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Baby Gie U.

Tausa Date of Submission: December 03, 2019

EDUC 107 TTh (9:00-10:30 AM)



Objective I: Illustrate the following measures of position: quartiles, deciles and percentiles (k to
12 Curriculum Guide Mathematics, 2016).

1.1 Define and describe the location of measures of position in a given set of data
(DepEd Tambayan, 2017).

Talking about the measures of position in ungrouped data lets define first what is quartiles,
deciles and percentiles. Quartiles are the score points which divide a distribution into four equal
parts. 25% of the data has a value ≤ Q1, 50% of the data has a value ≤ Q2 and 75% of the data
has a value ≤ Q3. The Q1 is called the lower quartile value, Q2 is nothing but the median and Q3
is the upper quartile (Callanta et al., 2015). The deciles are the nine score points which divide a
distribution into ten equal parts. They are deciles and are denoted as D 1, D2, D3,.….,D9 (Callanta
et al., 2015). The percentiles are the ninety-nine score points which divide a distribution into one
hundred equal parts, so that each part represents the data set. It is used to characterize values
according to the percentage below them. The percentiles determine the value for 1%, 2%,…..,
and 99% of the data. P30 or 30th percentile of data means the 30% of the data have values less
than or equal to P30. The first decile is the 10th percentile (P10). It means that 10% of the data is
less than or equal to the value of P10 or D1, and so on (Callanta et al., 2015).

1.2 Compute the upper and lower quartiles for ungrouped data by interpolation (DepEd
Tambayan, 2017).

To compute the lower and upper quartiles using the two methods, you should know first the
formula in each method and how to apply it. The first method that we are going to know is the
Mendenhall and Sincich Method. To apply this method on a data set with n elements, first

calculate the Lower Quartile (L) = Position of Q1 = ( n+1) and round to the nearest integer. If L
falls halfway between two integers, round up. The Lth element is the lower quartile value (Q 1).

The second calculation is the Upper Quartile (U) = Position of Q3 = (n+1) and to the nearest
integer. If U falls halfway between two integers, round down. The Uth element is the upper
quartile value (Q3). Using this method, the upper quartile (Q3) and the lower quartile (Q1) values
are always two of the data elements (Callanta et al., 2015).

The next method is the Linear Interpolation, the first thing to do is arrange the score sin
ascending order. Second, locate the position of the score in the distribution of lower quartile (Q 1)
using the Mendenhall and Sincich Method. If the result is a decimal number, interpolation is
needed. Next is you’re going to apply the Linear Interpolation by interpolate the value to obtain
the 1st quartile. To interpolate the 1 st quartile, first step just subtracts the 2nd data from the 3rd
data. Then second step, multiply the result by the decimal part obtained in the second step
(Position of Q1) and the last step is you’re going to add the result in step 2 to the 2 nd or smaller
number. Note that you can only use the interpolation if the result is decimal (Callanta et al.,

To apply this in computation, we have an example that we can use the two methods by finding
the values of quartiles.

Example: Given the set data of the 9 students in their Mathematics activity. The data are
(Callanta et al., 2015):

1 27 16 7 31 7 30 3 21

Solution for Q1:

First is arrange the data from ascending order:

1 3 7 7 16 21 27 30 31

Second, locate the position of the score in the distribution.

Position of Q1 = ( n+1 )

= ( 9+1 )

= ( 10 )

= 2.5

The n there is the total number of students.

Since the result is a decimal number, interpolation is needed.

Third, interpolate the value to obtain the 1st quartile.

Steps in Interpolation (Callanta et al., 2015).

Step 1: Since the result of the lower quartile is 2.5, we are now going to subtract the 2 nd data
from the 3rd data. So, 7 – 3 = 4

Step 2: Multiply the result by the decimal part obtained in the second step (Position of Q 1). So,
4(0.5) = 2

Step 3: Add the result in step 2, to the 2nd or smaller number. So, 3 + 2 = 5

Therefore, the value of Q1 is 5.

