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Unit 2A Changes

1. A downward trend - Спад тренду

2. A tipping point - Переломний момент
3. To reverse the trend - Змінити тренд
4. The trend looks set to continue - Тренд, схоже, буде продовжуватися
5. I’d passed a milestone - Я досяг важливої цілі
6. Marks the start of a new era - Позначає початок нової ери
7. On the up - У зростанні
8. Reverting to - Повернення до тренду
9. Setting the trend - Встановлення тренду
10. Looks promising - Виглядає обнадійливо

Unit 2B Work, work work

1. To get on board with the idea:

- Example: Most of the team members are now on board with the idea of expanding
our product line.
- Усі члени команди зараз прийняли ідею розширення нашої продукції.
2. I’m willing to accept the idea:
- Example: I’m willing to accept the idea if it leads to a more efficient process.
- Я готовий прийняти ідею, якщо це призведе до більш ефективного процесу.
3. To be at odds with something:
- Example: His views are at odds with the company’s mission statement.
- Його погляди в розбіжності з місією компанії.
4. To receive some pushback from:
- Example: The proposal received some pushback from the finance department due
to budget constraints.
- Пропозиція отримала опозицію від фінансового відділу через обмеження
5. To come up against some resistance:
- Example: When implementing changes, we often come up against resistance from
long-time employees.
- При впровадженні змін ми часто стикаємося із спротивом від працівників,
які працюють в компанії вже довгий час.
6. To be open to the idea:
- Example: She’s open to the idea of trying a new approach to marketing our
- Вона відкрита для ідеї спробувати новий підхід до маркетингу наших
7. To take issue with something:
- Example: Some employees take issue with the new dress code policy.
- Деякі співробітники мають питання щодо нового положення про дрес-код.
8. To be loath to do something:
- Example: He’s loath to ask for help, even when he really needs it.
- Він неохочий просити про допомогу, навіть коли він дійсно потребує її.
9. To go along with something:
- Example: The majority of the team is willing to go along with the proposed
- Більшість команди готова погодитися із запропонованими змінами.
10. To meet with a lukewarm response:
- Example: The new product met with a lukewarm response from consumers, as it
didn’t offer many innovative features.
- Новий продукт зустрівся з байдужою реакцією споживачів, оскільки він не
пропонував багато інноваційних функцій.

1. To be on zero hour contracts:

- Explanation: To have an employment agreement where you are not guaranteed a
fixed number of hours, and you work as needed.
- Example: Many part-time workers are on zero hour contracts, which means their
hours can vary greatly.
- Бути на контрактах з нульовими годинами – Мати трудову угоду, де вам не
гарантовано фіксоване кількість годин, і ви працюєте за потребою.
2. Line manager:
- Explanation: A person in a supervisory or managerial role who oversees the work
of employees within a specific department or team.
- Example: If you have any concerns about your work, you should discuss them
with your line manager.
- Керівник лінійного виробництва – Особа у наглядовій або керівницькій ролі,
яка контролює роботу працівників у конкретному відділі чи команді.
3. In lieu of last (Monday):
- Explanation: Instead of the last Monday, often used to refer to a replacement or
substitute for a specific day.
- Example: She worked on Saturday in lieu of last Monday since it was a public
- Замість минулого понеділка – Замість останнього понеділка, часто
використовується для посилання на заміну або замінник конкретного дня.
4. Universal basic income:
- Explanation: A government program that provides a regular, unconditional
payment to all eligible citizens, ensuring a minimum income level.
- Example: Some countries are exploring the idea of implementing a universal basic
income to address poverty and economic inequality.
- Універсальний базовий дохід – Програма уряду, яка надає регулярний,
безумовний платіж всім громадянам, які мають право на нього, забезпечуючи
мінімальний рівень доходу.
5. To be given the push:
- Explanation: To be encouraged or forced to leave a job or position.
- Example: After several performance issues, he was given the push by his
- Бути вигнаним – Бути закликаним або змушеним покинути роботу чи
6. To pull rank on this:
- Explanation: To use one’s authority or seniority to influence or control a
- Example: He decided to pull rank on this matter and make the final decision.
- Використовувати свій статус або старість для впливу на ситуацію.
7. Gross misconduct:
- Explanation: Severe and unacceptable behavior or actions by an employee that
can lead to dismissal.
- Example: Committing theft in the workplace is considered gross misconduct and
can result in immediate termination.
- Грубе порушення – Серйозна і неприйнятна поведінка чи дії працівника, які
можуть призвести до звільнення.
8. Severance pay:
- Explanation: Compensation or financial benefits provided to an employee when
their employment is terminated, often due to layoffs or job loss.
- Example: She received a generous severance pay package after being laid off
from her job.
- Виходові виплати – Компенсація або фінансові вигоди, надані працівнику
при припиненні його працевлаштування, часто з приводу звільнення або втрати
9. Staff appraisal:
- Explanation: A formal evaluation process in which an employee’s performance,
skills, and contributions are assessed by their employer.
- Example: The annual staff appraisal helps identify areas for improvement and set
performance goals.
- Оцінка персоналу – Формальний процес оцінки, під час якого оцінюються
результати, навички та внесок працівника, який проводиться його
10. Disciplinary procedures:
- Explanation: The established steps or actions taken by an organization to
address and rectify employee misconduct or violations of company policies.
- Example: The company has clear disciplinary procedures in place to handle
employee misconduct fairly and consistently.
- Дисциплінарні процедури – Встановлені кроки або заходи, які приймає
організація для врегулювання порушень правил співробітниками чи порушень
корпоративних політик.
11. $2,000 pro rata:
- Explanation: Refers to a portion or share of an amount, usually a salary or
payment, calculated proportionally based on the time worked or a specific period.
- Example: The part-time employee will receive $2,000 pro rata, depending on the
number of hours worked.
- $2,000 пропорційно – Відноситься до частини або частки суми, зазвичай
заробітньої плати чи платежу, обчисленої пропорційно в залежності від
відпрацьованого часу або певного періоду.

