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Volume 1

Part 2

The  State  of  Qatar  Ministry  of  Transport  (MOT)  provides  access  to  the  Qatar  Highway  Design 
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‫‪VOLUME 1 PART 2 ‬‬


‫قامت وزارة املواصالت ي دولة قطر بتوف ﺮ دليل تصميم الطرق لدولة قطر )‪ (Qatar Highway Design Manual ‐ QHDM‬ودليل‬
‫قطر للتحكم املروري )‪ (Qatar Traffic Control Manual ‐ QTCM‬ع ى شبكة اإلن ﺮنت وكنسخ مطبوعة باعتبارها اإلصدار رقم‬
‫)‪ (1.0‬من هذﻩ األدلة‪ ‬وذلك دون ادنى مسؤولية ع ى وزارة املواصالت‪.‬‬
‫يجب التأكيد ع ى إن وزارة املواصالت‪ ،‬وتحت أي ظرف من الظروف‪ ،‬ال تج أو تتعهد أو تصادق ع ى أن تكون املعلومات املتضمنة ي هذين‬
‫الدليل ن خالية من أي نوع من األخطاء أو العيوب‪.‬‬

‫إن استخدام هذﻩ األدلة ألي عمل ال يعفي املستخدم من إتباع العناية الواجبة أو الفائقة واملمارسة الهندسية السليمة‪ ،‬كما أنه ال يخول‬
‫للمستخدم املطالبة أو استالم أي نوع من التعويض عن األضرار أو الخسائر ال يمكن أن تعزى إ ى هذا االستخدام‪.‬‬

‫سوف تكون أي تغي ﺮات او تعديالت متاحة ومتوفرة ع ى موقع اإلن ﺮنت الخاص بالوزارة‪ .‬ويتوجب ع ى املستخدم ن التحقق بشكل متواصل بأن‬
‫لد م أحدث إصدار من هذﻩ األدلة‪.‬‬

‫مالحظة‪ :‬ستقوم وزارة املواصالت بمواصلة تحديث وتعديل ِكال الدليل ن مع األخذ بع ن االعتبار االكتشافات الجديدة والتكنولوجيات الحديثة‬
‫واملواضيع املستجدة ال تتعلق بتخطيط وتصميم وتشغيل وصيانة النقل والطرق واملرور‪.‬‬
‫إن الوزارة تشجع املستخدم ن‪ ‬ع ى تقديم املالحظات واالق ﺮاحات والتعليقات وردود األفعال‪ ،‬خالل سنة من اصدار ِكال الدليل ن‪ ،‬وذلك من‬
‫خالل موقع الوزارة حيث سوف يتم مراجعة هذﻩ املالحظات واالق ﺮاحات ومن ثم تقييمها وإدراجها ضمن اإلصدار القادم من األدلة‪  .‬‬

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‫‪ ‬‬ ‫‪VOLUME 1 ‬‬
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Contents Page

Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................................................... vii

1 Highway Strategy .............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Vision, Goals, and Objectives.......................................................................................... 1
1.3 Project Types and Scope ................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Transportation Planning Process in Qatar ...................................................................... 4
1.5 Land Use Considerations ................................................................................................ 5
1.5.1 Land Acquisition .............................................................................................. 5
1.6 Appraisal ......................................................................................................................... 7

2 Projects Involving New Roads ........................................................................................... 9

2.1 Planning and Design Objectives: Provide Mobility and Accessibility .............................9
2.2 Planning Development Access for New Roads ............................................................... 9
2.3 Project Development Process......................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 Development Process for New Road Projects...............................................10
2.3.2 Project Development Process: Design and Build (D&B)................................12

3 Project Development Process for Interchange Design Studies (Existing Reconstruction or

New) ............................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Step 1: Establish Data Collection Requirements and Obtain Data ...............................15
3.1.1 Develop Interchange Planning and Design Framework ................................16
3.1.2 Stakeholder Involvement .............................................................................. 16
3.1.3 Develop Project Planning and Design Criteria...............................................17
3.2 Step 2: Confirm Study Approach, Evaluation Criteria, and Decision Process ...............17
3.2.1 Determine Evaluation Criteria and Technical Approach ...............................17
3.2.2 Develop Design Year Traffic and Select Most Likely Alternatives .................18
3.3 Step 3: Conduct Interchange Type Studies ................................................................... 18
3.3.1 Concept Engineering Design.......................................................................... 18
3.3.2 Stakeholder Review and Screening ............................................................... 19
3.4 Step 4: Functional Geometric Design of Screened Alternatives ...................................19
3.5 Step 5: Select Preferred Alternative, Document and Develop Final Engineering
Plans.............................................................................................................................. 20

4 Projects Involving Existing Roads .................................................................................... 21

4.1 Unique Characteristics of Projects Involving Existing Roads ........................................22
4.2 Design of Reconstruction Projects ................................................................................ 22
4.2.1 Relationship of Safety Performance to Design Elements..............................23
4.2.2 Risk Management Guidelines ........................................................................ 25
4.2.3 Reconstruction Design Approach .................................................................. 26
4.3 Designation of Eligibility for 3R Treatment .................................................................. 27
4.4 Design of 3R Projects .................................................................................................... 28
4.4.1 Context Sensitive Safety Enhancements for 3R Projects ..............................29
4.4.2 3R Safety Enhancements for Rural Highways ...............................................29
4.4.3 3R Safety Enhancements for Urban Roads ................................................... 32


5 Functional Classification as a Primary Design Control...................................................... 33

5.1 Qatar Road Classification ............................................................................................. 33
5.2 Definition of Urban and Rural Roads ........................................................................... 34
5.3 Functional Classification in Urban Areas ..................................................................... 34
5.3.1 Expressways .................................................................................................. 34
5.3.2 Arterials ........................................................................................................ 35
5.3.3 Collector-Distributor Roads .......................................................................... 36
5.3.4 Collector Roads ............................................................................................. 36
5.3.5 Local .............................................................................................................. 38
5.4 Functional Classification in Rural Areas ....................................................................... 38
5.5 Special Corridors .......................................................................................................... 39
5.6 Temporary Roads ......................................................................................................... 40
5.7 Application of Functional Classification in Design ....................................................... 40
5.7.1 Key Parameters............................................................................................. 40
5.7.2 Network Connections ................................................................................... 46
5.7.3 Transport Provisions for Non-car Users ....................................................... 50

6 Design Vehicles............................................................................................................... 53
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 53
6.2 Vehicle Weights and Dimensions................................................................................. 53
6.2.1 Abnormal Loads and High Load Routes ........................................................ 53
6.3 Typical Design Vehicles ................................................................................................ 54
6.3.1 Definitions and Principles ............................................................................. 54
6.3.2 Design Vehicles ............................................................................................. 54
6.3.3 Swept Path Analysis ...................................................................................... 55

7 Driver Performance and Human Factors ......................................................................... 59

7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 59
7.2 Qatar Driver Characteristics......................................................................................... 59
7.3 The Task of Driving ....................................................................................................... 60
7.4 Vehicle Guidance ......................................................................................................... 61
7.4.1 Road Following ............................................................................................. 61
7.4.2 Car Following ................................................................................................ 61
7.4.3 Passing Maneuvers ....................................................................................... 61
7.4.4 Gap Acceptance, Merging, and Other Guidance Activities .......................... 61
7.5 Information System ..................................................................................................... 61
7.5.1 Traffic Control Devices ................................................................................. 61
7.5.2 Road Environment ........................................................................................ 62
7.6 Information Handling ................................................................................................... 62
7.6.1 Reaction Time ............................................................................................... 62
7.6.2 Primacy ......................................................................................................... 62
7.6.3 Expectancy .................................................................................................... 62
7.7 Driver Error .................................................................................................................. 63
7.8 Speed and Design......................................................................................................... 64
7.9 Design Assessment ...................................................................................................... 66


8 Traffic Characteristics...................................................................................................... 67
8.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 67
8.2 Traffic Volume .............................................................................................................. 67
8.2.1 Annual Average Daily Traffic ......................................................................... 67
8.2.2 Design Hour Traffic ........................................................................................ 67
8.3 Highway Capacity Concepts .......................................................................................... 69
8.3.1 Capacity Definition....................................................................................... 69
8.3.2 General Characteristics and Application .......................................................70
8.3.3 Level of Service .............................................................................................. 71
8.3.4 Traffic Operations Analysis............................................................................ 72
8.3.5 Level of Service as a Design Control .............................................................. 72
8.3.6 Influence of Design Features on Capacity .....................................................73

9 Access Control and Access Management ......................................................................... 75

9.1 General Conditions ....................................................................................................... 75
9.2 Access Management ..................................................................................................... 76
9.2.1 Basic Principles of Access Management .......................................................76
9.2.2 Access Classifications .................................................................................... 77
9.2.3 Methods of Controlling Access ................................................................... 77
9.2.4 Access Management and Safety Performance .............................................78

10 Speed and Design ........................................................................................................... 79

10.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 79
10.2 Operating Speed ........................................................................................................... 79
10.3 Speed Variations ........................................................................................................... 79
10.4 Design Speed ................................................................................................................ 80
10.5 Posted Speed ................................................................................................................ 80

11 Facilities for Pedestrians ................................................................................................. 81

11.1 General Considerations ................................................................................................ 81
11.2 Designing for Pedestrians ............................................................................................. 81
11.3 Pedestrian Capacity and Pedestrian Facilities .............................................................. 81

12 Facilities for Cyclists ........................................................................................................ 85

13 Parking ........................................................................................................................... 87

References ............................................................................................................................... 89




Table 3.1 Typical Stakeholders and Their Issues for Interchange Projects ....................... 16
Table 4.1 Relative Relationship of Geometric Design Features to Crash Frequency or
Severity by Type of Road ................................................................................... 24
Table 5.1 Key Characteristics of Urban Roads ................................................................... 41
Table 5.2 Key Characteristics of Rural Roads .................................................................... 43
Table 5.3 Network Connections for Urban Roads ............................................................. 47
Table 5.4 Network Connections for Rural Roads .............................................................. 48
Table 5.5 Transport Provisions for Multimodal Users on Urban Roads ............................ 51
Table 5.6 Transport Provision for Non-car Users on Rural Roads ..................................... 52
Table 6.1 Maximum Vehicle Weights and Dimensions ..................................................... 53
Table 6.2 Typical Design Vehicles ...................................................................................... 55
Table 8.1 General Definitions of Levels of Service (Uninterrupted Flow) ......................... 71
Table 8.2 Level of Service and Volume to Capacity (v/c) .................................................. 73
Table 8.3 Average Control Delay Criteria for Signalized Intersection Levels of Service.... 73
Table 9.1 Potential Crash Effects of Reducing Access Point Density ................................ 78
Table 10.1 Relation Between Design and Posted Speeds ................................................... 80
Table 11.1 Level of Service, Pedestrian Area and Flow Rates ............................................. 82


Figure 3.1 Example Single-line Concept Plan View over Aerial .......................................... 19
Figure 4.1 Conceptual Relationship between Available Sight Distance and Safety at Crest
Vertical Curves ................................................................................................... 25
Figure 4.2 Safety Edge ........................................................................................................ 29
Figure 4.3 Paved Shoulder and Rumble Strip Example ...................................................... 30
Figure 4.4 Horizontal Curve Treatments ............................................................................ 31
Figure 5.1 Urban Road Network ......................................................................................... 34
Figure 5.2 Expressway with CD Roads ................................................................................ 35
Figure 5.3 Arterial ............................................................................................................... 36
Figure 5.4 Collector Road ................................................................................................... 37
Figure 5.5 Local Road.......................................................................................................... 38
Figure 5.6 Rural Road Network .......................................................................................... 39
Figure 5.7 Illustration of a Road’s Mobility Versus Access Functions ................................ 45
Figure 5.8 Freeway to Freeway Connection ....................................................................... 49


Figure 5.9 Expressway to Urban Arterial Connection ........................................................ 49

Figure 5.10 Rural Freeway to Rural Arterial Connection...................................................... 50
Figure 6.1 Swept Path Parameters for Typical Tractor-Semitrailer Combination .............. 57
Figure 7.1 Crash Types and Indicative Fatality Risks at Various Speeds ............................ 65


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Acronyms and Abbreviations

AADT annual average daily traffic

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

ADT average daily traffic

D&B design and build

DHV design hour volume

HCM Highway Capacity Manual (2010)

HSM Highway Safety Manual (2010)

HV hourly volume

ITS intelligent transportation system

km kilometer

kph kilometers per hour

LARISA Land Acquisition and Roadway Improvement Strategic Approach

LOS level of service

m meter

MMUP Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning

PPD Public Parks Department

QHDM Qatar Highway Design Manual

QNRSS Qatar National Road Safety Strategy

s second

3R Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation

TMPQ Transportation Master Plan for Qatar

v/c volume to capacity

vpd vehicles per day

vph vehicles per hour



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1 Highway Strategy
1.1 Introduction
Planning for new cities or for transportation projects requires close cooperation among
town planners, transport planning specialists, and highway engineers. Transportation
infrastructure serves as the lifeline for the movement of people and goods, and is
therefore an essential component of good national and town planning practice.
Transportation infrastructure requires time and resources to construct, but if
effectively managed, it can promote economic growth and the well-being of Qatar’s
population. Before construction of any transportation infrastructure, transport
specialists and town planners should confirm that the facilities will aid the vision and
goals of Qatar’s growth while adhering to the current and future expansion policies.

Transportation infrastructure is intended for use by the public, who will have an
interest in the type of infrastructure provided, its features and characteristics, and the
timing and schedule of its implementation. The public includes road users, adjacent
property owners, businesses and local residents, all of whom will have different
interests and concerns about the project. It is important to identify and involve all such
stakeholders during the planning stage. This will allow interested parties to express
their views and concerns, and thus to benefit the users of transportation facilities.

This section states the vision and objectives of Qatar’s transport strategy, (based on the
latest Transportation Master Plan for Qatar (TMPQ), Transport Objectives for Qatar) and
provides planners and engineers with guidelines to enable the appropriate planning of
infrastructure projects. In line with the intent of the Qatar Highway Design Manual
(QHDM), it promotes the design and construction of highway infrastructure in Qatar to a
high and common standard, which is a basic component of good planning practice.

1.2 Vision, Goals, and Objectives

Qatar’s Transport Strategy vision is to “Promote safe, efficient and environmentally
sustainable transport for people and goods, responding to individuals’ needs for
mobility and supporting economic growth.”

The transportation goals for Qatar are categorized into five areas:

1. Quality of life and community

2. Economy
3. Mobility
4. Environment
5. Finance and governance


Goals for each area are translated into objectives and described as follows.

Quality of Life and Community

• Provide an attractive and integrated multi-modal transport system to accomplish
the following:
− Serve the anticipated increase in population.
− Provide adequate mobility options for people of all social sectors.
− Increase transport network access for remote and disadvantaged zones and
• Implement a transport system with minimum adverse effects on quality of life, such
as air pollution, noise emission, or barrier effect of infrastructure.
• Integrate land use and transport planning.
• Respect cultural heritage in alignment and design of transport facilities.
• Improve safety by reducing the number and severity of crashes.

• A smart integrated transport system and an appropriate infrastructure is vital to
accomplishing the following:
− Support the existing and future massive economic and industrial growth.
− Implement an efficient movement of goods, services, and passengers.
• Provide attractive and equivalent access to education sites by all modes of

• Identify corridors for large-scale transport of passengers and goods.
• Use an integrated transport system to respond to all travel demands.
• Employ phased development of transport networks for all modes as the long-range
forecast transport demand evolves.
• Provide an effective traffic management system to eliminate current congestion
and delays and help avoid over-saturation in the future.
• Improve safety (and security) of Qatar’s road transport system as part of the Qatar
National Road Safety Strategy (QNRSS)
• Achieve high transport awareness and education.
• Move away from only meeting demand by provision of additional infrastructure
and start with managing demand more effectively.
• Balance transport modes and minimize conflicts between them.
• Improve efficiency and reliability of traffic conditions for motorist and public
transport users by better information systems.
• Provide accessibility to all highway and transport users.


• Consider principles of sustainability when developing Qatar’s integrated transport
system, now and in the future, particularly an integration of transport development
with land use development.
• Reduce or minimize energy consumption in transport.
• Increase awareness of decisions makers and planners about environmental impacts
of different transport modes.
• Raise awareness with general transport users about the impacts of their mobility
behavior on the natural, manmade, and social environments.
• Provide more sustainable options for mobility of Qatar’s residents, such as
improved public transport services and more attractive bike and pedestrian
• Change transport behavior of residents and visitors to more sustainable modes,
adequate trip lengths, or other preferred options.

Finance and Governance

• Minimize the adverse economic impacts of the car; that is, minimize the costs
resulting from today’s car-dominated transport system on environment, health,
and social life.
• Achieve a reasonable cost-benefit ratio of investments in the transport system.

1.3 Project Types and Scope

There are three basic types of projects that involve highway and transportation

• New roads
• Reconstruction of existing roads
• Rehabilitation, restoration, or resurfacing of existing roads (3R)

New roads may include service roads, minor arterials, or major arterials, any of which
may involve new intersections with the existing road network. Reconstruction may
include improvements to existing roads, such as addition of motor vehicle capacity,
addition or enhancement of facilities for nonmotorized users, or a combination of
these. 3R projects are those for which the basic roadway remains, but major repairs to
the pavement, bridges, or other infrastructure are necessary. Both reconstruction and
3R projects typically will include replacement or major repair of highway infrastructure
that has reached the end of its service life or has been damaged by an external event.
Reconstruction projects may include capacity or other similar improvements.

All project types require preplanning, but because they all differ in scope and purpose,
some require greater planning and scrutiny.


Road and highway projects that require planning approvals include:

• Highway widening
• Access to new developments
• Intersection improvements
• Proposed new pedestrian and bicycle facilities
• New service roads, local roads, and arterials in a new, mixed development, for
example, retail, commercial, residential, and recreational

1.4 Transportation Planning Process in Qatar

Qatar is undergoing tremendous economic and industrial growth. That growth has
resulted in a rapid population increase and the urgent need to develop infrastructure
projects and major transport projects. The economic and industrial growth are linked
to the National Vision that aims at transforming Qatar into an advanced country by
2030, capable of sustaining its own development and providing for a high standard of
living for all of its people for generations to come.