Solution for Q3: (same data given in Q1)

First is arrange the data from ascending order:

1 3 7 7 16 21 27 30 31

Second, locate the position of the score in the distribution.

Position of Q3 = ( n+1 )

= ( 9+1 )

= ( 10 )

= 7.5

The n there is the total number of students.

Since the result is a decimal number, interpolation is needed.

Third, interpolate the value to obtain the 1st quartile.

Steps in Interpolation (Callanta et al., 2015).

Step 1: Since the result of the lower quartile is 7.5, we are now going to subtract the 7 th data
from the 8th data. So, 30 – 27 = 3

Step 2: Multiply the result by the decimal part obtained in the second step (Position of Q 3). So,
3(0.5) = 1.5

Step 3: Add the result in step 2, (1.5) to the 7th or smaller number. So, 27 + 1.5 = 28.5

Therefore, the value of Q3 is 28.5

Note: As we can see, these methods sometimes (but not always) produce the same results.

1.3 Compute the interquartile range and quartile deviation of ungrouped data (DepEd
Tambayan, 2017).

To compute the interquartile range for ungrouped data, you should know first what is
interquartile range. The interquartile range is a measure of where the “middle fifty” is in a data
set. Where a range is a measure of where the beginning and end are in a set, an interquartile
range is a measure of where the bulk of the values lie. Of course, you should know what the
formula and how to compute the interquartile range. The formula is IOR = Q3 – Q1 (Kenrose,

Given the odd data set of numbers, we have 27, 18, 19, 15, 12, 7, 9, 6, 5, 2, 1.

Steps on how to compute the interquartile range (Kenrose, 2014).

Step 1: Put the numbers in order (Kenrose, 2014).

1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 15, 18, 19, 27

Step 2: Find the median (Kenrose, 2014).

1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 15, 18, 19, 27

The median is 9.

Step 3: Place parentheses around the numbers above and below the median (not necessarily
statistically, but it makes but it makes Q1 and Q3 easier to spot) (Kenrose, 2014).

(1, 2, 5, 6, 7), 9, (12, 15, 18, 19, 27)

Step 4: Find Q1 and Q3 (Think of Q1 as a median in the lower half of the data and think of Q3 as a
median for upper half if data) (Kenrose, 2014).

(1, 2, 5, 6, 7), 9, (12, 15, 18, 19, 27)

The Q1 is 5 and Q3 is 18.

Step 5: Subtract Q1 from Q3 to find the interquartile range (Kenrose, 2014).

18 – 5 = 13

The result is 13 which is our interquartile range (Kenrose, 2014).

What if our data set is even numbers? How will you find the interquartile range given the even
data sets?
Sample question: Find the IQR for the following data set: 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21
(Kenrose, 2014).

Step 1: put the numbers in order (Kenrose, 2014).

3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21

Step 2: Make a mark in the center of the data (Kenrose, 2014).

3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21

Step 3: Place parentheses around the numbers above and below the mark you made in Step 2
– it makes Q1 and Q3 easier to spot (Kenrose, 2014).

(3, 5, 7, 8, 9), (11, 15, 16, 20, 21)

Step 4: Find Q1 and Q3 (Q1 is the median (the middle) of the lower half of the data, and Q 3 is the
median (the middle) of the upper half of the data (Kenrose, 2014).

(3, 5, 7, 8, 9), (11, 15, 16, 20, 21)

The Q1 is 7 and Q3 is 16.

Step 5: Subtract Q1 from Q3 to find the interquartile range (Kenrose, 2014).

16 – 7 = 9

The result is 13 which is our interquartile range (Kenrose, 2014).

1.4 Compute the deciles for ungrouped data by interpolation (DepEd Tambayan, 2017).

To compute the deciles, we have the same formula way back to quartiles which they are
computed in the same way. To compute the deciles, first is you should arrange the data in
ascending order. Second, find the specific position through the given data. To find the deciles

position, use the formula ( n+1 ) and round off to the nearest integer Callanta et al., 2015).


