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How do Organism Reproduce?

• DNA in cell is the information source for

making protein
• Basic event in reproduction is the creation
of DNA copy

Binary Fission
Multiple Fission
iii) Budding
• A bud develops as an outgrowth due to

repeated cell division.
Asexual • Example: Hydra, Bryophyllum

Spore formation

Asexual Reproduction
iv) Vegetative Propagation
• method of reproduction that involves only • Layering or grafting to grow many plants
one organism, seen in all unicellular like sugarcane, rose or grapes, banana,
organisms orange, jasmine.
i) Fission v) Spore formation
• When the fission results in two daughter • Spores eventually develop into Rhizopus
cells, it is binary fission (e.g., paramecium). individual
• When fission results in many daughter • Example: Hyphae
cells, it is called multiple fission (e.g.,
• Example: Bacteria, Protozoa, Malarial
parasite, plasmodium, Yeast
• Leishmania (cause kala-azar)

ii) Regeneration and Fragmentation

• In multicellular organism
• Simply breakup into smaller pieces upon
maturity called Fragmentation. Ex:
• Ability to give rise to new individual
organism from their body part called
Regeneration. Ex: Hydra, Planaria
Sexual Reproduction in Flowers Reproduction in Human Being
• Plants reproduce by both asexual and a) Male
sexual methods. • main reproductive organ in males is a pair
• Sexual reproduction in plants happens of testes.
through flowers. • Formation of germ cell or Sperms take
• Androecium and Gynoecium help in the place in Testes (locate outside abdominal
sexual reproduction of plants. cavity in Scrotum)
• Vegetative propagation is a type of asexual • Sperm require lower temperature to
reproduction in plants develop
• Sperm deliver through vas deferens

b) Female
• Main reproductive organ in a female is
a pair of ovaries
• Female germ-cell or eggs are made in
• Flower is unisexual when it contains Ovaries
either stamen or pistil • Eggs carried from ovary to womb through
• When it contains both stamen and pistil it fallopian tube or oviduct
is Bisexual • Embryo implanted in the lining of the
• Stamen is male reproductive part and uterus where they continue to grow and
produce pollen grain develop organ to become Foetus.
• Pistil is female reproductive part • Embryo gets nutrition from the mother
blood with the help of special tissue called
• Ovary contain ovules and each ovule has an
egg cell.
• Fusion of germ-cell or fertilisation give us
Zygote which is capable of growing into
new plant
• Ovary form Fruit/Seed
• Transfer from stamen to stigma called


Male Female
(Produce Filament Ovary Style Stigma
pollen grain)

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