The transport strategy developed from the transport master plan provides direction for
the planning authority for a systematic approach in the implementation of transport
infrastructure on the road network. It also calls for the development of an adequate,
modern, and innovative public transport system to accommodate the future transport
needs of Qatar.

The transportation planning process identifies parts of the transport network where
new investments in transport infrastructure or redesign of existing facilities would be
beneficial. Proposals are usually developed within the context of master plans.

The Overseeing Organization’s focus is to deliver transport infrastructure in ways that

promote sustainable travel and safeguard the efficient and safe functioning of the
transport system.

A typical planning process considered by the Overseeing Organization for a transport

infrastructure project proposed by a developer will involve the following:

• Receipt of developer’s application.

• Initial review of the project carried out to make sure that local communities are not
adversely affected by development. This could involve a preapplication meeting
with the developer to discuss the project details.
• Submitting of a formal application by the developer to the Overseeing Organization
with the supporting information.
• Meeting with the developer and agreeing upon the terms of reference and the
scope of work for the project.
• Examination of the project by the Overseeing Organization, which then will advise
the developer to undertake a transport or traffic impact study for the project.


• Obtaining formal comments from the Overseeing Organizations regarding the

project and the transport report.
• Assessing the proposed land use and the impact of the development on its
surroundings by considering the impact on transport and the highway network. For
the planning process, consideration will be given to such, but limited to factors as
road classification, level of service (LOS), highway design, increased traffic and
congestion that may harm the economy, and increased crashes.
• Reviewing the transport report and, for the final planning approval, achieving
developer agreement with the appropriate highway infrastructure design.

• There is an appeal period and process if an application is refused on technical

grounds. Further information regarding different types of appeals should be
addressed to the Overseeing Organization. Scheduling highway planning
conditions—that is, agreeing upon a time scale in which to implement—will be the
responsibility of the Overseeing Organization for highway and traffic works.

1.5 Land Use Considerations

The designer needs to be aware of land ownership issues when developing highway
plans. The variety of land uses and landowners in Qatar can make the acquisition of
land for road infrastructure difficult, costly, or not in the interest of the public. In
particular, the acquisition of areas of special-category lands, such as burial grounds and
military facilities, will involve additional procedures and may require replacement land
to be provided.

It is thus important that, in preparing feasibility studies and concept designs, the
designer becomes familiar with the land ownership and associated issues near the
proposed program of work.

Land uses surrounding a road corridor fundamentally affect the design choices for road
projects and similarly affect the expected impact of implementation of such a project.
Consequently, traffic impact studies covering all modes of transport are required for
new developments in order to assess the following:

• The overall transport and environment implications

• The impact of additional traffic on the adjoining highway network
• The internal/external site access arrangements
• Any need for mitigation measures in support of new development

1.5.1 Land Acquisition

As a general practice, the designer should attempt to maintain the existing right-of-way
corridor when planning for road improvement and design solutions. If design solutions
cannot be arrived within the existing right-of-way corridor, then additional land may be
required. In such instance, the acquisition of adjacent properties may assist in
achieving, geometric improvement solutions for roads and the surrounding links,
interchanges and intersections, in order to provide a continuation of proposed design


solutions. Land acquisition may also assist in meeting project goals of an improved
vehicular and pedestrian circulation network and meet future demands where poor
and acceptable conditions are identified.

A Land Acquisition and Roadway Improvement Strategic Approach (LARISA) can be

developed to indicate sides of roads where land acquisition should be concentrated
and to minimize the impact of road corridors to one side versus both sides. This
approach will efficiently lead the design process in road improvements and design

LARISA is based on the site survey, existing land and building assessments, and
identifying project constraints and recommendations.

1. Existing Land and Building Survey

The principles of the site survey are subjective in nature and relative to surrounding
land uses, building conditions, and heights in comparison to adjacent properties,
incompatibility, heritage, or cultural landmarks. The site survey may identify the
following features, and others:

• Towers, residential and commercial

• Single and multi-family residential
• Heritage sites
• Rail and metro stations
• Vacant land

2. Existing Land and Building Assessment

The building survey shall seek opportunities for parcel acquisition of and vacant lands
and demolishing buildings that are old or in poor condition. A strategic approach was
formulated to identify the methods of land acquisition and demolition of structures
within the corridors. The demolition of adjacent properties should provide sufficient
room for widening and realigning the road. On the other hand, various constraints may
limit land acquisition and indicate structures to be avoided. The following are criteria
to be considered during the assessment:

• Likely to be avoided:
− Native single-family properties, which should have precedence over the leased
residential and commercial sites as constrained properties
− Buildings that cannot be acquired because of cultural, historical, religious, or
economic restrictions
− Multi-family residential buildings that preserve the character of the residential
− Buildings in good condition, developments under construction, or new
commercial buildings
− Sites or buildings that have architectural character suitable for the area


− Shopping malls and large business areas

− Parks and recreational areas.
− Small strips or sections of land impact on rows of buildings

• Likely to be acquired:
− Substandard buildings, which are old or in poor condition, and large vacant
land, which are prime candidates for acquisition to accommodate road
− Buildings where land use or occupation compatibilities conflict with
surrounding uses and are not applicable to the land use plan
− Land acquisition on one side of the road only to avoid or minimize impacts to
the opposite side
− Optimal use of buffer zones to avoid land takes on private properties,
especially with buildings

3. Constraints and Recommendations:

The field investigations shall yield specific recommendations for important buildings,
significant sites, and strategic existing utilities, which are categorized as constraints.
Land acquisition and removal of various stretches of roads confined to one side shall
be considered as part of value engineering approach during strategic planning stage.
Constraint plans should be developed in the early stages of the project. Restricted
buildings and sites should be avoided if possible in determining final roadway alignment
options or be used as an analysis tool for option development.

Considerable roadway improvements are needed not only to enhance vehicular and
pedestrian corridors but also to provide the minimum required space needed to make
roadway improvements.

The latest versions of the Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning (MMUP)
documents, Guidelines and Procedures for Transport Studies and Land Acquisition
Process, outline procedures to be followed for assessing the transport impact of new
developments and the MMUP land acquisition process in Qatar.

1.6 Appraisal
As part of the planning process, the highway project appraisal reflects the need for
balanced improvement across the network. An appraisal is the method of assessing
whether investing financially in construction of a highway provides value to the
highway and transport users.

The planning process identifies parts of the transport network where investments in
new transport infrastructure or redesign of existing facilities would be beneficial.
Proposals are usually developed within the context of development plans. The purpose
of the appraisal is to compare the advantages and disadvantages of various transport


infrastructure improvement proposals. Proposals are prioritized based on the costs and
benefits arising from traffic, economic, environmental, social, and safety effects on the
community, both in the short and long term.

The following are the key steps involved in carrying out an appraisal:

1. Define objectives and constraints.

2. Identify problems.
3. Identify solutions and designs. Develop policies or solutions to meet the objectives
and solve problems.
4. Perform measurement and forecasting. Forecasting the outcome for alternative
plans or scenarios over the life of the project using performance indicators.
Indicators should be operational (e.g., travel time), environmental (e.g., emissions
and social benefits), or economical (e.g., cost and benefit to the community during
the life of the project). Benefits are usually referred to as net present benefits,
which are the total project benefits minus costs of construction, maintenance, land
acquisition, and other costs.
5. Evaluate the process of applying weights to the indicators identified in step 4.
Weighting should reflect the Overseeing Organization’s policies, with input from
6. Select a best-value solution. The highest total benefit that may be approved for
design completion and construction as appropriate.

The three levels of appraisal hierarchy are as follows:

1. Strategic: The focus is on developing broad options for consideration. Several

alternative strategic plans should be considered. For example, if a new town is
being built to provide residential housing, it is at this stage that the planner should
consider the orientation and the layout of the town’s road network.
2. Packages: A package is an alternative means of dealing with particular identified
problems. The package approach requires the planner to do the following:
− Consider the nature of problems and objectives for a particular area.
− Relate proposed solutions to the defined problems and objectives
− Consider the impact the solutions have on the area as a whole.

3. Alternative: Alternative designs should be conceived within the context of defined

objectives and objectively identified and described transportation problems.
Sound appraisals require sound and defensible traffic forecasts. In making these
choices, reference should be made to the latest version of MMUP’s Guidelines and
Procedures for Traffic Studies.


2 Projects Involving New Roads

2.1 Planning and Design Objectives: Provide Mobility

and Accessibility
A new road will have one of two basic purposes: to enable new development by making
the land accessible to the transportation road network, or to enhance the ability to
travel between two areas or destinations by providing an alternative route to an
existing route.

The planning of new roads to serve new development zones should take into account
the proposed land uses of the new development. The amount of road capacity and the
types and volume of travel, including pedestrian and cyclist, will be a function of the
type and density of the development. New road planning and design entails
development of a suitable road hierarchy classification that can be assigned to roads
serving both existing and new land uses. A key objective is the designation and ultimate
acquisition of right-of-way width.

2.2 Planning Development Access for New Roads

This section provides planning and design considerations for planning access to
development by new roads and other transport infrastructure in Qatar to be approved
by Overseeing Organization for planning and eventually adopted by the Overseeing
Organization for road works. It includes guidance on the information required to satisfy
the transport and highway aspects of planning applications with particular regard to
safety, pedestrians, cyclists, public transport, service and private vehicles, and parking

2.3 Project Development Process

Road projects are undertaken to address specific transportation problems, such as
safety, capacity, physical features, or accessibility. Generally, road problems fall into
three categories:

• Safety: There is a frequency and pattern of crashes well in excess of what should
be expected for the location, with such crash experience potentially treatable by
proven effective countermeasures.
• Demand exceeds capacity: Existing facilities do not meet current or projected
traffic demand as measured by the desired level of service for the facility.
• New development: Access needs to be provided to new developments.


These types of problems may be observed for potential road users, be they motorists,
pedestrians, and cyclists. The problems that a project is intended to address should be
clearly defined and agreed upon by all stakeholders early in the project development
process. Therefore, it is important to actively involve stakeholders and seek their input
early in the project. See also Chapter 1, of Part 20, Context Sensitive Design and

2.3.1 Development Process for New Road Projects

Once a project is planned and recommended for implementation, it goes through the
following major design phases with specific milestones before implementation:
scoping, concept design, preliminary design, detailed design, and tenders.
Construction, operation, and maintenance phases of projects are discussed in other
manuals. An exception to this process is design and build (D&B) project delivery, in
which detailed design and construction are combined into a single phase in the project
development process. See Section 2.3.2 regarding the D&B process.

1. Scoping Phase: The project purpose and need, goals, and objectives are defined in
the scoping phase. Stakeholders are identified, and a project manager is assigned
to assemble the project team based on the relevant disciplines involved in the
project. The project team defines project deliverables, estimated budget, and
schedule for completion of the study and design of the project. The team conducts
a field investigation of the project to identify potential problems including impacts
to sensitive sites, constructability issues, level of outreach, and method of project
2. Conceptual Design: During the conceptual design, strategies that could address the
problem including traffic management, alternative transportation routes and
modes, physical improvements, and other measures are identified, studied,
analyzed, and evaluated. If all strategies other than physical improvement prove
insufficient to address the problem, physical improvement will be recommended.
Relevant information including forecast traffic data and topographic survey
information will be obtained. Alternative improvement concepts will be
developed, analyzed, and evaluated based on project goals and objectives, and
presented to stakeholders. The alternative that meets the project objectives will
be submitted for approval and advanced to preliminary design.

The conceptual engineering design phase will include the following:

− Gathering available information on location, size, use of the road, and
pedestrian, bike, and landscape features; visiting the project site to locate
sensitive environmental features; and conducting topographic and utility
− Conducting traffic counts and analysis and developing design year traffic


− Developing and analyzing alternative conceptual solutions (including

multimodal opportunities) in coordination with stakeholders; preparing
conceptual engineering drawings; evaluating concepts; and identifying the
preferred alternative.
− Establishing a workable geometric design for the preferred alternative that will
work through the final design without major revisions to the horizontal and
vertical geometry; preparing typical cross sections of structures and other
features; and identifying landscaping constraints and opportunities.
− Establishing the type, size, and length of structures, including bridges, retaining
walls, box culverts, and other major structures that may be needed.
− Performing conceptual design of drainage systems, including watershed
delineation, storm sewer system layout, culverts, waterway bridges, and
stormwater management facilities, and utility conflict and mitigation
− Performing analysis of constructability and maintenance of traffic and
conceptual design of traffic management and intelligent transportation system
(ITS) plans.
− Establishing limits of right-of-way, identifying land and parcels that need to be
− Assessing the environmental impacts of the preferred alternative, obtaining
stakeholders’ approval, and securing the required permits and approvals.
− Conducting a value engineering review and incorporating its finding into the
− Developing quantities and estimated construction cost for the project, and
documenting pros and cons of the preferred alternative.
− Conducting mandatory reviews and quality controls subject to approval from
the Overseeing Organization.

3. Preliminary Design: Once the preferred alternative is selected and approved, the
project will be advanced to preliminary design. The preliminary design phase is very
important. Sufficient engineering design details of the selected concept will be
developed and evaluated to verify that there are no unforeseen problems in the
design. Departures and required permits will be identified and the application
process will begin. A detailed cost estimate and construction schedule will be
developed based on the preliminary design plans. The project delivery method, e.g.,
design, tender, and construct or design and build, will also be decided during the
preliminary design phase. Engineering activities in this phase include the following:
− Design and further refinement of roadway geometry
− Design of drainage systems, erosion and sediment controls, and storm water
management facilities
− Design of structures and bridges, traffic control features, and ITS
− Design of landscaping features and multi-use paths and trails


− Identification of utility conflicts and relocations options, utility designs, and

utility field inspection
− Conducting constructability analysis, and preparing maintenance of traffic and
construction staging plans
− Conducting and documenting mandatory reviews and quality controls
− Obtaining approval for right-of-way expropriations
− Revising and updating quantities, cost estimates, and schedule
− Applying for and obtaining required permits from the Overseeing Organization

4. Detailed Design: Final design comprises the following activities:

− Finalizing the design and producing final plans for roadways, drainage systems,
erosion and sedimentation control, and stormwater management systems.
− Finalizing the design for and producing final plans for structures and bridges,
traffic control devices/ITS, landscaping, and multi-use facilities, and so on.
− Finalizing right-of-way plans; preparing utility impacts analysis, and producing
utility composite plans for existing utility relocations and for proposed utilities.
− Obtaining all required permits.
− Performing constructability and maintenance of traffic analyses, and preparing
construction staging and traffic management plans.
− Authorizing right-of-way expropriation and utility relocation or installation, or
− Making necessary preparations for construction advertisement and tender.
5. Pre-tender Phase: The pre-tender phase includes the following activities:
− Prepare construction cost estimate, specifications, and construction schedule
for the project with sufficient details and milestones based on the final plans
and quantities.
− Secure required permits, certifications, and approvals.
− Prepare an overview of the project for the contract department including
general information, factors considered in preparing cost and schedule, and
known issues that could affect the project, along with supporting
documentation for cost and schedule.

2.3.2 Project Development Process: Design and Build (D&B)

The process for developing plans up to the end of the conceptual design stage for D&B
projects is generally the same as that for a design, tender, and construct project.
Limited investigation and engineering and design can be necessary to identify key risks
and opportunities to be included in the D&B tender. More detailed engineering and
design is not required prior to tender for a D&B project, as it limits the D&B team’s
scope for innovation. However, a value engineering study is recommended for large


Once a decision is made to use the D&B delivery method, the project team will use the
conceptual engineering plans to develop the tender documents, including project
limits, scope of work, outline schedule, employer’s requirements, and special
provisions. A cost estimate will need to be prepared to assess tenders. Rights-of-way
need to be conservative, within reason, at the concept phase for a D&B project to
provide bidders scope for innovation.
Following the concept design, the process for D&B projects differs from the design,
tender, and construct process. Development of preliminary design and construction
plans and construction of the project will be the responsibility of the successful D&B
tenderer’s team. The D&B team will begin mobilization and construction work before
completion of the design stages.


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3 Project Development Process

for Interchange Design Studies
(Existing Reconstruction or
Selecting and designing the best-value interchange combines application of the
technical background described above with site- or location-specific knowledge and
data. The importance of interchanges to the functionality of the overall highway
network demands careful study to determine the best solution. The design process
starts with an understanding of the basic goals, objectives, and need for the
interchange project.

3.1 Step 1: Establish Data Collection Requirements and

Obtain Data
At a minimum, the following data and information are necessary to conduct a study to
determine the appropriate interchange type and to advance it through final
engineering design:

• Design year average daily and design hour traffic forecast for freeway approaches,
crossroad, ramps, and all peak hours turning movements. If the new interchange is
within 4 kilometers (km) of an adjacent interchange, traffic forecast data for that
interchange should be obtained to understand the operational effects on it.
• Aerial photography and base-mapping allowing for planning studies at suitable
scales of typically 1:2500 for concept planning and eventual preliminary
engineering at 1:1000 and 1:500 scales.
• Ownership of land in all quadrants of the proposed location and along the
• Knowledge of important cultural, historic, environmental, mosques, schools, parks
and public safety facilities, or other lands and land uses near the interchange. Note
that awareness of these goes beyond potential right-of-way needs and
encompasses such factors as noise, visual effects, and presence of pedestrians.
• Plans and inspection reports for existing highway and bridge infrastructure at the
proposed location.


• Plans of known utilities, both above and below ground.

• Data on soil conditions.

3.1.1 Develop Interchange Planning and Design Framework

Key early decisions and actions will affect the progress of the study. The nature of
interchange projects is that many public, governmental, and private stakeholders may
have a direct interest in one or more aspects of the study, including regulatory
permissions and approvals.

3.1.2 Stakeholder Involvement

Key stakeholders are any agency or individual with a direct interest because of the
location of the study, or because of their role in providing information and data, in
reviewing, in issuing permits, or in accepting and approving the project. Early notice to
such stakeholders facilitates their input when needed, thus reducing the time and cost
to complete the project. Early notice and engagement avoids problems associated with
unforeseen conflicts.

For major interchange projects or projects in urban areas affecting many stakeholders,
best practice is to formally engage them in early meetings and dialogue, referred to as
chartering. Table 3.1 summarizes suggested representative stakeholders and both the
issues and potential inputs they may provide to the project.