Find the 3rd decile or D3 of the following test scores of a random sample of ten students
(Callanta et al., 2015):

35, 42, 40, 28, 15, 23, 33, 20, 18, and 28.


First, arrange the scores in ascending order (Callanta et al., 2015).

15, 18, 20, 23, 28, 28, 33, 35, 40, 42

To find its D3 position using this formula ( n+1 ) , we have:

Position of D3 = ( n+1 )

= ( 10+1 )

= ( 11 )


= 3.3 ≈ 3

D3 is the 3rd element. Therefore, D3 = 20 (Callanta et al., 2015).

1.5 Compute the percentiles for ungrouped data (DepEd Tambayan, 2017).

Way back to the definition of percentiles, it is the ninety-nine score points which divide a
distribution into one hundred equal parts, so that each part represents the data set. To compute

k (n+ 1)
a percentile, we should follow or use this formula and round off to the nearest integer.
To locate the percentile, you should do first the ascending order of the data given the apply the
formula given by the percentiles (Callanta et al., 2015).


Find the 30th percentile or P30 of the following test scores of a random sample of ten students:
35, 42, 40, 28, 15, 23, 33, 20, 18 and 28 (Callanta et al., 2015).


Arrange the scores from the lowest to the highest (Callanta et al., 2015).

15, 18, 20, 23, 28, 28, 33, 35, 40, 42

k (n+ 1)
Then, to find its P30 position, use the formula and round off to the nearest integer
(Callanta et al., 2015).
k (n+ 1)
Position of P30 =




= 3.3 ≈ 3

P30 is the 3rd element. Therefore, P30 = 20 (Callanta et al., 2015).

Objective 2: Calculates a specified measure of position (e.g. 90th percentile) of a set of data (k to
12 Curriculum Guide Mathematics, 2016).

To calculate the kth percentile (where k is any number between zero and one hundred), do the
following steps (Callanta et al., 2015):

Step 1: Order all the values in the data set from smallest to largest (Callanta et al., 2015).

Step 2: Multiply k percent by the total number of values, n (this number is called index) (Callanta
et al., 2015).

Step 3: If the index obtained in Step 2 is not a whole number, round it up to the nearest whole
number and go to Step 4a. If the index obtained in Step 2 is a whole number, go to Step 4b
(Callanta et al., 2015)

Step 4a: Count the values in your data set from left to right (from smallest to the largest value)
until you reach the number indicated by Step 3 (the corresponding value in your data set is the
kth percentile) (Callanta et al., 2015).

Step 4b: Count the values in your data set from left to right until you reach the number indicated
by Step 2 (the kth percentile is the average of that corresponding value in your data set and the
value that directly follows it) (Callanta et al., 2015).

To calculate the 90th percentile, we have a problem. Suppose you have 25 test score,
and in order from lowest to highest they look like this: 43, 54, 56, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 69, 70, 71,
72, 77, 78, 79, 85, 87, 88, 89, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99, 99 (Callanta et al., 2015).

k (n+ 1)
Position of P90 =



= 23.4 ≈ 23

P90 is the 23rd element. Therefore, P90 = 98 (Callanta et al., 2015).

Counting from left to right (from the smallest to the largest value in the data set), you go
until you find the 23rd value in the data set. that value is 98, and it’s the 90 th percentile for this
data set (Callanta et al., 2015).

Objective 3: Interprets measures of position (k to 12 Curriculum Guide Mathematics, 2016).

3.1 Interpret the computed upper and lower quartile of an ungrouped data (DepEd
Tambayan, 2017).

To interpret the computed upper and lower quartile, you must do first the computation to locate
the upper and lower quartile. Let’s work with an example. Suppose the distribution of Math
score in a class of 19 students in ascending order is: 59, 60, 65, 65, 68, 69, 70, 72, 75, 75, 76,
77, 81, 82, 84, 87, 90,95, 98. First mark down the median, Q 2, which in this case is the tenth
value: 75 (Liberto, 2019).

