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Davor Marijan - Ante Nazor - Zlatan Mijo Jelić - Petar Kolakušić

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1991. - 1995.
Pregled političkih i vojnih događaja u Hrvatskoj i BiH s posebnim
osvrtom na muslimansko-hrvatski sukob u BiH te popis ubijenih
civila Hrvata u BiH i zarobljenih pripadnika HVO-a, kao prilog
istraživanju zločina srpskih i muslimanskih snaga nad Hrvatima u
Bosni i Hercegovini od 1991. do 1995. godine
1991 - 1995
An overview of political and military events in Croatia and
Bosnia and Herzegovina, with special emphasis on the Muslim-
Croat conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina and a list of Croatian
civilians and HVO POWs killed in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as
a contribution to the research of crimes against Croats in BiH
committed by the Serb and Muslim forces 1991-1995
Zagreb – Mostar, siječanj 2020.
Zagreb – Mostar, January 2020

Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 3 4.2.2020. 19:24:59

Nakladnici Udruga Hrvatska zvona
Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog rata

Za nakladnika Marko Tokić

Ante Nazor

Urednici knjige Zlatan Mijo Jelić i Ante Nazor (Knjiga 1.)

Zlatan Mijo Jelić i Petar Kolakušić (Knjiga 2.)

Suradnici (Knjiga 2.) - Nika Pinter, Frano Piplović, Marko Tokić, Ivan Lozušić – Loza, Darko Kvesić,
dr. Jadranko Barišić, dr. Robert Šalinović, Udruga specijalne policije HR HB, Udruga
HVIDRA Grad Zagreb, Udruga specijalne policije iz  Domovinskog rata RH, Udruga
100%-tnih HRVI I. skupine, Zbor Udruga veterana hrvatskih gardijskih postrojbi;
- Mario Bradara, Miroslav Zelić, Zvonimir Čilić, Zrinko Tokić, Mladen Akrap - Macan,
Zdravko Bašić - Ljut, Željko Katava, Željko Marijanović, Marinko Matošević,
Miroslav Rašo, Zoran Slišković, Anto Spajić, Bogdan Šantić, te Udruga hrvatskih rat-
nih vojnih invalida općine Travnik i Udruga dragovoljaca i veterana HVO općina Vitez
(Županija Središnja Bosna);
- Pero Blažević, Josip Drežnjak, Zdenko Jurić - Major, Stanko Krezić - Stana,
Ilija Krtalić, dr. Zdravko Kuzman, Karlo Marić, Tomislav Mihalj, Zdravko Mikulić, Nedjel-
jko Obradović, Božo Pavlović, Miro Pavlović, Željko Planinić, Niko-Nino Vidović, Dra-
gan Vukić, Mirko Zelenika (Hercegovačko-neretvanska županija);
- Zdenko Marković, Darko Bodul (Županija sarajevska);
- Mario Andrić, Renato Buhić, Čedomir Franjkić, Željko Ljubanić, Zdravko Marošević,
Drago Tokmadžija te Koordinacija općinskih i županijskih udruga HVO-a ZD županije
(Zeničko-dobojska županija);
- Ivan Ančić, Josip Bevanda i Mario Tica (Županija zapadnohercegovačka);
- Ana Papić, Martina Ćurić, Željko Mihaljević – Best, Marko Radoš - Mara, Franjo Smoljo
i Željko Šiljeg (Hercegbosanska županija);
- Mario Bujanović, Marijan Mihić, Zoran Piličić i Frano Piplović (Sjeverozapadna Bosna);
- Ivo Anđelić, Mato Bilonjić, Tomislav Božić, Dinko Čutura, Ivo Đogaš, Ivo Filipović,
Marinko Geljić, Joso Leovac - Los, Pejo Janjić Lesi, Mijo Josipović, Zdravko Marinić,
Josip Marković - Sipe, Marinko Nikolaš, Ilija Ravlić, Pero Stanić, Anto Stopić
i Mirko Zečević-Tadić (Bosanska Posavina).
- Marin Banović, Ivan Brigović, Julija Barunčić Pletikosić, Janja Sekula Gibač, Ana Hol-
jevac Tuković, Željka Križe, Natko Martinić Jerčić, Ivan Radoš, Domagoj Štefančić,
Tomislav Šulj (HMDCDR).

Prijevod na engleski Michael Durgo

Recenzenti dr. sc. Mladen Ančić
Nika Pinter
dr. sc. Marko Tokić

Lektura Julija Barunčić Pletikosić

Tisak / dizajn Tiskara Dvornik

Naklada 2000

CIP zapis je dostupan u računalnome katalogu Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice

u Zagrebu pod brojem 001054309.
ISBN 978-953-7439-95-8 (cjelina)
ISBN 978-953-7439-96-5 (Knjiga 1.)

Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 4 4.2.2020. 19:25:00

Publishers Hrvatska zvona Association
Croatian Memorial Documentation Center of the Homeland War

For the publishers Marko Tokić

Ante Nazor

Editors Zlatan Mijo Jelić and Ante Nazor (Volume 1)

Zlatan Mijo Jelić and Petar Kolakušić (Volume 2)

Collaborators (Volume 2) - Nika Pinter, Frano Piplović, Marko Tokić, Ivan Lozušić – Loza, Darko Kvesić, Jadranko
Barišić, Robert Šalinović, Association of Special Police of the HR HB, Croatian Disabled
Homeland War Veterans’ Association – City of Zagreb, Association of Special Police of
the RH, Association of Disabled Veterans of the Croatian War of Independence, Group
I disability, Assembly of Associations of War Veterans of Croatian Guards Brigades;
- Central Bosnia Canton: Mario Bradara, Miroslav Zelić, Zvonimir Čilić, Zrinko Tokić, Mladen
„Macan“ Akrap, Zdravko „Ljut“ Bašić, Željko Katava, Željko Marijanović,
Marinko Matošević, Miroslav Rašo, Zoran Slišković, Anto Spajić, Bogdan Šantić, as well as the
Association of Croatian Disabled War Veterans of the Travnik Municipality and the Associa-
tion of Volunteers and War Veterans HVO of the Vitez Municipality;
- Herzegovina-Neretva Canton: Pero Blažević, Josip Drežnjak, Zdenko “Major” Jurić, Stanko
“Stana” Krezić, Ilija Krtalić, dr. Zdravko Kuzman, Karlo Marić, Tomislav Mihalj, Zdravko Mikulić,
Nedjeljko Obradović, Božo Pavlović, Miro Pavlović, Željko Planinić, Niko-Nino Vidović, Dragan
Vukić, Mirko Zelenika;
- Sarajevo Canton: Zdenko Marković, Darko Bodul;
- Zenica-Doboj Canton: Mario Andrić, Renato Buhić, Čedomir Franjkić, Željko Ljubanić, Zdravko
Marošević, Drago Tokmadžija and the Coordination of Municipal and County HVO Associa-
tions of the Zenica-Doboj Canton;
- West Herzegovina Canton: Ivan Ančić, Josip Bevanda and Mario Tica;
- Herzeg-Bosnia Canton: Ana Papić, Martina Ćurić, Željko Mihaljević “Best”, Marko “Mara”
Radoš, Franjo Smoljo and Željko Šiljeg;
- Northwest Bosnia: Mario Bujanović, Marijan Mihić, Zoran Piličić and Frano Piplović;
- Bosanska Posavina: Ivo Anđelić (President of the Association of the Families of the Killed and
Missing Persons of the HR HB), Mato Bilonjić, Tomislav Božić, Dinko Čutura,
Ivo Đogaš, Ivo Filipović, Marinko Geljić, Joso “Los” Leovac, Pejo Janjić Lesi, Mijo Josipović
(President of the Association of Volunteers and Homeland War Veterans of the HVO HB
Ravne-Brčko), Zdravko Marinić, Josip “Sipe” Marković, Marinko Nikolaš, Ilija Ravlić, Pero
Stanić, Anto Stopić and Mirko Zečević-Tadić (President of the Croatian Disabled Homeland
War Veterans’ Association of Ravne-Brčko).
- Croatian Memorial Documentation Center of the Homeland War: Marin Banović, Ivan
Brigović, Julija Barunčić Pletikosić, Janja Sekula Gibač, Ana Holjevac Tuković, Željka Križe,
Natko Martinić Jerčić, Ivan Radoš, Domagoj Štefančić, Tomislav Šulj
Translated by Michael Durgo

Reviewers Mladen Ančić, Ph.D.

Nika Pinter
Mijo Tokić, Ph.D.
Proofreader Julija Barunčić Pletikosić

Printed by / design Tiskara Dvornik

Print run 2000

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the National and
University Library in Zagreb, under 001054309.

Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 5 4.2.2020. 19:25:00


8 I Riječ urednika
14 I Uvod

17 I. dio: Davor Marijan, Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

(pregled političkih i vojnih događaja u Domovinskom ratu, s posebnim osvrtom
na muslimansko-hrvatski sukob u BiH)

467 Prilozi

469 - Humanitarna kriza i ratna šteta u Hrvatskoj u Domovinskom ratu

476 - O uzrocima i posljedicama rata u BiH

483 - Davor Marijan: Rat Hrvata i Muslimana u Bosni i Hercegovini
od 1992. do 1994. (dijelovi intervjua)

491 II. dio: Ante Nazor, Neke činjenice o zločinima nad Hrvatima u BiH i izvori
o muslimansko-hrvatskom sukobu u dijelu BiH
561 Iz recenzije (Nika Pinter)

566 Izvori

590 Zemljovidi
III. dio: Zlatan Mijo Jelić – Petar Kolakušić, Prilog istraživanju zločina
nad Hrvatima u Bosni i Hercegovini
- Uvod

- Zločini pripadnika JNA i srpskih snaga nad civilima Hrvatima i zarobljenim

pripadnicima HVO-a (popis ubijenih)
- Zločini muslimanskih snaga, odnosno pripadnika Armije RBiH, nad civilima
Hrvatima i zarobljenim pripadnicima HVO-a (popis ubijenih)

Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 6 4.2.2020. 19:25:00


8 I
14 Introduction

17 Part I: Davor Marijan, The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-
1995: An Overview of Political and Military Events in the Croatian War of Inde-
pendence, with Special Emphasis on the Muslim-Croat Conflict in Bosnia and

467 Appendices

469 - Humanitarian Crisis and War Damage in Croatia in the

Croatian War of Independence

- On the Causes and Consequences of the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina

483 - Davor Marijan: Excerpts from an Interview about the Muslim-Croat Con-
flict in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1994
491 Part II: Ante Nazor, Facts Regarding War Crimes and Crimes against Human-
ity Committed against Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sources Regard-
ing the Muslim-Croat Conflict in a Part of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

561 Excerpt from a review (Nika Pinter)

566 Sources
590 Maps

Part III: Zlatan Mijo Jelić – Petar Kolakušić, Contribution to Research of
Crimes against the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Introduction

- Crimes Committed by Members of the JNA and Serb Forces Against Croatian
Civilians and HVO POWs (list of those killed)
- Crimes Committed by the Muslim Forces – Members of the ARBIH – Against
Croatian Civilians and HVO POWs (list of those killed)

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Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 8 4.2.2020. 19:25:00

Riječ urednika • Editor’s preface

Ova knjiga sastoji se od tri dijela: This book consists of three parts:
I. dio: pregled povijesti Domovinskog rata s de- - Part I: An overview of the Croatian War of Indepen-
taljnijim prikazom događaja na području Bosne i Her- dence with a detailed description of events in Bosnia and
cegovine (Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995. - pre- Herzegovina (The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival,
gled političkih i vojnih događaja u Domovinskom ratu, 1991-1995: An Overview of Political and Military Events in
s posebnim osvrtom na muslimansko-hrvatski sukob u the Croatian War of Independence, with Special Emphasis
BiH), autora dr. sc. Davora Marijana; on the Muslim-Croat Conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
II. dio: prilog za raspravu o zločinima nad Hrvati- by Davor Marijan, Ph.D.);
ma u BiH i izvorima o sukobu između Bošnjaka-musli- - Part II: A contribution to the debate on crimes com-
mana i Hrvata u dijelu BiH (Neke činjenice o zločinima mitted against the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina and
nad Hrvatima u BiH i izvori o muslimansko-hrvatskom on sources relating to the Muslim-Croat conflict in a part
sukobu u dijelu BiH); of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Facts Regarding War Crimes
III. dio: popis civila Hrvata i zarobljenih pripadni- and Crimes against Humanity Committed against Croats in
ka HVO-a, koje su u spomenutom razdoblju u Bosni Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sources Regarding the Mus-
i Hercegovini ubili pripadnici srpskih i muslimanskih lim-Croat Conflict in a Part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by
snaga (Zločini pripadnika srpskih snaga nad civilima Ante Nazor, Ph.D.);
Hrvatima i zarobljenim pripadnicima HVO-a, te Zločini - Part III: A list of Croats civilians and HVO POWs, who
muslimanskih snaga, odnosno pripadnika Armije RBiH, were killed in Bosnia and Herzegovina by members of
nad civilima Hrvatima i zarobljenim pripadnicima Serb and Muslim forces during the war in Bosnia and
HVO-a). Podaci za spomenute popise prikupljeni su i Herzegovina (Crimes Committed by Members of the Serb
objedinjeni na inicijativu generala Zlatana Mije Jelića Forces against Croatian Civilians and HVO POWs, and
i brigadira Petra Kolakušića, koji su i urednici ovoga Crimes Committed by the Muslim Forces, Members of the
dijela knjige. ARBiH, against Croatian Civilians and HVO POWs). Data for
Potreba za objavljivanjem knjige s ovakvim sa- the list were collected and collated on the initiative of
držajem pojavila se prije desetak godina, kada se General Zlatan Mijo Jelić and Brigadier Petar Kolakušić,
počelo s istraživanjima zločina nad hrvatskim naro- who are the editors of this part of the book.
dom u Domovinskom ratu u Bosni i Hercegovini. Re- The need to publish a book that deals with issues
alizaciju takvog projekta pokrenuo je general Zlatan which form the subject of this work arose some 10 years
Mijo Jelić, uz pomoć i suradnju brigadira Petra Ko- ago, when historians started researching crimes that had
lakušića, a rad na knjizi započeo je prije tri godine been committed against Croats in Bosnia and Herzegov-
prikupljanjem podataka o ubijenim civilima Hrvati- ina during the Croatian War of Independence. General
ma i zarobljenim pripadnicima HVO-a. Uz podatke Zlatan Mijo Jelić, with the help of and in collaboration
o ubijenima, prikupljene terenskim istraživanjem i with Brigadier Petar Kolakušić, instigated the realization
kontaktima sa suradnicima na ovoj knjizi, uglavnom of this project. The research for this book began three
ratnim zapovjednicima HVO-a i članovima udruga years ago, by collecting data on the murdered Croatian
iz Domovinskog rata na lokalnoj razini, za stvaranje civilians and HVO POWs.
spomenutoga popisa korišteni su i podaci iz izvora The data regarding the victims were collected
(uglavnom gradivo HVO-a) te iz objavljenih knjiga. through field research and were provided by persons who
Prikupljena imena složena su po općinama prema participated in the making of this book, mostly HVO com-
datumu stradanja i abecednim redom imena ubi- manders and members of various local associations that
jenih, a sadržaj popisa potom je vraćen suradnicima had sprung up during the Croatian War of Independence.
na lokalnim razinama na pregled i korekciju, odnos- Apart from these data, the authors used data contained
no nadopunu. in the primary sources (mainly the HVO’s materials) and
Zbog toga, osim urednicima trećeg dijela knjige, in a number of published books. The names of the victims
Zlatanu Miji Jeliću i Petru Kolakušiću, na prikupljenim were listed according to municipalities, alphabetically or
podacima treba zahvaliti i njihovim suradnicima: chronologically according to the date of death. The list
- Nika Pinter, Frano Piplović, Marko Tokić, Ivan Lo- was then returned to the collaborators at local level for
zušić – Loza, Darko Kvesić, dr. Jadranko Barišić, review and correction, and, possibly, expansion.

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Riječ urednika • Editor’s preface

dr. Robert Šalinović, te Udruga Specijalne polici- Therefore, the authors would like to express their
je HR HB i Udruga HVIDRA Grad Zagreb, Udruga gratitude to the editors of the third part of the book,
Specijalne policije iz Domovinskog rata RH, Udruga Zlatan Mijo Jelić and Petar Kolakušić, and also to their
100-postotnih HRVI I. skupine, Zbor Udruga vetera- collaborators, for their assistance in collecting the
na hrvatskih gardijskih postrojbi; above-mentioned data:
- Županija Središnja Bosna: Mladen Akrap - Macan, - Nika Pinter, Frano Piplović, Marko Tokić, Ivan Lozu-
Zdravko Bašić - Ljut, Mario Bradara, Zvonimir Čilić, šić – Loza, Darko Kvesić, Jadranko Barišić, Robert
Željko Katava, Željko Marijanović, Marinko Ma- Šalinović, Association of Special Police of the HR HB,
tošević, Miroslav Rašo, Zoran Slišković, Anto Spa- Croatian Disabled Homeland War Veterans’ Associa-
jić, Bogdan Šantić, Zrinko Tokić, Miroslav Zelić, te tion – City of Zagreb, Association of Special Police
Udruga hrvatskih ratnih vojnih invalida općine of the RH, Association of Disabled Veterans of the
Travnik i Udruga dragovoljaca i veterana HVO-a Croatian War of Independence, Group I disability,
općina Vitez; Assembly of Associations of War Veterans of Croa-
- Hercegovačko-neretvanska županija: Pero Blažević, tian Guards Brigades;
Josip Drežnjak, Zdenko Jurić - Major, Stanko Krezić - - Central Bosnia Canton: Mladen “Macan” Akrap,
Stana, Ilija Krtalić, dr. Zdravko Kuzman, Karlo Marić, Zdravko “Ljut” Bašić, Mario Bradara, Zvonimir Čilić,
Tomislav Mihalj, Zdravko Mikulić, Nedjeljko Obra- Željko Katava, Željko Marijanović, Marinko Ma-
dović, Božo Pavlović, Miro Pavlović, Željko Planinić, tošević, Miroslav Rašo, Zoran Slišković, Anto Spajić,
Niko-Nino Vidović, Dragan Vukić, Mirko Zelenika; Bogdan Šantić, Zrinko Tokić, Miroslav Zelić, as well
- Županija sarajevska: Zdenko Marković, Darko Bodul; as the Association of Croatian Disabled War Veter-
- Zeničko-dobojska županija: Mario Andrić, Renato ans of the Travnik Municipality and the Association
Buhić, Čedomir Franjkić, Željko Ljubanić, Zdravko of Volunteers and War Veterans HVO of the Vitez
Marošević, Drago Tokmadžija te Koordinacija Municipality;
općinskih i županijskih udruga HVO-a ZD županije; - Herzegovina-Neretva Canton: Pero Blažević, Josip
- Županija zapadnohercegovačka: Ivan Ančić, Jo- Drežnjak, Zdenko “Major” Jurić, Stanko “Stana” Krezić,
sip Bevanda, Darko Kvesić, Robert Šalinović i Ma- Ilija Krtalić, dr. Zdravko Kuzman, Karlo Marić, Tomislav
rio Tica; Mihalj, Zdravko Mikulić, Nedjeljko Obradović, Božo
- Hercegbosanska županija: Ana Papić, Martina Ćurić, Pavlović, Miro Pavlović, Željko Planinić, Niko-Nino Vi-
Željko Mihaljević – Best, Marko Radoš - Mara, Franjo dović, Dragan Vukić, Mirko Zelenika;
Smoljo i Željko Šiljeg; - Sarajevo Canton: Zdenko Marković, Darko Bodul;
- Sjeverozapadna Bosna: Mario Bujanović, - Zenica-Doboj Canton: Mario Andrić, Renato Buhić,
Marijan Mihić, Zoran Piličić i Frano Piplović; Čedomir Franjkić, Željko Ljubanić, Zdravko Ma-
- Bosanska Posavina: Ivo Anđelić (predsjednik rošević, Drago Tokmadžija and the Coordination of
Udruge obitelji poginulih i nestalih HR HB), Mato Municipal and County HVO Associations of the Zen-
Bilonjić, Tomislav Božić, Dinko Čutura, Ivo Đogaš, ica-Doboj Canton;
Ivo Filipović, Marinko Geljić, Joso Leovac - Los, Pejo - West Herzegovina Canton: Ivan Ančić, Josip Bevan-
Janjić Lesi, Mijo Josipović (predsjednik Udruge da, Darko Kvesić, Robert Šalinović and Mario Tica;
dragovoljaca i veterana Domovinskog rata HVO - Herzeg-Bosnia Canton: Ana Papić, Martina Ćurić,
HB Ravne - Brčko), Zdravko Marinić, Josip Markov- Željko Mihaljević – Best, Marko “Mara” Radoš, Franjo
ić - Sipe, Marinko Nikolaš, Ilija Ravlić, Pero Stanić, Smoljo and Željko Šiljeg;
Anto Stopić i Mirko Zečević - Tadić (predsjednik - Northwest Bosnia: Mario Bujanović, Marijan Mihić,
HVIDRA-e Ravne - Brčko). Zoran Piličić and Frano Piplović;
Radi razumijevanja konteksta, odnosno okolnos- - Bosanska Posavina: Ivo Anđelić (President of the
ti u kojima su počinjena ubojstva s obilježjem zloči- Association of the Families of the Killed and Miss-
na nad Hrvatima u BiH u Domovinskom ratu, knjiga ing Persons of the HR HB), Mato Bilonjić, Tomislav
započinje pregledom vojne i političke povijesti Hr- Božić, Dinko Čutura, Ivo Đogaš, Ivo Filipović, Marinko
vatske i Hrvata od 1990. do 1995., odnosno pregle- Geljić, Joso “Los” Leovac, Pejo Janjić Lesi, Mijo Jo-
dom Domovinskog rata, s posebnim osvrtom na po- sipović (President of the Association of Volunteers


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 10 4.2.2020. 19:25:00

Riječ urednika • Editor’s preface

dručje Bosne i Hercegovine, čiji je autor dr. sc. Davor and Homeland War Veterans of the HVO HB Ravne-
Marijan. Složenost problematike i problematičan pri- Brčko), Zdravko Marinić, Josip “Sipe” Marković,
kaz u medijima koji često zanemaruje izvore o ratu u Marinko Nikolaš, Ilija Ravlić, Pero Stanić, Anto Stopić
Bosni i Hercegovini, razlog je što je u knjizi, u odnosu and Mirko Zečević-Tadić (President of the Croatian
na vojne operacije u Hrvatskoj, malo detaljnije pri- Disabled Homeland War Veterans’ Association of
kazan vojni aspekt događaja u BiH, posebice musli- Ravne-Brčko).
mansko-hrvatski građanski rat u BiH, odnosno sukob In order to give the reader an insight into the context,
ARBiH i HVO-a. or the circumstances in which the crimes against Croats
Svoje zaključke u prvom dijelu ove knjige autor in Bosnia and Herzegovina were committed during the
Davor Marijan temelji uglavnom na primarnim iz- Croatian War of Independence, this book starts with an
vorima (arhivi u Hrvatskoj i arhiva Međunarodnog overview of the military and political history of Croatia
kaznenog suda za bivšu Jugoslaviju u Haagu, izvori and the Croats from 1990 to 1995, or in other words, with
MORH-a i vojski u BiH te drugi pisani izvori). No, poda- an overview of the Croatian War of Independece, with
ci u izvorima katkad nisu u skladu s podacima koje u special emphasis on events in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
svojim radovima ili prigodnim kronologijama iznose The author of this part of the book is Davor Marijan, Ph.D.
sudionici događaja, pa je u takvim slučajevima po- Due to the complexity of the topic and its problematic
trebno provjeriti i njihov kontekst. Primjerice, autor representation in the media, which often gloss over writ-
svoju tvrdnju o osnivanju 111. xp brigade (Žepče) te- ten sources on the war in Bosnia and Herezgovina, this
melji na zapovijedi Zapovjedništva OZ-a Srednja Bos- book provides, in comparison to the military operations
na od 18. studenoga 1992., a prema iskazu zapovjed- in Croatia, a more detailed account of the military aspect
nika 111. xp brigade, sve postrojbe HVO-a južno od of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially of the
rijeke Save nosile su brojčane oznake koje su počinjale Muslim-Croat civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, or the
brojevima od 101 (101. brigada Bosanski Brod) do 112 conflict between the ARBIH and the HVO.
(112. brigada Tuzla), na temelju Odluke o mobilizaci- Davor Marijan’s conclusions in the first part of the
jskom razvoju vojnih snaga Hrvatskog vijeća obrane book are based, mostly, on primary sources (archives
na cjelokupnom prostoru Bosne i Hercegovine, od 17. in Croatia, ICTY court records and archives, MORH doc-
travnja 1992. godine. U skladu s time, oni navode da uments, ARBIH documents and other written sources).
se od toga razdoblja brigada HVO-a na žepačkom po- However, information contained in the mentioned sourc-
dručju naziva 111. xp brigada HVO-a. Dakako, spome- es does not always match witness accounts. In such cases
nutu tvrdnju treba potkrijepiti konkretnim izvorom. it is necessary to double-check the context. For example,
Uz izvore i literaturu o Domovinskom ratu, au- the author bases his claim regarding the formation of the
tor je prilikom pisanja pregleda Domovinskog rata 111th xp Brigade (Žepče) on HQ Central Bosnia’s order of
sa zahvalnošću koristio i sugestije pojedinih ratnih November 18, 1992, but, according to statements made
zapovjednika i sudionika zbivanja u Bosni i Hercego- by the commanders of the 111th xp Brigade, all HVO units
vini u spomenutom razdoblju: Zlatana Mije Jelića, Pe- stationed to the south of the Sava River bore numerical
tra Kolakušića, Ivana Primorca, Miljenka Lasića, Željka designations starting with the number 101 (101st Sla-
Šiljega, Daria Kordića, Nedjeljka Obradovića, Maria vonski Brod Brigade) and finishing with the number 112
Bradare, Zvonimira Čilića, Zrinka Tokića, Ive Filipovića, (112th Tuzla Brigade), in accordance with the Decision on
Ivana Ančića, Radmila Jasaka i Petra Zelenike te člano- Mobilization of the Armed Forces of the HVO in the Entire
va Zajednice udruga proisteklih iz Domovinskog rata Area of BiH reached on April 17, 1992. The commanders
HVO-a Zeničko-dobojske županije. Posebnu zahval- claim that the Žepče Brigade, starting with the men-
nost zaslužuje i gospođa Nika Pinter, odvjetnica čije tioned date, bore the designation the 111th xp Brigade
je iskustvo rada na Haškom sudu u obrani hrvatskoga of the HVO. Of course, this claim has to be verified by a
generala Slobodana Praljka bilo dragocjeno za sa- valid source.
držaj ove knjige. Apart from using primary sources relating to and
Namjera knjige je objavljivanjem imena civila i books about the Croatian War on Independence, the au-
zarobljenih pripadnika HVO-a, koje su ubili pripad- thor, while composing an overview of the Croatian War of
nici srpskih i muslimanskih snaga u Bosni i Herce- Independence, consulted war commanders who partici-


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 11 4.2.2020. 19:25:00

Riječ urednika • Editor’s preface

govini, upozoriti na stradanje hrvatskog naroda u pated in the events in Bosnia and Herzgovina during the
Domovinskom ratu u Bosni i Hercegovini, o čemu se, mentioned period. The author owes a debt to gratitute
zbog medijske blokade, malo zna. Moguće je da zbog to the following individuals for putting forward their sug-
složenih okolnosti istraživanja u knjizi nisu navedeni svi gestions: Zlatan Mijo Jelić, Petar Kolakušić, Ivan Primorac,
ubijeni civili Hrvati i zarobljeni pripadnici HVO-a, pa se Milj, enko Lasić, Željko Šiljeg, Dario Kordić, Nedjeljko Ob-
mole čitatelji da ako primijete da netko nije naveden ili da radović, Mario Bradara, Zvonimir Čilić, Zrinko Tokić, Ivo Fi-
navedeni podaci nisu točni, o tome obavijeste HMDCDR lipović, Ivan Ančić, Radmilo Jasak and Petar Zelenika and
na adresu e-pošte: members of the Union of the Croatian War of Indepen-
dence Associations of the HVO – Zenica-Doboj Canton.
Thanks should also go to Mrs. Nika Pinter, a laywer whose
experience of defending General Slobodan Praljak at the
Hague Tribunal provided an invaluable primary source
for the making of this book.
By publishing the names of Croatian civilians and
HVO POWs killed by members of Serb and Muslim
forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the authors aim to
bring to the reader’s attention the plight of the Croa-
tian Nation in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Cro-
atian War of Independence, something that, thanks
to the media blackout, not many people know about.
Due to the complex circumstances surrounding the
research for this book, it is possible that not all names
of Croatian civilians and HVO POWs are listed. For that
reason, the authors kindly ask the readers to inform
the HMDCDR about any inconsistencies regarding the
list at
Crkva svetog Marka u Zagrebu. Prvotna struktura je izgrađena u
13. stoljeću, toranj je završen u 18. stoljeću, a krov između 1876.
i 1883. godine. Na krovu je srednjovjekovni grb Hrvatske, Dalma-
cije i Slavonije (na lijevoj strani), te grb grada Zagreba (na desnoj
strani krova). Crkva se nalazi na Trgu svetog Marka, između zgra-
de Sabora i Banskih dvora (sjedišta Vlade Republike Hrvatske).
St. Mark’s Church in Zagreb. The original structure was built in
the 13th century. The church tower was completed in the 18th
century and the roof between 1876 and 1883. The roof features
the medieval coat of arms of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia on
the left side, and the emblem of the city of Zagreb on the right.
The church is located on Saint Mark’s Square, between the Croa-
tian Parliament building and the Banski Dvori building (the seat
of the government of the Republic of Croatia).


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 12 4.2.2020. 19:25:01

KRV/ATS / KA! / KROATIEN / CROATIA / CROATIE / 1991, Autor: Boris Ljubičić, Zagreb, 1991.; Zamjen-
om slova i riječi („krv”) izražena je hrvatska stvarnost 1991. godine.

KRV/ATS/KA!/KROATIEN/CROATIA/CROATIE/1991, Author: Boris Ljubičić, Zagreb, 1991; The grave sit-

uation Croatia was in during 1991 is expressed by the replacement of the letter “H” in HRV/ATSKA
(CROATIA) with the letter “K”, thus forming the word KRV (BLOOD).

Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 13 4.2.2020. 19:25:10



Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 14 4.2.2020. 19:25:10

Uvod • Intruduction

Domovinski rat široko je prihvaćen naziv za raz- The Croatian War of Independence spans the period
doblje hrvatske povijesti u 1990-im godinama, u kojem of Croatian history from the beginning of the 1990s to
je stvorena, a potom u nametnutom ratu i obranjena the middle of the decade. These years of the country’s
suvremena Republika Hrvatska. Zakonskim aktima Re- history were tumultuous, marked first by the creation of
publike Hrvatske (Zakon o pravima hrvatskih branitelja the Republic of Croatia and then by a defensive war in
iz Domovinskog rata i članova njihovih obitelji), Do- which the Croatian Army expelled the invader and en-
movinski rat obuhvaća razdoblje od 5. kolovoza 1990. sured that the country would continue as a viable, polit-
(početak tečaja “prvih hrvatskih redarstvenika”) do ical entity within its internationally recognized borders.
30. lipnja 1996. (s obzirom na prethodno ratno stanje, Officially, by legislative acts of the Republic of Croatia
primjereniji bi bio datum 23. kolovoza 1996., kada je (the Law on the Rights of Croatian Homeland War Veter-
potpisan “Sporazum o punoj normalizaciji i uspostavi ans and Their Family Members) the Croatian War of Inde-
diplomatskih odnosa između Republike Hrvatske i Sa- pendence started on August 5, 1990, and ended on June
vezne Republike Jugoslavije”). 30, 1996 (it could be argued that the war actually ended
Pod nazivom Domovinski rat podrazumijeva se: on August 23, 1996, when the Agreement on Normaliza-
• razdoblje završnih priprema srpskog agresora za tion of Relations between the Republic of Croatia and
osvajački rat i pripajanje Srbiji znatnih dijelova Hr- the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was signed).
vatske i Bosne i Hercegovine (stvaranjem “srpskih The term “the Croatian War of Independence” en-
republika” na tim područjima, radi ostvarenja glav- compasses the following:
noga cilja velikosrpske politike – da “svi Srbi žive • a period during which the JNA concluded the fi-
u jednoj državi”, koju je tada provodilo srbijansko nal phase of its preparations for an aggressive war
vodstvo predvođeno Slobodanom Miloševićem); against Croatia for the purpose of joining to Serbia
• razdoblje protuustavnoga i terorističkog djelova- a large portion of Croatia’s territory and Bosnia and
nja te naoružavanja i oružane pobune dijela Srba u Herzegovina’s territory (by creating “Serbian repub-
Hrvatskoj od sredine 1990. (tzv. puzajuća ili prikri- lics” in these areas and for the purpose of realizing
vena agresija); the main objective of the Greater Serbian policy –
• ustrojavanje hrvatske obrambene, odnosno oruža- the creation of a Greater Serbian state; the Serbian
ne sile, što je proces koji je počeo u kolovozu 1990., leadership, with Slobodan Milošević at its helm, was
prvo u okviru MUP-a RH, a završen je s okončanjem determined to achieve the above mentioned main
rata; objective);
• početak rata i otvorene agresije Srbije i Crne Gore, • a period during which the JNA and armed Serb civil-
odnosno Jugoslavenske narodne armije (JNA) i te- ians engaged in counter-constitutional and terrorist
ritorijalnih obrana i milicije Srbije, Crne Gore i di- activities. At that time a part of the Croatian Serbs
jela Bosne i Hercegovine te različitih srpskih para- rebelled against the Croatian government. From
vojnih postrojbi na Hrvatsku, uz sudjelovanje dijela mid-1990 the JNA was arming the rebels;
Srba iz Hrvatske od ljeta 1991. (odmah nakon što je • the formation of the Croatian defense force, that is,
Sabor RH 25. lipnja 1991. donio Ustavnu odluku o Croatian Armed Forces. The process began in Au-
suverenosti i samostalnosti RH); gust, 1990, first within the framework of the Ministry
• obrana Republike Hrvatske i oslobađanje najvećeg of Internal Affairs (MUP) of the Republic of Croatia
dijela njezina privremeno okupiranog teritorija and ended with the end of the war;
vojnim putem od 1991. do kraja 1995. godine. • the start of the war and Serbia and Montenegro’s
Dakle, prema zakonskim aktima Republike Hrvat- open aggression against the Republic of Croatia,
ske, naziv Domovinski rat obuhvaća i razdoblje koje je that is, open aggression of the JNA and Territorial
neposredno prethodilo otvorenom ratu u Hrvatskoj, Defense forces and militias of Serbia, Montenegro,
odnosno otvorenoj velikosrpskoj agresiji na Republiku parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina and various Serb
Hrvatsku, kao i razdoblje neposredno nakon završetka paramilitary formations against Croatia. A part of
ratnih operacija u Hrvatskoj i BiH. the Croatian Serbs actively participated in the war
S obzirom na to da je posljednji dio okupiranoga against Croatia from the summer of 1991 (immedi-
međunarodno priznatoga hrvatskog državnog terito- ately after the Croatian Parliament, on June 25, 1991,


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 15 4.2.2020. 19:25:10

Uvod • Intruduction

rija vraćen političkim sporazumom, a ne vojnom op- reached the Constitutional Decision on Sovereignty
cijom, s političkog gledišta završetkom Domovinskog and Independence of the Republic of Croatia);
rata može se smatrati 15. siječnja 1998., kada je završio • the defense and liberation of most of the occupied
proces mirne reintegracije Hrvatskog Podunavlja (Ba- territory by the Croatian Army from 1991 to the end
ranja te dio istočne Slavonije i zapadni Srijem) u ustav- of 1995.
nopravni poredak Republike Hrvatske. Therefore, according to the legislative acts of the Re-
Među Hrvatima u Bosni i Hercegovini, koji su u ve- public of Croatia, the term “the Croatian War of Indepen-
likom broju sudjelovali i u obrani Hrvatske, Domovin- dence” encompasses the period immediately preceding
ski rat također je široko prihvaćen pojam za razdoblje Serbia’s open aggression against Croatia and the period
od 1991. (napad JNA i velikosrpskih snaga početkom immediately following the end of military operations in
listopada 1991. na većinski hrvatsko naselje Ravno Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
u istočnoj Hercegovini) do kraja 1995., pod kojim se Given the fact that the last chunk of the occupied
podrazumijeva obrana od srpske agresije, sukob za te- Croatian territory (the Croatian Danube region, Baranja
ritorij s bošnjačko-muslimanskim snagama, te sudje- and a part of eastern Slavonia and western Sirmium) in
lovanje Hrvatskog vijeća obrane (HVO) i Specijalnih terms of the country’s internationally recognized bor-
postrojbi MUP-a Hrvatske Republike Herceg-Bosne ders was reintegrated into Croatia’s constitutional and
(SP MUP HRHB) s Hrvatskom vojskom i Armijom RBiH legal order by way of political agreement, it could be ar-
u završnim operacijama oslobađanja jugozapadne i gued, from a strictly political perspective, that the war
zapadne Bosne.1 ended on January 15, 1998.
The Bosnian Croats have adopted the term “the Cro-
atian War of Independence” for the period from 1991 (at-
tack by the JNA and greater Serbian forces at the begin-
ning of October, 1991, on the predominately Croatian
village of Ravno in eastern Herzegovina) until the end of
1995. For the Bosnian Croats the term, with the events
and developments described in the preceding para-
graphs, also encompasses the defense against Serb ag-
gression, conflict for territory against the Bosniak-Mus-
lim forces and the participation of the HVO and Special
Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the HR HB,
with the Croatian Army and the ARBIH in the final opera-
tions for the liberation of southwest and western Bosnia.
1 Domovinski rat – pregled političke i diplomatske povijesti,
priredili: Ante Nazor – Tomislav Pušek, NZ Globus – HM-
DCDR, Zagreb, 2018., 9.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 16 4.2.2020. 19:25:10

Davor Marijan

HRVATA, 1991. - 1995.
Pregled političkih i vojnih događaja u
Domovinskom ratu, s posebnim osvrtom na
muslimansko-hrvatski sukob u BiH
SURVIVAL, 1991-1995
An Overview of Political and Military
Events in the Croatian War of Independence,
with Special Emphasis on the Muslim-Croat
Conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 17 4.2.2020. 19:25:10

Sadržaj / Contents




29 Kriza i raspad Jugoslavije / Crisis and Break-up of Yugoslavia
34 Demokratski izbori u Hrvatskoj i proglašenje neovisnosti / Democratic Elections
in Croatia and Declaration of Independence
42 Srpska pobuna / Serb Rebellion
47 Pokušaj Hrvatske da srpski problem riješi na miran način / Croatian Attempts to
Solve the Serb Problem Peacefully
49 Neuspješni pregovori o budućnosti Jugoslavije / Unsuccessful Negotiations
on the Future of Yugoslavia
50 Iskorak Hrvatske na međunarodnu scenu / Croatia Appears on the
International Stage
59 Hrvatska 1992. – 1995. (1997./1998.) / Croatia from 1992 to 1995 (1997/1998)
61 Hrvatska i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini / Croatia and the War in
Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992
63 Mirovna operacija Ujedinjenih naroda i međunarodni položaj Hrvatske /
United Nation Peacekeeping Mission and Croatia’s International Position
69 Okupirani teritorij Republike Hrvatske / The Occupied Areas
of the Republic of Croatia
78 Bosna i Hercegovina tijekom srpskog rata protiv Hrvatske / Bosnia and Herzegovina
during Serbia’s War against Croatia
81 Hrvatska zajednica / Hrvatska Republika Herceg-Bosna /
The Croatian Community / Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia
83 Bosna i Hercegovina – bošnjački dio / Bosnia and Herzegovina – The Muslims
84 Međunarodni aspekt rata u BiH / International Aspect of the War
in Bosnia and Herzegovina


89 Jugoslavenska narodna armija / The Yugoslav People’s Army
93 Teritorijalne obrane Srbije, Crne Gore i Bosne i Hercegovine /
Territorial Defense Formations of Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina
94 Srbijanske paravojne formacije / Serbian Paramilitary Formations

Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 18 4.2.2020. 19:25:10

Sadržaj • Contents


97 Policija / Police
100 Hrvatska vojska / The Croatian Army
119 Mudžahedini / Mujahideen
120 Hrvatske oružane snage / Croatian Armed Forces
128 Jugoslavenska narodna armija / The Yugoslav People’s Army
130/129 Srpska vojska Krajine / The Serbian Army of Krajina
134 Hrvatsko vijeće obrane / Croatian Defense Council
141/140 Armija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine / The Army of the
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
143 Vojska Republike Srpske / The Army of the Republika Srpska


147 Razoružanje Teritorijalne obrane i prestrojavanje Jugoslavenske narodne armije za rat /
Disarming of the Territorial Defense and Gearing up the Yugoslav People’s Army for War
149 Srpska pobuna i hrvatske protumjere / Serb Rebellion and Croatian
151 Pokušaj razoružanja hrvatske policije u siječnju 1991. godine /
Attempt to Disarm the Croatian Police in January 1991
155 Prvi sukobi / First Engagements
161 Od proglašenja hrvatske neovisnosti do rata za vojarne /
From the Declaration of Croatian Independence to the War for the Barracks
164 Reakcije na rat u Hrvatskoj / Reactions to the War in Croatia

Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 19 4.2.2020. 19:25:10

Sadržaj • Contents


198 Zapadna Hercegovina / Western Herzegovina


213 Oslobodilački pothvati hrvatskih snaga / Offensive Operations of
the Croatian Armed Forces
214 Velebit / Velebit
214 Nos Kalik / Nos Kalik
215 Baranja / Baranja
216/215 Zadar (Podgradina i Križ) / Zadar (Podgradina and Križ)
216 Miljevački plato / The Miljevci Plateau
217 Razoružanje Srba u Gorskom kotaru / The Disarmament of the Serbs in Gorski Kotar
233 Kupres i Šuica / Kupres and Šuica

Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 20 4.2.2020. 19:25:10

Sadržaj • Contents

235 Livno / Livno

237 Mostar i Čapljina / Mostar and Čapljina
239 Travanjska ofenziva 4. vojne oblasti JNA / April Offensive Launched by
the 4th Military District of the JNA
242 Prodor HV-a u istočnu Hercegovinu i deblokada Dubrovnika /
HV’s Advance into Easter Herzegovina and Lifting the Siege of Dubrovnik
244/243 Operacija Čagalj i borbe za Mostar / Operation Jackal and Battles for Mostar
248 Osiguranje zaleđa Dubrovnika i operacija Tigar /
Securing Dubrovnik’s Hinterland and Operation Tiger
249 Operacija Oslobođena zemlja / Operation Liberated Land
249 Protuudar Hercegovačkoga korpusa u kolovozu 1992. godine /
Herzegovina Corps’s Counterattack in August 1992 186
250 Oslobađanje Konavala i zaleđa Dubrovnika / Liberation of Konavle
and Dubrovnik’s Hinterland
251 Operacija Bura / Operation Bura
260 Bugojno i Gornji Vakuf / Uskoplje / Bugojno and Gornji Vakuf
264 Jajce – operacija Vrbas-92 / Jajce – Operation Vrbas-92
266/267 Dolina Lašve i Zenica / Lašva Valley and Zenica
270 Usora – Žepče – Maglaj / Usora – Žepče – Maglaj
273 Kakanj i Vareš / Kakanj and Vareš
274 Fojnica – Kiseljak – Kreševo / Fojnica – Kiseljak – Kreševo
277 Početne borbe / First battles
279 Operacija Koridor / Operation Koridor
286 Oslobađanje brane Peruče / Liberation of Peruča dam
289 BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA 1993. – 1994. GODINE /
296 Gornji Vakuf / Uskoplje / Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje
299 Lašvanska dolina / Lašva Valley
304 Konjic – Jablanica / Konjic – Jablanica

Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 21 4.2.2020. 19:25:10

Sadržaj • Contents

311 Mostar / Mostar

322 Čapljina – Stolac / Čapljina – Stolac
324 Borbe u travnju 1993. godine / Fighting in April 1993
332 Travnik i Novi Travnik / Travnik and Novi Travnik
336 Kakanj / Kakanj
337 Dolina Lepenice / Lepenica Valley
341 Vareš / Vareš
344 Dolina Lašve / Lašva Valley
349 Žepče / Žepče
353 Sarajevo, Tuzla, Usora / Sarajevo, Tuzla, Usora
355 Bugojno / Bugojno
357 Uskoplje (Gornji Vakuf) / Uskoplje (Gornji Vakuf)
363 Rama / Rama
370 SRPSKI DIO RATA 1993. – 1994. GODINE / SERB PERSPECTIVE 1993 – 1994


378 Zagrebački sporazum / Zagreb Agreement
378 Gospodarski sporazum / Economic Agreement
379 Stanje na pobunjenom području / The Situation in the Rebel Areas

Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 22 4.2.2020. 19:25:10

Sadržaj • Contents


396 Srebrenica i Žepa / Srebrenica and Žepa
402 Srpske reakcije na Ljeto-95 / Serb Reactions to Summer-95
404 Politička priprema Oluje / Political Preparations for Operation Storm
410 Borbe u jugozapadnoj Bosni do kraja kolovoza 1995. /
Battles in Southwest Bosnia until August 1995
411 Masakr na tržnici Markale i operacija Deliberate force /
Massacre at the Markale market and Operation Deliberate force
415 Napadne operacije ARBIH i protunapad VRS-a u zapadnoj Bosni /
ARBIH’s Offensive Operations and VRS’s Counterattack in Western Bosnia





Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 23 4.2.2020. 19:25:10



Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 24 4.2.2020. 19:25:10

Uvodna napomena • Author’s preface

Ovo je knjiga o vojnoj povijesti Hrvatske i Hrvata u This book is a work of military history about the Re-
Domovinskom ratu 1990. – 1995. godine. Temelji se na public of Croatia and the Croats as a nation during the
mojoj monografiji Domovinski rat iz 2016. godine, koja Croatian War of Independence 1990-1995. It is based on
je dijelom skraćena, ali i na par mjesta dopunjena novim my book entitled Domovinski rat (The Croatian War of In-
podacima, kao i ispravcima grešaka i propusta. Za ovu dependence), published in 2016. This work is broader in
prigodu tekst je prilagođen zahtjevu za utemeljenim scope and detail than Domovinski rat. Certain facts pro-
osvrtom na rat u Bosni i Hercegovini, s posebnim na- vided in Domovinski rat were wrong and/or incomplete
glaskom na rat Hrvata i Muslimana (Bošnjaka) od 1992. and I remedied those errors in this book. On the other
do 1994. godine. Sukobi u ostatku Bosne i Hercegov- hand, some information contained in Domovinski rat
ine prikazani su u kratkim crtama jer bez njih stanje na did not make it into the narrative of this book because
ratištu ne bi bilo potpuno, a izostao bi i kontekst nužan the main focus of this work is on the war in Bosnia and
za razumijevanje rata i na teritoriju Hrvatske. Politič- Herzegovina with special emphasis on the Muslim-Cro-
ki pregled dan je u uvodu u najkraćim mogućim crta- at conflict in Bosnia from 1992 to 1994. The battles in
ma, taman toliko da omogući praćenje i razumijevanje the other parts of the theater are dealt with only briefly
stanja na ratištu. Knjiga je utemeljena uglavnom na but in sufficient detail so as to help the reader put the
dokumentima sukobljenih strana. Značajan dio tih do- main thrust of the narrative into its proper context. For
kumenata dostupan je na stranicama Međunarodnog that reason I decided also to include a short overview of
kaznenog suda za bivšu Jugoslaviju u Haagu (ICTY). the political events underlying the developments on the
Kada je u pitanju rat Hrvata i Muslimana, glavni izvor battlefield in the first part of the book.
bila je web stranica generala Slobodana Praljka, koja je The narrative is based, for the most part, on docu-
postojala do rujna 2018. godine i na kojoj je bilo više od ments written by both warring parties. A fair portion of
100 tisuća dokumenata. U vrijeme pisanja knjige oko 90 these documents is available on the website of the ICTY.
posto korištenih dokumenata bilo je dostupno putem I also used General Praljak’s website as my main source
Interneta. Korištena je literatura svih sukobljenih strana, for the Muslim-Croat conflict. The website, I think it is
a prevladava ona koja je pisana na dokumentima ili je worth pointing out, existed until September, 2018, and
memoarskog karaktera. contained more than 100,000 documents. About 90% of
Knjiga je pisana kronološki i tematski, s trajnim nas- the documents I used as sources while writing this book
tojanjem da, gdje god je to bilo moguće, pomirim ta dva were available on the Internet. I focused mostly on offi-
zahtjeva. Kronološki je podijeljena na temelju zbivanja u cial documentation and memoirs.
Hrvatskoj, koja su relevantna i za Hrvate u BiH. The narrative of this book is chronological but di-
Sadržaj knjige preveden je i na engleski jezik, no vided into thematic categories. I tried to reconcile, as
tekst na engleskom jeziku je bez znanstvenog aparata much as possible, the conflicting demands of the two
koji je zadržan na hrvatskom jeziku i lako se može prov- concepts. The narrative also chronologically follows the
jeriti. Izuzetak su samo citati za koje su ostavljene pov- events in Croatia relevant with regard to Bosnian Croats.
eznice prema izvorima, odnosno literaturi. Namjera je To save space the footnotes citing sources have
da čitatelj dobije informaciju o uzroku raspada SFRJ te been omitted in the English version of the book (most
uvid u tijek događaja u RH i, malo detaljnije, u BiH, a da of the sources are not in the English language).    The
pritom može razumjeti što se dogodilo na kojem bojištu, footnotes directly explaining and clarifying the issues in
bez da ga se optereti detaljima. question are retained in the English text. Also, a number
Na kraju jedna metodološka napomena. Nastojao of such footnotes were added in the English text for the
sam što više koristiti izvornu terminologiju sukobljenih purpose of clarifying certain issues the readers in the En-
strana. Naziv Muslimani koristim za razdoblje do prol- glish speaking world may not be familiar with.
jeća 1994., do donošenja Ustava Federacije Bosne i Her- Wherever I could I adopted the original terminology
cegovine, kojim je zakonski sankcionirana promjena u used by the Croats and the Muslims/Bosniaks during the
ime Bošnjaci. war. I use the term Muslims for the period until spring,
1994, when the Constitution of the Federation of BiH
Davor Marijan was passed and by which the ethnic Muslims were des-
ignated as Bosniaks.

Davor Marijan


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 25 4.2.2020. 19:25:10

)EA.A~ ~dPoA.
]EA.MA Bo(bA
]EiH A APJf€dsd
Srpski plakat: „Jedan narod, jedna volja, jedna država”; na rubovima „cvijeta” ispisani su gradovi u
Hrvatskoj i BiH koje je srpska osvajačka politika željela pripojiti „Velikoj Srbiji” (Beli Manastir, Petrinja,
Knin, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Trebinje...).

Serbian poster: “One people, one will, one state”; along the margins of the “flower” are the names of
towns in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to be annexed to “Greater Serbia” (Beli Manastir, Petrin-
ja, Knin, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Trebinje...).

Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 26 4.2.2020. 19:25:34


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 27 4.2.2020. 19:25:34

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Petrosani 0
100 Kilometers

1 100 ~iles
~ otenza.
Ptolemais "

Socijalistička Federativna Republika Jugoslavija (SFRJ).

Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY).


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 28 4.2.2020. 19:25:35

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Kriza i raspad Jugoslavije Crisis and Break-up of Yugoslavia

U svibnju 1980. umro je Josip Broz Tito, partijski i po- Josip Broz Tito, party leader, President of the Social-
litički čelnik Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugosla- ist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) and com-
vije (SFRJ) i vojni zapovjednik Jugoslavenske narodne ar- mander-in-chief of the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA),
mije (JNA). Njegova je smrt lišila Jugoslaviju najvažnijega died in May, 1980. The SFRY was being kept together by
integrativnog čimbenika. Druga dva integrativna čimbe- a combination of three cohesive factors; the main factor
nika, Savez komunista Jugoslavije (SKJ odnosno Partija) i was Josip Broz Tito himself, and the other two, not as
JNA, 1980-ih izgubila su to obilježje. Partija se raspala na pivotal but no less important for that, were the League
republičke saveze, a JNA se priklonila Srbiji, čija je vojska of Communists of Yugoslavia (the Party) and the JNA.
de facto postala najkasnije u srpnju 1991. godine. Shortly after Tito’s death, during the 1980s, the former
U završnoj fazi postojanja Jugoslavija se sastojala od disintegrated into republic leagues of Communists and
šest socijalističkih republika: Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH), the latter overtly sided with Serbia. By July, 1991, the
Crne Gore, Hrvatske, Makedonije, Slovenije i Srbije, dviju JNA had become, for all intents and purposes, the army
socijalističkih autonomnih pokrajina: Kosova i Vojvodine of Serbia.
u sastavu Srbije, koje su imale status republika, i JNA kao Yugoslavia, in its terminal phase, consisted of six
općejugoslavenske institucije. Zbog brojnih aktera ras- socialist republics: Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Mon-
pad Jugoslavije bio je složen i trajao je godinama. tenegro, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia, two
Jugoslavija se raspala u nekoliko ratova, od kojih su socialist autonomous provinces: Kosovo and Vojvodina,
dva – u Hrvatskoj i BiH – povezana i na ratištu koje je mo- enjoying the status of full-fledged republics but existing
guće odvojiti samo političkim stajalištima. Prema ta dva as part of Serbia, and the JNA as a universal Yugoslav in-
rata sukob u Sloveniji doima se kao puškaranje, te nisu stitution. The process of the dissolution of the SFRY was
rijetka mišljenja da je to bila srpsko-slovenska predstava complex and lasted for years, which is not surprising in
na račun JNA i način da Slovenija brzo iziđe iz Jugoslavije. light of the fact that Yugoslavia was a conglomeration of
Prvi vjesnik raspada Jugoslavije bila je gospodarska various disparate ethnic groups, nationalities and polit-
kriza, koja je bila logičan odraz jugoslavenske dogovorne ical aspirations.
ekonomije. Kriza je počela u drugoj polovini 1970-ih, a The origins of the break-up of Yugoslavia lie in a
krajem 1983. vanjski dug Jugoslavije narastao je na 20 mi- myriad of determining factors, but the direct cause of
lijardi i 501 milijun dolara, učinivši ju jednom od najzadu- the country’s demise was a series of wars, two of which
ženijih zemalja svijeta. Godinu poslije broj nezaposlenih – the one in Croatia and the other in Bosnia and Her-
prešao je milijun. Stopa nezaposlenosti nije bila svugdje zegovina – were connected in terms of geography and
ista: najveća je bila na Kosovu (24 %), a najmanja u Slo- military operations but separate from a strictly political
veniji (1,4 %). Prosječan osobni dohodak iz 1985. inflacija perspective. In comparison to these two wars, the war
je vratila na razinu koju je SFRJ imala 1967. godine. Tek je in Slovenia can be seen as a short skirmish. There exists
1989. i početkom 1990. savezni premijer Ante Marković a body of expert opinion according to which the war in
konvertibilnim dinarom nakratko zaustavio gospodarsku Slovenia was nothing but a sham staged by Slovenia
krizu, i to, kako su tvrdili neki u Hrvatskoj, na njezin račun.2 and Serbia for the purpose of providing a pretext to Slo-
venia to secede from Yugoslavia relatively painlessly and
2 Branko PETRANOVIĆ, Istorija Jugoslavije 1918–1988, giving justification to the JNA for vacating the country,
knjiga 3, Nolit, Beograd, 1988., 445; Vladimir GOATI, Po- also relatively painlessly.
litička anatomija jugoslovenskog društva, Naprijed, Za- The initial harbinger of the inevitable break-up of
greb, 1989., 21; Branimir LOKIN, Razbijene iluzije: gospo-
darski uzroci pada velikosrpskog projekta, AGM, Zagreb, the SFRY was the economic crisis that started in the sec-
1995., 12-13. ond half of the 1970s. The crisis came about as a direct


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 29 4.2.2020. 19:25:35

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Uz gospodarsku krizu, Jugoslaviji se 1981. dogodi- result of the Yugoslav consensus economics. By the end
la i pobuna Albanaca na Kosovu, koja je Partiju grubo of 1983, Yugoslavia’s external debt had grown to 20.5
podsjetila na to da nacionalno pitanje nije riješeno, billion dollars. At that time, Yugoslavia was one of the
napose ne onako kako se proklamiralo po svršetku most indebted countries in the world. By the following
Drugoga svjetskog rata. Zahvaljujući angažmanu JNA, year, the number of unemployed persons in the country
albanska pobuna nije uspjela, a srpska ju je intelektu- had risen to over one million. However, the unemploy-
alna i znanstvena elita iskoristila da ponovno inicira ment rate was not the same in all parts of the country:
pitanje položaja Srbije u Jugoslaviji, odnosno pokuša the highest unemployment rate was in Kosovo (24%)
ograničiti autonomiju pokrajina i promijeniti Ustav iz and the lowest in Slovenia (1.4%). The inflation reversed
1974. godine.3 Položaj Srba na Kosovu srpska je poli- the average income (1985) to the level it had been at in
tička, crkvena, kulturna i znanstvena elita iskoristila za 1967. Only during 1989 and at the beginning of 1990
homogenizaciju Srba i većega dijela pravoslavnoga was Yugoslav Prime Minister Ante Marković able to tem-
stanovništva u Jugoslaviji. Iz tih je krugova lansirana porarily halt the rampaging economic crisis by introduc-
teza da se Srbima na Kosovu događa genocid, kao i ing the convertible dinar. Some commentators in Croa-
da je Srbija u Jugoslaviji neravnopravna u odnosu na tia claimed that this short-lived economic success was
ostale republike.4 achieved at the direct expense of Croatia.
Tvrdnje o ugroženosti i neravnopravnosti Srbije The economic crisis was not the only calamity that
izložene su u Memorandumu, nedovršenom rukopi- hit Yugoslavia during the 1980s: in 1981 the Albanians
su Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti objavljenom in Kosovo rose in revolt. The revolt rudely reminded the
1986. godine. Memorandum je u prvom dijelu uglav- Party that the national issue in Yugoslavia was far from
nom bio utemeljena kritika jugoslavenskoga društva resolved, contrary to what state propaganda had been
i SKJ. Osnovni je ton žal za jakom državom od koje se leading the citizens to believe ever since the end of
odustalo 1965. godine. No u drugom je dijelu utvrđe- WWII. The JNA duly reacted and crushed the revolt. The
no da je Srbija najveća žrtva socijalističke Jugoslavije, Serbian political and academic elites, at the same time,
da ona jedina u “novoj Jugoslaviji nema svoju državu” i took advantage of the situation and used the revolt as a
da se gori povijesni “poraz u miru ne da […] zamisliti”. pretext to re-initiate the question of the position of Serbs
Pored Kosova, i Hrvatska je spomenuta, bez osjećaja in Yugoslavia with the explicit aim of curbing Kosovo’s
za realnost i činjenice, kao područje na kojem su Srbi and Vojvodina’s autonomy and changing the Yugoslav
diskriminirani, i to – s iznimkom Nezavisne Države Constitution of 1974. The Serbian political, ecclesiastical,
Hrvatske – “nikada u prošlosti […] koliko su danas”. cultural and academic elites used the situation in Koso-
Hrvatska i Slovenija posebno su prozvane da su zado- vo to homogenize the Serbs and most of the population
voljne postojećim stanjem, što se dokazivalo tvrdnjom subscribing to Orthodox Christianity in Yugoslavia. The
o njihovoj odlučnosti kojom se “danas suprotstavljaju leading lights of Serbia proclaimed that genocide was
svakoj ustavnoj promeni”.5 Premda je srbijanski politič- being perpetrated against the Kosovo Serbs and that
ki vrh verbalno osudio Memorandum i njegove tvorce, Serbia did not enjoy equal status in comparison to the
osuda nije dugo trajala.6 Memorandum je pak ostvario other constituent republics of the SFRY.
These claims were also espoused in the Memoran-
3 Dušan BILANDŽIĆ, Hrvatska moderna povijest, Golden dum, a draft manuscript of the Serbian Academy of Sci-
marketing, Zagreb, 1999., 675, 676, 726-732. ences and Arts published in 1986. The first part of the
4 Radmila RADIĆ, “Crkva i ‘srpsko pitanje’”, u: Srpska strana Memorandum consisted of a critique, for the most part
rata, Republika, Beograd, 1996., 269-288; Olivera MI- justified, of Yugoslav society and the Party. The tenor
LOSAVLJEVIĆ, “Zloupotreba autoriteta nauke”, u: Srpska of the text is one of a lament for the strong state that
strana rata, 305-322; Dušan PAVLOVIĆ, Akteri i modeli. was discontinued in 1965. But, the mainstay of the text
Ogledi o politici u Srbiji pod Miloševićem, Samizdat B92,
Beograd, 2001., 124-152. is its second part, in which the authors assert that Ser-
5 “Memorandum SANU”, Naše teme, 33 (1-2), Zagreb,
bia fell victim to Socialist Yugoslavia and that Serbia “is
1989., 128-163. the only republic in the new country that cannot be
6 O. MILOSAVLJEVIĆ, “Zloupotreba autoriteta nauke”, called a state” and that “the very existence of the new
314-316. Yugoslavia means that Serbia has been utterly defeat-


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 30 4.2.2020. 19:25:35

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

C11 e;111, 2•t . ce11T C)1Gap l!l Rfi . 1111J !' WII H (;,\llt.T
C. t<.) U IU TIIIII! 1- 1..0•
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ed”. Kosovo is often mentioned in the text, as is Croatia.
),, U A T , 10 ·1.\ l\~ I II
J\ IIOCt<.>U.1 . ,11,•
The authors claim, with obvious and utter disregard for
nf,ciw. historic facts, that Serbs are discriminated against in
Y Pt3tP6H
• , ......... , ... u
Kosovo and Croatia and “that never before in history,
,.w ,.-_..,~,. .,•.
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with the possible exception during the existence of the

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Independent State of Croatia (NDH), have Serbs been

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.. . ·•n , r"""'
t- " '
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It • , rJ•\ u, u
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so discriminated against”. The pace of accusations in
the text leveled at Slovenia and Croatia does not let up;
the authors complain that both republics are satisfied
lll 'f!\ ll!'T!\ !\ IIITA lll'Elll'T ,\I! ,\ II ,\ !ll'T ~1E,IOl'!\ ll ,"l)'.'1 A KO :,HI C l'IJ E
Ci' l !C i\. 1·'. .Hi. !\ ) l E.\IIIJf: JI .-\YK A II ~·:\t l-'. J'II OCT l1 0 C'ri\ 11, Y ,\ I J ~T OC."1.\-
with the existing situation and ground the grievance
in the assertion that Slovenia and Croatia “resist any
change in the Constitution” The political leadership
l? ,1.R.\ CY 1;.\PJt\l:A no.u KOJ1::,1A AY"'.'OPII H,\UP'L\ :-.1r.,:oP,\IUlY:.!A 110-3 1!-
8 ,\JJ II:\ OTU.\ P.\11,E 0 1 1!1JY· n:;t,\ 11 Jr. H.".U!1011:\:ll! J.n1. .i.1.P~'Tll )JI>· of Serbia criticized the Memorandum and its creators,
iKABi\. A CH E 3AH'.j{HO 3U Y 1 1H KA O HOD! ! fl 0311B IL\ 1;r.\1 OYG ll:J.\ 111-
TBO 11 IL\ HOUO n ro.'1 :18 \l hE KPBI I e Cl'l ' .\11 :\ t .
but only in a lukewarm and inconsistent manner. The
Memorandum had achieved its purpose though – dis-
cussions about and resultant initiatives regarding the
Naslovnica Večernjih novosti (Beograd, 24. rujna 1986.); komen-
tar novinara pod naslovom „Ponuda beznađa”: „Dva su barjaka
issue of the position of Serbia within the Yugoslav fed-
pod kojima autori nacrta Memoranduma pozivaju na otvaranje eration had moved from the academic and political
očiju: jedan je nacionalizam, drugi država, a sve zajedno zvuči kao sphere into the arena of daily politics marred as it was,
novi poziv na bratoubilaštvo i na novo prolivanje krvi.”
and still is, by incompetence and sensationalism.
The front page of Večernje novosti (Evening news; Belgrade, Presenting the Constitution of 1974 as the main
September 24 1986 issue); the byline’s comment entitled “The culprit for the economic crisis resulted, in 1987, in many
Hopelessness Bid”. The long subtitle reads: “The authors of the
draft Memorandum issue, under two banners, a call to people to
public debates about amending the Constitution and
open their eyes: one banner represents nationalism and the oth- about altering the governing dynamic between the fed-
er the state. It all sounds like an incitement to commit bloodshed eral state and constituent republics. Serbia was in favor
and fratricide.”
of a more centralized type of governance, but Vojvodi-
na opposed that point of view. This discord reached its
height in the first half of 1988. The Serbian political elites
had already started working hard to force Vojvodina into
svoju svrhu – pitanje položaja Srbije spustio je iz poli- conforming to their political agenda. In February, 1986,
tičke i znanstvene sfere u medije i dnevnu politiku. the Serbian political elites started organizing rallies
Prozivanje Ustava iz 1974. kao glavnoga krivca za dubbed “rallies of solidarity” popularly known as “hap-
krizu otvorilo je 1987. rasprave o ustavnim promjenama penings of the people” or “rallies of truth”. It is safe to say
i pitanje preraspodjele vlasti između savezne države i that the individual who benefited the most from the ral-
republika. U vezi s centralizacijom najveći je raskorak lies was Slobodan Milošević, at that time the President
bio između Srbije i Vojvodine, što je dosegnulo vrhunac of the League of Communists of Serbia. His rapid rise to
u prvoj polovini 1988. godine. Nesuglasje republike i power began on April 24, 1987, in the village of Kosovo
pokrajina srpska je politička elita riješila politikom ulice, Polje, when he calmed down the Kosovo Serbs attend-
demonstracijama zvanim „mitinzima solidarnosti“ (spo- ing the rally there by promising to institute changes.
minju se i kao “mitinzi istine” ili “događanja naroda”). Riding the wave of Serbian nationalism, Milošević re-
Mitinzima se okoristio predsjednik Saveza komunista morselessly dealt with his erstwhile friend and political
Srbije, pravnik Slobodan Milošević. Njegov munjeviti mentor, Ivan Stambolić, President of the Presidency of
uspon počeo je 24. travnja 1987. u Kosovu Polju, kada je the Socialist Republic of Serbia, at the 8th Plenary Session
smirio prosvjede kosovskih Srba i obećao promjene. Na of the Central Committee of the League of Communists
valu srpskoga nacionalizma Milošević se u rujnu 1987. of Serbia in September, 1987. Thus, Slobodan Milošević
na 8. sjednici Saveza komunista Srbije nemilosrdno ri- became the most powerful politician in Serbia. For the
ješio prijatelja i političkoga mentora Ivana Stambolića, first time in Yugoslav political history a man not belong-
predsjednika Predsjedništva Socijalističke Republike ing to the WWII generation of Yugoslav politicians, but


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 31 4.2.2020. 19:25:35

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

„Antibirokratska revolucija“ - srpski mitinzi u Vojvodini i na Ušću

u Beogradu, 19. studenoga 1988. (autor fotografija: Renato

“Anti-bureaucratic revolution” - Serbian rallies in Vojvodina and

at Ušće in Belgrade, November 19, 1988 (Photographs by Renato
(SR) Srbije. Postao je najmoćniji političar Srbije, ujedno whose political clout matched theirs, had stepped into
prvi doista jak političar koji nije bio pripadnik ratne ge- the political arena.
neracije jugoslavenskih komunista.7 Milošević brought down the leadership of Vojvodi-
Milošević je čelništvo Vojvodine srušio u listopadu na in October, 1988. This success came about as a direct
1988. uz pomoć kosovskih Srba na “mitinzima istine” i “jo- result of the “meetings of truth”’ and “yogurt revolution”.
gurt-revolucijom”.8 Na isti način, ali iz drugog pokušaja, He also, using the same means, got rid of the leadership
u siječnju 1989. riješio se rukovodstva Crne Gore. Izvoz of Montenegro in January, 1989. This exporting of the
“antibirokratske revolucije” u drugu republiku izazvao je “anti-bureaucratic revolution” to another republic pro-
negativne reakcije u ostalim republikama i odlučnost di- voked an outcry in the other republics. Some political
jela njih da se obrane od srpskoga nacionalizma.9 leaders in the other republics decided to resist Serbian
Nakon pacifikacije Vojvodine i Crne Gore Srbija se nationalism.
okrenula prema Kosovu. Uz potporu tenkova JNA, 28. Having pacified Vojvodina and Montenegro, Serbia
turned its attention toward to Kosovo. On March 28,
1989, JNA tanks rolled down the streets of Belgrade. This
7 Laura SILBER, Allan LITTLE, Smrt Jugoslavije, Otokar Ker-
šovani, Opatija, 1996., 24-35; Dejan JOVIĆ, Jugoslavija: show of force went a long way towards ensuring that
država koja je odumrla, Prometej, Zagreb, 2003., 371- a number of amendments to the Serbian Constitution
417; Olivera MILOSAVLJEVIĆ, “Antibirokratska revolucija be made. The amendments in question seriously curbed
1987. – 1989. godine”, Dijalog povjesničara/istoričara 8, the autonomy of Vojvodina and Kosovo. The Serbian
Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, Zagreb, 2004., 324-329.
question in Serbia had been solved. Next on the agen-
8 D. JOVIĆ, Jugoslavija: država koja je odumrla, 419-423. da was the issue of the Serbs living outside Serbia, most
9 Raif DIZDAREVIĆ, Od smrti Tita do smrti Jugoslavije: sjeća- notably in Croatia. A short time later those Serbs living
nja, Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 2000., 220-224, 293-298; Olivera
MILOSAVLJEVIĆ, “Jugoslavija kao zabluda”, u: Srpska stra-
in Bosnia and Herzegovina were also put on the agen-
na rata, 79. da. The intention to accomplish this political goal was


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 32 4.2.2020. 19:25:36

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

ožujka 1989. u Beogradu su proglašeni amandmani na actually announced on June 22, 1989, when the Serbi-
Ustav SR Srbije, koji su znatno ograničili autonomnost an political leadership stated that “parts of the Serbian
Vojvodine i Kosova.10 Srpsko pitanje u Srbiji bilo je rije- nation living outside Serbia need to enjoy the right to
šeno. Na dnevni je red stavljen položaj Srba izvan Srbije, self-affirmation and to preserve their national and tradi-
najprije u Hrvatskoj, a malo poslije i u BiH. To je najav- tional characteristics, as well as their national identity”.
ljeno 22. lipnja 1989. izjavom srpskoga političkog ruko- Up until that moment, Serbia had been able to play the
vodstva da “dijelovi srpskog naroda izvan Srbije moraju equality card. That gambit was now no longer a viable
imati pravo na punu nacionalnu afirmaciju, te na oču- option because Serbia had retained the votes of the
vanje nacionalnih i tradicionalnih osobina, kao i naci- provinces in the Presidency of the SFRY – Serbia now
onalnog identiteta”.11 Sve do tada Srbija je mogla igrati had three votes in the Presidency and it could always
na kartu ravnopravnosti, no nakon toga više ne, napose count on Montenegro to provide a fourth.
jer je zadržala glasove pokrajina, pa je u Predsjedništvu The political leaders of Slovenia were the first poli-
SFRJ imala tri, a s Crnom Gorom i četiri glasa. ticians in Yugoslavia who recognized the danger Serbi-
Slovenija je prva u srpskom nacionalizmu prepo- an nationalism posed both to their republic and to the
znala opasnost za sebe i Jugoslaviju uređenu po Usta- Constitution of 1974. In January, 1987, the Ljubljana
vu iz 1974. godine. U siječnju 1987. ljubljanski časopis journal Nova Revija published a special issue devoted
Nova revija objavio je poseban broj posvećen sloven- to the Slovenian National Program. The central theme
skomu nacionalnom programu. Temeljna misao bila je of the special issue was the necessity of Slovenian inde-
neovisnost Slovenije jer se, s pravom, nije vjerovalo da pendence because of the inherent inability of Yugosla-
je moguća modernizacija Jugoslavije. Time su u manje via to modernize its institutions. In less than 12 months
od godinu dana političke elite Srbije i Slovenije osporile the political elites of Serbia and Slovenia had effectively
Jugoslaviju. Povod za osporavanje bio je osjetno dru- condemned Yugoslavia. However, the Slovenes’ motives
gačiji kod Slovenaca: oni, za razliku od Srba, krivca za for doing that differed from those of their Serbian coun-
svoj položaj nisu vidjeli u drugim jugoslavenskim naci- terparts. The Slovenes, unlike the Serbs, did not blame
jama nego u karakteru sustava, i drugo, njihovo je os- other Yugoslav nations for the disastrous situation the
poravanje bilo individualno, a ne institucionalno.12 Tako country was in; they recognized the cause of all the
je počelo slovensko proljeće, čiji je vrhunac bio sukob country’s woes in the character of the system. Also, the
slovenske omladinske organizacije s JNA poznat kao Slovenes’ condemnation of Yugoslavia was proclaimed
napad na općenarodnu obrambenu koncepciju i oruža- in an individual context, not an institutional one. The
ne snage. Krajem 1989. Slovenija je proglasila ustavne Slovenian Spring was underway. The Slovenian Spring
amandmane kojima je omogućen prijelaz iz socijalistič- reached its culmination when Slovenia’s Youth Organi-
koga na tržišno gospodarstvo i iz partijskoga sustava u zation criticized publically the JNA.1 This public criticism
višestranačku demokraciju, ali i da se po volji združuje was characterized by the Yugoslav authorities as an at-
ili razdružuje s drugim državama. Premda je prijetila, tack on the Yugoslav armed forces and the concept of
JNA nije intervenirala u Sloveniji.13 general people’s defense. At the end of 1989 Slovenia
Posljednji i najopasniji akter jugoslavenske krize made amendments to the Constitution that made pos-
bila je JNA. Ona je krajem 1988. prema planu Jedinstvo sible a shift from socialist to market economy and a shift
from one-party system of government to multiparty de-
mocracy. Also, the amendments gave Slovenia the right
10 Odluka o proglašenju amandmana IX do XLIX na Ustav to join with or dissociate itself from other states. The JNA
Socijalističke Republike Srbije, Službeni glasnik Socijali- duly engaged in saber-rattling, but did not intervene.
stičke Republike Srbije, 28. 3. 1989.
The JNA was the most dangerous factor in the Yugo-
11 D. JOVIĆ, Jugoslavija, 460. slav crisis. The JNA, at the end of 1988, according to the
12 Isto, 429-442; O. MILOSAVLJEVIĆ, “Jugoslavija kao zablu- plan Jedinstvo (Unity), changed its military and territori-
da”, 62-74.
al organization – Armies were replaced with Military Dis-
13 Borisav JOVIĆ, Poslednji dani SFRJ: izvodi iz dnevnika, Po-
litika, Beograd, 1995., 46-58; Božo REPE, Jutri je nov dan:
Slovenci in razpad Jugoslavije, Modrijan, Ljubljana, 2002., 1 This was the first time sicne the creation of Communist
177, 212-226. Yugoslavia in 1945 that the JNA was publically criticized.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

prešla na vojno-teritorijalnu organizaciju u kojoj su tricts, and Territorial Defense, contrary to the Constitu-
armije zamijenjene vojištima odnosno vojnim (vojno- tion, was subordinated to JNA commands. The JNA and
pomorskim) oblastima, a Teritorijalna je obrana (TO), its political backers had lobbied for this restructuring for
suprotno ustavnim odredbama, podređena zapovjed- a long period of time. Now, finally, they got their way.
ništvima JNA. Preustroj je prihvaćen nakon dugotraj- Up until 1989 Croatia had been a silent observer
nog lobiranja JNA i njezinih političkih saveznika.14 of the events. This passive stance of the Croatian poli-
Hrvatska je do 1989. bila šutljivi promatrač krize, ticians during this particular period is popularly known
zbog čega se o njezinoj politici iz tog razdoblja govori as “Croatian silence”. Only in 1989, prompted by repeat-
kao o vremenu “hrvatske šutnje”. Tek se 1989., na učestale ed Serbian transgressions, did the leadership of Croatia
pritiske iz Srbije, vladajuća nomenklatura stidljivo pokre- slowly wake up from its long and deep political slumber.
nula iz dugogodišnjega političkog sna. No bilo je kasno But, it was already too late for the Croatian leadership.
za promjene – nova politička strujanja pokazala su se New political groups in Croatia were far more efficient
poduzetnijima. Bila su moguća jer je komunizam krajem and active. The appearance of these groups in the po-
1980-ih potpuno nenadano doživio svjetski slom. Njego- litical landscape of Croatia was facilitated by the break-
va propast otvorila je prostor za restauraciju kapitalizma i up of the Soviet Union and the collapse of Communism
demokratizaciju zemalja koje su do tada bile dio sustava in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s. The countries of the
Saveza Sovjetskih Socijalističkih Republika (SSSR) ili su, former Soviet Bloc, or Communist countries outside the
poput Albanije i Jugoslavije, bile izvan toga bloka. bloc, like Yugoslavia and Albania, were free to restruc-
ture their economies and adopt democracy.
Demokratski izbori u Hrvatskoj i
proglašenje neovisnosti Democratic Elections in Croatia and
Declaration of Independence
Promjene na svjetskoj političkoj sceni bile su poticaj
za političke promjene u zapadnim dijelovima Jugoslavi- The changes in the global political arena served as
je. Novo vrijeme najavljeno je na samom početku 1990. an incentive to bring about political changes in the west-
raspadom SKJ na 14. kongresu u Beogradu. Otvoreno je ern part of Yugoslavia. At the beginning of 1990, the
polje za djelovanje novih političkih snaga. Među mno- Party split up at the 14th Extraordinary Congress of the
gobrojnim strankama koje su se pojavile na hrvatskoj League of Communists of Yugoslavia. The split-up her-
političkoj sceni bila je i Hrvatska demokratska zajednica alded a new political era in Yugoslavia. The playing field
(HDZ), s političkom platformom nacionalnoga pomi- was open for new political groups and parties. Many par-
renja. Jedan je suvremenik primijetio da u HDZ-u vidi ties appeared on the Croatian political scene and among
“dijapazon tendencija od lijevog populističkog kolekti- them was the Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica (the Cro-
vizma do konzervativne desnice. Ima tu i demokršćana atian Democratic Union, [HDZ]). The political platform of
i liberala, nacionalkomunista i integralnih nacionalista, the HDZ was national reconciliation. One commentator
socijalista i torijevaca, katolika i laicista”.15 Takva je mje- at the time observed that he saw in the HDZ “a spectrum
šavina HDZ činila pokretom, a ne strankom. of tendencies ranging from left populist collectivism to
Čelnik HDZ-a bio je povjesničar Franjo Tuđman. Do the conservative right. Demochristians and liberals are
kraja 1960-ih bio je tipičan primjer pripadnika povla- there, also national communists and integral national-
štene komunističke elite. Bio je mladi sudionik Drugog ists, socialists, Tories, Catholics and laicists.” This incred-
svjetskog rata na strani partizana, poslijeratni general ible mix meant that in reality the HDZ was more of a
JNA i partizanski povjesničar. Politički je krenuo od Ra- movement than a political party.
dićeve Hrvatske seljačke stranke, a u ratu se priklonio The leader of the HDZ party was Franjo Tuđman, a
komunističkoj opciji, za koju je duže vrijeme bio uvje- historian by profession. Until the late 1960s he had been
ren da je u sklopu Jugoslavije riješila i hrvatsko pitanje. a typical example of a member of the privileged Com-
munist elite. He had been in Tito’s Partisans during WWII
14 B. MAMULA, Slučaj Jugoslavija, 59-68; D. MARIJAN, Slom and after the war attained the rank of general in the JNA.
Titove armije, 107-123. His first political affiliation was with the Croatian People’s
15 Ivo BANAC, Protiv straha, Slon, Zagreb, 1992., 100. Peasant Party founded by the Radić brothers. When WWII


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Plakat 14. kongresa Saveza komunista Jugoslavije

(SKJ). Zbog nametanja volje delegata iz Srbije i Crne
Gore te ignoriranja i odbijanja svakoga prijedloga del-
egata iz Slovenije, Kongres je 22. siječnja 1990. napus-
tila slovenska, a potom i hrvatska delegacija.

The poster of the 14th Congress of the League of Com-

munists of Yugoslavia (SKJ) The Serbian and Montene-
-.....,. grin delegations forcibly asserted their own positions,

ignoring and refusing every proposal from the Slove-
nian delegation, and on January 22, 1990, the Slove-
nian delegation, followed by the Croatian delegation,
walked out of the Congress.
S K jJ
BJOGRAD, 20-22, 1, 1990
Slom probuđenih nacionalnih težnji izraženih tijekom started, he joined the Communist party. Like many in Yu-
1971. (“Hrvatsko proljeće”) i represija komunističkih vla- goslavia, he believed for a very long time that the League
sti prema Hrvatima riješili su ga iluzije jugoslavenstva. of Communists of Yugoslavia had successfully solved the
Odavao je dojam osobe s misijom, što je nesumnjivo i national issue in the country. The Croats expressed their
bio. Najvažnija je osoba suvremene hrvatske povijesti i dormant desire for political, fiscal and social reform in
državnik koji je osobnim primjerom pokazao što i „mali“ the SFRY through a popular national movement called
narod može napraviti kada vjeruje u sebe i svoje snage. the Croatian Spring. The Communist Party was not
Premda su ga politički protivnici, posebice nakon nje- amused, clamped down hard and stifled the movement
gove smrti, sustavno demonizirali, vrijeme je pokazalo in the bud. The collapse of the Croatian Spring in 1971
da je uz sva formativna ograničenja koja je imao bio permanently cured Franjo Tuđman of the Yugoslav bug.
veći demokrat od svih njih. Vjerovao je u pomirbu i bez He was truly a man on a mission and most people per-
obzira na politička neslaganja spremno je pružao prili- ceived him as such. Franjo Tuđman is undoubtedly the
ku svima koji su željeli sudjelovati u stvaranju neovisne most important figure in the modern history of Croatia.
Hrvatske. Mnogi kojima je on omogućio postkomuni- By his own example he showed what a small and, from a
stičku karijeru to su kasnije „zaboravili“. strictly global and political perspective, insignificant na-
Prvi krug izbora održan je 22. i 23. travnja, a drugi tion could achieve if the citizens believed in themselves
6. svibnja 1990. godine. U oba je većinu glasova dobio and their potential. Tuđman’s political opponents had
HDZ, koji je u Sabor ušao s 205 zastupnika, a drugopla- always been strongly inclined to demonize him. The cho-
sirani Savez komunista Hrvatske – Stranka demokrat- rus of malign defamation reached fever pitch a few years
skih promjena (SKH-SDP) sa samo 73. “Krivac” za izborni after his death. However, history has proved that Franjo
rezultat bili su komunisti, jer su umjesto proporcional- Tuđman was a true democrat, unlike most of his detrac-
noga stvorili većinski izborni sustav kojim su namjera- tors. He believed in national reconciliation and was al-
vali doskočiti ostalim konkurentima. Izgubili su, a HDZ ways ready to bring on board all those committed to the
je profitirao. Tako se dogodilo da za SKH-SDP glasa tre- creation of an independent Croatia, regardless of a given
ćina birača, a da dobije 15 – 20 % saborskih mjesta.16 person’s political affiliation or leanings. Many politicians
U srpnju 1990. amandmanima na Ustav SR Hrvatske who owe their rise to prominence to Tuđman find it con-
sustav je očišćen od socijalističkoga nazivlja i upravne venient nowadays to claim that they suffer from selective
amnesia, at least when it comes to the huge debt they
owe to the first president of the modern state of Croatia.
16 Milan Jajčinović, “Kakav predznak demokraciji”, Danas,
1. 5. 1990., 8; Hrvatska u izborima '90., Naprijed, Zagreb, The first round of elections was held on April 22 and
1991., 202-207. 23, and the second on May 6, 1990. The HDZ won both


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Utemeljen je novi hrvatski Sabor, slavlje na središn-

jem trgu u Zagrebu, glavnom gradu Hrvatske, 30.
svibnja 1990. (autor fotografije: Mario Jareb).
Konstituirajuća sjednica demokratski izabranoga,
višestranačkog Sabora SRH održana je 30. svibnja
1990. godine. Za predsjednika Predsjedništva SRH
izabran je Franjo Tuđman.

Celebration on Ban Jelačić Square, Zagreb, May 30,

1990 (Photograph by Mario Jareb). The democrat-
ic Croatian Parliament was constituted, based on
election results, on May 30, 1990. Franjo Tuđman
was elected President of the Presidency of the So-
cialist Republic of Croatia.
terminologije.17 U Ustavu iz prosinca 1990. Hrvatska je rounds, winning 205 seats. The League of Communists
definirana kao “nacionalna država hrvatskog naroda i of Croatia – Party of Democratic Reform (SKH-SDP) came
država pripadnika inih naroda i manjina, koji su njezini in second, winning only 73 seats. The Croatian Commu-
državljani: Srba, Muslimana, Slovenaca, Čeha, Slovaka, nists had no one to blame but themselves for their poor
Talijana, Mađara, Židova i drugih, kojima se jamči rav- showing in the election. Prior to the election they insist-
nopravnost s građanima hrvatske narodnosti i ostvari- ed on a majority voting system. They figured the system
vanje nacionalnih prava u skladu s demokratskim nor- would ensure them a landslide victory in the elections.
mama OUN i zemalja slobodnog svijeta”.18 They figured wrong and the HDZ benefited immense-
U podjeli dužnosti Tuđman je imenovan na mjesto ly from the blunder. In the event, a third of the voters
predsjednika Predsjedništva, od srpnja 1990. predsjed- actually voted for the SKH-SDP, but the party won only
nika Republike. Dužnost predsjednika Izvršnog vijeća, 15-20% of the seats.
odnosno Vlade Republike Hrvatske dobio je Stjepan In July, 1990, the Constitution of the Republic of
Mesić, a potom u kolovozu iste godine Josip Manolić, Croatia was amended. The amendments purged the
koji je kao i Tuđman bio komunistički kadar iz Drugoga Constitution of socialist nomenclature and administra-
svjetskog rata, koji se borio u partizanima.19 Parlamen- tive terminology. In the December 1990 Constitution
Croatia was defined as “the national state of the Croatian
nation and the state of members of the national minori-
17 Odluka Sabora SRH od 25. 7. 1990. o proglašenju Aman-
ties: Serbs, Muslims, Slovenes, Czechs, Slovaks, Italians,
dmana LXIV. do LXXV. na Ustav Socijalističke Republike
Hrvatske, Narodne novine, br. 31, 28. 7. 1990. Hungarians, Jews and the others who are its citizens, and
who are guaranteed equality with citizens of Croatian
18 Ustav Republike Hrvatske od 22. 12. 1990., Narodne novi-
ne, br. 56, 22. 12. 1990. nationality and the realization of ethnic rights in accor-
19 Odluka Sabora SRH od 30. 5. 1990. o izboru predsjed- dance with the democratic norms of the United Nations
nika Predsjedništva SRH, Narodne novine, br. 25, 1. 6. and countries of the free world”.
1990.; Odluka Sabora SRH od 30. 5. 1990. o izboru pred- Tuđman was appointed President of the Presidency,
sjednika Izvršnog vijeća Sabora SRH, Narodne novine, and in July, 1990, President of the Republic. Stjepan Mesić
br. 25, 1. 6. 1990.; Odluka Sabora RH od 24. 8. 1990. o
izboru predsjednika Vlade RH, Narodne novine, br. 34, was given the post of President of the Executive Council,
28. 8. 1990. that is, President of the Government of the Republic of


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Raskid s komunizmom – na hrvatskoj zastavi, umjesto komuni- Breaking free from Communism – the Croatian flag again fea-
stičkog simbola, opet je hrvatski grb. Podizanje hrvatske zastave tures the historic Croatian coat of arms. The five pointed red
na jarbol, između zgrade Hrvatskog sabora i crkve sv. Marka, 25. star is gone. Raising the Croatian flag on the square between
srpnja 1990. godine (autor fotografija: Renato Branđolica). the Croatian Parliament building and the Church of Saint Mark,
July 25, 1990 (Photographs by Renato Branđolica)


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Plakat u povodu referenduma za prisa-

jedinjenje dijela hrvatskog teritorija Sr-
biji, s jasno izraženim ciljem zbog kojeg
će srbijansko vodstvo pokrenuti rat u Hr-
vatskoj: „Srpski narod u jednoj državi – za

The poster for the referendum on the

annexation of a portion of Croatian ter-
ritory to Serbia. The referendum was set
up with the clear aim of justifying the
Serbian leadership’s decision to subse-
quently launch an all-out military offen-
sive against Croatia: The referendum
was “All Serbs in one state – vote ‘yes’
for annexation”.


12·05·1991 Poster: “Referendum on Croatia’s inde-

tarna većina dala je HDZ-u mogućnost da sastavi jed- Croatia. In August of the same year Josip Manolić took
nostranačku vladu. Ipak, vlade Stjepana Mesića i Josipa over from Mesić. It has to be noted that Manolić, just like
Manolića nisu bile jednostranačke jer je u njima bilo i Tuđman, had been a committed Communist and fought
ministara koji nisu bili članovi HDZ-a. Te su vlade po- on the side of Tito’s Partisans during WWII. The HDZ was
stojale od 30. svibnja 1990. do 2. kolovoza 1991., kada in a position to form a one-party government. But, the
je izabrana nova, višestranačka Vlada demokratskoga governments of Mesić and Manolić consisted of a fair few
jedinstva premijera Franje Gregurića, koju su podržale ministers not belonging to the HDZ party. These govern-
saborske stranke.20 ments were in existence from May 30, 1990, to August 2,
Specifičnost krize i raspada Jugoslavije dovela je do 1991, when the new government of national unity based
stanja koje se često nije nazivalo pravim imenom, pa se on a multi-party system headed by the Prime Minister
ni poduzete mjere nisu nazivale onime što su stvarno Franjo Gregurić was elected. This government enjoyed
bile. Hrvatska je morala prihvatiti rat s JNA, navodno sa- the support of most of the parliamentary parties.
veznom vojskom, a Srbija je kao pokretač rata tvrdila da Due to the specific nature of the economic crisis and
se ne miješa u taj rat. Da odgovori na taj izazov, hrvat- subsequent break-up of Yugoslavia, political discourse
sko je vrhovništvo bilo prinuđeno prihvatiti srbijanski and resultant activities were based on euphemisms. No-
obrazac ponašanja i mirnodopskom organizacijom od- body, for reasons of political expediency, wanted to call
govoriti na izazov rata. Od kraja srpnja 1991. na razina- a spade a spade. Croatia was at war with the JNA but the
ma od općina do Republike osnivali su se krizni štabovi JNA was supposedly a federal army, and Serbia, the insti-
radi organizacije i usklađivanja svih aktivnosti nužnih za
gator of the war and aggressor, feigned innocence. Cro-
obranu Republike. Krizni štab Republike Hrvatske (RH) atia was drawn into that high stakes game of political
bio je krovno državno tijelo dužno organizirati i uskla- theater. The country, if it wished to survive, simply had
diti rad svih dijelova sustava obrane i sigurnosti RH. to beat the Serbs at their own diplomatic game. From
Preko Kriznoga štaba Vlada demokratskoga jedinstva the end of July, 1991, on all levels of government start-
djelovala je kao ratna vlada. Predsjednik Kriznoga štaba ing with the municipalities, crisis staffs were formed.
bio je predsjednik Vlade dr. Franjo Gregurić, a članovi tri The aim was to organize and synchronize the various
governmental strands that comprised the defensive
20 Franjo GREGURIĆ, Vlada demokratskog jedinstva Hrvat- system of the country. The Crisis Staff of the Republic
ske 1991.–1992., Naklada Zadro, Zagreb, 1998., 13. of Croatia was an umbrella organization burdened with


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

potpredsjednika Vlade i ministri obrane, unutarnjih po- the above mentioned task. The government of national
slova, zdravstva, prometa i veza, trgovine te predstojnik unity acted as a wartime government through the Crisis
Ureda za zaštitu ustavnoga poretka RH (Josip Manolić) i Staff. The president of the Crisis Staff was Prime Minis-
zapovjednik Štaba Civilne zaštite RH.21 ter Franjo Gregurić, and the members of the Crisis Staff
Ustavom Republike Hrvatske od 22. prosinca 1990. were the three deputy prime ministers and ministers of
ozakonjeno je stajalište da je suverenitet Republike defense, internal affairs, health, transport and infrastruc-
neotuđiv, nedjeljiv i neprenosiv, te da Republika saveze ture, trade minister, and the Head of the Office for the
s drugim državama „sklapa zadržavajući suvereno pra- Protection of the Constitutional Order of the Republic
vo da sama odlučuje o prenesenim ovlastima i pravo of Croatia (Josip Manolić) and Head of Croatia’s Civil Pro-
da slobodno iz njih istupa“. Odnos prema Jugoslaviji tection Department.
određen je člankom 140. i stajalištem da „Republika Hr- The idea that the sovereignty and integrity of Cro-
vatska ostaje u sastavu SFRJ do novog sporazuma jugo- atia were inalienable, indivisible and non-transferable
slavenskih republika ili dok Sabor Republike Hrvatske was given the force of law by the Constitution of the Re-
ne odluči drugačije“.22 public of Croatia on December 22, 1990. The authors of
Potom je Sabor RH 21. veljače 1991. usvojio Rezo- the Constitution asserted that Croatia could enter into
luciju o prihvaćanju postupka za razdruživanje od SFRJ alliances with other states by “retaining its sovereign
i o mogućem udruživanju u savez suverenih država. right to decide upon the powers to be so delegated and
Hrvatska je bila spremna za udruživanje samo s onim the right to freely withdraw therefrom”. Croatia’s stance
republikama SFRJ koje se uzajamno priznaju temeljem towards Yugoslavia was determined by Article 140 and
prava svake od njih na opstanak, samostalnost, suvere- the notion that “the Republic of Croatia shall remain
nost i štovanje. Sklapanje međurepubličkih saveza bilo part of the SFRY until a new agreement is reached by
je moguće samo s onim državama koje jamče jedna the Yugoslav republics, or until the Croatian Parliament
drugoj status suverene države i teritorijalni integritet te decides otherwise”.
se obvežu na uzdržavanje od postupaka koji bi mogli On February 21, 1991, the Croatian Parliament
nanijeti štetu državnom suverenitetu i prostornoj cjelo- passed the Resolution on Accepting Proceedings for
vitosti druge države.23 the Disassociation of the SFRY and the Possible Associa-
Predsjednik Tuđman je 25. travnja 1991. potpisao tion into an Alliance of Sovereign Republics. Croatia was
odluku o raspisivanju referenduma na kojem se želio do- prepared to enter into a federation only with those re-
biti odgovor na pitanja koja su bila u izravnoj vezi s pre- publics from the SFRY that recognized the right of each
govorima vođenim oko budućeg ustrojstva Jugoslavije. constituent republic to survival, independence and sov-
Biračima je ponuđena opcija između saveza suverenih ereignty. Entering into a federation would be possible
država prema prijedlogu Republike Hrvatske i Republike only if each constituent republic was prepared to guar-
Slovenije, i ostanka u Jugoslaviji kao jedinstvenoj save- antee sovereignty and territorial integrity to every other
znoj državi prema prijedlogu Republike Srbije i SR Crne constituent republic. Also, each republic would have to
Gore. Srbima i pripadnicima drugih nacionalnosti za- agree to abstain from any action that might compro-
jamčena je kulturna autonomija i sva građanska prava. mise the sovereignty and territorial integrity of another
Od građana je tražen odgovor na pitanje jesu li „za to da constituent state.
Republika Hrvatska, kao suverena i samostalna država, President Tuđman, on April 25, 1991, signed the de-
cision to hold a referendum on the issues that were the
21 SVA MORH, GSHV: Odluka Predsjednika Republike Hr-
subject of ongoing negotiations on Yugoslavia’s future
vatske od 27. 7. 1991. o osnivanju i djelatnosti kriznih form of government. The voters could choose between
štabova u Republici Hrvatskoj; Zdravko TOMAC, Iza za- the option proposed by Slovenia and Croatia according
tvorenih vrata, Organizator, Zagreb, 1992., 85. to which Yugoslavia would be restructured into a federa-
22 Ustav Republike Hrvatske od 22. 12. 1990., Narodne novi- tion of sovereign states and the option proposed by Ser-
ne, br. 56 od 22. 12. 1990. bia and Montenegro which called for staying in a unitary
23 Rezolucija Sabora Republike Hrvatske od 21. 2. 1991. o Yugoslavia. It is important to point out that Croatia guar-
prihvaćanju postupka za razdruživanje SFRJ i o mogu-
ćem udruživanju u savez suverenih republika, Narodne anteed to the Serbs and other ethnic minorities cultural
novine, br. 8 od 21. 2. 1991.; B. REPE, Jutri je novi dan, 74. autonomy and all civil rights. These are the two questions


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 39 4.2.2020. 19:25:37

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Sestoga dana ne-
Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske dr. prekidnbg zasje-
Franjo Tudman na svecanoj sjednici danja Sabora pri-
Sabora Republike Hrvatske obratio
se -zastupnicima i obrazlozio znace- hvai:eni su:
nje povijesnih odluka koje je donio
Hrvatski sabor • Ustavna odluka o
; NEZAVISNE NOVINE suverenosti i sa-
mostalnosti Re-
publike Hrvatske
• Ustavni zakon o
izmjeni i dopuni -
Ustavnog -zakona
za provedbu Us-
tava Republike
• Deklaracija o us-
postavi suverene ·
i samostalne Re-
publike Hrvatske
• Povelja o pravima
Srba i drugim na-
cionalnostima u
Republici Hrvat-


• •
Grad je odjeknuo! l?riznanje cim s e
s teknu uvjeti , sTR. ~9.
Slavlje bez dogovora : zvonila su zvona, pucnji oznacili blag-
dan, fijukalo je odasvud na pozdrav Hrvatskoj STR. 1 1.

Naslovnica Večernjeg lista, srijeda, 26. lipnja 1991.: „Hrvatska samostalna država”.

The front page of Večernji List, Wednesday, June 26 1991 issue: “Croatia – An Independent State”.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 40 4.2.2020. 19:25:38

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Republika Hrvatska ra-
r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =:=:;;;;_=aia::,,=:::=::::~ skida sve driavno-pravne
veze s dosadasnjom SFRJ
• Pravni poredak SFRJ
prestaje vrijediti na cije-
lpm teritoriju Republike
• Republika Hrvatska po-
ziva Srbiju, Cmu Goru i
JNA da prestanu s ratom
protiv Hrvatske, a Bosnu i
Hercegovinu da ne dopusti
koristenje svog teritorija
za napade na Hrvatsku
• Tzv. JNA se proglasuje
~ okupatorskom i agresor-
skom vojskom i mora na-
pustiti teritorij Republike
• Pozivaju se sve drzave,
posebno Europske zajedni-
ce, da priznaju Republiku
• Hrvatska ce u cijelosti
postovati obveze SFRJ u
dijelu u kojem se one od-
nose na nju
• Hrvatska ce nastaviti
sudjelovanje na Mirovnoj
konferenciji u Haagu
. · STR. 2- 5.

Naslovnica Večernjeg lista, srijeda, 9. listopada 1991.: „Neovisna Hrvatska”.

The front page of Večernji List, Wednesday, October 9 1991 issue: “Independent Croatia”.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 41 4.2.2020. 19:25:39

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

koja jamči kulturnu autonomiju i sva građanska prava presented to the voters in the referendum: “Do you be-
Srbima i pripadnicima drugih nacionalnosti u Hrvatskoj, lieve that the Republic of Croatia, as a sovereign and inde-
može stupiti u savez suverenih država s drugim republi- pendent state, which guarantees cultural autonomy and
kama (prema prijedlogu Republike Hrvatske i Republike all civil rights to Serbs and members of other nationali-
Slovenije za rješenje državne krize SFRJ)?“. Na pitanje je ties in Croatia, should enter into an alliance of sovereign
trebalo odgovoriti „za“ ili „protiv“, kao i za drugo pitanje states with other republics (according to the proposal by
koje je glasilo: jesu li „za to da Republika Hrvatska osta- the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia for
ne u Jugoslaviji kao jedinstvenoj saveznoj državi (prema the resolution of the Yugoslav crisis)?” and “Do you be-
prijedlogu Republike Srbije i Socijalističke Republike lieve that the Republic of Croatia should remain part of
Crne Gore za rješenje državne krize u SFRJ)?“.24 Referen- Yugoslavia as a united federal state (according to the pro-
dum je održan 19. svibnja 1991. godine. Glasovalo je posal by the Republic of Serbia and the Socialist Republic
83,56 % od upisanog broja glasača, od kojih se 93,24 % of Montenegro for the resolution of the Yugoslav crisis)?”
izjasnilo za savez suverenih država s tim da 92,18 % nije The referendum was held on May 19, 1991. 83.56% per-
podržalo ostanak u Jugoslaviji.25 cent of the registered voters voted in the referendum.
Rezultati referenduma su bili osnova da se Republi- 93.24% voted for the option of entering into a federation
ka Hrvatska 25. lipnja 1991. proglasi neovisnom drža- of sovereign states. It has to be noted that 92.18% of the
vom.26 Slijedio je sukob između JNA i Slovenije, koja je voters did not support the option of staying in Yugoslavia.
također toga dana proglasila neovisnost i preuzela nad- On the basis of the results of the referendum Croa-
zor državne granice, te posredovanje Europske zajed- tia proclaimed independence on June 25, 1991. Slove-
nice koje je 7. srpnja dovelo do prihvaćanja tromjeseč- nia proclaimed its independence on the same day and
nog moratorija na odluku o neovisnosti. Nakon isteka Slovenian police and TO units took control of the border
moratorija Hrvatski sabor je 8. listopada 1991. raskinuo crossings. This watershed moment in the history of Cro-
sve državnopravne veze na temelju kojih je Republika atia was followed by the JNA’s attack on Slovenia which
Hrvatska zajedno s ostalim republikama i pokrajinama directly led the European Community to insist that Cro-
tvorila SFRJ.27 atia impose a three-month moratorium on its decision
to proclaim independence. Croatia accepted the dictate
Srpska pobuna from the European Community on July 7, 1991. As soon
as the moratorium expired, on October 8, 1991, the Cro-
Umjesto da se bavi demokratizacijom društva i atian Parliament broke all legal ties on the basis of which
gospodarskom krizom, HDZ se suočio s otvorenim ne- the Republic of Croatia, together with the other constitu-
prijateljstvom JNA i pobunom Srba. Po Ustavu iz 1974., ent republics and provinces, had formed the SFRY.
Hrvatska je bila “nacionalna država hrvatskog naroda,
država srpskog naroda u Hrvatskoj i država narodno- Serb Rebellion
sti koje u njoj žive”.28 Ta je definicija od Hrvatske činila
The HDZ party had no time to deal with the econom-
ic crisis and focus its energies to launch initiatives that
24 Odluka predsjednika Republike Hrvatske od 25. 4. 1991.,
Narodne novine, br. 21 od 2. 5. 1991. could turn Croatia into a truly democratic society – the
25 Arhiv Vlade Republike Hrvatske: Izvješće Republičke ko- country faced open aggression by the JNA and an armed
misije za provedbu referenduma od 22. 5. 1991. uprising of a part of the Croatian Serbs. According to the
26 Ustavna odluka Sabora Republike Hrvatske od 25. 6. Constitution of 1974, Croatia was “the national state of
1991. o suverenosti i samostalnosti Republike Hrvatske, the Croatian people, the state of the Serbian people in
Narodne novine, br. 31 od 25. 6. 1991.; Deklaracija Sabora Croatia and the state of other nationalities that live in it.”
Republike Hrvatske od 25. 6. 1991. o proglašenju suvere- That definition meant that the sovereignty of Croatia was
ne i samostalne Republike Hrvatske, Narodne novine, br.
31 od 25. 6. 1991. divided between the Croatian majority and Serb minori-
27 Odluka Sabora Republike Hrvatske od 8. 10. 1991., Na-
ty. Serbia, and the Serbs living outside Serbia’s borders,
rodne novine, br. 53 od 8. 10. 1991. chose to interpret the definition as meaning that the
28 Ustav Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske, članak 1., Narod- difference between a nation and a national minority lay
ne novine, br. 8 od 22. 2. 1974. in the right to self-determination. The formula according


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

državu podijeljenoga suvereniteta. Prema srbijanskom to which a nation had the right to secede was modified
shvaćanju, koje su prihvatili ostali Srbi, razlika između so that, according to the new interpretation, it was val-
naroda i nacionalne manjine bila je u “pravu” na sa- id only if the nation in question was the Serbian nation.
moodređenje, a to se tada tumačilo u prvom redu kao Therefore, Croatia could secede only if the Croats agreed
pravo na odcjepljenje. Formuli da se narod ima pravo to cede a significant portion of Croatian territory to Ser-
odcijepiti dodalo se tumačenje da je to moguće samo bia. This warped logic made every attempt to solve the
ako se radi o Srbima. Hrvati su samoodređenje mogli issue by dialogue pointless and ensured a violent resolu-
realizirati jedino tako da odu iz Jugoslavije s dijelom tion of the impasse.
teritorija na koji Srbija nije imala aspiracije. Takva je The Arbitration Commission of the Peace Confer-
nakaradna logika svaki pokušaj rasprave sasijecala u ence on Yugoslavia, formed in September, 1991, in The
početku i otvarala polje za nasilan rasplet. Hague, for the purpose of providing legal advice and
Za razliku od Srba, Arbitražna komisija osnovana u help as regards solving contentious legal issues at the
rujnu 1991. u Haagu radi pravne pomoći u rješavanju Peace Conference on Yugoslavia and reaching decisions
dvojbenih pravnih pitanja na Konferenciji o Jugoslaviji in accordance to the international plan, composed of
i donošenja odluka u skladu s međunarodnim pravom, five presidents of Constitutional Courts in the EEC, in its
sastavljena od petero predsjednika ustavnih sudova iz Opinion No 2 of January 11, 1992, concluded that “what-
država članica EZ-a, u svom Mišljenju (br. 2) od 11. si- ever the circumstances, the right to self-determination
ječnja 1992., ustanovila je “da bez obzira na okolnosti must not involve changes to existing frontiers at the time
pravo na samoodređenje ne može polučiti promjenu of independence (uti possidetis juris) except where the
granica koje postoje u trenutku neovisnosti (uti possi- states concerned agree otherwise”.
detis juris), osim u slučaju suprotnoga sporazuma dr- The Serbian Democratic Party (SDS) determined the
žava u pitanju”. Serbs’ political outlook in Croatia during 1990. The party
Srpsku politiku u Hrvatskoj tijekom 1990. obilje- was formed on February 17, 1990, in Knin and was just
žila je Srpska demokratska stranka (SDS). Osnovana another in a string of new, anticommunist political move-
je 17. veljače 1990. u Kninu i bila je jedna u nizu no- ments. Its political platform revolved around supporting
vih antikomunističkih političkih snaga. Programski se multipartism and the concept of a federal Yugoslavia.
zalagala za višestranačje i federalno ustrojstvo Jugo- The first president of the SDS was Doctor Jovan Rašković,
slavije. Predsjednik stranke bio je psihijatar dr. Jovan a psychiatrist by profession. In late summer 1990 he was
Rašković. Raškovića su već u kasno ljeto 1990. istisnuli replaced by younger and more aggressive leaders – Mi-
mlađi i agresivniji lideri, stomatolog Milan Babić i sus- lan Babić, a dentist by profession and Milan Martić, a sus-
pendirani milicijski inspektor Milan Martić. U proljeće pended police inspector. In the spring of 1990 the party
se stranka rascijepila na SDS Hrvatske i SDS Krajine, čija split into the SDS Croatia and the SDS Krajina. The pres-
je predsjednica bila dr. Ljubica Šolaja. Po izbornim re- ident of the SDS Krajina was Doctor Ljubica Šolaja. The
zultatima, SDS je bio marginalna politička snaga. Po- SDS, in terms of the election results, was a marginal po-
bijedio je samo u Donjem Lapcu, Gračacu i Kninu, što litical force. Only in Knin, Donji Lapac and Gračac did the
je bilo dovoljno za pet zastupnika u Saboru.29 U ljeto i SDS win a majority in the multi-party elections held in
jesen 1990. SDS se iz marginalne pretvarao u temeljnu Croatia in May 1990. That success was enough to secure
srpsku stranku u Hrvatskoj. Stranka je koristila rasulo five seats in the Croatian parliament. In the summer and
SKH-SDP-a i preuzimala dio Srba iz njega. Osim krize fall of 1990 the SDS was transformed from a marginal po-
SKH-SDP-a, drugi razlog pretvaranja SDS-a u političko- litical force into a grassroots Serbian party in Croatia. The
ga predstavnika većine Srba u Hrvatskoj bio je taj što SDS took advantage of the disarray that the SKH-SDP was
ga je HDZ prihvatio kao glavnoga predstavnika srpske in and recruited a number of its Serb members. Another
reason why the SDS was fast becoming the political rep-
resentative of most Croatian Serbs was the fact that the
29 Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domo- HDZ party perceived and treated the SDS as the main
vinskog rata (dalje HMDCDR): Programski ciljevi Srpske champion of the Serb minority in Croatia. The SDS party
demokratske stranke, Knin, 17. 2. 1990.; Nikica BARIĆ,
Srpska pobuna u Hrvatskoj 1990.–1995., Golden marke- was offered the position of the president of the Croatian
ting-Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb, 2005., 55-56, 61, 213-214. parliament but Jovan Rašković declined the honor.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 43 4.2.2020. 19:25:39

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Zemljovid s granicama „Velike Srbije”, duboko na

Nail sa teritoriju Republike Hrvatske.
za zlato
A map showing the western boundaries of “Greater
Serbia”, deep in the Republic of Croatia’s territory.

„Oružana pobuna“, naslovnica Slobodne Dal-

macije, 19. kolovoza 1990.; vijest u novinama o
postavljenim barikadama u zaleđu Knina i Zadra
17. kolovoza 1990., na kojima su naoružani Srbi
zaustavljali promet i maltretirali putnike.
“Armed Rebellion”. The front page of Slobodna
Dalmacija, August 19 1990 issue; article about
barricades and roadblocks set up between Knin
and Zadar on August 17 and manned by armed
Serbs who stopped vehicles and brutalized driv-
ers and passengers.
manjine. Srpskoj demokratskoj stranci nudilo se mjesto Just prior to the establishment of the first multi-par-
potpredsjednika Sabora, koje je Rašković odbio.30 ty parliament the SDS used a staged attack on the
Uoči konstituiranja prvoga višestranačkog Sabo- president of the local SDS committee in Benkovac,
ra SDS je inscenirani napad na predsjednika mjesnoga which had occurred on May 19, 1990, as a pretext to
odbora SDS-a iz Benkovca 19. svibnja 1990. iskoristio za suspend its relations with the Croatian parliament. At
suspenziju odnosa sa Saborom SR Hrvatske.31 Na počet- the very start of Croatia’s transition into a democratic
ku demokratske tranzicije SDS je odbio prihvatiti pravila system of government the SDS rejected the values of
novoga vremena i u Saboru se boriti za svoja politička the post-communist era and refused to promote its po-
stajališta. U saborske klupe zastupnici SDS-a sjeli su u dru- litical platform in the Croatian parliament. The SDS’ MPs
goj polovini lipnja 1990. godine.32 Njihovo sudjelovanje u took their seats in the parliament for the first time in
radu bilo je povremeno i incidentno, a osnivanjem Srpske the second half of June 1990. Their participation there
autonomne oblasti (SAO) Krajine prestali su dolaziti.33 could best be described as disinterested, perfunctory
Odmah nakon izbora SDS se upustio u prekrajanje and occasional. When the  Serbian Autonomous Region
administrativne podjele Hrvatske da bi napravio teri- of Krajina  (SAO Krajina) was proclaimed they stopped
torijalnu jedinicu. Na poticaj iz Knina, 27. lipnja 1990. showing up altogether.
konstituirana je Zajednica općina sjeverne Dalmacije i Immediately after the elections the SDS started tak-
Like. Do 19. prosinca 1990. u Zajednicu su ušle općine ing actions to alter the administrative structure of the
Republic of Croatia for the purpose of creating a new
territorial unit. At the instigation of the Serb leadership
30 Hrvatski državni arhiv, UPRH: Brzojav Jovana Raškovića in Knin the Community of Municipalities of Northern
od 27. 5. 1990. Predsjedništvu HDZ-a; HDA, UPRH: Pred- Dalmatia and Lika was constituted on June 27, 1990. By
sjedništvo Republike Hrvatske od 20. 8. 1990., Informa-
cija o uzrocima i posljedicama zaoštravanja nacionalnih December 19, 1990, the following municipalities had
napetosti i nemira u nekim općinama u Hrvatskoj. joined the Community: Benkovac, Donji Lapac, Dvor na
31 N. BARIĆ, Srpska pobuna, 63-65. Uni, Glina, Gračac, Knin, Kostajnica, Obrovac, Titova Ko-
renica and Vojnić.
32 (TANJUG), “SDS odmrzava odnose sa Saborom”, Vjesnik,
10. 6. 1990., 3. At the All-Serbian Assembly held in Srb on July 25,
33 Dossier Knin, Ministarstvo informiranja Republike Hrvat- 1990, the Declaration on the Sovereignty and Autono-
ske, Zagreb, veljača 1991., 30. my of the Serbian Nation was accepted. The text of the


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 44 4.2.2020. 19:25:41

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Benkovac, Donji Lapac, Dvor na Uni, Glina, Gračac, Knin, Declaration reads like a blackmail letter. The Serbs con-
Kostajnica, Obrovac, Titova Korenica i Vojnić.34 veniently held the view that the term “self-determina-
Na srpskom saboru u Srbu 25. srpnja 1990. usvojena tion” was synonymous with the term “sovereignty”. On
je “Deklaracija o suverenosti i autonomiji srpskog naroda the basis of that logic the Serbs believed that they had
u Hrvatskoj”. Sročena je kao ucjena i temeljila se na shva- the right to decide, either together with the Croats or
ćanju prava naroda na samoopredjeljenje i odcjepljenje. independently of them, whether they wanted to live in
Po njoj su Srbi u Hrvatskoj kao narod imali pravo na su- a federative or confederative Yugoslavia. The Serbian
verenost i da se zajedno s Hrvatima ili neovisno o njima Parliament in Croatia was constituted as the represen-
odluče za federativnu ili konfederativnu Jugoslaviju. Kao tative body of the Croatian Serbs. The executive branch
političko predstavništvo Srba u Hrvatskoj konstituiran je of government was Serbian National Council (SNV).
Srpski sabor, a izvršno tijelo Sabora bilo je Srpsko nacio- The Council was tasked with organizing a referendum
nalno vijeće (SNV), kojem je povjerena organizacija refe- among the Croatian Serbs on all issues regarding their
renduma Srba o svim pitanjima bitnim za njihov položaj u position in Croatia and Yugoslavia and “all issues rele-
Hrvatskoj i Jugoslaviji “kao i drugim pitanjima koja se tiču vant for achieving Serb sovereignty and autonomy”.
ostvarivanja srpskog suvereniteta i autonomnosti”.35 The Serb rebels’ next step was to hold a referendum.
Sljedeći korak srpskih buntovnika bio je referen- The referendum was held from August 19 to September
dum održan od 19. kolovoza do 2. rujna 1990. godine. 2, 1990. The Central Committee for Holding a Referen-
Centralna komisija za provođenje autonomije Srba u dum on the Autonomy of Serbs in Croatia announced
Hrvatskoj objavila je da je na referendum izišlo 567.317 that 567,317 citizens voted in the referendum and that
građana, od kojih se za srpsku autonomiju izjasnilo njih 567,127 of them voted for Serb autonomy. According to
567.127, protiv 144, a 46 listića bilo je nevažećih. Izvan the same source, 144 people were against and 46 bal-
teritorija RH za srpsku autonomiju glasale su 189.422 lot papers were invalid. Again, according to the Central
osobe, protiv je bilo 28, a nevažećih je bilo 14 listića.36 Committee for Holding a Referendum on the Autono-
U Kninu je 21. prosinca 1990. proglašena Srpska au- my of Serbs in Croatia, 189,442 persons living outside
tonomna oblast Krajina.37 Tijekom 1991. pojavile su se Croatia voted for Serb autonomy, with 28 persons vot-
još dvije srpske autonomne oblasti, u zapadnoj Slavoniji ing against and 14 invalid ballot papers.
i istočnoj Hrvatskoj. Najveća slabost samoproglašenih On December 21, 1990, the Serbian Autonomous
autonomnih regija bila je u velikoj disperziji Srba u Hr- District of Krajina was proclaimed in Knin. During 1991
vatskoj, što je dovelo do nerealnog političkog koncepta two more Serb autonomous districts sprang up; one
identificiranja srpskih područja u Hrvatskoj. Ona su orga- in western Slavonia and the other in eastern Croatia.
nizirana u srpske autonomne oblasti koje uopće nisu bile The biggest weakness of the self-proclaimed Serbian
etnički homogene. U sjevernoj Dalmaciji bilo je sjedište statelets in Croatia was the fact that these territories
SAO Krajine u tri općine s ukupno 87.000 stanovnika, od were not ethnically homogeneous. In that sense, the
kojih 73,4 % Srba. Istočna je Lika također tretirana kao dio whole concept of trying to carve out Serb areas with-
SAO Krajine i u tri je općine imala 30.000 stanovnika, od in the internationally recognized borders of Croatia
čega 80,3 % Srba. Kordun i Banovina, kao najudaljeniji dio was untenable. Three municipalities in northern Dal-
SAO Krajine, imali su 113.000 stanovnika, od kojih 61,9 % matia formed the central part of the SAO Krajina. The
three municipalities together boasted a population of
87,000 people, 73.4% of them Serbs. The Serbs consid-
34 N. BARIĆ, Srpska pobuna, 65-66. ered eastern Lika as part of the SAO Krajina. There were
35 Pismohrana Ureda za suradnju s međunarodnim kazne- also three municipalities in that area with a population
nim sudovima Ministarstva pravosuđa Republike Hrvat- of 30,000 people. 80.3 % of that number were Serbs.
ske (dalje: USMKSMP): Deklaracija o suverenosti i auto- 113,000 people lived in Kordun and Banovina, the most
nomiji Srpskog naroda od 25. 7. 1990.
remote part of the SAO Krajina. 61.9 % of that number
36 HMDCDR: Izvještaj Centralne komisije za provođenje izjaš-
njavanja od 30. 9. 1990. o provođenju izjašnjavanja srpskog
were Serbs. These areas, disconnected geographically,
naroda u Republici Hrvatskoj o srpskoj autonomiji. accounted for only 13.2% of the whole territory of the
37 USMKSMP: Skupština Krajine, Rješenje br. 47/91-1 od 30. Republic of Croatia. Only 4.8 % of the population of
4. 1991. the Republic of Croatia lived in the areas in question.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 45 4.2.2020. 19:25:42

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Srba. Cijeli taj prostor, osim što nije bio povezan, obuhva- 27.4 % of the total number of Croatian Serbs lived in
ćao je 13,2 % ukupne površine RH i 4,8 % stanovništva, no the areas comprising the SAO Krajina. In eastern Cro-
na njemu je živjelo 27,4 % srpskoga stanovništva. U istoč- atia there were four municipalities the Serbs wanted
noj Hrvatskoj, u četiri općine na koje su Srbi pretendirali, to appropriate. 401,000 people lived there, 22.6 % of
živjela je 401.000 stanovnika, od čega 22,6 % Srba. U za- them Serbs. The eight municipalities of western Sla-
padnoj je Slavoniji u osam općina živjelo 250.000 stanov- vonia together had a population of 250,000, 26.9 %
nika, od čega 26,9 % Srba. Kada se ta, navodno srpska, po- of them Serbs. All these areas put together created a
dručja zbroje, dobiva se teritorij od 16.000 km², odnosno geographical area of 16,000 square kilometers with a
28 % teritorija RH, s ukupno 881.000 stanovnika, od čega population of 881,000 people. 316,000 of that number,
316.000 odnosno 36 % Srba. U odnosu na populaciju u or 36 %, were Serbs. Only 55 % of all Croatian Serbs
cijeloj Hrvatskoj, radilo se o 55 % svih Srba, no problem je lived in the areas mentioned above. Even in that “frag-
bio što su oni i u “toj fragmentarnoj cjelini manjinsko, a ne mented whole the Serbs did not make up a majority of
većinsko stanovništvo”.38 the population”.
Nakon neuspjeha JNA, tj. glavnine Oružanih snaga The JNA, in these early stages of the conflict, failed
SFRJ (OS SFRJ) da porazi Hrvatsku napravljen je završni to defeat Croatia militarily. It is important to mention
korak u stvaranju pobunjene srpske oblasti na njezinu that the JNA forces stationed in Croatia formed the
teritoriju. Srpska autonomna oblast Krajina nije ispu- bulk of the Armed Forces of the SFRY. However, the
nila zadatak koji joj je namijenjen i nije Srbima u Hr- activities of the JNA during this period facilitated the
vatskoj dala legalitet i legitimitet na temelju kojeg su creation of the rebel statelet in Croatian territory. Still,
planirali ostati u krnjoj Jugoslaviji. Učinili su ono što im the creation of the SAO Krajina did not fulfill its main
je preostalo – proglasiti srpsku državu u Hrvatskoj na intended function, which was to give the Serbs in Cro-
teritoriju koji je JNA okupirala. U Kninu je na svetoga atia the legitimacy to demand that Croatia cede the
Nikolu 19. prosinca 1991. Skupština SAO Krajine pro- territory of the statelet to Serbia. Therefore, the rebel
glasila Republiku Srpsku Krajinu (RSK).39 Istoga je dana Serbs opted for what they believed was the next best
u Belom Manastiru Velika narodna skupština SAO Istoč- thing; they proclaimed a Serbian state in those areas of
ne Slavonije, Baranje i Zapadnog Srijema donijela od- Croatia that were occupied by the JNA. On December
luku o pripajanju “ove Srpske oblasti Republici Srpska 19, 1991, on Saint Nicholas Day, the Assembly of the
Krajina”. Završni čin stvaranja RSK bio je u Banjoj Luci, Serbian Autonomous District of Krajina proclaimed the
gdje je 24. prosinca Skupština SAO Zapadne Slavonije Republic of Srpska Krajina (RSK) in Knin. On the same
također donijela odluku o pripajanju RSK.40 Glavnina day in Beli Manastir the Great National Assembly of the
RSK je bila na zapadu, na sjeveru je bila marginalna, a Serbian Autonomous District of Eastern Slavonia, Ba-
na istoku druga po veličini, no čvrsto vezana uz Srbiju. ranja and Western Sirmium decided to join “this Serbi-
Osnivanjem RSK propao je pokušaj trenutnog pripaja- an district to the Republic of Serbian Krajina”. The final
nja dijela teritorija Hrvatske Srbiji odnosno Jugoslaviji. act of the creation of the RSK took place on December
Srbi u RH bili su prinuđeni preuzeti privremeni repu- 24 in Banja Luka, where the Assembly of the Serbian
blički koncept nadajući se da će ga tijekom vremena Autonomous District of Western Slavonia also decided
uspjeti sasvim realizirati. to join the RSK. The bulk of the territory of the RSK was
in the west. In the north the RSK held only a sliver of ter-
ritory. In the east the area under the control of the RSK
was significantly smaller than its all-important territo-
38 Hrvatska između rata i samostalnosti, skupina autora, Hr- ry in the west but it shared its eastern boundary with
vatska sveučilišna naklada – OKC, Zagreb, 1991., 53-55. Serbia. The proclamation of the RSK was in reality an
39 M. M., “Proglašena Republika Srpska Krajina”, Srpski glas, admission of defeat – the attempt to force Croatia to
29. 12. 1991., 1. cede a portion of its territory to Serbia, i.e. Yugoslavia,
40 HMDCDR: Skupština SAO Zapadna Slavonija od 24. 12. had failed. The Serbs in the Republic of Croatia had no
1991., Odluka o pripajanju SAO Zapadne Slavonije Re- option but to accept a temporary political solution in
publici Srpskoj Krajini; HMDCDR: “Proglašena Republika
Srpska Krajina”, Bilten ratnog predsjedništva i Štaba TO op- the hope that it would eventually lead to the realiza-
štine Glina, br. 5, januar 1992., 4-6. tion of their main objective.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Pokušaj Hrvatske da srpski problem Croatian Attempts to Solve the Serb

riješi na miran način Problem Peacefully

Kod značajnog dijela Srba u Hrvatskoj izborna The victory of the HDZ in the election did not mean
pobjeda HDZ-a nije značila prekretnicu. Oni su već anything to a significant number of Croatian Serbs. They
prihvatili novu nacionalnu konstrukciju političkoga had already swallowed lock, stock and barrel the nation-
vodstva Srbije i tvrdnje medija da je pobjeda HDZ-a al construction promulgated by the political leadership
pobjeda ustaštva.41 Kod dijela Srba kao da nije bilo of Serbia and the claims made by the state-run Serbian
dvojbe da je ponavljanje 1941. neminovno. S jedne media that an HDZ victory in the election would con-
strane iracionalan strah, a s druge beskompromisno stitute a triumph of Croatian fascism. Some Serbs, in-
prihvaćanje projekta “svi Srbi u jednoj državi” vodili su explicably, truly believed that the events that had hap-
do stvaranja brze i jasne taktike Srba u Hrvatskoj. To je pened in 1941 would be reenacted. That irrational fear
bila taktika, a ne politički program, jer je on već bio po- coupled with the abiding acceptance of the “all Serbs
stavljen. Srbi su djelovali po konstrukciji koju su sami in one state” project quickly led the Croatian Serbs to
postavili o Hrvatima, a ne na temelju poteza hrvatsko- adopt a clear tactic of opposition to Croatia. And it was
ga vrhovništva. a tactic, because the political program underlying it had
Taktika SDS-a bila je jednostavna – tvrditi da su za already been set. The Croatian Serbs acted on their pre-
razgovore, a stvarno zaoštravati stanje ne upuštajući se conceived prejudices about Croats and not as a reaction
u ozbiljnu raspravu s hrvatskim vrhovništvom o položa- to the moves made by the Croatian government.
ju Srba u Hrvatskoj. Svaki potez nove vlasti SDS je op- The tactic of the SDS was simple – pretend to be in
struirao i koristio kao povod za sukob, a ne kao razlog favor of a peaceful resolution of the crisis but in reality
za suradnju. Na hrvatski prijedlog da se pismeno očitu- do everything necessary to derail the peace process. It
ju o svojim zahtjevima nije odgovoreno.42 Osnivanjem was not in the SDS’s interest to engage in serious talks
SNV-a u srpnju 1990. SDS teško da je i pomišljao na with the Croatian government about the position of the
nekakve razgovore. Hrvatska je preko saborske komisi- Serb ethnic minority in Croatia. The aim of every move
je nastojala otvoriti dijalog s predstavnicima općina s the SDS made was a further escalation of the crisis. The
većinskim srpskim stanovništvom, a SDS-ova je vrhuška SDS did not want to cooperate with the Croatian gov-
kao svojega predstavnika gurala SNV, koji je Hrvatima ernment. At one point, exasperated with the obstinate
bilo neprihvatljiv jer nije imao nikakav legitimitet, a di- attitude of the SDS, the Croatian government suggest-
jalog s vlastima bi mu ga dao.43 ed that the SDS put all of their demands in writing. The
U općinama gdje su Srbi bili u većini SDS je do SDS ignored the suggestion. The forming of the SNV in
kraja 1990. stvorio paralelnu vlast i paralelni pravni July, 1990, clearly showed that the SDS had no inten-
poredak, a potom uspostavio isključivo svoju vlast.44 tion to engage in a serious dialogue with the Croatian
Politička je autonomija hrvatskomu vrhovništvu bila government. The Croatian government tried, through a
neprihvatljiva, no Srbima se nudio način da očuvaju parliamentary committee, to open a dialogue with rep-
resentatives of the municipalities where Serbs made up
a majority of the population. However, the leadership of
41 D. BILANDŽIĆ, Hrvatska moderna povijest, 770, 772, 777;
D. JOVIĆ, Jugoslavija, 479. the SDS insisted that the Serbs be represented by the
Serbian National Council. The Serbian National Council
42 HDA, UPRH: Predsjedništvo Republike Hrvatske od 20. 8.
1990., Informacija o uzrocima i posljedicama zaoštrava- was unacceptable to the Croatian government because
nja nacionalnih napetosti i nemira u nekim općinama u it held no legitimacy. The Croatian government did not
Hrvatskoj. want to provide legitimacy for the SNV by engaging in
43 HDA, UPRH: Zapisnik sa 17. sjednice Predsjedništva Re- official talks with its members.
publike Hrvatske, održane 5. 9. 1990.; HDA, UPRH: Zapi- In the municipalities with Serb majorities the lead-
snik s 20. sjednice Predsjedništva Republike Hrvatske,
održane 3. 10. 1990. Zapisnik je pogrešno datiran (3. stu-
ers of the SDS had formed a parallel government and
denoga 1990. godine). parallel legal order by the end of 1990 and later com-
44 HDA, UPRH: Zapisnik s 2. sjednice Vrhovnog državnog pletely imposed their own authority on the municipali-
vijeća Republike Hrvatske, održane 25. 4. 1991. ties. The Croatian government would not grant political


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

svoja etnička svojstva, tradiciju i nacionalnu fiziono- autonomy to the Serb ethnic minority. But, the Croatian
miju. Na sjednici hrvatskoga Predsjedništva održa- government intended to protect the Serbs’ traditions
noj 25. listopada 1990. osnovan je Savjet za kulturnu and national identity. At a session of the Croatian Pres-
autonomiju Srba u Hrvatskoj, koji je trebao razmo- idency held on October 25, 1990, the Council for the
triti prijedlog radne skupine koja je radila model Cultural Autonomy of Serbs was formed. The Council for
kulturne autonomije u Hrvatskoj. Radna je skupina the Cultural Autonomy of Serbs in Croatia was given the
napravila tri elaborata na temu kulturne autonomije, task of analyzing the recommendation of the working
od kojih nije bilo koristi jer su SDS-u bili neprihvatlji- group that was engaged in creating models of cultur-
vi. Srpskoj demokratskoj stranci kulturna je autono- al autonomy in Croatia. The working group had created
mija bila prihvatljiva jedino za područja Hrvatske na three possible models of cultural autonomy, but none
kojima su Srbi u manjini, ali i u tom slučaju samo uz was acceptable to the SDS. The SDS was willing to ac-
suglasnost SNV-a.45 cept the concept of cultural autonomy only in relation
U prvim mjesecima 1991. stanje se ubrzano pogor- to those areas where Serbs were in a minority and that
šavalo u skladu s krizom i neuspješnim razgovorima o only with the consent of the SNV.
budućnosti Jugoslavije. Hrvatska se odlučila za samosta- The situation was deteriorating rapidly during the
lan put i 19. svibnja 1991. održala je referendum o svojoj first months of 1991. The talks regarding the future of
budućnosti. Nakon što su objavljeni rezultati referendu- Yugoslavia were leading nowhere fast. The leadership
ma predsjednik Tuđman je 23. svibnja zajamčio “kulturnu of Croatia realized that the country’s future lay outside
autonomiju i sva građanska prava Srbima i pripadnicima the scope of Yugoslavia. On May 19 the referendum on
drugih nacionalnosti u Hrvatskoj”.46 Mjesec dana poslije, Croatia’s future was held. After the results of the referen-
25. lipnja 1991., Hrvatska je proglasila osamostaljenje. dum were made public, President Tuđman, on May 23,
“Srbima u Hrvatskoj i svim nacionalnim manjinama koje guaranteed “cultural autonomy and all civil rights to the
žive na njezinu tlu” jamčilo se “poštivanje svih ljudskih i Serbs and members of other ethnic minorities in Croa-
građanskih prava, a osobito slobodu izražavanja i nje- tia”. A month later, on June 25, 1991, Croatia declared in-
govanja nacionalnog jezika i kulture, kao i političkog dependence. “The Serbs in Croatia and all ethnic groups
organiziranja”.47 Krajem 1991., kada je priznanje hrvatske living in the territory of Croatia” were guaranteed “all hu-
neovisnosti postalo pitanje dana, Hrvatska je na zahtjeve man and civil rights, and especially the freedom of ex-
iz inozemstva 4. prosinca prihvatila Ustavni zakon o ljud- pression and freedom to express and foster the national
skim pravima i slobodama i o pravima etničkih i nacio- language and culture and also political freedom”. At the
nalnih zajednica ili manjina u Republici Hrvatskoj.48 Zbog end of 1991, when it was clear that the international rec-
zamjerki iz EZ-a i uvjetovanja s primanjem u UN, Hrvatska ognition of Croatian independence was just days away,
ga je 8. svibnja 1992. dopunila. Umjesto općina u zakon Croatia, at the insistence of the international communi-
su uneseni kotarevi, pa je predviđano da na pobunje- ty, adopted the “Constitutional Law on Human Rights
nom i okupiranom teritoriju zapadne Hrvatske budu and Freedoms and Rights of National and Ethnic Com-
dva autonomna kotara, Knin i Glina, kao i dvije policijske munities or Minorities in the Republic of Croatia” on De-
cember 4. The European Community found a number of
objections in the wording of the law and demanded that
Croatia amend the law. Worth noting is the fact that the
45 HDA, UPRH: Priopćenje sa sjednice Predsjedništva Repu- European Community made it clear that Croatia would
blike Hrvatske od 25. 10. 1990.; N. BARIĆ, Srpska pobuna, not be admitted into the United Nations unless the law
88-89. was accordingly amended. Croatia duly obliged and the
46 Odluka Predsjednika Republike Hrvatske od 23. 5. law was amended on May 8, 1992. The term “municipal-
1991., Narodne novine, br. 24, 27. 5. 1991. ity” was replaced with the term kotar (district) and two
47 Deklaracija Sabora Republike Hrvatske od 25. 6. 1991. o autonomous kotars (districts) were to be formed in the
proglašenju suverene i samostalne Republike Hrvatske,
Narodne novine, br. 31, 25. 6. 1991.
occupied territory, Knin and Glina, as well as two police
administrations. The law was in keeping with the high-
48 Ustavni zakon o ljudskim pravima i slobodama i o pravi-
ma etničkih i nacionalnih zajednica ili manjina u Repu- est standards of the international community. However,
blici Hrvatskoj, Narodne novine, br. 65, 4. 12. 1991. by the time it was adopted, a full-scale war had already


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

uprave.49 Zakon je bio u suglasju s najvišim standardima become inevitable. The provisions of the law relating
međunarodne zajednice, no prihvaćen je u vrijeme kada to the Serbs, therefore, became null and void. By insist-
se rat nije mogao zaustaviti i kada su u pitanju Srbi, ostao ing that Croatia pass the law, the European Communi-
je nerealiziran.50 Time je dio EZ-a bio spreman dati Srbima ty was prepared to grant a wide political autonomy to
široku političku autonomiju, što je moglo dovesti u pita- the Serbs, putting in jeopardy the territorial integrity of
nje teritorijalni integritet Hrvatske i dovesti do stvaranja the Republic of Croatia. A scenario by which the Serbs
države u državi. No, zbog isključive srpske politike, zakon would create their state within Croatia was a real possi-
nikad nije zaživio. bility. However, due to the belligerent stance of Serbia
and the rebel Serbs, the law was never put into effect.
Neuspješni pregovori o budućnosti
Jugoslavije Unsuccessful Negotiations on the Future
of Yugoslavia
Krajem svibnja 1990. Predsjedništvo SFRJ iniciralo
je političke razgovore s rukovodstvima svih republika At the end of May, 1990, the Presidency of the SFRY
i autonomnih pokrajina da bi se stekao uvid u njihovo initiated talks with the leaders of all the constituent re-
gledište o budućim odnosima u SFRJ i njezinu društve- public and autonomous provinces about future rela-
nom uređenju. Razgovori su pokazali da se budućnost tions within the SFRY and the country’s future system
Jugoslavije vidi u suprotstavljenim stajalištima između of government. The talks revealed one major fault line;
federacije i konfederacije. Hrvatska i Slovenija zagovara- between those advocating a federative state and those
le su konfederalnu, a Srbija i Crna Gora federalnu opciju. in favor of a confederation of states. Croatia and Slove-
Bosna i Hercegovina i Makedonija pokušavale su balan- nia favored the option of organizing the country along
sirati između dvije opcije, s tim da im je glavni interes confederative lines while Serbia and Montenegro insist-
ipak bilo očuvanje Jugoslavije. Stajališta JNA bila su slič- ed on a federative Yugoslavia. Bosnia and Herzegovina
na javnim stajalištima srpskoga bloka.51 and Macedonia remained on the fence because their
Koristeći premoć u saveznim tijelima, srbijansko je main goal was to preserve the integrity of Yugoslavia.
rukovodstvo u listopadu 1990. bezuspješno pokušalo The JNA’s point of view mirrored that of the Serbian bloc.
u Skupštini SFRJ nametnuti federalni koncept uređenja The leadership of Serbia, in October, 1990, unsuc-
Jugoslavije.52 Nakon tog neuspjeha Predsjedništvo SFRJ cessfully attempted, using its influence in the federal
nije imalo drugog izbora osim da u siječnju 1991. orga- bodies, to impose their federal concept in the Assembly
nizira novi ciklus razgovora o političkoj budućnosti SFRJ of the SFRY. After this failed attempt the Presidency of
i da u njima sudjeluju predsjednici (odnosno predsjed- the SFRY had no choice but to organize a new round
nici predsjedništava) republika i pokrajina, predsjednik of talks about Yugoslavia’s future in January, 1991. The
Skupštine SFRJ i predsjednik Saveznoga izvršnog vijeća presidents (presidents of presidencies) of the republics
and provinces, the President of the Assembly of the SFRY
and President of the Federal Executive Council (SIV) par-
49 Ustavni zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Ustavnog zako- ticipated in the talks. These talks lasted until June, 1991,
na o ljudskim pravima i slobodama i o pravima etničkih and were conducted on two levels; within the framework
i nacionalnih zajednica ili manjina u Republici Hrvat-
skoj, Narodne novine, br. 27 od 8. 5. 1992.; Ustavni zakon of extended sessions of the Presidency of the SFRY and
o ljudskim pravima i slobodama i o pravima etničkih i through direct discussions between the leaders of the
nacionalnih zajednica ili manjina u Republici Hrvatskoj republics. These efforts bore no fruit. At the last meeting,
(pročišćeni tekst), Narodne novine, br. 34 od 17. 6. 1992. held on June 6, 1991, in Sarajevo, the representatives of
50 Siniša TATALOVIĆ, Tomislav LACOVIĆ, “Dvadeset godina Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia suggested an
zaštite nacionalnih manjina u Republici Hrvatskoj”, Mi- asymmetric federation. According to their model, Serbia
gracijske i etničke teme, 3/27, Zagreb, 2011., 379-380.
and Montenegro would form the core of the (con)feder-
51 HDA, UPRH: Predsedništvo SFRJ, str. pov. br. 150/3-2-696
od 31. 5. 1990.; Vladimir Đuro DEGEN, Hrvatska država u
ation, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia would be
međunarodnoj zajednici, Nakladni zavod Globus, Zagreb, semi-independent but constituent republics and Croatia
2002., 225-226; B. REPE, Jutri je novi dan, 63-73. and Slovenia would enjoy a confederate status with as
52 B. JOVIĆ, Poslednji dani SFRJ, 208-215. much sovereignty and autonomy as they desired. The


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Susret predsjednika republika SFRJ na Brdu kod Kranja, 11. The presidents of the SFRY republics meet in Brdo near Kranj,
travnja 1991. godine (autor fotografija: Renato Branđolica). April 11, 1991 (Photographs by Renato Branđolica).
(SIV).53 Besplodni razgovori trajali su do lipnja 1991. na recommendation was not accepted and with that the
dvije razine, u okviru proširenih sjednica Predsjedništva months-long talks ignominiously failed. Slovenia and
SFRJ i kroz izravne razgovore čelnika republika. Na po- Croatia declared independence on June 25, 1991. The war
sljednjem sastanku, održanom 6. lipnja 1991. u Sarajevu, in Slovenia and intervention of the international commu-
predsjednici BiH i Makedonije ponudili su asimetričnu fe- nity followed but nothing could prevent the break-up of
deraciju. Srbija i Crna Gora bile bi stožer (kon)federacije, Yugoslavia. At the request of the European Community
BiH i Makedonija bile bi polusamostalne, ali konstitutiv- Slovenia and Croatia put a three-month moratorium on
ne republike, a Hrvatska i Slovenija imale bi konfederalni their respective decisions to declare independence.
status s onoliko suvereniteta i autonomije koliko drže da
im je nužno.54 Prijedlog nije prihvaćen i time su republič- Croatia Appears on the International
ki dogovori o budućnosti Jugoslavije završili s potpunim Stage
neuspjehom. Slovenija i Hrvatska proglasile su 25. lipnja
1991. neovisnost. Slijedio je rat i miješanje međunarodne The collapse of Communism in 1989 changed the
zajednice, što nije zaustavilo raspad Jugoslavije. Na za- political map of Europe. The event marked the beginning
htjev Europske zajednice (EZ) Hrvatska i Slovenija na tri of the painstaking process of integrating the countries of
su mjeseca odgodile odluku o neovisnosti.55 Eastern Europe into the sphere of Western Europe and
also the process of introducing capitalism and liberal de-
Iskorak Hrvatske na međunarodnu scenu mocracy into the former countries of the Soviet Bloc and
Communist and socialist countries that existed outside
Slom komunizma 1989. promijenio je političku of the Soviet Bloc. Both processes had a profound impact
kartu Europe. Time je počelo dugogodišnje i mukotr- on the position of Yugoslavia and Croatia in the global
pno integriranje Europe i širenje kapitalizma i liberalne arena. The process of integration determined the need
demokracije u istočnoeuropske zemlje. Oba su procesa to integrate Yugoslavia as a territorial and political whole
into the fabric of the new Europe. On the other hand,
the collapse of Communism necessitated the initiation
53 HDA, UPRH: Informacija Predsedništva SFRJ od 1. 4.
of the process of democratization in Yugoslavia. It soon
1991. o aktivnostima u Predsedništvu SFRJ koje se od-
nose na političku budućnost zemlje. became apparent that the two processes, in the context
54 SVA MORH, ZHRZ: Predsjednik Predsjedništva SR Bosne of Yugoslavia, were mutually exclusive. Serbia, backed by
i Hercegovine, Predsjednik Republike Makedonije, maja Montenegro, resisted all initiatives from the West calling
1991., Platforma o budućoj jugoslovenskoj zajednici; L. for democratization. Croatia, and even more so Slovenia,
SILBER, A. LITTLE, Smrt Jugoslavije, 139-141. had no choice in such circumstances but to push for a
55 B. REPE, Jutri je nov dan, 430; Ivan PERIĆ, Godine koje će se markedly different Yugoslavia. Both republics were pre-
pamtiti, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1995., 102.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

značajno utjecala na međunarodni položaj Jugoslavi- pared to vie for independence should their initiatives fail.
je i Hrvatske. Integracijski procesi iskristalizirani su u Only the President of the Federal Executive Council, Ante
zahtjevu da se Jugoslavija kao teritorijalno-politička Marković, with the backing of the international commu-
cjelina integrira u arhitekturu nove Europe, a slom nity, naively tried to solve the crisis by initiating reforms
komunizma postavio je zahtjev za njezinu demokra- he himself knew were doomed to failure.
tizaciju. Brzo se pokazalo da se ta dva zahtjeva u Ju- With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of
goslaviji isključuju. Srbija i uz nju Crna Gora najviše su the Berlin Wall many political commentators expected a
se protivile promjenama koje su strujale sa Zapada. radical reform of Communism in Eastern Europe. Some
Za Hrvatsku i još više Sloveniju počinjalo je vrijeme u experts predicted the utter collapse of Communism in
kojem su tražile značajno drugačiju Jugoslaviju, pa i Europe. At that time, Western Europe was undergoing an
po cijenu njezina opstanka. Samo je predsjednik SIV-a accelerated process of political and economic integration.
Ante Marković, uz međunarodnu potporu, naivno po- The collapse of the Soviet Union somewhat arrested the
kušavao riješiti krizu navodnim reformama, koje nije momentum of that political and economic integration
mogao provesti. because the existence of the Soviet Union had actually
Rušenjem Berlinskoga zida i padom komunizma been an important external integrative factor in relation
u istočnoj se Europi očekivala radikalna reforma ko- to Western Europe. In October, 1990, the German nation
munizma ili njegovo potpuno nestajanje. U zapadnoj reunited. At the Conference on Security and Co-opera-
Europi ubrzano se odvijalo političko i ekonomsko in- tion in Europe (OSCE) held in Paris from November 19 to
tegriranje, kojemu je slom SSSR-a odmogao tako što November 21, 1990, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe
je ideju europskih integracija oslobodio pritiska koji was signed. The Paris Charter provided the foundation
je ujedno bio vanjski integrativni element. U listopadu for the structure of a new, post-cold war Europe and for
1990. ujedinila se Njemačka. Od 19. do 21. studenoga a new role of the OSCE. On February 7, 1992, in the Dutch
1990. na Konferenciji o europskoj sigurnosti i suradnji city of Maastricht the member states of the European
(KESS) u Parizu prihvaćena je Pariška povelja za novu Community signed the Treaty on European Union. The
Europu. Naznačila je osnove strukture Europe nakon Treaty created a common economic and monetary union,
svršetka Hladnoga rata i novu ulogu KESS-a. U nizo- and a common currency, established common security
zemskom gradu Maastrichtu članice EZ-a potpisale su and defense policies, cooperation, EU citizenship and co-
7. veljače 1992. ugovor o pretvaranju u Europsku uniju. ordination as regards the judiciary and internal affairs.
Ugovorom su postavljeni ciljevi gospodarske i mone- The European Community became actively involved
tarne unije, jedinstvene valute, zajedničke vanjske i in the Yugoslav crisis in the summer of 1991. The EC’s atti-
sigurnosne politike, zajedničke obrambene politike, tude towards what was happening in Yugoslavia ranged
suradnje u pravosuđu, unutarnjim poslovima i držav- from completely ambivalent to staunchly partisan, de-
ljanstvu Unije.56 pending on the member state in question. With the ben-
U jugoslavensku se krizu EZ uključio u ljeto 1991. efit of hindsight we now know that this chaotic response
godine. Odnos dvanaesteročlane zajednice prema of the EC to the Yugoslav crisis was inevitable given the
SFRJ bio je proturječan, što nije čudno s obzirom na fact that 12 countries comprised the EC, countries with
sastav i prošlost zemalja članica Zajednice. U njihovoj differing and sometimes opposing political agendas. It
reakciji i kasnijem djelovanju teško je razlučiti motive. is important to mention that these agendas stemmed,
Vodeće članice imale su svoje kratkoročne i dugoročne more or less directly, from the long and internecine histo-
interese. Nisu bile nevažne ni prijašnje “povijesne” veze ry of Europe in which the nations in question had played
dijela republika sa zapadnoeuropskim državama, kao pivotal roles. It is very hard to discern clear goals and mo-
ni utjecaj tih veza u nekim procjenama i motivima dje- tives behind any given initiative or move by the EC in re-
lovanja. Zajednica je podržavala mlade demokracije, sponse and later on in dealing with the situation in Yugo-
no s druge je strane bila za očuvanje Jugoslavije zbog slavia. The leading members of the community wanted
to protect both their short-term and long-term interests.
Another major factor in this complicated equation were
56 Povijest: Suvremeno doba (1985. – 2007.) i kronologija,
knjiga 19, Biblioteka „Jutarnjeg lista“, Zagreb, 2008., the ties that different Yugoslav republics had established
130-135. with different western European countries. Generally


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

uvriježena mišljenja da ni jedna od republika nije spo- speaking, the European Community supported the new
sobna za samostalan gospodarski život. Držalo se da democratic states in Europe on the one hand, but on the
raspad vodi u građanski rat, što bi bio poguban primjer other it tried to preserve Yugoslavia because the official
za Sovjetski Savez.57 wisdom at the time in Western Europe insisted that none
Poput EZ-a, i Sjedinjene Američke Države (SAD), čak of the republics was capable to exist economically as an
i duže, podržavale su cjelovitu Jugoslaviju. Ilustrativan independent state. This logic dictated that a break-up of
je primjer posjet zamjenika državnoga tajnika SAD-a Yugoslavia would inevitably lead to civil war and that, it
Lawrencea Eagleburgera Jugoslaviji krajem veljače was thought, would in turn unduly exacerbate the situa-
1990. godine. On je nedvosmisleno podržao predsjed- tion in the Soviet Union.
nika SIV-a Antu Markovića. Sastao se i s predstavnicima The United States of America also subscribed to the
oporbe raznih boja iz svih republika, kojima je također notion that steps needed to be taken to preserve Yugo-
jasno dao na znanje da SAD neće poduprijeti raspad slavia. Interestingly enough, the USA continued to hold
Jugoslavije, ali će, ako se to ipak dogodi, prihvatiti za- that point of view even when the EC had jettisoned it.
tečeno stanje. Ta je poruka, tvrdi američki veleposlanik In this context it is important to mention the visit Law-
u SFRJ Warren Zimmermann, različito shvaćena, pose- rence Eagleburger, the US Deputy Secretary of State,
bice u Sloveniji.58 made to Yugoslavia at the end of February, 1990. On that
Uloga SSSR-a bila je uvjetovana problemima kroz occasion he unequivocally showed support for the Pres-
koje je prolazilo komunističko carstvo u raspadu i bila ident of the Federal Executive Council, Ante Marković.
je na razini statista koji se čak nije ni gurao među glav- The US Deputy Secretary of State also met with repre-
ne glumce u predstavi. Nesvrstani, skupina zemalja sentatives of many opposition parties from all republics
Trećega svijeta čiji je Tito bio predvodnik, u svijetu ni and let them be known, in no uncertain terms, that the
izbliza nisu imali važnost koja im se davala u Jugoslavi- USA would never support a break-up of Yugoslavia, but
ji. Završetkom bipolarne podjele svijeta počela je ubr- he also stated that if the eventuality occurred then the
zana marginalizacija Pokreta nesvrstanih.59 USA would accept the new situation. According to War-
Hrvatska je na međunarodnu scenu iskoračila u tre- ren Zimmerman, the American ambassador to the SFRY,
nutku kada se jedan poredak raspadao, a novi se nije ni different republics interpreted Lawrence Eagleburger’s
nazirao. Hrvatskomu je vrhovništvu bilo jasno da radi words differently. Slovenia’s interpretation of what the
iskorak u slabo poznato područje diplomacije. Hrvat- US Deputy Secretary of State said was markedly different
ska nije imala tradiciju diplomatskoga pregovaranja i from those of the other republics.
tek ju je trebala izgraditi.60 Od prethodne vlasti nasli- The role the USSR played in relation to the Yugoslav
jeđen je Republički komitet za odnose s inozemstvom, crisis was determined by the fact that its Communist em-
koji je postao osnova za Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova pire was in a state of collapse. For that reason, the USSR
RH. Diplomacija je počela raditi preko inozemnih ureda was in no position to influence events in any important
way. Once a major, if not the major factor in the global
57 HDA, UPRH: Savezni sekretarijat za vanjske poslove, political landscape, the USSR, in political terms and es-
br. 415014 od 25. 4. 1991., Informacija o poseti pred- pecially as regards the political processes taking place in
sedavajućeg Evropske zajednice Ž. Santera i predsed- Eastern Europe at the time, had been reduced to nothing
nika Komisije EZ Ž. Delora Jugoslaviji, 8. i 9. 5. 1991.;
Stjepan MESIĆ, Kako smo srušili Jugoslaviju, Globus more than a bystander. The Non-aligned Movement, at
International, Zagreb, 1992., 29-33; Josip GLAURDIĆ, whose helm had been Josip Broz Tito, had been hailed
Vrijeme Europe. Zapadne sile i raspad Jugoslavije, Mate, by Yugoslav propaganda as a force to be reckoned with
Zagreb, 2012., 90. in the global geo-political arena. With the collapse of the
58 Warren ZIMMERMANN, Izvori jedne katastrofe, Globus – Soviet Union and effective discontinuation of the bipolar
Znanje, Zagreb, 1997., 77-82. world order, the impotence and irrelevance of the move-
59 Radovan Vukadinović, “U procijepu”, Danas, 3. 7. 1990., ment was exposed for all to see.
Croatia made its debut as an independent country
60 HDA, UPRH: Međunarodni aspekti “hrvatskog pitanja”, bi- in the community of nations when one world order was
lješka od 19. 7. 1990. za sastanak grupe za izradu projekta
“Hrvatska i Sjedinjene Države Jugoslavije” (bilješka je ne- collapsing and when no one could predict with any de-
potpisana, a sastanak se trebao održati 20. 7. 1990.). gree of accuracy what would replace it. The Croatian lead-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

i odbora koji su osnivani za pojedine zemlje ili skupine ership was aware that the country’s nascent diplomatic
zemalja. Do proljeća 1992. na čelu hrvatske diplomaci- corps would have to act in completely uncharted waters.
je bili su mr. Zdravko Mršić, dr. Frane Vinko Golem, dr. Croatia had no tradition of diplomacy – it had to build one
Davorin Rudolf i dr. Zvonimir Šeparović.61 from scratch. Croatia inherited from the former Yugoslav
Uoči proglašenja neovisnosti Slovenije i Hrvatske government the Republic Committee for International
ministri vanjskih poslova KESS-a u Berlinu su 19. lipnja Relations, which became the foundation for the Ministry
1991. poduprli demokratski razvoj i pozvali da se izlaz of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia. The first dip-
iz jugoslavenske krize postigne bez uporabe sile, u lomatic moves were conducted through foreign offices
skladu s legalnom i ustavnom procedurom. Podržali su and committees that were established for individual for-
jedinstvo i teritorijalni integritet Jugoslavije i tražili na- eign countries or groups of countries. Until the spring of
stavak dijaloga među svim zainteresiranim stranama, 1992 Croatian diplomacy was led by Zdravko Mršić, Frane
držeći da “mogućnosti za takav dijalog još nisu iscrplje- Vinko Golem, Davorin Rudolf and Zvonimir Šeparović.
ne”. Na tim je osnovama Zajednica bila voljna pomoći Just prior to Slovenia’s and Croatia’s declaration of in-
Jugoslaviji da se ekonomski i politički transformira.62 dependence the OSCE foreign ministers expressed sup-
Nekoliko dana poslije ministri EZ-a dogovorili su se 23. port for democratic development and called on all con-
lipnja u Luxembourgu da neće priznati neovisnost Hr- cerned to strive for a peaceful resolution of the Yugoslav
vatske i Slovenije ako one jednostrano odluče napustiti crisis and in accordance with the legal and constitution-
jugoslavensku federaciju te da će suspendirati sve po- al procedures, in Berlin on June 19, 1991. They also ex-
sjete predstavnika “secesionističkih” republika.63 pressed support for the territorial integrity and unity of
Akciju EZ-a podržao je i SAD. Američki ministar Yugoslavia and requested all interested parties to contin-
vanjskih poslova James Baker posjetio je 21. lipnja ue with the dialogue, emphasizing that “the grounds for
1991. Beograd. Tijekom jednodnevnoga boravka Baker dialogue have still not been exhausted”. On that basis the
se odvojeno sastao s čelnicima republika, premijerom European Community was prepared to help transform
Markovićem i čelnicima kosovskih Albanaca. Nije uspio Yugoslavia both economically and politically. A few days
odgovoriti Tuđmana i slovenskog predsjednika Milana later, on June 23 in Luxembourg, the ministers of the Eu-
Kučana od namjere da proglase neovisnost. No posta- ropean Community decide against supporting Croatia’s
vilo se pitanje je li njegov posjet ohrabrio JNA da upo- and Slovenia’s decision to declare independence if the
rabi silu u zapadnim republikama.64 two countries unilaterally decide to secede from the Yu-
Upozorenja i posjeti predstavnika međunarodne goslav federation. The ministers also agreed to suspend
zajednice nisu spriječili Sloveniju i Hrvatsku da 25. all visits of representatives of the “secessionist” republics.
lipnja 1991. proglase neovisnost. Nakon debakla JNA The United States of America expressed support for
u Sloveniji EZ se uključio u jugoslavensku krizu. Bilo the European Community’s stance. The American For-
eign Affairs Minister James Baker visited Belgrade on
61 Odluka Sabora SRH od 31. 5. 1990. o imenovanju repu-
June 21, 1991. During his one-day stay Baker held sep-
bličkih sekretara i predsjednika republičkih komiteta, arate meetings with the leaders of the republics, Prime
Narodne novine, br. 25, 1. 6. 1990.; Odluka predsjednika Minister Marković and leaders of the Kosovo Albanians.
Republike Hrvatske od 18. 1. 1991. o inozemnim ure- He tried to talk Tuđman and the Slovenian President Mi-
dima Republike Hrvatske, Narodne novine, br. 21, 2. 5.
1991.; Odluka Vlade RH od 19. 3. 1991. o imenovanju lan Kučan out of their intention to declare independence
Odbora za arapske zemlje u Ministarstvu inozemnih po- but his efforts were unsuccessful. Some commentators
slova, Narodne novine, br. 14, 25. 3. 1991.; Zapisnik sa 77. proposed that Baker’s visit actually emboldened the JNA
(zatvorene) sjednice Vlade Republike Hrvatske, održane to use force in the western republics of the SFRY.
30. travnja 1991.; F. GREGURIĆ, Vlada demokratskog je-
dinstva, 11, 660. The attitude of the EC, the international communi-
ty and the USA did not discourage Slovenia and Croatia
62 HDA, UPRH: Savezni sekretarijat za vanjske poslove, De-
klaracija o situaciji u Jugoslaviji br. 04797 od 21. 6. 1991. from declaring independence on June 25, 1991. After the
63 Michael LIBAL, Njemačka politika i jugoslavenska kriza
JNA’s attack on Slovenia had turned into an embarrass-
1991.–1992., Golden marketing-Tehnička knjiga, Za- ing fiasco, the EC got actively involved in the Yugoslav
greb, 2004., 23. crisis. The EC had a number of motives for doing so; try-
64 W. ZIMMERMANN, Izvori jedne katastrofe, 161-167. ing to prove to the world that it could successfully deal


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

je više motiva za to, od potrebe dokazivanja da se Za- with crises on its doorstep, preventing the situation in
jednica može nositi s krizom na svojem pragu, bojazni Yugoslavia from turning into a blueprint for potentially
da to postane presedan za SSSR, do očekivanja da će disastrous developments in the USSR and preventing
izbjeglice iz Jugoslavije preplaviti zapadnu Europu. masses of refugees from Yugoslavia from flooding West-
Tijekom slovenskoga rata ministarska trojka EZ-a ne- ern Europe. During the war in Slovenia three EC ministers
koliko je puta posjetila Jugoslaviju inzistirajući na tri visited Yugoslavia a number of times, insisting on three
točke: prekidu vatre u Sloveniji i povlačenju JNA u things: cease-fire in Slovenia and withdrawal of the JNA
vojarne, tromjesečnom moratoriju na odluke o neovi- forces into the barracks, three-month moratorium on the
snosti Slovenije i Hrvatske te izboru Stjepana Mesića decision to declare independence in relation to Slovenia
za predsjednika Predsjedništva SFRJ,65 koji je, iako se and Croatia and that Stjepan Mesić be appointed Pres-
radilo o redovnoj proceduri, opstruirao srpski blok u ident of the Presidency of the SFRY. The process of ap-
Predsjedništvu. pointing Stjepan Mesić as President of the Presidency, a
Trojka se 7. srpnja 1991. na Brijunima sastala s mere technicality, was obstructed by the Serbian bloc in
predstavnicima Federacije, JNA, Hrvatske i Slovenije. the Presidency.
Sudionici su potvrdili da u potpunosti prihvaćaju pri- On July 7, 1991, on the Brijuni Islands the three minis-
jedloge trojke od 30. lipnja 1991. o prekidu vatre, tro- ters met with representatives of the Federation, the JNA,
mjesečnom moratoriju na provedbu deklaracija o ne- Croatia and Slovenia. The representatives confirmed that
ovisnosti, slanju promatračke misije i obnavljanju rada they agreed with the ministers’ recommendations of June
Predsjedništva SFRJ. Dogovoreno je da će pregovori o 30, 1991, about the cease-fire, three-month moratorium,
budućnosti Jugoslavije početi brzo, odnosno najkasni- sending a monitoring mission and renewing the function
je do 1. kolovoza 1991. godine. Zajednica se obvezala of the Presidency of the SFRY. It was also agreed that ne-
pružiti pomoć pod uvjetom da se strogo poštuju načela gotiations about Yugoslavia’s future would start soon, by
iz Završnoga dokumenta iz Helsinkija i Pariške povelje August 1, 1991, at the latest. The European Community
o novoj Europi. Dogovoreno je i osnivanje promatrač- accepted the obligation to provide assistance but under
ke misije radi praćenja stanja u Jugoslaviji, posebice u the condition that the principles from the Helsinki Final
Sloveniji, “a eventualno i u Hrvatskoj”.66 Ako su hrvatske Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, be hon-
vlasti i očekivale da će nazočnost promatrača smiriti ored. In addition, it was agreed that a monitoring mission
stanje na terenu, to se nije dogodilo. Dobra je strana would be sent to Yugoslavia to keep an eye on the situa-
bila što je misija postupno stekla uvid u stanje na tere- tion, with special emphasis on Slovenia, and possibly on
nu. Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova poslalo je ministrima Croatia as well. The advance contingent of the monitor-
EZ-a koji su 24. srpnja 1991. zasjedali u Bruxellesu služ- ing mission arrived in Zagreb on July 15 and stated that
beni zahtjev da donesu odluku o slanju promatrača u their mission was to monitor the implementation of the
Hrvatsku.67 Ministri vanjskih poslova EZ-a prihvatili su Brijuni Declaration. There are indications that the Croa-
u Bruxellesu 29. srpnja odluku o slanju promatrača u tian leadership thought that the presence of the moni-
Hrvatsku, za što se tražilo da Hrvatska i Srbija potpišu toring mission on the ground would defuse the tensions.
sporazum koji bi to omogućio. Srbija se usprotivila sla- That, however, did not happen. However, the monitoring
nju promatrača u Hrvatsku, tvrdeći da Jugoslavija ima mission gradually became aware of the realities on the
dovoljno potencijala da sama nadzire prekid vatre.68 ground. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
Usklađeno djelovanje JNA i pobunjenih Srba, posebice
Croatia sent an official request to the ministers of the EC
who were holding a conference in Brussels on July 24,
1991, to send the monitoring mission to Croatia. The EC’s
65 S. MESIĆ, Kako smo srušili Jugoslaviju, 53-54; M. LIBAL,
Njemačka politika, 26-27. foreign ministers decided, on July 29, to send the moni-
toring mission to Croatia. However, both Serbia and Cro-
66 ASH: Tajništvo Sabora RH, Zajednička deklaracija kl.
200-01/91-01/05, ur. br. 61-91-8225 od 29. 7. 1991. atia had to sign an agreement that would actually enable
67 Zapisnik s 96. zatvorene sjednice Vlade Republike Hr-
the EC to send the monitoring mission to Croatia. Serbia
vatske, održane 24. srpnja 1991. rejected to sign any such agreement, claiming that Yu-
68 Henri VEJNANS, U žrvnju. Jugoslovenska hronika jul 1991 goslavia had enough resources to oversee a cease-fire.
– avgust 1992, Radio B92, Beograd, 1996., 51-56. The JNA and rebel Serbs acted in concert, especially in


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

u istočnoj Hrvatskoj, ponovno je dovelo do eskalacije eastern Croatia. That led to an escalation of violence and
nasilja, za što su ministri vanjskih poslova EZ-a 20. ko- the ministers of the EC made it clear, on August 20, that
lovoza prozvali sve sukobljene strane. Ministarsko vije- they held all sides accountable for the situation. The EC’s
će EZ-a upozorilo je 27. kolovoza Srbiju da se prestane Council of Ministers warned, on August 27, Serbia to
protiviti proširenju njihove misije za nadzor prekida stop preventing the EC to extend its mission to Croatia to
vatre u Hrvatskoj.69 oversee a cease-fire there.
Iako su Srbija i Crna Gora, a navodno i članovi Even though Serbia and Montenegro, and possibly
Predsjedništva SFRJ iz BiH i Makedonije, bili protiv the members of the Presidency of the SFRY from Bosnia
uključivanja EZ-a, prevagnuo je pritisak za održavanje and Herzegovina and Macedonia, were against the EC’s
Mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji u Haagu u Nizo- involvement, the determining factor in that particular re-
zemskoj. Za predsjedatelja je prihvaćen britanski di- gard proved to be the pressure to hold the EC Peace Con-
plomat lord Peter Carrington. Osnivanje konferencije ference on Yugoslavia in The Hague in the Netherlands.
bilo je pokazatelj da se jugoslavenska kriza internaci- It was agreed that the British diplomat Lord Peter Car-
onalizirala, čime je Hrvatska mogla biti zadovoljna, ali rington would act as the chairman of the Conference. The
ne i brzinom njezina djelovanja. Konferencija je bila setting up of the conference showed that the Yugoslav
važna da na djelu pokaže da se može nositi s proble- crisis had become an international problem and Croatia
mom kao što je bio ratni raspad multinacionalne drža- was satisfied with that development. However, the deci-
ve. Mirovna je konferencija počela 7. rujna, a završila sions made at the conference were implemented slowly,
5. studenoga 1991. godine. Osnovna ideja iznesenih and Croatia was less satisfied with that aspect of the situ-
prijedloga bilo je slobodno udruživanje republika koje ation. The conference proved that the EC was capable of
su tražile neovisnost, uz snažno jamstvo zaštite ljud- dealing with major problems because the violent break-
skih prava i poseban status autonomije za određene up of Yugoslavia, a multi-ethnic country, definitely fit into
etničke skupine i područja. Najvažniji dio prijedloga the category of a major problem. The peace conference
odnosio se na priznanje republika koje to žele u posto- started on September 7 and finished on November 5,
jećim granicama.70 Na sjednici 5. studenoga 1991. Slo- 1991. The core idea behind all the recommendations put
bodan Milošević i Momir Bulatović tražili su da se uz forward at the conference was the right of the republics
mogućnost stvaranja neovisnih država i njihova slo- that had been vying for independence to freely choose
bodna udruživanja jednako tretira i opcija o želji nekih to leave or to stay in the SFRY with the proviso that the
republika i naroda da ostanu u Jugoslaviji kao svojoj republics had to give strong guarantees that they would
zajedničkoj državi. Taj zahtjev, da se jamči kontinuitet respect human rights and give autonomy to certain
srpsko-crnogorske Jugoslavije i nužnost promjene ethnic groups and to certain areas. The most important
granica u njihovu korist, ostale četiri republike nisu recommendations, from the perspective of the republics
prihvatile. Pregovori su pretrpjeli neuspjeh premda su that wished to secede from Yugoslavia, were those that
proglašeni privremeno prekinutim. Lord Carrington called for international recognition of those republics’
prebacio je odluku o sudbini konferencije, konkretnoj independence and international recognition of their ex-
odgovornosti i mogućim sankcijama na ministre EZ-a i isting borders. At a meeting held on November 5, 1991,
njihov skori sastanak u Rimu.71 Slobodan Milošević and Momir Bulatović insisted that
Jugoslavenskoj su krizi neslavan prilog 25. rujna the wishes of those republics who wanted to leave Yu-
1991. dali i Ujedinjeni narodi (UN). Uz potporu tadaš-
goslavia and the wishes of those republics who wanted
to stay in Yugoslavia as their common country be treated
69 M. LIBAL, Njemačka politika, 54-61. equally. This was actually a craftily worded demand from
70 Mario NOBILO, Hrvatski feniks. Diplomatski procesi iza Serbia and Montenegro for guarantees that Serbia and
zatvorenih vrata 1990.–1997., Nakladni zavod Globus, Montenegro would continue as a continued Yugoslavia.
Zagreb, 2000., 211-212; M. LIBAL, Njemačka politika, 61- Implicit in that demand was the necessity of altering the
63, 88, 93-96.
internal boundaries of Yugoslavia for the benefit of Ser-
71 Zapisnik s 48. (zatvorene) sjednice Vlade Republike Hr- bia and Montenegro at the expense of other republics.
vatske, održane 6. studenog 1991.; “Diktatom se ne uki-
da država”, Politika, 6. 11. 1991., 1; M. LIBAL, Njemačka The other four republics rejected the demand. The talks
politika, 91-93. ended in a stalemate. Lord Carrington did not want to


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 55 4.2.2020. 19:25:42

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

njeg ministra inozemnih poslova SFRJ Budimira Lon- accept the burden of deciding the faith of the confer-
čara Vijeće sigurnosti UN-a uvelo je embargo na uvoz ence itself, of deciding who would be responsible for
oružja u Jugoslaviju, što je – za razliku od JNA i Srbije what and of deciding what possible sanctions might be
– pogodilo isključivo Hrvatsku.72 imposed on whom so he simply passed the buck to the
Nakon propasti Mirovne konferencije, S. Miloše- ministers of the EC. The ministers’ next scheduled meet-
vić je pokrenuo mehanizam da zaštiti područja pod ing was in Rome.
srpskim nadzorom u Hrvatskoj. Taj, kako ga je nazvao The United Nations also gave their ignoble contribu-
Borisav Jović, “radikalni potez” počeo se uobličivati po- tion to the Yugoslav crisis on September 25, 1991. With
četkom studenoga 1991., a tekst poziva prihvaćen je the backing of the Yugoslav Foreign Affairs Minister, Bu-
9. studenoga na sjednici krnjega Predsjedništva SFRJ. dimir Lončar, the UN Security Council placed an arms
U njemu su Srbija i Crna Gora tražile slanje mirovnih embargo on Yugoslavia for all deliveries of weapons and
snaga UN-a u Hrvatsku da razdvoje sukobljene strane, military equipment into Yugoslavia. The embargo did
odnosno zaštite srpska osvajanja i omoguće izvlačenje not affect the JNA and Serbia but it had a debilitating ef-
JNA. Vijeće sigurnosti počelo je 15. studenoga raspravu fect on Croatia.
o srpsko-crnogorskom pozivu nakon što su to “tražile” Slobodan Milošević, after the failed peace confer-
Velika Britanija i Francuska.73 ence, made his move to protect the areas under Serb con-
U prvoj polovini prosinca 1991. posebni izaslanik trol in Croatia. That, in the words of Borisav Jović, “radical
generalnoga tajnika UN-a, američki diplomat Cyrus move” started taking shape at the beginning of Novem-
Vance dogovorio je s čelnicima Hrvatske i Srbije da one ber, 1991. Slobodan Milošević wrote a request for the UN.
prihvate načela za razmještaj mirovnih snaga UN-a na The text of the request was accepted at a meeting of the
području Jugoslavije. Temelj za plan bio je sporazum rump Presidency of the SFRY on November 9. Milošević,
iz Ženeve od 23. studenoga 1991., u kojem je dogovo- in the request, demanded on behalf of Serbia and Monte-
ren prekid vatre, deblokada vojarni i povlačenje JNA iz negro that the UN send a peacekeeping force to Croatia
Hrvatske. Suglasnost za mogući dolazak i razmještanje to act as a buffer between the two warring parties and
mirovnih snaga UN-a u okupiranim dijelovima Hrvat- to protect the Serbs conquests in Croatia and enable the
ske, pod uvjetom da se poštuje potpisani prekid vatre, JNA to pull out of the area. The UN Security Council start-
Vijeće sigurnosti dalo je 27. studenoga u Rezoluciji ed deliberating on Milošević’s demand on November 15
721. Područje pod zaštitom UN-a utvrđeno je u Anexu at the “explicit request” of Great Britain and France.
III Plana Cyrusa Vancea od 11. prosinca 1991. godine. During the first half of December, 1991, the Special
Obuhvaćalo je 18 općina u cjelini i dijelove četiriju op- Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the
ćina. Nakon toga je Vijeće sigurnosti 15. prosinca po- American diplomat Cyrus Vance, made a deal with the
tvrdilo Plan C, koji je po autoru nazvan Vanceov plan. leaders of Serbia and Croatia according to which a UN
Krnje Predsjedništvo SFRJ prihvatilo ga je 31. prosinca peacekeeping force would be deployed in Yugoslavia.
1991. godine.74 The basis of this deal and the subsequent plan for the de-
Njemačka je od početka studenoga 1991. pripre- ployment of the peacekeeping force was the agreement
mala teren za priznanje Hrvatske i Slovenije. Naravno made in Geneva on November 23, 1991, which stipulat-
ed an immediate cease-fire, lifting the siege of the JNA
bases and barracks in Croatia and withdrawal of the JNA
72 Sudski spisi Međunarodnog kaznenog suda za bivšu Jugo-
from Croatia. The Security Council agreed, on November
slaviju u Den Haagu (dalje: ICTY): Rezolucija 713 Vijeća si-
gurnosti UN od 25. 9. 1991.; HDA, HUPMEZ: Vlada Republi- 27 in Resolution 721, that a peacekeeping force could
ke Hrvatske, Izjava u povodu Rezolucije VS UN o Jugoslaviji be sent to and deployed in Croatia on condition that the
ur. br. 50302-91-1, kl. 010-02/91-01/13 od 27. 9. 1991. signed agreement relating to the cease-fire was honored.
73 B. JOVIĆ, Poslednji dani SFRJ, 407-411. The area that would be under the protection of the UN
74 ICTY: Savet bezbednosti UN od 11. 12. 1991., Izveštaj was determined in Annex III of Cyrus Vance’s plan of De-
generalnog sekretara u skladu sa Rezolucijom Saveta cember 11, 1991. The area in question encompassed 18
bezbednosti br. 721 (1991.); ICTY: Plan mirovne ope- municipalities in their entirety and parts of four addition-
racije UN u Jugoslaviji (studeni-prosinac 1991.); ICTY:
Rezolucija 724 Vijeća sigurnosti UN od 15. 12. 1991.; B. al municipalities. On December 15 the Security Council
JOVIĆ, Poslednji dani SFRJ, 421. confirmed Plan C, which is also known as the Vance Plan.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 56 4.2.2020. 19:25:43

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

/'rmnhrli~m1, 'prosla11/i'
\'n,·ug,,dinu, •. .. _ , H 4
• S/un/, Pri;/lni rad,
Vjesnik, „Hrvatska priznata europska država“,
srijeda, 15. siječnja 1992.
• (i,•ml,Mnu,,.J.r
u/Jrinorclma ...... _____ ,,·/r4
Vjesnik, “Croatia is a Recognized European
• .4/iJr, r,.,,-~n
br.,,idNookmri/11 Country”, Wednesday, January 15, 1992.
• i't'triniA, lalrnn
noi•i~nmr ......... _,. ....-<lr 4
e HTl:lll;/ubl',
rrklsmiraniano,·lnR7 ....,/r6
Yjes11ik JIIIIH . . mir u UljNbH:ko J


Prilog covjecanstvu,
miru i iivotnosti UN
Ameritki predstavnik osporio pravo Srbiji i Crnoj Gori da sjede u svjetskoj organizaciji
Vjesnik, subota, 23. svibnja 1992.: „Hrvatska (22. svib- Predsjednik RH Franjo Tuđman na kninskoj tvrđavi, 6.
nja 1992.) postala 178. članica svjetske organizacije kolovoza 1995. (autor fotografije: Bruno Vugdelija).
Croatian President Franjo Tuđman at Knin fortress,
Vjesnik, Saturday, May 23, 1992: “Croatia (May 22, August 6, 1995 (Photograph by Bruno Vugdelija).
1992) Becomes 178th Member of the UN”.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 57 4.2.2020. 19:25:44

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

da takvo stajalište nije naišlo na oduševljenje nekih The rump Presidency of the SFRY accepted the plan on
članica EZ-a, koje su inzistirale na zajedničkom pri- December 31, 1991.
stupu. No medijsko praćenje rata učinilo je svoje na Germany started preparing the ground for the inter-
senzibiliziranju javnosti, posebice nakon srpskoga national recognition of Croatian and Slovenian indepen-
osvajanja Vukovara. Nakon što su slike razorenoga dence at the beginning of November, 1991. The German
Vukovara obišle svijet i Državno tajništvo Svete Stoli- initiative did not sit well with some member states of the
ce je 26. studenoga 1991. zemljama članicama KESS-a EC. These states insisted on a joint approach to the issue,
uputilo Memorandum s prijedlogom međunarodnoj but unfortunately for them, the events on the ground
zajednici o priznavanju neovisnosti i suvereniteta Hr- had rendered any such approach impossible. Every ma-
vatske i Slovenije.75 U takvim okolnostima, u Bunde- jor world news network had been showing grim footage
stagu je 27. studenoga 1991. kancelar Helmut Kohl of the escalating violence that had gripped the country
najavio da su uvjeti za priznanje jugoslavenskih re- ever since the crisis started. The world public demanded
publika nakon 10. prosinca poštovanje načela Pariš- swift action to stop the carnage, especially after the JNA
ke povelje i Helsinškoga završnog akta te posebice, and Serb paramilitaries, after a brutal three-month siege,
u skladu s tim dokumentima, jamčenje manjinskih mercilessly sacked Vukovar. As a direct result of the Serbs’
prava. Bila je to najava uvjeta pod kojima će Njemač- depredations in Vukovar, the Secretariat of State of the
ka priznati neovisnost Hrvatske i Slovenije ako ih one Holy See sent, on November 26, 1991, a memorandum to
jednostrano ispune.76 Hrvatska je to učinila 4. prosin- the member states of the OSCE recommending that the
ca 1991. prihvaćanjem Ustavnoga zakona o ljudskim international community should recognize the indepen-
pravima i slobodama i pravima etničkih i nacionalnih dence and sovereignty of Croatia and Slovenia. German
zajednica ili manjina u Republici Hrvatskoj.77 U među- Chancellor Helmut Kohl did not hesitate. On November
vremenu se i Arbitražna komisija očitovala o važnim 27, 1991, he stated in the Bundestag that the indepen-
pitanjima prava na samoodređenje i pitanjima grani- dence of the Yugoslav republics would be possible after
ca. Komisija je 20. studenoga dobila pitanja, na koja December 10 if the republics in question honored the
je odgovorila 29. studenoga, a javnost je s njima bila principles of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe and
upoznata 7. prosinca 1991. godine. U Mišljenju br. 1, the Helsinki Final Act and especially, in regard to said doc-
Arbitražna je komisija zaključila da se Jugoslavija na- uments, the republics in question provided guarantees
lazi u procesu raspada, da republike pitanja državne that they would respect the rights of ethnic minorities.
sukcesije trebaju riješiti u skladu s međunarodnim Kohl’s announcement meant that each country had to
pravom i da je na republikama koje to žele da izaberu meet the stated conditions if it wanted its independence
neku novu zajednicu, koja bi imala demokratske in- to be internationally recognized. Croatia met all the de-
stitucije po njihovu izboru.78 mands on December 4, 1991, by accepting the Constitu-
Mišljenje je bilo snažan udarac srpskim tvrdnjama tional Law of Human Rights and Freedoms and the Rights
i dodatno je pojačalo njemačka gledišta o priznanju of National and Ethnic Communities or Minorities in the
Hrvatske. U Bruxellesu su ministri vanjskih poslova Republic of Croatia. In the meantime, the Arbitration
EZ-a 16. prosinca 1991. uspjeli usvojiti zajedničko sta- Commission of the Conference on Yugoslavia had made
jalište o priznavanju jugoslavenskih republika. Repu- its position clear as regards the right to self-determina-
blike koje ispune uvjete EZ-a i koje to žele mogle su tion and the issue of boundaries. On November 20 a set of
questions was submitted to the Arbitration Commission.
75 J. BARUNČIĆ PLETIKOSIĆ, Katolička crkva u Hrvatskoj i On November 29 the Arbitration Commission gave its an-
Domovinski rat 1991. - 1995., Glas Koncila – HMDCDR, swers to the questions. The general public was informed
Zagreb, 2017., 204.
of the Arbitration Commission’s position on December 7,
76 M. LIBAL, Njemačka politika, 99-104. 1991. In Opinion No. 1 the Arbitration Commission con-
77 Ustavni zakon o ljudskim pravima i slobodama i o pravi- cluded that “the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
ma etničkih i nacionalnih zajednica ili manjina u Repu-
blici Hrvatskoj, Narodne novine, br. 65, 4. 12. 1991.
is in the process of dissolution; that it is incumbent upon
the Republics to settle such problems of state succession
78 ICTY: Mišljenje Arbitražne komisije Konferencije o Jugo-
slaviji; M. LIBAL, Njemačka politika, 105-106; J. GLAUR- as may arise from this process in keeping with the princi-
DIĆ, Vrijeme Europe, 238-239. ples and rules of international law, with particular regard


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

očekivati priznanje do 15. siječnja 1992. te su pozvane for human rights and the rights of peoples and minorities;
da se do 23. prosinca izjasne žele li priznanje i prihva- that it is up to those Republics that so wish, to work to-
ćaju li uvjete EZ-a. Njemačka je 19. prosinca odlučila gether to form a new association endowed with the dem-
priznati Sloveniju i Hrvatsku 23. prosinca te najavila ocratic institutions of their choice.”
da će diplomatske odnose uspostaviti 15. siječnja Opinion No. 1 constituted a serious blow to Serbia
1992. godine.79 and fortified Germany’s point of view about internation-
Nakon izvlačenja opreme i naoružanja nije bilo al recognition of Croatia. In Brussels, on December 16,
zapreka da JNA zatraži konačni prekid borbi. Pod po- 1991, the EC’s foreign ministers accepted a joint position
kroviteljstvom međunarodne zajednice, u Sarajevu je on recognizing the Yugoslav republics. Those republics
2. siječnja 1992. potpisan sporazum o prekidu vatre. that sought recognition, provided they had met all the
Za razliku od prethodnih prekida vatre, Sarajevski je necessary conditions, could expect to be recognized by
sporazum uglavnom zaživio, iako su razmjene vatre iz- January 15, 1992, and were called upon to announce
među sukobljenih strana bile česte. Ubrzo potom, 15. whether they sought independence and accepted the
siječnja 1992., Hrvatska je dobila međunarodno pri- EC’s conditions by December 23. On December 19 Ger-
znanje, ali je dio njezina teritorija bio pod okupacijom. many decided to recognize Croatia and Slovenia on
Time je završila prva etapa rata. December 23 and announced that it would establish
diplomatic relations with the two newly independent
Hrvatska 1992. – 1995. (1997./1998.) countries on January 15, 1992.
The JNA forces in Croatia were allowed to withdraw
U proljeće 1992. težište krize premjestilo se u BiH, with all their weaponry. After that, there was nothing
no ni Hrvatska nije ostala posve mirna. Okupirana su preventing the JNA from agreeing to a cease-fire. On
područja bila trajan uzročnik nemira, posebice 1993. January 2, 1992, under the auspices of the internation-
i 1995. godine. Unutarnji politički život Hrvatske obi- al community, a cease-fire agreement was signed in
lježila je sustavna dominacija HDZ-a. Tuđman je 1992. Sarajevo. Unlike many other similar agreements signed
uvjerljivo pobijedio na predsjedničkim izborima, a during the wars in the former Yugoslavia, the Sarajevo
HDZ na izborima za Zastupnički dom Sabora 1992. i Agreement was in effect for a considerable period of
1995., kao i za Županijski dom Sabora 1993. godine.80 time, even though exchanges of fire on a local scale were
Jedina jača oporbena stranka u tom razdoblju bila je frequent. Shortly thereafter, on January 15, 1992, Croatia
Hrvatska socijalno-liberalna stranka. Socijaldemokrat- was internationally recognized but a part of its territory
ska partija Hrvatske pala je na niske grane i bila je go- was occupied. Thus ended the first phase of the war.
tovo beznačajna stranka. U tom smislu nema govora o
nekom velikom stranačkom životu u Hrvatskoj. Oporba Croatia from 1992 to 1995 (1997/1998)
vladajućemu HDZ-u nastojala se regrutirati iz redova
navodno lijevih intelektualaca i novinara oko udruga In the spring of 1992, the center of gravity of the cri-
poput Hrvatskog helsinškog odbora i Erasmusa te no- sis shifted from Croatia to Bosnia and Herzegovina. How-
vina poput Feral Tribunea. ever, this does not mean that peace reigned in Croatia.
Prestankom izravne ugroze od JNA i raspadom Far from it. The occupied areas of Croatia were the cause
Vlade demokratskoga jedinstva 1992., HDZ je tek tada of a number of military operations, especially in 1993
završio preuzimanje vlasti. Glavni politički čimbenik
and 1995. The internal political life in Croatia was marked
bio je predsjednik Tuđman, s vrlo velikim ovlastima by the continued political domination of the HDZ party.
Tuđman won a landslide victory in the presidential elec-
tion in 1992. His overwhelming victory was mirrored by
79 M. LIBAL, Njemačka politika, 106-112. those of the HDZ party in the elections for the Chamber
80 Izvješće br. 30 Izborne komisije Republike Hrvatske od of Representatives in 1992 and 1995, and also in the elec-
11. 8. 1992.; Izvješće br. 32 Izborne komisije Republike tion for the Chamber of Counties in 1993. The only strong
Hrvatske od 12. 8. 1992.; Izvješće Izborne komisije Repu- opposition party at that time was the Croatian Social Lib-
blike Hrvatske o provedenim izborima za zastupnike u
Županijskom domu Sabora RH, veljača 1993.; Izvješće br. eral Party. The fortunes of the Social Democratic Party of
23 Izborne komisije Republike Hrvatske od 14. 11. 1995. Croatia were at their lowest ebb in the history of the par-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Papa Ivan Pavao II. u posjetu Crkvi u Hrvata i Republici Hrvatskoj i predsjednik
RH Franjo Tuđman, Zračna luka Pleso, Zagreb, 10. rujna 1994. godine (autor fo-
tografije: Marko Perić). Vatikanska diplomacija i tadašnji papa Ivan Pavao II. među
najzaslužnijima su za međunarodno priznanje Republike Hrvatske kao neovisne
države. Snažnu potporu traženju mirnog rješenja u okviru međunarodno priznatih
granica RH Papa je potvrdio dolaskom u Hrvatsku, u glavni grad Zagreb, 10. i 11.
rujna 1994. godine. S iskustvom života u komunističkom režimu, posebno je cijenio
ulogu hrvatskoga kardinala Alojzija Stepinca u komunističkoj Jugoslaviji, za kojeg
je kazao da je „najsvjetliji lik“, a nakon što je u zagrebačkoj katedrali služio svečanu
večernju misu, kleknuo je na njegov grob i pomolio se. Na euharistijsko slavlje koje
je predvodio drugoga dana boravka u Zagrebu hodočastilo je oko milijun vjernika
iz Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine te iz drugih zemalja, koji su došli potvrditi svoju
odanost Sv. Stolici i iskazati zahvalnost papi Ivanu Pavlu II. Nikada u povijesti na
jednom mjestu nije bilo toliko Hrvata.

Pope John Paul II and President Tuđman during the Pope’s pastoral visit to Croatia,
Pleso Airport, Zagreb, September 10, 1994 (Photograph by Marko Perić). Croatia
owes a huge debt of gratitude to Vatican diplomacy and Pope John Paul II for its in-
dependence. John Paul II confirmed his unflinching commitment to Croatia’s inde-
pendence within its internationally recognized borders and to seeking a peaceful
solution to the crisis by a two-day visit to the country’s capital Zagreb (September
10 and 11, 1994). The pope, having lived under Communist rule, particularly re-
spected the Croatian Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac and his conduct in Communist Yu-
goslavia. John Paul II stated that Cardinal Stepinac was “a most venerable person”,
and, having held a Mass in the Zagreb Cathedral, the pontiff knelt on Stepinac’s
grave and said a prayer. On the second day of the visit the pope presided over
the Eucharistic celebration which was attended by about a million Catholics from
Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and other countries who came to show their
loyalty to the Holy See and express their gratitude to the pontiff. Never, before or
since, have so many Croats gathered in one place.

koje su potpuno učvršćene u državi i stranci. Jedinu ty, before or since. During that period, the Social Demo-
krizu HDZ je preživio u prvoj polovini 1994., kada je cratic Party had no political influence worth the name.
skupina predvođena Josipom Manolićem i Stjepanom Because of the overwhelming political dominance of the
Mesićem pokušala preko Sabora preuzeti vlast u drža- HDZ party there was virtually no political discourse in the
vi. Taj dvojac nije bio zadovoljan raspodjelom moći i country. The parties opposed to the HDZ tried to recruit
postupnim istiskivanjem od strane novih aktera, po- new members from the ranks of ostensibly left-leaning
sebice rastom važnosti ministra obrane Gojka Šuška, intellectuals and journalists centered on NGOs like the
koji je do smrti bio druga politička osoba u državi po Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and Eras-
značenju. Pokušaj je propao i od tada u HDZ-u nije bilo mus and publications like Feral Tribune.
većeg nesuglasja.81 The HDZ took power only when the direct threat the
Operativne poslove države vodila je Vlada, koja je JNA posed to the country’s existence had ceased and
nakon Franje Gregurića do kraja 1995. promijenila još when the government of national unity was dissolved in
tri premijera: Hrvoja Šarinića (1992. - 1993.), Nikicu Va- 1992. The main political player at that time was President
lentića (1993. - 1995.) i Zlatka Matešu (1995. - 2000.). Tuđman who enjoyed wide-ranging executive authority.
Sve je bilo podređeno ratu, što se nepovoljno odrazilo The only danger to HDZ’s hold on power came in the first
na civilni život i demokratizaciju države. half of 1994 from a group led by Josip Manolić and Stje-
pan Mesić. The group tried to use the Croatian parliament
to overthrow the HDZ and assume power. Manolić and
Mesić were not satisfied with the separation of powers in
the state and the fact that their roles in the government
81 Nino ŠKRABE, Branimir Pasecky: Olujne godine, Radio Ja-
ska d.o.o., Jastrebarsko, 2004., 198-202.
had been sidelined during the preceding few years. They


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Hrvatska i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini were especially irked by the political clout of the Defense
1992. godine Minister Gojko Šušak, whose political importance was
second only to that of Franjo Tuđman. The attempt failed
Kada je početkom travnja 1992. bilo očito da Srbi and the HDZ never again experienced a major crisis.
uz otvorenu pomoć JNA osvajaju Bosnu i Hercegovinu, The government was in charge of all operational
iz Hrvatske je dostavljana vojna pomoć i Muslimanima. activities of the state. After Franjo Gregurić, the govern-
To je ustvari bio nastavak jer je već 1991. u Hrvatskoj ment was led by three more prime ministers until the
bila organizirana izobrazba pričuvnoga sastava mili- end of 1995: Hrvoje Šarinić (1992-1993), Nikica Valentić
cije BiH.82 U dogovoru s brigadirom Matom Šarlijom (1993-1995) and Zlatko Mateša (1995-2000). Croatia’s
Daidžom (Nijaz Batlak) u studenome je u Hrvatskoj most important objective during those years was to lib-
organizirana izobrazba za 106 vođa borbenih skupina erate the occupied areas of the country. Everything was
Zelenih beretki.83 Ta vrsta pomoći slabo je dokumenti- subordinated to that goal. For that reason, the processes
rana. Tako se npr. u travnju pomoglo obrani Živinica of democratization were stalled and quality of life was
s oko 400 pušaka i nekoliko protuoklopnih sredstava. not high. The country was at war.
Od 8. do 18. svibnja u Našicama i Novoj Gradiški obu-
čena je skupina od oko 550 ljudi iz Živinica, Gračanice, Croatia and the War in Bosnia and
Lukavca i Gradačca. Vratila se s obuke s oružjem za sve Herzegovina in 1992
i s oko 150 “cijevi viška”.84
Pojedine su akcije organizirali neki od najistaknu- At the beginning of April, 1992, it became obvious
tijih članova Hrvatske vojske. Na prijedlog glavnoga that the Serbs, with the overt assistance of the JNA, were
inspektora HV-a generala zbora Martina Špegelja odo- trying to conquer Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatia start-
breno je slanje vojnika s područja OZ-a Rijeka u BiH.85 ed providing military help to the Muslims of Bosnia and
Poslani vojnici zadržavali su sva prava vojnika HV-a, Herzegovina. The ground for that course of action had
“uključujući i mjesečna novčana primanja”, uz obvezu actually been already prepared; already in 1991 facilities
skidanja oznaka HV-a i drugih identifikacijskih doku- for training reserve police units of Bosnia and Herzegov-
menata.86 Na Zagrebačkom je velesajmu početkom ina were set up in Croatia. Croatia also assisted Brigadier
lipnja ustrojen 1. krajiški bataljun TO BiH, koji je posli- Mate “Daidža” Šarlija (Nijaz Batlak) to set up training for
106 leaders of Green Berets battle groups in November.
je otišao u Travnik i Jajce. U Klani kod Rijeke 21. lipnja
formirana je 7. krajiška brigada TO BiH. Prije odlaska u Not many documents exist about the above mentioned
središnju Bosnu brigada je prošla i izobrazbu u Klani. help Croatia provided to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croa-
Od njih je krajem 1992. formirana 17. krajiška brdska tia assisted the defense of the town of Živinice, during
brigada, najvažnija postrojba 3. korpusa Armije RBiH, the month of April, by sending 400 assault rifles and a
ujedno i najveći problem obrani HVO-a.87 number of anti-tank weapons to the Muslims defending
General HV-a Mate Šarlija Daidža opskrbio je Mu- the town. From May 8 to 18 a group of 550 men from
slimane u Mostaru, Sarajevu i istočnoj Bosni većom Živinice, Gračanica, Lukavac and Gradačac were given
količinom oružja, a krajem 1991. osobno se u vezi s or- military training in Našice and Nova Gradiška. When they
completed the training course, the men returned to Bos-
nia and Herzegovina with about 700 assault rifles, cour-
82 Jusuf MALKIĆ, Bosnom slava pronijeta (ili: Živinički otpor
agresiji), Bosanski kulturni centar, Živinice, 2002., 91. tesy of the Croatian government.
Some of the most renowned officers of the Croatian
83 Zijad RUJANAC, Opsjednuti grad Sarajevo, Bosanski kul-
turni centar, Sarajevo, 2003., 93. Army organized a number of actions. At the recommen-
84 J. MALKIĆ, Bosnom slava pronijeta, 90-92. dation of the Chief of Staff of the Croatian Army, Martin
Špegelj, a number of Croatian soldiers from Operative
85 ICTY: Glavni inspektor obrane MORH, kl. 822, ur. br. 512-
20-92-01 od 7. 4. 1992. Zone Rijeka were sent to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The
86 GSHV, kl. 8/92-01/23, ur. br. 5120-03-92-9 od 9. 4. 1992.
soldiers who were sent to Bosnia and Herzegovina re-
tained all rights they had as Croatian soldiers “including
87 Amir KLIKO, Fikret ĆUSKIĆ, 17. Viteška Krajiška brdska
brigada ARBiH, Udruženje “17. VKbbr” Ključ, Institut za monthly salaries”, but they had to remove the Croatian
istoriju, Sarajevo, 2010., 22. Army insignia from their uniforms and leave all identifi-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

ganizacijom obrane susreo s Izetbegovićem.88 General cation documents in Croatia. At the beginning of June
Daidža i poslije je bio angažiran za pružanje pomoći on the Zagreb fair grounds the 1st Krajina Battalion of the
Armiji RBiH na dragovoljnoj osnovi. Za prikupljanje Territorial Defense Force of the Republic of Bosnia and
pomoći i upućivanje ljudstva u BiH u Zagrebu je osno- Herzegovina was formed. The battalion was later de-
vana Logistička baza Handžar divizije. Logistički centar ployed in Travnik and Jajce. On June 21 the 7th Krajina Bri-
odnosno Glavni štab za potporu bio je u Rijeci. Okru- gade, the most important unit of the ARBIH III Corps was
ženom Bihaću zračna veza sa svijetom i značajan izvor formed in Klana near Rijeka. Before departing for central
opskrbe bio je Zagreb, odnosno Hrvatsko ratno zrako- Bosnia, the brigade trained in Klana. Out of this brigade,
plovstvo. Pomoć iz travnja 1992. nastavila se i u konti- at the end of 1992, the 17th Krajina Mountain Brigade was
nuitetu je trajala do napada bošnjačke Armije RBiH na formed. The 17th Krajina Mountain Brigade was the most
HVO u travnju 1993. godine.89 important formation of the ARBIH III Corps and also the
Unatoč hrvatskomu priznanju Bosne i Hercegovi- formation that gave the most trouble to the HVO.
ne i početnim korektnim međusobnim odnosima, do Mate “Daidža” Šarlija, a general in the Croatian army,
vojnoga sporazuma nije došlo brzo. Sporazum o pri- supplied the Muslims in Mostar, Sarajevo and eastern
jateljstvu i suradnji između Hrvatske i BiH u Zagrebu Bosnia with a considerable amount of weaponry. At the
su 21. srpnja 1992. potpisali predsjednici Franjo Tuđ- end of 1991 General Daidža met Izetbegović to help plan
man i Alija Izetbegović. Unatoč očekivanjima, to nije defensive strategies. General Daidža was later tasked with
bio i vojni sporazum. Nakon potpisivanja sporazuma organizing help for the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
Izetbegović je objasnio da još nije vrijeme za vojni and Herzegovina. His help was officially treated as a vol-
sporazum, koji bi srpski narod “sigurno shvatio kao pri- untary endeavor. The logistics base of the Handžar Divi-
jetnju”, i da bi “bilo bolje ostaviti još malo prostora za sion was set up in Zagreb for the purpose of sending men
djelovanje međunarodnih faktora”.90 “Izetbegoviću je and matériel to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main logis-
od početka nuđen sporazum o suradnji protiv zajed- tics base was located in Rijeka. Zagreb served as the only
ničkog neprijatelja”, izjavio je u veljači 1993. hrvatski air link and an important source of supplies with the be-
general Janko Bobetko, kao i da je “predsjednik Repu- sieged town of Bihać. The Croatian Air Force continuously
blike Hrvatske nekoliko puta Aliji nudio rješenja, i to transported supplies to Bihać from April, 1992, to April,
ona koja su tada i za Hrvatsku i za BiH bila prihvatljiva. 1993, when the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
Međutim, bosansko državno vodstvo nije to prihvaća- zegovina attacked the Croatian Defense Council (HVO).
lo”.91 Vojni sporazum Hrvatske i bošnjačkoga vodstva Despite Croatia’s recognition of Bosnia and Herze-
u BiH potpisan je mnogo kasnije, tek u ljeto 1995. u govina and initial good relations between the two coun-
Splitu prije Oluje, a nakon genocida srpskih snaga nad tries, there was no military alliance between Croatia and
muslimanima u Srebrenici. O razlozima bošnjačkoga Bosnia and Herzegovina. On July 21, 1992, Presidents
odbijanja postoje različita tumačenja – je li to možda Franjo Tuđman and Alija Izetbegović signed the Agree-
bio strah od prevelikog utjecaja Hrvatske, što je moglo ment on Friendship and Cooperation between Bosnia
spriječiti stvaranje bošnjačke nacije? and Herzegovina and Croatia in Zagreb. Contrary to ex-
pectations, the agreement did not facilitate the creation
of a military alliance. After signing the agreement, Izet-
begović explained that the time was not yet ripe for a
military alliance because the Serb nation would surely
“interpret such a move as a threat” and that “it makes
sense to give it a bit more time for the actions of inter-
88 Ismet HADŽIOSMANOVIĆ, Bošnjačko-hrvatski politički
obračun, izdanje autora, Mostar, 2006., 67. national factors to tell”. “Izetbegović was being offered
a military alliance against our common enemy from the
89 Davor MARIJAN, “Vještački nalaz: o ratnim vezama Hr-
vatske i Bosne i Hercegovine (1991. - 1995.)”, Časopis za start,” the Croatian General Janko Bobetko stated in Feb-
suvremenu povijest, 1/36, 2004., 227-228; B. FELIĆ, Peti ruary, 1993. Bobetko also said that “the president of Cro-
korpus, 22. atia offered solutions acceptable and beneficial to both
90 Dubravko MERLIĆ, Slika na sliku, Dual, Zagreb, 1994., 37. countries to Alija. But, the Bosnian leadership turned him
91 J. BOBETKO, Sve moje bitke, 155. down every time”. A military alliance between Croatia


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Mirovna operacija Ujedinjenih naroda i and the Bosnian leadership regarding operations in Bos-
međunarodni položaj Hrvatske nia and Herzegovina was signed, but much later, in the
summer of 1995, in Split, prior to Operation Storm and
Sarajevsko je primirje bilo uvjet za dolazak mirov- after the genocide perpetrated by Serb forces against
nih snaga Ujedinjenih naroda i aktiviranje Vanceovog Muslims in Srebrenica. There are many theories as to why
plana. One su došle da bi učvrstile primirje, a ne da bi the Bosnian leadership refused to sign a military agree-
ga riješile kao što su u Hrvatskoj očekivali. Vanceov je ment with Croatia. Most of the theories propose that the
plan predviđao razmještaj mirovnih snaga na područji- main cause of the Bosnian leadership’s reluctance to es-
ma zahvaćenim sukobima, radi njihove demilitarizaci- tablish a military cooperation with Croatia was their fear
je i osiguranja civilnog stanovništva kako bi se stvorili that Croatia might start expanding its influence in Bosnia
uvjeti za povratak prognanih i izbjeglih osoba. Na po- and Herzegovina and thereby hamper their intention to
dručju djelovanja mirovnih snaga mogle su biti samo create a Bosniak nation.
policijske snage ustrojene na temelju nacionalne struk-
ture stanovništva prema popisu iz 1991. godine. Prvot- United Nation Peacekeeping Mission and
no je bila predviđena uspostava tri zaštićene zone, da Croatia’s International Position
bi u veljači 1992. bilo odlučeno da se uspostave četiri
koje su nazvane prema stranama svijeta: Istok, Zapad, The cease-fire signed in Sarajevo facilitated the arriv-
Sjever i Jug. Izvan zaštićenih zona bili su dijelovi opći- al of the UN peacekeeping force and the implementation
na koje je JNA okupirala i nije bila spremna povući se s of the Vance Plan. The mandate of the UN peacekeeping
njih. Kompromisnim stavom hrvatskoga vodstva ta su force, contrary to Croatian expectations, was to help
područja nazvana ružičastim zonama,92 a UN se obve- maintain the cease-fire. The Croatian leadership hoped
zao vratiti ih „što je prije moguće“ pod hrvatsku vlast, that the peace keepers would actually help eradicate
no zbog odbijanja srpskoga vodstva da povuče svoje the causes of the war. The Vance Plan envisaged the de-
snage s toga područja, ta su područja pod hrvatsku ployment of peacekeepers in the war zones. The peace-
vlast vraćena vojnim putem.93 keepers’ mission would be to demilitarize these areas,
Mirovne snage nazvane su Zaštitne snage Ujedi- protect the civilian population and create conditions for
njenih naroda (United Nations Protection Forces – UN- the safe return of refugees. According to the plan, once
the peacekeepers were deployed, the zones would be off
PROFOR) i osnovane su 21. veljače 1992. Rezolucijom
743 Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a kojom su određeni uvjeti limits to the armed forces of the belligerents – only po-
njihovog angažmana u raspadnutoj Jugoslaviji. Istog je lice forces would be allowed to act in those areas and the
dana počeo i njihov jednogodišnji mandat. Sporazum police force of a zone in question would be composed
o statusu snaga između Hrvatske i UN-a potpisan je tek in accordance with the national structure of the popu-
15. svibnja 1995. jer se Vijeće sigurnosti protivilo nasto- lation in relation to the 1991 census. Initially, three pro-
janju Hrvatske da se njezin pravni sustav protegne i na tected areas were to be established. In February, 1992, it
područje zaštićenih zona.94 was decided that four zones should be established: East,
UNPROFOR je počeo mirovnu operaciju s 14.389 West, North and South. Outside these protected areas
osoba – 13.340 pripadnika oružanih snaga, 530 poli- were the parts of the municipalities occupied by the JNA.
cajaca i 519 civila. Tri godine kasnije broj angažiranih The JNA refused to withdraw from these areas. The Croa-
je bio veći – 15.479 mirovnjaka. Zapovjedništvo UN- tian leadership agreed to compromise on this issue and
PROFOR-a smješteno je u Sarajevo, nakon eskalacije these areas were consequently called pink zones. The UN
accepted the obligation to return the pink zones “as soon
as possible” to Croatia but the intransigence of the Serbi-
92 Ivica MIŠKULIN, Imas puska, imas pistol? O mirovnim ope- an leadership and their refusal to order the JNA troops to
racijama Ujedinjenih naroda u zapadnoj Slavoniji, Hrvat-
ski institut za povijest, Podružnica za povijest Slavonije, withdraw eventually forced Croatia to use military force
Srijema i Baranje, Zagreb – Slavonski Brod, 2014., 16-17. to liberate those areas.
93 Domovinski rat – pregled političke i diplomatske povijesti, The peacekeeping force was named United Nations
Nakladni zavod Globus – HMDCDR, Zagreb, 2018., 171. Protection Forces – UNPROFOR – and formed on Febru-
94 Isto, 30-31, 33. ary 21, 1992, by Resolution 743 of the UN Security Coun-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

rata premješteno je u Beograd, a regionalna zapovjed- cil. The mandate of UNPROFOR in the former Yugoslavia
ništva bila su u Zagrebu i Beogradu. Zapovjedništvo was also determined by the resolution. The peacekeepers
UNPROFOR-a premješteno je 3. kolovoza 1992. iz Be- were supposed to stay, under the provisions of Resolution
ograda u Zagreb. Zapovjedništvo Sektora Jug bilo je 743, in the territory of the former Yugoslavia for one year.
u Kninu, Sektora Sjever u Topuskom, Sektora Zapad u The effective date of the mandate was the date of the
Daruvaru, a Sektora Istok u Erdutu. U početku se UN- passing of Resolution 743. An agreement between Croa-
PROFOR sastojao od satnije iz Švedske pri Zapovjed- tia and the UN regarding the status of the peacekeeping
ništvu UNPROFOR-a, postrojbe za nadzor kretanja iz force was actually signed only on May 15, 1995, because
Norveške, saniteta iz Velike Britanije, miješane pješač- the UN Security Council had opposed Croatia’s initiatives
ke bojne iz Belgije i Luksemburga, pješačkih bojni iz to extend its legal system to the protected areas.
Argentine, Češkoslovačke, Danske, Jordana, Kenije, UNPROFOR numbered 14,389 personnel – 13,340
Nepala, Nigerije, Poljske i Rusije, građevinske bojne iz members of the armed forces of various countries, 530
Finske, po jedne logističke i pješačke bojne iz Francu- police officers and 519 civilians. Three years later the
ske, po jedne inženjerijske i pješačke bojne iz Kanade i number was somewhat higher – 15,479 peacekeepers.
bojne veze iz Nizozemske.95 UNPROFOR HQ was located in Sarajevo but after the
Mirovnim snagama UN-a zapovijedali su indij- escalation of the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina it
ski general Satish Nambiar do ožujka 1993., švedski was relocated to Belgrade. Regional HQs were in Zagreb
general Lars-Eric Wahlgren do početka srpnja 1993., and Belgrade. UNPROFOR HQ, on August 3 1992, relo-
francuski general Jean Cot do sredine ožujka 1994., cated from Belgrade to Zagreb. The HQ of Sector South
francuski general Bertrand de Lapresle do ožujka was in Knin, the HQ of Sector North was in Topusko, the
1995. i francuski general Bernard Janvier do siječnja HQ of Sector West was in Daruvar and the HQ of Sector
1996. godine. East was in Erdut. At first, UNPROFOR consisted of an HQ
Vanceov plan nije imao jasan mandat što treba uči- company from Sweden, a movement control unit from
niti, bio je kompromisno rješenje s čijim su dijelovima Norway, an ambulance unit from Great Britain, a mixed
bili nezadovoljni Hrvati, kao i Srbi. Hrvati su očekivali infantry battalion from Belgium and Luxembourg, infan-
postupnu reintegraciju okupiranih područja, demilita- try battalions from Argentina, Czechoslovakia, Denmark,
rizaciju, povratak prognanika i uspostavu ustavnoga Jordan, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Poland and Russia, a con-
poretka na cjelokupnom teritoriju Republike. S druge struction battalion from Finland, one logistics battalion
strane, Srbi su plan doživljavali kao priznanje suvere- and one infantry battalion from France, one engineering
nosti na osvojenom i pobunjenom području. Za njih battalion and one infantry battalion from Canada and
su mirovne snage trebale samo zamijeniti JNA i biti sila one signals battalion from the Netherlands.
koja ih razdvaja od hrvatskih oružanih snaga. Oko toga The commanders of UNPROFOR were: Indian Gen-
je nastao prvi veliki problem, pitanje primjenjivanja za- eral Satish Nambiar until March, 1993; Swedish Gener-
kona, jer je stajalište glavnoga tajnika UN-a od 15. ve- al Lars-Eric Wahlgren until the beginning of July, 1993;
ljače 1992. bilo da se na okupiranim područjima privre- French General Jean Cot until mid-March, 1994; French
meno neće primjenjivati zakoni RH, na što je Hrvatska General Bernard de Lapresle until March, 1995, and
imala primjedbe jer je držala neprihvatljivim da se pri- French General Janvier until January, 1996.
mjenjuju jugoslavenski i srbijanski propisi, napose jer The Vance Plan was not a coherent plan of action. It
je dio njih u prvim mjesecima 1992. prihvatila nepot- was a compromise solution. The Croats were not satisfied
puna Skupština SFRJ. Vijeće sigurnosti 30. lipnja 1992. with some aspects of the plan, the Serbs opposed the
proširilo je mandat UNPROFOR-a i na ružičaste zone, na others, especially those at variance with their interpreta-
tions of what the plan was supposed to accomplish. The
Croats expected a gradual reintegration of the occupied
95 Plavi šlemovi – lična karta, Specijalno izdanje TANJUG-a, areas, demilitarization, return of refugees and establish-
mart 1992.; “Pitanje granica zaštitne oblasti još otvore- ment of the constitutional order in the entire territory
no”, Narodna armija, 21. 5. 1992., 7-8; SVA MORH, GSHV: of the Republic of Croatia. On the other hand, the Serbs
Ured GSHV za koordinaciju s EM i UN, Informacija kl.
804-01/92-03/06, ur. br. 5120-27-92-153 od 18. 6. 1992.; perceived the plan as recognition of their conquests and
ICTY: Informativni list UNPROFOR-a od 14. 2. 1995. political sovereignty of the areas in rebellion. The Serbs


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

što je Hrvatska pristala zbog jakog diplomatskog pri- mistakenly believed that the peacekeepers would sim-
tiska. U kolovozu je UNPROFOR, na hrvatsko traženje, ply replace the JNA and act as a buffer between them
preuzeo nadzor na granicama.96 and the Croatian Army. This disparity in expectations led
Demilitarizacija se predviđala u četiri faze. U pr- to the first major problem caused by the Vance Plan –
voj se povlačilo teško naoružanje (dalekometno to- the issue of the application of the law. The position of
pništvo, raketni sustavi, tenkovi, oklopni transporteri) the UN Secretary General was, from February 15, 1992,
na udaljenost od 30 kilometara od crte bojišta. Dru- that Croatian laws would be temporarily not applicable
ga je faza bila razoružanje pobunjenih Srba i drugih in the occupied areas. That position was unacceptable
paravojnih sastava. U trećoj se fazi izvlačilo preo- to Croatia because it meant that the applicable laws in
stalo topništvo i teške strojnice na udaljenost od 10 the occupied territories were those of Yugoslavia and
kilometara. U četvrtoj se fazi predviđalo izvlačenje Serbia, especially in light of the fact that the rump As-
pješaštva na 5 kilometara od bojišta, odnosno od sembly of the SFRY had passed a number of the laws in
granica UNPA zona, nakon čega je trebalo početi raz- question at the beginning of 1992. The Security Council
miniranje. Razdvajanje sukobljenih snaga, odnosno extended the mandate of UNPROFOR to the pink zones
prva faza demilitarizacije počela je 15. svibnja, kada on June 30, 1992. Croatia, under considerable political
je UNPROFOR preuzeo nadležnost u Sektoru Istok.97 pressure from the international community, agreed to
U Sektoru Zapad UNPROFOR je preuzeo nadležnost that move. In August, at Croatia’s request, UNPROFOR
20. lipnja, a u sektorima Jug i Sjever 2. srpnja. Mirovne assumed control of the borders.
su snage razmještene na crti razdvajanja što su Srbi The demilitarization of the areas of Croatia under
shvatili kao put prema konačnom teritorijalnom raz- Serb control was planned to take place in four phases. In
graničenju Hrvatske i Srbije.98 Jugoslavenska narodna the first phase the heavy artillery, missile systems, tanks
armija službeno se povukla iz Hrvatske, s iznimkom and APCs were to be withdrawn to a distance no less than
dijela dubrovačkoga područja, gdje su ostali dijelovi 30 kilometers from the front line. In the second phase
Podgoričkoga korpusa i Ratne mornarice Vojske Ju- the rebel Serbs and other paramilitary formations would
goslavije. Vojska Jugoslavije odbila se povući jer nije be disarmed. In the third phase the remaining artillery
željela da hrvatske snage dođu u priliku da s Prevlake pieces and heavy machine guns would be moved to a
nadziru ulaz u Bokokotorski zaljev. Uz posredovanje distance no less than 10 kilometers from the front line. In
UNPROFOR-a Hrvatska i Savezna Republika Jugo- the fourth phase all infantry units would be withdrawn
slavija dogovorile su 15. rujna 1992. demilitarizaciju to a distance no less than 5 kilometers from the front line,
Prevlake i povlačenje teškoga oružja iz okolice poluo- that is, as far as the boundaries of the UNPA zones. After
toka. Nadzor nad Prevlakom preuzeli su 20. listopada that, a process of mine clearance would commence in
vojni promatrači UN-a i Promatračka misija Europske the areas in question. The separation of the warring par-
zajednice. Zbog opasnosti da srpske snage unište ties, meaning the first phase of the demilitarization of the
Peruču u zaleđu Sinja, UNPROFOR je 14. rujna 1992. areas under Serb control, commenced on May 15, when
preuzeo nadzor nad branom.99 UNPROFOR assumed control of Sector East. UNPROFOR
imposed its authority on Sector West on June 20, and on
Sectors South and North on July 2. Peacekeepers were
96 Predsjednik Državne komisije Vlade Republike Hrvatske
za UNPROFOR od 27. 3. 1992., Izvješće o mirovnoj ope- deployed along the line of separation. The Serbs per-
raciji Ujedinjenih naroda u Republici Hrvatskoj – UN- ceived the move as a stepping stone towards to the final
PROFOR; M. NOBILO, Hrvatski feniks, 250; I. MIŠKULIN, territorial separation between Croatia and Serbia. The
Imas puska, imas pistol?, 35-36. JNA officially withdrew from Croatia. However, elements
97 SVA MORH, GSHV: Ured MPRH za UN i EZ od 18. 12. of the JNA Podgorica Corps and the Yugoslav Navy still
1992., Demilitarizacija kao segment plana C. Vancea. remained active in the area around Dubrovnik. The JNA
98 I. MIŠKULIN, Imas puska, imas pistol?, 20-21. did not want to relinquish control of that area because
99 ICTY: Dodatno izvješće Glavnog tajnika UN od 28. 9. by doing so it would have given the Croatian Army an
1992. sukladno s Rezolucijama Vijeća sigurnosti br. 743 opportunity to control the entrance to the Bay of Kotor
(1992.) i 762 (1992.); ICTY: Završno izvješće Glavnog taj-
nika UN od 24. 11. 1992. sukladno s Rezolucijom Vijeća from positions on Prevlaka. On September 15, 1992, Cro-
sigurnosti br. 743 (1992.). atia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia reached an


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Do kraja 1992. Hrvatska je ispunila sve obveze agreement, brokered by UNPROFOR, on the demilitariza-
osim što južno od Osijeka u Sektoru Istok nije povu- tion of Prevlaka and removing all heavy weaponry from
kla pješaštvo 5 kilometara jer to nisu učinile ni srpske the area surrounding the peninsula. On October 20 UN
snage. Iako je UNPROFOR uspio preuzeti zaštićene military monitors and the EC Monitoring Mission were
zone, a JNA se povukla, demilitarizacija je zapela jer sent to Prevlaka to monitor the situation. There existed
pobunjeni Srbi nisu predali oružje. Osnivanjem osam a real danger that Serb forces would destroy the Peruća
brigada milicije s oko 16.000 ljudi oni su izigrali spo- dam in the hinterland of Sinj. For that reason, on Septem-
razum, čemu se UNPROFOR usprotivio jer je bilo oči- ber 14, UNPROFOR forces took control of the dam.
to da se ne radi o lokalnoj policiji, nego o paravojnim By the end of 1992, Croatia had fulfilled all its obli-
postrojbama naoružanim težim oružjem koje su se gations stemming from the Vance Plan except one; the
predstavljale kao policija. U Sektoru Istok UNPROFOR Croatian Army did not withdraw its infantry units 5 ki-
je pokušao uporabiti silu da oduzme oružje. Odustao lometers from the front line in the area to the south of
je zbog pogoršanja stanja i mogućnosti izbijanja su- Osijek, in Sector East, because the Serbs in that area had
koba većih razmjera.100 refused to withdraw their infantry units five kilometers
Krajem 1992. Hrvatska je zatražila promjenu man- to the rear. UNPROFOR had assumed control of the pro-
data jer je demilitarizacija bila nedjelotvorna i nisu tected areas and the JNA had withdrawn, but the process
stvoreni nikakvi uvjeti za povratak prognanika. Vijeće of demilitarization was irreversibly arrested because the
sigurnosti je odbilo hrvatske zahtjeve nakon čega je rebel Serbs refused to relinquish their weapons. Instead
Hrvatska promijenila način djelovanja. U siječnju 1993. they formed eight militia brigades. This militia force con-
je poduzela ograničenu vojnu operaciju u zaleđu Zadra sisted of about 16,000 men. The Serbs had effectively
koja je okončana oslobađanjem Masleničkog mosta i tricked UNPROFOR because it was obvious that the eight
brane Peruča kod Sinja. Vijeće sigurnosti je 25. siječnja brigades did not represent a local police force but a
1993. Rezolucijom 802 osudilo hrvatski napad, no nije heavily armed paramilitary force posing as a police force.
dovelo u pitanje uspostavu hrvatske državne vlasti na UNPROFOR challenged the stratagem and in Sector East
oslobođenom prostoru.101 planned to use force to confiscate the rebel Serbs’ weap-
Hrvatska je i dalje nastavila pritiskati Vijeće sigur- ons. In the event, UNPROFOR abandoned the plan for
nosti shvaćajući da njena diplomacija mora tražiti što fear of escalation.
više da bi dobila nekakav ustupak. Tako je 30. ožujka At the end of 1992, Croatia demanded that UNPRO-
1993. Rezolucijom 815 prvi put izrijekom navedeno FOR’s mandate be changed because it was obvious that
da su zaštićene zone UN-a integralni dio teritorija Hr- the areas under Serb occupation had not been demilita-
vatske. Zbog te su Rezolucije pobunjeni Srbi ograničili rized and that conditions for the return of refugees had
kretanje pripadnicima UNPROFOR-a.102 not been created. The Security Council rejected Croatia’s
Najslabija hrvatska točka je bila pomaganje Hrva- demands. Croatia, as a result, changed tack. In January,
tima u BiH gdje je Hrvatska brzo gubila političke bo- 1993, the Croatian Army launched a limited offensive
dove koje joj je međunarodna zajednica nevoljko bila operation in the hinterland of Zadar. The operation was
dala 1991. u vrijeme srpske agresije. To je bio razlog što successful – the Maslenica Bridge and the Peruća dam
Hrvatska nije uspjela razdvojiti mandat UNPROFOR-a near Sinj were in Croatian hands. The Security Council,
od onoga u BiH i Makedoniji. Na hrvatske prijetnje ot- on January 25, 1993, issued Resolution 802 in which it
kazom mandata UNPROFOR-a, Vijeće sigurnosti je 8. condemned the Croatian offensive. However, Resolution
listopada 1993. Rezolucijom 871 ustrojilo tri zapovjed- 802 did not challenge Croatia’s right to establish its legal
and constitutional order in the newly liberated territory.
Croatia continued to pile on the pressure on the
100 ICTY: Dodatno izvješće Glavnog tajnika UN od 28. 9. Security Council. The Croatian diplomats had finally re-
1992. sukladno s Rezolucijama Vijeća sigurnosti br. 743 alized that their demands had to significantly exceed
(1992.) i 762 (1992.); Ured MPRH za UN i EZ od 18. 12.
1992., Demilitarizacija kao segment plana C. Vance-a.
what they were really after because the Security Council
had the habit of acceding to only a fraction of what was
101 I. MIŠKULIN, Imas puska, imas pistol?, 37.
asked for. The new diplomatic strategy immediately bore
102 Isto, 38-39. fruit. On March 30, 1993, Resolution 815 was passed. The


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

text of the resolution clearly defined, for the first time

in any given official context, the UN protected areas as
integral parts of the territory of the Republic of Croatia.
In retaliation the rebel Serbs restricted movement to the
members of UNPROFOR.
The Croatian diplomatic initiatives during that time
suffered from one particular malady though: the need to
help the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina. All the politi-
cal concessions the international community had grudg-
ingly bestowed on Croatia in 1991 during Serbia’s attack
on Bosnia and Herzegovina had been steadily eroding.
This political game Croatia had been steadily losing was
the main reason why Croatia was unsuccessful in trying
to separate the mandate of UNPROFOR in Croatia from
those in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia. Croa-
tia even attempted to strong-arm the UN by threatening
to cancel UNPROFOR’s mandate. On October 8, 1993, the
„Plave kacige” u zapadnoj Slavoniji, 1992. (autor fotografije: Security Council responded to the threats with Resolu-
Željko Gašparović). tion 871 by which three separate UNPROFOR commands
“Blue helmets” in Western Slavonia, 1992 (Photograph by Žel-
were set up – one for Croatia, one for Macedonia and one
jko Gašparović). for Bosnia and Herzegovina. That, however, did not alter
the situation on the ground.
The situation did not improve even after the signing
of the Zagreb Agreement when the Security Council,
ništva UNPROFOR-a, za Hrvatsku, BiH i Makedoniju, što on March 31, 1994, by passing Resolution 908 extend-
nije utjecalo na stanje na terenu.103 ed UNPROFOR’s mandate to six additional months and
Pomaka nije bilo ni nakon potpisivanja Zagrebač- announced that the crisis would be resolved by negoti-
kog sporazuma kada je i Vijeće sigurnosti 31. ožujka ation. The new resolution simply maintained the status
1994. Rezolucijom 908 produžilo mandat UNPRO- quo. Croatia again had no choice but to up the ante. In
FOR-a na šest mjeseci i najavilo da će se rješenje tražiti the summer of 1994, Croatian refugees who had been
u pregovorima. Osim prekida vatre ništa se nije mica- expelled from their homes in the Serb-occupied areas of
lo s mrtve točke pa je Hrvatska ponovno posegnula the country blockaded all the UNPROFOR checkpoints.
za pritiskom. U ljeto 1994. prognanici su blokirali sve As a direct result of that pressure the Security Council, on
službene prijelaze i nadzorne točke mirovnih snaga. September 30, 1994, passed Resolution 947 in which it
Posljedica je bila Rezolucija 947 kojom je Vijeće sigur- confirmed the territorial integrity of the Republic of Cro-
nosti 30. rujna 1994. potvrdilo teritorijalni integritet atia. At the end of 1994, Croatia achieved another nota-
Republike Hrvatske. Krajem 1994. Hrvatska je zabilje- ble diplomatic success when the UN General Assembly
žila značajan uspjeh. Opća skupština UN-a je Rezolu- defined the conflict in Croatia as Yugoslav (Serb) occupa-
cijom 49/43 sukob u Hrvatskoj definirala kao jugosla- tion in Resolution 49/43.
vensku (srpsku) okupaciju.104 Croatia held negotiations with the rebel Serbs in
Pregovori između Hrvatske i pobunjenih Srba su u December, 1994. The result of the negotiations was the
prosincu 1994. doveli do potpisivanja Gospodarskog signing of the Economic Agreement. The negotiations
sporazuma. Osim njega ništa više nije dogovoreno did not produce anything else of notable substance and
pa je Hrvatska 12. siječnja 1995. najavila da 31. ožujka for that reason Croatia, on January 12, 1995, announced
that it would cancel UNPROFOR’s mandate on March
31 because the peacekeepers had failed in their mis-
103 Isto, 39-41. sion. In a letter sent to the UN Secretary General Boutros
104 Isto, 44-48. Boutros-Ghali, President Tuđman emphasized that the


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Zemljovid snaga UN-a s ucrtanim UNPA i tzv.

MAOARSKA ružičastim zonama.

Map showing the deployment of UN forces, the

UNPAs and the so-called “pink zones”.


Tumac znakova

• Naselja/
UNPA sjever/Nord
- UNPA istok/East
- UNPAjug/South
- UNPA zapad/West 'O
D Ruzicaste zone/Pink zones
otkazuje gostoprimstvo UNPROFOR-u jer nije ispunio cancellation of UNPROFOR’s mandate did not mean giv-
hrvatska očekivanja. U pismu glavnom tajniku Vijeća si- ing up on trying to find a peaceful solution to the crisis,
gurnosti UN-a, Boutrosu Boutrosu Ghaliju, predsjednik but constituted a move to reach that solution through di-
Tuđman je naglasio da otkazivanje mandata UNPRO- rect talks between Croatia and the rebel Serbs. On March
FOR-u ne znači odustajanje od mirnog rješenja sukoba 31, 1995, the UN Security Council accepted the Croatian
s pobunjenim Srbima, nego nastojanje da se do dogo- demands and passed Resolution 981 in which it again
vora dođe izravnim pregovorima Zagreba i Knina.105 Di- confirmed the territorial integrity of the Republic of Cro-
plomacija je našla kompromis i Vijeće sigurnosti UN-a atia. The Security Council also admitted in the Resolution
prihvatilo je 31. ožujka 1995. hrvatske zahtjeve te Re- that the main objectives on the Vance Plan had not been
zolucijom 981 potvrdilo teritorijalni integritet Republi- achieved. The role of the peacekeepers was redefined,
ke Hrvatske. Priznalo se da glavne postavke Vanceova the name UNPROFOR was changed into UNCRO (United
plana nisu provedene. Uloga mirovnih snaga je redefi- Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia). The
nirana, naziv UNPROFOR promijenjen je u UNCRO (Uni- mandate of the restructured and renamed force was to
ted Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia) last until November 30, 1995. In their new mandate the
– Operacija UN-a za povratak povjerenja u Hrvatskoj, s UN forces were tasked with efficiently monitoring the in-
mandatom do 30. studenoga 1995. godine. U novom ternationally recognized borders of the Republic of Croa-
mandatu snage UN-a bile su dužne uspostaviti učinko- tia. The main activity in this particular regard would be to
vit nadzor nad međunarodno priznatim granicama Hr- ascertain whether men and matériel were being sent to
the protected areas from the Federal Republic of Yugo-
slavia or the Republika Srpska.
105 Otkaz mandata UNPROFOR-u: Treća obljetnica međuna- After Operation Storm the military contingent of UN-
rodnog priznanja Republike Hrvatske, MORH, Politička
uprava, Zagreb, 1995., 12-18.
CRO had become superfluous in the liberated areas. In


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

vatske i nadzirati dolazi li u zaštićena područja vojna the shadow of the fighting in western Bosnia and inten-
oprema i ljudstvo s područja Savezne Republike Jugo- sive diplomatic activities, another agreement with the
slavije ili Republike Srpske.106 UN was made according to which the mandate of UN-
Nakon operacije Oluja vojna komponenta UN- CRO would be reduced to Sector East. Also, in the area of
CRO-a je postala suvišna na oslobođenom teritoriju. Prevlaka, the peacekeepers were tasked with monitoring
U sjeni borbi u zapadnoj Bosni, diplomatskim aktivno- the borders and ensuring that human rights were re-
stima dogovoreno je reduciranje mandata UNCRO-a spected. After the expiration of the mandate of UNCRO
na Sektor Istok, motrenje ljudskih prava te motrenje the Security Council passed Resolution 1037 on January
državnih granica na području Prevlake. Nakon isteka 15, 1996, and established the United Nations Transitional
mandata UNCRO-a Vijeće sigurnosti UN-a je 15. si- Administration in Easter Slavonia – UNTAES. At the helm
ječnja 1996. Rezolucijom 1037 uspostavilo Prijelaznu of UNTAES was the American General Jacques Paul Klein.
upravu Ujedinjenih naroda u istočnoj Slavoniji (United The mission was concluded in January, 1998.
Nations Transitional Administration in Eastern Slavonia The Security Council, on January 15, 1996, passed
– UNTAES). Na čelu Prijelazne uprave bio je američki Resolution 1038 and established the United Nations
general Jacques Paul Klein. Uprava je okončana u si- Mission of Observers on Prevlaka – UNMOP. According
ječnju 1998. godine.107 to the Resolution, Prevlaka’s status differed from that
Za Prevlaku je Vijeće sigurnosti 15. siječnja 1996. of the Croatian Danube region. With that, the Security
Rezolucijom 1038 uspostavilo mandat Promatračke Council tacitly confirmed that Prevlaka was part of the
misije Ujedinjenih naroda na Prevlaci (United Nations Republic of Croatia.
Mission of Observers on Prevlaka – UNMOP) kojim se
njen položaj tretirao odvojeno od Hrvatskog Podunav- The Occupied Areas of the Republic of
lja. Za Hrvatsku je bilo bitno da je neizravno potvrđeno Croatia
da je Prevlaka dio RH.108
In February, 1992, the rebel Serbs defined the oc-
Okupirani teritorij Republike Hrvatske cupied areas of the Republic of Croatia as three districts
of the RSK – Krajina, Western Slavonia and Slavonia, Ba-
Okupirani teritorij Hrvatske pobunjeni su Srbi u ranja and Western Sirmium. The total geographical area
veljači 1992. definirali kao tri oblasti RSK – Krajinu, za- of these districts was around 15,000 square kilometers.
padnu Slavoniju i Slavoniju, Baranju i zapadni Srijem. During 1991 and later the rebel Serbs expelled almost
Radilo se o teritoriju površine od oko 15.000 km² s ko- all non-Serbs from the districts. According to rough esti-
jeg je tijekom 1991. i kasnije protjerano gotovo sve ne- mates from mid-1993, 433,000 people lived in the occu-
srpsko stanovništvo. Po grubim procjenama iz sredine pied areas of Croatia at that time. However, many people,
1993., na okupiranom je teritoriju živjelo oko 433.000 especially young adults, decided to move out from those
osoba,109 no s toga je područja stanovništvo, posebice areas, and it is reasonable to assume that by mid-1995
ono mlađe dobi, masovno odlazilo, tako da je upitan the population of these areas was considerably smaller
broj stanovnika koji je ostao do sredine 1995. godine. than what the mentioned estimate had for 1993.
Politički život u RSK obilježili su konstantni sukobi The political life in the RSK was marked by constant
koji su uz ideološke imali i regionalnu značajku. Počet- quarrels. Different groups subscribing to different ideo-
kom 1992. to je bio sukob oko prihvaćanja Vanceovog logical concepts vied for position and political influence
plana. Predsjednik RSK Milan Babić je bio protiv dola- and regionalism was, more often than not, the order of
ska mirovnih snaga, nije prihvaćao da je RSK područ- the day regarding the internal political dynamics of the
RSK. At the beginning of 1992 a quarrel erupted over
the issue of whether to accept the Vance Plan or not. The
106 D. MARIJAN, Oluja, 50-51. President of the RSK, Milan Babić was against the arrival
107 M. NOBILO, Hrvatski feniks, 491-493, 502-522; N. BARIĆ, of the peacekeepers and against the notion that the RSK
Srpska pobuna, 530. should be an autonomous area in the Republic of Croa-
108 M. NOBILO, Hrvatski feniks, 529-533. tia. He was also against the disarmament of the local Serb
109 N. BARIĆ, Srpska pobuna, 171-172. forces. Milan Babić’s intransigent attitude caused him to


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

je u Republici Hrvatskoj i bio je protiv razoružanja lo- quarrel with Slobodan Milošević. The result of the quarrel
kalnih srpskih snaga. Nepomirljivo Babićevo stajalište was not difficult to predict. In February, 1992, Babić was
odvelo ga je u sukob s Miloševićem u kojem nije mo- replaced by Goran Hadžić and the political leadership of
gao pobijediti. U veljači 1992. je smijenjen, a političko the rebel Serbs accepted the Vance Plan. Goran Hadžić
vodstvo pobunjenih Srba prihvatilo je Vanceov plan. was the President of the RSK until January, 1994. He was
Babića je zamijenio Goran Hadžić koji je do siječnja replaced by Mile Martić, who remained in the post un-
1994. bio predsjednik RSK, a potom do kolovoza 1995. til August, 1995. A number of people served as prime
to je bio Mile Martić. Na dužnosti predsjednika Vlade ministers of the RSK: Risto Matković (February, 1992),
RSK promijenilo se više osoba: Risto Matković (veljača Zdravko Zečević (February 1992 – March 1993), Đorđe
1992.), Zdravko Zečević (veljača 1992. – ožujak 1993.), Bjegović (April 1993 – April 1994), Borislav Mikelić (April
Đorđe Bjegović (travanj 1993. – travanj 1994.), Borislav 1994 – May 1995) and Milan Babić (July – August 1995)
Mikelić (travanj 1994. – svibanj 1995.) i Milan Babić (sr- The pivotal political issue in the occupied territory
panj – kolovoz 1995.).110 was the RSK’s stance in relation to the Republic of Cro-
Temeljno političko pitanje na okupiranom teri- atia. The rebel Serbs never showed even a hint of an in-
toriju bio je odnos prema Republici Hrvatskoj. Pobu- clination to reintegrate peacefully into the constitutional
njeni Srbi nisu pokazali ni minimum volje da se mir- and legal order of the Republic of Croatia. They showed
no reintegriraju u ustavnopravni poredak Republike no interest in changing the Constitutional law on hu-
Hrvatske. Nisu pokazali nikakav interes za izmjenu man rights and freedoms and the rights of national and
ustavnog zakona o ljudskim pravima i pravima etnič- ethnic communities or minorities. It is worth mention-
kih i nacionalnih manjina koji je Hrvatska izmijenila u ing that Croatia did change said law in May and June,
svibnju i lipnju 1992. i kojim je bilo predviđeno osni- 1992, and that the law envisaged the establishment of
vanje dva samoupravna kotara sa sjedištem u Glini i two autonomous kotars (districts) with Glina and Knin as
Kninu. Isti je učinak imao i Zakon o oprostu od krivič- their respective administrative centers. The rebel Serbs
nog progona i postupaka za krivična djela počinjena completely ignored Croatia’s passing, on September 25,
u oružanim sukobima i u ratu protiv Republike Hrvat- 1992, of the Law on abolition of criminal prosecution and
ske koji je donesen 25. rujna 1992. godine. Tim su za- criminal proceedings for criminal acts perpetrated in the
konom abolirani svi sudionici srpske pobune od 17. armed conflicts and in the war against the Republic of
kolovoza 1990. do dana proglašenja Zakona o opro- Croatia. The law granted amnesty to all those who par-
stu, osim onih koji su počinili ratne zločine.111 Unatoč ticipated in the Serb rebellion that started on August
odluci Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a odbili su i da se „ružiča- 17, 1990, until the date of the passing of the law, with
ste zone“ vrate pod hrvatsku vlast. Premda su sum- the exception of those persons who had committed war
njičili mirovne snage UN-a da su naklonjene Hrvati- crimes. Despite the decision of the UN Security Council,
ma, pobunjeni Srbi su od njihove nazočnosti prigrlili the rebel Serbs opposed the return of “pink zones” to Cro-
samo primirje koje su omogućili svojim razmještajem atian control. The rebel Serbs accused the peacekeepers
na crti bojišta. Njihova nepopustljivost da pregovara- of sympathizing with Croatia even though they accepted
ju s hrvatskim vlastima oko normaliziranja posljedica the cease-fire that the peacekeepers had made possible
rata i omogućavanja intervencija u porušenu promet- by deploying on the front line and thus separating the
nu infrastrukturu naišla je na hrvatski odgovor. U si- rebel Serbs and the Croatian Army. The rebel Serbs’ belli-
ječnju 1993. hrvatske su snage oslobodile područje cose attitude and refusal to negotiate with Croatia about
na kojem je bio Maslenički most i dio zaleđa Zadra. normalizing the situation and initiating projects to repair
Sredinom srpnja 1993. sklopljen je Erdutski sporazum the devastated transport infrastructure forced Croatia’s
kojim je dogovoren prekid vatre i povlačenje hrvat- hand. In January, 1993, Croatian forces liberated the
skih snaga s područja oslobođenog u siječnju 1993. area around the Maslenica Bridge and parts of Zadar’s
godine. Erdutski sporazum nije zaživio i borbe su na- hinterland. In mid-July, 1993, the Erdut Agreement was
signed. According to the Agreement, a cease-fire would
110 Isto, 150-162, 586-589; D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, be signed and the Croatia troops would withdraw from
331-333. the territory they had liberated in January, 1993. The Er-
111 N. BARIĆ, Srpska pobuna, 165. dut Agreement was never put into effect and the fight-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

stavljene. Okončane su tek u ožujku 1994. stupanjem ing continued. The fighting only ended in March, 1994,
na snagu Zagrebačkog sporazuma.112 when the Zagreb Agreement came into effect.
Tijekom tog vremena nije bilo pomaka u pregovo- In the interim no headway was made in the negoti-
rima između Hrvatske i pobunjenih Srba. Uhićenje Velj- ations between Croatia and the rebel Serbs. The arrest
ka Džakule, jednog od čelnika srpske pobune u zapad- of Veljko Džakula, one of the leaders of the Serb rebel-
noj Slavoniji, pokazuje da vodstvo RSK nije pristajalo ni lion in western Slavonia, shows that the leadership of
na kakvo popuštanje u svom stajalištu da su u odnosu the RSK did not entertain any thoughts of softening
prema Hrvatskoj neovisna država. Džakula je optužen their intransigent attitude towards Croatia. Džakula was
da je htio odvojiti dio RSK i pripojiti ih Hrvatskoj. U ljeto accused of trying to separate a part of the RSK and join
1994. RSK se našla u procijepu između Republike Srp- the area in question to Croatia. In the summer of 1994
ske koja joj je bila najveći saveznik, i Srbije koja je pre- the RSK was caught between a rock and a hard place
kinula odnose s njom zbog odbijanja da potpišu plan – between the Republika Srpska that was the RSK’s
Kontaktne skupine o okončanju sukoba u BiH.113 biggest ally and Serbia which severed all ties with the
U sklopu nastojanja da se Srbija prikaže kao pobor- RSK on account of the RSK’s refusal to sign the Contact
nik mirovnih pregovora slijedili su pregovori pobunje- Group’s peace plan for a negotiated settlement of the
nih Srba s RH oko uspostave gospodarskih, prometnih war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
i infrastrukturalnih veza u sklopu kojih je u Zagrebu 2. Serbia, at that time, needed to show the world that
prosinca 1994. potpisan Gospodarski sporazum. Spo- it was willing to support peace initiatives. As a result, the
razumom je regulirano pitanje korištenja vode, elek- rebel Serbs agreed to negotiate with Croatia about build-
trične energije, autoceste i naftovoda. Po njegovim ing economic ties and starting infrastructure and trans-
odredbama, 21. prosinca 1994. za slobodan je promet port cooperation. On December 2, 1994, the Economic
otvorena autocesta Zagreb – Lipovac. To je bilo sve na Agreement was signed. The Agreement regulated the
što su pobunjeni Srbi pristali u pregovorima i izazvalo issue of the use of water, electricity, highways and the
je podjele jer je dio držao da je to čin kapitulacije pred pipeline. According to the Agreement’s provisions, the
Hrvatskom. Nakon otvaranja autoceste povećalo se kri- Zagreb – Lipovac freeway was open for traffic on Decem-
jumčarenje na području zapadne Slavonije. Duž trase ber 21, 1994. That was the sum of what the rebel Serbs
autoceste otvoreno je nekoliko ilegalnih ulaza, koji su had agreed to but even that caused serious rifts among
se održali iako ih je milicija pobunjenih Srba više puta them because many rebel Serbs were of the opinion that
zatvarala. Najvažniji predmet krijumčarenja bilo je go- the opening of the freeway was tantamount to capitulat-
rivo, po koje su pobunjeni Srbi dolazili s okupiranoga ing to Croatia. The opening of the freeway had one un-
dijela Hrvatske.114 foreseen negative consequence: it facilitated smuggling
U jesen 1994. američka je diplomacija predvođena activities in western Slavonia. A number of illegal exits
veleposlanikom SAD-a Peterom Galbraithom pokrenu- from the freeway were opened which the rebel militia
la mirovnu inicijativu poznatu kao Plan Z-4. Prema tom was unable to monitor permanently. Fuel topped the list
su planu hrvatski Srbi na području zaštićenih sektora of smuggled commodities. Rebel Serbs would actually
Sjever i Jug trebali dobiti autonomnu Srpsku krajinu go to Croatia to buy fuel for the purpose of reselling it at
na području sa srpskom većinom prema popisu sta- inflated prices in the occupied area.
novništva iz 1991., odnosno kotarevima Glina i Knin. In the fall of 1994 the USA launched a peace initiative
Predviđeno je da Krajina ima zakonodavno tijelo, pred- known as Plan Z-4. The American Ambassador Peter Gal-
sjednika, novčanu jedinicu, pravo na ubiranje poreza i braith was in charge of the peace initiative. According to
sklapanje sporazuma u vezi s obrazovanjem, kulturom, Plan Z-4 the rebel Serbs in Sector North and Sector South
medijima, te turizmom s „drugim tvorevinama ili drža- would be granted an autonomous Serbian Krajina in the
areas with majority Serb populations according to the
census from 1991, meaning the kotars (districts) Glina
112 Isto, 184-193, 259-263. and Knin. That Serbian Krajina would have its own legis-
113 Isto, 202-205, 463-464. lature, president, currency, the right to collect taxes, the
114 Isto, 265-269; Davor MARIJAN, Novska u Domovinskom right to conclude agreements regarding education, cul-
ratu, HVIDRA Novska, Novska, 2009., 369. ture, media and tourism with “other political entities or


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

vama s pretežno srpskim pučanstvom“, pod uvjetom states with majority Serb populations”, on condition that
da takvi sporazumi ne budu nespojivi s interesima Re- such agreement did not conflict with the interests of the
publike Hrvatske. Ostali dio okupiranog teritorija bio Republic of Croatia. The remainder of the occupied area
bi u prijelaznom razdoblju od najmanje pet godina would be reintegrated, over a period of at least five years,
reintegriran u sastav Hrvatske. Predsjednik Tuđman je into the legal and constitutional order of the Republic of
30. siječnja 1995. primio nacrt plana i izjavio da će ga Croatia. On January 30, 1995, President Tuđman received
hrvatska strana razmotriti iako ima ozbiljnih primjedbi a draft plan and stated that Croatia would duly consider
na njega, posebice jer problem definira kao spor dvije it, but he also emphasized his reservations about certain
ravnopravne strane, a ne problem dijela manjine u jed- aspects of the plan, foremost among them the fact that
noj nacionalnoj državi.115 the plan defined the problem as a dispute between two
Unatoč nepovoljnom položaju, kojeg su dijelom equal parties, and not as a problem concerning a part of
bili svjesni, krajinski su Srbi odbili Plan Z4, kojim je me- an ethnic minority in a nation state.
đunarodna zajednica Srbima na dijelu okupiranoga Most of the rebel Serbs were aware that they could
teritorija RH de facto nudila „državu u državi“. Na izvan- no longer negotiate from a position of strength but they
rednoj sjednici Skupštine RSK održanoj 8. veljače 1995. nevertheless rejected Plan Z-4, even though the plan
u Kninu, prihvaćeno je Martićevo stajalište da se taj would have given them, in a part of the occupied territo-
plan uopće ne razmatra. Prihvaćen je prijedlog Vlade ry of Croatia, a “state within a state”. At the Extraordinary
RSK da se prekinu i odgode pregovori s RH o gospo- Session of the Assembly of the RSK held on February 8,
darskim i političkim pitanjima “dok Hrvatska ne povuče 1995, in Knin, Martić’s position that the plan should not
svoj zahtjev za otkazivanje mandata mirovnih snaga even be taken into consideration was accepted. Also ac-
UN-a ili dok Savjet bezbjednosti ne donese odluku o cepted was the recommendation of the government of
produženju mandata mirovnih snaga UN-a u zonama the RSK that the negotiations with the Republic of Cro-
pod zaštitom na teritoriju Republike Srpske Krajine”.116 atia about economic and political issues be postponed
Istodobno, 10. veljače 1995., obrativši se „starešinama“ “until that time when Croatia withdraws its demand for
SVK riječima da se „rat između RH i RSK mora završiti the cancellation of the mandate of the UN peacekeeping
pobedom jedne i porazom druge strane“, Martić je po- force or until such time when the UN Security Council
tvrdio da ne prihvaća ponude Vlade RH i međunarodne decides to extend the mandate of the UN peacekeep-
zajednice o mirnoj reintegraciji okupiranoga područja ing force in the protected areas in the territory of the
u sastav Republike Hrvatske.117 Republic of Serbian Krajina”. Then, on February 10, 1995,
Početkom 1995. bilo je očito da RSK proživljava Martić announced to the “elders” of the Serbian Army of
tešku političku i gospodarsku krizu. Potpisivanje Gos- Krajina (SVK) that “the war between the Republic of Cro-
podarskoga sporazuma s Hrvatskom u Zagrebu 2. atia and the RSK has to end in a clear victory of one side
prosinca 1994., bez obzira na različita tumačenja, bio over the other”. With that statement Martić confirmed
je znak slabosti. Omogućio je porast krijumčarenja, a that he would never accept the Croatian government’s
otvorio je vrata hrvatskoj promidžbi.118 Nakon vojnih offer relating to a peaceful reintegration of the occupied
territories into the legal and constitutional order of the
Republic of Croatia.
115 H. ŠARINIĆ, 209-210; N. BARIĆ, Srpska pobuna, 474-479; At the beginning of 1995 it became clear that the
D. MARIJAN, Oluja, 379-399.
RSK was in the grip of a devastating economic and po-
116 POA: Skraćeni zapisnik sa prve vanredne sjednice Skup- litical crisis. The signing of the Economic Agreement
štine RSK održane 8. 2. 1995.
with the Republic of Croatia in Zagreb on December 2,
117 Republika Hrvatska i Domovinski rat 1990. - 1995., Doku- 1994, was, according to most commentators, a sign of
menti, knjiga 15., Dokumenti vojne provenijencije „Re-
publike Srpske Krajine“ (siječanj - travanj 1995.), ur. Mate weakness. The agreement facilitated smuggling activi-
Rupić – Ilija Vučur, HMDCDR, Zagreb, 2014., 156-160. ties on the one hand and on the other it did wonders for
118 POA: Sekretarijat unutrašnjih poslova Okučani MUP the ability of Croatia to promote itself. After the military
RSK, br. 08-05/1-1086/1-95 od 16. 3. 1995.; POA: Tele- successes of the Croatian Army in the Dinara area at the
gram podrške Zapadno-slavonskog korpusa SVK od 4.
3. 1995.; POA: Uprava javne bezbednosti, Naređenje br. end of 1994 and beginning of 1995 the way was clear for
08/1-1-3366/1-95 od 21. 4. 1995. offensive moves against Kninska Krajina from the direc-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Svečanost u povodu završetka procesa mirne

reintegracije Hrvatskog Podunavlja, Borovo
naselje u Vukovaru, 15. siječnja 1998. godine
(autor fotografije: Marko Perić).

Celebrating the completion of the process of

peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Dan-
ube region, Borovo Naselje, Vukovar, January
15, 1998 (Photograph by Marko Perić).
Vukovar, 8. lipnja 1997., vlakom mira i povrat-
ka Hrvatska se simbolično vratila u Vukovar
(autor fotografije: Božo Biškupić).
Pobjednik koji ne zna praštati, taj sije klice
novih razdora i budućih zala. A hrvatski narod
to ne želi. Nije želio ni sve ono što smo ovdje
pretrpjeli u Vukovaru i u čitavoj Hrvatskoj. Sve
ovo što činimo nije samo u uskom lokalnom in-
teresu, nego i u opće hrvatskom, opće europ-
skom, u interesu mira, budućnosti ovoga kraja
i Europe. I neka nam živi suživot hrvatskoga
naroda sa srpskim i drugim etničkim zajedni-
cama na ovim područjima! Neka nam živi jedi-
na i vječna Hrvatska! (iz govora predsjednika
Republike Hrvatske Franje Tuđmana u Vuko-
varu, 8. lipnja 1997.)

Vukovar, 8 June 1997: the „Peace and Return

Train” symbolically brought Croatia back to
Vukovar (photograph by Božo Biškupić).
The victor who does not know how to forgive
plants the seed of discord and future ills. And
the Croatian people do not want this. They
did not want what they had suffered here in
Vukovar and throughout Croatia. Everything
we are doing now is not focused on parochial
local interests but on the overall interests of
Croatia and Europe, in the interest of peace, of
the future of this region and of Europe. Long
live the coexistence between the Croatian and
Serbian peoples and other ethnic communities
in this region! Long live our only and eternal
Croatia! (From the address of the President
of the Republic of Croatia Franjo Tuđman in
Vukovar, 8 June 1997).


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

uspjeha Hrvatske vojske na području Dinare krajem tion of Dinara and the direction of the Livno field, areas
1994. i početkom 1995., područje Kninske krajine naš- that, before the Croatian offensive late in 1994 and ear-
lo se ugroženo s Dinare i Livanjskoga polja, s teritorija ly in 1995, had been parts of the Republika Srpska. The
koji je do tada bio u sastavu Republike Srpske. Pritisnu- Krajina Serbs and Bosnian Serbs saw the writing on the
ti istom opasnošću, krajinski i bosanskohercegovački wall and reacted by founding the Joint Council for the
Srbi osnovali su 20. veljače 1995. zajednički Savjet na- Protection of the People on February 20, 1995. However,
rodne obrane.119 U mjesecima koji su slijedili njegovo the Joint Council for the Protection of the People did not
djelovanje nije se vidjelo. do much as regards bolstering the Serbian statelet’s de-
U svibnju 1995. Republika Srpska Krajina je „skraće- fenses in the months that followed.
na“ za okupirani dio u zapadnoj Slavoniji, što je bio te- In May, 1995, the Republic of Serbian Krajina lost
žak udarac za nju. Njezin predsjednik Milan Martić po- western Slavonia. That was a tremendous blow for the
žalio se nakon nekoliko dana predsjedniku Republike Serb statelet. Its president, Milan Martić lamented to the
Srbije Slobodanu Miloševiću da “tragedija koja je za- Serbian President Milošević a few days after western Sla-
desila srpski narod najnovijom agresijom Hrvatske na vonia had been liberated that:
zapadnu Slavoniju ima teške i nesagledive posljedice “the tragedy that befell the Serbian people as a re-
po rješenje cjelokupnog srpskog pitanja. Ne samo da sult of the newest attack from Croatia against western
je izgubljen teritorij i ne samo da je stradalo na sto- Slavonia has terrible and long reaching consequences.
tine civila, ono što u ovom času užasa nespokoj čini Coming up with an overarching solution to the Serbian
još i većim je toliko prošireno uvjerenje kod naroda problem has now become that much harder. Not only
da je srpsko pitanje izdano, i to od strane samih Srba. did we lose territory, not only were hundreds of civilians
Duž cijele Krajine širi se glas o njenoj predaji; ljudi sa killed, we also now have to contend with the fact that
nevjericom konstatuju da nas je zaboravila i Srbija i ordinary people are horrified by what’s happened, they
Republika Srpska. U mnogim selima i gradovima na- are scared and they believe that we have betrayed the
rod se pakuje i sprema za iseljavanje”.120 Serb nation. There are rumors making rounds the length
Aktualni predsjednik Vlade RSK Borislav Mikelić and breadth of Krajina that everything is lost; people say
bio je izložen nizu napada jer je dio političkih snaga with incredulity that Serbia and the Republika Srpska
u njemu vidio eksponenta Slobodana Miloševića koji have abandoned us. In many towns and villages people
čini sve da Krajina “ostane u okviru granica nekadaš- are preparing to flee.”
nje Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske”. Nakon Bljeska The Prime Minister, Borislav Mikelić, was the subject
njegov je položaj postao neodrživ jer se suzdržano of a lot of criticism because a number of political players
ponašanje Savezne Republike Jugoslavije smatralo iz- in the statelet perceived him as Milošević’s lackey, and
dajom. Konačno, 29. svibnja 1995. Mikelić je smijenjen bent upon “keeping Krajina within the boundaries of
jer se usprotivio ujedinjenju RSK i RS.121 Ujedinjenju se the former Socialist Republic of Croatia”. After Operation
usprotivilo i vodstvo pobunjenih Srba u istočnoj Sla- Flash Mikulić’s position was untenable because many in
voniji, Baranji i zapadnom Srijemu. Ono je osnovalo the RSK believed that the Federal Republic of Yugosla-
Koordinacioni odbor pet općina, na čijem je čelu bio via’s attitude of aloofness towards the RSK was a sure
Goran Hadžić.122 Na političku scenu vratio se Milan Ba- sign that Yugoslavia had betrayed them. Finally, on May
29, 1995, Mikelić was replaced because he was opposed
to the unification of the RSK with the Republika Srpska.
119 Dragan RADIŠIĆ, Hronologija događaja na prostoru pret- The leadership of the rebel Serbs in Eastern Slavonia, Ba-
hodne Jugoslavije 1990–1995, Glas srpski – Centar za ge- ranja and Western Sirmium also rejected the option of
ostrateška istraživanja Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, Banja
Luka, 2002., 539. unifying the RSK and the RS and formed the Coordina-
tion Commission of the five municipalities. At the helm
120 USMKSMP: Molba Predsjednika Republike RSK od 6. 4.
1995. Iz konteksta dokumenta razvidan je pogrešan nad- of this body was Goran Hadžić. Milan Babić staged a po-
nevak. Pismo identičnog sadržaja dostavljeno je i pred- litical comeback. His government was accepted on July
sjedniku Savezne Republike Jugoslavije Zoranu Liliću. 27 in Topusko. The General Staff of the Serbian Army of
121 N. BARIĆ, Srpska pobuna, 480-483. Krajina had predicted, sometime before, that “the new
122 Isto, 484. government and the departure of corrupt officials from


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

bić, čija je Vlada prihvaćena 27. srpnja u Topuskom.123 the political arena will bring at least some stability and
U GŠ-u SVK-a još su ranije predviđali “da će izbor nove political unity.” The new government never had a chance
vlade i odlazak kompromitovanih ličnosti takođe do- to display its abilities. Operation Storm consigned the
neti bar malo jedinstva i političke sloge”.124 Nova Vlada western part of the RSK to history on August 8, 1995.
nije imala priliku da pokaže svoje sposobnosti. U ope- For more than three and a half years the RSK existed
raciji Oluja zapadni dio RSK je već 8. kolovoza 1995. oti- in a limbo, as an unfulfilled project, a statelet doomed
šao u povijest. to fail. The internal political divisions within and Serbia’s
Malo više od tri i pol godine RSK je životarila kao abandonment of the RSK sealed the statelet’s fate; the
nerealizirani projekt protiv kojeg je radilo vrijeme. Unu- rebel Serbs were not able to create a viable state sys-
tarnje podjele i odricanje Srbije pretvorili su RSK u sli- tem and military organization. The inevitable military
jepu ulicu: nisu uspjeli stvoriti učinkovit državni sustav and political collapse came in August, 1995. Operation
i adekvatnu vojnu organizaciju i to je bio ključ njihova Storm was a reality check for the rebel Serbs. Coming to
vojnoga i političkoga sloma u kolovozu 1995. godine. terms with reality, combined with international pressure,
Nakon toga bilo je više takta i osjećaja za stvarnost, što forced the leadership of the rebel Serbs in Eastern Slavo-
je, uz pritisak međunarodnih čimbenika, dovelo do toga nia, Baranja and Western Sirmium to reach a deal with
da hrvatske vlasti i srpsko vodstvo u istočnoj Slavoniji, the Republic of Croatia. On November 12, 1995, the Erdut
Baranji i zapadnom Srijemu 12. studenoga 1995. pot- Agreement on the peaceful reintegration of that area into
pišu Erdutski sporazum o mirnoj i postupnoj reintegra- the legal and constitutional order of the Republic of Cro-
ciji toga područja u ustavnopravni poredak Republike atia was signed. The area, according to the Agreement,
Hrvatske. Dogovorena je potpuna demilitarizacija pod- would be completely demilitarized and for that purpose
ručja, za koje je uvedena Prijelazna uprava Ujedinjenih the United Nations Transitional Administration in East-
naroda u istočnoj Slavoniji (United Nations Transitional ern Slavonia – UNTAES – was formed. The area was duly
Administration in Eastern Slavonia – UNTAES). U sklopu demilitarized and the weapons and matériel belonging
tog procesa teritorij je demilitariziran, a oružje i oprema to the rebel Serbs shipped to Serbia. The reintegration
povučena u Srbiju. Reintegracija je s uspjehom okonča- process was successfully completed in 1997. In January,
na 1997., a Hrvatska je u siječnju 1998. preuzela punu 1998, Croatia assumed full control of the territory.
upravu na tom području.125
123 Isto, 486.
124 HMDCDR: GŠSV RSK, Vanredni operativni izveštaj, str.
pov. br. 3-412 od 9. 7. 1995.
125 N. BARIĆ, Srpska pobuna, 529-530.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Do 1990. BiH je bila čvrsta komunistička država, Bosnia and Herzegovina was, until 1990, a rigid Com-
bastion ideološkoga pravovjerja veći no što je to bila munist republic a bastion of ideological orthodoxy to a
Hrvatska do 1989. godine. Premda je ustavno bila degree considerably higher than Croatia had been until
određena kao država triju ravnopravnih naroda, Mu- 1989 when it jettisoned its Communist nature. Constitu-
slimana, Srba i Hrvata, stvarno je bila nešto potpuno tionally, Bosnia and Herzegovina was determined as a
drugačije. Funkcionirala je po rezultatima Drugoga country of three equal peoples, Muslims, Serbs and Cro-
svjetskog rata i udjelu angažmana pojedinih naroda ats. The reality on the ground, however, was somewhat
na pobjedničkoj strani. To je Srbima u startu dalo go- different. Bosnia and Herzegovina actually functioned
tovo nenadoknadivu prednost, pa je Narodna odno- according to the results of WWII, meaning according to
sno Socijalistička Republika BiH većim dijelom posto- the percentages of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s peoples
janja bila republika s dominantnom ulogom Srba.126 taking part in WWII on the side of Tito’s Communists. The
Priznavanjem Muslimana kao naroda počeo je rast Serbs, therefore, enjoyed an unassailable initial lead. The
njihova utjecaja, pa je pred rat njihov udio, posebice u People’s, that is, Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
vrhu Republike, bio značajan. Sve vrijeme postojanja govina2, throughout the better part of its existence, was
narodne, odnosno socijalističke republike Hrvati su a republic dominated by Serbs. The playing field was
bili trećerazredan narod.127 evened out a bit when the Muslims were granted the
U nizu stranaka koje su tijekom 1990. osnovane u status of a constituent nation. Over time the Muslims’
BiH samo tri zaslužuju pozornost: Stranka demokrat- political influence grew. Before the outbreak of the war
ske akcije (SDA), Srpska demokratska stranka i Hrvat- in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the number of Muslims in
ska demokratska zajednica. Sve tri nastale su na po- the leadership of the republic was substantial. Through-
ticaj smjernica iz Hrvatske, a HDZ i SDS u početku su out the existence of the People’s, later Socialist Republic
funkcionirali kao stranačke podružnice. Hrvatska de- of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Croats were politically
mokratska zajednica to je ostala i poslije, što nije bio and otherwise marginalized.
slučaj sa SDS-om.128 Bošnjačku politiku tijekom rata A myriad of political parties were formed in Bosnia
vodio je čelnik SDA Alija Izetbegović, a srpsku čelnik and Herzegovina in 1990. Only three of them, however,
SDS-a Radovan Karadžić. Za razliku od njih, na čelu are worthy of mention: The Party of Democratic Action
HDZ-a promijenilo se nekoliko osoba: Davor Perinović, (SDA), the Serbian Democratic Party (SDS) and the Croa-
Stjepan Kljujić, Miljenko Brkić, Mate Boban i Dario Kor- tian Democratic Union (HDZ). All three parties came into
dić. Najutjecajniji i najdugovječniji bio je Boban, koji existence as a direct result of the events in neighboring
je dvije godine bio i predsjednik Herceg-Bosne (HB). Croatia. The HDZ and the SDS initially functioned as lo-
Srpska demokratska stranka i HDZ zastupali su cal party branches. The HDZ remained at that level for a
službena srpska odnosno hrvatska stajališta. Srpska long time after it had been formed, but the SDS quickly
demokratska stranka bila je za očuvanje Jugoslavi- became a political force in its own right. The leader of the
je, a HDZ za konfederaciju ili savez suverenih država. Bosniak party, the SDA, during the war was Alija Izetbe-
Stranka demokratske akcije funkcionirala je po shva- gović and the leader of the Serbian party, the SDS, during
ćanju vjere baštinjene iz osmanske tradicije i željela je the same period, was Radovan Karadžić. By contrast, a
number of individuals served as president of the Croa-
tian party, the HDZ, during the war in Bosnia and Her-
126 Detaljna studija o nacionalnom postotku u političkim i zegovina: Davor Perinović, Stjepan Kljujić, Miljenko Brkić,
upravnim strukturama Socijalističke Republike Bosne i
Hercegovine kod: Mirsad D. ABAZOVIĆ, Kadrovski rat za
Mate Boban and Dario Kordić. The most influential, and
BiH, Savez logoraša BiH, Sarajevo, 1999. longest lasting as president, was Mate Boban. He also
127 Ivica LUČIĆ, Uzroci rata. Bosna i Hercegovina od 1980. do served as President of Herzeg-Bosnia (HB) for two years.
1992. godine, Despot Infinitus – Hrvatski institut za po-
vijest, Zagreb, 2013., 15-24, 372-373. 2 Until 1963 the official name of the republic was People’s
128 Ksavije BUGAREL, Bosna: anatomija rata, Fabrika knjiga, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1963 the adejc-
Beograd, 2004., 72; I. LUČIĆ, Uzroci rata, 284-285. tive socialist replaced the adjective people’s.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Unsurprisingly, the SDS and the HDZ represented

the Serbian and Croatian interests respectively. The SDS
was in favor of preserving Yugoslavia whilst the HDZ
supported the option of creating a confederative Yugo-
slavia or a confederation of sovereign states. The SDA’s
policies were, in large measure, determined by the Mus-
lim tradition inherited from the Ottoman Empire and the
party strove to become the political party of all Yugoslav
Muslims. The SDA was in favor of preserving Yugoslavia
and Bosnia and Herzegovina’s place in it.
After the violent break-up of Yugoslavia, the SDA
supported the option of a unitary Bosnia and Herzegov-
ina. The SDA’s insistence on that policy inexorably put
the Bosniaks on a collision course with the Croats. Most
of the Muslims in western Bosnia actually opposed the
idea of a unitary Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a result, on
September 29, 1993, the Autonomous Region of West-
ern Bosnia was created. The Washington and Dayton
Naslovnica tjednika Danas, 13. studenoga 1990.: “Bosanski izbori Accords in principle supported the notion of decentral-
ization at the expense of the unitary concept in relation
Front page of the November 13, 1990 issue of the Danas weekly to Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, the SDA was de-
magazine: Bosnian elections – TEST FOR YUGOSLAVIA. termined to conveniently ignore both the spirit and the
letter of said accords.
Multiparty elections were held in November, 1990.
The coalition of the SDA, SDS, and HDZ won a landslide
postati strankom jugoslavenskih Muslimana. Bila je za victory. The national coalition won all seven seats in
očuvanje Jugoslavije i u njoj Bosne i Hercegovine.129 the Presidency and 84% of the seats in the Assembly
Nakon krvavog raspada Jugoslavije SDA je podr- of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
žao ideju unitarne Bosne i Hercegovine, što je presud- The SDA’s members in the Presidency were Alija Izetbe-
no utjecalo na kasniji muslimansko-hrvatski sukob. gović, Fikret Abdić and Ejup Ganić. The SDS members
Protiv unitarnoga koncepta bio je i dio Muslimana u were Radovan Karadžić and Biljana Plavšić and the HDZ
zapadnoj Bosni i na tom je protivljenju 27. rujna 1993. members were Stjepan Kljujić and Franjo Boras. In the
nastala Autonomna pokrajina (AP) Zapadna Bosna. new government the HDZ had a prime minister (Jure
Washingtonski i Daytonski sporazum načelno su dali Pelivan), a defense minister, a minister of transport
prevagu decentralizaciji na štetu unitarne koncepcije and infrastructure, two ministers without portfolio and
BiH, no u praksi SDA to nastoji ignorirati. three deputy ministers.
Višestranački izbori održani su u studenome The coalition’s victory created a political situation
1990. godine. Koalicija SDA-a, SDS-a i HDZ-a uvjerlji- without precedent in the world. The three parties were
vo je pobijedila. Nacionalna je koalicija osvojila svih
unified in their desire to come to power but were divid-
sedam mjesta za članove Predsjedništva i 84 % man- ed in their visions for the future of Bosnia and Herzegov-
data u Skupštini SR BiH. Članovi SDA-a u Predsjedniš- ina. It was a recipe for disaster. The newly formed gov-
tvu bili su Alija Izetbegović, Fikret Abdić i Ejup Ganić, ernment was unstable due to the conflicting interests
SDS-a Radovan Karadžić i Biljana Plavšić, a HDZ-a Stje- of the ruling parties regarding the future of Yugoslavia
pan Kljujić i Franjo Boras. U novoj je vlasti HDZ imao and their resultant and differing agendas concerning
predsjednika Vlade (Jure Pelivan), ministra obrane, the governance of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The war in
Croatia only exacerbated the already divisively toxic po-
129 Stranke, programi, ličnosti, Izbori ‘90, „Oslobođenje“, Sa- litical situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
rajevo, listopad 1990., 66-67, 74-76.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

ministra prometa i veza, dva ministra bez lisnice i tri Bosnia and Herzegovina during Serbia’s
zamjenika ministra.130 War against Croatia
Njihovom je pobjedom stvorena politička scena
bez pandana u svijetu. Koliko su bili jedinstveni u že- From mid-August, 1991, Bosnian-Herzegovinian
lji da preuzmu vlast, toliko su bili različiti u shvaćanju territory played an important role in the JNA’s attack
budućnosti BiH. Novoizabrana vlast bila je nestabilna on Croatia. The plan of the JNA’s offensive against Cro-
zbog različitih pogleda stranaka na organizaciju i pre- atia was based on the plan Sutjeska 2, which was de-
uređenje SFRJ, a u sklopu toga i na BiH. Rat u Hrvatskoj veloped in the 1970s for the purpose of determining
povećao je postojeće podjele. what the JNA’s response should be in case of an attack
of a foreign power coming from the east. According to
Bosna i Hercegovina tijekom srpskoga the plan, the JNA would rapidly move into Croatia on
rata protiv Hrvatske a number of axes of advance, dislocate and encircle
the Croatian forces in isolated pockets of resistance
Od sredine kolovoza 1991. teritorij BiH igrao je and then annihilate them. Then, Croatia would be
važnu ulogu u napadu JNA na Hrvatsku. Plan napad- forced to accede to whatever Serbia cared to demand.
ne operacije temeljio se na ratnom planu Sutjeska-2, a It is not hard to guess what the role of Bosnia and Her-
predviđao je presijecanje Hrvatske na nekoliko smje- zegovina would have been had the JNA’s offensive
rova, odvojeno uništavanje okruženih hrvatskih sna- against Croatia succeeded. The contribution of Bos-
ga, a potom diktat Srbije oko njezina budućega izgle- nia and Herzegovina to the JNA’s attack on Croatia
da.131 Nije teško zaključiti gdje bi bilo mjesto BiH u was considerable; the JNA used Bosnian territory as a
takvoj državnoj tvorevini. Doprinos BiH srpskomu po- launch pad for its attack on Croatia. The Fifth Military
hodu bio je teritorijalni i kadrovski. Peta vojna oblast District in Croatia and Banja Luka Corps, Tuzla Corps,
u Hrvatskoj, Banjalučki, Tuzlanski, Kninski, Sarajevski, Knin Corps, Sarajevo Corps, Užice Corps and elements
Užički i dio Titogradskoga korpusa logistički su po- of Titograd Corps were logistically supported by using
državani preko bosanskohercegovačkih prometnica, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s road network. A significant
a znatan dio pričuvnika JNA i Teritorijalne obrane SR number of JNA reservists from Bosnia and Herzegovi-
BiH sudjelovao je u borbenim djelovanjima. Najveći na and members of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Terri-
postotak angažiranog ljudstva bio je iz Bosanske kra- torial Defense were deployed in combat roles against
jine i istočne Hercegovine. Korištenje BiH u ratu protiv the Republic of Croatia. The vast majority of those
Hrvatske SDS je javno podržao u ljeto 1991. godine. soldiers hailed from the Bosanska Krajina and east-
Bosanskohercegovački Hrvati bili su protiv rata, a dio ern Herzegovina. In the summer of 1991, the SDS ex-
dragovoljaca sudjelovao je u ratu u nekim od hrvat- pressed public support for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s
skih oružanih formacija. U napadima na Hrvatsku assistance to the JNA in the war against Croatia. The
stradala su i bosanskohercegovačka mjesta naseljena Bosnian Croats were against the war and some par-
Hrvatima, Uništa na Dinari u kolovozu i kompleks sela ticipated, as volunteers, in the war in Croatia as mem-
Ravno u Popovu polju u listopadu 1991. godine.132 U bers of the Croatian Army. The JNA, during the course
dijelu hrvatskih općina poduzete su mjere obrane, di- of its aggression against Croatia, destroyed two Croa-
jelom kroz razoružani TO, a dijelom kroz pričuvni sa- tian villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Uništa on Di-
nara in August, 1991, and Ravno on the Popovo field
in October, 1991. In some areas of the Croatian munic-
ipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina people took de-
fensive measures with the help of either the disarmed
130 I. LUČIĆ, Uzroci rata, 286-287, 297. Territorial Defense or the auxiliary police or both.
131 Veljko KADIJEVIĆ, Moje viđenje raspada, Politika, Beo- These TO and the auxiliary police troops would later
grad, 1993., 135-136. form the core of the Croatian Defense Council (HVO).
132 Davor MARIJAN, “Expert opinion: On the War Connec- The checkpoints and areas under their control would
tions of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (1991– later become the separation line between the Serbs
1995)”, Časopis za suvremenu povijest, 1/36, Zagreb,
2004., 252-255. and Croats, that is, the first line of defense.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

stav milicije.133 Iz njih će poslije nastati Hrvatsko vijeće The JNA and Serbia spared Bosnia and Herzegov-
obrane (HVO), a nadzorni punktovi i ophodna područ- ina the horrors of war during their aggression against
ja postat će crta hrvatsko-srpskoga razdvajanja, odno- Croatia for a number of reasons. The most important
sno crta obrane. reason was the fact that in 1990 a coalition comprising
Bosna i Hercegovina bila je tijekom rata protiv Hr- three parties came to power, two of which (SAS and
vatske pošteđena iz nekoliko razloga. Najvažniji je bio SDA) were in favor, each for its own reasons, of preserv-
činjenica da su u BiH 1990. na vlast došle tri stranke ing Yugoslavia. By defeating Croatia, so the reasoning
od kojih su dvije (SDS i SDA), svaka na svoj način, bile went in Belgrade, Serbia would automatically solve the
za Jugoslaviju. Rješavanjem Hrvatske Beograd bi, kao Bosnian problem as well, without investing time, effort
središte iz kojeg su se vukli konci rata i mira, riješio i and resources into the endeavor. Mainly for that reason
BiH bez trošenja ljudskih i materijalnih snaga i resursa. Bosnia and Herzegovina, from the end of 1990 until
Zbog toga je BiH od kraja 1990. do 3. siječnja 1992. u January 3, 1992, was assigned by Serbia a supporting,
ulozi statista, značajnog, ali ipak statista, u velikoj igri albeit important, role in the great game played by the
koju je u ime Velike Srbije trebala provesti JNA. JNA in the name of Greater Serbia.
Stranka demokratske akcije i znatan dio Bošnjaka The SDA and a significant number of Bosniaks did
nisu se željeli miješati u rat u Hrvatskoj, što utjelovljuje not want to be involved in the war in Croatia. On Octo-
poznata dvosmislena izjava stranačkoga čelnika, ali i ber 6, Alija Izetbegović, in his dual role as the leader of
predsjednika Predsjedništva SR BiH, Alije Izetbegovi- the SDA and the President of the Presidency of Bosnia
ća, od 6. listopada 1991., da “to nije naš rat”.134 Izjava and Herzegovina stated that the war in Croatia “is not
se može tumačiti kao gledište na rat koji se doživlja- our war”. The inherent ambiguity of his statement was
va kao sukob susjednih republika, ali i sukob Hrvata deliberate. Some people interpreted it as Izetbegović’s
i Srba. Izetbegović je izjavu dao u vrijeme u kojem je perception of the war in Croatia as a war between two
BiH polazište za napade na Hrvatsku, a dio njezinih neighboring republics, but some people saw a touch of
pričuvnika angažiran je u redovima JNA Hrvatske, kao Machiavelli in the statement – Izetbegović just might
i nekoliko postrojba TO SR BiH.135 Izetbegović je nastu- have meant a conflict between the Serbs and Croats.
pio kao predsjednik i predstavnik nacionalne stranke, It is significant to observe that Izetbegović chose to
a ne kao republički dužnosnik, a neutralnost koju je play with cryptic and potentially toxic remarks during
njegova stranka pokušavala zauzeti nije bila mogu- the period when the JNA was using Bosnia and Herze-
ća. Treba napomenuti da je SDA 1991. mogao učiniti govina as a launchpad for its attacks on Croatia. Also
malo, a učinio je još manje. Te se godine on nije borio worth repeating, this time solely in the context of Izet-
za BiH, nije branio BiH – kupovao je vrijeme i dobio begović’s statement, is the fact that a fair few Bosniaks,
nekoliko mjeseci koje, očito, nije iskoristio. JNA reservists or members of the Territorial Defense of
U drugoj polovini 1991. BiH je prolazila kroz nedo- Bosnia and Herzegovina served in combat roles in the
umicu ostanka u krnjoj Jugoslaviji ili stvaranja samo- JNA in the war in Croatia during that time. Izetbegov-
stalne države. Na ostanak BiH u krnjoj Jugoslaviji bo- ić simply decided to act as the President and principal
sanskohercegovački Srbi pokušali su utjecati zajedno representative of a national party and not as an offi-
s pobunjenim Srbima iz Hrvatske raznovrsnim politič- cial of Bosnia and Herzegovina. His actions actually re-
kim pritiscima. U Bosanskom Grahovu 27. lipnja 1991. vealed that the SDA’s position of neutrality was a sham.
skupštine Zajednice općina Bosanske krajine i SAO Kra- It has to be mentioned that the SDA couldn’t do much,
jine donijele su Deklaraciju o ujedinjenju dviju Krajina one way or another, in 1991. Another important point
u jedinstvenu političko-teritorijalnu cjelinu. I sadržaj worth stressing in this particular regard is that the
spomenute Deklaracije pokazuje da je krajnji cilj ob- SDA chose to do nothing in 1991. The SDA could have
fought for the interests of Bosnia and Herzegovina –
133 U ljeto 1991. osobno sam proveo kraće vrijeme u jednoj it did not. It could have taken steps to defend Bosnia
takvoj postrojbi u Livnu. and Herzegovina – it did not. Instead, the SDA tried to
134 Alija IZETBEGOVIĆ, Sjećanja: autobiografski zapis, Šahin- buy time. That effort was moderately successful – the
pašić, Sarajevo, 2001., 95. strategy secured a few extra months of peace in Bosnia
135 D. MARIJAN, “Expert opinion”, 253-254. and Herzegovina. The problem was that the SDA did


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

novljene velikosrpske politike i srpske pobune u Hrvat- nothing with those few months of grace period once
skoj – izražen načelom “da svi Srbi žive u jednoj državi” it had secured it.
– bilo “stvaranje jedinstvene države u kojoj će živjeti svi In the second half of 1991 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Srbi na Balkanu”.136 Sljedeći korak Srbi u BiH učinili su was torn between two options – to stay in a rump Yu-
16. rujna, kada su poslanici Skupštine Zajednice općina goslavia or vie for independence. The Bosnian Serbs, in
Bosanske krajine u Banjoj Luci proglasili autonomnu collusion with the rebel Serbs from Croatia, applied a
regiju Bosansku krajinu, koju su vezali za federativnu lot of political pressure in support of the former option.
Jugoslaviju i federalnu Bosnu i Hercegovinu.137 In Bosansko Grahovo on June 27, 1991, the Assembly
Na srpsko su izazivanje Muslimani i Hrvati odgo- of the Association of Bosanska Krajina Municipalities
vorili 15. listopada u Skupštini SR BiH usvajanjem Plat- and the Serbian Autonomous District of Krajina passed
forme o položaju BiH kao suverene i nedjeljive države the declaration on the unification of the two Krajinas.
i prihvaćanjem buduće jugoslavenske zajednice čiji The text of the declaration clearly shows that the ulti-
će sastavni dijelovi biti i Republika Hrvatska i Srbija.138 mate goal of the resurrected policies of Greater Serbia
Srpska demokratska stranka odbacila je Platformu i and the rebellion in Croatia – as exemplified by the no-
odmah nakon toga, 24. listopada, osnovala Skupštinu tion that “all Serbs should live in one state” – was the
srpskog naroda u Bosni i Hercegovini.139 Slijedio je srp- “creation of one state in which all Balkan Serbs will live”.
ski referendum u Bosni i Hercegovini 9. i 10. studeno- The Bosnian Serbs made their next move in Banja Luka
ga, na kojem je prihvaćeno opredjeljenje za ostanak u on September 16, when representatives of the Assem-
Jugoslaviji. Na temelju rezultata referenduma verifici- bly of the Association of Bosanska Krajina Municipali-
rane su i 21. studenoga proglašene srpske autonomne ties proclaimed the Autonomous Region of Bosanska
oblasti u Bosni i Hercegovini.140 Sljedeći je korak bila Krajina. The representatives saw their new statelet as
Odluka o ustroju Srpske Republike Bosne i Hercegovi- politically tied to the Federal Yugoslavia and Federal
ne 21. prosinca, koja je oživotvorena 9. siječnja 1992. Bosnia and Herzegovina.
godine.141 Time je dovršeno uvezivanje teritorija s ve- The Muslims and Croats responded to these Ser-
ćinskim srpskim stanovništvom – ostalo je samo još bian provocations on October 15 in the Assembly of
fizičko odvajanje teritorija, a za to je bio nužan rat. Pre- the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina by
imenovanje u Republiku Srpsku (RS) u kolovozu 1992. adopting the Platform on the position of Bosnia and
bila je tek formalnost.142 Herzegovina as a sovereign and indivisible state and
by accepting a future Yugoslav union whose integral
136 HMDCDR: Zapisnik 1. zajedničke sjednice Skupš- parts will be both the Republic of Croatia and Serbia.
tine SAO Krajine i Zajednice općina Bosanska Krajina The SDS rejected the Platform and immediately after,
održane 27. 6. 1991. u Bosanskom Grahovu. on October 24, founded the Assembly of the Serbian
137 ICTY: Odluka o proglašenju Autonomne oblasti Krajina nation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. On November 9-10
kao neodvojivom dijelu savezne države Federativne the Serbs organized their own referendum in Bos-
Jugoslavije i kao integralnom dijelu federalne jedinice
BiH od 16. 9. 1991.; D. RADIŠIĆ, Hronologija događaja na nia and Herzegovina and opted to stay in Yugoslavia.
prostoru prethodne Jugoslavije 1990–1995, 133-134. Based on the referendum’s results the Serbian autono-
138 Miroslav TUĐMAN, Istina o Bosni i Hercegovini: dokumen- mous regions in Bosnia and Herzegovina were verified
ti 1991. - 1995., Slovo M, Zagreb, 2005., 72-74: Platforma o of November 21. The next step was the Decision on the
položaju BiH u budućem ustrojstvu jugoslavenske zajednice.
Establishment of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and
139 ICTY: Odluka o osnivanju Skupštine srpskog naroda u Herzegovina reached on December 21. The Decision
Bosni i Hercegovini od 24. 10. 1991. was put into effect on January 9, 1992. With that, the
140 ICTY: Odluka o verifikaciji proglašenih Srpskih au- areas with majority Serb populations were bound to-
tonomnih oblasti u Bosni i Hercegovini od 21. 11. 1991. gether in a political whole – the only remaining thing
141 ICTY: Odluka Skupštine srpskog naroda od 21. 12. to do was to physically conquer those areas, and that
1991. da se pristupi formiranju Republike Srpske Bosne
i Hercegovine.
could only be achieved through war. Renaming the
statelet the Republika Srpska (RS) in August, 1992, was
142 Odluka o proglašenju amandmana VII i VIII na Ustav
Srpske Republike Bosne i Hercegovine, Službeni glasnik but a formality.
Republike Srpske, br. 13, 29. 9. 1992.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Hrvatska zajednica / Hrvatska The Croatian Community/ Croatian

Republika Herceg-Bosna Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia

Premda se ustalilo i Hrvate optuživati za istovje- According to popular opinion, the Bosnian Croats’
tan secesionistički postupak poput Srba, to nije bilo moves towards seceding from Bosnia and Herzegovina
isto. Kriza s kojom se središnja vlast u BiH nije uspi- were just as unscrupulous and venal as those made by
jevala nositi vodila je prema političko-obrambenom the Bosnian Serbs. The truth is different. The govern-
organiziranju bosanskohercegovačkih Hrvata.143 U ment of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as we have seen, was
sklopu tih priprema počelo je organiziranje triju re- not capable of dealing with the crisis and the situation
gionalnih zajednica HDZ-a na temelju zaključaka Sa- was inexorably forcing the Bosnian Croats to political-
vjeta sigurnosti HDZ-a od 18. rujna 1991. godine.144 ly organize themselves and undertake defensive mea-
U Derventi je 12. studenoga osnovana Hrvatska za- sures. These measures included organizing the three
jednica (HZ) Bosanska Posavina, a od druge dvije, regional communities of the HDZ according to the con-
Travničke i Hercegovačke, 18. studenoga u Grudama clusions reached by the Security Council of the HDZ
u zapadnoj Hercegovini proglašena je Hrvatska za- on September 18, 1991. On November 12 the Croatian
jednica Herceg-Bosna (HZ HB). U Hrvatskoj je toga
Community of (HZ) Bosanska Posavina was founded
dana JNA zauzela središte Vukovara, nakon što je ra- in Derventa. The other two communities, the Travnik
zorila cijeli grad i počinila zločine, kao i u Škabrnji u Community and the Herzegovina Community, were
zaleđu Zadra, a dva dana prije zauzela je Slunj, gradić organized, on November 18 in Grude in western Herze-
s većinskim hrvatskim stanovništvom na Kordunu. govina, into the Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia
HZ Herceg-Bosna nastala je na podlozi točne procje- (HZ HB). On the same day in Croatia the JNA captured
ne da BiH ne može preživjeti rat i raspad Jugoslavije. the city center of Vukovar, having previously completely
Osnovana je jer središnja vlast Bosne i Hercegovine destroyed the city and committed numerous war crimes
u Sarajevu nije funkcionirala, nije reagirala na strada- and crimes against humanity. The JNA had also commit-
nje Hrvata u dijelu Republike (zauzimanje i razaranje ted war crimes in Škabrnja, in Zadar’s hinterland. Two
hrvatskog sela Uništa u općini Bosansko Grahovo u days before the Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia
kolovozu 1991., kao i sela Ravno i njegovih zaselaka was proclaimed, the JNA had captured Slunj, a town
u Popovu polju u listopadu 1991.), na korištenje teri- with a majority Croatian population in the Kordun re-
torija BiH za rat protiv Hrvatske i zbog nepoduzima- gion. The Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia was
nja bilo čega vidljivog oko priprema za budući rat. created on the basis of the correct assumption that Bos-
U “Odluci o uspostavi Hrvatske zajednice Herceg-Bo- nia and Herzegovina would not survive the break-up
sna” rečeno je da će Zajednica “štovati demokratski of Yugoslavia and the war. The Croatian Community of
izabranu vlast Republike Bosne i Hercegovine dok
Herzeg-Bosnia was founded because of the ineptitude
postoji državna nezavisnost Bosne i Hercegovine u of the central government in Sarajevo – the central gov-
odnosu na bivšu ili svaku drugu Jugoslaviju”.145 To je ernment had done nothing to prevent or react to the
govorilo o njezinu privremenom karakteru. Do trav- crimes the JNA had committed against Croats in Bosnia
nja 1992. nema pokazatelja da je Hrvatska zajednica
and Herzegovina (capturing and destroying the Croa-
Herceg-Bosna bila išta više od slova na papiru. To pak
tian villages of Ravno, Uništa…), it had allowed the JNA
upućuje na to da se – iako je postojala stvarna po-
to use Bosnian-Herzegovinian territory for its aggression
treba za njezinim osnivanjem – u prvom redu držalo
against Croatia and it had done nothing to prepare for
the inevitable war. In the “Decision on the Establishment
143 ICTY: Izvod iz zapisnika Predsjedništva HDZ BiH br. of the Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia” it is stat-
337/91 od 31. 7. 1991. ed that the Community “will respect the democratically
144 ICTY: Zaključci Savjeta sigurnosti HDZ BiH br. 431/91 od elected government of Bosnia and Herzegovina as long
18. 9. 1991. as Bosnia and Herzegovina remains independent in re-
145 Odluka o uspostavi Hrvatske zajednice Herceg-Bosna lation to the former or any future Yugoslavia”. This clearly
od 18. 11. 1991., Narodni list HZ Herceg-Bosna, br. 1, ru-
shows that the HZ HB was a temporary expedient. Until
jan 1992., 2-3.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

nužnim odgovoriti na srpsko stvaranje teritorijalne April, 1992, the Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia
jedinice, premda, što se vidjelo, nije bilo kritične po- existed only on paper. That fact clearly shows that the
litičke i administrativne snage za njezino učinkovito Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia was founded as
djelovanje. Stvarno življenje Herceg-Bosne počelo je a reaction to the Serbs’ creation of their territorial unit.
u travnju 1992., eskalacijom rata u BiH. U svibnju, a The Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia was not or-
posebice od srpnja, Zajednica se pokušavala uprav- ganized administratively or in any other regard, it only
no organizirati. Temeljno upravno tijelo bio je HVO, became reality on the ground in April, 1992, with the
na čijem je čelu u početku bio predsjednik HZ HB- escalation of the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In
a, a od srpnja 1992. predsjednik HVO-a. Upravne su May, and especially after July, moves were made to ad-
poslove obavljali upravni odjeli obrane, unutarnjih ministratively organize the Croatian Community of Her-
poslova, gospodarstva, pravosuđa i uprave, financi- zeg-Bosnia. The HVO was the supreme executive and
ja i društvenih djelatnosti.146 To je zapravo bila vlada administrative body. Initially at the helm of the HVO was
(HVO) i ministarstva (upravni odjeli). the President of the HZ HB, and from July, 1992, at the
Kao Zajednica je Herceg-Bosna postojala do 28. helm of the HVO was the President of the HVO. Adminis-
kolovoza 1993., kada je u Grudama novoorganizi- trative tasks regarding defense, internal affairs, trade, ju-
rani Zastupnički dom proglasio Temeljnu odluku diciary, finances and social services were performed by
o uspostavi i proglašenju Hrvatske Republike Her- administrative departments. The HVO was the govern-
ceg-Bosne (HR HB), koja je bila u skladu s među- ment and the administrative departments functioned as
narodnim, tzv. Owen-Stoltenbergovom mirovnim ministries.
planom o uniji republika u BiH (predstavljen 20. The Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia func-
kolovoza 1993.). U uvodnom je dijelu utvrđeno da tioned as a community until August 28, 1993, when the
postojeći “oblik političkog i državnog ustroja ne osi- newly formed Chamber of Representatives declared
gurava hrvatskom narodu njegova prava u Bosni i the Fundamental Decision on the Establishment and
Hercegovini i na Bosnu i Hercegovinu” te da hrvatski Proclamation of the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia
narod mijenja svoj položaj (HRHB), which was in accordance with the internation-
“tako što na dijelu teritorija Bosne i Hercegovine al, that is, the Owen-Stoltenberg peace plan for a union
uspostavlja svoju državnu zajednicu, te prenosi dio of three republics in Bosnia and Herzegovina (present-
konstitutivnih prava na budući savez republika i pri- ed on August 20, 1993). In the introductory chapter it
staje na sudjelovanje u pojedinim zajedničkim insti- was concluded that the existing “model of political and
tucijama i službama od zajedničkog interesa u Bosni governmental system does not secure the rights of the
i Hercegovini kako se to uredi tripartitnim ustavnim Croatian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the
sporazumom konstitutivnih naroda”.147 right of the Croatian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina
U odnosu na HZ HB, jasno je definirana podjela to Bosnia and Herzegovina” and that the Croatian peo-
ovlasti. Pravna je vlast dodijeljena Zastupničkomu ple therefore change their status “by founding, in part
domu, izvršna vlast Vladi HR HB-a, a pravosudna of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina its state and
vlast neovisnim sudovima. Glavnim gradom Re- transferring a part of its constitutional rights to a future
publike proglašen je Mostar. Do donošenja ustava federation of republics and agreeing to participating in
HR HB-a određeno je da ostaju na snazi propisi HZ certain joint institutions and services of common inter-
HB-a i propisi dotadašnje Republike BiH koji nisu u est in Bosnia and Herzegovina as per a tripartite consti-
tutional agreement of the constituent peoples”.
In relation to the Croatian Community of Her-
146 Statutarna odluka Predsjedništva HZ HB od 15. 5. 1992.
o privremenom ustrojstvu izvršne vlasti i uprave na po- zeg-Bosnia, the separation of powers was clearly
dručju HZ HB; Statutarna odluka Predsjedništva HZ HB defined. The legislative power was allocated to the
od 3. 7. 1992. o privremenom ustrojstvu izvršne vlasti i Chamber of Representatives. The executive power was
uprave na području HZ HB, Narodni list HZ Herceg-Bos-
na, br. 1, rujan 1992.
allocated to the government of the HR HB and the ju-
dicial power was in the domain of independent courts.
147 Temeljna odluka o uspostavi i proglašenju Hrvatske
Republike Herceg-Bosne od 28. 8. 1993., Narodni list HZ Mostar was the capital city of the republic. Pending the
Herceg-Bosna, br. 1, 11. 10. 1993. adoption of the constitution of the HR HB the regula-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

suprotnosti s propisima HR HB-a. Postojeće su vlasti tions of the HZ HB remained in force and also those
nastavile obnašanje svojih dužnosti do novih izbora, regulations of the former Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
a predsjednik HZ HB-a ostao je predsjednik HR HB- govina that were not in contradiction to the regulations
a.148 Herceg-Bosnu obilježilo je nekoliko političara, u of the HR HB. The existing authorities continued doing
prvom redu Mate Boban, koji je 1992. združio stra- their duties pending the new elections and the Presi-
načku i političku funkciju, a povukao se početkom dent of the HZ HB remained the President of the HR HB.
1994. na zahtjev iz Zagreba. Jadranko Prlić bio je A number of politicians left their mark on Herzeg-Bos-
čelnik izvršne vlasti od 1992. do 1995. godine. U za- nia. First and foremost among them was Mate Boban.
vršnici rata istaknuto je mjesto imao Krešimir Zubak, In 1992, he combined his party and political function.
predsjednik Predsjedničkoga vijeća HR HB-a. He left office at the beginning of 1994, at the request of
the Croatian government. Jadranko Prlić was the head
Bosna i Hercegovina – bošnjački dio of the executive branch of government from 1992 until
1995. Towards the end of the war Krešimir Zubak came
Stvaranjem Republike Srpske, a poslije i Hrvatske to prominence. He was the President of the Presidential
zajednice Herceg-Bosne, preostali dio BiH postao je Council of the HR HB.
teritorij pod nadzorom i organizacijom musliman-
ske, odnosno bošnjačke vlasti kao Republika Bosna Bosnia and Herzegovina – The Bosniaks/
i Hercegovina (RBiH), jer je 8. travnja 1992. izbrisana Muslims
odrednica “Socijalistička”.149
Bošnjački je politički vrh po svaku cijenu nasto- After the creation of the Republika Srpska and the
jao, i uz pomoć međunarodnih krugova uspio, održa- Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia, the remaining
ti status jedine “legalne” strane u ratu. Na taj se način parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina were under the con-
organizirala vlast i stvarao privid. Taj se privid stvar- trol of the Muslim, that is, Bosniak authorities. The name
no održao do kraja rujna 1993., kada je uoči sjednice of the Muslim part of Bosnia and Herzegovina was the
Skupštine BiH Izetbegović na Svebošnjačkom sabo- Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina – on April 8, 1992,
ru razmotrio Owen-Stoltenbergov plan, dajući pred- the term “socialist” was dropped from the official name
nost etničkoj nad republičkom komponentom.150 of the republic.
Izetbegović je nezakonito zadržao i mjesto čelnika The Bosniak leadership tried very hard to retain
Predsjedništva tijekom rata. Ispražnjena mjesta čla- the status of the only “legal” side in the war in Bosnia
nova Predsjedništva iz redova Srba i Hrvata popunje- and Herzegovina. Thanks in very large measure to the
na su u listopadu 1993. godine. No i toj su četvorki international community, the effort was successful. The
bili neprihvatljivi Amandmani na Ustav RBiH po ko- Bosniak leadership based all of their moves on that le-
jima je predsjednika Predsjedništva BiH u ratu birala gality and claimed to work in the interest of Bosnia and
Skupština, jer je to značilo da je to neupitna bošnjač- Herzegovina as a whole. The claim was a ruse which was
ka funkcija.151 Privid Bošnjaka kao jedinih legitimista finally exposed at the end of September, 1993, when
srušio se prihvaćanjem sporazuma u Daytonu. Izetbegović, just prior to the session of the Assembly
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, analyzed the Owen-Stol-
tenberg plan in the Bosniak Assembly and clearly sided
with the ethnic rather than republic component. Izet-
begović also kept, illegally, the post of the President of
the Presidency for the duration of the war. The vacant
148 Isto.
posts in the Presidency previously occupied by Serbs
149 I. LUČIĆ, Uzroci rata, 369. and Croats were filled with Muslims and those Serbs and
150 Sead TURČALO, Političko-ustavna rješenja za Bosnu i Croats who subscribed to the Muslims’ agenda in Octo-
Hercegovinu. Od Lisabona do Daytona – Geopolitičke
naracije o mirovnim sporazumima za Bosnu i Hercegov-
ber, 1993. The newly composed presidency also found
inu 1992–1996, Open society foundations: Mediacentar, the Amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of
Sarajevo, (bez godine izdanja), 23. Bosnia and Herzegovina according to which President
151 K. BUGAREL, Bosna: anatomija rata, 66-67. would be appointed by the Assembly unacceptable be-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Međunarodni aspekt rata u BiH cause the Bosniaks wanted to have a monopoly on the
function of appointing the country’s president. The illu-
Zbog rata u Hrvatskoj budućnost BiH postala je sion that the Bosniaks were the only legitimate political
međunarodni problem. Uvjet za međunarodno prizna- entity in the conflict came crumbling down by the sign-
nje bio je referendum na kojem je glasačima postavlje- ing of the Dayton Accords.
no jednostavno pitanje: jesu li za suverenu i neovisnu
Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Referendum je održan 29. veljače International Aspect of the War in
i 1. ožujka 1992. i na njega je izišlo 64,31 % upisanih Bosnia and Herzegovina
birača, od kojih je potvrdno glasalo 99,44 %. Muslimani
i Hrvati glasali su za, a Srbi su bili protiv. Srbi su pre- The war in Croatia rendered the future of Bosnia and
glasani zahvaljujući Hrvatima, koji su se na to odlučili Herzegovina uncertain. For that reason the situation in
na poticaj iz Zagreba i zbog Izetbegovićeva obećanja Bosnia and Herzegovina became an international prob-
da će dobiti neku autonomiju. Rezultat referenduma lem. The precondition for international recognition was
je zemljama članicama EZ-a bio temelj da 6. travnja a referendum in which the voters were asked one simple
1992. priznaju BiH neovisnom i suverenom državom u question: Are you in favor of a sovereign and independent
postojećim granicama.152 Odluka nije zaustavila, nego Bosnia and Herzegovina? The referendum was held on
je razbuktala rat, koji je postupno tinjao od listopada February 29 and March 1, 1992. 64.31 % of registered
1991. godine. voters voted in the referendum. 99.44 % of those voted
Rasprave i pregovori o teritorijalnom uređenju in favor of a sovereign and independent Bosnia and Her-
BiH počeli su u veljači 1992. u Lisabonu. Portugalski zegovina. It is important to mention that more than 90 %
diplomat José Cutileiro predstavio je prijedlog da BiH of the Serbs boycotted the referendum in the hope that
ostane u okviru svojih granica, a da se njezino buduće the referendum would be declared invalid due to insuf-
ustrojstvo zasnuje na nekoliko entiteta (konstitutivnih ficient number of voters. The ploy did not work because
jedinica), što je očito bila najava da će se legalizirati most of the Croats, at the instigation of the Croatian gov-
Srpska Republika BiH i Hrvatska zajednica Herceg-Bo- ernment, voted in favor of a sovereign and independent
sna. Cutileirov je plan propao jer ga je krajem ožujka Bosnia and Herzegovina and because of Izetbegović’s
1992. odbila muslimanska SDA.153 promise that the Croats would be granted some kind of
autonomy. The result of the referendum was everything
Drugi plan za BiH bio je projekt Cyrusa Vancea i
Davida Owena predstavljen na Londonskoj konferen- the member states of the European Community needed
ciji. Plan je predviđao stvaranje 10 etnički miješanih to recognize, on April 6, 1992, Bosnia and Herzegovina
provincija s relativnom autonomijom. Sva tri naroda as a sovereign and independent state. The decision to
trebala su imati po tri kantona, a za Sarajevo je bilo recognize Bosnia and Herzegovina’s independence, in-
predviđeno da bude sjedište slabe središnje vlade koju stead of defusing tensions, fanned the flames of war
bi činili predstavnici triju naroda. Prijedlog je propao that had been smoldering since October, 1991.
kada su ga u travnju 1993. odbacili Srbi.154 The negotiations and talks about a territorial set-
U ljeto 1993. predstavljen je treći po redu plan za tlement started in February, 1992, in Lisbon. The Portu-
BiH, čiji su tvorci bili David Owen i norveški diplomat guese diplomat José Cutileiro recommended that the
Thorvald Stoltenberg. Plan je predviđao tri republike existing borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina remain in-
koje bi imale puni unutarnji i vanjski suverenitet s ogra- tact and that the country’s future system of government
ničenjem da stupaju u ugovorne odnose sa susjednim be based on a number of entities (constituent units). The
državama ako bi to imalo negativne učinke na druge recommendation heralded that the Serbian Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Croatian Community
of Herzeg-Bosnia would be legalized. Cutileiro’s plan
152 I. LUČIĆ, Uzroci rata, 360-363, 368-369.
was not put into effect because the Muslim SDA reject-
153 M. TUĐMAN, Istina o Bosni i Hercegovini, 146-150: Izja-
va o načelima za novo ustavno ustrojstvo Bosne i Her-
ed it at the end of March, 1992.
cegovine od 9. 3. 1992.; S. TURČALO, Političko-ustavna Another plan for Bosnia and Herzegovina was
rješenja, 10-15. made by Cyrus Vance and David Owen. It was pre-
154 S. TURČALO, Političko-ustavna rješenja, 16-19. sented at the London conference. The plan envisaged


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

the creation of ten ethnically mixed provinces with a

CijenalSOO HRO
relative autonomy. Each of the three constituent na-
tions would have its own canton and Sarajevo would
be the seat of a central government which would be
composed of representatives of all three constituent
nations and whose federal authority would be signifi-
Uz dvojicu predsjednika, polpise na
dokumente stavili su i dr. Haris
cantly curtailed. The plan was abandoned when, in
SilajdZiC i Kre~imir Zubak, a
potpisani su sporazumi o April, 1993, it was rejected by the Serbs.
hrvatsko-muslimanskoj federaciji u
BiH , o stvaranju konfederacije In the summer of 1993 a third plan for Bosnia and
izmedu toga dijela BiH i Republike
Hrvatske, Ustav federacije BiH, kao Herzegovina was presented. The plan was the brainchild
i dokumenti o joS nekim deta\jima
odnosa dviju zemalja of David Owen and the Norwegian diplomat Thorvald
Hrvatska - SAD
Washington najavio
Stoltenberg. They recommended the creation of three
poseban paket
pomo~I za Hrvatsk'!1r. 3
republics. These republics would enjoy full internal and
111 ,r. Fra.nlO T\>dlD.II.Dlp redsl«lnlk BIHAlljalwlbet<>>lt potplnlu.una20<' ""' 11 pred•~lkaSAD
"'• ominl otYAlln«ton•kolBllf.lojkutl external sovereignty with the proviso that all agree-
~'r==~~~; 5ft~~:;;~; ;:_..;~~~~';~ I..s_A_o_ -_e_1_H_ _ _ _ __, ments they may make with neighboring countries must
not have detrimental effects on other republics within
Vjesnik, subota, 19. 3. 1994.: „Povijesni sporazum u Washing- Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Muslims, that is Bosniaks,
tonu – dr. Franjo Tuđman i Alija Izetbegović potpisali su u petak did not reject the plan outright. As the price of accept-
(18. 3. 1994.) sporazum mira“.
ing it, however, they demanded the return of those ar-
Vjesnik, Saturday, March 19, 1994: “Historic Agreement in eas where Muslims had formed majorities before the
Washington – Franjo Tuđman and Alija Izetbegović Signed an Serbian attacks on those areas. The talks continued until
Agreement for Peace on Friday (March 18, 1994)”.
the Serbs rejected the option of a union of the three re-
publics in February, 1994.
The USA’s interference in the war led directly to the
end of the conflict between the Croats and the Bos-
niaks and the signing of the Washington Agreement on
republike unutar BiH. Muslimani, odnosno Bošnjaci su March 18, 1994. The Agreement stipulated the creation
ga odbili, tj. uvjetno prihvatili, tražeći vraćanje teritori- of a Croat-Bosnian federation. That Federation was to
ja na kojem je muslimansko stanovništvo bilo većinsko consist of ten cantons in the areas with majority Bosniak
do srpskih napada. U nastavku pregovora Srbi su u ve- and Croatian populations. Also, the envisaged federa-
ljači 1994. odbili uniju triju republika.155 tion would have 55% of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s terri-
Upletanje SAD-a u rat rezultiralo je završetkom boš- tory, the Republika Srpska 42% and the Sarajevo district
njačko-hrvatskoga rata i potpisivanjem Washington- would make up the remaining 3%.
skoga sporazuma 18. ožujka 1994. godine. Dogovoreno Yet another attempt to impose a form of govern-
je osnivanje hrvatsko-bošnjačke Federacije. Sporazum ment on Bosnia and Herzegovina took place in the sum-
je predviđao da Federaciju čini 10 kantona na području mer of 1994. A contact group, consisting of the USA,
s većinskim bošnjačkim i hrvatskim stanovništvom. Fe- Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia, recommend-
deracija je trebala dobiti 55 % teritorija BiH, Republika ed, on June 5, to the negotiating parties that Bosnia and
Srpska 42 %, a ostatak bi bio distrikt Sarajevo.156
Herzegovina be organized on an ethnic principle; the
Novi pokušaj uređenja BiH dogodio se u ljeto 1994. Federation would receive 49% of the territory of Bosnia
godine. Kontaktna skupina, koju su činili SAD, Velika and Herzegovina, the Republika Srpska 48% and the
Britanija, Francuska, Njemačka i Rusija, predložila je 5. Sarajevo district would get 3%. The UN would protect
lipnja pregovaračkim stranama da se BiH organizira na the Sarajevo district. That meant that Bosnia and Herze-
etničkom principu tako da Federacija dobije 49 %, Re- govina would be organized according to the principle
of two-entity union, which would inherit the continuity
of the international personality of Bosnia and Herzegov-
155 Isto, 20-24. ina. The recommendation was presented on the “take it
156 Isto, 25-27. or leave it principle” and as such not subject to negoti-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

publika Srpska 48 %, a distrikt Sarajevo imao bi 3 % te- ation. Nothing came out of that plan because the Serbs
ritorija i bio bi pod nadzorom UN-a. To je značilo uređe- rejected it.
nje BiH na načelu dvoentitetske unije koja bi naslijedila The last in line of the agreements was the Dayton
međunarodnopravni kontinuitet BiH. Prijedlog je bio na Agreement. It was signed by representatives of the
načelu “uzmi ili ostavi” i nije bilo pregovaranja o njemu. Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Croa-
Plan je propao jer su ga Srbi odbili.157 tia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. It has to be
Posljednji u nizu sporazuma bio je Daytonski, za čije pointed out that the Dayton Agreement was accepted
su potpisivanje okupljena izaslanstva Republike BiH, only after the Bosnian Serbs had been brought to the
Republike Hrvatske i Savezne Republike Jugoslavije brink of a complete military defeat. After protracted
(SRJ). Prihvaćen je nakon što su bosanskohercegovač- negotiations, on November 21 in Dayton, the General
ki Srbi dovedeni na rub vojnoga poraza. Sporazum je Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Her-
nakon dužega pregovaranja potpisan 21. studenoga u zegovina was reached. The Agreement was formally
Daytonu, a parafiran 14. prosinca 1995. u Parizu. Potpi- signed on December 14, 1995 in Paris. The signatories
snici sporazuma, prema redu potpisivanja, bili su: za Re- were, in order of signing: Alija Izetbegović for Republic
publiku BiH Alija Izetbegović, za Republiku Hrvatsku dr. BiH, Franjo Tuđman for the Republic of Croatia and Slo-
Franjo Tuđman i za Saveznu Republiku Jugoslaviju Slo- bodan Milošević for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
bodan Milošević. Potpisivanju su svjedočili i to potvr- The witnesses were, in order of signing: Felipe Gonzalez
dili svojim potpisima, prema redosljedu potpisivanja: for the Presidency of the EU, Jacques Chirac for France,
za Predsjedništvo Europske unije Felipe Gonzalez, za Helmut Kohl for Germany, Viktor Černomirdin for the
Francusku Republiku Jacques Chirac, za Saveznu Repu- Russian Federation, John Major for the UK and William
bliku Njemačku Helmut Kohl, za Rusku Federaciju Viktor Clinton for the USA. Bosnia and Herzegovina was divid-
Černomirdin, za Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo John Major i za ed into two entities, the Federation of Bosnia and Herze-
Sjedinjene Američke Države William Clinton.158 Dayton- govina (51% of the territory) and the Republika Srpska
skim je sporazumom BiH podijeljena na dva entiteta, (49% of the territory). With the signing of the Dayton
Federaciju BiH (51 %) i Republiku Srpsku (49 %), čime su Agreement Bosnia and Herzegovina had finally been
većim dijelom u praksu provedena početna nastojanja divided along ethnic lines, an outcome the internation-
međunarodne zajednice da se BiH podijeli po etničkim al community had been attempting to effect ever since
načelima.159 the break-up of Yugoslavia.
157 Isto, 27-29.
158 M. TADIĆ, Ustavnopravni položaj Hrvata u Bosni i Hercego-
vini, Mostar, 2016., 239.
159 M. TUĐMAN, Istina o Bosni i Hercegovini, 648-649: Tekst
završne izjave u Daytonu 21. 11. 1995.; Isto, 693-694: Izv-
ješće predsjednika Tuđmana Hrvatskom državnom Sab-
oru 15. 1. 1996.


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Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 87 4.2.2020. 19:25:49

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Balkan Battlegrounds: A Military History of the Yugoslav Conflict, 1990-1995, Volume I, Central Intelligence
Agency, Office of Russian and European Analysis, Washington, DC 20505, May 2002.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Oružane snage SFRJ činile su Jugoslavenska narodna
armija i Teritorijalna obrana. Jugoslavenska narodna ar- The Armed Forces of the SFRY consisted of the
mija bila je operativna i dobro naoružana federalna kom- Yugoslav People’s Army and the Territorial Defense.
ponenta. Teritorijalna je obrana imala republički karakter,
The Yugoslav People’s Army was an effective and well-
bila je slabije naoružana i predviđena za nadzor teritorija i
equipped military force and a pivotal institution of the
borbu na pomoćnim dijelovima ratišta. Premda su socija-
SFRY. The Territorial Defense was organized along re-
lističke republike i pokrajine u mirnodopskom stanju bile
public lines. It was not as well-equipped as the JNA be-
zadužene za organizaciju i opremanje TO-a, nisu imale
cause its primary role was to control territory, operate
pravo zapovijedanja nad njim, nego je to, kao i u slučaju
in secondary theaters of operations and act as an auxil-
JNA, bila obveza i pravo Predsjedništva SFRJ. U iznimnim
slučajevima postojala je mogućnost da zapovijedanje di- iary force in relation to the JNA. The Socialists republics
jelovima TO-a preuzme republički (pokrajinski) komitet and autonomous provinces comprising the SFRY were,
za općenarodnu obranu i društvenu samozaštitu (ONO i in peacetime, responsible for organizing and equipping
DSZ), što je bilo partijsko tijelo.160 the Territorial Defense. However, the republics and au-
tonomous provinces could not issue direct orders to the
Jugoslavenska narodna armija Territorial Defense. That particular right and obligation,
as was the case with the JNA, was the sole preserve of
Jugoslavenska narodna armija dijelila se na mirno- the Presidency of the SFRY. In exceptional circumstanc-
dopsku i ratnu. Mirnodopska se sastojala od privremenog es it was possible for the Republic (province) Committee
(vojnici na služenju vojnoga roka) i stalnog sastava (oficiri, for Total People’s Defense and Social Self-Protection of
mlađi oficiri, civili na službi u JNA i vojnici po ugovoru). the SFRY to issue direct orders to elements of the Territo-
Mirnodopske su snage bile klasificirane po stupnju po- rial Defense. It is important to stress that this committee
punjenosti: A klasifikaciju imale su postrojbe popunjene was an organ of the Communist Party.
sa 60-100 % ljudi u odnosu na ratnu formaciju, B s 15-60
% i R do 15 % popunjenosti po ratnom ustroju postroj- The Yugoslav People’s Army
bi. Postrojbe A klasifikacije sastojale su se od vojnika na
redovnom služenju vojnoga roka i po potrebi su domo- The Yugoslav People’s Army was divided into two
bilizacijom brzo postizale ratnu formaciju i bile spremne components: the peacetime contingent and the war-
za brzu uporabu. Takav je sustav bio glomazan i izrazito time contingent. The peacetime contingent consisted
neracionalan, jer je samo mali dio postrojbi u miru stvar- of temporary corps (conscripted soldiers fulfilling their
no funkcionirao. Inače je zadatak mirnodopske JNA bio compulsory military service) and regular corps (officers,
prihvatiti prvi udar nekog od agresora i omogućiti brz NCOs, civilians working for the JNA and career soldiers).
prelazak Jugoslavije na ratno življenje. Početkom 1990. The peacetime contingent was classified according to
JNA je imala 275.341 pripadnika, od kojih je na teritoriju the level of actual strength in relation to the nominal
Hrvatske bilo oko 60 tisuća.161 level of a given unit: units with 60-100% of their nomi-
Od kraja 1988. JNA je, prema planu Jedinstvo, bila nal manpower strength were classified as Level A, units
organizirana u sustav korpusa Kopnene vojske, korpu- with 15-60% of their nominal manpower strength were
sa Ratnoga vazduhoplovstva i protivvazdušne odbrane classified as Level B and those with less than 15% of their
(RV i PVO), vojnopomorskih sektora (VPS) i niz taktičkih nominal manpower strength were classified as Level R.
sastava koji su bili podređeni komandama vojnih oblasti The units in Level A consisted of conscripts but could be
swiftly, if needed, brought up to full strength through
160 Strategija oružane borbe, Interno, SSNO, Beograd, 1983., 69, mobilization and deployed in combat. The system was
109-110; Strategija općenarodne obrane i društvene samo- cumbersome, unwieldy and ultimately irrational be-
zaštite SFRJ, Interno, SSNO, Beograd, 1987., 54-56, 73-77.
cause only a small percentage of the JNA’s units func-
161 Davor MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije: JNA i raspad Jugo- tioned in a viable manner during peacetime. This is an
slavije 1987.–1992., Golden marketing-Tehnička knjiga
– Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb, 2007., 53-54. important point to stress because the main role of the


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

odnosno Komandi Vojnopomorske oblasti (VPO) i Ko- peacetime force was to absorb the first strike of a poten-
mandi RV i PVO, koje su bile strategijske skupine. Te su tial aggressor so that a full military mobilization could
komande formalno bile komande Oružanih snaga SFRJ, be successfully implemented. At the beginning of 1990
no stvarno su bile u sustavu JNA. Vojne oblasti u miru the JNA had 275,341 members. In the territory of Croa-
odnosno vojišta u ratu podrazumijevala su i nadležnost tia, at that time, there were about 60,000 JNA personnel.
nad postrojbama TO-a u njihovoj zoni djelovanja. Svrha From the end of 1988 the JNA, according to the
plana Jedinstvo bila je podređivanje TO-a komandama Jedinstvo (Unity) plan, consisted of the ground forces,
JNA, što je vojni vrh uspio nakon višegodišnjega lobira- organized into military districts, the Air Force and Air
nja kod partijskih struktura, koje je uvjerio da promjene Defense (RV and PVO), the Navy organized into military
ne dovode u pitanje prava republika i pokrajina u poslo- maritime sectors (VPS) and a string of tactical systems.
vima obrane. Premda protuzakonit, prijedlog je prihva- subordinated to military districts’ commands in the case
ćen, pa je Predsjedništvo SFRJ u slučaju rata podredilo of the ground forces, military maritime districts’ com-
republičke i pokrajinske štabove TO-a komandama vo- mands in the case of the Navy and the Air Force and Air
jišta, a postrojbe TO-a komandama korpusa.162 Takva je Defense Command in the case of the Air Force. These
organizacija dijelom funkcionirala i u miru, što se vidjelo commands were formally the commands of the Armed
u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj tijekom 1990. godine. Forces of the SFRY but in reality they formed part of the
SSNO je bio štabno i stručno tijelo Predsjedništva command structure of the JNA. The military districts
SFRJ u poslovima vođenja i zapovijedanja oružanim sna- had direct control over the Territorial Defense forces
gama. Na razini federacije i savezne uprave SSNO se bavio in their areas of responsibility. One of the purposes of
provedbom saveznih zakona i drugih propisa i općih aka- the Jedinstvo plan was to subordinate the Territorial De-
ta iz područja obrane. SSNO se sastojao od Generalštaba fense units to JNA commands. The military leadership
Oružanih snaga, četiri sektora, tri uprave, dva odjeljenja i of the JNA had been trying very hard for years to con-
tri druge organizacijske jedinice. Čelnik SSNO-a bio je sa- vince the Communist Party to support their intention to
vezni sekretar za narodnu obranu koji je uvijek bio djelat- subordinate the Territorial Defense to JNA commands.
ni general. U ratu protiv Hrvatske to je bio general armije The leadership of the JNA claimed, facetiously, that the
Veljko Kadijević. Zamjenik saveznog sekretara bavio se Jedinstvo plan did not bring into question the existing
poslovima s civilnim strukturama društva na saveznoj i na rights of the republics and autonomous provinces in re-
republičkim razinama. Načelnik Generalštaba Oružanih lation to the Territorial Defense. It is important to men-
snaga je bio pomoćnik saveznog sekretara u poslovima tion that the concept of the Jedinstvo plan ran counter
zapovijedanja oružanim snagama, odnosno zamjenik u to the Constitution of the SFRY because the Presidency
slučajevima kada je savezni sekretar bio odsutan ili spri- of the SFRY, in accordance with the plan and in case of
ječen za obavljanje dužnosti. Sljedeća na listi pomagača war, subordinated the republic and province Territorial
saveznog sekretara bila su dva podsekretara, jedan za Defense commands to the military districts’ commands
personalne, a drugi za ekonomske poslove. Pomoćnici and Territorial Defense units to Corps commands. The
saveznog sekretara rukovodili su organizacijskim dijelovi- plan actually functioned, to a degree, in this manner
ma SSNO-a iz svog područja rada i nadležnosti za što su during peacetime. The events in Slovenia and Croatia in
bili odgovorni saveznom sekretaru. Pod izravnim zapovi- 1990 exposed the duplicitous nature of the plan, and, by
jedanjem SSNO-a bili su školski centri, gardijska motori- extension, of its creators and backers.
zirana brigada, brigada veze i nekoliko drugih postrojbi The Federal Secretariat of National Defense was a
ranga bataljun (divizijun) – puk.163 professional and executive organ of the Presidency of
Vojna oblast je bila strategijski sastav razine skupine the SFRY regarding activities in relation to commanding
the armed forces. At the level of the federation and fed-
eral administration the Federal Secretariat of National
162 Savezni sekretarijat za narodnu odbranu, Interno, edicija
Razvoj oružanih snaga SFRJ 1945.-1985., knjiga I, Beo- Defense was tasked with implementing federal laws and
grad, 1990., 375-376; Branko MAMULA, Slučaj Jugoslavi- other regulations and general acts regarding matters of
ja, CID, Podgorica, 2000., 59-68. defense. The Federal Secretariat of National Defense
163 Privremeni pravilnik o nadležnostima organizacijskih jed- consisted of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, four
inica Saveznog sekretarijata za narodnu odbranu u miru, sectors, three administrations, two departments and
Poverljivo, III uprava GŠ OS SFRJ, 1989., 3-10; D. MARI-
JAN, Slom Titove armije, 113.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

armija. Uz četiri do šest korpusa i veći broj logističkih po- three other organizational units. The head of the Federal
strojbi i ustanova, imala je načelno dvije mješovite artilje- Secretariat of National Defense, always a general of the
rijske brigade, dvije mješovite protuoklopne artiljerijske JNA in active service, was the Federal Secretary of Na-
brigade, inženjerijsku brigadu, jedan do dva samohodna tional Defense. During the war against Croatia, the head
srednja raketna puka protuzračne obrane, zaštitni moto- of the Federal Secretariat of National Defense was Gen-
rizirani puk i puk veze. Korpus KoV-a načelno se sastojao eral Veljko Kadijević. The Deputy Federal Secretary dealt
od tri do četiri brigade KoV-a, jedne ili više partizanskih with matters related to civil structures of society at the
divizija, mješovitog artiljerijskog puka, mješovitog pro- federal and republic levels. The Chief of the General Staff
tuoklopnog artiljerijskog puka, lakog artiljerijskog puka of the Armed Forces was the assistant to the Federal
PZO-a, inženjerijskog puka, bataljuna vojne policije, pon- Secretary in matters relating to commanding the Armed
tonirskog bataljuna, sanitetskog bataljuna, automobil- Forces and assistant to Deputy Federal Secretary in cas-
skog bataljuna, čete veze, izvidničke čete i čete ABKO-a. es when the Federal Secretary was away or otherwise in-
Na teritoriju Hrvatske JNA je imala dijelove svih stra- disposed. The next in line of the assistants to the Federal
tegijskih skupina osim 3. vojne oblasti. Prva vojna oblast Secretary were two undersecretaries, one dealing with
glavne je snage imala u sjevernom dijelu Srbije, Vojvodini, matters regarding personnel and the other dealing with
BiH bez područja Bihaća, i u Slavoniji. Sastojala se od 4. economic matters. The assistants to the Federal Secre-
korpusa sa sjedištem u Sarajevu, 5. korpusa u Banjoj Luci, tary were in charge of organizational matters regarding
12. korpusa u Novom Sadu, 24. korpusa u Kragujevcu, 37. the Federal Secretariat of National Defense within their
korpusa u Titovu Užicu, 1. proleterske gardijske mehani- spheres of responsibility and expertise. They were di-
zirane divizije u Beogradu i većega broja samostalnih bri- rectly answerable to the Federal Secretary. Under the
gada, pukova i bataljuna. Područje Slavonije bilo je u zoni direct command of the Federal Secretariat of National
nadležnosti Tuzlanskoga korpusa. Komanda oblasti bila Defense were also education centers, the Guards Motor-
je u Beogradu, a komandanti su bili generali Aleksandar ized Brigade, the Signals Brigade and a few other battal-
Spirkovski, Života Panić i Vladimir Stojanović. Peta vojna ion- to regiment-strength units.
oblast obuhvaćala je Sloveniju, sjeverozapadnu Hrvatsku, The military district was a strategic concept at the
Gorski kotar, Liku, Kordun, Banovinu i područje Bihaća. Sa- level of army group. Nominally, it consisted of four to
stojala se od 13. korpusa u Rijeci, 14. korpusa u Ljubljani, six corps and a large number of logistics units and in-
31. korpusa u Mariboru, 32. korpusa u Varaždinu, 6. pro- stitutions, two mixed artillery brigades, two mixed an-
leterske pješačke divizije u Karlovcu i drugih samostalnih ti-armor artillery brigades, an engineering brigade, one
postrojbi izravno podređenih Komandi oblasti. Sjedište to two Air Defense (self-propelled) regiments, one mo-
oblasti bilo je u Zagrebu, a komandanti su bili generali torized protection regiment and a signals regiment. The
Konrad Kolšek i Života Avramović.164 Ground Forces nominally consisted of three to four bri-
Vojnopomorska oblast je bila obalna varijanta vojne gades of the land forces, one or more guerilla divisions,
oblasti. Obuhvaćala je Istru, jadransku obalu s otocima, one mixed artillery regiment, one mixed anti-armor
sjevernu Dalmaciju, dio jugoistočne Hercegovine i Boku artillery regiment, one light Air Defense artillery reg-
kotorsku. Komanda Vojnopomorske oblasti bila je u Spli- iment, engineer regiment, a Military Police battalion,
tu, a komandanti su bili admirali Božidar Grubišić i Mile pontoon battalion, ambulance battalion, automotive
Kandić. Vojnopomorska oblast se sastojala od Flote sa battalion, signals company, reconnaissance company,
sjedištem u Splitu, 5. vojnopomorskog sektora u Puli, 8. and an NBC company.
vojnopomorskog sektora u Šibeniku, 9. vojnopomorskog In the territory of Croatia the JNA had elements of all
sektora u Kumboru, 9. korpusa u Kninu i manjih postroj- strategic groups except the 3rd Military District. The bulk
bi izravno podređenih Komandi Vojnopomorske oblasti. of the forces belonging to the 1st Military District were
Vojnopomorski sektori su bili operativni sastav sastavljen stationed in northern Serbia, Vojvodina, Bosnia and Her-
od plovnih i kopnenih snaga zaduženih za obranu i dje- zegovina not including the city of Bihać and Slavonia.
lovanje na dijelu istočnog Jadrana. Flota je bila plovni sa- It consisted of IV Corps with its HQ in Sarajevo, V Corps
with its HQ in Banja Luka, XII Corps with its HQ in Novi
Sad, XXIV Corps with its HQ in Kragujevac, XXXVII Corps
164 D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 115. with its HQ in Titovo Užice, the 1st Proletarian Guards


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Mechanized Division with its HQ in Belgrade and a num-

ber of independent brigades, platoons and battalions.
The region of Slavonia was in the area of responsibili-
ty of Tuzla Corps. The district’s HQ was in Belgrade and
the commanders were Generals Aleksandar Spirkovski,
Života Panić and Vladimir Stojanović. The 5th Military
District encompassed Slovenia, northwest Croatia, Gor-
ski Kotar, Lika, Kordun, Banovina and Bihać. It consisted
of XIII Corps stationed in Rijeka, XIV Corps stationed in
OS SFRJ Ljubljana, XXXI Corps stationed in Maribor, XXXII Corps
stationed in Varaždin, 6th Proletarian Infantry Division
stationed in Karlovac and other independent units di-
JNA - Yugoslav Army
TO - Territorial defence
OS- Armecffurces
rectly subordinated to the District’s HQ. The District’s
Armies have the signs of their respective republics
HQ was in Zagreb, and the commanders were Konrad
revealed intentions • •• • •• • •• • •• •• • •• • • •• •• • ••• ••• • ••• Kolšek and Života Avramović.
The concept of military maritime district was a vari-
ant of the concept of military district. The Military Mari-
time District encompassed Istria, the Adriatic coast with
the islands, northern Dalmatia, parts of southeast Her-
zegovina and the Bay of Kotor. The HQ of the Military
Maritime District was in Split and the commanders were
Admirals Božidar Grubišić and Mile Kandić. The Military
Maritime District consisted of the Fleet with its HQ in
Split, the 5th Military Maritime Sector with its HQ in Pula,
the 8th Military Maritime Sector with its HQ in Šibenik,
the 9th Military Maritime Sector with its HQ in Kumbor,
IX Corps with its HQ in Knin and smaller units directly
subordinated to the HQ of the Military Maritime District.
Military maritime sectors were operational groups con-
sisting of naval and ground forces tasked with defend-
ing and operating in the eastern Adriatic. The Fleet con-
sisted of frigates, corvettes, submarines, minesweepers,
stav, a 9. korpus u srednjoj Dalmaciji je bio sličan ostalim and missile, torpedo, and patrol boats. IX Corps in cen-
korpusima JNA, premda malo manji od većine njih.165 tral Dalmatia was similar in composition to other JNA
Ratno vazduhoplovstvo i protivvazdušna obrana je corps, but somewhat smaller in size in comparison.
grana koja se preklapala s ostalim snagama JNA. Sasto- The Air Force and Air Defense overlapped with the
jalo se od Komande i tri korpusa RV-a i PVO-a: 1. u Beo- other branches of the armed forces of the SFRY. It con-
gradu, 3. u Nišu i 5. u Zagrebu. Komanda RV-a i PVO-a je sisted of HQ and three Air Force and Air Defense Corps: I
bila u Zemunu, a komandanti su bili generali Zvonimir Corps in Belgrade, III Corps in Niš and V Corps in Zagreb.
Jurjević i Božidar Stefanović. Komanda RV-a i PVO-a je The HQ of the Air Force and Air Defense was in Zemun
bila zadužena za uporabu zrakoplovstva i za operativno and the commanders were Generals Zvonimir Jurjević
and Božidar Stefanović. The Air Force and Air Defense
HQ’s task was to direct the air force’s operations and co-
165 SVA MORH, Komanda 5. vojne oblasti: I uprava GŠ OS ordinate the air defense in the entirety of a given the-
SFRJ, Dogradnja i razvoj rukovođenja i komandovanja u ater of operations. The Air Force and Air Defense Corps
oružanim snagama, SP. br. 532-1 od 14. 3. 1989.; Davor were operational groups tasked, for the most part, with
MARIJAN, “‘Jedinstvo’ – posljednji ustroj JNA”, Polemos,
br. 11-12, Zagreb, 2003., 11-46; D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove operating in the area of responsibility of the military dis-
armije, 67-68. tricts. The main part of V Air Force and Air Defense Corps


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

objedinjavanje protuzračne obrane na cijelom ratištu. was stationed in Croatia, with its HQ in Zagreb. Its task
Korpusi RV-a i PVO-a su bili operativni sastavi uglavnom was to provide air support for the units of the 5th Military
zaduženi za djelovanje u zonama vojišta. Na teritoriju District. The Aviation Brigade in Divulje near Split, which
Hrvatske bila je glavnina 5. korpusa RV-a i PVO-a sa sje- was part of I Air Force and Air Defense Corps, was tasked
dištem u Zagrebu i zadatkom zrakoplovne potpore 5. with providing aerial support for the Air Defense.
vojnoj oblasti. Za potporu VPO-u bila je zadužena Avija- The JNA, structured as described above, went to
cijska brigada u Divuljama kod Splita koja je bila u sasta- war against Croatia in 1991. By the end of 1991 the Cro-
vu 1. korpusa RV-a i PVO-a.166 atian forces had captured Varaždin Corps; Rijeka Corps
S takvom je strukturom JNA ušla u rat. Do kraja 1991. had been relocated to eastern Herzegovina, and the HQ
hrvatske su snage zarobile Varaždinski korpus, Riječki je of Zagreb Corps was moved to Bihać. The JNA was re-
premješten u istočnu Hercegovinu, a Komanda Zagre- structured in late 1991 and early 1992. The 5th Military
bačkoga korpusa u Bihać. Krajem 1991. i početkom 1992. District was redesignated as 2nd Military District and its
JNA je reorganizirana. Peta vojna oblast preimenovana HQ was in Sarajevo. The commander of the military dis-
je u 2. vojnu oblast sa sjedištem u Sarajevu. Komandant trict was General Milutin Kukanjac. The 2nd Military Dis-
oblasti bio je general Milutin Kukanjac. U sastav oblasti trict consisted of IV Sarajevo Corps, V Banja Luka Corps,
ušli su Sarajevski (4.), Banjalučki (5.), Kninski (9.), Bihaćki IX Bihać Corps and XVII Tuzla Corps. 4th Military District
(10.) i Tuzlanski (17.) korpus. Na području istočne Herce- was formed in eastern Herzegovina and Montenegro. It
govine i Crne Gore osnovana je 4. vojna oblast. Sastojala consisted of only two corps: II Podgorica Corps and XIII
se od samo dva korpusa: Podgoričkog (2.) i Bilećkog (13.). Bileća Corps. The commander of 4th Military District was
Komandant je bio general Pavle Strugar. Vojnopomorska General Pavle Strugar. The Military Maritime District was
oblast je ukinuta i osnovana je Ratna mornarica. Sastojala discontinued and the Navy was formed instead. It con-
se od Vojnopomorskoga sektora Boka i Flote. Komanda sisted of the Boka Military Maritime Sector and the Fleet.
joj je bila u Kumboru, a komandant admiral Mile Kan- Its HQ was in Kumbor. Its commander was Mile Kandić.
dić. Takva se podjela zadržala do druge polovine svibnja This structure remained in place until the second half of
1992., kada je JNA formalno nestala s povijesne scene.167 May, 1992, when the JNA officially ceased to exist.