Table 3.1 Typical Stakeholders and Their Issues for Interchange Projects
Stakeholder Issue or Concern
Overseeing Organization: Project is designed in accordance with standards; adequate review and
Design approval of Departures.
Overseeing Organization: Project will operate as intended (LOS, safety performance); operation of
Traffic traffic controls.
Overseeing Organization: Project bids will be acceptable; constructability within schedule and
Construction budget.
Overseeing Organization: Need for maintenance of all project elements, safety of maintenance
Maintenance workers.
Overseeing Organization: Landscaping of public places, planting of trees, traffic island planting, and
Public Parks maintenance of landscaping and public parks.
Incorporation of bus stops or light rail/metro stations near interchange
Transit Agency on crossroad; safety of pedestrians.
Utilities Need for and timing of relocated utilities.
Potential acquisition, noise from traffic, dust and other impacts of
Adjacent Landowners construction, changes in access to their properties, visual effects, timing,
and length of construction.
Highway Users Safety of the interchange, reductions in delay or travel time after
construction, detours, or delays during construction.
Ministry of Environment Protection of proximate environmental resources, permitting, and
Law Enforcement Ability to enforce traffic laws, safety of the interchange.


A chartering meeting may include the following:

• Background introduction of the need for the project

• Introduction of key project staff, including contact information
• Presentation of the planned public outreach program
• Intended schedule for the study, design, and construction
• Opportunity for stakeholders to present issues or concerns at the outset
• Discussion of issues regarding property or interest that may not be known from
public records

3.1.3 Develop Project Planning and Design Criteria

The entity conducting the study, consulting with appropriate agency stakeholders
including the Overseeing Organization, should develop, distribute, and present the design
criteria for the project. These should include design speeds of all elements, design year
and basis for design year traffic, design LOS for all elements, design vehicles, drainage
design criteria, and design standards to be used, including specific entrance and exit
design details. At this stage, criteria determined to be appropriate for use that are outside
the QHDM-published criteria are understood to be subject to a Departure. Best practices
are for such criteria to be discussed fully before initiating major work, with concurrence
from or at least notice to the Overseeing Organization of the reasons for the Departure,
and agreement to proceed using the proposed criteria.

3.2 Step 2: Confirm Study Approach, Evaluation Criteria,

and Decision Process
The planning and design framework includes an affirmation of the technical approach to
the work. This should be as outlined in the scope of work for the project, but before it
begins, concurrence on methods, data, and necessary assumptions where no data exist
should be reached. Such methods may include capacity and operational analysis methods
that are both large- and small-scale, and quantitative safety analyses.

3.2.1 Determine Evaluation Criteria and Technical Approach

The key technical factors that will drive the selection of one alternative over another
should be identified, which should shape the detail and level of effort in addressing
them. Although every project is unique, the following factors generally will be of
sufficient importance:

• Estimated initial cost of construction

• Measures of traffic service, such as travel time, delays, queuing, and LOS
• Right-of-way acquisitions, including not only cost but also types of businesses,
residences, or other uses affected or displaced
• Accessibility to side roads and private properties
• Environmental issues requiring mitigation
• Assessment of safety performance
• Constructability


To the extent possible, those charged with making the final decision on which
alternative to select should communicate the relative importance of these factors.

3.2.2 Develop Design Year Traffic and Select Most Likely Alternatives
The next step is to develop design year traffic as intended, and then, with reference to
the guidance presented in Part 9, identify the most likely reasonable alternatives for
the location. These will depend on the functional classification of each road, design year
traffic, general knowledge of the spatial and quadrant-specific requirements for each
interchange form, and understanding of the most likely or only vertical
crossroad/freeway relationship.

For service interchange projects, there may as many as six reasonable options
representing basic forms and variants thereof. For system interchange projects, at least
three and often more solutions may be worthy of study.

3.3 Step 3: Conduct Interchange Type Studies

The process for efficient and complete interchange studies is stepped and begins with
as many likely alternatives as are evident, then proceeds through increasing level of
technical detail to screen those down to a single preferred alternative.

3.3.1 Concept Engineering Design

The following is completed is for each concept identified for study:

• Size each interchange concept using design year traffic and quick capacity
techniques. Sizing refers to determining the preliminary numbers of lanes for
ramps, ramp terminal intersections, roundabouts, crossroad bridges, auxiliary lanes
on freeway.
• Develop concept level design in plan view over aerial photography. A sufficiently
skilled and knowledgeable designer can develop appropriate geometry without
having to conduct profile studies. The designer can estimate limits of bridges and
retaining walls, approximate right-of-way, and potential encroachments on
properties. Figure 3.1 is an example of such a concept.

• Using this information, an approximate, comparative construction cost estimate

can be prepared. As the interchanges should be operationally comparable, the
process of screening focuses on costs, right-of-way, and environmental or special
local issues.


Figure 3.1 Example Single-line Concept Plan View over Aerial

3.3.2 Stakeholder Review and Screening

Depending on the project’s sensitivity and importance, conduct external stakeholder or
public meetings to present the alternatives under consideration and their attributes.
Such meetings may apprise designers of previously unknown specific issues or impacts
associated with one or more alternatives.

Consult with agency and regulatory stakeholders. As a minimum, they should

communicate fatal flaws or issues that may, if not resolved, present major schedule or
cost impacts not previously apparent. They may express views representing their
agency on the alternatives that the Overseeing Organization should consider.

Decision-makers can then screen the alternatives down to the most reasonable two, or
at most three.

For simple two-level service interchange projects, it may be possible to select the best
value solution. For multilevel system interchanges with complex geometry and
significant costs, the next step is generally required.

3.4 Step 4: Functional Geometric Design of Screened

An alternative proceeding to this stage should have no environmental or other
problems that would hinder its selection. Assuming more than one alternative remains
viable, designers next conduct preliminary geometric design studies at an acceptable
scale as agreed with the Overseeing Organization in three dimensions. Plan view,
profile in the detailed design stage, and intersection design studies are conducted. The
latter include details such as intersection or roundabout geometry, left- and right-turn
lengths, signal phasing, and operations. Concept level bridge studies determine most
likely type, depths, widths, and ancillary structures such as retaining walls. To facilitate


a decision, additional concept studies of drainage, lighting, and signing may be

conducted. With three-dimensional plans, earthwork can be developed as part of the
detailed design, enabling firm estimates of right-of-way acquisition. At this stage,
differences in construction staging or maintenance of traffic along the freeway should
be understood and documented.

This phase of work may include micro-simulation studies of freeway and or crossroad
operations. These can provide more complete measures of traffic performance, which
may help differentiate between, say a partial cloverleaf (PARCLO) interchange and a
diamond, or between a signalized diamond and a roundabout diamond interchange.
Finally, quantitative safety analyses using the Highway Safety Manual (HSM; American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials [AASHTO], 2011) can be
performed to develop comparisons of the difference in predicted crash types and

At this level of design, all necessary significant Departures should be known. They
should be fully discussed to the point that, should an alternative be selected, there is
confidence that any Departures associated with it will be found acceptable.

3.5 Step 5: Select Preferred Alternative, Document and

Develop Final Engineering Plans
With all the above detail, there is sufficient technical information for the Overseeing
Organization to determine a preferred alternative. Once a decision is made, completion
of all final engineering plans can proceed.

Documentation of the recommended plan, including the following, provides the

background to explain and defend the project:

• Stakeholders consulted and their input

• Alternatives considered, including summaries of those screened out
• Design plans and supporting technical information on alternatives with completed
functional design
• Construction cost models, assumptions and estimates
• Environmental clearances and other permits required or obtained
• Departures subject to final approval


4 Projects Involving Existing

The Overseeing Organization may undertake projects involving existing roads. There
are four main reasons for such projects, associated with modes of travel:

• An observed or expected traffic operational problem, such as bottlenecks or low

• An observed safety problem, as identified through a science-based assessment of
crash frequency and severity
• An identified need to provide access to a new adjacent development
• Pavement or other road infrastructure in a state of disrepair

Projects involving existing roads are named 3R for Resurfacing, Restoration, and
Rehabilitation. Examples of 3R projects include:

• Pavement that has reached its useful life and requires complete replacement,
including potentially the subgrade, shoulders and curbing
• Removal of a bituminous overlay to a concrete pavement and replacement with a
new overlay
• Replacement of roadside barriers such as guardrail
• Bridge redecking
• Major repairs or replacements to a bridge substructure

Other certain work efforts related to infrastructure condition are fundamentally

preventative maintenance activities. These may include minor pavement repairs such
as seal coats, full-width patching, crack sealing, and thin plant mix resurfacing for
sealing of the pavement surface, correcting minor surface irregularities, and other
similar repairs. Curb repairs or replacement, replacement of drainage inlets, and other
similar activities are also fundamentally preventative maintenance in nature. These
repair types are an important part of the Overseeing Organization’s overall mission.
Maintenance repair activities are not considered to be 3R or reconstruction projects.


4.1 Unique Characteristics of Projects Involving

Existing Roads
Projects involving existing roads fundamentally differ from those involving new roads
for several important reasons. First, there is a proven and observable set of traffic
operational and safety performance measures for an existing road. These should be
referenced to determine the nature and extent of any problem.

Second, in most cases there is fixed right-of-way for the existing road, around which
land development typically has occurred. In urban areas development typically will
involve buildings and other private infrastructure immediately contiguous with the
right-of-way. Projects involving existing roads require designers to understand the
context and to be creative in developing solutions within the right-of-way, because any
major realignment or widening has the potential for producing substantial impacts to
many property owners and stakeholders.

A third unique aspect of projects involving existing roads is they have in place a roadway
with fixed geometric conditions. The road will have been designed to standards
employed at the time of its initial construction. Some roads may predate the 1997
QHDM. As this edition of the QHDM includes some revisions to geometric design
criteria based on research advances, it is possible that an existing road may have
geometric features that do not meet the updated, current version of QHDM design

Design standards are a means to an end. The end desired is measurable or expected
performance with respect to either safety, operations, or both. An existing geometric
feature or dimension that does not meet current design criteria does not automatically
require reconstruction to meet such criteria. Such practice is a sub-optimal use of
resources and may produce unnecessary inconvenience to road users and stakeholders
affected by construction activities. Decisions under a best-value approach shall be
based on a review and analysis of the existing roadway’s performance.

Projects of the above nature will be considered as either 3R projects or reconstruction

projects. The Overseeing Organization will make the determination for project
eligibility for 3R treatment using the criteria discussed below.

4.2 Design of Reconstruction Projects

Reconstruction projects will be those for any of the following:

• The demonstrated project need goes beyond mere infrastructure repair, to include
a known quantitative safety problem or a known operational problem.
• The project involves the redesignation or reclassification of a roadway to serve new
types of trips or travel not previously included along the route, such as bike paths
or dedicated transit only lanes; widening; conversion of intersection type such as
roundabout to signalized intersection.


• The project is bridge replacement which specifically includes improvements to

vertical clearance.
• The project converts a temporary road to a permanent road.
• The Overseeing Organization determines that the project shall not be eligible for
3R treatment, as described above.

Reconstruction projects will involve substantial revision to the functionality and three-
dimensional character of the road. Reconstruction projects shall be designed and
reconstructed using the design criteria in the QHDM.

Challenges unique to reconstruction versus new construction projects include these:

• Right-of-way typically is limited, with adjacent development already established.

Even minor strip acquisitions may create significant damage to adjacent properties,
in some cases necessitating entire acquisition.
• In most cases, it will be necessary to maintain traffic flow along the roadway during
reconstruction. This includes through traffic, intersection movements, and access
to business, retail, and residential land uses. Existing underground utilities are in
place. These constraints will influence the suitability of design solutions, and may
limit the ability to make more than minor changes to vertical alignment.

The full design process for new roads applies to reconstruction projects, including
development of design alternatives and evaluation of potential Departures from
Standards. Departures may be significant for such projects.

4.2.1 Relationship of Safety Performance to Design Elements

The acceptance of Departures from Standards generally will be greater for reconstruction
projects. A project may be designated for reconstruction based on a review of its crash
history, but the types and locations of crashes may be such that certain design elements
or locations along the road may not require full geometric redesign. Thus, for example,
a decision may be made to flatten a horizontal curve but to retain the vertical
alignment, even though there are nominally substandard elements.

Table 4.1 summarizes the known relative importance of roadway elements in safety
performance, crash frequency, and severity of different roadway types and contexts.

Not every geometric element is of equal importance in influencing safety performance.

Moreover, the contribution to safety performance of an element varies by type of road.

Table 4.1 serves as a reference in making decisions on retaining existing road geometry
to avoid major costs and conflicts. Refer to the AASHTO HSM (2011) for more details
on the specific elements and road types.


Table 4.1 Relative Relationship of Geometric Design Features to Crash

Frequency or Severity by Type of Road
Road Type and Intersections

Multilane Urban
Rural Multilane

Arterials and


Rural 2-lane



Roadway Design Elements
Cross Section
Lane Width 🌕🌕 🌕🌕 — 🌕🌕 — — —
Cross Slope 🌕🌕 🌕🌕 — — — — —
Shoulder Width ✓ ✓ — ✓ — — —
Shoulder Type (Paved, Unpaved) 🌕🌕 🌕🌕 — 🌕🌕 — — —
Presence of Rumble Strips ✓ ✓ — ✓ — — —
Sideslope 🌕🌕 🌕🌕 — ✓ — — —
Clear Zone ✓ ✓ — ✓ — — —
Presence of Roadside Barrier ✓ ✓ — ✓ — — —
Presence of Median NA ✓ ✓ ✓ — — —
Width of Median NA ✓ ✓ ✓ — — —
Horizontal Curvature (Radius) ✓ ✓ — ✓ NA NA ✓
Length of Curve ✓ 🌕🌕 — 🌕🌕 NA NA NA
Presence of Spiral ✓ 🌕🌕 — 🌕🌕 NA NA NA
Superelevation 🌕🌕 — — — NA NA NA
Grade ✓ 🌕🌕 — — NA NA NA
Length of Vertical Curve 🌕🌕 — — — NA NA NA
Stopping Sight Distance 🌕🌕 — — — NA NA NA
Presence of Weaving Sections NA NA NA ✓ NA NA NA
Length of Weaving Sections NA NA NA ✓ NA NA NA
Location of Ramps (Left vs. Right) NA NA NA ✓ NA NA NA
Frequency of Driveways ✓ — ✓ NA NA NA NA
Frequency of Intersections ✓ ✓ ✓ NA NA NA NA
Type of Intersections (Traffic
— — — NA NA NA NA
Intersection Elements
Intersection Sight Distance NA NA NA NA ✓ — —
Number of Legs/Approaches NA NA NA NA ✓ ✓ ✓
Skew Angle NA NA NA NA ✓ ✓ —
Presence of Left-Turn Lanes NA NA NA NA 🌕🌕 ✓ —
Presence of Right-Turn Lanes NA NA NA NA 🌕🌕 🌕🌕 —
KEY: Significant Effect 🌕🌕 Minor Effect — No Effect NA Not applicable
Based on AASHTO HSM (2010).


4.2.2 Risk Management Guidelines

Safety performance related to roadway design elements and dimensions is a
continuum. One can estimate safety risk by quantifying the three most important
factors that relate to crash risk on all road types:

• How close the dimension or value is to the specified minimum value

• Traffic volume exposed to the element
• Length of roadway over which the element occurs

Marginal differences in a design dimension will have at most marginal differences in

the expected safety performance of the road if any. Figure 4.1 illustrates this concept.

Source: Fambro, et al. Determination of Stopping Sight Distances, NCHRP Report 400.
Figure 4.1 Conceptual Relationship between Available Sight Distance and Safety
at Crest Vertical Curves

Figure 4.1 is taken from research on SSD and is illustrative only. The concepts below
apply not only to SSD but also to all other geometric elements.

Existing values for sight distance that do not meet the standard but are short by only a
small amount will produce little if any practical increase in actual risk. Only when the
amount of the deficiency is large might a meaningful increase in crash risk be expected. Effective vs. Selected Design Speed

Taking the minimum design value per QHDM standards as a reference point, a useful
measure of risk is the difference between the “effective” design speed of existing
geometry for a design element, such as, horizontal or vertical curvature, and the
selected design speed. This difference is referred to as delta V (Δ V). Geometry that may
not meet the minimum standard but that is very close to it, with a small value for delta
V, can be considered as presenting minimal risk.


The following guidelines apply and may be used in making departure decisions:

• Low risk alignment has a Δ V of 10 kilometers per hour (kph) or less.

• Moderate risk alignment has a Δ V of 11 kph to 20 kph.
• High risk alignment has a Δ V of greater than 20 kph. Traffic Volume Exposure

Substantive safety risk is also proportional to the traffic volume on the roadway. For
example, the predicted crash frequency per km for a 2-lane rural highway is 0.15 per
year for a volume of 1,000 vpd, and 2.5 per km for the same road with 15,000 vpd.
Whatever the effect of a geometric element may be, the risk is clearly different
depending on the traffic volume exposure. This same concept applies to intersections,
which are point locations in terms of crash frequency. Length of Roadway Affected

A geometric feature that does not meet criteria for a relatively short length will
present less safety risk than one that is continuous over a longer length. Risk Minimization

In a reconstruction setting, a designer may be able to revise the geometry to some
extent with minimal right-of-way or other impacts but perhaps not fully to the
minimum applicable standard. This may reduce the risk even though the designer is
unable to meet the full standard. Using the above guidelines, a Departure may be
appropriate if it improves the alignment from, say, a high risk category to a moderate
or low risk category. The reconstruction solution still requires a formal Departure, but
it does accomplish some level of improvement over the existing road.

4.2.3 Reconstruction Design Approach

As noted, designers who are upgrading roads have before them a facility for which they
can observe and measure its transportation performance. This general approach

• Designers should develop a thorough understanding of the context through which

the road passes, particularly in urban areas. This includes knowledge of adjacent
uses and their interface with the road, prevalence of nonmotorized users, and the
substantive safety and operational performance on the road. The concept of
context sensitivity in developing reasonable solutions is particularly applicable to
reconstruction projects.
• Defining the problem clearly and specifically, and then shaping the scope of work
and alternative solutions, is critical. The scope and limits of work should address
the known problems
• At the beginning of a project, designers should assess existing physical and
operational conditions affecting safety by using crash data and site inspections, and
noting existing traffic operations and characteristics.


