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Mennyibe kerül a Clean 9 program?

Vajon mennyi az annyi? Először talán azt mondád, hogy sokba kerül, de ha megnézed a végeredményt,
akkor többet is spórolhatsz, mint amennyit előtte.

Mi lenne, ha megfigyelnéd, hogy mennyit költesz gyorskajára, kávéra, capuchinora, meg egyéb nasira egy-
egy nap alkalmával. Ha mindezt felszorzod 5 nappal (hogy csak a munkanapokat számoljuk) már oda
is van jó pár ezer forintod.

Tedd fel magadnak a kérdést:

Megér neked pár ezer forintot, hogy elkezdjen az életed átalakulni?

Tény, hogy az emberek ilyen dolgokra költenek utoljára, testi-lelki egészség, ugyan már! Csak akkor kell
észrevenni, ha baj van, ha már orvos, szike, vagy épp halálközeli élmény vesz részt a játékban.

A program előnyeit kicsit előre vetítve, elmondhatom, hogy már azzal nyersz, ha már annyira megszokod,
hogy kevesebbet eszel, hogy nem vásárolsz össze mindent lépten-nyomon. De persze, ha egészségügyi
oldalról nézed, akkor ha újra felismered, mit is jelent, hogy korog a nyomrod, már nyerő szériában vagy. És
ez nem azt jelenti, hogy éhezned kell, nem, de mikor volt az utolsó alkalom, amikor korgott a gyomrod és
nem volt tele mindennel, vagy épp nem terhelted le több kg kajával, mert egész nap éheztél.

Magyarországon egy átlag ebéd várostól függően legalább, 1000-1500 Ft között van (üdítő nélkül, vagyis
csak egy capuchino legalább 300Ft, cola ugyanúy 300 Ft) és ebbe még nincs beleszámolva a reggelid, a
nasid, a vacsorád és az italok. Vagyis legjobb esetben is plusz 1000 Ft mindegyik felsoroláshoz.

Ugyanez a Clean 9- el napi 4800Ft-ot jelent. És itt nem kell plusz költségekkel számolnod, hiszen itt a cél,
hogy inkább vizet fogyassz, csökkentsd a kávé fogyasztást, vagyis, hogy adj lehetőséget arra, hogy a
szervezeted újra indítsa saját magát.

Vagyis a legvégén az egészség a pénznél is többet fog adni neked. 

Ha beleszeretsz a programba, írj nekem és megmutatom, hogyan kapd meg 15% kedvezménnyel a

Hogyan használd a C9-t?

A Clearn 9, ahogy az elvárható egy 9 napos életmódprogram. Minden benne van a csomagban, hogy mit
kell szedned, mikor és hogyan, és ez mind CSAK RÁD VÁR! Ha nincs meg a könyvecske, le tudod tölteni
Hogyan működik a Clean 9?
Jöhetnék azzal a blablával, hogy válassz ki egy nyugodt 9 napot az életedből, amikor minden oké, semmi
és senki nem zavar, de ez ugye nem igazán valósul meg. Szóval ez csak része lenne azoknak a hétfőknek,
amikor azt mondjuk, hogy „Na, most hétfőn, belevágok!”.

Legyen a legjobb pillanat a MOST, a MA! Saját tapasztalatból mondom, hogy jobb, ha úgy tervezed meg a
9 napot, hogy teszel még hozzá 2-3 napot, amikor felkészülsz lelkiekben is! Azért mondom, hogy lelkiekben
is, hiszen kevesebbet fogsz enni, mint a megszokott, magadat kell lelkesítened, amikor nincs ott melletted
valaki, vagy épp egyedül csinálod a programot. Vagyis, a saját trénerednek, motivátorodnak kell lenned, aki
figyel a testi-lelki egyensúlyodra.

Fontos, hagnsúlyozom, hogy FONTOS, hogy lelkiekben is készülj, hiszen önbizalom, kitartás, énkép mind
szóba fog kerülni!

Ha mindez megvan, oszd fel a 9 napot két részre.

- 2 nap, amikor csak a protein shaket fogyasztod; a Therm tablettát, hogy csökkentsd a tea és kávé
iránti vágyadat és mindezt természetesen. És persze a Garcinia-t, ami az édesség iránti vágyadat
fogja csökkenteni.
- Mindezek után következik 7 nap, ahol 600 kalóriás ételeket fogyaszthatsz. Ha pedig nagyon aktív
életet élsz, akkor megengedett az 1000 kalória.