Teritorijalne obrane Srbije, Crne Gore i Territorial Defense Formations of

Bosne i Hercegovine Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and
U sastavu JNA i pod komandama njenih komandi
djelovali su dijelovi Teritorijalnih obrana Srbije, Crne Gore Some Territorial Defense units of Serbia, Montene-
i Bosne i Hercegovine. Najzastupljenije su bile postrojbe gro and Bosnia and Herzegovina were under the direct
TO-a iz Srbije, odnosno Vojvodine. Krajem lipnja, odnosno command of the JNA. Most of these units belonged to
početkom srpnja 1991. mobiliziran je dio postrojbi TO-a the Territorial Defense force of Serbia and Vojvodina. At
Vojvodine u Srijemu uz granicu s Hrvatskom. U rujnu je the beginning of July, 1991, some Vojvodina Territorial
mobiliziran dio postrojbi TO-a s namjerom da u sastavu Defense units in the area of Sirmium, at the Croatian
snaga 1. vojne oblasti sudjeluju u agresiji na Hrvatsku. border, were mobilized. In September, a number of Ter-
Radilo se o partizanskim brigadama TO-a: Panonskoj, ritorial Defense units were mobilized and placed under
Podunavskoj, Centralnobačkoj, Fruškogorskoj i 60. parti- the command of the 1st Military District to take part in
zanskoj. Odredi TO-a angažirani su iz: Bečeja, Kragujevca, the war against Croatia. The units in question were the
Kikinde, Kraljeva, Kule, Leskovca, Niša, Požarevca, Sente, following guerrilla brigades: the Panonska Guerrilla Bri-
Sombora, Srbobrana, Srijemske Mitrovice, Subotice, Šida, gade, the Podunavska Guerrilla Brigade, the Central Bač-
Užica, Valjeva, Vršca i Zaječara. Sredinom studenoga 1991. ka Guerrilla Brigade, the Fruškogorska Guerrilla Brigade
u sastavu 1. vojne oblasti u istočnoj Slavoniji, zapadnom and 60th Guerrilla Brigade. The detachments forming the
brigades were from Bečej, Kragujevac, Kikinda, Kraljevo,
Kula, Leskovac, Niš, Požarevac, Senta, Sombor, Srbobran,
166 D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 112-113, 117. Srijemska Mitrovica, Subotica, Šid, Užice, Valjevo, Vršac
167 Isto, 324-327. and Zaječar. In mid-November, 1991, there were 9,289


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Srijemu, Bačkoj i Baranji bilo je 9289 srbijanskih teritorija- Serbian Territorial Defense soldiers in the order of battle
laca, koji su, mobilizirani u Srbiji, sudjelovali u borbama of 1st Military District in eastern Slavonia, Western Sirmi-
na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske.168 um, Bačka and Baranja. They were mobilized in Serbia
Iz sastava TO-a Crne Gore angažirano je nekoliko sa- and participated in operations in the Republic of Croa-
stava u napadu na jug Hrvatske u sastavu Druge operativ- tia’s territory.
ne grupe. Radilo se o brigadi TO-a Titograd, 1., 2. i 3. par- A number of units belonging to the Territorial De-
tizanskoj brigadi TO-a, te odredima TO-a Budva, Herceg fense force of Montenegro participated in the attack on
Novi, Kotor, kao i protudiverzantskim četama TO-a Bar, Croatia. These units were under the command of the 2nd
Budva, Kotor i Herceg Novi.169 Operational Group. The units in question were: Territori-
U agresiji na Hrvatsku angažiran je i dio snaga TO-a al Defense Brigade Titograd, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Guerrilla
BiH s područja naseljenih srpskim stanovništvom, uglav- Brigades of the Territorial Defense, squads of the Terri-
nom iz Bosanske krajine i istočne Hercegovine. Pod ko- torial Defense forces of Budva, Herceg Novi, Kotor and
mandom 5. korpusa JNA bile su postrojbe TO-a koje su Commando Companies of the Territorial Defense forces
sudjelovale u napadu na zapadnu Slavoniju i u blokadi of Bar, Budva, Kotor and Herceg Novi.
rijeka Une i Save. Radilo se o 2. partizanskoj brigadi iz A number of units belonging to the Territorial De-
Banje Luke, 5. partizanskoj brigadi iz Prijedora i Odredu fense force of Bosnia and Herzegovina also participated
TO-a Laktaši.170 Iz istočne Hercegovine su bile angažirane in the JNA’s aggression against Croatia. Most of these
snage 23. brigade TO-a iz Ljubinja te odred i bataljun TO-a Territorial Defense units came from the predominantly
iz Trebinja.171 Serb areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Bosanska Kra-
jina and eastern Herzegovina. The Territorial Defense
Srbijanske paravojne formacije units from Bosnia and Herzegovina that participated in
the attack on western Slavonia and blockading actions
Iako je i TO pobunjenih Srba u Hrvatskoj stvarno on the Sava and Una Rivers were under the command of
bila srpska paravojska, ovaj se naziv ustalio za sastave V Corps of the JNA. The units in question were: the 2nd
izvan TO-a pobunjenih Srba, bez obzira na to je li se ra- Guerilla Brigade from Banja Luka, the 5th Guerilla Brigade
dilo o sastavima koji su organizirani i često naoružani u from Prijedor, the Laktaši Squad; units from eastern Her-
Srbiji, Bosni i Hercegovini ili su organizirani na teritoriju zegovina were the 23rd Territorial Defense Brigade from
Hrvatske. Te su postrojbe nastajale u organizaciji ili na Ljubinje and one squad and one battalion from Trebinje.
poticaj Službe državne bezbjednosti MUP-a Republike
Serbian Paramilitary Formations

168 Davor MARIJAN, Obrana i pad Vukovara, Hrvatski institut It has to be pointed out that the territorial defense
za povijest, Zagreb, 2013., 36. units of the rebel Serbs in Croatia were in reality paramil-
169 ICTY: Komanda 2. OG, Direktiva za napad str. pov. br. 33-1 itary units but by dint of historiographical convention
od 28. 9. 1991.; ICTY: Komanda 9. VPS, Borbeno naređenje the term paramilitary formations in the context of the
str. pov. br. 27-64/33 od 1. 10. 1991.; ICTY: Komanda 2. TG,
Naređenje str. pov. br. 2-18 od 8. 10. 1991.; ICTY: Redovni wars in the former Yugoslavia is reserved for those for-
borbeni izveštaj IKM 9. VPS od 3. 11. 1991. u 17,00. mations not belonging to the Territorial Defense force
170 ICTY: Komanda 5. korpusa, Naređenje str. pov. br. 1-433 units of the rebel Serbs, regardless of whether they were
od 22. 11. 1991.; Davor MARIJAN, “Organizacija i djelo- formed in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina or in the Re-
vanje Jugoslavenske narodne armije i pobunjenih Srba public of Croatia’s territory. It is important to note that
u zapadnoj Slavoniji 1991. godine”, u: Srpska pobuna u
most of these paramilitary formations were formed and
zapadnoj Slavoniji 1990.–1995.: nositelji, institucije, posl-
jedice, Hrvatski institut za povijest, Podružnica za povijest equipped in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. These
Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje – Hrvatski memorijalno-doku- formations were either formed by the State Security Ser-
mentacijski centar, Slavonski Brod – Zagreb, 2012., 106. vice of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of
171 ICTY: Komanda 472. mtbr str. pov. br. 86-4 od 11. 10. Serbia or by other institutions at the instigation of the
1991.; ICTY: Komanda 9. VPS, Borbeno naređenje str. State Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
pov. br. 27-64/80-266 od 20. 11. 1991.; ICTY: Komanda
Hercegovačkog korpusa, Naređenje za dalja dejstva, str. of the Republic of Serbia. The purpose of these paramili-
pov. br. 229-90 od 25. 5. 1992. tary formations was to create chaos and an atmosphere


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

JNA - Yugoslav National Army $erbiaandMontenegrohaV(la$S<lrted Plan napada JNA na RH, 1991.
!oimalfy recognized as a state by the
United States
JNA Strategic Offensive Plan, 1991

Bosnia and
Operation SARAJEVO*
06 -operolionol group
0 Eastern Slovonia- Barania

0 Western Slavania
00 Combined Varozdin- Zagreb
0 Karlovac
© Zador- Northern Dalmatia
Mastar- lplit/ Dubravnik
Mostar-lplit subaperatian
Dubrovnik subaperotian
Srbije. Njihova svrha je bilo stvaranje nemira i omogu- of fear in Croatia and thus enable the JNA to intervene,
ćivanje Jugoslavenskoj narodnoj armiji da glumi ar- ostensibly to prevent the situation from escalating but
bitra u krizi u Hrvatskoj i omogući opstanak i širenje in reality to protect the rebel Serbs and intervene on
srpske pobune. Slično su radile i po Bosni i Hercego- their behalf whenever the situation demanded. Serb
vini, posebice uoči izbijanja otvorenog rata. Službeno, paramilitary formations were engaged in similar activ-
Republika Srbija, odnosno njeno vodstvo, tvrdilo je da ities, and for the same purpose, in Bosnia and Herze-
nema ništa s njima. Najpoznatiji od tih skupina bili su govina just before the break-out of the war there. The
četnici Srpske radikalne stranke Vojislava Šešelja, Srp- leadership of the Republic of Serbia officially claimed
ska dobrovoljačka garda zvana Tigrovi beogradskog that the Serb paramilitary formations operating in Cro-
kriminalca Željka Ražnatovića Arkana i Srpska garda atia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were in no way, shape
Đorđa Božovića Giške.172 or form connected to the Republic of Serbia. The most
infamous of these formations were the Chetniks of the
Serbian Radical Party, founded by Vojislav Šešelj, the
Serb Volunteer Guard called Tigers, organized and led
172 “Divlji u srcu : Junak našeg doba”, Borba, 21.-22. 9. 1991.; by the Belgrade criminal Željko “Arkan” Ražnatović and
ICTY: Reynaud THEUNENS, “Vojni aspekt uloge Jovice the Serbian Guard led by Đorđe “Giška” Božović.
Stanišića i Franka Simatovića u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Herce-
govini (1991–1995)”, Haag, 30. 6. 2007.; Davor MARIJAN,
Obrana i pad Vukovara, Hrvatski institut za povijest, Za-
greb, 2013., 38-39.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Od komunističkoga je sustava nova Hrvatska for- The Republic of Croatia formally inherited from the
malno baštinila Teritorijalnu obranu, koja je osnovana Communist regime the Croatian Territorial Defense force
1968. kao jugoslavenski pokušaj ostvarenja koncepcije which had been formed in 1968 in an attempt to bring
naoružanoga naroda Karla Marxa. U odnosu na JNA, s to life the Marxist concept of a people in arms. Legally
kojom je zakonski i doktrinarno bio ravnopravan, TO je and doctrinally, the Croatian Territorial Defense force was
bio osuvremenjena verzija partizana, i to onih koji su equal to the JNA. In terms of military doctrine, the Cro-
1944./’45. djelovali u zaleđu protivnika. U više od 20 atian Territorial Defense force was a modern version of
godina postojanja zadatak TO-a nije se odmaknuo da- Tito’s Partisans, a guerrilla army operating behind enemy
lje od uopćene definicije da u eventualnom budućem lines in 1944 and 1945. In more than 20 years of its exis-
ratu djeluje u zaleđu protivnika, na pravcima manje tence, the Territorial Defense force remained firmly with-
operativne važnosti, te da u dubini nadzire svoj teritorij. in the scope of operating behind enemy lines, in areas of
Najvažnija značajka osnivanja TO-a bio je prelazak dijela secondary strategic importance and as a pivotal factor
poslova obrane u ruke republika i pokrajina, što je do in any defense-in-depth situation. The most important
tada bilo isključivo u rukama saveznih tijela i JNA.173 facet of the forming of the Territorial Defense force was
Razlika između JNA i TO-a bila je ogromna. Teritori- the transfer of a number of tasks relating to the country’s
jalna je obrana bila ratna vojska čiji je mirnodopski dio defense to the republics and autonomous provinces. The
bio vrlo malen i ograničen na štabove TO-a različitih tasks in questions had been the sole preserve of the fed-
razina. Manji dio profesionalaca u TO-u bio je iz JNA, a eral organs and the JNA up to that point.
na nižim su razinama uglavnom prevladavali pričuvni The Territorial Defense force differed greatly from
časnici. Teritorijalna se obrana sastojala od štabova, po- the JNA. The Territorial Defense force was a wartime
strojba i ustanova. Postrojbe su se dijelile na manevar- force whose peacetime contingent was small and re-
ske i prostorne. Manevarske su bile brigade, a prostor- duced to territorial commands of varying importance.
ne manje postrojbe (vodovi, čete, bataljuni i odredi), Some TO professionals were from the JNA. On lower lev-
vezane za zadaću nadzora prostora, i teško da su bile els the Territorial Defense force relied, for the most part,
nešto više od npr. seoskih odnosno gradskih straža. Uz on reserve officers. The Territorial Defense consisted of
to je naoružanje kojim je TO raspolagao najvećim dije- HQs, units and institutions. The units were divided into
lom bilo zastarjelo, posebice u postrojbama prostorne mobile units and territorially based static units. The mo-
strukture. Veći dio toga oružja dolazio je iz JNA, koja se bile units were brigade-strength formations, while static
tako rješavala zastarjelog oružja. units were smaller formations (platoons, companies, bat-
Budući da je Teritorijalna obrana bila ratna vojska, talions, squads), tasked with area control – their combat
zapovijedanje njome bilo je u nadležnosti Predsjedniš- value was negligible and in reality they were a glorified
tva SFRJ i Saveznoga sekretarijata za narodnu obranu neighborhood watch organization. The static units, and
(SSNO) kao njegove transmisije. No u miru je pitanje for the most part the Territorial Defense force as a whole,
zapovijedanja TO-om bilo složenije od zakonskih pro- were equipped with obsolete weapons. Most of those
pisa. U Ustavu SRH iz 1974. postojala je odredba da weapons came from the JNA. Equipping the Territorial
republike imaju pravo zapovijedanja TO-om, što je po- Defense force was a good way for the JNA to get rid of
sebnim amandmanom iz 1980. ograničeno na pitanje outdated weaponry.
rukovođenja, ali ne i zapovijedanja. Bez obzira na takvu Because the Territorial Defense was a wartime force,
odredbu, Teritorijalna obrana SRH za svoj je rad dijelom it was under the direct command of the Presidency of the
odgovarala Predsjedništvu SRH, odnosno Predsjedniš- SFRY and Federal Secretariat of National Defense (SSNO)
tvu Centralnoga komiteta Saveza komunista Hrvatske i as the Presidency’s executive organ. However, during
peacetime the issue of command regarding the Territori-
al Defense force was deliberately muddied. There existed
173 D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 30-33. a provision in the Constitution of 1974 stipulating that


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

posebice republičkomu Komitetu za ONO i DSZ SRH.174 the republics had the right to command their respective
Početkom 1990. Teritorijalna obrana SRH sastojala Territorial Defense forces. An amendment to the Consti-
se od Republičkoga štaba, 10 zonskih štabova, stotinjak tution was passed in 1980 which reduced that right to
štabova TO-a, 30-ak brigada TO-a i većega broja manjih managerial tasks. In spite of the mentioned provision,
sastava prostorne strukture. U Zagrebu je bio zajed- the Territorial Defense force of the Socialist Republic of
nički štab s JNA u rangu korpusa. Republički štab TO-a Croatia was partly answerable to the Presidency of the
prihvatio je promjenu nazivlja te promijenio zaglavlja i Socialist Republic of Croatia, to the Presidency of the
pečate, iz kojih je izbrisana odrednica socijalističkoga Central Committee of the League of Communists of Cro-
razdoblja. Može se reći da je to bilo sve što je prihvatio atia and to the Republic Committee for General People’s
od novih, nekomunističkih vlasti. Takva TO, s ustrojem i Defense and Social Self-Protection of the Socialist Re-
dijelom kadra koji nije prihvatio demokratske promje- public of Croatia.
ne, nije bila od koristi Hrvatskoj pa je u rujnu 1991. uga- At the beginning of 1990, the Territorial Defense
šena, odnosno njeno ljudstvo prevedeno je u pričuvni Force of the Socialist Republic of Croatia consisted of the
sastav Hrvatske vojske.175 republic HQ, ten district HQs, about a hundred TO HQs,
about thirty TO brigades and a large number of static
Policija units. The joint JNA – Territorial Defense HQ at corps level
was located in Zagreb. When the Croatian Constitution
Nakon što je JNA razoružala Teritorijalnu obranu was changed in July, 1990, the republic HQ of the Terri-
i nakon izbijanja srpske pobune u Hrvatskoj, tadašnja torial Defense force dropped the word “socialist” from
milicija je postala glavni oslonac hrvatske vlasti. Teret its official seal. It is safe to say that the jettisoning of the
obrane Republike Hrvatske bio je na njoj do početka term “socialist” was the only thing that the HQ accepted
srpnja 1991. godine. Krajem 1991. počelo je njezino from the new, non-Communist government of the Re-
povlačenje iz borbi i angažiranje na poslovima koji su public of Croatia. That Territorial Defense force, whose
zakonom bili predviđeni za nju. Iz policije je nastala structure and some personnel prevented it from accept-
hrvatska vojna sila, odnosno Zbor narodne garde. Za ing the democratic changes, was of no use to the Repub-
razliku od obrambenih struktura Hrvatske vojske (HV), lic of Croatia and was disbanded in September, 1991.
koje su stvarane gotovo od nule, s policijom to nije bio Many of its members were transferred to the Croatian
slučaj. Kao milicija, ona je bez većih potresa prihvatila Army Reserve.
demokratske izbore i smjenu vlasti, a krajem 1990. prei-
menovana je u policiju. Police
U organizacijskom smislu milicija je u drugoj polo-
vini 1990. djelovala prema stanju zatečenom u vrijeme The disarmament of the Croatian Territorial De-
demokratskih izbora. Amandmanima na Ustav SRH pri- fense force by the JNA and the start of the Serb rebel-
hvaćenima 25. srpnja 1990., republički sekretari postali lion in Croatia were two potentially devastating blows
su ministri u vladi, pa je tako i Republički sekretarijat za for the Croatian government. The militia force3, during
unutrašnje poslove postao Ministarstvo unutarnjih po- that precarious period, was the only thing the Croatian
slova (MUP). Zvijezda petokraka zamijenjena je službe- government could rely on to protect the country. From
nim hrvatskim grbom 12. veljače 1991. godine. Prema the beginning of July, 1991, to the end of 1991 the en-
Zakonu o unutarnjim poslovima, poslove javne sigur- tire police force4 was engaged in defending the country
nosti obavljala je milicija, odnosno policija. Organiza- against Serb aggression. Only towards the end of 1991
did the government start gradually withdrawing police
units from combat duties. The Croatian Army developed
174 Davor MARIJAN, „Rukovođenje i komandovanje Oruža- out of the Croatian police force. Unlike the other defense
nim snagama SFRJ: Vrhovna razina“, ČSP, 3/41, Zagreb,
2009., 669-671.
175 SVA MORH, ZHRZ: Pregled RJ TO Republike Hrvatske po 3 In the SFRY the word militia was used to denote the
općinama (nedatirano i nepotpisano); Zakon o obrani, police force.
Narodne novine, br. 49 od 20. 9. 1991.; D. MARIJAN, Slom 4 At the end of 1990 the term militia was replaced with
Titove armije, 173-174. police.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

cijski se dijelila na sekretarijate za unutarnje poslove structures of the Croatian Army (HV), the Croatian police
(SUP) i stanice javne sigurnosti. Sjedišta SUP-ova bila force was not created from scratch. The Croatian Militia
su u Bjelovaru, Dubrovniku, Gospiću, Karlovcu, Kutini, force was not unduly rocked by the democratic elections
Osijeku, Puli, Rijeci, Sisku, Slavonskom Brodu, Splitu, and the change of government.
Šibeniku, Varaždinu, Vinkovcima, Zaboku, Zadru i Za- The organization and structure of the militia in the
grebu. Prema odluci Sabora RH od 8. studenoga 1990., second half of 1990 was the same as at the time of the
sekretarijati za unutarnje poslove postali su policijske democratic elections in the country. By the amendments
uprave (PU), a stanice javne sigurnosti – policijske po- to the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia accepted
staje (PP). Policijske su uprave bile viša organizacijska on July 25, 1990, the republic secretaries became min-
razina policije. Djelovale su na području dviju i više isters and the Republic Secretariat of Internal Affairs
općina. Njihov je zadatak bio pratiti stanje i pojave u became the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MUP). The red
oblasti unutarnjih poslova, organizirati, koordinirati i five-pointed star was replaced with the Croatian coat of
usmjeravati rad policijskih postaja te neposredno su- arms on February 12, 1991. According to the Law on In-
djelovati u obavljanju složenijih poslova iz te oblasti za ternal Affairs, the militia, that is, the police, was in charge
područje za koje su osnovane. Policijska postaja kao of maintaining public order. The militia was organiza-
organizacijska jedinica policijske uprave osnivana je za tionally divided into Secretariats of Internal Affairs (SUP)
izravno obavljanje policijskih poslova i drugih unutar- and public security stations. The seats of the Secretariats
njih poslova na području jedne općine. Za obavljanje of Internal Affairs were in Bjelovar, Dubrovnik, Gospić,
određenih poslova na području policijske uprave po Karlovac, Kutina, Osijek, Pula, Rijeka, Sisak, Slavonski
potrebi su se mogle osnivati i policijske ispostave (PI), Brod, Split, Šibenik, Varaždin, Vinkovci, Zabok, Zadar and
što je tijekom rata bio čest slučaj.176 Zagreb. According to the decision of the Croatian Parlia-
U drugoj polovini lipnja 1991. osnovana je Policij- ment of November 8, 1990, the Secretariats of Internal
ska uprava Vukovar za područje istoimene općine, a Affairs became police administrations (PU) and public
krajem kolovoza i Policijska uprava Županja, čime je security stations became police stations (PP). Police ad-
broj policijskih uprava narastao na 19. U svibnju 1993. ministrations constituted a higher organizational level of
organizacija policije prilagođena je političko-teritori- the police. They operated in two or more municipalities.
jalnom ustroju Republike Hrvatske. Policijske su uprave Their task was to monitor the situation and develop-
imenovane po županijama i sjedištima županija. Bilo ih ments regarding internal affairs, to organize, coordinate
je 20: Zagrebačka, Krapinsko-zagorska, Sisačko-mosla- and guide the work of the police stations and to directly
vačka, Karlovačka, Varaždinska, Koprivničko-križevač- participate in conducting complex operations in relation
ka, Bjelovarsko-bilogorska, Primorsko- goranska, Lič- to the mentioned activities. Police stations, as organiza-
ko-senjska, Virovitičko-podravska, Požeško-slavonska, tional units, were set up for the purpose of directly con-
Brodsko-posavska, Zadarsko-kninska, Osječko-baranj- ducting policing activities and other activities relating
ska, Šibenska, Vukovarsko-srijemska, Splitsko-dalma- to internal affairs in the territory of one municipality. For
tinska, Istarska, Dubrovačko-neretvanska i Međimur- accomplishing certain tasks in the area of responsibility
ska. Istom je uredbom bilo predviđeno osnivanje dviju of a police administration, police stations could be set up
policijskih uprava za kotareve s većinskim srpskim sta- as needed, as was often the case during the war.
In the second half of June, 1991, the Vukovar Police
Administration was set up for the Vukovar area. At the
end of August the Županja Police Administration was
176 Odluka Izvršnog vijeća o sjedištu i području na kojem also formed. With these two police administrations, there
se osnivaju sekretarijati za unutrašnje poslove, Narodne were nineteen police administrations in Croatia. In May,
novine, 30. 12. 1989.; Odluka o proglašenju Amandma-
na LXIV. do LXXV. na Ustav Socijalističke Republike Hr- 1993, the structure of the police was adjusted accord-
vatske, Narodne novine, 28. 7. 1990.; Zakon o izmjenama ing to the political-territorial structure of the Republic
Zakona o unutrašnjim poslovima, Narodne novine, 14. of Croatia. The police administrations were named af-
11. 1990.; USMKSP MPRH: MUP RH, Naredba o zamjeni ter the municipalities and administrative centers of the
zvijezde petokrake, br. 511-01-01-176/1-1991 od 12. 2.
1991.; Zakon o unutarnjim poslovima, Narodne novine, municipalities. There were twenty of them: the Zagreb
17. 6. 1991. County, the Krapina-Zagorje County, the Sisak-Moslavi-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

novništvom sa sjedištem u Glini i Kninu.177 na County, the Karlovac County, the Varaždin County,
Zbog nepovoljne nacionalne strukture policija se the Koprivnica-Križevci County, the Bjelovar-Bilogora
počela popunjavati u ljeto 1990. godine. U Policijskoj County, the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, the Lika-Senj
upravi Zagreb od 3500 zaposlenih 20. lipnja 1990., Srba County, the Virovitica-Podravina County, the Požega-Sla-
je bilo 1161 ili 33,2 %, a Hrvata 1620 ili 46,3 %. Devet vonia County, the Brod-Posavina County, the Zadar-Knin
mjeseci poslije, 31. ožujka 1991., Policijska uprava Za- County, the Osijek-Baranja County, the Šibenik County,
greb imala je 4892 zaposlenika, od kojih 3222 ili 65,9 the Vukovar-Sirmium County, the Split-Dalmatia Coun-
% Hrvata, a 854 ili 17,5 % Srba. Za usporedbu, u Zagre- ty, the Istria County, the Dubrovnik-Neretva County and
bu je prema popisu stanovništva iz 1991. bilo 49.965 the Međimurje County. Also, two police administrations
ili 5,35 % Srba. Sa 6800 ljudi iz sredine 1990. Ministar- were envisaged for the predominantly Serb kotari (dis-
stvo unutarnjih poslova naraslo je do sredine siječnja tricts) with their respective administrative centers in Gli-
1991. na 18.752 pripadnika. U pričuvnom je sastavu na and Knin.
bilo 22.865 ljudi.178 In the summer of 1990, the police force had no choice
Posebna sastavnica MUP-a bile su postrojbe Speci- but to start hiring new people due to its unsustainable
jalne policije. U nadležnosti Ministarstva bila je Antite- ethnic structure. On June 20, 1990, there were 3,500 peo-
roristička jedinica (ATJ) Lučko, osnovana 7. rujna 1990. ple working in the Zagreb Police Administration. Out of
godine. U ožujku 1991. počelo je osnivanje posebnih that number 1,161 (33.2%) were Serbs and 1,620 (46.3%)
jedinica policije (PJP) u sastavu policijskih uprava. Pri were Croats. Nine months later, on March 31, 1991, the
svakoj policijskoj upravi bio je jedan PJP, a brojno je Zagreb Police Administration boasted 4,892 personnel,
stanje variralo ovisno o potrebama, veličini i važnosti 3,222 (65.9%) of which were Croats and 854 (17.5%) were
uprava. Nakon što je osnovan Zbor narodne garde, u Serbs. To put these numbers into perspective; according
njega je prešao dio pripadnika PJP-a, pa su ih ponov- to the census of 1991, 49,965 Serbs (5.35% of the whole
no popunili. U policijskim upravama Bjelovar, Gospić, population of Zagreb) lived in Zagreb. The Ministry of
Karlovac, Kutina, Osijek, Rijeka, Sisak, Slavonski Brod, Internal Affairs employed 6,800 people in mid-1990. By
Šibenik, Vinkovci, Vukovar, Zadar i Zagreb određeno je mid-January, 1991, that number had risen to 18,752. The
osnivanje PJP-a od 120 policajaca, a u policijskim upra- reserve consisted of 22,865 people.
vama Dubrovnik, Pula, Varaždin i Zabok od 80 policaja- The Special Police Force was an integral part of
ca. U studenome 1991. brojno stanje PJP-a povećano the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Lučko Anti-Terrorist
je na 180 ljudi u PU Gospić, Karlovac, Slavonski Brod Unit (ATJ), formed on September 7, 1990, was also un-
i Zagreb, na 150 u PU Bjelovar, Rijeka, Sisak i Šibenik, der the auspices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In
na 120 u PU Kutina, Split, Vinkovci, Vukovar, Županja i March, 1991, the process of forming Special Police units
Zadar te na 100 u PU Dubrovnik, Pula, Varaždin i Zabok. as part of the police administrations was initiated. Every
Tada je naređeno i formiranje pričuvnih postrojbi za police administration had one Special Police unit. The
svaki PJP u istom brojnom stanju. Stvarno brojno sta- numerical strength of these Special Police units varied
according to what the present circumstances demand-
ed and according to the importance and size of a given
177 Uredba Vlade Republike Hrvatske o sjedištu i području police administration. When the Croatian National Guard
na kojem se osnivaju policijske uprave, Narodne novine,
21. 6. 1991.; Uredba Vlade Republike Hrvatske o dopuni was formed, many members of the Special Police units
Uredbe o sjedištu i području na kojem se osnivaju joined the army. These members were replaced with
policijske uprave, Narodne novine, 30. 8. 1991.; Uredba new personnel and the Special Police units were quickly
Vlade Republike Hrvatske o sjedištu i području na ko-
brought up to full strength. In the police administrations
jem se osnivaju policijske uprave, Narodne novine, 24. 5.
1993. of Bjelovar, Gospić, Karlovac, Kutina, Osijek, Rijeka, Sisak,
178 HDA, UPRH: Nacionalna zastupljenost zaposlenih u Slavonski Brod, Šibenik, Vinkovci, Vukovar, Zadar and
MUP-u, PU Zagreb, stanje 20. 6. ‘90. u odnosu na stanje Zagreb the respective Special Police units numbered
31. 03. 91. godine; Narodnosni sastav stanovništva Hr- 120 men. The Special Police units attached to the police
vatske po naseljima, Republički zavod za statistiku, Za- administrations of Dubrovnik, Pula, Varaždin and Zabok
greb, 1992., 14-15, 42-43; HDA, UPRH: MUP RH, Zapisnik
o izvršenoj inspekciji br. 511-01-01-Sp. 12/1-1991. od numbered 80 men. In November, 1991, the numerical
17. 1. 1991. strength of the Special Police units in the police admin-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

nje svakako je bilo manje zbog teškoća pri popuni.179 istrations of Gospić, Karlovac, Slavonski Brod and Zagreb
U ljeto 1993., u vrijeme prelaska na županijski ustroj was increased to 180 men; in the police administrations
RH, Specijalne jedinice policije (SJP) imale su 2800 ljudi of Bjelovar, Rijeka, Sisak and Šibenik to 150 men; in the
u 18 postrojbi. U taj broj nije uračunata Antiteroristič- police administrations of Kutina, Split, Vinkovci, Vuko-
ka jedinica Lučko. U SJP-u Dubrovnik, Koprivnica, Pula var, Županja and Zadar to 120 men and in the police
i Zabok bilo je 100 policajaca, u SJP-u Gospić, Rijeka, administrations of Dubrovnik, Pula, Varaždin and Zabok
Split, Šibenik i Varaždin 120, u SJP-u Bjelovar, Osijek, to 100 men. Reserve units for every Special Police unit
Požega i Slavonski Brod 150, u SJP-u Karlovac 200, a u were formed. The numerical strength of each reserve
SJP-u Sisak, Vinkovci, Zadar i Zagreb 250 policajaca.180 units was equal to its active counterpart. However, the
Specijalnom policijom rukovodio je načelnik Odje- real strength of any given unit was oftentimes below its
la specijalne policije. Odjel je sredinom 1993. preime- nominal strength due to a lack of adequately trained re-
novan u Sektor specijalne policije. Načelnik Odjela od- placements.
nosno Sektora bio je general Mladen Markač.181 In the summer of 1993, when the Republic of Cro-
atia was divided into counties, the Special Police units
Hrvatska vojska boasted 2,800 personnel in 18 units. The number does
not include the members of the Lučko Anti-Terrorist Unit.
Sredinom travnja 1991. od pričuvnoga i djelatnoga At that time there were 100 police officers in the Special
sastava MUP-a RH osnovan je Zbor narodne garde.182 Police units in Dubrovnik, Koprivnica, Pula and Zabok;
U početku je bio u sastavu MUP-a, s tim da je zbog za- 120 police officers in the Special Police units in Gospić,
konskoga pokrića bio pod zapovjednom ingerencijom Rijeka, Split, Šibenik and Varaždin; 150 police officers in
Ministarstva obrane. U početnoj fazi postojanja ZNG je the Special Police units in Bjelovar, Osijek, Požega and
bio sličan oružništvu i namijenjen u prvom redu slama- Slavonski Brod; 200 police officers in the Special Police
nju srpske pobune, a ne ratu s JNA. Do kraja rujna 1991. units in Karlovac; 250 police officers in the Special Police
sastojao se od zapovjedništava i djelatnih i pričuvnih units in Sisak, Vinkovci, Zadar and Zagreb.
postrojbi. Krovno je tijelo bilo Zapovjedništvo ZNG-a The Chief of the Special Police Department acted
RH u Zagrebu. Zapovjednik je bio Martin Špegelj, a as Chief of the Special Police. The department was re-
nakon njegova povlačenja do osnivanja Glavnoga sto- designated as the Special Police Sector in mid-1993.
žera Hrvatske vojske (GS HV) postrojbama su zapovije- The Chief of the department, or sector, was General
dali načelnik Štaba ZNG-a pukovnik Imra Agotić, kao i Mladen Markač.
ministri obrane Šime Đodan i Luka Bebić. U srpnju su
osnovana zapovjedništva ZNG-a za pojedine regije, The Croatian Army
konkretno za istočnu Slavoniju, banijsko-kordunsko
područje, ličko područje, srednju i sjevernu Dalmaciju In mid-April, the Croatian National Guard was formed
of reserve and active duty personnel of the Ministry of In-
ternal Affairs of the Republic of Croatia. At first, the Croa-
179 Sudski spisi Međunarodnog kaznenog suda za bivšu tian National Guard was an integral part of the Ministry of
Jugoslaviju u Den Haagu (dalje ICTY): Antiteroristička Internal Affairs, but in order to satisfy legal requirements
jedinica Lučko, Ratni put br. 511-01-33-VT-18/98 od 16.
2. 1998.; ICTY: MUP RH, Osnivanje Posebnih jedinica it was placed under the direct command of the Ministry
policije br. 511-01-55-SP-297/1-91 od 6. 3. 1991.; ICTY: of Defense. In the initial phase of its existence, the Croa-
MUP RH, br. 511-01-21-22750/1-91 od 19. 7. 1991.; ICTY: tian National Guard (ZNG) was lightly armed and geared
MUP RH, br. 511-01-21-22750/1-91 od 19. 7. 1991. towards dealing with the rebel Serbs, and not towards
180 HMDCDR: Broj djelatnika SJP PU MUP-a RH sukladno fighting against the JNA. Until the end of September,
županijskom ustroju Republike (bez nadnevka i broja, 1991, the Croatian National Guard consisted of HQs and
parafiran 12. 7. 1993.).
active duty and reserve units. The Main HQ of the Cro-
181 ICTY: MUP RH, Zapovijed br. 511-01-34-485/93 od 17. 6.
1993.; SVA MORH, GSHV: MUP RH, br. 511-01-34570/93
atian National Guard was located in Zagreb. The com-
od 8. 7. 1993. mander was Martin Špegelj and after he withdrew from
182 Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o unutarnjim the function and until the forming of the General Staff of
poslovima od 18. 4. 1991., Narodne novine, 23. 4. 1991. the Croatian Armed Forces (GS HV) the units of the Croa-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

i južnu Dalmaciju. Dio je zaživio, no dio nije.183 U ko- tian National Guard were commanded by the command-
lovozu je osnovano i Zapovjedništvo Zagrebačkoga er of the Main HQ of the Croatian National Guard Colonel
korpusa ZNG-a, što je bio ekvivalent regionalnoga za- Imra Agotić and the ministers of defense Šime Đodan and
povjedništva za šire područje glavnoga grada.184 Zapo- Luka Bebić. In July Croatian National Guard HQs for par-
vjedništvo za zapadnu Slavoniju osnovano je u drugoj ticular regions were formed, namely for eastern Slavonia,
polovini kolovoza.185 Zapovjedno-borbene ovlasti imali the Banija-Kordun area, the Lika area, central and north-
su i krizni štabovi, koji su se osnivali na svim razinama ern Dalmatia and southern Dalmatia. Some of these HQs
upravne strukture od općine do Republike, što je često never functioned in an operational context. In August the
stvaralo probleme pri uporabi snaga.186 HQ of Zagreb Corps of the Croatian National Guard was
Djelatni sastav ZNG-a sastojao se od četiri A bri- formed. The HQ was the equivalent of the regional HQ
gade: 1. sa sjedištem u Zagrebu, 2. u Trsteniku, 3. u for the wider Zagreb area. In the second half of August
Vinkovcima pa Osijeku i 4. u Splitu, Specijalnoga ba- the HQ for western Slavonia was formed. Crisis commit-
taljuna Glavnoga stožera u Zagrebu i 63. samostalnog tees could also exercise command authority in relation to
bataljuna u Slavonskoj Požegi. Pričuvne su postrojbe units engaged in combat. They were formed on all levels
bile brigade i samostalni bataljuni. Pri svakoj policij- of the administrative structure from the municipality level
skoj upravi osnovana je jedna do dvije brigade ZNG-a, to the republic level. The structure was conducive to cre-
ovisno o mogućnostima i raspoloživom ljudstvu (nu- ating situations with overlapping responsibilities which
merirane su od broja 99. do 120.). U nekoliko policij- in turn created undue problems in relation to allocation
skih uprava osnovani su i samostalni bataljuni ZNG-a of tasks and operations to military formations.
(od broja 51. do 64.).187 The active duty contingent of the Croatian National
U drugoj polovini rujna 1991. osnovana je Hrvat- Guard consisted of four A brigades: the 1st Brigade sta-
ska vojska. Zbor narodne garde zadržan je kao dje- tioned in Zagreb; the 2nd Brigade stationed in Trstenik;
latni dio, a pričuvni je sastav bio spoj ljudstva TO-a i the 13th Brigade stationed in Vinkovci and later in Osijek;
pričuvnoga sastava ZNG-a. Zapovjedništvo ZNG-a je the 4th Brigade stationed in Split; the Special Operations
preimenovano u Glavni stožer HV-a na čijem je čelu do Battalion of the General Staff of the Croatian Army, sta-
jeseni 1992. bio general zbora Anton Tus, potom do tioned in Zagreb and the 63rd Independent Battalion
ljeta 1995. stožerni general Janko Bobetko i na kraju stationed in Slavonska Požega. One or two, depending
general zbora Zvonimir Červenko. Oružane snage RH on availability of manpower, brigades (numerical desig-
dobile su tada organizacijsku strukturu koja se s izmje- nations from 99 to 120) of the Croatian National Guard
nama zadržala do kraja rata. Sastojale su se od Glavno- were formed at every police administration. Also, inde-
ga stožera HV-a s vrlo jakim postrojem podstožernih pendent battalions were formed at a number of police
postrojba, šest operativnih zona kopnene vojske, čija administrations (numerical designations from 51 to 64).
su sjedišta bila u Osijeku, Bjelovaru, Zagrebu, Karlov- In the second half of September, 1991, the Croatian
cu, Rijeci i Splitu, Južnog bojišta, Hrvatske ratne mor- Army was formed. The Croatian National Guard contin-
narice (HRM) i Hrvatskoga ratnog zrakoplovstva (HRZ) ued its existence as an integral part of the active duty
contingent of the Croatian Army and the reserve was
an agglomeration of TO personnel and the Croatian Na-
183 SVA MORH, GSHV: MUP RH, MORH, ZNG, Zapovijed kl. tional Guard Reserve. The General Staff of the Croatian
8-01/91-01/05, ur. br. 512-01-91-1 od 18. 7. 1991.
National Guard was redesignated as the General Staff
184 SVA MORH, GSHV: MORH, Zapovijed kl. str. pov. 801- of the Croatian Armed Forces. Until the fall of 1992, the
01/91-01/07, ur. br. 512-06-05-91-03 od 6. 8. 1991. Chief of the General Staff was General Antun Tus. He was
185 SVA MORH, GSHV: Krizni štab zapadno-slavonske regije, replaced by General Janko Bobetko, who stayed in the
Dnevni izvještaj Op. br. 2 od 22. 8. 1991. post until the summer, 1995. He was in turn replaced by
186 SVA MORH, GSHV: Odluka Predsjednika Republike Hr- General Zvonimir Červenko. The organizational structure
vatske od 27. 7. 1991. o osnivanju i djelatnosti kriznih
štabova u Republici Hrvatskoj.
set up at that point remained in place, with certain mod-
ifications, until the end of the war. The Armed Forces of
187 SVA MORH, GSHV: MORH, Formiranje jedinica Narodne
garde, organizacijsko-formacijska zapovijest kl. str. pov. the Republic of Croatia consisted of the General Staff of
801-01/91-01/07, ur. br. 512-05-91-3 od 29. 7. 1991. the Croatian Armed Forces with a large number of HQ


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

s protuzračnom obranom (PZO). Do siječnja 1992. HV units, six operative zones of the land forces with their
je narastao na više od 60 pričuvnih brigada i desetak HQs in Osijek, Bjelovar, Zagreb, Karlovac, Rijeka and
samostalnih bataljuna.188 Split, the Southern Front, the Croatian Navy (HRM) and
U prosincu 1991. pričuvni je sastav pojačan osni- the Croatian Air Force (HRZ) and Air Defense (PZO). By
vanjem Domobranstva. U početnoj fazi Domobranstvo January, 1992, the Croatian Army had grown to include
je bilo organizirano po satnijama i bojnama u sastavu more than 60 reserve brigades and about a dozen inde-
operativnih zona. U jesen 1992. osnovane su prve do- pendent battalions.
mobranske pukovnije. Domobranstvo je do ljeta 1994. In December, 1991, the Home Guard was formed,
imalo izraženu socijalnu značajku jer je značajan dio thus strengthening the reserve contingent of the Croa-
domobrana bio s područja koja je JNA okupirala i pre- tian Army. In the first phase the Home Guard was orga-
dala pobunjenim Srbima.189 nized by companies and battalions under the command
U studenome 1992. ukinut je ZNG, a A brigade pre- of the operative zones. In the fall of 1992 the first Home
imenovane su u gardijske brigade HV-a. Na kraju 1992. Guard regiments were formed. Until the summer of 1994
profesionalni sastav HV-a sastojao se od sedam gar- most Home Guard soldiers hailed from the areas which
dijskih brigada (nazivi od 1. do 7., s tim da je 6. kasnije the JNA had occupied and handed over to the rebel
preimenovana u 9. brigadu) i 8. lakojurišne brigade Voj- Serbs. It is important to mention that many unemployed
ne policije, a u proljeće 1994. osnovano je pet samostal- men served in the Home Guard.
nih gardijskih bojni (nazivi od 80. do 84.), koje su nakon In November, 1992, the ZNG was disbanded and the
godinu dana samostalnog postojanja uvedene u sastav A Brigades were redesignated as Guards Brigades of the
postojećih gardijskih brigada, s tim da je jedna zadržana Croatian Army. At the end of 1992, the professional con-
kao podstožerna postrojba Glavnoga stožera HV-a.190 tingent of the Croatian Army consisted of seven Guards
U veljači 1993. operativne zone (OZ) preimeno- brigades (designated 1st to 7th initially; later on the 6th
vane su u zapovjedništva zbornih područja (ZP), s tim Guards Brigade was redesignated as the 9th Brigade) and
da je od bivše Operativne zone Rijeka nastalo Zborno 8th Light Brigade of the Military Police. In the spring of
područje Gospić. Zborna područja su usklađena s te- 1994 five independent guards battalions (designated
ritorijalnom podjelom Hrvatske na županije. Zborno 80th to 84th) were formed. These battalions existed as in-
područje Osijek obuhvaćalo je područje Osječko-ba- dependent formations for one year and then they were
ranjske, Vukovarsko-srijemske, Brodsko-posavske, incorporated into the existing guards brigades except
Požeško-slavonske i Virovitičko-podravske županije. one which was incorporated into the General Staff of the
Zborno područje Bjelovar obuhvaćalo je područje Croatian Army as an HQ unit.
Bjelovarsko-bilogorske, Koprivničko-križevačke, Me- In February, 1993, the operative zones were redesig-
đimurske i Varaždinske županije. Zborno područje nated as military districts (ZP), with no changes relating
Zagreb obuhvaćalo je područje Grada Zagreba i Kra- to place names apart from Operative Zone Rijeka which
pinsko-zagorske, Sisačko-moslavačke i Zagrebačke became Military District Gospić. The military districts
županije. Zborno područje Karlovac obuhvaćalo je po- were attuned to the territorial division of the territory
dručje Karlovačke županije. Zborno područje Gospić of the Republic of Croatia into counties. Military District
Osijek encompassed the Osijek-Baranja County, Vuko-
var-Sirmium, Brod-Posavina, Požega-Slavonia and the
188 Zdenko RADELIĆ, Davor MARIJAN, Nikica BARIĆ, Albert
Virovitica-Podravina counties. Military District Bjelovar
BING i Dražen ŽIVIĆ, Stvaranje hrvatske države i Domov-
inski rat, Školska knjiga, Hrvatski institut za povijest, Za- encompassed the Bjelovar-Bilogora, Koprivnica-Križev-
greb, 2006., 99. ci, Međimurje and Varaždin counties. Military District
189 Zvonimir Červenko, „Novo hrvatsko domobranstvo“, Zagreb encompassed the City of Zagreb, the Sisak-Mo-
Hrvatski domobran, Glasilo udruge Hrvatski domobran, slavina and Zagreb counties. Military District Gospić
Zagreb, br. 1 (53), veljača 1999., 3-4. contained/encompassed the Istria, Lika-Senj and Primor-
190 SVA MORH, GSHV: Uprava za ustroj, popunu i mobi- je-Gorski Kotar counties and the districts of Donji Lapac,
lizaciju OS RH, Ustroj br. 1104176 i Izmjene i dopune Gračac, Lovinac, Smoljanac, Titova Korenica and Udbina
mob. razvoja kl. SP 801-01/94-03/17, ur. br. 512-06-
07/24-94-24 od 8. 11. 1994.; SVA MORH, GSHV, kl. 023- – the latter being located in the Zadar-Knin County, that
01/95-02/05, ur. br. 512-06-09-95-8 od 21. 6. 1995. is the Kotar (District) of Knin.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

obuhvaćalo je područje Istarske, Ličko-senjske i Primor- The operative zones, i.e. military districts, were con-
sko-goranske županije te općine Donji Lapac, Gračac, ceptualized as operational groups consisting of active
Lovinac, Smoljanac, Titova Korenica i Udbina iz Zadar- duty and reserve units of the Croatian Army and the
sko-kninske županije, tj. Kotara Knin. Zborno područje Home Guard. The composition of these operational
Split obuhvaćalo je područje Dubrovačko-neretvanske, groups changed with the changes in the structure of the
Splitsko-dalmatinske, Šibenske i Zadarsko-kninske žu- Croatian Army. The operative zones or military districts
panije, osim općina Donji Lapac, Gračac, Lovinac, Smo- nominally consisted of a guard motorized brigade, three
ljanac, Titova Korenica i Udbina iz Kotara Knin.191 or more infantry brigades, three to six Home Guard reg-
Operativna zona, odnosno zborno područje konci- iments, one Military Police battalion, one or two logis-
pirano je kao operativna skupina koja se sastojala od tics bases, an Air Defense brigade or battalion, artillery
djelatnih i pričuvnih postrojbi HV-a i Domobranstva. battalions for support and anti-armor combat, engineer
Njihov sastav se mijenjao s ustrojem Hrvatske vojske. and pioneer battalions and other smaller formations
OZ ili ZP načelno se sastojao od gardijske motorizirane (recon-commando companies, signals companies, NBC
brigade (A brigada ZNG-a), tri i više pješačkih brigada platoon). Military Districts Zagreb, Split and Gospić con-
(pbr) HV-a, tri do šest domobranskih pukovnija (dp), tained one guards brigade. Military District Osijek con-
bataljuna (satnije) Vojne policije, jedne do dvije logi- tained two guards brigades. Military Districts Karlovac
stičke baze, brigade ili divizijuna PZO-a, topničkih divi- and Bjelovar had no guards brigades. The latter two mili-
zijuna za potporu i protuoklopnu borbu, inženjerijskih tary districts were smaller than the others.
i pontonirskih bojni i drugih manjih postrojba (izvid- The Southern Theater of Operations had its own
ničko-diverzanstke satnije, satnije veze, voda ABKO). separate headquarters throughout, but it nevertheless
Dio zbornih područja imao je u svojem sastavu jednu formed part of Operative Zone Split, and later of Military
(ZP Zagreb, Split i Gospić) odnosno dvije gardijske bri- District Split. In April, 1992, the Main HQ of the Southern
gade (ZP Osijek), a zborna područja Karlovac i Bjelovar Theater of Operations was formed. It was a strategic in-
bila su bez njih. Ta dva zborna područja bila su i manja stitution to which Operative Zone Split, some elements
od ostalih. of the Croatian Navy, and the Croatian Defense Council
Premda je konstantno imalo posebno zapovjed- (HVO) were subordinated. In the fall of 1992, when the
ništvo, Južno bojište (odnosno jug Republike Hrvatske) Main HQ of the Southern Theater of Operations was
bilo je u sastavu OZ-a Split, odnosno ZP-a Split. U trav- disbanded, the formations hitherto under its command
nju 1992. osnovano je Zapovjedništvo Južnoga vojišta, were placed under the command of the Sector Du-
koje je bilo strategijska institucija nadređena OZ-u Split, brovnik HQ which was, on July 31, 1993, redesignated as
dijelu HRM-a i snagama HVO-a. U jesen 1992., nakon ga- the Supreme Command of the Southern Theater of Op-
šenja Zapovjedništva Južnoga vojišta, zapovijedanje je erations. The area of operations of the Southern Theater
preuzelo Zapovjedništvo Sektora Dubrovnik, koje je 1. was in southern Dalmatia. All the units deployed to the
travnja 1993. preimenovano u Zapovjedništvo Južnoga southeast of the Lastovo – Korčula – Makarska – Imots-
bojišta. Od 31. srpnja 1993. Zapovjedništvo Južnoga ki line were under the direct command of the Supreme
bojišta imalo je zonu djelovanja u južnoj Dalmaciji od Command of the Southern Theater.
crte Lastovo – Korčula – Makarska – Imotski. Podređene The Croatian Navy operated along the whole length
su mu bile sve postrojbe HV-a jugoistočno od te crte. of the Croatian coast and consisted of HQ units, naval
Hrvatska ratna mornarica je bila odgovorna za pri- and ground forces and maritime HQs for the northern
obalje i sastojala se od podstožernih postrojbi, plovnih Adriatic in Pula, the central Adriatic in Šibenik and south-
i kopnenih snaga, te pomorskih zapovjedništava za sje- ern Adriatic in Ploče.
verni Jadran u Puli, srednji Jadran u Šibeniku i južni Ja- The Croatian Air Force and Air Defense became an
dran u Pločama.192 important branch of the Croatian Armed Forces only in
1992. The Croatian Air Force and Air Defense comprised
191 SVA MORH, KMO: Ured Predsjednika RH, Odluka o vojno-
a system of air bases, air force units, one air surveillance
područnoj podjeli RH br. PA7-3/1-93 od 2. 2. 1993. and navigation brigade and various institutions.
192 Z. RADELIĆ i dr., Stvaranje hrvatske države i Domovinski In mid-1994, the 1st Croatian Guards Corps was
rat, 99. formed out of elements of the professional units of the


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Hrvatski vojnici.

Croatian soldiers.
Hrvatsko ratno zrakoplovstvo i protuzračna obrana Croatian Army. The 1st Croatian Guards Corps combined
su tek 1992. postali značajnija grana HV-a. HRZ i PZO ceremonial, security and combat roles and existed out-
su organizirani u sustav zrakoplovnih baza, zračnih po- side the chain of command of the Armed Forces of the
strojbi, brigade ZMIN i raznih ustanova.193 Republic of Croatia. It was stationed in Zagreb and in
Sredinom 1994. od dijela profesionalnih postroj- the capital’s environs, in the Gakovo training center near
bi osnovan je 1. hrvatski gardijski zbor koji je bio spoj Grubišno Polje, in Pula and on the Brijuni Islands.
počasne, osiguravajuće i borbene postrojbe, ali izvan The numerical strength of the Croatian Army, at
sastava Oružanih snaga RH. Bio je smješten u Zagrebu any given moment, depended on the intensity of the
i bližoj okolici, na poligonu Gakovo kod Grubišnog Po- fighting during the period of time in question. At two
lja, u Puli i na Brijunima.194 points during the Croatian War of Independence, the
Brojno stanje Hrvatske vojske razlikovalo se ovisno Croatian Army had significantly more men under arms
o intenzitetu borbi. Najviše je ljudi HV imao početkom than at any other; at the beginning of 1992 and in the
1992. i u vrijeme operacije Oluja u ljeto 1995. godine. summer of 1995, just before the commencement of
Krajem 1991. i početkom 1992. pod oružjem je bilo oko Operation Storm. At the end of 1991 and beginning
200.000 ljudi. Potkraj 1992. u vojsci je bilo 127.966, a of 1992, there were about 200,000 men serving un-
godinu poslije 116.237 ljudi. Krajem 1994. HV je imao der arms in the Croatian Army. By the end of 1992, the
90.784 pripadnika. Tijekom 1995. brojno stanje Hrvat- number of men serving under arms had been reduced
ske vojske bilo je od 96.800 do 205.397.195 to 127,966. During the second half of 1993 the Croatian
Army consisted of 116,237 soldiers. At the end of 1994
the number was 90,784. During 1995 the numerical
strength of the Croatian Army steadily increased from
193 Isto.
96,800 at the beginning of the year to 205,397 soldiers
194 SVA MORH, GSHV: Predsjednik RH, Odluka br. PA7-61/1- prior to Operation Storm.
94 od 31. 3. 1994.; SVA MORH, GSHV: MORH, Izmjene i
dopune mobilizacijskog razvoja i ustroja OS RH kl. SP
801-01/94-03, ur. br. 512-01-94-1259 od 29. 3. 1994.
195 SVA MORH, GSHV: Izvješće GSHV o stanju borbe-
ne spremnosti HV u prosincu 1994. godine; Franjo
TUĐMAN, Stanje hrvatske države i nacije, Ministarst-
vo obrane, Politička uprava, Zagreb, 1995., 28; Franjo
TUĐMAN, Pet godina hrvatske pobjede, Ministarstvo
obrane, Politička uprava, Zagreb, 1996., 23.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Hrvatske obrambene snage, poznatije po kratici The Croatian Defense Forces, popularly known by
HOS, bile su paravojni sastavi Hrvatske stranke prava the abbreviation HOS, were paramilitary formations of
(HSP) koji su djelovali u Hrvatskoj i BiH. Arhivskoga gra- the Croatian Party of Rights (HSP). The HOS was engaged
diva o HOS-u vrlo je malo, što otvara mogućnost razli- in operations in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
čitih tumačenja njihova postojanja. Hrvatske obrambe- There is a dearth of archival material regarding the HOS.
ne snage navodno su osnovane krajem lipnja 1991., a For that reason, various theories have been developed
jedva mjesec dana poslije, 20. srpnja, čelnik HSP-a Do-
in relation to the formation of the HOS and its role and
broslav Paraga dao je intervju u kojem je najavio da u combat value during the war. It is not clear when the
stranci prestaju biti samo političari i postaju vojnici.196 HOS was formed; probably at the end of June, 1991. On
Paraga je bio glavni zapovjednik HOS-a. Glavno tijelo July 20, 1991, the leader of the Croatian Party of Rights,
HOS-a bio je Ratni stožer, čiji je načelnik bio Ante Pa- Dobroslav Paraga, gave an interview to a leading Croa-
radžik, a nakon njegove smrti Ante Đapić.197 tian publication in which he stated that the members of
Zbog izgleda i pozivanja na Nezavisnu Državu the party could no longer be called politicians because
Hrvatsku HOS je dobio mnogo veći prostor no što je they were now soldiers. Paraga was also the command-
značio na hrvatskom ratištu. Državna komisija koja er of the HOS. The ruling organ of the HOS was the War
je istraživala uzroke pada Vukovara u prosincu 1991., Headquarters, headed by Ante Paradžik. When Paradžik
pozivajući se na podatke MUP-a, procijenila je brojno died, Ante Đapić assumed the role. In mid-November,
stanje HOS-a na oko 250 ljudi, iako je ono tada bilo za- 1991, the leadership of the Croatian Party of Rights is-
sigurno veće.198 Prema poslijeratnoj tvrdnji Vlade Juki- sued a document calling on its members to join the HOS.
ća, kroz HOS Hrvatske tijekom 1991. prošlo je oko 3100 The HOS subscribed to the ethos of the Independent
ljudi, s tim da točno prosječno stanje nije poznato.199 State of Croatia. Its members used every opportunity to
Ustroj HOS-a u Hrvatskoj teško je pratiti, čini se da flaunt their allegiance to the tenets of the Independent
ih je bilo svugdje gdje je postojala neka podružnica State of Croatia’s ideology. Consequently, the HOS got
HSP-a. Postrojbe HOS-a različite jačine dokumentirane much more media attention than its numbers and com-
su u: Bjelovaru, Bogdanovcima, Jastrebarskom, Kopriv- bat value truly deserved. The state commission that in-
nici, Makarskoj, Novskoj, Ogulinu, Osijeku, Vinkovcima, vestigated the causes of the fall of Vukovar concluded, in
December, 1991, and based on the information provided
by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, that there were about
250 HOS members in Vukovar during the siege. Howev-
er, not all HOS soldiers fought in Vukovar and it stands
to reason that the numerical strength of the HOS at that
particular time was considerably greater. Vlado Jukić
stated after the war that a total of 3,100 men had served
196 Krešimir PAVELIĆ, HSP – od obnove do slobode: politikan- in the HOS during the course of 1991 but that due to a
ti, karijeristi, demagozi, pseudopravaši, masoni i kosovci,
lack of archival material and information about the HOS
Krešimir Pavelić – Hrvatska demokratska stranka pra-
va, Zagreb, 1995., 88; “Hrvatske obrambene snage”, na: it was impossible to accurately break the number down in relation to specific months of 1991.
snage (pristup 21. 5. 2013.). The organization, countrywide, of the HOS is dif-
197 Vrhovni zapovjednik HOS-a od 2. 2. 1992. Imenovanje; ficult to reconstruct. It seems that wherever in Croatia
Podružnica HSP-a Livno od 3. 2. 1992.
the HSP had a branch, there were also members of the
198 “Izravna prijetnja ustavnom poretku”, Vjesnik, 5. 12. HOS. It is known that HOS units of varying strengths op-
1991., 9.
erated in Bjelovar, Bogdanovci, Jastrebarsko, Koprivni-
199 Podatak dobiven u prosincu 2006. od Vlade Jukića, ca, Makarska, Novska, Ogulin, Osijek, Vinkovci, Vukovar,
tadašnjega saborskog zastupnika i člana Hrvatske
stranke prava. Zagreb and Županja. The largest and most famous HOS


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Pripadnik HOS-a: Jean-Michel Nicolier (Vesel, Francuska, 1966. – Vukovar /Ovčara/, 1991.) – jedan
od stranih dragovoljaca koji je branio Hrvatsku, ranjen je u borbama i dovezen u vukovarsku bolni-
cu; nakon ulaska u bolnicu, pripadnici srpskih snaga odveli su ga na Ovčaru i ubili, a njegovo tijelo
do danas nije pronađeno.

Jean-Michel Nicolier (Vesoul, France, 1966 – Vukovar /Ovčara, 1991), a soldier in the HOS. He
was one of the foreign volunteers who defended Croatia. During the siege of Vukovar he was
wounded and treated at the Vukovar hospital. When the city fell Serb soldiers entered the hos-
pital and took more than 200 wounded soldiers and civilian patients to Ovčara and killed them
there, including Jean-Michel Nicolier. His body has not yet been found.
Vukovaru, Zagrebu i Županji.200 Najveća i najpoznatija formation was the 9th HOS Central Dalmatia Battalion
postrojba HOS-a bila je IX. srednjodalmatinska bojna “Rafael Vitez Boban” with its HQ in Split. The battalion
HOS-a Rafael vitez Boban sa sjedištem u Splitu. Bojna je consisted of at least four companies. The 4th Company of
imala najmanje četiri satnije, od kojih je 4. bila otočna. the 9th HOS Central Dalmatia Battalion “Rafael Vitez Bo-
Od siječnja do sredine ožujka 1992. bojna je na Korču- ban” was stationed on the island of Brač. From January
li imala svoj kamp, koji je ukinut na pritisak Hrvatske to mid-March, 1991, the battalion had its training camp
ratne mornarice.201 Nakon uhićenja Dobroslava Parage on Korčula. The camp was closed down at the insistence
i Mile Dedakovića Jastreba u studenome 1991. HOS se of the Croatian Navy. After the arrests of Dobroslav Para-
nastojalo ukinuti ili uklopiti u sastav ZNG-a i HV-a, što ga and Mile Dedaković in November, 1991, the Croatian
je do sredine 1992. i realizirano. government strove to disband the HOS and incorporate
its members into the ZNG and the Croatian Army. That
was achieved in mid-1992.
200 SVA MORH, ZOZB: 117. brigada ZNG, Izvješće pov. br.
136-2/91 od 31. 10. 1991.; SVA MORH, GSHV: MUP RH,
Izvještaji o obavljenoj inspekciji br. 511-01-21-30248/91
od 11. 12. 1991.; SVA MORH, ZOGV: ZOGVVŽ, pov. br. 525-
122-289/91 od 22. 11. 1991.; HDA, UPRH: Sigurnosno-in-
formativna služba MORH, Informacija br. 512-989/92 od
18. 2. 1992.; Raščlamba bojnih djelovanja na području
“Vukovar-Vinkovci-Županja” tijekom 1991., Osijek, 2000.,
26-28; K. PAVELIĆ, HSP – od obnove do slobode, 95; Mile
RUNTIĆ, Bitka za Vukovar, Neobična naklada, Vinkovci,
2000., 175-176; Davor MARIJAN, Bitka za Vukovar, Hrvats-
ki institut za povijest, Podružnica za povijest Slavonije,
Srijema i Baranje, Zagreb – Slavonski Brod, 2004., 232;
Povjesnica zagrebačkih ratnih zapovjedništava i postrojbi
HV-a i MUP-a, Grad Zagreb, Zagreb, 2006., 27; D. MARI-
JAN, Novska u Domovinskom ratu, 65-66.
201 SVA MORH, GSHV: Zapovjedništvo Hrvatske ratne mor-
narice, Djelovanje HSP-a, odnosno HOS-a na otoku
Korčuli, kl. 035-01/92-01/398, ur. br. 6030-04/92-1 od
2. 4. 1992.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Oružane snage pobunjenih Srba nastale su naj-
većim dijelom na organizacijskoj strukturi unutarnjih The Armed Forces of the rebel Serbs were created,
poslova i narodne obrane SR Hrvatske. Prva oružana for the most part, on the existing organizational struc-
formacija bila je Milicija SAO Krajine, koja je po svojem ture of the internal affairs and national defense of the
vođi, inspektoru Milanu Martiću, prozvana Martićevom Socialist Republic of Croatia. The first armed formation
milicijom. Nastala je odmetanjem ljudstva i policijskih of the rebel Serbs was the Militia of the SAO Krajina. Its
postaja iz sastava Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova RH. leader was Milan Martić, a former militia chief. The Militia
Službeno je osnovana u siječnju 1991. kao Sekretarijat of the SAO Krajina was known as Martić’s Militia. Its mem-
za unutarnje poslove sa sjedištem u Kninu. U sastav su bers were renegade police officers from the Ministry of
ušle milicijske stanice Obrovac, Benkovac, Gračac, Tito- Internal Affairs of the Republic of Croatia. The Militia of
va Korenica, Donji Lapac, Dvor na Uni, Glina, Kostajni- the SAO Krajina was formally formed in January, 1991, as
ca, Vojnić i Knin. Početkom rujna 1991. milicija je imala
the Secretariat of Internal Affairs with its seat in Knin. It
oko 2900 ljudi.202
consisted of the following police stations: Obrovac, Ben-
Vojna organizacija pobunjenih Srba nastala je 1991.
kovac, Gračac, Titova Korenica, Donji Lapac, Dvor na Uni,
na prostornoj strukturi TO RH. Njezin ustroj, odnosno
Glina, Kostajnica, Vojnić and Knin. At the beginning of
pozivanje ljudstva na oružje, bio je različit u pojedinim
September, 1991, 2,900 men served in the Militia of the
pobunjeničkim krajevima. Početak je vjerojatno bio
SAO Krajina.
u svibnju u istočnoj Slavoniji, nakon sukoba u Borovu
The military of the rebel Serbs was formed in 1991.
Selu, kada su u pojedinim selima sa srpskim stanovniš-
Its organization was based on the territorial structure
tvom osnovani ratni štabovi i postrojbe Teritorijalne
of the Territorial Defense of the Republic of Croatia.
obrane. U srpnju je osnovan dio općinskih i regionalnih
The process by which men were mobilized into the
štabova TO-a kao i dio postrojba TO-a. U kolovozu su od
military of the rebel Serbs differed from region to re-
regionalnih štabova osnovane tri operativne zone Teri-
gion. Generally speaking, it could be argued that the
torijalne obrane SAO Krajine: za područje sjeverne Dal-
mobilization process began in May in eastern Slavonia,
macije i Like, za područje Korduna i za područje Banovi-
when War Headquarters units and Territorial Defense
ne, no nema pouzdanih dokaza da su djelovale. Osnova
units were formed in a number of Serb villages after
za ustroj bio je Zakon o obrani Republike Srbije, koji je 1.
the incident in Borovo Selo. In July some municipal and
kolovoza 1991. prihvaćen za područje SAO Krajine. Oru-
regional HQs of the Territorial Defense were formed
žane snage SAO Krajine postale su Teritorijalna obrana i
as well as some units of the Territorial Defense. In Au-
Postrojbe za posebne namjene Ministarstva unutarnjih
poslova. Od rujna 1991. Teritorijalna obrana SAO Kraji- gust, three operative zones of the Territorial Defense
ne bila je sastavni dio posrbljenih Oružanih snaga SFRJ i of the SAO Krajina were formed out of the regional
uglavnom je bila podređena komandama JNA. U sluča- HQs: for the region of northern Dalmatia and Lika, for
jevima bojnih zadaća Milicija SAO Krajine podređena je the region of Kordun and for the region of Banovina.
početkom listopada zapovjednicima TO-a.203 There exists no evidence that these zones, in terms of
chain of command, were ever viable. The basis for the
formation of these zones was the Law on Defense of
202 HMDCDR: Izvršno vijeće SAOK, Obavijest o formiranju the Republic of Serbia, adopted on August 1, 1991, for
Sekretarijata za unutrašnje poslove SAOK br. 01/91 od 5. the region of the SAO Krajina. The armed forces of the
1. 1991.; Milisav SEKULIĆ, Knin je pao u Beogradu, Nidda SAO Krajina became the Territorial Defense and Special
Verlag GmbH, Bad Vilbel, 2000., 31.
Purpose Units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. From
203 Odluka o primjeni Zakona o odbrani Republike Srbije
na teritoriji Srpske autonomne oblasti Krajine, Glasnik September, 1991, the Territorial Defense of the SAO
Krajine, 26. 8. 1991., 1; HMDCDR: Predsjednik Vlade SAO Krajina was an integral part of the Armed Forced of the
Krajine, Naređenje br. 179/91-1 od 8. 8. 1991.; HMDCDR: SFRY (effectively by this stage the Serbian army) and
Predsjednik Vlade SAO Krajine, Naređenje br. 2/1-91 od
9. 10. 1991.; D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 286-286; D. was subordinated, for the most part, to various JNA
MARIJAN, Obrana i pad Vukovara, 37. commands. In relation to combat duties, the Militia of


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

U rujnu 1991. JNA je kadrovski pojačala snage po- the SAO Krajina was under the command of the Com-
bunjenih hrvatskih Srba. Veći broj oficira i mlađih ofi- manders of the Territorial Defense.
cira dobio je 20. rujna 1991. imenovanja i upućen je u On September 20 the JNA gave commissions in the
Hrvatsku da bi vodio srpske pobunjenike. U rujnu je u military force of the rebel Serbs in Croatia to a large num-
Kninu osnovan Glavni štab TO-a, a komandanti su bili ber of JNA senior and junior officers. The purpose was to
general Ilija Đujić, pukovnik Radoslav Maksić i general increase the combat value of the Serb rebels in Croatia.
Milan Torbica. U studenome su općinski štabovi TO-a The HQ of TO was formed in Knin and its commanders
preustrojeni i osnovane su brigade i odredi. Ukupno je were General Ilija Đujić, Colonel Radoslav Maksić, and
osnovana 21 brigada i 29 odreda TO-a. Novoustrojene General Milan Torbica. In November the municipal HQs
brigade operativno su podređene komandama JNA i were restructured and brigades and detachments were
stavljene na njihovu opskrbu. Ustroj TO-a na području formed. In total, 21 brigades and 29 detachments of the
Slavonije bio je drugačiji. U zapadnoj je Slavoniji bilo Territorial Defense were formed. The newly formed bri-
šest općinskih štabova i Štab TO SAO Zapadne Slavo- gades were placed under the command of JNA HQs and
nije. U istočnoj Slavoniji, Srijemu i Baranji pobunjenički were equipped and maintained by the JNA. The structure
je TO bio organiziran po sastavima do razine odreda, of the Territorial Defense in Slavonia was different. There
koji su bili podređeni Štabu TO Slavonije, Baranje i Za- were six municipal HQs and HQ of the Territorial Defense
padnog Srijema. U prosincu 1991. osnovan je Zonski of SAO (Serbian Autonomous District) Western Slavonia in
štab Teritorijalne obrane za istočnu Slavoniju, Baranju western Slavonia. In eastern Slavonia, Sirmium and Baran-
i zapadni Srijem.204 ja the rebel Territorial Defense was organized according
Nakon što je u prosincu 1991. proglašena Republi- to units up to detachment-strength. These detachments
ka Srpska Krajina, JNA je do svibnja 1992. preustrojila were under the command of the HQ of the Territorial De-
Teritorijalnu obranu i izradila za nju planove obrane. fense of Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium. In De-
Oružana sila pobunjenih hrvatskih Srba organizirana cember, 1991, Operative Zone HQ for Eastern Slavonia,
je u šest operativnih zona, Upravu posebnih jedinica Baranja and Western Sirmium was formed.
milicije i postrojbe izravno podređene Glavnomu šta- After the Republic of Serbian Krajina had been pro-
bu Teritorijalne obrane i Ministarstvu obrane. Krajem claimed in December 1991, the JNA, by May, 1992, re-
proljeća i ljeta 1992. pobunjeni su Srbi onemogućili structured the Territorial Defense and created operation-
izvlačenje glavnine naoružanja i opreme Kninskoga i al defensive plans for the Territorial Defense. The armed
Bihaćkoga korpusa JNA, zbog čega je bilo promjena u force of the rebel Serbs in Croatia was organized into six
organizaciji TO-a.205 operative zones, the administration of the special militia
U studenome 1992. TO je preimenovan u Srpsku units (special police) and units directly subordinated to
vojsku Republike Srpske Krajine, odnosno Srpsku voj- the Main HQ of the Territorial Defense and the Ministry of
sku Krajine. Najvažnija promjena bila je preimenovanje Defense. At the end of spring and beginning of summer,
operativnih zona u korpuse i ukidanje Uprave i poseb- 1992, the rebel Serbs prevented the JNA from pulling out
nih jedinica milicije, koje su s opremom i ljudstvom in- most of the weapons and equipment belonging to Knin
tegrirane u SVK. Općinski štabovi TO-a ugrađeni su u and Bihać Corps. Consequently, the organizational struc-
zapovjedništva i postrojbe po odlukama komandanata ture of the Territorial Defense was changed.
In November, 1992, the Territorial Defense was
renamed the Army of the Republic of Serbian Krajina,
204 HMDCDR: Naređenje, Štab TO SAO Zapadna Slavonija that is, the Serbian Army of Krajina. The most signifi-
od 2. 9. 1991.; HMDCDR: GŠTO RSK, Materijal za sedni-
cant changes, however, were redesignating the oper-
cu Vlade RSK, juli 1992.; D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije,
287-288. ative zones as corps and disbanding the Administra-
205 HMDCDR: Naredba, DT br. 892-1 Saveznog sekretara za tion of the Special Militia units and the Special Militia
narodnu odbranu od 27. 2. 1992.; HMDCDR: Naređen- units which were incorporated into the Serbian Army
je str. pov. br. 1349-1 Saveznog sekretara za narodnu of Krajina. The municipal HQs of the Territorial Defense
odbranu od 24. 3. 1992.; HMDCDR: Naređenje str. pov. br. were incorporated into units and HQs, according to
1943-1 Saveznog sekretara za narodnu odbranu od 28. 4.
1992.; HMDCDR: GŠ TO RSK, Organizacijsko-formacijske the orders of the corps commanders. The Main HQ of
promene u TO RS Krajina str. pov. br. 697-28 od 28. 8. 1992. the Territorial Defense was renamed the Main HQ of


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

korpusa. Glavni štab Teritorijalne obrane preimenovan the Serbian Army of Krajina. Its base was in Knin and
je u Glavni štab Srpske vojske Krajine. Sjedište je bilo its commanders were Generals Mile Novaković, Milan
u Kninu, a komandanti su bili generali Mile Novaković, Čeleketić and Mile Mrkšić. The Special Operations Bri-
Milan Čeleketić i Mile Mrkšić. U sastavu Ministarstva gade of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic
unutarnjih poslova RSK osnovana je Specijalna briga- of Serbian Krajina was formed. The Brigade was sup-
da Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova RSK, koja je trebala posed to consist of 500 men and be subordinated di-
imati oko 500 ljudi i biti izravno podređena ministru rectly to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic
unutarnjih poslova RSK.206 of Serbian Krajina.
Zrakoplovstvo se u početku sastojalo od zrako- The Air Force at first consisted of one air brigade and
plovne brigade i baze, a početkom 1994. osnovana je one air base. At the beginning of 1994, a division of the
divizija ratnoga zrakoplovstva i protuzračne obrane.207 Air Force and Air Defense was formed.
Operativne zone Teritorijalne obrane RSK nisu bile The operative zones of the Territorial Defense of
ujednačene, nego su formirane na temelju količine the RSK were not evenly balanced – they were formed
oružja i opreme koje je ostavila JNA i demografskih on the basis on how much weaponry the JNA had left
mogućnosti regije. Korpusi su naslijedili zone i bili su in a given locality and on the demographic picture of
sličnog sastava, s tim da je tendencija bila da se po a given region. The operative zones were replaced by
formaciji približe korpusima JNA, čemu je bio najbliži corps. The corps’ composition pretty much mirrored
Sjevernodalmatinski korpus. that of the operative zones they replaced and the idea
Paralelno s ustrojem Teritorijalne obrane Republike was to make them as similar as possible to the JNA
Srpske Krajine JNA je dala i personalnu potporu, šaljući Corps. The most successful RSK Corps in that regard
oficire i podoficire koji su trebali voditi novu srpsku voj- was North Dalmatia Corps.
sku izvan Srbije. Uglavnom su to bili oficiri i podoficiri The JNA organized the Territorial Defense of the
rođeni na području Republike Hrvatske. Njihov je an- Republic of Serbian Krajina and sent its officers and
gažman trajao od šest mjeseci do jedne godine, a kon- non-commissioned officers to the Republic of Serbian
kretan zadatak i imenovanje određivao im je koman- Krajina to train and lead the statelet’s army. For the most
dant Glavnoga štaba Teritorijalne obrane RSK. Savezna part the officers sent to the Republic of Serbian Krajina
Republika Jugoslavija osnovala je u studenome 1993. were individuals of Serb ethnicity born in the Republic
godine 40. kadrovski centar za personalnu potporu, a of Croatia. Their tours of duty in the Republic of Serbi-
potom i opskrbu pobunjenih Srba naoružanjem i voj- an Krajina lasted from six months to a year and they re-
nom opremom.208 ceived their orders and commissions directly from the
Najveća organizacijska promjena u SVK-u bio je Commander of the Main HQ of the Territorial Defense of
pokušaj profesionalizacije dijela snaga. To se, nakon the Republic of Serbian Krajina. In November, 1993, the
propalog pokušaja u 1993., pokušalo učiniti u ljeto Federal Republic of Yugoslavia formed the 40th Person-
1995. osnivanjem Korpusa specijalnih jedinica (KSJ) s nel Center and set up a system whereby weapons and
matériel were sent to the rebel Serbs from the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia on a regular basis.
206 ICTY: GŠ SV RSK, Preformiranje TO i posebnih jedinica
milicije u Srpsku vojsku RSK, DT br. 947-23/1 od 27. 11. The largest organizational change in the Serbian
1992.; ICTY: MUP RSK, Prijem u specijalnu brigadu MUP Army of Krajina was an attempt to form professional
RSK, konkurs pov. br. 08/4-1-269-1 od 30. 12. 1992.; M.
units. In the summer of 1995 Special Forces Corps (KSJ)
SEKULIĆ, Knin je pao u Beogradu, 36-39.
was formed. It is worth pointing out that the previous
207 HMDCDR: GŠ SVK, Organizacijsko-formacijske promene attempt to form such units in 1993 had failed. The HQ
SVK, Naređenje str. pov. br. 8-14 od 15. 2. 1994.
of the newly formed unit was in Slunj. The Corps was or-
208 HMDCDR: Ministarstvo odbrane RSK, Saopštenje br. 01-
33 od 10. 5. 1992.; ICTY: Naredba str. pov. br. 3087-1 od ganized on the model of a similar JNA formation. Its pri-
15. 11. 1993. načelnika Generalštaba VJ od 15. 11. 1993.; mary envisaged task and purpose was rapid combat de-
ICTY: Predsednik Savezne Republike Jugoslavije, Nared- ployment in combat zones of critical importance. It was
ba str. pov. br. 1/2-02-004/94-1 od 18. 2. 1994.; Davor
MARIJAN, Smrt oklopne brigade; Prilozi za istraživanje to consist of three small brigades (guards, armored and
rata za Hrvatsku i Bosnu i Hercegovinu 1990.-1992., Nak- special), one battalion and two independent battalions.
lada Zoro, Zagreb-Sarajevo, 2002., 24-25. With Special Forces Corps becoming active, the other


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

komandom u Slunju. Korpus je formiran po uzoru na sli-

čan u Vojsci Jugoslavije i predviđao se kao brzopokretni
i borbeno spremni sastav za intervencije u zonama gdje
se odigravaju odlučujuća zbivanja. Trebao se sastojati
od tri manje brigade (gardijske, oklopne i specijalne),
jednog divizijuna i dva samostalna bataljuna. Specijalni
je korpus trebao ostale korpuse osloboditi obveze da
imaju jaču interventnu pričuvu.209
Po slomu SVK-a u zapadnom dijelu Hrvatske osno-
van je dobrovoljački bataljun od ljudstva iz zapadne
Slavonije, a bio je smješten na području Kozare. Uz Pripadnici Srpske vojske Krajine. / Members of the Serbian Army of
pomoć Generalštaba Vojske Jugoslavije (GŠ VJ) koman- Krajina (Army of Krajina – magazin, 11 July 1995)
dant Glavnoga štaba SVK-a planirao je stvaranje novog
SVK-a po načelu naoružanog naroda.210 Pokušaj nije us-
pio i 16. rujna 1995. Srpska vojska Krajine i službeno je
prestala postojati u zapadnom dijelu Hrvatske.211
U ratu 1991. – 1992. u sastavu TO SAO Krajine od- corps would not have to be burdened with the obliga-
nosno RSK bilo je 65.914 ljudi. U ljeto 1992., nakon tion to maintain a strong operational reserve.
formacijskih promjena, Teritorijalna obrana RSK imala After the defeat of the SVK in the western part of Cro-
je po formaciji 35.703 pripadnika. Bilo je to najmanje atia a volunteer battalion composed of men from west-
brojno stanje vojne sile pobunjenih Srba, s tim da u ern Slavonia was formed. It was deployed in the Kozara
taj broj nije bilo uračunato ljudstvo osam brigada mi- area. With the help of the General Staff of the Yugoslav
licije. Srpska vojska Krajine u proljeće 1995. po ratnoj Army (GŠVJ) the Commander of the Main HQ of the SVK
je formaciji imala 80.080 ljudi, a popuna je bila mogu- planned to restructure the SVK on the principle of a peo-
ća za 62.483 pripadnika. Po mirnodopskoj formaciji, ple in arms. The plan did not come to fruition and on Sep-
Srpska vojska Krajine imala je 15.486 ljudi, a stvarno tember 16, 1995, the SVK officially ceased to exist in the
14.865 pripadnika.212 western part of the Republic of Croatia.
During 1991 and 1992, 65,914 men served in TO SAO
Krajina and TO RSK. In the summer of 1992, after it had
been restructured, the TO of the RSK had 35,703 men un-
der arms. The armed force of the rebel Serbs was numer-
ically weaker at that point than at any given time before
or since during the war. It has to be noted, though, that
the number cited above does not include the personnel
of the eight militia brigades. The Serbian Army of Kraji-
na in the spring of 1995 had 80,080 men on active duty,
with an additional 62,483 men in reserve. The peacetime
contingent of the Serbian Army of Krajina numbered,
on paper, 15,487 men. Its actual strength, however, was
209 HMDCDR: GŠ SV RSK, Transformacija SVK, Naređenje str.
pov. br. 3-268 od 22. 5. 1995.; VSA MORH: Pregled korpusa 14,865 soldiers.
specijalnih jedinica (dokument bez urudžbenog broja i
nadnevka); M. SEKULIĆ, Knin je pao u Beogradu, 157.
210 ICTY: GŠ SVK, Stavovi GŠ SVK i VRS za službeni razgovor s
Načelnikom GŠ VJ br. 10/43 od 18. 8. 1995.
211 ICTY: Ratni dnevnik 1. krajiškog korpusa, zabilješka od
16. 9. 1995.
212 HMDCDR: GŠTO RSK, Materijal za sednicu Vlade RSK, juli
1992.; HMDCDR: Pregled popune ljudstvom SVK po rat-
noj formaciji sa stanjem na dan 1. 5. 1995.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Oružana sila Hrvata u BiH nazvana je Hrvatsko vije-
će obrane, isto kao i upravni sustav Hrvatske zajednice The armed force of the Bosnian Croats was named
Herceg-Bosne, što često izaziva nedoumice. Hrvatsko the Croatian Defense Council. The same name, confus-
vijeće obrane nastalo je na ostacima prostorne struktu- ingly for those interested in the subject of the Bosnian
re Teritorijalne obrane SR BiH. Ona je 1990. razoružana i War 1991-1995, was given to the administrative system
marginalizirana, pa je krajem 1991., s iznimkom nesrp- and organization of the Croatian Community of Her-
skih područja, bila svedena na snagu simbolična zna- zeg-Bosnia. The Croatian Defense Council was created
čenja.213 Hrvatsko vijeće obrane formalno je osnovano on the remnants of the territorial structure of the Ter-
u Mostaru 8. travnja 1992., iako je već u ljeto 1991. ritorial Defense of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and
postojala izvjesna obrambena organizacija. U odluci o Herzegovina. The Territorial Defense force of the Socialist
formiranju, HVO je definiran kao “vrhovno tijelo obra- Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was disarmed and
ne hrvatskog naroda” čiji je zadatak zaštita hrvatskoga, thus marginalized in 1990. At the end of 1991 its com-
kao i drugih naroda u toj zajednici.214 bat value in non-Serb areas of the republic was virtually
Do kasnoga ljeta odnosno rane jeseni 1992. HVO nil. The Croatian Defense Council was formally formed in
se temeljio na sustavu općinskih stožera. Oni su nastali Mostar on April 8, 1992. It is important to mention here
preimenovanjem iz kriznih štabova ili bivših štabova that the Bosnian Croats had had a defensive organization
TO-a. Općinski su stožeri ukinuti krajem 1992., nakon in place since the summer of 1991. In the official decision
što je završeno formiranje zapovjedništava operativnih
regarding the forming of the Croatian Defense Council,
zona i brigada.215
the institution was defined as the “supreme organ of the
Osnivanjem operativnih zona HVO je ustalio or-
defense of the Croatian people” whose task was to pro-
ganizaciju koja je s manjim izmjenama postojala do
tect the Croatian people as well as the other peoples in
kraja rata. Sastojala se od Glavnoga stožera HVO-a s
that community of peoples.
podstožernim postrojbama, četiri operativne zone i
Until the late summer and early spring fall, 1992,
Vojne policije. Glavni stožer HVO-a službeno je osno-
the HVO’s structure was based on a system of municipal
van 10. travnja 1992. godine, a prethodio mu je Stožer
headquarters. These headquarters were formed by re-
Herceg-Bosne u Grudama čiji je zapovjednik bio pu-
designating crisis headquarters or former TO headquar-
kovnik Ante Mikulić.216 Sjedište Glavnoga stožera bilo
ters. The municipal headquarters were disbanded at the
je u Mostaru, potom u Čitluku i na kraju u Posušju. Za-
end of 1992 when the process of forming the HQs of op-
povjednici i načelnici Glavnoga stožera HVO-a bili su
erative zones and brigades had been completed.
generali Ante Roso i Milivoj Petković, Slobodan Praljak
The HVO based its structure on operative zones
i Tihomir Blaškić.
and that organizational structure endured, with minor
Od proljeća 1993. u sastavu HVO-a osnivale su se
changes, until the end of the war. It consisted of the Gen-
domobranske postrojbe, čija je svrha bila zaštita terito-
eral Staff of the HVO with HQ units, four operative zones
and the Military Police. The General Staff of the HVO was
formally formed on April 10, 1992, replacing the func-
213 Mesud ŠADINLIJA, Teritorijalna odbrana Bosne i Herce-
tion of the HQ of Herzeg-Bosnia located in Grude, whose
govine 1986–1992, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Institut za
istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti i međunarodnog commander had been Colonel Ante Mikulić. The seat of
prava, Sarajevo, 2013., 179-195. the General Staff was initially in Mostar, then in Čitluk and
214 Odluka predsjednika HVO i HZ HB od 8. 4. 1992. o finally in Posušje. The commanders of the General Staff of
formiranju Hrvatskog vijeća obrane, Narodni list HZ Her- the HVO were Generals Ante Roso and Slobodan Praljak,
ceg-Bosna, rujan 1992., 4.
and the chiefs were Milivoj Petković and Tihomir Blaškić.
215 Glavni stožer HVO, Zapovijed br. 01-92/92 od 10. 4. The Bosnian Croats started forming Home Guard
1992.; Odjel obrane HZ HB, Ukidanje općinskih stožera,
zapovijed br. 03-294/92 od 26. 12. 1992. units in the spring of 1993. These units were under the
command of the HVO and its task and purpose was to
216 Stožer Herceg-Bosne, Zahtjev za pomoć br. 04-41/92 od
7. 4. 1992. protect territories and facilities of crucial importance and


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

rija, objekata od posebne važnosti za obranu i potpora to act as an auxiliary force in relation to the armed forc-
oružanim snagama.217 Operativne su zone postojale do es. The operative zones existed until October 14, 1993,
14. listopada 1993., kada su preimenovane u Zborna when they were redesignated as Military Districts Mo-
područja Mostar, Tomislavgrad, Vitez i Orašje.218 Zadrža- star, Tomislavgrad, Vitez and Orašje. The military districts
la su isto područje i istu organizaciju do početka 1994., controlled the same areas and retained the same struc-
kada je počeo preustroj po uzoru na HV. Zborna se po- ture until the beginning of 1994. The leadership of the
dručja nastojalo koncipirati po uzoru na HV. Svako je Bosnian Croats then attempted to restructure the mili-
imalo zapovjedništvo, gardijsku brigadu, nekoliko do- tary districts on the Croatian Army model. Each military
mobranskih postrojbi i prateće postrojbe. district consisted of HQ, a guards brigade, a few Home
Iako je po imenu i pripadnosti bio dio HVO-a, u Bi- Guard units and support units.
haću je to ipak bio samostalan postroj. U svibnju 1992. The HVO formations in Bihać were nominally part of
se sastojao od 1. hrvatskog bataljuna Ante Vlašić, 2. the HVO but in reality they formed an independent force.
krupskog bataljuna, tri samostalne satnije i sedam sa- That force, in May, 1992, consisted of the 1st Croatian Bat-
mostalnih vodova. Od srpnja 1992. do travnja 1993. talion “Ante Vlašić”, the 2nd Krupa Battalion, three inde-
HVO je bio u sastavu 2. bihaćke muslimansko-hrvatske pendent companies and seven independent platoons.
pješačke brigade. Nakon izdvajanja HVO je osnovao From July, 1992, until April, 1993, the HVO was under
Glavni stožer regije Bihać, na čijem je čelu bio general the command of the 2nd Bihać Muslim Croatian Infantry
Vlado Šantić.219 Brigade. After that the HVO formed the Main HQ of the
Na kraju 1992. HVO je, po procjeni, imao 45.000 lju- Bihać region with General Vlado Šantić at its helm.
di; u srpnju 1994. imao je 53.640 ljudi; nakon preustroja At the end of 1992, according to the most reliable
1. siječnja 1995. imao je po formaciji 82.538, a stvarno u estimates, the HVO had 45,000 men under arms; in July,
postrojbama 45.455 ljudi.220 1994, 53,640; after the restructuring, on January 1, 1995,
Kada je u pitanju HVO, treba istaknuti činjenicu da the HVO’s actual numerical strength was 45,455.
je to bila jedina vojska nastala na razvalinama Jugo- It has to be noted that the HVO was the only army
slavije a da gotovo ništa nije dugovala JNA. Nedosta- created out of the detritus of Yugoslavia without any as-
tak stručnih ljudi, konkretno školovanih vojnika, bila je sistance, direct, indirect or inadvertent of the JNA. The
kronična boljka HVO-a. Iz prethodnog sustava naslije- HVO, throughout its existence, suffered from a chronic
đena je skromna ljudska baza. U HVO-u je bio angaži- lack of professional cadres. Only one former JNA general
ran samo jedan general (Stanko Matić), i to tek 1993., served in the HVO – Stanko Matić, retired from the JNA
a i on je umirovljen prije rata. Točan broj oficira JNA u before the war – and only in 1993. The exact number of
HVO-u nije poznat, no do jeseni 1993. bio je vrlo malen, former JNA officers who served in the HVO is not known.
a otada nešto veći – dolaskom časnika HV-a. Prosječan It is clear, however, that former JNA officers were few
zapovjednik brigade HVO-a nije imao djelatnu, a najče- and far between in the HVO by the fall of 1993. After that
šće ni pričuvnu časničku naobrazbu iz JNA. Jasno je da time the number increased somewhat due to the arriv-
je stanje na nižim razinama bilo mnogo lošije. al of Croatian Army officers, some of whom were former
JNA officers. The average commander of an HVO brigade
had not gone through any kind of officer training (active
217 Odjel obrane HVO, Zapovijed br. 1, br. 02-1-15/93 od 5. 2.
1993. or reserve) in the JNA. On lower levels of command the
situation was even worse.
218 Ured predsjednika HR HB, Zapovijed br. UP 00223/93 od
14. 10. 1993. For a long time the HVO was the army with the high-
est number of soldiers of other nationalities. That fact,
219 Općinski odbor HDZ i HVO Bihać od 29. 5. 1992. (doku-
ment na web-stranici Slobodana Praljka); Bejdo FELIĆ, unfortunately, is often glossed over for reasons of politi-
Peti korpus 1992.–1995., Ljiljan: Dokumenti, Sarajevo, cal expediency. A significant number of Bosniaks served
2002., 26-27; Ramiz DREKOVIĆ, U obruču, “Dom štampe”, in Operative Zones Southeast Herzegovina and the
Zenica, 2004., 187.
Bosanska Posavina region. There were no Bosniaks serv-
220 GS HVO, Izvješće ur. br. 01-240 od 4. 2. 1993.; GS HVO, ing in units comprising Operative Zone Central Bosnia. In
Izvješće o popuni postrojbi OS HR HB kl. str. pov. 803-
02/94-03/01, ur. br. 02-10-09-94-24 od 5. 8. 1995.; Izv- Operative Zone Northwest Herzegovina the largest per-
ješće o popuni HVO na dan 1. 1. 1995. centage of Bosniak soldiers served in the HVO brigades


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

HVO (fotografije darovao: Ivica Budimir, Uskoplje). HVO (Photographs donated by: Ivica Budimir, Uskoplje).
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane dugo je bilo vojska s naj- from Livno and Tomislavgrad. 767 Muslims (24.85%)
većim brojem pripadnika druge nacionalnosti, iako se served in the Petar Krešimir IV Brigade at the same time.
to konstantno prešućuje i negira. Značajan postotak The Kralj Tomislav Brigade was composed of men from
Bošnjaka bio je u operativnim zonama Jugoistočna Tomislavgrad, Kupres and Posušje. It also had 296 Mus-
Hercegovina i Bosanska Posavina. U OZ-u Srednja Bo- lim soldiers (9.69%). In May, 1993, Muslim soldiers start-
sna nije bilo Bošnjaka, a u Sjeverozapadnoj Hercegovini ed leaving the HVO and joining the ARBIH, in most cases
značajniji ih je postotak bio u brigadama HVO-a iz Livna taking their weapons with them. These acts of desertion
i Tomislavgrada. Brigada Petar Krešimir IV imala je 767 and treason prompted the HVO leadership to start dis-
Muslimana odnosno 24,85 %, a brigada Kralj Tomislav iz arming unreliable soldiers. The process was completed
Tomislavgrada, Kupresa i Posušja imala je u svojem sa- only by the end of 1993, with the exception of Military
stavu 296 ili 9,69 % Muslimana. 221 Nakon što su u svibnju District Orašje.
1993. počeli prelasci vojnika Muslimana u ARBiH, često
s oružjem i u obliku gdje je teško razlučiti dezerterstvo
od izdaje, počeo je ubrzani proces razoružavanja nepo-
uzdanih vojnika, koji je dovršen tek krajem 1993., osim
na području Zbornoga područja Orašje.222
221 Za brigadu Rama iz Prozora naveden je podatak da ima
471 Muslimana, odnosno 23,3 % vojnika u brigadi. No
taj podatak je navodno sporan, jer prema primjedbi čla-
na zapovjedništva brigade (iz siječnja 2019.), Muslimana
tada u brigadi nije bilo više od 10 posto. Zapovjedništvo
OZ S/ZH, Izvješće o popuni brigada, br. 01-5-260/93 od
8. 6. 1993.
222 ICTY: GS HVO, Izvješće br. 02-2/1-01-1245/93 od 30. 6.
1993.; OZ HVO “Bosanska Posavina”, Procjena br. 01-
01/93-1434/2 od 19. 4. 1993.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


U Bosni i Hercegovini HOS se pojavio 1991., a slje-
deće godine ga je bilo gotovo na svim područjima gdje The HOS made its first appearance in Bosnia and Her-
je bilo Hrvata, nerijetko i kod Muslimana. Postrojbe su zegovina in 1991. By the following year the HOS soldiers
nosile zvučna imena premda su stvarno bile daleko could be found in every locality where Croatian units op-
manjeg brojnog stanja. HOS se organizacijski dijelio erated and in most areas where Muslim units were active.
na sastave i zapovjedništva pod zapovjedništvom Sto- The HOS units bore colorful names and too-optimistic
žera za Bosnu i Stožera za Hercegovinu u Ljubuškom. designations in terms of their real numerical strength.
Zapovjednici Stožera za Hercegovinu bili su general Organizationally the HOS was divided into units and HQs
Blaž Kraljević i brigadir Stanko Primorac - Ćane, a za- under the command of the HQ for Bosnia and HQ for Her-
povjednik Stožera za Bosnu bio je Jadranko Jandrić. U zegovina in Ljubuški. The commanders of the HQ for Her-
ljeto 1992. postojao je i ratni stožer HOS-a za lašvansku zegovina were General Blaž Kraljević and Brigadier Stan-
regiju čiji je zapovjednik bio Darko Kraljević. U javnom ko “Ćane” Primorac. The commander of the HQ for Bosnia
pozivu danom u Mostaru 28. svibnja 1992. Zapovjed- was Jadranko Jandrić. In the summer of 1992 there also
ništvo Ratnog stožera za Mostar deklariralo je HOS kao existed the War HQ for the Lašva region commanded by
elitnu postrojbu TO-a, odnosno ARBiH. HOS je organi- Darko Kraljević. The War Headquarters in Mostar, on May
zacijski vrhunac imao u ljeto 1992., a kraj je počeo uoči 28, 1992, distributed flyers and put up posters all over
pogibije generala Kraljevića na punktu HVO-a u Kruše- the city characterizing the HOS as an elite formation of
vu kod Mostara 9. kolovoza. U listopadu je Dobroslav the Territorial Defense, that is, the Army of the Republic
Paraga osnovao jedinstveno zapovjedništvo HOS-a za of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The HOS reached its peak
BiH koje se zvalo Glavni stožer HOS-a. Sjedište je bilo
in terms of its organizational capacity in the summer of
u Zenici, a načelnik je bio brigadir Mladen Holman. Do 1992. The death of General Kraljević at a HVO checkpoint
kraja 1992. godine HOS se najvećim dijelom podijelio in Kruševo near Mostar August 9 marked the beginning
na hrvatski i muslimanski dio i utopio u HVO i ARBiH.223 of the end of the HOS as a viable fighting force in Bosnia
and Herzegovina. In October Dobroslav Paraga formed
the unified HQ of the HOS for Bosnia and Herzegovina
called the General Staff of the HOS. It was located in Zeni-
ca and its chief was Brigadier Mladen Holman. By the end
of 1992 the HOS, for the most part, had divided into the
Croatian and Muslim contingents and merged with the
HVO and the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
govina respectively.
223 Odluka zapovjednika Ratnog stožera HOS-a za Herce-
govinu od 8. 1. 1992.; Vrhovni zapovjednik HOS-a od 2.
2. 1992., Imenovanje; Obavijest ratnog stožera HOS-a za
Mostar od 28. 5. 1992.; ICTY: Izvješće o radu Zapovjed-
ništva ratnog stožera HOS-a za lašvansku regiju od 19.
7. 1992.; Zapovijed Glavnog stožera HOS-a Zagreb od 9.
10. 1992.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Srpska vojska u BiH – najprije Vojska Srpske Repu-
blike Bosne i Hercegovine, a potom Vojska Republike The Serbian army in Bosnia and Herzegovina – at first
Srpske (VRS) – nastala je kao spoj JNA u BiH i Teritori- called the Army of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and
jalne obrane na područjima sa srpskom većinom. Kom- Herzegovina and later the Army of the Republika Srps-
ponenta Jugoslavenske narodne armije, 2. vojna oblast ka (VRS) – was created as an amalgamation of the JNA
i 13. korpus u Hercegovini, Srbima su donijeli naoruža- in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Territorial Defense in
nje i opremu koji su VRS-u osiguravali nedostižnu pred- the predominantly Serb areas. The JNA component, the
nost u odnosu na ARBiH i HVO. Dio TO-a BiH u srpskim 2nd Military District and XIII Corps in Herzegovina, pro-
područjima proglašen je 16. travnja 1992. oružanom vided copious amounts of weapons and matériel for the
snagom Srpske Republike BiH.224 Ona je ubrzo, uz ne- VRS, giving the Serbs a marked and unassailable advan-
male teškoće, utopljena u komponentu JNA. tage over the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
Vrhovni komandant VRS-a bio je predsjednik Re- govina and the HVO. On April 16, 1992, some elements of
publike Srpske Radovan Karadžić. Operativno zapovi- the Territorial Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina in ar-
jedanje bilo je u rukama komandanta Glavnoga štaba eas with majority Serb populations were proclaimed the
u mjeri koju je na njega prenio vrhovni komandant.225 armed force of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Her-
Srpska vojska u BiH organizirana je u korpusnu zegovina. This armed force, with considerable difficulties,
strukturu po naslijeđu JNA, a Glavni je štab nastao pre- was soon incorporated in the JNA component.
imenovanjem Komande 2. vojne oblasti. Sjedište GŠ-a
The commander-in-chief of the VRS was the Presi-
u prvim danima postojanja bilo je u Sarajevu, a poslije
dent of the Republika Srpska Radovan Karadžić. Opera-
u Han Pijesku. Komandant Štaba bio je general Ratko
tional command was entrusted to the commander of the
Mladić. Preimenovanje korpusa JNA počelo je po za-
General Staff. However, the scope of the commander’s
povijedi Komande 2. vojne oblasti od 14. svibnja 1992.
brief was determined, at any given time, by the com-
godine. Banjalučki korpus postao je 1. krajiški, Bihaćki
i dio Kninskoga korpusa postali su 2. krajiški, Sarajev-
The Serbian army in Bosnia and Herzegovina inherit-
ski je postao Sarajevsko-romanijski, Tuzlanski je postao
ed its Corps structure from the JNA. The General Staff was
Istočnobosanski, a Bilećki je postao Hercegovački kor-
created out of the HQ of the 2nd Military District. The seat
pus. U studenome 1992. osnovan je Drinski korpus. S
of the General Staff during the first days of its existence
iznimkom 2. krajiškog korpusa, ostali su nastavili funk-
was in Sarajevo, and later in Han Pijesak. The command-
cionirati s već formiranim postrojbama, kojima su se
er of the General Staff was General Ratko Mladić. The re-
imena davala po područjima na kojima su osnovane.
naming of the JNA Corps was initiated by the HQ of the
Nove su postrojbe uglavnom bile lake pješačke briga-
2nd Military District’s order issued on May 14, 1992. Ban-
de, koje su se načelno formirale na razini općina.226
ja Luka Corps thus became I Krajina Corps, Bihać Corps
S obzirom na to da su nastali izravno od korpusa
and parts of Knin Corps became II Krajina Corps, Saraje-
JNA, korpusi VRS-a u načelu su zadržali njihov ustroj.
vo Corps became Sarajevo-Romanija Corps, Tuzla Corps
Uz naslijeđene postrojbe JNA dodane su mnogobroj-
became East Bosnia Corps and Bileća Corps became
ne lake brigade iz baštine TO-a. Prvi krajiški korpus
Herzegovina Corps. In November, 1992, Drina Corps was
bio je najjači sastav srpske oružane sile, sa zonom
formed. The corps, with the exception of II Krajina Corps,
djelovanja u sjevernoj i središnjoj Bosni i sjedištem u
retained under their command the already formed units.
These units were given names according to their locality
224 ICTY: Odluka ministra narodne odbrane Srpske Repub- of formation. Those units that were formed subsequently
like BiH od 16. 4. 1992.
were mostly light infantry brigades, formed, as a rule, at
225 Zakon o vojsci, Službeni glasnik srpskog naroda u BiH, br. the level of municipality.
7 od 1. 6. 1992.
The corps of the VRS were created directly from the
226 Manojlo MILOVANOVIĆ, Istine i zablude o ratu u Bosni i
JNA corps. For that reason, the corps of the VRS retained
Hercegovini (1992. - 1995. godine), Udruženje defendelo-
ga Republike Srpske, Banja Luka, 2005., 51-55. the organizational structures of the JNA corps. Many


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Banjoj Luci. Drugi krajiški korpus nalazio se u zapad- light brigades that originally belonged to the Territori-
noj i jugozapadnoj Bosni i imao je sjedište u Drvaru. al Defense were added to the VRS formations inherited
Zona djelovanja Istočnobosanskoga korpusa bila je u from the JNA. I Krajina Corps was the strongest forma-
sjeveroistočnoj Bosni, a Komanda u Ugljeviku i Bijeljini. tion of the Serb armed forces. Its area of operations was
Sarajevsko-romanijski korpus imao je zonu u središnjoj in northern and central Bosnia and its HQ was located
i istočnoj Bosni, a nakon osnivanja Drinskoga korpusa in Banja Luka. II Krajina Corps was stationed in western
samo u središnjoj Bosni. Hercegovački je korpus dje- and southwest Bosnia with its HQ in Drvar. East Bosnia
lovao u Hercegovini, s Komandom u Bileći. Posljednji Corps operated in northeast Bosnia with its HQ divid-
korpus VRS-a, Drinski, osnovan je 1. studenoga 1992. ed between Ugljevik and Bijeljina. Sarajevo-Romanija
od postrojbi Sarajevsko-romanijskoga i Hercegovačko- Corps’s area of operations was in central and eastern Bos-
ga korpusa. Zona djelovanja bila mu je istočna Bosna, a nia and after Drina Corps had been formed, its operative
Komanda u Vlasenici. Vazduhoplovstvo i protivvazduš- zone was reduced to central Bosnia only. Herzegovina
na obrana bili su smješteni na području Banje Luke, a Corps operated in Herzegovina and its HQ was located
komandant je bio general Živomir Ninković.227 in Bileća. Drina Corps was formed on November 1, 1992,
Kao SVK, i VRS je imao personalnu potporu Vojske out of elements of Sarajevo-Romanija Corps and Herze-
Jugoslavije preko 30. kadrovskog centra, koji je osno- govina Corps. Its area of operations was in eastern Bosnia
van u studenome 1993. godine.228 U srpnju 1992. VRS je and HQ in Vlasenica. The Air Force and Air Defense were
imao 177.341, a u travnju 1993. godine 222.727 ljudi.229 stationed in the Banja Luka area. The commander of the
Air Force and Air Defense was General Živomir Ninković.
Just like the SVK, the VRS was also equipped, sup-
ported and to a large degree maintained by the JNA
through the 30th Personnel Center which was set up in
November, 1993. In July the VRS had 177,341 men under
arms. In April, 1993, that number was 222,727.
227 ICTY: Naredba komandanta GŠ VSR BiH str. pov. br.
30/18-17 od 16. 6. 1992.; ICTY: Naredba str. pov. br.
30/18-17 komandanta GŠ VSR BiH od 16. 6. 1992.; ICTY:
Komanda Drinskog korpusa, Zone odgovornosti briga-
da, Naređenje str. pov. br. 2-259 od 30. 11. 1992.; M. MI-
LOVANOVIĆ, Istine i zablude, 53-55.
228 ICTY: Naredba str. pov. br. 3087-1 od 15. 11. 1993. načel-
nika Generalštaba VJ od 15. 11. 1993.; ICTY: Predsednik
Savezne Republike Jugoslavije, Naredba str. pov. br.
1/2-02-004/94-1 od 18. 2. 1994.
229 ICTY: GŠ VRS, april 1993., Analiza borbene gotovosti i
aktivnosti Vojske Republike Srpske u 1992. godini.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Muslimanska odnosno bošnjačka vojna sila pr-
vih se nekoliko mjeseci postojanja zvala Teritorijalna During its first few months of existence, the armed
obrana Bosne i Hercegovine, a potom Armija Repu- forces of the Bosniaks, that is, Muslims, were called the
blike Bosne i Hercegovine. Njezina je prethodnica Territorial Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was lat-
bila Patriotska liga, paravojna formacija SDA čije se er named the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
djelovanje prije proljeća 1992. teško prati, uglavnom govina. Its predecessor was the Patriotic League, a para-
kroz kasnija sjećanja iz kojih je teško odvojiti mito-
military formation of the SDA, whose activities before
loški dio od stvarnosti.230 Navodno je osnovana 1. the spring of 1992 are shrouded in mystery – historians
ožujka 1991. u Sarajevu, a prvu smotru imala je 16. have only dubious eye-witness accounts to rely on and
lipnja iste godine u okolici Sokolca.231 Početkom ve- separating myth from reality is often impossible. Appar-
ljače 1992. Patriotska liga navodno je imala između ently, the League was formed in Sarajevo on March 1,
60 i 70 tisuća članova.232 1991, and its first parade was held on June 16, 1991, near
Nakon što je rat eskalirao, Predsjedništvo Repu- the town of Sokolac. According to the most realistic es-
blike BiH je 8. travnja 1992. ukinulo Republički štab timates, the League, at the beginning of February, 1992,
Teritorijalne obrane, organiziralo Štab TO i imenovalo had between 60,000 to 70,000 members.
zapovjednika (Musliman) s dva pomoćnika po nacio- When the war escalated, the Presidency of the Re-
nalnom ključu (Srbin i Hrvat), kako bi formalno zado- public of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on April 8, 1992, dis-
voljilo kriterij zastupljenosti sva tri konstitutivna na- banded the Republic TO HQ, formed a new TO HQ and
roda. Zapravo je TO proglašen oružanom silom dijela appointed its commander (a Muslim) and two of the
BiH pod muslimanskim nadzorom. Službeno, kao dan commander’s assistants (a Croat and a Serb). The com-
Armije RBiH obilježava se 15. travnja, uz obrazloženje position of the newly formed HQ reflected the national
da je toga dana 1992. došlo do ujedinjenja postrojbi composition of BiH, but it is worth pointing out that
TO-a i raznih bošnjačkih dobrovoljačkih formacija u je- the appointments were made for exclusively cosmetic
dinstvenu vojsku. TO BiH je u ARBiH preimenovana 23. purposes. The Territorial Defense was proclaimed the
lipnja, a naziv je u uporabi od 4. srpnja 1992. godine. armed force of the part of BiH under Muslim control.
Teritorijalna obrana u početnoj se fazi sastojala od Šta- Officially, ARBIH Day is observed on April 15, because
ba TO BiH, okružnih i općinskih štabova i postrojbi ra- on that day in 1992, according to the official explana-
zličite veličine i imena. Naslijeđeni okružni štabovi TO-a tion, the Territorial Defense and various Bosniak volun-
nastavili su djelovati u Sarajevu, Zenici, Tuzli, Goraždu, teer formations were amalgamated into a single armed
Bihaću i Tešnju (štab Doboj). Komandant Štaba TO BiH force. The Territorial Defense BiH was redesignated as
bio je pukovnik Hasan Efendić.233 the ARBIH on June 23 and the name has been in official
use since July 4, 1992.
230 Nihad HALIBEGOVIĆ, Činjenice o Patriotskoj ligi Bosne i The Territorial Defense, in the initial phase, con-
Hercegovine, autorsko izdanje, Sarajevo, 1994., 9. sisted of the HQ of the Territorial Defense, district and
231 Stručni leksikon osnovnih vojnih i ratnih političko-pravnih municipal HQs and units of varying sizes. The district
pojmova, Uprava za politička pitanja Generalštaba AR- HQs inherited from the Territorial Defense continued
BiH, Sarajevo, 1996., 166-167.
operating in Sarajevo, Tuzla, Zenica, Goražde, Bihać
232 Sefer HALILOVIĆ, Lukava strategija, “Matica”, Sarajevo,
1997., 148.
and Tešanj (HQ Doboj). The commander of the HQ of
the Territorial Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina was
233 ICTY: Predsjednik Predsjedništva BiH, Naredba PR br.
01-011 od 23. 6. 1992.; Hasan EFENDIĆ, Ko je branio Colonel Hasan Efendić.
Bosnu, Udruženje građana plemićkog porijekla BiH, The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegov-
Sarajevo, 1999.; Rasim DELIĆ, Armija Republike Bosne i ina consisted of the General Staff of the Armed Forces,
Hercegovine – nastanak, razvoj i odbrana zemlje, Vijeće district HQs and municipal defense departments, HQs,
Kongresa bošnjačkih intelektualaca, Sarajevo, 2007.,
dio I, 180-187. units and institutions tasked with providing support and


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Armija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine sastojala se security. There also existed the Supreme HQ (ŠVK) and its
od štabova (Glavnoga štaba Oružanih snaga, okruž- function overlapped with that of the General Staff. Rasim
nih štabova i općinskih štabova obrane), komandi i Delić holds the view that the ŠVK was given the wrong
postrojbi te ustanova za potporu i osiguranje.234 Osim function and that it illegally assumed certain authorities
Glavnoga štaba javila se i funkcija Štaba Vrhovne ko- which should have remained the sole preserve of the
mande (ŠVK) i njegova načelnika. Rasim Delić drži da je Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
ŠVK pogrešno funkcionirao i da je neovlašteno preuzeo The commanders of the General Staff were Sefer Hali-
dio nadležnosti Predsjedništva RBiH.235 Komandanti lović (also the chief of the ŠVK) and Rasim Delić.
GŠ-a bili su Sefer Halilović (ujedno i načelnik ŠVK-a) i The process of restructuring the Army of the Re-
Rasim Delić. public of Bosnia and Herzegovina into corps began in
U drugoj polovini srpnja 1992. počelo je osnivanje the second half of July, 1992. Five corps were formed:
operativnih skupina kao privremenih sastava ARBiH, I Corps for Sarajevo and the city’s environs, II Corps
a u rujnu je počela transformacija ARBiH na korpusnu for the Tuzla area and northeast Bosnia, III Corps for
strukturu. Osnovano je pet korpusa: 1. za Sarajevo i central Bosnia, IV Corps for southwestern Bosnia and
okruženje, 2. za tuzlansko područje i sjeveroistočnu V Corps for western Bosnia. The regional defense HQs
Bosnu, 3. za središnju Bosnu, 4. za Hercegovinu i ju- were subordinated to the Corps HQs within their oper-
gozapadnu Bosnu i 5. za zapadnu Bosnu. Komanda- ational areas. Operations (battle) groups existed within
ma korpusa podređeni su regionalni štabovi obrane the corps structure. These groups, once formed, were
u zonama njihova djelovanja. U dijelu korpusa, ope- rarely disbanded and those still existing at the begin-
rativne grupe dužeg trajanja postojale su do početka ning of 1995 were restructured into divisions. In June,
1995., kada su preustrojene u divizije.236 U lipnju 1993. 1993, VI Corps was formed out of elements of I, III and
od dijelova 1., 3. i 4. korpusa u sjevernoj Hercegovini IV Corps in northern Herzegovina and central Bosnia.
i dijelu središnje Bosne osnovan je 6. korpus sa sjedi- Its HQ was in Konjic. VI Corps was disbanded at the be-
štem u Konjicu. Ugašen je početkom 1994. godine.237 ginning of 1994. VII Corps was formed last, in April, for
Posljednji, 7. korpus, osnovan je u travnju za područje central Bosnia (wider Travnik and Bugojno area) from
središnje Bosne (šire područje Travnika i Bugojna) od elements of III Corps. At the end of 1992, the Air Force
dijela snaga 3. korpusa.238 Krajem 1992. formirano je and Air Defense was formed. With that, the creation of
Ratno vazduhoplovstvo i protivvazdušna obrana, čime the organizational structure of the Army of the Repub-
je zaokružena organizacija Armije RBiH.239 lic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was completed.
Na taktičkoj razini, u ARBiH je prvu godinu rata During the first years of its existence, at the tacti-
postojao niz postrojbi, od čete do brigade, neujedna- cal level, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
čenog nazivlja i sastava. Postupnim prelaskom na bri- zegovina comprised a whole plethora of company- to
gadni sastav nazivlje se usklađivalo s nazivom korpusa. brigade-strength units with mismatching designations
and complement. Gradually, in line with the restructur-
ing process, the designations were attuned to the nu-
234 ICTY: Predsjednik Predsjedništva BiH, Odluka o organi- merical designation of the corps in question. Most of the
zaciji OS RBiH br. 02-011-461/92 od 4. 7. 1992. brigades were numbered with three-digit numbers; the
235 Rasim DELIĆ, Armija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine – first digit designating the corps (for example 216). Some
nastanak, razvoj i odbrana zemlje, Vijeće Kongresa bošn-
brigades retained their one-digit numerical designation
jačkih intelektualaca, Sarajevo, 2007., dio I, 210.
(7th Muslim) or two-digit numerical designation (17th Kra-
236 ICTY: Predsjednik Predsjedništva BiH, Odluka o formi- jina Brigade).
ranju korpusa ARBiH br. 02-111-738/92 od 3. 9. 1992.; R.
DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 204-205. In terms of manpower, the Territorial Defense, lat-
er the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
237 ICTY: GŠ OS RBiH, Odluka o formiranju 6. korpusa ARBiH
str. pov. br. 14/76-7 od 9. 6. 1993.; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, steadily grew in size. At the end of June, 1992, there were
I, 379. 131,528 personnel in the Territorial Defense. At the end
238 Hasib MUŠINBEGOVIĆ, Remzija ŠILJAK, Kemo BEĆIREVIĆ, of the year the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
Operacija Vlašić, autorsko izdanje, Sarajevo, 1999., 24-29. zegovina had 205,097 men. At the end of 1994, 227,645
239 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 206. men served in the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Većina brigada imala je troznamenkasti naziv, gdje je Herzegovina. At the end of February, 1995, the number
prva znamenka označavala pripadnost korpusu (npr. of soldiers serving in the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
216.). Bilo je iznimaka i neke su brigade zadržale jed- and Herzegovina was 229,823.
noznamenkasti (7. muslimanska) ili dvoznamenkasti
broj (17. krajiška brigada). Mujahideen
Stalan rast brojnoga stanja bila je konstanta TO-a,
odnosno ARBiH. Krajem lipnja 1992. TO je imao 131.528 Foreign Muslim volunteers – Mujahideen – fought
pripadnika. Krajem godine Armija Republike BiH imala for the Bosniak cause in the war in Bosnia and Herzegov-
je 205.097 ljudi, na kraju 1994. godine 227.645, a kra- ina. They first appeared in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the
jem veljače 1995. godine 229.823 pripadnika.240 summer of 1992. For the most part they were men from
Afghanistan and Pakistan and they arrived in Bosnia and
Mudžahedini Herzegovina claiming to be humanitarian workers. The
Mujahideen in Bosnia and Herzegovina demonstrated
Uz muslimanske snage, u BiH od ljeta 1992. borili the Muslim concept of the holy war against infidels and
su se i strani islamski dragovoljci - mudžahedini. Naj- were the most efficient instrument of total war the Bos-
većim su dijelom stigli iz Afganistana i Pakistana pod niaks used against the non-Muslim population in central
obrazloženjem da su djelatnici humanitarnih organiza- Bosnia. The Mujahideen played the pivotal role in pro-
cija. Oni su u BiH demonstrirali muslimanski koncept voking the conflict with the Croats and were responsible,
svetog rata protiv nevjernika i bili jedno od najučinko- in some cases directly, in others indirectly, for the war
vitijih sredstava borbe protiv nemuslimanskog stanov- crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the
ništva u središnjoj Bosni. Odigrali su značajnu ulogu u Bosniak forces against the Croats. The Mujahideen were
izazivanju rata s Hrvatima i zločinima nad njima, kao a paramilitary formation and claimed to operate inde-
paravojna formacija navodno neovisna od ARBiH, u što pendently of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
je teško povjerovati. Izvori nedvojbeno potvrđuju da je zegovina’s chain of command. The Bosnian government
vrh muslimanske stranke SDA znao za mudžahedine te claimed the same thing but the available evidence does
da je podržavao njihovu nazočnost i djelovanje u BiH. not support the claim. The sources clearly show that the
U kolovozu 1993. su organizirani u Odred El mudžahid leadership of the Muslim party (SDA) was aware of the
koji je bio u sastavu 3. korpusa ARBiH. Mnogo toga oko presence of the Mujahideen on the ground and support-
njih još nije razriješeno, počevši od brojnog stanja koje ed and maintained their combat role in the war in Bosnia
se procjenjuje od nekoliko stotina do nekoliko tisuća and Herzegovina. In August, 1993, the El Mudžahid De-
osoba, te mnogo značajnijeg pitanja u kakvom su doi- tachment was formed and placed under the command
sta odnosu bili s vrhom SDA-a.241 of III Corps. It has to be pointed out that many aspects
of the Mujahideen’s involvement in the war in BiH are
shrouded in mystery, for example, the estimates of the
number of Mujahideen engaged in combat in BiH range
from a few hundred to a few thousand. More important-
ly, it is still not clear what the nature of the relationship
between the Mujahideen and the leadership SDA was.
240 ICTY: Uprava za org. mob. poslove Štaba Armije, Izv-
ještaj o popuni ARBiH str. pov. br. 4/48-1-1 od 12. 1.
1995.; ICTY: Uprava za org. mob. poslove Štaba Armije,
Izvještaj o popuni ARBiH str. pov. br. 4/48-10-1 od 24. 3.
1995.; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 214-215.
241 ICTY: ŠVK OS RBiH, Ovlaštenje, pov. br. 1/207-54 od 23.
7. 1993.; ICTY: ŠVK OS RBiH, str. pov. br. 14-75/86 od 13.
8. 1993.; Esad HEĆIMOVIĆ, Garibi: mudžahedini u BiH
1992-1999, Fondacija Sina, Zenica, 2006.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


FORCES 1992 – 1995
Hrvatske oružane snage
Croatian Armed Forces
Sarajevsko su primirje sukobljene strane iskoristile za
organizacijske promjene oružanih snaga. U siječnju 1992. All the belligerents took advantage of the Sarajevo
hrvatske su snage imale četiri djelatne brigade ZNG-a i 60
cease-fire agreement to restructure their armed forc-
pričuvnih brigada HV-a sa 155.772 pripadnika, 216 ten-
es. In January, 1992, Croatia had four active Croatian
kova, 127 drugih borbenih vozila i 1108 raznih topničkih
National Guard brigades and 60 Croatian Army reserve
oruđa. Do proljeća je HV rastao, tendencija je bila okrup-
brigades; in total 155,772 soldiers under arms, 216
njivanje parcijalnih sastava – bataljuna u nove brigade:
tanks, 127 other combat vehicles and 1,108 various
98. u Zagrebu, 159. u Zadru, 160. u Osijeku, 161. u Sisku,
artillery pieces. The Croatian Army had been experi-
162. u Petrinji, 163. u Dubrovniku, 164. u Starigradu, 165.
encing a steady growth by spring, 1992; the tendency
u Sunji i Brigadu vukovarskih veterana, odnosno 204. bri-
was toward amalgamating four battalions into one bri-
gadu u Zagrebu. Ustrojena je glavnina bojnoga postroja
gade: the 98th Brigade was formed in Zagreb, the 159th
HRM-a, uključujući pristožerne postrojbe pomorskih za-
in Zadar, the 160th in Osijek, the 161st in Sisak, the 162nd
povjedništava, mornaričko pješaštvo, lake baterije PZO-a
in Petrinja, the 163rd in Dubrovnik, the 164th in Stari-
i obalno topništvo. Unutar HRZ-a i PZO-a osnovane su
grad, the 165th in Sunja and 204th – composed of veter-
zrakoplovne baze na Plesu, u Puli i Zadru, mješovita zra-
ans of the Battle of Vukovar – in Zagreb. The bulk of the
koplovna eskadrila u Splitu, Brigada ZMIN, Zrakoplov-
fighting contingent of the Croatian Navy was formed,
no-tehnički centar i Zavod za zrakoplovnu medicinu.242
including HQ units, naval infantry, light anti-aircraft
U drugoj polovini siječnja Glavni stožer HV-a dao je
battery and coastal artillery. The Croatian Air Force and
smjernice za izradu strategijske operacije oslobađanja
Air Defense set up air bases at Pleso, in Pula and Zadar,
okupiranih područja RH u slučaju da to bude potrebno.
formed a mixed squadron in Split, an air surveillance
U odnosu na postojeću organizaciju operativnih sasta-
and navigation brigade, the Aeronautical Technical
va, promjena je bilo u zapadnoj Slavoniji, Lici i Dalma-
Center and the Institute of Aviation Medicine.
ciji. Operativna zona Bjelovar zadužena je da pripremi
In the second half of January the General Staff of
the Croatian Armed Forces issued guidelines relating
242 ICTY: Direktiva GSHV iz siječnja 1992. za izvođenje to the creation of a strategic operation for liberating
strategijske ofenzive Hrvatske vojske; SVA MORH, KMO: the occupied areas of the Republic of Croatia if such a
MORH, Zapovijedi kl. sp. 801-01/91-01/07, ur. br. 512- course of action became necessary. In relation to the
06-05-91-50 od 27. 12. 1991.; DT 801-02/92-01/01, ur. br.
512-06-02-92-22 od 8. 1. 1992.; kl. sp. 801-01/92-01/07, existing organization of the operative zones, changes
ur. br. 512-06-05-92-09 od 11. 2. 1992.; kl. DT. 801-02/92- were also made in western Slavonia, Lika and Dalma-
01/01, ur. br. 512-06-02-92-125 od 20. 2. 1992.; kl. str. tia. Operative Zone Bjelovar was tasked with prepar-
pov. 801-01/92-01/07, ur. br. 512-06-05-92-14 od 25. 2.
1992.; kl. str. pov. 801-02/92-01/07, ur. br. 512-06-05-92-
ing an operation in western Slavonia. The strength of
15 od 26. 2. 1992.; kl. 801-02/92-01/02, ur. br. 512-06- Operational Group Posavina was augmented for that
02-92-166 do 168 od 16. 3. 1992.; kl. str. pov. 801-01/92- purpose (commander of the OG was Brigadier Rozario
01/07, ur. br. 512-06-05-92-18 od 20. 3. 1992.:, kl. SP 801- Rozga). Operational Group Posavina retained its orga-
02/92-01/03, ur. br. 5120-07-92-03 od 13. 4. 1992.; kl. SP
801-02/92-01/03, ur. br. 5120-07-92-06 od 21. 4. 1992.; kl. nization and order of battle in the Novska area. The for-
sp. 801-01/92-01/03, ur. br. 512-01-92-967 od 5. 6. 1992.; mations in the Nova Gradiška area were organized into
SVA MORH, GSHV: Zapovjedništvo HRZ i PZO, Izvješće Operational Group Gradiška (commanders Brigadiers
kl. 119-01/92-01/01, ur. br. 5120-20/08-92-115 od 5. 9. Stjepan Slivar and Josip Mikšić) and the formations
1992.; SVA MORH, GSHV, Zap. OZ Zagreb, kl. 811-05/92-
01, ur. br. 1075-07/92-5529 od 8. 10. 1992. in the Pakrac area were organized into Operational


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

operaciju u zapadnoj Slavoniji, za što je ojačana Opera- Group Pakrac (commander Brigadier Josip Tomšić and
tivnom grupom Posavina (zapovjednik brigadir Rozario the representative of the commander Brigadier Đuro
Rozga), koja je zadržala organizaciju i sastav snaga na Dečak). Operative Zone Rijeka’s task was to prepare an
novljanskom području. Snage na području Nove Gradiš- operation in Lika. Operational Group Lika from Oper-
ke organizirane su u Operativnu grupu Gradiška (zapo- ative Zone Karlovac was placed under the command
vjednici brigadiri Stjepan Slivar i Josip Mikšić), a snage na of Operative Zone Rijeka. The HQ of the Croatian Navy
području Pakraca u Operativnu grupu Pakrac (zapovjed- and the forces of Operative Zone Split were tasked
nik brigadir Josip Tomšić i zastupnik zapovjednika briga- with operating in central and southern Dalmatia. Op-
dir Đuro Dečak). Operativna zona Rijeka zadužena je za erative Zone Split, regarding operational matters, was
operaciju u Lici, za što je dobila OG Lika iz OZ-a Karlovac. under the command of the HQ of the Croatian Navy
Zapovjedništvo HRM-a sa snagama OZ-a Split zaduženo until mid-November. In the second half of April, 1992,
je za operacije u srednjoj i južnoj Dalmaciji. Operativ- Operational Group Sava was formed as part of the
na podređenost Operativne zone Split Zapovjedništvu Operative Zone Osijek. The task of Operational Group
HRM-a prestala je sredinom studenoga.243 U drugoj polo- Sava was to defend the communication routes leading
vini travnja 1992. u sastavu OZ-a Osijek osnovana je Ope- from the Bosanska Posavina region into Croatia. The
rativna grupa Sava, čiji je zadatak bio obrana smjerova commander of Operational Group Sava was Brigadier
koji s područja Bosanske Posavine vode u Hrvatsku. Za- Josip Tomšić. The Slavonia Theater of Operations HQ
povjednik skupine bio je brigadir Josip Tomšić.244 U srp- started operating in July. It was formed for the purpose
nju je počelo funkcionirati Zapovjedništvo slavonskoga of commanding the HV and HVO forces in Slavonia and
bojišta, koje je osnovano da zapovijeda snagama HV-a i the Bosanska Posavina region. The HQ was in Đakovo
HVO-a u Slavoniji i Bosanskoj Posavini. Zapovjedništvo je and the commanders were General Stipetić and Briga-
bilo u Đakovu, a zapovjednici su bili general Petar Stipe- dier Ivan Tonković. The Southern Theater of Operations
tić i brigadir Ivan Tonković. Zapovjedništvo Južnoga vo- HQ was set up along similar lines. It was formed in April,
jišta bilo je slično zapovjedništvo, osnovano je u travnju 1992, for the purpose of commanding the HV forces in
1992. da zapovijeda snagama HV-a na jugu Hrvatske i the south of Croatia. It existed until November, 1992.
postojalo je do studenoga iste godine. Bili su mu podre- Sector Dubrovnik and the bulk of the HVO forces were
đeni Sektor Dubrovnik i glavnina HVO-a. Sjedište mu je under the command of the Southern Theater of Oper-
bilo u Pločama i Dubrovniku, a zapovjednik je bio gene- ations HQ. Its seat was in Ploče and Dubrovnik and its
ral Janko Bobetko.245 commander was Janko Bobetko.
U ljeto 1992. u HV-u je počeo proces demobilizacije, In the summer of 1992, the Croatian Army initiat-
preustroja HV-a i organiziranja Domobranstva. Prvi val ed three processes: demobilization, restructuring and
demobilizacije pričuvnoga sastava HV-a počeo je na te- forming of the Home Guard. On February 26, President
melju naredbe predsjednika RH dr. Franje Tuđmana od Franjo Tuđman instructed the Croatian Army to initiate
26. veljače, nakon čega je demobilizirano 21.336 vojnih the first phase of the demobilization of reserve soldiers.
obveznika. Kriterij za demobilizaciju bio je sljedeći: oso- 21,336 enlisted men were demobilized as a result. The
be zaposlene u tvrtkama i ustanovama od posebne važ- criteria for demobilization were as follows: persons em-
nosti za obranu države, a nužne su za njihov rad (isti je ployed in those companies and institutions that were
kriterij vrijedio i za razinu općina); osobe koje se nalaze of crucial importance for the country’s defense and
whose expertise was indispensable for viable function-
243 SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120- ing of said institutions (the same criterion applied at
05-92-02 od 19. 1. 1992.; ICTY: Direktiva GSHV iz siječnja the level of municipality); persons enrolled in educa-
1992. za izvođenje strategijske ofenzive Hrvatske vojske; tion courses and able to continue their studies; persons
SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 8/92-01/20, ur. br. 5120- gainfully employed in agriculture; persons employed
02-92-5 od 2. 2. 1992.; SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl.
8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120-05-92-241 od 17. 11. 1992. abroad and persons who had not done their compul-
244 SVA MORH, ZOZO, Zapovijed kl. 8/92-01/13, ur. br. 1076-
sory military service. On June 18, President Tuđman
33-92-22 (61) od 13. 4. 1992. ordered that 50% of the HV’s complement be demo-
245 Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske, Naredba br. PA7-74/1- bilized – 65,000 soldiers. In the event, 59,426 soldiers
92 od 30. 6. 1992.; J. BOBETKO, Sve moje bitke, 202. were demobilized. On October 19, President Tuđman


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

na školovanju i mogu ga nastaviti; osobe zaposlene u ordered another wave of demobilization. This time
poljodjelstvu i kojima je bio osiguran rad; osobe zapo- 40,000 enlisted men were to be demobilized. However,
slene u drugim državama i osobe koje nisu odslužile voj- only 24,596 enlisted men were actually demobilized.
ni rok. Drugom naredbom, od 18. lipnja, predsjednik RH By December 1, 16,657 Home Guard soldiers had been
odredio je demobilizaciju 50 % sastava HV-a, odnosno mobilized. At that point, 59,502 conscripts served in
65.000 vojnih obveznika, a demobilizirano ih je 59.426. the army. The Croatian Army was crippled by these de-
Trećom naredbom, od 19. listopada, trebalo je demobi- mobilization drives – too many competent personnel
lizirati 40.000 vojnih obveznika, a demobilizirano ih je had left and the army remained saddled with too many
24.596. Do 1. prosinca mobilizirano je 16.657 domobra- of those who either sought a career in the armed forces
na, pa su u operativnoj vojsci bila mobilizirana 59.502 or had no prospects worth the name in civilian life.
vojna obveznika.246 Demobilizacija je djelovala porazno In June, 1992, Operational Groups Sava and Vuko-
na HV – otišao je prevelik broj kvalitetnog ljudstva, a var were disbanded. In July, after UNPROFOR had sep-
ostajali su oni koji su životni poziv vidjeli u vojsci i oni arated the warring parties the following Operational
koji nisu imali izbora. Groups were also disbanded: Posavina, Gradiška, Pa-
U lipnju 1992. ukinute su operativne grupe Sava i krac, the Operational Group for Banija and Sisak and
Vukovar, a u srpnju, nakon što je UNPROFOR razdvojio the Sector Zadar HQ. Operational Group East Posavina
sukobljene snage, ukinute su druge operativne grupe: was disbanded in October and Operations Group Lika
Posavina, Gradiška, Pakrac, OG za Baniju i Sisak i Zapo- in November. The disbandment of units commenced in
vjedništvo Sektora Zadar. Operativna grupa Istočna Po- July and continued until the end of the year. Almost
savina ukinuta je u listopadu, a OG Lika u studenome. all independent battalions were disbanded (51st, 52nd,
Ukidanje postrojbi počelo je u srpnju i nastavilo se do 53rd, 55th, 56th, 59th, 65th, 76th, 77th and 83rd) and also
kraja godine. Ukinuti su gotovo svi samostalni batalju- some support battalions and some brigades: 1st Mech-
ni (51., 52., 53., 55., 56., 59., 65., 76., 77. i 83.), dio divi- anized, 98th, 100th, 107th, 117th, 118th, 129th, 134th, 136th,
zijuna za potporu i dio brigada: 1. mehanizirana, 98., 139th, 155th, 158th, 159th, 160th, 161st (the 57th Indepen-
100., 107., 117., 118., 129., 134., 136., 139., 155., 158., dent Battalion was not disbanded), 162nd, 164th and
159., 160., 161. (zadržan 57. samostalni bataljun), 162., 165th. The following motorized brigades were formed
164. i 165. brigada. Kao ročne brigade u kojima se izvo- as conscript brigades: the 104th in Varaždin, 111th in Ri-
dila izobrazba novaka organizirane su motorizirane jeka, 113th in Šibenik, 123rd in Požega, 15th Anti-armor
brigade: 104. u Varaždinu, 111. u Rijeci, 113. u Šibeni- Artillery Rocket Brigade in Križevci, and 16th Artillery
ku, 123. u Požegi, 15. protuoklopna topničko-raketna Rocket Brigade in Bjelovar. In the fall, the 204th Brigade
brigada u Križevcima i 16. topničko-raketna brigada u of the Croatian Army was redesignated as the 5th Bri-
Bjelovaru. U jesen je 204. brigada HV-a preimenovana gade of the Croatian Defense Council in Vinkovci. At
u 5. brigadu ZNG-a u Vinkovcima, a u Gospiću se po- the same time the 6th Brigade of the Croatian Defense
čela organizirati 6. brigada ZNG-a. Sredinom prosinca Council was in the process of being formed in Gospić.
1992. brigade ZNG-a preimenovane su u gardijske bri- In mid-December, 1992, the ZNG Brigades were redes-
gade HV-a, a krajem mjeseca u Varaždinu je osnovana ignated as Guards Brigades of the Croatian Army. At the
7. gardijska brigada. Do kraja 1992. i Domobranstvo je end of the month the 7th Guards Brigade was formed in
postalo bitna sastavnica HV-a. Osnovano je 16 domo- Varaždin. By the end of 1992, the Home Guard had be-
branskih pukovnija: 1., 2., 3. i 4. u Zagrebu, 5. u Osijeku, come an important integral part of the Croatian Army.
6. u Splitu, 7. u Zadru, 8. u Rijeci, 9. u Osijeku, 10. i 11. u Sixteen Home Guard regiments were formed: the 1st,
Vinkovcima, 12. u Sisku, 13. i 14. u Karlovcu, 15. u Šibe- 2nd, 3rd, 4th in Zagreb, the 5th in Osijek, the 6th in Split, the
7th in Zadar, the 8th in Rijeka, the 9th in Osijek, the 10th
and 11th in Vinkovci, the 12th in Sisak, the 13th and 14th in
246 Zap. 3. OZ Zagreb, Izvod iz Zapovijedi za ukidanje i de- Karlovac, the 15th in Šibenik and the 16th in Sinj. Some
mobilizaciju postrojbi kl. DT 801-01/92-13, ur. br. 5120- Home Guard companies and battalions were disband-
04/92-10-6 od 1. 3. 1992.; SVA MORH, Uprava za vojnu ed, but more new ones were formed.
obvezu i mobilizaciju MORH, Mobilizacija postrojbi HV,
kl. sp. pov. 801-01/94-01/63, ur. br. 512-35-11/10-94-1 od During 1992 a number of schemes for reorganizing
17. 2. 1994. the Croatian Army were made but none of them was


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

niku i 16. u Sinju. Osim njih ukinut je, ali i osnovan veći implemented. However, in December Operative Zones
broj domobranskih bojni i satnija.247 Karlovac and Bjelovar were redesignated as Operation-
Tijekom 1992. napravljeno je nekoliko planova pre- al Groups Karlovac and Bjelovar and placed under the
ustroja HV-a, no ni jedan nije prihvaćen, iako su u pro- command of the HQ of Operative Zone Zagreb. Already
sincu Operativne zone Karlovac i Bjelovar preimenova- in March, 1992, the Zagreb Defense HQ was formed as
ne u Operativne grupe Karlovac i Bjelovar i podređene part of Operative Zone Zagreb. The Zagreb Defense HQ
Zapovjedništvu OZ-a Zagreb. Unutar OZ-a Zagreb još was the successor of the former City HQ of the Territo-
je u ožujku 1992. osnovano Zapovjedništvo obrane rial Defense, that is, Operational Group Zagreb. Oper-
Grada Zagreba, koje je naslijedilo nekadašnji Gradski ative Zone Rijeka was redesignated as, in mid-Decem-
štab TO-a, odnosno Operativnu grupu Zagreb. Opera- ber, Military District Gospić, and the HQ was relocated
tivna zona Rijeka preimenovana je sredinom prosinca from Rijeka to Gospić.
u Zborno područje Gospić, a Zapovjedništvo je iz Rije- During this period the process of standardization
ke preseljeno u Gospić.248 of the ZNG brigades in terms of numerical strength
U tom je razdoblju počela unifikacija i preraspodjela and equipment began. The Croatian government be-
oružja i opreme u korist brigada ZNG-a, odnosno gardij- lieved that the UN peacekeeping force would do its
skih brigada HV-a. Procjene da će mirovne snage UN-a job and secure peace and later also the establishment
osigurati mir, a potom uspostavu pravnoga poretka Re- of the constitutional order of the Republic of Croatia
publike Hrvatske na okupiranom području dovele su do in the occupied areas of the country. That erroneous
zanemarivanja strategije razvoja oružane sile. To je na assumption led the country’s leadership to disregard
kraju 1992. dovelo do priznanja da nije napravljena kva- the need to steadily develop the armed forces. At the
end of 1992 Bobetko submitted a report to President
Tuđman in which he stated that the demobilization
247 SVA MORH, KMO: MORH, Zapovijed kl. sp. 801-01/92- process was flawed and that no proper armed forces
01/03, ur. br. 5120-07-92-17 od 26. 5. 1992.; SVA MORH, had been formed. In November General Janko Bobet-
GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 801-02/92-02/01, ur. br. 5120-07-92- ko sacked General Tus from the position of the Chief of
145 od 1. 6. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZOZS: Uprava za vojnu ob-
vezu i mobilizaciju, Zapovijed kl. SP 801-02/92-01/01, ur. the General Staff of the Croatian Army. With the new
br. 512-06-02-92-292 od 27. 6. 1991.; SVA MORH, KMO: chief the General Staff was gradually transformed into
MORH, Zapovijed kl. sp. 801-02-92-01/01, ur. br. 512- what it was supposed to be all along – a strategic com-
06-02-92-339 od 22. 9. 1992.; SVA MORH, KMO: MORH, mand. Emphasis was placed on educating and training
Izmjena mobilizacijskog razvoja kl. sp. 801-01/92-02/12,
ur. br. 512-01-92-1596 od 28. 9. 1992.; SVA MORH, GSHV: the army and its command cadres. The quality of com-
Uprava za ustroj, Izvod iz izmjena i dopuna mobilizaci- bat documentation increased dramatically.
jskog razvoja HV kl. sp. 801-01/92-02/22, ur. br. 5120-07- In 1993 the process of organizational changes in
02-92-5 (nedatirano); SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. the Croatian Army continued, but at a more leisurely
8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120-05-92-226 od 28. 10. 1992.; SVA
MORH, KMO: MORH, Zapovijed ur. br. 512-01-92-2292 od pace in comparison to the previous year. In the sum-
5. 11. 1992.; SVA MORH, KMO: MORH, Ukidanje i izmjene mer of 1993, by order of the minister of defense, the
mobilizacijskog razvoja HV kl. sp. 801-01/92-02/49, ur. existing tactical and combat groups (TG and BG) were
br. 512-01-92-2341 od 16. 11. 1992.; SVA MORH, KMO: disbanded and its personnel integrated into other for-
MORH, Izmjene i dopune mobilizacijskog razvoja HV kl.
SP 801-01/92-02, ur. br. 512-01-92-2649 od 15. 12. 1992.; mations. At the beginning of October the operative
SVA MORH, KMO: MORH, Izmjene i dopune mobilizaci- zones were redesignated as military districts. The areas
jskog razvoja HV kl. SP 801-01/92-02, ur. br. 512-01-92- of responsibility and order of battle of the formations
2688 od 16. 12. 1992.; SVA MORH, KMO: MORH, Dopune
in question remained, for the most part, the same.
mobilizacijskog razvoja HV kl. SP 801-01/92-02, ur. br.
512-01-92-2724 od 22. 12. 1992. One exception was western Slavonia. There, the 121st
248 SVA MORH, KMO: MORH, Zapovijed kl. str. pov. 801- Brigade of the Croatian Army from Nova Gradiška (Mil-
02/92-01/07, ur. br. 512-06-05-92-16 od 9. 3. 1992.; SVA itary District Zagreb) and the 127th Brigade of the Cro-
MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120-05- atian Army from Virovitica (Military District Bjelovar)
92-255 od 1. 12. 1992.; Zapovjedništvo OZ Gospić, Zapo- were placed under the command of Military District
vijed kl. 8/92-01/01, ur. br. 1079-03/1-92-01 od 12. 12.
1992.; Zap. OZ Zagreb, Zapovijed kl. 800-08/92-01, ur. br. Osijek. This new operational structure of the Croatian
1075-07/92-7850 od 31. 12. 1992. Army remained unchanged until the end of the war.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

litetna demobilizacija niti je ustrojena vojska.249 U stude- During 1994 the organizational structure of the
nome je general zbora Janko Bobetko zamijenio genera- Croatian Army was altered more significantly than
la Antona Tusa na dužnosti načelnika Glavnoga stožera during 1992. In 1995 the scale of alterations in the ar-
HV-a. Njegovim je dolaskom Glavni stožer počeo postaja- my’s structure was minimal in comparison to any previ-
ti ono što do tada nije bio – strategijsko zapovjedništvo. ous year. The Home Guard was completely reorganized
Započet je intenzivan rad na izobrazbi i osposobljavanju into 38 regiments. 14 of those were trained for offen-
postrojbi i zapovjednoga kadra, a borbeni dokumenti sive operations.
značajno su dobili na kvaliteti. Major changes also took place within the profes-
Hrvatska je vojska 1993. nastavila organizacijske pro- sional contingent of the armed forces of the Republic
mjene, ali u mnogo manjoj mjeri od prethodne godine. U of Croatia. At the beginning of 1994 in Military Districts
ljeto su po zapovijedi ministra obrane ukinute postojeće Osijek and Split the following independent guards
taktičke i borbene skupine (TG i BG), a ljudstvo je integri- battalions were formed: the 80th in Nova Gradiška, the
rano u postojeće formacijske sastave.250 Početkom velja- 81st in Virovitica, the 82nd in Osijek, the 83rd in Županja
če operativne su zone preimenovane u istoimena zborna and the 84th in Zadar. Another branch was added to the
područja. Područja nadležnosti i sastav podređenih sna- professional contingent of the armed forces in March.
ga najvećim su dijelom ostali isti. Iznimka je bila zapadna At the end of the month the process of the forming
Slavonija, u kojoj su 121. brigada HV-a iz Nove Gradiške of the 1st Croatian Guards Corps was initiated. The 1st
(ZP Zagreb) i 127. brigada HV-a iz Virovitice (ZP Bjelovar) Guards Corps combined ceremonial, security and com-
ušle u sastav ZP-a Osijek. Tom je promjenom operativna bat roles and existed outside the scope of the General
fizionomija HV-a zadržana do kraja rata.251 Staff of the Croatian Army. The 1st Guards Corps con-
Tijekom 1994. HV je prošao najveće organizacijske sisted of the 1st Guards Corps in Zagreb, the 1st Guards
promjene od 1992., a 1995. su promjene bile najmanje. Honor Battalion in Zagreb, the 2nd Guards Assault Bat-
Domobranstvo je potpuno reorganizirano u 38 pukovni- talion in Zagreb, the 3rd Guards Naval Honor Assault
ja od kojih je 14 osposobljeno za napadna djelovanja.252 Battalion in Pula and in the Brijuni, the 4th Guards Spe-
Velikih promjena bilo je i u profesionalnom sastavu cial Purpose Battalion in Zagreb. The 1st Guards Corps
Oružanih snaga RH. Početkom 1994. u Zbornim područ- was more than sufficiently logistically supported. With
jima Osijek i Split osnovane su samostalne gardijske boj- the forming of the 1st Guards Corps the following units
ne: 80. u Novoj Gradiški, 81. u Virovitici, 82. u Osijeku, 83. were disbanded: the Special Operations Unit of the
u Županji i 84. u Zadru.253 U ožujku je profesionalni sa- Ministry of Defense – “Zrinski” Battalion, Honor Guard
stav dobio još jednu sastavnicu. Krajem ožujka počelo je Squad of the Croatian Army, Special Operations Naval
osnivanje 1. hrvatskoga gardijskog zbora, koji je bio spoj Commando Company, 8th Light Brigade, 271st Naval In-
fantry Company, HQ of the Gakovo training center and
249 J. BOBETKO, Sve moje bitke, 364-365. Special Operations units of the General Staff of the Cro-
250 SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 8/93-02/04, ur. br. 512-
atian Army. The last changes occurred in the spring of
01-93-740 od 29. 3. 1993. 1995; the 80th, 82nd and 83rd Guards Battalions were in-
251 Raščlamba b/d na “Istočnoslavonskom bojištu” za 1993. corporated into the 3rd and 5th Guards Brigade, the 84th
godinu, Zagreb, 2001., 28. Guards Battalion was incorporated into the 9th Guards
252 SVA MORH, Uprava za ustroj, popunu i mobilizaciju OS Brigade and the 81st Guards Battalion became a head-
RH, Izvod iz Odluke ministra obrane, kl. SP 801-01/94- quarters unit of the General Staff of the Croatian Army.
03/30, ur. br. 512-06-07/21-94-6 od 9. 6. 1994.; SVA During 1994 both the reserve and active contin-
MORH, GSHV: Uprava za ustroj, popunu i mobilizaciju
gents of the Croatian Army underwent an intensive
OS RH GSHV, Izvod iz Odluke ministra obrane, kl. SP 801-
01/94-04/05, ur. br. 512-06-07/21-94-25 od 1. 8. 1994.; program of training and education. A number of exer-
SVA MORH, GSHV: Izvješće GSHV o stanju borbene cises were carried out; Krndija-94, Bandira 94 and Pose-
spremnosti HV-a u prosincu 1994. godine. jdon 94, to name just a few. For the purpose of training
253 SVA MORH, KMO: Uprava za ustroj, popunu i mobilizaci- and educating active duty soldiers the Training Center
ju OS RH, Ustroj br. 1104176 i Izmjene i dopune mob. raz- for Guards units was founded in Šepurine near Zadar.
voja kl. SP 801-01/94-03/17, ur. br. 512-06-07/24-94-24
od 8. 11. 1994.; SVA MORH, GSHV, kl. 023-01/95-02/05, In Pakoštani a recon-training camp was set up.
ur. br. 512-06-09-95-8 od 21. 6. 1995. The most significant structural changes regarding


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

počasne, osiguravajuće i borbene postrojbe, ali izvan

nadležnosti Glavnoga stožera HV-a. Zbor se sastojao od
1. hrvatskoga gardijskog zdruga u Zagrebu, 1. gardijske
počasne bojne u Zagrebu, 2. gardijske posadne bojne
u Zagrebu, 3. gardijske mornaričko-počasne posadne
bojne u Puli i na Brijunima, 4. gardijske bojne poseb-
ne namjene u Zagrebu i Opslužništva zbora. Njegovim
osnivanjem ukinuti su Specijalna postrojba Ministarstva
obrane Bojna Zrinski, Počasni odred HV-a, Specijalna
satnija za djelovanje na vodama, 8. lakojurišna brigada,
271. satnija mornaričkog pješaštva, Zapovjedništvo po-
ligona Gakovo i Specijalne postrojbe Glavnoga stožera
HV-a.254 Posljednje promjene bile su u proljeće 1995.,
kada su 80., 82. i 83. gardijska bojna uvedene u sastav 3.
i 5. gardijske brigade, 84. u sastav 9. gardijske brigade,
a 81. gardijska bojna postala je podstožerna postrojba
Glavnoga stožera HV-a.255
Godina 1994. razdoblje je intenzivne izobrazbe dje-
latnoga i pričuvnoga sastava HV-a. Izvedeno je nekoliko
metodsko-pokaznih vježbi, od kojih su najpoznatije Krn-
dija-94, Bandira-94 i Posejdon-94. Za izobrazbu djelatno-
ga sastava u Šepurinama kod Zadra u srpnju je osnova-
no Središte za obuku instruktora gardijskih postrojbi, a u
Pakoštanama kamp za obuku izvidnika.256
Najveće personalne promjene u HV-u bile su ti- Hrvatski vojnik, 1995.
jekom 1992. godine. U studenome je za načelnika
Glavnog stožera HV-a imenovan general zbora Janko Croatian soldier, 1995
Bobetko. Operativna zona Osijek promijenila je neko-
liko zapovjednika: generale Karla Gorinšeka i Josipa
Lucića, brigadire Vinka Vrbanca i Đuru Dečaka. Briga-
personnel occurred during 1992. In November Gener-
al Janko Bobetko was appointed Chief of the General
254 SVA MORH, GSHV: Predsjednik RH, Odluka br. PA7-61/1- Staff of the Croatian Armed Forces. A number of offi-
94 od 31. 3. 1994.; SVA MORH, GSHV: MORH, Izmjene i cers served in the capacity of commander of Opera-
dopune mobilizacijskog razvoja i ustroja OS RH kl. SP tive Zone Osijek: General Karlo Gorinšek, General Jo-
801-01/94-03, ur. br. 512-01-94-1259 od 29. 3. 1994.
sip Lucić, Brigadier Vinko Vrbanac and Brigadier Đuro
255 SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 8/94-02/04, ur. br. 512- Dečak. Brigadier Miroslav Jerzečić was replaced by
06-05-94-02 od 6. 1. 1994.; SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed
kl. 8/94-02/04, ur. br. 512-06-05-94-04 od 6. 1. 1994. Brigadier Josip Tomšić as commander of the Operative
256 SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapažanja kl. 8/94-02/04, ur. br. 512-
Zone Bjelovar. Brigadier Rudi Stipčić, General Božo Bu-
06-05/1-94-177 od 22. 5. 1994.; SVA MORH, GSHV, Ocje- dimir and General Petar Stipetić successively served
na stanja, borbene spremnosti i aktualne zadaće HV-a, as commander of Operative Zone Zagreb. Brigadier
kl. 8/94-02/04, ur. br. 512-06-01-94-12 od 3. 6. 1994.; Izidro Češnjaj was replaced by Brigadier Pavao Miljavac
SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 8/94-02/08, ur. br. 512-
06-15-94-30 od 1. 7. 1994.; GSHV, Ubrzano osposoblja- as commander of Operative Zone Karlovac. Brigadier
vanje zapovjedništava i postrojbi HV-a, zapovijed kl. Izidor Češnjaj replaced Brigadier Antun Rački as com-
8/94-02/04, ur. br. 512-06-05/01-94-227 od 23. 7. 1994.; mander of Operative Zone Rijeka. In Operative Zone
SVA MORH, Izvješće GSHV o stanju borbene spremno- Split Brigadier Mate Viduka was replaced by Brigadier
sti HV-a u prosincu 1994.; Ante GOTOVINA, Napadajni
bojevi i operacije HV i HVO, Zborno područje Knin, Knin, Ante Gotovina. General Nojko Marinović was appoint-
1996., 15-16. ed Commander of Sector South of Operative Zone


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

dira Miroslava Jerzečića u OZ-u Bjelovar zamijenio je Split. In October, 1993, Izidor Češnjaj was replaced by
brigadir Josip Tomšić. U OZ-u Zagreb zapovjednici su Brigadier Veselko Gabričević as commander of Military
bili brigadir Rudi Stipčić i generali Božo Budimir i Pe- District Gospić.
tar Stipetić. U OZ-u Karlovac brigadira Izidora Češnjaja A number of personnel shuffles also occurred in
zamijenio je brigadir Pavao Miljavac. U OZ-u Rijeka bri- 1994 and 1995 in the Croatian Army. The most signifi-
gadira Antuna Račkog zamijenio je brigadir Izidor Češ- cant change in that regard took place in mid-July, 1995,
njaj. U OZ-u Split brigadira Matu Viduku zamijenio je when General Janko Bobetko was sent into retirement
brigadir Ante Gotovina. Zapovjednikom Južnoga sek- and General Zvonimir Červenko was appointed Chief
tora OZ-a Split imenovan je general Nojko Marinović. of the General Staff of the Croatian Armed Forces. In
U listopadu 1993. zapovijedanje Zbornim područjem April, 1994, Brigadier Josip Tomšić was replaced as
Gospić od brigadira Izidora Češnjaja preuzeo je briga- commander of Operative Zone Bjelovar by Brigadier
dir Veselko Gabričević. Luka Đanko. In September, 1994, Major General Petar
Tijekom 1994. i 1995. dogodio niz personalnih pro- Stipetić was replaced by Major General Ivan Basarac as
mjena u HV-u, najveća sredinom srpnja 1995., kada je Commander of Operative Zone Zagreb. Ivan Basarac
stožerni general Janko Bobetko umirovljen, a načelni- was, in turn, replaced by Major General Marijan Maren-
kom Glavnoga stožera HV-a imenovan general zbora ković at the end of August, 1994. General Pavao Mil-
Zvonimir Červenko. U ZP-u Bjelovar brigadira Josipa javac was replaced by Major General Miljenko Crnjac
Tomšića u travnju 1994. na dužnosti zapovjednika za- as commander of Military District Karlovac in mid-Au-
mijenio je brigadir Luka Džanko. U ZP-u Zagreb u rujnu gust. At the end of July and beginning of August, 1994,
1994. general-bojnika Petra Stipetića na dužnosti zapo- Brigadier Mirko Norac replaced Brigadier Veselko Ga-
vjednika zamijenio je general-bojnik Ivan Basarac. Nje- bričević as commander of Military District Gospić. In
ga je krajem kolovoza 1995. zamijenio general-bojnik mid-September Major General Živko Budimir succeed-
Marijan Mareković. U ZP-u Karlovac sredinom kolovoza ed Major General Nojko Marinović as commander of
1994. dužnost zapovjednika od generala Pavla Miljavca the Southern Theater of Operations.
preuzeo je general-bojnik Miljenko Crnjac. U ZP-u Gos- The expected arrival of UNPROFOR fundamental-
pić krajem srpnja, odnosno početkom kolovoza 1994. ly redefined the role of the Croatian Army. Also, the
brigadir Mirko Norac preuzeo je dužnost zapovjednika Croatian Army altered its procedures and methods for
od brigadira Veselka Gabričevića. Na Južnom bojištu maintaining high levels of combat readiness. The level
sredinom rujna 1995. dužnost zapovjednika od gene- of combat readiness of the Croatian forces during 1992
ral-bojnika Nojka Marinovića preuzeo je general-bojnik pivoted on four ZNG brigades, a number of reserve
Živko Budimir.257 brigades and a significant number of tactical groups.
Očekivani dolazak UNPROFOR-a značajno je redefi- The chief of the General Staff’s order issued on April 10
nirao položaj HV-a i njegov način održavanja borbene initiated the process of the forming of the first tactical
spremnosti na visokoj razini. Borbena spremnost hrvat- groups. The formation of tactical groups was an organi-
skih snaga tijekom 1992. temeljila se na četiri brigade zational expedient often resorted to in 1992 and 1993
ZNG-a, nekoliko pričuvnih brigada i većem broju taktič- in relation to the reserve army. The role of the tactical
kih grupa. Ustrojavanje prvih taktičkih grupa počelo je groups was similar to that of the ready-for-combat JNA
po zapovijedi načelnika Glavnoga stožera HV-a od 10. battalions. The numerical strength of a tactical group
travnja. Taktička je grupa organizacijsko rješenje koje je was limited to 1,100 men, 10-12 transport and 80 other
tijekom 1992. i 1993. bilo razmjerno često u pričuvnom motor vehicles. Because the situation on the ground
was, more often than not, more difficult than anticipat-
ed, the concept of tactical group proved to be a failure.
257 GSHV, Zapovijed kl. SP 8/95-02/03, ur. br. 512-06-01-95- The creators of the tactical group concept did not take
20 od 14. 9. 1995.; Jure ŠIMIĆ i sur., Bjelovar u Domov- into account the geographical-tactical specificities of
inskom ratu – Svjedoci vremena, Bjelovarsko-bilogorska a given theater of operations or a given battlefield.
županija – Grad Bjelovar – Prosvjeta, Bjelovar, 1997., Furthermore, the inherenent flaws of the concept also
183.; M. MALEŠ, “Kronologija zbivanja”, 201., 212-213.; 1.
gardijska brigada HV – Tigrovi, 427.; 3. gardijska brigada stemmed from the fact that the quality of replace-
HV – Kune, 305.; 9. gardijska brigada HV – Vukovi, 426. ments was very low.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

sastavu Hrvatske vojske.258 Po svojoj namjeni taktičke su The bulk of the available forces of the Croatian
grupe podsjećale na gotove bataljune JNA koji su držani Army was deployed in the Southern and Slavonian
u stanju pune borbene spremnosti. Brojno stanje tak- theaters of operations. The HQs of the operative zones
tičke grupe ograničeno je do najviše 1100 ljudi, 10-12 had to cope with that state of affairs as best they could.
putničkih i 80 ostalih motornih vozila.259 S obzirom na The Croatian Army, on a 1,290 kilometer-long front
to da je stanje na ratištu bilo mnogo teže od predviđe- line, and in the context of tactical and operational
nog, koncepcija taktičkih grupa pokazala se kao potpu- depth, deployed 24 army brigades, 14 Home Guard
no promašena, između ostalog jer su stvarane po istom regiments, 9 independent Home Guard regiments, 15
obrascu, čije su slabosti izbijale na vidjelo zbog zemljopi- mixed artillery rocket battalions for support and an-
sno-taktičkih specifičnosti bojišta, kao i zbog nedovoljne ti-tank combat, 9 anti-aircraft artillery rocket battalions,
kvalitete ljudstva kojim su popunjavane. 6 Engineer Pontoon Battalions, helicopter squadron of
Glavnina raspoloživih snaga HV-a bila je angažirana the Air Force and Air Defense, up to three naval squad-
na Južnom i Slavonskom bojištu, pa su se zapovjedništva rons, two river flotillas and other, smaller formations.
operativnih zona snalazila na razne načine.260 In total, 76,467 men, 250 tanks, 711 rocket artillery
Borbena spremnost HV-a na crti dugoj 1290 kilo- pieces for support, 431 for anti-tank warfare and other
metara održavala se na taktičkoj dubini s dijelovima 24 weaponry were deployed in the summer of 1993. The
brigade HV-a, 14 domobranskih pukovnija, devet sa- Guards Brigades were deployed in Zadar’s hinterland
mostalnih domobranskih bojni, 15 mješovitih topnič- (the 3rd, 4th, 7th and elements of 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 6th Bri-
ko-raketnih divizijuna za potporu i protuoklopnu borbu, gades), in the area of responsibility of Military District
devet topničko-raketnih divizijuna PZO-a, šest inženje- Karlovac (1st, elements of the 7th Brigade and the 8th
rijsko-pontonirskih bojni, eskadrilom helikoptera HRZ-a Light Brigade) and in parent Military Districts. Until the
i PZO-a, do tri divizijuna brodova, plovilima dviju riječnih beginning of April elements of the 1st and 4th Guards
ratnih flotila i drugim, manjim sastavima HV-a. Ukupno Brigades operated in Sector South. Reserve forces, for
je u ljeto 1993. bilo angažirano 76.467 ljudi, 250 tenkova, the most part, were deployed in the area of responsi-
711 raketno-topničkih oruđa za potporu, 431 za protu- bility of their parent command units. The 133rd Brigade
from Military District Gospić and the 145th Brigade
from Military District Zagreb were deployed in the area
of Military District Split. Most Croatian Army brigades
were deployed in the Southern Front. Formations be-
258 SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120- longing to Military District Zagreb were there (144th,
05-92-31 od 10. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed 150th and 153rd Brigades) and also those belonging to
kl. 8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120-05-92-38 od 17. 4. 1992.; SVA
MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120-05- the northern portion of Military District Split (114th,
92-40 od 17. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 126th and 141st Brigades).
8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120-05-92-45 od 17. 4. 1992.; SVA In the spring of 1994, when the Zagreb Agreement
MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120-05- had been put into effect, the Croatian Army demobi-
92-77 od 21. 5. 1992.; SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl.
8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120-05-92-79 od 22. 5. 1992.; SVA lized 28,112 conscripts. For that reason, the army had
MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120-05- to be restructured so as to maintain its high level of
92-96 od 13. 6. 1992.; SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. combat readiness. In principle, the first defensive line
8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120-05-92-139 od 20. 7. 1992.; SVA
was defended by Home Guard units and reserve bri-
MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120-05-
92-150 od 27. 7. 1992.; SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. gades reinforced with elements of Guards and con-
8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120-05-92-158 od 4. 8. 1992. script brigades. These forces were deployed according
259 SVA MORH, GSHV, Formiranje TG i “B” brigada kl. 8/92- to a system of observation posts, reconnaissance pa-
01/07, ur. br. 5120-05-92-103 od 20. 6. 1992. trols and ambushes for the purpose of securing tacti-
260 SVA MORH, ZOZ Osijek, Borbena zapovijed kl. 8/92- cal control of the surveillance, security and maneuver
01/01, ur. br. 1076-33-92-124 od 2. 12. 1992.; SVA MORH, zones. Tactical reserve consisted of platoon- to compa-
ZOZ Osijek, Borbena zapovijed kl. 8/92-01/01, ur. br. ny-strength units. Other operational units held in re-
1076-33-92-125 od 16. 12. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZOZ Osijek,
Borbena zapovijed kl. 8/92-01/01, ur. br. 1076-33-92-127 serve were stationed up to ten kilometers beyond the
od 24. 12. 1992. maneuver zone in bivouacs and barracks.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

oklopnu borbu i dr.261 Gardijske su brigade težišno bile The Yugoslav People’s Army
angažirane u zaleđu Zadra (3., 4. i 7., te dijelovi 1., 2., 5.
i 6. brigade), zoni ZP-a Karlovac (1., dio 7. te 8. lakojuriš- According to the Croatian Army’s estimates, the
na brigada) i matičnim zbornim područjima. Do početka Serb forces in the occupied territory of the Republic
travnja u Južnom sektoru bili su dijelovi 1. i 4. gardijske of Croatia had nineteen JNA brigades and fourteen
brigade. Pričuvne su snage najvećim dijelom angažirane Territorial Defense brigades in January, 1992, with a
na matičnom području. Na području ZP-a Split bile su total of 59,500 men, 833 tanks, 522 armored fighting
angažirane 133. brigada iz ZP-a Gospić i 145. brigada iz vehicles and 901 artillery pieces. The Yugoslav People’s
ZP-a Zagreb. Najveći angažman bio je na Južnom bojištu, Army and formations under its command were consid-
na kojem su bile snage iz ZP-a Zagreb (144., 150. i 153. erably stronger. The Yugoslav People’s Army deployed,
brigada HV-a) i sjevernoga dijela ZP-a Split (114., 126. i against the Croatian Army in Croatia and eastern Her-
141. brigada HV-a). zegovina, at least 53 brigades, out of which three were
U proljeće 1994., nakon stupanja na snagu Zagre- armored, seven were mechanized and two were mixed
bačkoga sporazuma, Hrvatska je vojska demobilizirala artillery brigades for close support. This force num-
28.112 vojnih obveznika.262 Zbog toga je bio nužan novi bered around 145,000 men, 1,100 tanks, 700 other ar-
raspored snaga radi održanja borbene spremnosti na mored vehicles and around 1,980 artillery pieces.
potrebnoj razini. Načelno se crta držala s domobranskim At the beginning of January, 1992, the JNA’s orga-
postrojbama i pričuvnim brigadama te ojačanjima iz gar- nizational structure consisted of four military districts,
dijskih i ročnih brigada. Snage su angažirane po sustavu the Navy and Air Force and Air Defense. At the opera-
borbenoga osiguranja s promatračkim punktovima, op- tional level, within X Corps, the following formations
hodnjama i zasjedama s ciljem dubinskoga osiguranja were disbanded: the 1st and 3rd Operational Groups.
područja na taktičkoj dubini i pričuvama jačine voda do Three new Operational Groups were formed instead:
satnije u spremnosti za intervenciju. Na dubini većoj od the 6th Operational Group for Lika (Commander Slo-
10 i 20 kilometara u pričuvi u taborskim prostorijama i bodan Đorđević) the 7th Operational Group for Banovi-
vojarnama bile su ostale operativne snage u spremnosti na (Commander General Mirko Ratković) and the 8th
za intervenciju.263 Operational Group for Kordun (Commander General
Mile Mrkšić). In Lika and Kordun the 6th Lika Division
Jugoslavenska narodna armija
and TG-2 were disbanded. Elements of Užice Corps re-
mained in Herzegovina until March, 1992, when they
Po procjenama Hrvatske vojske, na okupiranom te- were withdrawn to Serbia. In the Air Force and Air De-
ritoriju Hrvatske srpske su snage u siječnju 1992. imale fense, V Corps operated until the end of April, and then,
33 brigade, od čega 19 JNA i 14 TO, s 59.500 ljudi, 833 for less than a month, the temporary command of 5th
tenka, 522 oklopna borbena vozila i 901 topničkim oru- Operational Group functioned within the Air Force and
đem. JNA i podređeni srpski sastavi bili su osjetno jači. Air Defense.
Ona je naspram HV-a u Hrvatskoj i istočnoj Hercegovini In March, 1992, the JNA developed the Kopaon-
imala najmanje 53 brigade, od kojih tri oklopne, sedam ik plan. The plan was a modification of the Sutjeska-2
plan. One scenario in the plan was based on the possi-
bility that the Croatian Army, in its attempt to liberate
261 Prosudba operativnog razvoja i potreba za pregrupiran-
the occupied areas of the Republic of Croatia, would be
je snaga i pojačavanja pojedinih pravaca, koreferat gen-
erala Franje Feldija za sastanak kod načelnika GSHV-a 23. assisted by the armed forces of Germany, Austria, Italy,
8. 1993. Hungary, Bulgaria and Albania. The JNA planned, in the
262 SVA MORH, GSHV: Uprava za ustroj, popunu i mobilizaci- case of a Croatian attack, to counterattack and advance
ju OS RH, Izvod iz zapovijedi Ministra obrane, kl. SP 801- as far as the western boundaries of the Republic of Ser-
03/94-02/11, ur. br. 512-06-07/40-94-7 od 14. 3. 1994.; bian Krajina. The HQ of the 2nd Military District would
SVA MORH, GSHV, Ocjena stanja, borbene spremnosti i
aktualne zadaće HV-a, kl. 8/94-02/04, ur. br. 512-06-01-
be in charge of the operation but would be designated
94-12 od 3. 6. 1994. the HQ of the Western Theater of Operations with the
263 SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 8/94-02/04, ur. br. 512- JNA forces belonging to the 2nd Military District and
06-05-92-134 od 13. 4. 1994. Territorial Defense forces in their areas of operations.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

mehaniziranih, 15 motoriziranih i dvije mješovite briga- The first plan of the rebel Serbs derived directly from
de topništva za potporu. Brojno stanje iznosilo je oko the Kopaonik plan in April, 1992. According to the rebel
145.000 ljudi, 1100 tenkova, 700 drugih oklopnih vozila Serbs’ plan, the Territorial Defense of the Republic of
i oko 1980 topničkih oruđa.264 Serbian Krajina would have to be ready to fight in a sit-
U prvim danima siječnja 1992. JNA je prešla na orga- uation where the JNA was in the process of withdraw-
nizaciju koju su činile četiri vojne oblasti, Ratna morna- ing from the occupied areas of the Republic of Croatia.
rica i RV i PVO. Na operativnoj razini unutar 10. korpusa The Territorial Defense was supposed to defend the
ugašene su 1. i 3. operativna grupa, a umjesto njih su Republic of Serbian Krajina relying heavily on the UN
formirane tri nove: 6. OG za Liku (komandant general forces and the Yugoslav Army.
Slobodan Đorđević), 7. OG za Banovinu (komandant ge- After the JNA had withdrawn from the front line
neral Mirko Raković) i 8. OG za Kordun (komandant ge- and handed the positions over to the rebel Serbs, it
neral Mile Mrkšić). Na području Like i Korduna ukinute su maintained a high level of combat readiness by utiliz-
6. lička divizija i TG-2. Na području Hercegovine dijelovi ing a system of forward detachments. These detach-
Užičkog korpusa su ostali do sredine ožujka 1992. kada ments were formed around reinforced armored, mech-
su vraćeni u Srbiju. U RV-u i PVO-u 5. korpus je funkcioni- anized or motorized battalions. There were nine such
rao do potkraj travnja, a potom je nepunih mjesec dana detachments in the 2nd Military District and a few in
djelovala privremena Komanda 5. operativne grupe.265 the 1st Military District. The JNA, just before it withdrew
U ožujku 1992. JNA je izradila ratni plan Kopaonik, from the front line and underwent a process of reorga-
koji je bio modifikacija ratnog plana Sutjeska-2. U jed- nization, formed, with its equipment and its Territorial
noj od opcija predviđalo se da će Hrvatskoj u pokušaju Defense soldiers, eight brigades of the Special Police
oslobađanja okupiranih područja pomoći oružane snage (Special Militia) in the Republic of Serbian Krajina. Al-
Njemačke, Italije, Austrije, Mađarske, Bugarske i Albanije. together there were 16,000 men serving in the eight
Plan JNA bio je da u slučaju hrvatskoga napada u protu- brigades of the Special Police. With these brigades the
napadu izbije na granice RSK. Za operaciju je bila zaduže- rebel Serbs held the separation line and maintained
na Komanda 2. vojne oblasti pod imenom Komanda za- their combat readiness. It has to be pointed out that
padnog vojišta sa snagama JNA iz 2. vojne oblasti i TO-a the existence of the eight brigades of the Special Po-
u njezinoj zoni djelovanja.266 Iz toga je plana u travnju lice constituted a serious breach of the provisions of
1992. izveden prvi ratni plan pobunjenih Srba. Po njemu the Vance Plan.
je Teritorijalna obrana RSK pripremana za borbu u okol-
nostima povlačenja JNA s okupiranih područja Hrvatske. The Serbian Army of Krajina
Predviđala se obrana s osloncem na snage Ujedinjenih
naroda i Vojske Jugoslavije.267 While in the process of withdrawing from the Re-
public of Croatia’s territory, the JNA formed the armed
264 ICTY: Komanda 1. vojne oblasti, Pregled sastava sna-
forces of the rebel Serbs. In early spring the JNA formed
ga str. pov. br. 1614-162 od 16. 11. 1991.; ICTY: Radna the HQ of the Territorial Defense of the RSK and six zone
karta rasporeda snaga 2. OG na dan 2. 12. 1991.; ICTY: HQs with subordinated units. The Main HQ was located
Materijal za referisanje komandanta 5. korpusa u GŠ OS in Knin and its commanders were General Milan Torbi-
SFRJ 3. 12. 1991. godine; ICTY: Direktiva GSHV iz siječn-
ja 1992. za izvođenje strategijske ofenzive Hrvatske vo- ca and General Mile Novaković. The Zone HQ of the Ter-
jske; HMDCDR: Komanda 10. korpusa, Pregled brojnog ritorial Defense of Northern Dalmatia was in Knin, the
stanja jedinica, Izveštaj str. pov. br. 3/15-36 od 17. 1. Zone HQ of the Territorial Defense of Lika was in Koren-
1992.; ICTY: Komanda 2. vojne oblasti, Referat o stan- ica, the Zone HQ of the Territorial Defense of Kordun
ju borbene gotovosti komandi i jedinica 2. VO str. pov.
br. 09/63-26 od 23. 1. 1992.; D. MARIJAN, “The Sarajevo was in Vojnić, the Zone HQ of the Territorial Defense of
ceasefire ”, 119-120. Banija was in Glina, the Zone HQ of the Territorial De-
265 D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 322-327. fense of Western Slavonia was in Okučani and the Zone
266 HMDCDR: Komanda Zapadnog vojišta, Direktiva koman-
HQ of the Territorial Defense of Eastern Slavonia was
danta Zapadnog vojišta za protivofanzivu DT br. 3-3 od in Vukovar. The following Territorial Defense brigades
17. 3. 1992. were formed: the 1st in Knin, the 3rd in Benkovac, the
267 M. SEKULIĆ, Knin je pao u Beogradu, 43-45. 4th in Obrovac, the 7th in Gračac, the 8th in Korenica, the


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Nakon što je predala crtu pobunjenim Srbima, JNA 11th in Vojnić, the 13th in Slunj, the 19th in Vrginmost, the
je visok stupanj borbene spremnosti održavala susta- 24th in Glina, the 26th in Kostajnica, the 31st in Petrinja,
vom prednjih odreda, čije su osnove bili ojačani oklopni, the 35th in Dalj, the 39th in Beli Manastir, the 40th in Vu-
odnosno mehanizirani ili motorizirani bataljuni. U sasta- kovar, the 45th in Mirkovci, the 54th in Okučani and the
vu 2. vojne oblasti bilo ih je devet, a nekoliko i u sastavu 145th in Plaško. The following detachments of the Terri-
1. vojne oblasti. Uoči povlačenja i transformacije JNA je torial Defense were formed: the 51st in Pakrac, the 59th
od svoje opreme i ljudstva TO-a osnovala u RSK 8 briga- for Daruvar, the 63rd for Podravska Slatina, the 73rd in
da Specijalne milicije, koje su imale oko 16.000 ljudi. S Vrhovine, the 93rd in Bruvno and the 98th in Jasenovac.
tim su brigadama pobunjeni Srbi držali položaje uz crtu The JNA also formed the Special Police Administra-
razdvajanja i održavali borbenu spremnost, premda je tion with eight brigades within the Ministry of Internal
njihovo postojanje kršilo odredbe Vanceova plana.268 Affairs for the rebel Serbs. The eight brigades were: the
75th in Knin, the 79th in Korenica, the 80th in Vojnić, the
Srpska vojska Krajine 83rd in Petrinja, the 85th in Okučani, the 87th in Vukovar,
the 90th in Beli Manastir and the 92nd in Benkovac.
Pripremajući se za povlačenje s teritorija Republike The JNA promised the international communi-
Hrvatske, JNA je istodobno formirala oružane snage po- ty that it would withdraw its soldiers and equipment
bunjenih Srba. U rano proljeće formirani su Glavni štab from the Republic of Croatia by May 19, 1992. It did not
TO RSK i šest zonskih štabova s podređenim postrojbama. happen that way. The rebel Serbs prevented the JNA
Glavni je štab bio u Kninu, a komandanti su bili generali from withdrawing the weapons and equipment be-
Milan Torbica i Mile Novaković. Zonski štab TO-a Sjeverna longing to the bulk of Knin Corps, elements of Bihać
Dalmacija bio je u Kninu, Zonski štab TO-a Lika u Korenici, Corps and elements of headquarters units of the HQ of
Zonski štab TO-a Kordun u Vojniću, Zonski štab TO-a Banija the 2nd Military District. The weapons and equipment
u Glini, Zonski štab TO-a Zapadna Slavonija u Okučanima thus acquired dramatically augmented the combat val-
i Zonski štab TO-a Istočna Slavonija u Vukovaru. Brigade ue of the Territorial Defense of the Republic of Serbian
TO-a su osnovane: 1. u Kninu, 3. u Benkovcu, 4. u Obrovcu, Krajina. New formations were added to the organiza-
7. u Gračacu, 8. u Korenici, 11. u Vojniću, 13. u Slunju, 19. u tional structure of the Territorial Defense. In November
Vrginmostu, 24. u Glini, 26. u Kostajnici, 31. u Petrinji, 35. u and December the army was reorganized. The Special
Dalju, 39. u Belom Manastiru, 40. u Vukovaru, 45. u Mirkov- Police Administration and police brigades (militia bri-
cima, 54. u Okučanima i 145. u Plaškom. Odredi TO-a bili gades) were disbanded and the personnel incorporat-
su: 51. u Pakracu, 59. u Daruvaru, 63. u Podravskoj Slatini, ed into the Serbian Army of Krajina. The operational
73. u Vrhovinama, 93. u Bruvnu i 98. u Jasenovcu. structure of the Serbian Army of Krajina was based on
Osim vojske, JNA je u sastavu MUP-a ustrojila i Upra- six Corps.
vu posebnih jedinica milicije s osam brigada milicije: 75. In November, 1992, the Territorial Defense was
u Kninu, 79. u Korenici, 80. u Vojniću, 83. u Petrinji, 85. u redesignated as the Serbian Army of the Republic of
Okučanima, 87. u Vukovaru, 90. u Belom Manastiru i 92. Serbian Krajina, or Serbian Army of Krajina. The most
brigada u Benkovcu.269 significant changes were redesignating the operative
Premda se JNA obvezala napustiti teritorij Hrvatske zones as corps and disbanding the Special Police Ad-
do 19. svibnja 1992., njezino povlačenje nije proteklo ministration whose equipment and personnel were
prema planu. Pobunjeni Srbi spriječili su izvlačenje na- incorporated into the Serbian Army of Krajina. The re-
oružanja i opreme glavnine Kninskoga korpusa, dijelova gional HQs of the Territorial Defense were incorporat-
ed into the commands and units according to orders
issued by the corps commanders. The HQ of the Terri-
268 ICTY: Završno izvješće Glavnog tajnika UN-a od 24. 11. torial Defense was redesignated as the General Staff of
1992. sukladno s Rezolucijom Vijeća sigurnosti br. 743 the Serbian Army of Krajina.
(1992.); D. MARIJAN, Smrt oklopne brigade, 167.
In its reorganized form the SVK consisted of: the
269 HMDCDR: III uprava GŠ OS SFRJ, Naređenje DT br. 892-2 General Staff of the Serbian Army of Krajina in Knin
od 2. 3. 1992.; HMDCDR: III uprava GŠ OS SFRJ, Naređenje
str. pov. br. 1349-2 od 26. 3. 1992.; HMDCDR: III uprava GŠ with headquarters units and six corps. VII Northern
OS SFRJ, Naređenje str. pov. br. 1943-2 od 28. 4. 1992. Dalmatia Corps was stationed in Knin; XI Slavonia-Ba-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Bihaćkoga korpusa i dijela podstožernih postrojba Ko- ranja Corps in Borovo Selo; XV Lika Corps in Korenica,
mande 2. vojne oblasti. S tim je oružjem i opremom zna- XVIII Western Slavonia Corps in Okučani; XXI Kordun
čajno porasla vatrena moć Teritorijalne obrane RSK.270 Corps in Petrova Gora; XXXIX Banija Corps in Glina. The
Organizacija TO-a dopunjena je novim sastavima, a Baranja Division was stationed in Beli Manastir. The 1st
u studenome i prosincu došlo je do nove organizacije Light Brigade was stationed in Vrlika; the 2nd Infantry
vojske. Uprava posebnih jedinica i brigade milicije su Brigade in Kistanj; the 4th Light Brigade in Obrovac; the
ukinute i uvedene u sastav SVK-a, koji je prešao na ope- 9th Motorized Brigade in Gračac; the 11th Infantry Bri-
rativnu organizaciju od šest korpusa.271 gade in Vojnić; the 13th Infantry Brigade in Slunj; the
U studenome 1992. TO je preimenovan u Srpsku 18th Infantry Brigade in Bunić; the 19th Infantry Brigade
vojsku Republike Srpske Krajine, odnosno Srpsku voj- in Vrginmost; the 24th Infantry Brigade in Glina; the 26th
sku Krajine. Najvažnija promjena bilo je preimenovanje Infantry Brigade in Kostajnica; the 31st Infantry Brigade
operativnih zona u korpuse i ukidanje Uprave i poseb- in Petrinja; the 33rd Infantry Brigade in Dvor na Uni; the
nih jedinica milicije, koje su s opremom i ljudstvom in- 35th Slavonia Brigade in Dalj; the 37th Infantry Brigade
tegrirane u SVK. Općinski štabovi TO-a ugrađeni su u in Darda; the 39th Infantry Brigade in Beli Manastir;
zapovjedništva i postrojbe po odlukama komandanata the 40th Infantry brigade in Vukovar; the 43rd Infantry
korpusa. Glavni štab TO-a preimenovan je u Glavni štab Brigade in Tenja; the 45th Infantry Brigade in Jankovci;
Srpske vojske Krajine. the 50th Infantry Brigade in Vrhovine; the 51st Infantry
Nakon preimenovanja i prestrojavanja Srpska voj- Brigade in Pakrac; the 54th Infantry Brigade in Okučani;
ska Krajine se sastojala od Glavnog štaba Srpske vojske the 70th Infantry Brigade in Plaško; the 75th Motorized
u Kninu s prištabnim postrojbama i šest korpusa. Sjedi- Brigade in Drniš; the 92nd Motorized Brigade in Benko-
šta korpusa su bila: Sjevernodalmatinskog (7.) u Kninu, vac; the 98th Infantry Brigade in Jasenovac; the 103rd
Slavonsko-baranjskog (11.) u Borovu Selu, Ličkog (15.) u Light Brigade in Donji Lapac. The detachments were:
Korenici, Zapadnoslavonskog (18.) u Okučanima, Kordu- the 59th for Daruvar; the 63rd for Podravska Slatina; the
naškog (21.) na Petrovoj gori, Banijskog (39.) u Glini. U Sisak-Caprag Detachment in Caprag. The 37th Infantry
Belom Manastiru je bila Baranjska divizija, a brigade: 1. Battalion was stationed in Korenica; the Border Battal-
laka u Vrlici, 2. pješačka u Kistanju, 4. laka u Obrovcu, 9. ion in Kneževo. The Intervention Battalions were sta-
mtbr u Gračacu, 11. pješačka u Vojniću, 13. pješačka u tioned in Željava, Slunj, Okučani and Borovo Selo.
Slunju, 18. pješačka u Buniću, 19. pješačka u Vrginmostu, The air force initially consisted of one air brigade
24. pješačka u Glini, 26. pješačka u Kostajnici, 31. pješač- and one air base. At the beginning of 1994 the Air
ka u Petrinji, 33. pješačka u Dvoru na Uni, 35. slavonska Force and Air Defense Division was formed.
u Dalju, 37. pješačka u Dardi, 39. pješačka u Belom Ma- In 1993 the Serbian Army of Krajina did not un-
nastiru, 40. pješačka u Vukovaru, 43. pješačka u Tenji, 45. dergo significant structural changes. At the Udbina Air
pješačka u Jankovcima, 50. pješačka u Vrhovinama, 51. Base the 105th Air Brigade was formed and with that
pješačka u Pakracu, 54. pješačka u Okučanima, 70. pje- the SVK acquired an air force. In the first half of 1993 an
šačka u Plaškom, 75. mtbr u Drnišu, 92. mtbr u Benkov- attempt was made to form the 1st Shock Brigade. The
cu, 98. pješačka u Jasenovcu, 103. laka u Donjem Lapcu. attempt failed because the plan was too ambitious and
Odredi su bili: 59. za Daruvar, 63. za Podravsku Slatinu because the corps and civilian structures vehemently
i Sisak-Caprag u Capragu. U Korenici je bio 37. pješački opposed it. In mid-November, 1993, by the Chief of the
bataljun, u Kneževu Granični bataljun, a bataljuni za in- General Staff of the Yugoslav Army’s order, the 40th Per-
tervencije u Željavi, Slunju, Okučanima i Borovu Selu.272 sonnel Center was formed. The purpose of the center
was to provide trained cadres for the SVK.
In a strictly organizational sense, the Serbian Army
270 D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 397-398. of Krajina was not significantly changed in 1994. In
271 HMDCDR: GŠSV RSK, Preformiranje Teritorijalne odbrane May the Independent Motorized Brigade of the Gen-
i posebnih jedinica milicije u Srpsku vojsku Republike
Srpska Krajina, DT br. 947-23/1 od 27. 11. 1992.
eral Staff of the SVK was disbanded and the headquar-
ters and battalions were placed under the command of
272 HMDCDR: GŠSV RSK, Preformiranje Teritorijalne odbrane
i posebnih jedinica milicije u Srpsku vojsku Republike the corps from which they had been taken. The most
Srpska Krajina, DT br. 947-23/1 od 27. 11. 1992. significant organizational change – the formation of


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Zrakoplovstvo se u početku sastojalo od zrakoplov- Special Units Corps – was made in the summer of 1995,
ne brigade i baze, a početkom 1994. osnovana je Divizija just before the collapse of the Republic of Serbian Kra-
ratnoga zrakoplovstva i protuzračne obrane.273 jina. Despite its designation, Special Units Corps was
Srpska vojska Krajine 1993. nije imala većih orga- in reality a battalion-strength unit. It was modeled on
nizacijskih promjena. U zračnoj luci u Udbini osnova- the Yugoslav People’s Army’s formation bearing the
na je 105. vazduhoplovna brigada, čime je SVK dobio same name and it consisted of HQ, the 2nd Armored Bri-
i zrakoplovnu komponentu. Pokušaj osnivanja 1. ju- gade, the 71st Special Brigade, the 2nd Guards Brigade,
rišne brigade u prvoj polovini godine propao je zbog the Mountain Battalion, the VP Battalion, and the Light
megalomanskih planova i snažnog otpora korpusa i Artillery Battalion of the Air Force. The HQ and the bulk
civilnih struktura. Sredinom studenoga 1993., po za- of the Corps were stationed in Slunj and the other ele-
povijedi načelnika Generalštaba Vojske Jugoslavije, ments in Knin. The commander of the Corps was Major
osnovan je 40. kadrovski centar, čija je svrha bila per- General Milorad Stupar.
sonalna potpora SVK-u.274 In mid-1994, the SVK had 300 tanks, 295 assorted
U organizacijskom je smislu 1994. bilo malo pro- armored vehicles, 360 artillery pieces of 100-mm and
mjena u sastavu SVK-a. U svibnju je rasformirana Sa- larger calibers. At the end of October, 1994, the numer-
mostalna motorizirana brigada Glavnoga štaba SVK-a, a ical strength of the SVK was between 20,000 – 25,000
komanda i bataljuni vraćeni su u sastav korpusa iz kojih men. In May, 1995, the peacetime contingent of the
su uzeti.275 Najveća organizacijska promjena, osnivanje SVK numbered 14,900 men and the wartime contin-
Korpusa specijalnih jedinica, napravljena je u ljeto 1995. gent 62,500 men.
uoči sloma RSK. Unatoč imenu, to je bila postrojba veli- There were a number of changes at the highest
čine brigade. Osnovana je po uzoru na istoimeni sastav levels of the army. General Milan Čeleketić replaced,
u Vojsci Jugoslavije i sastojala se od Komande, 2. oklo- on February 22, 1994, General Mile Novaković as the
pne brigade, 71. specijalne brigade, 2. gardijske brigade, Commander of the General Staff of the Serbian Army
Brdskoga bataljuna, bataljuna VP-a i lakog artiljerijskog of Krajina. General Mile Čeleketić remained in the post
divizijuna PZO-a. Komanda i glavnina korpusa bili su u until mid-May, 1995, when he was replaced by Colonel
Slunju, a manji dijelovi u Kninu. Komandant korpusa bio General Mile Mrkšić, the former commander of Special
je general-major Milorad Stupar.276 Units Corps of the Yugoslav Army.
Sredinom 1994. SVK je imao 300 tenkova, 295 raznih After the withdrawal of the JNA, the RSK was de-
oklopnih borbenih vozila, 360 topničkih oruđa kalibra fended by the Special Police brigades. The Special Po-
od 100 i više milimetara. Krajem listopada 1994. brojno lice brigades were effectively the army of the Repub-
stanje SVK-a bilo je u granicama od 20 do 25 tisuća bora- lic of Serbian Krajina and its members were soldiers
ca. U svibnju 1995. SVK je imao oko 14.900 ljudi po mir- wearing police/militia uniforms. The SVK maintained
nodopskoj, odnosno 62.500 po ratnoj formaciji.277 its combat readiness by frequently mobilizing reserve
Na najvišoj personalnoj razini bilo je nekoliko pro- soldiers. The overriding strategic emphasis of the SVK
mjena. General Milan Čeleketić zamijenio je 22. veljače was on defense, but nevertheless, offensive actions
were planned in mid-June, 1993. According to these
plans, the SVK would advance along the Vojnić – Karlo-
273 HMDCDR: GŠ SVK, Organizacijsko-formacijske promene vac line with the aim of cutting the Zagreb – Karlovac
SVK, Naređenje str. pov. br. 8-14 od 15. 2. 1994.
– Gospić communication line; along the Sunja – Sisak
274 HMDCDR: GŠ SVRSK, Naređenje str. pov. br. 299-1 od 28. line with the aim of destroying the industrial zone of
2. 1993.; HMDCDR: 105. vbr, Izveštaj str. pov. br. 1-6793 the city of Sisak; along the Jankovci – Županja line in
od 19. 4. 1993.; HMDCDR: Komanda 7. korpusa, Naređen-
je str. pov. br. 30-3680 od 23. 5. 1993.; ICTY: Naredba str. concert with the VRS Eastern Bosnia Corps with the
pov. br. 3087-1 načelnika GŠ VJ od 15. 11. 1993. aim of gaining control of the Županja highway. In No-
275 HMDCDR: GŠSV RSK, Naređenje str. pov. br. 8-26 od 28. 4. vember the General Staff of the Yugoslav Army issued
1994. a directive codenamed Drina for using the Yugoslav
276 KSJ, Naređenje pov. br. 2811 od 12. 7. 1995.; Davor MAR- Army, Army of the Republika Srpska and Serbian Army
IJAN, Oluja, HMDCDR, Zagreb, 2007., 38. of Krajina in a combined operation. The objective was
277 D. MARIJAN, Oluja, 38. to create the necessary conditions for the establish-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

1994. generala Milu Novakovića na dužnosti koman-

danta Glavnoga štaba SVK-a. Čeleketić se održao do
sredine svibnja 1995., kada ga je zamijenio general-pot-
pukovnik Mile Mrkšić, bivši komandant Korpusa speci-
jalnih jedinica Vojske Jugoslavije.278
Nakon povlačenja JNA jamac sigurnosti RSK bile
su brigade Posebnih jedinica milicije koje su bile voj-
ska preobučena u odore milicije. Borbena spremnost
SVK-a održavala se na mirnodopskom postroju i če-
stim mobilizacijama pričuve. Zamisao uporabe snaga
i dalje je bila odsudna obrana, s tim da su se sredinom
lipnja 1993. planirali napadi na sljedećim smjerovi-
ma: Vojnić – Karlovac, radi presijecanja prometnice
Zagreb – Karlovac – Gospić; Sunja – Sisak, radi uni-
štenja industrijske zone u Sisku; Jankovci – Županja,
radi presijecanja autoceste kod Županje u suradnji s
Istočnobosanskim korpusom VRS-a.279 U studenome
je Generalštab Vojske Jugoslavije izradio zajedničku
direktivu za uporabu Vojske Jugoslavije, VRS-a i SVK-a
pod imenom Drina. Cilj je bio stvoriti uvjete za uspo-
stavljanje “jedinstvene države srpskog naroda, sprečiti
stvaranje velike Hrvatske i kompaktne islamske države
na prostorima bivše Jugoslavije”. U tom je planu SVK s
ojačanjima trebao zadržati teritorij koji je nadzirao, a u
nastavku borbi napraviti značajne pomake u Slavoniji,
Kordunu, Lici i sjevernoj Dalmaciji.280
Pripadnici Srpske vojske Krajine, četničke paravojne formacije i
dobrovoljci iz Srbije i BiH. (Vojska Krajine, časopis SVK, 11. srp-
nja 1995.)
Members of the Serbian Army of Krajina and Chetnik paramili-
tary troops and volunteers from Serbia and BiH. (Army of Kraji-
na – magazin, July 11, 1995)
ment of the “unitary state of the Serbian nation, pre-
vent the creation of a greater Croatia and prevent the
278 HMDCDR: Kabinet Predsjednika RSK, Ukaz o postavljen- creation of a territorially compact Muslim state in the
ju br. 03-3-55/94 od 22. 2. 1994.; D. MARIJAN, Oluja, 38.
territory of the former Yugoslavia”. According to that
279 VSA MORH: GŠ SVRSK, Direktiva za odbrambena i ofan- plan, the SVK would be reinforced and its role would
zivna dejstva DT br. 72-1 od 15. 6. 1993.
initially be to defend its territory and in the latter stag-
280 ICTY: Uprava za operativne poslove GŠ VJ, Direktiva za
es to conduct offensive operations in Slavonia, Kor-
upotrebu Vojske Jugoslavije, Vojske RS i Srpske vojske
Krajine DT br. 75-2 od 14. 11. 1993. dun, Lika and northern Dalmatia.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Hrvatsko vijeće obrane Croatian Defense Council

U travnju 1992. nakon višemjesečnog djelovanja In April, 1992, after months of operating through
u općinskim štabovima Teritorijalne obrane i pričuv- municipal HQs of the Territorial Defense and police re-
nom sastavu milicije hrvatski oružani sastavi u Bosni i serve units, the Croatian armed formations in Bosnia and
Hercegovini su prozvani Hrvatskim vijećem obrane na Herzegovina were named the Croatian Defense Council
čelu s Glavnim stožerom.281 Do jeseni 1992. općinski with the Main Staff as its commanding organ.5 Until the
su stožeri bili dominantna ustrojbena forma HVO-a, fall of 1992 the municipal HQs were the dominant orga-
ukinuti su nakon organiziranja brigada HVO-a.282 Spo- nizational form of the HVO. They were disbanded after
na između Glavnog stožera HVO-a i općinskih stože- the reorganization of the HVO brigades. The operation-
ra, kasnije brigada, bile su operativne grupe i slična al groups and similar operational commands linked the
operativna zapovjedništva. U travnju 1992. osnovana Main Staff of the HVO with the municipal HQs (brigades).
je Operativna grupa za područje jugoistočne Herce- In April, 1992, the operational group for southeast Her-
govine. Za područje sjeverozapadne Hercegovine i ju- zegovina (OG Southeast Herzegovina) was formed. No
gozapadne Bosne operativna grupa nije formirana, pa operational group was formed for northwest Herzegov-
su na tom području postojala posebna zapovjedništva ina and southwestern Bosnia. In these areas operated
za Livno i Tomislavgrad. Za područje središnje Bosne s special headquarters for Livno and Tomislavgrad. On
dolinom Vrbasa 21. travnja 1992. formiran je Regional- April 21, the regional military HQ of the Travnik region-
ni vojni stožer Travničke regionalne zajednice sa sjedi- al community with its seat in Busovača was formed for
štem u Busovači. Potom je po zapovijedi generala Bo- central Bosnia and the Vrbas Valley. Then, by General
betka od 19. svibnja 1992. u Gornjem Vakufu/Uskoplju Bobetko’s order issued on May 19, 1992, Forward Com-
osnovano Izdvojeno zapovjedno mjesto (IZM) Srednja mand Post (IZM) Central Bosnia was formed in Gornji
Bosna, koje je koordiniralo i zapovijedalo snagama na Vakuf/Uskoplje. The forces in central Bosnia, the Vrbas
području središnje Bosne, doline Vrbasa te u općina- Valley, and in the municipalities of Prozor, Tomislavgrad
ma Prozor, Tomislavgrad i Posušje. Umjesto njega je and Posušje were under the command of Forward Com-
10. lipnja 1992. u Gornjem Vakufu osnovan Regional- mand Post (IZM) Central Bosnia. On June 10, 1992, the
ni stožer Srednja Bosna koji je u prvoj polovini srpnja Regional HQ Central Bosnia was formed in Gornji Vakuf.
preimenovan u Zapovjedništvo Oružanih snaga Sred- The newly formed HQ took over all the functions of the
nje Bosne sa sjedištem u Vitezu. Podređene su mu bile now defunct Forward Command Post (IZM) Central Bos-
četiri operativne zone, čija su sjedišta bila u Gornjem nia. In the first half of July the Regional HQ Central Bosnia
Vakufu, Vitezu, Kiseljaku i Žepču.283 was redesignated as the HQ of the Armed Forces of Cen-
tral Bosnia. It was stationed in Vitez. The four operative
zones with their HQs in Gornji Vakuf, Vitez, Kiseljak and
Žepče were subordinated to the HQ of the Armed Forces
281 Predsjedništvo HZ HB donosi odluku o osnivanju HVO-a
zbog “…nemoći legalne vlasti Republike Bosne i Herce- of Central Bosnia.
govine i posebno raspada njezinog obrambenog sus- The forming of the operative zones of the Croatian
tava…” (Odluka broj 0-I-03/92 od 8. travnja 1992.). Defense Council commenced in September, 1992. The
282 Glavni stožer HVO, Zapovijed br. 01-92/92 od 10. 4. process was initiated by the order of the commander
1992.; Odjel obrane HZ HB, Ukidanje općinskih stožera,
zapovijed br. 03-294/92 od 26. 12. 1992.
of the General Staff of the HVO. Four operational zones
were formed: Operative Zone Southeast Herzegovina,
283 HVO HZ HB, Odluka br. 40-09/92 od 21. 4. 1992.; ICTY:
IZM Ploče Zapovjedništva južnog vojišta, Zapovijed kl.
8/92-01/91, ur. br. 6030-02/92-1 od 19. 5. 1992.; ICTY:
Regionalni stožer Srednje Bosne, Zapovijed br. 23/92 5 The Presidency of the HZHB passes the Decision on the
od 10. 6. 1992.; ICTY: Regionalni stožer Srednje Bosne, forming of the HVO because “…the legal authority in
Zapovijed br. 27/92 od 10. 6. 1992.; ICTY: Zapovjedništ- RBiH is impotent and the defensive system of RBiH is in
vo OS Srednja Bosna, Redovno borbeno izvješće br. complete disarray…” (Decision No. 0-I-03/92 of April 8,
108/92 od 11. 7. 1992. 1992).


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Formiranje operativnih zona HVO-a počelo je u ruj- Operative Zone Northwest Herzegovina, Operative Zone
nu 1992. po zapovijedi zapovjednika Glavnoga stožera Central Bosnia and Operative Zone Posavina.
HVO-a. Ustrojene su četiri operativne zone: Jugoistoč- The area of responsibility of Operative Zone South-
na Hercegovina, Sjeverozapadna Hercegovina, Srednja east Herzegovina encompassed the municipalities of
Bosna i Posavina.284 Čapljina, Čitluk, Grude, Ljubuški, Mostar, Neum, Ravno,
Operativna zona Jugoistočna Hercegovina imala Stolac and Široki Brijeg. The HQ of Operative Zone South-
je zonu odgovornosti na području općina Čapljina, east Herzegovina was in Mostar and its commanders
Čitluk, Grude, Ljubuški, Mostar, Neum, Ravno, Stolac were Colonel Drago Poljak and Brigadier Miljenko Lasić.
i Široki Brijeg. Sjedište je bilo u Mostaru, a zapovjed- Operative Zone Southeast Herzegovina consisted of its
nici su bili pukovnik Drago Poljak i brigadir Miljenko HQ, the 1st Brigade “Knez Domagoj” in Čapljina, the 2nd
Lasić. Sastojala se od Zapovjedništva operativne zone, and 3rd Brigades in Mostar, the 4th Brigade “Stjepan Radić”
1. brigade Knez Domagoj u Čapljini, 2. i 3. brigade u in Ljubuški, the Mixed Artillery Battalion in Široki Brijeg
Mostaru, 4. brigade Stjepan Radić u Ljubuškom, mješo- and the Armored Battalion in Mostar.
vitog topničkog divizijuna u Širokom Brijegu i oklopne The area of responsibility of Operative Zone North-
bojne u Mostaru.285 west Herzegovina encompassed the municipalities of
Operativna zona Sjeverozapadna Hercegovina Bugojno, Gornji Vakuf, Jablanica, Konjic, Kupres, Livno,
imala je zonu odgovornosti na području općina Bu- Posušje, Rama and Tomislavgrad. It was headquartered in
gojno, Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje, Jablanica, Konjic, Kupres, Tomislavgrad. The commander of Operative Zone North-
Livno, Posušje, Rama i Tomislavgrad. Sjedište je bilo west Herzegovina was Brigadier Željko Šiljeg. It consisted
u Tomislavgradu, a zapovjednik je bio brigadir Željko of the Petar Krešimir IV Brigade stationed in Livno, the
Šiljeg. Sastojala se od brigada Petar Krešimir IV sa sje- Kralj Tomislav Brigade stationed in Tomislavgrad, the
dištem u Livnu, Kralj Tomislav sa sjedištem u Tomisla- Ante Starčević Brigade stationed in Gornji Vakuf, the Eu-
vgradu, Ante Starčević sa sjedištem u Gornjem Vakufu, gen Kvaternik Brigade stationed in Bugojno, the Rama
Eugen Kvaternik sa sjedištem u Bugojnu, Rama sa sjedi- Brigade stationed in Prozor and the Herceg Stjepan Bri-
štem u Prozoru i Herceg Stjepan sa sjedištem u Konjicu. gade stationed in Konjic. Also, the remnants of the HVO
U zoni su djelovali ostaci HVO-a Jajce kao brigada Hr- Jajce operated in Operative Zone Northwest Herzegovi-
voje Vukčić Hrvatinić.286 na as the Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić Brigade.
Operativna zona Srednja Bosna imala je zonu od- The area of responsibility of Operative Zone Central
govornosti na području općina Busovača, Donji Vakuf, Bosnia encompassed the municipalities of Busovača,
Fojnica, Jajce, Kakanj, Kiseljak, Kreševo, Novi Travnik, Donji Vakuf, Fojnica, Jajce, Kakanj, Kiseljak, Kreševo,
Travnik, Vareš, Vitez, Zenica i Žepče. Sjedište je bilo u Novi Travnik, Travnik, Vareš, Vitez, Zenica and Žepče.
Travniku, odnosno Vitezu, a zapovjednik je bio brigadir Its HQ was nominally in Travnik, and in reality in Vitez.
Tihomir Blaškić. Sastojala se od Zapovjedništva opera- The commander of Operative Zone Central Bosnia was
tivne zone, brigade Stjepan Tomašević u Novom Trav- Brigadier Tihomir Blaškić. It consisted of HQ, the Stje-
niku, brigade Ban Josip Jelačić u Kiseljaku, brigade Bo- pan Tomašević Brigade in Novi Travnik, the Ban Josip
bovac u Varešu, Travničke brigade u Travniku, brigade Jelačić Brigade in Kiseljak, the Bobovac Brigade in Vareš,
Nikola Šubić Zrinski u Busovači, brigade Kralj Tvrtko u the Travnik Brigade in Travnik, the Nikola Šubić Zrinski
Sarajevu, 110. brigade Usora u Usori, 111. xp brigade u Brigade in Busovača, the Kralj Tvrtko Brigade in Saraje-
vo, the 110th Usora Brigade in Usora, the 111xp Brigade
in Žepče, the Jure Francetić Brigade in Zenica and the
284 ICTY: GS HVO, Formiranje operativnih zona, Zapovijed Mixed Artillery Battalion.
str. pov. br. 01-2054/92 od 31. 8. 1992. Operative Zone Bosanska Posavina was formed after
285 ICTY: GS HVO, Formiranje operativnih zona, Zapovijed the HVO had suffered a defeat in Posavina and lost pos-
str. pov. br. 01-2054/92 od 31. 8. 1992.; Odjel obrane session of the city of Bosanski Brod. The operative zone’s
HVO, Izmjene i dopune mobilizacijskog razvoja br. 02-
1-116/93 od 24. 2. 1993.
HQ was in the Orašje Municipality and its commander
was Brigadier Đuro Matuzović. After the fall of Bosanski
286 ICTY: GS HVO, Formiranje operativnih zona, Zapovijed
str. pov. br. 01-2054/92 od 31. 8. 1992.; GS HVO, Zapovi- Brod the 101st, 102nd, 103rd, 104th, 105th and 106th Brigades
jed dj. br. 01-585/93 od 4. 4. 1993. were withdrawn to Orašje and Domaljevac. On the other


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Žepču, brigade Jure Francetić u Zenici i mješovitog top- side of the corridor were the 107th Gradačac Brigade of
ničkog divizijuna.287 the HVO and the 108th Brčko Brigade of the HVO.
Operativna zona Bosanska Posavina osnovana je The HVO also had a small professional contingent.
nakon pretrpljenog poraza HVO-a u Posavini i gubitka These troops were directly linked to the Main Staff. At
Bosanskog Broda. Sjedište je bilo u općini Orašje, a za- the beginning of September the professional contin-
povjednik je bio brigadir Đuro Matuzović. Nakon pada gent of the HVO consisted of the Ante Bruno Bušić Reg-
Bosanskog Broda izvučene snage 101., 102., 103., 104., iment with five battalions in the municipalities of Liv-
105. i 106. brigade grupirane su u Orašju i Domaljevcu. no, Žepče, Posušje, Široki Brijeg and Gornji Vakuf, the
S druge strane koridora bile su 107. brigada HVO-a Gra- Ludvig Pavlović Battalion in Čapljina, the Baja Kraljević
dačac i 108. brigada HVO-a Brčko.288 Antiterrorist Group, the Vitezovi Battalion in Vitez, and
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane je imalo i manju profesio- the training center for special purpose units in Ljubuš-
nalnu sastavnicu koja je bila izravno vezana za Glav- ki. The Tvrtko II Company was in the process of forming
ni stožer. Početkom rujna 1992. profesionalni sastav in Travnik. At the end of 1992, the professional contin-
HVO-a sastojao se od pukovnije Ante Bruno Bušić s pet gent of the HVO numbered 855 personnel – 85 officers,
bojni u općinama Livno, Žepče, Posušje, Široki Brijeg 91 non-commissioned officers and 670 soldiers.
i Gornji Vakuf, bojne Ludvig Pavlović u Čapljini, Anti- The Military Police was also an integral part of the
terorističke grupe (ATG) Baja Kraljević, bojne Vitezovi HVO. However, imitating the structure of the Croatian
u Vitezu i Nastavnoga centra jedinica za posebne na- Army, the Military Police of the HVO enjoyed a special
mjene u Ljubuškom. U Travniku je bila u formiranju status. The Military Police was formed at the begin-
satnija Tvrtko II.289 Krajem 1992. u profesionalnom di- ning of April, 1992, as part of the municipal formations
jelu HVO-a bilo je 855 ljudi, od čega 85 časnika, 91 do- of the HVO and operated under the umbrella of the
časnik i 670 vojnika.290 Military Police Administration. By the end of April, its
Po uzoru na HV, i HVO je imao Vojnu policiju s units were present in 25 municipalities. The formations
posebnim statusom, na čijem je čelu bila Uprava of the Military Police were organized into battalions,
Vojne policije. Osnovana je početkom travnja 1992. companies and platoons. The battalion was the largest
u sklopu općinskih postrojbi HVO-a. Krajem travnja formation. The 1st Battalion was an active formation
postojala je u 25 općina.291 Postrojbe Vojne policije comprising three companies: the Vitez Company, the
bile su organizirane u bojne, satnije i vodove. Bojna Ljubuški Company and the Livno Company; the 2nd
je bila najveća postrojba. Prva je bila djelatna s tri sat- Battalion in Livno was responsible for Operative Zone
nije (Vitez, Ljubuški i Livno); 2. bojna u Livnu bila je Northeast Herzegovina, the 3rd Battalion in Mostar was
nadležna za Operativnu zonu Sjeverozapadna Herce- responsible for Operative Zone Southeast Herzegov-
govina, 3. bojna u Mostaru za Operativnu zonu Jugo- ina, the 4th Battalion in Vitez was responsible for Op-
istočna Hercegovina, 4. bojna u Vitezu za Operativnu erative Zone Central Bosnia and the 5th Battalion was
zonu Srednja Bosna, a 5. bojna trebala je biti osnova- supposed to be formed in Orašje for Operative Zone
Bosanska Posavina.
In January, 1993, the HVO restructured its mili-
287 ICTY: GS HVO, Formiranje operativnih zona, Zapovijed tary-territorial structure. The municipalities of Konjic
str. pov. br. 01-2054/92 od 31. 8. 1992.; Odjel obrane and Jablanica with the Herzeg Stjepan Brigade from
HVO, Izmjene i dopune mobilizacijskog razvoja br. 02-
Operative Zone Northwest Herzegovina were joined to
1-117/93 od 24. 2. 1993.
Operative Zone Southeast Herzegovina. The operative
288 Odjel obrane HVO, Izmjene i dopune mobilizacijskog zones were redesignated as military districts on Octo-
razvoja br. 02-1-286/93 od 30. 3. 1993.
ber 14, 1993: Operative Zone Southeast Herzegovina
289 GS HVO, str. pov. br. 01-2138/92 od 11. 9. 1992.; GS HVO, was redesignated as Military District Mostar, Opera-
Izvješće o stanju u profesionalnom sastavu HVO dj. br.
04-4/92 od 31. 12. 1992. tive Zone Northwest Herzegovina was redesignated as
290 GS HVO, Izvješće ur. br. 01-240 od 4. 2. 1993.
Military District Tomislavgrad, Operative Zone Central
Bosnia was redesignated as Military District Vitez and
291 Uprava Vojne policije HVO, ur. br. 01-60/92 od 24. 6.
1992.; ICTY: Uprava Vojne policije HVO, Izvješće dj. br. Operative Zone Bosanska Posavina was redesignated
02-4/3-01-1941/92 od 26. 12. 1992. as Military District Orašje.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

na u Orašju za Operativnu zonu Bosanska Posavina.292 On the tactical level almost every municipality had
U siječnju 1993. HVO je promijenio vojno-terito- its brigade in 1993. This situation existed partly due to
rijalnu organizaciju. Općine Konjic i Jablanica s briga- local interests and partly due to the fact that the Bos-
dom Herceg Stjepan iz OZ-a Sjeverozapadna Hercego- nian Croats had to mobilize all available manpower to
vina ušle su u sastav OZ-a Jugoistočna Hercegovina.293 stand a chance of successfully resisting the Army of
Operativne zone su 14. listopada 1993. preimenova- the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Operative
ne u zborna područja: Jugoistočna Hercegovina u ZP Zone Southeast Herzegovina the Knez Branimir Bri-
Mostar, Sjeverozapadna Hercegovina u ZP Tomislav- gade in Čitluk and the Vitez Rafael Boban Brigade in
grad, Srednja Bosna u ZP Vitez i Bosanska Posavina u Grude were formed. The brigades consisted of person-
ZP Orašje.294 nel detached from the 4th Brigade. The brigade from
Na taktičkoj su razini gotovo sve općine 1993. do- Ljubuški retained its original name, the Stjepan Radić
bile svoju brigadu, dijelom zbog jakih lokalnih interesa, Brigade. In Široki Brijeg the Mario Hrkač Čikota Brigade
a dijelom i zbog totalne mobilizacije ljudskoga poten- and the Mixed Rocket Artillery Regiment were formed.
cijala u ratu s ARBiH. U OZ-u Jugoistočna Hercegovina The Independent Battalion Mijat Tomić was formed
izdvajanjem iz 4. brigade osnovane su brigade Knez around the remnants of the Herceg Stjepan Brigade
Branimir u Čitluku i Vitez Rafael Boban u Grudama, a from Konjic. Out of the Home Guard contingent the fol-
Ljubuški je zadržao ime dotadašnje zajedničke brigade lowing units were formed: the Home Guard Regiment
Stjepan Radić. U Širokom Brijegu osnovana je brigada in Mostar, Home Guard Battalion in Čapljina and Home
Mario Hrkač Ćikota i mješoviti raketno-topnički puk.295 Guard companies in Široki Brijeg, Ljubuški, Grude, Čit-
Od ostataka brigade Herceg Stjepan iz Konjica osnova- luk, Stolac, Ravno, Neum, Konjic and Jablanica.
na je samostalna bojna Mijat Tomić. Od Domobranstva In Operative Zone Northwest Herzegovina men were
u Mostaru je osnovana Domobranska pukovnija, u Ča- detached from the Posušje Battalion of the Kralj Tomislav
pljini Domobranska bojna, a u Širokom Brijegu, Ljubuš- Brigade to form the 5th Brigade of the HVO. In the sum-
kom, Grudama, Čitluku, Stocu, Ravnom, Neumu, Konji- mer of 1993, the Lašva Battalion was formed with sol-
cu i Jablanici domobranske satnije.296 diers from central Bosnia. The Lašva Battalion was sta-
U OZ-u Sjeverozapadna Hercegovina izdvaja- tioned in Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje. In Posušje, Gornji Vakuf
njem vojnika iz Bojne Posušje iz brigade Kralj Tomi- and Tomislavgrad Home Guard companies were formed.
slav osnovana je 5. brigada HVO-a.297 U ljeto 1993. In Livno, Tomislavgrad and Prozor Home Guard Battalion
were formed. In Bugojno a Home Guard regiment was in
the process of being formed. In Operative Zone Central
292 Uprava Vojne policije HVO, Zapovijed br. 01-1319/92 od
27. 9. 1992.; Uprava VP HVO, Izvješće Vojne policije HVO Bosnia the Kotromanić Brigade in Kakanj, the Frankopan
HZ HB dj. br. 02-4/3-01-1941/92 od 26. 12. 1992. Brigade in Travnik, the Vitez Brigade in Vitez and the Zeni-
293 GS HVO, Brigada “Herceg-Stjepan”, Konjic Jablanica, ca Brigade in Zenica were formed. Also, the logistics base
pretpočinjavanje dj. br. 01-05/93 od 7. 1. 1993. in Novi Travnik was set up. Out of the Home Guard con-
294 Ured predsjednika HR HB, Zapovijed, br. UP 00223/93 tingent Home Guard battalions were formed in Kiseljak,
od 14. 10. 1993. Komušina, Travnik, Žepče and Home Guard companies in
295 GS HVO, Zapovijed ur. br. 02-2/1-01-1190/93 od 23. 6. Busovača, Fojnica, Kreševo, Novi Travnik, Vareš, Vitez and
1993.; GS HVO, Zapovijed ur. br. 02-2/1-01-1192/93 od Zenica. Operative Zone Bosanska Posavina was enlarged
23. 6. 1993.; Odjel obrane HVO, Izmjene i dopune mob.
in spring, 1993, by establishing a logistics base in Orašje
razvoja br. 02-1-717/93 od 28. 6. 1993.; Odjel obrane
HVO, Izmjene i dopune mobilizacijskog razvoja br. 02- and by incorporating the 115th Brigade of the HVO from
1-718/93 od 28. 6. 1993.; Odjel obrane HVO, Izmjene i Tuzla into its order of battle.
dopune mobilizacijskog razvoja br. 02-1-719/93 od 28. During 1993 the situation in the professional units
6. 1993.; Odjel obrane HVO, Izmjene i dopune mobili- was fluid. By order of the Head of the War Defense De-
zacijskog razvoja br. 02-1-720/93 od 28. 6. 1993.; OZ JiH,
Zapovijed, str. pov. br. 01-2360/93 od 14. 4. 1993.; Odjel partment of February 16, a company was formed out of
obrane HVO, str. pov. br. 02-1-612/93 od 14. 6. 1993. the soldiers belonging to Jusuf Juka Prazina’s group who
296 GS HVO, Analiza preustroja HVO-a kl. 818-01/94-02/10, had survived the retreat from Igman. That company exist-
ur. br. 02-10-18-94-54 od 7. 7. 1994. ed until mid-year. Attempts were made to form one com-
297 GS HVO, Zapovijed dj. br. 01-585/93 od 4. 4. 1993. pany-strength unit (Operative Zone Bosanska Posavina,


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

od vojnika iz središnje Bosne osnovana je Lašvan- Bugojno, Čapljina, Ljubuški) and one battalion-strength
ska bojna, koja je smještena na području Gornjeg unit (Livno) in a number of reserve brigades. In mid-Sep-
Vakufa/Uskoplja.298 U Bugojnu je počelo osnivanje tember, 1993, the professional contingent numbered
domobranske pukovnije, u Livnu, Tomislavgradu i 1,398 men; 529 men in the Penal Battalion, 84 men in the
Prozoru osnovane su domobranske bojne, a u Po- Baja Kraljević Anti-terrorist Group, 153 men in the Ludvig
sušju, Gornjem Vakufu i Tomislavgradu domobranske Pavlović Battalion, 56 men in the Croatian Legion of Hon-
satnije.299 U OZ-u Srednja Bosna osnovane su brigade or, 501 men in the Bruno Bušić Regiment and 75 men in
Kotromanić u Kaknju, Frankopan u Travniku, Viteška u the Grdani anti-terrorist group. On December 23, Gener-
Vitezu i Zenička u Zenici, te Logistička baza u Novom al Roso ordered the disbandment of all special purpose
Travniku.300 Od Domobranstva su osnovane domo- units with the exception of the Ludvig Pavlović Battalion
branske bojne u Kiseljaku, Komušini, Travniku i Žepču and the Ante Bruno Bušić Regiment. These units were
te domobranske satnije u Busovači, Fojnici, Kreševu, supposed to form the core of two guards brigades.
Novom Travniku, Varešu, Vitezu i Zenici.301 Operativna In the second half of 1993, the Military Police under-
zona OZ-a Bosanska Posavina proširena je u proljeće went significant changes. Three light battalions “as strict-
1993. osnivanjem Logističke baze u Orašju i pridoda- ly military units capable of operating in the entire area of
vanjem 115. brigade HVO-a iz Tuzle.302 the HZ HB” were formed. The formation of the three light
Tijekom 1993. stanje u profesionalnim postrojba- battalions was to be a stepping stone towards forming
ma brzo se mijenjalo. Od ljudstva Jusufa Juke Prazine, the Light Brigade of the Military Police modeled on the
koje se izvuklo s Igmana po zapovijedi predstojnika equivalent formation in the Armed Forces of the Repub-
Odjela obrane od 16. veljače, formirana je satnija koja lic of Croatia. However, the Light Brigade of the Military
je postojala do sredine godine.303 Bilo je pokušaja da se Police was never formed. With the forming of the three
pri pričuvnim brigadama osnuje postrojba jačine satni- light battalions the other battalions were given new nu-
je (OZ Bosanska Posavina, Bugojno, Čapljina, Ljubuški) merical designations: 5th Battalion in Mostar, 6th Battalion
i bojne (Livno).304 Sredinom rujna 1993. profesionalni in Tomislavgrad, 7th Battalion in Vitez and 8th Battalion in
je sastav imao 1398 ljudi: 529 u Kažnjeničkoj bojni, 84 Orašje. At the beginning of December, 1993, the Military
u ATG-u Baja Kraljević, 153 u bojni Ludvig Pavlović, 56 Police reverted, for the most part, to the organizational
u Hrvatskoj legiji časti, 501 u pukovniji Bruno Bušić i 75 structure in had before July 1, 1993.
Many personnel changes took place due to the
Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s offen-
298 Odjel obrane HVO, Izmjene i dopune mobilizacijskog
razvoja br. 02-1-909/93 od 28. 7. 1993. sive and consequent loss of territory. In the summer of
299 GS HVO, Analiza preustroja HVO-a kl. 818-01/94-02/10, 1993, the function of the commander of the Main Staff
ur. br. 02-10-18-94-54 od 7. 7. 1994. of the HVO was introduced into the chain of command.
300 Odjel obrane HVO, Izmjene i dopune mobilizacijskog With that, Chief of the Main Staff of the HVO was not the
razvoja br. 02-1-280/93 od 28. 3. 1993. highest post in the chain of command anymore – the
301 GS HVO, Analiza preustroja HVO-a, kl. 818-01/94-02/10, function, in order of importance, was below that of the
ur. br. 02-10-18-94-54 od 7. 7. 1994. Commander and Deputy Commander of the Main Staff
302 Odjel obrane HVO, Izmjene i dopune mobilizacijskog of the HVO. The commanders of the Main Staff of the
razvoja br. 02-1-286/93 od 30. 3. 1993.; Odjel obrane HVO were General Slobodan Praljak and General Ante
HVO, Izmjene i dopune mobilizacijskog razvoja br. 02-
Roso. Deputy Commander was General Milivoj Petkov-
1-320/93 od 3. 4. 1993.
ić (until the appointment of General Praljak he was the
303 Odjel obrane HVO, Ustroj postrojbe, zapovijed br. 02-1-
chief of the Main Staff of the HVO) and the chief of the
57/93 od 16. 2. 1993.
Main Staff of the HVO was General Žarko Tole. In the fall
304 GS HVO, Izmjena zapovijedi dj. br. 01-249/93 od 6. 2.
1993.; Odjel obrane HVO, Izmjene i dopune mobilizaci- Croatian Army officers were transferred to the HVO and
jskog razvoja br. 02-1-114/93 od 24. 2. 1993.; GS HVO, given commissions as unit commanders and as mem-
Zapovijed ur. br. 01-560/93 od 31. 3. 1993.; Odjel obrane, bers of HQs of military districts and the Main Staff of the
Izmjene i dopune mobilizacijskog razvoja br. 02-1-288/93 HVO. With the arrival of these officers the Main Staff was
od 1. 4. 1993.; GS HVO, Zapovijed ur. br. 01-582/93 od 3.
4. 1993.; Odjel obrane HVO, Izmjene i dopune mobilizaci- gradually restructured along the lines of the General
jskog razvoja br. 02-1-615/93 od 15. 6. 1993. Staff of the Croatian Army. The aim was to ensure that


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

u ATH-u Grdani.305 Kraj malih profesionalnih sastava the Main Staff would live up to its name. Brigadier Željko
počeo je zapovijeđu generala Ante Rose od 23. pro- Šiljeg was replaced as commander of the Military District
sinca 1993., da se rasformiraju sve postrojbe posebne Tomislavgrad by Colonel Zvonimir Skender.
namjene s iznimkom bojne Ludvig Pavlović i pukovnije In 1994 the HVO was restructured more thoroughly
Ante Bruno Bušić.306 Za njih se planiralo da budu okosni- than at any given point previously. Again the model for
ca dviju gardijskih brigada. the restructuring process was borrowed from the Croa-
U drugoj polovini 1993. Vojna policija doživjela tian Army. The bedrock of the process was the formation
je velike promjene. Osnovane su tri lakojurišne bojne of the military districts. Military District Mostar consisted
kao “čisto vojne postrojbe koje su u stanju operirati of the 2nd Guards Brigade in Mostar, the 50th Home Guard
po cijelom prostoru HZ HB”. Osnivanjem lakojurišnih Regiment in Čapljina, the 51st Home Guard Regiment in
bojni nastojalo se formirati lakojurišnu brigadu Vojne Ljubuški, the 56th Home Guard Regiment in Konjic, the
policije po uzoru na istu takvu u Oružanim snagama 81st and 82nd Home Guard Regiments in Mostar and the
RH, što nije realizirano. Formiranjem lakojurišnih boj- 83rd Home Guard Regiment in Široki Brijeg, the 40th Home
ni ostale bojne dobile su nove numeracije: V. bojna u Guard Battalion in Grude, the 41st Home Guard Battalion
Mostaru, VI. bojna u Tomislavgradu, VII. bojna u Vitezu in Čitluk, the 72nd Signal Company, the 12th Anti-aircraft
i VIII. bojna u Orašju.307 Početkom prosinca 1993. Vojna Artillery Rocket Battery, the 3rd Military Police Battalion,
je policija uglavnom vraćena u okvire koje je imala prije and Logistics Base Mostar.
1. srpnja 1993. godine.308 Military District Tomislavgrad consisted of the 1st
Učinjene su i brojne personalne promjene zbog Guards Brigade in Čapljina (Livno), the 1st Home Guard
ofenzive Armije RBiH i gubitka teritorija. U ljeto 1993. Regiment in Posušje, the 55th Home Guard Regiment
uvedena je funkcija zapovjednika Glavnoga stožera in Tomislavgrad (Kupres), the 79th Home Guard Regi-
HVO-a, kojom je načelnik GSHVO-a potisnut na dru- ment in Tomislavgrad, the 80th Home Guard Regiment
go, odnosno treće mjesto jer je ustanovljena i funk- in Livno, the 42nd Home Guard Battalion in Rama, the
cija zamjenika zapovjednika GSHVO-a. Zapovjednici 43rd Home Guard Battalion in Uskoplje, the 2nd Military
GS-a bili su generali Slobodan Praljak i Ante Roso. Police Battalion in Livno, the 71st Signal Company, the
Zamjenik zapovjednika bio je general Milivoj Pet- 14th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Rocket Battery and Logistics
ković (do dolaska generala Praljka bio je načelnik Base Tomislavgrad.
GSHVO-a), a načelnik GS-a general Žarko Tole. U je- Military District Vitez consisted of the 3rd Guards
sen je HVO pojačan časnicima koji su iz HV-a prešli Brigade in Vitez, the 90th Home Guard Regiment in Novi
u HVO na dužnosti zapovjednika postrojbi i časnika Travnik, the 91st Home Guard Regiment in Nova Bila, the
u zapovjedništvima zbornih područja i GSHVO-a. Nji- 92nd Home Guard Regiment in Vitez, the 93rd Home Guard
hovim dolaskom GS je postupno ustrojen po uzoru Regiment in Busovača, the 94th Home Guard Regiment
na Glavni stožer HV-a i pokušavao je biti ratovodno in Kiseljak, the 95th Home Guard Regiment in Kreševo,
tijelo kakvo se moglo i očekivati od takve institucije. the 96th Home Guard Regiment in Daštansko (Vareš) the
Zborno područje Tomislavgrad promijenilo je zapo- 110th Home Guard Regiment in Žabljak (Usora), the 111th
vjednika: brigadira Željka Šiljega zamijenio je pukov- Home Guard Regiment in Žepče, the 44th Home Guard
nik Zvonimir Skender. Battalion in Zenica (Busovača), the 45th Home Guard Bat-
talion in Žepče (Komušina), the 73rd Signal Company, the
4th Military Police Battalion, the 4th Light Anti-aircraft Ar-
305 Sektor opskrbe, nabave i proizvodnje Odjela obrane tillery Rocket Battalion in Vitez, the Artillery Rocket Bat-
HVO, Pregled broja vojaka po postrojbama, br. 02-7/1- talion in Vitez and Logistics Base Vitez.
4424/93 od 18. 9. 1993.
After restructuring, Military District Orašje consisted of
306 GS HVO, Rasformiranje postrojbi “Posebne namjene”, ur. the 4th Guards Brigade in Orašje, the 108th Brigade in Gorn-
br. 02-271-01-4308/93 od 23. 12. 1993.
ji Zovik (Ravne-Brčko), the 106th and 201st Home Guard
307 Uprava VP HVO, Zapovijed br. 02-4/3-01-1980/93 od 12.
8. 1993.; Uprava Vojne policije HVO-a, Prijedlog br. 02-
Regiment in Orašje, the 202nd Home Guard Regiment in
4/3-01-2758/93 od 11. 11. 1993. Domaljevac, the Artillery Rocket Battalion in Orašje, one
308 Ministarstvo obrane HR HB, Zapovijed, dj. br. 02-1-9- armored battalion in Orašje, the Engineer Company, the
38/93 od 3. 12. 1993. 5th Military Police Company and Logistics Base Orašje.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Organizacijski je HVO 1994. prošao najveće pro- During 1994/1995 the HQ units of the General Staff
mjene u svojem postojanju. Preustroj se radio po uzoru of the HVO were: the 1st Military Police Battalion in Mo-
na organizacijska rješenja HV-a, s težištem na ustroju star, the 10th Artillery Rocket Regiment in Široki Brijeg,
zbornih područja. Zborno područje Mostar sastojalo the 60th Guards-Assault Battalion “Ludvig Pavlović” in
se od 2. gardijske brigade u Mostaru, šest domobran- Čapljina, the 11th Mixed Air Squadron in Mostar, the Engi-
skih pukovnija: 50. u Čapljini, 51. u Ljubuškom, 56. u neer Pontoon Battalion in Posušje, the 15th Anti-Aircraft
Konjicu, 81. i 82. u Mostaru i 83. u Širokom Brijegu, dvi- Artillery Rocket Battalion in Grude, the 33rd Signal Com-
je domobranske bojne: 40. u Grudama i 41. u Čitluku, pany in Posušje, the 121st Air Surveillance and Navigation
72. satnije veze, 12. topničko-raketne bitnice PZO-a, 3. Battalion in Ljubuški, the 88th Signals Intelligence Unit in
bojne VP-a, Logističke baze Mostar i dva opslužništva Mostar, the 22nd Sabotage Detachment and Central Lo-
vojarni u Čapljini i Heliodromu.309 gistics Base in Posušje.
Zborno područje Tomislavgrad sastojalo se od 1. During the course of 1994, three officers served as
gardijske brigade u Čapljini, odnosno Livnu, četiri do- Chief of the Main Staff of the HVO. General Ante Roso
mobranske pukovnije: 1. u Posušju, 55. u Tomislavgra- was replaced by General Milivoj Petković and he was
du, odnosno Kupresu, 79. u Tomislavgradu i 80. u Livnu, in turn replaced by General Tihomir Blaškić. A string of
dvije domobranske bojne: 42. u Rami i 43. u Uskoplju, changes took place in the operational commands in
2. bojne VP-a u Livnu, 71. satnije veze, 14. topničko-ra- 1994 and 1995. General Nedjeljko Obradović was ap-
ketne bitnice PZO-a i Logističke baze Tomislavgrad.310 pointed as commander of Military District Mostar. Brig-
Zborno područje Vitez sastojalo se od 3. gardijske adiers Ivan Purić and Josip Černi and Generals Filip Fili-
brigade u Vitezu, devet domobranskih pukovnija: 90. pović and Željko Glasnović were commanders of Military
u Novom Travniku, 91. u Novoj Biloj, 92. u Vitezu, 93. u District Tomislavgrad. Generals Filip Filipović and Drago
Busovači, 94. u Kiseljaku, 95. u Kreševu, 96. u Daštan- Dragičević served as commanders of Military District Vi-
skom (Vareš), 110. u Žabljaku (Usora) i 111. u Žepču, tez. In 1995 there were hardly any organizational chang-
dvije domobranske bojne: 44. u Zenici (Busovača) i 45. es – after the liberation of Jajce the 97th Home Guard
u Žepču (Komušina), 73. satnije veze, 4. bojne VP-a, Regiment “Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić” was formed in Mili-
4. lakog artiljerijsko-raketnog divizijuna PZO u Vite- tary District Vitez.
zu, topničko-raketnog divizijuna u Vitezu i Logističke
baze Vitez.311 The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Nakon preustroja 1994., Zborno područje Orašje Herzegovina
sastojalo se od 4. gardijske brigade u Orašju, 108. bri-
gade u Gornjem Zoviku (Ravne - Brčko), tri domobran- The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
ske pukovnije, 106. i 201. u Orašju i 202. u Domaljevcu, underwent a whole plethora of organizational changes
topničko-raketnog divizijuna u Orašju, oklopne bojne at the operational level in 1993. These changes occurred
u Orašju, Inženjerijske satnije, 5. satnije VP-a i Logistič- as a direct result of the hostilities between the Army of
ke baze Orašje.312 the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the HVO
Tijekom 1994./1995. pristožerne postrojbe Glav- and mostly in III Corps. At the beginning of March, 1993,
noga stožera HVO-a bile su: 1. bojna VP-a u Mostaru, four Operational Groups were formed in III Corps: Oper-
10. topničko-raketni puk u Širokom Brijegu, 60. gar- ational Group Lašva for the municipalities of Busovača,
dijsko-desantna bojna Ludvig Pavlović u Čapljini, 11. Kakanj and Vitez, Operational Group West for the mu-
mješovita zrakoplovna eskadrila u Mostaru, Inženjerij- nicipalities of Bugojno, Gornji Vakuf, Novi Travnik and
sko-pontonirska bojna u Posušju, 15. topničko-raketni Travnik, Operational Group Bosnia for the municipalities
Zavidovići and Žepče and Operational Group Bosanska
Krajina with three maneuver brigades. In mid-March Op-
309 GS HVO, Raščlamba mob. razvoja OS HVO kl. str. pov. erational Group Visoko, later redesignated as Operation-
803-02/94-03/01, ur. br. 02-10-09-94-01 od 6. 1. 1995. al Group East, was transferred from I Corps to III Corps.
310 Isto. With that the Vareš Municipality was included in the area
311 Isto. of responsibility of III Corps while the Olovo Municipality
312 Isto. was included in the area of responsibility of II Corps.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

divizijun PZO-a u Grudama, 33. satnija veze u Posušju, After the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
121. bojna ZMIN-a u Ljubuškom, 88. središnjica ED-a u zegovina’s attack on the HVO in the Neretva Valley the
Mostaru, 22. DO i Središnja logistička baza u Posušju.313 municipalities of Konjic and Jablanica were no longer in
Tijekom 1994. promijenjena su i tri zapovjednika, the area of responsibility of IV Corps but were incorpo-
odnosno načelnika Glavnoga stožera HVO-a. Gene- rated into the area of responsibility of Operational Group
rala Antu Rosu zamijenio je general Milivoj Petković, Igman within the area of I Corps in April 24, 1993. This
a njega general Tihomir Blaškić. U operativnim zapo- reshuffling of the areas of responsibility was done for the
vjedništvima bilo je niz promjena 1994. i 1995. godine. purpose of deflecting the responsibility for causing the
Zpovjednikom Zbornog područja Mostar imenovan conflict with the HVO from IV Corps and directing its op-
je general Nedjeljko Obradović. Zbornim područjem erations to the wider Mostar area. In the first half of June,
Tomislavgrad zapovijedali su brigadiri Ivan Purić i Jo- VI Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
sip Černi te generali Filip Filipović i Željko Glasnović. U zegovina was formed out of elements of I, II and III Corps.
Zbornom području Vitez zapovijedali su generali Filip The area of responsibility of VI Corps encompassed the
Filipović i Drago Dragičević. Godine 1995. organiza- municipalities of Fojnica, Gornji Vakuf, Hadžići, Jablanica,
cijske su promjene bile gotovo zanemarive – nakon Kalinovnik, Kiseljak, Konjic, Kreševo, Prozor, Trnovo and
oslobađanja Jajca u sastavu ZP-a Vitez osnovana je 97. Visoko. Some units, apart from the mentioned elements,
domobranska pukovnija Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić.314 already operating in the municipalities were placed un-
der the command of VI Corps. The HQ of VI Corps was
Armija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine in Konjic. The commander of VI Corps was Salko Gušić.
At the beginning of July the new Operational Group Ig-
Zbog rata s HVO-om ARBiH je na operativnoj razi- man was formed out of elements of I and VI Corps for the
ni 1993. imala niz organizacijskih promjena, najvećim municipalities of Ilidža and Trnovo. At the beginning of
dijelom u 3. korpusu. Početkom ožujka 1993. u sasta- September Operational Group East was detached from
vu 3. korpusa formirane su četiri operativne grupe: III Corps and incorporated into VI Corps. The area of re-
Lašva za općine Busovača, Kakanj i Vitez, Zapad za sponsibility of Operational Group East encompassed the
općine Bugojno, Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje, Novi Travnik municipalities of Kiseljak and Vareš.
i Travnik, Bosna za općine Zavidovići i Žepče te Bo- Rasim Delić replaced Sefer Halilović as Commander
sanska Krajina s tri manevarske brigade.315 Sredinom of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
ožujka iz 1. u sastav 3. korpusa uvedena je OG Visoko, on June 8, 1993. The change was made by the establish-
koja je poslije preimenovana u OG Istok. Time je opći- ment of the function of the commander of the General
na Vareš stavljena u zonu 3. korpusa, a općina Olovo Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bosnia and
ušla je u zonu 2. korpusa.316 Herzegovina. Delić was then appointed Commander of
Nakon napada ARBiH na HVO u dolini Neretve, the General Staff while Halilović stayed on as the Chief of
općine Konjic i Jablanica su 24. travnja 1993. prešle the General Staff.
There was another event that occurred in the Army
of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina that left its
313 GS HVO, Izvješće o popuni postrojbi OS HR HB, kl. str. mark on 1993. During the initial phase of the war, and
pov. 803-02/94-03/01, ur. br. 02-10-09-94-24 od 5. 8.
1994.; Informacija o Oružanim snagama Federacije BiH, especially in Sarajevo, a large number of shady but en-
svibanj 1996. trepreneurial characters from the Bosnian underworld
314 GS HVO, Izvješće o popuni postrojbi OS HR HB, kl. str. established themselves firmly in the Territorial Defense,
pov. 803-02/94-03/01, ur. br. 02-10-09-94-24 od 5. 8. and later spread their tentacles to the Army of the Re-
1994.; GS HVO, Raščlamba mob. razvoja OS HVO kl. str. public of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well. Some of these
pov. 803-02/94-03/01, ur. br. 02-10-09-94-01 od 6. 1. criminals were engaged in terrorizing and robbing the
1995.; Informacija o Oružanim snagama Federacije BiH,
svibanj 1996. non-Muslim population in Sarajevo with sometimes tac-
315 ICTY: Komanda 3. korpusa, Naređenje str. pov. br. 02/33-
it, and sometimes open support from the political and
628 od 8. 3. 1993. military leadership of the SDA party. Tolerating these ex-
316 ICTY: ŠVK OS RBiH, Naređenje str. pov. br. 02/403-1 od cesses of the criminal element within the armed forces
17. 3. 1993.; M. ŠADINLIJA, Prvi korpus ARBiH, 29-30. came back to bite the men in charge of the SDA party.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

iz sastava 4. korpusa u sastav OG-a Igman 1. korpusa Not surprisingly, the loot the criminals acquired from
ARBiH.317 Tako se pokušalo 4. korpus osloboditi odgo- robbing non-Muslims only fuelled their appetite for
vornosti za izazivanje sukoba i usmjeriti ga isključivo more spoils of war and they started targeting Muslims
na šire područje Mostara. U prvoj polovini lipnja od too. Also, they were bent upon placing their men in
dijelova 1., 3. i 4. korpusa formiran je 6. korpus AR- charge of all of the integral parts of the defensive struc-
BiH. Zona korpusa bile su općine Fojnica, Gornji Vakuf, ture of the city of Sarajevo. The most infamous criminal
Hadžići, Jablanica, Kalinovik, Kiseljak, Konjic, Kreševo, groups within the armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegov-
Prozor, Trnovo i Visoko s dijelom snaga u tim općina- ina were in the 9th Motorized Brigade, the 10th Motorized
ma. Sjedište korpusa bilo je u Konjicu, a komandant je Brigade and the Delta unit. The leaders of that criminal
bio Salko Gušić.318 Početkom srpnja za područje općina element were Mušan “Caco” Topalović and Ramiz “Ćelo”
Ilidža i Trnovo formirana je nova OG Igman od dijela 1. i Delalić. These groups, at the beginning of the war, block-
6. korpusa. Grupa je podređena Komandi 1. korpusa.319 aded Sarajevo and by doing so seriously jeopardized the
Početkom rujna iz 3. u 6. korpus uvedena je OG Istok, defensive zone of the ARBIH I Corps. “The problem” was
koja je uključivala područje općina Kiseljak i Vareš.320 solved on October 26, 1993, in an operation codenamed
Na vodeće mjesto ARBiH umjesto Sefera Halilovića Trebević-2. Nine members of the Army of the Republic of
8. lipnja 1993. doveden je Rasim Delić. Smjena je izve- Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of Internal Af-
dena manevrom ustanovljavanja dužnosti komandanta fairs were killed in the shoot-out. Mušan Topalović was
Glavnoga štaba OS RBiH na koju je Delić imenovan. Ha- also killed. According to the official version of events, he
lilović je ostao na dužnosti načelnika Glavnoga štaba.321 was killed while trying to escape. A few hundred mem-
Još jedan događaj unutar Armije RBiH obilježio je bers of the 9th and 10th Motorized Brigades were arrested,
1993. godinu. U početnoj fazi rata, posebice u Sarajevu, eighteen of which were tried and sentenced for armed
pojavio se niz poduzetnih osoba iz kriminalnoga miljea insurrection and murder. The Army of the Bosnia and
koji se etablirao u Teritorijalnu obranu, a poslije u Armi- Herzegovina and the MUP used Operation Trebević-2 to
ju RBiH. Dio njih pljačkao je i terorizirao nemusliman- remove Sefer Halilović from the command structure be-
sko stanovništvo u Sarajevu, što je politički i vojni vrh cause it was suspected that he had ties with Topalović
SDA i Armije RBiH tolerirao. Problem je nastao kada su and Ramiz Delalić.
pljačku i teroriziranje proširili na Muslimane i nastojali In 1994 the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
utjecati na kadroviranje unutar obrambenih struktura Herzegovina went through a number of organizational
u Sarajevu. Najpoznatije skupine bile su iz sastava 9. i changes at the operational level. In January the 8th Op-
10. motorizirane brigade i postrojbe Delta, a predvodili erational Group was formed in Srebrenica as part of II
su ih Mušan Topalović Caco i Ramiz Delalić Ćelo. Te su Corps. In the same month VI Corps was disbanded. The
skupine početkom srpnja blokirale Sarajevo i ozbiljno biggest and most important change was the forming of
uzdrmale zonu obrane 1. korpusa ARBiH. “Problem” je VII Corps in April, 1994. The Corps was created by diving
riješen 26. listopada 1993. u akciji nazvanoj Trebević-2. III Corps into the Zenica contingent and the Travnik con-
U sukobu je ubijeno devet pripadnika ARBiH i MUP-a, a tingent. The forces operating in the wider Travnik area
Mušan Topalović je ubijen, navodno u pokušaju bijega. became VII Corps and III Corps remained in the wider
Uhićeno je nekoliko stotina pripadnika 9. i 10. moto- Zenica area. The HQ of VII Corps was in Travnik and
the commander was Mehmed Alagić. Out of elements
of I Corps outside Sarajevo three Operational Groups
317 Komanda 4. korpusa, Naređenje dj. br. 02/1-3381-1/93
were formed: Operational Group 1 Pazarić, Operation-
od 24. 4. 1993.
al Group 2 Visoko and Operational Group 3 Vareš. The
318 ICTY: GŠ OS RBiH, Odluka str. pov. br. 14/76-7 od 9. 6.
1993. forces operating in the area of Goražde were detached
from I Corps at the beginning of the year. The idea was
319 ICTY: ŠVK OS RBiH, Naređenje str. pov. br. 14/75-63 od 5.
7. 1993. to form VIII Corps around these units but the decision
320 ICTY: ŠVK OS RBiH, Naređenje str. pov. br. 14/75-103 od
was never realized. Operational Group East Bosnia con-
2. 9. 1993. tinued its existence unchanged.
321 ICTY: Predsjednik Predsjedništva RBiH, Odluka PR br. During the period from October, 1994, to March,
02-011-308/93 od 8. 6. 1993. 1995, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

rizirane brigade, od kojih je 18 optuženo i osuđeno za govina was reorganized into a decidedly offensive force.
oružanu pobunu i ubojstva. Akcija je iskorištena da se There divisions and four mobile brigades were formed
iz sustava odstrani i Sefer Halilović, navodno jer je bio u in I Corps, five divisions and six maneuver brigades were
vezi s Topalovićem i Ramizom Delalićem.322 formed in II Corps, two divisions and three mobile bri-
Armija Republike BiH imala je 1994. nekoliko opera- gades were formed in III Corps and one division and two
tivnih organizacijskih promjena. U siječnju je u sastavu mobile brigades were formed in VII Corps. IV Corps and V
2. korpusa osnovana 8. operativna grupa u Srebrenici.323 Corps retained their brigade structure.
Istoga je mjeseca ukinut 6. korpus. Najveća i najvažnija
organizacijska promjena bilo je osnivanje 7. korpusa u The Army of the Republika Srpska
travnju 1994. godine. Korpus je nastao podjelom 3. kor-
pusa na travnički i zenički dio. Snage na širem područ- No significant changes occurred in the Army of
ju Travnika postale su 7. korpus, a 3. je ostao na širem the Republika Srpska: the six-corps system and the Air
području Zenice. Sjedište 7. korpusa bilo je u Travniku, Force and Air Defense remained unaltered. The most
a zapovjednik je bio Mehmed Alagić.324 Od snaga 1. kor- notable development within the Army of the Repub-
pusa izvan Sarajeva u svibnju su osnovane tri operativ- lika Srpska was a rebellion in Banja Luka that started
ne grupe: OG-1 Pazarić, OG-2 Visoko i OG-3 Vareš. Kor- on September 10 and ended on September 17, 1993.
pus je početkom godine ostao bez snaga na području The rebellion was named September-93 and involved
Goražda, od kojih se planirao osnovati 8. korpus, no ta soldiers belonging to I Corps, mostly from the 16th Kraji-
odluka nije realizirana nego je i dalje zadržana Istočno- na Motorized Brigade and the 1st Armored Brigade. The
bosanska operativna grupa.325 rebellion started as a protest against the government’s
Od listopada 1994. do ožujka 1995. ARBiH je reo- desultory attitude towards the war invalids. The protest
rganizirana u izrazito napadačku vojsku. U 1. korpusu soon escalated into a rebellion and acquired a political
osnovane su tri divizije i četiri manevarske brigade, u aspect. The rebels occupied Banja Luka and blocked all
2. korpusu osnovano je pet divizija i šest manevarskih approaches to the city. The political leadership of the
brigada, u 3. korpusu dvije divizije i tri manevarske bri- Republika Srpska and the General Staff of the Army of
gade, a u 7. korpusu jedna divizija i dvije manevarske the Republika Srpska defused the tensions. The real
brigade. Četvrti i 5. korpus zadržali su brigadni sustav.326 motives of the rebels remain shrouded in mystery.
The General Staff of the Army of the Republika Srpska
Vojska Republike Srpske strongly suspected that the political leadership of the
Republika Srpska was behind the rebellion.
U VRS-u nije bilo značajnih organizacijskih promje- During the year the General Staff issued two direc-
na: sustav sa šest korpusa i RV-a i PVO-a i dalje je ostao tives for future actions of the Army of the Republika Srps-
na snazi. Najvažnije zbivanje unutar VRS-a bila je pobu- ka. Directive No. 5 of June 25, 1993, tasked the Army of
na u Banjoj Luci koja je počela 10., a završila 17. rujna the Republika Srpska with preventing the enemy from
1993. godine. Nazvana je Septembar-93 i u njoj su bili breaching the blockade of Sarajevo, capturing military
angažirani vojnici 1. krajiškog korpusa, najvećim dije- industry installations, and gaining full control of the Sa-
lom iz 16. krajiške motorizirane i 1. oklopne brigade. Po- rajevo – village of Kijevo – Trnovo –the Rogoj pass – Kali-
čela je kao prosvjed zbog nebrige o vojnim stradalnici- novik line and thus link Herzegovina with other parts of
ma rata, a ubrzo je prerasla u pobunu i dobila političku the Republika Srpska. With Directive No. 6 of November
11, 1993, the Supreme Command ordered the Serbian
Army of Krajina to capture Sarajevo, define the bound-
322 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 298-301. ary on the Neretva River and reach the sea at Neum and
323 ICTY: ŠVK OS RBiH, Naređenje str. pov. br. 14/75-156/93 Prevlaka, define the border of the Republika Srpska on
od 1. 1. 1994. the watershed of the River Una, extend the border of the
324 H. MUŠINBEGOVIĆ, R. ŠILJAK, K. BEĆIREVIĆ, Operacija Republika Srpska in the northwestern part of Bosnia and
Vlašić, 21, 24. Herzegovina and establish firmer links with Serbia. The
325 M. ŠADINLIJA, Prvi korpus ARBiH, 37, 40. aims set forth in Directive No. 6, unlike those given in Di-
326 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, II, 52-53. rective No. 5, were, for the most part, unattainable.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

značajku. Pobunjenici su zauzeli Banju Luku i blokirali

prilaze gradu. Na smirivanju su se angažirali politički
vrh RS-a i Glavni štab VRS-a. Pravi motivi pobune nisu
jasni, a iz Glavnoga štaba VRS-a sumnjali su da iza nje
stoji politički vrh RS-a.327
Tijekom godine Glavni je štab izdao dvije direktive
za daljnja djelovanja VRS-a. U Direktivi broj 5 od 25. lip-
nja 1993., VRS-u je dan zadatak da spriječi deblokadu
Sarajeva i zauzimanje pogona vojne industrije, a po-
tom da zauzme pravac Sarajevo – selo Kijevo – Trnovo
– prijevoj Rogoj – Kalinovik i tako spoji Hercegovinu s
Srpske snage (Vojska Krajine, časopis SVK, 11. srpnja 1995.).
ostalim dijelovima RS-a.328 U Direktivi broj 6 od 11. stu-
denoga 1993., Vrhovna komanda dala je VRS-u zadatak Serb Forces (Army of Krajina – magazin, July 11, 1995).
da zauzme Sarajevo, definira granicu RS-a na Neretvi i
izbije na more kod Neuma i Prevlake, definira granicu
RS-a na slivu rijeke Une, proširi granice RS-a u sjevero-
zapadnom dijelu BiH i čvršće se poveže sa Srbijom.329
Ciljevi iz te direktive, za razliku od prethodne, najvećim Unlike the other armed forces, the Army of the Re-
dijelom nisu bili ostvarivi. publika Srpska in 1994 was not reorganized in any major
U odnosu na ostale vojske, VRS 1994. gotovo nije way. The six-corps plus the Air Force system remained
imao formacijskih promjena. Zadržan je sustav sa šest in place. At the end of 1994, the 10th Sabotage Unit was
korpusa i Vazduhoplovstvom. Krajem 1994. osnovan je formed as a headquarters unit of the General Staff. The
10. DO kao prištabna postrojba Glavnoga štaba i prva 10th Sabotage Unit was the first professional unit of the
profesionalna postrojba VRS-a. U odnosu na ostale voj- Army of the Republika Srpska. Again unlike the other
ske, VRS je imao učestalu praksu osnivanja privremenih armed forces the Army of the Republika Srpska was in
sastava unutar pojedinih korpusa i iz više korpusa te the habit of forming temporary groups within individu-
angažman u zonama djelovanja drugih korpusa. Naj- al corps and also within the framework of a number of
poznatije od tih sastava bile su brigade koje su u imenu
corps. It often happened that groups under the nominal
imale naziv “srpske”.330 command of one corps operated in the area of respon-
sibility of another corps. The most known such groups
were those brigades that sported the prefix “Serbian”.
327 Milovan MILUTINOVIĆ, Vojska Republike Srpske između
politike i rata, Srpska Vila, Sremska Mitrovica, Institut
za političke studije, Beograd, Sremska Mitrovica, 1997.,
99-100; Nikica BARIĆ, “Akcija ‘Septembar 93’ – pobuna
Vojske Republike Srpske u Banjoj Luci”, Prilozi, br. 41, In-
stitut za istoriju, Sarajevo, 2012., 185-201.
328 ICTY: GŠ VRS, Direktiva za dalja dejstva br. 5, str. pov. br.
02/2-479 od 25. 6. 1993.
329 ICTY: Vrhovna komanda OS RS, Direktiva za dalja dejst-
va op. br. 6, str. pov. br. 02/2-934 od 11. 11. 1993.
330 ICTY: GŠ VRS, Borbeno naređenje str. pov. br. 02/2-139
od 27. 10. 1994.; ICTY: GŠ VRS, Naređenje str. pov. br.
18/19-1625 od 4. 12. 1994.; ICTY: IKM Komande 1. KK,
Status 1. Splbr str. pov. br. 24-1/95 od 14. 1. 1995.


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1990. – 1992.:
1990 – 1992

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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.



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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Razoružanje Teritorijalne obrane
i preustrojavanje Jugoslavenske Disarming of the Territorial Defense and
narodne armije za rat Gearing up the Yugoslav People’s Army
for War
Vodstvo JNA nije prihvatilo pobjedu HDZ-a u Hrvat-
skoj. Premda se SKJ raspao u siječnju 1990., JNA je i dalje The leadership of the JNA did not accept the HDZ’s
držala da ima obvezu braniti partijske vrijednosti i cilje- victory in the elections in Croatia. Even though the
ve socijalističkoga poretka.331 Dok je HDZ slavio izbor- League of Communists of Yugoslavia had fallen apart
nu pobjedu i čekao da navodno reformirani komunisti in January, 1990, the JNA subscribed to the notion that
predaju vlast, JNA je sredinom svibnja 1990. razoruža- it was obligated to continue to defend the Communist
la republičke teritorijalne obrane. U Srbiji i Crnoj Gori Party values and goals of the socialist order. As the HDZ
razoružanje je bilo fiktivno, ali u ostalim republikama party celebrated its victory, waiting for the ostensibly
nije. Samo je Slovenija uspjela zadržati dio naoružanja. reformed Communists to hand over the reins of power,
U Hrvatskoj je razoružanje proteklo bez većih proble- the JNA, in mid-May, 1990, disarmed the republic Terri-
ma jer se JNA za to temeljito pripremala dva mjeseca, torial Defense forces. In Serbia and Montenegro the JNA
a zapovjedni kadrovi TO-a su im najvećim dijelom bili only went through the motions with regard to disarm-
istomišljenici. Naoružanje i streljivo Teritorijalne obrane ing the TO, but in the other republics it took its task very
Hrvatske čuvalo se u 364 objekta, od kojih je 178 bilo u seriously. Only the Slovenian TO managed, somehow, to
vlasništvu i nadležnosti JNA, pa je razoružanje bilo go- keep some of its weapons and equipment. In Croatia,
tovo formalnost. Hrvatska je preko noći ostala bez oruž-
the process of disarmament went smoothly, partly be-
ja za oko 204.000 ljudi.332
cause the JNA had been carefully preparing the move
Na prosvjede iz Hrvatske i Slovenije JNA je tvrdila
for two months, partly because most officers of the Cro-
da nije razoružala TO, nego da ga je bolje zaštitila od
atian TO were pro-JNA and partly because 178 out of
krađe i da postoji mogućnost da se oružje vrati ako
364 facilities and installations where the weapons and
republike osiguraju “dobre uslove zaštite”.333 Iako su
ammunition belonging to the Croatian TO were kept
u dijelu općina u Hrvatskoj osigurani uvjeti kvalitetne
were in direct ownership and under direct control of the
zaštite, oružje nije vraćeno.334 Predsjedništvo SFRJ je
JNA. Overnight Croatia had lost enough weapons and
29. svibnja 1990. očekivano podržalo JNA i kao neute-
ammunition sufficient to arm 204,000 men.
meljene odbacilo “sve spekulacije o političkoj pozadini
Croatia and Slovenia protested. The JNA responded
ovih mera”.335 Da su spekulacije o političkoj pozadini
by claiming that it had not really disarmed the TOs but
razoružanja bile osnovane svjedoči tadašnji predsjed-
acted with the aim of protecting the weapons and am-
munition from theft and that the weapons and ammu-
nition would be returned if the republics “secure good
331 Miroslav HADŽIĆ, Sudbina partijske vojske, Samizdat safety conditions”. Some municipalities in Croatia took
B92, Beograd, 2001., 138.
the JNA at its word and bent over backwards to set up
332 AHS: Zapisnik 3. sjednice održane 24. 5. 1999. Istražnog
foolproof security conditions for the storage of weapons
povjerenstva Hrvatskog državnog Sabora radi ut-
vrđivanja okolnosti i krivnje državnih i političkih tijela and ammunition. The JNA refused to even consider re-
Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske za oduzimanje oružja turning the weapons and ammunition. On May 29, 1990,
od Teritorijalne obrane Hrvatske do 30. svibnja 1990.; D. the Presidency of the SFRY, as expected, expressed sup-
MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 151-152.
port for the JNA and rejected “all speculations about the
333 B. JOVIĆ, Poslednji dani SFRJ, 146-147. political background of these measures’ as unsubstan-
334 SVA MORH, fond RSNO RH: MORH, Zahtjev za vraćanje tiated”. But, the speculations about the political back-
naoružanja i municije u skladišta TO DPZ, kl. 213-01/90-
ground of the disarmament of the TO forces were not
01/01, ur. br. SP. 512-02-04-90-12 od 25. 10. 1990.
unsubstantiated. The then President of the Presidency
335 AHS: Predsjedništvo SFRJ, str. pov. br. 150/3-3/690 od
31. 5. 1990. of the SFRY Borisav Jović wrote the following note on


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

nik Predsjedništva SFRJ Borisav Jović u zabilješci od May 17, 1990: “We have disarmed them. Formally, the
17. svibnja 1990.: “Praktično smo ih razoružali. Formal- deed was done on the chief of the General Staff’s orders,
no, ovo je uradio načelnik Generalštaba, ali faktički po but in reality we gave the order. The Slovenes and Croats
našem nalogu. Slovenci i Hrvati su oštro reagovali, ali protested vociferously but there’s bugger all they can do
nemaju kud”, te da neće “dozvoliti da oružje Teritorijal- about it.” He added that he would not “allow the repub-
ne odbrane zlouporabe u eventualnim sukobima ili za lics to use the TO weapons and ammunition in conflicts
nasilno otcepljenje”.336 or for fighting for their independence”.
Osim razoružanja TO-a, JNA je zahvaljujući ka- The JNA, besides disarming the TO managed to tie
drovskoj politici s kraja 1980-ih uspjela vezati za sebe to itself the republic HQ of the TO Croatia and most of
Republički štab TO SRH i većinu zonskih štabova. Po- the zone HQs. This feat was accomplished, thanks, in
kušaj hrvatske vlasti da stavi pod nadzor Republički large measure, to the fact that most officers in the TO
štab Teritorijalne obrane nije urodio plodom. Tadašnji Croatia were politically suitable individuals and more
komandant hrvatske TO general Zdravko Novoselić often than not, especially at the tail end of the 1980s,
čvrsto se držao JNA. Hrvatska je u prosincu 1990., s Serbs. The Croatian government attempted to subordi-
iznimkom plaća, uskratila financiranje TO-a. Ali TO nate the Republic Staff of the Territorial Defense to its
nije zanemaren. U rujnu 1991. predsjednik F. Tuđman authority but the attempt failed. The then commander
je razriješio generala Novoselića, a TO je preveden u of the Croatian TO, Zdravko Novoselić, was staunchly
pričuvni sastav HV-a.337 loyal to the JNA. The Croatian government refused to
Drugi potez JNA poduzet zbog političkih pro- continue to fund the Croatian TO. However, in Decem-
mjena u zapadnim dijelovima SFRJ bio je djelomični ber, 1990, the move did not extend to the salaries of
preustroj i novi razmještaj snaga u Hrvatskoj, BiH i the TO’s personnel. The measure did not mean that the
Srbiji radi pacifikacije Hrvatske. Na taktičkoj je razi- Croatian government was washing its hands of the TO,
ni to značilo dovođenje dijela postrojbi iz niže (B i R) quite the contrary. In September, 1991, Tuđman relieved
u najvišu, A klasifikaciju odnosno, pojednostavljeno Novoselić of duty and the TO was incorporated into the
rečeno, povećanje brojnoga stanja postrojbi. Težište reserve contingent of the Croatian Army.
promjena bilo je u 5. vojnoj oblasti, na širem područ- Prompted by the political development in the west-
ju Zagreba. Krajem lipnja 1990. ukinute su Komanda ern parts of the SFRY, the JNA made another move. It
obrane grada Zagreba i 6. proleterska pješačka divi- partially restructured and redeployed its forces in Croa-
zija u Karlovcu. Šire područje Zagreba s Kordunom i tia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia for the purpose
Banovinom ušlo je u sastav novoustrojenoga 10. kor- of pacifying Croatia. On the tactical level that meant im-
pusa sa sjedištem u Zagrebu. Korpus je osnovan od proving the classification of some units, raising it from
dijela prištabnih postrojbi Komande 5. vojne oblasti the lowest level (classification B and R) to the highest lev-
te Riječkoga i Varaždinskoga korpusa. Mirnodopski el (classification A). In layman’s terms, it meant increas-
ustroj JNA pojačan je ljudstvom i borbenom tehni- ing the numerical strength of the units in question. Most
kom u Bjelovaru, Dugom Selu, Jastrebarskom, Karlov- changes in that particular regard occurred in the area of
cu, Virovitici i Zagrebu. U Sloveniji je između ostalog the 5th Military District, in the wider Zagreb area. At the
pojačan u brigadi u Ilirskoj Bistrici, koja je bila nami- end of June the HQ of the Defense of Zagreb and the 6th
jenjena za djelovanje u Hrvatskoj. U sjevernoj Dalma- Proletarian Infantry Division in Karlovac were disbanded.
ciji, u sastavu Vojnopomorske oblasti, pojačan je u The wider Zagreb area, including Kordun and Banovina,
Kninu i Benkovcu. U Srbiji su pojačanja bila u Beogra- was incorporated into the newly formed X Corps with
du, Pančevu, Požarevcu, Srijemskoj Mitrovici i Valje- its headquarters in Zagreb. X Corps was formed out of
vu. U Bosni i Hercegovini pojačane su snage u Banja elements of the headquarters units of the HQ of the 5th
Military District and Rijeka Corps and Varaždin Corps. The
peacetime contingent of the JNA was augmented with
336 B. JOVIĆ, Poslednji dani SFRJ, 146.
additional personnel and equipment in Bjelovar, Dugo
337 Martin ŠPEGELJ, Sjećanja vojnika, Znanje, Zagreb, 2001., Selo, Jastrebarsko, Karlovac, Virovitica and Zagreb. The
125; Petar KRISTE, Sjene nad slobodom, Golden market-
ing, Zagreb, 2001., 81-82, 91; D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove numerical strength of the brigade in Ilirska Bistrica, Slo-
armije, 173-175. venia, was also increased because the brigade was slated


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Luci i Mostaru. Sve su te snage kasnije angažirane u to operate in Croatia. In northern Dalmatia, which was in
agresiji na Hrvatsku.338 the area of the Military-Maritime District, the numerical
Prevođenje armijskih snaga u Hrvatskoj u tip A bio strength of the JNA contingents in Knin and Benkovac
je pokušaj da se premosti ovisnost o ljudstvu na područ- was increased. In Serbia, JNA formations in Belgrade,
jima gdje su Hrvati bili većina. Od toga pravila odudara Pančevo, Požarevac, Srijemska Mitrovica and Valjevo
samo 221. mtbr iz Knina i Benkovca, koja je smještena were reinforced. In Bosnia and Herzegovina JNA forma-
na područje s većinskim srpskim stanovništvom. No tions in Banja Luka and Mostar also received reinforce-
vrijeme će brzo pokazati da njoj nije bila namijenjena ments. All these forces were later deployed in Croatia
uloga pacifikacije nemirnog etničkog područja, nego and participated in Serbia’s aggression against Croatia.
zaštitnika Kninske krajine. Pojačavanjem snaga i njiho- Increasing the numerical strength of the mentioned
vim novim razmještajem JNA je imala snage spremne da formations in Croatia was an attempt to compensate
interveniraju i spriječe hrvatske snage da uguše pobunu for the fact that these formations were stationed in pre-
Srba. Bivši savezni sekretar za narodnu obranu SFRJ ge- dominately Croatian areas. One exception was the 221st
neral armije Veljko Kadijević priznao je 1993. što se želje- Motorized Brigade stationed in Knin and Benkovac,
lo postići tim promjenama: towns where Serbs formed a majority. Time would soon
“Radi izvršenja postavljenog zadatka ojačati jedini- tell, however, that the JNA was not gearing up for the
ce JNA u Hrvatskoj i oko Hrvatske. Imati dvije vrste for- role of pacifying volatile areas but for the role of protect-
macija. Veći broj oklopnomehanizovanih sastava jačine ing the Kninska Krajina. By straightening the numerical
čete do bataljona smjestiti što bliže mogućim mjesti- strength of the mentioned formations and by redeploy-
ma sukoba, tako da mogu brzo intervenisati. Odgova- ing them the JNA was ready to intervene and prevent
rajući broj oklopnomehanizovanih jedinica brigadnog the Croatian forces to nip the Serb rebellion in the bud.
sastava i jačih, postaviti na odgovarajućim punktovima The former Federal Secretary of National Defense of the
u Hrvatskoj i oko Hrvatske, tako da se mogu angažovati SFRY General Veljko Kadijević admitted in 1993 what
za veće intervencije.”339 was meant to be accomplished by these changes:
Većina je preustrojenih postrojbi do izbijanja otvo- “For the purpose of accomplishing our task: boost
renog rata u ljeto 1991. korištena da spriječi rad hrvatske the strength of the JNA formations in Croatia and
policije i zaštiti SAO Krajinu. Jugoslavenska je narodna around Croatia; have two types of formations at our dis-
armija pak tvrdila da sprečava međuetničke sukobe i posal; deploy a large number of armored-mechanized
razdvaja sukobljene strane. formations of company- to battalion-strength as close
as possible to contested areas so that they can intervene
Srpska pobuna i hrvatske protumjere in a timely fashion; deploy the appropriate number of
armor-mechanized formations of brigade-strength and
Pobuna hrvatskih Srba u ljeto 1990. bila je uvod u larger to strategic points in Croatia and around Croatia
rat. Počela je u Kninu, gradu u sjevernoj Dalmaciji s ve- so that they can be used in strength if required.”
ćinskim srpskim stanovništvom. U Drugom svjetskom Most of the restructured formations, until the out-
ratu Knin je bio najveće uporište četnika (pobornika break of open war in the summer of 1991, were used for
ideje „Velike Srbije“ sa zapadnom granicom duboko na protecting the SAO Krajina and preventing the Croatian
teritoriju Hrvatske, koji su tada surađivali s talijanskim police from doing its job. Throughout the JNA main-
fašistima, a kasnije i s njemačkom vojskom) u Hrvatskoj tained that its task was to prevent inter-ethnic conflict
i nije čudno da je pobuna počela upravo ondje. Pobuna and to separate the belligerent parties.
je počela nakon hrvatske odluke da zbog najavljenog
srpskog referenduma o autonomiji povuče oružje pri- Serb Rebellion and Croatian
338 D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 156-165; Bojan B. DIM-
ITRIJEVIĆ, Modernizacija i intervencija: jugoslovenske ok-
The rebellion of the Croatian Serbs in the summer
lopne jedinice 1945–2006, Institut za savremenu istoriju, of 1990 was a prelude to war. It erupted in Knin, a pre-
Beograd, 2010., 261-262. dominately Serb town in northern Dalmatia. During
339 V. KADIJEVIĆ, Moje viđenje raspada, 127. WWII Knin was the largest Chetnik (followers of the


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

čuvnog sastava policije iz policijskih postaja u mjesti- Greater Serbia concept who collaborated with the
ma s većinskim srpskim pučanstvom. U okolici Knina Italian Army and later with the Wehrmacht) strong-
17. kolovoza naoružani civili srpske nacionalnosti za- hold in Croatia. If viewed from that perspective, when
priječili su prometnice. Pokušaj Specijalne postrojbe Yugoslavia disintegrated the Serbs from Knin were
Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova RH da intervencijom bound to rebel. The rebellion was sparked when the
u Kninu uguši pobunu u začetku je spriječila JNA svo- Croatian government decided to take control of the
jim zrakoplovstvom. Postupak se opravdao tvrdnjom weapons of the reserve police force in the police sta-
da su hrvatski helikopteri letjeli mimo najave i odo- tions in the predominantly Serb towns and villages
brenog koridora. Pobuna se brzo proširila po sjevernoj before the announced Serb referendum on autono-
Dalmaciji i Lici, a potom u rujnu 1990. na području Ba- my. On August 17, in the environs of Knin, armed Serb
novine, u mjestima s većinskim srpskim pučanstvom. civilians blocked the roads. The special police unit of
Zbog čestih barikada promet kroz ta područja postu- the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Cro-
pno je zamro.340 atia was sent by helicopters to Knin with the task of
Krajem rujna 1990., zbog potrebe da se naoruža forestalling the rebellion from spreading. The helicop-
rastući kontingent policije, MUP RH ponovno je nare- ters were intercepted by JNA jet fighters and forced
dio da se dio naoružanja pričuvnoga sastava policije to turn back. The JNA justified the move by claiming
povuče u sjedišta SUP-ova. Na području Banovine dio that the Croatian helicopters had taken off without
je oružja povučen u Sisak, a u Petrinji je pokušaj one- announcing the flight and that they had been flying
mogućen insceniranim zaprečivanjem ceste. Ubrzo su outside of the permitted fly-zone corridor. The rebel-
slijedile provale i pljačka oružja u Petrinji, Glini i još ne- lion soon spread the length and breadth of northern
kim policijskim postajama.341 Dalmatia and Lika and in September, 1990, to the
Mirnodopski razmještaj JNA, posebice Kninskoga towns and villages where Serb formed a majority in
korpusa u sjevernoj Dalmaciji, omogućio je pobunje- the Banovina area. Armed Serbs were fond of placing
nim Srbima da šire pobunu na druge dijelove RH. U barricades on the roads there and gradually all traffic
neravnopravnom odnosu snaga hrvatsko se vrhovniš- died out in the region.
tvo nije usudilo ući u izravan sukob s dobro naoruža- At the end of September, 1990, there existed a
nom federalnom vojskom. Do smirivanja stanja u dijelu growing need to arm the ever increasing police con-
države nastojalo je doći posredno, najprije pregovori- tingent. For that reason the MUP of the Republic of
ma, koji nisu donijeli željeni uspjeh, a potom ograni- Croatia again ordered that the weapons belonging to
čenom demonstracijom policijske sile. U sličnom, iako the reserve police force be moved to the SUP centers
boljem položaju, jer nije imala srpski problem, bila je i (Secretariat of Internal Affairs). In the Banovina area
Slovenija. To je bio razlog da obje republike 20. siječnja some weapons were transported to Sisak. In Petrin-
1991. sklope tajni sporazum o pomoći.342 ja armed Serbs prevented the move by blocking the
roads. Shortly thereafter the Serbs started attacking
and pillaging police stations in Petrinja, Glina and in
340 USMKSMP: Podaci i informacije MUP RH od 11. 2. 1991. u
svezi sa netočnim ili nepotpunim konstatacijama u ma- other places.
terijalu SSNO pod naslovom “Informacija o neovlašćen- The peacetime deployment of the JNA forces, es-
om formiranju oružanih sastava u SFRJ” dostavljenom pecially Knin Corps in northern Dalmatia, enabled the
poslanicima Skupštine SFRJ; N. BARIĆ, Srpska pobuna,
rebel Serbs to spread the rebellion to other parts of
77-82; D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 227-229.
the Republic of Croatia. Needless to say, the JNA forc-
341 USMKSMP: SUP Sisak, Oružje i municija rezervnog
es vastly outnumbered the nascent Croatian armed
sastava milicije br. 511-10-01/2-SP-40/128/14/9-90
od 28. 9. 1990.; USMKSMP: SUP Sisak, br. 511-10-02- forces and for that reason the Croatian government
SP-40/128-19/90 od 30. 9. 1990.; USMKSMP: MUP RH, was careful not to take any action that could lead to
Operativno dežurstvo, br. 511-01-35-D-26900/90 od a direct confrontation with the JNA. The Croatian gov-
30. 9. 1990.; USMKSMP: SUP Zadar, br. 511-17-01-str.
pov. 132/90 od 3. 10. 1990.; “Otuđeno oružje”, Narodna
ernment adopted an indirect approach to trying to de-
armija, 11. 10. 1990., 15. fuse the crisis, first by negotiations, which did not bear
342 Slaven LETICA, Mario NOBILO, Rat protiv Hrvatske: KOS - Ta- fruit and then by a limited demonstration of force, us-
jni dokumenti, Globus, specijalno izdanje, 11. 2. 1991., 73. ing exclusively police units for the purpose. Slovenia


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Srpska pobuna u Hrvatskoj u ljeto 1990. bila je u was in a similar position albeit with one crucial dif-
domeni izvanrednih prilika i na nju Hrvatska nije mo- ference – it did not have a large Serb minority to deal
gla reagirati na predviđeni način jer je JNA razoruža- with within its borders. Still, both republics felt their
la TO i spriječila intervenciju policije. Uz to je JNA u existence threatened by the JNA and on January 20,
svibnju 1990. jednostrano otkazala dugogodišnji plan 1991, they signed a secret agreement on mutual help
sukladnoga djelovanja s organima unutarnjega reda and assistance.
socijalističke Hrvatske i Slovenije. Zbog novog stanja The Serb rebellion in Croatia in the summer of 1990
u Republici prvi planovi za uspostavu ustavnoga po- constituted a state of emergency but the Croatian
retka bili su policijskoga tipa, iako ih je izrađivalo Mini- government was in no position to deal with the prob-
starstvo obrane. Ustalila se tvrdnja da je 1990. ministar lem effectively because the JNA had disarmed Croa-
obrane Martin Špegelj izradio plan napada na vojarne tia’s TO and prevented the Croatian police from trying
JNA da bi se došlo do oružja TO-a i JNA, ali da ga je Tu- to put an end to the rebellion. Also, in May, 1990, the
đman odbio. Dokazi o postojanju takva plana još nisu JNA repudiated the long existing plan for coordinat-
predočeni javnosti.343 ing its actions with the police forces of socialist Croa-
Hrvatska je težište obrane stavila na miliciju, odno- tia and Slovenia. The first Croatian plans, therefore, for
sno policiju (MUP RH), jer na razoružani TO nije mogla establishing the constitutional order, revolved around
računati. Zbog nepovoljne nacionalne strukture u ljeto the police force, even though they were drafted by
1990. počelo je popunjavanje policije novim kadrom the ministry of defense. There are claims to the effect
hrvatske nacionalnosti. Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslo- that Martin Špegelj, acting in the capacity of minister
va RH je sa 6800 ljudi iz sredine 1990. do sredine siječnja of defense, created a plan of attack on the JNA bar-
1991. naraslo na 18.752 djelatna i 22.865 pričuvnih pri- racks with the objective of obtaining the weapons and
padnika, ukupno 41.751 pripadnik.344 equipment stored in them but that Tuđman rejected
the plan. No evidence, supporting the theory, has yet
Pokušaj razoružavanja hrvatske policije been unearthed.
u siječnju 1991. godine The Croatian government had no choice but to
rely on the police force for the defense of the coun-
Ostavši bez oružja Teritorijalne obrane i suočena s try because the JNA had disarmed the TO. At that par-
rastućom srpskom pobunom, Hrvatska je bila primo- ticular point in time many police officers were Serbs.
rana nabavljati oružje od onih koji su ga željeli proda- For that reason the Croatian government started aug-
ti. U Mađarskoj je nabavljen kontingent pješačkoga menting the police force with Croats in the summer of
naoružanja za policiju koja je ubrzano rasla. Kupovinu 1990. The MUP had 6,800 personnel in mid-1990. By
oružja u inozemstvu JNA je pokušala iskoristiti da “le- mid-January, 1991, the number had grown to 18 752
galno” sruši izabranu vlast u Hrvatskoj. Na temelju nje- active personnel and 22,865 reserve personnel, 41,751
zine informacije o neovlaštenom ustrojavanju oružanih personnel in total.
paravojnih postrojba Predsjedništvo SFRJ naredilo je 9.
siječnja 1991. rasformiranje svih neregularnih sastava Attempt to Disarm the Croatian Police
“koji nisu u sastavu jedinstvenih Oružanih snaga SFRJ ili in January 1991
organa unutrašnjih poslova i čija organizacija nije utvr-
đena u skladu sa saveznim propisima”. Zahtijevalo se da Having lost the TO’s weapons and equipment
se naoružanje i oprema u roku od 10 dana predaju naj- and faced with the growing Serb rebellion the Cro-
atian government was forced to purchase weapons
from anyone who was willing to sell some. A consign-
ment of small arms was purchased in Hungary and
343 Davor MARIJAN, “Oružane snage SFRJ u izvanrednim the weapons were distributed to the rapidly growing
prilikama”, Časopis za suvremenu povijest, 2/2002., 368-
369; M. ŠPEGELJ, Sjećanja vojnika, 126-131, 133-135,
police force. The JNA tried to use the fact that Croatia
141-142, 149-158. was in the process of obtaining arms from abroad as
344 HDA, UPRH, 138/91: MUP RH, br. 511-01-01-Sp. 12/1- a pretext to attempt to “legally” bring down the Cro-
1991 od 17. 1. 1991., Zapisnik o izvršenoj inspekciji. atian government. The Presidency of the SFRY, based


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

bližim postrojbama i ustanovama JNA.345 Reakcija hrvat- on the JNA’s claim to be in possession of evidence that
skih vlasti na Informaciju JNA i Naredbu Predsjedništva Croatia was illegally forming armed paramilitary for-
SFRJ bila je oštra i nepokolebljiva. Ono što je JNA držala mations, ordered, on January 9, 1991, that all irregular
posve očitim, Hrvatska nije. Iz Vlade RH poručeno je da military formation that “do not belong to the Armed
“neregularnih vojnih ili paravojnih jedinica” u Hrvatskoj Forces of the SFRY or internal affairs organs of the
nema, osim onih “koje djeluju u kninskom kraju, a po- SFRY and whose organization structure is not in ac-
vremeno i još nekim općinama Like”.346 Hrvatski politički cordance with the federal regulations” be disbanded
vrh je čvrsto branio stajalište da nema ništa sporno u na- forthwith. The Presidency of the SFRY also demanded
oružavanju i povećanju hrvatske policije, te da je sve u that all weapons and equipment be handed over to
skladu s Ustavom i zakonima Republike Hrvatske.347 the nearest units and institutions of the JNA within
Premda je JNA negirala da se sprema oružjem rea- ten days. The Croatian government’s reaction to the
lizirati naredbu, dio preustrojenih snaga bio je spreman JNA claim and the consequent order of the SFRY pres-
za intervenciju u Hrvatskoj. O planovima JNA za inter- idency was sharp and resolute. What the JNA claimed
venciju za sada su dostupni tek fragmenti na temelju was obvious the Croatian government did not per-
kojih se može pretpostaviti da su vođeni pod imenom ceive as such at all. The Croatian government stated
Neretva-91.348 Komanda 1. vojne oblasti zapovjedila je that “there are no irregular or paramilitary formations”
17. siječnja 1991. Komandi Banjalučkoga korpusa da in Croatia apart from “those that operate in the Knin
pripremi 329. oklopnu brigadu iz Banje Luke “za marš i region and, on occasion, in some parts of Lika.” The
borbenu upotrebu” na području Gline, Petrinje i Slunja i Croatian political leadership claimed that there was
pridoda je 5. vojnoj oblasti.349 nothing controversial in increasing the size and arm-
Na zahtjev hrvatskoga člana Predsjedništva SFRJ ing of the Croatian police force and that everything
Stjepana Mesića i njegovo uvjeravanje da će Hrvatska was in accordance with the Constitution and laws of
prikupiti 20.000 automatskih pušaka i staviti ih u skla- the Republic of Croatia.
dišta koja će zajednički nadzirati MUP Hrvatske i JNA, Even though the JNA denied that it was ready
Predsjedništvo SFRJ produžilo je 19. siječnja rok za pre- to enforce the Presidency’s order, some restructured
daju oružja za 48 sati, odnosno do ponoći 21. siječnja JNA formations were ready to intervene in Croatia.
1991. godine. U produženom roku Hrvatska je samo Only fragments of the JNA’s plans for intervening
djelomično provela Naredbu.350 Jugoslavenska narodna in Croatia are available to scholars at this point in
armija stoga je podigla borbenu spremnost, te počela time. However, these fragments tell us enough to
prestrojavanje i dodatnu mobilizaciju snaga da silom know that the plans were collectively codenamed
omogući vojnom pravosuđu da uhićuje i sudi po Hrvat- Neretva-91. On January 17, 1991, the HQ of the 1st Mil-
skoj. Srpski vođa Slobodan Milošević je od JNA očekivao itary District ordered the HQ of Banja Luka Corps to
prepare the 329th Armored Brigade from Banja Luka
for “advance and combat” in the Glina, Petrinja and
345 ICTY: Predsjedništvo SFRJ, Naredba br. 3 od 9. 1. 1991.;
“Naredba Predsjedništva SFRJ”, Narodna armija, 26. 1. Slunj areas and subordinate the brigade to the 5th
1991., 8. Military District”.
346 “Sve po zakonu”, intervju s Josipom Manolićem, Danas, At the request of the Croatian member of the
15. 1. 1991., 19. Presidency of the SFRY, Stjepan Mesić and prompt-
347 AHS: Vlada Republike Hrvatske kl. 815-05/90-01/01, ur. ed by his promise that Croatia would gather 20,000
br. 5030101-91-1 od 24. 1. 1991. assault rifles and put them in warehouses controlled
348 ICTY: Operativni centar 5. korpusa, Stanje u jedinicama pov. jointly by the Croatian MUP and the JNA, the Presi-
br. 13/1-26 od 21. 1. 1991.; ICTY: Operativni centar 5. korpu- dency of the SFRY extended, on January 19, the dead-
sa, Stanje u jedinicama pov. br. 13/1-37 od 26. 1. 1991. line for handing over the weapons for 48 hours, until
349 ICTY: Komanda 5. korpusa, Izvođenje marša, Naređenje midnight January 21, 1991. Croatia only partially im-
str. pov. br. 37-2 od 18. 1. 1991.
plemented the Presidency’s order by the deadline’s
350 Komanda Vojnopomorske oblasti, int. br. 213-5 od 24. 1. expiration. The JNA raised the combat readiness of
1991., Informacija PU SSNO int. br. 77-1 od 23. 1. 1991.;
“Za doslednu primenu zakona”, Narodna armija, 24. 1. its formations, started to mobilize additional forces
1991., 4. and regrouped for the purpose of enabling military


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

da “‘pokrije’ srpske krajeve u Hrvatskoj” te “da u slučaju authorities to make arrests and hold court-martials
sukoba, zadrži tu teritoriju a ostalo neka se odcepi”.351 in Croatia. The Serbian leader Slobodan Milošević
Hrvatsko vrhovništvo nije dvojilo da JNA priprema expected the JNA to “‘cover’ the predominantly Serb
intervenciju zbog njezina priopćenja 23. siječnja 1991., areas of Croatia and to, “in case of conflict, hold the
da će sama provesti Naredbu Predsjedništva SFRJ ako se areas and the rest of Croatia can go its own way.”
na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske odmah ne raspuste svi On January 23, 1991, the JNA issued a statement
mobilizirani sastavi.352 Hrvatska vlada odgovorila je tako that it was ready to intervene in Croatia if all mobi-
što je 25. siječnja po hitnom postupku podnijela Saboru lized formations in the territory of the Republic of
RH prijedlog usvajanja odluke da na teritoriju RH vrijede Croatia were not immediately disbanded. The Cro-
samo oni savezni zakoni koji nisu u suprotnosti s Usta- atian leadership did not doubt that the JNA meant
vom Republike Hrvatske.353 business. The Croatian government reacted on Janu-
Paralelno s političkom akcijom za obranu Hrvatske ary 25 by submitting an urgent recommendation to
trajala je i konkretna akcija na terenu. Policija je u krat- the Croatian Parliament to adopt the decision that
kom vremenu povećala brojno stanje, uglavnom člano- only federal laws valid in the territory of the Republic
vima HDZ-a, zapriječila dio vojarni i značajnih prometnih of Croatia were those that were not in contradiction
pravaca.354 Jugoslavenska narodna armija osigurala je with the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia.
vojne objekte, stanove i članove obitelji stalnoga sasta- The Croatian government did not limit its activ-
va JNA te se pripremala za djelovanje u uvjetima okru- ities for defending Croatia to political maneuvers
ženja. Na Televiziji Beograd 25. siječnja 1991. prikazan je – there was action in the field too. The numerical
film koji je JNA napravila o naoružavanju Republike Hr- strength of the police force had grown significantly
vatske, u kojem je “glavnu ulogu” imao ministar obrane in a relatively short span of time, augmented most-
RH Martin Špegelj. Film je trebao biti najava i opravdanje ly by HDZ members. The police put some JNA bar-
vojne intervencije u Hrvatskoj.355 racks and some main communications routes under
Iako je Kadijević 15. siječnja 1991. uvjeravao srbijan- blockade. The JNA secured its facilities and installa-
ski politički vrh da je spreman na sve, ipak se nije usu- tions, apartments and family members of its active
dio pokrenuti JNA jer je tijekom sjednice Predsjedništva contingent and was preparing to operate in siege
conditions. On January 25, 1991, TV Belgrade aired
footage, courtesy of the JNA, showing the minister
351 B. JOVIĆ, Poslednji dani SFRJ, 257-258.
of defense of the Republic of Croatia, Martin Špegelj,
352 Komanda Vojnopomorske oblasti, int. br. 213-5 od 24. 1.
1991., Informacija PU SSNO int. br. 77-1 od 23. 1. 1991. concluding a purchase of a quantity of arms. The film
Priopćenje je objavljeno u: Narodna armija, 26. 1. 1991., 9. was supposed to provide the JNA with a pretext for a
353 Zapisnik s 56. sjednice Vlade Republike Hrvatske održane military intervention in Croatia.
24. siječnja 1991.; AHS: Vlada Republike Hrvatske, Pri- Even though Kadijević gave assurances to the
jedlog Ustavnog zakona o dopuni Ustavnog zakona o Serbian political leadership, on January 15, 1991, that
provedbi Ustava Republike Hrvatske, kl. 5030115-91-
5223-6, ur. br. 012-02/90-01/02 od 25. 1. 1991. he was ready for everything, he did not dare send the
354 HDA, UPRH: Kabinet komandanta Komande 5. VO pov. JNA into action because, during a meeting of the
br. 2/22-26 od 23. 1. 1991.; HMDCDR: Komanda 5. VO, Presidency of the SFRY held on January 25, it became
Informacija u vezi saopštenja SSNO pov. br. 25/295-5 od obvious that the outcome of the vote would be 4:4
24. 1. 1991.; HDA, UPRH: Kabinet saveznog sekretara za
narodnu obranu, Dopuna informacije br. 5-64-1/90 od 4. and that, therefore, no legal basis would be provid-
2. 1991.; USMKSMP: Podaci i informacije MUP-a RH od ed for the JNA to intervene in Croatia. The Croatian
11. 2. 1991. u vezi s netočnim ili nepotpunim konstataci- government was determined to remain steadfast in
jama u materijalu SSNO pod naslovom “Informacija o
neovlašćenom formiranju oružanih sastava u SFRJ” do-
its decision not to give in to the JNA but it was also
stavljenom poslanicima Skupštine SFRJ. committed to trying to avoid open conflict. At the
355 HMDCDR: Komanda 5. VO, Informacija u vezi saopštenja meeting it was agreed that the reserve police force
SSNO pov. br. 25/295-5 od 24. 1. 1991.; HMDCDR: Ko- in Croatia should be demobilized on January 26 by
manda 5. VO str. pov. br. 25/295-6 od 24. 1. 1991.; HM- 1200 hours and that the JNA should decrease its
DCDR: Komanda 32. K, Preduzimanje dodatnih mera,
Upozorenje str. pov. br. 43-60 od 25. 1. 1991.; S. LETICA, combat readiness to the peacetime level. It was also
M. NOBILO, Rat protiv Hrvatske, 18. agreed that the legal order be reestablished as soon


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

SFRJ 25. siječnja bilo očito da će ishod glasanja biti 4 : 4 i as possible in those areas where it had been disrupt-
da se neće dobiti zakonsku osnovu za pokretanje vojske. ed. The Croatian government opted to interpret that
U Hrvatskoj su bili odlučni da neće pokleknuti, ali i da as a permission to proceed with attempting to solve
neće izazvati sukob. Na sjednici je dogovoreno da se 26. the problem in Krajina. The SFRY Presidency also de-
siječnja u 12 sati demobilizira pričuvni sastav policije u cided that military judicial organs of the JNA should
Hrvatskoj, a da JNA stupanj borbene spremnosti vrati na cooperate with appropriate organs of the Republic
mirnodopsku razinu.356 Dogovoreno je da se što hitnije of Croatia in regard to implementing investigation
uspostavi pravni poredak ondje gdje je narušen, što se procedures and criminal proceedings. The reaching
u Hrvatskoj tumačilo kao odobrenje za rješavanje pro- of all of these decisions was preceded by separate
blema u Krajini. Uz to je dogovoreno i da vojno-pravo- meetings between the leaders of Serbia with the
sudna tijela JNA surađuju s mjerodavnim institucijama leaders of Croatia and Slovenia on January 24-25.
RH u provedbi istražnoga i pravosudnoga postupka.357 These meetings played an instrumental part in de-
Dogovoru su prethodili odvojeni sastanci čelnika Srbije fusing the situation.
s čelnicima Hrvatske i Slovenije 24. i 25. siječnja, koji su Honoring the decisions reached by the Pres-
također doprinijeli smirenju.358 idency of the SFRY in Belgrade the JNA decreased
Na temelju dogovora u Beogradu JNA se vratila u its combat readiness to the peacetime level and the
stanje redovne borbene spremnosti, a MUP je deaktivi- MUP deactivated its reserve force. About 42% of the
rao pričuvni sastav. Oko 42 % ljudstva ostalo je zaduženo MUP personnel kept their weapons and 58% of the
s osobnim oružjem, a 58 % oružje je vratilo u policijska weaponry was returned to police warehouses. At the
skladišta. Krajem siječnja 1991. JNA je uhitila nekoliko end of January, 1991, the JNA arrested a number of
hrvatskih građana, a protiv ministra obrane RH generala Croatian citizens and the Military Court in Zagreb
Špegelja Vojni sud u Zagrebu podignuo je i optužnicu.359 filed charges against the minister of defense of the
Prihvaćanjem Naredbe i Zaključaka Predsjedništva Republic of Croatia, General Špegelj.
SFRJ, Hrvatska je dobila vrijeme da legalizira naoružano By not rejecting the order given and decisions
ljudstvo i nastavi s internacionalizacijom krize. Jugosla- made by the Presidency of the SFRY, Croatia secured
venska narodna armija ubrzo se žalila da Hrvatska poku- for itself an invaluable period of time to legalize its
šava izbjeći obveze oko razoružanja na koje je pristala i da armed formations and continue its efforts to inter-
ne surađuje s vojnim pravosuđem. Vojni je vrh 13. veljače nationalize the crisis. The JNA soon submitted com-
1991. ratoborno i “poslednji put” upozorio hrvatsko vrhov- plaints that Croatia was trying to evade its obliga-
tions regarding disarmament and that it was not
cooperating with the military authorities. The mili-
356 B. JOVIĆ, Poslednji dani SFRJ, 247; Franjo TUĐMAN, Zna tary leadership, on February 13, 1991, belligerently
se HDZ u borbi za osamostaljenje Hrvatske, Izvršni odbor
HDZ-a, Zagreb, 1992., 104-108: Izlaganje na izvanred- and “for the last time” warned the Croatian leader-
noj sjednici Hrvatskog sabora 26. 1. 1991.; HMDCDR: ship to disband and disarm all illegally armed for-
Komanda 5. VO pov. br. 25/168-6 od 28. 1. 1991.; POA: mations in the territory of Croatia, to hand over the
Naređenje, Komanda 32. korpusa str. pov. br. 140-9 od
26. 1. 1991.; ICTY: Stenografske beleške sa 93. sednice weapons to the JNA and that all accused, including
Predsedništva SFRJ održane 25. 1. 1991. Minister Špegelj, had to be handed over to the pros-
357 HMDCDR: Komanda 5. VO pov. br. 25/168-6 od 28. 1. 1991. ecuting authorities of the JNA.
358 HDA, UPRH: Saopštenje povodom razgovora delegacije The events were unfolding contrary to the JNA’s
Srbije i delegacije Slovenije 24. 1. 1991.; HDA, UPRH: Sa- expectations. For that reason, Kadijević, on February
opštenje povodom razgovora delegacije Srbije i deleg- 25, 1991, presented to Borisav Jović a plan accord-
acije Hrvatske 25. 1. 1991. ing to which the JNA would bring down the gov-
359 ICTY: Komanda 5. korpusa, Naređenje str. pov. br. 37- ernments in Croatia and Slovenia. “The basic idea is
21 od 28. 1. 1991.; USMKSMP: Podaci i informacije MUP
RH od 11. 2. 1991. u svezi sa netočnim ili nepotpunim that the army should strongly rely on the support of
konstatacijama u materijalu SSNO pod naslovom “Infor- those elements of society that favor Yugoslavia in all
macija o neovlašćenom formiranju oružanih sastava u parts of the country and that a combination of polit-
SFRJ” dostavljenom poslanicima Skupštine SFRJ; “Istina
o naoružavanju terorističkih formacija HDZ u Hrvatskoj ical and military measures should be implemented
(2)”, Narodna armija, 28. 2. 1991. for the purpose of bringing the government down


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

ništvo da mora raspustiti i razoružati sve ilegalno naoruža- first in Croatia, and then in Slovenia.” In Croatia the
ne sastave na teritoriju Hrvatske, da se oružje mora predati plan was to “institutionally and politically strength-
u skladišta JNA, a svi okrivljeni, uključujući ministra Špege- en the Serbian Krajina and support its secession from
lja, predati tijelima kaznenoga gonjenja u JNA.360 Croatia (not publically but factually)”.
S obzirom na to da su se događaji odvijali mimo
očekivanja JNA, Kadijević je 25. veljače 1991. Borisavu First Engagements
Joviću izložio prijedlog plana JNA za rušenje vlasti u Hr-
vatskoj i Sloveniji. “Osnovna zamisao vojske sastoji se u The scenario started to unfold shortly after the
tome da se čvrsto osloni na snage koje su za Jugoslaviju events described above in Pakrac, a town in which Serbs
u svim delovima zemlje i da se kombinovanim političkim formed a relative majority, in western Slavonia. At a
i vojnim merama sruši vlast prvo u Hrvatskoj, a potom u meeting held on February 22, 1991, the Assembly of the
Sloveniji.” U Hrvatskoj se planiralo “institucionalno i poli- Pakrac Municipality decided to join the municipality to
tički jačati Srpsku krajinu i podržavati njeno otcepljenje the SAO Krajina and to rename the Police Station Pakrac
od Hrvatske (ne javno nego faktički)”.361 to the Secretariat of Internal Affairs and subordinate it
to the Secretariat of Internal Affairs of the Krajina. Imple-
Prvi sukobi menting the decision, most of the Serb police officers
disarmed the Croatian police officers and four Serbs
Realizacija scenarija počela je vrlo brzo u zapad- who sided with their Croatian colleagues on March 1.
noj Slavoniji, u Pakracu, gradiću u kojem su Srbi imali The Croatian government responded to this act of open
relativnu većinu. Na sjednici održanoj 22. veljače 1991. mutiny by sending the Special Police to Pakrac. The Spe-
Skupština općine Pakrac odlučila je da općina pristupi cial Police arrived on March 2 and quickly put the town
SAO Krajini, a da se Policijska postaja Pakrac preimenuje under its control. The rebels withdrew to near-by hills
u Općinski Sekretarijat unutarnjih poslova i podredi Se- and JNA formations from Bjelovar, Virovitica and Zagreb
kretarijatu unutarnjih poslova Krajine. Provodeći odluku moved on Pakrac. The events in Pakrac were breaking
u djelo, većina policajaca Srba razoružala je 1. ožujka news for a number of days because the Serb media out-
policajce Hrvate i četiri Srbina neistomišljenika. Hrvatski lets claimed that the Croats had been massacring Serbs
odgovor na otvorenu pobunu u Pakracu bilo je slanje in the town. The claims were complete nonsense. There
Specijalne policije, koja je 2. ožujka stigla u grad i stavila were casualties as a result of the Special Police actions,
ga pod svoj nadzor. Pobunjenici su odstupili na obližnja but only its troops sustained wounds and injuries. The
brda, a u Pakrac su upućene postrojbe JNA iz Bjelovara, federal organs demanded that the Special Police leave
Virovitice i Zagreba. Pakrac je nekoliko dana bio u foku- Pakrac and the JNA was ready to use force. After negoti-
su zbivanja jer su srbijanski mediji izvještavali o pokolju ations the Special Police withdrew from Pakrac, the uni-
nad Srbima, premda je u pothvatu hrvatske policije bilo formed police was tasked with keeping law and order
ranjenih samo na njezinoj strani. Savezna su tijela vlasti and the JNA also withdrew on March 18.
zahtijevala od Hrvatske da povuče Specijalnu policiju iz The manner in which the JNA acted in Pakrac was
Pakraca, a JNA je bila pripravna i na korištenje sile. Na- the formula the JNA would adopt and use regularly for
kon pregovora Specijalna se policija povukla iz Pakraca, the next few months. The JNA, time and again, prevent-
uredovanje je preuzela temeljna policija, nakon čega se ed the Croatian police from keeping law and order. The
18. ožujka povukla i JNA.362 JNA propagandists brazenly claimed that the JNA was
creating buffer zones between the two belligerent par-
ties but in reality the JNA was protecting the rebel Serbs
360 “Naredba Predsedništva SFRJ sprovešće se do kraja”, Bor- and their territorial acquisitions.
ba, 4. 2. 1991., 1; SVA MORH, VSZ: Informacija SSNO od The rebellion in Pakrac and a rally staged by the
13. 2. 1991. o sprovođenju Naredbe i Zaključaka Preds-
jedništva SFRJ. Serbian opposition parties expressing disapproval of
361 B. JOVIĆ, Poslednji dani SFRJ, 276-278.
Milošević’s rule on March 9, 1991, prompted the Su-
preme Command HQ of the Armed Forces of the SFRY
362 Antun ERJAVEC, Pakrac i Lipik uoči rata 1991. godine, Pogla-
varstvo grada Pakraca, Pakrac, 2001., 15-25; N. BARIĆ, Srps- to demand, at a meeting of the Presidency of the SFRY
ka pobuna, 114; D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 241-243. held on March 12-15, that martial law be declared in the


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Hrvatska policija i kolona vozila JNA, Pakrac, 2. ožujka 1991. go- Croatian police officers and a column of JNA vehicles. Pakrac,
dine (autor fotografija: Toni Hnojčik). March 2, 1991 (Photographs by Toni Hnojčik).
Način na koji je postupila JNA u Pakracu bio je “for- country and that all normative legal acts which are in
mula” postupanja nekoliko sljedećih mjeseci i njezina contradiction to the Constitution of the SFRY and fed-
redovita zadaća. U svojem tisku i javnim istupima taj eral laws be suspended. The Presidency voted on the
su pristup, kojim su onemogućavali rad tijela sigurnosti demand: in the first round of voting the demand was
Republike Hrvatske, nazvali stvaranjem tampon-zona, rejected by a 4:4 vote. In the second round the rejection
čija je stvarna svrha bila podržavanje pobunjenih Srba was confirmed by a 5:3 vote. Montenegro and Serbia,
te održavanje napetosti i postojećega stanja.363 with the autonomous provinces Vojvodina and Kosovo,
Pobuna u Pakracu i demonstracije protiv Sloboda- were in favor of the demand in the first round of voting.
na Miloševića koje je srbijanska oporba održala u Be- In the second round the Kosovo representative changed
ogradu 9. ožujka 1991. bile su povod da Štab Vrhovne his mind and voted against the demand. After the meet-
komande OS SFRJ na sjednici Predsjedništva SFRJ odr- ing during which the proponents of the Greater Serbia
žanoj od 12. do 15. ožujka zatraži uvođenje izvanredno- idea failed to drape a veneer of legality over their ag-
ga stanja u zemlji i suspenziju svih normativnih akata gressive designs, the JNA sided with the option which
koji su u suprotnosti s Ustavom SFRJ i saveznim zako- meant, in the words of none other but General Kadije-
nima. Predsjedništvo SFRJ s omjerom glasova 4 : 4, od- vić, “protecting and defending the Serb nation outside
nosno 5 : 3 u drugom krugu glasanja nije prihvatilo taj Serbia and gathering the JNA formations within the bor-
prijedlog. „Za“ su bile Crna Gora i Srbija s autonomnim ders of the future Yugoslavia.” At that time for sure, and
pokrajinama Vojvodinom i Kosovom, čiji je predstavnik possibly even before the Presidency’s meeting, some
poslije glasao protiv.364 Nakon te sjednice, na kojoj veli- members of the JNA security service in Croatia started
kosrpska opcija nije uspjela naoko legalno ostvariti svo- arming the rebel Serbs.
je planove u zemlji, JNA se priklonila opciji koja je zna- It did not take long for another major incident to
čila, kako to priznaje osobno general Kadijević, “zaštitu take place. In March, 1991, the rebel Serb militia placed a
i odbranu srpskog naroda van Srbije i prikupljanje JNA road block in the Plitvice Lakes National Park, on the Kar-
lovac – Knin road. The Lučko and Rakitje special forces
of the Croatian Police successfully intervened on March
363 D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 244-245, 248-249.
31, removed the road block and arrested 29 rebels. In
364 HDA, UPRH: Stenografske beleške sa sednice Predsed- the skirmish the Croatian police officer Josip Jović was
ništva SFRJ u funkciji Vrhovne komande, održane 15. 3.
1991.; V. KADIJEVIĆ, Moje viđenje raspada, 113; B. JOVIĆ, killed. Officially he is listed as the first Croatian soldier
Poslednji dani SFRJ, 286-295. killed in the Croatian War of Independence. Follow-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

u granice buduće Jugoslavije”.365 Najkasnije od tada u ing the incident a police station in Plitvice was set up.
Hrvatskoj je dio pripadnika službi sigurnosti JNA počeo The police station was subordinated to Police Admin-
naoružavati pobunjene Srbe.366 istration Gospić. Immediately following the incident,
Nije prošlo dugo do novog incidenta: u ožujku armored JNA units belonging to the 1st and 5th Military
1991. milicija pobunjenih Srba postavila je barikadu u Districts made an appearance and expeditiously set up a
Nacionalnom parku Plitvička jezera, na prometnici Kar- buffer zone between the Croatian police officers and the
lovac – Knin. Specijalne postrojbe hrvatske policije Luč- rebels. This was the opening act of the active involve-
ko i Rakitje 31. ožujka uspješno su intervenirale, razbile ment of the JNA in protecting the Serbian Krajina, as per
barikadu i uhitile 29 pobunjenika. U sukobu je poginuo the guidelines for using armored units in emergency sit-
policajac Josip Jović, koji se drži prvim poginulim hr- uations. At the beginning of April the Military-Maritime
vatskim braniteljem u Domovinskom ratu. Na Plitvica- District and 5th Military District sealed off the approach-
ma je potom osnovana Policijska postaja u sastavu PU es to the Kninska Krajina and parts of Lika and created
Gospić.367 Odmah nakon policije stigle su oklopne po- a buffer zone that prevented the Croatian police from
strojbe JNA iz 1. i 5. vojne oblasti, koje su postavile tam- taking action. The JNA tried to create a buffer zone on
pon-zonu između sukobljenih strana.368 Bio je to uvod the Ljubovo pass but the Croatian police managed to
u angažman JNA radi zaštite srpske Krajine, sve prema prevent that without a fight on April 8-10. The JNA then
načelu uporabe oružanih snaga u izvanrednim prilika- occupied the area between Bunić and Ljubovo, waiting
ma. Početkom travnja Vojnopomorska oblast i 5. vojna for the right opportunity to place the pass under its con-
oblast zatvorile su prilaze Kninskoj krajini i dijelu Like trol. At the beginning of May elements of the Mecha-
te stvorile tampon-zonu koja je sprečavala djelovanje nized Battalion of the 4th Armored Brigade were moved
hrvatske policije.369 Jugoslavenska narodna armija po- from Plitvice to Gospić, thus strengthening the Gospić
kušala je postaviti tampon-zonu i na prijevoju Ljubovo, garrison of the JNA.
što je hrvatska policija 8. i 10. travnja spriječila bez bor- At the end of April, 1991, the MUP of the Repub-
be. Jugoslavenska narodna armija potom je zaposjela lic of Croatia adopted a more determined approach to
područje između Bunića i Ljubova, čekajući povoljan dealing with the SAO Krajina and created a ring of po-
trenutak da prijevoj stavi pod nadzor. Početkom svibnja lice outposts around Knin by setting up police stations
u garnizon Gospić prebačen je s Plitvica dio mehani- in Drniš and Sinj. By the end of April the MUP set up
ziranog bataljuna 4. oklopne brigade, čime je ojačana police stations and offices in Kijevo, Kruševo, Stankov-
obrana gradskoga garnizona.370 ci, Oklaj and Polača. It was also planned to set up police
Krajem travnja 1991. MUP RH odlučnije je nastupio stations in Gradac near Ploče, Grude, Mokošica, Rijeka
prema SAO Krajini, stvarajući policijski prsten oko Knina Dubrovačka near Dubrovnik, Hrvatska Dubica, Divuša
near Dvor na Uni, Saborski Drežnik near Slunj, Plaško
near Ogulin, Lovinac near Gračac, Korenica and Ljubo-
vo near Gospić.
365 V. KADIJEVIĆ, Moje viđenje raspada, 113-114. The setting up of the police stations in Kijevo, in the
direction of Sinj – Knin and in Kruševo in the direction
366 ICTY: Odjeljenje bezbjednosti GŠ SVK, Zahtjev S.P. br.
321-99 od 16. 10. 1994. of Obrovac – Zadar, exacerbated the already highly vol-
367 Hrvatska policija u Domovinskom ratu, Ministarstvo un- atile situation in the area. The situation was especially
utarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske (bez mjesta i go- tense for a few days around the police station in Kijevo
dine izdanja), 99-101. because the HQ of Knin Corps of the JNA insisted that
368 Davor MARIJAN, “Djelovanje JNA i pobunjenih Srba u the police station be disbanded. The rebel Serbs in the
Lici 1990.–1992. godine”, Senjski zbornik, br. 33, Senj, area were incensed by the police station because they
2006., 225. absolutely refused to tolerate the presence of Croatian
369 HMDCDR: Komanda 9. korpusa, Zapovest za odbranu police officers in the Knin Municipality. The Croatian
Op. br. 1, DT br. 1-4 od 5. 4. 1991.; B. JOVIĆ, Poslednji dani
SFRJ, 317.
government remained steadfast and rejected all the
demands from Belgrade and Knin.
370 Davor MARIJAN, “Gospić u Domovinskom ratu”, u:
Gospić: grad, ljudi, identitet, Institut društvenih znanosti The security situation in Croatia deteriorated
Ivo Pilar, Zagreb – Gospić, 2013., 236. steadily from May, 1991. On May 2 twelve Croatian po-


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osnivanjem ispostava policijskih postaja Drniš i Sinj.371 lice officers were killed in an ambush in Borovo Selo
Do kraja travnja otvorene su policijske postaje i ispo- near Vukovar. The massacre marked the beginning of
stave u Kijevu, Kruševu, Stankovcima, Oklaju i Polači. the Serb rebellion in eastern Slavonia. The rebellion
Osnivanje se planiralo u Gradcu kod Ploča, Grudi, Mo- spread swiftly to the Vinkovci and Osijek areas. In these
košici i Rijeci dubrovačkoj kod Dubrovnika, u Hrvatskoj areas Mirkovci and Tenja, under the protection of the
Dubici, Divuši kod Dvora na Uni, Saborskom Drežniku JNA’s buffer zones, soon became major Serb strong-
kod Slunja, Plaškom kod Ogulina, Lovincu kod Gračaca, holds. On May 2 in the village of Polača, in Zadar’s hin-
Korenici i na Ljubovu kod Gospića.372 terland, Serb terrorists killed one Croatian police officer.
Osnivanje policijskih postaja u Kijevu, na smjeru On May 6 an anti-JNA rally was staged in Split. One JNA
Sinj – Knin, i Kruševu, na pravcu Obrovac – Zadar, poja- soldiers was killed in the protest. The Supreme Com-
čalo je ionako velike tenzije na tom području. Oko po- mand HQ of the Armed Forces of the SFRY reacted by
licijske postaje u Kijevu nekoliko je dana vladala velika raising the combat readiness of the JNA and mobilizing
napetost jer je Komanda Kninskoga korpusa JNA tražila a number of units. At the beginning of May the JNA
da se ona ukine, kao i pobunjeni Srbi, koji nisu prihvaća- deployed three new battalions to crisis areas of Croa-
li da na području općine Knin djeluje hrvatska policija. tia: an armored battalion of the 51st Motorized Brigade
Hrvatsko se vrhovništvo postavilo odlučno i odbilo pri- from Prijedor was deployed in Petrinja, a mechanized
tiske iz Knina i Beograda.373 battalion of the 36th Motorized Brigade from Subotica
Od svibnja 1991. sigurnosno stanje u Hrvatskoj was deployed in Vinkovci and a mechanized battalion
iznimno se pogoršalo. U Borovu Selu kod Vukovara 2. for the 453rd Motorized Brigade from Srijemska Mitro-
svibnja u zasjedi su ubijena dvanaestorica pripadnika vica was deployed in Vukovar. The JNA attempted to
hrvatske policije. Tim je masakrom počela srpska pobu- move the 10th Motorized Brigade from Mostar to Split
na u istočnoj Slavoniji. Proširila se i oko Vinkovaca i Osi- but the plan was foiled on May 7, 1991, by Bosnian
jeka, gdje Mirkovci i Tenja pod zaštitom tampon-zona Croats in Herzegovina. The 10th Motorized Brigade was
JNA postaju jaka pobunjenička uporišta. Istoga dana, then deployed in the Kupres area. The JNA took control
u zaleđu Zadra, u selu Polača, srpski teroristi ubili su of two bridges over the Danube, at Ilok and Bezdan.
još jednog hrvatskog policajca. Zbog demonstracija The bridges were then protected by JNA infantry units
protiv JNA u Splitu 6. svibnja, u kojima je poginuo je- and the river flotilla. These moves enabled the JNA to
dan vojnik, Štab Vrhovne komande OS SFRJ podignuo move fresh forces into Croatia.
je borbenu spremnost JNA i mobilizirao dio postrojbi. In Belgrade, meanwhile, the federal organs held a
Početkom svibnja na krizna područja Hrvatske uvedena series of meetings at which representatives of the re-
su tri nova bataljuna, oklopni iz 51. mbr iz Prijedora u publics were present. The talks centered on how to de-
Petrinju, mehanizirani 36. mbr iz Subotice u Vinkovce i fuse the crisis in the country. At the extended session
mehanizirani 453. mbr iz Srijemske Mitrovice u Vukovar. of the Presidency of the SFRY held between May 7-9,
Pokušaj dovođenja 10. mtbr JNA iz Mostara u Split nije 1991, it was agreed that “movement of armed forma-
uspio jer su ga 7. svibnja 1991. spriječili hercegovački tions and armed citizens in crisis areas, except legal lo-
Hrvati, pa je ona razmještena na području Kupresa. Ju- cal organs representing the ministry of the interior, and
between predominantly Serb areas and other parts of
Croatia, in both directions, all armed formations and
371 Zapisnik s 2. sjednice Vrhovnog državnog vijeća Repub-
groups except JNA units and SSUP units” be prevent-
like Hrvatske, održane 25. 4. 1991.
ed. This limitation on movement was planned to last a
372 Zapisnik s 3. sjednice Vrhovnog državnog vijeća Repub-
month and the JNA was tasked with enforcing the de-
like Hrvatske, održane 30. 4. 1991.
cision. The Rebel Serbs and Croatian police were treat-
373 HMDCDR: Komanda 5. VO, pov. br. 25/295-36 od 4. 5.
1991.; HDA, UPRH: MUP RH od 29. 4. 1991., Operativ- ed the same, with the difference that units belonging
no-indikativna informacija o značajnijim sigurnosnim to the SUP Knin were not permitted to move “in the ter-
saznanjima, pojavama i događajima (181); HDA, UPRH: ritory of other municipalities of the so-called SAO Kra-
MUP RH od 29. 4. 1991., Operativno-indikativna infor- jina.” These measures were designed to maintain the
macija o značajnijim sigurnosnim saznanjima, pojava-
ma i događajima (182); Zapisnik s 3. sjednice Vrhovnog status quo and not to solve the crisis, which suited the
državnog vijeća Republike Hrvatske, održane 30. 4. 1991. Serbian leadership perfectly well. The measures were


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goslavenska narodna armija zaposjela je i dva mosta

na Dunavu, kod Iloka i Bezdana, koja su osiguravale
kopnene snage i snage Riječne ratne flotile. Tim su po-
tezima stvorene pretpostavke za uvođenje novih snaga
JNA u Hrvatsku.374
U Beogradu se na nekoliko sjednica saveznih tijela,
na kojima su sudjelovali i predstavnici republika, pre-
govaralo o smirivanju stanja.375 Na proširenoj sjednici
Predsjedništva SFRJ održanoj od 7. do 9. svibnja 1991.
dogovoreno je da se odmah spriječi “kretanje oružanih
formacija i naoružanih građana u kriznim žarištima,
izuzev legalnih lokalnih organa unutrašnjih poslova, a
između područja sa pretežno srpskim stanovništvom i
ostalih delova Hrvatske, u oba pravca, svih naoružanih
formacija i grupa, izuzev jedinica JNA i SSUP”. Ograni-
čenje je planirano na mjesec dana, a za provedbu je
zadužena JNA.376 Pobunjeni Srbi i hrvatska policija tre-
tirani su na isti način, s tim da se snagama SUP-a Knin
nije smjelo dopustiti kretanje “na teritoriji ostalih opšti-
na tzv. SAO Krajine”.377 Mjere su trebale jamčiti održanje
postojećega stanja te tako nisu mogle donijeti nikakav Naslovnica Večernjeg lista, petak, 3. svibnja 1991.: „Obranit ćemo
Hrvatsku“ i „Teroristička ofenziva“; prve vijesti o napadu srpskih
pomak u razrješenju krize, što je odgovaralo srbijansko-
terorista na hrvatske policajce: u jednom danu (2. 5. 1991.) ubili
mu vodstvu. Prihvaćene zadaće i dalje su bile u skladu su 13 hrvatskh policajaca – 12 u Borovu Selu kraj Vukovara (Sla-
s postupanjem JNA, koja je praktično legalizirala snage vonija), jednog u Polači kraj Zadra (Dalmacija).
koje je prije dovela na krizna žarišta mimo suglasnosti
The front page of Večernji List, Friday, May 3 1991: ‘’We will re-
Predsjedništva SFRJ, odnosno bez suglasnosti ili znanja pel the attackers’’ and ‘’Terrorist Offensive’’; first news about
dijela njegovih članova. Ona je postupno demobilizira- attacks on Croatian police officers by Serb terrorists: in one day
la mobiliziranu pričuvu i spustila podignuti stupanj bor- (May 2) Serb terrorists kill 13 Croatian police officers – 12 in Bor-
ovo Selo near Vukovar (Slavonia) and one in the village of Polača
bene spremnosti.378 near Zadar (Dalmatia).
O spomenutoj sjednici Borisav Jović je 9. svibnja
1991. u svoj dnevnik zapisao: “Sednica je trajala dva
dana i dve noći 7. i 8. ovog meseca. Završili smo 8.
maja posle ponoći, u stvari 9. maja ujutro u 3 časa. also compatible with the behavior of the JNA. The JNA,
Ta je sednica bila izuzetno teška i dramatična. Pode- it has to be noted, essentially legalized the presence of
la je bila potpuna, nesloga velika, ali i presija da je its troops in the crisis areas without the consent of the
vojna opcija neminovna ako se ne postigne politički members of the SFRY Presidency. The JNA gradually
sporazum. (...) Imajući u vidu neviđeno političko nad- demobilized the reserves it had mobilized previously
mudrivanje i natezanje koje je trajalo dva dana i dve and decreased the level of its combat readiness.
Borisav Jović wrote the following in his diary on
May 9, 1991, about the mentioned session of the Presi-
374 D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 253-256.
dency, “The session lasted for two days and two nights,
375 ICTY: Zapisnik sa 118. sednice članova Predsedništva
SFRJ, održane 6. maja 1991. godine.
from the 7th to the 8th of this month. We wrapped things
up on May 8, some time after midnight. Well, actually,
376 Zapisnik sa 119. sednice članova Predsedništva SFRJ,
održane 7.-9. maja 1991. godine. it was on May 9 at three o’clock in the morning. The
session was hard, dramatic. Divisions along every fault
377 SVA MORH, Komanda 5. VO: I uprava GŠ OS SFRJ, Izvod
pov. br. 881-1 od 16. 5. 1991. line, discord and the realization that the military option
378 B. JOVIĆ, Poslednji dani SFRJ, 324; D. MARIJAN, Slom Ti-
is unavoidable if a political solution is not found (…)
tove armije, 420, 423. Keeping in mind that the session was marked with in-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Smotra postrojbi ZNG-a i Narodne zaštite, Zagreb, 28. svibnja Review of ZNG (National Guard Corps) and National Defense
1991. (autor fotografija: Marko Perić). units, Zagreb, May 28, 1991 (Photographs by Marko Perić).
noći, mora se imati u vidu da su ovi zaključci možda i credible bickering and political maneuvering that last-
taktički kompromis Hrvatske, koja je bila do krajnjih ed for two days and two nights it has to be acknowl-
granica ‘priterana uza zid’. U svakom slučaju zaključci edged that these conclusions may constitute a tactical
predstavljaju ogroman napredak u pogledu ovlašće- compromise for Croatia whose back was completely
nja koja su data vojsci... (...) Slobodan (Milošević) sma- against the wall. In any case, the conclusions repre-
tra da bi bilo dobro suziti front otpora time što bismo sent a huge leap forward in terms of power given to
pustili Slovence da izađu. Ako Republike nemaju na to the army…(…) Slobodan Milošević thinks it would be a
primedbi, treba omogućiti Slovencima da se legalno good idea to let the Slovenes go, so as to narrow down
odvoje. (...) Rekao sam da je sada aktuelno ostvariva- our front. If the republics do not express objections
nje odluka Predsedništva SFRJ od 7. i 8. maja, koje su then we should let Slovenia legally go (…) I said that
legalna podloga za aktivnosti JNA i svih drugih za re- now the decisions of the Presidency of May 7-8 ought
šavanje problema. (...) U suštini, odluka Predsedništva to be implemented and that these decisions form the
SFRJ je vojna opcija (jer je dala ogromna ovlašćenja legal foundation for the JNA’s activities and all the oth-
vojsci) iako se tako ne zove”.379 er activities for solving the problem (…) In essence, the
Nakon što su propali svi pokušaji dijaloga s pobu- decision of the Presidency of the SFRY means the mil-
njenim Srbima hrvatski je ministar unutarnjih poslova itary option (because the Presidency empowered the
Josip Boljkovac naredbom od 15. svibnja 1991. prenio army to act) even though nobody is saying it out loud”
poslove javne sigurnosti s Policijskih postaja Titova (Jović 1996: 320-323).
Korenica, Gračac i Donji Lapac na Policijsku upravu After all attempts at dialogue with the rebel Serbs
Gospić, s Policijskih postaja Benkovac i Obrovac na Po- had failed, the Croatian minister of internal affairs, Jo-
licijsku upravu Zadar i s Policijske postaje Knin na Po- sip Boljkovac, by order of May 15, 1991, transferred the
licijsku upravu Šibenik. Od tada su policijske postaje public security affairs from the police stations in Tito-
u Krajini bile nelegalne, a milicija je postala paravojna va Korenica, Gračac and Donji Lapac to the PU (Police
formacija.380 Administration) Gospić and from the police stations
in Benkovac and Obrovac to the PU Zadar and from
the police station in Knin to the PU Šibenik. From that
379 B. JOVIĆ, Poslednji dani SFRJ, 320-323. point on the police stations in Krajina were illegal, and
380 “SUP Krajine van zakona”, Borba, 17. 5. 1991., 8. the militia became a paramilitary formation.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Od proglašenja hrvatske neovisnosti do From the Declaration of Croatian

rata za vojarne Independence to the War for the Barracks

Od sredine svibnja do sredine lipnja 1991. sigurno- From mid-May to mid-June, 1991, the security situa-
sno stanje u Hrvatskoj bilo je razmjerno mirno, čak naj- tion in Croatia was relatively calm. It could even be said
mirnije tijekom godine. U Zagrebu je 28. svibnja 1991. that this period was the calmest period of the entire year.
Hrvatska predstavila javnosti Zbor narodne garde, što On May 28, 1991, in Zagreb, the Croatian National Guard
je bio temelj buduće Hrvatske vojske.381 Sastanci čelnika (Zbor narodne garde – ZNG) was presented to the gen-
republika o preustroju Jugoslavije završili su bez uspje- eral public in a military parade. These troops formed the
ha. Hrvatska je organizirala referendum, na kojem se core of the future Croatian Army. The meetings between
većina izjasnila za savez suverenih država, odnosno neo- the leaders of the republics about restructuring Yugosla-
stajanje u Jugoslaviji, a pobunjeni Srbi svoj referendum via ended in failure. Croatia organized a referendum in
za ostanak u Jugoslaviji. U drugoj polovini lipnja, uoči which the vast majority of voters voted for a federation
najavljenog proglašenja samostalnosti Republike Hr- of sovereign states, that is, leaving Yugoslavia. The rebel
vatske, sigurnosno se stanje naglo pogoršalo. Na etnički Serbs staged their own referendum. Unsurprisingly, the
miješanim područjima bilježio se porast nasilja, pljački,
vast majority of voters in that referendum voted for stay-
prijetnji, pucnjave i neovlaštenog nadzora prometa.382 ing in Yugoslavia. In the second half of June, prior to the
U slavljeničkom ozračju Hrvatska je 25. lipnja 1991. announced declaration of Croatia’s independence, the
proglašena neovisnom državom. Idućega dana uslijedio security situation in the country took a dramatic turn for
je napad pobunjenih Srba na policijsku postaju u Glini.383 the worse. The number of incidents involving violence,
U kontekstu sukoba u Sloveniji taj je napad bio pokušaj robbery, threats, shootings, and unauthorized monitor-
vezivanja hrvatskih snaga na lokalnoj razini i odvlačenja ing of traffic increased greatly.
pozornosti od angažmana JNA u Sloveniji. On June 25, 1991, Croatia declared its indepen-
Kratkotrajni sukob u Sloveniji počeo je ujutro 27. lip- dence. The declaration sparked spontaneous celebra-
nja 1991., kada je JNA pokrenuta da zaposjedne granicu tions on the streets of the capital. The very next day
Slovenije s Austrijom i Italijom i uspostavi nadležnost fe- rebel Serbs attacked the police station in Glina. In the
deralne policije i carine na granici. Prema Sloveniji su po- context of the war in Slovenia the attack was an attempt
krenute i snage JNA iz Hrvatske: dijelovi Varaždinskoga i to tie down Croatian forces at the local level and draw-
Zagrebačkoga korpusa iz Varaždina i Jastrebarskog te 580. ing attention away from the events in Slovenia.
mješovite artiljerijske brigade iz Karlovca.384 Nakon počet- The Ten-Day War in Slovenia began on the morn-
noga neuspjeha u Sloveniji, u Generalštabu Oružanih sna- ing of June 27, 1991, when the JNA moved into action
ga napravljen je plan za angažman dijela snaga iz Srbije i with the aim of taking control of the Slovenian border
Crne Gore, formalno prema Sloveniji, no to je uključivalo
with Austria and Italy and establishing the jurisdiction
pacifikaciju Hrvatske i zapadne Hercegovine.385 Dio toga of the federal police and customs along the border. JNA
plana bio je dovođenje četiriju mehaniziranih brigada na forces in Croatia moved towards Slovenia: elements of
granicu Hrvatske i Srbije (Vojvodine) u noći 2./3. srpnja. Varaždin Corps and Zagreb Corps from Varaždin and Jas-
trebarsko respectively and elements of the 580th Mixed
381 M. ŠPEGELJ, Sjećanja vojnika, 213-215. Artillery Brigade from Karlovac. The JNA soon run into
382 USMKSMP: Bilten MUP RH, br. 198, lipanj 1991.
trouble in Slovenia and the General Staff of the Armed
Forces created plans for moving some forces from Ser-
383 SVA MORH, GSHV: MUP RH od 26. 6. 1991., Operativ-
no-indikativne informacije o značajnijim sigurnosnim bia and Montenegro into Slovenia but also for the pur-
saznanjima, pojavama i događajima (228); SVA MORH, pose of pacifying Croatia and western Herzegovina. One
GSHV: Tok događaja i stanje 26./27. 6. 1991. godine. part of the plan included deploying four mechanized
384 D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 200-201. brigades to the Croatian-Serbian (Vojvodina) border
385 B. MAMULA, Slučaj Jugoslavija, 213-214; Davor MARIJAN, during the night of July 2-3. During the war in Slovenia
“Zamisao i propast napadne operacije Jugoslavenske 82 JNA and TO units were mobilized in Serbia, Montene-
narodne armije na Hrvatsku u rujnu 1991. godine”, Časo-
gro and some parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
pis za suvremenu povijest, 2/44, 2012., 256-257.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Tijekom sukoba u Sloveniji, u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori i dijelom u Borisav Jović and Slobodan Milošević met General
BiH mobilizirane su 82 postrojbe JNA i TO-a.386 Kadijević and Blagoje Adžić on July 5, 1991. Kadijević
Na sastanku održanom 5. srpnja 1991. Slobodan and Adžić promised to Milošević and Jović that the JNA
Milošević i Borisav Jović dobili su od generala Veljka Ka- would occupy the borders of the areas where Serbs
dijevića i Blagoja Adžića obećanje da će JNA zaposjesti lived in Croatia, meaning the Karlovac – Plitvice line in
granice teritorija Hrvatske na kojem, kako su govorili, the west, Baranja, Osijek, Vinkovci – Sava River line in
žive Srbi, a to je crta Karlovac – Plitvice na zapadu, Bara- the east and the Neretva River in the south. Based on
nja, Osijek, Vinkovci – Sava na istoku i Neretva na jugu.387 Kadijević’s promise the HQ of the 1st Military District
Na temelju Kadijevićeva obećanja u Komandi 1. vojne drafted the order, after midnight on July 7-8, 1991, for
oblasti napisana je nakon ponoći 7./8. srpnja 1991. za- employing JNA forces in Croatia. The plan was that the
povijed za angažiranje snaga u Hrvatskoj. Plan je bio da motorized forces of the 1st Military District would, “by
mehanizirane snage 1. vojne oblasti “brzim i energičnim swift and energetic moves of armor-mechanized forces”
pokretima oklopno-mehanizovanih snaga” izbiju na crtu reach the Virovitica – Pakrac – Kutina line. Banja Luka
Virovitica – Pakrac – Kutina. Banjalučkom je korpusu za- Corps was ordered to move the 329th Armored Brigade
povjeđeno da 329. oklopnu i 16. motoriziranu brigadu and the 16th Motorized Brigade to Glina and subordinate
premjesti u Glinu i pridoda Komandi 5. vojne oblasti za the brigades to the HQ of the 5th Military District for ac-
djelovanje na Banovini i u Lici. Konkretni zadaci ostalih tion in Banovina and Lika. The actual orders given to the
dijelova oblasti nisu poznati jer se radi o izvodu iz zapo- other units are not known because 11 articles are miss-
vijedi u kojoj nedostaje 11 točaka. Spremnost za pokret ing from the archived copy of the order. The JNA units
svih snaga bila je u 4 sata 9. srpnja.388 Zapovijed nije re- were supposed to be ready to move at 0400 hours on
alizirana, najvjerojatnije zbog stupanja na snagu Brijun- July 9. The order was never realized, probably because
skoga sporazuma 7. srpnja 1991. i jer bi i međunarodnoj of the signing of the Brijuni Agreement which went into
zajednici bilo očito da ga JNA krši. Jedini način koji je effect on July 7, 1991. Had the JNA moved against Cro-
JNA omogućivao da djeluje, bilo je namjerno izazivanje atia at that time, it would have been absolutely clear to
sukoba i podržavanje pobunjenika navodnim razdvaja- the international community that the JNA was in breach
njem sukobljenih strana. of the agreement signed only two days previously. The
Sukob u Sloveniji završio je brzo i bez većih borbi, only way the JNA could act was through deliberately try-
nakon čega je Predsjedništvo SFRJ 18. srpnja većinom ing to provoke a conflict and supporting the rebels un-
glasova donijelo neustavnu odluku o povlačenju JNA iz der the guise of trying to separate the warring parties.
Slovenije. Za Hrvatsku je to značilo da se nove snage JNA The war in Slovenia ended quickly and without ma-
razmještaju u susjedstvu, na području BiH i Srbije. Vojni jor battles. The Presidency of the SFRY, on July 18, by a
je vrh izradio Direktivu koja je trebala osigurati povlače- majority vote, decided to pull the JNA out of Slovenia.
nje iz Slovenije. Pisana je dvosmisleno, kao što se JNA i It is worth noting that the decision ran counter to the
ponašala. Nema naznaka da je nesrpski dio Predsjedniš- Yugoslav Constitution. For Croatia the whole thing
tva uopće znao za nju, što znači da je bila nezakonita, meant that a bad situation had just gotten worse. Now
kao i povlačenje koje je navodno trebala osigurati.389 new JNA forces were stationed just across the country’s
borders in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The JNA
386 Milisav SEKULIĆ, Jugoslaviju niko nije branio a Vrhov- leadership created a Directive by which the JNA’s with-
na komanda je izdala, NIDDA Verlag GmbH, Bad Vilbel, drawal from Slovenia could look legal. The text of the Di-
1997., 242; D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 264-266. rective was deliberately ambiguous as was the behavior
387 B. JOVIĆ, Poslednji dani SFRJ, 349-350. of the JNA. There are no indications that the non-Serb
388 ICTY: Komanda 1. vojne oblasti, Izvod iz Zapovesti za an- part of the Presidency was even aware of the Directive
gažovanje snaga 1. VO u Slavoniji str. pov. br. 1438-32 od which means that the Directive, as such, was beyond
8. 7. 1991. the scope of legality, as was the JNA’s withdrawal from
389 SVA MORH, Komanda 5. VO: I Uprava GŠ OS SFRJ, Na- Slovenia. The Directive envisaged two scenarios – Slove-
ređenje br. 51-1 od 25. 7. 1991.; Milovan BUZADŽIĆ, Se- nia’s refusal to let the JNA go without interference and
cesija bivših jugoslovenskih republika u svetlosti odluka
Ustavnog suda Jugoslavije. Zbirka dokumenata s uvodnom Croatia’s refusal to allow the JNA’s forces from Slovenia
raspravom, Službeni list SFRJ, Beograd, 1994., 236-237. to transit through Croatia and maybe even attack the


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

U Direktivi su bile predviđene obje opcije – odbijanje withdrawing JNA units. In that case the JNA planned to
Slovenaca da se naoružanje i oprema JNA povuku, kao “mount an energetic attack from Sirmium through Sla-
i odbijanje Hrvatske da odobri tranzit i mogućnost da vonia towards Varaždin and Maribor, from the Bosanska
uporabi oružje. U tom je slučaju JNA planirala “energič- Krajina through Banija and Kordun towards Novo Mesto
no preći u napad iz Srema kroz Slavoniju ka Varaždinu i and Ljubljana and sent XXXVII Corps into attack through
Mariboru, iz Bosanske Krajine preko Banije i Korduna ka western Herzegovina with the task of defeating the
Novom Mestu i Ljubljani, i snagama 37. K[orpusa] kroz paramilitary formations of the Republic of Croatia and
zapadnu Hercegovinu, sa zadatkom: razbiti paravojne Slovenia along its axis of advance and protecting the vi-
formacije Republike Hrvatske i Slovenije na pravcima tal installations and facilities and controlling territory for
dejstva i naneti im odlučni poraz, a čvrstim držanjem the purpose of securing the realization of the Presiden-
vitalnih objekata i kontrolom teritorije obezbediti reali- cy’s Decisions”.
zaciju Odluke Predsjedništva SFRJ”.390 The Directive selected the units to be used and set
Direktivom su određene snage koje se planiralo ko- up the organizational and command structure for the
ristiti, kao i podređenost odnosno pridodavanje drugim upcoming operations. For the Slovenia only scenario
komandama. Za opciju sukoba sa Slovenijom bez uklju- V Banja Luka Corps and two mechanized brigades, the
čivanja Hrvatske 5. vojnoj oblasti pridodan je Banjalučki 1st Proletarian Guards Brigade from Belgrade and 453rd
(5.) korpus te dvije mehanizirane brigade: 1. proleterska Brigade from Srijemska Mitrovica were placed under
gardijska iz Beograda i 453. iz Srijemske Mitrovice. U op- the command of the 5th Military District. For the Slo-
ciji uključivanja Hrvatske u sukob, uz Banjalučki je kor- venia-plus-Croatia scenario the 1st Proletarian Guards
pus na području Bosanske krajine 5. vojnoj oblasti pri- Mechanized Division, from the Virovitica – Kutina line,
dodana i 1. proleterska gardijska mehanizirana divizija was also placed, alongside the above mentioned forma-
od crte Virovitica – Kutina.391 tions, under the command of the 5th Military District.
General Kadijević smijenio je tijekom sukoba u General Kadijević, during the war in Slovenia,
Sloveniji generale slovenske nacionalnosti s dužnosti sacked the Slovenian generals from their positions as
komandanata 5. vojne oblasti i 5. korpusa RV-a i PVO-a commanders of the 5th Military District and V Corps of
i zamijenio ih Srbima. Generala Konrada Kolšeka zami- the Air Force and Air Defense and replaced them with
jenio je general Života Avramović, a generala Marjana Serb officers – General Konrad Kolšek was replaced by
Rožiča pukovnik Ljubomir Bajić.392 Osim što je pokazao General Života Avramović and General Marjan Rožić was
očito nepovjerenje u nesrpski kadar, general Kadijević replaced by Colonel Ljubomir Bajić. General Kadijević, it
demonstrirao je samovolju za koju nije imao ovlasti. U has to be noted, did not have the authority to sack the
oficirskom koru JNA u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj tada je bilo 57 Slovenian generals. Not only did he act with extreme
% Srba, 12 % Hrvata, 6 % Slovenaca, 5 % Crnogoraca, 4 % prejudice, he also acted illegally. In Slovenia and Croatia,
Jugoslavena i 16 % pripadnika ostalih nacionalnosti.393 at that time, the officer contingent of the JNA consisted
Za vrijeme sukoba u Sloveniji, 28. lipnja i 2. srpnja of 57% Serbs, 12 % Croats, 6 % Slovenes, 5 % Montene-
mobiliziran je dio postrojbi ZNG-a.394 Od djelatnih briga- grins, 4 % Yugoslavs and 16 % other nationalities.
da samo je 1. brigada ZNG-a bila popunjena ljudstvom During the war in Slovenia, on June 28 and July 2
i opremom, a ostale su bile znatno slabije popunjene some units of the ZNG were mobilized. Of the active
service brigades only the 1st Brigade was up to strength.
The others were undermanned and underequipped.
390 USMKSMP: I uprava GŠ OS SFRJ, Direktiva za izvršenje
The reserve brigades and independent battalions were
Odluke Predsjedništva SFRJ o prestanku stacioniranja
JNA na teritoriji R. Slovenije, DT br. 53-1 od 25. 7. 1991. at full strength but only about half of the soldiers were
391 D. MARIJAN, “Zamisao i propast napadne operacije armed and only with small arms, on account of an acute
JNA”, 258. shortage of weapons. Only the 106th Brigade ZNG in
392 D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 206-207. Osijek, 109th Brigade ZNG in Vinkovci and Županja and
393 Isto, 206-207, 438.
56th Kutina Battalion and 57th Sisak Battalion could arm
more than half its soldiers.
394 SVA MORH, ZOZO: GSHV, Informacija o slabostima u
toku mobilizacije kl. 801-01/91-01/17, ur. br. 5120-34-91 The declaration of Croatia’s independence ener-
od 10. 10. 1991. gized the rebel Serbs into stepping up their efforts.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

ljudstvom, naoružanjem i opremom.395 Pričuvne briga- The rebel Serbs had created a number of crisis areas
de i samostalni bataljuni imali su ljude po formaciji, no in almost every locality where they formed a majority.
stupanj popune, i to gotovo samo streljačkim naoruža- The JNA supported them every step of the way by set-
njem, bio je vrlo nizak. Više od 50 % popune streljačkim ting up buffer zones and in the second half of August
oružjem imale su 106. brigada ZNG-a u Osijeku i 109. it became the principal player in fomenting strife and
brigada ZNG-a u Vinkovcima i Županji, te 56. bataljun grabbing Croatian territory. This was especially true in
Kutina i 57. bataljun Sisak.396 Baranja, Slavonia, Banovina and northern Dalmatia. The
Proglašenje neovisnosti Hrvatske bio je povod pobu- Croatian forces, on the other hand, labored under the re-
njenim Srbima da pojačaju svoje djelovanje. Pobunjeni stricting orders from the Croatian government to avoid
Srbi otvorili su niz kriznih žarišta na gotovo svim područji- conflict with the JNA. The Croatian forces tried hard to
ma gdje su bili u većem broju. Jugoslavenska narodna ar- deal with the rebellion without provoking the JNA but
mija pratila ih je postavljanjem tampon-zona, a u drugoj that soon proved to be mission impossible. In the first
polovini kolovoza preuzela je primat u izazivanju sukoba half of September, 1991, the situation could no longer
i grabežu hrvatskoga teritorija. To je posebice bilo izraže- be contained and the Croatian government ordered, on
no u Baranji, Slavoniji, Banovini i sjevernoj Dalmaciji. Za September 12, 1991, the Croatian Army to put the JNA
hrvatske snage otežavajuća je bila okolnost što su imale installations in Croatia under blockade.
zapovijedi da izbjegavaju sukobe s JNA.397 Hrvatske sna-
ge su nastojale da pobunu lokaliziraju bez sukoba s JNA, Reactions to the War in Croatia
no to se pokazalo nemogućom zadaćom. U prvoj polovi-
ci rujna 1991. stanje je postalo neizdrživo pa je hrvatsko The JNA’s attacks in July and August, 1991, sparked
vrhovništvo bilo prinuđeno da 12. rujna 1991. zapovjedi strong reactions in Croatia, Macedonia and Bosnia and
blokiranje vojnih objekata JNA.398 Herzegovina. Croatia and Slovenia no longer allowed
conscripts to serve their compulsory military service in
Reakcije na rat u Hrvatskoj the JNA. Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were
leaning in that direction as well. The development had a
Napadi JNA u srpnju i kolovozu 1991. izazvali su oš- detrimental effect on the JNA’s ability to maintain a high
tre reakcije u Hrvatskoj, ali i Makedoniji i BiH. Prestala je level of combat readiness. The system of the compulsory
popuna ročnicima iz Hrvatske i Slovenije, a Makedonija i military service in the western part of Yugoslavia was to-
BiH počele su dvojiti o tome, što je utjecalo na smanjenje tally disrupted and the JNA was faced with a lack of new
borbene spremnosti JNA. Sustav redovne vojne obve- conscripts who were supposed to replace those at the
ze u zapadnom dijelu Jugoslavije potpuno je narušen i end of their one year of compulsory service currently in
JNA se suočila s manjkom vojnika na redovnom služenju the JNA. In certain areas there was a serious dearth of new
vojnoga roka, koje je zakonski morala otpustiti nakon conscripts so that the JNA did not have enough soldiers
to maintain the buffer zones nor enough men for garrison
duty. At that time the real role of the JNA in Croatia was
395 SVA MORH, GSHV: Izvješće sa sastanka održanog s PK PO revealed for all to see. The Croatian Parliament concluded,
1, 2, 3, 4. i 108. brigade dana 3. 7. 1991. po pitanjima ma-
terijalnog osiguranja jedinica Zbora NG. at the end of its session on August 3, 1991, that “elements
of the JNA, with the assistance of terrorist groups, are ac-
396 SVA MORH, GSHV: Izvještaj Zapovjedništva ZNG od 11. 7.
1991. o popuni jedinica ZNG-a. tively participating in the Serbia-sponsored aggression
397 SVA MORH, ZZNG RH, Zapovijed kl. 8-01/91-01/01, ur. br.
against Croatia” and demanded that the JNA withdrew
512-03-91-1 od 7. 7. 1991.; SVA MORH, ZZNG RH, Zapovi- its forces into barracks immediately and, as part of the
jed kl. 8/91-01/01, ur. br. 512-03-91-2 od 11. 7. 1991.; SVA dissociation process, vacate Croatia completely in a rea-
MORH, ZZNG RH, Zapovijed kl. 119-01/91-01, ur. br. 512- sonable time period. The JNA ignored the Croatian Par-
03-91 od 24. 7. 1991.; SVA MORH, ZZNG RH, Zapovijed kl.
8/91-01/03, ur. br. 512-91-03-1 od 5. 8. 1991.; SVA MORH,
liament’s conclusions and continued to act aggressively.
ZZNG RH, Zapovijed kl. 801-01/91-01/08, ur. br. 5120-03- The Croatian Army, however, was ready and willing to re-
91-1 od 30. 8. 1991.; SVA MORH, ZZNG RH, Naredba kl. act. On September 11, the President of the Presidency of
8/91-01/17, ur. br. 512-03-91-1 od 3. 9. 1991. the SFRY Stjepan Mesić ordered the JNA units in Croatia
398 D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 275-279. to withdraw into barracks within 48 hours. The leadership


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 164 4.2.2020. 19:33:39

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

jednogodišnje službe. Otpušteni vojnici na pojedinim se AN APP£AL FOR PEACE IN CROATIA

(OY TI!Cll"'OI' DOCCMlll!R f l OOP.-l'l. LA1,:n£ATES I/AD SJGKCDTI-IIS APPL-\1.-

područjima nisu mogli zamijeniti u dovoljnom broju, pa =~r-~n:~~~-::~r '.:~.~~:.._':,.~.~ :.7~1~~,~~~~~~:J~~';

JNA više nije imala na raspolaganju potreban broj vojni- M V11lx-cn bQ<,,"""
~:!'~~;f;: .,~7...:~~~l~ t1~::-·i/;~•!b~~/'i~~1il:IC•tbe:..OODdWcrldW4'r,
no.i•• ,,..,. ,,.,,,._. ...,.,n" •"'~
c.-,..,.,..r-c• do>,,.....,..,. ll-. al w,o
ka za održavanje tampon-zona i posadnu službu u vojar-
~Nl!'lea. " 't.r.