• Suitably qualified safety engineers, who will produce a Road Safety Audit (RSA)
Report independent from the design team should review the safety and design
proposals before final approval is granted.
• At the preliminary engineering phase, before developing final detailed construction
plans and specifications, designers should prepare a design report that documents
existing design and operational characteristics, crash history, applicable design
standards, and design options that were studied. The design report should include
proposed design exceptions that require applications for Departure from Standard
to enable their evaluation, processing and agreed upon project approach in a timely

4.3 Designation of Eligibility for 3R Treatment

The intent of a special designation for a project to be considered to be 3R and outside
the scope of new construction standards as stated in the QHDM is to avoid unnecessary
expenditure of road construction funds and associated disruption to road users,
adjacent landowners, and other stakeholders that full reconstruction and the potential
for right-of-way acquisition would produce.

A road programmed for reconstruction because of physical condition only, not because
of an observed crash or traffic operational problem, shall be eligible for designation as
a 3R project. A 3R designation means that the designer may retain the roadway
geometry, with the project focusing solely on repair or replacement of infrastructure.

For a project to be designated as 3R, the following shall be performed:

• Crash records should be sought and reviewed for the previous 5 years. Focus should
be on evaluating any fatal or serious injury crashes. Should records be unavailable,
the Overseeing Organization responsible for traffic law enforcement shall be
contacted, and queried regarding their knowledge of the safety performance of the
location. Law enforcement stakeholders should also provide data and information
on the operation of the road relative to traffic laws, such as records on the issuance
of speeding citations. Knowledge of the safety performance of the existing road is
a crucial input to designation of a project as 3R.
• Qualified traffic safety engineers should review the crash records and other
information and determine the extent to which the roadway design or traffic
control, or both, were contributing factors in any reported crashes. The AASHTO
HSM (2010) should be used as a resource to assess the safety performance of the
existing road.
• Studies of speeds during off-peak periods should be conducted to characterize the
speed behavior of drivers.
• A review of the road’s geometric features should outline which features no longer
meet current QHDM standards, and by how much, based on the design speed for
the road under current design policy. For example, limitations in stopping sight
distance can be expressed as the effective speed of the amount of sight distance


provided. The difference between this speed and the design speed of the road is a
direct risk measure of the amount or severity of the design feature.
• A road safety audit (as per Part 24, Road Safety Audits) shall be undertaken, with
emphasis on looking for low-cost, readily implementable solutions that do not
require geometric revisions, but that may support retention of the geometry and
enhance the potential safety performance after project completion.
• The designer shall conduct an engineering analysis of the geometric design
revisions necessary to bring the road to current minimum design standards. This
analysis should include documentation of right-of-way, changes in access, damage
to properties including need for full acquisition, relocation of businesses and
residences. The designer shall prepare an estimate of the additional time and cost
to bring the roadway up to current design standards above that necessary to
undertake the repair or replacement of the infrastructure.
• The designer should prepare a design report documenting all the above analyses
with a recommendation for treating the project as a 3R project. This report should
summarize all the above efforts. A project for which 3R designation is
recommended should be one in which there is clearly little or no substantive safety
benefit expected from geometric updates (i.e., the risk of retaining existing
geometry is deemed to be very low), and in which the costs and impacts to upgrade
the road are substantial and unavoidable should such upgrading be required. The
design report shall include a recommendation by the Designer to the Overseeing
Organization on the eligibility of the project for 3R designation.

The Overseeing Organization shall review the designer’s 3R report and make a final
determination of the project’s eligibility for designation as 3R. Projects involving
existing roads deemed not to be appropriate for 3R designation are therefore treated
as reconstruction projects, as discussed below.

4.4 Design of 3R Projects

The sole purpose of 3R projects is to preserve and extend the service life of roads and
related infrastructure.

• Resurfacing work consists of applying a new or recycled layer or layers of pavement

material to existing pavement to provide additional structural integrity, improved
rideability, improved drainage by reinstituting a cross slope or removing rutting, or
restoring surface friction.
• Restoration work consists of restoring or generally bringing back the originally
designed capability of the entire roadway. This may include, in addition to
resurfacing, minor pavement widenings, or addition of paved hard shoulders,
culvert extensions and repairs, other drainage improvements, correction of
superelevation, upgrading infrastructure such as guardrails and roadside barriers
to current standards, and other similar improvements. Restoration work is confined
to the existing right-of-way.


• Rehabilitation may include reconstruction of limited parts of the project’s length,

major repairs to structural elements such as bridges, retaining walls and culverts,
bridge rails, and side slopes and ditches.

3R projects generally do not require additional right-of-way, as the intent is to retain

the original roadway footprint. Construction or temporary easements may be needed
to facilitate the work while traffic is maintained on the road.

4.4.1 Context Sensitive Safety Enhancements for 3R Projects

While designing a 3R project, designers should incorporate low-cost safety
enhancements that do not involve changes to the footprint or the fundamental scope
of the project. As noted, the engineering process for 3R eligibility includes a road safety
audit focused on identifying such improvements.

International research has demonstrated the safety effectiveness of a number of low-

cost and readily implementable solutions that may be incorporated into 3R projects.
The following sections summarize these.

4.4.2 3R Safety Enhancements for Rural Highways Safety Edge

Rural highways with unpaved shoulders present a risk associated with shoulder drop-
off, whereby a driver inadvertently leaving the lane may have the right wheels drop on
to the unpaved surface. The difference in elevation between the resurfaced pavement
and shoulder may be as great as 15 to 20 cm. In correcting steering, the tire wall may
scrub against the pavement, inhibiting recovery to the lane. Driver response is often to
jerk the steering wheel, overcorrect, and encroach into the oncoming traffic lane. The
safety edge, shown in Figure 4.2, is a simple 45-degree beveled treatment that
eliminates the drop-off and facilitates controlled recovery.

Figure 4.2 Safety Edge

PLANNING Paved Shoulders and Rumble Strips

Paving an unpaved shoulder produces measurable benefits. Shoulder paving and
placement of shoulder rumble strips can reduce the risk of run-off-road crashes by
more than 20 percent. This treatment in the context of a 3R project may be particularly
useful, if there is interest in promoting cycling on the road. Shoulder paving can be
combined with run-off-road mitigation treatments, such as rumble strips. See Figure

Figure 4.3 Paved Shoulder and Rumble Strip Example Horizontal Curve Treatments

Horizontal curves are overrepresented compared to tangent alignments on two-lane
highways. The following are treatments with measurable predicted effectiveness in
reducing crashes on curves that are to remain in place (see Figure 4.4):

• Additional edge-line width delineation

• Providing chevrons through the curve
• Paving more of the shoulder through the curve with focus on the outside shoulder
• Providing rumble strips on the approaches and through the curve
• Increasing superelevation on the curve, which may require warping of the shoulder
• Providing advance warning or speed advisory signing in advance of the curve


Figure 4.4 Horizontal Curve Treatments Rumble Stripes

Centerline rumble stripes are an alternative to rumble strips. They perform the same
function but instead of being placed on the edge of shoulder, they are placed in the
roadway centerline. These may apply for roads with unpaved shoulders to remain.
Rumble stripes can be applied in a manner that enhances the visibility of reflectorized
paint applied over them. Intersection Treatments

Minor road approaches to priority intersections or approaches to roundabouts on both
minor and major highways may experience the risk of unfamiliar or inattentive drivers
insufficiently reducing their speeds. Longitudinal rumble strips on the approaches with
accompanying warning signs provide both visual and audible stimulus to warn drivers
of the upcoming intersection or roundabout. Dynamic Warning Signs

The use of dynamic warning signs for two different applications is now common
international practice. In one concept, the presence of a vehicle on a minor approach
triggers a dynamic warning sign or flashing lights on the major approach to alert the
priority drivers of the potential for a turning or crossing conflict. In another application,
drivers at a stop or yield line on the minor approach are provided a dynamic warning of
a vehicle on the conflicting major priority road approaching in either direction. The
warning devices in these signs can be solar powered. Intersection Lighting

Lighting an unlit intersection may also be considered if there are concerns over night
conflicts or potential crashes.


4.4.3 3R Safety Enhancements for Urban Roads

The following are urban 3R enhancements:

• Traffic signal heads may be increased in size or converted to light emitting diode
(LED) for greater visibility. Backplates for signal heads with retro-reflective borders
also improve signal visibility.
• Introduction of pedestrian-only signal phases at urban signalized intersections of
Boulevards and other locations with high levels of pedestrian activity.
• Pedestrian hybrid beacons.
• Signalized, pedestrian-actuated crossings mid-block in locations where nearby
signalized intersections are too far to divert pedestrian crossing demands.
• Conversion of right-turn into yield movements at priority intersections to signalized
control to recognize and address potential conflicts with pedestrians crossing the
• Implementation of road diets tailored for use in Qatar on two-lane local and
collector roads. A road diet consists of a dedicated center lane reserved for left-
turning traffic into commercial and other driveways. It may be suitable for Qatar
where speeds are low and commercial driveway movements are substantial. The
use of mountable curbs with hatching can enhance the message of the median as
being reserved only for left turns. One of the most common applications of a road
diet is to improve safety or provide space for other modes of travel. For example,
a two –way four lane road might be reduced to one travel lane in each direction.
The freed-up space can be used to provide or enhance sidewalks and add cycle
lanes on one or both sides of the road.


5 Functional Classification as a
Primary Design Control
5.1 Qatar Road Classification
This section describes the functional classification of Qatar’s roads and provides
designers with a description of the various road classes approved by Overseeing
Organization. The classification of roads into various categories is an important
consideration in planning and engineering. Roads in Qatar are classified as follows:

• Functional: classifying roads according to the type of service they provide

• Geometric: classifying roads according to their physical attributes
• Administrative: classifying roads according to the government agency that has
responsibility and control over them
• Performance: classifying roads according to the LOS they offer

Of these, functional classification is the predominant method of categorizing roads for

planning and engineering. Functional classification refers to the actual or intended use
of a road within the network as a whole and the degree of access or mobility that is to
be provided to adjacent properties.

Several advantages of classifying roads according to their function are as follows:

• Encourages appropriate traffic speeds and operational conditions across the road
• Improves traffic safety by separating traffic flows with different characteristics by
separating local traffic from through traffic
• Allows specific design parameters to be developed and applied to roads that are
within the same functional class
• Results in easier organization and management of the traffic infrastructure
• Can be designed to minimize the impact on sensitive development areas

The first step for the designer to consider is the function that the road will serve within
the surrounding context. Following this, the designer shall consider the LOS needed to
fulfill this function for the forecast traffic volumes.


5.2 Definition of Urban and Rural Roads

Urban and rural areas have vastly different characteristics in terms of the density of
their road networks, the extent of their built-up areas, and the nature of their travel
patterns. The two types of roads are defined as follows:

• Urban roads lie adjacent to areas that contain, or are zoned to contain, built land
use development.
• Rural roads lie adjacent to areas that are predominantly natural, with little or no
adjacent built land use development.

5.3 Functional Classification in Urban Areas

Roads in the urban areas of Qatar are arranged into five main functional classifications,
with further sub-classifications as described below. Figure 5.1 illustrates how urban
roads relate to one another and serve built-up areas. Figure 5.2 to Figure 5.5 depict
each of the four main road categories.

Figure 5.1 Urban Road Network

5.3.1 Expressways
Expressways carry most of the trips entering and leaving an urban area. Traffic along
expressways moves at high speeds and over long distances. Within Qatar’s road
network, long distance is typically more than 5 km within urban areas and more than
10 km within rural areas. Freight traffic and intercity bus routes can travel along


expressways. The through movement along an expressway is typically grade separated

from cross street movements.

Figure 5.2 Expressway with CD Roads

5.3.2 Arterials
Major arterials serve the major centers of activity in urban areas and, like expressways,
accommodate through traffic. Although they have high operating speeds, major
arterials typically intersect at grade with cross streets. Figure 5.3 provides an example
of a major arterial.

Minor arterials offer less mobility than major arterials and place more emphasis on
land access. Intersections along minor arterials are always at grade. Minor arterial
roads are also important for pedestrians and cyclists. Vehicle speeds and volumes are
higher on these roads than on local and collector roads and, therefore, special facilities
such as separate bike and pedestrian provisions should be provided to the extent
possible to improve the environment for nonmotorized road users.

Boulevards can also be classed as arterials but have a number of special features. They
are located in areas with a high level of retail or recreational frontage. They have wide
sidewalks to accommodate high levels of pedestrian activity. Traffic volumes along
boulevards may be similar to those along arterials, but travel speeds will be slower.
Boulevards have more frequent pedestrian crossings. Refer to a cross section of an
urban boulevard in Part 3, Roadway Design Elements, and additional information is
provided in Part 20, Context Sensitive Design and Solutions.


Figure 5.3 Arterial

5.3.3 Collector-Distributor Roads

Collector-distributor roads are part of a controlled access facility such as an urban
expressway. They are designed to operate as freeway facilities. On-street parking and
direct access to adjacent land uses is therefore prohibited on collector-distributor
roads. They are provided between adjacent intersections or interchanges to reduce the
need for weaving traffic on the main through route.

5.3.4 Collector Roads

Major collectors distribute trips from arterials into nearby land uses, and also collect
traffic from local roads and feed them to the arterials. Equal emphasis is placed on
mobility and accessibility.

Minor collectors have slower travel speeds and less mobility than major collectors.


Collector roads may also distribute traffic to and from public transport nodes such as
metro stations and bus stops. Figure 5.4 provides an example of a collector road.

Figure 5.4 Collector Road


5.3.5 Local
Service roads provide direct access to adjacent land uses while also distributing traffic
on to higher-grade roads. They differ from local roads in that they run parallel to
collector-distributors or arterials. On-street parking on service roads is common.

Local roads provide access to adjacent land uses while also feeding collector roads.
Local roads have no formal access control. Through traffic is actively discouraged from
using local roads by traffic-calming measures.

Figure 5.5 Local Road

5.4 Functional Classification in Rural Areas

Roads in rural areas are classified into four functional categories. A description of each
is provided as follows.

• Rural freeways connect inter-urban centers. They have high speeds with grade-
separated interchanges and connect major land uses within a large region.
• Rural arterials connect major land uses within a smaller region. They have medium
to high traffic volumes.
• Rural collectors distribute traffic from arterials into local roads. Direct access from
collectors to adjacent land uses is possible.
• Local roads feed traffic from adjacent land uses and distribute it to collectors. For
example, many local rural roads in Qatar lead to farms and accommodation for farm
owners and workers.


Figure 5.6 illustrates how rural roads relate to one another and serve rural areas.

Figure 5.6 Rural Road Network

5.5 Special Corridors

Other types of roadway that do not strictly fit into the categories described previously
are considered special corridors and have their own unique characteristics. Examples
of special corridors are described as follows.

• Pedestrian streets are closed to motorized traffic but require periodic access by
service and maintenance vehicles.
• Bike corridors could be either of the following:
− Bike paths are part of the road corridor’s right-of-way but are segregated from
the roadway by level or curbing.
− Bike paths are not associated with a road, but may be several meters (or
farther) from the nearest road carrying motorized traffic.

• Dedicated public transport corridors accommodate public transport modes only.

They are segregated from the roadway. Examples are bus rapid transit lanes and
rail lines.
• Other types of roads include roads providing access to critical infrastructure, Emiri
roads, roads within military sites, Sekkas, corridors, and roads for emergency


5.6 Temporary Roads

Temporary roads are normally requested by farmers and developers in rural areas to
provide access from their lands to the nearby road network. As their name suggests,
they are not intended to be permanent. It is common, however, for such roads to
remain in place and operate as originally constructed for many years.

The Overseeing Organization does not classify temporary roads in Qatar. Therefore,
The Overseeing Organization requires no formal planning process for developers to
introduce temporary roads. However, developers are encouraged to design and
construct such roads to an appropriate minimum standard associated with the
apparent or applicable functional classification of the road.

At some point, the temporary road may need to become part of the formal road
network as a permanent road. In that case, it is expected that the road will need to be
designed to QHDM standards. As noted, temporary road conversion projects shall be
treated as reconstruction projects, with the QHDM standards applying to the road at
the time.

The road works Overseeing Organization makes the initial consideration for road works
where the suitability of a temporary road application must be assessed. Regarding the
temporary road application, the planning Overseeing Organization will provide an
approval in principle to the developer to construct the temporary road, valid normally
for 10 years.

5.7 Application of Functional Classification in Design

5.7.1 Key Parameters
The functional class of a road will have a fundamental influence on its design. This
section provides guidance on the key parameters for each road class. Given the various
competing factors in any project, the designer may wish to seek approval from the
Overseeing Organization to modify some of the parameters or classifications.

Table 5.1 and Table 5.2 summarize the key functions, characteristics, and design
parameters of each road class. The designer should first refer to these tables to make
a preliminary identification of the functional class of the road. An explanation of the
column titles follows the two tables.

The data in Table 5.1 and Table 5.2 should be viewed in the context of the design
standards and requirements identified in the relevant design parts of this QHDM. The
tables highlight the need for different parameters in different locations to meet specific
demands. The values provided are not absolute, they are for guidance only, and key
parameters such as traffic flows, posted speed, cross section, appropriate intersection
provision, and access control shall be in line with the relevant parts of this QHDM.


Table 5.1 Key Characteristics of Urban Roads

Intersecting Posted Minimum
Permitted Roads Speed Right-of- LOS at
Through Land Use Roadway Mobility vs. Intersection Minimum Range Way Width Parking Design
Route Frontage Function AADT Flowa Type Accessibility Types Spacing (m)b (kph)c (m)d Provision Year
Mainly free-flow traffic
connecting major land 8- to 10- Primary function
Not residential Grade-separated
Expressway uses across wide urban 50,000–80,000 lane divided is mobility. No 1,500 80/100 64–264 Prohibited C
or recreational interchange
area. Medium to high highway access.
traffic volumes.
Signalized or
priority right-in/
Commercial Connect urban districts. 4- to 8-lane Primary function
Major right-out
industrial Medium to high traffic 30,000–60,000 divided is mobility. 600e 50/80 50–64 Prohibited C
Arterial (exceptionally
preferred volumes. highway Limited access.
Primary function
Commercial Connect urban districts. 4- to 8-lane Signalized or
Minor is mobility. Access
industrial Medium to low traffic 20,000-50,000 divided priority right-in/ 150 50/80 40–50 Restricted C
Arterial is secondary
preferred volumes. highway right-out
Primary function Signalized,
Retail or 4- to 8-lane
Specialf arterial. Medium is access. Mobility roundabout, or
Boulevard commercial or 30,000–60,000 divided 300 50/80 64 Restricted D
to high traffic volumes. is secondary priority right-in/
recreational highway
function. right-out
Distribute traffic Primary function
Grade separated
Collector Not residential between expressway One is mobility. Access Not
5,000–50,000 and priority right- NA 50/80 Prohibited D
Distributor or recreational interchanges. Medium directional is secondary applicableg
in/ right-out
to low traffic. function.
Industrial 20,000–50,000 roundabout, or 100 50 D
Collect traffic from restrictions
Mobility and priority
service roads and local 4- to 6-lane
Major Commercial 20,000–50,000 divided access given Signalized, 100 50 D

roads and distribute to 32–40 Restricted
Collector equal roundabout,
Residential arterials. Medium to low 20,000–30,000 highway 100 50 Restricted D
importance. priority, or
traffic volumes.