Más szemszögből nézve:

„Mi a kapcsolatod a testeddel, Önmagaddal, külsőddel és belsőmmel? És minden, ami ez hajlandó vagy
elpusztítani és nem teremtetté tenni?

„Mindenhol, ahol azért eszel, mert kell, muszáj és időhöz kötött, vagy mert illik, hajlandó vagy
elpusztítani és nem teremtetté tenni?

„Mi más lehetséges még a kajával teli napokon túl?”

„ Minden fogalmat, döntést, ítéletet, melyet az étkezéshez, a testedhez, a létezésedhez kapcsoltál, hajlandó
vagy elpusztítani és nem teremtetté tenni?”

„Minden a kalóriával, a kalória-számolgatásokkal kapcsolatos ítéletedet, hajlandó vagy elpusztítani és

nem teremtetté tenni?”

Na, de most tényleg, hogyan működik – tudományosan?

Húha, logikus agy, na hajrá!

Az első két nap többé-kevésbé egy folyadék alapú diéta részese lehetsz, magas tápanyagtartalommal,
dekevés kalóriával.
Mindezzel párhuzamosan rengeteg Aloe Vera italt kell inni, hogy a toxinok könnyebben távozzanak a

Mostanra az Aloe Vera gélnek jelentős története van - visszanyúlik több ezer évre és több száz tanulmányra.
Akit érdekel keresgéljen a Google-ön.

De visszatérve az eredeti témához. A zsírsejtek toxinokkal vonódnak be. Ezek a toxinok a kényelmes
életből, a feldolgozott étrendből, a légkörben lévő toxinokból, otthonainkból, autókból és környezetből

Clean 9 – starting to see results

The 9 day cleanse works by stripping away those toxins such that the fat cells are then exposed and the body
can now access this ‘food store’ for energy production (by converting to Glycogen etc…).

So, it seems that what we are really doing is losing toxins rather than fat cells.

The fat cells then get burnt up when we exercise (or exercise more) and over time – by following the
Forever Forever F.I.T 1 follow on weight management programme.

Of course, whilst scientists and medics are still really only beginning to prove the effects of Aloe Vera, this
hasn’t stopped people benefiting from it for many thousands of years.

Is the Clean 9 just a cleanse?

Strictly speaking, we are not allowed to use medical words to describe our products or the effects of the
Clean 9 as it may accidentally suggest a medical context.

The word we are advised to use is ‘Clean’ or ‘Cleanse’.

The impact of our Aloe Vera is that it supports the healthy function of the body (liver, kidneys, skin and
lungs) to do what it does anyway – which is absorb nutrition and get ride of waste. Think about it, your body
is cleansing all day and everyday anyway, our high quality Aloe Vera and the Clean 9 programme simply
helps that process which leads to great results.

Which is the best day to begin Clean 9?

We normally recommend starting on a Friday – where this is the last working day of your week.

So, Friday and Saturday are the initial two days when you rely on the shakes, Aloe Vera gel and supplements
for your nutrition before starting normal meals on the third day – typically, Sunday.

When you go back to work on Monday, you’ll be feeling stronger and lighter and eating proper meals.

If you working week ends of a Sunday – then make that your first Clean 9 day etc…
How much weight will I lose with Clean 9?

Clean 9 – success story

How much weight will you lose on Clean 9 is the question that everyone wants answered. And the truth is,
that it depends!

For instance, I lost 4 KG (about 8.8lbs or pounds) and that is about average – although some people have
lost a lot more.

More importantly though, you will lose inches – most people drop a dress or trouser size – as I did.

In fact, if you continue to use the follow on programme – Forever F.I.T 1 and Forever F.I.T. 2, then you can
easily lose a second trouser or dress size and then you definitely need a new wardrobe.

But I don’t like exercise…!?!

Okay, we get this question a lot – can I do the Clean 9 and get amazing results without moving or doing any
exercise? Probably no.

The level of exercise on the Clean 9 is very moderate – 30 minutes of moderate exercise – that would be a
15 minute walk to work and and 15 minute walk home.

It might even be just parking the car at the far end of the car park and walking to the office building.

Or you might just put on a dance video and job along gently for 30 minutes – or 15 mins in the morning and
15 in the afternoon.