~= ~~:~.:~.;.~
v.•c ar{ll'>0-1 "'th~ w~_,~,n a N<I l!•S!~m i""",..,.,,,~•·•o lo() s.op t'.i,r '{u,:-::.Elit,, • ATJ:l.v'I 1--anoor. M6tr\K";IOO.
'Wc , OO(lll1 "'" ~uU n '"P " " " """' (~pro<'<k, i.lC fo~r.ll<:.~t 'l"IC1U::ISc4Yu.,:oatav?llltl.; an-brulltlll:f

nama. Njezina uloga u Hrvatskoj postala je sasvim jasna. ~~.:;;;.~~ ~-~(l!!"b,.~~ %!~~))~~~i;i~~=i<:-:Q

Sabor RH utvrdio je na zasjedanju 3. kolovoza 1991. da

u agresiji na Hrvatsku “organiziranu od Republike Srbije
sudjeluju na izravan i neizravan način i dijelovi JNA uz
pomoć terorističkih pobunjeničkih skupina” te je zatra-
ženo da se JNA bez odgađanja povuče u vojarne i u pri-
mjerenom roku u procesu razdruživanja povuče s terito-
rija Republike Hrvatske.399 Jugoslavenska narodna armija
oglušila se na zaključke Sabora i nastavila napade, zbog
čega je slijedila odgovarajuća reakcija hrvatskih snaga.
Naredbu predsjednika Predsjedništva SFRJ Stjepana Me-
sića od 11. rujna za povlačenje postrojbi JNA u vojarne u
roku od 48 sati vojni je vrh odbacio kao nezakonitu, što je
stvarno i bila jer nije bila usuglašena s ostalim članovima
Predsjedništva. U priopćenju povodom te naredbe JNA
je negirala da postrojbe pobunjenih hrvatskih Srba pod
imenom Teritorijalne obrane djeluju “pod komandom i THE AGGRESSORS ARE SERUIA A.\ IJ T Hl:i YLGO COMMUNIST AR MY
) f.
okvirima JNA”, no to je bila laž.400
Svakako je najvažnija reakcija na djelovanje JNA Apel za mir u Hrvatskoj, 9. prosinca 1991., koji je potpisao 81 do-
stigla iz inozemstva. Europska je zajednica 27. kolovoza bitnik Nobelove nagrade.
1991. prozvala Srbiju i JNA zbog porasta nasilja u Hrvat-
81 Nobel Laureates had signed this Appeal, December 9, 1991
skoj. Odgovorni su upozoreni na to da EZ neće prihvatiti
politiku svršenog čina, odnosno promjenu granica si-
lom. Srbijanski su vođe prozvani zato što probleme koji
se javljaju u novom poretku pokušavaju rješavati vojno. of the JNA rejected the order as illegal, which it really was
Jugoslavenska narodna armija prozvana je jer je bilo because the Presidency had not voted on it. In a commu-
nedvojbeno da njezini dijelovi pružaju “aktivnu podršku niqué relating to the order the JNA denied that rebel Serb
srbijanskoj strani”.401 Reakcija je bila uvod u posljednji units under the designation Territorial Defense were op-
pokušaj da se jugoslavenska kriza riješi pregovorima, erating “under the control and within the framework of
zbog čega je početkom rujna u Haagu počela mirovna the JNA”. The claim was a blatant lie.
konferencija.402 The most important reaction to the JNA’s actions
came from abroad. On August 27, 1991, the European
Community publically blamed Serbia and JNA for the
escalating cycle of violence in Croatia. The European
Community warned the Serbs and JNA that it would not
countenance accepting the situation in the country as a
fait accompli and alterations of the internal boundaries
399 Zaključci Sabora Republike Hrvatske od 3. 8. 1991.,
Narodne novine, br. 39 od 3. 8. 1991. by way of force. Also, the EC criticized publically the Serbi-
an leadership for trying to solve the problems by military
400 “Neovlašćeno i samovoljno izdavanje naređenja”, Narod-
na armija, 14. 9. 1991., 6. action. The JNA was put on the spot on account of some
401 HDA, UPRH: MIP RH od 28. 8. 1991., Deklaracija o Jugo-
of its elements’“active support for the Serbs”. This reaction
slaviji: Prijevod izjave Ministarskog savjeta EZ nakon iz- from the EC was a prelude to a last-ditch attempt to solve
vanrednog sastanka u Bruxellesu 27. 8. 1991. the Yugoslav crisis by dialogue – a peace conference com-
402 M. LIBAL, Njemačka politika, 61-62. menced in The Hague at the beginning of September.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 165 4.2.2020. 19:33:48

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

LIVE AND LET LIVE!, Autor: Ivo Vrtarić, Autor fotografije: Željko
Gašparović, Izdavač: War press OGP Novska, 1992. / Na plakatu
je hrvatski dragovoljac. Snimljen je u listopadu 1991. u Starom
HRVATI / SE NE / BOJE / NIKOGA // IZLOŽBA RATNE FOTOGRAFI- Grabovcu na prvoj crti bojišnice. Zbog grafita s imenom svjetski
JE I ZNAKOVLJA POSTROJBA ZP-a ZAGREB 1991. - 1995. / Autor: poznate grupe Guns N’ Roses na zidu kuće u pozadini fotografija
Ivo Vrtarić, Zagreb, 1995., autor fotografije: Željko Gašparović, je objavljena u brojnim svjetskim listovima i knjigama o ratu pro-
izdavač: Ministarstvo obrane Republike Hrvatske, Glavni stožer tiv Hrvatske.
HV-a, Zborno područje Zagreb // Plakat za čije je oblikovanje kao
predložak korišten grafit ispisan na zidu u Pakracu. LIVE AND LET LIVE!, Author: Ivo Vrtarić, Photograph by: Željko
Gašparović, Published by: War press OGP Novska, 1992 / The
CROATS DO NOT FEAR ANYONE/EXHIBITION OF WAR PHOTOG- poster shows a Croatian volunteer. The photo was taken in Octo-
RAPHY AND INSIGNIA OF THE UNITS OF THE ZAGREB CORPS ber 1991 in Stari Grabovac on the front line. Owing to the graffiti
DISTRICT 1991-1995 / Author: Ivo Vrtarić, Zagreb, 1995, Photo- with the name of the world-famous heavy metal act Guns N’ Ros-
graph by: Željko Gašparović, published by: Ministry of Defence of es on the wall of the house in the background the photograph
the Republic of Croatia, General HV Staff, Zagreb Corps District was published in many papers around the world and in books on
// This piece of graffiti in Pakrac provided the idea for the design. the Croatian War of Independence.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 166 4.2.2020. 19:33:56

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Uz oružje i opremu JNA, u vojarnama JNA bilo je In May, 1990, the weapons and equipment of the
oružje hrvatske Teritorijalne obrane oduzeto u svibnju Croatian Territorial Defense was stored in JNA barracks
1990. nakon izbornoga poraza komunista u Hrvatskoj. in Croatia. When the Croatian Communists lost in the
Hrvatskoj je ostala vrlo mala, gotovo zanemariva koli- elections in Croatia that month the JNA appropriated
čina toga oružja. most of the weapons of the Croatian TO.
Hrvatski napadi na vojarne nisu iznenadili JNA, The JNA was not taken by surprise when the Croa-
koja se od ljeta 1990. pripremala za sukob s Hrvat- tian Army attacked its barracks in Croatia. After all, the
skom. U listopadu 1990., nakon nemira na Banovini, JNA had been preparing for a war with Croatia since the
Kordunu i u Lici, naređene su prve opsežnije mjere za summer. In October, 1990, after the incidents in Banovi-
obranu i osiguranje objekata u Hrvatskoj. Pojačane su na, Kordun and Lika the JNA began implementing the
nakon saznanja da Hrvatska kupuje oružje u Mađar- first serious measures for protecting and securing its
skoj. Od tada su zbog svakog pogoršanja sigurnosno- installations and bases in Croatia. One of the factors
ga stanja pisane nove zapovijedi za obranu objekata i that prompted the JNA to act in this manner was the
fact that Croatia was buying quantities of weapons in
jačanje borbene spremnosti postrojba. Nakon kratko-
trajnog sukoba u Sloveniji 1991. obrana objekata bila Hungary. From that point on whenever the security sit-
je najvažniji zadatak JNA u Hrvatskoj.403 uation in the country took a turn for the worse the JNA
Trenutak u kojem su hrvatske snage napale i blo- would issue new orders for improving the defenses of
kirale vojarne i druge vojne objekte JNA bio je do tada the installations and bases and for increasing the level
najpovoljniji za Hrvatsku. Od sukoba u Sloveniji su- of combat readiness of its troops in Croatia. After the
stavna dezertiranja iz JNA nepovoljno su utjecala na Ten-Day War in Slovenia in 1991 defending the instal-
njezinu borbenu spremnost. Jugoslavenska narodna lations and bases was the most important task of the
armija u ljeto je počela uhodavati novi sustav služe- JNA in Croatia.
nja vojnoga roka šaljući novake na izobrazbu u istoč- The Croatian Army chose its moment to put the
ne republike, iz kojih je dobivala vojnike koji su prošli JNA barracks and other installations in the country un-
taktičku izobrazbu. Time su postrojbe oslobođene izo- der blockade well. Ever since the end of the war in Slo-
brazbe i mogle su se koncentrirati isključivo na održa- venia the JNA had been experiencing a sustained wave
nje borbene spremnosti.404 of desertions which affected its ability to maintain its
Bez oružja i opreme JNA je počela ostajati od po- forces at a high level of combat readiness. The JNA had
četka kolovoza 1991., kada su, u obliku prepada, počeli adopted a new system of compulsory military service
prvi napadi na manje objekte i skupine. Iz Tehničko-re- whereby the recruits were sent to the eastern republics
montnoga zavoda Bregana skupina naoružanih civila for basic training. The JNA units stationed in the west-
odvezla je 2. kolovoza remontirano oružje.405 Na otoku ern parts of Yugoslavia, therefore, could focus their ef-
Šolti 5. kolovoza skupina naoružanih civila zauzela je forts on maintaining a high level of combat readiness
vojarnu Velika straža i iz nje odnijela veću količinu stre- without having to worry about whether this or that
ljiva za protuzračne topove 20 mm.406 U Slavonskom group of conscripts would desert or not.
Brodu 28. kolovoza i 1. rujna zaustavljena su dva vlaka, At the beginning of August the Croatian Army and
s kojih je skinuta veća količina oružja i opreme JNA, uk- armed civilians started raiding barracks, installations
ljučujući 54 topa 76 mm, 86 minobacača 120 mm, 46 and small JNA detachments. The attacks on the bar-
racks and installations, at that time, were just small raids
launched for the purpose of stealing weapons, as were
403 D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 279-280. the attacks on small groups of JNA soldiers. The strategy
404 Isto, 202, 210, 280. worked and the JNA soon felt the pinch as it was losing
405 HMDCDR: Komanda 5. VO, Redovni dnevni izveštaj str.
not an insignificant amounts of weapons and equip-
pov. br. 10/43-800 od 2. 8. 1991. ment. A group of armed civilians broke into the Techni-
406 SVA MORH, ZOZS: Saopćenje Službe za informiranje Ko- cal Overhauling Institute in Bregana and took off with
mande VPO; I. JELIĆ, 4. brigada ZNG, 50-51. a large amount of weapons and equipment on August


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 167 4.2.2020. 19:33:56

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

JNA se povlači iz Slovenije, ljeto 1991. godine (autor fotografi-

je: Marko Perić).

JNA retreats from Slovenia, summer 1991 (Photograph by

Marko Perić).
protuzračnih topova 20/3 mm, 68 lakih raketnih lanse- 2. On the island of Šolta, on August 5 a group of armed
ra 128 mm i 60 lansera protuoklopnih vođenih raketa. civilians captured the Velika Straža barracks and carried
Istodobno su u Vinkovcima zaustavljene četiri željeznič- away a large amount of 22-mm flak ammunition. In Sla-
ke kompozicije, s kojih je skinuto šest haubica 105 mm, vonski Brod, on August 28 and September 1 two freight
jedna haubica 155 mm, 17 gorskih topova 76 mm, osam trains transporting JNA equipment were stopped. The
minobacača 120 mm, tri protuzračna topa 40 mm, šest raiders took off with 56 76-mm guns, 86 120m mortars,
protuzračnih topova 20 mm, 10 ručnih bacača, oko 46 20/3 flak guns, 68 128-mm light rocket launchers and
1000 automatskih pušaka, 28 različitih motornih vozila, 60 launchers for anti-armor guided missiles. At the same
jedno neispravno borbeno vozilo, nekoliko inženjerij- time four trains were stopped in Vinkovci. Six 105-mm
skih sredstava i slično.407 Naoružani civili napali su 30. howitzers, one 155-mm howitzer, 17 76-mm field guns,
kolovoza strelište Vrapčanski potok u Zagrebu i odnijeli eight 120-mm mortars, around 1,000 assault rifles, 28
42 puške i četiri pištolja s većom količinom streljiva.408 various motor vehicles, one combat vehicle not in driv-
U Sisku je 3. rujna zauzeta vojarna u kojoj je bio ponto- ing condition, a few pieces of engineering equipment
nirski bataljun.409 U Gospiću su hrvatske snage 7. rujna and other items were taken off these four trains. Armed
zaustavile i zarobile postrojbu Vojne policije Riječkoga civilians attacked the Vrapčanski Potok firing range in
korpusa i oduzele četiri oklopna vozila.410 Svi su ti napa- Zagreb and took away 42 rifles and four pistols and a
di bili neorganizirani i nisu ih poticali iz Zapovjedništva significant amount of ammunition on August 30. On
ZNG-a, za razliku od napada na vojarne i skladišta oružja September 3 in Sisak the barracks housing the Pontoon
i opreme JNA, što je bio sljedeći korak hrvatskih snaga. Battalion was captured. Croatian forces, on September
7 in Gospić, stopped and took prisoner a detachment
of Military Police of Rijeka Corps and appropriated four
407 SVA MORH, ZZNG RH za istočnu Slavoniju i Baranju, Izv- armored vehicles. All these attacks were uncoordinated
ješće pov. br. 525-19/1-91 od 2. 9. 1991. and happened, more or less, on the spur of the moment.
408 HMDCDR: Komanda 10. korpusa, pov. br. 20/1938-8 od They were not planned, initiated or instigated by the HQ
31. 8. 1991. of the ZNG. The attacks on the barracks and warehous-
409 SVA MORH, Zapovjedništvo ZNG za Baniju, Posavinu i es where weapons and equipment were stored, on the
Moslavinu, Izvješće br. 10-89/91 od 4. 9. 1991.
other hand, were a different matter. And on these tar-
410 SVA MORH, Komanda 35. partd: Komanda garnizo- gets the HQ of the ZNG set its sights in September.
na Gospić, Izveštaj str. pov. br. 65-1 od 9. 9. 1991.; VSA
MORH: Vojna pošta br. 9595 Sveti Rok (Gospić), Izveštaj Pretty soon a number of reserve units of the JNA
pov. br. 684-1 od 12. 12. 1991. (R classification) and detachments securing smaller in-


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 168 4.2.2020. 19:33:58

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Do prvih predaja došlo je vrlo brzo, najprije kod pri- stallations surrendered. Most barracks and other JNA
čuvnih postrojba (R klasifikacije) i manjih vojnih objeka- facilities in northwest and central Croatia were cap-
ta. Većina vojarni i drugih vojnih objekata u sjeveroza- tured in September, 1991. Only a few barracks and in-
padnoj i središnjoj Hrvatskoj osvojena je u rujnu 1991. stallations were captured after September. The softest
godine. Poslije je zabilježeno tek nekoliko takvih sluča- targets were poorly defended JNA installations and
jeva. Najlakši plijen bili su slabo branjeni objekti i insti- facilities and the capture of these targets significantly
tucije JNA, čija je predaja imala veći psihološki učinak. boosted the Croats’ morale. For the most part, these fa-
To su u prvom redu bili domovi JNA, strelišta, objekti cilities and installations were JNA dorms and recreation
veze, tehničke radionice, manja skladišta i sl. Veći uspje- centers, firing ranges, communications facilities, work-
si bili su zarobljavanja posada graničnih karaula. Osva- shops, smaller warehouses and similar. A more import-
janja trupnih skladišta, poput Prečeca kod Ivanić-Gra- ant success was the capture of border posts and the
da, Malih Bara kod Ploča, Doljana kod Daruvara, Velike JNA troops garrisoning them. Croatian forces captured
Bune kod Velike Gorice, Jamadola kod Karlovca i napose a number of large warehouses: the Prečec warehouse
skladišta Velebit kod Delnica, bila su velik uspjeh. Kruna near Ivanić-Grad, or Male Bare near Ploče, Doljani near
hrvatskih uspjeha ipak su bile velike vojarne u kojima Daruvar, Velika Buna near Velika Gorica, Jamadol near
je bilo oružje i oprema postrojba razine puka i brigade. Karlovac and especially Velebit near Delnice. Having
To su bile vojarne u Pločama (naoružanje TO-a triju op- possession of these warehouses, and more important-
ćina), Šibeniku (dijelovi obalnoga topništva i brodov- ly, of everything stored in them, constituted important
lja Vojnopomorskoga sektora), Gospiću (motorizirana successes for the Croatian forces. However, the biggest
brigada i dio partizanske divizije), Delnicama (brdska prizes were the large barracks with amounts of weap-
brigada), Virovitici (mješovita protuoklopna artiljerijska ons and equipment sufficient to arm and equip a pla-
brigada), Đakovu (mješovita protuoklopna artiljerijska toon and sometimes a whole brigade. These barracks
brigada), Slavonskoj Požegi (automobilski nastavni cen- were located in Ploče (weapons belonging to the TOs
tar i partizanska divizija) i Našicama (manji dijelovi me- of three municipalities), Šibenik (elements of coast artil-
hanizirane brigade). Najveći uspjeh hrvatskih snaga bilo lery and ships belonging to the Military-Maritime Sec-
je zarobljavanje Varaždinskoga korpusa bez lakog arti- tor), Gospić (motorized brigade and elements of a par-
ljerijskog puka protuzračne obrane, koji je bio u vojarni tisan division), Delnice (mountain brigade), Virovitica
Borongaj u Zagrebu. Prvi dijelovi korpusa zarobljeni su (mixed anti-armor artillery brigade), Đakovo (mixed an-
17. rujna u Križevcima, glavnina korpusa zarobljena je ti-armor artillery brigade), Slavonska Požega (automo-
22. rujna u Varaždinu i Čakovcu, garnizon u Bjelovaru bile training center and partisan division) and Našice
predao se 29. rujna, a idućega dana predali su se ostaci (smaller elements of a mechanized brigade). By far the
korpusa u Koprivnici.411 U Varaždinu i Čakovcu, prema biggest success of the Croatian forces was the capture
podacima JNA, zarobljena su, među ostalim, 74 tenka of the whole of Varaždin Corps with the exception of
T-55, tri plivajuća tenka PT-76, dva tenka nosača mosta, its flak platoon which was stationed in the Borongaj
pet tenkova za izvlačenje, 71 oklopni transporter, 18 barracks in Zagreb. The first elements of the Corps were
top-haubica 152 mm, 18 haubica 155 mm, četiri VLR-a captured on September 17 in Križevci. The bulk of the
128 mm Plamen, četiri SVLR-a 128 mm Oganj, sedam sa- Corps was captured on September 22 in Varaždin and
mohodnih haubica 122 mm, 12 samohodnih oruđa 90 Čakovec. The garrison in Bjelovar surrendered on Sep-
mm, 12 protuoklopnih lansirnih oruđa, šest protuoklo- tember 29 and the following day the rest of the Corps
pnih topova 76 mm, 37 lansirnih oruđa za protuoklo- surrendered in Koprivnica. In Varaždin and Čakovec, ac-
pne rakete, 17 oklopnih borbenih vozila BOV-1 i BOV-3, cording to the JNA, the following equipment and weap-
onry, among other things, were captured: 74 T55 tanks,
411 Osnovne informacije o osvajanju vojnih objekata iz sas- three PT76 floating tanks, two tanks bridge layers, five
tava snaga 1. i 5. vojne oblasti JNA kod: Dražen NAJMAN, armored recovery vehicles, 71 APCs, 18 152-mm how-
Ivan POSILOVIĆ, Marija DUJIĆ, Blokade i osvajanja vojarni itzers, 18 155-mm howitzers, four 128-mm VLRs, seven
i vojnih objekata JNA u Hrvatskoj 1991., Udruga dragov- 122-mm self-propelled howitzers, 12 90-mm self-pro-
oljaca Narodne zaštite Domovinskog rata, Zagreb, 2004.
O osvajanju objekata s područja Vojnopomorske oblasti pelled artillery pieces, 12 anti-armor launchers, six 76-
kod: P. ŠIMAC, Svjedočanstva o Domovinskom ratu. mm anti-armor guns, 37 launchers for anti-armor rock-


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 169 4.2.2020. 19:33:58

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Posljedice napada zrakoplova JNA na oslobođenu vojarnu, Đako- The aftermath of a JNA aerial attack on the barracks captured
vo, 19. rujna 1991. godine (autor fotografija: Marko Perić). by Croatian troops, Đakovo, September 19, 1991 (Photographs
by Marko Perić).
631 motorno vozilo, 7834 puške, 391 puškostrojnica, ets, 17 BOV-1 and BOV-3 armored vehicles, 631 motor
76 strojnica, 25.000 ručnih bombi, 4.858.000 komada vehicles, 7,834 rifles, 391 submachine guns, 76 machine
streljiva za pješačko naoružanje i veća količina streljiva guns, 25,000 hand grenades, 4,858,000 rounds of small
različitog kalibra.412 arms ammunition and a large quantity of ammunition
Na hrvatske napade JNA je odgovorila ultimatumi- of various calibers.
ma, topničkim granatiranjem i napadima zrakoplovstva The JNA responded to these attacks by issuing ul-
po nekim od zauzetih vojarni i objekata. Skladište u Plo- timatums, shelling and attacking from the air some of
čama i aerodromi na Hvaru i u Varaždinu raketirani su the captured barracks and installations. The warehouse
14. rujna 1991., a dva dana poslije napadnuto je i jedno in Ploče and airstrips on Hvar and in Varaždin were rock-
skladište u Solinu. Pokušaja uništenja tek osvojenih ili eted on September 14, 1991, and two days later the JNA
predanih objekata bilo je i poslije, pri čemu se izdvaja attacked one warehouse in Solin. The JNA attempted
zračni napad na skladišta kod Delnica 7. studenoga.413 to destroy just captured or surrendered facilities after
Dio objekata JNA je uspjela obraniti, a iz nekoliko se the above mentioned date. Maybe the fiercest such at-
uspjela probiti na okupirano područje. Iz Osijeka se uz tempt was the air strike on the warehouse in Delnice on
pomoć snaga iz okolice 17. rujna 1991. probila glavnina November 7.
The JNA managed to successfully defend some fa-
cilities and installations. The garrisons of a number of
412 Vojno tužilaštvo SSNO, Optužnica br. 341/91 od 30. 1. encircled facilities and installations even managed to
1992. Optužnica je objavljena na web-stranici Slobodana break through the encirclement and reach Serb occu-
pied areas. On September 17, 1991, the bulk of the 12th
413 HMDCDR: Komanda garnizona Varaždin, Upozorenje int. Proletarian Mechanized Brigade broke out from Osijek
br. 46-324 od 14. 9. 1991.; SVA MORH, GS HV: Izvješće
Operativnog centra ZZNG RH od 15/16. rujna 1991.; SVA with the help of Serb forces in the surrounding area.
MORH, ZOZS: Zapovjedništvo obrane srednje i sjeverne In Vinkovci the garrison in the barracks systematically
Dalmacije, Izvješće kl. 8-01/91-01/03, ur. br. 512-91-10 shelled the city and thus forced the Croat forces there
od 16. 9. 1991.; SVA MORH, Zap. OZ Rijeka, Redovno to negotiate. The garrison was allowed to leave the bar-
dnevno izvješće ur. br. 400/249-17/91 od 7. 11. 1991.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Hrvatska protuzračna obrana, naoružanjem netom zarobljen- Croatian troops shot down this JNA aircraft with anti-aircraft
im iz vojarni JNA, srušila je zrakoplov JNA, selo Forkuševci, kod guns acquired from the captured JNA barracks, the village of
Đakova, 19. rujna 1991.; ostaci zrakoplova JNA, sa zvijezdom pe- Forkuševci, near Đakovo, September 19, 1991; parts of the
tokrakom, jednim od simbola neprijateljskih snaga u agresiji na wreckage of the destroyed JNA plane. The JNA marked its air-
Hrvatsku (autor fotografija: Marko Perić). craft with a red star in a white circular field framed by a blue
circle. The red star symbol, widely used, among other insignia,
by the aggressor in its attack on Croatia, is clearly visible in the
photograph (Photograph by Marko Perić).
12. pmbr. U Vinkovcima je posada vojarne sustavnim racks freely and the Serbs duly left on September 27. On
granatiranjem grada iznudila pregovore i sporazumno November 6 the JNA troops from the Logorište barracks
napustila vojarnu 27. rujna. Iz vojarne Logorište kod in Karlovac fought their way through Croatian lines to
Karlovca posada se 6. studenoga s dijelom naoružanja i Vojnić and even managed to take some weapons and
opreme probila do Vojnića.414 equipment with them.
Nije moguće ustanoviti točnu količinu oružja koju It is not possible to ascertain with any degree of
su hrvatske snage zarobile u ratu za vojarne. Gotovo da accuracy the amount of weaponry and equipment
nema izvještaja u kojem su postrojbe izvijestile o koli- the Croatian forces captured during the war for the
čini oružja i opreme koju su zarobile. Postrojbe su zna- barracks. The groups and units that captured the bar-
čajnim dijelom skrivale podatke o naoružanju i opremi, racks, installations and facilities were not in the habit
očito strahujući da u preraspodjeli ne ostanu bez dijela of writing after-action reports. That selfish attitude is
za koji su držale da im pripada, ne vodeći računa o tome understandable because they did not want to have
da na pojedinim područjima imaju mnogo manje od their prizes taken away from them but, in the scheme
njih. Proračun na osnovi mirnodopske lokacije jedinica of things, caused a number of units in critical areas to
JNA i njihova formacijskoga stanja na idealnoj je razi- do without what they should have had. Any calculation
ni, a ne stvarnoj, jer su iz nekih skladišta pojedini oficiri based on the peacetime location of the JNA units and
JNA uspjeli izvući dio naoružanja i opreme i predati ga their organizational situation at the time is bound to
pobunjenim Srbima, kao što je to slučaj s naoružanjem be erroneous because Serbs officers managed to pull
quantities of weapons and ammunition out of the bar-
racks and installations in question and hand them over
414 HMDCDR: [Vojna pošta br. 5512 Karlovac], Izvešće pov.
to the rebel Serbs. For example, that exact scenario took
br. 1-3 od 14. 11. 1991.; D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije,
282-283. place in Gospić, Daruvar and Požega. Also, many weap-


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 171 4.2.2020. 19:34:01

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

JNA je minirala skladište naoružanja i streljiva u Oštarijama kraj The JNA placed explosives in the ammunition and weapons
Ogulina, 13. listopada 1991. (autori fotografija: Miro Brozović i storage depot in Oštarije near Ogulin, October 13, 1991 (Photo-
Kruno Dujmić). graphs by: Miro Brozović and Kruno Dujmić).

iz Gospića, Daruvara i Požege. Uz to je značajan dio na- ons and pieces of equipment were unusable for vari-
oružanja i opreme bio bez vitalnih dijelova ili oštećen, ous reasons. Sometimes it took months of repair work
što znači da je u trenutku dolaska u hrvatski posjed bio before the Croatian Army could use them. Regardless
neupotrebljiv i protekli su dani, a ponekad i mjeseci, of everything, however, it could be said that the Croa-
da se osposobi za uporabu. Bez obzira na to, hrvatske tian forces captured enough weapons and equipment,
su snage u ratu za vojarne, uz nekoliko velikih skladišta with large quantities of medical supplies, explosives,
raznovrsnog intendantskog, sanitetskog, tehničkog i technical equipment, camping equipment and tools,
ubojnog materijala, zarobile naoružanje i vojnu opre- to equip one reinforced corps with all its supporting
mu ekvivalenta ojačanog korpusa sa svim pripadaju- units. By capturing some barracks and placing others
ćim dijelovima. Zauzimanje dijela vojarni i učinkovita under blockade the Croatian forces determined the lat-
blokada ostalih promijenili su odnos snaga i utjecali er course of the war. For that reason it can be argued
na tijek rata. Zbog toga je rat za vojarne najvažniji do- that the war for the barracks was the most important
gađaj na hrvatskom ratištu. Osim zarobljenog oružja i period of the entire war in Croatia. The Croatian forces,
opreme JNA, hrvatske su snage došle u posjed i dijela with significant amounts of weapons, equipment and
naoružanja i opreme TO-a oduzetih u svibnju 1990. go- material belonging to the JNA also captured not an in-
dine. S tim je oružjem, uglavnom, HV uspješno završio significant amount of those weapons that the JNA had
rat. Oružjem i opremom Varaždinskoga korpusa JNA appropriated from the Croatian Territorial Defense in
naoružane su operativne zone Zagreb, Bjelovar i Osi- May, 1990. With the weapons captured during the war
jek te u manjoj mjeri Karlovac. Operativna zona Split for the barracks the Croatian army finished the Croatian
naoružana je slabije, napose njezin Sektor Dubrovnik. War of Independence. The weapons and equipment
Oružje iz vojarne u Đakovu dalo je značajan prilog u captured from Varaždin Corps was used for arming and
protuoklopnoj obrani Slavonije 1991. godine. equipping OZ Zagreb, OZ Bjelovar and OZ Osijek and,
in a smaller measure, OZ Karlovac. OZ Split was not as
well armed as the above mentioned OZs, especially its
Sector Dubrovnik. The weapons from the Đakovo bar-
racks was used with great effect in anti-tank warfare in
Slavonia in 1991.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


The JNA had been anticipating the Croatian forces’
ARMIJE attacks on the barracks for a long time. When the Cro-
atian forces finally attacked and placed a number of
Blokade i napadi na vojarne, što je JNA dugo če-
JNA barracks, bases, installations and facilities under
kala, ubrzali su njezine agresivne planove. Željela je
blockade, the JNA reacted swiftly. The JNA, for obvi-
spriječiti da se hrvatske snage domognu oružja i vojne
ous reasons, was determined to prevent the Croatian
opreme. Jugoslavenska narodna armija planirala je u
forces from getting their hands on vast quantities of its
kratkom roku poraziti hrvatske snage i dobiti rat. Plan
weapons and equipment. The JNA planned to deliver a
operacije predviđao je da se već angažiranim postroj-
knockout blow to the Croatian forces in a blitzkrieg cam-
bama JNA doda još 15 do 18 oklopnih, mehaniziranih
paign and thus win the war. The plan was to augment
i pješačkih brigada Kopnene vojske. Po priznanju ge-
the already deployed JNA units with 15 to 18 armored,
nerala Kadijevića, ideja “manevra sadržala je sledeće
mechanized and infantry brigades. According to General
osnovne elemente:
Kadijević, the idea of “maneuver contained the following
– potpuno blokirati Hrvatsku iz vazduha i sa mora; basic elements:
– pravce napada glavnih snaga JNA što neposrednije
- put Croatia, from the air and from the sea, under
vezivati za oslobođenje srpskih krajeva u Hrvatskoj
complete blockade;
i garnizona JNA u dubini hrvatske teritorije. U tom
- link the axes of advance of the main JNA force, as
cilju ispresecati Hrvatsku na pravcima Gradiška –
directly as possible, with operations for liberating
Virovitica; Bihać – Karlovac – Zagreb; Knin – Zadar;
Serbian areas in Croatia and those for lifting the sieg-
Mostar – Split. Najjačom grupacijom oklopno-me-
es of the garrisons in Croatia deep in Croatia’s rear.
hanizovanih snaga osloboditi Istočnu Slavoniju,
Pursuing that objective advance in the following
a zatim brzo nastaviti dejstvo na zapad, spojiti se
directions: Gradiška – Virovitica; Bihać – Karlovac –
sa snagama u zapadnoj Slavoniji i produžiti ka Za-
Zagreb; Knin – Zadar; Mostar – Split. The strongest
grebu i Varaždinu, odnosno ka granici Slovenije.
armored-mechanized formation is to liberate east-
Istovremeno jakim snagama iz rejona Herceg Novi
ern Slovenia and then advance westwards without
– Trebinje, blokirati Dubrovnik sa kopna i izbiti u
delay, link up with the forces in western Slavonia and
dolinu Neretve i na taj način sadejstvovati snaga-
continue on towards Zagreb and Varaždin and the
ma koje nastupaju na pravcu Mostar – Split;
Slovenian border. At the same time a strong force
– nakon dostizanja određenih objekata, obezbjediti
from the Herceg Novi – Trebinje region is to put
i držati granicu Srpske Krajine u Hrvatskoj, izvući
Dubrovnik under siege from the landward side and
preostale jedinice JNA iz Slovenije i nakon toga po-
reach the Neretva Valley and in that way operate in
vući JNA iz Hrvatske;
coordination with the forces advancing in the direc-
– za mobilizaciju, pripremu mobilisanih ili domobili-
tion of Mostar – Split;
sanih jedinica kao i njihovo dovođenje na planira-
- after reaching certain points, secure and hold the
ne pravce upotrebe potrebno je 10-15 dana, zavi-
boundary of the Srpska Krajina in Croatia, pull out
sno od stepena borbene gotovosti jedinica i njene
the remaining units still in Slovenia and then pull the
udaljenosti od pravca upotrebe.”415
JNA forces out of Croatia;
Predviđenom operacijom Hrvatska je trebala biti
- it is going to take 10-15 days to mobilize units, pre-
ispresijecana te prisiljena na bezuvjetnu predaju i pri-
pare for action those already mobilized and those
hvaćanje svih srpskih teritorijalnih zahtjeva.
with recently mobilized contingents and deploy
Za opsežne planove ofenzive bila je nužna do-
them in planned locations – the number of days de-
mobilizacija aktiviranih i mobilizacija ratnih postrojbi.
pending on the level of combat readiness of a given
unit and its geographical distance from the deploy-
415 V. KADIJEVIĆ, Moje viđenje raspada, 135-136. ment area.”


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Prema podacima pukovnika Milisava Sekulića, od 10. The JNA intended to cut through Croatian territory
do 20. rujna 1991. mobilizirana je 91 ratna postrojba s on multiple axes of advance and force the Croatian gov-
prosječnim odzivom od 69 %, uključujući mirnodopski ernment to sign an unconditional surrender and accede
sastav. Mobilizirana je 1. proleterska gardijska mehani- to all Serb territorial demands.
zirana divizija, četiri partizanske divizije, 22 brigade Ko- The JNA’s plan for defeating Croatia was ambitious
pnene vojske, tri partizanske brigade, dvije mješovite and relied, in great measure, on successful mobilization.
artiljerijske brigade, pet pukova potpore, 20 bataljuna According to Colonel Milisav Sekulić, 91 units were mo-
– divizijuna, dvije čete, 15 baza, tri brigade i 19 odreda bilized from September 10 to September 20, 1991, with
Teritorijalne obrane te veći broj manjih sastava.416 Od- an average turnout of 69%, including the peacetime con-
ziv na mobilizaciju bio je različit: u Vojvodini 93 %, a tingent. The 1st Proletarian Guards Mechanized Division,
u Srbiji znatno manji, oko 26 %.417 Izlaz iz takva stanja four partisan divisions, 22 brigades of the land forces,
JNA je tražila u dobrovoljcima koji su u pravima i ob- three partisan brigades, two mixed artillery brigades,
vezama izjednačeni s djelatnim i pričuvnim sastavom five support regiments, 20 support battalions, two de-
JNA.418 Prihvaćanjem dobrovoljaca, od kojih je znača- tachments, 15 bases, three brigades and 19 TO squads
jan dio pripadao četničkomu miljeu, JNA je dosegnula and a large number of smaller units were mobilized. In
moralno dno. Ideološke razlike i politička opredjeljenja some parts of the country most draftees answered the
između njih izbrisao je zajednički cilj – velika Srbija. recruitment call, in others most men did not. For exam-
Paralelno s mobilizacijom otpuštali su se isluženi ple, in Vojvodina 93% of those called for service showed
novaci naraštaja “rujan - ‘90”, što je još jedan od apsurda up at the appointed location but in Serbia only 26% of
djelovanja JNA u završnici jugoslavenske krize.419 Ipak, those called did so. The situation soon became alarming
uza sve slabosti s mobilizacijom, JNA je pod oružjem, u for the JNA. The JNA therefore, tried to solve the problem
usporedbi s Hrvatskom, imala neusporedivo jaču silu. by inviting volunteers for service, giving them the same
Uz žilavi otpor hrvatskih snaga i pokazane sistemske rights enjoyed by the active and reserve contingents of
slabosti JNA, napadna operacija je propala prije no the JNA. It has to be noted that most of the volunteers
što je i počela. Na sastanku čelnika Srbije i Crne Gore were men of the extremist nationalistic – Chetnik – per-
i članova Predsjedništva SFRJ iz tih republika (Slobo- suasion. By accepting these characters into its ranks the
dan Milošević, Borisav Jović, Momir Bulatović, Branko JNA had effectively jettisoned all moral, ethical and civ-
Kostić, Veljko Kadijević i Blagoje Adžić) održanom 20. ilized values a modern army is supposed to uphold and
rujna 1991., general Adžić informirao je da mobilizacija protect. The volunteers were a motley collection of men
nije uspjela i da se mora “praviti redukovani plan”.420 subscribing to different political options but they were
Jugoslavenskoj narodnoj armiji i TO-u Srbije tre- all united in their belief in the idea of Greater Serbia.
balo je desetak dana da se nakon propasti strategij- At roughly the same time when the JNA initiated
ske ofenzive 20. - 21. rujna 1991. prestroje i pripreme the mobilization process it started sending home the
za nove napade. U prilog im je išla Rezolucija Vijeća soldiers belonging to the “September 90” generation of
sigurnosti UN-a broj 713, kojom je 25. rujna uvedena conscripts, men who were now at the end of their one
year compulsory service period. This was just another
416 M. SEKULIĆ, Jugoslaviju niko nije branio, 243, 260. paradox in a string of absurdities that marked the behav-
417 Ivan VESELINOVIĆ, “Razbijanje Jugoslavije i uloga Jugo- ior of the JNA during the last acts of the Yugoslav crisis.
slavenske narodne armije”, u: Stvaranje i razaranje av- However, in spite of all the problems with mobilization,
nojevske Jugoslavije, Društvo za istinu o antifašističkoj the JNA was vastly superior to the Croatian armed forc-
narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi u Jugoslaviji (1941–1945), es in terms of numbers, equipment, matériel, reserves
Beograd, 1996., 300.
and logistics. On the other hand, when the JNA moved
418 ICTY: III uprava GŠ OS SFRJ, Uputstvo o prijemu dobro- into attack the determined Croatian resistance revealed
voljaca u JNA pov. br. 2391-1 od 13. 9. 1991.
that the JNA suffered from a number of debilitating, and
419 USMKSMP: Operativni centar I uprave GŠ OS SFRJ,
Dnevni izveštaj SP br. 1-262 od 19. 9. 1991.; USMKSMP:
inherent weaknesses. In that sense, the JNA offensive
Operativni centar I uprave GŠ OS SFRJ, Dnevni izveštaj failed even before it had begun. The leaders of Serbia,
SP br. 1-263 od 20. 9. 1991. Montenegro and members of the presidency from the
420 B. JOVIĆ, Poslednji dani SFRJ, 386. two republics (Slobodan Milošević, Borislav Jović, Mo-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

zabrana prodaje oružja Jugoslaviji.421 U Beogradu je 30. mir Bulatović, Branko Kostić, Veljko Kadijević and Adžić)
rujna, na sastanku članova Štaba Vrhovne komande sa held a meeting on September 20, 1991. General Adžić, at
zapovjednicima strategijskih i operativnih sastava, do- that meeting, informed the others that mobilization had
govorena korekcija ratnoga plana. Odluka je bila “preći failed and that a new “less ambitious plan” would have to
u ofanzivno-defanzivna dejstva, sa ciljem: ostvariti blo- be prepared.
kadu delova Hrvatske, naneti odlučan poraz ustaškim After the failure of the strategic offensive of Septem-
snagama u Dalmaciji i istočnoj Hrvatskoj, a zatim va- ber 20-21, 1991, it took about ten days for the JNA and
trenim udarima po vitalnim objektima Hrvatske prisiliti the Serbian TO to regroup and prepare for new offensive
vrhovništvo da omogući izvlačenje naših snaga na liniji operations. The Serbs benefited greatly, at that time,
koja je omeđena ugroženim narodima”.422 Provedba re- from UN Security Council Resolution 713, which, on Sep-
duciranoga plana počela je 30. rujna, a za manje od 10 tember 25, put an arms embargo on Yugoslavia. On Sep-
dana odustalo se od većine ciljeva iz njega.423 tember 30 in Belgrade, the members of the General Staff
Dok je JNA s pomagačima izvodila reduciranu na- and commanders of the strategic and operative forma-
padnu operaciju, srbijansko je vrhovništvo zaključilo tions agreed to alter the war plan. They decided that the
da rat treba privesti kraju. Na sjednici dijela članova JNA would simultaneously “engage in offensive and de-
Predsjedništva SFRJ i Slobodana Miloševića s vojnim fensive actions with the aim of: placing parts of Croatia
vrhom 5. listopada 1991., general Kadijević tražio je under blockade, inflicting a decisive defeat on the Cro-
opću mobilizaciju, premda je nekoliko dana prije tvr- atian Fascist forces in Dalmatia and eastern Croatia and
dio da je “za konačan uspeh” dostatno još šest brigada then shelling and rocketing vital locations in Croatia and
s 30.000 ljudi. Milošević i Jović odbili su prijedlog, a Jo- in that way force the Croatian government to allow our
vić je tražio da se razradi koncept mirovne inicijative troops to pull out along the line which is surrounded by
kombiniran s koncepcijom sile “radi odvraćanja od rata the threatened peoples”. The implementation of the new
i prelaska na političko rešenje”. Idućega su dana Milo- plan started on September 30. In less than 10 days the
šević i Jović odlučili da ne idu “na ratnu opciju u meri Serbs gave up on most of the objectives from the plan.
koja nije potrebna i da (ne) ginemo za ono što može- As the JNA with its helpers was trying to realize the
mo da postignemo pregovorima”. Prihvatili su zahtjev new plan, the Serbian leadership concluded that the war
ministara EZ-a o prekidu vatre “sa ciljem da kasarne u should be ended. Some members of the Presidency met
Hrvatskoj oslobodimo i deblokiramo bez žrtava, a da Milošević and the JNA leadership on October 5, 1991.
vojsku orjentišemo na odbranu već oslobođene terito- General Kadijević requested general mobilization, even
rije. Bez obzira što vojska misli”. Popodne istoga dana though only a few days before he had claimed that, “for
Predsjedništvo SFRJ je “donelo takvu odluku i ovlastilo the offensive to succeed” an additional six brigades with
vojsku da pregovara o njenoj realizaciji”.424 Predsjedniš- 30,000 men were needed. Milošević and Jović rejected
tvo je najavilo prekid vatre od strane JNA, ali je tražilo Kadijević’s request and Jović demanded that a concept
jamstvo EZ-a da će to napraviti i Hrvatska. Tražilo je i da of a peace initiative combined with a concept of force
se do ponoći 8. listopada deblokiraju garnizoni JNA i be developed for the “purpose of moving away from war
omogući izvlačenje ljudstva i opreme. U suprotnom je and focusing on a political solution”. The following day
prijetilo da će JNA “nastaviti započetu operaciju oslo- Milošević and Jović decided to abstain from “the unnec-
bađanja garnizona u Republici Hrvatskoj”.425 Bio je to essary degree of the war option because there’s no point
in dying in war for what we can achieve by negotiations”.
Milošević and Jović accepted the request made by the
421 ICTY: Rezolucija 713 Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a od 25. 9.
1991. EC ministers for a cease-fire “because we want to lift the
422 Jevrem COKIĆ, Početak kraja, Srpska knjiga, Ruma, blockade of the barracks in Croatia without suffering
2008., 258-269. casualties and we also want to use the army for defend-
423 D. MARIJAN, “Zamisao i propast napadne operacije ing the liberated territories. Regardless of how the army
JNA”, 269-270. may feel about it”. In the afternoon on the same day the
424 B. JOVIĆ, Poslednji dani SFRJ, 391-392. Presidency of the SFRY “reached that decision and au-
425 ICTY: Komanda 5. korpusa, Odluka Predsjedništva SFRJ thorized the army to negotiate its realization”. The Pres-
pov. br. 14-377/1 od 8. 10. 1991. idency of the SFRY announced a cease-fire on the part of


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 175 4.2.2020. 19:34:02

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Tenk JNA zaustavljen kod Starog Grabovca u zapad-

noj Slavoniji, listopad 1991.; poraz JNA u Hrvatskoj
1991. (autor fotografije: Željko Gašparović).

JNA tank stopped at Stari Grabovac in Western

Slavonia, October, 1991; the defeat of the JNA in
Croatia in 1991 (Photograph by Željko Gašparović).
uvod u duge pregovore o izvlačenju JNA iz Hrvatske. the JNA and requested guarantees from the EC that Cro-
Nakon djelomičnog realiziranja armijskih zadata- atia would follow suit. The Presidency of the SFRY also
ka stvoren je svojevrsni pat-položaj, koji je dugoročno demanded that the blockades of the garrisons in Croa-
išao protiv srpskih interesa. Srbija se morala zadovolji- tia were to be lifted by midnight on October 8 and that
ti ograničenim uspjehom, nadajući se da će mirovne Croatia should not interfere with the withdrawal of the
snage UN-a koje su dolazile na ratna područja osigura- men and equipment from the barracks. If Croatia refused
ti njezine teritorijalne stečevine. Kompromis je, uz asi- to cooperate, the Presidency warned, the JNA “would re-
stenciju međunarodne zajednice, riješen sporazumom sume its offensive with the aim of lifting the blockades
od 23. studenoga 1991. o premještanju preostalih sna- by force in the Republic of Croatia.”. This was the start of
ga 5. vojne oblasti JNA s područja Hrvatske i ostavljanju long negotiations about pulling the JNA out of Croatia.
oduzetog oružja TO-a hrvatskoj strani. Premještanje je The JNA’s offensive had failed, but it had still man-
završilo do 30. prosinca 1991. godine. Na Visu i Lastovu aged to achieve some of the objectives laid out in the
ostao je dio efektiva Ratne mornarice, čije je premje- two plans, resulting in a stalemated military, and politi-
štanje JNA završila krajem svibnja 1992. godine.426 cal, situation that, in the long run, did not favor the Serbs.
Serbia now had to rely on the UN peacekeeping force
that was being deployed to the crisis areas to secure its
territorial conquests. A compromise, brokered by the in-
ternational community was reached on November 23,
1991. Both sides signed an agreement about withdraw-
ing the remaining troops belonging to the 5th Military
District from Croatia and handing over the weapons and
equipment taken previously from the Croatian TO to the
Croatian forces. The withdrawal of the remaining forces
from Croatia was completed by December 30, 1991. El-
ements of the JNA Navy remained on Vis and Lastovo.
These forces finally left Croatia at the end of May, 1992.

426 D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 317-321.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 176 4.2.2020. 19:34:03

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Istočno bojište, tj. istočna Slavonija, Baranja i za-
padni Srijem bili su zahtjevni za obranu zbog istočne The Eastern Theater of Operations comprised eastern
granice koja je ujedno bila i državna granica Hrvatske Slavonia, Baranja and western Sirmium. The region was
i Srbije. Granica se većim dijelom poklapa s riječnim difficult to defend because at its eastern extremity there
tokom Dunava od granice s Mađarskom do Iloka. Na is the Croatian –Serbian border. The border follows, for
tom dijelu granice postoje tri mostovna prijelaza: Ba- the most part, the course of the Danube River from the
tina u Baranji, Erdut istočno od Osijeka i kod Iloka. No border with Hungary and as far as the town of Ilok. Along
od Iloka u obliku teritorijalnog džepa počinje kopnena the Danube stretch of the border with Croatia there are
granica koja završava na rijeci Savi blizu županjskog three bridge border crossings: Batina border crossing in
sela Račinovci. Glavne prometnice su Zagreb – Lipovac Baranja, Erdut border crossing to the east of Osijek and
– Beograd na južnom i Podravska magistrala na sjever- border crossing at Ilok. But from Ilok the border bulges
nom dijelu regije. Zbog šumskog kompleksa Spačve away from the Danube and runs through the area as far
koji se lako mogao braniti veći je značaj imala Podrav- as the Sava River at the village of Račinovci near Župan-
ska magistrala i posebice smjer Šid – Vinkovci koji je ja. The main lines of communications are the Zagreb –
vodio na Đakovačku zaravan, a s nje na nekoliko smje- Lipovac – Belgrade highway in the southern part of the
rova na kojima je bio moguć prodor u dubinu Hrvatske. region and the Podravina highway in the northern part
Južna granica duž rijeke Save bila je ujedno i granica s of the region. From a strategic perspective the Podravina
Bosnom i Hercegovinom i od ljeta 1991. konstantno je
highway was more important than the Zagreb – Lipov-
postojala mogućnost da snage JNA pokušaju nasilan
ac – Belgrade highway. There were a number of reasons
prijelaz rijeke i napad s boka na hrvatske snage.
for that, two of the most important ones being the easily
Iz hrvatske obrambene perspektive i demograf-
defensible Spačva forest complex and the Šid – Vinkovci
ska struktura je bila nepovoljna. Premda ni u jednoj
stretch of the highway which led to the Đakovo plateau
od graničnih općina, posebice u gradovima, Srbi nisu
from where an invader could easily advance deep into
imali većinu, bilo ih je dovoljno da uz pomoć garnizo-
Croatian territory. The Croatian southern border – the
na JNA ugroze i otežaju organizaciju hrvatske obrane.
border with Bosnia and Herzegovina – ran along the
Žarišta srpske pobune bila su sela s većinskim srpskim
course of the Sava River. From the summer of 1991 the
stanovništvom. Oko Vukovara to su bili Negoslavci,
Croatian strategists were acutely aware that at any time
Bršadin, Pačetin, Trpinja, Bobota i Borovo Selo, oko
the JNA could attempt a crossing and attack the Croatian
Osijeka Tenja i Bijelo Brdo, a kod Vinkovaca Mirkovci.
forces in the area from the flank.
Ostala su sela uglavnom bila mirna, a neka su djelovala
The demographic structure of the region was un-
po potrebi vodstva pobunjenika. Posljednja značajka
favorable to Croatia. It has to be pointed out that Serbs
bio je nepovoljan mirnodopski raspored JNA u regiji i
did not make up a majority in any of the border munic-
bliskom susjedstvu. Snage JNA bile su dostatne da u
ipalities, especially in the urban centers. However, there
početnoj eskalaciji podrže srpsku pobunu, a u otvore-
were enough of them to, with the help of the JNA gar-
nom ratu napadnu jakim snagama iz Srbije i Bosne i
risons, make a lot of trouble for the Croatian defenders.
Hercegovine. Uz to je utjecaj srbijanskih struktura, po-
The hotbeds of the Serb rebellion were predominantly
sebice MUP-a Republike Srbije, na pobunjene Srbe bio
Serbian villages in the region. Around Vukovar these vil-
vrlo velik.427
lages were Negoslavci, Bršadin, Pačetin, Trpinja, Bobota
Uz policiju u policijskim upravama Osijek, Vinkov-
and Borovo Selo, around Osijek Tenja and Bijelo Brdo and
ci i Vukovar, hrvatske snage su bile organizirane u re-
near Vinkovci the village of Mirkovci. The other villages
gionalni ZNG koji je potkraj rujna postao Operativna
offered overt support to the JNA and rebel Serbs only
when directly instructed to do so by this or that rebel
427 ICTY: Reynaud THEUNENS, “Vojni aspekt uloge Jovice commander. Making things even worse for the defend-
Stanišića i Franka Simatovića u sukobima u Hrvatskoj
i Bosni i Hercegovini (1991–1995)”, Izveštaj za potrebe
ers was the fact that many JNA units were stationed in
predmeta br. IT-03-69, Haag, 30. 6. 2007. the region. The JNA forces there were strong enough


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 177 4.2.2020. 19:34:03

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Vukovar tijekom i neposredno nakon službenoga završetka proce- Vukovar during and in the immediate aftermath of the official
sa mirne reintegracije – posljedice napada srpskih snaga i razaran- completion of the process of peaceful reintegration of the Cro-
ja 1991. godine (autor fotografija: Marko Perić). atian Danube region – the damage the city sustained during the
Serb attack in 1991 is clearly visible (Photographs by Marko Perić).
zona Osijek. Uz jednu djelatnu brigadu ZNG-a do kraja to prop up the rebellion in its initial stage. The JNA for-
godine gotovo u svim općinama osnovane su pričuvne mations stationed just across the Serbia and Bosnia and
brigade ZNG-a, tj. HV-a. Na drugoj strani bila je JNA iz Herzegovinian borders were also strong. When Serbia
sastava 17. korpusa sa sjedištem u Tuzli i garnizonima launched its open aggression against Croatia these for-
u Đakovu, Našicama, Osijeku, Slavonskom Brodu, Vin- mations moved into the attack. It has to be pointed out
kovcima i Vukovaru. U susjednoj Vojvodini i Mačvi bio that Serbian political, security and military structures ex-
je jak kontingent 12. novosadskog korpusa. Pobunjeni erted a high degree of influence on the rebel Serbs, espe-
su Srbi bili organizirani u samostalne skupine po uzoru cially the MUP of the Republic of Serbia.
na prostornu strukturu Teritorijalne obrane. Veličina tih The Croatian defense force in the region was orga-
skupina ovisila je o veličini naselja i broju stanovnika.428 nized into the regional ZNG. At the end of September
Nakon što je izbio rat u Sloveniji na granicu Hrvat- the regional ZNG became Operative Zone Osijek. There
ske i Srbije, odnosno Vojvodine tijekom 2. i 3. srpnja were also the police forces in the PU Osijek, Vinkovci and
1991. stigle su četiri mehanizirane brigade JNA iz Vojvo- Vukovar. In addition to one professional brigade, by the
dine, Srijema i Beograda. Već u svibnju JNA je nadzirala end of the year, in most municipalities reserve brigades
mostove na Dunavu kod Batine i Iloka, a u srpnju kod of the ZNG, later the Croatian Army, had been formed.
Ranged against these forces were the JNA forces from
428 D. MARIJAN, Obrana i pad Vukovara, 37. XVII Corps headquartered at Tuzla and garrisons in Đa-


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 178 4.2.2020. 19:34:04

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Selo Bogdanovci kraj Vukovara (istočna Slavonija), posljedice na-

pada srpskih snaga i razaranja 1991. godine (autor fotografije:
Marko Perić).

The village of Bogdanovci near Vukovar (eastern Slavonia) – the

results of the attack of the Serb forces on the village in 1991
(Photograph by Marko Perić).
Erduta. U kolovozu je okupirala Baranju i napala Vuko- kovo, Našice, Osijek, Slavonski Brod, Vinkovci and Vuko-
var. Vukovar, grad i općina uz Dunav, za obranu je bila var. In neighboring Vojvodina and Mačva the JNA had XII
u nezavidnom položaju, uvjerljivo najtežem na istoku Novi Sad Corps. The rebel Serbs were formed into inde-
Hrvatske. Graničila je sa Srbijom, a oko grada je imala pendent detachments on the TO model. The size of the
nekoliko sela s većinskim srpskim stanovništvom koje je detachments depended on the size of a given village and
od svibnja 1991. bilo u stanju pobune. Intenzivne bor- number of residents.
be za grad počele su 25. kolovoza. U teškim borbama When the war in Slovenia broke out four mecha-
obrana grada je odbila napade na grad iako su JNA i po- nized JNA brigades from Vojvodina, Sirmium and Bel-
bunjeni Srbi zauzeli dio okolnih sela s hrvatskim stanov- grade arrived at the Serbian (Vojvodina)-Croatian border
ništvom. Do kraja rujna Vukovar je opskrbljen oružjem on July 2 and July 3, 1991. Already in May, 1991, the JNA
i opremom te pojačan manjim brojem dragovoljaca iz took control of the bridges over the Danube in Batina
raznih krajeva Hrvatske. Obrana grada tada je imala oko and Ilok. In July the JNA took control of the bridge at
1800 naoružanih ljudi. U drugoj polovici rujna propa- Erdut as well. In August the JNA occupied Baranja and
la je napadajna operacija JNA, pa je u njezinom vrhu attacked Vukovar. Vukovar, both the city and the munic-
donesena odluka da se grad zauzme kako bi se dobilo ipality, were a nightmare to defend. The situation there
kompaktno područje u istočnoj Hrvatskoj. Za osvajanje for the defenders was worse than in any other part of
grada formirane su dvije namjenske skupine, koje su eastern Croatia. The municipality of Vukovar bordered
prema smjerovima napada dobile imena Taktička grupa with Serbia and included a number of predominantly
Sjever i Operativna grupa Jug. Zadatak TG-a Sjever bio Serb villages. These villages, from May, 1991, were in a
je zauzimanje Borova naselja, a OG-a Jug grada Vuko- state of rebellion. Intensive fighting for the city started
vara. Sredinom studenoga u napadu na Vukovar bilo on August 25. The defenders managed to repulse the
je angažirano oko 7800 ljudi iz sastava JNA, 2186 ljudi JNA’s determined attacks on the city. However, the JNA
iz TO-a Srbije, 112 tenkova, 68 oklopnih transportera i and rebel Serbs did capture a number of predominantly
borbenih vozila pješaštva te 145 oruđa za topničku pot- Croatian surrounding villages. At that point in time 1,800
poru. Vukovar je odsječen od Vinkovaca 1. listopada i men defended the city. By the end of September the de-
nakon teških i krvavih borbi zauzet 18., odnosno do 20. fenders received a quantity of weapons and equipment.
studenoga. Pojedine skupine pripadnika hrvatskih oru- Also, a small number of volunteers from various parts of
žanih snaga uspjele su se probiti iz Vukovara i uz veliki Croatia arrived in the city. In the second half of Septem-
napor doći do Vinkovaca. Na poljoprivrednom dobru ber the JNA strategic offensive against Croatia failed. The
Ovčara u blizini Vukovara u noći 20./21. studenoga ubi- JNA leadership of the JNA, therefore, decided to capture
jeno je najmanje 200, od 266 ranjenika i medicinskog the city of Vukovar so as to acquire a compact area in
osoblja odvedenoga iz vukovarske bolnice. Hrvatsko eastern Croatia. Two groups were formed for the pur-
stanovništvo i ranjenici iz bolnice koji nisu pobijeni na pose of taking the city and designated according to their


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 179 4.2.2020. 19:34:05

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

assigned directions of advance: Tactical Group North

and Operational Group South. TG North was tasked with
capturing Borovo Naselje and OG South was tasked with
capturing Vukovar. In mid-November 7,800 men from
the JNA, 2,186 men from Serbia TO, 112 tanks, 68 APCs
and armored vehicles and 145 artillery pieces were em-
ployed in the battle for Vukovar. On October 1 the JNA
cut off Vukovar from Vinkovci. Finally, after vicious and
bloody fighting, Vukovar fell on November 20. A number
of groups of Croatian soldiers managed to break through
Serb lines and reach safety in Vinkovci. It has to be point-
ed out that many Croatian soldiers lost their lives in the
attempt. On the Ovčara farm near Vukovar, on the night
Prognani Hrvati iz Iloka, 18. listopada 1991. (autor fotografije: of November 20-21 at least 200 people were murdered,
Marko Perić)
out of 266 wounded people and hospital staff taken from
the Vukovar hospital earlier that day. Those Croats who
A column of Croatian refugees from Ilok, October 18, 1991
(Photograph by) Marko Perić) were not killed in Ovčara were transported by the JNA
out of the ruined city between November 19 to 23. A few
days before the fall of Vukovar, on November 11 the JNA
captured the village of Bogdanovci which had been un-
der siege since October 1.
Ovčari od 19. do 23. studenoga u organizaciji JNA na- The Guards Mechanized Division of the JNA was
pustili su razrušeni grad. Nekoliko dana prije Vukovara, tasked with cutting off Vukovar from Vinkovci and pre-
11. studenoga JNA je zauzela i selo Bogdanovce koje je venting the Croatian Army from sending help to the be-
u okruženju bilo od 1. listopada.429 leaguered defenders of Vukovar. The list of the Division’s
Za odsijecanje Vukovara od Vinkovaca i onemogu- objectives included Ilok and a number of surrounding
ćavanje pomoći zadužena je Gardijska mehanizirana villages. Ilok was defended by a small number of Croa-
divizija JNA. Na popisu njenih zadaća bilo je zauzima-
tian soldiers. About 15,000 civilians lived in the town. By
nje Iloka i okolnih sela. Pritiscima, prijetnjama i zauzi- various means – threats, military action, maltreatment
manjem dijela sela malobrojne hrvatske snage i oko of civilians – the Guards Division forced the defenders
15.000 civila dovedeni su u bezizlazan sporazum. U and civilians to accede to an agreement which was re-
Šidu u nazočnosti predstavnika Misije EZ-a 14. listopada ally tantamount to unconditional surrender. In Šid, in
sastavljen je “sporazum” o predaji oružja između pred- the presence of representatives of the Mission of the
stavnika Iloka i komandanta Gardijske divizije. Iz Iloka EC, on October 14 an “agreement” on handing over the
je protjerano oko 10.000 ljudi, koji su nakon prihvata u weapons was signed by the representative of Ilok and
Slavonskom Brodu i Đakovu postupno razmješteni po the commander of the Guards Division. 10,000 civil-
unutrašnjosti Hrvatske.430 ians were expelled from Ilok. The refugees were initially
Tijekom završnih borbi za grad JNA je napravila transported to Slavonski Brod and Đakovo, and then,
prodor na vinkovačkom dijelu bojišta preko rijeke Bo-
in groups, they were gradually moved to the interior of
sut i zauzela nekoliko sela u općinama Vinkovci i Župa- Croatia, where adequate accommodation was provided
nja. Par dana kasnije sličan uspjeh JNA je imala južno od for them.
Osijeka. Posljednje jače borbe na bojištu bile su sredi- During the final phase of the Battle of Vukovar the
nom prosinca u bližoj okolici Osijeka.431 JNA crossed the Bosut River, advanced in the Vinkovci
area and captured a number of villages in the municipal-
ities of Vinkovci and Županja. A few days later the JNA
429 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 83-84, 89-95. achieved a similar success to the south of Osijek. The last
430 D. MARIJAN, Obrana i pad Vukovara, 169-172. of heavy fighting in the area occurred in mid-December
431 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 88-89, 96-99. near Osijek.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 180 4.2.2020. 19:34:06

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Zapadna Slavonija je područje između Mađar- Western Slavonia is situated between Hungary in
ske na sjeveru i Bosne i Hercegovine na jugu. Južna the north and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the south. The
granica je obilježila bojište jer je ispod nje područje southern boundary was of immense strategic importance
Bosanske Krajine s većinskim srpskim stanovništvom during the war because beyond it the Bosanska Krajina
na kojem je uz to bio i respektabilan potencijal JNA. area lay in which Serbs made up a near-absolute majori-
Najvažnije prometnice su uzdužne u zahvatu pravca ty and where strong JNA units were stationed. The most
Zagreb – Novska – Nova Gradiška na južnom dijelu important roads stretched from east to west – the Zagreb
područja i Podravska magistrala na sjevernom dijelu – Novska – Nova Gradiška road in the southern part of the
regije. Najvažnija poprečna prometnica je Stara Gra- region and the Podravina highway in the northern part
diška – Okučani – Lipik – Daruvar – Grubišno Polje – of the region. The most important road stretching from
Virovitica. Demografska struktura bila je izrazito ne- north to south was the Stara Gradiška – Okučani – Lipik
povoljna za obranu Hrvatske. U Pakracu su Srbi imali – Daruvar – Grubišno Polje – Virovitica road. The demo-
relativnu većinu, a bili su brojni i u ostalim općinama graphic structure of the region did not favor the Croatian
(Daruvar, Grubišno Polje) koje su se prostirale po za- defenders. In Pakrac Serbs made up a relative majority.
padnoslavonskom gorju na kojem su i vođene najjače There were also numerous Serb minorities in other mu-
borbe. JNA je imala nekoliko uporišta, no uglavnom u nicipalities (Daruvar, Grubišno Polje). These municipal-
mjestima s većinskim hrvatskim stanovništvom. Opa- ities stretched over the western Slavonian mountains
snost od presijecanja regije na pravcu Bosanska Gra- and fighting there was heavier than in other areas of the
theater. The JNA had a number of strongholds in the area
diška – Pakrac – Daruvar – Virovitica i odsijecanja Sla-
vonije od matice države bila je realna u ljeto 1991., što but most of them were in predominately Croatian towns
bojištu daje značaj jednog od najvažnijih na ratištu. and villages. In the summer of 1991 the JNA was poised
Policija je bila organizirana u četiri policijske upra- to cut the region in half by advancing in the direction of
ve: Bjelovar, Kutina, Osijek i Slavonski Brod. Glavne Bosanska Gradiška – Pakrac – Daruvar – Virovitica and
snage ZNG-a bile su iz Operativne zone Bjelovar, te thus cutting off Slavonia from the rest of the country. That
factor made western Slavonia on of the crucial theaters of
manjim dijelom iz operativnih zona Osijek i Zagreb. U
operations in the entire theater of war.
zoni su bile snage JNA 5. korpusa iz Banje Luke i 17.
The police force was organized into four police ad-
korpusa iz Tuzle. Srpske pobunjeničke snage u zapad-
ministrations: Bjelovar, Kutina, Osijek and Slavonski Brod.
noj Slavoniji nastale su najvećim dijelom na postoje-
The bulk of the ZNG came from Operative Zone Bjelovar
ćoj strukturi unutarnjih poslova i narodne obrane i
and the remainder from OZ Osijek and OZ Zagreb. The
prozvane su Teritorijalna obrana Zapadne Slavonije.432
JNA V Corps from Banja Luka and XVII Corps from Tuzla
Brojna srpska zajednica u Okučanima i na područ-
were stationed in the area. The rebel Serb forces in west-
ju planinskoga masiva Psunja, Papuka i Bilogore nije
ern Slavonia were created, for the most part, on the exist-
mirno prihvatila proglašenje hrvatske neovisnosti.
ing structure of the Internal Affairs and National Defense
Sigurnosno stanje u regiji naglo se pogoršalo, a po-
and designated the TO Western Slavonia.
bunjene srpske skupine su u maniri najbližoj hajduči-
The sizeable Serb community in Okučani and in the
ji napadale prometnice i naselja. U Okučanima je 12.
area of the Psunj, Papuk and Bilogora massif did not accept
kolovoza 1991. proglašena Srpska autonomna oblast
the proclamation of Croatian independence. The security
Zapadna Slavonija, nakon čega su pojačani napadi po-
situation in the region quickly deteriorated with armed
bunjenih Srba na hrvatska naselja i odmetanje dijela
groups of Serb civilians roaming the countryside and at-
policajaca Srba u srpsku miliciju. Pobuna je eskalirala
tacking roads and villages as brigands used to do in ages
sredinom kolovoza u Okučanima i Pakracu. Zahvalju-
past. On August 12, 1991, the Serbs proclaimed the Serbi-
jući intervenciji JNA iz Bjelovara i Banje Luke, Okučani
an Autonomous Region of Western Slavonia in Okučani.
Immediately after the proclamation the attacks of rebel
432 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 102-104. Serbs on Croatian villages intensified. A large number


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Novi Varoš, zapadna Slavonija, druga polovica rujna 1991.: tužna

kolona junaka koji su se vratili na područje pod kontrolom nepri-
jateljskih vojnika da bi izvukli tijelo poginuloga suborca i dostoj-
no ga pokopali; neki od njih su tijekom rata postali visoki časnici
HV-a: Ante Gotovina – tada zapovjednik izvidničke satnije, Damir
Tomljanović – Gavran … (autor fotografije: Mario Filipi).

Novi Varoš, Western Slavonia, second half of September, 1991:

Grief-stricken heroes who returned to enemy-controlled area
in order to recover the body of a killed comrade and give him a
proper burial. Later in the war some of the soldiers in the photo-
graph would become high-ranking officers in the Croatian Army
(from left to right): Ante Gotovina – then commander of a recon-
naissance company, Damir “Gavran” Tomljanović … (Photograph
by Mario Filipi).
Hrvatski sanitet u akciji: dr. Miroslav Kinčl „Igla”, Prekopakra, stu- Croatian Medical Corps in action; Doctor Miroslav “Needle” Kinčl;
deni 1991. (autor fotografija: Toni Hnojčik). Prekopakra, November, 1991 (Photographs by Toni Hnojčik).
su pretvoreni u tampon-zonu i uporište za nastavak po- of police officers of Serb ethnicity deserted the Croatian
bune i uvođenje postrojbi JNA u zapadnu Slavoniju. Do police force and joined the Serbian militia. The rebellion
sredine rujna 1991. u regiji je vođen pravi rat između escalated further in Okučani and Pakrac in mid-August.
hrvatskih snaga i pobunjenih Srba i JNA. Nakon hrvat- JNA forces from Bjelovar and Banja Luka intervened and
skih napada na objekte JNA, Banjalučki korpus je sredi- turned Okučani into a buffer zone, a launching pad for
nom rujna napravio pomake koji su bili najava napadne spreading the rebellion and staging area for JNA forces
operacije JNA. Do kraja rujna Banjalučki korpus JNA je for their deployment in western Slavonia. Until mid-Sep-
spojio snage iz Stare Gradiške i Okučana i napao Nov- tember, 1991, fighting raged between the JNA and rebel
sku, Lipik, Pakrac i Novu Gradišku. Do sredine listopa- Serbs on one side and Croatian forces on the other. Af-
da hrvatske snage su zaustavile napade JNA, a potkraj ter Croatian forces attacked JNA installations Banja Luka
mjeseca počele su s operacijama oslobađanja zauzetog Corps moved into action in mid-September, heralding a
teritorija. Do kraja godine oslobođeno je nekoliko sela JNA offensive. By the end of September Banja Luka Corps
na novljanskom dijelu bojišta i dva na novogradiškom linked the forces in Okučani with those in Stara Gradiška
dijelu bojišta. Najveći uspjesi postignuti su u čišćenju and attacked Novska, Lipik, Pakrac and Nova Gradiška.
brdskog područja Bilogore od snaga pobunjenih Srba i By mid-October the Croatian forces stopped the JNA’s
njihovom odbacivanju od Grubišnog Polja i Daruvara u advance and towards the end of the month mounted
borbama od 31. listopada do 3. studenog. Krajem stu- operations with the aim of liberating portions of the oc-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

denoga počelo je čišćenje slavonskih planina Papuka i cupied territory. By the end of the year the Croatian forces
Bilogore, što je obavljeno sredinom prosinca. Lokalne had liberated a few villages in the Novska area and two
snage pobunjenih Srba su razbijene, a dijelovi Banja- villages in the Nova Gradiška area. Most successes were
lučkog korpusa na novljanskom pravcu odbačeni su achieved in the mopping-up operations in the mountain-
prema Okučanima. Tijek operacija okončan je primir- ous region of Bilogora. The Serb forces there were pushed
jem 3. siječnja 1992. godine.433 back from Grubišno Polje and Daruvar during the fighting
that lasted from October 31 until November 3. At the end
BOJIŠTE BANOVINE I SISKA of November Croatian forces began mopping up the Pap-
uk Mountain and Bilogora Mountain. These operations
Banovina je regija omeđena rijekama Kupom na ended successfully in mid-December. The local rebel Serb
sjeveru, Savom na istoku, Unom na jugu i Petrovom forces were destroyed and elements of Banja Luka Corps
gorom na zapadu. Regija je 1991. bila podijeljena na in the Novska area pushed back towards Okučani. These
području općina Dvor na Uni, Glina, Hrvatska Kostaj- operations ended with the signing of a ceasefire agree-
nica, Petrinja i dijelu općine Sisak. Ratne okolnosti su ment on January 3, 1992.
ovom bojištu pridružile i područje Topuskog koji je
bio istočni dio kordunske općine Vrginmost. U regi-
ji su Srbi imali izrazitu većinu u Dvoru na Uni, Glini, THEATER OF OPERATIONS
Kostajnici, u Petrinji su imali neznatnu većinu, a u
Sisku su bili u izrazitoj manjini. Rijeka Una je granica Banovina is a region enclosed by the Kupa River on
s BiH i općinama Bosanski Novi i Bosanska Dubica u its western side, the Sava River on its eastern side, the Una
kojima su Srbi većinsko stanovništvo, te Bosanskom River on its southern side and Petrova Gora Mountain on
Krupom s većinskim muslimanskim stanovništvom.
its western side. In 1991 the region was divided among
Zbog visokog postotka srpskoga stanovništva i dijela
the following municipalities: Dvor na Uni, Glina, Hrvatska
susjedne BiH s dominantnim srpskim stanovništvom,
Kostajnica, Petrinja and Sisak (in part). The vagaries of war
regija je bila kao predodređena za pobunu.
joined the Topusko area to the Banovina and Sisak theater
Policija je bila iz Policijske uprave Sisak, a HV iz
of operations. The Topusko area was located in the east-
Operativne grupe za Sisak i Baniju. Glavnina hrvatskih
ern part of the municipality of Vrginmost. Serbs formed
snaga bila je u Sisku, uključujući 2. djelatnu brigadu
an absolute majority in Dvor na Uni, Kostajnica and Glina.
ZNG-a, a ostala jača uporišta bila su u hrvatskim na-
In Petrinja Serbs made up a relative majority while in Si-
seljima u dolini rijeke Une i uz rijeku Savu. Jugosla-
sak they were a minority group. The border with Bosnia
venska narodna armija je na Banovini imala snage iz
and Herzegovina in the region ran along the course of the
sastava 10. korpusa iz Zagreba s glavnim uporištem
Una River. Right across the border were the municipalities
u Petrinji. Nakon propasti napadne operacije JNA, za
of Bosanski Novi, Bosanska Dubica and Bosanska Krupa.
snage na Banovini i Kordunu 25. rujna je osnovana
The first two municipalities were predominately Serbian
Prva operativna grupa (OG-1), čija je Komanda bila
while Bosanska Krupa was predominately Muslim. With
na Petrovoj gori. Pobunjeni Srbi na Banovini imali su
a high percentage of Serbs making up the population in
dio policijske strukture koji se odmetnuo i prešao u
the region including both sides of the border rebellion
sastav Milicije SAO Krajine. Teritorijalna obrana pobu-
was bound to erupt there.
njenih Srba nastala je izravno iz prostorne strukture
The police force there came from Police Administra-
TO-a RH.434
tion Sisak and the Croatian Army forces stationed in the
Do kraja srpnja 1991. pobunjeni Srbi su uz pomoć
region belonged to OG for Sisak and Banija. The bulk of
JNA eliminirali hrvatska uporišta na području općine
the Croatian forces were in Sisak, including the 2nd Bri-
Dvor na Uni i zauzeli grad Glinu. Do druge polovice
gade of the ZNG. Strong Croatian forces were also sta-
rujna 1991. JNA i pobunjeni Srbi zauzeli su veći dio
tioned in Croatian villages in the Una Valley and along
the Sava River. The JNA in Banovina had forces from X
433 Isto, 104-121. Corps headquartered in Zagreb. Its main stronghold
434 Isto, 121-123. was in Petrinja. When the JNA strategic offensive against


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Banovine i Pounja, Hrvatska Kostajnica okupirana je Croatia failed the JNA formed, on September 25, OG-1
12./13. rujna, Topusko dan kasnije, a Petrinja 21. rujna. for Banovina and Kordun. The HQ of OG-1 was on Petro-
Do kraja rujna JNA je izbila na rijeku Kupu s izuzet- va Gora. The rebel Serbs in Banovina inherited parts of
kom jednog dijela zapadno od Siska. Na tom je dijelu the renegade police structures that joined the Serb mi-
pretrpjela neuspjeh u napadu 17. i 18. listopada kod litia of the SAO Krajina. The rebel Serbs TO was created
Novog Farkašića. Neuspješno je 2. studenoga završio directly from the local structure of the TO Croatia.
i napad na hrvatsko uporište Sunju, jugoistočno od By the end of July the rebel Serbs, with the help of the
Siska. Potkraj listopada 1991. hrvatske snage su po- JNA, had eliminated the Croatian strongholds in the Dvor
stale agilnije na području južno od rijeke Kupe, no bez na Uni Municipality and captured the city of Glina. By the
većih uspjeha. Najozbiljniji pokušaj hrvatskih snaga second half of September, 1991, the JNA and rebel Serbs
bila je operacija Vihor, pokušaj nasilnog prijelaza rije- had captured most of Banovina and the Pounje region.
ke Kupe prema Glini od 11. do 13. prosinca, što je na- Hrvatska Kostajnica fell on September 12/13, Topusko
kon početnog uspjeha i stvaranja plitkog mostobrana one day later and Petrinja on September 21. By the end
na kraju neuspješno završilo, uz gubitke u ljudstvu i of September the JNA reached the Kupa River with the
borbenoj tehnici.435 exception of one pocket of resistance near Sisak. There
the defenders beat back the JNA on October 17-18. On
November 2 the JNA attacked Sunja, a Croatian strong-
ŠIRE PODRUČJE ZAGREBA hold to the southeast of Sisak but the attack failed. At the
end of October, 1991, the Croatian forces became more
Kao upravno, gospodarsko i prometno sjedište, aggressive in the area to the south of the Kupa River, but
ujedno i najveći grad u Hrvatskoj, Zagreb je imao izni- to no significant advantage. The most ambitious under-
mnu važnost u sustavu obrane. U gradu je bilo sjedi- taking of the Croatian forces was Operation Vihor (Whirl-
šte MUP-a RH i Policijske uprave Zagreb, kao i Zapo- wind), an attempt to force a crossing of the Kupa River
vjedništvo Zbora narodne garde, odnosno od druge and advance on Glina. The operation lasted from Decem-
polovice rujna 1991. Glavnog stožera HV-a, iz kojeg su ber 11 to December 13. Initially everything went well and
vođene postrojbe ZNG-a i HV-a na terenu. Operativ- the Croatian forces established a small bridgehead on the
no zapovijedanje hrvatskim snagama bilo je u sklopu opposite bank. But then everything went awry. The Croa-
Operativne zone Zagreb. U Zagrebu je bilo jedno od tian Forces suffered heavy casualties and lost a significant
najvećih uporišta JNA i sjedište 5. vojne oblasti, 10. amount of equipment and were forced to withdraw.
korpusa i 5. korpusa RZ-a i PZO-a.436
Sredinom rujna 1991. u Zagrebu su hrvatske sna- THE WIDER ZAGREB AREA
ge zauzele dio objekata JNA. U zauzimanju su angaži-
rane sve strukture obrane: policija, ZNG, TO, Narodna The strategic importance of Zagreb, the largest city in
zaštita i naoružani građani. JNA je ostala u nekoliko Croatia and its capital, and also the country’s economic,
vojarni, a u okolici u Dugom Selu, Velikoj Buni, Sa- administrative and transportation center was immense.
moboru i Jastrebarskom. Sve su vojarne bile bloki- Zagreb was the pivotal factor in the country’s defense
rane snagama iz sastava HV-a, policije, Teritorijalne system. The city housed the main offices of the MUP and
obrane, Narodne zaštite i naoružanim građanima. Police Administration Zagreb as well as the HQ of the
Dio snaga angažiran je u Zagrebu i neposrednoj oko- Croatian National Guard, which was re-designated in the
lici sa zadatkom da spriječi prodor oklopništva JNA second half of September, 1991, as the General Staff of
iz vojarni u gradu, kao i prema gradu. Zagreb i bliža the Croatian Army. Operational command of the Croatian
okolica uglavnom su bili pošteđeni većih napada JNA. forces was the preserve of OZ Zagreb. On the other hand,
Ona je povremeno napadala zrakoplovstvom po voj- Zagreb was also a JNA stronghold. The HQs of the 5th Mil-
nim, komunikacijskim i političkim ciljevima: 22. rujna itary District, X Corps and V Corps of the Air Force and Air
bombardirana je Velika Gorica; 4. listopada raketiran Defense were in the capital.
In mid-September, 1991, Croatian forces captured a
435 Isto, 123-133. number of JNA facilities and installations in Zagreb. All
436 Isto, 134. defensive structures participated in these operations: po-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

je RTV odašiljač na Sljemenu; 6. listopada raketiran je lice, ZNG, TO, National Defense and armed citizens. The
RTV toranj na Sljemenu; 7. listopada raketirani su Ban- JNA retained possession of a number of barracks in the
ski dvori u pokušaju da se likvidira hrvatski politički city and its environs. Those around the city were in Dugo
vrh. Dogovorenim izvlačenjem postrojbi JNA u stude- Selo, Velika Buna, Samobor and Jastrebarsko. These, and
nom i prosincu sigurnosno stanje u gradu se značaj- those in the city that were still in JNA hands, were placed
no poboljšalo. Zagreb je 1991. bio mjesto u kojem se under blockade by forces belonging to the HV, police, TO
odlučivalo o svim bitnim aspektima obrane Hrvatske i and National Defense. Armed citizens also participated
odmjeravale snage s raspadajućom federacijom i JNA. in the actions. Some Croatian troops were employed in
Zagreb je bio i glavni psihološki i logistički oslonac hr- Zagreb and its outskirts with the task of preventing the
vatskim snagama. Krajem rujna obrana grada Zagre- JNA armor from breaking out of the barracks and mov-
ba preuzela je obranu lijeve obale Kupe od napada ing into the city. It has to be pointed out that the JNA ab-
JNA i pobunjenih Srba s područja Banovine. Najviše stained from launching strong attacks on Zagreb and its
postrojbi HV-a angažirano na drugim dijelovima hr- environs. On occasion the JNA Air Force attacked military,
vatskog ratišta bilo je iz Zagreba.437 communications and political targets: on September 22
Velika Gorica was bombed; on October 4 the radio-tele-
vision transmitter on Sljeme was rocketed; on October 6
the radio-television tower on Sljeme was rocketed; on Oc-
KORDUNA tober 7 the seat of the Croatian government, the Banski
Dvori, was rocketed in an attempt to assassinate the Croa-
Kordun i Karlovac bili su 1991. spoj regije s većin- tian political leadership. After a round of negotiations the
skim srpskim stanovništvom i grada u kojem su većina Croatian government allowed the JNA garrisons to leave
bili Hrvati. Većinsko hrvatsko stanovništvo na Kordunu in safety. With the JNA troops gone, the security situation
bilo je samo u općini Slunj. Rijeka Kupa bila je etnička in and around Zagreb in November and December im-
granica općine Karlovac, sjeverno su bila naselja s hr- proved significantly. In 1991, all major decisions regarding
vatskim, a južno sa srpskim stanovništvom. Južni dio the country’s defense were reached in Zagreb. The capital
općine bio je povezan s pobunjenim Kordunom i bio was the political stage where the Croatian government
je slaba točka obrane općine. Karlovac je važno pro- pitted its agenda against that of the quickly deteriorating
metno čvorište i mjesto u kojem su se prometnice iz federation and the JNA. Zagreb was the main psycholog-
smjera Knina i Rijeke spajale na autocestu za Zagreb. ical and logistical buttress for the Croatian Armed Forces.
Kod Karlovca je Hrvatska bila “najtanja” i postojala je At the end of September, the Defense of Zagreb became
mogućnost da je se presiječe na dva dijela. U tom kraj- responsible for defending the left bank of the Kupa Riv-
nje pesimističnom scenariju cjelokupan promet morao er from JNA and rebel Serbs attacks from the direction of
bi biti prebačen kroz Sloveniju, što je, iako nepovoljno, Banovina. Most HV units deployed in other parts of the
bilo znatno prihvatljivije od presijecanja kod npr. Gos- Croatian theater of war were from Zagreb.
pića ili Zadra.
Policija je bila organizirana u Policijsku upravu Kar- KARLOVAC AND KORDUN
lovac, a HV u Operativnu zonu Karlovac. U Karlovcu je
JNA, uglavnom iz Riječkog korpusa, bila koncentrirana
u oko 20 objekata u gradu i bližoj okolici. Teritorijalna
In 1991 the Kordun region was predominantly Serb.
obrana pobunjenih Srba osnovana je po postojećoj
On the other hand, the administrative center of the re-
prostornoj strukturi, a pred kraj godine osnovano je
gion, the city of Karlovac, was, and still remains to this
nekoliko brigada TO-a.438
day, a predominantly Croatian city. In the Kordun re-
Značajka bojišta je relativno kasno izbijanje suko-
gion, only in the municipality of Slunj did Croats make
ba i s obzirom na značaj regije, skromne hrvatske sna-
up a majority. The Kupa River was the ethnic boundary
ge. Pobunjeni Srbi su u ljeto 1991. odsjekli gradić Slunj
of the municipality of Karlovac. To the north were Croa-
tian villages and to the south Serbian villages. One part
437 Isto, 134-139. of the municipality was linked to rebel-held Kordun. That
438 Isto, 139-140. part of the municipality was a weak spot in the munic-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

ipality’s defensive system. Karlovac was, and still is, an

important transportation hub. The roads from Knin and
Rijeka merged into the Zagreb highway at Karlovac. The
narrowest stretch of Croatian territory in this part of the
country is at Karlovac. There existed a real danger that
the JNA and rebel Serbs would cut Croatia in two halves
there. The Croatian strategists were acutely aware that if
the Serbs managed to pull that coup off, all traffic from
northern Croatia to southern Croatia and vice versa
would have to be re-routed through Slovenia. Still, such
a scenario, although highly undesirable, was more palat-
able than the same scenario at Gospić or Zadar.
The police force in the municipality was under the
auspices of the Police Administration Karlovac and the
HV forces there were organized into OZ Karlovac. The
JNA, mostly troops from Rijeka Corps, held about 20 in-
stallations and facilities in Karlovac and the surrounding
area. The rebel Serbs TO was formed on the basis of the
existing local structure. Towards the end of the year a few
Karlovac, posljedice napada JNA i srpskih snaga, listopad 1991.
TO brigades were formed.
(autor fotografije: Dinko Neskusil). Conflict in this area erupted later than in other areas
of the country. It is important to emphasize that despite
Destruction wrought by the JNA and Serb forces, Karlovac, Oc-
the high strategic importance of the area, the Croatian
tober, 1991 (Photograph by Dinko Neskusil).
forces deployed there were not numerically strong. In
the summer of 1991 the rebel Serbs cut off Slunj from
Karlovac and were in the process of forming their forc-
es. The JNA formed OG-1 and brought in reinforcements
from Serbia for the purpose of capturing Karlovac. The
od Karlovca i ustrojavali svoje snage. Osnivanjem OG-1 onslaught on the city started on October 4 and lasted
i dovođenjem snaga iz Srbije, JNA je od 4. do 8. listopa- until October 8. The attack was a failure. After this set-
da bez uspjeha pokušala zauzeti Karlovac. Nakon ne- back the JNA limited its activities to holding the line and
uspjeha, JNA se ograničila na držanje crte i izvlačenje pulling out its surrounded forces from the barracks in the
okruženih snaga i opreme iz vojarni u Karlovcu i zale- city and the surrounding area. In September and at the
đu. U rujnu i početkom studenoga hrvatske su snage beginning of November, Croatian forces captured some
zauzele dio vojarni. Iz vojarne Logorište u predgrađu of the barracks. The JNA garrison from the Logorište
Karlovca 4. i 5. studenoga snage JNA su se probile s di- barracks on the outskirts of Karlovac managed to break
jelom tehnike na Kordun. Nakon ovog proboja nije bilo out, with some equipment, on November 4-5 and reach
većih sukoba. Crta se stabilizirala, a hrvatske su snage Kordun. After this break-out there were no more large
preuzele inicijativu u svoje ruke. U dubini Korduna, JNA engagements. The front line stabilized and the Croatian
i pobunjeni Srbi su 16. studenoga zauzeli Slunj, a do forces gained the initiative. Deep in the Kordun area the
kraja mjeseca i preostala sela s hrvatskim stanovniš- JNA and rebel Serbs captured Slunj on November 16.
tvom. Oko 11.000 stanovnika povuklo se uglavnom u By the end of the month the JNA and rebel Serbs had
Cazin u susjednoj BiH, odakle je organiziran prijevoz captured all the Croatian villages in the area. 11,000 Cro-
za Hrvatsku. Zauzimanjem Slunja spojeno je područje atian civilians fled, most of them to Cazin in Bosnia and
Like i Korduna pod kontrolom srpskih snaga.439 Herzegovina, whence they were transported to the gov-
ernment-controlled territory of Croatia. By capturing
Slunj the Serbs linked up their territory in Kordun with
439 Isto, 140-145. that in Lika.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


In 1991 there were no battles or engagements to
Istra, Hrvatsko primorje, Kvarner i Gorski kotar speak of in Istria, the Croatian Littoral, Kvarner and Gor-
područja su u kojima 1991. nije bilo značajnijih su- ski Kotar. The reason for this is simple and rather prosaic
koba iz jednostavnog razloga što je srpsko stanov- – the Serbs made up an insignificant percentage of the
ništvo bilo u izrazitoj manjini i relativno udaljeno od population in these areas. Also, these areas were relative-
glavnih žarišta krize. Općina Vrbovsko bila je sigurno- ly far geographically from the hotbeds of the Serb rebel-
lion. The municipality of Vrbovsko was, from a security
sno najosjetljivija. Premda mala po broju stanovnika,
u njoj su bile dvije srpske enklave: sjeverozapadna, standpoint, the most sensitive area. There were two Serb
uz općinu Delnice sa Srpskim Moravicama kao najve- enclaves in the municipality: one in northwest, bordering
ćim naseljem, i jugoistočna, s Gomirjem prema Ogu- with the municipality of Delnice with Srpske Moravice as
linu. Brojna je skupina Srba bila i na području Ogu- its largest town and the other in southeast, with Gomir-
lina, zapadno i jugozapadno od grada, s najvećim je towards Ogulin. A large number of Serbs lived in the
naseljem Jasenkom. Druga je cjelina bila jugoistoč- Ogulin area, to the west and southwest of the city. The
no, oko Plaškog. Širenjem rata i presijecanjem naj- largest settlement there was Jasenak. Another area where
važnijih prometnih pravaca kontinentalne s primor- many Serbs lived was around Plaško. As the conflict in
skom Hrvatskom, ova su područja postala prometna Croatia spread and when the Serbs cut most of the com-
žila kucavica Hrvatske. Riječ je o području Policijskih munications lines connecting the northern part of Croa-
uprava Pula i Rijeka i dijelu Policijske uprave Karlovac tia with the southern part of Croatia, this area became the
vital communications artery of the country. The following
(Ogulin i Vrbovsko). U vojno-teritorijalnom pogledu
radilo se o operativnim zonama Rijeka i Karlovac. JNA police administrations had jurisdiction in the region: Pula,
je u Rijeci imala sjedište 13. korpusa, a ostale snage Rijeka and Karlovac (Ogulin, Vrbovsko). In the military-ter-
bile su u Delnicama. U Istri su glavne snage 5. vojno- ritorial context the region was in the area of responsibility
pomorskog sektora bile u Puli i Pazinu, te na dijelu of OZ Rijeka and OZ Karlovac. The HQ of XIII Corps of the
otoka. Djelatnost JNA svela se na povremene zračne JNA was in Rijeka. The other JNA units in the area were
napade i korištenje aerodroma kod Pule za napade u stationed in Delnice. In Istria the bulk of the forces of the
zaleđu Istre i dubini Hrvatske. Druga konstantna dje- 5th Military-Maritime Sector were stationed in Pula and
latnost JNA bila je pomorska blokada akvatorija. Uz Pazin. Some units were stationed on some of the islands.
kraće prekide trajala je od 17. rujna do 11. studeno- The JNA’s activities there were limited to occasional air-
ga, kada je počelo iseljavanje JNA u Crnu Goru. Iselja- strikes and using the air base in Pula for attacks in Istria’s
hinterland and other areas of Croatia. Another JNA activ-
vanje je okončano 15. prosinca.440
ity worthy of note was its naval blockade of the aquato-
rium. The blockade, with short interruptions, lasted from
LIČKO BOJIŠTE September 17 until November 11, when the JNA started
withdrawing its forces to Montenegro. The withdrawal
Lika je u strategijskom smislu bila iznimno značaj- was completed on December 15.
na regija. Ključna točka hrvatske obrane - grad Gospić -
ujedno je bio i zadnja brana prema gradiću i luci Karlo- LIKA THEATER OF
bagu, mitskoj točki velikosrpskih planova. Odsijecanje
na tom pravcu nije se moglo sanirati zbog blizine mora
na kojem je dominirala Jugoslavenska ratna mornari-
From a strategic standpoint Lika was an important
ca. U demografskom smislu je zapadna Lika bila s hr-
region. The key location for the Croatian defense was
vatskom (Gospić i Otočac), a istočna i južna sa srpskom
the city of Gospić. The city was also the last line of de-
fense towards the town and port of Karlobag, the pivotal
440 Isto, 145-148. location in the plan for the creation of a Greater Serbi-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

većinom (Korenica, D. Lapac i Gračac) i uz to oslonjena an state. Losing Gospić, the Croatian strategists knew,
na istovjetna demografska područja BiH. would be a blow the Croatian Army could not recover
U Gospiću je bilo sjedište Policijske uprave Gos- from because of the city’s proximity to the sea, where
pić, a HV je bio u ingerenciji Operativne zone Karlo- the Serb-dominated JNA navy held sway at that point in
vac, odnosno njezine Operativne grupe Lika. Glavne time. Demographically, western Lika was predominant-
snage JNA u Lici bile su iz sastava Riječkog korpusa ly Croatian (Gospić, Otočac) while eastern and southern
u Gospiću i Otočcu. Njima je od studenoga 1991. za- Lika were predominantly Serbian (Korenica, Donji Lapac
povijedala Treća operativna grupa (OG-3). Pobunjeni and Gračac) and bordered with predominantly Serbian
Srbi su organizirani na temelju prostorne strukture areas in Bosnia and Hezegovina.
Teritorijalne obrane RH i pod zapovijedanjem 2. ope- The main office of Police Administration Gospić was
rativne zone TO-a.441 in Gospić, and the HV forces were under the command
Nakon sukoba na Plitvicama, JNA je u travnju of OZ Karlovac, which was subordinated to OG Lika. The
1991. zatvorila pravce koji vode u dubinu Like prema main JNA forces in the area were from Rijeka Corps and
područjima s većinskim srpskim stanovništvom. Od stationed in Gospić and Otočac. They were under the op-
kraja travnja predstavnici JNA su preko vodstva Srp- erational command of OG-3 from November, 1991. The
ske demokratske stranke Srbima u Lici dijelili oružje rebel Serbs were organized according to the local struc-
iz vojnih skladišta, uključujući i ona iz Gospića. Do ture of the TO Croatia and under the command of 2nd OZ
početka srpnja podijeljeno je oko 15.000 komada ra- of the TO.
znog pješačkog oružja, minobacača, protuavionskih After the incident in Plitvice, the JNA, in April, 1991,
topova 20 mm i veća količina streljiva. Najkritičnije sealed off communications routes leading to the center
područje Like bila je općina Gospić. Položaj hrvatskih of Lika towards the predominantly Serbian areas. From
snaga pogoršao se nakon što su početkom kolovoza the end of April JNA representatives, through leaders of
1991. one bile prinuđene napustiti prijevoj Ljubovo the Serbian Democratic Party, distributed weapons from
na kojem su zatvarale put prema Gospiću. Uz pomoć JNA depots, including the one in Gospić, to the rebel
JNA pobunjeni Srbi su 30. kolovoza napali Gospić. S Serbs in Lika. By the beginning of July the rebel Serbs
manjim prekidima borbe za grad su trajale mjesec received 15,000 various small arms, mortars, 20-mm flak
dana. Tijekom tih borbi hrvatske snage su zauzele guns and vast amounts of ammunition. The municipali-
uporišta JNA u gradu i okolici, te deblokirale selo Bilaj ty of Gospić, from a strategic perspective, was the most
jugoistočno od grada. Srpske snage spriječile su pru- important area in Lika. The situation there for the Croa-
žanje pomoći okruženim hrvatskim selima Sveti Rok i tian forces was critical. It got even worse after the HV was
Lovinac sjeverozapadno od Gračaca. Obrana tih sela forced to retreat from the Ljubovo pass at the beginning
izdržala je do 26. rujna. Sredinom studenoga vođene of August, 1991. The positions in the pass had prevented
su jače borbe južno od Gospića, no bez ikakvih poma- the JNA to move on Gospić. Now those critical positions
ka. Time su prestala zahtjevnija djelovanja hrvatskih were no longer in Croatian hands. On August 30, the reb-
snaga, koje su s velikim naporom držale crtu dugu el Serbs, assisted by the JNA, attacked Gospić. The bat-
oko 70 kilometara. Razdoblje do Sarajevskoga primir- tle for the city, with brief interludes, lasted for a month.
ja obilježilo je granatiranje Gospića i okolice, pri čemu During the fighting the Croatian forces captured the JNA
je grad pretrpio ogromnu materijalnu štetu, u Hrvat- strongholds in the city and the surrounding area and
skoj najveću nakon Vukovara.442 lifted the blockade of the village of Bilaj located south-
Na području Otočca početkom kolovoza 1991. sta- east of the city. The Serb forces prevented the HV from
nje je bilo vrlo teško: oko 30 posto općine bilo je pod sending help to the encircled Croatian villages of Sveti
nadzorom pobunjenih Srba, učestale su bile pljačke i Rok and Lovinac located to the northwest of Gračac. The
presretanja putnika na prometnicama u okolici grada. villages fell on September 26. In mid-November heavy
Sredinom rujna Otočac je bio u teškom stanju, goto- fighting developed to the south of Gospić but neither
side could gain the upper hand. The Croatian forces, at
that point, went on the defensive and focused all their
441 Isto, 148-149. efforts on holding the seventy-kilometer-long defensive
442 Isto, 149-151. line. The Serbs regularly shelled Gospić and its environs,


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

vo okružen snagama pobunjenih Srba, a u gradu je inflicting significant material damage, second only to the
bila relativno jaka posada JNA. U borbama od 14. do destruction the JNA had visited on Vukovar. The artillery
18. rujna hrvatske su snage zauzele nekoliko uporišta attacks on Gospić stopped with the signing of the Sara-
JNA i odbile napade JNA i pobunjenih Srba na grad. jevo Agreement.
Do kraja godine hrvatske snage su u nekoliko pothva- In the Otočac area, at the beginning of August, 1991,
ta odbacile pobunjene Srbe iz sjeverozapadnog dijela the situation was dire: about 30% of the municipality
općine i osigurale prometnice na tom dijelu bojišta. was under the control of the rebel Serbs. Rebel Serbs
Pokušaj pružanja pomoći okruženim hrvatskim sna- frequently engaged in looting and highway robbery in
gama u selu Saborsko, sjeveroistočno od Otočca, nije villages and on roads around the city. By mid-September
uspio. Obrana sela održala se do 12. studenoga, a pre- Otočac was almost in a complete encirclement. The situ-
živjelo stanovništvo i branitelji danima su se probijali ation was desperate – rebel Serbs around the city and the
kroz šume prema Slunju i Ogulinu.443 relatively strong JNA garrison in the city. The defenders
did not despair though. In the fighting that lasted from
SJEVERNO I September 14-18 the Croatian forces captured a number
of JNA positions and repulsed all attacks mounted by
SREDNJODALMATINSKO the JNA and rebel Serbs on the city. By the end of the
BOJIŠTE year the Croatian forces, in a number of actions, pushed
back the rebel Serbs from the northwestern part of the
U sjevernoj Dalmaciji je u kolovozu 1990. počela municipality and secured the roads in the area. The Cro-
srpska pobuna. Kao bojište sjevernu i srednju Dal- ats sent a relief force to break the siege of the village of
maciju karakterizirala je nepovoljna demografska Saborsko, to the north of Otočac. The attempt failed and
struktura i velik potencijal JNA. Srbi su imali većinu u the Croatian troops in Saborsko remained encircled by
Benkovcu, Kninu i Obrovcu, a Hrvati u Sinju, Drnišu i Serb forces. The village fell on November 12. The surviv-
primorskim općinama. Vitalna prometnica Split – Dr- ing civilians and defenders fled towards Slunj and Ogulin
niš – Karlovac rano je presječena za korištenje, pa je through the surrounding forests. The trek was perilous
sav promet prebačen na Jadransku magistralu koja and it took them days to finally reach safety.
je postala objekt strategijskog značenja, posebice na
dijelu između Zadra i Šibenika gdje bi njeno presije-
canje značilo i presijecanje Hrvatske.
Policija je bila organizirana po policijskim upra- CENTRAL DALMATIAN
vama Split, Šibenik i Zadar. Zbor narodne garde, od- THEATER OF OPERATIONS
nosno HV bio je u sastavu Operativne zone koja je
obuhvaćala područje sjeverne, srednje i južne Dal- In August, 1990, the Serb rebellion erupted in north-
macije. Jugoslavenska narodna armija je u regiji ima- ern Dalmatia. The demographic structure in northern
la Kninski korpus i glavninu snage Vojnopomorske and central Dalmatia and a strong presence of the JNA
oblasti. Srpske snage su bile organizirane u miliciju determined the initial events of the war in that theater
SAO Krajine, a u srpnju je počelo osnivanje postrojbi of operations and, to a significant extent, its later course
TO-a.444 in general. Serbs made up a majority in Benkovac, Knin
Početkom travnja 1991. JNA je sjevernu Dalma- and Obrovac and Croats were predominant in Sinj, Drniš
ciju s istočnom Likom pretvorila u tampon-zonu i and the Croatian Littoral municipalities. The Serbs imme-
onemogućila uspostavu pravnog poretka Republike diately blocked the vital Split – Drniš – Karlovac road. The
Hrvatske. Nakon burnog proljeća, do početka srpnja Croats had no choice but to re-route all traffic to the Adri-
u regiji je vladao mir. Od tada se stanje konstantno atic Highway, thus imparting a strategic importance to
pogoršavalo, promet je bio otežan i često blokiran, the highway, especially along its Zadar – Šibenik stretch.
If the Serbs had gained control of that stretch of the
highway, they would have effectively cut Croatia in half.
443 Isto, 151-155. The police force was formed into Police Administra-
444 Isto, 155-156. tion Split, Police Administration Šibenik and Police Ad-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

učestali su bili incidenti između sela s hrvatskim i ministration Zadar. The ZNG, later the Croatian Army, was
srpskim stanovništvom te upadi srpske milicije u under the command of the operative zone whose area of
ustanove na rubnim područjima SAO Krajine. Kada responsibility encompassed northern, central and south-
su krajem kolovoza izbile borbe, hrvatske snage su ern Dalmatia. In the region the JNA had Knin Corps and
natjerane na defenzivu i povlačenje. One su blokirale the bulk of the Military-Maritime District forces. The reb-
objekte JNA u primorskim gradovima i Sinju, ali ne el Serb forces were organized into the militia of the SAO
i u Kninu i Benkovcu, gdje su bile smještene glavne Krajina. In July the rebel Serbs started forming TO units.
snage JNA u regiji. Dio vojarni se predao, a obranom At the beginning of April, 1991, the JNA formed
Šibenika od 16. do 22. rujna i Zadra od 4. do 7. listo- northern Dalmatia and eastern Lika into a buffer zone
pada spriječeno je odsijecanje Dalmacije od matice and prevented the Croatian government from establish-
Hrvatske. Prema dogovoru, JNA se povukla u listopa- ing the legal order of the Republic of Croatia in the area.
du sa zadarskog područja, da bi potom 18. stude- After the tumultuous events in spring, a period of rela-
noga bez povoda napala i zauzela selo Škabrnju pri tive calm followed. It lasted until the beginning of July.
čemu je počinjen jedan od većih zločina u Hrvatskoj. From that point on, the situation grew steadily worse;
Na prijelazu iz 1991. u 1992. JNA je u operaciji Udar- traffic was often interrupted, roads were often blocked,
91, sjeveroistočno od Zadra, zauzela nekoliko naselja incidents between Serbian and Croatian villages were
na Novigradskom moru.445 frequent as were the SAO Krajina militia’s forays into the
Na središnjem dijelu bojišta JNA i pobunjeni Srbi border areas of the SAO Krajina. When fighting erupted
zauzeli su 20. rujna 1991. grad Drniš, s tim da su po- at the end of August, the Croatian forces were forced
raženi južno od grada prilikom nastupanja prema Ši- to retreat. The Croatian forces then put the JNA instal-
beniku. Poraz je natjerao JNA na oprez i odustajanje lations, barracks and facilities in coastal towns and Sinj
od pritiska prema jugu, čime su hrvatske snage dale under blockade. However, the Croatian forces were not
doprinos uspješnoj obrani Šibenika. Hrvatska obrana strong enough to put the JNA barracks and facilities in
organizirana je potom osloncem na planinu Moseć Knin and Benkovac under blockade. In these two cities
na kojoj je uoči Sarajevskog primirja odbijen posljed- the main JNA forces in the region were stationed. The
nji jači srpski napad na tom području.446 garrisons in some of the barracks under blockade surren-
Na području općine Sinj, JNA je s pobunjenim dered. The Croatian forces successfully defended Šibenik
Srbima 26. i 27. kolovoza 1991. zauzela dva hrvatska from the JNA’s attacks mounted during the period from
uporišta između Sinja i Kijeva. U nastavku napada 18. September 16 to September 22. The Serb forces then
rujna zauzeli su i branu na Peručkom jezeru i izbili turned their attention to Zadar and mounted a series of
na prilaze Sinju gdje su ih hrvatske snage zaustavile. attacks from October 4 to October 7. The defenders man-
Do kraja godine nije bilo većih pomaka na tom dijelu aged to repulse all of these attacks. By winning the bat-
bojišta.447 tles for Šibenik and Zadar, the Croatian forces prevent-
U gradu Splitu glavna zadaća hrvatskih snaga ed the Serbs from cutting off Dalmatia from the rest of
bila je blokada i zauzimanje uporišta JNA. Dio tih vo- the country. Following a round of negotiations, the JNA
jarni zauzet je od 15. do 20. rujna 1991., a preostala withdrew from the Zadar area. Then, on November 18,
uporišta JNA držana su u blokadi do okončanja iselje- without provocation or any strategic or tactical rationale,
nja 4. siječnja 1992. godine. U tom se vremenu zbio the JNA attacked and captured the village of Škabrnja.
niz incidenata oko vojarni, a 15. studenoga je odbijen After the fall of the village, the JNA committed one of the
napad JRM-a iz splitskog kanala.448 worst crimes against humanity of the entire war. At the
end of 1991 and beginning of 1992, the JNA mounted
Operation Udar-91 (Strike-91) in the area to the north-
west of Zadar and captured a number of settlements in
the Novigrad Bay.
445 Isto, 159-165. In the central area of the theater, the JNA and rebel
446 Isto, 157-159. Serbs captured the city of Drniš on September 20, 1991.
447 Isto, 166-167. However, the JNA and Serbs suffered a defeat south of
448 Isto, 168. Drniš when they tried to advance on Šibenik. This defeat


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

JUŽNO BOJIŠTE 1991. smartened the JNA and forced it to give up the idea of
advancing southwards. Šibenik was, at least for the time
GODINE being, safe. The Croatian defense was then organized so
as to pivot its positions on Mount Moseć. Just before the
Kao bojište, hrvatski jug je karakterizirala izduže-
signing of the Sarajevo Agreement the Serbs launched a
nost i granica s Bosnom i Hercegovinom i Crnom Go-
determined attack on these positions but the defenders
rom. Na tom je dijelu Hrvatska bila najtanja, i s obzirom
repulsed the onslaught. This was the last serious attack
na demografsku strukturu dijelova susjednih republika,
launched by Serb forces in the area.
najteža za obranu. O operativnoj dubini se moglo go-
In the municipality of Sinj the JNA and rebel Serbs,
voriti tek na dijelu bojišta u općinama Metković i Ploče.
on August 26-27, captured two Croatian strongholds
Uoči srpskog napada hrvatske snage na Južnom
between Sinj and Kijevo. Following up the success, the
bojištu bile su najslabije i najmalobrojnije na hrvatskom
Serbs captured Peruća Dam and reached the outskirts of
ratištu. U Dubrovniku je bilo sjedište Policijske uprave
Sinj on September 18. There they were stopped by Croa-
Dubrovnik, koja je imala oko 230 policajaca, od čega 60
tian forces. By the end of the year, there were no signifi-
u Specijalnoj jedinici. Pri općinama su postojala zapo-
cant changes in the front line in this area.
vjedništva s manjim snagama, a ZNG je bio organiziran
The main task of the Croatian forces in Split was
u 116. brigadu čiji ustroj nije tekao po planu. Sredinom
putting the JNA barracks and installations in the city
rujna 1991. u Dubrovniku je osnovan Odred naoružanih
and the surrounding area under blockade and then
brodova. Neposredno prije napada JNA dubrovačko je
capturing them. Some of these barracks were captured
područje branila mješovita skupina od 670 gardista i
between September 15-20, 1991, and the blockades of
policajaca raspoređena na bojištu dugom 75 kilometa-
others were maintained until the JNA finally vacated the
ra od Slanog do Vodovađe (zaselak Bani) blizu granice
area on January 4, 1992. During that time a string of in-
Hrvatske i Crne Gore. Zapovjednik obrane bio je potpu-
cidents occurred around the barracks. On November 15,
kovnik Nojko Marinović. U kasnijim intervalima obra-
Croatian forces beat back the JNA Navy’s attack from the
na grada pojačavana je manjim skupinama, uglavnom
Split channel.
vodovima iz sastava OZ-a Split: 4. brigade ZNG-a, 114.
brigade HV-a i HOS-a.449
Na zapadnom dijelu bojišta, uz policijske snage THE SOUTHERN THEATER
u Metkoviću, početkom lipnja 1991. osnovana je četa OF OPERATIONS IN 1991
koja je bila u sastavu 116. brigade ZNG-a. U srpnju je na
Pelješcu osnovana četa ZNG-a, a na Korčuli dvije čete The south of Croatia was very difficult to defend.
koje su sredinom rujna prerasle u Korčulanski bataljun. The border with Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montene-
U Pločama je 21. rujna osnovana Ratna luka, koja je na- gro is long and the distance, in that part of the country,
jesen prerasla u Zapovjedništvo HRM-a za južni Jadran. from the Croatian coast to the border with Bosnia and
Kada je postalo očito da zapovijed o formiranju Herzegovina never exceeds 20 kilometers. Achieving
116. brigade u Dubrovniku neće biti realizirana jer ju operational depth is possible only in the municipalities
nije bilo moguće popuniti, novom zapovijedi 116. bri- of Metković and Ploče. The demographic structure of
gada formirana je u studenom sa sjedištem u Metko- the areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro
viću, od samostalnih bataljuna iz Metkovića, Opuzena bordering Croatia also made life very difficult for the
449 SVA MORH, GSHV: MORH, Zapovijed kl. str. pov. 801- On the eve of the Serbian attack the Croatian forces
01/91-01/07, ur. br. 512-06-05-91-40 od 13. 11. 1991.; in the Southern Theater of Operations were weaker, in
Raščlamba borbenih djelovanja OS RH u Domovinskom terms of manpower and equipment, than in other ar-
ratu na Južnom bojištu tijekom 1991., Zagreb, 1999.,
19-20; ICTY: Izjava svjedoka Nojka Marinovića dana is- eas of the country. The Police Administration Dubrovnik
tražiteljima MKSJ dana 2. - 4., 6. i 7. kolovoza, te 20. ru- had about 230 policemen under arms, 60 of which were
jna 2000.; ICTY: PU dubrovačko-neretvanska, Procjena members of the Special Forces Unit. There were HQs
policijskih snaga br. 511-03-04/02-2754/00-1 od 8. 9. commanding smaller units in the municipalities. The
2000.; I. JELIĆ, 4. brigada ZNG, 35-36; 4. gardijska brigada
HV – Pauci, 114-117. ZNG troops were organized into the 116th Brigade. The


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

i Ploča. Također, 26. rujna 1991. u Metkoviću je osno- process of forming the brigade did not go according to
vano Zapovjedništvo ZNG-a za južnu Dalmaciju, koje plan. In mid-September, 1991, the Armed Boats Squad-
je postojalo do 15. listopada, kada je u sastavu OZ-a ron was formed in Dubrovnik. Just prior to the JNA’s at-
Split osnovano Zapovjedništvo Sektora Dubrovnik. Za- tack, the Dubrovnik area was defended by a group con-
povjednici hrvatskih snaga na bojištu bili su: pukovnik sisting of 670 ZNG soldiers and policemen deployed on
Ante Marinov, potom Mate Šarlija Daidža i na kraju pu- a seventy-five-kilometer line stretching from Slano to
kovnik Luka Džanko.450 Vodovađe (the hamlet of Bani) near the Croatian-Mon-
Glavne snage JNA na bojištu bile su iz sastava Voj- tenegrin border. The commander of that force was Lieu-
nopomorske oblasti OS SFRJ, odnosno iz sastava 9. voj- tenant Colonel Nojko Marinović. The defense of the city
nopomorskog sektora, čije je sjedište bilo u Boki, a dio was gradually reinforced with smaller units, mostly pla-
plovnih snaga i skladišta u Pločama.451 Za agresiju na toons from Operative Zone Split: from the 4th Brigade
Hrvatsku, u rujnu 1991. osnovana je Druga operativna of the Croatian National Guard, the 114th Brigade of the
grupa (OG-2). Komanda OG-2 formirana je od ljudstva Croatian Army and from the HOS.
iz Inspekcije Oružanih snaga, postrojba 1. vojne obla- In the western part of the theater, at the beginning
sti lociranih na širem području Sarajeva i određenog of June, 1991, a company was formed and placed un-
broja starješina iz Generalštaba OS SFRJ. Komandanti der the command of the 116th Brigade of the ZNG, aug-
su bili generali Jevrem Cokić, Mile Ružinovski i Pavle menting the forces belonging to the police in Metković.
Strugar. Brojno stanje snaga koje je JNA angažirala u Another company of the ZNG was formed in Pelješac in
sastavu OG-2 višestruko je prelazilo brojnost hrvatskih July and two companies in Korčula. In mid-September
oružanih sastava. Prema podacima s radnog zemljovi- the latter two companies grew into the Korčula Battal-
da, OG-2 je u drugoj polovini listopada imala 25.684 ion. On September 21, the Naval Base was established
pripadnika, od toga 18.879 na dubrovačkom područ- in Ploče. In the fall of 1991, the Naval Base became the
ju i 6598 u dolini Neretve i zapadnom dijelu istočne HQ of the Croatian Navy for the south Adriatic.
Hercegovine. Slično se brojno stanje održavalo do kra- When it became obvious that the 116th Brigade
ja 1991., s tim da je u drugoj polovini studenoga VPS could not be formed because there were not enough
Boka u blokadi Dubrovnika oslabljen u korist jačanja men to bring it up to strength, it was decided to form
Titogradskoga korpusa na širem području Stona i smje- the Brigade in Metković. The 116th Brigade was duly
ru od Stoca prema dolini Neretve.452 formed there out of independent battalions from Met-
U drugoj polovici prosinca 1991. u istočnu Herce- ković, Opuzen and Ploče. The HQ of the Brigade was in
govinu su iz Crne Gore dovedeni dijelovi 13. (Riječkog) Metković. Also, on September 26, 1991, the HQ of the
korpusa: Komanda korpusa, prištabne postrojbe, puko- Croatian National Guard for southern Dalmatia was
vi potpore i 13. motorizirana brigada. Sjedište korpusa formed in Metković. It functioned until October 15
when the HQ of Sector Dubrovnik was formed within
Operative Zone Split. The commanders of the Croatian
450 SVA MORH, GSHV kl. 804-01/91-03/59, ur. br. 5120-01-91- forces there were, in order of appointment: Colonel
1 od 15. 10. 1991.; Angažiranje snaga 6. OZ 3. 12. 1991.; Ante Marinov, Mate “Daidža” Šarlija and Colonel Luka
Raščlamba borbenih djelovanja OS RH u Domovinskom
ratu na Južnom bojištu tijekom 1991., 15-18; I. JELIĆ, 4. Džanko.
brigada ZNG, 35. The main JNA forces in the theater belonged to the
451 D. MARIJAN, “‘Jedinstvo’ – posljednji ustroj JNA”, 11-47; Military-Maritime District of the Armed Forces of the
Davor MARIJAN, “Djelovanje Jugoslavenske narodne SFRY, more specifically, to the 9th Military-Maritime Sec-
armije u Hercegovini 1990.–1992.”, u: Hum i Hercegovina tor, whose HQ was located in Boka. Some vessels were
kroz povijest, Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb, 2011., stationed in Ploče. A number of warehouses belonging
II, 630-631.
to the JNA were also located in Ploče. In September,
452 ICTY: Komanda 2. OG, Izvod iz Direktive za napad op. br.
2, str. pov. br. 32-1 od 29. 9. 1991.; ICTY: Komanda 2. OG
1991, the 2nd Operational Group (OG-2) was formed for
str. pov. br. 189-1 od 8. 10. 1991.; ICTY: Personalna upra- the upcoming attack on Croatia. The HQ of OG-2 was
va SSNO pov. br. 01/5-58 od 11. 10. 1991.; ICTY: Radne formed and consisted of personnel from the Internal Af-
karte 2. OG sa stanjem 24. - 26. 10. 1991. i 2. 12. 1991.; J. fairs Department, units belonging to the 1st Military Dis-
COKIĆ, Početak kraja, 233-234, 293-294.
trict stationed in the wider Sarajevo area and a number


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

smješteno je u Bileću, po kojoj je korpus i dobio ime. of senior officers from the General Staff of the Armed
Komandant je bio general Branko Stanković.453 Forces of the SFRY. The commanders were Jevrem
Krajem srpnja 1991., prema direktivi Generalšta- Cokić, Mile Ružinovski and Pavle Strugar. The numerical
ba OS SFRJ, napravljen je plan napadne operacije JNA strength of OG-2 vastly exceeded that of the Croatian
u Dalmaciji i južnoj Hrvatskoj. Trebala ga je realizirati forces. According to the date from the military map, the
operativna grupa sastavljena od Kninskoga korpusa, OG-2 had, in the second half of October 25,648 men –
dijelova Sarajevskoga korpusa, Užičkoga korpusa, Tito- 18,879 of that number deployed in the Dubrovnik area
gradskoga korpusa, Vojnopomorskoga sektora Boka i and 6,598 in the Neretva Valley and in the western part
dijela jedinica TO-a Crne Gore i istočne Hercegovine. Iz of eastern Herzegovina. The numbers remained more
istočne Hercegovine isplaniran je napad na šire pod- or less the same until the end of 1991 – in the second
ručje Dubrovnika i osvajanje južne Dalmacije. U drugoj half of November some of the units belonging to the
etapi operacije planiralo se zauzeti Split i ovladati Dal- VPS Boka, which was participating in the siege of Du-
macijom. Cjelokupna operacija trebala je trajati 20 - 25 brovnik, were transferred to Titograd Corps deployed in
dana. U rujnu je plan operacije promijenjen. Operativ- the wider Stone area and on a line from Stolac to the
na je grupa zadatak trebala realizirati bez sudjelovanja Neretva Valley.
Kninskoga korpusa, odnosno bez djelovanja u Dalma- During the second half of December, 1991, the
ciji. U prvoj fazi napada dio glavnih snaga trebao je following units of XIII Rijeka Corps were deployed in
odsjeći južnu Hrvatsku na smjeru Čapljina – Metković eastern Herzegovina: Corps HQ, HQ units, support reg-
– Ploče i iz smjera Trebinja blokirati Dubrovnik.454 iments and the 13th Motorized Brigade. Out of these
U ratu za vojarne hrvatske su snage 14. rujna 1991. units Bileća Corps was formed and it was headquar-
preuzele skladište JNA Male bare kod Ploča u kojem tered in Bileća. The commander of the Corps was Gen-
je bilo oružje Teritorijalne obrane okolnih općina, a eral Branko Stanković.
17. rujna je JNA sporazumno napustila mjesnu luku i At the end of July, 1991, according to the Gener-
objekte garnizona.455 Istog dana Jugoslavenska ratna al Staff of the Armed Forces of the SFRY’s directive, a
mornarica je blokirala sve luke na istočnom Jadranu, plan for a JNA offensive in Dalmatia and southern Cro-
tako i na južnom priobalju Hrvatske.456 Dovođenje sna- atia was made. An Operational Group consisting of
ga JNA iz Srbije i Crne Gore u Hercegovinu počelo je Knin Corps, elements of Sarajevo Corps, elements of
19. rujna razmještajem dijelova Užičkoga korpusa na Užice Corps, elements of Titograd Corps, a number of
području Nevesinja, Kružnja, Mostara i Dubravske vi- units belonging to Military-Maritime Sector Boka and
soravni. Korpus je imao velike probleme s mobilizaci- elements of the Territorial Defense of Montenegro and
jom ustrojbenih dijelova. Dio postrojba nije se uspio eastern Herzegovina was to carry out the attack. In the
mobilizirati, a ljudstvo 208. map-a odbilo je 25. rujna first phase of the offensive an attack would be mounted
poslušnost te je dva dana poslije razoružano i vraćeno from eastern Herzegovina against the wider Dubrovnik
u Valjevo. Dijelovi Titogradskoga korpusa razmješteni area with the aim of taking control of southern Dalma-
su na području Stoca, Ljubinja, Trebinja i Igala, a 179. tia. The objective of the second phase of the offensive
brdska brigada iz Nikšića na području Mostara. Za zrač- was the capture of Split and the entire area of Dalma-
tia. The operation was to last 20-25 days. In September
the plan was altered. Knin Corps was removed from the
453 ICTY: Komanda 13. korpusa, Redovni dnevni izveštaj pov. order of battle and no operations would be conduct-
br. 172-1 od 16. 12. 1991.; ICTY: Komanda 13. korpusa, Re- ed in Dalmatia. The objective of the first phase of the
dovni dnevni izveštaj pov. br. 172-3 od 18. 12. 1991.
offensive was to cut off southern Croatia from the rest
454 ICTY: Komanda OG, DT br. 8-1 od 21. 9. 1991.; J. COKIĆ, of the country on the Čapljina – Metković – Ploče line
Početak kraja, 217-220.
and put Dubrovnik under blockade from the direction
455 Jakša RAGUŽ, Hrvatsko Poneretvlje u Domovinskom ratu,
Ogranak Matice hrvatske Metković – Hrvatski institut za
of Trebinje.
povijest, Metković – Zagreb, 2004., 148-151, 169-170. On September 14, 1991, Croatian forces captured
456 “Mrtvo slovo primirja”, Narodna armija, 21. 9. 1991., 6; the JNA warehouses in Male Bare near Ploče. Equip-
Trpimir MACAN, Posljednja opsada Dubrovnika, Matica ment and weaponry belonging to the Territorial De-
hrvatska, Dubrovnik, 2001., 25-26. fense of the municipality in the area were stored there.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

nu potporu zaduženi su dijelovi 97. avijacijske brigade On September 17 the JNA, as agreed with the Croatian
i 107. mješovitog avijacijskog puka iz Mostara te 172. government, vacated the local harbor and its installa-
lovačko-bombarderskog puka iz Titograda.457 tions and facilities. On the same day the JNA put all the
Komanda OG-2 planirala je izbiti na morsku oba- ports in the eastern Adriatic under blockade, includ-
lu, presjeći Jadransku magistralu, blokirati Dubrovnik, ing the southern portion of the Croatian coast, around
aerodrom i snage na Prevlaci. Dio snaga određen je za Dubrovnik. The JNA started bringing troops from Ser-
napad na pravcu Ljubinje – Ravno – Slano, presijeca- bia and Montenegro to Herzegovina on September 19
nje prometnice kod Slanog radi izoliranja Dubrovnika i by deploying elements of Užice Corps in the areas of
sprečavanja pomoći iz smjera Ploča.458 Nevesinje, Kružanj, Mostar and the Dubrava plateau.
Nakon povremenog otvaranja vatre te sustavne The Corps experienced substantial problems with
medijske pripreme i optuživanja malobrojnih hrvat- mobilizing its units. Some units were not mobilized at
skih snaga za provokacije, JNA je 1. listopada 1991. iz all and the 208th Mixed Artillery Regiment refused to
Hercegovine i Crne Gore napala šire područje Dubrov- obey orders on October 25th. Two days later the 208th
nika.459 Napad na grad počeo je topničkom vatrom s Mixed Artillery Regiment was disarmed and returned
područja Ivanice, a potom se uključilo i zrakoplovstvo, to Valjevo. Elements of Titograd Corps were deployed
koje je raketiralo repetitor s TV odašiljačem na Srđu.460 in the areas of Stolac, Ljubinje, Trebinje and Igalo. The
Nakon blokiranja Dubrovnika do kraja listopada 179th Mountain Division from Nikšić was deployed in
1991. JNA je na razne načine pokušavala ući u grad, što the Mostar area. Elements of the 97th Aviation Brigade
joj je bio glavni zadatak na Južnom bojištu. Nije uspio and the 107th Mixed Aviation Regiment from Mostar
ni pokušaj stvaranja kolaboracionističke „Dubrovačke and the 172nd Fighter-Bomber Regiment from Titograd
republike“ što je, budući da ondje nije bilo Srba pa se were tasked with providing aerial support for the at-
nije moglo izgovarati njihovom ugroženošću – bio na- tacking troops.
čin da se Dubrovnik izdvoji iz Hrvatske i priključi Jugo- The OG-2 was to reach the sea, cut the D8 state
slaviji, odnosno Srbiji. Naravno, to nije bilo u skladu s road, put Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik airport and the Croa-
opredjeljenjem Hrvata u Dubrovniku. Krajem listopada tian forces in Prevlaka under siege. Some forces from
JNA je otvoreno pozivala stanovništvo Dubrovnika da the OG-2 would attack along the Ljubinje – Ravno – Sla-
napusti grad.461 no line, cut off the road at Slano and thus isolate Du-
brovnik and prevent Croatian forces from mounting a
457 ICTY: Komanda OG, DT br. 8-1 od 21. 9. 1991.; Dušan rescue attack from the direction of Ploče.
Lončar, “Vreme pogrešnih odluka”, Vojska, 9. 9. 1993., 14; The JNA, during its preparations for the offensive,
V. KADIJEVIĆ, Moje viđenje raspada, 139; J. COKIĆ, Početak provoked a number of skirmishes with Croatian troops
kraja, 244-250; D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 312-313. and accused the Croatian forces of aggression. At the
458 ICTY: Komanda 2. OG, Izvod iz Direktive za napad op. br. same time, the Serbian media launched a propaganda
2, str. pov. br. 32-1 od 29. 9. 1991.
campaign against Croatia. Finally, on October 1, 1991,
459 SVA MORH, ZJD, Dnevni izvještaj str. pov. br. 10/91 od 1. the JNA started its offensive. From eastern Herzegovina
10. 1991.; T. MACAN, Posljednja opsada Dubrovnika, 31.
and Montenegro the JNA attacked the wider Dubrovnik
460 ICTY: Zapovest za napad Komande 472. mtbr JNA od area. The attack on the city itself began with artillery
29. 9. 1991.; SVA MORH, ZSD: Zap. za Južnu Dalmaciju,
Dnevni izvještaj str. pov. br. 10/91 od 1. 10. 1991.; SVA bombardment from the Ivanica area. The Air Force at-
MORH, GSHV: PU Dubrovnik, Operativni izvještaj br. tacked the city as well, rocketing the TV transmitter on
811-03-02-SP-143/91 od 1. 10. 1991.; ICTY: Komanda Srđ Hill.
472. mtbr, Redovni borbeni izveštaji str. pov. br. 20-
Having put Dubrovnik under siege at the end of Oc-
10 od 1. 10. 1991. i str. pov. br. 20-12 od 3. 10. 1991.;
USMKSMP: I uprava GŠ OS SFRJ, Dnevni izveštaji SP br. tober, 1991, the JNA tried to fight its way into the city,
1-275 od 2. 10. 1991.; SP br. 1-276 od 3. 10. 1991.; SP which was the main objective of the offensive. These at-
br. 1-278 od 5. 10. 1991. i SP br. 1-286 od 13. 10. 1991.; tacks failed. The JNA propagandists could not play the
Raščlamba borbenih djelovanja OS RH u Domovinskom
ratu na Južnom bojištu tijekom 1991., 60.
Serb card and claim that the Serbs in Dubrovnik were
being mistreated simply because there were no Serbs
461 HDA, UPRH: Sigurnosno-informativna služba MORH,
Saznanja br. 512-1380/92 od 4. 3. 1992.; D. MARIJAN, in Dubrovnik. This particular gambit served the Serbs
Slom Titove armije, 313. well in other areas of Croatia and in Bosnia and Herze-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Hrvatski dragovoljci, tvrđava Imperijal na Srđu iznad Dubrovnika,

listopad 1991. (autor fotografije: Zoran Filipović).

Croatian Volunteers, The Imperijal fort on Srđ Hill overlooking

Dubrovnik, October, 1991 (Photograph by Zoran Filipović).
Nakon polumjesečnoga zatišja, JNA je 8. studeno- govina but could not be utilized in Dubrovnik. If Serbia
ga 1991. ponovno napala Dubrovnik. Napad je trajao wanted Dubrovnik, it had to rely solely on the JNA to
do 13. studenoga, a težište je bilo na Srđu, koji je bra- conquer the city. It has to be pointed out that the Serbs
nio mješoviti vod 4. brigade ZNG-a i obrane Dubrov- proclaimed that a sizable number of Dubrovnik’s resi-
nika. Uz velike gubitke obrana se povukla sa Srđa, koji dents harbored pro-Yugoslav sentiments and were in
je dva dana bio prazan, pa su ga hrvatske snage 15. favor of embracing the idea of establishing a pro-Serb
studenoga ponovno zaposjele. Obrana je potom orga- neo-Ragusan republic, effectively a Quisling entity. This
nizirana na crti Mokošica – Sustjepan – Nuncijata – Srđ plan also failed ignominiously because no resident of
– padine Srđa – prilazi gradu. Do kraja mjeseca JNA Dubrovnik had any desire to live under Serbian rule. At
je postupno, demonstracijom sile i napadima, ušla u the end of October the JNA called on the citizens of Du-
Mokošicu i Komolac (20. studenoga). Napad na Sustje- brovnik, over loudspeakers, to leave the city.
pan hrvatske su snage odbile u noći 21./22. studeno- The JNA attacked the city again on November 8,
ga. Grad je u tim trenucima branilo oko 600 ljudi s vrlo 1991. The attack lasted until November 13. The main
malo sredstava potpore, a JNA je u okolici grada imala JNA effort was against Srđ Hill, which was defended
bataljun 5. pmtbr, 3. lpbr, bataljun Vojne policije i ba- by a mixed platoon composed of troops belonging
taljun TO-a Trebinje.462 to the 4th Brigade of the ZNG and the Defense of Du-
Uz spomenuti napad u studenom, najjači napad brovnik. The defenders suffered serious losses and were
na Dubrovnik JNA je izvela 6. prosinca 1991. godine. forced to withdraw from their positions. However, the
Grad su napali po jedan bataljun 5. proleterske i 472. attackers did not take control of the positions. For two
motorizirane brigade. Težište je ponovno bilo na Srđu, days the contested area lay empty. On November 15,
koji je napao dio 3. bataljuna 472. mtbr. Srđ je branio Croatian forces again occupied the positions they had
mješoviti vod IX. bojne HOS-a i obrane grada. Napad withdrawn from. The Croats then set up defensive po-
je bio jak i obrana ga je odbila s krajnjim naporom. Ju- sitions on the Mokošica – Sustjepan – Nuncijata – Srđ
goslavenska narodna armija imala je pet poginulih i 14 Hill – slopes of Srđ Hill – approaches to the city line. JNA
troops made a number of shows of force and launched
a number of attacks on Mokošica and Komolac. The
462 ICTY: Komanda 9. VPS, Borbeno naređenje str. pov. br. strategy proved successful and the JNA troops entered
27-64/80-266 od 20. 11. 1991.; Raščlamba borbenih the two villages on November 20. The JNA attacked
djelovanja OS RH u Domovinskom ratu na Južnom bo-
jištu tijekom 1991., 62-63; 4. gardijska brigada HV – Pauci, Sustjepan but the defenders beat the attackers back
113-117. during the night from November 21 to November 22.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Posljedice napada srpsko-crnogorskih snaga, Dubrovnik, jesen 1991. (autor fotografija: Zlatko Kalle).

Results of attacks by Serb and Montenegrin forces on Dubrovnik, autumn 1991 (Photographs by Zlatko Kalle).
ranjenih vojnika. U napadu na grad toga dana poginulo At that point only 600 men defended the city, with no
je 19, a ranjeno oko 60 osoba, uglavnom civila.463 Bila je artillery support to speak of. Against this meager force
to nesumnjivo jedna od najvećih grešaka JNA u agresiji the JNA ranged a force consisting of a battalion of the
na Hrvatsku – izazvala je svjetsko javno mišljenje i po- 5th Proletarian Motorized Brigade, the 3rd Light Infantry
kazala da JNA ratuje za teritorij, a ne za proklamiranu Brigade of the Military Police Battalion and a battalion
deblokadu vojarni JNA, kojih, uostalom, u Dubrovniku belonging to the Territorial Defense of Trebinje.
nije ni bilo. On December 6, 1991, the JNA launched another
U zamisli odsijecanja Dubrovnika od matice zemlje, determined attack, using one battalion of the 5th Prole-
Užički je korpus glavnim snagama 3. partizanske divizi- tarian Brigade and one battalion of the 472nd Motorized
je napao na smjeru Ravno – Cicrina – Čepikuće – Doli, Brigade. The main effort was again against Srđ, where
a pomoćnima na smjeru Zavala – Orahov Do – Slano. elements of the 3rd Battalion of the 472nd Motorized Bri-
Glavne snage na području Čepikuća prvoga dana napa- gade attacked. This time Srđ was defended by a mixed
da, 1. listopada 1991., zaustavila je A četa 116. brigade platoon composed of troops belonging to the IX Bat-
iz Metkovića i nanijela im veće gubitke.464 Neuspjeh JNA talion of the HOS and the Defense of Dubrovnik. The
platilo je Ravno, kompleks sela s hrvatskim stanovniš- defenders offered stiff resistance and managed to de-
feat the attack, killing five JNA soldiers and wounding
fourteen. The JNA also unleashed artillery fire on the
463 ICTY: komanda 9. VPS, Redovni borbeni izveštaj str. pov.
br. 27-64/80-374 od 6. 12. 1991.; ICTY: Komanda 2. OG, city that day. Nineteen persons were killed and sixty
Redovni borbeni izveštaj str. pov. br. 1044-1 od 6. 12. wounded, mostly civilians, in the shelling. The shelling
1991.; SVA MORH, fond Zapovjedništva obrane grada
Dubrovnika, Izvješće o b/d neprijatelja dana 05/06. 12.
of Dubrovnik was arguably one of the biggest blun-
1991. godine br. 236/1-91 od 8. 12. 1991.; Dubrovnik u ders the JNA made during its aggression against Cro-
Domovinskom ratu 1991.–1995., Dubrovački muzeji – atia – world public opinion turned against Serbia and
Muzej suvremene povijesti, Dubrovnik, 2013., 20-22. the JNA. The JNA was exposed as an army of occupa-
464 USMKSMP: I uprava GŠ OS SFRJ, Dnevni izveštaj SP br. tion, and one not averse to committing war crimes and
1-275 od 2. 10. 1991.; Raščlamba borbenih djelovanja crimes against humanity.
OS RH u Domovinskom ratu na Južnom bojištu tijekom
1991., 48-49; J. COKIĆ, Početak kraja, 272-273. The bulk of the 3rd Partisan Division of Užice Corps,


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 196 4.2.2020. 19:34:08

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

DUBROVNIK/WAR/CROATIA/1991. / Autor: Tomislav Gusić, autor fotografije:

Pavo Urban, Dubrovnik, 1991. godine. Plakat s fotografijom kamene prašine
DUBROVNIK na Stradunu nakon eksplozije projektila 6. prosinca 1991., dana kada je ops-
jednuti Dubrovnik pretrpio jedan od najžešćih napada. Bila je to jedna od
posljednjih fotografija Pave Urbana koji je tog dana poginuo nedaleko od
Orlandova stupa od krhotina granate (Pavo Urban – Posljednje slike, tekst An-
tun Maračić, Zagreb, 1997.). Uz Pavu Urbana, u Domovinskom ratu poginuli
su hrvatski novinari i snimatelji: Gordan Lederer, Žarko Kaić, Živko Krstičević,
Tihomir Tunuković, Boris Erdelja, Luka Skračić...

DUBROVNIK/WAR/CROATIA/1991 / Author: Tomislav Gusić, Photograph by:

Pavo Urban, Dubrovnik, 1991. The photograph shows stone dust on Stradun,
the central street of Dubrovnik’s Old Town, after the explosion of a shell on
December 6, 1991. On that day Dubrovnik suffered one of the heaviest at-
tacks. This was one of the last photographs taken by Pavo Urban, who died
on that day near Orlando’s Column from a shrapnel wound (Pavo Urban – The
Last Pictures, text by Antun Maračić, Zagreb, 1997). Pavo Urban was not the
only journalist killed during the Croatian War of Independence. The list of
Croatian newsman and cameramen also includes: Gordan Lederer, Žarko Kaić,
Živko Krstičević, Tihomir Tunuković, Boris Erdelja, Luka Skračić...
tvom u istočnoj Hercegovini, koje je spaljeno, a stanov- in an effort to cut off Dubrovnik from the rest of the
ništvo protjerano i dijelom pobijeno.465 country, launched the main attack along the Ravno –
Težište napada Užički je korpus potom prebacio Cicrina – Čepikuće – Doli line. The remainder of the 3rd
na smjer Zavala – Orahov Do – Slano. Slano je brani- Partisan Division launched a supporting attack on the
la policija i skupina lokalnih mještana. Hrvatske su Zavala – Orahov Do – Slano line. On the first day of the
snage pružile snažan otpor 2. i 3. listopada 1991., no battle, October 1, 1991, the attackers ran into serious
nisu uspjele zaustaviti 10. partizansku brigadu JNA, trouble at Čepikiće. There, A Company of the 116th Bri-
koja je s oklopnim ojačanjem i usprkos značajnim gade from Metković inflicted heavy casualties on the at-
gubicima 4. listopada prodrla u Slano i odsjekla Du- tackers and beat them back. The JNA retaliated for this
brovnik od Hrvatske.466 defeat by launching a raid on a cluster of undefended,
predominantly Croatian villages in eastern Herzegovi-
na. The houses of the Croats were burned, some Croats
465 USMKSMP: I uprava GŠ OS SFRJ, Dnevni izveštaj SP br.
1-275 od 2. 10. 1991.; Ivo LUČIĆ, Selo moje Ravno: po-
murdered and the rest expelled.
Užice Corps then shifted the focus of the attack on
vijest stradanja Hrvata u Popovu, Hrvatska hercegov-
ačka zajednica „Herceg Stjepan“, Zagreb, 1992., 61-75; the Zavala – Orahov Do – Slano line. Slano was defend-
Raščlamba borbenih djelovanja OS RH u Domovinskom ed by policemen and armed group of its citizens. The
ratu na Južnom bojištu tijekom 1991., 48-49; J. COKIĆ,
Početak kraja, 272-273. defenders put up a determined resistance on October
2 and 3 but could not stop the onslaught of the 10th
466 ICTY: Komanda 2. OG, Odluka za daljnja dejstva str.
pov. br. 131-1 od 6. 10. 1991.; USMKSMP: I uprava GŠ Partisan Brigade of the JNA. The 10th Partisan Brigade
OS SFRJ, Dnevni izveštaji SP br. 1-276 od 3. 10. 1991.; SP was supported by armor. Despite suffering serious ca-
br. 1-278 od 5. 10. 1991.; SP br. 1-285 od 12. 10. 1991. i sualties, the Brigade managed to enter Slano on Oc-
SP br. 1-286 od 13. 10. 1991.; Raščlamba borbenih djelo- tober 4. The JNA had cut off Dubrovnik from the rest
vanja OS RH u Domovinskom ratu na Južnom bojištu
tijekom 1991., 50; J. COKIĆ, Početak kraja, 275. of Croatia.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Zapadna Hercegovina Western Herzegovina

U odnosu na napadne planove s kraja rujna 1991., From the end of September, the situation in the
dolina Neretve bila je do kraja godine relativno mir- Neretva Valley, in comparison to other areas under
na. General Kadijević tvrdi da je glavni razlog za to JNA attack, was relatively calm. General Kadijević
bio slab odziv pričuve, zbog čega je napadna zadaća claims that the JNA could not launch a strong attack
Užičkoga korpusa promijenjena u osiguranje Zračne there because many reserve soldiers in Serbia had
luke Mostar i “stvaranje operativne osnovice za po- dodged the mobilization. For that reason, according
tencijalna dejstva ka Splitu u sadejstvu sa snagama to Kadijević, the original plan was jettisoned and Užice
kninske grupacije i ratne mornarice”.467 Mirnodopske Corps was given a new objective: to secure the airport
snage u Mostaru – 10. mtbr i 171. vazduhoplovna baza in Mostar and “create an operational basis for potential
– osiguravale su vojne objekte u gradu, za što su im attacks towards Split in coordination with the forces of
pridodana dva bataljuna 179. brdske brigade iz Nik- the Knin contingent and the navy”. The forces belong-
šića. Glavnina brigade bila je pričuva Operativne gru- ing to the peacetime contingent of the JNA in Mostar
pe na širem području Zračne luke Mostar.468 Stvarna – the 10th Motorized Brigade and the 171st Air Base –
zadaća Užičkoga korpusa bila je da bez borbe zapo-
secured the military installations and facilities in the
sjedne Mostar i zastrašuje nesrpsko stanovništvo, što city. They were assisted in that task by two battalions
je trebao biti najučinkovitiji način za postizanje cilja. U belonging to the 179th Mountain Division from Nikšić.
sklopu stalnih izvidničkih zadataka i praćenja stanja u The bulk of the Brigade was the reserve of the Opera-
zapadnoj Hercegovini JNA je požurila izvući materijal- tional Group in the wider area of Mostar Airport. The
no-tehnička sredstva iz skladišta s područja Mostara i real task of Užice Corps was to occupy Mostar without
Čapljine u Vardište i Nikšić.469 a fight and intimidate the non-Serbs residents of the
Izlazak JNA izvan vojarni pogoršao je sigurnosno city. JNA forces were constantly engaged in reconnais-
stanje u cijeloj Hercegovini, posebice na širem po- sance operations and the JNA leadership closely mon-
dručju Mostara. Dovođenjem pričuve JNA je postupno itored the situation in western Herzegovina. These
postavila nadzor oko grada, osobito na prometnicama operations were mounted to facilitate a speedy ex-
od Čapljine, Čitluka i Širokog Brijega. Izvan njezina traction of the matériel, weapons and equipment from
nadzora bio je samo stari put preko Žovnice u sjever- the warehouses in the Mostar and Čapljina area. The
nom dijelu Mostara. Učestali incidenti bili su zloslutna matériel, weapons and equipment were then shipped
najava skorog rata.470 Od njih je svakako najznačajniji to Vardište and Nikšić.
onaj 18. rujna 1991., kada je skupina naoružanih Hrva- The active presence of the JNA in Herzegovina ex-
ta napala vojnu kolonu JNA u Vinjanima kod Posušja. acerbated the already tenuous security situation there,
U sukobu je poginuo podoficir JNA, a jedan je vojnik especially in the wider Mostar area. By deploying its
ranjen. Na hrvatskoj je strani poginuo Ludvig Pavlović, reserves around the city, the JNA gradually encircled
jedini preživjeli pripadnik skupine hrvatskih gerilaca the city and controlled the roads leading from Mostar
koja je 1972. ubačena u Jugoslaviju.471 to Čapljina, Čitluk and Široki Brijeg. The old Žovnica
road in the northern part of Mostar was the only road
not controlled by the JNA. Incidents and skirmishes
467 V. KADIJEVIĆ, Moje viđenje raspada, 135, 139-140. occurred frequently and portended a full-scale war.
468 ICTY: Komanda OG, DT br. 8-1 od 21. 9. 1991. The most significant skirmish during this period oc-
curred on September 18, 1991, when a group of armed
469 ICTY: Komanda 2. OG, Odluka za daljnja dejstva str. pov.
br. 131-1 od 6. 10. 1991.; ICTY: Komanda 2. OG, Odluka Croats attacked a JNA column in Vinjani near Posušje.
za dalja dejstva str. pov. br. 333-1 od 16. 10. 1991.; ICTY: One JNA NCO was killed and one JNA soldier wound-
Komanda 2. OG, Odluka za dalja dejstva str. pov. br. 399- ed in the attack. The Croats lost Ludvig Pavlović, the
1 od 21. 10. 1991.; ICTY: Komanda 2. OG, Naređenje str.
pov. br. 840-1 od 19. 11. 1991. sole survivor from a Croatian guerilla group infiltrated
Yugoslavia from the West with the aim of inciting a re-
470 D. MARIJAN, “Djelovanje JNA u Hercegovini”, 641-642.
bellion against the Communist regime in 1972.
471 I. LUČIĆ, Uzroci rata, 329.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Na Jadranskom moru JNA je imala potpunu pre-
vlast. Njena je mornarica imala uporišta duž cijele obale The JNA was in full control of the eastern portion
i na dijelu otoka što je bila dobra osnova za zadržavanje of the Adriatic Sea. Its navy had bases along the en-
prijeratnih pozicija. Unatoč tome, sredinom rujna 1991. tire length of the coast and on a number of islands.
od njenih je zarobljenih dijelova nastala Hrvatska ratna Its position seemed unassailable. In spite of this the
mornarica koja je na dijelu bojišta (boj u Bračkom i Kor- Croats managed to capture some JNA vessels. Around
čulanskom kanalu, 15. i 16. studenoga 1991.) prekinula these vessels the Croats formed their own war navy
dominaciju Jugoslavenske ratne mornarice, ograničivši in mid-September, 1991. This nascent force broke the
njeno djelovanje na akvatorij Dubrovnika te otoka Visa i JNA Navy’s hegemony in an encounter in the Brač and
Lastova. JNA je na obali i priobalju imala snage Vojnopo- Korčula channels on November 15-16. After the battle,
morske oblasti koje su se sastojale od prištabnih postroj- the JNA limited its activities to the Dubrovnik aquato-
bi, Kninskog korpusa, Flote i vojnopomorskih sektora u rium and islands of Vis and Lastovo. The forces of the
Puli, Šibeniku i Kumboru u Crnoj Gori.472 Military-Maritime District were stationed on the coast
U napadnoj operaciji JNA zadatak njezine Flote bio and islands and consisted of headquarters units, Knin
je nastaviti uspostavljenu blokadu i obranu vojnopo- Corps, the fleet and military-maritime sectors in Pula,
morskih uporišta Vis i Lastovo te snagama angažiranim Šibenik and Kumbor in Montenegro.
u blokadama luka, a po potrebi i drugim, pomoći ko- In the JNA’s strategic offensive against Croatia the
pnenim i pomorskim snagama JNA u deblokadi garni- task of the JNA Navy was to maintain the blockade of
zona u Zadru, Šibeniku, Splitu i Pločama. Pomorsku blo- the coastline and defend its bases in Vis and Lastovo and
kadu jadranskih luka Ratna mornarica JNA uvela je u tri
use the forces engaged in accomplishing their tasks, and
navrata: od 17. do 23. rujna, od 3. do 11. listopada i od others if needed to help the land and other naval forces
8. studenoga do 3. prosinca 1991. godine. Flota je zadr- to lift the blockades of the JNA garrisons in Zadar, Split,
žala pomorske baze na Visu i Lastovu do kraja svibnja Šibenik and Ploče. The JNA Navy put Croatian ports un-
1992., kada se definitivno povukla iz Hrvatske.473 der blockade three times: from September 17 to Septem-
ber 23; from October 3 to October 11 and from Novem-
ber 8 to December 3, 1991. The fleet held on to its bases
ZRAKOPLOVSTVO U RATU on Vis and Lastovo until the end of May, 1992, when it de-
1991. GODINE finitively withdrew all of its forces from Croatian territory.

Zračnog rata u klasičnom shvaćanju u Hrvatskoj

1991. nije bilo. Premda zastarjelo, Jugoslavensko ratno AIR FORCE IN WAR IN 1991
zrakoplovstvo držalo je u svojim rukama sve zračne re-
surse i nije bilo nikakve mogućnosti da mu konkurira There was no air-war, in the conventional sense of
zrakoplovstvo koje se počelo osnivati na temelju sport- the term, in Croatia in 1991. The JNA Air Force consist-
skog i poljoprivrednog potencijala. Nakon sukoba u ed of obsolete aircraft but Croatia had nothing to chal-
Sloveniji glavne zračne snage JNA koncentrirane su na lenge the JNA’s absolute air superiority. The Croatian
aerodromima Bihać, Zalužani i Pula. U srpnju 1991. po- Air Force at that time consisted of a few crop dusters
čeli su prvi zračni napadi na hrvatske snage u istočnoj and light sport aircraft. After the conflict in Slovenia the
Hrvatskoj. Kao grana JNA, zrakoplovstvo je bilo najveći main JNA Air Forces were concentrated in the following
gubitnik. Imalo je apsolutnu prevlast u zraku i nije ju air bases: Bihać, Zalužani and Pula. In July, 1991, the JNA
uspjelo iskoristiti. Praksa je pokazala da je skladno dje- Air Force launched its first attacks on Croatian forces in
eastern Croatia. The JNA Air Force put up a dismal per-
formance during the war. In the early stages of the war,
472 Isto, 174-175. in 1991, it had absolute air superiority but could not use
473 Isto, 175-176. it to any significant advantage for the land forces. Soon


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

lovanje s kopnenim snagama bilo ispod mirnodopskih after the war began in Croatia, the JNA Air Force proved
očekivanja. Do sredine rujna zrakoplovstvo je korišteno incapable of providing effective close air support to the
za demonstriranje sile, što je značilo let na vrlo malim ground troops. Until mid-September the JNA used the
visinama. Ovakva vrsta letova postala je kontraproduk- Air Force as a show of force. For the pilots that meant
tivna razvijanjem hrvatske protuzračne obrane koja je flying at low altitudes. The practice soon proved ex-
bila učinkovita do 3000 m. Samo je iz jedne eskadrile tremely perilous because Croatia had acquired a quan-
jurišnih lovaca s Batajnice pri ovoj taktici oštećeno 27 tity of antiaircraft weapons. Flying at altitudes lower
zrakoplova. Tijekom 1991. RV i PVO je izgubio 21 bor- than 3,000m invited disaster. 27 fighter bombers from
beni zrakoplov, a jedan su helikopter Mi-8 zarobile hr- one squadron stationed in Batajnica sustained damage
vatske snage. by anti-aircraft fire while flying at low altitudes. During
Hrvatsko se ratno zrakoplovstvo počelo stvarati u 1991 the JNA Air Force and Air Defense lost 21 aircraft
srpnju 1991. kada je osnovana Zrakoplovna grupa pri to Croatian anti-aircraft fire. Croatian forces also cap-
Zapovjedništvu ZNG-a RH. Njeni su pripadnici davali tured one Mi-8 helicopter.
stručnu pomoć postrojbama ZNG-a u stvaranju su- Croatia started creating its Air Force in July, 1991,
stava zračnog motrenja i dojavljivanja. Nakon što je when the Air Force Group at the HQ of the ZNG was
u rujnu osvojen aerodrom Lučko počelo je stvaranje formed. Its members provided expert assistance to ZNG
prvih zrakoplovnih postrojbi i zračnih baza. Aktivnost units by creating an air surveillance and navigation sys-
hrvatskih zračnih snaga bila je 1991. simbolična iz jed- tem. After Croatian forces captured the Lučko Air Base,
nostavnog razloga što je takav bio zrakoplovni poten- the process of creating first Air Force units and estab-
cijal. Uz to je prevlast JNA u zraku bila takva da je svaki lishing air bases started. The activities of the Croatian Air
let u zahvatu crte bojišta bio avantura opasna po život. Force in 1991 were symbolic for the simple reason that
Opasnost za hrvatske zrakoplovce bila je još veća od the nascent Air Force did not have potential for anything
protuzračne obrane JNA, posebice njenih raketnih pu- more. Also, the JNA enjoyed absolute air superiority so
kova. U istočnoj je Slavoniji 2. prosinca 1991. kod sela that every sortie into a combat area was, for all intents
Otoka oboren AN-2 s četiri člana posade, raketom su- and purposes, a suicidal act. It has to be said that the Cro-
stava KUB-M. Iako im hrvatsko zrakoplovstvo nije mo- atian flyers were in even more danger from the JNA Air
glo biti adekvatan protivnik, JNA je nastojala da njego- Defense, especially its rocket regiments, than its fighter
vo nastajanje sreže u samom začetku. Zabranjivala je aircraft. In eastern Slavonia, on December 2, 1991, at the
korištenje aerodroma, optuživala sportsko i poljopri- village of Otok, a Croatian AN-2 with four members of the
vredno zrakoplovstvo za izviđanje, a od sredine rujna crew was shot down by a KUB-M missile. The JNA did its
1991. je izvela i nekoliko napada na mjesta baziranja utmost to nip the creation of the Croatian Air Force in the
zrakoplova: 15. rujna na aerodrom Varaždin, 6. listopa- bud. The JNA imposed a no-fly zone, accused the Croa-
da aerodrom Lučko, 3. i 7. studenoga Varaždin, 7. stu- tian Army of sending crop dusters and light sport aircraft
denoga aerodrom Pribislavac, a 21. prosinca 1991. na on reconnaissance missions and, starting in September,
aerodrom Vrsar.474 1991, launched a few airstrikes on a number of airfields
in Croatia: Varaždin airport on September 15, Lučko air-
port on October 6, Varaždin airport on November 3 and
November 7, Pribislavac airport on November 7 and Vr-
sar airport on December 21, 1991.

474 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 176-177.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Hrvatska „ratna eskadrila“, maskiranje poljoprivrednih zrakoplo- The Croatian “Air Force”. Troops camouflaging crop dusters,
va, „Gajgerova pustara“, Đakovo, jesen 1991. godine. Hrvatska Đakovo, autumn, 1991. At that time Croatia did not possess an
tada nije imala ratno zrakoplovstvo, pa su poljoprivredni zrako- air force. Agricultural aircraft were used for transport and for
plovi korišteni za potrebe logistike, ali i borbenog djelovanja po bombing the enemy. The bombs were improvised explosive de-
neprijateljskim ciljevima improviziranim bombama, tzv. „bojleri- vices, fashioned out of boilers and water heaters (Photograph
ma“ (autor fotografija: Marko Perić). by Marko Perić).
Umijeće improvizacije – sve za obranu, Hrvatska, rujan 1991.

The Art of Improvisation - all for defense, Croatia, September 1991.



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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


U rujnu i listopadu 1991. na crti ratišta dugoj oko
1300 kilometara riješena je sudbina Republike Hrvat- In September and October, 1991, the front line in
ske. Opstala je premda je 3. siječnja 1992. dočekala s Croatia stretched for about 1,300 kilometers. The Croa-
četvrtinom okupiranog teritorija. Srbija se morala za- tian forces, vastly outgunned and outnumbered, resisted
dovoljiti sa samoproglašenom RSK i JNA u svojim ru- fiercely along the whole length of the line. That resistance
kama, što se tada činilo dosta dobrim uspjehom. Bio je ensured Croatia’s survival, despite the fact that by Janu-
to privremeni kraj procesa koji je počeo u svibnju 1990. ary 3 about one fourth of the territory of the Republic
prije nego što je HDZ kao izborni pobjednik preuzeo of Croatia had been occupied by the enemy. The rebel
vlast u Hrvatskoj. Serbs and the JNA’s objective was the total destruction
Zbivanja u Hrvatskoj 1990. - 1991. najvećim je di- of the Croatian forces and in that respect the offensives
jelom odredila JNA svojim navodno jugoslavenskim, a launched in 1991 against Croatia were a complete failure.
stvarno prosrpskim ponašanjem. Do sredine rujna 1991. The Serbs had to content themselves with a tenuous hold
ona je djelovala na postavkama izvedenim iz doktrinar- on one fourth of Croatian territory which they strove to
nih naputaka OS SFRJ u izvanrednim stanjima. Razlika, solidify by proclaiming the Republic of Serbian Krajina.
ili odmak od njih je što je JNA djelovala protiv legalnih Also, the JNA had effectively become the Serbian army
vlasti RH i što je omogućila nastanak i razvoj srpske po- and that gave confidence to the rebel Serbs and their pa-
bune te srpsku okupaciju dijela teritorija RH.475 trons in Belgrade that the initial objectives could still be
Od srpske pobune u kolovozu 1990. do svibnja
attained in the future. The process of turning the JNA into
1991. Hrvatska je nastojala mirno i pregovorima riješiti
a Serbian army had begun in May 1990, even before the
problem. Krajem lipnja 1991., odmah nakon proglaše-
election victory of the HDZ party in Croatia.
nja hrvatske neovisnosti, pobunjeni su Srbi počeli šire-
The events in Croatia in 1990 and 1991 deter-
nje pobune i rat za teritorij. Jugoslavenska narodna ar-
mined, more than anything else, the JNA’s future as a
mija im je u početku pomagala širenjem „tampon zona“
force geared towards protecting Serbia’s interests. Until
koje su bile učinkovito sredstvo za onemogućivanje
mid-September 1991 the JNA operated, ostensibly, ac-
djelovanja hrvatske policije i ZNG-a te ispisivanje gra-
cording to the doctrinal guidelines of the Armed Forces
nice neke od srpskih autonomnih oblasti. U kolovozu
of the SFRY regarding states of emergency. However, the
je JNA preuzela primat u grabežu hrvatskog teritorija
JNA in reality, and completely contrary to the mentioned
(Baranja, zapadna i istočna Slavonija) pa je hrvatsko vr-
guidelines, acted against the legally elected government
hovništvo bilo prinuđeno odgovoriti, blokirati i napasti
of the Republic of Croatia, in effect facilitating the Serb
objekte JNA gdje god su to njene snage bile u stanju
rebellion in Croatia. The JNA, moreover, occupied a siz-
učiniti. Jugoslavenska narodna armija je reagirala dugo
able portion of Croatian territory.
pripremanom napadnom operacijom koja je propala
The Serb rebellion in Croatia started in August, 1990.
uslijed jakog otpora hrvatskih snaga, neuspješne mo-
Until May, 1991, Croatia tried to solve the problem by ne-
bilizacije pričuve u Srbiji i nesposobnosti najvišeg ko-
gotiations. At the end of June, 1991, immediately after
mandnog kadra. Zbog toga je JNA morala promijeniti
Croatia had declared independence, the rebellion esca-
planove koji su se ubrzo pokazali prezahtjevnim pa je
lated. The rebel Serbs started a war of aggression the aim
u prvoj polovici listopada 1991. srbijanski politički vrh
of which was to acquire as much Croatian territory as pos-
donio odluku o prekidu napada i izvlačenju blokiranog
sible. The JNA initially helped the rebel Serbs by creating
ljudstva i opreme JNA iz dubine Hrvatske. U studenom
buffer zones between them and the Croatian police and
su potakli međunarodnu zajednicu da pokrene meha-
the Croatian National Guard. By creating these buffer zones
nizam dovođenja mirovnih snaga UN-a koje su trebale
the JNA successfully protected the rebel Serbs’ conquests.
zaštititi njihova teritorijalna osvajanja.
In August the JNA launched open aggression against Cro-
atia. The objective was to destroy the Croatian forces and
occupy large swaths of Croatian territory. Baranja, eastern
475 D. MARIJAN, “Oružane snage SFRJ u izvanrednim pri-
likama”, 354-374. Slavonia and western Slavonia fell under the onslaught


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

U drugoj polovici rujna 1991. nastala je kontinui- of the JNA and various Serb paramilitary units under its
rana crta na hrvatskom ratištu sa sedam jasnih kopne- command. The Croatian government was forced to react –
nih bojišta te pomorskim i zračnim bojištem. Svako je Croatian forces blocked and attacked the JNA’s bases and
bojište imalo svoje posebnosti i značaj, a među po- facilities in Croatia wherever they were strong enough to
sebnostima bila je i različitost ustrojenosti snaga, od do so. The JNA had been preparing for just such a contin-
kojih su neke nastajale dijelom i na stihiji, a ne samo gency for a long time. It launched an offensive operation
na projekcijama Glavnog stožera HV-a. U srpnju 1991. the main objective of which was to break the back of the
Hrvatska je imala četiri djelatne i 18 pričuvnih brigada Croatian forces and render the country defenseless. The of-
u različitom stupnju popunjenosti i borbene spremno- fensive failed miserably due to a tenacious Croatian resis-
sti te nekoliko samostalnih bataljuna. U siječnju 1992. tance, failed mobilization of JNA reserve soldiers in Serbia
Hrvatska je vojska već bila respektabilna sila s više od and gross incompetence of the leadership of the JNA. The
150.000 ljudi pod oružjem u više od 70 brigada i samo- JNA had no option but to modify its objectives. During the
stalnih bataljuna. first half of October, 1991, the Serbian political leadership
Na istočnom bojištu JNA je planirala angažira- decided to give up the ghost in Croatia. Orders went out to
ti glavne snage i s njima prodor u dubinu Hrvatske. halt the offensive and pull the men and equipment out of
Sigurnosno stanje je bilo teško tijekom cijele 1991. the bases under Croatian blockade in Croatia. In Novem-
godine, a konstantno se pogoršavalo od proglaše- ber, the Serbian leadership induced the international com-
nja hrvatske neovisnosti. Već u srpnju 1991. vođene munity to initiate a process of sending a UN peacekeeping
su teške borbe sa srpskim pobunjenicima, pa se po- force to Croatia. The gambit was based on the assumption
stupno stvarao animozitet prema središtu države that the presence of a UN peacekeeping force would effec-
zbog procjena da oklijevaju u političkim odlukama i tively protect the Serbs’ territorial conquests.
da nedostatno pomažu obrani regije. Tu se radilo o By the second half of September, 1991, a continuous
iskonstruiranom sukobu između središta i periferije u front line had been established. This theater of war encom-
kojem je središte držalo, s punim pravom, da djelo- passed seven clearly defined theaters of operations plus
vanje mora prilagoditi stanju u cijeloj Hrvatskoj i da the maritime theater and air operations. Each theater of
ne može brzati s političkim i vojnim odlukama. Po- operations had its unique features and importance. Also, in
sljedica takvog, vrijeme će pokazati, uravnoteženog each theater there operated independent units and those
pristupa bila je okupacija Baranje od strane JNA, ali i created in an ad hoc manner. In July, 1991, Croatia had four
dobivanje na vremenu i odgađanje strategijske ofen- active-duty and eighteen reserve brigades (at varying lev-
zive JNA koja je pokrenuta u drugoj polovici rujna. els of nominal vs. actual strength and combat readiness)
Na istočnom je bojištu Srbija imala najveće snage u and several independent battalions. In January, 1992, the
agresiji na Hrvatsku: 12. korpus i Gardijsku mehanizi- Croatian Army was a respectable fighting force with more
ranu diviziju JNA s ojačanjima TO-a Srbije i Vojvodine. than 150,000 men under arms serving in more than 70 bri-
Suprotstavila im se OZ Osijek u najvećoj obrambenoj gades and independent battalions.
operaciji koja je vođena na nekom od hrvatskih bo- The JNA planned to deploy its main force in the east-
jišta tijekom rata. Zahvaljujući propasti mobilizacije ern theater of operations, defeat the Croatian forces there
u Srbiji, nedoraslom oficirskom kadru i posebice ži- and advance westwards, deep into Croatian territory. The
lavom otporu slabo naoružanih i borbeno uglavnom security situation in eastern Croatia was shaky through-
neiskusnih hrvatskih sastava, napadna operacija JNA out 1991 and deteriorated steadily after the declaration
je neslavno propala, a težište djelovanja preneseno je of Croatian independence. Already in July, 1991, Croatian
na zauzimanje Vukovara. Nakon tromjesečnih borbi forces were engaged in combat against rebel Serbs in the
grad je zauzet, unatoč nastojanjima hrvatskih sna- eastern part of the country. Many Croats in eastern Croa-
ga da mu pomognu i da ga odterete. Obrana grada tia were of the opinion that the Croatian government’s
je postala simbol svekolike hrvatske obrane. Istovre- attitude towards the rapidly escalating situation in the
meno je, u skladu sa svojim mogućnostima i raspo- region was lackluster. It certainly seemed to the Croats in
loživim resursima, Zapovjedništvo OZ-a Osijek vodilo eastern Croatia that the government’s responses to Serb
obrambenu operaciju u istočnoj Hrvatskoj i s povre- aggression in the region were indecisive and thus inade-
menim i neizbježnim taktičkim neuspjesima uspješno quate to bring the situation under control. However, the


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

je okončalo u prvim danima siječnja 1992. godine. Croatian government was aware that its actions had to be
Iako neusporedivo nadmoćni u borbenoj tehnici, JNA calibrated according to the overall situation in Croatia and
i pridružene snage TO-a Srbije te pobunjenih Srba i that rash political and military decisions regarding any one
paravojnih srbijanskih formacija nisu uspjele napravi- region could prove disastrous for the country as a whole.
ti uspjeh operativnog značaja. Njihov posljednji zna- The discontent of some Croats in eastern Slavonia was fu-
čajniji uspjeh postignut je sredinom prosinca 1991. elled by political elements in Croatia that were opposed to
južno od Osijeka. Premda su JNA i TO Srbije u neočeki- the legally elected government of the country. To be sure,
vano dugoj kampanji zauzele zapadni Srijem s Vuko- one result of the government’s balanced approach was the
varom, zaustavljene su na prilazima Osijeku i Vinkov- loss of Baranja to the JNA. On the other hand, the approach
cima i spriječene da prodru u dubinu Hrvatske. Iako bought much needed time for the Croatian armed forces
je imala prilično velike snage angažirane na bojištu, and delayed the JNA’s strategic offensive; the onslaught
OZ Osijek je za ojačanje crte od Glavnog stožera HV-a was finally launched in the second half of September. The
tražila pet brigada i vraćanje svojih snaga pridodanih bulk of Serbia’s forces were deployed in the eastern theater
OZ-u Bjelovar za čišćenje Bilogore i Papuka.476 Nave- of operations; XII Corps and the Guards Motorized Division
deni zahtjev je pokazatelj koliko su neke poslijeratne with reinforcements from the Territorial Defense Force of
ocjene o stanju na tom bojištu bile zlonamjerne i ten- Serbia and Vojvodina. This Serbian force was opposed by
denciozne i da nije moglo biti ni govora o slobodnim Operative Zone Osijek. The ensuing battle would prove
brigadama koje su se mogle odvojiti za druga bojišta to be the largest defensive operation the Croatian armed
i mogućem rješenju rata na prijelazu iz 1991. u 1992. forces fought during the entire war. The JNA’s offensive
godinu.477 failed. A number of factors conspired against the JNA in the
U zapadnoj Slavoniji bojište je bilo kompliciranije battle: its senior officers were not nearly experienced and
zbog opasnosti da JNA i dijelovi TO-a Bosne i Herce- competent enough to lead combined-arms offensive op-
govine s pobunjenim Srbima presijeku, ako ne Hrvat- erations, failed mobilization in Serbia and, most important-
sku, onda barem podravski prometni pravac. U tom je ly, tenacious and heroic resistance of vastly outnumbered,
području srpska manjina masovno podržala agresora. outgunned and inexperienced Croatian units. The JNA
Bojište je bilo aktivno od sredine kolovoza, a srpske leadership, realizing that their troops could not destroy the
su snage u jednom trenutku držale Lipik i dio Pakraca Croatian forces ranged against them and that advancing
pod nadzorom što je bio njihov najveći uspjeh. Jedna deep into Croatian territory was nothing more than a pipe
od teškoća u organizaciji hrvatske obrane bila je inge- dream, decided to focus the JNA’s efforts on capturing the
rencija tri operativne zone (Bjelovar, Osijek i Zagreb) city of Vukovar. The JNA besieged the city and after three
na bojištu. Zbog toga je, kao ni na jednom drugom months of vicious fighting the JNA captured Vukovar. The
bojištu, rješenje pronađeno u osnivanju operativnih heroism of the defenders of Vukovar and the plight of its
grupa i sektora čija su zapovjedništva zapovijedala citizens became a potent symbol of Croatian defiance of
snagama na pojedinom operativnom pravcu ili po- Serbian aspirations to occupy significant portions of Croa-
dručju djelovanja. Krajem listopada hrvatske su snage tian territory and create a greater Serbian state. The forces
počele oslobodilačke operacije Orkan-91 i Otkos-10 što of Operative Zone Osijek were constantly on the defensive
je bila jedinstvena pojava na hrvatskom ratištu. Borbe in the eastern theater of operations. They suffered a num-
su okončane oslobađanjem Bilogore, Papuka i dijela ber of setbacks and local defeats but in the end prevailed
općina na zapadnoslavonskim planinama. Na ovom over the vastly superior, in men, firepower and equipment,
su bojištu hrvatske snage napravile veliki učinak, na enemy. The JNA’s last success occurred in mid-December,
temelju kojeg su kasnije, godinama, pojedini generali 1991, south of the city of Osijek. The JNA and the Territorial
HV-a pokušavali dokazati da je primirje u Sarajevu bila Defense units, in a surprisingly long campaign, did man-
strategijska greška, a ne ono što jest – nužnost i nasto- age to occupy Western Sirmium and Vukovar. However,
the Croatian forces halted the JNA’s offensive at Osijek and
476 SVA MORH, GSHV: Zap. OZ Osijek, str. pov. br. 525-
Vinkovci. The fighting petered out during the first days of
123-272 od 18. 12. 1991. Komentar i odluka načelnika January, 1992. The nascent Croatian army had won a signal
GSHV-a napisani su na izvješću. strategic victory. The JNA and the Territorial Defense units
477 D. MARIJAN, Smrt oklopne brigade, 219-220. and Serb paramilitary units of various hues had failed to


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

janje hrvatskog vrhovništva da se rat dobije s minimu- achieve anything of lasting or substantial operational im-
mom žrtava. portance. It has to be pointed out that HQ, Operative Zone
Na bojištu Banovine i Siska te Pokuplja srpske su Osijek, requested from the General Staff of the Croatian
snage do kraja rujna 1991. i u prvim danima listopada Army that five more brigades be deployed in the eastern
napravile svoj maksimum, najvećim su dijelom izbile theater of operations, and also those units that had been
na desnu obalu rijeke Kupe, a kod Jamničke Kiselice je transferred from Operative Zone Osijek to Operative Zone
i prešle. Cijela Banovina je okupirana s izuzetkom ma- Bjelovar for operations on Bilogora and Papuk. The request
log džepa oko sela Nebojan u općini Petrinja. Inicijati- decisively debunks the claims made by some people af-
va koju su hrvatske snage preuzele pobjedom nad JNA ter the war that a number of formations under the com-
kod Novog Farkašića sredinom listopada, u prosincu je mand of Operative Zone Osijek could have been safely
kulminirala neuspješnom operacijom Vihor, potvrdiv- transferred to other theaters. This is an important point
ši veliku i nepremostivu razliku između želja Glavnog to stress because, according to the mentioned claims, the
stožera HV-a i mogućnosti Hrvatske vojske u procesu Croatian Army would have won the war during the winter
nastajanja. Stoga ne čudi što tendenciozni tumači rata of 1991/1992 had only the Croatian forces in the other the-
prešućuju operaciju jer se ne uklapa u stajališta o mo- aters of operations been reinforced by troops belonging
gućem brzom okončanju rata u hrvatsku korist. to Operative Zone Osijek. The truth of the matter is that
Na karlovačko-kordunskom bojištu hrvatske su Operative Zone Osijek had no troops to spare and that its
snage upornom obranom iskoristile slabosti JNA i spri- forces defeated the main effort of the JNA to destroy the
ječile prijelaz preko rijeka Kupe, Korane i Mrežnice. U Republic of Croatia.
vrijeme intenzivnih napada u prvim danima listopada The situation in the Western Slavonia Theater of
1991., hrvatske snage, premda nadomak Zagreba, bile Operations was potentially equally devastating for the
su među najmanje brojnim i najslabije naoružanim na Republic of Croatia as a successful JNA offensive in the
ratištu, a uz to nisu imale ni zapovjedništvo operativne eastern theater of operations would have been. The JNA,
razine. U prosincu su hrvatske snage bile agilnije, no assisted by elements of the Territorial Defense of Bosnia
bez sposobnosti pomaka koji su nešto značili u općem and Herzegovina, in western Slavonia was poised to cut
stanju na ratištu. off Slavonia from the rest of the country. Failing that, the
Na ličkom su bojištu hrvatske snage već na pri- secondary objective of the JNA was to gain full control
jelazu iz kolovoza u rujan 1991. napravile strategijski of the Podravina communication routes. The Serbian mi-
uspjeh obranom Gospića. U kasnijim pokušajima hr- nority in western Slavonia wholeheartedly supported
vatske snage nisu napravile veći uspjeh u odbacivanju the invaders. The theater of operations was active from
srpskih snaga od grada. Oko Otočca su hrvatske snage mid-August. At one point the Serbs controlled Lipik and
bile poduzimljivije i uspješnije što je do primirja rezul- parts of Pakrac. That was the height of their successes in
tiralo aktivnim bojištem i odbacivanjem srpskih snaga the theater. From an organizational standpoint defending
na pojedinim pravcima oko grada. Obrana Otočca je western Slavonia presented a number of problems. Most
značajna i zbog dovođenja snaga iz dubine, koje su of those difficulties stemmed from the fact that the areas
se, posebice 111. brigada HV-a iz Rijeke, pokazale izni- of responsibility of three Operative Zones (Bjelovar, Osijek
mno dobrima. and Zagreb) met in the Western Slavonia Theater of Op-
Sjeverno i srednjodalmatinsko bojište je regija u erations. The problem was solved by forming operational
kojoj je Kninski korpus JNA već u travnju 1991. napra- groups and sectors whose subordinate HQs commanded
vio operativni razvoj. To je JNA i pobunjenim Srbima, the forces advancing in a given operational direction or
uz povoljnu demografsku strukturu (Benkovac, Knin i operating in a given area. At the end of October the Croa-
Obrovac) omogućilo da do kraja rujna 1991. postignu tian forces launched two offensive operations – Orkan-91
niz uspjeha taktičkog značaja, ali i strategijski neuspjeh and Otkos-10. The objective was to liberate parts of the
u borbama za Šibenik i Šibenski most gdje su nekoliko occupied territory. The two operations were the first of-
dana držali Hrvatsku presječenu na dva dijela. Pobjeda fensive operations of the Croatian Army in the war. The
hrvatskih snaga u „rujanskom ratu“ u Šibeniku bila je i operations were successful and Bilogora, Papuk and parts
temelj hrvatskog uspjeha i održanja priobalja u sjever- of some districts in the mountains in western Slavonia
noj i srednjoj Dalmaciji. were liberated. The Croatian forces achieved a lot in this


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Na južnom je bojištu Hrvatska bila najtanja i bez theater of operations. Their successes in western Slavo-
spomena vrijedne srpske manjine koju je trebalo, po nia led some Croatian generals to conclude after the war
terminologiji JNA, „štititi“. Na tom je bojištu JNA, TO that the signing of the Sarajevo cease-fire agreement was
Crne Gore i BiH iz istočne Hercegovine kao nigdje po- a strategic blunder. The argument completely disregards
kazala suštinu rata protiv Hrvatske – osvajačkog rata, the fact that the Croatian leadership signed the Sarajevo
rata za teritorij na kojem je nesrpsko stanovništvo Agreement in an effort to win the war with as little military
bilo suvišno. and civilian casualties as possible.
Na Jadranu je JRM imala apsolutnu prevlast u By the beginning of October, 1991, in the Banovi-
brodovlju pa se iznenađujućim doimaju hrvatski na and Sisak Theater of Operations the Serb forces had
uspjesi u studenom 1991. kada je protivničko bro- achieved all of their objectives and in some places even
dovlje protjerano iz bračkog i korčulanskog kanala. I exceeded them. They reached the right bank of the Kupa
u zraku je JNA imala apsolutnu premoć, no bez utje- River and crossed the Kupa River at Jamnička Kiselica. The
caja na tijek rata. Osim povremenih napada u stilu JNA occupied the whole of Banovina, with the exception
zračnih terorista, zrakoplovstvo JNA nije se moglo ni- of one small pocket of resistance around the village of
čim značajnijim pohvaliti. Hrvatske zračne snage su Nebojan in the Petrinja Municipality. The Croatian forces,
nastale na entuzijazmu i zrakoplovima prikladnim za in mid-October, won an engagement against the JNA at
zaprašivanje poljoprivrednih usjeva i od njih se ništa Novi Farkašić. That success prompted the Croatian forc-
više nije moglo očekivati osim onog što su i značile – es to launch Operation Vihor. In December the operation
psihološku ulogu. met with complete failure, proving that there was a huge
Na kraju, stupanje na snagu Sarajevskog primirja discrepancy between the wishes of the General Staff
3. siječnja 1992. u 18 sati, Hrvatska je dočekala u polo- of the Croatian Army and the real capabilities of the, at
žaju koji nije bio ugodan, no bio je daleko od bezizla- that point, still nascent Croatian Army. It is not surprising
znog. U istočnoj Hrvatskoj JNA je otela dio teritorija therefore, that those subscribing to the theory that the
koji nije ometao strategijski položaj, a u zapadnoj Sla- Croatian Army could have won the war in 1991/1992 con-
voniji dio posavskog prometnog pravca. No Podravska veniently opt to gloss over Operation Vihor in their argu-
magistrala neometano je funkcionirala. U središnjoj ments and analyses.
Hrvatskoj JNA je nadzirala prometnicu Split – Sinj – In the Karlovac-Kordun Theater of Operations the Cro-
Knin – Karlovac i dio Jadranske magistrale pa je pro- atian forces offered stiff resistance, skillfully took advan-
met preusmjeren na obilazak preko Gorskog kotara i tage of the JNA’s weaknesses in the theater and prevent-
Like i odvijao se bez teškoća, u što se ne računa osjet- ed the JNA from crossing the Kupa, Korana and Mrežnica
no duže trajanje puta. Južni dio Hrvatske bio je odsje- Rivers. During the first days of October, 1991, the JNA
čen kod Slanog s okruženim Dubrovnikom. launched a number of determined attacks in the direc-
Hrvatska je iznijela rat s vojnom silom stvorenom tion of Zagreb. The Croatian forces there, as everywhere
u ratnom hodu. Godinama kasnije se tvrdilo da je else during that phase of the war, were vastly outgunned
već 1991. Hrvatska imala vojsku sposobnu dobiti rat, and outnumbered. It is important to mention that on its
kao da stvaranje oružane sile završava pozivanjem na western side the area of the Karlovac-Kordun Theater of
oružje skupine ljudi i davanjem naziva brigade. Proces Operations included Zagreb’s outlying suburbs and that
stvaranja vojske je kudikamo teži i složeniji. Najbolji the Croatian forces in the theater were inferior to the forces
pokazatelj stanja u kojem se nalazila Hrvatska vojska in any other theater of operations in terms on manpow-
je osvrt glavnog inspektora HV-a generala Martina er and equipment. Also, the Croatian forces there did not
Špegelja napisan 24. prosinca 1991. godine. Naglasio have operational level command structures. In December,
je ogroman raskorak između htijenja i mogućnosti 1991, the Croatian forces in the theater made a number of
provedbe.478 Bila je to vojska u povoju s nizom nedo- offensive moves and achieved a number of local successes.
stataka koji su uklonjeni do kraja 1994. godine. However, these successes meant nothing in terms of the
overall situation in the theater of war.
In the Lika Theater of Operations the Croatian forces
478 Davor MARIJAN, “The Sarajevo ceasefire – realism or
strategic error by the Croatian Leadership”, Review of achieved an important strategic success by successfully de-
Croatian History, VII/2011., 117. fending Gospić in September, 1991. However, subsequent


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Croatian attempts to dislodge the JNA from its positions

around the city met with failure. In the area around Otočac
the Croatian forces were more aggressive and managed to
break the JNA’s encirclement around the city in a number
of places. The defense of Otočac is also significant because
the Croatian forces there were reinforced by units from the
rear. These units, especially the 111th Brigade of the Croa-
tian Army from Rijeka, proved exceptionally effective.
The North Dalmatia-Central Dalmatia Theater of Op-
erations was where the units of Knin Corps of the JNA
were operationally deployed in April, 1991. That, and the
favorable demographic structure of the area (Benkovac,
Knin and Obrovac), enabled the JNA and rebel Serbs to
achieve, by the end of September, 1991, a number of tacti-
cal victories. However, at the same time the JNA and rebel
Serbs suffered a major strategic reverse in the fighting for
Šibenik and Šibenik Bridge. For a few days in September
the situation was critical for the Croatian troops because
the positions the JNA held during those few days meant
that the southern part of Croatia was effectively cut off
from the rest of the country. The Croatian forces managed
to chase the JNA units away from these positions and with
that they won the battle for Šibenik. The victory laid the
Improvizirana oklopna vozila HV-a 1991. (autor fotografija: foundations for the subsequent Croatian successes, both
Toni Hnojčik). offensive and defensive, in the coastal area in northern
and central Dalmatia.
Improvised armored vehicles of the Croatian Armed Forces in
1991 in Western Slavonia (Photographs by Toni Hnojčik). The distance from the Croatian northern border to the
coast in the southern part of the country is small. On aver-
age, the distance is 15 kilometers. The Southern Theater of
Operations stretched along this area. The JNA initially jus-
tified its presence there by claiming that the Serb minority
Hrvatska vojska nastala je u uvjetima koje je ka- in the area needed to be protected. It is worth noting that
rakterizirao posvemašnji nedostatak svega osim lju- the Serb minority in the area was virtually non-existent.
di spremnih da ratuju za Hrvatsku. JNA se pretvorila The operations and activities of the JNA, enthusiastically
u srpsku vojnu silu i okupacijsku vojsku razmještenu assisted by the Territorial Defense of Montenegro and the
diljem Hrvatske, baš poput strategijske mreže predvi- Territorial Defense units of Bosnia and Herzegovina from
đene njenom doktrinom „bitke u prostoru“.479 Uz niz eastern Herzegovina, in the theater revealed, to a larger ex-
žarišta srpske pobune, Hrvatska se doimala kao da tent than the JNA displayed in any other theater, the true
nema šanse za obranu. Uz to je na vrijeme izbjegnuto nature of its war against Croatia – it was a war of aggres-
uključivanje Hrvatske u sukob Slovenije i JNA. Tadašnji sion, conquest and ethnic cleansing.
ministar obrane i zapovjednik ZNG-a RH general Mar- In the Adriatic the Yugoslav Navy enjoyed overwhelm-
tin Špegelj selektivnim odabirom činjenica brani tezu ing superiority in both the number and quality of naval
ships. In November, 1991 the Croatian forces managed to
rout the enemy ships from the Brač and Korčula channels.
479 Davor MARIJAN, “Borovo Selo i ‘bitka u prostoru’”, This success, given the Yugoslav Navy’s superiority, was
Spomenica Filipa Potrebice, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta considered, and still is, nothing short of miraculous. The
u Zagrebu: Odsjek za povijest, Hrvatski institut za po-
vijest: Podružnica za povijest Slavonije, Srijema i Baran- JNA had absolute control of the air but could not translate
je, Zagreb, 2004., 469-484. that advantage into tangible results in the theater. The JNA


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Air Force limited its activities to sporadic bombing and

rocketing of civilian targets. The Croatian Air Force in the
theater was created out of sheer enthusiasm and consisted
of a few obsolete crop dusters. Nothing of either tactical
or strategic importance was expected of the Croatian fly-
ers. However, their exploits, insignificant as they were in
strategic terms, did wonders for the morale of the Croatian
troops and civilians in the theater.
The Sarajevo cease-fire came into effect on January
3, 1992, at 1800 hours. At that particular point in time the
strategic situation for Croatia was not ideal, but neither
Improvizirana oklopna vozila HV-a 1991. (Muzej Domovinskog was it hopeless. In eastern Croatia the JNA held a portion of
rata, Karlovac – Turanj).
Croatian territory of negligible strategic significance. The
Improvised armored vehicles of the Croatian Armed Forces in territory the JNA had occupied in western Slavonia was,
1991 (Museum of the Homeland War, Karlovac – Turanj). on the other hand, important from a strategic standpoint
because it gave the JNA control of a portion of the Podravi-
na communications route. However, despite this the Po-
dravina Highway was open for traffic. In central Croatia the
JNA controlled the Split – Sinj – Knin – Karlovac highway
da se Hrvatska trebala uključiti i napasti vojarne JNA. and a part of the Adriatic Highway. For that reason, peo-
Aktualno stanje na ratištu pokazuje da je Tuđman s ple traveling from the coast to the interior of the country
pravom odbio Špegeljev zahtjev, jer je ocijenio da Hr- were forced to travel through Lika and Gorski Kotar, a sig-
vatska još nije spremna na rat širih razmjera, te da bi to nificantly longer route. The important thing, however, was
bio potez koji bi štetio Hrvatskoj na međunarodnom that the route was safe and connected the coastal areas of
planu.480 U bitkama koje su slijedile Hrvatska je vojska the country with the interior, which was of vital strategic
stvarana s mnogo improvizacije uz velik doprinos sta- importance. The southernmost area of Croatia, on the oth-
novništva i lokalnih tijela vlasti. Velik problem bio je u er hand, was cut off at the town of Slano. There, the city of
zapovjednom kadru jer su oni koji su prelazili iz JNA Dubrovnik was under siege.
često izbjegavali dužnost zapovjednika brigada i sa- The Croatian Army was created during the war and
mostalnih bataljuna. Hrvatska je vojska na kraju 1991. the process of turning it into a viable fighting force ca-
imala taktičku razinu, operativnu vrlo rijetko – može pable of complex offensive maneuvers was relatively
se reći samo u zapadnoj Slavoniji, a strategijska razina long. After the war some commentators claimed that the
(GS HV) gotovo da nije funkcionirala. Ako treba izdvo- Croatian Army was capable of winning the war already
jiti neku značajku HV-a tijekom 1991., to je onda kon- in 1991. What the commentators failed to appreciate was
stantan nedostatak streljiva jer je u rujnu 1991. Vijeće the fact that it was not enough to gather a large num-
sigurnosti UN-a uvelo embargo na izvoz oružja u SFRJ, ber of soldiers together and divide them into brigades
što je pogodilo samo Hrvatsku. Krajem 1991. HV nije with colorful names to create a viable army, especially
imao streljivo ni za kraću obranu, a kamoli za zahtjev- one capable of soundly defeating the JNA. It takes time
nu napadnu operaciju.481
to train an army. Combat experience is gained through
Hrvatska je izdržala nalet JNA i srpskih TO-ova, trial and sometimes costly error, the effectiveness of the
obranila institucije države i sačuvala zdravu osnovu za command structure has to develop over a period of time,
nastavak rata. Proces je tekao daleko od idealnih uvje- starting with small operations where every new success
ta, uz niz slabosti, s mnogo samovolje i lokalizama. lays the foundation for the next, more complex step in
Nije bila rijetkost da su bojišta napuštale postrojbe ra- the process. The best indicator of the state of the Croatian
army in the early stages of the conflict is Marin Špegelj’s
statement written on December 24, 1991 – he wrote that
480 D. MARIJAN, Smrt oklopne brigade, 216-218. there was a huge gap between the wishes of the Croatian
481 D. MARIJAN, “The Sarajevo ceasefire”, 103-122. army’s leadership and the real capabilities of the army.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 208 4.2.2020. 19:34:12

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

The Croatian Army suffered from many flaws. By the end

of the 1994 however, all these flaws had been corrected.
It is safe to say that the Croatian Army, as a highly effec-
tive military force capable of conducting most complex
operations, was born in 1994.
The Croatian Army suffered from a chronic lack of
weapons and equipment. The only thing that was not in
short supply were men ready and willing to fight for Cro-
atia. The JNA had effectively become a Serbian army and
army of occupation deployed the length and breadth of
Croatia, in accordance with its “deep operation” doctrine
borrowed from the Soviet Union. It seemed to many peo-
ple, in the early days of the Yugoslav crisis, that Croatia was
doomed – the JNA was a fighting force lavishly equipped
with modern weaponry and the Serb rebellion in Croatia
was gathering momentum. Croatia remained on the side-
lines during the Ten-Day War in Slovenia. The then Minis-
ter of Defense and Commander of the Croatian National
Guard of the Republic of Croatia General Martin Špegelj
claims that Croatia should have attacked the bases of the
JNA in Croatia while the JNA was busy fighting in Slovenia.
Špegelj, at the time, tried to convince Tuđman to order the
ZNG to attack the JNA bases in Croatia. Tuđman’s strategic
acumen was far greater than that of his minister of defense
– he flatly refused to embroil Croatia in a war with the JNA.
THF ~GGRFSSORS ARI SFRHL\ ,\NIJ Tll~ YUGO CO'vlMI '<IST \R\IY, He rightly judged that the nascent Croatian armed forces
were too ill-equipped to take on the JNA and he also real-
ized that attacking the JNA bases in Croatia at that point
would hurt Croatia diplomatically.
The Croatian Army was formed in the crucible of war
and in many instances improvisation was the order of the
day. An important part in the process was played by the
zličitih veličina jer su bile neučvršćene, nehomogene, population and local authorities. One of the biggest prob-
slabo naoružane i s lošim sustavom zapovijedanja. U lems in the initial phase of the war was a lack of trained
svim tim slučajevima protivnik je bio jači i s neuspo- and experienced officers – those officers who left the JNA
redivo većom vatrenom moći. To su redovni slučajevi to join the Croatian army were less than keen to command
susretanja s ratom koji su uobičajeno stresni i nisu ni- brigades and independent battalions. At the end of 1991
kakva hrvatska novina. Većina ljudi se teško nosila s the Croatian Army was capable of operating at the tactical
ratom, trebalo je vremena da se priviknu na življenje level and at times – in western Slavonia – at the operational
s neizvjesnošću i stalnu mogućnost pogibije. Tek je u level. At that point in time functioning at the strategic lev-
studenom 1991. HV bio u stanju dovesti pričuvnu bri- el was beyond the capabilities of the Croatian Army. It has
gadu s jednog na drugo bojište. Uglavnom su lokalni to be pointed out that the Croatian army suffered from a
sastavi bili bolji od dovedenih, no bilo je slučajeva da chronic and debilitating shortage of ammunition through-
su dovedene snage bile bolje organizirane i s manje out 1991. The situation was additionally exacerbated in
problema karakterističnih za vojske u nastajanju. September, 1991, when the UN Security Council imposed
S druge je strane JNA kao dominantna snaga an arms embargo on the SFRY. The embargo did not affect
srbijanskog ratnog stroja u cjelini pokazala niz sla- the JNA but it hurt the Croatian Army badly. At the end of
bosti koje su je na koncu koštale strategijskog cilja 1991, the Croatian Army did not have enough ammunition


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 209 4.2.2020. 19:34:28

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

to hold its defensive positions, let alone mount an ambi-

tious offensive operation.
Croatia successfully halted the onslaught of the JNA
and the Serbian Territorial Defense force and defended
the country’s institutions. Its armed forces, flawed as they
were in the initial stages of their existence, proved to be
more than a match for the JNA and Serb paramilitaries.
Gradually, based on the experience gained during the first
phase of the war, the Croatian Armed Forces would be-
come superior in terms of morale and competence to their
Serb adversaries. To be sure, the process was marred by a
whole plethora of weaknesses and setbacks. At times there
was too much arbitrariness and sometimes local interests
trumped those of the country as a whole. On a number of
occasions units of varying sizes simply vacated the battle-
field because they were not homogenous, not adequately
armed and equipped and suffered from poor leadership. In
all these cases, it has to be pointed out, the enemy vastly
outnumbered the Croatian units and enjoyed overwhelm-
ing superiority in equipment and firepower. Fleeing in the
face of a superior enemy is a common occurrence in war.
Every combat situation is an extremely stressful experi-
ence. It took time for most Croatian soldiers, thrown into
the war directly from their civilian existence, to become
adjusted to the realities of war. Only in November, 1991,
AND BEAUTY, NOW A FORTRESS OF was the Croatian Army able to transfer a reserve brigade
DESTRUCTION, FEAR AND DEATH-IN 1991. from one theater of operations to another. In most cases
local units performed better than those brought as rein-
('IW,Hl.~ '111-f(•.. ~\.,TI(•~ <' • ,TU,
,,._,,, u:n , TiK.tni ..M~-\ < OO uc.,u.:u
forcements from other theaters. However, in some cases
reinforcing units were better organized than local ones
and suffered from fewer problems typically found in a na-
scent armed force.
– vojne pobjede. Nije pobijedila, a to je u postojećoj The JNA, on the other hand, as the dominant force
konstelaciji snaga bio poraz. Njena postignuća su bila of the Serbian war machine, displayed many weaknesses
u granicama taktičkih i u par slučajeva operativnih that ultimately snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
uspjeha koje uglavnom nije uspjela održati (sjeverna The JNA failed to achieve its primary objective – total de-
Dalmacija i zapadna Slavonija). Njeno je djelovanje struction of the Croatian armed forces and in that sense
izazvalo niz demografskih promjena, protjerivanje suffered a humiliating defeat. The height of the JNA’s suc-
stanovništva i niz zločina čija je svrha bila uklanjanje cess were a number of tactical victories and a few opera-
nesrpskog stanovništva. tional victories. However, the JNA was not able to hold the
territory gained by these victories – cases in point: north-
ern Dalmatia and western Slavonia. The activities of the
JNA on Croatian soil caused many demographic changes,
expulsion of non-Serbs from the areas controlled by the
JNA and/or Serb militaries. Many war crimes and crimes
against humanity committed by the JNA and/or Serb
paramilitaries were planned and executed for the purpose
of ethnic cleansing.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 210 4.2.2020. 19:34:42

1992. - 1994.:
1992 – 1994

Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 211 4.2.2020. 19:34:42

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


- 10,000-20,000

- 20000 30000

~i6~'n7r~~,•=,;~~-• Assessment Notes

Serb;anActi v;1y
Croatia n Activity
r"\r\ 30,000&abo,e

Additio nal Notes 0

Okupirano područje Hrvatske - UNPA područja 1992. - 1995. godine.

The occupied parts of Croatia - UNPA zones 1992 - 1995.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 212 4.2.2020. 19:34:44

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Oslobodilački pothvati hrvatskih snaga Offensive Operations of the Croatian
Armed Forces
U Sarajevu su predstavnici Republike Hrvatske i
Jugoslavenske narodne armije 2. siječnja 1992. potpi- On January 2, 1992, the representatives of the Re-
sali sporazum o bezuvjetnom prekidu vatre, a idućega public of Croatia and the JNA signed the Implementing
su dana prestale borbe. Sarajevsko je primirje za JNA i Accord for an unconditional cease-fire. The following
pobunjene Srbe bilo taktički, a za Hrvatsku strategijski day the fighting stopped. For the JNA and rebel Serbs
predah. U prvim mjesecima 1992. Sarajevsko se primirje the Sarajevo cease-fire was a tactical respite. For Croatia,
sustavno kršilo, za što su sukobljene strane okrivljivale on the other hand, the Sarajevo cease-fire was of stra-
jedna drugu. Interes za očuvanje primirja bio je veći u tegic importance. During the first months of 1992 the
JNA jer je očekivala da UNPROFOR preuzme crtu raz- ceasefire was frequently broken with the belligerents
dvajanja prema hrvatskim snagama. Ona se trudila do- accusing each other of not honoring the agreement.
kazati da je učinila sve što je mogla i da je dolazak UN-a The JNA had more interest in preserving the cease-fire
najbolja opcija za pobunjene Srbe u Hrvatskoj. Održa-
than Croatia. The leaders of Serbia and the JNA expect-
vanje primirja JNA je držala kao važno i kršenje s njezine ed that UNPROFOR would control the separation line
strane nastojali su spriječiti po svaku cijenu. Težak uda- and vehemently claimed that the JNA had done all that
rac tim nastojanjima bio je napad zrakoplovstva JNA it could and that the arrival of a UN peacekeeping force
na dva nenaoružana helikoptera misije EZ-a 7. siječnja was the best option for the rebel Serbs. For that reason,
1992. kod Novog Marofa. Jedan je helikopter srušen, a preserving the cease-fire was of immense importance
drugi oštećen i prinuđen na slijetanje. U srušenom heli- for the JNA. Breaches of the cease-fire by overeager JNA
kopteru poginulo je pet članova misije.482 soldiers or Serb paramilitaries had to be prevented at all
U JNA se stalno naglašavalo da hrvatskoj strani ne costs. These efforts ignominiously failed on January 7,
odgovara brzi dolazak mirovnih snaga. Intenzivnim po- 1992, when JNA jets attacked two unarmed helicopters
litičkim radom sastav JNA trebao se uvjeriti da je ope- belonging to the EC Monitoring Mission over Novi Ma-
racija UN-a jedina prava i realna opcija, a da sve drugo rof. One helicopter was shot down and the other dam-
vodi u neizvjestan rat.483 Ipak, to nije bila prepreka za
aged and forced to land. Five members of the ECMM
zasjede i diverzantska djelovanja pobunjenih Srba i
were killed in the downed helicopter.
JNA, posebice u Dalmaciji. U prvoj polovini siječnja HV
The JNA believed that a swift arrival of a peacekeep-
se žalio da JNA i pobunjeni Srbi sustavno krše primirje
ing force was not in Croatia’s interest. The leadership of
na širem području Zadra, od stalnog otvaranja vatre do
Serbia and JNA put a lot of effort into convincing the rank
preleta zrakoplova s aerodroma Zemunik, a vrhunac je
and file of the JNA that the arrival of a UN peacekeeping
bio 14. siječnja, kada je naoružana skupina upala u Pri-
force was the only realistic option and that every other
dragu, Murvicu i Donji Zemunik te opljačkala i spalila
scenario meant an all-out war with uncertain chances of a
nekoliko kuća.484 Sličnih je incidenata bilo i na ostatku
favorable outcome. The rank and file and the rebel Serbs,
ratišta. Na ličkom bojištu, primjerice, u siječnju je u krše-
judging by their frequent attacks and ambushes, espe-
nju primirja bilo smrtno stradalih i ranjenih vojnika HV-
cially in Dalmatia, were not exactly convinced. During
a.485 U početnoj fazi razdvajanja snaga i razmještaja UN-
the first half of January the Croatian Army complained
PROFOR-a, JNA je 17. svibnja topništvom izvela jedan
that the JNA and rebel Serbs had been constantly break-
ing the cease-fire in the wider Zadar area. Specifically,
482 D. MARIJAN, Slom Titove armije, 323, 331-333. the Croatian Army complained that the JNA and rebel
483 Isto, 333-334. Serbs had frequently opened fire on Croatian positions
484 SVA MORH, GSHV, Vojno-sigurnosna situacija u općini Za- and that JNA aircraft had on a number of occasions tak-
dar kl. 81/92-02/08, ur. br. 5120-05/4-92-1 od 21. 1. 1992. en off from the Zemunik air base and flew over Croatian
485 SVA MORH, GSHV: OZ Rijeka, Izvješće o događaju kl. 804- territory. On January 14 an armed group of Serbs raided
04/92-01/08, ur. br. 1079-16-92-01 od 22. 1. 1992.; IKM Pridraga, Murvica and Donji Zemunik and pillaged and
111. brHV Brinje, Izvješće kl. 81-92-01-04, ur. br. 2133-10-
burned a number of houses. Similar incidents took place
92-524 od 1. 2. 1992.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 213 4.2.2020. 19:34:44

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

od najjačih udara po Osijeku.486 Prije razmještaja mirov- in every other theater of operations. For example, in the
nih postrojba UN-a, hrvatske su snage izvele nekoliko Lika area a number of Croatian Army soldiers were killed
oslobodilačkih pothvata taktičkog značaja s različitim and wounded when the Serb side violated the cease-fire
uspjehom u istočnoj Slavoniji i Dalmaciji. Zapovjedna during the month of January. During the initial phase
razina HV-a od tih se pothvata ogradila.487 of the deployment of UNPROFOR the JNA, on May 17,
launched one of the most massive artillery attacks to
Velebit date on the city of Osijek. Before the UN peacekeeping
force completed its deployment, the Croatian Army had
U veljači 1992. hrvatske snage su se žalile da srpske mounted a few actions with the aim of liberating parts of
snage sustavno napadaju njihove ophodnje na promet- the occupied territory in eastern Slavonia and Dalmatia.
nici Sveti Rok – Obrovac na području Malog Alana i Tu- Some of these actions were successful, the others were
lovih greda, gdje u vrijeme potpisivanja primirja nije bilo not. The leadership of the Croatian Army claimed that no
srpskih snaga. Stoga je Samostalni bataljun Starigrad 4. orders for these actions had been issued and that the op-
ožujka izbacio srpske snage s Velebita i u smjeru Obrov- erations were mounted on local initiative.
ca i u smjeru Svetog Roka. Prijavljeno je uništenje srpskih
posada na Maloj Bobiji i Plani, desno od prometnice Sveti Velebit
Rok – Obrovac u visini Malog Alana. Dan kasnije odbijen
je srpski pokušaj vraćanja dijela izgubljenog područja.488 In February, 1992, the Croatian Army complained
that Serb forces had been systematically attacking their
Nos Kalik patrols on the Sveti Rok – Obrovac road in the area of
Mali Alan and Tulove Grede. At the time of the signing of
Nos Kalik je selo sa srpskim stanovništvom blizu Skra- the cease-fire there were no Serb forces in that area. The
dina i kod ušća Čikole u Krku. Selo je bilo značajno jer je Croatian Army reacted. On March 4 the Independent Bat-
njegovo držanje omogućavalo napredovanje prema Milje- talion Starigrad chased the Serb forces away from Velebit
vačkom platou, a branio ga je vod pobunjenih Srba. U noći and away from the communications routes leading to
1./2. ožujka 1992. selo su napali diverzantski vod i jedna Obrovac and Sveti Rok. The Serb garrisons in Mala Bobija
satnija 113. brigade HV-a, a tijekom 2. ožujka su ga zauzeli. and Plana, located to the right of the Sveti Rok – Obrovac
Hrvatske su snage imale dva poginula i dva ranjena vojni- highway at the altitude of Mali Alan, were destroyed. The
ka, a srpske tri poginula, dva ranjena i 21 zarobljenog.489
following day the Croatian forces beat back the Serbs’ at-
Komanda Kninskoga korpusa odgovorila je ujutro 3.
tempt to regain the lost ground.
ožujka 1992. protunapadom koji je izvela mješovita oklo-
pno-pješačka borbena skupina TG-1 i 9. bataljun Vojne
Nos Kalik
policije jačine ojačane čete s devet oklopnih vozila i pot-
porom voda minobacača 120 mm. Skupina je napala na
Nos Kalik is a predominantly Serb village near Skra-
smjeru Širitovci – Drinovci – Nos Kalik, bez ikakva uspje-
din at the confluence of the Čikola and the Krka Rivers.
ha, te se u neredu povukla. Nakon neuspjeha u borbi,
The village was important because it provided an avenue
Komanda 9. korpusa pokušala je pregovorima isposlovati
povlačenje hrvatskih snaga, u čemu također nije uspjela. of advance towards the Miljevci plateau. It was held by
a platoon of rebel Serbs. During the night of March 1-2,
1992, the village was attacked by a commando platoon
486 SVA MORH, GSHV: Državna komisija za UNPROFOR Vlade and a company of the 113th Brigade of the Croatian Army.
RH, kl. 800-01/92-01/05, ur. br. 5030107-92-30 od 18. 5. 1992. The Croats captured the village on March 2. The attacking
487 SVA MORH, GSHV, kl. 81/92-02/16, ur. br. 5120-01-92-10 force suffered four casualties – two soldiers were killed
od 24. 7. 1992. and two wounded. The Serbs lost three soldiers killed,
488 SVA MORH, ZSZ: Izjava Zapovjedništva HV Starigrad – two wounded and 21 taken prisoner.
Paklenica od 6. 3. 1992.
The HQ of Knin Corps reacted on the morning of
489 SVA MORH, ZHRZ: Vojna pošta br. 6030, Vanredno izv- March 3, 1992. A combat group of company-strength com-
ješće kl. 81/92-02/131, ur. br. 6030-03/92-1 od 3. 3. 1992.;
Raščlamba bojnih djelovanja OS RH u Domovinskom posed of elements of the TG-1 and the 9th Battalion of the
ratu za 1992. na području OZ Split, Knin, 1999., 57-58. Military Police reinforced with nine armored vehicles coun-


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 214 4.2.2020. 19:34:44

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Hrvatske su snage ostale u Nos Kaliku, čiju je obranu sre- terattacked. A platoon of 120-mm mortars provided fire
dinom ožujka od 113. preuzela 142. brigada HV-a.490 support for the counterattack. The combat group attacked
along the Širitovci – Drinovci – Nos Kalik line but without
Baranja success. The Croats routed the attackers. After this setback
the HQ of IX Corps tried to dislodge the Croatian force from
Početkom travnja 1992. na Istočnom se bojištu zbio the village by negotiation. That effort failed too. The Croa-
neuspješni upad dijela snaga OZ-a Osijek na okupirani tian forces remained in Nos Kalik and were relieved in mid-
teritorij Hrvatske. Napad je izvela 107. brigada HV-a u za- March by the 142nd Brigade of the Croatian Army.
padnom dijelu Baranje, u Torjanskom trokutu. Po zapo-
vijedi generala Gorinšeka, brigada je planirala ovladati Baranja
područjem Torjanskoga trokuta i presjeći srpske snage
na smjeru Vrbak – Karaula – Novi Bezdan. Zadatak 136. At the beginning of April, 1992, in the eastern theater
brigade HV-a bio je osigurati desni bok 107. brigade.491 of operations, formations belonging to Operative zone
Brigada je otprije nadzirala manji dio na lijevoj obali Osijek attacked. The attack was made by the 107th Bri-
Drave, koji se teško održavao zbog izloženosti položaja gade of the Croatian Army in the Torjanci triangle in the
i rasta podzemnih voda, koje su plavile utvrđene objek- western part of Baranja. According to General Gorinšek’s
te. Nasuprot hrvatskim snagama položaje su držale orders, the brigade was to gain control of the Torjanci
snage TO-a Kula iz Vojvodine. Napad je počeo ujutro 3. triangle area and cut off the Serbian forces along the Vr-
travnja i prekinut je prijepodne na intervenciju UNPRO- bak – Karaula – Novi Bezdan line. The 136th Brigade of the
FOR-a. Hrvatske su snage napravile manje pomake na Croatian Army was tasked to secure the right flank of the
nasipu, na kojem je uništeno nekoliko srpskih bunkera. 107th Brigade. The 107th Brigade had been holding a small
Topnička vatra JNA po položajima 107. brigade bila je portion of territory on the left bank of the Drava. The posi-
toliko jaka i učinkovita da se postrojba po odobrenju za- tion of the Brigade there was precarious because it was ex-
povjednika OZ-a Osijek prijepodne 4. travnja izvukla na posed to enemy attacks and a rise of groundwater levels.
desnu obalu Drave. U napadu i povlačenju 107. brigada The ground there and defensive fortifications were often
pretrpjela je velike gubitke: 14 poginulih, 77 ranjenih, a flooded by groundwater. Ranged against the 107th and
uništena su dva oklopna transportera i dva vozila. Srp- 136th Brigade was the Kula unit of the Territorial Defense
ski su gubici također bili veliki: 14 poginulih, 17 ranjenih of Vojvodina. The attack commenced on the morning of
i tri nestala vojnika. Nekoliko dana kasnije smijenjen je April 3. It was discontinued in the afternoon when UNPRO-
zapovjednik OZ-a Osijek general-bojnik K. Gorinšek.492 FOR intervened. The Croatian force made some headway
on the levee, destroying a number of Serb bunkers before
490 HMDCDR: Komanda 9. K, Dopuna redovnog borbenog the JNA launched a massive artillery barrage on the 107th
izveštaja SP br. 4-1039 od 3. 3. 1992.; HMDCDR: Komanda Brigade. The fire was so intense that the brigade request-
TG-1, Izveštaj o dejstvu str. pov. br. 50-93 od 4. 3. 1992.; ed permission to withdraw. The commander of Operative
HMDCDR: Komanda 9. K, Redovni operativni izveštaj SP Zone Osijek approved and the brigade withdrew to the
br. 4-1106 od 5. 3. 1992.; HMDCDR: Komanda 9. K, Redovni
operativni izveštaj SP br. 4-1151 od 7. 3. 1992.; Slavko right bank of the river. The 107th Brigade of the Croatian
LISICA, Komandant bez potrebe, Zavod distrofičara, Banja Army suffered serious casualties in the abortive attack:
Luka, 2000., 313; Raščlamba bojnih djelovanja OS RH u 14 killed and 77 wounded. The Serbs destroyed two APCs
Domovinskom ratu za 1992. na području OZ Split, 58.
and two other vehicles. The Serbs’ casualties were also
491 ZOZ Osijek, Dopuna borbene zapovijedi kl. 8/92-01/01, high: 14 killed, 17 wounded and three soldiers missing in
ur. br. 1076-01-92-9 od 30. 3. 1992.; Zapovjedništvo 107.
action. A few days later the commander of Operative Zone
br HV, Borbena zapovijed op. br. 11, kl. 8/92-01/01, ur. br.
2129-01-92-9 od 2. 4. 1992. Osijek, Major General Gorinšek, was replaced.
492 ICTY: I uprava GŠ OS SFRJ, Dnevni izveštaj SP br. 1-95 od
4. 4. 1992.; ICTY: I uprava GŠ OS SFRJ, Dnevni izveštaj SP Zadar (Podgradina and Križ)
br. 1-96 od 5. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, KMO: Zapovjedništ-
vo 107. brHV, Izvješće kl. 81/92-01/02, ur. br. 2129-01- The signing of the Sarajevo Agreement helped in no
92-2 od 8. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, KMO: Glavna inspekcija
obrane, Izvješće kl. 822-01/92-01/04, ur. br. 512-20-92-79 way, shape or form the defenders of the beleaguered city
od 10. 4. 1992. of Dubrovnik. In an attempt to improve the tactical posi-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Zadar (Podgradina i Križ) tion in Dubrovnik’s hinterland a company-size task force

composed of elements of the 112th Brigade of the Croatian
Nakon Sarajevskoga primirja Zadar je uz Dubrovnik Army (including two HOS platoons) and supported by an
bio najugroženiji hrvatski grad na obali Jadrana. Nastoje- armored platoon and artillery cover launched, after mid-
ći popraviti taktički položaj u zaleđu grada, 112. brigada night on April 28, 1992, an attack on the village of Podgra-
HV-a krenula je sa snagama jačine satnije (uključujući dva dina. The main objectives of the attack were to liberate the
voda HOS-a), vodom tenkova i uz potporu topništva na- village and, more important, to win control of the Gradina
kon ponoći 27./28. travnja 1992. u oslobađanje sela Pod- heights, a dominant geographical feature. The task force
gradine. Glavni cilj napada bio je dominantni vis Gradina. managed to take control of the hamlets of Nekići and Crn-
Tijekom napada hrvatske su snage ovladale zaselcima ci. The defenders managed to arrest the momentum of
Nekići i Crnci i zaustavljene su u podnožju Gradine. Ujutro the attack at the foot of Gradina. In the morning the Serbs
je uslijedio srpski protuudar i povlačenje hrvatskih snaga counterattacked and beat back the task force. The Croats’
na početne položaje, koje su pritom imale jednog pogi- casualties were one soldier killed and seven wounded.
nulog i sedam ranjenih vojnika.493 For the next twenty days there was a lull in the
Nakon 20 dana mirovanja hrvatske su snage u pot- fighting. Then, the Croatian forces launched Operation
hvatu Jaguar napale utvrđeno brdo Križ iznad Bibinja. S Jaguar, attacking the fortified Serb positions on Križ Hill
Križa je JNA nadzirala prometni prilaz Zadru iz smjera Ši- above Bibinje. From Križ Hill the JNA controlled the Šibe-
benika i dio samoga grada. Uporište je branila nepotpuna nik – Zadar communications route and parts of the city
četa vojnika ojačana minobacačima i oruđima za protu- of Zadar. The stronghold on Križ Hill was defended by an
oklopnu i protuzračnu borbu. Oslobađanje brda počelo incomplete infantry company reinforced with mortars
je 17. svibnja 1992. napadom na kolonu koja je smjerom and anti-armor and anti-aircraft weapons. The Croatian
Babindub – Dumoštak pokušala izvršiti smjenu srpskih attack started with an assault on a column of Serb troops
snaga. Tijekom dana je kolona razbijena, a brdo potpuno marching along the Babindub – Dumoštak line. The
okruženo. Sljedeća dva dana srpske su snage iz smjera Ba- troops were on their way to relive the defenders of Križ
binduba pokušale deblokirati okruženu posadu, no bez Hill. During the day the Croats scattered the column and
uspjeha. Nakon što je 22. svibnja s pokolebanom posa- completely encircled the hill. During the following two
dom dogovoreno napuštanje uporišta s osobnim oruž- days Serb forces tried to break the encirclement attack-
ing from the direction of Babindub but their efforts were
jem i prolaz u Babindub, ujutro 23. svibnja hrvatske snage
zaposjele su Križ i organizirale njegovu obranu.494 unsuccessful. The determination of the defenders of Križ
Hill started to waver and on May 22 the Croats agreed
Miljevački plato to let the garrison pull out safely to Babindub. The Serbs
were allowed to take small arms with them. On the morn-
Najveći uspjeh hrvatskih snaga u ovom je razdoblju ing of May 23, the Croats occupied Križ Hill and formed a
bila akcija na Miljevačkom platou. Od 17. do 20. lipnja strong defensive perimeter around the position.
1992. na Miljevački plato, na kojem se nalazilo sedam
sela, ubačene su dvije manje izvidničke skupine 113. i The Miljevci Plateau
142. brigade HV-a. U noći 20./21. lipnja ubačeno je još
nekoliko borbenih skupina tih brigada. Sukob je počeo The biggest success of the Croatian Army during
ujutro 21. lipnja, a hrvatske su skupine u noći 21./22. this period occurred in the Miljevci plateau. In the peri-
od from June 17 to June 20, 1992, two smaller Croatian
recon groups belonging to the 113th and 142nd Brigades
493 SVA MORH, ZSZ: Zapovjedništvo 112. brHV, Izvješće
kl. 81/92-02/193, ur. br. 2134-03-92-75 od 29. 4. 1992.; of the Croatian Army, sneaked onto the Miljevci plateau,
Raščlamba bojnih djelovanja OS RH u Domovinskom an area consisting of seven villages. A few more combat
ratu za 1992. na području OZ Split, 59. groups consisting of soldiers belonging to the mentioned
494 SVA MORH, ZSZ: Zapovjedništvo 159. brigade, Izvještaj brigades reached the Miljevci plateau during the night of
kl. 8/92-01/376, ur. br. 3065-01-92-1 od 24. 5. 1992.; SVA June 20-21. The battle started on June 21, in the morning.
MORH, ZSZ: PU Zadar, Izvješće br. 511-17-01-SP/181/92
od 23. 5. 1992.; Jadranko KALEB, Zadar u Domovinskom During the night of July 21 to 22 the Croatian troops gained
ratu 1992.–1993., Zadar, 2004., 59-67. control of the Miljevci plateau. Reinforcements of the 142nd


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

lipnja ovladale platoom i uvele pričuvu iz 142. brigade. Brigade were brought in to solidify the positions. The Serbs
Srpske snage pokušale su 23. lipnja vratiti Miljevački counterattacked on June 23 but were beaten back.
plato, no napad je pretrpio neuspjeh.495
The Disarmament of the Serbs in Gorski
Razoružanje Srba u Gorskom kotaru Kotar

Razoružanje pobunjenih Srba bila je jedna od ob- UNPROFOR was tasked with disarming the rebel
veza UNPROFOR-a i ona nije realizirana. Tijekom 1992. Serbs. That obligation, however, remained unfulfilled.
jedna je skupina Srba položila oružje, i to izvan područ- During 1992 the rebel Serbs from Gorski Kotar surren-
ja mandata UNPROFOR-a. Radilo se o naoružanim Srbi- dered their weapons. It is important to point out that this
ma iz Gorskoga kotara. Oni su naoružani u srpnju 1991. happened outside the area encompassed by the man-
i nisu se borbeno aktivirali jer su bili okruženi hrvatskim date of UNPROFOR. The rebel Serbs from Gorski Kotar
snagama koje su ih držale u blokadi. Njihov je zadatak were armed in July, 1991. From the beginning, the rebel
bio čekati izbijanje postrojbi JNA u blizinu njihovih Serbs in Gorski Kotar were encircled by Croatian forces
naselja. Jugoslavenska narodna armija to nije uspjela, and made no attempt to break out of the encirclement.
a nakon što je zaživjelo primirje, Srbi Gorskoga kotara The Croatian forces surrounding them also made no at-
nisu imali izbora i dogovorili su predaju oružja. U nazoč- tempt to attack the rebel Serbs in the encirclement, con-
nosti predstavnika Visokoga komesarijata za izbjeglice tenting themselves with keeping the area under a tight
UN-a dogovor je potpisan 6. srpnja 1992. u Vrbovskom. blockade. The rebel Serbs were under orders from the
Srbi iz mjesnih zajednica Jasenak, Drežnica, Gomirje JNA to sit tight and wait for the JNA to reach the area.
i Srpske Moravice obvezali su se da će predati policiji The JNA failed to achieve that objective and when the
oružje koje su dobili od JNA i u roku od 15 dana zatrpati cease-fire was signed the position of the rebel Serbs in
fortifikacijske objekte. U spomenutim mjesnim zajedni- Gorski Kotar became untenable. Negotiations with the
cama dogovoreno je osnivanje postrojbi pričuvne po- Croatian government ensued and the rebel Serbs of Gor-
licije jačine voda (30 ljudi) i policijske ispostave MUP-a ski Kotar agreed to surrender their weapons. A formal
RH u Jasenku sastava u skladu s nacionalnim sastavom agreement regarding disarmament was signed on July
stanovništva u četiri mjesne zajednice. Predaja oružja 6, 1992, in Vrbovski in the presence of a representative
medijski je iskorištena kao primjer srpskoga razuma. U of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner
biti se radilo o pragmatičnom potezu – Srbi nisu ima- for Refugees. The rebel Serbs from the local communities
li izbora i napravili su još jednu prijevaru jer su predali of Jasenak, Drežnica, Gomirje and Srpske Moravice, un-
samo 20 % oružja. Očito su držali da treba čekati novu der the terms of the agreement, were obligated to hand
priliku za pobunu.496 over the weapons they had received from the JNA to the
Croatian police and render useless all fortifications and
defensive installations within 15 days. It was agreed that
police reserve platoon-strength (30 men) units would
be formed in the mentioned local communities. Also, it
was agreed that a police station of the Ministry of Inter-
nal Affairs of the Republic of Croatia would be formed in
Jasenak and that the national composition of its person-
nel would reflect that of the four local communities. The
media in Croatia gave a lot of coverage to the disarma-
495 Raščlamba borbenih djelovanja OSRH u Domovinskom
ratu na zadarsko-šibensko-sinjskom bojištu tijekom ment process and praised the rebel Serbs’ commitment
1992. godine, Zagreb, 1999., 54, 62-64. to peace. In reality, the rebel Serbs of Gorski Kotar had
496 HDA, HUPMEZ: Dogovor ovlaštenih predstavnika no choice but to surrender and made a mockery of the
Mjesnih zajednica Drežnica, Gomirje, Jasenak i Srpske media’s praise by surrendering only 20% of the weapons
Moravice i Policijske uprave Karlovac od 6. 7. 1992.; HM- the JNA had supplied them with. They obviously decided
DCDR: Štab odbrane Gorskog kotara, Što sa Srbima Gor-
skog kotara, I deo, br. 3-1 od 18. 5. 1994.; F. GREGURIĆ, to bide their time until another opportunity to take up
Vlada demokratskog jedinstva, 642-643. arms against the Croatian government presented itself.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Ratnu 1992. u Bosni i Hercegovini obilježilo je na- Throughout 1992 the Bosnian Serbs strove to occu-
stojanje bosanskohercegovačkih Srba da uz što manji py as much of the country’s territory as possible with as
napor uzmu što veći dio teritorija države. Za razliku od little effort as possible. In the early stages of the war, un-
Muslimana i Hrvata, Srbi su vrlo rano znali što žele i te like the Muslims and Bosnian Croats, the Bosnian Serbs
želje su već u ranoj fazi rata stavili na papir. Njihova je knew exactly what they wanted and they put their goals
Narodna skupština u Banjoj Luci 12. svibnja prihvatila on paper. The Assembly of the Serbian People of Bosnia
odluku o strategijskim ciljevima Srba u BiH, koji su oči- and Herzegovina adopted the decision on strategic goals
to prije dogovoreni u srpskom političkom vrhu, vjero- of the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Banja Luka on
jatno u Beogradu. Odluka je bila kratka i u samo šest May 12. The strategic goals, as presented in the decision,
točaka sažela je što Srbi žele: 1) državno razgraničenje had been agreed with the Serbian leadership sometimes
od druga dva naroda, 2) koridor između Semberije i before the meeting in Banja Luka. In all probability, the
Krajine, 3) uspostavljanje koridora u dolini Drine, “od- text of the decision had been drafted in Belgrade. The
nosno eliminisanje Drine kao granice između srpskih text of the decision was concise, consisting of only 6 ar-
država”, 4) uspostavljanje granice na Uni i Neretvi, 5) ticles:1) Partitioning of Bosnia and Herzegovina along
podjelu Sarajeva na srpski i muslimanski dio i 6) izlaz national lines, 2) Establishing a corridor connecting Sem-
Republike Srpske na more.497 berija and Krajina, 3) Establishing a corridor in the Drina
Provedbu srpskih ratnih ciljeva JNA je počela s di- Valley, “that is, eliminating the Drina River as the bound-
jelovima srpskoga TO-a već u ožujku 1992., dva mjese- ary between the Serbian states”, 4) Establishing boundar-
ca prije no što su oni usvojeni. No iz zapisnika prilikom ies on the Una and Neretva Rivers, 5) Partition of Sarajevo
usvajanja očito je da su ratni ciljevi definirani ranije. into separate Muslim and Serb area, 6) Securing access to
Skloni smo zaključiti da su oni bili jasni već krajem the sea for the Republika Srpska.
1991., u vrijeme kada su Slobodan Milošević i Borisav The JNA and elements of the Serb units of the Terri-
Jović zahtijevali od tadašnjega saveznog sekretara za torial Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina started work-
narodnu obranu SFRJ Veljka Kadijevića da počne pri- ing towards accomplishing the strategic objectives of
preme za pretvaranje JNA u BiH u vojsku bosanskoher- the Bosnian Serbs already in March, 1992, two months
cegovačkih Srba. Realizacija se može posredno gledati before the decision on strategic goals of the Serbs in
po dva korpusna plana, Drini za Tuzlanski, a Krajini za Bosnia and Herzegovina was officially adopted in Banja
Banjalučki korpus.498 Čini se da su ti planovi bili dio ope- Luka. The minutes of the meeting in Banja Luka held on
racijskoga plana Vojske Republike Srpske Bosna-92.499 May 12 clearly reveal that the strategic objectives had
To je značilo postupni razmještaj snaga prema područ- been formulated before – in all probability towards the
jima na koja su Srbi pokazivali aspiracije. end of 1991 when Slobodan Milošević and Borisav Jović
Hrvati su također imali jasan cilj – entitet i obrana had demanded from the then Federal Secretary of Na-
prostora gdje žive Hrvati, a poučeni iskustvom rata u tional Defense of the SFRY Veljko Kadijević to start pre-
Hrvatskoj koji se odrazio i na njih u BiH, uglavnom nisu paring the ground for turning the JNA in Bosnia in Her-
imali iluzija da ne slijedi rat i nastojali su ga dočekati zegovina into an Army of the Republic of Bosnian Serbs.
Two plans for the realization of the objectives described
497 Odluka Narodne skupštine Republike srpskog naroda u above existed, the Drina plan for Tuzla Corps and the Kra-
BiH od 12. 5. 1992. o strateškim ciljevima srpskog naro- jina plan for Banja Luka Corps. It appears that these plans
da u BiH, Službeni glasnik Republike Srpske, br. 22, 26. 11. formed parts of the Bosnia-92 military operation plan of
the Army of the Republika Srpska. The plan called for a
498 Boško Radović, “Marš prema ‘Drini’”, Slobodna Bosna, 26. gradual deployment of forces into the area coveted by
3. 1992., 5; Zapovest Komande 30. partd od 4. 3. 1992.
za izvođenje borbenih dejstava. the Serbs.
499 GŠ VSR BiH, Naređenje str. pov. br. 02/5-118 od 23. 8.
The Bosnian Croats also had a clear goal – to gain
1992. political and cultural autonomy and to defend their ar-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

koliko-toliko spremni. Najmanje pripravni za rat bili su eas. The war in Croatia affected the Bosnian Croats and
Muslimani. Trudili su se biti neutralni u ratu Srba i Hr- they were aware that war was coming to Bosnia and
vata, premda u tom srazu nije moglo biti neutralnih. Herzegovina too. It was imperative for the Bosnian Cro-
Kada su počeli prvi sukobi u BiH u kojima su stradali i ats to prepare, as much as they could in the short time
oni, njihov čelnik Alija Izetbegović i dalje je tvrdoglavo available, for the inevitable war. The Muslims were com-
nastojao izvući nekakav dogovor s krnjim vrhom SFRJ pletely unprepared for war. They tried to stay neutral in
i JNA. Pregovarajući s njima, nije vodio računa o hrvat- the conflict between the Croats and the Serbs but that
skom interesu. Na Hrvate nije računao osim kada su tre- soon proved impossible. When hostilities commenced
bali Muslimanima, poput referenduma na kojem su dali in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Muslim’s initial neutral-
prilog da se preglasaju Srbi. Bošnjački politički vrh očito ity did not spare them the predatory attentions of the
je pretpostavljao da se savezništvo mora nečim platiti, JNA and Bosnian Serbs. Despite that, the Muslim leader
a to je bilo nešto na što nije želio pristati sve dok mu u Alija Izetbegović stubbornly tried to reach some kind of
srpnju 1995. voda nije doslovno došla do grla. accommodation with the rump leadership of the SFRY
S obzirom na to da su ranije počeli pripreme za and the JNA. He negotiated with the Serb leaders and
obranu, Hrvati su 1992. brže od Muslimana napravili the JNA completely disregarding the interests of the Bos-
vojnu organizaciju. Uz potporu iz Hrvatske, ona je na- nian Croats. He ignored the Bosnian Croats, except when
stala iz TO-a općina u kojima su imali političku domi- he needed them. For example, he desperately needed
naciju, a 8. travnja proglašena je Hrvatskim vijećem Bosnian Croats’ votes in the referendum in order to out-
obrane. Do jeseni se HVO sastojao od Glavnoga stože- vote the Serbs. He got the votes but continued working
ra i općinskih stožera. U rujnu je počelo organiziranje against the interests of the Bosnian Croats regardless.
operativnih zona: Jugoistočna Hercegovina u Mostaru, The Bosniak political leadership shied away from allying
Sjeverozapadna Hercegovina u Tomislavgradu, Srednja with the Bosnian Croats for fear of having to grant them
Bosna u Travniku, odnosno Vitezu, i Bosanska Posavina concessions. That changed in July, 1995, when the Bos-
u Bosanskom Brodu, odnosno Orašju. Prelazak na bri- niaks, under merciless onslaught of the Bosnian Serbs,
gadnu organizaciju počeo je u ljeto i dovršen je u kasnu were on the verge of collapse.
jesen 1992. godine. The Bosnian Croats started preparing for war before
Muslimanima je trebalo nekoliko mjeseci da se the Muslims did. In 1992 the Bosnian Croats had a mili-
jasnije odrede prema ratu i sudionicima. Tek su u lip- tary defense force. The armed force of the Bosnian Croats
nju prihvaćene smjernice o ciljevima rata i organizaciji was created with the Republic of Croatia’s support out
vojske, koje su bile više deklarativnog nego stvarnog of the Territorial Defense units from the municipalities
značaja. Osnovna intencija bila je zadržati privid repu- where the Croats were politically stronger than the other
bličkoga kontinuiteta. Stoga je vojna sila u početnoj two constituent nations of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This
fazi zadržala ime Teritorijalna obrana, a u ljeto 23. lipnja armed force was named the Croatian Defense Council
1992. preimenovana je u Armiju Bosne i Hercegovine. (HVO) on April 8. Until the fall of 1992 the HVO consist-
U početnoj je fazi zadržana organizacija okružnih šta- ed of the General Staff and municipal headquarters. In
bova i prostornih sastava u područjima koja su ostala September operative zones were formed: Operative
lojalna ostacima Predsjedništva BiH i Stranci demokrat- Zone Southeast Herzegovina in Mostar, Operative Zone
ske akcije. Northwest Herzegovina in Tomislavgrad, Operative Zone
Izetbegović je mnogo očekivao od međunarodne Central Bosnia in Travnik (its HQ was later located in Vi-
zajednice, mnogo više no što je ona bila spremna pruži- tez) and Operative Zone Bosanska Posavina in Bosanski
ti. Umjesto željene vojne intervencije, UN je u kolovozu Brod (its HQ was later moved to Orašje). By late fall, 1992,
pokrenuo dostavu humanitarne pomoći Sarajevu i dru- every municipality had its own brigade. That process had
gim dijelovima BiH. Sredinom rujna Vijeće sigurnosti started in the summer of the same year.
UN-a obvezalo je UNPROFOR da podrži humanitarne It took a few months for the Muslims to get their
agencije u pružanju pomoći. U listopadu je u Kiseljaku heads around the realities of the situation and determine
organizirano Zapovjedništvo UNPROFOR-a za BiH, na their attitude towards the war and the participants in it.
čijem je čelu bio francuski general Philippe Morillon. U Only in June did they adopt a set of guidelines regard-
sjeverozapadnoj Bosni (Velika Kladuša) angažirana je ing their war aims and organization of their military. The


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

guidelines, in practical terms, meant little. Their primary

purpose was to create an illusion of the republic’s conti-
nuity. For that reason, the Bosniak’s military initially re-
tained the name Territorial Defense. On June 23 it was fi-
nally redesignated as the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
and Herzegovina. During the first phase of the war the
army’s organization still revolved around district head-
quarters and static units in the areas that remained loyal
to the rump Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and
the SDA party.
Alija Izetbegović naively expected a lot more from
the international community than what the interna-
tional community was prepared to give. For example,
Alija Izetbegović expected the UN to intervene militarily
in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Instead, in August, the UN
started sending humanitarian aid to Sarajevo and other
parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In mid-September the
UN Security Council tasked UNPROFOR with support-
ing the efforts of the humanitarian agencies operating
in the country. In October UNPROFOR’s Bosnia High
Command HQ was formed in Kiseljak. The French Gen-
eral Philippe Morillon was the commander of UNPRO-
FOR in Bosnia. The French battalion was deployed in
northwest Bosnia (Velika Kladuša), the British battalion
was deployed in central Bosnia (Vitez and Gornji Vakuf/
Uskoplje) and the Spanish battalion was deployed in
Herzegovina (Mostar and Jablanica). The Canadian bat-
talion was supposed to be deployed in northern Bosnia
(Banja Luka) but the Serbs objected and the plan was
scrapped. The Logistics Battalion was from Belgium and
Busovača, nakon napada zrakoplova JNA, 26. travnja 1992. (au-
tor fotografija: Ilija Milić).
the Netherlands. One part of the Logistics Battalion was
stationed in Vitez and the other near Pančevo in Federa-
Damage inflicted by a JNA air raid, Busovača, April 26, 1992 tive Republic of Yugoslavia.
(Photographs by Ilija Milić).

Francuska bojna, u središnjoj Bosni (Vitez i Gornji Va-

kuf/Uskoplje) Britanska bojna i u Hercegovini (Mostar i
Jablanica) Španjolska bojna. Kanadskoj bojni u sjever-
noj Bosni (Banja Luka) Srbi su uskratili gostoprimstvo.
Logistički bataljun bio je iz Belgije i Nizozemske i dije-
lom je smješten kraj Viteza i Pančeva u SRJ.500

500 ICTY: Završno izvješće Glavnog tajnika UN-a od 24.

11. 1992. sukladno s Rezolucijom Vijeća sigurnosti br.
743 (1992.).


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Stupanjem na snagu Sarajevskoga primirja 3. si-
ječnja 1992. za JNA je počelo kratko zatišje u kojem je The Sarajevo Cease-fire Agreement, concluded on
dovršavala prije započete planove za otvaranje sukoba January 3, 1992, gave the JNA a much needed inter-
u BiH. Razmještaj snaga za rat počela je u ljeto 1991. mission. The JNA used the lull in the fighting against
izvlačenjem dijela snaga iz Slovenije: oklopnoga ba- Croatia to put into motion the already existing plans for
taljuna iz Vrhnike u Banju Luku, 14. pmtbr iz Ljubljane attacking Bosnia and Herzegovina. The deployment of
u Zenicu, 30. partizanske divizije iz Vrhnike u Mrkonjić JNA forces that would be used in the war in Bosnia and
Grad, glavnine 350. raketnog puka PVO-a iz Vrhnike u Herzegovina commenced in the summer of 1991, when
Mostar, a 82. avijacijske brigade iz Cerklja na aerodrom a number of units were pulled out of Slovenia. The Ar-
Zalužani kod Banje Luke.501 Taj je postroj do kraja 1991. mored Battalion moved from Vrhnika to Banja Luka, the
pojačan izvlačenjem JNA iz Hrvatske. U studenome 14th Proletarian Motorized Brigade moved from Ljubljana
su dijelovi 4. oklopne brigade iz Jastrebarskog pre- to Zenica, the 30th Partisan Division moved from Vrhnika
mješteni u Tuzlu i početkom 1992. preustrojeni u 336. to Mrkonjić Grad, the bulk of the 350th Rocket Regiment
mtbr. Brigada je iz Tuzle u travnju 1992. premještena u of the Air Defense moved from Vrhnika to Mostar and the
Šekoviće.502 Iz Dugog Sela i Zagreba glavnina 140. mbr 82nd Aviation Brigade moved from Cerklje to the Zalužani
izvučena je u Sarajevo te ugašena, a ljudstvo i naoru- airport near Banja Luka. The JNA force in Bosnia and
žanje predani su 49. mtbr iz Sarajeva.503 U studenome Herzegovina was augmented by formations pulled out
i prosincu iz Rijeke je u Crnu Goru izvučen ostatak 13. of Croatia by the end of 1991. In November, elements of
korpusa, koji je potom doveden u istočnu Hercegovinu the 4th Armored Brigade were moved from Jastrebarsko
i do ožujka 1992. popunjen i osposobljen za borbu. Do to Tuzla. At the beginning of 1992, the 336th Motorized
10. travnja Generalštab OS SFRJ planirao je izvlačenje Brigade was formed out of the mentioned elements of
iz Zenice, Čapljine i Travnika, gdje nije vidio mogućnost the 4th Armored Brigade. In April the 336th Motorized
opstanka JNA. U suradnji sa SDS-om JNA je planirala do
Brigade was moved from Tuzla to Šekovići. Most of the
sredine travnja 1992. ustrojiti srpske dobrovoljačke sa- troops belonging to the 140th Motorized Brigade arrived
stave i povezati ih s komandama JNA u zonama njihova from Zagreb and Dugo Selo in Sarajevo. The 140th Mo-
djelovanja. Sastavni dio priprema za rat bilo je izvlače- torized Brigade was disbanded and its men and equip-
nje ratnih materijalnih pričuva, posebno vrednijih i su- ment were incorporated into the 49th Motorized Brigade
vremenijih oruđa i oružja iz područja s većinskim mu- from Sarajevo. In November and December the remain-
der of XIII Corps was moved from Rijeka to Montenegro.
Thence, XIII Corps was sent to eastern Herzegovina. By
501 VSA MORH: I uprava GŠOS SFRJ, Naređenje br. 51-1 od
25. 7. 1991.; SVA MORH, Komanda 5. VO, pov. br. 12/152- March, 1992, XIII Corps had been brought up to strength
74 od 1. 8. 1991.; SVA MORH, VSZ: Komanda 5. VO, str. and was ready to be deployed in combat. The General
pov. br. 09/1945-56 od 8. 8. 1991.; HMDCDR: Komanda Staff of the Armed Forces of the SFRY planned to pull the
5. VO, Redovni dnevni izveštaj str. pov. br. 10/43-772 od
JNA units out of Zenica, Čapljina and Travnik, because
31. 7. 1991.; “Ponovo krila nad Zalužanima”, Narodna
armija, 14. 8. 1991., 4; B. B. DIMITRIJEVIĆ, Jugoslovensko the position of those units was deemed untenable. The
ratno vazduhoplovstvo, 295-296. JNA also planned, in collaboration with the SDS, to form
502 VSA MORH: Komanda 5. VO, Naređenje str. pov. br. 9/79- volunteer units and link them with JNA headquarters in
45 od 16. 12. 1991.; VSA MORH: Komanda 2. VO, pov. br. their areas of operations by mid-April. The JNA wanted to
15/15-28 od 16. 3. 1992.; Radovan TAČIĆ, Stakleni ten- pull all the weaponry and equipment, especially modern
kovi: moć i nemoć Četvrte oklopne brigade, Štamparija
weapons and equipment, out of the predominantly Mus-
“Sloboda”, Vršac, 1994., 176.
lim and Croat areas. The leadership of the JNA believed
503 VSA MORH: Komanda 5. VO, Naređenje str. pov. br. 9/79-
45 od 16. 12. 1991.; HMDCDR: Komanda 2. VO, Pov. br. that the JNA forces gathered in Bosnia and Herzegovina
15/15-28 od 16. 3. 1992. would be sufficient to create another Serbian state to the


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

slimanskim i hrvatskim stanovništvom.504 S postojećim west of Drina. The opening moves of that gambit were
snagama u BiH JNA je imala solidnu osnovu da pokuša made by troops of the 2nd and 4th Military Districts. The
stvoriti drugu srpsku državu zapadno od Drine. Prvi je process continued with short interruptions, in the sec-
korak učinila JNA iz 2. i 4. vojne oblasti, a u drugoj po- ond half of May, 1992, and the army of the Serbian Re-
lovini svibnja 1992., uz manji prekid, to je nastavila od public of Bosnia and Herzegovina, that is the army of the
nje nastala Vojska Srpske Republike BiH odnosno Voj- Republika Srpska.
ska Republike Srpske. The scale of the JNA’s offensive against Bosnia and
Golema srpska ofenzivna operacija odvijala se Herzegovina was massive. Operations were conducted
na većem dijelu BiH uz niz specifičnosti. Na područji- in almost all areas of the country. In the predominant-
ma gdje su Hrvati bili u dovoljnoj većini Srbi su imali ly Croat areas the Serbs were not as successful as else-
manje uspjeha, s tim da su negdje, kao u Bosanskoj where. Some successes were achieved though, but more
Posavini i Jajcu, uspjehe postizali u višemjesečnim often than not, at a high price. In the Bosanska Posavina
napornim kampanjama. Na područjima poput Ku- region and Jajce the Serbs gained victories only after bit-
presa uspjeh je postignut u žestokoj borbi u relativno ter campaigning lasting a few months. In areas such as
kratkom vremenu. Na dijelovima bojišta poput Livna, Kupres, successes were achieved relatively quickly, but
Bugojna ili Žepča uspjeh je izostao bez obzira na ulo- the fighting was intense and brutal. In some areas, like
žen napor. Najviše uspjeha Srbi su imali na područjima Livno, Bugojno and Žepče, the Serbs, despite expending
gdje su Hrvati bili najmanje brojni, a HVO slab ili nije a lot of effort, were completely unsuccessful. The Serbs
postojao. Najveće uspjehe Srbi su postigli u Bosanskoj only achieved complete victories in areas where the
krajini, istočnoj Hercegovini i Semberiji, a to znači re- Croats constituted a small minority and HVO units were
lativno brzo, premda je u pojedinim slučajevima bilo weak, or nonexistent. The Serbs’ most notable successes
jakog oružanog otpora. occurred in Bosanska Krajina, eastern Herzegovina and
Način na koji su Srbi stvarali državu bio je sličan u Semberija early in the war, even though the Serbs, on
mnogim područjima. Često su to bile lokalne akcije na some occasions, encountered stiff resistance.
razini općina u kojima su sudjelovale postrojbe JNA, The dynamic by which the Serbs set out to create a
TO-a, SDS-a ili paravojne formacije dovedene iz Srbi- Greater Serbian state was similar in many areas. Every-
je. Te su akcije često bile slične: okruživanje nesrpskih thing often revolved around local, low-scale actions on
područja prije borbe, nerazmjerno jak odgovor na neki the level of municipality, using units belonging to the
gotovo beznačajan događaj, davanje ultimatuma za JNA, the Territorial Defense, the SDS party and paramil-
predaju oružja, granatiranje, napad i razaranje naselja, itary units imported from Serbia. The tactical signature
prisilno odvođenje stanovništva u logore, protjerivanje of these actions in most cases followed a similar pattern;
i pljačka njihove imovine. U nekoliko su slučajeva po- encircling non-Serbs areas prior to attack, using insignif-
vod za intervenciju JNA, a to je redovito značilo zapo- icant or invented incidents as a pretext for a dispropor-
sjedanje i okupaciju, davale srpske paravojne postroj- tionately strong response, issuing ultimatums for surren-
be. One su po iskustvima iz Hrvatske 1991. bile možda der, artillery bombardment and deliberate destruction
najučinkovitiji izazivač sukoba.505 of villages, rounding up the inhabitants and transporting
them to concentration camps, expelling the non-Serb
population and confiscating their property. In a number
of cases the activities of Serb paramilitary formations
provided pretexts for the JNA to act. In these cases the
JNA would occupy the area in question. The Serb para-
504 ICTY: I uprava GŠ OS SFRJ, Zabeleška, str. pov. br. 585-2 military formations in Bosnia were, in most cases, the
od 3. 4. 1992. Prijepis u: Stjepan ŠIBER, Prevare, zablude, prime instigator of conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
istina: ratni dnevnik 1992., Rabic, Sarajevo, 2000., 236-238. In that respect, they did not differ from the Serb paramil-
505 ICTY: Ewan BROWN, Vojna situacija u Bosanskoj krajini – itary formations in Croatia during 1991.
1992.: Analiza situacije, Haag, 27. 11. 2002., 61; ICTY: Rey-
naud THEUNENS, “Vojni aspekt uloge Jovice Stanišića i
Franka Simatovića u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini
(1991–1995)”, Haag, 30. 6. 2007.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Srpska operacija “čišćenja” teritorija od nesrpskog The Serbs started their “ethnic cleansing” operation
stanovništva počela je u istočnoj Bosni, težišno u dolini in eastern Bosnia. The epicenter of this initial effort was in
rijeke Drine, gdje su gradovi odnosno općine Bijeljina u the Drina Valley, in the municipalities of Bijeljina, Zvornik,
Semberiji, potom Zvornik, Vlasenica, Bratunac, Srebreni- Vlasenica, Bratunac, Srebrenica, Rogatica, Višegrad, Go-
ca, Rogatica, Višegrad, Goražde, Čajniče, Rudo i Foča. Dio ražde, Čajniče, Rudo and Foča. Some of these municipal-
je bio na Drini, a dio u relativnoj blizini rijeke. Srbi su izra- ities were located relatively close to the river Drina and
zitu većinu imali u gradiću Rudo, u općini Bijeljina (u kojoj some were centered on the river itself. The municipalities
su Muslimani držali grad i veliko selo Janju), a neznatnu of Rudo and Bijeljina were predominantly Serb. In the
većinu u Čajniču. Bijeljina Municipality the Muslims controlled the city of
Na tom je području JNA imala skromne mirnodopske Bijeljina and the sizeable village of Janja. In the Čajnić
snage. U Bijeljini su bili 38. partizanska divizija i 670. pon- Municipality the Serbs made up a small majority.
tonirski bataljun iz sastava Tuzlanskoga korpusa. Sarajev- In this area the presence of the JNA was limited to a
ski korpus u Han Pijesku imao je 216. brdsku brigadu, čiji number of units belonging to the peacetime contingent.
In the Bijeljina Municipality were the 38th Partisan Divi-
je jedan bataljun bio u Vlasenici. Osvajanje Podrinja, što je
bio treći od strategijskih ciljeva Srba u BiH, JNA je počela sion and the 670th Pontoon Battalion belonging to Tuzla
premještanjem glavnine 336. mtbr iz Tuzle prema Podri- Corps. The 216th Mountain Brigade, belonging to Saraje-
nju. Najprije je jedan oklopni bataljun 28. veljače poslan na vo Corps, was stationed in Han Pijesak. One battalion of
osiguranje mostova i hidroelektrane kod Zvornika. Glavni- the 216th Mountain Brigade was stationed in Vlasenica.
na brigade izvučena je 5. travnja s aerodroma kod Tuzle u Having captured the Podrinje region, which was, in order
Šekoviće, a 21. travnja izvučen je ostatak postrojbe. Sredi- of importance, the third strategic objective of the Serbs
nom travnja angažiran je dio Užičkoga korpusa na području in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the JNA began to move the
Višegrada i Goražda. U travnju je Komanda 1. vojne oblasti bulk of the 336th Motorized Brigade from Tuzla towards
osnovala Operativnu grupu Drina, koja je djelovala s obje the Podrinje region. On February 28 one armored bat-
strane rijeke u općinama Zvornik, Loznica i Ljubovija. U sa- talion was sent to secure the bridges and hydroelectric
stavu OG-a Drina bili su, među ostalima, 336. mtbr i oklopni power plant at Zvornik. The main body of the 336th Mo-
bataljun 453. mbr iz Srijemske Mitrovice.506 torized Brigade was moved, on April 5, from Tuzla Airport
Rat u istočnoj Bosni započela je paravojna skupina to Šekovići. On April 21 the rest of the Brigade was also
Željka Ražnatovića Arkana, koja je 1. travnja zauzela Bi- moved there. In mid-April elements of the Užice Corps
jeljinu. Ista je skupina uz potporu TO-a i JNA predvodila were used in and around Višegrad and Goražde. In April
napad na Zvornik, koji je zauzet 10. travnja, premda su the HQ of the 1st Military District formed Operational
muslimanske snage na pojedinim mjestima dugo pru- Group Drina. Operational Group Drina operated on both
žale otpor. Višegrad su Srbi napali 7. travnja, no tek su sides of the river in the municipalities of Zvornik, Lozni-
uvođenje dijelova Užičkoga korpusa JNA 14. i 15. travnja ca and Ljubovija. The 336th Motorized Brigade and the
i blokada grada omogućili njegovo osvajanje. Uz pomoć Armored Battalion of the 453rd Motorized Brigade from
JNA Srbi su 21. travnja bez borbe zauzeli Vlasenicu. Ro- Srijemska Mitrovica were, among other units, under the
gaticu je JNA zaposjela sredinom travnja. U Bratuncu su command of Operational Group Drina.
nadzor nad općinom Srbi i JNA (dio 336. mtbr) preuzeli The war in eastern Bosnia started when the para-
military formation led by Željko Ražnatović Arkan cap-
tured Bijeljina on April 1. That same paramilitary group,
506 ICTY: Komanda 2. vojne oblasti, Referat o stanju bor- supported by JNA and Territorial Defense units, led the
bene gotovosti komandi i jedinica 2. VO str. pov. br. attack on Zvornik. The city of Zvornik fell on April 10, but
09/63-26 od 23. 1. 1992.; ICTY: Komanda 1. vojne oblas-
ti, Dnevni operativni izveštaj str. pov. br. 60-497 od 23. 4. it took longer for the Serbs to defeat isolated pockets of
1992.; ICTY: Opštinski štab oružanih snaga RBiH Vlasen- Muslim resistance around the city. The Serbs attacked
ica, Izvještaj br. 01/35/92 od 19. 7. 1992.; ICTY: Koman- Višegrad on April 7. The initial attack failed so the Serbs
da Užičkog korpusa, Studija-analiza: efikasnost sistema
RiK-a u JNA u ratu 1990. - 1992. godine, DT br. 89-1 od put the city under siege and brought elements of Užice
13. 4. 1993.; R. TAČIĆ, Stakleni tenkovi, 176-177, 256-266. Corps as reinforcements. Višegrad finally fell on April 14-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

17. travnja. Ozbiljan otpor Muslimani su pružili u Foči, koja 15. The Serbs, on April 21, with the JNA’s assistance, cap-
je napadnuta 7. i zauzeta 18. travnja.507 tured Vlasenica without a fight. The JNA occupied Rogat-
Srbi su neuspjeh pretrpjeli u napadima na Srebre- ica in mid-April. The Serbs and JNA (elements of the 336th
nicu i Goražde i na području Žepe u općini Rogatica. Motorized Brigade) took control of the Bratunac Munici-
Muslimansko je stanovništvo sabijeno u sjeveroistočni pality on April 17. The Muslims offered spirited resistance
dio općine, na područje Žepe. Područje je blokirano već in Foča. The Serbs attacked the city on April 7 and cap-
u ožujku 1992., a obrana je postavljena na dva pravca s tured it on April 18.
kojih se moglo ući. Početkom lipnja VRS je napao iz prav- The Serbs’ attacks on Srebrenica, Goražde and
ca Han Pijeska i pretrpio velik neuspjeh.508 Muslimanska around Žepa in the Rogatica Municipality were not suc-
Teritorijalna obrana Goražda odbacila je na prijelazu iz cessful. The Muslim population in the Žepa Municipality
svibnja u lipanj srpske snage prema Ustikolini.509 Mu- was forced to flee to the northeastern part of the munic-
slimani su 24. srpnja 1992. uspjeli deblokirati Goražde, ipality. The Serbs put the area under blockade already in
odnosno napraviti koridor od Grepka preko Jabuke do March, 1992. The Muslims set up a defensive perimeter
Goražda.510 Muslimani su se uspjeli održati i organizirati with two entry points. At the beginning of June, the VRS
otpor u Cerskoj (Vlasenica), Kamenici (Zvornik) i dijelu attacked from the direction of Han Pijesak, but the de-
općine Bratunac te su ugrožavali za Srbe važan most u fenders soundly defeated the Serbs. At the end of May
Novoj Kasabi.511 and beginning of June the Muslim Territorial Defense of
Sredinom kolovoza muslimanske snage iz Rogatice Goražde pushed back the Serb attacking force towards
zauzele su srpsko uporište Hranjen i presjekle prometni- Ustikolina. On July 24 the Muslims breached the encir-
cu Pale – Prača – Hrenovica – Hranjen – Jabuka – Površ- clement around Goražde by creating a corridor from
nica – Goražde. U drugoj polovini kolovoza 1992. Armija Grepak, via Jabuka to Goražde. The Muslims managed to
Republike BiH oslobodila je u operaciji Krug cjelokupno beat back Serbs attacks on Cerska (Vlasenica Municipali-
područje Goražda na lijevoj obali Drine.512 ty), Kamenica (Zvornik Municipality) and in some areas in
Srpske su snage najlošije stajale u Podrinju jer je te- the Bratunac Municipality. Muslim forces also threatened
žište ofenzive bilo u ostalim dijelovima BiH. Drugi je pro- the strategically important bridge in Nova Kasaba.
blem bio to što su u Podrinju Srbi zauzeli općinska sre- In mid-August Muslim forces operating from Rogati-
ca captured Hranjen, a Serb stronghold, and thus cut the
Pale – Prača – Hrenovica – Hranjen – Jabuka – Površnica
507 ICTY: Opštinski štab oružanih snaga RBiH Vlasenica, Izv-
ještaj br. 01/35/92 od 19. 7. 1992.; ICTY: Komanda Užičkog – Goražde communications route. In the second half of
korpusa, Studija-analiza: efikasnost sistema RiK-a u JNA u August, 1992, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
ratu 1990.-1992. godine, DT br. 89-1 od 13. 4. 1993.; Nusret Herzegovina liberated, during Operation Krug (Circle)
E. AGIĆ, Živi štitovi. Hronika desetog genocida nad Bošnjaci-
ma i počeci otpora naroda općine Rogatica, “Hod”, Sarajevo,
the area of the Goražde Municipality on the left bank of
1995., 25-26, 68-69; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 234-236; Edi- the Drina River.
na BEĆIREVIĆ, Genocid u istočnoj Bosni 1992.–1993., 55-62, The Serb forces were the weakest in the Podrinje
izvod iz monografije Na Drini genocid, istraživanje organi-
region because the main offensive efforts were focused
ziranog zločina u istočnoj Bosni, Buybook, Sarajevo, 2009.
on other areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Another prob-
508 ICTY: Komanda SRK, Instrukcija za dalja dejstva str. pov.
br. 10-74-44 od 7. 6. 1992.; ICTY: Predsjedništvo Srpske lem the Serbs faced in the Podrinje region was the fact
Republike BiH, Odluka br. 01-779/92 od 9. 8. 1992.; Fuad that the Serbs there controlled only administrative cen-
Dorić, “Smrtonosna klopka za četnike”, Prva linija, Saraje-
ters of the municipalities. The rugged and inaccessible
vo, br. 2, 1. 2. 1993., 10-11.
areas outside the urban centers remained under Muslim
509 Medina Delalić, “Žive vatrene bombe”, Prva linija, br. 1, 8. control. A significant portion of the Muslim population
12. 1992., 22-23.
in the municipalities, for example the Foča Municipality,
510 A. KLIKO, F. ĆUSKIĆ, 17. Viteška Krajiška brdska brigada therefore, did not flee. This Muslim presence there made
ARBiH, 51-52.
life uneasy for the inhabitants of the Serb villages in the
511 ICTY: Opštinski štab oružanih snaga RBiH Vlasenica, Izv-
ještaj br. 01/35/92 od 19. 7. 1992.
area. The JNA had no units stationed in some areas of the
municipalities in the Podrinje region. The role of the VRS
512 ICTY: GŠ VSR BiH, Informacija o stanju morala u VSR str.
pov. br. 16/10-110 od 9. 9. 1992.; N. E. AGIĆ, Živi štitovi, there was defensive – the troops were tasked with activi-
83-85; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 246. ties suited more to a police force than an army. Warfare in


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

dišta, a značajan je dio teško prohodnih područja ostao these areas assumed the character of tribal conflicts prac-
bez njihova nadzora. Stoga je u dijelu općina poput Foče ticed by peoples existing below the military horizon. The
dio muslimanskoga stanovništva ostao u općini i ugro- terrain favored the Muslim forces in the area which also
žavao sela sa srpskim stanovništvom. U dijelu tih općina outnumbered the VRS forced deployed there. For that
nisu bile ukupne snage JNA, pa je VRS bio milicijskoga reason the VRS was on the defensive, its main objective
karaktera, a dobar dio tih sukoba imao je elemente se- to hold the conquered areas. On September 25, 1992, the
oskih ratova. Zbog širokog prostora i nepovoljnog od- VRS launched an offensive operation from Gacko, Kalino-
nosa snaga VRS je često bio u defenzivi i čuvao stečene vik, Foča and Montenegro against the Muslim forces in
položaje. Vojska Republike Srpske pokrenula je 25. rujna Vučevo, Tjentište and Zelengora. After three days of fight-
1992. napadnu operaciju iz Gackog, Kalinovika, Foče i ing the Serbs forced the Muslim forces and the Muslim
Crne Gore protiv muslimanskih skupina na Vučevu, Tjen- population to flee towards Grebak and Trnovo.
tištu i Zelengori i nakon trodnevne borbe natjerala ih je The Muslim forces were inferior to the Serbs in terms
sa stanovništvom na dugotrajno i mukotrpno izvlačenje of weapons and equipment but were, nevertheless, be-
prema Grepku i Trnovu.513 coming ever more aggressive. The Muslims threatened
Iako inferiorne u naoružanju i opremi, musliman- Višegrad and roads leading to Sarajevo. As a result, the
ske su snage bile sve poduzetnije, ugrozile su Višegrad VRS in eastern Bosnia was thoroughly restructured; Drina
i prometnice prema Sarajevu, zbog čega je VRS u istoč- Corps was formed out of elements of East Bosnia Corps,
noj Bosni temeljito reorganiziran osnivanjem Drinskoga Sarajevo-Romanija Corps and Herzegovina Corps. The
korpusa od dijelova Istočnobosanskoga, Sarajevsko-ro- task of the newly formed corps was to inflict a decisive
manijskoga i Hercegovačkoga korpusa.514 Zadatak kor- defeat on the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
pusa bio je razbiti ARBiH, a muslimansko stanovništvo zegovina, force the Muslim population to flee from the
natjerati da napusti područje Cerske, Žepe, Srebrenice i municipalities of Cerska, Žepa, Srebrenica and Goražde,
Goražda, osposobiti za promet prometnicu Milići – Ko- open for traffic the Milići – Konjević Polje – Zvornik high-
njević Polje – Zvornik te otvoriti koridor prema istočnoj way and close the corridor towards eastern Herzegovi-
Hercegovini. Pomoćnim snagama odsudno je branio na. Auxiliary forces belonging to the corps defended the
branu kod Višegrada, Zvornik i koridor Sokolac – Šeko- dam near Višegrad, Zvornik and the Sokolac – Šekovići
vići – Caparde – Zvornik.515 – Caparde – Zvornik corridor.
S druge strane, muslimanske su snage u Goraždu The Muslim forces in Goražde were formed, on No-
1. studenoga združene u Istočnobosansku operativnu vember 1, into Operational Group East Bosnia of the
grupu Armije RBiH. Skupina je od 19. do 25. prosinca Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Op-
1992. pokušala osloboditi područje oko Ustikoline, u erational Group East Bosnia tried to liberate, during the
čemu nije uspjela.516 period from December 19-25, the area around Ustikolina
without success.
U Tuzli je bilo središte i dio snaga Tuzlanskoga kor-
pusa JNA. Nakon što su srpske snage zauzele Doboj, The HQ and a number of formations of Tuzla Corps
Tuzla je odsječena od dijela BiH pod nadzorom Musli- of the JNA were stationed in Tuzla. After the Serbs had
captured Doboj Tuzla was cut off from the Muslim-con-
trolled areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tuzla was also
513 ICTY: GŠ VRS, Naređenje str. pov. br. 02/5-176 od 29. 10. under threat from the near-by Serb strongholds on Maje-
1992.; Taib-Tato ČELIK, Diverzanti, TKD Šahinpašić, Sara-
jevo, 2004., 35-38. vica and Ozren. In addition, a strong pro-Serbian faction
was active in the city. The faction toyed with the idea of
514 ICTY: GŠ VRS, Poduzimanje mjera za odbranu gradova u
dolini Drine, Naređenje str. pov. br. 02/5-176 od 29. 10. securing a regional autonomy within a rump Yugoslavia.
1992.; M. MILOVANOVIĆ, Istine i zablude, 55. In April the HQ of Tuzla Corps was moved to Ugljevik.
515 ICTY: Komanda Drinskog korpusa, Odluka za dalja dejst- Only the 92th Motorized Brigade of the JNA remained in
va str. pov. br. 2-126 od 24. 11. 1992. the city. Hostilities in this region started on April 27 in Ži-
516 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 246. vinice. The battle for Kalesija lasted from May 2 to May


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mana. Bila je ugrožena i s obližnjih srpskih uporišta na 11. The Serbs and the JNA defeated the Muslim force and
Majevici i Ozrenu. Uz to je u gradu bila jaka prosrpska captured the city. In Tuzla the municipal leaders negoti-
opcija koja je kalkulirala s regionalnom autonomijom ated with the JNA. The JNA agreed to withdraw the 92nd
u okviru krnje Jugoslavije. U travnju je Komanda Tu- Brigade from the city. Muslim forces attacked the with-
zlanskoga korpusa premještena u Ugljevik, a u gradu drawing column on May 15 at Brčanska Malta, inflicting
je ostala 92. mtbr JNA. Borbe u regiji počele su 27. trav- heavy casualties on the 92nd Brigade. By May 17 the JNA
nja u Živinicama, a JNA i Srbi zauzeli su u borbama od had completely vacated Tuzla. The Territorial Defense
2. do 11. svibnja Kalesiju. U Tuzli je općinsko rukovod- thus acquired considerable amount of weapons and set
stvo dogovorilo s JNA odlazak 92. brigade. Prilikom up defensive positions guarding against Serb attacks
evakuacije brigade muslimanske su snage 15. svibnja from Majevica, Kalesija and Ozren.
napale kolonu na Brčanskoj Malti i nanijele joj velike
gubitke. Jugoslavenska narodna armija iselila se 17. THE SIEGE OF SARAJEVO
svibnja, nakon čega je TO došao do svojega naoruža-
nja i organizirao crtu prema Srbima na Majevici, prema Two incidents heralded the beginning of the war; a
Kalesiji i Ozrenu.517 Muslim killed a Serb at a wedding and Serbs put up bar-
ricades in Sarajevo on March 2, 1992. Sarajevo, as the
OPSADA SARAJEVA capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, was the seat of the
Supreme HQ of the JNA forces in the country and admin-
Ubojstvo srpskoga svata i podizanje barikada u istrative center. The city’s importance, for both the Serbs
Sarajevu 2. ožujka 1992. bili su najava skoroga rata. and the Muslims, was immense. There were eight barracks
Grad je bio sjedište JNA u BiH, ali i političko središte, scattered throughout the city. From the barracks, the JNA
pa je njegov položaj imao iznimnu važnost za Mu- could keep almost the whole city under fire. The conflict
slimane i Srbe. U gradu je bilo osam vojarni, iz kojih started on April 5, 1992, when the Serb Militia attacked
se vatrom mogao nadzirati veći dio grada. Sukob je the School of the MUP in Vraca. Various armed groups re-
počeo 5. travnja 1992. napadom srpske milicije na sisted the Serbs. The city headquarters of the Territorial
školu MUP-a na Vracama. Otpor JNA i Srbima pruži- Defense tried to coordinate the actions of these groups.
le su razne naoružane skupine čije je djelovanje na- The JNA and Serb paramilitaries managed to capture
stojao koordinirati Gradski štab TO-a. Jugoslavenska most of Dobrinja on April 22. After a brief cease-fire, hostil-
narodna armija i Srbi uspjeli su 22. travnja zauzeti dio ities recommenced on April 29. The JNA attempted to pull
Dobrinje. Nakon kraćega primirja 29. travnja borbe out the HQ of the 2nd Military District on May 2-3. On May
su ponovno eskalirale. Pokušaj izvlačenja Komande 2, when President of the BiH Presidency Alija Izetbegović
2. vojne oblasti 2. i 3. svibnja i zarobljavanje pred- returned from Portugal, the JNA took him prisoner. These
sjednika Predsjedništva BiH Alije Izetbegovića nakon actions marked the end of the JNA’s ostensible neutrality.
povratka iz Portugala 2. svibnja bio je kraj navodne The HQ of the 2nd Military District, with Izetbegović in its
neutralnosti JNA u Sarajevu. S Izetbegovićem u ruka- hands, tried to blackmail the Territorial Defense of Bosnia
ma, Komanda 2. vojne oblasti pokušala je prekinuti and Herzegovina into stopping their attacks on JNA facil-
napade TO-a BiH na vojne objekte u Sarajevu. Izetbe- ities and installations in Sarajevo. The JNA started pulling
gović je u pratnji JNA i uz posredovanje UNPROFOR-a out, still holding Izetbegović, towards Grbavica on May 3.
doveden u Komandu 2. vojne oblasti, koja je poslije- At Skenderija, after negotiations involving UNPROFOR,
podne 3. svibnja krenula u premještanje prema Grba- Izetbegović was released. The Muslims then attacked the
vici. Kod “Skenderije” je Izebegović pušten, a vojna je column in Dobrovoljačka Street and inflicted heavy casu-
kolona nakon toga napadnuta u Dobrovoljačkoj ulici, alties on the retreating troops.
The JNA took positions on the hills around the city
and Sarajevo Corps was redesignated as Sarajevo Ro-
517 Izjava majora Ranka Belojice dana 1. 6. 1993.; Vahid manija Corps of the VRS. The siege of Sarajevo had be-
KARAVELIĆ, Agresija na Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Sjeverois- gun. The Territorial Defense units in the encircled city
točna Bosna 1991.–1992., Institut za istraživanje zločina
protiv čovječnosti i međunarodnog prava, Sarajevo, were commanded by the regional HQ of the Territorial
2004., 238; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 239-241. Defense. In September, 1992, the regional HQ of the Ter-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

pri čemu su joj naneseni veliki gubici.518 ritorial Defense became the Main HQ of I Corps of the
Izvlačenjem snaga JNA na brda u okolici grada Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
i preimenovanjem Sarajevskoga korpusa u Sarajev- Muslim forces, after heavy fighting on May 15-16,
sko-romanijski korpus VRS-a počela je duga opsada captured Pofalići and prevented the Serbs to link up their
grada. U okruženom Sarajevu TO-om je zapovijedao forces in Vogošća and Rajlovac with those on Lukavica and
Regionalni štab TO-a, koji je u rujnu 1992. prerastao u Grbavica. At the beginning of June, the General Staff of
Komandu 1. korpusa Armije RBiH.519 the Army of the Republika Srpska ordered an attack the
U borbama 15. i 16. svibnja muslimanske su snage objective of which was to cut through the city’s defens-
zauzele Pofaliće i spriječile Srbe da se iz smjera Vogošće es along the Nedžarići – Stup – Rajlovac line. The attempt
i Rajlovca spoje sa snagama na Lukavici i Grbavici. Po- failed. The Muslims, during a two day battle – June 7 and
četkom lipnja Glavni štab Srpske vojske naredio je da se 8 – broke the encirclement around Dobrinja. The Army of
grad presiječe na pravcu Nedžarići – Stup – Rajlovac.520 the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina made a several
Ni taj pokušaj nije uspio, muslimanske su snage 7. i 8. attempts to lift the siege of Sarajevo – the first undertaken
lipnja deblokirale Dobrinju. Pokušaji ARBiH od 31. srpnja on August 31, 1992 – but without success. In the attempt
do 31. kolovoza 1992. da deblokira Sarajevo nisu uspjeli. launched on August 31 the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
Armija Republike BiH u tom je pokušaju 31. srpnja na- and Herzegovina managed to capture Trnovo, the only city
pala i zauzela Trnovo, prvo i jedino naselje statusa gra- the Muslims wrested from Serb control until the battles for
da koje je uzeto od Srba do borbi za Kupres dvije i pol Kupres two and a half years later. The VRS responded by
godine poslije. Vojska Republike Srpske odgovorila je launching a counterattack from the direction of Vogošće
protunapadom iz smjera Vogošće i Rajlovca od 18. do and Rajlovac. This battle lasted from September 18 to
23. rujna, no bez uspjeha. Potom je težište njezina djelo- September 23 and ended in a Serb defeat. After the failed
vanja prebačeno na odsijecanje Sarajeva od aerodroma counterattack the VRS shifted the focus of its offensive op-
u Otesu, Stupu i Azićima. Naselja su napadnuta 2. pro- erations to cutting off Sarajevo from the airports in Otes,
sinca i do 6. prosinca muslimanske su snage potisnute iz Stup and Azići. The attack commenced on December 2. By
Otesa, Azića i dijela Stupa. Uz velike gubitke, srpski je na- December 6 the Muslim forces there had been chased out
pad zaustavljen na dijelu Stupa do Stupske Petlje, čime from Otes, Azići and parts of Stup. The defenders of Stup,
je spriječeno odsijecanje prigradskih naselja Hrasnice, at the cost of tremendous casualties, managed to halt
Sokolović Kolonije i Butmira. U završnici napada snage the Serbs’ onslaught at the Stup interchange. Thus, the
1. korpusa Armije RBiH počele su protunapad na plato Muslims saved the suburban neighborhoods of Hrasnice,
Žuč i sasvim ga zauzele 15. prosinca, čime su otklonile Sokolović and Butimir from being cut off from the rest of
opasnost iz smjera Vogošće i Rajlovca. Potom su 18. pro- the city. The ARBIH I Corps then launched a counterattack
sinca 1992. dijelovi 1., 3. i 4. korpusa ARBiH počeli ope- on the Žuč plateau and captured it on December 15. This
raciju deblokade Sarajeva Sloboda ‘92, odnosno Koverta. success made further Serb attacks from the direction of
Operacija je vođena s Igmana i nakon dva dana borbi Vogošće and Rajlovac impossible. Then, on December 18.
neuspješno je završila zbog nerealnih ciljeva i izostanka
1992, elements of I, III and IV Corps launched Operation
angažmana većine dogovorenih snaga.521
Sloboda-92 (Freedom-92). The aim was to lift the siege of
Sarajevo. The operation was commanded from Igman. Af-
518 Komanda 2. VO, Borbeni i operativni izveštaj str. pov. br. ter two days of fighting the Muslims made no significant
10/36-2400 od 21. 4. 1992.; Komanda 2. VO, Borbeni i op-
erativni izveštaj str. pov. br. 10/36-2524 od 29. 4. 1992.; headway and gave up the ghost. The operation failed be-
ICTY: Komanda 4. K, Događaji u Bosni i Hercegovini, cause the objectives were unrealistic and most forces that
odnos i odraz ukupnog stanja na JNA, str. pov. br. 75-1 were supposed to participate in the operation were, for
od 7. 5. 1992.; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 218, 257-261.
various reasons, not engaged in combat.
519 H. EFENDIĆ, Ko je branio Bosnu, 167. At the end of May, 1992, the Croatian Defense Coun-
520 ICTY: GŠ VSR BiH, Direktiva za dalja dejstva str. pov. br. cil was formed in Sarajevo. The military value of the Cro-
02/5-22 od 6. 6. 1992.; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 262-263. atian Defense Council in the Sarajevo region was minor
521 Mirsad ĆATIĆ ČUPERAK, Sjene nad Igmanom: Ratni because both the Serb and Muslim forces there were
dnevnik, 1992.–1996., autorsko izdanje, Sarajevo, 2000.,
170-173; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 262-268; A. KLIKO, F. vastly superior to the Croats in both men and matériel.
ĆUSKIĆ, 17. Viteška Krajiška brdska brigada ARBiH, 54-55. The leadership of the Croats was well aware of the supe-


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U Sarajevu je krajem svibnja 1992. osnovano Hr- riority of the both the Serb and Muslim forces and their
vatsko vijeće obrane. U općem odnosu bošnjačkih i aim was to protect the Croats living in Sarajevo to the
srpskih snaga u sarajevskoj regiji njegova vojnička fullest extent possible. It has to be pointed out that the
važnost bila je minorna. To je bilo jasno osnivačima, Muslim/Bosniak majority was determined to marginalize
koji su nastojali da zajednica Hrvata u Sarajevu što the Croat minority. The Croats, on the other hand, tried to
bezbolnije prođe kroz rat. Njezin je položaj pokazatelj preserve their political and military relevance. The Croa-
odnosa većine (Bošnjaci) prema izrazitoj manjini (Hr- tian Defense Council in Sarajevo held defensive positions
vati) koja nastoji sačuvati svoj politički i vojnički izričaj. facing the VRS troops positioned in Stup, Otes, Doglodi,
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane Sarajevo držalo je crtu prema Azići and Bare. In addition, the Croatian Defense Council
VRS-u u Stupu, Otesu, Doglodima, Azićima i Barama. secured 96 large industrial installations and facilities. The
Uz to je osiguravalo 96 velikih gospodarskih objekata. area of responsibility of the Croatian Defense Council
Zona HVO-a bila je teško branjiva, nalazila se gotovo u was almost completely surrounded by Serb forces. The
okruženju srpskih snaga i mogla se održati uglavnom Croatian Defense Council was in no shape to resist a de-
suzdržavanjem od sukoba i tolerantnim odnosom pre- termined Serb attack on its positions. Therefore, the HVO
ma srpskom stanovništvu, kao u Doglodima. Nekoliko tried not to provoke the Serb forces and protected the
mjeseci to je doista i funkcioniralo.522 Serb population in its area of responsibility, as well as in
Ubrzo po osnutku HVO-a lokalni bošnjački gos- Doglodi. This strategy of non-confrontation was actually
podari rata (Ramiz Delalić Ćelo, Jusuf Juka Prazina i successful for a few months.
Ismet Bajramović Ćelo) počeli su na njemu vježbati As soon as the Croatian Defense Council was formed,
snagu, pri čemu su imali punu potporu vojnoga vrha the local Muslim warlords (Ramiz “Ćelo” Delalić, Jusuf Juka
TO-a BiH, odnosno TO-a okruga Sarajevo. Na ruku im Prazina and Ismet “Ćelo” Bajramović) started provoking
je išla podjela unutar HVO-a nakon imenovanja Veli- incidents, the aim of which was to humiliate the newly
mira Marića predsjednikom HVO-a Sarajeva. Pritisci formed HVO. It has to be pointed out that the mentioned
su počeli u srpnju 1992., najprije političkim uvjerava- warlords acted with full approval and support from the
njem, informativnim blokadama i dezinformacijama, a military leadership of the Territorial Defense of Bosnia
potom i demonstracijom sile prema čelnicima sarajev- and Herzegovina in general and the Territorial Defense of
skoga HVO-a, a poslije i prema hrvatskom stanovniš- the Sarajevo District in particular. The internal squabbles
tvu. Najveći su incidenti bili pljačka tvornice čokolade within the HVO, especially after the appointment of Veli-
Zora 24. srpnja, a potom nekoliko upada Armije RBiH mir Marić as President of the HVO Sarajevo played right
u hrvatska naselja tijekom kolovoza. U upadu 11. ko- into the hands of the HVO’s Muslim enemies. The Muslims
lovoza ARBiH je zaposjela zonu HVO-a u Stupu, Otesu, initially asserted their dominance over the HVO by polit-
Barama, Azićima i Doglodima, razoružala dio vojnika, ical pressures, information blockade and disinformation.
uhitila zapovjednika HVO-a i zadržala ga u pritvoru 24 Pretty soon these, for want of a better word, soft methods
sata. Tijekom upada 22. kolovoza ARBiH je izvela be- gave way to unbridled aggression towards the leaders of
značajan napad prema Ilidži, na što je VRS odgovorio the HVO Sarajevo and the Croatian population in the city.
granatiranjem Stupa, Otesa, Azića i Bara, pri čemu je The larges incidents were the pillage of the Zora choco-
poginulo osam civila i pričinjena velika materijalna late factory on July 24 and numerous incursions into the
šteta na civilnim objektima.523 Croatian neighborhoods during August. On August 11,
during one such incursion, the Army of the Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina occupied the Croatian held ar-
eas in Stup, Otes, Bare, Azići and Doglodi, disarmed many
522 HVO Sarajevo, Izvješće br. 140/1-92 od 25. 7. 1992.; HVO
Sarajevo, Izvješće br. 342/92 od 25. 8. 1992.; Prosvjed HVO soldiers and arrested the commander of the HVO,
HVO Sarajevo od 13. 9. 1992.; Izvješće o radu općinskog holding him prisoner for 24 hours. During the incursion
stožera HVO Novo Sarajevo od 1. 10. 1992. on August 22, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
523 HVO Sarajevo, Izvješće br. 140/1-92 od 25. 7. 1992.; In- Herzegovina attacked the Serb positions towards Ilidža.
formacija Dopredsjednika HVO Sarajevo Branka Hutter- The attack had only one purpose; to provoke the Serbs to
era od 13. 8. 1992. o događajima na Stupu; HVO Saraje-
vo, Izvješće br. 342/92 od 25. 8. 1992.; Dopredsjednik HZ respond against Croatian positions. The ploy worked and
HB Dario Kordić od 11. 9. 1992. za Brunu Stojića. the VRS launched an artillery attack on Stup, Otes, Azić


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Armija Republike BiH iznenada je 12. rujna krenula and Bare. The shelling killed eight civilians and destroyed
u razoružanje srpskoga stanovništva u Doglodima, što many residential buildings and houses.
je preraslo u uhićenja hrvatskoga stanovništva i vojni- On September 12 the Army of the Republic of Bos-
ka HVO-a te pljačku civilnih i gospodarskih objekata. nia and Herzegovina launched a sudden incursion into
Pothvat ARBiH prekinuo je VRS napadom i zauzima- Doglodi. The aim, ostensibly, was to disarm the Serb
njem naselja, pri čemu je bilo rušenja objekata i ubi- population there. But, before long the Muslim forces
janja hrvatskoga stanovništva, kojem su Srbi zamjerili started arresting Croatian civilians and HVO soldiers at
ulazak bošnjačkih snaga. Bošnjačke snage nisu pružile random and pillaging houses, residential buildings and
nikakav otpor, a hrvatske su se povukle prema Stupu i industrial facilities. This raid was discontinued when the
crta razdvajanja postavljena je u Barama.524 VRS attacked and captured Doglodi. The Serbs destroyed
Posljedice napada Armije RBiH iz smjera Otesa bile a number of houses and buildings and killed a number
su teške za HVO i hrvatsko stanovništvo. “Kuće i sta- of Croatian civilians. The leadership of the VRS viewed
novi su toliko uništeni da se teško može govoriti o sa- the crime as just punishment for the Croats allowing
naciji u dogledno vrijeme.” Rukovodstvo HVO-a s pod- the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to
ručja Stupa uglavnom je napustilo Sarajevo, a vodstva launch attacks on Serbian positions from Doglodi. The
u drugim dijelovima grada navodno su bila u rasulu. Muslim forces in Doglodi did not offer even token resis-
Zbog toga su istaknuti Hrvati iz svih oblasti života 16. tance to the VRS. The HVO troops withdrew towards Stup
rujna dogovorili osnivanje jedinstvenoga HVO-a Sara- and established a defensive line in Bare.
jeva sa Slavkom Zelićem na čelu i političkom platfor- The HVO and the Croat civilians suffered badly as a
mom HVO-a, odnosno Hrvatske zajednice Herceg-Bo- result of the ARBIH’s attack from the direction of Otes.
sne. Zelić je u studenome imenovan zapovjednikom “The houses and buildings were damaged beyond re-
brigade HVO-a Kralj Tvrtko, koja je krajem 1992. imala pair.” Most of the leaders of the HVO troops in Stup left
oko 1500 ljudi.525 Sarajevo and the leaders of the HVO troops deployed in
other areas were, according to some sources, completely
BOSANSKA KRAJINA disheartened. As a result, prominent Croats, on Septem-
ber 16, decided to form the unified HVO of Sarajevo with
Najveću ulogu u stvaranju etničke srpske zajed- Slavko Zelić at its helm and adopted the political platform
nice imao je Banjalučki korpus JNA, poslije 1. krajiški of the HVO/ HZ-HB. In November Zelić was appointed
korpus VRS-a. Korpus je do lipnja glavne efektive imao Commander of the Kralj Tvrtko Brigade of the HVO. At the
u zapadnoj Slavoniji, nakon čega je izvučen i najvećim end of 1992 the Brigade consisted of about 1,500 men.
dijelom angažiran u Bosanskoj Posavini. Izvlačenje
dijela snaga radi priprema za osvajanje dijelova BiH THE BOSANSKA KRAJINA
koje je srpski politički vrh svojatao počelo je u ožujku.
U Bosanskoj krajini te su akcije počele krajem travnja.
Uz JNA angažirane su razne srpske formacije: stranački,
Banja Luka Corps of the JNA, later redesignated as I
SDS-ovi naoružani sastavi, paravojne formacije, policija
Krajina Corps of the VRS played the most important role
i dijelovi TO-a.
in the creation of the Republika Srpska. Until the end
Zauzimanje vitalnih objekata u Sanskom Mostu od
of June the bulk of the Corps was stationed in western
strane Srba 20. travnja 1992. bila je najava etničkoga
Slavonia. At the end of June these forces were pulled
čišćenja Bosanske krajine od nesrpskog stanovništva.
out of western Slavonia and most of them were sent to
Krajem svibnja počelo je “čišćenje” te općine. Bosansku
the Bosanska Posavina region. The process of pulling
Krupu Srbi su napali u noći 20./21. travnja i zauzeli veći
out had began in March as part of the preparations for
the conquest of those parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina
524 Saopćenje članova Gradskog stožera HVO (nedatirano, that the Serbian political leadership coveted. In Bosnian
a odnosi se na događanja od 12. rujna 1992.); Izvješće
HVO Sarajevo od 14. 9. 1992. Krajina the process was on the way by the end of April.
The JNA used many different armed groups as auxilia-
525 Izvješće zapovjednika brigade Kralj Tvrtko o radu HVO
Sarajeva od 17. 12. 1992. ries: armed groups belonging to the SDS party, various


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

dio grada na desnoj obali Une. Općinu Bosanski Novi, paramilitary formations, police units and elements of
u kojoj su imali relativnu većinu, Srbi su “riješili” krajem the Territorial Defense.
travnja. Najveći srpski cilj u Bosanskoj krajini bio je Pri- On April 20, 1992, the Serbs took control of the key
jedor, općina u kojoj su Muslimani imali tijesnu većinu. installations and facilities in Sanski Most. The action her-
U Prijedoru je 30. travnja SDS preuzeo vlast. U prvim alded the Serbs’ campaign of ethnic cleansing in Bosans-
danima svibnja u Prijedor su s područja Pakraca dove- ka Krajina. At the end of May the ethnic cleansing of
deni dijelovi 343. mtbr, koji su 30. svibnja “očistili” grad the municipality began in earnest. The Serbs attacked
uz gubitke od 14 poginulih i 25 ranjenih pripadnika. Bosanska Krupa during the night of April 20-21 and cap-
Najveći otpor Muslimani su pružili na području Kozar- tured most of the city on the right bank of the Una Riv-
ca, koji je slomljen 24. svibnja.526 er and proceeded to ethnically cleanse the conquered
“Čišćenje” općine Ključ obavljeno je od 27. svibnja area. The Bosanski Novi Municipality, in which the Serbs
do 1. lipnja.527 Počelo je nakon sukoba 27. svibnja na formed a relative majority, had already been ethnical-
području Velagića, koji se brzo proširio na područje sje- ly cleansed at the end of April. The largest prize for the
verno od Ključa. Što je slijedilo, kazuje prikaz iz 1993. Serbs in Bosanska Krajina was the Prijedor Municipality.
godine: “Uistinu Srpska vojska, milicija i srpski narod The Muslims formed a small majority in the municipality.
brzim udarom uništili su i razbili genocidne ustaše, a The SDS seized power in the city of Prijedor on April 30.
zatim očistili ostatke ustaša na području opštine Ključ. During the first days of May the JNA transferred the bulk
Ovim je srpski narod sa svojom vojskom i milicijom za- of the 343rd Motorized Brigade from Pakrac to Prijedor. By
uvijek raščistio sa vjekovnim neprijateljem.”528 May 30, the Serbs had captured Prijedor, losing 14 dead
Do početka lipnja 1992. srpske snage potpuno and 25 wounded soldiers. The Muslims offered the fierc-
su ovladale Bosanskom krajinom. Prvi krajiški korpus est resistance around Kozarac. However, the Serbs over-
oslobođen je brige za zaleđe i usmjeren u Bosansku ran the Muslims’ positions on May 24.
Posavinu i na osvajanje Jajca. Drugi krajiški korpus srp- The ethnic cleansing of the Ključ Municipality was
ske vojske u BiH angažirao je dio snaga za preostali dio conducted from May 27 to June 1. It started after a skir-
zapadne Bosne – šire područje Bihaća. mish in Velagići on May 27. The fighting soon spread
to the area north of Ključ. A report penned in 1993 de-
scribes what followed: “The Serbian army, Serbian mili-
BIHAĆKI DŽEP tia and Serbian nation, in a rapid operation, inflicted a
decisive defeat on the genocidal Croatian fascists and
Premda je JNA na kraju 1991. pretvorila Bihać u
then mopped up isolated pockets of Croatian fascist re-
korpusno središte, u proljeće 1992. bilo je očito da
sistance in the area of Ključ. With this magnificent victory
ga nije u stanju staviti pod svoj nadzor. Srbi su imali
won by the Serbian army and Serbian militia, the Serbian
problema u transformaciji Bihaćkoga korpusa, pa su
nation stands victorious over its age-old foe.”
pregovori o povlačenju bili realna opcija. Nakon što je
By the beginning of June, 1992, the Serb had con-
minirala i učinila neupotrebljivim aerodrom u Bihaću,
quered Bosanska Krajina. I Krajina Corps was sent to the
JNA se zaključno s datumom 19. svibnja 1992. povu-
Bosanska Posavina region. The main objective there was
kla iz grada u Bosanski Petrovac, a dio zapovjednoga
the capture of Jajce. Elements of II Krajina Corps in Bos-
kadra u Niš. Muslimani su u međuvremenu organizi-
nia and Herzegovina were deployed in the other area of
rali TO, a u ljeto je formirana Unsko-sanska operativna
central Bosnia – wider Bihać area.
526 Komanda 2. VO, Borbeni i operativni izveštaj str. pov. BIHAĆ POCKET
br. 10/36-2382 od 20. 4. 1992.; Komanda 2. VO, Borbe-
ni i operativni izveštaj str. pov. br. 10/36-2525 od 30. 4. At the end of 1991, the JNA set up the HQ of the Bihać
1992.; Radmilo Zeljaja, “Nikada više ne smijemo zaluta-
ti”, Bilten TG 4, PRES centar 43. motorizovane brigade, Corps in Bihać. However, by the spring of 1992 it became
april-maj 1993., 6; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 243. obvious to the leadership of the JNA that controlling the
527 Komanda 30. lpd pov. br. 2/1-9 od 22. 5. 1993. city and its immediate environs was beyond the capabil-
528 ICTY: Pomoćnik komandanta za civilne poslove VP ity of the JNA. The Serbs had certain problems regarding
7286, Izvještaj pov. br. 01-326-22/93 od 16. 2. 1993. transforming Bihać Corps from its JNA identity into that


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

of VRS and their only viable option was to withdraw the

corps. All the JNA units in Bihać vacated the city on May
19, 1992. Before leaving, however, the JNA rendered the
airstrip in Bihać unusable. The bulk of the forces from Bi-
hać went to Bosanski Petrovac, and some officers to Niš.
In the meantime, the Muslims formed their Territorial De-
fense and in the summer of 1992 the Una-Sana Opera-
tional Group was formed. In October 1992 the Una-Sana
Operational Group became V Corps of the Army of the
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
With the JNA gone from Bihać the Serbs formed
a defensive line starting at Bosanski Novi, stretching
through Bosanska Otoka, Bosanska Krupa, Radić, Grabež
ARBiH, 5. korpus, kolovoz 1995. (fotografiju darovao: Ljubo Kačić). and terminating at Otoka. On June 10 the Serbs attacked
Orašac, Klisa, Ćukovi and Kulen Vakuf, villages to the
V Corps of the ARBiH, August, 1995 (Photograph donated by
southeast of Drvar in the Una Valley, from the direction
Ljubo Kačić).
of Martin Brod, Drvar, Bosanski Petrovac and Vrtoče. By
June 13 the Serbs had captured all the mentioned villag-
es. The attack on these villages marked the beginning
of constant fighting in the Bihać region. On September
15 the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
grupa, koja je u listopadu 1992. prerasla u 5. korpus launched Operation Plamen-92 (Flame-92). The aim was
Armije RBiH.529 to capture Lohovska Brda and the Grabež barracks. The
Povlačenjem JNA Srbi su organizirali crtu na smje- operation lasted until September 21 and it was a failure.
ru Bosanski Novi – Bosanska Otoka – Bosanska Krupa The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina suf-
– Radić – Grabež – Otoka. Desetoga lipnja sa smjera fered serious casualties for no gains whatsoever. At the
Martin Broda, Drvara, Bosanskog Petrovca i Vrtoča beginning of October the Army of the Republic of Bos-
nia and Herzegovina managed to capture the Ćorkovača
napali su Orašac, Klisu, Ćukove i Kulen Vakuf, naselja
jugoistočno od Drvara u dolini Une i zauzeli ih do 13. installation, a dominant feature on the border between
lipnja. Time su počele stalne borbe u bihaćkoj regiji. Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, located to the east
Armija Republike BiH pokušala je od 15. do 21. rujna of Bužim. In the first half of November the Army of the
u operaciji Plamen-92 osvojiti Lohovska Brda i vojarnu Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked the Grabež
Grabež, no uspjeh je izostao, a pretrpljeni su veliki gu- barracks again. This time the Muslims were more suc-
bici. Početkom listopada Armija Republike BiH osvojila cessful even though a complete victory still eluded them
je dominantni objekt Ćorkovaču na granici Hrvatske – they managed to capture parts of the surrounding
i BiH, istočno od Bužima. U prvoj polovini studenoga area and put the barracks under blockade. The barracks
1992. ARBiH je ponovila napad na Grabež, osvojila dio stayed under blockade until December of the same year.
područja i blokirala vojarnu te je držala u blokadi do
sredine prosinca iste godine.530

529 VSA MORH: Komanda 10. K, Redovni borbeni izveštaj

str. pov. br. 12/1-15 od 14. 5. 1992.; R. DREKOVIĆ, U
obruču, 71-81, 154-157.
530 R. DREKOVIĆ, U obruču, 83, 91-92, 197-205, 207-212.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Djelovanje Hrvatske vojske na jugu Hrvatske, The activities of the Croatian Army in the south of
u području nadležnosti Zbornoga područja Split i Croatia, in the area of responsibility of the Military Dis-
Hrvatske ratne mornarice, nerazdvojivo je od rata u trict Split and the Croatian Navy, were indissolubly tied
pograničnim područjima Bosne i Hercegovine. Od to the military operations conducted in the areas of
svibnja 1991. područje BiH s većinskim hrvatskim Bosnia and Herzegovina located close to the Croatian
stanovništvom, od Livna do Čapljine i Stoca, nakon border in that region. The JNA started moving its forces
poznatih blokada pokreta JNA prema Hrvatskoj ču- from Mostar to Sinj in Croatia. However, these move-
valo je ranjivi bok Republike Hrvatske. Jugoslavenska ments were often blocked by Croatian civilians. From
narodna armija imala je na području od Neretve do May, 1991, the predominantly Croatian area of Bosnia
Boke kotorske glavninu Bilećkoga korpusa, koji je u and Herzegovina, from Livno to Čapljina and Stolac,
prosincu 1991. premješten sa širega područja Rijeke, protected the exposed southern part of the Republic
lokalne postrojbe JNA u Trebinju, Mostaru i Čapljini of Croatia from the JNA and Serb paramilitary forma-
te dijelove Podgoričkoga korpusa. Po hrvatskim oba- tions operating under the auspices of the JNA. The JNA
vještajnim podacima, JNA je s Kninskim korpusom deployed the bulk of Bileća Corps, local JNA units from
namjeravala zauzeti Livno i Tomislavgrad i spojiti se Trebinje, Mostar and Čapljina and elements of Podgori-
sa snagama JNA u dolini Neretve.531 ca Corps in the area stretching from the Neretva River
Hrvatska je vojska u proljeće 1992. na jugu Hr- to the Bay of Kotor. It is worth mentioning that Bileća
vatske imala tri lokalne pričuvne brigade i nekoliko Corps had been transferred to Bosnia and Herzegovina
manjih borbenih sastava kopnene vojske i mornari- from the wider Rijeka area in December, 1991. Accord-
ce, a od djelatnih snaga dijelove 4. brigade ZNG-a. U ing to Croatian intelligence reports, the JNA plan was
zaleđu, na području Herceg-Bosne, bio je niz manjih, for Knin Corps to capture Livno and Tomislavgrad and
slabo uvezanih oružanih sastava lokalnih Hrvata. Do link up with the JNA forces in the Neretva Valley.
12. travnja 1992. u južnom dijelu Hrvatske vladala je In the spring of 1992, the Croatian Army had three
zapovjedna konfuzija, koja je završila kada je zapovi- local reserve brigades, a few smaller army and navy
jedanje hrvatskim snagama na Južnom bojištu preu- formations and elements of the 4th Brigade of the Cro-
zeo general zbora Janko Bobetko na temelju zapovi- atian National Guard in the south of Croatia. In the hin-
jedi predsjednika Tuđmana od 10. travnja.532 Bobetko terland, in the territory of Herzeg-Bosnia, there were
je svoju nadležnost, uz očitu suglasnost vrha Her- many small armed groups of local Croats. The activi-
ceg-Bosne, proširio i na postrojbe HVO-a od Livna do ties of these groups were poorly coordinated. Until
Stoca, po dubini do Bugojna, koje je pojačao dijelom April 12, 1992, the command structure of the Croatian
snaga ZNG-a i HV-a. forces in the Southern Theater of Operations was in
Intenzivne borbe na Južnom bojištu počele su na complete disarray. The situation changed when Gen-
Kupreškoj visoravni u prvim danima travnja i trajale eral Janko Bobetko was appointed, by order of Presi-
su do kasne jeseni 1992., tj. do oslobađanja Konavala dent Franjo Tuđman issued on April 10, Commander
i napadne operacije HVO-a Bura na lijevoj obali Nere- of all the Croatian forces in the theater. The HVO units
tve i u Podveležju. deployed in the area from Livno to Stolac in the rear as
far as Bugojno, were placed, with the consent of the
leadership of Herzeg-Bosnia, under Bobetko’s com-
mand. The general then strengthened these units with
troops belonging to the Croatian National Guard and
531 J. BOBETKO, Sve moje bitke, 200. the Croatian Army.
532 Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske, Naredba br. PA7-28/1- Fighting in the Southern Theater of Operations in-
92 od 10. 4. 1992. Faksimil u: J. BOBETKO, Sve moje bitke,
202; SVA MORH, GSHV: Zapovjedništvo Južnog vojišta
tensified with the engagements on the Kupres plateau
od 12. 4. 1992. za GSHV. during the first days of April and did not abate until late


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Kupres i Šuica fall, 1992, when the Croatian forces liberated Konavle
and launched offensive operations on the left bank of
Kupreška je visoravan područje strategijske važnosti the Neretva and on the Podveležje plateau.
kao osnova za prodor iz Dalmacije u središnju Bosnu i
obrnuto. Kupres je nacionalno miješano područje na ko- Kupres and Šuica
jem je prema popisu stanovništva iz 1991. živjelo 4864
Srba, 3813 Hrvata, 802 Muslimana i zanemariv broj osta- The Kupres plateau was of immense strategic im-
lih. Zbog stacioniranja JNA na visoravni u svibnju 1991. portance because it offered a gateway from Dalmatia
kupreški su Hrvati u rujnu počeli pripreme za obranu od into central Bosnia and vice versa. According to the
agresije. Prve postrojbe osnovane su od dragovoljaca i na 1991 census, 4,864 Serbs, 3,813 Croats, 802 Muslims
teritorijalnom načelu, a početkom studenoga prerasle su and an insignificant number of members of other na-
u Kuprešku bojnu, organiziranu na teritorijalnom načelu. tionalities lived in the Kupres area. The JNA stationed
Srbi su držali Štab TO-a i postrojbe organizirane po pro- its troops on the plateau in May, 1991. In September,
stornom načelu. U jesen 1991. JNA se povukla s visoravni, the Croats started organizing defensive measures
za koju je zadužena 30. partizanska divizija, čija je Koman- against Serb aggression. The first units were formed
da bila smještena u Mrkonjić Gradu. Divizija se sastojala from volunteers locally. At the beginning of Novem-
od 1., 13. i 19. partizanske brigade, čija je mobilizacija ber these units were formed in the Kupres Battalion.
počela sredinom ožujka 1992. godine. Krajem ožujka Ko- This battalion was a territorially based static unit.
manda Banjalučkoga korpusa JNA intenzivirala je osni- The Serbs, on the other hand, formed their Territorial
vanje srpskih sastava na području Kupresa i pripreme za Defense units and the Territorial Defense HQ also as
zaposjedanje visoravni. U Kupresu je mobiliziran bataljun territorially based static units. In the fall of 1991 the
19. partizanske brigade, a za osvajanje visoravni zaduže- 30th Partisan Division, with its HQ in Mrkonjić Grad, re-
na je 13. partizanska brigada s ojačanim bataljunom 11. lieved the JNA units on the plateau. The 30th Partisan
mtbr Kninskoga korpusa JNA iz Drvara, koji je razmješten Division consisted of the 1st, 13th and 19th Brigades. The
na području Mrđanovci – Novo Selo – Šemenovci. Na isto mobilization of these brigades started in March, 1992.
je područje doveden i dragovoljački bataljun Banjalučko- The 19th Partisan Brigade was mobilized in mid-March
ga korpusa. Uoči sukoba JNA i Srbi imali su u TO-u oko 1992 and was then also deployed on the plateau. At
1700 ljudi. Hrvatske su snage imale oko 250 ljudi u Kupre- the end of March the HQ of Banja Luka Corps of the
su, a u Tomislavgradu je bilo oko 1500 ljudi pod oružjem, JNA intensified its efforts to form Serb units in the Ku-
od kojih se dio mogao angažirati na visoravni.533 pres area and its preparations to gain full control of
Komanda 30. partizanske divizije napisala je 2. the plateau. In Kupres, a battalion was mobilized and
travnja zapovijed za napad, a idućega dana hrvatske attached to the 19th Partisan Brigade. The 13th Partisan
su ih snage preduhitrile iznenadnim napadom. Uz po- Brigade, reinforced with the 11th Motorized Brigade of
moć snaga HVO-a iz Posušja, HVO Tomislavgrad 3. trav- Knin Corps of the JNA from Drvar, was given the task of
nja iz Šuice je napao Donji Malovan. Sela su 4. travnja capturing the whole of plateau. The 13th Partisan Bri-
stavljena pod nadzor, kao i Kupreška vrata. Bataljun 19. gade and the 11th Motorized Brigade were deployed
partizanske brigade JNA u gradu bio je okružen i pred in the Mrđanovci – Novo Selo – Šemenovci area. The
predajom. Snage na području Blagaja JNA je pojačala volunteer battalion of Banja Luka Corps was also de-
topništvom izvučenim iz zapadne Slavonije, a 6. trav- ployed on the plateau. On the eve of the war in Bosnia
nja dovedena je i TG-1 iz sastava Kninskoga korpusa. and Herzegovina the JNA and Serbs had around 1,700
Na Kupres je iz Gline poslana i četa tenkova 51. mbr. men in the Territorial Defense. The Croats had about
Snage su narasle na gotovo 6000 ljudi s oklopnim ba- 250 men in Kupres and 1,500 men in Tomislavgrad,
taljunom i divizijunom topništva. Hrvatske su snage but only a part of that contingent could be deployed
pojačane skupinom bojne Zrinski i vodom 4. brigade against the Serbs on the plateau.
ZNG-a. Tijekom 6. travnja srpske su snage razbile obra- The HQ of the 30th Partisan Division issued orders
nu na smjeru Blagaj – Zlosela i 7. travnja ušle u Kupres. for attack on April 2. However, the Croats beat the
Serbs to the punch and attacked the very next day.
533 D. MARIJAN, Smrt oklopne brigade, 83-95. The HVO forces from Tomislavgrad, reinforced with


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Istoga su dana sve snage JNA na visoravni stavljene HVO troops from Posušje, attacked Donji Malovan
pod Komandu 9. korpusa, koja je osnovala 11. opera- from the direction of Šuica. The Croatian force took
tivnu grupu za zapovijedanje snagama na području control of the villages in the area on April 4. On that
Kupres – Livno – Bugojno.534 day the Croats captured the Kupres pass as well. The
Ujutro 10. travnja OG-11 napala je u zahvatu pro- Battalion of the 19th Partisan Brigade of the JNA in the
metnice Kupres – Gornji i Donji Malovan. Hrvatske su city of Kupres was surrounded and its position was
snage imale crtu obrane na potezu od benzinske po- hopeless. The JNA reinforced its troops deployed in
staje u blizini Gornjeg Malovana do hotela Adria Ski i Blagaj with artillery transported from western Slavo-
od prometnice prema Riliću. Protuoklopna skupina nia. On April 6 the JNA also deployed the TG-1 from
Brigade vukovarskih veterana stradala je u vozilima Knin Corps in the area. In addition to all these forces,
kod Donjeg Malovana. Pod jakom vatrom JNA satnija the JNA sent a tank company of the 51st Motorized
TO-a Posušje povukla se 11. travnja s položaja kod ho- Brigade from Glina to Kupres. The Serb forces in the
tela Adria Ski prema Šuici. Tijekom dana OG-11 ušla je area soon numbered 6,000 men, supported by an ar-
u Donji Malovan. Prolaz dalje branile su razne skupine mored battalion and an artillery battalion. The Croa-
HVO-a i HV-a (skupina 1. brigade ZNG-a, skupina Zrin- tian forces were reinforced by a detachment from the
ski, bojna 126. brigade HV-a), koje su odbile napad JNA Zrinski Battalion and a platoon from the 4th Brigade of
na Šuicu.535 Stanje u hrvatskim redovima bilo je teško, the Croatian National Guard. On April 6 the Serbs over-
zapovjednik obrane Tomislavgrada Željko Glasnović ran the Croatian defenses on the Blagaj – Zlosela line
ranjen je u borbama za Kupres, a bojna 126. brigade and entered Kupres on April 7. On the same day all the
HV-a se povukla. Kako bi konsolidirao stanje i ustrojio JNA formations on the plateau were placed under the
skupine HVO-a u veću postrojbu, general Bobetko ime- command of IX Corps. The HQ of IX Corps formed the
novao je pukovnika Žarka Tolu zapovjednikom obrane 11th Operational Group. The forces in the Kupres – Liv-
Tomislavgrada, a brigadira Miljenka Crnjca koordina- no – Bugojno area were placed under the command of
torom obrane na smjeru Tomislavgrad – Prozor – Ko- the 11th Operational Group.
njic.536 Premda je u organizaciji obrane bilo iznimnih On the morning of April 10 the 11th Operational
problema zbog upletanja politike, hrvatske su snage Group attacked along the Kupres – Gornji Malovan and
od druge polovine travnja 1992. do siječnja 1993. izve- Donji Malovan highway. The Croatian forces held a de-
le nekoliko diverzantskih napada i nasilnih izviđanja po fensive line stretching from the gas station near Gornji
položajima JNA i srpskoga TO-a po Donjem Malovanu, Malovan to the Adria Ski hotel and another extending
Zanaglini, Riliću i Mušiću.537 Od OG-11 JNA početkom from the highway to Rilić. The Anti-Armor group of
lipnja formirana je 7. brigada VRS-a Kupres – Šipovo.538 the Vukovar Veterans Brigade suffered serious losses
at Donji Malovan. The Serbs unleashed a torrent of
534 D. MARIJAN, Smrt oklopne brigade, 96-112. fire on the Company of the Posušje Territorial Defense
535 HMDCDR: Komanda 9. korpusa, Redovni borbeni iz- force manning the positions at the Adria Ski hotel. The
veštaj str. pov. br. 4-1961 od 11. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, company was forced to withdraw towards Šuica on
GSHV: ZOZ Split, Podaci o stanju u Herceg-Bosni kl. April 11. Later on that day the 11th Operational Group
8/12-01-01, ur. br. 1080-01-20-92-280 od 12. 4. 1992.;
Slavko LISICA, Komandant po potrebi, MIGP “Vojvodina”, entered Donji Malovan. At Šuica the Croatian forces
Bezdan, Sombor, 1995., 102. (a detachment of the 1st Brigade of the ZNG, Group
536 IZM ZJV Grude od 20. 4. 1992., Postavljenje časnika u Zrinski, one battalion of the 126th Brigade of the Cro-
zapovjedništvo obrane Tomislavgrada; Zapovijed IZM atian Army) offered spirited resistance and beat back
ZJV Grude od 21. 4. 1992.; Izvješće brigadira Miljenka
Crnjca generalu Bobetku o stanju na području Duvno the JNA onslaught. The situation was critical for the
– Kupres – Livno; IZM ZJV Grude, Zbirno izvješće o bo- Croatian defenders. The commander of the defense of
jnim djelovanjima na području zapadne Hercegovine Tomislavgrad, Željko Glasnović was wounded during
str. pov. br. 01-354/92 od 11. 5. 1992.
the fighting for Kupres, and the battalion of the 126th
537 IZM ZJV Grude, Zbirno izvješće o bojnim djelovanji- Brigade of the Croatian Army retreated. General Bob-
ma na području zapadne Hercegovine str. pov. br. 01-
354/92 od 11. 5. 1992. etko decided to consolidate the situation by placing
538 Komanda 2. KK, Organizacijsko naređenje str. pov. 32-1 the disparate HVO units under a single command. He
od 2. 6. 1992. appointed Colonel Žarko Tole as Commander of the


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Hrvatski gubici u borbama za Kupres bili su veliki. defense of Tomislavgrad and tasked Brigadier Miljen-
U tjedan dana borbe poginulo je oko 160 ljudi, od toga ko Crnjac with coordinating defensive actions on the
29 pripadnika Kupreške bojne i 19 civila.539 Gubici JNA Tomislavgrad – Prozor – Konjic line. The efforts to orga-
i srpskoga TO-a na Kupreškoj visoravni do kojih sam nize the defense of the area were plagued by political
uspio doći su različiti. Prema podacima JNA iz travnja considerations. Despite this difficulty, from the second
1992., poginulo je 45, a nestalo 111 osoba. Po kasnijim half of April until January, 1993, the Croatian forces
podacima VRS-a, poginulo je 85 i nestale 154 osobe.540 mounted a number of successful commando raids
against JNA and Serbian Territorial Defense positions
Livno in Donji Malovan, Zanaglina, Rilić and Mušić. At the
beginning of June the Serbs formed the 7th Brigade of
Kao i u drugim dijelovima Herceg-Bosne, obrana the VRS Kupres – Šipovo from 11th Operational Group
Livna počela je s naoružanim seoskim stražama, koje su of the JNA.
u proljeće 1992. združene u satnije, pa bojne u sklopu The Croatian losses in the battles for Kupres
HVO-a Livno. U prvim danima travnja u Livno je stigla 5. were high. In one week of fighting about 160 men
bojna 4. brigade ZNG-a, koja je angažirana na smjeru pre- were killed in combat. 29 of those were members of
ma Glamoču. Iz Dalmacije je stigla i skupina HOS-a, koja the Kupres Battalion. Also, 19 Croatian civilians were
je angažirana na istom pravcu. Oko 11. travnja stigla je killed. Sources differ as to the number of casualties
skupina Livnjaka u organizaciji Livanjske zajednice iz Za- suffered by the JNA and the Serb Territorial Defense
greba i s dijelom oružja 145. brigade HV-a. Neposredno in the fighting for Kupres. According to a report issued
prije napada u Livno je stigla i skupina pripadnika Speci- by the JNA in April, 1992, the Serbs lost 45 men killed
jalnih postrojbi Glavnoga stožera HV-a, čiji je zapovjed- and 111 missing in action. According to later reports
nik general Ante Roso preuzeo zapovijedanje obranom issued by the VRS, the Serbs lost 85 men killed and 154
Livna, a krajem mjeseca zamijenio ga je Ante Gotovina.541 men missing in action.
Kada su počele borbe na Kupresu, Kninski je kor-
pus mobilizirao lokalne snage srpskoga TO-a u Glamo- Livno
ču i Bosanskom Grahovu, od kojih je dio ušao u sastav
11. mtbr, te ih doveo na crtu prema Livnu. Nakon osva- As in other parts of Herzeg-Bosnia, the defense on
janja Kupresa TG-1 JNA nije napravila očekivani pomak Livno initially consisted of armed groups of men keep-
u napadu na Šuicu, pa je odlučeno da se iz smjera Gla- ing watch in the villages in the area. These groups were
moča napadne Livno, za što su u Glamoč prebačene unified into companies in the spring of 1992 and later
TG-1 i tenkovska četa 51. mbr.542 on the companies were unified into battalions operat-
ing under the umbrella of the HVO Livno. At the be-
ginning of April the 5th Battalion of the 4th Brigade of
539 “Kako smo branili Kupres”, Stožer, Kupres, 1994., 27; HM-
DCDR: Telegram Komande 11. OG od 13. 4. 1992.
the ZNG arrived in Livno. The battalion was deployed in
the direction of Glamoč, along with a HOS detachment.
540 “Zločini koji se ponavljaju”, Narodna armija, 23. 4. 1992.,
14; “Uz godišnjicu oslobođenja Kupresa”, Međaš, list 7. Around April 11 a group of Livno natives organized by
br VRS, Kupres, april 1993., 3. Livno community from Zagreb arrived in the city. The
541 J. BOBETKO, Sve moje bitke, 211, 215; 2. gardijska brigada 145th Brigade of the Croatian Army supplied the Livno
HV – Gromovi, 204; 4. gardijska brigada HV – Pauci, 198- group with weapons and equipment. Just prior to the
200; 145. brigada Hrvatske vojske, Repro-Color d.o.o., Za- Serb attack on Livno, a group of Special Forces Units
greb, 2011., 81-84.
of the General Staff of the Croatian Army also arrived
542 HMDCDR: Komanda 9. korpusa, Raspored snaga str. pov. in Livno. The commander of the group, Ante Roso, as-
br. 42-51/1 od 4. 4. 1992.; HMDCDR: Komanda 9. korpu-
sa, Naređenje str. pov. br. 24-59 od 5. 4. 1992.; HMDCDR: sumed the command of the defense of Livno. At the
Komanda 9. korpusa, Naređenje str. pov. br. 24-60 od end of the month Ante Roso was replaced, in that ca-
5. 4. 1992.; HMDCDR: Komanda 9. korpusa, Naređenje pacity, by Ante Gotovina.
str. pov. br. 24-61 od 5. 4. 1992.; HMDCDR: Komanda 9. When the fighting for Kupres started, Knin Corps
korpusa, Dopuna redovnog borbenog izveštaja str. pov.
br. 4-1909 od 9. 4. 1992.; Komanda 9. korpusa, Redovni mobilized local forces of the Serbian Territorial de-
borbeni izveštaj str. pov. br. 4-2040 od 12. 4. 1992. fense in Glamoč and Bosansko Grahovo. Some of these