Q1 is the central point between the smallest score and the median. In this case, Q 1 falls between
the first and the fifth score: 68. [Note that the median can also be included when calculating Q 1
or Q3 for an odd set of values. If we were to include the median on either side of the middle
point, then Q1 will be the middle value between the first and tenth score, which is the average of
the fifth and sixth score – (fifth + sixth)/2 = (68 + 69)/2 = 68.5] (Liberto, 2019).

Q3 is the middle value between Q2 and the highest score: 84. [Or if you include the median, Q 3 =
(82 + 84)/2 = 83] (Liberto, 2019).

Now that we have our quartiles, let’s interpret their numbers. A score of 68 (Q 1) represents the
first quartile and is the 25th percentile. 68 is the median of the lower half of the score set in the
available data i.e. the median of the scores from 59 to 75. Q 1 tells us that 25% of the scores are
less than 68 and 75% of the class scores are greater. Q 2 (the median) is the 50th percentiles and
shows the 50% of the scores are less than 75, and 50% of the scores are above 75. Finally, Q 3,
the 75th percentile, reveals that 25% of the scores are greater and 75% are less that 84 (Liberto,

3.2 Interpret the computed decile for an ungrouped data (DepEd Tambayan, 2017).

By interpreting the deciles, let’s work with this example given. The data is for the score of all 30
exam takers: 40, 52, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61. 64, 65, 66, 69, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 81, 82, 84, 87, 88,90,
91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99. Using the given scores, the 1 st decile can be calculated as: D1 =
value of deciles given which is 1 (came from D1). So we have, 1[(30 + 1)/10] = 3.1 which means
the 3.1 is 0.1st of the way between scores 55 and 57. So, 55 + 2 (0.10) = 55.2. D 1 means that
10% of the data set falls below 55 (Hayes, 2019).

3.3 Interpret the computed percentile for an ungrouped data (DepEd Tambayan, 2017).

k (n+ 1)
To interpret this, we should provide an example for percentile using this formula . Given
the data test scores of a random sample of ten students we have: 35, 42, 40, 28, 15, 23, 33, 20,
18, 28. Find the 30th percentile or P30. First thing to do is we should arrange the data from lowest
to highest score: 15, 18, 20, 23, 28, 28, 30. 35. 40. 42 (Callanta et al., 2015).

k (n+ 1)
We have: Position of P30 =




= 3.3 ≈ 3

P30 is the 3rd element. Therefore, P30 = 40.

Therefore, the 30th percentile of data means 30% of the data have values less than or equal P 30
(Callanta et al., 2015).

Objective 4: Solves problems involving measures of position (k to 12 Curriculum Guide

Mathematics, 2016).

4.1 Solve word problems involving real-life situations on quartiles for grouped data
(DepEd Tambayan, 2017).
In computing the quartiles of grouped data, the following formula is used:


[ ]
Qk = LB + 4
−cf b


LB = lower boundary of Qk class

N = total frequency

cfb = cumulative frequency of the class before the Qk class

fQ1 = frequency of the Qk class

I = size of class interval

K = nth quartile, where n = 1, 2, and 3.


 Fill up the table of the lower boundaries and the less than cumulative frequency (Callanta et
al., 2015).
 In filling up the table of lower boundaries, subtract each class interval to .5 and so on
(Callanta et al., 2015).
 In filling up the table of less than cumulative frequency, the last frequency will be filled up in
the last row of the cumulative frequency and then add the next frequency to fill up the next
cumulative frequency and so on (Callanta et al., 2015).
N 2N 3N
 After filling up the table, determine the Q1 = . Q2 = = . Q3 = = to find the class interval
4 4 4
where the nth score is obtained. Note that the nth score belongs to the class interval
(Callanta et al., 2015).
 After determining the class interval, operate the quartile using the formula (Callanta et al.,

To apply these steps in solving, we need to have a problem that we are going to calculate.

