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References:DM No. 99, s. 2003; DM No. 92, s. 2008, RM No. 12, s. 2017

Republic of the Philippines

Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Sur


Monitoring Tool

School : TAMBIS NHS Name of School Head : GLORIA M. PARAGUYA

District : BAROBO DISTRICT - II Date: 12/13/2019 Type of School : PUBLIC/MEDIUM SIZE


Please write your actual score in each of the indicators under every GOAL. You may rate the perofrmance of the school
with 1-5 or 0. Add all points to make the total score for the part I. Part I has an overall highest score of 53.

Indicators Highest
Points Actual Score
GOAL #1: Encourage children’s participation in school and community
a. Your school has a working student government. 1 1
b. Your school involves students in meetings and planning sessions that concern well- 1 1
c. Your school encourages students to get involved in community work. 1 1
d. Your school encourages students to get involved in community work. 1 1
d. Your school has a mechanism such as a school publication, students bulletin board 1 1
or opinion box for pupils to express their opinions about school and community issue.

Subtotal score: 5 5
GOAL #2: Enhance children’s health and well-being
a. Your school maintains and regularly updates a health record of each student 1 1
b. Your school holds annual weighing and health examination of your pupils. 1 1
c. Your school holds annual dental examination of your pupils/students. 1 0.8
d. Your school maintains and regularly updates a health record of each student 1 1
e. Your school has a feeding progran for malnourished children 1 1
f. Yours school serves or sells healthy and nutritious food in your premises. 1 1
g. Your school practices proper waste disposal. 1 1
h. Your school has a steady of supply of clean and safe drinking wanter. 1 0.8
i. Your school has a separate toilet for boys and girls consisting of urinals and lavatories 1 0.6
that are regularly maintained and keep clean.
j. Your school has a fuctional clinic or refers to the health center or other doctors pupil 1 1
health problem.
Subtotal score 10 9.2
Goal #3: Guarantee safe and protective spaces for children
a. Your classrooms have proper ventilation and lighting and enough space for 45-50 1 1
b. Your classrooms desks and other furniture are sized to the age of pupils. In the case 1 1
of shared desks, each pupil has enough space.
Indicators Highest
Points Actual Score
c. Your classrooms layout and furniture allow pupils to interact and do group work. 1 1

d. Your classroom has a bulletin board or a corner that displays helpful learning 1 1
materials such as posters, illustrations, newspaper and magazine clippings and your
pupils own work.
e. Your classrooms facilities and premises are regularly maintained and keep clean. 1 1

f. Your school has a literary for reading and for study. 1 1

g. Your school has facilities and equipments for recreation and efforts. 1 1
h. Your school has sufficient lawn space and vegetation. 1 0.8
i. Your school has duly assigned personnel incharge of securing its premises, property, 1 1
and those of the pupils and teachers.
j. Your school coordinates with the barangay and local authorities to ensure the sefety 1 1
and protection of your pupils.
k. Your school has a policy against descrimination with regard to gender, cultural origin, 1 1
social status, religious belief and others.
l. Your school has a program for children with special needs. 1 0.8
m. Your teacher uses non-threatening styles of discipline. 1 1
Subtotal score 13 12.6
Goal #4: Encourage enrollment and completion
a. Your school has a master list of all school-age children in the community, whether 1 1
enrolled or not.
b. Your school has regularly coordinates with local barangay council to identify school- 1 1
age children who are out of school, for the purpose of bringing them to school.

c. Your schools conducts campaigns to encourage parents to enroll their children. 1 1

d. Your school has a system to regularly check on the attendance of its pupils and 1 1
address problems concerning non-attendance.
Subtotal score 4 4
Goal #5: Ensure children’s high academic achievement and success
a. Your school has a clear vision/mission statement that is prominently displayed and 1 1
adequately explained to all school personnel.
b. The principal and teachers are familiar with child-centered and child-friendly 1 1
c. Your school provides each student with a complete set of textbooks. 1 0.8
d. Teachers regularly prepare their lesson plans. 1 1
e. Your school encourages and promotes cooperative and “hands-on” learning 1 1
(“learning by doing”).
f. The principal has a set of data on the schools past three years’ performance in the 1 1
division, regional or national tests for the purpose of improving its current year
g. Teachers regularly monitor and assess their pupils’ academic performance, in view of 1 1
improving their performance.
Subtotal score 7 6.8
Goal #6 Raise teachers’ morale and motivation
a. Teachers undergo continuing and advanced professional training at least once a 1 1
b. Teachers are regularly trained in new and effective teaching-learning strategies. 1 1
c. Teachers have their own lounge and / or work area. 1 1
d. Teachers are given annual medical check-up. 1 1
e. The principal provides strong direction and leadership guided by a written 1 1
supervisory plan.
f. Teachers support their co-teachers by sharing teaching techniques and experiences. 1 1

g. School provides annual medical examination to your teacher and other staff. 1 0.8
Subtotal score 7 6.8
Indicators Highest
Points Actual Score
Goal # 7: Mobilize community support for education
a. Your school has a Parent-Teacher-Community Association (PTCA) that has elected 1 1
leaders, meets regularly and has a written plan of acton.
b.Your school coordinates with the barangay and local institutions to enroll illeterate 1 0.8
parents in litercy programs
c. Your school takes the lead in conducting literacy programs for illiterate parents. 1 0.6
d. Your school enlists the support of community organizations to help raise funds and 1 1
resources for learning.
e. Your school invites parents to discuss with your teachers the learning experiences 1 1
and progress of their children.
f. Your school consults parents in the drafting of its policies and in the planning and 1 1
implementation of school activities.
g. Your school coordinates with barangay institution BCPC to identity children who are 1 0.2
physicaly or sexually abused or are made to do hard physical labor for the purpose of
identifying their special needs.
Subtotal score 7 5.6
Total Points for Part I 53 50
In each target, rate the performance of the school by writing in the box for the actual points.