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Prva taktička grupa Kninskoga korpusa JNA napala je troops were attached to the 11th Motorized Brigade
13. travnja 1992. Livno glavnim snagama na smjeru Gla- and brought to the Livno front line. When the TG-1 of
moč – prijevoj Korićina – Priluka, a pomoćnima na smjeru the JNA occupied Livno the Serbs expected that the at-
Glamočko polje – Strmica. Na smjeru Glamoč – Korićina tack on Šuica would be equally successful. When that
napad su odbile manje snage 4. brigade ZNG-a i HOS-a attack failed the Serbs decided to attack Livno from
uz jednu satniju HVO-a. Na pravcu Vidimlije – Strmica od- the direction of Glamoč. For that purpose the TG-1 and
bijen je napad pripadnika Specijalnih postrojbi Glavnoga a tank company of the 51st Motorized Brigade were
stožera HV-a, dragovoljaca iz Hrvatske i lokalnih snaga. Iz moved to Glamoč.
stroja je izbačeno nekoliko vojnika i uništen tenk M-84.543 The main force of the 1st Tactical Group of Knin
Nakon poraza Kninski se korpus nekoliko dana pri- Corps of the JNA attacked Livno on April 13, 1992,
premao za novi pokušaj iz smjera Bosanskog Grahova. advancing along the Glamoč – Korićina pass – Priluka
U Crnom Lugu osnovan je IKM korpusa, a komandant je line. The remainder of the 1st Tactical Group advanced
bio načelnik štaba pukovnik Savo Kovačević.544 Za napad on supporting axes of advance in the direction of the
pod imenom Proljeće angažirani su TG-1 i dijelovi 11. mtbr Glamoč field and Strmica. The advance on the Glamoč
JNA. Hrvatske su snage u tom razdoblju pojačane taktič- – Korićina axis was halted by a force comprising ele-
kom skupinom 2. brigade ZNG-a jačine 220 ljudi, koja je ments of the 4th Brigade of the ZNG, some HOS units
17. travnja stigla u Livno.545 and one company of the HVO. The attack on the Vid-
Napad je izveden 23. travnja glavnim snagama na imlije – Strmica axis of advance was beaten back by
smjeru Čaprazlije – Rujani – Livno, a pomoćnima na smje- troops belonging to the Special Forces Units of the
ru Čelebić – Livno. Tijekom borbi je obrana Donjih Rujana General Staff of the Croatian Army, volunteers from
pojačana skupinom 2. brigade ZNG-a koja je povučena s Croatia and local forces. The Serbs lost a few soldiers
položaja na planini Cincar. Na pravcu Vrbica – Čelebić na- killed and one M-84 tank destroyed.
pad su zaustavili pripadnici Specijalnih postrojbi Glavno- After this setback Knin Corps started making prepa-
ga stožera HV-a i vod minobacača iz Sesveta (iz 83. samo- rations for a new attack from the direction of Bosansko
stalnog bataljuna HV-a). Poginula su četiri, teže je ranjeno Grahovo. The preparations lasted for a few days. In Crni
16, a lakše šest vojnika JNA i TO-a. Uništeni su tenk M-84 Lug the Corps’s Forward Command Post was formed.
i oklopni transporter, a zarobljena dva tenka. Hrvatske su The commander was Colonel Savo Kovačević. The TG-1
snage imale 13 poginulih i 14 ranjenih. Nakon poraza je and elements of the 11th Motorized Brigade comprised
TG-1 JNA, ojačana još jednim bataljunom 11. mtbr, prešla the attacking force. The operation was codenamed
u obranu, čime je Kninski korpus JNA odustao od zamisli Proljeće (Spring). At that time the Croatian forces were
da brzim prodorom zauzme Livno.546 U lipnju je od domi- reinforced with the Tactical Group of the 2nd Brigade of
cilnih srpskih snaga osnovana 9. lpbr VRS-a. the ZNG. The tactical group, numbering 220 men, ar-
rived in Livno on April 17.
543 HMDCDR: Komanda 9. korpusa, Redovni borbeni iz-
The attack began on April 23rd. The main axis of ad-
veštaj str. pov. br. 4-1998 od 13. 4. 1992.; 4. gardijska vance was along the Čaprazlije – Rujani – Livno line.
brigada HV – Pauci, 198-200. The secondary axis of advance was along the Čelebić
544 HMDCDR: Komanda 9. korpusa, Redovni borbeni iz- – Livno line. During the fighting the defenders of Donji
veštaj str. pov. br. 7-1 od 21. 4. 1992.; HMDCDR: Komanda Rujani were reinforced with a group from the 2nd Bri-
9. korpusa, Redovni borbeni izveštaj str. pov. br. 9-1 od
gade of the ZNG. The group had been withdrawn from
22. 4. 1992.; HMDCDR: Komanda 9. korpusa, Zahtev str.
pov. br. 10-1 od 22. 4. 1992. its positions on Mount Cincar. The attack on the Vrbica
– Čelebić axis of advance was defeated by the mem-
545 HMDCDR: Komanda 9. korpusa, Dopuna zapovesti str. pov.
br. 14-1 od 25. 4. 1992.; 2. gardijska brigada HV – Gromovi, 204. bers of the Special Forces Units of the General Staff of
546 Općinski stožer HVO Livno, Redovno izvješće br. 01/03-70 the Croatian Army, supported by a mortar platoon from
od 23. 4. 1992.; ICTY: I uprava GŠ OS SFRJ, Dnevni izveštaj Sesvete (belonging to the 83rd Independent battalion
SP br. 1-115 od 24. 4. 1992.; HMDCDR: Komanda 9. kor- of the Croatian Army). The Serbs lost four men killed.
pusa, Dopuna zapovesti str. pov. br. 14-1 od 25. 4. 1992.; Sixteen Serb soldiers suffered serious wounds and six
IZM ZJV Grude, Zbirno izvješće o bojnim djelovanjima na
području zapadne Hercegovine str. pov. br. 01-354/92 od were lightly wounded. The defenders destroyed one
11. 5. 1992.; 2. gardijska brigada HV – Gromovi, 208-210. M-84 tank and an APC and captured two tanks. The


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Hrvatsko vijeće obrane u Livnu je osnovalo brigadu Croats lost 13 men killed and 14 wounded. After this
Petar Krešimir IV, koja je držala 78 kilometara dugu crtu. defeat the TG-1, reinforced by another battalion of the
Nakon generala Rose, obranom Livna do kraja kolovoza 11th Motorized Brigade, set up defensive positions.
zapovijedao je brigadir Gotovina, u čije je vrijeme obrana Knin Corps’s plan to capture Livno had failed. In June
organizirana u šest sektora. U zoni obrane do kraja kolo- the 9th Light Infantry Brigade of the VRS was formed
voza bilo je skupina HV-a (iz 2. i 4. brigade ZNG-a) koje out of local Serb forces.
su izvele nekoliko uspješnih prepada po crti i u zaleđu The HVO formed the Petar Krešimir IV Brigade in
srpske obrane, uglavnom na glamočkom području. Stra- Livno. The Brigade held a 78-kilometer-long defensive
hujući od mogućnosti da JNA ipak probije crte obrane line. Brigadier Ante Gotovina served as Commander of
Livna i Tomislavgrada te ugrozi Dalmaciju, zapovjednik the defense of Livno until August. Under his leadership,
Južnoga bojišta general Bobetko angažirao je 126. bri- the defense of Livno was organized into six sectors. A
gadu HV-a na dominantnim kotama između Livanjskoga number of groups (from the 2nd and 4th Brigades of the
polja i Peručkog jezera, a taktičku skupinu 115. brigade ZNG) were deployed in the defensive zone until Au-
HV-a na pravcima Aržano – Podgradina – Livno i Aržano – gust. These groups conducted a number of successful
Bukova Gora – Tomislavgrad. Admiral Letica poslao je 158. commando raids against the Serb defensive line and in
brigadu HV-a bez dvije bojne na obranu smjera Podgradi- the rear of the enemy’s positions, mostly in the Glam-
na – Rašeljke – Aržano. U pripravnosti za intervenciju na oč area. For the moment the Serbs were on the defen-
području Sinj – Trilj držana je TG-4 iz 144. brigade HV-a.547 sive but the danger of another attack on Livno and
Tomislavgrad could not be discounted. The command-
Mostar i Čapljina er of the Southern Theater of Operations was aware
that if the Serbs took Livno and Tomislavgrad they
U dolini Neretve JNA je imala jako uporište u Mosta- could threaten Dalmatia. For that reason General Bob-
ru i slabije u Čapljini. Na istočnoj strani Neretve imala je etko deployed the 126th Brigade of the Croatian Army
jaku potporu u srpskim selima čapljinske općine. Sredi- on the dominant hills between the Livno field and Pe-
nom ožujka Bilećki odnosno 13. korpus JNA preuzeo je ruća Lake and the Tactical Group of the 115th Brigade of
ulogu i položaje Užičkoga korpusa, koji je povučen u Sr- the Croatian Army on the Aržano – Podgradina – Liv-
biju. Pod njegovom komandom bile su 10., 13. i 472. mo- no line and the Aržano – Bukova Gora – Tomislavgrad
torizirana brigada, 179. brdska brigada, snage u garnizo- line. Admiral Letica sent the 158th Brigade of the Cro-
nu Čapljina i nekoliko manjih postrojba u dolini Neretve atian Army, apart from two of its battalions to bolster
i istočnoj Hercegovini. U siječnju 1992. JNA je počela iz- the defensive positions on the Podgradina – Rašeljke
vlačenje ratnih materijalnih pričuva i suvremenije opre- – Aržano line. The TG-4 of the 144th Brigade of the Cro-
me na područja koja su držana sigurnijima (Rajlovac kod atian Army was kept in combat readiness, prepared to
Sarajeva). Odlučeno je i da se napusti garnizon Čapljina reinforce the Croatian forces in the Sinj – Trilj area at a
i obrana organizira na istočnoj obali Neretve. Iznimka je moment’s notice.
bio Mostar, koji JNA nije namjeravala dijeliti.548
Mostar and Čapljina
547 SVA MORH, ZJB: IZM Ploče, Raspored snaga kl. 035-
01/92-01/15, ur. br. 6030-03/92-01 od 14. 4. 1992.; SVA The JNA was strong in the Neretva Valley, especial-
MORH, ZJB: IZM Ploče, Zapovijed kl. 8/92-01/44, ur. br. ly in Mostar. The JNA forces in Čapljina were somewhat
6030-03/92-1 od 25. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: ZHRM, weaker than those deployed in Mostar. On the eastern
158. brHV bojeva zapovijed kl. str. pov. 8/92-01/27, ur. br.
bank of the Neretva the JNA could count on active sup-
6030-11/92-1 od 29. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: Zapovjed-
ništvo 115. brHV, Sedmodnevno izvješće kl. 8/12-01-01, port from the Serbian villages of the Čapljina Munici-
ur. br. 2137-01-02-92-1 od 30. 4. 1992.; ICTY: IZM Ploče, pality. In mid-March Bileća Corps/XIII Corps of the JNA
Zapovijed za dalje djelovanje str. pov. 8/92-01/61, ur. br. took over the positions held by Užice Corps, which was
6030-01/92-1 od 2. 5. 1992.; IZM ZJV Grude, Zbirno izv-
ješće o bojnim djelovanjima na području zapadne Her-
withdrawn to Serbia. Under XIII Corps’s command were
cegovine str. pov. br. 01-354/92 od 11. 5. 1992.; 4. gardijs- the 10th, 13th and 472nd Motorized Brigade, the 179th
ka brigada HV – Pauci, 196-201. Mountain Brigade, the Čapljina garrison and a few
548 D. MARIJAN, “Djelovanje JNA u Hercegovini”, 645-646. smaller units in the Neretva Valley and eastern Herze-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Hrvatske su snage organizirane po strukturi TO-a govina. In January, 1992, the JNA started pulling out
pri općinskim stožerima (Mostar, Čapljina, Čitluk, Široki its matériel and modern equipment to safer areas (Ra-
Brijeg, Ljubuški i Grude), a u travnju 1992. je osnovana jlovac near Sarajevo). The JNA garrison in Čapljina also
Operativna grupa HVO-a za jugoistočnu Hercegovinu, decided to vacate the city and set up a defensive line
čiji je zapovjednik bio general Slobodan Praljak. U Mo- on the eastern bank of the Neretva River. One excep-
staru je postupno osnovano devet bojni HVO-a. Po- tion to that was Mostar, a city straddling the Neretva
četkom lipnja u Mostaru su u HVO-u pod oružjem bile River. The JNA wanted to control the entire city.
3443 osobe. U svim općinama manje snage bile su u The Croatian forces were organized along the Ter-
sastavu HOS-a. Na bojištu se pojavilo i nekoliko manjih ritorial Defense structure with municipal HQs (Mostar,
dragovoljačkih skupina iz Hrvatske. Dio Muslimana Čapljina, Čitluk, Široki Brijeg, Ljubuški and Grude). In
angažirao se u sastavu postrojbi HVO-a. U Mostaru su April, 1992, HVO Operational Group for Southeast Her-
osnovali Samostalni mostarski bataljun, koji se, ovisno zegovina was formed. Slobodan Praljak was appoint-
o komunikaciji, zvao HVO ili TO. Po odluci Kriznoga šta- ed its commander. Nine HVO battalions were formed
ba općine Mostar od 29. travnja 1992., koji se sastojao in Mostar, but not all of them were formed at the same
od devet članova, među njima i četiri Muslimana, zašti- time. At the beginning of June the HVO had 3,443 men
ta i obrana Mostara povjerena je HVO-u.549 under arms in Mostar. Smaller formations, in all munic-
Sukob u Mostaru počeo je 3. travnja 1992. nakon ipalities, were under the command of the HOS. A few
eksplozije kamiona cisterne kod vojarne Sjeverni logor. other small units composed of volunteers from Croatia
U sljedećih nekoliko dana plamen rata zahvatio je šire were also present. A number of Muslim soldiers served
područje doline Neretve. Desetoga travnja Bilećki je in HVO units. The Muslims formed the Independent
korpus napao u Mostaru i krenuo u prodor prema Ne- Mostar Battalion in Mostar. Sometimes the Battalion
retvi iz Berkovića, Kokorine i Pijesaka. Pritisak JNA bio je was referred to as belonging to the HVO, and some-
prevelik, pa je HVO Čapljina 11. travnja povukao svoje times as belonging to the Territorial Defense, depend-
snage iz područja Domanovića na desnu obalu Nere- ing on whether the battalion communicated with Mo-
tve. Za sprečavanje prodora JNA preko Neretve prema star or Sarajevo respectively. The Mostar Municipality
Čitluku od 13. travnja angažiran je 4. bataljun 4. brigade Crisis Staff, consisting of nine members, four of them
ZNG-a na području Slipčići – Tepčići – Dobro Selo.550 Muslims, decided, on April 29, 1992, to give the task of
Tijekom travanjskih borbi riješena je sudbina sna- defending the city to the HVO.
ga JNA u okruženoj vojarni u Čapljini. Vojarna je od 17. The conflict in Mostar started on April 3, 1992, af-
travnja bila pod jakim pritiskom hrvatskih snaga (HOS ter a tank truck exploded near the Sjeverni Logor bar-
Ljubuški, pukovnija Kralj Tomislav) i topništva 156. bri- racks. In the next few days the fighting spread out to
gade HV-a. U hrvatskom okruženju bilo je oko 200 pri- the wider areas of the Neretva Valley. On April 10 Bileća
padnika JNA i članova njihovih obitelji. Vojarna se odr- Corps attacked the HVO in Mostar and advanced to-
žala do 24. travnja, kada se dio posade predao, a oko wards the Neretva River from Berković, Kokorina and
170 ljudi izvučeno je iz okruženja akcijom borbene gru- Pijesci. The JNA attacks were determined and the HVO
pe 63. padobranske brigade JNA u devet transportnih Čapljina withdrew its forces from the Domanovići area
helikoptera Mi-8. Akciju je podržavalo zrakoplovstvo, to the right bank of the Neretva River. The 4th Battal-
koje je pritom izgubilo dva zrakoplova tipa Jastreb. U ion of the 4th Brigade of the ZNG was deployed in the
osvajanju koje je vodio general Praljak sudjelovali su Slipčići – Tepčići – Dobro Selo area on April 13. The
pripadnici pukovnije Kralj Tomislav, 57. samostalnog Battalion’s task was to prevent the JNA from crossing
bataljuna HV-a, 156. brigade HV-a i HVO-a Čapljina. the river and advance towards Čitluk.
The JNA troops in the barracks in Čapljina were,
from April 17, under constant fire from a strong Cro-
549 Općinski stožer Mostar, Brojno stanje postrojbi dj. br. atian force which comprised the HOS Ljubuški, Kralj
01-286/328 od 6. 6. 1992.; Krizni štab Skupštine općine
Mostar, Odluka br. 427/92 od 29. 4. 1992., Mostarsko
Tomislav Regiment and artillery belonging to the 156th
jutro, 13. 9. 1992., 5. Brigade of the Croatian Army. About 200 JNA soldiers
550 J. BOBETKO, Sve moje bitke, 201; D. MARIJAN, “Djelovan- and members of their families were in the barracks,
je JNA u Hercegovini”, 648. completely encircled by the Croatian force. The JNA


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Osvajanjem vojarne, od Mostara do Čapljine granica je launched a rescue operation, using the Combat Group
bila rijeka Neretva.551 of the 63rd Parachute Brigade transported in nine
Tijekom borbi u svibnju JNA je imala uspjeha samo transport Mi-8 helicopters. The operation was sup-
na području Mostara gdje je 12. svibnja uspjela zauzeti ported by the air force. The outcome was only partially
Bijelo polje i popodne 13. svibnja bez gubitaka izići na successful for the Serbs; on April 24 a part of the gar-
lijevu obalu Neretve.552 rison surrendered and the remainder, about 170 men,
were rescued. The Croats also shot down two Jastreb
Travanjska ofenziva 4. vojne jet light attack aircraft. The attack on the barracks was
oblasti JNA commanded by General Praljak. Troops belonging to
the Kralj Tomislav Regiment, 57th Independent Battal-
U proljeće 1992. na jugu Hrvatske u sastavu Sektora ion of the HV, 156th Brigade of the HV and HVO Čaplji-
Dubrovnik postojale su tri pričuvne brigade HV-a: 115. na participated in the attack. With the barracks in Cro-
iz Imotskog, 116. iz Metkovića i 163. iz Dubrovnika, te atian hands the Neretva River from Mostar to Čapljina
mornarički odredi Dubrovnik i Pelješac. Te su postrojbe marked the boundary between the belligerent sides.
bile slabo naoružane, a dijelom i bez borbenoga isku- In May the JNA achieved successes only in the
stva. Osim njih, na tom je području bila i glavnina 4. Mostar area. On May 12, the JNA recaptured Bije-
brigade ZNG-a.553 lo Polje and in the afternoon on May 13 reached,
Bojište je počelo “oživljavati” 21. ožujka 1992. na- without suffering any casualties, the left bank of the
padom JNA na Gornje Hrasno. Satnija 116. brigade s Neretva River.
vodom 4. brigade ZNG-a napala je i pomaknula 22. i
23. ožujka crtu obrane u Gornjem Hrasnu na dominan- April Offensive Launched by the 4th
tne kote na istočnom dijelu visoravni. Pomicanjem crte Military District of the JNA
otklonjena je opasnost od prodora srpskih snaga iz
Popova polja u Gornje Hrasno. Jugoslavenska narod- In spring, 1992, the following Croatian units were
na armija i Srbi pokušali su 25. ožujka vratiti izgubljene deployed in Sector Dubrovnik, in the south of Croa-
položaje, no nisu uspjeli. Početkom travnja u obrani su tia: 115th Reserve Brigade of the Croatian Army from
bile hrvatske snage iz 4. brigade ZNG-a, 116. brigade Imotski, the 166th Reserve Brigade of the Croatian
HV-a i jednoga bataljuna 115. brigade HV-a.554 Army from Metković, the 163rd Reserve Brigade of the
Croatian Army, the Dubrovnik navy squad, the Pel-
ješac navy squad and the bulk of the 4th Brigade of the
551 SVA MORH, ZJB: IZM Ploče, Izvješće kl. 81/92-01/18, ur.
br. 6030-03/92-01 od 17. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: Izv- Croatian National Guard. All these units, apart from
ješće Zapovjedništva 156. brHV od 17. 4. 1992. o bor- the 4th Brigade of the ZNG, were poorly equipped and
benim djelovanjima; SVA MORH, ZJB: Zap. 156. brHV, a significant number of soldiers serving in them had
Izvješće br. 173/32-92 od 18. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJV,
no prior combat experience.
Vanredno izvješće kl. 81/92-02/97, ur. br. 6030-03/92-
38 od 23. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, GSHV: Služba za zaštitu On March 21, 1992 the JNA launched an attack on
ustavnog poretka, Sigurnosno stanje na širem prostoru Gornje Hrasno. A company of the 116th Brigade with a
doline Neretve ur. br. I/4-75/129 od 24. 4. 1992.; Opera- platoon of the 4th Brigade of the ZNG counterattacked
tivna grupa “Jugoistočna Hercegovina”, Obavještajno iz-
and during the fighting on March 22-23 took control
vješće br. 10/92 od 24. 4. 1992.; D. MARIJAN, “Djelovanje
of the dominant heights in the area of Hrasno on the
JNA u Hercegovini”, 648-649.
552 Komanda 10. mtbr, Redovni borbeni izveštaj str. pov. br. eastern side of the plateau. The defensive line was
73-316 od 14. 5. 1992. thus moved forward and the success nullified the dan-
553 4. gardijska brigada HV – Pauci, 150-155. ger of a Serb advance from the Popovo field into Gorn-
je Hrasno. The JNA and the Serb tried to recapture the
554 SVA MORH, ZJB: ZSD, Raspored postrojbi u zoni od Sek-
tora Dubrovnik ur. br. 598/92 od 5. 4. 1992.; Izvješće Mi- lost positions on March 25 but failed. At the beginning
lana Babića od 29. 3. 1998. o 1. bojni 115. br HV od rujna of April the Croatian force defending the area consist-
1991. do 15. 4. 1992.; Jakša RAGUŽ, Hrvatsko Poneretvlje ed of the 116th Brigade of the Croatian Army and one
u Domovinskom ratu, Ogranak Matice hrvatske Met-
Battalion of the 115th Brigade of the Croatian Army and
ković – Hrvatski institut za povijest, Metković – Zagreb,
2004., 317-323. elements of the 4th Brigade of the ZNG.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

U drugoj polovini ožujka 1992. Glavni stožer HV-a In the second half of March, 1992, the General
započeo je provedbu plana Neretva, operaciju osloba- Staff of the Croatian Army began implementing the
đanja južne Dalmacije. Operaciju je trebalo realizirati Neretva plan. The objective was to liberate southern
Zapovjedništvo HRM-a sa snagama OZ-a Split, odno- Dalmatia. The Command of the Croatian Navy, with
sno Sektorom Dubrovnik i pojačanjima iz Splita i Ma- formations belonging to OZ Split, that is Sector Du-
karske. Te su snage početkom travnja pojačane Prvom brovnik, with reinforcements from Split and Makarska,
taktičkom grupom, koja se sastojala od dvije bojne i was supposed to conduct the operation. These forces
dijela potpore 1. brigade ZNG-a. Skupina je dovedena were augmented, at the beginning of April, with the 1st
u naselje Klek kod Neuma, a u noći 6./7. travnja počela Tactical Group which consisted of two battalions and
je zaposjedanje položaja na smjeru obrane od mosta some support units of the 1st Brigade of the ZNG. The
Bistrina do masiva Rujnice, koji je do tada držala 4. group arrived at the Klek settlement near Neum and
brigada ZNG-a. Preostali dio 1. brigade ZNG-a postu- during the night of April 6-7 started taking positions
pno je dovođen u južnu Dalmaciju, a sredinom svibnja on a defensive line stretching from the Bistrina Bridge
brigada je bila kompletna, osim dijela oklopništva koji to the Rujnica massif, relieving the 4th Brigade of the
je ostao u zapadnoj Slavoniji. Taj je dio izvučen počet- ZNG. The remainder of the 1st Brigade of the ZNG grad-
kom lipnja 1992. godine.555 ually arrived in southern Dalmatia. This transfer was
Provedbu operacije čija je svrha bila deblokada completed at the end of May, with the exception of
Dubrovnika i izbacivanje srpskih snaga s teritorija Hr- some armored elements which remained in western
vatske uz istodobnu obranu doline Neretve general Slavonia. These elements were pulled out of western
Tus je zapovjedio 4. travnja. Za operaciju je bilo za- Slavonia at the beginning of June, 1992.
duženo Zapovjedništvo HRM-a s IZM-om u Pločama, The aims of the operation were to lift the Serbi-
kojem je osim dijelova 1. brigade ZNG-a pridodana i an siege of Dubrovnik, to chase the Serb forces from
glavnina 114. brigade HV-a iz Splita te manje snage the Republic of Croatia’s territory and to defend the
HRM-a i HRZ-a.556 Neretva Valley. General Tus ordered the commence-
U vrijeme prikupljanja 1. brigade ZNG-a, JNA je ment of the offensive of April 4. The Command of
napravila posljednji veliki pokušaj da izbije u dolinu the Croatian Navy with Forward Command Post in
Neretve u Hercegovini i onemogući planiranu oslobo- Ploče, reinforced with elements of the 1st Brigade of
dilačku akciju Hrvatske vojske na pravcu od Metkovića the ZNG, the bulk of the 114th Brigade of the Croatian
do obale mora. Komanda 4. vojne oblasti zapovjedila Army from Split and smaller units belonging to the
je 10. travnja 1992. da se hrvatske snage izbace s pod- Croatian Navy and the Croatian Air Force, was to carry
ručja općine Stolac i da se izbije na lijevu obalu Nere- out the operation.
tve te uspostavi crta fronte Mostar – Čapljina – Hutovo While the 1st Brigade of the ZNG was in the process
– zapadna granica Popova polja. Za taj su zadatak an- of transferring to southern Croatia, the JNA launched
gažirane snage Bilećkoga i Podgoričkoga korpusa.557 its last large-scale attempt to reach the Neretva Valley
Podgorički je korpus 10. travnja krenuo u napad in Herzegovina and thus foil the planned Croatian of-
prema Stolovima nakon što je bez otpora Muslimana fensive before it even got under way. Orders went out
from the Main HQ of the 4th Military District on April 10,
1992, instructing Bileća Corps and Podgorica Corps to
555 ICTY: Direktiva GSHV za izvođenje strategijske ofenzive defeat the Croatian forces in the Stolac Municipality,
HV iz siječnja 1992.; SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl.
8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120-05-92-16 od 23. 3. 1992.; SVA reach the left bank of the Neretva River and establish a
MORH, GSHV: Zap. sektora Dubrovnik, Zapovijed za front line along the Mostar – Čapljina – Hutovo – west-
obranu ur. br. 892/92 od 29. 3. 1992.; SVA MORH, GSHV: ern boundary of the Popovo field line.
IZM HRM Ploče, Redovno izvješće, kl. 81/92-02/97, ur. On April 10 Podgorica Corps, having met no op-
br. 6030-03/92-1 od 7. 4. 1992.; 1. gardijska brigada HV –
Tigrovi, 213-214, 219-220, 226-228. position from the Muslim forces, entered Stolac and
continued its advance towards Stolovi. The Croatian
556 SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120-
05-92-22 od 4. 4. 1992. forces, on April 13, 1992, withdrew to the Crnoglav
557 ICTY: IKM Komande 4. vojne oblasti, Direktiva za napad
– Trnovski Brijeg – Kozarica line. In the evening an
str. pov. br. 1029-1 od 10. 4. 1992. attempt was made to reinforce the Croatian forces


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

prošao Stolac. Hrvatske su snage 13. travnja 1992. od-

stupile na crtu Crnoglav – Trnovski brijeg – Kozarica i
navečer ih se nastojalo pojačati svježim snagama 114.
i 116. brigade HV-a. Istodobno je JNA s četom tenkova
izbila na Stolove i ugrozila obranu pravca Gornje Hra-
sno – Donje Hrasno. Prostor su branile snage TG-2 u
sastavu: cijela 116. brigada HV-a, po jedna bojna 113.
i 114. brigade HV-a, te jedna stolačka bojna. U počet-
ku je sudjelovala i jedna satnija iz 4. gardijske brigade
HV-a. Borbe za Stolove završile su 16. travnja, nakon tri
neuspješna napada srpskih snaga koje su na bojištu
ostavile i dva oštećena tenka.
Obranom Stolova hrvatske su snage stabilizirale
dio neumskoga bojišta i otklonile opasnost od napada
iz smjera Stoca i Ljubinja. Obrana tog smjera potom
je povjerena 116. brigadi, a dovedena pojačanja pri-
dodana su da spriječe prodor preko prijevoja Stolovi
– Cerovica prema Metkoviću i Neretvi.558
Hrvatske su se snage intenzivno utvrđivale s teži-
štem na obrani Stolova, a 19. i 20. travnja postrojbe su
Hrvatski vojnik, Južno bojište, 1992. (autor fotografije: Željko

Croatian soldier, the Southern Theater, 1992, (Photograph by

Željko Gašparović).
558 SVA MORH, ZJB: IZM HRM Ploče, Redovno izvješće kl.
81/92-02/97, ur. br. 6030-03/92-6 od 10. 4. 1992.; SVA
MORH, ZJB: IZM HRM Ploče, Redovno izvješće kl. 81/92-
02/97, ur. br. 6030-03/92-7 od 11. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, with elements of the 114th and 116th Brigades of the
ZJB: ZSD, Izvanredno izvješće kl. 81/92-01/01, ur. br.
Croatian Army. At the same time a JNA tank company
3105-01-15-92-30 od 13. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: ZSD,
Izvanredno izvješće kl. 81/92-01/01, ur. br. 3105-01- reached Stolovi and threatened the Croatian defensive
15-92-31 od 13. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: ZSD, Zapovi- positions on the Gornje Hrasno – Donje Hrasno line.
jed za obranu op. br. 4 ur. br. 490-4 od 13. 4. 1992.; SVA The force defending the area belonged to the TG-2 and
MORH, ZJB: ZJV, Redovno izvješće kl. SP. 81/92-02/97, ur.
br. 6030-03/92-17 od 14. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: IZM
consisted of the entire 116th Brigade, one battalion be-
HRM, Vanredno izvješće kl. SP 81/92-02/97, ur. br. 6030- longing to the 113th Brigade of the Croatian Army, one
03/92-19 od 15. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: ZSD, Izvanred- battalion of the 114th Brigade of the Croatian Army and
no izvješće kl. 81/92-02/01, ur. br. 3105-01-15-92-41 od one battalion from Stolac. In the initial stages of the
16. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: ZSD, Izvanredno izvješće kl.
81/92-02/01, ur. br. 3105-01-15-92-43 od 16. 4. 1992.; SVA battle one company of the 4th Guards Brigade took part
MORH, ZJB: ZSD, Zapovijed za obranu Op. br. 5, kl. 8/92- in the fighting. The battle ended on April 16, after three
01/57, ur. br. 3105-01-01-92-1 od 16. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, unsuccessful Serb attacks. The Serbs left two damaged
ZJB: ZJV, Redovno izvješće kl. 81/92-02/97, ur. br. 6030- tanks on the battlefield. 
03/92-21 od 16. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: ZJV, Redovno
izvješće kl. SP. 81/92-02/97, ur. br. 6030-03/92-23 od 17. By successfully defending Stolovi the Croatian
4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: Obavještajno izvješće Zapov- forces stabilized a part of the Neum front and nullified
jedništva 116. brigade HV od 17. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, the danger of Serb attacks from the direction of Stolac
ZJB: Zapovjedništvo 113. brHV, Stanje u postrojbama na and Ljubinje. The 116th Brigade was then tasked with
južnom frontu kl. 8/92-01/277, ur. br. 2135-01-92-1 od 3.
5. 1992.; J. RAGUŽ, Hrvatsko Poneretvlje, 333-336. defending the line and reinforcements were brought


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

prestrojene i dobile su konkretne zadatke obrane.559 in for the purpose of preventing Serb attacks across
Nakon kraćega prestrojavanja snaga, JNA je od 21. the Stolovi – Cerovica mountain pass in the direction
travnja ponovno krenula u napad od stolačkoga pod- of Metković and the Neretva River.
ručja do mora. Nakon manjih uspjeha ofenziva je 26. i The Croatian forces fortified the defensive line cen-
27. travnja prestala, a JNA je na Južnom bojištu prešla tered on Stolac. On April 19 and 20 the Croatian units
u obranu. Ona je ušla u fazu tijekom koje je bila dužna regrouped and were given precise defensive tasks.
nestati iz BiH, odnosno u završni čin transformacije u The JNA regrouped its forces and launched an-
Vojsku Srpske Republike BiH. Bilećki je korpus 25. svib- other attack on April 21, advancing in the Stolac
nja preimenovan u Hercegovački korpus.560 area as far as the sea. During the offensive the JNA
achieved a few minor successes but nothing of any
Prodor HV-a u istočnu Hercegovinu i significant importance that would justify reinforcing
deblokada Dubrovnika it. The JNA stopped the offensive on April 26-27 and
went on the defensive in the Southern Theater of
Prelaskom JNA u obranu došlo je vrijeme da Hrvat- Operations. The JNA entered the phase during which
ska vojska krene u napad i oslobodi dubrovačko zaleđe. it had to officially disappear from Bosnia and Herze-
Prvoga svibnja HV je na području Metkovića i Neuma govina, that is, transform its contingent in the coun-
imao 1. brigadu ZNG-a kao TG-1, 4. brigadu ZNG-a, TG-2 try into the Army of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia
sastavljenu od dijelova 4., 113., 114. i 116. brigade te and Herzegovina. On May 25, Bileća Corps was redes-
156. brigadu HV-a. U njihovu bojnom stroju bilo je 5407 ignated as Herzegovina Corps.
ljudi, a za potporu su osim 14 oruđa kalibra od 122 do
155 mm imali i jednu ojačanu oklopno-mehaniziranu HV’s Advance into Easter Herzegovina
satniju s 12 tenkova i četiri borbena vozila pješaštva.561 and Lifting the Siege of Dubrovnik
Već 6. svibnja 1. brigada ZNG-a zauzela je Gornji i
Donji Drijen i Višnjicu, a potom i važnu uzvisinu Šumet, With the JNA on the defensive, the Croatian Army
koja je olakšavala napredovanje prema Čepikućama. S had an opportunity to launch a large-scale offensive
iznimkom dijela oklopništva, 1. brigada ZNG-a komple- operation and liberate the hinterland of Dubrovnik.
tirana je sredinom svibnja i bila je spremna za napad On May 1 the Croatian Army, in the Metković and
Neum area, had the 1st Brigade of the ZNG as TG-1, the
4th Brigade of the ZNG, TG-2 composed of elements
559 SVA MORH, ZJB: ZJB, Redovno izvješće kl. SP. 81/92-02/97, of the 4th, 113th, 114th and 116th Brigades and the
ur. br. 6030-03/92-24 od 18. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: ZJB, 156th Brigade of the Croatian Army, altogether 5,407
Redovno izvješće kl. SP. 81/92-02/97, ur. br. 6030-03/92-25
od 18. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: ZSD, Operativno izvješće men. Artillery and armor support consisted of 14 122
kl. 81/92-02/01, ur. br. 3105-01-15-92-44 od 18. 4. 1992.; -mm and 155-mm artillery pieces, one reinforced ar-
SVA MORH, ZJB: IZM Ploče, Zapovijed za konsolidiranje mored-mechanized company with 12 tanks and four
obrane kl. 8/92-01/35, ur. br. 6030-03/92-1 od 19. 4. 1992.; armored vehicles.
SVA MORH, ZJB: ZSD, Zapovijed za obranu Op. br. 6, kl.
8/92-01/57, ur. br. 3105-01-01-92-2 od 19. 4. 1992.; 1. gar- Already on May 6 the 1st Brigade of the ZNG cap-
dijska brigada HV – Tigrovi, 222-223. tured Gornji Drijen, Donji Drijen and Višnjica and after
560 SVA MORH, ZJB, Redovno izvješće kl. SP. 81/92-02/97, ur. that the all-important positions on Šumet Hill. Con-
br. 6030-03/92-32 od 21. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB, Re- trolling this hill facilitated, in large measure, the ad-
dovno izvješće kl. SP. 81/92-02/97, ur. br. 6030-03/92-45 vance toward Čepikuće. In mid-May the 1st Brigade of
od 26. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB, Redovno izvješće kl. SP.
the ZNG was in its full complement, apart from some
81/92-02/97, ur. br. 6030-03/92-50 od 27. 4. 1992.; SVA
MORH, ZJB, Redovno izvješće kl. SP. 81/92-02/97, ur. br. armored elements, and ready to attack in the direc-
6030-03/92-51 od 28. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: IZM Ploče tion of Dubrovnik. The Croatian Army undertook a
kl. 81/92-02/39, ur. br. 6030-01/92-1 od 12. 5. 1992.; Ko- whole series of smaller attacks, capturing one hill at
manda Hercegovačkog korpusa, Naređenje za dalja de-
jstva, str. pov. br. 229-90 od 25. 5. 1992.; J. BOBETKO, Sve
a time. This offensive was launched immediately prior
moje bitke, 276-277. to the date by which the Federal Republic of Yugo-
561 SVA MORH, ZJV, Sedmodnevno izvješće kl. 81/92-02/97, slavia was due to withdraw the JNA from Croatia. The
ur. br. 6030-03/92-59 od 1. 5. 1992. Croatian leadership correctly assumed that the JNA


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

prema Dubrovniku.562 Slijedio je ciklus napadnih opera- would redesignate its forces as an Army of the Re-
cija hrvatskih snaga, koji je počeo malim koracima, na- public of Bosnian Serbs and thus continue besieging
padima i osvajanjem jednog po jednog brda.563 Ofen- Dubrovnik. It has to be pointed out that the troops
zivno je nastupanje poduzeto neposredno prije no što besieging Dubrovnik had a clear view of the city and
je SRJ bila dužna povući JNA iz Hrvatske. Operacija je everything taking place in it – everything and every-
usklađena s tim jer se s pravom sumnjalo da će se JNA body in the city was a potential target. Therefore, it
preimenovati u vojsku bosanskohercegovačkih Srba i was important to take advantage of the fact that the
dalje držati Dubrovnik u opsadi, odnosno izravnoj vizu- JNA was on the defensive.
alnoj ugrozi. The 1st and 4th Brigades of the ZNG led the offen-
Operacijski ciklus oslobađanja južne Dalmacije te- sive. The 1st Brigade was almost in its full complement,
meljio se na 1. i 4. brigadi ZNG-a. Prva je brigada priku- and at the end of April it was reinforced by a battery
pljena gotovo u cijelosti, a krajem travnja pridodana joj of 122-mm self-propelled howitzers from Operative
je bitnica samohodnih haubica 122 mm iz OZ Bjelovar. Zone Bjelovar. At that moment, alongside the Ar-
Uz ustrojbenu oklopnu bojnu 1. brigada je u tom trenut- mored Battalion, the 1st Brigade of the ZNG was the
ku bila postrojba s najvećom vatrenom moći u HV-u.564 strongest, in terms of firepower, formation of the Cro-
Brigada je 28. svibnja pojačana i Satnijom mornaričko- atian Army. On May 28, the 1st Brigade of the ZNG was
ga pješaštva iz Pule, koja je korištena za držanje dijela reinforced with a company of naval infantry from Pula.
zauzetih položaja.565 Četvrta je brigada bila osjetno sla- The Company was tasked with holding the liberated
bije opremljena, dijelom pridodana drugim postrojba- areas. The 4th Brigade was not as well equipped as the
ma, no u svemu drugom bila je ravna 1. brigadi.566 1st Brigade. Some elements of the 4th Brigade were at-
Operacija je počela 18. svibnja 1992.: 1. brigada tached to other units. However, in terms of the fight-
ZNG-a poslana je u napad od Bistrine, a 4. brigada iz Po- ing ability of its soldiers, morale and motivation it was
pova polja.567 Dijelovi 1. brigade ZNG-a ušli su 23. svibnja the equal of the 1st Brigade.
u Slano, no na okolnim su uzvisinama bile srpske snage The operation commenced on May 18, 1992: the
koje su nadzirale mjesto. Ključ nadzora bila je kota Lisnik, 1st Brigade moved into attack from Bistrina, and the 4th
za koju se nekoliko dana vodila teška borba. Brigada je Brigade from the Popovo field. Elements of the 1st Bri-
25. svibnja zauzela položaje Banja, Somina greda, Vri- gade entered Slano on May 23. However, Serb troops
jesno, Gradina, Poda, Golić, kao i Slano.568 Konačno je held the hills around Slano. The key position on the
high ground around Slano was Lisnik Hill. Heavy fight-
ing developed for that position and it lasted for a few
562 1. gardijska brigada HV – Tigrovi, 228-229. days. On May 25 the 1st Brigade captured the Serb po-
563 SVA MORH, ZJB: IZM Ploče ZJV, kl. 81/92-02/39, ur. br. sitions in Banja, Somina Greda, Vrijesno, Gradina, Poda,
6030-01/92-1 od 12. 5. 1992. Golić and Slano. On May 26 a group consisting of the
564 SVA MORH, GSHV: Zap. OZ Bjelovar, Zahtjev za mobili- 4th Battalion and a recon platoon captured Lisnik Hill,
zaciju kl. 035-01/92-19, ur. br. 1077-05/92-37 od 21. 4. having previously captured Resova Glava and Oštri
1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: ZSD, Vanredno dnevno operativ-
Gradac. During the fighting for Lisnik Hill the Croats
no izvješće kl. 81/92-02/94, ur. br. 3105-01-15-92-58 od
25. 4. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: ZSD, Prijedlog za uporabu suffered heavy casualties: eight men killed and twenty
topništva kl. 8/92-01/01, ur. br. 3105-01-10/92-01 od 28. wounded. On May 30 an armored platoon of the 1st
4. 1992.; 1. gardijska brigada HV – Tigrovi, 227-228.
Brigade of the ZNG consisting of three tanks, support-
565 SVA MORH, ZJB: IZM Ploče ZJV, Zapovijed kl. 8/92- ing the 163rd Brigade’s attack on Golubov Kamen, en-
01/103, ur. br. 1080-01-01-92-1 od 25. 5. 1992.; Zapov- tered Dubrovnik from the west and reached Kupare.
jedništvo 1. brZNG, Zapovijed za posjedanje položaja ur.
br. 1111-207/92 od 27. 5. 1992.
566 SVA MORH, ZJB: Zapovjednik 4. brZNG, Izvanredno izv-
Operation Jackal and Battles for Mostar
ješće kl. 8/92-01/76, ur. br. 5124-01-01-92-2 od 11. 5. 1992.
567 Izvješće II bojne I. brZNG od 31. 5. 1992.; 1. gardijska
The JNA tried to slow down, and possibly halt,
brigada HV – Tigrovi, 231-236. the Croatian Army’s advance towards Slano by issuing
568 SVA MORH, ZOZS: ZJB, Dopuna izvješća kl. 81/92-02/97, threats and indiscriminately shelling targets in the wid-
ur. br. 6030-03/92-114-1 od 26. 5. 1992. er Čapljina area. At the end of May, the Main HQ of the


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

skupina 4. bojne i izvidničkoga voda 26. svibnja zauzela Southern Theater of Operations decided to launch an
Lisnik i prethodno Resovu glavu i Oštri gradac. Kampanja operation in the area between Hutovo Blato and the
osvajanja Lisnika plaćena je velikom cijenom, s 8 poginu- Neretva River. The operation was codenamed Čagalj
lih i 20 ranjenih gardista.569 Potom je 30. svibnja oklopni (Jackal, also known as June Dawns). The Croatian forces
vod 1. brigade ZNG-a s tri tenka podržao napad 163. bri- were to cross the Neretva River, capture Klepci, Tasovčići,
gade na Golubov kamen, sa zapadne strane ušao u Du- Prebilevci, Hotanj and Domanovići, break the cohesion
brovnik i stigao u Kupare kao pojačanje 163. brigade.570 of the Serbian positions, reach the wider Grabovača –
Greda – Megdan village area, prevent the Serbs from
Operacija Čagalj i borbe za Mostar withdrawing towards Stolac, capture the dominant po-
sitions on the Ševaš Njive – Hadžiosmanovina – Čuču-
Napredovanje HV-a prema Slanom JNA je osim pri- kovine village – Megdan village – Gnjezdac – Crna Brda
jetnjama pokušala usporiti, ako ne zaustaviti, pojača- – Noktac line and set up defensive positions there. Two
nim granatiranjem širega područja Čapljine.571 Krajem combat groups were organized for the purpose: Com-
svibnja u Zapovjedništvu Južnoga vojišta donesena je bat Group 1 in the area of Čapljina and Combat Group
odluka za izvođenje operacije na području između Hu- 2 in the area of Metković. Before the Croatian forces
tova blata i rijeke Neretve. Cilj operacije nazvane Čagalj commenced the operation, the TG-2 stood poised to
(u javnosti poznate i kao Lipanjske zore) bio je prijeći continue advancing in the direction of Stolac and cap-
Neretvu, zauzeti Klepce, Tasovčiće, Prebilovce, Hotanj tured Drenovac and thus improved the chances for the
i Domanoviće, ispresijecati srpske snage, izići na šire operation’s success.
područje Grabovača – Greda – selo Megdan, spriječiti Operation Jackal commenced during the night of
izvlačenje srpskih snaga prema Stocu, zaposjesti domi- June 6-7, when combined groups of the Croatian Army
nantne točke na crti Ševaš Njive – Hadžiosmanovina – troops and HVO troops crossed to the left bank of the
selo Čučukovine – selo Megdan – Gnjezdac – Crna brda Neretva River near Ševaš Njive and Počitelj. During the
– Noktac i na njima organizirati obranu. Hrvatske snage day the attackers captured Klepci, Klepašnica, Ševaš
za operaciju prikupljene su u dvije borbene skupine: Njive, Počitelj and Prebilovci. During the night of June
BG-1 na području Čapljine i BG-2 na području Metko- 7-8 the Serbs withdrew their forces from Tasovčići. Cro-
vića.572 Uoči operacije, hrvatske snage (TG-2) su se 23. atian troops entered the village in the morning. Around
svibnja 1992. uklinile u smjeru Stoca i zauzele Drenovac noon the Croats were in control of Hotanj Hill. Later in
te olakšale provedbu operacije Čagalj.573 the day the Croats captured Domanovići. By June 10,
Operacija Čagalj počela je u noći 6./7. lipnja, kada su Čapljina had been secured, the Serb strongholds along
heterogene skupine HV-a i HVO-a prebačene na lijevu the Neretva had been neutralized and the attacking
forces had linked up with the Croatian forces operating
in the wider Mostar area. The operation continued with
569 SVA MORH, ZJB: Zapovjedništvo 1. brZNG, Izvješće ur. br. the aim of liberating Stolac and taking control of the
1111-206/92 od 26. 5. 1992.; 1. gardijska brigada HV – Ti-
grovi, 237-243; SVA MORH, ZOZS: ZJB, Redovno izvješće Čapljina – Mostar road.
kl. 81/92-02/97, ur. br. 6030-03/92-124 od 30. 5. 1992. The operation for the liberation of Mostar was
570 SVA MORH, ZOZS: ZJB, Redovno izvješće kl. 81/92-02/97, planned in Široki Brijeg under the direction of Gen-
ur. br. 6030-03/92-126 od 31. 5. 1992. eral Slobodan Praljak. Immediately prior to the com-
571 SVA MORH, ZOZS: ZJB, Redovno izvješće kl. 81/92-02/97, mencement of the operation, the order of battle of the
ur. br. 6030-03/92-104 od 22. 5. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZOZS: HVO was as follows: the 4th Battalion in the Balinovac
ZJB, Redovno izvješće kl. 81/92-02/97, ur. br. 6030-03/92- area, the 1st Battalion in Đubrani, the 2nd Battalion in
109 od 24. 5. 1992.
the Rudnik area, the 3rd Battalion in Vrdi, the 5th Bat-
572 IZM Ploče ZJV, Zapovijed za napadnu operaciju kl. 8/92-
01/119, ur. br. 1080-01-01-92-1 od 28. 5. 1992. Faksimil u: talion in Ilići, the Penal Battalion in Široki Brijeg, the
J. BOBETKO, Sve moje bitke, 252-262; MORH, GSHV: Ratni Poskok Battalion in Galac, the Independent Mostar
put 156. brigade HV. Battalion in Mostar’s city center, the Orlac Company in
573 SVA MORH, ZJB: Zapovjedništvo TG-2, Izvješće 23/24 do Mostar city center, a police platoon in Drežnica, artil-
17,00, str. pov. br. 2071-92 od 24. 5. 1992.; SVA MORH,
ZOZS: ZJB, Redovno izvješće, klasa: 81/92-02/97; ur. br. lery in the area of Trtla and Sretnice and mortars in the
6030-03/92-109 od 24. 5. 1992. area of Troskot and Garevina.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

obalu Neretve prema Ševaš Njivama i Počitelju. Tijekom The operation began on the morning of June 11,
dana zauzeti su Klepci, Klepašnica i Ševaš Njive te Poči- 1992, with artillery attacks on Orlovac, Kobilovača, Varda,
telj i Prebilovci.574 U noći 7./8. lipnja srpske su snage izvu- Hum, the Sjeverni Logor barracks, Fortica, Svetigora and
čene iz Tasovčića, u koji su hrvatske snage ušle ujutro, u Šehovina. By the afternoon the HVO was in possession
podne su ovladale brdom Hotanj, a potom i Domanovi- of the Jasenica (community hall) – the Rodoč grammar
ćima.575 Do 10. lipnja osigurana je Čapljina, eliminirana school – main road – Hasan Brkić bridge in Čekrk line
su srpska uporišta uz Neretvu te je izvršen spoj s hrvat- and also in possession of the right bank as far as Raštani.
skim snagama koje su bile na širem području Mostara.576 By the morning of June 12, the Serbian forces had with-
Slijedio je nastavak operacije radi oslobađanja Stoca i drawn from the Hum – Varda – Jasenica – Slipčići line to
ovladavanja prometnicom od Čapljine do Mostara.577 the left bank of the Neretva River. The Serbs, while with-
Oslobodilačka operacija u Mostaru isplanirana je drawing blew up the bridge in Bišće Polje. The Serbs had
u Širokom Brijegu pod vodstvom generala Slobodana already blown up all the bridges across the Neretva in
Praljka. Uoči operacije HVO je bio u sljedećem rasporedu: the Mostar area apart from the Old Bridge.
4. bojna na području Balinovca, 1. bojna u Đubranima, 2. The Penal Battalion, with strong artillery support
bojna na području Rudnika, 3. bojna u Vrdima, 5. bojna u provided by the artillery rocket battalion “Slavuji” from
Ilićima, Kažnjenička bojna u Širokom Brijegu, Poskok boj- Široki Brijeg and in coordination with other HVO units
na u Galcu, Samostalni mostarski bataljun u središnjem from Mostar and Široki Brijeg – 4th Battalion Tihomir
dijelu Mostara, satnija Orlac na istoimenom području, Mišić and 5th Ilić Battalion on the left flank and the
vod MUP-a u Drežnici, topništvo na području Trtle i Sret- Poskok Battalion, 6th Kruševo Battalion, 2nd Široki Brijeg
nica, a minobacači na području Troskota i Garevine.578 Battalion and 9th Rodoč-Jasenica Battalion on the right
Operacija je počela ujutro 11. lipnja 1992. topnič- flank and the 3rd Battalion Široki Brijeg as support, cap-
kom vatrom po Orlovcu, Kobilovači, Vardi i Humu, kao i tured Orlovac, cut the Kruševo – Miljkovići – Varda – Mo-
po vojarni Sjeverni logor, Fortici, Svetigori i Šehovini.579 star road, captured the Heliodrom JNA barracks, military
U popodnevnim satima HVO je ovladao crtom Jasenica installation SOKO (aircraft factory), Aviation Bridge and
(dom) – gimnazija Rodoč – glavna prometnica – most Aluminum factory. Elements of the 4th Battalion of the
“Hasana Brkića” u Čekrku i desnom obalom do isključ- 4th Brigade ZNG gave their contribution to this success
no Raštana. Do jutra 12. lipnja srpske su se snage s by attacking along the Baćevići – Buna – Neretva line.6
crte Hum – Varda – Jasenica – Slipčići povukle na lijevu During June 12, 1992, the HVO shifted the focus of
obalu Neretve, s tim da su pri povlačenju digle u zrak its operation to mopping up the remaining points of
most u predjelu Bišće polje, nakon čega je u Mostaru u Serb resistance in the city and in the southern indus-
funkciji ostao samo Stari most jer su sve ostale mostove trial zone and to preparing to cross to the left bank of
srušile srpske snage. the Neretva River. During the night of June 13-14, 1992,
Kažnjenička bojna je, uz potporu topništva TRD-a ši- HVO troops began crossing the Neretva River. The plan
rokobrijeških „Slavuja“ i u suradnji s ostalim postrojbama was to cross the Neretva in boats in three places, and a
HVO-a Mostar i Široki Brijeg - na lijevom boku s 4. bojnom portion of the force was to cross the river over the Old
„Tihomir Mišić“ i 5. ilićkom bojnom, a na desnom boku Bridge. By the morning, one company of the Indepen-
s Poskok bojnom, 6. bojnom Kruševo, 2. bojnom Široki dent Mostar Battalion had successfully made the cross-
ing. By noon at a location called “Bunur” a group of sol-
diers belonging to the 4th Battalion had also crossed the
574 OG Jugoistočna Hercegovina, Dnevno izvješće br. river and secured the crossing for the remainder of the
170/92 od 7. 6. 1992. force over the Old Bridge and also gained possession of
575 MORH, GSHV: Ratni put 156. brigade HV; Raščlamba b/d a stretch of the left bank of the Neretva as far as the Luč-
na Južnom bojištu 1992. ki Bridge. This bridgehead made it possible for the HVO
576 J. BOBETKO, Sve moje bitke, 252-262, 274. to send more troops across the river and these troops
577 4. gardijska brigada HV – Pauci, 193-195. liberated a part of the city of Mostar. On June 15 the 4th
578 Organizacija oslobađanja općine Mostar (nepotpisan i
nedatiran prikaz izrađen 1993. godine).
579 Isto. 6 Statement by General Stanko Sopta.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Brijeg i 9. bojnom Rodoč-Jasenica te snagama u potpori: Battalion Tihomir Mišić captured the Serb strongholds
3. bojnom Široki Brijeg, zauzela Orlovac, presjekla cestu Sjeverni Logor and Zalik and established defenses on
Kruševo – Miljkovići – Varda – Mostar, zauzela vojarnu JNA the Neretva - Podvožnjak – vrh Zalika - Strelište line.
Heliodrom, vojnu industriju (tvornicu zrakoplova) SOKO, On the morning of June 16, the 5th and 4th Battalions
Avijatičarski most i Aluminijski kombinat. Uspjehu su pri- captured Južni Logor and the Opine area, and the 2nd
donijeli dijelovi 4. bojne 4. brigade ZNG-a koja je napada- Battalion captured the village of Raštane and then also
la smjerom Baćevići - Buna - Neretva.580 Fortica Hill above Mostar. In the southern part of the
Tijekom 12. lipnja 1992. HVO je težište djelovanja battlefield, on the morning of June 14, Croatian forces
stavio na čišćenje gradskoga dijela i južne industrijske crossed the Neretva at Buna in boats from the direction
zone Mostara te pripreme za prijelaz na lijevu obalu of Baćevići. These forces liberated Buna during the day.
Neretve. U noći s 13. na 14. lipnja 1992. HVO je počeo Elements of the 4th Battalion of the 4th Brigade of the
prijelaz Neretve. Plan je bio prijeći Neretvu čamcima na ZNG, Independent Company Buna, one Military Police
tri mjesta, a dijelom snaga preko Starog mosta. Ujutro Battalion of the HVO, elements of the Penal Battalion,
je preko rijeke prešla jedna četa samostalnog mostar- and a detachment of the HOS also crossed the river. El-
skog bataljuna. Do podne je na „Bunuru“ Neretvu prešla ements of the 7th Battalion of the HVO crossed the river
i skupina vojnika 4. bojne koja je osigurala ostalim sna- on June 14, and the remainder of the battalion crossed
gama prelazak preko Staroga mosta i zaposjela lijevu the river on the following day, June 15. By the evening
obalu Neretve do Lučkoga mosta. Preko stvorenog mo- of June 15 the HVO had liberated the Blagaj and Gno-
stobrana na lijevu obalu prešle su nove snage HVO-a jnice areas. On June 16, defensive positions were set up
i oslobodile dio grada. U borbama 15. lipnja 4. bojna on the Busak-Vranjevići- Ravnice line.7
„Tihomir Mišić“ je oslobodila srpska uporišta Sjeverni The HVO forces engaged in the operation re-
logor i Zalik, te potom uspostavila crtu obrane na smje- grouped and were reinforced with fresh units. On
ru Neretva - Podvožnjak - vrh Zalika - Strelište. Ujutro June 17 the HVO advanced in the area of Velika For-
16. lipnja 5. i 4. bojna zauzele su Južni logor i područje tica and mopped up the southern parts of the city in
Opina, a 2. bojna je zauzela Raštane, te potom i brdo the area of Gnojnice towards the airport. The forces
Fortica iznad Mostara. Na južnom dijelu bojišta, ujutro advancing from the direction of Buna linked up with
14. lipnja s pravca Baćevića hrvatske snage su čamcima the forces in the southern part of the city. The aim was
prešle Neretvu i na Buni i oslobodile je tijekom dana. to take control of the Podveležje plateau. Troops from
Preko rijeke je prešao dio 4. bojne 4. brigade ZNG-a, Sa- the southern part of the city and troops from some
mostalna satnija Buna, jedan vod VP-a HVO-a, dio „Ka- parts of Fortica achieved that objective. An HVO pla-
žnjeničke bojne“ i skupina HOS-a. Dio 7. bojne HVO-a toon attacked the Serb positions in Sveta Gora. The
prešao je rijeku Neretvu 14. lipnja, a dio 15. lipnja. Do Serbs were routed, escaping in the direction of the
večeri 15. lipnja oslobođeno je područje Blagaja i Gnoj- Podveležje plateau – Busak and in the direction the
nica, a 16. lipnja je organizirana i utvrđena crta obrane Podveležje plateau – Relay.
Busak - Vranjevići - Ravnice.581 The HVO then focused its efforts on liberating Bi-
Nakon prestrojavanja postojećih i uvođenja svježih jelo Polje. The bridge in Drežnica and the hydroelectric
snaga na dijelu Velike Fortice 17. lipnja HVO napreduje i power plant Grabovica were secured prior to the attack.
čisti južne dijelove grada preko Gnojnica prema aerodro- During the night of June 18-19 the Engineering Group
mu i iz smjera Bune spaja se sa snagama južnoga dijela set up a scaffold along the destroyed bridge in Bijela
grada. Cilj je ovladati područjem Podveležja, što su uči- and the 3rd Battalion crossed to the other bank of the
nile snage iz južnoga dijela grada i predjela Fortice.582 U river. The Recon-Commando Group had already crossed
Podveležju je vod HVO-a napao položaje na Svetoj gori, the river and secured a bridgehead on the other side.
The following morning, after artillery preparation ele-
580 Isto; Izjava generala Stanka Sopte. ments of the 3rd Battalion attacked in the direction of
581 Organizacija oslobađanja općine Mostar (nepotpisan i
Bresnica – Otolež and in the direction of Markanovina
nedatiran prikaz izrađen 1993. godine); Izjava brigadira
Ivana Primorca; Izjava brigadira Radmila Jaska.
582 Isto. 7 Statement by Brigadier Ivan Primorac.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

što je izazvalo rasulo i bezglavo povlačenje srpskih snaga – Salakovac. The former direction was the main axis of
pravcima Podveležje – Busak i Podveležje – Relej.583 advance and the latter direction the supporting axis of
Težište djelovanja HVO je potom prebacio na osloba- advance. During the morning the 1st Battalion crossed
đanje Bijelog polja. Prije početka oslobađanja osigurani the Neretva River in boats and attacked in the direction
su most u Drežnici i HE Grabovica. U noći 18./19. lipnja of Vojno – Potoci. At the same time the 4th Battalion at-
inženjerijska je skupina napravila skelu na srušenom mo- tacked in the direction of the Sjeverni Logor barracks –
stu u Bijeloj, preko koje je nakon ponoći prešla 3. bojna Vrapčići and pushed back the Serb troops towards Poto-
uz zaštitu izvidničko-diverzantske skupine koja je branila ci. In Potoci, by the Convent, the retreating Serbs troops
mostobran. Ujutro su nakon topničke pripreme dijelovi 3. were decisively defeated. The HQ of the TG Mostar de-
bojne napali glavnim smjerom Bresnica – Otolež i pomoć- cided to take advantage of the success. The attack con-
nim pravcem Markanovina – Salakovac. Prijepodne je 1. tinued in the direction Podgorani – Zelenika – Humi
bojna čamcima prešla jezero i napala na smjeru Vojno with the aim of cutting the Potoci – Rujište road and pre-
– Potoci. Istodobno je 4. bojna napala smjerom Sjeverni venting Serb troops from retreating towards Nevesinje.
logor – Vrapčići i potisnula srpske snage prema Potocima, By the evening on June 19 the HVO was in full control
gdje su uništene kod samostana časnih sestara. U Zapo- of the Vrapčići – Potoci – Željuša – Humi – Zelenika line.
vjedništvu TG-a Mostar odlučili su iskoristiti uspjeh i na- The following day elements of the 1st and 3rd Battalions
stavili su napad smjerom Podgorani – Zelenika – Humi da linked up in Potoci. After that the 1st Battalion started
bi presjekli prometnicu Potoci – Rujište i spriječili povla- fortifying the defensive life.
čenje srpskih snaga prema Nevesinju. Do večeri 19. lipnja
At this point the HVO paused for breath. The Serbs
HVO je ovladao crtom Vrapčići – Potoci – Željuša – Humi –
took advantage of that intermission by solidifying their
Zelenika. Idućega dana, 20. lipnja, u Potocima su se spojili
positions in the area of Veliki Banjdol and Kružanj. The
dijelovi 1. i 3. bojne, nakon čega je 1. bojna preuzela crtu
HVO was busy with preparations for capturing the Pod-
obrane i njezino utvrđivanje.584
veležje plateau. During June 22 the 4th Battalion of the
Kratki predah u napadima HVO-a srpske snage iskori-
HVO established two separation lines; one along the
stile su za sređivanje stanja na području Velikog Banjdola i
Banjdol – Hill 683 line and the other in the Poljice area.
Kružnja, a HVO se pripremao za ovladavanje Podveleškim
The HVO withdrew, on June 23 to the Polja – Dražnjača
platoom. Tijekom 22. lipnja 4. bojna HVO-a uspostavila je
crtu razdvajanja Banjdol – kota 683, a sjeverno na područ- separation line. In that area there was fighting on June 24
and also fighting developed for the village of Poljice. The
ju Poljice. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane povuklo se 23. lipnja na
crtu razdvajanja Polja – Dražnjača. Na tom su se dijelu vo- main effort of the attackers was focused on the Velež ra-
dile borbe i 24. lipnja, kao i za Poljice, s težištem na releju dio television tower. The location was important because
Velež, koji je dominirao nad okolinom. Relej je 25. lipnja it conferred to the occupier control of the surrounding
zauzela Kažnjenička bojna uz potporu Poskok bojne, te area. The tower was captured on June 25 by the Penal
2., 3. i 4. bojne HVO-a Mostar. Srpske su snage 26. lipnja Battalion supported by the Poskok Battalion, and 2nd, 3rd
izvele protuudar i razbile crtu HVO-a na području Polja – and 4th Battalions of the HVO Mostar. Only when the HVO
Dražnjača. Poslijepodne su u boj uvedene svježe snage 3. brought in the 2nd Battalion was the tower captured, on
bojne HVO-a, uz pomoć kojih je zaustavljeno povlačenje June 25. On June 26 the Serbs mounted a counterattack
hrvatskih snaga i uspostavljena crta obrane u Patkovići- and defeated the HVO troops on the Polja – Dražnjača
ma, gdje je ostala do 8. srpnja. Toga je dana Nevesinjska line. In the afternoon the 3rd Battalion joined the fray and
brigada VRS-a krenula u napad i nakon dvodnevnih bor- the retreat of the defeated Croatian forces was halted. A
bi zauzela Podveležje te odbacila HVO na crtu Suhi Dol new defensive line was set up in Patkovići. On July 8 the
– Vučja glava – Stolac – Velika kosa – Guberača – Drvenik Nevesinje Brigade of the VRS attacked and after two days
– Komić – Ravnice – Stjepangrad – Orlovača.585 of fighting the HVO had no choice but to withdraw from
Podveležje to the Suhi Dol – Vučja Glava – Stolac – Velika
583 Isto. Kosa – Guberača – Drvenik – Komić – Ravnice – Stjepan-
grad – Orlovača line.8
584 Isto.
585 ICTY: Komanda Hercegovačkog korpusa, Borbeni izvještaj
str. pov. br. 147-288 od 8. 7. 1992.; Organizacija oslobađan-
ja općine Mostar; Izjava generala Miljenka Lasića. 8 Statement by Miljenko Lasić.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Tijekom ljeta i do kraja godine osnovane su četiri bri- Four brigades of the HVO were formed during the
gade HVO-a: 1. brigada za općine Čapljina, Neum, Stolac summer and by the end of the year: the 1st Brigade for
i Ravno, 2. za Mostar, 3. za općine Mostar i Široki Brijeg i the municipalities of Čapljina, Neum, Stolac and Ravno,
4. za općine Ljubuški, Grude i Čitluk. Operativna grupa the 2nd Brigade for Mostar, the 3rd Brigade for the munic-
Jugoistočna Hercegovina je 31. kolovoza 1992. preime- ipalities of Mostar and Široki Brijeg and the 4th Brigade
novana u Operativnu zonu Jugoistočna Hercegovina sa for the municipalities of Ljubuški, Grude and Čitluk. Op-
sjedištem u Mostaru. Zapovjednici su bili pukovnik Dra- erational Group Southeast Herzegovina was redesignat-
go Poljak i brigadir Miljenko Lasić. Nakon oslobodilačkih ed as Operative Zone Southeast Herzegovina on August
operacija osnovane su i dvije brigade Armije RBiH: 1. mo- 31, 1992. Its HQ was in Mostar. The commanders were
starska i 42. brdska Bregava, a u studenome je osnovan 4. Colonel Drago Poljak and brigadier Miljenko Lasić. After
korpus Armije RBiH. Sjedište korpusa bilo je u Mostaru, a these offensive operations two brigades of the Army of
zapovjednik je bio Arif Pašalić.586 the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina were formed
as well: the 1st Mostar Brigade and the 42nd Mountain
Osiguranje zaleđa Dubrovnika i Brigade “Bregava”. In November, IV Corps of the Army
operacija Tigar of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was formed.
The HQ of the corps was in Mostar and the commander
Operacijom Čagalj, a potom i oslobađanjem Mo- was Arif Pašalić.
stara (Neretva), osigurano je stabilno zaleđe hrvatskim
snagama u Dubrovniku i olakšano napredovanje pre- Securing Dubrovnik’s Hinterland and
ma državnim granicama Republike Hrvatske.587 Bio je Operation Tiger
to uvod u operaciju Tigar,588 čiji je cilj bio potisnuti sna-
ge Hercegovačkoga korpusa VRS-a na južni rub Popova With the successes achieved in Operation Jackal
polja s planinskih visova od uzvisine Gradac do Timuna and the liberation of Mostar (Operation Neretva) the
te ga odbaciti iz okolice Dubrovnika dovoljno daleko rear of the Croatian forces in Dubrovnik was secured.
da se napravi osnovica za oslobađanje Konavala.589 With no danger looming from that direction, the Cro-
Operacija Tigar završila je 13. srpnja 1992. godine. atian forces in the Dubrovnik area were able to ad-
Osvojene su dominantne kote iznad Dubrovnika i de- vance towards the borders of the Republic of Croatia.
blokiran je grad, razbijene su snage VRS-a u istočnoj The stage was thus set for Operation Tiger. The aim of
Hercegovini i odbačene 15 kilometara sjeverno od the operation was to push back the VRS Herzegovina
Dubrovnika, prema Trebinju. Otvorena je i prometnica Corps, from its positions on mountain tops from Gra-
Ploče – Dubrovnik, koja je olakšala opskrbu Dubrovni- dac Hill to Timun, to the southern edge of the Popovo
ka i logističku potporu HV-a u daljnjim operacijama. No field and as far as necessary from the environs of Du-
kako nije osvojena Vlaštica, koja je bila oslonac za pro- brovnik so as to make a future operation for the liber-
dor prema Konavlima, operacija je postigla mnogo ma- ation of Konavle possible.
Operation Tiger ended on July 13, 1992. The Croa-
tian forces captured the dominating hills around Du-
586 GS HVO, Zapovijed str. pov. br. 01-593/92 od 6. 7. 1992.; brovnik, broke the Serb siege of the city, defeated the
Odjel obrane HZ HB, Zapovijed str. pov. br. 03-79/92 od
15. 9. 1992.; Odjel obrane HZ HB, Zapovijed str. pov. br. VRS forces in eastern Herzegovina and pushed them
03-100/92 od 22. 9. 1992.; OZ JiH, Informacija ur. br. 01- back 15 kilometers to the north of Dubrovnik, towards
585/92 od 9. 10. 1992.; Zapovjedništvo 4. korpusa AR- Trebinje. The Ploče – Dubrovnik road was open for traf-
BiH, Naređenje pov. dj. br. 1065-1 od 24. 11. 1992. fic and that made it significantly easier to bring supplies
587 1. gardijska brigada HV – Tigrovi, 245-246. to the city and logistically support the Croatian Army.
588 4. gardijska brigada HV – Pauci, 204-206. However, the Croatian Army failed to capture Vlaštica,
589 IZM Ploče ZJV, Zapovijed za napad kl. 8/92-01/159, ur. a key position for a planned advance towards Konav-
br. 1080-02-10-92-1 od 27. 6. 1992. Faksimil kod: J. BOB- le. Operation Tiger was a marginal victory for the Cro-
ETKO, Sve moje bitke, 302-317; SVA MORH, ZJB: ZJV, Re- atian Army. One of the results of Operation Tiger was
dovno izvješće kl. 81/92-02/97, ur. br. 6030-03/92-197
od 3. 7. 1992.; 1. gardijska brigada HV – Tigrovi, 247-252; that the Croatian Army advanced deep into Bosnia and
4. gardijska brigada HV – Pauci, 208-216. Herzegovina’s territory. The Croatian Army really had no


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

nji rezultat od očekivanog.590 Hrvatska je vojska u ope- choice but to use Bosnia and Herzegovina’s territory for
raciji Tigar zašla duboko na teritorij BiH jer je samo tako achieving operational depth and, in turn, keep the Serb
bilo moguće postići veću operativnu dubinu kojom se forces well away from Dubrovnik.
Dubrovnik osiguravao od srpskoga ugrožavanja.591
Operation Liberated Land
Operacija Oslobođena zemlja
During the concluding phase of Operation Tiger,
Potreba za operacijom kao što je Oslobođena ze- some reserve units of the Croatian Army started to buck-
mlja pokazala se već u završnom dijelu operacije Tigar, le under the Serbs’ determined attacks in eastern Herze-
nakon što su neke pričuvne postrojbe HV-a počele govina. A number of key defensive positions were lost
gubiti važne uporišne točke na crti obrane u istočnoj to the enemy, and the Serb forces, taking advantage of
Hercegovini. Srpske su snage koristile prednost po- fighting on familiar ground, seized the initiative. General
znavanja terena i počele su prelaziti u inicijativu. Da to Bobetko realized that the Croatian Army would have to
onemogući, general Bobetko odlučio se na, kako se či- mount another offensive operation. His main concern
nilo, manje zahtjevnu operaciju čiji je cilj bio staviti pod was to arrest the growing momentum of the Serb forces.
nadzor prometnicu Zavala – Osojnik i izbiti na obronke The aims of the new operation were limited in compari-
jugozapadnoga ruba Popova polja te na njima posta- son to those of Operation Tiger. The area around the Za-
viti novu crtu obrane. Tako se planiralo dijelom dobiti vala – Ostojnik road would be cleared of enemy troops,
Popovo polje kao prirodni međuprostor između crte and the attacking troops would reach the slopes on the
razdvajanja, što je bilo mnogo lakše braniti. Operacija south-western edge of the Popovo field and establish a
je planirana u tri dana.592 new defensive line there. The idea was to gain the Popo-
Operacija Oslobođena zemlja realizirana je samo vo field as a natural buffer zone along the separation line
manjim dijelom. Pokazalo se da je prisutnost brigada and thus make the new defensive line that much more
ZNG-a nužna i da bez nje nema pomaka. Pričuvne su defensible. The operation, codenamed Liberated Land,
se postrojbe pokazale slabijima no što su bile jer su go- was to last three days.
tovo sve taktičke grupe dovedene iz dubine Hrvatske The operation was a partial success. It became clear
bile nehomogene postrojbe nespremne za zahtjevne that ambitious offensive operations could not be deci-
zadatke i djelovanje na vrlo teškom terenu. sively successful without the participation of ZNG Bri-
gades. The reserve formations underperformed. The
Protuudar Hercegovačkoga korpusa u main reason for their less than optimal performance was
kolovozu 1992. godine the fact that all the tactical groups brought from other
areas of Croatia were not homogenous formations and
Početkom kolovoza, u sklopu direktive za daljnje as such were not ready to accomplish demanding tasks
djelovanje, Glavni štab VRS-a naredio je Hercegovačko- and operate with speed and determination in a rugged
and inhospitable terrain.
590 J. BOBETKO, Sve moje bitke, 337-338; 1. gardijska brigada
HV – Tigrovi, 252. Herzegovina Corps’s Counterattack in
591 SVA MORH, ZJB: IZM Dubrovnik ZJV, Zapovijed za obranu August 1992
kl. 8/92-01/81, ur. br. 1080-01-01-92-08 od 17. 7. 1992.
592 SVA MORH, ZJB: IZM Dubrovnik ZJV, Zapovijed za na- At the beginning of August, as part of the direc-
pad kl. 8-92-01/159, ur. br. 1080-02-10-92-20 od 21. 7. tive for further actions, the General Staff of the Army
1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: IZM Dubrovnik ZJV, Dopuna of the Republika Srpska ordered Herzegovina Corps
Zapovijedi za napad kl. 8-92-01/159, ur. br. 1080-02-
10-92-21 od 21. 7. 1992.; 4. gardijska brigada HV – Pauci, to defend the approaches to Herzegovina from Župa
218-219.; 1. gardijska brigada HV – Tigrovi, 259-260; SVA Dubrovačka at all costs and send its main force into
MORH, ZJB: IZM Dubrovnik ZJV, Zapovijed za napadna attack with the aim of reaching the left bank of the
djelovanja kl. 8-92-01/265, ur. br. 1080-01-01-92-1 od 4. Neretva River on the stretch of the river’s flow between
9. 1992.; SVA MORH, ZJB: IZM Dubrovnik ZJV, Zapovijed
za stabiliziranje obrane kl. 8-92-01/274, ur. br. 1080-01- Konjic and Čapljina and “if possible, reach the admin-
01-92-1 od 11. 9. 1992. istrative border with Croatia”. It took about 10 days for


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

mu korpusu da odsudno brani pravce koji vode iz Župe Herzegovina Corps to get ready for the operation. In
dubrovačke u Hercegovinu i glavnim snagama izbije na August Herzegovina Corps attacked the Croatian Army
lijevu obalu Neretve na dijelu od Konjica do Čapljine i and HVO forces in and around Dubrovnik, Stolac and
“po mogućnosti na administrativnu granicu s Hrvat- Mostar. The main push came on August 15 when the
skom”.593 Nakon desetak dana priprema Hercegovački je VRS attacked Osojnik near Dubrovnik and Stolac. The
korpus krenuo u provedbu naredbe. U kolovozu je po- attack was unsuccessful. The VRS’s attacks from August
čeo pritisak prema snagama HV-a i HVO-a na području 21 to August 26 in the Mostar area, from Bijelo Polje to
Dubrovnika, Stoca i Mostara. Glavni je udar VRS napra- Blagaj, were also unsuccessful.
vio 15. kolovoza napadom na Osojnik kod Dubrovnika
i Stolac, no bez uspjeha.594 Napadi VRS-a od 21. do 26. Liberation of Konavle and Dubrovnik’s
kolovoza na mostarskom dijelu bojišta, od Bijelog polja Hinterland
do Blagaja, također nisu uspjeli.595
From mid-September the Croatian forces were busy
Oslobađanje Konavala i zaleđa fortifying their positions and preparing offensive actions
Dubrovnika for the liberation of Konavle. On September 24, aboard
the HMS Avenger Croatia and SR Yugoslavia signed an
Od sredine rujna hrvatske su snage intenzivno utvr- agreement regulating the withdrawal of the Yugoslav
đivale položaje za skoru zimu i pripremale se za osloba- Army from the Konavle area and the demilitarization of
đanje Konavala. Kraj borbi na Južnom bojištu počeo se the Oštra Peninsula. The units of the Yugoslav Army duly
nazirati nakon što je 24. rujna na brodu britanske ratne withdrew from Prevlaka on October 20 and UN observ-
mornarice Avenger potpisan sporazum kojim je reguli- ers moved in.
rano povlačenje Vojske Jugoslavije s područja Konavala The Croatian Army expected that the Yugoslav Army
i demilitarizacija poluotoka Oštre. Na temelju toga spo- would withdraw from Prevlaka. For that reason, it was
razuma postrojbe Vojske Jugoslavije povukle su se 20. necessary to prepare Operation Konavle. The 1st Brigade
listopada s Prevlake, koju su preuzeli promatrači UN-a.596 of the ZNG would liberate Cavtat and the wider Cavtat
Očekujući povlačenje postrojbi Vojske Jugoslavije, area. The plan was that the Brigade would launch an
hrvatske su se snage pripremale za Konavle, završnu amphibious attack at Cavtat during the night of Octo-
operaciju na Južnom bojištu. Prva brigada ZNG-a odre- ber 20-21. Due to unfavorable weather conditions, the
đena je za oslobađanje Cavtata i šire okolice. Brigada attack was postponed for 24 hours. The following night
je nakon jednodnevnog odgađanja u noći 20./21., po the sea was still choppy but the attack went ahead any-
iznimno nepovoljnim vremenskim uvjetima i visokim way. The 163rd Brigade of the Croatian Army and the po-
valovima, izvela pomorski desant kod Cavtata. Zajedno lice forces that had already infiltrated the area of attack
s lijevim susjedom u napadu, 163. brigadom HV-a, te secured the left flank of the 1st Brigade. The attack was
snagama policije koje su već bile ubačene na područ- successful and the Croatian forces liberated the occu-
je napada, oslobodila je okupirano područje i izbila na pied territory and reached the Bosnian border.
granicu s BiH.597 The last exploit of the 4th Brigade in the Southern
Theater of Operations was Operation Vlaštica. Vlaštica is
the highest peak above Dubrovnik and it had been one
593 ICTY: GŠ VSR BiH, Direktiva za dalja dejstva Op. br. 3 str.
of the objectives of Operation Tiger. The Croatian forces
pov. br. 02/5-92 od 3. 8. 1992.
had failed to capture it during that operation. The Serb
594 D. MARIJAN, 144. brigada, 47-48. troops controlling the peak had a clear view of the city
595 J. RAGUŽ, “Prva hercegovačka brigada HVO ‘Knez Doma- and its environs from their vantage point. The operation
goj’”, 193-196. commenced on October 22 without the benefit of the
596 SVA MORH, GSHV: Dnevno izvješće kl. 81/92-02, ur. br. element of surprise because of the 1st Brigade’s amphib-
5120-05/13-92-286 od 21. 10. 1992.; Branko Vojičić, “Do
Dubrovnika i natrag”, feljton “Rat za Prevlaku”, Monitor,
ious attack on Cavtat. The fighting for the peak lasted
Podgorica, 1. 11. 1992., 46; J. BOBETKO, Sve moje bitke, three days. On October 25 the 4th Brigade took Vlaštica
139-140. Hill and Bobovište and thus successfully completed Op-
597 1. gardijska brigada HV – Tigrovi, 264-269, 271. eration Vlaštica.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Posljednji pothvat 4. brigade ZNG-a na Južnom bo-

jištu bila je operacija Vlaštica. Nazvana je po istoimenoj
koti, najvišem vrhu iznad Dubrovnika koji, premda se to
planiralo, nije zauzet u operaciji Tigar. S Vlaštice su srp-
ske snage vizualno nadzirale grad i okolicu.598 Operacija
je počela 22. listopada bez efekta iznenađenja zbog iskr-
cavanja 1. brigade ZNG-a u Cavtatu. Uspješno je završe-
na 25. listopada zaposjedanjem Vlaštice i Bobovišta.599

Operacija Bura
Posljednja operacija na Južnom bojištu koju je ge-
neral Bobetko planirao i zapovjedio prije no što je u
studenome 1992. preuzeo dužnost načelnika Glavnoga
stožera HV-a bila je napadna operacija HVO-a u Podve-
ležju. Cilj operacije bio je energičnim udarom oslabiti
ili spriječiti očekivani napad VRS-a, u čemu se na kra-
ju uspjelo, odnosno poboljšati položaj HVO-a, odbaciti
srpske snage u istočnu Hercegovinu i otkloniti opasnost
od vatre njihova topništva po Mostaru, Čapljini i Stocu,
kao i omogućiti djelovanje vlastitog topništva po Ne-
vesinju. Za operaciju je određeno oko 1600 pripadnika
HVO-a, uz potporu 25 topničkih oruđa i satniju tenko-
va.600 Nakon nekoliko dana odgađanja, operacija je po-
čela 8. studenoga napadom nekoliko borbenih skupina
Kažnjeničke bojne, koje su u početku napale objekt Ko-
biljaču i izbile na cestu Rabina-Nevesinje, a na desnom
boku bojna Ludvig Pavlović djeluje na kotu 690 iznad
Zapovjednik Južnog bojišta, general Janko Bobetko, i hrvatski
vojnici u oslobođenom Cavtatu, listopad 1992. (autor fotografi-
Rotimlje, gdje u žestokim borbama pogiba zapovjednik
ja: Zlatko Kalle).
bojne Božan Šimović.601 Operaciju je VRS obilježavao
kao Mitrovdansku bitku i u njoj je Nevesinjska brigada The commander of the Southern Front, General Janko Bobetko
izgubila 41 borca.602 S manjim uspjesima operacija je za- and Croatian soldiers in liberated Cavtat, October, 1992. (Photo-
graphs by Zlatko Kalle).
vršena, što je ujedno bio kraj većih borbi Hrvata i Srba
na Južnom bojištu do 1995. godine.
Borbe na Južnom bojištu tijekom 1992. iznimno Operation Bura
su važne za Hrvatsku, ali i za Hrvate i Bošnjake u BiH. S
obzirom na to da na jugu nije bilo UNPROFOR-a, i Hr- The last operation in the Southern Theater of
Operations planned and commanded by General Bo-
betko before he was appointed Chief of the General
598 4. gardijska brigada HV – Pauci, 224-229.
Staff of the Croatian Army in November, 1992, was an
599 Isto, 230-235.
HVO offensive on the Podveležje plateau. The aim of
600 ZJV, Zapovijed za napadnu operaciju, kl. 8/92-01/40, ur. the operation was to weaken or prevent the expect-
br. 3105-01-01-92-10 od 20. 10. 1992.
ed attack of the VRS, push back the Serb forces into
601 Izjava Jure Begića od 30. 3. 2012. o djelovanju Pukovnije eastern Herzegovina and out of artillery range of Mo-
Ante Bruno Bušić na Gnjilom brdu na Podveležju. Izjava
generala Stanka Sopte. star, Čapljina and Stolac and advance within artillery
602 O. Žerajić, “Na braniku srpskih ognjišta”, Srpska vojska, 15.
range of Nevesinje. 1,600 men were to participate in
7. 1993., 12. the operation, supported by 25 artillery pieces and a


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

tank company.9 After a number of postponements the

operation finally started on November 8 when a num-
ber of combat groups went on the attack. A number of
detachments of the Penal Battalion attacked Kobiljača
and reached the Rabina – Nevesinje road and the Lud-
vig Pavlović Battalion, on the right flank, attacked Hill
690 above Rotmilja. The commander of the Ludvig Pav-
lović Battalion, Božan Šimović, was killed in that attack.
The Nevesinje Brigade of the VRS lost 41 men. In Ser-
bian historiography the battle is called the Mitrovdan
Battle. The operation was a minor victory for the HVO
and was the last larger battle between the Serbs and
Croats in the Southern Theater of Operations until 1995.
The battles in the Southern Theater of Operations
in 1992 were immensely important for the Republic of
Croatia and also for the Bosnian Croats and Muslims in
Bosnia and Herzegovina. UNPROFOR was not present in
the theater and that gave the Croatian Army and the
JNA a free rein. The Croatian Army helped the HVO to
absorb the first attacks by the JNA on a number of axes
of JNA advance (especially near Livno). In the Neretva
Naselja spaljena u srpsko-crnogorskoj agresiji na Dubrovnik i jug
Hrvatske u jesen 1991., Konavle (autor fotografije: Zlatko Kalle). Valley, the Croatian Army significantly helped the HVO.
During the Croatian Army’s advance towards Prevlaka it
Villages torched to the ground by Serb-Montenegrin forces became clear that the VRS did not fight as fiercely for the
during their attacks on Dubrovnik and southern Croatia in au-
tumn 1991, Konavle (Photograph by Zlatko Kalle). areas it had conquered as it did for its areas in eastern
Herzegovina. The terrain in the theater was rugged and
extremely demanding for the soldiers fighting there. It
is worthy of mention that by May 12, 1992, 194 mem-
vatska vojska i JNA mogle su neometano djelovati, što bers of the 1st Brigade of the ZNG had decided not to
su i činile. Hrvatska je vojska pomogla HVO-u da izdrži renew their contracts of service. The 1st Brigade and the
prvi udar JNA na nekim pravcima (posebno kod Livna), 4th Brigade were professional formations and as such
a u dolini Neretve značajno je doprinijela obrani. U oslo- were the Croatian Army’s trump cards in the theater. It
bodilačkom pohodu prema Prevlaci, koji su predvodile has to be noted, however, that the contribution of the
dvije brigade ZNG-a, pokazalo se da je VRS mnogo lakše reserve brigades and tactical groups was also import-
prepuštao osvojena područja od svojih u istočnoj Her- ant because these formations held the defensive lines
cegovini. Bojište je bilo teško i zahtjevno, a zahtjevan and attacked on supporting axes of advance.
boj na kršu bio je velik šok za dio pripadnika 1. brigade
ZNG-a, o čemu posredno govori podatak o 194 raskida
ugovora do 12. svibnja 1992. godine.603 Najveći učinak
na bojištu imale su 1. i 4. brigada ZNG-a što je i razumlji-
vo s obzirom na to da su bile profesionalne postrojbe.
No ne smije se podcijeniti ni doprinos pričuvnih briga-
da i taktičkih skupina koje su konstantno držale crtu i
bile na pomoćnim pravcima napada.

603 SVA MORH, KMO: Zapovjednik JV od 12. 5. 1992. za

Predsjednika i ministra obrane RH. 9 Statement by General Stanko Sopta.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


U sjevernoj Hercegovini, u općinama Prozor, Konjic There were three municipalities in northern Herze-
i Jablanica, Hrvati su imali većinu samo u Prozoru. Oni govina; the Prozor Municipality, the Konjic Municipality
su u prosincu 1991. osnovali obrambene sastave, koji and the Jablanica Municipality. Only the Prozor Munici-
su u travnju 1992. u Prozoru i Konjicu postali HVO, a pality was predominantly Croatian. The Croats of north-
u Jablanici je organiziranje osjetno kasnilo. Najprije su ern Herzegovina formed their defensive units in Decem-
osnovani općinski stožeri, u sklopu kojih su se osnivale ber, 1991. In April, 1992, these units became the HVO
satnije i bojne. Do početka rujna HVO je bio pod za- in Konjic and Prozor. The organizational process in Jab-
povijedanjem Glavnoga stožera oružanih snaga HVO-a lanica lagged behind that in Prozor and Konjic. Initially
za srednju Bosnu. U rujnu su osnovane brigade HVO-a municipal HQs were formed and then, within the scope
Rama za općinu Prozor, odnosno Ramu, i Herceg Stje- of those HQs, companies and battalions were formed as
pan za Konjic i Jablanicu. Obje su brigade ušle u sastav well. Until the beginning of September the HVO was un-
Operativne zone Sjeverozapadna Hercegovina sa sjedi- der the command of the Main HVO HQ for Central Bosnia.
štem u Tomislavgradu. Skupina HOS-a u Konjicu sredi- In September an HVO brigade for the Rama Municipality
nom kolovoza pridružila se Armiji RBiH.604 (the town of Prozor was the administrative center of the
Muslimani su bili organizirani po prostornoj struk- municipality was formed. The Herzeg Stjepan Brigade
turi općinskih štabova TO-a. Njihovi su sastavi bili was formed for Konjic and Jablanica. Both Brigades were
slabije naoružani. U lipnju 1992. je osnovana TG-1 za placed under the command of Operative Zone North-
područje općina Hadžići, Pazarić, Konjic i Jablanica.605 west Herzegovina. The HQ of Operative Zone Northwest
Postojala je do studenoga 1992., kada je ukinuta, a Herzegovina was in Tomislavgrad. The HOS group from
zona je podijeljena između 1. i 4. korpusa Armije RBiH.
Konjic joined the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Općine Jablanica, Konjic i Prozor ušle su u sastav 4. kor- Herzegovina in mid-August.
pusa Armije RBiH sa sjedištem u Mostaru. Na području The Muslims were organized according to the ter-
Konjica Armija Republike BiH osnovala je brigade Suad ritorial structure of the municipal HQs of the Territorial
Alić u Konjicu, Neretvicu u Parsovićima i Neretvu u Ja- Defense. The Muslim’s formations were not as well armed
blanici. U istočnom dijelu općine Prozor osnovan je Sa- as those of the Croats. In June, 1992, the TG-1 was formed
mostalni bataljun Prozor.606 for the municipalities of Hadžići, Pazarić, Konjic and Jab-
Krajem svibnja 1992. u sjevernoj Hercegovini po- lanica. The TG-1 was disbanded in November, 1992. The
javio se Mate Šarlija Daidža (rođenjem Nijaz Batlak, zone was divided between I and IV Corps of the Army of
musliman) sa skupinom zvanom 1. bosanskoherce- the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The municipal-
govački korpus – zbor Kralj Tomislav. Alija Izetbegović ities of Jablanica, Konjic and Prozor were within the area
zadužio ga je za područje sjeverne Hercegovine i bo-
of responsibility of IV Corps of the Army of the Repub-
sanskih općina na prilazima Sarajevu. Nakon sukoba s lic of Bosnia and Herzegovina with its HQ in Mostar. In
the Konjic area the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Herzegovina formed the Suad Alić Brigade in Konjic, the
604 ICTY: Ratni dnevnik GS OS HZ Srednja Bosna; Izvješće
općinskog stožera HVO Konjic od 20. 8. 1992.; ICTY: Neretvica Brigade in Parsovići and the Neretva Brigade in
Glavni stožer HVO, Zapovijed str. pov. 01-2054/92 od Jablanica. The Independent Battalion Prozor was formed
31. 8. 1992.; Ratni put 56. domobranske pukovnije Her- in the eastern part of the Prozor Municipality.
ceg-Stjepan HVO Konjic (nedatiran i nepotpisan prikaz,
vjerojatno iz 1994.); Davor MARIJAN, “Sukob HVO-a Mate “Daidža” Šarlija (born Nijaz Batlak, a Muslim)
i ARBiH u Prozoru u listopadu 1992.”, Časopis za suvre- started making a name for himself at the end of May,
menu povijest, 2/38, 2006., 383. 1992, in northern Herzegovina. He was the leader of a
605 ICTY: GŠ OS RBiH, Imenovanje br. 02/349-343 od 11. 7. group pompously and optimistically called I Bosnia and
1992.; M. ĆATIĆ ČUPERAK, Sjene nad Igmanom, 105-106; Herzegovina Corps – “King Tomislav” Group. Alija Izetbe-
M. ŠADINLIJA, Teritorijalna odbrana BiH, 241, 244-245.
gović tasked Mate Šarlija Daidža with operating in north-
606 Zapovjedništvo 4. korpusa ARBiH, Naređenje pov. dj. br. ern Herzegovina and municipalities around Sarajevo.
1065-1 od 24. 11. 1992.; Komanda 4. korpusa, Izvještaj
sa kontrole stanja u brigadama izvršene 28. 11. 1992. Mate Šarlija Daidža quarreled with the commander of


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komandantom TG-1 Zejnilom Delalićem, Daidža se u the TG-1 Zejnilo Delalić and then withdrew most of his
ljeto povukao, iako su neke skupine koje je vodio osta- troops in the summer of 1992. However, some units he
le na tom području.607 was the commander of continued to operate in the area.
U sjevernoj Hercegovini JNA je imala manja upo- The JNA had a number of minor strongholds and
rišta i objekte: Tvornicu streljiva Igman u Konjicu, vo- some facilities in northern Herzegovina: the Igman am-
jarnu, skladište i objekt veze Ljuta (Komandno mjesto munition factory in Konjic; a barracks and the Ljuta com-
Vrhovne komande OS SFRJ), skladište goriva i maziva u munications bunker (Command post of the Supreme
Čelebićima, radiorelejna čvorišta veze Zlatar i Borašni- Command of the Armed Forces of the SFRY) and a gas
ca i radioprijemni centar Kiser kod Boraca. U Kalinoviku depot in Čelebići; radio-relay station of the Zlatar and
su bila dva puka Bilećkoga korpusa: 13. mješoviti arti- Borašnica communications bunkers; the Kiser radio-relay
ljerijski i 13. mješoviti protuoklopni artiljerijski. Upori- station at Borci. Two platoons from Bileća Corps were in
šta Srba bila su sela Bijela i Borci južno od Konjica i Bra- Kalinovik: the 13th Mixed Artillery Platoon and the 13th
dina sjeverno od grada, a bili su organizirani u odred Mixed Anti-tank Artillery Platoon. The villages of Bijela
TO Borci, koji je po osnutku Hercegovačkoga korpusa and Borci, to the south of Konjic and the village of Bra-
ušao u njegov sastav.608 dina to the north of the city were Serb strongholds. Men
Skladište u Čelebićima preuzeto je bez borbe 18. from the villages served in the Territorial Defense Squad
travnja 1992. godine. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane uz ma- Borci. When Herzegovina Corps was formed the Squad
nju je pomoć snaga TO-a 5. svibnja zauzelo vojarnu, was placed under the Corps’ command.
skladište i središte veze Ljuta. U skladištu je bilo nao- The HVO captured the warehouse in Čelebići with-
ružanje i oprema Teritorijalne obrane Jablanice, Konji- out a fight on April 18, 1992. On May 5 the HVO, with the
ca i Prozora. U napadu zrakoplovstva JNA dijelom je little help of the Territorial Defense, captured the bar-
uništeno oružje TO-a Konjic, a preostali je dio izvučen i racks, warehouse and the Ljuta communications bunker.
podijeljen. Objekt Zlatar HVO i TO zauzeli su 7. svibnja, The weapons and equipment belonging to the Territo-
nakon povlačenja JNA. Zajedno su HVO i TO u borba- rial Defense of Prozor, Konjic and Jablanica were stored
ma od 5. do 7. svibnja odbili srpski napad na planinu in the warehouse. JNA planes attacked the warehouse
Ljubinu jugozapadno od Konjica. Srbi su 11. svibnja and destroyed almost all the weapons and equipment
ušli u Gakiće, koje je branio TO. Napade iz Gornje Bije- belonged to the Territorial Defense Konjic. The weapons
le prema Turiji HVO je odbio. Sela s većinskim srpskim and equipment belonging to the Territorial Defense of
stanovništvom oko Konjica, Bjelovčine, Ceriće i Donje Jablanica and Prozor were distributed to HVO and Mus-
Selo TO i HVO zauzeli su 21. svibnja. Na južnom dijelu lim units. The HVO and Territorial Defense captured the
konjičkoga bojišta ustalila se crta koja se nije mijenjala Zlatar installation on May 7 after the JNA units guarding
godinu dana. HVO i TO dijelom su izmiješanim snaga- the facility had withdrawn. Operating in concert, the
ma držali crtu obrane oko Konjica i uz Neretvu prema HVO and the Territorial Defense, during the two days of
njezinu izvoru. Srbi su bili koncentrirani na platou Bor- fighting – from May 5 to May 7 – beat back a Serb attack
ci, s glavnim uporištem na Kiseru. U sjeveroistočnom i on Mount Ljubina to the southwest of Konjic. The Serbs
istočnom dijelu općine Konjic združene snage HVO-a i entered Gakići on May 11. The village was defended by
TO-a zauzele su 25. svibnja Bradinu i prijevoj Ivan sed- the Territorial Defense. The HVO defeated Serbs attacks
launched towards Turija from the direction of Gornja Bi-
jela. The HVO and the Territorial Defense captured the
607 M. ĆATIĆ ČUPERAK, Sjene nad Igmanom, 101-102, predominantly Serb villages around Konjic, Bjelovčina,
139, 157.
Cerići and Donje Selo on May 21. The front stabilized to
608 ICTY: Pregled mirnodopskih vojnih pošta III uprave GŠ the south of Konjic and did not change for a year. The
OS SFRJ iz 1992.; ICTY: Komanda Hercegovačkog kor-
pusa, Naređenje za dalja dejstva str. pov. br. 229-90 od HVO and the Territorial Defense held the defensive line
25. 5. 1992.; Predsjednik HVO Konjic, Priopćenje za jav- around Konjic and along the Neretva River. Some forma-
nost br. 03-24/92 od 11. 7. 1992.; Općinski stožer HVO tions were mixed, consisting of both Territorial Defense
Konjic, Izvješće br. 02-1/92 od 30. 7. 1992.; Kronologija troops and HVO troops. The Serbs concentrated most
događanja na teritoriji općine Konjic 1992. i 1993. go-
dine (nedatirano i nepotpisano, na web-stranici Slo- of their forces on the Borci plateau. Their defensive line
bodana Praljka). there pivoted around their stronghold on Kiser. A com-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

lo. Posljednji zajednički pothvat HVO-a i TO-a bilo je bined HVO and Territorial Defense force captured, on
zauzimanje vojarne u Pazariću. Vojarna je bez borbe May 25 Bradina and the Ivan Sedlo pass in northeast-
zauzeta 30. svibnja, a posadi je dopušten odlazak na- ern and eastern part of the Konjic Municipality. The last
kon što je predala teško oružje.609 Da zatvori smjer od combined effort of the HVO and the Territorial Defense
Ivan sedla i Konjica prema Kalinoviku i Trnovu, Herce- was the capture of the barracks in Pazarić. The barracks
govački je korpus početkom lipnja formirao Taktičku was captured without a fight on May 30. The garrison
grupu Kalinovik.610 Nakon zauzimanja Trnova TG Ka- was allowed to leave in safety after handing over to the
linovik blokirala je prilaze iz smjera Konjica i smjera HVO and the Territorial Defense all heavy weaponry. Her-
Dejčići – Trebečaj, a na smjeru Trnovo – Dobro Polje zegovina Corps, at the beginning of June, formed the
nastojala je zauzeti dominantne objekte.611 Tactical Group Kalinovik for the purpose of defending
U ljeto 1992. počele su tenzije između HVO-a i AR- against possible attacks on Kalinovik and Trnovo from
BiH. U travnju je osnovano zajedničko zapovjedništvo the direction of Ivan Sedlo and from the direction of Kon-
HVO-a i TO-a. Relativno dobra suradnja funkcionirala je jic. Having captured Trnovo, the Tactical Group Kalinovik
samo dva mjeseca, do sredine lipnja, kada su Hrvati u blocked the approaches to the village from the direction
općini Konjic majorizirani, pa su se povukli iz općinskih of Konjic and from the direction of Dejčići – Trebečaj. The
tijela. Po hrvatskim podacima, tada su počeli pritisci i Group attempted to occupy the dominant locations on
provokacije od strane Muslimana. Preostali Srbi bili su the Trnovo – Dobro Polje line.
izloženi gorim pritiscima i počeli su od HVO-a tražiti In summer, 1992, cracks in the alliance between the
zaštitu od Muslimana. Zbog jednog takvog slučaja 20. HVO and the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
rujna zbio se sukob na punktu HVO-a u Ostrošcu. Ar- zegovina started to appear. In April 1992 the combined
mija Republike BiH napala je punkt čija je svrha bila za- command of the HVO and the Territorial Defense was
štita Srba u jednom zaselku Ostrošca. U sukobu je bilo formed. The HVO and the Territorial Defense cooperated
mrtvih i ranjenih na obje strane.612 in a viable manner for only two months, until mid-June.
Široj javnosti poznata kronologija sukoba između At that time the Croats in the Konjic Municipality were
HVO-a i Armije RBiH počinje sukobom u Rami, odno- marginalized. In response, the Croats withdrew their rep-
sno Prozoru. Hrvati su bili većinsko stanovništvo u resentatives from the municipal authorities. According to
Rami, a u Prozoru su u većini bili Muslimani. Većina Croatian accounts, the Muslims started to brutalize the
sela bila je naseljena Hrvatima, s tim da su musliman- Croat population and especially the Serb population un-
ska bila grupirana u istočnom i jugoistočnom dijelu der their control. As a result, the Serb civilians turned to
općine, prema općinama Jablanica i Konjic. U općini je the HVO for help. One incident which occurred on Sep-
na vlasti bio HDZ, u skladu s rezultatima višestranačkih tember 20 is illustrative: the Serbs from a hamlet in the
izbora. Unatoč nacionalnoj nesnošljivosti i povreme- Ostrožac area, in fear of Muslim raids, asked the HVO to
nim incidentima, u Rami je nekoliko mjeseci vladao protect them. The HVO duly set up a checkpoint on the
relativan mir. Od kolovoza 1992. međunacionalni in- road leading to the hamlet, only to be attacked by the
cidenti u Rami postali su češći. Unatoč konstantnim Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The en-
suing shoot-out was fierce, with many killed and wound-
ed on both sides.
609 Načelnik za sazn. poslove sektora HVO S/Z Hercegovi-
na, Saznajno izvješće str. pov. br. 59/92 od 12. 5. 1992.; Most of those uninitiated in the subject subscribe to
Kronologija događanja na teritoriji općine Konjic 1992. the opinion that the conflict between the HVO and the
i 1993. godine; M. ĆATIĆ ČUPERAK, Sjene nad Igmanom, Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina start-
93, 97-100. ed with a battle in Rama/Prozor. Rama was a predomi-
610 ICTY: GŠ VSR BiH, Direktiva za dalja dejstva str. pov. br. nantly Croatian city while in Prozor the Muslims formed
02/5-22 od 6. 6. 1992. a majority. Most villages in the area were predominately
611 ICTY: Naređenje za dalja dejstva komandanta TG Kalino- Croatian. The predominately Muslim villages in the area
vik od 13. 6. 1992.
were grouped in the eastern and southeastern parts of
612 Načelnik za saznajne poslove sektora S/Z Hercegovina, the municipality, in the direction of the municipalities
Saznajno izvješće op. br. 106/92 od 21. 9. 1992.; Kro-
nologija događanja na teritoriji općine Konjic 1992. i Jablanica and Konjic. In the Rama Municipality, the HDZ,
1993. godine. having won the elections, was in power. Ethnic hatred in


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

nastojanjima hrvatskih vojnih i političkih struktura, the Rama Municipality was a fact of life and tensions ran
sukob nije izbjegnut i bio je dio širega sukoba između high. Despite that, for a few months the Rama Munici-
Armije RBiH i HVO-a koji je počeo 18. listopada u sre- pality was relatively peaceful. Starting in August, 1992,
dišnjoj Bosni. however, the situation could no longer be contained. The
U Prozoru se sigurnosno stanje pogoršalo, ali nije Croatian political and military structures tried their best
bilo sukoba. Armija Republike BiH povukla se s crte to defuse the tensions but without success. The violence
prema Vojsci Republike Srpske na Kupresu u dijelove in Rama was part of the wider conflict between the Army
grada naseljene Muslimanima i držala ih je u punoj of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the HVO,
borbenoj spremnosti. Koncentriranjem ARBiH u Pro- which started on October 18 in central Bosnia.
zoru teret obrane općine prema VRS-u sasvim je pao The security situation in Prozor worsened but there
na HVO brigadu Rama. Stanje se pogoršalo 21. listo- were no violent incidents. The Army of the Republic of
pada 1992., nakon što je manja skupina bojne Vitezovi Bosnia and Herzegovina withdrew their forces facing the
uspjela proći iz Mostara i vratiti se u središnju Bosnu. VRS from Kupres into the Muslim areas of the city of Pro-
Radi smirenja tenzija i na poticaj HVO-a 23. listopada zor and kept them in a constant state of combat readi-
održani su pregovori. Prekinuti su nakon što su pripad- ness. With the forces from the Kupres front concentrat-
nici ARBiH napali postrojbe HVO-a i ubili vojnika Fra- ed in Prozor only the HVO Rama Brigade defended the
nju Zadru u predjelu Crnog vrha. Njegovo je ubojstvo line against the VRS. The situation got worse on October
bilo okidač za sukob koji je počeo istoga dana i završio 21, 1992, when a smaller group of soldiers belonging to
poslijepodne 25. listopada. Brigada Rama je uz pomoć the Vitezovi Battalion left Mostar and returned to central
manjih snaga iz sastava brigade Kralj Tomislav i 2. boj- Bosnia. The situation threatened to spiral out of control
ne Vojne policije stavila Prozor pod svoj nadzor. Jedan and the HVO instigated negotiations with the Army of
muslimanski izvor navodi na zaključak da većih borbi the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The negotia-
i nije bilo, da je HVO topnički granatirao Prozor, a da je tions took place on October 23, but they did not amount
nakon toga 24. listopada počelo izvlačenje civila i voj- to anything because the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
ske iz grada prema Jablanici. Prema podacima brigade and Herzegovina attacked the HVO. That first skirmish
Rama, HVO je imao pet poginulih i 18 ranjenih, a ARBiH occurred in the area of Crni Vrh. The only casualty was
11 poginulih. Prema poslijeratnim podacima, na strani Franjo Zadro, an HVO soldier. He was shot dead. The inci-
Muslimana poginula su četiri vojnika i četiri civila, od dent sparked a full-fledged battle which only ended on
kojih je jedan bio srpske nacionalnosti. Hrvati su u op- the afternoon of October 25. The Rama Brigade with the
ćini Prozor držali vlast osvojenu na izborima i uz to bili help of troops belonging to the Kralj Tomislav Brigade
vojnički dominantni, pa su samim time imali mnogo and the 2nd Battalion of the Military Police took control
manje povoda za sukob od Muslimana. Za sada nema of Prozor. According to one Muslim source, there was not
nikakvih naznaka da je političko i vojno vodstvo bo- any fighting worth the name in Prozor because the HVO
sanskohercegovačkih Hrvata (Predsjedništvo ili Glavni shelled the city from a safe distance, forcing the Army of
stožer HVO-a) potaknulo oružano razračunavanje u the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to start evac-
Prozoru. Civilno je vrhovništvo Prozor držalo područ- uating civilians and withdrawing from the city towards
jem čije mjesto nije sporno u razgraničenju i teritorijal- Jablanica on October 24. The Rama Brigade’s report after
noj jedinici Hrvata u Bosni i Hercegovini koja se očeki- the battle stated that the HVO had suffered 23 casual-
vala u budućem ustrojstvu republike.613 Okolnost da je ties – 5 killed and 18 wounded. According to the same
Prozor u neposrednom susjedstvu Jablanice i Konjica, report, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegov-
u kojima je Armija Republike BiH bila brojnija i jača, ina lost 11 men killed. According to research conducted
stvorila je očito kod Muslimana u Prozoru osjećaj da after the war, four soldiers of the Army of the Republic of
je njihov politički i vojnički položaj bolji nego što je Bosnia and Herzegovina and four civilians were killed –
stvarno bio. To ih je odvelo do oštrog kursa koji nisu three Muslims and one Serb. The Croats were, as per the
mogli podržati ni vojnički ni politički. Konkretno, to je results of the elections, politically dominant in the Pro-
zor Municipality. They were also militarily superior to the
Muslims there and had no reason to provoke a conflict
613 D. MARIJAN, “Sukob HVO-a i ARBiH u Prozoru”. with the Muslims. The Muslims, on the other hand, were


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

not so happy with the situation. There exists no evidence

supporting the theory that the political and military
leadership of the Bosnian Croats (the Presidency and/
or the HVO Main Staff) planned to attack the Muslims in
Prozor. The political leadership of the Bosnian Croats did
not see anything contentious in the fact that the Prozor
Municipality was predominantly Croatian and expected
that any future territorial settlement between the three
constituent nations of Bosnia and Herzegovina would
place the Prozor Municipality firmly within the Croatian
orbit. However, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Herzegovina was stronger than the HVO in the neighbor-
ing municipalities of Jablanica and Konjic. Many Muslims
were thus tempted into believing that the Army of the
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina could somehow
HVO, prvi tenk u Rami, Prozor, 18. lipnja 1993. (fotografiju
give them political control of the Prozor Municipality.
darovao IPD brigade Rama).
That mistaken belief in the superiority of the Army of
The first tank in Rama, Prozor, June 18, 1993 . the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina over the HVO
hardened the Muslims’ stance towards any political set-
tlement that would include the existence of Herzeg-Bos-
nia. But the Muslims miscalculated badly. In reality, they
were not strong enough, militarily and politically, to take
značilo političko zaoštravanje i nepomirljivo stajalište on the HVO. The first military move in support of the
prema političkoj opciji Herceg-Bosne, a vojnički na- new political shift was the withdrawal of the bulk of the
stojanje da se što manje sudjeluje u obrani općine na Muslim forces deployed against the Serbs on the Kupres
crti prema Kupresu i srpskim snagama. Takvo je staja- front. It is perfectly clear that the political and military
lište nesumnjivo imalo punu političku i vojnu potporu leadership of the Bosnian Muslims was determined to
start a war with the Croats. The Makljen pass, in the Pro-
iz Sarajeva, jer je Prozor zbog prijevoja Makljen imao
strategijsku važnost. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane bilo je zor Municipality, became the most important strategic
svjesno toga, što se vidi iz obavještajne procjene u ko- location in the new political and military equation be-
joj se kaže da prema “svim raspoloživim podacima cilj tween the Croats and the Muslims practically overnight.
muslimanskih snaga na ovom prostoru je da ovladaju The HVO was aware that the Muslims would try to take
prometnicama i hidrocentralama” te da bi nadzorom control of the pass. According to one HVO intelligence
“prometnica muslimanske snage … u svojim rukama report from that time, “the goal of the Muslim forces in
držale i sudbinu Hrvata u središnjoj Bosni”.614 this area, judging by all available information, is to take
control of all the roads and hydroelectric power plants”
and if the Muslims are successful in achieving that objec-
tive then “the Croats in central Bosnia will be at the mercy
of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

614 VOS GS HVO, Obavještajno izvješće br. 89/92 str. pov. nr.
07-49/92 od 26. 10. 1992.


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Središnja Bosna je regija u kojoj su Srbi imali malo ma- The Serbs were not interested in central Bosnia as
nje interese nego u ostalim dijelovima BiH. Jugoslavenska much as they were in other parts of Bosnia and Herze-
narodna armija imala je u Travniku, Vitezu, Kiseljaku i Zenici govina. Substantial JNA forces were stationed in Travnik,
jača uporišta koja je željela izvući na sigurnije područje. U Vitez, Kiseljak and Zenica. The JNA wanted to withdraw
fazi kada je ratovala JNA srpski je interes bio proširenje po- those troops to safer areas of the country. During the
dručja s većinskim srpskim stanovništvom na susjedna et- phase of the war when the JNA was active, the Serbs’ ob-
nički miješana područja koja su bila važna zbog zemljopi- jective was to conquer the areas with ethnically mixed
snoga položaja i objekata vojne industrije. Prioritetni ciljevi populations bordering the predominantly Serbs areas.
u ožujku su bili u dolini Vrbasa (Bugojno i Donji Vakuf), Jaj- In March the priority objectives were in the Vrbas Valley
ce i do početka travnja Travnik. Za ovladavanje Kupresom, (Bugojno and Donji Vakuf), Jajce and, until the beginning
Bugojnom, Donjim Vakufom, prijevojem Komar, Travnikom of April, Travnik. The 30th Partisan Division was given the
i Jajcem angažirana je 30. partizanska divizija, kojoj su po- task of conquering Kupres, Donji Vakuf, Jajce, Skender
dređeni lokalni srpski sastavi TO-a u općinama Kupres, Do- Vakuf, Kotor Varoš, Šipovo, Ključ, Mrkonjić Grad and some
nji Vakuf, Jajce, Skender Vakuf, Kotor Varoš, Šipovo, Ključ, parts of the municipalities of Travnik and Novi Travnik.
Mrkonjić Grad i dijelovi u općinama Travnik i Novi Travnik. The local Serb Territorial Defense Units were placed un-
Do kraja ožujka divizija je dijelom mobilizirana i pojačana der the command of the 30th Partisan Division. By the
122. lakom pješačkom brigadom, koja je iz zapadne Slavo- end of March the Division was partly mobilized and re-
nije dovedena na područje Vlašić – Skender Vakuf. Borbe za inforced with the 122nd Light Infantry Brigade which had
Kupres promijenile su zonu 30. partizanske divizije, koja se been brought to the Vlašić – Skender Vakuf area from
orijentirala na dolinu Vrbasa, Ključ i Jajce, a 122. lpbr izišla western Slavonia. During the fighting for Kupres the 30th
je iz njezina sastava i zadužena je za Vlašić.615 Partisan Brigade operated in the Vrbas Valley and the
Preimenovanjem JNA u Srpsku vojsku u Bosni i Herce- areas of Ključ and Jajce. The 122nd Light Infantry Brigade
govini prioritet je postalo Jajce, što je bio zadatak 1. krajiš- was detached from the 30th Partisan Brigade and operat-
kog korpusa, odnosno njegove 30. krajiške divizije. Idući ed in the area of Vlašić.
prioritet bilo je osiguranje Doboja i snaga koje su otvara- When the JNA was redesignated as the Serbian
le koridor između Bosanske krajine i Semberije. Na tom
Army in Bosnia and Heregovina, the main objective be-
dijelu bojišta zadatak 1. krajiškog korpusa bio je odbaciti came Jajce. The task of taking Jajce was given to the
muslimanske i hrvatske snage južno od Doboja, presjeći 30th Krajina Division of I Krajina Corps. Another objec-
prometnice od Tuzle i Zenice prema Doboju i Gradačcu i tive was to secure Doboj and the forces which were
izbiti na crtu Teslić – Tešanj – Gračanica – Srebrenik. Tako opening a corridor between Bosanska Krajina and
se željelo potpuno ovladati planinama Ozren i Trebavac i Semberija. In this area the task of I Krajina Corps was to
zapadnim padinama Majevice.616 push back the Croatian and Muslim forces southwards
Hrvatski je interes bio održati se u dolinama Vrbasa i from Doboj, cut the roads leading from Tuzla and Zen-
Lašve i ondje gdje je moguće organizirati izvršnu vlast. Bio ica towards Doboj and Gradačac and reach the Teslić
je to prirodni nastavak djelovanja iz 1991. i početka 1992., – Tešanj – Gračanica – Srebrenik line. The idea was to
kada su Hrvati onemogućili izvlačenje topničkoga oružja iz gain full control of Mount Ozren, Mount Trebavac and
tvornice u Novom Travniku. Organiziranje za obranu poče-
western slopes of Mount Majevica.
The Croats wanted to keep their presence in the
615 Zemljovid Komande 30. partd po planu Krajina-92.; Vrbas Valley and the Lašva Valley and set up executive
Zapovest Komandanta 30. partd od 4. 3. 1992. za iz-
vođenje borbenih dejstava (Krajina-92); Komanda 30.
power in places where it was possible. These aims were
partd, Redovni borbeni izveštaj str. pov. br. 174-52 od a logical continuation of the activities from 1991 and
21. 3. 1992.; ICTY: I uprava GŠ OS SFRJ, Izvod iz zadataka the beginning of 1992, when the Croats prevented the
str. pov. br. 585-2 od 3. 4. 1992.; Lična karta 30. krajiške
divizije (nedatirana i nepotpisana, nastala najkasnije
Serbs from taking away the artillery pieces from the fac-
početkom 1994. godine). tory in Novi Travnik. The Croats started taking defensive
616 ICTY: GŠ VSR BiH, Direktiva za dalja dejstva op. br. 3, str. measures in the fall of 1991. The existence of Croatian
pov. br. 02/5-92 od 3. 8. 1992. armed groups prevented the JNA and the Territorial


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

lo je u jesen 1991. i postojanje hrvatskih naoružanih sasta- Defense from taking control of the region without a
va onemogućilo je da JNA i srpski TO bez borbe zaposjed- fight. The forming of a higher HVO command began in
nu regiju. Združivanje snaga HVO-a po općinama počelo je April, 1992, in Busovača10, when the regional military
u travnju 1992. u Busovači,617 kada je osnovan Regionalni headquarters of the Travnik regional community was
vojni stožer Travničke regionalne zajednice. Dvojnost u formed. Duality in terms of chain of command occurred
zapovijedanju nastala je kada je po zapovijedi generala when Forward Command Post Central Bosnia was
Bobetka od 19. svibnja u Gornjem Vakufu/Uskoplju osno- formed in Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje on General Bobetko’s
van IZM Srednja Bosna, koji je koordinirao i zapovijedao order of May 19. Forward Command Post Central Bos-
snagama na području središnje Bosne, doline Vrbasa te nia coordinated the actions and commanded the forces
u općinama Prozor, Tomislavgrad i Posušje. Izdvojeno za- deployed in central Bosnia, the Vrbas Valley and in the
povjedno mjesto preimenovano je 10. lipnja u Regionalni municipalities of Prozor, Tomislavgrad and Posušje. On
stožer Srednja Bosna, a područje djelovanja podijeljeno je June 10, the Forward Command Post was redesignated
na četiri operativne zone, čija su sjedišta bila u Gornjem as the Regional HQ Central Bosnia, and its area of oper-
Vakufu, Vitezu, Kiseljaku i Žepču. U prvoj polovini srpnja ations was divided into four Operative Zones. The HQs
Regionalni stožer Srednja Bosna preimenovan je u Zapo- of the four Operative Zones respectively were in Gornji
vjedništvo oružanih snaga Srednja Bosna sa sjedištem u Vi- Vakuf, Vitez, Kiseljak and Žepče. In the first half of July
tezu. Zapovjednici su bili Paško Ljubičić, Filip Filipović, Žar- the Regional HQ Central Bosnia was redesignated as
ko Tole, Bruno Zorica Zulu i Tihomir Blaškić. U listopadu je the Command of the Armed Forces in Central Bosnia
osnovana Operativna zona Srednja Bosna za područje op- with its Main HQ in Vitez. The commanders were Paško
ćina Busovača, Donji Vakuf, Fojnica, Jajce, Dobretići (Sken- Ljubičić, Filip Filipović, Žarko Tole, Bruno “Zulu” Zorica
der Vakuf), Kakanj, Kiseljak, Kreševo, Novi Travnik, Sarajevo, and Tihomir Blaškić. In October Operative Zone Central
Travnik, Vareš, Vitez, Zenica i Žepče. Sjedište je bilo u Vitezu, Bosnia was formed for the municipalities of Busovača,
a zapovjednik je bio pukovnik Tihomir Blaškić. Operativna Donji Vakuf, Fojnica, Jajce, Dobretići (Skender Vakuf ),
je zona podijeljena na tri operativne grupe: I. za općine Kakanj, Kiseljak, Kreševo, Novi Travnik, Sarajevo, Travnik,
Jajce, Novi Travnik, Travnik, Vitez i Zenica, II. za općine Bu- Vreš, Vitez, Zenica and Žepče. The HQ was in Vitez and
sovača, Fojnica, Kakanj, Kiseljak, Kreševo, Sarajevo i Vareš,
the commander was Colonel Tihomir Blaškić. Operative
III. za općine Maglaj, Teslić, Tešanj, Zavidovići i Žepče. Od
Zone Central Bosnia was divided into three Operation-
listopada do prosinca 1992. osnovane su brigade HVO-a:
al Groups: Operational Group I for the municipalities of
Nikola Šubić Zrinski u Busovači, Ban Josip Jelačić u Kiseljaku,
Jajce, Novi Travnik, Travnik, Vitez and Zenica; Operation-
Travnička u Travniku, Stjepan Tomašević u Novom Travniku,
al Group II for the municipalities of Busovača, Fojnica,
110. u Usori, Bobovac u Varešu, Jure Francetić u Zenici i 111.
Kakanj, Kiseljak, Kreševo, Sarajevo and Vareš; Opera-
xp u Žepču. U regiji je postojalo nekoliko skupina HOS-a,
tional Group III for the municipalities of Maglaj, Teslić,
koje su najvećim dijelom ušle u sastav HVO-a.618
Tešanj, Zavidovići and Žepče. From October to Decem-
ber, 1992, the following HVO brigades were formed: the
Nikola Šubić Zrinski Brigade in Busovača, the Ban Josip
617 Prema izjavama zapovjednika HVO-a na tom području,
združivanje snaga HVO-a po općinama, odnosno osni- Jelačić Brigade in Kiseljak, the Travnik Brigade in Travnik,
vanje Regionalnog vojnog stožera Travničke regionalne the Stjepan Tomašević Brigade in Novi Travnik, the 110th
zajednice, čiji je prvi zapovjednik bio Paško Ljubičić, do- Brigade in Usora, the Jure Francetić Brigade I Zenica and
godilo se ranije, 27. veljače 1992., u Busovači.
the 111th Brigade in Žepče. A number of HOS groups
618 HVO, Odluka br. 40-09/92 od 21. 4. 1992.; ICTY: IZM Ploče operated in the area and most of them became part of
Zap. Južnog vojišta, Zapovijed, kl. 8/92-01/91, ur. br. 6030-
02/92-1 od 19. 5. 1992.; Regionalni stožer Srednja Bosna, the HVO.
Zapovijed br. 23/92 od 10. 6. 1992.; Regionalni stožer Sred-
nja Bosna, Zapovijed “R” br. 27/92 od 10. 6. 1992.; Zapov-
jedništvo OS Srednja Bosna, Redovno borbeno izvješće br.
108/92 od 11. 7. 1992.; ICTY: GS HVO, Zapovijed str. pov. br. 10 According to statements issued by HVO commanders
01-2054/92 od 31. 8. 1992.; ICTY: IZM Vitez ZOZSB, Zapo- in charge of the area in question, the formation of a
vijed br. 875/92 od 7. 10. 1992.; ICTY: IZM Vitez ZOZSB, higher HVO command, that is, the formation of the
Zapovijed br. 1224/92 od 25. 11. 1992.; IZM Vitez ZOZSB, Regional Military Headquarters of the Travnik regional
Upozorenje br. 1561/92 od 5. 12. 1992.; Viteška ratna kroni- community, whose first commander was Paško Ljubičić,
ka, HKD Napredak, Vitez, 2001., 16-17. took place earlier, on February 27, 1992, in Busovača.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Muslimani su u središnjoj Bosni kasnili u svim ele- The Muslims’ defensive measures lagged behind
mentima organizacije, pa se dogodilo da su Srbima bez those of the Croats. As a direct result of that the Serbs
borbe prepustili Donji Vakuf i Doboj. Na „trusnim“ su po- captured Donji Vakuf and Doboj without a fight. It is
dručjima iskoristili bolju početnu organiziranost Hrvata i interesting to note that in many areas of the coun-
u njihovu zaleđu postupno izgrađivali svoju vojnu organi- try the Muslims relied on the HVO to protect them
zaciju, koja je početkom 1993. usmjerena u rat s HVO-om. from the Serbs and while the Croats bore the brunt
U regiji su postojala dva okružna štaba TO-a, u Doboju i of the fighting against the Serbs the Muslims slowly
Zenici. Štab u Doboju preuzeli su Srbi, a postrojbe TO-a organized their military formations in the rear areas.
u Tešnju nakon toga su stavljene pod Okružni štab TO-a The Muslim military organization, thus organized,
u Tuzli. Okružni štab Zenica, odnosno Štab regije Zenica, was then turned against the HVO at the beginning
zapovijedao je ostalim snagama Armije RBiH u središnjoj of 1993. There were two district HQs of the Territori-
Bosni. U studenome je osnovan 3. korpus ARBiH, u čiju su al Defense in the region: one in Doboj and the other
zonu djelovanja ušle gotovo sve snage HVO-a u središnjoj one in Zenica. The HQ in Doboj was taken over by the
Bosni osim Usore i Vareša. Sjedište korpusa bilo je u Zenici, Serbs and the Territorial Defense units in Tešanj were
a komandant je bio Enver Hadžihasanović. Do kraja 1992. then placed under the command of the District HQ
osnovano je 15 brigada: 7. muslimanska brdska u Zenici, of the Territorial Defense in Tuzla. The District HQ Ze-
17. krajiška brdska u Travniku, 301. motorizirana u Zenici, nica commanded the other units of the Army of the
303. brdska u Zenici, 305. brdska Jajce (prognanici), 306. Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in central Bosnia.
brdska u Travniku, 308. brdska u Novom Travniku, 309. In November III Corps of the Army of the Republic of
brdska u Kaknju, 312. motorizirana u Travniku, 314. brd- Bosnia and Herzegovina was formed. Almost all forc-
ska u Zenici, 317. brdska u Gornjem Vakufu, 318. brdska u es of the HVO in central Bosnia, except those around
Zavidovićima, 319. brdska u Žepču, 325. brdska u Vitezu i Usora and Vareš, were deployed in III Corps’s area of
333. brdska u Busovači. Dio Muslimana organizirao je mu- responsibility. III Corps’s HQ was located in Zenica and
slimanske snage, po vjerskoj crti i na očiti poticaj Stranke the commander was Enver Hadžihasanović. By the end
demokratske akcije. Uz njih su se u ljeto 1992. pojavili i of 1992, 15 brigades had been formed: the 7th Muslim
prvi vjerski ratnici iz inozemstva – mudžahedini. Iz tih je Mountain Brigade in Zenica; the 17th Krajina Mountain
sastava najesen nastala 7. muslimanska brdska brigada.619 Brigade in Travnik; the 301st Motorized Brigade in Ze-
nica; the 303rd Mountain Brigade in Zenica; the 305th
Bugojno i Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje Mountain Jajce Brigade (refugees); the 314th Mountain
Brigade in Zenica; the 317th Mountain Brigade in Gorn-
Bugojno, Donji i Gornji Vakuf tri su grada u dolini Vr- ji Vakuf; the 318th Mountain Brigade in Zavidovići; the
basa. Srbi su bili zainteresirani za Bugojno i Donji Vakuf, 319th Mountain Brigade in Žepče; the 325th Mountain
ne samo zbog tvornice streljiva u Bugojnu, nego i zbog Brigade in Vitez and 333rd Mountain Brigade in Buso-
zemljopisnoga položaja i pogodnosti za življenje. U Bu- vača. Some Muslim units were composed deliberately
gojnu je na izborima pobijedio HDZ, a u oba Vakufa ve- of practicing Muslims and the practice was support-
ćinski su Muslimani, po hrvatskom uvjerenju, bili izrazito ed by the SDS party. Mujahideen made their first ap-
prosrpski nastrojeni. Od ljeta 1991. Hrvati su organizi- pearance in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the summer of
rali obranu općine i njihova je vojna struktura u travnju 1992. In the fall of 1992 these units were formed into
1992. prerasla u HVO. Krajem svibnja počelo je organizi- the 7th Muslim Mountain Brigade.
ranje brigade Eugen Kvaternik, što je formalizirano u rujnu
1992. nakon zapovijedi Odjela obrane HVO-a. Bugojno Bugojno and Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje

619 ICTY: Štab odbrane okruga Zenica, Službena zabilješka The cities of Bugojno, Donji Vakuf and Gornji Vakuf
br. 03/773-4-3 od 21. 7. 1992.; Glavni stožer HVO, Infor- are located in the Vrbas Valley. The Serbs coveted Bu-
macija o stanju na teritoriju Središnje Bosne, str. pov. br. gojno and Donji Vakuf because of the ammunitions
07-763/92 od 22. 7. 1992.; ICTY: ŠVK OS RBiH, Formiranje factory in Donji Vakuf, geographical position of the
jedinica 3. korpusa, naređenje str. pov. br. 02/1010-390
od 9. 11. 1992.; ICTY: Komanda 3. korpusa ARBiH, Podatci cities and fertile land in the cities’ environs. The HDZ
o mob. razvoju pov. br. 02/3-67 od 11. 7. 1997. party won the elections in Bugojno. Gornji Vakuf and


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

je do 6. rujna bilo u sastavu snaga HVO-a središnje Bo- Donji Vakuf were predominantly Muslim. Many Croats
sne, a potom je ušlo u Operativnu zonu Sjeverozapadna from the area were of the opinion, and justifiably so,
Hercegovina. U Gornjem Vakufu tekao je sličan proces, iz that the Muslims from Gornji Vakuf and Donji Vakuf
općinskoga stožera nastala je brigada Dr. Ante Starčević. were pro-Serbian in their political outlook. In the sum-
Ranije, u proljeće i ljeto, u Gornjem Vakufu osnovana je mer of 1991 the Croats started taking measures for the
bojna Zvonko Krajina, koja je bila u sastavu profesionalne defense of the municipality. The military structure the
pukovnije Ante Bruno Bušić.620 Croats created grew into the HVO in April, 1992. At the
Početkom svibnja 1992. Hrvati i Muslimani formirali end of May, 1992, the process of forming the Eugen
su zajedničku Komandu obrane grada Bugojna, koja je Kvaternik Brigade was started. The Eugen Kvaternik
funkcionirala oko mjesec dana, nakon čega se raspala Brigade was formally formed in September, 1992. Bu-
zbog različitih gledišta na daljnju organizaciju borbe. Or- gojno was, until September 6 in the area of operations
ganizacija TO-a počela je tek sredinom travnja, premda su of the HVO forces in central Bosnia and then came
navodno već prije postojale skupine Patriotske lige. Prve within the scope of Operative Zone North West Her-
postrojbe TO-a formirane su u Bugojnu krajem travnja, a zegovina. A similar process took place in Gornji Vakuf;
u Gornjem Vakufu desetak dana prije. Organizacijski su out of the municipal HQ there the Dr. Ante Starčević
Bugojno i Gornji Vakuf bili podređeni Okružnomu štabu Brigade was formed. Before that, in spring and sum-
TO-a Zenice, a potom 3. korpusu ARBiH. U Bugojnu je na- mer, the Zvonko Krajina Battalion had been formed in
jesen osnovana 307. mtbr, a u Gornjem Vakufu 317. brd- Gornji Vakuf. The battalion was part of the Ante Bruno
ska brigada. Krajem godine 3. korpus ARBiH doveo je iz Bušić Regiment, a formation composed exclusively of
Travnika u dolinu Vrbasa 305. brdsku brigadu.621 professional soldiers.
Početkom ožujka 1992. godine 30. partizanska di- At the beginning of May the Muslims and Croats
vizija Banjalučkoga korpusa JNA počela je pripreme za formed the Joint Command of the Defense of Bugojno
ovladavanje dolinom Vrbasa. Divizija je za taj zadatak mo- which functioned for about a month. It dissolved on
bilizirala 19. partizansku brigadu, čiji je prioritet bio nad- account of differing views regarding how to proceed
zor prijevoja Komar i blokada Donjeg Vakufa i Bugojna. with the war. The process of organizing the Territori-
Pokušaj JNA da na samom kraju ožujka bez borbe uđe u al Defense began only in mid-April. Some accounts
Bugojno onemogućio je predsjednik Skupštine općine – suggest that groups belonging to the Patriotic League
član HDZ-a. To je potom potvrđeno na izvanrednoj skup- existed even before that time. The first units of the Ter-
štini općine sazvanoj na zahtjev HDZ-a. Zauzimanjem ritorial Defense were formed in Bugojno at the end of
Kupresa JNA je ugrozila Bugojno sa zapada. Nakon što April. In Gornji Vakuf the first Territorial Defense units
su Srbi u prvoj polovini svibnja bez borbe zaposjeli Donji were formed some ten days before those in Bugojno.
Vakuf, Bugojno je bilo ugroženo i sa sjeveroistoka.622 Hr- Organizationally, Bugojno and Gornji Vakuf were sub-
ordinated to the District HQ of the Zenica Territorial
Defense and later to III Corps of the Army of the Re-
620 Općinski stožer HVO Bugojno, Izvješće br. 01-109-613/92
od 2. 10. 1992.; Vatre nad Vrbasom: prilozi za bugojansku public of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the fall the 307th
ratnu kroniku 1990.–1993., Hrvatsko kulturno društvo Motorized Brigade was formed in Bugojno and the
“Napredak”, Bugojno, 1993., 42-53, 89; Ratni put bojne 317th Mountain Brigade in Gornji Vakuf. At the end of
“Zvonko Krajina” Uskoplje, travanj 2012.
the year, III Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bos-
621 ICTY: Komanda 3. korpusa ARBiH, Podaci o mob. razvoju
nia and Herzegovina moved the 305th Brigade from
pov. br. 02/3-67 od 11. 7. 1997.; Abdulah JELEČ, Besim
ŽDRALOVIĆ, “Kako je pripremana odbrana Bugojna”, Kor- Travnik and deployed it in the Vrbas Valley.
ak, br. 27, 2012., 97-99, 101; M. ŠADINLIJA, Teritorijalna At the beginning of March, 1992, the 30th Par-
odbrana BiH, 245-247. tisan Division of Banja Luka Corps of the JNA began
622 Zapovest Komande 30. partd od 4. 3. 1992. za izvođen- its preparations for offensive operations in the Vrbas
je borbenih dejstava; SVA MORH, ZOZS: Zapovjedništvo
grada Bugojna (nedatirana, rukom pisana informacija o Valley. For that task the Division mobilized the 19th
stanju u dolini Vrbasa 31. 3. 1992.); Zapovest Komande Partisan Brigade. Gaining control of the Komar pass
30. partd od 2. 4. 1992. za izvođenje borbenih dejstava; and putting Donji Vakuf and Bugojno under block-
Vatre nad Vrbasom, 37; ICTY: Izvještaj Stanice javne bez-
bjednosti Donji Vakuf iz januara 1993. o radu za period 1. ade was top priority. The JNA tried to enter Bugojno
4. 1992. do 25. 12. 1992. without a fight at the end of March. The attempt was


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

vatsko vijeće obrane organiziralo je obranu na lijevoj foiled by the president of the Municipal Assembly –
i desnoj obali Vrbasa, od Guvana do Koša. Da pomo- a member of the HDZ party. The president’s stance
gne, general J. Bobetko poslao je 19. svibnja u Bugoj- was confirmed by an extraordinary session of the As-
no bojnu Frankopan da organizira obranu na smjeru sembly of the municipality convened at the request
prema Donjem Vakufu i stavio je na raspolaganje of the HDZ party. With the capture of Kupres the JNA
brigadiru Žarku Toli, poslanom nekoliko dana prije.623 stood poised to attack Bugojno from the west. When
Tole je s pratnjom 27. svibnja 1992. pod nejasnim the Serbs captured Donji Vakuf without a fight during
okolnostima zarobljen u Bugojnu i odveden u srpsko the first half of May they were in a position to attack
zarobljeništvo. Zarobljen je nakon što je počeo sređi- Bugojno from northeast as well. The HVO established
vati stanje u Bugojnu, gdje je namjeravao formirati defensive positions on both banks of the Vrbas River,
jedinstveno zapovjedništvo.624 from Guvan to Koš. In order to help the HVO, General
Sredinom svibnja 1992. počele su prve borbe sa Bobetko, on May 19, sent the Frankopan Battalion to
srpskim snagama iz Kupresa i Donjeg Vakufa. One Bugojno to set up defensive positions in the direction
su početkom lipnja dobile zapovijed da uznemiruju of Donji Vakuf. General Bobetko placed the Frankopan
obranu Bugojna i olakšaju 1. krajiškom korpusu pro- Battalion under Brigadier Žarko Tole’s command. Žar-
boj koridora u Bosanskoj Posavini. Do sredine lipnja ko Tole had been sent to the area just a few days previ-
HVO je odbio srpske napade i utvrdio crtu obrane Bu- ously. Tole’s intention was to form a unified command
gojna prema Donjem Vakufu. Srbi iz Čipuljića povu- in Bugojno but was captured by the Serbs in Bugojno
kli su se u Kupres, što je olakšalo obranu Bugojna. U on May 27, 1992. The circumstances surrounding that
drugoj polovini lipnja razdvojena su zapovjedništva incident are still unclear.
HVO-a i TO-a. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane predalo je TO-u In mid-May, 1992, the Serbs began attacking from
crtu prema Donjem Vakufu, a samo se orijentiralo na the direction of Kupres and Donji Vakuf, meeting op-
smjer prema Kupresu. S tog su smjera dijelovi 2. kra- position from HVO and ARBIH forces. The Serbs forces
jiškog korpusa bez uspjeha nastojali zauzeti Bugojno. were ordered, at the beginning of June, to harass the
Do kraja godine HVO, a nakon uključivanja u borbu defenders of Bugojno and support I Krajina Corps’ at-
i ARBiH, odbili su nekoliko jakih napada VRS-a. Pose- tempt to create a corridor in the Bosanska Posavina
bice su jaki bili napadi krajem svibnja i sredinom lip- region. The HVO defeated all the Serbs’ attacks and
nja iz smjera Donjeg Vakufa. Početkom srpnja VRS je by mid-June had fortified the defensive line guarding
napao iz smjera Kupresa, a krajem mjeseca iz smjera against attacks from the direction of Donji Vakuf. The
Donjeg Vakufa. Najjači je udar VRS izveo u kolovozu, Serbs from Čipuljići withdrew to Kupres. That move
duž cijele crte obrane. Napad je počeo 12. kolovoza i made the job of the defenders of Bugojno that much
uz manje prekide trajao do kraja mjeseca. Vojska Re- easier. In the second half of June the HVO Command
publike Srpske povremeno je angažirala i zrakoplov- and the Muslim Territorial Defense Command were
stvo, pa su žrtve i materijalni gubici bili veliki, no crta separated. The Territorial Defense units took up the
obrane nije se mijenjala.625 defensive positions in the direction of Donji Vakuf and
Srpski pritisak na Gornji Vakuf bio je osjetno ma- the HVO manned the defensive positions protecting
nji. Vojska Republike Srpske iz Kupresa nije pokazivala against attacks from the direction of Kupres. Elements
velik interes za taj dio doline Vrbasa. Crtu obrane na of II Krajina Corps attacked Bugojno from the direction
of Kupres, but without success. During the period from
623 IZM ZJV Ploče, Zapovijed kl. 8/92-01/90, ur. br. 6030- June to the end of the year the Serbs launched a num-
02/92-1 od 19. 5. 1992.; Vatre nad Vrbasom, 68-69. ber of determined attacks, but the HVO at first alone
624 Izjava Antonia Šušnje dana 17. 7. 1992. u Regionalnom and later in tandem with the Army of the Republic of
stožeru Srednja Bosna. Bosnia and Herzegovina, repulsed each Serb attempt.
625 ICTY: GŠ VSR BiH, Direktiva za dalja dejstva str. pov. br. The attacks launched at the end May and in mid-June
02/5-22 od 6. 6. 1992.; ICTY: GŠ VSR BiH, Direktiva za dal- from the direction of Donji Vakuf were especially fero-
ja dejstva op. br. 3, str. pov. br. 02/5-92 od 3. 8. 1992.; cious. The biggest attack the VRS launched during the
ICTY: Glavni štab VRS, Naredna dejstva VRS, Direktiva,
op. br. 4, str. pov. br. 02/5-210 od 19. 11. 1992.; Vatre nad mentioned period came in August. The VRS attacked
Vrbasom, 68-95. along the whole length of the line. The attack com-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

planini Raduši prema Donjem i Gornjem Vukovskom menced on August 12 and lasted, with brief lulls, until
u travnju je organizirao općinski stožer HVO-a. Teri- the end of the month. The VRS attack was supported
torijalna obrana kasnije se uključila u držanje dijela by the air force. The defenders suffered serious casual-
crte.626 Najveći problem u općini bio je loš međusobni ties and the Serbs inflicted a lot of collateral damage
odnos HVO-a i TO-a. Iako su Muslimani imali relativnu but did not manage to break the defensive line.
većinu, HVO se prije organizirao i bio je bolje naoru- The Serbs’ attacks against Gornji Vakuf were not
žan. Odnosi su stalno bili na rubu incidenta i sukob je as determined as those against Bugojno. The VRS
izbio 20. lipnja. Teritorijalna obrana počela se ukapati formations in Kupres did not seem that much inter-
prema naseljima s hrvatskim stanovništvom, povukla ested in that part of the Vrbas Valley. The municipal
se s crte na Raduši i na više mjesta u općini postavila HQ of the HVO organized a defensive line on Mount
je punktove na kojima su Hrvati zaustavljani i maltre- Raduša in April. Territorial Defense units were later de-
tirani. Zauzela je i punkt u Karamustafiću i s njega po- ployed along the defensive line as well. The relation-
tjerala Vojnu policiju HVO-a. Snage pukovnije Bruno ship between the HVO and the Territorial Defense in
Bušić i postrojbe Garavi vratile su punkt i potisnule TO the municipality was contentious and that created a
prema Gornjem Vakufu. Sukob je završio 21. lipnja, a whole myriad of problems. Even though the Muslims
u njemu su poginula dva pripadnika HVO-a i pet TO-a. formed a relative majority the Croats organized them-
Nakon sukoba je TO ponovno preuzeo svoj dio crte selves before the Muslims and were better equipped.
prema VRS-u na Raduši. Međunacionalna napetost The relationship between the HVO and the Territori-
sustavno je rasla, a u listopadu 1992., tijekom sukoba al Defense was like a powder keg waiting to explode.
u središnjoj Bosni, obje su strane u početku bile do- And explode it did on June 20. The Territorial Defense
voljno razumne da izbjegnu sukob. Nakon što je izbio entrenched their positions facing the predominately
sukob u Prozoru, HVO i ARBiH imali su 24. listopada Croatian towns and villages, withdrew from the de-
manji okršaj, a ARBiH je bez uspjeha pokušala prodor fensive line on Raduša and set up road blocks and
od Gornjeg Vakufa prema Prozoru.627 checkpoints in many places. The soldiers manning
Do kraja godine stanje se i dalje pogoršavalo. Po the road blocks and checkpoints regularly stopped,
tvrdnjama HVO-a, na vodeća mjesta u politici i AR- mistreated and sometimes brutalized Croats. The
BiH imenovane su osobe neprijateljski raspoložene Territorial Defense also dislodged the HVO’s military
prema Hrvatima. U prosincu je iz Travnika počelo do- policemen from the checkpoint in Karamustafić. The
vođenje dijelova tek osnovane 305. brdske brigade Croats reacted. Troops belonging to the Bruno Bušić
ARBiH u sela koja su graničila s Ramom. Sredinom Regiment and the Garavi unit attacked the Muslim
prosinca u Zapovjedništvu brigade HVO-a Dr. Ante troops holding the checkpoint and pushed them back
Starčević nisu dvojili da se Muslimani spremaju za su- towards Gornji Vakuf. The incident ended on June 21.
kob, pa su “posvetili dužnu pažnju razradi plana ‘B’”, tj. Two HVO soldiers and five Territorial Defense soldiers
opciji sukoba s ARBiH.628 were killed in the fighting. After the incident the Terri-
torial Defense returned to their previously abandoned
positions on the defensive line on Raduša. Ethnic ten-
sions continued to grow. However, in October, 1992,
626 Načelnik za saz. posl. sektora S/Z Hercegovina, str. pov. while the battles in central Bosnia raged on, both sides
br. 148/92 od 13. 6. 1992.
had enough common sense not to allow the volatile
627 Općinski stožer HVO Gornji Vakuf, Izvješće str. pov. br. situation to spiral out of control. But, the ethnic ten-
1-5/4-2/92 od 22. 6. 1992.; “Iz Zapovjedništva HVO”, Sko-
sions underlying the relationship between the HVO
paljski vjesnik, br. 1, srpanj 1992., 2; Izvješće Općinskog
stožera HVO G. Vakuf od 7. 7. 1992. o proteklim zbivan- and the Muslims could not be contained indefinitely.
jima; Općinski stožer HVO G. Vakuf br. 1-5/1-770/92 od A minor skirmish occurred on October 24 between
21. 10. 1992.; Zapovjedništvo brigade “Ante Starčević”, the HVO and the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Izvješće br. 1-5/1-783/92 od 30. 10. 1992.; Ratni put bo-
jne “Zvonko Krajina” Uskoplje, travanj 2012.
Herzegovina, after the conflict in Prozor had erupted.
The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
628 Zapovjedništvo brigade HVO “Dr. Ante Starčević” G.
Vakuf, Političko-sigurnosna situacija br. 1-5/1-1159/92 launched an attack from Gornji Vakuf towards Prozor.
od 17. 12. 1992. The attempt failed.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Jajce – operacija Vrbas-92 The situation continued to deteriorate steadily.

According to the claims of the HVO, the Muslims ap-
Jajce je grad u zapadnom dijelu središnje Bosne, pointed persons whose outlook was decidedly an-
na ušću rijeke Plive u Vrbas. Za Srbe je imao iznimnu ti-Croatian to top spots in the civilian administration
važnost, posebno zbog hidrocentrala na Vrbasu, koje and in the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
su bile nužne za opskrbu Bosanske krajine električnom govina. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
energijom. Za napad na grad angažirana je glavnina 30. govina started bringing elements of the newly formed
partizanske divizije JNA, koja je tijekom borbi preime- 305th Mountain Brigade into the villages around Rama
novana u 30. krajišku diviziju VRS-a. Tijekom operacije in December. In mid-December the HQ of the HVO Dr.
divizija je bila ojačana dijelovima 2. krajiškog korpusa i Ante Starčević Brigade was acutely aware the Muslims
1. mješovitom protuoklopnom artiljerijskom brigadom. were actively preparing to attack the HVO. The officers
Krajem listopada imala je 4704 pripadnika, a od sred- reacted by creating plans for that contingency.
stava potpore 19 haubica 105-155 mm, 10 topova 100
mm, 20 topova 76 mm, 21 minobacač 120 mm i oklo- Jajce – Operation Vrbas-92
pno-mehaniziranu četu. Divizija je većinom djelovala u
taktičkim i borbenim grupama. Komandanti divizije bili Jajce is a city in the western part of central Bosnia,
su pukovnici Stanislav Galić i Jovo Blažanović. Operacija situated at the mouth of the Pliva River, where the Pli-
se vodila pod imenom Vrbas-92.629 va flows into the Vrbas. It was of crucial importance for
Jajce je u proljeće 1991. imalo 45.007 stanovni- the Serbs to take the city because of the hydroelectric
ka. Najviše je bilo Muslimana (17.380), potom Hrvata power plant on the Vrbas River which fed Bosanska
(15.811) i Srba (8663).630 U obrani Jajca sudjelovali su i Krajina with electricity. The bulk of the 30th Partisan
Hrvati Pougarja iz općine Skender Vakuf i iz Liskovice Division of the JNA attacked Jajce. During the fight-
(općina Mrkonjić Grad), što je s obzirom na oko 6500 ing the Division was redesignated as the 30th Krajina
stanovnika povećalo borbeno sposobno stanovništvo. Division of the VRS. As the operation to capture Jajce
Jajce je branilo oko 3000 ljudi na crti bojišta dugoj više progressed, the Division was reinforced with elements
od 100 kilometara. U ljeto je HVO bio organiziran u devet of II Krajina Corps and elements of the 1st Mixed An-
bojni, od kojih je sedam bilo iz Jajca. Ostale dvije bile su ti-tank Artillery Brigade. At the end of October the 30th
Krajina Division had 4,704 men and it was supported
Pougarska i Kotorvaroška, koja je u srpnju stigla na po-
dručje Pougarja, a sastojala se od Muslimana i Hrvata iz by 19 105-155-mm howitzers, 10 100-mm artillery
te općine koju su Srbi zauzeli. Od teškog oružja obrana pieces, 20 76-mm artillery pieces, 21 120-mm mortars
Jajca imala je pet minobacača 120 mm i jedan top 130 and an armored-mechanized company. The Division
mm, koji su dobili 7. kolovoza. Zapovjednik HVO-a bio operated mostly with tactical and combat groups. The
je Stjepan Blažević. Od sredine kolovoza 1992. u obrani commanders of the Division were Colonel Stanislav
Jajca sudjelovali su i ostali općinski stožeri HVO-a iz sre- Galić and Colonel Jovo Blažanović. The operation was
dišnje Bosne s manjim skupinama vojnika, kao i skupina codenamed Vrbas-92.
HOS-a iz Novog Travnika. Teritorijalna obrana odnosno In the spring of 1991, Jajce had a population of
Armija Republike BiH bila je organizirana u Općinski 45,007 people – 17,380 Muslims, 15,811 Croats and
štab TO-a, na čijem čelu je bio Muhidin Kadrić. U obra- 8,663 Serbs. Croats from the Pougarje region in the
ni Jajca sudjelovale su i dvije postrojbe ARBiH koje su Skender Vakuf Municipality and Croats from Liskovice
osnovane u Hrvatskoj: 1. krajiški bataljun (poslije 1. kra- in the Mrkonjić Grad Municipality participated in the
jiška brigada) od sredine srpnja, a od sredine listopada defense of Jajce. The number of the newcomers was
about 6,500 and the able-bodied men among them
significantly augmented the number of men defend-
629 Zemljovid Odluke komandanta 30. krd za napad (Vr- ing Jajce. The defensive line around Jajce was about
bas-92) (nedatiran, izrađen prije 25. 10. 1992.); Komanda
30. lpd pov. br. 2/1-9 od 22. 5. 1993.
100 kilometers long and it was manned by about
3,000 men. In the summer, the HVO Jajce comprised
630 Stanovništvo Bosne i Hercegovine: narodnosni sastav
po naseljima, Državni zavod za statistiku Republike Hr- nine battalions, seven of which were actually from Ja-
vatske, Zagreb, 1995., 134-135. jce. The other two battalions were from the Pougarje


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

i 7. krajiška brigada. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane u prvim je region and Kotor Varoš. The latter arrived in the Pou-
mjesecima borbe držalo 80 % crte obrane, a TO ostatak. garje region in July and consisted of Muslims and Cro-
Početkom rujna HVO je svoju zonu podijelio na sedam ats. The Kotor Varoš Municipality had been captured
sektora nadležnosti. Temeljni problem obrane Jajca by the Serbs. The defenders of Jajce could count on ar-
bila je neorganiziranost i nesuradnja HVO-a i ARBiH te tillery support consisting of five 120-mm mortars and
međusobno nepovjerenje. U drugoj polovini listopada one 130-mm artillery piece. The latter was transported
Jajce nije dobilo poslanu pomoć zbog međusobnih su- to Jajce on August 7. The commander of the HVO Ja-
koba HVO-a i ARBiH u Travniku i Prozoru.631 jce was Stjepan Blažević. From mid-August, 1992, the
Nakon zauzimanja Donjeg Vakufa i Vlašića Srbi su other municipal HQs from central Bosnia with small
bili spremni za napad na Jajce, koje je preko Karaule groups of soldiers participated in the defense of Jajce,
i Turbeta imalo nesigurnu vezu s Travnikom. Borbe za as well as a HOS group from Novi Travnik. The Territo-
Jajce počele su krajem svibnja 1992. godine. Snage rial Defense, later the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
30. krajiške divizije VRS-a u prvim su danima lipnja bez and Herzegovina was organized around the Munici-
većega napora zauzele sela s muslimanskim stanovniš- pal HQ of the Territorial Defense. The commander of
tvom južno i zapadno od Jajca i izbile do ulaza u Jajce. the Municipal HQ was Muhidin Kadrić. Two units of
Protuudar je slijedio 13. lipnja. Gubici Srba bili su veliki, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
a zarobljeno je 13 policajaca, tenk T-34 i oklopni tran- formed in Croatia, participated in the defense of Ja-
sporter. Uz pomoć pukovnika Filipa Filipovića iz Travni- jce: the I Krajina Battalion (later named the 1st Kraji-
ka obrana je sredinom lipnja bolje organizirana. Krajem na Brigade) from mid-July and the 7th Krajina Brigade
srpnja i početkom kolovoza 1992. VRS je ponovno kre- from mid-October. During the first few months of the
nuo u jak napad. Napali su i Pougarje, gdje su ih dvije battle, the HVO held 80% of the line and the Territo-
bojne uz pomoć snaga iz Jajca zaustavile, a nakon toga rial Defense the remaining 20%. At the beginning of
do kraja kolovoza nije bilo ozbiljnijih srpskih napada.632 September the HVO divided its zone into seven sec-
Na prilazima Jajcu HVO je u protunapadu 3. kolo- tors of responsibility. The activities of the HVO and
voza zauzeo brdo Navis, s kojega je nadzirao promet- Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina were
nicu Mrkonjić Grad – Jajce – Šipovo – Kupres i držao je poorly coordinated and sometimes one army would
do 25. kolovoza. Od 12. kolovoza u potpori napada Srbi simply refuse to cooperate with the other. These is-
su angažirali i zrakoplovstvo i rakete „zemlja-zemlja“; sues stemmed directly from a mutual mistrust. In the
ukupno je ispaljeno devet raketa. Vojska Republike second half of October no reinforcements, weapons
Srpske uspjela je 25. kolovoza zauzeti prvi sektor obra- and equipment arrived in Jajce even though they had
ne grada, Čanino polje, pa se crta obrane organizirala been sent from a number of places. This help did not
na potezu Grabež – Fratarski gaj – Ćorina jama – Gola arrive due to clashes between the HVO and the ARBIH
planina. U završni napad 30. krajiška divizija krenula je in Travnik and Prozor.
glavnim snagama na smjeru Gola planina – Jajce, a po- Having captured Donji Vakuf and Vlašić, the Serbs
moćnima na smjeru Ćusine – Jajce. Na glavnom smjeru stood poised to attack Jajce. Through Karaule and
angažirane su TG-1 (glavnina 1. mješovite protuoklo- Turbe Jajce was tenuously connected to Travnik. The
battle for Jajce started at the end of May, 1992. During
631 Izvješće Općinskog stožera HVO Jajce od 16. 7. 1992.; the first days of June the 30th Krajina Division of the
Izvješće Zapovjedništva OS Srednja Bosna od 17. 8. VRS easily captured the predominately Muslim vil-
1992.; Zapovjedništvo Stožera OS Srednja Bosna, Iz- lages to the south and west of Jajce and reached the
vješće br. 458/92 od 31. 8. 1992.; Općinski stožer HVO
outskirts of the city. The defenders counterattacked
Jajce, br. 009/92 od 2. 9. 1992.; “Vrijeme kada je umi-
ralo Jajce”, Stožer, bilten 55. domobranske pukovni- on June 13. The Serbs suffered serious casualties, and
je, Tomislavgrad, studeni 1994., 6, 10-11; A. KLIKO, F. 13 Serb police officers were taken prisoner. The Serbs
ĆUSKIĆ, 17. Viteška Krajiška brdska brigada ARBiH, 28-32, also lost a T-34 tank and an APC. With the help of Filip
Filipović from Travnik the organization of the defense
632 Općinski stožer HVO Jajce, br. 01-536/92 od 5. 8. 1992.; of Jajce was improved in mid-June. At the end of July
Izvješće Sigurnosno-informativne službe Općinskog
stožera HVO Jajce od 2. 10. 1992.; “Vrijeme kada je umi- and beginning of August, 1992, the VRS launched an-
ralo Jajce”, Stožer, 11. other determined attack on Jajce. The Pougarje region


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

pne artiljerijske brigade s dijelovima 1. krajiške i 11. was also under attack but two battalions reinforced by
lake pješačke brigade), TG-2 (17. lpbr s dijelom topniš- troops from Jajce repulsed the onslaught. The Serbs
tva i PZO 2. krajiškog korpusa) i BG-1 (dijelovi 6. lpbr). did not launch another determined attack until the
Na pomoćnom smjeru bila je 1. krajiška brigada. Napad end of August.
je počeo ujutro 25. listopada probojem crte ARBiH kod Counterattacking on August 3, the HVO captured
Vrbice, što je bio uvod u slom obrane. Vojska Republi- Navis Hill. From that position the HVO controlled the
ke Srpske ušla je 29. listopada 1992. u Jajce, a snage Mrkonjić Grad – Jajce – Šipovo – Kupres road. The HVO
HVO-a i ARBiH sa stanovništvom (civilima Hrvatima i managed to hold on to Navis Hill until August 25. From
Muslimanima) povukle su se prema Travniku. U bor- August 12 the Serb attacks were supported by the air
bama za Jajce iz HVO-a je poginulo 89 osoba, 12 ih je force and ground to ground missiles; altogether nine
nestalo, a 480 ranjeno. Iz Kotorvaroške bojne poginu- such missiles were fired. The VRS captured, on August
lo je 10 vojnika, kao i iz HVO-a središnje Bosne. Gubici 25, the first sector of the defense of the city, Čanino
ARBiH koja je branila Jajce bili su veći, i to nakon pada Polje. The defenders established a new defensive line. It
grada, jer je oveća skupina pokušala ostati na području stretched from Grabež, through Fratarski Gaj and Ćori-
općine Kotor Varoš, gdje je većina ljudi smrtno strada- na Jama to Gola Planina. The 30th Krajina Division com-
la.633 Od bojno sposobnog ljudstva iz Jajca osnovane menced its final attack. The main direction of advance
su brigada HVO-a Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić u Tomislav- was along the Gola Planina – Jajce line and the troops
gradu i 305. brdska brigada ARBiH u Travniku. supporting the attack advanced along the Ćusine – Ja-
jce line. The force attacking along the main direction of
Dolina Lašve i Zenica advance consisted of the TG-1 (the bulk of the 1st Mixed
Anti-tank Artillery Brigade with elements of the 1st Kra-
U dolini Lašve JNA je manjim snagama držala neko- jina Brigade and the 11th Light Infantry Brigade), TG-2
liko objekata. U Travniku je bila vojarna s Tehničkim re- (17th Light Infantry Brigade with elements of II Krajina
montnim zavodom i dopunskim pukom s malo ljudi. U Corps’ artillery and the Air Defense) and BG 1 (elements
Slimeni je bilo skladište oružja TO-a, koje je osiguravala of the 6th Light Infantry Brigade). The 1st Krajina Bri-
posada JNA. U Novom Travniku bila je tvornica topnič- gade supported the attack. The attack commenced on
koga naoružanja Bratstvo, u kojoj je bio veći broj novih the morning of October 25. The Serbs quickly overran
haubica i samohodnih lansera raketa. U susjednom Vi- the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
tezu bila je tvornica eksploziva i raketnog goriva. Osim troops defending the line at Vrbica. This Serb success
tvornice oružja, za JNA i Srbe najvažniji je objekt bila proved fatal for the defenders. Gradually, the defensive
planina Vlašić. S nje se nadzirao dio Lašvanske doline line crumbled and the VRS entered Jajce on October
i zaprečivali su se pravci prema Skender Vakufu i Kotor 29, 1992. The defenders, both the HVO units and those
Varoša. Za osvajanje i nadzor planine zadužena je 30. belonging to the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
partizanska divizija. Njezina 19. partizanska brigada Herzegovina withdrew towards Travnik. The non-Serb
držala je prijevoj Komar, a 122. lpbr zadužena je za dr- residents of Jajce went with them. During the battle for
žanje Vlašića i Kruševa Brda. Jugoslavenska narodna Jajce the HVO lost 89 men killed, 12 missing and 480
armija imala je premalo ljudi da se održi u okruženju wounded. 10 soldiers from the Kotor Varoš Battalion
koje je u travnju 1992. postalo potpuno neprijateljsko. were killed in action. The HVO units from central Bos-
Vojarnu i skladište Slimena blokirali su HVO i TO. U dru- nia also lost ten men killed. The Army of the Republic of
goj polovini mjeseca propao je pokušaj JNA da iz tvor- Bosnia and Herzegovina suffered a significantly higher
nice Bratstvo izvuče kompletirano oružje. Vojarna JNA number of casualties than the HVO. Most of those were
Draga pored Busovače i skladište u Stojkovićima kod incurred after the fall of the city – a large group of sol-
diers decided to remain in the Kotor Varoš area and the
Serbs killed most of them. Two brigades were formed
633 Zemljovid Odluke komandanta 30. krd za napad (Vr- out of able-bodied men from Jajce: the Hrvoje Vukčić
bas-92) (nedatiran, izrađen prije 25. 10. 1992.); Izvješće Hrvatinić HVO Brigade in Tomislavgrad and the 305th
Stožera HVO Jajce od 4. 11. 1992.; “Vrijeme kada je umi-
ralo Jajce”, Stožer, 11; A. KLIKO, F. ĆUSKIĆ, 17. Viteška Kra- Mountain Brigade of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
jiška brdska brigada ARBiH, 31. and Herzegovina in Travnik.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Lašva Valley and Zenica

The JNA held a number of installations with meager

forces in the Lašva Valley. A barracks with the Technical
Overhauling Institute was in Travnik. A training regiment
consisting of a small number of men protected the bar-
racks. In Slimena there was an armory belonging to the
Territorial Defense, protected by the JNA garrison there.
In Novi Travnik there was the Bratstvo artillery factory.
A large number of brand new howitzers and self-pro-
pelled rocket launchers were stored there. In neighbor-
ing Vitez there was an explosives and rocket fuel factory.
The artillery factory was of utmost strategic importance
for the JNA. Also highly important, from a strategic per-
Ostaci vojarne JNA Slimena (općina Travnik), nakon što su je
pripadnici JNA uništili prije povlačenja, 3. svibnja 1992. (autor spective, was Mount Vlašić. From the mountain a mili-
fotografije: Srećko Stipović). tary force could easily control a part of the Lašva Valley
and communications routes towards Skender Vakuf and
This is what remained of the JNA barracks in Slimena (Travnik
Municipality) after the retreating JNA garrison blew it up, May Kotor Varoš. The 30th Partisan Division was saddled with
3, 1992 (Photograph by Srećko Stipović) the task of capturing and holding the mountain. The
19th Partisan Brigade of the 30th Partisan Division held
the Komar pass and the 122nd Light Infantry Brigade
were ordered to hold Mount Vlašić and Kruševo Brdo.
The JNA did not have enough troops to defend its as-
Novog Travnika zauzeti su 26. travnja. Potom je u noći sets in what, in April, 1992, became enemy territory. The
2./3. svibnja posada JNA u skladištu Slimena digla dio HVO and the Territorial Defense put the barracks and the
skladišta u zrak i povukla se prema Vilenici. Nakon pre- warehouse in Slimena under blockade. In the second
govora JNA je 6. svibnja napustila Travnik i izvukla se half of April the JNA attempted to move the howitzers
na Vlašić, koji je nakon osnivanja Srpske vojske držala and self-propelled rocket launchers to a safer place from
22. lpbr, a poslije Operativna grupa Vlašić VRS-a. HVO the Bratstvo factory, but the attempt was not successful.
je 14. svibnja napao srpske položaje na platou Vlašića The JNA Draga barracks near Busovača and the depot in
i privremeno ovladao strateški izuzetno važnom Gali- Stojkovići near Novi Travnik fell on April 26. On the night
com, kotom (1460 m nadmorske visine) s koje se kon- of May 2-3 the JNA blew up part of the warehouse in
trolirala cijela Lašvanska dolina i šire. Znajući da je to Slimena and withdrew towards Vilenica. On May 6, af-
izuzetna zadaća, HVO je prije toga pozvao musliman- ter negotiating a safe passage, the JNA troops vacated
ske vojne čelnike da im se u toj operaciji pridruže, što Travnik and withdrew to Mount Vlašić. Mount Vlašić was
je iz Travnika odbijeno. Nakon što su u cjelodnevnim held, after the forming of the VRS, by the 22nd Light In-
borbama Srbi potisnuti prema unutrašnjosti Vlašića, fantry Brigade and later by Operational Group Vlašić of
JNA i srpske snage noću su se preustrojile i, uz pojača- the VRS. On May 14 the HVO attacked the Serb positions
nja iz Banje Luke, u ranu zoru idućega dana krenule u on the Vlašić plateau and captured Galica, an extremely
protunapad. Slabije, neiskusne i nedovoljno opremlje- important strategic location, situated at 1,460 meters
ne snage HVO-a primorane su na povlačenje, a u dije- above sea level, from where the occupants could control
lu Galica zarobljeno je i potom ubijeno 14 pripadnika the entire Lašva Valley and surrounding areas. It is worth
travničkog HVO-a.634 mentioning that the HVO, realizing that capturing Gal-
U Travniku su HVO i TO preuzeli napuštene objekte ica would be extremely difficult, asked the Muslims to
take part in the attack but the Muslims refused. The HVO
went ahead and attacked Galica. After one whole day
634 ICTY: Komanda 5. korpusa, Redovni borbeni izveštaj, str.
pov. br. 44-1/138 od 15. 5. 1992.; „Datumi koji se pamte“, of fighting the HVO pushed the Serbs back. During the
Vlašići vidici, 19. 11. 1993., 12; Viteška ratna kronika, 19. night the Serb troops regrouped and received reinforce-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

i podijelili oružje. Vojarnu u Kaoniku kod Busovače HVO ments from Banja Luka. In early dawn the Serbs mount-
je osvojio 9./10. svibnja. Zenicu je JNA, po dogovoru, ed a counterattack. The HVO troops, outnumbered and
napustila 18. svibnja, a TO je na prepad uspio oteti dio outclassed, could not withstand the onslaught and re-
naoružanja i opreme.635 treated. Galica was again in Serb hands. The Serbs took
Srpski udar na regiju počeo je 20. travnja napadom 14 HVO soldiers prisoner and later summarily shot them.
na Turbe, koje je TO obranio uz pomoć iz Busovače. Zbog All 14 Croat soldiers belonged to the Travnik HVO.
zauzimanja vojnih objekta u Busovači i Novom Travniku In Travnik the HVO and the Territorial Defense cap-
zrakoplovstvo JNA raketiralo je 26. travnja Busovaču i Vi- tured the abandoned JNA installations and divided
tez pri čemu je ubijeno nekoliko civila i pričinjena veća the weapons between them. The HVO captured the
materijalna šteta. Više uspjeha JNA je imala na Vlašiću 1. barracks in Kaonik near Busovača on May 9-10. The
svibnja. Njezina 122. brigada zauzela je televizijski toranj JNA, as per agreement, vacated Zenica on May 18.
i zarobila više od 30 pripadnika policije BiH. U lipnju je Territorial Defense troops mounted a sudden raid and
TO bez borbe izgubio selo Goleš kod Komara. managed to capture some weapons and equipment
U rujnu je ARBiH iz Travnika pružila izvjesnu po- from the Serbs.
moć obrani Jajca na pravcima Šešička planina – Gostilj The Serbs’ offensive began on April 20 with an at-
i Studenjača – Meokrnje. Nakon srpske okupacije Jajca tack on the village of Turbe, defended by the Territorial
ugrožena je bila i obrana Travnika. Komanda 30. krajiške Defense. When the Serbs attacked Turbe, troops from
divizije VRS-a planirala je napad i izbijanje na crtu Ko- Busovača arrived at the village and with their help the
mar – Turbe – Vlašić. Oko obrane Travnika angažiralo se defenders defeated the attack. On April 26 the JNA Air
zajedničko zapovjedništvo ARBiH i HVO-a, koje su vo- Force attacked Busovača and Vitez from the air in retal-
dili general Slobodan Praljak i Jasmin Jaganjac, a bili su iation for the loss of the JNA installations and facilities
angažirani još Ante Prkačin i Arif Pašalić. Osnovano je in Busovača and Novi Travnik. The JNA aircraft killed
i zajedničko zapovjedništvo HVO-a i ARBiH za Travnik, a number of civilians and inflicted significant material
rađeni su planovi za vraćanje Jajca, no na kraju se ništa damage. The JNA was more successful on Mount Vlašić
od planiranog nije realiziralo. Vojska Republike Srpske on May 1. The 122nd Brigade captured the television
napala je početkom studenoga i 14. studenoga zauzela tower and took more than 30 police officers prison-
Karaulu, koju je branila ARBiH. Obrana Travnika organi- er. In June the JNA captured the village of Goleš near
zirana je na padinama Vlašića i na prilazima Turbetu.636 Komar without a fight. In September the Territorial De-
Izbijanjem otvorenog rata počeli su sukobi između fense helped the defenders of Jajce to hold the Mount
HVO-a i muslimanskog TO-a. Većina tih sukoba bila je Šešićka – Gostilj and Studenjača – Meokrnje line. With
u Lašvanskoj dolini. Zbog napada pripadnika TO-a na Jajce in Serb hands the position of Travnik became pre-
punkt HVO-a kod Busovače HVO je 10. svibnja poništio carious. The HQ of the 30th Krajina Division planned an
attack on Travnik with the aim of reaching the Komar –
635 Zapovest Komande 30. partd od 4. 3. 1992. za izvođen- Turbe – Vlašić line. A joint HVO-Army of the Republic of
je borbenih dejstava; Zapovest Komande 30. partd od Bosnia and Herzegovina HQ was set up for the defense
2. 4. 1992. za izvođenje borbenih dejstava; Komanda 2. of Travnik. Slobodan Praljak and Jasmin Jaganjac were
VO, Borbeni i operativni izveštaj str. pov. br. 10/36-2501 in charge. Ante Prkačin and Arif Pašalić were engaged
od 26. 4. 1992.; H. EFENDIĆ, Ko je branio Bosnu, 198-199;
Milorad DRAGOJEVIĆ, Razvoj našeg naoružanja: VTI kao in the same capacity. Also, a joint HVO-ARBIH HQ for
sudbina, Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd, 2003., 206- Travnik was formed. Plans were made for an operation
207; Zijad ČABER, “Pripreme za otpor 1991. i odbrana od to retake Jajce, but the plans amounted to nothing. At
agresije u 1992. na području općine Travnik”, Korak, br.
the beginning of November, the VRS attacked Karau-
27/2012., 88-89.
la and captured it on November 14. The town was
636 Komanda 2. VO, Borbeni i operativni izveštaj str. pov. br.
10/36-2548 od 1. 5 1992.; Komanda 30. krajiške divizije, defended by the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Naređenje str. pov. br. 174-65 od 30. 10. 1992.; Glavni Herzegovina. The defense of Travnik pivoted on the
stožer HVO, Imenovanje privremenih članova Zapovjed- positions on the slopes of Mount Vlašić and approach-
ništva dj. br. 01-2505-4/92 od 10. 11. 1992.; Zajedničko es to Turbe.
zapovjedništvo Armije BiH i HVO-a, Zapovijed Op. br. 1,
pov. br. 01/4-92 od 10. 11. 1992.; Viteška ratna kronika, Clashes between the HVO and the Muslim TO be-
18-19; Z. ČABER, “Pripreme za otpor”, 87-93. gan when open war erupted in Bosnia and Herzegovi-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

na. Most of these skirmishes occurred in the Lašva Val-

ley. Reacting to the Territorial Defense’s attack on the
HVO checkpoint at Busovača the HVO, on May 10, nulli-
fied the agreement about distribution of weapons from
the Kaonik barracks, captured the police station and
put the municipality under blockade. The HVO lifted
the blockade on May 22. Another skirmish took place
in the Busovača Municipality on June 13 in Grablje. Ter-
ritorial Defense soldiers were disarming the Serbs who
had declared themselves loyal to the HVO. An HVO mil-
itary police patrol showed up to protect the loyal Serbs
and arrest the instigators of the incident. The Muslims
would have none of it and attacked the MPs. On June
Zrakoplovi srpskih snaga (bivše JNA) raketirali su Novi Travnik,
rujan 1992. (autor fotografije: Srećko Stipović). 19 a firefight developed between the HVO and the HOS
on one side and the Territorial Defense on the other.
Aircraft of the Serb forces (former JNA) rocketed Novi Travnik, Three men were killed and 15 wounded in the incident.
September, 1992 (Photograph by Srećko Stipović).
According to the available sources the Army of the Re-
public of Bosnia and Herzegovina blew these incidents
out of all proportion and accused the HVO of trying to
usurp power in the municipalities. Ironically, the Army
of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was falsely
sporazum o podjeli naoružanja iz vojarne u Kaoniku, accusing the HVO of what it had been guilty all along.
preuzeo policijsku stanicu i držao općinu u blokadi do During the second half of October, 1992, the HVO
22. svibnja.637 Novi sukob u općini Busovača zbio se 13. and the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
lipnja u Grablju, u kojem su pripadnici TO-a oduzimali were at loggerheads in the Lašva Valley. Tensions steadi-
oružje od Srba koji su izrazili lojalnost HVO-u i preda- ly grew and war between the HVO and the Army of the
li oružje dobiveno od JNA. Tom su prilikom Muslimani Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina became inevitable.
napali ophodnju Vojne policije HVO-a koja je izišla na On the evening of October 11 in Rostovci near Novi
teren radi uviđaja i uhićenja organizatora oduzimanja Travnik, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
oružja.638 U Novom Travniku 19. lipnja izbio je sukob govina attacked a vehicle with HVO officers from Opera-
između TO-a s jedne i snaga HVO-a i HOS-a s druge tive Zone central Bosnia. Then, on October 13, the Army
strane. U sukobu su poginule tri, a ranjeno je 15 osoba. of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked an
Prema dostupnim izvorima i kasnijim interpretacijama HVO vehicle, wounding the commander of the HVO Ja-
radilo se o lokalnom incidentu koji je ARBiH planski pre- jce. On October 18 in Novi Travnik the Army of the Re-
uveličala pripisujući HVO-u svoje namjere zaposjedanja public of Bosnia and Herzegovina tried to take control
općinskih institucija.639 of the gas station and a few facilities. The HVO opposed
U drugoj polovini listopada 1992. HVO i ARBiH u the move and a firefight developed. The following day
Lašvanskoj regiji bili su doslovno na rubu rata. Tenzije su the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina at-
sustavno rasle i oružani je sukob bio na pomolu. Nave-
tacked the HQ, the repeater and shooting range in Novi
Travnik. The fighting lasted for a few days and both sides
suffered serious casualties. Collateral damage was also
637 Općinski stožer HVO Busovača, Zapovijed br. 62/92 od serious. According to the available sources, the HVO
10. 5. 1992.; Općinski stožer HVO Busovača, Zapovijed br.
lost 10 men killed, 30 wounded and 5 missing in action.
01-4/92 od 22. 5. 1992.
The fighting stopped on October 25 when UNPROFOR
638 Tjedno izvješće Vojne policije Regionalnog stožera HVO
Srednja Bosna za period od 8. do 15. 6. 1992. intervened, and after a few meetings between repre-
sentatives of the HVO and the Army of the Republic of
639 Davor MARIJAN, Rat Hrvata i Muslimana u Bosni i Herce-
govini od 1992. do 1994., Hrvatski institut za povijest, Za- Bosnia and Herzegovina. In neighboring Vitez the Army
greb, 2018., 196. of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina took a group


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

čer 11. listopada u Rastovcima kod Novog Travnika AR- of HVO soldiers who were returning from Herzegovina
BiH je napala vozilo HVO-a u kojem su bili časnici OZ-a prisoner and blocked the Novi Travnik road. The HVO
Srednja Bosna. Potom je u Karauli 13. listopada napad- instigated talks with the Army of the Republic of Bos-
nuto vozilo HVO-a i ranjen zapovjednik HVO-a Jajce.640 nia and Herzegovina, trying to convince the Muslims to
U Novom Travniku zbio se 18. listopada incident između remove the road blocks in Ahmići. The Army of the Re-
HVO-a i ARBiH jer je ARBiH pokušala zauzeti benzinsku public of Bosnia and Herzegovina refused and the HVO
postaju i nekoliko objekata, čemu se HVO protivio. Idu- decided to use force. On October 20 the HVO succeeded
ćega dana ARBiH je napala Stožer, Repetitor i Strelište. in removing the road blocks. In Travnik, on October 20,
Nekoliko su se dana vodile jake borbe u kojima se ko- 1992, Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
ristilo sve raspoloživo naoružanje, pa su žrtve i materi- soldiers, at the checkpoint on the eastern side of the
jalne štete bile velike. Po nepotpunim podacima, HVO city, fired at the vehicle occupied by the commander
je imao 10 poginulih, 30 ranjenih i pet nestalih osoba. of the HVO Travnik Brigade Ivica Stojak, wounding two
Uz posredovanje UNPROFOR-a i nekoliko sastanaka men traveling with him. The HVO held Refik Lendo, the
predstavnika HVO-a i ARBiH sukob se postupno smirio commander of Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
i do 25. listopada je završen. U susjednom Vitezu ARBiH zegovina troops in Novi Travnik, responsible for the at-
je zarobila skupinu vojnika HVO-a koji su se vraćali iz tack. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegov-
Hercegovine i blokirala prometnicu prema Novom Trav- ina claimed that the attack had been provoked by the
niku. Nakon što pregovorima nisu uspjeli ukloniti bari- HVO’s political moves. As a direct result of the conflict,
kade u Ahmićima, HVO je to 20. listopada učinio silom. the roads in the region were blocked and that, in turn,
U Travniku su 20. listopada 1992. pripadnici ARBiH na helped the Serbs to capture Jajce.
punktu na istočnom ulazu u grad ubili zapovjednika
brigade HVO-a Travnik Ivicu Stojaka, pucajući u njegov Usora – Žepče – Maglaj
automobil, a teško ranili njegova dva suputnika. Za su-
kob je HVO optuživao Refika Lendu, komandanta ARBiH Between Doboj and Zenica larger Croatian com-
iz Novog Travnika, a iz ARBiH su tvrdili da je povod za munities were in the municipalities of Žepče, Teslić,
sukob blokada vlasti i favoriziranje HVO-a. Zbog sukoba Tešanj and Maglaj. In that area the Croats were orga-
u cijeloj regiji nekoliko su dana bile blokirane prometni- nized into the HVO. On June 18, 1992, the 110th Uso-
ce, što je u konačnici utjecalo i na pad Jajca.641 ra Brigade was formed in the area. The fighting there
started when the JNA and Serbs took Doboj without
Usora – Žepče – Maglaj a fight and attacked Tešanj on May 3, 1995. The HVO
put up a stiff resistance for a few days around Makl-
Između Doboja i Zenice veća hrvatska zajednica jenovac. From the end of May fighting around Usora
bila je u općinama Žepče, Teslić, Tešanj i Maglaj. Na tom and Tešanj was continuous. The Serbs attacked from
području Hrvati su organizirani u HVO, iz kojega je na Doboj and Teslić, focusing their efforts on Miljanovci,
području općine Tešanj 18. lipnja 1992. nastala 110. bri- Lončar, Piljužić, Kološević, Bobar and Omanjska. Serb
gada Usora. Borbe su počele nakon što su Srbi i JNA 3. forces belonging to Operational Group Doboj tried to
svibnja 1992. bez borbe zauzeli Doboj i napali Tešanj. pin down the Croatian and Muslim forces in Tešanj and
prevent them from engaging the Serbs forces trying
to conquer the Bosanska Posavina region. The Serbs
640 IZM Vitez Zap. OZ Srednja Bosna od 15. 10. 1992. za sporadically shelled Usora and launched small-scale
Zapovjednika I. OG.
attacks. Such attacks were mounted on May 31, June
641 Zapovjedništvo OZ Srednja Bosna od 19. 10. 1992. za 2 and June 22 and July 6. The HVO Usora and the 109th
Stožer HVO Grude; Izvješće IZM Vitez Zap. OZ SB od 20.
10. 1992. u 12,07; Izvješće IZM Vitez Zap. OZ SB od 20. Brigade of the Territorial Defense attacked Doboj with
10. 1992. u 15 sati; Izvješće IZM Vitez Zap. OZ SB od 26. the aim of relieving the Serb pressure on the HVO and
10. 1992. u 22,35; Izvješće Općinskog stožera HVO Vitez Croatian Army forces in Bosanski Brod and Odžak. On
o sukobu HVO i TO u Vitezu 19.-23. 10. 1992.; Komisija July 11, the 109th Brigade of the Territorial Defense and
HVO za praćenje stanja na području općine Novi Travnik,
Izvješće br. 1215/92 od 6. 11. 1992.; Izvješće načelnika the 110th Brigade of the HVO mounted a sudden attack
Stožera HVO Novi Travnik od 7. 11. 1992. on the Serbs positions at Plana and Putnikovo Hill near


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Hrvatsko vijeće obrane na par ih je dana zaustavilo u Doboj and inflicted serious casualties on the Serbs.
borbama kod Makljenovca. Od kraja svibnja borbe oko The Serbs lost 31 killed and 80 wounded soldiers. Op-
Usore odnosno Tešnja bile su svakodnevne. Srbi su na- erational Group Doboj was forced to form a combat
padali iz Doboja i Teslića, težišno na područje Miljano- group for retaking the lost positions. On July 14 the
vaca, Lončara, Piljužića, Kološevića, Bobara i Omanjske. combat group attacked but without success. After
Srpske snage u sastavu OG-a Doboj nastojale su vezati that the 110th Brigade of the HVO was engaged in con-
hrvatske i muslimanske snage u Tešnju da bi na miru stant fighting and controlling the villages of Žabljak,
zaposjele Bosansku Posavinu. Povremeno su intenziv- Omanjska, Sivša, Alibegovci and Ularice.
no granatirali Usoru i izvodili napade manjega opse- The Croats in Žepče were in a somewhat similar
ga, kao 31. svibnja, 2. i 22. lipnja te 6. srpnja. Hrvatsko position as those in Usora. Žepče is a town situated
vijeće obrane Usora i 109. brigada TO-a odgovorili su on the banks of the River Bosna, some 35 kilometers
napadom na Doboj u nastojanju da olakšaju položaj to the east of Zenica, 30 kilometers to the south of
snagama HVO-a i HV-a na području Bosanskog Broda Doboj and about 100 kilometers to the northwest of
i Odžaka. U iznenadnom napadu južno od Doboja, u Sarajevo. In 1992, the HQ of the HVO was formed in
Plani i kod Putnikova brda snage 109. brigade TO-a i Žepče. The Croats from the neighboring municipali-
110. brigade HVO-a 11. srpnja 1992. nanijele su velike ties – Zavidovići, Maglaj and Teslić – accepted the au-
gubitke srpskim snagama, koje su imale 31 poginulog thority of the HQ in Žepče. The Crisis Committee of the
i 80 ranjenih ljudi. Operativna grupa Doboj natjerana je Maglaj Municipality, in which the Muslims made up a
da organizira namjensku borbenu skupinu za vraćanje majority, agreed that the HVO Žepče be responsible
izgubljenih položaja. Pokušaj vraćanja 14. srpnja nije for defending the municipality on June 2, 1992. The
bio uspješan. Nakon toga je 110. brigada HVO-a uz če- HQ, from the beginning of October, of the 4th Opera-
ste borbe uglavnom nadzirala kompleks sela Žabljak, tive Zone of the HVO for the municipalities of Žepče,
Omanjska, Sivša, Alibegovci i Ularice.642 Zavidovići, Tešanj and Teslić was in Žepče and later the
U donekle sličnu položaju kao u Usori, Hrvati su HQ of the 3rd Operational Group for Žepče, Usora and
bili i u Žepču, gradiću smještenom na obalama rijeke Komušin. The 3rd Operational Group Žepče was sub-
Bosne, oko 35 kilometara sjeveroistočno od Zenice, ordinated to Operative Zone Central Bosnia. The com-
30 kilometara južno od Doboja i stotinjak kilometara mander of these forces was Ivo Lozančić. In June the
sjeverozapadno od Sarajeva. U Žepču je 1992. osnovan Andrija Tadić Battalion (initially named Ban Kulin) was
Stožer HVO-a, koji je prihvatilo i hrvatsko stanovništvo formed in Žepče as part of the Ante Bruno Bušić Reg-
iz okolnih općina: Zavidovići, Maglaj i Teslić. Krizni štab iment. By the end of the year the 111th Brigade of the
općine Maglaj, u kojoj su Muslimani imali relativnu HVO was also formed in Žepče.11
većinu, prepustio je 2. lipnja 1992. HVO-u Žepča obra-
nu općine. U Žepču je od lipnja do početka listopada 11 The author bases his claim regarding the formation of
1992. bilo sjedište IV. operativne zone HVO-a za pod- the 111xp Brigade on the order of the HQ, OZ Central
Bosnia, of November 18, 1992. However, according to
ručje općina Žepče, Zavidovići, Tešanj i Teslić, a potom the commander of the 111xp Brigade, on April 17, 1992,
3. operativne grupe za Žepče, Usoru i Komušinu, koja the Decision on development through mobilization of
je bila podređena OZ-u Srednja Bosna. Zapovjednik tih the armed forces of the HVO in the entire area of Bosnia
and Herzegovina was passed and the Decision also
determined the numerical designation and structure of
642 ICTY: Zapovest Komande 1. KK od 9. 6. 1992. za odbra- the units in question. In accordance with the Decision, the
nu, obezbeđenje teritorije i ofanzivna dejstva, Op. br. numerical designations of all HVO units stationed to the
south of the Sava River carried the numerical designations
04/92; Glavni stožer obrane, Borbena zapovijed kl. 8/92-
from the number 101 (101st Brigade Bosanski Brod) to
01, ur. br. HVO-01/92-57 od 5. 7. 1992.; Uprava SIS HR the number 112 (112th Brigade Tuzla). In the Žepče area
H-B, Službena zabilješka br. 02-11-1-/94 od 11. 3. 1994.; a brigade carrying the numerical designation 111, with
HVO Usora, Zahtjev, br. 1/92-314 od 20. 11. 1992.; HVO the letters xp added to the designation, was formed.
Usora, Preporuka br. 01-137/94 od 27. 4. 1994.; Prosud- According to the aforementioned commander, the
ba Službe sigurnosti ZP Vitez od 18. 1. 1996. o 110. dp official designation of the HVO Brigade in the Žepče area,
Usora; “100 dana rata”, TRN – Tešanjske ratne novine, br. from that period onwards, was the 111xp HVO Brigade.
1, 10. 8. 1992.; ICTY: Ratni dnevnik 1. KK, zabilješka za 14. The commander’s statements as given here should be
7. 1992.; Novica SIMIĆ, Operacija “Koridor-92”, Boračka corroborated with a written source, that is, the text of the
organizacija RS, Banja Luka, 2011., 234-236, 240-242. mentioned Decision.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

operativnih sastava bio je Ivo Lozančić. U Žepču je u After a period of consolidation and after the trans-
lipnju osnovana bojna Andrija Tadić (prvo nazvana boj- formation of the JNA into the VRS the Serbs started
na Ban Kulin) u sastavu pukovnije Ante Bruno Bušić, a do attacking Žepče from Teslić. The Serbs attacked
kraja godine i 111. xp brigada HVO-a.643 Komušina, a predominately Croatian part of the Teslić
Nakon sređivanja stanja nastalog transformacijom Municipality, on May 25, 1992. The defenders beat the
JNA u Vojsku Republike Srpske, Srbi iz Teslića počeli su Serbs back. On June 4 the HVO succeeded in captur-
napade prema Žepču. Prva je na udaru bila Komušina, ing Crni Vrh Hill along the Novi Šeher – Teslić road.
dio općine Teslić s većinskim hrvatskim stanovništvom. The position was crucial for the Croats’ plan to lift the
Napad je počeo 25. svibnja 1992. i s uspjehom je od- blockade of Tešanj and Usora. On June 7 the Serbs at-
bijen. Radi deblokade Tešnja i Usore HVO je uspio 4. tacked Studenci, thus extending the defensive line for
lipnja zauzeti važnu kotu Crni vrh na prometnici Novi 10 kilometers. In the fighting that followed the HVO
Šeher – Teslić. Srbi su 7. lipnja napali Studence, što je resisted fiercely until the beginning of August. During
obranu regije povećalo za dodatnih desetak kilometa- that period the HVO Žepče defended Maglaj, active-
ra. U borbama koje su slijedile HVO se solidno držao do ly participated in the fighting around Komušina and
početka kolovoza. U tom razdoblju HVO Žepče brani helped the 110th Brigade at Usora. Towards the end of
Maglaj, aktivno sudjeluje u borbama oko Komušine i July the HVO captured Ivanove Njive Hill and pushed
pomaže 110. brigadi HVO-a Usora. Potkraj srpnja HVO the VRS in the direction of Mladikovine. A few days
je zauzeo kotu Ivanove njive i potisnuo VRS prema Mla- later the Serbs reacted. The HQ of I Krajina Corps re-
dikovinama.644 Nekoliko dana poslije uslijedio je srpski grouped its forces and formed the 5th Tactical Group
odgovor. Komanda 1. krajiškog korpusa prestrojila je from troops deployed in the wider Teslić and Ozren
snage i od snaga na širem području Teslića i Ozrena (1. area (the 1st and 2nd Ozren Brigade, the Teslić Brigade,
i 2. ozrenska brigada, Teslićka brigada, Trebavska bri- the Trebavska Brigade and the forces under the com-
gada i snage Komande obrane grada Doboja) osnovala mand of the Defense of Doboj). The plan was to cut
5. taktičku grupu. Planirano je presijecanje prometnica the roads from Zenica and Tuzla towards Doboj and
od Zenice i Tuzle prema Doboju i Gradačcu, a potom Gradačac and then I Krajina Corps would reach the
izbijanje 1. krajiškog korpusa na crtu Teslić – Tešanj – Teslić – Tešanj – Gračanica – Srebrenik line and gain
Gračanica – Srebrenik te stavljanje pod nadzor Ozre- control over Ozren, Trebavac and western slope of
na, Trebavca i zapadne padine Majevice. Cilj VRS-a na Majevica. The VRS’ objective in the Žepče part of the
žepačkom dijelu bojišta bilo je osvajanje Crnog vrha front was to capture Crni Vrh and link up, via Osovo
te preko Osova i Poljica spajanje sa snagama na Ozre- and Poljice, with the forces in Ozren, thus encircling
nu, čime bi se Tešanj i Usora potpuno okružili. Srpski Tešanj and Usore. The Serbs started attacking on Au-
je pritisak počeo 4. kolovoza i nakratko je prestao 11. gust 4. The momentum of the attack slackened a bit
on August 11 when Serb forces captured of Komušina
643 HVO Žepče, Zavidovići, Maglaj i Teslić, br. 1/1-28 od 1. and reached the Studenci – Slatina – Komušina – Crna
6. 1992.; ICTY: Regionalni stožer HVO Srednja Bosna, Rijeka – Kamenica – Rajševo line and gained control
Zapovijed br. 27/92 od 10. 6. 1992.; ICTY: IZM Zapovjed- of the Teslić – Blatnica road. By August 24 the VRS had
ništva OZ Srednja Bosna, Zapovijed br. 875/92 od 7. 10. captured the Gavranić height and from there fired on
1992.; IZM Zapovjedništva OZ Srednja Bosna, Zapovi-
jed br. 997-2/92 od 4. 11. 1992.; IZM Zapovjedništva OZ the defensive positions around Dubrava. The HVO
Srednja Bosna, Zapovijed br. 1244/92 od 18. 11. 1992.; forces in Žepće, Maglaj and Novi Šeher defended the
“Obranili smo ono što je hrvatsko”, Drmaj, br. 1-2, srpanj Borovnjak – Paline – Tutljak – Dubrave – Krš – Lipova
1994., 18-19; Anto MARINČIĆ, Općina Žepče ili ključ za
Glava – Martinski Hill – Vukove Njive, Gornja Papratni-
funkcioniranje Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, Ceres, Za-
greb, 2000., 30, 58, 218. ca – Kršić line. Heavy fighting developed in October
644 Zapovjednik HVO Ivo Lozančić za Daria Kordića i Ig- around Crni Vrh. In mid-November the HVO Komušina
nacia Koštromana (nedatirano, pisano nakon 4. 6. and the Andrija Tadić Battalion halted a determined
1992.); HVO Teslić Komušina, Izvješće br. 238/92 od 19. Serb attack on Hatkine Njive.
8. 1992.; IPD bojne “Andrija Tadić” – Tko je bojna “An- In the second half of September the Serbs shift-
drija Tadić” (nedatirani tekst koji je nastao vjerojatno
u siječnju 1993.); “Obranili smo ono što je hrvatsko”, ed the focus of the attack on the Maglaj part of the
Drmaj, br. 1-2, srpanj 1994., 19. front. The VRS launched a strong attack on Septem-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

kolovoza, zauzimanjem Komušine i izbijanjem na crtu ber 25 but without success. The VRS attacked Maglaj,
Studenci – Slatina – Komušina – Crna Rijeka – Kameni- defended by the HVO and the Army of the Republic
ca – Rajševo i zauzimanjem prometnice Teslić – Blatni- of Bosnia and Herzegovina, again on October 12-13.
ca. Do 24. kolovoza VRS je zauzeo dominantnu točku The Serbs again failed to capture the city, mainly due
Gavranić i s nje bočnom vatrom ugrožavao crtu obra- to the Andrija Tadić Battalion’s determined perfor-
ne Dubrava. Postrojbe HVO-a Žepča, Maglaja i Novog mance. The General Staff of the Army of the Republika
Šehera branile su crtu Borovnjak – Paline – Tutljak – Srpska criticized, in November, 1992, I Krajina Corps
Dubrave – Krš – Lipova glava – Martinski vis – Vukove for failing to capture Maglaj. With the end of 1992
njive, Gornja Papratnica – Kršić. U listopadu su se jake came the end of serious Serb efforts to capture Žepče
borbe vodile oko Crnog vrha. Sredinom studenoga and Usora.
HVO Komušina i bojna Andrija Tadić zaustavili su jak
srpski napad na Hatkine njive.645 Kakanj and Vareš
U drugoj polovini rujna težište napada VRS-a pre-
bačeno je na maglajski dio bojišta. Jači napad VRS je In the eastern part of Central Bosnia large Croat
izveo 25. rujna, no bez uspjeha. Napad na Maglaj, koji populations were in the municipalities of Kakanj and
su branile lokalne snage HVO-a i ARBiH, VRS je ponovio Vareš. Kakanj is a city abutting the Zenica – Sarajevo
12. i 13. listopada. Grad se održao u prvom redu zbog road and Vareš is a mining town straddling the strate-
angažmana snaga HVO-a. Glavni štab VRS-a zamjerio je gically important road connecting Sarajevo, via Breza,
u studenome 1992. Prvom krajiškom korpusu što nije with Banovići and Tuzla. In Vareš Croats made up a ma-
osvojio Maglaj.646 Kraj 1992. poklopio se s prestankom jority and in Kakanj they made up about a third of the
jačih srpskih napada na obranu Žepča i Usore. population. In Vareš, from July 1, 1992, the executive
power was in the hands of the HVO. Minor skirmishes
Kakanj i Vareš with the Serbs took place in the summer of 1992 but
representatives of the local HVO force managed to
U istočnom dijelu središnje Bosne veća hrvatska reach an agreement with the Serbs whereby the Ser-
zajednica bila je u općinama Kakanj i Vareš. Kakanj je bian villages of Planinica and Slavin would hand over
grad uz prometnicu Zenica – Sarajevo, a Vareš rudar- their weapons to the HVO and the HVO would pro-
ski gradić na važnoj prometnici koja od Sarajeva preko tect their lives and property. The southeastern part of
Breze vodi za Banoviće i Tuzlu. U Varešu su Hrvati bili the municipality was under control of the VRS, with
većinsko stanovništvo, a u Kaknju su činili gotovo tre- strongholds in the villages of Brgule, Žižci, Žalja and
ćinu. U Varešu je od 1. srpnja 1992. izvršna vlast bila Okruglica. In Kakanj, the municipal HQ of the HVO
u rukama HVO-a. Uz manji oružani sukob u ljeto 1992. deployed a small number of its troops in the part of
predstavnici lokalnoga HVO-a uspjeli su postići dogo- the municipality stretching towards Zavidovići, Vareš,
vor da srpska sela Planinica i Slavin predaju oružje uz Visoko and Breza. There were no hostilities with the
Serb forces deployed in the area but the relationship
between the HVO and the Muslim Territorial Defense
645 ICTY: GŠ VSR BiH, Direktiva za dalja dejstva op. br. 3, str. steadily deteriorated due to disagreements regarding
pov. br. 02/5-92 od 3. 8. 1992.; IV operativna zona HVO, the HVO’s organization of its executive power in the
Zapovijed br. 02/1-41/92 od 14. 8. 1992.; Zapovjedništ-
vo OS Srednja Bosna, Izvješće o stanju u 4. OZ (Žepče) municipality and the HVO’s attitude towards the local
str. pov. br. 431/92 od 24. 8. 1992.; 3. OG Žepče, Zapo- Serbs. Also, Muslim extremists replaced Muslim mod-
vijed br. 02/2-1-182/92 od 14. 11. 1992.; Izvještaj bojne erates in the TO. By the end of the year the Bobovac
“Andrija Tadić” od 15., 17. i 19. 11. 1992. Brigade was formed out of troops belonging to the
646 Stožer HVO Žepče, Zapovijed br. 02/1-100/92 od 23. HVO Kakanj and HVO Vareš. The HQ of the Bobovac
9. 1992.; Izvještaj bojne “Andrija Tadić” od 26. 9. 1992.;
3. operativna grupa HVO Žepče, Zapovijed br. 02/1- Brigade was located in Vareš. The Army of the Repub-
139/92 od 10. 10. 1992.; Izvještaj bojne “Andrija Tadić” lic of Bosnia and Herzegovina formed municipal HQs
za vrijeme od 12. do 14. 10. 1992.; ICTY: Glavni štab VRS, and the 309th Mountain Brigade in Kakanj.
Naredna dejstva VRS, Direktiva, op. br. 4, str. pov. br.
02/5-210 od 19. 11. 1992.; Pohvala Zapovjednika bojne
“Vladimir Miličević” od 26. 11. 1992.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

zajamčenu sigurnost života i imovine. Jugoistočni dio Fojnica – Kiseljak – Kreševo

općine bio je pod nadzorom VRS-a, s uporištima u se-
lima Brgule, Žižci, Žalja i Okruglica.647 U Kaknju je op- Fojnica, Kiseljak and Kreševo are three neighboring
ćinski stožer HVO-a manji dio snaga angažirao na dijelu municipalities in central Bosnia, situated in the valleys
općine prema Zavidovićima, Varešu, Visokom i Brezi. Su- of three small rivers – the Lepenica River, Kreševka Riv-
koba sa srpskim snagama nije bilo, a odnos s musliman- er and Fojnica River. The geographical location of the
skim TO-om se sustavno pogoršavao zbog prijepora Lepenica Valley, with the town of Kiseljak in its center
oko organiziranja izvršne vlasti HVO-a u općini, odnosa could best be described as fortuitous because major
prema lokalnim Srbima i kadrovskih promjena u TO-u.648 roads connecting a whole myriad of Bosnian-Herze-
Do kraja godine od HVO-a Kaknja i Vareša formirana je govinian cities and regions, including Sarajevo, pass
brigada Bobovac sa sjedištem u Varešu. Armija Repu- through it. Croats formed a majority in Kreševo and
blike BiH je uz općinske štabove formirala 309. brdsku Kiseljak and Muslims in Fojnica. Generally speaking,
brigadu u Kaknju. more Croats lived in the Lepenica Valley than Muslims.
The JNA had a strong presence in neighboring Saraje-
Fojnica – Kiseljak – Kreševo vo. In the valley itself the JNA had only a barracks in
Kiseljak housing the Mixed Artillery Regiment. Just pri-
Fojnica, Kiseljak i Kreševo tri su susjedne općine or to the JNA’s attack on Sarajevo the Mixed Artillery
u središnjoj Bosni, u dolinama manjih rijeka Lepenice, Regiment was moved to Pale. The HVO had been orga-
Kreševke i Fojnice. Lepenička dolina, u čijem je središtu nized before the Serbs attacked Sarajevo and played
Kiseljak, zemljopisno je smještena na izuzetno povolj- the dominant role in Kiseljak and Kreševo. The HQ of
noj lokaciji s prilazima iz više regija i gradova, uključu- the 2nd Operational Group of the OZCB (later ZP Vitez)
jući i glavni grad BiH Sarajevo. Hrvati su bili većinsko was in Kiseljak. During the second half of 1992 the Ban
stanovništvo u Kreševu i Kiseljaku, a Muslimani u Fojni- Josip Jelačić Brigade was formed. The three municipal-
ci, no općenito su u dolini Lepenice Hrvati bili brojniji. ities were incorporated, as regards the TO structure,
U obližnjem Sarajevu bila je velika koncentracija JNA, into the TG-1. The HQ of the TG-1 was in Visoki.
a na ovom je području samo u Kiseljaku bila vojarna s The HVO’s defensive line opposite the Serbs was
mješovitim artiljerijskim pukom, koji je uoči napada na organized along the Kiseljak – Sarajevo road. Situated
Sarajevo premješten na Pale. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane on that road was the village of Kobiljača, which gained
ranije je organizirano i preuzelo je dominantnu ulogu notoriety as a major smuggling hub situated as it was
u Kiseljaku i Kreševu. U Kiseljaku je bilo sjedište 2. ope- right on the line of separation between the Serbs and
rativne grupe OZ-a Srednja Bosna (kasnije Zborno pod- Croats. According to the HVO, the Croats were not op-
ručje Vitez). U drugoj polovici prosinca 1992. osnovana posed to the Muslim Territorial Defense. The HVO in-
je brigada Ban Josip Jelačić. U strukturi TO-a ove su opći- sisted, though, that the Territorial Defense should duly
ne ušle u sastav TG-1 sa sjedištem u Visokom. inform the HVO of its activities. The HVO was prepared
Crta obrane HVO-a prema Srbima organizirana je u to grant passage to Territorial Defense troops through
zahvatu prometnice Kiseljak – Sarajevo, na kojoj je bio Kiseljak towards Visoki and through Kreševo towards
poznati punkt Kobiljača. Prema podacima HVO-a, oni Tarčin on the condition that the Territorial Defense in-
nisu bili protiv organiziranja muslimanskog TO-a, s tim formed the HVO of such moves in advance. The HVO
and the Territorial Defense were two military organiza-
da su tražili da budu upoznati s njegovim djelovanjima
i uz najavu su dopuštali prolaz kroz Kiseljak prema Viso- tions deployed in the same area but serving differing
kom i kroz Kreševo prema Tarčinu. Dvije vojne organi- and sometimes conflicting political agendas. As such,
zacije s različitim političkim ciljevima na istom prosto- they could not co-exist in harmony. The HVO accused
the commander of the newly formed Muslim munici-
pal HQ of the Territorial Defense Kiseljak of throwing
647 ICTY: HVO Vareš br. 01-sl. od 10. 7. 1992.; Izvješće Načel-
his weight around unnecessarily and for the purpose
nika VOS-a HVO I. op. zone o Varešu (primljeno 27. 10.
1992.); Istina o Varešu Ante Pejčinovića od 18. 3. 1994. of fomenting conflict between the HVO and the Terri-
648 Općinski stožer HVO Kakanj, Izvješće br. 11-1687/92 od 25. torial Defense. After a few minor incidents and a show
7. 1992.; SIS Općinskog stožera HVO Kakanj od 13. 8. 1992. of force the HVO took control of the police station in


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

ru nisu mogle djelovati bez nesuglasja. Hrvatsko vijeće Kiseljak on August 5, 1992. The Territorial Defense set
obrane optuživalo je komandanta novoformiranog mu- up its first check point on a local road on August 6,
slimanskog općinskog štaba TO-a Kiseljak da unosi raz- 1992. The following day the Territorial Defense set up
dor i pokušava nametnuti svoju opciju. Nakon nekoliko more checkpoints. The HVO was unsuccessful in con-
manjih incidenata i demonstracije sile, HVO je 5. kolovo- vincing the Territorial Defense to remove the check-
za 1992. preuzeo milicijsku stanicu u Kiseljaku. Pripadni- points and road blocks. Then, the Territorial Defense at-
ci TO-a postavili su 6. kolovoza prvi punkt na jednoj od tacked the village of Potkraj and a firefight developed
lokalnih prometnica, a idućega dana još nekoliko. Hrvat- which only ended on August 8 when the political and
sko vijeće obrane nije uspjelo mirno ukloniti barikade, a military leadership of both sides intervened. One HVO
nakon napada muslimanskog TO-a na selo Potkraj izbio soldier was killed in the skirmish and two were wound-
je sukob, koji je završio 8. kolovoza angažiranjem vojno- ed. The Territorial Defense had challenged the HVO’s
ga i političkoga vrha obiju sukobljenih strana.649 dominance in the area but failed to shake it.
_____ ____ ,,..,.,..,
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-·-·-·- .......... . . ,..,

Bosanska Posavina, travanj – lipanj 1992.
649 Regionalni stožer HVO Srednja Bosna, Zapovijed br. 01- Bosanska Posavina, April – June 1992
8/92 od 14. 5. 1992.; Informacija zapovjednika HVO Kisel-
jak od 7. 8. 1992. o destruktivnom djelovanju pojedinaca
iz reda TO Kiseljak; Izvješće IZM Vitez Zap. OS Srednja
Bosna od 8. 8. 1992.; Zap. OS Srednja Bosna, Informacija
o događajima u Kiseljaku br. 04-309/92 od 13. 8. 1992.;
Mesud ŠADINLIJA, Prvi korpus ARBiH: nastanak i razvoj
1992–1995, Ministarstvo za boračka pitanja Kantona Sa-
rajevo, Sarajevo, 2008., 20.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Najduža i najkrvavija borbena kampanja 1992.
zbila se na području Bosanske Posavine. Odlučujuće The longest and bloodiest campaign of 1992 took
borbe vodile su se na području općina Bosanski Brod, place in the Bosanska Posavina region. Heavy fighting
Derventa, u sjevernom dijelu općine Doboj, Modriči i developed in the municipalities of Bosanski Brod, Der-
Odžaku – teritoriju ispresijecanom rijekama Ukrinom i venta, in the northern part of the Doboj Municipality,
Bosnom. U etničkom pogledu, ni jedan od tri bosan- in Modriča and in Odžak – a region interspersed by the
skohercegovačka naroda nije imao apsolutnu većinu. Ukrina and Bosna Rivers. The ethnic composition of the
Samo je Orašje, s više od 75 % Hrvata, imalo izrazitu region was fairly balanced – no constituent nation made
dominaciju jednoga naroda. Više od polovine stanov- up an absolute majority. Only in Orašje did the Croats
ništva imali su Hrvati u Odžaku (54,4 %) i Muslima- make up a significant majority (75%). In Odžak the Croats
ni u Gradačcu (59,8 %). U ukupnoj masi stanovništva made up more than half of the population (54.8%) and
(361.104), Hrvati (138.931) i Muslimani (104.774) činili the Muslim in Gradačac (59%). In total, 361,104 people
su malo manje od dvije trećine.650 Stanovništvo je bilo lived in the region – 138,931 Croats and 104,774 Mus-
etnički izmiješano, pa se u prvim mjesecima borbi teš- lims. Together, the Croats and the Muslims formed a bit
ko postizala kontinuirana crta razdvajanja. Nekoliko je less than two thirds of the population. The population
mjeseci postojao niz etničkih enklava koje su natjerane was ethnically mixed in every locality in the region. For
na kružnu obranu i nisu se mogle održati, pa su nestale that reason there were no continuous lines of separation
predajom ili u borbama u ljeto i jesen 1992. godine.651 during the first months of the conflict. There were a num-
U ljeto i kasnu jesen 1991. u Bosanskoj Posavini ma- ber of ethnic enclaves during those months but they
sovnije su naoružani dijelovi stanovništva, neki ilegal- amounted to isolated pockets of resistance destined to
no, a drugi navodno legalno. U Posavini je najveći dio fall. These pockets of resistance either surrendered be-
srpskoga stanovništva naoružala JNA.652 Hrvatski oruža- fore the conflict escalated in earnest or were overrun
ni sastavi organizirani su tijekom 1991. pod vrlo teškim during the fighting in the summer and fall of 1992.
sigurnosnim uvjetima jer se oružje uglavnom kupovalo In the summer and late fall of 1991 some parts of the
i tajno prebacivalo u Posavinu. Početkom studenoga population of the Bosanska Posavina region received sig-
1991. u bosanskoposavskim općinama bio je naoružan nificant amount of weaponry. In some cases this arming
jedan bataljun. Naoružane je sastave nastojalo koor- of the populace was illegal and in other cases the move
dinirati Zapovjedništvo Hrvatske vojske Operativne was covered by a veneer of legality. The majority of the
grupe Istočna Posavina, koje je osnovano u studenome Serbs in the Posavina region were armed by the JNA.
1991. u Slavonskom Brodu. Njegov prvi zadatak bila je The Croatian armed groups were organized during 1991
obrana Slavonskog Broda od napada iz Bosne, pri čemu in extremely unfavorable circumstances because the
se računalo i na pomoć Hrvata iz Posavine.653 weapons in question had to be smuggled into the Posav-
U Bosanskoj Posavini su od početka ožujka 1992. ina region. At the beginning of November, 1991, in each
postojala zapovjedništva pojedinih općina, koja su municipality in the Bosanska Posavina region only one
poslije prerasla u zapovjedništva brigada. Do sredi- battalion was armed. The Main HQ of Operational Group
East Posavina of the Croatian Army, formed in November,
1991, in Slavonski Brod, tried to coordinate the actions of
650 Stanovništvo Bosne i Hercegovine: narodnosni sastav po the armed groups. The initial task of the Main HQ of Op-
naseljima, 18-20.
erational Group East Posavina of the Croatian Army was
651 20 godina 108. pješačke brigade HVO Ravne – Brčko to defend Slavonski Brod from possible attacks from the
1992.–2012., (bez izdavača i godine izdanja), 31-32.
direction of Bosnia. The Main HQ of Operational Group
652 Smail ČEKIĆ, Agresija na Bosnu i genocid nad Bošnjacima East Posavina of the Croatian Army counted on help from
1991–1993, Ljiljan, Sarajevo, 1994., 58.-59.; ICTY: Izjava
svjedoka Stevana Nikolića zvanog “Kriger” dana 10. 12. the Posavina Croats.
2002. godine. From the beginning of March, 1992, there exist-
653 Jerko ZOVAK, Rat u Bosanskoj Posavini 1992., Posavska Hr- ed municipal HQs. Later, these HQs grew into brigade
vatska, Grad Slavonski Brod, Slavonski Brod, 2009., 78-79. HQs. By mid-June the following brigades were formed:


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

ne lipnja osnovane su brigade Bosanske Posavine po the 101st in Bosanski Brod, the 102nd in Odžak, the 103rd
teritorijalnom ustroju: 101. u Bosanskom Brodu, 102. in Derventa, the 104th in Bosanski Šamac, the 105th in
u Odžaku, 103. u Derventi, 104. u Bosanskom Šamcu, Modriča, the 106th in Orašje, the 107th in Gradačac and
105. u Modriči, 106. u Orašju, 107. u Gradačcu i 108. 108th in Brčko. The brigades of the HZ Bosanska Posav-
brigada u Brčkom. Brigade HZ Bosanske Posavine bile ina were not equal in strength but were mainly orga-
su neujednačene, slabo uvezane postrojbe organizira- nized as static territorial units of the Territorial Defense.
ne na teritorijalnom principu i mnogo bliže prostornoj For all intents and purposes, these formations were not
strukturi TO-a, odnosno seoskim stražama. Uglavnom much more than village patrols and as such were useless
nisu bile sklone borbi izvan matičnog područja. Do 19. outside of their home areas. Until October 19, 1992, the
listopada 1992. postrojbama HVO-a izravno je zapovi- HVO units were directly commanded by the Main HQ of
jedalo Zapovjedništvo OG-a Istočna Posavina, a potom Operational Group East Posavina. In the second half on
je u drugoj polovini listopada osnovana Operativna October Operational Group Bosanska Posavina with its
grupa Bosanska Posavina sa sjedištem u Tolisi.654 HQ in Tolisa was formed.

Početne borbe First battles

Uoči sukoba u Bosanskoj Posavini, 5. veljače 1992. On February 5, 1992, the bridge connecting Slavon-
srušen je most između Slavonskog i Bosanskog Šam- ski Šamac and Bosanski Šamac was destroyed. It was
ca. Srušen je očito da se onemogući pružanje pomoći destroyed to prevent the Bosnian Croats from receiv-
iz Hrvatske. Početkom ožujka 1992., srpskim napadom ing help from Croatia. The war in the Bosanska Posav-
na vitalne objekte na području Bosanskog Broda, koji su ina region started at the beginning of March, 1992, in
lokalni Hrvati uz pomoć iz Hrvatske odbili, počeo je rat Bosanski Brod. The Serbs attacked key locations in the
u Bosanskoj Posavini. Lokalne srpske snage bile su pre- Bosanski Brod area. The local Croats, having received
slabe za zahtjevnije zadatke, pa je angažirana JNA koja help from Croatia, defeated these attacks. The local Serb
je osvajanje sjeveroistočne Bosne i Bosanske Posavine forces were too weak to mount successful offensive op-
vodila po planu Drina. Da ovlada Posavinom i širim po- erations. For that reason JNA units were deployed in the
dručjem Doboja, Komanda Tuzlanskoga korpusa JNA area. The JNA’s objective, according to the Drina war
osnovala je 28. ožujka Prvu operativnu grupu (OG-1) sa plan, was to capture northeast Bosnia and the Bosanska
sjedištem u Podnovlju jačine preko 12.000 vojnika.655 Posavina region. For the purpose of capturing Posavi-
Glavni cilj napada JNA bio je Bosanski Brod, a sukob na and the wider Doboj area, the HQ of Tuzla Corps of
se proširio i na teritorij RH. Od tada pa do srpske okupa- the JNA formed, on March 28, the 1st Operational Group
cije Bosanskog Broda, Slavonski Brod granatiran je go- headquartered in Podnovlje. The 1st Operational Group
tovo svakoga dana. Jedna od glavnih meta napada bio had more than 12,000 men.
je most na Savi između dva Broda, koji je u napadima The focus of the JNA’s offensive was Bosanski Brod.
teško oštećen, ali se mogao koristiti za promet. U počet- The conflict soon spread to the Republic of Croatia’s ter-
nim fazama borbi, zbog zabrane Glavnoga stožera HV-a ritory. From that point and until the Serbian occupation
da postrojbe HV-a prelaze Savu, iz Hrvatske su u pomoć of Bosanski Brod, the Serbs shelled Slavonski Brod on a
dolazili dragovoljci, uglavnom rodom iz BiH.656 daily basis. One of the main targets of these artillery at-
tacks was the bridge across the Sava River, connecting
654 SVA MORH, ZSB: Zap. Slavonskog bojišta, kl. 8/92-01/01, Slavonski Brod with Bosanski Brod. The bridge sustained
ur. br. 1076/5-01-92-444 od 23. 10. 1992.; J. ZOVAK, Rat serious damage but the Serbs failed to destroy it or ren-
u Bosanskoj Posavini 1992., 78-79. der it unusable. During the initial phases of the conflict
655 SVA MORH, ZOGIP, Izvještaj str. pov. br. 2-11 od 5. 2. the General Staff of the Croatian Army did not allow
1992.; Boško Radović, “Marš prema ‘Drini’”, Slobodna units of the Croatian Army to cross the Sava. However,
Bosna, 26. 3. 1992., 5; Milan STUBLINČEVIĆ, Tako su oni
hteli: razbijanje Jugoslavije, IP Nova Evropa, Beograd,
the General Staff of the Croatian Army allowed volun-
Dom kulture Obrenovac, ECCOS, Beograd, 1998., 56-57; teers to cross the river and fight for the Croats in Bosnia.
D. MARIJAN, Graničari, 164-165. These volunteers, for the most part, had been born in
656 D. MARIJAN, Graničari, 165-167, 181. Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Do 16. travnja 1992. JNA i srpska TO imale su izvje- By April 16, 1992, the JNA and the Serb Territorial
snog uspjeha u napadima na Bosanski Brod. No, tog su Defense had achieved a few successes during their at-
dana poražene kod sela Gornje Kolibe čime je zamisao tacks on Bosanski Brod. But, on that day they suffered
brzog okončanja rata propala. U susjednoj Derventi a defeat at the village of Gornje Kolibe. This setback put
hrvatske snage su potkraj travnja osvojile vojarnu i re- paid to their plans to deliver a knockout blow to the Cro-
lativno su dobro operativno stajale. Na području opći- ats and finish the war swiftly. In neighboring Derventa
ne Odžak lokalne su hrvatske snage uz pomoć manjih the Croatian forces, at the end of April, captured the JNA
snaga HV-a okružile srpsko uporište u Novom Gradu barracks and their strategic position was good. The lo-
koje se održalo do 8. svibnja 1992. godine.657 cal Croatian forces in the Odžak Municipality, with the
Značajan uspjeh JNA i Srbi postigli su 17. travnja help of a smaller force from the Croatian Army, besieged
1992. kada su zaposjeli grad Bosanski Šamac, a potom the Serb stronghold in Novi Grad. The Croats finally cap-
napali i zauzeli nekoliko hrvatskih sela istočno od gra- tured Novi Grad on May 8, 1992.
da. Uz pomoć pojačanja iz Hrvatske, lokalne hrvatske The JNA and the Serbs achieved a significant success
snage organizirale su obranu s osloncem na Savu te on April 17, 1992, when they captured Bosanski Šamac
sela Lijeskovac i Grebnice. Taj dio uvezao se sa susjed- and a few Croatian villages to the east of the city. With
nim hrvatskim snagama iz Orašja u zasebnu cjelinu the help of troops from Croatia the local Croat forces or-
oslonjenu na rijeku Savu i bez velike operativne dubi- ganized a defensive line pivoting on the Sava River and
ne.658 Potom su 30. travnja srpske snage napale Brčko i the villages of Lijeskovac and Grebnice. These defensive
do 2. svibnja zauzele vitalne objekte u njemu. Brčko je positions were linked to those held by the Croatian forces
bio grad s muslimanskom većinom i Srbima je bio izni- from Orašje and together they formed a cohesive whole
mno značajan kao prometno središte i veza Posavine with no operational depth to speak of along the Sava
sa Semberijom. Hrvati su bili donekle organizirani, no River. On April 30, the Serb forces attacked Brčko and
nedovoljno jaki da sami naprave nešto u obrani općine by May 2 had captured a number of key locations in the
osim da organiziraju obranu u dijelu naselja u kojima city. Brčko was a city with a Muslim majority and a traffic
su bili većina.659 junction, connecting Posavina with Semberija. As such, it
Tijekom svibnja 1992. većina oficira i vojnika JNA was of immense strategic importance for the Serbs. The
rodom iz Srbije povukla se u krnju Saveznu Republi- Croats were somewhat organized there, but not nearly
ku Jugoslaviju što je na dijelu bosanskohercegovač- sufficiently enough to repulse the Serbs’ attack. All they
kog ratišta izazvalo krizu koja je trajala nekoliko tje- could do with some hope of success was to defend the
dana. Hrvatske snage u tom su razdoblju odbacile predominantly Croat neighborhoods of Brčko.
srpske snage od Bosanskog Broda prema rijeci Bosni During May, 1992, most of the JNA officers and sol-
i selu Podnovlju, a na samom kraju mjeseca zauzele diers who hailed from Serbia left Bosnia for the rump
su Modriču i odvojile srpske krajine od Semberije. Na Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. As a result, the Serb forc-
taj način otvorena je i veza između središnje Bosne i es in the Bosanska Posavina region and most of the other
Hrvatske preko koje je za nekoliko tjedana izvučen ve- areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina were left, from an orga-
lik dio civila, ali i naoružanjem i opremom opskrbljeno nizational standpoint, wrong-footed. It took the Serbs a
više od 20 mjesta.660 few weeks to recover from the loss. During that period
the Croatian forces pushed back the Serbs away from
657 ZOGIP, Izvješće kl. 81/92-02, ur. br. OG-01-92-89-8 od Bosanski Brod towards the Bosna River and the village of
29. 4. 1992.; OGIP, Izvješće br. 128-3/92 od 9. 5. 1992.; D. Podnovlje. At the end of the month the Croats captured
MARIJAN, Graničari, 171-173. Modriča and pushed the Serb forces away from Semberi-
658 D. MARIJAN, Graničari, 179-180; J. ZOVAK, Rat u ja, thus opening a link between central Bosnia and Croa-
Bosanskoj Posavini 1992., 195-203. tia. During the next few weeks a large number of civilians
659 ICTY: Pregled događanja i stanja Ratnog predsjedništ- were evacuated through that corridor. While the civilians
va opštine Brčko, sa ocjenom postignutog stepena
izvršenja (nedatirano); 20 godina 108. pješačke brigade
moved one way, a significant amount of weapons and
HVO, 20-21. equipment was transported in the opposite direction.
660 D. MARIJAN, Graničari, 181-186. Izjava Zdravka Sočkov- More than 20 towns and villages thus received weapons,
ića. J. ZOVAK, Rat u Bosanskoj Posavini 1992., 205-237. ammunition, equipment and matériel.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Zauzimanjem Modriče hrvatske su snage dostigle The capture of Modriča was the high point of the
vrhunac u Bosanskoj Posavini. Bio je to najveći, ali i je- Croatian successes in the Bosanska Posavina region in
dini veliki uspjeh nakon sredine svibnja 1992. godine. 1992. This was the only substantial Croatian victory after
Poklopio se s Rezolucijom 757 Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a, u mid-May, 1992. It coincided with the passing of Resolu-
kojoj je Hrvatska ponovno prozvana zbog angažmana tion 757 of the Security Council of the United Nations.
svojih snaga u BiH.661 The Security Council, in the resolution, expressed con-
cerns regarding the involvement of the Republic of Croa-
Operacija Koridor tia in the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Početkom lipnja 1992. srpske snage su sanirale Operation Koridor

krizu zbog povlačenja oficirskoga kadra JNA rođenog
u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori u Saveznu Republiku Jugoslaviju. At the beginning of June, 1992, the Serb forces re-
Na temelju ratnih ciljeva usvojenih 12. svibnja u Ba- covered from the loss of the officers and soldiers born
njoj Luci, izrađene su i prve dalekosežnije smjernice in Serbia and Montenegro who had left for the Federal
za uporabu srpske vojske. U direktivi Glavnoga štaba Republic of Yugoslavia. Based on the objectives de-
Vojske SR BiH 6. lipnja 1. krajiški korpus s OG-om Doboj termined on May 12 in Banja Luka the first long-term
uz pomoć dijela Istočnobosanskoga korpusa dobio je guidelines were drafted for the future deployment of the
zadaću da probije koridor između Semberije i Bosan- Serbian army. The General Staff of the Serbian Republic
ske krajine.662 of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s directive of June 6 tasked I
Koncentriranje srpskih snaga za operaciju poče- Krajina Corps with Operational Group Doboj, supported
lo je krajem svibnja 1992., a početkom lipnja počelo by elements of East Bosnia Corps with creating a corridor
je dovođenje snaga 1. krajiškog korpusa, uglavnom s connecting Semberija with Bosanska Krajina.
okupiranih područja Hrvatske. Sredinom lipnja formi- The Serbs started concentrating their forces for the
rane su četiri taktičke grupe (TG-1 do TG-4), čije su ko- offensive at the end of May, 1992. At the beginning of
mande bile komande triju bivših brigada JNA, a jedna June they started moving I Krajina Corps to the concen-
vojske pobunjenih Srba u Hrvatskoj.663 tration area, mostly from the occupied territory in the Re-
Dok su Srbi pripremali napadnu operaciju, hrvat- public of Croatia. In mid-June four tactical groups were
ske su snage uglavnom mirovale. Teret obrane Bosan- formed: TG-1, TG-2, TG-3 and TG-4. Their HQs were the
ske Posavine bio je na postrojbama HVO-a. Priprema HQs of three former JNA brigades and the fourth was the
operacije počela je srpskim napadima 4. lipnja 1992. HQ of the army of the rebel Serbs in Croatia.
iz Podnovlja, a nekoliko dana kasnije i iz smjera Do- As the Serbs busied themselves preparing their of-
boja. Do 22. lipnja srpske snage su potisnule hrvatske fensive, the Croatian forces were, for the most part, idle.
prema Derventi i zauzele nekoliko sela među kojima The HVO organized the defense of Bosanska Posavina
i Foču, Johovac i Kotorsko. Uvođenjem 3. brigade and it was clear that it would bear the brunt of the fight-
ZNG-a srpske snage su nakratko zaustavljene.664 ing. The Serbs launched their preparatory attacks for the
Za prvu etapu operacije Koridor VRS je priku- offensive on June 4, 1992, from the direction of Podnovl-
pio 40.000 vojnika, od kojih je oko 20.000 angaži- je and, a few days later, from the direction of Doboj. By
June 22 the Serb forces pushed back the Croats towards
Derventa and captured a number of villages, among
661 ICTY: Rezolucija br. 757 Vijeća sigurnosti UN od 30. 5. them the villages of Foča, Johovac and Kotorsko. The 3rd
1992. Brigade of the ZNG entered the fighting and the momen-
662 ICTY: GŠ VSR BiH, Direktiva za dalja dejstva, str. pov. br. tum of the Serb attacks slackened.
02/5-22 od 6. 6. 1992.; ICTY: Zapovest Komande 1. KK od The VRS gathered 40,000 soldiers for the first phase
9. 6. 1992. za odbranu, obezbeđenje teritorije i ofanziv-
na dejstva, Op. br. 04/92. of Operation Koridor (Corridor). 20,000 of those would
663 N. SIMIĆ, Operacija “Koridor-92”, 53, 134-135, 137,
directly cut through the corridor and secure the axis
138, 140. of advance of the main body of troops. The main force
664 J. ZOVAK, Rat u Bosanskoj Posavini 1992., 240-269, 613- belonged to I Krajina Corps. The forces tasked with cut-
624; N. SIMIĆ, Operacija “Koridor-92”, 138-143. ting through the corridor were grouped in three tactical


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

rao izravno za proboj koridora i osiguranje glavnih groups in the first phase and in four tactical groups and
snaga u napadu. Glavnina snaga bila je iz sastava 1. one motorized brigade in the second phase. The task
krajiškog korpusa. Snage angažirane za proboj ko- of Operational Group Doboj was to protect the forces
ridora grupirane su u tri taktičke skupine, u drugoj engaged in the operation and prevent the Croats from
etapi u četiri taktičke skupine i jednu motoriziranu mounting a surprise attack from the Bosna Valley and
brigadu. Zadatak OG-a Doboj bio je zaštititi snage from the Spreča Valley. A smaller number of troops were
u operaciji i spriječiti da ih se iznenadi iz zaleđa do- tasked with making diversionary attacks for the purpose
linama rijeka Bosne i Spreče. Dio snaga određen je of masking the real objective of the operation.
za izvođenje manjih napada radi skrivanja stvarne The operation commenced on June 24, 1992. The
zadaće operacije.665 Serb forces captured Modriča and created a corridor to
Operacija proboja koridora i izlaska na rijeku Semberija on June 28. The Croatian forces defending
Savu počela je 24. lipnja 1992. godine. Zbog iznimne against the attack were poorly organized and vastly
premoći i neorganiziranosti protivnika srpske snage outnumbered. The Serbs captured Derventa on July 4.
zauzele su 28. lipnja Modriču i napravile koridor sa On July 13 they captured Odžak and reached the Sava
Semberijom. Derventu su zauzele 4. srpnja, a 13. srp- River between Bosanski Brod and Šamac. The Serbs cap-
nja Odžak i izbile na Savu između Bosanskog Broda tured Bosanski Brod on October 6, even though the end
i Šamca. Bosanski Brod zauzele su tek 6. listopada, of the operation was planned for July 28. After the fall
premda je završetak operacije planiran za 28. srpnja. of Bosanski Brod the Croatian forces managed to hold
Nakon pada Bosanskog Broda hrvatske snage odr- Orašje and a portion of the Municipality of Bosanski Ša-
žale su Orašje s dijelom općine Bosanski Šamac. U mac. In November and December the Croats repulsed
studenom i prosincu odbijeni su pokušaji VRS-a da the VRS’s attempts to capture the Orašje pocket and
zauzme oraški džep i izbije na Savu, štoviše hrvatske reach the Sava River. The Croatian forces also pushed the
su snage napravile manje pomake na bojištu u svoju Serbs back in a number of places. Despite these minor
korist. Ipak, u cjelini, na tom dijelu bojišta VRS je us- Croatian gains, the Serbs managed to achieve their stra-
pio ispuniti strategijski cilj i povezati RSK sa Sembe- tegic objective and link the RSK with Semberija and Ser-
rijom i Srbijom. U odnosu na plan, kasnio je gotovo bia. However, this success was achieved three months
tri mjeseca, uz angažman najjače srpske vojne gru- behind schedule. It is also worth pointing out that the
pacije na ratištu. Nakon uspjeha u Posavini znatan Serbs used their strongest formation in the theater of
dio 1. krajiškoga korpusa ostao je na osiguranju Save war in the operation. After the successes in Posavina the
na granici Hrvatske i BiH, od općine Nova Gradiška bulk of I Krajina Corps remained in Posavina to hold the
do Županje.666 positions along the Sava River at the Croatian – Bosnian
Borbe za Bosansku Posavinu trajale su gotovo border, a defensive line stretching from the Nova Gradiš-
godinu dana. U početnim fazama ratna je sreća bila ka Municipality to Županja.
promjenjiva. U svibnju 1992. hrvatske snage iskori- The fighting for the Bosanska Posavina region lasted
stile su krizno razdoblje u kojem se JNA transformi- almost one year. In the initial phases both sides jostled
rala u vojsku bosanskohercegovačkih Srba i odvojila for advantage, without either gaining the upper hand.
Semberiju od Bosanske krajine. Stabiliziranjem crte i In May, 1992, the Croatian forces took advantage of the
izvlačenjem snaga iz Hrvatske, srpske su snage u lip- Serbs’ ineptitude brought on by the process of transform-
nju počele preokret i do početka listopada osvojile ing the JNA in Bosnia and Herzegovina into the army of
zapadni dio Bosanske Posavine. Odnijele su pobjedu Serbs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. During that period
the Croats cut off Semberija from Bosanska Krajina. The
665 N. SIMIĆ, Operacija “Koridor-92”, 122-124. Serbs eventually managed to stabilize the line and later
666 Balkan Battlegrounds: A Military History of the Yugoslav brought fresh forces from Croatia to the Bosnian theater
Conflict, 1990-1995, Central Intelligence Agency, Office of war. The decisive turning point in Posavina occurred in
of Russian and European Analysis, Washington, DC June. In the period from June to October the Serb forces
20505, May 2002, Volume I, 146; N. SIMIĆ, Operacija achieved a clear victory and occupied the western part
„Koridor-92”, 171-383; J. ZOVAK, Rat u Bosanskoj Posa-
vini 1992., 171-202; D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 238, of the Bosanska Posavina region. It has to be pointed out
242-260. that the Serb forces vastly outnumbered the Croats and


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Bosanska Posavina, kolovoz 1992. – siječanj 1993.

Bosanska Posavina, August 1992 – January 1993

zbog izrazite brojčane i tehničke premoći, jasnog cilja Muslims and enjoyed vast superiority in both the quan-
i mnogo boljeg sustava zapovijedanja. Zbog demobi- tity and quality of weaponry and equipment. The system
lizacije i preustroja, hrvatske su snage bile usitnjene of command of the Serb army was superior to that of the
nasuprot kompaktnijim srpskim postrojbama.667 Croats and the Muslims. Another important advantage
the Serbs had over their foes was the fact that they op-
erated within the context of clearly defined military and
political objectives. The Croatian forces, due to the twin
processes of demobilization and restructuring, did not
form a cohesive whole and as such were no match for
the better led and structured Serbian forces.

667 D. MARIJAN, Graničari, 240-244.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


U odnosu na proljeće, stanje na ratištu krajem The situation in the Bosnian theater of war at the
1992. osjetno se smirilo. Završetkom borbi na Južnom end of 1992 was relatively peaceful, especially in com-
bojištu u Hrvatskoj je vladalo zatišje, no bilo je očito parison to the situation that had existed in the theater
da nema pomaka prema reintegraciji RSK u Hrvatsku in the spring of 1992. With the cessation of the fighting
i zavođenju ustavnoga poretka na cijelom području in the Southern Theater of Operations in Croatia the
države. Hrvatska je u listopadu od Vijeća sigurnosti overall situation in Croatia was calm, even though the
tražila da UNPROFOR razoruža paravojne formacije, rebel Serbs refused to countenance any possibility of re-
nadzor međunarodnih granica sa Srbijom i BiH, stav- integrating the territories under their control – the RSK
ljanje u funkciju prometnica i dalekovoda. Ti zahtjevi – into the constitutional and legal order of the Republic
nisu dobili potporu u Vijeću sigurnosti668 i Hrvatska je of Croatia. In October Croatia requested that UNPROFOR
bila prinuđena sama riješiti neke od ključnih proble- disarm the paramilitary formations, monitor the situa-
ma koji su otežavali koliko-toliko normalno življenje tion on the Croatian borders with Serbia and Bosnia and
države u ratu. Krajem 1992. počela je izrada planova Herzegovina, open the closed roads for traffic and put
za borbena djelovanja prema okupiranim i pobunje- the power lines into operation. The request did not gain
nim područjima Hrvatske. To je uključivalo i otvaranje much traction in the Security Council and Croatia, if it
zatvorenih prometnica u sjevernoj Dalmaciji i zapad- wanted to function as a more or less viable state, simply
noj Slavoniji.669 had no choice but to take action. At the end of 1992 the
Stanje u Bosni i Hercegovini bilo je osjetno lošije. General Staff started making plans for offensive actions
Krajem 1992. završene su pripreme za predstavlja- against the rebel Serbs and the areas under their con-
nje Vance-Owenova plana u Ženevi o završetku rata i trol. The main objective of all these plans was the open-
unutarnjoj podjeli BiH.670 Srbi su objavili da su obranili ing for traffic the closed roads in northern Dalmatia and
“svoje istorijske i etničke teritorije” i da je “međuetnič- western Slavonia.
ki i međuvjerski rat u bivšoj SR Bosni i Hercegovini za The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina was mark-
Republiku Srpsku završen”.671 To je značilo da je VRS edly worse than that in Croatia. At the end of 1992, the
navodno završio napadne operacije i usmjerio se na preparatory moves for presenting the Vance-Owen Peace
čuvanje osvojenog teritorija. Plan in Geneva were completed. The plan envisaged the
Braneći se od srpskih napada, Herceg-Bosna je uz cessation of hostilities and division of Bosnia and Herze-
potporu Republike Hrvatske održala na životu Bosnu govina’s territory between the three constituent nations.
i Hercegovinu, odnosno ostatak od dijela koji su Srbi The Serbs, for their part, declared that they had success-
osvojili. To je kod struktura HVO-a razvilo osjećaj veće fully defended “their historic and ethnic lands” and that
vrijednosti u odnosu na ARBiH te spremnost da oruž- “the inter-ethnic and inter-religious war in the former So-
jem održe područja koja su obranili i za koja su računali cialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as far as the
da će ih dobiti tijekom međunarodne konferencije o Republika Srpska is concerned, is over”. That meant that
BiH. Do kraja 1992. HVO je uspostavio stabilnu crtu s the VRS would ostensibly abstain from launching offen-
VRS-om i tražio status quo. sive operations and focus exclusively on defending the
conquered territory.
Herzeg-Bosnia, with significant help from the Re-
668 M. NOBILO, Hrvatski feniks, 258-259. public of Croatia, by staunchly resisting the Serbs’ attacks
669 SVA MORH, GSHV, Zapovijed kl. 8/92-01/07, ur. br. 5120- against its territory, saved Bosnia and Herzegovina from
05-92-273 od 27. 12. 1992.
total destruction. That achievement boosted the HVOs
670 David OWEN, Balkanska odiseja, Hrvatska sveučilišna nak- pride and feeling of superiority over the Army of the Re-
lada – Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb, 1998., 126-127.
public of Bosnia and Herzegovina. After all, the territo-
671 Deklaracija narodne Skupštine Srpske od 17. 12. 1992.
ry the Muslims held had not been overrun by the Serbs
o završetku rata, Službeni glasnik Republike Srpske, br. 19
od 18. 12. 1992. largely thanks to the HVO determined efforts. For that


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Tijekom 1992. bošnjačka TO, odnosno ARBiH glavni reason, the Croats believed that they would officially be
napor djelovanja stavila je u funkciju potpore strategij- granted autonomy within Bosnia and Herzegovina at the
skom cilju, zadržavanja privida legitimiteta. To je značilo international conference on implementing peace in Bos-
zadržavanje nazivlja Teritorijalne obrane na štetu Patriot- nia. By the end of 1992, the HVO had established a stable
ske lige i obranu Sarajeva kao institucionalnoga središta defensive line opposite the VRS. The overriding strategic
BiH. Patriotska se liga u poslijeratnim tumačenjima prika- objective for the HVO at that particular point in time was
zuje kao značajan vojnički čimbenik, no njezina učinko- to maintain the status quo.
vitost, organiziranost i borbena sposobnost stvarno nije During 1992, the Bosniak Territorial Defense, later
bila ni izbliza takva. Ona je bila loše organizirano i loše the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
vođeno paravojno krilo SDA, što je razvidno po ratnom focused its efforts on achieving the main political objec-
učinku Muslimana tijekom 1992. godine. Područja gdje tive, which was to maintain the illusion that its authori-
su imali relativnu većinu uglavnom su izgubili, često bez ty was legitimate. That meant keeping the designation
otpora ili imalo vrijednog spomena otpora. Na kraju 1992. Territorial Defense at the expense of the Patriotic League
Armija Republike BiH uz veliku je cijenu, iako u okruže- and defending Sarajevo as the institutional center of
nju, uspijevala održati Sarajevo. Na listi uspjeha nalazilo Bosnia and Herzegovina. Some scholars perceive the Pa-
se održanje Bihaća i manjih enklava u istočnoj Bosni (Go- triotic League as an important military factor but it has
ražde i Srebrenica). to be pointed out that its effectiveness, organization and
Etničkim čišćenjem osvojenog teritorija Srbi su izazva- military value left a lot to be desired. The Patriotic League
li trajnu napetost između Muslimana i Hrvata. Ogromne was a badly organized, badly led paramilitary wing of the
mase prognanika i izbjeglica slile su se s područja pod nad- SDA party. The poor performance of the Muslim forma-
zorom VRS-a na muslimansko-hrvatska područja. “Gledat tions during 1992 confirms that point of view. The Mus-
ću ih kako jedni druge uništavaju, a onda ću ih oba gurnuti lims lost most of the areas where they formed a relative
u more”, riječi su generala Mladića koje jasno svjedoče što majority, often without a fight or offering only a token
su Srbi očekivali od etničkoga čišćenja.672 Dio prognanika resistance. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
otišao je u Hrvatsku i dalje u inozemstvo, a za oružje spo- zegovina managed, at the cost of horrendous casualties,
sobna populacija muškaraca uglavnom je ostala. Time je to hold on to Sarajevo. At the end of 1992 the situation
narušena etnička struktura, što je osobito na miješanim for the Muslim forces in Sarajevo was not favorable how-
područjima središnje Bosne dovelo do novog odnosa sna- ever. The city was under siege by the Serbs. The list of
ga između Hrvata i Bošnjaka. Većina prognanika dolazila the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s
je iz ruralnih sredina u urbane, donoseći drugačiji men- successes in 1992 is very short; in addition to holding
talitet. Gradovi u etnički miješanim područjima imali su Sarajevo it includes the successful defense of the city of
iskustvo zajedničkoga života, što sa selima u principu nije Bihać and a number of small enclaves in eastern Bosnia
bio slučaj. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane bilo je svjesno promjene (Goražde and Srebrenica).
etničke strukture, koja je pojačala muslimansku poziciju, By ethnically cleansing the conquered territories
pa je prema neizvjesnoj budućnosti karakterističan stav the Serbs created lasting tensions between the Muslims
HVO-a Gornji Vakuf, koji je u izvješću iz druge polovine lip- and the Croats. Endless masses of refugees flowed into
nja 1992., dan nakon sukoba s ARBiH, pisao “da na našem the Muslim and Croat areas from the territory controlled
području ima oko 12.000 izbjeglica iz Donjeg Vakufa (a sve by the VRS. “I’ll stand and watch them at each other’s
muslimanske narodnosti) s velikim brojem vojnih obvezni-
throats and then I’ll push them all into the sea,” said Gen-
ka, pa ukoliko se još naoružaju, onda ne da prijeti opasnost eral Mladić about the Croats and the Muslims. His words
samo našoj općini, nego i susjednim (Bugojno, Novi Trav- clearly testify to the effect the Serbs wanted their eth-
nik, Travnik), a naš je zaključak da smo im mi prvi neprijate- nic cleansing of the area under their control to achieve.
lji pa tek onda četnici”.673 Na kraju 1992. muslimansko-hr- Some refugees went to Croatia and thence abroad. Most
vatski rat u BiH bio je samo pitanje vremena. men of fighting age remained in Bosnia and Herzegov-
ina though. The ethnic structure in the mixed areas of
672 L. SILBER, A. LITTLE, Smrt Jugoslavije, 294. central Bosnia was thus disrupted and altered. Most refu-
673 Općinski stožer HVO Gornji Vakuf, Izvješće str. pov. br. gees were from rural areas. The only places of safety and
1-574-2/92 od 22. 6. 1992. refuge for them were urban centers. That mass infusion


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

HVO (fotografiju darovao Mario Filipović). Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje, 1993. (Fotografiju darovao Zrinko Tokić).

HVO (Photograph donated by Mario Filipović). Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje, 1993 (Photograph donated by Zrinko Tokić).
of rural mentality into urbane populations also played
a significant part in raising racial tensions between the
Muslims and the Croats. People from the villages had
had no experience in living in mixed areas, which the
urban centers were. The HVO was acutely aware of the
disruptive nature of the changes in the ethnic structure.
The changes favored the Muslims. One report, issued by
the HVO Gornji Vakuf in the second half of June, 1992,
one day after clashing with the Army of the Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, says it all: “…in our area there
are more than 12,000 refugees from Donji Vakuf and all
of them are Muslims. A large number of military-age men
are among them. If these men are armed they will pres-
ent a clear and present danger not just to our municipali-
Pokop žrtava zločina ARBiH nad Hrvatima u Uzdolu – Rama, 14.
rujna 1993.
ty but also to the neighboring municipalities of Bugojno,
Novi Travnik and Travnik. Our conclusion is that they per-
Burial of the victims of the ARBiH crime against the Croats at ceive us more of an enemy than they do the Serbs.” At the
Uzdol – Rama, September 14, 1993.
end of 1992, war between the Muslims and the Croats
in Bosnia and Herzegovina was inevitable. It was only a
matter of time when it would erupt.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


1993. GODINE 1993
Godinu 1993. obilježile su jake borbe u zaleđu Za- The year 1993 was marked by heavy fighting in Za-
dra, kod Sinja i Gospića te posebice muslimansko-hr- dar’s hinterland, around Sinj and Gospić, and especially
vatski rat u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ta su zbivanja osjetno by the Muslim-Croat conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovi-
utjecala na međunarodni položaj Hrvatske. Medijski na. These events strongly influenced the international
tvorci Hrvatskoj su postupno uzimali status žrtve i pre- position of the Republic of Croatia. Many media outlets
tvarali je u izazivača sukoba. Ako je hrvatska politika gave up on depicting Croatia as a victim of aggression
tom procesu i dala neki poticaj, stvarana percepcija and ascribed it the role of a war monger. The Croatian
bila je i alibi za nedjelotvornost dijela međunarodne government’s policies at that time may have had or may
zajednice, osobito zemalja koje su tradicionalno bile not have had something to do with that development.
sklonije srpskoj strani. However, the reports regarding Croatia published and/
or aired by the media outlets in question came as a god-
OPERACIJA GUSAR (MASLENICA) send to some elements of the international community
that embraced the newly created perception because it
U zaleđu Zadra, Zborno područje Split je od 22. do shifted the media focus from their incompetence to the
27. siječnja 1993. realiziralo operaciju Gusar (negdje i supposed Croatian recalcitrance. It is worth mention-
Zima-93) i oslobodilo Maslenički most, Novigrad i šire ing that these elements of the international community
područje Zračne luke Zemunik. Uz Maslenicu, hrvatske were traditional supporters of the Serb side.
snage su 28. siječnja oslobodile i branu na Peručkom
jezeru kod Sinja, što je imalo nemjerljiv psihološki uči- OPERATION GUSAR (MASLENICA)
nak, napose u Dalmaciji. Nakon prelaska HV-a u obranu
počeli su intenzivni protunapadi srpskih snaga. Traja- In Zadar’s hinterland, Military District Split launched
li su oko 10 dana, a vrhunac su imali 1. i 2. veljače u Operation Gusar (Pirate), in some sources called Zima-93
borbama oko sela Kašića. Zbog jakih srpskih napada (Winter-93), on January 22. The Croatian forces liberated
okosnicu snaga obrane činile su profesionalne snage the Maslenica Bridge, Novigrad and the wider area of
HV-a. Do jeseni 1993. zaleđe Zadra bilo je najzahtjevni- the Zemunik airport. The operation ended on January
ja bojišnica u Hrvatskoj koja je znatno iscrpila hrvatske 27, 1993. On January 28 Croatian forces liberated Peruća
snage. Dugoročni učinak operacije bio je za pobunjene Dam near Sinj which raised the morale on many Croatian
Srbe daleko nepovoljniji. Uz psihološki poraz, iscrplje- citizens, especially in Dalmatia. At that point the Croatian
ni su u ljudskom i materijalnom pogledu u razmjeru forces went on the defensive. The Serbs then launched
koji nisu nikada potpuno sanirali. Na međunarodnom a series of counterattacks. For ten days the Serbs coun-
planu, maslenička je operacija poslužila da se Hrvatska terattacked. The heaviest fighting during this spate of
optuži da zaziva rat, što je do tada bilo uglavnom rezer- Serbian counterattacks developed on February 1-2 and
virano za Srbiju i Srbe.674 around the village of Kašić. The Serbs were determined
Operacija Gusar ili Zima-93, odnosno Maslenica, to push the Croatian forces back but the Croats were
kako se ustalilo u hrvatskom kolektivnom sjećanju, equally determined to repulse the attack. Professional
iznimno je značajno poglavlje Domovinskoga rata. units of the HV formed the backbone of the Croatian
Bila je to ograničena vojna operacija koja nije realizi- defense. By fall 1993, fighting in Zadar’s hinterland was
rana prema planovima zbog nepovoljne reakcije me- especially fierce. These battles completely exhausted the
đunarodne zajednice. Međutim, uz to što je omogućila HV. On the other hand, the battles cost the Serbs much
cestovnu povezanost između sjevera i juga Hrvatske, more than the Croats. The Serbs suffered crippling loss-
što je bilo od iznimnog značaja i zbog situacije u BiH, es in men and equipment which they could not replace.
operacija je imala i veliko psihološko značenje među Also, the defeats suffered in Zadar’s hinterland complete-
ly demoralized them. In the international political arena
674 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 261-269. the successes of the HV in Zadar’s hinterland were used


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

stanovništvom Dalmacije. Posebice zato što je na kri- by the aforementioned elements of the international
lima početnoga uspjeha operacije Hrvatska, u drugoj community to accuse Croatia of fomenting war; an accu-
akciji na sinjskom području, otklonila stalnu prijetnju sation hitherto reserved exclusively for the Serb side.
uništenja HE Peruča u zaleđu Sinja i nakon više od go- Operation Gusar or Zima-93, popularly known in
dinu dana redukcija omogućila Dalmaciji redovitu dis- Croatia as Operation Maslenica, is an extremely import-
tribuciju električne energije. Maslenička je operacija ant episode of the Croatian War of Independence. It was
bila i poruka međunarodnoj zajednici da Hrvatska ima a limited military operation which did not achieve ev-
ograničenu dozu strpljenja i da od nje, tj. mirovnih sna- erything it was meant to achieve, mainly due to the un-
ga UN-a očekuje više i konkretnije od onoga što se do favorable reactions from the international community.
tada učinilo. However, the Croatian forces did manage to open the
roads connecting the south of Croatia with the rest of
Oslobađanje brane Peruča the country, which was of crucial importance because
of the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also, it did
Po odredbama Vanceova plana, nadzor nad bra- wonders for the morale of the people in Dalmatia, es-
nom Hidroelektrane (HE) na Peručkom jezeru u zaleđu pecially because the Croatian forces, continuing the
Sinja preuzele su snage Kenijske bojne UNPROFOR-a. momentum of the operation, chased the Serb troops
Razdvajanjem sukobljenih strana obje su strane povu- away from the hydroelectric power plant Peruća in Sinj’s
kle teško naoružanje 10 kilometara od crte. Za obranu hinterland, thus putting an end to constant Serb threats
Sinja bila je zadužena 1. bojna 16. dp-a ojačana dijelom of blowing the plant up and securing an uninterrupted
topništva i logistike 126. brigade HV-a. Sama 126. bri- supply, after more than a year of reductions, of electric
gada imala je pod oružjem dio ekvivalenta pola bojne energy for the Dalmatia region. Operation Maslenica
čije je ljudstvo bilo angažirano u Južnom sektoru, u also showed to the international community that Cro-
sastavu TG-3 i na osiguranju desnoga boka ZP-a Split atia’s patience with the ineffectiveness of the UN was
prema snagama HVO-a iz Livna. U zaleđu Peruče SVK je wearing dangerously thin.
imao dio 1. lake brigade Vrlika.
Nakon napada HV-a na srpske snage u zaleđu Za- Liberation of Peruča dam
dra, 7. korpus SVK-a doveo je 25. siječnja 1993. vod
tenkova u Laktac, oko 6 kilometara od brane HE Pe- The Kenyan Battalion of UNPROFOR, as per the
ruča, čime je narušio odredbe mirovnoga sporazuma. Vance Plan’s provisions, took control of the dam of the
Na hrvatske proteste zapovjednik Kenijske bojne UN- hydroelectric power plant Peruča on Peruča Lake in Sinj’s
PROFOR-a ustvrdio je da je izgubio nadzor nad srp- hinterland. The warring sides, having been separated,
skim snagama i svaku moguću komunikaciju sa svojim duly withdrew all heavy weaponry at least 10 kilometers
postrojbama na brani. Zapovjednik 126. brigade HV-a to the rear from the separation line. The city of Sinj was
tada je bez odobrenja zapovjednika OZ-a Split mobili- defended by the 1st Battalion of the 16th Home Guard
zirao dio topništva, dvije posade za tenkove i okrenuo Regiment reinforced by elements of the 126th Brigade’s
dva topa 130 mm u području Vagnja s pravca prema artillery and logistics. The 126th Brigade had the equiv-
Glamoču na smjer Vaganj – Otišić. alent of half a battalion deployed in Sector South under
Dva dana poslije, 27. siječnja 1993., četa Cetina 1. the command of TG 3 and in positions securing the right
lake brigade SVK-a zaposjela je branu, protjerala snage flank of ZP Split in the direction of the positions manned
UN-a i zaposjela Alebića kulu. Dio snaga koncentrirali by the HVO Livno. In Peruča’s hinterland the SVK had ele-
su u Potravlju, na širem području Peruče i u Prolićima. ments of the 1st Light Brigade Vrlika.
Ujutro 28. siječnja 1993. počele su manje borbe, a On January 25, 1993, after the Croatian Army had
u 8 sati UNPROFOR je napustio branu. Nakon dojave da attacked the Serb forces in Zadar’s hinterland, the SVK
je brana minirana hrvatske su snage izvele koncentri- VII Corps brought, in clear violation of the Vance Plan, a
čan napad, zauzele branu i izbile na crtu Umac – Pro- tank platoon to Laktac, some 6 kilometers from the Pe-
loščići. U napadu je iz 16. dp-a poginuo jedan vojnik, ruča dam. Responding to Croatia’s complaints the com-
jedan je zarobljen, a tri su lakše ranjena. Zarobljena su mander of the Kenyan UNPROFOR Battalion stated that
dva srpska vojnika, protuzrakoplovni top 20 mm, tri he had lost control over the Serb forces and that he was


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

minobacača 82 mm, jedno vozilo i određena količina unable to communicate with the troops at the Peruča
pješačkoga naoružanja i streljiva. Oštećenja na brani su dam. The commander of the 126th Brigade of the Croa-
sanirana i izbjegnuta je potencijalna katastrofa. Prem- tian Army did not waste time reacting. Without asking
da nije bio planiran, i uz mnogo samovolje lokalnih the commander of OZ Split for permission he employed
zapovjednika, pothvat oslobađanja brane HE Peruča, elements of the artillery units, two tank crews and
osim što je omogućio redovitiju opskrbu električnom trained two 130-mm guns deployed in the Vaganj area
energijom, imao je iznimnu psihološku važnost i utje- on the Vaganj – Otišić line in the direction of Glamoč.
cao je pozitivno na moral vojske i stanovništva u Dal- Two days later, on January 27, 1993, the Cetina De-
maciji, kao i na ostalom teritoriju Hrvatske.675 tachment of the 1st Light Brigade of the SVK occupied
the dam, chased away the UN forces and took control
OPERACIJA DŽEP-93 of Alebića Kula. The Serbs concentrated some of their
forces in Potravlje, in the wider Peruća area and in Prolići.
U rujnu 1993. HV i Specijalne jedinice policije izve- On the morning of January 27, 1993, there was
le su operaciju na području Like. Na tom dijelu bojišta some skirmishing and at 0800 hours UNPROFOR left
nakon siječnja 1992. nije bilo većih sukoba, za razliku the dam. The Croats found out that explosives had been
od 1993. kada su srpske snage intenzivirale djelovanje, planted on the dam and as a result the Croatian forc-
na temelju čega je hrvatska strana zaključila da im je es mounted a concerted attack, captured the dam and
svrha preuzimanje inicijative i stalno iscrpljivanje hr- reached the Umac – Prolići line.
vatskih snaga. Zbog toga su hrvatske snage krenule One soldier from the 16th Home Guard Regiment
u manju napadnu operaciju čija je svrha bila osigurati was killed in the attack, one was taken prisoner by the
položaje na Velebitu i spriječiti napade na Gospić.676 Serbs and three suffered light wounds. The Croatian
Operacija Džep-93 je uspješno realizirana 9. ruj- forces took two Serbian soldiers prisoner and captured
na 1993. na području Medačkoga džepa nedaleko od one 20-mm flak gun, three 82-mm mortars, one vehi-
Gospića (Divoselo, Čitluk, Počitelj), odnosno smjeru Di- cle and a quantity of small arms and ammunition. The
voselo – Lički Čitluk. Po okončanju operacije hrvatske damage the dam had suffered was quickly repaired,
snage su od 11. do 14. rujna odbile pokušaje srpskih and, more importantly, a catastrophe with potential-
snaga da u protunapadima vrate izgubljeno područje. ly far reaching consequences had been averted. Even
Napadi nisu uspjeli, a do povlačenja hrvatskih snaga though the action was not planned and came about as
s oslobođenoga područja Medačkoga džepa ipak je a result of local commanders’ initiative and disregard
došlo tijekom 16. i 17. rujna 1993., na zahtjev među- for the chain of command, the liberation of the Peruča
narodne zajednice. Područje je preuzeo Kanadski bata- dam, apart from securing a regular supply of electrici-
ljun UNPROFOR-a, koji je mimo postignutog dogovora ty for the Dalmatia region, had a positive effect on the
pokušao proširiti područje nadzora. Zbog toga je izbio morale of the army and civilians all over Croatia, but es-
incident u kojem su se Kanađani oglušili na hrvatska pecially those living in Dalmatia.
upozorenja, pa je jedan njihov transporter u Divoselu
naišao na protuoklopnu minu od koje su lakše ranje- OPERATION DŽEP-93
na tri Kanađanina. Zbog nedefinirane nove crte raz-
dvajanja zabilježeno je nekoliko incidenata između In September, 1993, the Croatian Army and Special
hrvatskih vojnika i policajaca i pripadnika Kanadskoga Police units conducted an operation in the Lika region.
After January, 1992, there had been no serious clashes
in the region. The situation in 1993, when Serb forces
intensified their activities, was exactly the opposite.
675 VP br. 2148 Sinj, Izvješće kl. 002-01/93-03-01, ur. br. The HV concluded that the Serbs’ aim was to seize the
2148-01/93-38 od 7. 2. 1993.; 16. domobranska pu- initiative and exhaust the Croatian forces in the region.
kovnija, Izvješće kl. 2175-93-1, ur. br. 8289-01/93-4 od 7.
2. 1993.; Izvješće zapovjednika 3. satnije 72. bVP o akciji
For that reason, the Croatian forces launched a small-
Peruča od 29. 1. 1993.; M. SEKULIĆ, Knin je pao u Beogra- scale offensive action the purpose of which was to
du, 64. secure the positions on Velebit and prevent the Serbs
676 9. gardijska brigada HV – Vukovi, 222-233. from attacking Gospić.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Operation Džep-93 (Pocket-93) was successfully con-

cluded on September 9, 1993, in the Medak Pocket area
near Gospić (Divoselo, Čitluk, Počitelj), along the Divose-
lo – Lički Čitluk line. From September 11 to September
14, the Serbs launched a number of counterattacks at-
tempting to recapture the lost positions but their efforts
were not successful. However, the Croatian forces did re-
treat from the liberated area on September 16-17, 1993,
at the request of the international community. The Ca-
nadian Battalion of UNPROFOR moved into the area and
contrary to the agreed terms tried to extend the area un-
der its control. The Croatian Army duly warned the Cana-
dians not to overstep their brief but the Canadian Battal-
ion ignored the warnings. As a result, one Canadian APC
in Divoselo drove over a mine. Three Canadian soldiers
were lightly wounded in the ensuing explosion. The Ca-
Hrvatski vojnici, operacija „Maslenica“, podizanje zastave na mjestu
srušenoga mosta preko Novskog ždrila, siječanj 1993. (HTV). nadians’ actions caused a situation where there existed
no clearly defined line of separation between them and
Croatian soldiers, Operation Maslenica, raising the Croatian flag
at the site of the destroyed bridge over Novo Ždrilo, January the Croatian forces. As a direct result of that situation, a
1993 (HTV). number of incidents occurred between Croatian soldiers
and police officers on one side and soldiers of the Cana-
dian Battalion on the other. Years later these incidents
had grown with the telling and reached almost mythical
proportions. In the myth, the Canadian soldiers took on
bataljuna.677 Godinama poslije ti su incidenti u Kanadi the entire Croatian Army and protected the Serbs.
dosegnuli mitsku razinu i pretvoreni u bitku protiv Hr- Immediately prior to, during and after Operation
vatske vojske, a za zaštitu Srba.678 Džep-93, all hell was breaking loose in the area. The situ-
Uoči, tijekom i nakon operacije Džep-93 ratište je ation lasted for a few days. When the operation had be-
na nekoliko dana eskaliralo. Nakon što je operacija po- gan, the SVK, on September 9, started shelling Croatian
čela SVK je 9. rujna 1993. počeo topničke i raketne uda- cities along the front line and those in the rear that were
re po hrvatskim gradovima duž crte ratišta i u zaleđu. within artillery range. Gospić was shelled, and the sur-
Na meti su bili Gospić i okolna naselja, Otočac, Ogulin, rounding villages, Otočac, Ogulin, Duga Resa, Karlovac,
Duga Resa, Karlovac, Sisak i šire područje Zagreba. Hr- Sisak and the wider Zagreb area. Croatian artillery also
vatska je vojska odgovarala topništvom duž cijele crte, opened up along the whole length of the line, targeting
težišno po srpskim položajima na Banovini i Kordunu. Serb positions in Banovina and Kordun. These clashes
Sukobi su prestali nakon što se HV povukao s područja came to an end when the HV withdrew from Lički Čitluk
Ličkog Čitluka i Divosela.679 and Divoselo.
677 M. SEKULIĆ, Knin je pao u Beogradu, 75-78; 9. gardijska
brigada HV – Vukovi, 236-244; D. MARIJAN, Domovinski
rat, 269-270.
678 Miro MEĐIMOREC, “Medački džep”, National Security
and the Future, vol. 4-5, Zagreb, 2003./2004.
679 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 270-271.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


1993. – 1994. GODINE IN 1993-1994
Na bosanskohercegovačkom dijelu ratišta 1993. je The military situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina in
godina u kojoj je rat imao najveći zaplet i vrhunac zbi- 1993 was extraordinarily complex. It was marked by a
vanja. Obilježio ga je niz događaja, u prvom redu rat string of momentous events, first and foremost among
Muslimana i Hrvata uz sudjelovanje islamskih ratnika them the outbreak of the Muslim-Croat war in which
iz stranih, uglavnom islamskih država i manjih sastava Muslim warriors from foreign, mostly Muslim and Islam-
HV-a. Njihov su rat Srbi iskoristili za uspješno djelova- ic countries and small Croatian Army units participated.
nje u istočnoj Bosni i rasterećenje dijela snaga na ra- The Serbs took advantage of the Muslim-Croat war and
tištu. U zapadnoj Bosni izbio je međumuslimanski su- mounted successful operations in eastern Bosnia and
kob, što je bio pokazatelj podjela među Muslimanima at the same time freed up many troops from their lines
u zoni 5. korpusa ARBiH. opposite Muslim and Croat lines for action elsewhere. In
Fikret Abdić je 27. rujna u Velikoj Kladuši progla- western Bosnia an inter-Muslim conflict flared up, indi-
sio Autonomnu pokrajinu Zapadnu Bosnu.680 Uoči rata cating that there existed deep divisions among the Mus-
Abdić je nesumnjivo bio najutjecajniji i najpopularniji lims in the zone of the ARBIH V Corps.
muslimanski političar u BiH. On je na izborima dobio On September 27 in Velika Kladuša Fikret Abdić
najviše glasova i trebao je biti u Predsjedništvu BiH, ali declared the existence of the Autonomous Province of
je poziciju predsjednika prepustio Aliji Izetbegoviću. U Western Bosnia. Before the war Abdić had been, by far,
prvim mjesecima rata njegov je utjecaj osjetno pao, di- the most influential and most popular Muslim politician
jelom zbog odvojenosti od njegove baze u Velikoj Kla- in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the presidential elections
duši, a dijelom i zbog marginaliziranja od strane vrha he had won the most votes and by right should have
SDA, koji je imao sasvim drugačiju političku osnovu od become a member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Her-
Abdićeve komunističke prošlosti. Autonomija u zapad- zegovina but he waived his tenure in favor of Alija Izet-
noj Bosni očito je bila njegov pokušaj da nađe rješenje begović. During the first few months of the war Abdić’s
za svoju izvornu bazu u ratu čiji se kraj nije nazirao. S influence waned significantly, partly due to the remote-
druge strane, to je bilo očito nepovjerenje prema poli- ness of his base in Velika Kladuša and partly because the
tici SDA i mogućnostima ARBiH u nastavku rata. leadership of the SDA party did everything possible to
marginalize him. The reason behind the SDA’s move in
relation to Abdić was the fact that his communist back-
ground was anathema to the SDA’s political platform. Ab-
dić’s bid for autonomy in western Bosnia was an attempt
to secure his original base in a war the end of which was
not in sight. Also, Abdić harbored deep mistrust of the
SDA and did not believe that the Army of the Republic
of Bosnia and Herzegovina would ever develop into an
efficient armed force.
680 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 298.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Rat između Muslimana i Hrvata, odnosno ARBiH i The Muslim-Croat war in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
HVO-a u BiH, u pravom smislu te riječi, započeo je u that is, the war between the HVO and the Army of the Re-
travnju 1993. napadom ARBiH na Konjic i Jablanicu public of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the full sense of the
u sjevernoj Hercegovini i, uz kraće prekide, trajao je term started in April, 1993, when the Army of the Republic
do ožujka 1994. i potpisivanja Washingtonskoga spo- of Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked Konjic and Jablanica
razuma. Uzrokovan je međusobnim nepovjerenjem i in northern Herzegovina. It lasted, with brief intervals, un-
različitim viđenjem unutarnjeg uređenja BiH (bošnjač- til March, 1994, and the signing of the Washington Agree-
ka politika je bila za unitarnu BiH, a hrvatska politika ment. One of the main causes of the war was mutual mis-
bila je za uspostavu posebnih hrvatskih, bošnjačkih i trust coupled with differing and opposing views on what
srpskih teritorijalnih jedinica u BiH) te promjenom de- system of government should be established in Bosnia
mografske i nacionalne/vjerske strukture stanovništva and Herzegovina – the Bosniaks favored the option of a
(dolaskom velikog broja Muslimana koje su prognale unitary Bosnia and Herzegovina while the Croats wanted
srpske snage) na područjima na kojima su do tada u to establish separate Croatian, Bosniak and Serbian polit-
podjednakom broju živjeli Hrvati i muslimani (središ- ical entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Exacerbating the
nja Bosna, sjeverna i sjeverozapadna Hercegovina). Ne situation further was the change in the demographic and
računajući oružane incidente između muslimanskih i national/religious structure of the population caused by a
hrvatskih snaga tijekom 1992., prethodili su mu snažni huge influx of Muslim refugees expelled by the Serbs into
sukobi u jesen 1992., koji su počeli 18. listopada napa- areas with roughly equal number of Muslim and Croat res-
idents (central Bosnia, north and northwest Herzegovina).
dom ARBiH na HVO u Novom Travniku, a 23. listopada
i na HVO u Prozoru. Postignuto krhko primirje između There were many minor skirmishes between Muslim and
ARBiH i HVO-a narušeno je novim oružanim sukobom Croat forces in 1992. The situation escalated in the fall of
u Gornjem Vakufu/Uskoplju i napadom ARBiH na hr- 1992. On October 18 the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
vatska naselja u Lašvanskoj dolini u siječnju 1993., čiji and Herzegovina attacked the HVO in Novi Travnik and on
je intenzitet pokazao da se ni sljedeće primirje neće October 23 the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
duže održati. zegovina attacked the HVO in Prozor. The tensions were
Politička stajališta Muslimana i Hrvata bila su toli- briefly defused when both sides agreed to a cease-fire.
ko različita da nije ni moglo biti istinskoga saveza. Po- The truce was tenuous and it was only a matter of time
litička polazišta Hrvata i Muslimana bila su nespojiva. before the hostilities would resume. And resume they duly
Hrvati su željeli entitet i opstanak na područjima na did with fighting in Gornji Vakuf and Uskoplje and the
Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s attack
kojima su živjeli, a Muslimani unitarnu vjersku državu
u kojoj će dominirati, u skladu s razmišljanjem njihova on Croatian villages in the Lašva Valley in January, 1993.
političkog vođe u BiH Alije Izetbegovića, izraženim u The fighting was intense and tensions run so high that no
njegovoj Islamskoj deklaraciji, objavljenoj 1990. godi- cease-fire had any chance of holding for long.
The political aspirations of the Muslims and the Cro-
ne. Kod Hrvata je vladalo mišljenje da će dobiti entitet,
ats were mutually exclusive and for that reason a durable
što im je uoči referenduma o neovisnosti BiH obećao
alliance of the two sides against the Serbs was never a
muslimanski čelnik Alija Izetbegović, a što su nudili i
viable option. The Croats wanted autonomy and securi-
međunarodni planovi za unutarnje uređenje BiH, sve
ty in the areas where they lived and the Muslims insisted
do plana Kontaktne skupine u drugoj polovici 1994.
on a unitary religious fundamentalist state in which they
godine. Sukob je bio neizbježan i nije bio rat “prirod-
could lord highhandedly over the other two constituent
nih saveznika”, nego aktera koji su imali zajedničkoga
nations, as per the political philosophy of their leader in
neprijatelja. Ta okolnost nije bila dovoljna za čvrsto,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegović which he had
nego samo za povremeno savezništvo.
unequivocally expressed in his book Islamska Deklaracija
Hrvati su, slično kao i Srbi, uglavnom bili zadovolj-
(The Islamic Declaration), published in 1990. The Croats
ni s onim što su nadzirali. Međunarodna je konferenci-
modulated their attitude and actions on the basis of the


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

assumption that they would be granted autonomy. The

assumption was well founded – prior to the referendum
on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s independence the Muslim
leader Alija Izetbegović made a promise to the Croats that
he would grant them autonomy. Also, Croatian autonomy
was part and parcel of all the international plans for the
country’s future system of government, up to and includ-
ing the plan of the Contact Group in the second half of
1994. Conflict was inevitable and when it broke out it did
not constitute a war in which two “natural allies” fought for
a common cause but a war in which two sides occasionally
banded together to fight a common enemy.
The Croats were, for the most part just like the Serbs,
satisfied with the territory they controlled. The interna-
tional conference was geared towards a settlement by
which the Serbs would be forced to give up some terri-
tory and for a time it seemed that the Croats need only to
Ranjeni hrvatski branitelj iz središnje Bosne na dlanu drži mali križ be willing to cooperate during the negotiations and wait
(autor fotografije: Ante Čakić; fotografiju darovao: Slobodan Lang).
for the international recognition of their autonomy in the
Wounded Croatian soldier from Central Bosnia. In his hand he holds areas they lived in and considered historically and ethni-
a small cross (Photograph by Ante Čakić; Photograph donated by cally theirs. In addition to that, the HVO considered itself
Slobodan Lang).
to be militarily stronger than the Army of the Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was, in relation to some
areas, true. When the VRS adopted the strategy of active
defense at the end of 1992 the Army of the Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina saw its chance to regroup its forc-
ja obećavala teritorijalno širenje na račun Srba i činilo se es and attack the HVO. The Muslims decided to attack the
da Hrvati samo trebaju biti kooperativni tijekom prego- HVO because they believed that their numerical superi-
vora i čekati međunarodnu potvrdu za područje koje su ority over the Bosnian Croats guaranteed them a military
držali povijesno i etnički svojim. Uz to je u HVO-u vlada- victory. Unlike the HVO, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
lo mišljenje da su vojnički nadmoćniji od ARBiH, što je and Herzegovina had not fallen into the trap of compla-
na dijelu teritorija doista bila istina. Prelazak VRS-a u ak- cency but had undertaken comprehensive organization-
tivnu obranu na kraju 1992. otvorio je ARBiH nove mo- al changes in preparation for their planned attack on the
gućnosti za angažiranje snaga. Najvažnija od njih bila je HVO. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovi-
rat s HVO-om. Muslimani su rat počeli zbog procjene da na was plagued, even more so than the HVO, by chronic
imaju vojnu nadmoć nad bosanskohercegovačkim Hr- shortages of weapons and equipment and a whole myr-
vatima. Za razliku od HVO-a, ARBiH se nije vojnički opu- iad of logistical difficulties. Ironically, the Muslims were
stila, nego je provela organizacijske promjene kojima able to ameliorate somewhat the negative effects of their
se pripremala za budući sukob. Premda je u mnogo ve-
logistical difficulties with the help of Croatia. Also, the po-
ćoj mjeri od HVO-a patila od nedostatka oružja i vojne litical masters of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
opreme te imala niz logističkih problema, koje je ubla- Herzegovina new exactly what they wanted. The Army of
žavala preko Republike Hrvatske, ARBiH je iznad sebe the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is worth point-
imala političku opciju koja je očito znala što želi i voj- ing out, was ready and willing to do its masters’ bidding.
nički kadar koji je to bio spreman provesti na bojnom The most significant organizational measure was the for-
polju. Najvažnija organizacijska mjera bilo je osnivanje mation of the ARBIH III Corps and appointment of the for-
3. korpusa ARBiH i imenovanje bivšega potpukovnika mer JNA Lieutenant Colonel Enver Hadžihasanović as its
JNA Envera Hadžihasanovića njegovim zapovjednikom. commander. It is still not clear whether the political and
Nije jasno je li u trenutku osnivanja korpusa političko i military leadership of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

vojno vodstvo ARBiH imalo pred očima samo rat s HVO- and Herzegovina had, at the time of the formation of III
om. No ubrzo je postalo jasno da je svrha korpusa bila Corps other strategic plans beside the one for an attack
rat s Hrvatima i etničko čišćenje središnje Bosne od ne- on the HVO. Regardless of that, it soon became clear that
muslimanskog stanovništva. III Corps had been formed for the purpose of attacking the
Tijekom 1992. odnosi između HVO-a i ARBiH bili HVO and it soon also became clear that the ultimate aim
su, najblaže rečeno, hladni, a ovisili su u prvom redu of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
o brojnom odnosu. U mjestima gdje su bili podjedna- was to ethnically cleanse central Bosnia of non-Muslims.
ko zastupljeni odnosi su bili najlošiji jer ni jedna strana During 1992 the relationship between the HVO and
nije imala snage za apsolutnu prevlast i nametanje dru- the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was,
goj. Ta mjesta karakterizira borba za prevlast i načelno generally speaking, strained. In areas where the size of
dvovlašće, što je najvećim dijelom bilo na području the Muslim population roughly equaled the size of the
središnje Bosne i u dolini Neretve, dakle upravo na po- Croatian population the Croats and the Muslims were at
dručju provincija koje su prema prijedlogu međuna- loggerheads because neither side was strong enough to
rodne zajednice (Vance-Owenov plan) trebale pripasti impose its will on the other. Most of these areas were in
Hrvatima, i za koje je u Zagrebu, prije 15. siječnja 1993., central Bosnia and in the Neretva Valley – exactly the ar-
postignut dogovor o pretpočinjavanju postrojbi, koji eas of the provinces which were, according to the interna-
Armija Republike BiH nije ispoštovala.681 Ni jedna strana tional community’s recommendation (Vance-Owen Peace
nije uspijevala izboriti apsolutnu prevlast na kompak- Plan) to be given to the Croats. The situation in these areas
tnom području, što je iz konstantne nesnošljivosti i po- was characterized by struggles for power and an ineffec-
vremenih sukoba postupno preraslo u otvoreni rat, koji tive system of governance that could best be described
se prenosio na druga područja. Koristi od tih sukoba as diarchy. It also has to be stressed that in relation to the
imala je isključivo srpska strana. mentioned areas, in Zagreb, some time before January 15,
Političku prevagu nad HVO-om Muslimani su poku- an agreement on placing troops of one armed force un-
šali ostvariti instrumentaliziranjem HSP-a, odnosno nje- der the command of the other had been signed. The Mus-
gova vojnoga krila HOS-a. Hrvatske oružane snage bile lims did not honor the agreement.12 Neither side was able
su prihvatljive Sarajevu zbog zalaganja za jedinstvenu to gain superiority in a compact area. This directly led to
BiH, iako je jedinstvena BiH za HSP značila zajedničku constant tensions and occasional skirmishes which in turn
državu s Hrvatskom, što je bila baština propaloga ustaš- gradually led to open warfare spreading from one area to
kog pokušaja s Nezavisnom Državom Hrvatskom. To se another, like wildfire. Ironically, only the Serbs benefited
vidi iz pisma što ga je predsjednik HSP-a i vrhovni za- from the Muslim-Croat conflict.
povjednik HOS-a Dobroslav Paraga napisao u kolovozu
1992. Darku Kraljeviću, časniku HOS-a iz Viteza:
12 This is obvious from what Croatian Defense Minister Gojko
Šušak said to President Alija Izetbegović, during the talks
681 To je razvidno iz obraćanja ministra obrane RH Goj- held on January 15, 1993, in Zagreb. Gojko Šušak’s words
ka Šuška predsjedniku Aliji Izetbegoviću, na razgo- reveal that in a previous conversation between the two it
vorima u Zagrebu 15. siječnja 1993., koje pokazuje was agreed that the HVO was to be subordinated to the
da je u njihovom prethodnom razgovoru bilo do- General Staff of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
govoreno podčinjavanje postrojbi HVO-a Glav- Herzegovina in the areas where the Army of the Republic
nom stožeru ARBiH ondje gdje su pretežno musli- of Bosnia and Herzegovina was numerically stronger,
manske snage, odnosno postrojbi ARBiH Glavnom and that the ARBIH was to be subordinated to the HVO
stožeru HVO-a ondje gdje je pretežito HVO, što je Main Staff in the areas where the HVO was numerically
Izetbegović 15. siječnja osporio. ICTY: Zapisnik s stronger. Izetbegović denied this on January 15. ICTY:
razgovora predsjednika RH dr. Franje Tuđmana sa Minutes of the talks between Croatian President Franjo
supredsjedateljima Cyrusom Vanceom i lordom Tuđman and the co-chairmen of the Peace Conference on
Owenom te Alijom Izetbegovićem, predsjednikom the Former Yugoslavia, Cyrus Vance and Lord Owen, and
Bosne i Hercegovine i Matom Bobanom, predsjed- Alija Izetbegović, president of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
nikom Hrvatske zajednice Herceg-Bosna, i suradni- and Mate Boban, President of the Croatian Community of
cima, održanog u Zagrebu, 15. siječnja 1993.; Mi- Herzeg-Bosnia, and associates, held on January 15, 1993,
roslav TUĐMAN, Druga strana Rubikona – politička in Zagreb. Tuđman, Miroslav. Druga strana Rubikona –
strategija Alije Izetbegovića, Hrvatska sveučilišna politička strategija Alije Izetbegovića. Hrvatska sveučilišna
naklada, Zagreb, 2017., 138. naklada, Zagreb, 2017, p.138.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

“Ne smijemo dozvoliti da se pogrešna Bobanova The Muslims attempted to gain political dominance
politika prebija preko naših leđa. Mi smo apsolutno za over the HVO by affording political clout to the HSP, at the
jedinstvo hrvatskog naroda i za njegovu zajedničku expense of the HVO, for the purpose of driving a wedge
obranu, ali smo isto tako za jedinstvo sa muslimanskim between the HVO and the HOS/HSP. The HOS was palat-
narodom. Mi od naše politike cjelovite Bosne i Herce- able for the Muslim leadership because it supported a uni-
govine, odn. Hrvatske do Drine ne odustajemo. Svaka tary Bosnia and Herzegovina despite the fact that for the
druga politika značila bi komadanje Herceg-Bosne i HOS a unitary Bosnia and Herzegovina meant establishing
stvaranje nove srpske države s ovu stranu Drine, što bi a greater Croatian state, which was the political legacy of
bila propast za hrvatski muslimanski narod.”682 the failed Ustasha regime from WWII. The president of the
Pokušaj je propao jer je HOS pokazao da baštini HSP party and supreme commander of the HOS Dobroslav
svjetonazor sredina u kojima je niknuo, a uz to je bio Paraga summarized the HOS’ agenda in a letter he wrote in
osjetno manji i slabo organiziran. Do kraja 1992. vi- August, 1992, to Darko Kraljević, a HOS officer form Vitez:
še-manje je podijeljen po nacionalnom principu. “We must not allow ourselves to be put in a situation
Uza sve probleme hrvatska pomoć Muslimanima where we have to pay the price for Boban’s mistaken pol-
iz travnja 1992. nastavljena je i u kontinuitetu je tra- icies. We are for the absolute unity of the Croatian people
jala do napada ARBiH na HVO u travnju 1993. godine. and for a common system of defense but we are also for
Komandant Glavnoga štaba ARBiH general Delić izja- unity with the Muslim nation. Our commitment to a uni-
vio je 26. veljače 1994. u Sarajevu da je HVO od stude- tary Bosnia and Herzegovina, that is, to Croatia as far as
noga 1992. do svibnja 1993. potpuno blokirao dotok the Drina River, remains staunch. Every other policy would
materijalno-tehničkih sredstava za ARBiH.683 Izjava je mean a break-up of Herzeg-Bosnia and the creation of
u suprotnosti s tvrdnjom Alije Izetbegovića da je AR- a new Serbian state on this side of the Drina River. That
BiH do sredine 1993. unatoč embargu na uvoz oružja would mean the end of the Muslim Croat nation.”
unijela u BiH 30 tisuća pušaka i strojnica, 20 milijuna The attempt failed because the HOS clearly cherished
metaka, 37 tisuća mina i 46 tisuća protutenkovskih the outlook and attitudes of the areas it had sprung from.
raketa.684 Ta količina oružja mogla je doći samo preko Moreover, the HOS was not as strong and as well orga-
Hrvatske i teritorija bosanskohercegovačkih Hrvata jer nized as the HVO. By the end of 1992 the HOS was divided
je vlast u Sarajevu s Jugoslavijom bila u ratu, morskih along, more or less, national lines.
luka nije imala, a zračni promet nad BiH bio je zabra- Despite all the problems and the tense situation the
njen i prekinut rezolucijom UN-a. Za 4. korpus ARBiH Croatian government continued to provide help to Bosnia
postoji vjerodostojan podatak iz sredine ožujka 1993., and Herzegovina until the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
da je većinu opreme dobivao, iako je HVO tu pomoć and Herzegovina’s attack on the HVO in April, 1993. The
zadržavao i usporavao.685 Commander of the General Staff of the Army of the Re-
Međunarodna zajednica tražila je da hrvatska public of Bosnia and Herzegovina General Delić stated,
vlast utječe na vodstvo Hrvata u BiH, no sudjelovanje on February 26, 1994, in Sarajevo that the HVO had, from
Hrvatske u pokušaju rješavanja unutarnjih političkih November, 1992, to May, 1993, completely blocked the
problema BiH nije dovelo do značajnog pomaka, iako flow of matériel for the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
je dugoročno bilo važan bod za muslimansku stranu. Herzegovina. This statement is in contradiction with Alija
Za nesuradnju bosanskohercegovačkih Hrvata musli- Izetbegović’s claim that the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
mansko je Sarajevo stalno optuživalo Hrvatsku. Slično and Herzegovina, by mid-1993, despite the arms embargo,
je postupala i međunarodna zajednica. Kako je to znalo had smuggled into the country 30,000 rifles and machine
guns, 20 million rounds of ammunition, 37,000 mines and
682 Glavni stožer HOS-a od 21. 8. 1992. za bojnika Darka 46,000 anti-armor missiles. That amount of weaponry
Kraljevića. came via Croatia and the territory controlled by Bosnian
683 Rasim DELIĆ, Armija ključ mira, Vojna biblioteka, Saraje- Croats. The weapons could not have come into Bosnia and
vo, 1994., 18. Herzegovina via any other route because Bosnia and Her-
684 A. IZETBEGOVIĆ, Sjećanja, 119-120. zegovina was at war with Yugoslavia, it had no access to
685 ICTY: Komanda 4. korpusa, Pregled opšte situacije u the sea, and the UN imposed a no-fly zone over the coun-
zoni odgovornosti dj. br. 01-1880/93 od 13. 3. 1993. try’s airspace. There is documentary evidence dating from


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

izgledati može se vidjeti na primjeru iz Jajca. Kada je mid-March, 1993, proving that IV Corps of the Army of the
HVO odbio pustiti električnu energiju bosanskim Srbi- Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina continued to receive
ma, u skladu sa zaključcima Londonske konferencije most of the needed matériel despite the fact that the HVO
“kako se struja i voda ne smiju koristiti u ratne svrhe sometimes disrupted the transport.
prema civilnom stanovništvu”, međunarodni su pred- The international community requested Croatia to act
stavnici to isposlovali pritiskom na njih preko Zagre- as a moderating influence on the leadership of the Bosnian
ba.686 Ne znajući pozadinu pokušaja, predstavnici AR- Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina but the participation of
BiH iz Tuzle optužili su HVO za pregovore, zamalo pa Croatia in trying to solve internal political problems in Bos-
suradnju sa Srbima.687 nia and Herzegovina did not bear fruit and was, in the long
O vojnoj suradnji Muslimana i Hrvata postoje ra- term, beneficial for the Muslims. The Muslim leadership
zličita i oprečna mišljenja. Po tvrdnjama hrvatskoga constantly blamed Croatia for the Bosnia Croats’ uncoop-
člana Predsjedništva Republike BiH Franje Borasa, HVO erative attitude. The international community supported
je sredinom travnja 1992. Muslimanima nudio osni- the Muslim leadership in that. The situation on the ground
vanje “zajedničkog vojnog stožera za obranu Bosne i was chaotic. For example when the HVO in Jajce refused
Hercegovine”, o čemu Predsjedništvo nije raspravlja- to supply the Bosnian Serbs with electricity, in accordance
lo.688 General ARBiH Stjepan Šiber objavio je nekoliko to the decisions reached at the London conference stipu-
faksimila dokumenata u kojima se nudi vojna suradnja lating that “electricity and water are not to be used for mil-
HVO-u, a na koje navodno nije bilo hrvatskoga odgo- itary purposes against civilian population”, the internation-
vora.689 Tih dokumenata nema u arhivama HVO-a. Nji- al community’s representatives put pressure on Zagreb to
hovu autentičnost dovodi u pitanje izvješće načelnika put pressure on the HVO in Jajce to give electricity to the
Glavnoga stožera HVO-a brigadira Milivoja Petkovića s Bosnian Serbs. Unaware of these political goings-on, the
prvog zajedničkog sastanka izaslanstava HVO-a, VRS-a representatives of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
i ARBiH u Sarajevu 7. listopada 1992. godine. Petković Herzegovina from Tuzla accused the HVO of negotiating
je zamjeniku zapovjednika Štaba Vrhovne komande and, by implication, cooperating with the Serbs.
ARBiH predbacio da nisu željeli stupiti u kontakt s njim, There exist differing and contradictory opinions about
a mogli su jer su svakodnevno bili u kontaktu s Arifom the military cooperation between the Croats and Muslims.
Pašalićem, zapovjednikom ARBiH u Mostaru, “koji je od According to the Croatian member of the Presidency of
mene [Petkovića] udaljen svega 300 metara”.690 the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Franjo Boras, the
Uz razgovore u Zagrebu 22. srpnja 1992., u kojima HVO offered to the Muslims, in mid-April, 1992, a formation
je muslimanski čelnik Alija Izetbegović izbjegao kon- of “a joint HQ for the defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina”
kretan odgovor na ponudu hrvatskog vodstva o zajed- but the Presidency never discussed the proposal. Stjepan
ničkom vojnom djelovanju, najozbiljniji pokušaj dogo- Šiber, a general in the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
vora suradnje bio je sastanak predsjednika Tuđmana Herzegovina, has published a few copies of documents in
i Izetbegovića 1. studenoga 1992., na kojem je dogo- which the Muslims offer military cooperation to the HVO
voreno osnivanje Zajedničkoga zapovjedništva ARBiH to which, ostensibly, the HVO did not bother to respond.
i HVO-a na čelu s pukovnikom Jasminom Jaganjcem i These documents are not in the HVO archives. A report by
generalom Slobodanom Praljkom. Zapovjedništvo nisu the chief of the General Staff of the HVO, Brigadier Milivoj
prihvatili s muslimanske strane. Izetbegović je u svojim Petković, on the first joint meeting of the delegations of
the HVO, the VRS and the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
and Herzegovina in Sarajevo on October 7, 1992, brings
686 MORH, ur. br. 512-01-92-1543 od 26. 9. 1992.
into question the authenticity of Šiber’s documents. Pet-
687 Štab odbrane RBiH okruga Zenica, br. 10/1404-2 od 14.
ković complained to the deputy chief of staff of the Army
10. 1992., Obavještajni izvještaj.
of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina that the Mus-
688 Franjo BORAS, Kako je umirala Socijalistička Republika
Bosna i Hercegovina, Slobodan Praljak (M. P. Cartonprint lim officers had not wanted to get in touch with him but
Co Stolac), Mostar, 2002., 94-95. could easily have done because they were in regular con-
689 S. ŠIBER, Prevare, zablude, istina, 305, 330-331. tact with Arif Pašalić, the commander of the Army of the
690 Glavni stožer HVO, Izvješće o razgovorima u Sarajevu br. Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Mostar, “who’s only
01-2331/92 od 12. 10. 1992. 300 meters away from me (Petković)”.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

sjećanjima prešutio njegovo postojanje, kao i Rasim De- During the talks in Zagreb on July 22, 1992, the Muslim
lić u svojem pregledu rata i djelovanja ARBiH.691 leader Alija Izetbegović gave an evasive reply to the Croa-
Postojanje dviju paralelnih, i političkih i vojnih, tian leadership’s offer for a joint military action against the
struktura na miješanim područjima, u središnjem dijelu Serbs. The offer was sincere and genuine. Another serious
Bosne i sjeverozapadnoj Hercegovini, bilo je inicijalno attempt to set up military cooperation occurred during a
punjenje za sukob. Raščlanjujući uzroke sukoba u Pro- meeting between President Tuđman and Izetbegović on
zoru iz listopada 1992., zapovjednik HVO-a u OZ-u Sje- November 1, 1992. At that meeting it was agreed that a
verozapadna Hercegovina s pravom je zaključio da je Joint Command of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
jedini preventivni lijek za izbjegavanje takvih sukoba and Herzegovina and the HVO be formed and Colonel
zabrana postojanja “dva zapovjedništva, dvije vojske, Jasmin Jaganjac and General Praljak be appointed as its
dvije logistike i sl.”.692 Slično je zaključio i zapovjednik commanders. However, the Muslims ignored its existence.
17. krajiške brigade ARBiH ocijenivši da je jedan od pro- Izetbegović, in his memoirs, does not mention the joint
blema neuspješne obrane Jajca bio i taj “što jedan grad command. There is no mention of the joint command in
brane dvije komande”.693 To je bilo zanemarivanje stanja Rasim Delić’s book.
na bojištu gdje je HVO bio osjetno jači i držao veći dio The existence of two parallel, both political and mili-
bojišta (najmanje 75 % crte prema srpskim snagama). tary structures in areas with mixed populations in central
Pokušaj razrješavanja dvovlašća poznata je zapo- region of Bosnia and northwest Herzegovina made these
vijed Bože Rajića, ministra obrane Republike Bosne areas into tinderboxes ready to go off at any moment. Ana-
i Hercegovine, od 16. siječnja 1993., koja je rezultat lyzing the causes of the conflict in Prozor in October, 1992,
spomenutoga dogovora u Zagrebu.694 Prema njoj su the commander of the HVO in Operative Zone Northwest
postrojbe ARBiH u 3., 8. i 10. provinciji podređene Glav- Herzegovina rightly concluded that the only preventive
nomu stožeru HVO-a, a postrojbe HVO-a u 1., 5. i 9. measure for avoiding such conflicts was to disallow “the
provinciji Glavnomu štabu ARBiH.695 Zapovijed je imala existence of two commands, two armies, two logistics
temelj u Vance-Owenovom planu i bila je neuspio po- structures and thing of that nature”. The commander of
kušaj definiranja područja odgovornosti te konačno the 17th Krajina Brigade of the Army of the Republic of Bos-
rješenje da se razriješi problem dvaju zapovjedništava nia and Herzegovina came to a similar conclusion, stating
na istom području. No, ARBiH je bila sklonija ratnoj op- that one of the causes why the defense of Jajce was un-
ciji što se ubrzo pokazalo. successful was that “one city is defended by two separate
commands”. It has to be noted that in Jajce the HVO at its
weakest moment held 75% of the defensive line and put-
ting the ARBIH’s troops under the HVO’s command made
perfect sense. Unfortunately, that did not happen.
Acting on the decisions made during the mentioned
meeting in Zagreb, Bože Rajić, minister of defense of Bos-
nia and Herzegovina, issued an order in an attempt to dis-
band the diarchic structures of governance on January 16,
1993. According to the order the formations of the Army
of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina stationed in the
3rd, 8th and 10th Provinces would be subordinated to the
HVO Main Staff and the formations of the HVO stationed
691 Oslobođenje, 2. 11. 1992., 1; D. MARIJAN, “Vještački
nalaz”, 232. in the 1st, 5th and 9th Provinces would be placed under the
692 Zapovjedništvo HVO OZ S/Z Hercegovina, Izvješće br. command of the General Staff of the Army of the Republic
135/92 od 10. 11. 1992. of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The order was based on the
693 Bošnjak, 4. 4. 1995., Feljton o 17. viteškoj krajiškoj briga- provisions of the Vance-Owen Peace Plan and constituted
di (2). a failed attempt to define areas of responsibility and finally
694 O tome na prethodnim stranicama uz bilješku broj 555. resolve the problem of having two commands in the same
695 ICTY: Ministarstvo obrane RBiH, Zapovijed br. 01/93 od area. The initiative failed because the ARBIH was set on go-
16. 1. 1993. ing to war with the HVO.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje
Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje
Gornji Vakuf, a municipality with a relative Muslim
Gornji Vakuf, općina s relativnom muslimanskom majority in the Vrbas Valley connects the Vrbas Valley
većinom u dolini Vrbasa, spojnica je doline Vrbasa s with Herzegovina and central Bosnia. Because of its
Hercegovinom i središnjom Bosnom, zbog čega je sam geographical position the city was strategically import-
grad bio iznimno važan i za HVO i za ARBiH. O važnosti ant both to the HVO and to the Army of the Republic of
za ARBiH govori prijedlog koji je Arif Pašalić uputio u Bosnia and Herzegovina. The fact that Arif Pašalić rec-
ŠVK ARBiH, da se Gornji Vakuf zbog Prozora dodijeli 4. ommended to the Supreme Command HQ of the Army
korpusu.696 U toj je rečenici ključ i objašnjenje povoda of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina that Gornji
za rat, a to je nadzor nad prijevojem Makljen, najvažni- Vakuf, on account of Prozor, should be within IV Corps
jom strategijskom točkom u Herceg-Bosni. area of responsibility testifies to how important the city
Tenzije između HVO-a i ARBiH u općini postojale was to the Muslims. One can easily discern the logic be-
su od osnivanja HVO-a i TO-a, odnosno ARBiH, a u lip- hind Pašalić’s recommendation. The recommendation
nju 1992. rezultirale su sukobom u kojem je bilo mrtvih clearly reveals why the Muslims attacked the HVO in this
na obje strane. Na području općine stalno su postojala area – they wanted to gain control of the Makljen pass,
dva općinska zapovjedništva, HVO-a i TO-a, a potom the most important strategic location in Herzeg-Bosnia.
i dvije brigade: HVO-a dr. Ante Starčević i 317. brdske There had been tensions between the HVO and
ARBiH. Međusobni su se odnosi neprestano pogorša- the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in
vali, a do obračuna nije dolazilo jer su ga obje strane the municipality ever since the formation of the HVO
nastojale izbjeći, odnosno što više prolongirati. To je and the Territorial Defense, that is, the Army of the Re-
posebice bio interes Muslimana, koji su optuživali HVO public of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In June, 1992, these
da su fašisti, u čemu je značajnu ulogu imao lokalni list tensions led to a skirmish in which both sides suffered
Behar press.697 casualties – three men were killed in action. Two munic-
Uspostavljena ravnoteža snaga u dolini Vrbasa bila ipal commands existed there from the start; the munic-
je izvjesni jamac da neće doći do oružanoga obraču- ipal command of the HVO and the municipal command
na. Ravnotežu je u prosincu 1992. narušila Komanda of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
3. korpusa ARBiH dovođenjem 305. brdske brigade u Some time later there were two brigades too; the Ante
dolinu Vrbasa, težišno na područje Gornjeg Vakufa. Bri- Starčević Brigade of the HVO and the 317th Mountain
gada je bila popunjena prognanicima iz Jajca i dijelom Brigade of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
je razmještana prema HVO-u u Prozoru i na prijevoju zegovina. The situation continued to deteriorate steadi-
Makljen. Prosinac je obilježen nizom incidenata i sukob ly but no conflict erupted because both sides strove to
je bio pitanje dana. Očekujući sukob u dolini Vrbasa, avoid it, or prolong its outbreak for as long as possible.
HVO u Bugojnu pojačan je po zapovijedi Glavnoga sto- For the most part the Muslims operated on the basis of
žera od 6. siječnja 1993. s po jednom satnijom iz Livna, the latter intention while the Croats genuinely tried to
Tomislavgrada i Posušja.698 avoid war with the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Herzegovina. The Muslims regularly accused the Croats
of being fascists. The local publication Behar press played
696 Zapovjedništvo 1. mostarske brigade ARBiH, Prijedlog
organizacije 4. korpusa br. 1013-1 od 16. 11. 1993.
a prominent role in that particular regard.
The equilibrium established in the Vrbas Valley guar-
697 Saznajna služba OZSZH, Saznajno izvješće str. pov. br.
497/92 od 22. 12. 1992. anteed, to an extent, that a conflict on a larger scale
698 Saznajna služba OZSZH str. pov. br. 04-05/92 od 5. 1. would not erupt in the region. That balance of power was
1993.; GSHVO, Zapovijed dj. br. 01-03/93 od 6. 1. 1993.; disrupted in December, 1992, by the HQ of III Corps of the
ICTY: OZ SZH, Uput postrojbi u Bugojno, zapovijed br. Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, when
01/5-11 od 7. 1. 1993.; OZ SZH, Redovno izvješće str.
pov. br. 02/2-42/93 od 8. 1. 1993. it deployed the 305th Mountain Brigade in the Vrbas Val-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Armija Republike BiH također se pojačavala da bi ley, focusing on the Gornji Vakuf area. The replacements
rasporedom snaga uspostavila nadzor nad promet- the brigade received were refugees from Jajce and some
nicom Prozor – Pidriš – Gornji Vakuf. Jaču postrojbu elements took up positions opposite those of the HVO
pokušala je razmjestiti u miješanom selu Voljicama, in Prozor and the Makljen pass. The month of December
čemu se usprotivilo hrvatsko stanovništvo. U pregovo- was marked by a string of incidents and it was only a
re o smirenju tenzija uključio se i zapovjednik HVO-a matter of days when a full-scale conflict would break out.
OZ-a Sjeverozapadna Hercegovina, no bez uspjeha.699 Expecting trouble in the Vrbas Valley the General Staff or-
Da je bliže ratno rješenje vidjelo se po skidanju hrvat- dered, on January 6, 1993, that the HVO in Bugojno be re-
ske zastave u gradu, podmetanju eksploziva i uhićenju inforced by one company from Livno, one company from
osoba s obje strane. Sukob je počeo poslijepodne 11. Tomislavgrad and one company from Posušje.
siječnja i uz povremene prekide trajao je do 25. siječ- The ARBIH was also bringing in reinforcements in or-
nja. Za smirenje stanja angažirani su promatrači EZ-a der to gain control of the Prozor – Pidriš – Gornji Vakuf
i pripadnici UNPROFOR-a, koji je u Gornjem Vakufu road. The Muslims tried to deploy a strong formation in
imao bazu. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane na pregovorima je the village of Voljice. The population of the village was
predlagalo apsolutni prekid vatre, razdvajanje naoru- mixed and the Croats there opposed the ARBIH’s inten-
žanih sastava, izvlačenje svih postrojbi iz grada, pu- tion and the Muslim soldiers withdrew. The negotiations
štanje svih zarobljenika i vraćanje oduzetih sredstava, on defusing the situation were ongoing and the com-
osnivanje zajedničke policije i zajedničkih punktova te mander of Operative Zone Northwest Herzegovina also
uvođenje policijskoga sata od 17 do 5 sati. Premda je decided to take part in the talks but his participation did
ARBiH načelno prihvatila prijedloge, pregovore je, po not change anything. The situation was inexorably sliding
ocjeni HVO-a, koristila za prestrojavanje i pripreme za towards war – Muslim soldiers took down the Croatian
napad, te je u tri dana pregovora snajperima ubila 12, flag in the city, both sides planted explosives and both
a ranila 20 osoba. Položaj HVO-a osnažila je odluka o sides started arresting the other side’s soldiers. Fighting
provincijama s međunarodnih pregovora, pa je u tom erupted on the afternoon of January 11 and, with brief
vremenu izdana zapovijed o podređivanju snaga AR- intermissions, lasted until January 25. EC observers and
BiH u hrvatskim provincijama i obrnuto, o podređiva- UNPROFOR, which had a base in Gornji Vakuf, managed
nju HVO-a u muslimanskim provincijama. to calm the situation down. The HVO proposed an abso-
Najjače su se borbe vodile u gradu i okolici te u lute cease-fire, separation of the warring parties, with-
selima Bistrica, Vrse, Uzričje, Duša i Duratbegov Dolac. drawal of all armed units from the city, release of all pris-
U ostalim naseljima borbe su bile rijetke i bez većega oners and return of all captured equipment and matériel,
značenja. U prvih par dana ARBiH je imala inicijativu formation of a joint police force and establishment of
i manje uspjehe na bojištu. U borbama je imala sna- jointly manned checkpoints and imposition of a curfew
ge 305. i 317. brdske brigade te pojačanja iz Bugojna that would be in effect daily from 1700 to 0500 hours.
i Novog Travnika. Za pomoć su bile poslane i brigada The ARBIH accepted the proposal in principle. However,
4. korpusa Neretvica i jedna četa iz Busovače. Hrvat- the HVO accused the Muslims of taking advantage of the
sko vijeće obrane angažiralo je u gradu i okolici snage cease-fire to regroup its forces and prepare an all-out
brigade Ante Starčević, bojne Zvonko Krajina iz pukov- attack. It is a fact that ARBIH snipers, during the three
nije Bruno Bušić i postrojbi iz Livna. Njihov je zadatak days of negotiations, killed 12 people and wounded 20.
bio zauzeti Gornji Vakuf, osigurati prometnicu prema The HVO’s position was somewhat bolstered by the de-
Travniku i spriječiti intervenciju iz smjera Travnika i cision about provinces reached during the international
Ravnog Rostova. Zadatak brigade Rama s ojačanjem negotiations. As a direct result of that development the
iz Tomislavgrada bio je blokirati put Jablanica – Prozor previously mentioned order about subordinating ARBIH
i osigurati desni bok snaga HVO-a na crti Crni vrh – forces in Croatian provinces to the HVO and HVO forces
Mejnik i prema selima Here, Kute i Šćipe te se spojiti in Muslim provinces to the ARBIH was issued.
s HVO-om u Gornjem Vakufu. Zadatak brigade Eugen The fiercest fighting took place in the city and its en-
virons and in the villages Bistrica, Vrse, Uzričje, Duša and
699 Zapovjedništvo OZ SZH, Izvješće str. pov. br. 02/2-733 Duratbegov Dolac. In other villages and locales there
od 10. 1. 1993. was little or no fighting. The little fighting that did take


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Kvaternik s ojačanjem iz Posušja bio je razbiti musli- place was indecisive. During the first five days the AR-
manske snage u Bugojnu, a pomoćnim snagama osi- BIH held the initiative and scored minor successes. The
gurati prometnicu Bugojno – Gornji Vakuf i blokirati Muslims deployed the 305th Mountain Brigade and the
pravac Ravno Rostovo – Bugojno. 317th Mountain Brigade and reinforcements from Bugo-
Ocijenivši da u pregovorima gubi prostor, HVO jno and Novi Travnik. These units actively participated in
je 16. siječnja krenuo u protunapad. Na pravcu Pi- the fighting. The Muslims also sent to the area one bri-
driš – Mačkovac – Uzričje angažirani su dijelovi bri- gade of IV Corps Neretvica and one company from Buso-
gade Kralj Tomislav, Kažnjenička bojna angažirana vača. The HVO deployed, in the city and its environs, the
je za zauzimanje položaja Repetitor – Strumica, a na Ante Starčević Brigade, the Zvonko Krajina Battalion of
pravcu Ždrimci – Vrse veći dio prve bojne Vojne poli- the Bruno Bušić Regiment and one unit from Livno. The
cije HVO-a. Brigada Rama napala je na pravcu Prozor task of these troops was to capture Gornji Vakuf, secure
– Makljen – Gornji Vakuf. Tijekom 18. siječnja HVO je the Travnik road and prevent the Muslims from inter-
razbio muslimanske snage u Gornjem Vakufu, Uzričju vening from the direction of Travnik and Ravno Rostovo.
i Ždrimcima i ovladao dijelom Hrasnice. Armija Re- The task of the Rama Brigade with reinforcements form
publike BiH pružala je neorganizirani otpor. Idućega Tomislavgrad was to block the Jablanica – Prozor road
dana HVO je zauzeo Uzričje, Krupu, Hrasnicu i Repe- and secure the right flank of the HVO on the Crni Vrh –
titor, s kojeg je odbacio snage ARBiH na Alipašića bri- Mejnik line and in the direction of the villages of Here,
jeg. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane tada je držalo gotovo sve Kute and Šćipe and link up with the HVO forces in Gornji
važnije kote oko grada, a ARBiH je ostao spoj samo sa Vakuf. The task of the Eugen Kvaternik Brigade with rein-
selom Vrse. Iz Bugojna je ARBiH prijetila da će povući forcement from Posušje was to defeat the Muslim forces
snage s crte prema Donjem Vakufu ako HVO ne preki- in Bugojno and secure the Bugojno – Gornji Vakuf road
ne napade. Armija Republike BiH iz Gornjeg Vakufa to and block the direction of Ravno Rostovo – Bugojno.
je napravila na dijelu bojišta prema Kupresu kada se The HVO realized that the other side was actually
18. siječnja povukla s crte duge 2 kilometra. U nastav- occupying parts of its territory during the negotiations
ku borbi HVO je 22. siječnja zauzeo Krč, Malo Seoce, and for that reason it mounted a counterattack on Jan-
dio Duratbegova Dolca i dio Bistrice, a 24. siječnja i uary 16. Elements of the Kralj Tomislav Brigade were
Alipašića brijeg. ARBiH je najvećim dijelom bila razbi- deployed along the Pidriš – Mačkovac – Uzričje line, the
jena i okružena i pristala je na primirje, koje je stupilo Penal Battalion was tasked with capturing the Strumica
na snagu 25. siječnja.700 Iako je HVO tada mogao uzeti repeater and the bulk of the 1st Battalion of the Military
Gornji Vakuf, poštujući zapovijed generala Petkovića Police from Mostar was deployed on the Ždrimci – Vrse
iz Ženeve, odnosno zahtjev međunarodne zajednice, line. The Rama Brigade attacked in the direction of Pro-
borbe su zaustavljene. zor – Makljen – Gornji Vakuf. During January 18 the HVO
U borbama do 25. siječnja HVO je imao 46 pogi- destroyed the Muslim forces in Gornji Vakuf, Uzričje and
nulih vojnika. Poginulo je 16 civila, a ranjeno više od Ždrimci and gained control of a part of Hrasnica. The
230 vojnika i civila. Zarobljeno je 112 muslimanskih defense mounted by the ARBIH was disorganized. The
vojnika, a ARBiH je zarobila 24 vojnika HVO-a. Prema following day the HVO captured Uzričje, Krupa, Hras-
podacima ARBiH, poginulo je oko 50 vojnika i civila. nica and the repeater. The ARBIH troops defending the
Materijalna šteta u gradu i okolnim selima bila je ve- repeater retreated to Alipašića Brijeg. The HVO at that
point held most of the high ground around the city
and the ARBIH was left with only one communications
route with the village of Vrse. The ARBIH, at that point,
threatened that it would withdraw its forces from the
700 OZ SZH, Zapovijed str. pov. br. 01/35-1 od 12. 1. 1993.;
IZM OZ S/ZH od 17. 1. 1993. u 21,00; Zapovjedništvo position opposite Donji Vakuf if the HVO did not halt its
OZ SZH str. pov. br. 01-163/93-1 od 18. 1. 1993.; ICTY: attacks. The ARBIH forces in Gornji Vakuf did withdraw
Komanda 3. korpusa ARBiH str. pov. br. 02/33-214 od from a two-kilometer-long part of the Kupres line on
23. 1. 1993.; Dnevna izvješća brigade Dr. A. Starčević od January 18. On January 22 the HVO captured Krč, Malo
11. do 25. siječnja 1993.; Brigada HVO Dr. A. Starčević,
Izvješće br. 1-5/1-208/93 od 9. 3. 1993.; Izjava generala Seoce, part of Duratbeg Dolac and part of Bistrica and
Zlatana Mije Jelića. on January 24 the HVO captured Alipašića Brijeg as well.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

lika.701 Na pregovorima održanim 7., 9. i 13. veljače The ARBIH forces were, for the most part destroyed and
1993. dogovoreno je da se povuku snage s područja surrounded. The ARBIH had no option but to sue for
drugih općina, zatrpaju rovovi i povuče teško oruž- an armistice. The HVO agreed and the armistice went
je na položaje prije sukoba.702 Armija Republike BiH into effect on January 25. At that point the HVO could
premjestila je 305. brdsku brigadu u Zenicu. U brošuri have easily captured Gornji Vakuf. However, the HVO
o ratnom putu brigade to se tretira kao “potvrda da followed General Petković’s order issued from Geneva
su se jajački borci dokazali kao pravi branioci Bosne i and stopped the offensive, abiding by the wishes of the
Hercegovine”, a ne kao čimbenik koji je narušio sigur- international community.
nosnu ravnotežu.703 The HVO lost 46 soldiers killed during the fighting
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane u Gornjem Vakufu bilo je until January 25. 16 civilians were also killed and more
na korak do pobjede i propustilo je priliku da sukob than 230 soldiers and civilians were wounded. The HVO
završi u svoju korist. took 112 Muslim soldiers prisoner and the ARBIH cap-
tured 24 HVO soldiers. The ARBIH admitted to losing 50
Lašvanska dolina soldiers and civilians. Material damage in the city and
surrounding villages was extensive. Negotiations were
U drugoj polovini siječnja 1993. muslimansko-hr- held on February 7, 9 and 13, 1993. The HVO and the AR-
vatski sukob proširio se iz Gornjeg Vakufa/Uskoplja BIH agreed that they would withdraw their forces from
na dolinu Lašve u središnjoj Bosni. Armija Republike the territory of the municipalities controlled by the other
BiH imala je u središnjoj Bosni glavninu 3. korpusa. Hr- side, fill up the trenches and withdraw heavy weapon-
vatsko vijeće obrane uz snage OZ-a Srednja Bosna u ry to the positions held before the conflict. The ARBIH
prvoj polovini siječnja pojačano je dijelom pukovnije moved the 305th Mountain Brigade to Zenica. In the of-
Bruno Bušić i bojne Ludvig Pavlović u jačini nepotpune ficial history of the brigade it is stated that the warriors
pješačke bojne. Zbog sukoba između HVO-a i ARBiH from Jajce “distinguished themselves as true defenders
u Gornjem Vakufu, hrvatske snage su imale zadatak of Bosnia and Herzegovina”. As a matter of fact, the war-
spriječiti prolaz muslimanskih snaga prema Gornjem riors from Jajce constituted the main threat to the coun-
Vakufu, s tim da HVO iz središnje Bosne nije slao po- try’s security.
jačanja. Iz Sebešića je nadzirao pravce Opara – rudnik The HVO in Gornji Vakuf was on the brink of a deci-
Radovan – Bistrica i Ravno Rostovo – Bojska. sive victory and missed a perfect opportunity to nip the
Niz incidenata s obje strane i međusobno optu- Muslims’ plans of conquest in the bud. Ironically, the end
živanje obilježili su vrijeme do otvorenog sukoba u of the conflict in Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje marked the be-
dolini Lašve. U noći 18./19. siječnja ARBiH je zaposjela ginning of the Muslim-Croat war.
prije pripremljene rovove i zemunice na području Ku-
bera te položaje na širem području sela Kaćuni. Idu- Lašva Valley
ćega je dana u Kaćunima postavila nadzornu točku
na prometnicu Busovača – Kiseljak, čime je prekinut In the second half of January, 1993, the Muslim-Cro-
promet između ta dva mjesta. Par dana trajao je igro- at conflict spread from Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje to the Laš-
kaz oko te točke, koja je u jednom trenutku na ulti- va Valley in central Bosnia. The bulk of III Corps of the AR-
matum HVO-a bila i uklonjena s prometnice. Ponovno BIH was stationed in central Bosnia. The HVO, alongside
je postavljena 24. siječnja i popodne istoga dana su Operative Zone Central Bosnia had, in the first half of Jan-
uary, an incomplete infantry battalion size contingent of
the Ludvig Pavlović Battalion and elements of the Bruno
701 Spiskovi zarobljenih brigada HVO Dr. A. Starčević od 27. Bušić Regiment, in central Bosnia. Due to the conflict be-
1. 1993.; ICTY: Državna komisija RBiH, Stanje u G. Vaku- tween the HVO and the ARBIH in Gornji Vakuf the Croa-
fu, informacija br. 10/406-1 od 4. 2. 1993.; Brigada HVO
Dr. A. Starčević, Izvješće br. 1-5/1-208/93 od 9. 3. 1993. tian forces were tasked with preventing Muslim troops
702 Rezultati sastanka održanog s članovima PMEZ, ARBiH,
from reaching Gornji Vakuf from central Bosnia. It has
HVO-a i UNPROFOR-a (nedatirano, odnosi se na prego- to be pointed out that the HVO did not send reinforce-
vore 7., 9. i 13. 2. 1993.). ments to the HVO forces in the Gornji Vakuf area from
703 Ratni put 305. brdske brigade, Zenica, 1994., 10. central Bosnia. From Sebešić the HVO controlled the lines


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

na njoj napali vozilo Vojne policije HVO-a i ranili do- of communications along the Opara – Radovan mine –
zapovjednika Vojne policije HVO-a iz Busovače, koji Bistrica line and along the Ravno Rostovo – Bojska line.
je iskrvario jer nije dopušteno da mu se pruži pomoć. The outbreak of open conflict in the Lašva Valley was
Pokušavajući mu pomoći, ubijen je civil koji se slu- preceded by a period marked by a whole string of inci-
čajno zatekao na barikadi. Ujutro 25. siječnja počeli dents and bouts of mutual accusations. During the night
su sukobi: HVO je nastojao deblokirati prometnicu, a of January 18-19 the ARBIH moved into already prepared
ARBiH je iz Kaćuna napala okolna sela s hrvatskim sta- trenches and dug-outs in the Kuber area and took up
novništvom: Polje, Prosje, Kulu, Neziroviće, Oselište i positions in the wider area of the village of Kaćuni. The
Gusti Grab. Ujutro 26. siječnja snage ARBiH iz Zenice following day the Muslims set up a checkpoint in Kaćuni
napale su hrvatske snage u selima Lašva i Dusina. Sela – on the Busovača – Kiseljak road. With that checkpoint
su spaljena i počinjen je ratni zločin nad devet osoba the ARBIH disrupted the flow of traffic between the two
hrvatske i jednom osobom srpske narodnosti. Civilno towns. During the next few days the checkpoint was the
stanovništvo iz sela Dusina i Višnjica zarobljeno je i locus of a whole drama of moves and countermoves by
odvedeno u logor, vojnici HVO-a su razoružani i za- both sides. At one point the HVO upped the ante and is-
robljeni, pa potom strijeljani, a zapovjedniku lokalne sued an ultimatum and the ARBIH backed down and re-
postrojbe HVO-a u Mjesnoj zajednici Lašva, Zvonku moved the checkpoint. However, on January 24 the AR-
Rajiću, izvađeno je srce. Napad ARBiH iz smjera Mer- BIH set it up again. In the afternoon on the same day the
dana HVO je odbio. Crta razdvajanja uspostavljena je troops manning the checkpoint fired at a HVO Military
27. siječnja na potezu Kuber – Putiš – Grablje – Mer- Police vehicle and wounded the deputy commander of
dani – Dusina – Nezirovići – Proščica – Kaćuni – Modri the Busovača HVO Military Police. The deputy command-
kamen – Pridolci – Luške staje – Busovačke staje – er bled to death because the Muslim soldiers did not al-
Rovna. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane uspjelo je razoružati low an ambulance to pass through. A civilian who found
sela Strane i Skradno, a 28. i 29. siječnja odbiti napad himself passing through the checkpoint at that moment
na Prosje, Bare i Roške stijene. Borbe su završile 1. ve- tried to help the wounded officer but the Muslim soldiers
ljače. Sukob se nije proširio na ostale općine središnje shot and killed him. On the morning of January 25 the sit-
Bosne zbog stalnih pregovora i posredovanja UNPRO- uation escalated: the HVO tried to lift the blockade of the
FOR-a. Iznimka je bila općina Kiseljak, u kojoj su snage Busovača – Kiseljak road and the ARBIH attacked, from
ARBiH u Bilalovcu 28. siječnja postavile nadzornu toč- Kaćuni, the predominantly Croatian villages in the area;
ku na prometnicu prema Busovači i zarobile nekoliko Polje, Prosje, Kula, Nezirovići, Oselište and Gusti Grab. On
časnika iz brigade Ban Josip Jelačić. Zbog toga je bri- the morning of January 26 the ARBIH forces from Zen-
gada povukla snage angažirane kod Kaćuna, a u noći ica attacked the Croatian forces in the villages of Lašva
28./29. siječnja snage ARBiH iz Bilalovca samovoljno and Dusina. The villages were burned and the Muslims
su se povukle. U obrani Busovače zaključno s datu- also murdered nine Croatian civilians and one Serb civil-
mom 28. siječnja poginulo je 16 pripadnika brigade ian. The Muslims captured the civilians of the villages of
Nikola Šubić Zrinski i šest civila. Iz sastava brigade Ban Dusina and Višnjica and transported them to a concen-
Josip Jelačić poginula su tri, a ranjeno je šest vojnika. tration camp. The captured HVO soldiers were shot and
Iz sastava HVO-a u borbama su sudjelovale snage bri- the commander of a local HVO unit, Zvonko Rajić, was
gade Nikola Šubić Zrinski i manji sastavi (vod – satnija) taken to the community center building in Lašva where
iz Kiseljaka, Viteza, Zenice i profesionalnih postrojbi Muslim torturers cut his heart out of his chest. The ARBIH
Bruno Bušić, Ludvig Pavlović i Vitezovi. Na strani ARBiH also attacked from the direction of Merdan but the HVO
sudjelovale su snage 333. brdske brigade i Općinsko- repulsed the charge. On January 27 the front line was
ga štaba Busovača, bataljun 17. krajiške brdske briga- stabilized along the Kuber – Putiš – Grablje – Merdani –
de, četa 309. brigade, snage Općinskoga štaba obrane Dusina – Nezirovići – Proščica – Kaćuni – Modri Kamen –
Zenica i 7. muslimanske brigade. Pridolci – Luške Staje – Busovačke Staje – Rovna line. The
Uz pomoć UNPROFOR-a potpisan je sporazum o HVO disarmed the Muslims in the villages of Strane and
prekidu vatre i dogovoreno je da se snage dovedene Skradno and, on January 28 and 29 beat back the attacks
sa strane, uglavnom ARBiH, prijepodne 2. veljače po- on Prosje, Bare and Roške Stijene. The fighting ended
vuku s područja općina Kiseljak i Busovača. Armija Re- on February 1. The conflict did not spread to the other


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

municipalities in central Bosnia because negotiations

and talks were constant and because of UNPROFOR’s
efforts at mediation. The exception was the municipali-
ty of Kiseljak where ARBIH troops set up a checkpoint in
Bilalovac, on January 28, on the Busovača road and took
a number of officers from the Ban Josip Jelačić Brigade
prisoner. On account of that incident the Brigade with-
drew its forces from Kaćuni and during the night of Janu-
ary 28-29 the ARBIH forces in Bilalovac withdrew of their
own accord. In the fighting in Busovača, until January 28,
16 soldiers from the Nikola Šubić Zrinski Brigade were
killed. The Ban Josip Jelačić Brigade lost three soldiers
killed and six wounded. Six civilians were also killed. The
following HVO formations took part in the fighting: the
Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje, 1993. (fotografiju darovao Zrinko Tokić).
Nikola Šubić Zrinski Brigade, smaller units (platoon-com-
Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje, 1993 (Photograph donated by Zrinko Tokić). pany) from Kiseljak, Vitez, Zenica and the Bruno Bušić,
Ludvig Pavlović and Vitezovi special purpose units. The
ARBIH employed the 333rd Brigade and troops belonging
to the Municipal HQ Busovača, one battalion of the 17th
Krajina Mountain Brigade, one company from the 309th
publike BiH nije, kako tvrdi HVO, ispunila dogovor i na- Brigade, troops from the municipal HQ of TO Zenica and
stavila je pritisak na Busovaču, no u manjem obimu.704 the 7th Muslim Brigade.
Po mišljenju američkoga povjesničara Charlesa A cease-fire, mediated by UNPROFOR was signed
Shradera, siječanjski sukobi bili su priprema ARBiH za and it was agreed that the forces that had been brought
travanjsku ofenzivu u središnjoj Bosni.705 into the municipalities of Kiseljak and Busovača – most
of them Muslim – were to be withdrawn from the mu-
nicipalities in February. The ARBIH, according to the HVO,
did not honor the agreement and continued to threaten
Busovača, only to a lesser degree than before.
In the American historian Charles Shrader’s opinion,
the ARBIH considered the fighting in January as a prepa-
704 IZM OZ SB, Izvješće br. 03-1-226/93 od 18. 1. 1993.; Zap.
OZ SB, Dnevno izvješće br. 36-8-1/93 od 19. 1. 1993.; ratory step for a large-scale offensive. The Muslims would
OZ SB, Izvješće br. 180/93 od 21. 1. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, launch that offensive in central Bosnia in April.
Izvješće br. 01/1-322/93 od 25. 1. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Izv-
ješće br. 08-364-1/93 od 26. 1. 1993.; ICTY: Zap. OZ SB,
Izvješće ur. br. 02-1-388/93 od 27. 1. 1993.; IZM OZ SB,
Izvješće br. 02-1-399/93 od 28. 1. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Izv-
ješće br. 03-01-1-381/93 od 28. 1. 1993.; ICTY: Opštinski
štab odbrane Zenica, Sumarni borbeni izvještaj br. pov.
14/02-29/4 od 28. 1. 1993.; ICTY: Komanda 3. korpu-
sa RBiH, Obavještenje str. pov. br. 02/33-311 od 29. 1.
1993.; IZM OZ SB, Borbeno izvješće br. 03-1-447/93 od
29. 1. 1993.; OZ SB, Izvješće br. 01-2-27/93 od 1. 2. 1993.;
IZM OZ SB, Vanredno izvješće br. 02-2-63/93 od 4. 2.
1993.; Izvješće Zapovjedništva brigade “Ban J. Jelačić”
od 10. 2. 1993. o tijeku događanja na području Šitluci
– Klokoti – Bilalovac; ICTY: Brigada HVO “Nikola Šubić
Zrinski”, Izvješće br. 827/93 od 27. 4. 1993.
705 Charles R. SHRADER, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat
u srednjoj Bosni: vojna povijest 1992.–1994., Golden mar-
keting-Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb, 2004., 119.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Tijekom borbi u Gornjem Vakufu/Uskoplju zapo- During the fighting in Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje the
vjednik 3. korpusa ARBiH Enver Hadžihasanović obavi- commander of the ARBIH III Corps Enver Hadžihasanović
jestio je 20. siječnja 1993. čelnike snaga ARBiH u Bugoj- informed, on January 20, 1993, the commanders of the
nu da je “za sukob u svim gradovima HZ Herceg Bosna ARBIH forces in Bugojno that “it is too early to provoke
… preuranjeno, mada je i ta opcija predviđena”.706 U a conflict in all the cities of HZ Herzeg Bosna… even
veljači je Štab Vrhovne komande ARBiH naredio 1., 3. though there are contingency plans based on that op-
i 4. korpusu razradu ratnih planova za sukob s HVO- tion”. In February the Supreme Command HQ of the AR-
om.707 Zapovijed je bila osnova za koncentriranje sna- BIH ordered I, II and IV Corps to make plans for an all-out
ga 3. korpusa u operativne skupine radi učinkovitijega conflict with the HVO. The order served as the foundation
djelovanja i zapovijedanja postrojbama. U ožujku su stone for forming the forces of III Corps into Operation-
ustrojene četiri operativne grupe: Lašva za općine Bu- al Groups so as to enhance the overall efficiency of the
sovača, Kakanj i Vitez, Zapad za općine Bugojno, Gornji troops and improve command and control. Four Opera-
Vakuf, Novi Travnik i Travnik, Bosna za općine Zavidovi- tional Groups were formed in March: Operational Group
ći i Žepče te Bosanska krajina. U sastav OG-a Lašva ušle Lašva for the municipalities of Busovača, Kakanj and Vi-
su 309., 325. i 333. brdska brigada i općinski štabovi tez, Operational Group West for the municipalities of Bu-
obrane Busovača, Kakanj i Vitez, u sastav OG-a Zapad gojno, Gornji Vakuf, Novi Travnik and Travnik, Operation-
307. i 312. motorizirana, 306., 308. i 317. brdska brigada al Group Bosna for the municipalities of Zavidovići and
i općinski štabovi obrane Bugojno, Gornji Vakuf, Novi Žepče and Operational Group Bosanska Krajina. Opera-
Travnik i Travnik, u sastav OG-a Bosna 318. i 319. brd- tional Group Lašva consisted of the 309th, 325th and 333rd
ska brigada s općinskim štabovima obrane Zavidovići Mountain Brigades, the municipal HQs of TO Busovača,
i Žepče, a u sastav OG-a Bosanska krajina 7. musliman- Kakanj, and Vitez. Operational Group West consisted of
ska, 17. i 305. brdska brigada. Skupina je bila glavna the 307th and 312nd Motorized Brigades, 306th, 308th and
manevarska snaga 3. korpusa. Sličan status imale su 317th Mountain Brigade and the municipal HQs of TO Bu-
snage u Zenici – 301. mehanizirana, 314. motorizirana, gojno, Gornji Vakuf, Novi Travnik and Travnik. Operation-
303. brdska brigada i Općinski štab obrane Zenica – koji al Group Bosna consisted of the 318th and 319th Moun-
su bili pod izravnim zapovjedništvom 3. korpusa. Uz to tain Brigades with the municipal HQs of TO Zavidovići
je 3. korpusu iz 1. korpusa pridodana OG Visoko, koja and Žepče. Operational Group Bosanska Krajina consist-
je ubrzo preimenovana u OG Istok. Ona se sastojala od ed of the 7th Muslim, 17th and 305th Mountain Brigade. OG
302. motorizirane i 304. brdske brigade te općinskih Bosanska Krajina was the main maneuver element of III
štabova obrane Breza, Fojnica, Ilijaš, Kiseljak, Vareš i Vi- Corps. A similar status had the forces in Zenica – the 301st
soko.708 Njezinim je pridodavanjem u zonu djelovanja Mechanized, 314th Motorized, 303rd Mountain Brigades
3. korpusa ušlo i područje Vareša i nove snage ARBiH and the municipal HQ of TO Zenica – which were under
za pritisak na Kiseljak i Kreševo. Tim su promjenama u the direct command of the commander of III Corps. Op-
zonu 3. korpusa ARBiH ušle sve postrojbe HVO-a u sre- erational Group Visoko from I Corps was attached to III
dišnjoj Bosni osim u Tuzli, Usori i Žepču. Uoči travanj- Corps. Shortly thereafter Operational Group Visoko was
skih borbi Komanda 3. korpusa naredila je podređenim redesignated as Operational Group East. It consisted of
postrojbama izvlačenje iz urbanih područja i prelazak the 302nd motorized and 304th Mountain Brigade and the
municipal HQs of TO Breza, Fojnica, Ilijaš, Kiseljak, Vareš
and Visoko. With Operational Group East attached to III
706 Komanda 3. korpusa RBiH, Odgovor str. pov. br. 02/33- Corps the area of responsibility of III Corps was extended
181 od 20. 1. 1993. to the Vareš area. Also, III Corps now had enough troops
707 ICTY: ŠVK OS RBiH, Naređenje str. pov. br. 02/213-1 od 6. to put pressure on Kiseljak and Kreševo. This organi-
2. 1993.
zational reshuffling meant that all HVO units in central
708 ICTY: ŠVK OS RBiH, Naređenje str. pov. br. 14/75-7 od Bosnia, apart from those in Tuzla, Usora and Žepče, were
6. 2. 1993.; ICTY: Komanda 3. korpusa, Naređenje str.
pov. br. 02/33-628 od 8. 3. 1993.; ICTY: ŠVK OS RBiH, Na- now in the area of responsibility of III Corps. Just prior to
ređenje str. pov. br. 02/403-1 od 17. 3. 1993. the April offensive the HQ of III Corps ordered all of its


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Središnja Bosna, dolina Lašve, krajem travnja 1993. godine. Central Bosnia, Lašva Valley, end of April 1993.
na logorski sustav, što je očito bio završni čin priprema subordinated units to pull out of urban areas and take up
za napad na HVO.709 attack positions. The order was clearly the last step in the
U središnjoj Bosni HVO je sredinom travnja 1993. preparations for an all-out attack on the HVO.
imao napisanu zapovijed za obranu OZ-a Srednja Bo- In central Bosnia the HVO had plans, in mid-April,
sna od napada ARBiH, koja je predviđala obranu pod- 1993, for defending Operative Zone Central Bosnia
ručja držanih pod nadzorom i, ako bude nužno, izvla- from the ARBIH’s attack. The plan envisaged defend-
čenje brigade Kotromanić iz Kaknja sa stanovništvom ing the area controlled by the HVO and, if necessary a
prema Busovači, odnosno brigade Kralj Tvrtko iz Sara- withdrawal of the Kotromanić Brigade from Kakanj and
jeva sa stanovništvom u Kiseljak. Hipotetska napad- evacuation of Kakanj’s civilians towards Busovača and a
na djelovanja samo su naznačena uz pomoć snaga iz withdrawal of the Kralj Tvrtko Brigade from Sarajevo and
dubine, što očito podrazumijeva snage iz operativnih evacuation of Croat civilians from Sarajevo to Kiseljak.
zona Sjeverozapadna i Jugoistočna Hercegovina.710 Offensive actions were to be conducted with the help
of the forces from the rear. In practical terms that meant
the forces belonging to OZ Northwest Herzegovina and
709 Naredbe Komande 3. korpusa, str. pov. br. 02/33-826 OZ Southeast Herzegovina.
do 02/33-837 od 11. 4. 1993 (objavljene na web-stranici
Slobodana Praljka).
710 Zapovijed za obranu OZ Srednja Bosna, operativni br. 2
(rukom dopisano: br. 03-4-181/93 od 14. 4. 1993.).