Example: Calculate the Q1 of the Mathematics test scores of 50 students (Callanta et al., 2015)
Scores Frequency

46-50 4

41-45 8

36-40 11

31-35 9

26-30 12

21-25 6


Scores Frequency (f) Lower Less than

Boundaries Cumulative
(LB) Frequency (
¿ cf )
46-50 4 45.5 50

41-45 8 40.5 46

36-40 11 35.5 38

31-35 9 30.5 27

26-30 12 25.5 18

21-25 6 20.5 6

N= 50
The table above is all computed. Now, let’s do the solving to apply those steps in getting the
value of Q, Q2 and Q3 for grouped data. To solve, we have the formula in getting the Q, Q 2 and

Q3. First, we are going to solve the Q1. The formula is Q1 = LB + 4
[ ]
−cf b
fQ k
i, using this formula
we can come up the result by showing solution. We need to find first the class interval to locate
the lower boundary of the Q1 class, cumulative frequency of the class before the Qk class,
frequency of the Qk class and the nth quartile, where n = 1, 2, and 3 (Callanta et al., 2015).

To solve the class interval we should use the where K is the nth quartile where n is 1,2, and

3 and N is the total frequency of the given data. To start the solving, we have: Q 1 class = =

1(50) 50
= = 12.5. This means that to find the class interval where the 12.5th score is contained
4 4
students. Note that the 7th-18th scores belong to the class interval: 26-30. So, the 12.5 th score is
also within the class interval. Now, the Q1 class is class interval 26-30 (based on the table
given) (Callanta et al., 2015). To find the Q 1 we should know what the number that we should
put on the formula. In lower boundary (LB) = 25.5, since the class interval is 26-30, just follow
the row and you are now see the lower boundary. Next is the N which is the total frequency, so
our N =50. Our less than cumulative frequency is 6, since the cumulative frequency is before
the Q1 class, the frequency is 12 and the class interval is 5 (Callanta et al., 2015).


[ ]
Q1 = LB + 4
−cf b

Q1 = 25.5 +
[ ]4

Q1 = 25.5 + [ 12 ]

Q1 = 28.21

Therefore, 25% of the students have a score less than or equal to 28.21 (Callanta et al., 2015).

Note that the Q2 and Q3 have the same process and formula.

4.2 Solve word problems involving real-life situations on deciles for grouped data data
(DepEd Tambayan, 2017).

Deciles are those values of the distribution that divide the total frequency into 10 groups. The
nth decile denoted by Dk is computed as follows (Callanta et al., 2015).

[ ]
Dk = LB + 10
−cf b
fD k


LB = lower boundary of the Dk class.

N = total frequency

CFb = cumulative frequency before the Dk class.

fbk = frequency of the Dk class.

I = size of the class interval.

K= nth decile where n=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9


 Fill up the table of the lower boundaries and the less than cumulative frequency (Callanta et
al., 2015).
 In filling up the table of lower boundaries, subtract each class interval to .5 and so on
(Callanta et al., 2015).
 In filling up the table of less than cumulative frequency, the last frequency will be filled up in
the last row of the cumulative frequency and then add the next frequency to fill up the next
cumulative frequency and so on (Callanta et al., 2015).
 After filling up the table, determine the Dn = to find the class interval where the nth score is
obtained. Note that the nth score belongs to the class interval (Callanta et al., 2015).
 After determining the class interval, operate the decile using the formula (Callanta et al.,

To solve the decile, we should apply these steps. Let’s try one example to show the process on
how to solve decile.

Calculate the 7th decile of the Mathematics test scores of 50 students (Callanta et al., 2015).

