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Activity 1: These Are My Kind of Waves!

One of the most advances in the field of Physics in modern times has been the discovery of electromagnetic
waves. Built upon findings about electricity and magnetism, it was found that interactions between these two are
capable of transmitting energy through empty space.
Actually, we are surrounded by electromagnetic waves, with the most perceptible being the one which
allows us to see in the first place. Science has also been able to utilize electromagnetic waves for the needs of man.
The range of its uses is vast: from communications to medicine to astronomy to warfare.
Electromagnetic waves are emitted when electrically charged particles change energy in some way. EM
waves are a form of traveling electrical and magnetic transverse waves. Each type of wave occupies a particular
range of wavelengths which is known as band. The waves come from different sources and differ widely in their
uses and effects (Padua & Crisostomo, 2003).

Direction: Identify the type of EM wave being described by each of the following statements in Column A by rearranging the
letters found in Column B. Write your answers in Column C.
Activity 2: Colossal to Minuscule
Regardless of gender, color or creed, everyone is a human, and have something to add.
Whilst people can learn to change their views and attitudes, they cannot change the basic physical and
mental characteristics that make them unique. Every person needs to embrace individual uniqueness, and
accept that there will always be differences between someone and others. The differences that separate
people are what keeps life exciting, and what ensures that a society functions properly (Core, A., 2015).
The universe is made of many different things with different characteristics but everything else always
has something in common. Arranged according to frequency and wavelength, the electromagnetic
spectrum is a continuity of electromagnetic waves. The gradual progression trend from the waves of
lowest frequencies to the waves of highest frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum includes: radio
waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays.
This activity will give you more details of the different characteristics of EM waves in terms of their
wavelengths, frequencies and energies.

Direction: Answer the guide questions by making inferences from Figure 1 and Table 2.
Guide Questions:
Q7. Which EM wave has the lowest wavelength? Which has the highest wavelength?
Q8. Which EM wave has the lowest frequency? Which has the highest frequency?
Q9. Describe the trend in the energy as the frequency increases.
Q10. Using illustration or diagram, describe how does change in the wavelength affect the frequency of EM waves.

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