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Konjic – Jablanica Konjic – Jablanica

U Hercegovini se 4. korpus ARBiH s MUP-om u In Herzegovina IV Corps of the ARBIH with the MUP
ožujku 1993. pripremio za eliminiranje organizacija HZ prepared, in March, 1993, to eliminate the HZ HB orga-
Herceg-Bosne iz općina Konjic i Jablanica. Cilj je bio us- nizations in the municipalities of Konjic and Jablanica.
postaviti nadzor nad prometnicama Konjic – Sarajevo, The aim was to gain control of the Konjic – Sarajevo
Jablanica – Ostrožac – Parsovići – Dusina – Fojnica – Ze- road, the Jablanica – Ostrožac – Parsovići – Dusina – Fo-
nica i lokalnom prometnicom od Ostrošca do Gornjeg jnica – Zenica road and the local road leading from Os-
Vakufa. Zapovjedništva triju brigada ARBiH (Suad Alić, trožac to Gornji Vakuf. The HQs of the three brigades of
Neretva, Neretvica), bataljuna Vojne policije 4. korpu- the ARBIH (Suad Alić, Neretva, Neretvica), of the Military
sa, Općinskoga štaba obrane Jablanica s načelnicima Police Battalion of IV Corps, of the municipal HQ of TO
stanica javne bezbjednosti Hadžići, Jablanica i Konjic Jablanica with chiefs of public security stations Hadžići,
napravila su 20. ožujka plan mjera protiv HVO-a. Isto- Jablanica, and Konjic made, on March 20 a detailed plan
ga dana, radi pripreme ofenzive ARBiH protiv HVO-a, of activities against the HVO. On the same day and for
zapoviješću Sefera Halilovića protuhrvatski orijentiran the purpose of preparing the ARBIH’s offensive against
Safet Ćibo premješten je u 4. korpus ARBiH, a već ranije the HVO, by Sefer Halilović’s order, Safet Ćibo, an officer
je, odlukom Predsjedništva RBiH od 13. ožujka 1993., with strong anti-Croatian leanings, was transferred to IV
postavljen za predsjednika ratnog predsjedništva opći- Corps of the ARBIH, having already been, by the Presi-
na Konjic, Jablanica, Prozor, umjesto legalno izabranih dency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s de-
predsjednika.711 Prema hrvatskim podacima, ARBiH je cision of March 13, 1993, appointed as President of the
raspolagala snagama od 7000 do 8000 ljudi, a HVO je war presidency of the municipalities of Konjic, Jablanica,
imao oko 2000 vojnika.712 Prozor, thus replacing the legally elected presidents. Ac-
Od sredine ožujka tenzije su svakodnevno rasle. cording to Croatian sources, the ARBIH deployed 7,000-
Snage brigade Neretvica okružile su 19. ožujka Homa- 8,000 men against the HVO’s 2,000.
tlije na granici s općinom Prozor i tražile predaju voj- Tensions rose steadily from mid-March. The
nika koje je navodno zarobila brigada HVO-a Rama. Neretvica Brigade surrounded Homatlije on the
Potom su počeli sukobi brigada Neretvica i Rama. Hr- boundary with the Prozor Municipality on March 19,
vatsko vijeće obrane zarobilo je predsjednika općine requesting that the Croats hand over a Muslim prison-
er that Rama Brigade soldiers had allegedly arrested
before. Then skirmishes between Neretvica Brigade
711 ICTY: Ratno predsjedništvo opštine Konjic, Zahtjev za soldiers and Rama Brigade soldiers started to occur.
ocjenu ustavnosti Odluke Predsjedništva RBiH, br. 01/1- The HVO arrested the president of the Konjic Munic-
012-106/93 od 28. 3. 1993. ipality and chief of the MUP Konjic. The ARBIH react-
712 ICTY: Zapisnik sa zajedničkog sastanka predstavni- ed on March 23 by attacking the HVO in the Klis area
ka komandi Armije RBiH, brigada „Suad Alić”, brigada and put Konjic under blockade. The Muslims enjoyed
„Neretvica”, brigada „Neretva”, bVP 4. korpusa, Opš-
tinskog štaba Jablanica, te predstavnika MUP-a RBiH – overwhelming numerical superiority and taking full
Stanica javne bezbjednosti Hadžići, Jablanica i Konjic, advantage of it expelled the Croats from the villages
str. pov. br. 16-8/08-62/93 od 20. 3. 1993.; ICTY: Ratno of Donji Prijeslop, Jasenik, Mrkosovice, Lukšije, Sola-
predsjedništvo opštine Konjic, Zahtjev za ocjenu ustav-
nosti Odluke Predsjedništva RBiH, br. 01/1-012-106/93 kova Kula, Bare, Seonica, Gorani, Goransko Polje and
od 28. 3. 1993.; VOS GS HVO, Zabilješka str. pov. br. 03- Podhum. The Muslim troops engaged in expelling the
346/93 od 14. 4. 1993.; VOS GS HVO, Tijek događanja na civilians murdered a number of them. Muslim soldiers
prostorima središnje i sjeverne Hercegovine, str. pov.
br. 03-414/93 od 11. 5. 1993.; Ratni put 56. domobran- blocked all approaches to Konjic and disarmed about
ske pukovnije Herceg-Stjepan HVO Konjic (nedatiran i 100 HVO soldiers in the city. The ARBIH also attacked
nepotpisan prikaz, vjerojatno iz 1994.); ICTY: Komisija the barracks in Bradina and disarmed about 30 HVO
za utvrđivanje ratnih zločina HR HB, Kratka kronologija
i prikaz ratnih zločina od strane pripadnika ARBiH, br. soldiers there. On March 25, 1993, the ARBIH attacked
27/95 od 30. 3. 1995., str. 2. the village of Orlište and killed four elderly civilians and


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

i načelnika MUP-a Konjica, nakon čega je ARBiH 23. expelled all Croats from the village. The fighting end-
ožujka napala HVO na području Klisa i blokirala Ko- ed on March 25. 11 Croatian soldiers and civilians were
njic. Zahvaljujući višestrukoj premoći muslimanske su killed. During the cease-fire that followed the Muslims
snage protjerale Hrvate iz sela Donji Prijeslop, Jasenik, reneged on everything they had agreed to when sign-
Mrkosovice, Lukšije, Solakova Kula, Bare, Seonica, Go- ing the cease-fire and prevented the expelled civilians
rani, Goransko Polje i Podhum. Pritom su ubijani i civili. from returning to their homes.
U Konjicu su blokirani svi prilazi i razoružano je oko It soon transpired that the Muslims had agreed to a
100 vojnika HVO-a. Napadnuta je i vojarna u Bradini i cease-fire for the sole purpose of bringing in reinforce-
razoružano oko 30 vojnika. Armija Republike BiH je 25. ments from Igman without interruption and preparing
ožujka 1993. napala selo Orlište i ubila četiri civila sta- another offensive. Just prior to renewing the fighting
rije životne dobi te protjerala sve Hrvate iz sela. Borbe the ARBIH redesignated its three brigades in the Konjic
su završile 25. ožujka. U napadu muslimanskih snaga and Jablanica area: the Suad Alić Brigade was redes-
poginulo je 11 vojnika i civila. U primirju koje je slijedi- ignated as the 43rd Mountain Brigade, the Neretva Bri-
lo muslimanske su snage izbjegle dogovorene obveze gade was redesignated as the 44th Mountain Brigade
i spriječile povratak protjeranog stanovništva.713 and the Neretvica Brigade was redesignated as the 45th
Brzo se pokazalo da je potpisano primirje bio ma- Mountain Brigade.
nevar ARBiH za nastavak napada i dovođenje pojača- On the morning of April 14, the 45th Mountain Bri-
nja s Igmana. Uoči nastavka napada preimenovane gade of the ARBIH attacked the Croatian villages in Klis
su tri njezine brigade na području Konjica i Jablanice: and during the day captured the village of Bušćak and
Suad Alić u 43. brdsku, Neretva u 44. brdsku i Neretvica the barracks at the Konjic – Fojnica – Dusina junction.
u 45. brdsku brigadu.714 In Bušćak the Muslim attackers killed three people,
Ujutro 14. travnja 45. brdska brigada ARBiH krenu- burned all the houses in the village and expelled all
la je u napad na hrvatska naselja u Klisu i tijekom dana Croats from the village. Continuing its advance the AR-
zauzela vojarnu na tromeđi Konjic – Fojnica – Dusina BIH captured the villages of Lukšije, Šagolje, Prijeslop,
i selo Bušćak, u kojem je ubila tri osobe, spalila cijelo Goransko Polje, Mrkosovice, Baturić Polje and attacked
selo i protjerala Hrvate. U nastavku napada zauzela je the village of Obre. The HVO blocked the Ostrožac –
sela i zaselke Lukšije, Šagolje, Prijeslop, Goransko Po- Konjic road in Radešine with the aim of preventing
lje, Mrkosovice, Buturović Polje i napala Obre. Hrvat- the ARBIH to bring in reinforcements from Jablanica.
sko vijeće obrane blokiralo je u Radešinama promet- The main objective of the 45th Mountain Brigade was
nicu Ostrožac – Konjic radi sprečavanja dovođenja Mount Bokševica, a strategically important feature. The
pojačanja ARBiH iz Jablanice. Glavni cilj brigade bila je 43rd Mountain Brigade and Military Police Battalion of
dominantna planina Bokševica. Snage 43. brdske bri- IV Corps reinforced by the Special Police Hadžić Unit
gade i bataljuna VP-a 4. korpusa ojačane Specijalnom and Zulfikar Unit attacked, on April 15 the HVO posi-
postrojbom MUP-a Hadžića i postrojbom Zulfikar na- tions in Konjic and its environs. The plan was to quickly
pale su 15. travnja položaje HVO-a u Konjicu i okolici. eliminate the HVO forces in Konjic and then use all bri-
Plan je bio brzo eliminirati HVO u Konjicu, a potom sa gades for an onslaught in the direction of Konjic – Jab-
svim brigadama krenuti u napad na pravcima Konjic – lanica – Mostar and the direction of Konjic – Prozor –
Rama. The attackers focused their efforts on Repovica,
Zlatar and Radešina. On April 16 the ARBIH captured
713 Zapovjedništvo brHVO “Herceg Stjepan”, Redovno bor- the village of Trusina and killed 22 Croats there – 15
beno izvješće str. pov. br. 02/2-72 od 20. 3. 1993.; Izvješće civilians and seven HVO soldiers who had surrendered
brHVO “Herceg Stjepan” od 5. 4. 1993.; VOS GS HVO, Tijek
događanja na prostorima središnje i sjeverne Hercegovi-
because the Muslims had used the civilians as a human
ne str. pov. br. 03-414/93 od 11. 5. 1993.; ICTY: Uprava SIS shield. Using a human shield of captured Croatian ci-
HR HB, Informacija ur. br. 02-08-1-2158/94 od 20. 4. 1994.; vilians the Crni Labudovi special purpose unit (Black
ICTY: Komisija za utvrđivanje ratnih zločina HR HB, Kratka
kronologija i prikaz ratnih zločina od strane pripadnika
Swans) captured Zlatar on April 18. On the same day
ARBiH, br. 27/95 od 30. 3. 1995., str. 2-3. the ARBIH gained control of Konjic, even though the
714 Komanda 4. korpusa, Dostava elemenata mob. razvoja HVO still held some high ground around the city. The
dj. br. 03-2683/93 od 7. 4. 1993. position of the HVO was precarious but help materi-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Jablanica – Mostar i Konjic – Prozor – Rama. Težište na- alized in the form of the 2nd Light Infantry Brigade of
pada bilo je na Repovici i objektima Zlatar i Radešina. the VRS which unleashed artillery fire on the ARBIH
Potom je 16. travnja ARBiH zauzela selo Trusinu i ubila positions and on April 18 captured, without much
22 Hrvata – 15 civila i sedam pripadnika HVO-a, koji su fighting, the mountainous area of Ljubina above Turija.
se predali jer su civili iz sela dovedeni kao živi štit. Uz The HVO, in return, evacuated a large number of Serb
pomoć živoga štita sastavljenog od civila Hrvata, Spe- civilians from Konjic and its environs and transported
cijalna postrojba Crni labudovi zaposjela je 18. travnja them to the Borak area. The HVO, propped up by the
objekt Zlatar. Istoga je dana ARBiH stavila Konjic pod VRS Herzegovina Corps, managed to hold its positions
nadzor, premda je HVO zadržao dio kota oko grada. Hr- in Zaslivlje, Zabrđe and Turije on the right bank of the
vatsko vijeće obrane bilo je u teškom stanju i položaj Neretva River. The ARBIH then focused its efforts on
mu je olakšala 2. lpbr VRS-a, koja je topničkom vatrom Radešine on the Jablanica – Konjic road. On April 25
tukla položaje ARBiH i bez većega napora 18. travnja the Muslims captured Radešine.
zauzela važno planinsko područje Ljubine iznad Turije. The task of the 44th Mountain Brigade of the AR-
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane je kao protuuslugu omogućilo BIH and the Independent Prozor Battalion in Konjic
izvlačenje većega broja srpskih civila iz Konjica i oko- was to ethnically cleanse the city of Croats, mop up
lice na područje Borka. Zahvaljujući Hercegovačkom the remaining pockets of resistance and prevent HVO
korpusu VRS-a kao osloncu, HVO se održao u Zaslivlju, reinforcements from reaching elements of the Herceg
Zabrđu i Turiji na desnoj obali Neretve. Armija Repu- Stjepan Brigade. Operative Zone Northwest Herze-
blike BiH potom se orijentirala na Radešine na cesti govina provided artillery support and then organized
Jablanica – Konjic, koje je nakon višednevnih napada the Forward Command Post in Prozor and on April 17,
zauzela 25. travnja.715 using parts of its forces, advanced towards Jablanica
Tijekom “čišćenja” konjičke općine od HVO-a i Hr- to help the beleaguered defenders there. Elements of
vata, 44. brdska brigada ARBiH iz Jablanice sa Samo- the Kralj Tomislav and Rama Brigades, elements of the
stalnim bataljunom Prozor imala je zadatak spriječiti Ludvig Pavlović Battalion and Military Police partici-
pomoć dijelovima brigade Herceg Stjepan. Operativna pated in the operation. Within the area of the Prozor
zona Sjeverozapadna Hercegovina najprije je pomo- – Jablanica road there were the predominantly Muslim
gla topničkom vatrom, a potom je u Prozoru organizi- villages of Škorbućani, Paroš, Parčani, Gračanica, Klek
rala IZM i 17. travnja krenula s dijelom snaga u pomoć and Gorica. The advancing Croatian forces disarmed
prema Jablanici. Angažirani su dijelovi brigada Kralj the Muslims in those villages. At the same time the
Tomislav, Rama, bojne Ludvig Pavlović i Vojne polici- HVO units, spearheaded by the Penal Battalion, cap-
je. U zahvatu prometnice Prozor – Jablanica bila su tured the Pasije Stijene area and the village of Sovići,
sela s muslimanskim stanovništvom, Škrobućani, Pa- forced the ARBIH soldiers to surrender and continued
roš, Parčani, Gračanica, Klek i Gorica, koja su tijekom attacking in the direction of Doljani – Jablanica. On
nastupanja razoružana. Istovremeno su postrojbe the following day the HVO captured Gornji Višnjani,
HVO-a, predvođene Kažnjeničkom bojnom, zauzele Donji Višnjani, Lizoperce and a part of Gornja Slatina.
područje Pasje stijene i selo Sovići i prinudile postroj- The HVO failed to capture Donja Slatina because of the
bu ARBiH na predaju, te nastavile napad na smjeru timely arrival of Muslim reinforcements from Jablani-
Doljani – Jablanica. Idućega je dana HVO stavio pod ca. In these battles the HVO lost two soldiers killed and
nadzor Gornje i Donje Višnjane, Lizoperce i ušao u dio two wounded. On April 19, the HVO forces disarmed
the Muslims in Grevići and Tošćanica, captured Gornja
Slatina and linked up with the Herceg Stjepan Brigade
715 Komanda 4. korpusa, Informacija dj. br. 02/1-3200-1/93 in Doljani and Sovići. Continuing the advance Opera-
od 17. 4. 1993.; Borbeni izvještaj IKM 4. korpusa ARBiH
od 17. 4. 1993.; Komanda 4. korpusa, Informacija dj. tive Zone Northwest Herzegovina captured, on April
br. 02/1-2560-18/93 od 18. 4. 1993.; ICTY: Komanda 2. 20, Donja Slatina and the Penal Battalion attacked
lpbr VRS, str. pov. br. 24-4/98 od 25. 4. 1993.; Sejo Nu- Tovarnica Hill on the outskirts of Jablanica from Dol-
manović, “Suze zbog nepravde”, Prva linija, br. 6, 23. 5. jani and captured the highest peak. The commander
1993., 6-7; ICTY: Komisija za utvrđivanje ratnih zločina
HR HB, Kratka kronologija i prikaz ratnih zločina od stra- of the Penal Battalion, Mario “Ćikota” Hrkać, was killed
ne pripadnika ARBiH, br. 27/95 od 30. 3. 1995., str. 2-3, 5. and the battalion temporarily halted its advance. The


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Gornje Slatine. Pokušaj zauzimanja Donje Slatine nije fighting stopped on April 22 when another cease-fire
uspio zbog dolaska muslimanskih pojačanja iz Jabla- was signed. The cease-fire did not hold and the fight-
nice. Tijekom tih borbi HVO je imao dva poginula i tri ing resumed. In the meantime the HVO had been re-
ranjena vojnika. Tijekom 19. travnja HVO je razoružao inforced with 15 soldiers from the Zrinski Brigade.
Greviće i Tošćanicu, zauzeo Gornju Slatinu i spojio se Most of these soldiers had been born in Bosnia and
sa snagama brigade Herceg Stjepan u selima Doljani i Herzegovina. This was the first organized group of sol-
Sovići. Nastavljajući napad, snage OZ-a Sjeverozapad- diers that arrived from Croatia and participated in the
na Hercegovina zauzele su 20. travnja Donju Slatinu, Muslim-Croat war under the command of the HVO.
a Kažnjenička je bojna iz Doljana napala kotu Tovar- The HVO forces continued their advance on April 24
nica na prilazu Jablanici i zauzela najviši vrh. Napad and attacked the ARBIH on both sides of the Neretva
je privremeno prekinut nakon pogibije zapovjednika River. On Tovarnica the HVO’s attack was unsuccess-
Kažnjeničke bojne Maria Hrkaća Ćikote, a potom zbog ful but on Bokševica the HVO captured Tisov Do Hill.
stupanja na snagu sporazuma o prekidu vatre 22. In these battles the HVO lost four soldiers killed and
travnja. Sporazum se nije održao i borbe su nastav- nine wounded. Yet another cease-fire put a stop to the
ljene. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane u međuvremenu je po- fighting. An attempt was made to form a joint com-
jačano s 15 pripadnika bojne Zrinski, čiji su pripadnici mand of the ARBIH and the HVO but it failed.13
uglavnom bili podrijetlom iz BiH. To je bila prva or- In the southwestern part of the municipality of
ganizirana skupina iz Hrvatske, pod zapovjedništvom Jablanica the HVO, on April 16, issued an ultimatum to
HVO-a, koja je sudjelovala u muslimansko-hrvatskom hand over the weapons to the ARBIH units in Doljani
ratu. Postrojbe HVO-a su 24. travnja nastavile napad and Sovići. The Muslims rejected the Croats’ demand.
na položaje ARBiH s obje strane Neretve, na Tovarni- On the following day, the Penal Battalion, reinforced
ci – bez uspjeha – i na Bokševici, na kojoj su zauzele with groups from Herzegovina went into the attack.
značajnu kotu Tisov do. U tim je borbama HVO imao Leaning on Posušje the HVO forces advanced along the
četiri poginula i devet ranjenih vojnika. Daljnje napre- Sovićka Vrata – Sovići – Doljani line. On April 18-19 the
dovanje prekinuo je sporazum o primirju i neuspjeli Croat forces captured Sovići, defended by one compa-
pokušaj da se formira Zajedničko zapovjedništvo AR- ny from the 44th Mountain Brigade. The attackers linked
BiH i HVO-a.716 up with the HVO Battalion in Doljani. According to the
U jugozapadnom dijelu općine Jablanica snagama ARBIH sources, the 44th Mountain Brigade in Sovići lost
ARBiH u Doljanima i Sovićima HVO je 16. travnja dao 10 soldiers killed and 90 taken prisoner.
ultimatum za predaju oružja, koji je odbijen. Idućega The attempt to help the HVO in Konjic and Jab-
dana, osloncem na Posušje, na smjeru Sovićka vrata – lanica by launching an advance from the direction of
Sovići – Doljani angažirane su skupine iz Hercegovi- Posušje and Prozor had been developing well until the
ne predvođene Kažnjeničkom bojnom. Kao što je već signing of the cease-fire. When the fighting resumed
gore spomenuto, one su 18. i 19. travnja bez gubitaka the HVO forces could not regain the initiative. The AR-
zauzele Soviće, koje je branila četa 44. brdske brigade, BIH’s attack on Konjic was, for the most part successful:
i spojile se s bojnom HVO-a u Doljanima. Prema poda- the Muslim forces captured parts of the city, effectively
cutting it in half, killed 17 HVO soldiers – most of them
after they had surrendered –and took a large number
716 IZM OZ S/ZH, Izvanredno izvješće br. 01-202/93 od 16.
4. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, Redovno borbeno izvješće br.
of HVO soldiers prisoner. The compactness of the Her-
01-208/93 od 16. 4. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, Izvanredno ceg Stjepan Brigade was broken – each battalion was
izvješće br. 01-208/93 od 17. 4. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, on its own. The 1st Battalion remained in the Klis area
Operativno izvješće br. 01-222/93 od 17. 4. 1993.; IZM but it was fractioned into three separate enclaves. One
OZ S/ZH, Izvanredno izvješće br. 01-238/93 od 18. 4.
1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, Redovno izvješće br. 01-255/93 enclave was in the Bokševica, Kostajnica, Falanovo
od 19. 4. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, Izvanredno izvješće br. Brdo, parts of Goransko Polje, Buturović Polje, Gorica,
01-260/93 od 20. 4. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, Redovno bor- Obre and Bukovice area. Another was in the Ljesovi-
beno izvješće br. 01-276 od 21. 4. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH,
Redovno borbeno izvješće br. 01/311 od 24. 4. 1993.;
IZM OZ S/ZH, Informacije br. 01-1933 od 24. 4. 1993.;
Izjava generala Miljenka Lasića. 13 Statement by General Miljenko Lasić.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

cima ARBiH, 44. brdska brigada imala je u Sovićima 10 na, Budišnja Ravan, Žitače, Krtići, Donje Višnjevice and
poginulih i oko 90 zarobljenih vojnika.717 parts of Seonica area. The third enclave (defended by
Pružanje pomoći s pravca Posušja i Prozora HVO-u one platoon) was in the village of Vrci. The Muslims
u Konjicu i Jablanici teklo je uspješno do sporazuma o captured the village on May 27, after a two-month
prekidu borbi i poslije se nije uspijevalo ponoviti. Armi- siege. The 2nd Battalion was around Konjic, in the Turija,
ja Republike BiH uglavnom je uspješno završila napad Zabrđe and Zaslivlje area. The 3rd Battalion was in Dol-
na HVO u općini Konjic: prepolovila ga je, ubila 17 voj- jani and Sovići.
nika, uglavnom izvan borbe, i zarobila veći broj vojni- The Muslims made a travesty of the cease-fire be-
ka. Brigada Herceg Stjepan razdvojena je po bojnama tween IV Corps of the ARBIH and the HVO by expand-
na tri dijela. Prva je bojna ostala na području Klisa, no ing the area of responsibility of Operational Group Ig-
bila je ispresijecana i odvojena na tri dijela. Jedan je dio man to Konjic and Jablanica. Operational Group Igman
bio na području Bokševice, Kostajnice, Falanova Brda, then rejected the agreed terms on the cessation of
u dijelu Goranskog Polja, Buturović Polja, Gorice, Obra hostilities and normalizing everyday life. The HVO, on
i Bukovice. Drugi je dio bio na području Ljesovinja, Bu- the other hand, did honor the agreement and allowed
dišnje Ravni, Žitače, Krtića, Donje Višnjevice i u dijelu a Muslim delegation to visit the villages of Sovići and
Seonice. Treći dio (jedan vod) bio je u selu Vrci, koje je Doljani. The ARBIH only allowed a Croatian delegation
bilo na glavnom udaru muslimanskih snaga, koje su ga to visit Konjic on May 4.
i zauzele 27. svibnja nakon dvomjesečne opsade. Dru- Despite the cease-fire agreement the ARBIH con-
ga je bojna bila u okolici Konjica, na području Turije, tinued to attack Croatian villages on a daily basis. The
Zabrđa i Zaslivlja, a 3. u Doljanima i Sovićima.718 focus of these attacks was on the village of Vrci. By
Postignuti dogovor o primirju između 4. korpusa May 3 the defenders of the village had repulsed more
i HVO-a, ARBiH je izigrala širenjem nadležnosti OG-a than 30 infantry attacks. It was planned that the forc-
Igman na Konjic i Jablanicu. Grupa je odbila dogovo- es in Klis would link up with the HVO forces moving
rene sporazume o prekidu vatre i normalizaciji života. from the direction of Prozor in May but the plan was
Svoj dio dogovora HVO je ispunio i dopustio posjet So- not realized because the Croat leadership insisted
vićima i Doljanima, a ARBiH je tek 4. svibnja odobrila on honoring the terms of the cease-fire agreement.
posjet Konjicu.719 During the night of May 7-8 a group of HVO soldiers
Unatoč primirju, napadi ARBiH na hrvatska naselja on horseback, reinforced with soldiers from Posušje,
bili su svakodnevni. Težište napada bilo je na Vrcima, tried to gain control of the Gostovići – Žitače – Trusine
čija je obrana do 3. svibnja odbila više od 30 pješačkih line and lift the blockade of the Croatian villages en-
napada. Za početak svibnja bilo je planirano spajanje circled by Muslim forces. The attempt failed and the
Croats lost four soldiers killed. A tactical group from
the Rama Brigade attacked in the direction of Stu-
717 IZM OZ S/ZH, Redovno borbeno izvješće br. 01-208/93 denčica – Čelina with the aim of helping the HVO
od 16. 4. 1993.; Komanda 4. korpusa, Redovni operativni troops in the Klis area. This attack also met with fail-
izvještaj dj. br. 02/1-966-133/93 od 16. 4. 1993.; Koman-
da 4. korpusa, Informacija dj. br. 02/1-2560-18/93 od 18. ure because the commander of the Rama Brigade,
4. 1993.; Komanda 4. korpusa, Vanredni operativni izv- Marinko Beljo, was killed and, as a result, the attack
ještaj dj. br. 02/1-3200-15/93 od 20. 4. 1993.; Komanda was discontinued, despite the fact that the attackers
4. korpusa, Dnevni operativni izvještaj dj. br. 02/1-3200-
had managed to break through the Muslim line. The
28/93 od 23. 4. 1993.
ARBIH, unlike the HVO, was successful in its attack on
718 Izvješće Brigade HVO “Herceg Stjepan” od 3. 5. 1993.;
Bokševica, defended by a few groups of HVO soldiers.
Brigada “Herceg Stjepan” od 27. 5. 1993. u 21.30; Dos-
sier: Zločini muslimanskih postrojbi nad Hrvatima u BiH In total, the number of troops was equivalent to an in-
od 1992. do 1994., Centar za istraživanje i dokumentaci- complete company. Bokševica was the most import-
ju, Mostar, 1999., 86-87. ant location in this part of the front because a large
719 OZ JiH, Izvješće dj. br. 01-2478/93 od 22. 4. 1993.; Ko- swath of territory could be controlled from there.
manda 4. korpusa, Naređenje dj. br. 02/1-3381-1/93 od Also, it was important for the Muslims to capture it
24. 4. 1993.; OZ JiH, Pregled stanja dj. br. 03-0366/93 od
28. 4. 1993.; VOS GSHVO, Tijek događanja str. pov. br. 03- because the HVO positions there linked the HVO forc-
414/93 od 11. 5. 1993. es in Rama with those in the Neretvica Valley. The AR-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

snaga u Klisu sa snagama HVO-a iz smjera Prozora, no BIH captured Bokševica after two days of fighting on
to nije realizirano zbog zabrane hrvatskog vodstva May 10 and thus put in jeopardy the whole defensive
koje je inzistiralo na poštivanju primirja s ARBiH. Potom line held by the 1st Battalion of the Herceg Stjepan Bri-
je u noći 7./8. svibnja skupina konjičkih vojnika HVO-a, gade and, consequently, the lives of a few thousand
uz pojačanje iz Posušja, pokušala ovladati crtom Go- Croat civilians.
stovići – Žitače – Trusina i deblokirati okružena hrvat- Operative Zone Northwest Herzegovina wanted
ska sela. Pokušaj nije uspio i u njemu su poginula četiri to recapture Bokševica and gathered a force consist-
vojnika. Neuspješno je završio i napad taktičke skupine ing of elements of the Bruno Bušić Regiment, ele-
brigade Rama na smjeru Studenčica – Čelina radi pru- ments of the Zrinski Battalion, elements of the Kralj
žanja pomoći HVO-u na području Klisa. Nakon probo- Tomislav Brigade, elements of the 1st and 2nd Military
ja muslimanske crte napad je prekinut zbog pogibije Police Battalions and elements of the Rama Brigade.
zapovjednika brigade Rama Marinka Belje. Za razliku This HVO force, on May 18-19, recaptured most of
od HVO-a, ARBiH je imala uspjeha u napadu na plani- the lost positions on the mountain and reopened the
nu Bokševicu, koju je branilo nekoliko skupina vojnika corridor towards Kostajnica. It is worth pointing out
HVO-a, jačine slabije satnije. Bokševica je bila najvažniji that the positions on Bokševica were held by different
objekt na tom dijelu bojišta jer se s nje nadziralo veliko troops on a rotation basis. That system was flawed.
područje i odvajao, odnosno spajao HVO u Rami i doli- After the ARBIH again started attacking the HVO
ni Neretvice. Armija Republike BiH zauzela ju je nakon positions on Bokševica elements of the Bruno Bušić
dvodnevnih borbi 10. svibnja i time dovela u pitanje Regiment captured, on June 10-11 the dominant po-
cjelokupnu obranu 1. bojne brigade Herceg Stjepan i sitions of Tisov Do Hill, Bandijera Hill and Silj Hill. Then
sudbinu nekoliko tisuća civila.720 the professional soldiers withdrew and the ARBIH
Za vraćanje Bokševice OZ Sjeverozapadna Herce- took advantage of that by capturing Tisov Do Hill and
govina prikupila je dio pukovnije Bruno Bušić, bojne Bandijera Hill on June 14.
Zrinski, brigade Kralj Tomislav, 1. i 2. bojne Vojne poli- The HVO spent days gathering a motley collection
cije i brigade Rama. Oni su 18. i 19. svibnja potpuno of troops from various units: from the Kralj Tomislav
vratili izgubljeni dio planine i ponovno otvorili koridor Brigade, 4th Brigade of the HVO, Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvati-
prema Kostajnici. Problem je bio u snagama koje su dr- nić Brigade, Herceg Stjepan Brigade, Bruno Bušić Reg-
žale položaje na Bokševici i njihovoj redovnoj zamjeni. iment, Penal Battalion and Rama Brigade. The Penal
Nakon što je ARBiH ponovno počela napadati Bokše- Battalion recaptured Bandijera Hill on June 20. At the
vicu, dijelovi pukovnije Bruno Bušić zauzeli su 10. i 11. end of June Operative Zone Northwest Herzegovina
lipnja dominantne kote Tisov do, Bandijera i Silj. Povla- gathered a force consisting of elements of the Bruno
čenje profesionalnih snaga ARBiH je iskoristila i 14. lip- Bušić Regiment, 2nd Battalion of the Military Police,
nja zauzela Tisov do i Bandijeru.721 Ludvig Pavlović Battalion, Garavi Company, ATG Gr-
Za vraćanje izgubljenih položaja prikupljaju se dani, Herceg Stjepan Brigade, Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić
dijelovi postrojbi iz brigade Kralj Tomislav, 4. brigade Brigade and Rama Brigade for a new attack. The attack
HVO-a, brigade Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić, brigade Her- was launched on July 4 but the resistance put up by
ceg Stjepan, pukovnije Bruno Bušić, Kažnjeničke boj- the ARBIH was too spirited for the attack to succeed.
ne i brigade Rama. Kotu Bandijera vratila je 20. lipnja The Klis Battalion and the remaining Croat civilians fled
on July 7-8 towards Prozor and Kreševo. The defensive
line opposite Konjic was established on a line stretch-
720 Izvješće Brigade HVO “Herceg Stjepan” od 3. 5. 1993.;
ing from Kućani as far as Tošćica. From men hailing
Brigada HVO “Herceg Stjepan” od 8. 5. 1993.; Izvješće
Brigade HVO “Herceg Stjepan” od 8. 5. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ from the Klis area the Independent Battalion Klis was
ZH, Redovno borbeno izvješće str. pov. br. 01-396 od 8. formed in Čapljina and placed under the command of
5. 1993.; Izvješća Brigade HVO “Herceg Stjepan” od 9. i the 3rd Brigade of the HVO and deployed in the wider
10. svibnja 1993.
Mostar area.14
721 IZM OZ S/ZH, Zapovijed br. 01-459 od 11. 5. 1993.; IZM
OZ S/ZH, Izvanredno izvješće br. 01-564/93 od 18. 5.
1993.; Brigada “Herceg Stjepan” od 19. 5. 1993. u 22.00 h;
GS HVO, Izvješće ur. br. 02-2/1-09-1083/93 od 16. 6. 1993. 14 Statement by General Stanko Sopta.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Kažnjenička bojna. Krajem lipnja OZ Sjeverozapadna The fighting for Bokševica is relatively unknown to
Hercegovina prikupila je za novi napad snage iz sastava the general public. However, most of the HVO troops
pukovnije Bruno Bušić, 2. bojne Vojne policije, bojne Lud- that participated in the fighting agree that the combat
vig Pavlović, satnije Garavi, ATG-a Grdani, brigade Herceg there was more ferocious and bloody than any other
Stjepan, brigade Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić i brigade Rama. they took part in during the Muslim-Croat war. The HVO
Napad je izveden 4. srpnja, no nije uspio jer je otpor AR- lost Bokševica because it failed to adequately command
BiH bio prejak. Bojna Klis i preostalo hrvatsko stanovniš- and coordinate the troops engaged in the fighting, es-
tvo povukli su se 7. i 8. srpnja prema Prozoru i Kreševu. pecially with regard to the formations belonging to Op-
Crta obrane prema Konjicu organizirana je na smjeru erative Zone Southeast Herzegovina – that despite the
Kućani – Tošćanica. Od ljudstva s područja Klisa u Čaplji- fact that Konjic and Jablanica were in Operative Zone
ni je osnovana Samostalna bojna Klis i pridodana 3. bri- Southeast Herzegovina’s area of responsibility. It has to
gadi HVO-a te angažirana na širem području Mostara.722 be noted though that on account of higher, that is to say
Premda su gotovo nepoznate široj javnosti, borbe political interests, by the beginning of June, 1993, Op-
za Bokševicu većina angažiranih postrojbi HVO-a drži erative Zone Northwest Herzegovina’s offensive actions
najtežim dijelom svojega ratnog puta. Hrvatsko vijeće were stopped twice at moments when it was ready and
obrane izgubilo je Bokševicu zbog slabije koordinacije, able to attack with excellent odds for success. This fact
posebice u snagama OZ-a Jugoistočna Hercegovina, also influenced the negative outcome, for the HVO, of
premda su Konjic i Jablanica bili u njezinoj zoni nadlež- the battles for Bokševica.
nosti. Zbog viših, odnosno političkih interesa, OZ Sjeve- The remnants of the Jablanica contingent of the
rozapadna Hercegovina do početka lipnja 1993. dvaput Herceg Stjepan Brigade, the Mijat Tomić battalion, re-
je zaustavljana u trenutku kada je imala spremne plano- mained in the Doljani – Jablanica area. The battalion
ve i dovedene snage. To je također utjecalo na porazan was reinforced with a company consisting of soldiers
ishod borbi za Bokševicu.723 from Široki Brijeg and remained in Operative Zone
Ostaci jablaničkoga dijela brigade Herceg Stjepan, Southeast Herzegovina. It was destroyed on July 28,
bojna Mijat Tomić ostala je sa zonom djelovanja na smje- 1993, when VI Corps of the ARBIH suddenly attacked
ru Doljani – Jablanica. Bojna je ojačana satnijom pripad- Doljani. The attack was mounted so as to help the
nika HVO-a iz Širokog Brijega i ostala je u sastavu OZ-a troops attacking Bugojno. During that attack the AR-
Jugoistočna Hercegovina. Razbijena je 28. srpnja 1993. u BIH committed a gruesome atrocity – Muslim soldiers
iznenadnom prepadu snaga 6. korpusa ARBiH na Doljane bestially killed 39 Croats, most of them civilians. Some
u sklopu rasterećenja snaga koje su osvajale Bugojno, pri HVO soldiers were killed or captured, some retreated
čemu je počinjen jedan od najvećih muslimanskih zloči- towards Posušje and Tomislavgrad. On the same the
na nad Hrvatima – ubijeno je i izmasakrirano 39 Hrvata, Penal Battalion, with artillery support, and reinforced
među njima i veći broj civila. Dio vojnika je ubijen ili za- with the regrouped Široki Brijeg Brigade and the Mijat
robljen, dio se povukao prema Posušju i Tomislavgradu. Tomić Battalion recaptured the lost positions in Dolja-
Istog dana je Kažnjenička bojna uz potporu topništva i ni, Strop and Stipića Livade. The HVO position in Dol-
prestrojenih snaga širokobriješke brigade i bojne Mijat jani by that time was pretty much hopeless because
Tomić vratila izgubljene položaje u Doljanima, Stropu i the battalion defending it, due to losses, had been
reduced to a company-size unit. Making matters even
more desperate, the positions in Doljani, in terms of
722 OZ SZH, Izvanredno izvješće str. pov. br. 01-1099/93 od command and control, were located in an undefined
19. 6. 1993.; IZM OZ SZH, Izvanredno izvješće str. pov. br.
area between the boundaries of Operative Zone
01-1138/93 od 21. 6. 1993.; IZM OZ SZH, Redovno borbe-
no izvješće str. pov. br. 01-1145/93 od 21. 6. 1993.; Zapo- Northwest Herzegovina and Operative Zone South-
vijed za aktivna bojna djelovanja IZM OZ S/ZH od 28. 6. east Herzegovina. One battalion of the Široki Brijeg
1993.; Službena zabilješka Vojne policije Konjic od 12. 7. Brigade of the HVO was also deployed in Doljani. The
1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH u Prozoru, Odgovor na upozorenje, str.
pov. br. 01-1738 od 17. 7. 1993.; 3. brigada HVO str. pov. br.
situation persisted until the beginning of September,
03-528-31/93 od 31. 8. 1993.; Izjava generala Stanka Sopte. when the Široki Brijeg Brigade was relieved by the 5th
723 ZOZS/ZH, zapisnik sa sastanka sa zapovjednicima br. Brigade of the Posušje HVO. At the end of October,
01/5-235-1 od 5. 6. 1993. 1993, the Mijat Tomić Battalion was attached to the


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Zločin ARBiH, Stipića livada – ubijeni Hrvati.

Bodies of Croatian civilians murdered by the ARBiH in Stipića livade.

Stipića livadama. Doljani su od tada bili u teškom stanju Kralj Tomislav Brigade. With that the forces in Dolja-
jer se bojna osula i svela na slabiju satniju, a uz to su bili na ni and Slatina were subordinated to Operative Zone
nedefiniranom spoju operativnih zona Sjeverozapadna i Northwest Herzegovina.15
Jugoistočna Hercegovina. Uz njih je bila angažirana boj-
na Širokobriješke brigade HVO-a. Takvo je stanje trajalo Mostar
do početka rujna, kada su Širokobriježani zamijenjeni, a
obranu sektora Doljani preuzela je 5. brigada HVO-a Po- Mostar was the most important inhabited area in the
sušje. Krajem listopada 1993. bojna Mijat Tomić pridoda- HVO-controlled territory and the administrative center
na je brigadi Kralj Tomislav, čime su Doljani i Slatina ušli u of the Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia. The polit-
sastav OZ-a Sjeverozapadna Hercegovina.724 ical and military leadership of the HVO, HQ of the oper-
ative zone, HQ of the 2nd Brigade, HQ of the 3rd Brigade
Mostar were based in Mostar. A number of smaller formations
were also stationed in the city. The ARBIH had, in the city
Mostar je bio najvažnije naseljeno mjesto u zoni and its environs, IV Corps, 41st Motorized Brigade and
koju je HVO nadzirao i bila mu je namijenjena uloga sre- Independent Šargan and Nevesinje Battalions. In the
dišta Hrvatske zajednice Herceg-Bosne. U gradu je bilo southern part of the municipality elements of the 42nd
sjedište političkoga i vojnoga vrha HVO-a, zapovjedniš- Mountain Brigade were stationed. The ARBIH had some
tvo operativne zone, 2. i 3. brigade HVO-a te nekoliko strongholds deep on the western side created by “mo-
manjih sastava. Armija Republike BiH imala je u gradu bilizing” residential buildings. The HVO was quick on the
i okolici sjedište 4. korpusa, 41. mtbr i samostalne ba- uptake and tried to induce, by negotiations, the ARBIH to
taljune Šargan i Nevesinje. Na samom jugu općine bio desist from the practice.
je dio 42. brdske brigade. Dio uporišta ARBiH bio je du- After elements of the ARBIH IV Corps attacked the
boko na zapadnoj strani, a nastajala su “mobiliziranjem” HVO forces in Konjic and Jablanica on April 14. the HVO,
zgrada, što je HVO rano uočio i nastojao na miran način, on the following day, reacted by blocking the northern
dogovorima spriječiti jer je bilo očito da se radi o načinu approaches to the city in a bid to prevent the conflict
zauzimanja prostora bez borbe. from spreading to Mostar and other municipalities in the
Neretva Valley. The HVO planned to disarm the Muslims
724 GS HVO, Zapovijed ur. br. 02-2/1-01-2270/93 od 1. 9. in Drežnica but gave up on the idea. The HQ of IV Corps
1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, Rješavanje problema br. 01-3406/93
od 5. 9. 1993.; GS OS HR HB, Zapovijed ur. br. 02-2/1-01-
3137/93 od 23. 10. 1993.; Dossier: Zločini muslimanskih
postrojbi, 72-74; Izjava generala Miljenka Lasića. 15 Statement by General Miljenko Lasić.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Nakon što su dijelovi 4. korpusa ARBiH 14. travnja started sending reports to Sarajevo to the effect that the
napali HVO u Konjicu i Jablanici, HVO je idućega dana Croatian Army reinforced the HVO in Mostar. The claim
blokirao sjeverne ulaze u grad želeći spriječiti širenje was deliberately false.
sukoba na Mostar i ostale općine u dolini Neretve. Pla- On the morning of April 19 fighting between the
nirana je i akcija razoružanja muslimanskoga stanovniš- HVO and the ARBIH erupted in the city center in Mostar
tva u Drežnici, no nije realizirana. Nakon blokade grada and then in the southern part of Cernica and Ribarnica
Komanda 4. korpusa počela je slati izvješća u Sarajevo area. During the day the 41st Motorized Brigade with rein-
da je HV pojačao HVO u Mostaru, što nije bila istina.725 forcements prepared both to defend its positions and go
Ujutro 19. travnja izbio je sukob između HVO-a i AR- into the attack and also to link up with the Independent
BiH u središtu grada Mostara, a potom na južnom dijelu Blagaj Company in the Buna area and capture Hum Hill
Cernice i području Ribarnice. Tijekom dana se 41. mtbr and Sjeverni Logor barracks and a number of key facili-
ARBiH s ojačanjima pripremila za obranu i prelazak u ties in the city but the plan failed. The HVO kept elements
napad, spajanje sa snagama samostalne čete Blagaj u of the 2nd and 3rd Brigades, elements of the Bruno Bušić
području sela Buna te zauzimanje brda Hum i vojarne Regiment and Military Police in reserve in case of an AR-
Sjeverni logor, kao i nekoliko vitalnih objekata u gradu, BIH attack. A number of skirmishes occurred on April 20
što joj nije uspjelo. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane držalo je u and both sides suffered casualties, a number of fatalities
prevenciji za sukob dijelove 2. i 3. brigade, dio pukovnije among them. During these battles troops belonging to
Bruno Bušić i Vojne policije. Povremenih sukoba bilo je the Light Military Police Battalion captured the ARBIH
20. travnja i u njima je bilo poginulih i ranjenih. U tim positions at the Mostar Hotel and the student hall, thus
borbama pripadnici Lakojurišne bojne Vojne policije za- cutting the line of communications with the HQ of the
uzeli su uporišta ARBiH u hotelu Mostar i Đačkom domu, ARBIH IV Corps, located in the Vranice building.
čime je presječena komunikacija prema zapovjedništvu Both sides strove to defuse the situation and on April
4. korpusa ARBiH, smještenom u zgradi Vranice. Obje 21 they agreed to withdrew the troops to barracks and
su se strane trudile smiriti stanje, pa je 21. travnja do- remove barricades and establish a clearly delineated line
govoreno povlačenje vojske u vojarne i uklanjanje po- of separation: the left bank, that is, the eastern part of
stavljenih zaklona za borbu, te crta razgraničenja: lijeva Mostar, as far as the Boulevard, would be under the con-
obala, tj. istočni dio Mostara, sve do Bulevara, bio je pod trol of the ARBIH and the right bank, that is the western
kontrolom ARBiH, a desna obala, tj. zapadni dio Mosta- part of Mostar would be under the control of the HVO.
ra bio je pod kontrolom HVO-a. Već 23. travnja stanje se On April 23 the situation was calm but neither side fully
smirilo, premda postignuti dogovor ni jedna strana nije stuck to the agreement.16 The 41st Motorized Brigade, as
sasvim realizirala.726 U skladu s postignutim dogovorom, per the agreement, was supposed to withdraw all of its
41. mtbr ARBiH trebala je sve jedinice i materijalno-teh- troops, equipment and matériel to the Konak barracks
nička sredstva povući u vojarne Konak i Južni logor.727 and the Južni Logor barracks.
Idućih se dana primirje uz izgrede održalo. Armija The cease-fire held during the course of the next few
Republike BiH žalila se da pripadnici HVO-a pljačkaju days, even though a number of incidents did take place.
po gradu, oduzimaju oružje i izbacuju vojnike i civile The ARBIH complained that the HVO soldiers were en-
gaged in robbing people in the city, disarming Muslims
725 Zapovjedništvo 4. korpusa, Operativni izvještaj dj. br. and kicking out Muslim soldiers and civilians from their
02-2560-14/93 od 14. 4. 1993.; GS HVO, Zapovijed dj. br. apartments in the city. The HVO claimed ARBIH soldiers
01-639/93 od 15. 4. 1993. were engaged in exactly the same activities, only tar-
726 Komanda 4. korpusa, Dnevno operativno izvještavanje dj. geting Croats as opposed to Muslims. The situation was
br. 02/1-3200-14/93 od 19. 4. 1993.; Komanda 41. mot. br getting progressively worse. The main reason for this
ARBiH, Zapovijest za odbranu dj. br. 470 od 19. 4. 1993.;
ICTY: Priopćenja za javnost Petra Zelenike i Arifa Pašalića od was the fact that the ARBIH did not honor the agreement
20. 4. i 21.4.1993.; GS HVO, Izvješće ur. br. 02-2/1-09-674/93 made in Konjic. It soon became clear to everyone that a
od 23. 4. 1993.; OZ JiH, Zapovijed dj. br. 01-2471/93 od 21.
4. 1993.; Komanda 41. mtbr ARBiH, Analiza stanja dj. br. 480-
1/93 od 27. 4. 1993.; Izjava generala Zlatana Mije Jelića.
727 ICTY: Komanda 4. korpusa ARBiH, Naredba, pov. br. 01-
3303/93 od 21. 4. 1993. 16 Statement by General Zlatan Mijo Jelić.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Muslimane iz stanova u gradu. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane large scale conflict was inevitable17. The HQ of IV Corps,
žalilo se na slične postupke ARBiH.728 Stanje se sustavno therefore, issued “necessary tasks” on May 8.
pogoršavalo jer je uglavnom bilo odraz nepoštivanja The fighting in Mostar started on the morning of
sporazuma ARBiH u Konjicu. Sukob je bio izvjestan,729 May 9. The HVO deployed elements of the 2nd and 3rd Bri-
pa je Komanda 4. korpusa ARBiH 8. svibnja izdala “po- gades and smaller elements of most of the professional
trebne zadatke”.730 formations: the Bruno Bušić Regiment, Ludvig Pavlović
Borbe u Mostaru počele su ujutro 9. svibnja. Uz dije- Battalion, Penal Battalion, Juka Prazina’s ATG, Military
love 2. i 3. brigade HVO je angažirao dijelove većine pro- Police and elements of the 4th Brigades of the Croatian
fesionalnih sastava: pukovnije Bruno Bušić, bojne Ludvig Army. The fighting raged in the city until May 12. Fight-
Pavlović, Kažnjeničke bojne, ATG-a Juke Prazine, Vojne ing occurred around the city as well. There, the ARBIH
policije, kao i dio 4. brigade HVO-a. Bile su to prve velike was more successful than the HVO. On May 10 the ARBIH
gradske borbe HVO-a i ARBiH, a završile su 12. svibnja. Su- destroyed one HVO company in Grabovica and secured
koba je bilo i u široj okolici grada, gdje je ARBiH imala više the Jablanica – Mostar road. The ARBIH also dislodged
uspjeha jer je 10. svibnja razbila satniju HVO-a u Grabovici the HVO troops from the defensive line on the Podvelež-
i otklonila opasnost od presijecanja prometnice Jablanica je plateau. According to the HVO reports of May 14, 25
– Mostar. Također je preuzela crtu obrane HVO-a u Podve- soldiers were killed in action during the fighting, 23 of
ležju. Prema podacima HVO-a od 14. svibnja, u sukobu je those HVO soldiers and 167 soldiers were wounded, 21
poginulo 25 vojnika, od čega 23 iz HVO-a, a ranjeno je 167 of those Muslim soldiers. 12 civilians were killed and 45
vojnika, od čega 21 muslimanske nacionalnosti. Poginulo wounded. When the report was issued the process of
je 12 i ranjeno 45 civila. Za 11 poginulih osoba identifi- identifying 11 killed civilians was in still progress. The
kacija je bila u tijeku. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane zauzelo je HVO captured the HQ of IV Corps in the Vranice build-
sjedište 4. korpusa, u zgradi Vranice, u zapadnom dijelu ing, in west Mostar, and took 13 Muslim soldiers prison-
Mostara, koji je prema sporazumu bio pod kontrolom er and retained control of the parts of the city situated
HVO-a, i zarobilo 13 vojnika te zadržalo kontrolu nad di- on the right bank of the Neretva River, except the area
jelom Mostara na desnoj obali Neretve, s iznimkom dijela around the Old Bridge and right along the riverbank. On
oko Staroga mosta i uz samu Neretvu. Na lijevoj obali dr- the left bank the HVO was in possession of the Sjeverni
žalo je vojarnu Sjeverni logor.731 Logor barracks.
Stanje u gradu bilo je teško, podjele su bile nepre- The situation in the city was difficult, the differences
between the Croats and Muslims were insurmountable
and grew with each new incident, skirmish and battle
728 Komanda 4. korpusa, Operativni izvještaj dj. br. 02/1-
3200 od 3. 5. 1993.; Komanda 4. korpusa, Operativni izv- on other fronts. The situation in the part of Mostar con-
ještaj dj. br. 02/1-3200-54/93 od 5. 5. 1993.; OZ JiH, Slijed trolled by the ARBIH was especially difficult because of
događaja dj. br. 03-0461-1/93 od 3. 6. 1993. the HVO’s blockade of the lines of communication lead-
729 Iz izvješća zapovjednika 4. korpusa, Arifa Pašalića od 2. ing to Jablanica and Konjic imposed on May 9. The HVO
svibnja 1993. razvidno je da je u zoni korpusa bilo izvrše- and the ARBIH agreed to start releasing POWs and arrest
no „uvezivanje sa našim ljudima u HVO-u“, tj. Muslimani-
ma u HVO-u. ICTY: Komanda 4. korpusa ARBiH, Izvještaj civilians. The agreement was honored by both sides. The
str. pov. br. 01-3573/93 od 2. 5. 1993. numerical strength of the HVO brigades diminished, and
730 Komanda 4. korpusa, Izvještaj str. pov. br. 02-3763/93 od also its combat value, because Muslim soldiers serving in
8. 5. 1993. them started to desert, taking their weapons with them
731 Spisak ranjenih i poginulih Sektora za zdravstvo Odje- and joining the ARBIH. The HZ HB did not react to the
la obrane HZ HB od 14. 5. 1993.; Pukovnija “Ante Bru- trend. There were still many Muslim soldiers serving in
no Bušić”, Izvješće dj. br. 01-435/93 od 28. 5. 1993.; OZ
JiH, Slijed događaja dj. br. 03-0461-1/93 od 3. 6. 1993.;
Esad ŠEJTANIĆ, Hercegovci na ognjenim vratima Bosne,
IC Štamparija, Mostar, Sarajevo, 2005., 147; Mustafa PO- 17 The report by the commander of IV Corps, Arif Pašalić,
LUTAK, “Politička i vojna situacija u zoni odgovornosti 4. of May 2, 1993, clearly shows that, in the area of
korpusa i 6. korpusa ARBiH tokom 1993. godine”, u: 1993. responsibility of IV Corps, the Bosnian troops „joined our
– prelomna godina rata za odbranu Bosne i Hercegovine, men in the HVO“, i.e. the Muslims in the HVO. ICTY: HQ,
Udruženje za zaštitu tekovina borbe u BiH, Sarajevo, IV Corps of the ARBIH. Report No. 01-3573/93 of May 2,
2011., 87; Izjava generala Zlatana Mije Jelića. 1993, strictly confidential.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

mostive i rasle su sa sukobima na drugim dijelovima ra- the HVO. The number of men in the 3rd Brigade of the
tišta. Posebice je teško bilo stanje u dijelu Mostara pod HVO in the second half of May fell from 2,200 to 980. The
nadzorom ARBiH, zbog blokade prema Jablanici i Konji- Brigade also lost a number of support weaponry which
cu koju je HVO uveo 9. svibnja. U skladu s dogovorom, remained in the area the ARBIH had gained control over.
krajem mjeseca obje su strane počele puštati pritvorene The process of bringing the Mostar brigade back up to
civile i zarobljene vojnike. Brojno stanje brigada HVO-a strength was slow and ineffective.
smanjivalo se zbog odlaska vojnika muslimanske naci- In the second half of June the city area of Mostar was
onalnosti, kao i oružja i opreme koju su oni odnijeli. No divided into the area of responsibility of the Mostar bri-
taj proces nisu pratile jasne političke smjernice HZ HB-a gades of the HVO. The northern part of the city fell into
o njihovu angažmanu, pa je u HVO-u i dalje bio relativ- the area of responsibility of the 2nd Brigade. The southern
no velik broj vojnika Muslimana. Broj vojnika u Trećoj part of the city was in the area of responsibility of the
brigadi HVO-a u drugoj je polovini svibnja pao s 2200 3rd Brigade. In the 2nd Brigade’s area the 1st Defense Sec-
na 980, a brigada je ostala i bez dijela oruđa za potporu tor was formed and in the 3rd Brigade’s area the Sector of
koja su ostala na području nad kojim je ARBiH preuzela Mostar Defense was formed. Clashes between the HVO
nadzor. Popuna mostarskih brigada HVO-a bila je spora and the ARBIH were ever more frequent and ever longer
i neučinkovita.732 lasting. In the second half of June hardly a day passed
U drugoj polovini lipnja gradsko područje Mostara without a skirmish. The ARBIH launched a strong attack
podijeljeno je na zone odgovornosti mostarskih briga- on the Boulevard on June 24. Fighting lasted all day on
da HVO-a. Sjeverno je bila 2., a južno 3. brigada. U zoni Šantić Street, especially around the HDZ building and
2. brigade osnovan je 1. sektor obrane, a u zoni 3. briga- nearby houses.
de 2. sektor obrane Mostara. Sukobi HVO-a i ARBiH bili The fighting on June 24 was a prelude to the stron-
su sve češći i duži, a u drugoj polovini lipnja gotovo sva- gest ARBIH attack to date. The ARBIH’s aim was to capture
kodnevni. Armija Republike BiH izvela je 24. lipnja jak Mostar and open the Jablanica road. After midnight on
napad na Bulevar. Cijeli su se dan vodile borbe u Šanti- June 30 the 41st Motorized Brigade with the Gacka and
ćevoj ulici, posebice oko zgrade HDZ-a i okolnih kuća.733 Nevesinje Battalions attacked the HVO along the most
Bio je to uvod za do tada najveći napad ARBiH, čija of the length of the separation line, focusing their main
je svrha bila zauzimanje Mostara i otvaranje prometni- effort on Bijelo Polje and the Tihomir Mišić barracks. The
ce prema Jablanici. Nakon ponoći 29./30. lipnja snage ARBIH managed to achieve total tactical surprise. With
41. mtbr s Gackim i Nevesinjskim bataljunom napale su the help of, or more accurately, thanks to the betrayal of
HVO duž većega dijela crte razdvajanja, težišno vojarnu Muslim soldiers serving in the HVO, the ARBIH stormed
Tihomir Mišić i Bijelo polje. Iznenađenje je bilo potpuno. the barracks housing the headquarters of the 2nd Brigade
Uz pomoć, zapravo izdaju muslimana pripadnika HVO-a, of the HVO and its two battalions. The HVO troops there
snage ARBiH na prepad su upale u vojarnu u kojoj su bila put up a fight and with the help of the ATG of the Mil-
zapovjedništva 2. brigade HVO-a i njezinih dviju bojni. itary Police managed to withdraw in good order from
Uz pomoć ATG-a Vojne policije HVO se prijepodne uspio the barracks during the morning. The attackers captured
izvući iz vojarne, a ARBiH ju je zaposjela i počela izvlačiti the barracks and started to take away all the ammuni-
oružje i streljivo. Bio je to uspješan dan za ARBiH, bez sum- tion and weapons they found there. It was a successful
nje najuspješniji u zoni 4. korpusa tijekom cijeloga rata. day for the ARBIH, undoubtedly the most successful day
Zauzela je vojarnu sa Zapovjedništvom 2. brigade HVO-a, in IV Corps’ area of responsibility during the entire war.
Vrapčiće, branu Salakovac, HE Mostar i Raštane. Na lijevoj The ARBIH captured the barracks with the headquarters
obali Neretve HVO se održao u džepu oko naselja Vojno i of the 2nd Brigade of the HVO, and captured the village
samostanu časnih sestara u Potocima, odnosno Bijelom of Vrapčići, Salakovac dam, HE Mostar and Raštane. On
polju. Zbog prelaska vojnika muslimanske nacionalnosti the left bank of the Neretva River the HVO managed to
hold an enclave around the Vojno neighborhood and
732 SIS 3. brigade HVO, Izvješće dj. br. 149/93 od 22. 5. 1993.;
the nuns’ monastery in Potoci. Because of the problems
OZ JiH, Izvješće dj. br. 03-0511/93 od 29. 6. 1993. associated with the fact that many Muslim soldiers had
733 OZ JiH, Zapovijed dj. br. 01-3543/93 od 19. 6. 1993.; OZ deserted from the HVO the Main Staff of the HVO or-
JiH, Izvješće od 24. 6. 1993. u 18,00 sati. dered that the Muslims soldiers still serving in the HVO


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

na stranu ARBiH načelnik Glavnoga stožera HVO-a zapo- be disarmed and all able bodied men of military age
vjedio je da se razoružaju Muslimani u svim postrojbama be isolated. During the day the HVO managed to con-
u kojima ih ima, a vojno sposobni muškarci izoliraju. Ti- solidate a defensive line in the city, especially on high
jekom dana HVO je nastojao organizirati crtu obrane u ground. The troops manning the position on Vrdi were
gradu, posebice na dominantnim visovima. Položaj na reinforced with a reinforced company from Grude and
Vrdima pojačan je ojačanom satnijom iz Gruda, a na Đu- the HVO troops defending the position on Đubrani were
branima satnijom iz Širokog Brijega.734 reinforced with a company from Široki Brijeg.
Od 2. srpnja šire područje Mostara, odnosno OZ-a On July 2 the wider Mostar area, that is Operative
Jugoistočna Hercegovina podijeljeno je u tri zone djelo- Zone Southeast Herzegovina, was divided into three
vanja. U području od Vrda do Raštana i Goranaca (kasniji areas of operations. In the Vrdi – Raštane – Goranci area
Sektor Sjever) angažirane su novoformirane brigade (later designated as Sector North) the newly formed
Grude i Široki Brijeg, dio snaga 2. brigade HVO-a, ATG Grude and Široki Brijeg Brigades, elements of the 2nd Bri-
Tuta i dijelovi VP-a. Zapovjednik sektora bio je pukovnik gade of the HVO, ATG Tuta and elements of the Military
Miro Andrić, a od početka rujna pukovnik Ivan Primorac. Police were deployed. The commander of the sector was
Zadatak sektora bio je spriječiti spajanje snaga ARBiH od Colonel Miro Andrić. At the start of September Andrić
Jablanice i Konjica sa snagama u Bijelom polju, a potom was replaced by Colonel Ivica Primorac. The task of the
zauzeti Bijelo polje. Središnji dio OZ-a Jugoistočna Her- forces in the sector was to prevent the ARBIH forces in
cegovina bila je Obrana grada Mostara u zoni od Vrap- Jablanica and Konjic from linking up with the ARBIH forc-
čića i Ravnog Cimora do Rodoča i Miljkovića. U njezinu es in Bijelo Polje and then capture Bijelo Polje. The cen-
sastavu bili su dijelovi 2. i 3. brigade HVO-a, brigade tral part of Operative Zone Southeast Herzegovina was
HVO-a Čitluk, Vojne policije, ATG-a Mostar, Domobran- the Defense of the City of Mostar in a zone stretching
ska pukovnija i civilna policija. Zapovjednik je bio briga- from Vrapčići and Ravni Cimor to Rodoč and Miljkovići.
dir Miljenko Lasić, a od početka kolovoza bojnik Zlatan It consisted of elements of the 2nd and 3rd Brigades of the
Mijo Jelić. Zadatak Obrane grada Mostara bio je staviti HVO, Čitluk Brigade, Military Police, ATG Mostar, Home
pod nadzor desnu obalu Mostara i spriječiti prelazak Guard Regiment and regular civilian police. The com-
ARBiH s lijeve na desnu obalu Neretve, a u nastavku oči- mander was Brigadier Miljenko Lasić. He was replaced,
stiti istočni dio grada. Sektor Jug bio je južno od zone at the beginning of August, by Major Zlatan Mijo Jelić.
Obrane grada Mostara i uključivao je 1. brigadu HVO-a, a The task of the Defense of the City of Mostar was to put
zapovjednik je bio pukovnik Nedjeljko Obradović. U sa- under control the right bank of the river in the city area
stavu sektora bili su dijelovi 1., 3. i 4. brigade HVO-a, boj- and prevent the ARBIH from crossing to the right bank
na Ludvig Pavlović, dijelovi Vojne policije i domobranske of the river and then chase away the Muslim forces from
postrojbe tih općina. Zadatak sektora bio je ovladati east Mostar. Sector South was located south of the zone
objektom Hum, selima Blagaj i Kosor, a u nastavku čišće- of the Defense of the City of Mostar. Its commander was
nje područja na smjeru Blagaj – Dračevice – Gnojnice. Colonel Nedjeljko Obradović. Sector South had under
Sektori su postojali do završetka muslimansko-hrvatsko- its command the 1st Brigade of the HVO, elements of
ga rata. U drugoj polovini srpnja HVO je dovršio sustav the 1st, 3rd and 4th Brigades of the HVO, the Ludvig Pav-
obrane dodjelom zona odgovornosti brigadama iz za- lović Battalion, elements of the Military Police and Home
padne Hercegovine od Vrda do Popova polja. Sredinom Guard units from the municipalities in the sector’s area.
srpnja HVO je nasuprot ARBiH imao oko 3600 ljudi: 900 The task of these troops was to capture Hum, villages of
južno od Mostara, 1200 u gradu, 1200 sjeverno od grada Blagaj and Kosor and then mop up the Blagaj – Dračevice
– Gnojnice area. The sectors were in existence until the
end of the Muslim-Croat war. In the second half of July
734 OZ JiH, Izvješće dj. br. 01-3747/93 od 30. 6. 1993.; OZ JiH,
Upozorenje dj. br. 01-0512/93 od 30. 6. 1993.; Izvanred- the HVO completed organizing its system of defense by
no izvješće 2. brigade HVO od 30. 6. 1993.; ICTY: GS HVO, allocating zones of responsibility to the brigades from
Zapovijed br. 02-2/1-1244/93 od 30. 6. 1993.; OZ JiH, western Herzegovina from Vrdi as far as the Popovo field.
Izvješće dj. br. 01-0515/93 od 1. 7. 1993.; Nerzuk Čurak, In mid-July the HVO had about 3,600 men under arms
“Da Hujke nije poginuo Mostar bi sav bio naš”, Prva linija,
br. 7, 30. 8. 1993., 6; E. ŠEJTANIĆ, Hercegovci na ognjenim deployed opposite the ARBIH positions: 900 men south
vratima, 150. of Mostar, 1,200 men in the city, 1,200 north of the city


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

i oko 300 u profesionalnim sastavima koji su korišteni za and 300 serving in professional units and used for mo-
napadna djelovanja.735 U sjeverozapadnom dijelu opći- bile offensive tasks. In the northwestern part of the mu-
ne Mostar, nasuprot ARBiH u Gornjoj Drežnici, crtu je na nicipality of Mostar, opposite the ARBIH troops in Gornja
padinama Čvrsnice i Čabulje krajem srpnja organizirala Drežnica the 5th Brigade of the HVO Posušje established
5. brigada HVO-a Posušje. Snage HVO-a iz Posušja tu su a defensive line on the slopes of Čvrsnica and Čabulja at
bile od proljeća, no radilo se o povremenim ophodnja- the end of July. The HVO forces from Posušje had been
ma i manjim sastavima Samostalne bojne Rafael Boban. tasked with defending the positions on the slopes since
Crta se u početku držala s oko 700 do 1000 ljudi, ali po- spring, but there was no defensive line to speak of there.
nekad ih je znalo biti i osjetno manje.736 Instead, the Posušje troops had intermittently patrolled
S naoružanjem i opremom otuđenom i zaroblje- the area and only smaller groups of soldiers from the
nom od HVO-a, ARBiH je bila u stanju naoružati novo Independent Rafael Boban Battalion were used. At first,
ljudstvo i krajem lipnja i početkom srpnja osnovala je 700 to 1,000 men held the line, sometimes even less.
dvije nove brigade: 47. brdsku za područje Bijelog po- With the weapons and equipment captured from
lja i Drežnice i 48. brdsku za područje između Mostara i the HVO the ARBIH was capable of arming new recruits
Blagaja. Prema podacima HVO-a, 4. korpus ARBiH imao and toward the end of June and at the beginning of
je u prvoj polovini srpnja na širem području Mostara July it formed two new brigades: the 47th Mountain Bri-
(od Drežnice do Blagaja) oko 5000 ljudi: 1700 sjeverno gade for the area of Bijelo Polje and Drežnica and the
od Mostara, 1800 u Mostaru i 1500 južno od Mostara. 48th Mountain Brigade for the area between Mostar and
Radi lakšega zapovijedanja u kolovozu su snage 4. kor- Blagaj. According to the HVO’s reports, the ARBIH V Corps
pusa podijeljene u operativne grupe: OG Jug 1 za Bla- had in the second half of July in the wider Mostar area
gaj, OG Jug 2 za Gnojnice i Kočine, OG Centar za Mostar (from Drežnica to Blagaj) around 5,000 men: 1,700 of
i OG Sjever za Drežnicu i Bijelo polje.737 those were deployed north of Mostar, 1,800 in Mostar
Nakon iznenađenja, odnosno napada ARBiH i and 1,500 south of Mostar. In August the forces of IV
izdaje Muslimana - pripadnika HVO-a 30. lipnja, te Corps were divided into Operational Groups: Operation-
konsolidiranja stanja, HVO je planirao protunapad za al Group South -1 for Blagaj, Operational Group South-2
vraćanje izgubljenih položaja, a potom i razbijanje for Gnojnice and Kočine, Operational Group Center for
muslimanskih snaga. Za taj je plan pojačan taktičkom Mostar and Operational Group North for Drežnica and
skupinom 5. gardijske brigade HV-a jačine oko 700 lju- Bijelo Polje.
di, što je bio početak angažmana te postrojbe u mu- The HVO, having recovered from the ARBIH surprise
slimansko-hrvatskom ratu. Skupina je iz zaleđa Zadra attack and consequent losses of ground and facilities,
8. srpnja dovedena u Neum i Ploče, a potom od 11. do consolidated its positions and planned to mount a coun-
14. srpnja prebačena u Heliodrom kod Mostara. Bila je terattack with the aim of recapturing the lost positions
temelj Prve operativne skupine (OS-1), koja je posto- and, following that, decisively defeating the Muslim
jala do kraja mjeseca, a čiji je zapovjednik bio briga- forces. The HVO received reinforcements from Croatia in
dir Luka Džanko. HVO je time ojačan i zbog mogućeg the form of a tactical group, 700 men strong, from the
napada ARBiH dolinom Neretve do Ploča, odnosno 5th Guards Brigade of the Croatian Army for the task.
radi čuvanja hrvatske granice. Uz pomoć OS-1 Glavni This was to be the beginning of the 5th Guards Brigade’s
stožer HVO-a planirao je vratiti izgubljene položaje i participation in the Muslim-Croat war. The group was
u povoljnom razvoju događanja očistiti od musliman- brought from Zadar’s hinterland to Neum and Ploče on
July 8 and thence moved to the Heliodrom near Mostar
735 ICTY: GS HVO, Zapovijed br. 02-2/1-1259/93 od 2. 7. 1993.; between July 11 and July 14. The tactical group formed
GS HVO, Analiza stanja dj. br. 02-2/1-01-1373/93 od 15. 7. the core of the 1st Operational Troop (OS-1) which was
1993.; OZ JiH, Zapovijed dj. br. 01-4312/93 od 22. 7. 1993. in existence until the end of the month. Its commander
736 SIS brigade “Posušje”, Izvješće br. 02-2/93 od 2. 8. 1993.; was Brigadier Luka Džanko. The HVO had now enhanced
Brigada “Posušje”, Izvješće br. 01-453/93 od 18. 8. 1993.; its offensive capabilities but also its defensive strength as
Brigada “Posušje”, Izvješće br. 01-536 od 22. 8. 1993.
regards protecting the Croatian border should the ARBIH
737 GS HVO, Analiza stanja dj. br. 02-2/1-01-1373/93 od 15.
7. 1993.; R. DREKOVIĆ, U obruču, 461-463; E. ŠEJTANIĆ, choose to attack in the Neretva Valley towards Ploče. The
Hercegovci na ognjenim vratima, 179-180. HVO Main Staff, now that OS-1 was included in the order


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

skih snaga istočni dio Mostara i naselja u okolici.738 of battle, planned to recapture the lost positions and, cir-
Tijekom priprema HVO-a za napad ARBiH je u ranim cumstances permitting, defeat the Muslim forces in the
jutarnjim satima 13. srpnja ubacila nekoliko diverzant- eastern part of the city and its environs.
skih skupina u zonu 3. brigade HVO-a, a potom napala i During the HVO’s preparations for the attack, a num-
zauzela dio crte obrane brigade u području Zračne luke ber of ARBIH commando groups infiltrated into the area
Mostar. Uz gubitke od pet poginulih i 11 ranjenih voj- of the 3rd Brigade of the HVO and other ARBIH troops at-
nika iz satnije Buna i Širokobriješke bojne, 3. brigada je tacked and captured a portion of the defensive line held
u protunapadu vratila izgubljene položaje. Ubačene di- by the 3rd Brigade in the Mostar airport area. The 3rd Bri-
verzantske skupine su pritom razbijene i dijelom unište- gade mounted a counterattack and recaptured the lost
ne. Istovremeno su dijelovi 42. brdske brigade ARBiH 13. position. The Buna Company and the Široki Brijeg battal-
srpnja izveli nekoliko diverzantskih napada na postrojbe ion lost 5 soldiers killed and 11 wounded in the coun-
1. brigade HVO-a na području Gubavice i Dubravskoj vi- terattack. The ARBIH commando groups were defeated
soravni. Težište napada bilo je na Gubavici. Osvajanjem and partially destroyed. At the same time elements of
Gubavice, gdje je bila vojarna, odnosno središte veze the 42nd Mountain Brigade of the ARBIH mounted a few
HVO-a, ARBiH je planirala zaposjesti dominantan polo- attacks on the 1st Brigade of the HVO in the Gubavica –
žaj u blizini Neretve, napraviti spoj sa snagama 48. brd- Dubrava plateau area. The HVO positions on Gubavica
ske brigade u Blagaju i imati otvoren prolaz za prodor were of immense importance because the barracks there
u unutrašnjost Dubrave i dalje prema Stocu, te dolinom housed the communications center of the HVO and with
Neretve prema Jadranskom moru. Drugi cilj napada Gubavica in their hands the Muslims would have a dom-
bio je angažiranje vojno sposobnog ljudstva za ARBiH, inant position near the Neretva River and would be in a
kojeg je u zoni 1. brigade HVO-a bilo nekoliko tisuća. good position to link up with the 48th Mountain Brigade
Muslimanske snage zauzele su selo, osim središta veze in Blagaj and also to mount an attack towards the interi-
HVO-a. Istoga dana HVO je vratio selo uvođenjem sku- or of Dubrava and further on towards Stolac and down
pine pukovnije Bruno Bušić, koja je dovedena s hodnje the Neretva Valley towards the Adriatic sea. Another ob-
prema Rami. Muslimanske skupine su razbijene, nanese- jective of the attack was to recruit able-bodied Muslim
ni su im veliki gubici, a dio je blokiran u nepristupačnim military-age men residing in the zone of the 1st Brigade
područjima kanjona rijeke Bregave i pošumljenom dije- of the HVO – there were about a few thousand poten-
lu Gagrice – Stanojevići. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane također tial recruits in the area. The Muslim forces captured the
je imalo velike gubitke: 16 poginulih, šest zarobljenih i village but could not dislodge the HVO troops from the
četiri nestala vojnika. Muslimanski napad pokazao je sve barracks. On the same day the HVO threw a group of
teškoće držanja crte, pa je na zahtjev 1. brigade HVO-a soldiers belonging to the Bruno Bušić Regiment, which
krajem srpnja obrana ojačana uvođenjem jedne bojne was on its way to Rama, into the counterattack and the
brigade HVO-a Čitluk na šire područje Gubavice.739 group recaptured the village. Some of the attacking
Nakon kratkih priprema, hrvatske su snage ujutro groups were destroyed and some were pinned down on
inaccessible terrain in the canyon of the Bregava River
and densely forested parts of the Gagrice – Stanojevići
738 OZ JiH, Zapovijed za aktivnu obranu, dj. br. 01-4126/93 area. The defenders inflicted a large number of casualties
od 12. 7. 1993.; GS HVO, Analiza stanja dj. br. 02-2/1-01- on the attacking Muslim troops. The HVO also suffered
1373/93 od 15. 7. 1993.; Odsjek SIS-a 3. brigade HVO, Iz-
a high number of casualties: 16 killed, 6 taken prisoner
vješće up. br. 05-0052/93 od 18. 7. 1993.
and four missing soldiers. The Muslim attack exposed
739 GS HVO, Zapovijed ur. br. 02-2/1-01-1350/93 od 13. 7.
1993.; IPD služba 1. brigade HVO (priopćenje o događan- many weaknesses in the defensive line. As a result, the
jima 13. 7. 1993.); 1. brigada HVO “Knez Domagoj”, Izv- 1st Brigade of the HVO requested, at the end of July, that
ješće kl. 81/93-02/11-1, ur. br. 1100-01-93-31 od 16. 7. one battalion belonging to the Čitluk HVO Brigade be
1993.; 1. brigada HVO “Knez Domagoj”, Izvješće kl. 02-
92/931, ur. br. 1100-11-17-93-92 od 18. 7. 1993.; OZ JiH, deployed in the wider Gubavica area.
Zapovijed dj. br. 01-4383/93 od 26. 7. 1993.; 3. brigada After short preparations the HVO attacked south of
HVO, Izvješće, str. pov. br. 03-396-14/93 od 14. 7. 1993.; Mostar on the morning of July 15. The tactical group of
Izjava bojnika Željka Naletilića, zapovjednika bojne “Iv-
ica Jelčić Čarls” (nedatirana, dana 2012. godine); Izjava volunteers from the 5th Guards Brigade of the Croatian
brigadira Ivana Primorca. Army, to which a platoon of the 3rd HVO Brigade was


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

15. srpnja 1993. krenule u napad južno od Mostara. Tak- attached, attacked, in accordance with the plan and fol-
tička skupina dragovoljaca iz 5. gardijske brigade HV-a, lowing direct orders, the defensive line held by the 48th
kojoj je pridodan vod 3. brigade HVO-a smjerom Vina- Mountain Brigade of the ARBIH along the Vinarija – Ener-
rija - Energopetrol - Kočine - Gnjojnice, prema planu i gopetrol – Kočine – Gojnice line. The focus of the attack
zapovijedi, napala je crtu 48. brdske brigade ARBiH. Te- was on Gnojnice. The attack, due to stiff resistance offered
žište napada bilo je na Gnojnicama, no zbog jakog ot- by the ARBIH, was unsuccessful and the group suffered
pora ARBiH napad nije uspio. Skupina HV-a je imala 15 heavy casualties: 15 killed and 30 wounded soldiers. The
poginulih i 30 ranjenih vojnika, zbog čega je pješački infantry contingent of the group, as a result, was with-
dio izvučen iz borbi.740 Istovremeno su snage 3. brigade drawn from combat. At the same time the Independent
HVO-a iz samostalne satnije Buna s pridodanim pripad- Buna company, with troops from Blagaj attached to it,
nicima iz Blagaja, uz potporu skupine Grdani, zauzele of the 3rd HVO Brigade and with the Grdani Group’s sup-
kotu Kičin i bez gubitaka odbacile muslimanske sna- port, captured Kičin Hill and pushed the Muslim forces
ge u Malo polje. Crta je postavljena na koti Kičin čiju back into Malo Polje. The HVO did not suffer any casual-
je obranu preuzela brigada HVO-a iz Čitluka. Bio je to ties in this attack. A new defensive line was established
težak udarac za hrvatske planove aktivne obrane i na on Kičin hill. These positions were defended by the HVO
neko je vrijeme primirio HVO. Njegove snage na po- Čitluk Brigade. The failure of the attack south of Mostar
dručju Mostara u prvim danima kolovoza pojačane su constituted a heavy blow for the HVO’s concept of active
dragovoljačkim satnijama 1., 2. i 5. gardijske brigade defense. The HVO, trying to recover from the disappoint-
HV-a, većinom s dragovoljcima podrijetlom iz BiH, koje ment, remained idle for quite some time after the failed
su uglavnom držane u svojstvu interventnih postrojbi attack. At the beginning of August the HVO forces in the
na širem području grada. Ojačana satnija 5. gardijske Mostar area were augmented by volunteer companies of
brigade ostala je do kraja srpnja, kada je prebačena the 1st, 2nd, and 5th Guards Brigades of the Croatian Army.
na područje Gornjeg Vakufa/Uskoplja, gdje je, uz HVO, For the most part, these troops were held in reserve and
spriječila njegov pad u napadu ARBiH.741 used as an intervention force in the wider Mostar area.
Radi razvlačenja snaga HVO-a i smanjenja njihova Most of these soldiers were born in Bosnia. One rein-
pritiska u Mostaru, 42. brdska brigada ARBiH izvela je s forced company of the 5th Guards Brigade remained in
oko 250 ljudi napad u blizini Blagaja. Ujutro 14. kolovo- the area until the end of July when it was moved to the
za probila je crtu obrane brigade HVO-a Knez Branimir Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje area. There, the company and the
na širem području Bune, zauzela kote Hadžajlića kičin, HVO forces beat back the ARBIH’s onslaught on the city.
Kajdin kičin i Goricu na području Buna – Brijeg – izvor The 42nd Mountain Brigade of the ARBIH, in an at-
rijeke Bune i ugrozila prometnicu Mostar – Čapljina. Hr- tempt to draw HVO forces away from Mostar, sent 250
vatsko vijeće obrane povuklo se na lijevu stranu rijeke into attack near Blagaj. On the morning of August 14 the
Bunice uz četiri poginula vojnika i s jednom skupinom attackers broke through the defensive line manned by
koja je ostala okružena u Brijegu. the Knez Branimir Brigade in the wider Buna area, cap-
U protunapadu koji je uslijedio istoga dana Kažnjenič- tured Hadžajlića Kičin Hill, Kajdin Kičin Hill and Gorica
ka bojna je, uz pomoć Čitlučke brigade i manjih skupina Hill in the Buna – Brijeg – Buna River source area and
dragovoljaca iz satnije „Gromovi“, deblokirala okružene threatened the Mostar – Čapljina road. The HVO forces
vojnike i vratila sve izgubljene položaje osim Hadžajlića ki- retreated to the left bank of the Bunica River, having lost
four soldiers killed. Also, one group of HVO soldiers re-
mained surrounded in Brijeg. On the same day the Penal
740 Izvanredno izvješće (3) od 13. 07. 1993. Radi se o prijepi-
Battalion, with the help of the Čitluk Brigade and small-
su izvješća koje je Press centar Mostar slao za RTV BiH;
GS HVO, Analiza stanja dj. br. 02-2/1-01-1373/93 od 15. er groups of volunteers from the Gromovi Company,
7. 1993.; Odsjek SIS-a 3. brigade HVO, Izvješće up. br. 05- launched a counterattack, broke the encirclement of the
0052/93 od 18. 7. 1993.; GS HV, kl. 035-01/93-01/03, ur. trapped group in Brijeg and recaptured all the lost posi-
br. 512-06-02-93-303 od 23. 7. 1993.
tions except Hadžajlića Kičin Hill. On August 17, with the
741 ICTY: Zap. 5. gbr, Presjek angažiranja kl. SP 81/93-02/01, help of some troops from the volunteer companies from
ur. br. 3132-03-93-101 od 23. 10. 1993.; 1. gardijska briga-
da HV – Tigrovi, 330; 2. gardijska brigada HV – Gromovi, the 1st and 2nd Guards Brigades of the Croatian Army, all
258; Izjava brigadira Ivana Primorca. the positions still in Muslim hands were recaptured too.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

čina. Uz pomoć dijela ljudstva dragovoljačkih satnija 1. i 2. A group from the 2nd Guards Brigade of the Croatian
gardijske brigade HV-a, 17. kolovoza sasvim su vraćeni iz- Army was then deployed to defend the Buna – Hodbina
gubljeni položaji. Skupina 2. gardijske brigade HV-a potom – Brijeg line.
je angažirana na obrani crte Buna – Hodbina – Brijeg.742 During the fighting around Blagaj the ARBIH, on Au-
Tijekom borbi kod Blagaja, ARBiH je 14. i 15. kolovo- gust 14 and 15, launched a determined attack in Mostar,
za izvela jak napad u Mostaru, težišno na Bulevaru, što focusing on the Boulevard. The HVO managed to repulse
je HVO uspješno odbio. U samom gradu borbe su bile the onslaught. In the city itself battles raged every day
svakodnevne, a pomaci na crti gotovo zanemarivi, izu- but the front line did not shift significantly, except on
zev u Ulici Alekse Šantića, gdje su pripadnici Lakojuriš- Aleksa Šantić Street where the troops from the Light
ne bojne Vojne policije u iscrpljujućim borbama ovlada- Battalion of the Military Police, after a ferocious and pro-
li skoro cijelom ulicom. Bio je to iscrpljujući sukob koji je longed fight, gained control of almost the whole length
s hrvatske strane vodila najvećim dijelom Vojna policija, of the street. The fighting was hard and fatiguing in the
a s muslimanske strane 41. mtbr i bataljuni Šargan i Ne- extreme. On the Croat side most troops there belonged
vesinje. Istovremeno s borbama oko Blagaja, 14. kolo- to the Military Police and on the ARBIH side most soldiers
voza je ARBiH napala Bijelo polje, pri čemu je zatvorila participating in combat belonged to the 41st Motorized
ispusne otvore na brani, pa je došlo do izlijevanja vode Brigade and the Šargan and Nevesinje Battalions. While
iz akumulacijskog jezera.743 the fighting for Blagaj raged on the ARBIH, on August 14,
Nakon nekoliko dana uobičajenog ratovanja, HVO attacked Bijelo Polje. Expediently the attackers closed
je 24. kolovoza napao snage ARBiH na području Sjever- the exhaust valves on the dam and, as a result, the reser-
nog logora, Vrapčića, Raštana i HE Mostar. U napadu su voir flooded the immediate surrounding area.
angažirane snage Kažnjeničke bojne, ATG-a Baja Kra- On August 24 the HVO attacked the ARBIH forces in
ljević, Vojne policije i 2. brigade HVO-a, koje su tijekom the Sjeverni Logor, Vrapčići, Raštani and HE Mostar areas.
dana zauzele Raštane, HE Mostar i šljunčaru u Bijelom The following formations participated in the attack: the
polju. Tijekom borbi poginula su četiri, a ranjeno je Penal Battalion, ATG “Baja Kraljević”, Military Police and
osam vojnika HVO-a. U ARBiH su držali da je svrha na- 2nd Brigade of the HVO. During the day the Croats cap-
pada HVO-a presijecanje snaga 4. korpusa od brane k tured Raštani, HE Mostar and the gravel plant in Bijelo
Vrapčićima.744 U noći 25./26. kolovoza HVO je srušio kla- Polje. The HVO lost four soldiers killed and eight wound-
pnu na brani i ispuštanjem velike količine vode ugrozio ed in the fighting. The ARBIH believed that the purpose
neke položaje ARBiH nizvodno u Mostaru. Štab Vrhov- of the HVO attack was to cut off IV Corps forces from the
ne komande ARBiH tražio je od 6. korpusa da pomogne dam and push them back towards Vrapčići. During the
Mostaru i u skladnom djelovanju s 4. korpusom napad- night of August 25-26 the HVO collapsed the floodgates
ne snage HVO-a sjeverno i sjeverozapadno od Mostara. on the dam and flooded the surrounding area, thus jeop-
Zapovijed je bila uvod u operaciju Neretva na mostar- ardizing some ARBIH positions downriver in Mostar. The
skom području. U prvoj polovini rujna prikupljene su General Staff of the ARBIH ordered VI Corps to help the
snage za operaciju: Specijalni odred Zulfikar, Drežnički ARBIH troops in Mostar and, coordinating its actions with
bataljun 4. korpusa i dvije čete iz 9. i 10. brdske brigade IV Corps, attack the HVO forces deployed to the north
1. korpusa, ukupno 860 vojnika. Njihov je zadatak bio and northwest of Mostar. The order was a prelude to
napasti glavnim snagama na pravcima Kulac – Golubić the launching of Operation Neretva in the Mostar area.
During the first half of September the following forma-
742 OZ JiH, Izvješće dj. br. 03-0588/93 od 14. 8. 1993.; OZ tions were gathered for the operation: Special Detach-
JiH, Izvješće dj. br. 03-0623/93 od 15. 8. 1993.; GS HVO, ment Zulfikar, Drežnica Battalion of IV Corps and two
Izvješće ur. br. 02-2/1-01-2012/93 od 17. 8. 1993.; E. ŠE- companies from the 9th and 10th Mountain Brigades of I
JTANIĆ, Hercegovci na ognjenim vratima, 173-176; 2. gar- Corps, in total 860 men. Their task was to develop their
dijska brigada HV – Gromovi, 260; Izjava generala Miljen-
ka Lasića iz siječnja 2019. main attack in the direction of Kulac – Golubić – Vratnice
743 GS HVO, Izvješće ur. br. 02-2/1-01-2012/93 od 17. 8. 1993.
and in the direction of Jasenjani – Mandići – Umac and
mount a supporting attack in the direction of Batačke
744 OZ JIH, Izvješće str. pov. br. 03-0578 od 24. 8. 1993.; ICTY: ŠVK
OS RBiH, Naređenje str. pov. br. 02/1024-1 od 24. 8. 1993.; GS Lazine – Pločno. The main aim of the operation was to
HVO, Pohvala ur. br. 02-2/1-01-2143/93 od 25. 8. 1993. take control of the Vrdi – Gradina – Veliki Jedinak line in


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

– Vratnice i Jasenjani – Mandići – Umac te pomoćni- the first phase and then gain control of the Goranci –
ma na pravcu Batačke lazine – Pločno, sa zadatkom da Đubrani line and capture the Pločno facility in the follow
najprije ovladaju crtom Vrdi – Gradina – Veliki Jelinak, up phase. In the final phase the mentioned forces were
a u nastavku crtom Goranci – Đubrani i objektom Ploč- to, in coordination with the IV Corps forces in Mostar and
no. U završnoj fazi plan je bio u suradnji sa snagama 4. Bijelo Polje, reach the Planinica – Podine line. The oper-
korpusa iz Mostara i Bijelog polja izbiti na crtu Planini- ation was led by the ARBIH’s chief of staff Sefer Halilović
ca – Podine. Operaciju je vodio načelnik ŠVK-a Armije with Forward Command Post in Dobro Polje. During the
RBiH Sefer Halilović s IKM-om u Dobrom Polju. Tijekom preparations for the attack a detachment of soldiers from
priprema za napad skupina vojnika iz 9. brdske brigade the 9th Mountain Brigade committed a crime against hu-
ARBiH počinila je zločin 8. rujna u Grabovici ubivši 32 manity on September 8 in Grabovica – the Muslim sol-
civila hrvatske nacionalnosti.745 diers murdered 32 Croatian civilians.
Operacija Neretva na mostarskom dijelu bojišta po- Operation Neretva in the Mostar area commenced
čela je 14. rujna napadom odreda Zulfikar na crtu obra- on September 14, when the Zulfikar detachment at-
ne brigade HVO-a Grude na Vrdima, a poslije i susjedne tacked the defensive line manned by the Grude Brigade
brigade Široki Brijeg. Tijekom dana zauzeti su objekti of the HVO on Vrdi and then the positions of the neigh-
Kličana gruda, Pištet, Ilkina gruda, Golubić i Medvjed, boring Široki Brijeg Brigade. During the day the Muslims
no obrana Vrda je izdržala napad. Idućega dana HVO captured Kličana Gruda, Pištet, Ilkina Gruda, Golubić and
je vratio položaj Medvjed. Sljedeći jaki napad ARBiH je Medvjed. The HVO troops defending Vrdi managed to
izvela 19. rujna, ponovno osvojila kotu Medvjed i jednu withstand the onslaught. The next day the HVO recap-
kotu u Jedrinju. Sljedećega dana, 20. rujna, u protuna- tured Medvjed Hill. The ARBIH launched another deter-
padu Kažnjeničke bojne, širokobriješke i grudske bri- mined attack on September 19 and captured Medvjed
gade, te satnije HVO-a iz Vrda vraćene su kote Jedrinje, Hill again and a hill in Jedrinje. On September 20 the
Velika i Mala Vlajna i Medvjed. Armija Republike BiH bila Penal Battalion, the Široki Brijeg Brigade, the Gruda bri-
je prinuđena prijeći u obranu. Tijekom borbi imala je 10 gade and HVO Vrdi Company launched a counterattack
poginulih i 50 ranjenih vojnika.746 and recaptured the following hills: Jedrinje, Velika Vlajna,
Borbe za Vrda bile su u završnoj fazi kada je 4. kor- Mala Vlajna and Medvjed, forcing the ARBIH to go on the
pus počeo operaciju Neretva na užem području Mostara. defensive. In these battles the Muslims lost 10 soldiers
U dijelu grada ARBiH je snagama OG-a Centar, koji je či- killed and 50 wounded.
nila 41. mtbr s ojačanjima iz drugih postrojbi 4. korpusa The fighting for Vrdi was ending when IV Corps
i MUP-a (oko 300 ljudi), planirala napad na uže gradsko launched Operation Neretva in the Mostar area. The AR-
područje nastojeći ovladati pravcima HE Mostar – Rašta- BIH planned to attack in the city with a force consisting of
ni – Orlac, Šemovac – Podhum – 1. osnovna škola, Donja the following OG Center formations: the 41st Motorized
Mahala – Stotina – Rodoč i brdom Hum. Lijevo (južno) Brigade with reinforcements from other units of IV Corps
od njih napadala je OG Jug 2 sa zadatkom da ovlada po- and MUP (300 men). The aim was to attack the wider city
dručjem Avijatičarski most – aerodrom Mostar.747 center area and take control of Hum Hill and the follow-
Nakon ponoći 19./20. rujna ARBiH je ubačenim di- ing lines: HE Mostar – Raštani – Orlac, Šemovac, Podhum
– 1st Primary School, Donja Mahala – Stotina – Rodoč and
Hum Hill. To the left (south) of the mentioned force was
745 ICTY: ŠVK OS RBiH, Naređenje str. pov. br. 02/1029-1
OG South 2. Its mission was to gain control of the Avia-
od 26. 8. 1993.; ICTY: IKM ŠVK RBiH u Jablanici od 29.
9. 1993.; Direktiva za odbrambeno-napadna dejstva tion Bridge – Mostar airport area.
“Neretva-93” (nedatirano). Faksimil u zborniku radova Shortly after midnight on September 19-20 the
1993. – Prelomna godina rata, 123-126. ARBIH launched a commando raid on the 2nd Brigade
746 OZ JiH, Izvješće dj. br. 03-0623/93 od 15. 9. 1993.; OZ JiH, of the HVO in Raštani. During the day the commandos
Izvješće dj. br. 03-0632/93 od 19. 9. 1993.; OZ JiH, Izvješće captured the village without encountering serious resis-
dj. br. 03-0634/93 od 20. 9. 1993.; E. ŠEJTANIĆ, Hercegovci
na ognjenim vratima, 151; Izjava Ivana Primorca.
tance. The HVO was too numerically weak to recapture
the village because most HVO formations were engaged
747 Zapovijest za napad komandanta 41. slavne motorizo-
vane brigade Op. br. 02-174-15 (nedatirano, u gornjem in the fighting for the most important position in Mostar
lijevom kutu rukom je dopisan nadnevak 15. 9. 1993.). – Hum Hill. During the night of September 22/23 a few


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

verzantskim skupinama napala snage 2. brigade HVO-a ATGs from the Penal Battalion and the Ludvig Pavlović
u Raštanima i tijekom dana bez većega napora zauze- special purpose unit sneaked into Raštani. During the
la mjesto. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane nije imalo snaga za day the Croats gained full control of the village. On the
povrat jer su se istodobno vodile borbe za najznačaj- morning of September 24 the HVO consolidated its de-
niji objekt u Mostaru – brdo Hum. U noći 22./23. rujna fensive line and recaptured all the lost positions, losing
HVO je ubacio nekoliko ATG-ova iz sastava Kažnjeničke three soldiers killed and eight wounded.
bojne i PPN Ludvig Pavlović u Raštane. Oni su tijekom On September 20 the ARBIH attacked the HVO po-
dana ovladali Raštanima. Ujutro 24. rujna crta je uve- sitions in Mostar. Artillery support for the attack was
zana i HVO je potpuno vratio sve izgubljene položaje, provided by the Serbs. The focus of the Muslims’ efforts
pri čemu je imao tri poginula i osam ranjenih vojnika.748 was on Hum. There, Muslim soldiers managed to cap-
Uz potporu srpskoga topništva ARBiH je 20. rujna ture two bunkers. Volunteers comprising a company-size
napala hrvatske položaje u Mostaru. Težište napada bilo force from the 1st and 2nd Guards Brigades of the Croatian
je na Humu, na kojem su muslimanske snage zauzele dva Army counterattacked from the direction of Gornji Vu-
bunkera, koje su tijekom dana u protunapadu iz smjera kodol and during the same day recaptured the bunkers.
Gornjeg Vukodola vratili dragovoljci jedne satnije iz 1. i In the Podhum area the Muslims made headway and
2. gardijske brigade HV-a. Na području Podhuma musli- placed the Franciscan monastery in a partial encirlem-
manske su snage napravile pomak i dovele franjevački ent. The Light Battalion of the Military Police, supported
samostan u poluokruženje, no u protuudaru lakojuriš- by the 4th Battalion of the 3rd Brigade of the HVO, coun-
na bojna Vojne policije, uz potporu 4. bojne 3. brigade terattacked and defeated the ARBIH Special Forces Unit
HVO-a, razbila je specijalnu postrojbu ARBiH “Šargani“, Šargani, inflicting heavy casualties on the Muslims and
koja je pretrpjela velike gubitke, a ARBiH izgubila je recapturing the positions the HVO had previously lost.
prethodno zauzete položaje i povukla se preko Bulevara The Šargani unit retreated through the Boulevard and
i naselja Cernica. U južnom sektoru, ARBiH je 20. rujna the Cernica neighborhood. In the southern sector the
zauzela Višnjicu i prvi red kuća u Stotini. U borbama za ARBIH captured Višnjica and the first row of houses in
Višnjicu snage HVO-a s promjenjivim su uspjehom zau- Stotina on September 20. During the fighting for Višnjica
stavile napad ARBiH na smjeru Čekrk – Višnjica. Uz po- HVO troops, with a varying degree of success, managed
moć skupine dragovoljaca 2. gardijske brigade HV-a, 3. to repulse the ARBIH’s advance in the direction of Čekrk
brigada HVO-a zaustavila je napad ARBiH na Avijatičar- – Višnjica. With the help of volunteers belonging to the
ski most. Most je zadržan, a s njim i prometnica Mostar 2nd Guards Brigade of the Croatian Army the 3rd Brigade
– Buna – Čapljina. Bio je to težak dan za HVO, prijepodne of the HVO defeated the ARBIH’s attack on the Aviation
je u borbama poginulo šest, a ranjeno 46 vojnika, od ko- Bridge. The HVO retained control of the bridge and with
jih 14 teže. Tijekom 21. rujna s promjenjivim su se uspje- the bridge it held on to the Mostar – Buna – Čapljina road.
hom vodile jake borbe za pojedine objekte u Podhumu. The fighting was ferocious and the HVO suffered a high
U njima je HVO imao dva mrtva i tri ranjena borca. Najvi- number of casualties during that morning: six soldiers
še su uspjeha hrvatske snage imale u borbama na dijelu killed and 46 wounded, 14 of them seriously. During Sep-
Čekrk – Višnjica. Uz pomoć dijela satnije dragovoljaca tember 21 the HVO and ARBIH were locked in combat for
2. gardijske brigade HV-a u cijelosti su vraćeni dan prije various positions in Podhum. The HVO lost two soldiers
izgubljeni položaji u Višnjici, Stotini i Koloniji. Operacija killed and three wounded. The HVO had most success in
Neretva, od koje se u Sarajevu očekivalo mnogo na mo- the fighting in the Čekrk – Višnjica area. With the help of a
starskom dijelu bojišta, završila je bez uspjeha. U njoj je detachment of the volunteer company of the 2nd Guards
ARBiH u Mostaru imala više od 30 poginulih i oko 100 ra- Brigade of the Croatian Army the HVO recaptured all the
njenih. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane je, prema izvorima, imalo positions lost the previous day in Višnjica, Stotina and
Kolonija. Operation Neretva had failed. The failure of the
operation came as a shock to the Muslim leadership in
748 OZ JiH, Izvješće dj. br. 03-0633/93 od 20. 9. 1993.; OZ JiH, Sarajevo. The setback was costly: the ARBIH in Mostar
Izvješće dj. br. 03-0634/93 od 20. 9. 1993.; OZ JiH, Izv- lost more than 30 soldiers killed and about 100 wound-
ješće dj. br. 01/1-0020/93 od 23. 9. 1993.; Sektor “Obra-
na Mostara”, Operativno izvješće br. 01-115/93 od 23. 9. ed. According to HVO sources, the Croats’ casualties were
1993.; OZ JiH, Izvješće dj. br. 03-0639/93 od 24. 9. 1993. 23 soldiers killed and 83 wounded.


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23 poginula i 83 ranjena vojnika.749 The defeat smartened the ARBIH. In comparison to

Slom operacije Neretva donekle je primirio ARBiH. September, the situation on the front line in October
U odnosu na rujan, listopad i studeni bili su mirniji mje- and November was relatively uneventful, meaning that
seci. To je značilo da su se, posebice u Mostaru, vodile close urban combat was continuous in Mostar but the
stalne ulične borbe, no bez pomaka na crti bojišta. Tije- front line did not significantly shift one way or the other.
kom tih borbi 9. studenoga srušen je Stari most, kojim During these battles the Old Bridge was blown up. The
se tijekom sukoba koristila ARBiH. Rušenje se pripisuje bridge had been constantly used by the ARBIH. The act
tročlanoj posadi tenka HVO-a (dva Hrvata i jedan Musli- of destroying the bridge is commonly ascribed to the
man), premda je most miniran i srušen s lijeve obale Ne- three member crew of an HVO tank (two Croats and one
retve, koju je nadzirala ARBiH, za potrebe demonizacije Muslim), even though the explosives that destroyed the
hercegovačkih Hrvata i HVO-a.750 bridge were placed on the left bank, controlled by the
Posljednje jače borbe vodile su se u prosincu. Sna- ARBIH, of the Neretva River. Placing the blame for de-
ge HVO-a iz Kažnjeničke bojne i brigade Grude i Široki stroying the bridge on the tank crew was a ploy to de-
Brijeg napale su Omojnice na području Drežnice i zau- monize the HVO and Bosnian Croats. And it worked.
zele kotu Glavica. Izgubljene je položaje odred Zulfikar The last hard battles were fought in December. The
vratio u protunapadu 25. prosinca.751 Armija Republike Penal Battalion, Grude Battalion and Široki Brijeg Battal-
BiH neuspješno je 24. prosinca napala hrvatske položa- ion attacked Omojnice in the Drežnice area and captured
je u Bijelom polju, kod katoličke crkve u Mostaru i na Glavica Hill. On December 25 the Zulfikar squad coun-
području Bune.752 Crta bojišta je ostala i ustalila se na terattacked and recaptured the lost positions. The ARBIH
pravcu Malo polje – Kosor – Velmos – rijeka Neretva – attacked, on December 24, the HVO positions in Bijelo
Bulevar – Šantićeva ulica – Carinski most – rijeka Nere- Polje, at the Catholic Church in Mostar and in the Buna
tva – HE Salakovac – rijeka Neretva – Vrdi – Drežnica.753 area but the attack was not successful. The front line did
not shift significantly – it stretched along the Malo Pol-
Čapljina – Stolac je – Kosor – Velmos – Neretva River – Boulevard – Šantić
Street – Carinski Bridge – Neretva River – HE Salakovac –
Travanjski sukob između ARBiH i HVO-a odrazio se i Neretva River – Vrdi – Drežnica line.
na zonu 1. brigade HVO-a na području Čapljine i Stoca. U
njezinu zonu ranije je samovoljno ušla 42. brdska brigada Čapljina – Stolac
ARBiH Bregava čije je ljudstvo postupno preuzimalo Sto-
lac u sklopu muslimanskih planova za zaposjedanje do- The April conflict between the HVO and ARBIH had
line Neretve. Stoga je Zapovjedništvo 1. brigade HVO-a
an effect on the 1st Brigade of the HVO’s area of responsi-
zabranilo pripadnicima 42. brdske brigade ulaz u svoju
bility in the Čapljina and Stolac areas. The 42nd Mountain
zonu od Drenovca do Rotimlje, a 17. travnja ultimativno Division Bregava of the ARBIH marched into the 1st Bri-
je traženo da se Komanda brigade Bregava tijekom dana gade’s area of responsibility and gradually started taking
control of Stolac. The 42nd Mountain Brigade’s move was
749 OZ JiH, Izvješće dj. br. 03-0633/93 od 20. 9. 1993.; OZ an integral part of the Muslims’ plan to gain control of
JiH, Izvješće dj. br. 03-0634/93 od 20. 9. 1993.; OZ JiH, the Neretva Valley. The HQ of the 1st Brigade reacted and
Izvješće dj. br. 03-0635/93 od 21. 9. 1993.; Izvješće načel-
nika PU PD HVO od 21. 9. 1993.; E. ŠEJTANIĆ, Hercegovci forbade the 42nd Mountain Brigade’s soldiers to venture
na ognjenim vratima, 181-183; 1. gardijska brigada HV – into the Drenovci – Rotmilje area. On April 17 the HVO
Tigrovi, 332; 2. gardijska brigada HV – Gromovi, 261-264; issued an ultimatum to the ARBIH, insisting that the HQ
Izjava generala Zlatana Mije Jelića iz siječnja 2019.
of the Bregava Brigade be withdrawn from Gubavica that
750 Slobodan PRALJAK, Kako je srušen Stari most: činjenice,
Oktavijan, Zagreb, 2006.
same day, that is, be withdrawn from the area of respon-
sibility of the 1st Brigade. The HQ of the 42nd Brigade re-
751 GS HVO, Izvješće ur. br. 02-2/1-02-81/93 od 19. 12. 1993.;
GS HVO, Sumarno izvješće ur. br. 02-2/1-02-99/93 od 25. 12. jected the ultimatum, thus forcing the HVO’s hand. On
1993.; E. ŠEJTANIĆ, Hercegovci na ognjenim vratima, 151-152. April 19 elements of the 1st Brigade of the HVO captured
752 GS HVO, Sumarno izvješće ur. br. 02-2/1-02-96/93 od 24. Gubavica and arrested about 700 men from the HQ and
12. 1993. other formations of the 42nd Mountain Brigade. The rest
753 R. DREKOVIĆ, U obruču, 457. of the personnel from the HQ withdrew to the Rotimilje


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

povuče iz Gubavice, odnosno da se izmjesti iz zone odgo- area, sending a report to Sarajevo in which it was claimed
vornosti 1. brigade. Komanda 42. brigade odbila je ulti- that the 42nd Mountain Brigade had been attacked by the
matum, nakon čega su dijelovi 1. brigade HVO-a 19. trav- 116th Brigade of the HVO. Later events showed that the
nja zauzeli Gubavicu i uhitili oko 700 ljudi iz Komande i HVO action prevented many Muslim soldiers serving in
drugih dijelova brigade. Ostatak Komande povukao se na the HVO from deserting to ARBIH and thus disabled the
područje Rotimlje, a u Sarajevo je poslana obavijest da ih ARBIH from staging a surprise attack similar to the one
je napala 116. brigada HV-a.754 Kasniji tijek zbivanja poka- the Muslims had pulled off in Mostar on June 30, 1993.
zao je da je HVO time onemogućio iznenađenje i masov- Because of the mentioned attack in Mostar the HVO,
ne prelaske vojnika muslimanske nacionalnosti na stranu during the night of July 1-2, in a surprise move, took one
ARBiH, kao što se dogodilo u Mostaru 30. lipnja 1993. go- company of the 42nd Mountain Brigade prisoner in Trijeb-
dine. Zbog spomenute izdaje u Mostaru, HVO je u noći anje. The ARBIH reacted by attempting to send the 42nd
1./2. srpnja na prepad razoružao i zarobio četu 42. brdske Mountain Brigade into attack on the Dubrava plateau on
brigade ARBiH u Trijebanju. Armija Republike BiH poku- July 13. The attacked started to develop well but soon
šala je odgovoriti 13. srpnja upadom snaga 42. brdske the Muslims ran into trouble and had to retreat. The 42nd
brigade na Dubravsku visoravan, što je nakon početnoga Mountain Brigade, smarting from the fiasco, limited its
uspjeha završilo potpunim debaklom. Brigada se nakon actions to commando raids in the area of responsibility
toga ograničila na povremeno ubacivanje diverzantskih of the 1st Brigade on the Dubrava plateau and to terroriz-
skupina u zonu 1. brigade HVO-a na Dubravskoj visoravni ing Croatian civilians.
i terorističko djelovanje protiv civila i vojske.755 The war with the ARBIH stretched the HVO’s resourc-
Rat s ARBiH napregnuo je HVO do krajnjih granica. es to the limit. The HVO had no choice but to transfer
Zbog nužnosti da se dio ljudstva HVO-a iz Hercegovine some personnel from Herzegovina to the Vrbas Valley
angažira u dolini Vrbasa i Rami, kao i zbog ugroze grani- and Rama. The newly created situation left the Croatian
ce Republike Hrvatske, HV s Južnoga bojišta preuzeo je border dangerously exposed to attack and for that rea-
13. kolovoza crtu HVO-a u Hercegovini od rijeke Trebiš- son the Croatian Army forces in the Southern Theater of
njice na desnom krilu do crte Podbrđe – Radića Mahala – Operations, on August 13, took over from the HVO the
korito rijeke Bregave na lijevom krilu. Položaji su preuze- defensive line in Herzegovina stretching from the Tre-
ti od 4. brigade HVO-a, koja je oslobođena za angažman bišnjica River on the right flank to the Podbrđe – Radića
na području Gornjeg Vakufa. Radi oslobađanja dijela 1. Mahala – Bregava River basin line on the left flank. The
brigade HVO-a Knez Domagoj za angažman na području Croatian Army relieved the 4th Brigade of the HVO in
Rame, Južno je bojište 8. siječnja 1994. osnovalo Ope- these positions, thus making it possible for the 4th Bri-
rativnu skupinu Neretva, koja je preuzela osiguranje po- gade to be transferred to the Gornji Vakuf area. In order
dručja između rijeka Bune i Trebišnjice. Skupina je po- to free up elements of the 1st Brigade “Knez Domagoj”
stojala do travnja 1994., kada je nakon prekida sukoba of the HVO for deployment in the Rama area, the Com-
s ARBiH ugašena, a crta vraćena postrojbama HVO-a.756 mand of the Southern Theater of Operations formed, on
January 8, 1994, Operational Group Neretva. The newly
formed group was deployed in the area between the
Buna and Trebišnjica Rivers. Operational Group Neretva
754 1. hercegovačka brigada HVO, Izvješće kl. 02-64/93, ur.
br. 1100-11-17-93/64 od 14. 4. 1993.; 1. brigada HVO was disbanded in April, 1994, when the Muslim-Croat
Knez Domagoj, Upozorenje kl. 8/93-01/79, ur. br. 1100- war ended. Its positions were taken over by the HVO.
01-01-93-238 od 17. 4. 1993.; Komanda 4. korpusa,
Dnevno operativno izvještavanje dj. br. 02/1-3200-14/93
od 19. 4. 1993.; Komanda 4. korpusa, Izvještaj str. pov. br.
01-3573/93 od 2. 5. 1993.
755 ICTY: Prva brigada HVO “Knez Domagoj”, Zapovijed kl.
8/93-01/159-2, ur. br. 1100-01-01-93-474 od 1. 7. 1993.; E.
ŠEJTANIĆ, Hercegovci na ognjenim vratima, 167, 187-188.
756 ZM Dubrovnik ZJB, Primopredaja prostora odgovornos-
ti, kl. 8/93-03/52, ur. br. 3105-01-01-93-1 od 13. 8. 1993.;
IV ZP OSRH, Raščlamba bojnih djelovanja 1994. godine
na prostoru Južnog bojišta, Kupari, 2002., 7-8, 37.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Borbe u travnju 1993. godine Fighting in April 1993

Prva polovina travnja 1993. u središnjoj Bosni pro- The first half of 1993 was marked by a whole pleth-
tekla je u nizu incidenata koje su počinili pripadnici ora of incidents instigated by both HVO and Army
HVO-a i ARBiH. No oni koje su počinili pripadnici AR- of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina soldiers.
BiH imali su veću težinu, pa je vojno i političko vod- Those instigated by the Army of the Republic of Bos-
stvo Hrvata u središnjoj Bosni zaključilo da 3. korpus nia and Herzegovina, however, were, by far, the more
završava pripreme za rat s HVO-om. Naime, u Travniku serious. The military and political leadership of the
su pripadnici ARBiH 8. travnja s više mjesta skinuli hr- Croats in central Bosnia, therefore, concluded that
vatske zastave, što je kod gradskoga hotela dovelo do the ARBIH III Corps was in the process of completing
sukoba s Vojnom policijom HVO-a i Postrojbom za po- its preparations for an all-out attack on the HVO. On
sebne namjene (PPN) Vitezovi. U pucnjavi je stradalo April 8 soldiers belonging to the Army of the Republic
nekoliko pripadnika ARBiH. Nakon toga su incidenti i of Bosnia and Herzegovina took down Croatian flags
pucnjava u Travniku i okolici bili svakodnevni, poka- from a number of places in Travnik. That action pro-
zujući da ubojstvo zapovjednika travničke brigade voked a firefight with members of the HVO Military
HVO-a 20. listopada 1992. nije bilo slučajan incident. Police and a special purpose unit of the HVO known
Na Ravnom Rostovu 10. travnja 1993. ubijena su dva as the Vitezovi (Knights). A few Muslim soldiers were
pripadnika HVO-a Kakanj. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane pri- killed in the skirmish. After that shoot-out, incidents
javilo je 12. travnja da je ARBiH blokirala ulaz u Travnik, were an everyday occurrence in Travnik. In light of that
a potom na jednom punktu ranila pripadnika HVO-a. fact, the assassination of the commander of the HVO’s
Slijedila su obostrana zaustavljanja vojnika na nad- Travnik Brigade on October 20, 1992, had not been an
zornim točkama, prijetnje i paljenje zastava. U općini isolated incident or an action by renegade or maverick
Busovača HVO je europskim promatračima prijavio Muslim soldiers. Two members of the HVO Kakanj were
izradu rovova prema HVO-u i ukopavanje pripadnika killed on April 10 in Ravno Rostovo. On April 12 the
ARBiH u selima Milavice i Grablje. No, prava je bura Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina put
tek slijedila. Poslijepodne 13. travnja u Novom Trav- Travnik under blockade and wounded one member of
niku skupina vojnika 7. muslimanske brigade otela je the HVO at a checkpoint. The situation escalated after
tri časnika i vojnika brigade HVO-a Stjepan Tomašević that. Both sides challenged the other side’s soldiers at
koji su odvedeni u smjeru Ravnog Rostova. Otmica checkpoints, engaged in provocations and flag burn-
je podignula tenzije, HVO je blokirao grad i započela ing. In the Busovača Municipality the HVO informed
je potraga u koju se deklarativno uključila i ARBiH iz the European Observes that soldiers belonging to the
Novog Travnika. Navečer je u Kruščici pucano na Dar- Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina had
ka Kraljevića, zapovjednika PPN-a Vitezovi. Ujutro 15. started digging trenches in their positions opposite
travnja u Podbrežju kod Zenice ARBiH otela je Živka those held by the HVO and in the villages of Milavice
Totića, zapovjednika brigade HVO-a Jure Francetić, a and Grablje. Worse was to follow. On the afternoon of
njegova su četiri pratitelja ubijena, kao i civil koji se April 13 in Novi Travnik a group of soldiers belonging
zatekao na mjestu napada. Za navedene zaroblje- to the 7th Muslim Brigade kidnapped three officers and
ne časnike i vojnike HVO-a, mudžahedini u sastavu one soldier from the Stjepan Tomašević Brigade of the
muslimanskih oružanih snaga tražili su oslobađanje HVO. The captives were taken in the direction of Ravno
Rostovo. The kidnapping sparked a crisis – the HVO put
the city under blockade and commenced a search for
the kidnapped officers and soldier. The forces of Army
of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina from Novi
Travnik declared that they would help. In the evening
of the same day shots were fired at Darko Kraljević,


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

svojih zarobljenih pripadnika koji su bili u Kaoniku.757 the commander of the Vitezovi unit. On the morning
Charles Shrader je primijetio da su ti napadi podsjećali of April 15, in Podbrežje near Zenica, the Army of the
na “klasičnu operaciju obezglavljivanja neprijateljskog Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina kidnapped Živko
zapovjednog i nadzornog sustava”.758 U oba se slučaja Totić, the commander of the Jure Francetić Brigade
Komanda 3. korpusa ARBiH ograđivala da su počinitelji of the HVO. Four of his friends were killed along with
pripadnici muslimanskih oružanih snaga (mudžahedi- one civilian bystander. The Mujahideen from the Mus-
ni) i da nemaju ingerenciju nad njima. U HVO-u to nisu lim armed forces demanded the release of their cap-
vjerovali i očekivali su napad ARBiH. Takvu pretpostav- tured comrades held in Kaonik for the release of the
ku osnažio je napad ARBiH na HVO Konjic 14. travnja.759 kidnapped HVO officers and soldiers. Charles Shrader
Poslijepodne 15. travnja na području Kubera ranje- observed that “the ambush had all the hallmarks of a
na su dva vojnika HVO-a, a navečer istoga dana uočeno classic Spesnaz “decapitation” operation”. In both cas-
je prikupljanje jačih snaga oko Kubera, što je za HVO es the HQ of III Corps of the Army of the Republic of
bio još jedan znak da slijedi napad muslimanskih sna- Bosnia and Herzegovina denied that the perpetrators
ga. U očekivanju napada ARBiH na Vitez i sjedišta insti- were members of the Muslim armed forces (Mujahi-
tucija HVO-a, pukovnik Tihomir Blaškić je nakon ponoći deen) and claimed that the HQ had no authority over
15./16. travnja zapovjedio Policijskoj stanici Vitez da osi- the Muslim armed forces. The HVO scoffed at the ex-
guraju svoju zgradu. Četvrtoj bojni VP-a zapovjeđeno je planation and concluded that an attack by the Army of
da blokira cestu Ahmići – Nadioci, a PPN-u Vitezovi da the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was imminent.
brane Zapovjedništvo OZ-a od napada ARBiH iz Viteza. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Viteškoj brigadi i PPN-u Tvrtko II dana je zapovijed da attacked the HVO in Konjic on April 14, further solidify-
blokiraju Kruščicu i Vranisku. Ukupno je HVO imao na ing the HVO’s conclusion that the Army of the Republic
raspolaganju oko 330 ljudi, najvećim dijelom iz 4. bojne of Bosnia and Herzegovina would shortly launch an all-
VP-a i PPN-a Vitezovi. Na drugoj strani, ARBiH je u općini out attack on the Croats.
Vitez imala 325. brdsku brigadu i prostorne snage po On April 15, in the afternoon, two HVO soldiers
selima s muslimanskim stanovništvom.760 were wounded in the Kuber area. In the evening on the
Da bi u tako nepovoljnom odnosu snaga pokušao same day HVO soldiers noticed that the Muslims were
omesti planirani napad na svoje snage, HVO je primije- concentrating their forces around Kuber. That was yet
nio „aktivnu obranu“. Borbe su počele ujutro 16. travnja another indication that the Army of the Republic of
preventivnim napadom HVO-a i brzo su se proširile do- Bosnia and Herzegovina was getting ready to attack.
Colonel Blaškić, anticipating that the Army of the Re-
757 IV. bojna VP HVO, Izvješće o radu br. 02-4/3-07-677/93 od public of Bosnia and Herzegovina would attack Vitez,
14. 4. 1993.; SIS OZ SB, Izvješće br. 56/93 od 15. 4. 1993.; the seat of the HVO’s institutions, ordered, after mid-
IZM OZ SB, Informacija za javnost br. 08-4-172/93 od 12.
4. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Redovito borbeno izvješće br. 03-4- night on April 16 the Police Station Vitez to secure the
173/93 od 12. 4. 1993.; Zap. IV. bojne VP, Izvješće br. 02- building. He also ordered the 4th Battalion of the Mili-
4/3-07-679/93 od 14. 4. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Izvješće br. 03- tary Police to block the Ahmići – Nadioci road and the
4-188-1/93 od 14. 4. 1993.; ICTY: Zap. OZ SB, Priopćenje
za javnost br. 08-4-194/1/93 od 14. 4. 1993.; Zap. OZ SB, Vitezovi unit to guard the HQ of the OZ from a Muslim
Informacija za javnost br. 08-4-209/93 od 14. 4. 1993.; Izv- attack from the direction of Vitez. The Vitez Brigade
ješće Živka Totića o kidnapiranju i držanju u zatočeništvu and the Tvrtko II special purpose unit were ordered to
od 14. 4. 1993. do 15. 5. 1993. (nepotpisano i nedatirano);
90. domobranska pukovnija „Stjepan Tomašević“, Zaro- block Kruščica and Vraniska. The HVO had about 330
bljavanje časnika HVO-a dana 13. 4. 1993., str. pov. br. men. Most of those soldiers belonged to the 4th Bat-
1742-07/12-07/96-80 od 12. 4. 1996. talion of the Military Police and the Vitezovi unit. The
758 C. R. SHRADER, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat, 139. forces of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
759 IZM OZ SB, Izvješće br. 03-4-230/93 od 15. 4. 1993.; IZM govina in the Vitez Municipality consisted of the 325th
OZ SB, Zapovijed br. 01-4-222/93 od 15. 4. 1993. Mountain Brigade and local units in the predominantly
760 IZM OZ SB, Borbena zapovijed br. 01-4-235/93 od 16. 4. Muslim villages.
1993.; IZM OZ SB, Borbena zapovijed od 16. 4. 1993.; IZM The forces of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
OZ SB, Borbena zapovijed br. 01-4-237/93 od 16. 4. 1993.;
ICTY: IZM OZ SB, Borbena zapovijed od 16. 4. 1993.; C. R. and Herzegovina outnumbered those of the HVO. The
SHRADER, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat, 142-144. HVO had no choice but to resort to active defense


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

linom Lašve. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane nastojalo je zapo- tactics to foil the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
sjesti Donju Večerisku, Ahmiće, Sivrino Selo i Vrhovine. Herzegovina’s imminent attack. The fighting started on
Namjeravalo je riješiti džepove u zaleđu općine i učvrsti- the morning of April 16, when the HVO launched a pre-
ti crtu na sjeveroistočnom dijelu te ujedno osigurati pro- emptive strike, and soon spread throughout the Lašva
metnice prema Travniku, Zenici i Busovači. Zbog svojega Valley. The HVO’s aim was to occupy Donja Večeriska,
položaja blizu prometnice Travnik – Busovača Ahmići su Ahmići, Sivrino Selo, Vrhovine, the enclaves in the rear,
bili vrlo važno selo, a osiguravala ih je slabija četa lo- solidify the line in the northeastern part of the munic-
kalnoga sastava ARBiH. Selo je napala skupina pripad- ipality and secure the roads leading to Travnik, Zenica
nika 4. bojne VP-a. Tijekom borbi muslimanske snage u and Busovača. The village of Ahmići was strategically
Ahmićima ojačane su četom 7. muslimanske brigade, a important because of its proximity to the Travnik –
potom i ojačanim bataljunom 303. brdske brigade iz Ze- Busovača road. It was defended by a small group of
nice, koji je dobio zadatak da ovlada dijelom prometnice local Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Vitez – Busovača na dijelu od Kaoničke kose do Ahmića. soldiers. A group from the 4th Battalion of the Military
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane zauzelo je selo, odbacilo musli- Police of the HVO attacked the village. During the fight-
manske snage sjeverno od sela pri čemu je ubijeno oko ing the Muslims in Ahmići were reinforced with a squad
100 osoba, a selo je potpuno uništeno.761 from the 7th Muslim Brigade and later with a reinforced
U zaključku o akciji HVO-a na Ahmiće, američki voj- battalion of the 303rd Mountain Brigade from Zenica,
ni povjesničar Shrader zaključio je: “S isključivo vojnog which was ordered to gain control of the stretch of the
motrišta, neočekivani napad HVO-a na Ahmiće bio je Vitez – Busovača road from Kaonička Kosa to Ahmići.
vrlo uspješan. Planirani muslimanski napad preko ceste The HVO captured the village, pushed back the Mus-
Travnik – Busovača kod Ahmića u potpunosti je onemo- lim forces to the north of the village. About 100 people
gućen i nije mogao biti obnovljen. Međutim, uništava- were killed and the village was completely destroyed.
nja u selu bila su užasavajuća, a civilne žrtve strašne”.762 The American military historian Charles Shrader
U Vitezu su PPN Vitezovi i dio snaga Viteške brigade wrote about the battle for Ahmići: “From a purely mil-
u borbama od 16. do 20. travnja sabili muslimanske sna- itary point of view, the HVO spoiling attack at Ahmići
ge u stari dio grada (mahalu), u kojem su se one održale was very successful. The planned Muslim attack across
unatoč upornim hrvatskim napadima. U Donjoj Večeriski the Travnik – Busovača road in the Ahmići area was
u neposrednoj blizini Viteza i iznad tvornice eksploziva completely disrupted and could not be resumed. How-
„Slobodan Princip Seljo“ (SPS) bio je jači vod s 40 - 50 lju- ever, the destruction in the village was horrific, and ci-
di prostorne strukture ARBiH. Od 16. do 18. travnja selo vilian casualties were appalling.”
su zauzele slabije snage HVO-a iz sastava PPN-a Tvrtko In Vitez the Vitezovi unit and elements of the Vitez
II i žitelja sela. Zauzimanjem sela HVO je osigurao tvor- Brigade forced the Muslim forces to retreat to the old
nicu eksploziva i onemogućio napad na Vitez iz zaleđa. part of the city (Mahala) during the fighting between
U tom je pothvatu HVO imao nekoliko ranjenih vojnika, April 16 and 20. The Croats launched determined at-
od kojih je jedan poslije podlegao ranama, a Muslimani tacks on Mahala but were unable to dislodge the Mus-
su imali 6-7 mrtvih i devet zarobljenih. Selo Gaćice jugo- lims from their positions there. In Donja Večeriska, near
zapadno od Viteza imalo je sličnu važnost kao i Donja Vitez and above the Slobodan Princip Seljo explosives
Večeriska jer je bilo u neposrednoj blizini tvornice ek- factory the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
sploziva i na mjestu s kojeg je ARBiH ugrožavala grad.
zegovina had a platoon consisting of 40-50 local sol-
diers. On April 18, after two days of fighting, a small
761 ICTY: IZM OZ SB, br. 01-4-259/93 od 16. 4. 1993.; ICTY: Iz- HVO force consisting of elements of the Tvrtko II unit
vješće Zapovjedništva IV. bojne VP od 16. 4. 1993.; ICTY:
Komanda 3. korpusa RBiH, Naređenje str. pov. br. 02/33-
and villagers captured the village. The HVO thus se-
872 od 16. 4. 1993.; ICTY: Komanda 3. korpusa RBiH, cured the explosives factory and prevented an attack
Naređenje str. pov. br. 02/33-898 od 16. 4. 1993.; C. R. on Vitez from the rear. A number of HVO soldiers were
SHRADER, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat u središn-
joj Bosni – vojna povijest 1992.-1994., Golden marketing
wounded in the attack on the village and one of them
– tehnička knjiga, Zagreb, 2004., 146-152. later succumbed to his wounds. The Muslim lost 6 or 7
762 Charles R. SHRADER, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat, men killed and 9 taken prisoner. The village of Gaćice,
146-152. located southwest of Vitez, was of similar strategic im-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Selo je bilo miješanog sastava, a Muslimani su postali portance as the village of Donja Večeriska because it
većina dolaskom oko 200 izbjeglica iz Bosanske krajine. was situated in the immediate vicinity of the explosives
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane nastojalo je zaposjesti selo pre- factory. Also, the village provided a good position to
govorima, bez borbi. Nakon njihova neuspjeha, ujutro the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
19. travnja miješana skupina HVO-a (nekoliko policaja- for attacks on Vitez. The population of the village, be-
ca, 20 mještana i 10-15 pripadnika Vitezova) zaposjela je fore the war, was dived, roughly equally, between Mus-
selo tijekom dana. Imala je jednog poginulog, a ARBiH lims and Croats. But, when about 200 Muslims refugees
tri poginula i 47 zarobljenih ljudi.763 from Bosanska Krajina arrived in the city, the ethnic
Težište travanjskih borbi bilo je na području susjed- composition of the population shifted decisively in
ne općine Busovača, koju je branila brigada HVO-a Niko- favor of the Muslims. The HVO tried to gain control of
la Šubić Zrinski s oko 1300 vojnika uz povremenu pomoć the village through negotiations, without fighting. The
PPN-a Vitezovi. Ona je bila prinuđena organizirati kružnu negotiations failed and on the morning of April 19 an
obranu na crti dugoj oko 45 kilometara. Težište obrane HVO combat group consisting of a few policemen, 20
bilo je na planini Kuber, raskrižju u Kaoniku, selu Bare i residents of the village and 10-15 members of the Vi-
na smjeru Pezići – Gornja Rovna. Na drugoj strani bila tezovi unit occupied the village. The HVO lost one men
je 333. brdska brigada ARBiH, koja je 16. travnja ojačana killed in the engagement. The Army of the Republic of
bataljunom 303. brdske brigade i dvjema četama Općin- Bosnia and Herzegovina lost three men killed and 47
skoga štaba obrane Zenica, koje su pojačale prostorne taken prisoner.
snage ARBiH u selima Putiš, Jelinak, Lončari i Nadioci i The fighting in April centered on the neighboring
koje su planirane za djelovanje na pravcu Nadioci – Si- Busovača Municipality. The municipality was defended
vrino Selo. U istočni dio općine, na područje Solakovići by the Nikola Šubić Zrinski Brigade of the HVO – about
– Milavice odnosno Dusina – Merdani, dovedene su sna- 1,300 men strong. The Vitezovi unit, when needed and
ge iz Kaknja: bataljun 309. brigade i protudiverzantski when possible, provided support. The Nikola Šubić Bri-
odred Općinskoga štaba.764 gade had to set up all-round defense on a 45-kilometer
Ujutro 16. travnja 1993. počeo je napad ARBiH na line. The strongest defensive positions were on Mount
Busovaču iz smjera Gornja Rovna – Pezići i Kuber – Obla Kuber, crossroads in Kaonik, the village of Bare and on
glava – Grablje. Busovačka brigada HVO-a odbila je na- a line stretching from Pezići to Gornja Rovna. Opposite
pad uz velike gubitke. Idućega dana muslimanske su the HVO forces in that area was the 333rd Mountain Bri-
snage napale Kuber, težišno sela Jelinak i Putiš, da bi gade of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
osvojile dio prometnice Kaonik – Vitez i okružile Busova- zegovina. On April 16 the Brigade was reinforced with
ču. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane trudilo se održati na Kuberu one battalion of the 303rd Mountain Brigade and two
i odsudnom obranom spriječiti prodor muslimanskih squads belonging to the municipal HQ of TO Zenica.
snaga prema Kaoniku i Nadiocima. Dana 18. travnja The Muslim order of battle in this area also included
uspjelo je odbiti napade ARBiH na području Polom, Vra- local troops in the villages of Putiš, Jelinak, Lončari and
ta – Skradno i Roške stijene.765 Nadioci. These local forces were to advance in the di-
rection of Nadioci – Sirvino Selo. The Muslims brought
763 IZM OZ SB, str. pov. br. 11-14-274/93 od 17. 4. 1993.; C. R. forces from Kakanj to the eastern part of the munici-
SHRADER, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat, 152-159. pality, to the area of Solakovići – Milavice – Dusina –
764 IZM OZ SB, Borbena zapovijed br. 01-4-239/93 od 16. Merdani; one battalion of the 309th Brigade and the
4. 1993.; ICTY: Komanda 3. korpusa RBiH, Naređenje municipal HQ’s anti-sabotage detachment.
str. pov. br. 02/33-867 od 16. 4. 1993.; ICTY: Komanda 3. On the morning of April 16, 1993, the Army of the
korpusa RBiH, Naređenje str. pov. br. 02/33-890 od 16. 4.
1993.; IZM OZ SB, Borbena zapovijed br. 01-4-280/93 od Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina launched an at-
16. 4. 1993.; Brigada HVO “Nikola Šubić Zrinski”, Izvješće tack on Busovača from two directions; Gornja Rovna
br. 827/93 od 27. 4. 1993. – Pezići and Kuber – Obla Glava – Grablje. The Buso-
765 IZM OZ SB, Izvješće br. 01-4-302/93 od 17. 4. 1993.; IZM OZ vača Brigade of the HVO repulsed the attack, suffering
SB, Zapovijed br. 01-4-319/93 od 17. 4. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, a high number of casualties. On the day following the
Izvješće br. 03-4-334/93 od 18. 4. 1993.; Brigada HVO “Ni-
kola Šubić Zrinski”, Izvješće br. 827/93 od 27. 4. 1993.; C. R. Muslims attacked Kuber and the villages of Jelinak and
SHRADER, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat, 168-170. Putiš with the aim of capturing one part of the Kaonik –


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

U nastavku borbi ARBiH je promijenila težište djelo- Vitez road and encircling Busovača. The HVO troops on
vanja i 19. travnja napala na gotovo neprohodnu i stoga Kuber offered spirited resistance in an effort to prevent
teško branjivu pravcu Polom – Kapak – Očenići. Borbe su the Muslims from advancing towards Kaonik and Nadi-
20. travnja nastavljene na sljedećim područjima: Polom, oci. The HVO, on April 18, defeated the Army of the Re-
Roške stijene, Putiš – Gradina – Jelinak i Bare – Donja public of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s attacks in the area
Rovna. Potpisano primirje na nekoliko je dana prekinulo of Polom, Vrata – Skradno and Roške Stijene.
borbe. U vrijeme hrvatsko-muslimanskih pregovora u The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
Zagrebu, ARBiH je 25. travnja ponovno napala Busova- govina shifted the focus of its attacks. On April 19 it
ču s pravca Dusina – Šudine – Solakovići. Granatirana su attacked in the direction of Polom – Kapak – Očenići.
sela Polje, Kula, Krčevine, Ravan, Carica i sam grad. Isto- The ground there was rugged, in places impassable
dobno je ARBiH napala na Kuberu iz smjera Saračevice i but also very difficult to defend. On April 20 the fight-
odbacila HVO na crtu Lončari – Gradina – Strane. U novi ing continued in the following areas: Polom, Roške Sti-
je napad ARBiH krenula 28. travnja na crtu HVO-a na Ku- jene, Putiš – Gradina – Jelinak and Bare – Donja Rovna.
beru i Kuli. Nije bilo pomaka, a napadi su se nastavili do A cease-fire was then signed but it was not destined
kraja mjeseca. Do 27. travnja HVO je imao velike gubitke: to last. During the negotiations between the Croats
12 poginulih, 54 ranjena i sedam nestalih vojnika. U gra- and the Muslims in Zagreb the Army of the Republic
natiranju je poginulo troje i ranjeno šest civila. Borbe za of Bosnia and Herzegovina again attacked Busovača
Busovaču bile su vrlo teške, o čemu svjedoče veliki gubi- on April 25. The attack developed along the Dusina –
ci HVO-a. Premda je ARBiH uspjela napraviti pomake na Šudine – Solakovići line. The Army of the Republic of
terenu zauzevši dio općine, njezin temeljni cilj – zauzi- Bosnia and Herzegovina shelled the villages of Polje,
manje Busovače i raskrižja u Kaoniku – nije realiziran.766 Kula, Krčevine, Ravan, Carica and the city of Busovača.
U Busovači se lokalni HVO uglavnom branio sam, a Simultaneously the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
ARBiH je dovodila snage iz Zenice i zone OG-a Lašva. Da and Herzegovina attacked the positions on Kuber from
pomogne obrani Busovače, pukovnik Blaškić dao je 17. the direction of Saračevice and pushed the HVO back
travnja zadatak brigadi Ban Jelačić u Kiseljaku i Kreševu to the Lončari – Gradina – Strane line. The Army of the
da se uključi u sukob.767 Od brigade se tražilo da deblo- Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina mounted anoth-
kira prometnicu Kiseljak – Busovača i razoruža snage er attack on April 28 against the HVO’s positions on
ARBiH u okolici Kiseljaka. Bojna HVO-a iz Fojnice bila je Kuber and Kula. The attack was not successful but the
dužna osigurati lijevi bok i spojiti se sa snagama HVO-a u Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was
Kreševu i Kiseljaku, a potom se spojiti sa snagama u Se- not dissuaded by the setback. Attacks continued until
bešiću. Kiseljačka brigada krenula je 18. travnja u napad the end of the month, without success. By April 27 the
na Gomionicu, Višnjicu, Doce, Hercege i Svinjarevo. Za- HVO had suffered serious casualties: 12 men killed, 54
uzela je dio Gomionice, Svinjarevo i Rotilj, a razoružala wounded and 7 missing. Three civilians were killed and
sela Palež, Potkraj, Paleška Ćuprija, Radanovići i dio Han six wounded in the shelling. The fighting for Busovača
Ploče. No HVO je izgubio kotu Zavrtaljka blizu Velikih was ferocious. Even though the Army of the Republic
Sotnica, koja je bila važna za prodor prema Mehurićima of Bosnia and Herzegovina captured some parts of the
i Prosju.768 Brigada je 19. travnja odbila jak napad ARBiH municipality, it failed to achieve the main objectives of
the offensive – the capture of Busovača and the Kaonik
766 IZM OZ SB, Izvješće br. 03-4-621/93 od 25. 4. 1993.; Briga- crossroads.
da HVO “Nikola Šubić Zrinski”, Izvješće br. 827/93 od 27. The local HVO forces in Busovača bore the brunt
4. 1993.; C. R. SHRADER, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski of the fighting for the city. The Army of the Republic of
rat, 170-175.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the other hand, brought
767 IZM OZ SB, Pripremna borbena zapovijed br. 01-4- troops from Zenica and those belonging to Operation-
303/93 od 16. 4. 1993.
al Group Lašva. Colonel Blaškić ordered, on April 17,
768 Zap. br. “Ban Jelačić”, Upute br. 01-822-1/93 od 18. 4.
1993.; IZM OZ SB, Upute za dalje djelovanje br. 01-4-
the Ban Jelačić Brigade, at that time deployed in Kreše-
351/93 od 18. 4. 1993.; ICTY: Vojna pošta 1751, Znača- vo and Kiseljak, to help the defenders of Busovača by
jnija b/d brigade “Ban Josip Jelačić”, br. 03-858-1/94 lifting the Muslim blockade of the Kiseljak – Busovača
od 26. 2. 1994.; C. R. SHRADER, Muslimansko-hrvatski road and disarm the Muslim forces in the Kiseljak area.
građanski rat, 179.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

na selo Pobrđe i nastavila napad na Gomionicu i Višnji- The HVO battalion from Fojnica was tasked with secur-
cu. Armija Republike BiH je pak napala i zauzela Lisovo ing the left flank and linking up with the HVO forces in
brdo. Gubici brigade HVO-a bili su sedam poginulih i 10 Kreševo and Kiseljak and then linking up with the HVO
ranjenih vojnika.769 Tijekom 20. travnja brigada HVO-a forces in Sebešić. The Kiseljak Brigade attacked Gomi-
zauzela je Višnjicu i borila se za Gomionicu. Gubici su onica, Višnjica, Doci, Hercezi and Svinjarevo on April
bili veliki, osam poginulih i 13 ranjenih vojnika. U Kre- 18. It captured Gomionice, Svinjarevo and Rotilj and
ševu je HVO razoružavao muslimanske snage. Idućega disarmed the Muslims in the villages of Palež, Potkraj,
je dana branio crtu organiziranu na položajima Badnje, Paleška Ćuprija, Radanovići and in parts of Han Ploča.
Pobrđe i Gomionica. U obrani je imao tri poginula i 20 However, the HVO lost Zavrtaljka Hill near Velike Sot-
ranjenih vojnika. Toga je dana (21. travnja) HVO napra- nice. To the HVO, the hill was an important position
vio određeni pomak kod Gomionice potisnuvši snage because it offered an avenue for an attack towards Me-
ARBiH oko 500 metara sjeverno od prometnice Buso- hurići and Prosje. On April 19 the Brigade beat back a
vača – Kiseljak. Primirje je zateklo HVO na položajima u determined attack on the village of Pobrđe and contin-
dijelu Gomionice i Svinjareva.770 ued attacking Gomionica and Višnjica. The Army of the
Najveći uspjeh u travanjskim borbama postigla Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked and cap-
je ARBiH u Zenici, gdje je HVO u odnosu na nju imao tured Lisovo Brdo. The HVO lost seven men killed and
osjetno manje snage – dvije brigade, od kojih je Zenič- ten wounded. On April 20 the Brigade captured Višnjica
ka bila u ustrojavanju. Unatoč nazivu, HVO je imao oko and was still engaged in the fighting for Gomionica. On
700 ljudi, što je osjetno manje i od jedne brigade. Ar- that day the number of casualties was especially high:
mija Republike BiH imala je u Zenici sjedište i glavninu eight men killed and thirteen wounded. In Kreševo the
snaga 3. korpusa, po procjenama HVO-a oko 7000 ljudi. HVO was busy disarming the Muslims. On the following
Uvod u sukob bila je otmica Živka Totića, zapovjednika day the HVO defended the positions in Badnja, Pobrđe
brigade HVO-a Jure Francetić, i ubojstvo njegove četve- and Gomionica. It lost 3 men killed and 20 wounded. On
ročlane pratnje. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane zbog Totićeve the same day (April 21) the HVO made some headway
je otmice munjevito blokiralo Zenicu i držalo pola gra- at Gomionica and pushed back the Army of the Repub-
da pod nadzorom. HVO je Zenicu u blokadi držao dan lic of Bosnia and Herzegovina forces about 500 meters
i pol i prekinuo je s njom na inzistiranje europskih pro- to the north of the Busovača – Kiseljak road. When the
matrača i nakon konzultacija s OZ-om Srednja Bosna cease-fire was signed the HVO held positions in parts of
da smanje tenzije. Nakon povlačenja hrvatskih snaga s Gomionica and Svinjarevo.
glavnih prometnica, ARBiH je 17. travnja napala snage The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegov-
obiju brigada HVO-a. U napadu je angažirala 7. musli- ina, during April, achieved its biggest successes in Ze-
mansku i 314. motoriziranu brigadu, dijelove 303. brd- nica where it outnumbered the HVO. The HVO in the
ske brigade i snage Općinskoga štaba Zenica. U ponoć Zenica area had only two brigades, but one of those
17./18. travnja OZ Srednja Bosna izvijestila je Glavni was in the process of forming. These formations were
stožer da su postrojbe HVO-a u Zenici okružene i u ra- brigades in name only. The HVO had only 700 men un-
sulu. Oko 1500 izbjeglih Hrvata spas je potražilo u trav- der arms in the Zenica area – considerably less than
ničkim selima Brajkovićima i Grahovčićima. Dio vojnika the nominal strength of one brigade. III Corps of the
HVO-a uspio se s oružjem probiti do Viteza i Busovače i Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was
od njih je poslije reorganizirana brigada Jure Francetić. headquartered in Zenica. Also, the bulk of III Corps was
Po završetku sukoba ARBiH se domogla većega dijela stationed in Zenica. According to the HVO’s estimates,
naoružanja i opreme HVO-a (oko 500 cijevi). Većina hr- the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
had about 7,000 men in the Zenica area. The prelude
to the conflict there was the kidnapping of Živko Totić,
769 ICTY: Vojna pošta 1751, Značajnija b/d brigade “Ban Jo- the commander of the Jure Francetić Brigade of the
sip Jelačić”, br. 03-858-1/94 od 26. 2. 1994.
HVO and the murder of his four bodyguards. The HVO,
770 Zap. br. “Ban Jelačić”, Izvješće str. pov. br. 01-878-1/93 od in response, rapidly put Zenica under blockade and
23. 4. 1993.; ICTY: Vojna pošta 1751, Značajnija b/d bri-
gade “Ban Josip Jelačić”, br. 03-858-1/94 od 26. 2. 1994.; gained control of one half of the city. The HVO per-
C. R. SHRADER, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat, 179. sisted with blockading Zenica for one and a half days.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

The European observers insisted that the HVO lifted

the blockade so as to diffuse the situation. Having dis-
cussed the matter with Operative Zone Central Bosnia
the HVO complied. When the HVO withdrew its forces
from the main roads the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
and Herzegovina attacked both HVO brigades in Zen-
ica on April 17. The 7th Muslim Brigade and the 314th
Motorized Brigade, elements of the 303rd Mountain Bri-
gade and units belonging to the Municipal HQ Zenica
participated in the attack. At midnight on April 17-18
Operative Zone Central Bosnia informed the Main HQ
that the HVO forces in Zenica were surrounded and
near collapse. About 1,500 Croatian refugees fled to
the villages of Brajković and Grahovčići in the Travnik
area. Some HVO soldiers managed to retreat to Vitez
and Busovača. These troops later formed the nucleus
of the reorganized Jure Francetić Brigade. The Army of
the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina captured most
Prosvjed Hrvata koje su muslimanske snage protjerale iz Zenice of the HVO’s equipment and weapons in Zenica (about
(autor fotografije: Srećko Stipović). 500 small arms). Most of the Croats from the Zenica
Protest rally of the Croats expelled from Zenica by Muslim forc- area were gradually expelled and the villages located
es (Photograph by Srećko Stipović). to the north and northwest of the city were ethnically
cleansed. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
zegovina also blocked the road connecting the HVO
units in Žepče and Usora with the Lašva Valley.
Heavy fighting did not develop in the other parts
vatskoga stanovništva postupno je protjerana iz Zenice, of central Bosnia. Tensions ran high though. On April
a sela zapadno i sjeverozapadno od grada “očišćena” su. 19 there was fighting in the Kalibunar settlement, but
Uz to je blokirana prometnica koja je povezivala HVO it did not spread. On April in Kakanj violence flared up
Žepča i Usore s dolinom Lašve.771 between the HVO and the Army of the Republic of Bos-
U ostalim dijelovima središnje Bosne nije bilo ve- nia and Herzegovina. Both sides lost one soldier killed
ćih sukoba, premda je postojala velika napetost i spre- in the incident.
mnost za potezanje oružja. U Travniku je 19. travnja The speed and ferocity of the reaction of the Army
izbio sukob u naselju Kalibunar, no nije se proširio. U of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the HVO’s
Kaknju se 20. travnja zbio incident u kojem su poginuli preemptive strike at Vitez shows that the Muslims had
po jedan pripadnik HVO-a i ARBiH.772 been preparing an attack on the HVO. The Army of the
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina put sustained and
growing pressure on the HVO in Vitez and Busovača.
771 ICTY: Komanda 303. slavne bbr, Zapovijest str. pov. br. That the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovi-
01/2532-1 od 16. 4. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Izvješće br. 03-4- na was able to do so was due to the fact that the Army’s
334/93 od 18. 4. 1993.; IZM Vitez OZ SB, Izvješće br. 03-
combat value and the efficiency of its organizational
4-373/93 od 19. 4. 1993.; Izvješće Vinka Barešića o orga-
nizaciji HVO Zenica od 23. 4. 1993.; Centar SIS-a OZ SB, structure were steadily on the increase. The HVO’s per-
Izvješće br. 63-01-11/93 od 25. 6. 1993.; C. R. SHRADER, formance, on the other hand, revealed the local nature
Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat, 181-183. of its character. This inherent flaw in the HVO’s struc-
772 IZM OZ SB, Obrana od agresije, zapovijed br. 01-4- ture became painfully obvious in Fojnica when the Fo-
379/93 od 19. 4. 1993.; Izvješće VOS OZ SB o stanju od jnica HVO Battalion refused to attack Dusina so as to
20. 4. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Izvješće br. 03-4-423/93 od 20.
4. 1993.; Ured za informiranje ZOZSB, Informacija za jav- help the Croatian forces in Konjic. The Fojnica Battalion
nost br. 08-4-430/93 od 20. 4. 1993. also refused to provide assistance in Busovača, regard-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Brzina i silina odgovora ARBiH na preventivni na- less of the fact that the battalion formed part of the
pad HVO-a kod Viteza potvrđuje da je bila zatečena u Busovača Brigade. The situation did not improve even
pripremama za sukob s HVO-om. Tijek događanja i su- when the battalion was placed under the command of
stavni pritisak na HVO u Vitezu i Busovači pokazuju da the Kiseljak Brigade of the HVO.
su njezina borbena sposobnost i organizacija sustavno In the context of the world media, the conflict in
rasle. Hrvatsko je vijeće obrane pak pokazalo da lokalni central Bosnia in April, 1993, was indelibly marked by
karakter vojske i dalje egzistira. To je posebice bilo izra- the crime in Ahmići. In that incident members of the
ženo u Fojnici, gdje se bojna HVO-a odbila angažirati HVO deliberately killed a number of civilians. It is fair
da pomogne hrvatskim snagama u Konjicu pritiskom to point out that what happened in the village of Ah-
na Dusinu, ali i u Busovači, s kojom su bili u istoj brigadi mići compromised the HVO’s right to self-defense. The
(Nikola Šubić Zrinski). Nije pomoglo ni operativno pri- consequences of the media exposure of the crime in
dodavanje bojne brigadi HVO-a Kiseljak.773 Ahmići were both immediate and long-lasting. The
Sudeći prema izvješćivanju medija i njegovom crime in Ahmići, deservedly or not, completely over-
odjeku u svjetskoj javnosti, sukob u travnju 1993. obi- shadowed the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
lježio je zločin u Ahmićima, u kojem su, uz pripadnike zegovina’s attack on the HVO in Konjic and the subse-
ARBiH ubijene u borbi, pripadnici HVO-a izvan borbe- quent ethnic cleansing of the municipality. According
nih djelovanja ubili i civile. U tom je selu HVO kom- to the Croatian report of April 26, 1993, the Croatian
promitirao svoje pravo na obranu. Posljedice su bile losses in central Bosnia, until that day from the begin-
trenutačne i još traju. Napad ARBiH na HVO u Konjicu ning of the attack – a period of ten days – were: 72 sol-
i etničko čišćenje općine gurnuto je u drugi plan. Pre- diers and 12 civilians killed, 163 soldiers and 14 civilians
ma hrvatskim podacima od 26. travnja 1993., na strani wounded, 676 soldiers and civilians taken prisoner and
HVO-a u središnjoj Bosni do tada su, u desetak dana od 91 persons missing. The Muslims expelled 194 Croatian
početka napada, poginula 72 vojnika i 12 civila, ranje- soldiers and 1,820 civilians from the region.
na su 163 vojnika i 14 civila, zarobljeno je 676 civila i In April the HVO realized that the Army of the Re-
vojnika, nestala je 91 osoba, a prognana su 194 vojnika public of Bosnia and Herzegovina started a war against
i 1820 civila.774 them. The HVO’s reacted by blocking the routes by
U travnju su u HVO-u shvatili da je ARBiH počela rat which the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
zbog čega su joj sasvim blokirali dovoz oružja i vojne govina was getting weapons and matériel. The HVO
opreme. Iznimka je konvoj propušten za Srebrenicu, made one exception; it let a convoy for Srebrenica
koji je ARBiH u Visokom istovarila, a oružje iskoristila za through. The convoy never reached its stated destina-
napad na HVO.775 Treći je korpus u predahu nastalom tion though. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
nakon potpisanog primirja 22. travnja dao smjernice Herzegovina unloaded the weapons and equipment in
za razbijanje i razoružavanje HVO-a. Operativna grupa Visoko and used it for their attack on the HVO. III Corps,
Bosanska krajina zadužena je da razbije HVO u Travniku taking advantage of the cease-fire signed on April 22
i Novom Travniku. Operativna grupa Lašva s glavninom created plans for destroying and disarming the HVO
7. muslimanske brigade i po jednim bataljunom 303., in Travnik and Novi Travnik. Operational Group Lašva,
305. i 306. brigade i Samostalnim diverzantskim bata- with the bulk of the 7th Muslim Brigade, one battalion
ljunom određena je da razbije HVO u Busovači, Kaknju of the 303rd Brigade, one battalion of the 305th Brigade,
one Battalion from the 306th Brigade and the Indepen-
dent Commando Battalion was to destroy the HVO in
773 IZM OZ SB, Zapovijed br. 01-04-335/93 od 18. 4. 1993.; Busovača, Kakanj and Vitez and then help Operational
IZM OZ SB br. 01-4-377/93 od 19. 4. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Group East and Operational Group Igman to capture
Zapovijed br. 01-4-418/93 od 20. 4. 1993. Kiseljak. Group Bosna was tasked with destroying the
774 IZM OZ SB, Vanredno izvješće br. 01-4-653/93 od 26. 4. HVO forces in Žepče and Zavidovići and Operational
1993.; C. HODGE, Velika Britanija i Balkan od 1991. do da-
nas, 134-147.
Group East, assisted by Operational Group Lašva, to
destroy the HVO forces in Vareš.
775 O tome je svjedočio jedan zaštićeni svjedok na ICTY-u u
slučaju protiv generala Tihomira Blaškića. Podatak sam
dobio upravo od generala Blaškića.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

i Vitezu, a potom pomogne operativnim grupama Istok Travnik and Novi Travnik
i Igman da zauzmu Kiseljak. Operativna grupa Bosna
određena je da razbije HVO u Žepču i Zavidovićima, a After a lull lasting more than a month the Army of
OG Istok da uz pomoć snaga iz OG-a Lašva razbije HVO the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked again
u Varešu.776 in June. The aim was to capture Travnik and Novi Travnik.
In Travnik the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
Travnik i Novi Travnik zegovina had three brigades (17th, 306th Mountain and
312th Motorized) with 5,260 men altogether. In Novi
Nakon zatišja dužeg od mjesec dana, ARBiH je u lip- Travnik the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
nju ponovno krenula u napad. Cilj je bio Travnik i Novi govina had, at the end of May, the 308th Mountain Bri-
Travnik. U tri brigade u Travniku (17. i 306. brdska i 312. gade with 1,920 soldiers. The main formation of the Army
motorizirana) ARBiH je krajem svibnja imala 5260 ljudi, of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was the 17th
a u Novom Travniku 308. brdsku brigadu s 1920 vojni- Mountain Brigade – formed, organized and equipped a
ka. Glavna snaga ARBiH bila je 17. brdska brigada, čije year before in Croatia.
je ljudstvo – koje li ironije – organizirano i opremljeno The HVO in Travnik consisted of two brigades with
godinu dana prije u Hrvatskoj.777 between 2,500-3,000 men altogether. The two bri-
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane Travnika sastojalo se od dvi- gades, between them, had five battalions. The Travnik
je brigade jačine pet bojni, koje su zajedno imale izme- Brigade had three and the Frankopan Brigade (formed
đu 2500 i 3000 ljudi. Travnička brigada imala je tri, a bri- on April 1, 1993) two battalions. The HQ of the HVO
gada Frankopan (osnovana 1. travnja 1993.) dvije bojne. Travnik was in Jankovići above Travnik. The main task
Sjedište HVO-a bilo je u Jankovićima iznad Travnika. Uz of the Travnik Brigade, in addition to holding the de-
držanje crte, prioritetna zadaća Travničke brigade bila fensive line, was to defend the Vilenica plateau and se-
je obrana platoa Vilenice i osiguranje repetitora, a no- cure the repeater. The Novi Travnik Stjepan Tomašević
votravničke brigade Stjepan Tomašević obrana Logistič- Brigade’s task was to defend the logistics base in Sto-
ke baze u Stojkovićima i blokada cesta na smjeru Opara jkovići and block the Opara – Kruščica road. The HVO
– Kruščica. Prema podacima HVO-a, upravo su oni drža- held two thirds of the line opposite the VRS forces in
li dvije trećine crte prema VRS-u na travničkom dijelu the Travnik area. The positions of the Novi Travnik Bri-
bojišta. Novotravnička brigada HVO-a držala je crtu od
gade of the HVO stretched from Slatka Voda to Petkov-
Slatke vode do Petkovića, gdje je crtu preuzimala ARBiH. ić. The remainder of the line was held by the Army of
Travnička brigada HVO-a držala je crtu od Slatke vode the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Travnik
pa sjeveroistočno do Kazića (oko 4,5 kilometra), potom Brigade of the HVO held the portion of the line from
je ARBiH držala dionicu crte od oko 2 kilometra do sjeve- Slatka Voda to Kazić (this part of the line stretched in
roistočnoga kraja Giganića. Travnička brigada potom je northeasterly direction and was 4.5 kilometers long).
preuzimala crtu na isturenom dijelu prema Turbetu, pa From Kazić the line continued in the same direction for
istočno do kote 1109. Ondje je crtu preuzimala brigada about two kilometers as far as the end of the village of
Frankopan i držala je na Vlašiću do Vlaške gromile, gdje Giganić. That part of the line was held by the Army of
ju je ponovno preuzimala ARBiH. Travnik je nadzirala AR- the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The positions
BiH, a HVO je zadržao jedan stožer i dio grada. Ulaz u where the line bulged towards Turbe were held by the
grad nadzirala je ARBiH na nadzornoj točki Plava voda.778 Travnik Brigade of the HVO. These positions stretched
as far as the high ground designated as Hill 1109. From
there the positions along the defensive line were held
776 ICTY: Komanda 3. korpusa, Naređenje str. pov. br. 02/33- by the Frankopan Brigade. This part of the line extend-
957 od 22. 4. 1993. ed from Vlašić to Vlaška Gomila. From there, the posi-
777 ICTY: Pregled popune jedinica 3. korpusa na dan 24. 5. tions were held by the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
1993.; C. R. SHRADER, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski
rat, 199-200.
and Herzegovina. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia
and Herzegovina controlled Travnik. The HVO had one
778 IZM OZ SB, Zapovijed, str. pov. br. 01-5-381/93 od 16. 5.
1993.; C. R. SHRADER, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski HQ in the city and controlled only one neighborhood
rat, 201. of the city. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Kao i na drugim etnički miješanim područjima, Herzegovina had a checkpoint at Plava Voda, thus con-
nacionalno motivirani incidenti bili su česti, posebice trolling the main entry point into the city.
krajem svibnja 1993. godine. Obje su strane optuživale Just like in the other ethnically mixed areas, ethnic
onu drugu da izaziva nemire. Odgovarajući na prosvjed tensions ran high and ethnically motivated incidents
ARBiH, pukovnik Blaškić odbacio je 1. lipnja njihove were common, especially towards the end of May, 1993.
optužbe i ustvrdio da incidenti i zbivanja u Travniku Both sides regularly accused the other of provoking in-
pokazuju da ARBiH provodi obimne vojne aktivnosti. cidents. On June 1 Colonel Blaškić rejected the Army of
UNPROFOR je upozoren da ARBiH priprema otvaranje the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s complaints
novog ratnog žarišta.779 and concluded that the incidents and the situation in
Nakon nekoliko dana ispunjenih incidentima i Travnik irrefutably proved that the Army of the Republic
manjom razmjenom vatre, muslimanske su snage 3. of Bosnia and Herzegovina was conducting preparations
lipnja krenule u napad na grad Travnik iako su u nje- for a large-scale operation. The HVO duly informed and
mu trajali pregovori civilnih i vojnih vlasti o uređenju warned UNPROFOR of the Army of the Republic of Bos-
odnosa u 10. provinciji. Napad je vodila i organizirala nia and Herzegovina’s activities and intentions.
Komanda OG Bosanska krajina, pod čijim su zapovjed- After a string of numerous incidents and minor skir-
ništvom bile snage 17. brdske brigade, dijelovi 306. i mishes lasting a few days, the Army of the Republic of
312. brigade, bataljun 7. muslimanske brigade, pro- Bosnia and Herzegovina finally launched its attack on
storne snage Općinskoga štaba Travnik i Stanice javne Travnik on June 3, completely disregarding the fact that
bezbjednosti Travnik. Navečer 3. lipnja muslimanske negotiations between the civil and military authorities
su snage napale HVO i hrvatska sela u blizini Doca i of the Croats and the Muslims about regulating the Mus-
zauzele okolne gospodarske objekte. Tijekom 4. lipnja lim-Croat relationship were in progress in the city. The
najžešće su se borbe vodile u gradskom naselju Kali- attack was planned and led by the HQ of Operational
bunar. Važnu ulogu u napadu odigrali su dijelovi 17. Group Bosanska Krajina. Under its command were the
krajiške brdske brigade ARBiH ubačeni u zaleđe snaga 17th Mountain Brigade, elements of the 306th and 312th
HVO-a koje su držale crtu prema Srbima. Travničkoj Brigades, one battalion of the 7th Muslim Brigade, local
brigadi HVO-a pomogle su postrojbe posebne namje- forces belonging to the municipal HQ of Travnik and
ne i dio brigade Stjepan Tomašević. Snage ARBiH ušle the Travnik police station. On the evening of June 3 the
su 6. lipnja u sela Prići i Šipovik i osvojile dio platoa Muslims attacked the HVO and the Croatian villages
Vilenice. Iz pravca Vakufa i Ilovače snage ARBiH zauze- near Doc and captured all the important facilities and
le su hrvatska sela Gornji Dolac i Grahovik i osigurale installations in the area. On June 4 ferocious fighting de-
spoj od Heldova do Slimene. Nakon dvodnevnih borbi veloped in the Kalibunar neighborhood of Travnik. The
HVO je potisnut iz Travnika u zapadni dio općine, u na- pivotal role in the attack was played elements of the 17th
selja Kalibunar, Šipovik, Kraljevice, Paklarevo i Ovčare- Krajina Mountain Brigade of the Army of the Republic
vo. Jedini izlaz bilo je prestrojavanje snaga s položaja of Bosnia and Herzegovina which infiltrated the defen-
prema VRS-u i povlačenje prema Novom Travniku i Bi- sive line the HVO held opposite the VRS’s positions. The
loj. Brigada se u noći 6./7. lipnja podijelila i s glavnim Travnik Brigade of the HVO received help from the spe-
snagama i pokretnim civilima probila preko planina cial purpose unit and elements of the Stjepan Tomašević
Kajabaše i Bukovice do Guče Gore i dalje prema Biloj Brigade. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
kod Viteza. Ranjenici, nepokretni invalidi, starci i djeca zegovina entered the villages of Prići and Šipovik and
izvučeni su poslijepodne 7. lipnja na Galicu, teritorij captured a part of the Vilenica plateau on June 6. The
koji je nadzirao VRS. S njima je ostao odsječen i dio za- Muslim forces attacking from the direction of Vakuf and
laznice brigade koji je osiguravao njihov prijelaz. Srp- Ilovača captured the Croatian villages of Gornji Dolac
ske su snage izdvojile 880 vojno sposobnih muškaraca and Grahovik and thus established a line from Heldovo
i 8. lipnja odvezle ih na Manjaču. Nakon što je sasvim to Slimena. After two days of fighting the HVO forces
were pushed back from Travnik into the western part of
the municipality – into the neighborhoods of Kalibunar,
779 ICTY: OG “Bosanska Krajina”, Protest br. 09/115-2 od 31.
5. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Odgovor br. 01-6-15/93 od 1. 6. Šipovik, Kraljevice, Paklarevo and Ovčarevo. The only
1993. option available to the HVO at that point was to with-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

ovladala Travnikom, ARBiH je 7. lipnja napala hrvatska draw most of the forces manning the positions opposite
naselja istočno i sjeveroistočno od njega. Do 14. lipnja the VRS and retreat towards Novi Travnik and Bila. The
zauzela je Grahovčiće, Brajkoviće, Plavičiće, Guču Goru Brigade split during the night of June 6-7 and joined
i Bukovicu, očistila područje sjeveroistočno od Travni- the retreating main force and civilians. The soldiers and
ka i potpuno stavila pod nadzor prometnicu Travnik – civilians retreated across Mount Kajabaša and Mount
Guča Gora – Zenica. Prodor ARBiH prema Novoj Biloj Bukovica and reached Guča Gora whence they contin-
brigada HVO-a Frankopan zaustavila je u borbama 12. ued the trek towards Bila near Vitez. The wounded, im-
i 13. lipnja 1993., kada je vratila izgubljeni položaj Hra- mobile invalids, infirm and children were evacuated on
šće. U tim je borbama brigada imala 17 poginulih i 72 the afternoon of June 7 to Galica, an area controlled by
ranjena vojnika. Obje travničke brigade HVO-a preu- the VRS. The rear guard of the brigade was cut off. The
zele su crtu obrane na području općine Novi Travnik: Serbs separated 880 men fit for military service from the
Travnička brigada od Kule do Nević Polja, a brigada group and transported them, on June 8, to Manjača. On
Frankopan od Kule do Pokrajčića. Ljudstvo Travničke June 7, having gained full control of Travnik, the Army
brigade koje se predalo Srbima prebačeno je 13. lipnja of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked the
u Vareš, a 21. lipnja na područje Kiseljaka i Kreševa, u Croatian villages located to the north and northeast of
zonu brigade Ban Jelačić.780 the city. By June 14 the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
Napad ARBiH na HVO u Travniku bio je najkrvaviji and Herzegovina had captured Grahovčići, Brajkovići,
dio muslimansko-hrvatskoga rata. U borbama od 3. do Plavičići, Guča Gora and Bukovica, mopped up the area
15. lipnja Travnička brigada imala je 43 poginula i 124 to the northeast of Travnik and gained complete control
ranjena vojnika, a brigada Frankopan 90 poginulih i of the Travnik – Guča Gora – Zenica road. The advance
127 ranjenih vojnika. Tih je dana ubijena većina od 118 of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
civila i nenaoružanih Hrvata tijekom toga sukoba. Naj- towards Novo Bila was halted by the Frankopan Brigade
više ih je ubijeno 8. lipnja u selima Čukle (22) i Maljine of the HVO on June 12 and 13. The Frankopan Brigade
(37 osoba). Većina hrvatskoga stanovništva evakuirana also managed to retake Hrašće. This success of the Fran-
je i protjerana na područje Nova Bila – Vitez – Busovača kopan Brigade was achieved at the cost of 17 men killed
– Novi Travnik, a sela su opljačkana i spaljena. Gubici and 72 wounded. The Travnik Brigade and the Franko-
ARBiH također su bili veliki. Glavna postrojba, 17. kra- pan Brigade took up positions in the Novi Travnik area:
jiška brdska brigada, imala je do 10. lipnja 12 poginulih the Travnik Brigade from Kula as far as Nević Polje and
i 52 ranjena borca, a 312. motorizirana osam poginulih the Frankopan Brigade from Kule as far as Pokrajčić. The
i 68 ranjenih.781 men from the Travnik Brigade who had surrendered to
Nakon što je ovladala Travnikom, OG Bosanska Kra- the Serbs were transported to Vareš on June 13 and on
jina ARBiH u rano jutro 9. lipnja napala je HVO u op- June 21 to the Kiseljak and Kreševo area, a region con-
ćini Novi Travnik. Najprije su napadnuta sela između trolled by the Ban Jelačić Brigade.
Gornjeg Vakufa i Novog Travnika. Đakovići i Kasapovići The ARBIH’s attack on the HVO in Travnik was the
bloodiest episode of the Muslim-Croatian war in Bosnia
and Herzegovina. In the fighting from June 3 to June
780 IZM OZ SB, Prosvjed str. pov. br. 03-6-117/93 od 4. 6. 15 the Travnik Brigade lost 43 killed and 124 wounded
1993.; IZM OZ SB, Izvješće str. pov. br. 01-6-128/93 od
4. 6. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Izvješće str. pov. br. 01-6-168/93 soldiers and the Frankopan Brigade lost 90 men killed
od 5. 6. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Izvješće str. pov. br. 03-6- and 127 wounded. The majority of the 118 civilians and
194/93 od 6. 6. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Vanredno izvješće str. unarmed Croats who lost their lives in the conflict were
pov. br. 01-6-345/93 od 13. 6. 1993.; Vanredno izvješće
killed during that battle. Most of them were killed on
Zapovjedništva “Travničke brigade” od 15. 6. 1992.; Izv-
ješće Bojne “Dr. Nikola Tusun” od 30. 7. 1993. o borben- June 8 – 22 in the village of Čukle and 37 in the village
om putu bojne; C. R. SHRADER, Muslimansko-hrvatski of Maljine. Most of the Croatian population was evacu-
građanski rat, 202-205. ated and/or expelled to the Nova Bila – Vitez – Busovača
781 ICTY: Zapovjedništvo 312. mtbr, Zbirni borbeni izvještaj – Novi Travnik area and their houses looted and torched.
str. pov. br. 02/33-423-11/93 od 11. 6. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina also
Tabelarni spisak str. pov. br. 13-6-384/93 od 16. 6. 1993.;
A. KLIKO, F. ĆUSKIĆ, 17. Viteška Krajiška brdska brigada suffered horrendous casualties. The main formation, the
ARBiH, 146. 17th Krajina Mountain Brigade had lost, by June 10, 12


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

zauzeti su 10. lipnja. Idućega dana okružena su sela men killed and 52 wounded and the 312th Motorized
Zubići, Margetići, Gornje i Donje Pećine i Ruda. Napad Brigade eight killed and 68 wounded.
na Logističku bazu u Stojkovićima HVO je odbio. U taj Having gained control of Travnik Operational
je kaos upao humanitarni konvoj s pomoći za Tuzlu, Group Bosanska Krajina of the Army of the Republic of
koji su u Novom Travniku pobješnjeli civili napali, ubili Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked the HVO forces in the
nekoliko vozača i dijelom ga opljačkali. Nastavljajući Travnik Municipality on the morning of June 9. The first
napad, ARBiH je 12. lipnja zauzela tvornicu Bratstvo i targets of the attack were the villages between Gornji
ozbiljno ugrozila Stojkoviće. Posebice je jak napad bio Vakuf and Novi Travnik. The village of Đakovići and the
14. lipnja u zoni brigade HVO-a Stjepan Tomašević u village of Kasapovići were captured on June 10. During
selima oko Novog Travnika i zapadno od njega: Ruda, the following day the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
Brkanove kuće, Budušići, Zubići, Rastovci, Margetići i and Herzegovina encircled the villages of Zubići, Mar-
u Logističkoj bazi Stojkovići. Od 9. do 14. lipnja briga- getići, Gornje Pećina, Donja Pećina and Ruda. The HVO
da je imala 35 poginulih vojnika. U zonama travničkih managed to repulse the attack on the logistics base in
brigada ARBiH je pomaknula crtu u Docu na Lašvi i Stojkovići. A convoy bringing humanitarian aid to Tuzla,
intenzivno napadala na Gostunju i smjeru Brankovac unsuspectingly, drove straight into the chaos of battle
– Pokrajčići. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane branilo se uz veli- in Novi Travnik. Enraged civilians attacked the convoy,
ke gubitke, premoreno i malobrojno ljudstvo. Dnevni killed a number of drivers and looted some vehicles.
gubici po brigadi HVO-a bili su u prosjeku 15-17 pogi- The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
nulih i oko 30 ranjenih. Hrvatska sela zapadno od Trav- continued to attack and on June 12 it captured the
nika nisu izdržala i 15. lipnja stanovništvo se povuklo Bratstvo factory and stood poised to capture Stojkov-
u selo Ruda i iz njega prešlo na područje Republike ići. On June 14 the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Srpske. Vojsci je naređeno da se, nakon što se osigura Herzegovina launched especially determined forays
izvlačenje civila, probije prema Pribilovićima, što nije against villages around Novi Travnik and villages to the
uspjelo, pa se jedna bojna povukla u zonu VRS-a te je north of the city – the area of responsibility of the Stje-
poslije prebačena u Livno. Njihovo izvlačenje pokuša- pan Tomašević Brigade. During the period from June 9
la je iskoristiti 30. krajiška divizija VRS-a da zaposjedne to June 14 the Stjepan Tomašević Brigade lost 35 men
napuštene položaje HVO-a na Kamenjašu i Mravinjcu killed. In the fighting against the Travnik Brigade the
između Donjeg Vakufa i Novog Travnika, što je ARBiH Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina man-
uspjela spriječiti.782 aged to push the defenders back at Dolac na Lašvi and
Armija Republike BiH potom je nastavila pritisak continued pressing in Gostunje and in the direction of
na Sebešić i Rostovo, planinsko područje između Gor- Brankovac – Pokrajčići. The HVO was hard pressed to
njeg Vakufa i Lašvanske doline, radi odsijecanja središ- hold the line; casualties were heavy, the Muslims were
nje Bosne od Hercegovine i spajanja snaga ARBiH iz numerically vastly superior and the Croat soldiers were
Novog Travnika, Gornjeg Vakufa i Fojnice. Na području physically and mentally exhausted. Every HVO Brigade
Sebešića HVO je imao oko 250 vojnika. Preko Sebeši- lost between 15-17 men killed and about 30 wounded
ća i Busovačkih staja HVO iz Prozora doturao je oružje a day. The defenders of the Croatian villages to the west
i opremu. Operativna grupa ARBiH Bosanska Krajina of Travnik could not hold their positions any longer.
On June 15, the residents of the villages fled to the vil-
782 IZM OZ SB, Izvješće str. pov. br. 03-6-275/93 od 9. 6.
lage of Ruda and thence to the Republika Srpska. The
1993.; IZM OZ SB, Izvješće str. pov. br. 03-6-288/93 od soldiers were ordered to protect the civilians on their
10. 6. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, str. pov. br. 01-6-291/93 od 10. trek to the Republika Srpska and then fight their way
6. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Izvješće str. pov. br. 03-6-306/93 od to Pribilovići. The Croatian soldiers did not manage to
11. 6. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Vanredno izvješće str. pov. br.
01-6-317/93 od 12. 6. 1993.; Vanredno izvješće IZM OZ break through the Muslim lines and reach Pribilovići.
SB od 14. 6. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Izvješće str. pov. br. 03-6- One battalion retreated into the area controlled by the
375/93 od 15. 6. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Borbena zapovijed VRS and was later moved to Livno. The 30th Krajina Di-
str. pov. br. 01-6-370/93 od 15. 6. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, vision of the VRS tried to take advantage of the retreat
Redovno borbeno izvješće str. pov. br. 01-1684/93 od
15. 7. 1993.; A. KLIKO, F. ĆUSKIĆ, 17. Viteška Krajiška brds- of these Croatian forces by occupying the vacated po-
ka brigada ARBiH, 142-145. sitions on Kamenjaš and Mravinac between Donji Vakuf


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

za napad je angažirala 308. brdsku brigadu, bataljun and Novi Travnik. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia
17. krajiške brdske brigade i dio Odreda CSB-a Banja and Herzegovina managed to foil the attempt.
Luka. Najprije su pala sela Zeke i Perići, a navečer 24. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovi-
lipnja osvojeni su Dahovo, Rat i Potkraj. Sebešić je pao na then advanced on Sebešić and Rostovo, a mountain-
2. srpnja nakon neuspješnog pokušaja da se obrani ous terrain between Gornji Vakuf and the Lašva Valley.
pomogne s pravca Busovače u pothvatu zvanom Klin. The aim of the attack was to cut off central Bosnia from
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane imalo je 13 poginulih i 12 za- Herzegovina and link up with the Army of the Repub-
robljenih vojnika. Oko 220 vojnika povuklo se u Gornji lic of Bosnia and Herzegovina forces from Novi Travnik,
Vakuf/Uskoplje i od njih je osnovana Lašvanska bojna Gornji Travnik and Fojnica. In the Sebešić area the HVO
HVO-a, koja je angažirana na uskopaljsko-ramskom di- had about 250 men. The HVO transported weapons
jelu bojišta.783 and equipment through Sebešić and Busovačke Sta-
je. Operational Group Bosanska Krajina of the Army of
Kakanj the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina engaged the
308th Mountain Brigade, one battalion of the 17th Kra-
Kakanj je bila općina s većinskim muslimanskim jina Mountain Brigade and elements of the CBS squad
stanovništvom, kojega je bilo dvostruko više od Hr- Banja Luka for the attack. The villages of Zeka and Perići
vata. Hrvati su bili grupirani u istočnom dijelu općine, quickly fell under the onslaught and during the evening
oko Kraljeve Sutjeske. U općini je ARBiH formirala 309. on June 24 the Muslims captured Dahovo, Rat and Pot-
brdsku brigadu, a dio ljudstva je bio u 7. muslimanskoj kraj. Sebešić fell on July 2 after a failed counterattack
brdskoj brigadi. Krajem 1992. od HVO-a Kakanj i Vareš codenamed Klin (Wedge) launched from the direction
osnovana je brigada Bobovac. U ožujku i travnju 1993. of Busovača. The HVO lost 13 men killed and 12 taken
iz brigade Bobovac izdvojen je kakanjski dio, od kojega prisoner. About 220 HVO soldiers retreated into Gorn-
je osnovana brigada Kotromanić.784 ji Vakuf/Uskoplje. The Lašva Battalion of the HVO was
Izvidničko-diverzantska skupina ARBIH upala je formed out of these men. The Battalion was then de-
8. lipnja 1993. u Lučiće i ubila jednog vojnika HVO-a. ployed in the Uskoplje – Rama area.
Hrvatske su snage rastjerale muslimansku skupinu,
što je ARBIH iskoristila kao povod za napad na HVO Kakanj
u Kaknju. Napad je počeo 9. lipnja na sela naseljena
Hrvatima: Teševo, Seoce, Velike Trnovce, Dujmoviće, Kakanj was a predominately Muslim municipality –
Bjelaviće, Goru, Crnač, Slapnicu, Lipnicu i Kraljevu there were twice as many Muslims there than Croats. The
Sutjesku. Brigada Bobovac pomogla je brigadi Kotro- Croats were grouped in the eastern part of the munici-
manić s jednom satnijom vojnika. Armija Republike pality, around Kraljeva Sutjeska. The Army of the Repub-
BiH ultimativno je 12. lipnja tražila da se HVO preda, lic of Bosnia and Herzegovina formed the 309th Mountain
što je odbijeno. Idućega dana ARBiH je probila crtu Brigade in the municipality. A number of men from Ka-
HVO-a u selu Teševu, na Krevniku i Bistranima, čime je kanj served in the 7th Muslim Mountain Brigade. At the
pala obrana hrvatskoga dijela Kaknja. Brigada Kotro- end of 1992 the Bobovac Brigade was formed out of the
manić potom se s oko 15.000 civila povukla u Vareš. HVO Kakanj and Vareš. In March and April, 1993, the per-
Do kraja listopada 1993. civili su postupno preko po- sonnel from Kakanj was detached from the Brigade and
formed into the Kotromanić Brigade.
The reconnaissance-sabotage group of the Army of
783 IZM OZ SB, Vanredno izvješće br. 01-6-550/93 od 24.
the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina sneaked into
6. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Izvješće br. 03-6-564/93 od 25. 6.
1993.; Komanda 3. korpusa RBiH, Obavještenje str. pov. Lučići on June 8 and killed one HVO soldier. The Croatian
br. 02/33-1670 od 2. 7. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Izvanredno izv- forces chased the commandos out of the village. The
ješće br. 01-7-55/93 od 3. 7. 1993.; SIS ZP TG, Rješavanje Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina used
problema u Lašvanskoj bojni kl. 2-64/93, ur. br. 723/93
od 7. 11. 1993.; A. KLIKO, F. ĆUSKIĆ, 17. Viteška Krajiška
the skirmish as a pretext to attack the HVO in Kakanj.
brdska brigada ARBiH, 147-148. The attack started on June 9. The first targets were the
784 Zapovjedništvo brigade HVO “Bobovac”, Zapovijed br. following Croatian villages: Teševo, Seoci, Veliki Trnovci,
01-214-3/93 od 15. 3. 1993. Dujmovići, Bjelavići, Gora, Crnač, Slapnica, Lipnica and


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

dručja pod nadzorom Srba prebačeni u Hercegovinu. Kraljeva Sutjeska. The Bobovac Brigade detached one
Dvije bojne brigade Kotromanić prebačene su u Kise- platoon and placed it under the command of the Kotro-
ljak, a jedna u Stolac.785 manić Brigade. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Herzegovina sent a surrender ultimatum to the HVO on
Dolina Lepenice June 12. The HVO refused. The next day the Army of the
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina broke the HVO lines
U siječnju 1993. ARBiH počinje s operacijama ši- in the village of Teševo, on Krevnik and Bistrani. With that,
rih razmjera te je nakon trodnevnih borbi zaposjela the whole Kakanj defensive line collapsed. The Kotro-
Kaćune i Bilalovac, pa su Fojnica, Kiseljak i Kreševo manić Brigade, with about 15,000 civilians, retreated to
odsječeni od snaga HVO-a u Lašvanskoj dolini. U isto Vareš. By the end of October, 1993, all the civilians had
vrijeme napadnut je i „put spasa“, na kojem su zaro- been moved to Herzegovina via the Serb-controlled ter-
bljeni strojevi i pripadnici HVO-a - radnici na izgradnji ritory. Two battalions from the Kotromanić Brigade were
puta koji je trebao povezati Fojnicu s Ramom. Hrvat- moved to Kiseljak and one to Stolac.
sko vijeće obrane u Fojnici je bilo organizirano u jednu
bojnu u sastavu brigade Nikola Šubić Zrinski sa sjedi- Lepenica Valley
štem u Busovači, koja je zbog prekida komunikacije
u travnju pridodana brigadi Ban Jelačić iz Kiseljaka. U In January, 1993, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
travnju, kada je započeo sukob između ARBiH i HVO-a and Herzegovina began mounting operations on a larger
i u Lepeničkoj i u Lašvanskoj dolini, zapovjednik bojne scale. After three days of fighting the Muslims captured
HVO-a Fojnica odbio je zapovijed pukovnika Blaškića Kaćune and Bilalovac, thus cutting off Fojnica, Kiseljak
da se bojna angažira u tim borbama na pružanju po- and Kreševo from the HVO forces in the Lašva Valley. At
moći Busovači, Kiseljaku i HVO-u Konjica. Njegovo su the same time the ARBIH attacked the “Road of Hope”
stajalište podržale i hrvatske i muslimanske organiza- where it captured a number of HVO personnel building
cije i strukture u općini. Tim je potezom HVO za Fojni- a road that was to connect Fojnica and Rama and the all
cu kupio nekoliko mjeseci relativnog mira, što je, kao the tools and machinery they were using. The HVO Fojni-
što je izbilo na vidjelo u srpnju 1993., loše iskorišteno i ca was formed into one battalion which was under the
pokazalo se pogubnim za Hrvate toga kraja. Uz bojnu command of the Nikola Šubić Zrinski Brigade. The HQ of
HVO-a iz Fojnice iz brigade Nikola Šubić Zrinski iz Bu- the brigade was located in Busovača. However, due to a
sovače, obrana Kiseljaka i Kreševa je 22. lipnja 1993. breakdown in communications between the Fojnica Bat-
pojačana s 859 ljudi Travničke brigade i policajaca iz talion and Busovača, the Fojnica Battalion was attached
Travnika, od kojih je formirana bojna Dr. Nikola Tusun to the Ban Jelačić Brigade from Kiseljak. In April, when
i angažirana po satnijama na području Fojnice, Kise- the conflict between the ARBIH and the HVO started in
ljaka i Kreševa (nakon povlačenja iz Travnika i predaje the Lepenica and Lašva Valleys, the commander of the
Srbima na Vlašiću, bili su prebačeni u logor Manjaču, Fojnica Battalion rejected Colonel Blaškić’s order to em-
a zatim u Kiseljak). U listopadu je iz Vareša u Kiseljak broil the battalion in the fighting so as to help the HVO
doveden i dio brigade Kotromanić, koja je nakon pada forces in Busovača, Kiseljak and Konjic. The commander’s
Kaknja u lipnju praktički prestala postojati, a njeni pre- decision received support from both the Croatian and
živjeli pripadnici i Hrvati Kaknja privremeno su spas Muslim organizations and structures in the municipality.
The move did buy a few months of breathing space to
našli u Varešu.786
the HVO forces in Fojnica. However, the HVO did not take
the full advantage of the situation and suffered serious
785 IZM OZ SB, Vanredno izvješće str. pov. br. 03-6-329/93
od 13. 6. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, str. pov. br. 03-6-346/93 od consequences as a result in July, 1993. Also, the lacklus-
14. 6. 1993.; Centar SIS-a HVO Tomislavgrad, Neven ter approach of the HVO to the situation proved disas-
Marić, informativni razgovor ur. br. 02-08-4-116/97 od trous for the Croatian residents of the region. In addition
30. 1. 1997. to one HVO battalion from Fojnica of the Nikola Šubić
786 IZM OZ SB, Izvješće str. pov. br. 03-6-509/93 od 23. 6. Zrinski Brigade, the defense of Kiseljak and Kreševo was
1993.; IZM OZ SB, Izvješće str. pov. br. 03-6-530/93 od
reinforced, on June 22, 1993, with 859 men of the Travnik
23. 6. 1993.; Izvješće bojne “Dr. Nikola Tusun” od 30. 7.
1993. o borbenom putu bojne. Brigade and policemen from Travnik. These men were


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Nakon što je 18. travnja 1993. u ranim jutarnjim formed into the Dr. Nikola Tusun Brigade and deployed
satima započeo opći sukob između ARBiH i HVO-a u in the area of Fojnica, Kiseljak and Kreševo (after retreat-
Kiseljaku, sljedećih dana HVO je uz ogromne žrtve us- ing from Travnik and surrendering to the Serbs on Vlašić
pio obraniti dio općine Kiseljak, ali je ARBiH pod svoju they were transported to the Manjača camp and thence
kontrolu stavila kompletno područje Bilalovca prema to Kiseljak). In October elements of the Kotromanić Bri-
Busovači te Zabrđa i Bukovice na drugom kraju općine, gade were brought from Vareš to Kiseljak (the Brigade
nadomak Lepenici. was all but wiped out during the fighting for Kakanj) and
Tijekom travanjskih sukoba HVO je 22. i 23. travnja the survivors and Croatian civilians from Kakanj fled to
razoružao Muslimane u Duhrima, a selo Han Ploča od- the relative and temporary safety of Vareš.
bilo je predati oružje. U borbama od 20. do 23. svibnja, On April 18, 1993, early in the morning, an all-out
kada je ARBiH pokušala zapriječiti cestu Kiseljak – Sara- conflict between the HVO and ARBIH in Kiseljak erupt-
jevo, HVO je razoružao i to selo. Od 23. do 25. svibnja ed. During the following few days the HVO, at the cost
HVO je očistio džep kod Gomionice i otklonio prijetnju of tremendous casualties, managed to defend a part
za fojničko raskrižje. Armija Republike BiH je 30. svib- of the Kiseljak Municipality. The ARBIH, on the other
nja napala i zauzela selo Badnje i značajnu kotu „Radar“ hand, gained control of almost the entire area of Bi-
iznad Brestovskog. U pothvatu Osveta-93 HVO je 1. lalovac in the direction of Busovača and also of Zabrđe
lipnja zauzeo Stojkoviće i Gomionicu te visove Obješe- and Bukovica located at the other end of the munici-
njak i Ljeskovicu.787 pality, near Lepenica.
Nakon napada ARBiH na HVO u dolini Lašve, HVO During the fighting in April the HVO disarmed the
je 12. lipnja 1993. uz jak otpor razoružao ARBiH u Tuli- Muslims in Duhri (April 22-23). The Muslims in the village
ci. Razoružanje Muslimana u Grahovcima počelo je 14. of Han Ploče refused to surrender their weapons. In the
lipnja. Otpor je bio jak i akcija se nastavila 15. lipnja. fighting from May 20 to May 23, while the Army of the
U protunapadu je ARBiH zauzela kotu Kokoška, koju Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was trying to block
je HVO u protunapadu uspio vratiti istoga dana. Ra- the Kiseljak Sarajevo road, the HVO disarmed the Mus-
zoružanje Grahovaca završilo je 16. lipnja, kada su ra- lims in Han Ploče. In the period from May 23 to 25 the
zoružana i naselja Mratinići, Sopot, Han Ivica i Volujak, HVO mopped up the Gomionica pocket and secured the
uz prometnicu Lepenica – Kreševo. Armija Republike Fojnica crossroads. On May 30 the Army of the Republic
BiH odgovorila je 17. lipnja napadom jedinica 1. kor- of Bosnia and Herzegovina captured the village of Bad-
pusa, iz smjera Zabrđa i Bukovice (Hadžići) na položa- nje and tactically important “Radar” Hill above Brestovs-
je kreševskoga dijela brigade Ban Jelačić na području ko. The HVO, during operation Osveta-93 (Revenge-93)
Dujakovića potok – Zabašće – Han Ivica i Gradac te s captured Stojkovići and Gomionica and Obješenjak and
pravca Zabrđe – Toplica – Gunjani na položaje u po- Ljeskovica Heights.
dručju Volujak – Hrnkaš – Pirin – Kržanj – Dugi Do – After the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
Blinje. U napadu su muslimanske snage zauzele sela govina’s attack on the HVO in the Lašva Valley the HVO,
Gojakovac i Pirin i nadzorni punkt Blinje. Hrvatsko on June 12, 1993, entered the village of Tulica with the
vijeće obrane organiziralo je obranu na crti Ravnica aim of disarming the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
– Žeželovo – Gradac – Čemišće – Međuvršje – Kralji- Herzegovina troops there. The process of disarming the
čina stijena – Jagodina – Hamišće – Deževice. U tim ARBIH troops did not go smoothly and a firefight devel-
je borbama HVO imao pet poginulih i 18 ranjenih voj- oped. In the end the resistance was crushed and the AR-
nika. Pritisak ARBiH je nastavljen 20. lipnja napadom BIH soldiers were disarmed. The HVO attacked Grahovci
na Meoršje kod Kreševa iz smjera Tarčina i Konjica i na on June 14. The Muslims put up a stiff resistance and the
područje Ravnica – Lepenica. U bližoj okolici Kreševa fighting continued on June 15. The Army of the Republic
ARBiH je 23. lipnja osvojila planinu Inač, a 24. lipnja i of Bosnia and Herzegovina mounted a counterattack and
masive planina Meoršje, Blinje i Lopata, čime su bra- captured Kokoška Hill. But the Muslims could not hold it.
During the day the HVO managed to recapture the posi-
tion. The disarming of the Muslims in the village of Gra-
787 ICTY: Vojna pošta 1751, Značajnija b/d brigade “Ban Jo-
sip Jelačić”, br. 03-858-1/94 od 26. 2. 1994.; C. R. SHRAD- hovac ended on June 16. On the same day the Muslims
ER, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat, 211-212. in Mratinići, Sopot, Han Ivica and Volujak, villages and


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

nitelji Kreševa bili prinuđeni crtu obrane uspostaviti settlements positioned along the Lepenica – Kreševo
iznad samog grada.788 road, were disarmed. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia
Potkraj ožujka 1993. Armija Republike BiH je and Herzegovina responded on June 17 by sending ele-
napala hrvatska sela na sjeveru općine Konjic i pre- ments of I Corps into attack from the direction of Zabrđe
sjekla planinske puteve od središnje Bosne prema and Bukovica (Hadžići) against the positions held by
Hercegovini. S tog je pravca, konkretno sa snagama the Kreševo elements of the Ban Jelačić Brigade in the
ARBiH iz sela Dusine, HVO Fojnice imao 1. i 2. lipnja Dujakovića Potok – Zabašće – Han Ivica area and from
1993. manji sukob, pri čemu je bilo mrtvih i ranjenih, the direction of Zabrđe – Toplica – Gunjani against the
no sukob nije eskalirao, dijelom i zbog angažmana positions in the Volujak – Hrnkaš – Pirin – Kržanj – Dugi
UNPROFOR-a na njegovom smirivanju. Mjesec dana Do – Blinje area. The Muslims captured the villages of Go-
poslije sukoba sa snagama iz Dusine, a nakon neu- jakovac and Pirin and the Blinje checkpoint. The HVO es-
spješne kampanje na Kiseljak, ARBiH je napala HVO u tablished defensive positions on the Ravnica – Žeželovo
Fojnici i Kreševu. U napadu su angažirane snage OG-a – Gradac – Čemišće – Međuvršje – Kraljičina Stijena – Ja-
Istok iz Fojnice i Visokog uz pomoć dijela 6. korpusa godina – Hamišće – Deževice line. The HVO lost five men
iz Gornjeg Vakufa. killed and 18 wounded in the fighting. The Army of the
U Fojnici, gdje je još uvijek vladao relativni mir iz- Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina continued to pile up
među HVO-a i ARBiH, 30. lipnja 1992. zapovjednik sna- the pressure on June 20 by attacking Meoršje near Kreše-
ga UNPROFOR-a, francuski general Philippe Morillon, vo from the direction of Tarčin and Konjic and attacking
dogovorio je s predstavnicima HVO-a i ARBiH „očuva- the Ravnica – Lepenica area. On June 23 the Army of the
nje“ mira u gradu. Potpisan je sporazum o zaštićenoj Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina captured Inač Hill, a
sanitetskoj zoni Fojnica kao humanitarnom središtu. U dominant position, near Kreševo. On the following day
znak dobre volje HVO Fojnica je napustio dominantne the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina fol-
objekte i ključne položaje neposredno iznad grada Foj- lowed up the success by capturing the Meoršje, Blinje
nice. No, od 2. srpnja ARBiH je snagama 3. i 6. korpusa and Lopata massifs, thus forcing the defenders to set up
zaposjela položaje koje je napustio HVO. Napadnuta a defensive line above right above the city itself.
su sela Gradina, Tješilo i Valjevac te sam grad Fojnica. Towards the end of March, 1993, the Army of the Re-
Tijekom dana muslimanske su snage zauzele domi- public of Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked the Croatian
nantne objekte Matorac i Vran stijene, a idućega dana villages in the northern part of the Konjic Municipality
kote Gvozdjanske staje i Gruda. Navečer 3. srpnja HVO and cut the mountain roads leading from central Bosnia
je uspio organizirati obranu oko sela Deževica, Pod- to Herzegovina. On June 1 and 2, 1993, the HVO engaged
gore te u rajonu Dugog Brda, Kozovgrada, Malkoča i the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
na desnoj obali Fojničke rijeke na području Ostružni- forces from Dusina. The engagement could best be de-
ce. ARBiH je 15. srpnja probila hrvatsku crtu i zauzela scribed as a minor skirmish but both sides lost a number
Runjavicu i Malkoč, što je dezorganiziralo obranu i iza- of men killed and wounded nevertheless. The skirmish
zvalo povlačenje civila i vojske. Uz velike napore obra- did not escalate, thanks, in large measure, to UNPRO-
na se 16. srpnja pokušala organizirati južno od grada FOR’s intervention. One month after this engagement
i uz prometnicu Fojnica – Dusina. Muslimanske snage and after the failed offensive against Kiseljak, the Army
izbile su tijekom dana na crtu Zvjezdice – Alibegovo of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked in
brdo – hotel Reumal. Borbe su završile 17. srpnja kada Fojnica and Kreševo. The attack was carried out by the
je ARBiH zauzela grad Fojnicu i okolna sela. Hrvatsko forces of Operational Group East deployed in Fojnica and
stanovništvo povuklo se preko planine Jasikovica pre- Visoko and elements of VI Corps from Donji Vakuf.
In Fojnica, where the situation was still relatively calm,
the commander of the UNPROFOR forces, French General
788 IZM OZ SB, Izvješće br. 03-6-412/93 od 18. 6. 1993.; IZM Philippe Morillon, reached an understanding with repre-
OZ SB, Obavijest str. pov. br. 01-6-458/93 od 20. 6. 1993.; sentatives of the HVO and ARBIH regarding “maintaining”
IZM OZ SB, Izvješće br. 03-6-468/93 od 20. 6. 1993.; IZM the peace in the city on June 30, 1992. An agreement
OZ SB, Izvješće str. pov. br. 01-6-510/93 od 23. 6. 1993.;
ICTY: Vojna pošta 1751, Značajnija b/d brigade “Ban Jo- obliging both sides to treat the Fojnica safe zone as a hu-
sip Jelačić”, br. 03-858-1/94 od 26. 2. 1994. manitarian center was signed. In a show of good faith the


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

ma Kiseljaku. Do kraja godine u općini Fojnica gotovo HVO withdrew its forces from the dominant and key posi-
nije bilo Hrvata. HVO Fojnica organizirao je obranu na tions above Fojnica. But, on July 2, troops belonging to III
potezu Diljke – Otigošće – Jasikovica – Mrakovi čime su and VI Corps of the ARBIH started moving into the vacat-
spriječili dalji prodor ARBiH prema Kiseljaku. 789 ed positions. The ARBIH also attacked the villages of Gra-
Tijekom napada na Fojnicu ARBiH je 5. srpnja izvela dina, Tješilo and Valjevac and the city of Fojnica. During
jak napad na Kiseljak, čija je svrha bila spriječiti anga- the day the Muslim captured the dominant positions in
žman hrvatskih snaga prema Fojnici. U jednodnevnim Motorac and Vran Stijene and the following day Gvozd-
borbama HVO je zadržao crtu, no samo toga dana janske Staje Hill and Gruda Hill. On the evening of July 3
imao je 13 mrtvih i 36 ranjenih vojnika. Muslimanske the HVO managed to organize its defenses around the
snage 11. srpnja su napale selo Crnički Kamenik na village of Deževica, Podgora and in the Ostružnica area.
kreševskoj bojišnici i nakon teških borbi primorale HVO On July 15 the ARBIH broke through the HVO defensive
na povlačenje. Nakon pada Fojnice, 3. bojna povukla line and captured Runjavica and Malkoč. This complete-
se 17. srpnja na Jasikovac i u selo Otigošće. Do kraja ly disorganized the defenders. Civilians and HVO soldiers
mjeseca, ARBiH je 27. srpnja ovladala Bašinim brdom. started to flee. On July 16 the HVO did its utmost to set
U novu ofenzivu ARBiH je krenula početkom ko- up defensive positions to the south of the city and along
lovoza 1993. godine. Planirala je presijecanje doline the Fojnica – Dusina road. The Muslim forces, during the
Lepenice i odvajanje HVO-a od VRS-a. Napadala je niz day, reached the Zvjezdice – Alibegovo Brdo – Hotel Re-
crtu Ostje – Kokoška i 11. kolovoza zauzela Bakoviće. umal line. The fighting ended on July 17 when the ARBIH
U borbama od 21. do 26. kolovoza HVO je odbio na- captured the city of Fojnica and the surrounding villages.
pad. Na fojničkom bojištu ARBiH je tijekom kolovoza Many Croatian civilians fled towards Kiseljak. By the end
pokušavala zauzeti vrh masiva Jasikovice što bi HVO-u of the year almost all Croats had left the municipality of
jako otežalo obranu Kiseljaka. U rujnu je težište nasr- Fojnica. The HVO Fojnica established its defenses along
taja ARBiH stavila na Lašvansku dolinu, što je dolini the Diljke – Otigošće – Jasikovica – Mrakovi line. This new
Lepenice donijelo razmjeran mir. Da pomogne snaga- defensive line prevented the ARBIH from advancing fur-
ma u Lašvanskoj dolini i odbaci muslimanske snage ther towards Kiseljak.
od samoga grada Kreševa, HVO je 1. listopada napao i During its attack on Fojnica the Army of the Republic
nakratko ovladao masivom Meoršja južno od Kreševa. of Bosnia and Herzegovina also launched a determined
U protuudaru 2. listopada ARBiH ponovo zauzima to attack on Kiseljak on July 5. The purpose of that attack
područje, međutim nakon teških borbi 3. i 4. listopada was to prevent deployment of Croatian forces in the di-
HVO je konačno uspio ovladati Meoršjem i otkloniti ne- rection of Fojnica. The battle lasted one day and the HVO
posrednu opasnost po sam grad Kreševo. held the line but at a high cost in casualties: 13 killed and
U novi, ambiciozniji napad HVO je krenuo 10. stu- 36 wounded. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
denoga 1993. godine. Poduzeo je pothvat Istok, čiji je Herzegovina, on July 11, attacked the village of Crnički
cilj bio pomaknuti crtu prema Fojnici i osvojiti Ploču Kamenik in the Kreševo area and after a round of heavy
fighting forced the HVO to retreat. After the fall of Fojni-
789 ICTY: 3. bojna Fojnica brigade HVO “Nikola Šubić Zrinski” ca the 3rd Battalion retreated on Jasikovac and into the
br. 70-01-121/93 od 20. 4. 1993.; ICTY: Zapovjedništvo village of Otigošće on July 17. On July 27 the Army of the
3. bojne brigade HVO “Ban J. Jelačić”, Odluka br. 70-01- Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina had full control of
122/93 od 20. 4. 1993.; ICTY: Izjava Stranke demokratske
akcije, Opštinskog štaba ARBiH, Islamske zajednice i
Bašino Brdo.
Kulturnog društva Muslimana “Preporod” iz Fojnice sa The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovi-
sastanka održanog 20. 4. 1993.; Izvješće III bojne Fojnica na launched a new offensive at the beginning of August
brigade HVO “Nikola Šubić Zrinski” o događajima 1. i 2. 6. 1993. The plan was to cut through the Lepenica Valley
1993.; ICTY: Komanda 3. korpusa ARBiH, Redovni borbeni
izvještaj str. pov. br. 02/31-565 od 3. 7. 1993.; Operativno and cut off the HVO from the VRS. The Muslims attacked
izvješće III bojne Fojnica brigade HVO “N. Š. Zrinski” od 3. 7. along the Ostje – Kokoška line and captured Bakovići on
1993.; IZM OZ SB, str. pov. br. 03-7-233/93 od 15. 7. 1993.; August 11. During the fighting from August 21 to 26 the
ICTY: Komanda 3. korpusa, Vanredni borbeni izvještaj str. HVO beat back the attack. In the Fojnica area, during the
pov. br. 02/31-583 od 16. 7. 1993.; Davor MARIJAN, Rat
Hrvata i Muslimana u Bosni i Hercegovini od 1992. do 1994., month of August, the ARBIH tried to capture the peak of
Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb, 2018., 364-367. the Jasikovica massif in a bid to place the defenders of


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

i Bašino brdo, te stvoriti preduvjete za oslobađanje Kiseljak in a desperate situation. In September the Army
Fojnice. Zamisao je realizirana 12. studenoga, kada of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina focused its
HVO uspijeva doći na prilaze Fojnici, međutim zbog efforts on the Lašva Valley. That move brought relative
snažnog protuudara snaga 3. i 6. korpusa ARBiH, HVO peace to the Lepenica Valley. To relieve the pressure on
se 14. studenoga morao povući i uspostaviti crtu Ba- the defenders of the Lašva Valley and throw back the
kovići – Bašino brdo – Orlovača. Sljedeća promjena Muslim forces away from Kreševo the HVO attacked the
crte dogodila se 26. prosinca, kada je ARBiH na pre- Meoršje massif located to the south of Kreševo on Octo-
pad zauzela Brajkoviće sjeverozapadno od Kiseljaka. ber 1. The ARBIH launched a counterattack on October 2
U sklopu operacije Tvigi-94 HVO je 29. siječnja 1994. and recaptured the area. However, after heavy fighting
u izrazito nepovoljnim vremenskim uvjetima vratio on October 3 and 4 the HVO finally managed to gain con-
Brajkoviće i zauzeo Brezovicu, Zavrtaljku i Oglavak. trol of Meoršje and remove the immediate threat to the
Tim je pothvatom HVO počeo deblokadu prometni- city posed by ARBIH forces.
ce Kiseljak – Busovača. U nastavku napada HVO je 3. On November 10, 1993, the HVO launched a more
veljače zauzeo kotu 923. Dva dana poslije, 5. veljače, ambitious attack. The operation was codenamed Istok
HVO je zauzeo Velike Sotnice i zaselak Graniće. U kon- (East) and the aim was to move the front line towards
tekstu stanja na uskopaljsko-ramskom bojištu bio je Fojnica and capture Ploča and Bašino Brdo and create
to jasan pokazatelj da HVO preuzima inicijativu u mu- favorable conditions for launching an operation with the
slimansko-hrvatskom ratu.790 aim to liberate Fojnica. All the objectives were achieved
on November 12, when the HVO managed to reach the
Vareš outskirts of Fojnica. However, troops from III Corps and
VI Corps mounted a determined counterattack and the
Vareš je rudarski gradić na prometnici koja od Sa- HVO had no choice but to retreat and set up new de-
rajeva i Breze vodi prema Banovićima i Tuzli. Općina je fensive positions along the Bakovići – Bašino Brdo – Or-
imala relativnu hrvatsku većinu, a od 1. srpnja 1992. iz- lovača line. The front line shifted again on December 26
vršna vlast bila je u rukama HVO-a. Uz manji oružani su- when the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovi-
kob u ljeto 1992. predstavnici lokalnoga HVO-a uspjeli na launched a sudden attack and captured the village of
su postići dogovor da neka srpska sela predaju oružje Brajkovići, to the northwest of Kiseljak. The HVO, during
uz zajamčenu sigurnost života i imovine. Lokalni HVO Operation Tvigi-94 the HVO, fighting in adverse weather
bio je organiziran u brigadu Bobovac, koja je početkom conditions, managed to recapture Brakovići and capture
studenoga 1993. imala oko 1500 ljudi. Snage ARBiH Brezovica, Zavrtaljka and Oglavak on January 29, 1994.
bile su organizirane u Općinski štab obrane Vareš, koji Three HVO soldiers were killed and four wounded in the
je sredinom listopada 1993. imao 1016 ljudi.791 operation. With that success the HVO was in a good po-
Ugrožavanje Vareša počelo je sredinom lipnja, kada sition to lift the Muslim blockade of the Kiseljak – Buso-
je u grad i općinu stiglo oko 12.000 prognanika iz Ka- vača road. The HVO continued the attack and captured
knja, što je uz 6000 prognanika Muslimana s područja Hill 923 on February 3 at the cost of four killed and six
Olova bilo veliko opterećenje za općinu. Uz prognanike wounded soldiers. Two days later, on February 5 the HVO
je stiglo i 1200 vojnika iz brigada HVO-a Kakanj i Travnik, captured Velike Sotnice and Granići hamlet. In regard to
no pitanje je koliko su bili spremni uključiti se u obranu the situation on the Uskoplje-Rama front the HVO was
Vareša. Takva masa ljudi odrazila se na međusobne od- clearly gaining the initiative in the Muslim-Croat conflict
in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
790 ICTY: Vojna pošta 1751, Značajnija b/d brigade “Ban Jo-
sip Jelačić”, br. 03-858-1/94 od 26. 2. 1994.; C. R. SHRAD- Vareš
ER, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat, 212, 215.
791 ICTY: HVO Vareš br. 01-sl. od 10. 7. 1992.; ICTY: Komanda Vareš is a mining town situated alongside the road
OG “Istok” ARBiH, Preformiranje jedinica u z/o OG Istok connecting Sarajevo and Breza with Banovići and Tuz-
br. 09/03-1844 od 18. 10. 1993.; ICTY: Izvješće Zapov- la. The Vareš Municipality was predominantly Croatian.
jedništva OG-2 HVO Kiseljak od 4. 11. 1993. o uzrocima
pada i sadašnjem stanju na teritoriji općine Vareš; Istina From July 1, 1992, the executive power in the municipali-
o Varešu Ante Pejčinovića od 18. 3. 1994. ty was in the hands of the HVO. Representatives of the lo-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

nose domicilnoga stanovništva u Varešu. Zbog napada cal HVO managed to convince, after a few skirmishes, the
ARBiH na Kakanj HVO je bez problema razoružao dio Serbs in some Serb villages to hand over their weapons.
muslimanskih snaga u zoni svoje mjerodavnosti.792 In return, the HVO guaranteed safety of life and property.
Zbog položaja poput usamljenog i prometno izo- The local HVO forces were formed into the Bobovac Bri-
liranog otoka okruženog uglavnom muslimanskim gade. At the beginning of November, 1993, the Brigade
snagama, Vareš se ARBiH činio lakom zadaćom za na- had about 1,500 men. The forces of the Army of the Re-
pad, što je i bio. Muslimanski se napad doista očekivao public of Bosnia and Herzegovina were formed into the
nakon protjeravanja Hrvata iz Kaknja. Komanda ARBiH municipal HQ of TO Vareš. In mid-October there were
OG Istok, u čijoj je zoni Vareš bio, predlagala je 9. srpnja 1,016 men under arms under its command.
1993. Komandi 3. korpusa napad i zauzimanje općine. In mid-June about 12,000 refugees from Kakanj ar-
Kao izgovor za napad tvrdilo se da se HVO priprema rived in the city and the municipality, adding to the 6,000
napasti ARBiH uz pomoć Srba. Sredinom kolovoza Ko- Muslim refugees from the Olovo area already in the mu-
manda 3. korpusa zatražila je i 21. kolovoza 1993. do- nicipality. This mass influx of refugees was a tremendous
bila odobrenje Štaba Vrhovne komande ARBiH za na- burden for the municipality and the fact that the refu-
pad na Liješnicu i na pravcu Jezero – Borovica. Ubrzo gees were Muslims presented a clear and present men-
je Vareš ponovno vraćen u zonu djelovanja 2. korpusa ace to both the city and municipality. 1,200 soldiers from
ARBiH, što je HVO-u dalo nekoliko mjeseci mira, prem- the Kakanj and Travnik HVO Brigades arrived with the ref-
da je došao u neposredno susjedstvo 6. korpusa ARBiH, ugees but their willingness and ability to participate in
koji je osnovan isključivo za rat s Hrvatima.793 the defense of Vareš was questionable. The presence of
Predvečer 17. listopada 6. korpus ARBiH napao je a huge mass of people in Vareš soon created ethnic ten-
položaje HVO-a u Liješnici, Kopijarima, Pliješu i Jezeru. sions. When the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
Uspio je zauzeti Liješnicu i dio crte u Pliješu. Idućega zegovina attacked Kakanj the HVO reacted by disarming
dana HVO je u protunapadu uspio vratiti dio izgublje- a part of the Muslim forces in its area of responsibility.
ne crte u Pliješu. Napad je izveden bez ikakva povoda, Vareš was surrounded by Muslim forces and the
pa je 18. listopada 1993. zapovjednik 2. korpusa ARBiH Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina be-
Hazim Šadić prosvjedovao osobno generalu Deliću u lieved it could take the city without much effort. The HVO,
Sarajevu, tražeći da se napad prekine jer je zbog njega after the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegov-
ugrožena zona djelovanja 2. korpusa. Novu crtu HVO je ina expelled the Croats from Kakanj, expected that the
postavio na području Slavina, Planinice i Grede. U vrije- Muslims would attack Vareš too. The HQ of Operational
me muslimanskoga napada HVO je organizirao slanje Group East, in whose area of responsibility Vareš was lo-
civila prognanika iz Kaknja u Hercegovinu. S njima su cated, suggested, on July 9, 1993, to the HQ of III Corps
otišli i za rat sposobni muškarci, koje se bez uporabe to attack and capture the municipality. Unsubstantiated
oružja nije moglo spriječiti da odu.794 claims that the HVO was preparing, in collusion with the
Potom su 21. listopada muslimanske snage iz Dra- Serbs, to attack the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
govića napale položaje HVO-a na crti Kopijari – Pliješ Herzegovina, were to be used as a pretext for attacking
the HVO. In mid-August the HQ of III Corps requested
from the Supreme Command HQ of the Army of the Re-
792 Izvješće brigade HVO “Bobovac” Vareš od 16. 6. 1993.; public of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on August 21, 1993,
Istina o Varešu Ante Pejčinovića od 18. 3. 1994.
permission to attack Liješnica and advance along the
793 ICTY: Komanda ARBiH OG Istok, Informacija br. 2221 od Jezero – Borovica line. Shortly thereafter Vareš was again
9. 7. 1993.; ICTY: ŠVK OS RBiH str. pov. br. 02/1016-1 od
included in the area of responsibility of II Corps of the
21. 8. 1993.; ICTY: Savjetovanje starješina GŠ i koman-
danata korpusa, održano 21. i 22. 8. 1993. u Zenici. Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. On the
794 Brigada HVO “Bobovac”, Informacija br. 01-613-15/93 one hand, this reshuffling of areas of responsibility pro-
od 18. 10. 1993.; ICTY: Komanda 2. korpusa ARBiH, In- vided a few months of breathing space for Vareš but on
tervencija str. pov. br. Z-116/93 od 18. 10. 1993.; Briga- the other the area of responsibility of II Corps bordered
da HVO “Bobovac”, Vanredno operativno izvješće br. with that of the ARBIH VI Corps and VI Corps was formed
06-687-2/93 od 18. 10. 1993.; Brigada HVO “Bobovac”,
Izvješće br. 06-689-2/93 od 19. 10. 1993.; Brigada HVO exclusively for the purpose of attacking the Croats.
“Bobovac” br. 02-675-5/93 od 20. 10. 1993. On the evening of October 17, the ARBIH VI Corps


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

– Založnik – Smrdan – Jezero i zauzele Kopijare. U tim attacked the HVO positions in Liješnica, Kopijare, Pliješ
je borbama HVO imao četiri mrtva i šest ranjenih vojni- and Jezero. The Muslims captured Liješenica and a part
ka. Za obranu je HVO angažirao sve raspoložive snage of the defensive line in Pliješ. The next day the HVO
te je ispraznio crtu prema VRS-u i organizirao 115 ki- counterattacked and recaptured some positions in Pli-
lometara dugu crtu obrane na pravcima Slavin – Pla- ješ. VI Corps attacked without provocation and that led
ninica – Poljanice – Pajtov Han – Mir, Slavin – Pomol the commander of the ARBIH II Corps, Hazim Šadić, to
– Karasovina – Veokovac – Papale – Suvo brdo – Meća remonstrate with General Delić in Sarajevo on October
kamen – Lučevac – Založnik, Založnik – Smrdan – Jeze- 18, 1993. Hazim Šadić requested that the attack be abort-
ro – Tisovača – Igrište – Mrka kosa – Rudeljak – Kraljeva ed because the area of responsibility was, as a direct re-
kosa – Prisoje – Obršine – Veliko brdo – Stožac – Na- sult of the attack, under threat. The HVO established its
seoci – Vranova stijena – Rajčevac – Vrantolovo brdo new defensive line in the Slavin, Planice and Grede area.
– Dragoljub – Zvijezda – Mekuše.795 When the Muslims attacked, the HVO transported the
Iz Kiseljaka je preko područja pod srpskim nadzo- civilian refugees from Kakanj to Herzegovina. Among
rom 22. listopada 1993. stigla pomoć od oko 250 vojni- the refugees were men capable of military service. These
ka, a zapovijedanje je preuzeo zapovjednik OG-2 Ivica men could not be restrained from going with the refu-
Rajić. Skupine PPN-a Maturice i Apostoli angažirane su gees without the undue use of force.
23. listopada za napad na Stupni Do i kotu Bogoš iznad On October 21 the Muslim forces from Dragovići
sela jer se odande mogao nadzirati dio grada i dio pro- attacked the HVO positions on the Kopijari – Pliješ –
metnice Vareš Majdan – Planinica. Nakon višesatne Založnik – Smrdan – Jezero line and captured Kopijare.
borbe HVO je zauzeo Bogoš i Stupni Do. U borbama The HVO lost four soldiers killed and six wounded. All the
je stradao dio muslimanskih civila, a HVO je imao dva available HVO forces in the area participated in the fight-
poginula i sedam ranjenih vojnika.796 ing. The troops manning the defensive line opposite the
Nakon nekoliko dana pripreme, 30. listopada 1993. Serbs were withdrawn to fight the Muslims. The HVO es-
počeo je napad ARBiH duž cijele crte obrane HVO-a. tablished a 115-kilometer long defensive front opposite
Uz pomoć vojnika iz Kiseljaka, brigada Bobovac neu- the Muslims. The defensive positions were set up along
spješno je nastojala zadržati crtu. Prijepodne 30. listo- the following lines: Slavin – Planinica – Poljanice – Paj-
pada HVO je izgubio položaje Vojnički grob i Srednja tov Han –Mir; Slavin – Pomol – Karasovina – Veokovac –
planina, kao i dominantne kote Vis, Djedovača i Donji Papale – Suvo Hill – Meća Kamen – Lučevac – Založnik;
Ljig te selo Dubošticu. Učestali pritisak muslimanskih Založnik – Smrdan – Jezero – Tisovača – Igrište – Mrka
snaga doveo je 30. i 31. listopada do povlačenja civila Kosa – Rudeljak – Kraljeva Kosa – Prisoje – Obršine – Ve-
iz Gornje i Donje Borovice. Istodobno se prema Varešu liko Brdo – Stožac – Naseoci – Vranova Stijena – Rajčevac
povlačilo i stanovništvo iz ostalih dijelova općine. – Vrantolovo Hill – Dragoljub – Zvijezda – Mekuše.
Help in the form of about 250 HVO soldiers arrived
from Kiseljak via the Serb-controlled territory on October
22, 1993. The commander of the TG-2 Ivica Rajić assumed
795 Brigada HVO “Bobovac”, Borbeno izvješće br. 06-689- command of the Croatian forces in Vareš. The special pur-
5/93 od 21. 10. 1993.; Brigada HVO “Bobovac”, Borbeno pose unit Maturice and special purpose unit “Apostoli”
izvješće br. 06-689-7/93 od 21. 10. 1993.; Brigada HVO
“Bobovac”, Podaci o pružanju crte obrane br. 06-697- (Apostles) attacked the village of Stupni Do and Bogoš
2/93 od 21. 10. 1993. Hill above the village on October 23. From the latter posi-
796 Zapovjedništvo OG-2 HVO, br. 10-4248-02/93 od 23. tion the occupants could control of a part of the city and
10. 1993.; ICTY: Brigada HVO “Bobovac”, Izvješće br. a part of the Vareš Majdan – Planinica road. After a few
01-703-1/93 od 23. 10. 1993.; Informacija Zapovjed- hours of fighting the HVO captured Bogoš and Stupni
ništva OG-2 HVO Kiseljak od 23. 11. 1993. o borbenim
djelovanjima u Varešu; ICTY: Brigada HVO “Bobovac”, Do. A number of Muslim civilians were killed in the fight-
Borbeno izvješće br. 01-689-8/93 od 23. 10. 1993.; ing. The HVO lost two soldiers killed and seven wounded.
ICTY: Brigada HVO “Bobovac”, Dopuna procjene br. 06- On October 30, 1993, the Army of the Republic of
714-3/93 od 26. 10. 1993.; Zapovjedništvo OG-2 HVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked on a broad front. The
Informacija o događanjima u Varešu (s prilozima) br.
10-3242-1/93 od 31. 10. 1993.; HVO Općine Vareš od Bobovac Brigade, helped by troops from Kiseljak could
31. 10. 1993. za Predsjednika HR HB. not hold its positions. In the morning the HVO lost its


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Završni udar na Vareš ARBiH je počela 2. stude- positions on Vojnički Grob Hill and Srednja Planina as
noga 1993. napadom združenih snaga iz tri korpusa well as the dominant positions on Vis Hill, Djedovača and
s polukružne osnovice. Taktička grupa Vareš 6. kor- Donji Ljig and the village of Duboštica. The Army of the
pusa glavnim je snagama napala na pravcu Površje Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s determined ef-
– Karasovina, a pomoćnima na pravcu Pajtov Han – forts forced the civilians from Gornja Borovica and Donja
Veliki kamen. Operativna grupa Kladanj iz sastava 2. Borovica to flee on October 30 and 31. At the same time
korpusa ARBiH napala je na pravcu Daštansko – Mir, civilians from the other parts of the municipality were
a snage 3. korpusa iz OG-a Lašva napadale su na prav- fleeing towards Vareš.
cu Nažbilj – Borovice. Sedma muslimanska bbr anga- The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
žirana je na pravcu Budoželje – Stupni Do – Višnjići. began its final onslaught against Vareš on November 2,
Pod muslimanskim pritiskom 2. studenoga počelo 1993 by sending a combined force from all three Corps
je izvlačenje civila, koje je nastavljeno 3. studenoga. into the attack from a crescent shaped front line. The
Brigada Bobovac nije pružila veći otpor, a pomoć iz main force of the Tactical Group Vareš from VI Corps at-
Kiseljaka koja je stigla tijekom dana (dvije manevar- tacked in the direction of Površje – Karasovina. The sup-
ske satnije) koristila se da zaštiti bokove mase od oko porting axis of attack was in the direction of Pajtov Han
12.000 civila koja se izvlačila prema snagama VRS-a. – Veliki Kamen. Operational Group Kladanj of II Corps
Zapovjednik OG-2 Ivica Rajić ustvrdio je da su otpor of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
pružala samo pojačanja iz Kiseljaka i da su upravo oni attacked in the direction of Daštansko – Mir and Opera-
uz pomoć VRS-a organizirali crtu obrane Zvijezda – tional Group Lašva of III Corps attacked in the direction
Mekuše – Vis – Daštansko – Stanovi – Budoželje – Ži- of Nažbilj – Borovice. The 7th Muslim Brigade attacked in
žići. Stanovništvo je izvučeno preko područja koje je the direction of Budoželje – Stupni Do – Višnjići. Many
držao VRS (sela Brgule i Nišić) i prebačeno na područ- Croatian civilians fled on November 2 and many more
je Kiseljaka i Kreševa.797 the following day. The Bobovac Brigade did not put up
much of a resistance. The troops that arrived from Kisel-
Dolina Lašve jak during the day (two maneuver companies) secured
the flanks of the column of about 12,000 civilians fleeing
Nakon što je ovladala Travnikom i dijelom općine towards the area controlled by the VRS. The command-
Novi Travnik, ARBiH je zbila i okružila hrvatske snage er of Operational Group 2 Ivica Rajić observed that only
u dolini Lašve. U prvoj polovini lipnja 1993. HVO je u the reinforcements from Kiseljak put up a fight and that
pet brigada imao oko 6000 ljudi okruženih višestru- it was these troops, with the help of the VRS, that estab-
ko brojnijim muslimanskim snagama. Stanje u dolini lished a defensive line running along the Zvijezda – Me-
Lašve pukovnik Blaškić opisao je rečenicom: “Situa- kuše – Vis – Daštansko – Stanovi – Budoželje – Žižići. The
cija je malo gora no u paklu.”798 U dolini je bio veći civilians fled through VRS-controlled territory (villages of
dio od 38.000 prognanika iz okolnih mjesta. Napadi Brgule and Nišić) to the Kiseljak and Kreševo area.
ARBiH iscrpili su zalihe streljiva, a pokušaj dopreme
smjerom preko Sebešića prema Busovači 15. lipnja Lašva Valley

797 Brigada HVO “Bobovac”, Borbeno izvješće br. 06-718-6/93 Having gained control of Travnik and part of the
od 30. 10. 1993.; Brigada HVO “Bobovac”, Borbeno izvješće municipality of Novi Travnik the Army of the Republic
br. 06-718-7/93 od 30. 10. 1993.; ICTY: TG “Vareš” 6. kor- of Bosnia and Herzegovina pushed the Croatian forces
pusa ARBiH, Zapovijest za napad od 1. 11. 1993.; Izvješće
into the Lašva Valley and encircled them. During the first
Zapovjedništva OG-2 HVO Kiseljak od 3. 11. 1993. o stanju
u Varešu; ICTY: Izvješće Zapovjedništva OG-2 HVO Kisel- half of June, 1993, the HVO had around 6,000 men in five
jak od 4. 11. 1993. o uzrocima pada i sadašnjem stanju na brigades. The encircling Muslims forces vastly outnum-
teritoriju općine Vareš; ICTY: 3. korpus ARBiH, Dostava izv- bered them. Colonel Blaškić described the situation in
ještaja str. pov. br. 02/33-2431 od 13. 11. 1993.; ICTY: Vojna
pošta 1751, Značajnija b/d brigade “Ban Josip Jelačić”, br.
the Lašva Valley in one sentence: “This is worse than hell.”
03-858-1/94 od 26. 2. 1994.; ICTY: Općinsko vijeće općine Most of the 38,000 refugees from the nearby towns and
Vareš, Informacija br. OVV-M.P.-74/97 od 21. 5. 1997. villages were in the Lašva Valley. Resisting the Army of
798 IZM OZ SB, str. pov. br. 01-6-293/93 od 11. 6. 1993. the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s attacks deplet-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

nije uspio. U tim je borbama HVO imao 10 poginulih i ed the HVO’s ammunition reserves. The HVO attempted
18 ranjenih vojnika.799 to send a supply of ammunition to the forces in the Laš-
Nakon zauzimanja Sebešića OG ARBiH Bosanska va Valley through Sebešić and towards Busovača on June
Krajina zadužena je za zauzimanje Lašvanske doline. 15 but the attempt failed. The HVO lost 10 killed and 18
Uz postojeće, pridodane su joj snage iz sastava OG-a wounded soldiers.
Lašva: 306., 308., 312. i 325. brigada i općinski štabovi Having captured Sebešić, Operational Group
obrane Travnik, Novi Travnik i Vitez. U zoni OG-a Lašva Bosanska Krajina of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
ostale su 309. i 333. brdska brigada do početka stude- and Herzegovina’s new task was to capture the Lašva
noga 1993., kada je Operativna grupa ukinuta.800 Valley. The 306th Brigade, 308th Brigade, 312th Brigade,
S obzirom na odnos snaga i brojnu premoć AR- 325th Brigade from Operational Group Lašva and mu-
BiH, borbe u Lašvanskoj dolini bile su možda i naj- nicipal HQs of TO Travnik, Novi Travnik and Vitez were
krvavije u muslimansko-hrvatskom ratu. One su bile attached to Operational Group Bosanska Krajina. The
izravan nastavak lipanjskih borbi i tek su u siječnju 309th and 333rd Mountain Brigades remained in the area
1994. počele gubiti intenzitet jer su napadi ARBiH of responsibility of Operational Group Lašva until the
splasnuli. Bio je to rat u okruženju: HVO je bio u okru- beginning of November, 1993, when Operational Group
ženju ARBiH, a ona je bila u okruženju VRS-a i HVO-a. Lašva was disbanded.
Opća značajka borbi bilo je pozicijsko ratovanje. Hr- The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
vatsko vijeće obrane branilo se na kompaktnom pro- enjoyed significant numerical superiority over the HVO
storu širine 6 - 10 kilometara i dubine 10 - 12 kilo- in the Lašva Valley. Partly for that reason the battles in the
metara, što je mogućnost manevra svodilo na nisku Lašva Valley were arguably the bloodiest engagements
razinu. Unutar toga prostora bila je muslimanska en- of the Muslim-Croat war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
klava u Starom Vitezu. Sukob je obilježio nedostatak These battles were a direct continuation of the fighting
svega, od hrane do streljiva, i ogromna masa civila na in June. The ferocity of the fighting in the Lašva Valley
bojnom polju. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane opskrbljivalo only abated in January, 1994, when the Army of the Re-
se na kapaljku, riskantnim letovima helikoptera Mi-8 public of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s attacks petered out.
smjerom Posušje – Lašvanska dolina, a ARBiH je očito The battles were those of the encirclement type; the
dobivala pomoć od UNPROFOR-a. Pripadnici HVO-a HVO forces were encircled by those of the Army of the
pokazali su iznimnu domišljatost u pravljenju raznih Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina but the Army of the
improviziranih eksplozivnih naprava od eksploziva iz Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was, in turn, encir-
tvornice SPS u Vitezu (mine usmjerenog djelovanja i cled by the VRS and the HVO. The pattern of fighting was
fugase), koje su se potom izbacivale po crtama i po- that of positional warfare. The HVO defended a compact
strojbama ARBiH nanoseći im velike gubitke i sma- area 6-10 kilometers wide and 10-12 kilometers deep.
njujući moral ljudstva.801 Possibilities for mobile warfare in that area were scant to
U srpnju su se teške borbe vodile u Vitezu i bližoj non-existent. Reducing the HVO’s ability to conduct mo-
okolici. Na crti Prosje – Kaćuni – Busovača HVO je 5. bile operations in the area further was a Muslim enclave
srpnja 1993. s malim uspjehom pokušao proboj prema in Stari Vitez located within the area. Complicating mat-
Kiseljaku – snage PPN-a Vitezovi ovladale su objektom ters further was a chronic shortage of everything – from
Prosje. Muslimanske su snage 10. srpnja napale Zabrđe food to ammunition – and a swelling mass of civilians in
the areas of operations. The bulk of the supplies the HVO
received were transported by Mi-8 helicopters flying into
799 IZM OZ SB, Vanredno izvješće str. pov. br. 01-6-317/93 the area along the direction of Posušje – Lašva Valley.
od 12. 6. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Izvješće str. pov. br. 03-6- The flights were extremely risky because the helicopters
380/93 od 16. 6. 1993. presented easy and temping targets to the enemy. The
800 ICTY: Komanda 3. korpusa, Odgovor i dopuna str. pov. Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s supply
br. 02/33-1589-1 od 12. 7. 1993.; ICTY: Komanda 3. kor-
pusa, Naređenje str. pov. br. 05/900-179 od 25. 10. 1993.
situation, on the other hand, was much better because
UNPROFOR was always ready and willing to offer a help-
801 IZM OZ SB, Vanredno izvješće str. pov. br. 01-7-166/93
od 10. 7. 1993.; A. KLIKO, F. ĆUSKIĆ, 17. Viteška Krajiška ing hand. HVO members displayed impressive improvi-
brdska brigada ARBiH, 149. sation skills in terms of creating various explosive devices


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Armija RBiH granatira Vitez, 1993. (autor fotografija: Srećko Cisterna s vodom za opskrbu stanovništva Viteza, nakon što je
Stipović). Armija RBiH onemogućila dovod vode (autor fotografija: Srećko
ARBiH shells Vitez, 1993 (Photograph by Srećko Stipović).
The water tank in Vitez, the only source of water for the resi-
dents of Vitez after the ARBiH cut the water supply to the city
(Photograph by Srećko Stipović).
u zoni Viteške brigade. Borbe su trajale tri dana i završile using explosives from the explosives factory SPS in Vitez.
obranom Zabrđa. Equally creative was their way of bombarding the enemy
Posebice su se jake borbe vodile u rujnu. Najprije with some of those devices – they made makeshift cata-
je HVO 7. rujna 1993. napao i idućega dana zauzeo selo pults and used them efficiently as mortars and artillery
Grbavicu na raskrižju putova Travnik – Zenica – Vitez pieces, inflicting a large number of casualties and thus
i uspio ga zadržati unatoč nizu napada ARBiH. Tim je lowering the morale of the ARBIH troops, who were con-
uspjehom otvorena prometnica Vitez – Nova Bila. Po- vinced that the Croats’ arsenal contained a substantial
tom je slijedio udar OG-a Bosanska Krajina ARBiH. Gru- number of mortars and artillery pieces.
pa je koordinirala djelovanje sa snagama 4. i 6. korpusa Heavy fighting developed in Vitez and its environs in
u operaciji Neretva i 19. rujna 1993. krenula je u napad July. On July 5, 1993, the HVO attempted to advance to-
da presiječe prometnicu Vitez – Busovača, uđe u Vitez i wards Kiseljak from the Prosje – Kaćuni – Busovača line.
odvoji snage HVO-a u Lašvanskoj dolini. Glavne snage The attempt was not successful but it was not a total fail-
u napadu bili su 17. brdska brigada i Odred El Mudža- ure either – the Vitezovi unit captured the Prosje facility. On
hid s južne strane te 7. muslimanska brigada sa sjever- July 10 the Muslims attacked Zabrđe which was in the area
ne strane. Armija Republike BiH probila je crtu HVO-a of responsibility of the Vitez Brigade. The fighting ended
s južne strane i ovladala Čerkezom i Bobašima. Napad after three days when the defenders defeated the attack.
sa sjeverne strane nije uspio, pa je HVO prestrojio sna- Especially ferocious engagements occurred in Sep-
ge i u protuudaru vratio izgubljene položaje na južnim tember. On September 7, 1993, the HVO attacked and the
prilazima Vitezu. Nije bio uspješan ni napad 333. i 305. next day captured the village of Grbavica on the Travnik
brigade na Busovaču.802 – Zenica – Vitez junction and managed to hold it in the
face of numerous determined attacks by the Army of the
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Vitez – Nova
802 ICTY: Komanda 306. brdske brigade, Informacija br.
04/68-53 od 21. 9. 1993.; A. KLIKO, F. ĆUSKIĆ, 17. Viteška
Bila road, as a direct result of the success, was opened for
Krajiška brdska brigada ARBiH, 152-153. traffic. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegov-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Identifikacija Hrvata nad kojima je Armija RBiH počinila zlo-

čin u Križančevu Selu (autor fotografije: Srećko Stipović).

Identification of the Croat victims murdered by the ARBiH

in Križančevo Selo (Photograph by Srećko Stipović).
Neuspjeh i veliki gubici primirili su ARBiH. Ipak, ona ina did not rest however. Operational Group Bosanska
je 9. listopada 1993. probila crtu obrane HVO-a u Boba- Krajina went into the attack, coordinating its actions with
šima i došla do ulaza u Vitez. Napad su zaustavili pripad- IV and VI Corps in Operation Neretva. On September 19,
nici PPN-a Vitezovi, a uvođenjem novih snaga dio crte je 1993, Operational Group Bosanska Krajina attacked with
vraćen. Sljedeći pomak bio je na Zabrđu, koje je ARBiH the aim of cutting the Vitez – Busovača road, entering Vi-
zauzela dio po dio, u sustavnim višemjesečnim napadi- tez and cutting off the HVO forces in the Lašva Valley. The
ma. Dio vikend-naselja zauzet je početkom studenoga, main units in the attack were the 17th Mountain Brigade
a do kraja studenoga i preostali dio. U prosincu su se and the El-Mudžahid squad advancing on the southern
najžešće borbe vodile za Križančevo Selo nakon što su side and the 7th Muslim Brigade advancing on the north-
muslimanske snage 22. prosinca probile hrvatsku crtu ern side. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
obrane i počinile jedan od većih zločina u ratu ubivši govina broke through the HVO’s defensive positions on
ukupno 63 hrvatska civila i vojnika HVO-a. Angažira- the southern side and captured Čerkez and Bobaši. The


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

attack on the northern side failed. The HVO regrouped

its forces and in a counterattack recaptured the lost po-
sitions on the southern side. The 333rd and 305th Brigade
attacked Busovača but without success.
The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegov-
ina suffered serious casualties in these failed attacks.
However, on October 9, 1993, the Muslims managed to
break through the HVO’s defensive positions in Bobaši
and reached the outskirts of Vitez. The Vitezovi unit man-
aged to halt the onslaught and when the HVO brought
in reinforcements some parts of the defensive line were
recaptured. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Herzegovina was determined to capture Zabrđe. The
Muslims made a steady, if slow headway, capturing one
part of Zabrđe at a time over a period of a few months.
A part of the weekend-settlement was captured at the
beginning of November and the other parts by the end
of the month. In December the bloodiest engagements
took place during the fighting for Križaničevo Selo. On
December 22 the Muslims broke the defensive line and
then committed one of the worst war crimes of the war,
murdering 63 Croatian civilians and HVO POWs. The HVO
reacted by deploying all its available forces and man-
aged to prevent the attackers from linking up with the
Muslim forces in Stari Vitez.
Buhine Kuće, posljedica napada muslimanske ARBiH (autor fo-
On the morning of January 9, 1994, the Army of the
tografija: Srećko Stipović).
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked from the
morning mist and overrun the HVO positions in Buhine
Buhine Kuće, devastation wrought by ARBiH attacks (Photo-
graphs by Srećko Stipović).
Kuće, killing 25 HVO soldiers (including those who had
surrendered) and civilians, burned houses, industrial fa-
cilities and workshops owned by Croats and reached the
Vitez – Buhine Kuće road. At the same time the Army of
njem svih raspoloživih snaga HVO-a spriječeno je spaja- the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina also attacked
nje s muslimanskim snagama u Starom Vitezu.803 in the southern part of the Vitez battlefield. The attack
Ujutro 9. siječnja 1994. ARBiH je iskoristila maglu, was directed against the Sofa – Kruščica area. The HVO
u napadu iz Sivrina Sela probila crtu obrane HVO-a u regrouped and managed, at the cost of heavy casualties,
Buhinim Kućama i ubila 25 vojnika HVO-a (među njima to push the attackers back. It was of crucial importance
i one koji su se predali) i civila, zapalila kuće i gospodar- for the HVO to recapture Buhine Kuće because the pos-
ske objekte u vlasništvu Hrvata, te izišla na prometnicu session of the village gave the Muslims control of the Vi-
Vitez – Buhine Kuće. Istodobno je na južnom dijelu vi- tez – Busovača road. The HVO, after two days of heavy
teškoga dijela bojišta izveden napad na području Sofa fighting, succeeded in recapturing Buhine Kuće. With
that success the fighting in the Lašva Valley came to an
end. Both sides were exhausted and the end of the war
803 ICTY: Izvješće pukovnika Darka Kraljevića o učešću pri- was not in sight. The HVO had managed not only to sur-
padnika PPN Vitezovi u ofenzivnim akcijama u rejonu vive but also inflict debilitating casualties on the numer-
Busovače i Viteza tijekom 1993. godine; A. KLIKO, F. ically vastly superior enemy. The Army of the Republic
ĆUSKIĆ, 17. Viteška Krajiška brdska brigada ARBiH, 154-
155; Dossier: Zločini muslimanskih postrojbi nad Hrvatima of Bosnia and Herzegovina had lost its ability to mount
u BiH 1992. – 1994., 167-170. large-scale and ambitious offensive operations.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

– Kruščica. Uz prestrojavanje i značajne gubitke, HVO je Žepče

zaustavio napad. Važan zadatak da vrati Buhine Kuće,
jer su Muslimani njihovim zauzimanjem presjekli pro- When the ARBIH III Corps attacked the HVO in the
metnicu Vitez – Busovača, HVO-u je uspjelo ostvariti Lašva Valley it was obvious that the Muslims’ attack on
nakon dva dana borbi.804 Time su borbe u Lašvanskoj Žepče was just a matter of time. The HVO had the 111xp
dolini privedene kraju. Obje su strane bile iscrpljene u Brigade and the Andrija Tadić Battalion from the Bruno
sukobu čiji se kraj nije nazirao. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane Bušić Regiment in Žepče. At the end of 1993 the HVO and
održalo se unatoč nadmoći ARBiH, koja nije više bila u its environs had 4,800 men under arms in Žepče. From
stanju za ozbiljnije napade. April 15 Zenica was out of bounds for the HVO forces in
Žepče, even ambulances were not allowed in. The HVO
Žepče forces in Žepče could not move beyond Nemila, that is to
say the boundary of the municipality of Zenica. The 111th
Nakon napada snaga 3. korpusa ARBiH na HVO u HVO Brigade was aware that nothing could be done to
dolini Lašve bilo je samo pitanje dana kada će se isti sce- prevent the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
narij primijeniti i na Žepče. U Žepču je HVO imao 111. xp govina’s attack on Žepče. The relationship between the
brigadu i bojnu Andrija Tadić iz sastava pukovnije Bruno Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the
Bušić. Potkraj 1993. HVO je u Žepču i okolici imao 4800 HVO in Central Bosnia had been deteriorating steadily
vojnika. Od 15. travnja 1993. Zenica je za HVO Žepče since the formation of III Corps of the Army of the Repub-
bila nepristupačna, čak ni sanitetska vozila nisu mogla lic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in December, 1992.
ući u grad. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane Žepče nije se moglo Two brigades of the ARBIH III Corps were stationed in
kretati dalje od Nemile, odnosno granice općine Zeni- the area of responsibility of the 111th Brigade of the HVO:
ca. U 111. brigadi HVO-a predviđali su da se napad na the 318th Mountain Brigade from Zavidovići and the 319th
Žepče neće moći izbjeći. Od osnutka 3. korpusa ARBiH u Mountain Brigade from Žepče, both belonging to Opera-
prosincu 1992. odnosi ARBiH i HVO-a u središnjoj Bosni tional Group Bosna which was tasked with “dealing” with
postajali su sve lošiji. the HVO in Žepče. The municipal HQs of TO Žepče and
Dvije brigade 3. korpusa ARBiH bile su u zoni 111. Zavidovići were also under the command of Operation-
brigade HVO-a: 318. brdska iz Zavidovića i 319. brdska iz al Group Bosna. In the northern part of the area of re-
sponsibility of the 111xp Brigade in the Tešanj area there
Žepča, u sastavu OG-a Bosna, koja je “zadužena” za HVO
u Žepču. Osim njih, u sastavu OG-a Bosna bili su i općin- was Operational Group-7 South 2 of the ARBIH II Corps
ski štabovi obrane Žepče i Zavidovići. Na sjevernoj strani whose strength was roughly equal to five brigades.
zone 111. xp brigade na području Tešnja bile su snage The situation came to a head on June 23, 1993, with
OG-7 Jug 2. korpusa ARBiH jačine oko pet brigada.805 an incident on Hill 803 above Brezovo Polje. According to
Rasplet je počeo 23. lipnja 1993. incidentom izme- the claims made by the HVO the Muslim forces attacked,
đu ARBiH i HVO-a oko položaja na koti 803 iznad Bre- on the morning of June 24, the positions held by the 111th
zova Polja. Prema tvrdnjama HVO-a, ujutro 24. lipnja Brigade from the direction of Željezno Polje and Zenica.
muslimanske su snage iz smjera Željeznog Polja i Zeni- Heavy fighting developed in Žepče too. The HQ of the
ce napale položaje 111. brigade. Jake borbe počele su ARBIH III Corps accused the HVO of attacking first and
claimed that they had activated the appropriate contin-
gency plan as a response to the HVO’s aggression. Army
804 ZP Vitez, Izvanredno izvješće br. 08-1-141/93 od 9. 1. of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked the
1994.; ZP Vitez, Izvanredno izvješće br. 08-1-147/93 od HVO from the direction of Zenica, Tešanj, Maglaj, Zavi-
9. 1. 1994.; A. KLIKO, F. ĆUSKIĆ, 17. Viteška Krajiška brdska
brigada ARBiH, 155; Dossier: Zločini muslimanskih postro-
dovići and Kakanj. The HQ of III Corps sent, on June 27,
jbi nad Hrvatima u BiH 1992. – 1994., 170-174. one battalion of the 303rd Brigade to the front line. On
805 ICTY: Komanda 3. korpusa, Naređenje, str. pov. br. June 28-29 the remained of the 303rd Brigade was pulled
02/33-1 od 10. 12. 1992.; ICTY: Komanda 3. korpusa, out from the Vitez and Busovača front. On June 29, one
Naređenje str. pov. br. 02/33-628 od 8. 3. 1993.; 110. battalion of the 314 Motorized Brigade and one compa-
brigada HVO, br. 05-18-0107/93 od 18. 8. 1993.; 111. xp ny of the 305 Mountain Brigade were deployed on the
brigada HVO, Izvješće o b/s za 1994. godinu, str. pov. br.
01/1-3 od 1. 2. 1994. front line.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

i u samom Žepču. S druge strane, Komanda 3. korpu- Heavy fighting took place from June 24 to June 30 in
sa ARBiH optužila je HVO da je prvi počeo napad te da the city and along the whole length of the defensive line.
su zbog toga aktivirali plan o uporabi snaga u slučaju The HVO, in the fighting for the city, was supported by
sukoba s njima. Armija Republike BiH napala je zonu Serbs tanks. The bulk of the 319th Brigade of the Army of
HVO-a iz smjera Zenice, Tešnja, Maglaja, Zavidovića i the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina surrendered, in
Kaknja. Komanda 3. korpusa poslala je 27. lipnja jedan the city, on June 30 and the other Muslim units fighting
bataljun 303. brigade, 28. i 29. lipnja s fronte je prema in the city retreated across the Bosna River to the suburb
Vitezu i Busovači izvukla i ostatak 303. brigade, a 29. of Orlovik. In the area outside the city, on June 24, after
lipnja angažirala je bataljun 314. mtbr i jednu četu 305. fighting for Hill 803, the HVO withdrew to the Novakova
brdske brigade.806 Kosa – Čekrk – Brezova Kosa – Čimen line. The defend-
Od 24. do 30. lipnja vodile su se jake borbe u gra- ers received reinforcements and managed to hold the
du i oko njega duž cijele crte. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane line. During the day the HVO captured Martinski Vrh, a
imalo je pomoć srpskih tenkova u borbama za grad. strategically important position. At Žepče the HVO set
Glavnina 319. brdske brigade ARBiH u gradu predala up positions along the Orahovica – Bukovik – Drenjak –
se 30. lipnja, a preostale muslimanske snage protjera- Kicelj line and captured the Previla facility. In Zavidovići
ne su preko rijeke Bosne u prigradsko naselje Orlovik. U the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
okolici grada HVO se 24. lipnja nakon borbi za kotu 803 pushed back the Croat forces to the Vinište – Dubravi-
povukao na crtu Novakova kosa – Čekrk – Brezova kosa ca – Karaula – Dubrava – Debelo Brdo – Pleć – Devetine
– Čimen, koju je s pojačanjima zadržao. Tijekom dana line along the Bosna River. To the southwest of Maglaj
osvojio je važnu kotu Martinski vis. Kod Žepča je HVO the HVO gained control of the villages of Tujnica, Lugovi,
zaposjeo crtu Orahovica – Bukovik – Drenjak – Kicelj i Bradići and parts of the village of Vrbica. On the follow-
zauzeo objekt Previlu. U Zavidovićima je ARBiH potisnu- ing day the HVO established positions on the Globarica
la hrvatske snage na crtu Vinište – Dubravica – Karau- – Krušik – Tomići – Fojnica – Pazarić – Komšići – Marijina
la – Dubrava – Debelo brdo – Pleć – Devetine uz rijeku Kosa – Borik – Ključ – Ošvanska Bandera line. There, The
Bosnu. Južno i jugozapadno od Maglaja HVO je stavio HVO, due to the lack of manpower and inability to hold,
pod nadzor sela Tujnicu, Lugove, Bradiće i dio Vrbice, simultaneously, the defensive line opposite the Serbs
a idućega je dana postavio crtu na pravcu Globarica – and the one opposite the Muslims, allowed Serb troops
Krušik – Tomići – Fojnica – Pazarić – Komšići – Marijina to take up positions on the HVO frontline with the ARBIH.
kosa – Borik – Ključ – Ošvanska bandera, gdje se zbog The Serbs took up positions on the HVO’s line from Du-
nedostatka ljudstva i nemogućnosti istodobnog drža- brava as far as Hatkine Njive and then attacked Maglaj.
nja crte prema ARBiH i VRS-u uvezao sa srpskim snaga- The HVO forces freed up by the deployment of the VRS
ma. Srbi su preuzeli crtu HVO-a na dijelu od Dubrave units attacked the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
do Hatkinih njiva i potom napali Maglaj. Oslobođene Herzegovina forces in Novi Šeher. The Muslims there sur-
snage HVO je angažirao prema ARBiH u Novom Šehe- rendered on June 28. The neighboring villages of Kop-
ru, koja se predala 28. lipnja s okolnim selima Kopice, ice, Čobe and Domislica also surrendered to the Croats.
Čobe i Domislica. Nakon što su muslimanske snage 26. When the Muslim forces pushed back the Serbs from the
lipnja potisnule srpske s prijevoja Tocilo na Crnom vrhu, Tocilo pass on Crni Vrh on June 26 the HVO helped in es-
HVO je pomagao u organiziranju nove crte na dijelu tablishing a new defensive line in the Pasija Glava – Krč
Pasja glava – Krč. Srpske su snage 29. lipnja preuzele i area. The Serbs relieved the HVO troops in the positions
crtu kod Novog Šehera, a HVO je snage angažirao na at Novi Šeher too on June 29. The HVO deployed these
južnom dijelu bojišta. Vrlo jak udar ARBiH je izvela 27. troops in the southern part of the area of operations.
Having brought reinforcements to the Žepče crossroads
and pushing back the HVO forces there to the Široka
806 IZM OZ SB, Vanredno izvješće str. pov. br. 03-6-533/93 Kosa – Zovik line the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
od 24. 6. 1993.; IZM OZ SB, Vanredno izvješće str. pov. br. Herzegovina mounted an especially determined attack
03-6-546/93 od 24. 6. 1993.; ICTY: Komanda 3. korpusa, against the HVO troops deployed to the south of Žepče
Informacija str. pov. br. 02/31-538 od 24. 6. 1993.; ICTY:
Komanda 3. korpusa, Vanredni izvještaj str. pov. br. 1968- on June 27. On June 28 the Muslims continued attacking
69 od 14. 7. 1993. and pushed back the Croat forces to the Žepče bridge


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

lipnja južno od Žepča, nakon dovođenja pojačanja na – Stražva – Vrančug – Milosavac – Zovik – Varda – Pejići –
raskrižje u Žepču, gdje je odbacila HVO na crtu Široka Lupići – Mišići – Ristići as far as the Bosna River line. The
kosa – Zovik. U nastavku napada na istom pravcu 28. HVO managed to withstand the pressure and on June 30
lipnja odbacila je hrvatske snage na crtu most u Žepču captured the village of Gornja Ozimica.
– Stražva – Vrančug – Milosavac – Zovik – Varda – Peji- From the beginning of July, 1993, until the signing
ći – Lupići – Mišići – Ristići do rijeke Bosne. Nakon što of the Washington Agreement in March, 1994, fighting
je izdržao višednevni pritisak ARBiH, HVO je 30. lipnja raged on without respite. The Army of the Republic of
zauzeo selo Gornju Ozimicu.807 Bosnia and Herzegovina launched numerous attacks
Od početka srpnja 1993. do Washingtonskoga on dominant positions, often with success. The HVO re-
sporazuma u ožujku 1994. borbe su bile svakodnevne, sponded by sending the intervention forces of the Bruno
ARBiH je često napadala dominantne točke, a HVO je Bušić Regiment and the 111xp Brigade into counterat-
interventnim snagama pukovnije Bruno Bušić i 111. xp tacks to recapture lost positions. Most of these counterat-
brigade uglavnom vraćao izgubljene položaje. Musli- tacks were also successful. On July 5 the Muslims pushed
manske su snage 5. srpnja potisnule hrvatske s kote back the Croats from Drenjak Hill to the Divove Vode
Drenjak i odbacile ih na crtu Divove vode – Lazina – Vis. – Lazina – Vis line. The Muslims also captured Oštruljak
Zauzele su i greben Oštruljak, koji je HVO vratio sljede- Ridge. The HVO recaptured the ridge the following day.
ćega dana. Napad ARBiH na Vardu 9. srpnja HVO je od- On July 9 the HVO repulsed the Army of the Republic of
bio i 16. srpnja zauzeo kotu Vis. Armija Republike BiH Bosnia and Herzegovina’s attack on Varda. On July 16 the
ponovno je 20. srpnja napala snage HVO-a na Zoviku HVO captured Vis Hill. The Army of the Republic of Bos-
i odbacila ih na crtu Rudina – Milosavac. Potom je 28. nia and Herzegovina again attacked the HVO forces on
srpnja napala položaje koje su držale srpske snage i za- Zovik on July 20. The Muslims threw the Croats back to
uzela kote Martinski vis i Kozja stopa. Dva dana poslije the Rudina – Milosavac line. Then, on July 28 the Muslims
interventne snage HVO-a vratile su izgubljene kote.808 attacked the positions held by the Serbs and captured
U kolovozu je HVO bio agilniji. Dana 11. kolovoza Martinski Vis and Kozja Stopa Hills. Two days later the
potisnuo je muslimanske snage s područja Biljačića i us- HVO intervention forces recaptured the hills.
postavio čvršću i racionalniju obranu. Armija Republike In August the HVO performed with more agility. On
BiH odgovorila je 16. kolovoza upadom skupine u selo August 11 the Croats forced the Muslim forces to retreat
Kiseljak, gdje je ubila nekoliko civila, a 20-ak ih je odvela from the Biljačić area and established strong defensive
sa sobom kao taoce. U rujnu je bilo više borbi. Armija positions. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
Republike BiH zaposjela je 13. rujna kotu Maglaj, koju su zegovina reacted on August 16 by launching a foray into
držale srpske snage. Idućega dana HVO je vratio izgu- the village of Kiseljak where the attackers killed a number
bljenu kotu i ponovno je dao na čuvanje srpskim snaga- of civilians and took 20 civilians away as hostages. There
ma. Potom su interventne snage HVO-a 16. rujna izvele was more fighting in September than in August. On Sep-
pothvat XP, čija je svrha bila odbaciti ARBiH dalje od tember 13 the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
Žepča i omogućiti koliko-toliko normalan život u gradu. govina defeated the Serb soldiers defending Maglaj Hill.
U pothvatu su osvojeni vrh Drenjka i naselje Preko i one- The following day the HVO counterattacked and chased
mogućena je veza muslimanskih snaga tokom rijeke the Muslims away. The Serbs then again set up defensive
Bosne prema Zavidovićima. U nastavku pothvata HVO positions on the hill. On September 16 the HVO interven-
je 18. rujna zauzeo kote Kik i Orlovik i selo Hrastušje. S tion forces carried out Action XP the aim of which was
obzirom na to da nije imala uspjeha u napadima na crtu to push back the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
koju je držao HVO, ARBiH je 26. rujna napala crtu koju Herzegovina away from Žepče and ensure at least some
su držale srpske snage i potisnula ih s kota Borik, Ključ semblance of normalcy in the city. The intervention forc-
es captured Drenjak Hill and the Preko neighborhood
and prevented the Muslims from using the Bosna River
807 Davor MARIJAN, Rat Hrvata i Muslimana u Bosni i Herce-
govini od 1992. do 1994., Hrvatski institut za povijest, Za-
as a communications route towards Zavidovići. Follow-
greb, 2018., 380-384. ing this success up on September 18 the HVO captured
808 Isto, 384.; 111. xp brigada HVO, Izvješće o b/s za 1994. Kik and Orlovik hills and the village of Hrastušje. Having
godinu, str. pov. br. 01/1-3 od 1. 2. 1994. failed to make any significant headway in attacking the


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

i Bijeli klanci. Idućega dana HVO je vratio Bijele klance. HVO positions the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Kote Borik i Ključ vraćene su 14. listopada i ponovno su Herzegovina attacked the portion of the line held by the
ih preuzele srpske snage. Sljedeće borbe protekle su u Serbs on September 26. The attackers pushed the Serbs
vraćanju položaja s kojih su se povukle srpske snage: back from Borik, Ključ and Bijeli Klanci hills. The next day
16. listopada Cerove ravni i 4. studenoga Ključa.809 the HVO recaptured Bijeli Klanci Hill. The HVO recaptured
U prosincu je HVO preuzeo inicijativu. Početkom Borik and Ključ Hills on October 14 and the Serbs again
mjeseca zauzete su kote Srgovi i Gajić na novošeher- took up defensive positions there. The fighting that fol-
skom dijelu bojišta, na pravcu prema Tešnju. Slijedio je lowed was all about, for the HVO, retaking the positions
mnogo veći uspjeh, kada je 20. prosinca zauzeta kota the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina had
Bukovik južno od Žepča, s koje se nadzirao prilaz gradu captured from the Serbs: on October 16 the HVO chased
i položajima na Previli i Orloviku. Muslimanske su je sna- the Muslims from Cerove Ravni and on November 4 from
ge brzo vratile, no HVO ju je 22. prosinca ponovno za- Ključ Hill.
uzeo. Armija Republike BiH više je puta napadala kotu, In December the HVO gained the initiative. At the
ali HVO je odbio sve napade. Do Washingtonskoga beginning of the month the Croats captured Srgovi
sporazuma veće borbe tijekom 1994. vodile su se oko and Gajić Hills in the Novi Šeher area, in the direction of
kote Bukovik (28. siječnja), na crti Pazarić – Rovine na Tešanj. On December 20 the HVO scored a pivotal suc-
maglajskom dijelu bojišta 21. siječnja, Golom brdu 23. i cess by capturing Bukovik Hill to the south of Žepče. The
24. siječnja, na koti Sedra i oko Rovina krajem siječnja.810 hill afforded the occupants control of the approaches to
the city and positions on Previla and Orolovik. It did not
take long for the Muslims to recapture the position but
809 111. xp brigada HVO, Izvješće o b/s za 1994. godinu, str. the HVO attacked again on December 22 and took the
pov. br. 01/1-3 od 1. 2. 1994.
hill. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
810 Bojna “Andrija Tadić”, Izvješće br. 310/93 od 17. 9. 1993.; then launched a number of attacks on the hill but could
Bojna “Andrija Tadić”, Izvješće br. 201/93 od 20. 8. 1993.;
Bojna “Andrija Tadić”, Izvješće br. 406/93 od 4. 12. 1993.; not dislodge the HVO troops from their positions. During
Bojna “Andrija Tadić”, Izvješće br. 423/93 od 23. 12. 1993.; 1994 and until the signing of the Washington Agreement
111. xp brigada, Zapovijed br. 02/1-422/93 od 23. 12. heavy fighting developed around Bukovik Hill (January
1993.; Bojna “Andrija Tadić”, Izvješće br. 424/93 od 25. 28), along the Pazarić – Rovine line in the Maglaj area on
12. 1993.; 111. xp brigada, Zapovijed br. 02/1-427/93 od
January 21, on Golo Brdo on January 23-24, on Sedra Hill
19. 12. 1993.; 111. xp brigada, Zapovijed br. 01/21-2 od
21. 1. 1994.; 111. xp brigada, Zapovijed br. 01/21-3 od and around Rovin at the end of January.18
23. 1. 1994.; Bojna “Andrija Tadić”, Izvješće br. 441/94 od
24. 1. 1994.; 111. xp brigada HVO, Izvješće o b/s za 1994.
godinu, str. pov. br. 01/1-3 od 1. 2. 1994.; “Kronologija 18 During the Muslim-Croat war the HVO Žepče lost 203
borbenih aktivnosti bojne ‘Andrija Tadić’ Žepče”, Drmaj, killed, 571 and 44 soldiers taken prisoner. According to
travanj 1994., 14. Prema navedenim izvorima, tijekom statements made by the commander of Žepče, the 111xp
rata s Muslimanima HVO Žepče imao je 203 poginula Brigade, while defending the Croatian areas from the
i 571 ranjenog vojnika, a 44 je zarobila ARBiH. Prema VRS during the period from May, 1992, until May, 1993,
iskazima zapovjednika iz Žepča, u obrani hrvatskih pro- lost 136 soldiers killed and more than 270 wounded. By
stora od Vojske Republike Srpske, od svibnja 1992. do way of comparison, the brigade lost 272 soldiers killed
svibnja 1993., 111. xp brigada imala je 136 poginulih and around 700 soldiers were wounded (some of them
i više od 270 ranjenih pripadnika, a u obrani od musli- multiple times) while resisting Muslim aggression. In
manske agresije poginula su 272 branitelja i oko 700 ih total, from 1992 until 1995, 408 HVO soldiers were killed
je ranjeno (neki od njih i više puta). Ukupno, od 1992. and at least 963 wounded. 18 volunteers from the Žepče
do 1995. poginulo je 408 pripadnika HVO-a, ranjena su area were killed, as Croatian Army soldiers, defending
najmanje 963, a u obrani Republike Hrvatske, u sastavu the Republic of Croatia. According to available sources,
Hrvatske vojske, poginulo je 18 dobrovoljaca sa žepač- from 1992 until 1996 in total, 399 members of the 111xp
kog područja. Prema podacima iz literature, u ratu od Brigade from Žepče were killed, died of wounds or are
1992. do 1996. ukupno je poginulo, nestalo i umrlo od still listed as missing. In the same period 899 soldiers
posljedica ranjavanja 399 pripadnika 111. xp brigade iz were wounded, or more specifically, 260 soldiers were
Žepča, a ranjeno je 899, od toga 260 u sukobu sa srpskim wounded while fighting against Serb forces, and 639
postrojbama, a 639 u sukobu s muslimanskim postroj- while fighting against the Muslims (Šimunović, Mirko.
bama (Mirko Šimunović, Zbornik hrvatskih branitelja 111. Zbornik hrvatskih branitelja 111. Xp. brigade Žepče
xp. brigade Žepče poginulih i nestalih u ratu 1992. - 1996., poginulih i nestalih u ratu 1992.-1996. Žepče, 2001, pp.11-
Žepče, 2001., 11-410, 411-427). 410, 411-427).


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Sarajevo, Tuzla, Usora Sarajevo, Tuzla, Usora

U Sarajevu, Tuzli i Usori Hrvati su 1992. osnovali bri- In Sarajevo, Tuzla and Usora the Croats formed, in 1992,
gade koje su fizički bile odvojene od glavnine HVO-a u one brigade in each city. These brigades were geographi-
središnjoj Bosni. Muslimansko-hrvatski rat odrazio se na cally separated from the main HVO force in central Bosnia.
položaj svih triju brigada, koje su tijekom toga rata imale The exigencies of the Muslim-Croat war influenced the
različitu sudbinu. Ni jedna od njih nije ugrožavala većin- fates of the three brigades and ensured that each brigade’s
ske postrojbe ARBiH, no radikalan kurs muslimanskoga story would follow a different path. However, there were
političkog i vojnog vrha tražio je da se one uklope u njihov similarities. None of the three brigades was in a position
sustav, koji se bez osnove zvao Oružane snage Republike to threaten the numerically superior Muslim formation in
Bosne i Hercegovine. Stranka demokratske akcije tada je their respective areas. It is important to mention that the
već čvrsto stavila ruku na vojnu silu i dala joj snažan mu- radical attitude of the Muslim political and military leader-
slimanski i islamski štih. Privid jedine legalne vojne opcije ship called for the incorporation the three Croat brigades
muslimanski je vrh planirao pojačati prevođenjem briga- into the Muslim military system which the Muslim leaders
da HVO-a u sastav ARBiH, o čemu je Izetbegović 14. pro- called, rather unrealistically, the Armed Forces of the Re-
sinca 1993. potpisao i posebnu odluku. Tom je odlukom public of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Party of Democratic
postrojbama HVO-a promijenjeno ime i prevedene su u Action usurped control of the army and turned it, for all
sastav ARBiH. Postrojbe HVO-a koje nisu provele odluku intents and purposes, into a Muslim institution. It was im-
proglašene su paravojnim sastavima.811 Bez problema je portant, for the leadership of the party, to keep up the pre-
u ARBiH preimenovana 107. brigada HVO-a iz Gradačca, tense that the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bosnia and
koja je imala apsolutnu muslimansku većinu i čija lojal- Herzegovina was a non-partisan entity whose main mis-
nost Sarajevu nikada nije bila upitna.812 sion was to protect the sovereignty of the country. For that
U vrijeme kada se pisala, odluka o preimenovanju reason Izetbegović signed a special decision on December
je u Sarajevu već bila realizirana. Ondje je HVO od ljeta 14, 1993, by which the HVO brigades were to be incorpo-
1992. bio pod sustavnim pritiskom muslimanskih tijela rated into the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
vlasti, koji je međusobni rat samo zaoštrio. Brigada HVO-a govina. The decision also stipulated that the designations
Kralj Tvrtko bila je dežurni krivac i predmet na kojem su se and names of the HVO units should be changed according
to the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s
liječile frustracije službenoga Sarajeva zbog rata s Hrvati-
ma. U tome su Muslimani imali potporu dijela sarajevskih system of designations. Those HVO units that refused to
Hrvata, koji su ih podržavali iz osobnih razloga. Ujutro 6. abide by the decision were proclaimed paramilitary forma-
studenoga 1993. Specijalna policija MUP-a RBiH napala tions. The renaming of the 107th Brigade of the HVO from
je i zauzela Stožer brigade, a potom su napadnute i za- Gradačac went smoothly because the vast majority of its
robljene ostale postrojbe koje nisu pružile otpor. Zapo- soldiers were Muslims and the brigade’s loyalty to the Sara-
vjedništvo brigade je uhićeno, a zapovjednik Slavko Zelić jevo regime was absolute.
optužen je na insceniranom sudskom procesu i držan u It is important to note that the decision on renaming
zatvoru nekoliko mjeseci prije no što je razmijenjen u Mo- the units had already been implemented in Sarajevo even
staru. Zalaganjem spomenutih promuslimanskih političa- before it was written. In Sarajevo, from the summer of
ra, od ljudstva HVO-a organizirana je 142. hrvatska brdska 1992, the HVO was under constant pressure from the Mus-
lim authorities. This only made the already bad situation
brigada Kralj Tvrtko u sastavu 1. korpusa ARBiH.813
worse. The Muslim leadership in Sarajevo needed to find a
scapegoat to blame for the war with the Croats. The Mus-
811 Odluka Predsjednika Predsjedništva RBiH od 14. 12. lims duly put the blame for all their ills on the shoulders
1993. o preimenovanju postrojbi HVO, Službeni list RBiH, of the Kralj Tvrtko Brigade of the HVO. Ironically, a number
br. 27, 31. 12. 1993.
of Croats in Sarajevo, currying favor with the Muslims, lend
812 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 309. their tacit support to this witch-hunt. On the morning of
813 Slavko ZELIĆ, HVO u obrani Sarajeva (prilozi za istraživanje November 6, 1993, the Special Police of the MUP of the Re-
uloge HVO-a u obrani Sarajeva i BiH), Republika Hrvatska i public of Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked and captured
Domovinski rat 1990.-1995., memoarsko gradivo, knjiga
9., HMDCDR, Zagreb – Mostar, 2014. the HQ of the Kralj Tvrtko Brigade. The other units of the


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

U Tuzli je HVO imao 115. brigadu Zrinski, koja je Brigade were then attacked also. The Croats surrendered
djelovala u zoni 2. korpusa ARBiH. Ujesen 1993. ljud- without a fight. The commanding officers of the Brigade
stvo brigade počelo je osjećati posljedice musliman- were arrested and the commander of the Brigade, Slavko
sko-hrvatskoga rata. Na brigadu se vršio pritisak da Zelić, was tried on trump up charges and convicted to
prijeđe u sastav ARBiH, što je ona, uz političku potporu a prison sentence in a kangaroo court. He spent a few
HVO-a Hrvatske zajednice Soli, odbila. Kada je pritisak months in prison until he was exchanged in Mostar. Thanks
postao prevelik, u brigadi je odlučeno da se postrojba to the efforts of the mentioned pro-Muslim politicians the
raspusti, što je realizirano 10. siječnja 1994. godine.814 142nd Croatian Mountain Brigade Kralj Tvrtko was formed
Sličan pritisak napravljen je iz Sarajeva i Tuzle na out of HVO personnel and was placed under the command
110. brigadu HVO-a Usora. Ona je bila u sastavu OG-7 of the ARBIH I Corps.
Jug, koja je od kraja lipnja 1993. bila okružena snaga- In Tuzla the HVO had the 115th Zrinski Brigade. The Bri-
ma 111. brigade HVO-a i VRS-a te fizički odsječena od gade was stationed in the zone of the ARBIH II Corps. In the
2. korpusa ARBiH. Odsječenost i držanje crte nasuprot fall of 1993, the personnel of the Brigade started to feel the
srpskim snagama dali su 110. brigadi HVO-a status koji pinch of the Muslim-Croat war. The Muslims insisted that
su u OG-7 Jug i općini Tešanj dobro shvaćali. To je utje- the Brigade be incorporated into the Army of the Republic
calo na to da ne idu do kraja s provedbom odluke iz of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The leadership of the Brigade,
Sarajeva, posebice nakon što je Zapovjedništvo 110. with political support of the HVO of the Croatian commu-
brigade stavilo na znanje da je spremno oružjem bra- nity in Soli, refused. When the Muslims increased the pres-
niti svoj status i ime. Brigada je tako preživjela pokušaj sure the leadership of the Brigade decided to disband the
preimenovanja.815 unit. That was duly done on January 10, 1994.
Muslimanski pritisak izdržala je i 108. brigada Rav- Similar pressure was put, from Sarajevo and Tuzla, on
ne-Brčko, koja je bila u zoni 2. korpusa ARBiH i u dome- the 110th Brigade of the HVO in Usora. The Brigade was
tu topništva HVO-a iz OZ-a Bosanska Posavina. Unatoč under the command of the OG-7 South. The OG-7 South
pritiscima potkraj 1993. i početkom 1994. brigada je was, from the end of June, 1993, surrounded by the 111th
ostala u sastavu HVO-a. Nakon raspuštanja 115. briga- Brigade of the HVO and the VRS and cut off from the AR-
de HVO-a iz Tuzle dio vojnika je prešao u sastav 108. BIH II Corps. The pivotal importance of the fact that the
brigade. Osim njih u sastavu brigade je bilo i Hrvata iz 110th Brigade held the line opposite the VRS and the fact
općina: Banovići, Lukavac, Gradačac i Srebrenik.816 that it was cut off from II Corps was not lost on Operation-
al Group South and those in charge of the municipality of
Tešanj. For that reason the HQ of the OG-7 South and the
Muslim authorities in Tešanj were reluctant to push for the
implementation of the Sarajevo decision, especially after
the HQ of the 110th Brigade let it be known that the Brigade
was ready and willing to fight for its status and name. The
Brigade thus survived in its original form.
Izetbegović’s decision was only partially implemented.
The HVO brigade in Sarajevo was coerced into changing
its name but the other brigades, the 110th and 115th, stood
firm. The 108th Brigade Ravne-Brčko also remained in the
HVO. This Brigade was in the area of the ARBIH II Corps
814 Zvonko Jurić, “115. brigada HVO-a ‘Zrinski’ Tuzla”, Bojo-
vnik, br. 5, ožujak 1995., 28-29. and within range of the HVO artillery of Operative Zone
815 Službena zabilješka SIS-a 110. brigade HVO-a (ne-
Bosanska Posavina. At the end of 1993 and beginning of
datirano, pisano nakon 14. 12. 1993.). Dokument na 1994, pressure was put on the 108th Brigade of the HVO to
web-stranici Slobodana Praljka. allow itself to be incorporated into the ARBIH. The brigade
816 HDA, GSHVO: ZP Orašje, Izvješće 108. brigade refused to be coerced. When the 115th Brigade of the HVO
HVO, str. pov. br. 01-02/94-216/2 od 11. 3. 1994.; from Tuzla was disbanded, some of its soldiers joined the
Filip Ilijanić, „Svoji na svom”, Odjek branitelja, gla- 108th Brigade. In addition to these troops, Croats form the
silo hrvatskog naroda općine Brčko i Srebrenik, br.
7 od 2. 4. 1994., 3; Izjava brigadira Ive Filipovića following municipalities also served in the 108th Brigade:
dana 24. 9. 2019. Banovići, Gradačac and Srebrenik.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Nakon siječanjskoga sukoba 1993., dolina Vrbasa After the fighting in January, 1993, people in the Vr-
nekoliko je mjeseci živjela u stanju ni rata ni mira. Inci- bas Valley existed in a state of limbo, caught between a
denti su bili svakodnevni, što je značilo stalno dizanje phony war and spurious peace. Incidents were a daily oc-
borbene spremnosti, cestovno razbojništvo i povreme- currence; highway robberies, sometimes accompanied
na ubojstva putnika. Bila je to igra iscrpljivanja u kojoj by murder were frequent. Both the HVO and the Army of
je ARBiH dugoročno, zbog brojnosti snaga, bila u pred- the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina were constant-
nosti. U drugoj polovini travnja 1993., nakon sukoba u ly kept at the highest level of battle readiness. It was a
dolinama Neretve i Lašve, Komanda 3. korpusa ARBiH contest of endurance and attrition in which the Army of
naredila je 22. travnja OG-u Zapad da bude spreman the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on account of
razbiti i razoružati HVO u Bugojnu i Gornjem Vakufu.817 its numerical superiority, held every advantage. In the
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane kasnilo je u pripremama za sraz. second half of April, 1993, after the battles in the Neretva
U prvoj polovini svibnja HVO u Bugojnu i Gornjem Vaku- Valley and Lašva Valley, the HQ of III Corps ordered, on
fu izradio je plan djelovanja u slučaju sukoba s ARBiH.818 April 22, Operational Group West to be prepared to de-
feat and disarm the HVO in Bugojno and Gornji Vakuf.
Bugojno The HVO’s preparations for the upcoming clash lagged
behind those of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Nakon ofenzive ARBiH u središnjoj Bosni u lipnju i Herzegovina. In the first half of May the HVO in Bugojno
početkom srpnja 1993., HVO u Bugojnu došao je u ne- finalized its contingency plan for a conflict with the Army
zavidan položaj. Bio je u poluokruženju snaga ARBiH i of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
srpskih snaga na Kupreškoj visoravni. S OZ-om Sjevero-
zapadna Hercegovina imao je nestabilnu vezu u Usko- Bugojno
paljskoj dolini. Nezavidan položaj pogoršan je i neod-
lučnošću dijela političkog i vojnog vodstva u gradu. After the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
Uoči sukoba HVO je u Bugojnu imao brigadu Eugen zegovina’s offensive in central Bosnia in June and at the
Kvaternik i Domobranstvo jačine pukovnije, ukupno beginning of July, 1993, the HVO in Bugojno found itself
oko 3200 ljudi. Armija Republike BiH je imala 307. mtbr in a precarious situation. It was partially encircled by the
i Općinski štab obrane s prostornim strukturama s oko Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the
4500 ljudi. Vojske su se izmještale u skladu s demograf- Serb forces deployed in the Kupres plateau. The HVO
skom strukturom općine. U odnosu na brojniju ARBiH, forces in Bugojno were connected to Operative Zone
HVO je imao prednost u naoružanju i opremi.819 Northeast Herzegovina in the Uskoplje Valley but the link
Sukob je počeo 18. srpnja 1993., prema hrvatskim was tenuous. The unfavorable situation was further ex-
izvorima zbog napada ARBiH na skupinu HVO-a koja se acerbated by the indecisiveness of certain political and
vraćala s crte, a prema muslimanskima zbog postavljanja military leaders in the city.
punkta kod sela Vrbanje. Uslijedilo je postavljanje pun- Just prior to the outbreak of hostilities the HVO had
ktova po gradu, zarobljavanje vojnika i civila, oduzimanje the Eugen Kvaternik Brigade and a regiment-strength
vozila i naoružanja. Navečer je HVO odbio muslimanski Home Guard formation in Bugojno, altogether 3,200
napad na selo Kulu. Idućega dana ARBiH je zauzela dio men. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovi-
sela Vučipolja, koje je HVO u protunapadu vratio. Hrvat- na had the 307th Motorized Brigade and municipal HQ of
sko vijeće obrane bez borbe je zaposjelo Vrbanju. U na- TO static territorial units – 4,500 men in total – in Bugoj-
no. The deployment of military formations matched the
demographic structure of the municipality. The Army of
817 ICTY: Komanda 3. korpusa, Naređenje str. pov. br. 02/33- the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was numerically
957 od 22. 4. 1993. superior to the HVO, but the HVO had better weapons
818 ZOZS/ZH, Zapovijed br. 01/5-190 od 4. 5. 1993. and equipment.
819 Hasib MUŠINBEGOVIĆ, Boj odbrana Bugojna 1993., Biljeg, The conflict started on July 18, 1993. According to
Sarajevo, 2011., 43. Croatian sources hostilities began when the Army of the


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

stavku borbi 20. srpnja ARBiH je imala značajnije uspjehe Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked a group
u borbama u gradu. Brigadi HVO-a zapovjeđeno je da se of HVO soldiers returning from the frontline, having
prestroji i prikupi na područjima gdje se može braniti te completed their shift there. According to Muslim sourc-
čeka pomoć s pravca Gornji Vakuf – Gračanica. Navečer je es, on the other hand, the situation escalated because
HVO držao položaje Goruša – Golo Brdo – Kandija – Vuči- the HVO set up a checkpoint at the village of Vrbanja.
polje – Lokve – Bristovi – Kula – Donji Boganovci – Rosulje In any event, both sides stared setting up checkpoints
– Ćurčića Lug – Udurlije – Čaušlije – objekt Stolarija. U all over the city, arresting the other side’s soldiers, con-
gradu je držao naselje Voznik – hotel „Kalin“ – Ljubljanska fiscating the other side’s vehicles and weapons. In the
banka – robna kuća. Prema gradu je crta razgraničenja evening the HVO beat back a Muslim attack on the vil-
bila naselje Jaklić – sredina Sultanovića – Gorica – Novo lage of Kula. The following day the Army of the Repub-
naselje – Jasika – Mandalac – Gornji Podovi – Perizovci – lic of Bosnia and Herzegovina captured a part of the
Crniče – Okolišće – Humac. Težište napada ARBiH 21. srp- village of Vučipolje but the HVO counterattacked and
nja bilo je s pravca Ravno Rostovo prema Rosuljama, Bri- recaptured the village. The HVO occupied the village of
stovima i Vučipolju i pravcu Bugojno – Vrbanja – Zlavast. Vrbanja without a fight. On July 20, the Army of the Re-
Idućega dana ARBiH je uspjela odsjeći hrvatske snage u public of Bosnia and Herzegovina achieved a few nota-
gradu, a 23. srpnja zauzela je baze bojni brigade Eugen ble successes in the city. The HVO Brigade was ordered
Kvaternik u gradu. U gradu se HVO 24. srpnja branio samo to regroup and concentrate its troops in good defen-
u hotelu „Kalin“. Armija Republike BiH okružila je sela sje- sive positions and hold on until help arrived from the
verno od grada i HVO je bio na rubu poraza. Crtu Kula – direction of Gornji Vakuf – Gračanica. In the evening the
Donji Boganovac muslimanske su snage probile 25. srp- HVO held positions on the Goruša – Golo Brdo – Kandija
nja, a potom i crtu kod Kule, te su se spojile sa snagama iz – Vučipolje – Lokve – Bristovi – Kula – Donji Boganovci
Travnika. Obrana hotela „Kalin“ se predala, a HVO je počeo – Rosulje – Ćurčića Lug – Udurlije – Čaušlije – Stolarija
pripreme za izvlačenje preko srpskih položaja na Kupresu workshop line. In the city the HVO controlled the Voznik
za Tomislavgrad. Povlačenje je počelo 26. srpnja i završilo neighborhood – Kalin Hotel – Ljubljanska bank – Su-
29. srpnja porazom HVO-a i protjerivanjem većega dijela permarket line. On the approaches to the city the front
hrvatskoga stanovništva.820 line stretched along the Jaklić neighborhood – center
Dok je ARBiH osvajala Bugojno, hrvatske snage iz of Sultanovići – Gorica – Novo Naselje – Jasika – Man-
susjednih općina malo su pomogle. Borbene skupine iz dalac – Gornji Podovi – Perizovci – Crniče – Okolišće
Livna koje su bile u Prozoru, 19. i 20. srpnja povukle su se – Humac line. On July 21 the Army of the Republic of
u Livno, gdje su angažirane za razoružanje lokalnih Musli- Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked from Ravno Rostovo
mana. Pokušaj da ih se ponovno angažira nije bio uspje- in the direction of Rosulje, Bristovi and Vučipolje and in
šan. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane Gornjeg Vakufa uspjelo je 21. the direction of Bugojno – Vrbanja – Zlavast. The next
srpnja zauzeti Gračanicu i bilo je blizu spajanja sa snaga- day the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
ma HVO-a Bugojna. Nedostatak snaga onemogućio je tu managed to cut off the Croatian forces in the city and on
namjeru i ARBiH je u noći 23./24. srpnja u protunapadu July 23 the Muslims captured the base of the battalions
zauzela Gračanicu i napala Humac, čime je otklonila mo- belonging to the Eugen Kvaternik Brigade in the city. On
gućnost pružanja pomoći iz Gornjeg Vakufa. Skupina boj- July 24 the area defended by the HVO in the city was re-
ne Zrinski i pukovnije Bruno Bušić prekinula je 27. srpnja duced to the position around the Kalin Hotel – the HVO
napad na Voljice zbog lažne dojave o padu prijevoja Ma- was on the brink of defeat. The Muslims broke through
kljena. Te su skupine poslije angažirane da na Raduškom the Kula – Donji Boganovac line on July 25. The Muslims
kamenu prihvate dio razbijene brigade HVO-a Bugojno.821 followed up that success by pushing through the line at
Kula and linked up with the Muslim forces from Travnik.
The HVO troops defending the positions around the Ka-
820 GS HVO, Kronološki tijek događanja str. pov. br. 02- lin hotel surrendered and the HVO started preparing for
2/1-02-1827/93 od 10. 8. 1993.; H. MUŠINBEGOVIĆ, Boj
odbrana Bugojna 1993., 89-93.
a retreat to Tomislavgrad through the Serb positions on
Kupres. The retreat started on July 26 and ended on July
821 GS HVO, Kronološki tijek događanja str. pov. br. 02-2/1-
02-1827/93 od 10. 8. 1993.; Izjava bojnika Željka Na- 29. The HVO had suffered a defeat. Most of the Croatian
letilića, zapovjednika bojne “Ivica Jelčić Čarls”. population was expelled.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Pobjedom u Bugojnu ARBiH je spojila snage OG-a As the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
Zapad i stavila pod nadzor velik dio doline Vrbasa, što govina was attacking Bugojno the Croatian forces from
je olakšavalo napad na HVO u Gornjem Vakufu. Brigada the neighboring municipalities did close to nothing to
HVO-a Eugen Kvaternik u srpanjskim je borbama razbi- help the beleaguered defenders of Bugojno. The combat
jena, a od njezinih je ostataka prikupljena slabija boj- groups from Livno, which were in Prozor on July 19 and
na koja je angažirana na ramsko-uskopaljskom bojištu. 20, withdrew into Livno where they were kept busy dis-
Teško oružje (tenk i topništvo) brigade HVO-a ARBiH je arming the local Muslims. An attempt was made to de-
zarobila i iskoristila za napad na HVO u Gornjem Vaku- ploy them again in Livno but the attempt failed. The HVO
fu. U Bugojnu su muslimanske postrojbe tijekom napa- forces in Gornji Vakuf captured Gračanica on July 21 and
da, ali i kasnije, ubile 110 civila, a kasnije i zarobljenika almost managed to link up with the HVO forces from Bu-
i protjerale većinu Hrvata iz općine. Armija Republike gojno. Unfortunately for the Croats, they were simply not
BiH imala je 92 poginula i oko 210 ranjenih vojnika.822 numerically strong enough for the feat. The Army of the
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the night of
Uskoplje (Gornji Vakuf) July 23-24 captured Gračanica in a counterattack and at-
tacked Humac, thus preventing the HVO from bringing
Nakon pobjede u Bugojnu ARBiH je pokrenula sna- reinforcements from Gornji Vakuf. A combat group of the
ge za napad na HVO u Gornjem Vakufu/Uskoplju. Ko- Zrinski Battalion and Bruno Bušić Regiment aborted its
manda OG-a Zapad ARBiH ojačala je svoje snage u Volji- attack on Voljice on July 27 after receiving a false report
cama i Bistrici te zapovjedila 317. brdskoj brigadi napad about the fall of the Makljen pass. These two combat
na položaje HVO-a na Crnom vrhu, a Općinskomu štabu groups later covered elements of the defeated HVO Bu-
TO Gornji Vakuf pripremu napada na Glavicu, Grebine i gojno Brigade on Raduški Kamen.
Zvižđe. Muslimanske su snage 31. srpnja 1993. napale With the victory in Bugojno the Army of the Repub-
HVO i potisnule ga iz Krupe. Pokušaj organiziranja nove lic of Bosnia and Herzegovina linked up all the forces
crte obrane HVO-a u donjem dijelu Bistrice pretvorio se of Operational Group West and gained control over a
u neorganizirano povlačenje vojnika i civila kroz zase- large part of the Vrbas Valley and stood poised to attack
lak Trnovaču prema Pidrišu. To je destabiliziralo i osta- the HVO in Gornji Vakuf. The Eugen Kvaternik Brigade
le snage brigade Dr. Ante Starčević i 1. kolovoza dovelo of the HVO was decimated during the fighting in July.
The remnants of the Brigade were formed into a bat-
do njezina povlačenja iz Pajić Polja, Vilić Polja, Podgra-
đa, Gornjeg Vakufa i Podova. Ostale su dvije satnije u talion-strength unit and then deployed in the Rama –
Ždrimcima i Dobrošinu, koje se nisu željele povući. Uskoplje area. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Osobnom intervencijom generala Praljka i dovođenjem Herzegovina captured a number of artillery pieces and
pojačanja iz sastava pukovnije Bruno Bušić, brigada Lju- one tank from the HVO brigade and used them against
buški i Grude, povlačenje je istoga dana prekinuto, a the HVO forces in Gornji Vakuf. In Bugojno the Muslims
postojeće su snage pojačane. Idućega je dana HVO bez killed, during and after the attack, 110 civilians. Later
gubitaka uspio vratiti položaje u gradu, Podovima, Vo- they killed a number of POWs and expelled most of the
ljicama, Podgrađu i na koti Rajci. Armija Republike BiH Croats from the municipality. The Army of the Republic
uspjela je iskoristiti paniku i bez napora zaposjesti Bi- of Bosnia and Herzegovina lost 92 soldiers killed and
stricu, Krupu i Pavić Polje. Izbila je na crtu selo Ždrimci about 210 wounded.
– planina Baba – naselje Potrlica – vrh Mačkovac – vrh
Glavice, a crta razdvajanja u okolici grada bila je Podgra- Uskoplje (Gornji Vakuf)
đe – Volari – Mošćani – Šugine Bare – lijeva obala rječice
Voljišnice – selo Gaj (isključno) – rječica Did – Oglavak. After its victory in Bugojno the Army of the Repub-
Iznad Dobrošina ARBiH je držala položaje na Škarinoj lic of Bosnia and Herzegovina concentrated its forces
glavi i Podlisju. Relativno zatišje 3. kolovoza 1993. išlo for an attack on the HVO in Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje. The
je u prilog hrvatskim snagama, koje su pojačane ojača- HQ of Operational Group West reinforced its forces in
Voljice and Bistrica and ordered the 317th Mountain
Brigade to attack the HVO positions on Crni Vrh. It also
822 H. MUŠINBEGOVIĆ, Boj odbrana Bugojna 1993., 98. ordered the municipal HQ of the TO Gornji Vakuf to pre-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

nom satnijom 5. gardijske brigade HV-a i skupinom bri- pare an attack on Glavica, Grebine and Zvižđe. The Mus-
gade Ljubuški.823 Zaključno s danom 9. kolovoza HVO lims attacked the HVO forces and pushed them away
je u Uskoplju prikupio 1901 vojnika iz brigade Dr. Ante from Krupa on July 31, 1993. The HVO tried to establish
Starčević, lokalnoga Domobranstva, 4. brigade HVO-a a new defensive line but the attempt soon deteriorated
Ljubuški, 6. brigade HVO-a Grude, pukovnije Bruno Bu- into a rout. Soldiers and civilians fled through the ham-
šić, ATG-a Grdani i ojačane satnije 5. gardijske brigade let of Trnovača towards Pidriš. The retreat destabilized
HV-a.824 Obrana Uskoplja reorganizirana je 26. kolovo- the other units of the Dr. Ante Starčević Brigade. On Au-
za u osam sektora: Podovi, Podgrađe, Grad, Mačkovac, gust 1, the brigade was forced to withdraw from Pajić
Ždrimci, Dobrošin, Crni vrh i Raduša. Sektorima su zapo- Polje, Vilić Polje, Podgrađe, Gornji Vakuf and Podovi. Two
vijedali zapovjednici angažiranih postrojbi.825 companies refused to withdraw and remained in Ždrim-
Borbe su ponovno počele 4. kolovoza neuspješnim ci and Dobrošin. General Praljak personally intervened,
napadom ARBiH na veći dio hrvatske crte. Do druge po- reinforcements from the Bruno Bušić Regiment were
lovine kolovoza težište napada ARBiH bilo je na crtama brought forward – the Ljubuški and Grude Brigades –
u gradu i bližoj okolici, osobito na značajnim točkama and the withdrawal was halted on that same day. The
hrvatske obrane, koti Rajci i selu Galičici, odakle se osi- following day the HVO recaptured the lost positions in
guravala obrana snaga HVO-a u Voljicama, Trnovači, Po- the city, Podovi, Voljice, Podgrađe and Rajci Hill with-
dgrađu i Mošćanima. Nakon niza neuspjeha musliman- out suffering casualties. The Army of the Republic of
ske su snage 28. kolovoza napale s boka i zauzele kotu Bosnia and Herzegovina, taking advantage of the HVO
Stublić blizu Mačkovca. U tim je borbama HVO imao pet forces’ retreat, easily captured Bistrica, Krupa and Pavić
poginulih i 26 ranjenih pripadnika, a trojica su nestala. S Polje and reached the Ždrimci – Mount Baba – Potrili-
osvojenih položaja na Mačkovcu ARBiH je ugrozila pro- ca neighborhood – Mačkovac peak – Glavice peak line.
metnicu Mačkovac – Uskoplje, pa je promet prema gra- The front line in the wider area of the city ran along the
du usmjeren na put preko Podova. Nakon višednevne Podgrađe – Volari – Mošćani – Šugine Bare – left bank
pripreme hrvatske su snage u protunapadu 3. i 4. rujna of the Voljišnica River – Gaj village – Did rivulet – Ogla-
vratile izgubljene položaje.826 vak line. Above Dobrošin the Army of the Republic of
U tom je razdoblju Komanda 3. korpusa ARBiH teži- Bosnia and Herzegovina held positions on Škarina Gla-
šte napada stavila na pravac Gornji Vakuf – Makljen te va and Podlisje. There was a relative lull in the fighting
se dogovorila sa 6. korpusom da preuzme pravac napa- on August 3 and the situation favored the Croat forces
da Crni vrh – Makljen. Bio je to uvod u glavni dio ope- which were reinforced by a reinforced company of the
5th Guards Brigade of the HV and a combat group of the
823 ICTY: Komanda OG “Zapad”, Naređenje str. pov. br. Ljubuški Brigade. By August 9 the HVO had concentrat-
01/546-93 od 30. 7. 1993.; Komanda OG “Zapad”, Vanred- ed 1,901 soldiers of the Dr. Ante Starčević Brigade, local
ni izvještaj str. pov. br. 01/553-93 od 2. 8. 1993.; IZM OZ Home Guard units, 4th Brigade of the HVO Ljubuški, 6th
S/ZH, Redovno borbeno izvješće str. pov. br. 01-2138/93
od 3. 8. 1993.; SIS brigade “Dr Ante Starčević” od 6. 8.
Brigade of the HVO Grude, Bruno Bušić Regiment, ATG
1993., Sigurnosna situacija na području općine Uskoplje; Grdani and a reinforced company of the 5th Guards Bri-
Ratni put bojne “Zvonko Krajina” Uskoplje, travanj 2012. gade of the HV in Uskoplje. The defense of Uskoplje was
824 Brigada “Dr Ante Starčević“, Pregled snaga br. 1-5/1- reorganized on August 26 into eight sectors: Podovi,
83/93 od 9. 8. 1993. Podgrađe, Grad, Mačkovac, Ždrimci, Dobrošin, Crni Vrh
825 Brigada “Dr Ante Starčević”, Zapovijed br. 1-5/1-146/93 and Raduša. The commanders of the sectors were the
od 25. 8. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, Zapovijed str. pov. br. 01- commanders of the deployed formations.
3660/1 od 26. 8. 1993.
Fighting resumed on August 4 by the Army of the
826 SIS brigade “Dr Ante Starčević” od 6. 8. 1993., Sigurnosna Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s failed attack
situacija na području općine Uskoplje; IZM OZ S/ZH, str.
pov. br. 01-3334/1 od 28. 8. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, Redovno on most of the HVO’s defensive line. Until the second
borbeno izvješće str. pov. br. 01-3336/93 od 29. 8. 1993.; half of August the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
IZM OZ S/ZH, str. pov. br. 01-3354/1 od 31. 8. 1993.; IZM Herzegovina shifted the focus of its attacks on the de-
OZ S/ZH, Redovno borbeno izvješće str. pov. br. 01- fensive positions in the city and the city’s immediate
3379/93 od 3. 9. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, Redovno borbeno
izvješće str. pov. br. 01-3386/93 od 4. 9. 1993.; Ratni put environs and especially on the pivotal positions of the
bojne “Zvonko Krajina” Uskoplje, travanj 2012. HVO’s defense – Rajci hill and the village of Galičica.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

racije Neretva, koja je pokrenuta s ciljem ovladavanja These positions secured the HVO’s defenses in Voljice,
dolinama Vrbasa i Neretve i prijevojem Makljenom. Za Trnovača, Podgrad and Mošćani. After a series of fail-
napad na području Gornjeg Vakufa i Prozora 317. brd- ures the Muslims, on August 28, attacked from their
ska brigada ARBiH ojačana je dijelovima Samostalnog flank and captured Stublić Hill near Mačkovac. In the
bataljuna Prozor, bataljunom 45. brdske brigade, dije- fighting the HVO lost five men killed, 26 wounded and
lom bataljuna Sutjeska i mješovitom haubičko-minoba- three missing. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
cačkom baterijom. Zadatak 317. brdske brigade bio je Herzegovina threatened the Mačkovac – Uskoplje road
da obuhvatom razbije snage HVO-a na području Crnog from the captured positions. For that reason traffic in
vrha, Uzdola, Jurića, Gliba i Brajki, a potom produži na- and out of the city was redirected to the Podovi route.
pad i ovlada Makljenom. Operativna grupa Zapad anga- The Croats spent a few days preparing a counterattack
žirana je na pravcu Gornji Vakuf – Vilića guvno, a dijelovi and then moved into action and recaptured the posi-
44. brdske brigade na pravcu Doljani – Risovac.827 tions on September 3-4.
Operativna grupa Zapad je 15. rujna 1993. s neko- During that period the HQ of the ARBIH III Corps cen-
liko diverzantskih skupina potisnula hrvatske snage na tered its attacks along the Gornji Vakuf – Makljen line. VI
Mačkovcu na području Strmica – Košute, a na pravcu Corps attacked along the Crni Vrh – Makljen line. These
Kik – Aražinove staje potisnuli su HVO s kote Barakovac. attacks were a prelude to Operation Neretva which was
S borbenom skupinom sastavljenom od više postrojbi mounted with the aim of gaining control of the Vrbas
(pukovnije Bruno Bušić, satnije Alpha Force, Samostalne Valley, Neretva Valley and the Makljen pass. For its at-
uskočke satnije HV-a i 5. gardijske brigade HV-a) HVO tack on the HVO forces in the Gornji Vakuf area the 317th
je toga i sljedećega dana vratio izgubljene položaje na Mountain Brigade was reinforced with elements of the
području Strmice i uspostavio staru crtu obrane. Armija Independent Prozor Battalion, one battalion of the 45th
Republike BiH napadala je na više pravaca i hrvatske su Mountain Brigade, elements of the Sutjeska Battalion
crte zbog manjka ljudstva često probijane (Rajci, Galiči- and a mixed howitzer-mortar battery. The task of the
ca i Hrasnica), ali i vraćane protunapadima manjih bor- 317th Mountain Brigade was to encircle and destroy the
benih skupina. Takva je taktika dovela HVO do krajnjih HVO forces in Crni Vrh, Uzdol, Jurić, Glib and Brajki and
granica izdržljivosti. Domicilna brigada Dr Ante Starče- then capture Makljen. Operational Group West was de-
vić pala je na 800 ljudi i bila razvučena duž crte cijele ployed in the direction of Gornji Vakuf – Vilića Guvno
općine. No i ARBiH je imala velike gubitke i krajem rujna and elements of the 44th Mountain Brigade were de-
njezin je pritisak splasnuo.828 ployed in the direction of Doljani – Risovac.
U listopadu 1993. jače su se borbe vodile u samom On September 15, 1993, Operational Group West,
gradu, no bez značajnih pomaka. Dijelovi pukovnije supported by a number of commando groups, pushed
Bruno Bušić i dijelovi brigada HVO-a Ljubuški i Rama back the Croatian forces on Mačkovac in the area of Str-
zauzeli su 22. listopada kote Brenovac, Čeljine i Oglavci mica – Košute and in the direction of Kik – Aražinove
the Muslims pushed back the HVO forces from Barako-
vac Hill. The HVO responded by composing a combat
group consisting of the Bruno Bušić Regiment, Alpha
827 ICTY: Komanda 3. korpusa, Dopuna borbenog izvještaja Force Company, Independent Uskok Company of the
str. pov. br. 02/31-678-2 od 5. 9. 1993.; ICTY: Glavni štab
Vrhovne komande RBiH, Naređenje str. pov. br. 21-1 od HV and 5th Guards Brigade of the HV and sending it into
15. 9. 1993. attack on the same day. The combat group managed to
828 IZM OZ S/ZH, Redovno borbeno izvješće str. pov. br. retake some of the lost positions in the Strmica area on
01-3992 od 15. 9. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, Izvanredno izv- the same day and the others on the following day. The
ješće str. pov. br. 01-4006 od 16. 9. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, combat group followed up the success by reestablish-
Izvanredno izvješće str. pov. br. 01-4065 od 20. 9. 1993.;
IZM OZ S/ZH str. pov. br. 04-127/93 od 20. 9. 1993.; IZM ing the original defensive line. The Army of the Republic
OZ S/ZH, Vanredno izvješće str. pov. br. 04-128/93 od of Bosnia and Herzegovina advanced on multiple axes
20. 9. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, Redovno borbeno izvješće and in many places broke through the HVO’s defensive
str. pov. br. 01-4184/93 od 27. 9. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, Iz- positions (Rajci, Galičica and Hrasnica) but in most cas-
vanredno izvješće str. pov. br. 01-4186/93 od 28. 9. 1993.;
IZM OZ S/ZH str. pov. br. 01-4283/93 od 5. 10. 1993.; Rat- es smaller HVO groups counterattacked and recaptured
ni put bojne “Zvonko Krajina” Uskoplje, travanj 2012. the positions. This war of attrition did not favor the HVO.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

na Crnom vrhu.829 Za veće pothvate HVO nije imao ljud- The Croats were, in terms of endurance, at the end of
stvo. Početkom studenoga hrvatske su snage pojačale their tether. The Dr. Ante Starčević Brigade had suffered
dvije dobrovoljačke skupine HV-a iz Slavonije. Na dijelu serious casualties and had only 800 combat-ready men.
bojišta Mačkovac – Potrlica angažirana je dragovoljačka Moreover, the Brigade was dangerously overstretched
borbena skupina 5. dp HV-a iz Osijeka, koja je imala 307 along the whole length of the line. But, the Army of the
ljudi. Istodobno je u gradu angažirana dragovoljačka Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina had also suffered a
borbena grupa Mustafa, koja se sastojala od 177 vojni- high number of casualties and toward the end of Sep-
ka, uglavnom iz 11. dp-a HV-a iz Vinkovaca. Skupine su tember the Muslims’ élan abated significantly.
ostale do početka prosinca.830 In October, 1993, there was heavy fighting in the
Ofenziva ARBiH u središnjoj Bosni na Lašvansku do- city itself but neither side was able to gain decisive ad-
linu i područje Žepča nakon osvajanja Vareša natjerala vantage. Elements of the Bruno Bušić Regiment and
je Glavni stožer HVO-a da pokuša pomoći okruženim elements of the Ljubuški and Rama Brigades captured
hrvatskim snagama u središnjoj Bosni. Operativnoj zoni the following hills on October 22: Brenovac, Čeljine and
Sjeverozapadna Hercegovina zapovjeđen je napad na Oglavci on Crni Vrh. The HVO did not have enough men
pravcu Uskoplje – Sebešić – Novi Travnik te napadna to undertake more ambitious operations. At the begin-
djelovanja na svim ostalim pravcima gdje je postojao ning of November the Croatian forces were augmented
dodir s ARBiH.831 Tom su zapovijedi počele intenzivne by two volunteer groups of the HV from Slavonia. The
pripreme HVO-a za kampanju koja je ubrzo dobila ime volunteer Combat Group of the 5th Home Guard Regi-
operacija Buna. ment of the HV from Osijek was deployed in the Mačko-
Od snaga HVO-a na području Uskoplja i Rame vac – Potrlica area. The Combat Group numbered 307
osnovana je Operativna grupa Buna, za čijeg je zapo- men. At the same time the volunteer Combat Group
vjednika postavljen general-bojnik Žarko Tole. U nje- Mustafa, numbering 177 soldiers, mostly from the 11th
nom sastavu bilo je oko 4700 ljudi na širem području Home Guard Regiment of the HV from Vinkovci was de-
Rame i Uskoplja, koje je podržavao mješoviti divizijun ployed in the city. These groups remained in the theater
topništva raznih kalibara i ojačana satnija tenkova. until the beginning of December.
Ljudstvo je bilo iz 13 postrojbi HVO-a i dragovoljci iz The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovi-
pet postrojbi HV-a (540 vojnika). Zadatak OG-a Buna na’s offensive in Central Bosnia against the Lašva Valley
bio je izvesti napadnu operaciju oslobađanja širega and Žepče area launched after the occupation of Vareš
područja Uskoplja, poboljšati strategijsko-operativni forced the General Staff of the HVO to mount an opera-
položaj snaga HVO-a i stvoriti uvjete za produženje tion with the aim of helping the beleaguered Croatian
borbenih djelovanja prema Novom Travniku i Vitezu, a forces in Central Bosnia. Operative Zone North West
potom i Bugojnu. Uoči napada hrvatske su snage poja- Herzegovina was ordered to attack in the direction of
čane nepotpunom bojnom 5. gardijske brigade i satni- Uskoplje – Sebešić – Novi Travnik and in every other
jom 7. gardijske brigade HV-a.832 direction at the point of contact with the Army of the
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The order marked
the beginning of preparations for a campaign that was
829 IZM OZ S/ZH, Izvanredno izvješće str. pov. br. 01-4524/93 codenamed Buna.
od 22. 10. 1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, Redovno borbeno izv-
ješće str. pov. br. 01-4523/93 od 22. 10. 1993.; Brigada Operational Group Buna was formed out of the
“Dr A. Starčević” br. 3980 od 23. 10. 1993. HVO forces in the Uskoplje and Buna area. The HQ of
830 Sektor 3 ZP TG, Izvješće kl. 81/93-02, ur. br. 8233-41/1- Operational Group Buna was given to Major General
93-83 od 5. 12. 1993.; IZM ZPTG, Ocjena pov. br. 01/384 Žarko Tole. The group numbered around 4,700 men de-
od 5. 12. 1993. ployed in the wider Rama and Uskoplje area and was
831 GS HVO, Zapovijed str. pov. br. 02-2/1-101-3365 od 8. 11. supported by a mixed artillery battalion equipped with
1993.; IZM OZ S/ZH, Zapovijed str. pov. br. 01-4769/93 od artillery pieces of various calibers and a reinforced tank
8. 11. 1993.
company. The personnel belonged to 13 HVO units and
832 GS HVO, Zapovijed s prilozima str. pov. br. 02-2/1-01- volunteers from five HV units (540 soldiers). Operation-
3377/93 od 9. 11. 1993.; IZM ZP TG, Redovno borbeno
izvješće str. pov. br. 01-4931/93 od 12. 11. 1993.; IZM ZP al Group Buna’s task was to mount an offensive opera-
TG, str. pov. br. 01-4991/93 od 14. 11. 1993. tion with the aim of liberating the wider Uskoplje area,


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Glavne snage OG Buna planirane su na pravcu Sa- improve the strategic-operational position of the HVO
rajvilić – Baba – tt 992, a pomoćne na pravcu Ždrimci and create conditions for new offensive operations in
– Kik – Alibegova gruda. U operaciji su angažirane sna- the direction of Novi Travnik and Vitez, and then also in
ge pukovnije Bruno Bušić, 5. i 7. gardijske brigade HV- the direction of Bugojno. Before the offensive started
a, bojne Ludvig Pavlović, 2. lakojurišne bojne VP-a, Ku- the Croatian forces were reinforced with an incomplete
preške bojne, ATG-a Garavi i satnija tenkova. Napad je battalion of the 5th Guards Brigade and a company of
dva puta odgođen, 14. studenoga 1993. zbog obećanja the 7th Guards Brigade of the HV.
UNPROFOR-a da će osigurati prekid vatre i u središnjoj The plan called for the main force of Operational
Bosni, čega se ARBiH nije držala, a 15. studenoga zbog Group Buna to attack in the direction of Sarajvilić –
kašnjenja dijela snaga predviđenih za napad na izlazak Baba – Hill 992. The other formations would support
na početne položaje. Samo je dio 5. gardijske brigade the main force’s advance by attacking in the direction
napao, bez uspjeha, na pravcu prema Batuši. Tijekom of Ždrimci – Kik – Alibegova Gruda. The following for-
toga dana snage su prestrojene, pri čemu je pukovni- mations were allocated to participate in the offensive:
ja Bruno Bušić s brigadom HVO-a Livno pripremljena the Bruno Bušić Regiment, 5th and 7th Guards Brigades
za napad na pravcu Šugine Bare – Šarića Staje. Idućega of the HV, the Ludvig Pavlović Battalion, the 2nd Light
dana zaposjednuta je crta Mošćani – Vilića gaj i zauzete Military Police Battalion, the ATG Garavi and one tank
Šugine Bare. Zauzimanje Šarića Staja 17. studenoga nije company. The offensive was postponed twice – on
uspjelo. Zbog lošeg vremena i iscrpljujućih djelovanja November 14, 1993 – on account of promising UN-
OG Buna je 22. studenoga prešla u djelatnu obranu. Uki- PROPFOR that the cease-fire in Central Bosnia would
nuta je 26. studenoga, čime je neslavno završila opera- be honored (The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
cija od koje se mnogo očekivalo.833 Herzegovina did not honor the cease-fire agreement)
Do druge polovine prosinca 1993. na bojištu nije and on November 15 because some formations were
bilo značajnijih događanja. Borbe su bile svakodnevne, late assembling in their starting positions for the offen-
a HVO je crtu držao na već ustaljen način, što znači s sive. On that day only elements of the 5th Guards Bri-
kroničnim nedostatkom ljudstva i problemima u smje- gade went into the attack in the direction of Batuša but
nama postrojbi. Snage 6. korpusa ARBiH izvele su 22. their efforts were fruitless. During the day the Croatian
prosinca jak i iznenadan napad na pravcima Mošćani – forces regrouped and the Bruno Bušić Regiment, with
Površje, Vranjača – Rastića kosa, Podlisje – Seoci – Do- the HVO Livno Brigade, completed the preparations for
brošin i Podlisje – Vidak. Do kraja dana uspjeli su poti- attacking in the direction of Šugine Bare – Šarića Staje.
snuti snage HVO-a na području Seoca, Vidaka i Vranjače On the following day the Croats occupied the Mašćani
te izbiti na crtu Lučica – Vedrine – Vidak – Vranjača i di- – Vilića Gaj line and captured Šugine Bare. The Croats’
jelom na Rastića kosu. Nakon prestrojavanja HVO je 23. attack on Šarića Staje on November 17 failed. Due to
prosinca u sektoru Dobrošin vratio izgubljene položaje. adverse weather conditions and heavy fighting, Opera-
Muslimanske su snage 24. prosinca ponovile napad na tional Group Buna went on the defensive on November
pravcima Seoci – Vedrine i Škarina glava – Dobrošin, 22. Operational Group Buna was disbanded on Novem-
nastojeći zauzeti Dobrošin i presjeći put Boljkovac – ber 26 and with that Operation Buna, an undertaking
Karamustafić. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane angažiralo je u that was to reap decisive results, ignominiously ended
in failure.
833 IZM ZP TG, Zapovijed za napad OP. br. 1 od 13. 11. 1993.;
Until the second half of December nothing of im-
IZM Prozor od 13. 11. 1993. za IZM GS HVO; GS HVO, br. portance occurred. Fighting was continuous and the
01-4959/93 od 13. 11. 1993.; OG “Buna”, Sumarno bojevo HVO held the line despite its, by this stage, chronic ills:
izvješće br. 04/5 od 15. 11. 1993.; OG “Buna”, Nadopuna shortages of everything and battle fatigue. On Decem-
bojeve zapovijedi za napad op. br. 1 od 15. 11. 1993.; Re-
dovito dnevno izvješće OG “Buna” za 16. 11. 1993.; OG ber 22, VI Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
“Buna”, Presjek trodnevnih operacija na uskopaljskoj bo- and Herzegovina mounted a sudden and determined
jišnici br. 04-30-93 od 17. 11. 1993.; OG “Buna”, Uređenje attack in the direction of Mošćani – Površje, in the di-
crte obrane, br. 01/126 od 22. 11. 1993.; Dnevnik službu- rection of Vranjača – Rastića Kosa, in the direction of
jućeg OG “Pidriš”, zabilješka za 26. 11. 1993.; Pukovnija
“Ante Bruno Bušić”, Informacija dj. br. 11-09/12-50/93 od Podlisje – Seoci – Dobrošin and in the direction of Pod-
28. 11. 1993. lisje – Vidak. By the end of the day the Muslims had


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

obrani Dobrošina dragovoljačku satniju 2. gardijske pushed back the HVO forces in the Seoce, Vidak and
brigade HV-a koja je dovedena iz Mostara, skupinu pu- Vranjača area and reached the Lučica – Vedrine – Vi-
kovnije Bruno Bušić i lokalni HVO. Zajedno s pojačanji- dak – Vranjača Rastića Kosa (partially) line. Having re-
ma – satnijom dragovoljaca iz 7. gardijske brigade HV-a grouped its forces the HVO recaptured the positions in
i brigada HVO-a Čapljina i Rama, muslimanski je napad the Dobrošin sector on December 23. On December 24
odbijen. Tijekom borbi hrvatske su snage imale jednog the Muslims again attacked in the direction of Seoci –
poginulog i jednog ranjenog vojnika.834 Vedrine and the direction of Škarina Glava – Dobrošin,
Krajem 1993. na ramsko-uskopaljsko bojište iz Za- trying to capture Dobrošin and cut the Boljkovac –
greba je dovedena 175. brigada popunjena vojnim Karamustafić road. The HVO deployed, for the defense
obveznicima iz Herceg-Bosne. Njezinim je dolaskom of Dobrošin, the volunteer company of the 2nd Guards
HVO dijelom riješio stalni problem nedostatka vojnika Brigade of the HV which had arrived from Mostar, a
na bojištu. Zbog napada ARBiH na Lašvansku dolinu, u group from the Bruno Bušić Regiment and local HVO
Glavnom stožeru HVO-a u prvoj polovini siječnja 1994. forces. These forces, together with reinforcements – a
pripremljena je ambiciozna operacija Tvigi-94, čiji je cilj company of volunteers from the 7th Guards Brigade of
bio razbiti muslimanske snage na ramsko-uskopaljskom the HV and HVO Čapljina and Rama Brigades beat back
bojištu i napraviti spoj s enklavama u Lašvanskoj dolini the Muslims’ attack. In the fighting the Croats lost one
i Kiseljaku. Na uskopaljskom dijelu bojišta, na pravcu od soldier killed and one soldier wounded.
Dobrošina prema Voljevcu, angažirane su pomoćne sna- At the end of 1993 the 175th Brigade from Zagreb ar-
ge iz sastava Kažnjeničke bojne i bojne Ludvig Pavlović. rived in the Rama – Uskoplje area. The Brigade was filled
Operacija je počela 24. siječnja 1994. godine. Bojna Lud- with conscripts from Herzeg-Bosnia. With the arrival of
vig Pavlović zauzela je kotu Vedrine, Kažnjenička bojna the 175th Brigade the shortage of manpower problem
kotu Škarina glava, a 175. brigada kotu 1176 na područ- was, in large measure, solved. Reacting to the Army of
ju Zavišća. U nastavku napada Kažnjenička je bojna 28. the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s attack on the
siječnja sa Škarine glave bez uspjeha napala kotu Berač, Lašva Valley the General Staff of the HVO prepared an
a iz smjera Zavišća bojna Ludvig Pavlović je također bez ambitions offensive operation in January, 1994. The
uspjeha napala selo Boljkovac. Nakon desetak dana za- operation was codenamed Tvigi-94 and aim was to
tišja borbe su nastavljene. Dijelovi bojne Ludvig Pavlović destroy the Muslim forces in the Rama – Uskoplje area
i satnije Alpha Force ovladali su 12. veljače zapadnim di- and link up with the enclaves in the Lašva Valley and
jelom kote Ciganske livade i potisnuli muslimanske sna- Kiseljak. In the Uskoplje area, along the Dobrošin – Vol-
ge na crtu Relej – Krč – Malo Seoce – Alipašića brijeg. jevac line, auxiliary units from the Penal Battalion and
Sljedeći korak, osvajanje Krča i releja, prekinuli su primir- Ludvig Pavlović Battalion were deployed. The operation
je i završetak muslimansko-hrvatskoga rata.835 commenced on January 24, 1994. The Ludvig Pavlović
Battalion captured Vedrine Hill, the Penal Battalion cap-
tured Škarina Glava Hill and the 175th Brigade captured
834 IZM ZP TG, Sumarno dnevno izvješće, str. pov. br. 1176 Hill in the Zavišće area. The attack continued and
01/5795/93 od 22. 12. 1993.; IZM ZP TG, Bojeva zapovi- the Penal Battalion attacked Berać Hill from Škarina Gla-
jed, str. pov. br. 01/5798/93 od 22. 12. 1993.; IZM ZP TG, va on January 28 but the Muslims repulsed the attack.
Sumarno dnevno izvješće, str. pov. br. 01/5828/93 od 23.
12. 1993.; IZM ZP TG, Redovno borbeno izvješće, str. pov. From Zavišće the Ludvig Pavlović Battalion attacked the
br. 01-5859/93 od 24. 12. 1993.; 2. gardijska brigada HV – village of Boljkovac, also without success. After these
Gromovi, 266-267. failed attacks there was a lull in the fighting, lasting
835 ICTY: GS HVO, Zapovijed str. pov. br. 02-2/1-01-89/94 od more than a week. Then fighting resumed. Elements of
10. 1. 1994.; IZM ZP TG, Dnevno bojevo izvješće str. pov. the Ludvig Pavlović Battalion and Alpha Force Company
br. 02-2/1-89/45 od 24. 1. 1994.; Podcentar SIS-a Rama,
Informacija ur. br. 02-4/2-7-138/94 od 28. 1. 1994.; SIS ZP gained control of the west side of Ciganske Livade Hill
TG, Informacija “B” br. 1, str. pov. br. 02-4-01-89/94 od 14. and pushed the Muslims back to the radio-relay – Krč
2. 1994.; GS HVO, Kratka ocjena kl. 818-01/94-02/06, ur. – Malo Seoce – Alipašića Brijeg line on February 12. The
br. 02-10-07-94/14 od 10. 5. 1994.; Izvješće zapovjedni- next planned phase – capturing Krč and the radio-relay,
ka satnije “Alpha Force” od 15. 2. 1994.; Prilozi za povijest
Rame u Domovinskom ratu (1990.–1995.), HMDCDR, Za- was halted by the signing of the cease fire agreement
greb, 2011., 196. and the end of the Muslim-Croat war.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Rama Rama

Nakon poraza na Bokševici, HVO je obranu Rame After its defeat on Bokševica, the HVO pivoted its de-
organizirao osloncem na sela Studenčica – Kućani – To- fensive positions around Rama on the villages on Studenči-
šćanica – Hudutsko – Slatina i potom je podijelio na četiri ca – Kućani – Tošćanica – Hudutsko – Slatina and divided
sektora. Sektore Makljen i Uzdol držala je brigada Rama, this area into four sectors; Makljen, Uzdol, Kućani and Slati-
sektor Kućani brigada Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić, a sektor na. The Makljen and Uzdol sectors were held by the Rama
Slatina brigada Kralj Tomislav. Nakon razbijanja HVO-a u Brigade, the Kućani sector was held by the Hrvoje Vukčić Hr-
Bugojnu, ostatak bugojanske brigade angažiran je na dr- vatinić Brigade and the Slatina sector was held by the Kralj
žanju crte na planini Raduši i oslonjen na brigadu Rama. Tomislav Brigade. Having been badly mauled in Bugojno,
Zona je ponovno podijeljena, na sedam sektora, na koji- the HVO Bugojno Brigade was deployed on Mount Raduša
ma je sredinom kolovoza 1993. bilo angažirano oko 2170 and tasked with holding the positions there. The positions
vojnika iz brigada HVO-a Rama, Bugojno, Jajce, Tomislav- held by the Bugojno Brigade bordered those held by the
grad i satnije Komušina. U pričuvi i na drugim zadacima Rama Brigade. The zone was again divided, this time into
bilo je oko 400 vojnika brigade Rama i Vojne policije. Na seven sectors. In mid-August, 1993, about 2,170 soldiers be-
ovom dijelu bojišta bio je najvažniji objekt u Herceg-Bo- longing to the HVO Rama, Bugojno, Jajce and Tomislavgrad
sni, prijevoj Makljen.836 brigades and Komušina Company were deployed in those
Kada je 3. korpus ARBiH napao HVO u Bugojnu, 6. kor- seven sectors. A further 400 soldiers were held in reserve.
pus je manjim napadima s pravca Konjica vezao hrvatske They belonged to the Rama Brigade and Military Police. The
snage i sprečavao da odvoje dio ljudi za pomoć Bugojnu. most important location in this area was the Makljen pass.
Muslimanski napad na Banju Lučicu, Juriće, Uzdol i Gra- When the ARBIH III Corps attacked the HVO in Bugoj-
dac 25. srpnja 1993. HVO je odbio. Armija Republike BiH no, VI Corps launched a number of small-scale attacks from
više je uspjeha imala 28. srpnja, kada je napala Doljane i iz the direction of Konjic, thus pinning down Croatian forces
njih zauzela kotu Pisvir te izbila na kotu Pomen zapadno and preventing the Croats from reinforcing Bugojno from
od Slatine. Istodobno je napadnuta crta kod Hudutskog. that area. On July 25 the HVO repulsed the Muslims’ attack
U vraćanje izgubljenih položaja zapadno od Slatine HVO on Banja Lučica, Jurići, Uzdol, and Gradac. The Army of the
je krenuo 29. srpnja i 1. kolovoza zaposjeo je Pomen.837 Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was more successful
Do početka operacije Neretva na ramskom dijelu bo- on July 28 when it attacked Doljani and advancing from
jišta nije bilo značajnijih događanja. U operaciji je brigada the direction of the village captured Pisvir Hill and reached
HVO-a Rama bila na glavnom pravcu napada 6. korpusa Pomen Hill located to the west of Slatina. At the same time
ARBiH. Zadatak 45. brdske brigade i dijela Samostalnog the Muslims attacked the defensive line at Hudutski. The
prozorskog bataljuna bio je presijecanje prometnice Ja- HVO mounted a counterattack on July 29 and on August 1
blanica – Prozor i zauzimanje Prozora. Zadatak 317. brdske captured Pomen.
brigade, dijela bataljuna Prozor, bataljuna Sutjeska i bata- Until the start of Operation Neretva nothing of strategic
ljuna 45. brdske brigade bio je napad glavnim snagama importance occurred in the Rama area. During Operation
na pravcu Voljevac – Crni vrh – Makljen, a pomoćnima na Neretva the HVO Rama Brigade was deployed right in the
pravcu Here – Uzdol – Lug.838 Operacija je počela 13. rujna path of the main axis of advance of VI Corps of the Army
1993. napadom na Makljen, koji je odbijen. Muslimani su of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The task of the
uspjeli zauzeti položaje Bukvu i Golušnicu na Crnom vrhu, 45th Brigade and elements of the Independent Prozor Bat-
talion was to cut the Jablanica – Prozor road and capture
836 IZM OZ S/ZH, Izvješće str. pov. br. 01-1568 od 9. 7. 1993.;
Prozor. The task of the 317th Mountain Brigade, elements of
IZM OZ S/ZH, Zapovijed str. pov. br. 01-1591 od 11. 7. the Prozor Battalion, Sutjeska Battalion and a battalion of
1993.; Pregled rasporeda postrojbi u zoni brigade Rama the 45th Mountain Brigade was to attack with the main force
od 18. 8. 1993. in the direction of Voljevac – Crni Vrh – Makljen and with
837 ZOZS/ZH, Redovno borbeno izvješće str. pov. br. 02- supporting units in the direction of Here – Uzdol – Lug. The
2870/93 od 25. 7. 1993.; ZOZS/ZH, Redovno borbeno
izvješće str. pov. br. 02/2965 od 28. 7. 1993.; Prilozi za po- operation began on September 13, 1993, with an attack on
vijest Rame, 146-148. Makljen. The Croats repulsed the attack. The Muslims did
838 1993. – Prelomna godina rata, 123-126. manage to capture Bukva and Golušnica on Crni Vrh but


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Pokop žrtava bošnjačko-muslimanskog zločina nad Hrvatima u

Uzdolu, 14. rujna 1993. godine (fotografiju darovao IPD brigade

Burial of the victims of the Bosniak/ Muslim crime against Croats

at Uzdol, September 14, 1993.
koje je HVO istoga dana vratio. Dan poslije snage Samo- the HVO recaptured the positions on the same day. One day
stalnog bataljuna Prozor upale su u selo Uzdol i počinile later the Independent Prozor Battalion raided the village
zločin masakriravši 29 civila i 12 vojnika brigade Rama. U of Uzdol, massacred 29 civilians and 12 soldiers from the
protunapadu hrvatskih snaga selo je istoga dana vraće- Rama Brigade and occupied the village. The Croats mount-
no. Dva dana poslije, 16. rujna, ARBiH je nastavila napad i ed a counterattack and chased the Muslims out. Two days
zauzela Križ, Tošćanicu i Hudutsko, te počinila novi zločin later, on September 16, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
ubivši 22 vojnika HVO-a nakon zarobljavanja. Pokušaj vra- and Herzegovina continued the attack and captured Križ,
ćanja izgubljenih položaja od 18. do 22. rujna nije uspio. Tošćanica and Hudutsko and committed yet another war
Više uspjeha HVO je imao u pokušaju vraćanja Pisvira 25. crime by murdering 22 POWs. The HVO attempted to re-
rujna, kada je zauzeo obližnje kote Oklajnica i Kik.839 capture the lost positions from September 18 to 22 but the
Do sredine studenoga nije bilo većih borbi. Dijelovi attempt failed. The HVO was more successful in its attempt
brigade Rama napravili su 12. studenoga prodor u dubi- to recapture Pisvir on September 25 when it captured two
nu muslimanskih položaja u predjelu Zgona na Zavišću near-by hills; Oklajnica Hill and Kik Hill.
(TT 1167). U tom su pothvatu poginula tri, a ranjeno je 11
Until mid-November there was no heavy fighting in
vojnika. Od 13. do 19. studenoga ARBiH je bez uspjeha the region. Elements of the Rama Brigade pushed through
pokušavala vratiti izgubljene položaje.840 U obrani dosti- the Muslims’ defensive line and penetrated deep into the
gnutih položaja na TT 1167 poginuo je jedan pripadnik enemy rear in the area of Zgon on Zavišće (TT 1167) on No-
brigade HVO-a Rama. vember 17. The feat cost the Croats three soldiers killed and
Posljednje velike borbe vodile su se u siječnju 1994. 11 wounded. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
u sklopu operacije Tvigi-94 na planiranom pravcu Here – zegovina launched a number of counterattacks between
Kute – Šćipe – Otunski vis – Zečja glava. U napadnoj ope- November 13 to 19 in a bid to recapture the lost position
raciji je angažiran dio brigade Rama s vodovima za poseb- but every attack failed. In these actions around TT 1167 the
ne namjene iz brigade i satnijom Vojne policije iz Rame. Te Rama Brigade lost only one soldier killed.
su snage 24. siječnja napale i ovladale utvrđenim selom The last serious fighting took place in January, 1994,
Here te izbile na crtu Bobare – Pale – Rosulje – Herska
during Operation Tvigi-94 along the Here – Kute – Šćipe –
krivina – Jurići, na kojoj su prešle u obranu. U napadu su Otunski Vis – Zečja Glava line. The bulk of the Rama Brigade,
poginula dva, a ranjeno je 14 vojnika HVO-a, među njima including the special purpose platoons and one company
i zapovjednik brigade Rama.841 of the Rama Military Police participated in this offensive.
These forces, on January 24 attacked and captured the for-
tified positions in the village of Here and reached the Bo-
839 Prilozi za povijest Rame, 159-164. bare – Pale – Rosulje – Herska Krivina – Jurići line. There the
840 Isto, 174-175. Croats halted their advance and set up defensive positions.
841 ICTY: GS HVO, Zapovijed str. pov. br. 02-2/1-01-89/94 od Two HVO soldiers were killed in the attack and 14 wounded,
10. 1. 1994.; Prilozi za povijest Rame, 189-191. including the commander of the Rama Brigade.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Muslimansko-hrvatski rat u BiH završio je mirovnim The Muslim-Croat war in Bosnia and Herzegovina
sporazumom, a ne na ratištu. Pritisak na Hrvatsku zbog ended with a peace agreement and not with a decisive
sudjelovanja dijelova HV-a u ratu i prijetnja sankcijama, clash of arms. Both sides had good reasons to end the
a s druge strane katastrofalno stanje teritorija BiH pod conflict with a peace deal. The international community
nadzorom Muslimana dali su poticaj za mirovni dogo- had been threatening Croatia with economic sanctions
vor. U siječnju 1994. u Bonnu su predsjednici Tuđman for a considerable period of time on account of the Cro-
i Izetbegović napravili prve političke korake oko unije atian Army’s active presence in the Muslim-Croat war.
BiH, koji su 23. veljače u Zagrebu doveli do potpisivanja On the other hand, the situation in the areas under the
sporazuma o prekidu vatre i otvaranju humanitarnih control of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
putova. Uz snažan pritisak SAD-a prekid vatre je zaživio zegovina was beyond catastrophic. In January, 1994, in
i doveo do završetka rata. Konačni sporazum potpisan Bonn, Tuđman and Izetbegović made the initial political
je 18. ožujka 1994. u Washingtonu i njime je dogovore- steps regarding a Bosnian-Herzegovinian union. These
no osnivanje hrvatsko-muslimanske federacije.842 moves led directly to the signing of a cease-fire agree-
Vojni dio sporazuma potpisan je 12. ožujka 1994. ment and opening humanitarian routes on February 23,
u Splitu. Dogovoreno je da se zadrži postojeća orga- 1994, in Zagreb. The USA put a considerable amount of
nizacija vojski, da se snage odvoje na razmak od 2 do pressure on both sides to honor the agreement and the
20 kilometara, ovisno o vrsti rodova, i da sve postrojbe agreement thus remained in effect until the end of the
stranih država napuste teritorij Federacije. Dogovoreno war. The final agreement was signed on March 18, 1994,
je i ustrojavanje savezne vojske. Realizacija dogovore- in Washington. The agreement, among other things,
noga trajala je nekoliko mjeseci. Najbrže je realizirano stipulated the creation of a Croat-Muslim federation.
povlačenje dijelova HV-a iz zbornih područja Mostar i The military portion of the agreement was signed
Tomislavgrad. Razdvajanje sukobljenih strana počelo je in Split on March 12. It was agreed that the existing or-
nakon zajedničke zapovijedi generala Ante Rose i Ra- ganizational structure of both armies remain unaltered
sima Delića potpisane 26. ožujka 1994. i dovršeno je u and that the forces withdraw between 2 to 20 kilometers
kolovozu iste godine. Združeni stožer Vojske Federaci- from one another, the distance depending on the branch
je ustrojen je 15. svibnja i odigrao je značajnu ulogu u of the army. The agreement also stipulated that military
razdvajanju snaga, a poslije u održavanju veza između units belonging to foreign armed forces were to leave
Glavnoga stožera HVO-a i Glavnoga štaba ARBiH. Čelnici the territory of the Federation and that a federal army
Stožera bili su generali Ante Roso i Fikret Muslimović.843 should be formed. The process of implementing the
above stipulations lasted for a few months. The clause
about foreign troop vacating the Federation was solved
first – the Croatian Army units from Military Districts Mo-
star and Tomislavgrad duly withdrew from the country.
The separation of the two sides commenced after Gen-
eral Ante Roso and Rasim Dalić signed a joint order on
March 26, 1994. The process was successfully completed
in August of the same year. The Joint Staff of the Army of
842 M. NOBILO, Hrvatski feniks, 562-582, 604-611. the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was formed
843 Okvirni sporazum potpisan između HVO-a i ARBiH u on May 15 and played an important role in the process
Splitu 12. 3. 1994.; Ustrojstvo Združenog stožera i zada- of separating the army formations of the two sides and
ci potpisani u Sarajevu 26. 3. 1994.; Zajednička zapovi-
jed komandanta GŠ ARBiH i GS HVO od 26. 3. 1994.; ZZP later in maintaining viable communications between the
TG, Zapovijed br. 01-4096/94 od 15. 7. 1994.; GS HVO, HVO Main Staff and the General Staff of the Army of the
Zaključci i zadaće kl. str. pov. 818-01/94-02/15, ur. br. Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The commanders
02-10-06/01-94-49 od 2. 8. 1994.; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, of the Main Staff were Ante Roso and Fikret Muslimović.
II, 27-29.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Srbima je muslimansko-hrvatski rat „dobro došao“. The Serbs welcomed the Muslim-Croat war. Their
Njihove obavještajne i sigurnosne strukture pažljivo su intelligence and security structures monitored closely
pratile stanje između Hrvata i Muslimana, pa ih rat nije the situation between the Croats and the Muslims. The
iznenadio. U kojoj su mjeri, odnosno jesu li Srbi utjecali Muslim-Croat war, when it erupted, did not, therefore,
na početak rata pitanje je o kojem se može spekulirati. surprise the Serbs. The issue whether the Serbs influ-
Kada je rat počeo, nastojali su ga iskoristiti što je više enced, and if so, in what measure the conflict between
moguće. Prema svojim interesima, pomagali su suko- the Muslims and Croats remains open. What is certain is
bljenim stranama i naplaćivali te usluge. U VRS-u su that when the Muslim-Croat war started the Serbs tried
krajem lipnja 1993. držali da je vojni cilj ARBiH postići to take as much advantage of the situation as possible.
kontinuiranu dominaciju nad središnjom Bosnom i, po At different times the Serbs, in pursuance of their own
mogućnosti, osigurati izlaz na more u dolini Neretve i interests at a given time, provided help and support to
na rijeku Savu na području Brčkog. Za sukob između either side and invariably exacted a steep price for doing
Hrvata i Muslimana držali su da je možda rat do istre- so. The leadership of the VRS believed, at the end of June,
bljenja, pa su nastojali “razumnim vojnim i političkim 1993, that the overriding aim of the Army of the Republic
potezima” prinuditi Hrvate da im predaju položaje i of Bosnia and Herzegovina was to establish a continued
oružje.844 Najkonkretniju suradnju s nekim dijelom dominance over central Bosnia and, if possible, secure
HVO-a VRS je imao na području Žepča, gdje je tenkovi- access to the sea in the Neretva Valley and reach the Sava
ma pomogao 111. brigadi da zauzme Žepče. Zauzvrat, River in the Brčko area. The VRS leaders were also of the
HVO ih je pustio preko svojih položaja pa su nakon opinion that the Muslim-Croat war was a total war waged
toga Srbi u višemjesečnoj i neuspješnoj kampanji po- for the purpose of total annihilation. For that reason, they
kušali zauzeti Maglaj, presjeći vezu 2. i 3. korpusa AR- strove to induce the Croats by “reasonable military and
BiH i uspostaviti promet u dolini rijeke Bosne.845 political moves” to hand over their positions and weap-
Takva je suradnja bila iznimka – prevladavala je ons to Serb formations. The closest cooperation the HVO
praksa da se teritorij Republike Srpske koristi za izvla- established with the VRS was in the Žepče area. There,
čenje civila i vojske (Travnik, Novi Travnik, Bugojno, VRS armor supported the 111th Brigade’s (HVO) attack
Vareš) i manji manevar HVO-a (Kiseljak – Vareš). Takve on and subsequent capture of Žepče. In return the HVO
usluge Srbi su skupo naplaćivali, uglavnom gorivom, let Serb formations to pass through Croat territory in the
koje im je kronično nedostajalo.846 Serb’s months-long and ultimately unsuccessful attempt
Vjerojatno je prvo miješanje VRS-a u sukob bila to capture Maglaj, cut the link between II and III Corps of
njihova intervencija tijekom napada ARBiH na HVO Ko- the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and
njica sredinom travnja 1993. godine. Hercegovački je open the Bosna Valley for traffic.
korpus VRS-a topničkom vatrom pomogao HVO-u i 18. The cooperation between the VRS and the HVO es-
travnja zauzeo planinsko područje Ljubine iznad Turije. tablished in the Žepče area was an exception though.
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane za protuuslugu je omogućilo iz- Usually the Serbs would allow Croatian refugees and re-
treating military formations to pass through their territo-
844 ICTY: GŠ VRS, Direktiva za dalja dejstva VRS, op. br. 5, DT ry (Travnik, Novi Travnik, Bugojno, Vareš) and allow HVO
pov. br. 02/2-479 od 25. 6. 1993. units to use their territory for minor maneuvers (Kiseljak
845 ICTY: GŠ VRS, Dopuna Direktive str. pov. br. 02/2-1015 – Vareš). The currency the Serbs insisted on as payment
od 12. 12. 1993. for these favors, more often than not, was fuel, and vast
846 ICTY: IKM Komande 1. KK, Naređenje str. pov. br. 382- amounts of it, because fuel was a commodity in danger-
1/93 od 24. 6. 1993.; ICTY: Komanda 1. KK, Redovni ously short supply in the territory controlled by the VRS.
pozadinski izveštaj pov. br. 16/1-307 od 17. 8. 1993.; Arguably the first VRS interference in the Mus-
ICTY: Komanda 1. KK, Izveštaj o primljenom gorivu pov.
br. 18/6-54 od 9. 11. 1993. lim-Croat war was its intervention during the Army of the


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

HVO, Kupres, 1995. (fotografiju darovao Zrinko Tokić).