Scores Frequency

46-50 4
41-45 8

36-40 11

31-35 9

26-30 12

21-25 6


Scores Frequency (f) Lower Less than

Boundaries Cumulative
(LB) Frequency (
¿ cf )
46-50 4 45.5 50

41-45 8 40.5 46

36-40 11 35.5 38

31-35 9 30.5 27

26-30 12 25.5 18

21-25 6 20.5 6

N= 50
We need to know first where the D7 class is. With this formula where K = 7 (since we are

KN 7(50) 350
talking about the 7th decile). So, D7 class = = = = 35. This means that we need to
10 10 10
find the class interval where the 35 th score is contained. Note that the 28th-38th scores belong to
the class interval: 36-40. So, the 35th score is also within the class interval. The D1 class is the
class interval 36-40. We can find the 35th in less than cumulative frequency. 35 belongs to 38
because 27 will not cover 35. Our N is 50 because it is the totality of frequency. The lower
boundary is 35.5 and the frequency is 11 (Callanta et al., 2015).


[ ]
D7 = LB + 10
−cf b

D7 = 35.5 +
[ ] 10

D7 = 35.5 + [ 11
D7 = 39.14

Therefore, the 7th decile is equivalent to the 70th percentile. The 70% of the students got a score
less than or equal to 39.14 (Callanta et al., 2015).

4.3 Solve word problems involving real-life situations on percentile for grouped data
(DepEd Tambayan, 2017).

The percentile of grouped data is used to characterize values according to the percentage
below them (Callanta et al., 2015).

Early on, you have already learned that kth quartile denoted by Qk and kth deciles denoted by
Dk are computed, repectively, as follows:

Qk = LB + 4
[ ]
−cf b
fQ k
i and
[ ]
Dk = LB + 10
−cf b
fD k

Finding percentiles of a grouped data is similar to that of finding the quartiles and deciles of
grouped data.
The kth percentile, denoted by Pk, is computed as follows:


[ ]
Pk = = LB + 100
−cf b


LB = lower boundary of the percentile class.

N = total frequency

CFb = cumulative frequency before the percentile class.

fbk = frequency of the percentile class.

I = size of the class interval.

K= nth percentile where n=1,2,3,…,97.98 and 99


 Fill up the table of the lower boundaries and the less than cumulative frequency (Callanta et
al., 2015).

 In filling up the table of lower boundaries, subtract each class interval to .5 and so on
(Callanta et al., 2015).
 In filling up the table of less than cumulative frequency, the last frequency will be filled up in
the last row of the cumulative frequency and then add the next frequency to fill up the next
cumulative frequency and so on (Callanta et al., 2015).
 After filling up the table, determine the Pk = to find the class interval where the nth score
is obtained. Note that the nth score belongs to the class interval (Callanta et al., 2015).
 After determining the class interval, operate the percentile using the formula (Callanta et al.,

To solve the percentile using these step we need to have a one example to apply the formula
and to fully understand the percentile. To solve the 65 th percentile of the Mathematics test
scores of 50 students.
Scores Frequency (f) Lower Less than
Boundaries Cumulative
(LB) Frequency (
¿ cf )
46-50 4 45.5 50

41-45 8 40.5 46

36-40 11 35.5 38

31-35 9 30.5 27

26-30 12 25.5 18

21-25 6 20.5 6

N= 50

We need to find first where the P 65 class located in the table above. To find the 65 th percentile,

kN 65(50) 3250
simply apply this formula Pk = = P65 = = = 32.5. This means that we need to find
100 100 100
the class interval where the 32.5th score is contained. Note that the 28th-38th scores belong to the
class interval: 36-40. So, the 32.5th score is also within the class interval. The P 65 class is the
class interval 36-40. To solve now the 65 th percentile, we should use this Pk = = LB +


[ ]
−cf b
fD k
i. To apply this formula in our problem, we have:


[ ]
Pk = LB + 100
−cf b


[ ]
P65 = 35.5 + 100
P65 = 35.5 + [ 11
5 ]
P65 = 38

Therefore, 65% of the students got a score less that to 36-40 (Callanta et al., 2015).

4.4 Solve word problems involving real-life situations on percentile rank on specific value
of grouped set of data (DepEd Tambayan, 2017).

