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ILP IELTS | Advanced course


1. Pre-reading insight
1. Pre-reading insight
1. merchant 2. sự bộc lộ

3. điều trị 4. destination

2. Actual test
1.oils 2.friendship 3.funerals 4.wealth 5. indigestion

6.India 7.camels 8.Alexandria 9.Venice

3. Expansion
Task 1:
Question Words in exercises Words in the passage

1 add A to B (v) mix A with B (v)

show (v) Indicate

people lovers and friends

smell (n) Scent

sweet (adj) Pleasant

4 an indication of sth (n) a sign of sth

health problem (n) ailment = disease

to be a treatment for sth to cure sth (v)

8 arrive in/at + a place (v) to reach a place (v)

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ILP IELTS | Advanced course

Task 2:

Exercise 2:
1. Pre-reading insight
English Part of speech Vietnamese

wary adj thận trọng, cảnh giác

notion n khái niệm

remove v loại bỏ, rời khỏi

combine v kết hợp

2. Actual test
1. instances 2. Garden of Eden 3. Good

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ILP IELTS | Advanced course

4. demonize 5. ubiquitous
3. Expansion
Question In the paragraph In the exercise Meaning

documented (v) recorded (v) được ghi lại

1 put sth together (v) combine (v) kết hợp

start popping up (v) appearance (n) xuất hiện

2 kick out of (v) remove (v) rời khỏi

not following the ngoại lệ, không

3 exceptions (n)
rule (v) theo luật

3. Expansion:
Question In the exercise In the paragraph Meaning

dành được, thu

34 take obtain

dense tight dày đặc, chặt chẽ

36 the top the upper part Phần trên

the bottom part The lower part phần dưới

38 position show up hiện thị, định vị

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ILP IELTS | Advanced course

Exercise 3:
1. Pre-reading insight:
English Part of speech Vietnamese

determine v xác định

turtle n rùa

tortoise n Ba ba

forelimbs n Chi trước

dense adj Dày đặc

position v Định vị

triangle n Hình tam giác

2. Actual test
34. measurements 35. (triangle) graph 36. cluster

37. amphibious 38. Halfway 39. Dry-land tortoises

3. Expansion:
Question In the exercise In the paragraph Meaning

34 take obtain dành được, thu


36 dense tight dày đặc, chặt


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ILP IELTS | Advanced course

the top the upper part Phần trên

the bottom part The lower part phần dưới

38 position show up hiện thị, định


1. Pre-reading insight
English Part of speech Vietnamese

inventive adj Có sang kiến, phát minh

beneficial adj Có lợi

inferior adj Kém hơn, hạ cấp

Justified adj Chính đáng

emerge v Nổi lên, trỗi dậy

suspect v Nghi ngờ

role n Vai trò

2. Actual test
31. E 32. G 33. A 34. C
3. Expansion
Question In the exercise In the passage Meaning

31 future The potential (n) Tương lai - tiềm năng

32 Ordinary people a section of public Người thường

33 inventive (adj) Creativeness (n) sáng tạo, sáng kiến

Có lợi - có ảnh hưởng

34 beneficial Positive influence (n)
tích cực

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ILP IELTS | Advanced course

1. Pre-reading insight
English Part of speech Vietnamese

philosophy n Triết lí

implementation n Sự thực thi

banknote n Tiền giấy

institution n Tổ chức, thể chế

investigate v Điều tra

measurement n Sự đo lường

observation n Sự quan sát

2. Actual test
30. F 31. B 32. G

33. E 34. A
3. Expansion
Questions Key words

30 1790s, technology, improve, Government departments

31 developed, new way, printing banknotes

32 Designed, method, food

33 plans, prison, prisoners

34 Investigated, possibilities, suggested

1. Pre-reading insight

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ILP IELTS | Advanced course

English Part of speech Vietnamese

explore v Khám phá

Nest site n Vị trí tổ

enthusiasm n Hang hái, sốt sắng

2. Actual test

10. Scouts 11. waggle dance 12. volume 13. democratic

3. Expansion
Question Keywords

10 explore, nest site

11 Perform, their return

12 Increase, one particular site

13 a final choice, process

1. Pre-reading insight
English Part of speech Vietnamese

Passenger n Hành khách

Recreational facilities n Phương tiện giải trí

Encourage v Khuyến khích

Sense of loyalty n Cảm giác trung thành

Venue n Địa điểm

Financial constraints n Hạn chế về tài chính

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ILP IELTS | Advanced course

2. Actual test
19. security procedure 20. final destination 21. airlines 22. competitive
23. economic 24. five years 25. local 26. Flights
downturn/climate (people)

3. Expansion
Question In the exercise In the passage Meaning

the length of time the dwell time Thời gian lưu trú

ảnh hưởng đến

19 has been affected (v) have an impact on sth (n)
cái gì

update new Mới

Array of entertainment.... Phương tiện giải

Recreational facilities
facilities trí
Phương tiện di
Means of travel facilitator of access

despite meanwhile Mặc dù

a significant percentage fairly high proportion Phần trăm cao

24 Within + time During the next + time Trong vòng


Exercise 8:
24. onboard computer 25. ultrasound signals 26. touchscreen
Exercise 9:
33. behaviour/activities 34. turn-taking 35. interruptions 36. belong

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ILP IELTS | Advanced course

37. distress levels 38. rejection 39. agreement 40. content

Exercise 10:
37. generation 38. Citizen 39. abstract 40.
Exercise 11:
22. food bills/cost 23. intensive farming 24. organic farming

25. Greener Food Standard 26. consumers & farmers

Exercise 12:
7. C 8. M 9. F 10. D 11. N 12. O 13. E

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