HVO, Kupres, 1995 (Photograph donated by Zrinko Tokić).

vlačenje većega broja srpskih civila iz Konjica i okolice Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s attack on the HVO
na područje Borka.847 Zahvaljujući srpskoj pomoći HVO Konjic in mid-April, 1993. The VRS Herzegovina Corps
se uspio održati u tri sela kod Konjica do završetka rata. provided artillery support for the HVO and captured the
Tijekom napada ARBiH na HVO Travnika i Novog mountainous area of Ljubina above Turija on April 18. In
Travnika VRS je prihvatio izbjeglo i prognano hrvat- return the HVO made it possible for a large number of
sko stanovništvo i prevezao ga u Hrvatsku. Prihvatio je Serb civilians from Konjic and the wider Konjic area to
i dijelove brigada HVO-a, koje je poslije obavještajne flee to the Borak area. Thanks to the help provided by the
obrade prebacio do Livna i Vareša, odnosno Kiseljaka. Serbs the HVO was able to hold its positions in three vil-
Srpski pokušaj da preuzmu položaje HVO-a koji im tak- lages near Konjic until the end of the war.
tički odgovaraju na području Komara nije uspio.848 During the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Osim raširenog šverca u središnjoj Bosni, s Musli- Herzegovina’s attack on the HVO Travnik and HVO Novi
manima su Srbi imali dodirnu točku u dolini Neretve, Travnik the VRS accepted the expelled Croatian refugees
gdje su u lipnju 1992. poraženi od HVO-a. Izlazak na and transported them to Croatia. The VRS also accepted
Neretvu bio je jedan od strategijskih ciljeva Republike retreating elements of HVO Brigades. The VRS’ intelli-
Srpske, pa su koristili Muslimane da to realiziraju. Pru- gence officers questioned the soldiers and then the VRS
žali su materijalnu i vatrenu potporu 4. korpusu ARBiH, transported them to Livno, Vareš and Kiseljak. The Serbs
posebice u borbama za Mostar i u vrijeme operacije attempted to move into the abandoned Croatian posi-
Neretva u rujnu 1993. godine.849 tions in the Komar area so as to improve their tactical sit-
uation but the attempt failed.
The Serbs cooperated with the Muslims in central
Bosnia in smuggling operations. The Muslims and Serbs
were also geographically linked in the Neretva Valley.
There the Serbs suffered a defeat at the hands of the Cro-
ats in June, 1992. Reaching the Neretva River was one of
847 ICTY: Komanda 2. lpbr VRS, str. pov. br. 24-4/98 od 25. 4. the strategic objectives of the Republika Srpska and the
1993. Serbs were not averse to using Muslims to achieve that
848 ICTY: GŠ VRS, Postupak str. pov. br. 03/8-110 od 7. 6. goal. They provided material help and military support
1993.; ICTY: Predsjednik RS, Naređenje br. 01-133/93 od
to IV Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
9. 6. 1993.
Herzegovina, especially during the fighting for Mostar
849 R. DREKOVIĆ, U obruču, 467; E. ŠEJTANIĆ, Hercegovci na
ognjenim vratima, 181-183. and during Operation Neretva-93 in September, 1993.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Suštinu rata protiv HVO-a vojni čelnik ARBiH gene- Rasim Delić, the commander of the Army of the Re-
ral Rasim Delić sažeo je u veljači 1994. u tvrdnji da je public of Bosnia and Herzegovina, succinctly described
“HVO eliminisan sa područja Jablanice, Konjica, Fojnice, the essence of the war against the HVO in February,
Kaknja, Zenice, Travnika i Bugojna. Znači, kompletna 1994, when he stated, “the HVO has been eliminated
jedna pokrajina po Vens-Ovenovom planu sa centra- from the areas of Jablanica, Konjic, Fojnica, Kakanj, Ze-
lom u Travniku”.850 Njegova samohvala ogoljuje do srži nica, Travnik and Bugojno. A whole region, according to
pobude i svrhu rata koji je ARBiH povela protiv HVO-a. the Vance-Owen Peace Plan, with its center in Travnik.”
Ona je ratovala za teritorij koji je najvećim dijelom i et- Delić’s smug statement lays bare the purpose behind
nički očistila. Postigla je uspjeh na etnički miješanim the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s
područjima, kojima je prije izbijanja otvorenog sukoba decision to go to war against the HVO. The Army of the
demografska slika promijenjena u korist Muslimana. Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina waged an aggres-
Druga značajka na područjima uspjeha bilo je neposto- sive war for territory and engaged in ethnic cleansing in
janje kontinuirane crte razdvajanja, nego niza izmiješa- the areas it conquered. It is important to mention that
nih etničkih džepova gdje je brojnost odnijela prevagu. the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Na dijelu teritorija iskorišten je i čimbenik iznenađenja. was most successful in those ethnically mixed territo-
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane održalo se u enklavama poput ries where the demographic picture had been altered
Žepča gdje nisu imali nikakvih iluzija o namjerama in the Muslims’ favor prior to the outbreak of the Mus-
ARBiH. Na područjima gdje je uspostavljena crta raz- lim-Croat war. It is interesting to note that the Muslims
dvajanja ARBiH, kao ni HVO, nije imala većih uspjeha. were generally successful in areas where there existed
Operacija Neretva ARBiH u dolini Neretve i Vrbasa nije no continuous front line, that is, in areas dotted with an
uspjela, kao ni Buna, operacija HVO-a u dolini Vrbasa. array of ethnically clean pockets – the number of such
Nisu uspjeli ni pokušaji ARBiH da ovlada Žepčem. pockets always favoring the Muslims. The Army of the
Gledano u cjelini, Muslimani su bolje prošli u ratu Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina skillfully and suc-
jer su ga poveli kada su bili spremni za rat. Najviše uspje- cessfully used the element of surprise on a number of
ha imali su u travnju, lipnju i srpnju 1993. u dolinama occasions. The HVO managed to hold its positions in the
Lašve, Lepenice i Neretve, kada su razbili HVO u Konjicu, face of Muslim attacks in enclaves such as Žepče, where
Jablanici, Travniku, Kaknju, Fojnici i Bugojnu. Hrvatsko the defenders harbored no illusions as to the Army of the
je vijeće obrane uz pomoć pojačanja iz Hrvatske u ko- Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s intentions. In the
lovozu konsolidirano i uz povremene krize, posebice u area where a front line was established the Army of the
rujnu 1993., postupno je preuzimalo inicijativu u svoje Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina did not achieve no-
ruke. Početkom 1994., s operacijom Tvigi-94, znatno je table successes. That said, neither did the HVO. The Army
bolje stajalo od ARBiH u Rami i dolinama Vrbasa, Nere- of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina launched a
tve i Lepenice. Iznimka je bila dolina Lašve, koja je uz number of offensives that failed. Operation Neretva-93
maksimalan napor izdržala napade višestruko brojnije in the Neretva Valley and Vrbas Valley was a fiasco, ditto
ARBiH u prosincu 1993. i siječnju 1994. godine. the HVO’s Operation Buna in the Vrbas Valley. The Army
of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s attempts to
capture Žepče also met with failure.
Overall, the Muslims gained more from the war than
the Croats, if for no other reason than owning to the fact
that they attacked the HVO when they were prepared for
such a conflict, catching the HVO on the wrong foot. The
Muslims achieved their biggest successes in April, June
and July, 1993, in the Lašva Valley, Lepenica Valley and
Neretva Valley when they defeated the HVO in Konjic,
Jablanica, Travnik, Kakanj, Fojnica and Bugojno. The HVO,
with the help of reinforcements from Croatia which ar-
rived in August, first consolidated its position, albeit with
850 R. DELIĆ, Armija ključ mira, 19. occasional setbacks, especially in September, 1993, and


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Središnja Bosna, dolina Lašve nakon borbi u travnju i lipnju 1993. godine. Central Bosnia, Lašva Valley, after the fighting in April and June 1993.
then gradually gained the initiative. At the beginning
of 1994 and Operation Tvigi-94 the HVO had the upper
hand over the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
govinian Rama, Vrbas Valley, Neretva Valley and Lepenica
Valley. The exception was the situation in the Lašva Val-
ley. There, the Croatian forces continuously put up stiff
resistance to the vastly numerically superior forces of
the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and
beat back every attack mounted against their positions
in December, 1993, and January, 1994.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


1993. – 1994. GODINE 1993 – 1994
Krajem 1992. Srbi su držali oko 70 % teritorija BiH By the end of 1992 the Serbs held about 70% of the
i uvjerljivo su najbolje stajali na bojnom polju. Premda territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and their position in
je planirao, VRS nije uspio značajnije proširiti koridor u the theater seemed unassailable. However, the VRS did
Posavini, izbiti na lijevu obalu Neretve, izići na more, not manage to realize its plans to significantly widen the
uništiti muslimanske skupine u istočnoj Bosni (Cerska, corridor in Posavina, reach the left bank of the Neretva
Goražde, Srebrenica i Žepa) i osvojiti Bugojno, Grada- River, secure access to the sea, destroy the Muslim for-
čac, Maglaj, Olovo i Orašje.851 Dio tih planova planirao mations in eastern Bosnia (Cerska, Goražde, Srebrenica
se realizirati 1993. godine. Početkom 1993. u Glavnom and Žepa) and capture Bugojno, Gradačac, Maglaj, Olovo
štabu ARBiH planirala se uporna obrana područja koja and Orašje. Some of these objectives the VRS hoped to
su Srbi napadali. Od slobodnih snaga glavnina je plani- achieve in 1993. At the beginning of 1993 the General
rana za djelovanje u Posavini i za deblokadu Sarajeva, a Staff of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
pomoćne su snage planirane za napadna djelovanja u govina planned to determinedly defend the areas under
dolinama Drine, Vrbasa, Une i Neretve.852 Serb attack and use the bulk of the troops not thus en-
Jak intenzitet napada ARBiH iz prosinca 1992. osjet- gaged for operations in Posavina and for lifting the block-
no je splasnuo u siječnju 1993. godine. Toga je mjeseca ade of Sarajevo. The other units, according to the General
ARBiH jači pritisak na VRS imala na pravcu Srebrenica – Staff’s intentions, would mount supporting attacks in the
Bratunac. Početkom druge polovine siječnja snage AR- Drina Valley, Vrbas Valley, Una Valley and Neretva Valley.
BiH zauzele su dio teritorija na području Sasa, Kravice, The determined intensity of the ARBIH attacks from
Glogove planine na području Bratunca, Skelana i Seti- December, 1992, diminished significantly in January,
hova na širem području gradića Rudo. Strahujući da je 1993. During that month the Army of the Republic of
to najava povezivanja Sandžaka, Podrinja i Semberije Bosnia and Herzegovina pressed the VRS hard on the Sre-
sa središnjom Bosnom, VRS je brzo odgovorio. Od 11. brenica – Batunac line. At the begging of the second half
do 20. siječnja dio Drinskoga korpusa s ojačanjima iz of January the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
drugih korpusa VRS-a izveo je operaciju Pesnica, kojom zegovina captured some territory in the Sas area, Kravice
je odvojio Srebrenicu od Cerske i stavio u funkciju pro- area, Glogove Planine area and around Bratunac, Skelana
metnicu Milići – Konjević Polje – Zvornik. Uz pomoć di- and Setihov in the wider Rudo area. The VRS, assuming
jela Užičkoga korpusa Vojske Jugoslavije prikupljenog that the aggressiveness of the Army of the Republic of
u Loznici, Ljuboviji i Malom Zvorniku, Drinski je korpus Bosnia and Herzegovina heralded the Muslims’ inten-
s ojačanjima od 24. siječnja do 3. veljače u operaciji tion to link Sandžak, the Podrinje region and Semberi-
Proboj zauzeo područje Skelana, učvrstio obranu Ruda, ja with central Bosnia, reacted swiftly. From January 11
obranio Bratunac, osvojio dio područja prema rudniku to January 20, elements of Drina Corps, reinforced with
Sase, pomaknuo crtu na pravcu Pešurići – Međeđa i units from other corps of the VRS, conducted Operation
poboljšao taktički položaj prema Skugrićima i Cerskoj. Pesnica (Fist). The Serb forces succeeded in cutting off
Muslimanske su snage sabijene na manje područje, a za Srebrenica from Cerska and opened for traffic the Milići
promet su osposobljene prometnice Drinjača – Zvor- – Konjević Polje – Zvornik road. Following up the success
nik i Rogatica – Sjemač – Višegrad. Sredinom veljače Drina Corps, having received more reinforcements and
1993. Drinski korpus VRS-a s ojačanjima je u operaciji supported by elements of Užice Corps of the Yugoslav
Udar u srednjem Podrinju razbio snage ARBiH i zauzeo Army assembled in Loznica, Ljubovija and Mali Zvornik
Cersku, Konjević Polje, Kamenicu, Kravicu i Novu Kasa- launched Operation Proboj (Breakthrough). From Janu-
ary 24 to February 3 the Serbs captured the Skelani area,
fortified the defenses around Rudo, successfully defend-
851 ICTY: GŠ VRS, Direktiva op. br. 4, str. pov. br. 02/5-210 od
19. 11. 1992. ed Bratunac, captured a part of the area in the direction
of the Sase mine, pushed the front line forward in the di-
852 ICTY: ŠVK OS RBiH, Direktiva br. 4, DT str. pov. br. 02/131-
7 od 13. 1. 1993. rection of Pešurići – Međeđa and improved the tactical


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

bu.853 U Podrinju je ARBiH ostala u tri enklave: Goraždu, position in the direction of Skugrići and Cerska. The Mus-
Srebrenici i Žepi. lim forces were pushed into a small area and the Drinjača
Srebrenica i Žepa bile su sljedeća meta Drinskoga kor- – Zvornik road and the Rogatica – Sjemač – Višegrad road
pusa. Napadi su počeli u ožujku i sredinom travnja 1993. were opened for traffic. In mid-February, 1993, the VRS
godine. Armija Republike BiH bila je u gotovo bezizla- Drina Corps, again with reinforcements, mounted Oper-
znom položaju. Zahvaljujući angažmanu međunarodne ation Udar (Strike) in central Podrinje and decisively de-
zajednice Srebrenica je 16. travnja 1993. proglašena si- feated the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegov-
gurnosnom zonom, a 5. svibnja i Žepa. S njom je popis ina forces and captured Cerska, Konjević Polje, Kamenica,
sigurnosnih zona proširen i na Bihać, Goražde, Sarajevo Kravica and Nova Kasaba. The territory held by the Army
i Tuzlu. Armija Republike BiH bila je prisiljena 17. travnja of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Podrin-
potpisati s VRS-om sporazum o demilitarizaciji Srebreni- je area was reduced to three enclaves: Goražde, Srebren-
ce, a 8. svibnja i sporazum o demilitarizaciji Žepe i ponov- ica and Žepa.
no Srebrenice. Armija Republike BiH pristala je predati na- Srebrenica and Žepa were Drina Corps’ next targets.
oružanje i streljivo UNPROFOR-u, koji je preuzeo nadzor The Serbs started attacking in March, 1993. The Army
demilitariziranih zona.854 of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina forces there
Nakon demilitarizacije Srebrenice Drinski se korpus were in a hopeless situation. Thanks to the international
okrenuo Gornjem Podrinju i Goraždu operacijom Mač. Dio community’s efforts, Srebrenica was proclaimed a safe
snaga određen je da drži crtu i spriječi pojačanja ARBiH iz zone on April 16, 1993. On May 5 Žepa was proclaimed
smjera Kladnja, Kalesije i Vitinice i eventualno izvlačenje a safe zone as well. After Srebrenica and Žepa the Bihać
snaga iz Srebrenice i Žepe. Prije napada VRS je zauzeo area, the Goražde area, the Sarajevo area and the Tuzla
objekte Mirkovicu i Kacelj i presjekao opskrbni put prema area were also proclaimed safe zones. The Army of the
Goraždu preko Grepka. Napad na goraždansko područje Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was forced to sign,
počeo je 27. svibnja 1993. godine. Na širem području Go- on April 17, an agreement on the demilitarization of Sre-
ražda ARBiH je imala Istočnobosansku operativnu grupu s brenica with the VRS and on May 8 an agreement on the
oko 9500 ljudi. Vojska Republike Srpske napala je iz smjera demilitarization of Žepa and Srebrenica again. UNPRO-
Višegrada, Foče i Čajniča i do sredine lipnja potisnula mu- FOR undertook a monitoring and security role in the safe
slimanske snage prema Goraždu te prepolovila područje areas. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegov-
koje je ARBiH nadzirala prije početka operacije. Napad je ina agreed to hand over their weapons and ammunition
prestao kada je 15. lipnja 1993. potpisan Generalni spora- to UNPROFOR.
zum o prestanku sukoba u BiH, koji su potpisali zapovjed- With Srebrenica demilitarized Drina Corps lavished
nici odnosno komandanti HVO-a, ARBiH i VRS-a.855 its attention to the upper Podrinje region and Goražde
in Operation Mač (Sword). Some units were deployed
to hold the line and prevent the Army of the Republic
853 ICTY: Komanda Drinskog korpusa, Vanredni izvještaj str. of Bosnia and Herzegovina from sending reinforcements
pov. br. 03/05-32 od 11. 1. 1993.; ICTY: Komanda Drinskog from the direction of Kladanj, Kalesija and Vitinica and
korpusa, Borbeno naređenje op. br. 2, str. pov. br. 01/5-
53 od 23. 1. 1993.; ICTY: Komanda Drinskog korpusa, str. break out from Srebrenica and Žepa. Before the attack
pov. br. 01/4-49 od 24. 1. 1993.; ICTY: Komanda Drinskog the VRS captured Mirkovica and Kacelj and cut the sup-
korpusa, Borbeno naređenje str. pov. br. 01/5-75 od 1. 2. ply route towards Goražde via Grebak. The attack on
1993.; ICTY: Analiza izvođenja borbenih dejstava u op-
the Goražde area started on May 27, 1993. In the wider
eraciji pod kodnim imenom “Pesnica”; ICTY: Analiza iz-
vođenja borbenih dejstava u operaciji pod kodnim imen- Goražde area the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
om “Proboj”; ICTY: Komanda Drinskog korpusa, Borbeno Herzegovina had East Bosnia Operational Group with
naređenje za dalja dejstva str. pov. br. 01/5-97 od 12. 2. about 9,500 men. The VRS attacked from the direction of
1993.; ICTY: Komanda Drinskog korpusa, Realizacija plan- Višegrad, Foča and Čajniče and by mid-June had pushed
iranih zadataka str. pov. br. 370/1 od 15. 9. 1993.
the Muslims towards Goražde and captured half the terri-
854 ICTY: Sporazum o demilitarizaciji Srebrenice od 8. 5.
1993.; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 323-324.
tory the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
had held before the start of the offensive. The offensive
855 ICTY: Komanda Drinskog korpusa, Realizacija planiranih
zadataka str. pov. br. 370/1 od 15. 9. 1993.; R. DELIĆ, was halted on June 15 when the General Agreement to
Armija RBiH, I, 325-329. Halt the Conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina was signed


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Nakon neutralizacije ARBiH u Podrinju, VRS je teži- by the commanders of the HVO, Army of the Republic of
šte djelovanja stavio na Sarajevo, premda se borbe oko Bosnia and Herzegovina and the VRS.
grada nisu prekidale. Već u ožujku VRS je pojačao pritisak Having neutralized the Army of the Republic of Bos-
na grad na području Donjeg Kotorca, a 18. travnja 1993. nia and Herzegovina in the Podrinje region, the VRS shift-
zauzeo je dominantne kote na širem području Hadžića. ed the focus of its efforts to Sarajevo even though the
Krajem svibnja ARBiH je bez uspjeha pokušala zauzeti fighting around the city continued unabated. Already in
dio prometnice Pale – Lukavica. U prvim danima srpnja March the VRS increased its pressure on the city in the
1993. VRS je započeo operaciju Lukavac-93 na Sarajevo, area of Donji Kotorac. On March 18, 1993, the Serbs cap-
Trnovo i Igman, čiji je cilj bio proširiti blokadu Sarajeva i tured the dominant positions in the wider Hadžići area.
zauzimanjem Igmana napraviti spoj sa snagama iz Hadži- At the end of May the Amy of Bosnia and Herzegovina
ća. Na sarajevskom dijelu bojišta Sarajevski korpus VRS-a unsuccessfully attempted to recapture a part of the Pale
veći je dio srpnja napadao plato Žuči, koji je 1. korpus AR- – Lukavica road. During the first days of July, 1993, the
BiH uz velika naprezanja i gubitke obranio. Više je uspje- VRS launched Operation Lukavac-93, attacking Sarajevo,
ha VRS imao u napadu na Trnovo, koje je branila jedna Trnovo and Igman. The objective of the offensive was
brdska brigada ARBiH. Uz prištabne postrojbe Glavnoga to tighten the blockade of Sarajevo and by capturing
štaba VRS-a angažirani su i dijelovi Sarajevskoga i Her- Igman to link up with the Serb forces in Hadžići. In the
cegovačkoga korpusa. Rogoj i Delijaš VRS je zauzeo 11. Sarajevo area Sarajevo Corps spent most of the month of
srpnja, a idućega dana Grebak i Trnovo. Armija Republike July attacking the Žuč plateau but I Corps of the Army of
BiH povukla se, uz zanemariv otpor, prema Igmanu i uz the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina put up a spirited
velika naprezanja i s nekoliko različitih sastava 1. i 6. kor- resistance and at the cost of a huge number of casualties
pusa i prištabnih postrojbi Glavnoga štaba organizirala beat the Serbs’ attacks back. The VRS was more success-
obranu na dominantnim visovima Hojta, Šiljak i Proskok ful in its attack on Trnovo. Trnova was defended by one
na Bjelašnici. Obrana se održala do 31. srpnja, kada je VRS mountain brigade of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
prodro s pravca Ljute i Rakitnice i zauzeo repetitor na Bje- and Herzegovina. Elements of Sarajevo Corps and Her-
lašnici. Istoga je dana VRS zauzeo Hojtu, a 1. kolovoza i zegovina Corps with HQ units of the General Staff of the
Proskok. Obrana ARBiH potpuno se raspala i uz velika na- VRS participated in that attack. The VRS captured Rogoj
prezanja i dovođenje pojačanja iz 3. korpusa, Sarajeva i and Delijaš on July 11 and Grebak and Trnovo on the fol-
MUP-a organizirana je nova crta između Velikog i Malog lowing day. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
polja na Igmanu. Konsolidaciji ARBiH doprinijela je živa zegovina put up nothing more than a token resistance
diplomatska aktivnost međunarodne zajednice, koja je and withdrew towards Igman and in the face of consider-
30. srpnja dovela do potpisivanja Sporazuma o prekidu able difficulties managed, with elements of I and VI Corps
svih borbenih djelovanja. Daljnji politički pritisak na Srbe and HQ units of the General Staff to establish a defen-
i prijetnja zračnim udarima doveli su 14. kolovoza u Žene- sive line on the following dominant peaks on Bjelašnica:
vi do potpisivanja Sporazuma o povlačenju VRS-a na crtu Hojta, Šiljak and Proskok. The Muslims held the line until
od 30. srpnja. Vojska Republike Srpske povukla se na tu July 31 when the VRS attacked from the direction of Ljuta
crtu, a osvojeni prostor na Igmanu i Bjelašnici predala je and Rakitnica and captured the repeater on Bjelašnica.
UNPROFOR-u, koji je bio dužan organizirati tampon-zo- On the same day the VRS captured Hota and on August
nu. Po tvrdnjama srpske strane, ARBiH je mimo dogovora 1 Proskok as well. The defensive line of the Army of the
i bez otpora UNPROFOR-a do kraja rujna 1993. zaposjela Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina collapsed. The Mus-
tampon-zonu. Time je ublažen poraz u kojem je ARBiH uz lims brought in reinforcements from III Corps, Sarajevo
velike teritorijalne gubitke imala 153 poginula i 180 teže and the MUP and with utmost effort managed to estab-
ranjenih vojnika.856 lish a new defensive line between Veliko Polje and Malo
Do kasne jeseni 1993. na širem području Sarajeva Polje on Igman. The international community’s political
bilo je mirno, a potom je Sarajevsko-romanijski korpus s activities helped the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Herzegovina to consolidate its position. At the instiga-
tion of the international community an agreement on
856 Z. RUJANAC, Opsjednuti grad Sarajevo, 310-312; R. DELIĆ,
Armija RBiH, I, 332-336; M. MILOVANOVIĆ, Istine i zablude, the cessation of hostilities was signed on July 30. The
84-85. international community went a step further and threat-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

ojačanjima iz VRS-a i Vojske Jugoslavije krenuo u opera- ened the Serbs with air strikes. This bore fruit and on
ciju Pancir-93, čija je svrha bila ovladati kotama Žuč, Orlić August 14 an agreement on the VRS’s withdrawal to the
i Hum, a potom Hrasnicom i Butmirom. Borbe su počele line held on July 30 was signed in Geneva. The VRS duly
20. prosinca napadom VRS-a na položaje ARBiH na Žuči withdrew to that line and handed over the captured ter-
i trajale su do sredine siječnja 1994., kada su završile bez ritory on Igman and Bjelašnica to UNPROFOR, which had
pomaka na bojištu. Nepunih mjesec dana poslije, 5. ve- a mandate to set up a buffer zone there. According to
ljače 1994., zbio se masakr na sarajevskoj tržnici Markale. the Serbs’ claims, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Od ispaljene mine 120 mm poginulo je 69, a ranjeno oko Herzegovina, contrary to the signed agreement, moved
200 osoba. Vojska Republike Srpske negirala je odgovor- into the zone and occupied it by the end of Septem-
nost za taj zločin. Masakr je doveo do pojačanog diplo- ber, 1993, meeting no resistance from the UNPROFOR
matskog djelovanja, koje je VRS natjeralo da pristane na troops. With that, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
primirje i stavljanje teškog topništva pod nadzor UNPRO- Herzegovina ameliorated somewhat the huge losses in
FOR-a. To je dijelom realizirano i smanjilo je intenzitet both territory and men suffered at the hands of the VRS.
granatiranja Sarajeva.857 During the Serb offensive the Army of the Republic of
Jake i dugotrajne borbe između Srba i Muslimana Bosnia and Herzegovina lost 153 soldiers killed and 180
vodile su se i u zoni 2. korpusa ARBiH. Sjeveroistočno od seriously wounded.
Sarajeva, gradić Olovo bio je konstantna meta napada Until the late fall of 1993 the situation in the wider
srpskih snaga čija je svrha bila vezivanje muslimanskih Sarajevo area was quiet. Then, Sarajevo-Romanija Corps
snaga i popravljanje taktičkoga položaja. Jače su se bor- with reinforcements from the VRS and Yugoslav Army
be vodile u drugoj polovini ožujka 1993. i u njima nije launched Operation Pancir-93. The aim of the operation
bilo pomaka. Najesen je Olovo ušlo u zonu 1. korpusa was to capture Žuč Hill, Orlić Hill, Hum Hill and then Hras-
ARBiH. Vojska Republike Srpske u studenome je pojačala nica and Butmir, too. The operation started on December
napade na Olovo, a u prosincu su manje snage Drinskoga 20 with the VRS’ attack on the Army of the Republic of
i Sarajevskoga korpusa pokušale staviti pod nadzor pro- Bosnia and Herzegovina’s positions on Žuč. The fighting
metnicu Vareš – Olovo – Han Pijesak. Napad nije donio lasted until mid-January 1994 with no decisive result. The
očekivani uspjeh, kao ni ponovljeni pokušaj od kraja pro- front-line stayed pretty much where it was when the of-
sinca 1993. do druge polovine siječnja 1994. godine.858 fensive started. Less than a month later, on February 5,
Na području Teočaka VRS je ujesen 1993. izveo ne- 1994, a large number of civilians were massacred at the
uspješnu operaciju Kladanj-93, čiji je cilj bio ovladati Sarajevo Markale market. A 120-mm shell was fired on
dominantnim objektima, skratiti crtu bojišta i spojiti the market, killing 69 and wounding about 200 people.
snage Istočnobosanskoga s Drinskim korpusom na crti The VRS denied responsibility for the crime. The massa-
Vis – Vranovac. U operaciji koja je trajala od 10. stude- cre provoked a heightened diplomatic activity which
noga do 21. prosinca 1993. sudjelovale su snage obaju forced the Serbs to agree to a cease-fire and to place all
korpusa. Nakon manjih teritorijalnih gubitaka ARBiH se their heavy artillery pieces under UNPROFOR’s control. In
obranila uz pomoć drugih snaga 2. korpusa i vratila crtu the event not all heavy Serb weaponry was placed un-
prije početka operacije.859 der UNPROFOR’s control but the newly created situation
significantly reduced the intensity of shelling of Sarajevo.
Long and heavy fighting between the Serbs and
857 ICTY: GŠ VRS, Dopuna direktive br. 6, str. pov. br. 02/2-
Muslims developed in the zone of II Corps of the Army of
1014 od 14. 12. 1993.; ICTY: IKM-2 Komande SRK, Redovni
borbeni izveštaj str. pov. br. 20/15-1413-98 od 5. 2. 1994.; the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Serbs con-
ICTY: Komanda 4. map-a, Rad međunarodne komisije za stantly attacked the town of Olovo, located to the north-
utvrđivanje činjeničnog stanja masakra na Markalama, east of Sarajevo with the aim of pinning down the Mus-
izveštaj str. pov. br. 2-37 od 14. 2. 1994.; R. DELIĆ, Armija lim forces and improving their tactical situation. Heavy
RBiH, I, 337-338; M. ŠADINLIJA, Prvi korpus ARBiH, 38.
fighting occurred in the second half of March, 1993, but
858 ICTY: GŠ VRS, Borbeno naređenje str. pov. br. 02/2-105
od 12. 12. 1993.; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 338-339.
neither side managed to gain the upper hand. In the fall
of 1993, Olovo was included in the area of responsibility
859 ICTY: GŠ VRS str. pov. br. 02/2-“Kladanj-93”/6 od 2. 12.
1993.; ICTY: GŠ VRS, Borbeno naređenje str. pov. br. 02/2- of the ARBIH I Corps. In November the Army of the Re-
105 od 12. 12. 1993.; 1993. – prelomna godina rata, 63-65. public of Bosnia and Herzegovina stepped up its offen-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

U Posavini je VRS imao strategijski važan koridor s sive efforts to capture Olovo and in December elements
trajnim zadatkom njegova proširenja i boljega osigura- of Drina and Sarajevo Corps attempted to gain control
nja. Na tom je prostoru VRS imao snage Istočnobosan- of the Vareš – Olovo – Han Pijesak road. The attack did
skoga korpusa i TG-5 iz 1. krajiškog korpusa. Na sjeve- not achieve the desired results. The Serbs tried again and
roistočnoj strani koridora bio je HVO iz OZ-a Bosanska the fighting lasted from the end of December, 1993, until
Posavina, a na jugozapadnoj dijelovi 2. korpusa i 108. mid-January, 1994, but victory proved equally elusive as
brigada HVO-a. Tijekom 1993. VRS je nekoliko puta po- in the earlier attempt.
kušao proširiti koridor. Borbe su počele 8. ožujka srp- In the fall of 1993 the VRS mounted Operation
skim napadom na obranu 108. brigade HVO-a i osvaja- Kladanj-93 in the Teočak area. The aim was to take con-
njem Boderišta. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane vratilo je selo u trol of the dominant locations, shorten the front line
protunapadu uz pomoć ARBiH. Na sjeveroistočnoj stra- and link up East Bosnia Corps with Drina Corps at the
ni koridora OZ Bosanska Posavina HVO-a napravila je Vis – Vranovac line. The operation lasted from Novem-
26. ožujka 1993. s TG-145 HV-a manji pomak na pravcu ber 10 to December 21, 1994, and units belonging to
Vidovice – Lepnica, što je bio jedan od rijetkih napada both Corps took part in it. The Army of the Republic of
na srpsku crtu. Vojska Republike Srpske bila je glavni Bosnia and Herzegovina lost some territory initially but
pokretač zbivanja na bojištu i 30. travnja kod Brčkog je managed to defeat the attack with the help of reinforce-
potisnula ARBiH iz Dizdaruše, a sredinom svibnja i s Lič- ments from other units of II Corps and in the end recap-
kog mosta, što je u protunapadu vraćeno. Glavni udar tured the lost territory.
VRS-a u Posavini bio je dio operacije Lukavac-93 (negdje In Posavina the VRS controlled an important corridor
se naziva i operacija Sadejstvo-93), koja je počela 21. i and it was of utmost strategic importance for the Serbs
završila 31. srpnja. Cilj operacije bio je osvojiti prostor to widen it and secure it better. In the area the VRS de-
južnoga dijela Brčkog i selo Brod te omogućiti prijenos ployed East Bosnia Corps and TG-5 from I Krajina Corps.
električne energije od Ugljevika do Bosanske krajine. On the northeaster side of the corridor there was the HVO
Operaciju je izveo Istočnobosanski korpus s ojačanjem – Operative Zone Bosanska Posavina and on the south-
iz 1. krajiškog korpusa. Vojska Republike Srpske zauzela western side there were elements of II Corps and the 108th
je Lički most i Brod i odbacila snage ARBiH s područja Brigade of the HVO. During 1993 the VRS made a number
općine Brčko, koje je od tada potpuno nadzirala.860 of attempts to widen the corridor. On March 8 the Serbs
Pokušaji 1. krajiškog korpusa VRS-a da proširi kori- attacked the defensive positions of the 108th Brigade and
dor zauzimanjem Gradačca nisu uspjeli. Osobito su se captured Boderište. The HVO, with the help of the Army
jaki napadi izvodili od 17. do 19. rujna 1993., no 107. of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, mounted a
brigada (tada još HVO-a) odbila je napad uz pomoć po- counterattack and recaptured the village. On the north-
jačanja iz 2. korpusa ARBiH.861 eastern side of the corridor, HVO Operative Zone Bosans-
Na području Tešnja i Doboja snage OG-7 Jug ARBiH ka Posavina with TG-145 of the Croatian Army took a sliver
i 110. brigade HVO-a u ožujku su odbile jak napad VRS-a of territory in the direction of Vidovice – Lepnica on March
kod ušća Usore u Bosnu. Nakon što je 24. lipnja 1993. 26. The action was untypical for the usual pattern of fight-
počeo sukob Hrvata i Muslimana u Žepču, ARBiH se na ing in the area in the sense that the Croats attacked the
području Maglaja i Tešnja našla u vrlo teškom položaju. Serbs’ defensive line and not the other way around. The
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane ovladalo je Žepčem i odsjeklo VRS held the initiative and on April 30 the Serbs pushed
OG-7 Jug 2. korpusa ARBiH, ali i 110. brigadu HVO-a back the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Usora od 3. korpusa ARBiH. Bio je to početak blokade from Dizdaruša and in mid-May from the Lički bridge near
koja je trajala gotovo devet mjeseci. Snage 1. krajiškog Brčko as well but the Muslims mounted a counterattack
and recaptured the Lički bridge. The main VRS’s effort in
Posavina came with Operation Lukavac-93 (some com-
860 Zapovjedništvo Slavonskog bojišta, Vanredno izvješće mentators call the operation Sadejstvo-93) which com-
kl. SP 81/93-01/02, ur. br. 3189-01-93-18 od 26. 3. 1993.;
ICTY: GŠ VRS, Direktiva op. br. 5, DT br. 02/2-479 od 25. 6.
menced on July 21 and finished on July 31. The aim of the
1993.; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 339-340. operation was to capture the southern part of Brčko and
861 ICTY: IKM Komande 1. KK, Raspored jedinica str. pov. br. the village of Brod and enable electricity transmission
368-1/93 od 15. 6. 1993.; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 341. from Ugljevik to Bosanska Krajina. East Bosnia Corps with


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

reinforcements from I Krajina Corps carried out the oper-

ation. The VRS captured the Lički bridge and the village of
Brod and pushed the Muslim forces back from the Brčko
Municipality. From that point on the entire territory of the
municipality was in Serb hands.
I Krajina Corps’ attempts to widen the corridor by
capturing Gradačac failed. The Serbs launched especial-
ly determined attacks from September 17 to September
19, 1993, but the 107th Brigade (at that time still in the
order of battle of the HVO) repulsed the attacks with the
help of reinforcements from the ARBIH II Corps.
In Tešanj and Doboj OG 7 South of the Army of the
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and 110th Brigade
of the HVO defeated a determined attack by the VRS at
the mouth of the Usora River, where the river flows into
the Bosna River, in March. When the conflict between the
Croats and Muslims started in Žepče on June 24, 1993,
the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
HVO, Kupres, 1994. (fotografiju darovao Ivica Budimir, Arhiv 1. found itself in a difficult position in Tešanj and Maglaj.
gbr HVO). The HVO gained control of Žepče and cut off the OG
HVO, Kupres, 1994 (Photograph donated by Ivica Budimir). South of II Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
and Herzegovina, and also the 110th Usora Brigade of the
HVO from III Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
and Herzegovina. This was the beginning of a blockade
that would last for almost nine months. The VRS I Kraji-
na Corps deployed in the positions in the defensive line
korpusa VRS-a preuzele su dio crte 111. brigade HVO-a hitherto held by the 111th Brigade of the HVO and pass-
ing through its area of responsibility attacked the Army
i preko njezine zone napale ARBiH u Maglaju. Cilj VRS-a
bio je zauzeti Maglaj i dolinu rijeke Bosne između Ma- of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina forces in Mag-
tuzića i Liješnice. Borbe na tom području i blokada Ma- laj. The goal of the VRS was to capture Maglaj and the
glaja trajale su do druge polovine ožujka 1994., odno- Bosna Valley between Matuzić and Liješnica. Fighting in
sno do odobrenja 111. brigade HVO-a snagama ARBiH, this area and blockade of Maglaj lasted until the second
nakon prestanka sukoba između ARBiH i HVO-a, da half of March, 1994, that is, until the 111th Brigade of the
deblokiraju Maglaj. Vojska Republike Srpske 19. ožujka HVO gave the go-ahead, following the cessation of hos-
bez borbe se povukla prema Tesliću i na Ozren, čime su tilities between the Croats and Muslims, to the Army of
Maglaj i OG-7 Jug deblokirani.862 the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to lift the block-
U odnosu na ARBiH u zapadnoj Bosni, zadatak 2. ade of Maglaj. The VRS, without offering any resistance,
krajiškog korpusa VRS-a bio je da na desnoj obali Une withdrew towards Teslić and to Ozren on March 19. With
od Bosanskog Novog do planinskoga vrha Veliki Ljutoč that the blockade of Maglaj and OG 7 South was lifted.
drži čvrstu crtu i sprečava rasijecanje korpusa iz smjera The task of the VRS II Krajina Corps, in relation to
Bihaća prema Bosanskom Petrovcu. Borbe u 1993. po- the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in
čeo je 5. korpus ARBiH uspješnim napadom iz Bužima central Bosnia, was to hold the line on the right bank of
na srpske snage u Banjanima 11. siječnja i pomicanjem the Una River from Bosanski Novi as far as Veliki Ljutoč
crte na istok od kote Ćorkovača, odnosno do granice s mountain peak and prevent enemy incursions from the
direction of Bihać towards Bosanski Petrovac. Fighting
in 1993 started when the ARBIH V Corps successfully at-
862 ICTY: GŠ VRS, Borbeno naređenje str. pov. br. 02/2-105
od 12. 12. 1993.; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 342-343 i II, 27- tacked the Serb forces in Banjani on January 11, moving
28; 1993. – prelomna godina rata, 61-63. the front line eastwards. The front line now stretched


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Hrvatskom. Nakon tih borbi bilo je mirno do proljeća i from Ćorkovača Hill as far as the Croatian border. After
napada 39. korpusa SVK-a na muslimanske snage na po- these battles the area remained quiet until the spring
dručju Bosanske Bojne 27. travnja 1993. godine. Srpske when XXXIX Corps of the SVK attacked the Muslim forces
su snage probile crtu i napravile pomak prema Bosan- in the Bosanska Bojna area on April 27, 1993. The Serbs
skoj Bojni, a idućega je dana 5. korpus ARBiH u protu- broke through the defensive line and advanced towards
napadu vratio izgubljeno područje. Posljednji veći su- Bosanska Bojna. The next day V Corps of the Army of the
kob muslimanskih i srpskih snaga zbio se 26. i 27. lipnja Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina counterattacked
1993. uslijed neuspješnog napada dijelova 2. krajiškog and recaptured the lost ground. The last larger-scale
korpusa VRS na položaje 5. korpusa ARBiH na Grmeču.863 engagement between Serb and Muslim forces occurred
on June 26 and 27 when elements of II Krajina Corps of
MEĐUMUSLIMANSKI RAT the VRS attacked the positions of the ARBIH V Corps on
Grmeč. The attack was not successful.
Nakon proglašenja Autonomne pokrajine Zapadne WESTERN BOSNIA IN 1993
Bosne 27. rujna 1993., pristalice Fikreta Abdića preuze-
le su 30. rujna 521. brdsku i 527. laku brigadu iz Veli- When the Autonomous Province of Western Bosnia
ke Kladuše i od njih formirale Narodnu obranu. Peti je was established on September 27, 1993, followers of Fikret
korpus 3. listopada počeo manji pothvat 502. brdske Abdić took control of the 521st Mountain Brigade and the
brigade prema Velikoj Kladuši, čiji je cilj bio spriječiti 527th Light Brigade from Velika Kladuša and formed the
stvaranje i učvršćivanje AP-a Zapadne Bosne. Idućega National Defense. On October 3, V Corps, reinforced with
su ih dana Abdićeve pristalice zaustavile u manjem the 502nd Mountain Brigade, slowly began advancing to-
okršaju kod Johovice. Tako je počeo međumuslimanski wards Velika Kladuša. The aim was to prevent the forma-
rat u zapadnoj Bosni. tion and consolidation of the AP Western Bosnia. During
U manjim je sukobima 5. korpus 15. i 16. listopada the next few days Abdić’s followers stopped the 502nd Bri-
1993. uspio spriječiti širenje AP-a Zapadna Bosna na gade after a minor skirmish near Johovica. This was the
područje Cazina. U prvoj polovini studenoga Narod- start of the inter-Muslim war in western Bosnia.
na obrana AP-a Zapadna Bosna, uz topničku potporu V Corps managed, during small scale fighting on
SVK-a, potisnula je snage 5. korpusa ARBiH iz Hadžina October 15 and 16, to prevent the expansion of the AP
Potoka i Šturlića. Peti je korpus u protunapadu od 13. Western Bosna into the Cazin area. In the first half of No-
do 15. studenoga vratio dio izgubljenih položaja i zau- vember the National Defense of Western Bosnia, with
zeo Todorovo. Do kraja studenoga vodile su se svakod- artillery support provided by the SVK, pushed back the
nevne borbe na području Todorova i Šturlića. Pomaci forces of V Corps from Hadžin Potok and Šturlić. V Corps
na crtama bili su mali, a gubici obiju sukobljenih strana counterattacked and from November 13 to 15 recap-
veliki. Borbe su se nastavile do kraja godine, a posebno tured some of the lost positions and captured Todorovo.
su bile jake u prvim danima prosinca na području Tršca Until the end of November fighting was continuous in
i Tržačkih Raštela, koje je Narodna obrana uspjela zau- the area of Todorovo and Šturlić. There was little or no
zeti na prepad, a nakon nekoliko dana borbi 5. korpus changes in the front line but both sides suffered serious
vratio ih je pod svoj nadzor i napravio pomak crte do casualties. Fighting continued until the end of the year
Pećigrada. Gubici u borbama i dalje su bili veliki, a bili – heavy fighting developed during the first days of De-
su česti prelasci pripadnika 5. korpusa u sastav Narod- cember in the Tržac and Tržačke Raštele area. The Nation-
ne obrane.864 al Defense managed to capture the villages in a sudden
attack but after a few days of fighting V Corps recaptured
the villages and advanced as far as Pećigrad. The number
of casualties on both sides continued to mount. It is in-
863 ICTY: GŠ VRS, Direktiva op. br. 4, str. pov. br. 02/5-210 od
teresting to note that many soldiers from V Corps defect-
19. 11. 1992.; B. FELIĆ, Peti korpus, 135-143.
ed to the National Defense.
864 B. FELIĆ, Peti korpus, 150-159.


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1994. – 1995.:
1994 – 1995

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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Stanje na teritoriju RH tijekom 1994. obilježila su The situation in the Republic of Croatia during 1994
dva sporazuma (Zagrebački i Gospodarski) i jedan su- was marked by the signing of two agreements (Zagreb
kob manjega intenziteta (za planinski vrh Trla na ličkom Agreement and Economic Agreement) and one low-lev-
bojištu). Hrvatska vojska prošla je velike organizacijske el battle (for the mountain peak Trla in the Lika area). The
promjene, ukinut je dio pričuvnih brigada, Domobran- Croatian Army had undergone significant organization-
stvo je temeljito preustrojeno, a profesionalni sastav al changes, some reserve brigades had been disbanded.
oružanih snaga pojačali su 1. hrvatski gardijski zbor i pet The Home Guard Force had been completely reorga-
samostalnih gardijskih bojni, s tim da je ukinut i dio pro- nized and the professional contingent had been aug-
fesionalnih postrojba. mented by the 1st Guards Corps and five independent
guards battalions, even though some professional units
Zagrebački sporazum had been disbanded.
Nakon nekoliko produljenja Božićnoga primirja Zagreb Agreement
u Zagrebu je, uz posredovanje Rusije, između RH i po-
bunjenih Srba 29. ožujka 1994. potpisan sporazum o After a few extensions of the Christmas ceasefire
prekidu neprijateljstava. Obje su strane prihvatile zamr- the Croatian government and the rebel Serbs signed
zavanje taktičkoga stanja na crti dodira i unutar 10 kilo- an agreement on the cessation of hostilities in Zagreb,
metara u oba smjera, pa se na tom području nisu smjele on March 29, 1994. It has to be pointed out that the
pomicati postrojbe osim u smislu provedbe sporazuma agreement was brokered by Russia. Both sides accepted
ili po unaprijed izdanom odobrenju UNPROFOR-a. Pot- to maintain the current situation at the line of contact
pisnici su se obvezali da će do 5. travnja na 20 kilome- and within 10 kilometers in both directions. No military
tara od crte povući topništvo i tenkove, odnosno na 10 units were allowed to move within that area except for
kilometara minobacače i protuzrakoplovno topništvo. the purpose of implementing the agreement or follow-
Pješaštvo se do 8. travnja trebalo povući najmanje 1000 ing special permission of UNPROFOR. Both sides agreed
metara od crte dodira te tako onemogućiti razmjenu to withdraw artillery and tanks from the front line 20 or
vatre pješačkim oružjem. Za nadzor vatre zaduženi su more kilometers to the rear and mortars and flak guns 10
UNPROFOR i europski promatrači.865 Snage su izvučene kilometers to the rear by April 5. The infantry units were
na vrijeme, a područje s kojega su izvučene, kao u ZP-u to be pulled back at least 1,000 meters from the point of
Karlovac, nadziralo se motrenjem, ophodnjama i po- contact by April 8. UNPROFOR and European observers
stavljanjem zasjeda.866 were tasked with monitoring the cease-fire. The forces
were pulled back on time and the areas from where they
Gospodarski sporazum were pulled back, like the ZP Karlovac, were controlled
by monitoring, patrols and setting up ambushes.
U Zagrebu je 2. prosinca 1994. potpisan Gospo-
darski sporazum između RH i predstavnika pobunjenih Economic Agreement
Srba. Sporazumom je regulirano pitanje korištenja vode,
električne energije, autoceste i naftovoda. Po njegovim On December 2, 1994, in Zagreb the Croatian gov-
odredbama, 21. prosinca za slobodan je promet otvore- ernment and representatives of the rebel Serbs signed
na autocesta Zagreb – Lipovac. U prva tri dana autocesta the Economic Agreement. The Agreement regulated the
je bila otvorena od 8 do 16 sati, a potom neprekidno. Na- usage of water, electricity, highway and the oil pipeline.
According to its provisions, the Zagreb – Lipovac road
was opened for traffic on December 21. During the first
865 ICTY: Sporazum o prekidu vatre od 29. ožujka 1993.
three days the road was open from 0800 to 1600 hours
866 MORH, GSHV: ZZP Karlovac, Zapovijed kl. 8/94-01/114,
ur. br. 1078-03/1-94-7 od 6. 4. 1994.
and later 24 hours a day. After the opening of the Zagreb


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

kon otvaranja autoceste povećalo se krijumčarenje na – Lipovac road smuggling activities increased dramati-
području zapadne Slavonije. Duž trase autoceste otvo- cally in western Slavonia. A number of illegal exits from
reno je nekoliko ilegalnih ulaza, koji su se održali iako the highway sprung up along the length of it. The Serb
ih je milicija pobunjenih Srba više puta zatvarala. Naj- militia did its best to stop to prevent the smugglers from
važniji predmet krijumčarenja bilo je gorivo, po koje su using the illegal exits but without much success. Most
pobunjeni Srbi dolazili s okupiranoga dijela Hrvatske.867 important commodity that was being smuggled was
fuel. Rebel Serbs would venture to the government-con-
Stanje na pobunjenom području trolled territory to buy fuel and then tried to smuggle it
into the occupied territory.
Pobunjeni Srbi do kasne jeseni 1994. i prve bihaćke
krize nisu imali većih problema na crti ratišta. Osim bor- The Situation in the Rebel Areas
bi za Trla, SVK nije imao većih sukoba s HV-om. No do
jeseni 1994. imao je povremene okršaje s postrojbama The rebel Serbs did not experience any major prob-
5. korpusa ARBiH. U međumuslimanskom razračunava- lems on the front lines until late fall, 1994, and the first
nju SVK je podržavao Fikreta Abdića.868 Sukobi manjega Bihać crisis. Except for the battle for Trla, there was no
obima bili su česti koliko i krijumčarenje. U jednom od serious combat between the SVK and the Croatian Army.
takvih sukoba snage 39. korpusa SVK-a zauzele su 1. ruj- However, by the fall of 1994 there were a number of bat-
na dominantne položaje na širem području Bosanske tles and skirmishes between the Croatian Army and V
Bojne i popravile svoj taktički položaj. Položaj su držale Corps of the ARBIH. During the inter-Muslim conflict the
dvije čete, koje su ujutro 2. rujna napale snage 5. kor- SVK supported Fikret Abdić. Skirmishes were as frequent
pusa ARBiH. Srpske su snage potpuno razbijene i odba- as were the instances of smuggling. In one such skirmish
čene na početne položaje uz gubitke od četiri poginula XXXIX Corps of the SVK captured the dominant positions
i 12 nestalih vojnika, za koje se pretpostavljalo da su in the wider Bosanska Bojna area and improved its tac-
zarobljeni i ubijeni. Zbog propusta u zapovijedanju smi- tical position on September 1. The positions were then
jenjeno je nekoliko oficira, među kojima su bili koman- held by two detachments. On the morning of Septem-
dant 39. korpusa pukovnik Stanko Letić i komandant 24. ber 2, V Corps of the ARBIH attacked the positions. The
pješačke brigade.869 Serb troops defending the positions were badly mauled
Nisu to bili jedini veliki gubici Srpske vojske Krajine. and pushed back to their starting positions from the day
Nekoliko mjeseci prije, 28. veljače 1994., Vazduhoplov- before. The Serbs lost four killed and 12 missing soldiers.
stvo SVK-a bez odobrenja M. Martića i M. Čeleketića po- The missing soldiers were presumed captured and then
držalo je s aerodroma Udbina snage VRS-a oko Novog executed. A number of Serb officers were blamed for
Travnika i Bugojna i pritom je zrakoplovstvo NATO-a po- the setback and consequently sacked, among them the
godilo šest zrakoplova tipa Jastreb, od kojih je pet sru- commander of XXXIX Corps Colonel Stanko Letić and
šeno, a jedan se uspio vratiti u Udbinu. Poginula su tri commander of the 24th Infantry Brigade.
pilota, jedan iz sastava SVK-a i dva iz VRS-a.870 The SVK suffered losses in other engagements as
well. A few months before the above described engage-
ment, on February 28, 1994, the SVK Air Force, without
permission from Martić and Čeleketić, launched a sortie
from Udbina airport in support of the VRS forces in Novi
Travnik and Bugojno. On that occasion NATO aircraft
shot down five Serb Jastreb jets and damaged one. The
867 D. MARIJAN, Novska u Domovinskom ratu, 369. damaged aircraft managed to land at Udbina airport.
868 HMDCDR: GŠSV RSK, Potsetnik str. pov. br. 3-36 od 17. 1.
Three Serb pilots were killed – one from the SVK and the
1994. other two from the VRS.
869 HMDCDR: GŠSV RSK, Vanredni borbeni izveštaj str. pov.
br. 188-58 od 9. 9. 1994.
870 HMDCDR: GŠSV RSK, Redovni operativni izveštaj str.
pov. br. 3-124 od 6. 3. 1994.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Završetkom muslimansko-hrvatskoga rata HVO je When the Muslim-Croat war ended, the HVO was ef-
dobio nekoliko mjeseci mira 1994. godine. U tom je fectively granted a few months of peace in 1994. During
razdoblju najvažniji zadatak bio razdvajanje snaga s this period the most important task was to establish a
crta između HVO-a i ARBiH i demilitarizacija Mostara. clearly defined separation line between the HVO and
Nekadašnja se crta izvjesno vrijeme nadzirala susta- the ARBIH and demilitarize the city of Mostar. The ex-
vom motrilišta i nadzornih punktova. U proljeće je po- isting front line was monitored, for a period of time,
novno počeo intenzivan sukob Srba i Bošnjaka. Glavne through a system of observation post and checkpoints.
su se borbe vodile oko Sarajeva, Konjica, Kupresa, Te- In spring, the conflict between the Serbs and Bosniaks
slića i Bihaća. Armija Republike BiH postupno se pre- flared up again with a vengeance. The main battles were
strojila i krenula u manje zahtjevne borbe s VRS-om, a waged around Sarajevo, Konjic, Kupres, Teslić and Bihać.
u zapadnoj Bosni u radikalni obračun s autonomašima The ARBIH gradually regrouped its forces and launched
Fikreta Abdića.871 small-scale operations against the VRS. The ARBIH’s main
Od proljeća do kasne jeseni, odnosno početka push at that time was against Fikret Abdić’s supporters
studenoga 1994., ARBiH je u sukobima s VRS-om po- in western Bosnia.
stigla manje uspjehe, osvajanje poneke dominantne In the period from spring to the beginning of No-
kote i sela, čime se popravljao taktički položaj snaga, vember, 1994, the ARBIH scored minor successes in bat-
no operativnoga uspjeha nije bilo. Takvih sukoba bilo tles against the VRS, capturing a few dominant positions
je na planinama Bjelašnici, Treskavici i Vlašiću, u širem and villages. These successes improved the tactical po-
području Vareša, Nišićkoj visoravni, širem području Tu- sition of the ARBIH but a success at the operational level
zle i Bugojna.872 remained out of the ARBIH’s reach. The ARBIH got the
Najveće uspjehe ARBiH je zabilježila u sukobu svo- better of the VRS on Mount Bjelašnica, Treskavica and
jega 5. korpusa sa snagama Fikreta Abdića u zapadnoj Vlašić, the wider Vareš area. The Nikšić plateau, wider Tu-
Bosni. Abdića su podržavali Srbi s obje strane granice zla and Bugojno areas.
jer je njegovo održanje rastakalo bošnjačke snage, a The ARBIH scored its biggest successes in western
VRS je planirao taj sukob iskoristiti da izbije na Unu i Bosnia, where it pitted its V Corps against Fikret Abdić’s
ostvari svoj ratni cilj. U borbama od 16. do 21. kolovo- forces. The Serbs on both sides of the border (Croatia,
za 1994. snage 5. korpusa ARBiH porazile su Abdićevu BiH) supported Fikret Abdić because his bid for auton-
vojsku i ušle u Veliku Kladušu. Oko 45.600 izbjeglica omy tied down Bosniaks’ forces. The VRS planned to
povuklo se na privremeno okupirani teritorij Hrvatske: take advantage of this inter-Muslim conflict and reach
u Turanj kod Karlovca, Batnogu kod Slunja i Staro Selo the Una River. In the fighting that lasted from August
kod Vrginmosta.873 16 to August 21, the ARBIH V Corps soundly defeated
Najvažniji događaj 1994. u Republici Srpskoj bio je Abdić’s army and entered Velika Kladuša. About 45,600
bojkot Srbije, odnosno Jugoslavije. Vlada Savezne Repu- people fled to the rebel-controlled area in Croatia; to
Turanj near Karlovac, Batnoga near Slunj and Staro Selo
871 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 319. near Vrginmost.
872 ICTY: Uprava za operativno planiranje ŠVK OS RBiH,
The most important event in 1994, for Bosnian
Značajni uspjesi ARBiH za poslednja dva mjeseca, str. Serbs, was Serbia/Yugoslavia’s decision to impose eco-
pov. br. 02-1/1004-1 od 12. 8. 1994.; Rasim DELIĆ, Lice i nomic sanctions on the Republika Srpska. The govern-
naličje rata: Na čelu Armije u ratu i miru, Vijeće kongresa ment of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia severed all
bošnjačkih intelektualaca, Sarajevo, 2005., 268, 271; M.
ŠADINLIJA, Prvi korpus ARBiH, 38-41.
economic and political ties with the Republika Srpska
because the assembly of the Republika Srpska had re-
873 M. SEKULIĆ, Knin je pao u Beogradu, 91; D. MARIJAN, Do-
movinski rat, 319. fused to sign the Contact Group’s peace plan. The move


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

blike Jugoslavije prekinula je 4. kolovoza sve gospodar- had detrimental effects on the VRS as well, because its
ske i političke veze s Republikom Srpskom zbog odbijanja leadership supported Slobodan Milošević.
Skupštine RS-a da potpiše mirovni plan Kontaktne skupi- The ARBIH held the initiative throughout the better
ne.874 Taj se potez nepovoljno odrazio i na položaj VRS-a, part of 1994. During that period the VRS launched many
čiji je vrh bio sklon Slobodanu Miloševiću.875 counterattacks, desperately trying to recapture the lost
Zbog kontinuiranih napada ARBiH, VRS je najveći ground and positions. One exception to this pattern of
dio 1994. proveo u protunapadima i nastojanju da vra- events was Operation Zvezda-94 (Star) launched against
ti izgubljene položaje. Iznimka je operacija Zvezda-94 the Bosniak forces in Goražde. The operation began at
protiv bošnjačkih snaga u Goraždu. Operacija je počela the end of March. By April 4 the VRS had pushed the de-
krajem ožujka i do 4. travnja VRS je obranu Goražda sveo fenders into a small pocket of resistance encompassing
na uže gradsko područje na desnoj obali Drine i na obje the city center on the right bank of the Drina and the
strane rijeke nizvodno od grada. Goražde se održalo za- area on both sides of the river immediately downriver
hvaljujući zračnim udarima NATO-a po srpskim položaji- from the city. Goražde did not fall to the Serbs thanks
ma. Nakon njih je u organizaciji UNPROFOR-a dogovore- to NATO air strikes on Serb positions. Following the air
na demilitarizacija Goražda.876 strikes UNPROFOR brokered an agreement according to
which Goražde would be demilitarized.
Nakon dužega sređivanja i odmora, 5. korpus ARBiH
realizirao je od 24. listopada do 10. studenoga 1994. na- After a longer period of rest and regrouping, V
padnu operaciju Grmeč-94. Cilj operacije bio je odbaciti Corps launched Operation Grmeč-94 on October 24,
srpske snage od Bihaća i zauzeti šire područje na desnoj 1994. The operation was offensive in character and
obali Une. Operacija je poduzeta nakon izvlačenja dijela lasted until November 10, 1994. The aim was to push
snaga VRS-a s bojišta i njihova angažmana prema središ- back the Serb forces from Bihać and capture a large
njoj Bosni i dolini Vrbasa. Peti je korpus postigao velik swath of territory on the right bank of the Una River.
uspjeh, osvojio vojarnu Grabež i goneći razbijene snage The operation commenced after elements of the VRS
2. krajiškog korpusa VRS-a na pravcima Ripač – Dubov- forces from the area had been sent to central Bosnia
sko – Vrtoče i Dubovsko – Orašac – Kulen Vakuf, do 28. and the Vrbas Valley. V Corps’s offensive was successful.
listopada izbio do Dubovskog, Lipe i Kulen Vakufa. Na The Bosniaks captured the Grabež barracks and, pursu-
bosanskokrupskom pravcu 5. korpus je u noći 30./31. ing the defeated the VRS II Krajina Corps in the direc-
listopada prešao Unu sjeverno od grada i uspostavio tion of Ripač – Dubovsko – Vrtoče and in the direction
mostobran.877 of Dubovsko – Orašac – Kulen Vakuf, reached Dubovs-
Napad i izlazak 5. korpusa iz zaštićene zone šoki- ko, Lipe and Kulen Vakuf by October 28. Advancing in
rao je vodstva RS-a i RSK. U dijelu RS-a koji odgovara the direction of Bosanska Krupa, V Corps crossed the
području djelovanja 2. krajiškog korpusa, 29. listopada Una River during the night of October 30-31 and estab-
proglašeno je ratno stanje i potpuno mobilizirano vojno lished a bridgehead.
sposobno stanovništvo. Vojska Republike Srpske uspje- V Corps’s attack shocked the leaders of the RS and
la je pojačati obranu dovođenjem manjih snaga s nekih the RSK. In that part of the RS that corresponded to the
area of responsibility of II Krajina Corps a state of emer-
gency was declared and all capable military-age men
874 D. RADIŠIĆ, Hronologija događaja, 455-456. were mobilized. The VRS managed to strengthen its de-
875 HMDCDR: Komanda 2. KK, Informacija br. 11/94 pov. br. fensive positions by bringing smaller forces from other
13-385 od 12. 10. 1994. fronts and started forming a combined brigade-strength
876 Balkan Battlegrounds: A Military History of the Yugoslav unit consisting of men from all parts of the RS for the
Conflict, 1990–1995, Central Intelligence Agency, Offi-
purpose of sending it into counterattack on the Bihać
ce of Russian and European Analysis, Washington, DC
20505, May 2002., II, 459-461; M. ŠADINLIJA, Prvi korpus front. Until the unit was ready, smaller forces belonging
ARBiH, 38-39. to the SVK, the MUP and the RSK were deployed to stem
877 B. FELIĆ, Peti korpus, 309-346, 429. the Bosniak attacks.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

bojišta i pripremala je kombiniranu postrojbu veličine The SVK formed two tactical groups for a joint SVK-
brigade sa svih prostora RS-a radi protuudara na bihać- VRS attack against the ARBIH V Corps. The groups would
kom bojištu. Do njezina dovođenja, u zaustavljanju boš- advance along the Bosanski Petrovac – Vrtoče line. The
njačkih napada od 28. listopada angažirane su manje operation started on November 1. The aim was ambi-
snage SVK-a i MUP-a RSK.878 tious – destroy V Corps and capture Bihać. By November
Za zajedničku operaciju SVK-a i VRS-a protiv 5. kor- 8 the Serb forces had mopped up the Una Valley from
pusa ARBiH, za djelovanje na pravcu Bosanski Petrovac Kulen Vakuf as far as Lohovo and put Ripač under block-
– Vrtoče, SVK je formirao dvije taktičke skupine. Ope- ade. The Bosniak forces were in a desperate situation. On
racija je počela 1. studenoga i, za razliku od prethod- November 12, the president of the Republic of Bosnia
nih borbi, cilj je bio uništiti 5. korpus i zauzeti Bihać. and Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegović, sent a request to
Do 8. studenoga srpske su snage očistile dolinu Une the president of the Republic of Croatia, Franjo Tuđman,
od Kulen Vakufa do Lohova i blokirale Ripač. Bošnjač- asking that Croatia take active measures to prevent the
ke su snage bile u teškom položaju, pa je 12. studeno- Serbs from attacking Bihać from Croatian territory.
ga predsjednik RBiH Alija Izetbegović uputio zahtjev By November 17, the Serb forces had recaptured
predsjedniku RH Franji Tuđmanu da Hrvatska poduz- almost all territory the Bosniaks had captured during
me mjere s ciljem sprečavanja napada na Bihać s hrvat- Operation Grmeč-94. With the help of the SVK, Fikret Ab-
skoga teritorija.879 dić’s forces were deployed towards Velika Kladuša, and
Do 17. studenoga srpske su snage vratile gotovo II Krajina Corps reached an area that was only two kilo-
cijeli teritorij koji su bošnjačke snage zauzele u opera- meters away from Bihać. The SVK forces then regrouped
ciji Grmeč-94. Uz pomoć SVK-a angažirane su snage Fi- and, on November 16, were placed under the command
kreta Abdića prema Velikoj Kladuši, a snage 2. krajiškog of OG Pauk. OG Pauk, until the collapse of the SVK, com-
korpusa izbile su na dva kilometra od Bihaća. Angažira- manded and coordinated the SVK forces’ actions from
ne snage SVK-a prestrojene su i od 16. studenoga bile the occupied territory of the Republic of Croatia towards
su pod zapovjedništvom Operativne grupe Pauk, koja the Bihać pocket. On November 20, II Krajina Corps cross
je do sloma Srpske vojske Krajine vodila i koordinirala the Una River at the Egeljića bridge, captured Kobiljnjak
djelovanje SVK-a s okupiranog teritorija Hrvatske pre- and established a bridgehead, protected by two battal-
ma bihaćkom džepu. Drugi krajiški korpus prešao je 20. ions. During the next few days the Serb forces gradually
studenoga Unu kod Egeljića mosta, zauzeo Kobiljnjak i pushed back the ARBIH, shortening the front line. The
napravio mostobran na koji su ubačena dva bataljuna. Serbs issued an ultimatum to V Corps on November 27,
U idućim danima srpske su snage postupno potiskivale requesting its surrender by 2000 hours on the same day.
ARBiH i sužavale crtu. Petom je korpusu 27. studenoga The ARBIH offered a cease-fire of undetermined dura-
upućen ultimatum da se preda do 20 sati istoga dana. tion. The VRS insisted on a complete cessation of hostil-
Armija Republike BiH ponudila je prekid vatre na ne- ities in that area.
određeno vrijeme, a VRS je inzistirao na sporazumu o The international community reacted to the Serb
potpunom prekidu rata.880 counterattack, just as the Serbs had predicted. UNPRO-
Kao što su Srbi predviđali, na njihov je protunapad FOR, on November 9, warned the Krajina Serbs that
reagirala i međunarodna zajednica. UNPROFOR je 9. available means would be used against them if they did
studenoga upozorio krajinske Srbe da će uporabiti sva not stop shelling the protected Bihać area. The Serbs
raspoloživa sredstva ako ne prestanu granatirati zašti- continued shelling Bihać and NATO aircraft attacked
ćeno područje Bihaća. Napadi nisu prestali, pa su 21. the SVK airfield in Udbina on November 21. Five per-
studenoga zrakoplovi NATO-a napali zračnu luku SVK-a sons were wounded, one of which died of the received
wounds shortly thereafter. The NATO aircraft destroyed
and damaged a lot of equipment and machinery at
878 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 321.
the airfield. Despite the airstrike, the Serbs continued
879 Hrvoje ŠARINIĆ, Svi moji tajni pregovori sa Slobodanom
Miloševićem 1993.–1995. (1998.), Globus International,
attacking Bihać. NATO responded on November 23 by
Zagreb, 1999., 170-171; D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, launching another airstrike, this time against VRS posi-
321-322. tions at Bušević, Urije and to the east of Čardak. Because
880 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 322. of these attacks, and constant warnings issued by NATO,


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

u Udbini. Ranjeno je pet osoba, jedna je ubrzo premi- Fikret Abdić’s forces were used as the main force in the
nula, a zračnoj luci i pokretnoj opremi nanesena je veća attack. The SVK’s task was to organize, equip and com-
materijalna šteta. Unatoč upozorenju, Srbi su nastavili mand them.
napad, pa su zrakoplovi NATO-a 23. studenoga napali The Serbs continued attacking in December, albeit
snage VRS-a kod Buševića, Urija i istočno od Čardaka. on a somewhat reduced scale. Fikret Abdić’s forces cap-
Zbog tih napada i stalnih upozorenja, snagama Fikreta tured, on December 17, with the SVK’s support, Velika
Abdića dana je uloga glavnih snaga u napadu, a zada- Kladuša, and threw back the ARBIH towards Cazin and
tak SVK-a bio je organizirati, opremiti i usmjeravati nji- Bužim. By that time the Serb attack had lost much of
hovo djelovanje.881 its initial momentum because, during the first days of
U smanjenom opsegu pritisak srpskih snaga nasta- December, some Serb units had been sent to the Livno
vio se i u prosincu. Snage Fikreta Abdića zauzele su 17. area to defend the area against a Croatian attack. The
prosinca uz potporu SVK-a Veliku Kladušu i potisnule Serb Bihać campaign came to a temporary halt on De-
ARBiH prema Cazinu i Bužimu. Već se tada srpski pri- cember 25. The Serbs started regrouping their forces
tisak značajno smanjio jer je u prvim danima prosinca and fortifying the line. More troops were sent to the
dio snaga izvučen i poslan na livanjski dio bojišta zbog Grahovo-Glamoč area, because Croatian forces stood
napada hrvatskih snaga. Srpska kampanja oko Bihaća poised to attack the area from the direction of Livno.
privremeno je završila 25. prosinca. Snage su počele The plan to capture Bihać was postponed until a more
prestrojavanje i utvrđivanje crte, a još jedan dio snaga opportune moment.
izvučen je i poslan na grahovsko-glamočki dio bojišta,
zbog prijetnje napada hrvatskih snaga s područja Liv- OPERATION CINCAR
na. To je značilo da je kampanja osvajanja Bihaća odgo-
đena za povoljniji trenutak.882 The ARBIH did not attack only the Serbs at Bihać. The
Bosniaks also attacked the Serb forces in the direction
OPERACIJA CINCAR of Bugojno-Kupres. The ARBIH VII Corps attacked from
Bugojno on October 22, 1994. The Bosniaks overran the
Osim kod Bihaća, ARBiH je napala srpske snage i Serb defensive positions and threatened the city of Ku-
na pravcu Bugojno – Kupres. Snage 7. korpusa ARBiH iz pres. In an effort to stop the Bosniaks’ advance, the Serbs
Bugojna 22. listopada 1994. razbile su srpsku obranu i moved smaller forces of I and II Krajina Corps from the
ugrozile grad Kupres. Radi zaustavljanja napada poče- northwest part of the theater to the threatened area for
lo je prebacivanje manjih snaga 1. i 2. krajiškog korpu- the purpose of mounting a counterattack in the direc-
sa sa sjeverozapadnoga dijela ratišta radi protunapada tion of Kupres-Bugojno. On November 1, the HVO got
na pravcu Kupres – Bugojno. U borbe se 1. studenoga involved in the fighting. The HVO forces included: the 1st
uključio i HVO. U sastavu HVO-a na pravcu Alagina kosa Guards Brigade Ante Bruno Bušić in the direction of Ala-
– Zanaglina – Rilić bila je 1. gardijska brigada Ante Bruno gina Kosa – Zanaglina – Rilić; the Ludvig Pavlović Battal-
Bušić; na pravcu Razvršće – Ravno bojna Ludvig Pavlović ion and one company of the 42nd Home Guard Battalion
i satnija 42. domobranske bojne; na pravcu Idovac – Bu- in the direction of Razvršće – Ravno; one company of the
ćevača satnija 3. gardijske brigade i 55. domobranska 3rd Guards Brigade and the 55th Home Guard Regiment in
pukovnija. Te su snage 1. studenoga zauzele Ravanjska the direction of Idovac – Bućevača. On November 1 these
vrata i sela Mušiće, Ravno, Bućevaču i Gornje Vukovsko, forces captured the Ravno pass and the following villages:
a dan kasnije sela Donje Vukovsko i Zanaglinu, kada su Mušiće, Ravno, Bućevača and Gornje Vukovsko. On the day
ojačane skupinom 1. hrvatskog gardijskog zdruga. Na following the same forces captured the villages of Donje
lijevom operacijskom pravcu Karagin vrh – Malovanske Vukovsko and Zanaglina when they were reinforced with
poljane – Ristića vrh – Jaram – Tikva – Kurljaj – Osječeni- a group belonging to the 1st Croatian Guards Corps. The
ca bila je 2. gardijska brigada HVO-a, ojačana s dva voda 2nd HVO Guards Brigade, reinforced with two MP platoons
belonging to the MUP HR HB, was deployed along the left
operational direction: Karagin Vrh – Malovanske Poljane –
881 Isto, 322. Ristića Vrh – Jaram – Tikva – Kurljaj - Osječenica. After two
882 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 322. days of fighting the Croats captured the following domi-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Specijalne policije MUP-a HR HB. Nakon dvodnevnih nant positions: Osječenica – Ristića Vrh – Javor – Tikva and
borbi zauzeli su dominantne objekte Osječenica - Risti- Kurljaj. These successes enabled the main force to mount
ća Vrh - Javor - Tikva i Kurljaj, čime je omogućen brz pro- a swift attack in the direction of Šuica – Malovan – Kupres.
dor glavnih snaga na smjeru napada Šuica – Malovan Also, the left flank could now be secured against a coun-
– Kupres, kao i osiguranje lijevog boka od protunapada terattack from the direction of Glamoč. The 22nd Comman-
iz smjera Glamoča. Na smjeru Šuica – Gornji Malovan do Detachment attacked in the direction of Šujica – Gornji
– Donji Malovan – Kupres napadao je 22. diverzant- Malovan – Donji Malovan – Kupres. The commandos
ski odred. Njega je 2. studenoga zamijenila Specijalna were relieved by the Special Police of the MUP HR HB. The
policija MUP-a HR HB, koja je u žestokim dvodnevnim Special Police, advancing on both flanks simultaneously,
borbama, zahvaljujući pomacima snaga na lijevom i de- defeated the Serb forces and in the early afternoon on
snom boku, razbila srpske snage i u ranim popodnev- November 3 liberated Kupres. In Uskuplje – Gornji Vakuf
nim satima 3. studenoga oslobodila Kupres. U Uskoplju the HVO and ARBIH agreed to establish a separation line
– Gornjem Vakufu između HVO-a i ARBiH dogovorena on the Kupres plateau for the duration of the fighting. It
je crta razgraničenja na Kupreškoj visoravni za vrijeme could be argued that the event marked the beginning of
borbi i od tada se može govoriti o međusobnoj koordi- the HVO-ARBIH coordination in this area.19
naciji na tom dijelu ratišta.883 The liberation of Kupres was an unplanned joint
Oslobađanje Kupresa postalo je neplanirani zajed- HVO-ARBIH success. Kupres was the first town recap-
nički uspjeh ARBiH i HVO-a. Bio je to prvi grad koji je tured from the Serb forces since Trnovo in the summer of
preotet srpskim snagama od zauzimanja Trnova u ljeto 1992. Even though the Serb forces managed to stop the
1992. godine. Premda su srpske snage uspjele zausta- advance of the Croat and Bosniak forces towards Blagaj
viti napredovanje hrvatskih i bošnjačkih snaga prema and Šipovo, the operation was important because of the
Blagaju i Šipovu, operacija je značajna zbog ponovnog HVO’s renewed deployment against the VRS.
angažiranja HVO-a u ratu s VRS-om. By the end of November Serb forces launched a few
Do kraja studenoga srpske su snage izvele nekoli- small-scale counterattacks. In one counterattack the
ko manjih protunapada. U jednom od napada uspjele Serbs attacked the dominant position on Opaljenica
su od 42. domobranske bojne preoteti dominantnu Hill, defended by the 42nd Home Guard Battalion. The
kotu Opaljenica, koju su idućega dana vratile snage counterattack was successful, but on the following day
Specijalne policije MUP-a HR HB. U borbama za Kupres the Special Police forces of the MUP HR HB managed
HVO je imao devet poginulih i 33 ranjena pripadnika. to recapture the position. In the fighting for Kupres the
U cjelokupnoj operaciji, uključujući obranu 80. dp-a HVO lost nine soldiers killed and 33 wounded. In the
na livanjskom dijelu bojišta, sudjelovala su 6202 pri- operation as a whole, including the defensive actions of
padnika HVO-a iz 15 postrojbi i nepotpuna satnija 1. the 80th Home Guard Regiment in the Livno area, 6,202
hrvatskog gardijskog zdruga, odnosno bojna Zrinski s Home Guard soldiers from fifteen units and an incom-
oko 50 ljudi.884 plete company of the 1st Croatian Guards Corps, that is,
the Zrinski Battalion with about 50 men, took part.
S oslobađanjem Kupresa počeo je operacijski ci- (WINTER-94)
klus hrvatskih snaga u jugozapadnoj Bosni koji je go-
dinu dana kasnije doveo do okončanja rata. Zbog srp- A new operational cycle of the Croatian forces in
skih napada na Bihać hrvatsko vrhovništvo je odlučilo southwest Bosnia commenced with the liberation of Ku-
pres. This new cycle, one year later, would bring about
883 Radni zemljovid napadne operacije Cincar – faze napa-
da; D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 322-323; Podaci preuzeti 19 Military map used in Operation Cincar – phases of the
sa savjetovanja ratnih zapovjednika sudionika operacije attack; Marijan, D. Domovinski rat. Pp. 322-323: Data
Cincar održanog na dan oslobađanja Kupresa 2014. godi- obtained from the minutes of the meeting of the war
ne. commanders who participated in Operation Cincar, held
884 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 324. on the date of the liberation of Kupres in 2014.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

pomoći da se grad održi jer je onemogućavao pot- the end of the war. When the Serbs started the offen-
puno povezivanje RSK i RS-a i vezao značajan dio nji- sive against Bihać, the Croatian leadership decided to
hovih snaga. Nedoumica je bila oko smjera pružanja help the defenders of Bihać. The reasoning behind the
pomoći, pritiskom na Okučane i Knin radi razvlačenja decision was simple; with Bihać in Bosniak hands, the
snaga ili prodorom preko Slunja radi pružanja pomoći Serbs could not viably link the RSK to the RS. Also, a sig-
5. korpusu ARBiH. Nakon što su snage HVO-a, u koor- nificant portion of the Serb forces was tied down on the
dinaciji s ARBiH, 3. studenoga 1994. zauzele Kupres i Bihać front. There were two viable scenarios the Croa-
veći dio Kupreške visoravni, otvorena je mogućnost tian strategists could choose from. One was attacking in
za napad snaga Zbornog područja Split HV-a i snaga the direction of Okučani and Knin with the objective of
HVO-a na srpske snage na livanjskom i glamočkom di- stretching the Serb forces and the other was to advance
jelu bojišta radi rasterećenja ARBiH na bihaćkom bo- via Slunj for the purpose of providing direct support to
jištu te poboljšanja operativnoga položaja u zoni od the ARBIH V Corps. After the HVO forces, in a coordinat-
Kupreških vrata do granice s RH na Dinari.885 ed effort with the ARBIH, had liberated Kupres and most
Operacija je planirana na četiri operativna prav- of the Kupres plateau on November 3, 1994, another
ca: Kujača (Zima-1), Koričina – Golija (Zima-2), Čelebić possibility presented itself; forces belonging to Military
(Zima-3) i Dinara (Zima-4). Na prva tri pravca, od Čele- District Split and the HVO could attack the Serb forces
bića na Livanjskom polju do Kupreških vrata, operaci- in the Livno and Glamoč areas for the purpose of im-
ju je vodio Glavni stožer HVO-a, a na četvrtom pravcu proving the ARBIH’s position on the Bihać front and also
Zapovjedništvo ZP-a Split. Na livanjskom i glamočkom improving the operational position in the area from the
dijelu bojišta angažirani su dijelovi 5. gardijske briga- Kupress pass as far as the Croatian-Bosnian border on
de HV-a, 2. bojna Vojne policije HVO-a, bojna Zrinski, the Dinara Mountain.
bojna 2. gardijske brigade HVO-a, bojna Ludvig Pavlo- The operation was to include four axes of advance:
vić, SP MUP-a HR HB, 22. DO, 80. dp HVO-a, a na ku- Kujača (Zima-I), Korečina – Golija (Zima-II), Čelebić (Zi-
preškom dijelu 1. gardijska brigada HVO-a, manji di- ma-III) and Dinara (Zima-IV). The HVO Main Staff com-
jelovi 3. gardijske brigade HVO-a, 55. i 79. dp HVO-a manded the troops deployed along the first three axes
i miješana bojna domobranskih postrojbi ZP-a Vitez. of advance from Čelebić on the Livno field as far as the
Zborno područje Split za napad je angažiralo dijelove Kupres pass. The troops deployed along the fourth axis
126. dp-a i 114. brigade te 4. gardijsku brigadu HV-a.886 of advance were under the command of the HQ of Mil-
Operacija je počela 29. studenoga 1994. na plani- itary District Split. Elements of the 5th Guards Brigade
ni Dinari i nastavila se na Livanjskom polju na smje- of the Croatian Army, 2nd Battalion of the Military Po-
ru Livno – Bosansko Grahovo. Operacija je trajala 27 lice of the HVO, Zrinski Battalion, one battalion of the
dana, na teškom terenu, u izrazito teškim vremenskim 2nd Guards Brigade of the HVO, Ludvig Pavlović Battal-
uvjetima, na snijegu i niskim temperaturama. Do 25. ion, Special Police of the MUP HR HB, 80th Home Guard
prosinca hrvatske snage su zauzele područje dubine Regiment of the HVO were deployed in the Livno and
20, a širine 10 km. Operacija Zima na smjeru Livno – Glamoč areas. The 1st Guards Brigade of the HVO, ele-
Bosansko Grahovo sasvim je ispunila svoj cilj: rastereti- ments of the 3rd Guards Brigade of the HVO, 55th and
la je Bihać i približila HV Kninu s pravca koji u RSK nisu 79th Home Guard Regiment of the HVO and mixed
očekivali. Na Kupreškoj visoravni HVO nije napravio battalion of Home Guard units of Military District Vi-
pomak jer desni susjed, 7. korpus ARBiH nije zauzeo tez were deployed in the Kupres area. Military District
dvije dominantne točke što je bio preduvjet za pokre- Split employed elements of the 126th Home Guard Reg-
tanje snaga HVO-a. U operaciji je poginulo 29, nestao iment and 114th Brigade and 4th Guards Brigade of the
je jedan, a ranjeno je 58 pripadnika hrvatskih snaga.887 Croatian Army.
The operation started on November 29, 1994, on
Dinara and continued on the Livno field in the direc-
885 Isto, 324-325. tion of Livno – Bosansko Grahovo. The operation lasted
886 Isto, 325. for 27 days and it was conducted on rugged terrain, in
887 Isto, 325-328; A. GOTOVINA, Napadajni bojevi i operaci- adverse weather conditions, in snow and low tempera-
je, 31-32, 187. tures. By December 25 the Croatian forces captured a


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

ČETVEROMJESEČNO PRIMIRJE portion of territory 20 kilometers deep and 10 kilome-

ters wide. The forces operating in the direction of Livno
Na samom kraju 1994., uz posredovanje bivšega – Bosansko Grahovo achieved their objective; Bihać was
predsjednika SAD-a Jimmyja Cartera, Srbi i Muslimani no longer in immediate danger from Serb forces and the
potpisali su četveromjesečno primirje. U ime Hrvata, Croatian Army had approached closer to Knin from an
2. siječnja 1995. primirje je potpisao Krešimir Zubak, unexpected direction. On the Kupres plateau the HVO
predsjednik Predsjedničkoga vijeća HR HB. U nekim se failed to make headway because VII Corps of the ARBIH,
komentarima to primirje najavljivalo kao kraj rata, no operating on the HVO’s left side, failed to capture two
pokazalo se samo kao duži predah nakon kojega je rat dominant positions. Without these positions in Bosniak
nastavljen punim intenzitetom. I predstavnici međuna- hands the HVO could not move into action. During the
rodne zajednice držali su da je primirje uvod u mirovni operation 29 Croatian soldiers were killed, one was list-
sporazum i završetak rata.888 ed as missing in action and 58 were wounded.
Sve strane u sukobu optuživale su druge da povre-
meno krše primirje, a iz ARBiH su tvrdili da na području FOUR-MONTH TRUCE
bihaćkoga džepa primirje uopće nije zaživjelo, za što su
optuživali snage VRS-a. Unatoč bošnjačkim tvrdnjama, At the very end of 1994, a truce, brokered by the for-
čini se da je 5. korpus ARBiH predvodio u kršenju primir- mer US president Jimmy Carter, was signed between the
ja ubacivanjem diverzantskih skupina u zaleđe srpskih Serbs and Bosniaks. On January 2, 1995, Krešimir Zubak,
snaga, posebice u siječnju 1995. godine. ARBiH je kod president of the Presidential Council of the HR HB, rep-
Travnika od 19. do 25. travnja zauzela plato Vlašića. Hr- resenting the Croats, also signed the truce agreement.
vatske snage u jugozapadnoj Bosni u tom su razdoblju Some commentators at the time perceived the agree-
uglavnom mirovale. Bile su u djelatnoj obrani uz plansku ment as the end of the war. However, later events showed
zamjenu snaga iz sastava ZP-a Split i HVO-a. Hrvatsko vi- that the agreement provided a relatively lengthy respite
jeće obrane bilo je od 24. siječnja 1995. u obrambenoj for the belligerent sides. When the truce expired, fighting
operaciji Vrilo-95. Cilj operacije bio je očuvati dostignutu resumed with undiminished intensity. Even the represen-
crtu i spriječiti protuudar srpskih snaga.889 tatives of the international community were of the opin-
U tom je razdoblju Hrvatska zabilježila značajan po- ion that the truce was the first step towards reaching a
litički uspjeh. Zaprijetila je 12. siječnja 1995. najavom da peace agreement and ending the war.
31. ožujka otkazuje gostoprimstvo UNPROFOR-u jer nije All sides accused the others of violating the truce.
ispunio hrvatska očekivanja. Diplomacija je našla kom- The ARBIH claimed that the VRS forces in the Bihać pocket
promis i Vijeće sigurnosti UN-a prihvatilo je 31. ožujka area never honored the truce at all. However, the existing
1995. hrvatske zahtjeve i Rezolucijom 981 potvrdilo te- evidence suggests that it was the ARBIH V Corps that was
ritorijalni integritet Republike Hrvatske. Priznalo se da the primary violator of the truce. On a number of occa-
glavne postavke Vanceova plana nisu provedene. Uloga sions ARBIH commando groups infiltrated into the Serb
mirovnih snaga je redefinirana, naziv UNPROFOR promi- rear for the purpose of creating havoc there, especially in
jenjen je u UNCRO (United Nations Confidence Restora- January, 1995. The ARBIH captured, from April 19 to April
tion Operation in Croatia) – Operacija UN-a za povratak 25 the Vlašić plateau near Travnik. The Croatian forces
povjerenja u Hrvatskoj, s mandatom do 30. studenoga in southwest Bosnia were, for the most part, idle during
1995. godine. U novom mandatu snage UN-a bile su that period. They were on the defensive, waiting to be re-
dužne uspostaviti učinkovit nadzor na međunarodno lieved by forces from Military District Split and the HVO.
priznatim granicama Hrvatske i nadzirati dolazi li u zašti- The HVO, on January 24, began conducting Operation
ćena područja vojna oprema i ljudstvo s područja Save- Vrilo-95. The operation was a defensive undertaking the
zne Republike Jugoslavije ili Republike Srpske.890 aim of which was to hold the line and prevent the Serbs
from launching a counterattack.
888 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 328. During that period Croatia pulled off an important
889 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, II, 89-93; D. MARIJAN, Domovinski political coup. On January 12, 1995, Croatia announced
rat, 328-329. that on March 31 it would cease to extend welcome to
890 D. MARIJAN, Oluja, 50-51. UNPROFOR because the UN troops had failed in their mis-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

sion, contrary to Croatian expectations. After a round of

diplomatic wrangling, a compromise was reached and on
March 31, 1995, the Security Council accepted the Croa-
tian demands and, by way of Resolution 981, confirmed
the territorial integrity of the Republic of Croatia. The Se-
curity Council admitted that the main provisions of the
Vance Plan had not been implemented. The role of the
peacekeeping force was redefined, the designation “UN-
PROFOR” was changed into UNCRO (United Nations Con-
fidence Restoration Operation in Croatia). The mandate of
UNCRO, according to the agreement, would expire on No-
vember 30, 1995. According to the new mandate, the UN
forces were obligated to monitor, in an effective manner,
the situation along the internationally recognized Croa-
tian borders and assist in controlling, by monitoring and
reporting, the crossing of military personnel, weapons
and equipment over the international borders between
Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia and the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia or the Republika Srpska.

During the four-month truce the frontline shifted in-
HV, Dinara, travanj 1995. (fotografija: Arhiv Udruge 7. gbr). significantly in the area of responsibility of ZP Split. With
the coming of spring it became probable that the Serbs
HV, April 1995.
would attack the Croatian positions on Dinara and Staret-
ina mountains. Because of that, Military District Split de-
cided to launch Operation Skok-1 (Leap-1). The aim of
the operation was to push back the Serb forces from the
OPERACIJA SKOK-1 dominant peaks on Dinara and gain the ground neces-
sary to place the SVK forces in the Cetina Valley within
Tijekom četveromjesečnoga primirja napravljeno artillery range. On April 7 the 7th Guards Brigade, sup-
je nekoliko manjih taktičkih pomaka na crti bojišta ZP-a ported by the 126th Home Guard Regiment, successfully
Split. Približavanjem proljeća rasla je mogućnost da Srbi completed the mission without suffering a single casual-
ugroze hrvatske položaje na planinama Dinari i Stareti- ty. The Croats gained control over a stretch of territory 5
ni, zbog čega se ZP Split odlučio za provedbu taktičke kilometers deep and 15 kilometers wide and reached the
operacije Skok-1. Cilj operacije bio je potiskivanje srp- village of Unište. The line held by the Croats on the Livno
skih snaga s dominantnih uzvišenja Dinare i stavljanje field and Dinara was now stable and Serb forces were no
Srpske vojske Krajine u dolini Cetine pod vatreni nadzor.
longer capable of operating with any degree of efficiency
Pothvat je 7. travnja 1995., uspješno i bez gubitaka, izve- in the eastern part of the Livno field.
la 7. gardijska brigada uz pomoć 126. dp-a. Ovladano je
područjem Dinare dubine 5 i širine 15 kilometara, doš-
lo se nadomak selu Uništa. Crta hrvatskih snaga na Li-
vanjskom polju i Dinari dobila je željenu stabilnost, pa u
istočnom dijelu Livanjskoga polja više nije bilo značajni-
jih djelovanja srpskih snaga.891

891 7. gardijska brigada HV – Pume, 196-202.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Sljedeća operacija HV-a izvedena je u zapadnoj Operation Bljesak (Flash) was launched by the HV
Slavoniji zbog narušavanja odredbi Gospodarskog because the Serbs in western Slavonia did not honor
sporazuma iz prosinca 1994. godine. Izvjesno vrije- the provisions of the Economic Agreement signed in
me vladao je optimizam kod hrvatskoga vrhovništva, 1994. For a period of time after the signing of the agree-
koje je očekivalo da pobunjeni Srbi poštuju spora- ment the Croatian leadership had been confident that
zum. Otvaranje autoceste pogodovalo je širenju kri- the Serbs would honor the agreement. This confidence
jumčarenja na okupiranom području RH, što je ne- proved misplaced. The opening of the highway for traf-
povoljno utjecalo na moral pobunjenih Srba, pa je fic facilitated smuggling operations in the occupied area
njihovo vrhovništvo 21. travnja 1995. naredilo da se of the Republic of Croatia. This development actually
krijumčarenje onemogući, a krijumčari sankcioniraju. had a detrimental effect on the rebel Serbs’ morale. The
Pobunjeni su Srbi 24. travnja zatvorili autocestu na 24 rebel Serb leadership, therefore, ordered, on April 21,
sata. Nekoliko se dana napetost pojačavala i smanji- 1995, that measures be taken for preventing smuggling
vala, pa je Glavni stožer HV-a mijenjao zapovijedi o operations and that the smugglers be prosecuted. On
dovođenju snaga za operaciju i storniranju pokreta. April 24 the rebel Serbs’ closed the highway for traffic
Kada se činilo da neće biti potrebe za pokretanjem for 24 hours. Tensions flared up only to quickly decrease
snaga, na okupiranom području zapadne Slavonije again. The situation vacillated constantly between pe-
od 25. do 27. travnja boravili su politički i vojni čelnici riods of increasing tensions and relative calm for the
pobunjenih Srba, Milan Martić i Milan Čeleketić, te su next few days. On a number of occasions the General
podignuli tenzije na višu razinu. Stanje se pogoršalo Staff of the Croatian Army ordered the deployment
kada je na benzinskoj crpki u Novoj Gradiški iz osvete of troops for offensive action only to cancel the order.
za ubijenog brata Hrvat ubio Srbina s okupiranog po- When it finally appeared that there would be no need
dručja s kojim je odrastao u istom selu. Za odmazdu for a military intervention, Milan Martić, the political
su pobunjeni Srbi u noći 28./29. travnja na dijelu au- leader of the rebel Serbs, and Milan Čeleketić, his mil-
toceste koja je prolazila kroz pobunjeni teritorij ubili itary chief of staff, showed up in the occupied area of
nekoliko hrvatskih građana, a pet ih je zarobljeno i western Slavonia, stayed there from April 25 to April 27
ubrzo pušteno. Autocesta je potom zatvorena, a 18. and raised tensions a few notches up again. The bad sit-
korpus SVK-a izvršio je mobilizaciju i doveden je u sta- uation got significantly worse when, at a gas station in
nje pune borbene spremnosti. Zahtjev UNCRO-a da Nova Gradiška, a Croat killed, in revenge for the murder
se cesta otvori, pobunjeni Srbi nisu ispunili. Hrvatsko of his brother, a Serb from the occupied area with whom
je vrhovništvo tada odlučilo oružjem riješiti problem he had grown up in the same village. The rebel Serbs re-
zapadne Slavonije te je zapovjedilo da počnu završne taliated on the night of April 28-29 by killing a number
pripreme za operaciju Bljesak.892 of Croatian citizens who were driving on the stretch of
Cilj operacije Bljesak bio je razbiti srpske snage i the highway that passed through the occupied territory.
osloboditi okupirano područje zapadne Slavonije, iz- The Serbs took five more Croatian citizens prisoner but
biti na rijeku Savu i prijeći u obranu na njoj. Operacija released them shortly afterwards. The highway was then
je počela 1. svibnja 1995., a već dan kasnije glavni- closed for traffic again and the SVK’s XVIII Corps con-
na srpskih snaga je bila poražena ili odbačena preko ducted mobilization and raised its combat readiness to
Save na teritorij BiH. Okružene srpske snage blizu the highest level. UNCRO demanded from the Serbs to
Pakraca predale su se 4. svibnja. Operacijom Bljesak open the highway for traffic. The Serbs refused. At that
hrvatske snage oslobodile su zapadnu Slavoniju – UN point the Croatian leadership decided to solve the prob-
sektor Zapad (oko 600 km2) i ostvarile sve zadane ci- lem of western Slavonia by military action and ordered
ljeve. U operaciji su poginula 42 i ranjena 162 pripad- the Croatian Army to start preparing for Operation Flash.
nika Hrvatske vojske i policije (devetorica su preminu- The aim of Operation Flash was to defeat the Serb
forces and liberate the occupied area of western Slavo-
nia, reach the Sava River and establish a defensive line
892 D. MARIJAN, Novska u Domovinskom ratu, 385-388. along the river. The operation began on May 1, 1995. It


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Sanitet i Crveni križ RH odmah su pružali zdravstvenu skrb stari- Predaja zapovjednika 51. (pakračke) pješačke brigade 18. korpu-
jim i nemoćnim Srbima; sela iznad Pakraca, svibanj 1995. godine sa Srpske vojske Krajine potpukovnika Steve Harambašića i Vel-
(autor fotografije: Toni Hnojčik). jka Džakule, jednog od vođa srpske pobune protiv demokratski
izabrane vlasti RH, zapovjedniku hrvatske policije Nikoli Ivkancu
The Medical Corps of the Croatian Army Red Cross of the Re- u popodnevnim satima 4. svibnja 1995. na Gavrinici ponad Pakra-
public of Croatia provided health care to elderly and disabled ca (autor fotografije: Toni Hnojčik).
Serbs without hesitation; villages above Pakrac, May, 1995 (Pho-
tograph by Toni Hnojčik). Colonel Stevo Harambašić, the commander of the 51st (Pakrac)
Infantry Brigade of the 18th “SVK” Corps, and Veljko Džakula,
one of the leaders of the Serbian rebellion against the demo-
cratically elected government of the Republic of Croatia, sur-
render to the commander of the Croatian police forces Nikola
Ivkanec, on the afternoon of May 4, 1995, at Gavrinica (above
Pakrac); Photograph by Toni Hnojčik.
Pripadnici 125. domobranske pukovnije Novska na ulazu u Jase-
novac (zapovjednik 2. bojne Ivica Čaja, razgovara Motorolom,
malo kasnije pogiba od neprijateljskog rafala), 1. svibnja 1995.
godine (autor fotografija: Željko Gašparović).
Povratak prognanih Hrvata na zgarišta svojih kuća, zapadna Sla-
vonija, svibanj 1995. (nakon operacije „Bljesak“).
Soldiers from the 125th Home Guard Novska Regiment enter
Jasenovac, May 1, 1995. (The commander of the 2nd Battalion,
When the Serbs occupied western Slavonia they forcibly ex-
Ivica Čaja, talks on his combat radio. Moments after the photo-
pelled most Croats from the region. The expelled Croats in the
graph was taken he was shot and killed by an enemy soldier);
photograph returned to their homes after Operation Flash only
Photographs by Željko Gašparović.
to find their houses destroyed, western Slavonia, May 1995.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

la nakon operacije od posljedica ranjavanja), a gubici took the Croatian forces only a day to soundly defeat
srpskih snaga procjenjuju se na oko 350 - 450 mrtvih i the Serb forces. Some Serb troops managed to retreat
više od 1000 ranjenih.893 across the Sava River to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The
Za odmazdu, raketama „zemlja-zemlja“ s oku- encircled Serb forces near Pakrac surrendered on May 4.
piranog područja Banovine srpske snage gađale su With Operation Flash the Croatian Army liberated west-
Zagreb i pogodile Dječju bolnicu, Hrvatsko narodno ern Slavonia – UN Sector West (about 600 km2) and ac-
kazalište, Akademiju dramskih umjetnosti i druge ci- complished all the objectives. 42 HV soldiers and police
vilne objekte u središtu grada. Pritom je ubijeno sed- officers were killed and 162 wounded in the operation (9
mero, a ranjeno najmanje 176 civila. Tijekom i nakon of them succumbing to their wounds after surgical pro-
operacije Bljesak, hrvatske vlasti osigurale su huma- cedures). The Serb losses are estimated at 350-450 killed
ni postupak i sva građanska prava srpskom stanov- and more than 1,000 wounded.
ništvu, a pripadnicima srpskih postrojbi zajamčena In retaliation, the Serbs launched ground-to-ground
je primjena Zakona o oprostu. Unatoč tomu, većina missiles from the occupied area in Banovina at Zagreb.
stanovnika srpske narodnosti na okupiranom dijelu The missiles hit the Children’s Hospital, a high school,
zapadne Slavonije napustila je to područje uoči i ti- the Academy of Dramatic Arts and other civilian tar-
jekom operacije Bljesak. Pod golemim pritiskom srp- gets, killing seven and wounding at least 176 civilians.
skoga vodstva i uz prijetnju nastavka bombardiranja During and after Operation Flash, the Croatian authori-
Zagreba, UN je potom organizirao operaciju Sigurni ties secured all civil rights and humane treatment for the
prolaz, kojom je najveći dio preostaloga stanovništva Serbian population, and also implemented the Law on
srpske narodnosti napustio zapadnu Slavoniju.894 Abolition of Criminal Prosecution and Criminal Proceed-
ings for Criminal Acts Perpetrated in the Armed Conflicts
POLITIČKO I SIGURNOSNO and in the War Against the Republic of Croatia with re-
gard to all members of Serb military units. Despite this,
STANJE U RSK most Serbs from western Slavonia fled the area imme-
diately prior to and during Operation Flash. The Serb
U vrijeme oslobađanja zapadne Slavonije RSK je
leadership put a lot of pressure on the UN to organize
proživljavao tešku političku i gospodarsku krizu. Pot-
transport for the fleeing Serbs, reinforcing the pressure
pisivanje Gospodarskoga sporazuma s Hrvatskom
by threatening new rocket attacks on Zagreb. The UN
u Zagrebu 2. prosinca 1994., bez obzira na različita
caved in and organized Operation Safe Passage. During
tumačenja, bilo je znak slabosti te paradržave. Spora-
that operation the majority of the remaining Serb popu-
zumom se reguliralo pitanje korištenja vode, električ-
lation in western Slavonia left the region.
ne energije, autoceste i naftovoda. Ubrzo potom, 21.
prosinca, za slobodan promet otvorena je autocesta
Zagreb – Beograd. Njezino otvaranje djelovalo je po-
razno na moral stanovništva i vojske krajinskih Srba. SITUATION IN THE RSK
Omogućilo je porast krijumčarenja, a otvorilo je vrata
hrvatskoj promidžbi.895 Vojničkim uspjesima na Dinari When the Croatian Army launched Operation Flash,
i Livanjskom polju ona je postala ozbiljna prijetnja za the RSK was experiencing a serious political and eco-
moral krajinskih Srba, koji je GŠ SVK početkom srpnja nomic crisis. There are many explanations as to why the
1995. opisao mračnim tonovima: “Mnogi borci i njiho- statelet signed the Economic Agreement with Croatia.
Hard evidence, however, shows that the act of signing
the Economic Agreement on December 2, 1994, was
a show of weakness on the part of the RSK. The agree-
893 I. BRIGOVIĆ, „Osvrt na operaciju 'Bljesak'”, 64; D. MARI- ment regulated the issue of usage of water, electricity,
JAN, Domovinski rat, 330-335.
highway and the oil pipeline. Shortly after the signing of
894 Ante NAZOR, Velikosrpska agresija na Hrvatsku 1990-ih / the agreement, on December 21, the Zagreb-Belgrade
Greater-Serbian Aggression on Croatia in the 90's, HMD-
CDR, Zagreb, 2011., 167-168. highway was open for traffic. The opening of the high-
way had a devastating effect on the morale of the Serb
895 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 335.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

ve porodice su očajni, razočarani i gladni.”896 population and the army of the Krajina Serbs. It dramati-
Politička scena RSK bila je burna. Aktualni premi- cally increased the instances of smuggling and exposed
jer Borislav Mikelić bio je izložen nizu napada jer je the Serbian population to the Croatian media reports.
dio političkih snaga u njemu vidio eksponenta Slo- These reports, after the Croatian military successes on
bodana Miloševića koji čini sve da Krajina “ostane u Dinara and the Livno field, became a serious threat to
okviru granica nekadašnje Socijalističke Republike the morale of the Krajina Serbs. The General Staff of the
Hrvatske”. Nakon Bljeska njegov je položaj postao ne- Serbian Army of Krajina, at the beginning of July, 1995,
održiv jer se suzdržano ponašanje Savezne Republike described the situation in dire terms: “Many fighters and
Jugoslavije držalo izdajom. Konačno, 29. svibnja Mi- their families are desperate, disappointed and hungry.”
kelić je smijenjen jer se usprotivio ujedinjenju RSK i The political arena within the RSK was volatile. The
RS-a. Ujedinjenju se usprotivilo i vodstvo pobunjenih Prime Minister, Borislav Mikelić, was exposed to a series
Srba u istočnoj Slavoniji, Baranji i zapadnom Srijemu. of attacks because some political factions perceived
Ono je osnovalo Koordinacioni odbor pet općina, na him as a puppet of Milošević, who was determined to
čijem je čelu bio Goran Hadžić. Na političku scenu vra- “keep Krajina within the borders of the former Social-
tio se Milan Babić, čija je Vlada prihvaćena 27. srpnja ist Republic of Croatia”. After Operation Flash, his posi-
u Topuskom.897 U GŠ-u SVK-a predviđali su “da će izbor tion became untenable because, according to popular
nove vlade i odlazak kompromitovanih ličnosti tako- opinion and sentiment, Serbia’s reserved attitude was
đe doneti bar malo jedinstva i političke sloge”.898 viewed as treason. Finally, on May 29, Mikelić was sacked
Drugi niz problema koji je mučio Krajinu bio je because he was against a union between the RS and the
odnos s međunarodnom zajednicom. Predsjednik RH RSK. The leadership of the rebel Serbs in Eastern Slavo-
Franjo Tuđman upoznao je 12. siječnja 1995. javnost s nia, Baranja and western Sirmium also opposed such a
odlukom da Republika Hrvatska s danom 31. ožujka union. The leadership of the rebel Serbs there formed
otkazuje gostoprimstvo UNPROFOR-u. U pismu Bo- the Coordination Commission of the five municipalities,
utrosu Boutrosu Ghaliju Tuđman je naglasio da otka- at whose helm was Goran Hadžić. Milan Babić returned
zivanje mandata UNPROFOR-u ne znači odustajanje to politics and his government was accepted on July 27
od mirnog rješenja sukoba s pobunjenim Srbima, in Topusko. At the General Staff of the Serbian Army of
nego nastojanje da se do dogovora dođe izravnim Krajina the officers predicted that “the new government
pregovorima Zagreba i Knina.899 and the exit of the compromised characters from the
Nakon vojnih uspjeha Hrvatske vojske na područ- political scene will bring at least some unity and polit-
ju Dinare krajem 1994. i početkom 1995. područje ical harmony”.
Kninske krajine našlo se ugroženo s Dinare i Livanjsko- Krajina was also plagued by a whole plethora of
ga polja, s teritorija koji je do tada bio u sastavu Re- problems arising from the statelet’s relationship with
publike Srpske. Pritisnuti istom opasnošću, krajinski the international community. The president of Croatia,
i bosanskohercegovački Srbi osnovali su 20. veljače Franjo Tuđman, announced to the public on January
1995. zajednički Savjet narodne obrane.900 U mjeseci- 12, 1995, that Croatia would cancel UNPROFOR’s man-
ma koji su slijedili njegovo djelovanje nije se vidjelo. date on March 31. In a letter to Boutros Boutros-Ghali,
U svibnju 1995. Republika Srpska Krajina „skraćena“ je Tuđman emphasized that cancelling UNPROFOR’s man-
za okupirani dio u zapadnoj Slavoniji, što je bio težak date did not mean giving up on trying to find a peaceful
solution to the rebel Serbs issue, but an honest attempt
to reach an accommodation by direct talks between Za-
896 HMDCDR: GŠSV RSK, Vanredni operativni izveštaj str.
pov. br. 3-412 od 9. 7. 1995. greb and Knin.
897 N. BARIĆ, Srpska pobuna, 480-486. After the Croatian Army’s successes on Dinara at the
end of 1994 and beginning of 1995, the Kninska Krajina
898 HMDCDR: GŠSV RSK, Vanredni operativni izveštaj str.
pov. br. 3-412 od 9. 7. 1995. found itself threatened from Dinara and the Livno field,
899 Otkaz mandata UNPROFOR-u: Treća obljetnica međuna-
a territory that had been, up to that point, a part of the
rodnog priznanja Republike Hrvatske, MORH, Politička Republika Srpska. Faced with that danger, the Krajina
uprava, Zagreb, 1995., 12-18. Serbs and Bosnian Serbs formed, on February 20, the
900 D. RADIŠIĆ, Hronologija događaja, 539. Joint National Defense Council. In the months that fol-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

udarac za nju. Njezin predsjednik Milan Martić poža- lowed, however, the Council did not do anything con-
lio se nakon nekoliko dana predsjedniku Republike structive. In May, 1995, the RSK lost its part of western
Srbije Slobodanu Miloševiću da Slavonia. The loss of western Slavonia was a hard pill to
„tragedija koja je zadesila srpski narod najnovi- swallow for the Krajina Serbs. The president of the RSK,
jom agresijom Hrvatske na zapadnu Slavoniju ima Milan Martić, complained, a few days after western Sla-
teške i nesagledive posljedice po rješenje cjeloku- vonia had been lost, to Slobodan Milošević, that
pnog srpskog pitanja. Ne samo da je izgubljen teri- “the tragedy that has befallen the Serb nation as a
torij i ne samo da je stradalo na stotine civila, ono što result of this newest Croatian aggression against west-
u ovom času užasa nespokoj čini još i većim je toliko ern Slavonia will have dire and profound consequences
prošireno uvjerenje kod naroda da je srpsko pitanje in relation to solving the Serb issue in its entirety. Not
izdano, i to od strane samih Srba. Duž cijele Krajine širi only has territory been lost, not only have hundreds of
se glas o njenoj predaji; ljudi sa nevjericom konstatu- civilians lost everything, but what at this time of horrors
ju da nas je zaboravila i Srbija i Republika Srpska. U is the source of the greatest anxiety is the wide-spread
mnogim selima i gradovima narod se pakuje i sprema belief among people that the Serb cause has been be-
za iseljavanje”.901 trayed, and betrayed by Serbs themselves. The length
Nakon operacije Bljesak i razbijanja 18. korpusa, and breadth of Krajina there are rumors of its impend-
pobunjeni Srbi poduzeli su niz mjera da srede stanje ing surrender; people conclude, with disbelief, that both
u vojsci Krajine. Generala M. Čeleketića zamijenio je Serbia and RS have abandoned us. In many villages and
general-potpukovnik Mile Mrkšić. On je poboljšao towns people are packing, getting ready to flee.”
stegu u vojsci i pokušao spriječiti rašireni šverc s pro- After Operation Flash and the defeat of XVIII Corps,
tivnikom. Ustroj SVK-a dopunio je osnivanjem pro- the rebel Serbs implemented a number of measures to
fesionalnoga Korpusa specijalnih jedinica. Mrkšić je improve the poor state of the Army of Krajina. Gener-
krajem lipnja 1995. tvrdio da nova organizacija SVK-a al Čeleketić was replaced by Lieutenant General Mile
treba završiti početkom listopada iste godine. Od 1. Mrkšić. He improved military discipline in the army and
lipnja 1995. počela je mobilizacija vojnih obveznika u tried to put a stop to the widespread smuggling prob-
SR Jugoslaviji koji su nakon 17. kolovoza 1990. napu- lem. He formed Professional Special Forces Corps, thus
stili RSK. Očekivalo se ljudstvo za dvije lake brigade. giving the SVK an additional dimension. At the end of
Prioritet popune bio je po redoslijedu: KSJ, 15., 7., 39. June, 1995, he insisted that the process of reorganiz-
i 21. korpus. Ta je akcija imala kratkotrajne učinke: već ing the SVK should be satisfactorily completed by the
je početkom srpnja bila u opadanju i s manjim bro- beginning of October that same year. On June 1, 1995,
jem vojnih obveznika no što se očekivalo. Uz to su se in Yugoslavia, the mobilization of those conscripts who
sinovi povlaštenih i dužnosnika RSK uglavnom uspi- had left the RSK after August 17, 1990, got under way.
jevali izvući od regrutiranja u SVK. Na Vidovdan 28. The army authorities expected to conscript enough men
lipnja 1995. na vojnom poligonu kod Slunja održan for two light brigades. The replacement priority was as
je mimohod na kojem je predstavljen Korpus speci- follows. KSJ, XV, VII, XXXIX, XXI Corps. This mobilization
jalnih jedinica. Mimohod je bio glavni dio “Vidovdan- did not have much effect; already at the beginning of
ske smotre”, čija je svrha bila podizanje morala vojsci i July it was clear that the mobilization had, for all intents
stanovništvu. U SVK-u se tvrdilo da je smotra ispunila and purposes, failed. The number of conscripted men
očekivanja i da su u Hrvatskoj ozbiljno uzimali u obzir was lower than expected. Most of the sons of RSK offi-
osnivanje Korpusa specijalnih jedinica.902 cers and privileged persons dodged mobilization. On St.
Vitus Day (Vidovdan), on June 28, 1995, at the Slunj mil-
itary training grounds formal military parade presenting
the Special Forces Corps was held. The parade was the
main attraction of the “Feast of St. Vitus”. The purpose of
901 USMKSMP: Molba Predsjednika Republike RSK od 6. 4.
1995. Iz konteksta dokumenta razvidan je pogrešan nad-
the event was to raise the morale of the army and popu-
nevak. Pismo identičnog sadržaja dostavljeno je i pred- lation. The SVK claimed that the event fulfilled expecta-
sjedniku Savezne Republike Jugoslavije Zoranu Liliću. tions and that Croatia noted with concern the formation
902 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 336-337. of Special Forces Corps.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Od jeseni 1994. do početka svibnja 1995. i ope- In the period from fall, 1994, until the beginning of
racije Bljesak srpske su snage bilježile poraz za pora- May, 1995, and until the beginning of Operation Flash,
zom u sukobima s hrvatskim snagama. Nakon Bljeska the Serbian forces suffered one defeat after another at
im je trebao brz i dojmljiv uspjeh za poljuljani moral. the hands of Croatian forces. After Operation Flash, the
To je očito bio povod za napad 1. krajiškog korpusa Serbs desperately needed a quick and impressive mil-
na Orašje, koje je još od 1992. bilo visoko na listi pri- itary success to bolster their shaken morale. This con-
oriteta VRS-a. Operacija je obrazložena procjenom da sideration, more than any other, was behind I Krajina
su po oslobađanju zapadne Slavonije hrvatske snage Corps’s attack on Orašje. Orašje had been high on the
prestrojene na području Županje, Vukovara i Đakova VRS’s priority list since 1992. The operation was based
radi presijecanja „Koridora“ i odvajanja snaga 1. KK-a on the assumption that the bulk of the Croatian forces,
od ostalih snaga VRS-a i SRJ. Da se to onemogući, after the completion of Operation Flash, had been de-
planiralo se razbijanje hrvatskih snaga na području ployed in the Županja, Vukovar and Đakovo areas for the
Orašja, izlazak na Savu i organiziranje obrane na de- purpose of cutting the “corridor” and separating I Krajina
snoj obali rijeke. Operacija je nazvana Plamen-95. Po- Corps from the rest of the VRS and SRY forces. To foil that
čela je 5. svibnja napadom na snage HVO-a u Orašju, a supposed plan, the rebel Serbs intended to destroy the
posljednji jači napad izveden je 21. svibnja, s tim da je Croatian forces in the Orašje area, reach the Sava River
VRS povremeno napadao još 20-ak dana. Ništa od pla- and form a defensive line alone the right bank. The op-
niranih ciljeva srpske snage nisu realizirale. Umjesto eration was codenamed Plamen-95 (Flame-95). It started
potrebne samopotvrde, VRS je potvrdio samo da se on May 5 with an attack on the HVO forces in Orašje. The
neuspjesima u sukobima s hrvatskim snagama ne vidi last serious attack was mounted on May 21, but the VRS
kraj. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane imalo je u ZP-u Orašje oko continued to launch small-scale attacks for the next 20
6000 ljudi u 4. gardijskoj brigadi i 106., 201. i 202. dp-u. or so days. The Serb forces failed to achieve any of the
Po nekim procjenama, VRS je imao oko 8000 ljudi, od objectives. Instead of achieving a victory and restoring
kojih oko 2000 iz postrojbi za napadna djelovanja.903 the fledgling morale of its troops, the VRS only made the
already bad situation worse. The HVO had about 6,000
OPERACIJA SKOK-2 men in Military District Orašje – in the 4th Guards Brigade
and the 106th, 201st and 202nd Home Guard Regiments.
Nakon oslobađanja zapadne Slavonije hrvatske According to some estimates, the VRS had 8,000 men,
su snage izvele novu operaciju u jugozapadnoj Bosni. 2,000 of them in units slated for offensive roles.
Nastavile su napredovanje na smjeru Livno – Bosansko
Grahovo u operaciji Skok-2. Cilj operacije bio je zauzeti
cijelo Livanjsko polje i tako spojiti snage na oba ope-
racijska pravca u polju, odbaciti srpske snage prema Having liberated Western Slavonia, the Croatian
Bosanskom Grahovu i Glamoču i oba grada staviti u do- forces launched another operation in southwest Bos-
met dalekometnoga topništva. U napadu je angažirana nia. The Croats continued to advance along the Livno
4. gardijska brigada HV-a, 3. gardijska brigada HVO-a, – Bosansko Grahovo line during Operation Leap-2. The
126. dp HV-a, 1. hrvatski gardijski zdrug, dio 1. gardijske objective of the operation was to capture the Livno
brigade HV-a, snage Specijalne policije MUP-a HR Her- field and thus link the troops moving on both axes of
ceg-Bosne i 264. izvidničko-diverzantska satnija HV-a.904 advance on the Livno field. Throw back the Serbian forc-
es towards Bosansko Grahovo and Glamoč and advance
towards both towns so as to place then within artillery
903 GSHVO, Sumarno dnevno izvješće kl. 818-01/95-02/12, range. The 4th Guards Brigade of the Croatian Army, 3rd
ur. br. 02-10-06/03-95-148 od 5. 5. 1995.; Balkan Battle- Guards Brigade of the HVO, the 126th Home Guard Reg-
grounds, I, 298; D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 337-339.
iment of the HV, 1st Guards Corps, elements of the 1st
904 A. GOTOVINA, Napadajni bojevi i operacije, 45-46; 1. gar-
dijska brigada HV – Tigrovi, 395-397.
Guards Brigade of the HV, Special Police of the MUP HR


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Operacijom, koja je uspješno izvedena od 4. do 11. HB and 264th Reconnaissance-Commando Company of

lipnja 1995., hrvatske snage realizirale su postavljene the Croatian Army participated in the operation.
ciljeve, zauzele prostor širine 30 i dubine 15 kilometara, The operation lasted from June 4 to June 11, 1995,
odnosno površine oko 450 km2. Tijekom operacije po- and ended in a Croatian victory. The Croat forces
ginula su četiri, a ranjena 34 vojnika hrvatskih snaga, od achieved all the objectives set by the planners of the
kojih 15 teže.905 operation, captured an area 30 kilometers deep and 15
Nakon operacije hrvatske snage (1. hrvatski gar- kilometers wide –about 450 square kilometers. During
dijski zdrug, ojačana 1. bojna 1. gardijske brigade HV-a the operation, the Croatian forces lost 4 men killed,
i Specijalna policija MUP-a HR HB) su do kraja lipnja i and 34 wounded, 15 of them seriously.
početka srpnja 1995. napravile manje pomake na sje- After the operation the Croatian forces (1st Croatian
veroistočnom dijelu planine Staretine na smjeru pre- Guards Corps, reinforced 1st Battalion of the 1st Guards
ma Glamočkom polju. Od kraja lipnja do druge polo- Brigade of the Croatian Army and special purpose unit
vine srpnja 1995. hrvatske snage na livanjskom dijelu of MUP HR HB) gained some ground, by the end of
bojišta bile su u djelatnoj obrani. U tom je razdoblju June, 1995, and beginning of July, on the northeastern
težište obrane bilo na području planina Dinare i Šator, part of Mount Staretina in the direction of the Glamoč
a pomoćne su snage držane na smjeru Livanjsko po- field. From the end of June until the second half of July,
lje – Glamoč. Cilj je bio zadržati taktičku inicijativu u 1995, the Croatian forces conducted active defense in
odnosu na srpske snage i sustavno ih iscrpljivati radi the Livno area. During this period the defense pivoted
stvaranja uvjeta za prijelaz u napad prema Bosanskom on the positions in the Dinara area and Mount Šator
Grahovu i Glamoču.906 area. Supporting forces were deployed in the direction
of the Livno field – Glamoč. The aim was to retain the
PONIŽAVANJE UNPROFOR-a tactical initiative in relation to the Serb forces and wear
them systematically down so as to create favorable
I SNAGE ZA BRZO conditions for mounting an attack towards Bosansko
DJELOVANJE Grahovo and Glamoč.

U svibnju 1995. Vojska Republike Srpske obnovila je

topničke napade na zaštićena područja. Uz to su njezini
pripadnici iz jednoga skladišta UNPROFOR-a kod Sara- AND RRF
jeva oteli nekoliko topničkih oruđa. UNPROFOR je tražio
da se to oružje vrati, a topnički napadi na zaštićena po- In May, 1995, the VRS renewed its artillery attacks
dručja prekinu. Kada VRS nije udovoljio zahtjevu, zrako- on protected areas. VRS soldiers also broke into one
plovi NATO-a napali su 25. svibnja srpsko skladište kod UNPROFOR depot near Sarajevo and took off with a
Pala. Napad je ponovljen idućega dana. Srbi su odgo- few artillery pieces. UNPROFOR demanded that the
vorili uhićenjem oko 300 pripadnika UNPROFOR-a, koje artillery pieces be returned and the artillery attacks
su koristili kao živi štit od tih napada. Od vatre srpskoga on the protected areas be stopped. The VRS ignored
topništva po gradovima 26. svibnja u Tuzli je ubijen 71 the demands and NATO aircraft attacked a Serb ware-
civil, a ranjeno ih je oko 150.907 house at Pale on May 25. The following day NATO air-
U jednom od zračnih napada VRS je 2. lipnja srušio craft attacked again. The Serbs reacted by arresting
američki lovac-bombarder F-16, od čijeg je spašavanja about 300 members of UNPROFOR, using them as a
napravljena medijska predstava. Srbi su polako uz pre- human shield from further aerial attacks. Serb artillery
killed 71 civilians in Tuzla and wounded around 150
on May 26.
905 A. GOTOVINA, Napadajni bojevi i operacije, 50, 187; 1. hr- On June 2 the VRS managed to shoot down an
vatski gardijski zdrug, Ministarstvo obrane Republike Hr-
vatske, Glavni stožer Oružanih snaga RH, Zagreb, 2011., American F-16 fighter bomber. The Serb media hyped
179-183. up the event for all it was worth, and more. Negotia-
906 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 338-339. tions for the release of the UNPROFOR hostages were
ongoing and the Serbs were releasing one small group
907 Kronologija rata, 483.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

govore oslobađali dio po dio talaca, ne obazirući se na of hostages at a time, completely ignoring the con-
osudu Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a donesenu 9. lipnja. U vrhu demnation contained in the UN Security Council’s res-
Vijeća sigurnosti odlučeno je da mirovne snage ostanu olution adopted on June 9. The UN Security Council
u BiH, ali da se ojačaju radi uspješne provedbe misije. decided to keep the peacekeepers in Bosnia and Her-
To su ojačanje bile Snage za brzo djelovanje (Rapid Re- zegovina and also to reinforce them for the purpose
action Force – RRF), koje su UNPROFOR-u trebale dati of enabling them to accomplish their mission. These
mnogo učinkovitiju zaštitu i osigurati zaštićene zone u reinforcements materialized in the form of the Rapid
istočnoj Bosni. Njihova je organizacija tekla usporeno, Reaction Force (RRF). The RRF was supposed to provide
a uz to su politički čelnici Hrvata u BiH Krešimir Zubak adequate protection to UNPROFOR and secure the
i Jadranko Prlić tražili da im se pobliže objasni njihov protected zones in eastern Bosnia. The process of orga-
mandat i da se za njihovo upućivanje potpiše poseban nizing the RRF, however, was slow and the Croats’ polit-
sporazum. Neki bošnjački autori drže da je zbog toga ical leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Krešimir Zubak
kasnio dolazak RRF-a i da je počeo djelovati u drugoj and Jadranko Prlić demanded that the mandate of the
polovini kolovoza, nakon što je VRS uništio bošnjačke RRF be explained in detail to them and that a sepa-
enklave u istočnoj Bosni. S druge strane, neki hrvatski rate agreement in relation to the RRF’s deployment be
autori drže da je svrha RRF-a bila razmještaj na Dinari signed. Some Bosniak historians claim that the deploy-
i blokada hrvatskih snaga dok VRS ne zauzme bihaćki ment of the RRF was delayed on account of the Croats’
džep i da je to spriječio vrh HR Herceg-Bosne.908 political leaders obstructing tactics and point out the
fact that the RRF was deployed only after the VRS had
BOŠNJAČKO-SRPSKE BORBE eliminated the Bosniaks’ enclaves in eastern Bosnia, in
the second half of August. On the other hand, some
U LJETO 1995. Croatian historians are of the opinion that the RRF was
to be deployed on Dinara for the purpose of putting
Nakon što je 7. korpus ARBiH osvojio Vlašić i odbio
the Croatian forces there under blockade until the VRS
srpske protunapade, borbi je bilo i u zonama drugih kor-
had captured the Bihać pocket. These historians claim
pusa. U prvoj polovini lipnja 1. korpus je u sukobima s
that the political leadership of the HR HB prevented
Hercegovačkim korpusom VRS-a osvajao i gubio značaj-
that scenario from taking place.
ne kote na Treskavici. U zoni 2. korpusa od druge polovi-
ne ožujka do početka svibnja vodile su se borbe oko rele-
ja na Stolicama, koje su završile povratkom srpskih snaga BATTLES BETWEEN THE
na prvobitne položaje. Korpus je više uspjeha imao u BOSNIAKS AND SERBS IN
borbama s Drinskim korpusom VRS-a na zvorničkom THE SUMMER OF 1995
pravcu, gdje je u prvoj polovini svibnja zauzeo nekoliko
dominantnih kota. U lipnju je 2. korpus imao izvjesne po- After the ARBIH VII Corps captured Vlašić and re-
make na majevičkom i kalesijskom dijelu bojišta. Snage pulsed Serb counterattacks, fighting flared up in the
3. korpusa ARBiH napravile su krajem svibnja pomak na areas of responsibility of other Corps. In the first half
ozrenskom bojištu, na smjeru prema Vozući.909 of June, I Corps fought a number of battles with the
U vrijeme talačke krize ARBiH privodila je kraju VRS Herzegovina Corps. A number of important posi-
pripreme za novi pokušaj deblokade Sarajeva - Opera- tions in Treskavica changed hands multiple times. In
ciju T, za koju su uz snage 1. korpusa u gradu i okolici the area of responsibility of II Corps heavy fighting last-
prikupljeni i dijelovi 7., 3. i 4. korpusa, ukupno 34.000 ed from the second half of March until the beginning
ljudi. Operacija je počela 15. lipnja i nakon početnih of May. The fighting revolved around the radio-relay
tower in Stolice and ended with the Serbs ending up in
908 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, II, 122-124; Davor DOMAZET their starting positions. The corps was more successful
LOŠO, Hrvatski domovinski rat 1991.–1995.: strateški po- fighting against the VRS Drina Corps in the direction
gled, Udruga Hrvatski identitet i prosperitet – Matica
hrvatska, Ogranak Sinj, Zagreb, 2010., 370-371.
of Zvornik, where, in the first half of May the Bosniaks
captured a number of dominant hills. In June, II Corps
909 HMDCDR: Komanda 2. KK, Informacija str. pov. br. 9-135
od 16. 5. 1995.; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, II, 125-126. made some headway in the Majevica and Kalesija ar-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

uspjeha završila neuspjehom, odnosno manjim teri- eas. The ARBIH III Corps scored some successes in the
torijalnim pomacima na pravcu Kalinovika u srpnju, Ozren area, in the direction of Vozuća.
kada je dio snaga 4. korpusa preusmjeren na taj pra- At the time of the hostage crisis the ARBIH was put-
vac radi odvlačenja srpskih snaga koje su napale Sre- ting the finishing touches on its preparations for a new
brenicu. Operacija je nakon 45 dana završila krajem attempt to lift the blockade of Sarajevo. The operation
srpnja. U njoj je ARBiH imala oko 300 poginulih i 600 was codenamed Operation T. The forces assigned to
teško ranjenih pripadnika.910 carry out the operation were as follows: I Corps in the
city and surrounding areas, elements of VII, III and IV
Srebrenica i Žepa Corps with a total of 34,000 men. The operation com-
menced on June 15 and after a number of minor initial
U proljeće 1993. Srebrenica i Žepa postale su successes ended in failure. The ARBIH did gain some
demilitarizirane i zaštićene zone UN-a. U Srebrenici ground in the direction of Kalinovik in July, when ele-
je zaštitna postrojba bila Nizozemska bojna UNPRO- ments of IV Corps were deployed there for the purpose
FOR-a. Bošnjački su predstavnici stalno prigovarali of relieving Serb pressure on Srebrenica. The opera-
UNPROFOR-u da ne izvršava svoje obveze i da Srbi tion lasted 45 days and ended towards the end of July.
sustavno krše potpisano primirje. Početkom 1995. The ARBIH lost about 300 killed and about 600 heavily
OG-8 iz Srebrenice preustrojena je u 28. diviziju, u čiji wounded soldiers.
je sastav ušla i brigada iz Žepe. Zbog obveza iz spo-
razuma o demilitarizaciji te su postrojbe bile samo Srebrenica and Žepa
blijeda sjena vojne formacije. U Srebrenici je stanje
bilo loše i zbog neslaganja između dužnosnika i in- In the spring of 1993, Srebrenica and Žepa became
stitucija vlasti. Uz to je komandant 28. divizije Naser demilitarized and protected UN zones. In Srebrenica
Orić bio u Tuzli na Ratnoj školi. Početkom svibnja the UN unit tasked with protecting the civilians was
pojačane su srpske provokacije i prikupljanje snaga the Dutch Battalion of UNPROFOR. The Bosniak rep-
oko Srebrenice. Zauzimanje Srebrenice bio je zada- resentatives constantly warned that UNPROFOR was
tak Drinskoga korpusa VRS-a s ojačanjima, a nazvan not fulfilling its obligations and that the Serbs were
je Krivaja-95. Napad na Srebrenicu počeo je 6. srpnja violating the truce on a regular basis. At the begin-
i bio je potpuno iznenađenje za ARBiH. Na zahtjev dr- ning of 1995, OG-8 from Srebrenica was reformed as
žavnih tijela RBiH, UNPROFOR je VRS-u uputio ultima- the 28th Division. The Žepa Brigade was incorporated
tum u kojem je tražio povlačenje iz zaštićene zone i into the 28th Division. Due to the agreement’s stipu-
zaprijetio zračnim udarima. Srbi su odbili ultimatum, lations regarding demilitarization the 28th Division
zračni su udari izostali, a Srebrenica je bez napora was only nominally a military formation. The bad sit-
zauzeta 11. srpnja. Manji dio ljudstva 28. divizije us- uation in Srebrenica was further exacerbated because
pio se uz borbu probiti do Tuzle, a preostalo odraslo there were divisions and discord among the various
muško stanovništvo srpske su snage pobile u zločinu governmental institutions and officials there. The fact
(procjene su oko 8000 prema podacima Memorijal- that the commander of the 28th Division, Naser Orić,
nog centra u Potočarima), koji je međunarodno pra- was not even there but in some capacity at the War
vosuđe okarakteriziralo kao genocid. Civile su srpske College in Tuzla also played a part in the upcoming
snage prevezle do Kladnja, čime je Srebrenica potpu- disaster. At the beginning of May the Serbs stepped
no očišćena od Bošnjaka.911 up their provocations and speeded up the gathering
Istovremeno s napadom na Srebrenicu, Drinski of their forces around Srebrenica. The VRS Drina Corps
je korpus 11. srpnja napao i zaštićenu enklavu Žepu. received reinforcements and was tasked with captur-
Za razliku od Srebrenice, Žepa se žilavo branila do 24. ing Srebrenica. The operation was codenamed Kriva-
srpnja, kada je pristala na pregovore sa Srbima. Ot- ja-95. The attack on Srebrenica began on July 6. The
VRS took the ARBIH completely by surprise. At the re-
quest of the official organs of the Republic of Bosnia
910 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, II, 131-132, 138-144. and Herzegovina, UNPROFOR issued an ultimatum to
911 Isto, II, 153-164. the VRS in which it demanded that the Serbs withdrew


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

por je prestao 27. srpnja, a brigada se u skupinama from the protected area and threatened the Serbs
tijekom kolovoza probijala prema snagama 2. korpu- with air strikes in case of noncompliance. The Serb re-
sa ili Srbiji. Civilno je stanovništvo u organizaciji Srba jected the ultimatum but UNPROFOR did not launch
prebačeno na teritorij pod nadzorom ARBiH.912 Tako je air strikes. The Serbs effortlessly captured Srebrenica
VRS tri godine nakon usvajanja strategijskih ciljeva, s on July 11. A small number of soldiers from the 28th
iznimkom Goražda, gotovo realizirao jedan od njih – Division managed to fight their way to safety in Tuzla.
„čišćenje“ Podrinja. The Serbs then proceeded to murder all the male Mus-
lims in Srebrenica (according to the Memorial center
DRUGA BIHAĆKA KRIZA – in Potočari some 8,000 men). The International Court
of Justice characterized the massacre as genocide. The
Serbs transported the remaining civilians to Kladanj.
With that, Srebrenica had been completely ethnically
Mogućnost da se Hrvatska vojska spoji sa snagama
cleansed of Bosniaks.
5. korpusa ARBiH u bihaćkom džepu stalno se razmatra-
Drina Corps also attacked the protected enclave
la u SVK-u i VRS-u. Nakon što su hrvatske snage oslobo-
of Žepa on July 11. Unlike Srebrenica, Žepa did not fall
dile zapadnu Slavoniju, Bihać je ponovno dobio visoko
without a vicious fight. The defenders held on until
mjesto na listi prioriteta u obje srpske vojske, napose
July 24 when they agreed to negotiate with the Serbs.
zato što je djelovanje HV-a natjeralo snage SVK-a da se
All resistance ceased on July 27 and the soldiers of the
od Bihaća okrenu prema obrani Korduna i Banovine jer
Žepa Brigade, divided in groups, fought their way to
su uočena prikupljanja većih hrvatskih snaga prema
II Corps or to Serbia during the month of August. The
tim područjima. Operativna grupa Pauk prestala je s
Serbs transported the civilian population of Žepa to
pritiskom na Bihać, što su snage 5. korpusa ARBiH isko-
the ARBIH-controlled territory. And so, three years after
ristile da počnu napadati srpske položaje. Mogućnost
adopting the strategic objectives, the VRS had finally
spajanja hrvatskih i bošnjačkih snaga na smjeru Bihać
albeit partially, because Goražde was still in Bosniak
– Bosansko Grahovo jasno se uočavala, kao i opasnost
hands, realized one of them – capturing and ethnically
od takva scenarija za Knin.913
cleansing the Podrinje region.
Pripreme za srpsku ofenzivu počele su nakon što
su se o njoj 4. srpnja 1995. dogovorili glavni štabovi
VRS-a i SVK-a. Operacija se vodila pod imenom Mač-95
za SVK, odnosno Štit-95 za VRS. Plan operacije pred- – OPERATION MAČ (SWORD)
viđao je da se 5. korpus ARBiH razbije tako da se naj- 95 (ŠTIT-SHIELD 95)
prije okruži i uništi dio njegovih snaga i da se ovlada
dijelom teritorija na kojem su bile pristalice Fikreta Ab- The SVK and the VRS strategists never ceased to
dića. Udio SVK-a bio je da preventivnom spremnošću give due consideration to the possibility that the Croa-
osigura operaciju od mogućeg napada Hrvatske voj- tian Army might link up with the ARBIH V Corps in the
ske. Za sam napad SVK je angažirao dvije operativne i Bihać pocket. After the Croatian forces had liberated
jednu taktičku skupinu, sastavljene od snaga iz 15., 21. western Slavonia, Bihać was again high on the prior-
i 39. korpusa, Korpusa specijalnih jedinica i OG-a Pauk. ity list of both Serbian armies, especially because the
Operacija je počela 19. srpnja napadom snaga SVK-a, HV’s actions had forced the SVK forces to shift their at-
a VRS se u napad uključio 23. srpnja. Srpski je pritisak tention from Bihać to Kordun and Banovina. The Serb
trajao nekoliko dana, težišno s pravca Velike Kladuše intelligence reports insisted that the HV was gathering
prema Cazinu. Prodori su bili 2 - 3 kilometra, a na ne- a significant force in those areas. OG Pauk ceased to
kim pravcima i do 15 kilometara. Zahvaljujući srpskim exert pressure on Bihać. The ARBIH V Corps was quick
uspjesima, Fikret Abdić je u Velikoj Kladuši 26. srpnja to take advantage of the development and started at-
proglasio Republiku Zapadnu Bosnu. Istoga je dana tacking Serb positions. The Serbs feared that Croatian
forces might link up with Bosnian forces in the direc-
912 Isto, II, 167-170. tion of Bihać – Bosansko Grahovo. Now that scenario
913 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 341. was not only possible, it was probable. Making things


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operacija zastala, a 28. srpnja, zbog napada hrvatskih worse for the Serbs was the fact that a similar scenario
snaga na Bosansko Grahovo, završila je jer je dio snaga seemed probable also for the Knin area.
izvučen i poslan u jugozapadnu Bosnu.914 The preparations for the upcoming Serb offensive
Komanda 5. korpusa ARBiH upoznala je 21. srp- started on July 4, 1995, when the general Staffs of the
nja 1995. Glavni stožer HV-a s podacima da je korpus SVK and the RSK decided to launch it. The SVK code-
pretrpio velike gubitke u “živoj sili i značajan gubitak named the operation Mač-95 (Sword-95) but the VRS
teritorije. […] Zalihe municije i borbenih sredstava su codenamed it Štit-95 (Shield-95). The plan called for
ispod kritičnog nivoa, te se ne može dugotrajnije su- the destruction of the ARBIH V Corps. The Serb forces
protstaviti agresoru. […] Pri ovakvom tempu napada would first encircle V Corps, then destroy some of its
agresora, može pružati organizovanu odbranu u na- forces and then gain control of the area where a large
redna dva do tri dana.”915 number of Fikret Abdić’s supporters resided. The role
O dramatičnosti situacije u Bihaću govori i pismo of the SVK was to prevent Croatian forces from mount-
načelnika bihaćke općine upućeno istoga dana pred- ing an attack in support of V Corps. The SVK employed
sjedniku RH Franji Tuđmanu: two Operational Groups and one tactical group, com-
“Vaša ekscelencijo, dugo pripremana i od strane posed of forces from XV, XXI and XXXIX Corps, Special
Srbije otvoreno potpomognuta ofanziva na bihać- Units Corps, and OG Pauk. The operation commenced
ko područje započeta je prije nekoliko dana. Glavni on July 19, when the SVK attacked. The VRS joined the
pravci napada usmjereni su iz privremeno okupiranih attack on July 23. The intensity of the Serbs’ attack re-
dijelova Republike Hrvatske, a koncentracija četnič- mained high for a few days. The focus of their efforts
kih snaga evidentirana je i na ostalim linijama u zoni was on Cazin from the direction of Velika Kladuša. The
odgovornosti Petog korpusa Armije Republike Bosne Serbs, in some places, advanced 2-3 kilometers, and in
i Hercegovine, Glavnog stožera Hrvatskog vijeća obra- others they managed to advance up to 15 kilometers.
ne Regije Bihać i Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Bi- Emboldened by these Serb successes, Fikret Abdić pro-
hać. Zbog siline artiljerijskih djelovanja stanovništvo claimed, in Velika Kladuša, on July 26, the Republic of
iz pograničnih zona se iseljava i kreće prema gradu Western Bosnia. On that same day, however, the opera-
Bihaću. Dramatičan položaj se iz sata u sat usložnjava tion stalled, and on July 28, due to Croatian attacks on
jer je humanitarna situacija još od ranije katastrofalna. Bosansko Grahovo, it ended altogether because some
Već vam je vjerojatno poznata činjenica da smo imali Serb troops had to be moved to southwest Bosnia.
prve slučajeve umiranja od gladi. Nada da će se sta- The HQ of the ARBIH V Corps informed the Gener-
nje koliko-toliko popraviti nakon skidanja žita sa za- al Staff of the Croatian Army on July 21 that the Corps
sijanih prigradskih prostora sada je propala. Upravo had suffered heavy losses in “men and territory (…).
ta područja agresor najviše drži pod vatrom, gađajući Supplies of ammunition and armaments are all but
ih zapaljivim granatama. Posebno je teško u bihaćkoj depleted, denying us the ability to resist the aggressor
bolnici, kojoj nedostaju lijekovi i sanitetski materijal, for any significant period of time (…). If the aggressor
a zbog nedostatka hrane bolesnici primaju samo je- keeps up this pressure, we can only maintain an orga-
dan obrok dnevno. Sudbina oko 180.000 stanovnika nized defense for two, maybe three days.”
Unsko-sanskog kantona je neizvjesna. The letter sent on that same day by the head of the
Mi možemo samo obećati da ćemo se boriti bez Bihać Municipality to the president of the Republic of Cro-
obzira na cijenu i neodlučnost međunarodne zajednice. atia attests to the seriousness of the situation in Bihać:
Jedinu nadu polažemo u naše hrabre borce i prijateljski “Your Excellency, a few days ago the Serbs final-
hrvatski narod, pošto nam je sudbina koju nam je agre- ly launched their long-prepared offensive against
sor namijenio ista. Stoga vas molim da sa svoje strane the Bihać area. Serbia openly supports the offensive.
učinite sve što je u vašoj moći da se spasi ovaj herojski The main axes of attack originate in the temporarily
occupied areas of Croatia and large concentrations of
914 M. SEKULIĆ, Knin je pao u Beogradu, 160-165; D. MARI-
Chetnik forces have been noted in other zones of the
JAN, Domovinski rat, 341-342. area of responsibility of the ARBIH V Corps, the Gener-
915 Obavještajna informacija Komande 5. korpusa i Zapo- al Staff of the HVO of the Bihać region and MUP Bihać.
vjedništvo GS HVO Bihać od 21. 7. 1995. Due to the ferocious artillery bombardment the civil-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

grad i njegovo napaćeno stanovništvo. S poštovanjem, ians from the border areas are fleeing towards Bihać.
Adnan Alagić, načelnik općine Bihać.”916 The situation is dire, and is getting worse by the hour
Dva dana poslije, 23. srpnja, Komanda 5. korpusa because the humanitarian situation was bad to begin
ARBiH javila je Glavnom stožeru HV-a da se stanje po- with. You are probably aware of the fact that a num-
goršalo i izmaklo nadzoru te da postoji mogućnost da ber of people have died of hunger. Our hopes that the
bihaćko područje do večeri bude rasječeno na dva di- food situation would improve somewhat after har-
jela, “a 5. korpus razbijen”.917 Idućega su dana Komanda vesting the grain planted in fields around the city have
5. korpusa, Glavni stožer HVO-a Bihać i Općinski odbor now been dashed. It is exactly these areas that the ag-
HDZ-a Bihać uputili političkim i vojnim tijelima u Zagre- gressor keeps under constant bombardment, firing in-
bu apel za pomoć: „Molimo Vas, shvatite ovu nastalu cendiary rounds. The situation in the Bihać hospital is
situaciju krajnje ozbiljno i poduzmite hitne i radikalne especially difficult because of shortages of medicines
mjere u cilju spašavanja stanovništva i teritorije Un- and medical supplies. The patients, on account of the
sko-Sanskog kantona.”918 lack of food, eat only one meal a day. The fate of about
180,000 citizens of the Una-Sana Canton hangs in the
SPLITSKI SPORAZUM balance. We can only give our promise that we’ll fight
regardless of the cost and indecisiveness of the in-
Kao na prvu, Hrvatska je spremno odgovorila i na ternational community. We invest our only hope into
drugu bihaćku krizu. Vrhovništvo RH pažljivo je pratilo our brave fighters and into the comradely Croatian
novu srpsku ofenzivu.919 Kada je kriza bila na vrhuncu, u people, because the fate the aggressor has assigned
Splitu su se sastali predsjednici Tuđman i Izetbegović i to both our peoples is the same. In that spirit I beg of
22. srpnja 1995. potpisali Deklaraciju o provedbi Spora- you to do your utmost to save this heroic city and its
zuma iz Washingtona. Najvažniji dio sastanka bio je do- anguished citizens.
govor o vojnoj suradnji.920 Povodom sporazuma Glavni Sincerely Yours,
Adnan Alagić, Head of the Bihać Municipality.”
štab SVK-a informirao je podređene da je to još jedan
Two days later, on July 23, the HQ of the ARBIH V
dokaz da hrvatski režim namjerava “da silom pokuša na-
Corps informed the General Staff of the Croatian Army
staviti sa otimanjem dijelova teritorije RSK sa krajnjim
that the situation had gotten worse and gone out of
ciljem okupacije RSK” te da su posebno “pretnje iskaza-
control and that there was a real danger that the Bi-
ne u slučaju pada Bihaća”.921
hać area would be cut in half by nighttime and that “V
Vojni dio sporazuma počeo se primjenjivati 25. srp-
Corps would be destroyed.” The following day the HQ
nja, s prvim danom operacije hrvatskih snaga Ljeto-95.
of V Corps, the HVO Main Staff Bihać and the municipal
Sam sporazum o djelovanju HVO-a i ARBiH potpisali su
committee of the HDZ Bihać sent an appeal for help
to the political and military organs in Zagreb. “Please,
916 Miroslav Tuđman, Korespondencija predsjednika Republi- take this newly developed situation extremely serious-
ke Hrvatske dr. Franje Tuđmana od 1990. do 1999. godine, ly and take urgent and radical measures for saving the
knj. VI., Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada i Hrvatski institut
za povijest, Zagreb, 2015., 530-531. population and territory of the Una-Sana Canton.”
917 Informacija Komande 5. korpusa i Zapovjedništvo GS
HVO Bihać od 23. 7. 1995. o stanju u z/o 5. K i HVO Bihać. SPLIT AGREEMENT
918 Presjek vojno-političke situacije na teritoriji Unsko-San-
skog kantona od Komande 5. korpusa, Zapovjedništva GS Croatia readily and efficiently responded to the
HVO Bihać i Općinskog odbora HDZ Bihać od 24. 7. 1995. first Bihać crisis. Its response to the second Bihać crisis
919 H. ŠARINIĆ, Svi moji tajni pregovori, 261. was equally effective. The leadership of the Republic
920 M. TUĐMAN, Istina o Bosni i Hercegovini, 614-616: De- of Croatia kept close tabs on the new Serb offensive.
klaracija o oživotvorenju Sporazuma iz Washingtona, When the crisis reached its peak, Tuđman and Izetbe-
zajedničkoj obrani od srpske agresije i postizanju po-
litičkog rješenja sukladno naporima međunarodne za- gović met in Split on July 22, 1995, and signed the dec-
jednice od 22. 7. 1995. laration on implementing the Washington Agreement.
921 ICTY: GŠSV RSK, Informacija potčinjenim jedinicama The most important part of the meeting was a deal on
pov. br. 6-179 od 26. 7. 1995. military cooperation. The General Staff of the SVK re-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

acted to the Agreement by informing its subordinate

units that the agreement was yet another proof that
the Croatian regime intended to “use force to continue
conquering RSK territory with the aim of totally occu-
pying the RSK” and that Croatia’s intentions would be
“especially dangerous if Bihać fell”.
The implementation of the military part of the
agreement began on July 25, with the commencement
of Operation Ljeto-95 (Summer-95), mounted by the
Croatian Army. The part of the agreement concerning
HVO and ARBIH operations was signed in Vitez on July
26 by Generals Blaškić and Delić. It was agreed that,
for the purpose of relieving pressure on Bihać the HVO
Predsjednik RH Franjo Tuđman i predsjednik Predsjedništva
RBiH Alija Izetbegović te predsjednik Federacije RBiH Krešimir would advance in the direction of Livno – Glamoč –
Zubak i predsjednik Vlade RBiH Haris Silajdžić potpisuju „Split- Drvar within the Demirovac – Sjenokosić – Ravna Gora
sku deklaraciju“, 22. srpnja 1995.; osobit značaj imao je spora- – Gorica line on the right and the Croatian border on
zum o vojnoj suradnji (autor fotografije: Gordan Laušić).
the left and the ARBIH would advance in the direction
The Croatian President Franjo Tuđman and the President of the of Bugojno – Donji Vakuf, with the border and HVO on
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency Alija izetbe- the left and Vlašić on the right. The offensive, according
gović sign the Split Declaration with the President of the RBH
Federation Krešimir Zubak and BH Prime Minister Haris Silajdžić
to the agreement, would begin on the day of the sign-
(July 22, 1995); the agreement on military cooperation was par- ing of the agreement.
ticularly significant (Photograph by Gordan Laušić).
Based on the agreement reached by Tuđman and
Izetbegović in Split on July 22, 1995, the Croatian
forces mounted an operation for helping Bihać by ad-
26. srpnja u Vitezu generali Blaškić i Delić. Radi rastereće- vancing in the direction of Livno – Bosansko Grahovo
nja bihaćkoga bojišta dogovoreno je djelovanje HVO-a and in the direction of Livno – Glamoč. This was Op-
na smjeru Livno – Glamoč – Drvar s granicom desno De- eration Summer-95 which had a number of objectives:
mirovac – Sjenokosić – Ravna gora – Gorica, lijevo Repu- to destroy the Serb forces in the Dinara area – to the
blika Hrvatska. Snage 7. korpusa ARBiH usmjerene su na east and northeast of the Livno field, force the Serbs’
smjer Bugojno – Donji Vakuf, granica lijevo HVO, desno long-range artillery to withdraw and thus improve the
Vlašić. Početak djelovanja dogovoren je za isti dan.922 security situation in Livno and Kupres, gain control of
Bosansko Grahovo and cut the Knin – Drvar road, gain
OPERACIJA LJETO-95 control of Mount Šator, Mount Staretina and Mount
Golija, capture Glamoč, shortened the front line in the
Na temelju dogovora predsjednika Tuđmana i Cincar and the Kupres plateau areas and free up forces
Izetbegovića u Splitu 22. srpnja 1995., hrvatske snage for further offensive actions, stop the enemy offensive
su na pravcima Livno – Bosansko Grahovo i Livno – Gla- against Bihać and create conditions for the liberation
moč poduzele konkretne mjere za pružanje pomoći of Knin and other areas under Serb occupation in Dal-
okruženom Bihaću. Provele su operaciju Ljeto-95, koja matia and Lika.
je imala nekoliko ciljeva: razbiti srpske snage na područ- The 4th and 7th Guards Brigades of the Croatian
Army, reinforced with forces from TG-1 (two compa-
nies of the Special Police of the MUP HR HB and one
922 Sporazum načelnika GS HVO i komandanta GŠ ARBiH
reinforced company of the 114th Brigade) were de-
od 26. 7. 1995.; Kabinet Načelnika GSHVO, Izvješće sa
sastanka N GS HVO i K-ta GŠA kl. 818-01/95-02/03, ur. br. ployed along the Livno field – Bosansko Grahovo line.
02-10-03-95-134 od 27. 7. 1995. The 81st Guards Battalion, 1st Croatian Guards Corps,


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

ju Dinare – istočno i sjeveroistočno od Livanjskog polja, 3rd Battalion of 1st Guards Brigade (reinforced with
prisiliti dalekometno topništvo na izmještanje po dubini the Recon-Commando Company of the General Staff
i na taj način povećati sigurnost gradova Livno i Kupres, of the Croatian Army and a combined ATG company)
ovladati Bosanskim Grahovom i presjeći prometnicu and TG-2 with 3rd Guards Brigade of the HVO were de-
Knin – Drvar, ovladati planinama Šator, Staretina i Golija ployed along the Šator – Glamoč line. The HVO forces
te zauzeti Glamoč, skratiti crtu bojišta na području Cin- deployed along the Golija – Glamoč line were: the 2nd
cara i Kupreške visoravni i osloboditi dio snaga za dalj- Guards Brigade, the Gavran-2 special purpose unit,
nja napadna djelovanja, zaustaviti neprijateljsku ofenzi- TG-3, the 60th Guards Battalion and elements of Mil-
vu na Bihać i stvoriti preduvjete za oslobađanje Knina i itary District Tomislavgrad. Forces belonging to Mil-
ostalog područja pod srpskom okupacijom u sjevernoj itary District Tomislavgrad were deployed along the
Dalmaciji i Lici.923 following lines: Cincar – Kujača, Malovan – Procip and
Na smjeru Livanjsko polje – Bosansko Grahovo an- Kupres – Rastičevo.
gažirane su 4. i 7. gardijska brigada HV-a, ojačane po- Operation Summer-95 started on July 25, 1995,
strojbama TG-1 (Specijalna policija MUP-a HR HB i oja- and ended by the end of the month. All the objec-
čana satnija 114. brigade). Na smjeru Šator – Glamoč tives were achieved. With Operation Storm, Operation
bili su 81. gardijska bojna, 1. HGZ, 3. bojna 1. gardijske Summer-95 is arguably the most important operation
brigade HV-a (ojačana IDS-om GSHV-a i združenom sat- undertaken by the Croatian forces. In 1995, the im-
nijom ATG-a) i TG-2 s 3. gardijskom brigadom HVO-a. Na portance of Operation Summer-95 was strategic. The
smjeru Golija – Glamoč angažirane su postrojbe HVO-a: fundamental feature of the operation is the fact that it
2. gardijska brigada, PPN Gavran-2, TG-3, 60. gardijska was conceived as a two-pronged attack. The two axes
bojna i dio snaga ZP-a Tomislavgrad. Na smjerovima Cin- of advance were separate, but, on the other hand, also
car – Kujača, Malovan – Procip i Kupres – Rastičevo bile closely connected. The main axis of advance in terms
su snage ZP-a Tomislavgrad.924 of destroying the Serb forces in the occupied territo-
Operacija Ljeto-95 počela je 25. srpnja 1995. i za- ry of Croatia was the one leading in the direction of
vršena je do kraja mjeseca. Svi postavljeni ciljevi su u Bosansko Grahovo. By capturing Bosansko Grahovo,
cijelosti ostvareni. Uz Oluju, Ljeto-95 je možda i najzna- the Croatian forces cut the vital Drvar – Knin road and
čajnija operacija hrvatskih snaga 1995. i imala je strate- the Serb forces in northern Dalmatia found them-
gijsko značenje. Temeljna značajka operacije jest u tome selves in a semi-encirclement, with only two possible
što se ona planirala i izvodila na dva odvojena, ali ipak gateways towards Bosnia and Herzegovina, neither of
usko povezana smjera, za koje je bilo jasno kako je onaj which was entirely secure: Knin – Otrić – Srb and Obro-
prema Bosanskom Grahovu bio glavni kada je u pitanju vac – Gračac. By capturing Glamoč, the Croatian forces
razbijanje srpskih snaga na okupiranom području RH. threw back the Serb forces and created necessary con-
Zauzimanjem Bosanskog Grahova prekinuta je vitalna ditions for a further advance towards Jajce. Most of the
prometnica Drvar – Knin, a srpske snage na području units of II Krajina Corps were destroyed. The liberated
sjeverne Dalmacije dovedene su u poluokruženje, sa area in the direction of Crni Lug – Bosansko Grahovo
samo dva moguća izlaska prema BiH, od kojih ni jedan was 15km wide and 20km deep (about 300m2) and in
nije bio posve siguran: Knin – Otrić – Srb i Obrovac – Gra- the Glamoč area about 1,300m2. During the operation
čac. Zauzimanjem Glamoča, srpske snage su odbačene the Croatian forces lost 18 men killed and 155 wound-
ed, 26 of them seriously.
u dubinu bojišta, s tim da je stvorena pretpostavka za
daljnje nastupanje prema Jajcu. Većina postrojbi 2. KK-a The operation stopped the Serb attack on the AR-
bila je razbijena. Oslobođeno područje smjerom Crni BIH V Corps in its tracks, and forced the Serbs to move
Lug – Bosansko Grahovo bilo je širine 15 km i dubine some of their forces from the area. The RSK admitted,
20 km, odnosno površine oko 300 četvornih km, a na in a circular, that “this Croatian operation saved, for a
području Glamoča oko 1300 četvornih km prostora. Ti- second time, the ARBIH V Corps, from ‘destruction’ be-
cause the Serb army was forced shift some of its forc-
es from the Bihać area for the purpose of preventing
923 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 343. the Croatian Army from deeper penetrations along the
924 Isto; 7. gardijska brigada HV – Pume, 206-214. mentioned direction of advance”.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

jekom operacije hrvatske snage imale su 18 poginulih i Serb Reactions to Summer-95

155 ranjenih vojnika, od kojih 26 teže.925
Operacijom je prekinut srpski napad na 5. korpus By the time Operation Summer-95 was completed,
Armije RBiH i odvučen dio snaga s toga dijela bojišta. the situation in the RSK was worse than it had ever been
Srpska vojska Krajine priznala je u informaciji za podre- during the statelet’s existence. Knin was cut off from the
đene da je “ovakvom akcijom Hrvatska po drugi put ‘spa- Republika Srpska and the Socialist Republic of Yugosla-
sila’ od slamanja 5. korpus Alijine vojske, jer je primorala via. Martial law was declared in the entire territory of the
Srpsku vojsku da izvrši pregrupisavanje snaga sa Biha- RSK on July 28. Leave was cancelled in all units. Troops
ćkog ratišta u cilju zaustavljanja dubljih prodora HV na could only rest on the front line within the constraints of
već pomenutom pravcu napada”.926 deployment. Some SVK units, as a precautionary mea-
sure, started preparations for placing UN troops under
Srpske reakcije na Ljeto-95 blockade, taking UN personnel as hostages and pre-
venting people from travelling to Croatia.
Završetak operacije Ljeto-95 RSK je dočekala u najte- On July 30 in Knin, Ratko Mladić announced, in a
žim trenucima svojega postojanja. Knin je bio prometno bid to raise the morale of the army and civilians, that
odsječen od Republike Srpske i Savezne Republike Ju- the Croatian forces, by capturing Glamoč and Bosansko
goslavije. Na cjelokupnom području RSK ratno je stanje Grahovo, had made a decisive blunder and that Croa-
proglašeno 28. srpnja. Svim postrojbama SVK-a zabra- tia would pay dearly for the mistake. On July 31, 1995,
njen je odmor po sustavu smjenskoga rada. Odmor se Martić held a press conference. He stated that he had
mogao koristiti samo na položajima u okviru borbenoga talked to the president of Serbia, Slobodan Milošević,
rasporeda. Kao mjeru osiguranja u očekivanom sukobu and that Milošević had promised him that in the event
pojedine postrojbe SVK-a pripremale su blokadu snaga of a Croatian attack on Knin, “Serbia could ill-afford to
UN-a, onemogućivanje odlaska u Hrvatsku, razoružanje remain on the sidelines.”
i držanje UN-ovaca kao talaca.927 The SVK’s General Staff implemented measures for
Radi podizanja poljuljanog morala stanovništva i strengthening VII Corps and blocking the approach-
vojske general Ratko Mladić izjavio je 30. srpnja u Kni- es to Knin from the direction of Bosansko Grahovo.
nu da su hrvatske snage osvajanjem Glamoča i Grahova These measures were to constitute the opening act of
napravile odlučujuću grešku u ratu i da će ih ona sku- Operation Vaganj-2 the main aim of which was to re-
po stajati.928 M. Martić se 31. srpnja 1995. obratio no- gain control of the Knin – Grahovo – Drvar road and
vinarima. Izjavio je da je razgovarao s predsjednikom Dinara ridge. The VRS II Krajina Corps tried to stabilize
Republike Srbije Slobodanom Miloševićem i da je od the defenses along the Bosansko Grahovo – Drvar line.
njega dobio obećanje da u slučaju hrvatskoga napada The Corps was reinforced with a unit from East Bosnia
na Knin „Srbija ne bi mogla biti ravnodušna“.929 Corps for the purpose.
U Glavnom štabu SVK-a poduzeli su mjere da se During Operation Summer-95, on July 28, 1995,
ojača 7. korpus i zatvori prilaz Kninu iz smjera Bosan- martial law was declared in the territory of the RS,
skog Grahova. To je trebao biti uvod u operaciju Va- which meant mobilizing all human and material re-
ganj-2 i vraćanje pod nadzor prometnice Knin – Graho- sources for the defense of the republic. Mobilization
vo – Drvar i grebena Dinare. Drugi krajiški korpus VRS-a of all military capable men was ordered, with the ex-
nastojao je stabilizirati obranu na smjeru Bosansko ception of the minimal number of persons needed for
the proper functioning of the armed forces and civilian
society. The universities and other institutions of high-
925 A. GOTOVINA, Napadajni bojevi i operacije, 63-64, 187; D. er education were closed and the students mobilized
MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 343-346. into the army.
926 HMDCDR: Komanda 50. pbr SVK, Informacija potčinje- The loss of Glamoč and Grahovo was an event the
nim jedinicama pov. br. 50-21-55/95 od 31. 7. 1995. political and military leadership of the RS could ill-af-
927 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 348-349. ford to ignore, especially because of the rumors that
928 D. RADIŠIĆ, Hronologija događaja, 605. they had given up on the lost territory. The chief of the
929 Isto. General Staff of the Army of the Republika Srpska, Gen-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Grahovo – Drvar, za što ga se ojačavalo postrojbom iz eral Milovanović, stated, on July 31, in Bosanski Petro-
Istočnobosanskoga korpusa.930 vac, that he had been ordered by the president of RS,
Tijekom operacije Ljeto-95, 28. srpnja 1995. progla- Radovan Karadžić, to stop the advance of the Croatian
šeno je ratno stanje i na teritoriju RS-a, što je značilo forces and launch a counterattack with the aim of lib-
stavljanje svih ljudskih i materijalnih potencijala u obra- erating Grahovo and Glamoč. The preparations for the
nu Republike.931 Naređena je mobilizacija svih vojno counterattack started on July 30 when reinforcements
sposobnih stanovnika “sem minimalnog neophodnog were sent towards Bosansko Grahovo and Glamoč. The
za funkcionisanje potreba oružanih snaga i stanovništva operation was codenamed Vaganj-95 and the plan was
u ratnom stanju”. Prekinut je rad fakulteta i visokoškol- committed to paper in the form of a directive on August
skih ustanova, a studenti su poslani u postrojbe.932 3 in Drvar at Forward Command Post of the General Staff
Pad Glamoča i Grahova bio je događaj koji političko i of the VRS. The operation was to be conducted in three
vojno vodstvo RS-a nije moglo ignorirati, posebice zbog phases, lasting 20-30 days. The General Staff of the VRS
glasina da su se odrekli toga dijela teritorija. Načelnik Glav- intended to stop the advance of the Croatian forces and
noga štaba VRS-a general Manojlo Milovanović izjavio je the ARBIH, regroup its forces and, in a counterattack re-
31. srpnja u Bosanskom Petrovcu da je od predsjednika gain the positions held in October, 1994, before Opera-
Republike Srpske Radovana Karadžića dobio naredbu da tion Cincar; in effect, recapture Glamoč, Bosansko Gra-
zaustavi prodor hrvatskih snaga i prijeđe u protuudar za hovo and Kupres.
oslobađanje Grahova i Glamoča.933 Pripreme za vraćanje On behalf of the Supreme Defense Council of the
počele su već 30. srpnja kada su poslana pojačanja prema Republika Srpska and the RSK, which held a session in
Bosanskom Grahovu i Glamoču. Operacija vraćanja izgu- Drvar on August 2, 1995, Radovan Karadžić requested
bljenog teritorija nazvana je Vaganj-95 i u obliku direktive that the international community punish Croatia for its
napisana je 3. kolovoza u Drvaru na IZM-u Glavnoga štaba behavior. Karadžić also requested help from Yugoslavia
VRS-a. U operaciji u tri etape u trajanju 20 - 30 dana Glav- because, according to him, this was not a civil war any-
ni štab VRS-a namjeravao je zaustaviti prodore hrvatskih more but a continuation of WWII and an attempt to cre-
snaga i ARBiH, prestrojiti snage i na izabranim pravcima u ate a Greater Croatia.
protunapadu vratiti se na položaje koje su držali u listopa- The morale of the Krajina Serbs was at a low ebb.
du 1994., prije operacije Cincar, tj. zauzeti Glamoč, Bosan- On August 2, 1995, the Republic HQ of civilian defense
sko Grahovo i Kupres.934 of the RSK ordered its subordinate HQs to immediate-
U ime Vrhovnoga savjeta obrane Republike Srpske i ly start preparing for the evacuation of material goods,
Republike Srpske Krajine, koji je 2. kolovoza 1995. zasje- archives, registers, files and confidential documents,
dao u Drvaru, Radovan Karadžić je zatražio da međuna- movable cultural assets, monetary assets, securities and
rodna zajednica sankcionira hrvatsko ponašanje. Od Ju- other documentation. The implementation of the order
goslavije se zatražila pomoć jer, držao je Karadžić, tu se had been prepared beforehand. The next day, August
više ne radi o građanskom ratu, nego o nastavku Drugo- 3, 1995, at 1400 hours, the General Staff of the SVK was
ga svjetskog rata i pokušaju stvaranja velike Hrvatske.935 informed that “the aggression will start on August 4 at
Moral krajinskih Srba je tih dana bio na vrlo niskoj 0500 hours.”
razini. Republički štab Civilne zaštite RSK naredio je 2. ko- The SVK mobilized all available reservists and the
lovoza 1995. podređenim štabovima da odmah počnu s army was placed at the highest level of combat readi-
ness. The SVK swelled to 60,000 men during those days.
On paper, it was 80,080 strong. When General Mrkšić
930 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 347. arrived, the SVK had about 62,000 men under arms, or
931 ICTY: Predsednik RS, Odluka br. 01-1573/95 od 28. 8. 78% of its nominal strength. The SVK forces in western
1995. Croatia, from May until July 1995, numbered 36,000
932 ICTY: Komanda Drinskog korpusa, Naređenje str. pov. br. soldiers. Mrkšić claims that at the start of the opera-
01/159-2 od 29. 7. 1995. tion there were only 27,000 men and that 9,000 were
933 D. RADIŠIĆ, Hronologija događaja, 605. absent for various reasons and that the real number
934 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 347-348. was 25,000 because 2,000 men had left the RSK in the
935 D. RADIŠIĆ, Hronologija događaja, 608. period from the fall of Bosansko Grahovo until August


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

pripremama za evakuaciju materijalnih dobara, arhiva, 4. The numerical strength of the militia is not included
matičnih knjiga, evidencija i materijala povjerljivog karak- in the above numbers.
tera, pokretnih kulturnih dobara, novčanih sredstava, vri- The Serbs’ plans were also affected by a rift between
jednosnih popisa i druge odgovarajuće dokumentacije. the military and political leadership of the RS that had
Provedba te naredbe već je prije pripremljena.936 Sljede- opened in September, 1993. On August 2, Karadžić, as
ćega dana, 3. kolovoza 1995. u 14 sati, Glavni štab SVK-a the supreme commander, redesignated the Main Staff
informiran je da će “agresija početi 04. 08. u 05,00 č”.937 of the VRS as the General Staff of the VRS and appoint-
U SVK-u su mobilizirani svi raspoloživi pričuvnici, a ed General Mladić as special advisor of the supreme
vojska je stavljena u punu borbenu spremnost. Srpska commander (himself ) for coordinating the RS-RSK Joint
vojska Krajine tih je dana narasla na oko 60.000 ljudi. Po Defense. Mladić rejected the appointment and charac-
ustroju je imala 80.080 vojnih obveznika, a pri dolasku terized it as unconstitutional and as dangerous arbitrary
generala Mile Mrkšića brojno je stanje bilo oko 62.000 action on the part of President Karadžić. A war of words
ili 78 %. Brojno stanje SVK-a u zapadnom dijelu Hrvat- ensued. It lasted until the end of August. General Mladić
ske od svibnja do srpnja 1995. iznosilo je oko 36.000 lju- got the better of Karadžić. Mladić enjoyed the support of
di. Mrkšić tvrdi da je na početku operacije stvarno bilo the army, general public, Serb Orthodox Church, Serbi-
samo 27.000 ljudi, a da ih je 9000 bilo u rashodu, odno- an intellectuals and citizen organizations. Karadžić had
sno da je stvarno stanje bilo 25.000 jer je 2000 ljudi na- no choice and on August 27 he canceled his decision.
pustilo RSK od pada Bosanskog Grahova do 4. kolovoza.
Brojno stanje milicije nije uračunato.938 Political Preparations for Operation
Na srpske planove nepovoljno je utjecao i sukob iz- Storm
među vojnog i političkog vrha RS-a koji je počeo još u
rujnu 1993. godine. Radovan Karadžić je 2. kolovoza kao In a message to the Croatian public announced on
vrhovni komandant preimenovao Glavni štab VRS-a u May 3 President Franjo Tuđman stated that Croatia had
Generalštab VRS-a, a generala Ratka Mladića imenovao shown to the rebel Serbs and international communi-
„specijalnim savjetnikom vrhovnoga komandanta (tj. ty that it possessed an armed force “which is capable
sebe) za koordinaciju zajedničke odbrane RS-a i RSK-a“. of liberating all occupied areas, if the same outcome is
Mladić je odluku odbio nazvavši je neustavnom i opa- not effected in cooperation with the international com-
snom samovoljom predsjednika Karadžića. U verbal-
munity”. Operations Leap-2 and Summer-95 justified the
nom ratu koji je trajao do kraja kolovoza 1995. pobijedio president’s optimism but also gave credibility to the
je general Mladić kojeg je uz vojsku, podržala javnost, opinion that a peaceful reintegration of the occupied
Srpska pravoslavna crkva, srpski intelektualni krugovi i territories was a pipe dream. From a military perspec-
udruženja građana. Karadžić nije imao izbora i 27. kolo- tive, the Croatian Army could ill-afford to be idle in west-
voza je poništio svoju odluku.939 ern Bosnia because at that moment it held every ad-
vantage over the Serb forces there; a situation that had
Politička priprema Oluje never existed before and if the Croatian Army did not
take advantage of it soon, it probably would not occur
U poslanici kojom se predsjednik RH Franjo Tuđ- again. For these reasons the Croatian Army was given
man obratio javnosti 3. svibnja 1995., dan nakon ope- the green light to start the process of liberating the tem-
racije Bljesak, istaknuo je da je Hrvatska pokazala po- porarily occupied territory of the Republic of Croatia. On
bunjenim Srbima i međunarodnoj zajednici da ima July 31, Tuđman held a meeting with high ranking HV
officers on the Brijuni Islands where they discussed the
936 D. MARIJAN, Oluja, 59. upcoming operation and available political justifications
for it. Tuđman demanded that the rebel Serbs be dealt a
937 ICTY: GŠSV RSK, Operativni izveštaj o agresiji na RSK i
aktivnostima SVK str. pov. br. 30-1/33 od 26. 8. 1995. decisive defeat in as short a time as possible.
938 ICTY: GŠSV RSK, Operativni izveštaj o agresiji na RSK i In the political arena the last attempt to solve the
aktivnostima SVK, str. pov. br. 30-1/33 od 26. 8. 1995.; D. problem peacefully was made on August 3 in Geneva.
MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 350. Before the meeting, Slobodan Milošević, through the
939 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 351. General Staff of the Yugoslav Army, suggested to Mile


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

oružanu silu “koja je kadra osloboditi sva još okupirana

područja, ako se to ne ostvari na miran način u surad-
nji s međunarodnom zajednicom”.940 Operacije Skok-2 i
Ljeto-95 potvrdile su njegov optimizam, ali i sumnju da
do mirne reintegracije neće doći, a da mirovanje HV-a
oko zapadne Bosne može samo pogoršati opći odnos
snaga, koji nikada do tada nije bio tako povoljan. Bio
je to razlog da se HV-u odobri pokretanje procesa za
oslobađanje privremeno okupiranih područja RH. Na
sastanku predsjednika Tuđmana s visokim časnicima
HV-a, održanom 31. srpnja na Brijunima, razmatrala se
predstojeća operacija i traženje političkoga opravdanja
za nju. Tuđman je zatražio da se pobunjenim Srbima u
što kraćem vremenu nanese totalni poraz.941
Na političkom planu posljednji pokušaj mirnog ra- Predsjednik RH Franjo Tuđman i ministar obrane RH Gojko Šušak
zrješenja problema pobunjenih područja učinjen je 3.
obilaze počasni stroj 4. i 7. gardijske brigade HV-a, Knin, 6. kolovo-
kolovoza 1995. u Ženevi. Uoči susreta, Slobodan Milo- za 1995. (autor fotografije: Gordan Laušić).
šević je preko Generalštaba Vojske Jugoslavije sugerirao Croatian President Franjo Tuđman and Minister of Defence Gojko
generalu Mili Mrkšiću da utječe na čelnike RSK da pri- Šušak inspect the honors detachment of the 4th and 7th Guards
hvate dogovor o uvjetima pregovora u Ženevi kako bi Brigades, Knin, August 6, 1995 (Photograph by Gordan Laušić).
dobili na vremenu i odgodili hrvatski napad na RSK.942
Hrvatsko izaslanstvo, u kojem su bili Ivić Pašalić (sabor-
ski zastupnik), Vesna Škare Ožbolt (pomoćnica predstoj-
nika Predsjednikova ureda), Smiljan Reljić (pomoćnik
ministra unutarnjih poslova) i general-pukovnik Petar Mrkšić to influence the leaders of the RSK to accept the
Stipetić (pomoćnik načelnika Glavnoga stožera HV-a), na agreement about conditions for negotiations in order to
pregovorima je zatražilo mirnu reintegraciju okupiranih gain time and postpone the Croatian attack on the RSK.
područja, otvaranje svih prometnica na okupiranom po-
The Croatian delegation, consisting of Ivić Pašalić (mem-
dručju, primjenu hrvatskoga Ustava na cijelom području ber of parliament), Vesna Škare Ožbolt (assistant to the
Hrvatske te provedbu Ustavnoga zakona za srpsku etnič- head of the President’s Office) Smiljan Reljić (assistant to
ku zajednicu, kojoj hrvatske vlasti jamče politička, gra- the interior minister) and Colonel General Petar Stipetić
đanska i nacionalna prava. Srpska delegacija negativno (assistant to the chief of the General Staff ) demanded, at
je odgovorila na hrvatske zahtjeve. Zadatak reintegracije the talks, a peaceful reintegration of the occupied areas,
okupiranih područja dobila je Hrvatska vojska.943 opening of all roads in those areas for traffic, application
of the Croatian Constitution on the entire area of Croa-
tia and implementation of the constitutional law for the
ethnic Serb community to which the Croatian authori-
ties guaranteed all political, national and civil rights. The
Serb delegation rejected the demands. The task, there-
fore, of reintegrating the occupied territories of the Re-
public of Croatia was given to the Croatian Army.

940 HDA, HUPMEZ: Poslanica Predsjednika Republike dr. Fra-

nje Tuđmana 3. svibnja 1995.
941 D. MARIJAN, Oluja, 55.
942 ICTY: Načelnik GŠVJ, str. pov. br. 1275-1 od 18. 7. 1995.
943 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 351-352.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Nakon Bljeska ratni plan Oružanih snaga RH preime- After Operation Flash the war plan of the Croa-
novan je u Oluju i usklađen sa stanjem na ratištu. Zbor- tian armed forces was renamed Storm and adjusted
na područja Zagreb, Karlovac, Gospić i Split zadužena su according to the situation in the theater. Military Dis-
za izvedbu operacije, a zborna područja Osijek, Bjelovar, tricts Zagreb, Karlovac, Gospić and Split were tasked
Južno bojište i Hrvatska ratna mornarica za osiguranje with carrying out the offensive part of the operation
operacije prema Jugoslaviji i Republici Srpskoj. Opera- while Military Districts Osijek, Bjelovar, the Southern
tivno podređivanje pridodanih snaga zapovjedništvima Theater and the Croatian Navy were tasked with se-
zbornih područja završeno je do 3. srpnja, a do 15. srpnja curing the operation by remaining on the defensive
sve su snage trebale biti spremne za operaciju. Zbornom opposite Yugoslavia and the Republika Srpska. By
području Bjelovar 2. kolovoza promijenjen je zadatak – July 3, the process of subordinating units to their as-
umjesto u osiguranje uključeno je u operaciju na području signed Military District Commands was completed. By
Banovine. Za praćenje i osiguranje operacije Glavni stožer July 15, all the formations were to be ready for action.
HV-a osnovao je IZM-ove u Ogulinu i Đakovu. Premda u On August 2 Military District Bjelovar was given new
Glavnom stožeru HV-a nisu planirane, u osiguranju ope- orders – instead of fulfilling a defensive role, Military
racije angažirane su i postrojbe HVO-a u jugozapadnoj District Bjelovar was included in offensive operations
Bosni radi skrivanja glavnoga smjera napada ZP-a Split i in Banovina. For the purpose of monitoring and secur-
vezivanja operativne pričuve VRS-a. Navečer 3. kolovoza ing the operation the General Staff formed Forward
načelnik Glavnoga stožera HV-a general Zvonimir Červen- Command Posts in Ogulin and Đakovo. Even though
ko zapovjedio je postrojbama da ujutro 4. kolovoza budu not included in the General Staff’s plan, the HVO units
spremne za napad odnosno obranu.944 in western Bosnia were also employed in the opera-
Pobunjeni hrvatski Srbi napravili su u veljači 1995. plan tion for the purpose of masking the main direction of
uporabe oružanih snaga pod imenom Gvozd. Predviđali su advance of Military District Split and tying down the
da HV nema snaga za napad na cjelokupno područje RSK i VRS’s operational reserve. On the evening of August
da planira napade po dijelovima, na rubove RSK, sjevernu 3, the chief of the General Staff of the Croatian Army,
Dalmaciju i zapadnu Slavoniju da bi razbio i uništio Sjever- General Zvonimir Červenko, ordered all units to be
nodalmatinski i Zapadnoslavonski korpus SVK-a. Nakon ready for action in the morning on August 4.
toga se očekivao napad na Lički i Kordunaški korpus SVK-a In February, 1995, the rebel Serbs in Croatia cre-
uz sukladno djelovanje s 5. korpusom ARBiH. Temelj plana ated a plan for using their armed forces. The plan was
Gvozd bila je odsudna obrana, a potom u suradnji s voj- codenamed Gvozd. The Serb planners predicted that
skom SRJ i vojskom RS-a protunapad u istočnoj Slavoniji, the Croatian Army was not sufficiently strong to attack
Dalmaciji, Gorskom kotaru i odvajanje Gorskoga kotara the entire territory of the RSK and that the Croatian Ar-
od Dalmacije. U predviđanom protunapadu pobunjeni my’s plans were to launch a series of attacks, targeting
Srbi planirali su da u istočnoj Slavoniji osvoje Spačvanske different areas at different times – fringes of the RSK’s
šume, a u Dalmaciji izbiju na more između Šibenika i Bi- territory, northern Dalmatia, and western Slavonia
ograda.945 General Mrkšić tvrdio je nakon Oluje da se SVK with the aim of defeating and destroying North Dal-
pripremao za upornu obranu od pet do sedam dana “ve- matia Corps and West Slavonia Corps of the SVK. The
rujući da će to biti dovoljno za reagovanje međunarodnog Serb planners expected the Croatian Army to follow
faktora, a ako bude neophodno i Vojske Jugoslavije”.946 up these attacks with an attack on Lika Corps and Kor-
Operaciji Oluja prethodio je angažman HVO-a (ZP-a dun Corps of the SVK in coordinaton with the ARBIH
Tomislavgrad) na pravcima Glamočko polje – Vitorog i V Corps. The fundamental principle of the Gvozd plan
was determined defense and then, in coordinaton
with the SRY Army and VRS, launching a counterattack
944 D. MARIJAN, Oluja, 59, 62-63. in eastern Slavonia, Dalmatia, Gorski Kotar and sepa-
945 Isto, 60-61. rating Gorski Kotar from Dalmatia. With this counter-
946 ICTY: GŠSV RSK, Operativni izveštaj o agresiji na RSK i ak- attack the rebel Serbs planned to capture the Spačva
tivnostima SVK str. pov. br. 30-1/33 od 26. 8. 1995. forest complex in eastern Slavonia and in Dalmatia


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

reach the sea between Šibenik and Biograd. General

Mrkšić claimed that the SVK had been planning to of-
fer determined resistance lasting five to seven days,
“believing that this period of time would be enough
for the international factor to react, and also, if neces-
sary, enough for the Yugoslav Army to react.”
The commencement of Operation Storm was
preceded by HVO actions (ZP Tomislavgrad, in the
direction of the Glamoč field – Vitorog and Kupres –
Demirovac) for the purpose of creating conditions for
a further advance towards Šipovo and Jajce. From Au-
gust 3, the HVO attacked in said direction, but without
making much headway. But, the attacks served their
purpose – enabling ZP Split to attack and tying down
the VRS I and II Krajina Corps.
Within the first few hours of Operation Storm Pres-
ident Tuđman called on all members of Serb forma-
tions to lay down their arms and guaranteed that all
those who had not, according to Croatian laws, com-
mitted war crimes, be granted amnesty. He also called
on the citizens of Serb ethnicity in the occupied areas
Hrvatska vojska prelazi Savu kod sela Krapja, u zoru 4. kolovoza to remain in their homes and await without fear the
1995. (autor fotografija: Željko Gašparović).
arrival of Croatian authorities.
Croatian Army forces cross the Sava River near the village of The final operation for the liberation of occupied
Krapje in the early morning on August 4, 1995 (Photographs by territories, codenamed Storm, started on August 4 and
Željko Gašparović).
ended on August 10. The Croatian forces (Croatian
Army and Special Police units) moved into action on
August 4, 1995, at 0500 hours along a line stretching
Kupres – Demirovac radi stvaranja uvjeta za daljnje na-
predovanje prema Šipovu i Jajcu. Od 3. kolovoza HVO je from Bosansko Grahovo in the south to Jasenovac in
napadao na tim pravcima, no bez većih pomaka. No učinio the east, a front line more than 630km long. The Croa-
je ono što se tražilo od njega, osigurao je ZP-u Split izvo- tian forces in eastern Slavonia and southern Dalmatia
đenje operacije Oluja i vezao za sebe snage 1. i 2. krajiškog (defensive operations Feniks – from July 15 until Oc-
korpusa VRS-a.947 tober 30, 1995, a continuation of a defensive opera-
U prvim satima Oluje hrvatski predsjednik Franjo Tu- tion codenamed Zid [Wall], conducted during and
đman pozvao je pripadnike srpskih postrojbi da predaju after Operation Flash that lasted from May 1 to May
oružje, uz jamstvo da će svi koji nisu počinili ratne zločine 26 and Maestral) were at the highest level of combat
po hrvatskim zakonima biti amnestirani, a građani srpske readiness prepared to defend against a possible attack
narodnosti na dotad okupiranom području pozvani su da by the Yugoslav army and VRS from Bosnia and Herze-
ostanu kod kuće i bez straha dočekaju hrvatsku vlast.948 govina. The most notable success in the operation was
Završnu oslobodilačku operaciju, nazvanu Oluja, Hr- achieved on the afternoon of August 5, 1995, when
vatska je provela od 4. do 7., odnosno 10. kolovoza 1995. troops from the 4th and 7th Guards Brigades liberated
godine.949 Hrvatske snage (Hrvatska vojska i specijalne Knin. Because of Knin’s strategic and symbolic impor-
tance, August 5 was declared Croatian Victory Day and
Homeland Thanksgiving Day and later also Croatian
947 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 353. Veterans Day. During the next few days Croatian forc-
948 D. MARIJAN, Oluja, 140. es took control of the country’s border in the area and
949 Opširnije o Oluji vidi: Davor Marijan, Storm, Zagreb, started mopping up operations in the liberated terri-
2010.; Isti, Domovinski rat, Zagreb, 2016., 351-374. tory in Northern Dalmatia, Lika, Banovina and Kordun.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 407 4.2.2020. 18:35:16

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

One of the more important successes in the operation

was putting the main force of Kordun Corps into en-
circlement with about 35,000 civilians in the Topusko
area. After negotiations the Corps surrendered on Au-
gust 8. The Croatian forces allowed the Serb soldiers
and civilians to leave along the following directions:
Topusko – Glina – Sisak – Lipovac highway and Glina
– Donji Žirovac – Dvor na Uni. The Croatian authorities
secured a safe passage for the soldiers and civilians,
who left between August 9 to August 12, 1995.
Croatia had waited for years for an operation like
Operation Storm. An opportunity for launching it pre-
sented itself in the summer of 1995 after a few suc-
cessful operations which showed that the Croatian
Army was capable of solving the rebel Serbs problem
militarily. On account of the genocide committed by
the VRS in Srebrenica, Croatia enjoyed a tacit support
from an influential part of the international communi-
ty for taking measures to quickly solve the RSK issue.
The Croatian forces enjoyed a 3:1 advantage over
the rebel Serbs during Operation Storm. The ratio re-
garding heavy weapons, on the other hand, was 1:1,
and in some areas even favorable to the Serbs. All HV
ZPs participated in the operation except ZP Osijek and
the Southern Theater of Operations. The forces of these
Operacija „Oluja” – borbe na Banovini i stradavanje hrvatskog vo- two ZPs were on the defensive during the operation.
jnika (autor fotografija: Žarko Peša).
Five guards brigades participated in the offensive ac-
tion, 1st Croatian Guards Corps, one Guards Battalion,
Operation Storm – fighting in Banovina and a severely wounded
Croatian soldier (Photographs by Žarko Peša). 23 Home Guard regiments, 17 Croatian Army brigades
(15 reserve and 2 conscript), three PZO brigades, 4
electronic warfare groups, elements of the artillery
jedinice policije) krenule su 4. kolovoza 1995. u 5 sati u rocket brigade, elements of the anti-armor, artillery
napad duž crte od Bosanskog Grahova na jugu do Jase- rocket brigade, elements of the engineer brigade, sig-
novca na istoku, na bojišnici dugoj više od 630 kilometa- nals regiments, the whole of the Croatian Air Force and
ra. Hrvatske snage u istočnoj Slavoniji i južnoj Dalmaciji Air Defense, elements of the Croatian Navy (transport)
(obrambene operacije Feniks – od 15. srpnja do 30. listo- and 3,100 members of the special units of the MUP RH.
pada 1995., kao nastavak obrambene operacije Zid, prove- In total, 127,000 men participated in the operation.
dene tijekom i nakon operacije Bljesak od 1. do 26. svibnja, The Serbs had around 40,000 men organized into five
i Maestral) stavljene su u stanje pripravnosti radi mogućeg corps, with 11 infantry brigades, 4 motorized brigades,
napada Vojske Jugoslavije i Vojske Republike Srpske iz Bo- three light brigades, one armored brigade, special bri-
sne i Hercegovine. Najveći uspjeh u operaciji postignut gade, independent infantry battalion, two detachments,
je u prijepodnevnim satima 5. kolovoza 1995., kad su pri- border squad, recon-commando squad, mixed artillery
padnici 4. i 7. gardijske brigade Hrvatske vojske oslobo- regiment, mixed anti-armor regiment, light artillery rock-
dili Knin. Zbog njegova strateškog i simboličkog značaja, et regiment of the Air Defense, two mixed artillery battal-
dan oslobođenja Knina u Hrvatskoj je proglašen Danom ions, two mixed anti-armor battalions, five rear echelon
pobjede i domovinske zahvalnosti, a potom i Danom hr- bases and air force with air defense.
vatskih branitelja. U sljedećim danima hrvatske snage za- The Croatian forces liberated 10,400 square ki-
posjele su državnu granicu, osigurale je i krenule u pretres lometers or 18.4 % of the total area of the Republic


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 408 4.2.2020. 18:35:17

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

oslobođenog prostora sjeverne Dalmacije, Like, Banovine

i Korduna. Jedan od značajnijih uspjeha u operaciji bilo
je okruženje glavnine Kordunaškog korpusa SVK-a i oko
35.000 civila na širem području Topuskog. Nakon prego-
vora korpus se predao 8. kolovoza, s tim da je dogovore-
no izvlačenje vojnika i civila smjerovima Topusko – Glina
– Sisak – autocesta Lipovac i Glina – Donji Žirovac – Dvor
na Uni. Hrvatske su im vlasti osigurale neometan i siguran
prolaz koji je realiziran od 9. do 12. kolovoza 1995. godine.
Operaciju kakva je bila Oluja Hrvatska je čekala godi-
nama. Povoljan trenutak nastao je u ljeto 1995., nakon ne-
koliko uspješnih operacija na ratištu koje su pokazale da je
HV u stanju vojno riješiti pobunu Srba. Zbog zločinačkoga
ponašanja VRS-a u Srebrenici Hrvatska je dobila prešutnu
potporu utjecajnog dijela međunarodne zajednice da u
kratkom vremenu riješi problem RSK.
Vojnici Hrvatske vojske i Armije RBiH na državnoj granici kod
Odnos snaga u Oluji u ljudstvu bio je oko 3 : 1 u hr- mjesta Tržačka Raštela, 6. kolovoza 1995. godine.
vatsku korist, a u teškom oružju izjednačen ili u nekim
Croatian Army and ARBiH soldiers on the state border at Tržačka
slučajevima u srpsku korist. U operaciji su sudjelovala sva Raštela, August 6, 1995.
zborna područja HV-a osim ZP-a Osijek i Južnoga bojišta,
koji su provodili obrambeni dio operacije. U napadnom
dijelu operacije sudjelovalo je pet gardijskih brigada HV-
a, 1. hrvatski gardijski zdrug, jedna gardijska bojna, 23
domobranske pukovnije, 17 brigada HV-a (15 pričuvnih
i dvije ročne), tri brigade PZO-a, četiri središnjice za ED,
dijelovi topničko-raketne brigade, dijelovi protuoklopne
topničko-raketne brigade, dijelovi inženjerijske brigade,
pukovnija veze, cijeli HRZ i PZO, dijelovi HRM-a (za prijevoz
postrojbi) i 3100 pripadnika Specijalnih postrojbi MUP-a
RH. Ukupno je sudjelovalo oko 127.000 ljudi.
Na srpskoj je strani bilo oko 40.000 ljudi organiziranih
u pet korpusa, u kojima je bilo 11 pješačkih brigada, če- Susret saveznika: general HV-a Marijan Mareković i general
tiri motorizirane brigade, tri lake brigade, oklopna briga- ARBiH Atif Dudaković, 6. kolovoza 1995. kod mjesta Tržačke
da, specijalna brigada, samostalni pješački bataljun, dva Raštele; u pozadini ravnatelj HIS-a Miroslav Tuđman.
odreda, granični odred, izvidničko-diverzantski odred, Meeting of allies: Croatian Army General Marijan Mareković and
mješoviti artiljerijski puk, mješoviti protuoklopni artiljerij- ARBiH General Atif Dudaković near Tržačka Raštela, August 6,
ski puk, laki artiljerijsko-raketni puk PZO-a, dva mješovita 1995; Miroslav Tuđman, Director of the Croatian Intelligence
Service, in the background.
artiljerijska divizijuna, dva mješovita protuoklopna arti-
ljerijska divizijuna, inženjerijski bataljun, pet pozadinskih
baza i Ratno zrakoplovstvo s protuzračnom obranom.
U operaciji je oslobođeno 10.400 km2 ili 18,4 % ukupne
površine RH. Ukupni gubici iznosili su 1322 ljudi, odnosno of Croatia. The Croatian forces suffered 1,322 casual-
0,12 %, od čega 204 poginula, 1100 ranjenih (teže 572 i lak- ties – 0.12% of the men deployed – 204 killed, 1,100
še 528), tri zarobljena i 15 nestalih. Gubici srpskih snaga bili wounded (572 soldiers suffered serious wounds and
su nekoliko puta veći. Do 21. kolovoza 1995. asanirano je i 528 suffered light wounds), three taken prisoner and
uredno pokopano 560 poginulih pripadnika SVK-a.950 15 missing in action. The losses of the Serb forces were
a few times higher. By August 21, 1995, 560 bodies of
950 D. MARIJAN, Oluja, 136-137. killed SVK soldiers had been properly buried.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Borbe u jugozapadnoj Bosni do kraja Battles in Southwest Bosnia until
kolovoza 1995. godine August 1995

Povlačenje stanovništva i SVK-a iz Hrvatske, kao i iz Civilians and SVK soldiers fleeing Croatia, and Drvar,
Drvara, zakrčilo je prometnice u zapadnoj i jugozapadnoj clogged the roads in western and southwest Bosnia,
Bosni i otežavalo opskrbu VRS-a na tom dijelu ratišta. Uz thus creating a supply problem for the VRS. Drvar was
velike probleme s iseljavanjem stanovništva Drvar je bra- defended by OG-1. Civilians fleeing the city made OG-
nila OG-1, Mlinište i Šipove branila je OG-2, a 30. krajiška 1’s task that much more difficult. Mlinište and Šipovo
divizija zatvarala je pravce od Kupresa prema Donjem Va- was defended by OG 2 and the 30th Krajina Division
kufu i Vlašiću.951 Od ostataka SVK-a izvučenih na područje blocked the lines of communications leading to Donji
RS-a general R. Mladić i M. Martić nastojali su organizirati Vakuf and Vlašić from Kupres. From the remnants of the
postrojbe radi angažmana u borbama i “radi priprema za SVK units that had managed to flee to the RS, General
oslobađanje okupiranih teritorija RSK i RS”.952 Mladić and Martić tried to form units for the purpose
Nakon oslobađanja sjeverne Dalmacije Zapovjedniš- of deploying them in combat and “for the purpose of
tvo ZP-a Split preuzelo je kao Zapovjedništvo združenih preparing the liberation of the occupied territories of
hrvatskih snaga zapovijedanje i nad postrojbama HVO-a the RSK and RS.
na području Glamoča i Kupreške visoravni. Zadaća zdru- After the liberation of northern Dalmatia the HVO
ženih hrvatskih snaga bila je djelatna obrana čiji je cilj bio forces in the Glamoč and the Kupres plateau area were
zadržati operativno-taktičku nadmoć i spriječiti prodor placed under the command of ZP Split, acting as the HQ
srpskih snaga na svoj teritorij. Snage HV-a i HVO-a podije- of the joint Croatian forces. Their task was to conduct ac-
ljene su u tri operativne skupine: OG Otrić, Sajković i Vrba. tive defense and retain operational-tactical superiority
HVO je bio u sastavu OG-a Vrba čija je zadaća bila spriječiti and prevent Serb forces form advancing into the area.
prodor srpskih snaga prema Glamoču i Kupresu.953 The HV and HVO forces were divided into three OGs: OG
Srpske snage pokušale su prodor iz Drvara prema Otrić, OG Sajković and OG Vrba. The HVO was in OG Vrba.
Bosanskom Grahovu. Cilj je bio zauzeti Bosansko Gra- The task of this group was to prevent Serb forces from
hovo i realizirati operaciju Vaganj-95. S ojačanjima iz advancing towards Glamoč and Kupres.
istočne Bosne i postrojbama izravno podređenim Glav- The Serb forces attempted to advance from Drvar
nom štabu VRS-a, srpske snage su u noći 12./13. kolovo- towards Bosansko Grahovo. The aim was to capture
za 1995. probile crtu obrane hrvatskih snaga i zauzele Bosansko Grahovo and conduct Operation Vaganj-95.
nekoliko dominantnih objekata na prijevoju Derala na With reinforcements from eastern Bosnia and units di-
prilazima Bosanskom Grahovu, nanijevši velike gubitke rectly subordinated to the General Staff of the VRS, the
141. brigadi HV-a (14 poginulih vojnika). U protunapadu Serb forces, during the night of August 12-13, 1995,
od 13. do 15. kolovoza hrvatske snage vratile su izgu- broke through the Croatian defensive line and captured
bljene položaje i trajno osigurale prijevoj Derala. Plani- a few dominant positions in the Derala pass on the ap-
rani srpski protuudar kao uvod u vraćanje izgubljenog proaches to Bosansko Grahovo, inflicting serious casu-
teritorija pretvorio se u poraz i pogoršanje operativnoga alties on the 141st Brigade of the HV (14 soldiers killed).
položaja. Hrvatske su snage pomaknule crtu prema Dr- Croatian forces counterattacked and from August 13 to
varu i oslonile obranu na planinu Jadovnik.954 August 15 recaptured the lost positions and permanent-
ly secured the Derala pass. The planned Serb counter-
strike as an opening move for the recapture of the lost
951 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 375. territory turned out to be another defeat. The Serbs’
952 ICTY: GŠVRS, Naređenje str. pov. 02/2-3 od 8. 8. 1995. operational position was now worse than before. The
953 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 375-376. Croatian forces moved the front line towards Drvar and
954 Isto, 376-377.
leaned their defenses on Mount Jadovnik.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 410 4.2.2020. 18:35:18

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Masakr na tržnici Markale i operacija Massacre at the Markale market and

Deliberate force Operation Deliberate Force

Dugo očekivano pokretanje snaga NATO-a, ARBiH je On August 28, 1995, a 120-mm mortar round was
dočekala nakon što je 28. kolovoza 1995. mina ispaljena iz fired on the Markale market in Sarajevo. The round killed
minobacača kalibra 120 mm ubila 39 i ranila 86 građana 39 and wounded 86 civilians. As a result of the massacre,
na tržnici Markale u Sarajevu. Glavni štab VRS-a negirao NATO sprang into action. The ARBIH had long been wait-
je da je mina ispaljena sa srpskih položaja i nudio formi- ing for NATO to move against the Serbs. The General Staff
ranje mješovite komisije vještaka da se utvrdi tko je ispa- of the VRS denied that the round had been fired from
lio minu.955 Prognoza iz jedne divizije VRS-a da će možda Serb positions and offered the formation of a mixed com-
„‘masakr’ poslužiti kao alibi za upotrebu snaga za brze in- mission of experts for the purpose of ascertaining who
tervencije“ pokazala se točnom.956 had fired the round. The prediction made by one VRS di-
Nakon ponoći 30. kolovoza 1995. snage NATO-a po- vision that “‘the massacre’ would be used as a pretext to
čele su zračne napade i topničke udare po položajima use rapid reaction force” proved correct.
VRS-a oko Sarajeva i okolice. Prema podacima VRS-a, After midnight on August 30, 1995, NATO forces
launched air and artillery strikes on VRS positions around
NATO je tijekom dana napao položaje na širem područ-
ju Sarajeva, Čajniča, Ozrena, Foče i Majevice. Registrirano Sarajevo and in the surrounding area. According to the
je 209 aviopolijetanja, od čega 166 borbenih. Istodobno VRS, during the day NATO attacked positions in the wider
je topništvo snaga za brze intervencije ispalilo oko 2000 Sarajevo, Čajniče, Ozren, Foča and Majevica areas. 209 sor-
projektila po širem području Sarajeva. Bio je to početak ties were logged, 166 of them combat sorties. At the same
operacije Deliberate force.957 time, the RRF’s artillery fired 2,000 shells on the wider Sara-
Na zahtjev UNPROFOR-a zračni su udari privreme- jevo area. This was the start of Operation Deliberate Force.
no prekinuti da bi se pregovorima s VRS-om dogovorilo At UNPROFOR’s request the airstrikes were tempo-
povlačenje srpskoga topništva iz zone isključenja oko Sa- rarily halted so that the VRS could be persuaded through
rajeva. Vojska Republike Srpske odbila je UNPROFOR-ov negotiations to withdraw its artillery from the exclusion
zahtjev, a NATO je 5. rujna 1995. nastavio zračne napade. zone around Sarajevo. The VRS rejected UNPROFOR’s
Zrakoplovi su napadali ciljeve u okolici Sarajeva i Goražda, demand and NATO, on September 5, 1995, resumed at-
a radiorelejno središte na Majevici izbačeno je iz uporabe. tacking Serb positions from the air. The planes attacked
Osim zrakoplova u operaciju su uključene i Snage za brzo targets around Sarajevo and Goražde and disabled the
djelovanje, koje su topništvom napale nekoliko srpskih radio-relay station on Majevica. NATO artillery shelled a
uporišta oko Sarajeva. Napadi na vojne i civilne objekte number of Serb strongholds around Sarajevo. The attacks
trajali su do 13. rujna. Uništeno je nekoliko telekomuni- on military and civilian targets lasted until September 13.
kacijskih središta, više tvornica i mostova, skladišta strelji- A number of telecommunication centers, bridges and
va, hangari za vozila i oruđa, topnički položaji i aerodrom factories, ammunition depots, hangars for vehicles and
Zalužani kod Banje Luke. Zračni su udari bili kaznenog equipment, gun emplacements, and Zalužani airport
karaktera i nisu bili potpora ARBiH za teritorijalno napre- near Banja Luka were destroyed. The airstrikes were of a
dovanje. Srbi su 13. rujna prihvatili ultimatum o povlače- punitive character in no way supported ARBIH ground
nju naoružanja, nakon čega je proglašena pauza koja je troops. On September 13, the Serbs agreed to withdraw
21. rujna, nekoliko dana nakon povlačenja topničkoga their heavy weapons. After that the air strikes were halted
oružja, prerasla u prekid zračnih napada. Iako ograničena, again. On September 21, after the Serbs had withdrawn
operacija je narušila srpske sustave zapovijedanja i veze, their artillery, NATO officially ended the air offensive. Even
a imala je nepovoljan utjecaj i na moral srpskih vojnika. though limited in objectives and execution, the operation
disturbed the Serbs’ command and communications sys-
tems and had a detrimental effect on the morale of Serb
955 Isto, 377. soldiers. Even though the VRS did not suffer significant
956 Obaveštajni odsek Komande 30. pd, Obaveštajna infor- losses in men and matériel, its combat value was compro-
macija, str. pov. br. 14-254 od 29. 8. 1995. mised, a fact which the Croatian forces and ARBIH would
957 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 377-378. take advantage of in the days and months to come.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 411 4.2.2020. 18:35:18

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Premda VRS nije imao značajnije gubitke u naoružanju, OPERATION MAESTRAL

njegova je vojna moć bila narušena, što su hrvatske snage
i Armija RBiH iskoristile u nastavku rata.958 After more than a month of standing relatively still,
the Croatian forces launched another operation – Opera-
OPERACIJA MAESTRAL tion Maestral. The aim of the operation was to capture the
Mlinište pass, gain control of Vitorog and force the Serb
Nakon malo više od mjesec dana mirovanja hr- forces to retreat from the Kupres plateau and create favor-
vatske su snage izvele novu operaciju – Maestral. Cilj able conditions for advancing towards Šipovo and Jajce.
operacije bio je zauzeti prijevoj Mlinište, ovladati Vito- The main axis of advance was in the direction of
rogom i prisiliti srpske snage na povlačenje s Kupreške Mlinište. The 7th and 4th Guards Brigades were deployed
visoravni te dostići povoljne uvjete za napredovanje there. The supporting axis of advance led towards
prema Šipovu i Jajcu. Mount Vitorog. The 1st Croatian Guards Corps, Special
Na glavnom smjeru napada prema prijevoju Mlini- Police of the MUP HR HB and 60th gdp HVO were de-
šte angažirane su 7. i 4. gardijska brigada, a na pomoć- ployed there. The 1st and 2nd Guards Brigades of the HVO
nom pravcu prema planini Vitorog napadali su 1. HGZ, SP and 22nd Commando Detachment were to participate
MUP-a HR HB i 60. gdb HVO-a. U završnoj fazi operacije in the final phase of the operation for the liberation of
za oslobađanje Kupreške visoravni planirane su 1. i 2. gar- the Kupres plateau. OG South was conducting active de-
dijska brigada HVO-a i 22. diverzantski odred. Operativna fense in the direction of Bosansko Grahovo – Drvar and
grupa Jug bila je u aktivnoj obrani na smjeru Bosansko OG West along the Srb – Drvar stretch of the border. The
Grahovo – Drvar, a OG Zapad na dijelu državne granice 10th Artillery Rocket Regiment of the HVO and 14th and
na smjeru Srb – Drvar. Za potporu su zaduženi 10. topnič- 20th Artillery Division of the HV would provide support.
ko-raketni puk HVO-a te 14. i 20. topnički divizijun HV-a.
The operation started on September 8, 1995. The morn-
Operacija je počela 8. rujna 1995., uz jutarnju maglu koja ing mist somewhat slowed down the initial onslaught
je donekle usporila početni napad, a završila je 15. rujna. but everything eventually went according to plan. The
S obzirom na vrijeme, prostor i učinak, Maestral je opera- operation ended on September 15. In terms of time,
cija bez presedana tijekom rata u BiH. U njoj su hrvatske area and effect, Operation Maestral is arguably the most
snage potpuno razbile 2. krajiški korpus VRS-a i postigle successful undertaking of Croatian forces of the entire
strategijski učinak. Zauzele su područje površine oko war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In it the Croatian forces
2500 km2, uključujući tri grada: Šipovo (12. rujna), Jajce utterly defeated the VRS II Krajina Corps and achieved a
(13. rujna) i Drvar (14. rujna), te dva važna prijevoja, Mlini- success of strategic importance. They captured an area
šte (9. rujna) i Oštrelj (14. rujna). Imale su 55 poginulih, 67 25,000m2 in size, including three cities, Šipovo (Septem-
teže i 110 lakše ranjenih vojnika.959 Ispred hrvatskih snaga ber 12), Jajce (September 13) and Drvar (September 14),
do Banje Luke je bio samo Mrkonjić Grad.960
and two important passes; Mlinište (September 9) and
Oštrelj (September 14). The Croatian forces lost 55 men
OPERACIJA UNA killed, 67 seriously wounded and 110 lightly wounded
soldiers. Only Mrkonjić Grad stood between Banja Luka
Potencijal uspješnih operacija hrvatskih snaga u and the Croatian forces.
jugozapadnoj Bosni američka je diplomacija, odnosno
njezin dio, prepoznala kao još jednu priliku za pritisak
na vodstvo Republike Srpske. Američki pregovarač
Richard Holbrooke susreo se 14. rujna 1995. s Tuđma-
The political potential of the successful Croatian
nom i preporučio nastavak ofenzive. Tri dana poslije,
military operations in southwest Bosnia was recognized
17. rujna, uvjeravao je Tuđmana da “uzme Sanski Most,
by a number of American diplomats. The diplomats
used the successes as leverage during negotiations
958 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, II, 171-175. with the leaders of the RS. On September 14, 1995,
959 A. GOTOVINA, Napadajni bojevi i operacije, 98, 187. the American negotiator Richard Holbrooke met with
960 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 378-380. Tuđman and recommended that the offensive contin-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Prijedor i Bosanski Novi – sve važne gradove koji su ue. Three days later, on September 17, Holbrooke tried
postali svjetski poznati simboli etničkog čišćenja”. Bio to convince Tuđman to “take Sanski most, Prijedor and
je to potpuni obrat: samo nekoliko dana prije SAD Bosanski Novi – towns that had become worldwide
je tražio da Hrvatska zaustavi operacije u središnjoj known symbols of ethnic cleansing.” It was a complete
i zapadnoj Bosni. Holbrooke je držao da hrvatski mi- volte-face; only a few days before the USA had demand-
nistar obrane Gojko Šušak želi zauzeti i Banju Luku, ed that Croatia halt operations in Central and western
što je Amerikancima bilo neprihvatljivo. To bi izazva- Bosnia. Holbrooke thought that the Croatian minister
lo nove valove izbjeglica, a uz to Federacija Bosne i of defense Gojko Šušak wanted to capture Banja Luka
Hercegovine ne bi mogla zadržati Banju Luku već bi too, which was unacceptable to the Americans. The fall
je morala vratiti Srbima.961 Iz hrvatske perspektive či- of Banja Luka would create more waves of refugees. Be-
nilo se da je prilika povoljna. Operacija Maestral bila sides, the Federation of BiH would have to return the
je velik uspjeh, srpske su snage pretrpjele niz poraza city to the Serbs in any event. From the bird’s eye view
i bile su u nepovoljnom položaju. Uz to je izbjeglički of Croatia, the situation was favorable. Operation Mae-
val koji se kretao prema Banjoj Luci otežavao mane- stral had been a huge success; the Serb forces had suf-
var srpske vojske, čiji 2. krajiški korpus, po hrvatskim fered a string of defeats and were in a bad shape. Mak-
vojnoobavještajnim procjenama, nije nadzirao stanje ing things even worse for the Serbs was a huge wave of
na području svoje mjerodavnosti. Držalo se da taj kor- refugees descending on Banja Luka and thus disrupting
pus bez značajnijega ojačanja neće moći organizirati the movements of the Serbian army, whose II Krajina
obranu na crtama na koje je odbačen. Uopće, držalo Corps, according to Croatian intelligence estimates, did
se da organizirana obrana postoji samo na području not control the situation in its area of responsibility. It
Ključa i Bosanske Krupe, a uočeno je i poduzimanje was believed that II Krajina Corps, without ample rein-
mjera za obranu Prijedora. Tijekom 16. rujna snage forcements, would not be able to hold the positions it
ARBiH sasvim su ovladale planinom Grmeč, zauzele had been thrown back to. Moreover, the Croatian strat-
Ključ i nastavile napad prema Bosanskoj Krupi, San- egists were of the opinion that organized defense ex-
skom Mostu i Mrkonjić Gradu. To je bio povod da se u isted only in the Ključ and Bosanska Krupa areas. The
Glavnom stožeru HV-a 17. rujna 1995. zaključi, svaka- Croatian forces also noted that the Serbs were taking
ko na temelju informacija Obavještajne uprave, da su measures for organizing the defense of Prijedor. During
snage 2. krajiškog korpusa „potpuno razbijene“, pose- September 16, the ARBIH gained full control of Mount
bice zbog prodora snaga 5. korpusa ARBiH na smjeru Grmeč, captured Ključ and continued attacking to-
Ključ – Sanski Most – Prijedor.962 wards Bosanska Krupa, Sanski Most and Mrkonjić Grad.
Na temelju Holbrookeova prijedloga i povoljnih Those successes of the ARBIH led the General Staff of
obavještajnih procjena o slabostima srpskih snaga the Croatian Army to conclude, on September 17, 1995,
odlučeno je da se HV vojno angažira u zapadnoj Bo- that, based on the information provided by the intel-
sni u operaciji Una. Na donošenje odluke svakako je ligence service, II Krajina Corps had been “completely
utjecao niz vojnih uspjeha u prethodnim mjesecima, destroyed”, especially as a result of V Corps’s advance in
pa se u napad odlučilo krenuti brzo i bez pripreme. the direction of Ključ – Sanski Most – Prijedor.
Snage predviđene za napad imale su na raspolaga- Based on Holbrooke’s suggestion and intelligence
nju desetak sati tijekom kojih su trebale izraditi bor- reports about the Serb forces’ weaknesses, it was de-
bene dokumente i pripremiti postrojbe za još jednu cided to employ the Croatian Army in central Bosnia in
zahtjevnu akciju. Zamisao operacije bila je nasilan Operation Una. The successes achieved during the pre-
prijelaz Une na području Bosanskog Novog i Bosan- vious months certainly influenced the decision because
ske Dubice te Save na području Jasenovca, uspostava the planners opted for launching the operation immedi-
ately without preparations. The forces slated to carry out
the attack had only about 10 hours to create necessary
961 Richard HOLBROOKE, Završiti rat, Šahinpašić, Sarajevo,
1998., 164-165.
documents for another demanding operation. The idea
was to force the crossing of the Una River in the Bosanski
962 Davor MARIJAN, “Zborno područje Bjelovar u opera-
ciji Una”, Scrinia Slavonica, br. 8, Slavonski Brod, 2008., Novi and Bosanska Dubica areas and the Sava River in
318-319. the Jasenovac area, establish bridgeheads, gain control


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

mostobrana, ovladavanje planinom Prosarom i stva- of Mount Prosara and create favorable conditions for an
ranje povoljnih uvjeta za prodor prema Prijedoru. Za advance towards Prijedor. The attacking force consist-
napad su angažirane snage zbornih područja Zagreb ed of troops from Military District Zagreb and Military
i Bjelovar, 1. gardijske brigade HV-a i Hrvatskoga rat- District Bjelovar, 1st Guards Brigade of the Croatian Army
nog zrakoplovstva. S 5. korpusom ARBiH planiralo and the Croatian Air Force. The plan was also to advance,
se sukladno djelovanje na smjerovima Ključ – Sanski in coordination with the ARBIH V Corps in the direction
Most – Prijedor i Bosanska Krupa – Bosanski Novi. Na of Ključ – Sanski Most – Prijedor and in the direction of
glavnom smjeru napada na Uni napadalo je Zborno Bosanska Krupa – Bosanski Novi. The forces from ZP Za-
područje Zagreb, a na pomoćnom na Savi Zborno po- greb attacked in the main direction of the offensive. The
dručje Bjelovar.963 forces from ZP Bjelovar operated along the supporting
Nasuprot hrvatskim snagama bila je 10. operativ- axis of advance in the direction of the Sava River.
na grupa (OG-10) VRS-a, koja je formirana po zapo- Ranged against the Croatian forces was the VRS’s
vijedi Komande 1. krajiškog korpusa od 4. kolovoza. OG-10, which had been formed by order of the HQ of
Grupa se počela osnivati na samom početku Oluje i I Krajina Corps of August 4. The start of the process of
njezina je svrha bila osiguranje sjeverozapadne gra- forming the group coincided with the commencement
nice Republike Srpske, odnosno na Uni i Savi od sela of Operation Storm and its role was to secure the north-
Donja Blatna u općini Bosanski Novi do sela Trstenci u western border of the RS. This border ran along the Sava
općini Derventa.964 and Una Rivers, from the village of Donja Blatna in the
Operacija je počela ujutro 18. rujna 1995., a okon- Bosanski Novi Municipality as far as the village of Trsten-
čana je povlačenjem snaga na lijevu obalu rijeka Une ci in the municipality of Derventa.
i Save navečer 19. rujna. Zbog načina na koji je zapo- The operation started on the morning of Septem-
čela, operacija Una u cjelini je sporna i duže je vrijeme ber 18, 1995, and ended when the Croatian forces with-
bila predmet medijskih kontroverzija. Od dobivanja drew to the left banks of the Sava and Una Rivers on
direktive Glavnoga stožera HV-a do kretanja u napad the evening of September 19. Operation Una is contro-
proteklo je samo 16 sati. To je bilo tako kratko vrije- versial and for a while it was the subject of many dis-
me da o nekakvoj pripremi ne treba uopće razmišljati. cussions aired and published by various media outlets.
Nije je ni moglo biti. Operacija nije uspjela u prvom It has to be noted that only 16 hours passed between
redu zbog pogrešne prosudbe protivnika. Samo se the moment when the General Staff of the Croatian
tako može objasniti pokretanje napadne operacije Army issued the directive for attack and the moment
čija je osnova nasilni prijelaz rijeke, što je jedan od when the troops moved into action. The operation was
najtežih oblika napada. Način na koji je provedena not prepared properly for the simple reason that there
zorno pokazuje koliko je Vojska Republike Srpske bila was not enough time to prepare it. However, the op-
podcijenjena. To se najbolje vidi na smjeru napada eration ultimately failed because the planners had un-
Zbornoga područja Bjelovar, koje je poslano u napad derestimated the enemy. This is the only explanation
s pričuvnim postrojbama. Iako je to Zborno područje for launching an offensive operation the lynchpin of
u Oluji imalo uspješan nasilan prijelaz rijeke, to ne op- which was a forced crossing of a river, one of the most
ravdava istu formulu.965 demanding attacking maneuvers. Again, the Croatian
Una je bila jedina neuspjela operacija HV-a u za- forces badly underestimated the enemy. For that rea-
mašnom operacijskom ciklusu koji je počeo u stude- son, for no other reason seems logical, ZP Bjelovar’s re-
nome 1994. operacijom Cincar na Kupreškom polju, serve forces were picked to lead the attack. It has to be
pointed out that ZP Bjelovar’s forces had successfully
effected a forced crossing of a river during Operation
963 Isto, 319-320. Storm. Still, the fact does not justify trying to repeat the
964 Agresija Republike Hrvatske na Republiku Srpsku: Poslje- formula in less favorable conditions.
dice u opštinama Novi Grad, Kostajnica i Kozarska Dubica
– septembar 1995. godine, Republički sekretarijat za od-
Operation Una was the only failed operation of the
nose sa MKS u Hagu i istraživanje ratnih zločina, Banja HV in the momentous operational cycle that started in
Luka, 2008., 13-14. November, 1994, with Operation Cincar on the Kupres
965 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 381-383. field, and Operation Winter-94 on the Livno field. As a


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

odnosno Zima-94 na Livanjskom polju. Kao gorka bitter exception, it was soon relegated to a footnote in
iznimka, brzo je gurnuta u stranu i zaborav. Bila je ne- most Croatian accounts of the war. Operation Una was
promišljena, napravljena bez priprema, a protivnik je a reckless undertaking launched without due prepara-
bio potpuno podcijenjen. To su bili preduvjeti da ope- tions and on the basis of a gross underestimation of en-
racija pretrpi neuspjeh. emy capabilities – a sure recipe for disaster.

Napadne operacije ARBiH i protunapad ARBIH’s Offensive Operations and VRS’s

VRS-a u zapadnoj Bosni Counterattack in Western Bosnia

U rujnu 1995. i Armija RBiH zabilježila je nekoliko In September, 1995, the ARBIH too achieved several
velikih uspjeha. Posebice je značajna bila operacija important military successes. Worthy of note is the op-
u dolini rijeke Krivaje i na južnim dijelovima Ozrena, eration conducted in the Krivaja Valley and on southern
koja je nazvana Vozućka operacija po naselju Vozući. slopes of Mount Ozren. The operation was codenamed
Vozućki je džep na širini od 3 do 3,5 kilometra razdva- Vozućka, after the village of Vozuća. The Vozuća pock-
jao snage 2. i 3. korpusa, čiji su dijelovi angažirani u et, 3-3.5km wide, separated II and III Corps, whose ele-
operaciji s oko 20.000 vojnika. Operacija je počela 10. ments, numbering 20,000 soldiers, were deployed in the
rujna i završila 10. listopada, kada je dio snaga izvu- operation. The operation commenced on September
čen i poslan u pomoć 5. korpusu u zapadnu Bosnu. 10 and ended on October 10, when some of the forces
Operacija je ostvarila potpuni uspjeh, zauzeto je oko were pulled out and sent to relieve the ARBIH V Corps in
500 km2 u dolini Krivaje i na Ozrenu i spojene su sna- western Bosnia. The operation achieved a total military
ge 2. i 3. korpusa.966 success. An area of 500 square kilometers in the Krivaja
Slom 2. krajiškog korpusa VRS-a u zapadnoj Bo- Valley and on Mount Ozren was captured and the II and
sni 5. korpus ARBiH iskoristio je za provedbu opera- III Corps were rejoined.
cije Sana-95. Operacija je počela 13. rujna 1995. go- The ARBIH V Corps used the defeat of the VRS II
dine. U vrijeme kada su hrvatske snage bile u petom Krajina Corps in western Bosnia to conduct Operation
danu operacije Maestral, Armija RBiH pokrenula je Sana 95. The operation commenced on September
snage prema Kulen Vakufu i Bosanskom Petrovcu, 13, 1995. During day 5 of Operation Maestral the AR-
BIH started advancing towards Kulen Vakuf, Bosanski
Sanskom Mostu i Bosanskom Novom. Na smjeru pre-
ma Kulen Vakufu, Bosanskom Petrovcu i Ključu srpski Petrovac, Sanski most and Bosanski Novi. In the direc-
otpor nije bio vrijedan spomena i bošnjačke su sna- tion of Kulen Vakuf, Bosanski Petrovac and Ključ, the
ge u ta mjesta ušle 14. rujna. Zbog loše koordinaci- Serb forces did not put up any significant resistance
je došlo je do kraćega sukoba između bošnjačkih i and the Bosniak forces entered the villages on Septem-
hrvatskih snaga na prijevoju Oštrelj između Drvara i ber 14. Due to a mistake in coordinating the action of
Bosanskog Petrovca.967 the two armed forces, Bosniak and Croatian troops en-
Na pravcu prema Bosanskom Novom i Sanskom gaged in a short conflict on the Oštrelj pass, between
Mostu VRS je pružio otpor i snage 5. korpusa ARBiH uz Drvar and Bosanski Petrovac.
borbu su 17. rujna 1995. zauzele Bosansku Krupu. Na- In the direction of Bosanski Novi and Sanski Most,
predovanje korpusa prema Mrkonjić Gradu, Bosanskom the VRS put up a stiff resistance but the ARBIH V Corps
managed to capture Bosanska Krupa on September 17,
Novom i Sanskom Mostu VRS je zaustavila 21. rujna.968
U drugoj polovini rujna 1995. VRS je loše stajao u 1995. The VRS forces stopped the Corps’s advance to-
zapadnom i središnjem dijelu BiH. Izgubili su Šipovo, wards Mrkonjić Grad, Bosanski Novi and Sanski Most on
Donji Vakuf, Jajce, Drvar, Ključ, Bosanski Petrovac i Bo- September 21.
sansku Krupu te Vozuću na padinama Ozrena, uklju- In the second half of September, 1995, the VRS’s
position in the western and central part of Bosnia and
Herzegovina was not favorable. The VRS lost possession
966 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, II, 177-181. of Šipovo, Donji Vakuf, Jajce, Drvar, Ključ, Bosanski Petro-
967 Isto, 193-195. vac and Bosanska Krupa as well as the village of Vozuća
968 Isto, 196. on the slopes of Mount Ozren, including the areas sur-


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

čujući i okolicu spomenutih mjesta. Glavni štab VRS-a rounding the mentioned locations. The VRS’s General
priznao je 21. rujna da se radi o operativnom uspjehu. Staff admitted on September 21 that the enemy had
Uz vojnički poraz i pad morala, VRS-u je velike pro- achieved a success at the operational level. In addition
bleme pričinjavao novi val od oko 100.000 izbjeglica. to the military defeat and low morale, the VRS had to
General Manojlo Milovanović kao komandant IKM-a deal with a new wave of around 100,000 refugees. Gen-
Glavnoga štaba VRS-a zadužen je da zaustavi rasulo eral Manojlo Milovanović acting in the capacity of Com-
srpskih snaga i stabilizira frontu. Od njega se očekiva- mander of the Forward Command Post of the General
lo da tijekom 19. i 20. rujna organizira odsudnu obra- Staff of the VRS was tasked with stabilizing the Serb forc-
nu i prijeđe u protuofenzivu radi vraćanja izgubljenog es and the situation on the front line. He was expected
teritorija. Položaje na obalama Une i Save trebalo je to organize a determined defense on September 19-20,
maksimalno utvrditi, sve gradove u zoni 1. KK-a bra- and engage in a counteroffensive action for the purpose
niti na trenutnim crtama obrane, a u gradovima ne- of recapturing the lost territories. The positions on the
posredno uz bojište ili u njegovoj blizini morali su se banks of the Una and Sava Rivers were to be completely
odrediti zapovjednici obrane.969 fortified, all cities in the area of I Krajina Corps were to be
Nakon raspada 2. krajiškog korpusa, 1. krajiški defended on the current defensive lines, and in the cit-
korpus nastojao je s OG-10 spriječiti prodor ARBiH ies, directly at the front lines or in their vicinity, defense
prema Sanskom Mostu i Bosanskom Novom i stvo- commanders were to be appointed.
riti uvjete za uvođenje svježih snaga za protunapad After II Krajina Corps was destroyed, I Krajina Corps,
radi zauzimanja Ključa i Bosanskog Petrovca. Od 21. reinforced with OG-10, tried to prevent the ARBIH from
rujna 1995. VRS je u protunapadima na 5. korpus AR- advancing towards Sanski Most and Bosansko Novo,
BiH počeo vraćati dio izgubljenog teritorija na smjeru and to create conditions for deploying fresh units for
Bosanski Novi – Bosanska Krupa, Gornji Rakani i Bu- a counterattack the aim of which was to capture Ključ
dimlić Japre, kao i dio teritorija na širem području Bo- and Bosanski Petrovac. From September 21, 1995, in the
sanske Krupe.970 counterattacks on the ARBIH V Corps, the VRS started re-
Krajem rujna 1995. VRS se pripremao za napad- gaining some of the lost territory on the Bosanski Novi –
nu operaciju pod imenom Štit-95. Plan je bio krenuti Bosanska Krupa – Gornji Rakani – Budimilić Japre line, as
svim raspoloživim snagama na zapadnom dijelu rati- well as some territory in the wider Bosanska Krupa area.
šta, glavnim snagama napasti na pravcima Mrkonjić At the end of September, 1995, the VRS was pre-
Grad – Ključ – Glamoč i Sanski Most – Lušci Palanka paring to conduct an offensive operation codenamed
– Bosanski Petrovac – Drvar, razbiti protivnika i bez Shield-95. The plan was to deploy all available forces in
zadržavanja izbiti na crtu Bosanska Krupa – greben the western part of the theater. The main force was to
Grmeča (prijevoj Risovac) – Krnjeuša – Vrtoče – Bo- attack in the direction of Mrkonjić Grad – Ključ – Glamoč,
sanski Petrovac – Lanište – Baraći, a potom nakon in the direction of Sanski Most – Lušci Palanka – Bosans-
prestrojavanja snaga produžiti napad prema Bihaću, ki Petrovac – Drvar, defeat the enemy and without de-
Drvaru, Bosanskom Grahovu i Glamoču. Napad je po- lay reach the Bosanska Krupa – Grmeča ridge (Risovac
čeo 28. rujna.971 pass) – Krnjeuša – Vrtoče – Bosanski Petrovac – Lanište –
Plan je bio megalomanski, no na smjeru napada Baraći line, and then after regrouping resume the attack
na kojem su bile bošnjačke snage činio se realnim. towards Bihać, Drvar, Bosansko Grahovo and Glamoč.
Peti korpus ARBiH našao se u teškom stanju i prijetila The attack commenced on September 28.
je opasnost da bude protjeran prema Bihaću kao go- The plan was extremely ambitious, but neverthe-
dinu dana prije. U pomoć 5. korpusu u prvoj polovini less, realistic in the direction defended by Bosniak forc-
listopada dovedeno je oko 11.000 bošnjačkih vojnika es. The ARBIH V Corps found itself in a desperate situ-
iz središnje Bosne, koji su bili jedan od razloga da se ation and there existed a real danger that it would be
thrown back towards Bihać, just like one year before.
During the first half of October, 11,000 Bosniak troops
969 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 383-384. were brought from central Bosnia to help V Corps. These
970 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, II, 196-197. reinforcements were one of the reasons why the Serb
971 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 384. counteroffensive eventually failed. Another major rea-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

srpska protuofenziva zaustavi. Drugi, ili prvi, razlog son why it failed was Operation Southern Move, which
bila je operacija Južni potez, koja je dogovorena izme- was incepted as a result of an agreement between the
đu HV-a, HVO-a i ARBiH.972 HV, the HVO and the ARBIH.


Nakon izvlačenja iz Jajca, VRS je za obranu Mrko- After pulling their forces out of Jajce, the VRS de-
njić Grada angažirao snage OG-2 i 30. pješačke divi- ployed OG-2 and the 30th Infantry Division for the pur-
zije. Početkom listopada 30. pješačka divizija organi- pose of defending Mrkonjić Grad. At the beginning of
zirala je obranu na crti rijeka Vrbas (ušće rijeke Ugar) October, the 30th Infantry Division set up defensive po-
– rijeka Ugar – uzvodno prema Skender Vakufu i dalje sitions along the Vrbas River (mouth of the Ugar River) –
selo Vitovlje.973 Ugar River – upstream in the direction of Skender Vakuf
Sa završetkom Maestrala hrvatske su snage počele and towards the village of Vitovlje.
pripreme za Južni potez. Cilj operacije bio je okružiti i After the end of Operation Maestral, the Croatian
uništiti srpske snage na širem području Mrkonjić Grada, forces started preparing for Operation Southern Move.
ovladati prometnicama koje od Mrkonjić Grada vode The aim of the operation was to encircle and destroy
prema Banjoj Luci i u nastavku zaposjesti pogodne po- the Serb forces deployed in the wider Mrkonjić Grad
ložaje, prijeći u obranu i biti u spremnosti za odbijanje area, gain control of lines of communications, estab-
protunapada s desne obale Vrbasa. Glavne snage treba- lish a defensive line and remain prepared to beat back
le su se grupirati na smjeru Jajce – Mrkonjić Grad – Ma- counterattacks coming from the direction of the right
njača, a pomoćne na smjeru Dimitor – Dubica. Dio za- bank of the Vrbas River. The main Croatian forces were
datka bio je slabljenje srpskoga pritiska na 5. i 7. korpus to regroup in the direction of Jajce – Mrkonjić – Man-
ARBiH. Glavne snage u operaciji bile su 4. i 7. gardijska jača, and the supporting forces were to be deployed in
brigada HV-a, 1. hrvatski gardijski zdrug, 1., 2. i 3. gar- the direction of Dimitor – Dubica. One part of their task
dijska brigada HVO-a, 126. dp HV-a, 60. gardijsko-de- was to weaken the Serb pressure on the ARBIH V and VII
santna bojna, 22. diverzantski odred HVO-a i Specijalna Corps. The main Croatian forces conducting the oper-
policija MUP-a HR HB.974 ation were 4th and 7th Guards Brigade of the HV, the 1st
Operacija je počela ujutro 9. listopada, a okončana Croatian Guards Corps, HVO’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd Guards Bri-
je 12. listopada 1995. kada su hrvatske snage realizira- gade, HV’s 126dp Brigade, 60th Guards Assault Battalion,
le sve postavljene ciljeve i zaustavile se na 23 km od 22nd Commando Detachment of the HVO and Special
središta Banje Luke, najvećega grada RS-a. Bilo je to i Police of the MUP HR HB.
u skladu s planovima međunarodne zajednice koja je The operation began on the morning of October 9,
smatrala da su tim uspjehom postignuti uvjeti za pre- and ended on October 12, 1995, when the Croatian forc-
kid borbi i povratak diplomata za pregovarački stol. es, having attained all of the objectives, stopped their
Osvojeno je područje od oko 800 km2, uključujući Mr- advance on the outskirts of Banja Luka, the largest city
konjić Grad i hidrocentrale na Vrbasu, a snagama AR- in the RS. They were only 23 kilometers away from the
BiH omogućeno je napredovanje prema dolini Sane. U city center. The decision to stop the advance towards
operaciji je poginulo 10, teže ranjeno 186, a lakše 478 Banja Luka was in accordance with the plans of the inter-
hrvatskih vojnika.975 national community. The international community be-
lieved that the Croatian forces’ success created a favor-
able situation on the ground for a cessation of hostilities
and induced the diplomats to return to the negotiating
table. The Croatian forces captured around 800 square
kilometers of terrain, including Mrkonjić Grad and the
972 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, II, 196-199. hydroelectric power plants on the Vrbas River and en-
973 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 385. abled the ARBIH to advance towards the Sana Valley. 10
974 A. GOTOVINA, Napadajni bojevi i operacije, 104-105. Croatian soldiers were killed, 186 were seriously wound-
975 A. GOTOVINA, Napadajni bojevi i operacije, 109-110, 187. ed and 478 suffered light wounds in the operation.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 417 4.2.2020. 18:35:18

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.


Tijekom operacije Južni potez Armija Republike BiH During Operation Southern Move the ARBIH moved
krenula je u svoj dio operacije. Snage 5. korpusa s ojača- into the attack as well. On October 9, 1995, the ARBIH
njima su 9. listopada 1995. ušle u Sanicu, a 10. listopada V Corps, with reinforcements, entered Sanica, and on
u Sanski Most. Idućega je dana zauzeto nekoliko naselja October 10 the corps entered Sanski Most. The follow-
jugoistočno od Prijedora. Operacije su završile 12. listo- ing day the Corps captured several villages southeast
pada, što je bio i kraj sukoba.976 of Prijedor. The operations ended on October 12, which
Nakon Južnog poteza hrvatske su snage prešle u marked the end of the hostilities.
djelatnu obranu i prestrojavanje snaga. Zadatak OG-a After Operation Southern Move, the Croatian forc-
Istok bio je spriječiti prodor srpskih snaga na pravcima es started conducting active defense and reorganizing
prema Mrkonjić Gradu i Jajcu. Drugi je zadatak bio one- their forces. The task of OG East was to prevent Serb forc-
mogućiti infiltriranje i nekontrolirano prometovanje es from advancing towards Mrkonjić Grad and Jajce and
postrojbi ARBiH na području nadzora OG-a Istok. Pot- to prevent the ARBIH’s units from infiltrating OG East’s
pisano primirje srpske su snage prekršile 18. listopada area of responsibility and monitoring the ARBIH’s units’
1995. neuspješnim napadom prema Bočcu i Čađavici. transit through the area. On October 18, the Serb forc-
Poslije nije bilo ozbiljnijih kršenja i primirje se održalo.977 es violated the cease-fire by launching an unsuccessful
Postrojbe HV-a ostale su u zapadnoj odnosno jugo- attack in the direction of Bočac and Čađavica. After that
zapadnoj BiH do početka prosinca 1995., kada je HVO the cease-fire was not violated in any significant way
preuzeo i njihovu zonu djelovanja. Zbornom području and therefore it held.
Tomislavgrad zona djelovanja proširena je na jugoza- The HV units remained in western and southwest
padnu Bosnu, odnosno na područje Drvara, iz kojeg su Bosnia until the beginning of December, 1995, when the
povučene snage ZP-a Split. Zbog toga je zona ZP-a Vitez HVO took over their area of responsibility. Military Dis-
proširena desno od Demirovca do lijevo rijeke Sane.978 trict Tomislavgrad’s area of responsibility was expanded
U Hrvatskoj je gorući problem ostao okupirani dio to include southwest Bosnia, that is, the Drvar area, from
istočne Hrvatske. Hrvatsko je vrhovništvo dalo pred- where the forces of Military District Split were pulled
nost političkim pregovorima, ali je u spremnosti držalo out. For that reason, the area of Military District Vitez
HV i ratni plan oslobađanja istočne Slavonije, Baranje was expanded to include the area south of Demirovac,
i Srijema pod imenom Dunav. On se trebao realizirati as far as the left bank of the Sana River.
ako pobunjeni Srbi ne bi pristali na mirnu reintegraciju For the Croatian government and its citizens the
u Hrvatsku. Sličnu je sudbinu imao i plan Burin, koji nije fact that eastern Croatia was still occupied presented a
realiziran, a razrađen je za šire zaleđe Dubrovnika.979 grievous and ongoing problem. Nevertheless, the Croa-
tian leadership insisted on solving the problem peace-
fully, through political dialogue. However, the Croatian
government was prepared to use the Croatian Army to
solve the problem militarily, if everything else failed. A
plan for such an eventuality existed. It was codenamed
Dunav (Danube), and its aim was to liberate Eastern Sla-
vonia, Baranja and Sirmium. It was never implemented
because the Serbs eventually agreed to be reintegrat-
ed peacefully into Croatia. There existed another plan,
976 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, II, 200.
Burin, for the liberation of the wider hinterland of Du-
977 D. MARIJAN, Domovinski rat, 386. brovnik. Due to successful negotiations, that plan suf-
978 Isto, 386. fered the same fate as the Dunav plan.
979 Isto; Jakša RAGUŽ, „Operacija 'Burin' – planovi Hrvatske
vojske za zauzimanje istočne Hercegovine 1995. godi-
ne“, Časopis za suvremenu povijest, 3/43, 2009., 633-657.


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Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 419 4.2.2020. 18:35:18

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

VUKOVAR - sjećate li se 18. studenoga 1991. (autor: Boris Ljubičić, Studio International, Tisak: Grafički zavod Hrvatske, Zagreb 1993.).

VUKOVAR - do you remember November 18, 1991 (Author: Boris Ljubičić, Studio International, Printed by Grafički zavod Hrvatske, Zagreb, 1993).


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 420 4.2.2020. 18:35:19

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Rat je opreka miru. U ratu se ubija, ruši i uništava War is the opposite of peace. Warfare is a destruc-
materijalno dobro koje je nastajalo godinama, pa i sto- tible activity resulting in loss of life and eradication of
ljećima. Dvadeseto je stoljeće donijelo totalni rat, sveo- assets, material resources and civilized achievements.
buhvatni rat protiv protivnika, od čega se mnogo vidjelo The 20th century ushered in the era of total war, a type of
u ratovima u Hrvatskoj i BiH. unrestricted warfare committed to achieving total vic-
U Hrvatskoj su većinu zločina počinili pripadnici JNA tory at the cost of any sacrifice in lives and property and
i pobunjenih Srba. Oni su bili sastavni dio stvaranja srp- waged with absolute or near-absolute disregard for all
ske države na dijelu teritorija RH. Srpski rat za hrvatsku moral and ethical values. The wars in Croatia and Bosnia
zemlju podrazumijevao je da ona bude “očišćena” od and Herzegovina featured many aspects of total war.
nesrpskoga stanovništva. Povoljnije rješenje za Srbe bilo Most war crimes and crimes against humanity in
je da oružanim sukobima i prijetnjama navedu stanov- Croatia were committed by the JNA and rebel Serbs. It is
ništvo da napusti teritorij koji se želio pripojiti, a manje important to stress that the JNA and rebel Serbs deliber-
povoljno, no učinkovitije rješenje bio je izravan progon, ately used terror as a war measure against Croatia in a bid
koji je prečesto praćen počinjenjem ratnih zločina. U to create a Serb state within the internationally recog-
tom su poslu veliku ulogu odigrale srpske paravojne nized borders of the Republic of Croatia. The Serbs’ cru-
postrojbe, čije je nasilje s jedne strane stvaralo ozračje sade for acquiring Croatian land was predicated on the
za evakuaciju ili progon nesrpskoga stanovništva, a s need to ethnically cleanse the captured areas of all non-
druge strane uvjetovalo je angažman JNA. Postrojbe Serb residents. In this particular regard the Serbs strove
JNA u manjoj su mjeri izravno činile zločine, ali su ih to induce, by military action and threats, the non-Serbs
svojim postupcima omogućile. One su željeni cilj pretež- to flee the territory under their attack. The results of this
no postizale udarom s distance, uglavnom topničkom strategy were not satisfactory enough in terms of the
vatrom i napadima iz zraka. Vukovar je ogledni primjer number of refugees. In many cases the Serbs opted for
takve strategije i u njemu su srpske snage počinile svoj the more efficient, even though less desirable solution
najveći zločin. Tijekom i nakon kampanje za osvajanje of directly expelling the non-Serbs from the conquered
grada JNA i pobunjeni Srbi primijenili su više načina areas. More often than not these expulsion drives were
nečovječnog djelovanja, koji su doveli do osvajanja Vu- accompanied by war crimes and crimes against human-
kovara i protjerivanja nesrpskoga stanovništva iz njega. ity. The pivotal role in this campaign of ethnic cleansing
Nakon osvajanja grada iz gradske bolnice odvedeno je was played by Serb paramilitary formations. Their brutal
i potom ubijeno 266 ranjenika i medicinskog osoblja, treatment of non-Serb civilians prompted many non-
od toga broja 200 je ubijeno na poljoprivrednom dobru Serbs to flee their homes or forced the Croatian govern-
Ovčara kraj Vukovara. U gradiću Iloku odigrao se igrokaz ment to evacuate the populations of whole towns and
o izjašnjavanju, koji je također doveo do protjerivanja villages. At the same time it gave a pretext to the JNA to
stanovništva. Uz to je dio vojnika i stanovništva držan u intervene, ostensibly to stop the violence but in reality
višemjesečnom zatočeništvu u logorima u Srbiji (u Be- to solidify Serb conquests and facilitate further instanc-
ogradu, Nišu, Novom Sadu, Padinskoj Skeli, Somboru, es of ethnic cleansing, war crimes and crimes against
Srijemskoj Mitrovici, Stajićevu, Begejcima, Šidu i drugim humanity. Sometimes JNA units also perpetrated war
logorima i zatvorima) i u samom Vukovaru.980 crimes and crimes against humanity. For the most part
U Hrvatskoj su JNA i srpske snage u zoni borbenog though, the JNA used long range artillery and air power
djelovanja počinile velik broj zločina koji su doveli do to strike at civilian targets and thus induce civilians to
egzodusa nesrpskoga stanovništva. Gotovo da nema di- flee. During the Battle of Vukovar the JNA relied heavily
on the strategy of indiscriminate shelling. The Serb forc-
es committed the worst war crimes and crimes against
980 ICTY: Reynaud THEUNENS, Dobrovoljci SRS/SČP i sukob u
Hrvatskoj i BiH – Izveštaj veštaka Tima vojnih analitičara humanity of the entire war during the siege of Vukovar
za predmet br. IT-03-67, Haag, mart 2006.; ICTY: Reyna- and after the fall of the city. When the city surrendered
ud THEUNENS, Vojni aspekt uloge Jovice Stanišića i Franka the Serbs marched out 266 wounded people and medi-
Simatovića u sukobima u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini cal staff from Vukovar Hospital and executed them. 200
(1991–1995), Izveštaj za potrebe predmeta br. IT-03-69,
Haag, 30. 6. 2007.; D. MARIJAN, Obrana i pad Vukovara, of them the Serbs bestially murdered at the Ovčara farm
169-173, 262-265, 346-354. near Vukovar. In the town of Ilok the JNA organized a


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 421 4.2.2020. 18:35:19

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

jela teritorija gdje su bile borbe da nije napravljen ratni referendum in which the residents could opt for either
zločin. Uz općinu Vukovar (što uključuje grad i okolna staying in the town or leaving. Since the town was sur-
sela) posebice je stradala Banovina s dolinom rijeke Une. rounded with Serb tanks the vast majority of the resi-
U široj memoriji najpoznatija mjesta stradanja najvjero- dents voted for leaving the town. The whole charade
jatnije su Škabrnja, Baćin, Voćin, Saborsko i Široka Kula. with the referendum directly led to the expulsion of the
Selo Kostrići u općini Hrvatska Kostajnica manje je po- non-Serb residents. A significant number of Croatian
znato, premda je to statistički mjesto možda najvećega POWs and civilians were sent to prisons and concentra-
zločina u ratu jer su sredinom studenoga 1991. ubijeni tion camps in Serbia (Belgrade, Niš, Novi Sad, Padinska
svi seljani, njih 16. Nakon dolaska i razmještaja mirovnih Skela, Sombor, Srijemska Mitrovica, Stajićevo, Begejci,
snaga UN-a i formalnog povlačenja JNA, pobunjeni Srbi Šid and other locations) where they were inhumanely
nastavili su protjerivanje nesrpskoga stanovništva s oku- treated and held for months. Some POWs and civilians
piranog teritorija Hrvatske. Na primjer, samo od travnja were incarcerated in Vukovar.
1992. do 20. srpnja 1993. s područja Hrvatske pod zašti- The JNA and rebel Serbs committed a large number
tom UN-a protjerane su 23.472 osobe, među kojima je of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the areas
bilo i oko tisuću Srba. U istom se vremenu na okupirano under their control in the Republic of Croatia. That orgy
područje vratilo pet (5) Hrvata i osam (8) pripadnika dru- of violence caused an exodus of the non-Serb popula-
gih nacionalnosti. “Sa slobodnog teritorija na okupirani tion from these areas. In almost every area where there
prostor Republike Hrvatske prešlo je oko 1200 Srba, na was fighting the JNA and rebel Serbs committed war
osobni zahtjev.“981 Oko 2500 Srba u zapadnoj Slavoniji crimes and crimes against humanity. Most crimes were
vratilo se na teritorij pod nadzorom hrvatskih vlasti. U committed in the Vukovar Municipality (the city and
tom su vremenu na privremeno okupiranom području surrounding villages) and Banovina including the Una
zabilježena 273 ubojstva civila, 10 silovanja i 640 slučaje- Valley. Arguably the most notorious crimes were those
va fizičkoga maltretiranja i drugih oblika kršenja ljudskih committed in Škrabrnja, Baćin, Voćin, Saborsko and Širo-
prava. Do kraja mandata UN-a, prema podatku iz pisma ka Kula. The crime committed in the village of Kostrići
predsjednika Tuđmana glavnom tajniku UN-a Boutrosu in the Kostajnica Municipality is not as well known to
Boutrosu Ghaliju od 22. ožujka 1995., na okupiranom the general public as those mentioned above but it is
području pod nadzorom snaga UN-a pripadnici srpskih arguably, relatively speaking, the worst crime commit-
snaga ubili su oko 600 osoba nesrpske narodnosti, a pre- ted by the Serbs during the war. In mid-November, 1991,
ma još neslužbenim podacima taj broj bi mogao biti oko the Serbs killed all the 16 residents of Kostrići. After the
1200. Nakon rata je u zoni srpske pobune i srbijanske arrival and deployment of the UN peacekeeping force
agresije otkriveno najmanje 150 masovnih i 1200 po- the Serbs continued to expel non-Serbs from the oc-
jedinačnih grobnica u kojima se nalaze posmrtni ostaci cupied areas of the Republic of Croatia. For example,
žrtava zločina srpskih postrojbi.982 from April, 1992, until July 1993, 23,472 persons were
Zločina je bilo i na hrvatskoj strani, no – za razliku od expelled from areas of the Republic of Croatia under
srpskih – nisu bili sustavni niti ih je politički i vojni vrh the protection of the UN. Interestingly enough, among
poticao. Najvećim su dijelom bili neprimjerena reakcija them were about 1,000 Serbs. During that same period
na srpske zločine. Većina tih zločina počinjena je 1991. only five Croats and eight members of other ethnicities
i 1993., i to u Osijeku, Paulinu Dvoru, Pakračkoj Polja- returned to their homes in the occupied areas. “From
ni, Sisku i Gospiću, odnosno Medačkom džepu. Nakon the government-controlled territory about 1,200 Serbs
Oluje u Gruborima, Varivodama i Gošićima u sjevernoj were moved, at their own request, to the occupied ar-
eas of the Republic of Croatia.” Around 2,500 Serbs in
981 Ured za UNPROFOR i PMEZ Vlade RH, kl. 004-01/93- western Slavonia returned to their homes in the govern-
01/01, ur. br. 50303-03-93-136 od 28. 7. 1993. ment-controlled territory. During that period 273 mur-
982 Isto; M. Piškor, “Četnici ubili sve u banijskom selu, a još ders of civilians, 10 rapes and 640 instances of physical
nitko nije odgovarao”, Slobodna Dalmacija, 15. 11. 2010.; abuse and other violations of human rights were report-
Ante NAZOR, Velikosrpska agresija na Hrvatsku 1990-ih ed in the Serb-occupied area of the Republic of Croatia.
(Republika Hrvatska i Domovinski rat: pregled političkih i
vojnih događaja 1990., 1991.–1995./1998.), HMDCDR, Za- By the end of the UN mandate, according to the infor-
greb, 2011., 372. mation contained in President Tuđman’s letter of March


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 422 4.2.2020. 18:35:19

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Dalmaciji ubijena je 21 osoba srpske nacionalnosti.983 22, 1995, to the Secretary-general of the United Nations,
Tijekom Oluje krajinski su Srbi napustili Hrvatsku. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, members of the Serb forces had
Iz srpske perspektive to je bilo etničko čišćenje, a iz ve- killed around 600 non-Serbs in the areas under the con-
ćinske hrvatske perspektive otišli su svojevoljno. Uoči i trol of the UN. According to unofficial sources, the real
tijekom pobune kod Srba u Krajini bilo je dominantno number of victims is closer to 1,200. After the war in the
stajalište da se s Hrvatima ne može živjeti. S obzirom na areas that had been under Serb occupation at least 150
masovan odziv na plebiscitu o autonomiji Krajine i ma- mass graves and 1,200 individual graves with the re-
sovno sudjelovanje u oružanoj pobuni, masovan odlazak mains of victims of Serb forces were found.
iz Hrvatske je logičan. Uostalom, već prvoga dana Oluje Crimes were committed by Croats too, but these
Vrhovni savjet obrane Republike Srpske Krajine donio crimes, unlike those committed by Serb forces, were
je odluku koja je dovela do iseljavanja većine srpskoga not part of a deliberate and systematic strategy of ter-
stanovništva iz Hrvatske.984 Možemo se složiti s mišlje- ror nor were they ordered and/or indirectly instigated
njem da je odlazak Srba odgovarao hrvatskim vlastima, by the military and political leadership of the country.
“koji su smatrali da je na taj način riješen problem Srba For the most part the crimes committed by Croat sol-
kao čimbenika koji ugrožava hrvatsku državu, ali to, na diers were done as retribution for Serb depredations
osnovi raspoloživih izvora, ne znači da je hrvatska strana visited on civilians and POWs. Most of these crimes
planirala i provela protjerivanje pobunjenih Srba”.985 were perpetrated in 1991 in Osijek, Paulin Dvor, Pa-
U Bosni i Hercegovini smrt i razaranje imali su osjet- kračka Poljana, Sisak and Gospić and in 1993 in the Me-
no veće razmjere nego u Hrvatskoj. Uz pomoć JNA, bo- dak Pocket. In the wake of Operation Storm, 21 people
sanskohercegovački Srbi ponovili su sličan scenarij kao of Serb ethnicity were killed in Grubori, Varivode and
u Hrvatskoj. Do kraja 1992. stavili su pod nadzor veći dio Gošići in northern Dalmatia.
teritorija BiH (oko 70 posto). Vojne uspjehe pratili su ma- During Operation Storm most of the Krajina Serbs
sovni zločini i etničko čišćenje nesrpskoga stanovništva, left Croatia. From Serb perspective their flight was
koje je najveće razmjere imalo u istočnoj Bosni, Posavi- tantamount to ethnic cleansing. However, the Krajina
ni i Bosanskoj krajini. Ti su nečovječni postupci obilje- Serbs left of their own accord and for that reason the
žili Srbe kao glavne negativce u ratu u BiH.986 U skladu Croatian position regarding the issue is that no ethnic
s time, široko je prihvaćen opći smisao zaključka koji cleansing, or anything remotely akin to it, took place.
sumira brojna izvješća i tekstove: “Organizacije koje su Prior to and during the rebellion most of the Krajina
se bavile prikupljanjem činjenica, kao UN, Ministarstvo Serbs subscribed to the notion that it was impossible
vanjskih poslova SAD, CIA, Helsinki Watch i druge, jed- to coexist with the Croats. The vast majority of the Kra-
noglasno su zaključile da su Srbi počinili 90 posto zlo- jina Serbs voted in favor of Krajina’s autonomy in the
čina u ovom balkanskom ratu i da su izvršili 100 posto plebiscite and took active part in the subsequent rebel-
genocida sukladno definiciji genocida koju je dao UN, lion against the legally elected Croatian government. If
naime organizirano, planirano i sustavno uništavanje the flight of most of the Krajina Serbs during Operation
naroda u cjelini ili djelomično, temeljem etniciteta, reli- Storm is considered through the prism of their attitude
gije ili drugog grupnog identiteta”.987 before the rebellion started and their actions during
the rebellion their mass exodus from Croatia is a logical
consequence of their military defeat. It has to be point-
983 A. NAZOR, Velikosrpska agresija na Hrvatsku, 373.
ed out that already on the first day of Operation Storm
984 Nikica BARIĆ, “Je li 1995. godine Hrvatska počinila ‘etnič- the Supreme Defense Council of the Republic of Serbi-
ko čišćenje’ Srba?”, Časopis za suvremenu povijest, 2/36, an Krajina reached a decision that directly prompted
2004., 441-446; D. MARIJAN, Oluja, 138-140.
the majority of Serbs in Croatia to leave the country. In
985 N. BARIĆ, “Je li 1995. godine Hrvatska počinila ‘etničko a final analysis it is logical to conclude that the Croatian
čišćenje’ Srba?”, 461.
government welcomed the mass exodus of Serbs from
986 ICTY: E. BROWN, Vojna situacija u Bosanskoj krajini –
1992.: Analiza situacije; E. BEĆIREVIĆ, Genocid u istočnoj
Croatia “because it reasoned that these Serbs would
Bosni. have constituted a destabilizing factor for the Republic
987 O. ŽUNEC, Goli život. Socijetalne dimenzije pobune Srba u of Croatia, but this attitude, based on available sources,
Hrvatskoj I i II, Demetra, Zagreb, 2007., 111, bilj. 181. in no way, shape or form means that the Croatian gov-


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 423 4.2.2020. 18:35:19

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Stanje se dodatno zakompliciralo izbijanjem mu- ernment planned and conducted a forced expulsion of
slimansko-hrvatskoga rata u BiH. U njemu su mediji rebel Serbs from the country.”
i dio međunarodnih tijela Hrvatima pripisali ulogu The war in Bosnia and Herzegovina was more vicious
počinitelja ratnih zločina i etničkih čistača, iako su ih and costly both in terms of lives and material damage
Muslimani nadvisili u gotovo svim segmentima. Do than the war in Croatia. With the help of the JNA the Bos-
travnja 1993. bilo je čestih sukoba u kojima je bilo nian Serbs enacted pretty much the same scenario as the
poginulih na obje strane i nekoliko zločina u kojima one that had taken place in Croatia. By the end of 1992
je ubijen manji broj osoba. U tom su razdoblju najve- the JNA and Bosnian Serbs had gained control of most
ći zločin počinili pripadnici ARBiH koji su 26. siječnja of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (about 70%).
1993. u Dusini (općina Zenica) ubili 10 civila (devet Military successes of the Serbs were regularly accompa-
Hrvata i jednog Srbina). Za te su poslove Muslimani nied by mass murder and ethnic cleansing. The worst
u središnjoj Bosni koristili 7. muslimansku brigadu i Serb crimes took place in eastern Bosnia, Posavina and
vjerske ratnike – mudžahedine, koji su preuzeli sličan Bosanska Krajina. These atrocities marked the Serbs as
obrazac kao srpske paravojne formacije i po obavlje- the main villains in the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In
noj su zadaći ušli u sastav ARBiH.988 relation to that it is important to note that the widely ac-
U travnju 1993. Armija Republike BiH napala je cepted view regarding the Serbs’ criminal and genocidal
HVO Konjica, što je pratio i napad na civile i njihovo conduct during the war is often found in summaries of
protjerivanje. Sukob se proširio u dolinu Lašve, gdje su numerous reports and articles: “The organization whose
postrojbe HVO-a 16. travnja počinile zločin u Ahmići- brief was fact-finding, such as the United Nations, the US
ma, a ARBiH istoga dana u Trusini, te u Bušćaku i Orli- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the CIA, Helsinki Watch and
štu prije toga. Zahvaljujući medijskoj prezentaciji zlo- many others, unanimously concluded that the Serbs had
čina u Ahmićima koju su tjedan dana poslije napravili committed 90 percent of all crimes in this Balkan war and
predstavnici Britanske bojne UNPROFOR-a, Ahmići su that they perpetrated 100 percent of genocidal acts, in
gotovo preko noći promijenili sliku o ratu u BiH i utje- accordance to the UN’s definition of the term genocide –
cali na storniranje američkoga prijedloga o ukidanju the Serbs acted with the intent to destroy, in whole or in
embarga na uvoz oružja i zračnim udarima po položa- part, national, ethnical, racial or religious groups.”
jima VRS-a.989 The situation in the country became even more com-
Nakon Ahmića sasvim su se ignorirali zločini i etnič- plicated with the outbreak of the Muslim-Croat war in
ko čišćenje koje je prije i poslije počinila ARBiH protiv Bosnia and Herzegovina. Many media outlets and some
Hrvata (zločini ARBiH nad civilima Hrvatima počinjeni international organizations depicted the Croats as perpe-
su u naseljima: Dusina, Busovača, Travnik, Križančevo trators of crimes and ethnic cleansing despite the fact that
Selo, Buhine Kuće, Uzdol, Stipića livade, Grabovica, Bu- the Muslims outdid the Croats both in scale and frequen-
gojno, Kakanj, Vareš, Travnik, Miletići, Maljine, Trusina, cy of said acts. From the beginning of the conflict until
Bušćak, Orlište…). Hrvatsko vijeće obrane doista je od April, 1993, fighting between the Croats and Muslims was
travnja 1993. reagiralo na etničko čišćenje Konjica od frequent, with both sides suffering casualties. During that
Hrvata, provodeći katkad iste postupke kao odgovor period a few war crimes were committed in which a small
na ofenzivna djelovanja ARBiH, a radi zaštite hrvatskih number of people were killed. The worst crime in that pe-
civila, najprije u dolini Neretve, a poslije i u drugim di- riod was committed by Army of the Republic of Bosnia
jelovima općina gdje je bilo sukoba s ARBiH. Posebice and Herzegovina soldiers on January 26, 1993, in Dusina
su jake reakcije bile zbog napada ARBiH na HVO u Mo- (municipality of Zenica), killing 10 civilians (nine Croats
staru 30. lipnja i izdaju muslimana pripadnika HVO-a, and one Serb). In central Bosnia the Muslims saddled the
nakon čega su, zbog gubitka povjerenja i preventivne 7th Muslim Brigade and religious warriors – Mujahedeen
zaštite vlastitih snaga, slijedila masovna uhićenja Mu- with the task of murdering civilians. The mujahideen act-
ed on the same principle as the Serb paramilitary forma-
988 Sektor za sigurnost Odjela obrane HVO-a, Izvješće br.
tions. Every time a mujahideen group completed its grue-
02-4/1-621/93 od 22. 4. 1993. some task of perpetrating a war crime or a crime against
989 C. HODGE, Velika Britanija i Balkan od 1991. do danas, humanity it was officially incorporated into the Army of
139-147. the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 424 4.2.2020. 18:35:19

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

slimana vojnih obveznika na području općina Stolac, In April, 1993, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Čapljina, Mostar i Neum.990 Herzegovina attacked the HVO Konjic, also targeting and
Vojne uspjehe ARBiH u ljeto 1993. u središnjoj expelling Croat civilians. The conflict spread to the Lašva
Bosni i Bugojnu pratili su zločini nad Hrvatima i pro- Valley where HVO troops, on April 16, committed a crime
tjerivanje hrvatskoga stanovništva. Za protjerivanje in Ahmići. On the same day the Army of the Republic of
Hrvata muslimanske su vlasti optuživale same žrtve. Bosnia and Herzegovina committed a similar crime in Tru-
Alija Izetbegović ustvrdio je 28. lipnja 1993. u pismu sina, and on the day before also in Bušćak and Orlište. One
Franji Tuđmanu da nakon što ARBiH nije odgovorila na week after the crime in Ahmići the representatives of the
etničko čišćenje koje su napravile postrojbe HVO-a u British Battalion of UNPROFOR presented the atrocity to
Mostaru, Čapljini i Stocu, “HVO je isplanirao akciju ma- the media. Almost overnight the perception of the world
sovnog pokretanja hrvatskog stanovništva iz središnje public regarding the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosne. Hoće se dokazati da je zajednički život nemo- shifted against the Croats. This circumstance crushed the
guć i da je etnička podjela Bosne neminovnost.”991 To American initiative to lift the arms embargo and launch
je tzv. reverzibilno etničko čišćenje u okviru kojega se air strikes against the VRS.
putem medija pokušalo uvjeriti javnost da mudžahedi- Following the atrocity in Ahmići the world media
na nema u središnjoj Bosni, a da HVO propagandom o systematically ignored the crimes committed by the
mudžahedinima plaši Hrvate kako bi ih prisilili da na- Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina; both
puste to područje. Slučajeve nasilja i nezakonitih po- those perpetrated before the Ahmići incident and
stupaka postrojbi ARBiH Izetbegović nije negirao, no especially those that occurred after. The Army of the
ustvrdio je da “te slučajeve osuđujemo i progonimo”,992 Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina committed mass
što je bilo licemjerno, budući da je ARBiH nastavila murders of Croatian civilians and engaged in ethnic
protjerivati Hrvate, kao što je licemjerno tvrditi da je cleansing in the following cities, towns and villages:
hrvatska propaganda izmislila mudžahedine, koji su Dusina, Busovača, Travnik, Križančevo Selo, Buhine
počinili najgore zločine nad Hrvatima u središnjoj Bo- Kuće, Uzdol, Stipića Livade, Grabovica, Bugojno, Ka-
sni. U vrijeme pisanja toga pisma ARBiH je etnički oči- kanj, Vareš, Miletići, Maljine, Trusina, Bušćak, Orlište…).
stila područje općine Travnik i dio općine Novi Travnik. The HVO began reacting to the ARBiH’s acts of ethnic
Doista, ARBiH je poslije sankcionirala ubojstvo dvojice cleansing in Konjic and responding to ARBIH’s offen-
franjevačkih svećenika u Fojnici, no to je bila gotovo sive actions so as to protect Croatian civilians in April,
sva njezina reakcija. 1993. At first the HVO targeted Muslim civilians in the
Neretva Valley and later in other municipalities where
there was fighting between Croat and Muslim forces.
The HVO reacted in an especially firm and energetic
manner to the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
zegovina’s attack on the HVO in Mostar on June 30 – the
HVO, having lost all trust and confidence in the Muslim
troops in its ranks, arrested, in a bid to protect its own
troops, a large number of Muslim conscripts in the mu-
nicipalities of Stolac, Čapljina, Mostar and Neum.
The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
followed up its successes in the summer of 1993 in central
Bosnia and Bugojno by expelling Croats and committing
other crimes against them. The Muslim authorities, in a
display of shameless effrontery, accused the victims of
990 ICTY: Zapovjedništvo III satnije III bojne VP HVO Čapljina,
Izvješće dj. br. 02-4/3-06/4-12-208/93 od 1. 7. 1993. ethnic cleansing of being responsible for their own plight.
991 ICTY: Alija Izetbegović, predsjednik Predsjedništva RBiH
Alija Izetbegović stated on June 28, 1993, in a letter to
od 28. 6. 1993. za dr. Franju Tuđmana, predsjednika RH. Franjo Tuđman that after the Army of the Republic of Bos-
992 ICTY: Alija Izetbegović, predsjednik Predsjedništva RBiH nia and Herzegovina had not reacted to the acts of ethnic
od 28. 6. 1993. za dr. Franju Tuđmana, predsjednika RH. cleansing perpetrated by HVO forces in Mostar, Čapljina


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 425 4.2.2020. 18:35:19

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

and Stolac, “the HVO planned and executed a massive ex-

odus of the Croats from central Bosnia. The HVO wants
to provoke a situation which will indicate that peaceful
coexistence between the Muslims and Croats is impossi-
ble and that a break-up of Bosnia and Herzegovina along
ethnic lines is inevitable.” This is a good example of the so-
called reverse ethnic cleansing within the framework of
which it was attempted to use the media for propagating
the claim that there were no Mujahedeen in central Bos-
nia and that the HVO was engaged in spreading the Muja-
hideen myth to scare the Croatian population into fleeing
central Bosnia. Alija Izetbegović did not deny crimes and
other illegal actions committed by the Army of the Re-
Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje, crta razdvajanja 1994. (fotografiju daro- public of Bosnia and Herzegovina but he did assert that
vao Zrinko Tokić) . “the Muslim authorities do not condone such acts and
are actively engaged in prosecuting the perpetrators.”The
Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje, line of separation 1994 (Photograph do-
nated by Zrinko Tokić). assertion was sanctimonious in the extreme because the
Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina contin-
ued to expel Croats. Equally sanctimonious was the claim
that the Mujahideen were the figment of the HVO’s imag-
ination, especially since these, according to Izetbegović,
phantom Mujahideen had perpetrated gruesome crimes
against Croats in central Bosnia. At the time of the writing
of the letter the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Her-
zegovina had ethnically cleansed the Travnik Municipality
and parts of the Novi Travnik Municipality of Croats. Some
time later the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
govina did prosecute those responsible for the murder
of two Franciscan priests in Fojnica but that legal action
HVO, Pješčara, središnja Bosna. was the sum of all the Muslims authorities’ efforts to be
“actively engaged in prosecuting the perpetrators”, as
HVO, Pješčara, Central Bosnia. Izetbegović so eloquently put it in the letter to Tuđman.
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane.

Croatian Defense Council.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 426 4.2.2020. 18:35:20


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 427 4.2.2020. 18:35:20

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

URBICID – Mostar, 1992.: Ulica maršala Tita (transverzala grada sjever-jug), na lijevoj obali Neretve.

Mostar, 1992: M. Tito’s Street (City’s Thoroughfare North-South), on the left bank of the Neretva.

“(…) Izvršen je urbicid nad Mostarom. (…) U kratkom vremenu granatiranjem s brda nestaju cijela naselja, ulice, gore domovi, ljudi bježe pred
smrću. Ruše se svi mostovi izuzev Starog mosta. Od 14 džamija samo su dvije neoštećene. Gore crkve u Potocima i Franjevačka u Mostaru, gori
Biskupski dvor, gori Samostan časnih sestara, mostarska katedrala se granatira. Dom kulture, muzej, arhiv i knjižnica su oštećeni. Uništen je
cijeli niz mostarskih hotela, škola, studentskih domova i fakulteta. Gori gradska ljepotica hotel „Neretva“. Gore gradske kuće: banja, sud, opći-
na, katastar. Upravne zgrade mnogih poduzeća više ne postoje, stotinu zapaljenih i uništenih poslovnih prostora zjape. Uništeni su ili znatno
oštećeni pošta, sve glavne trafo-stanice, izvorište Studenac, mnogi primarni i sekundarni dijelovi gradske infrastrukturne mreže. (…) Rušenjem
mostarskih mostova prekinute su sve infrastrukturne veze s gradom na lijevoj obali. (…) Pokušali su ubiti dio grada. (…) Kompletna naselja
stare urbane strukture grada, mahale Carina, Luka, Donja mahala, Karađozbegova mahala (današnja Fejićeva ulica) sa lijeve obale Neretve, te
naselja Podhum, Zahum, Balinovac, Cernica, teško i brutalno su razorena. Također novije urbane strukture individualnog stanovanja, naselja
Cim, Ilići, Jasenica, Zalik, Bijelo Polje, Buna, Hodbina su pretrpjela isto tako velika razaranja i oštećenja. Prema okvirnim procjenama, od ukupno
17.500 objekata individualnog stanovanja, uništeno je ili oštećeno oko 6500” (Mostar ‘92 – urbicid, Borislav Puljić, Almas Bavčić, Jasmina Ćeha-
jić, Meliha Terzić, Zagreb, 1992., 10, 11, 13; autori fotografija – str. 428, 489, 490 – Vladimir Kolopić, Ćiro Raić, Vladimir Raić, Sanja M. Vuković).

An urbicide was comitted against Mostar. (…) In a short time, as a result of the shelling from the surrounding hills, whole quarters and atreets
disappear, homes are ablaze with fire, people flee before death. All the bridges have been destrojyed except the Old Bridge; out of 14 town
mosques only two have remained undamaged. The Catholic church at Potoci village, the Franciscan church in Mostar, the Episcopal Residence,
the monastery of the Franciscan sisters at Bijelo Polje have been burnt, the cathedral of Mostar shelled. The Palace of Culture, the museum,
the archives and the library have been damaged. The whole number of the Mostar hotels, schools, dormitories and colleges have been ruined.
The town beauty the hotel „Neretva“ is on fire. The „town houses“ are ablaze: the bath, the court, the Town Hall, the cadaster. The administra-
tion buildings of many companies do not exist any longer, hundreds of burnt and destroyed business offices gape. Destroyed or considerably
damaged are the post office, all the major transforming stations, the water source „Studenac“, many primary and secondary parts of the city
infrastructural network. (…) With the destruction of the Mostar bridges all the infrastructural links with the town of the left bank have been
cut. (…) The enemy tried to kill a part of the town. (…) Whole quarters of the old urban structure of the town have been brutally destroyed:
the mahallas of Carina, Luka, Donja Mahala, Karadjoz-bey’s mahalla (today Fejića Street) on the left bank; as well as the residential districts of
Podhum, Zahum, Balinovac, Cernica. Likewise, the more recent urban structures of the individual housing, the residential districts of Cim, Ilići,
Jasenica, Zalik, Bijelo Polje, Buna, Hodbina have suffered equally heavy destruction and damage. According to the rough estimations, out of
the total of 17,500 buildings of individual housing 6,500 have been destroyed or damaged (Mostar ‘92 – urbicid, by Borislav Puljić, Almas Bavčić,
Jasmina Ćehajić, Meliha Terzić, Zagreb, 1992, 26, 27, 30; Photographs by Vladimir Kolopić, Ćiro Raić, Vladimir Raić, Sanja M. Vuković).


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 428 4.2.2020. 18:35:21

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Domovinski rat od 1991. prati niz predrasuda i It is safe to assert that the Croatian War of Indepen-
kontroverzija. Uglavnom ih šire i zastupaju osobe dence is shrouded in a myriad of prejudices and con-
nesklone politici Franje Tuđmana ili oni koji su bili troversies. The existence and political potency of these
njegovi politički protivnici. Svakako je najraširenija prejudices and controversies comes, for the most part,
teza o „dogovorenom“ ratu, koja je posebice učesta- as courtesy of those who were Franjo Tuđman’s polit-
la kod autora muslimansko-bošnjačke provenijenci- ical opponents and those who, for whatever reason,
je.993 Temelji se na sastanku čelnika Srbije i Hrvatske are not satisfied with the lasting results of his presi-
Slobodana Miloševića i Franje Tuđmana 25. ožujka dency. The hypothesis that the Croatian War of Inde-
1991. u Karađorđevu, na kojem se razgovaralo o ak- pendence was a conflict staged behind the scenes by
tualnoj jugoslavenskoj krizi. Sreli su se ponovno 15. Tuđman and Milišević is one such controversy and the
travnja u Tikvešu, a potom uz nazočnost Alije Izetbe- conspiracy theory of choice for many Muslim-Bosniak
govića 12. lipnja 1991. u Splitu. Premda nema nika- historians and authors. The premise of the “staged
kvih dokaza o nekakvu sporazumu niti to potvrđuje war” theory revolves around the meeting between
naknadni razvoj događanja, stvorena je percepcija Serbian leader Slobodan Milošević and Croatian pres-
da je na tim sastancima Bosna i Hercegovina podi- ident Franjo Tuđman which took place on March 25,
jeljena između Srbije i Hrvatske.994 Sastavni dio ove 1991, in Karađorđevo. The main topic of discussion at
predrasude sastanak je Mate Bobana i Radovana Ka- the meeting was the current Yugoslav crisis. The two
radžića, čelnika Herceg-Bosne i Republike Srpske, u leaders met again on April 15 in Tikveš and then again
Grazu u svibnju 1992., na zahtjev predstavnika me- on June 12, 1991, in Split. Alija Izetbegović was also
đunarodne zajednice, u fazi dogovaranja mirnog present at the latter meeting. There exists no evidence
rješenja i potpisivanja sporazuma, na kojem se pre- whatsoever that Milošević and Tuđman reached an
govaralo o spornim pitanjima između Hrvata i Srba. underhanded agreement and the subsequent events
I taj se sastanak smatra “uspješnim”, premda se na clearly show that the two leaders did not see eye to
njemu ništa nije dogovorilo i premda se nakon njega eye on anything. However, certain elements find it con-
rat između Hrvata i Srba nastavio bez prekida sve do venient to subscribe to the belief that the two leaders
kasne jeseni 1992. godine.995 decided to carve up Bosnia and Herzegovina between
Nakon sastanka u Karađorđevu sljedeća krono- Serbia and Croatia during those meetings. An integral
loška kontroverzija jest neuključivanje Hrvatske u su- part of this particular conspiracy theory is the meeting
kob Slovenije i JNA. Tadašnji ministar obrane i zapo- between Mate Boban and Radovan Karadžić, leaders of
vjednik ZNG-a RH general Martin Špegelj selektivnim Herzeg-Bosnia and the Republika Srpska respectively,
odabirom činjenica brani tezu da se Hrvatska trebala in Graz in May, 1992. It is important to note that the
uključiti i napasti vojarne JNA. Aktualno stanje na rati- meeting occurred at the instigation of the represen-
štu pokazuje da je Tuđman s pravom odbio Špegeljev tative of the international community for the purpose
zahtjev, jer je vodio nespremnu i nenaoružanu državu of finding a peaceful solution to the crisis and signing
u rat protiv JNA, te da bi to bio potez koji bi štetio an agreement. Contentious issues regarding the Serb
Hrvatskoj na međunarodnom planu.996 – Croatian relations were discussed at the meeting.
For some inexplicable reason many historians depict
993 Sejo OMERAGIĆ, Dogovoreni rat, Proton, Sarajevo, that meeting as successful, even though no agreement
2000.; V. KARAVELIĆ, Agresija na BiH, 12-13; R. DELIĆ, Ar- was made. Moreover, after the meeting the conflict be-
mija RBiH, I, 78-79. tween the Serbs and Croats continued without inter-
994 I. LUČIĆ, Uzroci rata, 383-415. ruption until late fall, 1992.
995 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 79; Detaljno o susretu u Another controversy that has spawned many con-
Grazu: Davor MARIJAN, „Bosanskoposavski kori- spiracy theories has Croatia’s decision not to get em-
dor – značenje, borbe, tumačenja“, Slavonski Brod broiled in the conflict between Slovenia and the JNA
i Brodsko-posavska županija u Domovinskom ratu,
Hrvatski institut za povijest, Podružnica za povi- and its core. The then minister of defense and com-
jest Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje, Slavonski Brod, mander of the ZNG of the Republic of Croatia, General
2018., 13-38. Martin Špegelj, holds the position that Croatia should
996 D. MARIJAN, Smrt oklopne brigade, 216-218. have gotten involved in the conflict and attacked the


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 429 4.2.2020. 18:35:21

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

I prekid vatre u siječnju 1992. (Sarajevsko primirje) JNA barracks in Croatia. At the time he vociferously
neki autori smatraju štetnim za Hrvatsku, a neki ga čak advocated that course of action but President Tuđman
tretiraju i kao rezultat dogovora Milošević – Tuđman da dismissed the idea. The subsequent events on the bat-
bi se krenulo u rat za BiH, što je apsurdno.997 Naime, HV tlefield clearly show that Tuđman was absolutely right
je na kraju 1991. imao taktičku razinu, operativnu vrlo in refusing to countenance any impetuous move on the
rijetko – može se reći samo u zapadnoj Slavoniji, a stra- part of the nascent Croatian army. Giving in to Špegelj’s
tegijska razina (GS HV) nije funkcionirala. Krajem 1991. urgings would have pitted an untrained and debilitat-
HV nije imao streljiva ni za kraću obranu, a kamoli za ingly underequipped motley collection of reservists,
zahtjevnu operaciju.998 conscripts and a small number of professionals against
Kontroverzijama su obilježene i višemjesečne bor- the fourth largest armed force in Europe and would
be za Bosansku Posavinu 1992. godine. Jaku medijsku have caused a lot of damage for Croatia’s aspirations
potporu imaju stajališta da su Hrvati u Bosanskoj Posa- for independence in the international political arena.
vini izgubili zbog izdaje hrvatskoga političkog vrha, a The fact that Špegelj staunchly continues to insist on
ne zbog vojne pobjede VRS-a.999 the correctness of the idea that Croatia should have
Sudjelovanje dijela HV-a u BiH također je kontro- attacked the JNA during the Ten-Day War in Slovenia
verzno. Hrvatska je vojska u tri vremenska intervala ra- seems to indicate that the former minister of defense
tovala u BiH. Godine 1992. pomagala je HVO-u da obra- and commander of the ZNG has a selective memory
ni teritorij pod nadzorom Hrvata od napada srpskih about the events that led to the war in Croatia.
snaga, što je izravno utjecalo i na opći tijek rata. Dijelovi Some historians and authors claim that by signing
hrvatskih snaga bili su angažirani u muslimansko-hr- the Sarajevo cease-fire agreement in January, 1992,
vatskom ratu 1993. - 1994., što je najsporniji dio njezina the Croatian government shot itself in the foot. Oth-
angažmana u BiH. Posljednji, treći angažman Hrvatske ers go even further by somehow detecting a shady
vojske bio je od studenoga 1994. do kraja 1995. u za- deal struck between Milošević and Tuđman behind the
vršnim borbama protiv srpskih snaga u BiH i slomu srp- cease-fire. According to the latter group of authors, the
ske dominacije u BiH. Iz srpske perspektive, cjelokupni two leaders decided to defuse the Serb-Croat conflict
angažman HV-a bila je agresija na Republiku Srpsku, a in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the purpose of launch-
bošnjačko-muslimanskim autorima sporan je udio HV-a ing aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina. The
u muslimansko-hrvatskom ratu. Iz redova ovih zadnjih mass of available evidence clearly shows that this par-
tumača povijesti tvrdi se da je Hrvatska vojska u ratu ticular conspiracy theory is absurd. The Croatian Army,
između ARBiH i HVO-a imala angažirano i do 13 (!) bri- at the end of 1991, could only successfully operate at
gada, a da su gubici iznosili više od 13.000 (!) vojnika. the tactical level, except in western Slavonia where it
Izvor ove posljednje netočne tvrdnje je general Martin was able to operate at the operative level as well. Op-
Špegelj.1000 Od siječnja 1993., kad je Armija Republike erating at the strategic level, however, at that time, was
BiH započinjala rat protiv HVO-a, bošnjačko-musliman- beyond the capabilities of the Croatian Army.
sko vodstvo optuživalo je Hrvatsku da postrojbe HV-a Controversy also marks the months-long battles for
sudjeluju u sukobima. Na sastanku u Zenici održanom the Bosanska Posavina region during 1992. Many me-
20. travnja 1993. između čelnika ARBiH i HVO-a, Sefer dia outlets in Croatia are obviously bent on ramming
down their readers’ and viewers’ collective throats the
theory that the Croats lost in the Bosanska Posavina re-
997 Norman CIGAR, “Okončanje rata i hrvatski rat za neza- gion not on account of the VRS’s military victory but on
visnost: odluka u času zaustavljanja”, Erasmus, br. 20, account of the Croatian government’s betrayal of the
Zagreb, 1997., 37-54; D. MARIJAN, Smrt oklopne brigade,
218-220. Bosnian Croats.
The participation of elements of the Croatian Army
998 D. MARIJAN, “The Sarajevo ceasefire”, 103-122.
in the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina is also mired
999 M. ŠPEGELJ, Sjećanja vojnika, 335-341; J. ZOVAK, Rat u
Bosanskoj Posavini 1992., 665-677.
in controversy. The Croatian Army participated in the
war in Bosnia and Herzegovina during three separate
1000 Nedžad LATIĆ, Zehrudin ISAKOVIĆ, Rat u Srednjoj Bosni:
ratna sjećanja generala Alagića, “Bemus”, Zenica, 1997., time periods. In 1992 it helped the HVO to defend its
30; R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, I, 364. territory against Serb attacks. These battles directly in-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Halilović je tvrdio da u sukobima sudjeluju i postrojbe fluenced the subsequent course of the war. Elements
HV-a, pri čemu se pozvao na komandanta 4. korpusa of the Croatian Army were deployed in Bosnia and Her-
Arifa Pašalića, no konkretne dokaze nije dao.1001 Vlada zegovina during the Muslim-Croat conflict in 1993 and
BiH 13. svibnja javno je optužila RH da se na teritoriju 1994 and the role played by the Croatian Army forces
BiH nalaze „113. splitska brigada i dijelovi brigade iz during this time period invites more controversy than
Metkovića (na području Bune, Dubrave i Stoca), 114. the participation of Croatian Army units in Bosnia and
splitska i 123. varaždinska na području Lašve te jedna Herzegovina during the other two time periods. The
tenkovska postrojba na području Čvrsnice”.1002 Ne samo third time period during which Croatian Army forma-
da te ili druge brigade tada nisu bile ondje, nego pri- tions were deployed in Bosnia and Herzegovina lasted
tom čak ni nazivi pojedinih brigada nisu točni. U tom from November, 1994, to the end of 1995. This was a
je razdoblju u sukobima s ARBiH bila samo malobrojna period during which the Croats had the upper hand
bojna Zrinski, postrojba koju su uglavnom činili Hrvati in the theater and decisively defeated the Serb forces
Herceg-Bosne. Početkom srpnja 1993. u sukob su poče- in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From the Serbian perspec-
le ulaziti i druge postrojbe HV-a, najčešće dragovoljački tive, the involvement of the Croatian Army in Bosnia
sastavi. Angažirane su uglavnom na mostarskom dijelu and Herzegovina constituted aggression against the
bojišta i ramsko-uskopaljskom bojištu. Republika Srpska. Bosniak-Muslim historians, on the
Na mostarskom dijelu bojišta od početka srpnja do other hand, do not treat kindly the involvement of the
kraja kolovoza 1993. bila je angažirana borbena skupina Croatian Army in the Muslim-Croat conflict. Some Bos-
5. gardijske brigade HV-a. Početkom kolovoza iz 1. i 2. niak Muslim historians claim that the Croatian Army
gardijske brigade HV-a angažirane su dvije nepotpune deployed no less than 13 brigades and suffered more
satnije dragovoljaca (90 i 113 ljudi). Krajem srpnja anga- than 13,000 casualties in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The
žirana je i dragovoljačka postrojba Vojne policije, koja je source of the latter figure is, interestingly enough,
u drugoj polovini listopada imala 87 policajaca.1003 Marin Špegelj. From January, 1993, when the Army
Pripadnici HV-a u kolovozu 1993. se usmjeravaju of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina started its
na ramsko-uskopaljsku bojišnicu, gdje će se zadržati war against the HVO, the Bosniak-Muslim leadership
do svibnja 1994. godine. Najbrojnija je bila 5. gardijska accused Croatia of deploying elements of its armed
brigada, koja je na bojišnici duže vrijeme imala postroj- forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At a meeting in Zen-
bu jačine bojne. Od sredine studenoga 1993. do veljače ica, held on April 20, 1993, between the leaders of the
1994. ondje je bila skupina 7. gardijske brigade HV-a sa Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and
snagama jačine satnije. Ostale profesionalne postrojbe the HVO, Sefer Halilović claimed that, according to the
i razne specijalne skupine brojno su bile u rasponu od commander of IV Corps Arif Pašalić, the Croatian Army
voda do ojačanog voda. Dragovoljačke skupine iz pri- units were involved in the conflict. However, Sefer Hali-
čuvnih postrojbi masovnije su bile zastupljene iz domo- lović did not provide any concrete evidence to back up
branskih pukovnija iz Slavonije, a iz nekoliko pričuvnih his claim. The government of Bosnia and Herzegovina
brigada HV-a bilo je skupina jačine pješačkoga voda. publically accused Croatia, on May 13, of deploying the
Intenzitet dolazaka bio je najveći u razdoblju kolovoz 113th Split Brigade and elements of the Metković Bri-
- studeni 1993. godine. Na samom kraju 1993. od voj- gade in the Buna, Dubrava and Stolac areas; the 114th
nih bjegunaca i vojnih obveznika Hrvata iz BiH ustroje- Split Brigade and 123rd Varaždin Brigade in the Lašva
na je u Zagrebu 175. brigada, koja je od kraja prosinca area and one tank unit in the Čvrsnica area. As a matter
of fact, these brigades were not deployed at that time
in the mentioned areas. Furthermore, the designations
1001 Sektor za sigurnost Odjela obrane HVO, Izvješće br. 02- of the brigades as given by the Bosnian government
4/1-621/93 od 22. 4. 1993. are wrong. During that period only the Zrinski Brigade
1002 ICTY: Saopštenje Vlade RBiH od 13. 5. 1993. was deployed in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The numeri-
1003 Davor MARIJAN, „Expert opinion: On the War Conne- cal strength of the unit was considerably below that of
ctions of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (1991- a brigade and it consisted of, for the most part, Croats
1995)“, Časopis za suvremenu povijest 36, br. 1, Zagreb,
2004., 281; Brojno stanje postrojbi u sektoru obrane from Herzeg-Bosnia. At the beginning of July, 1993, the
Mostara na dan 26. 10. 1993. Croatian Army started deploying other units in Bosnia


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

1993. do svibnja 1994. po bojnama bila angažirana na and Herzegovina. These units, mostly, consisted of vol-
ramsko-uskopaljskom bojištu. Po završetku musliman- unteers and most of them were deployed in the Mostar
sko-hrvatskoga rata te su snage u proljeće 1994. povu- area and in the Rama-Uskoplje area.
čene iz BiH. Pripadnici HV-a u BiH u dokumentima se The Combat Group of the 5th Guards Brigade of
uglavnom vode kao dragovoljci, što je za većinu ned- the Croatian Army was deployed in the Mostar area
vojbeno. Njihov broj nikad nije prešao snagu formacij- from the beginning of July to the end of August, 1993.
ske lake brigade JNA (najviše 1400 - 1800, a najčešće At the beginning of August two incomplete compa-
se radilo o 500 - 600 pripadnika iz HV-a, uglavnom dra- nies consisting of volunteers of the 1st and 2nd Guards
govoljaca podrijetlom iz BiH), uz potporu ekvivalenta Brigades of the Croatian Army, 90 and 113 men strong
topničke bitnice i oklopne satnije.1004 Nikada nisu bili respectively, were deployed in Mostar. At the end
koncentrirani na jednom taktičkom pravcu ili mjestu, of July a Military Police volunteer unit was also de-
nego su, pod zapovijedanjem HVO-a, dijeljeni na manje ployed. In the second half of October this unit consist-
skupine radi „krpanja“ prevelike crte obrane.1005 Najveća ed of 87 policemen.
od tih postrojbi, koja je uporabljena na jednom prav- Croatian Army units, in August, 1993, were de-
cu, bila je pješačka bojna. S takvim snagama ne ide se u ployed in the Rama-Uskoplje area and remained there
agresiju i secesiju druge države, a pogotovo se ne rabi until May, 1994. The 5th Guards Brigade of the Croatian
razdijeljena na manje skupine i razbacana na širokom Army had more soldiers deployed in Bosnia and Herze-
području od Mostara do Uskoplja. Njihova uloga je u pr- govina than any other unit of the Croatian Army – for a
vom redu bila psihološka i, s obzirom na brojnost, stvar- long period of time a battalion-size unit of the brigade
remained deployed in the country. From mid-Novem-
ber, 1993, until February, 1994, a company-size unit
1004 Istražujući broj vojnika HV-a u sukobu s ARBiH na su-
đenju u Haagu u predmetu Prlić i ostali, na temelju
consisting of soldiers of the 7th Guards Brigade was in
transkripta iz Ureda predsjednika RH sa sastanka Franje Bosnia and Herzegovina. Other professional formations
Tuđmana, Mate Granića, Gojka Šuška i Drage Krpine u and various special purpose formations had units rang-
Predsjedničkim dvorima, 29. siječnja 1994., na kojem je, ing in size from platoon to reinforced platoon present
između ostaloga, Franjo Tuđman izjavio da se u BiH nalazi
između 1500 i 2000 dobrovoljaca iz Hrvatske, sudac An- in Bosnia and Herzegovina at one time or another. The
tonetti je primijetio: „Kako se čini, broj dobrovoljaca nije most numerous volunteer groups from reserve forma-
bio velik (2000) i upozoreno je na nepovredivost granica.“ tions were those from Slavonia regiments. A number
O spomenutoj problematici, u svom izdvojenom mišlje- of reserve brigades of the Croatian Army sent platoon
nju napisao je da je RH intervenirala u BiH prije svega do-
brovoljcima i časnicima upućenim na lice mjesta, a glede size groups to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Croatian
izravne intervencije HV-a tvrdi da je ona, ako je uopće Army sent most soldiers to Bosnia and Herzegovina
postojala, bila ograničenih razmjera. Pritom je upozo- during the period from August to November 1993. At
rio na selektivnu prezentaciju dokumenata u postupku: the end of 1993, the 175th Brigade, consisting of mobi-
„Moram izraziti žaljenje zbog činjenice da je tužilaštvo
po meni imalo vrlo selektivan pristup tim dokumentima, lization dodgers and Croatian conscripts from Bosnia
zadržavajući, da bi dokazalo svoju tezu, samo dokumen- and Herzegovina, was formed in Zagreb. The brigade
te koji mu idu u prilog, a ostavljajući po strani sve one was gradually, from the end of December, 1993, until
koji bi mogli baciti drugačije svjetlo na njegove nazore. May, 1994, one battalion at a time, deployed in the Ra-
Takva praksa mi se ne čini najkonstruktivnijom kada je
riječ o krivičnim djelima iz domena međunarodnog hu- ma-Uskoplje area. When the Muslim-Croat war ended
manitarnog prava. Smatram da je u situaciji kad na tere- these forces were withdrawn from Bosnia and Her-
nu koegzistira više suprotstavljenih snaga, uz prisustvo zegovina in the spring of 1994. Most of the Croatian
tri vojske (VRS, HVO i ARBiH), apsolutno neophodno
Army soldiers deployed in Bosnia and Herzegovina are
ukazati na to da se vojni događaji mogu razumjeti samo
horizontalnim analiziranjem krivičnih djela, a ne tako što listed in the Croatian Army documents as volunteers. A
će se ponuditi samo neki dokumenti iz samo jedne od majority of those soldiers undoubtedly did volunteer
vojski, i to oni koji idu u prilog tezi tužilaštva.“ ICTY: Izdvo- for service in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Their number
jeno i djelomično suprotno mišljenje sudije Jean-Claude
Antonettia, predsjedavajućeg Pretresnog vijeća od 29. 5.
never exceeded the numerical strength of a JNA light
2013., tom 6, 53, 74-75. brigade (at most 1,400-1,800 soldiers but in most cases
1005 D. MARIJAN, „Expert opinion”, 281; 7. gardijska brigada 500-600 soldiers, mostly volunteers who were born in
HV – Pume, 157. Bosnia and Herzegovina) supported by the equivalent


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

of an artillery battery and armored company.20 The Cro-

atian Army forces present, at any given time, in Bosnia
and Herzegovina were never concentrated in one area
or deployed all together tactically, but were, under the
command of the HVO, divided into smaller groups and
as such used to reinforce threatened or undermanned
sectors of a given defensive line. The largest unit that
was deployed on one line was an infantry battalion.
This pattern of deployment and the size of the units in
question are inconsistent with any offensive intention,
especially one that aims to destroy a country’s armed
forces and occupy its territory. Furthermore, the Croa-
tian Army formations in Bosnia and Herzegovina were
divided into smaller units and scattered the length and
breadth of the country, from Mostar to Uskoplje. The
role of these units was, first and foremost, to bolster
the HVO forces’ morale. At any given time the number
of Croatian Army soldiers in Bosnia and Herzegovina
was small and in this respect their value in the scheme
of things was symbolic, representing a token gesture
20 Judge Antonetti, Presiding Judge of the Trial Chamber
in the Prlić et al. case, referring to the number of HV so-
ldiers engaged in the conflict with the ARBIH, based on
Hrvatsko vijeće obrane. the transcript of the meeting between Franjo Tuđman,
Mate Granić, Gojko Šušak and Drago Krpina held on
Croatian Defense Council. January 29, 1994, at the Presidential Palace, at which
Tuđman stated that there were between 1,500 to 2,000
Croatian volunteers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, obser-
ved during the trial: “It appears that the number of vo-
lunteers was limited (2,000) and that the inviolability of
no je bila simbolična potpora HVO-u u obrani prevelike borders was recalled.” In his separate opinion the Judge
crte, koju je HVO 1993. s mukom održavao sprječavaju- wrote that Croatia had intervened in Bosnia and Herze-
ći da Armija Republike BiH u pohodu „oslobađanja“ ne govina mainly through volunteers and officers who had
been dispatched there, and as for direct intervention of
provede etničko čišćenje Hrvata iz BiH kao najmanjeg
the Croatian Army, the Judge wrote that it was very limi-
konstitutivnog naroda.1006 ted, if it ever existed at all. At the same time the Judge
Nekim je tumačima kontroverzan i kraj rata u Hr- expressed his regret about the selective approach to the
vatskoj – operacija Oluja, u kojoj vide još jedan dogo- presentation of documents in the trial: “I deeply regret
the fact that, in my view, the Prosecution had a very se-
vor Miloševića i Tuđmana. Obrazlaže se brzim slomom lective approach to its documents, retaining only tho-
SVK-a na okupiranom području. Iz perspektive čelnika se supporting its arguments and setting aside all those
ARBiH Rasima Delića, intenzitet napredovanja HV-a bio likely to compromise its point of view. I do not think
je nevjerojatno brz.1007 No, Delić je zanemario da su i na this is the most efficient practice to adopt with regard
to crimes falling under international humanitarian law.
teritoriju BiH gardijske brigade HV-a imale učinak kor- I find it absolutely necessary to say that when there are
pusa ARBiH, te da su uvjeti za brzo napredovanje u Oluji several opposing forces and three armies on the ground
prema Kninu ostvareni u dugotrajnoj napadajnoj kam- (VRS, HVO and ARBIH), a military incident is understood
panji, započetoj u studenom 1994., i uz znatne žrtve. only by way of a horizontal examination of the crimes
and not by selecting a few documents issued by only
one army which support the Prosecution's argument.”
ICTY: Separate and partially dissenting opinion of Pre-
1006 D. MARIJAN, „Expert opinion“, 281-282. siding Judge of the Trial Chamber Judge Jean-Clause
1007 R. DELIĆ, Armija RBiH, II, 190. Antonetti, of May 25, 2013, volume 6, 53, pp. 74-75.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 433 4.2.2020. 18:35:22

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

of the Croatian government’s assistance to the belea-

guered HVO units defending the line in 1993 and pre-
venting, against all odds, the Army of the Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina from conducting a compre-
hensive campaign of ethnic cleansing against the least
numerous and as such the most vulnerable constituent
nation of the country, the Croats.
Some people opt to view the end of the Croa-
tian War of Independence as a controversial histori-
cal event. In that they somehow see another devious
intrigue hatched by Milošević and Tuđman. This con-
spiracy theory draws its lifeblood from the fact that
the Croatian forces defeated the Army of the SVK in a
HVO, Crni vrh, prosinac 1993. (fotografiju darovao Zrinko Tokić). swift and decisive manner during Operation Storm, the
HVO, Crni vrh, December 1993 (Photograph donated by Zrinko Tokić). offensive in which the Croatian Army liberated most
of the occupied areas of the Republic of Croatia. The
commander of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Herzegovina Rasim Delić stated that the intensity of
the Croatian Army’s advance was unbelievably swift.
But, Delić conveniently glossed over the fact that any
given Guards Brigade of the Croatian Army deployed
in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in terms of efficiency and
combat value, was the equivalent of any given Corps
of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Delić also seemed to disregard the fact that the condi-
tions for a swift advance towards Knin were achieved
in a long offensive campaign launched in November,
1994, at the cost of considerable casualties.
HVO, Kupres, zima 1994. (fotografiju darovao Zrinko Tokić).
HVO, Kupres, winter 1994 (Photograph donated by Zrinko Tokić).
HVO, Kupres.


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Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 435 4.2.2020. 18:35:23

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Hrvatske zastave i zapovjednici hrvatskih snaga u kraljevskim gradovima Kninu i Jajcu, oslobođenima u operacijama
„Oluja“ (5. kolovoza 1995.) i „Maestral“ (13. rujna 1995.).

Croatian flags and commanders of the Croatian forces in Knin and Jajce, seats of kings in medieval times, liberated in
Operation Storm (August 5, 1995) and Operation Maestral (September 13, 1995) respectively.
Kninska tvrđava, 6. kolovoza 1995. (autor fotografija: Alem
Hadžiegrić). Jajce, 13. - 14. rujna 1995. (arhiva 2. gbr HVO-a).

Knin fortress, August 6, 1995. (photographs by Alem Hadžiegrić). Jajce, September 13 - 14, 1995.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 436 4.2.2020. 18:35:25

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

“Neki ljudi i pojedinci u Hrvatskoj, a osobito u svi- “Some people, some individuals in Croatia, and es-
jetu, koji nisu bili prijatelji Hrvatske znali su reći da rat pecially in the world, who were not friends of Croatia,
nije potreban, da smo mi krivi za njega. Govorio sam, were fond of saying that the war was unnecessary and
a mogu to i sada reći: Da, rat bi bio nepotreban da smo that we are to blame for its outbreak. I said then, and I
se odrekli cilja stvaranja nezavisne i suverene hrvatske can say now: yes, the war would have been unnecessary
države. Naš prijedlog je bio da taj cilj ostvarimo bez had we given up on our desire to create an independent
rata, da riješimo jugoslavensku krizu pretvorbom fede- and sovereign state of Croatia. We strove to achieve
racije u kojoj nitko nije bio sretan, a najmanje je to bio our aim without war, we did try to solve the Yugoslav
hrvatski narod, da riješimo krizu stvaranjem konfedera- crisis through transforming the federation in which no
cije suverenih država, u kojoj bi Hrvatska bila suverena constituent nation was content, least of all the Croats,
sa svojom vojskom, valutom i diplomatskom službom. into a confederation of sovereign states in which Croatia
Nisu to prihvatili.” would have existed as a sovereign entity, with its army,
Ovo su riječi iz govora hrvatskoga predsjednika Fra- currency and diplomacy. They dismissed our efforts.”
nje Tuđmana na Trgu bana Jelačića 24. svibnja 1992., po Franjo Tuđman stated this during his speech on Ban
povratku iz New Yorka, nakon što je Republika Hrvatska Jelačić Square on May 24, 1992, upon his return from
primljena u članstvo UN-a.1008 Iz toga govora srpski tu- New York, after the Republic of Croatia had become a
mači rata uglavnom uzimaju prve dvije rečenice, spaja- member of the United Nations. Serbian interpreters of
ju ih po svojoj potrebi i dokazuju da se rat dogodio jer history are fond of extracting the first two sentences
je to htjela Hrvatska.1009 from the above statement and molding them into what-
Domovinski rat, kako u Hrvatskoj nazivaju svoj dio ever their desired context of the moment is for the pur-
„rata za jugoslavensko naslijeđe“ – što je varijanta na- pose of proving that Croatia is responsible for the war.
ziva koji koriste neki inozemni analitičari, a zapravo je Croatian historians, for some reason, insist on the
riječ o ratu za neovisnost Hrvatske i slobodu hrvatskog term “Homeland War” for Croatia’s part in what many
naroda, bio je neizbježan. Odnos snaga u posttitovskoj foreign analysts call the “Wars of the Yugoslav Succes-
Jugoslaviji bio je takav da ništa drugo nije bilo mogu- sion”. Both terms are misnomers. In fact, the war in Cro-
će. Srbija je neinstitucionalno srušila avnojsku SFRJ, a atia was a war for Croatia’s independence and freedom
potom je uz potporu Jugoslavenske narodne armije of the Croatian nation. And the war was inevitable. The
političkim pritiskom pokušala i ostalim republikama nature of and the situation in post-Tito Yugoslavia de-
nametnuti svoj koncept uređenja Jugoslavije. Kada nije termined its violent break-up. Serbia, in a move that ran
uspjela, krenula je u rat protiv Republike Hrvatske. U counter to both the letter and the spirit of the Yugoslav
početnoj fazi rat su vodili Jugoslavenska narodna armi- constitution, brought down the SFRY and then, in a fol-
ja i značajan dio Srba iz Hrvatske uz potporu snaga TO-a low-up move and with the backing of the JNA, put polit-
i dobrovoljaca iz Srbije, BiH i Crne Gore i usmjeravanje ical pressure on the other republics to acquiesce in Ser-
iz Srbije. Bio je to rat za etnički čistu zemlju u čijoj su se bia’s designs on Yugoslavia. When the plan failed, Serbia
provedbi koristila sva sredstva. launched armed aggression against the Republic of
Prvi dio rata, koji zapravo obuhvaća i pripreme Sr- Croatia. In the initial phase of the conflict the JNA and a
bije i JNA za rat, od svibnja 1990. do Sarajevskoga spo- significant number of Croatian Serbs, supported by Ter-
razuma 2. siječnja 1992., moguće je podijeliti u tri faze. ritorial Defense units and volunteers from Serbia, Bosnia
U prvoj, od sredine svibnja 1990. do početka ožujka and Herzegovina and Montenegro, fought against the
1991., Jugoslavenska narodna armija razoružala je Te- nascent Croatian Army. The forces ranged against Cro-
atia were led directly from Belgrade. Serbia’s intention
1008 ICTY: Govor F. Tuđmana na Trgu bana Jelačića 24. 5. was to ethnically cleanse the areas under Serb control in
1992. Croatia of non-Serbs and used all means at its disposal
1009 Mihajlo VUČINIĆ, “Vojni aspekt rata u BiH”, u: Početak to achieve that aim.
rata u Bosni i Hercegovini – uzroci i posledice, Udruženje The first phase of the war, which includes the JNA
Srba iz BiH u Srbiji, Beograd, 2001., 256; Mirko BJELANO- and Serbia’s preparations for the conflict they were
VIĆ, “O građanskom ratu u SFRJ – Hrvatskoj 1991–1995”,
u: Građanski rat u Hrvatskoj 1991–1995. Zbornik radova about to provoke, lasted from May, 1990, until the
br. IX, Udruženje Srba iz Hrvatske, Beograd, 2013., 36. signing of the Sarajevo Agreement on January 2, 1992.


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

ritorijalnu obranu i provela novi strategijski razmještaj The first phase can be divided into three distinct peri-
snaga. Nakon srpske pobune spriječila je intervenciju ods. During the first period, from mid-May, 1990, until
hrvatske policije i omogućila razvoj i učvršćivanje Srp- the beginning of March, 1991, the JNA disarmed the
ske autonomne oblasti Krajine. General Veljko Kadijević Croatian Territorial Defense and redeployed its forces.
definira da je glavni cilj Jugoslavenske narodne armije When the Serb rebellion broke out, the JNA prevented
u tom vremenu bila zaštita Srba u Hrvatskoj “od napada the Croatian police from intervening and solidified the
hrvatskih oružanih formacija” i omogućivanje da “kon- economic, political and military position of the auton-
soliduju vojničko samoorganizovanje za odbranu”, a da omous region of Krajina. General Kadijević claims that
se istodobno pripremi “JNA za rat sa Hrvatskom kada ga the main goal of the JNA during that time was to pro-
Hrvatska otpočne protiv JNA”.1010 tect the Serbs in Croatia from “attacks by Croatian armed
U drugoj fazi, od početka ožujka do početka srpnja formations”, enable the Serbs in Croatia to “consolidate
1991., srpski su pobunjenici pokušali proširiti Srpsku their military organization for defense”, and at the same
autonomnu oblast Krajinu na područja na kojima su time prepare its forces “for war with Croatia when Croa-
Srbi bili u većini ili ih je bilo u velikom broju. Na počet- tia starts moving against the JNA”.
ku ove faze postrojbe Jugoslavenske narodne armije The second period of the first phase lasted from the
bile su njihov zaštitnik, a na njezinu kraju i sudionik na beginning of March until the beginning of July, 1991.
istom projektu. Incidenti i sukobi u Pakracu, na Plitvica- The Serb rebels tried to territorially expand the auton-
ma, u Kijevu (Knin), Glini i istočnoj Slavoniji (ubojstvo 12 omous region of Krajina to predominantly Serb areas of
hrvatskih policajaca u Borovu Selu 2. svibnja 1991.) te Croatia and also to those areas where there lived a large
zaleđu Zadra (ubojstvo hrvatskog policajca u Polači, 2. number of Serbs. At the beginning of this period the JNA
svibnja) sastavni su dio ove faze. U tim su okršajima pale protected the rebel Serbs. Towards the end of the peri-
i prve žrtve na obje strane i provedena su prva etnička od the JNA was actively engaged in offensive operations
čišćenja nesrpskoga stanovništva. against the Croatian Army and acts of ethnic cleansing
U prvim danima srpnja 1991. počela je treća faza against Croatian civilians. During this phase skirmishes
djelovanja Jugoslavenske narodne armije i pobunje- took place in Pakrac, Plitvice, Kijevo (Knin), Glina, eastern
nih Srba protiv Hrvatske. Postrojbe srpske Teritorijalne Slavonia (murder of 12 Croatian police officers in Borovo
obrane, kako su same sebe zvale, prešle su s prijetnji i Selo on May 2, 1991) and in Zadar’s hinterland (murder
fizičkih zastrašivanja na mnogo učinkovitiju formulu, of a Croatian police officer, also on May 2). Both sides
zločin i etničko čišćenje. Ta formula otvorenoga zločina suffered fatal casualties in these firefights and the Serbs
pokazala se najučinkovitijom u postizanju osnovnoga committed their first acts of ethnic cleansing.
srpskog cilja, etnički očišćenog prostora od Hrvata i The third period of the first phase of the conflict
drugoga nesrpskog stanovništva. Formula je odgovara- began at the beginning of July, 1991. The rebel Serb
la i Jugoslavenskoj narodnoj armiji, koja je najkasnije u formations, calling themselves the Serbian Territori-
kolovozu postala njezin glavni izvršitelj. Nakon blokade al Defense, launched an all-out campaign of ethnic
vojarni počela je strategijska ofenziva Jugoslavenske cleansing and genocide against non-Serbs. This for-
narodne armije i Teritorijalne obrane na Hrvatsku čiji je mula of naked criminality proved the most efficient in
cilj bio zauzeti teritorij koji se držao srpskim i istodobno regard to achieving the main objective – creation of a
izvući postrojbe iz garnizona izvan toga područja. Serb political entity thoroughly ethnically cleansed of
Operacija je brzo propala, pa je Jugoslavenska na- Croats and other non-Serbs. The formula suited the JNA
rodna armija odustala od namjere da porazi Hrvatsku as well and it did not take long before JNA units also
vojsku i zadržala se na opciji otimanja dijela teritorija na began committing crimes against humanity and war
kojem je bila u borbenom dodiru s hrvatskim snagama. crimes. Most historians agree that after August, 1991,
Tada je smisao angažmana Jugoslavenske narodne ar- JNA units became the main perpetrators of war crimes
mije bio očit. Pokriće da ratuje za deblokiranje vojarni and crimes against humanity but it is clear that the JNA
na primjeru Dubrovnika gubi svaki smisao, jer u njemu had jumped on the ethnic cleansing bandwagon long
before August. When the Croatian Army put the JNA
barracks in Croatia under blockade the JNA and Territo-
1010 V. KADIJEVIĆ, Moje viđenje raspada, 127. rial Defense launched a strategic offensive against Cro-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

nije bilo “ni blokiranih garnizona, ni srpskog življa koje atia the aim of which was to capture the areas coveted
je trebalo štititi”, kako je primijetio lord Peter Carrin- by Serbia and at the same time pull out the JNA garri-
gton.1011 Prava priroda rata koji je Jugoslavenska na- sons stationed outside those areas.
rodna armija vodila protiv Hrvatske ogoljena je do srži The operation soon failed and the JNA gave up the
u kampanji protiv Dubrovnika i Vukovara. Najkrupniji plan to defeat the Croatian Army in one swift campaign
zalogaj bio je Vukovar i Armiji su trebala gotovo puna and focused its efforts of snatching slivers of territory
tri mjeseca da ga proguta. Svjesna svojega neuspjeha, in areas where its units where engaged in combat with
Armija je propagandom od Vukovara napravila mjesto Croatian forces. At that point the role of the JNA in the
odlučne bitke s Hrvatskom vojskom nakon koje je Re- conflict became clear for all to see. The Serbs could no
publika Hrvatska prihvatila dolazak UNPROFOR-a. Ta- longer maintain the fable that the JNA was exclusively
kvo je stajalište prihvaćeno i u dijelu hrvatske javnosti, concerned with lifting the blockades of its garrisons in
pa je pogrešna i neodrživa tvrdnja da nije bilo Vukovara Croatia. The attack on Dubrovnik revealed the crimi-
1991., ne bi bilo ni hrvatske države, i danas razmjerno nality of the JNA’s intentions to the entire world. There
česta. Ono se temelji na mišljenju da je pad Vukovara was “no JNA garrison in Dubrovnik, or Serb residents
posljedica odluka hrvatskoga vrhovništva i da je ono of the city to protect”, as Lord Peter Carrington stated.
imalo odlučujući utjecaj na sve što se događalo ne The depredations that the JNA visited on Vukovar also
samo s hrvatske strane, nego čak i na strani napadača. gave the lie to the Serb propagandists’ claims that the
U tom je razdoblju počela nastajati hrvatska oruža- JNA was waging something akin to a just war. It took the
na sila. Iako je do kraja kolovoza 1991. uglavnom bila u JNA more than three months to capture the city of Vu-
defenzivi, hrvatska je politika uspjela postići da vrijeme kovar. The original plan had called for a swift occupation
bude faktor na njezinoj strani. Od sukoba u Sloveniji po- of Vukovar and rapid advance westwards and in that
čela su masovna dezertiranja, koja su osjetno umanji- sense the capture of Vukovar, after more than 80 days
la borbenu spremnost Jugoslavenske narodne armije. of hard and cripplingly costly fighting both in terms of
Ona su olakšala napade na vojarne i zarobljavanje oruž- manpower and equipment, was a pyrrhic victory for the
ja i opreme Jugoslavenske narodne armije ekvivalenta Serbs, at best. In strategic terms in was a signal defeat.
ojačanog korpusa, što je nesumnjivo bio najveći uspjeh The Serbs propagandists went into full gear in an effort
hrvatskih snaga i najznačajniji događaj u Domovin- to depict the failure of the offensive as a glorious and
skom ratu. Zarobljeno oružje omogućilo je Hrvatskoj decisive Serb victory over the Croatian Army. It could be
da zaustavi srbijansku agresiju i uz stalnu oskudicu u said that the propaganda campaign was fairly success-
opremi i napose streljivu nepokorena dočeka međuna- ful. The Serb propagandists claimed that after the fall of
rodno priznanje. Preduvjet priznanju država EZ-a bilo je Vukovar in 1991 the Croatian Army had no choice but to
potpisivanje Sarajevskog primirja, 2. siječnja 1992., koje agree to the deployment of UNPROFOR in Croatia. A fair
je značilo i kraj prve etape rata. few people in Croatia fell prey to that interpretation of
Drugi dio rata razdoblje je od Sarajevskoga spora- events and that led directly to the creation of yet anoth-
zuma do prosinca 1994. godine. To je vrijeme u kojem er conspiracy theory which insists that the Croatian gov-
su se smjenjivali sukobi niskog intenziteta (s hrvatske ernment sold Vukovar down the drain for the purpose
strane često i kao posljedica samovolje pojedinih lokal- of gaining sympathy from the international community
nih zapovjednika) s razmjerno dugotrajnim intervalima and that the Croatian government is therefore equally
mira. Težište krize bivše Jugoslavije i rata preneseno je responsible for the war crimes and crimes against hu-
u Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Uz pomoć Jugoslavenske na- manity committed by the JNA and Serb paramilitary for-
rodne armije, koja se transformirala u njihovu vojsku, mations during and after the siege as the perpetrators
bosanskohercegovački Srbi brzim su i koordiniranim themselves. This conspiracy theory is complete non-
pothvatima uspostavili premoć na tom dijelu ratišta. sense and there is plenty of evidence proving its falsity.
Najveće i najbrže uspjehe postigli su na područjima s All of that evidence is in the public domain.
većim brojem Muslimana i gdje gotovo nije bilo Hrvata, During this period Croatia started to develop its
armed forces in earnest. Until the end of August, 1991
the Croatian Army was mostly on the defensive. How-
1011 H. VEJNANS, U žrvnju, 99. ever, the Croatian governments’ political moves ensured


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

u istočnoj, središnjoj i zapadnoj Bosni. Pojedina područ- that time would be on the Croatian Army’s side. The JNA
ja preuzeta su gotovo bez borbe (Doboj, Donji Vakuf i also suffered difficulties. Since the start of the war in Slo-
Stolac). Do kraja 1992. Vojska Republike Srpske postigla venia many men had deserted the JNA and this seem-
je dominaciju na dijelu ratišta i stanje da uz jače napre- ingly never-ending wave of desertions significantly di-
zanje može održavati svoje teritorijalne stečevine. Na minished the combat capabilities of the JNA. The JNA’s
područjima gdje su Hrvati bili većinsko stanovništvo problems with desertions made it that much easier for
ili ih je bilo u većem broju srpski su uspjesi bili osjet- the Croatian Army to attack the JNA barracks in Croatia
no manji, a česte su bile višemjesečne kampanje, kao and capture significant amounts of weapons and equip-
u Bosanskoj Posavini i Jajcu. Najveći su hrvatski uspjesi ment – with what the Croatian Army captured the JNA
u tom razdoblju u stabiliziranju i održanju obrambene could have easily equipped a reinforced army corps. It
crte na Livanjskom polju i u dolini Neretve, odnosno na could be argued that this success of the Croatian Army
pograničnom području istočne Hercegovine. Najveći was the pivotal event of the entire war, one that made
neuspjeh „hrvatskoga oružja“ bila je Bosanska Posavi- possible the eventual Croatian victory. With the weap-
na, koja je izgubljena vojno. U tim je borbama Hrvatska ons and equipment captured from the JNA barracks and
vojska pružila pomoć bosanskohercegovačkim Hrvati- installations in Croatia the Croatian Army managed to
ma, a strategijska posljedica njihova djelovanja je i odr- halt the Serb offensive and put paid to the JNA’s hopes
žanje Muslimana, odnosno od 1993./94. Bošnjaka. Do of a quick victory. It has to be said that even with all the
vojnoga sporazuma između Hrvata i Muslimana nije weapons and equipment captured the Croatian Army
došlo jer ga muslimanski čelnik Alija Izetbegović nije still suffered from a chronic lack of ammunition and
želio. Mjesecima je očekivao vojnu pomoć međunarod- equipment and was vastly inferior to the JNA in terms of
ne zajednice da bi brojnošću i građenim statusom žrtve manpower and heavy weapons. Also, the Croatian Army
postupno nametnuo svoj koncept republike. No oče- at that time, unlike the JNA, had no air force. Despite
kivana pomoć nije došla, a međunarodna se zajednica these difficulties, the Croatian Army put up tenacious
angažirala da mirovnom konferencijom podijeli Bosnu i resistance to the Serb invaders and remained unde-
Hercegovinu na tri dijela. feated when Croatia was internationally recognized. In
Na hrvatskom dijelu ratišta, hrvatske oružane sna- this regard it is important to note that the EC refused
ge oslobodile su 1992. jug Hrvatske i spriječile snage to countenance recognizing Croatia until Croatia signed
bosanskohercegovačkih Srba da preuzmu položaje the Sarajevo Agreement. On January 2, 1992. Croatia
koje je do tada držala JNA, odnosno Vojska Jugoslavije. duly signed the agreement and with that the first phase
Tijekom 1993. Hrvatska je vojska napravila dva zna- of the war came to a close.
čajnija pothvata. U zaleđu Zadra odbacila je srpske sna- The second phase of the war lasted from the sign-
ge od grada i napravila važnu provjeru borbene spre- ing of the Sarajevo Agreement until December, 1994.
mnosti, a operacijom u Medačkom džepu navukla je na During this time, periods of low intensity combat (most
sebe zazor utjecajnog dijela međunarodne zajednice. of those sparked by the Croatian side were the result of
Veći dio 1993. i početak 1994. obilježio je musli- local commanders’ obstinacy) were interspersed with
mansko-hrvatski rat u BiH. Armija Republike Bosne i relatively long intervals of peace. The locus of the Yugo-
Hercegovine počela ga je kada je bila spremna za nj i slav crisis and war shifted to Bosnia and Herzegovina. It
nakon shvaćanja da u ratu protiv Vojske Republike Srp- is important to mention at this point that the JNA had
ske nema nikakvih izgleda. Na početak rata značajno je been, by that time and for all intents and purposes, trans-
utjecao i tijek međunarodne konferencije o Bosni i Her- formed into the Army of the Republic of Bosnian Serbs.
cegovini i planovi o unutarnjoj podjeli zemlje. Ne raču- The strategy adopted by the Bosnian Serbs, helped by
najući snažne sukobe u jesen 1992. u Novom Travniku i the JNA, was that of coordinated and swift attacks. That
Prozoru, te oružani sukob u Gornjem Vakufu/Uskoplju approach bore fruit and the Serbs soon gained the up-
i napad ARBiH na hrvatska naselja u Lašvanskoj dolini per hand. The Bosnian Serbs’ biggest and swiftest suc-
u siječnju 1993., muslimansko-hrvatski rat je, u pravom cesses occurred in areas with large Muslim populations
smislu te riječi, počeo u travnju 1993. napadom ARBiH with hardly any Croat residents in eastern, central and
na Konjic i Jablanicu, a završio u ožujku 1994. potpisi- western Bosnia. Some areas were captured without a
vanjem Washingtonskoga sporazuma. Na području s fight, or only after defeating a token resistance mount-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

etnički miješanim stanovništvom Armija Republike Bo- ed by Muslim troops – Doboj, Donji Vakuf and Stolac. By
sne i Hercegovine iskoristila je brojčanu nadmoć i ovla- the end of 1992, the VRS was dominant in many areas
dala područjem sjeverne Hercegovine, dijelom doline and able to defend its conquests. In the predominant-
Vrbasa i dijelom središnje Bosne. Statistički je imala veći ly Croatian areas and those with relatively large Croa-
učinak od Hrvatskoga vijeća obrane, no vojnu pobjedu tian populations the VRS was not nearly as successful.
nije odnijela. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane uspjelo se održati Some campaigns in these areas lasted for months, like
uz pomoć manjih sastava Hrvatske vojske i u trenutku in the Bosanska Posavina region and Jajce. The Croats
završetka rata bilo je u povoljnom operativnom položa- managed to stabilize and successfully defend the de-
ju na većem dijelu ratišta. fensive line in the Livno field and in the Neretva Valley
Tijekom tog rata Vojska Republike Srpske poboljša- and in the border areas in eastern Herzegovina. These
la je položaj u istočnoj Bosni i oko Sarajeva. Po završet- were also the most important Croatian successes during
ku rata s Hrvatskim vijećem obrane Armija Republike this time period. The largest Croatian military defeat oc-
Bosne i Hercegovine krenula je u proljeće 1994. u nove curred in the Bosanska Posavina region. In the battles for
napade na područja pod nadzorom Vojske Republike the Bosanska Posavina region the Croatian Army provid-
Srpske. S iznimkom Bihaća, učinak je bio gotovo zane- ed help to the HVO and one consequence of strategic
mariv, uspjesi su bili taktičke prirode i svodili su se na importance of that move was the survival of the Mus-
osvajanje poneke kote i sela. Veći uspjeh postignut je lim forces in the area (the term “Bosniaks” was officially
u drugoj polovini listopada i početkom studenoga na adopted in 1993/1994). The Croats and Muslims did not
području Bihaća, nakon iznenadnog napada ARBiH i ally against the Serbs because the Muslim leader Alija
dubokog prodora prema Bosanskom Petrovcu. Uspjeh Izetbegović did not want such an alliance. For months
je bio kratkotrajan jer su Srbi združenim snagama vratili he expected help from the international community
izgubljeni teritorij i došli do ulaza u Bihać. and played the victim card, trying to make most of the
Te su borbe dovele do prve bihaćke krize, koja je fact that the Muslims formed a majority of the popula-
ujedno bila i početak trećega dijela rata, razdoblja na- tion of Bosnia and Herzegovina. His ultimate goal was to
padnih operacija hrvatskih snaga i ARBiH koje su trajale induce the international community to give the Muslims
do kraja 1995. godine. U studenome 1994. Hrvatsko vi- preeminence in the Bosnian republic. His faith in the in-
jeće obrane, u koordinaciji s ARBiH, zauzelo je Kupres. ternational community was misplaced. The internation-
Hrvatske snage (HV i HVO) pod zapovijedanjem gene- al community, contrary to Izetbegović’s expectations,
rala Ante Gotovine, s ojačanjima su od kraja studenoga decided to partition Bosnia and Herzegovina into three
1994. do lipnja 1995. na Livanjskom polju i planinskom parts at a peace conference.
masivu Dinare potukle 2. krajiški korpus Vojske Repu- In the Croatian part of the theater the Croatian Army
blike Srpske, zauzele Glamoč i Bosansko Grahovo te liberated the south of the country in 1992 and prevent-
ostvarile povoljne uvjete za oslobađanje Knina. Sve do ed the Bosnian Serbs to deploy their forces to the posi-
kraja studenoga 1994. Vojska Republike Srpske uspi- tions that the JNA, that is Yugoslav Army, had held up to
jevala je održati strategijsku ravnotežu, povremeno je that point.
gubila teritorij, no preraspodjelom snaga i dovođenjem During 1993 the Croatian Army achieved two im-
pojačanja vraćala je izgubljeno. Ravnoteža je narušena portant successes. In Zadar’s hinterland it pushed back
operacijom Zima-94 i ulaskom snaga Zbornoga područ- the Serb forces from the city and gained valuable expe-
ja Split na teritorij Bosne i Hercegovine, ili konkretno 4. i rience and its performance in the Medak pocket earned
7. gardijske brigade Hrvatske vojske. Od tada Vojska Re- it the respect of influential elements of the international
publike Srpske nije uspijevala vratiti izgubljeno područ- community.
je. To je stanje dobro koristila Armija Republike Bosne i The better part of 1993 and the beginning of 1994
Hercegovine da bez većih borbi postigne prve značajne were marked by the Muslim-Croat conflict in Bosnia and
pobjede nad Vojskom Republike Srpske. Herzegovina. The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and
Na teritoriju Hrvatske u svibnju 1995. operacijom Herzegovina started the war when it considered itself
Bljesak zbrisan je 18. korpus Srpske vojske Krajine, a Olu- ready for the move and after it had realized that it stood
jom je u prvoj polovini kolovoza 1995. najveći dio oku- no chance against the VRS. The course of the interna-
piranog teritorija vraćen u sastav matice zemlje. Nakon tional conference on Bosnia and Herzegovina and plans


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

on internal division of the country played a part in the

Muslims’ decision to attack the HVO. The fierce battles in
the fall of 1992 in Novi Travnik and Prozor and the con-
flict in Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje and the ARBIH’s attack on
the Croatian villages in the Lašva Valley in January, 1993,
notwithstanding, the Muslim-Croat war, in the full sense
of the term, started in April, when the ARBIH attacked
Konjic and Jablanica and it ended in March 1994 with
the signing of the Washington Agreement.
In the areas with mixed Muslim-Croat populations
the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
took advantage of its numerical advantage and gained
control of northern Herzegovina, parts of the Vrbas Val-
ley and parts of central Bosnia. Statistically it was more
successful than the HVO but it could not achieve a deci-
sive victory. The HVO managed to hold on with the help
of small Croatian Army units and at the war’s end was
in a notably superior operational position in relation to
the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in
most areas.
During the Muslim-Croat conflict the VRS improved
its position in eastern Bosnia and around Sarajevo. In
spring, 1994, after the end of the Muslim-Croat war the
Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the
HVO, launched a number of attacks on positions of the
VRS. The HVO and the Army of the Republic of Bosnia
and Herzegovina made notable headway in the Bihać
area. In other areas the Croats and Muslims could not
Pokop poginulih hrvatskih branitelja, Pakrac, jesen 1992. (autor
fotografije: Toni Hnojčik).
achieve anything more than minor tactical victories,
gaining a few hills and the odd village. The HVO and the
Burial of killed Croatian soldiers, Pakrac, autumn 1992 (Photo- Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina were
graph by Toni Hnojčik).
more successful in the second half of October and at the
beginning of November in the Bihać area after the Army
of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina mounted a
swift and determined attack towards Bosanski Petrovac,
Oluje slijedio je operacijski ciklus u Bosni i Hercegovini penetrating deep into the Serbs’ rear. However, this suc-
u kojem je Hrvatska vojska zajedno s Hrvatskim vije- cess proved short lasting because the Serbs concentrat-
ćem obrane i Armijom Bosne i Hercegovine uporabom ed its forces in the area and launched a counterattack
oružja uzela teritorij koji je prema mišljenju utjecajnih during which they recaptured the lost ground and even
krugova međunarodne zajednice pripadao Federaciji reached the approaches to the city of Bihać.
Bosne i Hercegovine. U Hrvatskoj je pak preostali dio These battles resulted in the first Bihać crisis. This
okupiranog područja, pod utjecajima vojnih pobjeda crisis marked the beginning of the third and final phase
hrvatskih snaga, po završetku rata vraćen u sastav Re- of the war. During this phase the HVO and the Army of
publike mirnom reintegracijom. the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina were on the
Domovinski je rat završio potpunom propašću offensive until the end of 1995. In November, 1994,
projekta stvaranja „velike Srbije“, odnosno ujedinje- the HVO, coordinating its actions with the Army of the
nja samoproglašenih srpskih država sa Srbijom, radi Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, captured Kupres.
ostvarenja cilja da „svi Srbi žive u jednoj državi“. Izazvao From the end of November until June, 1995, the Croa-


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

tian forces (HV and HVO) under the command of Gen-

eral Ante Gotovina with reinforcements, defeated the
VRS II Krajina Corps on the Livno field and Dinara massif,
captured Glamoč and Bosansko Grahovo and created fa-
vorable conditions for an attack on Knin. Until the end of
November, 1994, the VRS was able to maintain strategic
parity – whenever the VRS lost ground it would regroup
its forces, counterattack and recapture the lost positions.
The stalemate was broken when the Croatian Army
launched Operation Zima-94 (Winter-94). The 4th and 7th
Guards Brigades of Military District Split advanced into
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s territory. From this point on
the VRS’s counterattacks were ineffective. The Army of
the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina reacted quickly
Spomenik žrtvama Domovinskog rata na Memorijalnom groblju
u Vukovaru; 938 bijelih križeva za žrtve napada JNA i srpskih
and, taking advantage of the newly created reality on
the ground, attacked weakened Serbs units and for the
postrojbi koje su ekshumirane iz masovne grobnice na tom
mjestu (autor fotografije: Marko Perić). first time scored significant victories over the VRS.
The memorial monument dedicated to the fallen in the Croatian
In Croatia the Croatian Army launched Operation
War of Independence. The 938 white crosses represent 938 vic- Flash in May, 1995, and annihilated XVIII Corps of the Ser-
tims of attacks launched by the JNA and other Serb formations. bian Army of Krajina. In the first half of August, 1995, the
The victims were exhumed from a mass grave at the site where
the memorial stands today (Photograph by Marko Perić).
Croatian Army launched Operation Storm and liberated
most of the occupied territory of the Republic of Croa-
tia. After the successful completion of Operation Storm
the Croatian Army, together with the HVO and the Army
of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina mounted a
je protjerivanje stanovništva, ogromna materijalna ra- series of offensive operations in Bosnia and Herzegovi-
zaranja i ljudske gubitke. U Bosni i Hercegovini Srbi su na and, defeating Serbian forces, occupied large swaths
of the country, including many areas that, according to
imali više uspjeha. Iako su krajem 1995. bili na korak od
vojnoga poraza, međunarodna ih je zajednica nagradila some notable figures from the international community,
Republikom Srpskom na gotovo polovici teritorija Bo- belonged to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
sne i Hercegovine. In Croatia, meanwhile, the recent decisive victories of
Prema popisu HMDCDR-a, koji se i dalje provjera- the Croatian Army convinced the Serb authorities in the
va i ažurira, u Domovinskom ratu u Hrvatskoj smrtno je area that still remained under their control that discre-
stradalo najmanje 21.500 osoba. Od toga broja, prema tion was the better part of valor and meekly agreed to
podacima Uprave za zatočene i nestale Ministarstva hr- be peacefully reintegrated in the legal and constitution-
vatskih branitelja, još nije poznata sudbina 1872 osoba: al order of the Republic of Croatia.
1468 vode se kao nestali, a za 404 nije poznato mjesto The Croatian War of Independence ended with a
ukopa (spomenuti broj uključuje nestale osobe svih clear Croatian victory and total failure of the project of
narodnosti). Od spomenutoga broja, u napadima JNA creating a greater Serbian state and eradication of the
i ostalih srpskih snaga ili djelovanjem njihovih pripad- Serb statelets within the internationally recognized
nika, ubijeno je, poginulo ili nestalo oko 14.400 oso- borders of the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Her-
ba: 8400 osoba sa statusom hrvatskog branitelja i oko zegovina. It is worth pointing out that the raison d’être
6000 civila - Hrvata i građana ostalih narodnosti, iako of these statelets was their mutual belief in an eventual
su prema podacima ratnoga ministra zdravstva Andri- union with Serbia. The Croatian victory in the war put
je Hebranga gotovo polovica smrtno stradalih bili ci- paid to such aspirations for good. The “Greater Serbia”
vili. Ranjeno je 30.578 osoba, od čega 21.959 vojnika project caused loss of life and material damage on a
i 7169 civila. Ostalih oko 7100 smrtno stradalih osoba massive scale. In Bosnia and Herzegovina the Serbs were
koje se nalaze na popisu HMDCDR-a, prema izvorima more successful, courtesy of the international communi-


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 443 4.2.2020. 18:35:26

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

ty. At the end of 1995 the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegov-

ina teetered on the brink of total military defeat. How-
ever, at the last moment the international community
intervened and rewarded them with the autonomous
entity of the Republika Srpska. To put the gift in per-
spective it is important to point out that the territory of
the Republika Srpska takes up almost half the territory
of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
According to the data available to the HMDCRD,
21,500 people were killed in the Republic of Croatia
during the Croatian War of Independence. Of that num-
ber, according to the data of the Directorate of Detained
Stradanje Hrvata u BiH.
and Missing Persons of the Ministry of Croatian Veter-
The plight of Croats in BiH. ans, the fate of 1,872 persons remains unclear to this
day: 1,468 of them are still listed as missing, and it is not
known where 404 were buried (all nationalities includ-
ed). Of the mentioned number, around 14,000 persons
were killed by the JNA and other Serb forces, or are listed
as missing: 8,400 of that number were Croatian soldiers
and 6,000 were civilians - Croats and other nationalities.
Andrija Hebrang, the minister of health during the war,
on the other hand, claims that almost half of those killed
were civilians. 30,578 persons were wounded during the
war, 21,959 of them soldiers and 7,169 civilians. The re-
maining 7,100 persons on the HMDCDR’s list, according
to the data provided by the Serbs, were mostly mem-
bers of the JNA and the Serb forces and civilians of Serb
Kakanj. nationality in the occupied territory of the Republic of
Croatia. To be sure, the total number of those killed is
greater, since we do not have data regarding the killed
srpske strane, su pripadnici JNA i srpskih snaga (većim members of the JNA and other armed formations from
dijelom) te građani srpske narodnosti na okupiranom Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, who
području Republike Hrvatske. No, ukupan broj smrtno participated in Serbian agression against Croatia (for
stradalih zasigurno je veći, s obzirom na to da nisu po- instance, on the HMDCDR’s list, other than 3,540 killed
znati podaci o svim poginulim pripadnicima JNA i osta- members of the Serb forces, are 555 killed members of
lih oružanih formacija iz Srbije, Crne Gore i Bosne i Her- the JNA. A source available to the JNA, dated May 20,
cegovine, koje su sudjelovale u velikosrpskoj agresiji na 1992, mentions 1,467 members of the JNA who lost
Hrvatsku (npr., u popisu HMDCDR-a, uz 3540 poginulih their lives in the Republic of Croatia, 38 of whom were
pripadnika srpskih snaga, su i imena 555 poginulih pri- Croats). In Bosnia and Herzegovina, according to some
padnika JNA, a izvor JNA od 20. svibnja 1992. govori o sources, 7,762 Croats were killed – 5,610 soldiers and
1467 poginulih pripadnika JNA u RH, među kojima je 2,152 civilians.
i 38 Hrvata). U Bosni i Hercegovini, prema nekim po-
dacima, smrtno je stradalo 7762 Hrvata, od čega 5610
vojnika i 2152 civila.1012

1012 Ubijeni i nestali Hrvati Bosne i Hercegovine 1991.–1995.,

Svjetlo riječi, poseban broj, Sarajevo, kolovoz 2008.; A. NA-
ZOR, Velikosrpska agresija na Hrvatsku 1990-ih, 368-370.