Recreational 10,000–20,000 50 50 Restricted D


Intersecting Posted Minimum
Permitted Roads Speed Right-of- LOS at
Through Land Use Roadway Mobility vs. Intersection Minimum Range Way Width Parking Design
Route Frontage Function AADT Flowa Type Accessibility Types Spacing (m)b (kph)c (m)d Provision Year
Industrial 5,000–20,000 4-lane roundabout, or 50 50 D
Collect traffic from Primary function priority restrictions
service roads and local is access.
Minor highway or Signalized, 50 D
Commercial roads and distribute to 5,000–20,000 Mobility is 50 20–32 Restricted
Collector 2-lane roundabout,
arterials. Low traffic secondary
Residential 5,000–20,000 undivided priority, or 50 50 Restricted D
volumes. function.
highway pedestrian
Recreational 5,000–10,000 50 50 Restricted D
Primary function
Provide access to
2-lane is access. Signalized, Permitted
adjacent land. Distribute Not
Service Road Any <5,000 undivided Mobility is roundabout, or 50 50 with D
traffic to collectors and applicableg
highway secondary priority conditions
2-lane Primary function Permitted
Industrial undivided is access. Minor As required 50 with D
highway mobility conditions
2-lane Through traffic is Signalized,
Commercial undivided As required 30/50h D
discouraged with roundabout,
Provide access to highway traffic-calming. priority, or
Local Road <5,000 24
adjacent land. 2-lane pedestrian
Residential undivided crossing As required 30/50h D
2-lane Minimal mobility
Recreational undivided and access As required 30/50h Restricted D
highway functions.
Indicative values, neither minimums nor maximums.
Taken from intersecting road centerlines.
Expected posted speed values quoted, other posted speeds may be appropriate and should be agreed upon with the Overseeing Organization before use.

New roads minimum 24 meters.
One access to development between intersecting roads permitted at mid-point.
Adjacent to high-quality development where lower vehicle speeds and greater integration of nonmotorized users is required or demanded.
Collector-distributor and service roads are included within the right-of-way of other road types.
An exception would be 30 kph with traffic calming, signage, and markings where categorized as “urban streets.” For example, in the vicinity of schools.

Table 5.2 Key Characteristics of Rural Roads

Intersecting Right-of-
Permitted Roads, Posted Way Minimum
AADT Roadway Mobility vs. Intersection Minimum Speed Range Width Parking LOS for
Through Route Function Flow Type Accessibility Types Spacing (m) (kph) (m) Provision Design Year
Connect regions and major > 8,000 6-lane Maximum Grade-separated 3,000 100/120 64–264 Prohibited B
cities on national and divided mobility. No interchange
international scale. Free- highway, or accessa.
Rural Freeway
flowing traffic. Capable of more
accommodating high traffic
Connect major land uses 2,000– 4-or 6-lane Mobility is Grade-separated 1,000 80/100 64 Prohibited C
within a smaller region. 8,000 divided primary function. interchange,
Rural Arterial Medium to high traffic highway Limited access roundabout, or
volumes. possible. priority right-
Collect and distribute traffic 1,000– 4-lane Equal mobility Roundabout, 500 50/80 24–40 Permissible D
to adjacent rural land uses. 2,000 divided and access priority right in/ with
Rural Collector Medium traffic volumes. highway functions. right out, or conditions
Provide access to adjacent < 1,000 2-lane Primary function Roundabout, As required 50 20 or less Permissible D
rural property and land. undivided is access. priority, or with
Rural Local Road highway Mobility is pedestrian conditions
secondary crossing
Conditional access to petrol stations and rest areas permitted.
AADT = annual average daily traffic
LOS = level of service

PLANNING Land Use Frontage (Urban Roads Only)

The level of access and on-street parking required from a road depends on the land
uses adjacent to the road. This parameter refers to the four land use categories
appropriately adjacent to each road class:

• Industrial: Includes activities associated with manufacturing, storage

(warehouses), logistics, and military facilities.
• Commercial: Includes offices, shopping malls, retail outlets, strip malls, restaurants,
banks, hotels, and business districts such as West Bay.
• Residential: Includes villas, townhouses, and apartments. Buildings that comprise
apartments but have significant retail facilities on the ground floor should be
regarded as commercial.
• Recreational: Includes sports facilities (for example, leisure centers, gymnasiums,
and stadiums), open spaces, and public parks.

Many buildings do not fit exclusively into a single category. For example, some
residential buildings have commercial facilities on the ground floor. In such cases, the
designer should exercise careful judgment as to the requirements for access, parking,
and mobility on the adjacent road. Function
This column provides a general description of the function of each road class. Annual Average Daily Traffic Flow

This refers to the annual average daily traffic (AADT) flow that each road is designed to
accommodate by the design year. All roads shall consider traffic for a 20-year design
period. Mobility Versus Accessibility

This designation refers to the extent of mobility or access that a road class provides.
Fundamentally, roads have two main purposes:

• To provide mobility for through traffic, which concerns traffic that has no direct
business in or relationship with the land uses it is passing through.
• To enable access to land uses adjacent to the roads, which concerns traffic with
direct business in or having a direct relationship with the area it passes through.

These two purposes tend to conflict and need to be balanced against one another for
any particular road during the design process, especially when undertaking
rehabilitation and improvements. A road that places emphasis on mobility will have
limited accessibility. Thus, access on to freeways, expressways, and arterials shall be
controlled so as not to impede their primary purpose of serving through traffic.
Conversely, the primary purpose of local streets is to provide access, and this limits
their ability to offer mobility. Collectors offer an approximately balanced mobility and
accessibility function. Figure 5.7 depicts the balance between mobility and access.


Source: TMPQ Guide to Planning Roads in Qatar, 2009.

Figure 5.7 Illustration of a Road’s Mobility Versus Access Functions Permitted Intersection Types

This refers to the types of intersections that are permitted along each road class. The
most appropriate type and layout will be dependent on the site and the nature of
intersecting flows. Minimum Intersection Spacing

Intersections enhance accessibility, but they also interrupt the flow of traffic. This
criterion refers to the minimum distance that should exist between intersections on
each road class, measured between the respective intersecting centerlines. Posted Speed

This is the posted speed limit for each category of road. While posted speeds may vary
for vehicle types, the speeds identified in the tables relate to light vehicles and,
therefore, the highest posted speed on that road classification. Depending on local
conditions, the designer may propose a speed limit within the range that is lower than
the preferred speed; for example, in areas of frontage or high pedestrian activity. Refer
to Section 9 for more information on posted speed. Right-of-Way Width

This is the width in meters of the area of land in which the route is accommodated. It
is based on typical design dimensions, conditions and terrain. Right-of-way for public
roads is government owned. Further details on cross-sectional elements are provided
in Part 3, Roadway Design Elements.

PLANNING Parking Provisions

The extent to which parking and loading provision is permissible on each of the road
classes is presented in this column. Three cases are considered:

• Prohibited: No parking or loading provision is allowed directly adjacent to the road.

It is applicable to freeways, expressways, and major arterials.
• Restricted: Parking is restricted to areas where it is safe and practicable. Parking
areas shall be clearly defined and strictly enforced.
• Permitted with Conditions: Parking is permitted alongside the road, although time-
of-day or location-specific restrictions may be implemented to eliminate potential
operational problems.

Refer to Tables 5.1 and 5.2 for parking provision. Minimum Level of Service for Design Year

This is the minimum LOS at which the road should operate. The LOS describes the travel
experience in terms of operating speed, delays, the ability to safely overtake vehicles,
traffic congestion, overall safety, and driver and passenger comfort.

5.7.2 Network Connections

Table 5.3 and Table 5.4 show which road classes interconnect with one another within
the urban and rural contexts, respectively. On each table, the horizontal rows, labeled
“Through Route,” are the main route that vehicles take to access or egress an area. The
vertical columns, labeled as the connecting route, indicate the type of roads that can
connect to the through route. The through route is higher in the hierarchy than the
roads that connect with it.


Table 5.3  Network Connections for Urban Roads 
Connecting Route 
Major  Minor  Collector  Service 
Expressway  Arterial  Arterial  Boulevard  Distributor  Major Collector  Minor Collector  Road  Local Roads 



















Route  Land Use Frontage 
Not Residential or 
Recreational    o  o   X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X 
Major  Commercial/Industrial           o o  o  o  o   X  X  X  X 
Arterial  Preferred 
Minor  Commercial/Industrial  o    o           X  X  X  X 
Arterial  Preferred 
Commercial/  o     o                  
Any      o  o   o o o o o o o o X X  X  X  X 
            
PAGE 47 

Industrial  X  o o
Major  Commercial  X        o     o     X  

Collector  Recreational  X     o     o     X 

Residential  X    o    o  o    o     X  
Industrial  X    o o   o  o  o         
Minor  Commercial  X    o o              X  
Collector  Recreational  X    o   o              X o 
Residential  X   o  o           X o o 
Service Road  Any  X      X               o o o o
Industrial  X  X X   X   X X X   X X X o 
Commercial  X  X X   X            o  o  o 

Local Roads 
Recreational  X  X X  X        o o 
Residential  X  X X   X                o 

KEY:   Recommended  o   Permitted, but not recommended  X  Not recommended 


Table 5.4 Network Connections for Rural Roads

Connecting Route

Through Route Rural Freeway Rural Arterial Rural Collector Rural Local Road
Rural Freeway   X X
Rural Arterial X   o
Rural Collector X X  
Rural Local Road X X X 
KEY:  Recommended o Permitted, but not recommended X Not recommended

The network connection, the LOS, and the functional classification are some of the
available planning tools to assist the Overseeing Organization when planning to control
connections from and to new developments and new roads that are recommended for
construction on the road network system.

The designer should identify the through route as the road that has the higher
functional class. Once the through route is identified, the designer should move
horizontally across the table to ascertain the road classes that are allowed to connect
to it.

For example, if the through route is a major arterial, the designer can check what other
road classes are recommended to connect to it by selecting the major arterial row from
the through routes and traversing along this row. The recommended connecting route
classifications are identified with checkmarks () in this case, other major arterials and
some road classes lower than it in the hierarchy are recommended to connect to it. The
converse is also the case. In considering routes for which a particular classification is
recommended, the designer can select a route from the connecting route columns and
read down the column to identify the recommended connecting routes.

Providing a connection between two roads with incompatible functions can lead to
conflict and congestion. The following are two examples of inappropriate practice:

• Several residential compounds alongside a major arterial seek their own direct
access on to the arterial. In this case, the traffic from the residential compounds
should be combined on to a service road that then connects to the major arterial
at a single point.
• In the case of access to a car park directly from a relatively high-speed arterial road,
an intermediate collector road is recommended to serve as a transition between
the arterial and the car park.

Figure 5.8 through Figure 5.10 provide further information on the appropriate grade-
separated interchange types through which the different road classes can connect.
Refer to Interchanges for the cloverleaf intersection designs for further information in
Part 9, Interchanges and Freeway Corridors.

PLANNING Urban Expressway to Urban Expressway Connection

All movements, both through and turning between two expressways, should be free
flowing, unstopped. Rural Freeway to Rural Freeway Connection

Through movements and all turning movements, such as a cloverleaf intersection, are
free flow (Figure 5.8).

Source: Salwa Road, Google Earth Pro, 2014.

Figure 5.8 Freeway to Freeway Connection Expressway to Urban Arterial Connection

The through movement on the expressway is free flow. Both the through and turning
movements on the arterial are signalized, as shown in (Figure 5.9).

Source: D-Ring Road and Haloul Street Intersection, Google Earth Pro, 2014.
Figure 5.9 Expressway to Urban Arterial Connection

PLANNING Rural Freeway to Rural Arterial Connection

The through movement on the freeway is free flow, but the movement to the freeway
to the arterial is by a signalized intersection or a roundabout (Figure 5.10).

Source: Dukhan Umm Bab Highway, Google Earth Pro, 2014.

Figure 5.10 Rural Freeway to Rural Arterial Connection

5.7.3 Transport Provisions for Non-car Users

Table 5.5 and Table 5.6 show the provisions or prohibitions for non-car and multimodal


Table 5.5 Transport Provisions for Multimodal Users on Urban Roads

Through Road-Based Public Light Rail-Based Public
Land Use Frontage Pedestrians Cyclists (bike lane and path) Heavy Trucks
Route Transport Services Transport
Not residential or Segregated sidewalks Segregated bike paths Express services only Light rail (segregated from No restrictions
Expressway recreational road)
Major Commercial/ Segregated sidewalks Segregated bike paths Local services (with priority Light rail (segregated from Some restrictions
Arterial industrial preferred lane where required) road)
Minor Commercial/ Segregated sidewalks Segregated bike paths Local services (with priority Light rail (shared with priority Restricted
Arterial industrial preferred lane where required) lane where required)
Commercial/ Sidewalks on both sides Segregated bike paths Local services (with priority Light rail (shared with priority Restricted
recreational of road and sitting areas lane where required) lane where required)
Collector Any Segregated sidewalks Segregated bike paths Local services (with priority None Some restrictions
Distributor lane where required)
Industrial Sidewalks on both sides Segregated bike paths Local services (with priority Light rail (shared with priority No restrictions
of road lane where required) lane where required)
Commercial Sidewalks on both sides Segregated bike paths Local services (with priority Light rail (shared with priority Some restrictions
Major of road lane where required) lane where required)
Collector Residential Sidewalks on both sides Segregated bike paths Local services (with priority Light rail (shared with priority Local access only
of road lane where required) lane where required)
Recreational Sidewalks on both sides Segregated bike paths Local services (with priority Light rail (shared with priority Prohibited
(segregated from road) lane where required) lane where required)
Industrial Sidewalks on both sides Segregated bike paths or shared road use Local services (with priority Light rail (shared with priority Some restrictions
of road lane where required) lane where required)
Commercial Sidewalks on both sides Partial integration within roadway Local services (with priority Light rail (shared with priority Local access only
Minor of road lane where required) lane where required)
Collector Residential Sidewalks on both sides Partial integration within roadway Local services (with priority Light rail (shared with priority Local access only
of road lane where required) lane where required)
Recreational Sidewalks on both sides Partial integration within roadway Local services (with priority Light rail (shared with priority Prohibited
(segregated from road) (separate bike path or shared road use) lane where required) lane where required)
Service Any Segregated sidewalks Segregated bike paths Local services None Some restrictions

Industrial Sidewalks on both sides Cyclists may use roadway Local services Not recommended Some restrictions
of road
Commercial Local access only


Local Roads
Residential Local access only
Recreational Prohibited

Table 5.6 Transport Provision for Non-car Users on Rural Roads
Transport Provision
Road-Based Public Transport Light Rail-Based Public
Through Route Pedestrians Cyclists Services Transport Heavy Trucks
Segregated sidewalks where Segregated bike paths where Express services only. Light rail (segregated from No restrictions.
Rural Freeway
required. required. road).
Segregated sidewalks where Segregated bike paths. Local services (with priority lane Light rail (shared with priority Some restrictions.
Rural Arterial
required. where required). lane where required).
Sidewalks where required. Segregated bike paths. Local services (with priority lane Not recommended. Local access only.
Rural Collector
where required).
Rural Local Road Sidewalks where required. Cyclists may use roadway. Generally not provided. Not recommended. Access only.
Note: Details of at-grade pedestrian crossing, bike paths, and bus stop facilities are provided in Part 19, Pedestrian, Bike, and Public Transportation.

6 Design Vehicles
6.1 Introduction
The primary function of a roadway is to allow the safe and efficient passage of motor
vehicles for the transportation of goods and people. Highway designers therefore need
to understand the types and physical characteristics of vehicles currently in use, or
likely to be used in the future, as well as the vehicles legally permitted to be driven on
the public highway system under normal circumstances.

6.2 Vehicle Weights and Dimensions

State of Qatar “Law No. (19) of 2007 Regarding the Traffic Law,” Article 86, places limits
on the size and weight of vehicles that can be legally driven on the public highway in
Qatar. Table 6.1 summarizes the main restrictions.

Table 6.1 Maximum Vehicle Weights and Dimensions

Parameter Maximum Value
Maximum length of a motor vehicle Not defined
Maximum height of a motor vehicle 4.2 m a
Maximum width of a motor vehicle 2.6 m a
Maximum authorized weight on a single axle 13,000 kg b
Maximum gross vehicle weight (GVW) 45,000 kg c
Source: Traffic Law No (19), Ministry of Interior, Government of Qatar (2007).
a Includes the load or any items protruding from the vehicle.
b In addition, the gross weight on a single axle shall not exceed the weight limit set by manufacturer.
c In addition, the gross vehicle weight shall not exceed the weight limit set by the manufacturer.

When the values in Table 6.1 need to be exceeded, such as when transporting abnormal
indivisible loads, special authorization in writing is required from the Overseeing
Organization for licensing before such a vehicle is driven on the public highway.

6.2.1 Abnormal Loads and High Load Routes

When transporting abnormal loads that exceed the maximum height requirements in
Table 6.2, truck operators will be required by the Overseeing Organization to use the
designated high load routes. On these routes, the highway designer should comply with
the vertical clearance requirements for high load routes as discussed in Part 3, Roadway
Design Elements.


