes dan seksyen.

Jadi secara ringkasnya, application mesti ada 2 benda,
iaitu solution kepada Mastura dan authority.
Markah untuk application ialah 10 markah.

contoh application dalam kes Mastura

As we refer to the case of Mastura, we may say that there
was no contract yet between the seller and her. Mastura also
neither bound to enter into the contract nor pay for the goods. It
is because there was no offer in her situation. The only matter
that happen is only invitation of treat done by the seller.
We can apply the decision of court in the case of
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain vs Boots Cash Chemist
Ltd whereby the court held that display of goods is only ITT and
not an offer. The offer is only happen when the customer picks the
goods, bring to the counter and making the payment. Once the
seller accept the payment, he is said to make an acceptance.
The court also decided the same judgment in second case,
namely in the case of Fisher vs Bell by uphold the principle that
display of flkick knives in glass window is only ITT.
By these two authority, again, we may say that there was no
contract between Mastura and the seller.
Boleh dibuat dalam beberapa perenggan.
Ada solution dan ada authority.


Conclusion ni, kita bagi je apa2 penutup. Ianya boleh

dating daripada 2 perkara;


- Bagi conclusion pasal ITT vs offer,

- Bagi conclusion pasal kisah si Mastura
Markah untuk conclusion ialah 5 markah.

contoh conclusion dalam kes Mastura

As to conclude this case, we can say that Mastura need not
to pay the price of the goods since the contract is yet to happen.
The only matter that happen is only invitation of treat done by the
seller. Mastura also neither bound to enter into the contract nor
pay for the goods. It is because there was no offer in her situation.

1. Harap dapat tulis dengan kemas dan tulisan mesti mudah
nak dibaca oleh semua orang. Kalau dia sorang yang mudah
nak baca, oranglain susah nak baca pun susah jugak.
2. Setiap satu point hendaklah ditulis dalam satu perenggan.
Biar banyak perenggan, takpe.
3. Antara satu2 perenggan tu mesti lah diselangkan. Supaya
nampak kemas dan boleh nak cover, kalau ada point yang
nak ditambah masa last minit nanti.
4. Setiap authority (kes dan seksyen) mestilah di highlight.
Kalau nak cepat, masa tulis kes/seksyen tu, terus je
highlight. Takut kalau nak highlight masa dah siap tulis nanti,
juling mata nak carik kes/seksyen dalam esei kita. Takut
jugak tak cukup masa nak highlingt.
5. Setiap kali tulis seksyen, mesti tulis sekali akta apa. Boleh
jugak ringkaskan CA 1950 dengan syarat, masa mula2 ada
tulis dengan ayat penuh, contohnya..
..sect 2(a) of Contract Act 1950 (CA 1950)

dan lepas2 tu
tulis je CA 1950
6. Bila tulis kes, mesti

name of the case,
judgment (court held)

- name of the case,

- judgment (court held)

dalam LAW


7. rasanya dah terlalu panjang saya tulis surat cinta ni. Kalau
ada apa2 yang tak faham. Boleh lah email pada saya terus.
8. Tapi yang paling penting, kena lah baca buku dan hafal
semua nya. Kalau tau teknik jawap paper law, tapi tak baca
buku pun tak guna jugak.
9. Saya harap, ianya membantu. Saya doakan kawan2 semua
dapat jawab denganbaik sewaktu test dan final exam nanti.
Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kawan2

Sekian, terima kasih.

Alizah Ali
Pensyarah, Jabatan Undang-Undang
UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Johor Bahru

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