Percentage Result Points Range Actual Points

TARGET 1: All children 6-12 years old in your community are in school.
Below 79% Poor 1 point
79 - 82% Fair 2 points
82 - 87% Good 3 points 4
87 - 92% Very Good 4 points
Above 92% Outstanding 5 points
TARGET 2: All children in your school who enrolled in Grade 1, six years ago finish Grade 6
Below 59% Poor 1 point
59 - 65% Fair 2 points
65 - 70% Good 3 points 3
70 - 79% Very Good 4 points
Above 79% Outstanding 5 points
TARGET 3: All Grade 6 pupils pass the schools division and national tests (Mean Percentage Score)
26 - 50 MPS Poor 1 point
51 - 65 MPS Fair 2 points 2
81 - 90 MPS Very Good 4 points
91 MPS Very Outstanding 5 points
TARGET 4: All Grade 6 pupils pass the NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT TESTS (NAT)
26 - 50 MPS Poor 1 point
51 - 65 MPS Fair 2 points
66 - 80 MPS Good 3 points 2
81 - 90 MPS Very Good 4 points
91 MPS Very Outstanding 5 points
TARGET 5: All your students are well nourished
26 - 50% Poor 1 point
51 - 70% Fair 2 points
71 - 80% Good 3 points 2
81 - 90% Very Good 4 points
91 and Above Outstanding 5 points
TARGET 6: All your pupils are healthy
26 - 50% Poor 1 point
51 - 70% Fair 2 points
71 - 80% Good 3 points 2
81 - 90% Very Good 4 points
91 and Above Outstanding 5 points
TARGET 7: All your pupils have good dental health
26 - 50% Poor 1 point
51 - 70% Fair 2 points
71 - 80% Good 3 points 2
81 - 90% Very Good 4 points
91 and Above Outstanding 5 points
Total Points for Part II 17.00
Part III Best Practices and Innovations

Identify best practices/innovations that the school implemented and rate using the following point system below.
Evaluator may rate as high as 3 points for each criterion, 2 points or 1 point. Evaluator may also rate 0 if the schoolhas
no identified/presented best practices/innovations.

Criteria Highest Points / Scores Actual Points/Score

Relevance to CFSS implementation 3 points 2
Impact result of the practice/innovation to CFSS 3 points 2
Maturity/sustainability of the best practice/innovation 3 points 2
Uniqueness of the best practice/innovation 3 points 1
Total points 12 points 7

Part IV Scoring
Tally the score of Parts I, II and III

Indicators Highest Points Actual Points/Scores

Part I: Goals of the Child-Friendly School
1. Encourage children's participation in school and community 5 5.00
2. Enhance children's health and well-being 10 9.20
3. Guarantee safe and productive spaces for children 13 12.60
4. Encourage enrollment and completion 4 4.00
5. Ensure children's high academic achievement and success 7 6.80
6. Raise Teachers morale and motivation 7 6.80
7. Mobilize community support for education 7 5.60
TOTAL 53 50.00
Part II: Achieving Targets
1. All children 6-12 years old are enrolled in school 5 points 4.00
2. All children who enroll in Grade I finish Grade 6 5 points 3.00
3. All Grade 6 pupils pass School Division Diagnostic Test 5 points 2.00
4. All Grade 6 pupils pass National Achievement Test 5 points 2.00
5. All pupils are well-nourished 5 points 2.00
6. All pupils are healthy 5 points 2.00
7. All pupils have good dental health 5 points 2.00
TOTAL 35 points 17.00
Part III: Best Practices / Innovations
Relevance to CFSS Implementation 3 points 2
Impact result of the best practice/innovations to CFSS 3 points 2
Maturity/sustainability of the best practice/innovation 3 points 2
Uniqueness of the best practice/innovation 3 points 1
Sub-Total 12 points 7.00
GRAND TOTAL (Part I - III) 100 POINTS 74.00
Based on the calculated scores/points. Select which category of Child-Friendliness the school fails into.

Percent/Points Category Identified

Category Description
Achieved (Please check one)

An outstanding CF school which could serve

91 - 100% Model School as model of a demostration site for other
schools to learn from

A CF school that has implemented many of

71 - 90% Established the core principles and goals but with some /
room for improvement

A CF school that is showing substantial

progress from the beginning stage but
51 - 70% Developing stage needs to deepen the CFSS practices and
could learn from established of model CF

A CF school that needs to establish basic

principle and practices of the Child Friendly
Below 50% Beginning Stage
School System, in collaboration with the
chidlren and parents/community members.

Remember: A low score is not a sign of failure, rather it is a way of determining what action needs to be
taken by a school to progress further towards becoming a child-friendly school.
Result of School Evaluation for the 2019 Best School Implementer of the Child Friendly School System


Elementary Level
Part I
School Name of School Head Part 2 Part 3 Total Rank Category
Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Goal 5 Goal 6 Goal 7

5 9 10.8 5.2 7 6 5 34 9 91 Model School

Secondary Level
Part I
School Name of School Head Part 2 Part 3 Total Rank Category
Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Goal 5 Goal 6 Goal 7

Tambis NHS Gloria M. Paraguya

School Evaluators: 1 JOEL M. ARAS 5 ROSEVIE C. CANTILA


Prepared by:
T-I, School CFSS Coordinator DIONESIO M. RECITAS, JR.
SP-I, School Head

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