6.3 Typical Design Vehicles

6.3.1 Definitions and Principles
Design vehicles are the vehicles used in highway design to determine if the resulting
facility will be fit for its intended purpose. They enable the designer to allow for
sufficient space within the highway cross section, both horizontally and vertically. They
are also used to determine that the various structural elements of highways can
adequately support the predicted vehicle loading likely to occur throughout the
intended or specified design life for the part being considered. Design vehicles are used
in assessing the crash performance criteria of highway safety products such as
guardrails, safety barriers, and bridge rails.

Design vehicles are defined by their vehicle specification parameters. Manufacturers’

vehicle specifications can be used to guide the definition of a design vehicle.

6.3.2 Design Vehicles

Table 6.2 lists the design vehicles for use in the State of Qatar and includes vehicles
currently in use or likely to be used in the near future. These vehicles can be
summarized as follows:

• Passenger Cars (P): The design vehicle is an AASHTO passenger car.

• Buses and Coaches: The main design vehicle for buses is the AASHTO 12.19 m long
city transit bus (city bus). This vehicle should be used as the design vehicle on all
existing and planned future bus routes. In terms of length, the longest bus is the
AASHTO 18.29 m articulated bus (A-Bus).
• Rigid Trucks: The typical design vehicles for rigid trucks are the AASHTO 9.14 m
long, 2-axle, single unit truck (SU-9) and the AASHTO 12.04 m long, 3-axle, single
unit truck (SU-12).
• Tractor-Semitrailer Combinations: The typical design vehicles in this category are
the AASHTO WB-12 and WB-15 intermediate semitrailers, which are both
representative of the articulated trucks used in Qatar. Also included in this category
is the AASHTO WB-20 interstate semitrailer as a vehicle that may be used in the


Table 6.2 Typical Design Vehicles

Vehicle Min. Turning
Description Length Width Height Radius
(AASHTO) Schematic (m) (m) (m) (m)

Passenger 7.26
5.79 2.13 1.30
Car (P)

City Transit
Bus (City 12.19 2.59 3.20 12.80

Articulated 12.00
18.29 2.59 3.35
Bus (A-Bus)

Single Unit 12.73
9.14 2.44 to
Truck (SU-9) 4.11

Single Unit 3.35

Truck 12.04 2.44 to 15.60
(SU-12) 4.11

Semitrailer 13.87 2.44 4.11 12.16

Semitrailer 16.77 2.60 4.11 12.16

Semitrailer 22.40 2.59 4.11 13.66

Source: AASHTO (2011)

6.3.3 Swept Path Analysis

Design vehicles are often used to carry out swept path analysis on highway layouts,
particularly at ramps and turning roadways, where lanes may need to be widened to
adequately accommodate a vehicle negotiating the curve. At intersections, swept path
analysis can be carried out to verify that adequate clearance is provided at pinch points,
such as between channelizing islands.


Swept path analysis of intersections can determine if adequate clearance is provided

between vehicles bodies and adjacent road signs, lighting column and other street
furniture. The main vehicle parameters used in the swept path analysis are as follows:

• Articulation Angle: The maximum angle between a vehicle and a connected trailer
when the vehicle is making a U-turn on maximum steering lock. Refer to Figure 6.1
for more details.
• Centerline Turning Radius (CTR): The turning arc formed by the turning radius of
the front outside tire of a vehicle.
• Curb-to-curb Turning Radius: The circular arc formed by the turning path radius of
the front outside tire of a vehicle.
• Offtracking: The difference in the paths of the front and rear wheels of a vehicle
when performing a turning maneuver. Offtracking can be minimized by vehicles
that incorporate steerable wheels on multiple axles.
• Steering Angle: The angle between the centerline turning radius and the
longitudinal centerline of a vehicle when the vehicle steering is set to maximum
lock position.
• Swept Path Width: The minimum width of roadway space required by a vehicle
when making a U-turn on maximum steering lock.

Figure 6.1 shows the swept path parameters for a typical tractor semitractor
combination. Swept path analysis is normally carried out using commercially available
software. Minimum roadway radii are often determined by the larger rigid vehicles,
whereas minimum roadway widths and lane widths are often established by the larger
articulated vehicles.


Figure 6.1 Swept Path Parameters for Typical Tractor-Semitrailer Combination


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7 Driver Performance and

Human Factors
7.1 Introduction
According to A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (AASHTO, 2011):

An appreciation of driver performance is essential to proper highway design and

operation. The suitability of a design rests as much on how safely and efficiently
drivers are able to use the highway as on any other criterion. When drivers use a
highway designed to be compatible with their capabilities and limitations, their
performance is aided. When a design is incompatible with the capabilities of
drivers, the chance for driver errors increases and crashes or inefficient operation
may result.

Humans as drivers respond to the road and environment as it is presented to them.

Their response in terms of speed, acceleration, and reaction to other drivers and events
in large part determines the overall safety of their trip. Driver characteristics are
fundamental inputs to road design criteria and best practices. This chapter provides an
overview of such characteristics.

In addition, under Section 7.7 Driver Error, reference is made to the QNRSS, which has
adopted the Safe System approach.

7.2 Qatar Driver Characteristics

Driving licenses and privileges are restricted in Qatar to only certain individuals.
Individuals need to pass an eye test and a driving test to obtain a license. The driving
population is relatively young compared with that of many other nations. A special
problem faced by other nations is the shift in demographics, resulting in a growing
number of older drivers who do not possess mental and physical acuity of younger
drivers. Unique aspects of the driving population that influence road design include the

• A large proportion of drivers in Qatar come from other countries, and thus have
different attitudes and views about good or safe driving practices. In addition, they
are unfamiliar with driving in Qatar.
• A large number of drivers are transient, as opposed to permanent citizens or
residents. Thus, at any given time the road system will have a large number of
drivers who are unfamiliar with the road system.


• The driving population is multi-lingual. This requires traffic sign messages to be in

both Arabic and English. The location, design and messaging of traffic signs is
heavily influenced by the roadway’s design. Multilingual signing presents the same
challenges that drivers encounter in many other countries.

• Policies regarding access control, prohibition of crossing and left turns at

unsignalized locations, and preference for T-intersections versus crossroads all
reflect a sensitivity to restricting or eliminating high-risk driver behaviors.

7.3 The Task of Driving

A necessary and fundamental assumption in road design is that drivers have sufficient
human capabilities and knowledge of laws and regulations to be able to operate on the
public road system without endangering themselves or others. Qatar, like other
countries, licenses drivers who must demonstrate their visual and car-handling abilities
in order to obtain a license.

Road design, i.e., the basic models and assumptions used to determine design
dimensions, is based on the assumption that the licensed operator is capable and
qualified, alert, attentive, and not impaired by drugs or other substances.

The driving task, in order of increasing complexity, involves control, guidance, and
navigation. A fundamental objective of road design and operation is to recognize the
complexity of the driving task and to avoid overloading the driver with information.

Speed control and steering represent the basic control functions. Drivers respond both
visually and by feel to the roadway environment, which includes alignment in three
dimensions and intersections. Drivers also respond to traffic around them, which,
combined with their response to the roadway, represents the guidance task. The most
complex task is navigation.

Driving tasks take time. Because they occur while the vehicle is in motion, time
translates to distance. Basic design principles and design values are derived based on
the times required at the design speed for most drivers to perform such tasks.

The driving task becomes more complex in difficult environmental conditions, such as,
at night, or in situations unfamiliar to the driver. In other situations, such as a long and
straight stretch of a rural road, the driving task may be so undemanding that drivers
can become inattentive.

Drivers will make errors. They may misjudge speed or a gap for merging, become
inattentive or distracted, oversteer or understeer an alignment, or make a wrong turn.
Much of road design attempts to mitigate the potential adverse effects of driver error.
For example, the concept of designing a forgiving roadside is based on the expectation
that drivers will run off the road, erring in the basic driving task. Other practices related
to spacing of ramps and intersections, and arrangement and messages of signs, all serve
to reduce the potential for information overload, which can lead to driver error.


7.4 Vehicle Guidance

Highway design and traffic operations have a significant effect on the task of vehicle
guidance. Vehicle guidance includes road following, car following, merging, gap
acceptance, and passing.

7.4.1 Road Following

Road following involves positioning the vehicle in the lane and following the alignment of
the road. Drivers perform this task using visual cues and by feel. The three-dimensional
alignment design controls are influenced by the need or desire to provide a clear view of
the upcoming alignment for the driver at the assumed eye location used for design. As
drivers traverse horizontal curves, they feel the lateral acceleration created by tracking
the curve at a speed. The fundamentals of curve design are based on delivering a level of
comfort with respect to lateral acceleration for the design speed of the road. The widths
of roads and lanes are based in part on providing a sufficient width for drivers to
comfortably drive adjacent to other vehicles while maintaining speed.

7.4.2 Car Following

Driving requires the following of other vehicles, and therefore, reacting to the behavior
of the vehicle ahead. Drivers react to the vehicle in front of them, adjusting their speed
to maintain a comfortable distance. The capacity of a roadway is a function of the
density of traffic that travels at a constant speed. Alignment and cross section both
contribute to the feel and response of each driver, with the aggregate responses
representing the capacity of the road.

7.4.3 Passing Maneuvers

The driver’s decision to initiate and complete a passing or overtaking maneuver has
greater complexity than the decisions involved in road or car following. Overtaking
maneuvers include adaptations in road following and car following activities, and
judgments of speed, acceleration, and gap availability.

7.4.4 Gap Acceptance, Merging, and Other Guidance Activities

Merging and diverging, gap acceptance, lane changing, avoidance of pedestrians, and
response to traffic control devices are other guidance activities that involve complex
decisions and judgments by drivers.

7.5 Information System

The entire roadway environment presents an information system to the driver. This
system is a combination of control devices, such as signals, traffic signs, and road
markings, and other roadside features that form the road environment, such as tree
lines, curbing, and pedestrian facilities.

7.5.1 Traffic Control Devices

Traffic control devices provide guidance and navigation information. They include
regulatory, warning, and directional signs, and other route guidance information.


Other traffic control devices, such as markings and delineation, display information that
augments particular roadway or environmental features. These devices help drivers
perceive information that might otherwise be overlooked or difficult to recognize.
Information on the appropriate use of traffic control devices is presented in the Qatar
Traffic Control Manual.

7.5.2 Road Environment

Drivers need to see the road directly in front of their vehicles and far enough in advance
to perceive the alignment, profile, and other related aspects of the road. The view of
the road includes the environment immediately adjacent to the roadway. The presence
or absence of shoulders and placement of roadside elements and features can
influence driving behavior. Such elements include sign supports, bridge piers,
abutments, guardrail, and median barriers.

7.6 Information Handling

During the driving task, drivers perform several functions simultaneously. Different
sources of information, such as billboards, commercial properties with signs, and the
landscape, compete for drivers’ attention. Information a driver needs should be in the
driver’s field of view, when needed, available in a usable form, and capable of capturing
the driver’s attention.

7.6.1 Reaction Time

The time for a driver to react to a situation is influenced by the complexity of the event
creating the need to react and whether the event or situation was expected. Human
factors research has documented average reaction times of 0.6 second for events that
are expected, with some small proportion of drivers requiring as much as 2 seconds to
react. With unexpected events, reaction times increase by 35 percent. Thus, for a
simple, unexpected decision and action, some drivers may take as long as 2.7 seconds
to react. Longer reaction and response times are typical of older drivers and drivers
operating in difficult environmental conditions.

Complex situations will occur at key locations such as intersections. In the urban
environment, design standards developed in consideration of these complexities
include lower design speeds and enhanced visibility requirements near intersections.

7.6.2 Primacy
The term primacy refers to the prioritization of the competing information presented
to the driver. Driver control and guidance are very important and have primacy over
information relating to navigation. The consequences of driver error associated with
control and guidance are more severe than of an error in navigation. A road’s design
and traffic control should focus the driver’s attention on the high-priority information
sources that provide control and guidance information.

7.6.3 Expectancy
Expectancy refers to what drivers anticipate or expect to see or encounter as they drive.
Driver expectancy is formed by experience and reinforced by common approaches to


design and traffic control. Situations that generally occur in the same way, and
successful responses to those situations, become part of each driver’s store of

Many design practices serve to meet or reinforce driver expectancy and to eliminate
unexpected situations. Drivers traveling along a steep rural highway with no
intersections or driveways expect more of the same when the road comes back into
view after cresting a vertical curve. There is the potential for a driving error if driver
expectancy is violated by the appearance, just over the crest curve, of an intersection,
the beginning of sharp curve, or some other unusual feature requiring a guidance or
navigational response. The concept of decision sight distance, discussed in Part 3,
Roadway Design Elements, specifically deals with situations that may be unexpected.

Research demonstrates that design practices that violate expectancy, such as left-hand
exits from freeways, result in greater crash frequencies than those that meet driver
expectancy. Experienced professionals, e.g., designers, traffic engineers and safety
auditors, are able to identify conditions that violate expectancy. When a constraint
prohibits this, measures such as enhanced warning signs or devices may be necessary
to partially compensate for the unexpected condition. The following conditions
typically violate driver expectancy:

• Left-hand freeway exits versus right-hand freeway exits

• Lane drops or “traps” at exits, versus the exit providing the choice to exit or to
proceed as a through vehicle
• A through lane becoming a right-turn only lane at an intersection approach
• At a diverge or major fork such as occurs at a Y-type interchange, having the road
that splits to the right actually go the left, and the road to the left go to the right
• A ramp exit to a crossroad located beyond the crossroad
• A half interchange that does not allow drivers to reenter a freeway at the location
at which they exited
• An intersection or driveway hidden by a horizontal or vertical sight restriction

As noted, Qatar has a greater than typical proportion of drivers who may be relatively
unfamiliar with the road network. Their expectancies are formed by driving in their
home countries. Qatar’s road design and traffic control practices are thus created to be
consistent with international best road design and traffic control practices that are
recognizable to most drivers.

7.7 Driver Error

Driver error can result from deficiencies in the ability of the driver. These may stem
from lack of experience; younger drivers tend to be over-represented in crashes for this
reason. Complex maneuvers such as merging and weaving on a high volume freeway,
passing, or driving through a sharp curve may be prone to misjudgments and errors.


Ability to react to situations may also be affected by a driver’s psychological state, such
as fatigue or distraction, or the influence of drugs or other substances. Tired drivers on
long-distance trips are also over-represented in crashes.

The tendency for driver error can be addressed in part through the licensing process
and driver training, through public education efforts on distracted driving and other
high-risk behaviors and on use of seat belts, and through traffic laws and their
enforcement. Nevertheless, driver error always will occur, so a primary design concern
is to design the road in a manner that an error does not necessarily translate into a
crash. In some cases designers need to contain crashes to reduce severity; for example
installing crash barriers. The importance of influencing safe driving behavior is central
to the principles of safety system planning.

How the road is designed and operated can influence the propensity for driver effort.
Drivers often make errors when confronted with difficult, stressful, or complex
situations. Situation errors may arise from overloading the driver with information,
leading to stressful and complex driving conditions. These are most likely to occur in
high volume traffic conditions such as on urban arterials or expressways.

Conversely, the opposite situation can lead to errors. In low-trafficked areas, drivers
may lose their concentration and vigilance, and be less capable of reacting to an
unexpected event. Long sections of flat, straight roadway should be avoided by using
flat, curving alignment that follows the natural contours of the terrain whenever
practical. Rest areas spaced at reasonable intervals are also beneficial.

The QNRSS has adopted the Safe System approach. In a Safe System, the road transport
system is designed to anticipate and accommodate human error, protect the
vulnerable human body, and make the forces to which the body is exposed in a crash
survivable. All factors relating to the safe system elements are described in Part 23,
Design and Operations for Road Safety.

7.8 Speed and Design

Road design, context, and environment communicate appropriate speed behavior to
drivers. Most drivers will seek to travel as fast as they will feel comfortable. Road design
practices can encourage high-speed behavior or communicate the need for lower
speeds. Research on driver behavior and speed demonstrates the following:

• Horizontal curvature influences speed response through transmission of lateral

acceleration to the driver.
• Drivers generally do not reduce speeds based on vertical geometry except in the
extreme (very steep grades and very short vertical curves). Terrain that creates
extreme vertical alignment does not exist in Qatar.
• Drivers respond to lane or road width, but the amount of speed reduction
associated with lanes narrower than 3.65 m is marginal, on the order of 5 to 10 kph
at most.


• Drivers respond only minimally to landscaping, trees, or other roadside features in

changing their speed behavior. Drivers respond mainly to the activities and
movement on the road and at intersections.
• Speed behavior on urban arterials and streets is primarily controlled by the
operation of traffic signal controls along the street, particularly in environments
such as Qatar that have few alignment controls
• Speeds of 130 kph represent the maximum at which most drivers feel comfortable
traveling, regardless of the alignment or traffic or the type of car they drive.
• Enforcement can influence speed behavior, but only if it is continual and visible to
the driving public. Law enforcement campaigns to combat speeding can initially
work to lower speeds, but unless the enforcement continues over time, speeds
return to their pre-enforcement levels.

Although most road design practices and design criteria support higher speeds, there
are clearly situations in which lower speeds are desirable for public safety. For local
roads serving access, boulevards, and other facilities in which pedestrian and bicycle
traffic is substantial, the primary design concern is minimizing the risk of motor
vehicle/pedestrian and bicycle crashes, and minimizing the severity of conflicts with
such vulnerable road users. Figure 7.1 shows that the severity of such crashes increases
substantially with speed.

Source: Wramborg, 2005

Figure 7.1 Crash Types and Indicative Fatality Risks at Various Speeds

Road design in areas with pedestrians should promote lower speeds. The application
of traffic calming features (see Chapter 4 in Part 23,Design and Operation of Road
Safety), stop control rather than yield at priority intersections, minimum radius curb
returns to promote low speed turning, and sufficient pedestrian crossing times
allocated to signalized intersections are all potential tools to promote lower speeds.


Boulevard corridors with frequent signalized intersections can have the timing of the
signals set for lower traffic speeds, such as 40 to 50 kph.

Management of speed on a road network is a core activity to create a safe road


The setting and signing of posted speeds and the location and signing of speed radars
are just two elements that ordinarily would be included in a comprehensive speed
management strategy.

Posted speeds need to be understandable, safe, and enforceable for all users. To
determine an appropriate posted speed for any new or existing road, each
characteristic of the road must be compared against an idealized set of characteristics
for that road type.

