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‫استخدام التكنولوجيا الحديثة واثرها لذوي االحتياجات الخاصة في التعليم‬

‫ا‪ .‬خالد مختار عثمان‬

‫جامعة التكنولوجيا‪ /‬ماليزيا‬

‫ه‬ ‫ددل ه ذل ددوهة ا ذ ددل ه د د‬ ‫ته ددهده ددهاهة ه ةل دديهة دددهت ال ددوهة ددالهةيهة اوسي ي ل ددحهة همل دديهتي ددلذوه دددهت‬
‫هةالحالح ددح ه‬ ‫ح دديه د‬ ‫ةالحالح ددح هة لحصددي هك د كهت ا ددهه ددهاهة ه ةل دديه أدديلةههل ح ددليه ذددةه ل دديهة‬
‫ه د ةهة د ه‬ ‫ة لحصديه هناطدق ه ددده دهاهة ه ةل دديهر دةهف ق دديهفاهدييهج هةالحالح دح هة لحصددي ه فد ه د‬
‫ل لدديهة ددالهةيهتوسي ي لددحهة ا ذددل ه ددده‬ ‫نطددقعه دده هةيدد‪,‬ح لح هحددي هفاهددييهج هةالحالح ددح هة لحصدديه‬
‫هةالحالح ددح هة لحص دديه فاطذ ددح هة ددالهةيهة اوسي ي ل ددحهة ا ذ ددل ه ه‬ ‫ددل ه ذلا دددهة ا ذ ددل ه ة ددا ذ ه د د‬ ‫ت‬
‫ف ي حتهددحه هة ددالهف ه ددده ددهاهة ه ةل دديهة ددسهحهة يصددادهة ا ذلذددده تيصددذ هر ددةه ددهةهناددح حه ل هددح رنه‬
‫ة الهةيهة ااسليهة حصقةه ة لهة ؤ ح ه ة قةكزهة ا ذل ليهياي هة ط بهج هةالحالح ح هة لحصيهر ده‬
‫ددهييه ه لنه‬ ‫زيددح ةه ة لدداه ه ل ددح ه ه ذددد ة ددا ذ هتدده كهةي ددحهي ددح ه ه ذدددهتس لددوه ددهةلته هة ه سلدديه ة‬
‫غلحبهفاهييهة ااسليهيافه ح ادحهلفدحيهة دالهةفهحهت دحهل صد هة ه ةل ديهة دله ذدةهتدي لقهة ي دح لهة ا ذل لديه‬
‫ددح ه ل دديه‬ ‫ددده لدداهل‬ ‫ة هملدديهة لحصدديه ددده لدداهة ؤ ددح ه ة ةقكددزهة ا ذل لددي هفق دداه ل دديهة ا ددحيه‬
‫ة اهليسه ف ذ د ة له ة قةكزهة ا ذل ليه ذةهة الهةيهة ي ح لهة ا ذل ليه ج كهفاوللفهة ه ةل هة اهلي لديه‬
‫لشهة لهة لحصيه ذ ذ ل ه هة ادهف هيحنهحهف ح هةهرن حعهة ذليهة ا ذل لي‪ .‬ه‬

‫الكلمات المفتاحية هة اوسي ي لحهة همليه هةالحالح ح هة لحصيه هة ا ذل ‪.‬‬


The objective of this study is to investigate the use of modern technology as a means of
improving is to the process of education for people with special needs. This study also
depends mainly on the degree of disability for people with special needs. In this study, we
examine the concept of people with special needs. In this research, we investigate several
issues which concern of the idea of people with special needs and the importance of using
educational technology in improving the teaching and learning processes for people with
special needs and the requirements of the use of educational technology and its obstacles. In
this study, the analytical, descriptive method used. As well as the educational institutes
perform students with special needs to increase their motivation and desire to learn, as well as
help them to develop their minds capacity and physical. Although, the absence of the concept
of technology obstacle in the way of their use. As we recommend by the study Work on the
provision of modern teaching aids in all private institutions and educational institutes. To
raise the level of interest and awareness of all members of the faculty and teachers in and
educational institutes on the use of educational means, by intensifying training courses and
workshops for teachers that will help to make the success of the educational process.

Keywords: modern technology, special needs, education.

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