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995


Hrvatski sabor, Zagreb Croatian Parliament, Zagreb

Opći spisi General records

Ministarstvo pravosuđa Republike Hrvatske (prije: Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia (before:
Vlada Republike Hrvatske), Zagreb Government of the Republic of Croatia), Zagreb
Pismohrana Ureda za suradnju s Međunarodnim sudom Archive of the Office for Cooperation with the Internation-
pravde i međunarodnim kaznenim sudovima al Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunals
Ministarstvo obrane Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb
Vojnosigurnosna agencija; Središnji vojni arhiv, ar- Military Security Agency; Central Military Archive, ar-
hivski fondovi: Kabinet ministra obrane, Glavni stožer chives: Office of the Defense Minister, General Staff of
Hrvatske vojske, Uprava za ustroj i mobilizaciju, Zapo- the Croatian Army, Administration for Organization and
vjedništvo Hrvatskog ratnog zrakoplovstva, Republički Mobilization, HQ of the Croatian Air Force, Republic Sec-
sekretarijat za narodnu obranu SRH, Komanda 5. vojne retariat of National Defense of the SRH, HQ of The 5th
oblasti OS SFRJ, Zapovjedništvo Južnog vojišta HV, Za- Military District of the Armed Forces of the SFRY, HQ of
povjedništvo Operativne zone Osijek HV, Zapovjedniš- the Southern Theater of Operations, HQ of HV Opera-
tvo Operativne zone Zagreb HV, Zapovjedništvo Ope- tive Zone Osijek, HQ of HV Operative Zone Zagreb, HQ
rativne zone Bjelovar HV, Zapovjedništvo Operativne of HV Operative Zone Bjelovar, HQ of HV Operational
grupe “Vukovar” HV, Zapovjedništvo Operativne grupe Group “Vukovar”, HQ of HV Operational Group for Sisak
za Sisak i Baniju HV, Zapovjedništvo obrane grada Du- and Banija, HQ of the Defense of the City of Dubrovnik,
brovnika, 4. gardijske brigade HV, 108. brigade HV, 121. HQ of the 4th Guards Brigade of the HV, HQ of the 108th
brigade HV, 123. brigade HV, 127. brigade HV, 142. bri- Brigade of the HV, HQ of the 121st Brigade of the HV, HQ
gade HV i 125. domobranske pukovnije HV of the 123rd Brigade of the HV, HQ of the 127th Brigade
of the HV, HQ of the 142nd Brigade of the and HQ of the
Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvat- 125th Homeguard Regiment of the HV.
ske, Zagreb
Pismohrana Odjela za terorizam i žrtve Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Croatia,
Protuobavještajna agencija, Zagreb Archive of the Department for Terrorism and Victims of
Hrvatski državni arhiv, Zagreb
Arhivski fondovi: Ured Predsjednika Republike Hrvat- Counterintelligence Agency, Zagreb
ske, Hrvatski ured pri Promatračkoj misiji Europske za-
jednice i Komanda 5. vojne oblasti OS SFRJ Croatian State Archives, Zagreb
Archives: Office of the President of the Republic of Croa-
Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Do- tia, Croatian Liaison Office to the European Community
movinskog rata, Zagreb Monitoring Mission and HQ, 5th Military District of the
Arhivski fondovi: 9. korpus OS SFRJ, GŠ SV RSK i 7. kor- Armed Forces of the SFRY
pus SVK
The Croatian Memorial-Documentation Center of
Međunarodni kazneni sud za bivšu Jugoslaviju, the Homeland War, Zagreb
Den Haag Archives: IX Corps of the Armed Forces of the SFRY, Gen-
Sudski spisi Međunarodnog kaznenog suda za bivšu Ju- eral Staff of the Serbian Army of the RSK and VII Corps
goslaviju u Den Haagu ( of the SVK


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 445 4.2.2020. 18:35:26

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Objavljeni izvori International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugo-

slavia, The Hague
“Memorandum SANU”, Naše teme, 33 (1-2), Zagreb, Court records of the International Criminal Tribunal for
1989. the former Yugoslavia in The Hague (http://www.icty.
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rodnog priznanja Republike Hrvatske, MORH, Politička
uprava, Zagreb, 1995. Published sources
Miroslav TUĐMAN, Istina o Bosni i Hercegovini: doku-
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Službeni glasnik srpskog naroda u BiH, Sarajevo Narodne novine, Zagreb
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Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 446 4.2.2020. 18:35:26

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

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Vila Velebita, Gospić, Hrvatska Slobodna Dalmacija, Split, Croatia
Vjesnik, Zagreb, Hrvatska Srpska vojska, Sarajevo, Republika Srpska
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ABB – Ante Bruno Bušić
ABKO – atomsko-biološko-kemijska obrana ABBREVIATIONS
AP – autonomna pokrajina
ARBiH – Armija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine ABB – Ante Bruno Bušić
ASH – Arhiv Sabora Hrvatske ABKO – atomic-biological-chemical defense
ATG – antiteroristička grupa AP – Autonomous Province
ATJ – Antiteroristička jedinica APC – Armored Personnel Carrier
b/d – borbena dejstva (borbena djelovanja) ARBiH – Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegov-
b/g – borbena gotovost ina
b/s – borbena spremnost ARBIH – Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegov-
bbr – brdska brigada ina
BG – borbena grupa ASH – Archive of the Croatian Parliament
BiH – Bosna i Hercegovina ATG – anti-terrorist group
br. – broj ATJ –anti-terrorist unit
brHV – brigada Hrvatske vojske b/d – offensive action
brHVO – brigada Hrvatskoga vijeća obrane b/g – combat readiness
brTO – brigada Teritorijalne obrane b/s – combat readiness
brZNG – brigada Zbora narodne grade bbr – Mountain Brigade
bVP – bataljun Vojne policije BG – combat group
CO – Centar za obavještavanje BiH – Bosnia and Herzegovina
CSB – Centar službi bezbjednosti No. – number
dj. br. – djelovodni broj brHV – Croatian Army Brigade
DNERAP – dnevni raport brHVO – Croatian Defense Council brigade
DO – diverzantski odred brTO – Territorial Defense brigade
dp – domobranska pukovnija brZNG – Croatian Guards Corps brigade


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

DT – državna tajna (stupanj tajnosti) bVP – Military Police battalion

ED – elektronsko djelovanje CO – Information Center
EZ – Europska zajednica CSB – Center for Security Services
gbr – gardijska brigada dj. br. – reference number
gbrHV – gardijska brigada Hrvatske vojske DNERAP – daily report
gbrHVO – gardijska brigada Hrvatskoga vijeća obrane DO – Sabotage Detachment
gdb – gardijska desantna bojna dp – Home Guard Regiment
Gmtbr – Gardijska motorizirana brigada DT – state secret
gmtbr – gardijska motorizirana brigada ED – electronic warfare
grb – granični bataljun EZ – EC – European Community
GrŠTO – Gradski štab Teritorijalne obrane gbr – Guards Brigade
GS HVO – Glavni stožer Hrvatskog vijeća obrane gbrHV – Croatian Army guards brigade
GSHV – Glavni stožer Hrvatske vojske gbrHVO – Croatian Defense Council guards brigade
GSHVO – Glavni stožer Hrvatskog vijeća obrane gdb – Guards Assault Battalion
GŠA – Glavni štab Armije Gmtbr – Guards Motorized Brigade
GŠ OS SFRJ – Generalštab Oružanih snaga Socijalističke gmtbr – Guards Motorized Brigade
Federativne Republike Jugoslavije grb – border battalion
GŠ SV – Glavni štab Srpske vojske (Krajine) GrŠTO – Territorial Defense City HQ
GŠ SV RSK – Glavni štab Srpske vojske Repubike Srpske GSHV –General Staff of the Croatian Army
Krajine GS HVO –Main Staff of the Croatian Defense Council
GŠ TO RSK – Glavni štab Teritorijalne obrane Republike GŠA – General Staff of the Army
Srpske Krajine GŠ OS SFRJ – General Staff of the Armed Forces of the
GŠ VJ – Generalštab Vojske Jugoslavije Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
GŠ VJ – Glavni štab Vojske Jugoslavije GŠ SV – General Staff of the Serbian Army (Krajina)
GŠ VRS – Glavni štab Vojske Republike Srpske GŠ SV RSK – General Staff of the Serbian Army of the Re-
GŠ VSR BiH – Glavni štab Vojske Srpske Republike Bosne public of Serbian Krajina
i Hercegovine GŠ TO RSK – General Staff of the Territorial Defense of
GŠSVK – Glavni štab Srpske vojske Krajine the Republic of Serbian Krajina
GŠTO SAOK – Glavni štab Teritorijalne obrane Srpske GŠ VJ – General Staff of the Army of Yugoslavia
autonomne oblasti Krajine GŠ VRS – General Staff of the Army of the Republika
HB – Herceg-Bosna Srpska
HDA – Hrvatski državni arhiv GŠ VSR BiH – General Staff of the Army of the Serbian
HDZ – Hrvatska demokratska zajednica Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
HGZ – Hrvatski gardijski zbor GŠSVK – General Staff of the Serbian Army of Krajina
HMDCDR – Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski GŠTO SAOK – General Staff of the Territorial Defense of
centar Domovinskog rata the Serbian Autonomous Region of Krajina
HOS – Hrvatske obrambene snage HB – Herzeg-Bosnia
HR HB – Hrvatska Republika Herceg-Bosna HDA – Croatian State Archive
HR-DAS – Hrvatski državni arhiv u Sisku HDZ – Croatian Democratic Union
HRM – Hrvatska ratna mornarica HGZ –Croatian Guards Corps
HRZ i PZO – Hrvatsko ratno zrakoplovstvo i protuzračna HMDCDR – Croatian Memorial Documentation Center
obrana of the Homeland War
HSP – Hrvatska stranka prava HOS – Croatian Defense Forces
HUPMEZ – Hrvatski ured pri Promatračkoj misiji Europ- HR HB – Croatian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
ske zajednice HR-DAS – Croatian State Archive in Sisak
HV – Hrvatska vojska HRM – Croatian Navy
HVO – Hrvatsko vijeće obrane HRZ i PZO – Croatian Air Force and Air Defense
HZ – Hrvatska zajednica HSP – Croatian Party of Rights


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

HZ HB – Hrvatska zajednica Herceg-Bosna HUPMEZ – Croatian Liaison Office to the European Com-
IBK – Istočnobosanski korpus munity Monitoring Mission
ICTY – Međunarodni kazneni sud za bivšu Jugoslaviju HV – Croatian Army
(International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugosla- HVO – Croatian Defense Council
via) HZ – Croatian Community
IDS – izvidničko-diverzantska satnija HZ HB – Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia
IKM – Izdvojeno komandno mjesto IBK – East Bosnia Corps
InMS – intendantska materijalna sredstva ICTY –International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yu-
int. – interno goslavia
IPD – Informativno psihološka djelatnost IDS – Recon-Sabotage Company
IZM – Izdvojeno zapovjedno mjesto IKM – Forward Command Post
IZPM – Izdvojeno zapovjedno mjesto InMS – equipment and materiel
IZpM – Izdvojeno zapovjedno mjesto int. – internal
JNA – Jugoslavenska narodna armija IPD – information and psychological warfare
JRM – Jugoslavenska ratna mornarica IZM – Forward Command Post
JV – Južno vojište IZPM – Forward Command Post
K – korpus IZpM – Forward Command Post
KESS – Konferencija o europskoj sigurnosti i suradnji JNA – Yugoslav People’s Army
KK – Krajiški korpus JRM – Yugoslav Navy
kl. – klasa JV – Southern Theater of War
KM – komandno mjesto K – Corps
KMO – Kabinet ministra obrane KK – Krajina Corps
KMORH – Kabinet ministra obrane Republike Hrvatske kl. – Class
knj. – knjiga KM – komandno mjesto Command Post
Ko KOV – korpus Kopnene vojske KMO – Office of the Minister of Defense
krd – krajiška divizija KMORH – Office of the Minister of Defense of the Repub-
KRV i PVO – Komanda Ratnog vazduhoplovstva i pro- lic of Croatia
tivvazdušne obrane knj. – book
KSJ – Korpus specijalnih jedinica Ko KOV – Ground Forces Corps
lbap – lovačko-bombarderski avijacijski puk krd – Krajina Division
lbr – laka brigada KRV i PVO – HQ, Air Force and Air Defense
lpbr – laka pješačka brigada KSJ – Special Units Corps
lpd – laka pješadijska divizija lbap – Fighter-Bomber Aviation Regiment
mabr – mješovita avijacijska brigada lbr –Light Brigade
map – mješoviti artiljerijski puk lpbr – Light Infantry Brigade
mbr – mehanizirana brigada lpd – Light Infantry Division
MiO – motrenje i obavještavanje mabr – Mixed Aviation Brigade
MKSJ – Međunarodni kazneni sud za bivšu Jugoslaviju map – Mixed Artillery Regiment
MORH – Ministarstvo obrane Republike Hrvatske mbr – Mechanized Brigade
mpoap – mješoviti protuoklopni artiljerijski puk MiO – surveillance and reporting
MPRH – Ministarstvo pravosuđa Republike Hrvatske ICTY – International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yu-
mtb – motorizirani bataljun goslavia
mtbr – motorizirana brigada mpoap – mixed anti-armor artillery regiment
MUP – Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova MPRH – Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia
n/o – napadajna operacija mtb – Motorized Battalion
NATO – Organizacija Sjevernoatlantskog pakta (North mtbr – Motorized Brigade
Atlantic Treaty Organization) MUP – Ministry of Internal Affairs
OB – organ bezbednosti n/o – offensive operaiton


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

OC – operativni centar NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization

OdTO – odred Teritorijalne obrane OB – security organ
OG – operativna grupa OC – operational center
OGIP – Operativna grupa Istočna Posavina OdTO – Territorial Defense Squad
OGSB – Operativna grupa za Sisak i Baniju OG – Operational Group
OIO – Obavještavanje i osmatranje OGIP – Operational Group East Posavina
OJ – oklopne jedinice OGSB – Operational Group Sisak and Banija
ONO i DSZ – Općenarodna obrana i društvena samo- OIO – Reporting and Surveillance
zaštita OJ – armored units
ONP – operativno-nastavni poslovi ONO i DSZ – Total People’s Defense and Social Self-Pro-
OpŠTO – Općinski štab Teritorijalne obrane tection
OS – operativna skupina ONP – operational-educational activities
OS – Oružane snage OpŠTO – Municipal HQ of the Territorial Defense
OSISiB – obrambene snage istočne Slavonije i Baranje OS – operational troop
OTŽ – Odjel za terorizam i žrtve OS – Armed Forces
OZ – operativna zona OSCE – Organization for Security and Co-operation in
OZ JiH – Operativna zona Jugoistočna Hercegovina Europe
OZ S/ZH – Operativna zona Sjeverozapadna Hercegovina OSISiB – Armed Forces of Eastern Slavonia and Baranja
OZ SB – Operativna zona Srednja Bosna OTŽ – Department for Terrorism and Victims of Terrorism
OZSZH – Operativna zona Sjeverozapadna Hercegovina OZ – Operative Zone
p.p. – pravni poslovi OZ JiH – Operative Zone Southeast Herzegovina
partd – partizanska divizija OZ S/ZH – Operative Zone Northwest Herzegovina
pbr – pješačka brigada OZ SB – Operative Zone Central Bosnia
pd – pješačka divizija OZSZH – Operative Zone Northwest Herzegovina
PD – Politička djelatnost p.p. – legal affairs
pgmd – proleterska gardijska mehanizirana divizija partd – Partisan Division
PI – policijska ispostava pbr – Infantry Brigade
PJP – Posebna jedinica policije pd – Infantry Division
pmbr – proleterska mehanizirana brigada PD – political activity
PMEZ – Promatračka misija Europske zajednice pgmd – Proletarian Guards Mechanized Division
pmtbr – proleterska motorizirana brigada PI – police station
POA – Protuobavještajna agencija PJP – Special Police Unit
PoB – logistička (pozadinska) baza pmbr – Proletarian Mechanized Brigade
PoOb – pozadinsko obezbeđenje ECMM – European Community Monitoring Mission
Pov – povjerljivo pmtbr –Proletarian Motorized Brigade
pov. – povjerljivo POA – Counterintelligence Agency
PP – policijska postaja PoB – logistics base
ppd – proleterska pješačka divizija PoOb – read guard
PPN – Postrojba za posebne namjene Pov – confidential
PS – policijska stanica pov. – confidential
PSRH – Predsjedništvo Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske PP – police station
PU – Policijska uprava ppd – Proletarian Infantry Division
PU – Politička uprava PPN –Special Purpose Unit
PVL – profesionalna vojna lica PS – Police Station
RBiH – Republika Bosna i Hercegovina PSRH – Presidency of the Socialist Republic of Croatia
RH – Republika Hrvatska PU – Police Administration
RiK – rukovođenje i komandovanje PU – Political Administration
RJ – ratne jedinice PVL – professional military personnel


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

RRF – Riječna ratna flotila RBiH –Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

RRF – Snage za brzo djelovanje (Rapid Reaction Force) RH – Republic of Croatia
RS – Republika Srpska RiK – leadership and command
RSK – Republika Srpska Krajina RJ – war units
RSNO SRH – Republički sekretarijat za narodnu obranu RRF – river flotilla
Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske RRF – Rapid Reaction Force
RV i PVO – Ratno vazduhoplovstvo i protivvazdušna od- RS – Republika Srpska
brana RSK – Republic of Serbian Krajina
RZNG – rezerva Zbora narodne garde RSNO SRH – Republic Secretariat of National Defense of
S/ZH – Sjeverozapadna Hercegovina the Socialist Republic of Croatia
SAD – Sjedinjene Američke Države RV i PVO – Air Force and Air Defense
samb – samostalni bataljun RZNG – Croatian National Guard reserve
sambHV – samostalni bataljun Hrvatske vojske S/ZH –Northwest Herzegovina
SANU – Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti SAD – United States of America
SAO – Srpska autonomna oblast samb – Independent Battalion
SAOK – Srpska autonomna oblast Krajina sambHV – Independent Battalion of the Croatian Army
SAP – Socijalistička Autonomna Pokrajina SANU – Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
SDA – Stranka demokratske akcije SAO – Serbian Autonomous Region
SDB – Služba državne bezbjednosti SAOK – Serbian Autonomous Region of Krajina
SDP – Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske SAP – Socialist Autonomous Province
SDS – Srpska demokratska stranka SDA – Party of Democratic Action
SFRJ – Socijalistička Federativna Republika Jugoslavija SDB – State Security Administration
SIS – Sigurnosno-informativna služba SDP – Social Democratic Party of Croatia
SIV – Savezno izvršno vijeće SDS – Serbian Democratic Party
SJP MUP – Specijalne jedinice policije Ministarstva unu- SFRJ – Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
tarnjih poslova SIS – Security Intelligence Service
SKH-SDP – Savez komunista Hrvatske – Stranka demo- SIV – Federal Executive Council
kratskih promjena SJP MUP – Special Police Units of the Ministry of Internal
SKJ – Savez komunista Jugoslavije Affairs
SNO – Sekretarijat za narodnu obranu SKH-SDP – League of Communists of Croatia – Party of
SnSL – sanitetska služba Democratic Reform
SNV – Srpsko nacionalno vijeće SKJ – League of Communists of Yugoslavia
SO – skupština općine SNO – Secretariat of National Defense
SP – Specijalna policija SnSL – ambulance service
Splbr – Srpska laka brigada SNV – Serbian National Council
SR – Socijalistička Republika SO – assembly of a municipality
SRBiH – Socijalistička Republika Bosna i Hercegovina SP – Special Police
SRH – Socijalistička Republika Hrvatska Splbr – Serbian Light Brigade
SRJ – Savezna Republika Jugoslavija SR – Socialist Republic
SSNO – Savezni sekretarijat za narodnu obranu SRBiH – Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
SSSR – Savez Sovjetskih Socijalističkih Republika SRH – Socialist Republic of Croatia
SSUP – Savezni sekretarijat za unutrašnje poslove SRJ – Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
sŠTO – sektorski štab Teritorijalne obrane SSNO – Federal Secretariat of National Defense
str. pov. – strogo povjerljivo USSR – Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
SUP – Sekretarijat za unutarnje poslove SSUP – Federal Secretariat of Internal Affairs
SUZUP – Služba za zaštitu ustavnog poretka sŠTO – Sector HQ of the Territorial Defense
SVA MORH – Središnji vojni arhiv Ministarstva obrane str. pov. – strictly confidential
Republike Hrvatske SUP – Secretariat of Internal Affairs


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

SVK – Srpska vojska Krajine SUZUP – Agency for the Protection of the Constitutional
SVLR – samohodni višecijevni lanser raketa Order
SZUP – Služba za zaštitu ustavnog poretka SVA MORH – Central Military Archive of the Ministry of
ŠTO – štab Teritorijalne obrane Defense of the Republic of Croatia
ŠVK – Štab Vrhovne komande SVK – Serbian Army of Krajina
TG – taktička grupa SVLR – self-propelled multiple rocket launcher
tgr – telegram SZUP – Agency for the Protection of the Constitutional
TO – Teritorijalna obrana Order
TS – taktička skupina ŠTO – Territorial Defense HQ
tt – trigonometrijska točka ŠVK – Supreme Command HQ
UB SSNO – Uprava bezbednosti Saveznog sekretarijata TG – tactical group
za narodnu obranu tgr – telegram
UN – Ujedinjeni narodi TO – Territorial Defense
UNCRO – Operacija Ujedinjenih naroda za uspostavlja- TS – tactical team
nje povjerenja u Hrvatskoj (United Nations Confidence tt – hill
Restoration Operation in Croatia) UB SSNO – Security Administration of the Federal Secre-
UNPA – zaštićeno područje Ujedinjenih naroda (United tariat of National Defense
Nations Protected Area) UN – United Nations
UNPROFOR – Zaštitne snage Ujedinjenih naroda (Uni- UNCRO – United Nations Confidence Restoration Opera-
ted Nations Protection Forces) tion in Croatia
UNTAES – Prijelazna uprava Ujedinjenih naroda u istoč- UNPA – United Nations Protected Area
noj Slavoniji (United Nations Transitional Administration UNPROFOR – United Nations Protection Forces
in Eastern Slavonia) UNTAES – United Nations Transitional Administration in
UPRH – Ured predsjednika Republike Hrvatske Eastern Slavonia
ur. br. – urudžbeni broj UPRH – Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia
USMKSMP – Ured za suradnju s međunarodnim kazne- ur. br. – registry number
nim sudovima Ministarstva pravosuđa USMKSMP – Office for Cooperation with the Inter-
V i PP GŠVRS – vjerski i pravni poslovi Glavnog štaba VRS national Court of Justice of the Ministry of Justice
VJ – Vojska Jugoslavije V i PP GŠVRS – religious and legal affairs of the General
VLR – višecijevni lanser raketa Staff of the Army of the Republika Srpska
VO – vojna oblast VJ – Army of Yugoslavia
VOS – vojnoobavještajna služba MRL – multiple rocket launcher
VP – Vojna policija VO – Military District
VP – vojna pošta VOS – Military Intelligence Agency
VPO – Vojnopomorska oblast VP – Military Police
VPS – vojnopomorski sektor VP – military mail
VRH – Vlada Republike Hrvatske VPO – Military-Maritime District
VRS – Vojska Republike Srpske VPS – Military-Maritime Sector
VS UN – Vijeće sigurnosti Ujedinjenih naroda VRH –Government of the Republic of Croatia
VSA MORH – Vojnosigurnosna agencija Ministarstva VRS – Army of the Republika Srpska
obrane Republike Hrvatske VS UN – United Nations Security Council
VSZ – Vojni sud Zagreb VSA MORH – Military Security Agency of the Ministry of
z/o – zona odgovornosti Defense of the Republic of Croatia
Zap. – zapovjedništvo VSZ – Zagreb Military Court
ZHRM – Zapovjedništvo Hrvatske ratne mornarice z/o – area of responsibility
ZHRZ – Zapovjedništvo Hrvatskog ratnog zrakoplovstva Zap. – HQ
ZJB – Zapovjedništvo Južnog bojišta ZHRM – HQ, Croatian Navy
ZJD – Zapovjedništvo za južnu Dalmaciju ZHRZ – HQ, Croatian Air Force


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

ZJV – Zapovjedništvo Južnog vojišta ZJB – HQ, Southern Theater of Operations

ZM – zapovjedno mjesto ZJD – HQ, Southern Dalmatia
ZMIN – zračno motrenje i navođenje ZJV – HQ, Southern Theater of War
Zn ŠTO – Zonski štab Teritorijalne obrane ZM – Command Post
ZNG – Zbor narodne garde ZMIN – air surveillance and navigation
ZOG – Zapovjedništvo Operativne grupe Zn ŠTO – Zone HQ of the Territorial Defense
ZOGIP – Zapovjedništvo Operativne grupe Istočna ZNG – Croatian National Guard
Posavina ZOG – HQ, Operational Group
ZOGP – Zapovjedništvo Operativne grupe Posavina ZOGIP – HQ, Operational Group East Posavina
ZOGV – Zapovjedništvo Operativne grupe Vukovar ZOGP – HQ, Operational Group Posavina
ZOGVVŽ – Zapovjedništvo Operativne grupe Vukovar, ZOGV – HQ, Operational Group Vukovar
Vinkovci, Županja ZOGVVŽ – HQ, Operational Group Vukovar, Vinkovci and
ZOGZ – Zapovjedništvo Operativne grupe Zagreb Županja
ZOZK – Zapovjedništvo Operativne zone Karlovac ZOGZ – HQ, Operational Group Zagreb
ZOSISB – Zapovjedništvo obrambenih snaga za istočnu ZOSISB – HQ, Defense Forces for Eastern Slavonia and
Slavoniju i Baranju Baranja
ZOZS/ZH – Zapovjedništvo Operativne zone Sjeveroza- ZOZS/ZH – HQ, Operative Zone Northwest Herzegovina
padna Hercegovina ZOZSB – HQ, Operative Zone Central Bosnia
ZOZSB – Zapovjedništvo Operativne zone Srednja Bosna OZ – Operative Zone
ZOZB – Zapovjedništvo Operativne zone Bjelovar ZOZB – HQ, Operative Zone Bjelovar
ZOZK – Zapovjedništvo Operativne zone Karlovac ZOZK – HQ, Operative Zone Karlovac
ZOZO – Zapovjedništvo Operativne zone Osijek ZOZO – HQ, Operative Zone Osijek
ZOZR – Zapovjedništvo Operativne zone Rijeka ZOZR – HQ, Operative Zone Rijeka
ZOZS – Zapovjedništvo Operativne zone Split ZOZS – HQ, Operative Zone Split
ZOZZ – Zapovjedništvo Operativne zone Zagreb ZOZZ – HQ, Operative Zone Zagreb
ZP – zborno područje ZP – Military District
ZPO – Zborno područje Osijek ZPO – Military District Osijek
ZPTG – Zborno područje Tomislavgrad ZPTG – Military District Tomislavgrad
ZSB – Zapovjedništvo Slavonskog bojišta ZSB – HQ, Slavonia Theater of Operations
ZSD – Zapovjedništvo Sektora Dubrovnik ZSD – HQ, Sector Dubrovnik
ZSZ – Zapovjedništvo Sektora Zadar ZSZ – HQ, Sector Zadar
ZZK – Zapovjedništvo Zagrebačkog korpusa ZZK – ZQ, Zagreb Corps
ZZNG – Zapovjedništvo Zbora narodne garde ZZNG – HQ, Croatian National Guard
ZZNGISB – Zapovjedništvo Zbora narodne garde istoč- ZZNGISB – HQ, Croatian National Guard Eastern Slavonia
ne Slavonije i Baranje and Baranja
ZZP – Zapovjedništvo Zbornog područja ZZP – HQ, Military District
ZZPB – Zapovjedništvo Zbornog područja Bjelovar ZZPB – HQ, Military District Bjelovar
ZZPG – Zapovjedništvo Zbornog područja Gospić ZZPG – HQ, Military District Gospić
ZZPK – Zapovjedništvo Zbornog područja Karlovac ZZPK – HQ, Military District Karlovac
ZZPO – Zapovjedništvo Zbornog područja Osijek ZZPO – HQ, Military District Osijek
ZZPS – Zapovjedništvo Zbornog područja Split ZZPS – HQ, Military District Split
ZZPZ – Zapovjedništvo Zbornog područja Zagreb ZZPZ – HQ, Military District Zagreb


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Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 467 4.2.2020. 18:35:28

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Večernji list, srijeda, 1. 2. 1995., Odgo-

vornost Kninske grupice – Z-4: nacrt je

'Tuzan dan' tek osnova za pregovore i nije ponu-

vel8po&lanlk pi Zenevskoj đen na osnovi “uzmi ili ostavi”
setak dana umijenio Kaia Ei-
dea, izjwio j(l da j(l prel<juce<

Večernji list, Wednesday, February 1,

biovriotutan danzanjega.
J.Kao prvmatra¢ Europske
sam u Hrvatskoj. lJ Na!;lcama
nom starica odjewnih u emo,
1995., Knin Clique Responsible – Z-4: the
leprc,gnaneldalekood svoga draft plan is only a proposal and is not
presented on a take-it-or-leave-it basis.
doma Tad.asambioodlutloda
Je "'1jedno ulomi vn;eme i trud
Ci Nakon poslijepodneVll u Kni-
nu, ¢inl ml se da su Qrl(l dalJe
od svojih ku¢a nego stD su to Z-4: Nacrtje tekosnova za prago vora i nije ponmfen na osno ~i»uzmiili ostavi«

__ ~_-


2AGAE_B - Predstavr:i~i ~ob'!njenih Sr- • Jedn a strana primila je plan i prihvatlla ga kao bazu za prego-

~tfi:;~l~!{~; ~~~~~~~;e :'~~~r:ro!b~o°fe~

Hlderacije Leonid Kerescadfijanc i Fran- ska strana wjetl.Jje
~a:it =~n:o: :=~~ ~rv'!
ostanak inirovnom procesu.
u I mi
:S~;:ii;i~ua~od~ii1a:i;J;;~1r~ ielimo takav napredak, kazao Je Galbraith
b;.~j Jugoslaviji Geert Ahrens ; Alfred_°: kumentc. On nije plod na~ ma§te . Qpt;
namjeru ovaj plan branitl iii nametatl Na·
Mattacota COrdella iz Kmna JIite r Vl"ati~ principi ptana ne mogu i?g ledati bltno
en plana fvnkcOO!lifa po princlpu >Uzmi i
neob,...l~na pas la._ . . . druktije no tto izgledaju sada<. kazao je
pogledajc. Bez plane nete bili ni mirr,og
>Marti¢1M,ke~ ' Babit mal , su s ".•· poslije povrall<a iz Knina veleposlanik
rjeoonJa«. kazoo je Kerestedfijanc l na•
me dol~o..11 Kmn, no Marti<! nam ,e Geeft Ahrens. veo da ;e vrijeme koJe su oni ulot~i u
rt:kaoda ie c,ielo ~l!)~kovodstvo odl\J· r, su principi terilo,ijalni integritet
plan n~hovo osobno Vl"ijeme. te da ne-
¢,lo da n~e nl pnmm plan. sve dok od Hrvalske ; njezin swerenltet nad cijelim
maju nikakv\J obvezu kojo Im je namet-
V1jeCa sigumostl na dob•)e plsmena tanlOrijem, drugo ;e status za Srbe na
nula njiho~a >Aada. ve<; samo preparuku
jamsivaotomadaUNPROFORostaleu onim terltori~ma na kojima su u 1991.
i podrtku
UN_PA zonama. Bude !I takvog lamstva. goclini biti u vOCinl trete ;e jedinstllenl
Velt!poslanik Sjedinjenih Dffava Peter
om Ce prlmltl plan Io n]emu pregovar~- gospoderski prostor bez lkakvlh unutra•
Galbraith naglasio je da llnjenice koje je
tic, kazao Je Gecrt Ahrens I dodao dam- lznio Geert Ahrens govore same z.a se-
!.niih granica, letvrto povratak svih prog-
su usp1e1a sva n~hov_a uv1e1avania de nanlka u njihove domove. Ahrens je ta--
be.>Jednastranaprim~ajeplan lprlhva-
Srtl l barem prn:ne_pap,r. Takoder, skupl- wa gakaobazuzapregovore, a drugaje
koder rel<ao da Je papir tek osnova z.a
~ _Z~ folJe!a IE! JIiter otlCI u Be?!l ra'!. pregovore i niie ponuden na osnovl
to odbl la. VrlO je ironi¢no to ~to strana
al( JU 1e Slobodan Mllo~v1C odb,o pn- koja Je odbila plBn lstodobno fe~ nasta-
>U2Jlli iii ostavi<. Dodoo ;e da ga Jou po-
miti. nedjeljak primio predsJednlk Tudman,
vak nazotnostj UNPROFOR-a. Hrvatska kojl ovc!jeflve Ina niihovim liderima Vre- je takode-r naglasio da bl odlaskom UN.
Neupltan hrvatski integ ritet ~~i~::~·=t~a~S~~tt: ~ : ~"o8mUV:~s~~f~r 1:11 ~~!ki~: ~~~:ogr~r~~;t·r! ~~s~ ~~~jen~:~ ~:r~1~~~~~ 1
JCNo ~to Cu sada reCI uee se buduC- ske, povrat.ok prognanika , samoupraw predak. Ona strana koja teM da UNf'RO. odbila proces pregovorac. kazao 1e ve1e- o prekidu vatre I prov~ba gospodar-
r.ostl naroda koj !ive u OVO/ regiji. Skup;. za srpsku manj nu FOfl ostane, ,stodobno odbija plane, ka- poslarnk Galbraith skog sporazuma. >ZahtJeV za ubrzanje
~~ko;! ~n.:;,a;~~~n;8Z~i~~r~e; 'Uzmi I pogledaj'
UNPA. O,aj plan zasniva se na rezoluci- Velepos~nlk Ruske Federacije LW-
~u~e~lb{a/!1a~:i.~ ~ / ~~~
strana, mogn blsmo reCI 'manja strana·,
MiloSevic I plan
Na p~anje sumnjaju Ji da Je odbljanJe
=~:i::r::. ~~ea~fti ~fn. :f-
puno nelogltanc. zakl)ueio je Galbraith I
Jama Vijeea Sigurnos~ 1H na dokumenti- nld Kerestedtijanc nije bio sklon drama- grupica izoliranih ljudi odbije neato na plana nared~ M i l ~ . Pete_r Galbra- dodao da ~obodan Milo!evic Ima ve_like
ma _medunarodnlh skupova koii su se !iZifan)u sl!uaclje ;er Je plan joo na sto~ ¢emu je rriecunarodna za]edn;ca dugo !th odgovorio ie_da su s,tme tm,en,c e da ~eze s tune posbte h se u prego110nma
~~ovi~ti!;'!'n~0r1C':iin~fo~~l~~ ~o~:ia:iv~~5a°g ;r~n:~eC:!':n~ ~:s: 02: ~ ~louc;i~,~~":~~r~i~ ~iioKrl;~~~~C:.i ~! l~~f:!~.~ neki napredak lli ne. - - M. Serie
Vjesnik, srijeda, 1. veljače 1995., RA-
UNUTARNJA POLIT.UC.A Srijeda, I. veljace 1995. ZOČARANI I ZABRINUTI – Veleposla-
nici Z-4 (Leonid Kerestedžijanc – Ru-
Veleposlanici Z-4 nakon neuspjelog puta u Knin ska Federacija, Peter Galbraith SAD,
Geert Ahrens i Alfredo Matacotta
Cordella – Međunarodna konferencija

Razocarani i zabrinuti
o bivšoj Jugoslaviji u Ženevi te fran-
cuski veleposlank Jean Jacques Gai-
llard) nakon neuspjelog puta u Knin;
»Cinjenica je da su u Kninu odbili
primiti plan, a Milosevic je odbio
primiti nas«, izjavio je Galbraith;
I “činjenica je da su u Kninu (srpsko
vodstvo) odbili primiti plan, a Miloše-
vić (predsjednik Srbije) je odbio primi-
veleposlanici rekli da o Milosevicu
umnogome ovisi hoce Ii biti napretka I ti nas”, izjavio je Galbraith.
ili nece
ZAGREB - Veleposlanici
skupine Z-4 Leonid Kerestedzi.-
ne samo kao promatrat. Ako
dobiju takva jamstva. oni ce Vjesnik, Wednesday, February 1, 1995.,
janc, Peter Galbraith. Geert
Ahrens, Alfredo Matacott.a Cor -
della i Jean Jacques Gaillard u
primiti Nacrt i dalje pregovara.-
ti Nismo ih uspjeli uvjeriti da
uzmu taj dokument U utorak
I Disappointed and Worried – Z-4 Ambas-
sadors (Leonid Kerestedžijanc – Rus-
utorak su u Unproforovoj z:rac. smo namjeravali otputovati u
noj bazi na Plesu, konfe-
renciju za novinare nakon pov-
Beograd ka.ko bi se susreli s
ptedsjednikom MilDSevi6em, ali sian Federation, Peter Galbraith – USA,
ratka iz Knina, gdje su
Snjem vodstvu poku~li uruci.ti
on ni1e da nas primic,
zavrSio je Ahrens uvodne na.po.. Geert Ahrens and Alfredo Matacotta
nacrt sporazuma o politil:kom
rjesenju za okupirana podrucja
Cordella – ICFYM and Jean Jacques
H~ai:,~~g ~~vodne je Ne treba joS dramatizirati Gaillard – France) after abortive mis-
na,pomene iznio velepos!anik
pri Medunarodnoj konferenciji
Kerested±ijanc rekao je kako
velepos!anik Leonid
sion in Knin; ‘’it is a fact that in Knin the
Geert Ahrens: •Plan nije pro.smatra da •Situaciju ne treba
izvod nase fantazije nego se te-
dramatiziratic i dodao: ,Plan je Serbian leadership refused to accept
melji na rezolucijama Vijeca. si-
na stolu, nemamo ga namjeru
gurnosti, na zavrsnom doku- namet.ati ill braniti kao znan- the plan and that the Serb president,
mentu Londonske konferencije stveni rad. To je Nacrt na prtn.
i ostalim medunarodnim doku- cipu: 'uzmi i pogledaj'. Spremni Slobodan Milošević, refused to see us’’,
mentima smo o njemu razgovarati. Te-
Glavna nai:ela su: suverenitet melji se na medunarodnim do- Galbraith says.
Republike Hrvatske i njezin te- ~ument~a i ~)e~ici .~a
SU ~a- Skuplna Z-4 I francuskl veleposlanlk u zai::aranom krugu


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 468 4.2.2020. 18:35:29

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Humanitarna kriza i ratna šteta u Humanitarian Crisis and War Damage

Hrvatskoj u Domovinskom ratu in Croatia in the Croatian War of
Agresija prosrpske JNA i srpskih snaga na Republiku
Hrvatsku 1991., a potom 1992. i na Bosnu i Hercegovinu, The aggression of the pro-Serbian JNA and the Serb
izazvala je najveću prognaničko-izbjegličko-raseljeničku forces against the Republic of Croatia in 1991, and then
i humanitarnu krizu u Europi nakon Drugog svjetskog in 1992 against Bosnia and Herzegovina, caused the big-
rata. Na stotine tisuća ljudi moralo je napustiti svoje gest refugee and humanitarian crisis in Europe after the
uglavnom razorene domove s neizvjesnim mogućnosti- Second World War. Hundreds of thousands of people
ma i vremenom povratka. Krajem 1991., u vrijeme kad je had to leave their mostly devastated homes with uncer-
Hrvatska bila izložena agresiji, Vlada RH osnovala je Ured tain possibilities and time of return. By the end of 1991,
za prognanike i izbjeglice s ciljem organiziranja skrbi za when the entire Croatia was exposed to aggression, the
prognanike. Tada je u Hrvatskoj već bilo oko 536.000 Government of the Republic of Croatia established the
prognanika, uglavnom Hrvata, protjeranih iz svojih do- Office for Displaced Persons and Refugees, with the aim
mova u napadima srpskih snaga. (…) of organizing care for displaced persons. At that time,
Tijekom 1992. Ured dodatno skrbi i o tisućama izbje- there were already 536,000 displaced persons in Croatia,
glih Hrvata i Muslimana (Bošnjaka) iz Bosne i Hercego- mostly Croats, expelled from their homes in the attacks
vine i Hrvata iz SRJ (odnosno Srbije, Vojvodine, Kosova of Serbian forces.
i Crne Gore). Prema izvješću Vlade RH iz 1998., „u 1992. In 1992 the Office also cared for thousands of Croa-
zabilježen je maksimum humanitarne krize u Hrvatskoj tian and Muslim (Bosniak) refugees from Bosnia and Her-
s oko 800.000 prognanika i izbjeglica, što je bilo više od zegovina and Croats from the FRY (i.e. Serbia, Vojvodina,
15 % ukupnog stanovništva Hrvatske”.1013 U Hrvatskoj Kosovo and Montenegro). According to the 1998 report
je 1. prosinca 1992. bilo 663.493 prognanika i izbjegli- by the Croatian Government, “in 1992 the humanitarian
ca (260.705 prognanika i 402.768 izbjeglica), a u broj od crisis in Croatia reached its peak with about 800,000 dis-
oko 800.000 vjerojatno su bile uključene i osobe koje su placed persons and refugees, which was more than 15
izbjegle u inozemstvo (1992. oko 136.000). % of the total population of Croatia”.21
U proljeće 1995., uoči oslobodilačkih operacija hr- On December 1, 1992, in Croatia there were 663,493
vatskih snaga Bljesak i Oluja, u Hrvatskoj je bilo registrira- displaced persons and refugees in Croatia (260,705 dis-
no 210.592 prognanika (83.683 prognanika iz Hrvatskog placed persons and 402,768 refugees), so the number
Podunavlja i 126.909 prognanika s okupiranih područja of about 800,000 probably includes the persons who
koja će biti oslobođena u spomenutim operacijama) te fled abroad (it is estimated that outside Croatia, mostly
188.672 izbjeglice iz BiH i SRJ, što znači da je RH tada in West European countries, in 1992 there were about
skrbila za ukupno 399.264 prognanika i izbjeglice. Isto- 136,000 refugees from Croatia).
dobno ta je područja tijekom spomenutih operacija na- In the spring of 1995, on the eve of Operations Flash
pustila većina srpskog stanovništva koje je ondje živjelo and Storm in Croatia there were 210,592 registered
tijekom četverogodišnje okupacije (prema podacima iz displaced persons (83,683 displaced persons from the
Izvješća Vlade RH iz 1998., njih oko 130.000). Croatian Podunavlje region and 126,909 displaced per-
Sredinom 1997. broj prognanika i izbjeglica u Hr- sons from the occupied territories about to be liberated
vatskoj smanjio se na 225.000 osoba, a 1998. na 126.000 during the above mentioned operations) and 188,672
prognanika, povratnika i izbjeglica u sustavu skrbi hrvat- refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the FRY,
ske države. which means that the Republic of Croatia at that point in
Izvješće Vlade RH iz 1998. navodi da je Republika time provided care for a total of 399,264 displaced per-
Hrvatska 1992. zbrinula najveći broj izbjeglica iz Bosne i sons and refugees. At the same time, during these op-

1013 „Izvješće Vlade Republike Hrvatske o dosadašnjem tije- 21 “Izvješće Vlade Republike Hrvatske o dosadašnjem tije-
ku povratka i zbrinjavanju prognanika, izbjeglica i rase- ku povratka i zbrinjavanju prognanika, izbjeglica i rase-
ljenih osoba”; ljenih osoba”;
beni/1998_07_92_1248.html. beni/1998_07_92_1248.html.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 469 4.2.2020. 18:35:29

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Prognanik - dijete, Novska, zapadna Slavonija, prosinac 1991. (au- Djetinjstvo u ratu, Prekopakra, zapadna Slavonija, 1992. (autor
tor fotografije: Željko Gašparović). fotografije: Toni Hnojčik).

Displaced person – a child, Novska, Western Slavonia, December, Childhood in war, Prekopakra, Western Slavonia, 1992 (Photo-
1991 (Photograph by Željko Gašparović). graph by Toni Hnojčik).

Hercegovine i SR Jugoslavije od svih zemalja primatelji- erations the majority of the Serb population, who lived
ca. U ožujku 1992. broj izbjeglica iz BiH u Hrvatskoj izno- there during the four-year occupation, left the areas in
sio je 16.579, u travnju ih je bilo već 193.415, u kolovozu question (according to data from the 1998 Government
363.270, a u prosincu 1992. registriran je spomenuti broj Report, about 130,000 persons).
od 402.768 izbjeglica iz BiH, među kojima je bilo više od By mid-1997 the number of displaced persons and
200.000 Bošnjaka-muslimana. (…) refugees in the Croatian state care system had de-
Prema drugom izvoru, nakon početka rata u Bosni creased to 225,000, and in 1998 to 126,000 displaced
i Hercegovini u Hrvatskoj je bilo više od 600.000 izbje- persons, returnees and refugees.
glica iz BiH: 425.000 Muslimana, 170.000 Hrvata i 5000 The 1998 Government report states that the Republic
osoba drugih narodnosti.1014 of Croatia in 1992 took care of the largest number of ref-
Tijekom 1994., zbog terora srpskih vlasti, koje su ugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina and SR Yugoslavia
nastavile s „tihim etničkim čišćenjem“ područja pod srp- from all recipient countries. In March 1992 the number of
skom kontrolom od nesrpskog pučanstva, u Hrvatsku je refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Croatia amount-
ed to 16,579, in April there were already 193,415 refugees,
in August 363,270, and in December 1992 there were the
1014 I. Rogić i sur., Progonstvo i povratak: psihosocijalne i ra-
zvojne odrednice progonstva i mogućnost povratka hrvat- mentioned 402,768 refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovi-
skih prognanika, Zagreb, 1995., 50-52. na, including more than 200,000 Muslim-Bosniaks.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 470 4.2.2020. 18:35:29

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

izbjeglo više od 30.000 Bošnjaka-muslimana i Hrvata iz According to another source, after the beginning of
sjeverozapadnog dijela Bosne (Banja Luka, Prijedor, Kotor war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, there were more than
Varoš...). Zadnja velika skupina izbjeglica u Hrvatsku stiže 600,000 refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Cro-
u kolovozu 1995. preko mjesta Davor na Savi s područ- atia: 425,000 Muslims, 170,000 Croats and 5,000 people
ja Banje Luke, s kojeg je srpska vlast protjerala preostale of other ethnicities.22
Bošnjake-muslimane i Hrvate neposredno nakon oslobo- During 1994, the Serbian authorities continued
dilačke operacije hrvatskih snaga Oluja. U nepunih mje- terrorizing the non-Serb population. This “silent eth-
sec dana Hrvatska je primila 22.000 novih izbjeglica. nic cleansing” in Serb-controlled areas of the non-Serb
Prema popisu provedenom u lipnju 1994., u Hrvat- population forced more than 30,000 Bosnian Muslims
skoj je bilo 48.760 djece prognanika iz Hrvatske i 62.683 and Croats from the north-western part of Bosnia (Ban-
djece izbjeglica iz BiH, ukupno 111.443 djece i mladeži ja Luka, Prijedor, Kotor Varoš ...) to flee to Croatia. The
bez vlastitog doma, škole ili dječjeg vrtića, surovo pro- last large group of refugees from these areas arrived in
gnane iz mirnog djetinjstva. Croatia in August, 1995, via Davor on the Sava from the​​
Žrtve rata su i djeca ostala bez roditelja. Bez jed- Banja Luka area, from where the Serbian authorities ex-
nog ili oba roditelja poginula u ratu ostalo je 4327 pelled the remaining Bosniaks-Muslims and Croats right
djece, a registrirano je i 10 djece ranjene u ratu protiv after Operation Storm. In less than a month Croatia had
Hrvatske kojima je tijekom ranjavanja istom prilikom received 22,000 new refugees.
poginula majka. According to the June 1994 census, there were
Prema podacima nadležnih ministarstava RH, u ratu 48,760 displaced children from Croatia and 62,683 ref-
protiv Hrvatske, od obrazovnih ustanova razoreno je i ugee children from Bosnia and Herzegovina, a total of
oštećeno: 131 dječji vrtić, 365 osnovnih škola te 89 sred- 111,443 children and young people without a home, a
njih škola i đačkih domova. school or kindergarten to go to, children whose child-
Od ustanova socijalne skrbi razoreno je i oštećeno: hood had been cruelly ruined when they were forced to
- 8 dječjih domova (Dubrovnik, Karlovac, Lipik, flee their homes.
Petrinja, Osijek, Slavonski Brod, Vinkovci); Many children lost their parents; according to data
- 3 doma za resocijalizaciju mladeži (Karlovac, available at the time, there were 4,327 children who lost
Osijek, Zadar); one or both parents killed in the war. 10 children were
- 5 domova za rehabilitaciju hendikepirane djece wounded in the same incidents in which their mothers
(Daruvar, Karlovac, Šibenik, Vrlika, Zadar). were killed, in the war against Croatia.
Od zdravstvenih ustanova: The same report states that, according to the data
- razoreno je 15 bolnica i zdravstvenih ustanova of the relevant Ministries of the Republic of Croatia, 131
(Dvor, Glina, Gospić, Kostajnica, Lipik, Nova Gra- kindergartens, 365 elementary schools and 89 high
diška, Novska, Osijek, Otočac, Pakrac, Petrinja, schools and dormitories were destroyed and damaged
Slunj, Topusko, Vinkovci, Vukovar); in the war against Croatia.
- oštećeno je 15 zdravstvenih ustanova (Bjelovar, The buildings of the following social welfare institu-
Daruvar, Dubrovnik, Karlovac, Ogulin, Podrav- tions were destroyed and damaged:
ska Slatina, Sisak, Slavonski Brod, Požega, Šibe- - 8 children’s homes (Dubrovnik, Karlovac, Lipik,
nik, Valpovo, Varaždin, Zadar, Županja, Klinika za Petrinja, Osijek, Slavonski Brod, Vinkovci);
dječje bolesti Zagreb). - 3 youth resocialization centers (Karlovac, Osijek,
Tijekom 1991., srpske snage okupirale su gotovo Zadar);
trećinu teritorija RH (oko 17.000 km2, od ukupno 56.538 - 5 homes for rehabilitation of handicapped chil-
km2 kopnene površine RH). (…) Početkom 1992. pod dren (Daruvar, Karlovac, Šibenik, Vrlika, Zadar).
srpskom okupacijom nalazila su se 1072 naselja u RH: The following health care facilities and buildings
Hrvatsko Podunavlje 123, zapadna Slavonija 58, Banovi- were destroyed and damaged:
na 245, Kordun 227, Lika 179, Dalmacija 240.1015
22 Rogić, I. et al. Progonstvo i povratak: psihosocijalne i ra-
1015 Dražen Živić, „Demografski okvir i gubici”, Stvaranje hr- zvojne odrednice progonstva i mogućnost povratka hrvat-
vatske države i Domovinski rat, Zagreb, 2006., 451. skih prognanika, Zagreb, 1995, pp. 50-52.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 471 4.2.2020. 18:35:29

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Bolnica u Pakracu, jesen – zima 1991. (autor fotografije: Toni Vukovarska bolnica, rezultat srpske agresije, jesen 1991. (fo-
Hnojčik). tografiju darovao: Damir Radnić).

Pakrac hospital, autumn-winter 1991 (Photograph by Toni Vukovar hospital; the result of Serb attacks, autumn 1991 (Pho-
Hnojčik). tograph donated by Damir Radnić).

Na područjima Republike Hrvatske koja su u jesen - 15 hospitals and health institutions were de-
1991. okupirale JNA i srpsko-crnogorske snage, prema stroyed (Dvor, Glina, Gospić, Kostajnica, Lipik,
popisu stanovništva iz 1991., od ukupno 549.083 sta- Nova Gradiška, Novska, Osijek, Otočac, Pakrac,
novnika živjelo je 287.830 (52,4 %) Srba, što je malo Petrinja, Slunj, Topusko, Vinkovci, Vukovar);
manje od polovice (49,5 %) od ukupnog broja (581.663) - 15 health institutions were damaged (Bjelovar,
Srba u RH; prema tome, na području RH nad kojim je Daruvar, Dubrovnik, Karlovac, Ogulin, Podravs-
hrvatska vlast 1991. uspjela zadržati kontrolu živjelo ka Slatina, Sisak, Slavonski Brod, Požega, Šibe-
je ukupno 293.833 Srba ili polovica (50,5 %) svih Srba nik, Valpovo, Varaždin, Zadar, Županja, Zagreb
(581.663) u RH 1991. godine. Children’s Hospital).
Uz protjerano hrvatsko i drugo nesrpsko stanov- During 1991, almost one third of the territory of the
ništvo, okupirano područje RH je nakon 1991. iz egzi- Republic of Croatia was occupied by the Serbian forces
stencijalnih, sigurnosnih i drugih razloga napustio i (approximately 17,000 km2, out of a total of 56,538 km2
znatan broj Srba (prema podacima iz srpskih izvora oko of the land territory of ​​the Republic of Croatia). In the ar-
100.000 Srba iselilo se do kraja 1992., a iseljavanje se na- eas controlled by the Serbian forces, nearly all non-Serbs
stavilo i u idućim godinama). were killed or expelled, and even a number of Serbs who
Prema podatku “Komesarijata za izbjeglice RSK” iz did not support the concept of Greater Serbia. Croatian
srpnja 1994., u RSK su tada živjele 122.704 izbjegle i ra- cultural and ecclesiastical heritage was plundered and
seljene osobe, a krajem 1994. u Saveznoj Republici Ju- destroyed. At the beginning of 1992, there were 1,072
goslaviji (SRJ), dakle, ne računajući ostale države, živjelo settlements in the Republic of Croatia under Serb oc-
je oko 80.000 Srba iz RSK.1016 Zbog političkih i ekonom- cupation: 123 in the Croatian Podunavlje region, 58 in
skih prilika u RSK iseljavanje stanovništva s tog područ- Western Slavonia, 245 in Banovina , 227 in Kordun, 179
ja nije se smanjilo ni u prvoj polovici 1995. godine. in Lika, 240 in Dalmatia.23
Istodobno, procjenjuje se da je u razdoblju dolaska In the territory of the Republic Croatia (RC) which
snaga UN-a na području RSK ostalo oko 16.000 Hrvata, was occupied in the autumn of 1991 by the JNA and Ser-

1016 Nikica Barić, Srpska pobuna u Hrvatskoj 1990.-1995., Za- 23 Živić, Dražen. „Demografski okvir i gubici”, Stvaranje hr-
greb, 2005., 172-173. vatske države i Domovinski rat, Zagreb, 2006, p. 451.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 472 4.2.2020. 18:35:29

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

bian-Montenegrin forces, according to the 1991 census,

out of a total of 549,083 inhabitants there were 287,830
(52.4 %) Serbs, which is somewhat less than half (49.5
%) of the total number (581,663) of Serbs in Croatia;
therefore, in the territory of the Republic of Croatia un-
der government control in 1991, there lived a total of
293,833 Serbs or half (50.5 %) of all Serbs (581,663) in
the Republic of Croatia in 1991.
Along with the expelled Croats and other non-
Serbs, after 1991, a considerable number of Serbs also
left the occupied territory of the Republic of Croatia due
to existential, security and other reasons (according
to Serbian sources, about 100,000 Serbs had left by the
end of 1992, and the emigration trend continued in the
following years).
According to the data of the “Commission for Refu-
gees of the Republic of Srpska Krajina” from July 1994,
122,704 refugees and displaced persons lived in the
Republic of Serbian Krajina at that time. At the end of
1994 about 80,000 Serbs from the Republic of Serbian
Krajina lived in the Federal Republic Yugoslavia (FRY).24
Due to political and economic reasons in the Republic of
Serbian Krajina people continued to emigrate from the
statelet. The trend continued in the first half of 1995.
It is estimated that at the time of the arrival of the
UN forces in the Republic of Serbian Krajina about
Posljedica napada srpskih snaga, Pakrac, zapadna Slavonija, lje- 16,000 Croats still lived there, but by the end of 1993
to 1992. (autor fotografije: Toni Hnojčik). about 8,000 Croats and members of other non-Serb na-
The results of a Serb attack, Pakrac, Western Slavonia, summer tionalities had been expelled under different kinds of
1992 (Photograph by Toni Hnojčik). duress or killed (out of that number, according to some
estimates, around 1,200 were killed). Therefore, at the
beginning in 1994, in the Republic of Serbian Krajina,
that is, in the occupied territory of Croatia, there were
no da je do kraja 1993. protjerano i pod različitim pritis- fewer than 8,000 Croats compared to 219,000 living in
cima i prijetnjama iselilo ili je ubijeno oko 8000 Hrvata that area before the war.25 By the beginning of Opera-
i pripadnika drugih nesrpskih nacionalnosti (od toga tion Storm that number had decreased even more.
broja, prema nekim procjenama, oko 1200 je ubijenih). In the areas occupied and controlled by the Serb
Prema tome, početkom 1994. u RSK, odnosno na oku- forces, Serb extremists torched and demolished many
piranom području RH, bilo je manje od 8000 Hrvata u homes owned by Croats and almost all the Catholic
odnosu na 219.000 koliko ih je na tim područjima živje- churches and religious buildings; Croatian national heri-
lo prije rata.1017 Do početka operacije Oluja taj se broj tage was also plundered and destroyed. During the war
još više smanjio. in the Republic of Croatia the following property was
Na području koje su okupirale i nadzirale srpske destroyed or damaged: 183,526 residential buildings,
snage srpski ekstremisti spalili su i srušili velik broj kuća that is, 217,009 housing units - apartments (depending
u vlasništvu Hrvata i gotovo sve objekte Katoličke cr-
24 Barić, Nikica. Srpska pobuna u Hrvatskoj 1990.-1995. Za-
greb, 2005, pp.172-173.
1017 Isto, 396. 25 Same, p.396.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 473 4.2.2020. 18:35:30

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Zločin s potpisom: svetište i crkvu Gospe Voćinske, spomenik kul-

ture nulte kategorije, srpski vojnici razrušili su prilikom povlačen-
ja iz Voćina sredinom prosinca 1991. (autor fotografije: Zoran Fi-
lipović, snimljeno 31. prosinca 1991.).

The Church of the Pilgrimage to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Voćin,

a pilgrimage site and a zero-category monument, was destroyed
by retreating Serb soldiers in mid-December, 1991. (Photograph
by Zoran Filipović, December 31, 1991).
kve, a hrvatska je kulturna baština opljačkana i razruše- on the census; mainly during Serbian forces’ attacks in
na. U ratnim razaranjima u Republici Hrvatskoj unište- 1991), about 120 industrial buildings and 2,423 cultur-
no je ili oštećeno, ovisno o popisu, 183.526 stambenih al monuments (out of which 495 were religious, mainly
zgrada, odnosno 217.009 stambenih jedinica - stanova Catholic, buildings, in areas occupied by the Serbs). In
(najvećim dijelom u napadima srpskih snaga 1991.), oko the first year of the war 590 settlements in 57 Croatian
120 gospodarskih objekata i 2423 spomenika kulture municipalities were affected by the war – 35 were totally
(od toga je 495 sakralnih objekata /uglavnom Katoličke destroyed, and 34 sustained major damage (including
crkve/ na područjima koja su okupirali Srbi). Samo u pr- larger towns). The total direct war damage in the Repub-
voj godini rata stradalo je 590 naselja u 57 općina u Hr- lic of Croatia was assessed at 37.1 billion US $ (Govern-
vatskoj, od kojih je 35 do temelja uništeno, a 34 su pre- ment of the Republic of Croatia, State Commission for
trpjela teška oštećenja (među njima su i veći gradovi). the Census and Assessment of War Damage; War Dam-
Ukupna vrijednost izravne ratne štete u RH procijenjena age, final report, Zagreb, September 1999).
je krajem 1999. na 37,1 milijardu američkih dolara.1018 According to the latest studies, the overall war dam-
Prema novijim istraživanjima, ukupna ratna šteta u age in Croatia between 1991 and 2004 is assessed at 142
RH od 1991. do 2004. iznosi oko 142 milijarde američ- billion US dollars: direct war damage is assessed at 56.5
kih dolara: izravna ratna šteta 56,5, a neizravna oko 85,5 billion US dollars, and indirect war damage at around
milijardi američkih dolara (1998. odnos valuta bio je 1 85.5 billion US dollars (in 1998, 1 US dollar was 6.36 Cro-
US dolar = 6,36 kn; štete su izražene u američkim dola- atian Kuna; the damage report is expressed in US dollars,
rima, prema hrvatskim cijenama). Možda više od samih but according to Croatian prices). Perhaps what is more
brojki govori procjena da je Hrvatska do 2015. izgubila telling than the above stated numbers is the estimate
od 7,5 do 9 svojih godišnjih bruto društvenih proizvoda that by 2015 Croatia had lost 7.5 of its 9 GDPs (according
(prema BDP-u 2004.). Hrvatska će još dugo snositi tro- to the GDP for 2004). The war arrested Croatia’s econom-
šak propuštene ekonomske aktivnosti upravo zbog tih ic development and the country will continue to live in
izravnih šteta koje su nužno ostavile neizbrisiv trag.1019 the shadow of the war for the foreseeable future.26

1018 Vlada RH, Državna komisija za popis i procjenu ratne štete

– Ratna šteta RH, Završno izvješće, Zagreb, rujan 1999.
1019 Slobodan Praljak, Procjena ratnih šteta u Hrvatskoj, Za- 26 Slobodan Praljak, Procjena ratnih šteta u Hrvatskoj, Za-
greb, prosinac 2006.; Domovinski rat – pregled političke i di- greb, prosinac 2006.; Domovinski rat – pregled političke i di-
plomatske povijesti, Ante Nazor – Tomislav Pušek, Nakladni plomatske povijesti, Ante Nazor – Tomislav Pušek, Nakladni
zavod Globus - HMDCDR, Zagreb, 2018., 278-280. zavod Globus - HMDCDR, Zagreb, 2018, pp. 278-280.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 474 4.2.2020. 18:35:32

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Gornja fotografija: Nakon topničkog napada JNA i srpskih sna-

ga, u požaru 16./17. rujna 1991. izgorjela je Narodna knjižnica
i čitaonica u Vinkovcima. Požar je progutao cijelu zgradu i sav
knjižni fond (71.520 svezaka knjiga te brojne novine i časopise,
filmove i rukopise slavonskih književnika, kao i zavičajnu zbirku).
Na području cijele Hrvatske, u agresiji tijekom 1991. ukupno je
razoreno ili oštećeno 210 knjižnica. Osim vinkovačke, potpuno su
izgorjele, sa zgradom i čitavim knjižnim fondom, knjižnica Inter-
univerzitetskog centra za poslijediplomske studije u Dubrovniku
i knjižnica franjevačkog samostana sv. Antuna Padovanskog u
Hrvatskom Čuntiću.
Donja fotografija: Banski dvori, tada sjedište Predsjednika RH,
danas sjedište Vlade RH na povijesnom Gornjem gradu u Za-
grebu, 7. listopada 1991., neposredno nakon zračnog napada
kojim je JNA u službi velikosrpske politike pokušala ubiti preds-
jednika RH Franju Tuđmana te predsjednika Predsjedništva SFRJ
Stjepana Mesića i predsjednika Saveznog izvršnog vijeća SFRJ
Antu Markovića, koji su upravo tada imali sastanak.

Above: The National Library and Reading Room in Vinkovci gut-

ted by a fire on September 16/17, 1991, after a JNA artillery at-
tack. The fire destroyed the whole building and all the library
holdings (Library included 71,520 volumes and numerous news-
papers and magazines, films and manuscripts of Slavonian au-
thors and a local history collection). In Serb aggression against
Croatia during 1991, 210 libraries were totally destroyed or dam-
aged throughout Croatia. Particularly worthy of mention are
also the Library of the Inter-University Centre of Post-Graduate
Studies in Dubrovnik and the library of the Franciscan monastery
of St. Anthony of Padua in Hrvatski Čuntić which were also total-
ly destroyed.
Below: The Banski Dvori palace, then the Office of the President
of the Republic, today the seat of the Government of the Repub-
THIRTEEN CENTURIES OF CROATIAN CULTURE IN ASHES. lic of Croatia in Zagreb Upper Town, on October 7, 1991, immedi-
ately after JNA jets rocketed the building in an attempt to assas-
sinate the President of the Republic of Croatia Franjo Tuđman,
•;_w_~-~~~~-!~<~~"'-~s-::AM\ ~-~~~~-~tu.~ o:.- ..- the President of the SFRY Presidency Stjepan Mesić and the
President of the SFRY Federal Executive Council Ante Marković.
The assassination attempt was in keeping with the Greater Ser-
bian policies. The aforementioned officials had adjourned their
meeting for lunch and left the room the jets targeted shortly
before the attack.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 475 4.2.2020. 18:35:46

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

O uzrocima i posljedicama rata u BiH On the Causes and Consequences of the

War in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Slom komunističkoga sustava u Europi otvorio je
prostor demokratizaciji i u Jugoslaviji, odnosno BiH. Na The end of Communist rule in Europe ushered in
prvim slobodnim, općim, demokratskim i višestranač- a period of democratization in the former Soviet bloc
kim izborima u povijesti BiH, koji su održani u stude- countries, and by extension, in Yugoslavia and Bosnia
nome 1990., vladajući komunisti doživjeli su težak po- and Herzegovina. The first free, general, democratic,
raz. Pobijedile su tri nacionalne stranke koje su osvojile and multiparty elections in the history of Bosnia and
svih sedam mjesta u Predsjedništvu BiH i 84 % mjesta Herzegovina were held in November, 1990. The ruling
u Skupštini. Rezultati izbora odražavali su strukturu Communist party lost the elections to three nation-
stanovništva. Nacionalni identiteti i nacionalne politi- al parties who won seven seats in the Presidency of
ke legitimirali su novu vlast. Za njezino funkcioniranje i Bosnia and Herzegovina and 84 % of the seats in the
stabilnost bilo je nužno uvažavanje, priznanje identiteta Assembly. The results of the elections reflected the
i legitimiteta interesa drugih, kao i spremnost na kom- ethnic/national make-up of the population. Nation-
promis. Međutim, ubrzo se pokazalo da to nije lako. Srp- al identities and national policies gave legitimacy to
ska demokratska stranka nije htjela ni čuti za BiH izvan
the new government. The new government could
Jugoslavije, Hrvatska demokratska zajednica nipošto not hope to function properly or with any degree
nije htjela ostati u Jugoslaviji, a muslimanska Stranka of stability if each of the three constituent nations
demokratske akcije propagirala je „građansku”, odnosno was not prepared to compromise and recognize the
centraliziranu i unitarnu BiH kao svoju „nacionalnu” dr- legitimacy of the interests and national identities of
žavu. Izbio je rat koji je odnio oko 100.000 života i razorio the other two nations. However, no sooner had the
ionako složeno društvo. U tome ratu, kao i tijekom cijele government been established, than it transpired that
povijesti, tri kolektiviteta, vjerske zajednice, etnokonfe- the needed goodwill necessary for its viable function-
sionalne skupine, naroda, nacije – vodile su svoje bitke ing was sorely lacking. The Serbian Democratic Party
za svoje partikularne interese, sklapajući pritom privre- flatly rejected any option by which BiH would leave
mene međusobne saveze, ovisno o položaju i odnosu Yugoslavia. The Croatian Democratic Union refused
snaga. Srbi su jedini vjerovali da uz pomoć JNA mogu to countenance any scenario by which BiH would re-
silom ostvariti svoje interese. To su i pokušali, pa su i main in Yugoslavia. The Muslim Party of Democratic
najodgovorniji za rat. Muslimanski politički vrh isticao je Action propagated its commitment to a civil state,
da neće žrtvovati „suverenu BiH” za mir, odnosno da će that is, to a centralized and unitary Bosnia and Herze-
ratovati za BiH kao „građansku” državu. To je značilo da
govina, in other words, a nation state. As a result, war
BiH vide isključivo kao centraliziranu, a to znači njihovu
broke out, taking 100,000 lives and tearing asunder
nacionalnu državu. Hrvati su podupirali BiH sve dok je
the already fragile fabric of BiH society. During the
neovisna o Jugoslaviji. Jedini su prihvatili sve mirovne
war, much like during their entire history, the three
sporazume i pristajali na sva ponuđena rješenja koja su
constituent nations – collectivities, religious commu-
nudila mir. Do hrvatsko-muslimanskoga rata došlo je
nities, ethnoconfessional groups, peoples, nations –
najprije zbog muslimanskoga političkog cilja stvaranja
waged their battles, each for their own gains, enter-
nacionalne države, a time i dovršetka procesa nacional-
ing into alliances with one another according to the
noga konstituiranja. Hrvati su htjeli po svaku cijenu sa-
situation on the ground and the balance of power at
čuvati svoj identitet i politički subjektivitet.1020
any given moment. The Serbs, unlike the other two
Tijekom rata u BiH od 1991. do 1995. godine pogi-
constituent nations, believed that, with the help of
nulo je oko 100.000 vojnika i civila svih nacionalnosti.
the JNA, they could realize their objectives. Acting on
Prikupljeni su podaci za 33.070 bošnjačkih civila, 4075
that belief, they decided to go for broke. In that sense,
srpskih i 2152 hrvatska civila. Oko 86 % ukupnih civilnih
they are more responsible for the outbreak of the war
in BiH than the other two peoples. The Muslim polit-
1020 Odlomak je u cijelosti preuzet iz: Lučić, Od vila ilirskih do ical leadership made it clear that the Muslims would
Bijelog puta – stranputicama bosanske i hercegovačke po-
vijesti, Zagreb, prosinac 2018., 323.
not sacrifice a “sovereign Bosnia and Herzegovina” for


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 476 4.2.2020. 18:35:46

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

žrtava u ratu ubile su srpske snage, a oko 30 % musli- the sake of peace, meaning, they would fight for Bos-
manskih civila stradalo je u Podrinju. U hrvatsko-mu- nia and Herzegovina as a “civil state”. This meant that
slimanskome ratu ubijeno je 5 % ukupno stradalih the Muslims saw BiH only as a centralized state, that
civila.1021 Ipak, iz više razloga, a posebno zbog vrlo agre- is, their nation state. The Croats supported the con-
sivne antihrvatske propagande koju su poduprli i pro- cept of a sovereign Bosnia and Herzegovina, meaning
jugoslavenski, odnosno anacionalni mediji u Hrvatskoj, a Bosnia and Herzegovina independent of Yugoslavia.
slika o hrvatskim žrtvama u BiH, posebno onima koje su The Croats, unlike the Bosniak/Muslims and Serbs, ac-
stradale od muslimanskih snaga, ostala je mutna i neja- cepted all peace plans proposed by the international
sna. Uz pobrojene civilne žrtve poginulo je i 5610 hrvat- community. The Muslim-Croat conflict was a result of
skih vojnika i policajaca u BiH. Dakle, Hrvati su, prema the Muslim leadership’s plan to create a nation state.
popisu iz 2008., tijekom rata u BiH izgubili 7762 osobe The creation of such a state, according to the plan,
čiji je identitet utvrđen (a ranjeno ih je više od 20.000). would complete the process of constituting the Mus-
O srpskim zločinima u BiH svjetska i hrvatska lim nation in BiH. The Croats wanted to preserve their
javnost su upoznate,1022 no zločini muslimanskih po- identity and political subjectivity at all costs.27
strojbi ostali su nepoznati široj javnosti. Primjetno je During the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, from
da javnom scenom, pa i u Hrvatskoj, dominira uvjere- 1991 to 1995, 100,000 soldiers and civilians of all
nje da su Bošnjaci jedina žrtva rata te da su u hrvat- nationalities lost their lives. The collected data tells
sko-muslimanskome ratu zločine činili jedino Hrvati. us that 33,070 Bosnian civilians, 4,075 Serb civilians
Gradnju takve slike pomogle su i politički obojene and 2,152 Croatian civilians were killed. Around 86%
presude Haškoga tribunala. of the civilians were killed by the Serb forces, and
Bošnjačko-muslimanske vojne i civilne vlasti tije- around 30% of the Muslim civilians were killed in the
kom muslimansko-hrvatskog sukoba uspostavile su Podrinje region. In the Muslim-Croat conflict 5% of
331 improvizirani zatočenički centar, logor ili zatvor, u the civilians affected by the war were killed.28 How-
kojima su kraće ili duže vrijeme bila zatvorena 14.444 ever, due to, amongst other things, extremely aggres-
sive anti-Croatian propaganda backed up by pro-Yu-
goslav, anti-national media outlets in Croatia, the real
1021 Marko Attila Hoare, Što nam govore brojke bosan- number of Croatian casualties in Bosnia and Herze-
skih ratnih žrtava? V.
govina, especially those who suffered at the hands of
nih_zrtava.pdf (pristupljeno 17. listopada 2018.) the Muslim forces, is still unclear. In addition to the
1022 U ožujku 1995. godine u New York Times je procurio iz- known number of civilian casualties, a further 5,610
vještaj ClA-e koji je zaključivao da su Srbi počinili 90 % Croatian soldiers and policemen were killed in Bosnia
etničkoga čišćenja i vrlo jasno izložio da je srpsko vod- and Herzegovina. In that sense, according to the list
stvo odigralo ključnu ulogu pri uništavanju i raseljavanju
compiled in 2008, the Croats suffered 7,762 casualties
nesrpskog stanovništva. Zaključci iz izvještaja CIA-e tre-
bali su, konačno, pokopati tvrdnje britanskih, francuskih whose identity has been established (it is important
i američkih dužnosnika koji su sukob nazvali građanskim to note that 20,000 Croats were wounded).
ratom i tvrdili da krivicu podjednako trebaju snositi Srbi, The general public both in Croatia and the world is
Hrvati i Muslimani (“Anatomija prijevare”, str. 48-49) (Da-
vorin Rudolf, Rat koji nismo htjeli, Nakladni zavod Globus,
familiar with the crimes committed by the Serb forces in
Zagreb, 1999., 387-388). Sukladno tomu, iako neki izra-
žavaju sumnju glede brojeva, široko je prihvaćen opći
smisao zaključka koji sumira brojne izvještaje i tekstove:
“Organizacije koje su se bavile prikupljanjem činjenica,
kao UN, Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova SAD-a, CIA, Hel-
sinki Watch i druge, jednoglasno su zaključile da su Srbi
počinili 90 posto zločina u ovom balkanskom ratu i da su
izvršili 100 posto genocida sukladno definiciji genocida
koju je dao UN, naime organizirano, planirano i sustav- 27 From: Lučić, 2018, p. 323.
no uništavanje naroda u cjelini ili djelomično, temeljem 28 Hoare, Marko Attila. “Što nam govore brojke bosan-
etniciteta, religije ili drugog grupnog identiteta” (Ozren skih ratnih žrtava?”
Žunec, Goli život. Socijetalne dimenzije pobune Srba u Hr- ads/2014/03/sta_nam_govore_brojke_bosanskih_rat-
vatskoj I. i II., Demetra, Zagreb, 2007., 111, bilj. 181). nih_zrtava.pdf. Accessed 17 Oct 2018.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 477 4.2.2020. 18:35:46

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

hrvatska logoraša ili zatvorenika, od čega su 10.346 bili Bosnia and Herzegovina.29 On the other hand, the crimes
civili, a 4098 vojnici. Od toga su broja 632 hrvatska lo- committed by the Muslim forces remain unknown to the
goraša i zatvorenika ubijena, a njih 50 okrutno je po- general public. It is obvious that the mentioned media out-
gubljeno na ritualan način odsijecanjem glave, na isti lets insist on portraying the Bosniaks as the only victims in
način na kakav će kasnije u ratu u Siriji muslimanski ek- the war and on stating, both explicitly and implicitly, that
stremisti ubijati kršćane.1023 only the Croats committed war crimes during the Mus-
Prema istraživanjima Caritasa Biskupske konfe- lim-Croat conflict. The biased observations served by the
rencije Bosne i Hercegovine iz 1999. godine, koja se mentioned media outlets reflect the prejudicial and polit-
oslanjaju na tadašnje podatke Ministarstva socijalne ically motivated verdicts reached by the Hague Tribunal.
politike, raseljenih osoba i izbjeglica Federacije BiH, During the Muslim-Croat conflict the Bos-
od ukupnoga broja Hrvata iz 1991. godine protjerano niak-Muslim military and civilian authorities set up
je oko 312.000, što je točno 43,5 %. S područja koja su 331 improvised detention centers, detention camps
tijekom rata bila pod nadzorom Bošnjaka-muslimana, or prisons, in which 14,444 Croats were held as in-
odnosno ARBiH, protjerano je oko 170.000 Hrvata, a iz mates and/or prisoners. Some were released after a
Republike Srpske oko 142.000. relatively short period of time, but some were held
Ukupno je na području BiH prognano oko 430.000 imprisoned for long periods of time. Out of the above
(31,7 %) Srba i 485.400 (25,8 %) Bošnjaka-muslimana. stated number, 10,346 were civilians, and 4,098 were
Istodobno je s područja koje je bilo pod kontrolom Hr- soldiers. 632 Croatian inmates and/or prisoners were
vata protjerano 112.000 ljudi, što od ukupnoga broja killed, 50 of whom were brutally slaughtered – ritu-
prognanika iz cijele BiH iznosi 9,12 %. S područja pod ally decapitated in the same way Muslim extremists
srpskom vlašću protjerano je 586.400 ljudi, što je čak would later kill Christians in the war in Syria.30
47,7 % od sveukupnoga broja prognanika, dok je iz kra-
jeva pod vlašću Bošnjaka protjerano 529.000 ljudi, što 29 In March, 1995, The New York Timespublished a CIA report
iznosi 43,10 % od broja svih prognanika. which concluded that the Serbs had committed 90% of
Među stradalnicima najveći je broj Bošnjaka. Zatim the ethnic cleansings and argued that the Serbian lea-
dership had played a crucial role in the destruction and
slijede Srbi, a onda Hrvati. Međutim, kad se zbroje svi dispersal of non-Serb populations. The conclusions from
koji su morali napustiti dom pa ih se izrazi u postotku u the CIA report were supposed to finally negate the claims
odnosu na ukupan broj pripadnika vlastita naroda, opet by British, French and American government officials who
su najviše stradali Hrvati, jer bilo da su prognani bilo da dubbed the conflict a civil war for which guilt should be
divided between Serbs, Croats and Muslims. (“Anatomija
su raseljeni, stradalo je čak 61,24 % Hrvata u odnosu na prijevare”, pp. 48—49) (Rudolf, Davorin. Rat koji nismo htje-
njihov ukupan broj iz 1991. godine. Istodobno, ako se ra- li. Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus, 1999, pp. 387-388). By
čuna na isti način, stradalo je 44,24 % Srba, 47,36 % Mu- extension, even though some people doubt the accuracy
slimana te 44,94 % pripadnika „ostalih” nacija, odnosno of the numbers, the conclusion of the report, providing
a summary of numerous reports and texts, is widely ac-
nacionalnih manjina u BiH. Naime, prema popisu iz 1991. cepted: “Organizations which collected facts, such as the
udio Srba u nacionalnoj strukturi BiH iznosio je 31,1 % UN, the US Department of State, the CIA, Helsinki Watch
(1.369.258); Muslimana je bilo 43,7 % (1.905.829), Hrvata and others, unanimously concluded that the Serbs had
17,3 % (755.895), Jugoslavena 5,5 % i ostalih 2,4 %.1024 committed 90% of the war crimes in the Balkan war and
that they had committed 100% of the acts of genocide,
according to the definition of genocide by the UN – acts
committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a
1023 Ivica Mlivončić, Muslimanski logori za Hrvate u Bosni i Her- national, ethnical, racial or religious group.” (Žunec, Ozren.
cegovini u vrijeme rata 1991.-1995., Naša ognjišta, Tomisla- Goli život. Socijetalne dimenzije pobune Srba u Hrvatskoj. I. i
vgrad – Mostar, 2008., 249. Usp. Ivica Mlivončić, Zločin s II. Zagreb: Demetra, 2007, p. 111, note 181).
pečatom, vlastita naklada, Mostar, 2001., 281–284.; Josip 30 Mlivončić, Ivica. Muslimanski logori za Hrvate u Bosni i
Kalaica, Razmijenjeni iz bugojanskog logora „Stadion” 19. 3. Hercegovini u vrijeme rata 1991.-1995. Tomislavgrad-Mo-
1994. dvadeset godina poslije, Mostar, 2014.; Anđelko Kve- star: Naša ognjišta, 2008, p. 249. Compare: Mlivončić, Ivi-
sić, Od tvorca logora do radosti poricanja, Hrvatska udruga ca. Zločin s pečatom. Mostar, 2001, pp.281-284; Kalaica,
logoraša Domovinskog rata u BiH, Busovača, 2017. Josip. Razmijenjeni iz bugojanskog logora „Stadion“ 19.3.
1024 Navedeni podaci preuzeti su iz: Lučić, 2018., 279-282; I. 1994. dvadeset godina poslije. Mostar, 2014; Kvesić, Anđe-
Lučić navodi da je dio podataka dobiven od prof. dr. sc. lko. Od tvorca logora do radosti poricanja. Busovača: Hr-
Tome Vukšića. vatska udruga logoraša Domovinskog rata u BiH, 2017.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 478 4.2.2020. 18:35:46

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

“Prema podacima Katoličke Crkve, u BiH je 1991. According to the research carried out by the Caritas
živjelo 835.170 katolika, u većini Hrvata, a prema crkve- organization of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and
nim podacima dobivenim tijekom božićnog blagoslova Herzegovina in 1999, which drew heavily on the data
obitelji od 31. prosinca 2010. na području BiH bilo je available at that time provided by the Ministry of Social
samo 441.432 katolika, tj. 52,85 % u odnosu na 1991., Policy, Displaced Persons and Refugees of the Federa-
što znači da je nestalo 393.738 katolika ili 47,15 %. Broj tion of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 312,000 Croats (43.5%
katolika Hrvata danas u BiH manji je nego što je bio pri- of the total Croat population in BiH) were expelled in
je sto godina (1913.: 458.999). 1991. Around 170,000 Croats were expelled from the
Broj katolika, uglavnom Hrvata, prije rata 1991. territory that was, during the war, under Bosniak-Muslim
na području današnjeg entiteta Federacije BiH bio je control (ARBIH). 140,000 Croats were expelled from the
659.400, a 31. prosinca 2010. na istom području bilo je Republika Srpska.
429.508 katolika, što znači da je u odnosu na 1991. ne- A total of 430,000 (31.7 %) Serbs and 485,400 (25.8
stalo 229.892 katolika ili 34,86 %. %) Bosniaks/Muslims were expelled from Bosnia and
Od 152.856 katolika, uglavnom Hrvata, koliko je Herzegovina. At the same time, 112,000 persons were
1991. živjelo na području BiH koje je pripalo entitetu expelledfrom areas that were under Croatian control,
Republici Srpskoj, 31. prosinca 2010. ostala su 11.924 amounting to 9.12 % of the total number of the refugees
katolika. from Bosnia and Herzegovina. From areas under Serb
Na području BiH tijekom rata od 1991. do 1995. control 586,400 persons were expelled, amounting to
potpuno je uništeno 125 katoličkih crkava, teško je 47.7 % of the total number of refugees, and from areas
oštećeno njih 107, a 121 katolička crkva lakše je ošte- under Bosniak control 529,000 persons were expelled,
ćena, tj. ukupno je stradalo, što potpuno, što u većem amounting to 43.1 % of the total number of refugees.
ili manjem stupnju, 1000 katoličkih crkvenih objekata The number of Bosniaks affected by the war is
(od toga broja 294 objekta su stradala u naletima Ar- higher than the number of Serbs and the number of
mije RBiH, a 706 objekata bili su na meti Vojske Re- Croats equally affected. However, when expressed in
publike Srpske): katoličkih crkava 353, kapelica 220, percentages, the numbers tell a different story. 61.24
župnih kuća i ostalih župnih zgrada 233, samostana % of the total number of Croats in 1991 were affected
30 i grobalja 164. Uništene su i dvije velike biblioteke: by the war. 44.24 % of the Serbs were affected by the
Franjevačke teologije u Sarajevu i Biskupskog ordina- war. 47.36 % of the Muslims were affected by the war.
rijata u Mostaru. 44.94 % of members of “other” nationalities, or ethnic
I dok se i ovom prilikom sjećamo žrtava i gubitaka minorities, were affected by the war. In the context of
Katoličke Crkve, ali i strepimo za njezinu budućnost, this particular paragraph, the term “affected” is used
ne gubimo iz vida stradanje i gubitke drugih. Naprotiv, for expelled and displaced persons. The percentages,
ponavljamo što smo u zajedničkoj poslanici napisali therefore, show that the Croats were affected by the
1996.: ‘Sve one, koji su se od sinova Katoličke Crkve na war in Bosnia and Herzegovina more than the Serbs
bilo koji način osjetili nepravdom pogođeni, molimo and Bosniaks/Muslims.
za oproštenje ... mi opraštamo svima koji su nam nani- It is important to mention that according to the 1991
jeli nepravdu i zlo...’”1025 census, the percentage of Serbs in the national make-up
Od travnja 1993. ARBiH je zbog brojčane nadmoći of Bosnia and Herzegovina was 31.1% (1,369,258); the
svojih snaga zauzela više od 5000 km2 područja na ko- percentage of Muslims was 43.7 % (1,905,829), the per-
centage of Croats was 17.3 % (755.895), the percentage
of Yugoslavs was 5.5 %, and the percentage of other na-
1025 Stanje katoličkih župa na području Bosne i Hercegovine tionalities was 2.4 %.31
između 1991. i 2011. godine, glavni urednik Franjo Marić,
Biskupska konferencija BiH, Sarajevo, prosinac 2011., “According to the data provided by the Catholic
17, 43-44; Raspeta Crkva u Bosni i Hercegovini: uništa- Church, 835,170 Catholics, most of whom were Cro-
vanje katoličkih sakralnih objekata u Bosni i Hercegovini ats, lived in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1991. By way of
(1991.-1996.), glavni urednik Ilija Živković, Biskupska
konferencija Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatska matica ise-
ljenika Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatski informativni cen- 31 Data obtained from: Lučić, 2018, pp. 279-282. Some data
tar, Banja Luka, Mostar, Sarajevo, Zagreb 1997., 357. were provided by Prof. Tomo Vukšić, Ph.D.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 479 4.2.2020. 18:35:46

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

jem su Hrvati do tada bili u većini, tako da se do kraja comparison, the data collected by the Catholic Church
godine područje koje su u BiH kontrolirale hrvatske sna- during the Christmas period in 2010 – by December 31
ge svelo na tek oko 10 % teritorija BiH, što je bilo manje –through the blessing of families at Christmas, showed
od predratnog udjela Hrvata u stanovništvu BiH (17 %) i that there were only 441,432 Catholics living in Bosnia
postotka teritorija (16 %) koji su hrvatske snage kontro- and Herzegovina at that time, or 52.85 % compared to
lirale krajem 1992. godine. Do postizanja Daytonskog 1991. This means that in 2010 there were 393,738 fewer
sporazuma u studenom 1995., nakon oslobodilačkih Catholics (47.15 %) in Bosnia and Herzegovina than in
operacija, pod kontrolom hrvatskih snaga bilo je 25-26 1991. The number of Croatian Catholics in Bosnia and
% teritorija BiH1026 (otprilike isti postotak teritorija koji Herzegovina today is lower than a hundred years ago
je Vance-Owenov plan unutarnje podjele BiH predvidio (1913: 458,999).
kao hrvatske provincije). The number of Catholics, most of whom were Cro-
Prema podacima Katoličke crkve u BiH: ats, living before the war in the territory of what is today
• prije Daytonskog sporazuma 1995. bosanski the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, was 659,400.
Srbi kontrolirali su oko 46 % BiH (oko 23.687 On December 31, 2010, there were 429,508 Catholics liv-
km2), bosanskohercegovački Hrvati 25 % (oko ing in the same area. This means that there were 229,892
12.937 km2) i bosanski Bošnjaci-muslimani 28 % fewer Catholics (34.86%) in 2010 than in1991.
(oko 14.506 km2). Tijekom rata 1993. i 1994. Srbi 152,856 Catholics, mostly Croats, lived in 1991 in the
su vojno kotrolirali i do 65 - 70 % teritorija BiH; portion of BiH territory that is nowthe Republika Srpska.
• oko 41 % (oko 10.720 km2) područja Federacije Only 11,924 Catholics were living in that area on Decem-
BiH bilo je pod nadzorom Hrvata, a oko 53 % ber 31, 2010.
(oko 13.960 km2) istoga područja bilo je pod During the war, from 1991 to 1995, in Bosnia and
nadzorom Bošnjaka (ostatak, oko 1430 km2, bio Herzegovina, 125 Catholic churches were completely
je pod kontrolom Srba); destroyed, 107 churches were severely damaged, and
• u teritorijalnim zamjenama, ako se uzme u obzir 121 churches were lightly damaged. In total, 1,000 fa-
vojna kontrola teritorija, bosansko-hercegovač- cilities belonging to the Catholic Church were damaged
ki Hrvati dali su najviše (4 % BiH teritorija), vraća- (out of that number, 294 facilities were damaged by
jući Srbima 9 % današnje Republike Srpske; the ARBIH, and 706 facilities by the VRS): 353 Catholic
• maleno povećanje Posavske županije (Odžak i churches, 220 chapels, 233 parish buildings, 30 monas-
dijelovi domaljevačke općine) nisu promijenili teries, and 164 cemeteries. Two sizeable libraries were
činjenicu da su nakon Daytonskog sporazuma also destroyed: the library at the Franciscan Theology
bosanskohercegovački Hrvati kontrolirali samo College in Sarajevo and the library at the Bishop’s Ordi-
21 % BiH (10.640 km), u usporedbi s više od 25 nariate in Mostar.
% prije Daytona, kao i da je Posavina, gdje su And while we take this opportunity to remember
Hrvati značajan udio stanovništva, većim dije- the victims and losses suffered by the Catholic Church
lom ostala izvan hrvatskog nadzora; and to express fear for its future, we cannot forget the
• bosanski Srbi dobili su natrag velik dio planin- suffering and the losses of others. We repeat what we
skog teritorija koji su prije nadzirali, i to 4 % said in our epistle in 1996: ‘All of those, who have in any
teritorija BiH od Hrvata i malene dijelove od way, shape or form, suffered at the hands of the sons of
Bošnjaka (planina Ozren), ali su bili prisiljeni the Catholic Church, we ask for forgiveness… We forgive
prepustiti Sarajevo (uz iznimku prigradskih na- everyone who has transgressed against us …’”32
selja južno od grada) i neke bitne točke na isto- Since April, 1993, due to its numerical strength, the
ku Bosne i Hercegovine; ARBIH had captured more than 5,000 km2of territory
• sve u svemu, srpski postotak narastao je do 49 with majority Croatian populations. By the end of the
% (48 % ako se isključi Brčko Distrikt, 24.526
km) s nešto više od 46 % prije Daytona;
32 Stanje katoličkih župa na području Bosne i Hercegovine iz-
među 1991. i 2011. godine, 17,pp. 43-44; Raspeta Crkva u
Bosni i Hercegovini – Uništavanje katoličkih sakralnih obje-
1026 Podaci iz rukopisa dr. sc. Marka Tokića. kata u Bosni i Hercegovini (1991.-1995.), p. 357.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 480 4.2.2020. 18:35:46

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

year, only 10 % of the territory of BiH was under Croatian

control. To put this piece of information into its proper
context, it is worth mentioning that the percentage of
the Croats living in BiH was, before the war, 17 % of the
Bosnian population and that the percentage of BiH terri-
tory under Croatian control at the end of 1992 was 16 %.
In November, 1995, when the Dayton Agreement was
signed and after the Croats had successfully completed
their operations for the liberation of territory, the Croats
controlled 25-26 % of BiH territory33 (approximately the
same percentage of BiH territory that the Vance-Owen
plan for the internal division of BiH envisaged as the Cro-
atian provinces).
According to the data provided by the Catholic
U spomen na hrvatske civile i zarobljene pripadnike HVO-a koje Church in Bosnia and Herzegovina:
je ARBiH ubila u Trusini, 16. travnja 1993. - prior to the Dayton Agreement in 1995, the
Bosnian Serbs controlled ca 46 % of Bosnia
In memory of Croatian civilians and HVO POWs murdered by the
ARBiH in Trusina, April 16, 1993. and Herzegovina’s territory (ca 23,687 km), the
Bosnian-Herzegovinian Croats controlled 25%
of BiH territory (ca 12,937 km) and the Bos-
niaks/Muslims controlled 28 % of BiH territory
• bosanski Bošnjaci - muslimani dobili su najvi- (ca 14,506 km). During the war, from 1993 and
še – mirovni sporazum dao im je gotovo cijelo 1994, the Serbs militarily controlled up to 65-70
Sarajevo, kao i neke bitne položaje u istočnoj % of BiH territory;
Bosni i Hercegovini (npr. goraždanski koridor), - around 41% (ca 10,720 km) of the territory of
dok su napustili tek nekoliko položaja na plani- the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was
ni Ozren i u zapadnoj Bosni; under Croatian control, around 53% (ca 13,960
km) of the same territory was under Bosniak
• njihov postotak povećao se s 28 % prije Dayto-
na do 30 % te su uvelike poboljšali kvalitetu do- control (the remaining 1,430 km was under Serb
bivene zemlje.1027 control);
Nakon Domovinskog rata, ubijeno je još najmanje - in territorial swaps (military control of territory),
16 Hrvata povratnika ili službenih osoba, uglavnom na the Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina gave the
području Federacije BiH s kojih su muslimanske snage largest portion of territory (4 % of BiH territory),
protjerale Hrvate tijekom rata, a jedna Hrvatica nestala thus returning to the Serbs 9 % of the territory
je na području Republike Srpske. of what is today the Republika Srpska;
- a slight expansion of the territory of the Posav-
ina County (Odžak and parts of the Domaljevci
Municipality) did not change the fact that after
the Dayton Agreement the Croats of Bosnia and
Herzegovina controlled only 21% of BiH terri-
tory (10,640 km), compared to more than 25 %
before the Dayton Agreement, and that Posav-
ina, where the Croats comprised a significant
percentage of the population, was, for the most
part, not under Croatian control;

1027 Stanje katoličkih župa na području Bosne i Hercegovine

između 1991. i 2011. godine, 60-61. 33 Data from the manuscript by Marko Tokić, Ph.D.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 481 4.2.2020. 18:37:03

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

- the Bosnian Serbs got back a large portion of

the mountainous areas of BiH, which was previ-
ously under their control; the Croats returned to
the Serbs 4 % of BiH territory and the Bosniaks
returned small portions of territory (Mount Oz-
ren). However, the Serbs were forced to give
up on Sarajevo (with the exception of suburbs
south of Sarajevo), and some important areas in
the east of BiH;
- on the whole, the percentage of BiH territo-
Ahmići, džamija srušena u napadu HVO-a, 16. travnja 1993. godine. ry under Serb control increased from slightly
Mosque destroyed during a HVO attack, Ahmići, April 16, 1993. over 46 % to 49 % (or 48 %, not counting the
Brčko District, 24,526 km) after the Dayton
- the Bosniaks/Muslims gained the largest por-
tion of territory – the peace agreement gave
them almost the entire area of Sarajevo, as well
as some important locations on Mount Ozren
and in west Bosnia;
- the percentage of BiH territory under Bosniak
control increased from 28 % to 30% after the
Dayton Agreement. Geographically, and gen-
erally speaking, the territory the Bosniaks ac-
quired after the Dayton Agreement is better in
terms of quality and potential than the territory
that they lost.34
Pećine kraj Novog Travnika, pripadnici ARBiH teško su oštetili ka-
After the Croatian War of Independence, a minimum
of 16 Croatians returnees or officials were killed, mostly
toličku crkvu i zapalili župnu kuću, druga polovica 1993. (Šematizam
Vrhbosanske nadbiskupije za 2015. godinu, Sarajevo, 2015., 353). in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina from where
ARBiH soldiers heavily damaged the local Catholic church in Pećine the Muslim forces expelled the Croats during the war.
near Novi Travnik and burned the rectory, second half of 1993. One Croatian woman living in the Republika Srpska is
listed as missing.
Vidovice, Bosanska Posavina, srpske snage (VRS) razorile su
župnu crkvu u drugoj polovini 1992. (Šematizam Vrhbosanske
nadbiskupije za 2015. godinu, Sarajevo, 2015., 744).
Serb forces (VRS soldiers) destroyed the local Catholic church in 34 Stanje katoličkih župa na području Bosne i Hercegovine iz-
Vidovice, Bosanska Posavina, second half of 1992. među 1991. i 2011. godine. Sarajevo, 2011. pp. 60-61.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 482 4.2.2020. 18:37:04

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

Davor Marijan: Rat Hrvata i Muslimana u Davor Marijan: Excerpts from an

Bosni i Hercegovini od 1992. do 1994. Interview about the Muslim-Croat
Conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina
(dijelovi intervjua) 1992-1994
Uzrok rata u BiH ne može se gledati izvan projek- The origins and causes of the war in BiH are in-
ta svi Srbi u jednoj državi. Rat u BiH je samo nastavak timately connected to the “all Serbs in one country”
rata u Hrvatskoj koji je privremeno okončan u siječnju project. The war in BiH was a continuation of the war
1992. godine. U složenom ratu kakav je bio u BiH (srp- in Croatia. The war in Croatia, it is worth pointing out,
ska agresija na BiH, a potom i muslimansko-hrvatski was temporarily suspended in 1992. The war in BiH was
građanski rat i međumuslimanski rat), problem je kada a complex affair – Serb aggression, the Muslim-Croat
se nude pojednostavljena tumačenja, a to se često radi. conflict, the Inter-Muslim conflict, etc. – and often pro-
Srpski ciljevi, postavljeni radi stvaranja srpske države u posed generalizations of the events in BiH purporting
BiH, kao dijelu „velike Srbije“, predstavljeni su u jednom to represent the conclusions of comprehensive anal-
nevjerojatnom dokumentu koji se zove Odluka Narod- yses and offering shortcuts to understanding the war
ne skupštine Republike srpskog naroda u BiH o stra-
are something I, as a conscientious historian, resent on
teškim ciljevima srpskog naroda u BiH koja je usvojena a professional level. The Serbs’ goals were formulated,
12. svibnja 1992. u Domu JNA u Banja Luci i za koje ima for the purpose of creating a Serb state within BiH, in
sasvim dovoljno naznaka da su se počeli ranije provo- a fascinating document called The Decision of the Na-
diti. Kod Bošnjaka je cilj bio sukladan stajalištu politi- tional Assembly of the Republic of the Serbian People
ke o građanskoj državi, a to je cijela BiH pod njihovim in BiH. The Decision was accepted on May 12, 1992, in
nadzorom. Kod Hrvata se nastojalo obraniti teritorij na the JNA Center in Banja Luka. Again, the strategic ob-
kojem su bili većinski. Uz to se kao idealno rješenje sa- jectives of the Bosnian Serbs were clearly laid out in the
njalo o obuhvaćanju većine hrvatskog naroda u jednoj text of the Decision. That said, there are strong indica-
državi kao što je to bilo u granicama Banovine Hrvatske tions that the Serbs had started implementing measures
iz 1939. godine, a realno se, sukladno ustavnoj činjenici for the realization of the goals set forth in the Decision
da u BiH postoje tri konstitutivna naroda, tražila unutar- even before the Decision was officially passed in Banja
nja podjela BiH na tri entiteta, kako bi Hrvati u BiH imali Luka. The Bosniaks calibrated their policies according to
svoju političku i teritorijalnu autonomiju. their goal which was to establish a civil state. Simply put,
Glede sukobljenih strana u BiH, činjenica je da se they wanted to lord over the whole country. The Croats
navodno savezna JNA transformirala u tri srpske vojske. wanted to defend their areas. Most Croats believed that,
JNA je zlouporabljena za projekt „svi Srbi u jednoj drža- in an ideal world, there should exist a Croatian state, the
vi“, iako su sve republike i narodi pola stoljeća izdvajali borders of which would roughly correspond to the bor-
ogroman novac za nju. Pa evo i jedan fascinantan poda- ders of the Banate of Croatia in 1939. At the same time,
tak: Hrvatska je 1987. za JNA u miru izdvojila više novca and I cannot emphasize this point enough, the Croats
nego 1991. za ZNG u ratu. Na kraju se pokazalo da je realized that the dream had no basis in reality. They were
JNA pala na prvom ozbiljnom ispitu i da je zanemarila realistic enough then, as they still are today, to respect
poruku koju je često ponavljala, a ona glasi: narod koji the fact that there are three constituent nations in BiH.
se bori za svoju slobodu ne može se pobijediti. U BiH to
Therefore, the Croats proposed an internal division of
Hrvati mogu reći, a i Bošnjaci, premda su u prvim mje- BiH into three entities so that they could have political
secima otvorenog rata dobro kasnili u obrani od napa- and territorial autonomy.
da JNA i ostalih srpskih formacija. As far as the issue of the belligerent parties in BiH
HVO i VRS su bile hrvatska i srpska vojska, a ARBiH goes, it is a fact that the JNA transformed/divided it-
muslimanska, od 1994. bošnjačka, to je jedino nespor- self into three Serbian armies. The JNA was used as the
no. Srbi su preuzeli JNA i dio TO-a, Hrvati su se organi- main instrument of realizing the “all Serbs in one coun-
zirali gotovo od nule nakon što su srpskom agresijom try” project. Ironically, the tax payers of all republics
na Hrvatsku i oni ugroženi, a Muslimani su posljednji and nationalities of Yugoslavia had been paying vast
završili s ustrojem vojske jer je bošnjačko-muslimanski amounts of money for the JNA’s upkeep. One factoid


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 483 4.2.2020. 18:37:04

Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

vođa u BiH Alija Izetbegović pokušavao napraviti neka- is actually very descriptive of what I’m saying here: in
kav aranžman s JNA, pri čemu je u potpunosti ignorirao 1987 Croatia spent more money on the JNA than it did
hrvatske interese. To je propalo jer Srbi nisu bili za takvu in 1991, during the war, on the ZNG. And in the end
opciju. Ogroman broj žrtava upravo je posljedica tog what happened? The JNA performed miserably during
političkog sljepila i pokušaja kompromisa, koji se počeo the war. Maybe that should not surprise us because
odvijati s tzv. historijskim sporazumom bošnjačko-mu- the JNA acted in opposition to its own ethos accord-
slimanskog vodstva sa Srbima na račun Hrvata u ljeto ing to which a people fighting for its freedom cannot
1991. godine. Zato je za bošnjačku politiku najlakše sve be defeated. The Bosnian Croats fought for their free-
relativizirati na način „oni su se (Srbi i Hrvati) dogovorili dom against the JNA in BiH. So did the Bosniaks, even
na naš račun i sve što se zbilo posljedica je tog dogovo- though during the first few months of the war their
ra“. Svatko se sa svakim dogovarao uoči i tijekom rata. contribution to the defense against the JNA and other
Uvijek je razgovor, odnosno njegovi pokušaji bolji od Serb formations was negligible.
samog rata i primjene sile. To je zadnja linija na kojoj The HVO and the VRS were the Croat army and the
prestaje ono racionalno, jer kada se potegne oružje raz- Serb army respectively and the ARBIH was the Muslim
govori su završeni. army, Bosniak army from 1994. That much is clear. Not
Bošnjačko-muslimansko vodstvo optužuje Hrvat- much else about the war in BiH is clear though. The
sku da je bila involvirana u rat u BiH protiv Armije RBiH Serbs took the JNA and a part of the TO, the Croats,
zbog činjenice da su malobrojne snage iz Hrvatske, founding themselves under threat when Croatia was
sastavljene uglavnom od dragovoljaca koji su podri- attacked by the JNA and other Serb formations, set up
jetlom bili iz BiH, intervenirale u ratu između HVO-a i their defensive force from scratch. The Muslims were the
Armije RBiH u dijelu BiH. Te su snage pomogle brojčano last to establish their armed force because the Bosniak/
slabijem HVO-u obraniti dugu crtu obrane u iznimno Muslim leader Alija Izetbegović had been trying to reach
nepovoljnim okolnostima za hrvatski narod u BiH. Tu some kind of accommodation with the JNA, completely
optužbu mogu razumjeti, no samo u kontekstu istovjet- ignoring the Croats and their interests. His efforts, how-
nog odnosa na koje bošnjačko-muslimansko vodstvo ever, did not bear fruit because the Serbs were bent on
izbjegava odgovor, što s dragovoljcima muslimanima iz going for broke. The staggering number of casualties in
Srbije sa Sandžaka, ili vjerskim ratnicima mudžahedini- the war in BiH came as a direct result of Izetbegović’s
ma koji su se u BiH borili u sastavu Armije RBiH? Tokove ineptness as a politician. He actually chose to negotiate
novca iz muslimanskog svijeta da i ne spominjemo. U with the Serbs from a position of weakness! He wasn’t
takvom kontekstu definiciju agresorstva pojedinih stra- forced into that self-defeating gambit. Of course, un-
na u muslimansko-hrvatskom sukobu nije lako utvrditi, der such circumstances, any compromise between the
ako je uopće smislena. Primjerice, slučaj Vareša, gradića Muslims and the Serbs, by its very nature and definition,
s većinskim hrvatskim stanovništvom na pravcu izme- was bound to be anti-Croatian. The Muslim-Serb nego-
đu Sarajeva i Tuzle. Je li njega u studenom 1993. ARBiH tiations for a while looked promising in summer 1994
oslobodila ili zauzela, je li to bio čin oslobađanja ili agre- when the idea of the “historic Serb-Muslim agreement”
sije? Ako se koristi pojam agresije tada je primjerenije was floated. It is actually funny how the Muslims justi-
da se razmatra od slučaja do slučaja. Ne treba zaboraviti fy their actions by referring to a mythical Croat-Serb
da su Hrvati i Srbi u ogromnoj većini bili za entitetsko agreement, often saying things like: “Well, the Serbs
organiziranje, što znači da su bili većina na razini BiH i and Croats made their deal, didn’t they? So, everything
da je već tu jako teško primjenjivati formule agresije i we did we did as a result of that. Who can blame us?”
oslobodilaštva. Bošnjačko-muslimanska strana očito ne The argument is silly. All sides engaged in talks prior to
vidi ništa sporno da je 1993. - 1994. manjina „oslobađa- and during the war – jostling for position, trying to pre-
la“ teritorij od većine. vent war or further bloodshed, buying time, whatever.
Uzrok hrvatsko-muslimanskog građanskog rata u All that notwithstanding, it is always better to negoti-
BiH su suprotstavljene politike. Hrvati su smatrali da ate – but negotiate for the purpose of preventing war,
trebaju dobiti dio teritorija za svoj entitet, a Bošnjaci not fostering conflict, than to use force. Warfare, in that
(muslimani) su imali koncept centralizirane, unitarne, sense, can be, and really should be seen as corruption
odnosno svoje nacionalne države koja je trebala nastati of politics.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 484 4.2.2020. 18:37:04

The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

The Bosniak/Muslim leadership accuses Croatia of

being involved in the war in BiH against the ARBIH. The
basis of that accusation lies in the fact that meager for-
mations from Croatia, composed mostly of volunteers
born in BiH, were sent to BiH to help the HVO defend
against the ARBIH during the Muslim-Croat conflict.
These soldiers from Croatia were stretched thin along
the long HVO defensive line at a time when the odds
were stacked against the HVO, when it seemed probable
that the vastly superior ARBIH would overrun the HVO.
Still, I can understand and even appreciate the accusa-
tion. Fair enough. But, the Bosniak/Muslim leadership is
conspicuously silent about the issue of the Muslim vol-
unteers from the Sandžak area in Serbia and the Mujahi-
deen who fought in the ranks of the ARBIH. And they’re
also conspicuously silent on the issue of financial trans-
actions originating in the Muslim world and ending up
in BiH. So, when the whole picture is considered, deter-
HVO, Bosanska Posavina (fotografija: arhiv HVO-a Bosanska mining who the aggressor in the Muslim-Croat conflict
was becomes very hard, maybe even an exercise in futil-
ity. Take, for example Vareš, a small predominately Cro-
at town situated between Sarajevo and Tuzla. Was the
town, in November, 1993, occupied or liberated by the
ARBIH? Was the ARBIH’s move into the town an act of
liberation of aggression? It is dangerous to generalize
though, especially when using the term “aggression”.
kao prividno „građanska“ država u kojoj bi nebošnjačko We should not forget that most Croats and Serbs were
(nemuslimansko) stanovništvo bilo majorizirano. Rat je in favor of internally dividing BiH into entities. The Serbs
bio neminovan. Počeo je kada je ARBiH velikim dijelom and Croats combined outnumbered the Muslims in BiH.
preko teritorija Hrvatske i područja koje je nadzirao That means that a significant majority of the popula-
HVO nabavila dostatnu količinu oružja i streljiva i kada tion in BiH wanted to see the country internally divided
je agresivnije nastupila prema HVO-u u središnjoj Bosni among the three constituent nations. That fact alone
i sjevernoj Hercegovini. Tu je rat i počeo, u travnju 1993., tells us that we should use the terms “liberation” and
nakon što je već u listopadu 1992. i siječnju 1993. doš- “aggression” with extreme caution. The Muslims claim
lo do ozbiljnih hrvatsko-muslimanskih sukoba na tom that the ARBIH acted with the aim of liberating territory
području (Novi Travnik, Rama, Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje during 1993-1994. If that is the case then the minority
i Lašvanska dolina). U HVO-u su tek 14. travnja 1993., was liberating territory at the expense of the majority.
kada ih je ARBiH napala u Konjicu, prihvatili da se ne The Muslims are obviously oblivious to the inherent lu-
radi o povremenim incidentima, već o otvorenom ratu.
dicrousness of their claim.
Do tada su iz Zagreba dolazili nalozi da se smire i prego- The underlying cause of the Muslim-Croat civil war
varaju s Muslimanima. in BiH is the fact that the expectations and aspirations of
HVO je bio izrazito obrambena organizacija, za razli- the Croats were diametrically opposed to those of the
ku od ARBiH. ARBiH je 1993. imala više uspjeha u nacio- Muslims. The Croats believed that they were entitled to
nalno miješanim područjima gdje je čimbenik izrazite their own entity while the Muslims insisted on a central-
većine odnio prevagu u njihovu korist. U sukobima s ja- ized, unitary, national state. The Muslims’ strategy was
sno definiranom crtom i bez višestruke nadmoći ARBiH to clamor for the establishment of a civil state under the
nije postizala uspjehe vrijedne spomena. To se najbolje guise of which they could then set up a Muslim state in
vidi u slučajevima Lašvanske doline i doline Lepenice. O which the non-Muslims would be marginalized. In such


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

Žepču da ne govorimo. Uz to ne treba zaboraviti da je circumstances war was inevitable. The ARBIH depend-
ARBiH imala odriješene ruke za rat, za razliku od HVO-a ed on Croatia and the HVO in the sense that shipments
na kojeg je u nekoliko presudnih slučajeva nepovoljno of armaments and equipment sent to the ARBIH went
utjecala politika i interes Republike Hrvatske. through Croatian and HVO controlled territory. When
Muslimansko vodstvo u BiH u tom ratu nije posti- the ARBIH figured that it was sufficiently armed it as-
glo ni izbliza koliko je željelo, a HVO se uz velike gubitke sumed a belligerent attitude towards the HVO in central
održao u središnjoj Bosni. General Rasim Delić je u ve- Bosnia. And the Muslim-Croat civil war started in central
ljači 1994. sažeo bit i učinak rata prema zamisli tadaš- Bosnia and northern Herzegovina, in April, 1993. It has
njeg muslimanskog vodstva u BiH konstatacijom da je to be said that there had been clashes between the HVO
„HVO eliminisan sa područja Jablanice, Konjica, Fojnice, and the ARBIH in October, 1992, and January, 1993 (Novi
Kaknja, Zenice, Travnika i Bugojna. Znači, kompletna Travnik, Rama, Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje and Lašva Valley).
jedna pokrajina po Vens-Ovenovom planu sa centralom On April 14, 1993, when the ARBIH attacked the HVO in
u Travniku”. Delićeva samohvala ogoljuje do srži pobu- Konjic, the HVO realized that the attack did not consti-
de i svrhu rata koji je Armija RBiH povela protiv HVO-a. tute another sporadic incident but a full-scale war. The
Armija RBiH ratovala je za teritorij koji je najvećim dije- Croatian government, it has to be said, up to that point,
lom i etnički očistila. Pobijedila je u etnički miješanim had urged the HVO to try to negotiate with the Muslims
područjima, na kojima je prije izbijanja otvorenog su- and do its utmost to avoid conflict.
koba demografska slika drastično promijenjena u korist The HVO was a defensive armed force, unlike the
muslimana, prilivom muslimana prognanih s područja ARBIH. In 1993 the ARBIH was successful in mixed ar-
koja su osvojile srpske snage. Muslimani su ratovali za eas where, at the moment of ARBIH attack, Muslims
teritorij koji nisu bili u stanju uzeti Srbima zbog njihove outnumbered the Croats. In the battles where there
tehničko-taktičke premoći. S HVO-om su bili izmiješani i existed a clearly defined front line the ARBIH was not
iskoristili su pogodan trenutak da na račun te prednosti successful unless it enjoyed overwhelming superiority
protjeraju Hrvate. in numbers and equipment over the defenders. The
Ustaljeno mišljenje o muslimansko-hrvatskom sa- battles in the Lašva Valley and Lepenica Valley best ex-
vezništvu pokazatelj je koliko se slabo poznaje sam rat, emplify that. Žepče is another excellent example. We
a i prilike u BiH. Svako malo od raznih kavanskih tumača should not forget that the ARBIH was given free rein
proziva se Hrvatska zato što nije očuvala savezništvo. to mount offensives against the HVO, while the HVO
No savezništva uopće nije bilo do srpnja 1995., posto- was constrained, on a number of critical occasions, by
jala je suradnja na pojedinim područjima 1992. kada su the Croatian government’s interests and policies. The
Hrvati i Muslimani bili ugroženi od Srba. U toj suradnji Muslims failed to achieve most of their objectives in the
daleko su bolje prošli Muslimani jer su im Hrvati dali vri- Muslim-Croat civil war. The HVO managed, at the cost
jeme da se organiziraju i ustroje vojsku. Kada pojedini of a high number of casualties, to survive in central Bos-
Bošnjaci danas pričaju o nekakvom čudu bosanskog nia. In February, 1994, General Rasim Delić summarized
otpora, svjesno ili ne, ignoriraju da je ono, doslovno, the essence and effects of what the Muslim leadership
nastalo na krvi hrvatskih vojnika u proljeće 1992. godi- wanted to achieve with starting the Muslim-Croat con-
ne. Nema slučaja da su Hrvati bez borbe prepustili neko flict by saying that “the HVO has been eliminated in the
područje na kojem su bili većina ili ih je bilo u značajni- Jablanica, Konjic, Fojnica, Kakanj, Travnik and Bugojno
jemu broju. S druge strane, najveći dio teritorija Srbi su areas. That means one whole Croat province according
zauzeli u travnju i svibnju gdje su Muslimani bili većina, to the Vance-Owen plan, with Travnik as its adminis-
često bez borbe ili s malim zalaganjem. Hrvatima se Do- trative center.” Delić’s self congratulatory statement re-
nji Vakuf, Doboj ili Bijeljina nisu mogli dogoditi. veals the very essence and purpose of the war the AR-
Hrvati su na vrijeme prepoznali opasnost i organizi- BIH launched against the HVO. The ARBIH waged a war
rali se, i zahvaljujući toj okolnosti BiH je u travnju i svib- of conquest. The ARBIH ethnically cleansed the areas it
nju 1992. opstala. Ona danas postoji u prvom redu zbog conquered. The ARBIH was victorious in the ethnically
uloge Hrvata, tj. HV-a i HVO-a. Postoje tri strategijske mixed territories where the demographic picture had
točke na kojima je BiH u travnju 1992. opstala. Prva je been drastically altered in the Muslims’ favor due to a
u sklopu obrane Livna i Šuice, nakon što je pao Kupres, large influx of Muslim refugees from areas conquered


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

by the Serbs. The ARBIH attacked the Croats with the

intention of conquering territory so as to recoup for the
territory the Muslims had lost to the technically and tac-
tically superior Serb forces. In most areas there was no
delineating line between the ARBIH and the HVO forces.
The ARBIH planned to catch the HVO on the wrong foot.
The plan worked. The ARBIH’s objective was to defeat
the HVO in a series of surprise attacks and then expel
the Croats from the conquered areas.
The general public thinks that the HVO and ARBIH
were allied against the Serbs. No such alliance existed.
This only goes to show how little is known about the
war and conditions in BiH. Every now and again some
armchair general accuses Croatia of not doing enough
to preserve the alliance. But no alliance existed until
Predsjednik F. Tuđman i hrvatska delegacija u franjevačkoj bol- July, 1995. There were instances of cooperation in cer-
nici „Fra dr. Mato Nikolić“ u Novoj Bili tijekom posjeta Hrvati-
ma u Lašvanskoj dolini, 14. lipnja 1994. (autor fotografije: Ante
tain areas in 1992 where both the Croats and Muslims
Čakić; fotografije darovao: Slobodan Lang). were under attack by the Serbs. That cooperation bene-
fited the Muslims more than it did the Croats. Essentially
President Franjo Tuđman and the Croatian delegation in the
“Fra Dr Mato Nikolić” Franciscan hospital at Nova Bila during
the Croats, by resisting the Serbs, bought time for the
their visit to the Croats in the Lašva valley, June 14, 1994 (Photo- Muslims to form their armed forces. When Muslims to-
graph by Ante Čakić; photographs donated by Slobodan Lang). day glorify, without much justification, their resistance
to the Serbs, they forget, consciously or otherwise, that
the ARBIH was created on the blood of Croatian soldiers
shed in spring, 1992. The Croats defended tenaciously
gdje je spriječen prodor u dubinu i zadržana osnova za the predominately Croat areas and mixed areas with a
kasniji slom Republike Srpske Krajine u Hrvatskoj. Dru- significant number of Croats. Never did the Croats allow
ga je točka na prijevoju Stolovi kada je spriječen prodor the Serbs to capture anything without a fight. On the
i izlazak na rijeku Neretvu u njezinoj punoj dužini i gdje other hand, most of the predominately Muslim areas the
je glavni posao napravila Hrvatska vojska, a treća točka Serbs captured, in April and May, 1992, without a fight
su Kolibe Gornje kod Bosanskog Broda gdje je zaustav- or after encountering only token resistance. The Serbs
ljen pokušaj srpskih snaga da iziđu na Savu, što će im inflicted embarrassing humiliations on the Muslims in
uspjeti tek sedam mjeseci poslije. Na te tri točke osigu- Bjelina, Donji Vakuf and Doboj. The Croats, on the other
ran je opstanak BiH, ali se to uporno ignorira u Sarajevu, hand, died hard.
gdje uopće nema interesa da se Hrvati razmatraju izme- The Croats recognized the danger posed by the
đu navodnog dogovora u Karađorđevu i Grazu. Serbs on time and organized themselves. BiH survived
Nema nikakve dvojbe da je muslimansko-hrvatski the Serb onslaught in April and May 1992 because the
rat u BiH izazvala muslimanska strana. Alija Izetbegović Croats, not the Muslims, fought and died resisting the
glavni je krivac za rat Hrvata i Muslimana. Ima veliku
Serbs. BiH owes its existence today to the Croats, that
odgovornost i oko izbijanja otvorenog rata u BiH 1992. is, the Croatian Army and the HVO. The survival of BiH
jer je u proljeće te godine odbacio Cutileirov plan, vje- depended on three strategic resistance points in April,
rojatno uz odlučujući utjecaj američkog veleposlanika 1992. The first of these points existed as part of the de-
Warrena Zimmermanna. Uz to, što ne treba zaboraviti, fense of Livno and Šujice, after the fall of Kupres, where
već je u predizbornoj kampanji u rujnu 1990. elaborirao the Serbs were prevented from advancing into the rear.
da alternativa za „ideal građanske republike” ne postoji. The line on which the Serbs were checked there would
Ili „građanska republika” ili „građanski rat”. Sličnu izjavu later serve as the launch pad for the offensive moves
dao je sredinom rujna 1990. na predizbornom skupu that brought about the downfall of the Republic of Ser-
SDA-a u Velikoj Kladuši. Početkom 1991. u Skupštini bian Krajina in Croatia. The second resistance point was


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

SR BiH je izjavio da bi zbog suverene Bosne „žrtvovao the Stolovi pass. There the Serbs were prevented from
mir”, ali da ne bi zbog mira u Bosni „žrtvovao suverenu reaching the Neretva River along its entire length. The
Bosnu”. Prema tome, raščlamba rata ne može se raditi Croatian Army did most of the fighting there. The third
na analizi samo jedne strane. U Hrvatskoj se na desetak resistance point was at Gornje Kolibe near Bosanski
predsjedničkih transkripata „analizirala“ samo hrvatska Brod, where the Serbs were prevented from reaching
politika. Ključ za razumijevanje hrvatsko-muslimanskog the Sava River. The Serbs would reach the river but only
rata je prvenstveno politika Alije Izetbegovića. Do sada seven months later. The successes against the Serb forc-
su o njemu, uz par kritičkih osvrta, uglavnom pisani pa- es at these three locations ensured the survival of BiH.
negirici. Nije sporno to što ga Bošnjaci slave, sporno je This fact has been consistently ignored in Sarajevo. The
što ga u okruženju također smatraju čovjekom mira, su- focus as regards the role of the Croats in the war is on
života, tolerancije – što u stvarnosti nije bio. mythical deals made in Karađorđevo and Graz.
Alija Izetbegović je bio islamist koji je u izbornu trku It is an indisputable fact that the Muslims caused and
ušao s pedigreom robijaša za islam i Islamskom deklara- provoked the Muslim-Croatian conflict in BiH. Alija Izet-
cijom koja se konstantno relativizira tvrdnjom da je na- begović is the main culprit in that regard. He is also large-
pisana 20 godina ranije. No objavljena je 1990. u izbor- ly responsible for the break-out of the war in BiH in 1992
noj godini i smatram da su u pravu oni koji u njoj vide because in spring, 1992, he had rejected the Cutileiro
politički program. Izetbegović je bio osoba predmoder- Plan, probably heeding the American Ambassador Wal-
nog shvaćanja, odnosno aktualnog islamističkog shva- ter Zimmerman’s advice. It has to be remembered that
ćanja zajednice po kriteriju vjere. On nije prihvaćao da Izetbegović, during the election campaign in Septem-
je BiH zemlja tri ravnopravna naroda. Koncept građan- ber,1990, adamantly stated that there was no alternative
ske države za koju se zalagao imao je svrhu majorizacije to the ideal of civil state. Civil state or civil war, he said.
manjina, a ne izgradnju države u zapadnjačkom smislu. He made a similar statement in mid-September, 1990, at
Djelovao je po načelu da cilj opravdava sredstvo, što je a SDA rally in Velika Kladuša. At the beginning of 1991 in
uključivalo i laž. Uostalom, osobno je 2000. u jednom the Assembly of SR BiH he stated that he was willing to
intervjuu priznao da je za njega laž nužan taktički potez sacrifice peace for Bosnia’s sovereignty but that he was
na putu do strategijskog cilja. not willing to sacrifice Bosnia’s sovereignty for peace. So,
Uloga Hrvatske i predsjednika Franje Tuđmana u ratu one cannot analyze the war in BiH by focusing solely on
u BiH, pa tako i u ratu Muslimana i Hrvata u BiH komplek- one side. In Croatia, dozens of presidential transcripts
sna je, a često se razmatra izvan konteksta. Godine 1991. prove, the focus has been on Croatia’s policies. The key
BiH je s velikim dijelom teritorija i nekoliko desetaka tisu- to understanding the Muslim-Croat conflict is, first and
ća vojnika u JNA i Teritorijalnoj obrani sudjelovala u ratu foremost, Alija Izetbegović’s policies. Precious few people
protiv Hrvatske. Hrvatska je 1992. vraćala svoj okupirani have dared to critically comment on Alija Izetbegović and
teritorij kroz dio BiH. Posebice je bio značajan operacijski his policies. On the other hand, many panegyrics have
ciklus iz Livanjskog polja 1994. - 1995. koji je doveo do been written about him. I’ve got no problem with the fact
sloma paradržave pobunjenih Srba u Hrvatskoj. U tom se that the Muslims revere him. I do have a problem though
procesu zbio i rat Hrvata i Muslimana. I tu su paradoksi, iz when they portray him as a man of peace, a champion of
Hrvatske i preko njezinog teritorija naoružavane su obje tolerance and coexistence. He was not any of that.
strane. Slučaj 17. krajiške brigade ARBiH najupečatljivije Alija Izetbegović was an Islamist whose election plat-
ilustrira taj paradoks. Ona je nastala od dvije postrojbe form revolved around two motifs: his image as a Mus-
koje su naoružane i opremljene u Hrvatskoj, pri čemu je lim martyr on account of his time spent behind bars in
značajnu ulogu imao dio najviše rangiranih generala HV- Yugoslavia for anti-communist activities and his book
a. Dio vojnika u toj brigadi bili su i pripadnici HV-a. To je Islamska deklaracija (The Islamic Declaration). The im-
bila možda i najbolja brigada ARBiH i ključna u protjeri- portance of that book is being constantly played down
vanju Hrvata iz Travnika u lipnju 1993. godine. Hrvatska by the argument that it had been written 20 years before
je sukladno tome bila involvirana, no na način na koji the elections. But, it was published in 1990, the election
prosječan Hrvat iz BiH teško da može biti zadovoljan. year. I think that those who perceive the book as a politi-
Nekako sam stekao dojam da je Hrvatskoj stavljen cal manifesto are right. Izetbegović’s intellectual make-up
krimen da je kriva za raspad Jugoslavije. Ne smatram da was that of a pre-modern person. He subscribed to the


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The Croatian Nation’s Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995

jest, jer su glavni krivci Slobodan Milošević i Veljko Kadije- Muslim concept of community based on religion. He did
vić, odnosno Srbija i JNA. Hrvatskoj se iz međunarodnih not accept that BiH is a country of three equal peoples.
krugova koji su stvarali obje Jugoslavije to ipak zamjera. The concept of a civil state he ostensibly championed was
Dodajte i intelektualne snage na Zapadu gdje dominira a ruse the purpose behind which was to marginalize the
neka čudna liberalna ljevica koja je „proizvela“ tone lite- minorities. He definitely did not want to build a civil state
rature o ratu, a koja je znanstveno pretežno bezvrijedna. in the western sense of the term. He acted on the princi-
No poslužila je svrsi da se dobije željena slika. Spominjem ple that the end justified the means. So he lied. In 2000 he
„stručnjake“ poput primjerice Johna B. Allcocka koji je bio admitted in an interview, that for him lying was a tactical
i ekspert na Haškom sudu i koji je priredio članak o radu move conducive to achieving a strategic goal.
Međunarodnog kaznenog tribunala u Haagu u sklopu The role of President Tuđman and Croatia in the war in
inicijative međunarodne skupine znanstvenika. On, bez BiH, including the Muslim-Croat conflict is a complex one.
imalo znanstvene nelagode, tvrdi da su razgovori Tuđma- The problem is that it is often analyzed outside its proper
na i Miloševića u „Karađorđevu o podjeli Bosne i Herce- context. In 1991 BiH participated, with a large portion of
govine i kasniji pregovori u Grazu” dobro „dokumentira- its territory and a few tens of thousand soldiers serving
ni i više se ne smatraju spornim”. To je u biti poziv da se in the JNA and TO, in the attack on Croatia. In 1992 Croa-
prošlost ne propitkuje, to nije znanost, to je stopostotna tia launched operations to liberate some of its occupied
politička angažiranost. Haški sud je samo nastavak takve territory and some Croatian Army formations moved into
politike „pravnim sredstvima“. BiH as part of said operations. In 1994-1995 the Croatian
Kada se sve uzme, najveći dobitnik rata u BiH su Srbi. Army operated on the Livno field. The operations the Cro-
Oni imaju svoj entitet. Na drugom mjestu su Muslimani, atian Army conducted there led directly to the downfall
odnosno Bošnjaci. Hrvati su tu najgore prošli, jer im se i of the rebel Serbs’ statelet in Croatia. The Muslim Croat
ono malo što su imali postupno uzelo nakon Daytona, conflict started in 1993. The war in BiH, including the Mus-
najvećim dijelom zbog samovolje visokih predstavnika za lim-Croat conflict was fraught with paradoxes. Both sides
BiH. U ovakvoj današnjoj BiH Hrvati imaju najmanje razlo- in the Muslim-Croat conflict received shipments of arms
ga biti zadovoljni. and equipment from and through Croatia. The case of
the 17th Krajina Brigade of the ARBIH illustrates the point
aptly. The brigade was formed out of two units that had
been armed and equipped in Croatia. A number of highly
placed generals of the Croatian Army played important
roles in the process. Some soldiers serving in the 17th Kra-
jina Brigade were members of the Croatian Army. The 17th
Krajina Brigade was arguably the best ARBIH formation.
It certainly played the key role in the expulsion of Croats
from Travnik in June, 1993. Croatia was therefore involved
in the conflict, but in this case in a way most Bosnian Cro-
ats would not condone.
It is my impression that Croatia always gets blamed for
the break-up of Yugoslavia. I do not agree. The main cul-
prits are Slobodan Milošević and Veljko Kadijević, that is,
Serbia and the JNA. But, Croatia is blamed for Yugoslavia’s
demise by the very international factors that helped cre-
ate both Yugoslavias. These accusations are propped up
by many intellectuals of the liberal-leftist persuasion who
have “produced” tons of texts about the war the scholarly
value of which is nil. But, these text, books, articles, what-
ever, have served their purpose. A certain picture detri-
Mostar, 1992, most cara Franje Josipa (Titov most). mental to Croatia has been manufactured. In this context
Mostar, 1992: Emperor’s Franz Joseph’s Bridge (Tito’s Bridge). I have to mention the “expert” John B. Allcock who served


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Davor Marijan • Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, 1991. - 1995.

in the capacity of an expert at the Hague Tribunal and

who wrote an article about the work of the  Internation-
al Criminal Tribunal in The Hague as part of an initiative
launched by an international group of scholars. Allcock
brazenly claims, without citing any valid sources for his
assertion, that the talks between Tuđman and Milošević
in “Karađorđevo and later in Graz about dividing BiH”
are “well documented and proven”. In essence, Allcock’s
claim is an injunction against conscientious scholarship.
His article has nothing to do with scholarship as such, it is
a political tract. The Hague Tribunal is, for all intents and
purposes, continuation of politics by legal means.
All things considered, the Serbs gained plenty from
the war. The Muslims gained a lot, albeit far less than they
wanted to. The Croats gained bugger all. The Serbs have
their entity. The little the Croats had to begin with was
gradually taken away from them after the signing of the
Dayton Agreement thanks, for the most part, to the arbi-
Mostar, 1992.: Kujundžiluk, pojas izravnog dodira sa Starim mo- trariness of the High Representatives for BiH. The Croats
stom (lijeva obala Neretve). have the least reason to be satisfied with today’s BiH.
Mostar, 1992: Kujundžiluk (Goldsmiths’ Quarter), the belt of
cirect contact with the Old Bridge (the left bank of the Neretva).
V. KladuSa

B. Novi Prijedor Derventa
LaktaSi GradaCac
BihaC Banja
B. Krupa
Luka Celinac Doboj Bjeljina
S. Most Srebren ik Ugljevik
TeSanj Grai'.:an ica Lopare
K. Varos
B. Petrovac TesliC Mag laj Zvornik
Lukavac Kalesija
S. Vakuf Tuzla
KljuC MrkonjiC
Drva r .ZepCe ZavidoviCi
Jajce Travni k Zen ica Kladanj
N. Travn ik Vlasenica
Vares Olovo MiliCi
D.Vakuf Vitez
8. Grahovo GlamoC $ipovo Busovata Kakanj Han P.
Bugojno Kiseljak Visoko
Livno Kupres
KreSevo Pale
Prozor Sarajevo
Tomislavgrad Konjic

PosuSje Mostar

Siroki B.

LjubuSki Citluk Nevesinje

Tumac znakova Berk.

D Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine Neum


0 Republika Srpska Ravno

D Distrikt Brcko Daytonski sporazum, 21. studenoga 1995.

The Dayton Agreement, November 21, 1995.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 490 4.2.2020. 18:37:06


Ante Nazor

Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 491 4.2.2020. 18:37:06

Ante Nazor • II DIO

Šejh Enver Šaban, vjerski vođa Odreda El Mudžahid; Alija

Izetbegović, predsjednik Predsjedništva RBiH; Abu Maali
(Abu-al-Ma’ali), zapovjednik Odreda El Mudžahid; Vozuća
kod Zavidovića, rujan 1995. (Esad Hećimović, Garibi – mu-
džahedini u BiH 1992.-1999., Zenica, 2006., 275).

Sheik Enver Shaban, the religious leader of the El-Mu-

jahid Detachment; Alija Izetbegović, the President of
the Presidency of RBiH; Abu-al-Ma’ali, the commander
of the El-Mujahid Detachment; Vozuća near Zavidovići,
September 1995 (Esad Hećimović, Garibi – Mujahideen in
BiH 1992-1999, Zenica, 2006, p. 275).
Abu Maali, zapovjednik Odreda El Mudžahid; general
Rasim Delić, čelnik ARBiH i general Sakib Mahmuljin,
zapovjednik 3. korpusa ARBiH, Zenica, krajem 1995.
(Zločin bez kazne - Bikoši 8. lipnja 1993., Travnik, lipanj
2019., 78-79); general Rasim Delić je 13. kolovoza 1993.
naredio osnivanje Odreda El Mudžahid, u sastavu 3.
korpusa ARBiH.

Abu-al-Ma’ali, the commander of the El-Mujahid Detach-

ment; General Rasim Delić, leader of the ARBiH and Gen-
eral Sakib Mahmuljin, the commander III Corps ARBiH,
Zenica, end of 1995 (Crime without Punishment – Bikoši,
June 8 1993), Travnik, June 2019, pp. 78-79); On August
13, 1993 the El-Mujahid Detachment was formed on the
orders of General Rasim Delić. The El-Mujahid Detach-
ment operated as part of III Corps of the ARBiH.


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Ante Nazor • PART II

S obzirom na to da u hrvatskoj historiografiji već Given the fact that there exists, in the Croatian lan-
postoje knjige koje znanstveno prikazuju uzrok, tijek i guage, a substantial body of scholarly work, including not
posljedice velikosrpske agresije na Republiku Hrvatsku an insignificant number of books, relating to the causes,
u 1990-im,1028 znatnim dijelom zahvaljujući i radovima dynamic and consequences of Serbia’s aggression against
autora prvoga dijela ove knjige Davora Marijana,1029 u the Republic of Croatia in the 1990s, this part of the book
ovom dijelu knjige upozorit će se samo na neke od činje- deals with certain facts regarding the war in Bosnia and
nica o ratu u Bosni i Hercegovini. Iako se one uglavnom Herzegovina. It is important to stress that a fair share of
spominju i u Marijanovom dijelu knjige, zbog namet- the mentioned scholarly output has been produced by
nutih kontroverzija i percepcije javnosti o nekim doga- the author of the first part of this book, Davor Marijan. The
đajima, potrebno je izdvojiti ih i potkrijepiti dodatnim facts in question are analyzed and given due attention in
izvorima, kako bi zaključci o njima bili što cjelovitiji i the first part of the book. However, the sheer number of
znanstveno utemeljeni. artificially created controversies imposed, for strictly po-
Zbog veličine gradiva koje treba obraditi u pregledu litical purposes, on these facts and the consequent influ-
Domovinskog rata, autor u prvom dijelu knjige prilikom ence the perpetuation of these controversies has had on
opisa događaja uglavnom nije mogao ići u detalje, niti the popular perception of both the Croatian War of Inde-
je mogao navesti sve događaje, no nastojao je zadržati pendence and the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina, war-
uravnotežen pristup događajima za cijelo vrijeme rata i rant a somewhat deeper analysis, bolstered by additional
na cijelom području Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine, čiji sources regarding both the facts and the events that un-
teritorij, bez obzira na to što je riječ o dvije međunarod- derlie them. The goal is to reach valid and comprehensive
no priznate države, kad se govori o Domovinskom ratu conclusions grounded in conscientious scholarship.
predstavlja jedinstveno ratište. Događaji u RH i BiH ne The vastness of the subject of the Croatian War of Inde-
mogu se razumjeti ako se prikazuju odvojeno, jer su dio pendence and the massive amount of materials pertaining
jedinstvenog procesa pokušaja stvaranja „Velike Srbije“ to it prohibited the author from mentioning all the events
na dijelu teritorija RH i BiH. and analyzing all the aspects of the war in the first part of
S obzirom na takav pristup i koncepciju knjige, koja the book. However, his narrative is balanced and compre-
je usmjerena na prikaz političkih i vojnih događaja, u hensive – a feat worthy of praise especially given the fact
njenom sadržaju nije bilo mjesta za ostale aspekte Do- that the narrative deals with the entire period of the war
movinskog rata. Primjerice za humanitarno djelovanje, in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. It has to be not-
simbolički izraženo u velikom humanitarnom konvoju ed that, Croatia and BiH, independent sovereign countries
„Bijeli put za Novu Bilu i Bosnu Srebrenu“, koji je na Me- both, formed a single theater of war. The events in Croatia
đunarodni dan ljudskih prava, 10. prosinca 1993., u 12 and BiH cannot be understood and/or put in any meaning-
ful context if they are viewed and analyzed independently
of each other. The Croatian War of Independence and the
1028 Barić, N. (2005.): Srpska pobuna u Hrvatskoj 1990.-1995.,
Golden marketing, Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb, 614; Radelić, War in Bosnia and Herzegovina were caused by Serbia’s at-
Z., Marijan, D., Barić, N., Bing, A., Živić, D. (2006.): Stvara- tempt to create a Greater Serbian state by occupying por-
nje hrvatske države i Domovinski rat, Školska knjiga, Hr- tions of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In that sense,
vatski institut za povijest, Zagreb, 575; Žunec, O. (2007.): the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina could be viewed as part
Goli život – socijetalne dimenzije pobune Srba u Hrvatskoj,
I-II, Demetra, Zagreb, 978; Domovinski rat – pregled po- of the Croatian War of Independence.
litičke i diplomatske povijesti, Nakladni zavod Globus – The very concept of the book – an overview of po-
HMDCDR, Zagreb, 2018., 328. litical and military events – precluded the author from
1029 Oluja, HMDCDR, Zagreb, 2007., 445; Slom Titove armije: giving too much attention to various other aspects of the
JNA i raspad Jugoslavije 1987.-1992., Golden marketing Croatian War of Independence.
– Tehnička knjiga, Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb,
2008., 518; Obrana i pad Vukovara, Hrvatski institut za The issue of humanitarian efforts, for example, un-
povijest, Zagreb, 2013., 464; Domovinski rat, Despot In- dertaken by many organizations and individuals, is not
finutus – Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb, 2016., 456; represented in the book. For that reason, it is essential
Hrvatska 1989.-1992.: rađanje države, Hrvatski institut za to mention here the great humanitarian convoy “White
povijest, Zagreb, 2017., 657; Rat Hrvata i Muslimana u
Bosni i Hercegovini od 1992. do 1994., Hrvatski institut za Road for Nova Bila and Silver Bosnia”. On December 10,
povijest, Zagreb, 2018., 476. 1993, on Human Rights Day, at 1200 hours the convoy


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sati krenuo sa Zapadnog kolodvora u Zagrebu prema left Zagreb for central Bosnia and the Lašva Valley. The
središnjoj Bosni i Lašvanskoj dolini, gdje je stigao 20. convoy reached its destination on December 20 at 1530
prosinca u 15,30 sati.1030 Hrvatski humanitarci Slobodan hours. The Croatian humanitarians Slobodan Lang, Her-
Lang, Herman Vukušić, Branko Čulo, Ante Damjanović, man Vukušić, Branko Čulo, Ante Damjanović, Ivan Bagarić,
Ivan Bagarić, fra Velimir Valjan, fra Iko Skoko, fra Ferdo friar Velimir Valjan, friar Iko Skoko, friar Ferdo Vlašić and
Vlašić i brojni drugi liječnici, vozači, medicinsko osoblje, many others – doctors, drivers, medical staff, Franciscan
franjevci i novinari (ukupno 167 osoba) donijeli su spas friars and journalists (167 persons in total) brought salva-
za oko 70.000 Hrvata u Lašvanskoj dolini, među njima tion for about 70,000 Croats in the Lašva Valley, includ-
i oko 12.000 djece te oko 28.000 prognanika, kojima je ing 12,000 children and 28,000 refugees who were under
zbog opsade višestruko nadmoćnijih snaga ARBiH (1., 3., siege from the vastly superior Muslim forces (I, III, VI and
6. i 7. korpus) prijetila glad i izumiranje. VII Corps) and on the brink of famine.
Jedina veza Lašvanske doline s vanjskim svijetom At that time the Lašva Valley’s only link with the out-
tada je bio humanitarni helikopter HVO-a. Uz posebne side world was an HVO humanitarian helicopter. The UN
procedure, nadzor i dopuštenja UN-a, letio je bez obzira imposed strict limitations on the usage of the helicop-
na vremenske uvjete, pri čemu je bio često napadan s ter – special permissions for every take-off were needed
položaja ARBiH. Teške ranjenike iz improvizirane ratne with ubiquitous red tape encumbering every step of the
bolnice HVO-a “Dr. fra Mato Nikolić” u franjevačkoj crkvi process of obtaining one, every flight had to be closely
Svetog Duha u Novoj Bili, prevozilo se helikopterom u monitored by the UN, etc. That meant that the flyers had
Split. Smještena gotovo na samoj crti bojišnice, crkva – to contend, more often than not, with adverse weather
bolnica je deset mjeseci radila u potpunom okruženju conditions and ARBIH anti-aircraft fire. The helicopter was
snaga ARBiH, s čijih je položaja granatirana. O ranjenici- used, among other things, to transport heavily wounded
ma i bolesnima skrbilo se 147 zaposlenih u bolnici/crkvi i soldiers and civilians from the improvised HVO hospital
velik broj volontera. Svakoga mjeseca javljalo se oko 250 “Dr. Fra Mato Nikolić” – located in the Church of the Holy
dragovoljnih davatelja krvi za ranjenike, a hrana je pri- Spirit in Nova Bila – to Split. For ten months the hospi-
kupljana od stanovništva, kao i sve druge potrepštine, tal was completely encircled by ARBIH forces and often
od vode do goriva. U Novoj Bili liječeno je gotovo 12.000 shelled. The patients were in the care of 147 employees
pacijenata, izvršeno je oko 4000 operacijskih zahvata, of the hospital and a large number of volunteers. Every
od čega oko 1000 teških u općoj anesteziji. Ranjenici, month about 250 blood donors came forth. Food and ev-
kojih bi u pojedinim danima pristiglo i oko 60, smještani ery other necessity for the patients were provided by the
su u crkvene klupe, koje su poslužile kao improvizirani local populace. The patients, at any given time, included
bolnički ležajevi. Među ubijenima i ranjenima bila su i a large number of wounded people. Almost 12,000 pa-
djeca. U samo 12 ratnih dana u lipnju 1993. musliman- tients were treated in the Nova Bila hospital and about
ska vojska ubila je 10 i ranila 59 djece, a do kraja listo- 4,000 surgical procedures were performed, around 1,000
pada 1993. stradalo je 142 djece – 26 ih je poginulo u of which were complex, involving total anesthesia. On
topničkim napadima, a 33 su ubili snajperisti ARBiH.1031 some days the number of wounded people admitted
to the hospital was around sixty. They were placed on
church benches which were used as improvised beds.
1030 O tome govore monografije Bijeli put: Pobjeda dobra u
ratu (koju je 2014. objavio dr. Slobodan Lang, jedan od Many children were also among the wounded and killed.
inicijatora i organizatora konvoja, u koautorstvu s Bran- During a 12-day period in June, 1993, the Muslim army
kom Čulom) te Svjetlost i nada (autora Zvonimira Čilića, killed 10 and wounded 59 children. By the end of Octo-
fra Zorana Livančića, Srećka Stipovića i Željka Kocaja,
ber, 1993, 142 children had become casualties of war – 26
koja je objavljena 2010. u nakladi viteške podružnice
HKD-a Napredak), Hrvatska bolnica dr. fra Mato Nikolić, of them killed in artillery attacks and 33 by ARBIH snipers.
Nova Bila – Travnik (Nova Bila, 2018), kao i knjiga Ive Lu- The White Road humanitarian convoy, on its return
čića Od vila ilirskih do Bijelog puta – stranputicama bosan- from Nova Bila, was attacked by ARBIH troops on Decem-
ske i hercegovačke povijesti.
ber 22-23, 1993, near Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje. The Muslim
1031 Ivo Lučić, Od vila ilirskih do Bijelog puta – stranputicama soldiers killed one truck driver – Ante Vlaić (born 1934) –
bosanske i hercegovačke povijesti, Hrvatska liječnička
komora – Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb, prosinac wounded a number of people and appropriated about 20
2018., 10, 301, 304, 309. trucks. It has to be pointed out that UNPROFOR and the


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Ante Nazor • PART II

BiH government guaranteed to the Croatian government

the convoy’s safe passage. Also worth noting is the fact
that the attack on the convoy took place in an area un-
der UNPROFOR’s control. Finally, the ARBIH attacked the
convoy in complete disregard of the fact that a portion of
the relief transported by the convoy had been sent to the
Muslims in Zenica, the villages of Krušica and Mahala in
the Vitez area and Maglaj. On December 22, 1993, the day
when the convoy departed from the Lašva Valley, ARBIH
troops massacred 64 Croats in Križaničevo Selo near Vitez.
It can be argued that the White Road for Nova Bila and
Silver Bosnia convoy is one of the finest episodes of the
Croatian War of Independence. It unequivocally showed
to the world that the unity between the Croats in Croatia
and those in Bosnia was unshakable.
Despite being vastly outnumbered and outgunned,
the HVO forces in the Lašva Valley managed to repulse
all attacks launched by the ARBIH. The help that the con-
voy brought to the Lašva Valley facilitated, in no small
measure, this exceptional feat of arms. Had the ARBIH
been victorious in the Lašva Valley, the Muslims would
have ethnically cleansed central Bosnia of Croats. The
determination and resolve of the Croats to defend their
homes is exemplified by the battles for the strategically
Improvizirana franjevačka bolnica (crkva) „Fra dr. Mato Nikolić“ important positions on Hrašće Hill above the Lašva Valley.
u Novoj Bili (BiH); župni uredi crkve Sv. Duha prilagođeni su za Hrašće Hill, popularly known as Pješčara, was defended
potrebe bolnice za oko 70.000 Hrvata opkoljenih u Lašvanskoj by 300 HVO troops belonging to Military District Vitez.
dolini (autor fotografija: Srećko Stipović).
The ARBIH tried doggedly to capture the HVO positions
Improvised “Fra Dr Mato Nikolić” Franciscan hospital (church), in on Hrašće Hill for over a year, sending about 3,000 regular
Nova Bila (BiH); the parish premises of the Church of the Holy soldiers, elite units and Mujahideen into attack during the
Spirit were adapted for hospital needs so as to receive about
70,000 Croats who were encircled by enemy forces in the Lašva course of that period. 69 HVO soldiers were killed in ac-
Valley (photohraphs by Srećko Stipović) tion defending Hrašće Hill and more than a hundred were
wounded. On June 12, 1993, alone, 22 Croatian soldiers
were killed but the attacks were defeated. Hrašće Hill is
just one example among many of the Croats’ steadfast-
Prilikom povratka iz Nove Bile, iako je njegov pro- ness in defending their homes, villages, towns and cities
laz dogovoren na najvišim državnim razinama Hrvat- during the Croatian War of Independence and the war in
ske i BiH te s UNPROFOR-om, humanitarni konvoj Bijeli Bosnia and Herzegovina.
put pripadnici ARBiH napali su 22./23. prosinca 1993.
A number of books in the Croatian language about
kod Gornjeg Vakufa/Uskoplja i ubili jednog od vozača the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina could and should
kamiona, Antu Vlaića (1934. - 1993.), nekoliko osoba serve, on account of the primary sources used and infor-
su ranili i oteli 20-ak kamiona. Sve to na teritoriju pod mation presented, as worthy companions to this book.
nadzorom snaga UN-a! I unatoč tome što je dio pomo- One such book is Uzroci Rata. Bosna i Herzegovina 1980-
ći iz Hrvatske tada upućen Muslimanima u Zenici i u 1992 (Zagreb, 2013), authored by Ivo Lučić. He gives a
viteška naselja Kruščice i Mahale, te u Maglaj. Istog su broad account of the causes of the war in BiH. Jadran-
jutra, kad je konvoj izlazio iz Lašvanske doline, 22. pro- ko Prlić’s book Prilozi za povijest Hrvatske Republike Her-
sinca 1993., snage ARBiH počinile zločin nad 64 Hrvata zeg-Bosne (I-III, Mostar, Zagreb,2017) reveals the complex-
u Križančevu Selu, nedaleko od Viteza. Konvoj Bijeli put ity of the political and economic situation in Bosnia and


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za Novu Bilu i Bosnu Srebrenu jedna je od najsvjetlijih Herzegovina immediately prior to the outbreak of war in
epizoda u Domovinskom ratu, koja je pokazala zajed- 1992, explains the reasons behind the establishment of
ništvo Hrvata u BiH i Hrvatskoj. the Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia (HZ HB) and
Zahvaljujući pristigloj pomoći i HVO-u, koji je us- later the establishment of the Croatian Republic of Her-
pio izdržati napade višestruko brojnijih snaga ARBiH, zeg-Bosnia (HR HB), describes how these political entities
Hrvati su opstali u Lašvanskoj dolini i središnjoj Bo- functioned and how they were integrated into the BiH
sni. O odnosu snaga u sukobu između ARBiH i HVO-a Federation’s institutions after the Dayton Agreement, and
u središnjoj Bosni i ustrajnosti hrvatskih branitelja u analyzes international factors and a wide plethora of oth-
obrani svojih domova, možda najbolje svjedoče borbe er financial-economic-legal aspects relating to the HZ HB
za strateški iznimno važnu kotu Hrašće iznad Lašvan- that are often glossed over or ignored but no less import-
ske doline. Za obranu te kote, u narodu poznatije kao ant for that.
Pješčara, Zborno područje HVO-a Vitez na raspolaga- A detailed analysis of various legal aspects, centering
nju je imalo malo više od 300 bojovnika, a ARBiH je on the issue of legality of the establishment of HZ HB can
u gotovo godinu dana pokušaja njenog osvajanja u be found in Mato Arlović’s book Hrvatska Zajednica Her-
napadima angažirala oko 3000 vojnika, te elitne snage ceg Bosna i pre(ustroj) Bosna i Herzegovina (Zagreb, 2017).
i mudžahedine. U obrani Pješčare poginulo je 69 pri- Based on a number of sources Arlović concludes that
padnika ZP-a HVO-a Vitez, a ranjeno ih je više od sto- the establishment of the Croatian Community of Her-
tinu. U samo jednom danu, 12. lipnja 1993., poginula zeg-Bosnia was a legal way of joining municipalities and
su 22 hrvatska branitelja, no Pješčara je obranjena.1032 fully in accordance with the Constitution of the Socialist
Mnoštvo je takvih primjera ustrajnosti Hrvata u Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Arlović convincing-
obrani svojih naselja u Domovinskom ratu u Hrvatskoj ly argues that the HZ HB was formed for the purpose of
i Bosni i Hercegovini. defending the Croats and all citizens of BiH from aggres-
U hrvatskoj historiografiji o ratu u Bosni i Herce- sion launched by the JNA and Serb forces. The HZ HB was
govini nekoliko je knjiga koje svojim podacima i izvo- a temporary expedient and its founders considered BiH
rima mogu nadopuniti sadržaj ove knjige. Jedna od their country and respected the authority of the central
njih je knjiga Ivice Lučića Uzroci rata. Bosna i Hercego- government and were ready to continue doing so as
vina od 1980. do 1992. godine (Zagreb, 2013.), koja go- long as BiH remained in existence. All available evidence
vori opširnije o uzrocima rata u BiH. Knjiga Jadranka points to the fact that the HZ HB was created as a commu-
Prlića Prilozi za povijest Hrvatske Republike Herceg Bo- nity of municipalities whose main purpose was to coordi-
sne (I-III, Mostar-Zagreb, 2017.), uz prikaz slojevitosti nate activities with the aim of offering effective resistance
političke i ekonomske slike BiH uoči rata 1992., govo- to the aggressor. Another purpose behind the creation of
ri o razlozima uspostave najprije Hrvatske zajednice the HZ HB was to secure the legal and other conditions
Herceg-Bosne, a potom i Hrvatske Republike Her- for proper functioning of civil institutions until the cen-
ceg-Bosne te o načinu njihova djelovanja i integracije tral government became able again to fulfill its role in the
u institucije Federacije i BiH nakon Daytonskog spo- entire territory of BiH. The HZ HB established its authority
razuma, kao i o međunarodnim okolnostima i nizu in the areas under its control because there was no other
potpuno zapostavljenih i neobrađivanih, a iznimno choice available – the central government’s institutions at
važnih podtema iz sfere financijsko-ekonomskog i that time did not function in that part of the country and
pravnog sustava HR-HB. the municipalities that formed the HZ HB were effectively
Detaljnu analizu pravne naravi, odnosno legalno- left to wither on the vine by the central government. It
sti uspostave Hrvatske zajednice Herceg-Bosne napi- has to be noted that the HZ HB’s institutions functioned
sao je Mato Arlović: Hrvatska zajednica Herceg–Bosna as institutions belonging to BiH and were not, in any way,
shape or form conceptualized as organs of a break-away
region. No evidence exists that could even remotely sug-
1032 Iz kolumne Glorije Lujanović za, objavljene gest that the HZ HB harbored aspirations to become an
20. prosinca 2017. godine; preuzeto s: http://fenix-ma- independent state or to join with the Republic of Croatia.
skog-rata-u-bih-kojom-su-spaseni-hrvati-sredisnje-bo- Arlović proves that the Croatian government never col-
sne/; pristup ostvaren 24. ožujka 2019. luded with the Bosnian Croat leadership to divide BiH.


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i (pre)ustroj Bosne i Hercegovine (Zagreb, 2017.). Na There was never a plan, let alone an attempt made either
temelju izvora zaključio je da je Hrvatska zajednica by the Croatian government or Bosnian Croat leadership
Herceg-Bosna (HZ HB) bila Ustavom Socijalističke Re- to join the predominately Croatian areas of BiH with Cro-
publike BiH dopuštena, dakle legalan oblik organizi- atia. Arlović, therefore, clearly shows that the accusation
ranja i zajedničkog djelovanja općina. Osnovana je that the Croatian government and the Bosnian Croat
radi obrane hrvatskog naroda i svih građana BiH od leadership embarked upon a joint criminal enterprise for
velikosrpske politike i agresije koju su prema njima the purpose of carving out a portion of BiH’s territory is
pokrenule bivša JNA i srpske snage. HZ HB bila je pri- complete nonsense.
vremeni oblik organiziranja općina i, prema vlastitom The policies of the HZ HB were never geared towards
priznanju, smatrala je BiH svojom državom, a njezinu creating a Greater Croatia35 but towards cooperation with
državnu vlast svojom središnjom vlasti sve dok posto- and providing help to BiH with the ultimate goal of en-
ji BiH. Provedeno istraživanje dokazuje da je HZ HB suring BiH’s survival in the face of Serb aggression and
nastala kao zajednica općina u kojoj su se ponajprije also securing BiH’s international recognition as an inde-
koordinirali odnosi i aktivnosti radi pružanja otpora pendent state whose borders matched the boundaries of
agresoru. Zatim radi stvaranja pravnih i drugih po- the former Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
trebnih pretpostavki za funkcioniranje civilnih institu- within former Yugoslavia. It is beyond doubt that the Re-
cija dok središnja vlast ne bude sposobna za ponovno public of Croatia did not try to divide BiH but helped – by
ostvarivanje svojih dužnosti, prava i odgovornosti na inducing Bosnian Croats to moderation, by providing lo-
cijelom teritoriju Bosne i Hercegovine. U uvjetima od- gistical support to the ARBIH, by sending armaments and
sječenosti i nemogućnosti obavljanja vlasti od strane equipment to the ARBIH, by sending humanitarian aid to
središnjih državnih tijela, HZ HB ostvarivala je privre- Muslim civilians and soldiers – BiH to become an interna-
menu vlast na području koje je pokrivala i kontrolirala, tionally recognized, independent and sovereign country.
ali kao dijelu teritorija Bosne i Hercegovine. Činjeni- Furthermore, the Republic of Croatia, with its co-opera-
ca je da ne postoje pravovaljani dokumenti ustavne tive attitude toward the international community, espe-
i pravne snage iz kojih bi se moglo zaključiti da je cially in relation to the USA, made not only the creation
Hrvatska zajednica Herceg-Bosna htjela biti i bila sa- but also continued existence of BiH as an independent,
mostalna suverena država, koja se odvaja od Bosne i sovereign and internationally recognized country possi-
Hercegovine i pripaja Hrvatskoj. Cjelokupna analiza ble, negating, to a large degree, all the problems BiH cur-
izložena u Arlovićevoj knjizi pokazuje da je optužba rently faces which threaten to tear it asunder.
Republike Hrvatske da se putem svojeg vodstva udru- There was only one cause for the political crisis the
žila s vodstvom Hrvata iz BiH u zajednički (udruženi) SFRY was plunged into and for the subsequent violent
zločinački pothvat radi podjele BiH, odvajanjem di- break-up of the country, including, amongst other con-
jela njezina teritorija na kojem žive Hrvati i njegova flicts, the war in Croatia and the war in Bosnia and Herze-
pripojenja Hrvatskoj radi stvaranja „Velike Hrvatske“, govina. That cause was the Greater Serbian policy Serbia
potpuno neutemeljena. Za potvrdu takve njezine po- embarked upon, at the instigation of a part of Serbia’s po-
litical elites, in mid-1980s. The aim of the Greater Serbian
litike ne postoje pravni akti i realne političke radnje i
policy was to have “all Serbs living in one country”. The
aktivnosti za njezino provođenje. Zapravo je u realnim
aim and the inflammatory rhetoric underlying it proved
odnosima egzistirala sasvim oprečna politika, politika
to be a heady brew to many Serbs. A significant number of
suradnje i pomoći BiH radi njezine obrane i međuna-
Serbs in Croatia, in the summer of 1990, embraced armed
rodnog priznanja u granicama bivše Socijalističke Re-
rebellion as a means of expressing their right to “self de-
publike Bosne i Hercegovine. In conclusio može se reći
termination”. These rebels, from the summer of 1991, sup-
da Republika Hrvatska ne samo što nije sudjelovala u
ported the JNA’s aggression against Croatia and the JNA’s
podjeli BiH, već je ona svojim utjecajem na Hrvate u
occupation of almost one third of Croatia’s territory. Serb
BiH, pomoći u obrani, naoružanju i opremanju njezine
vojske te pružanju humanitarne pomoći civilima i voj-
nicima pomogla njezinu osamostaljenju i međunarod- 35 There exists not a single legal act that would suggest
that the leadership of the HZ HB was bent upon creating
nom priznanju. Osim toga, svojom kooperativnošću s a Greater Croatian state. Moreover, no political action
međunarodnom zajednicom, posebice sa SAD-om, was ever taken toward that aim.


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Hrvatska je pridonijela njezinu osamostaljenju, na- extremists committed numerous war crimes and crimes
stanku i opstanku sve do današnjih dana kao samo- against humanity against Croats and other non-Serbs in
stalne, suverene, međunarodno priznate države, bez Croatia. Worth pointing out is the fact that Serb extremists
obzira na sve teškoće i probleme kojima je ona izlože- also committed crimes against those Serbs who showed
na i opterećena.1033 reluctance to subscribe to the ideology of Greater Serbia.
Krizu i raspad SFRJ te rat u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i More than 150 mass graves and more than 1,300 individ-
Hercegovini uzrokovala je srbijanska („velikosrpska”) ual graves have been discovered in Croatia. At this point
politika, odnosno pokušaj ostvarenja projekta „svi in time there are still 14,400-15,000 Croat civilians and sol-
Srbi u jednoj državi”, koji je dio srbijanske političke diers listed as killed or still missing.
elite pokrenuo sredinom 1980-ih. Znatan broj Srba u These depredations of Serb extremists perpetrated
Hrvatskoj prihvatio je u ljeto 1990. oružanu pobunu on Croatian soil affected the relations between the Croats
kao način rješavanja pitanja svoga „samoodređenja“, and Croatian Serbs in Croatia as well as the relations be-
a potom je od ljeta 1991. podržao JNA u agresiji na tween Serbia and Croatia and unleashed a spiral of hatred
Hrvatsku i okupaciji gotovo trećine njezina teritorija. with all its concomitant evils. Some Croatian groups and
Počinivši pritom brojne zločine nad Hrvatima i ostalim individuals retaliated by treating individual Croatian Serbs
nesrbima, ali i nad vlastitim sunarodnjacima, srpski ek- and their property in an unacceptable and regrettable
stremisti zakotrljali su spiralu zla, koju je u svakom ratu manner. It cannot be emphasized enough that the scope
teško kontrolirati (u Hrvatskoj je pronađeno najmanje of the retaliation cannot even begin to match the scope
150 masovnih grobnica i više od 1300 pojedinačnih of the preceding depredations. However, throughout the
grobnica žrtava zločina srpskih snaga, a ubijeno je ili war, all important decisions reached by the Croatian Par-
se vode kao nestali oko 14.400 - 15.000 civila Hrvata liament and the Croatian government were accompanied
i hrvatskih branitelja). To je izravno utjecalo kako na by special acts or charters granting and guaranteeing
unutarnje, tako i na sveukupne hrvatsko-srpske odno- rights to the Serbs and other ethnic minorities. This testi-
se, prouzročivši, u znatno manjim razmjerima, nepri- fies to the Croatian government’s commitment to secure
hvatljivo djelovanje određenih skupina ili pojedinaca all civil and national rights to the Croatian Serbs and other
i na hrvatskoj strani, prema pojedinim građanima srp- ethnic minorities in Croatia. That said, it has to be pointed
ske narodnosti i njihovoj imovini. No, i u okolnostima out that out of about 20 ethnic minority groups in Croatia
ratnoga stanja, gotovo sve značajnije odluke Sabora i only a part of the Serb ethnic minority decided that there
Vlade RH bile su popraćene posebnim aktima ili pove- was something wrong with the Croatian government and
ljama o pravima Srba i ostalih nacionalnih manjina, što the Republic of Croatia as such.
svjedoči o spremnosti hrvatskog vodstva da Srbima i In 1991, Serb forces started attacking Croatia from
ostalim nacionalnim manjinama u Hrvatskoj osigura Bosnia and Herzegovina also. The practice continued until
potrebna građanska i nacionalna prava. Zapravo, hr- the end of the war. The war in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
vatsko vodstvo nije imalo problema niti s jednom od which erupted in the spring of 1992 was a continuation
20-ak nacionalnih manjina u Hrvatskoj, osim s dijelom of the war in Croatia; the second phase of Serbia’s war of
jedne – srpske nacionalne manjine. aggression. In that sense, the war in BiH and also the Mus-
Srpske snage su 1991. Hrvatsku napadale i s teri- lim-Croat conflict in BiH were caused directly by Serbia’s
torija Bosne i Hercegovine, a to se nastavilo sve do kra- attempt to create a Greater Serbian state. The Serb forces
ja rata. Rat u Bosni i Hercegovini, koji se rasplamsao u in BiH targeted Croats first. The Serb forces burned to the
proljeće 1992., nastavak je rata u Hrvatskoj, odnosno ground the Croatian village of Ravno and the surrounding
druga etapa otvorene velikosrpske oružane agresije. Croatian hamlets at the beginning of October, 1991, and
Rat u BiH, pa tako i sukob između ARBiH i HVO-a na killed the Croats from those villages. Then, in 1992, Serb
dijelu teritorija BiH (središnja Bosna i Hercegovina), te forces committed numerous crimes against Croats and
znatno smanjen broj Hrvata u BiH, posljedice su takve Muslims. Here we mention just a few crimes among many
velikosrpske politike i agresije. Uostalom, Hrvati su prvi committed by Serbs against Croats in BiH: at Kupres (April
6 – 10 1992); in the Donja Vrela villages – Bosanski Brod
1033 Arlović, Mato, Hrvatska zajednica Herceg-Bosna i (pre) Municipality (March – May 1992); Vidovice and Kopanica –
ustroj Bosne i Hercegovine, Zagreb, 2017., 207-217. Orašje Municipality (May 1 1992); in the village of Crkvine


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postali žrtve napada srpskih snaga u BiH, koje su po- – Bosanski Šamac Municipality (May 7 1992); in the villag-
četkom listopada 1991. zapalile selo Ravno i okolne hr- es of Krepšić, Gorice, Laništa, Markovića Polje, Vukšići and
vatske zaseoke u istočnoj Hercegovini, te ubile Hrvate Ulice – Brčko Municipality (May 8 1992), in Galica in the
iz tih sela. Potom su 1992. počinili brojne zločine nad Travnik Municipality (May 15 1992), in the village of Ubor-
Hrvatima i Muslimanima. Ovdje će se spomenuti samo ak-Vrapčići in the Mostar Municipality (June 13 – 15 1992);
neki od zločina nad Hrvatima: na Kupresu (od 6. do 10. in the village of Briševo – Prijedor Municipality (July 24 –
travnja 1992.), u selima Donja Vrela - općina Bosanski 25). In the Banja Luka Municipality, where no direct clashes
Brod (ožujak - svibanj 1992.), Vidovice i Kopanica - op- between the HVO and VRS took place, Serb soldiers killed
ćina Orašje (1. svibnja 1992.), u selu Crkvine - općina 114 Croatian civilians. In Sarajevo, during the Croatian War
Bosanski Šamac (7. svibnja 1992.), u selima Krepšić, of Independence, 482 Croatian civilians were killed, most
Gorice, Laništa, Markovića Polje, Vukšići i Ulice - općina of them in Serb artillery attacks on the city.
Brčko (8. svibnja 1992.), na Galici u općini Travnik (15. The Croatian forces in the Bosanska Posavina region
svibnja 1992.), u naselju Uborak - Vrapčići u općini Mo- suffered appalling casualties in fighting against the Ser-
star (13. - 15. lipnja 1992.), u selu Briševo - općina Prije- bian forces. According to a source from the end of 1995:
dor (24./25. srpnja 1992.), u selima općine Odžak (kolo- 2,306 killed, 109 missing and 6,571 wounded soldiers. Ac-
voz 1992.) i na drugim mjestima. U općini Banja Luka, cording to the same source, about 2,300 civilians, mostly
gdje nije bilo izravnih sukoba između HVO-a i VRS-a, Croats and Muslims, lost their lives during Serb attacks.
srpska vojska ubila je 114 Hrvata civila, a u gradu Sara- The region was of immense strategic importance to the
jevu je tijekom rata, većinom od granatiranja s položaja ideologues supporting the idea of Greater Serbia because
srpskih snaga, ubijeno 482 hrvatskih civila. it formed a corridor between the Serb occupied areas of
Ogromne žrtve u sukobu sa srpskim snagama pre- the Republic of Croatia and Serbia. The Serbs concen-
trpjele su hrvatske snage u Bosanskoj Posavini (prema trated strong forces in the region with the aim of elim-
izvoru s kraja 1995.: 2306 poginulih, 109 nestalih i 6571 inating the HVO forces, expelling the Croat and Muslim
ranjeni vojnik, a u srpskim napadima ubijeno je i oko population and reaching the Sava River along the entire
2300 civila, uglavnom Hrvata i Muslimana).1034 Bosanska boundary of the region. The HVO forces were vastly out-
Posavina je velikosrpskim ideolozima bila od strateške numbered and outgunned and the commanders were
važnosti zbog osiguravanja koridora između okupira- aware of the Serbs’ plans to ethnically cleanse the region
nih područja RH i Srbije. Zbog toga su na tom području of Croats and Muslims. The HVO commanders knew they
koncentrirane znatne srpske snage, s ciljem eliminira- were fighting for the survival of the Croats in the Bosanska
nja HVO-a, odnosno protjerivanja Hrvata i Muslimana Posavina region. For that reason the HVO had no option
s toga područja i izbijanja na rijeku Savu na cijelom but to involve civilians in its implementation of defensive
području Bosanske Posavine. Primoran na odsudnu measures against the aggressor (“all available forces and
obranu, odnosno obranu iz nužde, s ograničenim ma- all structures in the field – civilian and military”). “All able
terijalno-tehničkim i ljudskim resursima u odnosu na bodied civilians, police reserve and civil defense” partici-
nadmoćnije srpske snage, HVO je radi opstanka Hrvata pated, alongside soldiers, in fortifying the front line.
u Bosanskoj Posavini koristio sve raspoloživo stanovniš- The completion of Operation Storm marked the end
tvo („sve raspoložive snage i sve strukture na terenu – i of the war in Croatia. The war in BiH was brought to an
civilne i vojne“).1035 Tako su, uz vojnike u postrojbama, end with the Dayton Agreement, after a string of Croa-
u utvrđivanju prve crte angažirani i „svi sposobni civili, tian forces’ successes in south-west Bosnia from July to
rezervni sastav policije i civilna zaštita“.1036 mid-October, 1995 (Operation Summer 95, Operation
Maestral, Operation Southern Move). However, the es-
tablishment of the Republika Srpska as a separate entity
1034 Stanje u Posavini. RH – Ministarstvo obrane, Glavni sto- comprising 49% of BiH’s territory meant that the Serb mil-
žer HV, Zapovjedništvo ZP Osijek, klasa: 81/95-02/01; ur.
br: 1076-09-95-30, Osijek, 28. 11. 1995. itary conquests during the Serbs’ war of aggression were
1035 Republika Bosna i Hercegovina, HVO, Operativna grupa
given political recognition. Therefore, the verdict of the
„Bosanska Posavina“, broj 01-270/92, 2. 12. 1992., Zapo- Dayton Agreement can, by no stretch of the imagination,
vijed za utvrđivanje teritorija. be perceived as a just peace. The Serb political entity en-
1036 Zapovijed za utvrđivanje, broj 527/92, Orašje, 22. 7. 1992. compasses areas from which almost all non-Serbs were


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Operacijom Oluja završen je rat u Hrvatskoj. U BiH expelled (most of Bosanska Posavina and other regions)
rat je zaustavljen Daytonskim sporazumom, nakon po- and also the area in which Serb forces committed geno-
bjedonosnih operacija hrvatskih snaga u jugozapad- cide (Srebrenica).
noj Bosni od srpnja do sredine listopada 1995. (Ljeto The other entity in BiH created by the Dayton Agree-
‘95, Maestral i Južni potez). No, uspostavom Republike ment – the BiH Federation – was originally conceptualized
Srpske kao posebnoga entiteta na 49 % teritorija BiH as a federation of the Bosniak/Muslim and Croats (the con-
zapravo su „priznati” rezultati srpske agresije, pa se federation between the BiH Federation and the Republic of
može reći da nije postignut pravedan mir. Srpskom Croatia, envisaged by the Washington Agreement signed
entitetu u BiH pripala su područja s kojih je protjerano in March, 1994, and “put into effect” by the Split Declara-
gotovo sve nesrpsko stanovništvo (veći dio Bosanske tion issued in July, 1995, was never realized and nobody
Posavine, itd.), čak i područje na kojem su srpske sna- deigns to mention it any more). However, the Croat-Bos-
ge počinile genocid (Srebrenica). niak/Muslim relations in the BiH Federation are burdened
Drugi entitet u BiH (Federacija BiH) Daytonskim by the legacy of the Muslim-Croat conflict in which the
sporazumom zamišljen je kao federacija Bošnjaka-mu- HVO fought against the ARBIH. The conflict lasted, with
slimana i Hrvata (konfederacija između spomenute Fe- brief intermissions brought on by cease-fires, from Oc-
deracije BiH i Republike Hrvatske, predviđena Washin- tober, 1992 – as an uninterrupted state of war from April,
gtonskim sporazumom iz ožujka 1994. i “oživotvorena” 1993 – until March 1994. The Croats perceived the conflict
Splitskom deklaracijom iz srpnja 1995. nije ostvarena as the Bosniaks’ attempt to expel the Croats from areas
i više se ne spominje). No, hrvatsko-bošnjačke (musli- where they had lived for centuries in a bid to compensate
manske) odnose u Federaciji BiH opterećuje razdoblje for the territories the ARBIH had lost to the Serbs. Also, the
međusobnoga oružanog sukoba između HVO-a i Ar- Croats felt betrayed by the Bosniaks/Muslims because the
mije RBiH, koji je, uz povremena primirja, trajao od li- Bosniaks would not have been able to withstand the initial
stopada 1992., odnosno kao neprekidno ratno stanje Serb onslaught without the Croats’ help (even during the
od travnja 1993. do ožujka 1994. godine. Hrvati su ga Muslim-Croat conflict in BiH the Republic of Croatia took
doživjeli kao pokušaj Bošnjaka (muslimana) da ih pro- in a large number of Muslim refugees from BiH, sent weap-
tjeraju s područja na kojima su stoljećima živjeli i na ons to the ARBIH etc). The Bosniaks/Muslims, on the other
taj način nadoknade gubitak teritorija koji su osvoji- hand, perceived the conflict as an attempt on the part of
le srpske snage, te kao izdaju naroda koji su zbrinuli i the Croats to create a Greater Croatia at their expense – the
kojem su pomogli obraniti se od velikosrpske agresije Muslims believed that the Croats’ ultimate goal was to join
(za vrijeme hrvatsko-muslimanskih sukoba u BiH, Hr- a portion of BiH’s territory with Croatia.
vatska je pružila utočište velikom broju muslimanskih It is undisputable that the Croatian people in BiH,
izbjeglica iz BiH, pomagala je u naoružavanju Armije though less numerous than the Serbs and Bosniaks, as
RBiH, itd.). Bošnjaci (muslimani) su ga doživjeli kao a constituent nation, has the right to seek equality with
izdaju ratnoga saveznika te pokušaj stvaranja “Velike the other two constituent nations in BiH, complain about
Hrvatske”, odnosno priključenja Hrvatskoj dijela terito- the inherently unjust internal political structure of the
rija Bosne i Hercegovine. country and demand that it be restructured (the constitu-
Hrvatski narod, iako trenutno najmalobrojniji u tionality of the Croats in BiH is guaranteed by the Dayton
BiH, kao autohton i konstitutivan narod ima pravo Agreement and the Constitution of BiH and confirmed by
tražiti ravnopravnost s ostala dva konstitutivna naro- a number of decisions passed by the Constitutional Court
da u BiH i pravednije unutarnje uređenje te države od of BiH). The problems relating to less-than-viable func-
onog koje je sada na snazi (konstitutivnost Hrvata u tioning of the BiH Federation (the fact that for three man-
BiH je zapisana u Daytonskom sporazumu i Ustavu BiH dates in a row the Muslims have had two members of the
te potvrđena višekratnim odlukama Ustavnog suda Presidency while the Croats have not been represented,
u BiH). Problemi u funkcioniranju Federacije BiH (či- issues relating to the Croatian language and Croatian TV,
njenica da su Bošnjaci–muslimani već u tri mandata etc.) the fact that the political leadership of the Bosniaks/
izabrali hrvatskog člana Predsjedništva BiH, pitanje hr- Muslims endeavors to marginalize the Croats in the BiH
vatskog jezika i hrvatske televizije te drugi problemi) i Federation and the fact that the leaders of the Republika
nastojanje političkog vodstva većinskoga bošnjačkog Srpska behave as if their entity is an independent state


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(muslimanskog) stanovništva da osigura prevlast nad are all valid reasons for questioning the moral validity
Hrvatima u tom entitetu, te činjenica da se srpsko vod- and political sustainability of the Dayton Agreement and
stvo u BiH ponaša kao da je Republika Srpska samo- also for striving to find new political solutions with the
stalna država, razlog su za propitivanje pravednosti aim of ensuring that all three constituent nations in BiH
i održivosti Daytonskog sporazuma i traženja novih are equal and content with both BiH as their country and
političkih rješenja, kako bi sva tri konstitutivna naroda their place in it. In this context it is important to mention
u BiH zaista bila ravnopravna i zadovoljna. U tom kon- the European Parliament’s statement issued in January,
tekstu znakovito je mišljenje Europskoga parlamenta 2014, in which it is claimed that Bosniak centralism (uni-
iz siječnja 2014., da bošnjački centralizam (odnosno tarism) and Serb separatism threaten BiH’s survival and
unitarizam) i srpski separatizam ugrožavaju BiH, te that federalism is the way for the country to go on its path
da je upravo federalizam ključ za europski put BiH. U to the EU. Miroslav Tuđman has observed: “If, in 2014, the
skladu s time, Miroslav Tuđman je primijetio: „Ako se i European parliament advocates federalism as the politi-
2014. u Europskom parlamentu zagovara federalizam cal and democratic solution for BiH’s problems, then the
kao političko i demokratsko rješenje za BiH, onda se ni Republic of Croatia’s policies, pursued in relation to Croa-
hrvatsku službenu politiku, kako onu u RH tako i u BiH, tia and in relation to BiH during the 1990s and later, can-
ne može optužiti za stvaranje ‘Velike Hrvatske’ zato not be characterized as conducive to creating a Greater
što je u 1990-im javno zagovarala federalno uređenje Croatia. Let’s not forget that Croatia publically upheld a
Bosne i Hercegovine. Osim toga, svi su međunarodni federally system of government for BiH. Besides, all plans
planovi i prijedlozi (od Cutileirova, Vance-Owenova, put forth by the international community (Cutileiro Plan,
Owen-Stoltenbergova) nudili ustavna rješenja za BiH Vance-Owen Plan, Owen-Stoltenberg Plan) proposed
na federalnim ili konfederalnim osnovama. Upravo constitutional solutions for BiH on a confederate or feder-
zato je hrvatska službena politika prva, a često i je- ate basis. The Republic of Croatia, time and again, was the
dina, prihvaćala te planove međunarodne zajednice. first, and often the only party, that accepted these plans.
Hrvatski dužnosnici i generali, prihvaćanjem i proved- Croatian officials and generals, by accepting and imple-
bom planova međunarodne zajednice, znali su da je- menting the international community’s plans, were con-
dino tako mogu osigurati nacionalne interese Hrvata sciously promoting the interests of the Bosnian Croats.”
u BiH.”1037 The historian Ivo Lučić, analyzing the often voiced
Glede pitanja podjele Bosne i Hercegovine, i po- opinion that Serbia and Croatia strove to divide BiH, con-
vjesničar Ivo Lučić zaključuje da je „ona dijeljena od cludes in his book Uzroci rata. Bosna i Hercegovina od 1980
samog nastanka. U novijem vremenu ‘dijeljena’ je od do 1992 godine (The Origins of the War. Bosnia and Herze-
Vanceove komisije i Badinterove komisije, Cutileirova, govina 1980-1992): “Ever since BiH was created there have
Vance-Owenova i Owen-Stoltenbergova plana pa do been forces at work trying to divide it. In recent times
Washingtonskog sporazuma. Bosna i Hercegovina po- BiH was ‘being divided’ by the Vance Commission and by
dijeljena je u Daytonu, i to na Republiku Srpsku i Fede- the Badinter Commission, by the Cutileiro Plan, by the
raciju BiH“.1038 Vance-Owen Plan, by the Owen-Stoltenberg Plan and by
Primjerice, pod pokroviteljstvom Europske zajed- the Washington Agreement. Finally, BiH was divided by
nice, u Lisabonu je 18. ožujka 1992. iznesen prijedlog the Dayton Agreement into the Republika Srpska and the
o uređenju BiH (Cutileirov plan kantonizacije BiH ili Li- BiH Federation.”
sabonski sporazum), prema kojemu su Muslimanima For example, the EC, on March 18, 1992, in Lisbon,
trebale pripasti 52 općine (44 % teritorija), Srbima 32 presented a proposal (Cutileiro Plan or Lisbon Agree-
(44 % teritorija), a Hrvatima 20 općina (12 % teritori- ment) according to which the Muslims would get 52 mu-
ja). Hrvatima bi pripale općine Neum, Čapljina, Čitluk, nicipalities (44% of BiH’s territory), the Serbs would get
32 municipalities (44% of BiH’s territory) and the Croats
would get 20 municipalities (12% of BiH’s territory). The
1037 Miroslav Tuđman, „Haške optužnice Tuđmanovoj Hr-
vatskoj i 'baršunasta obnova' komunističke prošlosti“,
plan gave the following municipalities to the Croats:
Oslobađajuće presude haškog Suda Tuđmanovoj Hrvat- Neum, Čapljina, Čitluk, Ljubuški, Grude, Široki Brijeg (Lišti-
skoj, UHIP, Zagreb, 2014., 96. ca), Posušje, Prozor, Tomislavgrad, Livno, Kreševo, Kiseljak,
1038 Lučić, 2013., 469. Busovača, Vitez, Travnik, Vareš, Orašje, Bosanski Šamac,


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Ljubuški, Grude, Široki Brijeg (Lištica), Posušje, Prozor, Odžak and Bosanski Brod. The Bosnian Croats, despite
Tomislavgrad, Livno, Kreševo, Kiseljak, Busovača, Vitez, the fact that the acceptance of the plan meant that 59%
Travnik, Vareš, Orašje, Bosanski Šamac, Odžak i Bo- of the Bosnian Croats would live in non-Croat municipal-
sanski Brod. Premda je prema tom planu 59 % Hrvata ities, signed the agreement. However, the plan was never
trebalo živjeti u “nehrvatskim kantonima”, Hrvati u BiH put into effect because the Muslims, at the end of March,
potpisali su sporazum, no on nije proveden, jer ga je 1993, rejected it.
krajem ožujka 1993. odbila muslimanska strana. At the beginning of January, 1993, the Vance-Owen
U Ženevi je početkom siječnja 1993. Vance-Owe- Plan was presented in Geneva. The plan called for an in-
novim mirovnim planom predložena unutarnja po- ternal division of BiH into nine provinces (cantons) with
djela Bosne i Hercegovine na devet (9) provincija Sarajevo as a special area (tenth province). The provinc-
(kantona) uz posebno područje Sarajeva (kao deseta es would not be international legal personalities. The
provincija), koje ne bi bile međunarodni pravni subjek- administrative centers of the Croatian provinces – the
ti. Središta hrvatskih provincija (posavska, mostarska i Posavina Province, Mostar Province and Travnik-Livno
travničko-livanjska) predviđena su u Odžaku, Mostaru Province – would be Odžak, Mostar and Travnik respec-
i Travniku, a u njima bi živjelo 513.433 (68,27 %) Hr- tively. According to the plan, 513,435 (68.27%) of the
vata iz BiH. Hrvatske provincije obuhvatile bi 25,4 % total Bosnian Croat population in BiH would live in the
teritorija BiH; 3 srpske provincije obuhvatile bi 42,3 three Croatian provinces. The Croatian provinces would
%, 3 muslimanske provincije 28,8 %, a sarajevsko po- encompass 25.4% of BiH’s territory; the three Serb prov-
dručje obuhvatilo bi 3,5 % teritorija BiH. Plan su pot- inces would encompass 42.3% of BiH’s territory and the
pisali predstavnici hrvatske i muslimanske strane (u 3 Muslim provinces would encompass 3.5% of BiH’s ter-
New Yorku 25. veljače, u Ženevi 25. ožujka), a Srbi su ritory. The plan was signed by Croat and Muslim repre-
ga odbili bez posljedica (3. travnja). Sudbina plana za- sentatives (in New York on February 25 and in Geneva
pečaćena je nepostojanjem mehanizama (i političke on March 25) but the Serbs rejected it (April 3) without
volje), koji bi natjerali Srbe da vrate 20 % okupiranog suffering any consequences. There existed no legal or
teritorija BiH te izbijanjem sukoba između ARBiH (Boš- any other mechanism (or political will) by which the
njaka-muslimana) i HVO-a (Hrvata). Serbs could be compelled to return the 20% of the ter-
Nacionalna struktura stanovništva u predviđenim ritory they occupied through military aggression. This
hrvatskim provincijama: indolent attitude on the part of the international com-
munity, coupled with the outbreak of the Muslim-Croat
Provincije Posavska Mostarska Travničko-livanjska conflict, was the final nail in the plan’s coffin.
National structure of the population in the envisaged
Hrvati 142.384 193.016 178.033
(56,0 %) (54,3 %) (45,8 %)
Croatian provinces:
Srbi 41.025 39.695 45.498 Provinces Posavina Mostar Travnik-Livno
(16,2 %) (11,1 %) (11,7 %)
Croats 142,384 193,016 178,033
Muslimani 47.260 102.035 145.424 (56.0 %) (54.3 %) (45.8 %)
(18,6 %) (28,7 %) (37,4 %)
Serbs 41,025 39,695 45,498
Ostali 23.465 20.877 19.602 (16.2 %) (11.1 %) (11.7 %)
(9,2 %) (5,9 %) (5,1 %) Muslims 47,260 102,035 145,424
(18.6 %) (28.7 %) (37.4 %)
Posavska provincija (2103 km2) obuhvatila bi općine Other 23,465 20,877 19,602
Bosanski Brod, Odžak, Bosanski Šamac, Orašje, Derven- (9.2 %) (5.9 %) (5.1 %)
ta, Modriča i Gradačac;
Travničko-livanjska (5735 km2) općine Jajce, Trav- The Posavina province (2,103 km2) would have
nik, Novi Travnik, Vitez, Busovača, Fojnica, Gornji Va- encompassed the municipalities of Bosanski Brod,
kuf/Uskoplje, Bugojno, Donji Vakuf, Kupres, Livno i Odžak, Bosanski Šamac, Orašje, Derventa, Modriča
Tomislavgrad; and Gradačac;


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1. Bihac
2. Banja Luka
3. Posavska
(Bos. Brod)
4. Bijeljina
5. Tuzla
6. Nevesinje
7. Sarajevo
8. Mostar
9. Zenica
10. Travnicko-livanjska (Travnik)

Tumac znakova
(i) Naselja
• Naselja hrvatskih provincija
1111 Hrvatske provincije
1111 Bosnjacke provincije
1111 Srpske provincije
C=:J Distrikt Sarajevo
~ Granice Daytonskog sporazuma

Zemljovid Vance-Owenova plana unutarnje podjele BiH na 9 pro- Map showing the internal division of BiH into 9 provinces and the
vincija i posebno područje Sarajeva (autor Tzowu - Vlastito djelo, district of Sarajevo as proposed by the Vance-Owen plan (by Tzowu
CC BY-SA 4.0, – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
rid=50443206; prilagodio Marin Sabolović). dex.php?curid=50443206; map formatted by Marin Sabolović).
Mostarska (6135 km2) općine Prozor, Konjic, Jablani- The Travnik-Livno province (5,735 km2) would
ca, Mostar, Posušje, Grude, Ljubuški, Široki Brijeg, Čitluk, have encompassed the municipalities of Jajce,
Stolac i Neum. Travnik, Novi Travnik, Vitez, Busovača, Fojnica, Gornji
Owen-Stoltenbergov mirovni plan za BiH, predstav- Vakuf/Uskoplje, Bugojno, Donji Vakuf, Kupres, Livno
ljen 20. kolovoza 1993., po etničkom principu predviđao and Tomislavgrad;
je labavu tročlanu Uniju republika BiH (tri  autonomne The Mostar province (6,135 km2) would have en-
republike), u kojoj bi Srbi zadržali najveći dio okupira- compassed the municipalities of Prozor, Konjic, Jablan-
nog teritorija (49,1 %); Muslimanima bi pripalo 33,3 %, a ica, Mostar, Posušje, Grude, Ljubuški, Široki Brijeg, Čitluk,
Hrvatima 17,6 % teritorija. Hrvati su ga prihvatili, Bošnja- Stolac and Neum.
ci-muslimani su ga prihvatili uz uvjet vraćanja teritorija, The Owen-Stoltenberg peace plan for BiH, present-
a Srbi su ga u veljači 1994. odbili. ed on August 20, 1993, called for a loose three-member


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Prema tome, nijedan od spomenutih prijedloga u union of BiH republics (three autonomous republics)
konačnici nije prihvaćen. Jedini koji su prihvatili sve based on the ethnic principle. The Serbs would keep most
prijedloge bili su Hrvati, druga dva naroda u BiH, Srbi i of the occupied territory (49.1%), the Muslims would get
Bošnjaci-muslimani, ili su ih odmah odbili ili su ih prvo 33.3 % of BiH’s territory and the Croats would have to set-
prihvatili pa potom odustali. tle for 17.6% of BiH’s territory. The Croats accepted the
„Podjelom u Daytonu ozakonjeno je etničko čišće- plan, the Bosniaks/Muslims accepted it on the condition
nje. Jedan narod (Srbi) privilegiran je, a jedan (Hrvati) that the territory they had lost be returned to them and
obespravljen je neravnopravnim ustavnim položa- the Serbs, in February, rejected it.
jem i ‘ravnopravnom’ raspodjelom krivice. Podjela je As we have seen, every proposed solution proved to
nepoštena i prema Bošnjacima, jer im onemogućava be a dead-end. The only constituent nation that accepted
povratak u Republiku Srpsku, a u Federaciji BiH ih su- each and every proposal were the Croats. The other two
protstavlja Hrvatima. Dakle, Bosna i Hercegovina nije constituent nations, the Serbs and the Bosniaks/Muslims,
podijeljena u Karađorđevu, već u Daytonu. Uvažen je either rejected the plans outright or rejected them after a
jedino argument sile, a cijela priča o Karađorđevu kori- period of procrastination.
sti se za amnestiju najodgovornijih ne samo za podjelu The Dayton Agreement effectively confirmed the
Bosne i Hercegovine, nego i za sve što se toj zemlji pro- results of ethnic cleansing. It lavished privileges on one
teklih godina dogodilo.”1039 constituent nation (the Serbs) and left another constitu-
O tome je Miroslav Tuđman zapisao: “Logika je poli- ent nation (the Croats) marginalized, politically underrep-
tičke filozofije unitarnog ustavnog uređenja Bosne i Her- resented and vilified by the international community’s
cegovine silila muslimansko vodstvo da zbog političkih insistence that all three constituent nations are equally
razloga i geostrateških interesa zarate s Hrvatima u sre- responsible for the war. The verdict of the Dayton Agree-
dišnjoj Bosni. Po svemu sudeći, takvu su im opciju suge- ment was also unfair to the Bosniaks. They have no say
rirali i neki međunarodni čimbenici. Prema svjedočenju in what happens in the Republika Srpska and in the BiH
Muhameda Filipovića, lord Owen je sugerirao bošnjač- Federation they are politically pitted against the Croats.
kom vodstvu, tijekom privatne večere u Ženevi 26. srp- Therefore, BiH was not divided in Karađorđevo between
nja 1993., da pristanu na ponuđeni Owen-Stoltenber- Milošević and Tuđman, as some commentators are fond of
gov plan o uniji triju republika, tako da svoje teritorijalne alleging, but in Dayton. Nothing but brute force was given
pretenzije ‘namire na račun Hrvata’. M. Filipović tvrdi da currency by the Dayton Agreement and the Karađorđevo
je Owen izjavio ‘da znade da mi ne možemo biti zado- fable serves to deflect focus from the real villains of the
voljni s onim što su dobili Srbi, u teritorijalnom smislu, story – those truly responsible for the division of BiH and
ali da se stvar može ispraviti na taj način da se musliman- for all the evils, pain, death and suffering that preceded
ska strana namiri na račun Hrvata. Ako mi pristanemo na that final abominable act of division.
ono što treba da dobiju Srbi, tada će oni okrenuti leđa Miroslav Tuđman wrote: “The logic of the political phi-
Hrvatima i mi se možemo namiriti na njihov račun’.1040 losophy of the unitary constitutional system in BiH forced
Ne sporeći se oko odgovornosti za pojedine provo- the Muslim leadership to start a war with the Croats in cen-
kacije, ekstremizme ili razna nedjela, kako na hrvatskoj tral Bosnia for political reasons and geo-strategic interests.
tako i na muslimanskoj strani, što je sve samo po sebi There are indications that certain factions in the interna-
moglo biti dostatno za iracionalni početak musliman- tional community urged the Muslim leadership to attack
sko-hrvatskog sukoba, činjenica je da su Muslimani the Croats. According to the testimony of Muhamed Fi-
imali dostatnih razloga za planiranje tog sukoba.”1041 lipović, Lord Owen told the Muslim leadership, during a
Bošnjačko političko i vojno vodstvo nikada iskreno private dinner party in Geneva on July 26, 1993, to accept
nije pristalo na (kon)federalni ustroj BiH, te je inten- the Owen-Stoltenberg Plan so that they could satisfy their
territorial pretentions at the expense of the Croats. Mu-
hamed Filipović claims: ‘Owen said to the Muslim leader-
1039 Lučić, 2013., 469-471. ship that he knew that the Muslims could not be happy
1040 Muhamed Filipović, Bio sam Alijin diplomata I – II, Delta, with what the Serbs had been given but that the Muslims
Bihać, 2000., 301. could recoup what they had lost to the Serbs by attacking
1041 M. Tuđman, 2014., 76. the Croats and if the Muslims agreed to the plan then the


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zivno nastojalo vojnim operacijama osigurati što veći international community would sell the Croats down the
teritorij za muslimanski entitet. U takvim okolnostima drain and the Muslims could attack the Croats without any
supredsjedatelj MKBJ lord Owen u svojim memoarima interference from the international community’”.
priznaje da je bio spreman na podjelu Bosne i Herce- Many provocations, incidents, displays of extremism,
govine i formiranje samostalne muslimanske države: various crimes committed by both Croats and Muslims
“Moja druga opcija ... bila je ponovo otvoriti pitanje preceded the outbreak of the Muslim-Croat conflict. Any
nacionalnih granica u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, prešutno pri- one of these misdeeds could have sparked the conflict
znajući da je priznanje Bosne bilo pogrešno. Trebali and endeavoring to find sufficient evidence in this maze
smo potvrditi granice Slovenije i Makedonije i onda se of transgressions, infringements and offenses for the pur-
nagoditi s Bosnom, Hrvatskom i Srbijom... Opciju pre- pose of putting the blame for the conflict on one side or
krajanja granica nazvao sam ‘rješenjem kojem se nitko the other is an exercise in futility. However, it is an indis-
ne usudi izgovoriti ime’.”1042 putable fact that the Muslims stood to gain a lot from
Neosporno je da su supredsjedatelji sredinom attacking the Croats whereas the Croats had no reason
1993. zastupali stajalište da “Muslimanima treba biti whatsoever to provoke a conflict with the Muslims.
osiguran pristup na more, a moguće je da im se dade The Bosniak political and military leadership never
i Mostar” (Pismo predsjednika Hrvatske zajednice Her- genuinely agreed to a (con)federative system of gover-
ceg-Bosne Mate Bobana supredsjedatelju MKBJ lordu nance and constantly labored to secure as much territory
Davidu Owenu, 22. lipnja 1993.). T. Stoltenberg i D. as possible for the Muslim entity in BiH by military action.
Owen ne samo da zagovaraju kako bi muslimanska Lord Owen, in his memoirs admits that he, acting in the
republika trebala imati izlaz na more, nego i izlaz na capacity of co-chairman of the International Conference
Savu kod Brčkog, pa traže od predsjednika Tuđmana on the former Yugoslavia, was prepared to divide BiH and
da Hrvatska ustupi dio svojeg “močvarnog” teritori- agree to the formation of an independent Muslim state:
ja “sjeverno od Save” – u zamjenu za zemlju u zaleđu “My other option (…) was to reopen the question of na-
Dubrovnika – kako bi se Srbima osigurao koridor koji tional borders in the former Yugoslavia, implicitly admit-
bi povezao srpske teritorije u BiH (Pismo supredsje- ting that recognition of Bosnia was a mistake. We should
datelja MKBJ Thorvalda Stoltenberga i Davida Owena confirm the boundaries of Slovenia and Macedonia, and
predsjedniku RH dr. Franji Tuđmanu, 25. lipnja 1993.). then do a deal between Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia. I
Predsjednik Tuđman je odbio prijedloge supredsjeda- called the redrawing borders option ‘the solution which
telja MKBJ (Pismo predsjednika RH dr. Franje Tuđmana dare not speak its name’.”
supredsjedateljima MKBJ lordu Davidu Owenu i Thor- It is beyond dispute that the co-chairmen, in the mid-
valdu Stoltenbergu, 26. lipnja 1993.). dle of 1993, subscribed to the idea that “the Muslims have
Bošnjačka je politika izlaz na Savu i izlaz na more to be given access to the sea, and it’s even possible to
definirala kao svoje strateške ciljeve. Pristanak supred- give them Mostar” (President of the HZ HB Mate Boban’s
sjedatelja MKBJ da modificiraju mirovne planove kako letter to the co-chairman of the International Conference
bi se izašlo u susret bošnjačkim zahtjevima – od Save, on the former Yugoslavia, Lord David Owen, of June 22,
središnje Bosne do Mostara i mora (bošnjačkim zahtje- 1993). Not only do T. Stoltenberg and D. Owen insist that
vima izlazi se u susret u Owen-Stoltenbergovu mirov- the Muslim republic should have access to the sea, but
nom planu) – davao je prešutni “legitimitet” vojnim they also insist that the Muslims should have access to
operacijama Armije RBiH kako bi vojno osigurali svoje the Sava River at Brčko and they demand that Tuđman
ciljeve u područjima u kojima je hrvatsko stanovniš- accord to the Serbs a portion of Croatia’s ‘swamp’ territo-
tvo bilo u većini. Muslimani su pak u javnosti nastojali ry to the north of Sava” – in exchange for some territory
osigurati pokriće svojim vojnim ciljevima tako što su in Dubrovnik’s hinterland – in order to provide the Serbs
stvarali incidente za koje su optuživali Hrvate. O takvoj with a corridor connecting the Serb areas in BiH (the let-
politici provokacija i lažnih optužbi izvješćuju i obavje- ter of the co-chairmen of the International Conference on
štajni izvori (“Muslimani i ostaci vladinih snaga bit će u the former Yugoslavia, Thorvald Stoltenberg and David
Owen, to the president of the Republic of Croatia, Fran-
1042 David Owen, Balkanska odiseja, Hrvatska sveučilišna na- jo Tuđman, of June 25, 1993). President Tuđman rejected
klada i Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb, 1998., 220. the co-chairmen’s proposals (Franjo Tuđman’s letter to the


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iskušenju da potaknu krvave incidente za koje bi mo- co-chairmen of the International Conference on the for-
gli biti okrivljeni Srbi ili Hrvati“).1043 mer Yugoslavia, Lord David Owen and Thorvald Stolten-
S obzirom na pokušaj bošnjačko-muslimanske po- berg, of June 26, 1993).
litike da nametne percepciju o hrvatskoj odgovornosti The Bosniak leadership defined their aspirations to
za rat u BiH i pokušaj podjele te države, koji je ojačan gain access to the sea and access to the Sava River as
osuđujućom drugostupanjskom presudom šestorici strategic objectives. The decision of the co-chairmen of
Hrvata u predmetu „Prlić i ostali“ za događaje u BiH,1044 the International Conference on the former Yugoslavia
potrebno je jasno upozoriti da podaci iz te presude to modify the peace plans for the sole purpose of ac-
koji sugeriraju udruženi (zajednički) hrvatski zloči- commodating the Bosniaks – giving them access to the
nački pothvat potpuno ignoriraju povijesne činjenice, sea, access to the Sava River and giving them Mostar
te da stoga „svi koji žele znati, znaju da je ona ruglo (the Owen-Stoltenberg Peace Plan was tailored so as to
od presude i od primjene međunarodnog kaznenog satisfy the Bosniaks’ demands) – gave a tacit “legitimacy”
prava“.1045 Pritom nitko objektivan i ozbiljan ne negira to the ARBIH’s military moves against the Croats in the
da su i pripadnici hrvatskih snaga počinili zločine nad predominately Croat areas of BiH. The ARBIH needed a
pripadnicima drugih naroda, što je sramotno i što je pretext for attacking the Croats and gain public support
za osudu. No, pravda se ne može postići nepravednim for the planned aggression. The Muslims provoked many
presudama ljudima koji zločin nisu počinili, niti su ga incidents with the Croats and duly blamed the Croats in a
planirali ili zapovjedili, samo zato da bi se zadovoljila veritable campaign of provocations and false accusations.
politička odluka da treba kazniti i nekoga od „visokih Intelligence sources confirm this (“The Muslims and the
dužnosnika“ s hrvatske strane. Hrvatska zajednica Her- remnants of the government forces will be tempted to
ceg Bosna osnovana je, u skladu s odredbama Ustava provoke serious incidents, involving loss of life, and blame
BiH i iz nužde, kad je postalo očito (nakon što su srpske them on either the Serbs or Croats”).
snage početkom listopada 1991. spalile etnički hrvat- Ever since the end of the war the Bosniak/Muslim
sko naselje Ravno u istočnoj Hercegovini) da vlast u leadership has been striving very hard to cast the Croats
Sarajevu nije mogla zaštititi hrvatski narod od veli- as the main instigators of the war in BiH and to fabricate
kosrpske agresije. Hrvatska Republika Herceg Bosna evidence suggesting that the Croats were bent upon di-
osnovana je u skladu s planovima međunarodne za- viding BiH. Unfortunately, the ICTY, in its final judgment in
the Jadranko Prlić et al. case, found the six accused Croats
1043 National Intelligence Estimate. Prospects for Bosnia. NIE guilty36. The verdict lends weight and validity to the Bos-
93-22, May 1993; Izvor: niak/Muslim leadership’s policy of fabricating history. It
files/ document.../1993-05-01.pdf; M. Tuđman, 2014., has to be noted that the official explanation of the verdict,
which hints that the Croats were involved in a joint crim-
1044 U Haagu je, 29. studenoga 2017., na znakovit datum iz inal enterprise, completely ignores historic facts. There is
jugoslavenske povijesti (29. studenog 1943. u Jajcu je
utemeljena druga Jugoslavija – kasnija SFRJ), kao za-
dnja u mandatu privremeno uspostavljenog Međuna- 36 In The Hague, on November 29, 2017, the second instan-
rodnog kaznenog suda za područje bivše Jugoslavije, ce verdict was read out to the six Croat defendants regar-
pročitana drugostupanjska presuda šestorici Hrvata za ding events in Bosnia and Herzegovina between January,
događaje u Bosni i Hercegovini u razdoblju od siječnja 1993, and April, 1994: Jadranko Prlić, Bruno Stojić, Valen-
1993. do travnja 1994.: Jadranku Prliću, Bruni Stojiću, tin Ćorić, Slobodan Praljak, Milivoj Petković and Berislav
Valentinu Ćoriću, Slobodanu Praljku, Milivoju Petkoviću Pušić. The verdict, for all intents and purposes, confirmed
i Berislavu Pušiću. Tom je presudom spomenutoj šesto- the first instance verdict of 2013 by which the defendants
rici hrvatskih dužnosnika zapravo u najvećem dijelu were sentenced to a total of 111 years’ imprisonment.
potvrđena prvostupanjska presuda iz 2013. godine, u Slobodan Praljak’s desperate act of suicide by poison in
kojoj su optuženi na ukupno 111 godina zatvora. No the court room passed a condemning judgment on the
samo izricanje presude, a može se reći i cjelokupni rad proceedings of the court and displayed his rejection of
takvoga suda, obilježio je čin hrvatskog generala Slo- the verdict and his refusal to live disgraced by the unjusti-
bodana Praljka, koji je, popivši otrov, s prijezirom odbio fied stigma of being a war criminal. Two interesting facts
odluku sudaca da je ratni zločinac i život pod takvom, are connected to the trial. First, on November 29, 1943,
74 years to the day before the reading of the verdict the
nepravedno mu nametnutom stigmom.
Second Yugoslavia – later named the SFRY – was founded
1045 Višnja Starešina, Slobodna Dalmacija, subota, 2. 12. in Jajce. Second, the verdict in the Prlić et al. case was the
2017., 16. last act in the checkered history of the ICTY.


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jednice o unutarnjoj podjeli BiH, nakon što je započeo no doubt that “all those who wish to know the truth ac-
muslimansko-hrvatski sukob u BiH. tually already know that the verdict is a travesty of justice
Jednako tako, i HVO je 8. travnja 1992. utemeljen and makes a total mockery of International Criminal Law”
iz nužde. U okolnostima kada je vlast u Sarajevu javno To be sure, members of the Croatian forces did com-
priznala da „nije u mogućnosti zaštiti ni samu sebe“ od mit crimes against members of other nationalities and the
unutarnje i vanjske (srpske) agresije, samoorganiziranje perpetrators should be put on trial, pronounced guilty
Hrvata radi obrane bila je nužna reakcija. Naime, snage and punished. But, justice cannot be served by finding
Srba iz Hrvatske, tzv. martićevci, već su iz Knina upada- innocent people guilty, people who did not commit or
le u BiH, primjerice na područje sela Uništa u svibnju plan or order the crimes they are accused of. Justice must
1991., gdje su maltretirali hrvatsko stanovništvo, te u never conform to political expediency. And, in relation to
Bosansko Grahovo i Drvar, gdje su postrojavanjem u the Prlić et al. case, it was nothing but political expediency
lipnju 1991. demonstrirali namjeru brisanja granice iz- which called for putting a number of “high ranking” Croa-
među “SAO Krajine” i “Bosanske krajine” i iznudili iskrenu tian officials on trial on trumped-up charges and finding
reakciju Alije Izetbegovića 9. i 10. lipnja u medijima, da them guilty. In the absence of guilty Croats innocent ones
BiH “u ovom trenutku nije u stanju izaći na kraj sa sve že- were the next best thing.
šćom unutarnjom i vanjskom agresijom”, odnosno da se The HZ HB was formed in accordance with the provi-
BiH “ne može oduprijeti agresiji” i da “nije u mogućnosti sions of the Constitution of BiH and out of necessity when
zaštititi samu sebe”: “Izloženi smo unutrašnjoj agresiji it became obvious (after Serb troops, at the beginning of
kao što je to u Bileći i Trebinju, a s druge strane dolazi October, 1991, had burnt to the ground the predominate-
nam agresija izvana. Mi se za takvo nešto nismo spre- ly Croatian village of Ravno in eastern Herzegovina) that
mali. U Bosni i Hercegovini spremali smo se za demo- the government in Sarajevo was not able to protect the
kratsku političku borbu, a nikako za oružanu borbu.“1046 Bosnian Croats from Serb aggression. Moreover, the HZ
Činjenica da su Hrvati u BiH opstali uglavnom on- HB was formed in accordance with the international com-
dje gdje se uspio održati i HVO, koji je utemeljen 8. trav- munity’s plans regarding internal division of BiH after the
nja 1992. radi obrane od velikosrpske agresije u trenu- start of the Muslim-Croat conflict.
cima “nemoći legalne vlasti RBiH, a posebno raspadom The HVO, by the same token, was also formed out of
njenog obrambenog sustava”, te da je HVO zaslužan što necessity, on April 8, 1992, when the government in Sara-
srpske snage 1992. nisu zauzele još veći dio BiH, najbo- jevo publically admitted that “it was in no shape to protect
lje govori o njegovim zaslugama za opstojnost Hrvata u itself” from internal (Serb) and external (Serb) aggression.
BiH, ali i u obrani cjelovitosti BiH. S obzirom na to da je The Bosnian Croats had no other choice but to take steps
prostor RH i BiH u Domovinskom ratu bio jedinstveno to protect themselves. Serb forces from Croatia belonging
ratište, ne smije se zanemariti ni uloga HVO-a u obrani to the Martić Militia had already made a number of for-
Republike Hrvatske, te doprinos postrojbi HVO-a u ope- ays from Knin into BiH. For example, Martić Militia troops
racijama hrvatskih snaga kojima je oslobođen okupira- raided the area around the village of Unište in May, 1991,
ni teritorij RH. maltreating and brutalizing the Croat population. In June,
Istoga dana kad je formiran HVO, Predsjedništvo SR 1991, Martić Militia troops raided Bosansko Grahovo and
BiH je usvojilo Uredbu o rasformiranju Republičkog šta- Drvar, where they demonstrated their intention to erase
ba TO-a i uspostavi Štaba Teritorijalne obrane Republike the boundary between the SAO Krajina and Bosanska
Bosne i Hercegovine, što znači da je izvršena promjena Krajina. The raid provoked Alija Izetbegović into hasti-
samo na vrhu piramide i to samo u personalnom pogle- ly stating that BiH “at this moment in time, is not able to
du. Teritorijalna obrana je nastavila biti glavna formalna resist aggression” and that “it is in no shape to protect it-
oružana snaga BiH, što je imalo negativan učinak na self”; “we are exposed to internal aggression, for example
stanovništvo, pogotovo hrvatsko, imajući u vidu da je in Bileća and Trebinje but also we have to contend with
Teritorijalna obrana prethodno bila podređena JNA, da external aggression. We are not prepared for these chal-
je upravo JNA 1990. razoružala TO u Hrvatskoj i 1991. lenges. We have been preparing for a democratic, politi-
cal struggle and not for war.” The BiH media outlets aired
1046 Kronologija rata 1989.-1998., Hrvatska i Bosna i Hercegovi- these statements on June 9 and 10.
na, Hrvatski informativni centar, Zagreb, 1998., 57, 65-67. It is a fact that the Croats remained in most of the ar-


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na području BiH gdje su Hrvati i Muslimani bili većinsko eas where the HVO was able to hold the attackers at bay.
stanovništvo, te da su snage TO-a iz Bosne i Hercegovi- It is also a fact that the Serbs would have occupied much
ne sudjelovale u agresiji na Republiku Hrvatsku. Pred- more of BiH’s territory than they did had it not been for
sjedništvo je istoga dana (8. travnja) proglasilo stanje the HVO. These two facts speak volumes about the HVO’s
neposredne ratne opasnosti i proširilo je Predsjedniš- role in protecting the Croats in BiH and securing their
tvo SR BiH za tri mjesta, sa zapovjednikom TO-a, ali ne continued survival in the country and in protecting the
i HVO-a. Hrvatski predstavnici su odbijali prihvatiti da integrity and sovereignty of BiH. Given the fact that BiH
na sjednicama Predsjedništva sjedi, kao ravnopravni and the Republic of Croatia formed a single theater of war
član, zapovjednik TO-a BiH, a da nema zapovjednika the contribution of the HVO to the HV’s successful offen-
HVO-a. Formiranje TO-a na sjednici Predsjedništva BiH sives for the liberation of the occupied territory of Croatia
od 8. travnja izazvalo je konfuziju među Hrvatima, jer je can only be described as considerable. It is worth pointing
novi TO formiran, a stari je okupirao BiH i prije toga su- out again that the HVO was formed in April, 1992, for the
djelovao u napadu na Republiku Hrvatsku, te jer se na purpose of defending against Serb aggression when “the
sjednici Predsjedništva koja je, s prekidima, trajala od legal authority in RBiH was impotent and when the defen-
4. do 8. travnja 1992., tražila i pomoć „JNA u rješavanju sive system of RBiH was in complete disarray”.
situacije u Republici“. Iste JNA koja je do tada okupirala On the same day when the HVO was formed, the Pres-
gotovo trećinu Republike Hrvatske te počinila zločine idency of SR BiH passed the Decree on Disbanding the Re-
nad Hrvatima i razorila brojna hrvatska naselja. No, ne public HQ of the TO and Forming the HQ of the TO of the
samo zbog toga, već i zbog činjenice da su odlukom RBiH. In practical terms the Decree meant little – it amount-
Alije Izetbegovića, 27. svibnja 1992., od 44 imenovana ed to a few personnel changes at the top of the pyramid.
zapovjednika TO-a, njih 43 bili Muslimani (jedan je bio The TO continued to function as the main armed force of
Srbin), a niti jedan Hrvat, Hrvati su smatrali da je toga 8. BiH. That had a negative effect on the population, espe-
travnja u Sarajevu formirana Teritorijalna obrana samo cially the Croats because the TO had been subordinated to
za Muslimane. HVO je predložio formiranje zajedničkog the JNA. The JNA had, in 1990, disarmed the TO in Croa-
zapovjedništva, ali muslimansko vodstvo u početku pri- tia and in 1991 the JNA also disarmed the TO units in the
jedlog nije prihvaćalo. predominately Croat and Muslim areas in BiH. TO BiH units
U reakciji HVO-a na odluku Predsjedništva i Vlade had participated in the JNA’s aggression against the Re-
Republike Bosne i Hercegovine o objedinjavanju svih public of Croatia. The Presidency, also on April 8, declared a
naoružanih snaga na teritoriju Republike Bosne i Her- state of emergency and added three more members to the
cegovine, od 9. travnja 1992., između ostaloga je nave- Presidency, including the commander of the TO but not
deno: „HVO je u načelu suglasan sa ovom odlukom, ali the commander of the HVO. The Bosnian Croats were tak-
inzistira na poštivanju međunarodnih i unutarnjih okol- en aback by the formation of the new TO. The meeting of
nosti glede njezine realizacije... Na unutarnjem planu the Presidency at which the new TO was brought into ex-
HVO je oblik samoorganizacije hrvatskog i musliman- istence lasted from April 4 to April 8, 1992. During the ses-
skog pučanstva na teritoriji Hrvatske zajednice općina sion the members of the Presidency requested help from
Herceg-Bosne... HVO je organiziran kao jedini mogući “the JNA in solving the situation in the republic”. It is im-
odgovor na teror, pokolje, protjerivanje (preko 130.000 portant to stress that the same JNA the Presidency sought
ljudi), spaljena i uništena sela... Štitio je cjelokupno sta- help from had occupied almost one third of the Republic
novništvo HZ HB bez obzira na nacionalnu i vjersku of Croatia’s territory, committed numerous crimes against
pripadnost, o čemu svjedoči i činjenica da s tog pod- Croats and destroyed many Croatian towns and villages.
ručja nitko nije iseljavao pod prinudom. Cjelokupnom The formation of the new TO was a slap in the face to the
svojom aktivnošću HVO dokazuje da je za samostalnu i Bosnian Croats. On May 27, 1992, Alija Izetbegović added
suverenu BiH, suverenu državu suverenih naroda. insult to injury when he appointed 44 TO commanders –
Na konferenciji u Bruxellesu dogovoreno je da su- 43 Muslims and one Serb. The Croats rightly concluded
vereni narodi BiH imaju svoje Vlade i vlastite obrambe- that the raison d’être of the new TOs that was formed in Sa-
ne snage... Iz svega ovoga slijedi da su formacije HVO rajevo on April 8 was to protect the Muslims only. The HVO
legitimni oblik teritorijalne obrane Hrvatske zajednice proposed that a joint Muslim/Croat command be formed
općina Herceg-Bosne, te jedino takve formacije pod but the Muslims rejected the proposal.


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zapovjedništvom Glavnog stožera HVO-a, mogu ući u On April 9 the Presidency and the government of
sustav obrambenih snaga suverene Bosne i Hercego- RBiH reached the decision to unify all armed forces in
vine. Na tim načelima predlažemo daljnje dogovore na RBiH’s territory. The HVO, reacting to the decision, issued
konsolidaciji i organizaciji obrane zajedničke nam drža- a written statement: “The HVO, in principle, agrees with
ve Bosne i Hercegovine.“ the decision but insists that international and internal
HVO nije prihvatio kompromitirani naziv Teritorijal- factors be taken into account in relation to implementing
na obrana, no njegove odluke ne pokazuju nepriznava- the decision… In the context of BiH the HVO is a form of
nje nadležnosti tijela BiH. Hrvatsko vijeće obrane je već self-organization of the Croatian and Muslim population
10. travnja 1992. poslalo prijedlog Predsjedništvu BiH za in the HZ HB… The HVO was organized as the only pos-
uspostavu zajedničkog zapovjedništva za obranu BiH, sible reaction to Serb depredations: massacres, mass ex-
ali Izetbegović nikada to pitanje nije stavio na dnevni pulsions (more than 130,000 have been expelled thus far),
red sjednice Predsjedništva. Prije nego što je formiran burned and destroyed villages… The HVO protected the
HVO, Boban je predložio muslimanskom vodstvu u Sa- entire population of the HZ HB irrespective of national or
rajevu formiranje Hrvatsko-muslimanskog vijeća obra- religious affiliation. The fact that not a single person has
ne, ili Muslimansko-hrvatskog vijeća obrane, ali ono been expelled from the HZ HB testifies to that. The HVO
nije reagiralo. Muslimanskom vodstvu u Sarajevu bila je has proved, time and again, that it supports a sovereign
prihvatljiva samo opcija po kojoj bi se HVO bezuvjetno and independent BiH, a sovereign state of sovereign peo-
podredio Štabu TO-a u Sarajevu. ples… At the conference in Brussels it was agreed that the
Zapovjednik Teritorijalne obrane BiH Hasan Efen- sovereign peoples of BiH should have their own govern-
dić poslao je 14. travnja 1992. godine planove obrane ments and their own defense forces… All of this means
u 73 općine s isto toliko zapovjednika, bez konzul- that the HVO formations are a legitimate form of territorial
tacija s ministrom obrane Hrvatom Jerkom Dokom, defense of the HZ HB and, as such and under the com-
ostavljajući dakle više od 30 općina da se brinu same mand of the Main HQ of the HVO, can be part of the de-
za sebe. Ta se brojka podudarila s brojkom od 73 op- fense forces of the sovereign Bosnia and Herzegovina. On
ćine nazočne na konstitutivnoj skupštini muslimanske these principles we propose further discussions regard-
SDA 1990. godine, što navodi na zaključak da je već od ing the consolidation and organization of the defense of
ranije postojalo opredjeljenje da se brane samo opći- our country, Bosnia and Herzegovina.”
ne s muslimanskim stanovništvom, a ne cijela Bosna i The HVO did not accept to be tagged with the com-
Hercegovina. Naravno, taj je broj isti broju općina koje promised designation TO. However, the HVO’s decisions
su dale lojalnost novom Štabu TO-a, formiranom 8. and actions show that the HVO recognized and accept-
travnja 1992. u Sarajevu. ed the authority of BiH’s institutions. The HVO, already on
Na svojoj sjednici održanoj u Širokom Brijegu 4. April 10, 1992, proposed to the Presidency of BIH that a
lipnja 1992., Predsjedništvo HDZ-a BiH je, uz odavanje joint command for the defense of the country be formed
priznanja HVO-u na otporu srpskoj agresiji, odlučilo: „… but Izetbegović never saw it proper to put the proposal on
predložit će Predsjedništvu i Vladi BiH da se dosadašnji the agenda of a Presidency meeting, effectively rejecting
naziv Teritorijalna obrana BiH zamijeni nekim drugim, it. Even before the HVO was formed, Mate Boban suggest-
što bi bolje odgovaralo. Predložen je, primjerice, naziv ed to the Muslim leadership in Sarajevo that a Croat-Mus-
‘Republičko vijeće obrane’. No, predsjedništvo Republi- lim or Muslim-Croat defense council be formed but the
ke BiH je 23. lipnja 1993. odabralo drugačiji naziv: ‘Mi- Muslim leadership ignored the overture. The only option
jenja se naziv ‘Teritorijalna odbrana Republike Bosne i acceptable to the Muslim leadership was the HVO’s un-
Hercegovine’, u naziv ‘Armija Republike Bosne i Herce- conditional subordination to TO HQ in Sarajevo.
govine’ i organizuju se oružane snage Republike Bosne The commander of TO BiH, Hasan Efendić, sent, on
i Hercegovine.’“1047 April 14, 1992, the defense plans to 73 municipalities
Odluka zapovjednika HVO-a od 6. svibnja 1992., (to 73 commanders of the defense of the municipally in
o organizaciji jedinstvene obrane na području općine question) without consulting the minister of defense,
Jerko Doko, a Croat. 30 municipalities did not receive
the plans and were effectively abandoned, left to fend
1047 Prlić, knjiga I, 311-316. for themselves. Revealingly enough, at the constitutive


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Jablanica, koja uključuje „TO, HVO, Zelene beretke, ne session of the Muslim SDA party in 1990 the 73 munici-
prejudicirajući buduća politička rješenja“, pokazuje da palities mentioned above were discussed in the context
je hrvatsko vodstvo smatralo HVO dijelom zajedničkih of defending the country. The logical conclusion is that
oružanih snaga Bosne i Hercegovine, jednakopravnim the Muslims, from the outset, wanted to defend only the
s ostalim obrambenim komponentama poput Zelenih Muslim municipalities and not the whole country. The 73
beretki, Patriotske lige ili TO-a. Uostalom, ni Predsjed- municipalities, not surprisingly, pledged allegiance to the
ništvo BiH u početku, osim Samostalnog bataljuna, new TO HQ formed on April 8, 1992, in Sarajevo.
nije formiralo jedinice i brigade u Hercegovini, jer je u The Presidency of the HDZ BiH party, at a meeting
potpunosti prihvaćalo ulogu HVO formacija na tom po- held in Široki Brijeg on June 4, 1992, praised the HVO for
dručju. Kao i u Posavini, gdje je HVO djelovao u masov- its determined resistance to Serb aggression and decided:
nijem obliku. Legalnost HVO-a potvrđuju i odluke mu- “…to suggest to the Presidency and the government of
slimanskih predstavnika u Mostaru, Maglaju, Gornjem BiH to rename the TO BiH because the designation is not
Vakufu…, kojima je obrana tih područja prepuštena suitable. The designation Republic Defense Council has
HVO-u. Prema tome, odluka o formiranju HVO-a bila je been proposed.” But, the Presidency of RBiH, on June 23,
priznata kao legalna, što implicite potvrđuje i Odluka 1993, decided otherwise: “The TO BiH is re-designated as
Predsjedništva RBiH od 20. lipnja 1992., o proglašenju the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and
ratnog stanja, kojom se priznaju sve oružane formacije the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
koje brane Republiku. govina are formed.”
Jedan od Tuđmanovih argumenata na reakciju Vi- On May 6, 1992, the commander of the HVO decided
jeća sigurnosti koje HVO naziva paravojnim jedinica- to form a unified defense in the Jablanica municipality, in-
ma, 11. svibnja 1993., bio je da se „u sporazumu koji su cluding “TO, the HVO, the Green Berets without prejudic-
potpisali Izetbegović i Boban izričito govori da su obje ing future political developments.” The decision unequiv-
formacije - i ARBiH i HVO - podjednako legalne i regular- ocally shows that the Croatian leadership considered the
ne“. Naime, HVO je Sporazumom o prijateljstvu i surad- HVO as an integral part of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and
nji, 21. srpnja 1992., prepoznat kao dio oružanih snaga Herzegovina, equal in rights to the other defense compo-
RBiH, s dogovorenom ulogom u zajedničkom zapovije- nents, like the Green Berets, the Patriotic League or TO.
danju, ali muslimanska strana to nije pretočila u propise Besides, the Presidency of the BiH, at first, did not form,
i praksu, kako se obvezala tim Sporazumom. Nije ispo- apart from the Independent Battalion, units and brigades
štovan ni sporazum koji su zapovjednici obiju vojski in Herzegovina because it accepted the HVO’s defensive
(ARBiH i HVO-a), načelnik Štaba Vrhovne komande OS role in the area. It is worth pointing out that in Posavina
RBiH Sefer Halilović i načelnik Glavnog stožera HVO-a the HVO had even more men under arms than in Herze-
Milivoj Petković, potpisali 20. travnja 1993. u Zenici, uz govina. The legality of the HVO as a whole is confirmed
nazočnost „zapovjednika snaga UN-a za BiH“ generala by the decisions of the Muslim representatives in Mostar,
Philippea Morillona i „šefa regionalnog centra“ ECMM-a Maglaj, Gornji Vakuf and other places to let the HVO de-
Jeana Pierrea Thebaulta (točka 1.): „BiH armija i HVO su fend the areas in question. Therefore, the decision to form
legalne vojne snage Republike Bosne i Hercegovine sa the HVO was recognizsed as fully legal. The Decision of
istim tretmanom“. Kao oružana snaga RBiH, HVO se spo- the Presidency of the RBiH of June 20, 1992, on Declaring
minje i u Sporazumu između Alije Izetbegovića i Mate a State of Emergency and recognizing as legal all forma-
Bobana, potpisanom u prvom satu 25. travnja 1993. u tions defending the Republic tacitly confirmed the legal-
Zagrebu, uz svjedočenje Franje Tuđmana. ity of the HVO.
HVO se od samog formiranja smatrao integralnom On May 11, 1993, Tuđman made a statement relating
komponentom oružanih snaga BiH, zajedno s Armijom to the UN Security Council’s branding the HVO a para-
RBiH, i kao takav je bio prepoznat, a brojni dokumen- military unit. He argued that “in the agreement signed
ti pokazuju da je HVO bio konstitutivni dio oružanih by Izetbegović and Boban it is explicitly stated that both
snaga Bosne i Hercegovine. U jeku muslimansko-hr- formations – the ARBIH and the HVO are equally legal and
vatskog sukoba, sredinom 1993., Ured predsjednika HZ regular.” President Tuđman referred to the Agreement on
HB priopćio je: „HVO je muslimanski kao i hrvatski, 16 Friendship and Cooperation between Bosnia and Herze-
% vojnika HVO-a su Muslimani.“ Zapravo, HVO je bila govina and Croatia of July 21, 1992, by which the HVO was


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jedina istinska multietnička vojna formacija u ratu u recognized as an integral part of the armed forces of the
Bosni i Hercegovini, prvenstveno Hrvata i Muslimana, ARBIH and by which a joint HVO-ARBIH command was
kao i ostalih koji su se željeli pridružiti. O tome govori to be established. However, the Muslims never honored
podatak da je HVO u 1992. godini imao 30 % Muslima- the agreement. Another agreement the Muslims failed to
na u svojim redovima. Dobru suradnju s Muslimanima honor was the one signed by Chief of the General Staff
istaknuo je 17. svibnja 1992. i predsjednik HZ HB Mate of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Boban: „U postrojbama Hrvatskog vijeća obrane, koje Sefer Halilović and Chief of the HVO Main Staff Milivoj
se jedino suprotstavilo agresiji na Herceg-Bosnu, od Petković, on April 20, 1993, in Zenica. The Commander of
početka sudjeluju i branitelji iz redova muslimanskog United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in Bosnia
naroda. Deset je bojni sastavljeno od Muslimana, koje and Herzegovina General Philippe Morillon and Director
su pod zapovjedništvom Hrvatskog vijeća obrane, u of the ECMM Regional Center Jean Pierre Thebault were
Mostaru, Čapljini, Stocu, Livnu, Konjicu, Jablanici, Tomi- present at the signing of the agreement. Article 1 of the
slavgradu, Bosanskom Brodu, Derventi, Orašju, Odžaku, agreement reads as follows: “The ARBIH and the HVO are
Modriči, Bosanskom Šamcu. U zajedničkoj borbi nikad legal armed forces of BiH and enjoy equal treatment.” The
nije bilo problema.“ HVO is also referred to as an armed force of the RBiH in
Multietničnost HVO-a priznao je i glavni „sigurnjak“ the text of the agreement between Alija Izetbegović and
ARBiH Fikret Muslimović u tekstu objavljenom 7. veljače Mate Boban, signed shortly after midnight on April 25,
1993.: „U Armiji RBiH još uvijek se na važnijim funkcija- 1993, in Zagreb. President Tuđman was present in the ca-
ma u štabovima nalaze Hrvati, ali ih nema kao vojnika pacity of witness at the signing of the agreement.
u jedinicama. Međutim, kada je u pitanju HVO, stanje From its inception the HVO considered itself as an in-
je obrnuto jer u nekim postrojbama ima čak i do 70 % tegral part of the armed forces of BiH, equal in every way
Bošnjaka…“ (Fikret Muslimović, „Odbrana Republike“, to the ARBIH, and was legally recognized as such. Many
Ljiljan, Sarajevo-Ljubljana, 1995., 117). documents exist that prove that the HVO was a constit-
Prekretnica se dogodila 30. lipnja 1993., nakon što uent part of the armed forces of BiH. At the height of the
su, u skladu s planom vodstva ARBiH, muslimani pripad- Muslim-Croat conflict, in the middle of 1993, the Office of
nici HVO-a u Hercegovini okrenuli oružje protiv Hrvata. the President of the HZ HB issued the following statement:
No, bez obzira na muslimansko-hrvatski sukob u “The HVO is just as much a Muslim force as it is Croatian.
dijelu BiH, puna ravnopravnost i legalnost HVO-a pri- 16% of its soldiers are Muslims.” In fact, the HVO was the
znata je svim aktima – od uspostave Federacije do re- only truly multi-ethnic military formation in the war in BiH,
levantnih zakonskih propisa koji reguliraju obranu.1048 composed primarily of Croats and Muslims but also of in-
Zakon o obrani Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine priznaje dividuals of other ethnicities who chose to join it. In 1992,
potpuno ista prava vojnicima obje komponente Vojske 30% of the HVO’s soldiers were Muslims. On May 17, 1992,
Federacije (HVO i ARBiH): „Vojska Federacije, nastala iz the President of HZ HB Mate Boban pointed out: “The HVO
Armije RBiH i Hrvatskog vijeća obrane, sastoji se od dvi- is the only military formation that resisted the Serbs’ attack
je komponente do razine zdruga.“1049 Potpuno identič- on Herzeg-Bosnia. From day one Muslims have been fight-
na prava za pripadnike HVO-a i ARBiH definirana su i u ing in the HVO’s ranks. Ten battalions, consisting of Muslim
Zakonu o pravima branitelja i članova njihovih obitelji: soldiers, are under the command of the HVO, in Mostar,
“Braniteljem, u smislu ovoga Zakona, smatra se pripad- Čapljina, Stolac, Livno, Konjic, Jablanica, Tomislavgrad,
nik Armije Republike Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatskog Bosanski Brod, Derventa, Orašje, Odžak, Modrići, Bosanski
vijeća obrane i policije nadležnog tijela unutarnjih po- Šamac. There has never been a problem between Muslims
slova (u daljnjem tekstu: Oružane snage) koji je sudjelo- and Croats during our joint struggle against the Serbs.”
vao u obrani Bosne i Hercegovine (početak agresije na The multi-ethnic character of the HVO was also recog-
općinu Ravno) od 18. rujna 1991. do 23. prosinca 1996. nized by the ARBIH’s main intelligence officer Fikret Mus-
godine, odnosno do prestanka izravne ratne opasnosti limović in a text published on February 7, 1993: “There are
still Croats in more important position in various ARBIH
1048 Prlić, knjiga I, 315-325. HQs but there are no Croat soldiers in the ARBIH units. But,
1049 Službene novine Federacije BiH, broj 34/04, 26. 6. 2004., the situation in the HVO is different. There, 70% of the sol-
članak 34. diers in some units are Muslim…” (Muslimović 117).


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i koji je demobiliziran rješenjem nadležnoga vojnog ti- The event marking the turning point occurred on
jela.”1050 Također, prema Zakonu o odbrani Bosne i Her- June 30, 1993, when, in accordance with the ARBIH lead-
cegovine, Oružane snage Republike Bosne i Hercegovi- ership’s plan, Muslim soldiers serving in the HVO units in
ne imaju tri prepoznatljive sastavnice – „tri pješadijska Herzegovina turned on the Croats.
puka koji su organizacije odgovorne za vojno naslijeđe Regardless of the Muslim-Croat conflict, which, it
i identitet jedinica i naroda iz kojih potiču“,1051 tako da has to be said, took place only in certain areas of BiH, it is
pripadnici HVO-a i danas sudjeluju na obilježavanjima important to understand that the HVO’s full legality and
ratnih događaja u BiH, kao pripadnici hrvatske kom- equality with the ARBIH was recognized and confirmed
ponente u sastavu Oružanih snaga BiH. Uostalom, i te- by all the pertinent legal acts – from the establishment
meljem Zakona o posebnim pravima dobitnika ratnih of the Federation to the passing of the relevant legal pro-
priznanja i odličja i članova njihovih obitelji (Službene visions regulating defense matters. The Law on Defense
novine Federacije BiH, broj: 70/05) ista materijalna i ne- of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina afforded the
materijalna prava ostvaruju pripadnici HVO-a kojima same and equal rights to the soldiers serving in the ARBIH
je ratno odlikovanje dodijelio predsjednik Republike and the soldiers serving in the HVO: “The Army of the Fed-
Hrvatske Franjo Tuđman i pripadnici ARBiH kojima je eration, created out of the ARBIH and the HVO, consists
ratno odlikovanje dodijelio predsjednik Predsjedništva of two components up to the brigade level.” The Law on
RBiH Alija Izetbegović. the Rights of War Veterans also guarantees the same and
Prema tome, HVO je, i njegov civilni i njegov vojni equal rights to the members of the HVO and the ARBIH: “A
dio, od svoga osnivanja bio legalan i legitiman. Uporište war veteran, within the context of this law, is a member of
za svoje djelovanje imao je u zakonima Bosne i Herce- the ARBIH, the HVO or the police force under the auspices
govine, njegovi politički i vojni predstavnici sudjelova- of the appropriate organ of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
li su u svim pregovorima i sporazumima o BiH koji su (hereinafter referred to as the Armed Forces) who par-
vođeni uz inicijativu i pokroviteljstvo međunarodne za- ticipated in the defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the
jednice, a kao predstavnici hrvatskog naroda potpisnici attack on the Ravno Municipality marks the start of the
su i Washingtonskog i Daytonskog sporazuma. aggression) from September 18, 1991, until December 23,
Zahvaljujući Hrvatima, BiH je na referendumu ste- 1996, that is, until the end of the state of war, and who
kla pravne uvjete za priznanje, a Hrvati i Hrvatska naj- was demobilized by a decision made by the appropriate
zaslužniji su što se BiH uspjela obraniti od velikosrpske military organ.” According to the Law on Defense of the
agresije. Taj hrvatski obrambeni, a potom i oslobodilač- Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Armed Forces
ki pothvat ne spominje se u presudi Haškog suda hr- of BiH have three recognizable components: “Three infan-
vatskim dužnosnicima u predmetu Prlić i ostali, a ističe try regiments which are also the organizations responsi-
samo razdoblje od siječnja 1993. do travnja 1994., koje ble for preserving the military legacy and identity of the
nije moguće razumjeti bez spoznaje o događajima iz units and peoples they originate from.” HVO members, to
prethodnog razdoblja. this day, participate, as members of the Croatian compo-
Višegodišnja medijska kampanja o zločinima Hr- nent, in ceremonies commemorating events from the war
vata u BiH i odgovornosti hrvatskoga vodstva za „po- in BiH.37 According to the Law on special Rights of Win-
grešnu“ politiku prema BiH razlog je što i danas u dijelu ners of War Acknowledgement and Medals and Members
hrvatske i svjetske javnosti postoji snažna percepcija o of Their Families (Official Gazette of the FBiH, No. 70/05),
negativnoj ulozi Hrvatske i Hrvata u ratu u BiH. Namet- members of the HVO and the ARBIH who were awarded
nuta je bezobraznim i bezobzirnim interpretacijama military awards by Croatian President Franjo Tuđman and
izvora te neodgovornim iznošenjem zaključaka na te- President of the Presidency of the RBiH Alija Izetbegov-
melju selektivnog prikaza pojedinih izvora, u čemu su ić respectively have the right to the same material and
sudjelovali i najviši dužnosnici Republike Hrvatske. Dra- non-material benefits.
stičan primjer toga je proglašavanje tadašnje hrvatske Therefore, the HVO, its military component as well as
the civilian one, was legitimate, lawful and legal from its
1050 Službene novine Federacije BiH, broj 33/04, 19. 6. 2004.,
članak 2.
1051 Službeni glasnik BiH, broj 88/05, 5. 10. 2005., član 2/2. 37 Službeni glasnik BiH, broj 88/05, 5. 10. 2005., član 2/2.


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politike prema BiH zločinačkom i optuživanje Hrvatske very inception. Its existence was grounded in BiH’s laws,
da je agresor na BiH, iako za takvu tvrdnju nema upori- its military and civilian representatives participated in all
šta u cjelovito prikazanim izvorima. Uostalom, isti krug negotiations and agreements regarding BiH initiated and
ljudi je svojedobno i Oluju proglasio zločinačkom. Isto- concluded at the instigation of the international commu-
dobno, razmjeri neznanja u Hrvatskoj i svijetu o strada- nity and were, as the representatives of the Croatian peo-
nju Hrvata u BiH, posebice o stradanju Hrvata središ- ple cosignatories of the Washington Agreement and the
nje Bosne u napadima Armije RBiH, zaprepašćujući su. Dayton Agreement.
Stoga se, umjesto teze „da je drugostupanjska presuda Thanks to the Bosnian Croats, BiH, with the results
šestorici Hrvata konačan epilog pogrešne hrvatske, od- of the referendum on independence, secured the legal
nosno Tuđmanove – HDZ-ove politike u BiH“, kako to conditions for international recognition. Furthermore,
komentiraju neki političari, nameće zaključak da je ona the Bosnian Croats and the Republic of Croatia played the
epilog jednog dužeg razdoblja specijalnog rata protiv pivotal role in the defense of the country against the Serb
Hrvatske i Hrvata u BiH tijekom kojega su u medijski aggression. Therefore, the Croats first enabled BiH to be
prostor ubačene brojne laži, dezinformacije i poluistine, internationally recognized, then saved it from the Serbs’
a prešućeno je mnogo toga. attack and finally played the main role in the liberation of
Svaki zločin treba osuditi, a njegove počinitelje ka- the occupied territories. None of the above is mentioned
zniti – neovisno o njihovoj nacionalnoj i vjerskoj pripad- in the text explaining the verdict in the Prlić et al. case. In-
nosti, te izraziti sućut prema svim nevinim žrtvama u stead, the text focuses on the period from January, 1993,
ratu u RH i BiH, no činjenica je da su zločini nad Hrvatima to April, 1994. The very drift of the explanation defeats
u BiH uglavnom medijski prešućeni ili umanjivani, iako the veracity of its argument. The abovementioned period
su bili brojniji i rasprostranjeniji od onih za koje se optu- cannot be put into any meaningful or logical context, or
žuju Hrvati. Istina je da su zločini koje su počinili pripad- understood without reference to the events that preced-
nici hrvatskih postrojbi nad muslimanima u Ahmićima ed it and caused it.
(16. travnja 1993.) i Stupnom Dolu (23. listopada 1993.), A fair few people in Croatia and the world perceive
te zatvaranje i protjerivanje Bošnjaka-muslimana na the role the Republic of Croatia and Bosnian Croats played
pojedinim područjima BiH pod nadzorom hrvatskih during the war in BiH as negative. This is not surprising in
snaga, privukli veliku pozornost politike, medija i me- light of the fact that many media outlets, both in Croa-
đunarodnog suda u Haagu, za razliku od zločina koje su tia and abroad, have been waging a campaign, for years,
počinili pripadnici Armije RBiH nad Hrvatima: u Busova- aimed at depicting the Republic of Croatia’s policies to-
či (Gusti Grab, 26. siječnja 1993.) i okolici, Zenici i selima wards BiH during the war as “wrong” and at shifting the
Dusina (26. siječnja 1993.), Šušanj i drugim naseljima u focus from historical facts to crimes, real, imagined and
toj općini, u Konjicu i selima Orlište (25. ožujka), Bušćak fabricated, committed by Croats in BiH. This media on-
(14. travnja 1993.), Trusina (16. travnja, istoga dana kad slaught against the Bosnian Croats and the Republic of
je počinjen i zločin u Ahmićima) i drugim naseljima u toj Croatia is characterized by flippant, superficial and down-
općini, Doljanima (općina Jablanica), Gornjem Vakufu/ right fallacious interpretations of history in general and
Uskoplju, Bugojnu i okolnim naseljima (Gračanica, Vuči- the events that led to and took place during the war in
polje...), Zavidovićima, Kiseljaku (Žepče), Kiseljaku kraj BiH in particular and by misleading conclusions reached
Sarajeva, Varešu i okolici (selo Kopijari – 21. listopada on the basis of selective and injudicious scrutiny of both
1993., dva dana prije zločina u Stupnom Dolu), Kaknju primary and questionable sources. Unfortunately, a num-
i okolici, Vitezu i okolnim naseljima (Križančevo Selo, ber of the highest ranking Croatian officials partook, for
Buhine Kuće, Brdo – Zabilje, Bobaši...), Novom Travni- their own narrow and venal gains, in the rush to twist the
ku i okolnim naseljima (Rastovci, Zenepići...), Travniku historical facts. The dynamic of the thrust to vilify Croatia
i okolnim naseljima (Maljine/Bikoši, Čukle, Dolac...), Uz- and Bosnian Croats has been fairly successful and reaped
dolu, Hudutskom, Jurićima i drugim naseljima (općina a number of results detrimental to Croatia, some of them
Prozor), Gračanici, Fojnici i okolnim naseljima (Polje Šći- quite drastic. For example, the Republic of Croatia’s poli-
tovo, Ostružnica...), u Mostaru, čak i u Grabovici, dubo- cies toward BiH during the war have been condemned as
ko iza linije bojišta, na teritoriju pod kontrolom Armije criminal and Croatia has been accused of having waged
RBiH (općina Mostar), i drugim naseljima. an aggressive war against BiH. The condemnation and


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the accusation have no basis in historic facts whatsoever,

or, for that matter, in primary sources. It is interesting to
note that the same people who have been vilifying Croa-
tia’s role in the war in BiH are the same people who, when
the verdict of the issue hung in the balance directly as a
result of the media campaign against Croatia, claimed
that Operation Storm had been a criminal undertaking. It
has to be pointed out that an alarming number of Cro-
ats are not aware of the scope and degree of the Bosnian
Croats’ suffering, especially those in central Bosnia, at the
hands of the ARBIH. By the same token, most people out-
side Croatia, even those who know quite a bit about the
war in BiH, are blissfully ignorant of the fact that the AR-
BIH committed numerous crimes against humanity and
Grobovi petero, od osmero djece, koja su ubijena u Vitezu 10. war crimes against Bosnian Croats. The above refutes the
lipnja 1993., od granate ispaljene s položaja muslimanske Armije claim voiced by some politicians that the outcome of the
RBiH (autor fotografije: Srećko Stipović).
Prlić et al. case is the final chapter in Tuđman’s, and by ex-
The graves of five, out of eight, children killed in Vitez on June tension, the HDZ’s folly as regards Croatia’s policies in BiH
10, 1993, by a shell fired from positions held by the ARBiH. and reveals that the verdict is in fact the culmination of
a prolonged period of a special war against Croatia and
the Bosnian Croats, during which many media outlets
published and broadcast numerous lies, half-truths and
pieces of disinformation and ignored pertinent facts and
Prema podacima iz izvora “najmanje sedam puta pieces of evidence.
više civila Hrvata i zarobljenih pripadnika HVO-a ubili Every crime needs to be condemned and the perpe-
su ‘neki’ pripadnici ARBiH, nego što su ‘neki’ pripadnici trators put on trial and punished – irrespective of their
HVO-a ubili civila Muslimana – Bošnjaka i zarobljenih national or religious affiliation. Sympathy should be ex-
tended to all innocent victims of war crimes and crimes
pripadnika ARBiH”, a isti omjer navodi se i kod među-
sobnog protjerivanja. against humanity committed during the war in Croatia
Prešućeno je i u hrvatskoj i svjetskoj javnosti malo and the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. But, the crimes
je poznato čak i ubojstvo osmero hrvatske djece u Vi- committed against Croats in BiH have been, for the most
tezu, među koje je 10. lipnja 1993., oko 20.45 sati, pala part, ignored or trivialized by the media. It is a fact that
mina kalibra 120 mm ispaljena iz smjera položaja Armi- the Muslims committed more crimes against humanity
je RBiH na prostor zaštićen od snajpera, na kojem su se and war crimes than the Croats during the war in BiH.
redovito igrala djeca, hrvatska i muslimansko-bošnjač- Also, the scope of the crimes committed by the Muslims
ka. Toga dana nije bilo nijednog muslimansko-bošnjač- exceeded that of those committed by the Croats. Howev-
kog djeteta. Odmah je smrtno stradalo petero djece, er, the crimes committed by members of Croatian units
a troje je umrlo u bolnici u Novoj Bili: Milan Garić (rođ. against Muslims in Ahmići (April 16, 1993) and Stupni Do
1981.), Sanja Garić (1975.), Dragan Ramljak (1978.), (October 23, 1993) and imprisonment and forced expul-
Velimir Grebenar (1981.), Augustina Grebenar (1984.), sion of Muslims/Bosniaks by Croats in some areas of BiH
Boris Antičević (1983.), Draženko Čečura (1978.) i Sanja under Croat control have drawn a lot of attention from the
Križanović (1978.). Videosnimke toga ubojstva, koje je media, politicians and the Hague Tribunal. On the other
snimila lokalna TV Vitez, ni jedna inozemna TV kuća nije hand, the crimes committed by members of the ARBIH
htjela objaviti!1052 against Croats in Busovača (Gusti Grab, January 26, 1993)
and the surrounding area, in Zenica and the villages of
Dusina (January 26, 1993), Šušanj and other locales in the
1052 Srećko Stipović, Terorizam bez kazne – stradanje Hrvata municipality, in Konjic and the villages of Orlište (March
Lašvanske doline, 1992. - 2014., Vitez, listopad 2014. 25) Bušćak (April 14, 1993), Trusina (April 16, the same day


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U hrvatskoj javnosti poznata je sudbina Kate Šoljić when the crime in Ahmići was committed) and other plac-
(rođ. 1923.), majke kojoj su srpske snage u Vukovaru es in the municipality, Doljani (Jablanica Municipality),
i okolici 1991. ubile četiri sina: Niku (rođ. 1942.), Miju Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje, Bugojno and surrounding villag-
(1945.), Ivu (1948.) i Matu (1952.) te zeta Ivana Vukoje- es (Gračanica, Vučipolje…), Zavidovići, Kiseljak (Žepče),
vića (1953.), a koja je sličnu tragediju već doživjela po Kiseljak near Sarajevo, Vareš and its environs (the village
završetku Drugoga svjetskog rata, kad su joj komunisti of Kopijari – October 21, 1993 – two days before the
ubili četiri brata: Ivu, Martina, Ivana i Petra. No, u hrvat- crime in Stupni Do), Kakanj and its environs, Vitez and the
skim i svjetskim medijima prešućena je sudbina Hrvatice surrounding villages (Križančevo Selo, Buhine Kuće, Br-
Anice Jurić iz Kovača u središnjoj Bosni, kojoj su pripad- do-Zabilje, Bobaši), Novi Travnik and the surrounding vil-
nici Armije RBiH 13. lipnja 1993. naočigled ubili supruga lages (Rastovci, Zenepići…), Travnik and the surrounding
Juru (rođ. 1941.) i tri sina: Stjepana (1968.), Ljubomira villages (Maljine/Bikoši, Čukle, Dolac…) Uzdol, Hudutsko,
(1972.) i Dragana (1973.). Kao i sudbina Sarafine Lauš, Jurići and other settlements and villages (Prozor Munic-
travničke Hrvatice iz sela Ćukle, kojoj su pripadnici Ar- ipality), Gračanica, Fojnica and the surrounding villages
mije RBiH, također u lipnju 1993., ubili supruga Ivu (rođ. (Polje Šćitovo, Ostružnica…), in Mosor and even in Grabo-
1939.) i tri sina: Miroslava (1970.), Fabijana (1961.) i Dra- vica deep in the Muslims’ rear and other locales went, for
guna (1959.). Kao i sudbina obitelji Ilije Solde, kojemu the most part, completely unnoticed by the world public
su pripadnici Armije RBiH u istom danu, 28. 7. 1993., u and the world media.
Doljanima ubili tri sina: Peru (1967.), Ivana (1969.) i Juru According to verifiable sources “‘certain’ members of
(1970.). Kao i sudbina Ane Ivandić, kojoj su srpski vojnici the ARBIH murdered at least seven times more Croat ci-
24. srpnja 1992. u Briševu kod Prijedora ubili tri sina: Peju vilians and HVO POWs than ‘certain’ members of the HVO
(rođ. 1954.), Stipu (1959.) i Milana (1963.), a istoga dana murdered Muslim/Bosniak civilians and ARBIH POWs.” Ac-
ubijena je i njezina snaha Lucija, tako da je četvero djece cording to the same sources, the same 7:1 ratio applies
u istom danu ostalo bez oba roditelja – Lucije i Peje.1053 also to forced expulsions. Both the Croatian and the world
Nasuprot tome, u nastojanju da se Hrvatska prikaže media ignored the murder of eight Croat children in Vi-
kao agresor na BiH, ide se u takvu krajnost da se, primje- tez. On June 10, 1993, around 2045 hours, a 120-mm shell
rice, prilikom navođenja “logističkog osiguranja HVO-a” was fired from the direction of ARBIH positions at an area
kao “dokaza” o “agresiji Hrvatske na BiH” ističe čak i poda- protected against sniper fire where Croat and Muslim
tak da su “ranjeni pripadnici HVO-a liječeni u bolnicama children regularly played. On that day, however, not a sin-
u Hrvatskoj”.1054 Dakako, prešućuje se činjenica da su u gle Muslim/Bosniak kid was among the children playing
Hrvatskoj postojali i logistički centri Armije RBiH, te da there. Five children were immediately killed by the ex-
se u bolnicama u Hrvatskoj (u Splitu, Zagrebu, Slavon- plosion and the other three died of their wounds in the
skom Brodu, Karlovcu, Vinkovcima, Metkoviću i ostalim Nova Bila hospital – Milan Garić (born 1981), Sanja Garić
bolnicama) istodobno liječilo više od 10.000 ranjenih (born 1975), Dragan Ramljak (born 1978), Velimir Grebe-
pripadnika Armije RBiH i civila – Muslimana iz BiH (u taj nar (born 1981), Augustina Grebenar (born 1984), Boris
broj nisu uračunati liječeni bolesnici). Prema podacima Antičević (born 1983), Draženko Čečura (born 1978) and
ratnoga ravnatelja KBC-a Split, prof. dr. sc. Mihovila Bio- Sanja Križanović (born 1978). The video footage of that
čića, kada se rat proširio na BiH – „u skladu sa savješću ghastly and heinous crime, filmed by the local TV Vitez
i hrvatskom politikom 1990-ih“, KBC Split je pružio me- network, no foreign TV network wanted to air.
dicinsku i svekoliku humanitarnu pomoć susjednoj BiH. The Croatian public is aware of the fate of Kata Šol-
Na području BiH hrvatsko zdravstvo opskrbljivalo je 65 jić (born 1923). In Vukovar and its environs Serb soldiers
mjesta (od Tomislavgrada i Livna, Viteza, do Sarajeva, murdered her four sons – Niko (born 1942), Mijo (born
Brčkog, Žepča, Zenice, Bijeljine, Tuzle, Živinica itd.), u 1945, Ivo (born 1948) and Mate (born 1952) – and her
ljudstvu, lijekovima, opremi, sanitetskom materijalu, hi- son-in-law – Ivan Vukojević (born 1953). She had already
suffered a similar tragedy at the end of WWII, when Com-
1053 Franjo Piplović i Ivo Atlija, Briševački mučenici, Banja
munists murdered her four brothers – Ivo, Martin, Ivan
Luka, 2017., 372-374. and Petar. The Croatian and the world media ignored the
1054 Smail Čekić, Agresija na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu fate of Anica Jurić, a Croat woman from Kovač in central
(planiranje, pripreme, izvođenje), knj. 2, Sarajevo, 2004. Bosnia. ARBIH soldiers, on June 13, 1993, murdered her


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gijenskim potrepštinama, hrani itd. Sva pomoć pružana husband Jure (born 1941) and three sons – Stjepan (born
je bez obzira na nacionalni ili vjerski sastav stanovništva. 1968), Ljubomir (born 1972) and Dragan (born 1973) right
Oko 25 % sanitetskog materijala i lijekova (bez obzira in front of her. The Croatian general public is not aware of
na to jesu li kupljeni ili donirani), KBC Split je darovao the fate of Sarafina Lauš, a Croat woman from the village
u BiH. Primjerice, oko 17.500 doza krvi prikupljeno je sa of Čukle in the Travnik Municipality. ARBIH soldiers, also in
splitskog područja za liječenje vojnih i civilnih osoba iz June, 1993, murdered her husband Ivo (born 1939) and
BiH u splitskoj bolnici, a za ratne bolnice na terenu u BiH her three sons – Miroslav (born 1971), Fabijan (born 1961),
(Rama, Tomislavgrad, Livno, Mostar, Nova Bila i Kiseljak, and Dragun (born 1959). On July 28, 1993, ARBiH soldiers
gdje je KBC Split formirao i transfuzijske laboratorije) od murdered three sons of Ilija Soldo in Doljani: Pero (born
1993. do sredine 1996. ukupno su još izdane najmanje 1967), Ivan (born 1969), and Jure (born 1970). Another
6764 doze krvi (dokumentacija se još sređuje). tragedy not known by the Croatian public is that suffered
Liječenje i skrb koje je KBC Split obavljao za držav- by Ana Ivandić. Serb soldiers, on July 24, 1992, in Briševo
ljane BiH u splitskoj bolnici i na području BiH, bili su near Prijedor, murdered her three sons – Pejo (born 1954),
dragovoljni i u cijelosti besplatni, na teret siromašnog Stipe (born 1959) and Milan (born 1963). On the same day
proračuna razorene, djelomično okupirane i same vrlo her daughter-in-law Lucija was also murdered. Lucija and
potrebite hrvatske države. KBC Split je državna bolnica i Pejo left four kids behind.
to je bila tadašnja hrvatska državna politika. Those bent on vilifying Croatia’s role in the war in
Splitska bolnica je od 1991. do 1996. liječila ukupno BiH are not averse to stretching the limits of credulity in
261.435 bolesnika i ranjenika, od toga 31.086 ranjenika i their quest to depict Croatia as the aggressor in the war
bolesnika iz BiH (11,89 %). U toj brojci je bilo oko 30 – 40 in BiH. For example, when referring to “the logistics sup-
% muslimana (svi podaci još nisu obrađeni). Od toga je port for the HVO” as “evidence” of “Croatia’s aggression
bilo 4200 teško bolesne i dijelom ranjene djece (76). U against BiH”, they point out that “wounded HVO members
splitskom rodilištu rodila su se 4493 djeteta čiji su rodi- received medical care in Croatia”. Of course, those same
telji došli iz BiH (imali su izbjeglički status), a od te djece people ignore the fact that ARBIH logistics bases existed
975 je trebalo neonatološko liječenje i pojačanu skrb. in the Republic of Croatia and also the fact that wounded
Tome treba pridodati (po protokolu) 15.754 većinom ra- ARBIH soldiers and Muslim civilians from BiH were treat-
njenika i neznatni broj bolesnika u osam ratnih bolnica ed in hospitals in Croatia – Split, Zagreb, Slavonski Brod,
u BiH, koje je organizirao KBC Split. Iz 27 mjesta BiH, KBC Karlovac, Vinkovci, Metković and in other hospitals in oth-
Split je organizirao smještaj u inozemstvu, u 15 država er cities in Croatia (the number does not include Muslim
za 302 teška ranjenika i bolesnika (većinom Muslimana), patients suffering from various illness and afflictions).
često uz pratnju vlastitog medicinskog osoblja. Vrlo je According to the then director of the KBC Split hospital,
zanimljiva činjenica da su u BiH na pojedinim mjestima Prof. Mihovil Biočić, Ph.D., when the war spread to BiH –
na ukrcaj u helikopter za prijevoz u splitsku bolnicu ra- “in keeping with the dictates of conscience and Croatian
njeni vojnici HVO-a čekali ranjene vojnike ARBiH, a još je official polices in the 1990s” the KBC Split provided med-
važnije napomenuti da su generali i drugi časnici HVO-a ical and humanitarian help to BiH. The Croatian Health
vrlo često, pa i tijekom sukoba, nazivali Upravu splitske Services supplied 65 towns in BiH (from Tomislavgrad and
bolnice da osigura smještaj i neprijateljskim vojnicima Livno, Vitez, to Sarajevo, Brčko, Žepče, Zenica, Bjeljina, Tu-
ARBiH i njihovim obiteljima. Zar bi itko mogao doći do zla, Živnica etc.) with personnel, medicines, equipment,
Splita, a da to nisu odobrile i čak organizirale hrvatske medical supplies, food etc). All this help was sent to those
vojne i civilne vlasti u BiH?! in need, irrespective of their nationality or religious affil-
Svekolika briga o velikom broju izbjeglica iz BiH iation. Around 25% of all available medical supplies and
koje je Hrvatska primila i o njima skrbila smještajem u medicines (bought and donated) the KBC Split gave to
svojim najboljim hotelima, koji su ostali devastirani, po- BiH. For example, about 17,500 units of blood were col-
seban je problem s više gledišta (medicinski, socijalni, lected in the Split area for the soldiers and civilians from
humanitarni ...). Primjerice, samo u rujnu 1993. na širem BiH who were treated in the Split hospital. The KBC Split,
području Splita (Kaštela, Solina, Trogira i Splita) bilo je from 1993 to mid-1996, sent at least 6,764 units of blood
smješteno oko 180.000 izbjeglica (zajedno s prognani- (documentation is still not complete) to hospitals in BiH –
cima oko 300.000), o kojima je skrbila splitska bolnica, Rama, Tomislavgrad, Livno, Mostar, Nova Bila and Kiseljak


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ali i čitava zajednica. Ovaj golemi posao KBC ne bi mo- – where the KBC Split set up transfusion laboratories.
gao obaviti bez pomoći dobrih ljudi iz Hrvatske i svijeta. The medical treatment and other medical services the
Uz humanitarne organizacije, pomagali su „mali“ ljudi KBC Split provided to BiH citizens in the hospital itself and
i oni iz kraljevskih kuća, tako da je primljeno oko 5000 in BiH were free of charge and conducted on a voluntary
donacija (većinom vrlo dobrih, iako je bilo i nekorisnih) basis, meaning that the Republic of Croatia footed the bill
u lijekovima, potrošnom sanitetskom materijalu i medi- out of its, at that time, meager budget. It has to be kept in
cinskoj opremi, hrani, higijenskim potrepštinama itd. Za mind that at the time Croatia was devastated by the war
svu pomoć susjednoj državi BiH, najviše zahvala i prizna- and that a sizable portion of its territory was under Serb
nja KBC Split dobio je od vojnih i civilnih predstavnika occupation. The KBC Split is a state hospital and the help
muslimanskog naroda, pa i od samog predsjednika BiH it provided to BiH during the war formed an integral part
Alije Izetbegovića. Također treba spomenuti da je KBC of the Republic of Croatia’s policy towards BiH.
Split pružio znatnu pomoć i pri evakuaciji židovskih obi- 261,435 sick and wounded people were treated in the
telji iz Sarajeva i Mostara. Nikad nikome nije uskratio po- Split hospital from 1991 to 1996. 31,086 of those were sick
moć, niti neprijatelju! Ovu istinu pred svjetskom javnosti and wounded people from BiH (11.89%). About 30-40%
je svjedočilo više od 90 državnih i privatnih TV postaja i of the patients from BiH were Muslims (not all available
novinskih kuća iz svijeta, koji su posjetili KBC Split. Tije- data have been processed yet). Out of the 31,086 sick and
kom 1990-ih hrvatski liječnici i ostalo zdravstveno oso- wounded people from BiH 4,200 were children suffering
blje, u skladu s Hipokratovom zakletvom i hrvatskom from serious illnesses or wounded. 4,493 children, whose
državnom politikom, liječili su sve potrebite i sve građa- parents had fled BiH (and been granted refugee status in
ne BiH, bez obzira na nacionalnost, vojnu pripadnost i the Republic of Croatia), were born in the Split hospital.
vjeroispovijest.1055 975 of these children required neonatal care. An addition-
Činjenica je da, nakon oružanog sukoba u Gornjem al 15,754 people, mostly wounded and a small number
Vakufu, kronologija međusobnih zločina pripadnika of sick, were treated in the 8 hospitals set up by the KBC
ARBiH i HVO-a tijekom 1993. na području BiH započinje Split in BiH. The KBC Split secured accommodation in 15
26. siječnja 1993. zločinom pripadnika ARBiH nad Hrva- foreign countries for 302 seriously wounded and/or sick
tima u selima Dusina (općina Zenica) i Gusti Grab (opći- patients, most of them Muslims from 27 BiH towns and
na Busovača) u središnjoj Bosni. Pripadnici ARBiH poči- villages. For the most part, these patients were accompa-
nili su zločin nad Hrvatima u Orlištu (25. ožujka 1993.) i nied by medical staff from Croatia. It is important to point
Bušćaku (14. travnja 1993.), prije tragičnog događaja u out that it often happened that wounded HVO soldiers
selu Ahmići. Za američkoga vojnog povjesničara Char- had to wait to be put aboard helicopters and transported
lesa R. Shradera „nema dvojbe” da su Ahmići u trenutku to the Split hospital because the helicopters were ordered
“neočekivanoga napada HVO-a bili legitiman vojni cilj, to wait for wounded ARBIH soldiers. It is also worth men-
kako zbog svojeg položaja, tako i zbog vjerojatnosti da tioning that HVO generals and other officers very often,
se snage ARBiH koriste selom kao svojim polazištem”. even during the Muslim-Croat conflict, called the Split
Neosporno je da su 16. travnja 1993. Ahmiće branile “lo- hospital administration department to secure accommo-
kalne muslimanske snage Teritorijalne obrane i dijelovi dation for family members of the wounded ARBIH soldiers
ARBiH koji su se pripremali za napad preko ceste Travnik treated in the hospital. No wounded Muslim soldier or ci-
– Kaonik”. U zaključku o akciji HVO-a na Ahmiće, Shra- vilian could have reached Split without both the approval
der zaključuje: “S isključivo vojnog motrišta, neočekivani of and transport secured by the Croat military and civilian
napad HVO-a na Ahmiće bio je vrlo uspješan. Planirani authorities in BiH.
muslimanski napad preko ceste Travnik – Busovača kod The Republic of Croatia took in a huge number of ref-
Ahmića u potpunosti je onemogućen i nije mogao biti ugees from BiH. The refugees were accommodated in lux-
obnovljen. Međutim, uništavanja u selu bila su užasava- ury hotels, many of them located on the Croatian coast.
The Croatian taxpayers footed that bill too and eventually
paid for renovating many a facility left devastated by the
then disposed and dislocated occupants from BiH. Croa-
1055 Podaci iz rukopisa ratnog ravnatelja KBC-a Split dr. sc. tia, in the midst of waging a war for its own survival, had to
Mihovila Biočića, Kaštel Sućurac, 15. travnja 2019. grapple with a refugee crisis of daunting proportions. The


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juća, a civilne žrtve strašne”.1056 To što su, uz pripadnike refugee issue presented a number of acute problems for
ARBiH ubijene u borbi, ubijeni i civili u selu, zločin je za the Croatian government – problems of medical, social,
koji nema opravdanja, kao što nema opravdanja ni za humanitarian nature. For example, in September, 1993,
navedene zločine nad Hrvatima, uglavnom prešućene alone there were around 180,000 refugees (300,000, to-
u svjetskim medijima, pa čak i u medijima u Hrvatskoj. gether with the displaced persons) accommodated in
Za zločin koji su neki pripadnici HVO-a počinili nad the Split area (Kaštel, Solin, Trogir and Split). They were
Bošnjacima-muslimanima u Ahmićima hrvatska javnost in the care of the KBC Split hospital and the community
treba znati i upoznata je, no postavlja se pitanje zašto se at large. The KBC Split hospital would not have been able
vrlo malo zna o zločinima pripadnika Armije RBiH nad to accomplish this gargantuan task without the help of
Hrvatima u BiH, čak i kad je riječ o zločinima u kojima je Croatian citizens and people of good will from across the
istoga dana ubijen veći broj civila i zarobljenih vojnika world. Humanitarian organizations stepped up, ordinary
HVO-a, a njihova imovina zapaljena i razrušena. Primje- people stepped up, members of royal families stepped
ćujući da “prešućivanje zločina nad Hrvatima u BiH ide up… About 5,000 donations were received (most of
u prilog tezi da su za rat u BiH podjednako krivi i Srbi i them containing items and stuffs sorely needed; a small
Hrvati”, Carol Hodge je u svojoj knjizi napisala: portion, on the other hand, contained useless trinkets) –
Za samo nekoliko sati, vijest o pokolju u Ahmićima iza- medicines, medical supplies, medical equipment, food,
zvala je pozornost javnosti širom svijeta i imala je golem hygienic products etc. The KBC Split received numerous
utjecaj na sliku rata u BiH u javnosti, i to upravo u trenutku acknowledgements and recognitions for its help to BiH
kada su Sjedinjene Američke Države razmišljale o provođe- from high ranking ARBIH officers and high ranking Mus-
nju zračnih udara na srpske položaje i prijetile ukidanjem lim government officials, including the president of BiH,
embarga na oružje. (...) Događaji od 15. i 16. travnja 1993., Alija Izetbegović. It is worth pointing out that the KBC
uključujući i otmicu hrvatskoga generala (brigadira, Živka, Split helped with the evacuation of Jewish families from
op. ur.) Totića, ubojstvo četvorice njegovih tjelesnih čuvara Sarajevo and Mostar. The KBC Split never refused help to
usred dana u Zenici (počinitelji pripadnici Armije RBiH, anyone, including enemy combatants and more than 90
op. ur.), kao i napadi na Vitez, Ahmiće, Šantiće i još neka state-run and private TV stations and newspapers from
sela, politički i vojno bili su posve neobjašnjivi i lokalnom around the world, whose reporters visited the hospital,
pučanstvu i stranim promatračima. Neki su držali da je su- published articles or aired reports acknowledging that
kob potaknut izvana. (...) U zbrci nastaloj 16. travnja, kada truth. During the 1990s Croatian doctors and other medi-
su uzduž Lašvanske doline iznenada izbili sukobi, i to dok cal staff, following both the letter and the spirit of Hippo-
su se mnogi trudili što je moguće više umanjiti i otkloniti cratic Oath and honoring the official Croatian policies to-
posljedice otmice generala Totića u Zenici od prethodnog wards BiH, treated all those BiH citizens in need of medical
dana, možda je djelomice i razumljivo što su stvarni raz- help or attention irrespective of the patients’ nationality,
mjeri zvjerstava počinjenih u Ahmićima izmakli kontroli religion or military affiliation.
zapovjednika BritBata (Britanskog bataljuna UN-a) i nje- It is a fact that, after the chalshes in Gornji Vakuf, the
govim visokim časnicima. (...) U očima svjetske javnosti chronology of crimes committed by members of the HVO
otkriće pokolja u Ahmićima gotovo je preko noći promi- and members of the ARBIH during 1993 in BiH starts on
jenilo sliku o ratu u Bosni i Hercegovini. Pozornost i zani- January 26, 1993, with a crime committed by ARBIH sol-
manje medija diljem svijeta za taj događaj kao da su tre- diers against Croats in the village of Dusina (Zenica Mu-
bali potvrditi tezu o tome kako su u tome ratu Srbi i Hrvati nicipality) and the village of Gusti Grab (Busovača Munici-
podjednako krivi, a taj je dojam još više pojačavala javna pality) in central Bosnia. ARBIH soldiers committed a crime
reakcija pukovnika Stewarta, kojom je osudio ‘krvavi HVO’. against Croats in Orlište (March 25, 1993) and Bušćak
U uobičajenim okolnostima takva se ocjena mogla držati (April 14, 1993), before the tragic incident in the village of
kršenjem postupovnih pravila UN-a o nepristranosti, ali u Ahmići. The American military historian Charles R. Shrad-
ovoj prigodi Stewarta se predstavilo kao vrlo sposobna i er convincingly argues that the village of Ahmići “was un-
doubtedly a legitimate military target for an HVO spoiling
attack at the time by virtue of both its location and its
1056 Charles R. Shrader, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat u
srednjoj Bosni, Golden marketing – Tehnička knjiga, Za- probable use as an ARBIH staging area”. It is beyond dis-
greb, 2004., 146-152. pute that on April 16, 1993, Ahmići was defended by “by


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visoko profesionalna vojnika u kojega je, zbog razumljivih local Muslim Territorial Defense forces as well as by ARBIH
razloga, na trenutak srce zavladalo umom.1057 elements staging for the attack across the Travnik-Kaonik
Radi boljeg razumijevanja i cjelovitijeg prikaza do- road”. In his conclusion regarding the HVO attack on Ah-
gađaja, treba podsjetiti da je u tijeku srpskih napada na mići, Shrader writes “From a purely military point of view,
Jajce, na kontrolnoj točki ARBiH u Ahmićima, na važnoj the HVO spoiling attack at Ahmići was very successful. The
prometnici Vitez – Busovača, 20. listopada 1992. zaustav- planned Muslim attack across the Travnik – Busovača road
ljena postrojba HVO-a s oko 150 vojnika iz središnje Bo- in the Ahmići area was completely disrupted and could
sne i nije mogla doći u pomoć Jajcu. Isto tako, postrojba not be resumed. However, the destruction in the village
HVO-a nacionalno mješovitoga sastava koja je 28. listo- was horrific, and civilian casualties were appalling.
pada krenula iz Gruda u pomoć braniteljima Jajca bila je HVO soldiers killed, in the attack on Ahmići, a num-
putem zaustavljana, opstruirana i nije uspjela na vrijeme ber of ARBIH soldiers. They also murdered a number of
stići do Jajca, grada koji su srpske snage okupirale do 30. civilians in the village. The murder of these civilians is an
listopada. Časnici HVO-a optužili su muslimansku stranu inexcusable crime. By the same token, also inexcusable
za pad Jajca jer su se postrojbe ARBiH u večernjim sati- are the numerous crimes committed by ARBIH soldiers
ma 26. listopada 1992. po zapovijedi povukle s položaja. against Croats. Unfortunately, those crimes committed by
Prema informacijama kojima su raspolagale institucije Muslims against Croats most media outlets in Croatia and
HVO-a, zapovijed za povlačenje preko jednoga od za- abroad for some reason find convenient to ignore.
povjednika ARBiH u središnjoj Bosni, Džemala Merdana, The Croatian public is well informed about the crime
došla je izravno od Sefera Halilovića. Poslije su, prema in Ahmići. But, why is the Croatian public not so well in-
ustaljenome obrascu, muslimanski mediji optužili HVO formed about the crimes committed by ARBIH troops
za povlačenje i pad Jajca. Taj i drugi primjeri, posebice against Croats, including those committed on the same
pokušaji opravdanja ili negiranja počinjenih zločina, day as the crime in Ahmići in which a large number of
pokazuju da su laži, poluistine i prešućivanja bili temelj Croatian civilians and HVO POWs were murdered and
političke i ratne propagande ARBiH i dijela vodećih boš- their property destroyed and burned? Carole Hodge,
njačko-muslimanskih političara.1058 observing that ignoring crimes against Croats in Bosnia
Također, radi razumijevanja konteksta događaja, and Herzegovina serves to validate the claim the Serbs
treba podsjetiti da je ujutro 16. travnja 1993., istovre- and Croats are equally responsible for the war in Croatia,
meno s događajima u Ahmićima i Trusini na području writes in her book:
Konjica, počeo napad ARBiH na Busovaču u središnjoj “Within hours of its discovery, the massacre received
Bosni, koji je busovačka brigada HVO-a odbila uz velike world-wide publicity, impacting significantly on public
gubitke. Idućega dana, istovremeno s događajima u So- perception of the Bosnian war at a time when the Unit-
vićima i Doljanima, muslimanske su snage napale Kuber, ed States was contemplating air strikes against Serb po-
da bi osvojile dio prometnice Kaonik – Vitez i okružile sitions and threatening to lift the arms embargo. (...) The
Busovaču.1059 events of 15-16 April, including the kidnapping of the
Sve navedeno govori u prilog zaključku da su u hr- Croat general Živko Totić and the murder of his four body-
vatskom medijskom prostoru, kad je riječ o BiH, svjesno guards in broad daylight in Zenica (the perpetrators were
prevladavale informacije o žrtvama jednog naroda, kako ARBIH troops, author’s note), and the attacks on Vitez, Ah-
mići, Šantići and other villages, made no sense politically
or militarily to many inhabitants, or to foreign observers.
1057 Carole Hodge, Velika Britanija i Balkan od 1991. do danas,
Detecta, Zagreb, 2007., 136-137. 139, 144-145. Some believed they had been instigated from outside. (...)
In the confusion of 16 April where hostilities erupted sud-
1058 Ivo Lučić, Od vila ilirskih do Bijelog puta – stranputicama
bosanske i hercegovačke povijesti, Hrvatska liječnička denly along the Lašva valley, amidst efforts to minimise
komora – Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb, prosinac the backlash from the Totić kidnapping in Zenica the pre-
2018., 243. vious day, it was perhaps partly understandable that the
1059 IZM OZ SB, Izvješće br. 01-4-302/93 od 17. 4. 1993.; IZM degree of atrocity at Ahmići should escape the immediate
OZ SB, Zapovijed br. 01-4-319/93 od 17. 4. 1993.; IZM OZ notice of the BritBat commander and his senior officers.
SB, Izvješće br. 03-4-334/93 od 18. 4. 1993.; Brigada HVO
“Nikola Šubić Zrinski”, Izvješće br. 827/93 od 27. 4. 1993.; (…) The discovery of the Ahmići massacre changed the
Shrader, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat, 168-170. international perception of the Bosnian war almost over-


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bi se politika vodstva drugog naroda – Hrvata, mogla night. The world-wide publicity generated by its exposure
prikazati kao zločinačka. Naglašavam, da ovo govorim seemed to confirm the thesis of an equivalence of guilt
kao osoba koja smatra da je velikosrpska politika glav- between Serbs and Croats, and was further compounded
ni uzrok stradanja stanovništva u Hrvatskoj i BiH, te kao by (Colonel) Stewart’s public reaction, in condemning the
osoba koja je vjerovala u mogućnost zajedničkog hrvat- ‘bloody HVO’. Normally, this may have been considered a
sko-muslimanskog otpora zajedničkom agresoru u BiH. violation of the UN impartiality rules, but on this occasion,
Nakon svega, samo iskreno suočavanje vodstva svakog Stewart was portrayed as a highly-proficient commander
konstitutivnog naroda u BiH sa zločinima koje su poči- whose heart had momentarily ruled his head, in extenu-
nili pripadnici postrojbi vlastitih oružanih snaga može ating circumstances.”
osigurati mirnu budućnost u BiH, čiji stanovnici trebaju It has to be pointed out that, during the Serb attacks
živjeti jedni uz druge. on Jajce, ARBIH soldiers stopped an HVO 150-men-strong
Percepcija da su Hrvati izazvali i započeli sukobe s formation from central Bosnia on its way to Jajce at the
Armijom RBiH, koju je bošnjačko-muslimanska strana checkpoint in Ahmići on the strategically important Vitez
uspjela u medijima nametnuti, zanemaruje činjenicu da – Busovača road on October 20, 1992. The ARBIH soldiers
su sukobi između Bošnjaka-muslimana i Hrvata po pra- thus prevented the HVO troops from reinforcing the be-
vilu započinjali u mjestima gdje su Bošnjaci-muslimani leaguered defenders of Jajce. Another HVO formation,
(odnosno Armija RBiH) bili nadmoćniji, te da su se iz sre- consisting of Croat and Muslim soldiers, sent from Grude
dišnje Bosne preko Konjica proširili u Hercegovinu, a ne to Jajce, was impeded on its march by ARBIH troops. As a
obrnuto! Posebno se Hrvatima želi nametnuti odgovor- result, the HVO soldiers did not reach Jajce. The city fell on
nost za sukob u Mostaru u svibnju 1993., koji je do tada October 30. HVO officers held the ARBIH responsible for
već bio znatno razoren u napadima JNA i srpskih snaga the fall of Jajce because the ARBIH troops that had held
u proljeće i ljeto 1992. godine.1060 Tako se i u prvostu- a potion of the Jajce defensive line had abandoned, as
panjskoj presudi Haškog suda u predmetu „Prlić i ostali“ per their orders, abandoned their positions on October
navodi da „već od travnja 1992. Hrvati u Mostaru dovo- 26, 1992. According to the HVO the order to abandon
de muslimane u podređeni položaj“. No, taj je navod the positions was given to the troops by one of the AR-
u suprotnosti s činjenicom da su tada Hrvati i Bošnja- BIH commanders in central Bosnia but came directly from
ci-muslimani u Mostaru zajednički planirali obranu od Sefer Halilović. Some time later the Muslim media, true to
napada agresorskih snaga (prosrpska JNA i srpske po- form, accused the HVO of retreating from Jajce and being
strojbe), da je upravo krajem travnja (29. travnja 1992.) responsible for the city’s fall. There are many more similar
Krizni štab općine Mostar donio „Odluku“ prema kojoj examples. These incidents are all worthy of mention be-
HVO preuzima obranu Mostara, zajedno s pripadnicima cause they reveal the essence of sometimes seemingly
MUP-a – centar Mostar, te da je HVO tu odluku uspješno incredulous developments in the war in BiH. They also
proveo tako što su najvećim dijelom upravo postrojbe prove that the Muslims tried to deny or justify their crimes
HVO-a u lipnju 1992. porazile srpskog agresora i oslo- and that their lies, half-truths and lies by omission were
the foundation stone of the ARBIH and a number of Mus-
lim/Bosniak high ranking government officials’ propagan-
1060 O tome svjedoče fotografije razorenoga Mostara u napa- da campaign against the Croats.
dima topništva JNA, uz napomenu da se činjenice o tome To put the crime in Ahmići in its proper context, with-
mogu pronaći i u „vrijednoj, istinitoj i lijepoj knjizi Mostar
'92 - urbicid grupe autora hrvatske i muslimansko-boš-
out trying to justify it in any way, shape or form, it has to
njačke narodnosti“, objavljenoj već 1992. (dakle, prije mu- be noted that on the morning of April 16, 1993, as the in-
slimansko-hrvatskog sukoba), u čijem je uvodu istaknuto: cident in Ahmići and the one in Trusina were taking place,
„Grad od 130.000 stanovnika, s prepoznatljivom arhitek- the ARBIH attacked the HVO in Busovača in central Bosnia.
turom (…) u ratu od travnja do lipnja (1992.) razoren je
do neprepoznatljivosti i onima koji su to vrijeme proveli u The Busovača Brigade repulsed the attack at the cost of
podrumima. Urbicid – značenje kojega se može svesti na a high number of casualties. On the following day, at the
potpuno uništenje Mostara, ostavio je pustinju od materi- same time as the events in Sovići and Doljani were unfold-
jala iz kojih je bio građen …“ (Mostar '92 – urbicid, Mostar, ing, the Muslims attacked Kuber. Their aim was to capture a
1992., 7); vidi u: Slobodan Praljak, URBICID koji su počinile
postrojbe JA pod vodstvom Momčila Perišića nad Mostarom stretch of the Kaonik – Vitez road. As the attack progressed
u ljeto 1992., Zagreb, svibanj 2007. the Muslim forces placed Busovača in encirclement.


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bodile Mostar (operacija „Čagalj“, odnosno „Lipanjske The inevitable conclusion is that the Croatian media
zore“). Spomenutom „Odlukom“, koju je potpisalo devet space has been awash with reports about the plight and
članova Kriznog štaba općine Mostar, od toga četiri Boš- suffering of one people so that the policies of another na-
njaka-muslimana, „takozvana Jugoslavenska narodna tion – the Croats – could be branded as criminal. I have to
armija i druge paravojne formacije koje djeluju skupa s point out that I am stating my case as a person who makes
njom proglašavaju se kao neprijateljske i okupatorske the inference that the ideology of Greater Serbia is the root
formacije na području općine Mostar“ (čl. I.), a „zaštita i cause of all evil perpetrated in Croatia and BiH, and also as
odbrana grada Mostara od formacija iz člana I. povjerava a person who firmly believed that a viable joint Croat-Mus-
se Hrvatskom vijeću obrane – Općinskom stožeru Mo- lim alliance could be formed for the purpose of resisting
star, te pripadnicima Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova – the Serb aggressor in BiH. Having said that, it is both my
centar Mostar“ (čl. II.). U „Odluci“ se, uz ostalo, navodi da belief and opinion that the leaders of each constituent
„Hrvatsko vijeće obrane čine pripadnici muslimanskog nation in BiH have to genuinely confront the crimes that
i hrvatskog naroda i narodnosti koji priznaju legalne members of their respective armed forces committed
organe vlasti Republike Bosne i Hercegovine i kojima during the war. There is no doubt in my mind that unless
iskažu svoju lojalnost“ (čl. III.), da će „nacionalni sastav the leaders of the three constituent nations express regret
komandnog kadra Hrvatskog vijeća obrane odgovarati for the horrific acts done in the name of their respective
nacionalnom sastavu aktivnih vojnika“ (čl. IV.), te da „sva nations and religions through acts of contrition and offers
dokumenta za kretanje ljudi i roba izdaje HVO – Općin- of atonement, there will never be a lasting peace in BiH.
ski stožer Mostar“ (čl. VII.). Prema tome, u najtežim tre- Let us not forget that the Serbs, the Croats and the Bos-
nucima za obranu Mostara, na samom početku srpske niaks have no choice but to live side by side in BIH.
agresije na Mostar i BiH, glavnu odgovornost i najveći The prevailing perception, incepted by the Muslims’
teret u sprječavanju JNA i srpskih snaga da okupiraju success in imposing their version of events on most me-
cijeli Mostar, kao i u pripremama za oslobađanje opći- dia outlets in BiH, Croatia and the rest of the world, that
ne Mostar, preuzeo je HVO, uz suglasnost muslimanskih the Croats caused and initiated the Muslim-Croat con-
predstavnika. flict is simply not accordant with the facts. The clashes
To nije bio izolirani primjer, jer je i Krizni štab opći- between Croats and Muslims almost always started in
ne Maglaj, u kojoj su Muslimani imali relativnu većinu, 2. locales where the ARBIH enjoyed distinct advantage in
lipnja 1992. obranu općine „povjerio HVO-u općine Žep- men and materiel over the Croats. The Muslims spread,
če, Zavidovići, Maglaj i Teslić, sa sjedištem u Žepču“. U from central Bosnia and through Konjic, to Herzegovina
odluci o tome navedeno je da će obrambene formacije – the Croats did not spread into Muslim areas of BiH. The
„obavezno nositi oznake HVO-a, kao i oznake Republike Croats did not start the conflict in Mostar, as Muslim pro-
Bosne i Hercegovine“, a da se „HVO obvezuje da forma- pagandists would have the world to believe. By the time
ciji u Maglaju osigura potrebna materijalno-tehnička the conflict in Mostar started, in May, 1993, the city was al-
sredstva kao i opskrbu hranom i lijekovima“, uz napome- ready devastated as a result of the JNA and Serbs’ attacks
nu da ta odluka „ne prejudicira nikakvo političko rješe- in spring and summer 1992.38
nje“.1061 I zaključci sastanka muslimanskih predstavnika
11. srpnja 1992. u Gornjem Vakufu, potvrđuju da je HVO 38 There are photographs of the devastation the city of
Mostar sustained in JNA artillery attacks. Facts regarding
bio legalna formacija u zajedničkoj borbi.1062 the devastation can be found in the ''important, truthful
Jednako tako, i 108. brigada HVO-a Brčko, koja je u and historically accurate Mostar '92 - urbicid, by a group
teškim uvjetima branila 30-ak hrvatskih sela, s oko 20.000 of authors of Croatian and Muslim-Bosniak nationality'',
published in 1992 (before the Muslim-Croat conflict). In
stanovnika, zaslužna je što srpske snage u proljeće 1992. the introducudtion it is stated: ''A city with a populati-
nisu ovladale cijelom općinom Brčko. U početku je bila on of 130.000, with a recognizable style of architecture
sastavljena od Hrvata i Bošnjaka-muslimana, da bi se (…) was devasted beyond recognition in the fighting
between April and June 1992 even to those who shel-
njenom reorganizacijom početkom 1993. podijelila „na tered in their basements during that period. Urbicid – in
the case of Mostar meaning that the city was completely
1061 Krizni štab Općine Maglaj broj 01-98-1/92 od 2. 6. 1992.; reduced to rubble…'' (Mostar '92 – urbicid, Mostar, 1992.,
p.7) see: Praljak, Slobodan. URBICID koji su počinile po-
MKSJ, predmet Prlić i ostali IT-04-74 – dokaz 1D01924.
strojbe JA pod vodstvom Momčila Perišića nad Mostarom
1062 Prlić, knjiga I, 317. u ljeto 1992. Zagreb, May 2007.


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108. pješačku brigadu HVO Brčko i 215. motorizovanu The first instance verdict in the Prlić et al. case verified
brigadu Armije RBiH“. Tijekom rata pojačana je Hrvatima the efforts of the Muslim propaganda machine. In the text
s područja Hrvatske zajednice Soli i hrvatskih naselja s explaining the verdict it is stated that “beginning in April
područja Živinica, kao i hrvatskim vojnicima iz 115. bri- 1992, in the Municipality of Mostar, the Croats embarked
gade HVO-a Zrinski s područja Tuzle, koja je ukinuta zbog upon a policy aimed at placing Muslims living in the mu-
ultimativne odluke muslimanskog dijela Predsjedništva nicipality at a disadvantage”. It needs to be said that the
BiH u Sarajevu. Crte obrane na području Donje Dubravi- claim is in stark contradiction with the unassailable fact
ce, Vranovače i Boderišta cijelo vrijeme rata uspješno su that the Croats and Muslim/Bosniak in Mostar had been
odolijevale snažnim napadima srpskih snaga, zahvaljuju- jointly preparing to defend against attacks by the aggres-
ći i pomoći topništva HVO-a s područja Orašja, a kasnije i sor (JNA and Serb formations). Also, the explanation of
pomoći susjednih snaga ARBiH u najtežim trenucima. O the verdict ignores a number of other pertinent facts. For
intezitetu borbi u hrvatskoj općini Ravne-Brčko, domo- example, at the end of April (April 29, 1992) the Crisis Staff
ljublju i brojnim hrvatskim žrtvama u obrani toga pod- of the Mostar Municipality passed the Decision according
ručja i cijele Bosanske Posavine svjedoči i sudbina četiri to which the defense of Mostar fell within the sphere of
majke iz četiri hrvatska sela (Boće, Zovik, Štrepci i Peškiri), responsibility of the HVO and the MUP – Mostar center.
koje su u napadima srpskih snaga izgubile svaka po dva The HVO successfully defended Mostar and decisively de-
sina, pripadnika HVO-a: Jela Marčetić sinove Augustina feated the Serb forces in June, 1992, and liberated the city
i Ivana, Pera Mikanović sinove Matu i Slavka, Kata Zeče- (Operation Čagalj, also known as June Dawns). The Deci-
vić sinove Mirka i Antu, Manda Zečević sinove Ivu-Čupu i sion was signed by nine members of the Crisis Staff of the
Stjepana-Pepu. Kao i sudbine mnogih drugih majki i obi- Mostar Municipality, four of them Bosniak/Muslims. In the
telji… Izvješćujući 1995. s bojišta kod Boderišta, koje je Decision it was stated that “the so-called Yugoslav Peo-
postalo simbol obrane hrvatskih prostora u općini Brčko, ple’s Army (JNA) and other paramilitary formations acting
novinar Martin Bell, poznati izvjestitelj s bojišta u Hrvat- in unison with the JNA are hereby declared enemy and
skoj 1991., zaključio je: „Nigdje osim u Vukovaru nije palo occupying formations in the Mostar Municipality’” (Article
ovoliko granata. Boderište – Mali Vukovar.“1063 1) and that ‘”the responsibility for the protection and de-
Dakako, Bošnjaci-muslimani bili su u sastavu i dru- fense of the city of Mostar from the formations named in
gih brigada HVO-a iz Bosanske Posavine. Article 1 is given to the HVO – Municipal HQ Mostar and
U priopćenju građanima, jedan od muslimanskih the members of MUP – Mostar center” (Article 2). Further-
članova Kriznog štaba općine Mostar i njen potpisnik more, in the Decision it was explicitly stated that “the HVO
dr. Ismet Hadžiosmanović, obrazložio je „Odluku“ od 29. consists of members of the Muslim nation and the Croat
travnja 1992., kojom je obrana grada povjerena HVO-u: nation and members of other ethnicities who recognize
Ova „Odluka“ je odraz trenutne političke i prije svega the legal organs of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegov-
vojne situacije u gradu Mostaru. Mi se moramo suočiti sa ina and who are loyal to said organs” (Article 3) and that
istinom da smo napadnuti, da napadač čini sve da uništi “the national composition of the command cadres of the
ovaj grad, da uništi naše zajedništvo, da učini od grada HVO will mirror the national composition of the active
avetinjski grad. I u takvim okolnostima bilo je neminovno contingent” (Article 4) and that “all documents relating to
donijeti takvu Odluku. Sa političkog aspekta ona je u kon- movement of people and goods are issued by the HVO
tinuitetu svih donesenih odluka ovih dana od strane Pred- – Municipal HQ Mostar” (Article 7). Therefore, at the crit-
sjedništva i Vlade BiH i ona je u pravnom smislu osnovna ical moment for Mostar, at the beginning of the Serb ag-
potpora koja se koristi upravo iz tih dokumenata. Prema gression against Mostar and BiH the main burden of de-
tome, nema nikakvih političkih manipulacija i zloupotre- fending Mostar and BiH, preventing the Serb forces from
ba Odluke u bilo kakvom drugom smislu, već predstavlja occupying the whole city and of preparing to liberate the
na određen način kontinuitet stvaranja istinski nove prav- Mostar Municipality, fell on the HVO, with the Muslim rep-
resentatives’ consent.
What happened in Mostar was not an isolated occur-
1063 Druga bojna Gromovi – 108. pješačka brigada HVO Brčko, rence. The Crisis Staff of the Maglaj Municipality, where
HNV Brčko distrikt BiH – Udruga obitelji poginulih i ne-
stalih hrvatskih branitelja Ravne-Brčko, Brčko, 2011., 14, Muslims formed a relative majority, on June 2, 1992,
111, 140, 170. “entrusted the defense of the municipalities of Žepče,


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ne države, novih političkih odnosa i novog života na ovim Zavidovići, Maglaj and Teslić to the HVO in Žepče”. In the
prostorima. Što se tiče vojnog aspekta ona ima svoje ute- decision stipulating the above it was also stated that the
meljenje u jednoj neminovnoj činjenici da je hrvatski narod defensive formations “shall wear HVO insignia and insig-
bio svjestan da će jednoga dana morati da dođe do ovoga nia of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina” and that
do čega se došlo. Muslimani i većina građana Mostara nisu “the HVO accepts the obligation to secure all necessary
uopšte imali predodžbu da će ova sudbina zadesiti naš matériel and equipment as well as food and medicines
grad. To je istina, ona je bolna, ona je teška, ona razara to the forces in Maglaj”. The statement is qualified by
dušu svakog čestitog našeg građanina i razlog je toga što noting that “the decision is not prejudicial in relation to
su mnogi Mostarci upravo bježeći od suočenja sa istinom any future political solution”. The conclusions reached at
napustili ovaj grad. U njemu su istinski ostali oni koji žele, a meeting between the Muslim representatives held on
koji hoće i mogu da ga brane. To su branioci Mostara kojeg July 11, 1992, in Gornji Vakuf confirm that the HVO was a
predstavljaju čestiti sinovi i očevi hrvatskog i muslimanskog legal and legitimate formation in a joint defense against
i ostalih naroda kojima je u duši stalo do ovoga grada. (…) the JNA and Serbs.
Mi (muslimani, op. ur.) tek sada počinjemo stvarati Also, the performance of the 108th HVO Brčko Brigade
svoje oružane snage. Strana koja je najagresivnija, koja je while defending, in difficult conditions, about 30 Croatian
proglašena u krajnjoj liniji političkim i vojnim agresorom, tj. villages with around 20,000 residents, is the main reason
SDS (Srpska demokratska stranka, op. ur.), ona po svaku why the Serb forces did not manage to occupy the entire
cijenu želi zadržati postojeći dio JNA i dio svojih oružanih area of the Brčko Municipality. Initially the 108th Brigade
formacija koje se podvode pod pojmom TO (Teritorijalna consisted of Croats and Bosniak/Muslims. At the begin-
obrana, op. ur.). Upravo, pošto su i jedna i druga vojna for- ning of 1993 the Brigade was “divided into the 108th HVO
macija na ovim prostorima učinile zločinačka djela, učinili Infantry Brčko Brigade and the 215th Motorized ARBIH
sve da ovaj grad sravne sa zemljom, sam taj pojam je sa Brigade”. During the war the 108th Brigade was reinforced
pravom kod određenih ljudi stvorio nedoumice, jedno ne- with Croats from the Croatian Community (HZ) of Soli and
povjerenje, nešto što podsjeća na zločin. (…) Croatian settlements in the Živinica area and Croatian sol-
Mislim da je ovo (spomenuta „Odluka“, op. ur.) pro- diers from the 115th HVO Zrinski Brigade from Tuzla, which
izvod upravo stanja u kom se Mostar našao. To je grad was disbanded following the extortionate decision of the
koji je sa strateškog i vojnog aspekta u najtežoj, najgoroj Muslim members of the BiH Presidency in Sarajevo. The
vojnoj poziciji. On je dnevno izložen velikim razaranjima, defensive lines in Donja Dubravica, Vranovača and Bod-
posebno artiljerijskim i nas je, htjeli ne htjeli, nužda na- erište throughout the war held in the face of determined
tjerala na ovakav postupak. On je proizvod napada agre- Serb attacks. The defenders often relied on HVO artillery
sora na ovaj grad. Prema tome, mi smo to htjeli i morali i support and help from neighboring ARBIH units during
da smo to bogdo i ranije uradili vjerovatno bi tada daleko the most critical moments. The HVO artillery pieces pro-
bolje stajali i sa odbranom, manje bi imali i žrtava i mate- viding support for the defenders were deployed in the
rijalnih razaranja i znali bi na koncu konca protiv koga se Orašje area. The fates of four mothers from four Croatian
borimo, ko je okupator i ko je došao ovdje da razori ovaj villages (Buće, Zovik, Štrepci and Peškiri ) testify to the
grad. Uostalom, to ima u dokumentima, a historija će reći horrific intensity of the fighting in the predominately Cro-
u svemu tome svoju sudbinu.1064 at Municipality of Ravne Brčko and also to the patriotism
Spomenuto priopćenje istaknutog muslimanskog and determination of the Croat defenders of that area
predstavnika u tijelima vlasti u Mostaru, koji će na Izetbe- and the entire Bosanska Posavina and to their willingness
govićev zahtjev 25. studenoga 1992. biti smijenjen s to sacrifice their lives in the defense of their homes. Each
dužnosti predsjednika Regionalnog odbora SDA-a,1065 mother lost two sons, members of the HVO, killed in bat-
potvrđuje zaključak da su srpsku agresiju na BiH musli- tle against the Serbs: Jela Marčetić lost her two sons Au-
mani dočekali nepripremljeni, a da su Hrvati prvi pružili gustin and Ivan; Pera Mikanović lost her two sons Mato
and Slavko; Kata Zečević lost her two sons Mirko and
1064 Iz „Saopštenja građanima Mostara člana Kriznog štaba
Ante; Manda Zečević lost her two sons Ivo “Čupa” and St-
SO Mostar dr. Ismeta Hadžiosmanovića“, vrijeme emiti- jepan “Pero”. Many other Croatian families suffered similar
ranja: 29. 4. 1992., 18 sati. tragedies… Reporting in 1995 from the battlefield near
1065 Lučić, 2018., 268. Boderište, a town that has become a symbol of the Croa-


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značajniji otpor na područjima BiH na kojima su živjeli tian defense against aggression in the Brčko Municipality,
u većem broju, pa tako i napadu JNA i srpskih snaga na Martin Bell, a renowned war correspondent who had cov-
Mostar. Priopćenje je također važno i zato što potvrđuje ered the war in Croatia in 1991, concluded: “Nowhere else
činjenicu da je Mostar u najvećoj mjeri razorilo topniš- except in Vukovar have this many shells been dropped.
tvo JNA, što će muslimansko vodstvo kasnije pokušati Boderište – Little Vukovar.”
u jednakoj mjeri pripisati HVO-u. I na kraju, Odluka da Of course, Bosniaks/Muslims also fought in the ranks
se obrana Mostara povjeri HVO-u, kao odraz trenutnog of other HVO brigades in Bosanska Posavina.
stanja i potrebe obrane protiv zajedničkog agresora, na- In a communiqué to the residents of Mostar Dr. Ismet
meće pitanje zašto na isti način, koji se na primjeru Mo- Hadžiosmanović, one of the Muslim members of the Crisis
stara pokazao kao učinkovit, muslimansko vodstvo nije Staff Mostar and a co-signatory of the Decision of April 29,
kasnije prihvatilo i prijedlog ministra obrane BiH Bože 1992, by which the defense of the city was entrusted to
Rajića od 16. siječnja 1993., o podčinjavanju postrojbi the HVO, explained the decision thusly:
HVO-a Glavnom stožeru Armije RBiH ondje gdje su pre- The decision reflects the current political, and more im-
težno muslimanske snage, odnosno postrojbi Armije portantly, military situation in the city. We have to face the
RBiH Glavnom stožeru HVO-a ondje gdje je pretežito fact that we are under attack and that the aggressor is doing
HVO, radi bolje koordinacije, neophodne za uspješnije his utmost to destroy this city, to ruin our unity and to leave
zajedničko djelovanje protiv srpskih snaga. nothing but desolation in his wake. In such circumstances we
Početak muslimansko-hrvatskog sukoba u Mostaru had no option but to reach this Decision. From the political
ne može se promatrati odvojeno od pokretanja ofenzive perspective the Decision is consistent with all the decisions
Armije RBiH na Konjic i Jablanicu 14. travnja 1993., koja made by the Presidency and the BiH government over the
je HVO u Mostaru primorala na reakciju radi sprečavanja course of the last few days and in the strictly legal sense,
širenja sukoba na Mostar i ostale općine u dolini Nere- the Decision is an instrument which derives its validity and
tve. Istovremeno s napadajnim djelovanjem ARBiH pro- substance from the aforementioned documents issued pre-
tiv HVO-a na području Konjica, zapovjednik 4. korpusa viously. Therefore, no political manipulation or ill intent un-
ARBiH Arif Pašalić je 17. travnja 1993. naredio nastavak derlies the Decision. Moreover, this Decision represents, in a
„odbrambenih“ borbenih djelovanja (riječ „odbrambe- certain sense, the continuity of the process of the creation of
nih“ je rukom dopisana u dokument preko druge riječi, a truly new state based on the concept of the rule of law, new
op. ur.) i zaposjedanje dominantnih objekata u gradu political relationships and a new way of life in these lands.
Mostaru.1066 Izvanredno izvješće Vojno obavještajne As far as the military aspect, the Decision is grounded in the
službe Glavnog stožera HVO-a, sastavljeno istoga dana, inevitable fact that the Croatian nation was aware that one
govori o dramatičnim trenucima za hrvatski narod na day this misfortunate situation would occur. The Muslims,
području sjeverozapadne Hercegovine i središnje Bosne and most residents of Mostar, had no inkling whatsoever
(Jablanice, Konjica, Viteza, Busovače, Zenice i Vareša) that this calamity would befall our city. But, this is the reality.
zbog „velike ofenzive muslimanskih snaga“ na HVO i Hr- It is a harsh reality, a painful reality, a destructive reality, a
vate, započete prije tri dana, u kojoj je, zajedno s ARBiH, soul-demolishing reality that has forced many Mostar resi-
sudjelovalo i oko „1600 mudžahedina“, čineći zločine dents to flee rather than to face it. Those who have stayed are
nad Hrvatima i uništavajući njihovu imovinu. U zaključ- those who truly want and are able to defend the city. They
ku izvješća navedeno je: „Imajući u vidu sve naprijed are the defenders of Mostar, they are the sons and fathers of
navedeno muslimani su prekinuli dosadašnju suradnju i the Croatian and Muslim and other nations who care deeply
krenuli u otvoreni rat protiv HVO – hrvatskog naroda. Za about this city (…)
ostvarivanje svog cilja, protjerivanje hrvatskog naroda, We (the Muslims) only now have begun to form our
napustili su sve položaje prema ‘vojsci Republike Srpske’ armed forces. The side that is the most aggressive, the side
/angažiranje postrojbi s planine Igman, angažiranje bri- that has been, after all, declared the political and military
gade ARBiH iz Hrasnice/. Dok traju srpski napadi na Sre- aggressor, the (the Serbian Democratic Party) wants to keep
brenicu, ARBiH s područja središnje Bosne nijednu svoju the existing contingent of the JNA and its armed formations
functioning under the designation “Territorial Defense” (TO).
1066 Naređenje komandanta 4. korpusa ARBiH Arifa Pašalića Both the JNA and Serb formations have committed crimes
od 17. 4. 1993., djelov. broj: 01-3191/93. against humanity and war crimes in these lands and done


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postrojbu nije uputila za deblokadu iste, već je sve svoje their utmost to reduce this city to rubble. For this reason the
potencijale upotrijebila za uništenje hrvatskog naroda term “TO” has, for some people, become synonymous with
na slobodnim prostorima.“1067 the word “crime” (…)
Ciljeve ARBiH u sukobu s HVO-om, koji je ujutro 19. I am of the opinion that this Decision is the result of the
travnja 1993. započeo u središtu Mostara, otkrivaju za- situation Mostar is in. Militarily, and therefore strategically,
povijedi Komande 41. mtbr ARBiH od 19. i 20. travnja the city is in a precarious position. The city of Mostar is sys-
1993., u kojima se navode zadaće za zaposjedanje polo- tematically being destroyed, mostly by artillery fire. We were
žaja za obranu i prelazak u napad na značajne objekte u forced to reach this Decision. Again, this Decision is the result
Mostaru (zauzimanje brda Hum i vojarne Sjeverni logor, of the aggressor’s attack on the city of Mostar. We should
kao i zgrade MUP-a i PS-a Mostar, prostorija „Elektro-Her- have acted sooner. Had we done so, we would now be bet-
cegovine“ i objekata „Žitoprometa“), te za pripremu za ter able to defend ourselves, we would not have suffered so
djelovanje po ciljevima na desnoj obali Neretve.1068 many casualties and sustained so much material damage.
U Dnevnom obavještajnom izvješću HVO-a, datira- We should have known who the aggressor was, we should
nom 19. travnja 1993., navodi se da je u „rajonu Mostara“ have known who was bent on destroying this city. Had that
zabilježena „samo jedna incidentna situacija, izazvana been the case, we would have fought the invader. Now we
od strane ARBiH, u kojoj je ranjeno nekoliko pripadni- know. Everything is documented and history will judge us all.
ka HVO-a“, no ističe se da je „opće stanje napeto“, da It is worth pointing out that the Dr. Ismet Hadžios-
su „tenzije podignute u prvom redu zbog propagande manović was sacked, at Izetbegović’s request, on Novem-
muslimanskih medija na kojima se često oglašavaju ber 25, 1992, from the position of President of the SDA’s
zapovjednici muslimanskih postrojbi čiji istupi imaju Regional Committee. It is clear that his explanation con-
negativan trend“ te da je „sinoć oko 21.00 sat svim pri- firms that the Muslims were not able to resist the Serbs’
padnicima ARBiH data puna borbena gotovost“. Stoga je attack and that only the Croats, at that time, offered effec-
ocijenjeno „da su sukobi vrlo lako mogući, bez posebnih tive resistance to the Serbs and the JNA in predominately
povoda za njihovu eskalaciju“, jer je u cilju vrha ARBiH Croatian areas of BiH, including the city of Mostar. The ex-
„da rat proširi na ove dijelove HZ H-B“. U istom izvješću planation also confirms that the Serbs shelled Mostar and
zaključeno je da žestina udara „na cijeloj teritoriji HZ HB practically destroyed the city. The point is worth stressing
pokazuje da je muslimanska ofenziva dobro planirana, because the Muslims would later claim that the damage
sinhronizirana i vođena s najvišeg vrha“, no da će „kao inflicted by Serb (JNA) artillery was actually inflicted by
i do sada muslimanska strana to negirati, a radnje koje the HVO.
poduzima prikazivati kao incidente ili djelo pojedinač- Finally the decision to entrust the defense of Mostar
nih ekstremista i grupa koje su se otrgnule kontroli“, te to the HVO, as a reflection of the circumstances calling
da je „osnovna namjera agresora postupno preuzimanje for a joint resistance to the aggressor, raises the question:
vojne i civilne vlasti nad mjestima u središnjoj Bosni i po- why did the Muslim leadership later not accept, especially
tiskivanje Hrvata s tih prostora“.1069 in light of the fact that the HVO had successfully defend-
Povremenih sukoba bilo je 20. travnja, a 21. travnja ed Mostar, the proposition the minister of defense of
je dogovoreno povlačenje vojske u vojarne i uklanjanje BiH, Bože Rajić, made on January 16, 1993, about subor-
postavljenih zaklona za borbu, te crta razgraničenja,1070 dinating the HVO units to the General Staff of the ARBIH
in the areas where Muslim forces were predominant and
1067 Glavni stožer HVO, Vojno obavještajna služba, str. pov. subordinating ARBIH units to the HVO Main Staff in those
br. 03-365/93, Mostar, 19. travnja 1993., Dnevno obavje- areas where most of the deployed units belonged to the
štajno izvješće br. 235/93. HVO? Had the proposition been accepted by the Muslims,
1068 Komanda 41. mot. br. ARBiH, Zapovijest za odbranu dj. the HVO and ARBIH would have been able to closely co-
br. 470 od 19. 4. 1993.; Komanda 41. mot. br. ARBiH, Na- ordinate their actions and achieve many more successes
ređenje dj. br. 470-2/93 od 20. 4. 1993.
against the Serb forces than they actually did.
1069 Glavni stožer HVO, VOS (vojno obavještajna služba), str.
pov. br. 03-359/93, Mostar, 17. travnja 1993., Izvanredno
The break-out of the Muslim-Croat conflict in Mostar
izvješće. cannot be viewed independently of the ARBIH’s offensive
1070 Priopćenje za javnost od 20. 4. 1993. i 21. 4. 1993., Petar on Konjic and Jablanica launched on April 14, 1993. That
Zelenika i Arif Pašalić, ICTY 3D00676 i 3D00016. move by the ARBIH forced the HVO in Mostar to react so


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da bi se 23. travnja stanje smirilo. No, stanje se sustav- as to prevent the conflict from spreading to Mostar and
no pogoršavalo jer je uglavnom bilo odraz nepoštiva- other municipalities in the Neretva Valley. When the AR-
nja sporazuma ARBiH u Konjicu, tako da je sukob bio BIH attacked the HVO in the Konjic area, the commander
izvjestan. Pripreme ARBiH za napad na HVO i namjeru of IV Corps of ARBIH Arif Pašalić, on April 17, 1993, ordered
muslimanskog zapovjedništva da u tom napadu isko- the continuation of “defensive” actions (the word defensive
risti i muslimane u sastavu HVO-a, potvrđuje i „Izvještaj was handwritten into the existing document over anoth-
o stanju i događanjima u 42. bbr“ zapovjednika 4. kor- er word) and capture the dominant locations in the city of
pusa ARBiH Arifa Pašalića, od 2. svibnja 1993. godine. U Mostar. In the Extraordinary Report of the military intelli-
njemu je navedeno izvješće komandanta 42. bbr i izvje- gence staff attached to the HVO Main Staff, composed on
šće sa sastanka u brigadi održanog 17. travnja 1993., iz the same day, the situation was characterized as dramat-
čijih je sadržaja razvidno postojanje plana „zauzimanja ic for the Croatian nation in northwest Herzegovina and
grada Stolca sa našim ljudima (muslimanima, op. ur.) u central Bosnia (Jablanica, Konjic, Vitez, Busovača, Zenica
HVO-u“, odnosno da je već bilo „izvršeno uvezivanje sa and Vareš) due to “a great offensive of the Muslim forces”
našim ljudima u HVO-u“ i da su minobacači ARBiH „već against the HVO and Croats, launched three days before,
bili postavljeni za djelovanje protiv HVO-a“ i „ciljeve na in which “1,600 Mujahedeen” fought alongside the ARBIH
desnoj obali Neretve“: troops, committing crimes against Croats and destroying
U Naredbi koja je izdata k-dantima bataljona i their property. The report concludes: “Keeping in mind
užem dijelu k-de 42. bbr na sastanku održanom dana everything stated above, the Muslims have dissolved the
17. 04. 1993. u 22,00 usmeno je od strane k-danta 42. partnership with us and started an all-out war against the
bbr rečeno sljedeće: HVO – the Croatian nation. In order to achieve their prima-
- ne otpočinjati dejstva bez naredbe; ry objective – the expulsion of the Croats – the Muslims
- izvršeno je uvezivanje sa našim ljudima u HVO-u; abandoned their positions on the defensive lines oppo-
- manjim snagama posjednuti su: site the VRS and deployed against us their forces from the
• most u Žitomislićima, Igman mountain and the ARBIH Hrasnica Brigade. As the
• dvije dominantne kote koje dominiraju Bunom, Serb attacks on Srebrenica are in progress, the ARBIH has
• položaji prema Domanovićima, sent no unit from central Bosnia to the Srebrenica front,
• položaji prema s. Stanojevići, using instead all of its available forces to destroy the Cro-
• kontroliše se Hodbina; ats in the unoccupied areas.”
- glavnina snaga je u pripravnosti i odmara se sa The orders issued by the 41st Motorized Brigade HQ
zadatkom da: on April 19 and 20, 1993, reveal the objectives of the AR-
• zatvori most na Žitomislićima, BIH’s attack in the Mostar city center on April 19, 1993. The
• zauzimanje punkta i mosta na Buni sa dijelom orders instructed the ARBIH forces to set up defensive po-
snaga iz Blagaja, sitions and also to attack and capture important positions
• zauzimanje Domanovića; in Mostar (Hum Hill, Sjeverni Logor barracks, MUP build-
- ljudstvo (muslimani, op. ur.) iz HVO Čapljina ima ing, Police station, Elektro-Herzegovina building and Žito-
zadatak da zauzme s. Tasovčiće i most u Čapljini promet) and prepare to fire on targets on the right bank
s ciljem da ne dozvoli dovođenje snaga iz pravca of the Neretva.
Metkovića; In the daily military intelligence report of the HVO
- sela su maximalno obezbijeđena i uvezana dated April 19, 1993, it is stated that “in the Mostar area”
kurirskom vezom, the ARBIH “provoked only one incident in which a few
- zauzimanje grada Stolac sa našim ljudima u HVO-u, HVO members were wounded” but also that “the general
- zauzimanje punktova i s. Prenj, Nakovanj i Aladinići, situation is tense” and that “tensions have been raised as
- kontrola mosta na r. Bregava u s. Prenj i sprečavanje a direct result of the Muslim media outlets’ habit of letting
uvođenja snaga HVO iz pravca Kruševo – Prenj i commanders of Muslim units promote Muslim propagan-
Svitava – Prenj, da on air” and that “last night, around 2100 hours all ARBIH
- zatvoriti put prema s. Drinovac i s. Kruševo, soldiers were put on highest level of combat readiness.” It
- MB 60 i 82 postavljeni za dejstvo protiv HVO, is further stated in the report that “it is probable that clash-
- lanseru dati ciljevi i na desnoj obali Neretve (po es will occur without any direct cause for their escalation”


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položajima HVO-a, op. ur.), because the aim of the ARBIH leadership “is to spread the
- PO sredstva su u pripravnosti.1071 conflict to these areas of the HZ HB”. The report ends with
O tome svjedoče i „potrebni zadaci“ koje je 8. svib- the conclusion that the ferocity on the onslaught “in the
nja 1993. izdala Komanda 4. korpusa ARBiH.1072 entire territory of the HZ HB shows that the Muslim offen-
Prve velike gradske borbe između ARBiH i HVO-a u sive has been carefully and meticulously prepared and it is
Mostaru, koje su počele ujutro 9. svibnja, a završile 12. commanded from the very top” and that “the Muslim side,
svibnja 1993.,1073 HVO drži posljedicom priprema ARBiH as it has been doing all along, will deny everything and
za napad1074 i nastavkom napadnih operacija ARBiH na will present the ARBIH moves as isolated incidents or ac-
području Konjica, Klisa i Jablanice.1075 Zbog napada AR- tions taken by extremists and renegade groups” and that
BiH manji dijelovi profesionalnih sastava koje je imao “the basic intention of the aggressor is to gradually seize
HVO toga dana, 9. svibnja, hitno su pozvani u Mostar,1076 military and civil power in the towns in central Bosnia and
što navodi na zaključak da HVO nije planirao napad, expel the Croats from these areas”.
nego je reagirao. U borbama u okolici grada ARBiH je Sporadic clashes occurred on April 20. On April 21
10. svibnja zauzela Grabovicu, mjesto u kojem će 8./9. the HVO and ARBIH agreed to confine their respective
rujna 1993., kada na tom području nije bilo borbenih troops to the barracks, remove all erected obstacles and
djelovanja jer se nalazilo u pozadini crte razdvajanja, barricades and establish a separation line. On April 23
pripadnici ARBiH ubiti 32 civila Hrvata, među kojima i the situation was relatively calm. But, then it started to
jedno četverogodišnje dijete. steadily deteriorate again, mostly because the ARBIH
Potom je, zahvaljujući iznenađenju, odnosno izda- forces in Konjic did not honor the agreement. A conflict,
ji muslimana pripadnika HVO-a, što je bilo u skladu sa at that point, was inevitable. The Report on Conditions
spomenutim planom Arifa Pašalića od 2. svibnja 1993. and Developments in the 42nd Mountain Brigade by the
o ostanku muslimana u postrojbama HVO-a do znaka commander of IV Corps of the ARBIH Arif Pašalić of May
za napad na HVO, ARBiH nakon ponoći 29./30. lipnja 2,1993 confirms that the ARBIH was preparing to attack
zauzela vojarnu HVO-a Tihomir Mišić i Bijelo polje te the HVO and that the Muslim command intended to use
još neka područja Mostara i okolice.1077 Nužna i vojnič- the Muslims serving in the ranks of the HVO in the attack.
ki jedina logična reakcija vodstva HVO-a na izdaju di- Arif Pašalić, in his reports, refers to a report made by the
jela muslimana pripadnika HVO-a, radi zaštite vlastitih commander of the 42nd Mountain Brigade and a report
snaga i hrvatskih civila od narednih ofenzivnih djelo- from a meeting held at the Brigade HQ on April 17, 1993.
The contents of both these reports reveal the existence
of the plan to “use our men (Muslims) in the HVO to cap-
1071 Komanda 4. korpusa, Armija Republike BiH, Izvještaj str. ture Stolac”. Furthermore, the report says that “we have
pov. br. 01-3573/93 od 2. 5. 1993. already established communication with our men in the
1072 Komanda 4. korpusa, Armija Republike BiH, Izvještaj str. HVO” and that ARBIH mortars “are already in position and
pov. br. 02-3763/93 od 8. 5. 1993. ready to fire on HVO troops” and on “targets on the right
1073 Istoga dana, u ranim jutarnjim satima, pripadnici ARBIH bank of the Neretva”.
otimaju don Ivu Vukšića iz prostorija samostana i odvo-
In Order, issued to the battalion commanders and
de ga u istočni Mostar. Nakon pregovora, posredstvom
SPABAT-a on je vraćen u zapadni Mostar (Izvješće župni- narrow part of the 42, at the meeting held on 17 April
ka don Ive Vukšića, 15. svibnja 1993., ICTY Prlić i ostali, 1993 at 2200 hours, the commander of the orally
stated the following:
1074 Komanda 41. mot. br ARBiH, Zapovijest za odbranu dj. - do not act without an Order
br. 470 od 19. 4. 1993., ICTY, Prlić i ostali, dokaz 3D00014; - connection with our men in the HVO has been done
naredba od 20. 4. 1993., broj 470-1/93, ICTY, Prlić i ostali,
dokaz 2D00094 i 2D00095. - with minor forces occupied are:
- bridge in Žitomislići
1075 GSHVO, VOS, str. pov. br. 03-412/93, za dan 9. i 10. 5.
1993. - two dominant points that dominate Buna
1076 Operativna zona JIH, Mljenko Lasić, ICTY Prlić i osta-
- positions towards Domanovići
li, 3D01001; 3D01006; 3D01007; 3D01008; 3D01009; - positions towards village Stanojevići
3D01010; 3D01011; 3D01013; 3D01016; 3D01023. - Hodbina is under control
1077 ICTY Prlić i ostali, 3D00165. - the most of forces is in stand-by, resting from the task:


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vanja ARBiH, bila je privođenje i izoliranje većeg broja - to close the bridge in Žitomislići
muslimanskih vojnih obveznika na području na kojem - to take the point and the bridge on Buna with
je HVO držao vlast, uključujući i postrojbe HVO-a u či- one part of Blagaj forces
jem su sastavu bili muslimani. Izvori HVO-a od 1. srpnja - to take Domanovići
1993. pokazuju da su zapovijedi „o privođenju vojnih - Men (Muslims, editor’s note) From HVO Čapljina has
obveznika muslimanske nacionalnosti, primjerice u vo- got the task to take Tasovčići and the bridge in Čapljina
jarnu Dretelj i u pritvor u Gabelu, rezultat pogoršanja with aim not to allow the forces gathering from
sigurnosne situacije zbog događaja u Mostaru“.1078 direction Metković
Presudna za slamanje HVO-a i zauzimanje znatnog - villages are maximally safe and connected through the
dijela BiH na kojem žive Hrvati, trebala je biti napadajna courier connection
operacija „Neretva“, koju je muslimanska ARBiH pokre- - taking the town Stolac with our men in the HVO
nula 12. rujna 1993. protiv HVO-a i hrvatskog naroda - taking points and the villages Prenj, Nakovanj and
na prostoru od Gornjega Vakufa preko Prozora do Mo- Aladinići
stara, s ciljem ovladavanja tim teritorijem i stvaranjem - bridge control on route Bregava in the village Prenj and
pretpostavki za zauzimanje Mostara, doline Neretve i prevention of introducting HVO forces from direction
izlaska na more.1079 Na mostarskom dijelu bojišta poče- Kruševo-Prenj and Svitava-Prenj
la je 14. rujna. Istoga dana, na drugom smjeru opera- - to close the route towards villages Drinovac and
cije „Neretva“, ARBiH je 14. rujna napala selo Uzdol na Kruševo
ramskoj bojišnici, s ciljem zauzimanja Prozora/Rame, i - Mortars 60 and 82 are set to act against HVO
počinila zločin, ubivši 41 Hrvata - 12 zarobljenih pripad- - given targets at the right bank of Novertva to the
nika HVO-a i 29 civila Hrvata, među kojima su bila i dje- launcher
ca. Omjer snaga – 1:7 u korist ARBiH, ukazuje na jačinu - PO materials are in stand-by (unofficial translation
ofenzive i napore koje je HVO uložio da se održi i odbije from The Hague)
napade. O svemu tome govori Davor Marijan u prvom The “necessary tasks”, issued by IV Corps HQ confirm
dijelu ove knjige. the contents of the above document.
Radi pokušaja sprječavanja srpskih snaga da osvoje The first serous battles between the ARBIH and the
pojedine gradove u BiH i spašavanja muslimanskog sta- HVO in Mostar started on the morning of May 9 and fin-
novništva na tom području, međunarodna zajednica ih ished on May 12, 1993.39 The HVO perceived those battles
je proglašavala „zaštićenim zonama“. Na području Sre- as the logical consequence of the ARBIH’s preparations
brenice i Žepe, koje su sredinom travnja 1993. bile u go- for attacks and further offensive actions in the Konjic, Klis
tovo bezizlaznom položaju zbog napada Drinskog kor- and Jablanica areas. When the ARBIH attacked the HVO in
pusa VRS-a, UNPROFOR je preuzeo odgovornost nakon Mostar on May 9 elements of HVO professional units were
Sporazuma o demilitarizaciji toga područja, koji je AR- sent to Mostar. That suggests that the HVO did not plan to
BiH potpisala s Vojskom Republike Srpske (VRS) 8. svib- attack the ARBIH. The HVO merely reacted to the ARBIH’s
nja 1993. godine. Prekid sukoba na tom dijelu ratišta, moves. On May 10 the ARBIH captured Grabovica, on the
ARBiH mogla je iskoristiti za obračun s HVO-om u sre- outskirts of Mostar, where, on September 8-9 ARBIH sol-
dišnjoj Bosni, što je već sljedećega dana, 9. svibnja, kad diers would kill 32 Croatian civilians, including a four-year-
su započele borbe između ARBiH i HVO-a u Mostaru, old child. It is worth pointing out that when the massacre
nagovijestio načelnik Glavnog štaba Armije Republike was perpetrated Grabovica was deep in the ARBIH’s rear.
BiH Sefer Halilović u zapovjedništvu 3. korpusa ARBiH: After midnight on the night of June 29-30 the ARBIH,
„… Treći korpus mora pojačati napadna i informativna using the Muslim traitors in the HVO ranks, as per Arif
dejstva na Travnik i Lašvansku dolinu, Busovaču, Vitez, Pašalić’s plan of May 2 1993, which ordered the Muslims
Novi Travnik. Treći korpus će dobiti pojačanje kad UN

39 On the same day, in the early morning hours, ARBIH so-

1078 Zapovjedništvo III. satnije III. bojne VP HVO Čapljina, ldiers abducted don Ivo Vukšić from the monastery and
Dnevno izvješće, djelatni broj: 02-4/3-06/4-12-207/93, took him to East Mostar. After negotiations, Vukšić was
od 1. 7. 1993. returned to West Mostar (Report by parish priest Don Ivo
1079 Lučić, 2018., 296. Vukšić, of May 15, 1993, ICTY: Prlić et al., 3D00177).