To review and assess appropriate posted speeds, the Safe System approach is adopted.
This is an approach adopted by some countries that are leading the way in road safety
performance. Within the Safe System, the forces experienced by road users in the event
of a crash are managed so that crashes become survivable. Part 23, Design and
Operation for Road Safety, contains information on the Safe System approach,
including crash types and indicative fatality risk speeds.

7.9 Design Assessment

The view of the road is very important, especially to the unfamiliar driver. In completing
an alignment, the designer should consider how the road will fit into the landscape,
how it should be signed, and the extent to which the information system will
complement and augment the proposed design.

Locations with potential for information overload should be identified and corrected.
The adequacy of the sight lines and sight distances should be assessed, and determined
whether unusual vehicle maneuvers are needed and whether likely driver expectancies
may be violated.

Properly designed roads that provide positive guidance to drivers can operate at a high
level of efficiency and with relatively few crashes; therefore, designers should seek to
incorporate these principles in highway design.


8 Traffic Characteristics
8.1 Introduction
The volume of traffic and its characteristics are major determinants in highway design.
It is important for the designer to have reliable estimates or forecasts of future traffic
volumes 15 to 20 years after the opening year of a transportation project. This section
discusses the issues associated with the volume and characteristics of traffic.

8.2 Traffic Volume

8.2.1 Annual Average Daily Traffic
The most basic measure of the traffic demand for a highway is the Annual Average Daily
Traffic volume (AADT). The AADT is defined as the total volume of traffic during one
year divided by 365 days. The AADT is a basic measure of the road’s traffic demand.

The actual traffic volume that may occur on any given day can vary significantly from
the AADT. Volume varies by day of the week, typically in response to home-to-work
trip-making that may occur in 5 or 6 days of the week. Traffic may also vary by season
or month depending on major holidays, vacation periods, or other common events.
Even during a typical work week the traffic volume on a road may vary from, say,
Sunday through Thursday.

Traffic planners develop estimates of AADT volume by conducting traffic counts.

Historic records of daily, weekly and monthly variations are used to adjust a count
performed in any given time period. Procedures for conducting traffic counts and
making the necessary adjustments are contained in Chapter 5 of the Guidelines and
Procedures for Traffic Studies (MMUP, 2011).

A road’s current AADT or its forecast AADT is an important factor in assessing the need
to increase a highway facility’s capacity or design its cross-sectional elements. However,
traffic typically will vary considerably when measured for an entire 24-hour day. A road’s
AADT is thus typically not sufficient to determine its design characteristics.

8.2.2 Design Hour Traffic

The flow of traffic through a road segment or intersection during a 1-hour period is the
basis for characterizing its quality of flow, and for designing the basic features of the
road. Roadway facilities are sized with reference to design hour volume (DHV). Determining Design Hour Volume

As noted, the traffic pattern as measured by hourly volume on any highway varies
considerably throughout the year. For example, the single highest hourly volume


throughout an entire year for a given road segment may be as much as three or even
four times the average hourly volume over a year. Designing for this very highest hour
of the year is impractical and wasteful. Selection of some critical value for the design
basis is typically done.

The pattern of variations in hourly volume differs by road type and location. In rural
areas a common design basis is either the 30th or 50th highest hourly volume of the year,
referred to as 30 HV or 50 HV. This is a two-way traffic volume typically expressed as a
percentage of the AADT.

In urban areas, traffic volume throughout the year is typically less variable. The design
basis for urban facilities typically is a “peak hour,” which is predominantly
representative of home-to-work and return trip-making (commuting traffic). These
traffic volumes are typically between the 100th and 200th highest hours of the year.

In special circumstances, a different hourly volume may be the basis for design. For
example, roadway infrastructure adjacent to and serving a major stadium or other
recreational facility may be based on the arrival or departure traffic flow for a typical
time when the facility is used to its capacity.

The DHV as a percentage of AADT is referred to as “k.” This is typically between 10 and
15 percent of the AADT on rural roads, and between 8 and 12 percent for urban roads.

Directionality of traffic is also reflected in design. Directionality is the proportion of total

two-way traffic for a road segment that occurs in the peak direction of flow. In a typical
road network, peak hour traffic is higher on the approaches to employment centers in
the morning (AM) peak hour, with the reverse being the case for the evening (PM) peak
hour. Directional distribution (D) is the traffic factor that expresses the expected
percentage of two-way traffic forecast for the peak direction of flow. By definition it is
at least 51 percent, but it can be as high as 70 percent or more. Values for D are
calculated as the 1-hour volume in the peak direction of the design hour, divided by the
total DHV.

With the above established, one can calculate the one-way peak hour design volume,
which is used to size a roadway or roadway element as follows:

one-way DHV (vph) = [forecast AADT] × k × D

Example: Forecast ADT for a roadway is 28,000 vpd

If k is chosen as 12 percent and D as 55 percent, the one-way design hour volume is:

28,000 × 0.12 × 0.55 = 1,848, say 1,850 vph

For design of intersections and roundabouts further detail is needed. Forecasts should
include DHV for each turning movement. For a typical balanced road network, turning


movements will be reciprocal; that is, a right-turn volume in one peak will become the
return left-turn volume in the other peak.

For the example above, if 1,850 vph is the approach volume to an intersection one would
need to generate three values representing the possible departure movements from the
intersection approach:

1,850 total approach volume

=> 250 left turns, 1,200 through, 400 right turns

Turning volumes for all approaches are the basis for determining the number of lanes
for each movement, signal phasing, lengths of storage or queuing, and ultimately the
LOS provided. Use of Travel Demand Forecasts for Design Hour Volume

Design values for DHV are obtained from forecast average daily traffic volumes based
on travel demand forecasts. The transport model for Qatar covers the entire country
and produces model outputs up to the horizon year of 2030. These reflect the official,
approved Master Plan for land use and roadway infrastructure. They reflect the type,
location, and density of land developments and the expected or committed roadway
network. MMUP’s Transportation and Infrastructure Planning Department updates
their forecasts regularly as developments occur, new ones are proposed, and they
update their Master Plan. For new road and reconstruction projects, traffic planners
and designers shall use the AADT forecast provided by the Overseeing Organization.

For details on modeling guidelines and procedures refer to Chapter 6 of the latest
Guidelines and Procedure for Transport Studies (MMUP, 2011).

8.3 Highway Capacity Concepts

8.3.1 Capacity Definition
The capacity of a road is its ability to accommodate traffic. Capacity expresses the
maximum hourly rate at which vehicles can be expected to traverse a uniform section
of a lane or a roadway. The Transportation Research Board’s 2010 Highway Capacity
Manual (HCM) is the internationally recognized source of information and methods for
determining the capacity of any road or road element.

Roads in Qatar should typically be designed to operate at traffic flows for design year
conditions well beneath the capacity of the road. The volume-to-capacity ratio (v/c) is
a measure of the relationship between demand volume and capacity. With a v/c over
0.85, normally unstable flow conditions occur with regular flow breakdown. A v/c of
1.00 means the roadway or road element is just able to process the arriving traffic.
Should more traffic arrive than can be processed, the v/c becomes greater than 1.0.
Under these conditions, queues develop, speeds drop, and delays occur.


8.3.2 General Characteristics and Application

Each type of road has different operating conditions that produce different approaches
to measuring their capacity. Through research, methods for measuring and estimating
capacity and determining the influence of road design on capacity have resulted in the
following different basic capacity concepts:

• Uninterrupted flow: the operating condition of two-lane rural highways, freeway

segments, and multi-lane rural highways. The capacity of a road under
uninterrupted flow conditions is based on number of lanes, lane and shoulder
widths, and three-dimensional alignment characteristics.
• Signalized intersections: point locations that interrupt the stream of traffic flow.
Their capacity is based on the number of approaches requiring dedicated signal
phases, numbers of lanes and free flow capacity at the stop-lines for each approach
and movement, the widths of lanes, and signal timing necessary for pedestrians and
for clearance between conflicting phases.
• Roundabout capacity: based on the traffic volume on the roundabout, the number
of approaches entering the roundabout, the number of lanes in the roundabout,
the geometry of the entry approaches, and the radius of the roundabout.
• Weaving sections: road segments with entry ramps and nearby downstream exit
ramps. The crossing of traffic flows is referred to as weaving. The capacity of a
weaving section is based on the spacing between the entry and exit roads, the
arrangement or location of these roadways relative to the mainline, and the
number of lanes in the weaving section.
• Entrance and exit ramps: roadways that allow traffic to enter or leave a highway.
Their capacity is based on the number of lanes, the length of acceleration or
deceleration provided on the ramp, the arrangement of lanes on the highway and
at the ramp entry or exit, and the volume of traffic on the highway upstream of the
entry or exit.
• Unsignalized intersections: those for which one roadway may have priority and be
unstopped, with the roadway with lower functional class under stop or yield
control. The term capacity for these intersections refers solely to the minor road
traffic that is under traffic control. The capacity of these approaches is based on the
number and arrangement of lanes on the approach, the speed of the priority road,
and the traffic volume on the priority road that creates or inhibits the ability of
stopped traffic to enter the major road. Unsignalized intersections may be under
all-way stop control, in which case the capacity refers to all approaches and is based
on the number of legs and number and designation of lanes on each leg.
• Urban arterials: consist of a combination of road segments with uninterrupted flow
and signalized intersections. Their capacity is determined by this combination of
elements. The frequency and spacing of signalized intersections heavily influences
the capacity of urban arterials.

There are also methods for describing the capacity of pedestrian and bike facilities.
These are based on the same general principles of freedom of movement and research
and field studies on walking and riding behaviors.


8.3.3 Level of Service

The term level of service describes the quality of traffic flow through any road segment
or intersection as described above. In general the term LOS is intended to describe the
overall freedom of movement for a driver, which includes the ability to operate at the
desired speed and thus minimize delay.

Levels of service range from A through F, with E representing the capacity of the road
or road element. Under low volume traffic conditions drivers can choose their desired
speed and are not subject to more than minimal delays in passing through
intersections. Such conditions are typified by LOS A and B. As volume increases, drivers
become more constrained in their speed choice and path, and they endure longer
delays at intersections and roundabouts. LOS C and D represent these conditions. As
traffic volume increases to a level at which it approaches the capacity of the road or
segment, traffic flow significantly affects the driver. LOS E represents these conditions.

Although LOS is a term used uniformly for all road types and elements as discussed
above, the specific LOS criteria established in the HCM vary by type of road element:

• Uninterrupted flow LOS: the density of traffic as measured by passenger cars per
kilometer per lane. As density increases, drivers feel more constrained, speeds
lower, and passing opportunities on two-lane roads become less frequent.
Table 8.1 shows the LOS definitions for uninterrupted flow.
• Signalized intersection LOS: the delay experienced by all drivers passing through
and subject to the signal control. This is expressed as sec/veh.
• Roundabout LOS: the delays experienced by the approaching fast traffic that must
stop or yield to the circulating traffic in the roundabout.
• Weaving LOS: the density of traffic in the weaving section and is expressed as
passenger cars per kilometer per lane.
• Exit and Entrance LOS: the density of traffic in the two right-hand lanes upstream
of the exit and downstream of the entrance.
• Unsignalized intersection LOS: the delays experienced by minor road traffic that
must stop or yield to major road traffic with priority.
• Urban arterial LOS: the combination of uninterrupted flow on the arterial segments
and the signalized intersection operations along the corridor.

Table 8.1 General Definitions of Levels of Service (Uninterrupted Flow)

Level of Service General Operating Conditions
A Free flow
B Reasonably free flow
C Stable flow
D Approaching unstable flow
E Unstable flow
F Forced or breakdown flow
Source: HCM (Transportation Research Board, 2010)


8.3.4 Traffic Operations Analysis

Traffic operations analysis using HCM methods serves several planning and design

• Transportation Planning Studies: Highway capacity analysis is used in these studies

to assess the ability of existing highway networks to accommodate future forecast
traffic volumes. Analysis may demonstrate the need for such infrastructure
improvements as lane additions, intersection improvements, interchanges, or even
addition of new roads.
• Congestion Mitigation Studies: Bottlenecks and delays can be observed, but their
resolution requires study of the effectiveness of design or operational alternative
solutions. Traffic operational analyses can inform decision-makers on the
effectiveness of adding turn lanes, re-timing signals, relocating ramps, or other
solutions to known operational problems.
• Highway Design: Highway capacity analysis is used to size a roadway and its
elements as part of the initial planning efforts. Sizing refers to the numbers and
arrangements of lanes, ramps, intersections, and roundabouts. This exercise uses
design year traffic volumes.

8.3.5 Level of Service as a Design Control

By policy, the target LOS for design year conditions is set as noted in Tables 5.1 and
5.2. Traffic planners and designers use DHV and methods for evaluating LOS to
establish the basic characteristics of the roadway: number of lanes (including auxiliary
lanes, turning lanes at intersections), and operations such as traffic signal timing.
Every project should have an established design level of service to design all roadway
elements. Selection of a design LOS different from that shown in Tables 5.1 and 5.2
should be with the concurrence of the Overseeing Organization. Design for Road Segments with Uninterrupted Flow

The LOS of a highway facility is a measure that describes operational conditions within
a traffic stream, based on service measures such as speed and travel time, freedom to
maneuver, traffic interruptions, comfort, and convenience. The LOS ranges from LOS A
(least congested) to LOS F (most congested). Designers select the appropriate LOS
based on the guidance in Tables 5.1 and 5.2, with reference to the context. Table 8.1
shows the general operating conditions represented by LOS. The specific definitions of
LOS differ by facility type.

Table 8.2 describes the relationship of uninterrupted flow level of service expressed as a
ratio of the demand volume to capacity (v/c). As traffic volumes increase such that v/c
approaches 1.00, the close spacing of vehicles in all lanes results in lowering of speeds and
unstable flow as indicated in Table 8.1. The v/c ratio is a readily determined measure of
LOS for both existing and future forecast traffic. From a design perspective, design LOS
should be as far from v/c of 1.00 and unstable flow (LOS D) as is practical.


Table 8.2 Level of Service and Volume to Capacity (v/c)

Level of Service v/c Ratio
A 0–0.6
B ˃0.6–0.7
C ˃0.7–0.8
D ˃0.8–0.9
E ˃0.9–1.0
F >1
Source: HCM, 2010 Design for Signalized Intersections

The LOS at signalized intersections is based on the average delay imposed by the traffic
control for the design hour traffic entering the intersection. Table 8.3 lists the average
time delay at a signalized intersection and the corresponding LOS categories. In designing
signalized intersections, the v/c ratio of all movements and the intersection itself is also
important. The v/c ratio does not necessarily correspond directly with LOS average
control delay.

Table 8.3 Average Control Delay Criteria for Signalized Intersection Levels of
Level of Service Average Control Delay (seconds per vehicle)
A 0–10
B ˃10–20
C ˃20–35
D ˃35–55
E ˃55–80
F >80
Source: HCM, 2010 Design for Roundabouts and Unsignalized (Priority) Intersections

The LOS of other intersection types is based on similar concepts to signalized
intersections (delay), but the unique operating conditions of roundabouts and
unsignalized intersections require different methods and approaches.

8.3.6 Influence of Design Features on Capacity

The manner in which designers select alignment and cross section values and develop
a road design can heavily influence the capacity of the road. Designers are encouraged
to become familiar with the factors that influence capacity and hence LOS. These vary
by road type. The HCM addresses fully each road type and the design elements that
influence capacity and operations.


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9 Access Control and Access

9.1 General Conditions
Access control is the regulation of access from private property to the roadway. It is
achieved by regulating public access rights to and from properties adjoining highway
facilities. Regulation is enforced through design guidance, policies, and a permitting
process administered by the Overseeing Organization. Regulations generally are
categorized as full control of access, partial control of access, access management, and
driveway or entrance regulations. The principal advantages of controlling access are
the preservation or improvement of service and the reduction of crash frequency and

The functional advantage of providing access control on a street or highway is the

management of interference with through traffic. Interference is created by vehicles or
pedestrians entering, leaving, and crossing the highway. Where access to a highway is
managed, entrances and exits are located at points best suited to fit traffic and land
use needs. They are designed to enable vehicles to enter and leave the highway with
minimum interference from through traffic. Vehicles are prevented from entering or
leaving somewhere else so that, regardless of the type and intensity of development of
the roadside areas, a high degree of service is preserved, and crash potential is
lessened. Conversely, on streets or highways where there is no access management
and roadside businesses are allowed to develop haphazardly, interference from the
roadside can become a major factor in reducing capacity, increasing crash potential,
and eroding the mobility function of the facility.

Full control of access means that access connections are strictly limited to ramps with
only selected public roads and by prohibiting at-grade crossings and direct private
driveway connections.

With partial control of access, some preference should be given to through traffic.
Access connections, which may be at-grade or grade-separated, are provided with
selected public roads and private driveways. Full or partial access control generally is
accomplished by legally obtaining access rights from abutting property owners, usually
at the time of purchase of the right-of-way, or by the use of frontage roads.


9.2 Access Management

Access management involves providing (or managing) access to land development
while simultaneously preserving the flow of traffic on the surrounding road system in
terms of capacity, speed, and low crash frequency and severity. Property owners have
a right to some access to the public road network. Without such access, their property
is unusable and may considered taken by the government. Each abutting property is
permitted access to a street or highway, but the location, number, and geometric
design of the access points are governed by the regulations.

Access management is the enabling of and provision for all property owners to have
access, in a way that reinforces the road system’s basic functions. Access management
applies to all types of roads and streets. It calls for setting access policies for various
types of roadways, keying designs to these policies, having the access policies
incorporated into legislation, and having the legislation upheld in the courts.

Good access management treats the highway and environs as part of a single system.
Individual parts of the system include the activity center and its circulation systems,
access to and from the center, the availability of public transportation, and the roads
serving the center. The goal is to coordinate the planning and design of each activity
center to preserve the capacity of the overall system and to allow efficient access to
and from the activities.

Access management extends traffic engineering principles to the location, design, and
operation of access roads that serve activities along streets and highways. It includes
evaluating the suitability of a site for different types of development from an access
standpoint and is, in a sense, a new element of roadway design.

Access management addresses the basic questions of when, where, and how access
should be provided or denied, and the legal or institutional changes are needed to
enforce decisions. In a broad context, access management is resource management,
since it is a way to anticipate and prevent congestion and to improve traffic flow.

Elements of access management include defining the allowable number of access

points and their spacing, providing a mechanism for granting variances when
reasonable access cannot otherwise be provided, and establishing means of enforcing
policies and decisions.