Okay, you still don’t like exercise – I know – but you will only over come that exercise by taking small
steps to more activity.

And, if you are looking to lose weight (rather than just a cleanse) then exercise and diet work TOGETHER.
So, please find a way to build moderate exercise into your day – it will make a huge difference to your
results and you’ll find so much better for it too.

Go on – you know you can do it!

How to use clean 9 shake

Please follow this link to the Clean 9 Booklet for full details on how to use.

When you order your pack, a printed version of this booklet is included so that you can track your days,
what you are eating and measure your results.

Taking the Aloe Vera Gel, Therm Tablets, Forever Lean and the
Forever Lite Shake
Is Aloe drink taken on empty stomach? And how minutes before lunch?
Aloe Vera works better when taken on an empty stomach as it is absorbed more easily. When you are on
the Clean 9 you either take Aloe Vera either on its own or just before the Forever Lite nutrition shake. So,
timing isn’t really an issue as you are not taking at the same time as your meals (day 3 to 9).

When do I take Therm?

Take the supplements and aloe vera in order as listed in the clean 9 booklet. You take Therm after your Aloe
Vera Gel. I don’t think you need to wait.

Can I add the Forever Lean to the Clean 9?

Yes, you can, but it won’t help much. Forever Lean helps us process the fats that we are eating or
about to eat. So, on the Clean 9, you will eat very lean 600 to 800 calorie meals and won’t be eating any
particularly fatten meals – such as Christmas lunch! That is why Forever Lean is not a part of the Clean 9 –
it really isn’t necessary – but is a very useful product if you do have some weddings to attend or Christmas
meals to eat!

Can I use another weight plan meal shake?

So long as the shake you use have the same very high nutritional and protein content in a form that makes
digestion and absorption easier, then yes okay. It would not be a good idea to use an inferior product. (NB.
I don’t know of a better product than the Forever Lite Shake – so I’d suggest you stick to that).

Can I drink green, peppermint, almond or non decaffeinated tea

during the 9 days?
If you feel it is necessary then yes, you can. However, both green tea and almond tea do contain some
caffeine and the new Clean 9 (with the Therm tablets) does give you a boost with natural caffeine (Guarana)
and a Green Tea extract already, so these teas probably won’t be necessary for the caffeine fix.

Ideal would be a lot of water or hot water with a slice of lemon. However, if you feel you have to have a hot
drink then a green tea, almond tea, peppermint tea or decaf tea isn’t going to affect the outcome a great deal,
so if it really helps you, then do it.
Can I eat carrots and other ‘free foods’ when on the clean 9?
No, carrots are not included in the ‘free foods’ list as they have a high GI (Glycemic Index) score.
Essentially, a high GI means that the food has a high impact on your body’s blood sugar.

Foods you can eat vary from fruits such as apricots and apples to vegetables such as spinach and tomatoes.

We’ve found that soft fruits such as kiwi, raspberries and strawberries plus vegetables such as cucumber,
sugar snap peas and tomatoes are the most popular.

A full list of ‘allowed’ free foods is on page 11 of the Clean 9 booklet.

Do people actually get results in just 9 days?

Yes they do. However, cheating and eating lots of cake or drinking coffee half way through usually
slows the benefits. So, your results will depend on your desire to get the most out of it.

How to buy clean 9

Buying a Clean 9 pack is really simply – just click the Clean 9 link, order and pay – it will be delivered to
your home or office.

What do you get with the Clean 9

You’ll get everything you need to provide a nutritional programme for the 9 days with the exception of
something to mix with the Ultra-Lite shake (such as soya milk, rice milk, skimmed milk or water) and the
meals from day 3 to 9.

Pack contains:

2 x 1 litre bottle Forever Aloe Vera Gel

1 x Forever Lite Ultra with Aminotein Vanilla (15 servings)
1 x Forever Therm (18 tablets)
1 x Forever Garcinia Plus (54 softgels)
1 x Forever Fibre (9 packets)
1 x Shaker
1 x Tape Measure
Information booklet
Will I get headaches on the clean 9
Probably. Essentially, the more cleansing that is going on, the greater the headache. So, oddly, headaches
are a good sign.

To minimise the headaches, we strongly recommend coming off coffee and tea before you start (alcohol
and cigarettes too if you drink and smoke) and begin with just one bottle of Aloe Vera Gel.