Unit 2C Local issues

Problem – issue
Archaic – vintage
Chaotic – relaxed
Difficult – challenging
Penny-pinching – economical

To exploit – to employ
Rowdy (Шумні ) – lively
Run-down – charming
A mob of people (натовп людей) – a group of people
Cheap – affordable
Harsh measures – firm measures

To cause vs. to generate:

• To cause: This means to be the reason behind an event or the source of

something happening. It is a neutral term that does not inherently carry a
positive or negative connotation.
• To generate: This means to produce or create something, often implying a
more deliberate and controlled action. Like "to cause," it is a neutral term and
can be used in various contexts without inherent positivity or negativity.

To be rife vs. to be abundant:

• To be rife: This means to be full of something, often implying an excess or
prevalence, which can sometimes have a negative connotation. For example,
"rife with problems" suggests an abundance of issues.
• To be abundant: This simply means to have a large quantity of something,
which is generally viewed positively. For example, "abundant resources" is a
positive term.

To be hell-bent on vs. to be committed to:

• To be hell-bent on: This expression means to be extremely determined or

resolute about achieving a particular goal. While the determination is positive,
the phrase can sometimes have a negative connotation if the goal pursued is
harmful or unreasonable.
• To be committed to: This means to be dedicated or loyal to a cause, principle,
or relationship. "Committed" is generally a positive term, signifying a strong
sense of responsibility or devotion, although its connotation can depend on the

Impending (adj) vs. upcoming:

• Impending (adj): This term refers to something that is about to happen or

occur in the near future. It is a neutral term and does not carry a specific
positive or negative connotation.
• Upcoming: This also refers to something that is going to happen soon. It is a
neutral term used to describe events without inherent positivity or negativity.

To commit vs. to perform:

• To commit: This means to promise or engage in a specific action or behavior.

The connotation depends on the nature of the commitment. It can be positive
(e.g., "commit to a long-term relationship") or negative (e.g., "commit a
• To perform: This means to carry out a task or action. It is a neutral term that
can be used in various contexts, with the connotation depending on the specific
action or performance.

To cause:
• To cause harm: often used to describe negative consequences.
• To cause a commotion: typically implies a disturbance or disruption.
• To cause an effect: referring to the result of an action.

To generate:
• To generate revenue: used in business contexts to mean producing income.
• To generate ideas: often used in creative or brainstorming contexts.
• To generate electricity: describing the production of power.

To be rife:
• Rife with rumors: suggests that there are many unverified stories or gossip.
• Rife with opportunities: implies that there are many chances or possibilities.
• Rife with problems: indicates a high prevalence of issues.

To be abundant:
• Abundant resources: referring to a wealth of available materials or assets.
• Abundant wildlife: suggesting a rich variety of animals in a particular area.
• Abundant crops: used in agriculture to describe a plentiful harvest.

To be hell-bent on:
• Hell-bent on success: implying strong determination to achieve a goal.
• Hell-bent on revenge: suggesting an intense desire for retribution.
• Hell-bent on self-destruction: indicating a strong drive towards negative

To be committed to:
• Committed to a relationship: indicating dedication and loyalty in a
• Committed to a cause: implying strong support and involvement in a
particular mission.
• Committed to excellence: used in a professional context to signify dedication
to high standards.

• Impending deadline: referring to a quickly approaching due date.
• Impending disaster: indicating a looming catastrophe.
• Impending change: suggesting a forthcoming alteration in a situation.

• Upcoming event: typically used to describe a future occasion or happening.
• Upcoming movie: indicating a film that will be released soon.
• Upcoming projects: referring to work or initiatives that are on the horizon.
To commit:
• To commit a crime: used to describe illegal actions.
• To commit to a decision: suggesting a firm choice or resolution.
• To commit to a plan: indicating dedication to a specific course of action.
To perform:
• To perform a song: used in music contexts to describe singing or playing
• To perform a task: indicating carrying out a specific job or duty.
To perform well: used to describe a successful execution of an

1. To butt in – To interrupt a conversation – Втручатися

2. To have a heart to heart with someone – To have a deep, honest conversation –
Мати відверту розмову з кимось
3. To have a chit chat with someone – To have a casual conversation – Поговорити
легко з кимось
4. To reiterate – To repeat or emphasize something – Повторювати
5. To be going on about with someone – To keep talking about something –
Постійно говорити про щось з кимось
6. To be going off on a tangent – To start talking about something unrelated –
Згубно відхилятися від теми
7. To hash something out – To discuss and resolve something – Обговорити та
вирішити щось
8. To talk shop – To discuss work-related topics – Обговорювати про роботу
9. To clam up – To become silent or stop talking – Затихати
10. It’s just banter – It’s just friendly teasing or joking – Це просто жарт
11. To broach the subject – To bring up or introduce a topic – Задати тему
12. To confer with someone – To have a formal discussion with someone –
Порадитися з кимось

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