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odredi demilitarisovane zone u Istočnoj Bosni, tada in the HVO to continue serving in the HVO until the ARBIH
će biti trenutak konačnoga obračuna sa ustašama na attacked the Croats, the ARBIH captured the HVO Tihomir
ovom terenu i put u Hrvatsku ili pod crnu zemlju…“.1080 Mišić barracks, Bijelo Polje and a few other locales in Mo-
Kad je 4. lipnja 1993. Vijeće sigurnosti UN-a konač- star and its environs. The only logical, and by the same to-
no izglasalo Rezoluciju 836 o šest “zaštićenih zona” u ken, necessary reaction of the HVO to the actions of the
BiH (Bihać, Goražde, Sarajevo, Tuzla, Srebrenica i Žepa) Muslim traitors in its ranks was to arrest and isolate a large
i odobrilo novu operaciju UN-a u BiH da bi se te zone i number of Muslim conscripts in the area controlled by the
zaštitile,1081 ARBiH mogla je pokrenuti nove napadajne HVO and those serving in HVO units. The HVO, knowing
operacije u središnjoj Bosni, s pojačanjima dovedenim that the ARBIH would launch more offensive actions, took
iz drugih područja BiH. Zbog toga je hrvatski pred- this step to protect its soldiers and Croatian civilians. HVO
sjednik Franjo Tuđman prigovorio Aliji Izetbegoviću na sources, dated July 1, 1993, show that the orders to “con-
susretu u Zagrebu, 11. lipnja 1993.: „Gospodine Izetbe- fine the Muslim conscripts to, among other places, the
goviću, 7500 vojnika muslimanskih je prebačeno bilo Dretelj barracks and Gabela  jail, come as a direct result of
u vrijeme dok je tamo bila tragedija Srebrenice, pre- the worsening of the security situation in relation to the
bačeno na područje Busovače i tamo su hrvatska sela events in Mostar.”
čišćena. Od 145 tisuća izbjeglica iz istočne Bosne, iz The ARBIH launched Operation Neretva-93 against
središnje Bosne, oko 95 do 100 tisuća je Muslimana (na- the HVO and the Croatian people on September 12 ,1993.
seljeno, op. ur.), od Mostara pa dalje i tada ste započeli, The aims of the offensive were to occupy the predomi-
da li po vašoj naredbi, ali postoje pripremljene naredbe, nately Croat area stretching from Gornji Vakuf via Prozor
pismene naredbe da treba očistiti sve (od Hrvata, op. to Mostar, decisively defeat the HVO forces, create condi-
ur.) – Jablanicu, Konjic, Mostar itd. Prema tome, zašto je tions for the capture of the city of Mostar and the Neretva
započelo to u tim provincijama 8 i 10 koje su bile pred- Valley and create conditions for securing access to the
viđene (Vance-Owenovim planom, op. ur.) s većinskom Adriatic Sea. Fighting on the Mostar front commenced
hrvatskom vlašću?”1082 on September 14. On the same day, the ARBIH attacked
S obzirom na podatke u izvorima, koji javnosti nisu the village of Uzdol on the Rama front with the aim of
cjelovito prikazani, a koje je selektivno koristilo i haško capturing Prozor/Rama. During the attack ARBIH soldiers
Tužiteljstvo, činjenica je da bi većina odluka, odnosno committed a crime, murdering 41 Croats – 12 HVO POWs
objašnjenja odluka Žalbenoga vijeća kojima se oprav- and 29 civilians, including children. The ARBIH enjoyed
dava teza o „udruženom (zajedničkom) zločinačkom a 7:1 numerical advantage over the HVO during the of-
pothvatu“ pala u svakoj ozbiljnijoj znanstvenoj raspra- fensive. Despite this, the HVO offered spirited resistance
vi. Stoga je teza da je udruživanje Hrvata u Hrvatsku and repulsed many attacks. Davor Marijan describes these
zajednicu / Republiku Herceg Bosnu zločinačke naravi, events in detail in the first part of this book.
kao i pomoć koju je pritom pružilo hrvatsko vodstvo, či- In a bid to prevent Serb forces from capturing a num-
njenično neprihvatljiva, a za Hrvate i uvredljiva. Budući ber of towns in BiH and protect the Muslim population
da ovdje nema dovoljno prostora za cjelovitu i detaljnu in the area in question, the international community de-
raščlambu, samo ću se osvrnuti na neke navode iz pri- clared these areas safe zones. Srebrenica and Žepa, under
općenja Tužiteljstva nakon proglašenja drugostupanj- attack from Drina Corps of VRS, were in a hopeless situa-
ske presude. Primjerice, da je “Žalbeno vijeće potvrdilo tion in mid-April, 1993. Then UNPROFOR moved in follow-
ing the demilitarization agreement of the area which the
1080 OZ SB-VOS, Načelnik VOS Ivica Zeko, 9. 5. 1993., Obra- ARBIH had signed with the VRS on May 8, 1993. The ces-
na, vojna tajna, strogo pov., File: B-446-2-16.pdf. /ICTY, sation of hostilities in the Žepa –Srebrenica area freed up
predmet IT-04-74 (Prlić i ostali) dokaz 3D02873./; M. the ARBIH troops deployed there for deployment against
TUĐMAN, Druga strana Rubikona - politička strategija the HVO in central Bosnia. The chief of the General Staff of
Alije Izetbegovića, Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, Zagreb,
2017., 192-193. the ARBIH Sefer Halilović announced the troop transfer at
1081 Marija Sentić, Kronologija Republike Hrvatske 1990.-
III Corps HQ on May 9, when the ARBIH attacked the HVO
1998., Hrvatski institut za povijest – Školska knjiga, Za- in Mostar: “…III Corps must intensify its offensive actions
greb, 2015., 552. against Travnik, the Lašva Valley, Busovača, Vitez, Novi
1082 M. TUĐMAN, 2017., 341. Travnik. III Corps will be reinforced when the UN declared


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zaključke Raspravnog vijeća da su ključni članovi tadaš- demilitarized zones in eastern Bosnia. When that happens
njeg čelništva Hrvatske, uključujući predsjednika Franju the moment we’ll settle accounts with the fascists once
Tuđmana, ministra obrane Gojka Šuška i Janka Bobet- and for all in this area. Those Croats reluctant to leave for
ka, visokog generala Hrvatske vojske, dijelili zločinački Croatia we’ll put six feet under…”
cilj da etnički očiste bosanske muslimane i doprinijeli When, on June 4, 1993, the UN Security Council fi-
ostvarivanju tog cilja”. Ta netočna teza temelji se na nally passed Resolution 836, establishing 6 safe zones in
necjelovito prikazanim izvorima, posebice na selektiv- BiH (Bihać, Goražde, Sarajevo, Tuzla, Srebrenica, and Žepa)
no prikazanim transkriptima razgovora iz Ureda pred- and sanctioned a new UN operation in BiH protecting the
sjednika. U zaključcima o tadašnjoj „pogrešnoj“ politi- zones, the ARBIH was able to mount new offensive opera-
ci hrvatskoga vodstva prema BiH, vidljivo je da haško tions in central Bosnia using reinforcements brought from
Tužiteljstvo i dio sudaca, kao i dio političara i povjesni- other areas of the country. President Tuđman put Alija
čara u Hrvatskoj, koje ne zanima cjelovit sadržaj izvora, Izetbegović on the spot during their meeting in Zagreb
niti su pročitali barem neke od njih (npr. transkripte iz on June 11, 1993: “Mr. Izetbegović, 7,500 Muslim soldiers
Ureda predsjednika RH), potpuno zanemaruje sadržaj were transferred from the Srebrenica area while the trag-
razgovora između hrvatskog predsjednika Tuđmana i edy there was taking place, to the Busovača area where
predsjednika bošnjačko-muslimanskog dijela Predsjed- Croatian villages were ethnically cleansed. Out of 145,000
ništva BiH Alije Izetbegovića, u kojima je on zastupao refugees from eastern Bosnia, central Bosnia, about 95-
ultimativan i isključiv stav da će BiH „biti građanska dr- 100,000 are Muslims settled in the Mostar area and oth-
žava ili će biti građanski rat“!1083 O tome govore brojni er areas. And then it started, maybe on your orders and
izvori, primjerice, objavljeni u knjizi Miroslava Tuđmana, make no mistake, there exist written, prepared orders
Druga strana Rubikona – politička strategija Alije Izetbe- that the whole area is to be cleansed of Croats – Jablanica,
govića (Zagreb, 2017.). Konjic, Mostar, etc. So, why did everything start in these
Fokusirajući se uglavnom na predsjednika Tuđma- provinces, 8 and 10, which (according to the Vance-Owen
na i traženje krivnje Hrvatske, mnogi su „zaboravili“ da plan) were to have majority Croatian local governments?”
se korijeni Izetbegovićeve doktrine i njegove političke The data contained in the primary sources regard-
filozofije nalaze u njegovoj Islamskoj deklaraciji, pisanoj ing the war in BiH, which have not been presented to the
već 1970. u Sarajevu, a objavljenoj u 200.000 besplatnih public in their entirety and were selectively used by the
primjeraka 1990., uoči slobodnih i demokratskih izbora prosecutors in The Hague, would have, had they been
u BiH. U skladu sa sadržajem spomenute Deklaracije, u analyzed conscientiously, decisively refuted all the expla-
kojoj se navodi i da „islamski pokret treba i može prići nations of the Appeals Chamber supporting the verdict,
preuzimanju vlasti čim je moralno i brojno toliko snažan which are grounded in the idea that the Bosnian Croats
da može ne samo srušiti postojeću neislamsku, nego engaged in a criminal enterprise. Therefore, the theory
i izgraditi novu islamsku vlast“, za njega su nacionalni that the establishment of the HZ HB and the help provid-
interesi nelegitimni u višenacionalnoj Bosni i Hercego- ed by the Croatian government constitute a criminal un-
vini, te se zbog toga uporno zalagao za jednu, unitarnu dertaking is not supported by facts and is deeply insult-
Bosnu i Hercegovinu, bez tri konstitutivna naroda i bilo ing to the Croats. The format of this book precludes me
kakvih entiteta na nacionalnoj osnovi.1084 from analyzing in detail every point from the explanation
Također, o tome kako su rješenje hrvatskoga pita- of the second instance verdict, but I deem it important to
nja u BiH vidjeli pojedini bošnjačko-muslimanski duž- mention a few points and comment on them here. For ex-
nosnici, svjedoči govor dr. Safeta Ćibe, nametnutoga ample, “the Appeals Chamber upheld the Trial Chamber’s
predsjednika Ratnoga predsjedništva općine Konjic, na findings that key members of Croatia’s then-leadership,
Radio Konjicu, 12. travnja 1993., uoči početka napada including President Franjo Tuđman, Defence Minister
ARBiH na Hrvate na tom području, u kojem je ustvrdio Gojko Šušak, and Janko Bobetko, a senior General in the
da „u BiH živi samo jedan narod – to su Bosanci, i to Bo- Croatian Army, shared the criminal purpose to ethnical-
ly cleanse Bosnian Muslims and contributed to realizing
that goal”. This theory is factually incorrect and based on
1083 Lučić, 2018., 260. selective interpretations of the sources, especially those
1084 Slobodan Praljak, Priručnik, Zagreb, ožujak 2017., 70. regarding the transcripts from the meetings held in the


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sanci islamske, katoličke i pravoslavne vjeroispovijesti”, Office of the President. From the conclusions relating to
negirajući tako postojanje Hrvata u BiH: “Mene je na ovu the “wrong” policy of the Croatian leadership towards BiH,
funkciju postavio lično gospodin Alija Izetbegović, koji it is clear that the prosecutors and some judges, as well
se trenutno nalazi u Americi. Sve što radim, radim po some politicians and historians in Croatia, who are not
nalogu našega predsjednika. Dužan sam ispraviti naše interested in the picture that the sources in their entirety
propuste i da bude sve dobro. Mnogi me pitaju o Hrva- present and who have not even read some of the sourc-
tima u BiH, a ja odgovaram da su Hrvati u Hrvatskoj, a u es (for example, the transcripts from the meetings held
BiH su Bošnjaci – katolici. Oni nisu ekstremi HVO-a, a mi in the Office of the President), completely ignored what
nećemo voditi nikakve pregovore s ekstremima HVO-a, was said during the meeting between the President of the
njih ćemo poraziti. Nećemo voditi pregovore ni s ek- Republic of Croatia, Franjo Tuđman, and the President of
stremistima HDZ-a.” Smjenjivanje njegova prethodnika, the Bosniak/Muslim part of the BiH Presidency, Alija Izet-
predsjednika općine Konjic prim. dr. Rusmira Hadžihu- begović, when Alija Izetbegović assumed a belligerent
sejnovića, pokazuje da se politika institucionalizacije attitude, stating that “BiH will be a civil state or there will
ARBiH temeljila i na praksi eliminiranja Muslimana koji be civil war”. Many sources confirm this and most of them
su bili za suradnju s HVO-om, te navodi na zaključak da are cited in Miroslav Tuđman’s book Druga strana Rubiko-
je takva politika “već u svojem ishodištu planirala mu- na – politička strategija Alije Izetbegovića (The Other Side
slimansko-hrvatski sukob”. Da „nema hrvatskog naroda of the Rubicon – the Political Strategy of Alija Izetbegović)
u BiH” ustvrdio je početkom 1994. godine i prvi zapo- (Zagreb, 2017).
vjednik Četvrtoga korpusa ARBiH Arif Pašalić „poučivši” Many people, focusing mostly on President Tuđman
javnost kako u BiH žive „katolici Bosanci”, „Bosanci Boš- and on trying to find fault with Croatia, have glossed over
njaci-muslimani” i „Bosanci pravoslavci”.1085 the fact that the roots of Izetbegović’s doctrine and his
Neuvjerljiva su i sramotna opravdanja za počinjene political philosophy lie in his book Islamska Deklaracija
zločine nad Hrvatima u izvješćima zapovjednika Armije (Islamic Declaration) written in Sarajevo in 1974 and pub-
RBiH, no ona također pokazuju razinu propagande di- lished in 1990. 200,000 copies of the book were printed
jela bošnjačke politike i daju odgovor na pitanje kakva and distributed to all and sundry – free of charge – be-
je bila alternativa Tuđmanovoj politici u BiH. Primjerice, fore the free and democratic elections in BiH. In the book
u “Informaciji Ministarstvu inostranih poslova”, 23. listo- Izetbegović espouses his belief that national interests are
pada 1993., “komandant Štaba Vrhovne komande OS R illegitimate in a multi-ethnic BiH. He was always, it has to
BiH” general Rasim Delić je o pokolju 30-ak Hrvata civila be noted, staunchly in favor of a unitary BiH, a BiH with-
(među ubijenima je i jedno četverogodišnje dijete) u out the three constituent nations and without any entities
Grabovici kod Mostara 8./9. rujna 1993. zapisao: “Prema based on a national basis. In Islamska Deklaracija Izetbe-
raspoloživim podacima iz ovog sela je pružen oružani gović states that “the Islamic Movement should and can
otpor, a borbe su se vodile tokom cijele noći. Narednog seize power as soon as it acquires enough moral clout and
dana došli smo do saznanja da je tom prilikom stradalo sufficient numerical strength to not only topple the exist-
11 civila hrvatske nacionalnosti, a 18 je organizovano, ing non-Muslim government but also to set up a new, Is-
u cilju njihove zaštite, evakuirano za Jablanicu. Zbog lamic government”.
veće koncentracije jedinica u tom oružanom sukobu, The speech given by Dr. Safet Ćibo, the president of
nemamo preciznijih podataka o načinu stradanja lica.” the Presidency of the Konjic Municipality, on radio Konjic
Za pokolj u Uzdolu 14. rujna 1993., u kojem je ubijeno on April 12, 1993, prior to the ARBIH’s attack on the Croats
29 civila (od toga troje djece) i 12 pripadnika HVO-a in the area testifies to how some Bosniak/Muslim officers
napisao je da su uz “bojovnike HVO-a stradali i civili sa envisaged the solution to the Croat problem. Ćibo, ap-
naoružanjem koje su bojovnici uključili u sukob” te da je pointed by decree, averred that “there is only one nation
“toliki broj poginulih bio uslovljen i dejstvom artiljerije in BiH – and that nation is Bosnians, that is Bosnians of Is-
HVO-a”. U drugom izvješću muslimanskih snaga o napa- lamic, Catholic and Christian Orthodox faith”, thus negat-
du na Uzdol navedeno je da su “bojovnici HVO-a ispred ing the existence of Croats in BiH. He also stated: “I have
been appointed to this function by Mr. Alija Izetbegović
1085 „Nema hrvatskog naroda u BiH”, Danas, 22. 2. 1994., himself. He is currently in America. Everything I do I do ac-
9–10; Lučić, 2018., 259-260, 268; M. Tuđman, 2017., 142. cording to the decrees of our president. I am responsible


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for making right our mistakes and making sure that every-
thing turns out OK. Many people ask me about the Croats
in BiH and I tell them that the Croats are in Croatia and
that in BiH there are Bosnian Catholics. They are not HVO
extremists. We will not engage in dialogue with HVO ex-
tremists, we will defeat them. We will not talk to the HDZ
extremists either.” The sacking of Dr. Safet Ćibo’s prede-
cessor, the president of the Konjic Municipality Dr. Rusmir
Hadžihusejnović, shows that the policy of institutionaliz-
ing the ARBIH was based on the practice of eliminating
Pečati hrvatskih snaga u BiH, natpis na njima: Republika Bosna i
Hercegovina / Hrvatska zajednica Herceg Bosna / Općina Prozor
those Muslims who were in favor of cooperating with the
/ Hrvatsko vijeće obrane. HVO and makes one conclude that the policy was “from
its inception, grounded in the concept of instigating a
The seals of the Croatian forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina with
the following inscriptions: Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina /
Muslim-Croat conflict.” The commander of IV Corps Arif
Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia / Municipality of Prozor / Pašalić, at the beginning of 1994, also claimed that “there
Croatian Defense Council. are no Croats in BiH”, educating the public that in BiH “live
Catholic Bosnians, Bosnians – Bosniaks/Muslims and Bos-
nians Orthodox Christians.”
The justifications put forward for the crimes commit-
sebe isturili žene s naoružanjem”, pa da su tako strada- ted against the Croats in the reports of the commander of
le… (“Izvještaj komande SB-a ‘Prozor’”, 20. 9. 1993.). the ARBIH are ludicrous and dishonorable but they also
Istina je da u selu Grabovica, koje je bilo pod kontro- reveal the degrading level of Bosniak/Muslim propagan-
lom Armije RBiH i udaljeno od crte bojišta, nije bilo nika- da and show what the Muslim alternative to Tuđman’s
kvoga sukoba, te da branitelji Uzdola nisu tjerali civile i policies in BiH was. For example, in the Information for the
žene u sukob s napadačima iz Armije RBiH, da su mnogi Ministry of Foreign Affairs of October 23, 1993, the com-
od civila, uključujući i djecu, ubijeni iz blizine, te da je ar- mander of the Supreme Command HQ of the SR BIH Gen-
tiljerija HVO-a tukla samo školu na kraju sela, iz koje su eral Rasim Delić wrote the following about the massacre
branitelji HVO-a pružali otpor, opkoljeni pripadnicima of about 30 Croatian civilians (including a four-year-old
Armije RBiH. Također, u izvješću generala Rasima Delića child) in Grabovica near Mostar on September 8-9, 1993:
za Hrvate koje su pripadnici ARBiH strijeljali na području “According to the available information, resistance was
sela Maljine/Bikoši, navodi se da su poginuli u sukobu, a offered from the village and the fighting lasted all night.
da su potom mrtvi prikupljeni na jedno mjesto. Na Haš- The following day we found out that 11 civilians of Croat
kom sudu general Delić osuđen je na 5 godina (!) zatvora. ethnicity had become casualties in the fighting. We evac-
Brojni su primjeri takve alternative Tuđmanovoj, odnosno uated 18 Croats for their own safety to Jablanica. Due to
hrvatskoj politici u BiH i „vjerodostojnosti“ Haškog suda... a large number of troops engaged in the battle we have
Jednako tako, haško Tužiteljstvo je u priopćenju ista- no way of ascertaining the manner of death of the said
knulo da je zajednički cilj sudionika „udruženog (zajed- persons.” On September 14, 1993, Muslim soldiers mur-
ničkog) zločinačkog pothvata“ bio „preuzimanje kontrole dered 29 civilians (including three children) and 12 HVO
nad teritorijem u Bosni i Hercegovini“, kako bi se „omo- soldiers in the village of Uzdol. Rasim Delić wrote that
gućilo ujedinjenje hrvatskog naroda u Hrvatskoj i Bosni “HVO combatants were killed and also armed civilians
i Hercegovini“, te da je zbog toga, između ostaloga, u whom the combatants involved in the fighting” and that
navedenim općinama „prisilno raseljena desetina hiljada “the large number of casualties was caused by HVO artil-
bosanskih Muslimana“, od siječnja 1993. do travnja 1994. lery”. In another ARBIH report about the attack on Uzdol
godine. No, takvoj tezi suprotstavlja se pitanje kako je it was claimed that “HVO combatants used women, all of
Žalbeno vijeće moglo zanemariti činjenicu da su upravo them armed, as a human shield” and they got hurt… (HQ
Hrvati pristali na sve prijedloge unutarnje podjele BiH SB Prozor report of September 20, 1993)
i da su potpisali Washingtonski i Daytonski sporazum, There is no denying that when the massacre in
što izravno negira spomenutu tvrdnju Tužiteljstva. I sam Grabovica took place there was no fighting in the village,


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pogled na memorandume i pečate Hrvatske zajednice, and that the village was firmly under the ARBIH control
a kasnije i Hrvatske Republike Herceg-Bosne, na kojima and located far from the front line. Also, the claim that the
se gotovo uvijek na početku nalazi naziv države – „Bo- HVO defenders of Uzdol used women and civilians as a
sna i Hercegovina“, a potom naziv Zajednice/Republike human shield is ludicrous. What is true, however, is that
Herceg-Bosne, govori o ciljevima hrvatskoga vodstva. many of the killed civilians, including children, in Uzdol
Činjenica da naziva države Bosne i Hercegovine nema were dispatched from point-blank range and that HVO
na memorandumima i pečatima Republike Srpske, jasno artillery fired only on the school building located on the
pokazuje što je bio cilj srpske politike u BiH i potvrđuje edge of the village when the HVO positions there were
da se Republika Srpska i Hrvatska zajednica/Republika being overrun by ARBIH troops. Rasim Delić’s unscrupu-
Herceg-Bosna ne mogu poistovjetiti, niti po okolnostima lousness is also evident in what he wrote about the Croats
njihova nastanka, niti po političkim ciljevima! who had been summarily shot by ARBIH soldiers in the
Osnivanje hrvatskih zajednica u BiH, prvo Hrvatske village of Maljine/Bikoši. According to Delić, the executed
zajednice Bosanske Posavine (HZ BP), 12. studenoga Croats were killed in combat and then their bodies were
1991., a potom i drugih (u Hercegovini, središnjoj Bosni, brought to the same place. The Hague Tribunal sentenced
Usori, Soli i drugim manjim područjima na kojima su Rasim Delić to five years imprisonment (!). There are many
Hrvati bili u većini ili su činili znatan udio stanovništva), similar examples of this alternative to Tuđman’s, or the Re-
uvjetovano je dramatičnim razdobljem brutalne srpske public of Croatia’s, policy towards BiH and the “integrity”
agresije na Republiku Hrvatsku i prijetnjom srpske agre- of the Hague Tribunal…
sije na BiH te potrebom cjelovitijeg organiziranja obra- Also, the prosecutors in The Hague claimed in their
ne vlastitih povijesnih prostora i interesa cjelokupnog statement that the common goal of the participants in
hrvatskoga naroda, kao i teritorijalne cjelovitosti BiH. S “the joint criminal enterprise” was to “to seize control over
obzirom na činjenicu da je Hrvatska u tom razdoblju su- claimed territory in Bosnia and Herzegovina” in order to
stavno razarana i s teritorija BiH, a da tamošnja vlast nije “facilitate a unification of Croatian people in Croatia and
reagirala na odgovarajući način, pod parolom „ovo nije Bosnia and Herzegovina” and that, on account of that,
naš rat“, te s obzirom na prethodno iskustvo pokušaja amongst other things, in said municipalities “tens of thou-
postizanja srpsko-muslimanskog „historijskog sporazu- sands of Bosnian Muslims were forcibly displaced” from
ma“ u srpnju 1991., takva je reakcija bila prirodni slijed January, 1993, to April, 1994. This claim begs the ques-
postupaka Hrvata koji su odgovorno razmišljali o sud- tion: How could the Appeals Chamber ignore the fact that
bini svoga naroda, ne dovodeći u pitanje suverenitet i the Croats had been the only ones who had accepted all
cjelovitost Bosne i Hercegovine. Upravo onako kako je proposals about internal division of BiH put forward by
navedeno u zaključcima Regionalnog odbora Hrvatske the international community and that the Croats had
demokratske zajednice Bosanske Posavine, 12. stude- duly signed the Washington Agreement and the Dayton
noga 1991. u Bosanskom Brodu: Hrvatska zajednica Agreement? In light of the Croats’ compliance with every-
Bosanska Posavina osnovana je zbog „složenog i teškog thing the international community proposed the falsity of
političkog stanja te neposredne ratne opasnosti i agresi- the prosecutors’ claim is revealed for all to see. Just one
je na hrvatski narod“, a radi „objedinjavanja političkih ak- cursory glance at memos and seals issued by the HZ and
tivnosti na obrani suvereniteta i integriteta Bosne i Her- later the HZ HB shows what the goals and intentions of
cegovine i jačanja hrvatskog korpusa“, uz otvorenost da the leadership of the Bosnian Croats were – at the top of
„zajednici mogu pristupiti i pripadnici svih drugih naro- all these documents and stamps is the name Bosnia and
da i političkih asocijacija koje se u svojim programskim Herzegovina followed by the name HZ or HZ HB. On the
opredjeljenima zalažu za suverenitet Bosne i Hercego- other hand, the name Bosnia and Herzegovina does not
vine, demokraciju, mir i poštovanje povijesnih, etničkih, feature in the memorandums and seals of the Republika
kulturnih prava i legalnih metoda“.1086 Srpska. It is therefore evident what outcome the Serbs’
policies in BiH were aimed at and that the Republika Srps-
ka and the HZ HB were not two sides of the same coin.
1086 Ivo Lučić, Od vila ilirskih do Bijelog puta – stranputicama The conditions in which the HZ HB was formed were
bosanske i hercegovačke povijesti, Hrvatska liječnička
komora – Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb, prosinac completely different from those surrounding the estab-
2018., 209-212. lishment of the Republika Srpska and the political goals


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Jednako tako, i sadržaj Odluke o osnivanju Hrvatske of the HZ HB were mutually exclusive to those pursued by
zajednice Herceg-Bosne (HZ HB), koju su legalno izabra- the Bosnian Serbs!
ni predstavnici hrvatskog naroda donijeli na sjednici u The circumstances leading to the establishment of
Grudama 18. studenoga 1991., na dan srpske okupacije Croatian Communities in BiH, first in Bosanska Posavina
i pokolja hrvatskog stanovništva u Vukovaru i Škabrnji, (the Croatian Community of Bosanska Posavina (HZ BP,
jasno pokazuje opredijeljenost Hrvata za državnu neo- on November 12, 1991) and later in Herzegovina, cen-
visnost BiH i potvrđuje da cilj njenog osnivanja nije bio tral Bosnia, Usora, Soli and other smaller predominantly
izdvajanje iz BiH: „Zajednica će štovati demokratski iza- Croat areas and those where Croats formed a significant
branu vlast Republike Bosne i Hercegovine dok opstoji percentage of the population, were determined by the
državna neovisnost Bosne i Hercegovine u odnosu na brutality of Serb aggression against Croatia and the im-
bivšu ili svaku buduću Jugoslaviju (članak 5. Temeljnih minent threat of Serb aggression against Bosnia and
odredaba).“ 1087 Hrvatskoj zajednici Herceg-Bosni s vre- Herzegovina and the consequent need to take defensive
menom će pristupiti ostale hrvatske zajednice i udru- measures for protecting Croat areas in BiH, protecting the
žiti se u Hrvatsku Republiku Herceg-Bosnu, pokazujući interests of the Croatian nation as a whole and, last but
zajedništvo većeg dijela Hrvata u BiH, a prvu odluku not least, protecting the territorial integrity of BiH. Given
– osnivanje Hrvatskog vijeća obrane (HVO), 8. travnja the fact that Croatia, during that time period, was being
1992., HZ HB će donijeti tek nakon eskalacije rata u BiH, systematically devastated and attacked from BiH territo-
odnosno početka otvorene srpske agresije na BiH.1088 ry and given the fact that the BiH government refused
Suprotni tome bili su ciljevi bosanskohercegovačkih to take appropriate actions, justifying its indolence with
Srba, očigledno dogovoreni sa srbijanskim vodstvom u statements such as “this is not our war” and also given the
Beogradu, izraženi u šest strategijskih točaka koje je pri- fact that the Muslims and Serbs tried to reach “a historic
hvatila Narodna skupština Srba iz BiH 12. svibnja 1992. Serb-Muslim agreement” in July, 1991, the only respon-
godine: spajanje srpskih država s obje strane rijeke Dri- sible course of action on the part of the Bosnian Croats
ne i povezivanje sa „srpskim“, zapravo okupiranim po- was to take defensive measures. It has to be emphasized
dručjima u Republici Hrvatskoj, razgraničenje Srba u BiH yet again that these defensive measures did not compro-
od Muslimana i Hrvata te izlaz Republike Srpske na more mise the sovereignty and territorial integrity of BiH. In
i uspostavljanje srpske granice na Uni i Neretvi. the conclusions reached by the Regional Committee of
Spomenute odluke srpske skupštine u BiH, kao i na- the Croatian Democratic Union of Bosanska Posavina on
stavak hrvatsko-srpskog rata u BiH (upravo su hrvatske November 12, 1991, in Bosanski Brod it is stated that the
snage u BiH onemogućile srpski plan „izlaska na more i HZ BP was formed because of “the difficult and complex
uspostave granice na Neretvi“), potvrđuju koliko su be- political situation and imminent danger of war and ag-
smislene tvrdnje da je hrvatsko vodstvo iz BiH šest dana gression against the Croatian people” and for the purpose
ranije, 6. svibnja 1992., u Grazu (Austrija) postiglo dogo- of “unifying political activities relating to defending the
vor s vodstvom bosanskohercegovačkih Srba o razgra- sovereignty and integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina and
ničenju teritorija na račun Muslimana u BiH. Susret čelni- solidifying the Croatian national body”. It is further stated
ka Hrvata i Srba iz BiH u Grazu, Mate Bobana i Radovana that “members of all other nations and political associa-
Karadžića, bio je tek jedan od brojnih (neuspješnih) raz- tions, which are devoted to the sovereignty of Bosnia and
govora i pregovora, na zahtjev međunarodne zajednice, Herzegovina, democracy, peace and honoring the histori-
radi pokušaja mirnog rješenja sukoba u BiH i treba ga cal, ethnic, cultural rights and legal methods, are welcome
promatrati u kontekstu ratnih prilika i nadmoći srpskih to join the HZ BP”.
snaga i JNA nad hrvatskim snagama.1089 Uostalom, obje Equally, the contents of the Decision on the Forming
of the HZ HB, which was passed by legally elected repre-
sentatives of the Croatian nation at a meeting on Novem-
1087 Odluka o uspostavi Hrvatske zajednice Herceg-Bosne
od 18. studenoga 1991., izmijenjena je i dopunjena 3. ber 18, 1991 in Grude, the day of the fall of Vukovar when
srpnja 1992. na sjednici Predsjedništva HZ HB. Preuzeto the Serbs massacred a large number of Croatian civilians
iz rukopisa dr. sc. Marka Tokića. there and in Škabrnja, constitute yet another proof that
1088 Lučić, 2018., 211. the Croats were for an independent BiH and that the es-
1089 Iz rukopisa dr. sc. Marka Tokića. tablishment of the HZ HB was not, in any way, shape or


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strane su u priopćenju za javnost nakon razgovora za- form, a bid to break away from BiH: “The Community shall
tražile hitan nastavak Konferencije Europske zajednice uphold the democratically elected government of Bosnia
o BiH (čl. 5 priopćenja), što je podrazumijevalo i sudje- and Herzegovina as long as the independence of Bosnia
lovanje muslimanske strane u pregovorima.1090 and Herzegovina in relation to the former or any future
Istodobno, ignoriraju se podaci koji govore da je Yugoslavia exists (Article 5 of the Basic Provisions).40 Other
bošnjačko-muslimansko vodstvo sudjelovalo u raz- Croatian Communities would eventually join the HZ HB
govorima o podjeli BiH. Primjerice, zapis načelnika and form the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia, show-
Štaba Vrhovne komande ARBiH Sefera Halilovića, da ing that most of the Croats in BiH stood united. It is in-
je predsjednik Predsjedništva BiH Alija Izetbegović teresting to note that the HZ HB passed its first decision
od studenoga 1992. kombinirao s podjelom BiH,1091 – the formation of the Croatian Defense Council (HVO) on
da su suradnici bosanskohercegovačkog predsjedni- April 8, 1992 – only after the war in BiH had escalated, that
ka Izetbegovića i izaslanici srbijanskog predsjednika is, after the Serbs had launched their all-out aggression
Miloševića imali bliske odnose tijekom 1992. - 1993., against BiH.
uključujući i razgovore o suradnji, o razmjenama teri- The goals of the Bosnian Serbs, diametrically opposite
torija, odnosno podjeli BiH.1092 to those of the Croats, were in all probability conceived in
Zanemaruje se i pokušaj sklapanja „historijskog conclave with the Serbian leadership in Belgrade. These
sporazuma“, odnosno dogovora između Srba i Musli- goals were articulated as six strategic objectives accepted
mana, koji su muslimanski predstavnici, uz suglasnost by the National Assembly of the Bosnian Serbs on May 12,
Alije Izetbegovića, ali bez znanja i sudjelovanja Hrvata u 1992: connecting the Serb states on both sides of the Dri-
njima, pokrenuli u srpnju 1991., kako bi se sačuvala cje- na River and annex the Serb (in reality militarily occupied)
lovitost BiH i izbjegao rat, te BiH ostala u „krnjoj Jugosla- areas of the Republic of Croatia, separating the Serbs in
viji“. Srbi bi zauzvrat odustali od kantonizacije, odnosno BiH from the Croats and Muslims and securing access
regionalizacije BiH. Ipak, Alija Izetbegović i SDA odustali to the sea for the Republika Srpska and establishing the
su od „historijskog sporazuma“, no muslimansko-srpski western boundary of what in effect was supposed to be
pokušaj dogovora narušio je odnose i izazvao nepovje- Greater Serbia on the Una and Neretva Rivers.
renje između Muslimana i Hrvata,1093 odnosno gublje- The mentioned objectives of the National Assem-
nje povjerenja u središnje republičke institucije među bly of the Bosnian Serbs and the continuation of the
Hrvatima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Serb-Croat war in BiH (it was the Croat forces that foiled
Prema tome, upravo u razdoblju započete otvore- the Serb plan to “secure access to the sea” and establish
ne velikosrpske agresije na Hrvatsku, koju su provodi- a boundary on the Neretva River) expose the inherent
le Srbija, Crna Gora i JNA te srpske postrojbe iz BiH, farcicality of the claims professing that the Bosnian Croat
uz suradnju s dijelom Srba iz Hrvatske, vodstvo Mu- leadership, on May 6, 1992, in Graz (Austria) reached an
slimana (Bošnjaka) u BiH tajno pregovara sa srpskim agreement with the Bosnian Serb leadership about delin-
vodstvom o uvjetima ostanka BiH u Jugoslaviji i nje- eating BiH territory at the Muslims’ expense. This meeting
zinoj unutarnjoj organizaciji, bez znanja hrvatskoga in Graz between Mate Boban and Radovan Karadžić, the
vodstva i Hrvata kao trećeg konstitutivnog naroda u leaders of the Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Serbs respec-
BiH. Osim toga, tijekom 1991. održan je niz sastanaka, tively, was just one among many unsuccessful meetings
and talks instigated by the international community in its
1090 Miroslav Tuđman, Bosna i Hercegovina u raljama zapad- efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in BiH.
ne demokracije – Korespondencija predsjednika Repu- For that reason, the Graz meeting should not be analyzed
blike Hrvatske dr. Franje Tuđmana i dokumenti o Bosni i outside the context of the existing circumstances on the
Hercegovini 1990. - 1995. (256 originalnih dokumenata),
Zagreb, 2013., 122. battlefield at that time and the overwhelming superiority
1091 Sefer Halilović, Lukava strategija, Maršal, Sarajevo,
1997., 18-20.
40 The Decision on Forming the Croatian Community of
1092 Halilović, 1997., 10; Zapisnik sa sjednice Vrhovnog sa- Herzeg-Bosnia of November 18, 1991, was amended
vjeta obrane SR Jugoslavije, kolovoz 1994.; Slobodna and expanded on July 3, 1992, at the session of the Pre-
Bosna, 5. 5. 2011., 29. sidency of the HZ HB. From the manuscript by Marko
1093 Lučić, 2018., 196. Tokić, Ph.D.


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na različitim razinama, između Muslimana i Srba, bez of the JNA and Serbs over the Croat forces. Besides, both
nazočnosti Hrvata.1094 sides, right after the talks in Graz ended, requested, in a
O srpsko-muslimanskim razgovorima, među ostali- press release, an urgent continuance of the EC’s Peace
ma, govori knjiga istaknutoga srpskog političara iz BiH i Conference (Article 5 of the release) at which Muslim del-
ratnog potpredsjednika Republike Srpske, Nikole Koljevi- egates were among the participants.
ća - Stvaranje Republike Srpske 1993. - 1995., knjiga 1-2 (Be- It is important to point out that the information reveal-
ograd, 2008.). Među izvorima i literaturom koja svjedoči ing that the Bosniak/Muslim leadership was not averse to
o srpsko-bošnjačkim (muslimanskim) pokušajima dogo- taking part in talks about dividing BiH have been, for the
vora (jedan od takvih sastanaka dogodio se u Beogradu most part, ignored. For example, ignored is Sefer Hali-
nakon prekida muslimansko-hrvatskog sukoba u BiH), lović’s report in which he wrote that the President of the
posebno je zanimljiva knjiga uglednog bošnjačko-musli- Presidency of BiH Alija Izetbegović had been, from No-
manskog dužnosnika i jednog od vodećih muslimanskih vember, 1992, considering the option of dividing BiH, that
političara i diplomata za vrijeme rata u BiH, akademika Izetbegović’s delegates and those of Serbian President
Muhameda Filipovića - Bio sam Alijin diplomata I-II. Kao Slobodan Milošević met regularly during 1992-1993 and
sudionik spomenutoga pokušaja postizanja „historijskog engaged in talks about, amongst other things, close coop-
sporazuma“ sa Srbima, u toj je knjizi zapisao: “Mi smo eration, exchanges of territory and dividing BiH.
smatrali da se pregovori moraju obaviti, prije svega, izme- Also ignored is the attempt to reach “the historic
đu Srba i Muslimana. Naime, najveći problemi i najteže Serb-Muslim agreement”. This attempt was instigated
moguće posljedice nastale bi po BiH ako bi došlo do težih by Muslim representatives, with Izetbegović’s blessing in
poremećaja odnosa između Bošnjaka (muslimana) i Srba. July, 1991, with the aim of preserving the integrity of BiH,
Moralo je svakome biti jasno da sudbinu BiH određuju avoiding war and keeping BiH in “rump Yugoslavia”. The
prije svega odnosi dva njena najbrojnijih naroda.“1095 Croats were not informed of the move, let alone invited
Za razumijevanje okolnosti spomenutih srpsko-mu- to participate in meetings and discussions. The Serbs, un-
slimanskih pregovora u BiH i spomenutoga Filipovićeva der the envisaged terms of “the historic agreement”, were
citata treba reći da to nije bio izdvojen slučaj niti samo- supposed to give up on the cantonization concept, that is,
stalan čin jednog od muslimanskih intelektualaca, nego the regionalization of BiH. In the event, however, Alija Izet-
postupak koji je bio u skladu s razmišljanjem tadašnjeg begović and the SDA abandoned the effort. These Muslim
muslimanskog vodstva, izraženim u intervjuu Alije overtures to the Serbs and subsequent Serb-Muslim dis-
Izetbegovića za novine Borba, 9. veljače 1991.: “Mi ovdje cussions and talks sowed the seeds of mistrust between
poštujemo srpski narod, živimo u slozi kao i sa hrvat- the Croats and Muslims and shattered the Croats’ confi-
skim, ali sudbinu Bosne više određuju srpsko-musliman- dence in the central institutions of the republic.
ski, nego srpsko-hrvatski odnosi, i to jednostavno stoga The above shows that when Serbia, Montenegro, the
jer su Srbi ovdje brojniji od Hrvata.”1096 Na temelju takvih JNA, Serbian formations from BiH and a part of the Croa-
i sličnih izjava muslimanskog vodstva u BiH i postupaka tian Serbs launched their joint aggression against Croatia,
u skladu s tim, autori knjige Smrt Jugoslavije zaključili su: the Muslim/Bosniak leadership was engaged in secret ne-
“Izetbegović je pokušao u Bosni igrati istu igru koju je gotiations with the Serb leadership about the conditions
Milošević imao na umu za Jugoslaviju”.1097 relating to BiH’s continued existence within Yugoslavia
and BiH’s internal system of governance. Also, during
1991, a string of meetings, on various levels, between
1094 Jadranko Prlić, Prilozi za povijest Hrvatske Republike Her- Muslims and Serb representatives, took place. Croat rep-
ceg Bosne, I-III, Hrvatski dokumentacijski centar Domo- resentatives were not invited.
vinskog rata u BiH – Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumenta-
cijski centar Domovinskog rata, Mostar-Zagreb, 2017., The renowned Serb politician from BiH, Nikola Kolje-
knjiga I, 204. vić, who was the vice president of the Republika Srpska
1095 Muhamed Filipović, Bio sam Alijin diplomata, I-II, Bihać, during the war, analyzes in detail the Muslim-Serb talks
2000., 88-89. and negotiations in his book Stvaranje Republike Srpske
1096 Ćosić, 2007., 40. 1993-1995, knjiga 1-2 (Belgrade 2008) (The Creation of the
1097 Laura SILBER i Allen LITTLE, Smrt Jugoslavije, Oto- Republika Srpska, Volume 1-2). Another book that testifies
kar Keršovani, Opatija, 1996., 207. to the Serb-Muslim negotiations and meetings (one meet-


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Za razumijevanje ukupne Izetbegovićeve politike ing took place in Belgrade following the end of the Mus-
i odnosa prema hrvatskoj politici i borbi za nacionalnu lim-Croat conflict in BiH) is Muhamed Filipović’s Bio sam
slobodu i državnu suverenost važno je i svjedočenje Alijin diplomata I-II (I was Alija’s Diplomatist I-II). Muhamed
američkog veleposlanika Warrena Zimmermanna o nje- Filipović is an academic and was one of the leading Bos-
govu lobiranju protiv međunarodnoga priznanja Hrvat- niak/Muslim officials and diplomats during the war and
ske. Zimmermann je napisao kako mu je potkraj listopa- his book makes for compelling reading. As a participant in
da 1991., nakon što je JNA otvoreno napala Hrvatsku i the mentioned attempt to reach “the historic Serb-Mus-
razorila Ravno te druga hrvatska sela u jugoistočnoj Her- lim agreement”, Filipović writes: “We held the opinion that
cegovini, „bosanski predsjednik rekao da Zapad ne smije talks must be conducted, first and foremost, between the
priznati Hrvatsku”. Pritom je izrazio želju za dobrim od- Serbs and Muslims. Because, insurmountable problems
nosima s JNA, za koju je čak rekao da je u BiH „dobrodoš- and the direst of consequences for BiH would, we thought
la”.1098 Naravno, podatke iz memoarskoga gradiva treba at the time, ensue if there was a serious disturbance be-
uzeti s rezervom, pa tako i spomenutu Zimmermannovu tween the Bosniaks and Serbs. We had to make everyone
izjavu, no na kontekst njegove izjave upućuje i „Dnevna understand that the fate of BiH was determined, more so
informacija“, koju je 26. studenoga 1991. napisala „Ko- than any other factor, by the relations between the two of
manda TG-2“ (JNA): „Prilikom posete Beču Alija Izetbe- the country’s most numerous nations.”
gović je dao interesantnu izjavu: ‘Da ni jedna od šest To fully comprehend the circumstances underlying
jugoslovenskih republika nema izgleda kao samostalna the mentioned Serb-Muslim negotiations in BiH and Fili-
država’. Govor Izetbegovića o budućnosti Jugoslavije pović’s statement quoted above it is essential to keep in
austrijski novinari komentarišu kao zaokret u političkim mind that all the moves and statements made by Muslim
istupanjima nekih republičkih lidera, što može uticati i officials were not isolated acts of individuals or renegade
na neke evropske faktore u zauzimanju stavova.“1099 groups but integral parts of a strategy wholly in keeping
Reakciju Hrvata nakon što se saznalo za musli- with the thinking of the Muslim leadership. That thinking
mansko-srpske razgovore pokazuju sadržaji Zapisnika was judiciously expressed by Alija Izetbegović in an inter-
i Priopćenja s VIII. sjednice Predsjedništva HDZ-a BiH view he gave to the Borba newspaper on February 9, 1991:
održane 31. srpnja 1991. u Sarajevu, “u povodu aktual- “We respect the Serbian nation, we live in harmony with
ne sigurnosno-političke situacije u zemlji”. U Zapisniku the Serbian nation as well as with the Croatian nation. But,
se u točki “2b” navodi da “hrvatski narod ne smije ostati the fate of Bosnia and Herzegovina is determined more
skrštenih ruku, da će Hrvati cijeloga svijeta braniti slo- by the Serb-Muslim relations than by the Serb-Croat rela-
bodu hrvatskoga naroda i da se zato podržava izjava tions for the simple reason that there are more Serbs than
predsjednika HDZ-a BiH Stjepana Kljuića da ćemo ako Croats in BiH.” Based on this and similar statements made
zatreba braniti Hrvatsku, a isto tako ćemo dići ustanak and subsequent actions taken by the Muslim leadership
ukoliko se postigne tzv. ‘istorijski dogovor’ između Srba in BiH, the authors of the book The Death of Yugoslavia
i Muslimana na štetu Hrvata u Bosni i Hercegovini”.1100 concluded: “Izetbegovic was attempting to play the same
U Priopćenju je, u točki “a”, navedeno: “Hrvatska de- game in Bosnia that Milosevic had in mind for Yugoslavia.”
mokratska zajednica Bosne i Hercegovine zalaže se od Izetbegović was against the international recognition
svoga početka za samostalnu, suverenu i nedjeljivu BiH of Croatia and that stance shaped his attitude towards
u njenim sadašnjim granicama u šesteročlanoj konfede- Croatia’s policies and Croatia’s struggle for freedom and
rativnoj jugoslavenskoj zajednici. Ne prihvaćamo nika- independence. The American ambassador Warren Zim-
kvo nasilno prekrajanje bosanskohercegovačkih granica merman claims that Izetbegović, towards the end of Oc-
niti nasilno pripajanje Bosne i Hercegovine u neku kr- tober, 1991, after the JNA had launched its attack against
nju Jugo-federaciju. Hrvati Bosne i Hercegovine hoće i Croatia and destroyed Ravno and other Croatian villages
in eastern Herzegovina, told him that he wished to be on
1098 Warren ZIMMERMANN, Izvori jedne katastrofe, Globus – good terms with the JNA and that the JNA was welcome
Znanje, Zagreb, 1997., 204.; Lučić, 2018., 203. in BiH. To be sure, it would be prudent to take Zimmer-
1099 Komanda TG-2, pov. br. 37/5-1, 26. 11. 1991. man’s statement with a grain of salt. Having said that, it is
1100 Zdenko Ćosić, Rat je počeo prije, Matica hrvatska, Ogra- important to mention that the gist of Zimmerman’s asser-
nak Široki Brijeg, 2007., 43. tion is supported by the daily report issued on November


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mogu obraniti teritorije na kojima žive. Bosna i Herce- 26, 1991, by TG2 HQ (JNA): “During his visit to Vienna Alija
govina jest stoljetna domovina i nas Hrvata i nitko nam Izetbegović gave an interesting statement; ‘none of the
tu domovinu neće uzimati bez naše suglasnosti. Prego- six Yugoslav republics can function as an independent
vori pojedinaca o sklapanju tzv. Historijskog sporazuma state’. Izetbegović’s speech about the future of Yugoslavia
između Srba i Muslimana predstavljaju za nas Hrvate some Austrian commentators perceive as a change in atti-
uvlačenje Bosne i Hercegovine u veliki ratni sukob. Mir- tude of some republic leaders which may have an impact
nu Bosnu i Hercegovinu mogu očuvati samo svi njezini on some European factors as regards forming opinions.”
narodi zajedno, ali taj se mir ne može očuvati nikako na The Croats’ reaction upon finding out about the
temelju dogovora dvaju naroda iza leđa trećeg, hrvat- Serb-Muslim negotiations can be ascertained from the
skoga naroda. (...)”1101 Transcript and Statement from the 8th Session of the Pres-
Unatoč navedenim saznanjima, hrvatski politički idency of the HDZ BiH held on July 31, 1991, in Sarajevo
predstavnici ostali su dosljedni svojoj javno iznesenoj and “prompted by the current security-political situation
politici, izjasnivši se za suverenost i neovisnost BiH. Hr- in the country”. In Article 2b of the Transcript it is stated
vati su samo tražili jamstvo svojih prava, odnosno neki that “the Croatian people can ill-afford to remain idle and
oblik autonomije, što im je vođa Bošnjaka-muslimana Croats from all over the world will defend the freedom of
Alija Izetbegović obećao uoči referenduma, na pregovo- the Croatian nation and therefore, we support the Pres-
rima vođenim u Lisabonu, gdje je 22. veljače 1992. posti- ident of the HDZ BiH Stjepan Kljuić’s statement that, if
gnut sporazum predstavnika triju konstitutivnih naroda need be, we will defend Croatia and also stage an uprising
(Muslimana, Srba i Hrvata) o unutarnjoj podjeli BiH na if ‘the historic Serb-Muslim agreement’ is reached at the
tri jedinice (entiteta), prema prijedlogu portugalskog expense of the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”
diplomata Joséa Cutileira. Spomenuti, tzv. Lisabonski In Article A of the Statement it is stated: “The HDZ
sporazum, službeno će biti predstavljen sredinom ožuj- BiH has been, from its very inception, supporting an inde-
ka 1992. godine. pendent, sovereign and indivisible BiH within its current
Referendum o neovisnosti BiH održan je 29. velja- boundaries in a six member confederative Yugoslav com-
če i 1. ožujka 1992. godine. Malo manje od dvije treći- munity. We do not accept any alteration of the boundar-
ne (62,68 %) stanovnika SR BiH, uglavnom Muslimana i ies brought about by violent means nor do we accept any
Hrvata, izjasnilo se za samostalnost države (od 63,7 % scenario by which BiH is forced to join a rump Yugo-feder-
bosanskohercegovačkih birača koji su izašli na referen- ation. The Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina can, and will,
dum, 99,4 % izjasnilo se za „suverenu i nezavisnu Repu- defend their territory. Bosnia and Herzegovina has been
bliku BiH, državu građana i naroda: Muslimana, Srba i our homeland for centuries and nobody is allowed to deny
Hrvata i drugih naroda koji u njoj žive“). Najveći odaziv our homeland to us. The talks conducted by certain indi-
zabilježen je u općini Široki Brijeg, s apsolutnom hrvat- viduals about reaching the so-called historic Serb-Muslim
skom većinom, gdje je 96 % građana izašlo na referen- agreement are conducive, it is clear to us Croats, to plung-
dum, a gotovo su svi glasovali za suverenitet BiH. Odaziv ing Bosnia and Herzegovina into a full-scale war. Peace
veći od 90 % građana koji su se pozitivno izjasnili o suve- in Bosnia and Herzegovina can be preserved only if all
renosti BiH zabilježen je i u drugim općinama u kojima three constituent nations strive to preserve it together.
su Hrvati i(li) Muslimani apsolutna većina: Posušje, Lju- Peace cannot be preserved if two constituent nations are
buški, Grude, Čitluk, Cazin, Velika Kladuša, Prozor, Stari engaged in secret talks, or any talks from which the third
grad Sarajevo i Gornji Vakuf. Prema nekim podacima, od constituent nation – the Croats – is excluded (…).”
cjelokupnog muslimanskog glasačkog tijela (38 % u BiH) Despite having learned about the secret Serb-Muslim
68 % je glasalo za suverenu i neovisnu bosanskoherce- negotiations, the Croat political leadership stayed true
govačku državu, a od hrvatskog (23 % glasačkog tijela u to its previously declared policy of supporting the sover-
BiH) 96 posto. eignty and independence of BiH. The Croats only wanted
No, nakon referenduma Izetbegović obećanje nije to be guaranteed their rights, that is, some form of auton-
ispunio. Sudionik pregovora u Lisabonu i autor predlo- omy, which the Bosniak/Muslim leader Alija Izetbegović
had promised them before the referendum and again
during the talks in Lisbon, where, on February 22, 1992,
1101 Ćosić, 2007., 44. an agreement between the three constituent nations (the


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ženoga plana, José Cutileiro, izjavio je da je odbijanje Serbs, the Muslims and the Croats) about internal division
njegova plana iz ožujka 1992. odvelo BiH u rat. Prema of BiH into three units (entities) was reached. The solution
njegovim riječima, Izetbegović je prihvatio plan da bi agreed to by the three constituent nations, it is important
udovoljio Europljanima, a zatim ga je odbacio da bi za- to note, was proposed by the Portuguese diplomat José
dovoljio Amerikance koji su ga ohrabrivali da to učini. Cutileiro. This agreement, known as the Lisbon Agree-
Izetbegovićeva retorika, odustajanje od Lisabonskoga ment, would be officially presented in mid-March, 1992.
sporazuma i kasniji razvoj događaja upućuju na zaklju- The referendum on BiH independence was held be-
čak da je muslimansko vodstvo već tada počelo pripre- tween February 29 and March 1, 1992. Almost two thirds
me za rat i s Hrvatima ako ne pristanu na njihove poli- (62.68 %) of the SR BiH population (Muslims and Croats
tičke zahtjeve.1102 for the most part) voted for independence (99.4 % of
Primjedbe da su Srbi i Hrvati u BiH međusobno those who voted in the referendum opted for “a sovereign
surađivali (gospodarski i vojno), zanemaruju činjenicu and independent republic of BiH, a state of citizens and
da je ta suradnja bila iznimka, a ne pravilo, odnosno peoples: Muslims, Serbs, Croats and others who live in
da je bila uvjetovana trenutnim stanjem na terenu i to it)”. The highest voter turnout was in the Široki Brijeg Mu-
samo na lokalnoj razini, na pojedinim područjima, u nicipality (the absolute majority of the population in the
okolnostima napada višestruko brojnijih snaga ARBiH municipality was Croatian) where 96% of the registered
na Hrvate, koji su radi opstanka i spašavanja golih ži- voters declared for the sovereignty of BiH. More than 90 %
vota pomoć morali potražiti (i platiti!) od srpskih snaga. of the registered voters turned out in the other predomi-
Uostalom, povremenu međusobnu suradnju imala su i nately Croat municipalities and also in the predominately
vodstva bošnjačko-muslimanskog i srpskoga naroda u Muslim municipalities: Posušje, Ljubuški, Grude, Čitluk,
BiH, što se prešućuje. Primjerice, u rujnu 1993. u Zeni- Cazin, Velika Kladuša, Prozor, Stari Grad Sarajevo, Gornji
ci je održan susret bošnjačko-muslimanskog i srpskog Vakuf. According to some sources, out of the entire Mus-
vodstva „s ciljem uspostavljanja ekonomskih odnosa i lim electorate (38% in BiH) 68% voted for a sovereign and
saradnje između regija Zenica i Banja Luka“.1103 Istodob- independent Bosnian-Herzegovinian state. On the other
no, u Mostaru su Muslimani i Srbi, odnosno ARBiH i VRS hand, 96% of the Croat voters (23% of the electorate in
surađivali u napadu na HVO, tako što je VRS davao arti- BiH) voted for a sovereign and independent BiH.
ljerijsku podršku ARBiH.1104 Suradnju je, među ostalima, After the referendum Alija Izetbegović reneged on his
promise to the Croats and, on March 28, withdrew his sig-
1102 „Žoze Kutiljero: Izetbegović je odbio mir”, Oslobođenje, nature from the Lisbon Agreement. José Cutileiro stated
19. 7. 2005., 27; Lučić, 2018., 215-219. that Izetbegović, by refusing to honor the Lisbon Agree-
1103 „Sedmično referisanje – 13. 09. - 20. 09. 1993., Uprave ment, plunged BiH into war. According to Cutileiro, Izet-
bezbednosti Štaba vrhovne komande OS“, Sarajevo, 19. begović initially accepted the agreement to please the EU
9. 1993. and then withdrew his signature to please the Americans
1104 Jedan od zapovjednika u 4. korpusu ARBiH, Esad Šejta- who had been goading him to reject the agreement. Izet-
nić, zapisao je: Prisustvovao sam na jednom od sastana-
begović’s rhetoric, his rejection of the Lisbon Agreement
ka na liniji dodira sa srpskim snagama u selu Busak, gdje
su Safet Oručević, Fatima Leho i Šefkija Džiho definisali and the subsequent developments strongly suggest
uslove pod kojim će srpska strana pomoći naša borbena that the Muslim leadership started preparing, as early as
dejstva. Srpska strana je pristala da 1 haubicu 122 mm sa March, 1992, for the possibility that the Croats might not
kompletnom posadom i 200 projektila za istu rasporedi
na naše položaje u rejonu planine Rošci, odakle je u toku
accede to their political demands. That eventuality, for
izvođenja borbenih dejstava pružala artiljerijsku podršku the Muslim leadership, obviously meant a conflict with
shodno naređenju komandanta 4. korpusa. (…) Kao znak the Croats.
pažnje za dosadašnju saradnju, Safet Oručević je koman- Supporters of the Muslim cause in BiH are fond of
dantu nevesinjske brigade (VRS-a, op. ur.) Novici Gušiću
poklonio skoro novo auto Golf-JX. (…) Borbena dejstva su pointing out that the Serbs and Croats cooperated, eco-
otpočela u ranim jutarnjim satima 20. septembra 1993. i nomically and militarily, in BiH. It is essential to point out,
krenula su planiranom dinamikom (…) Jedinice u grad- however, that every instance of cooperation between the
skoj jezgri imale su početne uspjehe na pravcu prema na- Serbs and Croats was an exception rather than the rule
selju Balinovac, a uz strahovitu srpsku artiljerijsku podršku
uspjeh je bio izgledan. (…) Esad Šejtanić, Hercegovci na and it was invariably of a local nature. Every such instance
ognjenim vratima Bosne, Sarajevo, juna 2005., 181-183. happened when overwhelmingly superior ARBIH forces


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dogovorio istaknuti muslimanski političar, kasnije i gra- attacked HVO forces. In these cases, HVO troops and Cro-
donačelnik Mostara, Safet Oručević, koji je na početku at civilians, in order to save their lives, had no choice but
srpske agresije na BiH pristupio HVO-u i 8. svibnja 1992. to seek assistance from the Serbs. It is worth stressing that
potpisao svečanu prisegu da će „vjerno i časno izvršavati the Serbs always exacted a steep price for their assistance
dužnosti koje se od njega, pripadnika Hrvatskog vijeća to beleaguered HVO troops and civilians. Besides, co-op-
obrane, zahtijevaju i da će se savjesno i odgovorno po- eration between the Serb leadership and the Bosniak/
koravati službenim naredbama i zapovijedima“, da će i Muslim leadership was a regular feature of the war in BiH
„uz žrtvu vlastitoga života braniti Hrvatsku zajednicu but the fact is often conveniently ignored. For example,
Herceg-Bosnu, njezinu teritorijalnu cjelovitost i sve nje- in September, 1993, a meeting between the Muslim/Bos-
zine građane“, te da je „svjestan i upozoren da će u slu- niak leadership and Serb leadership was held in Zenica for
čaju postupanja protivnog ovoj prisezi snositi zakonske the purpose of “establishing economic relations and co-
posljedice“.1105 S vremenom je, optužujući HVO, zabora- operation between the Zenica region and the Banja Luka
vio i svoju prisegu i suradnju s VRS-om. region”. At the same time in Mostar the VRS provided ar-
Također, dok se govori o prisilno raseljenim musli- tillery support to the ARBIH during its attack on Mostar.41
manima, prešućuje se podatak da su u istom razdoblju The cooperation between the ARBIH and the VRS was es-
pripadnici ARBiH i mudžahedini s područja središnje Bo- tablished thanks to the efforts of, amongst other individ-
sne, koje se prema planu međunarodne zajednice (Van- uals, the prominent Muslim politician and later Mayor of
ce-Owenov plan predstavljen početkom 1993.) trebalo Mostar, Safet Oručević. When the Serbs launched their at-
naći u hrvatskoj provinciji, protjerali više desetaka tisuća tack on BiH, Oručević joined the HVO and, on May 8,1992,
Hrvata. Zar to nije „zločinački pothvat“, zar nije očigled- signed the HVO oath, swearing that he would “faithfully
na namjera ARBiH da područje od središnje Bosne sve and honorably perform the duty expected of him as a
do Mostara osvoji i etnički očisti od Hrvata, o čemu svje- member of the HVO”, “conscientiously follow official or-
doče izvori o sastancima i planovima zapovjedništva ders”, “if need be, lay down his life in defense of the HZ
ARBiH, te provedba i ciljevi operacije Neretva ‘93? HB, of its territorial integrity and of its citizens” and that
Primjerice, stenogram sa savjetovanja vojnog vrha “he has been warned and is aware that breaking the oath
ARBiH u Zenici 21. i 22. kolovoza 1993., koji je “okupio means that he will be prosecuted”. Oručević would later
... veći dio Štaba Vrhovne komande, ljude na najodgo- accuse the HVO of crimes, forgetting his oath and also for-
vornijim dužnostima u ARBiH i pet od šest komandanata getting his cooperation with the VRS…
korpusa”, pokazuje da su, opredijelivši se za ratnu opci- A lot of ink has been shed on the issue of forcibly ex-
ju, bez povjerenja u međunarodne pregovore, pa čak i pelled Muslims in BiH. On the other hand, precious little
bez povjerenja u legalne predstavnike Republike BiH, ink has been used to describe the plight of tens of thou-
zapovjednici ARBiH odredili ciljeve vojnih operacija na
području pod nadzorom Hrvata: “Glavne tri ključne tač-
ke su Kiseljak, Prozor i Žepče, što život znače za državu 41 One of the commanders of the ARBIH IV Corps, Esad Šej-
tanić, wrote: I was present at one of the meetings held on
BiH i za Armiju. Ali, njima prethodi da se odrade pravac the front line with Serb forces in the village of Busak, where
od Fojnice i onda Vitez. (...)” (Rifat Bilajac, transkript sa- Safet Oručević, Fatima Leho and Šefkija Džiho defined the
vjetovanja u Zenici). conditions under which the Serbs would support our offen-
sive moves. The Serbs agreed to send one 122-mm howitzer,
Načelnik Glavnog stožera Armije Republike BiH 200 projectiles and the howitzer crew to our positions in the
bio je puno precizniji u obrazlaganju svojeg viđenja area of Mount Rošci, from where the howitzer provided ar-
vojnih ciljeva: “Ostaje nam pitanje kako i na koji način tillery support during the attack, according to the orders of
the commander of IV Corps. (…) As a token of appreciation
doći do plijena, kako i na koji način velike kapacitete for the VRS help, Safet Oručević gave to the commander of
staviti u funkciju namjenske industrije. Kako uzeti Vi- the Nevesinje Brigade (of the VRS, editor's note) Novica Gušić
tez. I kako uzeti Žunovnicu. Jer to su dva strategijska a Golf-IX, in mint condition. (…) The attack commenced in
the early hours of September 20, 1993, and went according
objekta za našu Armiju. Sa Vitezom se zaokružuje si- to plan (…) The units deployed in the city center advanced
stem vojne industrije u našoj državi. Onda je komplet- in the direction of the Balinovac neighborhood and scored
early successes. The Serbs provided tremendous artillery
support and on account of that, success seemed inevitable.
1105 Hrvatsko vijeće obrane – Općinski stožer Mostar, sveča- (…) Šejtanić, Esad. Hercegovci na ognjenim vratima Bosne.
na prisega, 8. svibnja 1992. Sarajevo, June 2005, pp. 181-183.


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na. Onda imamo kompletan lanac u našim rukama. U sands of Croats ARBIH soldiers and Mujahideen forcibly
Žunovnici dolazimo do onog što je superhitno. Onog expelled from central Bosnia, a region that, according to
što je gotovo, što odmah može da se upotrijebi. Re- the international community’s plan (Vance-Owen Plan
promaterijal, trotil je tamo. Ima baruta. Ima municije i presented at the beginning of 1993) was supposed to be
oružja. A, sa Vitezom zaokružujemo kompletan sistem within the boundaries of the Croatian province in BiH. Isn’t
namjenske proizvodnje. Kada bi sada bilo pitanje: the expulsion of tens of thousands of Croats by ARBIH sol-
kuća ti gori, da li gasiti kuću ili uzeti Vitez? Ja bih se diers and Mujahedeen a “criminal enterprise”? Isn’t it pain-
odlučio prije za Vitez. Sa Vitezom zaokružujemo na- fully obvious that the ARBIH’s intention was to occupy the
mjensku proizvodnju.” area stretching from central Bosnia as far as Mostar and
Ni jedan od zapovjednika ARBiH nije na savjeto- ethnically cleanse it of Croats? There are numerous docu-
vanju u Zenici predložio ofenzivna djelovanja prema ments, transcripts from meetings and plans of the ARBIH
srpskom agresoru. Prioritetni ciljevi bili su im hrvatske and also the aims and the course of Operation Neretva-93
enklave u središnjoj Bosni i komunikacijski pravac do- that prove the Muslim leadership was bent on territorial
linom Neretve prema Mostaru. Eliminiranjem Hrvata iz aggrandizement and ethnic cleansing.
središnje Bosne ARBiH postiže dvostruki cilj: For example, the transcript from the meeting of the
a) stavlja pod kontrolu vojno-industrijske komplekse military leadership of the ARBIH in Zenica on August 21
neophodne za vođenje rata, and 22, 1993, present at which were almost all personnel
b) etničkim čišćenjem Hrvata iz središnje Bosne cijela of the Supreme Command HQ, highest ranking ARBIH of-
jedna provincija po Vance-Owenovom planu (pred- ficers and five out of six corps commanders reveals that
viđena kao hrvatska), mora pripasti Muslimanima, the commanders of the ARBIH did not put much stake in
pa time njihov teritorij postaje ne samo veći, nego negotiations with the international community, did not
nacionalno i strateški kompaktniji. show much confidence in the legal representatives of BiH
Da je cilj djelomično ispunjen svjedoči i prija- and were determined to go to war against the Croats. At
vak zapovjednika ARBiH generala Rasima Delića Aliji the meeting the ARBIH officers set out the goals of their
Izetbegoviću u veljači 1994.: „HVO /je/ eliminisan sa military operations in the Croatian areas of the country:
područja Jablanice, Konjica, Fojnice, Kaknja, Zenice, “Three objectives are of paramount importance for us;
Travnika i Bugojna. Znači, kompletna jedna pokrajina Kiseljak Prozor and Žepče. These three locations mean ev-
po Vens-Ovenovom planu sa centralom u Travniku.“1106 erything. But, in order to capture them, first we have to
Naravno, eliminacija HVO-a značila je i eliminaciju Hr- control the Fojnica – Vitez line (…)” Rifat Bilajac, transcript
vata s toga područja, uz brojne zločine pripadnika AR- of the meeting in Zenica).
BiH nad Hrvatima. The chief of the General Staff of the ARBIH was much
Spomenute izjave zapovjednika ARBiH objašnja- more precise in explaining his view regarding the main
vaju zašto je bošnjačko-muslimansko vodstvo u BiH objectives: “Now we have to figure out how to get our
odbilo hrvatske prijedloge o vojnoj suradnji (do srpnja hands on the loot we’re after and how to utilize this po-
1995.), posebice zašto nije prihvatilo odluku o među- tential in respect of a given facility’s purpose. We have to
sobnom podčinjavanju postrojbi u provincijama pred- figure out how to capture Vitez. And Žunovnica. These
viđenima Vance-Owenovim mirovnim planom o unu- two towns are objectives of strategic importance for the
tarnjoj podjeli Bosne i Hercegovine na devet provincija ARBIH. With Vitez in our hands we’ll have a full military-in-
(kantona), uz posebno područje Sarajeva (kao desetom dustrial system in our state. With Vitez our military indus-
provincijom), koji je predstavljen u Ženevi početkom si- try will be complete. Then, we’ll have the entire chain of
ječnja 1993. godine. Naime, nakon predstavljanja Van- armaments factories in our hands. In Žunovnica we’ll get
ce-Owenova mirovnog plana ministar obrane Republi- what we need right now. There’s a lot of stuff there we
can use right away. Raw materials are there, TNT is there.
There’s gunpowder. There’s ammo and weapons. Again,
1106 Rasim Delić, Armija ključ mira, Sarajevo: Vojna bibliote- with Vitez we are self- sufficient in terms of weapons pro-
ka, 1994., 19; citirano prema: Davor Marijan, „Vještački duction. Now, if you ask me: your house is on fire, what do
nalaz: o ratnim vezama Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine
(1991. - 1995.)“, Časopis za suvremenu povijest, 36, Za- you do; put the flame out or take Vitez? It’s a no-brainer, I’d
greb, 2004., 227. go for Vitez. With Vitez we are self sufficient.”


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ke BiH Božo Rajić izdao je 16. siječnja 1993. u Sarajevu No ARBIH officer present at the meeting in Zenica
sljedeću zapovijed: counseled offensive actions against the Serb aggressor.
“1. Sve postrojbe HVO-a koje se trenutno nalaze u pro- The officers’ priorities were the Croat enclaves in central
storima provincija broj 1, 5 i 9, koje su Ženevskim Bosnia and the lines of communication leading along the
dogovorom proglašene muslimanskim provincija- Neretva Valley towards Mostar. By eliminating the Croats
ma, podčinjavaju se Glavnom stožeru Armije RBiH. in central Bosnia the ARBIH wanted to: gain control of the
2. Sve postrojbe Armije RBiH, koje se trenutno nalaze military-industrial facilities necessary for the war effort
na prostorima provincija broj 3, 8 i 10, koje su Že- and secure one whole province (a Croat province accord-
nevskim dogovorima proglašene hrvatskima, po- ing to the Vance-Owen plan) for the Muslims and in turn
dčinjavaju se Glavnom stožeru HVO-a.” make the Muslim territory in BiH not only larger but also
Predsjedništvo RBiH je 19. siječnja 1993., u obra- more nationally and strategically compact.
zloženju odluke o poništavanju spomenute zapovije- The ARBIH partly achieved its overall objective. The
di ministra obrane Vlade RBiH Bože Rajića o realizaciji commander of the ARBIH, General Rasim
uzajamnog podčinjavanja postrojbi ARBiH i HVO-a, kao Delić, sent a report, in February, 1994, to Alija Izetbe-
razlog te poništavajuće odluke cinično navelo da “mini- gović, in which he wrote: “The HVO has been eliminated
star obrane RBiH nije potpisao svečanu izjavu - zakletvu, in the Jablanica, Konjic, Fojnica, Kakanj, Travnik and Bugo-
te pravno nije imao ovlaštenje za izdavanje zapovijedi” jno areas. That means one whole Croat province accord-
(Odluka Predsjedništva BiH o zapovijedi ministra obra- ing to the Vance-Owen plan, with Travnik as its adminis-
ne Bože Rajića od 16. 1. 1993., Sarajevo, 19. 1. 1993.). trative centre.” Of course, the elimination of the HVO by
Upravo reakcija bošnjačke strane na Rajićevu Za- the ARBIH also meant the elimination of the Croats from
povijed pokazuje dvoličnost tadašnje bošnjačko-mu- the mentioned areas. And the elimination of the Croats
slimanske politike, jer izvori upućuju na zaključak da also meant committing numerous war crimes and crimes
je u Zagrebu prije 15. siječnja 1993. postignut dogo- against humanity.
vor s bošnjačko-muslimanskim vodstvom o podči- The above quoted statements made by the ARBIH
njavanju postrojbi, koje ono potom nije ispoštovalo. commanders explain why the Bosniak/Muslim leadership
Naime, razgovor ministra obrane RH Gojka Šuška i Ali- in BiH refused the Croats’ proposals for military coopera-
je Izetbegovića na sastanku održanom u Zagrebu 15. tion (in July, 1995, the Muslims, when they were on the
siječnja 1993., pokazuje da je Izetbegović prije dono- brink of total defeat in their conflict with the Serbs begged
šenja Rajićeve zapovijedi bio upoznat s činjenicom da the Croats to agree to a military cooperation agreement
njen smisao nije napuštanje pojedinih područja jedne and the Croats accepted) and why the Muslims refused the
od vojski (ARBiH i HVO), nego podčinjavanje postroj- proposal about mutual unit subordination in relation to
bi na pojedinim područjima radi bolje učinkovitosti u the provinces as envisaged by the Vance-Owen plan. The
borbi protiv zajedničkog neprijatelja, te da se o sadr- plan, it is worth repeating, was presented in Geneva at the
žaju Rajićeve zapovijedi već ranije razgovaralo i da je o beginning of January, 1993, and called for internally div-
tome postignut dogovor: ing BiH into nine provinces with Sarajevo as a special area
Ja bih samo još jedanput postavio čisto praktično pi- (tenth province). After the Vance-Owen plan had been
tanje, koje sam mislio da smo se davno razumjeli. Ja sam presented the minister of defense of RBiH Božo Rajić, on
sa Vama gospodine predsjedniče Izetbegoviću razgova- January 16, 1993, in Sarajevo, issued the following order:
rao ovdje u Zagrebu, i to smo razgovarali i pred supred- 1. All HVO units currently stationed in the provinces 1,
sjedateljima u Ženevi. I zbog efikasnosti rata, a ionako 5 and 9, which were, by the Geneva Agreement de-
smo u nepovoljnom položaju, da ondje gdje su pretežno clared as Muslim provinces are hereby subordinated
muslimanske snage, a to se podijelilo sada i po tim provin- to the General Staff of the ARBIH.
cijama, bude zapovjedništvo Armije RBiH, a ondje gdje su 2. All ARBIH units, currently stationed in the provinces 3,
pretežno HVO snage da bude zapovjedništvo HVO. Ja ne 8 and 10, which were, by the Geneva Agreement de-
mogu shvatiti što je sada sporno u tome, da zbog zajed- clared as Croatian provinces are hereby subordinated
ničkog interesa se obranimo od zajedničkog neprijatelja. to the Main Staff of the HVO
Nije li to dio koji smo postigli. Ja sam sa Vama sjedio u sobi, The Presidency of RBiH, however, cancelled the order
u hotelu ovdje, u Esplanadi, kada smo se to dogovorili kao on January 19, 1993, explaining the move by cynically


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ljudi, da na tome poradite. (…) Pa, sami Vi sebe ubijate, claiming that “the minister of defense of RBiH had not
onda Srbi više ne trebaju ratovati s vama. Hvala lijepa.1107 signed the solemn oath and therefore had no authority to
Prije toga, Mate Boban je na prijedlog Alije Izetbe- issue the order”. (The Decision of the Presidency of RBiH
govića da se osnuje nekakav „komitet“ (odnosno arbi- on the order issued by Minister of Defense Božo Rajić of
tražna komisija, op. ur.) koji će arbitrirati u razgovorima January 16, 1993, Sarajevo, January 19, 1993).
između Muslimana i Hrvata u BiH, odgovorio da su The reaction of the Presidency to Rajić’s order reveals
Hrvati u BiH za dogovor i da smatra da se Muslimani i the duplicity of the Bosniak/Muslim leadership’s policies.
Hrvati mogu sami međusobno dogovoriti, bez posre- According to a number of sources, on January 15, 1993,
dovanja sa strane, a da „arbitra i komitete treba uteme- at a meeting in Zagreb the Muslim leadership agreed to
ljiti između Muslimana i Srba, te Hrvata i Srba, a nikako the unit subordination scheme. As we have seen, the Bos-
između Muslimana i Hrvata“.1108 niak/Muslim leadership then, in the most of duplicitous of
Izlaganje predsjednika Franje Tuđmana na spome- manners, reneged on the agreement. The transcript from
nutom sastanku potvrđuje njegovo zalaganje za cjelovi- the discussion between the minister of defense of the
tu BiH te hrvatsko-muslimanski razgovor i dogovor u BiH: Republic of Croatia Gojko Šušak with Alija Izetbegović in
Ja bih samo htio podsjetiti da sam zamolio i predstav- Zagreb on January 15 shows that Izetbegović knew well
nika Muslimana gospodina Izetbegovića i predstavnika in advance that Rajić would issue the unit subordination
Hrvata gospodina Bobana i druge da usuglase svoje na- order and was aware that the purpose of the order was to
pore na svim područjima naspram agresiji. A isto tako htio make both the HVO and ARBIH more efficient in resisting
bih podsjetiti i to da su u Zagreb dolazili predstavnici iz či- the common enemy and not to make one or the other
tave Bosne i Hercegovine u tri navrata, nakon što se formi- army vacate their positions in certain areas. The transcript
rala ta posebna srpska republika, predstavnici Hrvata su also reveals that talks had already been held about Rajić’s
dolazili. Nakon što se formirala ta posebna srpska republi- order and that an agreement about it had been reached:
ka i nakon što su, kako su oni govorili, bili suočeni sa pla- I just want to bring up a practical issue, one that I
nom da se iz Bosne i Hercegovine stvori islamska država thought we had agreed on. Mr. President Izetbegović, I talk-
pod parolom građanske države. I ti Hrvati, stotinjak njih iz ed to you, here in Zagreb and we also talked in the presence
svih krajeva Bosne i Hercegovine gdje žive Hrvati, predla- of the co-chairmen in Geneva. So, in order to make our forces
gali su da sa svoje strane tu zajednicu Herceg-Bosnu goto- more efficient, and we both know that the situation on the
vo proglase sastavnim dijelom Hrvatske. Mi u Zagrebu i ja ground at the moment is dire, it makes sense to subordinate
osobno bio sam taj koji su kazali da ne čine to i preporučio the HVO forces to the ARBIH in those areas where the ARBIH
da idu na referendum, da u okviru samostalne Bosne i Her- is numerically stronger than the HVO and to subordinate the
cegovine ostvare suradnju s Muslimanima. Međutim, traju ARBIH forces to the HVO in the areas where the HVO is stron-
takve nesuglasice. Primjer, ima jedan Musliman, još ratnik ger. And the areas have now officially been designated with
iz Drugog svjetskog rata, koji se istakao u obrani Dubrov- the division of the country into provinces. I do not see what
nika, koji je stekao i čin generala u Hrvatskoj vojsci (vjero- the problem all of a sudden is. What is wrong with making
jatno Nijaz Batlak, zvani i Mate Šarlija – Daidža, op. ur.) i both our forces more efficient in combating our common
koji se borio na fronti, kasnije u redovima HVO-a, Stolca i enemy? And we have already agreed on the unit subordina-
Nevesinja, koji je kazao, mene zove telefonom, i bio je ra- tion move. Remember, I sat here with you, in a room in this
njen u Zagrebu, i kaže – što ti to, predsjedniče, dogovaraš very hotel, the Esplanade, and we agreed on this issue, like
normal people (…). And now, you’re shooting yourself in the
foot here. You’re defeating yourself and saving the Serbs the
1107 ICTY: Zapisnik s razgovora predsjednika RH dr.
effort. Nice going.
Franje Tuđmana sa supredsjedateljima Ženevske
konferencije za bivšu Jugoslaviju lordom Davi- Before that meeting, Mate Boban, responding to Ali-
dom Owenom (EZ) i Cyrusom Vanceom (UN) te ja Izetbegović’s proposal to set up some kind of a com-
Alijom Izetbegovićem, predsjednikom Bosne i mission or arbitration committee that would act as an
Hercegovine, i Matom Bobanom, predsjednikom
Hrvatske zajednice Herceg-Bosne, i suradnicima, honest broker in talks between the Muslims and Croats,
Zagreb, 15. siječnja 1993., str. 51/01322293; M. TU- said that the Croats were willing to reach an agreement
ĐMAN, 2017., 138. and opined that the Croats and Muslims could make a
1108 ICTY: isto, str. 44/01322286. deal on their own, without interference from committees


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sa Izetbegovićem kada mene Muslimani tamo napadaju i or commissions and that “committees and commissions
ugrožavaju mi život. were necessary only when it comes to talks between the
Ja sam rekao, pa ti si Musliman, dogovorite se tamo. Muslims and Serbs and the Croats and Serbs”.
Prema tome, problemi su duboki i treba ih riješiti, ali President Tuđman expressed his position at the men-
trebaju ih riješiti predstavnici Muslimana i Hrvata u BiH. tioned meeting confirming his commitment to a sover-
(…) Ja ponovo apeliram ovdje pred gospodom, izvolite eign Bosnia and Herzegovina and his support for cordial
sjesti i dogovorite se tako da bude zadovoljan i hrvatski relations between the Muslims and Croats in BiH:
narod tamo. Jer mislim da Hrvati u cjelini ne ugrožavaju I just want to point out that I have asked the representa-
Muslimane, a sa svojom obranom vjerojatno su spasili Bo- tive of the Muslims, Mr. Izetbegović and the representative of
snu da ne potpadne u prve dane (rata) pod veliku Srbiju the Croats, Mr. Mate Boban and others to coordinate their ac-
ili Jugoslaviju, kad, kao što je i gospodin Izetbegović sam tions in all areas as regards resisting the aggression. I would
izjavio, u početku Muslimani nisu bili spremni na rat sa ju- also like to remind you that representatives from all areas of
gosrpskom armijom, i kada je težište borbe (i) obrane bilo Bosnia and Herzegovina came to Zagreb on three different
na hrvatskom narodu. (…) occasions, after the establishment of that separate Serb re-
Gospodine Vance, lord Owen, gospodine Ahtisaari, public. Croat representatives came. They said that they were
Gospodo, zaključujemo znači ovaj naš sastanak. threatened by the plan to turn Bosnia and Herzegovina into
Hvala vam što ste još došli i uložili sa svoje strane na- an Islamic state under the guise of a civil state. And those
pore da se približe gledišta muslimanskih i hrvatskih Croats, about a hundred of them from all Croatian areas of
predstavnika iz Bosne da bi to poslužilo i omogućilo pri- Bosnia and Herzegovina wanted to declare their community,
siljavanje da tako kažem, dopustite mi da tako kažem, Herzeg-Bosnia, an integral part of Croatia. We told them, I
jer vi morate biti objektivni u odnosu na sve tri sučeljene personally told them, not to do that and I recommended that
strane. Ali ipak jedinstveno gledište muslimanskih i hr- they should set up a referendum, to establish cooperation
vatskih predstavnika iz Bosne olakšalo bi traženje mira. with the Muslims within the scope of an independent Bos-
Ja apeliram ponovo da oni to učine, ali izjavljujem i pred nia and Herzegovina. But, these issues are not going away.
vama i pred njima, Hrvatska će još odlučnije staviti do For example, there’s this Muslim42, who fought in WWII and
znanja da nije spremna ni u kom pogledu potpomaga- who distinguished himself fighting against the Serbs during
ti nastavljanje rata. Jer to je suprotno bitnim interesima the siege of Dubrovnik and who attained the rank of general
Republike Hrvatske i hrvatskoga naroda. in the Croatian Army, and who fought on the front line as a
Prema tome, molim da se usmjerimo na traženje mira, member of the HVO Stolac and Nevesinje. So, he calls me on
a nikakvog mira ni u jednom ratu, ni u jednom sukobu, pa the phone, he’s in Zagreb, wounded, and he says, “Why are
čak i bez rata, nema bez nekakvih kompromisa. To nam you trying to make a deal with Izetbegović when I’m being
mora biti jasno. I nemojmo se zavaravati s verbalnim po- attacked by the Muslims in Bosnia, trying to kill me.” So I said
drškama svijeta. Taj svijet nam je davao verbalnu podrš- to him, “You’re a Muslim, sort it out amongst yourselves down
ku, a ja imam razrušen i Vukovar i Drniš i Dubrovnik sam there.” You see, these problems run deep and they have to be
imao i pitanje je kada ćemo se osloboditi srpske okupacije solved but they have to be solved by Muslim and Croat repre-
i s mirovnim snagama. Prema tome, treba voditi računa sentatives in BiH (…) I ask you gentlemen again to sit down
da i čitavu Bosnu i Hercegovinu ne zadesi, već ju je i sada and find a solution satisfactory to the Croats in Bosnia and
zadesila zla nesreća, a može još veća ako bi se rat nasta- Herzegovina. In my opinion, generally speaking, the Croats
vio. Hvala vam.1109 are not a threat to the Muslims. And the Croats, by mounting
Izvori također potvrđuju da su se predsjednik Fra- a defense against the Serbs probably saved Bosnia and Her-
njo Tuđman i ministar obrane RH Gojko Šušak, poštujući zegovina from becoming, during the first days of the war, a
realnost, odnosno politički okvir koji je postavila među- part of Greater Serbia or Yugoslavia. Mr. Izetbegović himself
narodna zajednica, u siječnju 1993. zalagali za razgovo- has said that the Muslims, when the Serbs attacked Bosnia
re i dogovor Muslimana, Srba i Hrvata o sudjelovanju and Herzegovina, were not ready to fight the JNA and that
predstavnika sva tri naroda u vladajućim tijelima i za- the Croats did most of the fighting and defending (…)

1109 ICTY: isto, str. 45-47/01322287-01322289; 42 Probably Nijaz Batlak, also known as Mate “Daidža” Šarli-
54-55/01322296-01322297 ja (author’s note).


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jedničkoj vladi, „nemajući iluzija da će to postati realna Mr. Vance, Lord Owen, Mr. Ahtisaari,
vlada u današnjim uvjetima“, ali barem da se „obustavi Gentlemen, let us conclude this meeting. Thank you for
rat i da se onda omogući političko rješenje“. 1110 coming and making an effort to reconcile the respective po-
Političko rješenje pokušalo se naći i na sastanku sitions of the Muslim and Croat representatives from Bosnia
predsjednika Tuđmana i supredsjedatelja Konferencije and thus making the representatives more amenable to out-
o bivšoj Jugoslaviji Cyrusa Vancea i lorda Davida Owena side pressures calling for a settlement. Don’t get me wrong
s hrvatskim predstavnicima iz BiH, održanom u Zagrebu here, I’m saying this fully aware that you have to be objective
20. siječnja 1993. godine. Na sastanku je Mate Boban, in relation to all three opposing sides. Having said that, if the
pozivajući se na dokument koji je muslimanska Stranka Muslims and Croat representatives presented a united front,
demokratske akcije iz Hercegovine poslala 5. siječnja the quest for peace would become that much easier. I call on
1993. Izetbegoviću na pregovore u Ženevi, upozorio them again, right here, right now, to present a united front.
predsjednika Tuđmana da oni (muslimansko vodstvo, Croatia, for its part, will show, with more determination than
op. ur.) ne prihvaćaju podjelu BiH na provincije, kako su before, that it is willing to take no action that could facilitate
predložili predstavnici međunarodne zajednice, a Tuđ- the war’s continuation. This war runs counter to the main
man prihvatio. Ako bi ipak „bili pritjerani uza zid da bi interests of the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian people.
morali prihvatiti neke provincije, onda traže provinciju Therefore, let us please focus on trying to reach a peace-
srednja Hercegovina u dolini Neretve“, u kojoj bi bio ful solution and keep in mind that there is no peace without
„Neum, Stolac, Mostar, Jablanica, Konjic i Čapljina“,1111 compromise. That has to be clear. Now, the world has been
dakle područje koje će ARBiH pokušati osvojiti u svojoj paying lip service to Croatia but in and of itself lip service
napadajnoj operaciji Neretva ‘93., u rujnu 1993. godine. doesn’t mean a thing. So let’s not pretend that it does. Lip
Također je rekao da su već tijekom prethodnog raz- service is fine and good but it didn’t prevent the Serbs from
govora u Zagrebu imali dokument koji svjedoči o pri- destroying Vukovar, Drniš and Dubrovnik. And what about
premama ARBiH u siječnju 1993. za „napad na hrvatsko the elephant in the room nobody cares to mention – the
pučanstvo i hrvatske vojne postrojbe, HVO postrojbe peacekeepers. Is their presence conducive to the liberation of
u Gornjem Vakufu“, u kojem „oni sami tvrde da HVO ne Croatia? That said, the situation in Bosnia is dire and we can
uzvraća vatrom“, dodajući da HVO nije uzvratio vatrom do something to prevent it from spiraling completely out of
sve dok nisu izvršili masakr nad Hrvatima i „ubili 16, a control. Make no mistake, if the war continues, that’s exactly
ranili preko 60 Hrvata“, te da su spaljene mnoge hrvat- what will happen. Thank you.
ske kuće prije nego što je HVO uopće uzvratio vatru“. Sources also confirm that President Tuđman and Min-
Također, Boban spominje da je ARBiH napustila dva ki- ister of Defense of the Republic of Croatia Gojko Šušak
lometra crte prema srpskim snagama na liniji Kupres – were realistic and honored the political framework im-
Bugojno i krenula u napad na hrvatska sela i hrvatske posed by the international community. The same sources
postrojbe, te da Izetbegović nije izdao zapovijed ARBiH reveal that in January, 1993, Tuđman and Šušak strove to
da ne napada HVO, nego je „na jedan veoma, veoma po- induce the Muslims, Serbs and Croats to engage in tripar-
dao način optužio Hrvatsku vojsku da je došla u Bosnu i tite talks and reach an accommodation by which a future
BiH government and governing bodies would consist of
representatives of all three constituent nations. Tuđman
1110 ICTY: Zapisnik s razgovora predsjednika RH dr. Franje
Tuđmana sa supredsjedateljima Konferencije o bivšoj and Šušak “harbored no illusions that such a government
Jugoslaviji gosp. Cyrusom Vanceom i lordom Davi- could be formed in the prevailing circumstances” and
dom Owenom te s hrvatskim predstavnicima iz Bosne their immediate aim was to “stop the war so that a politi-
i Hercegovine, održanog u Predsjedničkim dvorima u
cal solution could be found”.
Zagrebu, u srijedu 20. siječnja 1993., broj dokumenata:
01322327-01322328. The quest for a political solution continued at a meet-
1111 ICTY: Zapisnik s razgovora predsjednika RH dr. Franje ing between President Tuđman, the Co-Chairmen of the
Tuđmana sa supredsjedateljima Konferencije o bivšoj International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia Cyrus
Jugoslaviji gosp. Cyrusom Vanceom i lordom Davi- Vance and Lord David Owen and Bosnian Croat represen-
dom Owenom te s hrvatskim predstavnicima iz Bosne tatives held in Zagreb on January 20, 1993. During the
i Hercegovine, održanog u Predsjedničkim dvorima u
Zagrebu, u srijedu 20. siječnja 1993., broj dokumenta: meeting, Mate Boban, referring to a document the Mus-
01322310. lim SDA party had sent, on January 5, 1993, to Izetbegov-


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Hercegovinu i to da je došla u Vakuf, što je notorna laž“, ić, who was in Geneva participating in peace talks, warned
o čemu mogu posvjedočiti snage UNPROFOR-a i europ- President Tuđman that the Muslim leadership was against
ski promatrači. Ističe da su Hrvati inicirali pregovore o the international community’s recommendation for di-
miru, da su na sastanku na kojem je dogovoren mir bili viding BiH into provinces. Tuđman, it has to be pointed
uključeni „i svećenik i islamski muftija, ali da su hrvatska out, had accepted the recommendation. Boban contin-
sela i hrvatske postrojbe napadnute istovremeno kad je ued by saying that “if the Muslims were somehow forced
sastanak završen“.1112 to accept the concept of dividing BiH into provinces then
Tuđman je izjavio da je „u posljednja dva mjeseca they would demand the province of central Herzegovina
već dobio nekoliko izvještaja da su neki muslimanski in the Neretva Valley”. It is important to note that the cit-
prvaci i u Bosni i u Hrvatskoj i u Njemačkoj dali izjave ies of Neum, Stolac, Mostar, Jablanica, Konjic, and Čapljina
– za Srbe nismo bili spremni, a za Hrvate ćemo biti spre- are located in the Neretva Valley. It was exactly these cities
mni“, ali da „nije vjerovao da će se to izroditi u ovakve that the ARBIH would attempt to capture during its Oper-
sukobe do kakvih je došlo“ (u siječnju u Gornjem Vaku- ation Neretva-93 in September, 1993.
fu/Uskoplju, op. ur.).1113 Boban also stated that the Bosnian Croat representa-
Podatke iz spomenutih transkripata potvrđuje i tives had been in possession, during the previous meet-
pismo koje je zbog napada ARBiH na HVO i Hrvate u ing in Zagreb, of documents proving that the ARBIH had
Gornjem Vakufu/Uskoplju i Lašvanskoj dolini predstoj- been preparing, in January, 1993, “to attack the Croatian
nik Odjela obrane HVO-a Bruno Stojić uputio načelniku population and the HVO units in Gornji Vakuf” and that
Glavnog štaba ARBiH Seferu Haliloviću, upozorivši ga “according to the Muslims themselves the HVO did not re-
na neprihvatljivo ponašanje muslimanskih političkih i turn fire when attacked”, adding that the HVO only started
vojnih čelnika koji javno zagovaraju mir i „bezuvjetno returning fire after ARBIH soldiers had “massacred 16 and
poštivanje prekida neprijateljstava”, a istodobno vrše wounded over 60 Croats” and that “many Croatian hous-
pregrupiranja i manevre postrojba: „Od Vas, kao načel- es had been set on fire by ARBIH soldiers before the HVO
nika Glavnog štaba Armije RBiH, s razlogom očekujem started returning fire”.
da na razini svoje odgovornosti spriječite djelovanje po- Continuing with his enumeration of the Muslims’
strojbi Armije RBiH prema postrojbama HVO-a i hrvat- transgression against the Croats, Boban pointed out
skom narodu. Vi, kao i ja, dužni ste pred savješću, pred that the ARBIH had abandoned their positions on the
poviješću, i pred muslimanskim i hrvatskim narodom two-kilometer Kupres-Bugojno line opposite the Serbs
zaustaviti tekuće i buduće sukobe, jer oni neposredno and launched an attack on Croatian villages and Croatian
koriste (srpskim, op. ur.) agresorima i mogu nas odvesti units, emphasizing the fact that Izetbegović had not or-
u potpuni poraz, jednako Armiju RBiH, kao i HVO.” Stojić dered the ARBIH not to attack the HVO but “instead, in a
je upozorio Halilovića i na neprihvatljive izjave niza za- vile and underhanded manner accused the Croatian Army
povjedništava ARBiH koja Izetbegoviću „poručuju da i u of having sent its formations to Bosnia and Herzegovina
slučaju kad on potpiše Ženevski sporazum, Armija RBiH and being present in Vakuf, which is a vicious lie”. Back-
to neće prihvatiti”. Prigovorio mu je i zbog grube, neci- ing up his characterization of Izetbegović’s statement
Boban simply pointed out that UNPROFOR and European
observers could confirm everything he had said. In con-
1112 ICTY: Zapisnik s razgovora predsjednika RH dr. Franje
Tuđmana sa supredsjedateljima Konferencije o bivšoj clusion Boban described the meeting at which both sides
Jugoslaviji gosp. Cyrusom Vanceom i lordom Davi- had agreed on peace, saying: “A Catholic priest was there
dom Owenom te s hrvatskim predstavnicima iz Bosne and also a mufti but the moment the meeting ended the
i Hercegovine, održanog u Predsjedničkim dvorima u
Muslims attacked the Croatian villages and Croatian units.”
Zagrebu, u srijedu 20. siječnja 1993., broj dokumenata:
01322311-01322312, 01322314-01322315. Tuđman stated that he “received, during the last two
1113 ICTY: Zapisnik s razgovora predsjednika RH dr. Franje days, a number of reports that certain Muslim officials in
Tuđmana sa supredsjedateljima Konferencije o bivšoj Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Croatia and in Germany had
Jugoslaviji gosp. Cyrusom Vanceom i lordom Davi- said, ‘We were not ready for the Serbs but we’ll be ready
dom Owenom te s hrvatskim predstavnicima iz Bosne for the Croats,’ pointing out that he did not “believe that
i Hercegovine, održanog u Predsjedničkim dvorima u
Zagrebu, u srijedu 20. siječnja 1993., broj dokumenta: the situation would escalate into this ferocious conflict”
01322313. (Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje, editor’s note).


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vilizirane i izazivačke propagande koja se protiv HVO-a The information contained in the mentioned tran-
i Hrvata u BiH vodi preko javnih medija pod musliman- scripts is confirmed, amongst other things, by the letter
skom kontrolom. Istaknuo je i problem prijetnji koje „s the Head of the HVO Defense Department Bruno Stojić
pozicija pretpostavljene sile” hrvatskim dužnosnicima i sent to the Chief of the General Staff of the ARBIH Sefer
institucijama upućuju neki zapovjednici ARBiH, pa čak i Halilović following the ARBIH’s attack on the HVO and Cro-
Arif Pašalić. Stojićevo obraćanje Haliloviću, kao i sve slič- at civilians in Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje and the Lašva Valley.
ne inicijative nisu dale rezultate. Armija RBiH nastavila In the letter Stojić warned Halilović that the behavior of
je s ofenzivnim akcijama.1114 the Muslims political and military leaders was unaccept-
Ignoriranje Stojićeva pisma očekivano je, jer je able, elaborating that the Muslim leadership had been
upravo Sefer Halilović bio jedan od zapovjednika ARBiH publically proclaiming their commitment to peace and
koji su smatrali da ih potpisivanje Ženevskog sporazu- calling for “unconditional cessation of hostilities” while
ma ne obvezuje, pa je sljedećeg dana, 27. siječnja 1993., the ARBIH had been preparing to attack the HVO. Stojić
u španjolskome El Paisu objavljen njegov intervju u ko- wrote: “You hold the position of the Chief of the Gener-
jemu je upozorio: „Nikakvi pregovori, pa ni ženevski, ne al Staff of the ARBIH. Therefore, commensurate with the
mogu uništiti ideju o Bosni, kao unitarnoj i suverenoj level of responsibility you hold, I expect of you to prevent
državi. Mogu oni u Ženevi potpisati što hoće! Ako bi se further offensive moves of the ARBIH against the HVO and
preko tih pregovora došlo do učvršćivanja ideje o uni- the Croatian people. You, as well as I, will have to answer
tarnoj Bosni, mi ćemo to pozdraviti. U suprotnom slu- to our consciences and will be judged by history and by
čaju realizirat ćemo je na bojnom polju. Ako Europa ne the Muslims people and the Croatian people. For that rea-
promijeni stav, poduzet ćemo mjere i izazvati teroristič- son, you have to stop this conflict and prevent any future
ke akcije na njezinom teritoriju. Mnogi europski gradovi conflict from breaking out. Fighting between the Muslims
gorjet će u plamenu.”1115 and Croats only serves the Serb aggressor and can only
O napadima ARBiH u središnjoj Bosni, Stojić je 27. lead both the HVO and ARBIH into total defeat.” Mincing
siječnja 1993. obavijestio ministra obrane Republike Hr- words not at all Stojić pointed out that statements issued
vatske Gojka Šuška i zaključio: „Odnosi s Muslimanima i by various ARBIH HQs for the benefit of Izetbegović’s at-
Armijom BiH na prostorima HZ H-B, osobito u srednjoj tention to the effect that the ARBIH would not accept
Bosni, već duže vremena postaju sve složeniji s tenden- the Geneva Agreement even should Izetbegović sign it
cijom otvorenih oružanih sukoba. Izvješća koja prima- were completely improper, offensive and objectionable.
mo i druga saznanja upućuju na organizirani oblik na- Concluding his scathing missive Stojić put Halilović on
srtaja na postrojbe HVO-a i hrvatski narod, uz znanje i the spot regarding the crass, uncivilized and belligerent
odobrenje najvišeg političkog i vojnog vrha musliman- propaganda campaign against the HVO and the Bosnian
skog naroda u BiH. Opća je ocjena da se to sve čini s ci- Croats waged through state-run/Muslim media outlets
ljem izazivanja kaosa, opstruiranja ženevskih dogovora and also regarding threats issued, in a highhanded man-
i planske borbe za prostor.”1116 ner, by certain ARBIH commanders, including Arif Pašalić,
S obzirom na to da se o uzroku bošnjačko (musli- to Croat officials and institutions.
mansko) – hrvatskog sukoba i o odgovornosti za njegov Stojić’s letter to Halilović, and a whole plethora of sim-
nastavak sukobljene strane međusobno optužuju, ra- ilar initiatives, bore no fruit. The ARBIH continued attack-
zložno je postaviti pitanje zašto se muslimansko vodstvo ing the HVO and the Croat civilians.
nije opredijelilo za pravu vojnu suradnju, tj. za združene It should not surprise us that Stojić’s letter was ig-
hrvatsko-muslimanske vojne operacije prema zajednič- nored because Sefer Halilović was one of those ARBIH
kom agresoru, sve do Splitskog sporazuma 22. srpnja commanders who held the view that the signing of the
1995. godine? Pogotovo zato što je hrvatska politika in- Geneva Agreement had nothing to do with the ARBIH.
On January 27, 1993, the Spanish daily newspaper El Pais
1114 RBiH, HZ H-B HVO, Odjel obrane, broj: 03-391/93., Mo- published an interview with Sefer Halilović in which he
star, 26. siječnja 1993.; Lučić, 2018., 251. said: ‘”No negotiations, not even those in Geneva, can de-
1115 Lučić, 2018., 253-254. stroy the idea of Bosnia as a unitary and sovereign state.
1116 RBiH, HZH-B, HVO, Odjel obrane, broj: 03-394/93., Mo- Those people in Geneva can sign what they will! If these
star, 27. siječnja 1993.; Lučić, 2018., 254. negotiations serve to support the idea of a unitary Bosnia,


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zistirala da se HVO i ARBiH urede kao dvije komponen- we will support the negotiations. Otherwise, we’ll realize
te jedne vojske i formiraju zajedničko zapovjedništvo, o the idea of Bosnia on the field of battle. If Europe does
čemu svjedoče razgovori ili sporazumi, primjerice “od 21. not change its attitude we will take measures and mount
srpnja 1992. (Sporazum o prijateljstvu i suradnji između terrorist attacks against targets on European soil. We’ll set
RH i BiH, Zagreb), 21. rujna 1992. (Dodatak prethodnom many European cities ablaze.”
sporazumu, New York), 25. travnja 1993. (Zajednička izja- Also on January 27, 1993, Stojić informed the min-
va Alije Izetbegovića i Mate Bobana o formiranju zajed- ister of defense of the Republic of Croatia, Gojko Šušak,
ničkog zapovjedništva ARBiH i HVO-a, u nazočnosti pred- about the ARBIH’s attacks in central Bosnia, stating: “The
sjednika Franje Tuđmana i predstavnika međunarodne relations with the Muslims and the ARBIH in the HZ HB, es-
zajednice, Zagreb) i drugi sporazumi”.1117 pecially in central Bosnia, have been, for quite some time,
Oružani sukob između Bošnjaka-muslimana i Hr- becoming progressively more complex and conducive to
vata u BiH nije moguće objektivno i cjelovito prikazati, open armed conflict. The reports we have received and
ako se ne razumije što je rat, odnosno ako se zanemaru- information gleaned from other sources suggest that we
ju vojni i sociološki aspekti rata. U skladu s time, američ- are dealing with organized attacks on the HVO and Croa-
ki vojni povjesničar Charles R. Shrader zaključio je: tian people which are explicitly and implicitly supported
- da su “ključne činjenice o muslimansko-hrvatskom by the military and political leadership of the Muslims in
sukobu na tom području temeljito iskrivljene zbog BiH. It is our conclusion that the Muslims’ objective is to
raznih ideologijskih, političkih i društvenih i osob- create a state of chaos on the ground, obstruct the nego-
nih interesa”; tiations in Geneva and systematically conquer territory.”
- da su rijetki koji su pisali ili govorili o tom sukobu, Generally speaking, the Muslims hold the Croats re-
posebice novinari, “bili dovoljno osposobljeni ili sponsible for the Muslim-Croat conflict while the Croats
spremni činjenično stanje analizirati i o njemu toč- accuse the Muslims of causing and starting it. At face value
no izvještavati”; this looks like a classic “your word against mine” situation.
- da “svatko tko zna išta o vojnim pitanjima (i o do- However, on closer inspection it becomes obvious that this
kazima) nikad ne bi zaključio da su Hrvati započeli is not an imbroglio caused by incompatible viewpoints. As
sukob u središnjoj Bosni“; we have seen, the Muslim leadership refused to cooperate
- da je “ICTY pogrešno presudio da je postojao veliki militarily with the HVO against the common foe until the
plan etničkog čišćenja tog područja od Muslimana”, signing of the Split Agreement on July 22, 1995. We have
jer je “zapravo bilo sasvim obratno”.1118 also seen that the Croats insisted that a joint HVO-ARBIH
Uostalom, omjer snaga ARBiH i HVO-a u središnjoj command be formed. Many agreements testify to that.
Bosni bio je znatno u korist ARBiH – od 6:1 do 9:1, po- For example, the agreement of July 21, 1992 (Agreement
sebice nakon što se na području Travnika, Bugojna, Ze- on Friendship and Cooperation between the republic of
nice i u Lašvanskoj dolini do kraja 1992. našlo najmanje Croatia and BiH, Zagreb), the agreement of September 21,
70.000 Bošnjaka – muslimana protjeranih s teritorija 1992 (Appendix to the previous agreement, New York), the
pod kontrolom srpskih snaga, koje je trebalo zbrinuti i agreement of April 25, 1993 (Joint statement by Alija Izet-
osigurati im krov nad glavom.1119 begović and Mate Boban on forming a joint ARBIH-HVO
Shrader drži da je vrlo rano, “već u jesen 1992., command made in the presence of President Franjo
muslimansko vodstvo u Sarajevu donijelo strategijsku Tuđman and representatives of the international commu-
nity, Zagreb) and other agreements.
The Muslim-Croat conflict in BiH cannot be compre-
1117 M. Tuđman, „Haške optužnice Tuđmanovoj Hrvatskoj i hensively analyzed without being aware of the nature
baršunasta obnova komunističke prošlosti“, Oslobađa- of war, that is, if the military and sociological aspects of
juće presude Haškog suda Tuđmanovoj Hrvatskoj, UHIP, war are ignored. The American military historian Charles
Zagreb, 2014., 73-75.
R. Shrader concluded, in his comprehensive analysis of
1118 Shrader, Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat u srednjoj
Bosni, 9.
the Muslim-Croat conflict that the “the salient facts of the
Muslim-Croat conflict in central Bosnia have been distort-
1119 Slobodan Praljak, Pomoć RH muslimansko-bošnjačkom
narodu i Armiji BiH tijekom 1991. - 1995., Zagreb, lipanj ed thoroughly by the ideological, political, social and per-
2007., 5. sonal agendas of various government leaders, journalists


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odluku o pokretanju rata protiv Hrvata, zato što su oni (…) few of whom were properly equipped or inclined to
bili slabiji od Srba”, a pritom se poziva na izjave prvog analyze and report the facts of the matter accurately”, that
načelnika Glavnog stožera Armije RBiH generala Sefera anyone who knows anything about military matters (and
Halilovića i njegovu knjigu Lukava strategija (Sarajevo, evidence) could never conclude that the Croats started
1997.). U prilog tome govori i podatak da je zapovjednik the conflict in central Bosnia and that the ICTY made a
ARBiH Sefer Halilović već krajem prosinca 1992. u Sara- mistake by concluding that there existed a grand plan for
jevu, u sjedištu Prvog korpusa u Ulici Danijela Ozme, na ethnically cleansing the area of Muslims because the truth
sastanku zapovjednika ARBiH održao govor, na kraju was exactly the opposite.
kojega je uzviknuo: „Naš barjak će se viti u Pločama!“1120 Besides, the ARBIH was overwhelmingly superior both
Dakle, izvori jasno pokazuju da je Armija RBiH imala in numbers and equipment to the HVO in central Bosnia.
planove za napad na Hrvate i HVO prije siječnja 1993., In terms on numbers the ARBIH enjoyed a 6:1 to 9:1 ad-
odnosno razdoblja u kojem je, prema tvrdnji Haškoga vantage. This stark numerical superiority stemmed, in large
suda, počela provedba hrvatskoga „udruženog (zajed- measure, from the fact that by the end of 1992 at least
ničkog) zločinačkog pothvata“! 70,000 Muslim refugees had fled from the Serb occupied
U tom kontekstu treba spomenuti da tvrdnja iz pri- areas to the Travnik, Bugojno and Zenica areas in the Lašva
općenja haškoga Tužiteljstva, da su dijelovi Hrvatske Valley. It is important to reiterate that the Croats took in the
vojske „direktno sudjelovali u sukobu u Bosni i Herce- refugees and secured food and accommodation for them.
govini“ prešućuje činjenicu da oni nisu angažirani u BiH Shrader writes that very early in the game, in fall 1992,
radi promjene granica i pripajanja dijela teritorija Hr- the Muslim leadership in Sarajevo decided to launch a
vatskoj, kao srpske snage u RH, nego radi obrane hrvat- war against the Croats simply because the Croats were
skih područja i autonomne jedinice unutar BiH, prvo od weaker than the Serbs, backing up the assertion with
agresije srpskih snaga na BiH, a tek potom, s malobroj- what Halilović wrote in his book Lukava Strategija (The
nim snagama, uglavnom dragovoljcima podrijetlom iz Shrewd Strategy) (Sarajevo 1997). Shrader’s claim is also
BiH, od napada brojčano nadmoćnijih snaga ARBiH, čiji borne out by what Sefer Halilović said in his speech, at the
je cilj bio izlazak na more te eliminacija Hrvata iz sre- end of December, 1992, in Sarajevo, held at I Corps HQ lo-
dišnje Bosne i područja uz Neretvu. S obzirom na to da cated in Danijel Ozma Street, during a meeting of ARBIH
u razdoblju koje haško Tužiteljstvo uzima kao sporno commanders there. Concluding his expose, it is interest-
(siječanj 1993. - travanj 1994.) broj angažiranih drago- ing to point out, Halilović exclaimed: “Our banner will be
voljaca i snaga iz HV-a u BiH (uglavnom podrijetlom iz raised in Ploče.” It is obvious that the sources closely reveal
BiH) u sukobu s bošnjačko-muslimanskim postrojba- the fact that the ARBIH planned to attack the HVO and
ma, koje su popunjavali i mudžahedini pridošli iz raznih the Croats before January, 1993, that is, before the period
islamskih država, nikada nije bio veći od 1400, maksi- during which, according to the Hague Tribunal the Croats
malno 1800 ljudi, i laicima je jasno da te snage nisu bile embarked on their “joint criminal enterprise”.
dovoljne ni za kvalitetnu obranu, a kamoli za agresiju In this context it is important to point out that the
na drugu državu, za što su potrebne cjelovite brigade claim by the Tribunal Prosecutors that elements of the
i znatno veće snage. Tim više što ni te malobrojne sna- Croatian Army directly participated in the conflict in Bos-
ge nikada nisu bile koncentrirane na jednom taktičkom nia and Herzegovina is erroneous in the sense that it ig-
pravcu ili mjestu, već su, pod zapovijedanjem HVO-a, nores the fact that those elements of the Croatian Army
dijeljene na manje skupine (nikada nisu dosegle punu were not deployed in BiH for the purpose of altering the
razinu popunjenosti jedne bojne), u svrhu “krpljenja” boundaries and annexing a part of BiH to Croatia (unlike
prevelike crte obrane. Svaka ozbiljna vojna raščlamba Serbia’s forces in Croatia) but for the purpose of defend-
zaključit će da se s takvim snagama ne ide u agresiju i ing the Croatian area and autonomous unit within BiH,
secesiju druge države, a pogotovo ih se ne koristi raz- first from Serb aggression against BiH and then, with a
dijeljene na manje skupine i razbacane na širokom po- meager contingent consisting mainly of individuals born
dručju od Mostara do Uskoplja. Jasno je da je njihova in BiH, from attacks launched by vastly superior ARBIH
forces whose objective was the elimination of Croats
1120 Slavko Zelić, HVO u obrani Sarajeva 1992. - 1993., Zagreb from central Bosnia and the Neretva Valley and securing
- Mostar, 2014., 47. access to the sea for the Muslims. The Tribunal Prosecu-


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uloga u prvom redu bila psihološka i da, s obzirom na tors condemns Croatia and the Croats on the basis of (al-
broj pristiglih dragovoljaca iz HV-a, stvarno predstavlja leged) events that took place between January, 1993, and
simboličnu potporu u obrani tako dugačke crte obrane April,1994. During that period the number of engaged
koju je HVO 1993. s mukom pokušavao održati pred na- volunteers and other Croatian Army troops (born in BiH,
letima jednonacionalne muslimanske ARBiH, u čijem su for the most part) in combat with Muslim/Bosniak forces
sastavu bili muslimani iz susjednih država i mudžahedini (which were reinforced by Mujahideen from a number of
iz islamskih država.1121 Islamic countries) never exceeded 1,400-1,800. The num-
Uz navedeno, važno je podsjetiti da u spomenutom ber was simply not sufficient to organize a viable defense
razdoblju bojišta u Hrvatskoj nisu mirovala, da su krajem along the whole length of the front line against the vastly
siječnja 1993. HV i policija u zaleđu Zadra i na sinjskom superior ARBIH let alone mount a strategic offensive with
području proveli operaciju Gusar (Maslenica) i akciju the aim of inflicting a crushing defeat on the ARBIH so that
oslobađanja HE Peruča, da su nakon toga gotovo cijelu Croatia could annex a part of BiH territory. Also, the troops
godinu trajale žestoke borbe u zadarskom zaleđu, te da from Croatia were never concentrated in one location.
je u rujnu 1993. provedena akcija oslobađanja Medač- Divided into small groups (always smaller than a battal-
koga džepa nedaleko od Gospića, što znači da Hrvatska, ion-size formation), placed under HVO command and sent
zbog stanja na svojem dijelu ratišta i borbi sa srpskim to threatened sectors of the front line they did not, by any
snagama, tada nije mogla angažirati veće snage u BiH. stretch of the imagination, constitute an attacking force.
Istodobno, brojnost islamskih ratnika – mudžahe- The HVO was not strong enough to successfully defend
dina pristiglih u BiH radi širenja muslimanskog radika- the entire length of the front line. In these circumstanc-
lizma i „svetog rata“, procjenjuje se na nekoliko stotina es, attempting to mount an offensive would have been
(740) do nekoliko tisuća, vjerojatno ne manje od 2000. suicidal. Equally, the elements of the Croatian Army were
U sastavu 3. korpusa ARBiH na području središnje Bosne scattered in a wide area from Mostar as far as Uskoplje.
djelovala je i jedinica „El mudžahid“, sastavljena od radi- Their primary role was to bolster the morale of the HVO
kalnih islamista pristiglih iz muslimanskih država – od troops. Their deployment in BiH represented an act of
Alžira, Egipta, Jemena, Saudijske Arabije, Afganistana i symbolic support of the Republic of Croatia for the belea-
drugih država. S obzirom na to da su se uz mudžahedi- guered HVO soldiers desperately trying, in 1993, to fend of
ne iz islamskih država u ARBiH borili i brojni dragovoljci the onslaughts of the all-Muslim ARBIH army in the ranks
iz Republike Srbije, uglavnom iz Raške oblasti, odnosno of which fought Muslims from neighboring countries and
Sandžaka, nedvojbeno je da je broj stranih dragovoljaca Mujahideen from Islamic and Muslim countries.
u postrojbama ARBiH bio veći od broja dragovoljaca iz It is important to stress that during the period in ques-
Republike Hrvatske u postrojbama HVO-a.1122 tion the situation on various fronts in Croatia was not quiet.
U skladu s navedenim, na neke od apsurdnih tvrd- At the end of January, 1993, the Croatian Army and police
nji Tužiteljstva na kojima se temelje presude šestori- conducted Operation Maslenica in Zadar’s hinterland and
ci Hrvata u predmetu “Prlić i ostali” argumentirano je in the Sinj area. At the end of January the Croatian Army
upozorila politička komentatorica i poznavatelj proble- liberated the Peruća hydroelectric power plant. For almost
matike suđenja na Međunarodnom kaznenom sudu za a year after the completion of Operation Maslenica fight-
bivšu Jugoslaviju u Haagu Višnja Starešina, povezujući ing raged unabated in Zadar’s hinterland. In September,
terorističke napade u Londonu 2017. s događajima u 1993, the Croatian Army liberated the Medak pocket near
BiH u 1990-im, koji su na spomenutom sudu u Haagu Gospić. It is therefore clear that the Croatian Army had its
prilikom donošenja prvostupanjske presude šestorici hands full in Croatia and was in no position to send a sig-
Hrvata prešućeni. Podaci koje iznosi otkrivaju zaprepa- nificant number of troops to BiH, even had it wanted to.
šćujuće razmjere ignoriranja i bijega od činjenica, kako On the other hand, estimates of the number of the
bi se pravda podredila političkim ciljevima, na štetu Islamic warriors – Mujahideen imported into BiH for the
purpose of spreading Muslim radicalism and “Holy War”
1121 Davor Marijan, “Vještački nalaz: o ratnim vezama Hrvat-
range from 740 to a few thousand43. The El-Mudžahid unit,
ske i Bosne i Hercegovine, 1991. - 1995.”, Časopis za suvre-
menu povijest 1/36, Zagreb, 2004, 241-242. 43 According to the available sources, probably no less
1122 Lučić, 2018., 278-279. than 2,000 Mujahideen fought in the ranks of the ARBIH.


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Ante Nazor • PART II

Hrvata u BiH koji su bili žrtve džihadizma u BiH, ali i na composed of radical Muslims from Muslim and Islamic
političku štetu za Hrvatsku: states – Algiers, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan,
Haag, London, Bruxelles i BiH bili su prošle srijede tako etc. – operated in central Bosnia under the command
simbolično povezani džihadizmom i posljedicama njegove of III Corps. Given the fact that many Muslim volunteers
zapadnjačke banalizacije. Bruxelles se sjećao prve obljet- from Serbia (most of them from the Rajška area/Sandžak)
nice velikoga džihadističkog napada na glavni grad ujedi- fought alongside the Mujahideen, it is clear that the num-
njene Europe, koji je otkrio ne samo sve sigurnosne slabosti ber of foreign volunteers in the ARBIH was significantly
europske prijestolnice, već i sve slabosti europske politike higher than that of the volunteers from the Republic of
guranja glave u pijesak. Istoga dana u Velikoj Britaniji, dr- Croatia fighting in the ranks of the HVO.
žavi koja je upravo na krilima europske politike otvorenih In the context of the above, Višnja Starešina, a polit-
vrata i nesnalaženja u migrantskoj krizi, referendumski od- ical commentator who followed closely the proceedings
lučila napustiti EU, džihadistički se napad dogodio doslov- of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugo-
ce na vratima Parlamenta. (...) slavia in the Hague, reacted to some of the more absurd
Pred Međunarodnim kaznenim sudom za bivšu Jugo- claims of the prosecutors in the Prlić et al. case by writ-
slaviju tog se dana vodila žalbena rasprava u predmetu ing an article in which she convincingly tracks a connec-
protiv političkog i vojnog vodstva Herceg-Bosne, prvo- tion between the terrorist attacks in London in 2017 and
stupanjski osuđenih za sudjelovanje u udruženom zloči- events in BiH in the 1990s. Two things need to be empha-
načkom pothvatu progona Bošnjaka/Muslimana u BiH. sized in relation to Višnja Starešina’s reaction; first, the final
Gotovo istodobno kada je Khalid Massud započeo svoj judgment in the Prlić et al. case was based, in large mea-
ubilački pothvat pred Westminsterskom palačom, odvjet- sure, on the claims she irrefutably uncovers in her article
nica generala Praljka, Nika Pinter, ukazivala je Žalbenom as absurd and second, the information she reveals in the
vijeću kako je prvostupanjsko vijeće ozbiljno oštetilo istinu, article was available to the judges but they chose to dis-
osuđenike i pravdu kada je odbilo prihvatiti kao dokaze sve regard and/or ignore it. Her article makes for breathtaking
izjave svjedoka koje su se odnosile na djelovanje mudža- reading; she exposes the staggering level of deliberate
hedina u muslimansko-hrvatskom ratu u BiH, ocjenjujući and continuous disregard for pertinent facts the prosecu-
ih – nerelevantnima. tors and the judges displayed during the proceedings in
Među tim „nerelevantnim“ izjavama je i svjedočenje the Prlić et al. case and proves that this miscarriage of jus-
jednog od zapovjednika odreda El Mudžahid Alija Hama- tice was administered pointedly for the purpose of sub-
da koji je kao svojevrsni svjedok-pokajnik na suđenju zapo- orning the Tribunal into serving venal political agendas
vjednicima Armije RBiH Hadžihasanoviću i Kuburi, podrob- at the material and psychological expense of the Bosnian
no ispričao svoj ratni put u BiH i ciljeve svoje borbe. Ukratko: Croats who were the victims of Jihadism in BiH, and at the
podrijetlom je iz Bahraina, prošao je džihadističku obuku u political expense of the Republic of Croatia:
vojnim logorima Osame bin Ladena u Afganistanu, već u Last Wednesday The Hague, London, Brussels and BiH
ljeto 1992. je poslan u BiH u misiju širenja Al-Qa’idine mre- were symbolically connected to Jihadism and the conse-
že i radikalizacije domaćega muslimanskog stanovništva, quences of its ubiquitous disparagement of Western values.
kroz vjersku obuku i kroz ratne operacije. Ratovao je u sre- Brussels marked the 1st anniversary of a large Jihadist terrorist
dišnjoj Bosni, ponajviše na širem području Travnika, potan- attack on the capital of united Europe, an attack that lay bare
ko je opisao napade na hrvatska sela u okolici Travnika i not only all the security flaws in the European administrative
Zenice, kako bi ih očistili od Hrvata, osvajanje katoličke cr- center but also the inherently corrupt penchant of many Euro-
kve i samostana u Gučoj Gori, koju su nakon skrnavljenja pean politicians to bury their hands in the sand. On the same
mudžahedini minirali i namjeravali srušiti. Opisao je uve- day in Great Britain, a country that responded to the political
zanost odreda El Mudžahid u Armiju RBiH i veze njihovih shambles on the continent precipitated by the open door pol-
zapovjednika s bošnjačkim političkim vodstvom, uključu- icy and the inept reaction to the refugee crisis, by deciding to
jući i Aliju Izetbegovića. (...) leg it out of the Union, Jihadists mounted a terrorist attack
Raspravno sudsko vijeće je sve to ocijenilo nerelevan- right on the Parliament’s doorstep. As the Jihadists spread
tnim, uključujući i obredna ubojstva, prihvativši potpuno terror in the financial heart of Europe the judges of the Ap-
tezu tužitelja da su Hrvati sami sebe etnički čistili. Ili još peals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the
preciznije, da je hrvatsko vojno i političko vodstvo samo former Yugoslavia were hearing arguments in a case against


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the political and military leadership of Herzeg-Bosnia ac-

cused of taking part in a joint criminal enterprise to persecute
Muslims/Bosniaks in BiH. As Khalid Masood embarked on his
killing spree in front of the Westminster Palace, General Pral-
jak’s lawyer, Nika Pinter, pointed out to the judges that those
who had reached the first instance verdict had committed a
serious transgression against the ideal of truth, the persons
of the accused and the concept of justice when they refused
to accept into evidence the witness statements pertaining to
the activities of the Mujahideen in the Muslim-Croat conflict
in BiH, characterizing the statements as irrelevant.
Among these irrelevant statements is the testimony of
one of the commanders of the El Mudžahid Detachment,
Alija Hamad, who, as some kind of a “pentito” told the story
of his soldiering in BiH, warts and all, during the trial of the
ARBIH commanders Hadžihasanović and Kubura. In short:
Hamad was born in Bahrain, did his Jihadist training in train-
Razmjena zarobljenih mudžahedina, Busovača – Kaonik, BiH, 17.
svibnja 1993. (autor fotografije: Srećko Stipović). ing camps run by Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan, was sent
to BiH in summer 1992 tasked with spreading the Al-Qaeda
Exchange of Mujahideen prisoners, Busovača – Kaonik, Bosnia network and radicalizing the native Muslim population by
and Herzegovina, May 17, 1993 (Photograph by Srećko Stipović)
means of religious instruction and warfare. He saw combat in
central Bosnia, mostly in the wider Travnik area.
During his testimony he described in detail the attacks on
the Croatian villages around Travnik and Zenica; how the at-
tackers ethnically cleansed the villages of Croats; how the Mu-
proizvodilo strah kako bi nagnali Hrvate da napuste svoja jahideen desecrated the Catholic Church and monastery in
sela u središnjoj Bosni, dok su mudžahedini, njih oko 4000, Guča Gora and then mined the buildings with the obvious in-
bili tek puki marketing. Pred jednim Khalidom Massudom, tention of blowing them up. He detailed the process of placing
u moćnom, mirnom i policijski-obavještajno pokrivenom the El Mudžahid detachment under the ARBIH command and
Londonu, britanska je premijerka iz sigurnosnih razloga the dynamic of communications between the detachment’s
hitno evakuirana iz Westminsterske palače na sigurnu po- commanders and the Bosniak political leadership, including
ziciju. Prema zaključcima prvostupanjskog vijeća Haškog Alija Izetbegović (…)
suda, strah Hrvata iz BiH pred nekoliko tisuća takvih bora- All of that the judges dismissed as irrelevant, including
ca pred vlastitim dvorištima, bio je irelevantna izmišljoti- ritual murders of Croats. What the judges, on the other hand,
na. Tu tezu o izmišljenom hrvatskom strahu od islamskih did not dismiss was the prosecutors’ claim that somehow the
boraca u BiH za haško Tužiteljstvo su pripremili i elaborila- Croats had performed an astonishing feat of self-debasement
by ethnically cleansing central Bosnia of themselves. The
li upravo visoki časnici britanske vojske, koji su djelovali u
prosecutors soberly told the judges that the Croatian politi-
BiH u sklopu misije UNPROFOR-a u središnjoj Bosni, upra-
cal and military leadership had been deliberately spreading
vo na prostoru na kojem su u to doba osnovani prvi vojni
fear among the Croats so as to induce them to flee. Equally
logori za obuku džihada na europskom tlu. Bili su to isti
soberly the prosecutors averred that the 4,000 Mujahideen
oni časnici koji su se svojim oklopnim vozilima svakod- in Bosnia were nothing more than a figment of the Bosnian
nevno mimoilazili s mudžahedinima u Travniku, Zenici, Croats leaders’ imagination. Khalid Masood, one man, one
Bugojnu, u selima gdje su osnivani džihadistički kampovi, terrorist on a rampage, sent the British prime minister scur-
koji su s njima organizirali razmjene zarobljenika ... Posto- rying in fear out of the Westminster palace. A lone troubled
je televizijske snimke na kojima se vidi da je tadašnji za- Muslim on the Jihadists’ idea of a joyride instilled fear into the
povjednik Britanskog bataljuna general Alaister Duncan hearts of everyone working in the security and intelligence
osobno rukovodio evakuacijom hrvatskih civila iz Guče apparatus of the mighty United Kingdom and sent shivers
Gore, koji su se pred mudžahedinskim napadom sklonili u of dread up and down the spine of pretty much everyone in
crkvu, da je čak zbog nadiranja mudžahedina prema crkvi the country. But, according to the judges at The Hague, the


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zapovjedio da britanski transporteri zapucaju na njih. U fear 4,000 bloodthirsty Mujahideen bent on torture and mur-
Haagu je svjedočio kako nikada nije vidio mudžahedine, der instilled into the hearts of the Croats of central Bosnia is
da su glasine o njima bile tek moćno propagandno sred- nothing but an irrelevant nonsense. This unfounded-and-ar-
stvo Armije RBiH, kojim se ubijao duh protivnika. tificially-induced-fear theory is actually the brainchild of a
U vrijeme svjedočenja u Haagu, u kojima su negira- number of high-ranking British Army officers who took part in
li postojanje i ulogu mudžahedina u ratu u BiH, većina UNPROFOR’s mission in central Bosnia, in precisely the same
zapovjednika i obavještajnih časnika iz Britanskog ba- area where the first Jihadist training camps in Europe were set
taljuna UNPROFOR-a iz BiH, već su bili istaknuti eksperti up. The same high-ranking officers, driving in their armored
međunarodne antiterorističke koalicije. Nitko se u Hr- vehicles, bypassed Mujahideen on a daily basis in Travnik,
vatskoj s institucionalne ili ekspertne razine nije upuštao Zenica, Bugojno, in villages where Jihadist camps were lo-
cated… These same officers organized prisoner exchanges
u analizu i razobličavanje njihovih supstancijalno lažnih
with the Mujahideen… There is TV footage showing the then
svjedočenja na kojima se uvelike temelje i optužnice i pr-
commander of the British Battalion, Alastair Duncan, being in
vostupanjska presuda za svehrvatski zločinački pothvat
charge of evacuating the Croat civilians from Guča Gora who
hrvatskom političkom i vojnom vodstvu Herceg-Bosne,
had sought shelter in the church there. Alastair Duncan, when
baš kao i presuda za progon Dariju Kordiću. A nikoga
the Mujahideen started advancing towards the church gave
izvan Hrvatske to se nije osobito ticalo, niti osobito za-
the order to his troops in the armored vehicles to fire on the at-
nimalo. (...)1123 tackers if they came too close. In The Hague, however, Alastair
S obzirom na navedeno, ne negirajući činjenicu da Duncan claimed that he had never seen Mujahideen and that
su u bošnjačko (muslimansko) – hrvatskom sukobu u the stories about them were nothing more than a propagan-
BiH pripadnici obje strane nažalost počinili zločine koji da tool used by the ARBIH to spread fear among the Croats.
opterećuju današnje hrvatsko-bošnjačke (musliman- Interestingly enough, at the time of giving their testi-
ske) odnose, treba jasno upozoriti da svaka znanstveno monies in The Hague the British officers were recognized as
utemeljena raščlamba uloge Hrvata i Hrvatske, odno- intelligence experts of the international anti-terrorist coa-
sno hrvatskog predsjednika Franje Tuđmana, u ratu u lition. Nobody from Croatia deigned it proper to challenge
Bosni i Hercegovini ne može zaobići kronologiju doga- the British officers’ claims either on an institutional or expert
đaja i ključne činjenice: level. The prosecutors based their case, in large measure, on
• da je hrvatska politika od 1990. (primjerice, hrvat- the British officers’ testimonies suffused, as they were, with lies
sko-slovenski prijedlog o Savezu jugoslavenskih and falsities. The judges pronounced the defendants guilty
republika, od 12. listopada 1990.) dosljedno bila za and condemned the military and political leadership of the
poštovanje republičkih granica i za cjelovitu BiH, o Bosnian Croats. These same lies and falsities were used to
čemu svjedoče brojni izvori; prosecute and find guilty Dario Kordić. And nobody outside
• da je glasovanje Hrvata na referendumu za neovi- Croatia cared enough to check the facts. (…)44
snost Bosne i Hercegovine (29. veljače i 1. ožujka
44 Višnja Starešina, „Džihadistička veza Londona, Haaga i
1123 Višnja Starešina, „Džihadistička veza Londona, Haaga i Travnika“, Slobodna Dalmacija, 25. 3. 2017., 14; In relation
Travnika“, Slobodna Dalmacija, 25. 3. 2017., 14; Koliko je to the prosecutors claim that the Mujahideen in Bosnia
netočna tvrdnja Haškog tužiteljstva u predmetu Prlić i were a figment of the Bosnian Croats leaders’ imagination
ostali da je hrvatsko vodstvo izmislilo mudžahedine po- it is worth mentioning that, On April 14, 2019, an interview
kazuje i intervju bivšeg generala Islamske revolucionar- with former IRGC General Saeed Ghasemi was uploaded
ne garde Saeeda Ghasemia (postavljen 14. travnja 2019. to the Iranian media website In the inter-
na iransku web-stranicu, u kojem je rekao: view Ghasemi said:’’We went (to Bosnia) as Red Crescent
“Otišli smo u Bosnu kao članovi međunarodnog Crvenog members to provide military training to the Mujahideen
polumjeseca, a tamo smo obučavali mudžahedine… Isti- forces…The truth is that in Bosnia – in the heart of Euro-
na je da su se u Bosni – u srcu Europe – dogodile stvari pe – things happened that our presence and that in our
koje je omogućila naša prisutnost tamo… Došla je Al-Qa- footsteps... Al-Qaeda came... There was a time when we
eda… U jednom određenom periodu bili smo u Bosni were in Bosnia and Herzegovina together with Al-Qaeda
zajedno s članovima Al-Qaedae. Oni su kopirali naš stil, members. They copied our style, from the headband and
od vrpca za kosu do zastava… Dali su imena svojim jedi- the flags... They named their regiments such-and-such...
nicama… Tamo se dogodilo nešto novo – osnivanje mu- Something new happened there – the establishment of
slimanskih džihadskih jedinica. Ovo što se dogodilo prije Muslim jihadi units. What happened in the last five or six
pet ili šest godina u Siriji, dogodilo se već prije u Bosni.’’ years in Syria happened before in Bosnia''.


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1992.), koje je podržao hrvatski predsjednik F. Tuđ- Members of both sides in the Muslim-Croat conflict
man, bilo presudno za uspjeh tog referenduma; in BiH committed crimes. This sad fact has been an al-
• da je Hrvatska priznala Bosnu i Hercegovinu kao ne- batross around the neck of the Bosniak/Muslim-Croat
ovisnu državu 7. travnja 1992., dakle odmah nakon relations ever since the conflict ended. Having said that,
što su to učinile zemlje Europske zajednice, a isti dan it is important to bear in mind that any conscientious
kad i Sjedinjene Američke Države, što Srbija do kraja scholarly analysis of the role the Croats, Croatia and Cro-
rata nije učinila; atian President Tuđman played in the conflict has to be
• da su hrvatske snage, kao i ARBiH, sudjelovale u grounded in the chronology of the conflict and key facts
obrani i oslobađanju BiH od srpskih snaga: 1992. pertaining to it.
spriječile su srpske postrojbe da zauzmu strateški - Croatia was committed, from 1990, that is, from the
iznimno značajne točke u BiH (Mostar i dolinu Ne- very beginning, to respecting the republic bound-
retve, Bosansku Posavinu, područja Livna, Tomisla- aries and territorial integrity of BiH. Many sources
vgrada, Rame) i okupiraju još veći dio te zemlje, a confirm that (for example, the Croatian-Slovenian
1995. oslobodile su velika područja (više od 5000 Proposal for a Union of Yugoslav Republics of Octo-
km2) u zapadnoj i jugozapadnoj Bosni; pritom su Had the Bosnian Croats not voted in the referendum
operacijom Oluja hrvatske snage omogućile de- on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s independence (Febru-
blokadu Bihaća, koji se više od 1200 dana nalazio ary 29 – March 1, 1992) the country would have never
u okruženju srpskih postrojbi, i tako spasile živote achieved independence. The Croatian President Fran-
tisućama tamošnjih Bošnjaka-muslimana; jo Tuđman supported the referendum.
• da su snage HV-a u BiH uglavnom bile angažirane - Croatia recognized Bosnia and Herzegovina’s inde-
protiv srpskih snaga, dijelom i na temelju sporazu- pendence on April 7, 1992, right after the EU member
ma između hrvatskog i bošnjačko-muslimanskog states had done so. The USA recognized Bosnia and
vodstva, radi sprječavanja srpskih napada iz BiH na Herzegovina’s independence on the same day Croa-
Hrvatsku i zaštite Hrvata u BiH od srpske agresije, a tia did. On the other hand, Serbia did not recognize
tek potom, u malom broju, uglavnom s dragovoljci- Bosnia and Herzegovina’s independence until the
ma podrijetlom iz BiH i pod zapovijedanjem HVO-a, end of the war.
radi pomoći hrvatskim snagama u BiH u obrani od - Croatian forces, as well as the ARBIH, participated in
napada ARBiH, u čijem sastavu su bili i muslimani the defense and liberation of BiH from Serb forces. In
s područja drugih bivših jugoslavenskih republika 1992 Croatian forces prevented the Serbs from cap-
i islamski ratnici (mudžahedini) iz raznih dijelova turing strategically important objectives (Mostar, the
svijeta, čiji broj nije bio manji od broja spomenutih Neretva Valley, Bosanska Posavina, the Livno area,
dragovoljaca iz HV-a; Tomislavgrad, Rama). The Serbs would have captured
• da analiza snage i brojnosti dragovoljaca iz Hrvatske a lot more of the country’s territory had they not
koji su pod zapovijedanjem HVO-a sudjelovali u su- been checked in the aforementioned areas. In 1995
kobu s ARBiH, pokazuje da je njihova zadaća primar- Croatian forces liberated large areas (more than 5,000
no bila obrambena (omogućiti opstanak hrvatskoga square kilometers) in western and southwestern Bos-
naroda na prostoru na kojem je živio), odnosno da nia. Operation Storm created the conditions for lifting
su snage koje su oni činili mogle poslužiti samo za the siege of Bihać, which had been in a complete Serb
“krpanje linije sukoba”, nikako ne i za agresiju (broj encirclement for 1,000 days. The Croatian Army thus
pripadnika HV-a u sukobu s Armijom BiH nikad nije saved Bihać and the lives of thousands of Muslims/
prešao snagu formacijske lake brigade JNA: 1400 Bosniaks in the Bihać area.
- 1800, a najčešće se radilo o 500 - 600 pripadnika - The bulk of the Croatian Army forces in BiH was de-
iz HV-a, uglavnom dragovoljaca podrijetlom iz BiH, ployed against Serb forces, in accordance with the
koji nikada nisu bili koncentrirani na jednom taktič- Croat-Muslim agreement, for the purpose of prevent-
kom pravcu ili mjestu, nego su pod zapovijedanjem ing Serb attacks from Bosnia and Herzegovina on the
HVO-a dijeljeni na manje skupine radi „krpanja“ pre- Republic of Croatia and protecting the Bosnian Croats
velike crte obrane); from Serb aggression. Only a small percentage of the
• da su u razdoblju najžešćeg sukoba ARBiH i HVO-a Croatian Army troops, most of whom were volunteers


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1993. Hrvatska vojska i policija vodile borbe protiv born in Bosnia and Herzegovina, under the command
srpskih snaga za okupirana područja Hrvatske u of the HVO, were deployed to defend against ARBIH
zaleđu Zadra, Sinja i Gospića (operacija Maslenica i and Mujahideen attacks. The number of Muslims from
oslobađanje HE Peruča te protuudar srpskih snaga other republics of the former Yugoslavia and Mujahi-
u zadarskom zaleđu, kao i akcija Medački džep), tako deen from various parts of the world who served in
da značajnije snage iz Hrvatske (brojem i kvalite- the ranks of the ARBIH was not smaller than that of
tom) tada nisu ni mogle biti angažirane u BiH radi the mentioned Croat volunteers fighting under the
pomoći HVO-u u obrani od napada višestruko broj- HVO command.
nijih snaga ARBiH; - The number and activities of Croatian Army troops
• da je hrvatsko vodstvo prihvatilo sve prijedloge that participated, under the HVO command, in the
međunarodne zajednice o rješenju sukoba i unutar- Muslim-Croat conflict show that their role was pri-
njem uređenju Bosne i Hercegovine; marily defensive (at stake was the very survival of the
• da su Hrvatska zajednica Herceg-Bosna (18. stude- Croats in predominately Croatian areas). The number
noga 1991.) i njezina upravna i vojna organizacija of Croatian Army volunteers was too small for any of-
HVO (8. travnja 1992.) nastale kao reakcija na ne- fensive adventures. They were sent, in small groups,
posredne događaje u Republici Hrvatskoj (srpska to critical areas of the front line to help the belea-
okupacija i pokolj Hrvata u Vukovaru i Škabrnji), te guered HVO troops (the number of Croatian Army
na odluke Srba u BiH, u razdoblju neizvjesnosti i ne- troops in the Muslim-Croat conflict never exceeded
mogućnosti bosanskohercegovačke vlasti da zaštiti 1,400-1,800 – roughly the equivalent of a JNA light
Hrvate od prijeteće srpske agresije; brigade. Most of the time, though, there were only
• da je Hrvatska Republika Herceg-Bosna proglašena 500-600 Croatian Army soldiers deployed in BiH. Most
(28. kolovoza 1993.) u skladu s tadašnjim planovima of them were volunteers born in Bosnia and Herze-
međunarodne zajednice o unutarnjoj podjeli BiH govina. They were never concentrated in one place
na tri entiteta (Cutileirov plan kantonizacije BiH ili but were scattered all along the length of the front
Lisabonski sporazum, 18. ožujka 1992.; Vance-Owe- line to strengthen the threatened sectors. All Croatian
nov plan unutarnje podjele BiH na devet provincija Army troops in the Muslim-Croat conflict were under
i područje Sarajeva, 4. siječnja 1993.), a posebice u the command of the HVO.
skladu s netom predloženim (20. kolovoza 1993.) - When the intensity of the fighting in the Muslim-Cro-
Owen-Stoltenbergovim mirovnim planom za BiH o at conflict was at its peak, in 1993, the bulk of the
uniji triju republika, nakon što je ARBiH napala HVO; Croatian Army and police were engaged in combat
• da je Hrvatska pomagala u naoružavanju i obuci pri- against Serb forces in Croatia – in Zadar’s hinterland,
padnika ARBiH; the Sinj and Gospić areas (Operation Maslenica, the
• da je uslijed ratnoga stanja u Bosni i Hercegovini liberation of the Peruća hydroelectric power plant,
Hrvatska zbrinjavala izbjeglice i prognanike iz te Serb counterattack in Zadar’s hinterland, fighting for
države bez obzira na njihovu nacionalnu i vjersku the Medak pocket). Therefore, the Croatian Army was
pripadnost: od početka rata do sredine listopada in no position to send a large number of men, or even
1994., dakle čak i tijekom sukoba između ARBiH i a small number of professional soldiers, to Bosnia and
HVO-a, Ured Vlade Republike Hrvatske za progna- Herzegovina to help the HVO against the vastly supe-
nike i izbjeglice pomogao je u zbrinjavanju više od rior ARBIH.
600.000 izbjeglica i prognanika iz Bosne i Hercegovi- - The Croatian leadership accepted all recommenda-
ne (oko 425.000 Bošnjaka-muslimana, oko 170.000 tions of the international community about ending
Hrvata i oko 5000 ostalih); istodobno, uz pripadnike the war and about internal system of governance
HVO-a, u bolnicama u Hrvatskoj liječeni su ranjeni in BiH.
pripadnici ARBiH i civili – Bošnjaci-muslimani iz Bo- - The Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia (HZ HB)
sne i Hercegovine. (created November 18, 1991) and its military and
Ne može se izostaviti ni činjenica da je teritorij Bo- administrative organization, the HVO (created April
sne i Hercegovine bio osnovica za srpsku agresiju na 8, 1992), were established as a direct reaction to the
Hrvatsku 1991., te da je s istoga teritorija Hrvatska bila events in the Republic of Croatia (Serb occupation


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izravno ugrožena i nakon 1991. godine. Činjenica je i and massacres of Croats in Vukovar and Škabrnja) and
da je tijekom rata u Bosni i Hercegovini došlo do suko- to the decisions made by the Bosnian Serbs during a
ba između ARBiH i HVO-a, koji je Srbima u BiH olakšao period of uncertainty when the BiH authorities were
obranu do tada osvojenih teritorija i osvajanje novih unable to protect the Bosnian Croats from imminent
područja, a koji su srbijanska i bošnjačko-muslimanska Serb aggression.
politika iskoristile da odgovornost za rat u BiH prebace - The Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia was declared
i na hrvatsko vodstvo. (August 28, 1993) in accordance with the plans of the
Zapravo, za ocjenu karaktera i razumijevanje uzro- international community about internal division of
ka sukoba između ARBiH i HVO-a može poslužiti završ- BiH into three entities (the Cutileiro Plan, also known
na izjava generala Slobodana Praljka na suđenju u Haa- as the Lisbon Agreement on cantonization of BiH,
gu, 21. veljače 2011.: March 18, 1992); the Vance-Owen Plan on internal
Nikada u povijesti ratovanja jedan narod (Hrvati) nije division of BiH into nine provinces and Sarajevo area,
tako i toliko pomogao drugi narod (Bošnjake-Muslimane), January 4, 1993) and especially in accordance with
i onda kada su potonji okrenuli svoju vojsku, Armiju RBiH, the most recent (August 20, 1993) Owen-Stoltenberg
protiv Hrvata, HVO-a u BiH. Nikada u povijesti ratovanja Peace Plan for BiH on a union of three republics, pro-
zapovjednik jedne vojske (HVO-a) nije propuštao konvoje posed after the ARBIH had attacked the HVO.
oružja (i ostaloga) drugoj vojsci (Armiji RBiH) i onda kada - The Republic of Croatia helped train ARBIH members
je ta vojska (Armija RBiH) to oružje i ostalo koristila za na- and sent weapons to the ARBIH.
pade na one koji su joj to propustili.1124 - The Republic of Croatia took in refugees from Bos-
No, prije svega, treba uzeti u obzir uzrok rata, od- nia and Herzegovina irrespective of their nationality
nosno odgovornost srbijanskog vodstva i zapovjed- or religion. From the beginning of the war until the
nog vrha JNA za početak rata u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Her- middle of October, 1994, including the period of the
cegovini. Rat u Bosni i Hercegovini nastavak je rata u duration of the Muslim-Croat conflict the Govern-
Hrvatskoj, odnosno druga etapa otvorene velikosrpske ment’s Office for Displaced Persons and Refugees
oružane agresije, započete napadom na Hrvatsku u lje- helped accommodate more than 600,000 refugees
to 1991. radi ostvarenja cilja da “svi Srbi žive u jednoj and displaced persons from Bosnia and Herzegovina
državi”. Rat u BiH, pa tako i sukob između ARBiH i HVO-a (425,000 Bosniak/Muslims, 170,000 Croats and 5,000
na dijelu teritorija BiH (središnja Bosna i Hercegovina), members of other ethnicities and nationalities). Also,
te znatno smanjen broj Hrvata u BiH posljedice su takve wounded ARBIH soldiers and Bosniak/Muslims from
velikosrpske politike i agresije. Bosnia and Herzegovina were treated, alongside HVO
Nažalost, te su činjenice zanemarene u presudi u wounded soldiers, in hospitals in Croatia.
predmetu „Prlić i ostali“, o čemu je, kao i o radu MKSJ-a It has to be kept in mind, when analyzing any given
u Haagu, kritički govorio Robin Harris, povjesničar, pisac aspect of the war in BiH, including the Muslim-Croat con-
i publicist, te bivši savjetnik britanske premijerke Mar- flict, that BiH territory was used by the JNA and Serb for-
garet Thatcher. Između ostaloga, naglasio je: mations as an avenue of attack on Croatia in their initial
Međunarodni kazneni sud je skup neuspjeh. Napravio onslaught in 1991. After that the Serbs continued using
je samo minimum koji se od njega očekivao – no sporo, BiH territory to mount attacks on Croatia. Croatia, it has
nestručno, radeći uz nepoštene kompromise, pod snažnim to be said, was under constant threat of attack from BiH
političkim utjecajem, slijedeći nemoralan program izjed- territory until the end of the war. The conflict between the
načavanja krivice među uključenim strankama. (...) Pre- ARBIH and the HVO in BiH made it easier for the Serbs to
sude tribunala, čak i ako su ponekad vrijedne zbog nekih consolidate their control over the conquered areas and
drugih razloga, nisu ustvari postignute putem procesa ili conquer more territory. The conflict also made it easier for
prema standardima, što bi bilo prihvatljivo u svakoj razvi- the Muslim and Serb propagandists to blame the Croat
jenoj državi – pogotovo u Velikoj Britaniji, koja je tako sr- leadership for the war in BiH.
dačno podržala zaključke Međunarodnog suda. Klasičan The statement made by General Praljak on February
21, 2011, in The Hague during his trial encapsulates the
1124 Završna riječ generala Slobodana Praljka u Haagu, 21. ve- character of the Muslim-Croat conflict and explains its or-
ljače 2011. ( igin and causes:


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primjer je stvaranje pojma udruženi (ili „zajednički“, op. Never in the history of war has one people (the Croats)
ur.) zločinački pothvat, koji se u svom najširem – i najteže provided so much help to another people (the Bosnian Mus-
obranjivom – obliku, upotrijebio da bi se postigla osuđuju- lims) even when the latter turned their army, the BH Army,
ća presuda u nedavnom slučaju protiv hrvatske šestorke iz against the Croats, the HVO, in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Bosne i Hercegovine. Bila je to nepravedna presuda. Mož- Never in the history of war has the commander of one
da je prihvaćena – baš kao što se sutrašnje vrijeme može army (the HVO) let convoys with armaments and other
prihvatiti – no ne treba se poštovati, kao ni institucija koja equipment pass through to another army (the BH Army)
ju je donijela. (...) even when that army (the BH Army) used those armaments
Nakon što sam pročitao odličnu knjigu Charlesa R. and all the rest to attack those who let them receive it.
Shradera, „Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat u srednjoj The root cause of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosni“ (eng. The Muslim-Croat Civil War in Central Bosnia), lies in the fact that the Serbian leadership, pursing the ide-
te nakon što sam intervjuirao mnoge bosanske izbjeglice – ology of Greater Serbia, decided to use the JNA and other
Muslimane i Hrvate 1993. godine, držao sam da situaciju Serb formations to attack Croatia and BiH. The war in BiH
poznajem prilično dobro. Međutim, nisam do sada shva- was a continuation of the war in Croatia, that is, the sec-
ćao sve vojne razloge za muslimansku vojnu kampanju u ond phase of open Serb aggression launched in summer
sjevernoj Hercegovini. Niti sam shvatio, unatoč tome što 1991 against Croatia for the purpose of realizing the con-
sam svojedobno čuo različite neosnovane optužbe, ek- cept of “all Serbs in one country”. The war in BiH, includ-
stremno i opsežno divljaštvo mudžahedina – koje je uvela, ing the Muslim-Croat conflict in BiH (central Bosnia and
angažirala i kontrolirala Armija Republike Bosne i Herce- Herzegovina) was caused by the ideology of Greater Ser-
govine u svojoj kampanji kako bi prognala Hrvate. Boš- bia and consequent Serb armed aggression against both
njačka obavještajna služba, AID, nastojala je zataškati tu Croatia and BiH. One part of the legacy of the ideology of
vezu. No njihov uspjeh u tome povlači druga važna pita- Greater Serbia and the war waged in the pursuance of it is
nja – o profesionalnosti rada istražnog tima 9 Tužiteljstva the fact that fewer Croats live in BiH today than they did in
Haaškog suda, o upletenosti drugih službi – uključujući 1991, on the eve of the war.
britansku – u ublažavanje informacija o mudžahedinskim Unfortunately all the above facts were ignored in the
zvjerstvima te o potpunom propustu Hrvatske tada i sada Prlić et al. case. Robin Harris, historian, author, journalist
da javno obznani progon Hrvata. and former advisor to Margaret Thatcher, commenting on
Nasuprot tomu, Tužiteljstvo se snažno obrušilo na the ineptness of the Hague Tribunal, said:
(jednako stvarne) zločine koje su počinile hrvatske snage u The ICTY has been an expensive failure. It has done
vojnoj kampanji u Lašvanskoj dolini, osobito u Ahmićima. the bare minimum that was expected of it – but slowly,
Slučajevi koji se tiču tih operacija prvo su upotrijebljeni incompetently, working through dishonest compromis-
kako bi se dokazao stupanj odgovornosti zapovjedništva es, heavily politically influenced, following an immoral
neutemeljen u stvarnosti, koji je rezultirao kaznom od 45 programme of equalizing guilt between the constituent
godina zatvora (koja se kasnije drastično smanjila) protiv parties. (…)
generala HVO-a Tihomira Blaškića. Oni su zatim, u presudi The judgements of the Tribunal, even if sometimes
protiv Darija Kordića, poslužili za tvrdnju o postojanju po- merited on other grounds, were not in fact reached by
litički definiranog plana etničkog čišćenja ne-Hrvata. To je processes, or according to standards, which would have
bio temelj optužnice protiv „Prlića i ostalih“, koja je uključi- been acceptable in any developed country – let alone in
vala predsjednika Tuđmana i hrvatsku državu. (...)1125 Britain, which so heartily endorsed the ICTY conclusions.
Jedna od najupućenijih osoba u zbivanja u Hrvat- A classic example is the creation of the concept of the
skoj i Bosni i Hercegovini u spomenutom razdoblju, pu- Joint Criminal Enterprise, which in its most extended - and
kovnik Richard Herrick (časnik SAD-a s više od 20 godi- least defensible - form, was used to achieve a guilty ver-
dict in the recent case against the Croat Six from Bosnia
and Hercegovina. That was an unjust judgement. It may
1125 Iz govora Robina Harrisa na predstavljanju knjige Viš- be accepted – just as the weather tomorrow may be ac-
nje Starešine Hrvati pod KOS-ovim krilom: Završni račun cepted – but it does not need to be respected, and neither
Haaškoga suda, 11. prosinca 2017. na Hrvatskom kato-
ličkom sveučilištu u Zagrebu; preuzeto s portala Narod. does the institution which delivered it. (…)
hr, 13. prosinca 2017. Having read Charles R. Shrader’s excellent book, The


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na iskustva na poslovima vojne analitike u inozemstvu, Muslim-Croat Civil War in Central Bosnia, and having in-
vojni ataše u američkome veleposlanstvu u Beogradu od terviewed many Bosnian Muslim and Croat refugees in
1991. do kolovoza 1992., a potom na istoj dužnosti u Hr- 1993, I thought that I knew the situation pretty well. But I
vatskoj sve do 1995.), smatra da je „postojao vojno oprav- did not, until now, grasp the full military rationale for the
dan razlog za ulazak HV-a u dijelove BiH u funkciji obrane Muslim military campaign in Northern Hercegovina. Nor,
vlastitog teritorija“, no da bi to pitanje trebalo posebno despite at the time hearing various unsubstantiated alle-
analizirati, jer je „teško o tomu govoriti bez uključivanja gations, did I grasp the extreme and extensive savagery
mnoštva podataka koji se odnose na određeni period i/ili of the mujahedeen – who were imported, deployed and
lokacije“. O mogućem broju pripadnika HV-a u BiH rekao controlled by the Army of BiH in its campaign to expel
je: „Nije točno da smo mi (SAD) imali drukčije procjene Croats. The Bosniak intelligence service, the AID, sought
o događajima u BiH u odnosu na međunarodne orga- to conceal that connection. But their success in doing so
nizacije koje su bile prisutne ondje. No imali smo dosta raises other large questions - about the seriousness of the
različitih procjena kada se radi o pojedinim konkretnim work of the Tribunal Prosecutor’s investigative team 9;
kategorijama. Npr. međunarodne su snage cijenile da je about the involvement of other agencies – including the
nazočnost HV snaga u BiH značajno veća od naših pro- British - in downplaying the mujahedeen atrocities; and
cjena. Isto je bilo i s kvalitetom i kvantitetom logističke about the total failure of Croatia, then and since, to publi-
potpore HV-a HVO-u. Mi (SAD) smo smatrali da je broj cise the persecution of Croats.
trupa HV-a u BiH značajno manji od broja koji su navodile By contrast the (equally real) crimes committed by
međunarodne organizacije. Npr. UNPROFOR bi zabilježio Croat forces in the military campaign in the Lašva Valley,
nazočnost cijele HV jedinice u BiH na temelju uočavanja notably at Ahmići, were vigorously pursued by the Prose-
skupine pripadnika te jedinice. U nekim prilikama bilo je cution. The cases relating to these operations were used
jasno da je takva određena jedinica stvarno u RH, a samo first to assert a degree of command responsibility unwar-
par ljudi iz te jedinice (vod ili slično) bio je u BiH.“ ranted by realities, resulting in the 45 year sentence (later
Istaknuvši kako nikada nije ništa negativno čuo o ge- sharply reduced) against the HVO general Tihomir Blaškić.
neralu Slobodanu Praljku od međunarodnih promatrača, They then served to allege, in the judgement against
ili ljudi druge etničke pripadnosti te da mu Praljak nikada Dario Kordić, the existence of a politically-determined
nije odbio neko njegovo traženje, glede počinjenih zlo- plan of ethnic cleansing of non-Croats. This was the foun-
čina i kršenja međunarodnoga prava, puk. Herrick pri- dation of the indictment against “Prlić and others”, which
mijetio je: „Znao sam za više incidenata u kojima su vrlo involved President Tuđman and the Croatian state.
vjerojatno bili počinjeni ratni zločini nad civilima ili pri- In 2005 Jure Kapetanović interviewed Colonel Richard
padnicima ARBiH od strane pripadnika HVO-a. No ne mi- Herrick, the former military attaché to the Federal Repub-
slim, i nismo imali takve informacije, da bi to bila politika lic of Yugoslavia (1991-1992) and later to the Republic of
HVO-a, odnosno da bi zločini bili zapovjeđeni ‘odozgo’.“ Croatia (until 1995). Colonel Richard Herrick is a renowned
Govoreći o uzroku sukoba između Armije RBiH i military analyst with over 20 years of experience and was,
HVO-a zaključio je: „Kasno 1992. javljaju se napetosti on account of his official role, one of the insiders in the
između te dvije skupine. Događaju se incidenti – zna- events in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia during the
čajniji ili manje značajni. No ne mislim da je tu postojao war. In the interview he expressed his opinion that “the
neki plan sve do kraja 1992. i rane 1993. kada je postalo Croatian Army entered BiH territory out of military neces-
jasno da je vizija Alije Izetbegovića bila stvaranje musli- sity and for the purpose of defending its own territory”.
manske države. Negdje u proljeće 1993. jasno je da su He qualified the statement by saying that the issue should
dotadašnji saveznici postali zaraćene strane. Naravno, be carefully analyzed because “it is hard to pass judgment
postoje i drugi opći čimbenici koji su utjecali na nasta- without taking into account many pieces of information
nak toga sukoba.“1126 relating to specific time periods and/or locations”. Talking
about the issue of the presence of the Croatian Army sol-
diers in BiH he said: “It is not true that we (the USA) had a
1126 Iz razgovora s pukovnikom Richardom Herrickom 20. different picture of the events in BiH than the internation-
lipnja 2005. u Washingtonu, SAD; preuzeto iz članka
Jure Kapetanovića, objavljenog 21. prosinca 2017. na al organizations present on the ground. But, our estimates
portalu concerning certain categories were different than theirs.


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Ante Nazor • PART II

Michael G. Karnavas, odvjetnik osuđenoga gene- For example, the international organizations’ estimates re-
rala Jadranka Prlića, istaknuo je kako je „sigurno to da garding the number of Croatian Army troops in BiH were
ove presude neće donijeti pomirenje, jednako kao što a lot higher than our estimates. The same applied to the
neće predstavljati povijesne istine o tome što se dogo- estimates regarding the quality and quantity of the logis-
dilo u BiH tijekom sukoba između Muslimana i Hrvata“ tics support provided by the Croatian Army to the HVO.
te zaključio: UNPROFOR would note the presence of a whole unit in
Duboko poštujem suce Žalbenog vijeća koje je doni- BiH based on a sighting of a small group of soldiers be-
jelo presudu. Također prihvaćam, kao što svi moramo, da longing to that unit. In some cases the unit in question
je njihova presuda konačna. Međutim, ne mogu mirne sa- was stationed in Croatia and only those few soldiers (pla-
vjesti poštivati mnoge od nalaza i zaključaka u žalbenom toon or similar size group) were present in BiH.”
postupku do kojih su došli ti cijenjeni sudci. Moja kritika Pointing out that the he had never heard anything
nije napad na MKSJ kao instituciju; ona je optužba načina negative about General Praljak from international observ-
na koji je Raspravno vijeće provodilo postupke u predmetu ers nor from any non-Croat in BiH and that General Praljak
„Prlić i ostali“, što je rezultiralo donošenjem pogrešne pre- had always been forthcoming regarding his requests in
sude, koju nažalost Žalbeno vijeće nije ispravilo. I dok kao relation to investigating war crimes and violations of In-
odvjetnik MKSJ-a imam „pozitivnu obvezu zaštititi ugled ternational Law, Colonel Herrick observed: “I was aware of
Suda“, bilo bi kukavički s moje strane i uvreda sjećanju na a number of incidents during which HVO soldiers proba-
generala Praljka da se pretvaram da je postupak bio pravi- bly committed war crimes against civilians and ARBIH sol-
čan, da nije bilo pristranosti sudaca tijekom suđenja, te da diers. But, I have no reason to believe, I mean, we certainly
u prvostupanjskoj i drugostupanjskoj presudi nije bilo po- did not possess any information that would even remote-
grešaka. Oštre su to riječi koje se mogu smatrati napadom ly suggest that committing war crimes was consistent
na ugled i ostavštinu MKSJ-a, ali po riječima Voltairea: „Ži- with the HVO’s conduct or that committing war crimes
vima dugujemo poštovanje, a mrtvima samo istinu.“1127 was ever ordered from ‘on high’.”
O tome zašto je došlo do sukoba ARBiH i HVO-a mi- Speaking about the cause of the conflict between
šljenja se razlikuju. Cjelovito pregledani izvori nedvoj- the ARBIH and the HVO, Herrick concluded: “In late 1992
beno pokazuju da je cilj hrvatske politike prema Bosni the relations between the HVO and the ARBIH became
i Hercegovini bio pokušaj zaštite hrvatskoga naroda, ne strained. Incidents occurred – serious and not so serious
dovodeći u pitanje njene međunarodno priznate grani- ones. However, I don’t think that there was a method to
ce, te da se ona vodila u okvirima - političkim i teritorijal- that madness, not until late 1992, early 1993 anyway,
nim - koje je zadala međunarodna zajednica. when it became clear that Alija Izetbegović’s aim was to
Na kraju, politika tadašnjega hrvatskog vodstva pre- create a Muslim state. Sometime in the spring of 1993 it
ma BiH, odnosno prema drugim narodima u BiH, bez became clear that the erstwhile allies had become ene-
koje Bosna i Hercegovina ne bi opstala kao država, može mies. Of course, other facts also contributed to the break-
se prikazati kroz govor ratnog ministra obrane Gojka out of the conflict.”
Šuška Hrvatima iz Bosne i Hercegovine na skupu u Livnu Michael G. Karnavas, the lawyer of General Prlić, point-
nakon početka rata u BiH: ed out that “what is for sure is that these Judgments will
Vi niste pomogli ni hrvatskom narodu u Herceg-Bosni, not foster reconciliation any more than it can be claimed
ni hrvatskoj Republici koja je matica svih Hrvata, ako Mu- that they represent the historical truths of what happened
sliman u Livnu i Srbin u Mostaru ne bude imao ista prava in BiH during the Muslim-Croat conflict’’ and concluded:
kao i Hrvat, jer to je samo garancija da će Hrvat u Saraje- I have profound respect for the Judges of the Appeals
vu i Hrvat u Banja Luci i Hrvat u Zenici imati svoja prava. I Chamber who rendered the Judgment. I also accept, as all
ako oni prema nama učine zločin onda dokažimo da nas must, that their Judgment is final. However, in good con-
ni vjera, ni civilizacijska tekovina nije uputila na to i neće science, I cannot respect most of the findings and conclu-
dozvoliti da im uzvraćamo istom mjerom. sions in the Appeal Judgment made by these esteemed Judg-
To je bila politika hrvatskog vodstva prema BiH. es. My critique is not an attack on the ICTY as an institution; it
is an indictment on the way the Trial Chamber conducted the
1127 proceedings in Prlić et al., resulting in a miscarriage of justice,
ljaks-defiance/. which, regrettably, the Appeals Chamber failed to cure. And


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while it is claimed that counsel at the ICTY have “a positive

obligation to protect the reputation of the Tribunal”, it would
be cowardly of me and an affront to General Praljak’s mem-
ory to pretend the proceedings were fair, that there was no
predisposition shown by the Judges during the trial or that
the Trial and Appeal Judgments are not flawed. Some may
DIETPHARM try to twist these words as an assault on the ICTY’s reputation
and legacy, but in the words of Voltaire, “To the living we owe
HRVATSKI POLITICKI DNEVN I K respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth.”
[i_rcdsjednik Tudman urucio odliCja lzetbegoviCU i SaCirbeju _ Opinions as to why the Muslim-Croat conflict broke
out differ. The sources irrefutably show that the Republic
SAVEZ HRVATA IBOSNJAKA of Croatia’s policy towards Bosnia and Herzegovina was
one of trying to protect the Croatian people without
SLAMA SRPSKU AGRESIJU bringing into question the internationally recognized
borders of BiH. The sources also show that the Republic of
Croatia’s decisions and actions were taken strictly within
the political and territorial framework set by the interna-
tional community.
Finally, the policies of the Croatian leadership to-
wards Bosnia and Herzegovina and towards other nations
in BiH, policies without which BiH would not have sur-
vived as an independent country, can best be surmised
from the speech the Croatian minister of defense, Gojko
Šušak, gave to the Bosnian Croats at a rally in Livno after
the start of the war in BiH:
IO0 DEM =....._N
You cannot help the Croatian people in Herzeg-Bosnia,
,,...,..,., N ..,_,,,., kn
or the Republic of Croatia, which is the mother country of all
Croats, by denying the rights of a Muslim in Livno or a Serb
in Mostar. Respecting the rights of the Serbs and Muslims is
Vjesnik, srijeda, 9. 8. 1995.: „Savez Hrvata i Bošnjaka slama srp-
sku agresiju – predsjednik Tuđman (utorak 8. 8. 1995.) uručio the only guarantee that the rights of a Croat in Sarajevo, of a
odličja Izetbegoviću i Šaćirbeju“; prilikom spomenutog odliko- Croat in Banja Luka and of a Croat in Zenica will be respect-
vanja političkih predstavnika muslimana u RBiH Alije Izetbe- ed. And if they commit a crime against us then let us prove to
govića (politički vođa Bošnjaka-muslimana u BiH i predsjednik
Predsjedništva BiH) i Muhameda Šaćirbeja (tada ministar van- them that our faith and our civilized values prevent us from
jskih poslova BiH), predsjednik Tuđman je rekao: „Washington- responding in kind.
ski sporazum i prijateljska suradnja između dvaju naroda te BiH That was the policy of the Croatian leadership to-
i Republike Hrvatske od životnog su interesa ne samo za bošn-
jačko-muslimanski i hrvatski narod, nego i za slamanje agresije s wards Bosnia and Herzegovina.
kojom smo suočeni.“

Vjesnik, Wednesday, August 9, 1995: “The Alliance Between

Croats and Bosniaks Defeats Serb Aggression – President
Tuđman (Tuesday August 8, 1995) Awards Medals to Izetbe-
gović and Šaćirbej”; during the ceremony at which the political
representatives of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Muslims, Alija
Izetbegović (political leader of the BiH Muslims and President
of the Presidency of BiH) and Muhamed Šaćirbej (then Minister
of Foreign Affairs of BiH) at which they were awarded medals,
President Tuđman stated: “The Washington Agreement and
friendly relations between the two peoples and between BiH
and the Republic of Croatia are of crucial importance not only
for the Bosniak-Muslim people and Croatia people but also for
defeating Serb aggression we are faced with.”


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Ante Nazor • PART II


Zapažanja o knjizi i činjenicama u knjizi Thoughts about the book and the facts
presented in the book
Tijekom dvadeset godina rada na prikupljanju i
analizi dokumenata u pet predmeta pred Međunarod- Through 20 years of work on collecting, collating
nim kaznenim sudom za bivšu Jugoslaviju (MKSJ, ICTY) and analyzing documents pertaining to a total of five
u kojima sam bila u timovima obrana optuženih pripad- cases tried by the ICTY in which I participated in the ca-
nika HVO-a, stekla sam nemalo znanje o činjenicama i pacity of a member of the defense teams of the accused
dokumentima koji na činjenice ukazuju, što je, vjeru- HVO members, I gained not an insubstantial amount of
jem, bila referenca za poziv na suradnju u prikupljanju knowledge about the facts the documents in question
relevantne dokumentacije za ovu knjigu. relate and point to. My expertise in that particular re-
Uvod u knjigu daje nam odgovor zašto je bilo po- gard was, presumably, behind the request to participate
trebno napisati ovu knjigu: „zbog nametnutih kontro- in collecting relevant documentation for this book.
verzija i percepcije javnosti o nekim događajima, po- The book’s raison d’être is summed up by Ante
trebno je izdvojiti ih i potkrijepiti dodatnim izvorima, Nazor: “The sheer number of artificially created contro-
kako bi zaključci o njima bili što cjelovitiji i znanstveno versies imposed, for strictly political purposes, on these
utemeljeni“. facts and the consequent influence the perpetuation of
O oružanom sukobu u Bosni i Hercegovini između these controversies has had on the popular perception
ARBiH i HVO-a napisano je nekoliko znanstvenih stu- of both the Croatian War of Independence and the War
dija, knjiga, analiza, tako da primarna tema ove knjige in Bosnia and Herzegovina, warrant a somewhat deeper
nije nastanak i trajanje sukoba. No, bilo je nužno zločine analysis, bolstered by additional sources regarding both
staviti u politički i vojni kontekst ukazivanjem na činje- the facts and the events that underlie them. The goal is
nice koje taj kontekst utvrđuju. Događaji se ne mogu to reach valid and comprehensive conclusions ground-
promatrati izolirano, već u svojoj ukupnosti, i ni jednog ed in conscientious scholarship.”
se trenutka ne smije zaboraviti da se sve odvija u kon- Many articles, scholarly works, books, and analyses
tekstu najmanje dva rata istovremeno. have been written about the armed conflict between
U prvom dijelu knjige - Rat za opstojnost Hrvata, the HVO and the ARBIH in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One
1991. - 1995. (pregled političkih i vojnih događaja u Domo- theme which comprises the thread of the narrative is
vinskom ratu, s posebnim osvrtom na muslimansko-hr- the beginning and duration of the conflict. Another is
vatski sukob u BiH) dr. sc. Davor Marijan daje prikaz ra- the issue of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
zvoja muslimansko-hrvatskog sukoba, koji je nužan da The themes are inextricably intertwined with one pro-
bi se razumio sam sukob i prikazalo kako su na područ- viding context to the other. The events around which
ju Bosne i Hercegovine vođeni oružani sukobi, nakon the narrative revolves cannot be viewed or analyzed in
agresije JNA, između HVO-a/ARBiH i JNA/VRS-a, između isolation because every single one is an integral part of
HVO-a i ARBiH te između ARBiH i ARBiH (Bihać). the whole. The facts explaining the factors forming the
U drugom djelu knjige - Neke činjenice o zločinima context within which the war crimes and crimes against
nad Hrvatima u BiH i izvori o muslimansko-hrvatskom su- humanity were committed are presented with clarity
kobu u dijelu BiH, dr. sc. Ante Nazor ukazuje na činjenice and the underlying cases are cogently explained. That
nužne za razumijevanje, mnogima u suštini nepoznate, said, the authors do not allow the reader’s attention to
okolnosti izbijanja i tijeka muslimansko-hrvatskog su- stray outside the contextual framework of the narrative.
koba. U tom je dijelu, radi istine, bilo važno naglasiti da That narrative, it has to be pointed out, is inevitably de-
je „u travnju 1993. Armija Republike BiH napala HVO termined by the fact that at least two wars were in prog-
Konjic, što je pratio i napad na civile i njihovo protje- ress simultaneously when the events described were
rivanje, te da se sukob proširio u dolinu Lašve, gdje su taking place.
postrojbe HVO-a 16. travnja počinile zločin u Ahmići- In the first part of the book The Croatian Nation’s
ma, a ARBiH istoga dana u Trusini, te u Bušćaku i Orlištu Struggle for Survival, 1991-1995: An Overview of Political


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Ante Nazor • II DIO

prije toga“. Zahvaljujući medijskoj prezentaciji zločina and Military Events in the Croatian War of Independence,
u Ahmićima koju su tjedan dana poslije napravili pred- with Special Emphasis on the Muslim-Croat Conflict in
stavnici britanske bojne UNPROFOR-a, Ahmići su gotovo Bosnia and Herzegovina Davor Marijan explains the ori-
preko noći promijenili sliku o ratu u BiH i utjecali na stor- gins and causes of the Muslim-Croat conflict and traces,
niranje američkoga prijedloga o ukidanju embarga na in detail, its progress without glossing over the origins,
uvoz oružja i zračnim udarima po položajima VRS-a.1128 causes and progress of the other armed conflicts in Bos-
Svojom Rezolucijom broj 827, usvojenom 25. svib- nia and Herzegovina that erupted in the wake of the
nja 1993., Vijeće sigurnosti osnovalo je MKSJ i donijelo JNA’s aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina (HVO/
njegov Statut. Na sjednici Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a, odr- ARBIH vs JNA/VRS and ARBIH vs ARBIH (Bihać).
žanoj 25. svibnja 1993. povodom donošenja odluke In the second part of the book, Facts Regarding War
o osnivanju Tribunala, Sir David Hannay, predstavnik Crimes and Crimes against Humanity Committed against
Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva, izričito je naglasio da je esen- Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sources Regarding
cijalno pri osnivanju Tribunala da suci, tužitelji i osoblje the Muslim-Croat Conflict in a Part of Bosnia and Herze-
budu značajno profilirani, s iskustvom u kaznenoprav- govina Ante Nazor points to the crucial facts necessary
noj proceduri.1129 Madeleine Albright, kao predstavnica for understanding the circumstances surrounding the
SAD-a, između ostalog podsjetila je na svoju izjavu danu break-out and progress of the Muslim-Croat conflict.
na prethodnim sjednicama: „This will be no victors’ tribu- For the purpose of clarifying a number of issues, Ante
nal. The only victor that will prevail in this endeavour is Nazor writes: “In April, 1993, the Army of the Republic
the truth“ (S/PV.3175, p. 11). of Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked the HVO Konjic,
No, dominacija istine nije ostvarena. also targeting and expelling Croat civilians. The conflict
Nakon Ahmića sasvim su se ignorirali zločini i etnič- spread to the Lašva Valley where HVO troops, on April
ko čišćenje koje je prije i poslije počinila ARBiH protiv 16, committed a crime in Ahmići. On the same day the
Hrvata (zločini ARBiH nad civilima Hrvatima počinjeni Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina com-
su u naseljima: Dusina, Busovača, Travnik, Križančevo mitted a similar crime in Trusina, and on the day before
Selo, Buhine Kuće, Uzdol, Stipića livade, Grabovica, Bu- also in Bušćak and Orlište.” Thanks to the media presen-
gojno, Kakanj, Vareš, Travnik, Miletići, Maljine, Trusina, tation of the crime in Ahmići, made by representatives
Bušćak, Orlište…). Hrvatsko vijeće obrane doista je od of the British UNPROFOR Battalion, world public opin-
travnja 1993. reagiralo na etničko čišćenje Konjica, a po- ion changed its position regarding the war. The Amer-
sebice su jake reakcije bile zbog napada ARBiH na HVO icans withdrew their recommendation for lifting the
u Mostaru 30. lipnja 1993. i izdaju muslimana pripadnika arms embargo and also the recommendation calling
HVO-a, nakon čega su slijedila masovna uhićenja musli- for air strikes against the VRS.45
mana vojnih obveznika na području općina Stolac, Ča- By Resolution 827, adopted on May 25 1993, the Se-
pljina, Mostar i Neum.1130 curity Council established the ICYT.
Svijet je upoznat sa zločinom u Ahmićima, Stu- At the 3217th meeting of the Security Council, held
pnom dolu, MKSJ je vodio postupke i donio presude on May 25 the UK’s representative, Sir David Hannay
optuženim Hrvatima za navedene zločine. No, MKSJ stated that: It is of the greatest importance for the effec-
nije donio presudu odgovornima za zločine nad civi- tive functioning of the Tribunal that the judges, prose-
lima Hrvatima i zarobljenim pripadnicima HVO-a u cutor and staff are persons with considerable practical
Grabovici, Uzdolu, Jablanici (Stipića livade), Konjicu experience in the field of criminal prosecution.46 The
(Orlište, Bušćak, Trusina, Klis), Vitezu, Dusini, Travniku, Tribunal has very specific purposes, to try persons for
serious criminal offences, and it is essential that all in-
volved are experts in the field. Madeleine Albright, the
1128 C. HODGE, Velika Britanija i Balkan od 1991. do danas,
1129 Provisional verbatim record of the three thousand two 45 Hodge, Carole. “Velika Britanija i Balkan od 1991. do da-
hundred and seventeenth meeting Held at Headquar- nas.” Pp. 139-147.
ters, New York, on Tuesday, 25 May 1993, at 9 p.m. 46 Provisional verbatim record of the three thousand two
1130 ICTY: Zapovjedništvo III. satnije III. bojne VP HVO Čaplji- hundred and seventeenth meeting held at Headquar-
na, Izvješće dj. br. 02-4/3-06/4-12-208/93 od 1. 7. 1993. ters, New York, on Tuesday, 25 May 1993, at 9 p.m.


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Ante Nazor • PART II

Križančevu Selu, Buhinim Kućama, Bugojnu, Varešu, US representative, reminded those present of her state-
Kaknju, Busovači i drugim mjestima koja su u knjizi na- ment given during a previous meeting: “This will be no
vedena, a žrtve imenovane. victors’ tribunal. The only victor that will prevail in this
Jednako tako, bilo je važno ukazati u knjizi da „mu- endeavor is the truth.”
džahedini nisu mit“, jer su u trećem dijelu knjige nave- But, the truth has not prevailed.
dene žrtve zločina počinjenih i od mudžahedina. To je After the crime in Ahmići the crimes and acts of eth-
tzv. reverzibilno etničko čišćenje u okviru kojega je boš- nic cleansing committed, before and after the crime in
njačko-muslimanska politika, koristeći medije, pokuša- Ahmići, by the ARBIH were ignored (the ARBIH commit-
la uvjeriti javnost da mudžahedina nema u središnjoj ted crimes against Croats in Dusina, Busovača, Travnik,
Bosni, nego da HVO propagandom o mudžahedinima Križančevo Selo, Buhine Kuće, Uzdol, Stipića Livade,
plaši Hrvate kako bi ih prisilili da napuste to područje. Grabovica, Bugojno, Kakanj, Vareš, Travnik, Miletići, Mal-
Slučajeve nasilja i nezakonitih postupaka postrojbi AR- jine, Trusina, Bušćak, Orlište…). The HVO began reacting,
BiH predsjednik Alija Izetbegović nije negirao, no ustvr- in April, 1993, to the ethnic cleansing of Konjic by the
dio je da „te slučajeve osuđujemo i progonimo”,1131 što je ARBIH. On June 30, 1993 the ARBIH attacked the HVO
bilo licemjerno, budući da je ARBiH nastavila protjerivati formations in Mostar and Muslim soldiers serving in the
Hrvate, kao što je licemjerno tvrditi da je hrvatska pro- HVO switched their allegiance to the ARBIH. The HVO re-
paganda izmislila mudžahedine, koji su počinili najgore acted severely and arrested a large number of Muslim
zločine nad Hrvatima u središnjoj Bosni. U vrijeme pisa- conscripts in the municipalities of Stolac, Čapljina, Mo-
nja toga pisma ARBiH je etnički očistila područje općine star and Neum.47
Travnik i dio općine Novi Travnik. Doista, ARBiH je poslije The world public knew about the crimes committed
sankcionirala ubojstvo dvojice franjevačkih svećenika u in Ahmići and Stupni Do. The ICTY accused a number of
Fojnici, no to je bila gotovo sva njezina reakcija. Croats for the crimes, tried them and found them guilty.
U knjizi su dokumentirano prikazani zločini u kojima But, the ICTY did not find guilty those responsible for the
su žrtve Hrvati civili i zarobljeni pripadnici HVO-a. Žrtve crimes against Croatian civilians and HVO POWs commit-
zločina na kraju svih agresija, oružanih sukoba, bez ob- ted in Grabovica, Uzdol, Jablanica (Stipića Livade), Kon-
zira na njihovu nacionalnu pripadnost, ostaju zauvijek, jicu (Orlište, Bušćak, Trusina, Klis), Vitez, Dusina, Travnik,
imenom i prezimenom. Namjera knjige nije negirati žr- Križančevo Selo, Buhine Kuće, Bugojno, Vareš, Kakanj,
tve zločina nad pripadnicima druge strane u sukobu. Busovača and other locales mentioned in the book. The
Već od samog početka Domovinskog rata, a pogo- names of the victims are also listed in the book.
tovo oružanog sukoba između HVO-a i ARBIH u Bosni i Ante Nazor emphasizes the fact that the Mujahe-
Hercegovini, medijske i političke slike o Hrvatima i po- deen were not a myth. In the third part of the book he
strojbama HVO-a bile su iskrivljene, a zločini i njihove writes about crimes committed by Mujahedeen against
žrtve, Hrvati, prešućivani. Tako je postojala percepcija da civilians and POWs, noting that the Muslim leadership
HVO provodi propagandu o muslimanskim zločinima, used the media to try to convince the public that Muja-
jer izvještaji raznih „službenih“ promatrača i novinara hedeen were not present in central Bosnia and that their
objavljeni u medijima nisu prikazivali pravo stanje i stra- presence there was a fabrication concocted by the HVO
danje Hrvata. I Bakir Izetbegović, kao član Predsjedniš- to scare Croats into leaving the area. Izetbegović did not
tva BiH, u nekoliko je navrata uporno naglašavao da su deny that the ARBIH was committing war crimes and
zločinački postupci ARBIH bili tek incidenti.1132 crimes against humanity and stated that “we condemn
U analizi i prikazu muslimansko-hrvatskoga sukoba and prosecute such acts”48. The statement was hypocrit-
ical in the extreme, just as was the claim that the HVO
1131 ICTY: Alija Izetbegović, predsjednik Predsjedništva RBiH had made up the presence of Mujahideen in central
od 28. 6. 1993. za dr. Franju Tuđmana, predsjednika RH.
govic-zlocine-armije-bih-nazvao-incidentima, https:// 47 ICTY: HQ 3rd Company, 3rd Battalion of the MP HVO Ča- pljina, Report No. 02-4/3-06/4-12-208/93 of July 1, 1993.
ze-biti-negdje-incident-a-negdje-zlocin/ https://www. 48 ICTY: Alija Izetbegović, President of the Presidency of the RBiH, of June 2, 1993, for Dr. Franjo Tuđman, Presi-
ce-vbr-i-dronove/1039069.aspx dent of the Republic of Croatia.


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Ante Nazor • II DIO

svaka strana ima niz argumenata i obrazloženja o doga- Bosnia. When Izetbegović made his statement the AR-
đajima koji njoj idu u prilog. Ova knjiga nema namjeru BIH had ethnically cleansed the Travnik municipality and
„pogleda iz hrvatskog kuta“, nego se opis događaja i po- parts of the Novi Travnik municipality. It is important to
pis žrtava na hrvatskoj strani zasnivaju na dokumentira- mention that the Mujahideen committed especially
nim činjenicama. heinous atrocities against Croats in central Bosnia. The
Svakako je značajno i informativno opažanje Ro- ARBIH did eventually try the case of the murder of two
bina Harrisa, povjesničara, pisca i publicista, te bivšeg Franciscan friars in Fojnica, but that was the sum total of
savjetnika britanske premijerke Margaret Thatcher, koji what the ARBIH did in terms of prosecuting war crimi-
je u knjizi citiran, a ovdje ukazujem samo na jedan dio nals in its ranks.
njegova govora: The crimes against Croatian civilians and HVO POWs
Nakon što sam pročitao odličnu knjigu Charlesa R. are documented in the book. The names of the victims
Shradera, „Muslimansko-hrvatski građanski rat u sred- of all aggressions, armed conflicts, regardless of their na-
njoj Bosni“ (eng. The Muslim-Croat Civil War in Central tionality, cannot be extinguished. Their presence in our
Bosnia), te nakon što sam intervjuirao mnoge bosanske memory, in books and in the collective consciousness of
izbjeglice – Muslimane i Hrvate 1993. godine, držao sam humankind is eternal. The purpose of this book is not to
da situaciju poznajem prilično dobro. Međutim, nisam deny the victims of war crimes of the other side.
do sada shvaćao sve vojne razloge za muslimansku voj- Most media outlets, when the Croatian War of Inde-
nu kampanju u sjevernoj Hercegovini. Niti sam shvatio, pendence broke out, presented a skewed picture about
unatoč tome što sam svojedobno čuo različite neosno- the Croats. The trend continued and the smearing cam-
vane optužbe, ekstremno i opsežno divljaštvo mudža- paign in the media and various political circles against
hedina – koje je uvela, angažirala i kontrolirala Armija the Croats reached its height during the Muslim-Croat
Republike Bosne i Hercegovine u svojoj kampanji kako conflict in BiH. The HVO was vilified and crimes against
bi prognala Hrvate. Bošnjačka obavještajna služba, AID, Croatian civilians and HVO POWs ignored. It was widely
nastojala je zataškati tu vezu. No njihov uspjeh u tome believed that HVO propaganda was grossly exaggerat-
povlači druga važna pitanja – o profesionalnosti rada ing crimes committed by the ARBIH because the reports
istražnog tima 9 Tužiteljstva Haaškog suda, o upleteno- submitted by various “official” observers and journalists
sti drugih službi – uključujući britansku – u ublažavanje and subsequently published and/or aired in the media
informacija o mudžahedinskim zvjerstvima te o potpu- did not reflect the reality of the situation and omitted
nom propustu Hrvatske tada i sada da javno obznani the crimes against Croats. Bakir Izetbegović, in the ca-
progon Hrvata. pacity of member of BiH presidency, duplicitously stat-
Završit ću s citatom Voltairea, preuzetim s bloga od- ed, on a number of occasions, that transgressions of AR-
vjetnika Michaela G. Karnavasa: BIH members were isolated incidents.49
Živima dugujemo poštovanje, a mrtvima samo istinu.1133 Generally speaking, most Muslims and most Croats
subscribe to those arguments and points of view that
Nika Pinter exonerate their soldiers and policies and vilify the oth-
er side. This book avoids the trap of “viewing the events
from the Croatian bird’s eye view”. Everything stated,
described, explained and analyzed in the book rests on
documented facts.
In that respect I deem it apt to quote a portion of
a speech given by Robin Harris, a historian, writer and

govic-zlocine-armije-bih-nazvao-incidentima, https://
ze-biti-negdje-incident-a-negdje-zlocin/ https://www.
ljaks-defiance/. ce-vbr-i-dronove/1039069.aspx


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Ante Nazor • PART II

publicist and Margaret Thatcher’s former advisor:

Having read Charles R. Shrader’s excellent book, The
Muslim-Croat Civil War in Central Bosnia, and having in-
terviewed many Bosnian Muslim and Croat refugees in
1993, I thought that I knew the situation pretty well. But I
did not, until now, grasp the full military rationale for the
Muslim military campaign in Northern Hercegovina. Nor,
despite at the time hearing various unsubstantiated alle-
gations, did I grasp the extreme and extensive savagery of
the mujahedeen – who were imported, deployed and con-
trolled by the Army of BiH in its campaign to expel Croats.
The Bosniak intelligence service, the AID, sought to conceal
that connection. But their success in doing so raises oth-
er large questions - about the seriousness of the work of
the Tribunal Prosecutor’s investigative team 9; about the
involvement of other agencies – including the British - in
downplaying the mujahedeen atrocities; and about the
total failure of Croatia, then and since, to publicize the per-
secution of Croats.
I will conclude with a quote by Voltaire, also used by
Michael G. Karnavas on his website:
“To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we
owe only the truth.”50

Slobodan Praljak (Čapljina, BiH, 2. 1. 1945. – Haag, Nizozemska, Nika Pinter

29. 11. 2017.).

Slobodan Praljak (Čapljina, BiH, 2. 1. 1945 – Haag, Netherlands,

29. 11. 2017).

Michael G. Karnavas:
I dok kao odvjetnik MKSJ-a imam „pozitivnu obvezu zaštititi ugled
Suda“, bilo bi kukavički s moje strane i uvreda sjećanju na generala
Praljka da se pretvaram da je postupak bio pravičan, da nije bilo
pristranosti sudaca tijekom suđenja, te da u prvostupanjskoj i dru-
gostupanjskoj presudi nije bilo pogrešaka.

And while it is claimed that counsel at the ICTY have “a positive

obligation to protect the reputation of the Tribunal”, it would be
cowardly of me and an affront to General Praljak’s memory to pre-
tend the proceedings were fair, that there was no predisposition
shown by the Judges during the trial or that the Trial and Appeal
Judgments are not flawed.


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Ante Nazor • II DIO



Krizni stab opcine
Broj: 427/92
Datum: 29.04.1992. godine
Na temelju Naredbe gane vlasti Republike Bosne i Her- starstvom unutrasnjih poslova i
Republickog staba za civilnu zastitu, cegovine i kojima iskazu svoju lojal- drugim legalnim organima Republike
kao i zakljucka Predsjednistva nosl. Bosne i Hercegovine kada to oko-
Republike Bosne i Hercegovine Muslimani mogu formirati lnosti nalazu.
donesenih 04.04.1992.· godine i sopstvene orufane formacije koje se Na zajednick im sjednicama
10.4.1992. godine i Odluke a pro- stavljaju pod jedinstvenu komandu Kriznqg staba Skupstine opcine Mos-
glasenju neposredne ratne opsanos- HVO Opcinski stoier Mostar. tar i Hrvatskog vijeca obrane, Opc':i-
ti na podrucju opc':ine Mostar broj nskog stoi.era Mostar rjesavati ce se
1/92 od 09.04.1992. godine, kao f Od- problematika od zajednickog· inte-
luke a povlacenju jedinica JNA sa Nacionalni sastav ko- resa.
teritorije Republike Bosne i Her- mancinog kadra Hrvatskog vijece Sva dokumenta za kretanje
cegovine, koju je donijelo Predsjed- obrane ce odgovarati nacionalnom ljudi i roba i:zdaje Hrvatsko vijece
nistvo Republike BiH ad 27.04.1992. sastavu aktivnih "'.Ojnika. obrane - Opcinski stozer Mostar.
:,dine, Krizni stab opcine Mostar, Kod formiranja ·novih obram-
i-1olazecj od cinjenice da .se opcina benih snaga komandni kadar ce biti VIII
Mostar nala:zi u stanju djelimicne .::astup4e·n na paritetnom principu. Krizni stab opcine Mosrar se
okupacije ad strane jedinica tako- · Ova odredba v?,ii za snage koje se obavewje da u najkracem roku lo•
zvane Jugoslavenske narodne armije formiraju poslije 1. maja 1992. rmira privrerneni lzilrsni odbor koji ce
i paravojnih formacija koje u godine. . obezbjediti funkcionisanje organa
sadejstvu sa njom vrse orufana uprave Skupstine opcine Mostar._
~ejstva po civilnim objektima, istov-
remeno pljackajuci privredne sub- IX
Zadatak Hrvatskog vijeca
jekte i porodicne kuce I odvodeci u obrane - Opciriskog stoi.era Mostar je Po prestanku ratnih dejstava
zarobljenistvo stanovnike •oile oslobaclanje cjelokupnog prostora odnosno oslobodenja opcine Mostar
opcine, kao i cinjenicu da tako:zvana opcine. Hrvatsko vijece obrane - i· stvaranja uvjeta za normalno
JNA i druge pa:raliojne formacije koje Opcinski stozer Mostar · c"e radi funkcionisanje legalnih organa vlasti
dejstvuju skupa s njom ne priznaju izvrsenja zadataka ii. predhodnog regulisat ce sya ostala pitanja i
legitimne i legalne organe vlasti stava koordinirati sa -ostalim obram- politil:kjl rjesenja u pogledu korh-
Republike Bosne i Hercegovine niti benim snagama susjednih opcina. petertcije, rjesenja koja budu
opcine Mostar donosi sljedecu. ' Hrvatsko vijece obrane - donesena u legalnim organima
Opcinski stoier Mostar duzno je Republike Bosne i Hercegovine ~
izvrsiti ustrojstvo i organizaciju svojih
oiufanih snaga koje ·ce garantirati
graClanima mir, slobodu i sigumost.
Ovu funkciju obavlja vojna
Takozvana Jugoslavenska
narodna armija i druge paravojne for-
macije koje djeluju skupa s njom VI
proglasavaju se kao neprijateljske i
· okupaiorske formacije na podrucju Rad i ostvarenja funkcije
,ppcine Mostar. pravosuCla iz domena Ratnog prava
~-~ Hrvatsko vijece obrane - Opcinski
II stozer Mostar duino je osnovati i
ustrojiti, te organizirati rad vojnog
Zastita i odbrana grada Mos-
tara od formacija iz clan a 1. povjerava tuiilastva i vojnog suda za podrucje
se Hrvatskom vijecu obrane - opcine Mostar.
Opctinskom stoieru Mostar, te pripa- Nacionalni sastav u ovim in-
dnicima Ministarstva unutra~njih pos- stitucijama c':e odgovarati nacional-
nom sastavu aktivnih vojnika.
lova - centar Mostar.

Hrvatsko vijece obrane· cine Radi .obrane opcine Mostar

pripadnici muslimanskog i hrvatskog Hrvatsko vijece obr.ane - Opcinski
stoier Mostar duzno je koordinirati sa
naroda, te pripadnika drugih naroda
i narodnosti koji priznaju legalne or- opcinskim kriznim stabom, Mini-


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Ante Nazor • PART II

Assembly of the Municipality of Mostar Municipal Crisis Headquarters
No: 427/92
Date: 29 Apr 92
Pursuant to the Order of the Republic Headquarters of Civil Defense and the Resolution of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegov-
ina passed on 4 Apr 92 and 10 Apr 92 and the Decision on Proclaiming the Immediate Threat of War in the Territory of the Municipality of Mostar
No: 1/92 of 9 Apr 92, and the Decision on the Withdrawal of the JNA Units from the Territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina passed
by the Presidency of the Republic of BiH on 27 Apr 92, the Crisis Headquarters of the Municipality of Mostar, proceeding from the fact that the
Municipality of Mostar is under partial occupation by units of the so-called Yugoslav People’s Army and the paramilitary formations which are
cooperating with it in armed action against the civilian facilities and are, at the same time, looting commercial establishments and family homes
and taking prisoner the inhabitants of this Municipality, as well as the fact that the so-called JNA and other paramilitary formations cooperating
in action with it do not recognize the legitimate and legal authorities of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina or of the Municipality of Mostar,
passes the following


The so-called Yugoslav People’s Army and other paramilitary formations which are cooperating with it in action are proclaimed to be the enemy
and occupation formations in the territory of the Municipality of Mostar.
The Croat Defense Council - Municipal Headquarters Mostar and members of the Ministry of Interior - Mostar Center shall be entrusted with the
protection and defense of the city of Mostar against the formations described in Article 1.

The Croat Defense Council shall consist of the members of Muslim and Croat peoples and the members of other peoples and minorities who rec-
ognize the legal authorities of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and profess allegiance to them.
The Muslims may form their own armed formations which shall be placed under the unitary command of the HVO Municipal Headquarters Mostar.
The ethnic structure of the command personnel of the Croat Defense Council shall match the ethnic structure of soldiers on active duty.
When forming new defense forces, the command personnel shall be represented on the parity principle. This provision shall apply to forces formed
after 1 May 92.
The task of the Croat Defense Council - Municipal Headquarters Mostar shall be the liberation of the entire territory of the municipality. In order to
carry out the foregoing task, the Croat Defense Council - Municipal Headquarters Mostar shall coordinate with other defense forces from neigh-
boring municipalities.
The Croat Defense Council - Municipal Headquarters Mostar shall form and organize its armed forces which shall guarantee peace, freedom and
security to the citizens.
The military police shall perform this function.
In order to perform the judicial function in the domain of the Laws of War, the Croat Defense Council - Municipal Headquarters Mostar shall es-
tablish and form, and organize the work of the Military Prosecutor’s Office and the Military Court for the territory of the Municipality of Mostar.
The ethnic structure in these institutions shall reflect the ethnic structure of soldiers on active duty.
When the circumstances so warrant, the Croat Defense Council - Municipal Headquarters Mostar shall coordinate with the Municipal Crisis Head-
quarters, the Ministry of Interior and other legal authorities of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to defend the Municipality of
The questions of common interest shall be resolved at joint sessions of the Crisis Headquarters of the Assembly of the Municipality of Mostar and
the Croat Defense Council, Municipal Headquarters Mostar.
All documents for movement of people and goods shall be issued by the Croat Defense Council - Municipal Headquarters Mostar.
The Crisis Headquarters of the Municipality of Mostar shall establish as soon as possible the temporary Executive Council which will ensure the
functioning of the government bodies of the Assembly of the Municipality of Mostar.
All other questions and political decisions regarding the competency of the decisions passed by legal authorities of the Republic of Bosnia and
Herzegovina shall be regulated after cessation of hostilities i.e. liberation of the Municipality of Mostar and creation of conditions for normal func-
tioning of legal authorities.


Milivoj Gagro, Ismet Hadziosmanovic, Zijad Demirovic, Borislav Puljic, Josip Skutor, Mehmed Bahmen, Ilija Filipovic, Fikret Bajric, Jole Musa


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 567 4.2.2020. 18:37:18

Ante Nazor • II DIO

Sporazum o prijateljstvu i suradnji između RBiH i RH, Zagreb, 21. srpnja 1992.

Predsjednik Predsjedništva Republike Bosne i Hercegovine Alija Izetbegović i predsjednik Republike Hrvatske
dr. Franjo Tuđman zaključili su, nakon razgovora delegacija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine i Republike Hrvatske
koji su održani 21. srpnja 1992. u Zagrebu, sljedeći



Predsjednik Predsjedništva Republike Bosne i Hercegovine i predsjednik Republike Hrvatske,

Polazeći od zajedničkih interesa njihovih zemalja u zaštiti njihove nezavisnosti i teritorijalne cjelovitosti;
Ozbiljno zabrinuti zbog nastavka agresije ostataka Jugoslavenske narodne armije bivše SFRJ i srpskih i crnogorskih vojnih
regularnih i neregularnih snaga na njihova područja;
Prihvaćajući rezolucije Vijeća sigurnosti Ujedinjenih naroda br. 752 (1992.) od 15. srpnja 1992., br. 757 (1992.) od 30. svib-
nja 1992., br. 758 (1992.) od 8. lipnja 1992., br. 760 (1992.) od 18. lipnja 1992., br. 761 (1992.) od 29. lipnja 1992., br. 762
(1992.) od 30. lipnja 1992. i br. 764 (1992.) od 13. srpnja 1992.;
Prihvaćajući mišljenja koja je do današnjeg dana donijela Arbitražna komisija Konferencije o Jugoslaviji, napose ona o
prestanku postojanja dosadašnje Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije, o potrebi prestanka njezinog članstva
u međunarodnim organizacijama i o načelima na kojima treba riješiti pitanja sukcesije;
Svjesni potrebe da sporazumno riješe pitanja koja su od životne važnosti za njihovu međusobnu suradnju i zajedničko
suprotstavljanje agresiji;
Dogovorili su se o slijedećem:
1. Predsjednik Predsjedništva Republike Bosne i Hercegovine i predsjednik Republike Hrvatske suglasili su se da će
buduće državno uređenje Bosne i Hercegovine polaziti od načela pune jednakopravnosti triju konstitutivnih naroda:
Muslimana, Hrvata i Srba. Ustavno-političko uređenje zemlje temeljit će se na konstitutivnim jedinicama, pri osniva-
nju kojih će se voditi računa o nacionalnim, povijesnim, kulturnim, gospodarskim, prometnim i drugim elementima.
2. Republika Bosna i Hercegovina i Republika Hrvatska će surađivati i međusobno se sporazumijevati, polazeći od pošti-
vanja svojih posebnih interesa i svjesni povezanosti interesa njihovih zemalja, o pitanjima gospodarske i financijske
suradnje, industrijske i energetske suradnje, korištenja vode i zaštite ljudske okoline, suradnje u obnovi života na
njihovim područjima, rješavanja imovinskih pitanja fizičkih i pravnih osoba jedne države u drugoj državi, usklađenja
društvenih djelatnosti u njihovim državama, napose na polju rada i socijalne politike, zdravstva, obrazovanja, kulture
i fizičke kulture, znanstvene i tehničke suradnje, kulturno-prosvjetne suradnje, informiranja, i o pitanjima religije.
3. Državna delegacija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine izražava zahvalnost Republici Hrvatskoj na prihvatu i zbrinjavanju
izbjeglica iz Republike Bosne i Hercegovine iznad njenih mogućnosti.
Republika Bosna i Hercegovina i Republika Hrvatska, suočene s gorućim problemom masovnih progona posebno
muslimanskog i hrvatskog pučanstva Bosne i Hercegovine, surađivat će na zbrinjavanju izbjeglica u Republici Hr-
vatskoj i drugim zemljama, skupljanju humanitarne i financijske pomoći, izgradnji izbjegličkih centara u sigurnim
zonama u Bosni i Hercegovini, te na povratku izbjeglica iz Republike Hrvatske u Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu. U tu
svrhu potpisat će se poseban protokol o suradnji.
4. Republika Bosna i Hercegovina i Republika Hrvatska surađivat će također, polazeći od zajedničkih i posebnih intere-
sa, na području unutrašnjih poslova i pravosuđa.
5. Predsjednik Predsjedništva Republike Bosne i Hercegovine i predsjednik Republike Hrvatske sporazumjeli su se da
će se, u nastavku dosadašnje suradnje, oni redovno sastajati najmanje dva puta godišnje, a njihove vlade i pojedina
ministarstva održavati periodične međusobne sastanke na kojima će razmatrati postignute rezultate i eventualna
neriješena pitanja i sva ta pitanja nastojati rješavati što je prije moguće, u mjeri u kojoj to ulazi u djelokrug njihova
odlučivanja, odnosno upućivati svoje prijedloge za rješenje takvih pitanja drugim nadležnim tijelima državne uprave.
6. Oružani dio Hrvatskog vijeća obrane sastavni je dio jedinstvenih oružanih snaga Republike Bosne i Hercegovine. Hr-
vatsko vijeće obrane će imati svoje predstavnike u zajedničkom zapovjedništvu oružanih snaga Bosne i Hercegovine.
Privremena civilna vlast, nastala u ratnim uvjetima u okviru Hrvatskog vijeća obrane, uskladit će se što prije s ustav-
nopravnim poretkom Republike Bosne i Hercegovine, o čemu će se odmah povesti razgovori u duhu načela iz točke
1. ovog Sporazuma.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 568 4.2.2020. 18:37:19

Ante Nazor • PART II

The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia: Agreement on Friendship and
Cooperation, Zagreb, 21 July 1992

Agreement on Friendship and Cooperation between the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia

The President of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the President of the Republic of Croatia,
Proceeding from the common interests of their countries in the protection of their independence and territorial integrity;
Seriously concerned about the continued aggression of the remnants of the Yugoslav People’s Army of the former SFRY
/Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia/, and of the Serbian and Montenegrin regular and irregular military forces
against their territories;
Accepting United Nations Security Council resolutions no. 752 (1992) of 15 July /as written/ 1992, no. 757 (1992) of 30
May 1992, no. 758 (1992) of 8 June 1992, no. 760 (1992) of 18 June 1992, no. 761 (1992) of 29 June 1992, no. 762 (1992) of
30 June 1992 and no. 764 (1992) of 13 July 1992;
Accepting the views adopted to date by the Arbitration Commission of the Conference on Yugoslavia, particularly that
concerning the cessation of the existence of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, the need for termination of its
membership of international organisations, and the principles on the basis of which the succession issues should be resolved;
Aware of the need to solve by negotiation the issues which are of vital importance to their mutual cooperation and joint
resistance against aggression;
Have agreed on the following:
1. The President of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the President of the Republic of
Croatia have agreed that the future constitutional organisation of Bosnia and Herzegovina will proceed from the
principle of full equality of the three constituent nations: Muslims, Croats and Serbs. The constitutional and political
organisation of the country will be based on constituent units, in the establishment of which national, historical,
cultural, economic, transport and other elements will be taken into account.
2. The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia will cooperate and agree between themselves
on the basis of respect for each other’s special interests, and aware of the interrelatedness of the interests of their
countries, on issues of economic and financial cooperation, industrial and energy cooperation, water management
and environmental protection, cooperation in the restoration of life on their territories, the resolving of the property
issues of physical and legal entities of one state in the other, the harmonisation of social activities in their states,
particularly in the areas of labour and social welfare, health, education, science, culture and physical education,
scientific and technical cooperation, cultural and educational cooperation, information and religious matters.
3. The state delegation of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina has expressed gratitude to the Republic of Croatia
for the reception of and care for the refugees from the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina above and beyond its
capacities. The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia, faced with the burning issue of mass
expulsions, particularly of the Muslim and Croat populations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, will cooperate in providing
care for the refugees in the Republic of Croatia and other countries, in collecting humanitarian and financial aid, in
constructing refugee centres in secure areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in the return of refugees from the Republic
of Croatia to the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. /illegible/ a separate protocol on cooperation will be signed.
4. The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia will also cooperate, proceeding from their
common and individual interests, in the areas of internal affairs and the judicial system.
5. The President of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the President of the Republic of
Croatia have agreed that, in continuance of their cooperation, they will meet regularly at least twice a year, while
their governments and individual ministries will hold periodic meetings at which they will discuss results achieved
and possible outstanding issues, and will endeavour to solve all these issues as soon as possible insofar as those
matters fall within their jurisdictions, that is, will forward their proposals for the resolution of those issues to the other
responsible state-administrative bodies.
6. The armed component of the Croatian Defence Council is a constituent part of the united armed forces of the Republic
of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Croatian Defence Council will have its representatives in the joint command of the
armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The provisional civilian authority, established under wartime conditions
within the Croatian Defence Council, will adjust itself as soon as possible to the constitutional order of the Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, concerning which talks will begin immediately in the spirit of the principles set out in point
1 of this Agreement.


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Ante Nazor • II DIO

7. Republika Bosna i Hercegovina i Republika Hrvatska uzajamno će omogućiti svojim državljanima stjecanje dvojnog
8. Predsjednik Predsjedništva Republike Bosne i Hercegovine i predsjednik Republike Hrvatske, polazeći od činjenice da
se nastavlja agresija srpskih i crnogorskih vojnih snaga na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu, ali velikim dijelom i na Re-
publiku Hrvatsku, s graničnih područja Republike Bosne i Hercegovine, pozivaju međunarodnu zajednicu, posebno
Organizaciju Ujedinjenih naroda, Europsku zajednicu i Sjedinjene Američke Države, da poduzmu stvarne i djelotvor-
ne mjere za energično zaustavljanje agresije na njihove države, za sprečavanje daljnjih ljudskih žrtava, proganjanja i
iseljavanja njihovih građana i uništavanja materijalnih dobara.
U tom cilju obje će države nastaviti dosadašnju uspješnu suradnju i stalnu koordinaciju svojih obrambenih djelatno-
sti u graničnim zonama između njih.
Svjesni činjenice da, ako se hitno ne zaustavi agresija na njih, objema državama prijete daljnja razaranja i uništavanja
njihovog državnog bića i cjelovitosti, one će, u slučaju da napori međunarodne zajednice ostanu bezuspješni, raz-
motriti i poduzeti sve potrebne oblike šire suradnje na vojnom polju i usklađćenje vojnih operacija radi definitivnog
odbijanja opasnosti koja im prijeti.
9. Predsjednik Predsjedništva Republike Bosne i Hercegovine i predsjednik Republike Hrvatske složili su se da se odmah
potpiše sporazum o uspostavljanju diplomatskih odnosa između dviju država na razini ambasada.
10. Vlade dviju država organizirat će, u najkraćem roku, prema potrebi, svoje sastanke i sastanke ministarstava svojih
država radi zaključenja sporazuma iz njihove nadležnosti prema ovom Sporazumu.

U Zagrebu, 21. srpnja 1992.


dr. Franjo Tuđman [v.r.] Alija Izetbegović [v.r.]

Dodatak sporazumu o prijateljstvu i suradnji između RBiH i RH, New York, 23. rujna 1992.

Predsjednik Predsjedništva Republike Bosne i Hercegovine Alija Izetbegović i Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske dr. Franjo
Tuđman, polazeći od Sporazuma o prijateljstvu i suradnji između Republike Bosne i Hercegovine i Republike Hrvatske
od 21. srpnja, a nakon razgovora delegacija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine i Republike Hrvatske koji su održani 21. rujna
1992. godine u New Yorku tijekom 47. zasjedanja Generalne skupštine Ujedinjenih naroda,
Svjesni važnosti zajedničkih interesa njihovih zemalja u zaštiti njihove neovisnosti, suverenosti i teritorijalne cjelovitosti,
ozbiljno zabrinuti zbog nastavka agresije ostatka Jugoslavenske narodne armije bivše SFRJ i srpskih i crnogorskih vojnih
regularnih i neregularnih snaga na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu, te vodeći računa da ostaci tzv. JNA bivše Jugoslavije
još drže pod okupacijom teritorij Republike Hrvatske južno od Dubrovnika, da srpske snage napadaju teritorij Republike
Hrvatske s teritorija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine, te da dio srpskih iregularnih odreda u Hrvatskoj, prerušenih u lokalnu
miliciju, pruža otpor UNPROFOR-u u provedbi mirovnog plana Cyrusa Vancea;
Polazeći od temeljnih načela članka 51 Povelje Ujedinjenih Naroda koji jamči legitimno pravo suverenih država na samoobranu;
Pozdravljajući mirovnu akciju i humanitarne napore Ujedinjenih Naroda;
Pozdravljajući Rezoluciju 777 Vijeća sigurnosti Ujedinjenih Naroda i Rezoluciju 47/1 Generalne skupštine Ujedinjenih Na-
roda o delegitimizaciji Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije;
Spremni i dalje provoditi zaključke Londonske konferencije i odnosne rezolucije Vijeća Sigurnosti Ujedinjenih Naroda, te
aktivno promicati Ženevske mirovne procese:
suglasili su se da potpišu:

1. Dosadašnji diplomatski, politički i humanitarni napori međunarodne zajednice nisu zaustavili agresiju na Re-
publiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i Republiku Hrvatsku, suverene članice Ujedinjenih Naroda, niti su bitno ublažili


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 570 4.2.2020. 18:37:22

Ante Nazor • PART II

7. The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia will mutually enable their citizens to acquire
dual citizenship.
8. The President of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the President of the Republic of
Croatia, in view of the continued aggression of the Serbian and Montenegrin military forces against the Republic
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also to a large extent against the Republic of Croatia, from the border areas of the
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, call upon the international community, particularly the Organisation of the
United Nations, the European Community and the United States of America, to take real and effective measures
energetically to halt the aggression against their states and prevent further loss of life, persecutions and expulsions
of their citizens, and destruction of property. To this end, both states will continue their successful cooperation and
the constant coordination of their defence activities in the border zones between them. Aware of the fact that, unless
the aggression against them is urgently halted, both states are threatened with further devastation and destruction
of their statehood and territorial integrity, they will, in the eventuality that the efforts of the international community
remain unsuccessful, consider and take all necessary forms of broader cooperation in the military sphere and in the
coordination of military operations in order definitively to repel the danger threatening them.
9. The President of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the President of the Republic of
Croatia have agreed that an agreement on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two states will be
signed immediately at embassy level.
10. The governments of the two states will organise, as speedily as possible, and as and when necessary, their meetings
and meetings of the ministries of their states for the purposes of concluding agreements under their jurisdictions as
provided for in this Agreement.

Zagreb, 21 July 1992

Dr. Franjo Tuđman Alija Izetbegović

Annex to the agreement on friendship and cooperation between the Republic of

Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia, 23 September 1992

The President of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Alija IZETBEGOVIĆ, and the President of the
Republic of Croatia, Dr Franjo TUĐMAN,
proceeding from the Agreement on Friendship and Cooperation between the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and
the Republic of Croatia of 21 July, and following talks between the delegations of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
and the Republic of Croatia which were held on 21 September 1992 in New York during the 47th session of the General
Assembly of the United Nations,
Mindful of the importance of the mutual interests of their countries in the protection of their independence, sovereignty,
and territorial integrity, seriously concerned about the continuation of aggression by the remainder of the Yugoslav
People’s Army of the former SFRJ /Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia/ and Serbian and Montenegrin military
regular and irregular forces in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and considering that the remainder of the so-
called JNA /Yugoslav People’s Army/ of the former Yugoslavia is still occupying territory of the Republic of Croatia to the
south of Dubrovnik, that Serbian forces are attacking territory of the Republic of Croatia from the territory of the Republic
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that a part of the Serbian irregular detachments in Croatia, disguised as local police, are
offering resistance to UNPROFOR which is implementing the peace plan of Cyrus VANCE;
Proceeding from the basic principles of Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations which guarantees the legitimate
right to self defence of sovereign states;
Welcoming the peace operation and humanitarian efforts of the United Nations;
Welcoming Resolution 777 of the Security Council of the United Nations and Resolution 47/1 of the General Assembly of
the United Nations on the cessation of membership of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia.
Prepared to continue to implement the conclusions of the London Conference and the relevant Resolutions of the


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 571 4.2.2020. 18:37:24

Ante Nazor • II DIO

stradanja civilnog pučanstva. Stoga Republika Bosna i Hercegovina i Republika Hrvatska zahtijevaju energičnu
akciju međunarodne zajednice u zaštiti od strane agresije, u skladu sa odredbama Sedmog poglavlja Povelje
Ujedinjenih Naroda.
2. Iznova se ističe potreba jačanja napora na iznalaženju političkog rješenja za prestanak rata i provedbu načela o
ustrojstvu Republike Bosne i Hercegovine kao ravnopravne i cjelovite zajednice triju konstitutivnih naroda.
3. U skladu s pravom na samoobranu i zajedničku obranu od agresije, osnovat će se zajednički Odbor radi usklađi-
vanja obrambenih napora, sve dok agresija u potpunosti ne prestane.
4. Republike Bosna i Hercegovina i Republika Hrvatska zajednički će zatražiti ukidanje embarga na izvoz oružja u
Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i Republiku Hrvatsku, propisan Rezolucijom 713 Vijeća Sigurnosti Ujedinjenih
5. Ustrajno će se i dosljedno, u skladu sa običajnim i kodificiranim međunarodnim pravom, promicati politika zaštite
ljudskih prava, progoniti i kažnjavati ratni zločinci, poglavito počinitelji zločina genocida.

U New Yorku, 23. rujna 1992.


dr. Franjo Tuđman [v.r.] Alija Izetbegović [v.r.]

Sporazum između ARBiH i HVO, Zenica, 20. travnja 1993.

Broj 02/1954-321
26. 02. 1994. godine
(prijemni štambilj)
U Zenici, 20. 04. 1993.


Tokom zajedničkog sastanka, održanog u Zenici, kome su zajednički predsjedavali general Morillon, komandant UN
snaga u BiH i gospodin Thebault, na čelu Posmatračke misije Evropske zajednice, predstavnici na najvišem nivou su
se saglasili:
1) BiH Armija i HVO su legalne vojne snage Republike Bosne i Hercegovine sa istim tretmanom.
2) Svi komandanti na svim nivoima moraju poštovati i odmah uspostaviti potpuni prekid vatre na cijelom teritoriju Re-
publike. Bez obzira na razloge, nije prihvatljivo nepoštivanje prekida vatre. Oba načelnika su odmah izdala naredbe
za potpuno poštivanje navedenog.
3) Formiran je zajednički Operativni centar Vitez, na nivou Trećeg korpusa Armije BiH i HVO Operativne zone Srednja
Bosna kao početak uspostavljanja zajedničke komande koja će biti konačno formirana narednih dana. Na samom
početku, zajednički operativni centar će voditi oba zamjenika komandanata, a članovi će biti predstavnici brigada
obje strane. Centar će privremeno biti lociran u sadašnjem sjedištu zajedničke komisije Busovača, u Vitezu, čime
će se obezbjediti tijesna saradnja. UNPROFOR će obezbijediti svaku neophodnu pomoć, posebno u mjerama bez-
Istovremeno će na nivou komandanata brigada biti formirane lokalne zajedničke komisije kako bi se obezbijedila
potpuna i neposredna saradnja.
Zajednički operativni centar će biti formiran u srijedu, 21. 04. 1993. i odmah će početi sa radom na cijelom području.
centar je ovlašten da izdaje zajedničke naredbe koje se odmah moraju primijeniti na terenu.


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Security Council of the United Nations, and to actively promote the Geneva peace processes:
have agreed to sign this:

1. The diplomatic, political and humanitarian efforts of the international community have so far failed to stop the
aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia, sovereign members of the
UN. Neither did they alleviate the sufferings of the civilian population to any great extent. Hence the Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia demand of the international community to take vigorous action
to protect it from the aggression, in keeping with the provisions of Chapter VII of the UN Charter.
2. Once more we underline the need to increase efforts in order find a political solution to end the war and to further
the principle of Bosnia and Herzegovina as an equal and integral community of three constituent peoples.
3. In keeping with the right to self-defence and to joint defence from aggression, a joint Committee will be set up in
order to harmonize defence efforts, until the aggression stops completely.
4. The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia will jointly seek the lifting of the embargo on the
import of arms into the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia, prescribed by Resolution
713 of the Security Council of the United Nations.
5. We will consistently and faithfully promote the policy of protection for human rights, seek out and punish war
criminals, in particular the perpetrators of genocide, in keeping with customary and codified international law.

In New York, 23 September 1992


Dr. Franjo Tuđman Alija Izetbegović

Agreement between BiH Army and HVO, Zenica, 20 April 1993

ŠVK /Supreme Command Staff/
Supreme Command Staff of RBiH Armed Forces
No: 02/1594-321
26. 02. 1994.

Zenica 20. 04. 1993.

During a joint meeting held in Zenica, chaired by General MORILLON, Commander of UN forces in BiH, and Mr THEBAULT,
Head of European Monitoring Mission, representatives from the highest instances agreed on the following:
1) BiH Army and Croatian Defence Council /HVO/ are legal military forces of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
and are treated equally.
2) Commanders from all instances must respect and immediately enforce absolute cease-fire on the entire territory of
the Republic. Cease-fire violations are unacceptable, regardless of the reasons. Both Commanders have immediately
issued orders to fully respect the aforementioned.
3) A Joint Operative Communication Centre was established in Vitez at the level of the 3rd Corps of BiH Army and HVO
Central Bosnia Operative Zone, as a starting point for the forming of a Joint Command, which will be finally established
in the oncoming days. At the beginning, the Joint Operative Centre will be run by both Deputy Commanders, while


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4) Načelnici će se sastajati svake sedmice kako bi se osigurala tijesna i stalna saradnja po svim pitanjima. Ovi sastanci će
se organizovati naizmjenično u Mostaru i Zenici. sljedeći sastanak će biti održan u Mostaru.
5) Svakodnevno će se sačinjavati informacije o urađenom na svim nivoima.
Svaki dan će se napraviti jedan zajednički izvještaj na nivou komandanta korpusa i zapovjednika operativne zone
kako bi se o navedenom odmah informisala oba načelnika.

Načalnik štaba VK OS R BiH Načelnik GS HVO

Sefer Halilović Milivoj Petković

Komandant snaga UN za BiH Šef Reg. centra ECMM

general Philippe Morillon Jean-Pierre Thebault
Zajednička izjava Alije Izetbegovića i Mate Bobana, Zagreb, 25. travnja 1993.
Gospodin ALIJA IZETBEGOVIĆ i gospodin MATE BOBAN, na sastanku koji su u Zagrebu sazvali 24. travnja 1993. godine
supredsjedatelj Međunarodne konferencije o bivšoj Jugoslaviji Lord David Owen i Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske dr.
Franjo Tuđman, u nazočnosti veleposlanika Petera Halla, veleposlanika Herberta Okuna, veleposlanika Petera Ahrensa,
brigadira Johna Wilsona, brigadira Messevya-Whitinga, g. Fredericka Eckharda, g. d. Ludlowa, g. Bradea, dr. Jure Radića,
g. Vladimira Šeksa, g. Gojka Šuška, dr.·Zdenka Škrabala, generala zbora Janka Bobetka, veleposlanika Zdravka Sančevića,
dr. Željka Matića, g. Ivana Jarnjaka, dr. Branimira Jakšića, brigadira Mile Ćuka, g. Ejupa Ganića, generala Sefera Halilovića,
veleposlanice Bisere Turković, veleposlanika Muhameda Šaćirbegovića, g. Kasima Trnke i general-bojnika Milivoja Petko-
vića, donijeli su nakon sastanka slijedeću
Zajedničku izjavu
1. U skladu sa Sporazumom između gospodina Alije Izetbegovića, g. Harisa Silajdžića, g. Mate Bobana i g. Mile Akmadži-
ća, zaključenim u New Yorku dana 03. ožujka 1993. g., započet će radom u najkraćem vremenu koordinacijsko tijelo
od šestorice članova i to gospoda: Alija Izetbegović, Ejup Ganić i Fikret Abdić, te Mate Boban, Mile Akmadžić i Franjo
Koordinacijsko tijelo ce raditi na provedbi Plana Vance-Owen koliko god je to moguće s obzirom na karakter odreda-
ba i sadašnje okolnosti.
2. U svezi s obnavljanjem sukoba dviju vojski (Armije BiH i HVO) u središnjoj Bosni i u nekim drugim dijelovima
Republike Bosne i Hercegovine koji su doveli do velikog broja ljudskih žrtava i do ozbiljnih kršenja međunarodnog
humanitarnog prava, što sve prijeti dalekosežnim političkim posljedicama, potpisnici ove Zajedničke izjave naređuju
svim vojnim postrojbama Armije BIH i HVO da odmah prekinu vatru i sva neprijateljstva na svim mjestima gdje se te
vojne postrojbe nalaze u međusobnom dodiru.
3. Supotpisnici ove Zajedničke izjave pozivaju sve zapovjednike i postrojbe Armije BiH i HVO na bezuvjetno poštiva-
nje svih do sada postignutih sporazuma između predstavnika hrvatskog i muslimanskog naroda u Republici Bosni
i Hercegovini. Napose pozivaju vojne postrojbe Armije BiH i HVO da bez odlaganja započnu izvršavanje odredaba
Sporazuma o tome da su Armija BiH i HVO jednake legalne postrojbe i o ustanovljenju zajedničkog zapovjedništva
tih snaga sastavljenog od predstavnika oba stožera (Dodatak 1).
4. Potpisnici Zajedničke izjave ponovno potvrđuju da su sukobi snaga HVO i Armije BiH u Republici Bosni i Hercegovini
suprotni politici koju vode predstavnici ta dva naroda i da bi daljnje nastavljanje sukoba stavilo u ozbiljnu opasnost
ostvarenje njihovih političkih ciljeva: neovisnost, samostalnost i teritorijalni integritet Republike Bosne i Hercegovine
u okviru Vance-Owen plana što su supotpisnici prihvatili i potpisali, kao i uspjeh u borbi protiv agresora koji želi raz-
bijanje ta države, okupaciju njezinog teritorija i priključenje okupiranih teritorija „Velikoj Srbiji“.
5. Potpisnici Zajedničke izjave najoštrije osuđuju svako kršenje pravila međunarodnog humanitarnog prava, bez ob-
zira na to tko ih je učinio, a prema dosadašnjim podacima obje strane snose odgovornost, i obvezuju sa da će hitno


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representatives of Brigades from both sides will be the members. The Centre will be temporarily located in the present
seat of the Busovača Joint Commission in Vitez, which will ensure close collaboration.
UNPROFOR will provide all necessary help, especially in terms of security measures.
Meanwhile local Joint Commissions will be established on the level of Brigade Commanders in order to ensure full
and direct cooperation.
The Joint Operative Centre will be established on Wednesday, 21. 04. 1993, and will immediately start with its work in
the entire area. The Centre is authorized for issuing joint orders, which must be immediately implemented in the field.
4) Chiefs will attend weekly meetings in order to ensure close and permanent cooperation regarding all issues. These
meetings will be held alternately in Mostar and Zenica. Next meeting will take place in Mostar.
5) Reports on accomplished tasks at all levels will be made daily.
One joint report will be issued daily at the level of the Corps Commander and Operative Zone Commander in order
to inform both Chiefs immediately.

Chief of Supreme Command Staff of R BiH Armed Forces Chief of HVO Main Staff
Sefer HALILOVIĆ Milivoj Petković

Commander of UN Forces for BiH Head of European Monitoring Mission Regional Centre
General Philippe MORRILON Jean-Pierre THEBAULT

/hand written marginalia/

Joint Statement by Alija Izetbegović and Mate Boban, Zagreb, 25 April 1993

Mr. ALIJA IZETBEGOVIĆ and Mr. MATE BOBAN, at the meeting convoked in Zagreb on April 24, 1993, by the Co-chairman
of the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia Lord David Owen and the President of the Republic of
Croatia Dr. Franjo Tuđman, in the presence of Ambassador Peter Hall, Ambasador Herbert Okun, Ambassador Peter
Ahrens, Brigadir John Wilson, Brigadir Messervy-Whithing, Mr. Frederic Eckhard, Mr. Ludlow, Mr. Brade, Dr. Jure Radić,
Mr. Vladimir Šeks, Mr. Gojko Šušak. Dr. Zdenko Škrabalo, General Janko Bobetko, Ambassador Zdravko Sančević, Dr.
Željko Matić, Mr. Ivan Jarnjak, Dr. Branimir Jakšić, Brigadir Mile Ćuk, Mr. Ejup Ganić, General Sefer Halilović, Ambassador
Biserka Turković, Ambassador Muhamed Šaćirbegović, Mr. Kasim Trnsko and Major-General Milivoj Petković, have
issued after the meeting the following
Joint Statement
1. In accordance with the Agreement between Mr. Alija Izetbegović, Mr. Haris Silajdžić, Mr. Mate Boban and Mr.
Mile Akmadžić, concluded on March 3, 1993 in New York, the six members of the coordination body i.e. Mr. Alija
Izetbegović, Mr. Ejup Ganić and Mr. Fikret Abdić, and Mr. Mate Boban, Mr. Mile Akmadžić and Mr. Franjo Boras, will
start working within the shortest possible time.
The coordination body will work on the implementation of the Vance-Owen Plant to the extent possible,
considering the character of the provision and present circumstances.
2. In connection with the renewal of the conflicts between the two armies (the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina and
the Croatian Defence Council) in central Bosnia and some parts of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which
have caused many casualties and serious violations of the international humanitarian law, thus posing the threat
of far-reaching political consequences, the signatories of this Joint Statement hereby order all military units of
the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina and of the Croatian Defence Council (HVO) to immediately cease fire and all
hostilities in all areas where such military units are in contact.
3. The signatories of this Join Statement urge all commanders and units of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina and
of the Croatian Defence Council (HVO) to unconditionally respect all the thus far concluded agreements between
the representatives of the Croatian and Muslim peoples in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In particular,
they urge military units of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina and of the Croatian Defence Council to immediately
start implementing the Agreement on the legality of both the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the HVO, and on


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provesti zajedničke i pojedinačne istrage o svakom pojedinom slučaju kršenja, te bez odgađanja pokrenuti pitanje
odgovornosti osoba za sukobe i počinitelje zločina prema civilnom pučanstvu.
Potpisnici su također suglasni da utvrđenje činjenica izvrši posebna nezavisna međunarodna komisija.
6. Potpisnici sa svoje strane pozivaju da se obustavi međusobno optuživanja koje vodi do medijskog rata.

Mate Boban [v.r.] Alija Izetbegović [v.r.]

Uz svjedočenje:
dr. Franjo Tuđman [v.r.]

Zagreb, 25. travnja 1993. u 00:45 sati

1. Armija BiH i HVO će zadržati svoje zasebne identitete i ustrojstvo zapovjedništva. Njihova djelovanja će uključivati sve
vidove osoblja, logistike, vodstva. obuke, morala i identiteta.
2. Oni će formirati Zajedničku komandu koja će biti odgovorna za kontrolu operacija vojnih oblasti.
3. Zajednička komanda će se sastojati od dva vrhovna zapovjednika, generala Halilovića i generala Petkovića, koji će se
redovito sastajati najmanje jedanput tjedno. Oni će osnovati stalni zajednički glavni stožer koji će biti smješten u Travniku
i sastojat će se najmanje tri visoka časnika imenovana od svakog vrhovnog zapovjednika. Ovi časnici će raditi zajedno na
trajnoj osnovi na planiranju i kontroliranju operacija svih postrojbi Armije BiH i HVO.
4. Dva vrhovna zapovjednika će formirati vojne okruge pod zajedničkim stožerom čija će područja djelovanja biti poveza-
na sa zahtjevima zajedničkih operacija a ne s privremenim provincijskim granicama. Njihova područja se neće preklapati.
Svaki vojni okrug će imati zapovjednika i zamjenika kojeg će postaviti zajednička komanda. U svakom slučaju jedan će
biti izabran iz Armije BiH a drugi iz HVO.
5. Svaki vojni okrug imat će operacijsku kontrolu nad svim postrojbama Armije BiH i HVO u svojim područjima.
Alija Izetbegović [v.r.] Mate Boban [v.r.]

General Sefer Halilović [v.r.] General-bojnik Milivoj Petković [v.r.]

Zagreb, 25. travnja 1993. u 00:45 sati

Pismo Sefera Halilovića Aliji Izetbegoviću o operaciji „Neretva 93“, Sarajevo 1. svibnja 1995.

Gospodine Predsjedniče,
U trinaestoj svesci „Vojne biblioteke“ koja sadrži AUTORIZOVANE intervjue, govore i izlaganja R. Delića od marta 1994.
godine, do marta 1995., godine, objavljen je i intervju koji je dat zagrebačkom Globusu pod nazivom „Zajedno smo jači“.
Razgovor je vođen 06. marta 1994. godine u Sarajevu, a vodio ga je novinar Željko Garmaz. Nažalost, meni je tek postao
sada dostupan kad je objavljen autorizovan u navedenoj svesci „Vojne biblioteke“. Da mi je bio dostupan kad je objavljen,
do sada bi mnoge stvari vjerovatno uspješnije razjasnili. No, u Allaha nikad nije kasno - kaže naš narod, pa pođimo redom.
Na pitanje novinara: Jeste li našli krivce za zločine nad Hrvatima u Uzdolu, Doljanima, Trusini ..., R. Delić odgovara:
„Kada je riječ o onome što se zamjera ARBiH, poput ubojstva fratara u Fojnici, mogu samo reći da su krivci uhvaćeni i
očekuju suđenje. Što se tiče Uzdola krivci nisu još definisani. Nažalost, Uzdol je proizvod nekih tadašnjih odnosa unutar
Armije RBiH. Na tim prostorima su bile neke jedinice koje smo poslije rasformirali ili smo se s njima morali poslije sukobiti.
Znamo samo da su za te slučajeve krivci iz jedinica sa teritorije Sarajeva, koje u to vrijeme jednostavno nisu bile u sistemu


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the establishment of a joint command of both forces made up of representatives of both headquarters (Annex 1).
4. The signatories of the Joint Statement reaffirm that the conflicts between units of the HVO and of the Army of Bosnia
and Herzegovina in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina are contrary to the policy of the representatives of the
two peoples, and that the continuation of such conflicts would seriously jeopardize the achievement of their political
goals, i.e. the independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina within the framework
of the Vance-Owen Plan accepted and signed by the signatories of this Statement, and success in the fight against the
aggressor who wants to break the state apart, occupy its territory and annex the occupied territories to “Greater Serbia”.
5. The signatories of the Joint Statement condemn most severely all violations of the rules of international humanitarian
law regardless of their perpetrators, both sides having been responsible according to data available so far, and
undertake to urgently initiate joint and individual inquest concerning each instance of violation of such rights and
immediately examine personal responsibility for the conflicts and crimes perpetrated against the civilian population.
The signatories also agree that the fact be established by a special independent international commission.
6. The signatories urge the cessation of mutual accusations leading to a media war.

(The Croatian version shall apply)

Mate Boban Alija Izetbegović

/signature/ /signature/
Witnessed by:
Dr. Franjo Tuđman

April 25, 1993, 00.45 h

Annex 1

1. The BiH Army and the HVO will retain their separate identities and command structures. Their function will include all
aspects of personnel, logistics, administration, training, morale and identity.
2. They will form a Joint Command which will be responsible for the operational control of military districts.
3. The Joint Command will consist of the two Commanders in Chief, General Halilović and General Petković, who will
meet on a regular basis, at least weekly. They will form a permanent joint headquarters to be located at Travnik and
consisting of at least 3 high caliber officers nominated by each Commander in Chief. These officers will work together on
a continuous basis to plan and control the operations of all BiH Army and HVO units.
4. The two Commanders in Chief will form military districts, under the joint headquarters, whose areas will be related
to the operational requirement for joint operations and not to provisional provincial boundaries. Their areas will not
overlap. Each military district will exercise operational control over all BiH Army and HVO unit in its area.

Halilović’s letter to the President Alija Izetbegović about Operation „Neretva 93“, Sarajevo 1 May 1995
SEFER HALILOVIĆ, Sarajevo, Ašikovac 6

To the President, Mr. Alija Izetbegović and members of the Presidency

The response to the interview by R. Delić We Are Stronger Together”, given to the Zagreb magazine Globus and published
in the 13th volume of the “Military Library” entitled “Bosnia is Here”, in March 1995 by the Press Centre of the Army of the
RBH in Sarajevo.
Mr. President,
An interview from the Zagreb magazine Globus was published in the 13th volume of the “Military Library” which
includes AUTHORISED interviews, speeches and addresses by R. DELIĆ from March 1994 until March 1995. The interview


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rukovođenja i komandovanja. To su one jedinice s kojima smo se mi na kraju krajeva morali sukobiti ovdje u Sarajevu i
vojnički razriještiti problem. Njih poslije 15. marta očekuje suđenje za kriminal, nevojničko ponašanje, brojna ubojstva i
vjerovatno se među njima nalaze i krivci za Uzdol. Nažalost, znate da je te jedinice vodio moj načelnik štaba, Sefer Hali-
lović, koji je također smijenjen sa dužnosti, tako da, tim više tada nisam mogao odmah reagirati i odmah izvršiti istragu.“
Pošto je ovdje na vrlo grub način povrijeđena istina dužan sam vas upoznati sa pravim stanjem stvari, a zaključke ću
naravno prepustiti Vama.
1.) Na savjetovanju u Zenici održanom 21. i 22. 08. 1993. godine, na kome su bili prisutni: Komandant Glavnog štaba,
načelnik Gš, načelnici svih uprava, komandanti svih korpusa (osim 5. K) i ministar UP (unutarnjih poslova, op. a.) Bakir
Alispahić, Komandant Glavnog štaba je nakon dvodnevne diskusije izdao, pored ostalih, i slijedeće zadatke:
- Prozor (Makljen, Vilića Guvno) rješava 3. K (korpus) u sadejstvu sa 6. K;
- zauzimanje s. Vrdi radi deblokade D. i G. Drežnice i deblokade puta Jablanica - Mostar, planira 6. Korpus, izvodi
Izviđačko-diverzantska brigada „Zulfikar“ i Drežnički bataljon, sadejstvuje 45. i jedinice 4. K koje se nalaze na
prostoru Bijelog polja.
Na kraju svih zadataka izričito naređuje: Sve ove zadatke završiti za 10 dana. O svemu ovome postoji uredna doku-
mentacija u OC rukovođenja i komandovanja, a cio tok savjetovanja je sniman video kamerom i audio sredstvima i
znam pouzdano da taj materijal ima u OC 3. K i kod snimatelja po imenu Mirza.
Po povratku u Sarajevo i analize u OC rukovođenja i komandovanja ŠVK dolazi sa procjenom do zaključka da ope-
rativno-taktički raspored snaga HVO, snaga kojima mi raspolažemo uz minimalno ojačanje sa jedinicama iz Sarajeva
sve zajedno jačine do jednog bataljona, manevarsko zemljište i kanalisani pravci dejstva omogućuju planiranje jedne
obimnije operacije koja bi obuhvatala prostor od Bugojna do Mostara s veoma izvjesnim rezultatima. R. Delić prihva-
ta taj prijedlog i svojim naređenjem broj: 02/1047-1 od 30. 08. 1993. godine, određuje tim sastava:
- Vođa tima: načelnik GŠ OS Sefer Halilović, a za članove tima Suljević Zićro, Bilajac Rifat, Karić Vehbija, Najetović Dže-
mal, Hasanspahić Edin i Džanković Namik.
Navedeni tim izrađuje potrebnu dokumentaciju za operaciju pod nazivom „NERETVA – 93“, R. Delić svojim potpisom
i pečatom odobrava i odmah izlazimo na teren radi realizacije iste. Prethodno su uređena sva potrebna dokumenta:
Plan operacije, Direktiva za izvođenje operacije, upućena priprema naređenja K-tima 3., 4. i 6. Korpusa, naređeno K-di
1. K da uputi jedinice iz Sarajeva, a prethodno je sa K-tom 1. K dogovoreno na njegov prijedlog da će to biti po jedna
ojačana četa iz 9. br., 10. i Samostalnog bataljona. Dio tima /Bilajac, Suljević i Karić/ izlazi 01. 09. 1993. godine
da zajedno sa Džanković Namikom i Hasanspahićem izvrši pripreme za smještaj jedinica u rajon Jablanice s obzirom
da je planom izvođenja operacije bilo predviđeno njihovo angažovanje na pravcu: s. Vrdi – Lištica, a ja izlazim 02. 09.
1993. godine i odlazim u Jablanicu gdje se i organizuje istaknuto komandno mjesto ŠVK, i gdje sa kompletnim timom
radim na daljnjoj pripremi za izvođenje plana i odobrenje operacije „NERETVA – 93“. Vrše se izviđanja, izrađuju se pla-
novi boja za svaki pravac, prikuplja se MTS (materijalno-tehnička sredstva, op. a.) i municija i drugi poslovi predviđeni
planom operacije.
2.) 04. 09. 1993. godine R. Delić u pratnji Sulejmana Vranja i Alije Lončarića u prijepodnevnim časovima dolazi u Jablani-
cu. U Donjoj Jablanici u komandi Izviđačko-diverzantske brigade „Zulfikar“ u prisutnosti svih članova tima, K-ta 6. K,
K-ta 45. i K-ta ID brigade „Zulfikar“ upoznajem R. Delića sa svim detaljima operacije, pravcima napada, sastavu
i jačini snaga HVO na njima, našim mogućnostima i tražim da mi se za izvođenje operacije stavi na raspolaganje:
Helikopter koji treba da bazira na heliodromu u D. Jablanici, tražim da mi K-t 3. K pošalje 4 minobacača 120 mm, a
K-t 2. i 3. K iz Sarajeva uputi nekoliko hiljada ručnih bombi i tromblona i da se još dva artiljerijska oruđa sa Igmana
prebace u Jablanicu. Pored ovog tražim da se sva ubojna sredstva iz tvornice „Igman“ iz Konjica stave na raspolaganje
(municija 7.62, 7. 9, 12.7 mm, ručne bombe, trombloni i nešto malo mina za minobacače 60, 82 i 120 mm iz Čelebića).
Popodne odlazimo zajedno u Buturović polje radi sagledavanja stanja, priprema za predstojeću operaciju u 45. i
nakon toga ponovo zajedno odlazimo u Konjic u K-du 6. K gdje se upoznajemo sa stepenom pripreme K-de i jedinica
6. K za izvođenje predstojeće operacije. Nakon toga zajedno odlazimo na spavanje u vojnu bazu u Konjicu i 05. 09.
se rastajemo. R. Delić sa svojom ekipom odlazi za Zenicu, a ja ostajem u Hercegovini radi daljeg rada na pripremi za
izvođenje operacije „Neretva – 93“.
Tokom boravka 04. 05. cio dan i gotovo cijelu noć 4/5. 09., a 05. 09. cijelo vrijeme smo razgovarali o predstojećoj ope-
raciji i tad je R. Delić ponovo upoznat i na terenu o detaljima operacije, a i o tome koja jedinica ima zadatak na kom
pravcu. Ovdje samo ukratko:


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was entitled “We Are Stronger Together”. It was given to the journalist Željko GARMAZ on 6 March 1994 in Sarajevo.
Unfortunately, I have only now gained access to it as it was officially made available in the aforementioned volume of the
“Military Library”. If I had had access to it when it was first published, many matters would have been cleared up much
sooner. However, it is never too late for Allah, as we say, so let us proceed from the beginning. To the journalist’s question:
“Have you found the perpetrators of crimes against Croats in the villages of Uzdol, Doljani, Trusina…” R. DELIĆ said:
“As far as the criticisms of the Army of the Republic of BH are concerned, like the murder of a friar in Fojnica, I could only say
that the perpetrators have been caught and are awaiting trial. As far as Uzdol is concerned, the perpetrators have not yet been
identified. Unfortunately, Uzdol was caused by certain problems which then existed in the BH Army. There were some units
there that we later disbanded or we had to fight. We only know that perpetrators belonging to units from Sarajevo are to blame
for this. At the time, those units were simply not part of the command and control system. We had to fight them in the end,
here in Sarajevo, and take care of the problem in a military manner. They will be tried after 15 March for crimes, dishonorable
military conduct and multiple murders. The perpetrators from Uzdol are probably among them.
Unfortunately you know that the units were led by my Chief-of-Staff, Sefer HALILOVIĆ who was also removed from his post so
that I could not react immediately and conduct an investigation.”
Because the truth suffered here in the most heinous manner, I have a duty to tell you about what really happened and I
will naturally allow you to draw your own conclusions.
1. At consultations held in Zenica on 21 and 22 August 1993 attended by the Commander of the Main Staff, Chief of
Staff, the Chiefs of all Departments, the Commanders of all Corps (except the 5th Corps) and the Minister of the
Interior, Bakir ALISPAHIĆ, after two days of discussion, the Commander of the Main Staff assigned, among others, the
following tasks:
- Prozor (Makljen,Vilića Guvno), will be covered by the 3rd Corps reinforced by the 6th Corps;
- Capture of Vrdi village in order to lift the blockade of D. and G. Drežnica as well as of the road between Jablanica
and Mostar, to be planned by the GK /supreme Command/, to be carried out by the reconnaissance and sabotage
brigade, Zulifikar and Drežnica Battalion, reinforced by the 45th Mountain Brigade and the units of the 4th Corps
deployed in the Bijelo Polje area.
At the end of the list he explicitly ordered: “All the tasks should be carried out within 10 days. There is a complete
documentation about all this in the OC/operations centre/ for Administration and Command, and I know for a fact
that all the consultations were recorded on video and audio tape and these recordings are in the OC of the 3rd Corps
and with a cameraman whose name is Mirza.
Following the return to Sarajevo an analysis was made in the OC for Administration and Command of the ŠVK /Staff of
the Supreme Command/ which led us to a conclusion that the operational/tactical deployment of the HVO forces, the
strength of our forces reinforced with just one battalion from Sarajevo, the configuration of the field and the channeled
lines of attack allow us to plan a comprehensive operation in the area between Bugojno and Mostar with certain results.
R. Delić accepted the proposal and appointed the following team in order 02/1047-1, dated 30 August 1993:
- Team leader, Sefer HALILOVIĆ, members: Zićro SULJEVIĆ, Rifat BILAJAC, Vehbija KARIĆ, Džemal NAJETOVĆ, Edin
The above named team prepared the documentation for the operation called NERETVA - 93; R. Delić endorsed it with
his signature and stamp and we immediately went to the field in order to carry it out. We prepared all the necessary
documents beforehand: a plan of the operation, directives concerning the implementation of the operation and
preliminary orders sent to the commanders of the 3rd, 4th and 6th Corps. The Command of the 1st Corps was ordered
to send units from Sarajevo (we previously agreed to accept his proposal to send one platoon from the 9th Mountain
Brigade and one from the 10th Mountain Brigade and one from the autonomous battalion). Some members of the
team, i.e. BILAJAC, SULJEVIĆ and KARIĆ left Sarajevo on 1 September 1993 together with Namik DŽANKOVIĆ and
with HASANSPAHIĆ to prepare the accommodation for the units in the area of Jablanica since the plan envisaged
that the units should attack on the line between Vrdi and Lištica. I left Sarajevo on 2 September 1993 in order to go
to Jablanica where a forward command post of the SVK was being established and where I worked with the entire
team on the further implementation of the approved Operation NERETVA - 93. Reconnaissance was carried out, a
plan of every line of attack was devised, supplies and ammunition were collected and all other work relevant for the
operation was done.
2. In the morning of 4 September 1993, R. DELIĆ accompanied by Sulejman VRANJ and Alija LONCARIĆ came to
Jablanica. In Donja Jablanica, in the base of the Reconnaissance and Sabotage Brigade Zulifikar I briefed R. Delić on
all the details of the operation, lines of attack, strength and composition of the HVO forces along those lines and our


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- 45. na pravcu Šćipe - Gornja Blace - Prozor;

- 317., sa l/45 i bataljon Sutjeska napada g/s na pravcu s. Voljevac - Crni vrh – Makljen, a pomoćnim snagama
(Samostalni prozorski bataljon) pravcem: s. Here - s. Uzdol - s. Lug;
- 45. (-1) sa dostignutih položaja aktivnim dejstvom veže snage HVO za sebe i na taj način sadejstvuje;
- 317. i 44. napada g/s pravcem Rajan (tt 1023) – s. Porlani s p/s; s. Divlja Grabovica - Pločno (tt 2226);
- ID br. „Zulfikar“ sa Drežničkim bataljonom i jedinicama iz Sarajeva (po jedna četa iz 9. i 10. i Samostalnog ba-
taljona) napada g/s: s. Kutac - s. Golubić - s. Vratnica i s. Jasenjani - s. Mandići - Umac, a p/s pravcem Dotačne - Lozina
- Pločno.
U bližem zadatku ovladati s. Vrdi – Gradina – Veliki Jelinik, a u sledećem izbiti na liniju: s. Goranci - s. Đubrani itd.
3.) 05. 09. 1993. godine pišem potrebna naređenja o angažovanju jedinica i naročito o prikupljanju MTS i municije koju
je odobrio Delić i o svemu ovom postoji sva potrebna dokumentacija i naravno veliki broj na svu sreću živih svjedoka
i više je nego jasno da R. Delić ne pravi slučajno „grešku“ jer mu je dobro poznato da je na pravcu s. Here - s. Uzdol bio
angažovan Samostalni prozorski bataljon, a ne jedinice iz Sarajeva.
4.) 06. 09. 1993. godine u Jablanicu je došao B. Alispahić sa 50 policajaca iz odreda „Lasta“ i na sastanku kojim rukovodi
R. Bilajac (ja se u to vrijeme sve do 09. 09. 1993. godine) nalazim na prostoru Konjica, Buturović polja, Dobrog Polja,
Voljevaca radi pripreme na glavnom pravcu napada), a kome su još prisutni Z. Suljević, V. Krić, Safet Idrizović, Enes
Kovačević i Safet Hindić, kaže: „Imate zeleno svijetlo od Predsjednika za navedenu operaciju radi pomoći Mostaru i ja
vam stavljam na raspolaganje odred ‘Lasta’ jačine 50 boraca.“
Svi prisutni su se tome obradovali i odmah ih planiraju upotrijebiti na pravcu napada prema Pločnom i Risovcu. U
toku noći bez objašnjenja i obavještavanja napušta Jablanicu, odlazi za Mostar i vodi sa sobom i cio odred „Lasta“, što
izaziva kod svih razočarenje i negodovanje.
5.) Isti dan, 06. 09. stižu jedinice iz Sarajeva i pošto su dobili zadatak već ranije da ih smjeste, R. Bilajac sa dijelom ekipe to
i radi po slijedećem: ojačanu četu iz 10. smještaju u školu u Jablanici; ojačanu četu iz 9. smještaju na izlazu
iz s. Grabovica južnije prema Mostaru u nekoliko napuštenih kuća, a ojačanu četu iz Samostalnog bataljona smješta-
ju na ulazu u s. Grabovica, kod stare željezničke stanice u 10-ak napuštenih kuća. Obje jedinice su na desnoj obali
Neretve, a jedinica Igmanski vukovi je već ranije bila smještena na lijevoj obali Neretve u barakama upravne zgrade
HE Grabovica. Dio ekipe ŠVK sa R. Bilajcem na čelu obilazi borce, vrše pripreme boraca i razgovor sa narodom uz za-
htjev borcima da budu korektni prema domaćinima i molbu domaćinima da budu tolerantni prema borcima. Prema
kazivanju članova Ekipe, atmosfera prilikom smještaja i boravka je bila korektna i nije bilo nikakvih znakova za bilo
kakav incident. Ovdje treba napomenuti da je veliki dio izbjeglica iz Hercegovine bio smješten na teritoriji opštine
Jablanica, približno oko 10.000, ali i selu Grabovci, po izvještaju Ekipe samo nekoliko starijih ljudi.
6.) 7/8. 09. 1993. godine, po izvještaju dijela Ekipe na čelu sa R. Bilajcem, događa se incident sa tragičnim posljedicama
u s. Grabovica o kojem Ekipa saznaje 08. 09. 1993. godine, oko 10 časova, od Džanković Namika, inače operativca u
upravi bezbjednosti ARBiH i člana Ekipe. Po njegovom izvještaju on je za to doznao u SJB Jablanica i istovremeno ih
upoznaje da organi SJB Jablanica rade na rasvjetljavanju tog tragičnog događaja. Ekipa ŠVK naređuje Namiku Džan-
koviću da se uključi u rad ekipe MUP-a na pronalaženju krivca.
7.) 09. 09. 1993. godine u popodnevnim časovima u Jablanici po dolasku iz Konjica i Dobrog Polja saznajem od istog
o svemu i odmah mu naređujem: Da izvjesti odmah Upravu bezbjednosti i R. Delića, da traži pomoć iz UB, da se on
lično sa organima bezbjednosti 44. (Jablaničke) uključi u rad ekipe MUP-a, da odmah zatraži da dođe načelnik
bezbjednosti 6. K pošto se taj tragični incident dogodio u zoni odgovornosti 6. K. Tad me on izvještava da je najveći
dio tih zadataka već sam uradio i na osnovu nadležnosti koju ima kao organ bezbjednosti i da će ih sve realizovati u
najkraćem roku. K-tima naređujem nastavak priprema za operaciju, a organi bezbjednosti rade svoj posao na prona-
laženju krivca.
8.) 10. 09. sa cijelom Ekipom ujutro rano odlazim na Dobro Polje i na sastanku na kom je prisutna cijela ekipa (bez Džan-
kovića) - K-t 6. K, K-t OG „Zapad“, K-ti brigada, vršimo posljednje pripreme za izvođenje operacije. Naveče u Konjicu u
Vojnoj bazi održava se sastanak kom su prisutni: B. Alispahić, R. Mahmutčehajić, Dr. S. Ćibo, V. Karić, razgovaramo o
nastavku operacije (zapravo priprema za operaciju, op. a.). B. Alispahić se zalaže da se operacija obustavi. Jednogla-
san zaključak svih je da se operacija nastavi. R. Delić odobrava takvu moju odluku.
9.) 12. 09. Početak operacije: na g/p (glavnom pravcu, op. a.) napada sve jedinice kreću na svim pravcima po dobijenim
zadacima, osim Samostalnog prozorskog bataljona koji nalazi izgovor da nije dobio naftu, i 13. 09. nakon preduzetih


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potentials. All the team members were present at the briefing: the Commander of GK, commander of the 45th Brigade
and commander of the Zulifikar Brigade. For the purpose of the operation I requested to be assigned: a helicopter
which ought to be based at the heliport in D. Jablanica. I asked the 3rd Corps commander to send me four 120 mm
mortars and the commanders of the second and third Corps to send me the necessary ammunition for the mortars.
I also asked the commander of the 1st Corps in Sarajevo to send me several thousand hand grenades and grenade
launchers and to transfer two additional pieces of artillery from Igman to Jablanica. Apart from the above listed, I
also requested munitions from the Igman factory in Konjic (ammunition 7.62, 7.9, 12.7, hand grenades and a few
mines for 60, 72 and 120 mm mortars). In the afternoon, we went together to Buturović Polje for an inspection and
preparation of the 45th Mountain Brigade for the operation. Later on, we went to Konjic, to the 6th Corps Command
where we were briefed on the extent to which the command and the units of the 6th Corps were ready for combat.
After that we went to the military base in Konjic to spend a night there and we parted on 5 September. R. DELIĆ and
his team went to Zenica and I stayed in Herzegovina to continue preparations for the Neretva 93 Operation. During
our stay, i.e. all day on 4 September and almost all the night between 4 and 5 September, we discussed the future
operation and we then again informed R. DELIĆ in the field of all the details of the operation and of which unit would
cover which line of attack. I will give just a summary here: 45th Mountain Brigade on the Šćipe-Gornja Blace-Prozor
line; 317th Mountain Brigade with 1/45 Mountain Brigade and Sutjeska Battalion on the main line of attack Voljevac
village-Crni Vrh - Makljen reinforced by the autonomous Prozor Battalion on the Here - Uzdol - Lug villages auxiliary
line of attack; the 45th Mountain Brigade (-1) engaged in combat with the HVO forces from the taken positions thus
assisting the 317th and 45th Mountain Brigade on the main line of attack Rajan (tt 1023) - Porlani village with the
auxiliary line of attack Divlja Grabovica - Pločno (tt 2226); the Reconnaissance and Sabotage Brigade, Zulifikar with
the Drežnica Battalion and forces from Sarajevo (one platoon from the 9th, one from the 10th Mountain Brigade
and one from the autonomous attacked on the main line of attack Kutac - Golubić - Vratnica villages and Vratnica-
Jašenjani - Mandići - Umac villages with the auxiliary line of attack Dotačne-Lozina-Pločno.
The first objective was to take control of Vrdi-Gradina Veliki Jelenik and the second was to penetrate the line Goranci
- Dubrani villages, etc.
3. On 5 September 1993, I wrote the necessary orders relevant to the engagement of the units and especially to the
collection of supplies and ammunition which was approved by R. DELIĆ. The relevant documentation about all this
exists and, of course, luckily there are many witnesses. It is more than obvious that R. DELIĆ did not make a “mistake”
by chance because he knows very well that the autonomous Prozor Battalion was engaged on the Here - Uzdol
villages line and not the forces from Sarajevo.
4. On 6 September 1993 B. ALISPAHIĆ came with 50 policemen from the Laste /swallows/ Detachment. At the meeting
chaired by R. BILAJAC (at that time I was in Konjic, Buturović Polje, Dobro Polje and Voljevac where I stayed until
9 September in order to prepare the main line of attack) which was also attended by Z. SULJEVIĆ, V. KRIĆ /Karić/,
Safet IDRIZOVIĆ, Enes KOVAČEVIĆ and Safet HINDIĆ, ALISPAHIĆ said: “the President gives you the green light for
the operation because Mostar needs help and I put at your disposal the Laste Detachment whose strength is 50
soldiers”. All those present were happy to hear that and planned to use them on the line of attack Pločno - Risovac.
During the night, without any explanation and without having informed anyone, he left Jablanica and to everyone’s
disappointment and displeasure he took the Laste with him.
5. On the same day, i.e. 6 September, units from Sarajevo arrived and since R. BILAJAC and a part of the team had
already received orders to assist them with the accommodation they did this according to the following plan: a
reinforced company of the 10th Mountain Brigade was put up in the school in Jablanica; a reinforced platoon from
the 9th Mountain Brigade was put up at several abandoned houses at the southern exit of Grabovica, in the direction
of Mostar and a reinforced platoon of the autonomous detachment was put up at about 10 abandoned houses near
the old railway station. Both units were on the right bank of the Neretva while the Igman wolves had already earlier
been deployed at the left bank of Neretva in the barracks of the Administration building of Grabovica hydro-electric
power-plant. A part of the ŠVK team headed by R. BILAJAC made a tour of units in order to prepare soldiers and talk to
people, asking the soldiers to be helpful to their hosts and asking the hosts to be tolerant with the soldiers. It should
be noted that there was a large number of refugees from Herzegovina resettled in the Jablanica municipality, about
10,000 approximately but also in Grabovci /Grabovica/ village where according to the report by the team there were
only a couple of elderly people.
6. On 7 and 8 September 1993, according to a report from a team headed by R. BILAJAC, an incident with tragic
consequences took place in the village of Grabovica. Our team found out about it on 8 September 1993, at around 1000


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mjera sve jedinice kreću na zadatak, a Prozorski bataljon ulazi u s. Uzdol iz koga oko 11 sati biva potisnut zbog jakog
protivnapada snaga HVO. Tek nakon nekoliko dana saznajemo da je Samostalni prozorski bataljon u s. Uzdol počinio
neke nedozvoljene radnje. Zbog činjenica da nije 12. 09. na vrijeme krenuo na izvršenje zadatka naredio sam da sa
komandantom S. p. (Samostalnog prozorskog) bataljona 12., 13. i 14. 09. boravi Z. Suljević (ime Z. Suljević dopisano je
rukom, op. a.), a R. Bilajac i V. Karić na KM (komandnom mjestu) Voljevac sa K-tom 317. Ja sam 13. 09. do popodne
pratio tok borbenih dejstava na području Jablanica, a predveče došao na KM 317. U s. Voljevci sam primio izvje-
štaj o toku b/a na tom pravcu i o toku b/d na pravcu OG „Zapad“ koja je veoma uspješno izvodila b/d ka Vilića Guvnu.
10.) Ukupni rezultati operacija su impresivni. Po izvještaju UNPROFOR-a BiH Armija je napredovala i oslobodila preko 450
km2. Rezultati operacije bili bi još bolji, naročito u drugoj etapi da nije bilo vidljive i nevidljive opstrukcije iz Sarajeva,
no o tome drugi put.
11.) Dana 20. 09. 1993. godine i u izvještaju koji sam dostavio sa prijedlozima mjera koji su ocjenjeni kao veoma radikalni,
a koji su dostavljeni Predsjedništvu R BiH, K-tu ŠVK, ministru U.P., Ministarstvu odbrane i Izvršnom odboru SDA pod
tačkom 3. stoji: „Komandanta Prozorskog bataljona pozvati na odgovornost, a nakon toga uputiti OG „Istok“ na novu
dužnost, jer je isti (Buza Enver) rodom iz Visokog i prosto nam je bilo neshvatljivo otkud on tamo. Međutim, i pored
mog prijedloga za njegove smjenjivanje i pozivanje na odgovornost isti ostaje na dužnosti da bi kasnije bio činovan
sa činom majora i vraćen u Visoko (ne znam na koju dužnost). Zar je ovdje bilo kakav komentar potreban.
12.) U svom ukupnom radu i djelovanju od početka u okviru PL (Patriotske lige), a kasnije TO i ARBiH, ne skrivajući ni
jednoga trenutka svoju nacionalnu i vjersku pripadnost, zalagao sam se za „Bosanski“ karakterArmije, naročito svuda
i na svakom mjestu upozoravao, a i po potrebi energično se suprostavljao svakom obliku ispoljavanja revanšizma,
bilo verbalnog, bilo praktičnog. U toku priprema pa čak i u susretu sa izbjeglicama od kojih je bilo veoma radikalnih
zahtjeva, na svakom mjestu sam govorio: Da Armija koja se sveti nad nedužnima i nemoćnima neće nikad moći
računati na pobjedu, da je karakter naše Armije po ciljevima za koje se borimo - cjelovita i demokratska BiH, (da se
njene pripadnike) mora vidjeti i doživljavati ih kao zaštitnike, a ne osvetnike. Novinar Oslobođenja Ševko Hodžić je
na nekoliko mjesta prilikom susreta sa izbjeglicama i sa borcima Armije BiH to i sam na audio traci zabilježio i o tome
pisao u Oslobođenju. O svemu ovome pored ovog zapisa postoji još veliki broj svjedoka. Pripisivati meni ono što je
protivno mom uvjerenju, mojem praktičnom djelovanju je tendenciozno i sračunato na diskreditaciju moje ličnosti
i to od onih koji su do 15. aprila ili 15. maja vršili pripremu za agresiju, a i učestvovali u agresiji na svoju državu i svoj
narod. Meni je jasno što im JA smetam, nije mi jasno što to i Vama nije jasno, gospodine Predsjedniče.
Sve unaprijed navedene činjenice bile su poznate R. Deliću i ako se iz naprijed iznijetog, a o čemu postoji sva potreb-
na dokumentacija, nedvosmisleno jasno (vidi):
Da operacija „Neretva – 93“ nije bila nikakva privatna operacija „nego operacija koja je planirana u GŠ“ i koju je R. Delić
odobrio svojim potpisom i pečatom;
Da je na pravcu s. Here - Uzdol napad izvodio samo Samostalni prozorski bataljon i da sam odmah predlagao njegovu
(zapovjednikovu) odgovornost i njegovo smjenjivanje, a njemu je R. Delić dao čin majora i amnestirao ga odgovor-
nosti pripisujući meni krivicu bez ikakvog osnova;
Da su na prostoru s. Grabovica bile smještene dvije jedinice iz Sarajeva pa je više nego očigledno da je izabran metod
šutnje o odgovornosti pravih počinilaca nečasnih dijela da bi se indirektno odgovornost pripisala meni i na taj način
stvorili u javnom mjenju utisak odgovornosti, a u dijelu Hrvatskog naroda prikazati me kao ratnog zločinca - bez
ikakvog razloga i osnova. Nadležni organi, siguran sam, poimenično znaju ko je za šta odgovoran, ali „Nevidljivoj
ruci“ odgovara da se krivci ne otkriju jer je to način da me drže u stanju u kakvom jesam „Na raspolaganju“. Metodom
zamjene teza zamagljuje se istina i skrivaju pravi krivci.
Gospodine Predsjedniče,
Ja lično ne tražim ništa, ni čin, ni položaj, ni funkciju. Hoću samo ono što je moje, a to je čist obraz i ništa više. Molim Vas,
da Vašim neospornim autoritetom utičete da se izjava data na navedenim mjestima adekvatno demantuje i ujedno Vas
molim da utičete da se pravi krivci pronađu i adekvatno kazne zarad istine, naše borbe, obraza našeg naroda i naravno
radi Vas. Ovo Vam sve pišem jer znam Vaše plemenite stavove kada je u pitanju, Istina, Pravda i Sloboda.

Sarajevo, 01.05. 1995. godine

Sefer Halilović


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 582 4.2.2020. 18:37:40

Ante Nazor • PART II

hours, from Namik DŽANKOVIĆ, otherwise known as an operative in the Security Service of the BH Army and a member
of the team. According to his report, he learned about it from the Jablanica SJB /Public Security Station/ and at the same
time, he told them that the policemen of Jablanica SJB were working in order to shed some light on the tragic incident.
The ŠVK team ordered Namik DŽANKOVIĆ to get involved in the work of the MUP team to look for the perpetrator.
7. In the afternoon of 9 September 1993, I learned this from him in Jablanica after returning from Konjic and Dobro
Polje, and ordered him immediately to inform the UB /Security Department/ and R. DELIĆ; to ask for help from the
UB; become personally involved in the MUP team work, together with members of the 44th Jablanica Mountain
Brigade; and to ask for the head of security of the 6th Corps to come because the tragic incident took place in its zone
of responsibility but I also did this on the basis of their authority as a security body so that they would carry them all
out as soon as possible. I ordered the commanders to continue with the preparations for the action while the security
bodies were working on finding the perpetrators.
8. On 10 September, I went with the whole team to Dobro Polje, where there was a meeting attended by the whole team
except for DŽANKOVIĆ. The Commander of the 6th Corps, the Commander of the OG /Operations Group/ “Zapad”
(West), and the Commanders of the brigades. We made the final preparations for the operation. A meeting was held
in the evening, in the military base in Konjic and it was attended by: B. ALISPAHIĆ, R. MAHMUTČEHAJIĆ, Dr S. ČIBO
and V. KARIĆ. We talked about the continuation of the operation. B. ALISPAHIĆ was in favor of ending the operation.
The unanimous decision of the others was to resume the operation. R. DELIĆ approved of my decision.
9. On 12 September, the operation began: on the main line of the attack, all units set off in all directions according to
the instructions they had been given, except for the Independent Prozor Battalion which used the excuse of not
having received fuel. On 13 September, after completing preparations, all of the units went to carry out their tasks
while the Prozor Battalion entered the village of Uzdol from where it was repulsed at around 1100 hours by a strong
HVO counterattack. It was only several days later that we found out that the Independent Prozor Battalion committed
some unlawful acts in the village of Uzdol. Because they did not set off at the same time to complete their tasks as
everyone else on 12 September, I ordered Z. SULJEVIĆ to remain with the Commander of the Independent Prozor
Battalion on 12, 13 and 14 September, while R. BILAJAC and V. KARIĆ were to remain at the KM /Command Post/
Voljevac with the commander of the 317th Mountain Brigade. On 13 September, I followed the course of the combat
in the Jablanica region until the afternoon, and in the evening, I arrived at the KM of the 317th Mountain Brigade. In
the village of Voljevci I received a report about the combat activity in the area and about the combat assignments in
the area of OG “Zapad” which had been very successfully carried out in the direction of Vilić Guvno.
10. All the results of the operations were impressive. According to the UNPROFOR report, the BH Army made progress
and liberated more than 450 sq. km. The results of the operation could have been even better if there had been no
visible and hidden obstacles from Sarajevo, but that is another story.
11. On 20 September 1993, I submitted in a report certain proposals for measures that were considered radical, and this was
submitted to the Presidency of the RBH, to the Commander of ŠVK, the Minister of the Interior, the Defence Ministry and
the Executive Board of the SDA /Party of Democratic Action/. Under item 3, I have suggested that: “The commander of
the Prozor Battalion must be called to account and then sent to the OG Istok /East/ to carry out new duties” because the
very same Enver BUZA is originally from Visoko and it was hard to understand why he was there at all.
However, despite my insistence that he should be replaced and called to account he remained in his post, was later
given the rank of major and returned to Visoko (I do not know to which post). Is any further comment needed?
12. From the beginning, throughout my whole career and activities, initially in the PL /Patriotic League/ and later in the
TO /Territorial Defence/ and the BH Army, I never hid my national and religious identity. I campaigned for the Army
to have a Bosnian character and everywhere I warned against any form of reprisal either verbal or physical. During
preparations, even in meetings with refugees, from whom there were sometimes truly radical demands, I always said
that the army that took revenge against the innocent and the helpless could never be victorious, that the character
of the army was defined by the objectives that we were fighting for - a unified and democratic BH. People had to see
the Army as protectors not as avengers. Ascribing to me something that goes against my convictions and my actions
has been deliberately calculated to discredit me.
R. DELIĆ knew all of the above-mentioned facts which are contained in the relevant files. The following is clear:
- That Operation “Neretva - 93” was not a “private operation” but an operation planned by the Main Staff, approved by
R. DELIĆ with his signature and seal;
- That in the area from the village of Here to the village of Uzdol the attack was carried by the Independent Prozor
Battalion only, I immediately proposed that the commander be called to account and replaced while R. DELIĆ
promoted him and exonerated him and put the blame on me for no reason at all;


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 583 4.2.2020. 18:37:41

Ante Nazor • II DIO

Deklaracija o oživotvorenju Sporazuma iz Washingtona, zajedničkoj obrani RBiH i RH od srpske agresije

i postizanju političkog rješenja sukladno naporima međunarodne zajednice, Split, 22. srpnja 1995.

22-JUL-1995 23:32 FROM TO 001427594 P.02/05.

Izaslanstvo Republike Hrvatske predvođeno Predsjednikom Republike Hrvatske dr. Franjom Tuđmanom, izaslanstvo Re-
publike Bosne i Hercegovine i Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine predvođeno Predsjednikom Predsjedništva Republike Bo-
sne i Hercegovine Alijom Izetbegovićem i Predsjednikom Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine Krešimirom Zubakom, nakon
razgovora u Splitu, dana 22. srpnja 1995. godine usvojili su

o oživotvorenju Sporazuma iz Washingtona, zajedničkoj obrani od
srpske agresije i postizanju političkog rješenja sukladno
naporima međunarodne zajednice
Potvrđujući čvrsto opredjeljenje i političku volju za jačanje suradnje i savezništva hrvatskog i bošnjačkog naroda u sud-
bonosnim trenucima za opstojnost dvaju naroda suočenih s pojačavanjem nasilja na okupiranim područjima u Hrvatskoj
i Bosni i Hercegovini, s neizvjesnošću mirovnog procesa i s nedjelotvornošću međunarodne zajednice;
Utvrđujući da su zaposjedanje i napadi na “zaštićene zone” UN u Bosni i Hercegovini i zajedničke vojne operacije bosan-
skih i hrvatskih Srba protiv “zaštićene zone” UN u Bihaću, oružane provokacije u drugim područjima Hrvatske i Bosne
i Hercegovine, te odbijanje svakog mirovnog plana sa strane bosanskih i hrvatskih Srba, dio jedinstvene i zajedničke
strategije nastavka agresije i pokušaja zadržavanja okupiranih područja Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine u cilju stvaranja
“Velike Srbije”, pod vodstvom i uz punu odgovornost političkog i vojnog vrha “SRJ” (Srbije i Crne Gore);
Utvrđujući da nastavak agresije i nasilnih pokušaja zadržavanja okupiranih područja u Bosni i Hercegovini i Hrvatskoj, te
nedostatni rezultati mirovnog procesa, nalažu vodstvima Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine da temeljito i cjelovito razmotre
stanje u regiji sa stanovišta očuvanja nacionalne opstojnosti hrvatskog i bošnjačkog naroda i teritorijalne cjelovitosti
Republike Hrvatske i Republike Bosne i Hercegovine;
Iskazujući neopozivu potporu provedbi Sporazuma iz Washingtona o uspostavi Federacije, te o njenom konfederalnom
povezivanju s Republikom Hrvatskom;
Uvjereni da je takva snažna, međunarodno afirmirana, teritorijalno održiva, gospodarski razvijena i demokratski uređena
Federacija nezamjenjiv državno-politički okvir, povijesni interes i najsigurniji oblik zaštite i ostvarivanja jednakopravnih
nacionalnih, političkih i drugih interesa hrvatskog i bošnjačkog naroda;
Uvjereni također da se na osnovi ostvarenja takve Federacije hrvatskog i bošnjačkog naroda može uz pomoć međuna-
rodne zajednice postići rješenje krize i postaviti temelj novog uravnoteženog regionalnog poretka kao jamstva mira,
stabilnosti, sigurnosti i razvoja;
Pozivajući hrvatske Srbe da preispitaju aktualnu militantnu politiku i prihvate mirnu reintegraciju u ustavni poredak Re-
publike Hrvatske, a bosanske Srbe da prihvate plan Kontaktne skupine;
Pozivajući “SRJ” (Srbiju i Cmu Goru) da odustane od agresije radi stvaranja “Velike Srbije”, prestane pružati vojnu pomoć
ekstremistima u Kninu i na Palama i pristupi međusobnom priznanju u međunarodno priznatim granicama Republike
Hrvatske i Republike Bosne i Hercegovine;
Potvrđujući spremnost na djelatni doprinos naporima za hitno oživljavanje mirovnog procesa na temelju prihvaćanja Pla-
na Kontaktne skupine u Bosni i Hercegovini, te mirne reintegracije privremeno okupiranih teritorija Republike Hrvatske;
Ističući posebno da će svako produženje postojeće neučinkovitosti UNPROFOR-a u Bosni i Hercegovini, te neprimjenji-
vanje mandata UNCRO u Hrvatskoj voditi odluci o otkazivanju produžetka mandata u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini;
Podržavajući odluku o upućivanju Snaga za brzo djelovanje i zajednički utvrđujući da sva pitanja njihova dolaska, man-
data i raspoređivanja trebaju biti uređena posebnim sporazumom sukladnim suverenitetu i teritorijalnoj cjelovitosti Re-
publike Hrvatske i Republike Bosne i Hercegovine;
Ističući zajednički stav da odluka o ukidanju embarga na oružje treba istodobno biti primijenjena na Bosnu i Hercegovinu
i na Hrvatsku;


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 584 4.2.2020. 18:37:42

Ante Nazor • PART II

- That in the area of the village of Grabovica there were two units from Sarajevo so it was obvious that the method of
shifting responsibility had been chosen to conceal the real culprits in order to put the responsibility on to me and
influence public opinion in such a way as to create the impression of my responsibility, as well as to denounce me as
a war criminal to some Croats - without any reason or basis for it. I am sure that the authorities knew exactly who was
responsible, but the “invisible hand” did not want the culprits to be discovered because it was a way of keeping me -
“available”. By switching the blame, the truth was covered up while the real culprits remained hidden.
Mr President,
Personally, I am not asking for anything, not for a rank, nor a position nor a post. I only want what is mine by right and that
is to clear my name and nothing else. I ask you to use your unquestioned authority to ensure that the statement made in
the aforementioned places be adequately refuted and I am also asking you to ensure that the real culprits are found and
are properly punished in the name of truth, our struggle, and our people’s name and for your own sake. I am writing all
this to you because I am familiar with your noble beliefs when truth, justice and freedom are in question.

Sarajevo, 1 May 1995

Declaration on the implementation of the Washington Agreement, joint defense against Serb
aggression and reaching a political solution congruent with the efforts of the international
community, Split, 22 July 1995

The delegation of the Republic of Croatia, led by the President of Croatia dr. Franjo Tuđman, the delegation of the Republic
of Bosnia-Herzegovina led by the President of the Presidency or the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina Alija Izetbegović and
by the President of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina Krešimir Zubak, after their talks in Split on July 22nd, adopted a


on the implementation of the Washington Agreement, joint defense against Serb

aggression and reaching a political solution congruent with
the efforts of the international community

Confirming their strong commitment and political will to strengthen the cooperation and alliance of the Croatian and
Bosniac nations in these fateful moments for the survival of both nations, faced with the increasing violence in the
occupied territories of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the uncertainty of the peace process and the inefficacy
of the international community;
Having established that the occupying of and the attacks on the UN “safe areas” in Bosnia- Herzegovina and the joint
operations by the Bosnian and Croatian Serbs against the UN “safe area” in Bihać, the armed provocations in other areas of
Croatia and Bosnia and Bosnia- Herzegovina, as well as the refusal of all peace plans by the Bosnian and Croatian Serbs, are
part of a unified and joint strategy of continuing aggression and attempt to maintain occupation of territories in Croatia
and Bosnia-Herzegovina with the aim to create a “Great Serbia”, under the leadership and with the full responsibility of
the political and army leadership of the “FRY” (Serbia and Montenegro);
Having established that the continued aggression and violent attempts to keep control of the occupied territories in Bosnia-
Herzegovina and Croatia, as well as the inadequate results of the peace process, command the leaders of Croatia and Bosnia-
Herzegovina to fully examine the situation in the region from the stand-point of safeguarding the national survival of the
Croatian and Bosniac people and the territorial integrity of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina;
Expressing their irrevocable support to the implementation of the Washington Agreement on the establishment of the
Federation, as well as its confederal linking to the Republic of Croatia;
Convinced that such a strong, internationally established, territorially viable, economically developed and democratically
organized Federation is an irreplaceable governmental and political framework, the historical interest and the safest form
of security and realization of equal national, political and other interests of the Croatian and Bosniac nations;


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 585 4.2.2020. 18:37:44

Ante Nazor • II DIO

Uvjereni da “SRJ” (Srbija i Cma Gora) snosi posebnu odgovornost za nastavak krize i smatrajući da je potrebno održati i
osnažiti režim sankcija Vijeća sigurnosti UN;
Odbijajući zamisli o obnavljanju ili uspostavi bilo kakve nove “jugoslavenske” državne zajednice, smatrajući ih upored-
nom i rezervnom varijantom velikosrpske hegemonije, te podupirući normalizaciju u regiji na osnovi suverenosti, neovi-
snosti i cjelovitosti;
Potvrđujući interes za hitnom provedbom navedenih načela Deklaracije, dogovoreno je:
1. Proširenje i jačanje obrambene suradnje na temelju Sporazuma o prijateljstvu i suradnji između Republike Hrvatske
i Republike Bosne i Hercegovine od 21. srpnja 1992. godine.
U tom pogledu Republika i Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine uputile su Republici Hrvatskoj poziv da pruži hitnu vojnu
i drugu pomoć u obrani od agresije, posebice u području Bihaća, što je Republika Hrvatska prihvatila.
Dogovoren je nastavak suradnje i stalna koordinacija obrambenih djelatnosti između Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine.
Dogovorena je i suradnja Glavnog stožera Hrvatske vojske sa Združenim stožerom ARBH i HVO radi koordinacije
obrambenih djelovanja u oblasti zapovijedanja, logistike, vojno-industrijske proizvodnje, komunikacijskih sustava,
informacijsko-analitičkih potreba i drugim oblastima.
2. Osnivanje političko-pravne stručne skupine sa zadaćom da hitno analizira i predloži rješenja za integriranje funkcija
vlasti Republike i Federacije BiH;
3. Upućivanje poziva za sastanak skupine 22 zemlje članice “Prijatelja Federacije” na visokoj razini radi hitnih donacija i
pomoći u suočavanju s humanitarnom i izbjegličkom katastrofom i razmatranja trajne zajedničke strategije obnove i
4. Održavanje redovnih i stalnih političkih konzultacija radi ostvarivanja načela i dogovora ove Deklaracije, te priprema-
nja pravnih, političkih i drugih osnova za uspostavu konfederalnih veza s Republikom Hrvatskom;

Dr. Franjo Tuđman [v.r.] Alija Izetbegović [v.r.]

Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske Predsjednik Predsjedništva
Republike BiH

Krešimir Zubak [v.r.]

Predsjednik Federacije BiH
Haris Silajdžić [v.r.]
Predsjednik Vlade BiH


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Ante Nazor • PART II

Convinced also that on the basis of the realization of such a Federation of the Croatian and Bosniac nations and with the
assistance of the international community, a solution to the crisis can be reached and the ground laid for a new, balanced
regional order as a guarantee of peace, stability, security and development;
Calling on the Croatian Serbs to reexamine their current militant policy and to accept the peaceful reintegration in the
constitutional order of the Republic of Croatia, and the Bosnian Serbs to accept the Contact Group plan;
Calling on the “FRY” (Serbia and Montenegro) to give up aggression with the aim of creating a “Great Serbia”, to stop giving
military assistance to the extremists in Knin and in Pale and to agree to the mutual recognition of the Republic of Croatia
and the Republic of Bosnia- Herzegovina within their internationally recognized borders;
Confirming their readiness to actively contribute to the efforts towards an urgent revival of the peace process on the basis
of acceptance of the Contact Group Plan in Bosnia-Herzegovina as well as the peaceful reintegration of the temporarily
occupied territories of the Republic of Croatia;
Underlying in particular that any prolongation of the existing ineffectiveness of UNPROFOR in Bosnia-Herzegovina as
well as the non-application of the UNCRO mandate in Croatia will lead to the decision to call off the prolongation of their
mandate in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina;
Supporting the decision to send Rapid Reaction Forces and jointly establishing that all questions concerning their arrival,
mandate and deployment must be organized by way of a special agreement in accordance with the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina;
Underlying the common viewpoint that any decision on lifting of arms embargo must be applied simultaneously to
Bosnia-Herzegovina and to Croatia;
Convinced that the “FRY” (Serbia and Montenegro) carries a special responsibility for the continuation of the crisis and
judging that it is necessary to maintain and reinforce the United Nations Security Council sanctions system;
Refusing ideas about renewing or creating any kind of new “Yugoslav” state community, considering them to be parallel
and spare variations of Great-Serbian hegemony, and supporting normalization in the region on the basis of sovereignty
independence and integrity;
Confirming their interest in the urgent implementation of the aforementioned principles of the Declaration, agreement
has been reached on:
1. Widening and strengthening of the defense cooperation on the basis of the Agreement on friendship and cooperation
between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Bosnia- Herzegovina of July 21st 1992.
In this respect, the Republic and the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina have called upon the Republic of Croatia to
extend urgent military and other assistance in the defense against aggression, especially in the area of Bihac, which
the Republic of Croatia has accepted.
Agreement has also been reached on the continuation of cooperation and constant coordination of defense activities
between Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Agreement has been reached as well as on the cooperation between the main headquarters of the Croatian Army
and the joint headquarters of the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Croatian Defense Council for the sake of
coordination of defense activities in the areas of command, logistics, military-industrial production, communication
systems, information and analytical needs and other areas.
2. Creation of a political-legal expert group with the duty to urgently analyze and submit proposals for the integration
of the functions of the Republic and Federation of Bosnia- Herzegovina authorities.
3. Addressing an invitation for a meeting of the group of 22 member states of the “Friends of the Federation” on the
highest level, in view of urgent donations and assistance in the face of the humanitarian and refuge catastrophe and
to examine long-term joint reconstruction and development strategies.
4. Maintaining regular and constant political consultations aiming at the realization of the principles and agreements of
this Declaration, as well as the preparation of legal, political and other foundations for the establishment of confederal
ties with the Republic of Croatia.

Dr. Franjo Tuđman Alija Izetbegović

President of the Republic of Croatia President of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia- Herzegovina

Krešimir Zubak Haris Silajdžić

President of the Federation Prime Minister of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
of Bosnia-Herzegovina


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 587 4.2.2020. 18:37:47

Ante Nazor • II DIO



Hrvatske su snage oslobodile Korenicu, Petri•
nju, Obrovac, Slunj, Plaski, Vrhovine, Cetin•
grad, Otric, Bruvno, Plitvice, Plitvicka jezera,
Novi Licki Osik, Medak ...
UH~!~~J:i~,R~g,s~~tAM~~~TAR M~•,,,;;;6
I\IIA. V~ta !U lnterv~ncija _HV•~ ~~!~:?.
I OllONAC AMilKi spaslla 81~~~
•nt Pftdlildnlka Cllntona, Hrvatska postaJa
. . . . . _ u rJtilllJu balkanske krlza, pa
tomedl u

Naslovnica Slobodne Dalmacije, ponedjeljak, 7. kolovoza 1995.; istaknuti naslovi: Predsjednik Tuđman: “TEHNIKA SE MOŽE KUPITI, ALI
OVAKVI VOJNICI NE”; Odjeci operacije Oluja: Hrvatska – vojna sila i oslonac Amerike (prema ocjeni predsjednika Clintona, Hrvatska postaje
glavnim čimbenikom u rješenju balkanske krize, pa i osloncem SAD u tome dijelu svijeta); Muhamed Šaćirbegović, ministar vanjskih poslova
BiH: Intervencija HV-a spasila Bihać.

Slobodna Dalmacija, front page, Monday, August 7, 1995; headlines: President Tuđman:
Reactions to Operation Storm: Croatia – a Military Force to be Reckoned With and a Factor USA Can Rely On (according to President Clinton
Croatia has become the main player in resolving the Balkan crisis and as such is America’s trump card in this part of the world); Muhamed
Šaćirbegović, Foreign Affairs Minister of BiH: Croatian Army’s intervention saved Bihać.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 588 4.2.2020. 18:37:49

Ante Nazor • PART II


Kako se zivi u
Kninu 40 dana KRALJEVSKOM
oslobodenja Pisu: MARIO MARus1c ; IVAN SABrc

W-•.a LVI. Broj 17218 Zagreb, p e tak, 15. IX. 1995. Cijena 3,5 k1
Naslovnica Vjesnika, petak, 15. rujna 1995.: SLOBODA U KRALJEVSKOM GRADU – Jajce, Drvar i Šipovo u hrvatskim rukama.
Vjesnik, front page, Friday, September 15, 1995: FREEDOM IN THE SEAT OF MEDIEVAL KINGS – Jajce, Drvar and Šipovo in Croatian hands.
Neupitan hrvatski trag – dokaz čvrstoga hr-
vatskog korijenja: romanički zvonik sv. Luke u
Jajcu (iz reportaže o oslobođenom Jajcu, pod
naslovom „Sloboda u hrvatskome kraljev-
skom gradu“, Vjesnik, petak, 15. rujna 1995.,
str.  16, 33).

Indisputably Croatian – proof of strong Dio naslovnice Večernjeg lista, četvrtak, 14. rujna 1995.: OSLOBOĐENI
Croatian origins: Romanesque tower of the JAJCE, DRVAR I ŠIPOVO – veliki uspjesi hrvatskih snaga na kupreškom,
Church of Saint Luke in Jajce (from an article glamočkom i drvarskom bojištu.
about the liberation of the city of Jajce, enti-
tled Freedom in the seat of Croatian Medieval A part of the front page, Večernji list, Thursday, September 14, 1995:
Kings, Vjesnik, Friday, September 15, 1995, JAJCE, DRVAR AND ŠIPOVO LIBERATED – signal successes of the Cro-
page 16, 33). atian forces on the Kupres, Glamoč and Drvar fronts.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 589 4.2.2020. 18:37:53

Zemljovidi • Maps

Ethnic . . in the F~o~r~m~e:_

Map D Compos1t1011 r ~Yugoslavia,
'.!e::::.:__ _ _
Narodnosni sastav SFRJ, 1991.
Ethnic Composition in the former
Yugoslavia, 1991.
In percent Others 3.9\
arians 1.9\
Mon~un~~rins2~.5\ \ ,.-Serbs 36 -3
Yugoslavs" s. 4--..
Macedonians 5.9 -

Albanians 7.7../

Slovenes . _/ "-croats 19.7
a Yugoslavs are /hos_e
in the
are who
/is red aero



Plan napadne operacije JNA, rujan – listopad 1991.

JNA Strategic Offensive Plan, September - October 1991.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 590 4.2.2020. 18:37:55

Zemljovidi • Maps

Operacija Bljesak, svibanj 1995.
Operation Flash, May 1995.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 591 4.2.2020. 18:37:58

Zemljovidi • Maps




~ ------ 142Homo ~ f&Hom1 De1. g ~1

'•sibenik"f f A

.,, .

Operacija Oluja, kolovoz 1995.

Operation Storm, August 1995.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 592 4.2.2020. 18:38:03

Zemljovidi • Maps


C R 0 • T I A
Zapadna Bosna, rujan – listopad 1995. (operacije Maestral i Južni potez).
Western Bosnia, September – October 1995 (Operations Maestral and Južni potez).

C r oat i a
VRS-c ontrollod area
HV/HVO-controlled are.!
D AR8 1H •cont rollc::I am a
..) <ii?,,..- , ,; BiH, 20. listopada 1995.
- -. ~Ot,' '~•
Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 20, 1995.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 593 4.2.2020. 18:38:15

Zemljovidi • Maps


The Municipalities ,,_,

of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 199,U

50 100
Map 2 - -==- -== Km
Općine BiH, 1991.
The Municipalities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1991.

D BoundaryofCroaiianCominuoities

- ~r~::c1t~1!i:;;~:a~;,~~:l~~)
~ ~::ci~~~~;7i~~s~{:!a~~)
c=J ~~~ii~~~}:i;i;:!:1!~~~~:cSln)
lIIIIIlIIIl ~~~;i~;~~J:i1:i;~e:s~~:~';O%)
- ~~i~:~j:::;,(;~~1:; t~:~,~~k) Montenegro

~ ~:i~~:::;.\~~~1~:1~;\ Ethnic Composition ,

of Bosnia and Herzegovina, J9QJ '
i:-· --
50 100
Map 9 Km

Narodnosni sastav BiH.

Ethnic Composition of BiH.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 594 4.2.2020. 18:38:17

Zemljovidi • Maps

[ I ] Krajina
[I] Northern Bos nia
CT] Somberija
~ Romanija-BiraC
[I] Hercegovina
c:::J Boundary of Croatian Communities
"A,publishedinOlfocialGazcucoftheBo,.nianSerbPoop lc Montenegro
inBosniaand Herzegovina,No.lJanuary 1992."

Bosnian Serb
ADRIA TIC S£A Autonomous Areas (SAO)

50 100
Map 7 Km
Srpske autonomne oblasti u BiH (SAO), 1991.
Bosnian Serb Autonomous Areas (SAO), 1991.

[I] South-East Herzegovina Operational Zo ne
~ North-West Herzegovina Operational Zone
CI] Central Bosnia Operational Zone

~ Posavina Operational Zone

Source: Exhibit No. 00416 - Order Fonning Zones of Operations.
Municipalities shown as stated in the order with the add ition
of Vares and th ose of the Posavina OZ.
Armed Forces of Herceg-Bosna -;
Operational Zones __ /
50 100
August 199;
Map 13 Km

Operativne zone HVO-a.

Armed Forces of Herzeg Bosna Operational Zones, August 1992.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 595 4.2.2020. 18:38:18

Zemljovidi • Maps

c:J Boundary of Croatian Comm unities

CJ ~r~:!c1~~~\~~i~; ~i::a~:r~~:~\~~%)

Based on 199 1 Census

ADRIATIC SEA with a Relative or Absolute
Croat Majority
50 100
Map 8 Km
Općine sa apsolutnom ili relativnom većinom Hrvata.
Municipalities with a Relative or Absolute Croat Majority.


The Croatian Communities- .

of Herceg-Bosna
and Bosanska Posavina" 199-Ji
50 100
Map 3 Km

Hrvatska zajednica Herceg-Bosna i Bosanska Posavina, 1991.

The Croatian Communities of Herceg-Bosna and Bosanska Posavina, 1991.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 596 4.2.2020. 18:38:20

Zemljovidi • Maps


The Banovina,1939 " . ..

and Croatian Communities, 199,U

50 100
Map 6 Km
Banovina Hrvatska, 1939., i Hrvatske zajednice, 1991.
The Banovina, 1939 and Croatian Communities, 1991.


The Banovina, 1939'··

(showing BiH Municipaliti~.s.)

Banovina Hrvatska, 1939. (prikaz općina u BiH koje je obuhvatila).

The Banovina 1939 (showing BiH municipalities).


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 597 4.2.2020. 18:38:22

Zemljovidi • Maps

~ MuslimAreas

Serb A reas
Croat Areas

[=:r=J Mixed (Sarajevo)


The Vance-Owen Peace Plan

2 January 1993
50 100
Map 11 Km
Vance-Owenov mirovni plan, siječanj 1993.
The Vance-Owen Peace Plan, January 1993.

Zemljovid Vance-Owenova mirovnog plana, verzija UN-a iz

siječnja 1993. / Promijenjeni zemljovid Vance-Owenova mirov- ZA BiH (4. sijecnja 1993.)
nog plana, 25. ožujka 1993.
U odnosu na prijedlog iz siječnja 1993., općine Vareš, Visoko,
Breza i dio općine Kakanj su u ožujku 1993. „zbog duboke i pos-
tojane naklonosti Hrvata prema Varešu zbog biskupije, prem-
ještene iz provincije 9 s muslimanskom većinom u provinciju 7
(Sarajevo), u kojoj je bio potreban konsenzus o svim odlukama“,
a istodobno je „bosanskim muslimanima omogućen pristup
rijeci Savi“ (prema izjavi veleposlanika Herberta Okuna, po-
moćnika supredsjedatelja Međunarodne konferencije o bivšoj
Jugoslaviji Cyrusa Vancea – IT-04-74: 16790-16791; Miroslav
Tuđman, Haški krivolov, Zagreb, 2019., 304-305).

Vance-Owen peace plan, UN version, January, 1993/ Altered

map of Vance-Owen peace plan, March 25, 1993
In March 1993 the Vance-Owen plan of January, 1993, was al-
tered. The municipalities of Vareš, Visoko and Breza, and parts
of the Kakanj Municipality, up to that point under the jurisdic- TUMAC
tion of predominantly Muslim Province 7 (Sarajevo) , were, due
to the Croats’ deep attachment to Vareš on account of the dio-
(p rovincije 3,8, 10)
cese, placed under the jurisdiction of Province 9 where consen- (p rovincije 1,5,9)
sus regarding all decisions was required and at the same time
the Bosnian Muslims were given access to the Sava River (ac- D SRBI
(provin cije 2,4,6)

cording to the statement made by Herbert Okun, co-chairman

of the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia - IT-

04-74: 16790-16791; Miroslav Tuđman, Haški krivolov, Zagreb, Promijenjeni Vance-Owenov mirovni plan, ožujak 1993.
2019, pp.304-305).
Altered Map of Vance-Owen Peace Plan, March 1993.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 598 4.2.2020. 18:38:23

Zemljovidi • Maps

N Cutileirov mirovni plan, ožujak 1992.

A The Cutileiro Peace Plan, March 1992.


L_J Mus lim Areas

- SerbArt"as

Croat Areas

The Culileiro Plan
March 1992
Map 10

0 50 100

Owen-Stoltenbergov mirovni plan,

A kolovoz 1993.

The Owen-Stoltenberg Peace Plan,

August 1993.
~ MuslirnA reas

- ScrbAreas

c= CroatAreas

~ SpecialStatus Zone-,

The Owen-Stoltenberg Plan
August 1993
so 100
Map 12 Km

Zemljovid prema Owen-Stoltenbergovom mirovnom planu, kolovoz 1993.

Manji teritorij predviđen za hrvatsku provinciju, u odnosu na Vance-Owenov plan, odraz je tadašnjeg stanja na terenu, koje se promijenilo od
siječnja 1993., jer je Armija RBiH ofenzivnim djelovanjem zauzela dio središnje Bosne pod kontrolom HVO-a i protjerala Hrvate sa zauzeto-
ga područja. Da je Armija RBiH započela rat protiv HVO-a i Hrvata kako bi onemogućila provedbu Vance-Owenova plana, odnosno smanjila
teritorij predviđen za hrvatsku provinciju (za rat protiv srpskih snaga u BiH početkom 1993. još nije bila spremna), svjedoči već citirana izjava
vojnog čelnika ARBiH, generala Rasima Delića iz veljače 1994., da je “HVO eliminisan sa područja Jablanice, Konjica, Fojnice, Kaknja, Zenice,
Travnika i Bugojna. Znači, kompletna jedna pokrajina po Vens-Owenovom planu sa centralom u Travniku”.

Owen-Stoltenberg peace plan, August, 1993

The Croat province is smaller in comparison to the Vance-Owen plan. This was a reflection of the situation on the ground which had changed
since January, 1993. The ARBiH had conquered parts of central Bosnia controlled by the HVO and expelled the Croats from the territory. Gen-
eral Rasim Delić, Commander of the ARBiH Main Staff confirmed, in February, 199, that the ARBiH started the Muslim-Croat conflict so as to
prevent the implementation of the Vance-Owen plan and reduce the size of the Croatian province (the ARBiH was not ready, at that point in
time, to take on the Serb forces in BiH): “The HVO has been eliminated from the areas of Jablanica, Konjic, Fojnica, Kakanj, Zenica, Travnik and
Bugojno. A whole region, according to the Vance-Owen Peace Plan, with its center in Travnik.”


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 599 4.2.2020. 18:38:24

Zemljovidi • Maps


January 1993.GODINE





___,/ ABiH



Ožujak - travanj
March - April 1993.GODINE






___,/ AB1H



June 1993.GODINE




___,/ AB1H



Središnja Bosna, 1993.

Central Bosnia, 1993.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 600 4.2.2020. 18:38:26

Zemljovidi • Maps


July 1993.GODINE







September 1993.GODINE









October 1993.GODINE




__.--y AB1H



Središnja Bosna, 1993.

Central Bosnia, 1993.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 601 4.2.2020. 18:38:27

Zemljovidi • Maps


November 1993. GODINE




Središnja Bosna, 1993.
Central Bosnia, 1993.




Mostar, prije 30. lipnja 1993. Mostar, poslije 30. lipnja 1993.
Mostar, before June 30, 1993. Mostar, after June 30, 1993.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 602 4.2.2020. 18:38:29

Zemljovidi • Maps


(Podrucja dogovorena u Becu, svibanj 1994.)
Granice opCina

Granice Zupanija
1 Unsko - sanska zupanija
- Muslimani 2 Posavska zupanija
3 Tuzlansko - zvorniC:ka Zupanija
- Srbi 4 Zenicko - dobojska zupanija
5 Gorazdanska zupanija
6 Srednjobosanska zupanija
- Hrvati
7 Srednjohercegovacka zupanija
~ PomijeSani Muslimani i Hrvati 8 Zapadnohercegovacka zupanija
9 Sarajevo

Washingtonski sporazum, ožujak 1994.

The Washington Agreement, March 1994.
• v..,4:4;,
• Ku />i'>J • Kop romlc,
• z,w..

. .·~
P:.e<i Op•tv ~ !<I< •
Fl o•tflJ •

Okupirano područje u RH (označeno crvenom bojom) i Preostala okupirana područja RH (označena crvenom bo-
BiH krajem 1992. godine. jom) i RBiH potkraj listopada 1995., uoči početka pregov-
ora u Daytonu.
Serb occupied areas of the Republic of Croatia (marked
red) and Bosnia and Herzegovina in late 1992. Serb occupied areas of the Republic of Croatia (marked
red) and Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in late Octo-
ber 1995, on the eve of the negotiations in Dayton.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 603 4.2.2020. 18:38:30

Zemljovidi • Maps

Polozaji HVO
Polozaji ABiH
Polozaji VRS
prostor pod nadzorom 41. mtbr
ad 10. 5. do 30.6.1993. g.

prostor pod nadzorom ABiH

ad 1.7.1993. do kraja sukoba

Mostar, svibanj 1993. – veljača 1994.

Mostar, May 1993 – February 1994.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 604 4.2.2020. 18:38:31

Zemljovidi • Maps

Plan operacije ARBiH Neretva na širem području Mostara, rujan 1993.
ARBiH plan for Operation Neretva in the wider Mostar area, September 1993.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 605 4.2.2020. 18:38:32

Zemljovidi • Maps

Raspored ARBiH i HVO-a u dolini Vrbasa prema podacima 3. korpusa ARBiH, prosinac 1992. – siječanj 1993.
Positions of ARBiH and HVO in the Vrbas Valley according to III ARBiH Corps’s documents, December 1992 – January 1993.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 606 4.2.2020. 18:38:33

Zemljovidi • Maps

Obostrani raspored HVO-a i ARBiH u Hercegovini u srpnju 1993.
Positions of ARBiH and HVO in Herzegovina, July 1993.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 607 4.2.2020. 18:38:34

Zemljovidi • Maps

Travnicka 987
Franko pan 1.035
J. Francetic 533
N. S. Zrinski 1.942
S. Tomasevic 1.635
Viteska 2.238
Ban Jelacic 3.028
Kotromanovic 458
Bobovac 1.331
Usorska 2.158
111.xp 3.115
Kralj Tvrtko 1.710
Livanjska 2.248
Tomislavgrad 2.500
Posuska 1.286
Rama i Vakuf 2.000
Jajce 500
Kupres 200
br S. Radie 1.600
br Grude 1.200
br M. H. Ci kola 960
br Prva 3.400
br Druga 2.161
brTreca 1.277
br Citlucka 670
prof. postr. 1.240
VP+ATG 2.160


I• ~ $;

Brojno stanje i crta obrane HVO-a krajem ljeta 1993.

The numerical strength and defense line of the HVO, August – September 1993.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 608 4.2.2020. 18:38:35

Zemljovidi • Maps

Obostrani raspored snaga u Bugojnu uoči napada ARBiH na HVO, srpanj 1993.
Positions of ARBiH and HVO in Bugojno on the eve of the ARBiH attack on the HVO, July 1993.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 609 4.2.2020. 18:38:36

Zemljovidi • Maps

Uskoplje (Gornji Vakuf), kolovoz 1993.
Uskoplje (Gornji Vakuf), August 1993.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 610 4.2.2020. 18:38:37

Zemljovidi • Maps

Zamisao operacije ARBiH Neretva na području Uskoplja i Rame, rujan 1993.
ARBiH plan for Operation Neretva in the Uskoplje and Rama areas, September 1993.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 611 4.2.2020. 18:38:38

Zemljovidi • Maps

ARBiH protjeruje Hrvate iz Konjica, ožujak i travanj 1993.
Expulsion of Croats by the ARBiH from Konjic, March – April 1993.
Vareš, lipanj – studeni 1993.
Vareš, June – November 1993.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 612 4.2.2020. 18:38:40

Zemljovidi • Maps

Kiseljak, Kreševo i Fojnica, lipanj – rujan 1993.
Kiseljak, Kreševo i Fojnica, June – September 1993.
Kiseljak, Kreševo i Fojnica, listopad 1993. – ožujak 1994.
Kiseljak, Kreševo i Fojnica, October 1993 – March 1994.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 613 4.2.2020. 18:38:43

Zemljovidi • Maps

Tešanj, Žepče, Zavidovići, Maglaj, crte obrane 1993. - 1994.
Tešanj, Žepče, Zavidovići, Maglaj; defense lines 1993 - 1994.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 614 4.2.2020. 18:38:44

Zemljovidi • Maps

Raspored snaga u Kaknju uoči napada ARBiH na HVO, travanj 1993.
Positions of ARBiH and HVO in Kakanj on the eve of the ARBiH attack on the HVO, April 1993.


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 615 4.2.2020. 18:38:45

Kazalo imena • Name Index

Kazalo imena
Name Index
Abdić Fikret, 77, 289, 376, 379, 380, 382, 383, 397 Božović Đorđe Giška, 95
Adžić Blagoje, 162, 174 Brkić Miljenko, 76
Agotić Imra, 100 Broz Josip Tito, 29, 52
Ahrens Geert, 468 Budimir Božo, 126
Ahtisaari Marrti, 544 Budimir Živko, 126
Alagić Adnan, 399 Bulatović Momir, 55, 174
Alagić Mehmed, 143 Carrington Peter, 55, 439
Albright Madeleine, 562 Carter Jimmy, 386
Allcock B. John, 489 Chirac Jacques, 86
Andrić Miro, 315 Clinton William, 86
Antičević Boris, 514 Cokić Jevrem, 192
Antonetti Jean-Claude, 432 Cot Jean, 64
Arlović Mato, 496, 497 Crnjac Miljenko, 126, 234
Avramović Života, 91, 163 Cutileiro José, 84, 538, 539
Babić Milan, 43, 69, 70, 75, 391 Čaja Ivica, 389
Bagarić Ivan, 494 Čečura Draženko, 514
Bajić Ljubomir, 163 Čeleketić Milan, 109, 132, 133, 379, 388, 392
Bajramović Ismet Ćelo, 228 Černi Josip, 141
Baker James, 53 Černomirdin Viktor, 86
Basarac Ivan, 126 Červenko Zvonimir, 101, 126, 406
Bebić Luka, 100 Češnjaj Izidor, 126
Bell Martin, 522 Čulo Branko, 494
Beljo Marinko, 309 Ćibo Safet, 304, 530
Bernard Janvier, 64 Ćorić Valentin, 506
Bilajac Rifat, 540 Damjanović Ante, 494
Biočić Mihovil, 515 Dečak Đuro, 121, 125
Bjegović Đorđe, 70 Dedaković Mile Jastreb, 106
Blaškić Tihomir, 111, 135, 141, 259, 325, 328, 333, 337, Delalić Ramiz Ćelo, 142, 143
344, 400, 557 Delalić Zejnil, 254
Blažanović Jovo, 264 Delić Rasim, 118, 142, 293, 295, 342, 365, 368, 400, 433,
Blažević Stjepan, 264 486, 531, 532, 541
Boban Mate, 76, 83, 292, 293, 429, 505, 509-511, 534, Doko Jerko, 509
543, 545, 548 Dragičević Drago, 141
Bobetko Janko, 62, 101, 121, 124-126, 134, 232, 234, Dudaković Atif, 409
237, 249, 251, 259, 262, 530 Duncan Alaister, 552
Boljkovac Josip, 160 Džakula Veljko, 71, 389
Boras Franjo, 77, 294 Džanko Luka, 126, 192, 316
Boutros Boutros Ghali, 68, 391, 422 Džiho Šefkija, 539


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 616 4.2.2020. 18:38:45

Kazalo imena • Name Index

Đapić Ante, 105 Ivandić Pejo, 515

Đodan Šime, 100 Ivandić Stipo, 515
Đorđević Slobodan, 129 Ivkanec Nikola, 389
Đujić Ilija, 108 Izetbegović Alija, 62, 76, 77, 83–86, 219, 226, 253, 289,
Eagleburger Lawrence, 52 292–294, 353, 365, 382, 399, 400, 402, 425, 440, 484,
Efendić Hasan, 117, 509 487, 488, 507–510, 512, 517, 523, 529–531, 535–539,
Erdelja Boris, 197 541–546, 548, 551, 558, 560, 563
Filipović Filip, 141, 259, 265 Izetbegović Bakir, 563
Filipović Muhamed, 504, 536 Jaganjac Jasmin, 268, 294
Gabričević Veselko, 126 Jandrić Jadranko, 114
Gaillard Jean Jacques, 468 Jelić Zlatan Mijo, 315
Galbraith Peter, 468 Jerzečić Miroslav, 126
Galić Stanislav, 264 Jović Borisav, 56, 148, 155, 159, 162, 174, 175, 218
Ganić Ejup, 77 Jović Josip, 157, 218
Garić Milan, 514 Jukić Vlado, 105
Garić Sanja, 514 Jurić Anica, 515
Ghasemia Saeed, 553 Jurić Dragan, 515
Glasnović Željko, 141, 234 Jurić Juro, 515
Golem Frane Vinko, 53 Jurić Ljubomir, 515
Gonzalez Felipe, 86 Jurić Stjepan, 515
Gorinšek Karl, 215 Jurjević Zvonimir, 92
Gotovina Ante, 126, 182, 235, 237, 441 Kadijević Veljko, 90, 149, 153, 155, 156, 162, 163,
Granić Mate, 432 173–175, 198, 218, 438, 489
Grebenar Augustina, 514 Kadrić Muhidin, 264
Grebenar Velimir, 514 Kaić Žarko, 197
Gregurić Franjo, 38, 60 Kandić Mile, 91, 93
Grubišić Božidar, 91 Karadžić Radovan, 76, 77, 115, 403, 404, 429, 534
Gušić Novica, 539 Karnavas G. Michael, 559, 564
Gušić Salko, 142 Kerestedžijanc Leonid, 468
Hadžić Goran, 70, 75, 391 Kinčl Miroslav Igla, 182
Hadžihasanović Enver, 260, 291, 302, 551 Klein Jacques Paul, 69
Hadžihusejnović Rusmir, 531 Kljujić Stjepan, 76, 77, 537
Hadžiosmanović Ismet, 522 Kohl Helmut, 58, 86
Halilović Sefer,118, 142, 143, 304, 320, 430, 431, 510, Kolšek Konrad, 91, 163
519, 528, 535, 546, 547, 549 Koljević Nikola, 536
Hamad Ali, 551 Kordić Dario, 76, 553, 557
Hannay David, 562 Kostić Branko, 174
Harambašić Stevo, 389 Kovačević Savo, 236
Harris Robin, 556, 564 Kraljević Baja, 136, 138
Hebrang Andrija, 443 Kraljević Blaž, 114
Herrick Richard, 557, 558 Kraljević Darko, 114, 292, 324
Hodge Carol, 518 Križanović Sanja, 514
Holbrooke Richard, 412, 413 Krpina Drago, 432
Holman Mladen, 114 Krstičević Živko, 197
Hrkać Mario Ćikota, 137, 307 Kubura Amir, 551
Ivan Pavao II, 60 Kučan Milan, 53
Ivandić Ana, 515 Kukanjac Milutin, 93
Ivandić Milan, 515 Lang Slobodan, 494


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 617 4.2.2020. 18:38:45

Kazalo imena • Name Index

La Presle de Bertrand, 64 429, 430, 433, 487, 489, 535, 536

Lasić Miljenko, 135, 248, 315 Milovanović Manojlo, 403, 416
Lauš Dragun, 515 Miljavac Pavao, 126
Lauš Fabijan, 515 Mladić Ratko, 115, 283, 402, 404, 410
Lauš Ivo, 515 Morillon Philippe, 219, 339, 510
Lauš Miroslav, 515 Mrkšić Mile, 109, 129, 133, 392, 404-406
Lauš Sarafina, 515 Mršić Zdravko, 53
Lederer Gordan, 197 Muslimović Fikret, 365, 511
Leho Fatima, 539 Nazor Ante, 561
Lendo Refik, 270 Ninković Živomir, 116
Letica Sveto, 237 Norac Mirko, 126
Letić Stanko, 379 Novaković Mile, 109, 130, 133
Lončar Budimir, 56 Novoselić Zdravko, 148
Lozančić Ivo, 272 Obradović Nedjeljko, 141, 315
Lucić Josip, 125 Orić Naser, 396
Lučić Ivica, 496, 501 Oručević Safet, 539, 540
Ljubičić Paško, 259 Owen David, 84, 504, 505, 544, 545
Major John, 86 Panić Života, 91
Maksić Radoslav, 108 Paradžik Ante, 105
Manolić Josip, 36, 38, 39, 60 Paraga Dobroslav, 105, 106, 114, 292
Marčetić Augustin, 522 Pašalić Arif, 248, 268, 294, 296, 431, 524, 526, 527,
Marčetić Ivan, 522 531, 547
Marčetić Jela, 522 Pašalić Ivić, 405
Mareković Marijan, 126, 409 Pavlović Ludvig, 198
Marić Velimir, 228 Pelivan Jure, 77
Marijan Davor, 25, 493, 528, 561 Perinović Davor, 76
Marinov Ante, 192 Petković Milivoj, 111, 139, 141, 294, 298, 506, 510
Marinović Nojko, 126, 191 Pinter Nika, 551, 564
Markač Mladen, 100 Plavšić Biljana, 77
Marković Ante, 29, 51-53, 475 Poljak Drago, 135, 248
Martić Milan, 43, 70, 72, 74, 107, 379, 388, 392, 402, 410 Praljak Slobodan, 25, 111, 139, 238, 245, 268, 294, 357,
Marx Karl, 96 506, 551, 556, 558, 559
Massud Khalid, 551, 552 Prazina Jusuf Juka, 138, 228, 313
Matacotta Cordella Alfredo, 468 Primorac Stanko - Ćane, 114
Mateša Zlatko, 60 Primorac Ivan, 315
Matić Stanko, 112 Prkačin Ante, 268
Matković Risto, 70 Prlić Jadranko, 83, 395, 432, 496, 506, 512, 520, 550,
Matuzović Đuro, 136 553, 556, 557, 559
Merdan Džemal, 519 Purić Ivan, 141
Mesić Stjepan, 36, 38, 54, 60, 152, 165, 475 Pušić Berislav, 506
Mikanović Mato, 522 Rački Antun, 126
Mikanović Pera, 522 Rajić Božo, 295, 524, 542
Mikanović Slavko, 522 Rajić Ivica, 343, 344
Mikelić Borislav, 70, 74, 391 Rajić Zvonko, 300
Mikšić Josip, 121 Raković Mirko, 129
Mikulić Ante, 111 Ramljak Dragan, 514
Milošević Slobodan, 15, 31, 32, 55, 56, 70, 74, 86, 152, Rašković Jovan, 43, 44
156, 160, 162, 174, 175, 218, 381, 391, 392, 402, 405, Ražnatović Željko Arkan, 95, 223


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 618 4.2.2020. 18:38:45

Kazalo imena • Name Index

Reljić Smiljan, 405 Šoljić Niko, 515

Roso Ante, 111, 139, 141, 235, 237, 365 Špegelj Martin, 61, 100, 151, 153-155, 206–208,
Rozga Rozario, 121 429, 430
Rožič Marjan, 163 Šušak Gojko, 60, 292, 405, 413, 432, 530, 542, 544,
Rudolf Davorin, 53 547, 559
Ružinovski Mile, 192 Thatcher Margaret, 556, 564
Satish Nambiar, 64 Thebault Jean Pierre, 510
Sekulić Milisav, 174 Tole Žarko, 139, 234, 259, 262, 360
Shrader R. Charles, 301, 325, 326, 517, 548, 557, 564 Tomljanović Damir - Gavran, 182
Silajdžić Haris, 400 Tomšić Josip, 121, 126
Skender Zvonimir, 139 Tonković Ivan, 121
Skoko Iko, 494 Topalović Mušan Caco, 142, 143
Skračić Luka, 197 Torbica Milan, 108, 130
Slivar Stjepan, 121 Totić Živko, 324, 329, 518
Soldo Ilija, 515 Tuđman Franjo, 34, 36, 39, 48, 53, 57, 59, 60, 62, 68,
Soldo Pero, 515 72, 73, 85, 86, 121, 148, 151, 208, 232, 292, 294, 365,
Spirkovski Aleksandar, 91 382, 391, 398–400, 404, 405, 407, 412, 413, 422, 425,
Stambolić Ivan, 31 429, 430, 432, 433, 437, 487-489, 505, 510, 512, 513,
Stanković Branko, 193 529, 530–532, 543–546, 548, 553, 554, 557, 560
Starešina Višnja, 550 Tuđman Miroslav, 409, 501, 504, 530
Stefanović Božidar, 92 Tunuković Tihomir, 197
Stepinac Alojzije, 60 Tus Anton, 101, 124
Stewart (pukovnik), 518 Urban Pavo, 197
Stipčić Rudi, 126 Valentić Nikica, 60
Stipetić Petar, 121, 126, 405 Valjan Velimir, 494
Stojak Ivica, 270 Vance Cyrus, 56, 63, 70, 84, 292, 545
Stojanović Vladimir, 91 Viduka Mate, 126
Stojić Bruno, 506, 546, 547 Vlaić Ante, 495
Stoltenberg Thorvald, 84, 505 Vlašić Ferdo, 494
Strugar Pavle, 93, 192 Voltaire François Marie Arouet, 559, 564
Stupar Milorad, 132 Vrbanac Vinko, 125
Šaćirbej Muhamed, 560 Vukojević Ivan, 515
Šadić Hazim, 342 Vukušić Herman, 494
Šantić Vlado, 112 Wahlgren Lars-Eric, 64
Šarinić Hrvoje, 60 Zadro Franjo, 256
Šarlija Daidža Mate (Nijaz Batlak), 61, 62, 192, 253, 543 Zečević Anto, 522
Šejtanić Esad, 539 Zečević Ivo, 522
Šeparović Zvonimir, 53 Zečević Kata, 522
Šešelj Vojislav, 95 Zečević Manda, 522
Šiber Stjepan, 294 Zečević Mirko, 522
Šiljeg Željko, 135, 139 Zečević Stjepan, 522
Šimović Božan, 251 Zečević Zdravko, 70
Škare Ožbolt Vesna, 405 Zelić Slavko, 229, 353
Šolaja Ljubica, 43 Zimmermann Warren, 52, 487, 537
Šoljić Ivo, 515 Zorica Bruno Zulu, 259
Šoljić Kata, 515 Zubak Krešimir, 83, 386, 395, 400
Šoljić Mato, 515
Šoljić Mijo, 515


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 619 4.2.2020. 18:38:45

Zemljovidi • Maps


- 28 (str./page): Socijalistička Federativna Republika - 592: Operacija Oluja, kolovoz 1995. /

Jugoslavija (SFRJ) / Socialist Federative Republic of Operation Storm, August 1995
Yugoslavia (SFRY)
- 593: Zapadna Bosna, rujan – listopad 1995. (ope-
- 68: Zemljovid snaga UN-a s ucrtanim UNPA i tzv. ru- racije Maestral i Južni potez) / Western Bosnia,
žičastim zonama / Map showing the deployment of September – October 1995 (Operations Maestral
UN forces, the UNPAs and the so-called “pink zones” and Južni potez)
- 95: Plan napada JNA na RH, 1991. / JNA Strategic - 593: BiH, 20. listopada 1995. / Bosnia and Herzegovi-
Offensive Plan, 1991 na, October 20, 1995
- 212: Okupirano područje RH – UNPA područja 1992.- - 593: Općine BiH, 1991. / The Municipalities of Bosnia
1995. / The Occupied parts of Croatia – UNPA zones and Herzegovina, 1991
- 594: Narodnosni sastav BiH / Ethnic Composition of BiH
- 275: Bosanska Posavina, travanj – lipanj 1992. /
- 595: Srpske autonomne oblasti u BiH (SAO), 1991. /
April – June 1992
Bosnian Serb Autonomous Areas (SAO), 1991
- 281: Bosanska Posavina, kolovoz 1992. – siječanj
- 595: Operativne zone HVO-a / Armed Forces of Her-
1993. / August 1992 – January
zeg Bosna Operational Zones, August 1992
- 303: Središnja Bosna, dolina Lašve krajem travnja
- 596: Općine sa apsolutnom ili relativnom većinom
1993. / Central Bosnia, Lašva Valley, end of April 1993
Hrvata / Municipalities with a Relative or Absolute
- 369: Središnja Bosna, dolina Lašve nakon borbi u Croat Majority
travnju i lipnju 1993. / Central Bosnia, Lašva Valley,
- 596: Hrvatska zajednica Herceg-Bosna i Bosanska
after the figthing in April and June, 1993
Posavina, 1991 / The Croatian Communities of Her-
- 490: Daytonski sporazum, 21. studenoga 1995. / ceg-Bosna and Bosanska Posavina, 1991.
The Dayton Agreement, November 21, 1995
- 597: Banovina Hrvatska, 1939., i Hrvatske zajedni-
- 503: Zemljovid Vance-Owenova plana unutarnje ce, 1991. / The Banovina, 1939 and Croatian Com-
podjele BiH na 9 provincija i posebno područje Sara- munities, 1991;
jeva / Map showing the internal division of BiH into izvor /source: ICTY – IT-04-74, P09276
9 provinces and the district of Sarajevo as proposed
- 597: Banovina Hrvatska, 1939. (prikaz općina u BiH
by the Vance-Owen plan
koje je obuhvatila) / The Banovina 1939 (showing
- 590: Narodnosni sastav SFRJ, 1991. / Ethnic Compo- BiH municipalities)
sition in the former Yugoslavia, 1991
- 598: Vance-Owenov mirovni plan, siječanj 1993. /
- 590: Plan napadne operacije JNA, rujan – listopad The Vance-Owen Peace Plan, January 1993;
1991 / JNA Strategic Offensive Plan, September - izvor /source: ICTY – IT-04-74, P09276
October 1991
- 598: Promijenjeni Vance-Owenov mirovni plan, ožu-
- 591: Operacija Bljesak, svibanj 1995. / jak 1993. / Altered Map of Vance-Owen Peace Plan,
Operation Flash, May 1995 March 1993


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Zemljovidi • Maps

- 599: Cutileirov mirovni plan, ožujak 1992.) / - 608: Brojno stanje i crta obrane HVO-a krajem ljeta
The Cutileiro Peace Plan, March 1992.; 1993. / The numerical strength and defense line of
izvor /source: ICTY – IT-04-74, P09276 the HVO, August – September 1993
- 599: Owen-Stoltenbergov mirovni plan, kolovoz 1993. / - 609: Obostrani raspored u Bugojnu uoči napada AR-
The Owen-Stoltenberg Peace Plan, August 1993; BiH na HVO, srpanj 1993. / Positions of ARBiH and
izvor /source: ICTY – IT-04-74, P09276 HVO in Bugojno on the eve of the ARBiH attack on
the HVO, July 1993.
- 600: Središnja Bosna, 1993. - siječanj; ožujak – travanj;
lipanj / Central Bosnia, 1993 - January; March – April; - 610: Uskoplje (Gornji Vakuf ), kolovoz 1993. /
June August 3, 1993
- 601: Središnja Bosna, 1993. – srpanj ; rujan ; listopad / - 611: Zamisao operacije ARBiH Neretva na području
Central Bosnia, 1993 – July; September; October Uskoplja i Rame, rujan 1993. / ARBiH plan for Oper-
- 602: Središnja Bosna, 1993. – studeni / ation Neretva in the Uskoplje and Rama areas, Sep-
Central Bosnia, 1993 – November tember 1993
- 602: Mostar, prije 30. lipnja 1993. / Mostar, before - 612: ARBiH protjeruje Hrvate iz Konjica, ožujak i tra-
June 30, 1993 vanj 1993. / Expulsion of Croats by the ARBiH from
Konjic, March – April 1993
- 602: Mostar, poslije 30. lipnja 1993. / Mostar, after
June 30, 1993 - 612: Vareš, lipanj – studeni 1993. / June – November 1993

- 603: Washingtonski sporazum, ožujak 1994. / - 613: Kiseljak, Kreševo i Fojnica, lipanj – rujan 1993. /
The Washington Agreement, March 1994 June – September 1993
- 603: Okupirano područje u RH i BiH krajem 1992. / - 613: Kiseljak, Kreševo i Fojnica, listopad 1993. – ožu-
Serb occupied areas of the Republic of Croatia and jak 1994. / October 1993 – March 1994
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in late 1992
- 614: Tešanj, Žepče, Zavidovići, crte obrane 1993.-1994. /
- 603: Preostala okupirana područja u RH i BiH krajem Tešanj, Žepče, Zavidovići; defense lines 1993 - 1994
listopada 1995., uoči početka pregovora u Daytonu /
Serb occupied areas of the Republic of Croatia and - 615: Raspored snaga u Kaknju uoči napada ARBiH
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in late October na HVO, travanj 1993. / Positions of ARBiH and HVO
1995, on the eve of the negotiations in Dayton in Kakanj on the eve of the ARBiH attack on the HVO,
April 1993.
- 604: Mostar: svibanj 1993. – veljača 1994. /
Mostar: May 1993 – February 1994
- 605: Plan operacije ARBiH Neretva na širem područ-
ju Mostara, rujan 1993. / ARBiH plan for Operation
Neretva in the wider Mostar area, September 1993
- 606: Raspored ARBiH i HVO u dolini Vrbasa prema
podacima 3. korpusa ARBiH, prosinac 1992. – sije-
čanj 1993. / Positions of ARBiH and HVO in the Vrbas
Valley according to III ARBiH Corps’s documents, De-
cember 1992 – January 1993
- 607: Obostrani raspored HVO-a i ARBiH u Hercego-
vini u srpnju 1993. / Positions of ARBiH and HVO in
Herzegovina, July 1993


Domovinski rat 04-02-2020 Knjiga 1.indd 621 4.2.2020. 18:38:45

Zemljovidi • Maps

Izvori za zemljovide i autori zemljovida

Sources and Map authors

- str. / page: 594-599 – Prlic et al Court Binder (ICTY – IT-04-74, P09276)
- str. / page: 598, 600-603 - Jadranko Prlić, Prilozi za povijest Hrvatske Republike Herceg Bosne, II-III, Mostar-Zagreb,
2017; zemljovide izradio / maps prepared by Dario Šakić, mag.
- str. / page: 28, 95, 275, 281, 590, 592, 593 - Balkan Battlegrounds: A Military History of the Yugoslav Conflict, 1990-1995,
Volume I, Central Intelligence Agency, Office of Russian and European Analysis, Washington, DC 20505, May 2002
- str. / page: 591: Rajko Rakić – Branko Dubravica, Kratak pregled vojnih djelovanja u Domovinskom ratu, 1991.-1995.,
MORH – OSRH, Hrvatsko vojno učilište, Zagreb 2009., 142.
- str. / page: 303, 369, 590, 612-615 - Davor Marijan, Rat Hrvata i Muslimana u BiH od 1992. do 1994., Zagreb,
2018.; zemljovide izradio / maps prepared by Tomislav Kovačić.
- str. / page: 68, 490, 503; zemljovide priredio / maps prepared by Marin Sabolović.


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