However, if you are a regular tea drinker – let’s say – and find the headaches too much – then do have one
or two cups of tea – but try to limit them as much as possible.

Can I do the clean 9 when


Personally, I wouldn’t advice it. Not that I think there is any risk – it just doesn’t seem the right time to
reduce your calorie intake when you are eating for two (or more).

…when breast feeding?

Again, unless you are a regular drinker of our Aloe Vera, then probably not, as suddenly drinking large
quantities of aloe vera might not help your baby breast feed.

However it is important to ensure that you are receiving sufficient high quality nutrition for both yourself
and your baby’s milk and aloe vera can significantly help with the absorption of nutrients and vitamins.

One option is to skip the first two days – most intensive days – although I would recommend starting with
the aloe vera slowly and then follow Forever FIT 1 to gain better nutrition and absorption of nutrients while
breast feeding – and then follow with the Clean 9 once the breast feeding is complete.

…can I do it twice?

Yes, although twice and certainly more than twice is not normally recommended and you may achieve better
results by continuing with the Forever F.I.T. 1 and then FIT 2 programme.

…whilst training for a run or high energy sports activity?

With proper care, yes, although, I usually advice very active people to go straight to Fit 1.

If a sports person really does want the benefit of the cleanse, then they are advised to either skip the first
two days, or split the programme into two parts of 4 days – followed by 2 days of normal eating (this might
be 3,000+ calories for a Rugby player) followed by the second 5 days.

Alternatively, you can increase the number of shakes – add one per day for an extra 300 calories – or simply
include a 600 calorie meal from day one.

If you have a particular question, please contact us for specific advice.

… as I am diabetic?

If someone is boarder line diabetic type 2, they might try to start at day 3. However, I think this assumes
that you are already consuming Aloe Vera Gel and / or have your doctor’s advice. This is important because
drinking Aloe could impact your medication and hence, this is why we always suggest following the
programme under your doctors supervision so that they can track any changes needed for your medication.

We don’t advise someone with diabetes type 1 to follow our programme – unless they are determined to do
so, in which case we would request a signed risk waiver.

Is there a minimum age for Clean 9

Yes – we recommend that you should be at least 16 years old.

If a child has weight issues then this needs to be tackled but it is likely that there is a psychological aspect
to this and hence Clean 9 would not be appropriate.

I am on medication
If you are – or recently have been – on medication (other than over the counter pharmaceuticals) then we
would not wish to give generic advice but ask you to speak to your doctor or supplier or if you don’t have a
supplier then please contact us. .

We have had people, who were previously on medication, successfully complete our programme but it needs
to be handled carefully and under medical supervision and with your doctor’s approval. As distributors of
Forever Living, we are not qualified medically to give medical advice.

Before you begin?

We always recommend a bottle of Aloe Vera Gel to drink before beginning – it is a great way to acclimatise
yourself to the Aloe.

Also, we find that the worse it tastes, the more cleansing your body has to do and therefore the more work
the aloe will do (and benefit you will gain).

However, if you find the taste a little difficult to accept at the beginning, it is doubly important to prepare
by consuming a bottle or so in the week in advance so that the cleansing effect can work more slowly through
your body, and as it does, we have found that people start to accept and then like the taste!

I certainly know that I now crave the taste and calming sense of drinking the Aloe Vera – especially after a
lot of exercise, long days or too much partying!

What happened to Nutri-Lean?

Nutri-lean was the original next step / follow on programme for Clean 9 or C9. It has now been replaced by
the Forever FIT programme which consists of three parts C9 – to cleanse, FIT 1 – to build good habits /
continue weight loss and FIT 2 – to build lean muscle.
The new FIT programme continues to use Garcina, Forever Ultra-Lite, Aloe Vera Gel but includes Therm
and Pro-X energy bars instead of the Forever Lean. Forever Lean can still be purchased separately as an
additional help if required.

What do you do after a Clean 9?

Some people stop – which is usually a mistake – and then have to follow up with a second clean 9 about 6
months later. Which is a shame!

The best next step is to move to the Forever FIT 1 – this will ensure you gain steady weight loss over time
and for good. Remember, the clean 9 is principally about removing toxins and prepares the body for longer
term weight loss (or weight gain in some cases too).

I have written an extra article all about how to continue after Clean 9 with the FIT 1 programme.

Hence, even if you are looking at a second Clean 9, then once finished, do continue with the Forever FIT
and make the weight loss permanent.

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