Toaz - Info Lesson Exemplar For Grade 10 1st Quarter PR

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Republic of the Philippines

Regional IX, Zamboanga Peninsula




LT EN10WC-Ia-12:1: Explain how the elements specific to a selection build its theme

A. Infer thoughts, feelings or ideas expressed in the story,

B. Identify the conflict and the theme presented in the story;
C. Portray a real life task on overcoming challenges underscored in the story.

II. CONTENT/CONCEPT: Elements in Literature: CONFLICT and THEME

Norse Myth: “How Odin Lost His Eye”
PEDAGOGY/STRATEGY: Getting the Main Idea and Supporting Details


Small Group Differentiated Activities

A. Vocabulary Hunt (Time Allotment: 2 minutes)

Direction: Look for the definition of some words from the pool of answers and post it next to the
word under Column A.

Howl Bird Drink deeply shape a metal

commit covering friendly contain

1. forge
2. roar
3. quaff
4. raven
5. cloak

B. Understanding the Text

Students read the selection

C. Discussion
Comprehension Check

D. Application (Time Allotment: 20 minutes- Each group is given 5 minutes)

Group I- The Power of C2 (Conflict and Character)

 Discuss the answer to the following questions.
1. What internal conflict has Odin experienced as he faced Mimir? Look for phrases and
sentences that express his duty to his family particularly to his son and duty to his people.
Write this conflict in the chart below.

Conflict in “ How Odin Lost His Eye”

Duty to his family (son) Duty to his people

 Focus on character change and use the dialogue or the character’s experiences with the
supporting character/s to support your answers.
1. Do you consider Odin as a hero? Why or why not?
2. Does he only think of himself or other people? Why does he think that way?
3. Consider Odin’s desire. Does it serve as an opportunity to prove he can face the
4. How did the character succeed over his challenges? What did he learn from the
5. Was there a change in his actions, thoughts, feelings, and attitude, or did he remain the
same till the end?

Group II- Lasting Virtue

1. What do Odin’s actions and traits reveal about human nature?
2. What behavior (admired or condemned by gods) has been illustrated or featured in
“How Odin Lost His Eye”?
3. Are the virtues highlighted still observed these days? Prove your point.
4. Which of the characters do you like best? Did he promote an enduring virtue that is
applicable even today? In what way?
5. Do you think Odin’s attitude would be helpful to win over our personal challenges?
6. From which of the characters do you think you learn the most valuable lesson? Why?
7. Which of the characters consistently portrayed a positive attitude of winning over

Group III-Thinking It Through

1. What details from the story made a powerful or lasting impression on you about
winning over challenges? Explain how they can make you a better person.
2. What lessons did you learn about overcoming challenges?
3. How does “How Odin Lost His Eye” help you understand your world? Will your life
change from what you learned? How?
4. Explain how your perception has changed and what you plan to do from now on.
5. Which of the following ways will you adopt to win your challenges?

Having strong Determination Doing HARD WORK Defending your beliefs jumping over
limitations Making personal adjustments Using struggles as opportunity Standing your
ground Using temporary solutions Being strong

Group 4 - Theme Connection

1. Point out which of the ways above are easy, difficult, or not very important choices to make in
order to win over a difficult challenge.
2. Explain why it is important to read and discuss myths, tales, legends, or other stories.
3. How will you convince or persuade others to agree with you that is important to read and
discuss traditional literatures? Explain why it is important to practice and to uphold these ways.
IV. ASSESSMENT: (Time Allotment: 2-3 minutes)

Write only the letter of your answer from the significant thoughts and ideas expressed in the

1. What did Odin see in the magical well?
a. Courage to move on b. Sorrow, death and the great promise at the end
c. Joy and contentment d. Protection from the enemies

2. Who was the guardian of the well where Odin drank mystical water?
a. Balder b. Mimir c. Loki d. Jimir

3. What was the name of the place of Odin?
a. Asgard b. Rasgard c. Bangard d. Argard

4.What does the water from the magic well reflect?
a. Mirror of the clear water
b. The other eye of Odin
c. Explanations of the past and knowledge about the future
d. Kindness of Mimir

5. What character traits is shown in the myth “How Odin Lost His Eye”?
a. true love and sacrifice b. power and confidence
c. strength and power d. courage and confidence

6. What does the blue eye of Odin which was resting on the bottom of the well remind us?
a. the great sacrifice Odin made b. the great happiness Odin felt
c. the lowest moment Odin experience d. the memorable time of Odin in the well

7. Why should the god Odin pluck his eye and give it to Mimir?
a. To please Mimir of Odin’s obedience b. So he could protect the world from the hate of the
frost giants
c. To prove that Odin is an honorable ruler d. For the people of Asgard to see Odin’s loyalty to

8. Identify the conflict underscored in the story.
a. Odin’s love and care for the humans against the evil frost giants.
b. Selfless love of Odin to his people.
c. Mimir as the source of all wisdom.
d. Odin has only one eye.

9. What is the underlying theme of the story?
a. Determination to do everything
b. Being selfless for the greater good
c. Obligations and passion are important for every leader
d. Change is worthwhile to attain peace.

10. How did Odin save the earth?
a. by sacrificing his one eye
b. by sacrificing his son
c. by killing all frost giants
d. by surrendering his throne

Answer: 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. A
9. B 10. A

Prepared by:


September 4, 2019

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