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11.4.2023(二)MINGGU 4

英文 THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends TOPIC: UNIT 5 - Free time
二年级 Learn. Stand.: Main: 5.2.1 Complementary: 1.2.1
0810-0910 Objective : By the end of the lesson , pupils will be able to :
1. write at least four words or draw pictures.
Activities : 1. Students SAY WHAT’S MISSING (with flashcards of known words from the list)
2. Students review the words by helping pupils to say I like _ or My favourite is _. Ask
pupils if they ate any of these foods this week. Ask them which day they ate it
on. (HOTS).
3. Students write the days of the week on the board. Repeat the story and encourage
pupils to remember what the caterpillar eats on each day.(21st CA)
Ref : /12 students able to write at least four words or draw pictures.

设艺 单元一:妹妹的礼物 第 1 课:工程工艺设计应用
六年级 学习标准 :5.2.4,5.2.5,5.2.6
0910-1010 学习目标 :在本课结束前,学生能:
1. 绘制含有机电元 zi 素的产品的设计草图。
反思: /7 位学生能绘制含有机电元 zi 素的产品的设计草图。

华文 单元一 第三课:与众不同的一本书
六年级 学习标准 :2.1.1,3.1.1
1030-1130 学习目标 :在本课结束前,学生能:
1. 识记至少 8 个生字,习写 4 个生字。
反思: /7 位学生能识记至少 8 个生字,习写 4 个生字。

科学 Program Transisi
一年级 Tajuk: Bunga kesukaan.

1130-1230 Aktiviti:1. Murid bercerita tentang bunga kesukaan mereka.

Murid menyatakan bunga kesukaan mereka mempunyai jenis warna.
Murid bersoal jawab tentang bunga yang berlainan.
Refleksi: /6 murid dapat mengenali jenis bunga kesukaan mereka.

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