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Core Values (TIU3)



Learning Styles (TIU4) Learning styles with 2 examples – place a star by your preferred styles

Style: Visual * Style: Auditory Style: Kinesthetic

ex. Make flashcards for ex. Listen to a story recorded ex. Clap the number of
on a tape. syllables in a word
vocabulary words
ex. ex. ex.
Watch a video

Activate the Brain – The R’s (TIU7)

1. 4. 7. Relationships

2. 5. 8. Routing
Listen to a teacher Do a scavenger hunt for
discussion on nouns and vocabulary definitions.
3. 6. verbs. 9.

Teach the Vocabulary (SS1)

1. 3. Indirect learningexposure
Repetitive of vocabulary, for example,
to words
using vocabulary words in numerous different
2. 4.
Learning vocabulary words prior to
reading text

Strategies for Differentiation (SS2)

1. Procedural (how to use the learning 3. Metacognitive (how to think about the
environment features) Learning
problem) vocabulary in both written text
Strategies for Success (SS2-7) Provide 2 examples of each
and oral speech
2. 4.
Conceptual (what knowledge to consider) Strategic (what the alternative strategies are)
Strategies for Success (SS2-7) – Provide 2 examples of each

Example 1 Example 2

Cooperative Grouping Think-Pair-Share

I’ve got this (home group/expert

Graphic Organizers
Venn Diagram
Concept Map

Advanced Organizers
Know-Want to Know-Learn (KWL)
Similarities / Differences
Venn Diagram

Summarizing & Notetaking

Notetaking – Cornell Notes

Cues & Questions

the question
paper(IQ) Slap
Down Game

Blooms Verbs (SS8 and SS9)

Create Design, compose, combine, devise, solve

APPS: iPad apps: Canva, Slideshow Creator

Evaluate Judge, argue, choose, estimate, support

APPS: iPad apps: AWW Board, Notion

Compare, contrast, illustrate, manipulate, write

iPad apps: Popplet, SimpleMind+ Mind Mapping
Use, solve, demonstrate, change, show
iPad apps: IPEVO, Autodesk Sketchbook
Explain, classify, locate, predict, indicate
iPad apps: Airtable, Clips
Describe, identify, list, name, select

APPS: iPad apps: Quizlet, Reminders

Four Questions to redirect behavior (CBM5)

1. What are you doing?

What are you supposed to be doing?

Are you doing it?

What are you doing to do about it?

Modifications and Accommodations (E6)

Quantity Time Level of Support
Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the number of items that the Increase the amount of personal assistance to
learner is expected to learn or number of Adapt the time allotted and allowed for learning, keep the student on task or to reinforce or prompt
activities student will complete prior to task completion, or testing. use of specific skills. Enhance adult-student
assessment for mastery. relationship; use physical space and
environmental structure.

Example Example Example

Reduce the number of social studies terms Assign peer buddies, teaching assistants, peer
a learner must learn at any one time. Add Individualize a timeline for completing a task; tutors, or cross-age tutors. Specify how to
more practice activities or worksheets. pace learning differently (increase or decrease) interact with the student or how to structure the
for some learners. environment.

Input Difficulty Output

Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the way instruction is delivered to Adapt the skill level, problem type, or the rules Adapt how the student can respond to instruction.
the learner. on how the learner may approach the work.

Example Example Example

Use different visual aids, enlarge text, plan Instead of answering questions in writing, allow a
more concrete examples, provide hands-on Allow the use of a calculator to figure math verbal response, use a communication book for
activities, place students in cooperative problems; simplify task directions; change rules some students, allow students to show knowledge
groups, pre-teach key concepts or terms to accommodate learner needs. with hands on materials.
before the lesson.

Participation Notes:
Adapt the extent to which a learner is
actively involved in the task.

In geography, have a student hold the
globe, while others point out locations.
Ask the student to lead a group. Have the
student turn the pages while sitting
on your lap (kindergarten).
Suggestions for working with Students in Poverty (E12)

1. Do low or no cost field trips 4. Nip in the bud anyone making fun of someone
because they are poor.
Provide a bank of school supplies in case they run out.
2. 5. Find community resources that the family can
obtain help from.

3. 6.

Reading Strategies to Strengthen Literacy Skills (R8)

Strategy name When / how to use it Define it

1. Anticipation Guide Before Reading Using prior knowledge, students will build
upon that knowledge using key words and
Make sure they get lunch. FBISD provides free phrases.
breakfast and lunch, and there is a Back Pack Buddy Don’t make fun of what they are wearing. Talk to
2. program and snack lunch program. them if they are violating the dress code.
Shared Reading Before, during and after reading Teacher and students share reading
a book or other text.
3. Word Wal Display of words from story for students to
Before, during and after reading refer back to.

Making content comprehensible for ELL students (R9)

Write at least 3 strategies / techniques that you could easily implement in your classroom for your content

1. Prepare the lesson

Graphic Organizers, Outlines, highlighted text
2. Build background
Contextualizing key vocabulary, personal dictionaries, content word walls
3. Make verbal communication understandable
Appropriate speech, peer modeling, paraphrasing

4. Learning strategies (this one should be easy!)

Mnemonics, illustrate, graffiti write
5. Opportunities for interaction
Partnering, four corners, round table
6. Practice and application
Making and playing a game, solving problems in cooperative groups, small group discussions
7. Lesson delivery
Allocated time, engaged time, academic learning time

8. Review and assess

Paraphrasing, informal summarizing, assessment

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