9.2.1 Basic Principles of Access Management

The following principles define access management techniques:

• Classify the road system by the primary function of each roadway. Freeways
emphasize movement and provide complete control of access. Local streets
emphasize property access rather than traffic movement. Arterial and collector
roads serve both property access and traffic movement.
• Limit direct access to roads with higher functional classifications. Direct property
access is limited along higher class roadways whenever reasonable access can be
provided to a lower-class roadway.


• Locate traffic signals to emphasize through-traffic movements. Signalized access

points should fit into the overall signal coordination plan for traffic progression.
• Locate driveways and major entrances to minimize interference with traffic
operations. Driveways and entrances should be located away from other
intersections to minimize crashes, to reduce traffic interference, and to provide for
adequate storage lengths for vehicles turning into entrances.
• Use curbed medians, and limit median openings to manage access movements and
minimize conflicts.

Access management actions involve both the planning and design of new roads and the
retrofitting of existing roads and driveways.

9.2.2 Access Classifications

Access classification is the foundation of a comprehensive access management
program. It defines when, where, and how access can be provided between public
highways and private driveways or entrances. Access classification relates the
allowable access to each type of highway in conjunction with its purpose, importance,
and functional characteristics.

An access classification system defines the type and spacing of allowable access for
each class of road. Direct access may be denied, limited to right turns in and out, or
allowed for all or most movements depending upon the specific class and type of road.
Spacing of signals in terms of distance between signals or through progression speed is
also specified.

9.2.3 Methods of Controlling Access

Access may be controlled by means of statutes, land use ordinances, geometric design
policies, and driveway regulations.

• Access may be controlled by statute to protect public safety, health, and welfare.
The extent to which specific policies can be applied for driveways, entrances, traffic
signal locations, land use controls, and denial of direct access is specifically
addressed by legislation. Refer to the latest version of TMPQ document for Guide
to Planning Roads in Qatar.
• Local zoning ordinances and subdivision requirements can specify site design,
setback distances, types of access, parking restrictions, and other elements that
influence the type, volume, and location of generated traffic. Approval of a
development may in fact hinge on the ability to provide appropriate and reasonable
• Geometric design features, such as raised-curb medians, the spacing of median
openings, frontage roads, closure of median openings, and raised-curb
channelization at intersections, all assist in controlling access.
Driveway and entrance policies may be introduced by guidelines, regulations, or
ordinances, provided specific statutory authority exists. Guidelines usually need no
specific authority but are weak legally. Regulations can deny direct access to a road


if reasonable, alternative access is provided, but they cannot legally take away
access rights (AASHTO, 2011).

9.2.4 Access Management and Safety Performance

Strong access management policies and design are proven effective. International
studies uniformly document the reduction in injury crashes associated with driveway
removal and consolidation, as shown in Table 9.1

Table 9.1 Potential Crash Effects of Reducing Access Point Density

Setting Traffic Crash Type Std.
Treatment (Road Type) Volume (Severity) CMF Error
Reduce driveways from 76.8 to 0.71 0.04
41.6–76.8 per kilometer
Urban and
Reduce driveways from 41.6–76.8 All types 0.02
suburban Unspecified 0.69
to 16–38.4 per kilometer (injury)
Reduce driveways from 16–38.4 0.03
to less than 16 per kilometer
Base Condition: Initial driveway density per mile based on values in this table (76.8, 41.6–76.8, and 16–
38.4 per kilometer)
CMF = Crash Modification Factor


10 Speed and Design

10.1 Introduction
Speed is an important aspect considered by travelers in assessing travel options. Drivers
value time and seek to minimize travel times. Most drivers value roads that may be
comfortably driven at higher speeds. The speed of vehicles on a road or highway
depends, in addition to capabilities of the drivers and their vehicles, upon five general

• Design characteristics of the highway

• Amount of roadside interference
• Weather
• Presence of other vehicles
• Speed limitations established either by law or by traffic control devices

Any of these conditions may govern travel speed, but actual travel speed on a facility
usually reflects a combination of them.

Any engineered facility used by the public should be designed to satisfy demand for
service in an economical manner with efficient traffic operations and with low crash
frequency and severity. The facility should accommodate nearly all demands with
reasonable adequacy.

Accommodating the speeds drivers desire should also be balanced against the safety of
all users, including nonmotorized road users. The presence of pedestrians on or along
roads may limit or restrict vehicle speeds. Designers should recognize where this is a
factor and make design decisions accordingly.

10.2 Operating Speed

Operating speed is the speed at which drivers are observed operating their vehicles
under free-flow conditions. It is a measure of how drivers respond to the road
environment absent influences of other traffic. Speeds are affected by traffic flows and
increase as traffic volume decreases. One result of conducting speed surveys over a 24-
hour period shows that the speeds increase at night.

10.3 Speed Variations

Speeds vary throughout the day, largely based on the volume and composition of traffic
on the road. On freeways and other similar facilities high speeds are maintained even
as traffic density increases until the traffic flow approaches the capacity (v/c > 0.85) at
which point traffic flow becomes unstable, and average speeds drop.


On other road types with intersections and driveways, the effect of turning traffic and
traffic control will be the dominant influencers on average speeds.

10.4 Design Speed

As is stated in Part 3, design speed is the speed selected to determine the geometric
parameters of the road design. By policy in Qatar, the posted speed is directly related
to the design speed. Table 10.1 summarizes the relation between the design speed and
the posted speed. Refer to Roadway Design in Part 3, Roadway Design Elements for
further details.

Table 10.1 Relation Between Design and Posted Speeds

Design Speed (kph) Posted Speed (kph)
140 120
120 100
100 80
80 60
70 60
60 50
60 50
30 30

10.5 Posted Speed

The posted speed is the maximum speed limit applied to the road. Driving above the
posted speed constitutes a traffic offense. For the various classifications of road in
Qatar, and the relationship between design speed versus posted speed, refer to Part 3,
Roadway Design Elements.


11 Facilities for Pedestrians

11.1 General Considerations
The interaction of pedestrians and traffic is a key consideration in road planning and
design. It is particularly important in urban areas, where pedestrians are most
numerous. Transportation and land development policies in Qatar are promoting the
concept of ‘walkability’ which refers to providing an attractive, comfortable and readily
accessible network of pathways and sidewalks for pedestrians.

Successful commercial and recreational areas provide a comfortable walking

environment. Pedestrian facilities may include sidewalks, crossings, traffic control
features, dropped curbs and ramps, and islands to facilitate crossing. Access to facilities
such as public transport stops, shops, schools, and mosques should be given particular

The most important design consideration regarding pedestrians is the control or

elimination of vehicle conflicts, including particularly conflicts with vehicles operating
at higher speeds. Traffic calming, reduced speed limits, and all-stop control at local
crossroads where pedestrians are prevalent are all potentially effective solutions.
Elimination of vehicular traffic may also be applied.

Further information is provided throughout this manual, particularly in Part 19,

Pedestrian, Bike, and Public Transport Facilities, and Part 20, Context Sensitive Design
and Solutions.

11.2 Designing for Pedestrians

The Overseeing Organization requires developers to include comprehensive pedestrian
facility proposals as part of their applications for new developments. Pedestrian
facilities include sidewalks, subways, footbridges, stairways, ramps, escalators, and
moving walkways.

11.3 Pedestrian Capacity and Pedestrian Facilities

Pedestrian service standards are based on the freedom to select normal traffic speed,
the ability to bypass slow-moving pedestrians, and the relative ease of cross- and
reverse-flow movements at various pedestrian traffic concentrations. Six levels of
service (LOS) have been defined. These are based on service volumes and qualitative
evaluation of user convenience. They are described below.

LOS A provides sufficient space for free-flow conditions that allows a bypass for slower
pedestrians and avoids conflicts at crossings, with others.


LOS B provides space that allows normal walking speeds and the passing of other
pedestrians in primarily one-directional flows. In the case of bi-directional flows or
cross flows, minor conflict will occur, resulting in slightly lower mean pedestrian speeds
and potential volumes.

LOS C is a condition where the freedom to select individual walking speeds and to freely
pass other pedestrians is restricted. With flows that reverse and cross, frequent
adjustment of speed and direction would be required.

LOS D represents conditions where most pedestrians have restricted or reduced normal
walking speeds because of difficulty in avoiding conflicts experienced when passing
other pedestrians. Reverse and crossing flows would be severely restricted because of
frequent conflicts with others.

LOS E approaches the maximum attainable flow volume (capacity) of the walkway.
Because of insufficient area available to pass others, frequent stoppages and
interruptions to pedestrian flow would be experienced by virtually all pedestrians.

LOS F conditions cause frequent unavoidable contact with other pedestrians. Reverse
and crossing movements would be virtually impossible. Walking speeds are extremely
restricted with forward progress reduced to a shuffle.

One measure of LOS is a variable of pedestrian module size that relates to an

individual’s buffer zone (space). The pedestrian area module is M (m2/ped), an
expression of flow rate is derived similar to the form of the traffic equation:


P = flow rate in pedestrians per meter width per minute (ped/m/min)
S = mean horizontal space speed (m/min)

The HCM provides guidance for determining the capacity and quality of service for
pedestrian facilities. Table 11.1 shows the space for pedestrians and flow rates.

Table 11.1 Level of Service, Pedestrian Area and Flow Rates

Average Pedestrian Area
Level of Service (square meters per person) Flow Rate (ped/m/min)
A >5.6 < 16
B 3.7–5.6 16–23
C 2.2–3.7 23–33
D 1.4–2.2 33–49
E 0.75–1.4 49-75
F <0.75 Var
Source: HCM, 2010


Level of service standards provide a means of determining the environmental quality

of a pedestrian space, but they are no substitute for engineering design assessment
and judgment. All elements of pedestrian way design should be examined, including
traffic characteristics, platooning caused by traffic signal cycles or public transport
arrivals, and the economic consequences of use of space. When designing for extreme
peak demands of short duration, a lower level of service may apply to obtain a more
economical design.

The potential pedestrian capacity of urban sidewalks is significantly reduced by the

presence of street furniture. Refuse bins, traffic signs, utility poles, ornamental trees,
planters, and other items all reduce sidewalk facility capacity.

A sidewalk width of at least 1.5 m generally is adequate for most road situations,
(according to TMPQ Pedestrian Design Guidelines) except in commercial or shopping
areas or other areas of high pedestrian flow. In such locations, widths of 3 m or more
may be needed to provide the desired walking environment and LOS. Ideal width of
sidewalk can be higher for new pedestrian generators, such as shops, malls, schools,
and mosques, subject to the availability of land and approval by the Overseeing
Organization for planning.

A sidewalk wider than the minimum may be necessary at locations where pedestrians
gather, such as at the entrances to schools and associated crossings, and at recreation
facilities and important bus stops. In these cases, widths up to 5 or 6 m may be

Where possible, sufficient sidewalk width should be provided to allow two wheelchairs
to pass. In such cases, 1.8 m should be considered the minimum. Refer to TMPQ
Pedestrian Design Guidelines for further details.

Narrower widths can be tolerated for short distances; for example, where items of
street furniture restrict the width available. The minimum width at such restrictions,
which will still permit wheelchairs to pass, is 0.9 m.

Adequate lateral clearance should be provided to trees, street furniture, signposts,

rubbish bins, benches, balconies, telephone kiosks, benches, and traffic signs.

Refer to Part 19 Pedestrian, Bike, and Public Transportation, for more information on
pedestrian facilities.


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12 Facilities for Cyclists

Bikes are a healthy and sustainable travel option, and facilities should be provided to
encourage their use, particularly for short- to medium-length journeys in the urban

The following improvements, which generally are of low to moderate cost, can reduce
the frequency of crashes on a street or highway and provide for bike traffic:

• On high speed and higher classification routes, bike facilities should be physically
separated from the roadway to minimize conflict with motor vehicles. Shared
roadway usage by cyclists should be encouraged only on low speed roads with low
traffic flows, such as local roads and collectors.
• Care should be taken in providing bike lanes on roads with on-street parking,
particularly where parking turnover is high. Drivers opening doors of parked cars
into cyclists is among the most prevalent cycling crash types on urban streets.
• Dimensions for cycling facilities depend on bike dimensions, operating
characteristics, and needs. The most important design element is lane width. In
many instances, design features of separate bike facilities are controlled by the
adjoining roadway and by the design of the highway itself.

Further information is provided throughout the QHDM, and particularly in Part 3,

Roadway Design Elements, and Part 19, Pedestrian, Bike, and Public Transportation.

To provide continuity of bike and pedestrian networks in urban areas, pedestrian and
bike facilities and infrastructure should be provided regardless of whether there are
adjacent developments.


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13 Parking
Both commercial and residential developments require provisions for parking private
vehicles. An important land planning decision and policy is to establish the amount of
off-street parking to be provided as part of a land development plan. Some amount of
on-street parking should be expected and accommodated based on the type of
development and its location.

Parking needs in Qatar are determined through consultation with MMUP. A core
reference used in such consultation is the parking design guidelines in the TMPQ
(MMUP, 2010), which provides comprehensive coverage of parking design
requirements for Qatar.

Certain road types and locations are designed and intended to be free of parking.
Adequate parking should be provided adjacent to existing and new developments to
preclude the need for vehicles parking along roads in areas not designated for parking.

The following design elements are referred to in the parking design guidelines in the
TMPQ (MMUP, 2010):

• Design vehicle characteristics and dimensions

• On-street parking
• Off-street parking
• Design of parking modules, circulation roadways, ramps, and access facilities to off-
street parking areas
• Design requirements for car parking structures
• Bus and truck parking requirements, including truck service areas and maneuver
clearances, access driveways and circulation roadways for commercial vehicles
• Facilities for pedestrians in parking areas
• Signage, marking, and lighting
• Designing for safety
• Park-and-ride facilities for public transportation interchanges

The following summarizes key guidance from the Parking Design Guidelines concerning
roadside or on-street parking with respect to road planning and design.

Wherever possible, parking should be provided away from the roadway, in convenient
off-street parking lots. Access to parking lots should be gained only from local roads,


collectors, and minor arterials. In urban locations, parking may be provided contiguous
with the road in designated on-street parking lanes. On-street parking is most
appropriate on local roads and service roads. The AASHTO HSM (2011) reports that
four-lane divided urban roads with parallel parking may experience increased crash
frequencies between 10 and 70 percent depending on the type of land use served by
the parking and the length of curb lane over which the parking is permitted. For these
reasons, parking lanes should be provided only on roads with posted speed limits of 50
kph or less, and design hour traffic volumes should be less than 1,000 vehicles per hour
on roads with on-street parking.

On-street parking shall not be provided on urban expressways including collector-

distributor roads, and arterials. On-street parking on multi-lane boulevards and collectors
should be limited. Where used, parking areas should be clearly defined and illegal parking
strictly enforced. Where possible, off-street facilities or parking on adjacent lower
classification roads should be provided.

The regulation and use of on-street parking should be prioritized to support road users
with needs for high levels of access such as public transport, taxi operators, loading and
service vehicles, people with disabilities and emergency services.

Both parallel and angle on-street parking are used in Qatar. Part 3, Roadway Design
Elements, and Part 5, Qatar Roadway Design Criteria and Process, contain guidance on
design for each type, including parking bays and lanes.

The Qatar Traffic Control Manual contains parking regulatory signs available for
enforcing and legalizing approved parking plans for proposed developments. Parking
and waiting may be regulated as follows:

• No waiting at any time

• No loading at any time
• No loading: day and time restriction
• No waiting on edge of sidewalk
• No waiting by trucks and buses

The following are other factors to consider when designing parking facilities:

• Parking in dense urban areas

• Ability for parking enforcement activity to occur
• Provision for taxi parking zones in the city center to improve passenger accessibility
• Provision for special parking spaces for disabled persons
• Sufficient signing to off-street parking facilities
• Provision of bus and truck parking by designating space in built up and residential areas

Refer to the latest version of parking design guidelines in the TMPQ for more details.



AASHTO. Highway Safety Manual. 1st edition. American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials. Washington DC. 2010.

AASHTO. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. 6th edition (the Green Book).
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Washington, DC, United
States. 2011.

Department for Transport. “Geometric Design of Major/Minor Priority Junctions.” Design Manual
for Roads and Bridges. Volume 6, Section 2, Part 6. UK Highways Agency: London, England.
January 1995.

Department of Transport. Guidance on the use of Tactile Paving Surfaces. Department of the
Environment, Transport and the Regions: London, England. 1998. Reprinted April 2000.

Department for Transport. “The Geometric Design of Pedestrian, Cycle and Equestrian Routes.”
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges. Volume 6, Section 3, Part 5. UK Highways Agency: London,
England. 2005.

Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland. Road Planning and Design Manual,
2nd edition. Volumes 1 to 6. Queensland, Australia. July 2013.

Dubai Municipality. Pedestrian and Cyclist Design Manual. Prepared by CHRI for Dubai
Municipality. Government of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 2003.Ministry of Municipality and
Urban Planning (MMUP). Transport Master Plan for Qatar—Pedestrian Facility Guidelines. Doha,
Qatar. 2007.

Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning (MMUP). Transport Master Plan for Qatar—Existing
Public Transport System. Doha, Qatar. 2007.

Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning (MMUP). Recommended Practice Guide for
Designing Parking Facilities. Transportation Master Plan for Qatar. 2008.

Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning (MMUP). Transportation Master Plan for Qatar—
Guide to Planning Roads. Doha, Qatar. 2009.

Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning (MMUP). Guidelines for Designing Parking Facilities
Transportation Master Plan for Qatar. 2010.

Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning (MMUP). Guidelines and Procedures for Transport
Studies. Doha, State of Qatar: Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning, Government of Qatar.

Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning (MMUP). Land Acquisition Process. Land Acquisition
and Roadway Improvement Strategy. 2012.


Mowasalat. Bus Stop Guidelines: Mass Transit Planning. Doha, Qatar. 2014.

Transportation Research Board. Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), 5th edition. Washington DC,

Traffic Law No. 19 of 2007. Ministry of Interior, Al Meezan Legal Portal, Government of Qatar

Wramborg, Per. A New Approach to a Safe and Sustainable Road Structure and Street Design for
Urban Areas. Paper presented at Road Safety on Four Continents (RS4C) Conference, Warsaw,
Poland. October 5–7, 2005.


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