Before we are going to solve the percentile rank we need to define what is percentile rank.
Percentile ranks are particularly useful in relating individual scores to their positions in the entire
group. A percentile rank is typically defined as the proportion of scores in a distribution that a
specific score is greater than or equal to (Callanta et al., 2015).

Formula of getting the percentile rank:

100 ( P−LB ) fp
+ [ i
+C f p ]

PR = percentile rank, the answer will be a percentage

Pcf = cumulative frequency of all the values below the critical value

P = raw score or value for which one wants to find a percentile rank

LB = lower boundary of the kth percentile class

N = total frequency

i = size of the class interval

To fully understand on how to solve the percentile rank, we are going to present an example
that you will know the process easily. An example is the National Career Assessment
Examination (NCAE) given to Grade 9 students. The scores of students are represented by their
percentile ranks. Find how many percent of the scores are greater than the cumulative
frequency of 38?
Scores Frequency (f) Lower Less than
Boundaries Cumulative
(LB) Frequency (
¿ cf )
46-50 4 45.5 50

41-45 8 40.5 46

36-40 11 35.5 38

31-35 9 30.5 27

26-30 12 25.5 18

21-25 6 20.5 6


38 is within 3-40 so, our LB is 35.5, P is 38, N is equal to 50, fp is 11, cfp is equal to 27 and the
interval is 5. To solve the percent of scores, we have:

100 ( P−LB ) fp
i[ +C f p ]
100 ( 38−35.5 ) 11
+ [
+27 ]
( 2.5 ) 11
PPR = 2+ [ 5
+ 27 ]
PPR = 65

Therefore, 65% of the scores are less than the cumulative frequency of 38, while 35% of 38,
while 35% of the scores are greater than the cumulative frequency of 38 (Callanta et al., 2015).

Objective 5: Formulates statistical mini-research (k to 12 Curriculum Guide Mathematics, 2016).

To formulate a statistical mini-research we can cite some example by conducting mini-research

using the measures of position is The student’s performance in final examination of
Mathematics. Calculate the Q1, 7th Decile and 65th percentile (Callanta et al., 2015)
First, collect the data scores of the 50 students and create a table to fill up the frequency.

Scores Frequency
46-50 5
41-45 11
36-40 9
31-35 10
26-30 8
21-25 7


To calculate the Q1, determine first the lower boundaries and less than cumulative frequency.

Scores Frequen Lower Less than

cy Boundaries cumulative
(LB) frequency (<cf)
46-50 5 45.5 50
41-45 11 40.5 45
36-40 9 35.5 34
31-35 10 30.5 25
26-30 8 25.5 15
21-25 7 20.5 7
N=50 (8th-15th class)

N 50
Q1 class: = =12.5 , this means that we need to find the class
4 4
interval where the 12.5th score is obtained, so the 8th-15th class belong to the class interval: 26-
30 in which the 12.5th score is also within the class interval.

After finding the class interval, calculate the Q1 using the formula.

Qk = LB + 4
[ ]
−cf b


LB 25.5

N = 50
Cfb = 7


f Q =8

Q1 = 25.5 + 4
[ ]

Q1 =28.93. Therefore, 25% of the students have score less than or equal to 28.93.

Calculate the 7th decile of the Final examination of Mathematics score of 50 students.

Scores Frequency Lower Less than

Boundaries cumulative
(LB) frequency
46-50 5 45.5 50
41-45 11 40.5 45
36-40 9 35.5 34 (35th-45th class)
31-35 10 30.5 25
26-30 8 25.5 15
21-25 7 20.5 7

7 N 7 (50) 350
D7 class: = = =35, this means that we need to find the class interval where the
50 4 4
35TH score is obtained, so the 35th-45th class belong to the class interval: 41-45 in which the
35th score is also within the class interval.

After finding the class interval, calculate the D7 using the formula.

Dk = LB + 4
[ ]
−cf b


LB =40.5

N = 50

Cfb = 34

f D = 11

D7 = 40.5 + 4
[ ]

D7=30.27. Therefore, the 7th decile is equivalent to the 70th percentile. Therefore, 70% of the
students got a score less than or equal to 30.27.

