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CHAPTER 7: Bones and Muscles

Muscular system: comprises nearly half our weight, 650 muscles, and each muscle is
made up of muscle fibers (hundreds to thousands).
- Muscle fibers: bundles of threadlike structures (myofibrils), composed of:
Myosin and Actin, Myofibrils form an overlapping pattern (sarcomere).

Structures of the Muscular System:

- Types of Muscles: Skeletal, Smooth, Cardiac, and Sphincter.
- Connective tissue: Tendons and Fascia.

Skeletal Muscles: attached to bone, striped appearance, voluntary, and multinucleated

muscle cell bundles.
Smooth Muscles: known as Visceral muscles, involuntary, located in walls of digestive
system, uterus, and blood vessels.
Cardiac Muscle: found only in the heart, striated, branched, involuntary, cells are
fused-when one contracts, they all contract, creating the heartbeat.
Sphincter Muscles: named Dilator muscles, special circular muscles, located in the
digestive and urinary system.
Connective tissue:
- Tendons: dense bands that connect skeletal muscle to the bone.
- Fascia: fibrous connective tissue sheets that wrap around muscle bundles.
Parts of the skeletal system:
- Bones, Joints, Cartilages, and Ligaments (bone to bone) (Tendon: bone to
Divided into 2 divisions:
Axial skeleton: bones of the skull, vertebral column, and rib cage.
Appendicular skeleton: bones of the upper and lower limbs, shoulder, and hip.
Functions of Bones:
- Support of the body - Storage of minerals and fats
- Protection of soft organs - Blood cell formation
- Movement due to attached skeletal muscles

Bones of the Human Body

- The adult skeleton has 206 bones
- Two types of Bone tissue: Compact bone: homogeneous
Spongy bone: small needle-like pieces of bone, open spaces


1. Long Bones: longer than wide, have a shaft with heads at both ends, contain mostly
compact bones. EX: Femur, humerus.

2. Short Bones: generally cube-shape, mostly spongy bone. EX: carpals, tarsals.

3. Flat Bones: thin, flattened, usually curved, thin layers of compact bone around a layer
of spongy bone. EX: skull, ribs.

4. Irregular Bones: irregular shape, do not fit into other bone classification. EX: vertebrae
and hip.
- Osteocytes: mature bone cells
- Osteoblasts: bone-forming cells.
- Osteoclasts: bone-destroying cells and break down bone matrix for remodeling
and release of calcium.


The Vertebral Column:

- Vertebrae separated by intervertebral discs.
- The spine has a normal curvature.
- Each vertebrate is given a name according to its location.

The Appendicular Skeleton: the upper and lower extremities, which include the
shoulder girdle and pelvis.
The Body Cavities
- Cranival Cavity contains the brain
- Spinal Cavity contains the spinal cord
- Thoracic Cavity (chest area) contains the heart, lungs, esophagus, windpipe,
thymus, and aorta.
- Abdominal Cavity contains the liver, stomach, pancreas, spleen, kidneys,
urinary, bladder, small and large intestine, and reproductive organs.
- The heart, lungs, and intestines, internal organs, are viscera.
Eleven systems:
1. Circulatory system: heart, arteries, vwins, and capillaries.
2. Immune system: body’s defense against these and other foreign invaders, and
white blood cells.
3. Respiratory system: supply body tissues with oxygen and to remove carbon
4. Digestive system: composed of number of organs that make up a 20-foot-long
tube (alimentary canal), wates are expelled from the digestive system.
5. Excretory system: a variety of waste materials are excreted from the body.
6. Nervous system: coordinates the activities of the body, the brain the most
important organ of the nervous system, the master control.
7. Endocrine system: chemical messengers (hormones), produce by the glands of
the system.
8. Integumentary system: the skin, protects the body from its surroundings from
bacteria and microbes.
9. Skeletal system: made up 206 bones and numerous ligaments.
10. Muscular system: provides movement for the body.
11. Reproductive system: responsible for the continuation of the human race.

Homeostasis: stable internal environment in the body, failure to this is death.

Tissue: group of similar cells that work together to accompolish the task of an organ.
Four types of tissue:
- Muscle tissue: moves the body and its part.
- Nerve tissue: controls organs.
- Epithelial tissue: line all body parts.
- Connective tissue: connect parts of the body.

Membranes: serous, mucous, cutaneous, and synovial membranes.

Matrix: material surrounding cells.
Cells: muscle cells, fat cells, skin cells, red blood cells, cartilage cells, bone cells, egg
cell, sperm cell, and nerve cell.

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