Calculate the 65th percentile of the Final examination of Mathematics score of 50 students.

Scores Frequenc Lower Less than

y Boundaries cumulative
(LB) frequency
46-50 5 45.5 50
41-45 11 40.5 45
36-40 9 35.5 34
31-35 10 30.5 25
(26.5th-34th class)
26-30 8 25.5 15
21-25 7 20.5 7

65 N 65(50) 3250
P65 class: = = =32.5, this means that we need to find the class interval where
50 4 4
the 32.5th score is obtained, so the 26.5th-34th class belong to the class interval36-40 in which
the 32.5 score is also within the class interval.

After finding the class interval, calculate the P65 using the formula.


[ ]
Pk = = LB + 100
−cf b
fD k


LB =35.5

N = 50

Cfb = 25

fP = 9

P65 = 35.5 + 4
[ ]

P65= 28.5. Therefore, 65% of the students got a score less than or equal to 28.5.

Objective 6: Use appropriate measures of position and other statistical methods in analyzing
and interpreting research data (k to 12 Curriculum Guide Mathematics, 2016).

6.1 Use quartiles in analyzing and interpreting research data (DepEd Tambayan, 2017).

A quartile divides a sorted data set into 4 equal parts, so that each part represents ¼ of the data
set (Callanta et al., 2015).

a. 25% of the data has a value ≤ Q1

b. 50% of the data has a value ≤ Md or Q2
c. 75% of the data has a value ≤ Q3

d. 50% of all the data lies between Q1 and Q3

 If a measurement falls to the right of the upper quartile of a set of data, then we know that it
is in the top 25%of the data (Callanta et al., 2015).
-we also know that it is better than at least 75% of the data.
 If a measurement falls to the left of the lower quartile of a set of data, then we know that it is
in the bottom 25% of the data (Callanta et al., 2015).
-we also know that it is worse than at least 75% of the data.

6.2 Use deciles in analyzing and interpreting research data (DepEd Tambayan, 2017).

Deciles divide a data set into ten equal parts. One example of the use of deciles is in school
awards or rankings. Students in the top 10% — or highest decile – may be given an honor cord
or some other recognition. If there are 578 students in a graduating class, the top 10%, or 58
students, may be given the award. At the opposite end of the scale, students who score in the
bottom 10% or 20% on a standardized test may be given extra assistance to help boost their

You should not try to calculate deciles from small data sets -- a single class of marks is too
small to get useful values since the extreme deciles are very variable. However, the deciles can
be useful descriptions for larger data sets such as national distributions for marks from standard

6.2 Use percentile in analyzing and interpreting research data (DepEd Tambayan, 2017).

Percentiles divide ordered data into hundredths. Percentiles divide the data set into groupings of
1%. Standardized tests often report percentile scores. These scores help compare students’
performances to that of their peers (often across a state or country). The meaning of a
percentile score is often misunderstood. A percentile score in this situation reflects the
percentage of students who scored at or above that particular group of students. For example,
students who receive a percentile ranking of 87 on a particular test received scores that were
equal to or higher than 87% of students who took the test.

Percentiles are mostly used with very large populations. Therefore, if you were to say that 90%
of the test scores are less (and not the same or less) than your score, it would be acceptable
because removing one particular data value is not significant.


Callanta, M., Carnigo, A., Chua, A., Cruz, J., Esparrago, M., Garcia, E., Magnaye, A., Orines, F.,
Perez, R. & Terrida C. (2015). Mathematics Learners’ Module. Philippines: Department of

Hayes, A. (2019). Decile Definition. Retrieved from

Kenrose, S. (2014). Interquartile Range (IQR). Retrieved from

Liberto , D., (2019). Quartile Definition. Retrieved from

DepEd Tambayan (2017). Retrieved from

K to 12 Mathematics Curriculum Guide (2016). Retrieved from

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